Orderadmin/cerber-admin-settings.php000064400000121422147577531750012562 0ustar00 $screen_id ) ) ) { return; } $option = 'cerber-' . $screen_id; register_setting( 'cerberus-' . $screen_id, $option ); global $tmp; foreach ( $sections as $section_id => $section_config ) { $desc = crb_array_get( $section_config, 'desc' ); if ( $links = crb_array_get( $section_config, 'seclinks' ) ) { foreach ( $links as $link ) { $desc .= '[ ' . $link[0] . ' ]'; } } if ( $doclink = crb_array_get( $section_config, 'doclink' ) ) { $desc .= '[ ' . __( 'Know more', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ]'; } $tmp[ $section_id ] = '' . $desc . ''; add_settings_section( $section_id, crb_array_get( $section_config, 'name', '' ), function ( $sec ) { global $tmp; if ( $tmp[ $sec['id'] ] ) { echo $tmp[ $sec['id'] ]; } }, $option ); foreach ( $section_config['fields'] as $field => $config ) { if ( ( $req_wp = $config['requires_wp'] ?? false ) && ! crb_wp_version_compare( (string) $req_wp ) ) { continue; } if ( ( $cb = $config['requires_true'] ?? false ) && is_callable( $cb ) && ! $cb() ) { continue; } if ( in_array( $field, CRB_PRO_SETTINGS ) && ! lab_lab() ) { continue; } $config['setting'] = $field; $config['group'] = $screen_id; $config['type'] = $config['type'] ?? 'text'; // Setting row (tr) class, to specify the input class use 'input_class' $config['class'] = ''; if ( $config['type'] == 'hidden' ) { $config['class'] .= ' crb-display-none'; } if ( isset( $config['enabler'] ) ) { $config['class'] .= crb_check_enabler( $config, crb_get_settings( $config['enabler'][0] ) ); } add_settings_field( $field, crb_array_get( $config, 'title', '' ), 'cerber_field_show', $option, $section_id, $config ); } } } function cerber_get_setting_id( $tab = null ) { $id = ( ! $tab ) ? cerber_get_get( 'tab', CRB_SANITIZE_ID ) : $tab; if ( ! $id ) { $id = cerber_get_wp_option_id(); } if ( ! $id ) { $id = crb_admin_get_page(); } // Mapping: some tab names (or page id) doesn't match WP setting names // tab => settings id $map = array( 'scan_settings' => 'scanner', // define('CERBER_OPT_S','cerber-scanner'); 'scan_schedule' => 'schedule', // define('CERBER_OPT_E','cerber-schedule'); 'scan_policy' => 'policies', 'ti_settings' => 'traffic', 'captcha' => 'recaptcha', 'cerber-recaptcha' => 'antispam', 'global_policies' => 'users', 'cerber-shield' => 'user_shield', 'cerber-nexus' => 'nexus-slave', 'nexus_slave' => 'nexus-slave', ); crb_addon_settings_mapper( $map ); if ( isset( $map[ $id ] ) ) { return $map[ $id ]; } return $id; } /** * Works when updating WP options * * @return bool|string */ function cerber_get_wp_option_id( $option_page = null ) { if ( ! $option_page ) { $option_page = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'option_page' ); } if ( $option_page && ( 0 === strpos( $option_page, 'cerberus-' ) ) ) { return substr( $option_page, 9 ); // 8 = length of 'cerberus-' } return false; } /* * Display a settings form on an admin page * */ function cerber_show_settings_form( $group = null ) { $action = ''; if ( is_multisite() ) { $action = ''; // Settings API doesn't work in multisite. Post data will be handled in the cerber_ms_update() } else { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { //$action = cerber_admin_link(); } else { $action = 'options.php'; // Standard way } } ?>
'; //submit_button(); echo crb_admin_submit_button(); echo '
'; ?> '; ?> [ ' . __( 'Know more', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ]'; } // Unconditionally required $req = $config['required'] ?? false; if ( $req ) { $atts .= ' required="required" '; } // Conditionally (when enabled) required $required = $config['validate']['required'] ?? false; if ( $required ) { $atts .= ' data-input_required="1" '; } $placeholder = $config['placeholder'] ?? ''; if ( ! $placeholder && ( $required || $req ) ) { $placeholder = __( 'Required', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( $placeholder ) { $atts .= ' placeholder="' . crb_attr_escape( $placeholder ) . '" '; } if ( isset( $config['disabled'] ) ) { $atts .= ' disabled="disabled" '; } $value = $config['value'] ?? ''; $setting = $config['setting'] ?? ''; if ( $setting ) { if ( ! $value && isset( $settings[ $setting ] ) ) { $value = $settings[ $setting ]; } if ( ( $setting == 'loginnowp' || $setting == 'loginpath' ) && ! cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { $atts .= ' disabled="disabled" '; } if ( $setting == 'loginpath' ) { $pre = cerber_get_home_url() . '/'; $value = urldecode( $value ); } } $value = crb_attr_escape( $value ); $value = crb_format_field_value( $value, $config ); $name_prefix = 'cerber-' . $config['group']; $name = $name_prefix . '[' . $setting . ']'; $id = $config['id'] ?? CRB_FIELD_PREFIX . $setting; $class = $config['input_class'] ?? ''; $data_atts = ''; $ena_atts = array(); if ( isset( $config['enabler'] ) ) { $ena_atts['input_enabler'] = CRB_FIELD_PREFIX . $config['enabler'][0]; if ( isset( $config['enabler'][1] ) ) { $ena_atts['input_enabler_value'] = $config['enabler'][1]; } foreach ( $ena_atts as $att => $val ) { $data_atts .= ' data-' . $att . '="' . $val . '"'; } } switch ( $config['type'] ) { case 'limitz': $s1 = $config['group'] . '-period'; $s2 = $config['group'] . '-number'; $s3 = $config['group'] . '-within'; $html = sprintf( $label, cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[' . $s1 . ']', $settings[ $s1 ] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[' . $s2 . ']', $settings[ $s2 ] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[' . $s3 . ']', $settings[ $s3 ] ) ); break; case 'attempts': $html = sprintf( __( '%s retries are allowed within %s minutes', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[attempts]', $settings['attempts'] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[period]', $settings['period'] ) ); break; case 'reglimit': $html = sprintf( __( '%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[reglimit_num]', $settings['reglimit_num'] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[reglimit_min]', $settings['reglimit_min'], 4, 4 ) ); break; case 'aggressive': $html = sprintf( __( 'Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[agperiod]', $settings['agperiod'] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[aglocks]', $settings['aglocks'] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[aglast]', $settings['aglast'] ) ); break; case 'notify': $html = '' . __( 'Send notification if the number of active lockouts above', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[above]', $settings['above'] ) . crb_test_notify_link( array( 'channel' => 'email' ) ); break; case 'citadel': $html = sprintf( __( 'Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[cilimit]', $settings['cilimit'] ), cerber_digi_field( $name_prefix . '[ciperiod]', $settings['ciperiod'] ) . '' ); break; case 'checkbox': $html = '
'; //$html .= '
'; if ( $label ) { $html .= '
'; } if ( $data_atts ) { $html .= ''; } break; case 'textarea': $html = ''; if ( $label ) { $html .= '
'; } break; case 'select': $html = cerber_select( $name, $config['set'], $value, $class, $id, '', $placeholder, $ena_atts ); if ( $label ) { $html .= '
'; } break; case 'role_select': if ( $label ) { $label = '

'; } $html = $label . '
' . cerber_role_select( $name . '[]', $value, '', true, '' ) . '
'; break; case 'checkbox_set': if ( $label ) { $label = '

'; } $html = '
' . $label; foreach ( $config['set'] as $key => $item ) { $v = ( ! empty( $value[ $key ] ) ) ? $value[ $key ] : 0; $html .= '' . $item . '
'; } $html .= '
'; break; case 'reptime': $html = cerber_time_select( $config, $settings ) . ''; break; case 'timepicker': $html = ''; $html .= ' '; break; case 'hidden': $html = ''; break; case 'text': default: $type = $config['type'] ?? 'text'; if ( in_array( $type, array( 'url', 'number', 'email' ) ) ) { $input_type = $type; } else { $input_type = 'text'; } $size = ''; $class = ''; if ( $type == 'digits' ) { $size = '3'; $class = 'crb-digits'; } $size = $config['size'] ?? $size; $maxlength = $config['maxlength'] ?? $size; if ( $maxlength ) { $maxlength = ' maxlength="' . $maxlength . '" '; } if ( $size ) { $size = ' size="' . $size . '"'; } else { $class = 'crb-wide'; } if ( isset( $config['pattern'] ) ) { $atts .= ' pattern="' . $config['pattern'] . '"'; } if ( isset( $config['attr'] ) ) { foreach ( $config['attr'] as $at_name => $at_value ) { $atts .= ' ' . $at_name . ' ="' . $at_value . '" '; } } else { if ( isset( $config['title'] ) ) { $atts .= ' title="' . $config['title'] . '"'; } } $html = $pre . ''; if ( $label ) { if ( ! $size || crb_array_get( $config, 'label_pos' ) == 'below' ) { $label = '
'; } else { $label = ' '; } } $html .= $label; break; } if ( $loh = $config['act_relation'] ?? false ) { foreach ( $loh as $item ) { if ( in_array( $value, $item[0] ) ) { $html .= '[ ' . $item[2] . ' ]'; } } } if ( ! empty( $config['field_switcher'] ) ) { $name = 'cerber-' . $config['group'] . '[' . $setting . '-enabled]'; $value = $settings[ $setting . '-enabled' ] ?? 0; $checkbox = '' . $config['field_switcher'] . ''; $html = $checkbox . ' ' . $html; } echo '
'; echo $html; if ( ! empty( $config['callback_under'] ) && $content = call_user_func( $config['callback_under'] ) ) { echo '
'; echo $content; echo '
'; } echo "
\n"; } function cerber_role_select( $name = 'cerber-roles', $selected = array(), $class = '', $multiple = '', $placeholder = '', $width = '75%' ) { if ( ! is_array( $selected ) ) { $selected = array( $selected ); } if ( ! $placeholder ) { $placeholder = __( 'Select one or more roles', 'wp-cerber' ); } $roles = wp_roles(); $options = array(); foreach ( $roles->get_names() as $key => $title ) { $s = ( in_array( $key, $selected ) ) ? 'selected' : ''; $options[] = ''; } $m = ( $multiple ) ? 'multiple="multiple"' : ''; // Setting width via class is not working $style = ''; if ( $width ) { $style = 'width: ' . $width.';'; } return ' '; } function cerber_time_select($args, $settings){ // Week $php_week = array( __( 'Sunday' ), __( 'Monday' ), __( 'Tuesday' ), __( 'Wednesday' ), __( 'Thursday' ), __( 'Friday' ), __( 'Saturday' ), ); $field = $args['setting'].'-day'; $selected = $settings[ $field ] ?? ''; $ret = cerber_select( 'cerber-' . $args['group'] . '[' . $field . ']', $php_week, $selected ); $ret .= '   ' . _x( 'at', 'preposition of time like: at 11:00', 'wp-cerber' ) . '   '; // Hours $hours = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i <= 23; $i ++ ) { $hours[] = str_pad( $i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) . ':00'; } $field = $args['setting'] . '-time'; $selected = $settings[ $field ] ?? ''; $ret .= cerber_select( 'cerber-' . $args['group'] . '[' . $field . ']', $hours, $selected ); return $ret . crb_test_notify_link( array( 'type' => 'report' ), __( 'Click to send now', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } function cerber_checkbox( $name, $value, $label = '', $id = '', $atts = '' ) { if ( ! $id ) { $id = CRB_FIELD_PREFIX . $name; } return '
'; } function cerber_digi_field( $name, $value = '', $size = '3', $maxlength = '3', $id = '' ) { return cerber_txt_field( $name, $value, $id, $size, $maxlength, '\d+', 'crb-digits' ); } function cerber_txt_field( $name, $value = '', $id = '', $size = '', $maxlength = '', $pattern = '', $class = '' ) { $atts = ''; if ( $id ) { $atts .= ' id="' . $id . '" '; } if ( $class ) { $atts .= ' class="' . $class . '" '; } if ( $size ) { $atts .= ' size="' . $size . '" '; } if ( $maxlength ) { $atts .= ' maxlength="' . $maxlength . '" '; } if ( $pattern ) { $atts .= ' pattern="' . $pattern . '" '; } return ''; } function cerber_nonce_field( $action = 'control', $echo = false ) { $sf = ''; if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $sf = ''; } $nf = wp_nonce_field( $action, 'cerber_nonce', false, false ); if ( ! $echo ) { return $nf . $sf; } echo $nf . $sf; } function crb_admin_submit_button( $text = '', $echo = false ) { if ( ! $text ) { $text = __( 'Save Changes' ); } $d = ''; $hint = ''; if ( nexus_is_valid_request() && ! nexus_is_granted( 'submit' ) ) { $d = 'disabled="disabled"'; $hint = ' not available in the read-only mode'; } $html = '

' . $hint . '

'; if ( $echo ) { echo $echo; } return $html; } /* Sanitizing users input for Main Settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT, function ($new, $old, $option) { $ret = cerber_set_boot_mode( $new['boot-mode'], $old['boot-mode'] ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $ret->get_error_message() ); cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Plugin initialization mode has not been changed', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $new['boot-mode'] = $old['boot-mode']; } $new['attempts'] = absint( $new['attempts'] ); $new['period'] = absint( $new['period'] ); $new['lockout'] = absint( $new['lockout'] ); $new['agperiod'] = absint( $new['agperiod'] ); $new['aglocks'] = absint( $new['aglocks'] ); $new['aglast'] = absint( $new['aglast'] ); if ( cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { $new['loginpath'] = urlencode( str_replace( '/', '', $new['loginpath'] ) ); $new['loginpath'] = sanitize_text_field( $new['loginpath'] ); if ( $new['loginpath'] ) { if ( $new['loginpath'] == 'wp-admin' || preg_match( '/[#|\.\!\?\:\s]/', $new['loginpath'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' You may not set this value for Custom login URL. Please specify another one.' ); $new['loginpath'] = $old['loginpath']; } elseif ( $new['loginpath'] != $old['loginpath'] ) { $href = cerber_get_home_url() . '/' . $new['loginpath'] . '/'; $url = urldecode( $href ); $msg = array(); $msg_e = array(); $msg[] = __( 'Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $url . ''; $msg_e[] = __( 'Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $url; $msg[] = __( 'If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.', 'wp-cerber' ); $msg_e[] = __( 'If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.', 'wp-cerber' ); cerber_admin_notice( $msg ); cerber_send_notification( 'newlurl', array( 'text' => $msg_e ) ); } } } else { $new['loginpath'] = ''; $new['loginnowp'] = 0; } if ( $new['loginnowp'] && empty( $new['loginpath'] ) && ! class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( array( '' . __( 'Heads up!' ) . '', __( 'You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ); } $new['ciduration'] = absint( $new['ciduration'] ); $new['cilimit'] = absint( $new['cilimit'] ); $new['cilimit'] = $new['cilimit'] == 0 ? '' : $new['cilimit']; $new['ciperiod'] = absint( $new['ciperiod'] ); $new['ciperiod'] = $new['ciperiod'] == 0 ? '' : $new['ciperiod']; if ( ! $new['cilimit'] ) { $new['ciperiod'] = ''; } if ( ! $new['ciperiod'] ) { $new['cilimit'] = ''; } $new['keeplog'] = absint( $new['keeplog'] ); if ( $new['keeplog'] == 0 ) { $new['keeplog'] = 1; } if ( $new['cookiepref'] != $old['cookiepref'] ) { crb_update_cookie_dependent(); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for anti-spam tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_A, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { if ( empty( $new['botsany'] ) && empty( $new['botscomm'] ) && empty( $new['botsreg'] ) ) { update_site_option( 'cerber-antibot', '' ); } $warn = false; if ( ! empty( $new['botsany'] ) && crb_array_get( $new, 'botsany' ) != crb_array_get( $old, 'botsany' ) ) { $warn = true; } if ( ! empty( $new['botscomm'] ) && crb_array_get( $new, 'botscomm' ) != crb_array_get( $old, 'botscomm' ) ) { $warn = true; } if ( ! empty( $new['customcomm'] ) ) { if ( ! crb_get_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug' ) ) { crb_update_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug', crb_random_string( 20, 30 ) ); crb_update_compiled( 'custom_comm_mark', crb_random_string( 20, 30 ) ); $warn = true; } } else { if ( crb_get_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug' ) ) { crb_update_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug', '' ); $warn = true; } } if ( $warn ) { cerber_admin_notice( array( '' . __( 'Important note if you have a caching plugin in place', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', __( 'To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for reCAPTCHA tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_C, function ($new, $old, $option) { // Check ability to make external HTTP requests if ( ! empty( $new['sitekey'] ) && ! empty( $new['secretkey'] ) ) { if ( ( ! $goo = get_wp_cerber()->reCaptchaRequest( '1' ) ) || ! isset( $goo['success'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_get_labels( 'status', 534 ) ); } } $new['recaptcha-period'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-period'] ); $new['recaptcha-number'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-number'] ); $new['recaptcha-within'] = absint( $new['recaptcha-within'] ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Notifications tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_N, function ($new, $old, $option) { $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email'], ',' ); $new['email'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email-report'], ',' ); $new['email-report'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email-report'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } $new['emailrate'] = absint( $new['emailrate'] ); // When we install a new token, we set proper default value for the device setting if ( $new['pbtoken'] != $old['pbtoken'] ) { if ( ! $new['pbtoken'] ) { $new['pbdevice'] = ''; } else { $list = cerber_pb_get_devices( $new['pbtoken'] ); if ( is_array( $list ) && ! empty( $list ) ) { $new['pbdevice'] = 'all'; } else { $new['pbdevice'] = ''; } } } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Hardening tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_H, function ($new, $old, $option) { $new['restwhite'] = cerber_text2array( $new['restwhite'], "\n", function ( $v ) { $v = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d\/]/i', '', $v ); return trim( $v, '/' ); } ); $result = cerber_htaccess_sync( 'main', $new ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $new['adminphp'] = $old['adminphp']; cerber_admin_notice( $result->get_error_message() ); } $result = cerber_htaccess_sync( 'media', $new ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $new['phpnoupl'] = $old['phpnoupl']; cerber_admin_notice( $result->get_error_message() ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Traffic Inspector tab settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_'.CERBER_OPT_T, function ($new, $old, $option) { $new['tiwhite'] = cerber_text2array( $new['tiwhite'], "\n" ); foreach ( $new['tiwhite'] as $item ) { if ( strrpos( $item, '?' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not specify the query string with a question mark: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ); } if ( strrpos( $item, '://' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not specify the full URL: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ); } } if ( $new['tithreshold'] ) { $new['tithreshold'] = absint( $new['tithreshold'] ); } $new['tikeeprec'] = absint( $new['tikeeprec'] ); if ( $new['tikeeprec'] == 0 ) { $new['tikeeprec'] = 1; cerber_admin_notice( 'You may not set Keep records for to 0 days. To completely disable logging set Logging mode to Logging disabled.' ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_US, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4acc'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 1 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 1 ); } if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4roles'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 2 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 2 ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_OS, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { if ( ! empty( $new['ds_4opts'] ) ) { CRB_DS::enable_shadowing( 3 ); } else { CRB_DS::disable_shadowing( 3 ); } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Security Scanner settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_S, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_exclude'] = cerber_normal_dirs( $new['scan_exclude'] ); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /* Sanitizing/checking user input for Scanner Schedule settings */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_E, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_aquick'] = absint( $new['scan_aquick'] ); $new['scan_afull-enabled'] = ( empty( $new['scan_afull-enabled'] ) ) ? 0 : 1; $sec = cerber_sec_from_time( $new['scan_afull'] ); if ( ! $sec || ! ( $sec >= 0 && $sec <= 86400 ) ) { $new['scan_afull'] = '01:00'; } $emails = cerber_text2array( $new['email-scan'], ',' ); $new['email-scan'] = array(); foreach ( $emails as $item ) { if ( is_email( $item ) ) { $new['email-scan'][] = $item; } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR: please enter a valid email address.' ) ); } } if ( lab_lab() ) { if ( cerber_cloud_sync( $new ) ) { cerber_admin_message( __( 'The schedule has been updated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } else { cerber_admin_message( __( 'Unable to update the schedule', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } return $new; }, 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_' . CERBER_OPT_P, function ( $new, $old, $option ) { $new['scan_delexdir'] = cerber_normal_dirs($new['scan_delexdir']); return $new; }, 10, 3 ); /** * Let's sanitize and normalize them all * @since 4.1 * */ add_filter( 'pre_update_option', 'cerber_o_o_sanitizer', 10, 3 ); function cerber_o_o_sanitizer( $value, $option, $old_value ) { if ( ! in_array( $option, cerber_get_setting_list() ) ) { return $value; } $pre_sanitize = $value; $defs = crb_get_settings_def(); // TODO: Is there any case when $value is not array??? if ( is_array( $value ) ) { // Parsing settings, applying formatting, etc. foreach ( $value as $setting => &$setting_val ) { if ( ! $conf = crb_array_get( $defs, $setting ) ) { continue; } if ( $enabler = $conf['enabler'] ?? '' ) { if ( crb_check_enabler( $conf, $value[ $enabler[0] ] ) ) { continue; } } $callback = crb_array_get( $conf, 'apply' ); $regex = crb_array_get( $conf, 'regex_filter' ); // Filtering out not allowed chars $validate = crb_array_get( $conf, 'validate' ); if ( isset( $conf['list'] ) ) { // Process the values $setting_val = cerber_text2array( $setting_val, $conf['delimiter'], $callback, $regex ); // Remove not allowed values global $_deny; if ( $_deny = crb_array_get( $conf, 'deny_filter' ) ) { $setting_val = array_filter( $setting_val, function ( $e ) { global $_deny; return ! in_array( $e, $_deny ); } ); } } else { // Process the value if ( $callback && is_callable( $callback ) ) { $setting_val = call_user_func( $callback, $setting_val ); } if ( $regex ) { $setting_val = mb_ereg_replace( $regex, '', $setting_val ); } // Validating the value if ( $validate ) { $field_name = $conf['title'] ?? $conf['label'] ?? 'Unknown field'; $error_msg = ''; if ( ! empty( $validate['required'] ) && ! $setting_val ) { $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'Field %s may not be empty', 'wp-cerber' ), '' . $field_name . '' ); } elseif ( $setting_val && ( $sat = $validate['satisfy'] ?? false ) && is_callable( $sat ) && ! call_user_func( $sat, $setting_val ) ) { $error_msg = sprintf( __( 'Field %s contains an invalid value', 'wp-cerber' ), '' . $field_name . '' ); } if ( $error_msg ) { cerber_admin_notice( '' . __( 'ERROR:' ) . ' ' . $error_msg ); } } } } } if ( is_array( $value ) ) { array_walk_recursive( $value, function ( &$element, $key ) { if ( ! is_array( $element ) ) { $element = sanitize_text_field( (string) $element ); } } ); } else { $value = sanitize_text_field( (string) $value ); } $value = cerber_normalize( $value, $option ); // Warn the user if we have altered some values the user has entered $changed = array(); foreach ( $pre_sanitize as $setting => $pre_val ) { if ( empty( $pre_val ) ) { continue; } if ( is_array( $pre_val ) ) { // Usually checkboxes if ( json_encode( $pre_val ) !== json_encode( $value[ $setting ] ) ) { $changed[] = $setting; } } elseif ( is_array( $value[ $setting ] ) ) { $pre_val = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $pre_val ); $san_val = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', crb_format_field_value( $value[ $setting ], crb_array_get( $defs, $setting ) ) ); if ( $pre_val != $san_val ) { $changed[] = $setting; } } elseif ( $pre_val != $value[ $setting ] ) { $changed[] = $setting; } } if ( $changed ) { $list = array_intersect_key( $defs, array_flip( $changed ) ); $msg = '

' . implode( '

', array_column( $list, 'title' ) ) . '

'; cerber_admin_notice( __( 'For safety reasons, prohibited symbols and invalid values have been removed from the following settings. Please check their values.', 'wp-cerber' ) . $msg ); } return $value; } function cerber_normal_dirs( $list = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $list ) ) { $list = cerber_text2array( $list, "\n" ); } $ready = array(); foreach ( $list as $item ) { $item = rtrim( cerber_normal_path( $item ), '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! @is_dir( $item ) ) { $dir = cerber_get_abspath() . ltrim( $item, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ( ! @is_dir( $dir ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Directory does not exist: ' . htmlspecialchars( $item, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ); continue; } $item = $dir; } $ready[] = $item; } return $ready; } /* * Save settings on the multisite WP. * Process POST Form for settings screens. * Because Settings API doesn't work in multisite mode! * */ function cerber_ms_update() { if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || ! isset( $_POST['action'] ) || $_POST['action'] != 'update' ) { return; } if ( ! $wp_id = cerber_get_wp_option_id() ) { // 7.9.7 return; } if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { return; } // See wp_nonce_field() in the settings_fields() function check_admin_referer($_POST['option_page'].'-options'); $opt_name = 'cerber-' . $wp_id; $old = (array) get_site_option( $opt_name ); $new = $_POST[ $opt_name ]; $new = apply_filters( 'pre_update_option_' . $opt_name, $new, $old, $opt_name ); $new = cerber_normalize( $new, $opt_name ); // @since 8.5.1 cerber_update_site_option( $opt_name, $new ); } /** * An intermediate level for update_site_option() for Cerber's settings. * Goal: have a more granular control over processing settings. * * @since * * @param string $option_name * @param $value * * @return bool */ function cerber_update_site_option( $option_name, $value ) { $result = update_site_option( $option_name, $value ); cerber_settings_update(); crb_purge_settings_cache(); return $result; } /** * Updates Cerber's settings in a new way * * @since 8.6 * */ function cerber_settings_update() { if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || ! $group = crb_get_post_fields( CRB_SETTINGS_GROUP ) ) { return; } // We do not process some specific cases - not a real settings form if ( defined( 'CRB_NX_SLAVE' ) && $group == CRB_NX_SLAVE ) { return; } if ( ! $remote = nexus_is_valid_request() ) { if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { return; } // See wp_nonce_field() in the settings_fields() function check_admin_referer( $_POST['option_page'] . '-options' ); } $defs = crb_get_settings_def( $group ); $field_keys = array_keys( $defs ); $diag_log = array(); foreach ( $defs as $id => $config ) { if ( $msg = crb_array_get( $config, 'diag_log' ) ) { $diag_log[ $id ] = $msg; } } $fields = array_fill_keys( $field_keys, '' ); $post_fields = crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber-' . $group, array() ); crb_trim_deep( $post_fields ); $post_fields = stripslashes_deep( $post_fields ); crb_sanitize_deep( $post_fields ); // removes all tags $new_settings = array_merge( $fields, $post_fields ); if ( ( ! $old_settings = get_site_option( CERBER_CONFIG ) ) || ! is_array( $old_settings ) ) { $old_settings = array(); } $settings = array_merge( $old_settings, $new_settings ); $changed = array(); foreach ( $new_settings as $key => $val ) { if ( ! isset( $old_settings[ $key ] ) || $old_settings[ $key ] !== $val ) { $changed[] = $key; } } $equal = empty( $changed ); $result = null; if ( ! $equal ) { $result = update_site_option( CERBER_CONFIG, $settings ); } $data = array( 'group' => $group, 'equal' => $equal, 'result' => $result, 'remote' => $remote, 'changed' => $changed, 'new_values' => $new_settings, 'old_values' => $old_settings, ); if ( $result ) { crb_journaling( $data, $diag_log ); } crb_event_handler( 'update_settings', $data ); } /** * Logs changes of the plugin settings to the diagnostic log. * To enable logging, a setting has to have a 'diag_log' field in the setting config. * * @param array $data Information about updated settings. * @param array $list The list of settings that have to be logged to the diagnostic log. * * @return void * * @since 9.0.1 */ function crb_journaling( $data, $list ) { if ( $data['equal'] ) { return; } if ( ! $changed = array_intersect( array_keys( $list ), $data['changed'] ) ) { return; } foreach ( $changed as $key ) { $what = $list[ $key ]; if ( empty( $data['new_values'][ $key ] ) ) { $msg = 'Disabled: ' . $what; } else { $msg = 'Enabled: ' . $what; } cerber_diag_log( $msg, '*' ); } } /** * Escaping attributes (values) for forms * * @param array|string $value * * @return array|string */ function crb_attr_escape( $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { array_walk_recursive( $value, function ( &$element ) { $element = crb_escape( $element ); } ); } else { $value = crb_escape( $value ); } return $value; } /** * Helper * * @param string $val * * @return string Escaped string */ function crb_escape( $val ) { if ( ! $val || is_numeric( $val ) ) { return $val; } // the same way as in esc_attr(); return _wp_specialchars( $val, ENT_QUOTES ); } /** * Check setting field enabler and returns conditional inputs CSS class * * @param array $config The config of a setting field * @param mixed $enab_val The value of the enabler field * * @return string CSS class to be used */ function crb_check_enabler( $config, $enab_val ) { if ( ! isset( $config['enabler'] ) ) { return ''; } $enabled = true; if ( isset( $config['enabler'][1] ) ) { $target_val = $config['enabler'][1]; if ( 0 === strpos( $target_val, '[' ) ) { $list = json_decode( $target_val ); if ( ! in_array( $enab_val, $list ) ) { $enabled = false; } } else { if ( $enab_val != $target_val ) { $enabled = false; } } } else { if ( empty( $enab_val ) ) { $enabled = false; } } return ( ! $enabled ) ? ' crb-disable-this' : ''; } /** * @param mixed $value * @param array $config * * @return string * * @since 9.1.5 */ function crb_format_field_value( $value, $config ) { if ( isset( $config['list'] ) ) { $dlt = $config['delimiter_show'] ?? $config['delimiter']; $value = cerber_array2text( $value, $dlt ); } return $value; }admin/cerber-tools.php000064400000102275147577531750011001 0ustar00' . __( 'Export settings to the file', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $form .= '

' . __( 'When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'What do you want to export?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= ' '; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

'; $nf = wp_nonce_field( 'crb_import', 'crb_field' ); $form .= '

' . __( 'Import settings from the file', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'Select file to import.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . sprintf( __( 'Maximum upload file size: %s.' ), esc_html( size_format( wp_max_upload_size() ) ) ); $form .= '

' . $nf; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'What do you want to import?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'Load the default plugin settings', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

' . __( 'To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' Getting Stared Guide

'; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

Bulk load access list entries

'; $form .= '
' . $nf; $form .= '

Load to ' . __( 'White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

Load to ' . __( 'Black IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $form .= '

'; $form .= '

'; echo $form; } /* Create export file */ function crb_do_export() { global $wpdb; if ( ! cerber_is_http_get() || ! isset( $_GET['cerber_export'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { wp_die( 'Error!' ); } $p = cerber_plugin_data(); $data = array( 'cerber_version' => $p['Version'], 'home' => cerber_get_home_url(), 'date' => date( 'd M Y H:i:s' ) ); if ( ! empty( $_GET['exportset'] ) ) { $data ['options'] = crb_get_settings(); $data ['geo-rules'] = cerber_get_geo_rules(); } if ( ! empty( $_GET['exportacl'] ) ) { //$data ['acl'] = cerber_acl_all( 'ip, tag, comments, acl_slice' ); $data ['acl'] = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT ip, tag, comments, acl_slice FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE, ARRAY_N ); } $file = json_encode( $data ); $file .= '==/' . strlen( $file ) . '/' . crc32( $file ) . '/EOF'; crb_file_headers( 'wpcerber.config', 'text/plain' ); echo $file; exit; } /** * Import plugin settings from a file * */ function crb_do_import() { global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $_POST['cerber_import'] ) || ! cerber_is_http_post() ) { return; } check_admin_referer( 'crb_import', 'crb_field' ); if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { wp_die( 'Import failed.' ); } // Bulk load ACL if ( isset( $_POST['acl_text'] ) ) { if ( ! ( $text = crb_get_post_fields( 'import_acl_entries' ) ) || ! ( $tag = crb_get_post_fields( 'target_acl', false, 'W|B' ) ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'No data provided' ); return; } $text = sanitize_textarea_field( $text ); $list = explode( PHP_EOL, $text ); $count = 0; foreach ( $list as $line ) { if ( ! $line ) { continue; } list( $ip, $comment ) = explode( ',', $line . ',', 3 ); $ip = preg_replace( CRB_IP_NET_RANGE, ' ', $ip ); $ip = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $ip ); if ( ! $ip ) { continue; } if ( $tag == 'B' ) { if ( ! cerber_can_be_listed( $ip ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Cannot be blacklisted: ' . $ip ); continue; } } $comment = trim( strip_tags( stripslashes( $comment ) ) ); $result = cerber_acl_add( $ip, $tag, $comment ); if ( $result !== true ) { $msg = 'SKIPPED: ' . $ip . ' ' . $comment; if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $msg .= ' - ' . $result->get_error_message(); } cerber_admin_notice( $msg ); } else { $count ++; } } if ( $count ) { $msg = $count . ' access list entries were loaded. Manage access lists.'; } else { $msg = 'No entries were loaded'; } cerber_admin_message( $msg ); return; } // Import from a file $ok = true; if ( ! is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['ifile']['tmp_name'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'No file was uploaded or file is corrupted', 'wp-cerber' ) ); return; } elseif ( $file = file_get_contents( $_FILES['ifile']['tmp_name'] ) ) { $p = strrpos( $file, '==/' ); $data = substr( $file, 0, $p ); $sys = explode( '/', substr( $file, $p ) ); if ( $sys[3] == 'EOF' && crc32( $data ) == $sys[2] && ( $data = json_decode( $data, true ) ) ) { if ( isset( $_POST['importset'] ) && $data['options'] && ! empty( $data['options'] ) && is_array( $data['options'] ) ) { $data['options']['loginpath'] = urldecode( $data['options']['loginpath'] ); // needed for filter cerber_sanitize_m() if ( $data['home'] != cerber_get_home_url() ) { $data['options']['sitekey'] = crb_get_settings( 'sitekey' ); $data['options']['secretkey'] = crb_get_settings( 'secretkey' ); } cerber_save_settings( $data['options'] ); // @since 2.0 if ( isset( $data['geo-rules'] ) ) { update_site_option( CERBER_GEO_RULES, $data['geo-rules'] ); } if ( ! empty( $data['options']['crb_role_policies'] ) ) { update_site_option( CERBER_SETTINGS, array( 'crb_role_policies' => $data['options']['crb_role_policies'] ) ); } } if ( isset( $_POST['importacl'] ) && ! empty( $data['acl'] ) && is_array( $data['acl'] ) ) { $acl_ok = true; if ( false === $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM " . CERBER_ACL_TABLE ) ) { $acl_ok = false; } foreach ( $data['acl'] as $row ) { if ( ! cerber_acl_add( $row[0], $row[1], crb_array_get( $row, 2, '' ), crb_array_get( $row, 3, 0 ) ) ) { $acl_ok = false; break; } } if ( ! $acl_ok ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'A database error occurred while importing access list entries', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } cerber_acl_fixer(); } cerber_upgrade_settings(); // In case it was settings from an older version cerber_admin_message( __( 'Settings has imported successfully from', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $_FILES['ifile']['name'] ); } else { $ok = false; } } if ( ! $ok ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Error while parsing file', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } /** * @return void * * @since */ function crb_show_phpinfo() { if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page( array( 'tab' => 'diagnostic', 'cerber-show' => 'php_info' ) ) || ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } phpinfo(); exit(); } /** * Displays admin diagnostic page */ function cerber_show_diag(){ $sections = array(); cerber_cache_enable(); if ( $d = cerber_environment_diag() ) { $sections [] = $d; } ?>
'; echo '


'; echo $section[1]; echo ''; } ?> Repair Cerber\'s Tables

'; crb_show_diag_section( 'Database Info', cerber_db_diag() . $button ); $server = $_SERVER; if ( ! empty( $server['HTTP_COOKIE'] ) ) { unset( $server['HTTP_COOKIE'] ); } if ( ! empty( $server['HTTP_X_COOKIES'] ) ) { unset( $server['HTTP_X_COOKIES'] ); } ksort( $server ); $se = array(); foreach ( $server as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $se[] = array( $key, cerber_table_view( $key, $value ) ); } else { $se[] = array( $key, @strip_tags( $value ) ); } } crb_show_diag_section( 'Server Environment Variables', cerber_make_plain_table( $se ) ); $buttons = '

Clear Cache Recheck Status

'; crb_show_diag_section( 'Cerber Security Cloud Status', lab_status() . $buttons ); crb_show_diag_section( 'Maintenance Tasks', cerber_cron_diag() ); if ( $report = get_site_option( '_cerber_report' ) ) { $rep = cerber_ago_time( $report[0] ) . ' (' . cerber_date( $report[0] ) . ')'; if ($report[1]) { $rep .= ' OK | '.get_site_transient( 'crb_hourly_2' ); } else { $rep .= ' Unable to send email'; } crb_show_diag_section( 'Weekly Reports', $rep ); } if ( $alerts = get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ) ) { $rep = '
    '; foreach ( $alerts as $hash => $alert ) { $al_info = array(); if ( ! empty( $alert[13] ) ) { if ( $alert[13] < time() ) { $al_info [] = 'Expired'; } else { $al_info [] = 'Expires on ' . cerber_date( $alert[13] ); } } if ( ! empty( $alert[11] ) ) { if ( $alert[11] <= $alert[12] ) { $al_info [] = 'Inactive (limit has reached)'; } else { $al_info [] = 'Remains ' . ( $alert[11] - $alert[12] ); } } if ( ! empty( $alert[14] ) ) { $al_info [] = 'Ignore rate limiting'; } if ( ! empty( $alert[15] ) ) { $al_info [] = 'Email'; } if ( ! empty( $alert[16] ) ) { $al_info [] = 'Mobile'; } if ( $al_info = implode( ' | ', $al_info ) ) { $al_info = ' | ' . $al_info; } $rep .= '
  1. ID: ' . $hash . ' ' . $al_info . ' | ' . __( 'Delete', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
  2. '; } $rep .= '
'; $rep .= '

Read more on alerts and notifications

'; crb_show_diag_section( 'Alerts', $rep ); } if ( $status = CRB_DS::get_status() ) { crb_show_diag_section( 'Data Shield Status', '' ); } crb_show_diag_section( 'WP Cerber Cache', '


' ); ?>

' . $title . '

' . $content . '
'; } function cerber_show_lic() { $key = lab_get_key(); $valid = ''; $site_ip_row = ''; if ( ! empty( $key[2] ) ) { $lic = $key[2]; if ( lab_validate_lic( $lic, $message, $site_ip ) ) { $valid = '

This key is valid until ' . $message . '

To move the key to another website or web server, please follow these steps: https://my.wpcerber.com/how-to-move-license-key/

'; } else { $message = htmlspecialchars( $message ); $valid = '

This license key is invalid or expired [ i ]

If you believe this key is valid, please follow these steps: https://my.wpcerber.com/how-to-fix-invalid-or-expired-key/

'; } if ( $site_ip ) { $site_ip_row = ' Site IP Address

' . $site_ip . '

'; } } else { $lic = ''; } ?>
License key
Site ID ' . $key[0] . '

'; ?>
' . $tz . '!' : $tz; if ( $c = CRB_Cache::checker() ) { $c = 'Yes | ' . cerber_date( $c ) . ' (' . cerber_ago_time( $c ) . ') '; if ( $stat = CRB_Cache::get_stat( true ) ) { $c .= ' | Cerber\'s entries: ' . count( $stat[1] ); $c .= ' | '.crb_confirmation_link( cerber_admin_link_add( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'clear_cache', ) ), 'Clear the cache' ); } } else { $c = 'Not detected'; } if ( $disabled = @ini_get( 'disable_functions' ) ) { $disabled = str_replace( ',', ', ', $disabled ); } $opt = ( is_multisite() ) ? $wpdb->sitemeta : $wpdb->options; $sys = array( array( 'Web Server', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ), array( 'PHP version', phpversion() ), //array( 'Server API', php_sapi_name() ), array( 'Server API', PHP_SAPI ), array( 'Server platform', PHP_OS ), array( 'Memory limit', @ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) ), array( 'Default PHP timezone', $tz ), array( 'Disabled PHP functions', $disabled ), array( 'WordPress version', cerber_get_wp_version() ), array( 'WordPress locale', cerber_get_wp_locale() ), array( 'WordPress options DB table', $opt ), array( 'MySQLi', ( function_exists( 'mysqli_connect' ) ) ? 'YES' : 'NO' ), array( 'MySQL Native Driver (mysqlnd)', ( function_exists( 'mysqli_fetch_all' ) ) ? 'YES' : 'NO' ), array( 'PHP allow_url_fopen', ( ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ), array( 'PHP allow_url_include', ( ini_get( 'allow_url_include' ) ) ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled' ), array( 'Persistent object cache', $c ), array( 'Loaded php.ini file', php_ini_loaded_file() ?: 'Unknown' ), array( 'Detailed PHP information', 'View phpinfo()' ), ); if ( 2 < substr_count( cerber_get_site_url(), '/' ) ) { $sys[] = array( 'Subfolder WP installation', 'YES' ); $sys[] = array( 'Site URL', cerber_get_site_url() ); $sys[] = array( 'Home URL', cerber_get_home_url() ); } if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $sys[] = array( 'The IP address of the master is detected as', cerber_get_remote_ip() ); } else { $sys[] = array( 'Your IP address is detected as', cerber_get_remote_ip() . ' (check it on the What Is My IP Address page)' ); } crb_show_diag_section( 'System Info', cerber_make_plain_table( $sys ) ); $folder = cerber_get_my_folder(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { $folder = $folder->get_error_message(); } else { $folder .= 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php' )) { $config = ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php'; } elseif ( file_exists( dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php' ) ) { $config = dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php'; } else { $config = 'Error. No config file found.'; } $folders = array( array( 'WordPress root folder (ABSPATH) ', ABSPATH ), array( 'WordPress uploads folder', cerber_get_upload_dir() ), array( 'WordPress content folder', dirname( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) ), array( 'WordPress plugins folder', cerber_get_plugins_dir() ), array( 'WordPress themes folder', cerber_get_themes_dir() ), array( 'WordPress must-use plugin folder (WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) ', WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ), array( 'WordPress config file', $config ), array( 'Server folder for temporary files', sys_get_temp_dir() ), array( 'PHP folder for uploading files', ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ) ), array( 'PHP folder for user session data', session_save_path() ), array( 'WP Cerber\'s quarantine folder', $folder ), array( 'WP Cerber\'s diagnostic log', cerber_get_diag_log() ) ); //$folders[] = array( 'WordPress config file', $config ); if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . '.htaccess' ) ) { $folders[] = array( 'Main .htaccess file', ABSPATH . '.htaccess' ); } foreach ( $folders as &$folder ) { $folder[2] = ''; $folder[3] = ''; if ( @file_exists( $folder[1] ) ) { if ( wp_is_writable( $folder[1] ) ) { $folder[2] = 'Writable'; } else { $folder[2] = 'Write protected'; } $folder[3] = cerber_get_chmod( $folder[1] ); } else { $folder[2] = 'Not found (no access)'; } } $folders[] = array( 'Directory separator', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); crb_show_diag_section( 'File system', cerber_make_plain_table( $folders ) ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $mu = array(); if ( defined( 'UPLOADS' ) ) { $mu[] = array( 'UPLOADS', UPLOADS ); } if ( defined( 'BLOGUPLOADDIR' ) ) { $mu[] = array( 'BLOGUPLOADDIR', BLOGUPLOADDIR ); } if ( defined( 'UPLOADBLOGSDIR' ) ) { $mu[] = array( 'UPLOADBLOGSDIR', UPLOADBLOGSDIR ); } $mu[] = array( 'Uploads folder for sites', cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() ); crb_show_diag_section( 'Multisite Constants', cerber_make_plain_table( $mu ) ); } $pls = array(); $list = get_option('active_plugins'); foreach($list as $plugin) { $data = get_plugin_data(WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/'.$plugin); $pls[] = array($data['Name'], $data['Version']); } crb_show_diag_section( 'Active Plugins', cerber_make_plain_table( $pls ) ); } function cerber_make_plain_table( $data, $header = null, $first_header = false, $eq = false ) { $class = 'crb-monospace '; if ( $first_header ) { $class .= ' crb-plain-fh '; } if ( ! $eq ) { $class .= ' crb-plain-fcw '; } $ret = '
'; if ( $header ) { $ret .= ''; } foreach ( $data as $row ) { $ret .= ''; } $ret .= '
' . implode( '', $header ) . '
' . implode( '', $row ) . '
'; return $ret; } /* * Create database diagnostic report * * */ function cerber_db_diag(){ global $wpdb; $ret = array(); $db_info = array(); $db_info[] = array( 'Database server', ( $v = cerber_db_get_var( "SELECT VERSION()" ) ) ? $v : 'Unknown' ); $db_info[] = array( 'Database name', DB_NAME ); $var = crb_get_mysql_var( 'innodb_buffer_pool_size' ); $pool_size = round( $var / 1048576 ); $inno = $pool_size . ' MB'; if ( $pool_size < 16 ) { $inno .= ' Your pool size is extremely small!'; } elseif ( $pool_size < 64 ) { $inno .= ' It seems your pool size is too small.'; } $db_info[] = array( 'InnoDB buffer pool size', $inno ); $var = crb_get_mysql_var( 'max_allowed_packet' ); $db_info[] = array( 'Max allowed packet size', round( $var / 1048576 ) . ' MB' ); $db_info[] = array( 'Charset', $wpdb->charset ); $db_info[] = array( 'Collate', $wpdb->collate ); $ret[] = cerber_make_plain_table($db_info); /*$tables_info = array(); foreach ( cerber_get_tables() as $table ) { $tables_info[] = array( $table, $table, 123, 56, 'Details' ); //$ret[] = cerber_table_info( $table ); } $ret[] = cerber_make_plain_table( $tables_info );*/ $ret[] = cerber_table_info( CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); $ret[] = cerber_table_info( CERBER_ACL_TABLE ); $ret[] = cerber_table_info( CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE ); $ret[] = cerber_table_info( CERBER_TRAF_TABLE ); $err = ''; if ( $errors = get_site_option( '_cerber_db_errors' ) ) { $err = '

Some minor DB errors were detected

'; update_site_option( '_cerber_db_errors', '' ); } return $err . implode( '
', $ret ); } /** * Creates mini report about given database table * * @param $table * * @return string */ function cerber_table_info( $table ) { global $wpdb; if (!cerber_is_table($table)){ return '

ERROR. Database table ' . $table . ' not found! Click repair button below.

'; } $cols = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . $table ); $tb = array(); //$columns = ''; foreach ( $cols as $column ) { $column = obj_to_arr_deep( $column ); $field = array_shift( $column ); $type = array_shift( $column ); $collation = array_shift( $column ); $tb[] = array( $field, $type, $collation ); //$columns .= ''; } //$columns .= '
' . $field . '' . $type . '' . $collation . '
'; $columns = cerber_make_plain_table( $tb, array( 'Field', 'Type', 'Collation' ) ); $rows = absint( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table ) ); $sts = $wpdb->get_row( 'SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE NAME = "' . $table .'"'); $tb = array(); foreach ( $sts as $key => $value ) { $tb[] = array( $key, $value ); } $status = cerber_make_plain_table( $tb, null, true ); $truncate = ''; if ($rows) { $truncate = ' Delete all rows'; } return '

Table: ' . $table . ', rows: ' . $rows . $truncate. '

' . $columns . ''. $status.'
'; } function cerber_environment_diag() { $issues = array(); if ( version_compare( '7.0', phpversion(), '>' ) ) { $issues[] = 'Your website runs on an outdated (unsupported) version of PHP which is ' . phpversion() . '. We strongly encourage you to upgrade PHP to a newer version. See more at: http://php.net/supported-versions.php'; } if ( ! function_exists( 'http_response_code' ) ) { $issues[] = 'The PHP function http_response_code() is not found or disabled.'; } if ( ! function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) { $issues[] = 'A PHP extension mbstring is not enabled on your website. Some plugin features will not work properly. You need to enable the PHP mbstring extension (multibyte strings support) in your hosting control panel.'; } if ( ! is_numeric( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] ) ) { $issues[] = 'The server environment variable $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT\'] is not set correctly.'; } if ( cerber_get_remote_ip() === CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP ) { $issues[] = 'WP Cerber is unable to detect IP addresses correctly. How to fix: Solving problem with incorrect IP address detection'; } $ret = null; if ( $issues ) { $issues = '

' . implode( '

', $issues ) . '

'; $ret = array( '

Some issues have been detected. They can affect plugin functionality.

', $issues ); } return $ret; } function cerber_cron_diag() { $planned = array(); $crb_crons = array( 'cerber_hourly_1' => 'Hourly task #1', 'cerber_hourly_2' => 'Hourly task #2', 'cerber_daily' => 'Daily task', //'cerber_bg_launcher' => 'Background tasks' ); foreach ( _get_cron_array() as $time => $item ) { foreach ( $crb_crons as $key => $val ) { if ( ! empty( $item[ $key ] ) ) { $planned[ $key ] = $val . ' scheduled for ' . cerber_date( $time ) . ' (' . cerber_ago_time( $time ) . ')'; } } } unset( $crb_crons['cerber_daily'] ); $crb_crons['cerber_daily_1'] = 'Daily task'; $errors = array(); $ok = array(); $no_cron = false; foreach ( $crb_crons as $key => $task ) { $h = get_site_transient( $key ); if ( ! $h || ! is_array( $h ) ) { $errors[] = $task . ' has never been executed'; if ( $oldest = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT MIN(stamp) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE ) ) { if ( $oldest < ( time() - 24 * 3600 ) ) { $no_cron = true; } } continue; } if ( empty( $h[1] ) ) { $errors[] = $task . ' has not finished correctly'; continue; } $end = $h[1]; /* if ( $end < ( time() - 2 * 3600 ) ) { $errors[] = $val . ' has been executed ' . cerber_ago_time( $end ); } else { $ok[] = $val . ' has been executed ' . cerber_ago_time( $end ); } */ $dur = $end - $h[0]; if ( $dur > 60 ) { $errors[] = $task . ' has been executed ' . cerber_ago_time( $end ) . ' and it took ' . $dur . ' seconds.'; } else { $ok[] = $task . ' has been executed ' . cerber_ago_time( $end ) . ' and it took ' . $dur . ' seconds.'; } } $ret = ''; if ( $errors ) { $ret .= '

' . implode( '
', $errors ) . '

'; } if ( $ok ) { $ret .= '

' . implode( '
', $ok ) . '

'; } if ( $planned ) { $ret .= '

' . implode( '
', $planned ) . '

'; } $num = 0; if ( $bg = cerber_bg_task_get_all() ) { $num = count( $bg ); } $ret .= '

Background tasks: ' . $num . '

'; if ( defined( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON' ) && DISABLE_WP_CRON ) { $ret .= '

Note: the internal WordPress cron launcher is disabled on this site.

'; if ( $no_cron ) { $ret .= '

An external cron launcher has not been configured or does not work properly.

'; } } return $ret; } function cerber_show_diag_log() { $file = cerber_get_diag_log(); if ( ! is_file( $file ) ) { echo '

The log file has not been created yet.

'; return; } if ( ! $fs = filesize( $file ) ) { echo '

The diagnostic log file is empty.

'; return; } $reverse_log = crb_get_query_params( 'reverse_log', '\d' ); $clear = crb_confirmation_link( cerber_admin_link_add( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'manage_diag_log', 'do_this' => 'clear_it', ) ), 'Clear the log' ); $dnl = 'Download as a file'; $reverse = 'Reverse the order'; // Log file changes $mtime = cerber_get_date( $file ); $meta = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'clast_log_view', true ); if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) { $meta = array(); } $change = $meta['last_change'][ $mtime ] ?? ''; if ( ! $change ) { $bytes = (int) ( $fs - ( $meta['size'] ?? $fs ) ); $change = ( 0 != $bytes ) ? '( ' . sprintf( "%+d", $bytes ) . ' bytes)' : ''; } $lupd = cerber_auto_date( $mtime ) . ' ' . $change; unset( $meta['last_change'] ); // Delete outdated entries $meta['last_change'][ $mtime ] = $change; $meta['size'] = $fs; update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'clast_log_view', $meta ); echo '
Size: ' . number_format( $fs, 0, ' ', ' ' ) . ' bytes  |  Last update: ' . $lupd . '
[ ' . $reverse . '  |  ' . $dnl . '  |  ' . $clear . ' ]
'; if ( empty( $reverse_log ) ) { $log = @fopen( $file, 'r' ); $text = fread( $log, 10000000 ); if ( ! $text ) { return; } fclose( $log ); /*$p = strpos( $text, PHP_EOL ); $text = substr( $text, $p + 1 );*/ echo '
' . nl2br( htmlspecialchars( $text, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ) . '
'; } else { $lines = file( $file ); if ( ! $lines ) { return; } echo '
		for ( $i = count( $lines ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i -- ) {
			echo htmlspecialchars( $lines[ $i ], ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '
'; } echo '
'; } } function cerber_manage_diag_log( $v ) { if ( $v == 'clear_it' ) { cerber_truncate_log( 0 ); } elseif ( $v == 'download' ) { crb_file_headers( 'wpcerber.log', 'text/plain' ); readfile( cerber_get_diag_log() ); exit; } } function cerber_show_change_log() { echo '
'; if ( ! $log = cerber_parse_change_log() ) { echo 'File changelog.txt not found'; } echo implode( '
', $log ); echo '
'; } admin/cerber-users.php000064400000114463147577531750011004 0ustar00 ID ); $selected = ( empty( $cus['tfm'] ) ) ? 0 : $cus['tfm']; echo cerber_select( 'cerber_user_2fa', array( 0 => __( 'Determined by user role policies', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Always enabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), ), $selected ); ?> ID ); if ( $pin ) : ?> ID ); $b_msg = ( ! empty( $b['blocked_msg'] ) ) ? $b['blocked_msg'] : ''; $b_note = ( ! empty( $b['blocked_note'] ) ) ? $b['blocked_note'] : ''; $dsp = ( ! $b ) ? 'display:none;' : ''; ?>
add( 'invalid-email', 'Invalid email address for Two-factor authentication' ); } ); } } else { $cus['tfemail'] = ''; } cerber_update_set( CRB_USER_SET, $cus, $user_id ); if ( $cus['tfm'] == 2 ) { CRB_2FA::delete_2fa( $user_id, true ); } } add_filter( 'user_row_actions', 'crb_collect_uids', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'ms_user_row_actions', 'crb_collect_uids', 10, 2 ); function crb_collect_uids( $actions, $user_object ) { crb_users_on_the_page( $user_object ); return $actions; } function crb_users_on_the_page( $user_object = null ) { static $list = array(); if ( $user_object ) { $list[ $user_object->ID ] = $user_object->user_login; } else { return $list; } } add_filter( 'views_users', function ( $views ) { global $wpdb; $c = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(meta_key) FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "' . CERBER_BUKEY . '"' ); $t = __( 'Blocked Users', 'wp-cerber' ); if ( $c ) { $t = '' . $t . ''; } $views['cerber_blocked'] = $t . ' (' . $c . ')'; return $views; } ); add_filter( 'users_list_table_query_args', function ( $args ) { if ( isset( $_REQUEST['crb_filter_users'] ) ) { $args['meta_key'] = CERBER_BUKEY; $args['meta_compare'] = 'EXISTS'; } return $args; } ); function crb_format_user_name( $user ) { if ( is_integer( $user ) ) { $user = get_userdata( $user ); } if ( ! $user ) { return 'Unknown user'; } if ( $user->first_name ) { $ret = $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name; } else { $ret = $user->display_name; } return $ret . ' (' . $user->user_login . ')'; } // Bulk actions add_filter( "bulk_actions-users", function ( $actions ) { $actions['cerber_block_users'] = __( 'Block', 'wp-cerber' ); return $actions; } ); add_filter( "handle_bulk_actions-users", function ( $url ) { if ( cerber_get_bulk_action() == 'cerber_block_users' ) { if ( $users = cerber_get_get( 'users', '\d+' ) ) { foreach ( $users as $user_id ) { cerber_block_user( absint( $user_id ) ); } } else { // 'No users selected'; } $preserve = array( 's', 'paged', 'role', 'crb_filter_users' ); $remove = array_diff( array_keys( crb_get_query_params() ), $preserve ); $url = remove_query_arg( $remove, $url ); } return $url; } ); function cerber_block_user( $user_id, $msg = '', $note = '' ) { if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } if ( $user_id == get_current_user_id() ) { return; } if ( ( $m = get_user_meta( $user_id, CERBER_BUKEY, true ) ) && ! empty( $m['blocked'] ) && $m[ 'u' . $user_id ] == $user_id && $m['blocked_msg'] == $msg && $m['blocked_note'] == $note ) { return; } if ( ! $m || ! is_array( $m ) ) { $m = array(); } if ( empty( $m['blocked'] ) ) { $m['blocked_time'] = time(); $m['blocked'] = 1; $m[ 'u' . $user_id ] = $user_id; $m['blocked_by'] = get_current_user_id(); $m['blocked_ip'] = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } $m['blocked_msg'] = $msg; $m['blocked_note'] = $note; update_user_meta( $user_id, CERBER_BUKEY, $m ); crb_destroy_user_sessions( $user_id ); } function crb_admin_show_role_policies() { $roles = wp_roles(); $tabs_config = array(); $policies = crb_get_settings( 'crb_role_policies' ); foreach ( $roles->role_names as $role_id => $name ) { $tabs_config[ $role_id ] = array( 'title' => $name, //'desc' => $info, 'content' => crb_admin_role_form( $role_id, crb_array_get( $policies, $role_id ) ), ); } crb_admin_show_vtabs( $tabs_config, __( 'Save All Changes', 'wp-cerber' ), array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'update_role_policies' ) ); } function crb_admin_role_form( $role_id, $values ) { $html = ''; foreach ( crb_admin_role_config() as $section_id => $config ) { foreach ( $config['fields'] as $field_id => $field ) { $pro = ( isset( CRB_PRO_POLICIES[ $field_id ] ) && ! lab_lab() ); $hide = ( $pro && CRB_PRO_POLICIES[ $field_id ][0] == 2 ) ? 'display:none;' : ''; $title = crb_array_get( $field, 'title', '' ); if ( empty( $field['disabled'] ) ) { $field['disabled'] = ( crb_array_get( $field, 'disable_role' ) == $role_id ); } if ( $field_id == '2famode' && $role_id == 'administrator' ) { $field['disabled'] = ! cerber_2fa_checker(); } $enabler = ''; if ( isset( $field['enabler'] ) ) { $enabler .= ' data-input_enabler="' . CRB_FIELD_PREFIX . $role_id . '[' . $field['enabler'][0] . ']" '; if ( isset( $field['enabler'][1] ) ) { $enabler .= ' data-input_enabler_value="' . $field['enabler'][1] . '" '; } } $s = ( $pro ) ? ' color: #888; ' : ''; $tr_class = ''; if ( isset( $field['enabler'] ) ) { $tr_class = crb_check_enabler( $field, crb_array_get( $values, $field['enabler'][0], '' ) ); } if ( ! empty( $field['disabled'] ) ) { $tr_class .= ' crb-disabled-colors'; } if ( $field['type'] != 'html' ) { //$value = ( ! $pro ) ? crb_array_get( $values, $field_id, '' ) : ''; $value = crb_array_get( $values, $field_id, '' ); $field['pro'] = isset( CRB_PRO_POLICIES[ $field_id ] ); $field_html = crb_admin_form_field( $field, $role_id . '[' . $field_id . ']', $value ); $html .= ''; } else { $t = ( $pro && $field_id == '2fasmart' ) ? crb_admin_cool_features() : ''; $html .= ''; } } } $html .= '
' . $title . '' . $field_html . '
' . $t . $title . '
'; return $html; } function crb_admin_form_field( $field, $name, $value, $id = '' ) { $value = crb_attr_escape( $value ); $label = crb_array_get( $field, 'label' ); if ( ! $id ) { $id = CRB_FIELD_PREFIX . $name; } $atts = ''; if ( $field['disabled'] ) { // || ( ! empty( $field['pro'] ) && ! lab_lab() ) ) { $atts = ' disabled '; } if ( $field['disabled'] ) { $value = ''; } if ( isset( $field['placeholder'] ) ) { $atts .= ' placeholder="' . $field['placeholder'] . '"'; } $style = ''; if ( isset( $field['width'] ) ) { $style .= ' width:' . $field['width']; } switch ( $field['type'] ) { case 'checkbox': return cerber_checkbox( $name, $value, $label, $id, $atts ); break; case 'select': return cerber_select( $name, $field['set'], $value, '', $id, '', '', null, $atts ); break; case 'textarea': $html = ''; if ( $label ) { $html .= '
'; } return $html; break; case 'text': default: $type = crb_array_get( $field, 'type', 'text' ); //return $pre . ''; return ''; break; } } function crb_admin_role_config() { return array( 'access' => array( 'name' => '', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array( 'nodashboard' => array( 'title' => __( 'Block access to WordPress Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'disable_role' => 'administrator', ), 'notoolbar' => array( 'title' => __( 'Hide Toolbar when viewing site', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ) ), 'redirect' => array( 'name' => __( 'Redirection rules', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array( 'rdr_login' => array( 'title' => __( 'Redirect user after login', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '100%', ), 'rdr_logout' => array( 'title' => __( 'Redirect user after logout', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '100%', ), ) ), 'misc' => array( 'name' => '', 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array( 'auth_expire' => array( 'title' => __( 'User session expiration time', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => 'minutes', 'placeholder' => 'minutes', 'type' => 'number', ), 'sess_limit' => array( 'title' => __( 'Number of allowed concurrent user sessions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'number', 'pro' => 2 ), 'sess_limit_policy' => array( 'title' => __( 'When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Terminate the oldest user session on a new login', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Deny further login attempts', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'pro' => 2 ), 'sess_limit_msg' => array( //'title' => __( 'User message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'placeholder' => __( 'You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( 'sess_limit_policy', 1 ), 'pro' => 2 ), 'app_pwd' => array( 'title' => __( 'Application Passwords', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Use global policies', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'pro' => 2 ), ) ), 'twofactor' => array( 'name' => __( 'Two-Factor Authentication', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => '', 'fields' => array( '2famode' => array( 'title' => __( 'Two-factor authentication', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Always enabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Advanced mode', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), '2fasmart' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'html', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fanewcountry' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login from a different country', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fanewnet4' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login from a different network Class C', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fanewip' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login from a different IP address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fanewua' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login from a different browser or device', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fasessions' => array( 'title' => __( 'If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'number', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), 'note2' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'html', 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2fadays' => array( 'title' => __( 'Regular time intervals (days)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'number', //'label' => __( 'days interval', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), '2falogins' => array( 'title' => __( 'Fixed number of logins', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'number', 'label' => __( 'number of logins', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( '2famode', 2 ), 'pro' => 1 ), ) ), ); } function crb_admin_save_role_policies( $post ) { $roles = wp_roles(); $policies = array(); foreach ( $roles->role_names as $role_id => $name ) { $policies[ $role_id ] = $post[ $role_id ]; } array_walk_recursive( $policies, function ( &$element, $key ) { $element = trim( $element ); if ( $key == 'rdr_logout' ) { if ( false !== strrpos( $element, 'wp-admin' ) ) { $element = ''; } } if ( $element && in_array( $key, array( 'rdr_login', 'rdr_logout' ) ) ) { if ( substr( $element, 0, 4 ) != 'http' && $element[0] != '/' ) { $element = '/' . $element; } } if ( ! is_array( $element ) && ! is_numeric( $element ) ) { $element = sanitize_text_field( (string) $element ); } } ); if ( ! $settings = get_site_option( CERBER_SETTINGS ) ) { $settings = array(); } $settings['crb_role_policies'] = $policies; if ( cerber_update_site_option( CERBER_SETTINGS, $settings ) ) { cerber_admin_message( __( 'Policies have been updated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } function crb_destroy_user_sessions( $user_id ) { if ( ! $user_id || get_current_user_id() == $user_id ) { return; } $manager = WP_Session_Tokens::get_instance( $user_id ); $manager->destroy_all(); } function crb_admin_is_current_session( $session_id ) { static $st = null; if ( $st === null ) { $st = crb_get_session_token(); } return ( $session_id === cerber_hash_token( $st ) ); } function crb_admin_get_user_cell( $user_id = null, $base_url = '', $text = '', $label = '' ) { static $wp_roles, $user_cache = array(); if ( ! $user_id ) { return ''; } $key = $user_id . '-' . sha1( (string) $text . ' ' . (string) $label ); if ( isset( $user_cache[ $key ] ) ) { return $user_cache[ $key ]; } if ( ! $user = get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { if ( ! $user_data = cerber_get_set( 'user_deleted', $user_id ) ) { $user_cache[ $key ] = 'UID ' . $user_id; return ''; } } else { $user_data = array( 'roles' => $user->roles, 'display_name' => $user->display_name ); } if ( ! isset( $wp_roles ) ) { $wp_roles = wp_roles()->roles; } $roles = ''; if ( ! is_multisite() && $user_data['roles'] ) { $r = array(); foreach ( $user_data['roles'] as $role ) { $r[] = $wp_roles[ $role ]['name']; } $roles = '' . implode( ', ', $r ) . ''; } $lbl = ( $label ) ? '' . $label . '' : ''; if ( $base_url ) { $ret = '' . $user_data['display_name'] . '' . $lbl . '

' . $roles . '

'; } else { $ret = '' . $user_data['display_name'] . '' . $lbl . '

' . $roles . '

'; } $ret = '
' . $ret . '
'; if ( $avatar = get_avatar( $user_id, 32 ) ) { $avatar = '' . $avatar . ''; } else { $avatar = ''; } $user_cache[ $key ] = '' . $avatar . '
' . $ret . $text . '
'; return $user_cache[ $key ]; } function crb_admin_show_sessions() { // Helper for WP_List_Table URLs and navigation links if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { // Add parameters $add = array( 'paged', 'order', 'orderby' ); foreach ( $add as $param ) { //if ( $val = crb_array_get( crb_get_query_params(), $param ) ) { if ( $val = crb_get_query_params( $param ) ) { $_REQUEST[ $param ] = $val; $_GET[ $param ] = $val; } } // Correct URL add_filter( 'set_url_scheme', function ( $url, $scheme, $orig_scheme ) { return cerber_admin_link( 'sessions' ); }, 10, 3 ); } echo '
'; cerber_nonce_field( 'control', true ); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $slaves = new CRB_Sessions_Table(); $slaves->prepare_items(); //$slaves->search_box( 'Search', 'search_id' ); $slaves->display(); echo '
'; } // Personal data exporters ---------------------------------------- function crb_pdata_exporter_act( $email_address, $page = 1 ) { $per_page = 1000; // Rows per step (SQL query) $limit = ( $per_page * ( absint( $page ) - 1 ) ) . ',' . $per_page; $data = array(); if ( ( ! $user = get_user_by( 'email', $email_address ) ) || ! $user->ID || ! $rows = cerber_get_log( null, array( 'id' => $user->ID ), null, $limit ) ) { $done = true; if ( $page == 1 ) { // Nothing was logged at all $data[] = array( 'name' => 'Events', 'value' => 'None logged' ); } } else { $done = false; // There are rows to be exported $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { //$value = 'IP: ' . $row->ip . ' | ' . $labels[ $row->activity ]; $value = array( 'IP_ADDRESS' => $row->ip, 'EVENT' => $labels[ $row->activity ] ); if ( $row->user_login ) { $value['USERNAME'] = $row->user_login; } $value = json_encode( $value, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); // Format is defined by WordPress $data[] = array( 'name' => cerber_date( $row->stamp, false ), // First column 'value' => $value // Second column ); } } return crb_pdata_formater( $data, 'cerber-activity', 'Activity Log', $done ); } function crb_pdata_exporter_trf( $email_address, $page = 1 ) { $per_page = 500; // Rows per step (SQL query) $limit = ( $per_page * ( absint( $page ) - 1 ) ) . ',' . $per_page; $data = array(); if ( ( ! $user = get_user_by( 'email', $email_address ) ) || ! $user->ID || ! $rows = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT ip, uri, stamp, request_fields, request_details FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->ID . ' LIMIT ' . $limit, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { $done = true; if ( $page == 1 ) { // Nothing was logged at all $data[] = array( 'name' => 'Events', 'value' => 'None logged' ); } } else { $done = false; // There are rows to be exported $what = crb_get_settings( 'pdata_trf' ); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $value = array( 'IP_ADDRESS' => $row->ip ); if ( isset( $what[1] ) ) { $value['URL'] = $row->uri; } if ( isset( $what[2] ) ) { $fields = crb_auto_decode( $row->request_fields ); if ( ! empty( $fields[1] ) ) { $value['FORM_FIEDLS'] = $fields[1]; } } if ( isset( $what[3] ) ) { $dets = crb_auto_decode( $row->request_details ); if ( ! empty( $dets[8] ) ) { $value['COOKIES'] = $dets[8]; } } $value = json_encode( $value, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); // Format is defined by WordPress $data[] = array( 'name' => cerber_date( $row->stamp, false ), // First column 'value' => $value // Second column ); } } return crb_pdata_formater( $data, 'cerber-traffic', 'Traffic Log', $done ); } function crb_pdata_formater( $data = array(), $exp_id = '', $label = '', $done = true ) { $export_items[] = array( 'group_id' => $exp_id, 'group_label' => $label, 'item_id' => $exp_id, 'data' => $data, ); return array( 'data' => $export_items, 'done' => $done, ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'pdata_export' ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_exporters', 'crb_pdata_register_exporters' ); } function crb_pdata_register_exporters( $exporters ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'pdata_act' ) ) { $exporters['cerber-security-act'] = array( 'exporter_friendly_name' => 'WP Cerber Activity', 'callback' => 'crb_pdata_exporter_act', ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'pdata_trf' ) ) { $exporters['cerber-security-trf'] = array( 'exporter_friendly_name' => 'WP Cerber Traffic', 'callback' => 'crb_pdata_exporter_trf', ); } return $exporters; } // Personal data erasers ---------------------------------------- function crb_pdata_eraser( $email_address, $page = 1 ) { $removed = false; $retained = false; $done = true; $msg = array(); if ( is_super_admin() && ( $user = get_user_by( 'email', $email_address ) ) && $user->ID ) { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->ID ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->ID ); if ( ( $reg = get_user_meta( $user->ID, '_crb_reg_', true ) ) && ( empty( $reg['user'] ) || $reg['user'] == $user->ID ) ) { delete_user_meta( $user->ID, '_crb_reg_' ); } cerber_delete_set( 'user_deleted', $user->ID ); if ( crb_get_settings( 'pdata_sessions' ) ) { update_user_meta( $user->ID , 'session_tokens', array() ); } $removed = true; // Check if removing is OK if ( cerber_get_log( null, array( 'id' => $user->ID ), null, 1 ) || cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->ID . ' LIMIT 1' ) ) { $removed = false; $retained = true; $done = false; if ( $page >= 3 ) { // We failed after three attempts $msg[] = 'WP Cerber is unable to delete rows in its log tables due to a database error. Check the server error log.'; $done = true; } } } return array( 'items_removed' => $removed, 'items_retained' => $retained, 'messages' => $msg, 'done' => $done, ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'pdata_erase' ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_erasers', 'crb_pdata_register_eraser' ); } function crb_pdata_register_eraser( $erasers ) { $erasers['cerber-security-erase'] = array( 'eraser_friendly_name' => __( 'WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser' ), 'callback' => 'crb_pdata_eraser', ); return $erasers; } /** * Quick analysis - returns textual info if the user has any issue with logging in (from the WP Cerber point of view). * Helps to troubleshot user logging in issues. * * @param WP_User $user * * @return array|false * * @since 9.0.2 */ function crb_get_user_auth_status( $user ) { $nope = ''; $nope_more = ''; if ( $b = crb_is_user_blocked( $user->ID ) ) { $nope = crb_user_blocked_by( $b ); $nope_more = htmlspecialchars( $b['blocked_note'] ); return array( $nope, $nope_more, true ); } if ( crb_is_username_prohibited( $user->user_login ) ) { $nope = __( 'username is prohibited', 'wp-cerber' ); $nope_more = '' . __( "Check users' settings", 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; return array( $nope, $nope_more, true ); } // Is user's IP blocked? if ( $user_ip = crb_is_user_ip_blocked( $user ) ) { $nope = __( 'The IP address of the last failed attempt to log in is blocked', 'wp-cerber' ); $remove = cerber_admin_link_add( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'lockdel', 'ip' => $user_ip ), true ); $nope_more = array( $user_ip, sprintf( __( 'If necessary, <%s>unblock the IP address<%s>.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'a href="' . $remove . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"', '/a' ) ); return array( $nope, $nope_more, false ); } // Was the attempt to log in denied by WP Cerber? $last_login = cerber_get_last_login( $user->ID ); $last_denied = crb_get_last_failed( $user->user_login, $user->user_login, true ); if ( $last_denied->stamp < $last_login->stamp ) { return false; // Not relevant anymore, user has logged in } if ( $reason = cerber_get_labels( 'status', $last_denied->ac_status ) ) { $nope = __( 'The last attempt to log in was denied due to the following reason', 'wp-cerber' ); $nope_more = array( $reason ); $knowledge_base = array( CRB_STS_11 => 'antispam', 14 => 'acl', 16 => 'geo' ); if ( $go = crb_array_get( $knowledge_base, $last_denied->ac_status ) ) { $nope_more[] = sprintf( __( 'If necessary, <%s>check and update settings<%s>.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'a href="' . cerber_admin_link( $go ) . '" target="_blank"', '/a' ); } } if ( $nope ) { return array( $nope, $nope_more, false ); } return false; } /** * @param string $nope * @param string|array $nope_more * * @return string * * @since 9.0.2 */ function crb_format_user_status( $nope, $nope_more, $prefix = true ) { $p = ( $prefix ) ? __( 'User is not allowed to log in', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' - ' : ''; $more = ''; if ( $nope_more ) { if ( ! is_array( $nope_more ) ) { $nope_more = array( $nope_more ); } $more = '

' . implode( '

', $nope_more ) . '

'; } return '' . $p . $nope . '' . $more; } /** * Detects if the user's IP is blocked due to multiple failed attempts to log in * * @param WP_User $user * * @return false|string The IP address of the last failed attempt to log in if the IP is blocked * * @since 9.0.2 */ function crb_is_user_ip_blocked( $user ) { // No blocked IP, no failed attempts if ( ! cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' LIMIT 1' ) //|| ! $last_failed = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ( user_login = "' . $user->user_login . '" OR user_login = "' . $user->user_email . '" ) AND activity = ' . CRB_EV_LFL . ' ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 1', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { || ! $last_failed = crb_get_last_failed( $user->user_login, $user->user_email ) ) { return false; } // User logged in after several failed attempts - OK if ( ( $last_login = cerber_get_last_login( $user->ID ) ) && ( $last_failed->stamp < $last_login->stamp ) ) { return false; } // Is user's IP locked? if ( ( $block = cerber_get_block( $last_failed->ip ) ) && $block->reason_id == 701 ) { return $last_failed->ip; } return false; } class CRB_Sessions_Table extends WP_List_Table { private $base_admin; private $geo; public function __construct() { parent::__construct( array( 'singular' => 'Session', 'plural' => 'Sessions', 'ajax' => false, 'screen' => 'cerber_user_sessions' // Without this it does not work ) ); $this->geo = lab_lab(); $this->base_admin = wp_nonce_url( cerber_admin_link( 'sessions' ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); } // Columns definition function get_columns() { return array( 'cb' => '', //Render a checkbox instead of text 'ses_user' => __( 'User', 'wp-cerber' ), //'ses_role' => __( 'Role', 'wp-cerber' ), 'ses_started' => __( 'Created', 'wp-cerber' ), 'ses_expires' => __( 'Expires', 'wp-cerber' ), 'ses_ip' => '
' . __( 'IP Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'ses_host' => __( 'Host Info', 'wp-cerber' ), 'ses_action' => __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); } // Sortable columns function get_sortable_columns() { return array( 'ses_user' => array( 'user_id', false ), // true means dataset is already sorted by ASC 'ses_started' => array( 'started', false ), 'ses_expires' => array( 'expires', false ), 'ses_ip' => array( 'ip', false ), ); } // Bulk actions function get_bulk_actions() { return array( 'bulk_session_terminate' => __( 'Terminate session', 'wp-cerber' ), 'bulk_block_user' => __( 'Block user', 'wp-cerber' ), ); } protected function extra_tablenav( $which ) { if ( $which == 'top' ) { ?>
$uname ) : array(), $user_id, 'crb-select2-ajax', '', false, esc_html__( 'Filter by registered user', 'wp-cerber' ), array( 'min_symbols' => 3 ) ); $search_ip = esc_attr( stripslashes( crb_get_query_params( 'search_ip' ) ) ); $filter .= ''; echo '
' . $filter . '
'; ?>
get_pagenum(); if ( $current_page > 1 ) { $offset = ( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page; $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $per_page; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $per_page; } // Search if ( $user_id = crb_array_get( $get, 'filter_user', 0, '\d+' ) ) { $where[] = 'user_id = ' . $user_id; } if ( $ip = stripslashes( crb_array_get( $get, 'search_ip' ) ) ) { $where[] = 'ip LIKE "%' . preg_replace( '/[^:.\d]/', '', $ip ) . '%"'; } $where = ( ! empty( $where ) ) ? ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : ''; // Retrieving data $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' ses JOIN ' . $wpdb->users . ' us ON (ses.user_id = us.ID) ' . $where . $orderby . $limit; if ( $this->items = cerber_db_get_results( $query ) ) { $total_items = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ); } if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { echo '
' . __( 'Search results for:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' “' . htmlspecialchars( $term, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '”
'; } // Pagination, part 2 $this->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page ) ) ); } public function single_row( $item ) { //$item['user_data'] = get_userdata( $item['user_id'] ); parent::single_row( $item ); } function column_cb( $item ) { if ( ! crb_admin_is_current_session( $item['wp_session_token'] ) ) { return ''; } return ''; } /** * @param array $item // not object! * @param string $column_name * * @return string */ function column_default( $item, $column_name ) { //return $item[ $column_name ]; // raw output as is switch ( $column_name ) { case 'ses_user': $label = ''; $links = ''; if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $links = $this->row_actions( array( '' . __( 'Profile', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', ) ); $label = ( crb_admin_is_current_session( $item['wp_session_token'] ) ) ? __( 'You', 'wp-cerber' ) : ''; } return crb_admin_get_user_cell( $item['user_id'], cerber_admin_link( 'sessions' ), $links, $label ); break; case 'ses_started': $logins = cerber_activity_link( array( CRB_EV_LIN ) ) . '&filter_user=' . $item['user_id']; $set = array( '' . __( 'All Logins', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', '' . __( 'User Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' ); $url = ''; // TODO: make it via AJAX per user row with a click "Details" if ( $item['session_id'] ) { /*$log = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE session_id = "' . $item['session_id'] . '"' ); if ( $log ) { $det = explode( '|', $log['details'] ); $url = $det[4]; }*/ } return '' . cerber_date( $item['started'] ) . '' . $this->row_actions( $set ); break; case 'ses_expires': return cerber_date( $item['expires'] ); break; case 'ses_ip': $set = array( '' . __( 'Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', '' . __( 'Traffic', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' ); return crb_admin_ip_cell( $item['ip'], '', $this->row_actions( $set ) ); break; case 'ses_host': $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $item['ip'] ); $ip_info = cerber_get_ip_info( $item['ip'], true ); if ( ! $hostname = crb_array_get( $ip_info, 'hostname_html' ) ) { $hostname = crb_get_ajax_placeholder( 'hostname', $ip_id ); } $country = ( $this->geo ) ? '

' . crb_country_html( $item['country'], $item['ip'] ) . '

' : ''; return $hostname . $country; break; case 'ses_action': if ( crb_admin_is_current_session( $item['wp_session_token'] ) ) { return ''; } $href = $this->base_admin . '&cerber_admin_do=terminate_session&id=' . $item['wp_session_token'] . '&user_id=' . $item['user_id']; return crb_confirmation_link( $href, __( 'Terminate', 'wp-cerber' ) ); break; } return ''; } function no_items() { if ( ! empty( $_GET['s'] ) ) { parent::no_items(); } else { echo 'No user sessions found.'; } } }admin/cerber-admin.php000064400000131203147577531750010722 0ustar00
'; add_action( 'admin_init', function () { CRB_Globals::admin_init(); if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { return; } crb_show_phpinfo(); crb_settings_processor(); crb_do_export(); crb_do_import(); crb_delete_alert(); crb_admin_headers(); // @since Workaround: if scheduled (cron) tasks are not executed on the website $last = get_site_transient( 'cerber_daily_1' ); if ( ! $last || ! is_array( $last ) || $last[0] < ( time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS ) ) { cerber_bg_task_add( 'cerber_do_hourly_2' ); cerber_bg_task_add( 'cerber_daily_run' ); } } ); function cerber_assets_dir() { return cerber_plugin_dir() . '/assets'; } // Scan dashboard =========================================================== function cerber_scanner_show_dashboard( $msg = '', $status = 0 ) { $loader = ( $status ) ? UIS_LOADER_HTML : ''; $stats = cerber_get_stats_html(); $stats = array_shift( $stats ); $note = ( $status ) ? '' : __( 'It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.', 'wp-cerber' ); ?>
Mode -

0 / 0

0 / 0


' . $note . '
'; } ?> '; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; $rows[] = ''; echo implode( "\n", $rows ); ?>
Must use plugins
Uploads folder
Unattended files
( time() - 900 ) ) { $msg = __( 'Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.', 'wp-cerber' ); $status = 1; } else { $msg = sprintf( __( 'Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_date( $scan['started'], false ) ); $status = 2; } } else { $status = 3; } } $start_quick = ''; $start_full = ''; $stop = ''; $continue = ''; $controls = ''; switch ( $status ) { case 0: case 3: $controls = $start_quick . $start_full; break; case 1: $controls = ''; break; case 2: $controls = $start_quick . $start_full . $continue; break; } $controls .= $stop; $class = ( $status ) ? '' : 'crb-scanner-has-data'; echo '
'; cerber_scanner_show_dashboard( $msg, $status ); $d = ''; if ( nexus_is_valid_request() && ! nexus_is_granted( 'submit' ) ) { $d = 'disabled="disabled"'; } ?>
value=""/> value=""/>
'; } function cerber_ref_upload_form() { ?> $console_log, 'cerber_scan_do' => $next_do, 'cerber_scanner' => $scanner, //'scan' => cerber_get_scan(), // debug only ); if ( $scan_do != 'continue_scan' ) { $ret['strings'] = cerber_get_strings(); } ob_end_clean(); echo json_encode( $ret ); crb_admin_stop_ajax(); } /** * File viewer, server side AJAX * */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_cerber_view_file', function () { cerber_check_ajax_permissions(); $get = crb_get_query_params(); if ( ! $file_name = $get['file'] ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: Filename not specified. Please run a new malware scan.' ); } if ( ! @file_exists( $file_name ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: The requested file doesn\'t exist or has been deleted: ' . htmlspecialchars( $file_name ). '. Please run a new malware scan.' ); return; } if ( ! @is_file( $file_name ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: The requested file is not an ordinary file: ' . htmlspecialchars( $file_name ) ); return; } $file_size = filesize( $file_name ); if ( $file_size > 8000000 ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: The requested is too large to display: ' . crb_size_format( $file_size ) ); return; } if ( $file_size <= 0 ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'The requested file is empty.' ); return; } $scan_id = absint( $get['scan_id'] ); $the_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name = "' . $file_name . '"' ); if ( ! $the_file ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( __( 'File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); return; } if ( ! $source = file_get_contents( $file_name ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error: Unable to load file.' ); return; } $source = htmlspecialchars( $source, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); if ( ! $source ) { $source = 'Unable to display the contents of the file. This file contains non-printable characters.'; } if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file_name ) || cerber_check_extension( $file_name, array( 'js', 'css', 'inc' ) ) || cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { $paint = true; } else { $paint = false; } $overlay = ''; if ( $paint ) { $overlay = '
Loading, please wait...
'; } //$sh_url = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'assets/sh/'; $sh_url = CRB_Globals::$assets_url . 'sh/'; $sheight = absint( $get['sheight'] ) - 100; // highlighter is un-responsible, so we need tell him the real height ?> ' . $source . ''; if ( $the_file ) { echo '
Issue: ' . cerber_get_issue_label( $the_file['scan_status'] ) . '
'; } if ( $paint ) : ?> $folder->get_error_message() ) ); } if ( isset( $_FILES['refile'] ) ) { // Step 1, saving file if ( ! is_uploaded_file( $_FILES['refile']['tmp_name'] ) ) { $error = 'Unable to read uploaded file'; } if ( ! cerber_check_extension( $_FILES['refile']['name'], array( 'zip' ) ) ) { $error = __( 'This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $_FILES['refile']['name'] ) ) { $error = __( 'Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( false !== strpos( $_FILES['refile']['name'], '/' ) ) { $error = 'Incorrect filename'; } if ( $error ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => $error ) ); } if ( false === @move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['refile']['tmp_name'], $folder . $_FILES['refile']['name'] ) ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => 'Unable to copy file to ' . $folder ) ); } } else { // Step 2, creating hash $result = cerber_need_for_hash(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_end_ajax( array( 'error' => $result->get_error_message() ) ); } } cerber_end_ajax(); } ); /** * Deleting files, server side AJAX * */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_cerber_scan_bulk_files', function () { cerber_check_ajax_permissions(); $post = crb_get_post_fields(); if ( empty( $post['files'] ) || empty( $post['scan_id'] ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error!' ); return; } $scan_id = absint( $post['scan_id'] ); if ( ! cerber_get_scan( $scan_id ) ) { crb_admin_stop_ajax( 'Error!' ); return; } $operation = $post['scan_file_operation']; if ( ( ! $ignore = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) || ! is_array( $ignore ) ) { $ignore = array(); } global $crb_list; $crb_list = array(); $i = 0; $errors = array(); $time = time(); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); foreach ( $post['files'] as $file_name ) { if ( ! is_file( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $the_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name = "' . $file_name . '"', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); if ( ! $the_file || ! is_file( $the_file->file_name ) ) { $errors[] = 'Unknown file: ' . $file_name; continue; } switch ( $operation ) { case 'delete_file': $result = cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan_id ); break; case 'ignore_add_file': $ignore[ $the_file->file_name_hash ] = array( $the_file->file_name, @hash_file( 'sha256', $the_file->file_name ), $user_id, $time, ); $result = true; break; } if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $errors[] = $result->get_error_message(); } elseif ( ! $result ) { $errors[] = 'Unknown error 55'; } else { $i ++; $crb_list[] = $file_name; } } if ( $operation == 'ignore_add_file' ) { // Update the last scan results to keep it up to date and avoid user confusing if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { crb_file_filter( $scan['issues'], function ( $file_name ) { global $crb_list; if ( in_array( $file_name, $crb_list ) ) { return false; } return true; } ); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'ignore-list', $ignore ) ) { $errors [] = 'Unable to update the ignore list'; } } crb_scan_debug( $errors ); cerber_end_ajax( array( 'errors' => $errors, 'number' => $i, 'processed' => $crb_list ) ); } ); /** * Finalizes current AJAX request and sends data to the client * * @param $data array */ function cerber_end_ajax( $data = array() ) { if ( ! $data ) { $data = array(); } $data['cerber_db_errors'] = cerber_db_get_errors(); if ( ! $data['cerber_db_errors'] ) { $data['OK'] = 'OK!'; } echo json_encode( $data ); if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { wp_die(); } } function crb_admin_stop_ajax( $msg = '' ) { if ( $msg ) { echo $msg; } if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { exit; } } function cerber_show_quarantine() { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { echo $folder->get_error_message(); return; } $no_files = '

' . __( 'There are no files in the quarantine at the moment.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $per_page = crb_admin_get_per_page(); $first = ( cerber_get_pn() - 1 ) * $per_page; $last = $first + $per_page; $list = array(); $filter_scan = crb_get_query_params( 'scan', '\d+' ); list ( $list, $count, $scan_list ) = cerber_quarantine_get_files( $first, $last, $filter_scan ); _crb_qr_total_sync( $count ); if ( ! $list ) { if ( ! $filter_scan ) { echo $no_files; } else { echo __( 'No files match the specified filter.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Click here to see the full list of files', 'wp-cerber' ) . '.'; } return; } $rows = array(); $ofs = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; $confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"'; foreach ( $list as $file ) { $p = array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'scan_tegrity', 'crb_scan_id' => $file['scan_id'], 'crb_file_id' => $file['qfile'] ); $p['crb_scan_adm'] = 'delete'; $delete = '' . __( 'Delete permanently', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $p['crb_scan_adm'] = 'restore'; $restore = ( ! $file['can'] ) ? '' : ' | ' . __( 'Restore', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $moved = strtotime( $file['date'] ) - $ofs; $will = cerber_auto_date( $file['scan_id'] + DAY_IN_SECONDS * crb_get_settings( 'scan_qcleanup' ) ); $file_name = str_replace( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file['source'] ); $rows[] = array( '' . cerber_auto_date( $file['scan_id'] ) . '', '' . cerber_auto_date( $moved ) . '', $will, $file['size'], $file_name, '' . $delete . $restore . '' ); } $heading = array( __( 'Scanned', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Quarantined', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Automatic deletion', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Size', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'File', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $table = cerber_make_table( $rows, $heading, 'crb-quarantine' ); $table .= cerber_page_navi( $count, $per_page ); $filter = ''; if ( count( $scan_list ) > 1 ) { krsort( $scan_list ); $list = array( 0 => __( 'All scans', 'wp-cerber' ) ); foreach ( $scan_list as $s ) { $list[ $s ] = cerber_date( $s, false ); } $filter = '
' . cerber_select( 'scan', $list, $filter_scan ) . '
'; } echo $filter . $table; } function cerber_quarantine_do( $what, $scan_id, $qfile ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( ! $scan_id ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: Wrong scan parameters.' ); return; } //$dir = cerber_get_the_folder() . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id; $dir = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $dir ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $dir->get_error_message() ); return; } $dir .= 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id; $file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $qfile; if ( ! @is_file( $file ) || is_link( $file ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: No file to process' ); return; } $rst = $dir . '/.restore'; if ( ! file_exists( $rst ) || ! $handle = @fopen( $rst, 'r' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: A restore registry file is corrupt or missing.' ); return; } $data = null; while ( ( $line = fgets( $handle ) ) !== false ) { if ( $p = crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ) ) { if ( $p['qfile'] == $qfile ) { $data = $p; break; } } } if ( ! $data ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: No information about this file. Unable to proceed.' ); return; } $err = null; $msg = null; switch ( $what ) { case 'delete': if ( unlink( $file ) ) { $msg = __( 'The file has been deleted permanently.', 'wp-cerber' ); crb_qr_total_update( -1 ); } else { $err = 'Unable to delete the file: ' . $file; } break; case 'restore': if ( $data['can'] ) { $target_dir = dirname( $data['source'] ); if ( ! file_exists( $target_dir ) && ! mkdir( $target_dir, 0755, true ) ) { $err = 'Unable to create the folder ' . $target_dir . '. Check permissions of parent folders.'; } if ( ! $err ) { if ( @rename( $file, $data['source'] ) ) { $msg = __( 'The file has been restored to its original location.', 'wp-cerber' ); crb_qr_total_update( -1 ); } else { $err = 'A file error occurred while restoring the file. Check permissions of folders.'; } } } else { $err = 'This file cannot be restored and needs to be manually copied.

See instructions in this file: ' . $rst . '

'; } break; } if ( $err ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $err ); } if ( $msg ) { cerber_admin_message( $msg ); } } function cerber_show_ignore() { // For translators __( 'Apply', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Remove from the list', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'User Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Traffic Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); __( 'Activity Insights', 'wp-cerber' ); $no_files = __( 'The list is empty.', 'wp-cerber' ); $per_page = crb_admin_get_per_page(); $first = ( cerber_get_pn() - 1 ) * $per_page; if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) { echo '

' . $no_files . '

'; return; } $count = count( $list ); $list = array_slice( $list, $first, $per_page ); $rows = array(); $confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"'; foreach ( $list as $key => $file ) { $delete = '' . __( 'Remove from the list', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $rows[] = array( cerber_date( $file[3] ), cerber_date( cerber_get_date( $file[0] ) ), crb_size_format( cerber_get_size( $file[0] ) ), $file[0], '' . $delete . '' ); } $heading = array( __( 'Added', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Modified', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Size', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'File', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $table = cerber_make_table( $rows, $heading ); $table .= cerber_page_navi( $count, $per_page ); echo $table; } function crb_remove_ignore( $id ) { if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $list[ $id ] ) ) { return false; } unset( $list[ $id ] ); return cerber_update_set( 'ignore-list', $list ); } // Scan analytics =========================================================== function crb_scan_no_message() { return '

' . __( 'No data for generating reports', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

' . __( ' Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, analytics reports will be generated.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; } function cerber_scan_insights() { if ( ! $scan_id = crb_scan_last_full() ) { echo crb_scan_no_message(); return; } if ( $ext = crb_get_query_params( 'fext' ) ) { cerber_show_files( $ext, $scan_id ); return; } ?>
No files found. Please run the Full Scan.

'; return; } $title = ( $ext == '.' ) ? __( 'Files without extension', 'wp-cerber' ) : 'Files with the "' . $ext . '" extension'; echo '

' . $title . '

  ' . __( 'Back to list', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'; echo crb_make_file_table( $files ) . cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ); } /** * @param string $type * * @return string[] * * @since 8.6.4 */ function cerber_generate_insights( $type ) { if ( ! $scan_id = crb_scan_last_full() ) { return array( 'html' => crb_scan_no_message() ); } $key = 'scan_insights_' . $type; // Cache if ( $report = cerber_get_set( $key, $scan_id, false ) ) { return array( 'html' => $report ); } switch ( $type ) { case 1: $report = crb_scan_insights_brief( $scan_id ); break; case 2: $report = crb_scan_insights_lrgst( $scan_id ); break; case 3: $report = crb_scan_insights_exts( $scan_id ); break; } // Cache if ( $report ) { cerber_update_set( $key, $report, $scan_id, false, time() + 24 * 3600 ); } else { $report = 'ERROR: Unknown report'; } $response = array( 'html' => $report, 'error' => '' ); /*if ( $_REQUEST['request'] < 2 ) { $response['continue'] = 1; }*/ return $response; } function crb_scan_insights_brief( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $result = '

' . __( 'Brief summary', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $list = array( array( 'WordPress root folder (ABSPATH) ', ABSPATH ), array( 'WordPress uploads folder', cerber_get_upload_dir() ), array( 'WordPress content folder', dirname( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) ), array( 'WordPress plugins folder', cerber_get_plugins_dir() ), array( 'WordPress themes folder', cerber_get_themes_dir() ), array( 'WordPress must-use plugin folder (WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) ', WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ), array( 'PHP folder for uploading files', ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ) ), array( 'Server folder for temporary files', sys_get_temp_dir() ), array( 'Server folder for users\' session data', session_save_path() ), ); /* It's not scanned by the scanner $cerber_folder = cerber_get_my_folder(); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $cerber_folder ) ) { $list[] = array( 'WP Cerber\'s folder', $cerber_folder ); }*/ $folders = array(); foreach ( $list as $item ) { if ( ! $item[1] || ! @file_exists( $item[1] ) ) { continue; } $item[2] = 0; $item[3] = 0; $item[1] = rtrim( $item[1], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( $files = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT file_size FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name LIKE "' . $item[1] . '%"' ) ) { $item[2] = count( $files ); if ( $sum = array_sum( $files ) ) { $item[3] = crb_size_format( $sum ); } } $folders[] = $item; } $sql = 'SELECT file_size FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name NOT LIKE "' . ABSPATH . '%"'; $files = cerber_db_get_col( $sql ); if ( $files ) { if ( $sum = array_sum( $files ) ) { $sum = crb_size_format( $sum ); } $folders[] = array( 'Above the WordPress installation folder', '', count( $files ), $sum ); } $column = array_column( $folders, 2 ); array_multisort( $column, SORT_DESC, $folders ); return $result . cerber_make_table( $folders, array( __( 'Folder', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Path', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Space Occupied', 'wp-cerber' ) ), '', 'crb_align_right crb_align_left_2', 'crb-monospace' ); } function crb_scan_insights_exts( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $list = array(); $offset = 0; $total = 0; $done = false; //cerber_exec_timer( 15 ); while ( true ) { if ( ! $files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_name_hash, file_mtime, file_size, file_ext FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' LIMIT ' . CRB_SQL_CHUNK . ' OFFSET ' . $offset ) ) { $done = true; break; } $offset += CRB_SQL_CHUNK; foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( ! $ext = crb_get_extension( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $ext = '.'; } if ( empty( $file['file_ext'] ) ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET file_ext = "' . $ext . '" WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file['file_name_hash'] . '"' ); } if ( ! isset( $list[ $ext ] ) ) { $list[ $ext ] = array( 0, 0, array(), array() ); } $list[ $ext ][0] ++; $list[ $ext ][1] += $file['file_size']; $list[ $ext ][2][] = $file['file_size']; $list[ $ext ][3][] = $file['file_mtime']; $total ++; } } if ( ! $done && ( count( $files ) < CRB_SQL_CHUNK ) ) { $done = true; } if ( ! $done ) { return array( 'continue' => 1 ); } if ( ! $list ) { return crb_scan_no_message(); } $base = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_insights' ); $none = __( 'No extension', 'wp-cerber' ); $result = array(); foreach ( $list as $ext => $data ) { $text = ( $ext == '.' ) ? $none : $ext; $result[] = array( '' . $text . '', $data[0], crb_size_format( $data[1] ), crb_size_format( min( $data[2] ) ), crb_size_format( max( $data[2] ) ), crb_size_format( round( $data[1] / $data[0], 0 ) ), cerber_date( min( $data[3] ) ), cerber_date( max( $data[3] ) ), ); } // Sorting by a column in a multidimensional array $column = array_column( $result, 1 ); array_multisort( $column, SORT_DESC, $result ); // Create table //$report = '

The file system report is based on the last full scan.

'; $report = '

' . __( 'File extensions statistics', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $report .= cerber_make_table( $result, array( __( 'Extension', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Files', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Space Occupied', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Smallest', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Largest', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Average Size', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Oldest', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Newest', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'crb-ext-statistics', 'crb_align_right', 'crb-monospace crb-anchor-decorated' ); return $report; } function crb_scan_insights_lrgst( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; if ( ! $files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_mtime, file_size FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' ORDER BY file_size DESC LIMIT 10' ) ) { return crb_scan_no_message(); } $title = '

' . __( 'Top 10 largest files', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; return $title . crb_make_file_table( $files ); } function crb_scan_insights_duplicates( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); // SQL Doesn't work /* ( ! $files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_mtime, file_size, file_hash FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' GROUP BY file_hash HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 LIMIT 100' ) ) { return ''; }*/ if ( ! $files = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT file_hash FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_size !=0 AND file_hash !="" ' ) ) { return crb_scan_no_message(); } $dup = array_unique( array_diff_assoc( $files, array_unique( $files ) ) ); rsort( $dup ); $list = array(); foreach ( $dup as $hash ) { if ( $fl = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_mtime, file_size FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_hash = "' . $hash . '"' ) ) { $list = array_merge( $list, $fl ); } } $result = '

Duplicate files

'; return $result . crb_make_file_table( $list ); } function crb_scan_last_full() { $scans = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT DISTINCT scan_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_mode = 1 ORDER BY scan_id DESC LIMIT 1' ); if ( $scans ) { $scan_id = $scans[0]; $scan = cerber_get_scan( $scan_id ); if ( $scan['finished'] || ( $scan['aborted'] && $scan['next_step'] > 5 ) ) { // Step 5 is enough for analysis return $scan_id; } } return false; } /** * @param int $user_id * @param string $tab * @param bool $cache_only * * @return string */ function crb_generate_user_insights( $user_id, $tab, $cache_only = false ) { if ( $tab != 'activity' ) { $tab = 'traffic'; } $result = ''; $links = array(); if ( $user = get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { $labels = cerber_get_labels(); $list = array(); if ( $data = crb_q_cache_get( 'SELECT COUNT(activity) as cnt, activity FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' GROUP BY activity', CERBER_LOG_TABLE, $cache_only ) ) { foreach ( $data as $item ) { $list[ $item[1] ] = 1; $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => $item[1], 'filter_user' => $user_id ), crb_array_get( $labels, $item[1], 'Unknown' ) . ' - ' . $item[0] ); } } if ( $tab == 'activity' ) { if ( $data = crb_q_cache_get( 'SELECT COUNT(activity) as cnt, activity FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_login = "' . $user->user_login . '" OR user_login = "' . $user->user_email . '" GROUP BY activity', CERBER_LOG_TABLE, $cache_only ) ) { foreach ( $data as $item ) { if ( isset( $list[ $item[1] ] ) ) { continue; } $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => $item[1], 'filter_login' => $user->user_login . '|' . $user->user_email ), crb_array_get( $labels, $item[1], 'Unknown' ) . ' - ' . $item[0] ); } } } if ( $links ) { array_unshift( $links, array( array( 'filter_user' => $user_id ), __( 'All' ) ) ); $result = '
' . crb_make_nav_links( $links, $tab ) . '
'; } } if ( ! $result ) { if ( $cache_only ) { return ''; } $result = __( 'No activity has been logged yet.', 'wp-cerber' ); } return $result; } // Miscellaneous admin routines =========================================================== /** * Detects file extension * * @param string $file_name * * @return string */ function crb_get_extension( $file_name ) { $name = basename( $file_name ); if ( $name == '.htaccess' ) { return ''; } if ( false === ( $last_dot = strrpos( $name, '.' ) ) ) { return ''; } /*$first_dot = strpos( $name, '.' ); if ( $last_dot !== $first_dot && cerber_detect_exec_extension( $name ) ) { $ext = substr( $name, $first_dot + 1 ); } else { $ext = substr( $name, $last_dot + 1 ); }*/ $ext = substr( $name, $last_dot + 1 ); if ( ! $ext ) { $ext = ''; } return $ext; } function crb_make_file_table( $files ) { $result = array(); foreach ( $files as $file ) { $result[] = array( $file['file_name'], crb_size_format( $file['file_size'] ), cerber_date( $file['file_mtime'] ), ); } return cerber_make_table( $result, array( __( 'File Name', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Size', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Modified', 'wp-cerber' ), ), '', 'crb_align_right', 'crb-monospace crb-anchor-decorated' ); } /** * Generates an HTML table * * @param $heading * @param $rows * @param string $id * @param $class * @param string $body_class * @param string $head_class * @param bool $show_footer * * @return string * @since 8.6.4 * */ function cerber_make_table( $rows, $heading = array(), $id = '', $class = '', $body_class = '', $head_class = '', $show_footer = true ) { $tr = array(); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $tr[] = '' . implode( '', $row ) . ''; } $tfoot = ''; $thead = ''; if ( $heading ) { $titles = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $thead = '' . $titles . ''; if ( $show_footer ) { $tfoot = '' . $titles . ''; } } $id = ( $id ) ? 'id="' . $id . '"' : ''; return '' . $thead . $tfoot . '' . implode( '', $tr ) . '
'; } function cerber_get_chmod( $file ) { return substr( sprintf( '%o', @fileperms( $file ) ), - 4 ); } function cerber_get_size( $file ) { $size = @filesize( $file ); return ( is_numeric( $size ) ) ? $size : 0; } function cerber_get_date( $file ) { $mtime = @filemtime( $file ); return ( is_numeric( $mtime ) ) ? $mtime : 0; } function crb_show_admin_announcement( $text = '', $big = true ) { $class = ( $big ) ? 'crb-cerber-logo-big' : 'crb-cerber-logo-small'; echo '
' . '
' . $text . '
'; } /** * Returns GET (query string) params of the currently displayed page * * @return array */ function crb_get_referrer_params() { if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { $referrer = array(); if ( $ref_url = crb_get_request_field( 'referrer_page_url' ) ) { if ( $temp = parse_url( $ref_url, PHP_URL_QUERY ) ) { parse_str( $temp, $referrer ); } } } else { $referrer = crb_get_query_params(); } if ( ! is_array( $referrer ) ) { $referrer = array(); } array_walk_recursive( $referrer, function ( &$item ) { $item = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-.:*|@]/i', '', $item ); // Some sanitization } ); return $referrer; } add_filter( 'manage_application-passwords-user_columns', function ( $columns ) { end( $columns ); $key = key( $columns ); $last = array_pop( $columns ); return array_merge( $columns, array( 'app_cerber_log_ok' => __( 'Authorized', 'wp-cerber' ), 'app_cerber_log_fail' => __( 'Authorization Failed', 'wp-cerber' ), $key => $last ) ); } ); add_action( 'manage_application-passwords-user_custom_column', function ( $column_name, $item ) { global $user_id; if ( $column_name == 'app_cerber_log_ok' && ! empty( $item['last_ip'] ) ) { $link = cerber_activity_link( array( 4 ) ) . '&filter_user=' . $user_id; echo 'View Log'; } if ( $column_name == 'app_cerber_log_fail' ) { $user = get_user_by( 'ID', $user_id ); $link = cerber_activity_link( array( 8 ) ) . '&filter_login=' . $user->user_email . '|' . $user->user_login; echo 'View Log'; } }, 10, 2 ); /** * @param string $fname * @param string $ct Content-Type @since 8.6.9 */ function crb_file_headers( $fname, $ct = 'text/csv' ) { $fname = rawurlencode( $fname ); // encode non-ASCII symbols @ob_clean(); // This trick is crucial for some servers/environments (e.g. some IIS) header( "Content-Type: " . $ct ); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''{$fname}" ); }admin/cerber-dashboard.php000064400000625317147577531750011577 0ustar00 'network-admin', 'id' => 'cerber_admin', 'title' => 'WP Cerber', 'href' => cerber_admin_link(), ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node( $args ); } /** * Outputs WP Cerber admin headers * * @return void * * @since 9.1.1 */ function crb_admin_headers() { if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page() || cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { return; } header( "Content-Security-Policy: base-uri 'self'; default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src https: data:; font-src https: data:; connect-src 'self'; object-src 'none';" ); } /** * Wrapper for all admin pages * * @param $title string * @param $tabs array * @param $active_tab string * @param $renderer callable */ function cerber_show_admin_page( $title, $tabs = array(), $active_tab = null, $renderer = null ) { if ( ! $active_tab ) { $active_tab = crb_admin_get_tab( $tabs ); } if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $title .= nexus_request_data()->at_site; } ?>

'; echo '
'; if ( $active_tab == 'help' ) { cerber_show_help(); } elseif ( is_callable( $renderer ) ) { call_user_func( $renderer, $active_tab ); } echo '
'; cerber_show_aside( $active_tab ); echo '
'; ?>
deleteGarbage(); $per_page = ( ! empty( $args['per_page'] ) ) ? $args['per_page'] : crb_admin_get_per_page(); $limit = cerber_get_sql_limit( $per_page ); $controls = empty( $args['no_navi'] ); $table = ''; $hint = ''; if ( $rows = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' ORDER BY block_until DESC ' . $limit, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { if ( $controls ) { $total = cerber_blocked_num(); } $table_rows = array(); $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'activity' ); $remove_base = cerber_admin_link( crb_admin_get_tab(), null, true ); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $ip = '' . $row->ip . ''; $ip_info = cerber_get_ip_info( $row->ip, true ); if ( isset( $ip_info['hostname_html'] ) ) { $hostname = $ip_info['hostname_html']; } else { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $row->ip ); $hostname = crb_get_ajax_placeholder( 'hostname', $ip_id ); } if ( lab_lab() ) { $single_ip = str_replace( '*', '1', $row->ip ); $country = '' . crb_country_html( null, $single_ip ); } else { $country = ''; } $the_row = '' . $ip . '' . $hostname . $country . '' . cerber_date( $row->block_until ) . '' . $row->reason . ''; if ( $controls ) { $the_row .= '' . __( 'Remove', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $table_rows[] = $the_row; } $heading = array( __( 'IP Address', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Hostname', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Country', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Expires', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Reason', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Action', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( ! lab_lab() ) { unset( $heading[2] ); } if ( $controls ) { $navi = cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ); $hint = '

' . __( 'Click the IP address to see its activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; } else { $navi = ''; unset( $heading[5] ); } $titles = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $table = '' . $titles . '' . $titles . '' . implode( '', $table_rows ) . '
' . $navi; /*if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { $table .= cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ); }*/ } else { $hint = '

' . sprintf( __( 'No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.', 'wp-cerber' ) ) . '

'; } $ret = $table . '
' . $hint . '
'; if ( $echo ) { echo $ret; return; } return $ret; } /** * @param string $ip * * @return int */ function cerber_block_delete( $ip ) { $result = 0; if ( cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . cerber_real_escape( $ip ) . '"' ) ) { $result = cerber_db_get_affected(); } crb_event_handler( 'ip_event', array( 'e_type' => 'unlocked', 'ip' => $ip, 'result' => $result ) ); return $result; } /** * ACL management forms * * @return void */ function cerber_acl_form(){ echo '

' . __( 'White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; echo '
──   View Activity  |  Import Entries  |  How Access Lists work
'; echo cerber_acl_get_table( 'W' ); echo '

' . __( 'Black IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; echo '
──   View Activity  |  Import Entries  |  How Access Lists work
'; echo cerber_acl_get_table( 'B' ); $user_ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $link = cerber_admin_link( 'activity' ) . '&filter_ip=' . $user_ip; $name = crb_country_html( null, $user_ip ); echo '

' . __( 'Your IP', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $user_ip . ' ' . $name . '

'; ?>
Use the following formats to add entries to the access lists
IPv4Single IPv4 address192.168.5.22
IPv4Range specified with hyphen (dash) -
IPv4Range specified with CIDR192.168.128.0/20
IPv4Subnet Class C specified with CIDR192.168.77.0/24
IPv4Any IPv4 address specified with CIDR0.0.0.0/0
IPv4Subnet Class C specified with wildcard192.168.77.*
IPv4Subnet Class B specified with wildcard192.168.*.*
IPv4Subnet Class A specified with wildcard192.*.*.*
IPv4Any IPv4 address specified with wildcard*.*.*.*
IPv6Single IPv6 address2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
IPv6Range specified with hyphen (dash)2001:db8::ff00:41:0 - 2001:db8::ff00:41:12ff
IPv6Range specified with CIDR2001:db8::/46
IPv6Range specified with wildcard2001:db8::ff00:41:*
IPv6Any IPv6 address::/0
get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . " WHERE acl_slice = '.$acl_slice.' AND tag = '" . $tag . "' ORDER BY ip_long_begin, ip" ) ) { foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $links = ''; if ( ! $row->ver6 || cerber_is_ipv6( $row->ip ) ) { $links = '' . __( 'Check for activities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_traffic_link( array( 'filter_ip' => $row->ip ) ); } $list[] = '' . $row->ip . '' . $row->comments . '' . $links . ' ' . __( 'Remove', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' '; } $ret = '' . implode( '', $list ) . '
'; } else { $ret = '

' . __( 'List is empty', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; } $ret = '
' . $ret . '
' . cerber_nonce_field() . '
'; return $ret; } /* Handle actions with items in ACLs in the dashboard */ function cerber_acl_form_process( $post = array() ) { $tag = crb_array_get( $post, 'acl_tag', '', 'W|B' ); $ip = trim( crb_array_get( $post, 'add_acl' ) ); $ip = preg_replace( CRB_IP_NET_RANGE, ' ', $ip ); $ip = preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', $ip ); $comment = strip_tags( stripslashes( crb_array_get( $post, 'add_acl_comment', '' ) ) ); if ( $tag == 'B' ) { if ( ! cerber_can_be_listed( $ip ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( "You cannot add your IP address or network", 'wp-cerber' ) ); return; } $ok = sprintf( __( 'IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), $ip ); } else { $ok = sprintf( __( 'IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), $ip ); } $result = cerber_acl_add( $ip, $tag, $comment ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $result->get_error_message() ); } else { cerber_admin_message( $ok ); } return; } /* AJAX admin requests is landing here */ add_action('wp_ajax_cerber_ajax', 'cerber_admin_ajax'); function cerber_admin_ajax() { $go = cerber_check_ajax_permissions( false ); if ( $go === false ) { return false; } $admin = $go === true; $response = array(); $request = crb_get_request_fields(); if ( $admin && ( $ip = crb_array_get( $request, 'acl_delete' ) ) ) { if ( cerber_acl_remove( $ip, crb_array_get( $request, 'slice' ) ) ) { $response['deleted_ip'] = $ip; } else { $response['error'] = 'Unable to delete the entry'; } } elseif ( ( $slug = crb_array_get( $request, 'crb_ajax_slug' ) ) && $list = crb_array_get( $request, 'crb_ajax_list' ) ) { $response['slug'] = $slug; $list = array_unique( $list ); $response_data = array(); /* $list = array_map(function ($ip_id){ return cerber_get_ip_id( $ip_id ); }, $list); $list = array_filter( $list, function ( $ip ) { if (filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP )){ return true; } });*/ if ( $slug == 'hostname' || $slug == 'country' ) { $ip_list = array(); foreach ( $list as $ip_id ) { if ( $ip = filter_var( cerber_get_ip_id( $ip_id ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip_list[ $ip_id ] = $ip; $response_data[ $ip_id ] = ''; } else { $response_data[ $ip_id ] = '-'; } } } switch ( $slug ) { case 'hostname': foreach ( $ip_list as $ip_id => $ip ) { $ip_info = cerber_get_ip_info( $ip ); $response_data[ $ip_id ] = $ip_info['hostname_html']; } break; case 'country': if ( $country_list = lab_get_country( $ip_list, false ) ) { foreach ( $country_list as $ip_id => $country ) { if ( $country ) { $response_data[ $ip_id ] = cerber_get_flag_html( $country, cerber_country_name( $country ) ); } else { $response_data[ $ip_id ] = __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } } } break; case 'cbcc': foreach ( $list as $user_id ) { $response_data[ $user_id ] = 0; $base = admin_url( 'edit-comments.php' ); // to get this working we added filter 'preprocess_comment' if ( $com = get_comments( array( 'author__in' => $user_id ) ) ) { $response_data[ $user_id ] = '' . count( $com ) . ''; } } break; case 'cbla': $base = cerber_activity_link( array( CRB_EV_LIN ) ); foreach ( $list as $user_id ) { if ( $row = cerber_get_last_login( $user_id ) ) { if ( $country = crb_country_html( $row->country, $row->ip, false ) ) { $country = '
' . $country; } else { $country = ''; } $val = '' . cerber_date( $row->stamp ) . '' . $country; } else { $val = __( 'Never', 'wp-cerber' ); } $response_data[ $user_id ] = $val; } break; case 'cbfl': $base = cerber_activity_link( array( CRB_EV_LFL ) ); foreach ( $list as $user_id ) { $u = get_userdata( $user_id ); $val = 0; $failed = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ( user_login = "' . $u->user_login . '" OR user_login = "' . $u->user_email . '" ) AND activity = ' . CRB_EV_LFL . ' AND stamp > ' . ( time() - 24 * 3600 ) ); if ( $failed ) { $val = '' . $failed . ''; } $response_data[ $user_id ] = $val; } break; } $response['data'] = $response_data; } elseif ( $admin && isset( $request['dismiss_info'] ) ) { if ( isset( $request['button_id'] ) && ( $request['button_id'] == 'lab_ok' || $request['button_id'] == 'lab_no' ) ) { lab_user_opt_in( $request['button_id'] ); } else { delete_site_option( 'cerber_admin_info' ); } } elseif ( $admin && ( $ajax_route = crb_array_get( $request, 'ajax_route' ) ) ) { $ref_params = crb_get_referrer_params(); switch ( $ajax_route ) { case 'scanner_analytics': $response = cerber_generate_insights( $request['itype'] ); break; case 'user_activity_analytics': $data = crb_generate_user_insights( absint( $request['user_id'] ), $ref_params['tab'] ); $response = array( 'html' => $data, 'error' => '' ); break; case 'ip_extra_info': $response = cerber_ip_extra_view_ajax( $request, $ref_params ); break; case 'ip_quick_analytics': $data = crb_generate_ip_insights( $request['ip_address'], $ref_params['tab'] ); $response = array( 'html' => $data, 'error' => '' ); break; } } elseif ( $admin && ( $usearch = crb_array_get( $request, 'user_search' ) ) ) { $users = get_users( array( 'search' => '*' . esc_attr( $usearch ) . '*', ) ); $response = array(); if ( $users ) { foreach ( $users as $user ) { $data = get_userdata( $user->ID ); $response[] = array( 'id' => $user->ID, 'text' => crb_format_user_name( $data ) ); } } } echo json_encode( $response ); if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { wp_die(); } } add_action( 'wp_ajax_cerber_local_ajax', function () { check_ajax_referer( 'crb-ajax-admin', 'ajax_nonce' ); if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { wp_die( 'Oops! Access denied.' ); } $done = array(); switch ( crb_array_get( $_REQUEST, 'crb_ajax_do' ) ) { case 'bg_tasks_run': $done = cerber_bg_task_launcher( array_flip( crb_array_get( $_REQUEST, 'tasks', array() ) ) ); break; } echo json_encode( array( 'done' => $done ) ); exit; } ); /** * @param string $group * @param string $item_id * * @return string */ function crb_get_ajax_placeholder( $group, $item_id ) { return ''; } /* * Retrieve extended IP information * @since 2.2 * */ function cerber_get_ip_info( $ip, $cache_only = false ) { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ); $var = get_transient( $ip_id ); $ip_info = crb_unserialize( $var ); // lazy way if ( $cache_only ) { return $ip_info; } if ( empty( $ip_info['hostname_html'] ) ) { $ip_info = array(); $hostname = @gethostbyaddr( $ip ); if ( ! $hostname ) { $hostname = __( 'unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } $ip_info['hostname'] = $hostname; if ( ! filter_var( $hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $hostname = str_replace( '.', '.', $hostname ); } $ip_info['hostname_html'] = $hostname; set_transient( $ip_id, serialize( $ip_info ), 24 * 3600 ); } return $ip_info; } /* Admin dashboard actions */ add_action( 'wp_loaded', function () { // 'wp_loaded' @since 5.6 if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } cerber_admin_request(); }, 0 ); /** * @param bool $is_post * * @return mixed * */ function cerber_admin_request( $is_post = false ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() && ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { return; } $get = crb_get_query_params(); if ( ( ! $nonce = crb_array_get( $get, 'cerber_nonce' ) ) && ( ! $nonce = crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber_nonce' ) ) ) { return; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'control' ) ) { // TODO: Investigate why is this fires while managing a slave website via Cerber.Hub //cerber_admin_notice( 'Nonce verification failed.' ); return; } $post = crb_get_post_fields(); //$q = crb_admin_parse_query( array( 'cerber_admin_do', 'ip' ) ); $remove_args = array(); if ( cerber_is_http_get() ) { if ( ( $do = crb_array_get( $get, 'cerber_admin_do' ) ) ) { switch ( $do ) { case 'lockdel': $err = ''; $ip = crb_array_get( $get, 'ip' ); if ( cerber_is_ip_or_net( $ip ) ) { if ( cerber_block_delete( $ip ) ) { cerber_admin_message( sprintf( __( 'Lockout for %s was removed', 'wp-cerber' ), $ip ) ); } else { $err = 'No lockout for the specified IP address ' . $ip . ' found.'; } } else { $err = 'An invalid IP address has been specified.'; } if ( $err ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Request failed. ' . $err ); } $remove_args[] = 'ip'; break; case 'testnotify': $test_type = crb_array_get( $get, 'type', '', '\w+' ); $test_chan = crb_array_get( $get, 'channel', '', '\w+' ); $channels = array(); if ( $test_chan && ( $test_chan != 'email' || lab_lab() ) ) { $channels = array_fill_keys( array_keys( CRB_CHANNELS ), 0 ); $channels = array_merge( $channels, array( $test_chan => 1 ) ); } $sent = cerber_send_notification( $test_type, array( 'subj' => ' *** ' . __( 'TEST MESSAGE', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' *** ' ), '', $channels, true ); if ( $sent !== false ) { $to = ' ' . implode( ', ', $sent); /* translators: %s is the name of a mobile device or/and email addresses. */ cerber_admin_message( sprintf( __( 'A test message has been sent to %s', 'wp-cerber' ), $to ) ); } else { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Unable to send a test message', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } $remove_args[] = 'type'; $remove_args[] = 'channel'; break; case 'subscribe': $m = crb_array_get( $get, 'mode' ); $mode = ( 'on' == $m ) ? 'on' : 'off'; crb_admin_alerts_do( $mode ); $remove_args = array_merge( $remove_args, CRB_NON_ALERT_PARAMS ); $remove_args[] = 'subscribe'; $remove_args[] = 'mode'; break; case 'nexus_set_role': nexus_enable_role(); wp_safe_redirect( cerber_admin_link( null, array( 'page' => 'cerber-nexus' ) ) ); exit(); break; case 'nexus_delete_slave': //nexus_delete_slave( cerber_get_get( 'site_id' ) ); wp_safe_redirect( cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites' ) ); exit(); break; case 'nexus_site_table': if ( cerber_get_bulk_action() ) { nexus_do_bulk(); } break; case 'scan_tegrity': $adm = crb_array_get( $get, 'crb_scan_adm' ); $file = crb_array_get( $get, 'crb_file_id' ); if ( in_array( $adm, array( 'delete', 'restore' ) ) ) { cerber_quarantine_do( $adm, crb_array_get( $get, 'crb_scan_id' ), crb_array_get( $get, 'crb_file_id' ) ); } elseif ( $adm == 'remove_ignore' ) { if ( crb_remove_ignore( $file ) ) { cerber_admin_message( 'The file has been removed from the list' ); } } $remove_args = array( 'crb_scan_adm', 'crb_scan_id', 'crb_file_id' ); break; case 'manage_diag_log': cerber_manage_diag_log( crb_array_get( $get, 'do_this' ) ); $remove_args[] = 'do_this'; break; case 'terminate_session': crb_sessions_kill( crb_array_get( $get, 'id', null, '\w+' ), crb_array_get( $get, 'user_id' ) ); $remove_args = array( 'user_id', 'id' ); break; case 'crb_manage_sessions': if ( cerber_get_bulk_action() == 'bulk_session_terminate' ) { crb_sessions_kill( crb_array_get( $get, 'ids', array(), '\w+' ) ); } elseif ( cerber_get_bulk_action() == 'bulk_block_user' ) { if ( ( $sids = crb_array_get( $get, 'ids', array(), '\w+' ) ) && ( $users = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' WHERE wp_session_token IN ("' . implode( '","', $sids ) . '")' ) ) ) { array_walk( $users, 'cerber_block_user' ); } } break; case 'export': if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return crb_admin_get_tokenized_link(); } crb_admin_download_file( crb_array_get( $get, 'type' ) ); break; case 'load_defaults': cerber_load_defaults(); cerber_admin_message( __( 'Default settings have been loaded', 'wp-cerber' ) ); break; case 'clear_cache': CRB_Cache::reset(); break; default: return; } if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return array( 'redirect' => true, 'remove_args' => $remove_args ); } else { cerber_safe_redirect( $remove_args ); } } // TODO: move to the switch above if ( cerber_get_get( 'citadel' ) == 'deactivate' ) { cerber_disable_citadel(); } elseif ( isset( $_GET['force_repair_db'] ) ) { cerber_create_db(); cerber_upgrade_db( true ); cerber_admin_message( 'Cerber\'s database tables have been repaired and upgraded' ); cerber_safe_redirect('force_repair_db'); } elseif ( $table = cerber_get_get( 'truncate', '[a-z_]+' ) ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $table, 'cerber_' ) ) { if ( $wpdb->query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table ) ) { cerber_admin_message( 'Table ' . $table . ' has been truncated' ); } else { cerber_admin_notice( $wpdb->last_error ); } } cerber_safe_redirect( 'truncate' ); } elseif ( isset( $_GET['force_check_nodes'] ) ) { $best = lab_check_nodes( true ); cerber_admin_message( 'Connectivity to all Cerber Lab\'s nodes has been checked. The closest node: ' . $best ); cerber_safe_redirect( 'force_check_nodes' ); } elseif ( isset( $_GET['clear_up_lab_cache'] ) ) { lab_cleanup_cache(); cerber_admin_message( 'The Cerber Lab cache has been cleared' ); cerber_safe_redirect( 'clear_up_lab_cache' ); } elseif ( isset( $_GET['clear_up_the_cache'] ) ) { lab_cleanup_cache(); cerber_delete_expired_set( true ); cerber_admin_message( 'The plugin cache has been cleared' ); cerber_safe_redirect( 'clear_up_the_cache' ); } } if ( cerber_is_http_post() ) { $redirect = false; if ( ( $do = crb_array_get( $post, 'cerber_admin_do' ) ) ) { switch ( $do ) { case 'update_role_policies': crb_admin_save_role_policies( $post ); $redirect = true; break; case 'update_geo_rules': crb_admin_save_geo_rules( $post ); break; case 'add2acl': cerber_acl_form_process( $post ); break; case 'add_slave': nexus_add_slave( crb_array_get( $post, 'new_slave_token' ) ); break; case 'install_key': $lic = preg_replace( "/[^A-Z0-9]/i", '', crb_array_get( $post, 'cerber_license' ) ); if ( ( strlen( $lic ) == LAB_KEY_LENGTH ) || empty( $lic ) ) { lab_cleanup_cache(); cerber_delete_expired_set( true ); lab_get_site_meta(); lab_update_key( $lic ); if ( $lic ) { if ( lab_validate_lic() ) { cerber_admin_message( 'Great! You have entered the valid license key.

Now, whenever you see a green shield icon in the top right-hand corner of any Cerber\'s admin page, it means the professional version works as intended, and your website is protected by WP Cerber Security Cloud.

Please use our client portal to manage your subscription, license keys and get support at https://my.wpcerber.com

Thanks for being our client.

' ); } else { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error! You have entered an invalid or expired license key.' ); } } $redirect = true; } break; } if ( $redirect ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { // No redirection is needed so far, we use a second 'get_page' request //return array( 'redirect' => true, 'remove_args' => $remove_args ); } else { cerber_safe_redirect( $remove_args ); } } } } } function crb_admin_download_file( $t, $query = array() ) { switch ( $t ) { case 'activity': cerber_export_activity( $query ); break; case 'traffic': cerber_export_traffic( $query ); break; case 'get_diag_log': cerber_manage_diag_log( 'download' ); break; } } function cerber_safe_redirect( $rem_args ) { if ( empty( $rem_args ) ) { $rem_args = array(); } elseif ( ! is_array( $rem_args ) ) { $rem_args = array( $rem_args ); } // Most used common args to remove $rem_args = array_merge( $rem_args, array( '_wp_http_referer', '_wpnonce', 'cerber_nonce', 'ids', 'cerber_admin_do', 'action', 'action2' ) ); wp_safe_redirect( remove_query_arg( $rem_args ) ); exit(); // mandatory! } function crb_admin_get_tokenized_link() { if ( empty( nexus_request_data()->get_params ) ) { return false; } $key = crb_random_string( 26 ); if ( cerber_update_set( '_the_key_' . $key, array( 'query' => nexus_request_data()->get_params ), 1, true, time() + 60 ) ) { return array( 'redirect' => true, 'redirect_url' => home_url( '?cerber_magic_key=' . $key ) ); } cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to generate a tokenized URL' ); return false; } function cerber_export_activity( $params = array() ) { crb_raise_limits( 512 ); $args = array( 'per_page' => 0 ); if ( $params ) { $args = array_merge( $params, $args ); } list( $query, $per_page, $falist, $ip, $filter_login, $user_id, $search, $sid, $in_url ) = cerber_activity_query( $args ); // We split into several requests to avoid PHP and MySQL memory limitations if ( defined( 'CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK' ) && is_numeric( CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK ) ) { $per_chunk = CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK; } else { $per_chunk = 1000; // Rows per SQL request: a compromise between the size of SQL data at each iteration and script execution time } if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query . ' LIMIT ' . $per_chunk ) ) { wp_die( 'Nothing to export' ); } $total = cerber_db_get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" ); $info = array(); if ( $ip ) { $info[] = '"Filter by IP:","' . $ip . '"'; } if ( $user_id ) { $user = get_userdata( $user_id ); $info[] = '"Filter by user:","' . $user->display_name . '"'; } if ( $search ) { $info[] = '"Search results for:","' . $search . '"'; } $heading = array( __( 'IP Address', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Date', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Event', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Additional Details', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Local User', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'User login', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'User ID', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Username', 'wp-cerber' ), 'Unix Timestamp', 'Request ID', 'URL', ); cerber_send_csv_header( 'wp-cerber-activity', $total, $heading, $info ); $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); $status = cerber_get_labels( 'status' ) + cerber_get_reason(); $placeholder = array( 0, '', '', '', '' ); if ( crb_get_settings( 'plain_date' ) ) { function _crb_csv_date( $timestamp ) { static $gmt_offset; if ( $gmt_offset === null ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; } return date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp + $gmt_offset ); } } else { function _crb_csv_date( $timestamp ) { return cerber_date( $timestamp, false ); } } // The loop $i = 0; do { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_object( $result ) ) { $values = array(); if ( ! empty( $row->details ) ) { $details = explode( '|', $row->details ); } else { $details = $placeholder; } $values[] = $row->ip; $values[] = _crb_csv_date( $row->stamp ); $values[] = $labels[ $row->activity ]; $s = $details[0]; $values[] = ( isset( $status[ $s ] ) ) ? $status[ $s ] : ''; $values[] = $row->display_name; $values[] = $row->ulogin; $values[] = $row->user_id; $values[] = $row->user_login; $values[] = $row->stamp; $values[] = $row->session_id; $values[] = $details[4]; cerber_send_csv_line( $values ); } mysqli_free_result( $result ); $i ++; $offset = $per_chunk * $i; } while ( ( $result = cerber_db_query( $query . ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $per_chunk ) ) && $result->num_rows ); exit; } function cerber_send_csv_header( $f_name, $total, $heading = array(), $info = array() ) { $fname = $f_name . '.csv'; crb_file_headers( $fname ); $info[] = '"Generated by:","WP Cerber Security ' . CERBER_VER . '"'; $info[] = '"Website:","' . crb_get_blogname_decoded() . '"'; $info[] = '"Date:","' . cerber_date( time(), false ) . '"'; $info[] = '"Rows in this file:","' . $total . '"'; echo implode( "\r\n", $info ) . "\r\n\r\n"; foreach ( $heading as &$item ) { $item = '"' . str_replace( '"', '""', trim( $item ) ) . '"'; } echo implode( ',', $heading ) . "\r\n"; } function cerber_send_csv_line( $values ) { foreach ( $values as &$value ) { $value = '"' . str_replace( '"', '""', trim( $value ) ) . '"'; } $line = implode( ',', $values ) . "\r\n"; echo $line; } function crb_admin_activity_nav_links( $context = '' ) { $links = array(); if ( ! $context ) { $links[] = array( array(), __( 'View all', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); $set = array( CRB_EV_LIN ); foreach ( $set as $item ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => $item ), $labels[ $item ] ); } } if ( $context == 'users' ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => '*' ), __( 'View all', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } if ( $context != 'suspicious' ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => array( 1, 2 ) ), __( 'New users', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $links[] = array( array( 'filter_set' => 2 ), __( 'Login issues', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } if ( $context != 'users' ) { if ( ! $context ) { $txt = __( 'Suspicious activity', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $txt = __( 'View all', 'wp-cerber' ); } $links[] = array( array( 'filter_set' => 1 ), $txt ); } if ( ! $context ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => array( 10, 11 ) ), __( 'IP blocked', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => '*' ), __( 'Users', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => 0 ), __( 'Non-authenticated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => get_current_user_id() ), __( 'My activity', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $links[] = array( array( 'filter_ip' => cerber_get_remote_ip() ), __( 'My IP', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } return crb_make_nav_links( $links, 'activity' ); } /** * @param array $link_list A list of links * @param string $tab Admin page tab to generated links for * @param string $class CSS class * * @return string * @since */ function crb_make_nav_links( $link_list, $tab = 'activity', $class = '' ) { $params = crb_get_referrer_params(); unset( $params['page'], $params['tab'], $params['pagen'] ); $base_url = cerber_admin_link( $tab ); $ret = ''; foreach ( $link_list as $link ) { $query_string = ''; $selected = false; $other = $params; if ( ! empty( $link[0] ) ) { $selected = true; foreach ( $link[0] as $name => $value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { $query_string .= '&' . $name . '=' . $value; if ( crb_array_get( $params, $name ) !== (string) $value ) { $selected = false; } else { unset( $other[ $name ] ); } } else { foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { $query_string .= '&' . $name . '[' . $key . ']=' . $val; if ( crb_array_get( $params, array( $name, $key ) ) !== (string) $val ) { $selected = false; } else { unset( $other[ $name ][ $key ] ); } } } } } $other = array_filter( $other, function ( $val ) { return $val === 0 || ! empty( $val ); } ); if ( $selected & empty( $other ) ) { $ret .= '' . $link[1] . ' '; } else { $ret .= '' . $link[1] . ' '; } } return '
' . $ret . '
'; } /* * Display activities in the WP Dashboard * * */ function cerber_show_activity( $args = array(), $echo = true ) { $status_labels = cerber_get_labels( 'status' ) + cerber_get_reason(); $base_url = cerber_activity_link(); $is_log_empty = ! ( (bool) cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); $export_link = ''; $ret = ''; list( $query, $per_page, $falist, $filter_ip, $filter_login, $user_id, $search, $sid, $in_url ) = cerber_activity_query( $args ); $sname = ''; $info = ''; $_find = array(); if ( $filter_login ) { $login = explode( '|', $filter_login ); if ( is_email( $login[0] ) ) { $_find[] = array( 'email', $login[0] ); } else { $_find[] = array( 'login', $login[0] ); } if ( isset( $login[1] ) ) { if ( is_email( $login[1] ) ) { $_find[] = array( 'email', $login[1] ); } else { $_find[] = array( 'login', $login[1] ); } } } if ( $search ) { if ( cerber_is_ip( $search ) ) { $filter_ip = $search; } else { if ( is_email( $search ) ) { $_find[] = array( 'email', $search ); } else { $_find[] = array( 'login', $search ); } } } if ( ! $user_id && $_find ) { foreach ( $_find as $item ) { if ( $user = get_user_by( $item[0], $item[1] ) ) { $user_id = $user->ID; break; } } } if ( $user_id ) { $sname = crb_format_user_name( $user_id ); $info .= cerber_user_extra_view( $user_id ); } if ( $filter_ip ) { $info .= cerber_ip_extra_view( $filter_ip ); } // No cache //$rows = cerber_db_get_results( $query, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { list( $rows, $total ) = crb_q_cache_get( array( array( $query, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ), array( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" ) ), CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); $total = $total[0][0]; } else { $rows = crb_q_cache_get( array( array( $query, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ), CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); } if ( $rows ) { $no_results = false; if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { // No cache //$total = cerber_db_get_var( "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" ); } $tbody = ''; $country = ''; $geo = lab_lab(); if ( ! defined( 'CERBER_FULL_URI' ) || ! CERBER_FULL_URI ) { $short = true; $site_url = cerber_get_site_url(); $site_url = substr( $site_url, strpos( $site_url, '://' ) + 3 ); $start = strlen( rtrim( $site_url, '/' ) ); } else { $short = false; $start = 0; } foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $row->ip ); $activity = '' . crb_get_label( $row->activity, $row->user_id, $row->ac_by_user ) . ''; if ( empty( $args['no_details'] ) && $row->details ) { $details = explode( '|', $row->details ); $status = (int) crb_array_get( $details, 0, 0 ); if ( ! empty( $status ) && $sts_label = crb_array_get( $status_labels, $status ) ) { $activity .= ' ' . $sts_label . ''; } if ( ( $uri = crb_array_get( $details, 4 ) ) && ( $row->activity < 10 || $row->activity > 12 ) ) { if ( $short && 0 === strpos( $uri, $site_url ) ) { $ac_uri = substr( $uri, $start ); } else { $ac_uri = $uri; } $activity .= '

' . str_replace( array( '-', '/' ), array( '-', '/' ), htmlspecialchars( urldecode( $ac_uri ) ) ) . '

'; } } $activity = '
' . $activity . '
'; $name = crb_admin_get_user_cell( $row->user_id, $base_url ); $username = ''; if ( $row->user_login ) { $login_used = htmlspecialchars( $row->user_login ); $username = '' . $login_used . ''; } $ip_info = cerber_get_ip_info( $row->ip, true ); $hostname = $ip_info['hostname_html'] ?? crb_get_ajax_placeholder( 'hostname', $ip_id ); if ( ! empty( $args['date'] ) && $args['date'] == 'ago' ) { $date = cerber_ago_time( $row->stamp ); } else { $date = '' . cerber_date( $row->stamp ) . ''; } if ( $geo ) { $country = '' . crb_country_html( $row->country, $row->ip ); } $tbody .= '' . crb_admin_ip_cell( $row->ip, $base_url . '&filter_ip=' . $row->ip ) . '' . $hostname . $country . '' . $date . '' . $activity . '' . $name . '' . $username . ''; } $heading = array( 'crb_ip_col' => '
' . __( 'IP Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_hostname_col' => __( 'Hostname', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_country_col' => __( 'Country', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_date_col' => __( 'Date', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_event_col' => __( 'Event', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_user_col' => __( 'Local User', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_username_col' => __( 'Username', 'wp-cerber' ) ); if ( ! $geo ) { unset( $heading['crb_country_col'] ); } $titles_head = ''; foreach ( $heading as $id => $title ) { $titles_head .= '' . $title . ''; } $titles_foot = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $class = 'widefat crb-table cerber-margin crb-' . count( $heading ) . '-columns'; $table = '' . $titles_head . '' . $titles_foot . '' . $tbody . '
'; if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { $table .= cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ); } //$legend = '

'.sprintf(__('Showing last %d records from %d','wp-cerber'),count($rows),$total); if ( empty( $args['no_export'] ) ) { $export_link .= ' ' . __( 'Export', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; //) ) . '"> ' . __( 'Export', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } } else { // No results found ------------------------------------------------------------- $no_results = true; // Is it a search (filter) request? $is_search = ( array_intersect_key( CRB_ACT_PARAMS, crb_get_query_params() ) ); $hints = array(); if ( ! $is_search ) { $hints[] = __( 'No activity has been logged yet.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $hints[] = __( 'No events found using the given search criteria', 'wp-cerber' ); if ( crb_admin_alert_exists() ) { $hints[] = __( 'You will be notified when such an event occurs', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' [ ' . crb_admin_alert_dialog( false, '', __( 'Delete', 'wp-cerber' ) ) . ' ]'; } elseif ( $alert_link = crb_admin_alert_dialog( false, __( 'Get me notified when such an event occurs', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ) { $hints[] = $alert_link; } if ( ! $is_log_empty ) { $hints[] = '' . __( 'View all logged events', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $trf_params = array(); if ( cerber_is_ip_or_net( $search ) ) { $trf_params['filter_ip'] = $search; } if ( $trf_params ) { $hints[] = '

' . __( 'Check for requests from the IP address', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $trf_params['filter_ip'] . '

'; } } $table = '

' . implode( '

', $hints ) . '

'; } if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { $display = ( $sid || $in_url ) ? '' : 'display: none;'; $filters = '
' . crb_get_activity_dd() . cerber_select( 'filter_user', ( $user_id ) ? array( $user_id => $sname ) : array(), $user_id, 'crb-select2-ajax', '', false, esc_html__( 'Filter by registered user', 'wp-cerber' ), array( 'min_symbols' => 3 ) ) . '
More ]
'; $right_links = ''; if ( ! $no_results ) { $right_links = crb_admin_alert_dialog(); } $right_links .= $export_link; $top_bar = '
' . $filters . '
' . $right_links . '

'; $quick = ''; if ( ! $is_log_empty ) { $quick = crb_admin_activity_nav_links(); } $ret = '
' . $quick . '
' . $top_bar . $info . '
' . $ret; } $ret .= $table; if ( $echo ) { echo $ret; } else { return $ret; } } /** * Parse arguments and create SQL query for retrieving rows from activity log * * @param array $args Optional arguments to use them instead of using $_GET * * @return array * @since 4.16 */ function cerber_activity_query( $args = array() ) { global $wpdb; $ret = array_fill( 0, 9, '' ); $where = array(); $q = crb_admin_parse_query( array_keys( CRB_ACT_PARAMS ), $args ); $falist = array(); if ( ! empty( $q->filter_set ) ) { $falist = crb_get_filter_set( $q->filter_set ); } elseif ( $q->filter_activity ) { // Multiple activities can be requested this way: &filter_activity[]=11&filter_activity[]=7 $falist = crb_sanitize_int( $q->filter_activity ); } if ( $falist ) { $where[] = 'log.activity IN (' . implode( ',', $falist ) . ')'; } $ret[2] = $falist; if ( $q->filter_status ) { if ( $status = crb_sanitize_int( $q->filter_status ) ) { $where[] = 'log.ac_status IN (' . implode( ',', $status ) . ')'; } } if ( $q->filter_ip ) { $range = cerber_any2range( $q->filter_ip ); if ( is_array( $range ) ) { $where[] = '(log.ip_long >= ' . $range['begin'] . ' AND log.ip_long <= ' . $range['end'] . ')'; } elseif ( cerber_is_ip_or_net( $q->filter_ip ) ) { $where[] = 'log.ip = "' . $q->filter_ip . '"'; } else { $where[] = "ip = 'produce-no-result'"; } $ret[3] = preg_replace( CRB_IP_NET_RANGE, ' ', $q->filter_ip ); } if ( $q->filter_login ) { if ( strpos( $q->filter_login, '|' ) ) { $sanitize = preg_replace( '/["\'<>\/]+/', '', $q->filter_login ); $logins = explode( '|', $sanitize ); $where[] = '( log.user_login = "' . implode( '" OR log.user_login = "', $logins ) . '" )'; } else { $where[] = $wpdb->prepare( 'log.user_login = %s', $q->filter_login ); } $ret[4] = htmlspecialchars( $q->filter_login ); } if ( isset( $q->filter_user ) ) { if ( $q->filter_user == '*' ) { $where[] = 'log.user_id != 0'; $ret[5] = ''; } elseif ( is_numeric( $q->filter_user ) ) { $user_id = absint( $q->filter_user ); //$where[] = 'log.user_id = ' . $user_id; $where[] = '( log.user_id = ' . $user_id . ' OR log.ac_by_user =' . $user_id . ')'; $ret[5] = $user_id; } } if ( $q->search_activity ) { $search = stripslashes( $q->search_activity ); $ret[6] = htmlspecialchars( $search ); $search = '%' . $search . '%'; $escaped = cerber_real_escape( $search ); $w = array(); $w[] = 'log.user_login LIKE "' . $escaped . '"'; $w[] = 'log.ip LIKE "' . $escaped . '"'; $where[] = '(' . implode( ' OR ', $w ) . ')'; } if ( $q->filter_sid ) { $ret[7] = $sid = preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $q->filter_sid ); $where[] = 'log.session_id = "' . $sid . '"'; } if ( $q->search_url ) { $search = stripslashes( $q->search_url ); $ret[8] = htmlspecialchars( $search ); $where[] = 'log.details LIKE "' . cerber_real_escape( '%' . $search . '%' ) . '"'; } if ( $q->filter_country ) { $country = substr( $q->filter_country, 0, 3 ); $ret[9] = htmlspecialchars( $country ); $where[] = 'log.country = "' . cerber_real_escape( $country ) . '"'; } $where = ( ! empty( $where ) ) ? 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : ''; // Limits, if specified $per_page = ( isset( $args['per_page'] ) ) ? absint( $args['per_page'] ) : crb_admin_get_per_page(); $ret[1] = $per_page; $calc = ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' : ''; if ( $per_page ) { $limit = cerber_get_sql_limit( $per_page ); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $calc . ' * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . " log {$where} ORDER BY stamp DESC {$limit}"; } else { $sql = 'SELECT ' . $calc . ' log.*,u.display_name,u.user_login ulogin FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' log LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->users . " u ON (log.user_id = u.ID) {$where} ORDER BY stamp DESC"; // "ORDER BY" is mandatory! } $ret[0] = $sql; return $ret; } function crb_admin_ip_cell( $ip, $ip_link = '', $text = '' ) { static $cache = array(); if ( isset( $cache[ $ip ] ) ) { return $cache[ $ip ]; } $row = true; $acl = cerber_acl_check( $ip, '', 0, $row ); $tip = ''; if ( ! empty( $row->comments ) ) { $tip = $row->comments; } else { if ( $acl == 'W' ) { $tip = __( 'White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ); } elseif ( $acl == 'B' ) { $tip = __( 'Black IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ); } } if ( $b = cerber_block_check( $ip ) ) { $block = ' crb_color_blocked '; $tip = ( $tip ) ? ' / ' . $b->reason : $b->reason; } else { $block = ''; } if ( $ip_link ) { $ip = '' . $ip . ''; } $cache[ $ip ] = '
' . $ip . $text . '
'; return $cache[ $ip ]; } /* * Additional information about IP address */ function cerber_ip_extra_view( $ip, $context = 'activity' ) { if ( ! $ip || ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return ''; } $html = crb_generate_ip_extra_view( $ip, $context, true ); $class = 'crb-extra-info'; $ajax = ''; if ( ! $html ) { $ajax = ' data-ajax_route="ip_extra_info" data-ip="' . $ip . '"'; $class .= ' crb_async_content'; $html = UIS_LOADER_HTML; } return '
' . $html . '
'; } /** * @param array $request * @param array $ref_params * * @return array */ function cerber_ip_extra_view_ajax( $request, $ref_params ) { $ip = filter_var( $request['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); $tab = $ref_params['tab'] ?? ''; $ret = crb_generate_ip_extra_view( $ip, $tab ); return array( 'html' => $ret, 'error' => '' ); } function crb_generate_ip_extra_view( $ip, $context = 'activity', $cache_only = false ) { if ( ! $ip || ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return ''; } $ip_navs = ''; if ( $context == 'activity' ) { $ip_navs .= cerber_traffic_link( array( 'filter_ip' => $ip ) ); } else { $ip_navs .= ' ' . __( 'Check for activities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $row = true; $acl = cerber_acl_check( $ip, '', 0, $row ); $comments = crb_attr_escape( $row->comments ); $ip_status = ''; if ( $acl == 'W' ) { $ip_status .= '' . __( 'White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } elseif ( $acl == 'B' ) { $ip_status .= '' . __( 'Black IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $key_cache = '_cache_ipx_' . $ip . $context . (string) $acl; if ( $block = cerber_block_check( $ip ) ) { $ip_status .= '' . __( 'Locked out', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . $block->reason . ''; $key_cache .= '_blocked'; } if ( $cache = cerber_get_set( $key_cache, null, false, true ) ) { return $cache; } elseif ( $cache_only ) { return ''; } $whois = ''; $country = ''; $abuse = ''; $network = ''; $network_info = ''; $network_navs = ''; if ( crb_get_settings( 'ip_extra' ) ) { $ip_data = cerber_ip_whois_info( $ip ); if ( isset( $ip_data['error'] ) ) { $whois = $ip_data['error']; } elseif ( isset( $ip_data['whois'] ) ) { $whois = $ip_data['whois']; } if ( isset( $ip_data['country'] ) ) { $country = $ip_data['country']; } if ( ! empty( $ip_data['data']['abuse-mailbox'] ) ) { $abuse = '

' . __( 'Abuse email:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $ip_data['data']['abuse-mailbox'] . '

'; } if ( ! empty( $ip_data['data']['network'] ) ) { $network = $ip_data['data']['network']; $range = cerber_any2range( $network ); //$network_info = '

' . __( 'Network:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $network . '   ' . __( 'Check for activities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_traffic_link( array( 'filter_ip' => $range['range'] ) ); $network_info = __( 'Network:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $network; $network_navs = '' . __( 'Check for activities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_traffic_link( array( 'filter_ip' => $range['range'] ) ); } } $form = ''; if ( ! cerber_is_myip( $ip ) && ! cerber_acl_check( $ip ) ) { if ( $network ) { $net_button = ' '; $form = '

' . '' . cerber_nonce_field( 'control' ) . '
'; } $ip_info = '' . $ip . '' . $country . ''; $ip_insights = crb_generate_ip_insights( $ip, $context ); $ret = '
' . $ip_info . '
' . $ip_status . ' ' . $ip_navs . ' ' . $form . '
' . $network_info . '
' . $network_navs . '
' . $abuse . '
' . $ip_insights . '
' . $whois . '
'; cerber_update_set( $key_cache, $ret, 0, false, time() + 7200, true ); return $ret; } /** * @param string $ip * @param string $tab * @param false $cache_only * * @return string|false */ function crb_generate_ip_insights( $ip, $tab = 'activity', $cache_only = false ) { if ( $tab != 'activity' ) { $tab = 'traffic'; } $result = ''; $links = array(); $labels = cerber_get_labels(); if ( $data = crb_q_cache_get( 'SELECT COUNT(activity) as cnt, activity FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '" GROUP BY activity', CERBER_LOG_TABLE, $cache_only ) ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_ip' => $ip ), __( 'All' ) ); foreach ( $data as $item ) { $links[] = array( array( 'filter_activity' => $item[1], 'filter_ip' => $ip ), crb_array_get( $labels, $item[1], 'Unknown' ) . ' - ' . $item[0] ); } } if ( $links ) { $result = '
' . crb_make_nav_links( $links, $tab ) . '
'; } if ( ! $result ) { if ( $cache_only ) { return false; } $result = __( 'No activity has been logged yet.', 'wp-cerber' ); } return $result; } /** * Prepare a short report (extra information) about a given user * * @param int $user_id * @param string $context * * @return string */ function cerber_user_extra_view( $user_id, $context = 'activity' ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $u = get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { return ''; } $ret = ''; $class = ''; $user_profile = ''; $user_summary = array(); if ( $avatar = (string) get_avatar( $user_id, 96 ) ) { $user_profile = '
' . $avatar . '
'; } if ( ! is_multisite() && $u->roles ) { $roles = array(); $wp_roles = wp_roles(); foreach ( $u->roles as $role ) { $roles[] = $wp_roles->roles[ $role ]['name']; } $roles = '' . implode( ', ', $roles ) . ''; } else { $roles = ''; } if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $name = '' . $u->display_name . ''; } else { $name = $u->display_name; } $name = '' . $name . '

' . $roles . '

'; $user_profile .= '
' . $name . '
'; // Last seen $seen = array(); $seen[0] = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT stamp,ip FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 1' ); $seen[1] = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT stamp,ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND ac_by_user = 0 ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 1' ); $seen[2] = $wpdb->get_row( 'SELECT stamp,ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ac_by_user = ' . $user_id . ' ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 1' ); $tmp = array(); foreach ( $seen as $key => $log_row ) { $tmp[ $key ] = ( $log_row ) ? $log_row->stamp : 0; } if ( $max = max( $tmp ) ) { $max_keys = array_keys( $tmp, $max ); $last_log = $seen[ $max_keys[0] ]; $last_seen = '' . cerber_ago_time( $last_log->stamp ) . ''; $country = crb_country_html( null, $last_log->ip ); $user_summary[] = array( __( 'Last seen', 'wp-cerber' ), $last_seen, $country ); } // Last login $last_login = cerber_get_last_login( $user_id ); if ( ! empty( $last_login ) ) { $country = crb_country_html( null, $last_login->ip ); $user_summary[] = array( __( 'Last login', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_date( $last_login->stamp, false ), $country ); } // Registered (created) if ( $time = strtotime( cerber_db_get_var( "SELECT user_registered FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE id = " . $user_id ) ) ) { $reg_date = cerber_auto_date( $time, false ); $reg_event = __( 'Registered', 'wp-cerber' ); $country = ''; if ( $reg_meta = get_user_meta( $user_id, '_crb_reg_', true ) ) { if ( $reg_meta['IP'] ?? false ) { $country = crb_country_html( null, $reg_meta['IP'] ); } if ( $reg_meta['user'] ?? false ) { $reg_event = crb_get_label( 1, $user_id, $reg_meta['user'] ); } } $user_summary[] = array( $reg_event, $reg_date, $country ); } // Activated - BuddyPress if ( $log = cerber_get_log( array( 200 ), array( 'id' => $user_id ) ) ) { $acted = $log[0]; $activated = cerber_auto_date( $acted->stamp ); $country = crb_country_html( null, $acted->ip ); $user_summary[] = array( __( 'Activated', 'wp-cerber' ), $activated, $country ); } $usn = crb_sessions_get_num( $user_id ); $sess_link = $usn ? '' . $usn . '' : '0'; $user_summary[] = array( '
' . __( 'Active sessions', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
', $sess_link ); // Make a link to switch to other log if ( $context == 'activity' ) { $link = cerber_traffic_link( array( 'filter_user' => $user_id ) , 2 ); } else { $link = ' ' . __( 'Check for activities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $user_summary[] = array( $link ); $summary = ''; foreach ( $user_summary as $row ) { $row = array_pad( $row, 3, '' ); $summary .= '' . implode( '', $row ) . ''; } if ( $us_sts = crb_get_user_auth_status( $u ) ) { $summary .= '
' . crb_format_user_status( $us_sts[0], $us_sts[1], $us_sts[2] ) . '
'; } $summary = '' . $summary . '
'; $ins_class = ''; if ( ! $ins = crb_generate_user_insights( $user_id, $context, true ) ) { $ins_class = 'crb_async_content'; } $ret .= '
' . $user_profile . '
' . $summary . '
' . $ins . '
'; return '
' . $ret . '
'; } // Users ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_filter('users_list_table_query_args' , function ($args) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'usersort' ) && empty( $args['orderby'] ) ) { $args['orderby'] = 'user_registered'; $args['order'] = 'desc'; } return $args; }); /* Add custom columns to the Users admin screen */ add_filter( 'manage_users_columns', function ( $columns ) { return array_merge( $columns, array( 'cbcc' => __( 'Comments', 'wp-cerber' ), 'cbla' => __( 'Last login', 'wp-cerber' ), 'cbfl' => '' . __( 'Failed login attempts', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', 'cbdr' => __( 'Registered', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ); } ); add_filter( 'manage_users_sortable_columns', function ( $sortable_columns ) { $sortable_columns['cbdr'] = 'user_registered'; return $sortable_columns; } ); /* Display custom columns on the Users screen */ add_filter( 'manage_users_custom_column', function ( $value, $column, $user_id ) { global $wpdb, $user_ID; $ret = $value; switch ( $column ) { case 'cbcc' : case 'cbla' : case 'cbfl' : $ret = crb_get_ajax_placeholder( $column, $user_id ); break; case 'cbdr' : $time = strtotime( cerber_db_get_var( "SELECT user_registered FROM $wpdb->users WHERE id = " . $user_id ) ); $ret = cerber_auto_date( $time ); if ( $reg_data = get_user_meta( $user_id, '_crb_reg_', true ) ) { if ( $ip = filter_var( $reg_data['IP'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $act_link = cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array( 'filter_ip' => $ip ) ); $ret .= '
' . $ip . ''; if ( $country = crb_country_html( null, $ip ) ) { $ret .= '
' . $country; } } if ( $uid = absint( $reg_data['user'] ) ) { $name = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $uid . ' AND meta_key = "nickname"' ); if ( ! $user_ID ) { $user_ID = get_current_user_id(); } if ( $user_ID == $uid ) { $name .= ' (' . __( 'You', 'wp-cerber' ) . ')'; } $ret .= '
' . $name; } } break; } return $ret; }, 10, 3 ); /* Registering admin widgets */ if ( ! is_multisite() ) { add_action( 'wp_dashboard_setup', 'cerber_widgets' ); } else { add_action( 'wp_network_dashboard_setup', 'cerber_widgets' ); } function cerber_widgets() { if ( cerber_user_can_manage() ) { wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'cerber_quick', __( 'Cerber Quick View', 'wp-cerber' ), 'cerber_quick_w' ); } } /* Cerber Quick View widget */ function cerber_quick_w(){ $dash = cerber_admin_link(); $act = cerber_admin_link( 'activity' ); $traf = cerber_admin_link( 'traffic' ); $scanner = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_main' ); $acl = cerber_admin_link( 'acl' ); $sess = cerber_admin_link( 'sessions' ); $locks = cerber_admin_link( 'lockouts' ); $s_count = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM '. cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE ); $failed = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity IN (' . CRB_EV_LFL . ') AND stamp > ' . ( time() - 24 * 3600 ) ); $failed_prev = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity IN (' . CRB_EV_LFL . ') AND stamp > ' . ( time() - 48 * 3600 ) . ' AND stamp < ' . ( time() - 24 * 3600 ) ); $failed_ch = cerber_percent($failed_prev,$failed); $locked = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT count(ip) FROM '. CERBER_LOG_TABLE .' WHERE activity IN (10,11) AND stamp > '.(time() - 24 * 3600)); $locked_prev = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT count(ip) FROM '. CERBER_LOG_TABLE .' WHERE activity IN (10,11) AND stamp > '.(time() - 48 * 3600).' AND stamp < '.(time() - 24 * 3600)); $locked_ch = cerber_percent($locked_prev,$locked); //$lockouts = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT count(ip) FROM '. CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE); $lockouts = cerber_blocked_num(); if ($last = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT MAX(stamp) FROM '.CERBER_LOG_TABLE.' WHERE activity IN (10,11)')) { $last = cerber_ago_time( $last ); } else $last = __('Never','wp-cerber'); $w_count = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT count(ip) FROM '. CERBER_ACL_TABLE .' WHERE tag ="W"' ); $b_count = cerber_db_get_var('SELECT count(ip) FROM '. CERBER_ACL_TABLE .' WHERE tag ="B"' ); if ( cerber_is_citadel() ) { $citadel = '' . __( 'active', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' (' . __( 'deactivate', 'wp-cerber' ) . ')'; } else { if ( crb_get_settings( 'citadel_on' ) && crb_get_settings( 'ciperiod' ) ) { $citadel = __( 'not active', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $citadel = __( 'disabled', 'wp-cerber' ); } } echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
' . $failed . '' . $failed_ch . '

' . __( 'failed attempts', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'in 24 hours', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
(' . __( 'view all', 'wp-cerber' ) . ')


'.__('lockouts','wp-cerber').' '.__('in 24 hours','wp-cerber').'
('.__('view all','wp-cerber').')

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; $status = ( ! crb_get_settings( 'tienabled' ) ) ? ''.__('disabled','wp-cerber').'' : __('enabled','wp-cerber'); echo ''; $lab = lab_lab(); if ( $lab ) { $status = ( ! lab_is_cloud_ok() ) ? '' . __( 'no connection', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' : __( 'active', 'wp-cerber' ); echo ''; } $s = ''; $scan = cerber_get_scan(); if ( ! $scan || ( WEEK_IN_SECONDS < ( time() - $scan['finished'] ) ) ) { $s = 'style="color: red;"'; } if ( $scan ) { $lms = $scan['mode_h'] . ' ' . cerber_auto_date( $scan['started'] ); } else { $lms = __( 'Never', 'wp-cerber' ); } echo ''; $link = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_schedule' ); $quick = ( ! $lab || ! $q = absint( crb_get_settings( 'scan_aquick' ) ) ) ? __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ) : cerber_get_qs( $q ); echo ''; $f = ( ! $lab || ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_afull-enabled' ) ) ? __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ) : crb_get_settings( 'scan_afull' ); echo ''; /* $dev = crb_get_settings('pbdevice'); if (!$dev || $dev == 'N') echo ''; */ echo '
'.__('Lockouts at the moment','wp-cerber').''.$lockouts.'
'.__('Last lockout','wp-cerber').''.$last.'
' . __( 'Logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . $s_count . ' ' . _n( 'user', 'users', $s_count, 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'.__('White IP Access List','wp-cerber').''.$w_count.' '._n('entry','entries',$w_count,'wp-cerber').'
'.__('Black IP Access List','wp-cerber').''.$b_count.' '._n('entry','entries',$b_count,'wp-cerber').'
'.__('Citadel mode','wp-cerber').''.$citadel.'
'.__('Traffic Inspector','wp-cerber').''.$status.'
Cloud Protection' . $status . '
' . _x( 'Last malware scan', 'Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . $lms . '
' . __( 'Quick Scan', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . $quick . '
' . __( 'Full Scan', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . $f . '
'.__('Push notifications','wp-cerber').'not configured
'; echo ''; if ( cerber_check_for_newer() ) { echo '
' . __( 'A new version is available', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'; } } /* Show Help tab screen */ function cerber_show_help() { switch ( crb_admin_get_page()){ case 'cerber-integrity': cerber_show_scan_help(); break; case 'cerber-nexus': cerber_show_nexus_help(); break; case 'cerber-recaptcha': cerber_show_anti_help(); break; default: cerber_show_general_help(); } } function cerber_show_nexus_help() { ?>

How remote management works

Our technology enables you to manage WP Cerber plugins, monitor activity, and upgrade plugins on multiple WordPress powered websites from a main Cerber.Hub website which is also called a main website.

To activate this technology, you need to enable a Cerber.Hub main mode on the main website and a managed mode on each website you want to connect to the main website.

Read more: Manage multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard

A safety note

All access tokens are stored in the databases of the main and managed websites in unencrypted form (plaintext). Store a backup copy of all websites in a safe and trusted place.


If you’re unable to get it working, that may be caused by a number of reasons. Enable the diagnostic log on the main website and on the managed one to obtain more information. You can view the diagnostic log on the Tools admin page. Here is a list of the most common causes of issues on the managed website.

  • A security plugin on the managed website is interfering with the WP Cerber plugin
  • A security directive in the .htaccess file on the managed website is blocking incoming requests as suspicious
  • A firewall or a proxy service (like Cloudflare) is blocking (filtering out) incoming requests to the managed website
  • The IP address of the main website is locked out or in the Black Access List on the managed website
  • The managed mode on the remote website has been re-enabled making the security token saved on the main website invalid
  • The IP address of the main website does not match the one set in the access settings on the managed website

Getting started

Start with activating main Cerber.Hub website. Go to the Cerber.Hub admin page and enable main Cerber.Hub mode. Once you’ve done this you can connect managed websites by using security tokens generated on managed websites.

Connecting managed websites

To connect a remote website to the main website as a remote managed website, you need to enable the managed mode on that website. Go to the Cerber.Hub admin page and enable the managed mode. During the activation of the managed mode, a unique security access token is generated and saved into the database of the managed website. Keep the token secret.

Now, go to your main Cerber.Hub website and click the “Add” button on the “My Websites” admin page. Copy the token and paste it in the “Add a remote website” popup window.

Manage websites remotely

Once you’ve connected all your remote websites to the main website, you can easily switch between them with a single click in the top navigation menu on the admin bar or by clicking the name of a remote website on the “My Websites” page. Once you’ve switched to a remote managed website, use the plugin menu and admin links the way like you do this normally. To switch back to the main website, click a X icon on the admin bar.

Note: when you’re managing remote website, the color of the admin bar is blue and the left admin menu on the main website is dimmed.

Using the malware scanner

To start scanning, click either the Start Quick Scan button or the Start Full Scan button. Do not close the browser window while the scan is in progress. You may just open a new browser tab to do something else on the website. Once the scan is finished you can close the window, the results are stored in the DB until the next scan.

Depending on server performance and the number of files, the Quick scan may take about 3-5 minutes and the Full scan can take about ten minutes or less.

During the scan, the plugin verifies plugins, themes, and WordPress by trying to retrieve checksum data from wordpress.org. If the integrity data is not available, you can upload an appropriate source ZIP archive for a plugin or a theme. The plugin will use it to detect changes in files. You need to do it once, after the first scan.

Read more: Cerber Security Scanner Settings

Interpreting scan results

The scanner shows you a list of issues and possible actions you can take. If the integrity of an object has been verified, you see a green mark Verified. If you see the “Integrity data not found” message, you need to upload a reference ZIP archive by clicking “Resolve issue”. For all other issues, click on an appropriate issue link. To view the content of a file, click on its name.


If the scanner window stops responding or updating, it usually means the process of scanning on the server is hung. This might happen due to a number of reasons but typically this happens due to a misconfigured server or it’s caused by some hosting limitations. Do the following:

  • Open the browser console (use F12 key on PC or Cmd + Option + J on Mac) and check it for CERBER ERROR messages
  • Try to disable scanning the session directory or the temp directory (or both) in the scanner settings
  • Enable diagnostic logging in the scanner settings and check the log after scanning

Note: The scanner requires the cURL library to be enabled for PHP scripts. Usually, it's enabled by default.

Read more: Malware Scanner & Integrity Checker

What's the Quick Scan?

During the Quick Scan, the scanner verifies the integrity and inspects the code of all files with executable extensions only.

What's the Full Scan?

During the Full Scan, the scanner verifies the integrity and inspects the content of all files on the website. All media files are scanned for malicious payload.

Read more: What Cerber Security Scanner scans and detects

Configuring scheduled scans

In the Automated recurring scan schedule section you set up your schedule. Select the desired frequency of the Quick Scan and specify the time of the Full Scan. By default, all automated recurring scans are turned off.

The Scan results reporting section is about reporting. Here you can easily and flexibly configure conditions for generating and sending reports.

The email report will only include issues that match conditions in the Report an issue if any of the following is true filter. So this setting works as a filter for issues you want to get in a email report. The report will only be sent if there are issues to report and the following condition is true.

The second condition is configured with Send email report. The report will be sent if a selected condition is true. The last option is the most restrictive.

Read more: Automated recurring scans and email reporting

Automatic cleanup of malware

The plugin can automatically delete malicious and suspicious files. Automatic removal policies are enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. The list of files to be deleted depends on the scanner settings. By default automatic removal is disabled. It's advised to enable it at least for unattended files and files in the media uploads folder for files with the High severity risk. The plugin deletes only files that have malicious or suspicious code payload. All detected malicious and suspicious files are moved to the quarantine.

Read more: Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files

Deleting files

Usually, you can delete any suspicious or malicious file if it has a checkbox in its row in the leftmost cell. Before deleting a file, click the issue link in its row to see an explanation. When you delete a file WP Cerber moves it to a quarantine folder.

Restoring deleted files

If you delete an important file by chance, you can restore the file from the quarantine. To restore one or more files from within the WordPress dashboard, click the Quarantine tab. Find the filename in the File column and click Restore in the Action column. The file will be restored to its original location.

To restore a file manually, you need to use a file manager in your hosting control panel. All deleted files are stored in a special quarantine folder. The location of the folder is shown on the Tools / Diagnostic admin page. The original name and location of a deleted file are saved in a .restore file. It’s a text file. Open it in a browser or a file viewer, find the filename you need to restore in a list of deleted files and copy the file back to its location by using the original name and location of the file.

Setting up anti-spam protection

The Cerber anti-spam and bot detection engine is capable to protect virtually any form on a website. It’s a great alternative to reCAPTCHA. Tested with Caldera Forms, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, Fast Secure Contact Form, Contact Form by WPForms and WooCommerce forms.

How to stop spam user registrations on your WordPress

How to stop spam form submissions on your WordPress

Configuring exceptions for the anti-spam engine

Usually, you need to specify an exception if you use a plugin or some technology that communicates with your website by submitting forms or sending POST requests programmatically. In this case, Cerber can block these legitimate requests because it recognizes them as generated by bots. This may lead to multiple false positives which you can see on the Activity tab. These entries are marked as Spam form submission denied.

Configuring exceptions for the anti-spam engine

How to set up reCAPTCHA

Before you can start using reCAPTCHA on the website, you have to obtain a Site key and a Secret key on the Google website. To get the keys you have to have Google account. Register your website and get both keys here: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin Note: If you are going to use an invisible version, you must get and use Site key and a Secret key for the invisible version only.

How to set up reCAPTCHA in details

Why does reCAPTCHA not protect WordPress against bots and brute-force attacks?


Configuring exceptions for the antispam engine

I’m getting "Probing for vulnerable code"

Some legitimate HTTP requests are being blocked

PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent in

Traffic Inspector

Traffic Inspector is a set of specialized request inspection algorithms that acts as an additional protection layer (firewall) for your WordPress

Traffic Inspector in a nutshell

What's new in this version of the plugin?

Check out release notes

Online Documentation

All articles on wpcerber.com

How to protect WordPress effectively: a must-do list

What is IP address of your computer?

To find out your current IP address go to this page: What is my IP. If you see a different IP address on the Activity tab for your login or logout events, try to enable .

Solving problem with incorrect IP address detection

Setting up antispam protection

The Cerber antispam and bot detection engine is capable to protect virtually any form on a website. It’s a great alternative to reCAPTCHA.

How to stop spam user registrations on your WordPress

Antispam protection for contact forms

Configuring exceptions for the antispam engine

Mobile and browser notifications with Pushbullet

WP Cerber allows you to easily enable desktop and mobile notifications and get notifications instantly and for free. In a desktop browser, you will get popup messages even if you logged out of your WordPress. Before you start receiving notifications you need to install a free Pushbullet mobile application on your mobile device or free browser extension available for Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

A three steps instruction how to set up push notifications

How to get alerts for specific activity on your website

WordPress security explained

Why does reCAPTCHA not protect WordPress against bots and brute-force attacks?

Why you need to use Custom login URL for your WordPress

Why it's important to restrict access to the WP REST API

Brute-force, DoS, and DDoS attacks - what's the difference?

What is Drill down IP?

To get extra information like country, company, network info, abuse contact etc. for a specific IP address, the plugin makes requests to a limited set of external WHOIS servers which are maintained by appropriate Registry. All Registry are accredited by ICANN, so there are no reasons for security concerns. Retrieved information isn't storing in the database, but it is caching for up to 24 hours to avoid excessive requests and get faster response.

Read more in the Security Blog

What is Cerber Lab?

Cerber Laboratory is a forensic team at Cerber Tech Inc. The team studies and analyzes patterns of hacker and botnet attacks, malware, vulnerabilities in major plugins and how they are exploitable on WordPress powered websites.

Know more

Do you have an idea for a cool new feature that you would love to see in WP Cerber?

Feel free to submit your ideas here: New Feature Request.

Are you ready to translate this plugin into your language?

I would appreciate that! Please, notify me

Check out other plugins from the trusted author

Plugin for inspecting code of plugins on your site: Plugin Inspector

The Plugin Inspector plugin is an easy way to check plugins installed on your WordPress and make sure that plugins does not use deprecated WordPress functions and some unsafe functions like eval, base64_decode, system, exec etc. Some of those functions may be used to load malicious code (malware) from the external source directly to the site or WordPress database.

Plugin Inspector allows you to view all the deprecated functions complete with path, line number, deprecation function name, and the new recommended function to use. The checks are run through a simple admin page and all results are displayed at once. This is very handy for plugin developers or anybody who want to know more about installed plugins.

Plugin to quick translate site: Google Translate Widget

Google Translate Widget expands your global reach quickly and easily. Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service provided by Google to translate websites. And now you can allow visitors around of the world to get your site in their native language. Just put widget on the sidebar with one click.

Submit a support ticket on our Help Desk: https://my.wpcerber.com

'; } else { $support = '

Support for the free version is provided on the WordPress forum only, though, please note, that it is free support hence it is not always possible to answer all questions on a timely manner, although we do try.

If you need professional and priority support 24/7/365, please buy a PRO license

'; } ?>

How to configure the plugin

To get the most out of WP Cerber Security, you need to configure the plugin properly

Please read this first: Getting Started Guide

Do you have a question or need help?

Get answer on the support forum

Search plugin documentation on wpcerber.com

' . $kpi[1] . '' . $kpi[0] . ''; } $kpi_show = '' . $kpi_show . '
'; // TODO: add link "send daily report to my email" // $kpi_show .= '

' . __( 'in the last 24 hours', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; echo '
' . $kpi_show . '
'; $placeholder = '
' . __( 'No activity has been logged yet.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'; $user_logged = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id !=0 LIMIT 1' ); if ( ! $user_logged ) { $nav_links = ''; $user_act = $placeholder; } else { $nav_links = crb_admin_activity_nav_links( 'users' ); $user_act = cerber_show_activity( array( 'filter_user' => '*', 'per_page' => 10, 'no_navi' => true, 'no_export' => true, 'no_details' => true, 'date' => 'ago' ), false ); } $dash_widgets[] = array( __( "Users' Activity", 'wp-cerber' ), $user_act, $nav_links ); $in = implode( ',', crb_get_filter_set( 1 ) ); $bad_logged = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity IN (' . $in . ') LIMIT 1' ); if ( ! $bad_logged ) { $susp_act = $placeholder; } else { $susp_act = cerber_show_activity( array( 'filter_set' => 1, 'per_page' => 10, 'no_navi' => true, 'no_export' => true, 'no_details' => true, 'date' => 'ago' ), false ); } $nav_links = ( $bad_logged ) ? crb_admin_activity_nav_links( 'suspicious' ) : ''; $dash_widgets[] = array( __( 'Malicious Activity', 'wp-cerber' ), $susp_act, $nav_links ); /*$total = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); $nav_links = ( $total ) ? crb_admin_quick_nav( 'dashboard' ) : ''; echo '

' . __( 'Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

' . $nav_links . '
'; /*cerber_show_activity( array( 'filter_activity' => crb_get_activity_set( 'dashboard' ), 'per_page' => 10, 'no_navi' => true, 'no_export' => true, 'no_details' => true, 'date' => 'ago' ) );*/ $locked = cerber_blocked_num(); if ( ! $locked ) { $view_all = ''; $locked_ips = '
' . __( 'No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'; } else { $view_all = '' . __( 'View all', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $locked_ips = cerber_show_lockouts( array( 'per_page' => 10, 'no_navi' => true , ), false ); } $dash_widgets[] = array( __( 'Recently locked out IP addresses', 'wp-cerber' ), $locked_ips, $view_all ); foreach ( $dash_widgets as $dash_widget ) { $heading = '

' . $dash_widget[0] . '

' . $dash_widget[2] . '
'; echo '
' . $heading . $dash_widget[1] . '
'; } } /* Admin aside bar */ function cerber_show_aside( $tab ) { if ( in_array( $tab, array( 'nexus_sites', 'activity', 'lockouts', 'traffic' ) ) ) { return; } $aside = array(); if ( $tab != 'scan_main' && ! lab_lab() && crb_was_activated( 1 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) ) { /*$aside[] = ' Follow Cerber on Twitter'; */ // Subscribe to Cerber\'s newsletter // Follow Cerber on Facebook //'; $images = array( 'bn4ra.png', 'bn5ra.png' ); $d = (int) date( 'z' ); $n = ( $d & 1 ) ? 1 : 0; $ban = CRB_Globals::$assets_url . $images[ $n ]; $aside[] = ''; } $context_links = ''; $docs = crb_get_doc_links(); foreach ( $docs as $doc ) { $context_links .= '

' . $doc[1] . '

'; } $aside[] = '

Documentation & How To

' . $context_links . '
'; if ( ! lab_lab() && crb_was_activated( 2 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS ) ) { $r = array(); $r[0] = crb_get_review_url( 'tpilot' ); $r[1] = crb_get_review_url( 'wp' ); shuffle( $r ); $aside[] = ''; } echo '
' . implode( ' ', $aside ) . '
'; } function crb_get_doc_links() { static $links = array( 'cerber-integrity' => array( array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/', 'How to use the integrity checker and malware scanner' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner-scan-malware-detect/', 'What the scanner scans and detects' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/malware-scanner-settings/', 'Configuring the scanner settings' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/troubleshooting-malware-scanner/', 'Troubleshooting malware scanner issues' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/', 'Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/', 'Automated recurring scans and email reporting' ) ), '*' => array( array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/', 'Managing WordPress application passwords a hassle-free way' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/how-to-protect-wordpress-checklist/', 'How to protect WordPress effectively: a must-do list' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/', 'Managing multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress/gdpr/', 'Stay in compliance with GDPR' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/', 'How to protect user accounts with Two-Factor Authentication' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/', 'How to stop your users from sharing their WordPress accounts' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/', 'Be notified with mobile and browser notifications' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/', 'WordPress notifications made easy' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/', 'How to restrict access to REST API' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/', 'Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files' ), array( 'https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/', 'Automated recurring scans and email reporting' ), ), ); static $get_started = array( 'https://wpcerber.com/getting-started/', 'Getting Started Guide' ); $ret = crb_array_get( $links, crb_admin_get_page() ); $common = crb_array_get( $links, '*' ); if ( ! $ret ) { array_unshift( $common, $get_started ); return $common; } $ret = array_merge( $ret, array_slice( $common, 0, 5 ) ); $ret[] = $get_started; return $ret; } /* Displaying notices in the dashboard */ add_action( 'load-plugins.php', function () { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'cerber_show_admin_notice', 999 ); add_action( 'network_admin_notices', 'cerber_show_admin_notice', 999 ); } ); function cerber_show_admin_notice() { global $cerber_shown; $cerber_shown = false; if ( nexus_get_context() ) { return; } if ( cerber_is_citadel() && cerber_user_can_manage() ) { echo '

' . __( 'Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '   ' . __( 'Deactivate', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . ' | ' . __( 'View Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . '

'; } if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() && ! cerber_is_admin_page( null, true ) ) { return; } //if ($notices = get_site_option('cerber_admin_notice')) // echo '


'; // class="updated" - green, class="update-nag" - yellow and above the page title, //if ($notices = get_site_option('cerber_admin_message')) // echo '


'; // class="updated" - green, class="update-nag" - yellow and above the page title, $all = array(); if ( ! empty( $_GET['settings-updated'] ) ) { $all[] = array( __( 'Settings saved', 'wp-cerber' ), 'updated' ); } if ( $notice = cerber_get_set( 'admin_notice' ) ) { if ( is_array( $notice ) ) { $notice = '

' . implode( '

', $notice ) . '

'; } $all[] = array( $notice, 'error' ); // red cerber_update_set( 'admin_notice', array() ); } if ( $message = cerber_get_set( 'admin_message' ) ) { if ( is_array( $message ) ) { $message = '

' . implode( '

', $message ) . '

'; } $all[] = array( $message, 'updated' ); // green cerber_update_set( 'admin_message', array() ); } if ( $all ) { $cerber_shown = true; foreach ( $all as $notice ) { echo '
' . $notice[0] . '
'; } } if ( $wide = cerber_get_set( 'cerber_admin_wide', null, false ) ) { crb_show_admin_announcement( $wide, false ); $cerber_shown = true; cerber_update_set( 'cerber_admin_wide', '' ); } if ( $cerber_shown || ! cerber_is_admin_page() ) { return; } if ( $msg = get_site_option( 'cerber_admin_info' ) ) { crb_show_admin_announcement( $msg ); $cerber_shown = true; return; } lab_opt_in(); } /** * Check if an alert with a given parameters exists * * @param array $params * * @return bool * * @since */ function crb_admin_alert_exists( $params = null ) { $alerts = cerber_get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ); if ( ! $alerts ) { return false; } if ( ! $params ) { $params = crb_get_alert_params(); } $hash = crb_get_alert_id( $params ); if ( isset( $alerts[ $hash ] ) && ! crb_is_alert_expired( $alerts[ $hash ] ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Generates a link/button to display a dialog for creating an alert on the currently displaying Activity page * * @return string HTML code for using in the Dashboard HTML * * @since 8.9.6 */ function crb_admin_alert_dialog( $button = true, $create_txt = null, $delete_txt = null ) { $params = crb_get_alert_params(); // Check if query parameters that are used in alerts are set and not empty. // All activities, without any filter are not allowed $empty = array_filter( array_values( $params ) ); if ( empty( $empty ) ) { return ''; } $alerts = cerber_get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ); // Limit to the number of subscriptions if ( $alerts && count( $alerts ) > 50 ) { return ''; } $mode = ( crb_admin_alert_exists( $params ) ) ? 'off' : 'on'; if ( $mode == 'on' ) { $label = $create_txt ?? __( 'Create Alert', 'wp-cerber' ); $icon = ( $button ) ? 'crb-icon-bx-bell' : ''; } else { $label = $delete_txt ?? __( 'Delete Alert', 'wp-cerber' ); $icon = ( $button ) ? 'crb-icon-bx-bell-off' : ''; $link = cerber_admin_link_add( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'subscribe', 'mode' => 'off' ), true ); if ( $button ) { return ' ' . $label . ''; } return '' . $label . ''; } // Create the alert dialog $em_list = cerber_get_email( 'send_alert' ); $mob_name = cerber_pb_get_active(); if ( $mob_name && lab_lab() ) { $channels = array( 'title' => __( 'Channels to send alerts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'visible' => array( 'al_send_emails' => array( /* translators: %s is the email address(es). */ 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Send email alerts to %s', 'wp-cerber' ), implode( ', ', $em_list ) ), 'value' => '1', 'atts' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'data-validation_group' => 'required_min_one', 'checked' => true ), ), 'al_send_pushbullet' => array( /* translators: %s is the name of a mobile device. */ 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Send mobile alerts to %s', 'wp-cerber' ), $mob_name ), 'value' => '1', 'atts' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'data-validation_group' => 'required_min_one', 'checked' => true ), ), ), 'error_messages' => array( 'required_min_one' => __( 'Please select at least one channel', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ); } else { if ( $mob_name ) { /* translators: %s is the name of a mobile device. */ $mobile = sprintf( __( 'Mobile alerts will be sent to %s', 'wp-cerber' ), $mob_name ); } else { $mobile = __( 'Mobile alerts are not configured', 'wp-cerber' ); } $recipients = ( 1 < count( $em_list ) ) ? __( 'Email alerts will be sent to these emails:', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'Email alerts will be sent to this email:', 'wp-cerber' ); $recipients .= ' ' . implode( ', ', $em_list ); $recipients = '

' . $recipients . '

' . $mobile . '

'; $recipients .= '

' . __( 'Documentation', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; $channels = array( 'html' => $recipients, ); } $query_params = array_intersect_key( $params, $_GET ); $limits = array( 'title' => __( 'Optional alert limits', 'wp-cerber' ), 'hidden' => array_merge( $query_params, array( 'page' => crb_admin_get_page(), 'tab' => crb_admin_get_tab(), 'cerber_nonce' => crb_create_nonce(), 'cerber_admin_do' => 'subscribe', 'mode' => $mode ) ), 'visible' => array( 'al_limit' => array( 'label' => __( 'Maximum number of alerts to send', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => '', 'atts' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'pattern' => '\d+', 'placeholder' => __( 'No limit', 'wp-cerber' ), ), ), 'al_expires' => array( 'label' => __( 'Do not send alerts after this date', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => '', 'atts' => array( 'type' => 'date', 'min' => date( 'Y-m-d' ) ), ), 'al_ignore_rate' => array( 'label' => __( 'Ignore global rate limits', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => '1', 'atts' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox' ), ), ), ); return crb_create_popup_dialog( $limits, $channels, $label, $icon ); } /** * Managing the list of admin alerts * * @param string $mode Add or delete an alert * @param string $hash If specified, an alert with a given hash will be removed */ function crb_admin_alerts_do( $mode = 'on', $hash = null ) { if ( $hash ) { $mode = 'off'; } else { $params = crb_get_alert_params(); $values = array_values( $params ); $hash = crb_get_alert_id( $params ); } $alerts = get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ); if ( ! $alerts || ! is_array( $alerts ) ) { $alerts = array(); } if ( $mode == 'on' ) { if ( crb_admin_alert_exists() ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'An alert with given parameters exists.' ); return; } $alerts[ $hash ] = $values; $msg = __( 'The alert has been created', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { if ( ! isset( $alerts[ $hash ] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'No alert with the given ID found' ); return; } unset( $alerts[ $hash ] ); $msg = __( 'The alert has been deleted', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( update_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ, $alerts ) ) { cerber_admin_message( $msg ); } else { cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to update alerts!' ); } } /** * Deletes an alert using an alert hash from the $_GET parameter * */ function crb_delete_alert() { if ( ( $hash = cerber_get_get( 'unsubscribeme', '[a-z\d]+' ) ) && cerber_user_can_manage() ) { crb_admin_alerts_do( 'off', $hash ); wp_safe_redirect( remove_query_arg( 'unsubscribeme' ) ); exit; } } /* Pagination */ function cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ) { $max_links = 10; if ( ! $per_page ) { $per_page = 25; } $page = cerber_get_pn(); $base_url = esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'pagen', add_query_arg( crb_get_query_params(), cerber_admin_link() ) ) ); $last_page = ceil( $total / $per_page ); $ret = ''; if ( $last_page > 1 ) { $start = 1 + $max_links * intval( ( $page - 1 ) / $max_links ); $end = $start + $max_links - 1; if ( $end > $last_page ) { $end = $last_page; } if ( $start > $max_links ) { $links[] = '«'; } for ( $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i ++ ) { if ( $page != $i ) { $links[] = '' . $i . ''; } else { $links[] = '' . $i . ' '; } } if ( $end < $last_page ) { $links[] = '»'; // ➝ } $ret = '
' . $total . ' ' . _n( 'entry', 'entries', $total, 'wp-cerber' ) . '
'; } return $ret; } function cerber_get_pn() { $q = crb_admin_parse_query( array( 'pagen' ) ); return ( ! $q->pagen ) ? 1 : absint( $q->pagen ); } function cerber_get_sql_limit( $per_page = 25 ) { return ' LIMIT ' . ( cerber_get_pn() - 1 ) * $per_page . ',' . $per_page; } /* Plugins screen links */ add_filter('plugin_action_links','cerber_action_links',10,4); function cerber_action_links($actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context){ if($plugin_file == CERBER_PLUGIN_ID){ $link[] = '' . __('Dashboard','wp-cerber') . ''; $link[] = '' . __('Main settings','wp-cerber') . ''; $actions = array_merge ($link,$actions); } return $actions; } /* function add_some_pointers() { ?> 'cerber-integrity' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'cerber_scan', $crb_assets_url . 'scanner.js', array( 'jquery' ), CERBER_VER, true ); } } wp_register_style( 'crb_icons_css', $crb_assets_url . 'icons/style.css', null, CERBER_VER ); wp_enqueue_style( 'crb_icons_css' ); wp_register_style( 'cerber_css', $crb_assets_url . 'admin.css', null, CERBER_VER ); wp_enqueue_style( 'cerber_css' ); } /* * JS & CSS for admin head * */ add_action('admin_head', 'cerber_admin_head' ); add_action('customize_controls_print_scripts', 'cerber_admin_head' ); // @since 5.8.1 function cerber_admin_head() { $crb_ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'crb-ajax-admin' ); $crb_lab_available = ( lab_lab() ) ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> user_login ) ) { ?> $uid ) ) . '" class="page-title-action crb-title-button">' . __( 'View Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; if ( $uss = crb_sessions_get_num( $uid ) ) { $user_links .= '' . __( 'Sessions', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $uss . ''; } ?> $login ) { if ( crb_is_username_prohibited( $login ) ) { $blocked[] = $uid; } elseif ( crb_is_user_blocked( $uid ) ) { $blocked[] = $uid; } } } ?> array( 'scan_schedule', 'scan_policy' ) ) ) ) : ?> '; } add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', function ( $text ) { if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page() ) { return $text; } return 'If you like WP Cerber, please give it a ★★★★★ review. Thanks!'; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'update_footer', function ( $text ) { if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page() ) { return $text; } $pr = ''; $support = ''; $mode = ''; $ver = ''; if ( $remote = nexus_get_context() ) { $ver = $remote->plugin_v; if ( $data = nexus_get_remote_data() ) { $pr = $data['extra']['versions'][6] ?? ''; } } else { $ver = CERBER_VER; if ( lab_lab() ) { $pr = 'PRO'; $support = '| Get Support'; } else { $pr = ''; $support = '| Support Forum'; } if ( 1 == cerber_get_mode() ) { $mode = 'in the Standard mode'; } else { $mode = 'in the Legacy mode'; } } return 'WP Cerber Security ' . $pr . ' ' . $ver . '. ' . $mode . ' ' . $support; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); /* * Add per screen user settings */ function crb_admin_screen_options() { if ( ! $id = crb_get_configurable_screen() ) { return; } add_screen_option( 'per_page', array( //'label' => __( 'Number of items per page:' ), 'default' => 25, 'option' => 'cerber_screen_' . $id . '_page', // '_page' is mandatory since WP 5.4.2 ) ); } /* * Enables saving screen options to the user's meta */ add_filter( 'set-screen-option', function ( $status, $option, $value ) { if ( $id = crb_get_configurable_screen() ) { if ( 'cerber_screen_' . $id . '_page' == $option ) { return $value; } } return $status; }, 10, 3 ); /* * Returns false if the admin page has no screen options to configure * * @return false|string */ function crb_get_configurable_screen() { if ( ! $id = crb_admin_get_tab() ) { $id = crb_admin_get_page(); } if ( $id == 'cerber-traffic' ) { $id = 'traffic'; } if ( ( $id == 'cerber-nexus' ) && nexus_is_master() ) { return 'nexus_sites'; } $ids = array( 'sessions', 'lockouts', 'activity', 'traffic', 'scan_quarantine', 'scan_ignore', 'nexus_sites' ); if ( ! in_array( $id, $ids ) ) { return false; } return $id; } /* * Retrieve settings for the current screen * */ function crb_admin_get_per_page() { if ( is_multisite() ) { return 50; // temporary workaround } if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $per_page = nexus_request_data()->screen['per_page']; } elseif ( function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) { set_current_screen(); $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $screen_option = $screen->get_option( 'per_page', 'option' ) ) { $per_page = absint( get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), $screen_option, true ) ); if ( empty ( $per_page ) ) { $per_page = absint( $screen->get_option( 'per_page', 'default' ) ); } } } if ( empty ( $per_page ) ) { $per_page = 25; } return absint( $per_page ); } /** * @param array $tabs_config array of tabs: title, desc, contents and optional JS callback * @param string $submit Text for the submit button * @param array $hidden Hidden form fields * @param string $form_id * */ function crb_admin_show_vtabs( $tabs_config, $submit = '', $hidden = array(), $form_id = 'cerber_tabs' ) { $tablinks = ''; $tabs = ''; foreach ( $tabs_config as $tab_id => $tab ) { $tab_id = str_replace( '-', '_', $tab_id ); $tablinks .= ''; $tabs .= '
' . $tab['content'] . '
'; } echo '
'; if ( ! $submit ) { $submit = __( 'Save Changes' ); } echo '
' . $tablinks . '
' . $tabs . '
' . crb_admin_submit_button( $submit ) . '
'; cerber_nonce_field( 'control', true ); if ( $hidden ) { foreach ( $hidden as $name => $val ) { echo ''; } } echo '
'; } function crb_admin_show_geo_rules(){ $rules = cerber_geo_rule_set(); $tabs_config = array(); foreach ( $rules as $rule_id => $rule ) { list( $desc, $content ) = crb_admin_geo_selector( $rule_id, $rule ); if ( isset( $rule['multi_set'] ) ) { $names = array( '---first' => $rule['multi_top'] . ' — ' . $desc ); foreach ( $rule['multi_set'] as $item_id => $item_title ) { $id = $rule_id . '_' . $item_id; list( $d, $c ) = crb_admin_geo_selector( $id, $rule, 'crb-display-none' ); $content .= $c; if ( cerber_get_geo_rules( $id ) ) { $desc = __( 'Role-based rules are configured', 'wp-cerber' ); $names[ $item_id ] = $item_title . ' — ' . $d; } else { $names[ $item_id ] = $item_title; } } $content = '

' . cerber_select( 'sw_' . $rule_id, $names, null, 'crb-geo-switcher', null, null, null, array( 'rule-id' => $rule_id ) ) . '

' . $content; } $tabs_config[ $rule_id ] = array( 'title' => $rule['name'], 'desc' => $desc, 'content' => '
' . $content . '
', 'callback' => 'geo_rules_activator', ); } ?> 'update_geo_rules' ), 'crb-geo-rules' ); } function crb_admin_geo_selector( $rule_id, $rule, $class = '' ) { $config = cerber_get_geo_rules( $rule_id ); $selector = crb_geo_country_selector( $config, $rule_id, $rule ); $opt = crb_get_settings(); if ( ! empty( $config['list'] ) ) { $num = count( $config['list'] ); if ( $config['type'] == 'W' ) { $info = sprintf( _n( 'Permitted for one country', 'Permitted for %d countries', $num, 'wp-cerber' ), $num ); } else { $info = sprintf( _n( 'Not permitted for one country', 'Not permitted for %d countries', $num, 'wp-cerber' ), $num ); } if ( $num == 1 ) { $info .= ' (' . current( $config['list'] ) . ')'; //$info .= ' (' . cerber_get_flag_html($c) . $c . ')'; } } else { $info = __( 'No rule', 'wp-cerber' ); $info = __( 'Any country is permitted', 'wp-cerber' ); } $note = ''; switch ( $rule_id ) { case 'geo_register': if ( ! get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { $note = 'Registration is disabled in the General WordPress Settings.'; } break; case 'geo_restapi': if ( $opt['norest'] ) { $note = 'REST API is disabled in the Hardening settings of WP Cerber.'; } break; case 'geo_xmlrpc': if ( $opt['xmlrpc'] ) { $note = 'XML-RPC is disabled in the Hardening settings of WP Cerber.'; } break; } if ( $note ) { $note = '

Heads up! ' . $note . '

'; } return array( $info, $note . '
' . $selector . '
' ); } /** * Generates GEO rule selector * * @param array $config Rule configuration * @param string $rule_id * @param array $rule * * @return string HTML code of form */ function crb_geo_country_selector( $config = array(), $rule_id = '', $rule = array() ) { $ret = '

' . __( 'Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

'; return $ret; } /** * A list of available GEO rules * * @return array */ function cerber_geo_rule_set() { $set = wp_roles()->role_names; $rules = array( 'geo_login' => array( 'name' => __( 'Log into the website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'multi_set' => $set, 'multi_top' => __( 'All Users' ) ), 'geo_register' => array( 'name' => __( 'Register on the website', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'geo_submit' => array( 'name' => __( 'Submit forms', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'geo_comment' => array( 'name' => __( 'Post comments', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'geo_xmlrpc' => array( 'name' => __( 'Use XML-RPC', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'geo_restapi' => array( 'name' => __( 'Use REST API', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ); return $rules; } function crb_admin_save_geo_rules( $post_fields = array() ) { global $cerber_country_names, $check, $admin_country; if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return; } $check = array_keys( $cerber_country_names ); // Prevent admin country from being blocked if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $admin_country = null; } else { $admin_country = lab_get_country( cerber_get_remote_ip(), false ); } $geo = array(); foreach ( cerber_geo_rule_set() as $rule_id => $rule ) { if ( $data = crb_admin_process_geo( $post_fields, $rule_id ) ) { $geo[ $rule_id ] = $data; } if ( isset( $rule['multi_set'] ) ) { foreach ( $rule['multi_set'] as $item_id => $item_title ) { $id = $rule_id . '_' . $item_id; if ( $data = crb_admin_process_geo( $post_fields, $id ) ) { $geo[ $id ] = $data; } } } } if ( update_site_option( CERBER_GEO_RULES, $geo ) ) { cerber_admin_message( __( 'Security rules have been updated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } function crb_admin_process_geo( $post, $rule_id ) { global $check, $admin_country; if ( empty( $post[ 'crb-' . $rule_id . '-list' ] ) || empty( $post[ 'crb-' . $rule_id . '-type' ] ) ) { return false; } $list = array_intersect( $post[ 'crb-' . $rule_id . '-list' ], $check ); if ( $post[ 'crb-' . $rule_id . '-type' ] == 'B' ) { $type = 'B'; if ( $admin_country && ( ( $key = array_search( $admin_country, $list ) ) !== false ) ) { unset( $list[ $key ] ); } } else { $type = 'W'; if ( $admin_country && ( ( $key = array_search( $admin_country, $list ) ) === false ) ) { array_push( $list, $admin_country ); } } return array( 'list' => $list, 'type' => $type ); } /** * Generates HTML for showing country in UI * * @param null $code * @param null $ip * @param bool $cache_only * * @return string */ function crb_country_html( $code = null, $ip = null, $cache_only = true ) { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return ''; } if ( ! $code ) { if ( $ip ) { $code = lab_get_country( $ip, $cache_only ); } else { return ''; } } if ( $code ) { $ret = cerber_get_flag_html( $code, cerber_country_name( $code ) ); } else { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ); $ret = crb_get_ajax_placeholder( 'country', $ip_id ); } return $ret; } // Traffic ===================================================================================== function cerber_export_traffic( $params = array() ) { crb_raise_limits( 512 ); $args = array( 'per_page' => 0, 'columns' => array( 'ip', 'stamp', 'uri', 'session_id', 'user_id', 'processing', 'request_method', 'http_code', 'wp_type', 'blog_id' ) ); if ( $params ) { $args = array_merge( $params, $args ); } list( $query, $found ) = cerber_traffic_query( $args ); // We split into several requests to avoid PHP and MySQL memory limitations if ( defined( 'CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK' ) && is_numeric( CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK ) ) { $per_chunk = CERBER_EXPORT_CHUNK; } else { $per_chunk = 1000; // Rows per SQL request, we assume that this number is not too small and not too big } if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query . ' LIMIT ' . $per_chunk ) ) { wp_die( 'Nothing to export' ); } $total = cerber_db_get_var( $found ); $info = array(); $heading = array( __( 'IP address', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Date', 'wp-cerber' ), 'Method', 'URI', 'HTTP Code', 'Request ID', __( 'User ID', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Page generation time', 'wp-cerber' ), 'Blog ID', 'Type', 'Unix Timestamp', ); cerber_send_csv_header( 'wp-cerber-http-requests', $total, $heading, $info ); //$labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); //$status = cerber_get_labels( 'status' ); if ( crb_get_settings( 'plain_date' ) ) { function _crb_csv_date( $timestamp ) { static $gmt_offset; if ( $gmt_offset === null ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; } return date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp + $gmt_offset ); } } else { function _crb_csv_date( $timestamp ) { return cerber_date( $timestamp, false ); } } // The loop $i = 0; do { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $values = array(); /* $values[] = $row->ip; $values[] = cerber_date( $row->stamp ); $values[] = $row->request_method; $values[] = $row->uri; $values[] = $row->http_code; $values[] = $row->session_id; $values[] = $row->user_id; $values[] = $row->processing; $values[] = $row->blog_id; $values[] = $row->wp_type; $values[] = $row->stamp;*/ $values[] = $row['ip']; $values[] = _crb_csv_date( $row['stamp'] ); $values[] = $row['request_method']; $values[] = $row['uri']; $values[] = $row['http_code']; $values[] = $row['session_id']; $values[] = $row['user_id']; $values[] = $row['processing']; $values[] = $row['blog_id']; $values[] = $row['wp_type']; $values[] = $row['stamp']; cerber_send_csv_line( $values ); } mysqli_free_result( $result ); $i++; $offset = $per_chunk * $i; } while ( ( $result = cerber_db_query( $query . ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ', ' . $per_chunk ) ) && $result->num_rows ); exit; } /* * Display traffic in the WP Dashboard * */ function cerber_show_traffic( $args = array(), $echo = true ) { global $wpdb; $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); $status_labels = cerber_get_labels( 'status' ) + cerber_get_reason(); $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'traffic' ); $logging_enabled = (bool) crb_get_settings( 'timode' ); $is_log_empty = ! ( (bool) cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT stamp FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' LIMIT 1' ) ); $ret = ''; $total = 0; list( $query, $found, $per_page, $filter_act, $filter_ip, $prc, $user_id ) = cerber_traffic_query( $args ); // No cache //$rows = cerber_db_get_results( $query, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT_K ); //$total = cerber_db_get_var( $found ); list( $rows, $total ) = crb_q_cache_get( array( array( $query, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT_K ), array( $found ) ), CERBER_TRAF_TABLE ); if ( is_object( $rows ) ) { // Due to json $rows = get_object_vars( $rows ); } $total = $total[0][0]; if ( $rows ) { // No cache // $act_events = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE session_id IN ("' . implode( '", "', array_keys( $rows ) ) . '" ) ORDER BY stamp DESC', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); // $act_events = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE session_id IN ("' . implode( '", "', array_keys( $rows ) ) . '" )', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); $act_events = crb_q_cache_get( array( array( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE session_id IN ("' . implode( '", "', array_keys( $rows ) ) . '" ) ORDER BY stamp DESC', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ), CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); $events = array(); if ( $act_events ) { foreach ( $act_events as $ac ) { $events[ $ac->session_id ][] = $ac; } } $roles = wp_roles()->roles; $users = array(); $acl = array(); $block = array(); $wp_objects = array(); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( $row->user_id && ! isset( $users[ $row->user_id ] ) ) { if ( $u = get_userdata( $row->user_id ) ) { $n = $u->display_name; $r = ''; if ( ! is_multisite() && $u->roles ) { $r = array(); foreach ( $u->roles as $role ) { $r[] = $roles[ $role ]['name']; } $r = '' . implode( ', ', $r ) . ''; } } else { $n = __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' (' . $row->user_id . ')'; $r = ''; } $users[ $row->user_id ]['name'] = $n; $users[ $row->user_id ]['roles'] = $r; } if ( ! isset( $acl[ $row->ip ] ) ) { $acl[ $row->ip ] = cerber_acl_check( $row->ip ); } if ( ! isset( $block[ $row->ip ] ) ) { $block[ $row->ip ] = cerber_block_check( $row->ip ); } // TODO: make it compatible with multisite WP if ( $row->wp_type == 601 && $row->wp_id > 0 ) { $title = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT post_title FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE ID = ' . absint( $row->wp_id ) ); if ( $title ) { $wp_objects[ $row->wp_id ] = apply_filters( 'the_title', $title, $row->wp_id ); } } } } $info = ''; if ( $filter_ip ) { $info .= cerber_ip_extra_view( $filter_ip, 'traffic' ); } if ( $user_id ) { $info .= cerber_user_extra_view( $user_id, 'traffic' ); } if ( $rows ) { $no_results = false; $tbody = ''; $country = ''; $geo = lab_lab(); if ( ! defined( 'CERBER_FULL_URI' ) || ! CERBER_FULL_URI ) { $short = true; $site_url = cerber_get_site_url(); $len = strlen( rtrim( $site_url, '/' ) ); } else { $short = false; $len = 0; } foreach ( $rows as $row ) { // URI $full_uri = urldecode( $row->uri ); if ( $short && 0 === strpos( $full_uri, $site_url ) ) { $row_uri = substr( $full_uri, $len ); } else { $row_uri = $full_uri; } if ( strlen( $row_uri ) > 220 ) { $truncated = true; $row_uri = substr( $row_uri, 0, 220 ); } else { $truncated = false; } $row_uri = htmlentities( $row_uri, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); $row_uri = str_replace( array( '-', '/', '%', '&', '=', '?', '(', ')', ), array( '-', '/', '%', '&', '=', '?', '(', ')' ), $row_uri ); if ( $truncated ) { $row_uri .= ' '; } // User $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $row->ip ); if ( $row->user_id ) { $name = '' . $users[ $row->user_id ]['name'] . '
' . $users[ $row->user_id ]['roles']; } else { $name = ''; } if ( ! empty( $row->hostname ) ) { $hostname = $row->hostname; } else { $ip_info = cerber_get_ip_info( $row->ip, true ); $hostname = $ip_info['hostname_html'] ?? crb_get_ajax_placeholder( 'hostname', $ip_id ); } if ( ! empty( $args['date'] ) && $args['date'] == 'ago' ) { $date = cerber_ago_time( $row->stamp ); } else { $date = '' . cerber_date( $row->stamp ) . ''; } if ( $geo ) { $country = '

' . crb_country_html( $row->country, $row->ip ) . '

'; } $activity = ''; if ( ! empty( $events[ $row->session_id ] ) ) { foreach ( $events[ $row->session_id ] as $a ) { $activity .= '

' . $labels[ $a->activity ] . ''; $ad = explode( '|', $a->details ); $status = (int) crb_array_get( $ad, 0, 0 ); if ( ! empty( $status ) && $status != 500 ) { // 500 Whitelisted $activity .= '  ' . $status_labels[ $status ] . ''; } } } if ( $row->processing ) { $processing = $row->processing . ' ms'; if ( ( $threshold = crb_get_settings( 'tithreshold' ) ) && $row->processing > $threshold ) { $processing = '' . $processing . ''; } } else { $processing = ''; } $wp_type = ''; if ( $t = cerber_get_wp_type( $row->wp_type ) ) { $wp_type = '' . $t . ''; } $wp_obj = ''; if ( isset( $wp_objects[ $row->wp_id ] ) ) { $wp_obj = '

' . $wp_objects[ $row->wp_id ] . '

'; } $more_details = array(); if ( $truncated ) { $full_uri = htmlentities( $full_uri, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); $full_uri = str_replace( array( '-', '/', '%', '&', '=', '?', '(', ')', ), array( '-', '/', '%', '&', '=', '?', '(', ')' ), $full_uri ); $more_details[] = array( 'Full URL', '' . $full_uri . '' ); } $fields = crb_auto_decode( $row->request_fields ); $details = crb_auto_decode( $row->request_details ); if ( ! empty( $details[2] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( 'Referrer', '' . htmlentities( urldecode( $details[2] ), ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '' ); } if ( ! empty( $details[1] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( 'User Agent', '' . htmlentities( $details[1], ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '' ); } // POST fields if ( ! empty( $fields[1] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Form fields', $fields[1] ) ); } // GET fields if ( ! empty( $fields[2] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'GET fields', $fields[2] ) ); } // Files $files = array(); $f = ''; if ( ! empty( $fields[3] ) ) { foreach ( $fields[3] as $field_name => $file ) { if ( is_array( $file['error'] ) ) { $f_err = array_shift( $file['error'] ); } else { $f_err = $file['error']; } if ( $f_err == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE ) { continue; } if ( is_array( $file['name'] ) ) { $f_name = array_shift( $file['name'] ); } else { $f_name = $file['name']; } if ( is_array( $file['size'] ) ) { $f_size = array_shift( $file['size'] ); } else { $f_size = $file['size']; } $files[ $field_name ] = htmlentities( $f_name, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . ', size: ' . absint( $f_size ) . ' bytes'; } if ( ! empty( $files ) ) { $f = 'F'; $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Files submitted', $files ) ); } } // Additional details if ( ! empty( $details[5] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( 'XML-RPC Data', htmlentities( $details[5], ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ); } if ( ! empty( $details[6] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Request Headers', $details[6] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $details[10] ) ) { $list = array(); foreach ( $details[10] as $item ) { $e = explode( ':', $item, 2 ); /* $key = ( isset( $list[ $e[0] ] ) ) ? $e[0] . ' ' : $e[0]; $list[ $key ] = $e[1];*/ $list[] = array( $e[0] => $e[1] ); } $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Response Headers', $list ) ); } if ( ! empty( $details[8] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Request Cookies', $details[8] ) ); } if ( ! empty( $details[9] ) ) { $start = strlen( 'Set-Cookie:' ); $list = array(); foreach ( $details[9] as $item ) { if ( $e = explode( '=', substr( $item, $start ), 2 ) ) { $list[ $e[0] ] = $e[1]; } } $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Response Cookies', $list ) ); } if ( ! empty( $details[7] ) ) { $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( '$_SERVER', $details[7] ) ); } $php_errors = ''; if ( $err_list = crb_auto_decode( $row->php_errors ) ) { $errors = array(); foreach ( $err_list as $err ) { $errors[] = array( 'type' => cerber_get_err_type( $err[0] ) . ' (' . $err[0] . ')', 'info' => $err[1], 'file' => $err[2], 'line' => $err[3] ); } $more_details[] = array( '', cerber_table_view( 'Software errors', $errors ) ); $php_errors = 'SE  ' . count( $err_list ) . ''; } $req_status = ''; if ( ! empty( $row->req_status ) ) { $req_status = '' . $status_labels[ $row->req_status ] . ''; } $request_details = ''; $more_link = ''; $toggle_class = ''; if ( $more_details ) { foreach ( $more_details as $d ) { if ( $d[0] ) { $request_details .= '

' . $d[0] . '

' . $d[1] . '
'; } else { $request_details .= $d[1]; } } $more_link = 'Details'; $toggle_class = 'crb-toggle'; } $request = '' . $row_uri . '' . '

' . $row->request_method . '' . $f . $wp_type . ' HTTP ' . $row->http_code . ' ' . get_status_header_desc( $row->http_code ) . '' . $req_status . $php_errors . '' . $processing . ' ' . $more_link . ' ' . $activity . '

' . $wp_obj; // Decorating this table can't be done via simple CSS if ( ! empty( $even ) ) { $class = 'crb-even'; $even = false; } else { $even = true; $class = 'crb-odd'; } $tbody .= ' ' . $date . ' ' . $request . ' ' . crb_admin_ip_cell( $row->ip, $base_url . '&filter_ip=' . $row->ip ) . ' ' . $hostname . $country . ' ' . cerber_detect_browser( $details[1] ) . ' ' . $name . ''; $tbody .= '
' . $request_details . '
'; } $heading = array( 'crb_date_col' => __( 'Date', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_request_col' => __( 'Request', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_ip_col' => '
' . __( 'IP Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_hostinfo_col' => __( 'Host Info', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_ua_col' => __( 'User Agent', 'wp-cerber' ), 'crb_user_col' => __( 'Local User', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $titles_head = ''; foreach ( $heading as $id => $title ) { $titles_head .= '' . $title . ''; } $titles_foot = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $table = '' . $titles_head . '' . $titles_foot . '' . $tbody . '
'; if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { $table .= cerber_page_navi( $total, $per_page ); } //$legend = '

'.sprintf(__('Showing last %d records from %d','wp-cerber'),count($rows),$total); //if (empty($args['no_export'])) $export_link = ' '.__('Export','wp-cerber').''; } else { $no_results = true; $is_search = ( array_intersect_key( CRB_TRF_PARAMS, crb_get_query_params() ) ); $hints = array(); if ( ! $is_search ) { $hints[] = __( 'No requests have been logged yet.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $hints[] = __( 'No requests found using the given search criteria', 'wp-cerber' ); if ( ! $is_log_empty ) { $hints[] = '' . __( 'View all logged requests', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } } if ( ! $logging_enabled ) { $hints[] = __( 'Note: Logging is currently disabled', 'wp-cerber' ); if ( ! $is_search ) { $hints[] = '' . __( 'Documentation', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } } $table = '

' . implode( '

', $hints ) . '

'; if ( $is_log_empty ) { cerber_watchdog( true ); } } if ( empty( $args['no_navi'] ) ) { $filter_links = ''; $search_button = ''; if ( ! $is_log_empty ) { $nav_links = array(); $nav_links[] = array( array(), __( 'View all', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_set' => 1 ), __( 'Suspicious requests', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_http_code' => 399, 'filter_http_code_mode' => 'GT' ), __( 'Errors', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => '*' ), __( 'Users', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => 0 ), __( 'Non-authenticated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_method' => 'POST', 'filter_wp_type' => 519, 'filter_wp_type_mode' => 'GT' ), __( 'Form submissions', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_http_code' => 404 ), __( 'Page Not Found', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_wp_type' => 520 ), 'REST API' ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_wp_type' => 515 ), 'XML-RPC' ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_user' => get_current_user_id() ), __( 'My requests', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_ip' => cerber_get_remote_ip() ), __( 'My IP', 'wp-cerber' ) ); if ( $threshold = crb_get_settings( 'tithreshold' ) ) { $nav_links[] = array( array( 'filter_processing' => $threshold ), __( 'Longer than', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $threshold . ' ms' ); } $filter_links = crb_make_nav_links( $nav_links, 'traffic' ); $search_button = ' ' . __( 'Advanced Search', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $export_button = ''; if ( ! $no_results ) { $export_button .= ' ' . __( 'Export', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $right_links = $search_button . ' ' . $export_button; $refresh = ''; if ( $logging_enabled && ! $no_results ) { $refresh = ' ' . __( 'Refresh', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } $top_bar = '
' . $filter_links . '
' . $refresh . '
' . $right_links . '

'; $ret = '
' . $top_bar . crb_admin_traffic_search_form() . $info . '
' . $ret; } $ret .= $table; if ( ! $logging_enabled && ! $no_results ) { $ret = '

Logging is currently disabled, you are viewing historical information.

' . $ret; } if ( $echo ) { echo $ret; } else { return $ret; } } /** * Detects known browsers/crawlers and platform in User Agent string * * @param $ua * * @return string Sanitized and escaped browser name and platform on success, 'Unknown' on failure * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_detect_browser( $ua ) { $ua = trim( $ua ); if ( empty( $ua ) ) { return __( 'Not specified', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( preg_match( '/\(compatible\;(.+)\)/i', $ua, $matches ) ) { $bot_info = explode( ';', $matches[1] ); foreach ( $bot_info as $item ) { if ( stripos( $item, 'bot' ) || stripos( $item, 'crawler' ) || stripos( $item, 'spider' ) || stripos( $item, 'Yandex' ) || stripos( $item, 'Yahoo! Slurp' ) ) { if ( strpos( $ua, 'Android' ) ) { $item .= ' Mobile'; } return htmlentities( $item, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } } if ( strpos( $ua, 'Google-Read-Aloud' ) ) { return 'Google Read Aloud'; } } elseif ( strpos( $ua, 'google.com' ) || strpos( $ua, 'Google' ) ) { // Various Google bots $ret = ''; if ( false !== strpos( $ua, 'Googlebot' ) ) { if ( strpos( $ua, 'Android' ) ) { $ret = 'Googlebot Mobile'; } elseif ( false !== strpos( $ua, 'Mozilla' ) ) { $ret = 'Googlebot Desktop'; } } elseif ( preg_match( '/AdsBot-Google-Mobile|AdsBot-Google|APIs-Google|FeedFetcher-Google/', $ua, $matches ) ) { $ret = $matches[0]; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'Googlebot' ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/Googlebot-\w+/', $ua, $matches ) ) { $ret = $matches[0]; } } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'Mediapartners-Google' ) ) { return 'AdSense Crawler'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps' ) ) { return 'Mobile Apps Android'; } elseif ( strpos( $ua, 'DuplexWeb-Google' ) ) { return 'Duplex on the Web by Google'; } elseif ( strpos( $ua, 'Google Favicon' ) ) { return 'Google Favicon'; } if ( $ret ) { return htmlentities( $ret, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } else { return __( 'Unknown Google\'s bot', 'wp-cerber' ); } } /*elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'Googlebot' ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/Googlebot-\w+/', $ua, $matches ) ) { return $matches[0]; } }*/ elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'WordPress/' ) ) { list( $ret ) = explode( ';', $ua, 2 ); return htmlentities( $ret, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'PayPal IPN' ) ) { return 'PayPal Payment Notification'; } elseif (0 === strpos( $ua, 'Wget/' )){ return htmlentities( $ua, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } elseif ( strpos( $ua, 'googleweblight' )){ return 'Web Light by Google'; } $browsers = array( 'Firefox/' => 'Firefox', 'OPR/' => 'Opera', 'Opera/' => 'Opera', 'YaBrowser/' => 'Yandex Browser', 'Trident/' => 'Internet Explorer', 'IE/' => 'Internet Explorer', 'Edge/' => 'Microsoft Edge', 'Edg/' => 'Microsoft Edge', 'Chrome/' => 'Chrome', 'Safari/' => 'Safari', 'Lynx/' => 'Lynx', ); $systems = array( 'Android' , 'Linux', 'Windows', 'iPhone', 'iPad', 'Macintosh', 'OpenBSD', 'Unix' ); $browser = ''; foreach ( $browsers as $browser_id => $browser_name ) { if ( false !== strpos( $ua, $browser_id ) ) { $browser = $browser_name; break; } } $system = ''; foreach ( $systems as $system_id ) { if ( false !== strpos( $ua, $system_id ) ) { $system = $system_id; break; } } if ( $browser == 'Lynx' && ! $system ) { $system = 'Linux'; } elseif ( $system == 'Macintosh' ) { $system = 'Mac'; } if ( $system == 'Android' ) { if ( preg_match( '/(Android\s+\d+);/', $ua, $matches ) ) { $system = $matches[1]; } } if ( $browser && $system ) { $ret = $browser . ' on ' . $system; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'python-requests' ) ) { $ret = 'Python Script'; } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'ApacheBench' ) ) { $ret = $ua; } else { $ret = __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } return htmlentities( $ret, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } /** * Create a table view of an array to display it * * @param string $title * @param array $fields * @param string $sub_key * * @return string A sanitized and escaped table view */ function cerber_table_view( $title, $fields, $sub_key = null ) { if ( empty( $fields ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! isset( $sub_key ) ) { $class = 'crb-fields-table crb-top-table'; } else { $class = 'crb-fields-table crb-sub-table'; } $view = ''; if ( $title ) { $view .= ''; } $i = 1; foreach ( $fields as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $view .= ''; } else { $view .= ''; } $i ++; } $view .= '
' . $title . '
' . htmlentities( $key, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '' . cerber_table_view( '', $value, $key ) . '
' . htmlentities( $key, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '
' . nl2br( htmlentities( $value, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) ) . '
'; return $view; } /** * Parse arguments and create SQL query for retrieving rows from the traffic table * * @param array $args Optional arguments to use them instead of using $_GET * * @return array * * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_traffic_query( $args = array() ) { global $wpdb; $ret = array_fill( 0, 8, '' ); $where = array(); $join = ''; $join_act = false; $q = crb_admin_parse_query( array_keys( CRB_TRF_PARAMS ), $args ); if ( preg_match( '/^\w+$/', $q->filter_sid ) ) { $where[] = 'log.session_id = "' . $q->filter_sid . '"'; } $falist = array(); if ( $q->filter_http_code ) { // Multiple codes can be requested this way: &filter_http_code[]=404&filter_http_code[]=405 if ( is_array( $q->filter_http_code ) ) { $falist = array_filter( array_map( 'absint', $q->filter_http_code ) ); $where[] = 'log.http_code IN (' . implode( ',', $falist ) . ')'; } else { $filter = absint( $q->filter_http_code ); $op = '='; if ( $q->filter_http_code_mode == 'GT' ) { $op = '>'; } $where[] = 'log.http_code ' . $op . $filter; $falist = array( $filter ); // for further using in links } } //$ret[3] = $falist; if ( $q->filter_ip ) { $range = cerber_any2range( $q->filter_ip ); if ( is_array( $range ) ) { $where[] = '(log.ip_long >= ' . $range['begin'] . ' AND log.ip_long <= ' . $range['end'] . ')'; } elseif ( cerber_is_ip_or_net( $q->filter_ip ) ) { $where[] = 'log.ip = "' . $q->filter_ip . '"'; } else { $where[] = "log.ip = 'produce-no-result'"; } $ret[4] = preg_replace( CRB_IP_NET_RANGE, '', $q->filter_ip ); } if ( $q->filter_processing ) { $p = absint( $q->filter_processing ); $where[] = 'log.processing > ' . $p; $ret[5] = $p; } $filter_user = false; if ( $q->filter_user !== false ) { $filter_user = $q->filter_user; } elseif ( $q->filter_user_alt !== false ) { $filter_user = $q->filter_user_alt; } if ( $filter_user !== false ) { if ( $filter_user == '*' ) { $um = ( ! empty( $q->filter_user_mode ) ) ? '=' : '!='; $where[] = 'log.user_id ' . $um . ' 0'; $ret[6] = '*'; } elseif ( preg_match_all( '/\d+/', $filter_user, $matches ) ) { $users = implode( ',', $matches[0] ); if ( ! empty( $q->filter_user_mode ) ) { $um = 'NOT IN'; } else { $um = 'IN'; $ret[6] = $users; } $where[] = 'log.user_id ' . $um . ' (' . $users . ')'; } } if ( $q->filter_wp_type ) { $t = absint( $q->filter_wp_type ); $ret[7] = $t; $op = '='; if ( $q->filter_wp_type_mode == 'GT' ) { $op = '>'; } $where[] = 'log.wp_type ' . $op . $t; } if ( $q->search_traffic ) { $search = stripslashes_deep( $q->search_traffic ); if ( $search['ip'] ) { if ( $ip = filter_var( $search['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $where[] = 'log.ip = "' . $ip . '"'; $ret[4] = $ip; } else { $where[] = 'log.ip LIKE "%' . cerber_real_escape( $search['ip'] ) . '%"'; } } if ( $search['uri'] ) { $where[] = 'log.uri LIKE "%' . cerber_real_escape( $search['uri'] ) . '%"'; } if ( $search['fields'] ) { $where[] = 'log.request_fields LIKE "%' . cerber_real_escape( $search['fields'] ) . '%"'; } if ( $search['details'] ) { $where[] = 'log.request_details LIKE "%' . cerber_real_escape( $search['details'] ) . '%"'; } if ( $search['date_from'] ) { if ( $stamp = strtotime( 'midnight ' . $search['date_from'] ) ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; $where[] = 'log.stamp >= ' . ( absint( $stamp ) - $gmt_offset ); } } if ( $search['date_to'] ) { if ( $stamp = 24 * 3600 + strtotime( 'midnight ' . $search['date_to'] ) ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; $where[] = 'log.stamp <= ' . ( absint( $stamp ) - $gmt_offset ); } } if ( ! $q->filter_errors && $search['errors'] ) { $where[] = 'log.php_errors LIKE "%' . cerber_real_escape( $search['errors'] ) . '%"'; } } if ( $q->filter_method ) { $where[] = $wpdb->prepare( 'log.request_method = %s', $q->filter_method ); } $activity = null; if ( $q->filter_activity ) { $activity = absint( $q->filter_activity ); } if ( $q->filter_set ) { $activity = implode( ',', crb_get_filter_set( $q->filter_set ) ); } if ( $activity ) { $ret[3] = $activity; $where[] = 'act.activity IN (' . $activity . ')'; $join_act = true; } if ( $q->filter_errors ) { $where[] = 'log.php_errors != ""'; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $where = ( ! empty( $where ) ) ? 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : ''; // Limits, if specified $per_page = $args['per_page'] ?? crb_admin_get_per_page(); $per_page = absint( $per_page ); $ret[2] = $per_page; $cols = 'log.*'; if ( ! empty( $args['columns'] ) ) { $cols = ''; foreach ( $args['columns'] as $col_name ) { $cols .= ',log.' . preg_replace( '/[^A-Z_\d]/i', '', $col_name ); } $cols = trim( $cols, ',' ); } if ( $join_act ) { $join = ' JOIN ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' act ON (log.session_id = act.session_id)'; } if ( $per_page ) { $limit = cerber_get_sql_limit( $per_page ); //$ret[0] = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS log.session_id,log.* FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . " log USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (stamp) {$where} ORDER BY stamp DESC {$limit}"; $ret[0] = 'SELECT log.session_id,' . $cols . ' FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . " log {$join} {$where} ORDER BY log.stamp DESC {$limit}"; //$ret[0] = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS log.*,act.activity FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' log USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (stamp) LEFT JOIN '.CERBER_LOG_TABLE." act ON (log.session_id = act.session_id) {$where} ORDER BY log.stamp DESC {$limit}"; } else { $ret[0] = 'SELECT log.session_id,' . $cols . ' FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . " log {$join} {$where} ORDER BY stamp DESC"; // "ORDER BY" is mandatory! } $ret[1] = 'SELECT COUNT(log.stamp) FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . " log {$join} {$where}"; return $ret; } /** * Traffic Search form HTML * * @return string * */ function crb_admin_traffic_search_form() { ob_start(); ?> 'XML-RPC', 520 => 'REST API' ); if ( isset( $types[ $wp_type ] ) ) { return $types[ $wp_type ]; } return ''; } function cerber_get_err_type( $type ) { $list = array( 'E_ERROR', 'E_WARNING', 'E_PARSE', 'E_NOTICE', 'E_CORE_ERROR', 'E_CORE_WARNING', 'E_COMPILE_ERROR', 'E_COMPILE_WARNING', 'E_USER_ERROR', 'E_USER_WARNING', 'E_USER_NOTICE', 'E_STRICT', 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR', 'E_DEPRECATED', 'E_USER_DEPRECATED', 'E_ALL', ); return $list[ intval( log( $type, 2 ) ) ]; } /** * Check if admin AJAX is permitted. * */ function cerber_check_ajax_permissions( $strict = true ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { /* $nonce = crb_array_get( nexus_request_data()->get_params, 'ajax_nonce' ); if ( ! $nonce ) { $nonce = nexus_request_data()->get_post_data( 'ajax_nonce' ); } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'crb-ajax-admin' ) ) { return false; } */ return true; } check_ajax_referer( 'crb-ajax-admin', 'ajax_nonce' ); if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { if ( $strict ) { wp_die( 'Oops! Access denied.' ); } return 0; } return true; } function crb_admin_allowed_ajax( $action ) { $list = array( 'cerber_ajax', 'cerber_scan_control', 'cerber_ref_upload', 'cerber_view_file', 'cerber_scan_bulk_files' ); return in_array( $action, $list ); } function crb_is_task_permitted( $die = false ) { if ( is_super_admin() || nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return true; } if ( $die ) { wp_die( 'Oops! Access denied.' ); } return false; } /** * Identify and render Cerber's admin page * * @param string $page_id * @param string $active_tab */ function cerber_render_admin_page( $page_id = '', $active_tab = '' ) { if ( nexus_get_context() ) { nexus_show_remote_page(); return; } $error = ''; if ( $page = cerber_get_admin_page_config( $page_id ) ) { if ( ! empty( $page['pro_page'] ) && ! lab_lab() ) { $error = 'This feature requires the PRO version of the plugin.'; } else { if ( ( $tab_filter = crb_array_get( $page, 'tab_filter' ) ) && is_callable( $tab_filter ) ) { $page['tabs'] = call_user_func( $tab_filter, $page['tabs'] ); } cerber_show_admin_page( $page['title'], $page['tabs'], $active_tab, $page['callback'] ); } } else { $error = 'Unknown admin page: ' . htmlspecialchars( $page_id ); } if ( $error ) { echo '
ERROR: ' . $error . ' on ' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '
'; } } function cerber_get_admin_page_config( $page = '' ) { if ( ! $page ) { if ( ! $page = crb_admin_get_page() ) { return false; } } if ( $config = crb_addon_admin_page( $page ) ) { return $config; } $admin_pages = array( 'cerber-security' => array( 'title' => 'WP Cerber Security', 'tabs' => array( 'dashboard' => array( 'bxs-dashboard', __( 'Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'activity' => array( 'bx-pulse', __( 'Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'sessions' => array( 'bx-group', __( 'Sessions', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'lockouts' => array( 'bxs-shield', __( 'Lockouts', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'main' => array( 'bx-slider', __( 'Main Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'acl' => array( 'bx-lock', __( 'Access Lists', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'hardening' => array( 'bx-shield-alt', __( 'Hardening', 'wp-cerber' ) ), //'users' => array( 'bx-group', __( 'Users', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'notifications' => array( 'bx-bell', __( 'Notifications', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'tab_filter' => function ( $tabs ) { crb_del_expired_blocks(); $blocked = cerber_blocked_num(); $acl = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = 0' ); crb_sessions_del_expired(); $uss = crb_sessions_get_num(); if ( ! $uss ) { cerber_bg_task_add( 'crb_sessions_sync_all' ); } $tabs['sessions'][1] .= ' ' . $uss . ''; $tabs['lockouts'][1] .= ' ' . $blocked . ''; $tabs['acl'][1] .= ' ' . $acl . ''; return $tabs; }, 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'acl': cerber_acl_form(); break; case 'activity': cerber_show_activity(); break; case 'sessions': crb_admin_show_sessions(); break; case 'lockouts': cerber_show_lockouts(); break; case 'help': cerber_show_help(); break; case 'dashboard': cerber_show_dashboard(); break; default: cerber_show_settings_form( $tab ); } } ), 'cerber-recaptcha' => array( 'title' => __( 'Anti-spam and bot detection settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'antispam' => array( 'bx-chip', __( 'Anti-spam engine', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'captcha' => array( 'bxl-google', 'reCAPTCHA' ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'captcha': $group = 'recaptcha'; break; default: $group = 'antispam'; } cerber_show_settings_form( $group ); } ), 'cerber-traffic' => array( 'title' => __( 'Traffic Inspector', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'traffic' => array( 'bx-show', __( 'Live Traffic', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'ti_settings' => array( 'bx-slider', __( 'Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'ti_settings': cerber_show_settings_form( 'traffic' ); break; default: cerber_show_traffic(); } } ), 'cerber-shield' => array( 'title' => __( 'Data Shield Policies', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'user_shield' => array( 'bx-group', __( 'Accounts & Roles', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'opt_shield' => array( 'bx-slider', __( 'Site Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { cerber_show_settings_form( $tab ); } ), 'cerber-users' => array( 'title' => __( 'User Policies', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'role_policies' => array( 'bx-group', __( 'Role-Based', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'global_policies' => array( 'bx-user-detail', __( 'Global', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'role_policies': crb_admin_show_role_policies(); break; case 'global_policies': cerber_show_settings_form( 'users' ); break; default: cerber_show_settings_form( $tab ); } } ), 'cerber-rules' => array( 'pro_page' => 1, 'title' => __( 'Security Rules', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'geo' => array( 'bxs-world', __( 'Countries', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'geo': crb_admin_show_geo_rules(); break; default: crb_admin_show_geo_rules(); } } ), 'cerber-integrity' => array( 'title' => __( 'Site Integrity', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( 'scan_main' => array( 'bx-radar', __( 'Security Scanner', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_settings' => array( 'bxs-slider-alt', __( 'Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_schedule' => array( 'bx-time', __( 'Scheduling', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_policy' => array( 'bx-bolt', __( 'Cleaning up', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_ignore' => array( 'bx-hide', __( 'Ignore List', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_quarantine' => array( 'bx-trash', __( 'Quarantine', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_insights' => array( 'bx-flask', __( 'Analytics', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'tab_filter' => function ( $tabs ) { $numi = 0; if ( $list = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ) ) { $numi = count( $list ); } $numq = cerber_get_set( 'quarantined_total', null, false ); if ( ! is_numeric( $numq ) ) { cerber_bg_task_add( '_crb_qr_total_sync' ); $numq = ''; } $tabs['scan_quarantine'][1] .= ' ' . $numq . ''; $tabs['scan_ignore'][1] .= ' ' . $numi . ''; return $tabs; }, 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'scan_settings': cerber_show_settings_form( 'scanner' ); break; case 'scan_schedule': cerber_show_settings_form( 'schedule' ); break; case 'scan_policy': cerber_show_settings_form( 'policies' ); break; case 'scan_quarantine': cerber_show_quarantine(); break; case 'scan_ignore': cerber_show_ignore(); break; case 'scan_insights': cerber_scan_insights(); break; case 'help': cerber_show_help(); break; default: cerber_show_scanner(); } } ), 'cerber-tools' => array( 'title' => __( 'Tools', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tabs' => array( //'imex' => array( 'bx-layer', __( 'Export & Import', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'imex' => array( 'bx-layer', __( 'Manage Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'diagnostic' => array( 'bx-wrench', __( 'Diagnostic', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'diag-log' => array( 'bx-bug', __( 'Diagnostic Log', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'change-log' => array( 'bx-collection', __( 'Changelog', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'license' => array( 'bx-key', __( 'License', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'callback' => function ( $tab ) { switch ( $tab ) { case 'diagnostic': cerber_show_diag(); break; case 'license': cerber_show_lic(); break; case 'diag-log': cerber_show_diag_log(); break; case 'change-log': cerber_show_change_log(); break; case 'help': cerber_show_help(); break; default: if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { cerber_show_imex(); } else { echo 'This admin page is not available in this mode.'; } } } ), ); return crb_array_get( $admin_pages, $page ); } function crb_admin_parse_query( $fields, $alt = array() ) { $arr = crb_get_query_params(); $ret = array(); foreach ( $fields as $field ) { $val = $alt[ $field ] ?? crb_array_get( $arr, $field, false ); if ( is_array( $val ) ) { $val = array_map( 'trim', $val ); } elseif ( $val !== false ) { $val = trim( $val ); } $ret[ $field ] = $val; } return (object) $ret; } function crb_admin_get_page() { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $page = nexus_request_data()->page; } else { $page = cerber_get_get( 'page', '[A-Z0-9\_\-]+' ); } return $page; } function crb_admin_get_tab( $tabs = array() ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $tab = nexus_request_data()->tab; } else { $tab = cerber_get_get( 'tab', '[\w\-]+' ); } if ( empty( $tabs ) ) { return $tab; } $tabs['help'] = 1; // always must be in the array if ( ! $tab || ! isset( $tabs[ $tab ] ) ) { reset( $tabs ); $tab = key( $tabs ); } return $tab; } function cerber_show_tabs( $active, $tabs = array() ) { echo ''; } // Access Lists (ACL) --------------------------------------------------------- /** * @param string $ip * @param string $tag * @param string $comment * @param int $acl_slice * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_acl_add( $ip, $tag, $comment = '', $acl_slice = 0 ) { global $wpdb; $ip = trim( $ip ); $acl_slice = absint( $acl_slice ); $v6range = ''; $ver6 = 0; if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $begin = ip2long( $ip ); $end = ip2long( $ip ); } elseif ( cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) ) { $ip = cerber_ipv6_short( $ip ); list( $begin, $end, $v6range ) = crb_ipv6_prepare( $ip, $ip ); $ver6 = 1; } elseif ( ( $range = cerber_any2range( $ip ) ) && is_array( $range ) ) { $ver6 = $range['IPV6']; $begin = $range['begin']; $end = $range['end']; $v6range = $range['IPV6range']; } else { return new WP_Error( 'acl_wrong_ip', __( 'Incorrect IP address or IP range', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $ip ); } if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = ' . $ver6 . ' AND ip_long_begin = ' . $begin . ' AND ip_long_end = ' . $end . ' AND v6range = "' . $v6range . '" LIMIT 1' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'acl_wrong_ip', __( 'The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } $result = $wpdb->insert( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, array( 'ip' => $ip, 'ip_long_begin' => $begin, 'ip_long_end' => $end, 'tag' => $tag, 'comments' => $comment, 'acl_slice' => $acl_slice, 'v6range' => $v6range, 'ver6' => $ver6, ), array( '%s', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%d' ) ); if ( ! $result ) { return new WP_Error( 'acl_db_error', $wpdb->last_error ); } crb_event_handler( 'ip_event', array( 'e_type' => 'acl_add', 'ip' => $ip, 'tag' => $tag, 'slice' => $acl_slice, 'comments' => $comment, ) ); return true; } function cerber_add_white( $ip, $comment = '' ) { return cerber_acl_add( $ip, 'W', $comment ); } function cerber_add_black( $ip, $comment = '' ) { return cerber_acl_add( $ip, 'B', $comment ); } function cerber_acl_remove( $ip, $acl_slice = 0 ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $acl_slice ) ) { return false; } $acl_slice = absint( $acl_slice ); $ip = preg_replace( CRB_IP_NET_RANGE, ' ', $ip ); $ret = cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ip = "' . $ip . '"' ); crb_event_handler( 'ip_event', array( 'e_type' => 'acl_remove', 'ip' => $ip, 'slice' => $acl_slice, 'result' => $ret ) ); return $ret; } /** * Can a given IP be added to the blacklist * * @param $ip string A candidate to be added to the list * @param $list string * * @return bool True if IP can be listed */ function cerber_can_be_listed( $ip, $list = 'B' ) { if ( $list == 'B' ) { $admin_ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); if ( cerber_is_ip( $ip ) ) { if ( $admin_ip == cerber_ipv6_short( $ip ) ) { return false; } return true; } // $ip = range if ( crb_acl_is_white( $admin_ip ) ) { return true; } if ( ! $range = cerber_any2range( $ip ) ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_ip_in_range( $range, $admin_ip ) ) { return false; } return true; } return true; } /** * Bulk action for WP_List_Table * * @return bool|array|string */ function cerber_get_bulk_action() { // GET if ( cerber_is_http_get() ) { if ( ( $ac = crb_get_query_params( 'action', '[\w\-]+' ) ) && $ac != '-1' ) { return $ac; } if ( ( $ac = crb_get_query_params( 'action2', '[\w\-]+' ) ) && $ac != '-1' ) { return $ac; } return false; } // POST if ( ( $ac = crb_get_post_fields( 'action', false, '[\w\-]+' ) ) && $ac != '-1' ) { return $ac; } if ( ( $ac = crb_get_post_fields( 'action2', false, '[\w\-]+' ) ) && $ac != '-1' ) { return $ac; } return false; } function crb_admin_cool_features() { return '
' . __( 'These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

' . __( 'Know more about all advantages at', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' https://wpcerber.com/pro/
'; } /** * @param string $url * @param string $ancor * @param string $msg * * @return string */ function crb_confirmation_link( $url, $ancor, $msg = '' ) { if ( ! $msg ) { $msg = __( 'Are you sure?', 'wp-cerber' ); } return '' . $ancor . ''; } /** * @param array $args * @param string $title * * @return string * * @since */ function crb_test_notify_link( $args = array(), $title = null ) { return '[ ' . ( $title ?? __( 'Click to send test', 'wp-cerber' ) ) . ' ]'; } // Pop-up dialogs ------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a pop-up dialog window with a button that opens the dialog. * * @param array $fields Form fields - left side * @param array $aside Form fields - right side, optional * @param string $label Button label * @param string $button_icon Button icon * @param string $method Form method * @param null $action Form action * * @return string The HTML code of the pop-up prepared to add to the web page * * @since */ function crb_create_popup_dialog( $fields, $aside = array(), $label = '', $button_icon = '', $method = 'get', $action = null ) { static $counter = 0; $counter ++; // In case of multiple dialogs on a page if ( $button_icon ) { $control = ' ' . $label . ''; } else { $control = '' . $label . ''; } if ( $aside ) { $class = 'crb-table-2cols'; $td_aside = '
' . crb_create_dialog_form( $aside ) . '
'; $last_row = ''; } else { $class = 'crb-table-1col'; $td_aside = ''; $last_row = ''; } $dialog = $control; $dialog .= '
'; $dialog .= '
'; $dialog .= ''; $dialog .= '' . $td_aside . ''; $dialog .= '' . $last_row . ''; $dialog .= '
' . crb_create_dialog_form( $fields ) . '
'; return $dialog; } /** * Creates a basic HTML form for pop-up dialogs * * @param array $form_data List of form fields * * @return string HTML code * * @since */ function crb_create_dialog_form( $form_data ) { $form = ''; if ( $title = $form_data['title'] ?? '' ) { $form .= '

' . $title . '

'; } $form .= $form_data['html'] ?? ''; $hidden = $form_data['hidden'] ?? array(); foreach ( $hidden as $field => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $val ) { $form .= '' . "\n"; } } else { $form .= '' . "\n"; } } $form .= ''; $visible = $form_data['visible'] ?? array(); foreach ( $visible as $field => $config ) { $atts = ''; foreach ( $config['atts'] as $att => $val ) { $atts .= ' ' . $att . '="' . $val . '" '; } $input = ''; $label = ''; $type = $config['atts']['type'] ?? ''; $form .= ''; } $form .= '
'; if ( $type == 'checkbox' ) { $form .= '
' . $input .'
'. $label . '
'; } else { $form .= $label . '
' . $input . '
'; } $form .= '
'; $mess = $form_data['error_messages'] ?? array(); foreach ( $mess as $id => $msg ) { $form .= ''; } return '
' . $form . '
'; } // Setting up menu editor ----------------------------------------------------- add_action( 'admin_head-nav-menus.php', function () { add_meta_box( 'wp_cerber_nav_menu', 'WP Cerber', 'cerber_nav_menu_box', 'nav-menus', 'side', 'low' ); } ); function cerber_nav_menu_box() { // Warning: do not change array indexes $list = array( 'login-url' => __( 'Log In', 'wp-cerber' ), 'logout-url' => __( 'Log Out', 'wp-cerber' ), 'reg-url' => __( 'Register', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { $list['wc-login-url'] = __( 'WooCommerce Log In', 'wp-cerber' ); $list['wc-logout-url'] = __( 'WooCommerce Log Out', 'wp-cerber' ); } ?>

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Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 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THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. assets/multi/multi.js000064400000014016147577531750010717 0ustar00/** * multi.js * A user-friendly replacement for select boxes with multiple attribute enabled. * * Author: Fabian Lindfors * License: MIT */ var multi = (function() { // Helper function to trigger an event on an element var trigger_event = function( type, el ) { var e = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' ); e.initEvent( type, false, true ); el.dispatchEvent( e ); }; // Toggles the target option on the select var toggle_option = function ( select, event ) { var option = select.options[ event.target.getAttribute( 'multi-index' ) ]; if ( option.disabled ) { return; } option.selected = !option.selected; trigger_event( 'change', select ); }; // Refreshes an already 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If you are using it, please donate. * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html * * @version * 3.0.83 (July 02 2010) * * @copyright * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev. * * @license * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */ .syntaxhighlighter { background-color: white !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .line.alt1 { background-color: white !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .line.alt2 { background-color: white !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .line.highlighted.alt1, .syntaxhighlighter .line.highlighted.alt2 { background-color: #e0e0e0 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .line.highlighted.number { color: black !important; } .syntaxhighlighter table caption { color: black !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .gutter { color: #afafaf !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .gutter .line { border-right: 3px solid #6ce26c !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .gutter .line.highlighted { background-color: #6ce26c !important; color: white !important; } .syntaxhighlighter.printing .line .content { border: none !important; } .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed { overflow: visible !important; } .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar { color: blue !important; background: white !important; border: 1px solid #6ce26c !important; } .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar a { color: blue !important; } .syntaxhighlighter.collapsed .toolbar a:hover { color: red !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .toolbar { color: white !important; background: #6ce26c !important; border: none !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .toolbar a { color: white !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .toolbar a:hover { color: black !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .plain, .syntaxhighlighter .plain a { color: black !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .comments, .syntaxhighlighter .comments a { color: #008200 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .string, .syntaxhighlighter .string a { color: blue !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .keyword { color: #006699 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .preprocessor { color: gray !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .variable { color: #aa7700 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .value { color: #009900 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .functions { color: #ff1493 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .constants { color: #0066cc !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .script { font-weight: bold !important; color: #006699 !important; background-color: none !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .color1, .syntaxhighlighter .color1 a { color: gray !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .color2, .syntaxhighlighter .color2 a { color: #ff1493 !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .color3, .syntaxhighlighter .color3 a { color: red !important; } .syntaxhighlighter .keyword { font-weight: bold !important; } assets/sh/styles/shCore.css000064400000014074147577531750011773 0ustar00/** * SyntaxHighlighter * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter * * SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate. * http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/donate.html * * @version * 3.0.83 (July 02 2010) * * @copyright * Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev. * * @license * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. */ .syntaxhighlighter a, .syntaxhighlighter div, .syntaxhighlighter code, .syntaxhighlighter table, .syntaxhighlighter table td, .syntaxhighlighter table tr, .syntaxhighlighter table tbody, .syntaxhighlighter table thead, .syntaxhighlighter table caption, .syntaxhighlighter textarea { -moz-border-radius: 0 0 0 0 !important; -webkit-border-radius: 0 0 0 0 !important; background: none !important; border: 0 !important; bottom: auto !important; float: none !important; height: auto !important; left: auto !important; line-height: 1.1em !important; margin: 0 !important; outline: 0 !important; overflow: visible !important; padding: 0 !important; position: static !important; right: auto !important; text-align: left !important; top: auto !important; 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It supports both mouse and keyboard navigation. * Copyright (c) 2018 Jon Thornton - http://jonthornton.github.com/jquery-timepicker/ * License: MIT */ !function(a){"object"==typeof exports&&exports&&"object"==typeof module&&module&&module.exports===exports?a(require("jquery")):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],a):a(jQuery)}(function(a){function b(a){var b=a[0];return b.offsetWidth>0&&b.offsetHeight>0}function c(b){if(b.minTime&&(b.minTime=t(b.minTime)),b.maxTime&&(b.maxTime=t(b.maxTime)),b.durationTime&&"function"!=typeof b.durationTime&&(b.durationTime=t(b.durationTime)),"now"==b.scrollDefault)b.scrollDefault=function(){return b.roundingFunction(t(new Date),b)};else if(b.scrollDefault&&"function"!=typeof b.scrollDefault){var c=b.scrollDefault;b.scrollDefault=function(){return b.roundingFunction(t(c),b)}}else b.minTime&&(b.scrollDefault=function(){return b.roundingFunction(b.minTime,b)});if("string"===a.type(b.timeFormat)&&b.timeFormat.match(/[gh]/)&&(b._twelveHourTime=!0),b.showOnFocus===!1&&b.showOn.indexOf("focus")!=-1&&b.showOn.splice(b.showOn.indexOf("focus"),1),b.disableTimeRanges.length>0){for(var d in b.disableTimeRanges)b.disableTimeRanges[d]=[t(b.disableTimeRanges[d][0]),t(b.disableTimeRanges[d][1])];b.disableTimeRanges=b.disableTimeRanges.sort(function(a,b){return a[0]-b[0]});for(var d=b.disableTimeRanges.length-1;d>0;d--)b.disableTimeRanges[d][0]<=b.disableTimeRanges[d-1][1]&&(b.disableTimeRanges[d-1]=[Math.min(b.disableTimeRanges[d][0],b.disableTimeRanges[d-1][0]),Math.max(b.disableTimeRanges[d][1],b.disableTimeRanges[d-1][1])],b.disableTimeRanges.splice(d,1))}return b}function d(b){var c=b.data("timepicker-settings"),d=b.data("timepicker-list");if(d&&d.length&&(d.remove(),b.data("timepicker-list",!1)),c.useSelect){d=a("

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      '); }*/ cerber_scan_load_data(); } crb_scan_controls.find(':button,a').on('click', function (event) { let operation = $(event.target).data('control'); switch (operation) { case 'start_scan': cerber_scan_start($(event.target)); break; case 'continue_scan': cerber_scan_continue(); break; case 'stop_scan': crb_user_stop = true; crb_scan_in_progress = false; //cerber_scan_controls('stopped'); //cerber_scan_controls('disabled'); break; case 'delete_file': case 'ignore_add_file': cerber_scan_bulk_files(operation); break; case 'full-paths': cerber_toggle_file_name(event.target); break; } if (crb_scan_in_progress) { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return 'Scanning in progress'; } } else { window.onbeforeunload = null; } event.preventDefault(); }); function crb_scan_reset() { all_issues = {}; crb_server_errors = 0; crb_scan_display.find('[data-init]').each(function () { $(this).html($(this).data('init')); }); crb_scan_filter.find('.crb-scan-flon').removeClass('crb-scan-flon'); crb_scan_browser.find('tr').not('.crb-scan-container').remove(); } function cerber_scan_start(object) { console.log('Start Scan'); crb_scan_reset(); crb_scan_mode = object.data('mode'); crb_scan_requests = 0; crb_user_stop = false; crb_scan_message.slideDown().html(crb_scan_msg_steps[0]); crb_scan_note.hide(); cerber_update_bar(true); cerber_scan_controls('scanning'); cerber_scan_step('start_scan'); } function cerber_scan_continue() { crb_scan_message.html(''); cerber_scan_controls('scanning'); cerber_scan_step(); } function cerber_scan_step(operation) { console.log('Request ' + crb_scan_requests); if (!operation) { operation = 'continue_scan'; } crb_scan_in_progress = true; crb_scan_requests++; cerber_rate_control.setState(0); setTimeout(function (state) { cerber_rate_control.setState(state); }, crb_req_min_delay, 1); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: 'cerber_scan_control', cerber_scan_do: operation, cerber_scan_mode: crb_scan_mode, ajax_nonce: crb_ajax_nonce }, function (server_response) { cerber_scan_parse(server_response); cerber_scan_render(false); if (!crb_user_stop && crb_response.cerber_scan_do !== 'stop') { cerber_scan_next_step(); } else { cerber_scan_ended(); // Scanning finished normally } } ).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error('Server error: ' + jqXHR.status); crb_server_errors++; if (crb_server_errors < 3) { cerber_scan_next_step(); } else { cerber_scan_ended(true); alert('Process has been aborted due to a server error. Check your browser console for errors.'); } }); } // Continue to scan with rate control function cerber_scan_next_step() { if (cerber_rate_control.getState()) { cerber_scan_step(); } else { setTimeout(cerber_scan_step, crb_req_min_delay); } } function cerber_scan_ended(aborted = false){ window.onbeforeunload = null; crb_scan_in_progress = false; cerber_scan_controls('stopped'); crb_scan_message.slideUp('slow'); cerber_update_bar(); if (scanner_data.aborted) { let msg = 'Scanning was aborted due to a server error. '; if (scanner_data.errors && scanner_data.errors.length) { msg = msg + scanner_data.errors[0]; } alert(msg); } else if (!crb_user_stop) { if (!aborted) { cerber_scan_load_data(); // Refresh issues } cerber_popup_show('The scan is finished', '

      The scan is finished. Please review the results.

      Scanner documentation on wpcerber.com

      '); } } function cerber_scan_render(no_scroll) { if (!scanner_data.started) { return; } crb_all_rows = null; if (scanner_data.old) { alert(crb_scan_msg_misc['rerun_needed']); } let smode = scanner_data.mode; if (scanner_data.cloud) { smode += ', Scheduled'; } else { smode += ', Manual'; } smode = '' + smode + ''; $("#crb-started").html(scanner_data.started); $("#crb-finished").html(scanner_data.finished); $("#crb-duration").html(scanner_data.duration); $("#crb-performance").html(scanner_data.performance); $("#crb-smode").html(smode); /*$.each(scanner_data.numbers, function (type, value) { var e = $('#crb-numbers-' + type); if (e.length) { e.find('.crb-scan-number').html(value); e.find('span').addClass('crb-scan-flon'); } });*/ $.each(scanner_data.scan_ui, function (id, element_html) { let e = $('#' + id); if (e.length) { e.replaceWith(element_html); } }); $("#crb-total-files").html(scanner_data.total.files); $("#crb-scanned-files").html(scanner_data.scanned.files); if ((typeof scanner_data.scan_stats !== 'undefined')) { $("#crb-critical").html(scanner_data.scan_stats.risk[3]); $("#crb-warning").html(scanner_data.scan_stats.total_issues); } if (!scanner_data.aborted && crb_scan_in_progress) { let progress = scanner_data.progress?.step; progress = ((typeof progress === 'undefined' || progress === 0) ? '' : ' - ' + progress + '%') crb_scan_message.html(crb_scan_msg_steps[scanner_data.step] + ' ' + progress); } if (crb_scan_message.text()) { crb_scan_message.show(); } cerber_update_bar(); // Displaying issues var issues; if (!scanner_data.issues && scanner_data.step_issues) { issues = scanner_data.step_issues; } else { issues = scanner_data.issues; } $.each(issues, function (section_id, section_data) { var the_items = []; if (!this.issues.length) { //return; } // Avoid JS undefined error with an old data set var vul_list; if (typeof section_data.sec_details !== 'undefined') { vul_list = section_data.sec_details.vul_list; } var section_name = section_data.name; var setype = section_data.setype; var section_header_class = 'crb-scan-section'; if (section_data.container) { section_header_class = section_header_class + ' section-' + section_data.container; } var section_items = []; var target_section = crb_scan_browser.find('#' + section_id); var parent_section_id = (target_section.length ? target_section.data('row-id') : crb_row_id); var section_header = '' + section_name + ''; $.each(section_data.issues, function (index, single_issue) { let issue_type_id = single_issue[0]; let f_name = single_issue[1]; let risk = single_issue[2]; let extra_issue = (single_issue[3] ? single_issue[3] : 0 ); let ilist = ''; // New way if (typeof single_issue.ii !== "undefined") { issue_type_id = single_issue.ii[0]; if (typeof single_issue.ii[1] !== "undefined") { extra_issue = (single_issue.ii[1] ? single_issue.ii[1] : 0); } ilist = '[' + single_issue.ii.join(',') + ']'; } let isize = (single_issue.data.size ? single_issue.data.size : ""); let itime = (single_issue.data.time ? single_issue.data.time : "" ); let version = (single_issue.data.version ? single_issue.data.version : "" ); let full_name = ''; let css_classes = ''; if (single_issue.data.name) { full_name = single_issue.data.name; css_classes += ' cursor-pointer'; } if (issue_type_id < CERBER_LDE ) { // Section ------------------------- if (issue_type_id === 4) { return; // skip 4 } let extra = ''; if (vul_list) { extra += '' + crb_scan_msg_issues[4] + ''; } if (issue_type_id === 5) { extra += ' — '; extra += '' + crb_scan_msg_issues[issue_type_id] + ''; extra += ' — ' + crb_txt_strings['explain'][9] + ''; } else { extra += '' + crb_scan_msg_issues[issue_type_id] + ''; } let under = ''; if (vul_list) { $.each(vul_list, function (index, vuln) { //under += ' ' + vuln.n + '. Please update the plugins as soon as possible.
      '; under += vuln.vu_info + '
      '; }); //under += 'Please update the plugins as soon as possible.
      '; under = '

      ' + under + '

      '; } section_header = '' + section_name + '' + extra + under + ''; } else { // Single file issue ---------------- let rbox = (single_issue.data.fd_allowed ? '' : ''); section_items.push('' + rbox + '' + f_name + '' + cerber_get_issue_labels(index, single_issue) + '' + crb_scan_msg_risks[risk] + '' + isize + '' + itime + ''); } }); if (target_section.length) { target_section.after(section_items); } else { section_items.unshift(section_header); $.merge(the_items, section_items); crb_row_id++; } if (the_items) { let container = null; if (this.container) { container = crb_scan_browser.find('#' + this.container); } if (container && container.length) { container.after(the_items); } else { crb_scan_browser.append(the_items); } } }); if (!crb_scan_in_progress) { cerber_file_controls(); } /* @since 8.7.1 if (!no_scroll) { crb_scan_details.animate({scrollTop: crb_scan_details.prop("scrollHeight")}, 500); }*/ } function cerber_scan_parse(server_response) { crb_response = JSON.parse(server_response); if (!crb_response) { cerber_scan_ended(true); alert('Process has been aborted due to a server error. Check your browser console for errors.'); return false; } scanner_data = crb_response.cerber_scanner; console.log('Step ' + scanner_data.step); if (scanner_data.issues) { all_issues = scanner_data.issues; } else if (scanner_data.step_issues) { $.each(scanner_data.step_issues, function (section_id, value) { all_issues[section_id] = value; }); } window.crb_scan_id = scanner_data.scan_id; if (crb_response.strings) { crb_txt_strings = crb_response.strings; } if (scanner_data.errors && scanner_data.errors.length) { scanner_data.errors.forEach(function (item, index) { console.error('WP CERBER SCANNER: ' + item); }); } if (crb_response.console_log && crb_response.console_log.length) { crb_response.console_log.forEach(function (item) { console.log('WP CERBER SCANNER: ' + item); }); } } function cerber_scan_load_data() { crb_scan_browser.find('tr').not('.crb-scan-container').remove(); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: 'cerber_scan_control', cerber_scan_do: 'get_last_scan', ajax_nonce: crb_ajax_nonce }, function (server_response) { cerber_scan_parse(server_response); // Remove spinner uis_loader_remove(crb_scan_details); cerber_scan_render(true); } ).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error('WP CERBER SCANNER ERROR: Unable to get scanner data from server. Server error code: ' + jqXHR.status); }); } function cerber_get_issue_labels(index, file_data) { if (typeof file_data.ii === "undefined") { return ''; } let ret = ''; let attr = ''; let label = ''; $.each(file_data.ii, function (id, issue_id) { attr = ''; if (typeof file_data.dd !== "undefined" && typeof file_data.dd[issue_id] !== "undefined") { if (file_data.dd[issue_id].xdata && file_data.dd[issue_id].xdata.length) { attr += ' data-idx="' + index + '"'; } } label = crb_scan_msg_issues[issue_id]; if (attr || (issue_id === CERBER_LDE || (issue_id > CERBER_UOP && issue_id < CERBER_MOD))) { label = '' + label + ''; } ret += label + '
      '; }); if (typeof file_data.data.prced !== "undefined") { ret += crb_scan_msg_issues[file_data.data.prced]; } return ret; } // Enable/disable scan controls function cerber_scan_controls(state) { let stop = $('#crb-stop-scan'); cerber_file_controls(); switch (state) { case 'scanning': crb_scan_controls.find(':button').hide(); stop.show(); break; case 'stopped': crb_scan_controls.find(':button').show(); stop.hide(); if (scanner_data.finished) { $('#crb-continue-scan').hide(); } break; case 'disabled': crb_scan_controls.find(':button').prop( "disabled", true ); break; } } // Enable/disable file controls function cerber_file_controls() { var b = crb_file_controls.find(':button'); if (crb_scan_browser.find('input[type=checkbox]').length) { b.show(); } else { b.hide(); } var a = crb_scan_controls.find('a'); if (crb_scan_browser.find('.crb-item-file').length) { a.show(); } else { a.hide(); } } function cerber_update_bar(show) { if (!crb_scan_in_progress) { if (!show) { crb_scan_progress.hide(); } else { crb_scan_progress.show(); } crb_scan_bar.width(0); return; } crb_scan_progress.show(); crb_scan_progress.width('100%'); if (scanner_data.scanned.files > 0) { percentage = 30 + (scanner_data.scanned.files / scanner_data.total.files) * 70; } else { if (scanner_data.step < 3) { percentage = 10; } else { percentage = 10 + crb_scan_requests * 5; } } crb_scan_bar.animate({width: percentage + '%'}, 1000); //var bar_width = (percentage*crb_scan_bar.parent().width()/100)+'px'; //crb_scan_bar.width('100px'); //crb_scan_bar.find('div').animate({width: bar_width}, 1000); ///crb_scan_bar.animate({width: bar_width}, 1000); //crb_scan_bar.find('div').animate({width: percentage + '%'}, 1000); //crb_scan_bar.animate({width: percentage + '%'}, 1000); } // Rate limiting helper var cerber_rate_control = (function () { var state = 0; var obj = {}; obj.setState = function (setnew) { state = setnew; }; obj.getState = function() { return state; }; return obj; }()); function cerber_scan_bulk_files(operation) { var selected = crb_scan_browser.find('input[type=checkbox]:checked'); if (!selected.length) { return; } if (!cerber_user_confirm(crb_scan_msg_misc[operation][0])) { return; } var files = []; $.each(selected, function () { files.push($(this).closest('tr').data('file_name')); }); cerber_scan_ajax_operation(files, operation); } function cerber_scan_ajax_operation(files, operation) { if (!files.length) { return; } var formData = new FormData(); formData.append('action', 'cerber_scan_bulk_files'); formData.append('ajax_nonce', crb_ajax_nonce); formData.append('scan_id', window.crb_scan_id); formData.append('scan_file_operation', operation); if (files instanceof Array) { $.each(files, function (index, value) { formData.append('files[]', value); }); } else { formData.append('files[]', files); } $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: formData, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (server_response) { var msg = '', title = ''; if (server_response.errors && server_response.errors.length) { title = crb_scan_msg_misc['file_error']; msg = '

      ' + crb_scan_msg_misc['file_error'] + '

      ' + server_response.errors.join('

      ') + '

      '; } if (server_response.processed && server_response.processed.length) { msg = msg + '

      ' + crb_scan_msg_misc[operation][1] + '

      ' + server_response.processed.join('

      ') + '

      '; } if (!title) { title = crb_scan_msg_misc['all_ok']; } if (server_response.processed && server_response.processed.length) { $.each(server_response.processed, function (index, file_name) { //crb_scan_browser.find('td[data-file-name="' + file_name + '"]').parent().remove(); crb_scan_browser.find('tr[data-file_name="' + file_name + '"]').remove(); }); } cerber_popup_show(title, msg); }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { cerber_popup_show('Something went wrong on the server', jqXHR.responseText); }); } function cerber_toggle_file_name(control) { window.cerber_name_toggler = (!window.cerber_name_toggler) ? 1 : 0; var full_name, td; if (window.cerber_name_toggler) { $('.crb-item-file').each(function () { full_name = $(this).data('file_name'); $(this).find('td:nth-child(2)').html(full_name); }); } else { $('.crb-item-file').each(function () { td = $(this).find('td:nth-child(2)'); td.html($(td).data('short')); }); } } // Filtering crb_scan_filter.on('click', 'span', function (event) { if (!$(this).hasClass('crb-scan-flon')) { return; } if (crb_all_rows === null) { crb_all_rows = crb_scan_browser.find('tr'); crb_all_sections = crb_scan_browser.children('.crb-scan-section'); } crb_all_rows.hide(); // Single issues let show_issues = $(this).data('itype-list'); if (typeof show_issues !== 'undefined') { $(show_issues).each(function (index, value) { //let filtered_rows = all_rows.filter('.crb-item-file').filter('[data-itype=' + value + '],[data-iextra=' + value + ']'); let filtered_rows = crb_all_rows.filter('.crb-item-file').filter(function (index, element) { let ilist = $(element).data('ilist'); return !!ilist.includes(value); }); filtered_rows.show(); }); crb_all_sections.each(function () { let children = $(this).nextAll('.crb-item-file').filter(':visible').first(); let next_section = $(this).nextAll('.crb-scan-section:first'); if ((children.index() > 1)) { if (children.index() < next_section.index() || next_section.index() < 0) { $(this).show(); } } }); } // Whole sections let show_sections = $(this).data('setype-list'); if (typeof show_sections !== 'undefined') { $(show_sections).each(function (index, value) { let filtered_sections = crb_all_rows.filter('.crb-scan-section[data-setype=' + value + ']'); filtered_sections.show(); filtered_sections.each(function () { // All rows in the section $(this).nextAll('.crb-item-file[data-prid=' + $(this).data('row-id') + ']').show(); }); }); } }); // Popups for an issue crb_scan_browser.on('click', 'a', function (event) { if ($(this).data('itype') === 5) { $('#ref-section-name').text($(this).data('section-name')); crb_enable_ref_form(); crb_upload_form_ul.children().hide(); tb_show(crb_txt_strings['explain'][8], '#TB_inline?width=420&height=400&inlineId=crb-ref-upload-dialog'); $('#TB_closeWindowButton').blur(); } else { cerber_issue_popup(this); } event.preventDefault(); }); function cerber_issue_popup(element) { let info = []; let section = cerber_get_section(element); let section_type = section.data('setype'); let itype = cerber_get_itype(element); crb_the_file = cerber_get_ifile(element); if (itype === CERBER_LDE || itype === 15 || itype === 18) { let section_name = section.data('section-name'); cerber_popup_show($(element).text(), cerber_get_issue_explain(itype, section_name), true); return; } if (section_type === 20 && itype <= 25) { info.push('

      ' + crb_txt_strings['explain'][0] + '

      '); } // Some file inspection data? let d = cerber_xdata_info(section.prop('id'), element); if (d.length) { info.push(d); } if (section_type > 20) { info.push(cerber_get_issue_explain(itype)); } cerber_popup_show($(element).text(), info, true); } function cerber_xdata_info(section_id, element) { let idx = $(element).data('idx'); if (typeof idx === 'undefined') { return ''; } let isd = $(element).data('isd'); let xdata = []; let itype = 0; if (typeof isd !== 'undefined') { xdata = all_issues[section_id].issues[idx].dd[isd].xdata; itype = isd; } else { return ''; } let tokens = [], regs = [], info = '', ls = []; $.each(xdata, function (index, e) { if (e[0] === 1) { tokens.push('Line ' + e[2] + ': ' + e[1] + '

      ' + crb_txt_strings[e[0]][e[1]][1] + '

      '); } else { ls = []; $.each(e[2], function (index, s) { ls.push('Line ' + s[2] + ': ' + s[0] + ''); }); regs.push(ls.join('
      ') + '

      ' + crb_txt_strings[e[0]][e[1]] + ' (' + e[1] + ')' + '

      '); } }); if (tokens.length) { info += '

      ' + crb_txt_strings['explain'][3] + '

      ' + tokens.join('
      ') + '
      '; } if (regs.length) { let title = (itype === CERBER_DIR) ? crb_txt_strings['explain'][5] : crb_txt_strings['explain'][4]; info += '

      ' + title + '

      ' + regs.join('
      ') + '
      '; } return info; } // Explainer for end-user function cerber_get_issue_explain(itype, subject) { if (typeof subject === 'undefined' || !subject) { subject = 'WordPress'; } subject = '' + subject + ''; let ret = []; switch (itype) { case CERBER_LDE: // New way let explainer = crb_txt_strings['explain_issue'][itype]; ret = explainer[0].map(item => { return item.replace('%s', subject); }); if (typeof explainer[1] !== 'undefined') { ret = ret.concat(explainer[1].map(i => { return crb_txt_strings['explain'][i].replace('%s', subject); })); } break; case 15: ret.push(crb_txt_strings['explain'][6]); ret.push(crb_txt_strings['explain'][7].replace('%s', subject)); break; default: ret.push(crb_txt_strings['explain'][1]); ret.push(crb_txt_strings['explain'][2].replace('%s', subject)); break; } return '

      '+ ret.join('

      ') + '

      ' } function cerber_get_itype(element) { let ret = $(element).data('isd'); if (ret !== "undefined") { return ret; } } function cerber_get_section(e) { return $(e).closest('tr').prevAll('.crb-scan-section:first'); } function cerber_get_ifile(e) { return $(e).closest('tr').data('file_name'); } /* function cerber_load_strings() { $.get(ajaxurl, { action: 'cerber_get_strings', ajax_nonce: crb_ajax_nonce, }, function (server_response) { crb_scan_strings = $.parseJSON(server_response); if (!crb_scan_strings.complete) { alert('Unable to load strings due to a server error.'); } }).fail(function () { alert('Unable to load strings due to a server error.'); }); }*/ // Uploader let crb_upload_form = $('#crb-ref-upload-dialog').find('form'); let crb_upload_form_ul = $(crb_upload_form).find('ul'); crb_upload_form.on('submit', function (event) { let formData = new FormData($(this)[0]); formData.append('action', 'cerber_ref_upload'); formData.append('ajax_nonce', crb_ajax_nonce); crb_upload_form.find('input').prop('disabled', true); crb_upload_form.find('input').hide(); //crb_upload_form_ul.find('li').not(':nth-child(-n+2)').hide(); crb_upload_form_ul.children().hide(); crb_upload_form_ul.find('li:nth-child(1)').show(); //ref_file_name = $(this).find('input[name="refile"]').val(); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', data: formData, contentType: false, processData: false, dataType: 'json' }).done(crb_ref_step2); crb_upload_form.trigger('reset'); event.preventDefault(); }); function crb_ref_step2(server_response) { if (!server_response.error) { crb_upload_form_ul.find('li:nth-child(2)').show(); $.post(ajaxurl, { action: 'cerber_ref_upload', ajax_nonce: crb_ajax_nonce, }, crb_ref_done, 'json'); } else { crb_ref_done(server_response); } } function crb_ref_done(server_response) { crb_ref_errors(server_response); if (!server_response.error) { tb_remove(); } crb_enable_ref_form(); } function crb_ref_errors(response) { if (response.error) { crb_upload_form_ul.append('
    • Process aborted
    • '); crb_upload_form_ul.append('
    • ' + response.error + '
    • '); } } function crb_enable_ref_form() { crb_upload_form.find('input').prop('disabled', false); crb_upload_form.find('input').show(); crb_upload_form.trigger('reset'); } crb_upload_form.find('input').on('change', function () { crb_upload_form_ul.children().hide(); }); // File viewer crb_scan_browser.on('click', 'td', function (event) { if (typeof $(this).data('short') === "undefined" || $(this).data('short') === '') { return; } //var file_name = $(this).data('file-name'); let file_name = $(this).closest('tr').data('file_name'); if (!file_name.length) { return; } var view_width = window.innerWidth * 0.8; var view_height = window.innerHeight * 0.8; tb_show("File: " + file_name, ajaxurl + '?action=cerber_view_file&ajax_nonce=' + crb_ajax_nonce + '&file=' + file_name + '&scan_id=' + window.crb_scan_id + '&sheight=' + view_height + '&width=' + view_width + '&height=' + view_height + '&TB_iframe=1'); $('#TB_closeWindowButton').blur(); event.preventDefault(); }); // function cerber_user_confirm(message) { return confirm(message); } // Simple popups based on WP thickbox function cerber_popup_show(title, message, b) { if (typeof message !== 'string'){ message = message.filter(function (e) { return (e !== 'undefined' && e !== null && e !== ''); }); message = '
      ' + message.join('
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      ' + message + '
      ' + '

      ' + button + '

      '); $('#TB_window .crb-popup-inner').html(''); //popup.find('input[type=button]').off('click'); popup.find('input[type=button]').on('click', function (event) { //$(this).off('click'); /*event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.stopImmediatePropagation();*/ cerber_popup_close(this); }); tb_show(title, '#TB_inline?width=' + w + '&height=' + h + '&inlineId=crb-popup-box'); $('#TB_closeWindowButton').blur(); } function cerber_init_popup(id) { let body = $("body"); let popup = body.find('#' + id); if (popup.length) { return popup; } body.append(''); return body.find('#' + id); } function cerber_popup_close(element) { tb_remove(); if (element.id === 'add2ignore') { cerber_scan_ajax_operation(crb_the_file, 'ignore_add_file'); } } });assets/fb2b.png000064400000015564147577531750007427 0ustar00PNG  IHDRrM<PLTEG834GHĶL4ʢ$KzH9TI´7<>ʢ߻8AI5ˡE+1G.='CIMݺ9Eɢ9266&ʢ>޹7ͤ;Gõ9ILM3:3MLBµ%M|6?ʢJK)Lõ55?ķj̣[ȻTƸc˿ Cv9U|x4B?3BPķ=^ɽO/qMV±ɤfFʣR߶|AcñNM=WkzTirǧMи@̣nð轚9Jʸ@`~Ūơ\ȟ=mQA/LvlhŨ۔ɫغŹ*VƵDIq윹]O>%7^: 9`|t2~Y}hLcw_ӻd'}5  _=ɺ}{ggd/y:'w;tn$̉9^jc<싹bxH&ߟ6^鵏`j !=H6'mc@~~c޾&y*:zD_<}p3z)$wvyuyɯBO) vȏoH˺1#KQ,yiSq^'h 7:, fq(@ v|32tq =svd ۗ_\=.CPxuQaS}}<`O/t)ɞ%~ʕӧiPPF# >#9GϖiE8( s^[;|ǭ`#)   4)Tel_85$6ߩvuޘ~<8tʄ?:L#')K¢'e̛~hx b;@̃ڔ=kY +ݳ.' hJGh߸ǽV ZeM ؚ*aYO;Y&ce٨QdK>æ7દâ{rJ Acoo2aߤeR/ L7]'DDNx||zv%}6{v4w t@?G7xuohka磲ܹLlxe&D]o@=4|h{SS܆ Kx|k.׾C/[:O=,s_ƃpww@[ Lwc+39.c'Y>IT܆^_ ⟦Ē{{<`sMFq'd|3?x:=В&H|'܏1EaܫDE%ngl듒`09v~"coxm;=r $"$XH;pL@+E`doLѮՓ_3ԧ;J9n wycʿqn5|CxPan#"BBBqq\ 4SBZ ONoSFp ܘ6Н1)*='>?˿Gzܟ%O/GVYm)+Z͢yIzx(8/|hۓgdhpbx>ϡ;OqV|C>d+߹ 3tK^_AC,Ef@U*GiG"[-)R`1:NϊΊڵ8SOO³LŸ's_1ݳA-&)8#AIxtȴjRN ]& Ga8 GE Vu}9Uݞ!y3g&\?DVI&zLȌH>XR^ }2:lEg͏'ytN=>:tVC\ &HZ#;vNVt(vv;:k:ތ1mYgu;:O 6tS43"v;:fyޣ+m;[х݆'<:ou&gK,@/3¸aBtn0 X̮+DMC;nWz]K]r(/| F/r8:AV 90|0ͥβNc aX~^.ɡݛzǟ/]8sft_ϤB-DO̹&{xb |+Aizm1I6tF_q0wz€wVȮ,Oɣou=.cnO=p nJ}]:^]ױOO&D8yY~6OLJg>t…/]>RpطM9ÖFxZRc&736[LΣW_( xIcŮņ,f33/g;Ȱq'$ߥrYדcGqv8V_oMӅ~HU]N=j+#fE}|Z]΢pm]W7'!oxkDFÁB@hl@'E=9gh9"8ġHFߝUHP6am=KtP:2Rk D4!;I/\@G;DtplKңߛ&L'tBsm;xR߾qD5+C=/ I6ELߝ;n䭏uPO8oLς/% }xX:o8mj~hh!c"b.Z,`c:l޶)qptOVjÆŠ>SuPcU,W)un2`0_$2 ?\Z! \[p6wz{To?S8G$\ p ?k._}؏̳/8T q+eZynǽ;ւ@E"RV,/|wǏgٛw" Dʤs=cg!\8ʉ>h_sܗ[nso[_i۳sjͨQ9Y{J/8;}u=Gv^4<7sםÇdB>Çg^bɫ /|*:s`9rw|o,;ԹsN֛}]??aɝٽm]}NN}|o|c%2:}Hwe# ) us뗢(=wk{Xq3t !WMj>@YWtTH ء?|#-ѻ2[ 1`nXGSo/.tN*}ۀ fa ӑ:(hG,4IΕ-n`^\\ү$] \ԥsըRUUל_ A^j)GJ.WBs%ݙ7$]$ӈ&䃟.J݌O#MR5IIh<$.MlS2&IEa+B$^J*5M8I>y+:`B>+r+2'^TY+i$U:=l]ʨSi4Gޢ%5trZ') 85F}a/?u(CBtݨuRϔJ 44Rs *~}/p)yȮ@Uu"P074;rlIwwtVjCSW ^Tg(3*X͆l@.̬@zcSԌr)PѫnH(iD"uUBEN3 ?"N"?b+tUU&RTRiI@4a@E " ]!F%Hנԭ..^/EU H) g*Tq@؅:V R2iDX2C*jB؆.kswH4(fT2Qg%$:|^CB] ̦.(())ҪP4"v-)nAVTGku)6;JayцIr@̔2Kmj5m) kj.+,j-u.Vވ6dR[l9׹4oFe]e܍[l]-ޛ(uvVMa7Xr\T Ӡ2[jS,Tl6v2ehZm*EeFgMTwށԦNT$7AtšLlG250܋ʪ T'', \qSE(We1N(7!2n, jxA9 GE xFWEZۇu5Cg/¾+DVNslE:EVW* K֨ikWCP'-%  LԨ"xtUh.hC)TeԅL¾\qCn`tuEUh]8 ҐM,-l& ` ڌ*1zcaeP~0b&>yA*)nK6x]ׇ*2q&y LuمbYCn B'@!8!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!OF!S(B lB<!1zS ?0i1 KᅤJO(r pS!6w"V4Hˋf}jOrH_ .&֖nTHˋw^C髋iXYmo-V=!6WeM lCsngl\ō9(,W>|P.Qe|F[Lv?ِÎkڝ,ِ^o-wt&P`#}t{{JC+Wim" lo.ƞRe)aiځ`G(H_WT9+r^ lOo^eY{mWZj`6/H_,4B!k O" 67ϿT9tv:`!d6'|}۰_8s˴Ggh R.P`67)F{o&kn!b:ʛM_\JW"6"׀2͵egCzQXu7VY]X؈pk7>u &s;LΆ: lD(X@~{chVCiэ *}4l@2<˭f !u؈P[WCkSBCsB~q(eD lDΑv o\\̣m=\IބѦNkq(ar7W`}9?6}/ i؈0[wJmFH^HfԪn!(.>Q!`g5Y_b$IBn!(Ar = ERsqe! lD+oϭnOFCWJ+P+>. 3<%BFڵdPn># Ѭ~HΟ(oR4> lu3l_p!dpemvb{N(WnA+>[<@2@$w56⺭=@Q@BVH(P4k[E lD{.K@">k[_^cͷD!aJ K%IBf(W* Ƃ5tTl0h+lmH5zyӧD؈\hx`ֳ ;G[F%r6 QO;- 6O*5O;(Wm_$ۍ: ;-91yg#.F\SZ[o>4h?I6= Cnr9qMaCUUJENQq}|$I%[>F4ppqVڃ0dt$ߺ$Ih [؈+,]CM`$>k[ImP>Y~+= !Q`#غzl?4hبgళkvbutiqEavֳPh#R)$l-i6[ ) mg6Q-8-҃jfkO3FIHvH ؾgF^؈uT3memT@w9k֯Wۦiy؈.uV6f:^ԨRk8 lqvvmkUM D(ndIB~qwBE827:+I2mZn [Ð;z!P`#ڞ ftQb,Nce F=Zjvc6DY؈:1f6g 6;/̖oZ!ΡF}o Oh*]{.! 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.crb-label-above { color: #333; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0.7em; } .crb-settings .crb-settings-under { padding-top: 1.5em; font-size: 13px; color: #555; } #crb-form-user_shield th, #crb-form-opt_shield th{ display: none; } .crb-insetting-link { margin-left: 1em; white-space: nowrap; } .crb-insetting-link a { text-decoration: none; } /* Select2 */ #crb-admin [class^='select2'] { border-radius: 0 !important; } #crb-admin .select2-selection__placeholder { color: #777; } .crb-select2-multi { margin-bottom: 0.5rem; /* workaround */ } #crb-admin .select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered { padding-right: 28px; } /* Select2 arrow icon */ #crb-admin .select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow { right: 1px; height: 28px; width: 28px; background: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3Csvg%20width%3D%2220%22%20height%3D%2220%22%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%22M5%206l5%205%205-5%202%201-7%207-7-7%202-1z%22%20fill%3D%22%23555%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E") no-repeat right 5px top 55%; background-size: 16px 16px; } #crb-admin .select2-container--default .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow { height: 26px; position: absolute; top: 1px; right: 1px; width: 20px; } #crb-admin .select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__arrow b { display: none; } /* Dashboard */ #crb-kpi { width: 100%; background-color: #fff; color: #333; border-collapse: collapse; border: 6px solid #e9e9e9; } #crb-kpi td{ padding: 26px 10px 26px 5px; } #crb-kpi td:nth-child(odd) { text-align: right; font-size: 200%; color: #111; /*font-weight: bold;*/ min-width: 5%; /*border-left: #555 solid 3px;*/ border-left-width: 3px; padding-left: 1em; } #crb-kpi td:nth-child(even) { font-size: 110%; /*width: 20%;*/ } #crb-kpi td p { font-size: 70%; color: #555; } /* #crb-kpi td:after { font-family: "dashicons"; content: "\f487"; position: absolute; font-size: 50px; color: red; opacity: 0.5; top: 130px; left: 10%; z-index: 0; } */ .crb-table-heading { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; margin-top: 0.9em; height: 44px; border: 2px solid #e5e5e5; border-bottom: none; } .crb-table-heading td { background-color: #fff; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0.6em; padding-bottom: 0.6em; } .crb-table-heading td:nth-child(2) { text-align: right; padding-right: 28px; } .crb-table-heading h2 { margin-bottom:0.5em; color: #111; } .crb-table-heading .crb-tag-buttons > * { margin-bottom: 0; } .crb-act-padding, .crb-dashboard-element #crb-locked-out th:first-child, .crb-dashboard-element #crb-locked-out td:first-child { padding-left: 36px; } .crb-dashboard-element #crb-locked-out, .crb-dashboard-element #crb-activity { border: 2px solid #e5e5e5; box-shadow: none; } .crb-dashboard-element #crb-locked-out th, .crb-dashboard-element #crb-activity th { border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } .crb-dashboard-element tfoot { display: none; } .crb-dashboard-element { background-color: #fff; } .crb-dash-placeholder { padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; border: 2px solid #e5e5e5; } /* Aside bar */ #crb-aside { /*float: right;*/ display: table-cell; /*width: 20%;*/ padding-left: 1em; padding-top: 1em; /*max-width: 290px;*/ vertical-align: top; /*margin: 1em 0 0 1em;*/ } #crb-aside .crb-box, #crb-aside img.crb-full-width { width: 250px; } #crb-aside .crb-box { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0 1em 2em 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; border: 1px solid #DEDEDE; background-color: #FFF; } .crb-box-inner { position: relative; z-index: 2; } /* Buttons */ .crb-button-one { display: block; margin-bottom: 0.5em; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-size: 105%; padding: 0.5em 0.6em 0.5em 0.6em; color: #fff; background-color: #555; } .crb-button-one:hover { color: #fff; opacity: 0.7; } .crb-button-one .dashicons{ vertical-align: top; line-height: 1; padding-right: 0.4em; } #activity-filter .crb-button-tiny { margin-right: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0.3em; } .crb-button-tiny{ text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; line-height: 1em; padding: 5px 8px; border: solid 1px #CCD0D4; border-radius: 2px; background-color: #FAFAFA; color: #2271b1; cursor: pointer; } .crb-button-tiny:hover, .crb-button-tiny.crb-button-active { color: #fff; /*background-color: #0073aa; border: solid 1px #0073aa;*/ background-color: #2271b1; /* New WP accent color */ border: solid 1px #2271b1; } .crb-tag-buttons > * { display: inline-block; background-color: #fff; /*border-left: solid 4px #d8d8d8;*/ /*border-bottom: solid 3px #d3d3d3;*/ border: solid 2px #ddd; margin-right: 2px; margin-bottom: 4px; padding: 4px 8px; line-height: 1.2; text-decoration: none; white-space: pre; } .crb-tag-buttons > a:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #2271b1; /* New WP accent color */ border-color: #2271b1; } .crb-tag-buttons > .crb_selected { color: #fff; background-color: #2c8ddd; border-color: #2c8ddd; } /* Messages & announcements */ div.crb-admin-message { padding-top: 0.8em; padding-bottom: 0.8em; } div.crb-announcement { background-color: #fff; padding: 0; margin: 10px 0 10px 0; } /* Not on WP Cerber page */ div:not(#crb-admin) > div.crb-announcement { margin: 22px 20px 10px 2px; } div.crb-announcement table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 0; } div.crb-announcement table div { width: 100%; min-height: 100px; /*border: #e0e0e0 solid 1px;*/ } div.crb-announcement.crb-cerber-logo-small td#crb-ann-logo { width: 150px; background: #fff url("crb-logo-vn.png") no-repeat; background-size: 100%; /*background-position: 0 -20px;*/ } div.crb-announcement.crb-cerber-logo-big td#crb-ann-logo{ width: 220px; background: #fff url("crb-logo-vn.png") no-repeat; background-size: 100%; background-position: 0 -20px; } div.crb-announcement td#crb-ann-text { text-align: left; padding-left: 3em; padding-right: 200px; } div.crb-announcement p { font-size: 14px; } .crb-alarm { display: block; border-left: 6px solid #ff0000; /* background-color:#FF5E3C; color:#fff;*/ } .crb-alarm a { font-weight: bold; } .crb-note > p::before { /* content: "\e62e"; content: "\f339"; */ } .cerber-msg td { vertical-align: top; } .cerber-msg td:nth-child(2) { padding-top: 6px; } .cerber-msg ul { margin-left: 1.3em; } .cerber-msg li { list-style-type: square; line-height: 140%; padding-bottom: 0.5em; } .cerber-msg h1 { margin-top: 10px; } .cerber-msg h3 { margin-top: 0; } .cerber-msg { font-size: 110%; } /* Tables */ @media screen and (min-width: 782px) { .crb-tab-sessions #ses_action { width: 7em; } } .crb-tab-sessions .crb-us-lbl { display: inline-block; padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; border-radius: 3px; margin-left: 0.5em; background-color: #83CE77; color: white; } /* Primarily for IPv6 */ .crb-tab-sessions td.column-ses_ip *, .crb-tab-sessions td.column-ses_host { overflow-wrap: anywhere; word-break: break-all; } #crb-admin .tablenav.top .pagination-links { display: none; } .crb-table th { white-space: nowrap; } .crb-table > tbody > tr:nth-child(even){ background: #f9f9f9 } .crb-table > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd){ background: #FFF } .crb-table > tbody > tr.crb-even{ background: #f9f9f9 } .crb-table > tbody > tr.crb-odd{ background: #FFF } .crb-table > tbody > tr > td { vertical-align: middle; color: #111; min-width: 70px; } .crb_align_right th:not(:first-child), .crb_align_right td:not(:first-child) { text-align: right; } .crb_align_left_2 th:nth-child(2), .crb_align_left_2 td:nth-child(2) { text-align: left; } .crb-anchor-decorated a { text-decoration: underline; } #crb-traffic td { vertical-align: top; } @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { #crb-traffic td:not(:first-child) { word-break: break-all; } } #crb-traffic th#crb_date_col { width: 10%; word-wrap: normal; } #crb-traffic th#crb_request_col { width: 45%; word-break: break-all; } #crb-traffic th#crb_ip_col { width: 11%; } #crb-traffic th#crb_hostinfo_col { width: 17%; } #crb-traffic th#crb_ua_col { width: 10%; } #crb-traffic th#crb_user_col { width: 7%; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(2) { word-break: break-all; } /* #crb-traffic td:first-child { width: 10%; word-wrap: normal; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(2) { width: 45%; word-break: break-all; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(3) { width: 11%; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(4) { width: 17%; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(5) { width: 10%; } #crb-traffic td:nth-child(6) { width: 7%; }*/ #crb-traffic p { margin: 1em 0 0 0; color: #555; } #crb-traffic .crb-request span { margin-right: 0.5em; /*display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 1.2em; padding: 4px 8px;*/ padding: 3px 6px 3px 6px; word-break: keep-all; } #crb-traffic .crb-toggle .crb-request { cursor: pointer; } td.crb-traffic-details { padding-bottom: 2em; word-break: break-all; } td.crb-traffic-details td { padding: 0.5em; } td.crb-traffic-details table td:nth-child(2) { font-family: 'Roboto Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12px; } .crb-traffic-more { position: relative; left: -9999em; } .crb-POST, .crb-ffile{ /*background-color: #616e7b;*/ background-color: #69737d; color: #fff; } .crb-200 { color: #2db05a; font-weight: 500; } .crb-403, .crb-404, .crb-405{ background-color: #FF5733; background-color: #FF4633; color: #fff; } .crb-wp-type-515{ background-color: #7A804A; color: #fff; } .crb-wp-type-520{ background-color: #A00D5C; color: #fff; } .crb-req-status-500, .crb-req-status-501, .crb-req-status-502, .crb-req-status-503 { background-color: #2db05a; color: #fff; } .crb-req-status-510, .crb-req-status-511, .crb-req-status-512 { border: solid 2px #2db05a; color: #222; } .crb-php-error { background-color: #8892bf; color: #fff; } .crb-above { background-color: #FFFF55; } .crb-fields-table { font-family: "Roboto Mono", Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; min-width: 400px; width: 100%; margin-right: 2em; border-collapse: collapse; /*border: 1px solid #CCC;*/ } .crb-fields-table.crb-top-table > tbody > tr:first-child td{ background-color: #DDD; border-color: #CCC; color: #000; } .crb-fields-table.crb-top-table > tbody > tr td:nth-child(2) { padding: 0; } .crb-fields-table td div { padding: 0.5em; } .crb-fields-table td { vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid #CCC; word-break: break-all; } .crb-fields-table td:first-child { min-width: 150px; width: 20%; font-weight: 500; color: #333; } .crb-fields-table td:nth-child(2) { color: #000; } .crb-sub-table td { border: none; } .crb-sub-table tr:nth-child(even) td { background-color: #f5f5f5; } #crb-traffic-form input[type="text"], #crb-traffic-form input[type="number"], #crb-traffic-form input[type="date"], #crb-traffic-form select{ width: 290px; /* Select2 uses px */ } #crb-traffic-form p { padding: 0; } #crb-traffic-form p.crb-has-checkbox { padding-top: 1.5em; } #crb-traffic-form input[type=submit]{ font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px; } #crb-traffic-form label { font-weight: bold; color: #333; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } #crb-traffic-form > div { display: table; margin: 0 auto; } #crb-traffic-form > div > div { display: table-cell; width: 300px; padding: 1em 1.5em 1em 1.5em; } @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { #crb-traffic-form > div > div { display: block; } } #crb-quarantine td:nth-child(5) { word-break: break-word; /* deprecated in FF, but works perfectly */ } /* IP info like WHOIS details */ .crb_ip_info_label { /*padding: 1px 6px 1px 6px;*/ padding: 4px 8px; margin-right: 4px; white-space: nowrap; } /* Activity */ .crb-tab-activity .crb-quick-nav { /*padding-bottom: 6px;*/ margin-top: 0.5em; } #crb-activity td { padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em; } #crb-activity td.acinfo div { padding: 0.1em 0 0.1em 0.7em; } /* Default width of 6 columns */ #crb-activity th#crb_hostname_col { width: 20%; } #crb-activity th#crb_date_col { width: 10%; } /* More space for a country column - 7 columns */ #crb-activity.crb-7-columns th#crb_hostname_col { width: 16%; } #activity-filter { margin-top: 0.5em; /*vertical-align: top;*/ } #activity-filter > div:first-child { float: left; max-width: 80%; margin-bottom: 1em; } #activity-filter > div:nth-child(2) { float: right; width: auto; line-height: 26px; } #activity-filter a{ text-decoration: none; } #crb-activity-fields > div:first-child { float: left; } #crb-activity-fields .crb-act-controls { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } #crb-activity-fields select, #crb-activity-fields input[type="text"], #crb-activity-fields .select2-container, #crb-top-filter select, #crb-top-filter .select2-container { width: 250px; margin: 0 0.5em 0 0; } #crb-activity-fields input[type="submit"]{ margin-right: 3em; } #crb-activity-fields button { margin-right: 1rem; } #crb-more-activity-fields { margin-top: 0.9em; } .crb-activity { margin-right: 0.7em; white-space: nowrap; word-break: keep-all; } .crb-log-status{ background-color: #dcdcdc; color: #111; display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 4px 8px; } .crb-status-500 { background-color: #2db05a; color: #ffffff; } .crb_act_url, .crb_act_role { color: #777; } .crb_act_url { margin: 0.3em 0 !important; font-weight: normal; } .crb_act_icon { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 1em; height: 1em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.2em; /* background-color: inherit;*/ } .crb_css_table { display: table; } .crb_css_table > div { display: table-cell; } .crb_ip_aclB, .crb_color_black { background-color: #000; color: #fff; } .crb_ip_aclW, .crb_color_green { background-color: #2db05a; color: #fff; } .crb_color_blocked { background-color: #FF5733; background-color: #FF4633; color: #fff; } .actv5 { display: inline-block; padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; /*margin: 1px;*/ background-color: #2db05a; color: #000; /*border-radius: 5px;*/ border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-right: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .actv10, .actv11, .actv12, .actv16, .actv17, .actv18, .actv19, .actv41, .actv42, .actv53, .actv54, .actv55, .actv56, .actv70, .actv71 { display: inline-block; padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; /*margin: 1px;*/ /*background-color: #FF5733;*/ /*background-color: #FC5643;*/ color: #000; /*border-radius: 5px;*/ border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-right: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .yellow_label, .actv13, .actv14 { display: inline-block; padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; margin: 1px; background-color: #FFFF80; color: #000; /*border-radius: 5px;*/ border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-right: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .actv10, .actv11, .actv12, .actv16, .actv17, .actv18 { border-left: 4px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .25); } /* .crb-country { padding-left: 24px; white-space: nowrap; }*/ .crb-country-label { display: flex; align-items: center; white-space: nowrap; } .crb-country-flag { width: 21px; margin-right: 8px; border: solid 1px #ececec; } /* Activity - new styles (improvements) */ .actv5, .actv10, .actv11, .actv12, .actv16, .actv17, .actv18, .actv19, .actv41, .actv42, .actv53, .actv54, .actv55, .actv56, .actv70, .actv71 { padding: 0; border-left: none; background-color: initial; } .crb12, .crb16, .crb17, .crb18, .crb19, .crb25, .crb41, .crb42, .crb50, .crb51, .crb52, .crb53, .crb54, .crb55, .crb56, .crb57, .crb70, .crb71, .crb72, .crb73, .crb74, .crb75, .crb76, .crb100 { border-left: 0.4em solid #FF5733; border-left: 0.4em solid #FF4633; padding-bottom: 2px; } .crb10, .crb11 { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } .crb10 span, .crb11 span { margin-left: -0.7em; padding-left: 1.1em; /* 0.7 + 0.4 */ padding-right: 1em; line-height: 1.2; padding: 4px 8px; } .crb10 span:first-child, .crb11 span:first-child { display: inline-block; color: #FFF; background-color: #FF5733; /*background-color: rgba(255, 70, 51, 0.95);*/ background-color: #FF4633; /*(background-color: #FF4F3D;*/ margin-right: 1.5em; line-height: 1.2; } .crb4, .crb5 { border-left: 0.4em solid #2db05a; padding-bottom: 2px; } .crb-rectangle { text-align: center; padding: 2em; background-color: #fff; } /* Pagination links */ .pagination { display: inline-block; } .pagination a { color: black; background-color: #fff; float: left; padding: 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #ddd; } .pagination a.active { /*background-color: #0085ba;*/ background-color: #2271b1; color: white; border: 1px solid #2271b1; } .pagination a:hover:not(.active) {background-color: #ddd;} .pagination a:first-child { border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; } .pagination a:last-child { border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } .pagination a.arrows { font-size: 140%; font-weight: 600; } /* Access Lists */ .acl-wrapper { margin-bottom: 30px; width: 100%; /*max-width: 1200px;*/ } /* .acl-wrapper table td:first-child { width: 30%; padding-right: 4px; }*/ .acl-wrapper form table { margin-top: 0.4em; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } .acl-wrapper form table td { padding: 0 0 0.3em 0; } .acl-wrapper form table td:first-child { width: 45%; } .acl-wrapper form table td:nth-child(2) { padding-left: 4px; } #crb-admin .acl-wrapper input[type="text"]{ border: 2px solid #d6d6d6; width:100%; } .acl-items { /*margin-right: 3em;*/ border: 2px solid #d6d6d6; background-color: #fff; max-height:400px; overflow: auto; border-collapse: collapse; } .acl-table { /*border: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #fff;*/ width: 100%; } .acl-table td:first-child { width: 25%; white-space: pre; font-family: 'Roboto Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; } .acl-table td:nth-child(2) { width: 37%; } .acl-table td:nth-child(3) { width: 30%; text-align: center; } .acl-table td:nth-child(4) { width: 8%; text-align: center; } .acl-table td { padding: 6px; background-color: #f5f5f5; } .acl-table tr:hover td{ background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #000; } .acl-table tr td:not(:first-child) { /*.acl-table tr td:nth-child(2) {*/ /*width: 20%;*/ } .crb-acl-hints { border-collapse: collapse; } .crb-acl-hints tr:first-of-type td { font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; line-height: 200%; } .crb-acl-hints td:nth-child(3) { font-family: 'Roboto Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; } .crb-acl-hints td { padding: 0.6em; background-color: #eee; border: 2px solid #d6d6d6; } /* Tabs */ a.nav-tab:first-child{ margin-left: 0 !important; } .cerber-tabs { font-weight: normal; } .nav-tab-wrapper.cerber-tabs { padding-left: 0 !important; margin-top: 5px !important; } .cerber-tabs span.dashicons { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 18px; } .cerber-tabs .nav-tab { font-weight: normal; margin-left: 0; border-right: none; color: #333; text-transform: capitalize; } .cerber-tabs .nav-tab:hover { color: #000; } a.nav-tab:last-of-type{ border-right: 1px solid #ccc; /*border-bottom: none;*/ } .cerber-tabs .nav-tab-active { /*color: #011b45;*/ color: #0073aa; /*color: rgb(0, 103, 153);*/ font-weight: 700; font-weight: 500; } .cerber-tabs .nav-tab i{ font-size: 1.5em; } /* Preserve line-height for tabs */ .cerber-tabs sup, .cerber-tabs sub { height: 0; line-height: 1; vertical-align: baseline; _vertical-align: bottom; position: relative; } .cerber-tabs sup { bottom: 1ex; } .cerber-tabs sub { top: .5ex; } /* Users admin page */ #cbcc, .cbcc, #cbfl, .cbfl, th.column-cbcc, th.column-cbfl { text-align: center; } .crb-user-blocked td.column-username, .crb-user-blocked .crb-user-name { color: red; } .crb-user-blocked td.column-username strong::after, .crb-user-blocked .crb-user-name::after { content: ' BLOCKED'; } /* Scanner page */ body.wp-cerber_page_cerber-integrity { overflow-y: scroll; /* workaround for jumping page when thickbox popup is active */ } #crb-scanner { text-align: center; } #crb-scan-display, #crb-scan-details { /*width: 97%;*/ overflow: auto; padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px; /*background-color: #f9f9f9;*/ background-color: #fff; border: solid #DEDEDE 1px; border-bottom: none; /*margin-bottom: 10px;*/ } #crb-the-table { display: table; width: 100%; } #crb-scan-details { padding: 0; border: solid #DEDEDE 2px; /*min-height: 40vh; max-height: 50vh;*/ height: 50vh; overflow: auto; -webkit-transition: height 2s; /* Safari */ transition: height 2s; } #crb-scan-display div.scan-tile { /*float: left;*/ display: table-cell; width: 25%; vertical-align: middle; /*width: auto;*/ text-align: center; } #crb-scan-display div.scan-tile div { display: inline-block; text-align: center; } #crb-scan-display div div p:first-of-type { font-size: 200%; line-height: 160%; color: #000; margin: 0; } #crb-started, #crb-finished { white-space: nowrap; } .crb-scan-info { width: 23%; text-align: left !important; } .crb-scan-info table { width: 100%; padding-right: 2em; } .crb-scan-info table td:first-child{ padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top; color: #444; } .crb-scan-info table td:last-child{ color: #000; } .crb-scan-flon { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; color: #0073aa; } /*@media screen and (max-width: 1600px) { .crb-settings .form-table td { padding-right: 10% !important; } }*/ @media screen and (max-width: 1300px) { #crb-aside { display: none; } #activity-filter div:first-child{ max-width: 70%; } /*.crb-settings .form-table td { padding-right: 5% !important; }*/ } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { #activity-filter div:first-child, #activity-filter div:nth-child(2){ max-width: 100%; float: none; text-align: center; } #crb-activity-fields .crb-act-controls { display: block; margin-top: 1em; } #crb-scan-display div.scan-tile, .crb-scan-info { float: none; width: 100%; text-align: center; } #crb-scan-display div.scan-tile div { text-align: center; } .crb-scan-info table { width: auto; margin: 0 auto; } #crb-the-table { display: block; } #crb-scan-display div.scan-tile { display: block; } } #crb-browse-files { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #DEDEDE; border-spacing: 0; } #crb-browse-files td p { margin-bottom: 0; } #crb-browse-files td { color: #333; text-align: left; padding: 10px; min-width: 0; } #crb-browse-files tr td:nth-child(3) { color: #000; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 180%; } #crb-browse-files tr td:nth-child(n+5) { color: #444; } #crb-browse-files tr:hover td { /*background-color: #fff;*/ color: #000; /*font-weight: bold;*/ } #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-container { display: none; } /* #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-container td { font-size: 120%; color: #444; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; }*/ #crb-browse-files td.cursor-pointer { cursor: pointer; } #crb-browse-files td.cursor-pointer:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #crb-browse-files tr.crb-item-file td:nth-child(2) { font-family: "Roboto Mono", Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12px; color: #111; word-break: break-all; /*cursor: pointer;*/ } #crb-browse-files tr.crb-scan-section td { padding: 15px 0 15px 10px; border-top: 1px dashed #aaa; font-size: 115%; } #crb-browse-files tr.crb-scan-section td span:first-child { font-weight: 500; color: #333; /*margin-right: 0.5em;*/ } #crb-browse-files tr.section-crb-plugins td span:first-child:after { content: ' plugin'; } #crb-browse-files tr.section-crb-themes td span:first-child:after { content: ' theme'; } #crb-browse-files tr.section-crb-wordpress td span:first-child:after { content: ' files'; } #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-1 { background-color: #33be84; } #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-4{ background-color: #dc2f34; } #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-5, #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-6, #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-7, #crb-browse-files .crb-scan-section .crb-it-8{ color: #dd1320; } #crb-browse-files .risk3 span{ /*background-color: #c91619;*/ /* background-color: #dd1320; */ background-color: #dc2f34; background-color: #e4383d; color: #fff; display: inline-block; line-height: 1em; padding: 3px 5px; font-size: 92%; } #crb-browse-files .risk2{ /*color: yellow;*/ } #crb-browse-files .scan-ilabel { color: #fff; margin-left: 6px; display: inline-block; line-height: 1em; padding: 3px 5px; font-size: 92%; } #crb-browse-files .crb-list-vlnb { color: #dd1320; } #crb-scan-controls { width: 100%; margin-top: 10px; background-color: #f1f1f1; border-collapse: collapse; } #crb-scan-controls td{ text-align: center; width: 50%; } #crb-scan-controls td:first-child{ width: 25%; text-align: left; } #crb-scan-controls td:last-child{ width: 25%; text-align: right; } #crb-scan-controls .button { margin-right: 1em; } #crb-file-controls .button{ margin-right: 0; } #crb-file-controls input, #crb-scan-controls a{ display: none; } #crb-scan-progress { display: none; padding: 10px 5px 0 5px; clear: both; } #crb-scan-progress > div { text-align: left; clear: both; width: 100%; height: 5px; background-color: #E5E5E5; } #the-scan-bar { display: block; width: 10px; height: 5px; background-color: #00ae65cc; } #crb-scan-message { display: none; clear: both; color: #A30058; margin: 1em 1em 0.5em; } #crb-scan-note { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 90%; color: #A30058; } #ref-section-name { font-weight: bold; } #crb_scan_insights > div { padding-bottom: 1.5em; } #crb_scan_insights .uis_loader_wrapper { margin-top: 100px; } #crb-ext-statistics td:nth-child(7), #crb-ext-statistics td:nth-child(8) { white-space: nowrap; } /* end of the Scanner page */ .crb-popup-inner { margin: 1em; overflow: auto; } .crb-popup-inner div { margin-bottom: 10px; } .crb-popup-inner p { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } .crb-popup-inner div div { border-left: solid 2px #dd1320; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .crb-popup-inner div div p{ margin-top: 1em; } .crb-popup-inner div div code { line-height: 180%; } .crb-popup-controls { text-align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 20px; left:0; right:0; margin: auto; } .crb-popup-controls .button { min-width: 110px; margin-right: 5px; } /* New popups */ div.mfp-bg.crb-admin-mpopup { z-index: 9999; } div.mfp-wrap.crb-admin-mpopup { z-index: 9999; } .crb-admin-mpopup .mfp-content { background-color: #fff; max-width: 800px; margin-top: 50px; } .crb-admin-mpopup #crb-popup-wrap { padding-left: 20px; } #crb-popup-wrap h3 { margin-top: 0; } .crb-admin-mpopup #crb-outer { padding-top: 40px; margin-bottom: 60px; } .crb-admin-mpopup #crb-inner { min-height: 100px; max-height: 600px; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 20px; } /* New pop-up dialogs */ div.mfp-bg.crb-popup-dialog-wrap { z-index: 9999; } div.mfp-wrap.crb-popup-dialog-wrap { z-index: 9999; } .crb-popup-dialog-wrap .mfp-content { background-color: #fff; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 50px; } .crb-popup-dialog { padding: 2em; } .crb-popup-dialog-aside { padding-left: 0.5em; } .crb-popup-dialog table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } .crb-popup-dialog table td { vertical-align: top; } .crb-popup-dialog table.crb-table-1col > tbody > tr > td { text-align: center; } .crb-popup-dialog table.crb-table-2cols > tbody > tr > td { width: 50%; } .crb-popup-dialog-form table.crb-form-fields { margin-top: 2em; } .crb-popup-dialog-form table.crb-form-fields tbody tr:not(:last-of-type) td { padding-bottom: 2em; } .crb-popup-dialog-form input[type="text"], .crb-popup-dialog-form input[type="date"] { min-width: 15em; text-align: center; margin-top: 1em; } .crb-popup-dialog-form input[type="checkbox"] { margin-top: 0; } .crb-popup-dialog-form .crb-wrap-checkbox { display: table-row; } .crb-popup-dialog-form .crb-wrap-checkbox > div { display: table-cell; } .crb-popup-dialog-form .crb-wrap-checkbox > div:last-of-type { padding-left: 0.5em; } .crb-popup-dialog-form .crb-error-text { position: absolute; color: red; margin-top: 2em; font-weight: 500; } /* Widgets */ #cerber_quick .inside { padding: 0; background-image: url("bgwidget.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top; background-size: 15%; background-position: right 20px; } .cerber-widget { border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #eeeeee; padding: 4px 12px 12px; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; } .cerber-widget .bigdig { font-size: 250%; } #quick-info td { padding: 0 8px 6px 0; font-size: 105%; } .cerber-widget td.per { vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 5px; } #quick-info .with-padding td{ padding-top: 15px; } .wilinks, .up-cerber { padding: 12px; text-align: center; } .wilinks { color: #AAA; } .wilinks a { white-space: nowrap; text-decoration: none; } .wilinks i { font-size: 22px; } .up-cerber { background-color: #804040; font-size: 110%; color: #fff; } .up-cerber a { color: #fff; display: block; } /* IP & User extra, WHOIS */ .crb-extra-info { overflow: auto; /*padding: 15px 25px 5px 25px;*/ background-color: #f8f8f8; border: solid 1px #CCC; margin-bottom: 1em; } /*.crb-extra-info > div { transition: all 2s; }*/ .crb-extra-info > *{ margin: 20px 25px 10px 25px; } .crb_extra_info_row { display: flex; } .crb_extra_info_row > div:not(:last-child) { margin-right: 3em; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; flex-basis: auto; } .crb_extra_info_row > div:last-child { flex-grow: 1; text-align: right; } .crb-extra-info table { border-collapse: collapse; } .crb-extra-info table td:nth-child(2){ text-align: left; vertical-align: top; } .crb-extra-info p{ line-height: 1; } .crb-extra-info #crb-ip-address, .crb-extra-info #crb-ip-country{ font-size: 115%; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; display: inline-block; } .crb-extra-info #crb-ip-address{ margin-right: 1em; } /*div.crb-extra-info #ip-details { float: left; max-width: 30%; } div.crb-extra-info #acl-buttons{ float:right; max-width: 30%; }*/ .crb-extra-info #add_acl_black { display: inline-block; } .crb-extra-info #add_acl_black button { /*min-width: 15em;*/ } #crb_the_summary > div { display: table-row; } #crb_the_summary > div > div { display: table-cell; padding: 0 0.8em 0.5em 0; vertical-align: top; } #crb_the_summary > div > div:not(:first-child) { white-space: nowrap; } #crb_the_summary table td { padding: 0 0.8em 0.5em 0; vertical-align: top; } #crb_the_summary table tr:last-child td div { border-left: 3px #ff4633 solid; margin-top: 1em; padding-left: 1em; } #crb_the_summary table tr:last-child td span { font-weight: 500; } #crb-user-extra-info .crb-user-name { font-weight: 500; } div#crb-whois-data { border-top: solid 1px #CCC; background-color: #fff; margin: 0; padding: 15px 25px; overflow: auto; max-height: 200px; transition: max-height 0.2s ease-in; } div#crb-whois-data:hover { max-height: 500px; transition: max-height 0.2s ease-out; } .whois-object { min-width: 20%; max-width: 50%; float: left; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 1.5em; background-color: #fff; border-left: #ddd solid 2px; } .whois-object tr td:first-of-type { padding-left: 10px; } .whois-object tr td:last-child { padding-right: 10px; } .crb-raw-data pre { line-height: initial; white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ } #crb-user-extra-info a { text-decoration: none; } #crb-extra-ip-info > .uis_loader_wrapper { height: 260px; } /* Showing IP insights data when it's loaded via AJAX only */ #crb-extra-ip-info #crb-quick-insights { display: none; } #crb-extra-ip-info.uis_ajax_processed #crb-quick-insights, #crb-extra-ip-info .uis_ajax_processed #crb-quick-insights { display: initial; } .crb-nav-row span { margin-right: 5px; } /* Diagnostic */ #diagnostic h3 { margin-top: 0; } #diagnostic .crb-diag-section { background-color: #fafafa; border-top: 2px solid #ddd; /*width: 90%; max-width:1000px;*/ margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 1em; } #diagnostic table { background-color: #fff; width:100%; border: 2px solid #eee; } #diagnostic table th { padding: 2px 8px 2px 8px; text-align: left; } #diagnostic table td { padding: 2px 8px 2px 8px; vertical-align: top; } #diagnostic textarea { width: 100%; height: 400px; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 4px; } #diagnostic .diag-table{ width:100%; border: none; } #diagnostic .diag-td { padding: 10px; width:50%; } .crb-diag-inner, .crb-diag-inner p { font-family: 'Roboto Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12px; color: #000; } .crb-plain-table { max-height: 440px; overflow: auto; } .crb-plain-table table { border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom: 1em; } .crb-plain-table td { border: 1px solid #eee; } .crb-plain-fcw td:first-of-type { font-weight: 500; color: #222; width: 30%; } .crb-plain-table td:not(:first-of-type) { color: #000; } .crb-plain-header, .crb-plain-fh td:first-of-type { color: #000; /*font-weight: bold;*/ } .cerber-button span.dashicons-before { display: inline-block; line-height: 18px; margin-left: 0.5em; margin-right: 0.5em; } .cerber-button i { vertical-align: middle; font-size: 120%; margin-right: 0.1em; /*display: inline-block; line-height: 26px;*/ } /* Fonts */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; src: url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Light.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: local('Roboto'), local('Roboto-Regular'), url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; src: local('Roboto Medium'), local('Roboto-Medium'), url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Medium.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; src: local('Roboto Bold'), local('Roboto-Bold'), url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Bold.woff) format('woff'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto Mono'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Mono_400.woff2) format('woff2'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto Mono'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 500; src: url(fonts/roboto/Roboto-Mono_500.woff2) format('woff2'); } @font-face { font-family: "cerber-icon"; src: url('fonts/cerber.eot'); src: url('fonts/cerber.eot#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/cerber.ttf') format('truetype'), url('fonts/cerber.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } /* WP Admin Menu */ #adminmenu .toplevel_page_cerber-security div.wp-menu-image::before { font-family: "cerber-icon" !important; content: '\10ffff'; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; /* padding: 4px 0 !important; margin-left: -0.6em !important; font-size: 23px !important; */ padding: 2px 0 !important; margin-left: -0.6em !important; font-size: 28px !important; } /* Plugin's menu at the top */ .crb-top_admin_menu_enabled ul#adminmenu a.wp-has-current-submenu::after { display: none; } .crb-top_admin_menu_enabled #adminmenu #toplevel_page_cerber-security .wp-submenu { background-color: #DCDCDE; } .crb-top_admin_menu_enabled #toplevel_page_cerber-security .wp-submenu a { color: #333; } .crb-top_admin_menu_enabled #toplevel_page_cerber-security .wp-submenu a:hover { color: #000; } .crb-top_admin_menu_enabled #toplevel_page_cerber-security .wp-submenu li.current a { color: #000; } /* Avatars */ table.crb-avatar{ margin: 0.2em 0 0.2em 0; border-collapse: collapse; } table.crb-avatar tr { background: transparent !important; } table.crb-avatar td { padding: 0; vertical-align:top; } table.crb-avatar img{ margin-right: 10px; } table.crb-avatar p{ margin-bottom: 0; } table.crb-avatar .crb-us-name { display:block; margin-top:0; line-height:100%; } /* Doesn't work */ .crb-table .avatar{ float: left; margin-right: 10px; } /* Help tab */ #crb-help { padding: 0 10px; } #crb-help div { margin-bottom: 2em; } #crb-help h3 { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 0.4em; } #crb-help ul { list-style: square; margin-left: 1em; } #crb-help ul li { margin-bottom: 1em; } table#admin-help { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } table#admin-help tbody td { width: 50%; vertical-align: top; /*padding-top: 2em;*/ padding-right: 4em; } table#admin-help h3, table#admin-help img{ margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 1em; } table#admin-help p{ margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 1em; line-height: 1.7; } table#admin-help span{ vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; } /* Help sign */ .help-sign { margin-left: 6px; padding: 2px 6px; position: relative; top: -1px; text-decoration: none; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 2px; background: #f7f7f7; font-weight: 600; font-size: 80%; line-height: normal; color: #0073aa; } /* GEO */ .crb-geo-rule { width: 100%; /*table-layout: fixed;*/ } table.crb-geo-rule td{ vertical-align: top; } table.crb-geo-rule td:first-child{ width: 10%; vertical-align: middle; } table.crb-geo-rule td:first-child{ vertical-align: middle; } .crb-geo-switcher { min-width: 50%; } /* Multi selector */ .multi-wrapper { border-radius: 0; } .multi-wrapper .item { padding-left: 30px !important; } .multi-wrapper .item:hover { border-radius: 0 !important; } .multi-wrapper .non-selected-wrapper .item.selected { display: none; } .multi-wrapper .non-selected-wrapper, .multi-wrapper .selected-wrapper{ height: 350px !important; } .crb-super-select { position: relative; } .crb-super-select .crb-super-details { position: absolute; top: 390px; } /* Vertical Tabs */ table.vtable > tbody > tr > td { vertical-align: top; padding: 0; } #crb-vtabs { width: 20%; border: 1px solid #DEDEDE; border-right: none; background-color: #E5E5E5; } #crb-vtabcontent { border: 1px solid #DEDEDE; border-left: none; background-color: #fafafa; padding-bottom: 15px; } .vtabs { /*float: left;*/ /*border: 1px solid #CCC; border-right: none;*/ /*background-color: #f1f1f1;*/ /*width: 30%;*/ /*min-width: 20%;*/ min-height: 600px; } .vtabs .tablinks { font-size: 110%; /*font-weight: bold;*/ display: block; color: black; padding: 22px 16px; /*width: 100%;*/ border: none; /* outline: none;*/ text-align: left; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.3s; } .vtabs .tablinks:hover { background-color: #D0D0D0; } .vtabs .tablinks.active_tab { font-weight: bold; background-color: #fafafa; /*border-left: 3px solid #fff;*/ padding-left: 20px; } .vtabs .tablinks span{ font-size: 85%; color: #555; font-weight: normal; } .vtabs .tablinks::first-letter{ text-transform: uppercase; } .vtabcontent { display: none; padding: 0 40px 0 40px; } .vtabcontent .form-table th { /*min-width: 250px;*/ min-width: 35%; } /*.vtabcontent .form-table select, .vtabcontent .form-table input { min-width: 200px; }*/ .vtabcontent .form-table select, .vtabcontent .form-table textarea, .vtabcontent .form-table label.crb-below { min-width: 90%; } /* .vtabcontent .form-table th { padding: 12px 10px 12px 0; } .vtabcontent .form-table td { padding: 12px 10px 10px 0; }*/ /* Diagnostic Log */ #crb-log-nav { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; padding: 1.5em 0; } #crb-log-nav a { text-decoration: none; } #crb-log-viewer pre { font-family: 'Roboto Mono', Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, monospace; font-size: 12px; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: anywhere; word-break: break-all; background-color: #fff; color: #111; padding: 1em; margin: 0; } #crb-log-viewer .cerber-error { color: red; } /* Changelog */ #crb-change-log-view { background-color: #fff; color: #111; padding: 1em; margin: 0; line-height: 1.7em; } #crb-change-log-view .crb-version{ font-size: 120%; line-height: 2em; font-weight: bold; } /* Switches & Toggle */ .crb-switch { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 50px; /*height: 22px;*/ height: 20px; margin-right: 0.8em; } .crb-switch input { /* @since 5.7.4 display: none;*/ /* Use .screen-reader-text instead */ /* https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/2015/02/09/hiding-text-for-screen-readers-with-wordpress-core/ */ } .crb-slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; -webkit-transition: .2s; transition: .2s; } .crb-slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; /*height: 16px; width: 16px; left: 4px; bottom: 3px;*/ height: 14px; width: 14px; left: 5px; bottom: 3px; background-color: white; -webkit-transition: .2s; transition: .2s; } input:checked + .crb-slider { background-color: #51AE43; } input:focus + .crb-slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3; } input:checked + .crb-slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(26px); -ms-transform: translateX(26px); transform: translateX(26px); } .crb-slider.round { border-radius: 34px; } .crb-slider.round:before { border-radius: 50%; } .crb-pro-req { padding: 2em; background-color: #fff; color: #dc2f34; border-left: solid 2px #dc2f34; margin-bottom: 1em; } /* Misc */ .crb-generic-error { margin: 2em; padding: 3em; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff; border-left: solid 2px red; } /* Flags */ .multi-wrapper .item { background-size: 20px auto; } a[data-value="AF"]{ background: url("flags/af.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AL"]{ background: url("flags/al.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AX"]{ background: url("flags/ax.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="DZ"]{ background: url("flags/dz.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AS"]{ background: url("flags/as.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AD"]{ background: url("flags/ad.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AO"]{ background: url("flags/ao.png") no-repeat left; } a[data-value="AI"]{ background: 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Security\n" "Language: nb\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:275 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Begrens innloggingsforsøk" #: ../settings.php:276 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Forsøk" #: ../settings.php:282 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Varighet for utestengelse" #: ../settings.php:287 ../settings.php:383 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutter" #: ../settings.php:290 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Aggressiv utestengelse" #: ../settings.php:309 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Sidetilkobling" #: ../settings.php:317 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktive sikkerhetsregler" #: ../settings.php:318 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blokkér subnet" #: ../settings.php:336 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Kobling til wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:340 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Blokkér umiddelbart IP-en etter ethvert forsøk på å koble til wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:352 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Egendefinert innloggingsside" #: ../settings.php:353 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Egendefinert URL for innlogging" #: ../settings.php:361 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "må ikke være lik eksisterende sider eller slug" #: ../settings.php:363 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Deaktiver wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:368 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Blokkér direkte tilgang til wp-login.php og returnér HTTP 404 Ikke Funnet-feil." #: ../dashboard.php:1343 ../settings.php:371 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Vakttårnsmodus" #: ../settings.php:372 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Terskel" #: ../settings.php:378 ../cerber-scanner.php:3715 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Varighet" #: ../cerber-load.php:4403 ../settings.php:303 ../settings.php:386 ../settings. #: php:1176 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Varsling" #: ../settings.php:391 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Send varsel til admins e-postadresse" #: ../cerber-load.php:4400 ../settings.php:1173 ../cerber-tools.php:96 ../cerber- #: tools.php:105 ../cerber-tools.php:192 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Tilgangsliste" #: ../dashboard.php:1377 ../dashboard.php:1852 ../cerber-load.php:4105 .. #: /settings.php:397 ../settings.php:1170 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivitet" #: ../settings.php:1171 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Utestengelser" #: ../settings.php:1321 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s tillatte forsøk på %s minutter" #: ../settings.php:1346 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Aktivér etter %s mislykkede innloggingsforsøk på %s minutter" #: ../dashboard.php:135 ../dashboard.php:797 ../dashboard.php:3387 ../cerber-load. #: php:4114 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP-adresse" #: ../dashboard.php:586 ../dashboard.php:800 ../dashboard.php:3035 ../dashboard. #: php:3385 msgid "Date" msgstr "Dato" #: ../dashboard.php:589 ../dashboard.php:802 ../dashboard.php:3390 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokal bruker" #: ../dashboard.php:592 ../dashboard.php:803 ../cerber-load.php:4122 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Brukernavn brukt" #: ../dashboard.php:154 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Viser siste %d oppføringer fra %d" #: ../common.php:934 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Logget inn" #: ../common.php:935 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Logget ut" #: ../common.php:936 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Innlogging feilet" #: ../common.php:939 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP blokkert" #: ../common.php:940 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Subnet blokkert" #: ../common.php:942 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Vakttårn aktivert!" #: ../dashboard.php:777 ../dashboard.php:1007 ../dashboard.php:3204 ../common.php: #: 988 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Utestengt" #: ../common.php:990 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP svartelistet" #: ../common.php:957 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Passord endret" #: ../dashboard.php:128 ../dashboard.php:208 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Fjern" #: ../dashboard.php:455 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Utestengelse for %s ble fjernet" #: ../dashboard.php:180 ../dashboard.php:772 ../dashboard.php:1001 ../dashboard. #: php:1341 ../dashboard.php:3199 ../cerber-load.php:4388 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Hvit IP-tilgangsliste" #: ../dashboard.php:182 ../dashboard.php:773 ../dashboard.php:1004 ../dashboard. #: php:1342 ../dashboard.php:3200 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Svart IP-tilgangsliste" #: ../dashboard.php:214 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Listen er tom" #: ../dashboard.php:251 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adressen %s ble lagt til den hvite IP-tilgangslisten" #: ../dashboard.php:265 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adressen %s ble lagt til den svarte IP-tilgangslisten" #: ../cerber-load.php:3540 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Vakttårnsmodus ble aktivert etter %d mislykkede innloggingsforsøk på %d minutter" #: ../dashboard.php:2009 ../dashboard.php:2429 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Se aktivitet" #: ../dashboard.php:2975 ../cerber-tools.php:95 ../cerber-tools.php:104 ../cerber- #: scanner.php:76 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Innstillinger" #: ../dashboard.php:1204 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Siste innlogging" #: ../dashboard.php:1237 ../dashboard.php:1324 ../common.php:1185 msgid "Never" msgstr "Aldri" #: ../dashboard.php:1893 ../cerber-tools.php:654 ../cerber-scanner.php:5404 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5546 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Er du sikker?" #: ../dashboard.php:1655 ../settings.php:314 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Min side er bak en reverse proxy" #: ../settings.php:324 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Ikke-eksisterende brukere" #: ../settings.php:328 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "Blokkér umiddelbart IP når noen prøver å logge inn med et ikke-eksisterende brukernavn" #: ../settings.php:1124 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Gjør din beskyttelse smartere!" #: ../settings.php:1128 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Vennligst " #: ../cerber-load.php:4398 ../settings.php:1172 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Hovedinnstillinger" #: ../dashboard.php:3884 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hjelp" #: ../settings.php:1331 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Øk varigheten av utestengelser til %s timer etter %s utestengelser i løpet av de siste %s timer" #: ../cerber-load.php:388 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Du har ikke tillatelse til å logge inn. Spør din administrator om du trenger hjelp." #: ../cerber-load.php:413 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Du har kun ett forsøk igjen." msgstr[1] "Du har %d forsøk igjen." #: ../dashboard.php:825 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Ingen aktivitet har blitt registrert." #: ../dashboard.php:138 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Utgår" #: ../dashboard.php:160 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Ingen utestengelser akkurat nå. Kysten er klar." #: ../dashboard.php:180 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Disse IP-er vil aldri bli utestengt" #: ../dashboard.php:189 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Din IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3541 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Siste mislykkede forsøk var %s fra IP %s med brukernavn %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4366 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Kunne ikke aktivere WP Cerber på grunn av en databasefeil." #: ../settings.php:1338 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Varsle administratoren om antallet aktive utestengelser overskrider" #: ../settings.php:402 ../settings.php:650 ../settings.php:914 ../settings.php:985 msgid "days" msgstr "dager" #: ../dashboard.php:1294 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber hurtigvisning" #: ../dashboard.php:156 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Hint" #: ../dashboard.php:156 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "For å se aktivitet klikk på IP-en" #: ../settings.php:322 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Alltid blokkér hele subnet Class C av inntrengerens IP" #: ../settings.php:394 ../settings.php:1343 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klikk for å sende test" #: ../settings.php:1553 ../settings.php:1554 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "OBS! Du har endret innloggings-adressen. Din nye URL for innlogging er" #: ../dashboard.php:1203 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentarer" #: ../common.php:1371 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Oppdatér til versjon %s av WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:3542 ../cerber-load.php:4146 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Se aktivitet i kontrollpanelet" #: ../cerber-load.php:3571 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Antall aktive utestengelser" #: ../cerber-load.php:3575 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Se utestengelser i kontrollpanelet" #: ../cerber-load.php:3663 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Denne meldingen ble sendt av" #: ../dashboard.php:70 ../cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Verktøy" #: ../cerber-tools.php:92 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Eksportér innstillinger til filen" #: ../cerber-tools.php:93 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Når du klikker knappen under, vil du få en konfigurasjonsfil som du kan laste opp på en annen side." #: ../cerber-tools.php:94 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Hva ønsker du å eksportere?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Last ned fil" #: ../cerber-tools.php:99 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importér innstillinger fra filen" #: ../cerber-tools.php:100 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Når du klikker på knappen under, vil filen lastes opp og alle eksisterende innstillinger vil bli overskrevet." #: ../cerber-tools.php:101 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Velg fil å importere." #: ../cerber-tools.php:101 ../cerber-scanner.php:3915 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maksimum tillatte filstørrelse for opplasting: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:104 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Hva ønsker du å importere?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:106 ../cerber-scanner.php:3918 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Last opp fil" #: ../cerber-tools.php:155 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Ingen fil ble lastet opp, eller er filen ødelagt" #: ../cerber-tools.php:192 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Feil under oppdatering" #: ../cerber-tools.php:198 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Innstillinger ble importert fra" #: ../cerber-tools.php:205 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Feil under parsing av filen" #: ../dashboard.php:136 ../dashboard.php:798 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Vertsnavn" #: ../dashboard.php:415 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ukjent" #: ../settings.php:398 ../settings.php:910 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Behold logger" #: ../dashboard.php:1328 ../dashboard.php:1350 msgid "active" msgstr "aktive" #: ../dashboard.php:1328 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deaktiver" #: ../dashboard.php:1330 msgid "not active" msgstr "ikke aktive" #: ../dashboard.php:1331 ../dashboard.php:1345 msgid "disabled" msgstr "deaktivert" #: ../dashboard.php:1336 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "mislykkede forsøk" #: ../dashboard.php:1336 ../dashboard.php:1337 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "på 24 timer" #: ../dashboard.php:1336 ../dashboard.php:1337 msgid "view all" msgstr "se alle" #: ../dashboard.php:1337 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "utestengelser" #: ../dashboard.php:1339 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Utestengelser akkurat nå" #: ../dashboard.php:1340 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Siste utestengelse" #: ../dashboard.php:1341 ../dashboard.php:1342 ../dashboard.php:2171 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "oppføring" msgstr[1] "oppføringer" #: ../dashboard.php:1888 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Usikker på noen innstillinger?" #: ../dashboard.php:1889 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Du kan enkelt laste inn anbefalte standardinnstillinger via knappen under" #: ../dashboard.php:1891 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Last inn standardinnstillinger" #: ../dashboard.php:1899 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "påvirker ikke egendefinert innloggings-URL og tilgangslister" #: ../common.php:1364 ../settings.php:754 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Ny versjon er tilgjengelig" #: ../cerber-load.php:3514 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber-varsling" #: ../cerber-load.php:3538 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Vakttårns-modus er aktivert" #: ../cerber-load.php:3610 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Ny egendefinert innloggings-URL" #: ../cerber-load.php:4353 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber krever PHP versjon %s eller høyere. Du kjører" #: ../cerber-load.php:4357 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber krever WordPress versjon %s eller høyere. Du kjører" #: ../settings.php:420 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Bruk fil" #: ../settings.php:424 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Skriv mislykkede innloggingsforsøk til filen" #: ../dashboard.php:2008 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktivér" #: ../dashboard.php:139 ../cerber-load.php:3573 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Grunn" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Legg IP til listen" #: ../dashboard.php:1064 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Legg IP til svartelisten" #: ../common.php:1027 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Forsøk på å få tilgang til" #: ../common.php:1026 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Grensen for innloggingsforsøk er nådd" #: ../common.php:965 ../common.php:1028 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Forsøk på å logge inn med ikke-eksisterende brukernavn" #: ../cerber-load.php:3572 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Siste utestengelse ble lagt til: %s for IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4402 ../settings.php:1174 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Forsterking" #: ../dashboard.php:1041 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Repportering av misbruk:" #: ../settings.php:742 ../settings.php:782 ../settings.php:1047 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-postadresse" #: ../settings.php:750 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "Hvis tom, vil e-postadressen %s bli brukt" #: ../settings.php:428 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Inspiser IP" #: ../settings.php:432 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Hent ekstra WHOIS-informasjon for IP" #: ../settings.php:452 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Forsterke WordPress" #: ../settings.php:453 ../settings.php:497 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Stopp opplisting av brukere" #: ../settings.php:480 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Deaktivér XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:485 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Blokkér tilgang til XML-RPC-serveren (inkluderer Pingbacks og Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:487 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Deaktiver feeds" #: ../settings.php:492 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blokkér tilgang til RSS- Atom- og RDF-feeds" #: ../settings.php:505 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Deaktivér REST API" #: ../settings.php:1641 ../settings.php:1653 ../settings.php:1776 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "FEIL: vennligst skriv inn en gyldig e-postadresse" #: ../cerber-load.php:3603 ../cerber-load.php:4387 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber er nå aktiv og har begynt å beskytte siden din" #: ../dashboard.php:140 ../cerber-scanner.php:5428 ../cerber-scanner.php:5559 msgid "Action" msgstr "Handling" #: ../dashboard.php:182 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Ingen kan logge inn eller registrere seg fra disse IP-ene" #: ../dashboard.php:245 ../dashboard.php:257 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Feil IP-adresse eller IP-rekkevidde" #: ../dashboard.php:474 ../dashboard.php:2024 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Innstillingene er lagret" #: ../dashboard.php:1045 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Nettverk:" #: ../dashboard.php:1059 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Legg nettverk til svartelisten" #: ../dashboard.php:2007 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Advarsel! Vakttårns-modus er nå aktiv. Ingen vil kunne logge inn." #: ../dashboard.php:362 ../dashboard.php:3128 ../whois.php:225 ../whois.php:256 .. #: /common.php:1044 ../common.php:1459 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ukjent" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregory" #: ../common.php:252 ../common.php:318 ../common.php:323 ../common.php:329 .. #: /common.php:334 ../cerber-load.php:696 ../cerber-load.php:708 ../cerber-load. #: php:715 ../cerber-load.php:1024 ../cerber-load.php:1293 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1299 ../cerber-load.php:1304 ../cerber-load.php:1309 ../cerber-load.php:1315 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1322 ../cerber-load.php:1424 ../cerber-load.php:1561 .. #: /settings.php:1532 ../settings.php:1617 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "FEIL:" #: ../cerber-load.php:725 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Bekreftelse av menneskelighet feilet. Vennligst klikk den firkantige boksen i reCAPTCHA-blokken under." #: ../cerber-load.php:1036 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "FEIL: Passordet du skrev inn for brukernavnet %s er ugyldig." #: ../cerber-load.php:1310 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Brukernavnet er ikke tillatt. Vennligst velg et annet brukernavn." #: ../cerber-load.php:3566 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "uspesifisert" #: ../cerber-load.php:3569 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Antallet utestengelser stiger" #: ../cerber-load.php:3574 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Se aktivitet for denne IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3578 ../cerber-load.php:3580 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "En ny versjon av WP Cerber er tilgjengelig for installasjon" #: ../cerber-load.php:3579 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Hei!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3582 ../cerber-load.php:3593 msgid "Website" msgstr "Webside" #: ../cerber-load.php:3585 ../cerber-load.php:3586 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Sikkerhetstillegget WP Cerber har blitt deaktivert" #: ../cerber-load.php:3588 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Ikke innlogget" #: ../cerber-load.php:3594 msgid "By user" msgstr "Etter brukernavn" #: ../cerber-load.php:3595 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Fra IP-adresse" #: ../cerber-load.php:3598 msgid "From country" msgstr "Fra land" #: ../cerber-load.php:3602 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Sikkerhetstillegget WP Cerber er nå aktivt" #: ../cerber-load.php:4388 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Din IP-adresse ble lagt til" #: ../cerber-load.php:4404 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importer innstillinger" #: ../settings.php:753 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Grense for varslinger" #: ../settings.php:753 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "varslingsmeldinger tillatt per time (0 betyr ubegrenset)" #: ../settings.php:99 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Brukerrelaterte innstillinger" #: ../settings.php:141 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Blokkerte brukernavn" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Brukernavn fra denne listen har ikke tilgang til å logge inn eller registrere seg. Enhver IP som forsøker å bruke noen av disse brukernavnene blir blokkert umiddelbart. Bruk komma for å skille brukernavn." #: ../settings.php:149 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Brukerøktens varighet" #: ../settings.php:150 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "i minutter (la stå tom for å bruke WordPress' standardverdi)" #: ../settings.php:658 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-innstillinger" #: ../settings.php:659 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Site key" #: ../settings.php:661 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Secret key" #: ../settings.php:675 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' registreringsskjema" #: ../settings.php:684 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Skjema for mistet passord" #: ../settings.php:698 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Innloggingsskjema" #: ../settings.php:703 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' innloggingsskjema" #: ../settings.php:1142 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Før du kan ta i bruk reCAPTCHA må du skaffe deg en Site key og Secret key på Googles webside" #: ../cerber-lab.php:774 ../settings.php:1143 ../settings.php:1146 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Lær mer" #: ../settings.php:1175 msgid "Users" msgstr "Brukere" #: ../common.php:932 msgid "User created" msgstr "Bruker opprettet" #: ../dashboard.php:1845 ../common.php:933 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Bruker registrert" #: ../common.php:960 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-godkjenning mislyktes" #: ../common.php:961 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-innstillingene er feil" #: ../common.php:964 ../common.php:1048 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Forsøk på å koble til forbudt URL" #: ../common.php:966 ../common.php:1029 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Forsøk på å logge inn med forbudt brukernavn" #: ../settings.php:405 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Tilkobling til Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:409 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Send ondsinnede IP-adresser til Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:411 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab protokoll" #: ../settings.php:596 ../settings.php:670 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registreringsskjema" #: ../settings.php:682 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerces registreringsskjema" #: ../settings.php:689 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' skjema for mistet passord" #: ../settings.php:696 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce mistet passord-skjema" #: ../settings.php:710 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Slå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce innloggings-skjema" #: ../common.php:962 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Forespørsel til Googles reCAPTCHA-tjeneste mislyktes" #: ../dashboard.php:1837 ../dashboard.php:1863 msgid "View all" msgstr "Se alle" #: ../dashboard.php:1864 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Nylig utestengte IP-adresser" #: ../cerber-lab.php:772 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, ta alle sammen" #: ../cerber-lab.php:773 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NEI, kanskje senere" #: ../dashboard.php:55 ../dashboard.php:1376 ../dashboard.php:2193 ../settings. #: php:1169 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Kontrollpanel" #: ../cerber-lab.php:770 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Vil du gjøre WP Cerber enda sterkere?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:771 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Tillat at WP Cerber sender utestengde ondsinnede IP-adresser til Cerber Lab. Dette hjelper plugin-teamet å utvikle nye algoritmer som vil beskytte WordPress mot nye trusler og botnett som dukker opp hver dag. Du kan slå av sendingen i plugin-innstillingene når som helst." #: ../dashboard.php:585 ../dashboard.php:3034 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP-adresse" #: ../dashboard.php:590 msgid "User login" msgstr "Brukernavn" #: ../dashboard.php:591 ../dashboard.php:3040 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Bruker-ID" #: ../dashboard.php:821 ../dashboard.php:3444 msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksporter" #: ../dashboard.php:844 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Søk etter IP eller brukernavn" #: ../dashboard.php:845 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: ../dashboard.php:55 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber-kontrollpanel" #: ../dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber-verktøy" #: ../dashboard.php:2091 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Abbonér" #: ../dashboard.php:2092 ../cerber-tools.php:286 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Avslutt abonnementet" #: ../dashboard.php:2120 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Du abbonerer" #: ../dashboard.php:2123 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Du har avsluttet abonnementet" #: ../cerber-load.php:3614 ../cerber-load.php:3615 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "En ny aktivitet har blitt registrert" #: ../cerber-load.php:4118 msgid "User" msgstr "Bruker" #: ../cerber-load.php:4126 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Søkeord" #: ../cerber-load.php:4147 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Klikk her for å avslutte abbonementet" #: ../settings.php:427 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Valg" #: ../settings.php:434 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datoformat" #: ../settings.php:439 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "hvis blank, vil formatet %s bli brukt" #: ../settings.php:759 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push-varsler" #: ../settings.php:739 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "E-postvarsel" #: ../settings.php:746 ../settings.php:787 ../settings.php:873 ../settings.php:1051 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Bruk komma for å skille mellom flere verdier" #: ../settings.php:767 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Alle tilkoblede enheter" #: ../settings.php:770 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Ingen enheter funnet" #: ../settings.php:774 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Ikke tilgjengelig" #: ../common.php:958 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Nullstilling av passord forespurt" #: ../common.php:1030 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Grensen for mislykkede reCAPTCHA-verifiseringer er nådd" #: ../common.php:1180 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s siden" #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Aktivér regler for begrensning av innloggingsforsøk for hvitlistede IP-adresser." #: ../settings.php:342 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Vis 404-siden" #: ../settings.php:663 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Usynlig reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:668 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Aktivér usynlig reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:668 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(ikke aktivér denne med mindre du legger inn sidenøkkel og hemmelig nøkkel for den usynlige versjonen)" #: ../settings.php:718 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Aktivér reCAPTCHA for WordPress' kommentarskjema" #: ../settings.php:725 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Deaktivér reCAPTCHA for innloggede brukere" #: ../settings.php:727 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Begrens forsøk" #: ../settings.php:732 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Steng ute IP-adresser for %s minutter etter %s mislykkede forsøk på %s minutter" #: ../settings.php:1135 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "I vakttårnsmodus kan ingen andre enn hvitlistede IP-adresser logge seg inn. Allerede innloggede brukere vil ikke bli påvirket." #: ../dashboard.php:587 ../dashboard.php:801 msgid "Event" msgstr "Hendelse" #: ../common.php:195 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spam-kommentarer nektet" #: ../common.php:197 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Ondsinnede IP-adresser oppdaget" #: ../common.php:198 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Utestengelser" #: ../dashboard.php:1846 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "All mistenkelig aktivitet" #: ../cerber-load.php:1294 ../cerber-load.php:1300 ../cerber-load.php:1316 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1323 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Du har ikke tilgang til å registrere deg" #: ../common.php:943 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Spam-kommentar nektet" #: ../common.php:968 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Innloggingsforsøk nektet" #: ../common.php:969 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Registreringsforsøk nektet" #: ../common.php:192 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Mistenkelige aktiviteter redusert" #: ../dashboard.php:69 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Cerber antispam-innstillinger" #: ../dashboard.php:69 ../cerber-load.php:4401 ../settings.php:713 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:588 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Cerber antispam-system" #: ../settings.php:589 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Kommentarskjema" #: ../settings.php:594 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Beskytt kommentarskjema med system for bot-oppdagelse" #: ../settings.php:601 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Beskytt registreringssskjema med system for bot-oppdagelse" #: ../cerber-tools.php:40 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Eksporter og importer" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnose" #: ../cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "License" msgstr "Lisens" #: ../dashboard.php:3825 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Innstillinger for antispam og bot-oppdagelse" #: ../cerber-load.php:1561 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Beklager, menneskeverifisering feilet" #: ../common.php:1031 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Bot-aktivitet er oppdaget" #: ../settings.php:636 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Behandler kommentaren" #: ../settings.php:637 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Hvis en spam-kommentar oppdages" #: ../settings.php:644 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Kast spam-kommentarer i papirkurven" #: ../settings.php:649 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Flytt spam-kommentarer til papirkurven etter" #: ../common.php:944 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Innsending av skjema nektet pga. spam" #: ../settings.php:603 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Andre skjemaer" #: ../settings.php:608 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Beskytt alle skjemaer på websiden med systemet for bot-oppdagelse" #: ../settings.php:611 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Justér antispam-systemet" #: ../settings.php:612 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Sikkermodus" #: ../settings.php:617 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Bruk mindre restriktive regler (tillat AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:3418 ../settings.php:512 ../settings.php:619 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Innloggede brukere" #: ../settings.php:624 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Deaktivér systemet for bot-oppdagelse for innloggede brukere" #: ../dashboard.php:137 ../dashboard.php:799 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: ../dashboard.php:832 msgid "All events" msgstr "Alle hendelser" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber sikkerhetsregler" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:2645 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Sikkerhetsregler" #: ../dashboard.php:1205 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Mislykkede innloggingsforsøk" #: ../dashboard.php:1153 ../dashboard.php:1206 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrert" #: ../dashboard.php:1276 ../cerber-users.php:25 msgid "You" msgstr "Deg" #: ../common.php:196 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Innsending av skjema nektet pga. spam" #: ../dashboard.php:1900 ../cerber-load.php:3605 ../cerber-load.php:4390 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Hurtigstartsguide" #: ../dashboard.php:2637 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Land" #: ../dashboard.php:2706 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Tillatt for ett land" msgstr[1] "Tillatt for %s land" #: ../dashboard.php:2717 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Ingen regel" #: ../dashboard.php:2929 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Sikkerhetsreglene har blitt oppdatert" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:945 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Innsending av skjema nektet" #: ../common.php:946 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Kommentar nektet" #: ../common.php:974 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Forespørsel til REST API nektet" #: ../common.php:975 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Forespørsel til XML-RPC nektet" #: ../common.php:986 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot oppdaget" #: ../common.php:987 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Vakttårnsmodus er aktiv" #: ../common.php:992 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Mistenkelig aktivitet oppdaget" #: ../common.php:993 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Blokkert av land-regel" #: ../common.php:994 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Grensen er nådd" #: ../common.php:995 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Flere mistenkelige aktiviteter" #: ../common.php:1032 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Flere mistenkelige aktiviteter ble oppdaget" #: ../settings.php:517 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Tillat REST API for innloggede brukere" #: ../settings.php:532 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Spesifisér REST API navneområder som skal tillates når REST API er deaktivert. En string per linje." #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Grense for registreringer" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Sorter brukere i kontrollpanelet" #: ../settings.php:157 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "etter registreringsdato" #: ../settings.php:626 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Forespør hvitliste" #: ../settings.php:1326 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s tillatte registreringer på %s minutter fra én IP-adresse" #: ../dashboard.php:2773 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Begynn å skrive her for å finne et land" #: ../dashboard.php:2856 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Klikk på et land for å legge det til listen over valgte land" #: ../dashboard.php:2880 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Send inn skjemaer" #: ../dashboard.php:2881 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Publisér kommentarer" #: ../dashboard.php:2882 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Logg inn på websiden" #: ../dashboard.php:2883 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrer på websiden" #: ../dashboard.php:2884 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Bruk XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:2885 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Bruk REST API" #: ../settings.php:642 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Nekt det fullstendig" #: ../settings.php:642 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marker det som spam" #: ../dashboard.php:1831 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "i løpet av de siste 24 timer" #: ../dashboard.php:2194 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Hovedinnstillinger" #: ../settings.php:779 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Ukentlige rapporter" #: ../settings.php:1490 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Søndag" #: ../settings.php:1491 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Mandag" #: ../settings.php:1492 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tirsdag" #: ../settings.php:1493 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Onsdag" #: ../settings.php:1494 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torsdag" #: ../settings.php:1495 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Fredag" #: ../settings.php:1496 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lørdag" #: ../settings.php:1555 ../settings.php:1556 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Hvis du bruker en plugin for caching, må du legge din nye innloggings-URL til listen over sider som ikke skal caches." #: ../cerber-load.php:3620 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Ukentlig rapport" #: ../cerber-load.php:3623 ../cerber-load.php:3633 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "For å endre rapporteringsinnstillingene, besøk" #: ../cerber-load.php:3656 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Din innloggingsside" #: ../cerber-load.php:3660 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Din lisens er gyldig inntil" #: ../cerber-load.php:3766 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Aktivitetsdetaljer" #: ../settings.php:1522 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Klikk for å sende nå" #: ../cerber-load.php:855 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > WP Cerber-oversetter? For å få en gratis PRO-lisens, legg igjen din kontaktinfo her: https://wpcerber.com/contact" #: ../dashboard.php:446 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "E-post har blitt sendt til" #: ../dashboard.php:449 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Kunne ikke sende e-post til" #: ../dashboard.php:2709 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Ikke tillatt for ett land" msgstr[1] "Ikke tillatt for %d land" #: ../dashboard.php:2860 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Valgte land er tillatt å %s, andre land er ikke tillatt å" #: ../dashboard.php:2863 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Valgte land er ikke tillatt å %s, andre land er tillatt å" #: ../cerber-load.php:3754 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Ukentlig rapport" #: ../settings.php:347 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Bruk malen for 404-siden fra det aktive temaet." #: ../settings.php:348 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Vis en enkel 404-side" #: ../settings.php:633 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Skriv inn en del av en spørringsstreng for å ekskludere en forespørsel fra undersøkelse av systemet. En feorespørsel per linje." #: ../settings.php:791 ../settings.php:1055 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "hvis feltet er tomt, vil e-postadressen fra varselinnstillingene bli brukt" #: ../settings.php:780 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Aktivér rapportering" #: ../cerber-load.php:3684 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Din siste innlogging var %s fra %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3780 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Forsøk på å logge inn med ikke-eksisterende brukernavn" #: ../dashboard.php:218 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "IP-adresse, IPv4-adresseområde eller subnet" #: ../dashboard.php:220 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Valgfri kommentar for denne oppføringen" #: ../dashboard.php:261 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Du kan ikke legge til din IP-adresse eller nettverk" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "For å spesifisere et REGEX-mønster, pakk mønsteret inn i to skråstreker." #: ../dashboard.php:57 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber Trafikkinspektør" #: ../dashboard.php:57 ../dashboard.php:1346 ../dashboard.php:2983 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Trafikkinspektør" #: ../dashboard.php:1378 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Trafikk" #: ../dashboard.php:3386 msgid "Request" msgstr "Forespørsel" #: ../dashboard.php:3388 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Vertsinformasjon" #: ../dashboard.php:3389 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Brukeragent" #: ../dashboard.php:3414 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Alle forespørsler" #: ../dashboard.php:3419 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Ikke-innloggede besøkende" #: ../dashboard.php:3422 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Innsendte skjema" #: ../dashboard.php:3424 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Siden ikke funnet" #: ../dashboard.php:3433 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Lengre enn" #: ../dashboard.php:3449 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Oppdater" #: ../common.php:120 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Se etter forespørsler" #: ../common.php:1390 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Ikke spesifisert" #: ../settings.php:845 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Loggføringsmodus" #: ../settings.php:851 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Loggføring deaktivert" #: ../settings.php:852 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Smart" #: ../settings.php:853 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "All trafikk" #: ../settings.php:857 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ingrorer søkeroboter" #: ../settings.php:867 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Maskér disse skjemafeltene" #: ../settings.php:907 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "millisekunder" #: ../settings.php:800 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Aktiver trafikkinspeksjon" #: ../settings.php:844 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Loggføring" #: ../settings.php:862 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Lagre forespørselfelter" #: ../settings.php:902 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Tidsgrense for sidegenerering" #: ../dashboard.php:3406 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Ingen forespørsler har blitt loggført" #: ../dashboard.php:1345 msgid "enabled" msgstr "aktivert" #: ../dashboard.php:1350 msgid "no connection" msgstr "ingen forbindelse" #: ../dashboard.php:3757 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Avansert søk" #: ../dashboard.php:1143 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Sist sett" #: ../common.php:970 ../common.php:1033 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Søker etter sårbar PHP-kode" #: ../dashboard.php:3714 msgid "Any" msgstr "Enhver" #: ../cerber-load.php:3404 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Beklager, du har ikke tillatelse til å fortsette" #: ../settings.php:816 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Be om hvitlisting" #: ../settings.php:822 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Skriv inn en forespørsels-URI for å ekskludere feorespørselen fra inspeksjon. Ett element per linje" #: ../settings.php:878 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Lagre forespørsels-headere" #: ../settings.php:884 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Lagre $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:890 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Lagre forespørsels-cookies" #: ../settings.php:460 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Beskytt admin-scripts" #: ../settings.php:465 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blokker uautorisert tilgang til load-scripts.php og load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:2216 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette mappen" #: ../common.php:2221 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Tilgang til målmappen ble nektet" #: ../common.php:2224 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Kunne ikke finne filen" #: ../common.php:2227 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Kunne ikke kopiere filen" #: ../common.php:2233 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Kunne ikke slette filen" #: ../settings.php:263 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Initialisering av plugin" #: ../settings.php:264 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Last inn sikkerhetssystem" #: ../settings.php:270 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Legacy-modus" #: ../settings.php:271 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standardmodus" #: ../settings.php:1533 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Initialisering av plugin er ikke forandret" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Dette er en standard oppstartsmodul for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Den ble installert når du satte pluginens initialiseringsmodus til Standard. Les mer: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:972 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Filopplasting ble nektet" #: ../settings.php:360 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "Egendefinert innloggingsadresse kan kun inneholde bokstaver, tall, bindestreker og understreker." #: ../settings.php:633 ../settings.php:822 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "For å spesifisere et REGEX-mønster, kan du pakke en linke inn i { og }." #: ../settings.php:1131 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Vær forsiktig med å aktivere disse valgene." #: ../settings.php:1131 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Hvis du glemmer din egendefinerte innloggingsadresse, vil du ikke kunne logge inn." #: ../dashboard.php:65 ../cerber-scanner.php:89 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Sideintegritet" #: ../dashboard.php:1363 ../dashboard.php:1365 ../settings.php:806 ../settings. #: php:832 ../cerber-scanner.php:1466 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Deaktivert" #: ../dashboard.php:1364 ../cerber-scanner.php:915 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Hurtigskann" #: ../dashboard.php:1366 ../cerber-scanner.php:915 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Full skann" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Sikkerhet, Antispam & Malware-søk" #: ../common.php:996 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Nektet" #: ../settings.php:110 ../settings.php:296 ../settings.php:811 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Bruk hvitliste" #: ../settings.php:330 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Deaktiver omdirigering av kontrollpanelet" #: ../settings.php:334 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Deaktiver automatisk omdirigering til innloggingssiden ved uautoriserte oppslag på /wp-admin/ " #: ../settings.php:923 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Skannerinnstillinger" #: ../settings.php:924 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Egendefinerte signaturer" #: ../settings.php:930 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Spesifiser egendefinerte PHP-signaturer. Ett element per linje. For å spesifisere REGEX-mønster, pakk en linje inn i { og }." #: ../settings.php:932 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Uønskede filendelser" #: ../settings.php:938 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Spesifiser filendelser å søke etter. Kun tilgjengelig under full skann. Bruk komma for å skille mellom elementer." #: ../settings.php:940 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Mapper å ekskludere" #: ../settings.php:946 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Spesifiser mapper som skal ekskluderes fra skanningen. Bruk absolutte adresser. Ett element per linje." #: ../settings.php:961 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Skann midlertidig katalog" #: ../settings.php:968 #, fuzzy msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Skann øktkatalog" #: ../settings.php:980 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Slett filer i karantene etter" #: ../settings.php:995 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Start hurtigskann" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1467 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Hver time" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1468 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Hver 3. time" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1469 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Hver 6. time" #: ../settings.php:1002 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Start full skann" #: ../settings.php:1012 ../settings.php:1071 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Lav alvorlighetsgrad" #: ../settings.php:1012 ../settings.php:1071 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Medium alvorlighetsgrad" #: ../settings.php:1012 ../settings.php:1071 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Høy alvorlighetsgrad" #: ../settings.php:1013 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Rapporter en hendelse hvis noe av følgende stemmer" #: ../settings.php:1021 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Send rapport på e-post" #: ../settings.php:1027 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Etter hver skanning" #: ../settings.php:1028 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Hvis det oppdages en endring i skanningsresultatet" #: ../settings.php:1033 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Inkluder filstørrelser" #: ../settings.php:1040 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Inkluder skanningsfeil" #: ../cerber-load.php:4399 ../cerber-scanner.php:75 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Sikkerhetsskanning" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:77 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planlegging" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:142 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "En planlagt skanning pågår. Vennligst vent til den er fullført." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:146 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Forrige skanning som startet %s er ikke fullført. Fortsette skanningen?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:155 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Det ser ut for at denne websiden aldri har blitt skannet. Trykk på knappen under for å starte skanning." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:158 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Start hurtigskanning" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:159 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Start full skanning" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:160 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Stopp skanning" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:161 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Fortsett skanning" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:191 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Slett" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1416 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifisert" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1423 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integritetsdata ikke funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1424 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Forhindret fra å sjekke pluginens integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1425 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Forhindret fra å sjekke WordPress-filenes integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1426 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Forhindret fra å sjekke malens integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1429 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Den lokale filen eksisterer ikke" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1431 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Kunne ikke behandle filen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1432 ../cerber-scanner.php:4806 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Kunne ikke åpne filen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1434 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Sjekksummen matcher ikke" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1437 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Mistenkelig kode ble funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1439 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Ubehandlet mistenkelig fil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1440 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Kjørbar kode ble funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1444 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Uønsket filendelse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1446 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Innholdet er modifisert" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1447 msgid "New file" msgstr "Ny fil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2483 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Egendefinert signatur funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3622 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Skanner mapper for filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3626 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analyserer fillisten" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3627 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Sjekker etter nye og modifiserte filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3628 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verifiserer integriteten til WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3629 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verifiserer integriteten til plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3630 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verifiserer integriteten til maler" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3631 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Søker etter ondsinnet kode" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3632 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Ferdigstiller skanningen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3756 ../cerber-scanner.php:3826 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Filer å skanne" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3763 ../cerber-scanner.php:3834 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritiske hendelser" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3763 ../cerber-scanner.php:3838 ../cerber-scanner.php:4996 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Totale hendelser" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4201 msgid "The directory is not writable" msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til mappen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4219 msgid "Unable to create WP CERBER directory" msgstr "Kan ikke opprette WP CERBER-mappen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4425 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Filtilgangsfeil. Skanningsresultatene kan være utdaterte. Vennligst utfør hurtigskann eller full skanning." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5105 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "For å se full rapport, besøk" #: ../cerber-load.php:3630 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Skannerapport" #: ../settings.php:948 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Overvåk nye filer" #: ../settings.php:955 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Overvåk modifiserte filer" #: ../settings.php:1029 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Hvis nye hendelser oppdages" #: ../settings.php:1782 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Planleggingen oppdateres" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1443 ../cerber-scanner.php:2663 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Fant mistenkelige direktiver" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2661 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Fant mistenkelig kodeinstruksjon" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2662 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Fant mistenkelige kodesignaturer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2665 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "For å løse denne hendelsen må du installere %s eller oppdatere den til siste versjon." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2666 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Vennligst last opp en referanse-ZIP" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Løs hendelse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3912 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Kunne ikke finne noen integritetsdata å verifisere" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3914 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Du må laste opp en ZIP-fil som du har installert fra. Dette gjør det mulig for sikkerhetsskanningen å verifisere kodens integritet og oppdage malware." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4952 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Full skanningsrapport" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4952 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Hurtigskanningsrapport" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4965 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Filer skannet" #: ../dashboard.php:207 ../dashboard.php:1014 ../dashboard.php:1045 ../dashboard. #: php:1159 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Sjekk for aktivitet" #: ../dashboard.php:1122 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktivert" #: ../common.php:977 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Mistenkelig forespørsel nektet" #: ../common.php:981 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Brukeraktivert" #: ../common.php:997 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Mistenkelig antall felt" #: ../common.php:998 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Mistenkelig antall nøstede verdier" #: ../common.php:999 ../common.php:1034 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Ondsinnet kode oppdaget" #: ../common.php:1035 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Forsøk på å laste opp en fil med ondsinnet kode" #: ../common.php:1266 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1422 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Svakhet funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1427 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Kunne ikke sjekke integriteten på grunn av en databasefeil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3623 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Skanner upload-mappen for filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3624 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Skanner temp-mappen for filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3625 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Skanner øktmappen for filer" #: ../settings.php:994 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Automatisert gjentakende skanningsplan" #: ../settings.php:1010 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Rapportering av skanneresultater" #: ../dashboard.php:3416 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Mistenkelig aktivitet" #: ../dashboard.php:3417 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Feil" #: ../dashboard.php:3816 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Antispam-system" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Beskytter WordPress mot hackerangrep, spam, trojanske hester og viruser. Malware skanner og integritetssjekker. Forsterker WordPress med et sett avanserte sikkerhetsalgoritmer. Spambeskyttelse med et sofistikert system for oppdagelse av boter og reCAPTCHA. Sporer bruker- og inntrengeraktivitet med epost-, mobil-, og skrivebordsvarslinger." #: ../cerber-load.php:394 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Du har overskredet antallet tillatte innloggingsforsøk. Vennligst prøv igjen om %d minutter." #: ../common.php:1180 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "om %s" #: ../settings.php:1506 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "klokken" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:80 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Karantene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3707 msgid "Started" msgstr "Startet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3711 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Ferdig" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3719 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Ytelse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3731 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Svakheter" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3735 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nye filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3739 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Endrede filer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3743 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Uønskede utvidelser" #: ../settings.php:1065 ../cerber-scanner.php:3747 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Filer uten tilsyn" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3756 ../cerber-scanner.php:5423 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Skannet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5333 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Det er ingen filer i karantene for øyeblikket." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5416 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Gjenopprett" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5411 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Slett permanent" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5424 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Flyttet til karantene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5425 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatisk sletting" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5426 msgid "Size" msgstr "Størrelse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5427 ../cerber-scanner.php:5558 msgid "File" msgstr "Fil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5495 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Filen har blitt permanent slettet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5504 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Filen har blitt gjenopprettet til sin originale plassering." #: ../dashboard.php:1379 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integritet" #: ../common.php:971 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Forsøk på å laste opp skadelig fil nektet" #: ../cerber-news.php:147 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Fantastisk!" #: ../settings.php:1063 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatisk rensing av malware og mistenkelige filer" #: ../settings.php:1072 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Filer i uploads-mappen" #: ../settings.php:1079 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Filer med uønskede filendelser" #: ../settings.php:1086 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Unntak" #: ../settings.php:1087 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Filer i den midlertidige mappen" #: ../settings.php:1093 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Filer i sessions-mappen" #: ../settings.php:1099 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Filer i disse mappene" #: ../settings.php:1105 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Bruk absolutte baner. Ett element per linje." #: ../settings.php:1107 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Filer med disse filendelsene" #: ../settings.php:1113 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Bruk komma for å skille elementene." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:78 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Renser." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1438 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Ondsinnet kode funnet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2658 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Denne filen inneholder kjørbar kode, og kan inneholde skjult malware. Hvis denne filen er en del av et theme eller en plugin, må den plasseres i themets eller pluginens mappe. Ingen unntak, ingen unnskyldninger." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2659 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skanneren gjenkjenner denne filen som \"uten eier\" eller \"ikke pakket\" fordi den ikke tilhører noen kjente deler av websiden, og ikke hører hjemme her." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2660 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Den kan ha blitt igjen etter oppgradering til en nyere versjon av %s. Den kan også være en del av skjult malware. I et sjeldent tilfelle kan den også være en del av et spesialtilpasset theme eller plugin." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2664 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Innholdet i filen har blitt endret, og stemmer ikke overens med det som finnes i det offisielle Wordpress-biblioteket eller en referansefil som du har lastet opp tidligere. Filen kan ha blitt endret av malware, infisert av et virus eller ha blitt tuklet med." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5046 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Slettet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5093 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Flyttet automatisk til karantene" #: ../common.php:1000 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Mistenkelig SQL-kode oppdaget" #: ../dashboard.php:1360 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Siste malware-skanning" #: ../dashboard.php:2974 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Live trafikk" #: ../settings.php:441 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Bruk engelsk på kontrollpanelet" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "Log" msgstr "Logg" #: ../settings.php:974 msgid "Enable diagnostic log" msgstr "Aktiver diagnostikk-logg" #: ../settings.php:467 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Deaktiver PHP i opplastinger" #: ../settings.php:472 msgid "Disable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Deaktiver kjøring av PHP-script i Wordpress' media-mappe" #: ../settings.php:474 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Deaktiver visning av PHP-feil" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:79 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignore-liste" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:194 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5526 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Bruk" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5557 msgid "Added" msgstr "Lagt til" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5527 ../cerber-scanner.php:5552 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Fjern fra listen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5528 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Brukerinnsikt" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5529 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Trafikkinnsikt" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5530 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Aktivitetsinnsikt" #: ../dashboard.php:2298 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil slette de valgte filene?" #: ../dashboard.php:2299 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Disse filene har blitt flyttet til karantene" #: ../dashboard.php:2302 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Ønsker du å legge de valgte filene til ignore-listen?" #: ../dashboard.php:2303 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Disse filene har blitt lagt til i ignore-listen" #: ../dashboard.php:2305 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Noe gikk feil" #: ../dashboard.php:2306 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Alle filer er behandlet" #: ../dashboard.php:2505 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Disse funksjonene er tilgjengelig i PRO-versjonen av pluginen." #: ../dashboard.php:2506 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Lær mer om alle fordeler på" #: ../common.php:1001 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Mistenkelig JavaScript-kode oppdaget" #: ../settings.php:1785 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere planen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5441 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Alle skanninger" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5532 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Listen er tom." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5394 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Ingen filer passer til de spesifiserte filteret." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5394 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Klikk her for å se den komplette listen med filer" #: ../dashboard.php:588 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3041 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3906 msgid "Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3907 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3908 msgid "Register" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3911 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3912 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3951 ../dashboard.php:3952 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:989 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1037 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:799 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:807 ../settings.php:833 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:808 ../settings.php:834 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:825 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:826 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:896 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3621 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1002 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:12 msgid "Block User" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:16 ../cerber-users.php:22 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:31 msgctxt "e.g. by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:41 ../settings.php:117 msgid "User Message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:43 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:98 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:458 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:496 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:502 msgid "Block access to user data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:510 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:519 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:525 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:837 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1139 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1464 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:843 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:103 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:121 ../settings.php:2029 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:126 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-fr_CA.mo000064400000170364147577531750011745 0ustar00---2- .(.^7.R.;.v%/ //2/ 0 (0 50B0_0v0 }00000001 1(1<1*Z1 111111 111 2 !2,2 J2 U2 b2 l2"x22$2323!)4K4#T4x444C4/425 955G5}5 55,5*5!6,<6'i66.6@6? 7J7!`7177177!818I8(R8f{888 8>9+G9Gs9*9G9<.: k:Ax: :::: ;;';1-;_;p;;;;;;;<< 1< >< L<V<k<#~<<< <<G<6= M=(Y=C= ==== >>(>1>:9>t>>> >> >>I>7?H?Z?q? ?? ? ?!?S?A &A3AFAeAtA|AA A AAAA BBg.B0BB BB%C-C@CUC^C oCzCDC5C D D)D2D9D>D DDRDiD8}DDDDE+E3AE2uE+E)E1E00FaFrFFqFNG_G{GGGG G G G GGGH HH9HOHUTH HHHHH I)IEI `I nI|IIIIII IJJ(J/J ?J LJVJgJxJJ JJJJ JJ JJTJ6K 9KDK(]KK KK'KKBKb:LL LLL6LKMZMjMM NN 1NLRN/N NNN' O5O IOVOW PmbPP P!P Q=Q UQ$bQ Q QQQ QQQQQ2R"ER hR vR RRR RRMR .S9SJSeSnSSSSSS SS SSS S T T #T/T BT OT ]TkTTTTTTU *U7UGU^UnUUUUUUU!UV)V,HVuV V V!VVVVVW W WW6WSW)dW$W,WWWX,XKX ^X lXzX<X XXX X3Y7Y QYrYDYFYZ 0Z?h2~h+hhhi& j40j:ejjjHk{fk'k8 l3Cl"wlEl.l-mK=mmOno17oioo oo"oo3o>0pPopAp?q!Bqdq~qqqqqqq/qGrBVrArrrs,s@sWsossss sssstt,t Gt&Stzt tt t&tt$u5u*>uiu}u uu u u uu u-u vv3#v Wvevw$#w&Hw%ow wwwww wxx++x<Wxx*x.x+x+y 3yAy Ty6`y y y yyyyhzdmzzzz {'{@{W{ [{i{E{ {C{)2|W\|D|,|&}>}}}}~ '~H~d~u~|~~ ~~0~~ ~~7)Q,{ 0 6 O ]9h ր 19C6}%{ځ{V҂ O'*_AdE}L+ʅ#0#Ko!Ȇφ'׆   8 Xy$‡>&6>X`{ È$-AU5d0mˉ9DR*‹2ˋ\&EBɌ B`)u)5ɍ4#4GX> ߎFW1I!ӏ+I!k?Ð"ݐ /#nS‘ܑ5,0K]8TO7E!8 ZhxPД =N"m Õѕ0,(]YȖ" <5FO|̗*E \ iSs)ǘ "',>gR ڙ!8HM \.h Ycz0Ŝ ל( (3'K)sƝMG-Þ؞6-L eqRQRk|֠F 8Yv=R@@=;P>Lܣ]d¤$$ ,8L` r} ĥ!ߥ Ħ)ݦ',/\{*+08UpyѨ  )0IuOũ ȩө1 0,<9i*ZΪ)«ӫ#P o^ά ݭ[1W #/ծ.k+#A%Pvoz72F`{ %Ͳ&C 1O#"س Y+Ǵش  3H `m| ٵ,$9&N%u"!"2U k*Ϸ ! 38T4!  !-+Ys|Ź۹$731kH& 26i 9 C,pX¼L)h  Ľ& -+I u- 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KV my C34h &(/ DP"o!%#%#$"Hkt50098r1 2#H1lD&$/D<t : &&/M}  ..?n+n[h` ++ Wa,t%-%B&h% AGZ'( 3(-\:6!~(`>5*I)Bs)V7!A=7.4$':LJgW:N@*"MT[u(P[N{N#9"] #% %DL[!u$ .'*4R%3156l;  4Pj;K:O %+/*[* * )DTe+54B/>r ?09Nczg[ F$k,p,9if<j Gx*# )-"Wz L )":]JrE/ 3J@ F"G*r)! . 9?XBX%s ago%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP%s allowed retries in %s minutes%s sec%s secs(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version is availableA new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust antispam engineAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAn optional message for this userAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock UserBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCreate AlertCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete AlertDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable slave modeDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGetting Started GuideGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address is locked outIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersIgnore logged in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog InLog OutLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy WebsitesMy activityMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNo websites configured.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPhonePlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPrefix for plugin cookiesPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listRole-basedSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity access token is invalidSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShow "Switched to" notificationShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySite-specific settingsSizeSlave SettingsSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThis website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser createdUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser registeredUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.VerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)reCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifiedview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: fr-ca Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1); il y a %s%s nombre d'enregistrements autorisés en %s minutes à partir d'une adresse IP%s tentatives autorisées en %s minutes%s seconde%s secondes(ne l'activez que si vous obtenez et entrez les clés Site et Secret pour la version invisible)ERREUR: Le mot de passe que vous avez saisie pour l’identifiant %s est incorrect.ERREUR: veuillez saisir une adresse courriel valide.Traducteur de WP Cerber ? Pour obtenir la licence PRO gratuitement, déposez vos contacts ici : https://wpcerber.com/contact/Une nouvelle activité a été enregistréeUne nouvelle version est disponibleUne nouvelle version de WP Cerber est disponibleUne nouvelle version est disponibleCourriel d'abus:Listes d’accèsAccès à l'API REST de WordPressAccéder à ce siteActionActivéExtensions actives et mises à jour surActivitéAperçu de l'activitéDétails de l'activitéAjouter un @ à la page du siteAjouter l’IP à la liste noireAjouter l’IP à la listeAjouter un nouveauAjouter un site secondaireAjouter un réseau à la liste noireAjouter des sites secondaires en utilisant des jetons d'accèsAjouter au menuAjoutéDétails supplémentairesAdresseAjuster le moteur antispamRecherche avancéeMode avancéAprès chaque analyseBlocage aggressifTous les appareils connectésTous les évènementsTous les fichiers ont été traitésTous les groupesToutes les demandesToutes les analysesTout le traficAutoriser l'API REST pour les utilisateurs connectésPermettre l'accès à l'API REST pour ces rôlesPermettre à WP Cerber d’envoyer les adresses IP qui ont été bloqués au Cerber Lab. Cela aidera l’équipe à créer de nouveau algorithmes pour que WP Cerber puisse défendre WordPress contre les nouvelles attaques et réseaux de robots qui apparaissent chaque jour. Vous pouvez désactiver l’envoi des données à tout moment dans les réglages du plugin.Permettre ces namespacesToujours bloquer le sous-réseau complet de classe C des IP intrusesUn message facultatif pour cet utilisateurAntispamParamètres d'antispam et de détection des robotsMoteur antispamN'importe quelPostulezAppliquer les règles de connexion de limite aux adresses IP dans la liste d'accès White IPÊtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés ?Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les sites sélectionnés ?Etes-vous sûr ?Êtes-vous certain ? Le jeton sera invalidé de façon permanente.Tentative d’accèsTentative d’accès à une URL interditeTentative d'ouverture de session refuséeTentative de connexion avec un identifiant inexistantTentatives de connexion avec un identifiant interditTentative d'enregistrement refuséeTentative de téléversement d'un fichier contenant un code malveillantTentative de téléversement d'un fichier malveillant refuséeTentativesTentatives d'ouverture de session avec un nom d'utilisateur inexistantAttention ! Le mode Citadel est maintenant activé. Plus personne ne peut se connecter.Attention ! Vous avez changer l’URL de connexion ! La nouvelle URL estUtilisateurs autorisés seulementProgramme d'analyse périodique automatiséNettoyage automatique des logiciels malveillants et des fichiers suspectsSuppression automatiqueRétablissement automatique des fichiers modifiés et infectésSupprimé automatiquementPassage automatique en quarantaineRétabli automatiquementGénial !Soyez prudent lorsque vous activez ces options.Avant d’utiliser reCAPTCHA, il vous faut obtenir une Clef de Site et une Clef Secrète sur le site de GoogleListe noire d'adresses IPBloquéBloquer l'utilisateurBloquer l'accès à l'API REST de WordPress sauf pourBloquer l’accès aux flux RSS, Atom et RDFBloquer l’accès au serveur XMlL-RPC (inclut les Pingbacks et Trackbacks)Bloquer l'accès aux pages utilisateurs comme /?author=nBloquer l’accès direct à wp-login.php et retourner une erreur HTTP 404 Not FoundBloquer l'exécution de scripts PHP dans le répertoire de médias de WordPressBloquer les sous-réseauxBloquer l'accès non autorisé à load-scripts.php et load-styles.phpUtilisateurs bloquésBloqué par l'administrateurBloqué par la règle du paysL'activité du bot est détectéeBot détectéPar utilisateurOctetsImpossible d’activer WP Cerber à cause d’une erreur de la base de données.Tableau de bord CerberConnexion Cerber LabProtocole Cerber LabCerber aperçuRègles de sécurité CerberCerber Tech Inc.Inspecteur du Trafic de CerberSécurité Cerber de l'utilisateurMoteur antispam CerberParamètres antispam CerberOutils CerberFichiers modifiésJournal des changementsVérifier les activitésVérifier les demandesVérification des fichiers nouveaux et modifiésNon-appariement de la somme de contrôleCitadelle activée !Mode CitadelleLe mode citadelle est activéLe mode Citadelle est activé après %d tentatives de connexion échouées en %d minutes.Le mode Citadel est actifNettoyageCliquez ici pour voir la liste complète des fichiersCliquez sur le nom d'un pays pour l'ajouter à la liste des pays sélectionnésCliquez pour modifierCliquez pour envoyer maintenantCliquez pour testerCommentaire refuséFormulaire de commentairesCommenter le processusCommentairesCompagnieConfigurez ce site comme étant un site principal afin de contrôler d'autres sitesConfus au sujet de certains paramètres ?Le contenu a été modifiéPoursuivre l'analysePaysPaysCréer une alerteQuestions critiquesActuellement, une analyse programmée est en cours. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce qu'il soit terminé.URL de connexion personnaliséePage de connexion personnaliséeSignature personnalisée trouvéeSignatures personnaliséesTableau de bordDateFormat de dateDésactiverLes paramètres par défaut ont été chargésDéfend WordPress contre les attaques de pirates, le spam, les chevaux de Troie et les virus. Scanneur de logiciels malveillants et vérificateur d'intégrité. Durcissement de WordPress avec un ensemble complet d'algorithmes de sécurité. Protection anti-spam avec un moteur de détection de bot sophistiqué et reCAPTCHA. Suivi de l'activité des utilisateurs et des intrus grâce à de puissantes notifications par courriel, mobile et de bureau.SupprimerSupprimer cette alerteSupprimer définitivementSupprimer les fichiers mis en quarantaine aprèsSupprimer le siteSuppriméRefuséLe nier complètementAccès au dossier de destination refuséDiagnosticRépertoires à exclureDésactiver l'affichage des erreurs PHPDésactiver PHP dans les téléversementsDésactiver REST APIDésactiver XML-RPCDésactiver la redirection automatique vers la page de connexion lorsque /wp-admin/ est demandé par une requête non autoriséeDésactiver le moteur de détection des bots pour les utilisateurs connectésDésactiver la redirection du tableau de bordDésactiver les fluxDésactiver le mode principalDésactiver reCAPTCHA pour les utilisateurs connectésDésactiver le mode secondaireDésactiver wp-login.phpDésactivéAfficheur 404 pageAfficher commeAffichage simple 404 pageNe pas appliquer cette politique aux adresses IP de la Liste blanche d'adresses IPVoulez-vous ajouter les fichiers sélectionnés à liste de fichiers à ignorer ?Télécharger le fichierExaminer les IPsDuréeERREUR :ModifierAdresse courrielAdresse courrielUn courriel a été envoyé àNotifications par courrielActiver après %s tentatives échouées dans les %s dernières minutesActiver les logs de diagnostiqueActiver le blindage d'erreurActiver le reCAPTCHA invisibleActiver le mode principalActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WooCommerceActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WooCommerceActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WooCommerceActiver le formulaire de commentaire reCAPTCHA pour WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WordPressActiver le signalementActiver le mode secondaireActiver l'inspection du traficEntrer une partie de la chaîne ou du chemin de requête pour exclure une requête de l'inspection par le moteur. Un article par ligne.Entrez une requête URI pour exclure la requête de l'inspection. Une requête URI par ligne.Requête de blindage erronéeError lors de l’analyse du fichierErreur lors de la mise à jourErreursÉvénementToutes les 3 heuresToutes les 6 heuresToutes les heuresExclusionsCode exécutable trouvéExpire leExporterExportation et importationExporter les préférencesEchec des tentatives de connexionFichierErreur d'accès aux fichiers. Les résultats des scanners sont peut-être périmés. Exécutez Quick ou Full Scan s'il vous plaît.Fichier suppriméFichier non trouvéFichier rétabliEnvoi de fichier refuséFichiers dans le répertoire des sessionsFichiers dans le répertoire temporaireFichiers dans le dossier de téléversementsFichiers dans ces répertoiresFichiers scannésFichiers à analyserFichiers avec ces extensionsFichiers avec des extensions indésirablesFiltreFiltré par utilisateur inscritFinalisation de l'analyseFiniPrénomenvois de formulaire bloquéSoumission des formulairesVendrediDe l’adresse IPDu paysAnalyse complèteRapport d'analyse completMode plein accèsGuide de démarrageGroupeRenforcerRenforcer WordPressAideSalut !Gravité élevéeAstuceInformations sur l'hôteHôteVérification humaine échouée. Veuillez cliquer sur la case à cocher de la boite de dialogue reCAPTCHA ci-dessous.IPadresse IPL'adresse IP est bloquéeAdresse IP, plage d'adresses IPv4 ou sous-réseauIP blacklistéesIP bloquéeSi un commentaire indésirable est détectéS'il y a eu des changements dans les résultats d'analyseSi de nouveaux problèmes sont découvertsSi vous oubliez votre URL de connexion personnalisée, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter.Si vous utilisez un plugin de mise en cache, vous devez ajouter votre nouvelle URL de connexion à la liste des pages à ne pas mettre en cache.IgnorerIgnorer la listeIgnorer les chenillesIgnorer les utilisateurs connectésBloquer immédiatement l’IP si elle tente d’accéder au fichier wp-login.phpBloquer immédiatement l’IP si la tentative de connexion est faite avec un identifiant utilisateur inexistantImporter les paramètresImporter les préférencesEn mode Citadel, personne ne peut se connecter sauf les adresses IP de la White IP Access List. Les sessions utilisateur actives ne seront pas affectées.Inclure la taille des fichiersInclure les erreurs de l'analyseIP ou plage d’IP incorrecteAllonger la durée du blocage à %s heures après %s blocages dans les %s dernières heuresInstaller le jeton d'accès sur le site principalIntégritéDonnées d'intégrité introuvablesAccès principaux invalidesRéponse invalide de la part du site secondaireInvisible reCAPTCHATotal des émissionsIl se peut qu'il subsiste après la mise à niveau vers une version plus récente de %s. Il peut également s'agir d'un logiciel malveillant obscurci. Dans de rares cas, il peut s'agir d'une partie d'un plugin ou d'un thème personnalisé (sur mesure).Il semble que ce site n'ait jamais été analysé. Pour lancer l'analyse, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.Gardez en tête que vous avez ajouté un site web ne supportant par l'encryption SSL. Cela pourrait mener à de l'interception de données.Conserver l’historique pourEn savoir plusApprenez-en plus sur les avantages auNomLa dernière tentative échouée date du %s. Elle vient de l’IP %s. Le nom d’utilisateur utilisé est : %s.Dernier blocageLe dernier blocage a été ajouté le %s pour l’IP %sDernière connexionVu pour la dernière foisLancer l'analyse complèteLancer l'Analyse rapideMode LegacyLicenceRestreindre l'accès par l'adresse IPLimiter les tentativesLimitation des tentatives de connexionLa limite sur les vérifications reCAPTCHA échouées est atteinte.La limite de tentatives de connexion est atteinteLimite atteinteLa liste est videTrafic en directCharger les paramètres par défautMoteur de sécurité de chargementUtilisateur localLe fichier local n'existe pasVerrouiller l'adresse IP pendant %s minutes après %s tentatives échouées en %s minutesBloquéDurée du blocageLe blocage de %s a été levéBlocagesBlocages actuelsvisiteurs ont été bannisConsignerSe connecterSe déconnecterSe connecter sur le siteConnexions réussiesUtilisateurs connectésDéconnexionEnregistrementEnregistrement désactivéMode d'enregistrementConnexion échouéeFormulaire de connexionPlus long queFormulaire de récupération de mot de passeFaible gravitéRéglages générauxRéglages principauxRendez votre protection intelligente !adresses IP malveillantes détectéesactivités malveillantes bloquéesActivité malveillante détectéeCode malveillant détectéCode malveillant trouvéDemande malveillante refuséeAnalyse des logiciels malveillantsMarquez-le comme spamMasquer ces champs du formulaireParamètres principauxCompatibilité maximaleSécurité maximaleTaille maximum de fichier autorisée : %s.Gravité moyenneLundiSurveiller les fichiers modifiésSurveiller les nouveaux fichiersDéplacer les commentaires indésirables à la corbeilleMise en quarantainePlusieurs activités suspectesPlusieurs activités suspectes ont été détectéesPlusieurs requêtes inquiétantesMes sitesActivitéMon site se trouve derrière un reverse proxyNON, peut-être plus tardRéseau:JamaisURL de connexion personnaliséeNouveau fichierNouveaux fichiersNouveaux utilisateursNouvelle version disponibleAucune activité n’a été notée.Aucun appareil trouvéLe fichier n’a pas été téléversé ou est corrompuAucun fichier ne correspond au filtre spécifié.Pas de blocage pour le moment. Tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes.Aucune demande n'a été enregistrée.Aucune règleAucun site web configuré.Personne ne peut se connecter à partir de ces IPsUtilisateurs inexistantsNon disponibleNon connectéVisiteurs non connectésNon autorisé pour un paysNon autorisé pour les pays %dNon spécifiéNotesLimite de notificationNotificationsNotifier l’administrateur si le nombre de blocages actifs excèdeNombre de blocages actifsLe nombre de blocage augmenteAllez, abattez-les tous !Seulement les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés ont l'autorisation de voir le siteSeulement les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés ont accès au site webCommentaire facultatif pour cette entréeAutres formulairesPropriétairePage introuvableTemps de génération de la pageSeuil de temps de génération de pageAnalyse de la liste des fichiersChangements de mot de passeRéinitialisation du mot de passe demandéePerformanceAutorisé pour un paysAutorisé pour %d paysTéléphoneVeuillez activer les Permaliens pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Le réglage des permaliens ne doit pas être “par défaut”.Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP de référenceInitialisation du pluginLe mode d'initialisation du plugin n'a pas été modifiéSoumettre des commentairesPréférencesPréfixe des témoins d'extensionPréparation de l'analyseL'analyse précédente commencée %s n'est pas terminée. Poursuivre l'analyse ?Règles de sécurité proactivesRecherche de code PHP vulnérableIdentifiants interditsProtéger les scripts d'administrationProtégez tous les formulaires sur le site Web avec le moteur de détection de botProtéger le formulaire de commentaires avec le moteur de détection de botProtéger le formulaire d'inscription avec le moteur de détection de botNotifications pousséesQuarantaineListe blanche des requêtesAnalyse rapideRapport d'analyse rapideMode lecture seuleRaisonIPs récemment bloquéesRétablir les fichiers de WordPressRétablir les fichiers des extensionsRétabliRétablissement des fichiers de WordPressRétablissement des fichiers d'extensionsRediriger vers l'URLRafraîchirS'inscrireS'inscrire sur le siteEnregistréFormulaire d’inscriptionLimite d'enregistrementSupprimerRetirer de la listeSignaler un problème si l'une des affirmations suivantes est vraieDemandeDemandes d'API REST refuséesLa requête au service Google reCAPTCHA a échouéeDemande de liste blancheRequête sur wp-login.phpRésoudre le problèmeRestaurerRécupérer les données WHOIS des IPsRetourner à la liste de sitesBasé sur les rôlesMode sans échecSamediSauvegarder $_SERVEREnregistrerEnregistrer toutes les règlesSauvegarder les cookies de demandeSauvegarder les champs de demandeSauvegarder les en-têtes de requêteEnregistrer les erreurs logiciellesRapports sur les résultats d'analyseRépertoire de la session d'analyseAnalyser le répertoire temporaireAnalyséRapport du scannerParamètres des analysesNumérisation de dossiers à la recherche de fichiersRecherche de fichiers dans le dossier de sessionRecherche de fichiers dans le dossier temporaireRecherche de fichiers dans le dossier de téléversementsOrdonnancementRechercher une adresse IP ou un nom d'utilisateurRésultats pour :Chaîne de rechercheRecherche de code malveillantJeton secret d'accèsClef secrèteRègles de sécuritéScanner de sécuritéLe jeton de sécurité est invalideLes règles de sécurité ont été mises à jourSélectionnez un groupe existant ou entrez un nouveau pour l'ajouterSélectionnez un fichier.Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs rôle(s)Envoyer le rapport par courrielEnvoyer les adresses IP bloquées au Cerber LabEnvoyer des notifications par courriel à l’administrateurEnvoyer le rapport à RéglagesLes préférences ont été importées avec succès depuisParamètres sauvegardésMontrer la notification "Changer pour"Affichage de %d derniers enregistrements sur %dIntégrité du siteConnexion au siteClef du siteRéglages par siteTailleParamètres du mode secondaireIntelligentDes erreurs sont survenuesDésolé, la vérification humaine a échoué.Trier les utilisateurs dans le tableau de bordcommentaire de spam refusécommentaires de spam refusésSoumission du formulaire anti-spam refuséeenvois de spam refusésSpécifiez les espaces de noms de l'REST API à autoriser si l'REST API est désactivée. Une corde par ligne.Spécifiez des signatures de code PHP personnalisées. Un article par ligne. Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades.Spécifiez les répertoires à exclure de l'analyse. Utilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne.Spécifiez les extensions de fichier à rechercher. Analyse complète uniquement. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments.Mode standardDémarrer l'analyse complèteDémarrer l'analyse rapideCommencez à taper ici pour trouver un paysCommencéArrêter l'analyseEmpêcher l’énumération des utilisateursSoumettre les formulairesSous-réseau bloquéDimancheCode JavaScript inquiétant détectéCode SQL suspect détectéActivité suspecteCode suspect trouvéInstruction de code suspecte trouvéeSignatures de code suspectes trouvéesDirectives suspectes trouvéesNombre de champs suspectsNombre suspect de valeurs imbriquéesChanger pourRetourner au Tableau de bordWP Cerber nécessite PHP %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellementWP Cerber nécessite WordPress %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellementLe plugin WP Cerber a été désactivéLe plugin WP Cerber est maintenant actifL'alerte a été crééeL'alerte a été suppriméeLe contenu du fichier a été modifié et ne correspond pas à ce qui existe dans le référentiel officiel WordPress ou dans un fichier de référence que vous avez téléversé précédemment. Le fichier peut avoir été altéré par un logiciel malveillant, infecté par un virus ou avoir été altéré.Le fichier a été supprimé définitivement.Le fichier a été restauré à son emplacement d'origine.Le mode plein accès exige la version PRO de WP CerberLa liste est vide.Le scanner reconnaît ce fichier comme étant "sans propriétaire" ou "non regroupé" parce qu'il n'appartient à aucune partie connue du site Web et ne devrait pas être ici.Le calendrier a été mis à jourLe jeton est unique à ce site. Gardez-le secrètement. Installez le jeton sur le site principal pour accéder à ce site web.Le site web a été ajouté avec succèsLe site web que vous tentez d'ajouter est déjà dans la listeIl n'y a aucun dossier en quarantaine pour le moment.Ces adresses IP ne seront jamais bloquéesCes fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans la version PRO de l'extension.Ces fichiers ont été ajoutés à la liste de fichiers à ignorerCes fichiers ont été mis en quarantaineCes restrictions ne s'appliquent pas aux adresses IP de la Liste blanche d'adresses IPCe fichier contient du code exécutable et peut contenir des logiciels malveillants obscurs. Si ce fichier fait partie d'un thème ou d'un plugin, il doit être situé dans le dossier thème ou plugin. Pas d'exception, pas d'excuses.Il s'agit d'un module de démarrage standard pour le plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Il a été installé lorsque vous avez réglé le mode d'initialisation du plugin sur Standard. En savoir plus : wpcerber.com.Ce message a été envoyé parCe site web peut être contrôlé à partir du site web principalCe site web est défini comme étant un site principal.Ce site web est maintenant un site secondaire.SeuilJeudiPour modifier les paramètres du rapport, visitez : Pour supprimer l'alerte, cliquez iciPour procéder, veuillez sélectionner le mode du site webPour retirer le jeton et désactiver la gestion à distance, cliquez ici: Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devez réinstaller %s ou le mettre à jour avec la dernière version.Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, enroulez un motif en deux barres obliques vers l'avant.Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades.Pour voir l’activité relative à cette IP, cliquez sur l’IPPour consulter le rapport complet, visitezOutilsTraficAperçu de la circulationInspection du traficInspecteur de traficCommentaires sur le spam de la corbeilleMardiImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité en raison d'une erreur de base de donnéesImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers WordPress en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité du plugin en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité du thème en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de copier le fichierImpossible de créer le répertoireImpossible de supprimer le fichierImpossible d'ouvrir le fichierImpossible de traiter le fichierImpossible d'envoyer un courriel àIncapable de mettre à jour l'horaireFichiers sans surveillanceFichier suspect non surveilléInconnuSe désabonnerExtensions non désiréesExtension de fichier indésirableExtensions de fichiers indésirablesMises à jourMettre à jour WP CerberMettre à jour toutes les extensions activéesTéléverser un fichierUtiliser le modèle 404 du thème actifUtiliser l'anglais pour l'interface d'administrationUtiliser REST APIUtiliser la liste blanche d'accès IPUtiliser XML-RPCUtilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne.Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments.Utilisez la virgule pour spécifier plusieurs valeursUtiliser un fichierUtiliser des politiques moins restrictives (autoriser AJAX)Utiliser la langue principaleUtilisateurAgent utilisateurID utilisateurPerspectives utilisateurMessage utilisateurPolitiques de l'utilisateurActivé par l'utilisateurUtilisateurs créésL'utilisateur n'a pas la permission de se connecter au siteConnexion de l'utilisateurInscription utilisateurCe nom d’utilisateur n’est pas autorisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre.Identifiant utiliséLes identifiants de cette liste ne pourront ni se connecter ni s’inscrire. Toute IP qui aurait tenté d’utiliser un de ces identifiants sera immédiatement bloquée. Séparez les identifiants par des virgules.VérifiéVérification de l'intégrité de WordPressVérification de l'intégrité des pluginsVérification de l'intégrité des thèmesVoir l’activitéVoir l’activité pour cette IPVoir l’activité dans le tableau de bordVoir toutVoir les blocages dans le tableau de bordVisiter le siteVulnérabilitésVulnérabilité constatéeWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber est maintenant actif et protège votre sitePréférences WP CerberDésireux de rendre WP Cerber encore plus puissant ?Nous n'avons trouvé aucune donnée sur l'intégrité à vérifierNous sommes désolés, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à continuerSite webPropriétaire du siteParamètres du siteURL du siteLe site web a été supprimé%s sites web ont été supprimésMercrediRapport hebdomadaireRapport hebdomadaireRapports hebdomadairesQue voulez-vous exporter ?Que voulez-vous importer ?Vous obtiendrez un fichier de configuration lorsque vous cliquerez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Vous pourrez ensuite utiliser ce fichier de configuration sur d’autre site.En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous, le fichier sera importé et écrasera les réglages précédents.Liste blanche d'adresses IPSe connecter à WooCommerceSe déconnecter de WooCommerceWordPressInscrire les tentatives de connexion échouées dans un fichier de logRequête XML-RPC refuséeVousVous êtes ici :Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous connecterVous n’êtes pas autorisé à vous connecté. Contactez l’administrateur si vous avez besoin d’assistance.Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous inscrire.Vous pouvez facilement charger les paramètres recommandés par défaut en utilisant le bouton ci-dessousVous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre adresse IP ou votre réseauVous avez dépassé le nombre de tentatives de connexion autorisées. Veuillez réessayer dans %d minutes.Il ne vous reste qu’une seule tentative.Il vous reste %d tentatives.Vous êtes retourné au site web principalVous avez changé à %sVous devez téléverser une archive ZIP à partir de laquelle vous l'avez installée. Cela permet au scanneur de sécurité de vérifier l'intégrité du code et de détecter les logiciels malveillants.Vous êtes abonné(e)Vous vous êtes désabonnéVotre IPVotre adresse IP a été ajouté àVotre dernière connexion était %s de %sVotre licence est valable jusqu'auVotre page de connexion:activepar date d'enregistrementjoursdésactivédésactivéen’affecte pas l’URL de connexion personnalisée ni les Listes d’accèsactivésentréeentréestentatives de connexion échouéeshttps://wpcerber.comsi vide, l'adresse courriel des paramètres de notification sera utiliséesi vide, l’adresse courriel de l’administrateur %s sera utiliséesi vide, le format par défaut %s sera utiliséen 24 heuresen minutes (laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut de WordPress)durant les 24 dernières heuresblocagesmillisecondesminutesne doit pas chevaucher l’URL d’une page ou d’un contenu existantaucune connexioninactifnombre limite de courriels de notification par heure (0 pour illimité)Paramètres reCAPTCHALes paramètres reCAPTCHA sont incorrectsVérification reCAPTCHA échouéeinconnunon spécifiévoir toutbloqué par %s à %sDernière recherche de programmes malveillantsen %sàLes pays sélectionnés ne sont pas autorisés à %s, les autres pays sont autorisés àLes pays sélectionnés sont autorisés à %s, les autres pays ne sont pas autorisés àlanguages/wp-cerber-vi.mo000064400000012360147577531750011400 0ustar00GT  G 1&8 _l} 6<=Z        (!Fh)n 3   7X'a     h" d       $ 8, 6e      b  B: 6}  $   6 F S o #  T &r.%1 7 E!Su.4J GRS&#7- e7q)   $*$=#b  Pa` Access ListsActivityAre you sure?Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Change file permissions when necessaryCitadel modeCustom login URLCustom login pageDateDisable wp-login.phpDownload fileDurationError while parsing fileExpiresExport settings to the fileHelpIPImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImport settings from the fileLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last loginLimit login attemptsList is emptyLoad entriesLocal UserLockout durationLockoutsLogged inLogged outLogin failedMain SettingsMaximum upload file size: %s.My site is behind a reverse proxyNeverNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts abovePassword changedProactive security rulesRemoveRequest wp-login.phpSelect file to import.Send notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSite connectionThis message was sent byThresholdToolsUpload fileUsername usedView ActivityWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.Your IPactivedaysdeactivatedisabledin 24 hoursminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugnot activeunknownview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: vi Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; Danh sách truy cậpHoạt độngBạn có chắc?Chặn truy cập trực tiếp vào wp-login.php và trả về Lỗi HTTP 404 Không tìm thấyChặn mạng con (subnet)Không thể kích hoạt WP Cerber do lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu.Thay đổi quyền truy cập tệp khi cần thiếtChế độ phòng thủURL trang đăng nhập tùy chỉnhTrang đăng nhập tùy chỉnhNgàyVô hiệu hóa wp-login.phpTải tệp tinThời hạnLỗi khi phân tích tệpĐã hết hạnXuất các cài đặt thành fileHỗ trợIPChặn ngay IP sau khi có bất kỳ yêu cầu truy cập nào đến wp-login.phpNhập các cài đặt từ tệp tinLần thử thất bại cuối cùng là ở %s từ địa chỉ IP %s với thông tin đăng nhập của: %s.Lần đăng nhập cuốiGiới hạn số lần đăng nhậpDanh sách trốngTải bản ghiNgười dùng cục bộThời gian khoáKhoáĐăng nhậpĐăng xuấtĐăng nhập không thành côngCài đặt chínhKích thước tệp tải lên tối đa: %s.Trang web của tôi đứng sau một reverse proxyChưa bao giờKhông có tập tin nào được tải lên hoặc tập tin bị hỏngThông báoThông báo cho quản trị viên nếu số lần khóa hoạt động ở trênMật khẩu đã được thay đổiQuy tắc bảo mật chủ độngXoáTruy cập wp-login.phpChọn tệp tin để nhập.Gửi thông báo đến email của quản trị viênCài đặtCác cài đặt đã được nhập thành công từKết nối trangTin nhắn này đã được gửi bởiNgưỡngCông cụTải lênTên người dùng đã sử dụngXem hoạt độngBạn có muốn xuất file không?Bạn có chắc là muốn nhập?Khi bạn nhấp vào nút bên dưới, bạn sẽ nhận được một tệp cấu hình, mà bạn có thể tải lên trên một trang web khác.Khi bạn nhấp vào nút bên dưới, tệp sẽ được tải lên và tất cả các cài đặt hiện có sẽ bị ghi đè.Địa chỉ IP của bạnkích hoạtngàyhủy kích hoạtvô hiệu hoátrong 24 tiếngphútphút (để trống để sử dụng giá trị mặc định của WordPress)không được trùng lặp với đường dẫn của các trang hoặc bài viết hiện cókhông kích hoạtkhông rõxem tất cảlanguages/wp-cerber-nb_NO.mo000064400000136157147577531750011770 0ustar00[%%%2% &^(&R&;&v' '2' ' '' ( (('(8(Q(d((,(,((( ))-) C)N) l) y)) )")$)2*"+#++O+_+c+Ci+/+ ++ +,,7,*d,,,,',,--@6-?w-!-1- .!.@.(I.fr..+.G/Gb/ /A//0 *070?01E0w0000000 1 #1 01>1S1#f111 11G12 52(A2Cj2222 223 3)3C3 U3_3g3Iw33J34/4F4 X4b4 g4 s4S~4555 666 -6 N6Y6p6666g60-7^7>|7 7%778 88568 l8 z888 88888 9 9+;93g929+9)91$:0V:::q:N$;s;;;; 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To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivatedActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddedAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll requestsAll scansAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existent usernameAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatically moved to quarantineAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderDisable feedsDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay simple 404 pageDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic logEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Error while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File not foundFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFinalizing the scanFinishedForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportGetting Started GuideGregoryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursIntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOptional comment for this entryOther formsPage Not FoundPage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRefreshRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSearching for malicious codeSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect file to import.Send email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySizeSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The directory is not writableThe file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create WP CERBER directoryUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)UserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser activatedUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersVerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: nb Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s siden%s tillatte registreringer på %s minutter fra én IP-adresse%s tillatte forsøk på %s minutter(ikke aktivér denne med mindre du legger inn sidenøkkel og hemmelig nøkkel for den usynlige versjonen)FEIL: Passordet du skrev inn for brukernavnet %s er ugyldig.FEIL: vennligst skriv inn en gyldig e-postadresse> > > WP Cerber-oversetter? For å få en gratis PRO-lisens, legg igjen din kontaktinfo her: https://wpcerber.com/contactEn ny aktivitet har blitt registrertEn ny versjon av WP Cerber er tilgjengelig for installasjonRepportering av misbruk:TilgangslisteHandlingAktivertAktivitetAktivitetsinnsiktAktivitetsdetaljerLegg IP til svartelistenLegg IP til listenLegg nettverk til svartelistenLagt tilAdressen %s ble lagt til den svarte IP-tilgangslistenAdressen %s ble lagt til den hvite IP-tilgangslistenJustér antispam-systemetAvansert søkEtter hver skanningAggressiv utestengelseAlle tilkoblede enheterAlle hendelserAlle filer er behandletAlle forespørslerAlle skanningerAll mistenkelig aktivitetAll trafikkTillat REST API for innloggede brukereTillat at WP Cerber sender utestengde ondsinnede IP-adresser til Cerber Lab. Dette hjelper plugin-teamet å utvikle nye algoritmer som vil beskytte WordPress mot nye trusler og botnett som dukker opp hver dag. Du kan slå av sendingen i plugin-innstillingene når som helst.Alltid blokkér hele subnet Class C av inntrengerens IPAntispamInnstillinger for antispam og bot-oppdagelseAntispam-systemEnhverBrukAktivér regler for begrensning av innloggingsforsøk for hvitlistede IP-adresser.Er du sikker på at du vil slette de valgte filene?Er du sikker?Forsøk på å få tilgang tilForsøk på å koble til forbudt URLInnloggingsforsøk nektetForsøk på å logge inn med ikke-eksisterende brukernavnForsøk på å logge inn med forbudt brukernavnRegistreringsforsøk nektetForsøk på å laste opp en fil med ondsinnet kodeForsøk på å laste opp skadelig fil nektetForsøkForsøk på å logge inn med ikke-eksisterende brukernavnAdvarsel! Vakttårns-modus er nå aktiv. Ingen vil kunne logge inn.OBS! Du har endret innloggings-adressen. Din nye URL for innlogging erAutomatisert gjentakende skanningsplanAutomatisk rensing av malware og mistenkelige filerAutomatisk slettingFlyttet automatisk til karanteneFantastisk!Vær forsiktig med å aktivere disse valgene.Før du kan ta i bruk reCAPTCHA må du skaffe deg en Site key og Secret key på Googles websideSvart IP-tilgangslisteBlokkér tilgang til RSS- Atom- og RDF-feedsBlokkér tilgang til XML-RPC-serveren (inkluderer Pingbacks og Trackbacks)Blokkér direkte tilgang til wp-login.php og returnér HTTP 404 Ikke Funnet-feil.Blokkér subnetBlokker uautorisert tilgang til load-scripts.php og load-styles.phpBlokkert av land-regelBot-aktivitet er oppdagetBot oppdagetEtter brukernavnBytesKunne ikke aktivere WP Cerber på grunn av en databasefeil.Cerber-kontrollpanelTilkobling til Cerber LabCerber Lab protokollCerber hurtigvisningCerber sikkerhetsreglerCerber TrafikkinspektørCerber antispam-systemCerber antispam-innstillingerCerber-verktøyEndrede filerSjekk for aktivitetSe etter forespørslerSjekker etter nye og modifiserte filerSjekksummen matcher ikkeVakttårn aktivert!VakttårnsmodusVakttårns-modus er aktivertVakttårnsmodus ble aktivert etter %d mislykkede innloggingsforsøk på %d minutterVakttårnsmodus er aktivRenser.Klikk her for å se den komplette listen med filerKlikk på et land for å legge det til listen over valgte landKlikk for å sende nåKlikk for å sende testKommentar nektetKommentarskjemaBehandler kommentarenKommentarerUsikker på noen innstillinger?Innholdet er modifisertFortsett skanningLandLandKritiske hendelserEn planlagt skanning pågår. Vennligst vent til den er fullført.Egendefinert URL for innloggingEgendefinert innloggingsadresse kan kun inneholde bokstaver, tall, bindestreker og understreker.Egendefinert innloggingssideEgendefinert signatur funnetEgendefinerte signaturerKontrollpanelDatoDatoformatDeaktivérBeskytter WordPress mot hackerangrep, spam, trojanske hester og viruser. Malware skanner og integritetssjekker. Forsterker WordPress med et sett avanserte sikkerhetsalgoritmer. Spambeskyttelse med et sofistikert system for oppdagelse av boter og reCAPTCHA. Sporer bruker- og inntrengeraktivitet med epost-, mobil-, og skrivebordsvarslinger.SlettSlett permanentSlett filer i karantene etterSlettetNektetNekt det fullstendigTilgang til målmappen ble nektetDiagnoseMapper å ekskludereDeaktiver visning av PHP-feilDeaktiver PHP i opplastingerDeaktivér REST APIDeaktivér XML-RPCDeaktiver automatisk omdirigering til innloggingssiden ved uautoriserte oppslag på /wp-admin/ Deaktivér systemet for bot-oppdagelse for innloggede brukereDeaktiver omdirigering av kontrollpaneletDeaktiver kjøring av PHP-script i Wordpress' media-mappeDeaktiver feedsDeaktivér reCAPTCHA for innloggede brukereDeaktiver wp-login.phpDeaktivertVis 404-sidenVis en enkel 404-sideØnsker du å legge de valgte filene til ignore-listen?Last ned filInspiser IPVarighetFEIL:E-postadresseE-post har blitt sendt tilE-postvarselAktivér etter %s mislykkede innloggingsforsøk på %s minutterAktiver diagnostikk-loggAktivér usynlig reCAPTCHASlå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce innloggings-skjemaSlå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce mistet passord-skjemaSlå på reCAPTCHA for WooCommerces registreringsskjemaAktivér reCAPTCHA for WordPress' kommentarskjemaSlå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' innloggingsskjemaSlå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' skjema for mistet passordSlå på reCAPTCHA for WordPress' registreringsskjemaAktivér rapporteringAktiver trafikkinspeksjonSkriv inn en del av en spørringsstreng for å ekskludere en forespørsel fra undersøkelse av systemet. En feorespørsel per linje.Skriv inn en forespørsels-URI for å ekskludere feorespørselen fra inspeksjon. Ett element per linjeFeil under parsing av filenFeil under oppdateringFeilHendelseHver 3. timeHver 6. timeHver timeSiste malware-skanningUnntakKjørbar kode ble funnetUtgårEksporterEksporter og importerEksportér innstillinger til filenMislykkede innloggingsforsøkFilFiltilgangsfeil. Skanningsresultatene kan være utdaterte. Vennligst utfør hurtigskann eller full skanning.Kunne ikke finne filenFilopplasting ble nektetFiler i sessions-mappenFiler i den midlertidige mappenFiler i uploads-mappenFiler i disse mappeneFiler skannetFiler å skanneFiler med disse filendelseneFiler med uønskede filendelserFilterFerdigstiller skanningenFerdigInnsending av skjema nektetInnsendte skjemaFredagFra IP-adresseFra landFull skannFull skanningsrapportHurtigstartsguideGregoryForsterkingForsterke WordPressHjelpHei!Høy alvorlighetsgradHintVertsinformasjonVertsnavnBekreftelse av menneskelighet feilet. Vennligst klikk den firkantige boksen i reCAPTCHA-blokken under.IP-adresseIP-adresseIP-adresse, IPv4-adresseområde eller subnetIP svartelistetIP blokkertHvis en spam-kommentar oppdagesHvis det oppdages en endring i skanningsresultatetHvis nye hendelser oppdagesHvis du glemmer din egendefinerte innloggingsadresse, vil du ikke kunne logge inn.Hvis du bruker en plugin for caching, må du legge din nye innloggings-URL til listen over sider som ikke skal caches.IgnorerIgnore-listeIngrorer søkeroboterBlokkér umiddelbart IP-en etter ethvert forsøk på å koble til wp-login.phpBlokkér umiddelbart IP når noen prøver å logge inn med et ikke-eksisterende brukernavnImporter innstillingerImportér innstillinger fra filenI vakttårnsmodus kan ingen andre enn hvitlistede IP-adresser logge seg inn. Allerede innloggede brukere vil ikke bli påvirket.Inkluder filstørrelserInkluder skanningsfeilFeil IP-adresse eller IP-rekkeviddeØk varigheten av utestengelser til %s timer etter %s utestengelser i løpet av de siste %s timerIntegritetIntegritetsdata ikke funnetUsynlig reCAPTCHATotale hendelserDen kan ha blitt igjen etter oppgradering til en nyere versjon av %s. Den kan også være en del av skjult malware. I et sjeldent tilfelle kan den også være en del av et spesialtilpasset theme eller plugin.Det ser ut for at denne websiden aldri har blitt skannet. Trykk på knappen under for å starte skanning.Behold loggerLær merLær mer om alle fordeler påSiste mislykkede forsøk var %s fra IP %s med brukernavn %s.Siste utestengelseSiste utestengelse ble lagt til: %s for IP %sSiste innloggingSist settStart full skannStart hurtigskannLegacy-modusLisensBegrens forsøkBegrens innloggingsforsøkGrensen for mislykkede reCAPTCHA-verifiseringer er nåddGrensen for innloggingsforsøk er nåddGrensen er nåddListen er tomLive trafikkLast inn standardinnstillingerLast inn sikkerhetssystemLokal brukerDen lokale filen eksisterer ikkeSteng ute IP-adresser for %s minutter etter %s mislykkede forsøk på %s minutterUtestengtVarighet for utestengelseUtestengelse for %s ble fjernetUtestengelserUtestengelser akkurat nåUtestengelserLoggLogg inn på websidenLogget innInnloggede brukereLogget utLoggføringLoggføring deaktivertLoggføringsmodusInnlogging feiletInnloggingsskjemaLengre ennSkjema for mistet passordLav alvorlighetsgradHovedinnstillingerHovedinnstillingerGjør din beskyttelse smartere!Ondsinnede IP-adresser oppdagetMistenkelige aktiviteter redusertMistenkelig aktivitet oppdagetOndsinnet kode oppdagetOndsinnet kode funnetMistenkelig forespørsel nektetMarker det som spamMaskér disse skjemafelteneMaksimum tillatte filstørrelse for opplasting: %s.Medium alvorlighetsgradMandagOvervåk modifiserte filerOvervåk nye filerFlytt spam-kommentarer til papirkurven etterFlyttet til karanteneFlere mistenkelige aktiviteterFlere mistenkelige aktiviteter ble oppdagetMin side er bak en reverse proxyNEI, kanskje senereNettverk:AldriNy egendefinert innloggings-URLNy filNye filerNy versjon er tilgjengeligIngen aktivitet har blitt registrert.Ingen enheter funnetIngen fil ble lastet opp, eller er filen ødelagtIngen filer passer til de spesifiserte filteret.Ingen utestengelser akkurat nå. Kysten er klar.Ingen forespørsler har blitt loggførtIngen regelIngen kan logge inn eller registrere seg fra disse IP-eneIkke-eksisterende brukereIkke tilgjengeligIkke innloggetIkke-innloggede besøkendeIkke tillatt for ett landIkke tillatt for %d landIkke spesifisertGrense for varslingerVarslingVarsle administratoren om antallet aktive utestengelser overskriderAntall aktive utestengelserAntallet utestengelser stigerOK, ta alle sammenValgfri kommentar for denne oppføringenAndre skjemaerSiden ikke funnetTidsgrense for sidegenereringAnalyserer fillistenPassord endretNullstilling av passord forespurtYtelseTillatt for ett landTillatt for %s landVennligst Vennligst last opp en referanse-ZIPInitialisering av pluginInitialisering av plugin er ikke forandretPublisér kommentarerValgForrige skanning som startet %s er ikke fullført. Fortsette skanningen?Proaktive sikkerhetsreglerSøker etter sårbar PHP-kodeBlokkerte brukernavnBeskytt admin-scriptsBeskytt alle skjemaer på websiden med systemet for bot-oppdagelseBeskytt kommentarskjema med system for bot-oppdagelseBeskytt registreringssskjema med system for bot-oppdagelsePush-varslerKaranteneForespør hvitlisteHurtigskannHurtigskanningsrapportGrunnNylig utestengte IP-adresserOppdaterRegistrer på websidenRegistrertRegistreringsskjemaGrense for registreringerFjernFjern fra listenRapporter en hendelse hvis noe av følgende stemmerForespørselForespørsel til REST API nektetForespørsel til Googles reCAPTCHA-tjeneste mislyktesBe om hvitlistingKobling til wp-login.phpLøs hendelseGjenopprettHent ekstra WHOIS-informasjon for IPSikkermodusLørdagLagre $_SERVERLagre forespørsels-cookiesLagre forespørselfelterLagre forespørsels-headereRapportering av skanneresultaterSkann øktkatalogSkann midlertidig katalogSkannetSkannerapportSkannerinnstillingerSkanner mapper for filerSkanner øktmappen for filerSkanner temp-mappen for filerSkanner upload-mappen for filerPlanleggingSøk etter IP eller brukernavnSøkeordSøker etter ondsinnet kodeSecret keySikkerhetsreglerSikkerhetsskanningSikkerhetsreglene har blitt oppdatertVelg fil å importere.Send rapport på e-postSend ondsinnede IP-adresser til Cerber LabSend varsel til admins e-postadresseInnstillingerInnstillinger ble importert fraInnstillingene er lagretViser siste %d oppføringer fra %dSideintegritetSidetilkoblingSite keyStørrelseSmartNoe gikk feilBeklager, menneskeverifisering feiletSorter brukere i kontrollpaneletSpam-kommentar nektetSpam-kommentarer nektetInnsending av skjema nektet pga. spamInnsending av skjema nektet pga. spamSpesifisér REST API navneområder som skal tillates når REST API er deaktivert. En string per linje.Spesifiser egendefinerte PHP-signaturer. Ett element per linje. For å spesifisere REGEX-mønster, pakk en linje inn i { og }.Spesifiser mapper som skal ekskluderes fra skanningen. Bruk absolutte adresser. Ett element per linje.Spesifiser filendelser å søke etter. Kun tilgjengelig under full skann. Bruk komma for å skille mellom elementer.StandardmodusStart full skanningStart hurtigskanningBegynn å skrive her for å finne et landStartetStopp skanningStopp opplisting av brukereSend inn skjemaerSubnet blokkertAbbonérSøndagMistenkelig JavaScript-kode oppdagetMistenkelig SQL-kode oppdagetMistenkelig aktivitetMistenkelig kode ble funnetFant mistenkelig kodeinstruksjonFant mistenkelige kodesignaturerFant mistenkelige direktiverMistenkelig antall feltMistenkelig antall nøstede verdierWP Cerber krever PHP versjon %s eller høyere. Du kjørerWP Cerber krever WordPress versjon %s eller høyere. Du kjørerSikkerhetstillegget WP Cerber har blitt deaktivertSikkerhetstillegget WP Cerber er nå aktivtInnholdet i filen har blitt endret, og stemmer ikke overens med det som finnes i det offisielle Wordpress-biblioteket eller en referansefil som du har lastet opp tidligere. Filen kan ha blitt endret av malware, infisert av et virus eller ha blitt tuklet med.Kan ikke skrive til mappenFilen har blitt permanent slettetFilen har blitt gjenopprettet til sin originale plassering.Listen er tom.Skanneren gjenkjenner denne filen som "uten eier" eller "ikke pakket" fordi den ikke tilhører noen kjente deler av websiden, og ikke hører hjemme her.Planleggingen oppdateresDet er ingen filer i karantene for øyeblikket.Disse IP-er vil aldri bli utestengtDisse funksjonene er tilgjengelig i PRO-versjonen av pluginen.Disse filene har blitt lagt til i ignore-listenDisse filene har blitt flyttet til karanteneDenne filen inneholder kjørbar kode, og kan inneholde skjult malware. Hvis denne filen er en del av et theme eller en plugin, må den plasseres i themets eller pluginens mappe. Ingen unntak, ingen unnskyldninger.Dette er en standard oppstartsmodul for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Den ble installert når du satte pluginens initialiseringsmodus til Standard. Les mer: wpcerber.com.Denne meldingen ble sendt avTerskelTorsdagFor å endre rapporteringsinnstillingene, besøkFor å løse denne hendelsen må du installere %s eller oppdatere den til siste versjon.For å spesifisere et REGEX-mønster, pakk mønsteret inn i to skråstreker.For å spesifisere et REGEX-mønster, kan du pakke en linke inn i { og }.Klikk her for å avslutte abbonementetFor å se aktivitet klikk på IP-enFor å se full rapport, besøkVerktøyTrafikkTrafikkinnsiktTrafikkinspektørKast spam-kommentarer i papirkurvenTirsdagKunne ikke sjekke integriteten på grunn av en databasefeilForhindret fra å sjekke WordPress-filenes integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeilForhindret fra å sjekke pluginens integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeilForhindret fra å sjekke malens integritet på grunn av en nettverksfeilKunne ikke kopiere filenKan ikke opprette WP CERBER-mappenKunne ikke opprette mappenKunne ikke slette filenKunne ikke åpne filenKunne ikke behandle filenKunne ikke sende e-post tilKunne ikke oppdatere planenFiler uten tilsynUbehandlet mistenkelig filUkjentAvslutt abonnementetUønskede utvidelserUønsket filendelseUønskede filendelserOppdatér til versjon %s av WP CerberLast opp filBruk malen for 404-siden fra det aktive temaet.Bruk engelsk på kontrollpaneletBruk REST APIBruk hvitlisteBruk XML-RPCBruk absolutte baner. Ett element per linje.Bruk komma for å skille elementene.Bruk komma for å skille mellom flere verdierBruk filBruk mindre restriktive regler (tillat AJAX)BrukerBrukeragentBruker-IDBrukerinnsiktBrukeraktivertBruker opprettetBrukernavnBruker registrertBrukerrelaterte innstillingerBrukerøktens varighetBrukernavnet er ikke tillatt. Vennligst velg et annet brukernavn.Brukernavn bruktBrukernavn fra denne listen har ikke tilgang til å logge inn eller registrere seg. Enhver IP som forsøker å bruke noen av disse brukernavnene blir blokkert umiddelbart. Bruk komma for å skille brukernavn.BrukereVerifisertVerifiserer integriteten til WordPressVerifiserer integriteten til pluginsVerifiserer integriteten til malerSe aktivitetSe aktivitet for denne IPSe aktivitet i kontrollpaneletSe alleSe utestengelser i kontrollpaneletSvakheterSvakhet funnetWP Cerber Sikkerhet, Antispam & Malware-søkWP Cerber er nå aktiv og har begynt å beskytte siden dinWP Cerber-varslingVil du gjøre WP Cerber enda sterkere?Kunne ikke finne noen integritetsdata å verifisereBeklager, du har ikke tillatelse til å fortsetteWebsideOnsdagUkentlig rapportUkentlig rapportUkentlige rapporterHva ønsker du å eksportere?Hva ønsker du å importere?Når du klikker knappen under, vil du få en konfigurasjonsfil som du kan laste opp på en annen side.Når du klikker på knappen under, vil filen lastes opp og alle eksisterende innstillinger vil bli overskrevet.Hvit IP-tilgangslisteSkriv mislykkede innloggingsforsøk til filenForespørsel til XML-RPC nektetDegDu har ikke tillatelse til å logge inn. Spør din administrator om du trenger hjelp.Du har ikke tilgang til å registrere degDu kan enkelt laste inn anbefalte standardinnstillinger via knappen underDu kan ikke legge til din IP-adresse eller nettverkDu har overskredet antallet tillatte innloggingsforsøk. Vennligst prøv igjen om %d minutter.Du har kun ett forsøk igjen.Du har %d forsøk igjen.Du må laste opp en ZIP-fil som du har installert fra. Dette gjør det mulig for sikkerhetsskanningen å verifisere kodens integritet og oppdage malware.Du abbonererDu har avsluttet abonnementetDin IPDin IP-adresse ble lagt tilDin siste innlogging var %s fra %sDin lisens er gyldig inntilDin innloggingssideaktiveetter registreringsdatodagerdeaktiverdeaktivertpåvirker ikke egendefinert innloggings-URL og tilgangslisteraktivertoppføringoppføringermislykkede forsøkhttps://wpcerber.comhvis feltet er tomt, vil e-postadressen fra varselinnstillingene bli bruktHvis tom, vil e-postadressen %s bli brukthvis blank, vil formatet %s bli bruktpå 24 timeri minutter (la stå tom for å bruke WordPress' standardverdi)i løpet av de siste 24 timerutestengelsermillisekunderminuttermå ikke være lik eksisterende sider eller slugingen forbindelseikke aktivevarslingsmeldinger tillatt per time (0 betyr ubegrenset)om %sklokkenreCAPTCHA-innstillingerreCAPTCHA-innstillingene er feilreCAPTCHA-godkjenning mislyktesValgte land er ikke tillatt å %s, andre land er tillatt åValgte land er tillatt å %s, andre land er ikke tillatt åukjentuspesifisertse allelanguages/wp-cerber-vi.po000064400000227415147577531750011414 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: vi\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../settings.php:149 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Giới hạn số lần đăng nhập" #: ../settings.php:157 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Thời gian khoá" #: ../settings.php:158 ../settings.php:259 msgid "minutes" msgstr "phút" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:229 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Kết nối trang" #: ../settings.php:172 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Quy tắc bảo mật chủ động" #: ../settings.php:176 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Chặn mạng con (subnet)" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Truy cập wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:192 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Chặn ngay IP sau khi có bất kỳ yêu cầu truy cập nào đến wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:207 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Trang đăng nhập tùy chỉnh" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL trang đăng nhập tùy chỉnh" #: ../settings.php:212 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "không được trùng lặp với đường dẫn của các trang hoặc bài viết hiện có" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Vô hiệu hóa wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:220 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Chặn truy cập trực tiếp vào wp-login.php và trả về Lỗi HTTP 404 Không tìm thấy" #: ../dashboard.php:1763 ../settings.php:243 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Chế độ phòng thủ" #: ../settings.php:253 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Ngưỡng" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:51 ../settings.php:258 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Thời hạn" #: ../dashboard.php:4591 ../settings.php:264 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Thông báo" #: ../settings.php:266 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Gửi thông báo đến email của quản trị viên" #: ../dashboard.php:4588 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Danh sách truy cập" #: ../dashboard.php:1804 ../dashboard.php:2352 ../dashboard.php:4584 ../cerber- #: load.php:4930 ../cerber-users.php:1148 ../settings.php:276 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Hoạt động" #: ../dashboard.php:4586 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Khoá" #: ../cerber-load.php:4939 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:846 ../dashboard.php:1110 ../dashboard.php:3560 ../dashboard. #: php:4001 msgid "Date" msgstr "Ngày" #: ../dashboard.php:849 ../dashboard.php:1112 ../dashboard.php:4006 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Người dùng cục bộ" #: ../cerber-load.php:4947 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Tên người dùng đã sử dụng" #: ../dashboard.php:216 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1326 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Đăng nhập" #: ../common.php:1327 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Đăng xuất" #: ../common.php:1328 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Đăng nhập không thành công" #: ../dashboard.php:977 ../common.php:1331 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1335 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1352 ../dashboard.php:1396 ../dashboard.php:3789 ../common. #: php:1389 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1391 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1348 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Mật khẩu đã được thay đổi" #: ../dashboard.php:190 ../dashboard.php:308 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Xoá" #: ../dashboard.php:575 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:254 ../dashboard.php:1344 ../dashboard.php:1389 ../dashboard. #: php:1761 ../dashboard.php:3781 ../cerber-load.php:5230 ../cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:257 ../dashboard.php:1347 ../dashboard.php:1392 ../dashboard. #: php:1762 ../dashboard.php:3784 ../cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:314 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Danh sách trống" #: ../cerber-load.php:4166 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2482 ../dashboard.php:2881 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Xem hoạt động" #: ../dashboard.php:4652 ../dashboard.php:4713 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:48 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:93 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Cài đặt" #: ../dashboard.php:1611 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Lần đăng nhập cuối" #: ../dashboard.php:1644 ../dashboard.php:1735 ../dashboard.php:1784 ../common. #: php:1611 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:344 msgid "Never" msgstr "Chưa bao giờ" #: ../dashboard.php:5075 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:847 ../admin/cerber-admin.php: #: 1014 ../cerber-tools.php:59 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Bạn có chắc?" #: ../dashboard.php:2169 ../settings.php:230 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Trang web của tôi đứng sau một reverse proxy" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:126 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4587 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Cài đặt chính" #: ../dashboard.php:4872 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hỗ trợ" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:364 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:343 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:368 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "" #: ../dashboard.php:1140 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:198 ../cerber-users.php:981 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Đã hết hạn" #: ../dashboard.php:222 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:264 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Địa chỉ IP của bạn" #: ../cerber-load.php:4167 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Lần thử thất bại cuối cùng là ở %s từ địa chỉ IP %s với thông tin đăng nhập của: %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:5204 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Không thể kích hoạt WP Cerber do lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu." #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:372 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Thông báo cho quản trị viên nếu số lần khóa hoạt động ở trên" #: ../settings.php:280 ../settings.php:286 ../settings.php:814 ../settings.php: #: 820 ../settings.php:891 ../settings.php:1082 msgid "days" msgstr "ngày" #: ../dashboard.php:1701 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:218 msgid "Hint" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:218 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:377 ../settings.php:270 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:677 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:678 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1610 msgid "Comments" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4168 ../cerber-load.php:4971 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4197 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4201 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4289 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Tin nhắn này đã được gửi bởi" #: ../dashboard.php:82 ../dashboard.php:4764 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Công cụ" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Xuất các cài đặt thành file" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Khi bạn nhấp vào nút bên dưới, bạn sẽ nhận được một tệp cấu hình, mà bạn có thể tải lên trên một trang web khác." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Bạn có muốn xuất file không?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Tải tệp tin" #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Nhập các cài đặt từ tệp tin" #: ../cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Khi bạn nhấp vào nút bên dưới, tệp sẽ được tải lên và tất cả các cài đặt hiện có sẽ bị ghi đè." #: ../cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Chọn tệp tin để nhập." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:246 ../cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Kích thước tệp tải lên tối đa: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Bạn có chắc là muốn nhập?" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:249 ../cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Tải lên" #: ../cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Không có tập tin nào được tải lên hoặc tập tin bị hỏng" #: ../cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Các cài đặt đã được nhập thành công từ" #: ../cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Lỗi khi phân tích tệp" #: ../dashboard.php:196 ../dashboard.php:1108 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:513 msgid "unknown" msgstr "không rõ" #: ../dashboard.php:1740 ../dashboard.php:1770 msgid "active" msgstr "kích hoạt" #: ../dashboard.php:1740 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "hủy kích hoạt" #: ../dashboard.php:1744 msgid "not active" msgstr "không kích hoạt" #: ../dashboard.php:1747 ../dashboard.php:1765 msgid "disabled" msgstr "vô hiệu hoá" #: ../dashboard.php:1753 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1753 ../dashboard.php:1754 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "trong 24 tiếng" #: ../dashboard.php:1753 ../dashboard.php:1754 msgid "view all" msgstr "xem tất cả" #: ../dashboard.php:1754 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1756 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1757 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1761 ../dashboard.php:1762 ../dashboard.php:2660 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:666 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4140 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4164 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4236 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5190 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5194 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:305 msgid "Use file" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:306 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2481 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:199 ../cerber-load.php:4199 msgid "Reason" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1455 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1450 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1449 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4198 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1428 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:653 ../settings.php:700 ../settings.php:946 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:315 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:316 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:349 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:353 ../settings.php:389 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:372 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:373 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:377 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:378 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:394 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:773 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:785 .. #: /admin/cerber-settings.php:942 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4229 ../cerber-load.php:5245 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:200 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:883 ../admin/cerber-admin.php: #: 1038 ../cerber-users.php:984 msgid "Action" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4921 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2497 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1434 msgid "Network:" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1449 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2480 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:433 ../dashboard.php:3689 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1474 ../common.php:1874 ../common.php:1942 ../nexus/cerber-slave- #: list.php:330 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:340 ../common.php:418 ../common.php:423 ../common.php:429 .. #: /common.php:434 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:649 ../admin/cerber-settings.php: #: 669 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:749 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:984 ../cerber- #: load.php:651 ../cerber-load.php:663 ../cerber-load.php:670 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1018 ../cerber-load.php:1549 ../cerber-load.php:1555 ../cerber-load.php:1560 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1567 ../cerber-load.php:1574 ../cerber-load.php:1580 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1587 ../cerber-load.php:1752 ../cerber-load.php:1889 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:204 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:215 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:680 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1127 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1568 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4192 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4195 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4200 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4204 ../cerber-load.php:4206 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4205 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4208 ../cerber-load.php:4219 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4211 ../cerber-load.php:4212 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4214 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4220 msgid "By user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4221 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4224 msgid "From country" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4228 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5230 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5262 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:661 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:574 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:575 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1088 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1093 msgid "Site key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1097 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1107 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1116 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1126 msgid "Login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1127 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1089 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:100 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:270 ../cerber- #: lab.php:840 msgid "Know more" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1323 msgid "User created" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1324 msgid "User registered" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1351 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1352 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1355 ../common.php:1451 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1357 ../common.php:1453 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:291 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:292 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:297 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1034 ../settings.php:1106 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1112 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1117 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1122 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1132 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1353 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:958 ../dashboard.php:2366 msgid "View all" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2369 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:838 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:839 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1803 ../dashboard.php:2682 ../dashboard. #: php:4583 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:836 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:837 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3559 msgid "IP address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:850 msgid "User login" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:851 ../dashboard.php:3565 msgid "User ID" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1135 ../dashboard.php:4066 msgid "Export" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1151 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1162 msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:82 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:320 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4240 ../cerber-load.php:4241 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4943 ../cerber-users.php:978 msgid "User" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Search string" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:312 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:320 msgid "Date format" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:672 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:644 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:654 ../settings.php:702 ../settings.php:785 ../settings.php:948 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:113 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:120 msgid "Not available" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1349 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1454 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1606 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:196 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1101 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1102 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1102 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1137 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1142 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1146 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1147 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:244 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:847 ../dashboard.php:1111 msgid "Event" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:283 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:285 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:286 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1550 ../cerber-load.php:1556 ../cerber-load.php:1581 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1588 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1336 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1359 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1360 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:280 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1029 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1030 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1035 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4768 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4771 msgid "License" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1889 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1455 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1070 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1074 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1079 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1081 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1337 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1039 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1040 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1050 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1051 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:979 ../dashboard.php:1759 ../dashboard.php:4034 ../settings. #: php:399 ../settings.php:1055 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1056 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:197 ../dashboard.php:1109 msgid "Country" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:4695 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1612 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1523 ../dashboard.php:1613 msgid "Registered" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1683 ../cerber-users.php:52 ../cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "You" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:284 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4231 ../cerber-load.php:5248 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4697 msgid "Countries" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3287 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" #: ../dashboard.php:3298 msgid "No rule" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3459 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1338 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1339 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1365 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1366 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1387 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1388 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1392 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1393 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1394 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1395 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1456 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:400 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:414 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:551 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:589 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:590 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1060 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3267 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3382 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3414 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3415 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3409 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3413 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3416 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3417 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1076 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1076 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2345 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2683 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:687 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:537 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:538 msgid "Monday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:539 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:540 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:541 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:542 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:543 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:679 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:680 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4246 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4249 ../cerber-load.php:4259 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4282 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4286 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4392 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:572 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:818 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:583 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:586 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3290 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" #: ../dashboard.php:3386 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3389 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4380 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:199 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1061 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:691 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4310 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:322 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:344 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:567 ../settings.php:575 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1766 ../dashboard.php:4649 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1805 ../cerber-users.php:1149 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4002 msgid "Request" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4004 ../cerber-users.php:983 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4005 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4030 msgid "All requests" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:980 ../dashboard.php:4035 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4038 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4040 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4049 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4072 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:210 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1834 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:766 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:769 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:770 msgid "Smart" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:771 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:775 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:783 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:808 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:717 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:779 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:807 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4022 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1765 msgid "enabled" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1770 msgid "no connection" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1555 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1361 ../common.php:1457 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4024 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:730 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:734 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:790 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:795 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:799 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:358 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:359 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:2757 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:2762 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:2765 msgid "File not found" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:2768 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:2774 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:136 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:139 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:650 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1363 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:734 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:129 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:129 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:67 ../dashboard.php:4710 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1790 ../dashboard.php:1792 ../cerber-users.php:20 ../cerber- #: users.php:446 ../settings.php:720 ../settings.php:748 ../settings.php:857 .. #: /settings.php:866 ../settings.php:1209 ../cerber-scanner.php:1493 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1791 ../cerber-scanner.php:938 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1793 ../cerber-scanner.php:938 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1396 msgid "Denied" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:165 ../settings.php:526 ../settings.php:726 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:187 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:828 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:833 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:837 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:840 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:844 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:847 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:880 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:889 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:903 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1494 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1495 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1496 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:908 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:923 ../settings.php:969 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:924 ../settings.php:970 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:925 ../settings.php:971 msgid "High severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:920 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:932 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:933 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:938 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:942 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4712 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4714 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:164 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:168 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:180 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:181 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:182 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:183 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:219 msgid "Delete" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1439 msgid "Verified" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1446 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1447 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1448 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1449 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1452 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1454 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1455 ../cerber-scanner.php:4537 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:79 ../cerber-scanner.php:1457 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1460 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1462 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1463 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1467 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1469 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1470 msgid "New file" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2526 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3758 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3762 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3763 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3764 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3766 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3768 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3769 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3770 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:96 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:103 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:103 ../cerber-scanner.php:4710 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:344 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4833 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4256 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:854 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:863 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:934 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:948 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1466 ../cerber-scanner.php:2706 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2704 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2705 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2708 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2709 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2710 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:243 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:245 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4666 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4666 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4679 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:304 ../dashboard.php:1383 ../dashboard.php:1435 ../dashboard. #: php:1575 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1535 msgid "Activated" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1373 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1376 msgid "User activated" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1398 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1399 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1400 ../common.php:1458 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1459 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1708 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1445 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1450 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3759 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3760 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3761 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:898 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:915 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:975 ../dashboard.php:4032 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4033 msgid "Errors" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:349 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1606 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:553 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4717 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:43 msgid "Started" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:47 msgid "Finished" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:55 msgid "Performance" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:67 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:337 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:71 msgid "New files" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:75 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:83 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:87 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:96 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:878 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:767 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:860 msgid "Restore" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:857 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:880 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:881 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1036 ../admin/cerber- #: admin.php:1481 msgid "Size" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:882 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:955 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:970 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1806 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1362 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-news.php:126 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:957 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:966 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:975 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:994 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:998 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1002 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1006 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1010 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1013 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1017 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4715 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1461 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2701 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2702 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2703 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2707 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4764 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4817 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1401 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1787 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4651 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:333 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:363 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:368 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4716 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:222 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:994 msgid "Apply" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1034 msgid "Added" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:995 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1022 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:996 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:997 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:998 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2800 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2801 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2804 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2805 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2807 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2808 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5060 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5061 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1402 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:951 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:893 msgid "All scans" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1000 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:839 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:839 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:848 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3566 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5096 msgid "Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5097 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5098 msgid "Register" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5101 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5102 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:5141 ../dashboard.php:5142 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1390 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1462 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:712 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:721 ../settings.php:749 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:722 ../settings.php:750 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:740 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:745 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:803 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3757 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1403 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:353 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:43 ../cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:68 ../settings.php:533 msgid "User Message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:354 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:384 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:395 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:405 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:410 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:754 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:513 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1150 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:519 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:520 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:537 ../settings.php:1454 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:542 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4770 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:641 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3274 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3145 ../admin/cerber-settings.php:624 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1379 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1154 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1162 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1166 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1170 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:884 ../settings.php:1187 ../settings.php:1215 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1198 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1204 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1207 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1208 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1229 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:140 msgid "Notes" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:160 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1070 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:244 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:279 msgid "Edit" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:285 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:413 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:413 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:103 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:113 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:118 msgid "Display as" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:148 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:152 msgid "First Name" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:156 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:160 msgid "Email" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:164 msgid "Phone" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:172 msgid "Address" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:281 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:311 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:320 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:321 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:322 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:325 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1020 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1030 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1246 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1249 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:92 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:102 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1264 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5263 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:64 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:68 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:69 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:74 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:98 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:102 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:144 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:264 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:268 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:269 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1599 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "" #: ../settings.php:695 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:126 msgid "Group" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:134 msgid "All groups" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1330 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:213 msgid "Block" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:95 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:168 msgid "Company" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:688 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1356 ../common.php:1452 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4406 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1174 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:181 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:182 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:413 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:364 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1396 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1404 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1374 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:969 msgid "New users" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:982 msgid "My activity" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2568 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2572 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2605 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2609 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4059 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4972 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:234 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:235 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:649 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:677 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:680 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:962 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:981 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:984 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:988 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1473 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1474 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3765 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3767 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4768 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4818 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4821 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:64 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../dashboard.php:4675 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1809 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4677 msgid "Role-based" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4678 msgid "Global" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1404 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1405 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1406 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1814 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1575 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1575 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:10 ../cerber-users.php:439 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:19 ../cerber-users.php:447 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:288 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:401 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:406 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:412 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:416 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:421 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:432 ../settings.php:582 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:443 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:448 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:452 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:458 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:464 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:470 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:476 msgid "Using a different browser or device" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:482 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:490 msgid "days interval" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:495 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:497 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:541 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:557 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:560 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:561 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:562 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:567 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:995 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:352 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:355 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:402 ../cerber-2fa.php:486 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to confirm your identity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:514 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:563 msgid "expires" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:580 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:583 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:584 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:586 msgid "Try again" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:587 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "Did not receive an email?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:594 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:599 msgid "Verify" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3217 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3411 msgid "All Users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:351 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:348 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:195 ../dashboard.php:845 ../dashboard.php:1107 ../dashboard. #: php:4003 ../cerber-users.php:982 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:852 ../dashboard.php:1113 msgid "Username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3299 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4585 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:615 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "" #: ../cerber-users.php:980 msgid "Created" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1001 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1002 msgid "Block user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1112 msgid "Profile" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1125 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1126 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:1172 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1759 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "" #: ../settings.php:390 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1472 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4665 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4667 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4668 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1367 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1369 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1370 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1411 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1413 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1414 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:421 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:426 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:432 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:438 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:443 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:448 ../settings.php:476 ../settings.php:505 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:456 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:460 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:466 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:471 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:484 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:488 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:494 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:499 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:527 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:787 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:788 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:789 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:790 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:791 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:792 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:793 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:144 msgid "All servers" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:151 msgid "All countries" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:66 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:68 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:320 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:321 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4925 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1332 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1368 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1371 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1297 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:247 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:279 ../settings.php:813 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:285 ../settings.php:819 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:951 msgid "WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:598 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:604 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:611 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:612 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:618 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:625 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:631 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:634 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:635 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:636 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:71 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:71 ../settings.php:1136 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:79 ../dashboard.php:79 ../cerber-addons.php:289 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4629 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4631 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1461 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:352 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:358 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-settings.php:381 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "Limit" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:385 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:600 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:658 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:662 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:673 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:688 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:701 ../settings.php:947 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:713 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:742 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:761 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:762 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:829 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:851 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:899 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:916 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:958 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1024 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1025 msgid "Spam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1046 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1047 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1071 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:436 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1154 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1155 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:858 ../settings.php:867 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:859 ../settings.php:868 msgid "All files" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1559 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:583 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "phút (để trống để sử dụng giá trị mặc định của WordPress)" #: ../settings.php:872 msgid "Change file permissions when necessary" msgstr "Thay đổi quyền truy cập tệp khi cần thiết" #: ../cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Tải bản ghi" #: ../dashboard.php:983 msgid "My IP" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4718 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4767 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4769 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1325 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1409 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:879 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1035 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1482 msgid "Modified" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1146 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1147 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1207 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1258 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1259 msgid "Path" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1260 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1354 msgid "Files" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1261 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1355 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1325 msgid "No extension" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1350 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1353 msgid "Extension" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1356 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1357 msgid "Largest" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1358 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1359 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1360 msgid "Newest" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1376 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1480 msgid "File Name" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:327 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:328 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:332 msgid "Use English" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:337 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:338 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1416 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1419 msgid "URL whitelisted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1420 msgid "Request whitelisted" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-it_IT.po000064400000373132147577531750012004 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: it\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Limita i tentativi di accesso" #: cerber-settings.php:167 cerber-settings.php:305 msgid "minutes" msgstr "Minuti" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Collegamenti del sito" #: cerber-settings.php:238 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Regole di sicurezza proattive" #: cerber-settings.php:257 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blocca subnet" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Richiedi wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Blocca Immediatamente l'IP dopo qualsiasi chiamata alla pagina wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Pagina di login personalizzata" #: cerber-settings.php:223 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL di accesso personalizzato" #: cerber-settings.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2101 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Modalità Citadel" #: cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Soglia" #: cerber-settings.php:304 admin/cerber-admin.php:88 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durata" #: cerber-settings.php:310 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5300 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifiche" #: cerber-settings.php:312 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Invia notifica all'email dell'amministratore" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5297 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Liste di accesso" #: cerber-load.php:5698 cerber-settings.php:322 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2142 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5293 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5295 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Bloccati" #: cerber-load.php:5707 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:948 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1330 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4060 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:951 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1332 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4548 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Utente locale" #: cerber-load.php:5715 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Nome utente utilizzato" #: cerber-common.php:1668 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Loggato" #: cerber-common.php:1669 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Disconnesso" #: cerber-common.php:1670 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Accesso fallito" #: cerber-common.php:1673 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1092 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP Bloccato" #: cerber-common.php:1677 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel attivata!" #: cerber-common.php:1754 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1704 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloccato" #: cerber-common.php:1756 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP blacklisted" #: cerber-common.php:1690 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Password cambiata" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:204 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:329 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Rimuovi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:663 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Il blocco per %s è stato rimosso" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1611 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1695 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "White List degli indirizzi IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:278 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1614 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1698 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Black List degli indirizzi IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:335 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "La lista è vuota" #: cerber-load.php:4825 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "La modalità Citadel viene attivata dopo %d tentativi di accesso non riusciti in %d minuti." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2875 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Vedi attività" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5366 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5427 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1968 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Ultimo login" #: cerber-common.php:2083 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:476 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2073 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2122 msgid "Never" msgstr "Mai" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5784 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:738 admin/cerber-admin.php:905 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Sei sicuro?" #: cerber-settings.php:268 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2506 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "l mio sito è dietro un proxy inverso" #: cerber-settings.php:239 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Rendi la tua protezione più intelligente!" #: cerber-settings.php:131 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Per favore abilita Permalinks per utilizzare questa funzionalità. Configura le Impostazioni del Permalink diversamente dal Predefinito." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5296 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni Principali" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5581 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aiuto" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:352 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Aumenta la durata del blocco a %s ore dopo %s blocchi nelle ultime %s ore" #: cerber-load.php:388 admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Non è consentito l'accesso. Chiedere assistenza all'amministratore." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 admin/cerber-users.php:926 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Scade" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2741 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Nessun blocco al momento. Il cielo è limpido." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:285 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Il tuo IP" #: cerber-load.php:4826 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "L'ultimo tentativo non riuscito è stato a %s dall'IP %s con accesso utente: %s." #: cerber-load.php:5939 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Non è possibile attivare WP Cerber a causa di un errore nel database." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:360 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Notifica all'amministratore se il numero di blocchi attivi supera" #: cerber-settings.php:326 cerber-settings.php:332 cerber-settings.php:968 #: cerber-settings.php:974 cerber-settings.php:1053 cerber-settings.php:1327 msgid "days" msgstr "giorni" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2039 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber Quick View" #: cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Blocca sempre l'intera subnet Classe C degli indirizzi IP degli intrusi" #: cerber-settings.php:316 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:365 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Clicca per inviare il test" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:695 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:696 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Attenzione! Hai cambiato l'URL di accesso! Il nuovo URL di accesso è" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1967 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Commenti" #: cerber-load.php:4857 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Numero di blocchi attivi" #: cerber-load.php:4959 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Questo messaggio è stato inviato da" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5478 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Strumenti" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Esporta le impostazione nel file" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Quando fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto otterrai un file di configurazione che puoi caricare su un altro sito." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Cosa vuoi esportare?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Scarica file" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "importa impostazioni dal file" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Quando si fa clic sul pulsante in basso, il file verrà caricato e tutte le impostazioni esistenti saranno sovrascritte." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Seleziona il file da importare." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Cosa vuoi importare?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Carica file" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Nessun file è stato caricato o il file è danneggiato" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Le impostazioni sono state importate con successo da" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Errore nell'interpretazione del file " #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1328 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Nome Host" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:597 msgid "unknown" msgstr "sconosciuto" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "active" msgstr "attiva" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "disattiva" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2082 msgid "not active" msgstr "Non Attivo" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "disabled" msgstr "Disabilitato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "Tentativi falliti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "in 24 ore" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "view all" msgstr "guarda tutto" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Bloccati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2094 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Bloccati al momento" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2095 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Ultimo bloccato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3162 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "accesso" msgstr[1] "accessi" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Caricare le impostazioni di default" #: cerber-settings.php:771 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nuova versione disponibile" #: cerber-load.php:4799 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Notifica di WP Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadel mode attivata" #: cerber-load.php:4904 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nuovo URL di accesso personalizzato" #: cerber-settings.php:351 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Usa file" #: cerber-settings.php:352 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Scrivi i tentativi di accesso non riusciti nel file" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2874 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Disattivato" #: cerber-load.php:4861 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Ragione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1762 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Aggiungi IP alla Black List" #: cerber-common.php:1906 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Tentativi di accesso" #: cerber-common.php:1905 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "È stato raggiunto il limite dei tentativi di accesso" #: cerber-load.php:4860 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "L'ultimo blocco è stato aggiunto: %s per IP %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5298 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Rendi sicuro" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1734 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Email di abuso:" #: cerber-settings.php:758 cerber-settings.php:805 cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Indirizzo email" #: cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Rendi più sicuro WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:404 cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Ferma l'enumerazione dell'utente" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Disabilita XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloccare l'accesso al server XML-RPC (inclusi Pingback e Trackback)" #: cerber-settings.php:439 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Disabilita feeds" #: cerber-settings.php:440 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blocca accesso agli RSS, Atom e RDF feeds" #: cerber-settings.php:456 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Disabilita REST API" #: cerber-load.php:4893 cerber-load.php:5981 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber è attivo e ha iniziato a proteggere il tuo sito" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 admin/cerber-users.php:929 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "Action" msgstr "Azione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5630 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Indirizzo IP o Range IP non corretto " #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2890 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Impostazioni salvate" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1740 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Rete" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1756 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Aggiungi rete alla Black List" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2873 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Attenzione! La modalità Citadel è attiva. Nessuno è in grado di effettuare il login." #: cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 cerber-common.php:1930 #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:457 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4816 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Sconosciuto" #: cerber-load.php:743 cerber-load.php:756 cerber-load.php:764 #: cerber-load.php:1112 cerber-load.php:1973 cerber-load.php:2296 #: cerber-load.php:3407 cerber-common.php:455 cerber-common.php:555 #: cerber-common.php:560 cerber-common.php:566 cerber-common.php:570 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:794 admin/cerber-admin.php:875 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERRORE:" #: cerber-load.php:778 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Verifica fallita. Fai clic sulla casella quadrata nel blocco reCAPTCHA di seguito." #: cerber-load.php:1953 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Non è consentito utilizzare questo nome utente. Sceglierne un altro." #: cerber-load.php:4852 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "non specificato" #: cerber-load.php:4855 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Numero di blocchi in aumento" #: cerber-load.php:4864 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Vedi attività per questo IP" #: cerber-load.php:4868 cerber-load.php:4870 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "È disponibile una nuova versione di WP Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Ciao!" #: cerber-load.php:4872 cerber-load.php:4883 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Sito web" #: cerber-load.php:4875 cerber-load.php:4876 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Il plugin di sicurezza WP Cerber è stato disattivato" #: cerber-load.php:4878 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Non loggato" #: cerber-load.php:4884 msgid "By user" msgstr "Dall'Utente " #: cerber-load.php:4885 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Dall'indirizzo IP" #: cerber-load.php:4888 msgid "From country" msgstr "Dalla Nazione" #: cerber-load.php:4892 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Il plugin di protezione WP Cerber è attivo" #: cerber-load.php:5994 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importa impostazioni" #: cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limiti di notifica" #: cerber-settings.php:668 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Nomi utente proibiti" #: cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "I nomi utente di questo elenco non possono accedere o registrarsi. Qualsiasi indirizzo IP, che ha cercato di utilizzare uno di questi nomi utente, sarà immediatamente bloccato. Usa la virgola per separare i nominativi." #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Impostazioni reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1344 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Chiave del sito" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Chiave segreta" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Abilita reCAPTCHA per il modulo di registrazione di WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1367 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Modulo per il recupero della password dimenticata" #: cerber-settings.php:1377 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Modulo di accesso" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Attiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di accesso di WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1334 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Prima di iniziare a utilizzare reCAPTCHA, è necessario ottenere la Chiave Sito e la Chiave Segreta sul sito web di Google" #: cerber-lab.php:897 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:103 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:259 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Per saperne di più" #: cerber-common.php:1661 msgid "User created" msgstr "Utente creato" #: cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Utente registrato" #: cerber-common.php:1701 cerber-common.php:1803 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "Verifica reCAPTCHA fallita" #: cerber-common.php:1702 cerber-common.php:1804 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "le impostazioni reCAPTCHA non sono corrette" #: cerber-common.php:1706 cerber-common.php:1907 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Tentativo di accesso ad URL proibita" #: cerber-common.php:1708 cerber-common.php:1909 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Tentativo di accesso con username proibito" #: cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Connessione al Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:338 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Invia indirizzi IP dannosi al Cerberus Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:343 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocollo Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:1238 cerber-settings.php:1357 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Form di registrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:1363 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Attiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di registrazione WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Attiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di recupero della password di WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Abilita reCAPTCHA per il form del recupero della password di WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Attiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di accesso WooCommerce" #: cerber-common.php:1703 cerber-common.php:1805 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Richiesta al servizio Google reCAPTCHA non riuscita" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1061 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1072 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2744 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4608 msgid "View all" msgstr "Vedi tutto" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2752 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Indirizzi IP bloccati di recente" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, chiudili tutti" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NO, forse più tardi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2141 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3184 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5292 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Bacheca" #: cerber-lab.php:893 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Vuoi rendere WP Cerber ancora più potente?" #: cerber-lab.php:894 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Consenti a WP Cerber di inviare indirizzi IP dannosi al Cerber Lab. Questo aiuta il team a sviluppare nuovi algoritmi per WP Cerber che difenderanno WordPress da nuove minacce e botnet che nascono ogni giorno. Puoi disattivare l'invio delle impostazioni del plugin in qualsiasi momento." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4059 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Indirizzo IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:952 msgid "User login" msgstr "Login utente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:953 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4065 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID Utente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1362 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4636 msgid "Export" msgstr "Esporta" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1415 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Ricerca per IP o Nome Utente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1426 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtro" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Pannello di Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Strumenti di Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:5711 admin/cerber-users.php:923 msgid "User" msgstr "Utente" #: cerber-load.php:5719 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Stringa di ricerca" #: cerber-settings.php:366 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Formato data" #: cerber-settings.php:367 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Se vuoto, verrà utilizzato il formato predefinito %s" #: cerber-settings.php:777 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notifica push" #: cerber-settings.php:749 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Email delle notifiche" #: cerber-settings.php:759 cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:922 #: cerber-settings.php:1109 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Utilizzare la virgola per specificare più valori" #: cerber-settings.php:118 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Tutte le periferiche connesse" #: cerber-settings.php:121 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Nessuna periferica trovata." #: cerber-settings.php:125 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Non disponibile" #: cerber-common.php:1693 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Richiesto reset della password" #: cerber-common.php:1910 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "È stato raggiunto il limite delle verifiche reCAPTCHA fallite" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Applicare i limiti delle regole di accesso agli indirizzi IP presenti nella White List" #: cerber-settings.php:279 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Mostra pagina 404" #: cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA invisibile" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Abilita reCAPTCHA invisibile" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(Non abilitare a meno che non si ottengano e si inseriscano la Chiave del sito e la Chiave Segreta per la versione invisibile)" #: cerber-settings.php:1388 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Attiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo dei commenti di WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1403 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limite dei tentativi" #: cerber-settings.php:1404 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Blocca l'indirizzo IP per %s minuti dopo %s tentativi non riusciti entro %s minuti " #: cerber-settings.php:290 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "Nella modalità Citadel nessuno è in grado di accedere, tranne i gli indirizzi IP presenti nell'elenco della White List. Le sessioni utente attive non saranno interessate." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:949 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1331 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" #: cerber-common.php:388 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Commenti spam negati" #: cerber-common.php:390 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Rilevati indirizzi IP malevoli" #: cerber-common.php:391 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Blocchi avvenuti" #: cerber-load.php:1932 cerber-load.php:1938 cerber-load.php:1943 #: cerber-load.php:1963 cerber-load.php:1968 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Non è consentito registrarsi." #: cerber-common.php:1678 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Il commento spam è stato negato" #: cerber-common.php:1711 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Tentativo di accesso negato" #: cerber-common.php:1712 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Tentativo di registrazione negato" #: cerber-common.php:385 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Attività dannose attenuate" #: cerber-settings.php:1243 cerber-settings.php:1387 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Modulo dei commenti" #: cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteggi il modulo dei commenti con il motore di rilevazione dei bot" #: cerber-settings.php:1239 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteggi il modulo di registrazione con il motore di rilevazione dei bot" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5482 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostica" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5485 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenza" #: cerber-load.php:2296 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Spiacenti, la verifica umana è fallita." #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Attività Bot rilevata" #: cerber-settings.php:1315 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Elaborazione commento" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Se un commento spam è rilevato" #: cerber-settings.php:1324 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Cestina i commenti spam" #: cerber-settings.php:1326 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Sposta i commenti spam nel cestino dopo" #: cerber-common.php:1679 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "L'invio del form contenente spam è stato negato" #: cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Altro form" #: cerber-settings.php:1255 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteggi tutti i form del sito web con il motore di rilevazione dei bot" #: cerber-settings.php:1290 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Modalità sicura" #: cerber-settings.php:1291 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Usa regole meno restrittive (Permetti AJAX)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1329 msgid "Country" msgstr "Nazione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Regole di Sicurezza di Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5409 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Regole di Sicurezza" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1969 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Tentivi di accesso falliti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1893 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1970 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2017 admin/cerber-users.php:52 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1082 msgid "You" msgstr "Tu" #: cerber-common.php:389 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Tentativi di immissione spam negati " #: cerber-load.php:4895 cerber-load.php:5985 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guida introduttiva" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5411 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Paesi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3788 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Permesso per un paese " msgstr[1] "Permesso per %d paesi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Nessuna regola" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3960 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Le regole di sicurezza sono state aggiornate" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-common.php:1680 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Invio form bloccato" #: cerber-common.php:1681 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Commento bloccato" #: cerber-common.php:1717 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Richiesta di REST API bloccata" #: cerber-common.php:1752 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot rilevato" #: cerber-common.php:1753 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Modalità Citadel attiva" #: cerber-common.php:1757 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Rilevata attività malevola" #: cerber-common.php:1758 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloccata dalle regole del Paese" #: cerber-common.php:1759 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite raggiunto" #: cerber-common.php:1760 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Attività sospette multiple" #: cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Attività sospette multiple sono state rilevate" #: cerber-settings.php:476 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Specifica gli spazi dei nomi REST API consentiti se l'API REST è disattivata. Una stringa per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:584 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limite di Registrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:695 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "per data di registrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:1305 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Whitelist Query\n" "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3768 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Inizia a digitare qui per trovare un paese" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3883 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Clicca sul nome del paese per aggiungerlo nella lista dei paesi selezionati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3915 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Trasmetti forms" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3916 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Inserisci commenti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3914 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrati al sito web" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3917 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Usa XML-RPC" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3918 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Usa REST API\n" "" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Negarlo completamente" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Segna come spam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3185 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Impostazioni Principali" #: cerber-settings.php:792 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Report settimanali" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:697 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:698 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Se si utilizza un plug-in di memorizzazione nella cache, è necessario aggiungere il nuovo URL di accesso all'elenco delle pagine da non memorizzare in cache." #: cerber-load.php:4914 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Report Settimanale" #: cerber-load.php:4917 cerber-load.php:4925 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Per cambiare le impostazioni del report visita" #: cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "La tua pagina di login:" #: cerber-load.php:4956 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "La tua licenza è valida sino al" #: cerber-load.php:5062 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Dettaglio Attività" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:590 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Clicca per spedire ora" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:671 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Una e-mail è stata spedita a" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:674 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Non riesco ad inviare l'email a" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3791 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Non permesso per un paese" msgstr[1] "non permesso per %d paesi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3887 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "I paesi selezionati sono autorizzati ad %s, altri paesi non sono autorizzati ad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3890 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "I paesi selezionati non sono autorizzati ad %s, altri paesi sono autorizzati ad" #: cerber-load.php:5050 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Report settimanale" #: cerber-settings.php:282 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Usa pagina 404 dal tema attivo" #: cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Mostra una semplice pagina 404" #: cerber-settings.php:1306 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Immettere una parte della stringa di query o del percorso di query per escludere una richiesta dall'ispezione dal motore. Un elemento per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:796 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Abilita reporting" #: cerber-load.php:4980 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Il tuo ultimo accesso è stato %s da %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Commento opzionale per questa voce" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:365 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Non è possibile aggiungere il tuo indirizzo IP o rete" #: cerber-settings.php:600 cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Per specificare un pattern REGEX inserisci un pattern in mezzo a due barre (//) " #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Ispettore del traffico di Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2104 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5363 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Ispettore del traffico" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2143 admin/cerber-users.php:1116 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Traffico" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4544 msgid "Request" msgstr "Richieste" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4546 admin/cerber-users.php:928 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Info Host" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4547 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Agente Utente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4613 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Modulo di invio" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4614 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Pagina non trovata" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4621 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Più lungo di" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4644 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Ricaricare" #: cerber-common.php:283 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Controlla richieste" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4679 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Non Specificato" #: cerber-settings.php:874 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Modalità di registrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:877 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Registrazione disabilitata" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Intelligente" #: cerber-settings.php:880 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Tutto il traffico" #: cerber-settings.php:920 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Maschera questi campi modulo" #: cerber-settings.php:961 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "millisecondi" #: cerber-settings.php:822 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Abilita l'ispezione del traffico" #: cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Salva i campi richiesti" #: cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Soglia del tempo di generazione della pagina" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "enabled" msgstr "Abilitato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "no connection" msgstr "Nessuna connessione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1921 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Visto per l'ultima volta" #: cerber-load.php:4688 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Siamo spiacenti, non ti è permesso procedere" #: cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Whitelist delle richieste" #: cerber-settings.php:841 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Inserire una URI per escludere la stessa dall'ispezione. Un elemento per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:928 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Salva l'header delle richieste" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Salva $_SERVER" #: cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Salva la richiesta dei cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Proteggi gli script di amministrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blocca l'accesso non autorizzato a load-scripts.php e load-styles.php" #: cerber-common.php:3281 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Impossibile creare la directory" #: cerber-common.php:3286 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Accesso alla cartella di destinazione negato" #: cerber-common.php:3289 msgid "File not found" msgstr "File non trovato" #: cerber-common.php:3292 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Impossibile copiare il file" #: cerber-common.php:3298 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Impossibile cancellare il file" #: cerber-settings.php:145 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Carica il motore di sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Modalità legacy" #: cerber-settings.php:149 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Modalità standard" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "La modalità di inizializzazione del plugin non è stata modificata" #: cerber-common.php:1715 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Caricamento file negato" #: cerber-settings.php:841 cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Per specificare un pattern REGEX, racchiudere un'intera riga in due parentesi." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Fai attenzione nell'abilitazione di queste opzioni." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Se si dimentica l'URL di accesso personalizzato, non sarà possibile accedere." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5424 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integrità del sito" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:683 cerber-settings.php:825 #: cerber-settings.php:856 cerber-settings.php:990 cerber-settings.php:999 #: cerber-settings.php:1466 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2128 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2130 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:474 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Disabilitato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2129 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Scansione veloce" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2131 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Scansione completa" #: cerber-common.php:1751 cerber-common.php:1761 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Negato" #: cerber-settings.php:174 cerber-settings.php:610 cerber-settings.php:637 #: cerber-settings.php:831 cerber-settings.php:1300 cerber-settings.php:1398 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Usa la lista White IP Access\n" "" #: cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Disabilita il reindirizzamento della dashboard" #: cerber-settings.php:243 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Disabilita il reindirizzamento automatico alla pagina di accesso quando / wp-admin / viene richiesto da una richiesta non autorizzata" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Impostazioni di scansione" #: cerber-settings.php:1022 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Firme di codice personalizzate" #: cerber-settings.php:1026 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Specificare firme di codice PHP personalizzate. Un elemento per riga. Per specificare un pattern REGEX, racchiudi un'intera riga in due parentesi." #: cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Estensioni di file indesiderate" #: cerber-settings.php:1019 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Specificare le estensioni dei file da cercare. Solo scansione completa. Usa la virgola per separare gli oggetti." #: cerber-settings.php:1029 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Cartelle da escludere" #: cerber-settings.php:1051 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Eliminare i files in quarantena dopo" #: cerber-settings.php:1064 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Avvia una scansione veloce" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Ogni ora" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Ogni 3 ore" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Ogni 6 ore" #: cerber-settings.php:1069 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Avvia scansione completa" #: cerber-settings.php:1084 cerber-settings.php:1130 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Bassa gravità" #: cerber-settings.php:1085 cerber-settings.php:1131 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Media gravità" #: cerber-settings.php:1086 cerber-settings.php:1132 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Alta gravità" #: cerber-settings.php:1081 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Segnala un problema se una delle seguenti condizioni è vera" #: cerber-settings.php:1090 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Invia un report via email" #: cerber-settings.php:1093 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Dopo ogni scansione" #: cerber-settings.php:1094 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Se si sono verificati cambiamenti nei risultati della scansione" #: cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Includi dimensioni del file" #: cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Includi errori di scansione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5426 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Scanner di Sicurezza" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5428 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Programmazione\n" "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:173 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "E' attualmente in corso una scansione programmata. Attendere fino a che sia ultimata." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Una precedente scansione avviata %s non è stata completata. Continuare la scansione?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:72 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Sembra che questo sito non sia mai stato scansionato. Per avviare la scansione, fai clic sul pulsante in basso." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:186 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Avvia una scansione veloce" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Avvia una scansione completa" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Ferma la scansione." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Continua la scansione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 admin/cerber-tools.php:355 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:227 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Elimina" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verificato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integrity data non trovato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Impossibile verficare l'integrità del plugin a causa di un errore di rete" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Impossibile verficare l'integrità di wordpress a causa di un errore di rete" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Impossibile verificare l'integrità del tema a causa di un errore di rete" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Impossibile processare il file" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4612 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Mancata corrispondenza del checksum" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Codice sospetto rilevato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "File non presidiato sospetto " #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Rilevato Codice eseguibile" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Estensione di file indesiderata" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Il contenuto è stato modificato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nuovo file" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Rilevate firme di codice personalizzate" #: cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analisi dell'elenco dei file" #: cerber-scanner.php:3698 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Verifica di file nuovi e modificati" #: cerber-scanner.php:3699 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verifica integrità di Wordpress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verifica integrità dei plugin" #: cerber-scanner.php:3703 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verifica integrità dei temi" #: cerber-scanner.php:3705 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Ricerca di codice dannoso" #: cerber-scanner.php:3706 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalizzazione della scansione" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "File da scansionare" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Problemi critici" #: cerber-scanner.php:4776 admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Problemi Totali" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:360 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Errore di accesso al file. Probabilmente i risultati della scansione sono obsoleti. Esegui scansione rapida o completa. Grazie." #: cerber-scanner.php:4911 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Per visualizzare il report completo visita" #: cerber-load.php:4922 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Scanner Report\n" "" #: cerber-settings.php:987 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Monitora nuovi files" #: cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Monitora file modificati" #: cerber-settings.php:1095 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Se viene trovata una nuova problematica " #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:978 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "La programmazione è stata aggiornata" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Trovate direttive sospette" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Trovata un'istruzione di codice sospetta" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Trovate Firme di codice sospette" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Per risolvere questo problema è necessario reinstallarlo %s o aggiornarlo alla versione più recente." #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Carica un archivio ZIP di riferimento. Grazie." #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Risolvi problematica" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:251 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Non è stato trovato alcun dato di integrità da verificare" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:253 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Devi caricare l'archivio ZIP dal quale è stato installato. Ciò consente allo scanner di sicurezza di verificare l'integrità del codice e rilevare il malware." #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Rapporto di scansione completo" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Rapporto di scansione veloce" #: cerber-scanner.php:4761 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "File scansionati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:325 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1684 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1741 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1872 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Controllo per attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1903 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Attivato" #: cerber-common.php:1726 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Richieste dannose negate" #: cerber-common.php:1740 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Utente Attivato" #: cerber-common.php:1763 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Numero di file sospetti" #: cerber-common.php:1764 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Numero sospetto di valori annidati" #: cerber-common.php:1765 cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Codice dannoso rilevato" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Tentativi di caricamento di file con codice dannoso" #: cerber-common.php:2198 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Vulnerabilità trovate" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Impossibile verificare l'integrità a causa di un errore del database" #: cerber-settings.php:1059 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Pianificazione di scansioni ricorrenti automatizzate" #: cerber-settings.php:1076 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Controlla i risultati dei rapporti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1082 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Attività sospette" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4610 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Errore" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Difende WordPress da attacchi di hacker, spam, trojan e virus. Malware scanner e controllo di integrità. Rafforza WordPress con una serie di algoritmi di sicurezza completi. Protezione antispam con un sofisticato motore di rilevamento dei bot e reCAPTCHA. Tiene traccia delle attività degli utenti e degli intrusi con potenti notifiche email, mobili e desktop." #: cerber-load.php:394 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Hai superato il numero di tentativi di accesso consentiti. Si prega di riprovare tra %d minuti." #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "in %s" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:571 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "alle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5431 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarantena" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:80 msgid "Started" msgstr "Avviato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:84 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Ultimato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:92 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performance" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Vulnerabilità" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nuovi file" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "File cambiati" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Estensioni non volute" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "File non presidiati" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 admin/cerber-admin.php:769 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Scansionati" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:713 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Al momento non ci sono file in quarantena." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:751 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Ripristina" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:748 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Elimina in modo permanente" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Eliminazione Automatica" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 admin/cerber-admin.php:927 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "Size" msgstr "Dimensioni" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 msgid "File" msgstr "File" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:846 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Il file è stato eliminato permenentemente." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Il file è stato ripristinato nella sua posizione originale" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2144 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integrità" #: cerber-common.php:1714 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Tentativo di caricare un file dannoso negato" #: cerber-load.php:8063 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Eccezionale!" #: cerber-settings.php:1118 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Pulizia automatica di malware e file sospetti" #: cerber-settings.php:1219 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "File nella directory delle sessioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1199 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "File in queste directory" #: cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Usa percorsi assoluti. Un elemento per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:1206 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "File con queste estensioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1212 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Usa la virgola per separare gli elementi." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5429 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Pulire" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Trovato Codice Malevolo" #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Questo file contiene codice eseguibile e potrebbe contenere un malware nascosto. Se questo file fa parte di un tema o di un plugin, deve trovarsi nel tema o nella cartella del plugin. Nessuna eccezione, nessuna scusa." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Lo scanner riconosce questo file come \"ownerless\" o \"not bundled\" perché non appartiene a nessuna parte conosciuta del sito web e non dovrebbe essere qui." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Potrebbe rimanere dopo l'aggiornamento a una versione più recente di %s. Potrebbe anche essere un pezzo di malware nascosto. In casi rari potrebbe essere una parte di un plugin o di un tema personalizzato (su misura)." #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "I contenuti del file sono stati modificati e non corrispondono a ciò che esiste nel repository ufficiale di WordPress o in un file di riferimento che hai caricato in precedenza. Il file potrebbe essere stato alterato da malware, infetto da virus o manomesso." #: cerber-scanner.php:4835 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Eliminato" #: cerber-scanner.php:4895 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Spostato automaticamente in quarantena" #: cerber-common.php:1766 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Rilevato codice SQL sospetto" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2125 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Ultima scansione da malware" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Traffico in tempo reale" #: cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Disabilita PHP in upload" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Disabilita la visualizzazione degli errori PHP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5430 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignora elenco" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:230 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignora" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:885 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Applica" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:925 msgid "Added" msgstr "Aggiunto" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Rimuovere dall'elenco" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Approfondimenti Utenza" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Approfondimenti Traffico" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Approfondimenti Attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3330 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Sei dicuro di voler cancellare questi file?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3331 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Questi file sono stati spostati in quarantena" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3334 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Vuoi aggiungere i file selezionati alla lista dei file da ignorare?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3335 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Questi file sono stati aggiunti alla lista dei file da ignorare." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3337 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Si sono verificati alcuni errori" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3338 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Tutti i file sono stati processati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5770 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Scopri di più su tutti i vantaggi a" #: cerber-common.php:1767 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Rilevato codice JavaScript sospetto" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:981 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare la programmazione" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:784 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Tutte le scansioni" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:891 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "L'elenco è vuoto." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Nessun file corrisponde al filtro specificato." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Clicca qui per vedere l'elenco completo dei file" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:950 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Dettagli aggiuntivi" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4066 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Tempo di generazione della pagina" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5950 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Login" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5951 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Log Out" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5952 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5955 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "WooCommerce Log In" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5956 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "\n" "WooCommerce Log Out\n" "" #: cerber-common.php:1755 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP è bloccato" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Richieste Multiple sospette" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Ispezione traffico" #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Massima compatibilità" #: cerber-settings.php:827 cerber-settings.php:858 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Massima sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Richiesta di protezione errata" #: cerber-settings.php:853 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Abilita protezione errori" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Salva errori software" #: cerber-scanner.php:3692 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Preparazione per la scansione" #: cerber-common.php:1768 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Bloccato dall'amministratore" #: cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Non ti è permesso effettuare l'accesso" #: admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Blocca utenti" #: admin/cerber-users.php:43 admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "All'utente non è permesso accedere al sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:644 admin/cerber-users.php:68 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Messaggio Utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Un messaggio opzionale per questo utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Utenti Bloccati" #: cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Blocca l'accesso alle pagine dell'utente come /?autore=n" #: cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Accesso a WordPress REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Blocca l'accesso a WordPress REST API eccetto uno dei seguenti " #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Consenti REST API per le seguenti regole" #: cerber-settings.php:472 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Consenti questi spazi di nomi" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Queste restrizioni non si applicano agli indirizzi IP nella White List di accesso degli IP " #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Seleziona una o più funzioni" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1414 admin/cerber-users.php:971 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtra per utenti registrati" #: cerber-settings.php:631 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Solo utenti autorizzati" #: cerber-settings.php:632 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Solo gli utenti del sito web registrati e connessi hanno accesso al sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:648 cerber-settings.php:1744 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Solo agli utenti registrati e connessi è consentito visualizzare questo sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:653 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Reindirizzamento all' URL" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5484 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Changelog" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:741 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Le impostazioni predefinite sono state caricate" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3775 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Salva tutte le regole" #: cerber-common.php:1743 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Credenziali master non valide" #: cerber-settings.php:1411 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Impostazioni master" #: cerber-settings.php:1419 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Torna all'elenco di siti web" #: cerber-settings.php:1423 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Mostra notifiche \"Passate a\"" #: cerber-settings.php:1427 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Aggiungi @ sito al titolo della pagina" #: cerber-settings.php:1046 cerber-settings.php:1444 cerber-settings.php:1472 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Abilita diagnostica di registrazione" #: cerber-settings.php:1455 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Limita accesso per indirizzo IP" #: cerber-settings.php:1461 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Accesso al sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:1464 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Modalità accesso completo" #: cerber-settings.php:1465 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Modalità solo lettura" #: cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "La modalità accesso completo richiede la versione PRO del Cerber WP" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Scansione malware" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Note" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Aggiungi un sito web slave" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1037 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Cerca risultati per:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifica" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Passa a " #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Nessun sito web configurato" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Aggiungine uno nuovo" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Proprietà sito web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL sito web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Visualizza come" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Proprietario del sito web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefono" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "Indirizzo" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:691 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Il sito web che stai cercando di aggiungere è già presente nella lista" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:700 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Il sito web è stato aggiunto con successo" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:701 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Clicca per modificare" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Passa alla Dashboard" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:705 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Tieni presente che: il sito web che hai aggiunto non supporta la crittografia SSL.\n" "Ciò potrebbe comportare la perdita di dati." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:824 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Il sito web è stato cancellato" msgstr[1] "%s i siti web sono stati cancellati" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1074 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Sei passato a %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1084 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Sei passato di nuovo al sito web master" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1300 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Ti trovi qui:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1303 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "I Miei Siti Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Abilita modalità slave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Questo sito web può essere gestito da un sito web master" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Abilita modalità master" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Configura questo sito web come master per gestire un altro sito web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Per procedere, seleziona la modalità per questo sito web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni Slave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Token Accesso Segreto" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Il token è unico su questo sito web. Mantienilo segreto. Installa il token su un sito web master per concedere l'accesso a questo sito web." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Sei sicuro? Questo invaliderà permanentemente il token." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Disabilita modalità slave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Questo sito web è impostato come master." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Aggiungi i siti web slave utilizzando i token di accesso." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Questo sito web è impostato come slave." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Installa il token di accesso sul ito web master." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sec" msgstr[1] "%s secondi" #: cerber-settings.php:800 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Invia segnalazioni su" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Aggiornamenti" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Gruppo" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Aggiorna WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Aggiorna tutti i plugin attivi" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Cancella sito web" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Tutti i gruppi" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1384 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare tutti i siti web selezionati?" #: admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Blocca" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Seleziona un gruppo esistente o inseriscine uno nuovo per aggiungerlo" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "Azienda" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Risposta non valida dal sito web slave" #: cerber-common.php:1707 cerber-common.php:1908 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Tentativo di accesso con un nome utente inesistente" #: cerber-load.php:5076 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Tentativi di accesso con con un nome utente inesistente" #: cerber-settings.php:1431 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Usa lingua master" #: cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Utenti inesistenti" #: cerber-settings.php:248 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Blocca Immediatamente l'IP quando si tenta di accedere con un nome utente inesistente" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Proprietario" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Disabilita modalità master" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Per revocare il token e disabilitare la gestione remota, clicca qui:" #: cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Blocca l'esecuzione degli script PHP nella cartella multimediale WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1451 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1459 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Attiva i plugin e gli aggiornamenti il" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1429 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "E' disponibile una versione più recente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1076 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nuovi utenti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1096 msgid "My activity" msgstr "La mia attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2993 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Crea un avviso" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2997 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Cancella avviso" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3095 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "L'avviso è stato creato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3104 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "L'avviso è stato cancellato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4626 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Ricerca Avanzata" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-load.php:5743 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Per cancellare l'avviso, clicca qui" #: cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "L'accesso URL personalizzato può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici latini, trattini e trattini bassi" #: cerber-settings.php:264 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Impostazioni site-specific" #: cerber-settings.php:272 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Prefisso per i plugin dei cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Il prefisso può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici latini e trattini bassi" #: cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Notifiche di blocco" #: cerber-settings.php:782 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Token di accesso pushbullet" #: cerber-settings.php:785 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Dispositivo pushbullet" #: cerber-settings.php:1123 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Cancella file non presidiati" #: cerber-settings.php:1182 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Recupero automatico di file modificati e infetti" #: cerber-settings.php:1185 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Recupera file di WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "File cancellato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "File recuperato" #: cerber-scanner.php:3700 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Recupero file di WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3702 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Recupero file di plugin" #: cerber-scanner.php:4839 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Recuperato" #: cerber-scanner.php:4896 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Cancellato automaticamente" #: cerber-scanner.php:4899 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Recuperato automaticamente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Sicurezza Utente Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5389 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Politiche degli Utenti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2147 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "E' disponibile una nuova versione" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5392 msgid "Global" msgstr "Globale" #: cerber-common.php:1769 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Applicazione politica del sito" #: cerber-common.php:1770 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "Codice 2FA verificato" #: cerber-common.php:1771 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Avviato dall'utente" #: cerber-common.php:2321 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Una nuova versione di %s è disponibile. Per favore, installala." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "L'indirizzo e-mail non è ammesso." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Scegline un altro." #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Autenticazione a Due Fattori" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Definito dalla politica delle regole utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Sempre abilitato" #: admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "Codice PIN 2FA" #: admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Salva tutte le modifiche" #: admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Blocca l'accesso alla Dashboard di WordPress" #: admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Nascondi barra degli strumenti quando visualizzi il sito" #: admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Regole di reindirizzamento" #: admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Reindirizza utente dopo l'accesso" #: admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Reindirizza utente dopo la disconnessione" #: cerber-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-users.php:440 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Termine di scadenza sessione utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Autenticazione a due fattori" #: admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Modalità avanzata" #: admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Applica l'autenticazione a due fattori se si verifica una delle seguenti condizioni" #: admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Accedi da un paese diverso" #: admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Accedi da una rete di Classe C diversa" #: admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Accedi da un indirizzo IP diverso" #: admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Applica l'autenticazione a due fattori con intervalli fissi" #: admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Intervalli di tempo regolari (giorni)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Numero fisso di accessi " #: admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "Numero di accessi" #: admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Le informative sono state aggiornate" #: cerber-settings.php:590 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Indirizzi e-mail limitati" #: cerber-settings.php:593 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Nessuna restrizione" #: cerber-settings.php:594 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Rifiuta tutti gli indirizzi e-mail che presentano quanto segue" #: cerber-settings.php:595 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Autorizza solo gli indirizzi e-mail che presentano quanto segue" #: cerber-settings.php:600 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Specifica gli indirizzi e-mail, caratteri jolly o regolari. Usa la virgola per separare le voci. " #: cerber-settings.php:1196 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Questi file non saranno mai cancellati durante la pulizia automatica." #: cerber-2fa.php:363 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Questo codice PIN di verifica è scaduto. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un nuovo codice sulla tua e-mail." #: cerber-2fa.php:366 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Hai inserito un codice PIN di verifica errato" #: cerber-2fa.php:413 cerber-2fa.php:501 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Verifica la tua identità" #: cerber-2fa.php:523 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Qui trovi i dettagli del tentativo di accesso" #: cerber-2fa.php:577 msgid "expires" msgstr "scade" #: cerber-2fa.php:654 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "sono consentiti solo i numeri" #: cerber-2fa.php:657 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Abbiamo inviato un codice PIN di verifica sulla tua e-mail" #: cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Inserisci il codice ricevuto via e-mail nello spazio in basso. " #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Prova di nuovo" #: cerber-2fa.php:661 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5839 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancella" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "or" msgstr "o" #: cerber-2fa.php:668 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Verifica la tua identità" #: cerber-2fa.php:673 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Verifica" #: admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "E-mail di autenticazione a due fattori" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3718 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Le regole basate sulle funzioni sono state configurate" #: admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "Bloccato da %s a %s" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Il codice è valido per %s minuti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:372 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di controllo degli accessi bianca" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di controllo degli accessi nera" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:211 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:947 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1327 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4545 #: admin/cerber-users.php:927 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "Indirizzo IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:954 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1333 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nome utente" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3800 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Qualunque paese è autorizzato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3405 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5294 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sessioni" #: cerber-load.php:1717 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "La sessione è stata chiusa" msgstr[1] "%s sessioni sono state chiuse" #: admin/cerber-users.php:925 msgid "Created" msgstr "Creato" #: admin/cerber-users.php:946 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Terminare la sessione" #: admin/cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Bloccare l'utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1079 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profilo" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1092 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Tutti Gli Accessi" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1093 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Attività Utente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1139 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Terminare" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "utente" msgstr[1] "utenti" #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Blocca l'accesso ai dati utente tramite REST API" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Impossibile eliminare" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Politiche Cerber Dello Scudo Dati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Scudo Dati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Politiche Scudo Dati" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5381 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Conti e Ruoli" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5382 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni Sito" #: cerber-common.php:1720 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Creazione utente negata" #: cerber-common.php:1722 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Aggiornamento ruolo negato" #: cerber-common.php:1723 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Aggiornamento impostazioni negato" #: cerber-common.php:1776 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Autorizzazione negata" #: cerber-common.php:1778 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Utente invalido" #: cerber-common.php:1779 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Password sbagliata" #: cerber-settings.php:487 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Proteggere gli account utente" #: cerber-settings.php:492 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Limitare la creazione di account utente e la gestione degli utenti con le seguenti politiche" #: cerber-settings.php:498 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Le registrazioni degli utenti sono limitate a questi ruoli" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Gli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a creare nuovi account" #: cerber-settings.php:509 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Gli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a modificare i dati sensibili degli utenti" #: cerber-settings.php:514 cerber-settings.php:542 cerber-settings.php:571 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Non applicare queste politiche agli indirizzi IP nella Lista d'accesso IP bianca" #: cerber-settings.php:522 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Proteggere ruoli utenti" #: cerber-settings.php:526 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Restringere la gestione dei ruoli e delle capacità con le seguenti politiche" #: cerber-settings.php:532 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati ad aggiungere nuovi ruoli" #: cerber-settings.php:537 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Gli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a cambiare le funzionalità dei ruoli" #: cerber-settings.php:550 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Proteggere Impostazioni sito" #: cerber-settings.php:554 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Limitare aggiornamento impostazioni sito con le seguenti politiche" #: cerber-settings.php:560 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Gli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a modificare le impostazioni protette" #: cerber-settings.php:565 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Impostazioni protette" #: cerber-settings.php:638 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Non applicare questa politica agli indirizzi IP nella White List" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Paese Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Tutti i server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Tutti i paesi" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Mostrare la homepage nella colonna del sito" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "Nascondere Indirizzo IP del server" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:341 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "Indirizzo IP, gamma, carattere jolly o CIDR" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Aggiungere Voce" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5634 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP che stai cercando di aggiungere è già nella lista" #: cerber-common.php:1674 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "IP sottorete bloccata" #: cerber-common.php:1721 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "Mise à jour ligne utilisateur refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1724 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "Mise à jour métadonnées utilisateur refusée" #: cerber-settings.php:1562 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Ogni attività" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "Durante l'importazione voci elenco d'accesso si è verificato un errore database" #: cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Abilitare monitoraggio log di autenticazione" #: cerber-settings.php:325 cerber-settings.php:967 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Mantenere log visitatori non loggati per" #: cerber-settings.php:331 cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Conservare log utenti collegati per" #: admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Nota Admin" #: cerber-settings.php:703 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Dati Personali" #: cerber-settings.php:709 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Abilita cancellazione dati" #: cerber-settings.php:716 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Terminare Sessioni Utente" #: cerber-settings.php:717 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Cancellare dati sessioni utente quando vengono cancellati dati utente" #: cerber-settings.php:723 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Abilitare esportazione dati" #: cerber-settings.php:730 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Includere eventi registro attività" #: cerber-settings.php:736 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "Includere voci registro traffico" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "Richiedere URL" #: cerber-settings.php:740 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Données champs formulaire" #: cerber-settings.php:741 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Impostazioni dell'Antispam di Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Anti-spam" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Add-ons" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5343 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Impostazioni rilevamento di antispam e bot" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5345 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Motore Antispam" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Molteplici richieste errate" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:340 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s tentativi sono consentiti entro %s minuti" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:346 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "%s registrazioni sono permesse entro %s minuti da un indirizzo IP" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:369 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Abilita dopo %s tentativi di login negli ultimi %s minuti" #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Limitare o bloccare completamente l'accesso all'API REST di WordPress secondo le vostre esigenze" #: cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Queste funzioni aiutano la vostra organizzazione a essere in conformità con le leggi sulla protezione dei dati personali" #: cerber-settings.php:763 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "se vuoto, verrà usata l'email %s dell'amministratore del sito" #: cerber-settings.php:767 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "email di notifiche consentite per ora (0 significa illimitato)" #: cerber-settings.php:778 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Ricevi notifiche istantanee con notifiche per cellulari e desktop" #: cerber-settings.php:793 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Il rapporto settimanale è un riassunto di tutte le attività e gli eventi sospetti verificatisi negli ultimi sette giorni" #: cerber-settings.php:806 cerber-settings.php:1108 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "se vuoto, saranno usati gli indirizzi email dalle impostazioni di notifica" #: cerber-settings.php:818 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Traffic Inspector è un web application firewall (WAF) context-aware che protegge il tuo sito web riconoscendo e negando le richieste HTTP dannose" #: cerber-settings.php:850 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "Blocca gli indirizzi IP che inviano richieste eccessive per pagine inesistenti o scansionano il sito web per trovare problemi di sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:869 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Registrazione del traffico" #: cerber-settings.php:870 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Abilita il logging opzionale del traffico se hai bisogno di monitorare attività sospette e dannose o risolvere problemi di sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:983 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Lo scanner monitora le modifiche hai file, verifica l'integrità di WordPress, dei plugin e dei temi e rileva il malware" #: cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Specifica le directory da escludere dalla scansione. Una directory per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:1060 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Lo scanner scansiona automaticamente il sito, rimuove malware e invia rapporti via e-mail con i risultati della scansione" #: cerber-settings.php:1077 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Configura quali problemi includere nel rapporto e-mail e le condizioni per l'invio dei rapporti" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Cerber antispam engine" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Regola Motore Antispam" #: cerber-settings.php:1287 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "Queste impostazioni ti permettono di mettere a punto il comportamento degli algoritmi anti-spam ed evitare falsi positivi" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Il modo in cui il plugin elabora i commenti inviati attraverso il modulo di commento standard" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Impostazioni aggiornate" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1418 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "ID richiesta" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1419 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Ricerca in URL" #: cerber-settings.php:991 cerber-settings.php:1000 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "File eseguibili" #: cerber-settings.php:992 cerber-settings.php:1001 msgid "All files" msgstr "Tutti i file" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1926 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Sessioni attive" #: cerber-settings.php:688 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "minuti (lasciare vuoto per usare il valore predefinito di WordPress)" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Caricare voci" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1097 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4618 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Il mio IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5432 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analitica" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5481 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Gestire Impostazioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5483 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Log diagnostico" #: cerber-common.php:1665 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Utente eliminato" #: cerber-common.php:1774 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "L'indirizzo e-mail è vietato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "In quarantena" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Modificato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1002 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "File senza estensione" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Indietro alla lista" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1063 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Breve riepilogo" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1114 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Cartella" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Path" msgstr "Percorso" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Files" msgstr "File" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Spazio occupato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1181 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Nessuna estensione" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1206 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statistiche estensioni file" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1209 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Estensione" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Il più piccolo" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Il più grande" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Dimensione media" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Il più vecchio" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Il più nuovo" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1232 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "Top 10 dei file più grandi" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1391 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Nome File" #: cerber-settings.php:373 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Formato data per l'esportazione CSV" #: cerber-settings.php:374 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Utilizzare formato data ISO 8601 per i file di esportazione CSV" #: cerber-settings.php:388 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Il mio indirizzo IP" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "All'attivazione del plugin, non aggiungere il mio indirizzo IP alla lista di accesso IP bianca" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Caricare impostazioni predefinite del plugin" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "Facendo clic sul pulsante qui sotto, verranno caricate le impostazioni predefinite di WP Cerber. L'URL di accesso personalizzato e gli elenchi di accesso non saranno modificati." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Per ottenere il massimo da WP Cerber, segui questi passi:" #: cerber-common.php:1789 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP inserito in lista bianca" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4617 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Le mie richieste" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3910 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Accedi al sito web" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scansione" #: cerber-common.php:1713 cerber-common.php:1913 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Sondo per codice PHP vulnerabile" #: cerber-load.php:5967 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di accesso IP bianca" #: admin/cerber-users.php:974 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Cerca l'indirizzo IP" #: cerber-settings.php:878 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimo" #: cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Non registrare i crawler noti" #: cerber-settings.php:899 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Non registrare queste località" #: cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Specificare i percorsi URL da escludere dalla registrazione delle richieste. Una voce per riga." #: cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Non registrare questi Agenti-Utenti" #: cerber-settings.php:911 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Specificare gli Agenti-Utenti da escludere dalla registrazione delle richieste. Una voce per riga." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4739 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Bot de Google inconnu" #: cerber-common.php:1780 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP non è consentito" #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Solo gli utenti provenienti da indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP bianca possono registrarsi sul sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "User message" msgstr "Messaggio utente" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Manca il file" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Questo file manca. È stato cancellato o non è stato installato." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Errore: il file %s non può essere utilizzato." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Carica un altro file." #: cerber-settings.php:231 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Rendu différé" #: cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Différer le rendu de la page de connexion personnalisée" #: cerber-load.php:414 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Hai un solo tentativo rimanente." #: admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Numero di sessioni utente contemporanee consentite" #: admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "Quando viene raggiunto il limite delle sessioni utente concorrenti" #: admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Su un nuovo login termina la sessione utente più vecchia" #: admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Negare ulteriori tentativi di accesso" #: admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Accedi da un altro browser o dispositivo" #: admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Se il numero di sessioni utente contemporanee è maggiore" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5769 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Queste funzionalità sono disponibili in una versione professionale del plug-in." #: cerber-common.php:1694 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Sessione utente terminata" #: cerber-common.php:1781 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Limite di sessioni utente contemporanee" #: admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "È visibile solo agli amministratori del sito web" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1498 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Autorizzato" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "Autorizzazione Fallita" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "Nota importante se hai un plugin di caching in atto" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:779 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "Per evitare falsi positivi e ottenere migliori prestazioni anti-spam, cancella la cache del plugin." #: cerber-common.php:1733 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "Richiesta API autorizzata" #: cerber-common.php:1734 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "Autorizzazione richiesta API fallita" #: cerber-common.php:1718 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "Richiesta a XML-RPC API negata" #: cerber-common.php:1782 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "Cookie non validi" #: cerber-settings.php:166 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Blocca indirizzo IP per" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Mitigare i tentativi aggressivi" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "Non mostrare errori PHP sul mio sito web" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Registra tutte le richieste REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:889 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Registra tutte le richieste XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "URL di commento personalizzata" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Utilizzare l'URL personalizzato per il modulo di commento di WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:461 cerber-settings.php:1295 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Utenti connessi" #: cerber-settings.php:358 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Preferenze Personali" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Permettere l'accesso all'API REST agli utenti registrati" #: cerber-settings.php:580 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Registrazione utente" #: cerber-settings.php:581 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Limitare le registrazioni di nuovi utenti in base alle seguenti condizioni" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Accesso Autorizzato" #: cerber-settings.php:627 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Consentire l'accesso al sito web solo agli utenti registrati" #: cerber-settings.php:665 cerber-settings.php:1038 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Impostazioni Varie" #: cerber-settings.php:678 admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Password delle Applicazioni" #: cerber-settings.php:681 admin/cerber-users.php:472 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Attivato, l'accesso all'API utilizzando le password utente standard è permesso" #: cerber-settings.php:682 admin/cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Attivato, nessun accesso all'API utilizzando le password utente standard" #: cerber-settings.php:862 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Ignora gli utenti connessi" #: cerber-settings.php:1296 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "Disattiva il motore di rilevazione bot per gli utenti connessi" #: cerber-settings.php:1393 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "Disabilita reCAPTCHA per gli utenti connessi" #: admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Usare politiche globali" #: cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Hai %d tentativo di login rimanente." msgstr[1] "Hai %d tentativi di login rimanenti." #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Visualizza questo messaggio se un tentativo di accesso è negato perché è stato raggiunto il limite delle sessioni utente concorrenti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5391 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Basato sui Ruoli" #: cerber-common.php:1730 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Création mot de passe pour l'application utilisateur" #: cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Modo di Inizializzazione" #: cerber-settings.php:934 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Salvare le intestazioni di risposta" #: cerber-settings.php:945 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Salvare i cookie di risposta" #: cerber-load.php:8041 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "Per andare avanti abbiamo bisogno del tuo sostegno" #: cerber-load.php:8043 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "Condividendo la tua opinione unica su WP Cerber, aiuti gli ingegneri dietro il plugin a fare maggiori progressi e aiuti altri professionisti a trovare il software giusto. Puoi lasciare la tua recensione su uno dei seguenti siti web. Sentiti libero di usare la tua lingua madre. Grazie!" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:661 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Il token di accesso segreto non è valido" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:225 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Clicca sull'indirizzo IP per vedere la sua attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Problemi di accesso" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1094 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4612 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Non autenticato" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1379 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1826 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2681 admin/cerber-admin.php:1333 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Nessuna attività è stata ancora registrata." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2701 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "Attività degli Utenti" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2721 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Attività Dannosa" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4609 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Richieste sospette" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1093 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4611 msgid "Users" msgstr "Utenti" #: cerber-common.php:1784 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "URL proibito" #: cerber-settings.php:142 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Il modo in cui WP Cerber carica il suo core e i meccanismi di sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Sicurezza di Accesso" #: cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "Una stringa unica che non si sovrappone agli slug delle pagine o dei post esistenti" #: cerber-settings.php:179 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "Elaborazione delle richieste di autenticazione di wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Traitement par défaut" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloccare l'accesso a wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "Spostare il menu admin" #: cerber-2fa.php:505 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Tu o qualcun altro che cerca di accedere al sito web. Dobbiamo verificare che sia tu. Se non sei stato tu, reimposta immediatamente la tua password per proteggere il tuo account." #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "Non hai ricevuto l'e-mail?" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Utilizza il seguente codice PIN di verifica per verificare la tua identità" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:712 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Hai disabilitato la pagina di login predefinita. Assicurati di aver configurato una pagina di login alternativa. Altrimenti non sarai in grado di accedere." #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "Attenuazione attacco forza bruta e impostazioni di autenticazione dell'utente" #: cerber-settings.php:193 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Disattivare il messaggio di errore di login predefinito" #: cerber-settings.php:194 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "Non rivelare nomi utente ed e-mail inesistenti nel messaggio di tentativo di accesso fallito" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Negare l'autenticazione attraverso wp-login.php" #: cerber-common.php:1783 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "Cookie non validi eliminati" #: cerber-load.php:1862 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "In caso abbiamo trovato il tuo account, abbiamo inviato il link di conferma all'indirizzo e-mail presente nell'account." #: cerber-load.php:5925 cerber-common.php:525 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "Il Cerber WP richiede PHP %s o superiore. Stai utilizzando" #: cerber-load.php:5929 cerber-common.php:529 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "Il Cerber WP richiede WordPress %s o superiore. Stai utilizzando" #: cerber-settings.php:204 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "Disabilitare il messaggio di errore della password di reset di default" #: cerber-settings.php:205 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "Non rivelare nomi utente ed email inesistenti nel messaggio di errore di reset della password" #: cerber-settings.php:409 cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Impedire il rilevamento del nome utente" #: cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Impedire il rilevamento del nome utente tramite oEmbed" #: cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "Impedire il rilevamento del nome utente tramite sitemaps XML dell'utente" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1018 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Non ci sono dati per generare i report. Esegui una Scansione Completa. I report verranno generati quando la scansione sarà completata." #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "Una volta abilitato il log sarà disponibile qui: %s" #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "Lo scanner ha identificato questo file come mancate sulla base delle informazioni di integrità (checksum) fornite dallo sviluppatore di %s" #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "Ottenere le informazioni WHOIS dell'indirizzo IP quando si visualizzano i registri" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "Spostare il menu di amministrazione di WP Cerber in alto quando si naviga nelle pagine di amministrazione di WP Cerber" #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "Mostrare dati IP WHOIS" #: cerber-settings.php:1148 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "Analizzare la cartella degli uploads" #: cerber-settings.php:1149 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "Analizzare la cartella uploads di WordPress per rilevare i file iniettati" #: cerber-settings.php:1042 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Cambia i permessi dei file e della directory se è necessario per cancellare i file" #: cerber-settings.php:1041 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Cambia i permessi del filesystem" #: cerber-settings.php:1127 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Cancella i file nella directory uploads" #: cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Cancella i file con estensione indesiderata" #: cerber-settings.php:1169 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Eliminare i file accessibili pubblicamente con le seguenti estensioni" #: cerber-scanner.php:3704 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Rileva i files infettati nella directory uploads di WordPress" #: cerber-common.php:1785 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "È stata rilevata l'estensione di un file eseguibile" #: cerber-common.php:1786 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Nome file non consentito" #: cerber-settings.php:1215 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "File in cartelle temporanee" #: cerber-settings.php:1195 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Eccezioni globali" #: cerber-settings.php:1156 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Ignora i file con le seguenti estensioni" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "File infettato" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "Files infettati" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "KB/sec" #: cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "Mantenere la directory degli upload di WordPress pulita e sicura. Rilevare i file iniettati con accesso web pubblico, segnalarli e rimuovere quelli dannosi." #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "Hash locale non trovato" #: cerber-settings.php:1071 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "una volta al giorno alle" #: cerber-settings.php:1167 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Estensioni vietate" #: cerber-settings.php:1189 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "Recuperare file dei plugin" #: cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "Scansiona la directory delle sessioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1005 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Scansiona le directory temporanee del web server" #: cerber-scanner.php:3695 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Scansione delle directory temporanee del server alla ricerca di files" #: cerber-scanner.php:3696 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Scansione della directory sessions alla ricerca di files" #: cerber-scanner.php:3694 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Scansione della directory temporanea upload alla ricerca di files" #: cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Scansione delle directory del sito web alla ricerca di files" #: cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Saltare i file con le seguenti estensioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1119 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Queste politiche sono automaticamente applicate alla fine di ogni scansione in base ai risultati. Tutti i file interessati vengono spostati in quarantena." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3339 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Questo repord di scansione è stato generato da una versione precedente di WP Cerber. Esegui una nuova scansione per ottenere risultati più attendibili ed accurati." #: cerber-settings.php:1157 cerber-settings.php:1170 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Usare la virgola per separare più estensioni" #: cerber-settings.php:1142 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "Analisi uploads WordPress" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Alto" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Basso" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Medio" #: cerber-load.php:4690 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Se credi di essere in grado soddisfare questa richiesta ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere." #: cerber-load.php:4689 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "La tua richiesta e sospettosamente simile a richieste automatiche originate da software che genera spam o è stata bloccata da una regola configurata dall'amministratore del sito web " #: cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Disattivare il motore di rilevamento dei bot per gli indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP bianco" #: cerber-settings.php:1399 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Disattivare reCAPTCHA per gli indirizzi IP nell'elenco di accesso IP bianco" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:538 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Non vengono supportati i file eseguibili. Per favore caricare un archivio ZIP." #: cerber-load.php:775 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "La verifica umana è fallita." #: cerber-common.php:1800 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Disconnesso ovunque" #: cerber-common.php:1698 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Richiesta reimpostazione password negata" #: cerber-common.php:1802 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verificato" #: cerber-load.php:3359 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Spiacente, la reimpostazione della password non è consentita per questo utente." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:534 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Questo tipo di file non viene supportato. Si prega di caricare un archivio ZIP." #: cerber-settings.php:832 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Utilizzare filtri di sicurezza meno restrittivi per gli indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP bianco" #: cerber-common.php:1729 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Password dell'applicazione utente aggiornata" #: cerber-common.php:1772 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Utente bloccato dall'amministratore" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1696 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Sessione utente chiusa da %s" #: cerber-common.php:1773 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Il nome utente è vietato" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Visualizzare tutte le richieste REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Visualizzare le richieste REST API negate" #: cerber-load.php:4908 cerber-load.php:4909 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "Si è verificata una nuova attività" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3019 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "Non inviare avvisi dopo questa data" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3059 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentazion" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "Gli avvisi e-mail saranno inviati a questi indirizzi:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "Gli avvisi e-mail saranno inviati a questo indirizzo:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3024 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "Ignorare i limiti di quota globali" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3010 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "Numero massimo di avvisi da inviare" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3054 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "Gli avvisi mobile non sono configurati" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3051 msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "Gli avvisi mobile saranno inviati a %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3015 msgid "No limit" msgstr "Nessun limite" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5838 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3061 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "Limiti di avvisi opzionali" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1692 msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "Password modificata da %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Protezione antispam per la registrazione, i commenti e altri moduli sul sito web" #: cerber-common.php:1816 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Etichetta sconosciuta" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1732 msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "Password applicazione utente creata da %s" #: cerber-common.php:1735 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "Password applicazione utente cancellata" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1737 msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "Password applicazione utente eliminate da %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1663 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Utente creato da %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1667 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Utente eliminato da %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "Visualizzare eventi bot" #: cerber-settings.php:1338 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "Visualizzare eventi reCAPTCHA" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1400 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1387 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1382 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4580 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4577 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4587 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:694 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4827 cerber-load.php:5742 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1392 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4582 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4865 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:188 cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-es_ES.mo000064400000162404147577531750011765 0ustar00$,,,,-,24, g,,^,R,;I-v- -2.P. m. z.... ....//3/L/ _/m//*/ /////0020 H0S0 q0 |0 0 0"00$0222!P2r2#{2222C2/22-3 `35n33 33,3*4H4,c4'44.4@4?15q5!5155!56(6fB666 6>6+7G:7*7G7<7 28A?8 8888 88818&979M9a9s9999 9 9 99 :#:C:U: h:u:G:: :(:C#; g;u;;; ;;;;:;<3<M< _<i<q<I<<<<= =!= &= 2=!==S_=>>>>>? ? ? >?I?`?}???g?0@N@ l@z@%@@@@@ @ADA5^A A AAAAA AAA8B=BWBnBB+B3B2B+/C)[C1C0CCC Dq%DNDDEE0E7E =E KE YE9dE EEEEEEEFUFkFzFF FFF G G!G=G\GcG}GG GGGGG G GG HH3H 9HCHWH\H `HnH sH}HTHH HH(I+I :IEI'`IIBIbIBJ IJUJeJ6|JKJJK-KKK KLK/DL tL~LL'LL LLWMmNuN N!N N=N N$O ,O 7OAORO dOpOxOOO2O"O P P )P6PLP aPlPMP PPP QQ*Q`f`u`````````! a.aFaZaoaaWavbTwbSb c.c>c#Ocsc {cc ccc#ccdd!-d Odpdd"d dd8d>&e2ee+ee&f4f:gQgdgg{h'h8h3h"(iEKi.i-iKi:jkk1kl9l Wlal"jl3l>lPmAQm?m!mmnnn.nAnSngn/onGnBnA*oloooooopp/pJp Rp^prppppp p&p q +q8q Qq&]qq$qq*qqr rr &r 4rAr Pr-]r rr3r rrs$s&s%s t&t@t[tdt ttt+t<tu*(u.Su+uu uu u6u v $v 2v@vOvkvhvdvUwjw}w w'www wwE x 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To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust antispam engineAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAn optional message for this userAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatically moved to quarantineAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock UserBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable slave modeDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File not foundFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGetting Started GuideGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address is locked outIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersIgnore logged in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog InLog OutLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy WebsitesMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNo websites configured.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPhonePlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRedirect to URLRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity access token is invalidSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShow "Switched to" notificationShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySizeSlave SettingsSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThis website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser activatedUser createdUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser registeredUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.VerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listse.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %senabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: es Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); hace %s%s registros permitidos en %s minutos desde una IP%s reintentos admitidos en %s minutos%s segundo%s segundos(no habilitar a menos que se obtenga e introduzca el Sitio y las Claves secretas para la versión invisible)ERROR: La contraseña introducida para el nombre de usuario %s es incorrecta.ERROR: por favor, introduce una dirección de correo electrónico válida.> > > Eres uno de los traductores de WP Cerber? Puedes conseguir una licencia PRO gratis en: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Una nueva actividad ha sido registradaUna nueva versión de WP Cerber está disponibleHay una nueva versión disponibleCorreo electrónico de abuso:Listas de accesoAcceso a REST API de WordpressAcceso a esta página webAcciónActivadoActivar plugins y actualizaciones enActividadPerspectivas de ActividadDetalles de la actividadAgregar el sitio @ al título de la páginaAñadir IP a la lista negraAñadir IP a la listaAgregar una nuevaAgregar una página web esclavaAñadir red a la Lista NegraAgregar páginas web esclavas utilizando tokens de acceso.Agregar al menúAgregadoDetalles adicionalesDirecciónAjustar el motor antispamDespués de cada escánerBloqueo agresivoTodos los dispositivos conectadosTodos los eventosTodos los archivos han sido procesadosTodos los gruposTodas las peticionesTodos los escaneosTodo el tráficoPermitir API REST para usuarios que inician sesiónPermitir REST API para estas funcionesDejar a WP Cerber enviar direcciones IP maliciosas bloqueadas al laboratorio Cerber. Esto ayuda a que el equipo del plugin desarrolle nuevos algoritmos para WP Cerber y ayude a defender WordPress de las nuevas amenazas y botnets que aparecen día tras día. Puedes desactivar el envío de datos en cualquier momento en la configuración del plugin.Permitir estos namespacesBloquear siempre todas las subredes de clase C de IPs intrusasUn mensaje opcional para este usuarioAntispamAntispam y ajustes de detección de botsMódulo AntispamCualquieraAplicarAplicar reglas de inicio de sesión limitadas a las direcciones IPs en la lista IP's permitidas¿Está seguro de borrar los archivos seleccionados?¿Está seguro que quiere borrar todas las páginas web seleccionadas?¿Estás seguro?¿Está seguro? Esto invalidará permanentemente el token.Intento de accesoIntento de acceso a URL prohibidaIntento de inicio de sesión denegadoIntento de acceso con nombre de usuario inexistenteIntento de acceso con nombre de usuario prohibidoIntento de registro denegadoSe ha intentado subir un archivo de código maliciosoIntento de subir archivo malicioso negadoIntentosIntentos de inicio de sesión con un usuario no existente¡Atención! El Modo Ciudadela se ha activado. Ahora nadie puede iniciar sesión.¡Atención! ¡Has cambiado la dirección URL de conexión! La nueva URL de acceso esSolo usuarios autorizadosProgramación de escáneres automáticosLimpieza automática de archivos sospechosos y maliciososBorrado automáticoMovido automáticamente a cuarentena¡Asombroso!Ten cuidado a la hora de activar estas opciones.Para poder usar reCAPTCHA, antes tienes que obtener una clave de sitio y una clave secreta en la web de GoogleLista Negra de IP'sBloquearBloquear usuarioBloquear acceso a la REST API de WordPress excepto alguno de los siguientesBloquear el acceso a los feeds de RSS, Atom y RDFBloquear el acceso al servidor XML-RPC (incluyendo pingbacks y trackbacks)Bloquear acceso a páginas de usuario como /?author=nBloquear el acceso directo a wp-login.php y devolver un error HTTP 404 - No encontradoBloquear ejecución de scripts PHP en la carpeta de medios de WordPressBloquear subredBloquear el acceso no autorizado a los load-scripts.php y load-styles.phpUsuarios bloqueadosBloqueado por el administradorBloqueado por norma del paísSe ha detectado el uso de botsBot detectadoPor usuarioBytesNo se puede activar WP Cerber debido a un error en la base de datos.Panel de ControlConexión WP CerberProtocolo WP CerberVista Rápida de CerberReglas de Seguridad CerberInspector de Tráfico CerberControl antispam de CerberConfiguración de Cerber AntispamHerramientas CerberArchivos cambiadosBitácora de cambiosBuscar nuevas actividadesBuscar nuevas solicitudesBuscando por nuevos archivos o archivos modificadosError de Checksum¡Ciudadela activada!Modo CiudadelaEl Modo Ciudadela está activado.El Modo Ciudadela se activa después de %d intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión en %d minutos.El modo Ciudadela está activoLimpiandoHaga click aquí para ver la lista completa de archivosHaz click en el nombre del país para añadirlo a la lista de países seleccionadosHacer click para editarPulsa para enviar ahoraPulsa para enviar una pruebaComentario denegadoFormulario de comentariosProcesamiento de comentariosComentariosEmpresaConfigurar esta página web como maestar para administrar otra página web¿Confundido acerca de algunos ajustes?El contenido se ha modificadoContinuar el EscaneoPaísesPaísProblemas críticosAhora mismo hay un escáner programado en proceso. Por favor, espera a que haya finalizado.URL de acceso personalizadaPágina de acceso personalizadaSe ha encontrado una firma digital personalizadaFirmas personalizadasDashboardFechaFormato de fechaDesactivarAjustes por defecto han sido cargadosDefiende tu página Wordpress de ataques de hackers, spam, troyanos y virus. Detector de malware y comprobador de integridad. ¡Haz más seguro tu Wordpress con este conjunto de algoritmos de seguridad intensivos! Protege tu sitio de spam con un sofisticado bot de detección y reCAPTCHA's. Sigue la actividad del usuario y el intruso con un eficiente sistema de notificaciones por correo, móvil y de escritorio.BorrarBorrar permanentementeEliminar los archivos de cuarentena al acabarBorrar página webBorradoDenegadoDenegarlo completamenteEl acceso a la carpeta de destino ha sido denegadoDiagnósticoDirectorios a excluirDeshabilitar aviso de errores en PHPDeshabilitar PHP en cargasDesactivar la API RESTDesactivar XML-RPCDeshabilitar la redirección automática a la página de inicio de sesión cuando /wp-admin/ sea solicitado por un usuario no autorizadoDeshabilitar motor de detección de bot para usuarios conectadosDeshabilitar la redirección al dashboardDesactivar feedsDeshabilitar modo maestroDesactivar la verificación reCaptcha a usuarios conectadosDeshabilitar modo esclavoDesactivar wp-login.phpDesactivadaMostrar página error 404Mostrar comoMostrar una página de error 404 simpleNo aplicar esta política a las direcciones IP en la lista blanca de direcciones IP¿Quiere agregar los archivos seleccionados a la lista de ignorados?Descargar archivoDesglosar IPDuraciónERROR:EditarCorreo electrónicoDirección de correo electrónicoSe ha enviado el email aNotificaciones por correoHabilitar después de %s intentos de acceso fallidos en los últimos %s minutosHabilitar bitácora de diagnósticoHabilitar protección de erroresHabilitar reCAPTCHA invisibleHabilitar modo maestroHabilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de acceso a WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para formulario WooCommerce de recuperación de contraseñaHabilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de registro WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de comentarios de WordPressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de acceso WordPressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para formulario WordPress de recuperación de contraseñaHabilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de registro de WordPressHabilitar informesHabilitar modo esclavoHabilitar inspección del tráficoIntroduce las partes de la Query String o directorios que quieras excluir de la inspección del motor. Uno por líneaIntroduce una 'request URI' que excluir de la inspección. Una por líneaSolicitud de Protección ErróneaError al analizar el archivoHa habido un error al actualizarErroresEventoCada 3 horasCada 6 horasCada horaÚltimo escaneo en búsqueda de malwareExcepcionesSe ha encontrado código ejecutableCaducaExportarExportar / ImportarExportar ajustes al archivoIntentos de inicio de sesión fallidosArchivoError al acceder al archivo. Los resultados del escáner están probablemente desactualizado. Por favor, realiza un Escáner Rápido o CompletoNo se ha encontrado el archivoSubida denegadaArchivos en el directorio de sesionesArchivos en el directorio temporalArchivos en la carpeta de subidasArchivos en estos directoriosArchivos escaneadosArchivos a escanearArchivos con estas extensionesArchivos con extensiones no deseadasFiltrarFiltrar por usuarios registradosFinalizando el escánerFinalizadoNombreSe ha denegado la subida del formularioEnvío de formulariosViernesDe la dirección IPDel paísEscáner completoInforme del escáner completoModo de Acceso totalGuía de IntroducciónGrupoEndurecimientoProtegiendo WordPressAyuda¡Hola!Muy graveSugerenciaInformación del HostHostLa verificación humana ha fallado. Por favor, pulsa en la casilla cuadrada del siguiente bloque reCAPTCHA.IPDirección IPDirección IP bloqueadaDirección IP, Rango de IPv4 o subredIP en la lista negraIP bloqueadaSi se ha detectado spamSi ocurriese cualquier cambio en los resultados del escánerSi se encontrasen nuevos problemasSi olvidas tu URL de acceso personalizada, no podrás iniciar sesión.Si utilizas un plugin de "caching", tendrás que añadir la nueva URL de inicio de sesión la lista de páginas, no a la caché.IgnorarLista de ignoradosIgnorar crawlersIgnorar usuarios conectadosBloquear IP inmediatamente después de cualquier solicitud a wp-login.phpBloquear IP inmediatamente al intentar iniciar sesión con un nombre de usuario inexistenteImportar ajustesImportar ajustes desde archivoDurante el modo Ciudadela, nadie puede iniciar sesión, a excepción de las IPs de la lista de IP's permitidas. Las sesiones de usuario activas no se verán afectadas.Incluir el tamaño de los archivosIncluir los errores en el escánerDirección o rango de IP incorrectaAumentar la duración del bloqueo en %s horas después de %s bloqueos en las últimas %s horasInstalar el token de acceso en la página web maestra.IntegridadNo se han encontrado datos de integridadCredenciales maestras inválidasRespuesta inválida desde la página web esclavaReCAPTCHA invisibleProblemas encontradosPuede llegar a mantenerse después de una actualización a una nueva versión de %s. También puede ser un malware. En raras oportunidades puede ser parte de un plugin o tema personalizado.Parece que esta página no se ha analizado nunca... Para realizar un escáner, haz click en el botón de abajo.Tenga en mente: Ha agregado una página web que no soporta encripción SSL. Esto puede llevar a fuga de datos.Mantener un registro de(Más información)Conoxca más acerca de todas las ventajas enApellidoEl último intento fallido fue el %s desde la IP %s con el nombre de usuario: %s.Último bloqueoÚltimo bloqueo añadido: %s para la IP %sÚltimo accesoVisto por última vezIniciar escáner completoIniciar el Escaneo RápidoModo LegacyLicenciaLimitar acceso por dirección IPLímite de intentosLímite de intentos de conexiónSe ha alcanzado el límite de verificaciones reCAPTCHA permitidasSe han alcanzado todos los intentos de inicio de sesiónSe ha alcanzado el límiteLa lista está vacíaTráfico en VivoCargar ajustes predeterminadosCargar módulo de seguridadUsuario localNo existe un archivo localBloquear dirección IP durante %s minutos después de %s intentos fallidos en %s minutosBloqueadoDuración del bloqueoSe ha eliminado el bloqueo de %sBloqueosBloqueos en este momentoBloqueos realizadosBitácoraIniciar sesiónCerrar sesiónInicia sesión en la páginaSesión iniciadaUsuarios conectadosDesconectadoRegistrosInicio de sesión desactivadoModo de reportesError de inicio de sesiónFormulario de inicio de sesiónMás largo(a) queFormulario de recuperación de contraseñaLeveAjustesAjustes¡Haz que tu protección sea más inteligente!Direcciones IP maliciosas detectadasActividades maliciosas mitigadasSe ha detectado actividad maliciosaSe ha detectado código maliciosoCódigo malicioso encontradoPetición maliciosa denegadaEscaneo de MalwareMarcar como spamOcultar el origen de estos camposAjustes maestrosCompatibilidad máximaSeguridad máximaTamaño máximo permitido: %s.GraveLunesMonitorizar archivos modificadosMonitorizar nuevos archivosTrasladar comentarios spam a la papelera después de Movido a cuarentenaMultiples actividades sospechosasSe detectaron multiples actividades sospechosasMúltiples solicitudes sospechosasMis páginas webMi web está detrás de un proxy inversoNO, tal vez más tardeRed:NuncaNueva URL de acceso personalizadaNuevo archivoNuevos archivosNueva versión disponibleNo hay actividad registrada.No se encontraron dispositivosNingún archivo subido ni dañadoNingún archivo coincide con el filtro especificado.No hay bloqueos en este momento. El cielo esta despejado.No se ha registrado ninguna solicitudNinguna reglaNo se han configurado páginas webNadie puede acceder desde estas direcciones IPUsuarios inexistentesNo disponibleNo conectadoVisitantes que no han iniciado sesiónNo permitido para un paísNo permitido para %d paísesNo especificado(a)NotasLímite de notificacionesNotificacionesNotificar al administrador si el número de bloqueos activos es superior aNúmero de bloqueos activosEl número de bloqueos está aumentandoOK, eliminarlos todosSolo usuarios registrados y conectados en la página web tienen permitido ver esta página webSolo usuarios registrados y conectados en la página web tienen acceso a la página webComentario opcionalOtros formulariosDueñoNo se ha encontrado la páginaTiempo de generación de páginasUmbral de tiempo de generación de la páginaAnalizando la lista de archivosContraseña cambiadaSe ha solicitado una recuperación de contraseñaRendimientoPermitido para un paísPermitido para %d paísesTeléfonoPor favor, activa los enlaces permanentes para utilizar esta función. Establece las opciones de enlaces permanentes a algún valor no predeterminado.Por favor, sube un archivo ZIP de referenciaInicialización del pluginEl modo de inicialización del plugin no se ha cambiadoPublicar un comentarioPreferenciasPreparándose para el escaneoEl escáner anterior empezado %s no se ha completado. ¿Seguir escaneando?Normas de seguridad proactivasBuscando código PHP vulnerableNombres de usuario prohibidosProteger los scripts de administradorProteger todos los formularios del sitio web con el motor de detección de botsProteger los comentarios de bots automáticosProteger el formulario de registro de bots automáticosNotificacionesCuarentenaWhitelist de consultasEscáner rápidoInforme del escáner rápidoModo Solo lecturaMotivoDirecciones IP recientemente bloqueadasRedireccionar a URLActualizarRegistrarseRegístrate en la páginaRegistradoFormulario de registroLímite de registroEliminarEliminar de la listaInformar de cualquier problema si cualquiera de los siguientes es verdaderoSolicitudPetición de uso de la API REST denegadaError solicitando el servicio reCAPTCHA de GoogleSolicitar whitelistSolicitud wp-login.phpResolver problemaRestaurarConseguir información extra de la IP por WHOISDevolver a la lista de página webModo SeguroSábadoGuardar $_SERVERGuardar cambiosGuardar todas las reglasGuardar los cookies de peticiónGuardar campos de petición de datosGuardar los headers de peticiónGuardar errores de softwareCreación de informes de resultadosEscanear directorio de sesiónEscanear directorios temporalesEscaneadosInforme del escánerConfiguración de EscaneoBuscando los archivos en las carpetasEscaneando archivos en la carpeta de sesiónBuscando archivos en la carpeta TempBuscando archivos en la carpeta de subidasProgramaciónBuscar IP o nombre de usuarioBuscar resultados por:Cadena de búsquedaBuscando líneas de código maliciosoToken Secreto de AccesoClave secretaNormas de SeguridadEscaneo de SeguridadToken de acceso seguro es inválidoLa configuración de seguridad se ha actualizadoSeleccionar un grupo existente o ingrese uno nuevo para agregarloSeleccionar archivo a importar.Seleccionar una o más funcionesEnviar informe por emailEnviar direcciones IP maliciosas al Laboratorio de CerberEnviar una notificación al correo del administradorEnviar reportes enAjustesLa configuración se ha importado con éxito desdeAjustes guardados.Mostrar notificación de "Cambiado a"Mostrando los últimos %d registros de %dIntegridad del sitioConexión webClave del sitioTamañoAjustes de esclavoInteligenteSucedieron algunos erroresLo sentimos, no pudimos asegurar que eres un humano.Ordenar usuarios en el DashboardComentario spam denegadoComentarios spam denegadosFormulario de spam denegadoEnvíos de formularios spam denegadosEspecificar espacios de nombres de la API REST para ser permitido si se desactiva la API REST. Una cadena por línea.Especifica una firma personalizada del código PHP. Una por línea. Para designar un patrón REGEX, escribe la línea entera entre llaves.Especifica los directorios que no quieres que se incluyan en la búsqueda. Utiliza la dirección completa. Un ítem por línea.Especifica la extensión de archivo que quieras buscar. Solo para Escáner completo. Separa cada elemento con comas.Modo StandardEmpezar un Escaneo CompletoEmpezar un Escaneo RápidoEscribe aquí para encontrar un paísComenzadoParar el EscaneoImpedir la enumeración de usuariosEnviar formulariosSubred bloqueadaDomingoCódigo JavaScript sospechoso detectadoCódigo SQL sospechoso detectadoActividad sospechosaSe ha encontrado código maliciosoSe han encontrado instrucciones sospechosas en el códigoSe han encontrado firmas sospechosas en el códigoSe han encontrado directivas sospechosasNúmero de campos sospechosoNúmero sospechoso de valores anidadosCambiar aCambiar al menú principalWP Cerber necesita una versión PHP %s o superior. Se está ejecutando actualmenteWP Cerber requiere la versión de WordPress %s o superior. Se está ejecutando actualmenteEl plugin WP Cerber ha sido desactivadoEl plugin WP Cerber ha sido activadoEl contenido del archivo ha sido cambiado y no coincide con lo que existe en el repositorio oficial en Wordpress o a un archivo de referencia que cargó anteriormente. El archivo pudo haber sido alterado por malware, infectado por un virus o ha sido modificado.El archivo ha sido borrado permanentementeEl archivo ha sido restaurado a su ubicación originalEl modo acceso completo requiere de la versión PRO de WP CerberLa lista está vacíaEl scanner reconoce el archivo como "Sin dueño" o "no atado" porque no pertenece a ninguna parte conocida de la página web y no debería estar aquí.La programación se ha actualizadoEl token es único para esta página web. Manténgalo en secreto. Instale el token en una página maestra para dar acceso a esta página web.La página web ha sido agregada de forma exitosaLa página web que está intentando agregar ya está en la listaNo existen archivos en cuarentena actualmenteEstas IPs nunca se bloquearánEstas características están disponibles en la versión profesional del pluginEstos archivos han sido agregados a la lista de ignoradosEstos archivos han sido movidos a la cuarentenaEstas restricciones no aplican a direcciones IP en la lista blanca de Acceso IPEste archivo contiene código ejecutable y puede contener código malicioso. Si este archivo es parte de un tema o plugin, debe estar ubicado en la carpeta de plugins o temas. Sin excepciones, sin excusas.Este es un módulo de inicio Standard del plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Se instaló cuando cambiaste el modo de inicialización del plugin a Standard. Para saber más, vaya aquí: wpcerber.com.Este mensaje fue enviado porEsta página web puede ser administrada desde una página web maestraEsta página web está configurada como maestra.Esta página web está configurada como esclava.UmbralJuevesPara cambiar la configuración de los informes, visitaPara continuar por favor seleccione el modo para esta página webPara revocar el token y deshabilitar la administración remota, haga click aquí:Para solucionar este problema tendrás que reinstalar %s o actualizarlo a su versión más reciente.Para especificar un patrón REGEX, envuelve el patrón entre dos / barras */.Para especificar un patrón REGEX, escribe la línea entera entre llaves.Para ver la actividad, haz clic en la IPPara ver el informe completo, visitaHerramientasTráficoPerspectivas de TráficoInspección de TráficoInspector de tráficoPapelera de spam MartesNo se ha podido comprobar la integridad por un error en la base de datos.No se ha podido verificar la integridad de los archivos de Wordpress por un error de redNo se ha podido verificar la integridad del plugin por un error de redNo se ha podido verificar la integridad del tema por un error de redNo se ha podido copiar el archivoNo se ha podido crear el directorioNo se ha podido eliminar el archivoNo se ha podido abrir el archivoNo se ha podido procesar el archivoNo se ha podido enviar el email aNo se pudo actualizar el cronogramaArchivos no atendidosArchivo sospechoso sin tratarDesconocidoCancelar SubscripciónExtensiones no deseadasNo se admite la extensión del archivoExtensiones no deseadasActualizacionesActualizar WP CerberActualizar todos los plugins activosCargar archivoUsar la plantilla de página 404 del tema activoUtilizar inglés para la interfáz del AdminUsar la API RESTUsar la lista de IP permitidasUsar XML-RPCUsar rutas absolutas. Uno por líneaUtilizar coma para separar objetos.Separa con comas los distintos valoresUsar archivoUtilizar políticas menos restrictivas (permitir AJAX)Utilizar idioma maestroUsuarioNavegadorID de usuarioPerspectivas de UsuarioMensaje de UsuarioUsuario activadoUsuario creadoEl usuario no tiene permitido iniciar sesión en la página webAcceso de UsuarioUsuario registradoNombre de usuario no permitido. Por favor, elige otro.Nombre utilizadoLos nombres de usuario de esta lista no pueden iniciar una sesión o registrarse. Toda dirección IP que intente usar cualquiera de estos nombres de usuario será bloqueada inmediatamente. Usa comas para separar los nombres de usuario.VerificadoVerificando la integridad de WordPressVerificando la integridad de los pluginsVerificando la integridad de los temasVer actividadVer actividad de esta IPVer actividad en el DashboardVer todoVer los bloqueos en el DashboardVisitar sitio webVulnerabilidadesSe ha encontrado una vulnerabilidadWP Cerber Security - Escáner de malware y AntispamWP Cerber está activo actualmente y está protegiendo tu webNotificación de WP Cerber¿Quieres hacer tu WP Cerber aun más potente?No hemos encontrado ningún dato del que verificar integridadLo sentimos, no estás autorizado para continuarWebDueño de la página webPropiedades de la página webURL de la página webPagina web borrada%s páginas web han sido borradasMiércolesInforme semanalInforme semanalInformes semanales¿Qué quieres exportar?¿Qué quieres importar?Al pulsar el botón de abajo obtendrás un archivo de configuración, que luego se puede cargar en otro sitio.Al pulsar el botón de abajo se cargará el archivo y todas las configuraciones existentes dejarán de estar activas.Lista de IP's permitidasIniciar sesión en WooCommerceCerrar sesión en WooCommerceWordPressRegistrar los intentos de acceso fallidos en el archivoPetición de uso de XML-RPC denegadaTúEstá aquí:No tiene permitido iniciar sesiónNo puedes iniciar sesión. Pregunta al administrador para obtener ayuda.No tienes acceso al registro.Se pueden cargar fácilmente los valores recomendados predeterminados usando el botón de abajoNo puedes añadir tu propia red o dirección IP Has excedido el número de intentos de sesión permitidos. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en %d minutos.Queda solo un intento restante.Quedan %d intentos restantes.Ha regresado a la página web maestraHa cambiado a %sTienes que subir el archivo ZIP desde donde lo has instalado. Esto permite al escáner de seguridad verificar la integridad del código y detectar malwareTe has suscritoHas cancelado tu suscripciónTu IPTu dirección IP se ha añadido a laTu último inicio de sesión fue el %s, desde %sTu licencia es válida hastaTu página de inicio:activarpor fecha de registrodíasdesactivardesactivadono afecta a la URL de acceso personalizada ni a las listas de accesobloqueado por %s a las %sactivado/aentradaentradasintentos fallidoshttps://wpcerber.comsi está vacío, se usará el email introducido en los ajustes de notificacionesSi está vacío, se utilizará el correo de administrador: %sSi está vacío, se utilizará el formato por defecto %sen 24 horasen minutos (dejar vacío para usar el valor de WP predeterminado)en las últimas 24 horasbloqueosmilisegundosminutosno debe solaparse con el slug actual de páginas o entradassin conexiónno activonotificaciones permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)en %sa lasAjustes de reCAPTCHALos ajustes reCAPTCHA son incorrectosFallo de verificación reCAPTCHALos países seleccionados no pueden %s, los demás sí.Solo los países seleccionados pueden %s, los otros no.desconocidono especificadover todolanguages/wp-cerber-ja.po000064400000403305147577531750011362 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../cerber-settings.php:160 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "ログイン試行回数制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:166 ../cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "minutes" msgstr "分間" #: ../cerber-settings.php:261 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "サイト連携" #: ../cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "事前のセキュリティルール" #: ../cerber-settings.php:251 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "サブネットをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:246 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.php をリクエスト" #: ../cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.php にアクセスしてきた IP を即ブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:212 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "カスタムログインページ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:217 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "カスタムログイン URL" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1839 ../cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadel(鉄壁城塞) モード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "しきい値" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:83 ../cerber-settings.php:298 msgid "Duration" msgstr "期間" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4890 ../cerber-settings.php:304 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:306 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "管理者のメールに通知を送信" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4887 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:38 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "アクセスリスト" #: ../cerber-load.php:5371 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1880 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:4883 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1130 ../cerber-settings.php:316 msgid "Activity" msgstr "アクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4885 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "ロックアウト" #: ../cerber-load.php:5380 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:872 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1147 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3665 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4133 msgid "Date" msgstr "日付" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:875 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1149 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4138 msgid "Local User" msgstr "ローカルユーザー" #: ../cerber-load.php:5388 msgid "Username used" msgstr "使用されているユーザー名" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "%dの最後の%dレコードを表示しています" #: ../cerber-common.php:1471 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "ログイン" #: ../cerber-common.php:1472 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "ログアウト" #: ../cerber-common.php:1473 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "ログイン失敗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1018 ../cerber-common.php:1476 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP をブロック" #: ../cerber-common.php:1480 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel 有効化完了!" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1466 ../cerber-common.php:1542 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "ロックアウト" #: ../cerber-common.php:1544 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "ブラックリスト IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:1493 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "パスワードを変更しました。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:205 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:330 msgid "Remove" msgstr "除外" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:598 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "%s のロックアウトが削除されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:276 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1410 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1459 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "ホワイト IP アクセスリスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:279 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1413 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1462 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "ブラック IP アクセスリスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:336 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "リストは空です" #: ../cerber-load.php:4577 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadel モードは、%d 分以内に、ログイン試行を %d 回失敗した後に、アクティブになります。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2608 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3025 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "アクティビティを表示" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4956 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5017 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:37 ../admin/cerber- #: tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1679 msgid "Last login" msgstr "前回のログイン:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1717 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1811 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1860 ../cerber- #: common.php:1802 msgid "Never" msgstr "なし" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:59 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:764 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:931 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "本当に実行しますか ?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2245 ../cerber-settings.php:262 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "リバースプロキシ環境下にある場合に選択" #: ../cerber-settings.php:233 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "保護をよりスマートに!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:130 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "この機能を使用するには、パーマリンクを有効にしてください。パーマリンク設定をデフォルト以外に設定します。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4886 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "メイン設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5176 msgid "Help" msgstr "ヘルプ" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:349 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "過去 %s 時間の %s 回ロックアウト後、ロックアウト期間を %s 時間に延長します" #: ../cerber-load.php:341 ../admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "ログインは許可されていません。管理者に問い合わせてください。" #: ../dashboard.php:1137 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "アクティビティは記録されていません。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 ../admin/cerber-users.php:941 msgid "Expires" msgstr "有効期限" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:243 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2479 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "現時点でロックアウトはありません。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:286 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "あなたの IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4578 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "最後に失敗したログイン試行は、IP %s からの %s でした:%s" #: ../cerber-load.php:5645 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "データベースエラーのため、WP Cerber をアクティブにできません。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:357 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "管理者に通知するアクティブなロックアウト回数" #: ../cerber-settings.php:320 ../cerber-settings.php:326 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 955 ../cerber-settings.php:961 ../cerber-settings.php:1032 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1229 msgid "days" msgstr "日" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1777 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber クイックビュー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "サブネットクラス C の侵入者・攻撃者 IP を常にブロック" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:362 ../cerber-settings.php:310 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "クリックして送信テスト" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:666 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "注意!ログイン URL を変更しました。新しいログイン URL はこちら。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1678 msgid "Comments" msgstr "コメント" #: ../cerber-load.php:4579 ../cerber-load.php:5412 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボードでアクティビティを表示" #: ../cerber-load.php:4608 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "アクティブなロックアウト数" #: ../cerber-load.php:4612 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボードでロックアウトログを表示" #: ../cerber-load.php:4706 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "このメッセージの送信者" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5068 msgid "Tools" msgstr "ツール" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "設定をファイルにエクスポート" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "下のボタンをクリックすると、構成ファイルが表示され、別のサイトにアップロードできます。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "何をエクスポートしたいですか?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "ファイルをダウンロード" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "ファイルから設定をインポート" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "下のボタンをクリックすると、ファイルがアップロードされ、既存の設定がすべて上書きされます。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "インポートするファイルを選択" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:281 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "最大アップロードサイズ: %s" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "何をインポートしますか?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:50 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:284 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "ファイルをアップロード" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "ファイルがアップロードされていないか、ファイルが破損しています" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "設定のインポートに成功" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "ファイルの解析中にエラーが発生" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1145 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "ホスト名" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:536 msgid "unknown" msgstr "不明" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "active" msgstr "有効" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "無効化" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1820 msgid "not active" msgstr "無効" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1823 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "disabled" msgstr "無効化" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "失敗した試行" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "24時間以内" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "view all" msgstr "すべて表示" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "ロックアウト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1832 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "現時点でのロックアウト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1833 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "最後のロックアウト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2794 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "エントリー" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "デフォルト設定をロード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:759 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "新しいバージョンが利用できます。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4551 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber 通知" #: ../cerber-load.php:4575 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadel (鉄壁城塞)モードが有効" #: ../cerber-load.php:4651 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "新しいカスタムログイン URL" #: ../cerber-settings.php:346 msgid "Use file" msgstr "使用ファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:347 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "失敗したログイン試行をファイルに保存" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2607 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "無効化" #: ../cerber-load.php:4610 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 msgid "Reason" msgstr "理由" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1526 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "IP をブラックリストに追加する" #: ../cerber-common.php:1640 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "アクセス試行" #: ../cerber-common.php:1639 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "ログイン試行制限に到達" #: ../cerber-load.php:4609 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "ロックアウトが追加されました:IP %s の %s" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4888 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "強化設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1498 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "迷惑メール:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:746 ../cerber-settings.php:793 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1087 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "メールアドレス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:356 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "ドリルダウンIP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:357 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "IPアドレス の追加の WHOIS 情報を取得" #: ../cerber-settings.php:395 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "WordPress の強化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:399 ../cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "ユーザー ID による表示を停止" #: ../cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC を無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "XML-RPC サーバーへのアクセスをブロック(ピンバックとトラックバックを含む)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "フィードを無効にする" #: ../cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "RSS、Atom、および RDF フィードへのアクセスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "REST API を無効化" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:802 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:814 . #: ./admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:958 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "エラー: 有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4640 ../cerber-load.php:5688 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber を有効化し、このサイトの保護を開始しました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:217 ../admin/cerber-users.php:944 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:800 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:955 msgid "Action" msgstr "アクション" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5225 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "正しくない IP アドレス、または、IP 範囲" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2623 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "設定を保存しました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1504 msgid "Network:" msgstr "ネットワーク:" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1520 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "ネットワークをブラックリストに追加する" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2606 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "注意! Citadel モードがアクティブになりました。誰もログインできません。" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 ../cerber-whois.php:230 ../cerber-whois.php: #: 261 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:455 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4384 ../cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "不明" #: ../cerber-load.php:646 ../cerber-load.php:658 ../cerber-load.php:665 ../cerber- #: load.php:999 ../cerber-load.php:1817 ../cerber-load.php:1985 ../cerber-load. #: php:2164 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:204 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php: #: 215 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:638 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php: #: 658 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:901 .. #: /cerber-common.php:376 ../cerber-common.php:464 ../cerber-common.php:469 .. #: /cerber-common.php:475 ../cerber-common.php:479 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "エラー:" #: ../cerber-load.php:675 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "認証に失敗しました。下の reCAPTCHA ブロックの四角いボックスをクリックしてください。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1795 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "ユーザー名は許可されていません。別のものを選択してください。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4603 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "定義なし" #: ../cerber-load.php:4606 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "ロックアウト数が急増。攻撃を受けています。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4611 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "この IP のアクティビティを表示" #: ../cerber-load.php:4615 ../cerber-load.php:4617 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "WP Cerber の新しいバージョンをインストールできます" #: ../cerber-load.php:4616 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "こんにちは!" #: ../cerber-load.php:4619 ../cerber-load.php:4630 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "ウェブサイト" #: ../cerber-load.php:4622 ../cerber-load.php:4623 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber セキュリティプラグインが無効になりました" #: ../cerber-load.php:4625 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "ログインしていない" #: ../cerber-load.php:4631 msgid "By user" msgstr "ユーザー" #: ../cerber-load.php:4632 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "IP アドレス" #: ../cerber-load.php:4635 msgid "From country" msgstr "国" #: ../cerber-load.php:4639 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber が有効化されました。" #: ../cerber-load.php:5701 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "設定をインポート" #: ../cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "通知制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:658 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "禁止されているユーザー名" #: ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "このリストのユーザー名は、ログインまたは登録できません。これらのユーザー名のいずれかを使用しようとしたIPアドレスは、すぐにブロックされます。ログインを区切るにはコンマを使用します。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1235 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA 設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1240 msgid "Site key" msgstr "サイトキー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "シークレットキー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "WordPress 登録フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1263 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "パスワード紛失フォーム" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1273 msgid "Login form" msgstr "ログインフォーム" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1274 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "WordPress ログインフォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1236 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "reCAPTCHA の使用を開始する前に、Google Web サイトでサイトキーとシークレットキーを取得する必要があります" #: ../cerber-lab.php:869 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:101 ../admin/cerber- #: admin-settings.php:257 msgid "Know more" msgstr "続きを読む" #: ../cerber-common.php:1468 msgid "User created" msgstr "ユーザーが作成されました。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1469 msgid "User registered" msgstr "ユーザーが登録されました。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1497 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA 認証に失敗しました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1498 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA 設定が正しくありません" #: ../cerber-common.php:1501 ../cerber-common.php:1641 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "禁止された U​​RL へのアクセス試行" #: ../cerber-common.php:1503 ../cerber-common.php:1643 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "禁止されているユーザー名でのログイン試行" #: ../cerber-settings.php:331 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Cerber Lab 接続" #: ../cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "悪意ある IP アドレスを Cerber Lab に送信する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab プロトコル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1170 ../cerber-settings.php:1253 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "登録フォーム" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1259 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "WooCommerce 登録フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1264 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "WordPress パスワード再発行フォームで reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1269 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "WooCommerce パスワード再発行フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1279 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "WooCommerce ログインフォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-common.php:1499 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Google reCAPTCHA サービスへのリクエストに失敗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:987 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:998 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1011 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2482 msgid "View all" msgstr "すべて表示" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2490 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "最近ロックアウトされた IP アドレス" #: ../cerber-lab.php:867 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "はい、すべてできます。" #: ../cerber-lab.php:868 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "いいえ、おそらく後になります。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1879 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4882 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボード" #: ../cerber-lab.php:865 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "WP Cerber をさらに強力にしたいですか?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:866 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "WP Cerber がロックアウトした悪意のあるIPアドレスを Cerber Lab に送信できるようにします。 これにより、プラグインチームは WP Cerber の新しいアルゴリズムを開発し、毎日出現する新しい脅威やボットネットから WordPress を守ることができます。 プラグイン設定で送信をいつでも無効にできます。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3664 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP アドレス" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:876 msgid "User login" msgstr "ユーザーログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:877 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3670 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ユーザー ID" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1179 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4206 msgid "Export" msgstr "エクスポート" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1204 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "IP またはユーザー名を検索" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1215 msgid "Filter" msgstr "フィルター" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber ダッシュボード" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber ツール" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:320 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "登録解除" #: ../cerber-load.php:4655 ../cerber-load.php:4656 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "新しいアクティビティを記録" #: ../cerber-load.php:5384 ../admin/cerber-users.php:938 msgid "User" msgstr "ユーザー" #: ../cerber-load.php:5392 msgid "Search string" msgstr "検索文字列" #: ../cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Date format" msgstr "日付フォーマット" #: ../cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "空の場合、デフォルト形式 %s を使用" #: ../cerber-settings.php:765 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "プッシュ通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:737 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "メール通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:747 ../cerber-settings.php:795 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 909 ../cerber-settings.php:1089 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "コンマを使用して複数の値を指定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:117 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "接続されているすべてのデバイス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:120 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "デバイスが見つかりません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:124 msgid "Not available" msgstr "使用不可" #: ../cerber-common.php:1494 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "パスワードリセットが要求されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1644 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "reCAPTCHA 認証の失敗回数制限をオーバー" #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s 前" #: ../cerber-settings.php:174 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "ホワイト IP アクセスリスト内の IP アドレスにログインルールを適用" #: ../cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "404ページを表示" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(非表示バージョンのサイトキーとシークレットキーを取得、入力していない限り、有効にしないでください)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1284 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "WordPress コメントフォームに reCAPTCHA を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1293 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "試行制限に到達" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1294 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "%s 分以内に %s 回試行に失敗した場合、%s 分間、IP アドレスをロックアウトします" #: ../cerber-settings.php:284 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "Citadel モードでは、ホワイト IP アクセスリストの IP 以外は誰もログインできません。アクティブなユーザーセッションは影響を受けません。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:873 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1148 msgid "Event" msgstr "イベント" #: ../cerber-common.php:319 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "スパムコメントを拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:321 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "悪意ある IP アドレスを検出" #: ../cerber-common.php:322 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "ロックアウト発生" #: ../cerber-load.php:1773 ../cerber-load.php:1780 ../cerber-load.php:1785 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1806 ../cerber-load.php:1812 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "あなたのユーザー登録は、現在許可されていません。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1481 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "スパムコメントを拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:1506 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "ログイン試行攻撃を無効化" #: ../cerber-common.php:1507 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "乗っ取り攻撃・ユーザー登録攻撃を無効化" #: ../cerber-common.php:316 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "悪意あるアクティビティを軽減" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1175 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "コメントフォーム" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1176 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "ボット検出エンジンでコメントフォームを保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1171 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "ボット検出エンジンで登録フォームを保護" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5072 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "診断" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5075 msgid "License" msgstr "ライセンス" #: ../cerber-load.php:2164 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "認証に失敗しました。ボットでないことを証明してください。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1645 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "ボットのアクティビティを検出" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1217 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "コメント処理中" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1221 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "スパムコメントが検出された場合" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1226 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "スパムコメントを削除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "スパムコメントをゴミ箱に移動" #: ../cerber-common.php:1482 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "スパムフォームの送信を無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1186 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "その他のフォーム" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1187 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "ボット検出エンジンでウェブサイト上のすべてのフォームを保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1197 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "セーフモード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1198 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "制限の少ないポリシーを使用 (AJAX を許可)" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1146 msgid "Country" msgstr "国" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber セキュリティルール" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4999 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "セキュリティルール" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1680 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "ログインに失敗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1605 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1681 msgid "Registered" msgstr "登録済み" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1755 ../admin/cerber-users.php:52 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:1097 msgid "You" msgstr "あなた" #: ../cerber-common.php:320 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "スパムフォームの送信を拒否" #: ../cerber-load.php:4642 ../cerber-load.php:5692 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "入門ガイド" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5001 msgid "Countries" msgstr "国" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3392 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] " %d の国で許可されています" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "No rule" msgstr "ルールなし" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3564 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "セキュリティルールが更新されました" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../cerber-common.php:1483 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "フォーム送信を無効化" #: ../cerber-common.php:1484 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "コメントを拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:1512 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "REST API へのリクエストを拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:1540 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "ボットを検出" #: ../cerber-common.php:1541 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadel モード稼働中" #: ../cerber-common.php:1545 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "悪意あるアクティビティを検出" #: ../cerber-common.php:1546 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "国制限ルールによりブロック" #: ../cerber-common.php:1547 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "制限に到達" #: ../cerber-common.php:1548 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "複数の疑わしいアクティビティ" #: ../cerber-common.php:1646 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "複数の疑わしいアクティビティを検出" #: ../cerber-settings.php:471 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "REST API が無効な場合、許可する REST API 名前空間を1行に1つ指定します。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:576 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "登録制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:682 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボードでユーザーを並べ替え" #: ../cerber-settings.php:683 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "登録日" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1207 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "クエリのホワイトリスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3372 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "ここから国を検索" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3487 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "国名をクリックして、選択された国リストに追加" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3519 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "フォームを送信" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3520 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "コメントを投稿" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3518 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "ウェブサイトに登録" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3521 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC を使用する" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3522 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "REST API を使用する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "完全拒否" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "スパムとしてマーク" #: ../dashboard.php:2378 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "過去24時間" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2817 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "メイン設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:780 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "週間レポート" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:526 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "日曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:527 msgid "Monday" msgstr "月曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:528 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "火曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:529 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "水曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:530 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "木曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Friday" msgstr "金曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:532 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "土曜日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:669 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "キャッシュプラグインを使用する場合、キャッシュしないページのリストに新しいログイン URL を追加する必要があります。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4661 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "週間レポート" #: ../cerber-load.php:4664 ../cerber-load.php:4672 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "レポート設定を変更するには" #: ../cerber-load.php:4698 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "あなたのログインページ:" #: ../cerber-load.php:4703 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "ライセンスはまで有効です" #: ../cerber-load.php:4809 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "アクティビティの詳細" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:561 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "クリックして今すぐ送信" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:606 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "メールを送信しました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:609 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "メールを送信できません" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3395 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "国 %d では許可されていません" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3491 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "選択した国では %s が許可され、他の国では許可されません" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3494 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "選択した国 %s は許可されていません。他の国は許可されています。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4797 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "週間レポート" #: ../cerber-settings.php:276 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "アクティブテーマから404テンプレートを使用する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:277 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "シンプルな404ページを表示する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1208 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "クエリ文字列またはクエリパスの一部を、1行に1つ入力して、エンジンによる検査からリクエストを除外" #: ../cerber-settings.php:784 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "レポートを有効にする" #: ../cerber-load.php:4727 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "最後のサインインは%sから%sでした" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:344 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "このエントリの追加コメント" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:366 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "IP アドレスまたはネットワークを追加できません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "REGEX パターンを指定するには、パターンを2つのスラッシュで囲みます。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerberトラフィック監査" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1842 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4953 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "トラフィック監査" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1881 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1131 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "トラフィック" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4134 msgid "Request" msgstr "リクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4136 ../admin/cerber-users.php:943 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "ホスト情報" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4137 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "ユーザーエージェント" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4167 msgid "All requests" msgstr "すべてのリクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4175 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "フォーム送信" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4177 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "ページが見つかりませんでした" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4189 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "より長く" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4212 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "再読み込み" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1192 ../cerber-common.php:219 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "リクエストを確認" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4247 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "指定なし" #: ../cerber-settings.php:861 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "ログ取得モード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:864 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "ログ取得を無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:866 msgid "Smart" msgstr "スマート" #: ../cerber-settings.php:867 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "すべてのトラフィック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "これらのフォームフィールドをマスク" #: ../cerber-settings.php:948 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "ミリ秒" #: ../cerber-settings.php:810 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "トラフィック監査を有効にする" #: ../cerber-settings.php:902 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "リクエストフィールドを保存" #: ../cerber-settings.php:947 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "ページ生成時間のしきい値" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4159 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "リクエスト記録なし" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "enabled" msgstr "有効化済み" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "no connection" msgstr "接続がありません" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1633 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "最後に見たのは" #: ../cerber-load.php:4435 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "申し訳ありませんが、続行できません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:824 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "リクエストのホワイトリスト" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "リクエスト URL を1行に1つ入力して、リクエストを検査から除外します。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "リクエストヘッダーを保存" #: ../cerber-settings.php:937 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "$_SERVER を保存" #: ../cerber-settings.php:927 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "リクエスト Cookie を保存" #: ../cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "管理スクリプトを保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "load-scripts.phpおよびload-styles.phpへの不正アクセスをブロック" #: ../cerber-common.php:2877 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "ディレクトリを作成できません" #: ../cerber-common.php:2882 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "宛先フォルダへのアクセスが拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:2885 msgid "File not found" msgstr "ファイルが見つかりません。" #: ../cerber-common.php:2888 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "ファイルをコピーできません" #: ../cerber-common.php:2894 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "ファイルを削除できません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:144 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "セキュリティエンジンのロード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:147 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "レガシーモード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "通常モード" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:639 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "プラグインの初期化モードは変更されていません" #: ../cerber-common.php:1510 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "ファイルのアップロードを拒否" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "REGEX パターンを指定するには、行全体を2つの中括弧で囲みます。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "これらのオプションを有効にするのを忘れないでください。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "カスタムログイン URL を忘れると、ログインできなくなります。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5014 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "サイトの整合性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1510 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1866 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:1868 ../admin/cerber-users.php:20 ../admin/cerber-users.php:474 . #: ./admin/cerber-users.php:488 ../cerber-settings.php:671 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 813 ../cerber-settings.php:843 ../cerber-settings.php:998 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1007 ../cerber-settings.php:1356 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "無効化しました" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1867 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "クイックスキャン" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1869 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "フルスキャン" #: ../cerber-common.php:1549 msgid "Denied" msgstr "拒否" #: ../cerber-settings.php:173 ../cerber-settings.php:600 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 627 ../cerber-settings.php:819 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "ホワイト IP アクセスリストを使用" #: ../cerber-settings.php:236 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "ダッシュボードのリダイレクトを無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:237 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "/wp-admin/ が許可されていないリクエストによって要求された場合、ログインページへの自動リダイレクトを無効にします" #: ../cerber-settings.php:969 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "スキャナー設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:974 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "カスタム署名" #: ../cerber-settings.php:978 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "カスタム PHP コード署名を、1行に1つ指定します。 REGEX パターンを指定するには、行全体を2つの中括弧で囲みます。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:981 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "不要なファイル拡張子" #: ../cerber-settings.php:985 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "検索するファイル拡張子を指定します。フルスキャンのみで指定可能で、コンマを使用してアイテムを区切ります。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:988 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "除外するディレクトリ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1017 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "一時ディレクトリをスキャン" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1021 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "セッションディレクトリをスキャン" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1030 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "この後に隔離されたファイルを削除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1044 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "クイックスキャンを起動" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1511 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "1時間ごと" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1512 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "3時間ごと" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1513 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "6時間ごと" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1049 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "フルスキャンを起動" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1064 ../cerber-settings.php:1110 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "重要度・低" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1065 ../cerber-settings.php:1111 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "重要度・中" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1066 ../cerber-settings.php:1112 msgid "High severity" msgstr "重大度・高" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1061 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "次のいずれかに該当する場合は問題を報告してください" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1070 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "レポートをメールで送る" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1073 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "すべてのスキャンの後" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1074 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "スキャン結果に変更が発生した場合" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1079 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "ファイルサイズを含める" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1083 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "スキャンエラーを含める" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5016 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "セキュリティスキャナー" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5018 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "予約中" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:197 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "現在、スケジュールされたスキャンが進行中です。終了するまで、しばらくお待ちください。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:201 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "前回のスキャン %s は完了していません。スキャンを続行しますか?" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:210 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "このウェブサイトは、まだスキャンされたことがないようです。スキャンを開始するには、以下のボタンをクリックしてください。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:213 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "クイックスキャンを開始" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:214 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "フルスキャンを開始" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:215 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "スキャンを停止" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:216 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "スキャンを継続" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:254 msgid "Delete" msgstr "削除 " #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1455 msgid "Verified" msgstr "検証済み" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1462 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "整合性データが見つかりません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1463 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "ネットワークエラーのため、プラグインの整合性を確認できません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1464 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "ネットワークエラーのため、WordPress ファイルの整合性を確認できません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1465 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "ネットワークエラーのため、テーマの整合性を確認できません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1471 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "ファイルを処理できません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1472 ../cerber-scanner.php:4634 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "ファイルを開けません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1474 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:111 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "チェックサムの不一致" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1477 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "疑わしいコードを発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1479 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "不審なファイル" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1480 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "実行可能コードを発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1484 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "不要なファイル拡張子" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1486 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "コンテンツが変更されました" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1487 msgid "New file" msgstr "新しいファイル" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2501 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "カスタム署名を発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "フォルダーをスキャンしてファイルを探す" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3721 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "ファイルのリストを解析" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3722 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "新規および変更されたファイルの確認" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3723 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "WordPress の整合性を検証" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3725 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "プラグインの整合性を検証" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3727 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "テーマの整合性を検証" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3728 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "悪意あるコードを検索" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3729 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "スキャンを完了中" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "スキャンするファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "致命的な問題" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4815 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "すべての問題" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:388 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "ファイルアクセスエラー。スキャン結果は古くなっている可能性があります。クイックスキャン、または、フルスキャンを実行してください。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4938 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "完全なレポートを表示" #: ../cerber-load.php:4669 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "スキャナーレポート" #: ../cerber-settings.php:995 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "新しいファイルを監視" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1004 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "変更されたファイルを監視" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1075 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "新しい問題が見つかった場合" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:964 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "スケジュール更新完了" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1483 ../cerber-scanner.php:2656 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "疑わしいディレクティブを発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2654 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "疑わしいコード指令を発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2655 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "疑わしいコード署名を発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2658 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "この問題を解決するには、%s を再インストールするか、最新バージョンに更新する必要があります。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2659 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "参照ZIPアーカイブをアップロードしてください" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2660 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "問題を解決する" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:278 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "検証する整合性データが見つかりませんでした" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:280 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "インストール元の ZIP アーカイブをアップロードする必要があります。これにより、セキュリティスキャナーはコードの整合性を検証し、マルウェアを検出できます。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "フルスキャンレポート" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "クイックスキャンレポート" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4784 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "ファイルスキャン完了" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:326 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1505 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1584 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "アクティビティを確認" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1615 msgid "Activated" msgstr "有効化済み" #: ../cerber-common.php:1521 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "悪意あるリクエストを拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:1529 msgid "User activated" msgstr "ユーザーがアクティブになりました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1551 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "疑わしいフィールド数" #: ../cerber-common.php:1552 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "疑わしいネスト値" #: ../cerber-common.php:1553 ../cerber-common.php:1648 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "悪意あるコードを検出" #: ../cerber-common.php:1649 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "悪意あるコードを含むファイルのアップロード試行攻撃" #: ../cerber-common.php:1904 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "バイト" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1461 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "脆弱性を発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1466 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "DB エラーのため、整合性を確認できません" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3718 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "アップロードフォルダーでファイルをスキャン" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3719 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "一時フォルダーでファイルをスキャン" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3720 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "セッションフォルダーでファイルをスキャン" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1039 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "自動定期スキャンスケジュール" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1056 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "スキャン結果レポート" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1008 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "不審なアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4170 msgid "Errors" msgstr "エラー" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "ハッカーの攻撃、スパム、トロイの木馬、および、ウイルスから WordPress を守ります。 マルウェアスキャナーと整合性チェッカー。 包括的なセキュリティアルゴリズムのセットによる WordPress の強化。 高度なボット検出エンジンと reCAPTCHA によるスパム保護。 強力な電子メール、モバイル、デスクトップ通知でユーザーと侵入者のアクティビティを追跡します。" #: ../cerber-load.php:347 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "許可されているログイン試行回数を超えました。 %d 分後にもう一度お試しください。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "%s" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:542 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "-" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5021 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "検疫" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:75 msgid "Started" msgstr "開始" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:79 msgid "Finished" msgstr "完了" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:87 msgid "Performance" msgstr "パフォーマンス" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:99 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "脆弱性" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:103 msgid "New files" msgstr "新しいファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:107 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "変更されたファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "不要な拡張機能" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:119 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "放置ファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:795 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "スキャンされました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:739 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "現在、検疫にファイルはありません。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:777 msgid "Restore" msgstr "復元" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:774 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "完全に削除する" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:797 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "自動削除" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:798 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:953 ../admin/cerber- #: admin.php:1361 msgid "Size" msgstr "サイズ" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:799 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:954 msgid "File" msgstr "ファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:872 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "ファイルは完全に削除されました。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "ファイルは元の場所に復元されました。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1882 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "完全性" #: ../cerber-common.php:1509 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "悪意のあるファイルのアップロードを拒否" #: ../cerber-load.php:7710 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "すばらしい!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1098 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "マルウェアと疑わしいファイルの自動クリーンアップ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "アップロードフォルダー内のファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1116 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "不要な拡張子を持つファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1135 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "除外" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1139 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "一時ディレクトリ内のファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "セッションディレクトリ内のファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1147 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "これらのディレクトリ内のファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "1行に1つ、絶対パスを使用します。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "これらの拡張子のファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1158 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "カンマ( , )を使用してアイテムを区切ってください。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5019 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "クリーニング中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1478 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "悪意のあるコードを発見" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2651 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "このファイルには実行可能コードが含まれており、難読化されたマルウェアが含まれている場合があります。このファイルがテーマ、または、プラグインの一部である場合、テーマまたはプラグインフォルダに配置する必要があります。例外はありません。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2652 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "スキャナーはこのファイルを「所有者なし」または「バンドルされていない」と認識しています。このファイルが Web サイトの既知の部分に属しておらず、ここにあるべきではありません。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2653 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "新しい %s バージョンにアップグレードした後も残る場合があります。難読化されたマルウェアの一部である可能性もあります。カスタムメイド(特注)プラグイン、または、テーマの一部である場合もあります。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2657 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "ファイルの内容が変更されており、公式の WordPress リポジトリ、または、以前にアップロードした参照ファイルに存在するものと一致しません。ファイルがマルウェアによって変更されたか、ウイルスに感染しているか、改ざんされている可能性があります。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4869 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "削除済み" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4922 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "自動的に検疫に移動しました。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1554 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "疑わしい SQL コードを検出しました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1863 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "最後のマルウェアスキャン" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4955 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "リアルタイムトラフィック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "アップロードにおいて PHP を無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "PHP エラー表示を無効化" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5020 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "リストを無視" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "無視" #. For translators #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:911 msgid "Apply" msgstr "適用" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:951 msgid "Added" msgstr "追加完了" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:912 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:939 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "リストから削除" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "ユーザーインサイト" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:914 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "トラフィックインサイト" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:915 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "アクティビティインサイト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2958 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "選択したファイルを削除してもよろしいですか?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2959 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "これらのファイルは検疫に移動されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2962 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "選択したファイルを無視リストに追加しますか?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2963 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "これらのファイルを無視リストに追加" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2965 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "エラー発生" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2966 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "すべてのファイルが処理されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "すべての利点についての詳細" #: ../cerber-common.php:1555 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "疑わしい JavaScript コードを検出" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:967 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "スケジュールを更新できません" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:810 msgid "All scans" msgstr "すべてのスキャン" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:917 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "リストが空です" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "指定されたフィルターに一致するファイルはありません。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "すべてのファイルリストを表示するには、ここをクリックしてください" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:874 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "その他の機能" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3671 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "ページ生成時間" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5400 msgid "Log In" msgstr "ログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5401 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "ログアウト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5402 msgid "Register" msgstr "登録" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5405 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "WooCommerce ログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5406 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "WooCommerce ログアウト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5445 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5446 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "メニューに追加" #: ../cerber-common.php:1543 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP アドレスはロックアウトされています" #: ../cerber-common.php:1652 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "複数の疑わしいリクエスト" #: ../cerber-settings.php:805 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "トラフィック監査" #: ../cerber-settings.php:814 ../cerber-settings.php:844 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "十分な互換性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:815 ../cerber-settings.php:845 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "強力なセキュリティ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:835 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "誤ったリクエストシールド" #: ../cerber-settings.php:840 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "エラーシールドを有効にする" #: ../cerber-settings.php:942 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "ソフトウェアエラーを保存する" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3716 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "スキャンの準備中" #: ../cerber-common.php:1556 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "管理者によりブロックされました" #: ../cerber-load.php:351 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "ログインが許可されていません" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "ブロックされたユーザー" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:43 ../admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "ユーザーはウェブサイトへのログインを許可されていません" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:68 ../cerber-settings.php:634 msgid "User Message" msgstr "ユーザーメッセージ" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "このユーザーへの追加メッセージ" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "ブロックユーザー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "/?author=n などのユーザーページへのアクセスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:441 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "WordPress REST API へのアクセス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "次のいずれか以外の WordPress REST API へのアクセスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "これらのロールの REST API を許可します" #: ../cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "これらの名前空間を許可する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:136 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "これらの制限は、ホワイトIPアクセスリストのIPアドレスには適用されません" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:502 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "1つ以上の役割を選択します" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1203 ../admin/cerber-users.php:986 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "登録ユーザーでフィルター" #: ../cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "許可ユーザーのみ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:622 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "登録およびログインした Web サイトユーザーのみが Web サイトにアクセスできます。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:638 ../cerber-settings.php:1611 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "登録およびログインしたユーザーのみがこの Web サイトを表示できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:643 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "URL へ転送" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5074 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "変更履歴" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:675 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "デフォルト設定がロードされました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3379 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "すべてのルールを保存" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3287 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:613 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "変更を保存" #: ../cerber-common.php:1532 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "無効なマスター情報" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "マスター設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1309 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "ウェブサイトのリストに戻る" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1313 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "「切り替え後」通知を表示" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1317 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "@ サイトをページタイトルに追加する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1025 ../cerber-settings.php:1334 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1362 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "診断ログを有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1345 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "IP アドレスによるアクセス制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1351 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "このウェブサイトへアクセス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1354 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "フルアクセスモード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1355 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "読み取り専用モード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1376 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "フルアクセスモードには、WP Cerber の PRO バージョンが必要です。" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "マルウェアスキャン" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:141 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "メモ" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "スレーブ Web サイトを追加する" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1052 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "検索結果:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "編集" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "に切り替える" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Web サイトが構成されていません。" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "新規追加する" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:104 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "ウェブサイトのプロパティ" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:114 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "ウェブサイト URL" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Display as" msgstr "表示形式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:149 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "ウェブサイトオーナー" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:153 msgid "First Name" msgstr "名前" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:157 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "苗字" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:161 msgid "Email" msgstr "メールアドレス" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:165 msgid "Phone" msgstr "電話" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:173 msgid "Address" msgstr "アドレス" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:316 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "追加しようとしているウェブサイトは既にリストにあります" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:325 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "ウェブサイトが正常に追加されました" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:326 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "クリックして編集" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "ダッシュボードに切り替え" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:330 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "注意事項:SSL 化されていない Web サイトが追加されました。これにより、データが漏洩する可能性があります。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:449 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "%s のウェブサイトが削除されました" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1036 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "%s に切り替えました" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1046 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "マスター Web サイトに切り替えました" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1262 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "あなたの現在地:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1265 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "マイウェブサイト" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1280 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "サイトを訪れる" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "スレーブモードを有効にする" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "この Web サイトは、マスター Web サイトから管理できます。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "マスターモードを有効にする" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "この Web サイトをマスターとして構成して、他の Web サイトを管理します" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "続行するには、この Web サイトのモードを選択してください" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "スレーブ設定" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "シークレットアクセストークン" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "このトークンは、この Web サイト独自のものです。絶対に秘密にしてください。マスター Web サイトにトークンをインストールして、この Web サイトへのアクセスを許可します。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "本当に良いですか?これにより、トークンが永久に無効になります。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "この Web サイトはマスターとして設定されています。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "この Web サイトはマスターとして設定されています。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "アクセストークンを使用してスレーブ Web サイトを追加します。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "この Web サイトはスレーブとして設定されています。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "マスター Web サイトにアクセストークンをインストールします。" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../cerber-common.php:1790 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s 秒" #: ../cerber-settings.php:788 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "レポートを送信" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "アップデート" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "グループ" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "WP Cerber をアップグレード" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "すべてのアクティブなプラグインを更新" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "ウェブサイトを削除" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "すべてのグループ" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1346 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "本当にこのウェブサイトを削除してもよいですか ?" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "ブロック" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:96 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "既存のグループを選択するか、新しいグループを追加" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:169 msgid "Company" msgstr "会社" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:694 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "スレーブ Web サイトからの無効な応答" #: ../cerber-common.php:1502 ../cerber-common.php:1642 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "存在しないユーザー名でのログイン試行" #: ../cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "存在しないユーザー名でのログイン試行" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "マスター言語を使用する" #: ../cerber-settings.php:241 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "存在しないユーザー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "存在しないユーザー名でログイン試行した IP を即ブロック" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "オーナー" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "マスターモードを無効にする" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "トークンを取り消してリモート管理を無効にするには、ここをクリックしてください:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "WordPress メディアフォルダー内での PHP スクリプトの実行をブロック" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1412 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1420 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "プラグインのアクティブ、及び、アップデート" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1390 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "新しいバージョンが利用可能です" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1002 msgid "New users" msgstr "新しいユーザー" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1021 msgid "My activity" msgstr "マイアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2702 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "アラートを作成" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2706 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "アラートを削除" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2739 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "アラートが作成されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2743 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "警告は削除されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4199 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "高度な検索" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: ../cerber-load.php:5413 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "アラートを削除するには、ここをクリック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:220 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "カスタムログイン URL には、英数字、ダッシュ、アンダースコアのみを含めることができます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "サイト固有の設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:266 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "プラグイン Cookie の接頭語" #: ../cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "プレフィックス(接頭語)には英数字とアンダーライン(_)のみを含めることができます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:742 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "ロックアウト通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:770 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Pushbullet アクセストークン" #: ../cerber-settings.php:773 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Pushbullet デバイス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "放置ファイルを削除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1122 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "変更および感染したファイルの自動回復" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1125 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "WordPress ファイルを復元" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1129 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "プラグインファイルを復元" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1490 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "ファイルが削除されました" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1491 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "ファイルが回復されました" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3724 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "WordPress ファイルの回復中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3726 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "プラグインファイルの回復中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4873 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "復元完了" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4923 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "自動的に削除" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4926 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "自動的に復元" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Cerber ユーザーセキュリティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4979 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "ユーザーポリシー" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1885 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "新しいバージョンが利用可能" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4982 msgid "Global" msgstr "グローバル" #: ../cerber-common.php:1557 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "サイトポリシーの実施" #: ../cerber-common.php:1558 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "2段階認証コード確認済み" #: ../cerber-common.php:1559 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "ユーザーにより開始されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:2010 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "新しいバージョン %s が利用可能です。インストールしてください。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "許可されていないメールアドレスです。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "別のものを選択してください。" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:10 ../admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "2要素認証" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "ユーザーロールポリシーによって決定" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:19 ../admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "常に有効" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "二段階認証 PIN コード" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "すべての変更を保存" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "WordPress ダッシュボードへのアクセスをブロック" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "サイト表示時、ツールバーを非表示" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "リダイレクトルール" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "ログイン後にユーザーをリダイレクト" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "ログアウト後にユーザーをリダイレクト" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:440 ../cerber-settings.php:675 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "ユーザーセッションの有効期限" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "2要素認証" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "上級モード" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "次の条件のいずれかに該当する場合、2要素認証を強制する" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "別の国からのログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "別のネットワーククラス C からのログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "別の IP アドレスからログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "一定の間隔で2要素認証を実施する" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "定期的な時間間隔(日)" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "定められたログイン回数" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "ログイン回数" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "ポリシーが更新されました" #: ../cerber-settings.php:582 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "メールアドレスを制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:585 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "制限なし" #: ../cerber-settings.php:586 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "次に一致するすべてのメールアドレスを拒否" #: ../cerber-settings.php:587 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "次に一致するメールアドレスのみを許可" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "メールアドレス、ワイルドカード、または、REGEXパターンを指定します。コンマを使用してアイテムを区切ります。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "これらのファイルは、自動クリーンアップ中には削除されません。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:365 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "この確認 PIN コードは期限切れです。新しいメールを送信しました。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:368 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "確認用 PIN コードが間違っています" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:415 ../cerber-2fa.php:503 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "認証してください" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:525 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "ログイン試行の詳細は次の通りです" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:579 msgid "expires" msgstr "期限切れ" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:655 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "数字のみが許可されます" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "確認 PIN コードをメールに送信しました" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:659 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "以下の欄に、メール添付のコードを入力してください" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:661 msgid "Try again" msgstr "もう一度お試しください" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "キャンセル" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "or" msgstr "または" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:669 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "本人確認してください" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:674 msgid "Verify" msgstr "認証" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "2要素認証のメール" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3322 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "ロールベースのルールが構成されます" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3516 msgid "All Users" msgstr "すべてのユーザー" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "%s|%s にブロックされました" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "%s 分間、コードが有効です。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:373 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "IPアドレス %s がホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:370 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "IPアドレス %s がブラックIPアクセスリストに追加されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:871 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1144 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4135 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:942 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP アドレス" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:878 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1150 msgid "Username" msgstr "ユーザー名" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3404 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "すべての国が許可されています" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3027 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4884 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "セッション" #: ../cerber-load.php:1558 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "%s セッションを遮断しました" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:940 msgid "Created" msgstr "作成" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:961 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "遮断セッション" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:962 msgid "Block user" msgstr "ブロックユーザー" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1094 msgid "Profile" msgstr "プロフィール" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1107 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "すべてのログイン" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1108 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "ユーザーアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1154 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "遮断" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "ユーザー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "REST API を介したユーザーのデータへのアクセスをブロックする" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1489 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "削除できません" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "サーバーデータシールドポリシー" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "データシールド" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4969 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "データシールドポリシー" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4971 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "アカウント&役割" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4972 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "サイト設定" #: ../cerber-common.php:1515 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "ユーザー作成が拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1517 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "役割更新が拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1518 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "設定更新が拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1564 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "パーミッションが拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1566 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "無効なユーザー" #: ../cerber-common.php:1567 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "無効なパスワード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:479 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "ユーザーアカウントを保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:484 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "ユーザーアカウント作成とユーザー管理を下記のポリシーで制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:490 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "新規ユーザー登録が可能な役割" #: ../cerber-settings.php:496 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "これらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ新規アカウントを作成できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:501 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "これらの役割を持ったユーザーのみユーザー機密データを変更できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:506 ../cerber-settings.php:534 ../cerber-settings.php:563 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "このポリシーをホワイトIPアクセスリストのIPアドレスに適用しないでください" #: ../cerber-settings.php:514 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "ユーザーの役割を保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:518 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "下記のポリシーで役割と権限設定を制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:524 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "これらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ新規役割を追加できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:529 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "これらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ各役割の権限を変更できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:542 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "サイト設定を保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:546 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "下記ポリシーでサイト設定の更新を制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:552 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "これらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ保護された設定を変更できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:557 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "保護された設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:628 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "このポリシーをホワイト IP アクセスリストの IP アドレスに適用しないでください。" #: ../cerber-ds.php:801 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "管理者メールアドレス" #: ../cerber-ds.php:802 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "新規ユーザーのデフォルト役割" #: ../cerber-ds.php:803 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "サイトアドレス (URL)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:804 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "WordPressアドレス (URL)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:805 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "だれでも登録可能" #: ../cerber-ds.php:806 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "有効なプラグイン" #: ../cerber-ds.php:807 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "有効なテーマ" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "サーバー" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "サーバー国" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "すべてのサーバー" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "すべての国" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:67 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "ウェブサイトのカラムにホームページを表示" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:69 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "サーバーIPアドレスを隠す" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IPアドレス、レンジ、ワイルドカード、CIDR" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "エントリーを追加" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5229 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "追加しようとしたIPアドレスは既にリストに存在します" #: ../cerber-common.php:1477 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "IPサブネットがブロックされました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1516 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "ユーザー行更新が拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1519 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "ユーザーメタデータ更新が拒否されました" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1447 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "すべてのアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "アクセスリストエントリーのインポート中にデータベースエラーが発生しました" #: ../cerber-settings.php:287 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "認証ログ監視を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:319 ../cerber-settings.php:954 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "ログインしなかったビジター数を記録" #: ../cerber-settings.php:325 ../cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "ログインしたユーザー数を記録" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "管理者メモ" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:911 msgid "WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser" msgstr "WP Cerber 個人情報データ削除機能" #: ../cerber-settings.php:691 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "個人情報データ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:697 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "データ削除を有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:704 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "ユーザーセッションを終了" #: ../cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "ユーザーデータが削除された場合、ユーザーセッションデータを削除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:711 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "データエクスポートを有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:718 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "アクティビティログイベントを含む" #: ../cerber-settings.php:724 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "トラフィックログエントリーを含む" #: ../cerber-settings.php:727 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URLをリクエスト" #: ../cerber-settings.php:728 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "フィールドデータを作成" #: ../cerber-settings.php:729 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Cerber アンチスパム設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 ../cerber-settings.php:1283 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "アンチスパム" #: ../cerber-addons.php:289 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "アドオン" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4933 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "アンチスパムとボットの検出設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4935 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "アンチスパムエンジン" #: ../cerber-common.php:1651 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "複数のエラーリクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:337 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s 分以内に %s 回まで試行できます" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:343 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "ひとつのIPアドレスで %s 分以内に %s 回まで登録できます" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:366 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "過去 %s 分間に %s 回のログイン試行に失敗した場合、有効にします" #: ../cerber-settings.php:442 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "設定に応じてWordPress REST APIへのアクセスを制限もしくは完全にブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:693 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "これらの機能を使うことによって個人情報保護法を遵守できます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:751 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "空欄の場合、管理者メールアドレス %s が使用されます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:755 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "1時間あたりの通知上限 (0の場合は無制限)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "モバイル&デスクトップ通知で速やかに通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:781 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "週間レポートは過去7日間の不審な行動を含むすべてのアクティビティの概要です" #: ../cerber-settings.php:794 ../cerber-settings.php:1088 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "空欄の場合、通知設定のメールアドレスが使用されます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:806 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Traffic InspectorはコンテキストアウェアなWebアプリケーションファイアウォール(WAF)で、悪意のあるHTTPリクエストを認識してウェブサイトを保護します" #: ../cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "存在しないページに過剰なリクエストを送ったり、機密保護違反のためにウェブサイトをスキャンするIPアドレスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:856 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "トラフィックログ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "不審なアクティビティの監視やセキュリティ問題の解決が必要な場合、任意のトラフィックログを有効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:970 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "スキャナーはファイル変更を監視し、WordPress、プラグイン、テーマの完全性を検証し、マルウェアを検出します" #: ../cerber-settings.php:992 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "スキャンから除外するディレクトリを1行につき1つ指定してください" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1040 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "スキャナーはウェブサイトのスキャン、マルウェアの削除、スキャン結果のメールレポート送信を自動的に行います" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1057 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "メールレポートに含む問題やレポート送信条件を設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine" msgstr "これらのポリシーは、スキャン結果によって、すべての予定されたスキャン終了後に自動的に実行されます。影響を受けた可能性があるファイルはすべて検疫へ移動されます" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1165 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Cerber アンチスパムエンジン" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1166 msgid "Spam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a website" msgstr "ウェブサイト上のコメント、登録、コンタクトフォームのスパム保護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1193 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "アンチスパムエンジンを調整" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1194 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "これらの設定はアンチスパムアルゴリズムの精度を上げ、偽陽性を防止します" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1218 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "標準コメントフォームから送信されたコメントの処理方法" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:436 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "設定が更新されました" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1207 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "IDをリクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1208 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "URL内を検索" #: ../cerber-settings.php:999 ../cerber-settings.php:1008 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "実行ファイル" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1000 ../cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "All files" msgstr "すべてのファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1638 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "アクティブセッション" #: ../cerber-settings.php:676 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "分(WordPress初期値を使用する場合は空欄にしてください)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Change file permissions when necessary" msgstr "必要な場合にファイルパーミッションを変更" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "エントリーをロード" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1022 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4182 msgid "My IP" msgstr "自分のIP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5022 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "解析" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5071 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "設定管理" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5073 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "診断ログ" #: ../cerber-common.php:1470 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "削除されたユーザー" #: ../cerber-common.php:1562 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "メールアドレスが禁止されました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:796 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "検疫されました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:952 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1362 msgid "Modified" msgstr "修正されました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1026 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "拡張子のないファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1027 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "リストに戻る" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1087 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "要約" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1138 msgid "Folder" msgstr "フォルダ" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1139 msgid "Path" msgstr "パス" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1140 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1234 msgid "Files" msgstr "ファイル" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1141 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1235 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "使用済みスペース" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1205 msgid "No extension" msgstr "拡張子なし" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1230 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "ファイル拡張子統計" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1233 msgid "Extension" msgstr "拡張子" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1236 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "最小" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1237 msgid "Largest" msgstr "最大" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1238 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "平均サイズ" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1239 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "最古" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1240 msgid "Newest" msgstr "最新" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1256 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "最大データ10件" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1360 msgid "File Name" msgstr "ファイル名" #: ../cerber-settings.php:368 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "CSVエクスポート用データ形式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:369 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "CSVエクスポートファイルにISO 8601を使用" #: ../cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "自分のIPアドレス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "プラグイン有効化の際、自分のIPアドレスをホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加しないでください" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "プラグイン初期設定をロード" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "下記ボタンをクリックすると、WP Cerberの初期設定がロードされます。カスタムログインURLとアクセスリストは変更されません" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "WP Cerberを最大限活用するには、このように進めてください:" #: ../cerber-common.php:1575 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IPホワイトリスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4181 msgid "My requests" msgstr "マイリクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3514 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "ウェブサイトにログイン" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" #: ../cerber-common.php:1508 ../cerber-common.php:1647 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "脆弱な PHP コードの調査" #: ../cerber-load.php:5674 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "あなたのIPアドレス %s はホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加されました" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:989 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "IPアドレスを検索" #: ../cerber-settings.php:865 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "最小" #: ../cerber-settings.php:881 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "既知クローラを記録しない" #: ../cerber-settings.php:886 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "これらの場所を記録しない" #: ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "ログから除外したいURLパスを1行に1つ指定してください" #: ../cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "これらのユーザーエージェントを記録しない" #: ../cerber-settings.php:898 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "ログから除外したいユーザーエージェントを1行に1つ指定してください" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4307 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "未知のGoogleボット" #: ../cerber-common.php:1568 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "IPアドレスが許可されていません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:601 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "ホワイトIPアクセスリスト内のIPアドレスのみ登録可能です" #: ../cerber-settings.php:606 msgid "User message" msgstr "ユーザーメッセージ" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1469 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "ファイルが不足しています" #. Mandatory #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "このファイルが不足しています。削除されたか、インストールされていません。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "エラー: ファイル名 %s は使用できません。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "他のファイルをアップロードしてください。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:225 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "レンダリングを延期" #: ../cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "カスタムログインページのレンダリングを延期" #: ../cerber-load.php:367 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "あと1回ログイン試行が可能です。" #. translators: %s: User name. #: ../cerber-load.php:1194 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "エラー:ユーザー名 %s に対応するパスワードが間違っています。" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "同時ユーザーセッション可能数" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "同時ユーザーセッションが上限に達した時" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "新規ログイン時に一番古いユーザーセッションを終了" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "それ以上のログイン試行を拒否" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:518 #, fuzzy msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "異なるブラウザやデバイスからのログインより多かった場合" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:524 #, fuzzy msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "もし同時ユーザーセッション数が" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5364 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "これらの機能はプロ版でのみ利用可能" #: ../cerber-common.php:1495 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "ユーザーセッションが終了しました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1569 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "同時ユーザーセッションを制限" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "ウェブサイト管理者のみ閲覧できます" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1437 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "認証しました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1438 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "認証に失敗しました" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:762 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "キャッシュプラグインを使用している場合、重要なお知らせです" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:763 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "偽陽性を防止し、より良いアンチスパムパフォーマンスをするために、プラグインキャッシュは削除してください。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1525 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "APIリクエストが認証されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1526 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "APIリクエストに失敗しました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1513 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "XML-RPC APIへのリクエストが拒否されました" #: ../cerber-common.php:1570 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "無効なcookie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:165 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "IPアドレスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:169 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "攻撃的な試みを軽減" #: ../cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "PHPエラーをウェブサイト上に表示しない" #: ../cerber-settings.php:871 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "すべてのREST APIリクエストを記録" #: ../cerber-settings.php:876 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "すべてのXML-RPCリクエストを記録" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1180 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "コメントURLをカスタマイズ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1181 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "コメントフォームにカスタムURLを使用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 ../cerber-settings.php:456 ../cerber- #: settings.php:1202 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "ログインユーザー" #: ../cerber-settings.php:353 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "個人用プリファレンス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "ログインユーザーにREST APIへのアクセスを許可" #: ../cerber-settings.php:572 msgid "User registration" msgstr "ユーザー登録" #: ../cerber-settings.php:573 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "下記条件において新規ユーザー登録を制限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "認証されたアクセス" #: ../cerber-settings.php:617 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "ログインユーザーのみウェブサイトへのアクセスを許可" #: ../cerber-settings.php:655 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "その他の設定" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:468 ../cerber-settings.php:666 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "アプリケーションパスワード" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:472 ../cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "有効化されました。標準ユーザーパスワードを使用したAPIへのアクセスが許可されました" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:473 ../cerber-settings.php:670 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "有効化されました。標準ユーザーパスワードを使用したAPIへのアクセスは許可されていません" #: ../cerber-settings.php:849 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "ログインユーザーを無視" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "ログインしているユーザーのボット検出エンジンを無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1289 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "ログインしているユーザーへの reCAPTCHA を無効化" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "グローバルポリシーを使用" #: ../cerber-load.php:370 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "あと %d 回ログイン試行が可能です。" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "同時ユーザーセッション数が上限に達しているためにログイン試行が拒否された場合、このメッセージを表示します" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4981 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "ロールベース" #: ../cerber-common.php:1524 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "ユーザーパスワードが設定されました" #: ../cerber-settings.php:140 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "初期化モード" #: ../cerber-settings.php:921 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "レスポンスヘッダーを保存" #: ../cerber-settings.php:932 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "レスポンスcookieを保存" #. translators: %s: Email address. #: ../cerber-load.php:1206 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect." msgstr "エラー: %s: 入力したメールアドレスのパスワードが正しくありません。" #: ../cerber-load.php:7688 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "より良い製品開発にご協力をお願いします" #: ../cerber-load.php:7690 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "エンジニアがより良いプラグインを開発するため、そしてユーザーにベストなソフトウェアをお届けするために、下記ウェブサイトよりWP Cerberへの忌憚ないご意見をお聞かせください。母国語でのレビューも大歓迎です!" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:286 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "シークレットアクセストークンが無効です" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:226 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "アクティビティを確認するため、IPアドレスをクリック" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1003 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "ログイン問題" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1019 msgid "Users' activity" msgstr "ユーザーのアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1020 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4172 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "非認証" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1185 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2423 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "記録されたアクティビティはまだありません。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2439 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "ユーザーのアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2459 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "悪意のあるアクティビティ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4169 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "不審なリクエスト" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4171 msgid "Users" msgstr "ユーザー" #: ../cerber-common.php:1572 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "禁止されたURL" #: ../cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "WP Cerberのコア&セキュリティメカニズムのロード方法" #: ../cerber-settings.php:155 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "ログインセキュリティ" #: ../cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "既に存在するページや投稿と重複しない一意の文字列" #: ../cerber-settings.php:178 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "wp-login.php認証リクエストを処理しています" #: ../cerber-settings.php:182 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "デフォルト設定を処理しています" #: ../cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.phpへのアクセスをブロック" #: ../cerber-settings.php:378 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "管理者メニューを移動" #: ../cerber-settings.php:379 msgid "Shift the admin menu to the top when the menu is selected" msgstr "管理者メニュー選択時に、メニューをページ上部へ移動" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:507 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "ウェブサイトへのログインを検出しました。このログインに覚えがない場合、速やかにパスワードを変更してアカウントを保護してください。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "メールを受信していませんか?" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "この確認PINコードを使用して設定を完了してください。" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a boot module installed by the WP Cerber Security plugin when you set the plugin initialization mode to \"Standard\"." msgstr "これはプラグイン初期化モードを「標準」に設定した際、WP Cerber Securityプラグインによってインストールされるブートモジュールです。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:682 msgid "Heads up!" msgstr "ご注意ください!" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:683 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "デフォルトログインページを無効化しました。新たなログインページを生成したことを確認してください。確認できない場合、ログインできなくなります。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "総当たり攻撃対策とユーザー認証設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:188 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "デフォルトログインエラーメッセージの無効化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "ログイン失敗メッセージの中で、存在しないユーザーネームおよびメールアドレスを表示しない" #: ../cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.phpからの認証を拒否" #: ../cerber-common.php:1571 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "無効なcookieが削除されました" #: ../cerber-load.php:1198 ../cerber-load.php:1210 msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1703 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5631 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5635 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:438 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:442 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:199 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:200 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:404 ../cerber-settings.php:409 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-uk.po000064400000107302147577531750011405 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: Tue Sep 08 2015 21:38:11 GMT+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: Wed Apr 12 2017 21:49:27 GMT+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Greg \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: Ukrainian\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 && " "n%10<=4 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Generator: Loco - https://localise.biz/\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _:1;gettext:1;dgettext:2;ngettext:1,2;dngettext:2,3;" "__:1;_e:1;_c:1;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nc:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;" "_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_n_js:1,2;_nx_js:1,2,3c;" "esc_attr__:1;esc_html__:1;esc_attr_e:1;esc_html_e:1;esc_attr_x:1,2c;" "esc_html_x:1,2c;comments_number_link:2,3;t:1;st:1;trans:1;transChoice:1,2\n" "X-Loco-Target-Locale: uk_UA" #: ../dashboard.php:150 ../dashboard.php:158 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:283 ../dashboard.php:1149 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "IP address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "User login" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "User ID" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:469 msgid "Export" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:478 msgid "All activities" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:485 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:485 msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:657 msgid "Network:" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:671 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:703 ../settings.php:212 msgid "WP Cerber Security" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:705 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:705 ../dashboard.php:876 ../dashboard.php:1320 ../settings. #: php:217 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:707 msgid "Cerber reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:708 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:872 ../settings.php:145 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1011 ../dashboard.php:1026 msgid "View all" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1027 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1132 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1235 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1236 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1264 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1267 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin msgid "" "Protects site from brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam " "protection with reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user activity. Restrict " "login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Feel free to contact " "developer on the site wpcerber.com." msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin msgid "Gregory" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1960 ../wp-cerber.php:1961 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2172 msgid "User" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2180 msgid "Search string" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2193 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:273 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:341 msgid "year" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:342 msgid "month" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:343 msgid "day" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:344 msgid "hour" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:345 msgid "minute" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:346 msgid "second" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:349 msgid "years" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:350 msgid "months" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:352 msgid "hours" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:354 msgid "seconds" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:360 msgid "ago" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:415 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:416 msgid "" "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. " "This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will " "defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing " "everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:417 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:418 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:91 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:94 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:96 msgid "Date format" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:96 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:127 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:127 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:131 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:140 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:155 msgid "Not available" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:74 ../dashboard.php:123 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Видалити" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../dashboard.php:460 ../wp-cerber.php:2168 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Ім'я хосту" #: ../dashboard.php:77 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Спливає" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../wp-cerber.php:1921 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Причина" #: ../dashboard.php:77 msgid "Action" msgstr "Дія" #: ../dashboard.php:83 #, php-format msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Відображається %d останніх записів з %d" #: ../dashboard.php:85 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Підказка" #: ../dashboard.php:85 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Щоб переглянути активність, натисніть на IP адресу" #: ../dashboard.php:89 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Наразі немає блокувань. Небо ясне." #: ../dashboard.php:102 ../dashboard.php:440 ../dashboard.php:625 ../dashboard. #: php:868 ../wp-cerber.php:2272 ../settings.php:184 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Білий список доступу за IP" #: ../dashboard.php:102 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Ці IP-адреси ніколи не буде заблоковано" #: ../dashboard.php:104 ../dashboard.php:441 ../dashboard.php:627 ../dashboard. #: php:869 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Чорний список доступу за IP" #: ../dashboard.php:104 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Ніхто не може увійти або зареєструватися з цих IP-адрес" #: ../dashboard.php:106 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Ваш IP" #: ../dashboard.php:123 ../dashboard.php:657 msgid "Check for activity" msgstr "Перевірити активність" #: ../dashboard.php:126 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Список порожній" #: ../dashboard.php:130 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Додати IP до списку" #: ../dashboard.php:153 #, php-format msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Адресу %s було додано до білого списку доступу за IP" #: ../dashboard.php:162 msgid "You can't add your IP address" msgstr "Ви не можете додати вашу IP-адресу" #: ../dashboard.php:166 #, php-format msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Адресу %s було додано до чорного списку доступу за IP" #: ../dashboard.php:237 msgid "unknown" msgstr "невідомо" #: ../dashboard.php:257 msgid "Message has been sent to " msgstr "Сповіщення було надіслано " #: ../dashboard.php:260 msgid "Unable to send notification email" msgstr "Неможливо відправити сповіщення на email" #: ../dashboard.php:267 #, php-format msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Блокування для %s було видалено" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Date" msgstr "Дата" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 ../dashboard.php:877 ../dashboard. #: php:1012 ../wp-cerber.php:2167 ../settings.php:88 ../settings.php:219 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Активність" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Користувач" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 ../wp-cerber.php:2176 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Використано логін" #: ../dashboard.php:445 ../dashboard.php:630 ../common.php:265 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Заблоковано" #: ../dashboard.php:473 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Не було відмічено жодної активності." #: ../dashboard.php:653 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Email aдресa для скарг:" #: ../dashboard.php:675 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Додати IP в чорний список" #: ../dashboard.php:700 msgid "WP Cerber Settings" msgstr "Налаштування WP Cerber" #. #-#-#-#-# tmp-wp-cerber.pot (WP Cerber 3.0) #-#-#-#-# #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme #: ../dashboard.php:700 ../dashboard.php:703 ../dashboard.php:732 msgid "WP Cerber" msgstr "WP Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:707 msgid "reCAPTCHA" msgstr "reCAPTCHA" #: ../dashboard.php:708 ../cerber-tools.php:40 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Інструменти" #: ../dashboard.php:770 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Коментарі" #: ../dashboard.php:771 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Останній вхід" #: ../dashboard.php:772 msgid "Failed attempts in last 24 hours" msgstr "Невдалі спроби за останні 24 години" #: ../dashboard.php:773 msgid "Date of registration" msgstr "Дата реєстрації" #: ../dashboard.php:798 ../dashboard.php:851 msgid "Never" msgstr "Ніколи" #: ../dashboard.php:822 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Швидкий огляд Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:855 msgid "active" msgstr "активний" #: ../dashboard.php:855 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "деактивувати" #: ../dashboard.php:857 msgid "not active" msgstr "неактивний" #: ../dashboard.php:858 msgid "disabled" msgstr "відключений" #: ../dashboard.php:863 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "невдалих спроб" #: ../dashboard.php:863 ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "за 24 години" #: ../dashboard.php:863 ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "view all" msgstr "переглянути усі" #: ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "блокувань" #: ../dashboard.php:866 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Наразі заблоковано" #: ../dashboard.php:867 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Останнє блокування" #: ../dashboard.php:868 ../dashboard.php:869 ../dashboard.php:1300 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "запис" msgstr[1] "записи" msgstr[2] "записів" #: ../dashboard.php:870 ../settings.php:77 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Режим Цитадель" #: ../dashboard.php:878 ../settings.php:222 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Блокування" #: ../dashboard.php:879 ../dashboard.php:1321 ../wp-cerber.php:2278 ../settings. #: php:227 ../cerber-tools.php:59 ../cerber-tools.php:68 ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Списки доступу" #: ../dashboard.php:1049 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Маєте сумнів щодо налаштувань?" #: ../dashboard.php:1050 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "" "Ви можете легко завантажити рекомендовані налаштування за допомогою кнопки " "нижче" #: ../dashboard.php:1052 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Завантажити типові налаштування" #: ../dashboard.php:1054 ../dashboard.php:1450 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Ви впевнені?" #: ../dashboard.php:1060 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "не впливає на URL сторінки авторизації та списки доступу" #: ../dashboard.php:1079 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Підтримайте розробку" #: ../dashboard.php:1133 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Деактивувати" #: ../dashboard.php:1134 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Переглянути активність" #: ../dashboard.php:1190 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Доступна нова версія" #: ../dashboard.php:1196 #, php-format msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Оновити WP Cerber до версії %s" #. #-#-#-#-# tmp-wp-cerber.pot (WP Cerber 3.0) #-#-#-#-# #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme #. #-#-#-#-# tmp-wp-cerber.pot (WP Cerber 3.0) #-#-#-#-# #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "http://wpcerber.com" msgstr "http://wpcerber.com" #: ../wp-cerber.php:190 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Вам заборонено вхід. Спитайте вашого адміністратора про допомогу." #: ../wp-cerber.php:196 #, php-format msgid "You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Ви досягли ліміту спроб входу. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз за %d хвилин." #: ../wp-cerber.php:214 #, php-format msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "У вас залишилася тільки одна спроба." msgstr[1] "У вас залишилося %d спроби." msgstr[2] "У вас залишилося %d спроб." #: ../wp-cerber.php:496 msgid "" "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA " "block below." msgstr "" "Візуальна веріфікація невдала. Будь ласка клікніть на квадратик блока " "reCAPTCHA нижче." #: ../wp-cerber.php:602 ../wp-cerber.php:734 ../wp-cerber.php:741 ../wp-cerber. #: php:765 ../common.php:81 ../common.php:134 ../settings.php:479 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ПОМИЛКА:" #: ../wp-cerber.php:613 #, php-format msgid "" "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "" "ПОМИЛКА: Пароль, який ви ввели для імені користувача %s є " "некоректний." #: ../wp-cerber.php:742 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Недозволене ім'я користувача. Будь ласка, оберіть інше." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1870 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Сповіщення WP Cerber" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1888 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Режим Цитадель активовано" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1890 #, php-format msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Режим Цитадель активовано після %d невдалих спроб входу протягом %d хвилин." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1891 #, php-format msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Остання невдала спроба відбулася %s з IP адреси %s з логіном користувача: %s." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1892 ../wp-cerber.php:2192 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Переглянути активність на панелі управління" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1914 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "невизначена" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1917 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Кількість блокувань збільшується" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1919 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Кількість активних блокувань" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1920 #, php-format msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Останнє блокування було додане: %s для IP %s" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1922 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Переглянути активність для цього IP" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1923 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Переглянути блокування на панелі управління" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1926 ../wp-cerber.php:1928 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Нова версія WP Cerber доступна для установки" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1927 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Вітаємо!" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1929 ../wp-cerber.php:1940 msgid "Website" msgstr "Вебсайт" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1932 ../wp-cerber.php:1933 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Плагін безпеки WP Cerber було деактивовано" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1935 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Неавторизований" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1941 msgid "By user" msgstr "Від користувача" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1942 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "З IP-адреси" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1945 msgid "From country" msgstr "З країни" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1949 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Плагін безпеки WP Cerber є активний" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1950 ../wp-cerber.php:2271 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "Відтепер WP Cerber є активний і захищає ваш сайт" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1951 msgid "Change notification settings" msgstr "Змінити налаштування сповіщень" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1956 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Новий URL для входу на сайт" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1976 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Це повідомлення було надіслано від" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2246 #, php-format msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber потребує PHP %s або вище. Ви використовуєте" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2250 #, php-format msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber потребує WordPress %s або вище. Ви використовуєте" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2255 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Не вдалося активувати WP Cerber через помилку у базі даних." #: ../wp-cerber.php:2272 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Ваша IP-адреса додана до" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2274 msgid "It's important to check security settings." msgstr "Важливо перевірити налаштування безпеки." #: ../wp-cerber.php:2277 ../settings.php:224 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Основні налаштування" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2279 ../settings.php:229 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Зміцнення безпеки" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2280 ../settings.php:63 ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:234 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Сповіщення" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2281 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Імпорт налаштувань" #: ../whois.php:211 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Невідомо" #: ../common.php:253 msgid "User created" msgstr "Користувача створено" #: ../common.php:254 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Користувача зареєстровано" #: ../common.php:255 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Увійшов" #: ../common.php:256 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Вийшов" #: ../common.php:257 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Невдалий вхід" #: ../common.php:260 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP заблоковано" #: ../common.php:261 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Підсітку заблоковано" #: ../common.php:263 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Режим Цитадель активовано!" #: ../common.php:266 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP у чорному списку" #: ../common.php:269 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Пароль змінено" #: ../common.php:271 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "Перевірка reCAPTCHA невдала" #: ../common.php:272 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "Налаштування reCAPTCHA невірні" #: ../common.php:275 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Спроба отримати доступ до забороненого URL" #: ../common.php:276 ../common.php:288 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Спроба увійти з неіснуючим ім'ям користувача" #: ../common.php:277 ../common.php:289 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Спроба увійти із забороненим ім'ям користувача" #: ../common.php:286 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Досягнуто ліміт для спроб входу" #: ../common.php:287 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Спроба отримати доступ до" #: ../common.php:351 ../settings.php:89 msgid "days" msgstr "днів" #: ../common.php:353 ../settings.php:61 ../settings.php:79 msgid "minutes" msgstr "хвилин" #: ../cerber-lab.php:419 ../settings.php:190 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Дізнатися більше" #: ../settings.php:59 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Ліміт спроб входу" #: ../settings.php:60 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Спроби" #: ../settings.php:61 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Тривалість блокування" #: ../settings.php:62 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Агресивне блокування" #: ../settings.php:64 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Підключення сайту" #: ../settings.php:64 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Мій сайт підключено через проксі сервер" #: ../settings.php:66 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Профілактичні правила безпеки" #: ../settings.php:67 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Блокувати підсітку" #: ../settings.php:67 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Завжди блокувати всю подсітку класу С від IP-порушника" #: ../settings.php:68 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Неіснуючі користувачі" #: ../settings.php:68 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "Негайно блокувати IP-адресу при спробі входу з неіснуючим ім'ям користувача" #: ../settings.php:69 msgid "Redirect dashboard requests" msgstr "Перенаправлення до панелі управління" #: ../settings.php:69 msgid "" "Disable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested " "by an unauthorized request" msgstr "" "Вимкнути автоматичне перенаправлення до сторінки авторизації коли /wp-admin/ " "отримує неавторизований запит" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Запит до wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Негайно блокувати IP-адресу після будь-якого запиту до wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:73 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Власна сторінка авторизації" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Власний URL сторінки авторизації" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "не має співпадати з URL сторінок або постів, що вже існують" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Відключити wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "" "Заблокувати прямий доступ до wp-login.php та повернути HTTP помилку 404 " "\"Сторінку не знайдено\"" #: ../settings.php:78 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Поріг" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Тривалість" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Надіслати сповіщення на email адміністратора" #: ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:339 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Клікніть, щоб надіслати тестовий email" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Зберігати записи не більше" #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Використовувати файл" #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Записувати невдалі спроби увійти до файлу" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Деталізувати інформацію про IP" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Отримати додаткову інформацію WHOIS для IP" #: ../settings.php:103 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Зміцнення безпеки WordPress" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Відключити доступ до користувача за його ID" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Block access to the pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Блокувати доступ до сторінок таких як /?author=n" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Відключити XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Блокувати доступ до XML-RPC серверу (включаючі Pingbacks та Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Відключити канали (feeds)" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Блокувати доступ до RSS, Atom та RDF канали (feeds)" #: ../settings.php:107 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Відключити REST API" #: ../settings.php:107 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API" msgstr "Блокувати доступ до WordPress REST API" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Налаштування, що стосуються користувача" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Заборонені імена користувачів" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "" "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP " "address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately " "blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "" "Імена користувачів з цього списку не дозволені для входу або реєстрації. " "Будь-яка IP-адреса, яка спробує використати одне з цих імен, буде негайно " "заблокована. Використовуйте кому, щоб розділити імена." #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Сесія користувача збігає за" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "у хвилинах (якщо порожнє - стандартне значення WP)" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Ключ сайта (Site key)" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Секретний ключ (Secret key)" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Форма відновлення втраченого паролю" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Форма входу" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Email адреса" #: ../settings.php:142 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "якщо порожнє, email адміністратора %s буде використано" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Ліміт сповіщень" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "листів зі сповіщеннями дозволено протягом години (0 означає нелімітовано)" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Зробіть ваш захист розумнішим!" #: ../settings.php:170 msgid "" "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to " "something other than Default." msgstr "Будь ласка, активуйте \"Постійні посилання\", щоб використовувати цю опцію." #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "" "Be careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL " "you will not be able to login." msgstr "" "Будьте уважними при установці цих параметрів. Якщо ви забудете URL сторінки " "авторизації, ви не зможете увійти." #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "" "In Citadel mode nobody is able to login. Active user's sessions will not be " "affected." msgstr "" "У режимі Цитадeль ніхто не може увійти на сайт. Активні сесії користувачів " "лишаться недоторканими." #: ../settings.php:184 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "Ці налаштування не впливають на хости з" #: ../settings.php:189 msgid "" "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret " "key on the Google website" msgstr "" "Перед тим, як використовувати reCAPTCHA, ви маєте отримати ключ сайта (Site " "key) та секретний ключ (Secret key) на сайті Гугла" #: ../settings.php:231 msgid "Users" msgstr "Користувачі" #: ../settings.php:238 msgid "Help" msgstr "Допомога" #: ../settings.php:325 #, php-format msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s дозволених спроб за %s хвилин" #: ../settings.php:330 #, php-format msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "" "Збільшити тривалість блокування до %s годин після %s блокувань протягом " "останніх %s годин" #: ../settings.php:337 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Сповіщати адміністратора, якщо кількість активних блокувань перевищує" #: ../settings.php:342 #, php-format msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Активувати після %s невдалих спроб за останні %s хвилин" #: ../settings.php:426 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Увага! Ви змінили URL входу! Новий URL входу" #: ../settings.php:501 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "" "ПОМИЛКА: будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу електронної " "пошти." #: ../cerber-tools.php:55 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Експортувати налаштування у файл" #: ../cerber-tools.php:56 msgid "" "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you " "can upload on another site." msgstr "" "Коли ви натиснете кнопку нижче, ви отримаєте конфігураційний файл, який " "зможете завантажити на інший сайт." #: ../cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Що ви хочете експортувати?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:58 ../cerber-tools.php:67 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Налаштування" #: ../cerber-tools.php:60 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Завантажити файл" #: ../cerber-tools.php:62 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Імпортувати налаштування з файлу" #: ../cerber-tools.php:63 msgid "" "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing " "settings will be overridden." msgstr "" "Коли ви натиснете кнопку нижче, файл буде завантажено, і всі існуючі " "налаштування будуть перезаписані." #: ../cerber-tools.php:64 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Обрати файл для імпорту." #: ../cerber-tools.php:64 #, php-format msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Максимальний розмір файла: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:67 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Що ви хочете імпортувати?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Завантажити файл" #: ../cerber-tools.php:148 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Файл не було завантажено або файл пошкоджено" #: ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Помилка при оновленні" #: ../cerber-tools.php:181 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Налаштування були успішно імпортовані з" #: ../cerber-tools.php:185 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Помилка під час парсингу файла" #: ../cerber-tools.php:195 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Налаштування reCAPTCHA" languages/wp-cerber-de_DE.po000064400000400060147577531750011723 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: de\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Anmeldeversuche limitieren" #: cerber-settings.php:167 cerber-settings.php:305 msgid "minutes" msgstr "Minuten" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Verbindung zur Website" #: cerber-settings.php:238 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktive Sicherheitsregeln" #: cerber-settings.php:257 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Sperre Subnetz" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Anfrage wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "IP nach jeder Anfrage auf wp-login.php sofort sperren" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Login-Seite" #: cerber-settings.php:223 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Login-URL" #: cerber-settings.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2101 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadel Modus" #: cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Schwelle" #: cerber-settings.php:304 admin/cerber-admin.php:88 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Dauer" #: cerber-settings.php:310 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5300 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen" #: cerber-settings.php:312 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Sende eine Benachrichtigung an die Emailadresse des Admins" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5297 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Zugriffslisten" #: cerber-load.php:5698 cerber-settings.php:322 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2142 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5293 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivität" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5295 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Sperren" #: cerber-load.php:5707 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:948 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1330 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4060 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:951 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1332 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4548 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokaler Benutzer" #: cerber-load.php:5715 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Benutzername wird bereits verwendet" #: cerber-common.php:1668 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Eingeloggt" #: cerber-common.php:1669 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Ausgeloggt" #: cerber-common.php:1670 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Login fehlgeschlagen" #: cerber-common.php:1673 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1092 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP geblockt" #: cerber-common.php:1677 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel-Modus aktiviert!" #: cerber-common.php:1754 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1704 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Ausgesperrt" #. Only correct if "IP blacklisted" is used as indicative. Otherwise it would not translate "IP auf der schwarzen Liste" but "IP auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt" (if it states that the IP was just blacklisted). #: cerber-common.php:1756 #, fuzzy msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP blockiert" #: cerber-common.php:1690 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Passwort geändert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:204 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:329 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:663 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Die Sperre für %s wurde entfernt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1611 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1695 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 #, fuzzy msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Weiße Liste (erlaubten IPs)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:278 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1614 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1698 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Schwarze Liste (verbotenen IPs)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:335 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Liste ist leer" #: cerber-load.php:4825 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadel-Modus ist aktiviert nach %d fehlgeschlagenen Logins in %d Minuten." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2875 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Aktivitäten anzeigen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5366 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5427 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1968 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Letzte Anmeldung" #: cerber-common.php:2083 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:476 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2073 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2122 msgid "Never" msgstr "Niemals" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5784 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:738 admin/cerber-admin.php:905 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher?" #: cerber-settings.php:268 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2506 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Meine Website ist hinter einem Reverse-Proxy" #. A fuzzy translation that is mostly used in this context would be "Machen Sie Ihren Schutz intelligenter!" #: cerber-settings.php:239 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Machen Sie Ihren Schutz schlauer!" #: cerber-settings.php:131 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Bitte aktivieren Sie Permalinks um dieses Merkmal zu verwenden. Setzen Sie die Permalink-Einstellungen auf etwas anderes als Standard." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5296 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Haupteinstellungen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5581 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hilfe" #. "Aussperrungen" is used in plural because there are more likely several lockouts in the last hours. One single lockout would demand the use of the singular "Aussperrung". We could use "Aussperrung(en)" to cover all cases. #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:352 #, fuzzy msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Erhöhe die Sperrdauer um %s Stunden nach %s Aussperrungen in den letzten %s Stunden" #: cerber-load.php:388 admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Sie sind nicht berechtigt, sich anzumelden. Fragen Sie Ihren Administrator nach Unterstützung." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 admin/cerber-users.php:926 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Gültig bis" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2741 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Keine Sperrung im Moment. Der Himmel ist klar." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:285 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Ihre IP" #: cerber-load.php:4826 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Der letzte gescheiterte Versuch war um %s von der IP %s mit der Benutzeranmeldung: %s." #: cerber-load.php:5939 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Kann WP Cerber aufgrund eines Datenbankfehlers nicht aktivieren." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:360 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Benachrichtige den Admin, wenn die Anzahl von aktiven Aussperrungen größer ist als" #: cerber-settings.php:326 cerber-settings.php:332 cerber-settings.php:968 #: cerber-settings.php:974 cerber-settings.php:1053 cerber-settings.php:1327 msgid "days" msgstr "Tage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2039 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber Schnellansicht" #: cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Immer das gesamte Subnetz Klasse C der IP des Eindringlings blockieren" #: cerber-settings.php:316 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:365 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klicken für Sendungstest" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:695 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:696 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Achtung! Sie haben die Anmelde-URL geändert! Die neue Login-URL ist" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1967 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentare" #: cerber-load.php:4857 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Anzahl der aktiven Sperren" #: cerber-load.php:4959 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde gesendet von" #. Used to be "Import/Export" but this is a fuzzy translation. Exact translation that WordPress also uses is "Werkzeuge". #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5478 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Werkzeuge" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Einstellungen in Datei exportieren" #. "below" is ignored in the translation. #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 #, fuzzy msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Wenn Sie auf den Button klicken, bekommen Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei, die Sie auf einer anderen Website hochladen können." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Was wollen Sie exportieren?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Datei herunterladen" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Einstellungen aus Datei importieren" #. "below" is ignored in the translation. #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 #, fuzzy msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Wenn Sie auf den Button klicken, wird die Datei hochgeladen und alle vorhandenen Einstellungen werden überschrieben." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Datei zum Importieren auswählen." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Was wollen Sie importieren?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Datei hochladen" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Keine Datei hochgeladen oder Datei ist beschädigt" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Einstellungen erfolgreich importiert von" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Fehler beim Parsen der Datei" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1328 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Hostname" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:597 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown" msgstr "unbekannt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "active" msgstr "aktiv" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deaktiviert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2082 msgid "not active" msgstr "nicht aktiv" #. "deactive" and "disabled" mean exactly the same in German. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "disabled" msgstr "deaktiviert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "Fehlversuche" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "in 24 Stunden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "view all" msgstr "Zeige alle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Sperren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2094 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Momentane Sperren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2095 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Letzte Sperre" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3162 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "Eintrag" msgstr[1] "Einträge" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Standardeinstellung laden" #: cerber-settings.php:771 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Eine neue Version ist verfügbar" #: cerber-load.php:4799 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber benachrichtigen" #: cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadel-Modus ist aktiviert" #: cerber-load.php:4904 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Neue benutzerdefinierte Login-URL" #. Non-fuzzy translation would be "Verwende Datei" but in this context "Verwende Logdatei" is describing exactly what it does. #: cerber-settings.php:351 #, fuzzy msgid "Use file" msgstr "Verwende Logdatei" #: cerber-settings.php:352 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Schreibe fehlgeschlagene Anmeldungen in die Datei." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2874 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktivieren" #: cerber-load.php:4861 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Grund" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1762 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Füge IP zur Schwarzen Liste hinzu" #: cerber-common.php:1906 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Zugriffsversuch" #: cerber-common.php:1905 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Limit für Anmeldeversuche ist erreicht" #: cerber-load.php:4860 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Letzte Sperre wurde hinzugefügt: %s für IP %s" #. "Abhärtung" is the medical translation for "hardening" which fits best in this case. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5298 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Abhärtung" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1734 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Missbrauch Email:" #: cerber-settings.php:758 cerber-settings.php:805 cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse" #: cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "WordPress abhärten" #. "Enumeration" would originally translate to "Aufzählung" but does not quite fit. #: cerber-settings.php:404 cerber-settings.php:451 #, fuzzy msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Benutzererfassung stoppen" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Deaktiviere XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Zugriff auf den XML-RPC Server sperren (Pingbacks und Trackbacks eingeschlossen)" #: cerber-settings.php:439 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Feeds deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:440 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Zugriff auf den RSS-, den Atom- und den RDF-Feed blockieren" #: cerber-settings.php:456 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "REST API deaktivieren" #: cerber-load.php:4893 cerber-load.php:5981 #, fuzzy msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber ist nun aktiv und schützt ihre Website" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 admin/cerber-users.php:929 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "Action" msgstr "Aktion" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5630 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Falsche IP-Adresse oder falscher IP-Bereich" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2890 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1740 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Netzwerk:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1756 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Netzwerk zur schwarzen Liste hinzufügen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2873 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Achtung! Citadel-Modus ist nun aktiv. Niemand kann sich anmelden." #: cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 cerber-common.php:1930 #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:457 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4816 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unbekannt" #: cerber-load.php:743 cerber-load.php:756 cerber-load.php:764 #: cerber-load.php:1112 cerber-load.php:1973 cerber-load.php:2296 #: cerber-load.php:3407 cerber-common.php:455 cerber-common.php:555 #: cerber-common.php:560 cerber-common.php:566 cerber-common.php:570 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:794 admin/cerber-admin.php:875 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "FEHLER:" #: cerber-load.php:778 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Menschlichkeitsnachweis gescheitert. Bitte klicken Sie das quadratische Kästchen im reCAPTCHA-Block unten." #: cerber-load.php:1953 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Benutzername ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte einen anderen wählen." #: cerber-load.php:4852 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "nicht spezifiziert" #: cerber-load.php:4855 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Anzahl an Sperren steigt an" #: cerber-load.php:4864 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Zeige Aktivität für diese IP" #: cerber-load.php:4868 cerber-load.php:4870 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Eine neue Version von WP Cerber ist zur Installation verfügbar" #: cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Hallo!" #. Original translation is "Internetseite" but this translation is not up to time. #: cerber-load.php:4872 cerber-load.php:4883 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: cerber-load.php:4875 cerber-load.php:4876 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Das WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin wurde deaktiviert" #: cerber-load.php:4878 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Nicht angemeldet" #: cerber-load.php:4884 #, fuzzy msgid "By user" msgstr "Von Nutzer" #: cerber-load.php:4885 #, fuzzy msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Von IP-Adresse" #: cerber-load.php:4888 #, fuzzy msgid "From country" msgstr "Vom Land" #: cerber-load.php:4892 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Das WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin ist nun aktiv" #: cerber-load.php:5994 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Import-Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Benachrichtigungslimit" #: cerber-settings.php:668 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Verbotene Benutzernamen" #: cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Benutzernamen von dieser Liste dürfen sich nicht anmelden oder registrieren. Jede IP-Adresse, die versucht hat einen dieser Nutzernamen zu verwenden, wird sofort blockiert. Mit Komma Namen trennen." #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Einstellungen" #. Technical term. #: cerber-settings.php:1344 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Site key" #. Technical term. #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Secret key" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Registrierungsformular" #: cerber-settings.php:1367 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Passwort-Vergessen-Formular" #: cerber-settings.php:1377 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Anmeldeforumlar" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Anmeldeformular" #: cerber-settings.php:1334 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Bevor Sie reCAPTCHA nutzen können, müssen Sie einen Site key und einen Secret key von der Google Website beziehen." #: cerber-lab.php:897 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:103 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:259 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Mehr erfahren" #: cerber-common.php:1661 msgid "User created" msgstr "Benutzer erstellt" #: cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Benutzer registriert" #: cerber-common.php:1701 cerber-common.php:1803 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Bestätigung gescheitert" #: cerber-common.php:1702 cerber-common.php:1804 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Einstellungen sind falsch" #: cerber-common.php:1706 cerber-common.php:1907 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Zugriffsversuch auf verbotene URL" #: cerber-common.php:1708 cerber-common.php:1909 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Anmeldeversuch mit verbotenem Benutzernamen" #: cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Cerber Lab Verbindung" #: cerber-settings.php:338 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab senden" #: cerber-settings.php:343 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab Protokoll" #: cerber-settings.php:1238 cerber-settings.php:1357 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registrierungsformular" #: cerber-settings.php:1363 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Registrierungsformular" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Passwort-Vergessen-Formular" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Passwort-Vergessen-Formular" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Aktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Anmeldeformular" #: cerber-common.php:1703 cerber-common.php:1805 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Anfrage an den Google reCAPTCHA Dienst gescheitert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1061 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1072 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2744 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4608 msgid "View all" msgstr "Zeige alle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2752 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Kürzlich ausgesperrte IP-Adressen" #. "OK, vernichte sie alle" is a nicer translation for "OK, kill them all" ... too harsh or does it fit? #: cerber-lab.php:895 #, fuzzy msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, vernichte sie alle" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NEIN, vielleicht später" #. Dashboard is in German more common in this context as the actual translation "Amaturenbrett" which is only used for non-digital things like in cars! #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2141 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3184 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5292 #, fuzzy msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" #: cerber-lab.php:893 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Wollen Sie WP Cerber noch stärker machen?" #: cerber-lab.php:894 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Erlaube WP Cerber ausgesperrte bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab zu senden. Dies hilft dem Plugin-Team neue Algorithmen für WP Cerber zu entwickeln, die WordPress gegen täglich auftretende neue Bedrohungen und Botnets verteidigen. Sie können das Senden jederzeit in den Plugin-Einstellungen deaktivieren." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4059 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP-Adresse" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:952 msgid "User login" msgstr "Benutzer-Anmeldung" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:953 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4065 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Benutzer-ID" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1362 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4636 msgid "Export" msgstr "Export" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1415 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Suche nach IP oder Nutzernamen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1426 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber Dashboard" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber Werkzeuge" #: cerber-load.php:5711 admin/cerber-users.php:923 msgid "User" msgstr "Benutzer" #: cerber-load.php:5719 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Such-String" #: cerber-settings.php:366 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumsformat" #: cerber-settings.php:367 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "wenn leer, dann wird das Standard Format %s verwendet" #: cerber-settings.php:777 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push-Benachrichtigungen" #: cerber-settings.php:749 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Email-Benachrichtigungen" #: cerber-settings.php:759 cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:922 #: cerber-settings.php:1109 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Mit Komma mehrere Werte trennen" #: cerber-settings.php:118 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Alle verbundenen Geräte" #: cerber-settings.php:121 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Kein Gerät gefunden" #: cerber-settings.php:125 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Nicht verfügbar" #: cerber-common.php:1693 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Passwort Zurücksetzung angefordert" #: cerber-common.php:1910 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Grenze an fehlgeschlagenen reCAPTCHA ist erreicht" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Eingeschränkte Zugangsregeln für IP Adresse in der White IP Liste anwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:279 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Zeige 404 Seite" #: cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Unsichtbares reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Unsichtbares reCAPTCHA aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(nicht anwenden, sofern nicht Seite betreten wurde und Geheimschlüssel für unsichtbare Version erhalten)" #: cerber-settings.php:1388 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für WordPress Kommentarformular aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1403 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Versuche Einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:1404 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "IP Adresse für %s Minuten nach %s fehlgeschlagenen Versuchen innerhalb von %s Minuten sperren" #: cerber-settings.php:290 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "Im Citadel Modus kann sich niemand einloggen, außer IPs auf der White IP Zugangsliste. Laufende Sitzungen werden nicht beeinflusst." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:949 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1331 msgid "Event" msgstr "Ereignis" #: cerber-common.php:388 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spam Kommentare verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:390 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Schadhafte IP Adresse gefunden" #: cerber-common.php:391 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Sperre aufgetreten" #: cerber-load.php:1932 cerber-load.php:1938 cerber-load.php:1943 #: cerber-load.php:1963 cerber-load.php:1968 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Registrierung nicht erlaubt." #: cerber-common.php:1678 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Spam Kommentar verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1711 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Loginversuch verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1712 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Registrierungsversuch verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:385 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Schadhafte Aktivitäten gemildert" #: cerber-settings.php:1243 cerber-settings.php:1387 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Kommentarformular" #: cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Schützen Sie das Kommentarformular mit der Bot-Erkennung" #: cerber-settings.php:1239 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Schützen Sie das Registrierungsformular mit Bot-Erkennung" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5482 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnose" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5485 msgid "License" msgstr "Lizenz" #: cerber-load.php:2296 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Entschuldigung, der Menschlichkeitsnachweis ist fehlgeschlagen.\n" "" #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Bot-Aktivität wurde erkannt" #: cerber-settings.php:1315 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Kommentarverarbeitung" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "wenn ein Spam-Kommentar erkannt wird" #: cerber-settings.php:1324 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Spam-Kommentar in den Papierkorb legen" #: cerber-settings.php:1326 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Verschieben Sie die Spam-Kommentare anschließend in den Papierkorb" #: cerber-common.php:1679 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Spam in Formular geblockt" #: cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "andere Formulare" #: cerber-settings.php:1255 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Schützen Sie alle Formulare auf der Website mit der Bot-Erkennungs-Engine" #: cerber-settings.php:1290 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Abgesicherter Modus" #: cerber-settings.php:1291 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Weniger restriktive Richtlinien verwenden (AJAX zulassen)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1329 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber Sicherheitsregeln" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5409 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Sicherheitsregeln" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1969 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1893 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1970 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registriert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2017 admin/cerber-users.php:52 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1082 msgid "You" msgstr "Du" #: cerber-common.php:389 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Spam Formular-Übermittlungen verweigert\n" "" #: cerber-load.php:4895 cerber-load.php:5985 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Leitfaden für den Einstieg" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5411 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3788 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Erlaubt für ein Land" msgstr[1] "Erlaubt für %d Länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Keine Regel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3960 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Sicherheitsregeln wurden aktualisiert" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-common.php:1680 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Formular-Übermittlung verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1681 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Kommentar verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1717 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Anfrage an REST API verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1752 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot erkannt" #: cerber-common.php:1753 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadel-Modus ist aktiv" #: cerber-common.php:1757 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Bösartige Aktivität entdeckt" #: cerber-common.php:1758 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Gesperrt durch Länderregel" #: cerber-common.php:1759 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limit erreicht" #: cerber-common.php:1760 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Mehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten" #: cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Mehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten erkannt" #: cerber-settings.php:476 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Geben Sie die REST API Namespaces an, die zugelassen werden sollen, falls die REST API deaktiviert ist. Ein String pro Zeile." #: cerber-settings.php:584 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Registrierungs-Beschränkung" #: cerber-settings.php:695 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "nach Registrierungsdatum" #: cerber-settings.php:1305 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "IP Whitelist abfragen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3768 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Beginnen Sie hier mit der Eingabe, um ein Land zu finden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3883 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Klicken Sie auf einen Ländernamen, um ihn zur Liste der ausgewählten Länder hinzuzufügen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3915 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Formulare absenden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3916 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Kommentare veröffentlichen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3914 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Auf der Website registrieren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3917 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC benutzen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3918 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "REST API benutzen" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Alles verbieten" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Als Spam markieren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3185 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Haupteinstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:792 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Wöchentliche Berichte" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:697 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:698 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin verwenden, müssen Sie Ihre neue Anmelde-URL zur Liste der Seiten hinzufügen, die nicht gecached werden sollen." #: cerber-load.php:4914 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Wöchentlicher Bericht" #: cerber-load.php:4917 cerber-load.php:4925 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Um die Einstellungen für die Berichte zu ändern besuchen Sie" #: cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Ihre Anmeldeseite:" #: cerber-load.php:4956 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Ihre Lizenz ist gültig bis" #: cerber-load.php:5062 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Aktivitätsdetails" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:590 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Klicken Sie, um jetzt zu senden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:671 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "E-Mail wurde gesendet an" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:674 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "E-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden an" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3791 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Nicht erlaubt für 1 Land" msgstr[1] "Nicht erlaubt für %d Länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3887 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder dürfen %s, anderen Ländern ist es nicht erlaubt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3890 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder dürfen nicht %s, anderen Ländern ist es erlaubt" #: cerber-load.php:5050 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Wöchentlicher Bericht" #: cerber-settings.php:282 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "404-Template des aktiven Themes nutzen" #: cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Einfache 404-Seite anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:1306 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie einen Teil eines Query Strings oder eines Query Paths ein, um einen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile." #: cerber-settings.php:796 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Berichte aktivieren" #: cerber-load.php:4980 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Ihre letzte Anmeldung war am %s von %s aus" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Optionaler Kommentar zu diesem Eintrag" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:365 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Sie können Ihre IP-Adresse oder Ihr Netzwerk nicht hinzufügen." #: cerber-settings.php:600 cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Um einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren umschliessen Sie diesen mit zwei Vorwärts-Schrägstrichen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber Traffic Inspektor" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2104 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5363 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Traffic Inspektor" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2143 admin/cerber-users.php:1116 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Traffic" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4544 msgid "Request" msgstr "Anfrage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4546 admin/cerber-users.php:928 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Host-Informationen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4547 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User Agent" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4613 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Formularübermittlungen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4614 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Seite nicht gefunden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4621 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Länger als" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4644 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Aktualisieren" #: cerber-common.php:283 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Auf Anfragen prüfen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4679 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nicht spezifiziert" #: cerber-settings.php:874 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Loggingmodus" #: cerber-settings.php:877 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Logging deaktiviert" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Smart" #: cerber-settings.php:880 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Sämtlicher Traffic" #: cerber-settings.php:920 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Diese von Feldern maskieren" #: cerber-settings.php:961 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "Millisekunden" #: cerber-settings.php:822 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Traffic-Inspektion aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Anforderungsfeld speichern" #: cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Seitengenerierung Zeitschwelle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "enabled" msgstr "aktiviert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "no connection" msgstr "keine Verbindung" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1921 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Zuletzt gesehen" #: cerber-load.php:4688 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Es tut uns leid, aber Sie dürfen nicht fortfahren" #: cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Whitelist anfordern" #: cerber-settings.php:841 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie einen Anforderungs-URI ein, um die Anforderung von der Inspektion auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile." #: cerber-settings.php:928 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Request-Header speichern" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Speichern $_SERVER" #: cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Suchanfragen-Cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Admin-Skripte schützen" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Nicht autorisierten Zugang zu load.scripts.php und load-styles.php blockieren" #: cerber-common.php:3281 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Kann Verzeichnis nicht erstellen" #: cerber-common.php:3286 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Zugang zum Zielordner verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:3289 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Datei nicht gefunden" #: cerber-common.php:3292 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht kopieren" #: cerber-common.php:3298 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht löschen" #: cerber-settings.php:145 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Security Engine laden" #: cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Legacy-Modus" #: cerber-settings.php:149 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standard-Modus" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Plugin-Initialisierungsmodus wurde nicht geändert" #: cerber-common.php:1715 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Datei-Upload abgelehnt" #: cerber-settings.php:841 cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Um ein REGEX-Pattern zu spezifizieren, schließen Sie eine ganze Zeile in zwei Klammern ein." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Seien Sie vorsichtig mit der Aktivierung dieser Optionen." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Falls Sie Ihre individuelle Login-URL vergessen, können Sie sich nicht einloggen." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5424 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integrität der Seite" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:683 cerber-settings.php:825 #: cerber-settings.php:856 cerber-settings.php:990 cerber-settings.php:999 #: cerber-settings.php:1466 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2128 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2130 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:474 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Deaktiviert" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2129 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Quick Scan" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2131 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Komplettscan" #: cerber-common.php:1751 cerber-common.php:1761 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Verweigert" #: cerber-settings.php:174 cerber-settings.php:610 cerber-settings.php:637 #: cerber-settings.php:831 cerber-settings.php:1300 cerber-settings.php:1398 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "White IP Zugriffsliste verwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Dashboard-Weiterleitung deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:243 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Automatische Weiterleitung auf die Login-Seite deaktivieren, wenn /wp-admin/ von einer nicht autorisierten Anforderung angefordert wird" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Scanner-Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:1022 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Individuelle Signaturen" #: cerber-settings.php:1026 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Individuelle PHP-Codesignaturen spezifizieren. Ein Element pro Zeile. Um ein REGEX-Pattern zu spezifizieren, schließen Sie eine ganze Zeile mit zwei Klammern ein." #: cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Unerwünschte Dateierweiterungen" #: cerber-settings.php:1019 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Spezifizieren Sie die zu suchenden Dateierweiterungen. Nur Komplettscan. Elemente mit Kommas trennen." #: cerber-settings.php:1029 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Auszuschließende Verzeichnisse" #: cerber-settings.php:1051 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Dateien in Quarantäne anschließend löschen" #: cerber-settings.php:1064 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Quick Scan starten" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Jede Stunde" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Alle 3 Stunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Alle 6 Stunden" #: cerber-settings.php:1069 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Komplett-Scan starten" #: cerber-settings.php:1084 cerber-settings.php:1130 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Niedrige Schwere" #: cerber-settings.php:1085 cerber-settings.php:1131 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Mittlere Schwere" #: cerber-settings.php:1086 cerber-settings.php:1132 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Hohe Schwere" #: cerber-settings.php:1081 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Melden Sie ein Problem, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte zutrifft" #: cerber-settings.php:1090 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "E-Mail-Bericht senden" #: cerber-settings.php:1093 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Nach jedem Scan" #: cerber-settings.php:1094 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Falls irgendwelche Veränderungen in den Scan-Ergebnissen aufgetreten sind" #: cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Dateigrößen einschließen" #: cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Scan-Fehler einschließen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5426 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Sicherheits-Scanner" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5428 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planung" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:173 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Aktuell ist ein geplanter Scan im Gange. Bitte warten Sie, bis dieser beendet ist." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Der vor %s gestartete Scan wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Weiter scannen?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:72 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Anscheinend wurde diese Website noch nie gescannt. Um einen Scan zu beginnen, klicken Sie auf den nachstehenden Button." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:186 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Quick-Scan starten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Komplettscan starten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Scan unterbrechen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Scan fortsetzen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 admin/cerber-tools.php:355 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:227 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Löschen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifiziert" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integritätsdaten nicht gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Konnte die Integrität des Plugins aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Konnte die Integrität von WordPress aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Konnte die Integrität des Themes aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht verarbeiten" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4612 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht öffnen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Prüfsumme stimmt nicht überein" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Verdächtiger Code gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Unbeaufsichtigte verdächtige Datei" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Ausführbarer Code gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Unerwünschte Dateierweiterung" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Inhalt wurde gerändert" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Neue Datei" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Individuelle Signatur gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Parse die Dateiliste" #: cerber-scanner.php:3698 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Überprüfe auf neue und geänderte Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:3699 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verifiziere die Integrität von WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verifiziere die Integrität der Plugins" #: cerber-scanner.php:3703 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verifiziere die Integrität der Themes" #: cerber-scanner.php:3705 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Suche nach schädlichem Code" #: cerber-scanner.php:3706 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Schließe Scan ab" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Dateien zum Scannen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritische Probleme" #: cerber-scanner.php:4776 admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Probleme gesamt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:360 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Dateizugangsfehler. Mögliche Scan-Ergebnisse sind veraltet. Bitte starten Sie einen Quick-Scan oder einen Komplettscan" #: cerber-scanner.php:4911 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Um den gesamten Bericht einzusehen, besuchen Sie" #: cerber-load.php:4922 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Scanner Bericht" #: cerber-settings.php:987 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Neue Dateien überwachen" #: cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Geänderte Dateien überwachen" #: cerber-settings.php:1095 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Falls neue Probleme gefunden werden" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:978 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Der Zeitplan wurde aktualisiert" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Verdächtige Verzeichnisse gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Verdächtige Codeanweisungen gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Verdächtige Codesignaturen gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Um dieses Problem zu lösen, müssen Sie %s neu installieren oder auf die aktuellste Version aktualisieren." #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv zum Bezug hoch" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Problem lösen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:251 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Wir haben keine zu verifizierenden Integritätsdaten gefunden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:253 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Sie müssen ein ZIP-Archiv hochladen, von dem Sie es installiert haben. So kann der Sicherheitsscanner die Integrität des Codes verifizieren und Malware erkennen." #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Komplettscan Bericht" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Quick-Scan Bericht" #: cerber-scanner.php:4761 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Dateien gescannt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:325 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1684 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1741 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1872 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Auf Aktivitäten prüfen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1903 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktiviert" #: cerber-common.php:1726 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Schädliche Anforderung verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1740 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Nutzer aktiviert" #: cerber-common.php:1763 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Verdächtige Anzahl an Feldern" #: cerber-common.php:1764 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Verdächtige Anzahl an verschachtelten Werten" #: cerber-common.php:1765 cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Schädlicher Code entdeckt" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Versuch eine Datei mit schädlichem Code hochzuladen" #: cerber-common.php:2198 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Verwundbarkeit gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Konnte Integrität aufgrund eines DB-Fehlers nicht überprüfen" #: cerber-settings.php:1059 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Automatisierter wiederkehrender Scan-Zeitplan" #: cerber-settings.php:1076 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Scan Ergebnisberichte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1082 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Verdächtige Aktivität" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4610 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Fehler" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Schützt WordPress vor Hackerangriffen, Spam, Trojanern und Viren. Malware-Scanner und Integritätsüberprüfer. Verstärkt WordPress mit einer Reihe umfassender Sicherheitsalgorithmen. Spam-Schutz mit fortschrittlicher Bot-Erkennungs-Engine und reCAPTCHA. Trackt Nutzer- und Eindringlingsaktivität mit leistungsstarken E-Mail-, Mobil- und Desktopbenachrichtigungen." #: cerber-load.php:394 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Sie haben die Anzahl erlaubter Login-Versuche überschritten. Bitte versuchen Sie es in %d Minuten erneut." #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "in %s" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:571 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "um" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5431 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarantäne" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:80 msgid "Started" msgstr "Gestartet" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:84 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Beendet" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:92 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performance" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Verwundbarkeiten" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Neue Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Veränderte Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Unerwünschte Erweiterungen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Unbeaufsichtigte Dateien" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 admin/cerber-admin.php:769 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Gescannt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:713 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Es befinden sich aktuell keine Dateien in der Quarantäne." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:751 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Wiederherstellen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:748 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Dauerhaft löschen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatische Löschung" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 admin/cerber-admin.php:927 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "Size" msgstr "Größe" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 msgid "File" msgstr "Datei" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:846 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Die Datei wurde dauerhaft gelöscht." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Die Datei wurde an ihrem ursprünglichen Speicherort wiederhergestellt." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2144 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integrität" #: cerber-common.php:1714 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Versuch schädliche Datei hochzuladen verweigert" #: cerber-load.php:8063 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Super!" #: cerber-settings.php:1118 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatische Bereinigung von Malware und verdächtigen Dateien" #: cerber-settings.php:1219 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Dateien im Sitzungsverzeichnis" #: cerber-settings.php:1199 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Dateien in diesen Verzeichnissen" #: cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Absolute Pfade verwenden. Ein Element pro Zeile" #: cerber-settings.php:1206 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen" #: cerber-settings.php:1212 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Separate Elemente mit Komma trennen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5429 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Bereinigen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Schädlicher Code gefunden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Diese Datei enthält ausführbaren Code und könnte entstellte Malware enthalten. Falls diese Datei Teil eines Themes oder Plugins ist, muss sie sich im Theme- oder Plugin-Ordner befinden. Keine Ausnahmen, keine Ausreden." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Der Scanner erkennt diese Datei als \"besitzerlos\" oder \"nicht gebundelt\" an, weil sie zu keinem bekannten Teil der Website gehört und nicht da sein sollte." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Sie könnte nach einem Upgrade auf eine neuere Version von %s zurückbleiben. Ebenfalls könnte sie Teil von entstellter Malware sein. In seltenen Fällen könnte sie Teil eines individuell geschriebenen Plugins oder Themes sein." #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Die Inhalte der Datei wurden geändert und stimmen nicht mit den Inhalten des offiziellen WordPress-Repositoriums oder einer vorher von Ihnen hochgeladenen Referenz-Datei überein. Die Datei könnte von Malware verändert, von einem Virus infiziert oder manipuliert worden sein." #: cerber-scanner.php:4835 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Gelöscht" #: cerber-scanner.php:4895 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatisch in Quarantäne verschoben" #: cerber-common.php:1766 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Verdächtiger SQL-Code entdeckt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2125 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Letzer Malware-Scan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Live-Traffic" #: cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "PHP in Uploads deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "PHP-Fehleranzeige deaktivieren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5430 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Liste ignorieren" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:230 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorieren" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:885 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Anwenden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:925 msgid "Added" msgstr "Hinzugefügt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Von der Liste entfernen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Nutzereinblicke" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Trafficeinblicke" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Aktivitäteneinblicke" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3330 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Dateien löschen möchten?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3331 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Diese Dateien wurden in die Quarantäne verschoben" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3334 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Möchten Sie die ausgewählten Dateien der Ignore-List hinzufügen?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3335 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Diese Dateien wurden der Ignore-List hinzugefügt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3337 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Es sind einige Fehler aufgetreten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3338 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Alle Dateien wurden verarbeitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5770 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Erfahren Sie mehr über alle Vorteile bei" #: cerber-common.php:1767 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Verdächtiger JavaScript-Code entdeckt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:981 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Zeitplan konnte nicht aktualisiert werden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:784 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Alle Scans" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:891 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Die Liste ist leer." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Es stimmen keine Dateien mit dem eingestellten Filter überein." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Klicken Sie hier, um die vollständige Dateienliste zu sehen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:950 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Weitere Details" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4066 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Seitengenerierungszeit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5950 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Einloggen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5951 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Ausloggen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5952 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrieren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5955 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "WooCommerce Login" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5956 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "WooCommerce Logout" #: cerber-common.php:1755 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP-Adresse ist ausgesperrt" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Mehrere Verdächtige Anfragen" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Traffic-Überprüfung" #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Maximale Kompatibilität" #: cerber-settings.php:827 cerber-settings.php:858 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Maximale Sicherheit" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Fehlerhafte Anfrage-Abschirmung" #: cerber-settings.php:853 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Fehler-Abschirmung aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Software-Fehler speichern" #: cerber-scanner.php:3692 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Für den Scan vorbereiten" #: cerber-common.php:1768 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Vom Administrator blockiert" #: cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Sie dürfen sich nicht einloggen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Nutzer blockieren" #: admin/cerber-users.php:43 admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Nutzer darf sich nicht auf der Website einloggen" #: cerber-settings.php:644 admin/cerber-users.php:68 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Nutzer-Nachricht" #: admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Eine optionale Nachricht für diesen Nutzer" #: admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Blockierte Nutzer" #: cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Zugriff auf Nutzerseiten wie /?author=n blockieren" #: cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Zugriff auf WordPress REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Zugriff auf WordPress REST API blockieren, mit Ausnahme der folgenden" #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "REST API für diese Rollen zulassen" #: cerber-settings.php:472 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Diese Namensräume zulassen" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Diese Einschränkungen gelten nicht für IP-Adressen auf der White IP Zugriffsliste" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Eine oder mehrere Rollen auswählen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1414 admin/cerber-users.php:971 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Nach registriertem Nutzer filtern" #: cerber-settings.php:631 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Nur autorisierte Nutzer" #: cerber-settings.php:632 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Nur registrierte und eingeloggte Website-Nutzer können auf die Website zugreifen" #: cerber-settings.php:648 cerber-settings.php:1744 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Nur registrierte und eingeloggte Nutzer dürfen sich diese Website ansehen" #: cerber-settings.php:653 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "An URL weiterleiten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5484 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Änderungsprotokoll" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:741 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Standardeinstellungen wurden geladen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3775 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Alle Regeln speichern" #: cerber-common.php:1743 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Ungültige Master-Anmeldedaten" #: cerber-settings.php:1411 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Master-Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:1419 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Zur Website-Liste zurückkehren" #: cerber-settings.php:1423 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "\"Eingeschaltet\"-Benachrichtigung anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:1427 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "@-Seite zum Seitentitel hinzufügen" #: cerber-settings.php:1046 cerber-settings.php:1444 cerber-settings.php:1472 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Diagnoseprotokollierung aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1455 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Zugriff nach IP-Adresse einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:1461 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Zugriff auf diese Website" #: cerber-settings.php:1464 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Vollzugriffmodus" #: cerber-settings.php:1465 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Schreibgeschützter Modus" #: cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Der Vollzugriffmodus erfordert die PRO-Version von WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Malware-Scan" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notizen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Eine Slave-Website hinzufügen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1037 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Ergebnisse suchen für:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Wechseln zu" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Keine Websites konfiguriert." #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Eine neue hinzufügen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Website-Eigenschaften" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "Website URL" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Anzeigen als" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Website-Eigentümer" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:691 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Die Website, die Sie hinzufügen möchten, ist bereits auf der Liste" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:700 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Die Website wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:701 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Zum Bearbeiten klicken" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Auf das Dashboard wechseln" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:705 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Bitte beachten Sie: Sie haben eine Website hinzugefügt, die keine SSL-Verschlüsselung unterstützt. Diese könnte zu Datenverlust fühlen." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:824 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Website wurde gelöscht" msgstr[1] "Plural: %s Websites wurden gelöscht" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1074 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Sie sind gewechselt auf %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1084 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Sie sind auf die Master-Website gewechselt" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1300 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Sie sind hier:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1303 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Meine Websites" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Slave-Modus aktivieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Diese Website kann von einer Master-Website verwaltet werden" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Master-Modus aktivieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Diese Website als Master-Website zur Verwaltung anderer Websites konfigurieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte den Modus für diese Website aus" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Slave-Einstellungen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Geheimer Zugriffs-Token" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Der Token ist einzigartig für diese Website. Halten Sie ihn geheim. Installieren Sie den Token auf einer Master-Website, um Zugriff auf die Website zu gewähren." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Sind Sie sicher? Dies macht den Token dauerhaft ungültig." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Slave-Modus deaktivieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Diese Website ist als Master-Website eingestellt." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Slave-Websites mit Zugriffs-Token hinzufügen." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Diese Website ist als Slave-Website eingestellt." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Den Zugriffs-Token auf der Master-Website installieren." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s Sek" msgstr[1] "Plural: %s Sekunden" #: cerber-settings.php:800 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Berichte senden an" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Updates" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Gruppe" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "WP Cerber upgraden" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Alle aktiven Plugins upgraden" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Website löschen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Alle Gruppen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1384 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Websites löschen möchten?" #: admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Blockieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Wählen Sie eine bestehende Gruppe aus oder tragen Sie eine neue ein, um sie hinzuzufügen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "Unternehmen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Ungültige Antwort von der Slave-Website" #: cerber-common.php:1707 cerber-common.php:1908 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Login-Versuch mit nicht existierendem Nutzernamen" #: cerber-load.php:5076 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Login-Versuche mit nicht existierenden Nutzernamen" #: cerber-settings.php:1431 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Master-Website verwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Nicht existierende Nutzer" #: cerber-settings.php:248 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "IP sofort blockieren bei Login-Versuch mit nicht existierendem Nutzernamen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Eigentümer" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Master-Modus deaktivieren" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Um den Token aufzuheben und die Fernverwaltung zu deaktivieren, klicken Sie hier:" #: cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Blockieren der Ausführung von PHP-Skripten im WordPress-Medienordner" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1451 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1459 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Aktive Plugins und Updates auf" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1429 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Es ist eine neuere Version verfügbar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1076 msgid "New users" msgstr "Neue Benutzer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1096 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Meine Aktivitäten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2993 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Warnung erstellen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2997 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Warnung löschen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3095 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "Die Warnung wurde erstellt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3104 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "Die Warnung wurde gelöscht" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4626 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Erweiterte Suche" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-load.php:5743 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Zum Löschen des Alarms hier klicken." #: cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "Die benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL darf nur lateinische alphanumerische Zeichen, Bindestriche und Unterstriche enthalten" #: cerber-settings.php:264 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Site-spezifische Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:272 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Präfix für Plugin-Cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Präfix darf nur lateinische alphanumerische Zeichen und Unterstriche enthalten" #: cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Sperrbenachrichtigungen" #: cerber-settings.php:782 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Pushbullet-Zugangs-Token" #: cerber-settings.php:785 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Pushbullet-Gerät" #: cerber-settings.php:1123 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Unbeaufsichtigte Dateien löschen" #: cerber-settings.php:1182 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Auto-Wiederherstellung von geänderten und infizierten Dateien" #: cerber-settings.php:1185 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "WordPress-Dateien wiederherstellen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Datei gelöscht" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Datei gerettet" #: cerber-scanner.php:3700 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Wiederherstellen von WordPress-Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:3702 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Wiederherstellen von Plug-in-Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:4839 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Gerettet" #: cerber-scanner.php:4896 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Automatisch gelöscht" #: cerber-scanner.php:4899 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automatisch wiederhergestellt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Cerber Benutzersicherheit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5389 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Benutzerrichtlinien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2147 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Eine neue Version ist verfügbar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5392 msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" #: cerber-common.php:1769 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Durchsetzung der Website-Policy" #: cerber-common.php:1770 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "2FA-Code verifiziert" #: cerber-common.php:1771 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Durch den Benutzer eingeleitet" #: cerber-common.php:2321 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Eine neue Version von %s ist verfügbar. Bitte installieren Sie sie." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ist nicht zulässig." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie eine andere." #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Durch Benutzerrollenrichtlinien estimmt" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Immer aktiviert" #: admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "2FA-Pin-Code" #: admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Alle Änderungen sichern" #: admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Zugriff auf das WordPress-Dashboard sperren" #: admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Toolbar beim Anzeigen der Website ausblenden" #: admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Umleitungsregeln" #: admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Benutzer nach Login umleiten" #: admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Benutzer nach Logout umleiten" #: cerber-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-users.php:440 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Ablaufzeit der Benutzersitzung" #: admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung" #: admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Erweiterter Modus" #: admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Erzwingen Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung, wenn eine der folgenden Bedingungen erfüllt ist" #: admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Anmeldung aus einem anderen Land" #: admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Anmeldung aus einem anderen Netzwerk der Klasse C" #: admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Anmeldung von einer anderen IP-Adresse" #: admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Erzwinge Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit festen Intervallen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Regelmäßige Zeiträume (Tage)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Feste Anzahl von Logins" #: admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "Anzahl Logins" #: admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Richtlinien wurden aktualisiert" #: cerber-settings.php:590 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:593 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Keine Einschränkungen" #: cerber-settings.php:594 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Alle E-Mail-Adressen ablehnen, die folgendem entsprechen" #: cerber-settings.php:595 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Nur E-Mail-Adressen zulassen, die dem Folgenden entsprechen" #: cerber-settings.php:600 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "E-Mail-Adressen-, Wildcards- oder REGEX-Muster angeben. Elementen durch Kommas trennen." #: cerber-settings.php:1196 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Diese Dateien werden bei der automatischen Bereinigung nie gelöscht." #: cerber-2fa.php:363 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Dieser Bestätigungs-PIN-Code ist abgelaufen. Wir haben soeben einen neuen an Ihre E-Mail gesendet." #: cerber-2fa.php:366 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Sie haben einen falschen Bestätigungs-PIN-Code eingegeben" #: cerber-2fa.php:413 cerber-2fa.php:501 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie es sind" #: cerber-2fa.php:523 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Hier sind die Details des Anmeldeversuchs" #: cerber-2fa.php:577 msgid "expires" msgstr "Läuft ab" #: cerber-2fa.php:654 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "es sind nur Ziffern erlaubt" #: cerber-2fa.php:657 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Wir haben einen Bestätigungs-PIN-Code an Ihre E-Mail gesendet" #: cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Geben Sie den Code aus der E-Mail in das Feld unten ein." #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Erneut versuchen" #: cerber-2fa.php:661 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5839 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "or" msgstr "oder" #: cerber-2fa.php:668 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Bestätigen Sie, dass Sie es sind" #: cerber-2fa.php:673 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Bestätigen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung E-Mail" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3718 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Rollenbasierte Regeln werden konfiguriert" #: admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "blockiert von %s um %s" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Der Code ist für %s Minuten gültig." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:372 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Die IP-Adresse %s wurde zur weißen Liste IP Zugang hinzugefügt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Die IP-Adresse %s wurde zur schwarzen Liste IP Zugang hinzugefügt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:211 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:947 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1327 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4545 #: admin/cerber-users.php:927 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP-Adresse" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:954 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1333 msgid "Username" msgstr "Benutzername" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3800 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Jedes Land ist erlaubt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3405 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5294 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sitzungen" #: cerber-load.php:1717 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "Die Sitzung wurde beendet" msgstr[1] "Sitzungen wurden beendet" #: admin/cerber-users.php:925 msgid "Created" msgstr "Erstellt" #: admin/cerber-users.php:946 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Sitzung beenden" #: admin/cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Benutzer sperren" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1079 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1092 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Alle Logins" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1093 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Benutzeraktivität" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1139 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Beenden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "Benutzer" msgstr[1] "Benutzer" #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Zugriff auf Nutzerdaten per REST API blockieren" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Löschen nicht möglich" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Cerber Data Shield Richtlinien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Data Shield" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Data Shield Richtlinien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5381 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Konten & Rollen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5382 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Website-Einstellungen" #: cerber-common.php:1720 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Benutzererstellung verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1722 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Rollenupdate verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1723 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Einstellungsupdate verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1776 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Berechtigung verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1778 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Ungültiger Benutzer" #: cerber-common.php:1779 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Falsches Passwort" #: cerber-settings.php:487 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Benutzerkonten schützen" #: cerber-settings.php:492 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Erstellung von Benutzerkonten und Benutzerverwaltung mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:498 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Benutzerregistrierungen sind auf folgende Rollen beschränkt" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Benutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, neue Konten zu erstellen" #: cerber-settings.php:509 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Benutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, sensible Benutzerdaten zu ändern" #: cerber-settings.php:514 cerber-settings.php:542 cerber-settings.php:571 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Diese Richtlinien nicht auf die IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Zugang anwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:522 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Benutzerrollen schützen" #: cerber-settings.php:526 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Verwaltung von Rollen und Funktionen mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:532 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Benutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, neue Rollen hinzuzufügen" #: cerber-settings.php:537 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Benutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, Rollenfunktionen zu ändern" #: cerber-settings.php:550 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Website-Einstellungen schützen" #: cerber-settings.php:554 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Aktualisieren von Website-Einstellungen mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:560 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Benutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, geschützte Einstellungen zu ändern" #: cerber-settings.php:565 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Geschützte Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:638 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Diese Richtlinie nicht auf die IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Zugriff anwenden" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Server Land" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Alle Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Alle Länder" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Homepage in der Spalte Website anzeigen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "IP-Adresse des Servers verbergen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:341 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IP-Adresse, Bereich, Wildcard oder CIDR" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Eintrag zufügen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5634 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Die IP-Adresse, die Sie hinzufügen möchten, ist bereits in der Liste enthalten" #: cerber-common.php:1674 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "IP-Subnetz blockiert" #: cerber-common.php:1721 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "Update der Benutzerzeile verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1724 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "Update der Benutzer-Metadaten verweigert" #: cerber-settings.php:1562 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Jede Aktivität" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "Beim Importieren von Einträgen der Zugriffsliste ist ein Datenbankfehler aufgetreten" #: cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Überwachung des Authentifizierungsprotokolls aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:325 cerber-settings.php:967 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Protokollierung von nicht angemeldeten Besuchern behalten für" #: cerber-settings.php:331 cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Protokollierung von angemeldeten Besuchern behalten für" #: admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Admin-Notiz" #: cerber-settings.php:703 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Persönliche Daten" #: cerber-settings.php:709 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Datenlöschung aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:716 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Benutzersitzungen beenden" #: cerber-settings.php:717 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Daten Benutzersitzungen löschen, wenn Benutzerdaten gelöscht" #: cerber-settings.php:723 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Datenexport aktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:730 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Aktivitätsprotokoll-Ereignisse einbeziehen" #: cerber-settings.php:736 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "Traffic Log-Einträge einbeziehen" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URL-Abfrage" #: cerber-settings.php:740 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Daten der Formularfelder" #: cerber-settings.php:741 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Cerber Antispam-Einstellungen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Antispam" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Add-ons" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5343 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Einstellungen für Anti-Spam und Bot-Erkennung" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5345 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Anti-spam engine" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Mehrere fehlerhafte Anfragen" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:340 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s Neuversuche sind innerhalb von %s Minuten erlaubt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:346 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "%s Registrierungen sind innerhalb von %s Minuten von einer IP-Adresse erlaubt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:369 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Nach %s gescheiterten Anmeldeversuchen in den letzten %s Minuten aktivieren." #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Zugriff auf die WordPress-REST-API je nach Bedarf ein oder sperren Sie ihn komplett" #: cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Diese Funktionen helfen Ihrem Unternehmen, die Datenschutzgesetze einzuhalten" #: cerber-settings.php:763 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "wenn leer, wird die E-Mail des Website-Administrators %s verwendet" #: cerber-settings.php:767 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen sind pro Stunde erlaubt (0 bedeutet unbegrenzt)" #: cerber-settings.php:778 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Lassen Sie sich mit mobilen & Desktop-Benachrichtigungen direkt informieren" #: cerber-settings.php:793 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Der wöchentliche Bericht ist eine Zusammenfassung aller Aktivitäten und verdächtigen Ereignisse der letzten sieben Tage" #: cerber-settings.php:806 cerber-settings.php:1108 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "wenn leer, werden die E-Mail-Adressen aus den Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen verwendet" #: cerber-settings.php:818 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Traffic Inspector ist eine kontextabhängige Web Application Firewall (WAF), die Ihre Website schützt, indem sie bösartige HTTP-Anfragen erkennt und abweist" #: cerber-settings.php:850 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "IP-Adressen blockieren, die übermäßige Anfragen für nicht existierende Seiten senden oder die Website auf Sicherheitslücken scannen" #: cerber-settings.php:869 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Traffic Logging" #: cerber-settings.php:870 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Aktivieren Sie die optionale Datenverkehrsprotokollierung, wenn Sie verdächtige & bösartige Aktivitäten überwachen oder Sicherheitsprobleme lösen müssen" #: cerber-settings.php:983 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Der Scanner überwacht Dateiänderungen, prüft die Integrität von WordPress, Plugins und Themes und erkennt Malware" #: cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Geben Sie von der Überprüfung auszuschließenden Verzeichnisse an. Ein Verzeichnis pro Zeile." #: cerber-settings.php:1060 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Der Scanner scannt die Website, entfernt Malware und sendet E-Mail-Berichte mit Ergebnissen des Scans automatisch" #: cerber-settings.php:1077 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Konfigurieren, welche Probleme im E-Mail-Bericht enthalten sind, sowie Bedingung für das Senden von Berichten" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Cerber anti-spam engine" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Antispam-Engine einstellen" #: cerber-settings.php:1287 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie das Verhalten der Anti-Spam-Algorithmen feinabstimmen und Fehlalarme vermeiden" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Wie das Plugin Kommentare verarbeitet, die über das Standard-Kommentarformular eingereicht werden" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Einstellungen aktualisiert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1418 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "Anfrage-ID" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1419 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "In URL suchen" #: cerber-settings.php:991 cerber-settings.php:1000 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "Ausführbare Dateien" #: cerber-settings.php:992 cerber-settings.php:1001 msgid "All files" msgstr "Alle Dateien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1926 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Aktive Sitzungen" #: cerber-settings.php:688 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "Minuten (leer lassen, um den Standardwert von WordPress zu nutzen)" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Einträge laden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1097 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4618 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Meine IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5432 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analytik" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5481 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen verwalten" #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5483 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Diagnose-Log" #: cerber-common.php:1665 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Benutzer gelöscht" #: cerber-common.php:1774 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ist verboten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "In Quarantäne" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Geändert" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1002 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Dateien ohne Dateierweiterung" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Zurück zur Liste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1063 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Kurze Übersicht" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1114 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Ordner" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Path" msgstr "Pfad" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Files" msgstr "Dateien" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Belegter Speicherplatz" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1181 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Keine Dateierweiterung" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1206 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statistik der Dateierweiterungen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1209 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Erweiterung" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Kleinste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Größte" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Durchschnittsgröße" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Älteste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Neuestes" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1232 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "Top 10 größte Dateien" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1391 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Dateiname" #: cerber-settings.php:373 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Datumsformat für CSV-Export" #: cerber-settings.php:374 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "ISO 8601-Datumsformat für CSV-Exportdateien verwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:388 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Meine IP-Adresse" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Meine IP-Adresse bei der Plugin-Aktivierung nicht zur weißen Liste IP Access hinzufügen" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Standardeinstellungen des Plugins laden" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken, werden die Standardeinstellungen von WP Cerber geladen. Die angepasste Anmelde-URL und die Zugriffslisten werden nicht geändert." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Um WP Cerber optimal zu nutzen, folgen Sie diesen Schritten:" #: cerber-common.php:1789 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP auf der weißen Liste" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4617 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Meine Anfragen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3910 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Auf der Website anmelden" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Sicherheit, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: cerber-common.php:1713 cerber-common.php:1913 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Suche nach angreifbarem Code" #: cerber-load.php:5967 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ihre IP-Adresse %s wurde in die weiße Liste IP Access aufgenommen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:974 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Nach IP-Adresse suchen" #: cerber-settings.php:878 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimal" #: cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Bekannte Crawler nicht protokollieren" #: cerber-settings.php:899 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Diese Standorte nicht protokollieren" #: cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie URL-Pfade an, um Anfragen von der Protokollierung auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile." #: cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Diese Benutzer-Agenten nicht protokollieren" #: cerber-settings.php:911 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie Benutzer-Agenten an, um Anfragen von der Protokollierung auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4739 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Unbekannter Google Bot" #: cerber-common.php:1780 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "IP-Adresse ist nicht zulässig" #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Nur Benutzer von IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Access dürfen sich auf der Website registrieren" #: cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "User message" msgstr "Nachricht an Benutzer" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Datei fehlt" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Diese Datei fehlt. Sie wurde gelöscht oder wurde nicht installiert." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Fehler: Datei %s kann nicht verwendet werden." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Fehler: Datei %s nicht verwendbar." #: cerber-settings.php:231 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Verzögertes Rendern" #: cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Rendering der angepassten Anmeldeseite verzögern" #: cerber-load.php:414 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Sie haben nur noch einen Anmeldeversuch." #: admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Anzahl der gleichzeitig erlaubten Benutzer-Sitzungen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "Wenn das Limit für gleichzeitige Benutzersitzungen erreicht ist" #: admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Die älteste Benutzersitzung bei einer Neuanmeldung beenden" #: admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Weitere Anmeldeversuche verweigern" #: admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Login von einem anderen Browser oder Gerät" #: admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Wenn die Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Benutzersitzungen größer ist" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5769 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Diese Funktionen sind in der professionellen Version von WP Cerber verfügbar" #: cerber-common.php:1694 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Benutzersitzung beendet" #: cerber-common.php:1781 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Limit für gleichzeitige Benutzersitzungen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "Es ist nur für Website-Administratoren sichtbar" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1498 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Autorisiert" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "Autorisierung gescheitert" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "Wichtiger Hinweis, wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin installiert haben" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:779 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "Um Fehlalarme zu vermeiden und eine bessere Anti-Spam-Leistung zu erhalten, löschen Sie bitte den Plugin-Cache." #: cerber-common.php:1733 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "API-Anforderung genehmigt" #: cerber-common.php:1734 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "Autorisierung Anforderung der API fehlgeschlagen" #: cerber-common.php:1718 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "Anfrage an XML-RPC API verweigert" #: cerber-common.php:1782 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "Ungültige Cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:166 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "IP-Adresse sperren für" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Aggressive Versuche entschärfen" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "PHP-Fehler auf meiner Website nicht anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Alle REST-API-Anfragen protokollieren" #: cerber-settings.php:889 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Alle XML-RPC-Anfragen protokollieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "Eigene Kommentar-URL" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Eigene URL für das WordPress-Kommentarformular verwenden" #: cerber-settings.php:461 cerber-settings.php:1295 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Angemeldete Benutzer" #: cerber-settings.php:358 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Persönliche Präferenzen" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Zugriff auf REST-API für angemeldete Benutzer zulassen" #: cerber-settings.php:580 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Benutzerregistrierung" #: cerber-settings.php:581 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Neue Benutzerregistrierungen durch die folgenden Bedingungen einschränken" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Autorisierter Zugriff" #: cerber-settings.php:627 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Zugriff auf die Website nur für angemeldete Benutzer gewähren" #: cerber-settings.php:665 cerber-settings.php:1038 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Verschiedene Einstellungen" #: cerber-settings.php:678 admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Anwendungskennwörter" #: cerber-settings.php:681 admin/cerber-users.php:472 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Aktiviert, Zugriff auf API mit Standard-Benutzerpasswörtern ist erlaubt" #: cerber-settings.php:682 admin/cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Aktiviert, kein Zugriff auf API mit Standard-Benutzerpasswörtern" #: cerber-settings.php:862 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Angemeldete Benutzer ignorieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1296 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "Bot-Erkennungs-Engine für eingeloggte Benutzer deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1393 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für eingeloggte Benutzer deaktivieren" #: admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Globale Richtlinien verwenden" #: cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Sie haben noch %d Anmeldeversuch übrig." msgstr[1] "Sie haben noch %d Anmeldeversuche übrig." #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Diese Meldung anzeigen, wenn ein Anmeldeversuch abgelehnt wird, weil das Limit für gleichzeitige Benutzersitzungen erreicht wurde" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5391 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Rollenbasiert" #: cerber-common.php:1730 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Benutzer Anwendungspasswort erstellt" #: cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Initialisierungsmodus" #: cerber-settings.php:934 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Antwort-Header speichern" #: cerber-settings.php:945 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Antwort-Cookies speichern" #: cerber-load.php:8041 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "Um weiterzukommen, brauchen wir Ihre Unterstützung" #: cerber-load.php:8043 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "Indem Sie Ihre persönliche Meinung zu WP Cerber teilen, helfen Sie den Ingenieuren des Plugins, größere Fortschritte zu machen, und helfen anderen Profis, die richtige Software zu finden. Sie können Ihre Bewertung auf einer der folgenden Websites hinterlassen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, Ihre Muttersprache zu verwenden. Vielen Dank!" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:661 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Geheimes Zugriffstoken ist ungültig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:225 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Klicken Sie auf die IP-Adresse, um ihre Aktivität zu sehen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Anmeldeprobleme" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1094 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4612 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Nicht authentifiziert" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1379 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1826 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2681 admin/cerber-admin.php:1333 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Es wurde noch keine Aktivität protokolliert." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2701 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "Benutzeraktivität" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2721 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Bösartige Aktivität" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4609 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Verdächtige Anfragen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1093 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4611 msgid "Users" msgstr "Benutzer" #: cerber-common.php:1784 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "Verbotene URL" #: cerber-settings.php:142 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Come WP Cerber carica il suo core e i meccanismi di sicurezza" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Anmelde-Sicherheit" #: cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "Eine eindeutige Zeichenfolge, die sich nicht mit Slugs der vorhandenen Seiten oder Beiträge überschneidet" #: cerber-settings.php:179 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "Verarbeitung von wp-login.php-Authentifizierungsanfragen" #: cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Standardmäßige Verarbeitung" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Zugriff auf wp-login.php sperren" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "Admin-Menü verschieben" #: cerber-2fa.php:505 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Sie oder eine andere Person versuchen, sich bei der Website anzumelden. Wir müssen überprüfen, ob Sie es sind. Wenn dies nicht Sie waren, setzen sie bitte sofort Ihr Passwort zurück, um Ihr Konto zu schützen." #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "Die E-Mail nicht erhalten?" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Um Ihre Identität zu verifizieren, verwenden Sie bitte den folgenden Verifizierungs-PIN-Code." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:712 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Sie haben die Standard-Anmeldeseite deaktiviert. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine alternative Anmeldeseite konfiguriert haben. Andernfalls können Sie sich nicht anmelden." #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "Schutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Einstellungen für die Benutzerauthentifizierung" #: cerber-settings.php:193 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Die standardmäßige Fehlermeldung bei der Anmeldung deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:194 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "Nicht existierende Benutzernamen und E-Mails in der Meldung über fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche nicht anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Authentifizierung über wp-login.php verweigern" #: cerber-common.php:1783 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "Ungültige Cookies entfernt" #: cerber-load.php:1862 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "Haben wir Ihr Konto gefunden, haben wir den Bestätigungslink an die im Konto angegebene E-Mail-Adresse geschickt." #: cerber-load.php:5925 cerber-common.php:525 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber benötigt PHP Version %s oder höher." #: cerber-load.php:5929 cerber-common.php:529 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber benötigt Wordpress Version %s oder höher." #: cerber-settings.php:204 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "Standardmäßige Fehlermeldung zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:205 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "In der Fehlermeldung zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts keine nicht existierenden Benutzernamen und E-Mails an" #: cerber-settings.php:409 cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Erkennung des Benutzernamens verhindern" #: cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Erkennung des Benutzernamens über oEmbed verhindern" #: cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "Erkennung von Benutzernamen über Benutzer-XML-Sitemaps verhindern" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1018 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Keine Daten zum Erstellen von Berichten. Bitte führen Sie einen vollständigen Scan durch. Nach Abschluss des Scans werden die Berichte erstellt." #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "Nach Aktivierung steht das Protokoll hier zur Verfügung: %s" #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "Anhand der vom Entwickler von %s bereitgestellten Integritätsdaten (Prüfsummen) identifiziert der Scanner diese Datei als fehlend." #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "Bei der Anzeige der Protokolle die WHOIS-Informationen der IP-Adresse abrufen" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "Das WP Cerber Admin-Menü beim Navigieren durch die WP Cerber Admin-Seiten nach oben verschieben" #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "IP-WHOIS-Daten anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:1148 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "Das Verzeichnis der Uploads analysieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1149 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "Das Verzeichnis der WordPress-Uploads analysieren, um injizierte Dateien zu erkennen" #: cerber-settings.php:1042 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Datei- und Verzeichnisberechtigungen ändern, wenn zum Löschen von Dateien erforderlich" #: cerber-settings.php:1041 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Dateisystemberechtigungen ändern" #: cerber-settings.php:1127 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Dateien im WordPress Uploads-Verzeichnis löschen" #: cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Dateien mit unerwünschten Erweiterungen löschen" #: cerber-settings.php:1169 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Öffentlich zugängliche Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen löschen" #: cerber-scanner.php:3704 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Erkennung von injizierten Dateien im WordPress-Uploads-Verzeichnis" #: cerber-common.php:1785 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "Ausführbare Dateierweiterung erkannt" #: cerber-common.php:1786 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Dateiname ist nicht zulässig" #: cerber-settings.php:1215 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "Dateien in temporären Verzeichnissen" #: cerber-settings.php:1195 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Allgemeine Ausschlüsse" #: cerber-settings.php:1156 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen ignorieren" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "Injizierte Datei" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "Injizierte Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "KB/sek" #: cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "Das Verzeichnis der WordPress-Uploads sauber und sicher halten. Injizierte Dateien mit öffentlichem Webzugriff erkennen, melden und bösartige Dateien entfernen." #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "Lokaler Hash nicht gefunden" #: cerber-settings.php:1071 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "einmal täglich um" #: cerber-settings.php:1167 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Verbotene Erweiterungen" #: cerber-settings.php:1189 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "Plugin-Dateien wiederherstellen" #: cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "Sitzungsverzeichnis scannen" #: cerber-settings.php:1005 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Temporäre Verzeichnisse des Webservers scannen" #: cerber-scanner.php:3695 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Scanne temporäre Verzeichnisse des Servers nach Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:3696 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Scanne Sitzungsverzeichnisses nach Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:3694 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Scanne temporären Upload-Verzeichnisses nach Dateien" #: cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Scanne Website-Verzeichnissen nach Dateien" #: cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen überspringen" #: cerber-settings.php:1119 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Diese Richtlinien werden am Ende eines jeden Scans auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse automatisch durchgesetzt. Sämtliche betroffenen Dateien werden in die Quarantäne verschoben." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3339 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Dieser Scan-Bericht wurde von der früheren Version von WP Cerber erstellt. Bitte führen Sie einen neuen Scan durch, um einheitliche und genaue Ergebnisse zu erhalten." #: cerber-settings.php:1157 cerber-settings.php:1170 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" #: cerber-settings.php:1142 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "WordPress Uploads Analyse" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Hoch" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Niedrig" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Mittel" #: cerber-load.php:4690 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, diese Anfrage durchführen zu dürfen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte mit." #: cerber-load.php:4689 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "Ihre Anfrage sieht einer automatisierten Anfrage einer Spam-Software verdächtig ähnlich, oder sie wurde durch eine vom Website-Administrator konfigurierte Sicherheitsrichtlinie abgelehnt." #: cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Bot-Erkennungsmodul für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste deaktivieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1399 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste deaktivieren" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:538 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Ausführbare Dateien werden nicht unterstützt. Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv hoch." #: cerber-load.php:775 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "Menschliche Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen." #: cerber-common.php:1800 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Überall abgemeldet" #: cerber-common.php:1698 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Anfrage zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts abgelehnt" #: cerber-common.php:1802 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verifiziert" #: cerber-load.php:3359 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Leider ist das Zurücksetzen des Passworts dieses Benutzers nicht erlaubt." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:534 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv hoch." #: cerber-settings.php:832 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste weniger restriktive Sicherheitsfilter verwenden" #: cerber-common.php:1729 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Passwort der Benutzeranwendung aktualisiert" #: cerber-common.php:1772 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Von Administrator gesperrter Benutzer" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1696 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Benutzersitzung durch %s beendet" #: cerber-common.php:1773 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Benutzername ist untersagt" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Alle REST-API-Anfragen anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Abgelehnte REST-API-Anfragen anzeigen" #: cerber-load.php:4908 cerber-load.php:4909 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "Es ist eine neue Aktivität aufgetreten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3019 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "Nach diesem Datum keine Warnmeldungen mehr senden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3059 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentation" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail werden an diese E-Mail-Adressen gesendet:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail werden an diese E-Mail-Adresse gesendet:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3024 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "Globale Ratenbeschränkungen ignorieren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3010 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "Höchstzahl der zu sendenden Warnmeldungen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3054 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "Handy-Benachrichtigungen sind nicht konfiguriert" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3051 msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "Handy-Benachrichtigungen werden an %s gesendet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3015 msgid "No limit" msgstr "Leine Limite" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5838 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3061 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "Optionale Warngrenzen" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1692 msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "Passwort durch %s geändert" #: cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Spamschutz für Registrierungs-, Kommentar- und andere Formulare auf der Website\n" "" #: cerber-common.php:1816 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Unbekanntes Label" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1732 msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "Passwort Benutzeranwendung durch %s erstellt" #: cerber-common.php:1735 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "Passwort Benutzeranwendung gelöscht" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1737 msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "Passwort Benutzeranwendung durch %s gelöscht" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1663 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Anwender durch %s erstellt" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1667 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Anwender durch %s gelöscht" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "Bot-Ereignisse anzeigen" #: cerber-settings.php:1338 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Ereignisse anzeigen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1400 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1387 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1382 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4580 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4577 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4587 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:694 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4827 cerber-load.php:5742 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1392 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4582 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4865 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:188 cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-sr_RS.po000064400000207055147577531750012024 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: sr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" #: ../settings.php:77 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Ograniči broj neispravnih logovanja" #: ../settings.php:78 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Pokušaji" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Trajanje blokade" #: ../settings.php:79 ../settings.php:105 msgid "minutes" msgstr "Minuti" #: ../settings.php:80 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Agresivno zaključavanje" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Konekcija sajta" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktivna pravila bezbednosti" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blokiraj subnet" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Zahtevaj wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Odmah blokiraj IP nakon wp-login.php request-a " #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Prilagođena stranica za logovanje" #: ../settings.php:93 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Prilagođeni URL za logovanje" #: ../settings.php:99 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "Ne sme da se poklapa sa postojećim stranicama ili post slug-ovima" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Onemogući wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Blokiraj direktne pristupe prema wp-login.php i vrati HTTP 404 Not Found Error" #: ../dashboard.php:1320 ../settings.php:103 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadel mod" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Prag" #: ../settings.php:105 ../cerber-scanner.php:3823 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trajanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:4310 ../settings.php:82 ../settings.php:106 ../settings.php: #: 631 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Pošalji notifikaciju Admin-u putem mail-a" #: ../cerber-load.php:4307 ../settings.php:628 ../cerber-tools.php:91 ../cerber- #: tools.php:100 ../cerber-tools.php:187 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Access lista (pristup)" #: ../dashboard.php:1354 ../dashboard.php:1829 ../cerber-load.php:4015 .. #: /settings.php:108 ../settings.php:625 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivnost" #: ../settings.php:626 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Zaključavanja" #: ../settings.php:748 ../settings.php:870 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s dozvoljenih pokušaja %s u minuta" #: ../settings.php:770 ../settings.php:892 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Omogući nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja logovanja u poslednjih %s minuta" #: ../dashboard.php:134 ../dashboard.php:736 ../dashboard.php:3241 ../cerber-load. #: php:4024 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:739 ../dashboard.php:3239 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:741 ../dashboard.php:3244 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokalni korisnik (local user)" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:742 ../cerber-load.php:4032 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Korisničko ime" #: ../dashboard.php:153 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Prikaži poslednjih %d zapisa od %d" #: ../common.php:836 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Prijavljen" #: ../common.php:837 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Odjavljen" #: ../common.php:838 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Prijavljivanje neuspelo" #: ../common.php:841 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP blokiran" #: ../common.php:842 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Subnet blokiran" #: ../common.php:844 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel aktiviran!" #: ../dashboard.php:716 ../dashboard.php:944 ../dashboard.php:3071 ../common.php: #: 890 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Zaključano" #: ../common.php:891 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "Crna lista IP adresa" #: ../common.php:859 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Šifra promenjena" #: ../dashboard.php:127 ../dashboard.php:207 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ukloni" #: ../dashboard.php:437 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Zaključavanje za %s je uklonjeno" #: ../dashboard.php:179 ../dashboard.php:711 ../dashboard.php:938 ../dashboard. #: php:1318 ../dashboard.php:3066 ../cerber-load.php:4295 ../settings.php:594 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Bela lista IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:181 ../dashboard.php:712 ../dashboard.php:941 ../dashboard. #: php:1319 ../dashboard.php:3067 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Crna lista IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:213 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Lista je prazna" #: ../dashboard.php:250 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s je dodata na belu listu IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:264 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s je dodata na crnu listu IP adresa" #: ../cerber-load.php:3446 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadel mod je aktiviran nakon %d neuspelih pokušaja u %d minuta" #: ../dashboard.php:1990 ../dashboard.php:2400 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "View aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:2910 ../cerber-tools.php:90 ../cerber-tools.php:99 ../cerber- #: scanner.php:76 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1181 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Poslednje prijavljivanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1214 ../dashboard.php:1301 ../common.php:1025 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nikad" #: ../dashboard.php:1875 ../cerber-tools.php:591 ../cerber-scanner.php:5517 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5659 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni?" #: ../dashboard.php:1632 ../settings.php:83 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Moj sajt je iza reverse proxy" #: ../settings.php:87 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Nepostojeći korisnik" #: ../settings.php:87 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "Odmah blokiraj IP kada pokušava da se prijavi sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../settings.php:580 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Učni tvoju zaštitu pametnijom!" #: ../settings.php:584 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Omogući Permalinks da bi koristio ovu opciju. Promeni Permalinks podešavanja u nešto što nije default" #: ../cerber-load.php:4305 ../settings.php:627 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Osnovna podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:3700 msgid "Help" msgstr "Pomoć" #: ../settings.php:758 ../settings.php:880 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Povećaj trajanje zaključavanja na %s sati nakon %s zaključavanja u poslednjih %s sati" #: ../cerber-load.php:370 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno da se prijavite. Pitajte administratora za pomoć" #: ../cerber-load.php:396 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Preostao Vam je samo jedan pokušaj" msgstr[1] "Preostalo Vam je %d pokušaja" msgstr[2] "Preostali su Vam %d pokušaji." #: ../dashboard.php:764 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Bez logged aktivnosti" #: ../dashboard.php:137 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Ističe" #: ../dashboard.php:159 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Bez zaključavanja trenutno. Nebo je čisto." #: ../dashboard.php:179 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Ove IP adrese neće nikada biti zaključane" #: ../dashboard.php:188 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Vaša IP adresa" #: ../cerber-load.php:3447 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Poslednji neuspešni pokušaj je bio u %s sa IP adrese %s od korisnika: %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4273 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "WP Cerber ne može da se aktivira zbog grešek u data bazi." #: ../settings.php:765 ../settings.php:887 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Obavesti admina ako je broj aktivnih zaključavanja jednak broju iznad" #: ../settings.php:109 ../settings.php:191 ../settings.php:369 ../settings.php:440 msgid "days" msgstr "dana" #: ../dashboard.php:1271 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber brzi pregled" #: ../dashboard.php:155 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Savet" #: ../dashboard.php:155 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Da pregledate aktivnost, kliknite na IP" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Uvek blokiraj kompletan subnet Class C sa intruderove IP adrese" #: ../settings.php:106 ../settings.php:767 ../settings.php:889 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klikni da pošalješ test" #: ../settings.php:1052 ../settings.php:1053 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Pažnja! Promenili ste URL za prijavljivanje! Novi URL je" #: ../dashboard.php:1180 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentari" #: ../common.php:1210 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Ažuriraj na verziju %s WP Cerber-a" #: ../cerber-load.php:3448 ../cerber-load.php:4056 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Vidi aktivnost u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../cerber-load.php:3477 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Broj aktivnih zaključavanja" #: ../cerber-load.php:3481 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Vidi zaključavanja u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../cerber-load.php:3569 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ova poruka je poslata od" #: ../dashboard.php:69 ../cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Alati" #: ../cerber-tools.php:87 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Izvezi podešavanja u fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:88 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Kada kliknete dugme ispod dobićete konfiguracioni fajl, koji treba da popnete na drugi veb-sajt" #: ../cerber-tools.php:89 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Šta želite da izvezete?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:92 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Preuzmi fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:94 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Uvezi podešavanja iz fajla" #: ../cerber-tools.php:95 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Kada kliknete dugme ispod, fajl će biti uploadovan i sva postojeća podešavanja će biti prerezana " #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Odaberite fajl za uvoz" #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 ../cerber-scanner.php:4023 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maksimalna veličina fajla za upload: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:99 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Šta želite da uvezete?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:101 ../cerber-scanner.php:4026 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Uvezite fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:150 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Fajl nije popet ili je kompromitovan" #: ../cerber-tools.php:187 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Greška pri ažuriranju" #: ../cerber-tools.php:193 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Podešavanja su uspešno uvezena iz" #: ../cerber-tools.php:200 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Greška pri raščlanjivanju" #: ../dashboard.php:135 ../dashboard.php:737 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Ime hosta" #: ../dashboard.php:403 msgid "unknown" msgstr "Nepoznato" #: ../settings.php:109 ../settings.php:365 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Čuvaj informacije za" #: ../dashboard.php:1305 ../dashboard.php:1327 msgid "active" msgstr "Aktivno" #: ../dashboard.php:1305 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "Deaktiviraj" #: ../dashboard.php:1307 msgid "not active" msgstr "Neaktivno" #: ../dashboard.php:1308 ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "disabled" msgstr "Isključeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "Neuspeli pokušaji" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "U 24 sata" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "view all" msgstr "Vidi sve" #: ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Zaključavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1316 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Zaključavanja u ovom trenutku" #: ../dashboard.php:1317 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Poslednje zaključavanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1318 ../dashboard.php:1319 ../dashboard.php:2152 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "Unos" msgstr[1] "Unosa" msgstr[2] "Unosi" #: ../dashboard.php:1870 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Da li ste zbunjeni u vezi nekih podešavanja?" #: ../dashboard.php:1871 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Možete lako da učitate standardna default podešavanja pomoću dugmeta ispod" #: ../dashboard.php:1873 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Učitajte standardna default podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1881 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "Ne utiče na custom prilagođeni URL za prijavljivanje i Access listu" #: ../common.php:1203 ../settings.php:236 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nova verzija je dostupna" #: ../cerber-load.php:3420 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber obaveštenje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3444 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadel mod je aktiviran" #: ../cerber-load.php:3516 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nova prilagođena URL adresa za prijavljivanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:4260 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber zahteva minimum PHP %s ili novije izdanje. Vi koristite" #: ../cerber-load.php:4264 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber zahteva WordPress verziju %s ili noviju verziju. Vi koristite" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Koristite file" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Upiši neuspele pokušaje prijavljivanja u fajl" #: ../dashboard.php:1989 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktiviraj" #: ../dashboard.php:138 ../cerber-load.php:3479 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Razlog" #: ../dashboard.php:218 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Dodaj IP adresu na listu" #: ../dashboard.php:1001 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj IP adresu na crnu listu" #: ../common.php:928 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja" #: ../common.php:927 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Limit pokušaja prijavljivanja postignut" #: ../common.php:867 ../common.php:929 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../cerber-load.php:3478 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Poslednje zaključavanje je dodato: %s za IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4309 ../settings.php:629 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Osnaživanje" #: ../dashboard.php:978 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Zlonamerni email:" #: ../settings.php:223 ../settings.php:264 ../settings.php:502 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Emai adresa" #: ../settings.php:232 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "Ako ostavite prazno, admin email %s će biti korišćen" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Drill down IP" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Povuci dodatne WHOIS informacije za IP" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Obezbeđivanje WordPress-a" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Zaustavi enumeraciju" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Isključi XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup XML-RPC serveru (uključujući Pingbacks i Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Isključi feed" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup RSS-u, Atom i RDF feed-u" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Isključi REST API" #: ../settings.php:594 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "Ova podešavanja ne utiču na host sa" #: ../settings.php:1138 ../settings.php:1150 ../settings.php:1273 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERROR: molimo Vas unesite validnu email adresu." #: ../cerber-load.php:3509 ../cerber-load.php:4294 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber je aktivan i sada štiti Vaš veb-sajt" #: ../dashboard.php:139 ../cerber-scanner.php:5541 ../cerber-scanner.php:5672 msgid "Action" msgstr "Akcija" #: ../dashboard.php:181 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Niko sa ovih IP adresa ne može da se prijavi ili registruje" #: ../dashboard.php:244 ../dashboard.php:256 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Netačna IP adresa ili IP domet" #: ../dashboard.php:453 ../dashboard.php:2005 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Podešavanja snimljena" #: ../dashboard.php:982 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Mreža:" #: ../dashboard.php:996 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj mrežu na crnu listu" #: ../dashboard.php:1988 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Pažnja! Cital mod je sada aktivan. Niko ne može da se prijavi." #: ../dashboard.php:361 ../dashboard.php:2996 ../whois.php:223 ../whois.php:254 .. #: /common.php:926 ../common.php:1294 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nepoznato" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregori" #: ../common.php:210 ../common.php:273 ../common.php:278 ../common.php:283 .. #: /cerber-load.php:679 ../cerber-load.php:691 ../cerber-load.php:698 ../cerber- #: load.php:975 ../cerber-load.php:1197 ../cerber-load.php:1203 ../cerber-load. #: php:1208 ../cerber-load.php:1213 ../cerber-load.php:1219 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1226 ../cerber-load.php:1328 ../cerber-load.php:1465 ../settings.php:1031 .. #: /settings.php:1114 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "Greška:" #: ../cerber-load.php:708 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Ljudska verifikacija nije uspela. Molimo Vas kliknite na kockicu u reCAPTCHA poljud ispod." #: ../cerber-load.php:987 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "Greška: Šifra koju ste uneli za korisničko ime %s je netačna." #: ../cerber-load.php:1214 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Korisničko ime nije dozvoljeno. Molimo Vas odaberite drugo." #: ../cerber-load.php:3472 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "Nedefinisano." #: ../cerber-load.php:3475 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Broj zaključavanja raste" #: ../cerber-load.php:3480 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Pogledaj aktivnost ove IP adrese" #: ../cerber-load.php:3484 ../cerber-load.php:3486 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Nova verzija WP Cerbera je dostupna za instalaciju" #: ../cerber-load.php:3485 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Zdravo!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3488 ../cerber-load.php:3499 msgid "Website" msgstr "Vebsajt" #: ../cerber-load.php:3491 ../cerber-load.php:3492 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber Security plugin je isključen" #: ../cerber-load.php:3494 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Not logged in" #: ../cerber-load.php:3500 msgid "By user" msgstr "Od strane korisnika" #: ../cerber-load.php:3501 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Od strane IP adrese" #: ../cerber-load.php:3504 msgid "From country" msgstr "Iz zemlje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3508 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber Security plugin je sada aktivan" #: ../cerber-load.php:4295 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Vaša IP adresa je dodata" #: ../cerber-load.php:4311 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Podešavanja uvoza" #: ../settings.php:235 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limit notifikacija" #: ../settings.php:235 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "Notifikacije dozvoljene po jednom satu (0 znači neograničeno)" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Podešavanja vezana za korisnika" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Zabranjena korisnička imena" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Korisnička imena sa liste nisu dozvoljena za prijavljivanje ili registraciju. Nijedna IP adresa, koja ih koristi, neće moći da se prijavi i biće blokirana. Koristite zarez da odvojite logins." #: ../settings.php:164 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Istek sesije korisnika" #: ../settings.php:164 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "U minutima (ostavite prazno da koristite standardnu WP vrednost)" #: ../settings.php:197 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA podešavanja" #: ../settings.php:198 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Ključ sajta" #: ../settings.php:199 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Tajni ključ" #: ../settings.php:202 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu registracije" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Forma za izgubljenu lozinku" #: ../settings.php:208 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Forma prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:208 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:597 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Pre nego što počnete da koristite reCAPTCHA, morate da dobijete Ključ za sajt i Tajni ključ na Google vebsajtu" #: ../cerber-lab.php:750 ../settings.php:598 ../settings.php:601 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Saznajte više" #: ../settings.php:630 msgid "Users" msgstr "Korisnici" #: ../common.php:834 msgid "User created" msgstr "Kreirani korisnici" #: ../dashboard.php:1822 ../common.php:835 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Registrovani korisnici" #: ../common.php:862 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verifikacija neuspela" #: ../common.php:863 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA podešavanja nisu ispravna" #: ../common.php:866 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Pokušaj pristupa zabranjenim URL adresama" #: ../common.php:868 ../common.php:930 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja zabranjenim korisničkim imenom" #: ../settings.php:110 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Povezivanje sa Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:110 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Slanje malicioznih IP adresa Cerber Lab-u" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab protokol" #: ../settings.php:174 ../settings.php:202 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registraciona forma" #: ../settings.php:203 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce registracionu formu" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu za izgubljenu šifru" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce formu za izgubljenu šifru" #: ../settings.php:209 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce login formu" #: ../common.php:864 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Zahtev za Google reCAPTCHA servis nije uspeo" #: ../dashboard.php:1814 ../dashboard.php:1844 msgid "View all" msgstr "Pogledaj sve" #: ../dashboard.php:1845 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Nedavno otključane IP adrese" #: ../cerber-lab.php:748 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "U redu, utiči na sve" #: ../cerber-lab.php:749 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "Ne, možda kasnije" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1353 ../dashboard.php:2174 ../settings. #: php:624 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Kontrolna tabla" #: ../cerber-lab.php:746 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Da li želite da još više ojačate WP Cerber?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:747 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Dozvoli WP Cerber da šalje podatke o malicioznim IP adresama Cerber Lab-u. To pomaže plugin timu da razvije nove algoritme za WP Cerber koji brane WordPress od novih napada i botneta koji se svakodnevno pojavljuju. Možete da obustavite ovu opciju u podešavanjima kad god želite." #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "User login" msgstr "Prijavljivanje korisnika" #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Korisnički ID" #: ../dashboard.php:760 msgid "Export" msgstr "Izvoz" #: ../dashboard.php:782 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Pretraga IP-ija ili korisničkog imena" #: ../dashboard.php:782 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber Kontrolna tabla" #: ../dashboard.php:69 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber alati" #: ../dashboard.php:2072 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Prijava" #: ../dashboard.php:2073 ../cerber-tools.php:284 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Odjava" #: ../dashboard.php:2101 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Prijavili ste se" #: ../dashboard.php:2104 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Odjavili ste se" #: ../cerber-load.php:3520 ../cerber-load.php:3521 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Nova aktivnost je snimljena" #: ../cerber-load.php:4028 msgid "User" msgstr "Korisnik" #: ../cerber-load.php:4036 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Pretraga stringa" #: ../cerber-load.php:4057 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Da se odjavite kliknite ovde" #: ../settings.php:114 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preference" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format datuma" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Ako je prazno, koristiće se standardni format %s" #: ../settings.php:241 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:220 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Email notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:227 ../settings.php:269 ../settings.php:333 ../settings.php:506 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Koristite zarez da odvojite više vrednosti" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Svi povezani uređaji" #: ../settings.php:252 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Uređaji nisu pronađeni" #: ../settings.php:256 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Nije dostupno" #: ../common.php:860 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Obavezna promena lozinke" #: ../common.php:931 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Postignut je predviđeni limit na broj pokukšaja reCAPTCHA verifikacije" #: ../common.php:1020 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s ranije" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Primeni ograničenje broja pokušaja prijavljivanja na IP adrese sa bele liste" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Prikaži 404 stranicu" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Nevidljivi reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Omogući nevidljivi reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(ne omogućuj ukoliko ne dobiješ i uneseš Sajt i Tajni ključ za nevidljivu verziju)" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress comment formu" #: ../settings.php:212 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Onemogući reCAPTCHA za logovane korisnike" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Ograniči pokušaje" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Zaključaj IP adrese na %s minuta nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja u %s minuta" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "U Citadel režimu nikome nije dozvoljeno da se prijavi osim IP-ijevima sa bele liste. Prijavljeni korisnici neće biti izbačeni ili blokirani." #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:740 msgid "Event" msgstr "Događaj" #: ../common.php:153 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spem komentar odbijen" #: ../common.php:155 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Maliciozna IP adresa otkrivena." #: ../common.php:156 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Urađeno zaključavanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1823 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "Sve sumnjive aktivnosti" #: ../cerber-load.php:1198 ../cerber-load.php:1204 ../cerber-load.php:1220 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1227 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno da se registrujete." #: ../common.php:845 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Odbijen komentar koji spada u spem" #: ../common.php:870 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Pokušaj logovanja odbijen" #: ../common.php:871 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Pokušaj registracije odbijen" #: ../common.php:150 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Umanjena maliciozna aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:68 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Cerber anti-spem podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:68 ../cerber-load.php:4308 ../settings.php:211 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispem" #: ../settings.php:172 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Cerber antispem engine" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Forma komentara" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti formu komentara enginom za otkrivanje bota" #: ../settings.php:174 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti registracionu formu enginom za otkrivanje bota" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Izvezi i uvezi" #: ../cerber-tools.php:40 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Dijagnoza" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenca" #: ../dashboard.php:3642 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Podešavanj protiv spema i botova" #: ../cerber-load.php:1465 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "IZVINITE, ljudska verifikacija nije uspela." #: ../common.php:932 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Otkrivena aktivnost bota" #: ../settings.php:189 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Procesuiranje komentara" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Ako je spem komentara otkriven" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Baci spem komentare u kantu" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Kasnije baci spem komentare u kantu" #: ../common.php:846 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Odbijena forma slanja spem komentara" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Druge forme" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti sve forme sajta sa engine za otkrivanje bota" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Prilagodi antispem engine" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Siguran režim" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Koristi manje restriktivnu politiku (allow AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:3272 ../settings.php:179 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Ulogovani korisnici" #: ../settings.php:179 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Onemogući engine za otkrivanje botova za logovane korisnike" #: ../dashboard.php:136 ../dashboard.php:738 msgid "Country" msgstr "Zemlja" #: ../dashboard.php:771 msgid "All events" msgstr "Svi događaji" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber Security pravila" #: ../dashboard.php:60 ../dashboard.php:2580 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Pravila bezbednosti" #: ../dashboard.php:1182 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Neuspeli pokušaji prijave" #: ../dashboard.php:1088 ../dashboard.php:1183 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Prijavljeni" #: ../dashboard.php:1253 msgid "You" msgstr "Vi" #: ../common.php:154 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Odbijena forma slanja spema" #: ../dashboard.php:1882 ../cerber-load.php:3511 ../cerber-load.php:4297 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Vodič za početnike" #: ../dashboard.php:2572 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Zemlje" #: ../dashboard.php:2641 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Dozvoljeno za jednu zemlju" msgstr[1] "Dozvoljeno za %d zemlje" msgstr[2] "Dozvoljeno za %d zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2652 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Bez pravila" #: ../dashboard.php:2864 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Pravila bezbednosti su ažurirana" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:847 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Odbijeno slanje forme" #: ../common.php:848 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Komentar odbijen" #: ../common.php:876 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Zahtev za REST API odbijen" #: ../common.php:877 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Zahtev za XML-RPC odbijen" #: ../common.php:888 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Pronađen bot" #: ../common.php:889 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadel mod je aktivan" #: ../common.php:893 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Otkrivena maliciozna aktivnost" #: ../common.php:894 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Blokiran na osnovu pravila za zemlje" #: ../common.php:895 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Postignut limit" #: ../common.php:896 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Više sumnjivih aktivnosti" #: ../common.php:933 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Otkriveno više sumnjivih aktivnosti" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST API" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup stranicama korisnika kao /?author=n i podataka putem REST API" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API except the following" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup WordPress REST API osim" #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Dozvoli REST API za logovane korisnike" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Definiši kome je odobren REST API ukoliko je isključen za sve ostale. Jedan string po liniji." #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limit prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:165 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Sortiraj korisnike u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../settings.php:165 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "po datumu registracije" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Query bela lista" #: ../settings.php:753 ../settings.php:875 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s dozvoljenih registracija u %s minuta od jednog IP-ija" #: ../dashboard.php:2708 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Počnite da kucate da pronađete zemlju" #: ../dashboard.php:2791 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Kliknite na naziv zemlje da je dodate na listu odabranih zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2815 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Pošaljite formu" #: ../dashboard.php:2816 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Komentari posta" #: ../dashboard.php:2817 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Prijavite se" #: ../dashboard.php:2818 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrujte se" #: ../dashboard.php:2819 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Koristite XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:2820 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Koristite REST API" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Zabranite sve" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Označite kao spam" #: ../dashboard.php:1808 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "U poslednjih 24 časa" #: ../dashboard.php:2175 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Glavna podešavanja" #: ../settings.php:261 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaji" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Nedelja" #: ../settings.php:990 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Ponedeljak" #: ../settings.php:991 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Utorak" #: ../settings.php:992 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Sreda" #: ../settings.php:993 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Četvrtak" #: ../settings.php:994 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Petak" #: ../settings.php:995 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Subota" #: ../settings.php:1054 ../settings.php:1055 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Ukoliko koristite plugin za keširanje, morate da dodate Vaš novi URL za prijavljivanje na listu koja se ne kešira" #: ../cerber-load.php:3526 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaj" #: ../cerber-load.php:3529 ../cerber-load.php:3539 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Da promenite pravila izveštavanja posetite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3562 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Vaša stranica za prijavljivanje:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3566 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Vaša licenca važi do" #: ../cerber-load.php:3672 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Detalji aktivnosti" #: ../settings.php:1021 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Kliknite da pošaljete odmah" #: ../cerber-load.php:833 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Prevodilac WP Cerber-a? Da dobijete besplatnu PRO licencu, ostavite Vaš kontakt ovde: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:428 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Email je poslat na" #: ../dashboard.php:431 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Nije moguće poslati mail na" #: ../dashboard.php:2644 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Nije dozvoljenu za jednu zemlju" msgstr[1] "Nije dozvoljeno za %d zemlje" msgstr[2] "Nije dozvoljeno za %d zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2795 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Odabranim zemljama je dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama nije dozvoljeno da" #: ../dashboard.php:2798 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Odaberi zemlje kojima nije dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama je dozvoljeno da" #: ../cerber-load.php:3660 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaj" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Koristi 404 template aktivne teme" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Prikaži 404 stranicu" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Unesi deo query stringa ili query putanje da isključiš zahtev iz inspekcije od strane engina. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:274 ../settings.php:511 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "Ako ostavite prazno, koristiće se email iz podešavanja za notifikacije." #: ../settings.php:262 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Omogući izveštavanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3590 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Vaše poslednje prijavljivanje je bilo %s od %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3686 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Pokušaji prijavljivanje nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../dashboard.php:217 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "IP adresa, IPv4 domet adrese ili subnet" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Opcioni komentar za ovaj unos" #: ../dashboard.php:260 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Ne možete da dodate Vašu IP adresu ili mrežu" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Da definišete REGEX šemu označite šemu u dve kose crte" #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber inspektor saobraćaja" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1323 ../dashboard.php:2918 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspektor saobraćaja" #: ../dashboard.php:1355 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Saobraćaj" #: ../dashboard.php:3240 msgid "Request" msgstr "Zahtev" #: ../dashboard.php:3242 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informacije o hostu" #: ../dashboard.php:3243 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User agent" #: ../dashboard.php:3268 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Svi zahtevi" #: ../dashboard.php:3273 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Nije prijavljen u visitors" #: ../dashboard.php:3276 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Slanje forme" #: ../dashboard.php:3278 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Stranica nije pronađena" #: ../dashboard.php:3285 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Duže od" #: ../dashboard.php:3301 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Osvežite" #: ../common.php:116 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Proverite zahteve" #: ../common.php:1229 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nije definisano" #: ../settings.php:304 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Režim prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:310 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Prijavljivanje onemogućeno" #: ../settings.php:311 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Pametan" #: ../settings.php:312 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Sav saobraćaj" #: ../settings.php:316 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignoriši paukove koji indeksiraju" #: ../settings.php:326 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Maskiraj ova polja u formi" #: ../settings.php:362 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milisekunde" #: ../settings.php:282 msgid "Inspection" msgstr "Inspekcija" #: ../settings.php:283 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Omogući inspekciju saobraćaja" #: ../settings.php:303 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Prijavljivanje" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Snimi request polja" #: ../settings.php:357 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Vremenski prag generacije stranice" #: ../dashboard.php:3260 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Nije bilo zahteva logovanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "enabled" msgstr "omogućeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1327 msgid "no connection" msgstr "nema konekcije" #: ../dashboard.php:3597 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Napredna pretraga" #: ../dashboard.php:1078 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Poslednje viđeno" #: ../common.php:872 ../common.php:934 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Probijanje zlonamernog PHP koda" #: ../dashboard.php:3555 msgid "Any" msgstr "Bilo koji" #: ../cerber-load.php:3308 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Žao nam je, nije Vam dozvoljeno da nastavite" #: ../settings.php:294 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Zahtevaj belu listu" #: ../settings.php:300 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Unesite URI zahteva da ga isključite iz inspekcije. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:338 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Snimi request hedere" #: ../settings.php:344 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Snimite $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:350 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Snimite request kolačiće" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Zaštitite admin skripte" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blokirajte neautorizovane pristupe za load-skrcipts.php i load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:1915 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Nije moguće kreirati direktorijum" #: ../common.php:1920 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Pristup odbijen za destinacioni folder" #: ../common.php:1923 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Fajl nije pronađen" #: ../common.php:1926 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Nije moguće kopirati fajl" #: ../common.php:1932 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Nije moguće obrisati fajl" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Inicijalizacija plugina" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Pokreni bezbednosnu mašinu" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Lagacy režim" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standardni režim" #: ../settings.php:1032 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Režim inicijalizacije plugina nije promenjen" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Ovo je standardni modul rada za WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Instaliran je kada ste inicijalizovali plugin mode na standardni. Za više informacija posetite: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:874 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Odbijen upload fajla" #: ../settings.php:98 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "Adresa URL-a za prijavljivanje može da sadrži samo slova, brojeve, crtice i donje crtice" #: ../settings.php:186 ../settings.php:300 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Da definišete REGEX šemu, stavite sve u dve zagrade" #: ../settings.php:587 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Budite oprezni pri omogućavanju ovih opcija" #: ../settings.php:587 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Ukoliko zaboravite Vaš promenjen URL za prijavljivanje, nećete biti u mogućnosti da se prijavite." #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../cerber-scanner.php:89 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integritet veb-sajta" #: ../dashboard.php:1340 ../dashboard.php:1342 ../cerber-scanner.php:1416 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Onemogućeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1341 ../cerber-scanner.php:874 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Brzi skener" #: ../dashboard.php:1343 ../cerber-scanner.php:874 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Kompletan skener" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: ../common.php:897 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Odbijeno" #: ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:289 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Koristi Belu listu IP adresa za pristup" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Onemogući redirekciju kontrolne table" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Onemogući auto redirekciju ka stranici za prijavljivanje kada je /wp-admi/ zatražen od neautorizovanog lica" #: ../settings.php:378 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Podešavanja skenera" #: ../settings.php:379 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Custom potpisi" #: ../settings.php:385 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Specifikujte Vaš PHP kod potpis. Jedan unos po liniji. Da specifikujete REGEX šemu, zatvorite liniju u zagrade." #: ../settings.php:387 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Neželjene fajl ekstenzije" #: ../settings.php:393 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Definišite fajl ekstenzije za pretragu. Važi samo za kompletno skeniranje. Odvajajte unose zarezom." #: ../settings.php:395 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Direktorijumi koji se isključuju." #: ../settings.php:401 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Navedite direktorijume da se isključe od skeniranja. Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:416 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Skenirajte privremeni direktorijum" #: ../settings.php:423 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Skenirajte direktorijum sesija" #: ../settings.php:435 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Obrišite fajlove u karantinu nakon" #: ../settings.php:450 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Pokrenite brzo skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1417 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Svakog sata" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1418 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Na svaka tri sata" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1419 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Na svakih šest sati" #: ../settings.php:457 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Pokreni komopletno skeniranje" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Mala jačina" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Srednja jačina" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Velika jačina" #: ../settings.php:468 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Prijavi problem ako je nešto od sledećeg istinito" #: ../settings.php:476 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Pošalji email izveštaj" #: ../settings.php:482 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Nakon svakog skena" #: ../settings.php:483 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Ako su se pojavile promene u izveštaju prilikom skeniranja" #: ../settings.php:488 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Uključi veličine fajlova" #: ../settings.php:495 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Uključi greške prilikom skeniranja" #: ../cerber-load.php:4306 ../cerber-scanner.php:75 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Skener bezbednosti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:77 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planiranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:142 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Trenutno traje planirani skener. Molimo Vas sačekajte da se završi." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:146 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Prethodno skeniranje je počelo %s i nije završeno. Nastaviti skeniranje?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:155 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Izgleda da veb-sajt nikada nije skeniran. Da započnete kliknite na dugme ispod." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:158 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Započnite brzo skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:159 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Započnite kompletno skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:160 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Zaustavite skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:161 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Nastavite skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:191 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Obrišite" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1366 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifikovano" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1373 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Nisu pronađene integrity data" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1374 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet plugina zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1375 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet WordPress fajlova zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1376 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet teme zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1379 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Lokalni fajl ne postoji" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1381 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Nemoguće procesuirati fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1382 ../cerber-scanner.php:4914 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Nemoguće otvoriti fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1384 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Checksum neslaganje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1387 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Pronađen sumnjivi kod" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1389 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Nezapažen sumnjivi fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1390 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Pronađen kod koji može da se izvrši" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1394 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Neželjena fajl ekstenzija" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1396 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Sadržaj je promenjen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1397 msgid "New file" msgstr "Novi fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2487 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Specifičan potpis pronađen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3730 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Skeniranje foldera za fajlove" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3734 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Raščlanjivanje liste fajlova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3735 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Proveravanje novih i promenjenih fajlova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3736 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Provera integriteta WordPressa" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3737 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Provera integriteta pluginova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3738 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Provera integriteta teme" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3739 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Pretraga malcioznog koda" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3740 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finaliziranje skena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3864 ../cerber-scanner.php:3934 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Fajlovi za skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3871 ../cerber-scanner.php:3942 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritične tačke" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3871 ../cerber-scanner.php:3946 ../cerber-scanner.php:5104 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Ukupno stavki" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4309 msgid "The directory is not writable" msgstr "Direktorijum onemogućen za pisanje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4327 msgid "Unable to create WP CERBER directory" msgstr "Nemoguće kreirati WP CERBER direktorijum" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4533 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Greška prilikom pristupa fajlu. Mogući neažurni rezultati skena. Molimo Vas da pokrenete brzi ili kompletan sken." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5213 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Da vidite kompletan izveštaj posetite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3536 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Izveštaj skenera" #: ../settings.php:403 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Pratite nove fajlove" #: ../settings.php:410 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Pratite modifikovane fajlove" #: ../settings.php:484 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Ukoliko se pronađu novi problemi" #: ../settings.php:1279 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Raspored je ažuriran" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1393 ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Sumnjive direktive pronađene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2665 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Sumnjive instrukcije koda pronađene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2666 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Sumnjivi potpisi koda pronađeni" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2669 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Da rešite ovaj problem morate da reinstalirate %s ili ga ažurirate na poslednju verziju." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2670 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Molimo Vas da upload-ujete reference ZIP arhivu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2671 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Rešavanje problema" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4020 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Nismo pronašli podatke sa integritetom za potvrdu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4022 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Morate da omogućite ZIP arhivu sa koje ste izvršili instalaciju. Ovo omogućuje bezbednosti skener da verifikuje integritet koda i detektuje malver." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5060 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Izveštaj kompletnog skenera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5060 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Izveštaj brzog skenera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5073 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Skenirani fajlovi" #: ../dashboard.php:206 ../dashboard.php:951 ../dashboard.php:982 ../dashboard. #: php:1094 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Proverite aktivnosti" #: ../dashboard.php:1057 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktivirano" #: ../common.php:879 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Maliciozni zahtev odbijen" #: ../common.php:883 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Korisnik aktiviran" #: ../common.php:898 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Sumnjivi broj polja" #: ../common.php:899 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Sumnjivi broj ugrađenih vrednosti" #: ../common.php:900 ../common.php:935 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Maliciozni kod aktiviran" #: ../common.php:936 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Pokušaj uploada malicioznog koda" #: ../common.php:1105 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bajtovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1372 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Pronađena slabost" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1377 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Nemogućnost uvrđivanja integriteta zbog greške data baze" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3731 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova upload foldera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3732 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova privremenog foldera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3733 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova foldera sesija" #: ../settings.php:449 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Raspored skeniranja sa automatskim ponavljanjem" #: ../settings.php:465 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Izveštavanje o rezultatima skeniranja" #: ../dashboard.php:3270 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Sumnjiva aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:3271 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Greške" #: ../dashboard.php:3633 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Antispam engine" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Brani WordPress od hakerskih napada, spema, trojanaca, i virusa. Sadrži malver skener i proveru integriteta. Osnažuje WordPress setom složenih sigurnosnih algoritama. Štiti od spema sofisticiranim sistemom protiv botova i reCAPTCHA. Prati korisničku aktivnost i aktivnost napadača pomoću moćnih mail, mobilnih i desktop notifikacija." #: ../cerber-load.php:377 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Premašili ste broj dozvoljenih login pokušaja. Pokušajte ponovo za $d minuta." #: ../common.php:1020 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "U %s" #: ../settings.php:1005 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "u" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:80 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Karantin" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3815 msgid "Started" msgstr "Počelo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3819 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Završilo se" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3827 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performanse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3839 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Ranjivost" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3843 msgid "New files" msgstr "Novi fajlovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3847 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Promenjeni fajlovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3851 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Neželjene ekstenzije" #: ../settings.php:521 ../cerber-scanner.php:3855 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Fajlovi bez nadzora" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3864 ../cerber-scanner.php:5536 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Skenirani" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5446 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Trenutno nema fajlova u karantinu." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5529 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restore" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5524 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Obriši trajno" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5537 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Pomeri u karantin" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5538 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatsko brisanje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5539 msgid "Size" msgstr "Veličina" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5540 ../cerber-scanner.php:5671 msgid "File" msgstr "Fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5608 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Fajl je trajno obrisan." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5617 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Fajl je vraćen na originalnu lokaciju." #: ../dashboard.php:1356 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integritet" #: ../common.php:873 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Pokušaj uploada malicioznog fajla odbijen" #: ../cerber-news.php:209 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Odlično!" #: ../settings.php:519 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatsko čišćenje malvera i sumnjivih fajlova" #: ../settings.php:528 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Fajlovi u upload folderu" #: ../settings.php:535 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Fajlovi sa neželjenih ekstenzijama" #: ../settings.php:542 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Isključivanje" #: ../settings.php:543 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Fajlovi u privremenom direktorijumu" #: ../settings.php:549 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Fajlovi u direktorijumu sesije" #: ../settings.php:555 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Fajlovi u ovim direktorijumima" #: ../settings.php:561 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:563 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Fajlovi sa ovim ekstenzijama" #: ../settings.php:569 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Koristite zarez da odvojite stavke." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:78 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Čišćenje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1388 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Maliciozni kod pronađen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2662 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Ovaj fajl sadrži kod koji može da se izvrši i koji može da sadrži malver. Ako je fajl deo tema ili plugina, mora biti lociran u folderu teme ili plugina. Bez izuzetaka." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2663 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skener je prepoznao ovaj fajl kao fajl bez vlasništva odnosno fajl koji nije deo nečega drugog jer ne pripada nijednom drugog delu veb-sajta i zbog toga ne bi trebalo da bude prisutan." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2664 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Možda je ostalo nakon ažuriranja na novu verziju %s. Takođe može biti deo malvera. U retkim slučajevima može biti deo custom razvijenog plugina ili teme." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2668 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Sadržaj fajla se promenio i ne podudara se sa onim što piše u zvaničnom WordPress repozitorijumu ili referentnom fajlu koji ste popeli ranije. Fajl je možda inficiran ili sadrži malver." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5154 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Obrisano" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5201 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatski pomereno u karantin" #: ../common.php:901 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Sumnjivi SQL kod otkriven" #: ../dashboard.php:1337 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Poslednji malver sken" #: ../dashboard.php:2909 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Saobraćaj uživo" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Koristi engleski za admin panel" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "Log" msgstr "Log" #: ../settings.php:429 msgid "Enable diagnostic log" msgstr "Omogući dijagnostik log" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Isključi PHP u uploadu" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Disable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Onemogući izvršavanje PHP skripti u WordPress media folderu" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Onemogući PHP error prikaz" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:79 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignore lista" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:194 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignoriši" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5639 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Primeni" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5670 msgid "Added" msgstr "Dodato" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5640 ../cerber-scanner.php:5665 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Pomeri sa liste" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5641 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Uvid u korisnike" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5642 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Uvid u saobraćaj" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5643 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Uvid u aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:2279 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete označene fajlove?" #: ../dashboard.php:2280 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Ovi fajlovi su pomereni u karantin" #: ../dashboard.php:2283 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Da li želite da dodate označete fajlove na ingor listu?" #: ../dashboard.php:2284 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Ovi fajlovi su dodati na ignor listu" #: ../dashboard.php:2286 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Pojavile su se greške" #: ../dashboard.php:2287 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Svi fajlovi su procesuirani" #: ../dashboard.php:2444 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Ove opcije su dostupne u profesionalnoj verziji plugina." #: ../dashboard.php:2445 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Saznajte više o svim prednostima na" #: ../common.php:902 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Sumnjiv JavaScript kod otkriven" #: ../settings.php:1282 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Nije moguće ažurirati raspored" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5554 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Svi skenovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5645 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Lista je prazna" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5507 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Nema fajlova koji se podudaraju sa filterom" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5507 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Kliknite ovde da vidite listu svih fajlova" languages/wp-cerber-cs_CZ.po000064400000067617147577531750012005 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: Tue Sep 08 2015 21:38:11 GMT+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: Wed Apr 12 2017 21:50:50 GMT+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Greg \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: Czech\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=( n == 1 ) ? 0 : ( n >= 2 && n <= 4 ) ? 1 : " "2\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../plugins/wp-cerber\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _:1;gettext:1;dgettext:2;ngettext:1,2;dngettext:2,3;" "__:1;_e:1;_c:1;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nc:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;" "_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_n_js:1,2;_nx_js:1,2,3c;" "esc_attr__:1;esc_html__:1;esc_attr_e:1;esc_html_e:1;esc_attr_x:1,2c;" "esc_html_x:1,2c;comments_number_link:2,3;t:1;st:1;trans:1;transChoice:1,2\n" "X-Generator: Loco - https://localise.biz/\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Loco-Target-Locale: cs_CZ" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../dashboard.php:460 ../wp-cerber.php:2168 msgid "IP" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../wp-cerber.php:1921 msgid "Reason" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:77 msgid "Action" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:104 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:130 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:150 ../dashboard.php:158 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:260 msgid "Unable to send notification email" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:283 ../dashboard.php:1149 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "IP address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "User login" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:337 msgid "User ID" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:469 msgid "Export" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:478 msgid "All activities" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:485 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:485 msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:653 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:657 msgid "Network:" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:671 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:675 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:703 ../settings.php:212 msgid "WP Cerber Security" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:705 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:705 ../dashboard.php:876 ../dashboard.php:1320 ../settings. #: php:217 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:707 msgid "Cerber reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:707 msgid "reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:708 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:872 ../settings.php:145 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1011 ../dashboard.php:1026 msgid "View all" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1027 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1060 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1132 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1235 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1236 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1264 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1267 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "" #. URI of the plugin msgid "http://wpcerber.com" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin msgid "" "Protects site from brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam " "protection with reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user activity. Restrict " "login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Feel free to contact " "developer on the site wpcerber.com." msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin msgid "Gregory" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:496 msgid "" "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA " "block below." msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:602 ../wp-cerber.php:734 ../wp-cerber.php:741 ../wp-cerber. #: php:765 ../common.php:81 ../common.php:134 ../settings.php:479 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:613 #, php-format msgid "" "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is " "incorrect." msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:742 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1914 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1917 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1920 #, php-format msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1922 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1926 ../wp-cerber.php:1928 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1927 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1929 ../wp-cerber.php:1940 msgid "Website" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1932 ../wp-cerber.php:1933 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1935 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1941 msgid "By user" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1942 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1945 msgid "From country" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1949 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1950 ../wp-cerber.php:2271 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1960 ../wp-cerber.php:1961 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2172 msgid "User" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2180 msgid "Search string" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2193 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2272 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2274 msgid "It's important to check security settings." msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2279 ../settings.php:229 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2281 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "" #: ../whois.php:211 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:253 msgid "User created" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:254 msgid "User registered" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:271 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:272 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:273 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:275 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:276 ../common.php:288 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:277 ../common.php:289 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:286 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:287 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:341 msgid "year" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:342 msgid "month" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:343 msgid "day" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:344 msgid "hour" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:345 msgid "minute" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:346 msgid "second" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:349 msgid "years" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:350 msgid "months" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:352 msgid "hours" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:354 msgid "seconds" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:360 msgid "ago" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:415 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:416 msgid "" "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. " "This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will " "defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing " "everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:417 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:418 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:419 ../settings.php:190 msgid "Know more" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:91 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:94 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:96 msgid "Date format" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:96 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:103 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Block access to the pages like /?author=n" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:107 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:107 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "" "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP " "address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately " "blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Site key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:127 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:127 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:131 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:140 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:142 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:155 msgid "Not available" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:170 msgid "" "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to " "something other than Default." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "" "In Citadel mode nobody is able to login. Active user's sessions will not be " "affected." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:184 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:189 msgid "" "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret " "key on the Google website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:231 msgid "Users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:501 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:195 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:74 ../dashboard.php:123 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Odstranit" #: ../dashboard.php:77 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Server (hostname)" #: ../dashboard.php:77 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Expirace" #: ../dashboard.php:83 #, php-format msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Zobrazení posledních %d záznamů z %d" #: ../dashboard.php:85 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Zásah" #: ../dashboard.php:85 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Chcete-li zobrazit aktivitu, klikněte na IP adresu" #: ../dashboard.php:89 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "V tuto chvíli žádné blokování. Obloha je jasná." #: ../dashboard.php:102 ../dashboard.php:440 ../dashboard.php:625 ../dashboard. #: php:868 ../wp-cerber.php:2272 ../settings.php:184 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Seznam povolených IP adres" #: ../dashboard.php:102 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Tyto IP adresy nebudou blokovány" #: ../dashboard.php:104 ../dashboard.php:441 ../dashboard.php:627 ../dashboard. #: php:869 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Seznam blokovaných IP adres" #: ../dashboard.php:106 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Vaše IP" #: ../dashboard.php:123 ../dashboard.php:657 msgid "Check for activity" msgstr "Zkontrolovat aktivitu" #: ../dashboard.php:126 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Seznam je prázdný" #: ../dashboard.php:153 #, php-format msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s byla přidána do seznamu povolených IP adres" #: ../dashboard.php:162 msgid "You can't add your IP address" msgstr "Nemůžete přidat vaši IP adresu" #: ../dashboard.php:166 #, php-format msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s byla přidána do seznamu blokovaných IP adres" #: ../dashboard.php:237 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznámé" #: ../dashboard.php:257 msgid "Message has been sent to " msgstr "Zpráva byla odeslána na " #: ../dashboard.php:267 #, php-format msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Blokace %s byla odstraněna" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 ../dashboard.php:877 ../dashboard. #: php:1012 ../wp-cerber.php:2167 ../settings.php:88 ../settings.php:219 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivity" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Místní uživatel" #: ../dashboard.php:337 ../dashboard.php:460 ../wp-cerber.php:2176 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Uživatelské jméno je již použito" #: ../dashboard.php:445 ../dashboard.php:630 ../common.php:265 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Blokován" #: ../dashboard.php:473 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Zatím neproběhla žádná aktivita." #: ../dashboard.php:700 msgid "WP Cerber Settings" msgstr "Bezpečnost přihlašování" #: ../dashboard.php:700 ../dashboard.php:703 ../dashboard.php:732 msgid "WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:708 ../cerber-tools.php:40 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Nástroje" #: ../dashboard.php:770 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentáře" #: ../dashboard.php:771 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Poslední přihlášení" #: ../dashboard.php:772 msgid "Failed attempts in last 24 hours" msgstr "Neúspěšné pokusy v posledních 24 hodinách" #: ../dashboard.php:773 msgid "Date of registration" msgstr "Datum registrace" #: ../dashboard.php:798 ../dashboard.php:851 msgid "Never" msgstr "Zatím neproběhla" #: ../dashboard.php:822 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Rychlé zobrazení" #: ../dashboard.php:855 msgid "active" msgstr "aktivní" #: ../dashboard.php:855 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deaktivovat" #: ../dashboard.php:857 msgid "not active" msgstr "není aktivní" #: ../dashboard.php:858 msgid "disabled" msgstr "vypnuto" #: ../dashboard.php:863 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "neúspěšných pokusů" #: ../dashboard.php:863 ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "ve 24 hodinách" #: ../dashboard.php:863 ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "view all" msgstr "zobrazit vše" #: ../dashboard.php:864 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "blokování" #: ../dashboard.php:866 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Blokováni v tento okamžik" #: ../dashboard.php:867 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Poslední blokování" #: ../dashboard.php:868 ../dashboard.php:869 ../dashboard.php:1300 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "položka" msgstr[1] "položky" msgstr[2] "položek" #: ../dashboard.php:870 ../settings.php:77 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Režim Citadela" #: ../dashboard.php:878 ../settings.php:222 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Blokování" #: ../dashboard.php:879 ../dashboard.php:1321 ../wp-cerber.php:2278 ../settings. #: php:227 ../cerber-tools.php:59 ../cerber-tools.php:68 ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Seznam přístupů" #: ../dashboard.php:1049 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Jste zmatení ohledně některého nastavení?" #: ../dashboard.php:1050 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "" "Můžete snadno načíst výchozí doporučené nastavení pomocí níže uvedeného " "tlačítka" #: ../dashboard.php:1052 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Načíst výchozí nastavení" #: ../dashboard.php:1054 ../dashboard.php:1450 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Jste tu?" #: ../dashboard.php:1079 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Darovat" #: ../dashboard.php:1133 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktivovat" #: ../dashboard.php:1134 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Zobrazit aktivity" #: ../dashboard.php:1190 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nová verze je k dispozici" #: ../dashboard.php:1196 #, php-format msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Aktualizovat na nejnovější verzi bezpečného přihlašování %s" #: ../wp-cerber.php:190 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Nejste oprávněni se přihlásit. Požádejte správce o pomoc." #: ../wp-cerber.php:196 #, php-format msgid "You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "" "Dosáhli jste limitu pokusů o přihlášení. Zkuste to prosím znovu za %d " "minut(y)." #: ../wp-cerber.php:214 #, php-format msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Máte jen jeden zbývající pokus." msgstr[1] "Máte jen %d zbývající pokusy." msgstr[2] "Máte jen %d zbývajících pokusů." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1870 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Notifikace bezpečného přihlašování" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1888 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Režim Citadela je aktivní" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1890 #, php-format msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "" "Režim Citadely je aktivován po %d neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení v %d " "minutách." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1891 #, php-format msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Poslední pokus byl zaznamenán v %s z IP adresy %s s přihlašovacím jménem: %s." #: ../wp-cerber.php:1892 ../wp-cerber.php:2192 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Zobrazit aktivitu na nástěnce" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1919 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Počet aktivních blokací" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1923 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Zobrazit blokace na nástěnce" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1951 msgid "Change notification settings" msgstr "Změnit nastavení upozornění" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1956 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "URL nové adresy pro přihlášení" #: ../wp-cerber.php:1976 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Tato zpráva byla odeslána pomocí" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2246 #, php-format msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "Bezpečné přihlašování vyžaduje alespoň PHP %s a vyšší. Vaše PHP je" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2250 #, php-format msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "" "Bezpečné přihlašování vyžaduje alespoň Wordpress verze %s a vyšší. Váš " "Wordpress je" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2255 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Nelze aktivovat bezpečné přihlašování kvůli chybě databáze." #: ../wp-cerber.php:2277 ../settings.php:224 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Hlavní nastavení" #: ../wp-cerber.php:2280 ../settings.php:63 ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:234 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikace" #: ../common.php:255 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Přihlášen" #: ../common.php:256 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Odhlášen" #: ../common.php:257 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Přihlášení selhalo" #: ../common.php:260 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP blokována" #: ../common.php:261 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Podsít zablokována" #: ../common.php:263 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadela je aktivní!" #: ../common.php:266 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP na černé listině" #: ../common.php:269 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Heslo bylo změněno" #: ../common.php:351 ../settings.php:89 msgid "days" msgstr "dnů" #: ../common.php:353 ../settings.php:61 ../settings.php:79 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minut(y)" #: ../settings.php:59 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Omezit neúspěšné pokusy" #: ../settings.php:60 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Pokusy" #: ../settings.php:61 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Doba blokování" #: ../settings.php:62 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Agresivní zablokování" #: ../settings.php:64 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Připojení webu" #: ../settings.php:64 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Web je za reverzní proxy" #: ../settings.php:66 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktivní bezpečnostní pravidla" #: ../settings.php:67 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Zablokovat podsíť" #: ../settings.php:67 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Pokaždé blokovat útočníka v celé subsíti třídy C" #: ../settings.php:68 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Neexistující uživatelé" #: ../settings.php:68 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "" "Při pokusu o přihlášení s neexistujícím uživatelským jménem okamžitě " "zablokovat IP adresu" #: ../settings.php:69 msgid "Redirect dashboard requests" msgstr "Přesměrování požadavku nástěnky" #: ../settings.php:69 msgid "" "Disable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested " "by an unauthorized request" msgstr "" "Zakázat automatické přesměrování na přihlašovací stránku, pokud je poslán " "neautorizovaný požadavek na /wp-admin/" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Požadavek wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Ihned blokovat IP adresu po jakékoli žádosti na soubor wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:73 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Vlastní přihlašovací stránka" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Vlastní login URL" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "url se nesmí překrývat s existujícím obsahem ( stránka, příspěvek, ... )" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Zakázat wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "" "Blokovat přímý přístup k wp-login.php a odeslat http kód 404 - stránka " "nebyla nalezena" #: ../settings.php:78 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Práh" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trvání" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Odeslat oznámení na email administrátora" #: ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:339 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Odeslat test" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Uchovat záznamy po" #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Použít soubor" #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Zapsat neúspěšné pokusy do souboru" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Zapněte inteligentní ochranu webu!" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "" "Be careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL " "you will not be able to login." msgstr "" "Buďte opatrní s touto volbou. Pokud zapomenete přihlašovací stránku, " "nebudete se moci přihlásit." #: ../settings.php:238 msgid "Help" msgstr "Nápověda" #: ../settings.php:325 #, php-format msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s povolené pokusy v %s minutách" #: ../settings.php:330 #, php-format msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Zvýšit dobu trvání blokace na %s hodin(y) po %s blokacích ve %s hodinách" #: ../settings.php:337 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Upozornit administrátora, pokud blokace přesáhne počet" #: ../settings.php:342 #, php-format msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Zapnout po %s. neúspěšném přihlášení v %s minutách." #: ../settings.php:426 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Pozor! Změnili jste adresu pro přihlašování! Nová adresa je" #: ../cerber-tools.php:55 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Export nastavení do souboru" #: ../cerber-tools.php:56 msgid "" "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you " "can upload on another site." msgstr "" "Pokud kliknete na tlačítko níže, obdržíte konfigurační soubor, který můžete " "nahrát na jiném webu." #: ../cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Co chcete exportovat?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:58 ../cerber-tools.php:67 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastavení" #: ../cerber-tools.php:60 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Stáhnout soubor" #: ../cerber-tools.php:62 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importovat nastavení ze souboru" #: ../cerber-tools.php:63 msgid "" "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing " "settings will be overridden." msgstr "" "Pokud kliknete na tlačítko níže, stávající nastavení bude nahrazeno vybraným " "souborem." #: ../cerber-tools.php:64 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Vyberte prosím soubor importu." #: ../cerber-tools.php:64 #, php-format msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maximální velikost nahrávaného souboru: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:67 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Co chcete importovat?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Nahrát soubor" #: ../cerber-tools.php:148 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Žádný soubor nebyl nahrán nebo je soubor poškozen" #: ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Během aktualizace se vyskytla chyba" #: ../cerber-tools.php:181 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Nastavení bylo úspěšně importováno z" #: ../cerber-tools.php:185 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Během ukládání se vyskytla chyba" languages/wp-cerber-uk.mo000064400000054534147577531750011412 0ustar00L L M Rn ; 2 0 =JQZs,,2 &4 F,g*?hfq+&G@)G 1ASp G!?Pbg |g 3 : HV_ f8t   0 =G[`diTr 6JfvUL*7b s=} $ "  0> T _j{     "@!Z|),,$Q dr 3 ey'  0Q'Z8>2X+", !*L!Rt!|  3 .<   : U _ <r     h!di!!'!E "CQ""D"J"C#K#k#r# w##0# ###)# $0$$U$^$6f$ $9$ $$ $ %>% F%R%[%7)H))JY*#****,+!-+]O+[+' ,b1,,/,L,R(-V{- -I-)..0/L/7:0jr0P0.1#11d 2 q2:2)212)30E3v3B3A48T4:44445$5=5[5x5)96!c6'667677*7b=787(78=8?O888!8+899!929E99!9:o::#;=:;x;-<L<1=M=m=#=J>a> {>:>><>2?G?)^?8??#?? @@0@CF@'@8@5@1!AISA A.A&ACBRDB>BcB):CdCCCC6:D>qDDD8RE8EEEEF*FHGF(F,FOF6GJOGEG!GHN!H'pHTHZHGHI9IFIHJ@ZJ J[JKGKaK-rKK'K'K1LJBL3LdL!&MmHMN+N@NR:ORO O"OP P^P}P0P.PPQ.mRMRyRdS<S9TT \U*fUUUUUeU&AVhVV^VVX WeW xWhWWX X"X1X+XY'Y>Y%s allowed retries in %s minutesERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivityAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAggressive lockoutAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAre you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttemptsAttention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isBe careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL you will not be able to login.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the WordPress REST APIBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to the pages like /?author=nBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBy userCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber Quick ViewChange notification settingsCheck for activityCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Click to send testCommentsConfused about some settings?Custom login URLCustom login pageDateDate of registrationDeactivateDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable feedsDisable wp-login.phpDonateDownload fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesError while parsing fileError while updatingExpiresExport settings to the fileFailed attempts in last 24 hoursFrom IP addressFrom countryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!HintHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP blacklistedIP blockedImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn Citadel mode nobody is able to login. Active user's sessions will not be affected.Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursIt's important to check security settings.Keep records forKnow moreLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLimit login attemptsLimit on login attempts is reachedList is emptyLoad default settingsLocal UserLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLogged inLogged outLogin failedLogin formLost password formMain SettingsMake your protection smarter!Maximum upload file size: %s.Message has been sent to My site is behind a reverse proxyNeverNew Custom login URLNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot logged inNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingPassword changedPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Proactive security rulesProhibited usernamesReasonRedirect dashboard requestsRemoveRequest wp-login.phpRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSecret keySelect file to import.Send notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromShowing last %d records from %dSite connectionSite keyStop user enumerationSubnet blockedThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThese IPs will never be locked outThese settings do not affect hosts from the This message was sent byThresholdTo view activity, click on the IPToolsUnable to send notification emailUnknownUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse fileUser createdUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView lockouts in dashboardWP CerberWP Cerber SettingsWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWebsiteWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou can't add your IP addressYou have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes.Your IPYour IP address is added to theactivedaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsentryentriesfailed attemptshttp://wpcerber.comif empty, the admin email %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)lockoutsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)reCAPTCHAreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifiedview allProject-Id-Version: WP Cerber Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: Tue Sep 08 2015 21:38:11 GMT+0300 PO-Revision-Date: Wed Apr 12 2017 21:49:27 GMT+0300 Last-Translator: Greg Language-Team: Language: Ukrainian Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 && n%10<=4 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Generator: Loco - https://localise.biz/ X-Poedit-Basepath: . X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .. X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _:1;gettext:1;dgettext:2;ngettext:1,2;dngettext:2,3;__:1;_e:1;_c:1;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nc:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_n_js:1,2;_nx_js:1,2,3c;esc_attr__:1;esc_html__:1;esc_attr_e:1;esc_html_e:1;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c;comments_number_link:2,3;t:1;st:1;trans:1;transChoice:1,2 X-Loco-Target-Locale: uk_UA%s дозволених спроб за %s хвилинПОМИЛКА: Пароль, який ви ввели для імені користувача %s є некоректний.ПОМИЛКА: будь ласка, введіть дійсну адресу електронної пошти.Нова версія WP Cerber доступна для установкиEmail aдресa для скарг:Списки доступуДіяАктивністьДодати IP в чорний списокДодати IP до спискуАдресу %s було додано до чорного списку доступу за IPАдресу %s було додано до білого списку доступу за IPАгресивне блокуванняЗавжди блокувати всю подсітку класу С від IP-порушникаВи впевнені?Спроба отримати доступ доСпроба отримати доступ до забороненого URLСпроба увійти з неіснуючим ім'ям користувачаСпроба увійти із забороненим ім'ям користувачаСпробиУвага! Ви змінили URL входу! Новий URL входуБудьте уважними при установці цих параметрів. Якщо ви забудете URL сторінки авторизації, ви не зможете увійти.Перед тим, як використовувати reCAPTCHA, ви маєте отримати ключ сайта (Site key) та секретний ключ (Secret key) на сайті ГуглаЧорний список доступу за IPБлокувати доступ до RSS, Atom та RDF канали (feeds)Блокувати доступ до WordPress REST APIБлокувати доступ до XML-RPC серверу (включаючі Pingbacks та Trackbacks)Блокувати доступ до сторінок таких як /?author=nЗаблокувати прямий доступ до wp-login.php та повернути HTTP помилку 404 "Сторінку не знайдено"Блокувати підсіткуВід користувачаНе вдалося активувати WP Cerber через помилку у базі даних.Швидкий огляд CerberЗмінити налаштування сповіщеньПеревірити активністьРежим Цитадель активовано!Режим ЦитадельРежим Цитадель активованоРежим Цитадель активовано після %d невдалих спроб входу протягом %d хвилин.Клікніть, щоб надіслати тестовий emailКоментаріМаєте сумнів щодо налаштувань?Власний URL сторінки авторизаціїВласна сторінка авторизаціїДатаДата реєстраціїДеактивуватиВідключити REST APIВідключити XML-RPCВимкнути автоматичне перенаправлення до сторінки авторизації коли /wp-admin/ отримує неавторизований запитВідключити канали (feeds)Відключити wp-login.phpПідтримайте розробкуЗавантажити файлДеталізувати інформацію про IPТривалістьПОМИЛКА:Email адресаАктивувати після %s невдалих спроб за останні %s хвилинПомилка під час парсингу файлаПомилка при оновленніСпливаєЕкспортувати налаштування у файлНевдалі спроби за останні 24 годиниЗ IP-адресиЗ країниЗміцнення безпекиЗміцнення безпеки WordPressДопомогаВітаємо!ПідказкаІм'я хостуВізуальна веріфікація невдала. Будь ласка клікніть на квадратик блока reCAPTCHA нижче.IPIP у чорному спискуIP заблокованоНегайно блокувати IP-адресу після будь-якого запиту до wp-login.phpНегайно блокувати IP-адресу при спробі входу з неіснуючим ім'ям користувачаІмпорт налаштуваньІмпортувати налаштування з файлуУ режимі Цитадeль ніхто не може увійти на сайт. Активні сесії користувачів лишаться недоторканими.Збільшити тривалість блокування до %s годин після %s блокувань протягом останніх %s годинВажливо перевірити налаштування безпеки.Зберігати записи не більшеДізнатися більшеОстання невдала спроба відбулася %s з IP адреси %s з логіном користувача: %s.Останнє блокуванняОстаннє блокування було додане: %s для IP %sОстанній вхідЛіміт спроб входуДосягнуто ліміт для спроб входуСписок порожнійЗавантажити типові налаштуванняКористувачЗаблокованоТривалість блокуванняБлокування для %s було видаленоБлокуванняНаразі заблокованоУвійшовВийшовНевдалий вхідФорма входуФорма відновлення втраченого паролюОсновні налаштуванняЗробіть ваш захист розумнішим!Максимальний розмір файла: %s.Сповіщення було надіслано Мій сайт підключено через проксі серверНіколиНовий URL для входу на сайтДоступна нова версіяНе було відмічено жодної активності.Файл не було завантажено або файл пошкодженоНаразі немає блокувань. Небо ясне.Ніхто не може увійти або зареєструватися з цих IP-адресНеіснуючі користувачіНеавторизованийЛіміт сповіщеньСповіщенняСповіщати адміністратора, якщо кількість активних блокувань перевищуєКількість активних блокуваньКількість блокувань збільшуєтьсяПароль зміненоБудь ласка, активуйте "Постійні посилання", щоб використовувати цю опцію.Профілактичні правила безпекиЗаборонені імена користувачівПричинаПеренаправлення до панелі управлінняВидалитиЗапит до wp-login.phpОтримати додаткову інформацію WHOIS для IPСекретний ключ (Secret key)Обрати файл для імпорту.Надіслати сповіщення на email адміністратораНалаштуванняНалаштування були успішно імпортовані зВідображається %d останніх записів з %dПідключення сайтуКлюч сайта (Site key)Відключити доступ до користувача за його IDПідсітку заблокованоWP Cerber потребує PHP %s або вище. Ви використовуєтеWP Cerber потребує WordPress %s або вище. Ви використовуєтеПлагін безпеки WP Cerber було деактивованоПлагін безпеки WP Cerber є активнийЦі IP-адреси ніколи не буде заблокованоЦі налаштування не впливають на хости зЦе повідомлення було надіслано відПорігЩоб переглянути активність, натисніть на IP адресуІнструментиНеможливо відправити сповіщення на emailНевідомоОновити WP Cerber до версії %sЗавантажити файлВикористовувати файлКористувача створеноКористувача зареєстрованоНалаштування, що стосуються користувачаСесія користувача збігає заНедозволене ім'я користувача. Будь ласка, оберіть інше.Використано логінІмена користувачів з цього списку не дозволені для входу або реєстрації. Будь-яка IP-адреса, яка спробує використати одне з цих імен, буде негайно заблокована. Використовуйте кому, щоб розділити імена.КористувачіПереглянути активністьПереглянути активність для цього IPПереглянути активність на панелі управлінняПереглянути блокування на панелі управлінняWP CerberНалаштування WP CerberВідтепер WP Cerber є активний і захищає ваш сайтСповіщення WP CerberВебсайтЩо ви хочете експортувати?Що ви хочете імпортувати?Коли ви натиснете кнопку нижче, ви отримаєте конфігураційний файл, який зможете завантажити на інший сайт.Коли ви натиснете кнопку нижче, файл буде завантажено, і всі існуючі налаштування будуть перезаписані.Білий список доступу за IPЗаписувати невдалі спроби увійти до файлуВам заборонено вхід. Спитайте вашого адміністратора про допомогу.Ви можете легко завантажити рекомендовані налаштування за допомогою кнопки нижчеВи не можете додати вашу IP-адресуУ вас залишилася тільки одна спроба.У вас залишилося %d спроби.У вас залишилося %d спроб.Ви досягли ліміту спроб входу. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз за %d хвилин.Ваш IPВаша IP-адреса додана доактивнийднівдеактивувативідключенийне впливає на URL сторінки авторизації та списки доступузаписзаписизаписівневдалих спробhttp://wpcerber.comякщо порожнє, email адміністратора %s буде використаноза 24 годиниу хвилинах (якщо порожнє - стандартне значення WP)блокуваньхвилинне має співпадати з URL сторінок або постів, що вже існуютьнеактивнийлистів зі сповіщеннями дозволено протягом години (0 означає нелімітовано)reCAPTCHAНалаштування reCAPTCHAНалаштування reCAPTCHA невірніПеревірка reCAPTCHA невдаланевідомоневизначенапереглянути усіlanguages/wp-cerber-pl_PL.mo000064400000212537147577531750012000 0ustar00b,<6<6=6BD6(66^6;7RZ7 774728Q8 n8 {88888 88 889(919C9T9 q9{9 999*9 9 :::,:4: L:W:t: :: : :: : :: ; ; ; &; 2;>;$];<2<<!< <$=,= ==J=c=w=C}=/=2= $>52>h> z>>,>*> ?,'?'T?.|?@???,@!B@1d@@1@@!@A +A8A AA(NAfwAAAAlB {B#B>B+BGC*]C(C<C CAC =D HDVDoDD D DDD1DDEE/EEEYEkEEEEE E&E F F)F>F#QFuFF FFGF G G(,GCUG GGGG GGGH: HZGHHHH HH HHHI IWIWhIIII I JJ&J +J7J RJ!]JSJ%KK L L L3LRL2jLLLL1LL M M =M ^MiMxMMMMMgMLN jNxNNNN NNKNK(OItO5O O PPP P%P +P9PYPuPP<P$PQQ'QAQXQsQqQ+Q3$R2XR+R)R1R0SDSUSgSqSNS1BTtTTTTT T T T TUU%U,U HURUhU mUUwU UUUVV#V6VXEX KXUXiXnXrX X XXMXTYUY XY cY4nY4YYY$ Z0Z ?ZJZ\ZkZ'ZZ4ZBZb:[[ [6[K[3\C\a\\\ ]+]L>]]/] ]]]'^ 7^D^ X^e^W_mq_ _!_ ` `=` [`$h` ` ``` ````a!a2:a"ma a a aa aa a bMb kbvbbbbbbbb b cc #c 0c =c!Hc(jcc&c cc c d d!d?d_d~dddd ddde$e:eKeieyeeee!eee,fąPAT?ֆ $7Iۇ  +/EGuBABZyω19 NZn Ԋ&- 5B [&g$Ћً*, 1 ?J R ` m{  - -=Zr3{ 5rA@B+;n$&ߏ% ,:Tox <*.;+j0Ǒ ϑݑ 6 3 = KfYϒ5h=d  Ҕܔ' .EL )Wݕ*5,`@=H ×ԗۗ  "*:,OI|9Ƙ  ! *78? x 6ș 5 = IT1]96ɚ%{&{ ,C41xeA(Qj ݞ.$'!Ln ՟  $ 6 DPd"|  ĠР; CQY`v"|ҡ(!=_o%ʢߢ &#"=={, *Ĥ 3TN].,ۥ5O"_B4642kDJ;.'j47Ǩ@V)n éΩ&ߩZaz4%JOpNث<':dAPCY r! 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive PluginsActive ThemeActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAdd-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdministration Email AddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll UsersAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedAnyone can registerApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file permissions when necessaryChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable slave modeDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameFolderForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitiated by the userInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityModifiedMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew User Default RoleNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOldestOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProfileProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShow "Switched to" notificationShowing last %d records from %dSite Address (URL)Site IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite-specific settingsSizeSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTuesdayTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser createdUser creation deniedUser deletedUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser registeredUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.Users with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsVerifiedVerifyVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress Address (URL)Write failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hoursin the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)only digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: pl Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); %s temuRejestracja %s jest dozwolona w ciągu %s minut z jednego adresu IP%s ponowne próby są dozwolone w ciągu %s minut%s sek.%s sek.%s sek.(nie włączaj, dopóki nie zaopatrzysz się w odpowiednie klucze dla wersji niewidzialnej reCAPTCHy)BŁĄD: Proszę podać prawidłowy adres mailowyBłąd: Wprowadzone hasło dla użytkownika %s jest niepoprawne.Zarejestrowano nową aktywnośćDostępna jest nowa wersjaDostępna jest nowa wersja %s. Zainstaluj ją.Dostępna jest nowa wersja WP CerberNowsza wersja jest już dostępnaNadużycie adresu email:Listy DostępoweDostęp do API REST WordPressUzyskaj dostęp do tej witrynyKonta i roleAkcjaAktywowanyAktywne wtyczkiAktywny motywAktywne wtyczki oraz aktualizacje naAktywne sesjeAktywnośćPrzegląd działańSzczegóły aktywnościDodaj @ witrynę do tytułu stronyDodaj wpisDodaj IP do czarnej listyDodaj nowąDodaj stronę podrzędnąDodaj sieć do Czarnej ListyDodaj witryny podrzędne, korzystając z tokenów dostępu.Dodaj do menuDodatkiDodanoDodatkowe SzczegółyAdresDostosowanie silnika antyspamowegoNotatka AdministratoraAdministracyjny adres emailZaawansowane wyszukiwanieTryb zaawansowanyPo każdym skanowaniuWszystkie logowaniaWszyscy użytkownicyWszystkie połączone urządzeniaWszystkie krajeWszystkie plikiWszystkie pliki zostały przetworzoneWszystkie grupyWszystkie odwołaniaWszystkie skanowaniaWszystkie serweryCały ruchZezwalaj API REST dla niniejszych rólPozwól na wysyłanie szkodliwych adresów IP do Cerber Lab. Pomoże to stworzyć nowe algorytmy dla obrony Wordpressa przed zagrożeniami botów pojawiających się na co dzień. Możesz wyłączyć tę opcję w każdej chwili w opcjach wtyczki.Zezwalaj na niniejsze obszary nazwZawsze blokuj całą podsieć Klasy C z adresów IP intruzówZawsze włączoneOpcjonalna wiadomość dla tego użytkownikaAnty-SpamAntyspam oraz ustawienia wykrywania botówSilnik antyspamowyWszystkie aktywnościKażdy kraj jest dozwolonyKażdy może się zarejestrowaćZastosujWłącz zasadę limitu logowań dla adresów IP na Białej Liście Dostępu IPCzy na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone pliki?Na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone witryny?Jesteś pewny/a?Czy jesteś pewien? To bezpowrotnie unieważni token.Próba dostępuPróba logowania na zabroniony URLOdrzucono próbę logowaniaPróba zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejącej nazwy użytkownikaPróba zalogowania z zabronioną nazwą użytkownikaOdrzucono próbę rejestracjiPróba przesłania pliku zawierającego złośliwy kodZablokowano próbę przesłania złośliwego plikuPróby zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejących nazw użytkownikówUwaga! Tryb Twierdzy jest aktywny. Nikt obecnie nie może się zalogować.Uwaga! Został zmieniony adres URL logowania! Nowy adres toTylko dla autoryzowanych użytkownikówHarmonogram zautomatyzowanego cyklicznego skanowaniaAutomatyczne usuwanie malware oraz podejrzanych plikówAutomatyczne usuwanieAutomatyczne przywracanie zmodyfikowany i zainfekowanych plikówAutomatycznie usuniętoAutomatycznie przeniesiony do kwarantannyAutomatycznie przywróconoŚredni rozmiarWspaniale!Powrót do listyUważaj podczas włączania tych opcjiZanim zaczniesz używać reCAPTCHA musisz uzyskać dwa klucze na specjalnej stronie GoogleCzarna Lista Dostępu IPBlokujBlokuj adres IP przezBlokuj adresy IP, które wysyłają nadmierną liczbę żądań dotyczących nieistniejących stron lub skanuj witrynę pod kątem naruszeń bezpieczeństwaZablokuj UżytkownikaZablokuj dostęp do kokpitu WordPressZablokuj dostęp do API REST WordPress z wyjątkiem następujących przypadkówWyłącz dostęp do RSSZablokuj dostęp do serwera XML-RPC (włączając w to Pingbacki i Trackbacki)Zablokuj dostęp do stron użytkownika takich jak /?author=nZablokuj dostęp do danych użytkowników poprzez REST APIZablokuj wykonywanie skryptów PHP w folderze medialnym WordPressBlokada podsieciZablokuj nieautoryzowany dostęp do skryptów load-scripts.php i load-styles.phpZablokuj użytkownikaZablokowani UżytkownicyZablokowane przez administratoraZablokowane według reguły krajuWykryto aktywność botówWykryty botKrótkie podsumowanie- użytkownikBajtówNie można aktywować WP Cerber przez błąd bazy danych.AnulujKokpit CerberaZasady ochrony danych CerberaPołączenie Cerber LabProtokół Cerber LabSzybki podgląd CerberaZasady Bezpieczeństwa CerberaCerber Tech Inc.Inspektor ruchu CerberaSilnik antyspamu cerberaUstawienia antyspamowe CerberaNarzędzia CerberaW razie potrzeby zmień uprawnienia do plikówZmienione plikiDziennik ZmianSprawdź działaniaSprawdź żądaniaSprawdzanie nowych oraz zmodyfikowanych plikówNiezgodność sumy kontrolnejAktywacja twierdzy!Tryb TwierdzyTryb Twierdzy jest aktywnyTryb Twierdzy aktywuje się po %d nieprawidłowych logowania w czasie %d minut.Tryb Twierdzy jest aktywnyCzyszczenieKliknij tutaj, aby zobaczyć pełną listę plikówKliknij na nazwie kraju, aby dodać go do listy wybranych krajówKliknij, aby rozpocząć edycjęKliknij, aby wysłać terazKliknij, aby wysłać wiadomość testowąKomentarz odrzuconyFormularz komentarzyPrzetwarzanie komentarzyKomentarzeFirmaKonfiguruj niniejszą witrynę jako nadrzędną, aby zarządzać inną stroną internetowąSkonfiguruj problemy, które mają być uwzględnione w raporcie e-mail oraz warunki wysyłania raportówZawartość została zmodyfikowanaKontynuuj SkanowanieCiasteczkaPaństwaPaństwoUtwórz alertUtworzonoBłędy krytyczneObecnie przeprowadzane jest zaplanowane skanowanie. Prosimy poczekać, aż proces dobiegnie końca.Własny URL logowaniaWłasny adres logowania może zawierać tylko znaki łacińskie, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślnikiWłasna strona logowaniaZnaleziono niestandardową sygnaturęWłasne sygnaturyKokpitOchrona danychZasady ochrony danychDataFormat datyFormat daty dla pliku CSVWyłączZaładowano ustawienia domyślneChroni WordPress przed atakami hakerów, spamem, trojanami oraz wirusami. Skaner malware oraz weryfikator spójności. Wzmacnia zaporę WordPress kompleksowym zestawem algorytmów bezpieczeństwa. Ochrona przed spamem wraz z zaawansowanym silnikiem detekcji botów oraz reCAPTCHA. Śledzi działania zarówno użytkownika, jak i potencjalnego intruza używając powiadomień na urządzeniach przenośnych i stacjonarnych oraz poprzez e-mail.Odłóż renderowanie niestandardowej strony logowaniaOdroczone renderowanieUsuńUsuń alertUsuń trwaleSkasuj pliki poddane kwarantannie, po ukończeniuUsuń nienadzorowane plikiUsuń dane o sesjach użytkownika gdy jego konto jest usuwaneUsuń witrynęUsuniętoOdrzuconeOdrzuć wszystkie adresy email pasujące poniżejOdmawiaj dalszych prób logowaniaOdrzuć kompletnieOdmowa dostępu do folderu docelowegoOkreślone przez zasady użytkownikaDiagnostykaLog diagnostyczny Katalogi do wykluczeniaWyłącz wyświetlanie błędów PHPWyłącz PHP w przesyłanych plikachWyłącz REST APIWyłącz XML-RPCWyłącz automatyczne przekierowanie do strony logowania, gdy /wp-admin/ jest żądany przez nieautoryzowane zgłoszenieWyłącz przekierowanie z kokpituWyłącz kanały RSSWyłącz tryb nadrzędnyWyłącz tryb podrzędnyWyłączoneWyświetl stronę 404Wyświetlaj jakoWyświetl prostą stronę 404Nie dodawaj mojego adresu IP do Białej Listy Dostępu IP do czasu aktywacji wtyczkiNie stosuj tych zasad dla adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IPNie stosuj tej zasady dla adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IPCzy chcesz dodać zaznaczone pliki do listy ignorowanych?Pobierz plikIdentyfikuj adres IPCzas trwaniaBŁĄD:EdytujE-mailAdres E-mailAdres e-mail jest niedozwolony.Adres e-mail jest zablokowany Email został wysłany na adresPowiadomienia E-mailWłączane po %s nieprawidłowych próbach logowania w ciągu ostatnich %s minutWłącz monitorowanie dziennika uwierzytelnianiaWłącz usuwanie danychWłącz eksport danychWłącz logowanie diagnostyczneWłącz funkcję osłaniania przed błędamiWłącz niewidzialną reCAPTCHęWłącz tryb nadrzędnyWłącz opcjonalne rejestrowanie ruchu, jeśli chcesz monitorować podejrzaną i złośliwą aktywność lub rozwiązywać problemy z bezpieczeństwemWłącz reCAPTCHę dla formularza logowania WooCoomerceWłącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza przypomnienia hasła WooCommerceWłącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza rejestracji WooCommerceWłącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza komentarzy WordpressaWłącz reCAPTCHę dla formularza logowania WordpressaWłącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza przypomnienia hasła WordpressaWłącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza rejestracji WordpressaWłącz raportowanieWłącz tryb podrzędnyWłącz inspekcję ruchuWpisz część zapytania lub ścieżkę do zapytania, aby wyłączyć żądanie z listy inspekcji. Jedna pozycja na linię.Wpisz adresy żądania, które mają być wykluczone z inspekcji. Jeden adres na linię.Wprowadź kod z email w polu poniżej.Osłanianie przed Błędnymi ŻądaniamiBład parsowania plikuBłąd: nie można użyć pliku %s.BłędyZdarzenieCo 3 godzinyCo 6 godzinCo godzinęWykluczeniaZnaleziono kod wykonawczyUpływaEksportEksportuj ustawienia do plikuRozszerzenieNieudane próby logowaniaPlikNazwa plikuBłąd dostępu do pliku. Najwyraźniej wyniki skanowania są nieaktualne. Prosimy przeprowadzić Szybkie lub Pełne skanowaniePlik usuniętyStatystyki rozszerzenia plikuBrakuje plikuNie znaleziono plikuPlik przywróconyOdrzucone wysyłanie plikuPlikiPliki w katalogu sessionsPliki w katalogu tymczasowymPliki w folderze uploadPliki w następujących katalogachPrzeskanowanych plikówPliki do skanowaniaPliki z następującymi rozszerzeniamiPliki z niepożądanymi rozszerzeniamiPliki bez rozszerzeniaFiltrFiltrowany przez zarejestrowanego użytkownikaFinalizacja skanowaniaUkończonoImięFolderWysyłka formularza została odrzuconaPrzesyłanie formularzyPiątekZ adresu IPZ PaństwaPełne skanowanieRaport Pełnego SkanowaniaTryb pełnego dostępuOtrzymuj natychmiastowe powiadomienia dzięki powiadomieniom na telefon i komputerPierwsze krokiOgólneGrupaWzmacnianieWzmacnianie WordpressaPomocCześć!Ukrywaj pasek narzędzi gdy przeglądasz stronęWysoka istotnośćInformacje o hostinguHostJak wtyczka przetwarza komentarze przesłane za pośrednictwem standardowego formularza komentarzyNieudana weryfikacja. Proszę zaznaczyć kwadrat poniżej w bloku reCAPTCHAIPAdres IPAdres IPAdres IP %s został dodany do Czarnej Listy Dostępu IPAdres IP %s został dodany do Białej Listy Dostępu IPAdres IP jest zablokowanyAdres IP nie jest dozwolonyAdres IP, zakres, wildcard lub CIDRIP dodany do czarnej listyZablokowano IPPodsieć IP zablokowanaIP na Białej LiścieJeśli wykryto spamerski komentarzJeśli nastąpiły jakiekolwiek zmiany w wynikach skanowaniaJeśli wykryto nowe problemyJeśli liczba jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika jest większaJeśli zapomnisz własny adres URL logowania, to nie będziesz mógł się zalogować.Jeśli używasz wtyczki pamięci podręcznej, musisz dodać nowy adres URL logowania do listy stron, które nie będą buforowane.IgnorujLista ignorowanychNatychmiast blokuj wszystkie adresy IP, które próbują uzyskać dostęp do wp-login.phpNatychmiastowo blokuj adres IP w przypadku prób zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejącej nazwy użytkownikaImportuj ustawieniaImportuj ustawienia z plikuW trybie Twierdzy nie może się zalogować nikt oprócz adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IP. Nie ma to wpływu na aktywne sesje użytkowników.Dołącz rozmiary plikuDołącz błędy skanowaniaNieprawidłowy adres IP lub zakres IPNieprawidłowe hasłoZwiększ czas blokady do %s godzin po %s blokadach w czasie %s godzinZainicjowane przez użytkownikaZainstaluj token dostępu na witrynie nadrzędnej.IntegralnośćNie znaleziono danych spójnościNieprawidłowe poświadczenia główneNieprawidłowa odpowiedź z witryny podrzędnejNieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownikaNiewidzialna reCAPTCHAŁączna liczba błędówPo aktualizacji do nowszej wersji może pozostać w %s. Może być również częścią ukrytego malware. W rzadkich przypadkach może być częścią niestandardowych (wykonanych za zamówienie) wtyczek lub szablonów.Najwyraźniej ta witryna nie została jeszcze przeskanowana. Kliknij przycisk poniżej, by rozpocząć skanowanie.Zapamiętaj: Dodałeś stronę, która nie wspiera enkrypcji SSL. To może doprowadzić do wycieku danych.Dowiedz się więcejDowiedz się więcej na temat zalet naNajwiększyNazwiskoOstatnia nieudana próba miała miejsce %s z adresu IP %s oraz nazwie użytkownika: %sOstatnia blokadaOstatnią blokadę dodano: %s dla IP %sOstatnie logowanieOstatnio widzianyUruchom Pełne SkanowanieUruchom Szybkie SkanowanieStary trybLicencjaOgranicz dostęp według adresu IPLimit próbLimit prób logowanaOgranicz liczbę jednoczesnych sesji użytkownikaOsiągnięto limit nieprawidłowych weryfikacji reCAPTCHAOsiągnięto limit prób logowaniaOsiągnięty limitLista jest pustaBieżący RuchZaładuj ustawienia domyślneWczytaj wejściaUruchamianie mechanizmu bezpieczeństwaWczytaj domyślne ustawienia wtyczkiLokalny użytkownikZablokuj adres IP na %s minut po %s nieprawidłowych próbowach logowania w ciągu %s minutZablokowanyBlokada dla %s została usuniętaPowiadomienia o blokadzieBlokadyBlokad na chwilę obecnąBlokadZaloguj sięWyloguj sięZarejestruj się na stronie internetowej...ZalogowanoWylogowanoZapisywanie logów wyłączoneTryb zapisu logówNieprawidłowe logowanieFormularz logowaniaLogowanie z innego adresu IPZaloguj się z innej przeglądarki lub urządzeniaLogowanie z innego krajuLogowanie z innej sieci klasy CDłuższe niżFormularz odzyskiwania hasłaNiska istotnośćUstawienia GłówneUstawienia główneZadbaj o to, aby twoja ochrona była mądrzejsza!Wykrytych szkodliwych adresów IPZłagodzonej szkodliwej aktywnościWykryto podejrzane aktywnościWykryto złośliwy kodWykryto złośliwy kodOdrzucono złośliwe żądanieSkanowanie pod kątem malwareZaznacz jako spamUkryj te pola formularzyUstawienia główneMaksymalna kompatybilnośćMaksymalne bezpieczeństwoMaksymalna wielkość pliku importu: %sŚrednia istotnośćZmodyfikowanoPoniedziałekMonitoruj zmodyfikowane plikiMonitoruj nowe plikiPrzenieś spamerskie komentarze do kosza poWiele błędnych żądańWiele podejrzanych działańWykryto wiele podejrzane aktywnościWielokrotne podejrzane żądaniaMoje IPMój adres IPMoje WitrynyMoja aktywnośćMoja strona łączy się przez odwrotne proxyNIESieć:NigdyNowy, własny URL logowaniaDomyślna rola nowego użytkownikaNowy plikNowe plikiNowi użytkownicyDostępna jest nowa wersjaNajnowszeNie zarejestrowano aktywności.Nie znaleziono urządzeńBrak rozszerzeniaŻaden plik nie został zaimportowany lub plik jest uszkodzonyŻadne pliki nie pasują do określonego filtru.Na chwilę obecną brak jakichkolwiek blokadNie zalogowano żadnych żądań.Bez ograniczeńBrak regułyNie skonfigurowano żadnych witryn.Nieistniejący użytkownicyNiedostępneNiezalogowanyNiedozwolone dla jednego krajuNiedozwolone dla %d krajówNiedozwolone dla liczby krajów: %dNieokreślonyUwagiLimit powiadomieńPowiadomieniaPowiadom administratora, jeśli liczba aktywnych blokad przekroczyLiczba aktywnych blokadIlość dozwolonych jednoczesnych sesji użytkownikaLiczba blokad wzrastaOKNajstarszeTylko zarejestrowani i zalogowani do witryny użytkownicy mogą przeglądać stronęTylko zarejestrowani i zalogowani do witryny użytkownicy mają dostęp do stronyW serwisie mogą rejestrować się tylko użytkownicy z adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IPOpcjonalny komentarz do tego wpisuInne formularzeWłaścicielStrony nie znalezionoCzas generowania stronyPróg czasowy generowania stronyAnaliza listy plikówZmieniono hasłoProśba o reset hasłaŚcieżkaOptymalizacjaZabronionoZezwól tylko na adresy email pasujące poniżejDozwolone dla jednego krajuDozwolone dla %d krajówDozwolone dla liczby krajów: %dDane osobisteTelefonWybierz inny.Prosimy włączyć włączyć permalinki, aby funkcja była dostępna. Zmień ustawienia permalinków na inne, niż domyślne.Prosimy o przesłanie referencyjnego pliku ZIPPrześlij inny plik.Zweryfikuj, że to TySposób inicjalizacji trybu wtyczki nie został zmienionyZasady zostały zaktualizowaneKomentarze wpisuPrefiks dla ciasteczek wtyczekPrefiks może zawierać tylko znaki łacińskie, cyfry i podkreślnikiPrzygotowywanie do skanowaniaPoprzednio rozpoczęte skanowanie %s nie zostało zakończone. Kontynuować skanowanie?Pro-aktywne zasady bezpieczeństwaSondowanie dla wrażliwego kodu PHPProfilZabronione nazwy użytkownikaChroń skrypty administracyjneChroń wszystkie formularze na stronie dzięki mechanizmowi wykrywania botówChroń formularz komentarzy silnikiem wykrywania botówChroń formularz rejestracyjny za pomocą mechanizmu wykrywania botówChroń konta użytkownikówChroń role użytkownikaZabezpieczone ustawieniaPchnij powiadomieniaToken dostępu PushbulletUrządzenie PushbulletKwarantannaPoddano kwarantannieZapytanie do białej listySzybkie skanowanieRaport Szybkiego SkanowaniaTryb tylko do odczytuPowódOstatnio zablokowane adresy IPPrzywróć pliki WordPressPrzywróć pliki wtyczekPrzywróconoPrzywracanie plików WordPressPrzywracanie plików wtyczekPrzekierowano do adresu URLPrzekieruj użytkownika po zalogowaniuPrzekieruj użytkownika po wylogowaniuZasady przekierowańOdświeżZarejestrujZarejestruj się na stronieZarejestrowanyFormularz rejestracjiLimit rejestracjiUsuńUsuń z listyZgłoś problem, jeśli jedno z następujących jest prawdąŻądanieżądanie identyfikatoraZablokowane odwołanie do interfejsu REST APIWysyłanie żądania do Google reCAPTCHA nie powiodło sięBiała lista żądańŻądanie wp-login.phpRozwiąż problemPrzywróćOgraniczenia adresów emailSprawdź dodatkowe informacje WHOIS dla adresu IPPowrót do listy witrynyZabroniono aktualizacji roliZasady oparte na rolachZasady oparte na rolach zostały skonfigurowaneTryb bezpiecznySobotaZapisz $_SERVERZapisz wszystkie zmianyZapisz ZmianyZapisz wszystkie regułyZapisz ciasteczka żądańZapisz pola żądańZapisz nagłówki żądańZapisz błędy oprogramowaniaRaportowanie wyników skanowaniaFolder sesji skanowaniaTymczasowy folder skanowaniaPrzeskanowanoRaport SkanowaniaUstawienia skaneraSkanowanie folderów w poszukiwaniu plikówSkanowanie folderu session w poszukiwaniu plikówSkanowanie folderu temp w poszukiwaniu plikówSkanowanie folderu upload w poszukiwaniu plikówPlanowanieSzukaj dla adresów IPSzukaj IP lub użytkownikaSzukaj w adresie URLWyniki wyszukiwania dla:Fraza do wyszukaniaWyszukiwanie złośliwego koduToken Dostępu PoufnegoSekretny kluczZasady BezpieczeństwaSkaner BezpieczeństwaUstawienia zabezpieczeń zostały zaktualizowaneZaznacz istniejącą grupę lub wprowadź nową, aby ją dodaćWybierz plik do importuWybierz jedną lub więcej rólPrześlij raport mailemWyślij szkodliwe adresy IP do Cerber LabWyślij powiadomienie na adres mailowy administratoraWyślij raporty doSerwerKraj serweraZakończono sesjęZakończono %s sesjeZakończono %s sesjiSesjeZabroniono zmiany ustawieńUstawieniaUstawienia zaimportowano prawidłowo zUstawienia zapisanoUstawienia zaktualizowaneWyświetlaj powiadomienie "Przełączono na"Wyświetla ostatnie %d wpisów z %dAdres witrynyIntegralność WitrynyUstawienia stronyPołączenie witrynyKlucz stronyUstawienia stronyRozmiarUstawienia podrzędneNajmniejszyInteligentneWystąpiły pewne błędyBłędna weryfkacja.Sortuj użytkowników w kokpicieZajęte miejsceKomentarz ze spamem odrzuconyOdrzuconych komentarzy ze spamemOdrzucony formularz ze spamemOdrzuconych formularzy ze spamemOchrona przed spamem w przypadku komentarzy, rejestracji i formularzy kontaktowych na stronie internetowejOkreśl obszary nazw API REST, które mają być dozwolone, jeśli interfejs API REST jest wyłączony. Jeden wpis na linię.Określ niestandardowe sygnatury kodu PHP. Jeden element na wiersz. Aby określić wzorzec REGEX, ujmij cały wiersz w dwóch nawiasach.Wprowadź adresy email, wildcards lub szablony REGEX. Użyj przecinka do rozdzielania elementów.Określ rozszerzenia plików do wyszukania. Tylko pełny skan. Tryb standardowyWystartuj Pełne SkanowanieWystartuj Szybkie SkanowanieZacznij wpisywać tutaj, aby znaleźć krajRozpoczętoPrzerwij SkanowanieWyłącz numerację użytkownikówPrześlij formularzeNiedzielaWykryto podejrzany kod JavaScriptWykryto podejrzany kod SQLPodejrzane działanieZnaleziono podejrzany kodWykryto podejrzane instrukcje koduWykryto podejrzane sygnatury koduWykryto podejrzane dyrektywyPodejrzana liczba pólPodejrzana liczba zagnieżdżonych wartościPrzełącz naPrzełącz na pulpit nawigacyjnyZakończZakończ sesjęZakończ najstarszą sesję użytkownika przy nowym logowaniuZakończ sesje użytkownikaDodawany adres IP jest już na liścieWtyczka bezpieczeństwa WP Cerber została wyłączonaWtyczka WP Cerber jest teraz aktywnaAlert został utworzonyAlert został usuniętyKod będzie prawidłowy przez %s min.Treści pliku zostały zmienione i nie pasują do zawartości oficjalnego repozytorium WordPress lub pliku referencyjnego, który został uprzednio przesłany przez ciebie. Plik mógł zostać zmodyfikowany przez malware, zainfekowany przez wirusa lub zmanipulowany.Plik został trwale usunięty.Plik został przywrócony do swojej początkowej lokalizacji.Tryb pełnego dostępu wymaga wersji PRO WP CerberLista jest pusta.Skaner automatycznie skanuje witrynę, usuwa złośliwe oprogramowanie i wysyła e-mailem raporty z wynikami skanowaniaSkaner monitoruje zmiany plików, weryfikuje integralność WordPress, wtyczek i motywów oraz wykrywa złośliwe oprogramowanieSkaner identyfikuje ten plik jako "bezpański" lub "niezawarty w pakiecie", ponieważ nie należy on do żadnej znanej części niniejszej witryny internetowej, tak więc nie powinno go tutaj być.Harmonogram został zaktualizowanyTen token jest unikalny dla tej witryny. Utrzymaj go w tajemnicy. Zainstaluj token na witrynie nadrzędnej, aby przydzielać dostęp do niniejszej strony.Witryna została dodana pomyślnieWitryna, którą próbujesz dodać znajduje się już na liścieObecnie nie ma żadnych plików poddanych kwarantannie.Te funkcje są dostępne w profesjonalnej wersjii wtyczkiTe funkcje pomagają Twojej organizacji zachować zgodność z przepisami dotyczącymi ochrony danych osobowychNiniejsze pliki zostały dodane do listy ignorowanychNiniejsze pliki zostały przeniesione do kwarantannyTe pliki nigdy nie zostaną usunięte podczas automatycznego oczyszczania.Te zasady są automatycznie wymuszane po zakończeniu każdego zaplanowanego skanowania na podstawie jego wyników. Wszystkie pliki, których dotyczy problem, są przenoszone do kwarantannyNiniejsze restrykcje nie dotyczą adresów IP z Białej Listy Dostępu IPTen plik zawiera kod wykonawczy i ponadto może zawierać ukryty malware. Jeśli ten plik jest częścią szablonu lub wtyczki, musi być zlokalizowany w folderze theme lub plugin. Bezwzględnie, bez jakichkolwiek wyjątków.Brakuje tego pliku. Został usunięty lub nie został zainstalowany.Ta wiadomość została wysłana przezTen weryfikacyjny kod PIN wygasł. Wysłaliśmy nowy kod na Twój adres email.Niniejsza strona internetowa może być zarządzana z poziomu witryny głównejNiniejsza witryna jest ustawiona jako nadrzędnaNiniejsza witryna jest ustawiona jako podrzędna.PułapCzwartekAby zmienić ustawienia raportowania odwiedźKliknij tutaj, aby usunąć alertAby w pełni wykorzystać WP Cerber, wykonaj następujące kroki:Wybierz tryb dla niniejszej strony, aby kontynuowaćAby przywrócić token oraz wyłączyć zarządzanie zdalne, kliknij tutaj:Aby rozwiązać ten problem, musisz przeinstalować lub zaktualizować %s do najnowszej wersji.Aby określić wzór REGEX zamknij całość pomiędzy dwa ukośniki.Aby określić wzór REGEX, zamknij linię pomiędzy dwie klamry.Aby przejrzeć pełny raport, odwiedźNarzędzia10 największych plikówRuchPrzegląd ruchuKontrola RuchuInspektor ruchuTraffic Inspector to kontekstowa zapora aplikacji internetowych (WAF), która chroni Twoją witrynę internetową, rozpoznając i odrzucając złośliwe żądania HTTPRejestrowanie ruchuWyrzuć komentarze oznaczone jako spamSpróbuj ponownieWtorekUwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikoweUwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikoweBrak możliwości weryfikacji spójności z powodu błędu DBBrak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności plików WordPress z powodu błędu sieciBrak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności wtyczki z powodu błędu sieciBrak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności szablonu z powodu błędu sieciNie można skopiować plikuNie można utworzyć kataloguNie można usunąćNie można usunąć plikuNie można otworzyć plikuNie można przetworzyć plikuNie można wysłać e-maila doBrak możliwości aktualizacji harmonogramuNienadzorowane plikiNienadzorowany podejrzany plikNieznaneNieznany bot GooglaOdsubskrybujNiechciane rozszerzeniaNiepożądane rozszerzenie plikuNiechciane rozszerzenia plikówAktualizacjeAktualizuj WP CerberAktualizuj wszystkie aktywne wtyczkiWyślij plikUżyj szablonu błędu 404 z aktywnego motywuUżyj formatu daty dla ISO 8601 dla eksportu pliku CSVUżyj REST APIUżyj Białej Listy Dostępu IPUżyj XML-RPCUżywaj ścieżek bezwzględnych. Jedna na wiersz.Korzystaj z przecinków, aby oddzielić elementy.Używaj przecinka, aby określić więcej wartościUżyj plikuUżywaj zasad ogólnychUżyj mniej restrykcyjnych zasad (zezwól na AJAX)Używaj języka nadrzędnegoUżytkownikAktywność użytkownikaPrzeglądarka użytkownikaID użytkownikaPrzegląd użytkownikaWiadomość Użytkownika Zasady użytkownikówUżytkownik aktywowanyUtworzenie nowego użytkownikaZabroniono stworzenia użytkownikaUżytkownik usuniętyUżytkownik nie ma uprawnień do zalogowania się na stronieLogin użytkownikaWiadomość użytkownikaUżytkownik zarejestrowanyRejestracje użytkowników są ograniczone do tych rólCzas wygasania sesji użytkownikaSesja użytkownika zakończonaNazwa użytkownikaNazwa użytkownika niedostępna. Prosimy wybrać inną.Nazwa użytkownikaUżytkownicy z tej listy nie mogą się logować, ani rejestrować. Każdy adres IP próbujący używać jakiekolwiek nazwy użytkownika z tej listy zostanie zablokowany.Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą dodawać nowe roleUżytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać zabezpieczone ustawieniaUżytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać ustawienia roliUżytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać wrażliwe dane użytkownikaUżytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą tworzyć nowe kontaZweryfikowaneWeryfikacjaWeryfikowanie spójności WordPressWeryfikowanie spójności wtyczekWeryfikowanie spójności szablonówZobacz AktywnośćZobacz aktywność tego IPZobacz aktywność na pulpicieZobacz wszystkieSprawdź blokady w kokpicieOdwiedź WitrynęLuki w zabezpieczeniachWykryto lukę w zabezpieczeniachWP Cerber jest teraz aktywny i chroni twoją witrynęPowiadomienie WP CerberChcesz uczyć WP Cerber jeszcze bardziej potężnym?Nie znaleźliśmy żadnych danych integracyjnych do weryfikacjiPrzepraszamy, nie masz możliwości kontynuowaniaWysłaliśmy weryfikacyjny kod PIN na Twój adres emailWitrynaWłaściciel WitrynyWłaściwości witrynyAdres URL witrynyWitryna została usuniętaZostały usunięte %s witrynyZostało usuniętych %s witrynŚrodaRaport tygodniowyRaport tygodniowyRaport tygodniowy to podsumowanie wszystkich działań i podejrzanych zdarzeń, które miały miejsce w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dniRaporty tygodnioweCo chcesz eksportować?Co chcesz importować?Gdy limit jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika zostanie osiągniętyKiedy klikniesz na przycisk poniżej, to otrzymasz plik konfiguracyjny, który możesz importować na innej stronie.Kiedy klikniesz na przycisk poniżej, to zostanie zaimportowany plik i wszystkie dotychczasowe opcje zostaną nadpisane.Po kliknięciu poniższego przycisku zostaną wczytane domyślne ustawienia WP Cerber. Niestandardowy adres URL logowania i listy dostępu nie zostaną zmienione.Biała Lista Dostępu IPLogowanie WooCommerceWylogowanie WooCommerceWordPressAdres WordPressZapisuj nieprawidłowe próby logowania do plikuTyZnajdujesz się tutaj:Nie masz uprawnień do zalogowania sięNie masz pozwolenia na zalogowanie. Skontaktuj się z administratorem.Nie masz zezwolenia na rejestrację.Nie możesz dodać swojego adresu IP lub sieciPrzekroczono limit ilości dozwolonych prób zalogowania. Prosimy spróbować ponownie za %d minut.Pozostała tobie jedna próba.Ponownie przełączyłeś się na witrynę głównąPrzełączono na %sMusisz przesłać plik ZIP, za pomocą którego dokonano instalacji. Dzięki temu skaner bezpieczeństwa zweryfikuje spójność kodu i wykryje malware.Twoje IPTwój adres IP %s został dodany do Białej Listy Dostępu IPTwoje ostatnie logowanie to % s z %sTwoja licencja jest ważna doTwoja strona logowania:aktywnepo dacie rejestracjidnideaktywujwyłączonewłączonywpiswpisówwpisywygasanieudane próbyhttps://wpcerber.comJeśli puste, do zostanie użyty domyślny format %sjeśli puste, zostaną użyte adresy e-mail z ustawień powiadomieńjeśli puste, zostanie użyty adres e-mail administratora witryny internetowej %sprzez 24 godzinyw ostatnich 24 godzinachblokadymilisekundyminut/yminuty (pozostaw puste, aby użyć domyślnej wartości WordPress)brak połączenianieaktywnelimit powiadomień na godzinę (0 oznacza nieograniczone)dopuszczalne są tylko cyfrylubUstawienia reCAPTCHANieprawidłowe ustawienia reCAPTCHANieprawidłowa weryfikacja reCATPCHAnieznanenieokreśloneużytkownikużytkownikówużytkownikówzobacz wszystkiezablokowany przez %s na %sOstatnie skanowanie pod kątem malwareprzez %soWybrane kraje nie mają możliwości %s, inne kraje mają możliwośćWybrane kraje mają możliwość %s. inne nie mają możliwościlanguages/wp-cerber-sr_RS.mo000064400000137510147577531750012017 0ustar00_ & & &2& G&^h&R&;'vV' '2' !( .(;( B(L(U(g(x((((,(,(")9)I)Z)m) )) ) )) )")$ *2/+b+#k++++C+/+ ,+, =,^,,w,*,,,,'-?--H-@v-?-!-1.K.!^..(.f./+./;Z/G/E/G$0 l0Ay000 0011191J1`1t11111 1 122#(2L2^2 q2~2G22 2(3C,3p333 333334 4!4)4I944J4445 5$5 )5 55S@5666666 6 7727O7f7w7g707 8>>8 }8%8888858 .9 <9J9S9 Z9h998999+93):2]:+:):1:0;I;Z;qt;N;5<N<c<j< p< ~< <9< <<<<==-=C=UH==== =>> 8> F>T>p>>>>>>>> > > ??0? 8?B?V?[? _?m? r?|?T?? ?(?@ @+@'F@n@B@b@(A /A;A6KAJAAAA}BB BLB C C'C@C TCaCWDmD ~D!D=D D$D E %E/E@E RE^EfEuE2E"E E E E FF 4F?FMXF FFFFFFGG )G3G CGNGVG gG tG G GG G G GGGH1HMHeHzHHHHHHHI!I:INI,mI!IIIIII IJJ9J)JJ$tJ,JJJ,JK ,K :KHK<_K KK K3KK L:LLL lLxLLLLL L4Le+M%MM/M M NCN[NtNNN:N.N3)O]O pO{O OOO OOO OO P P'P/8X2wX+XXY&Y4ZFZYZZ3 ["@[Ec[.[-[,\3\\] ]]"]P^Ah^?^^!_&_@_F_N___q__/_G_B`AH``$```aa+aCaaaraa aaaa!a b&b;b [bhb b&bb$bb*b*c /c:c BcPc _c lcwccc3c ccdd$d&d%e )e7eQeleueee+e<ef*.f.Yf+ff f f fff gh)gdgg' h4hKhEOh hCh)hW$iD|ii\jnjjj jjjjjk k'k00kak ikwkk7k)k,k +l07lhl}l ll6l l l9l6%m%\mm mm{m{Pnn nnn p8p$JpVopRp@q{Zqq2q%r7rNr Ur `rjr{rrrrr+r+s?sYsks~ss ss s sst&t=t?Yuu!uu uuNu<5vrvv*vv<v7 wXw!vw*w w:w@x9Ix/x2xxx y,#yrPyy)y(zG+zOszNz{I"{$l{{ {{{;{|'|A|U|i|||| |||}(}C}W} j}v}A}} }*}@~`~}~~~~ ~-~3:AERZ"4Q`p v U ##, 5&C j"t˂ނm<^&=ƒ*: R_u9 ń ҄ F$k-<Ѕ5 -C4q:2+uKJ )AIRd y&шو߈ $t)lj# #BTj# Ɗӊ  +H] er ŋZϋ* -'7_ t;!یdtb ׍ "/SAĎT$oZ  %D YgPXn$}K/7Pb $ĒH(2[k{)ӓJ T`!qٔ ݔ  ">Tl ȕ ܕ;Zs)Ԗ 6#Ko$ߗ. / 9F_u$+,ߘ (<4q Z) <FIǚݚ " Cbt Mi/Q-ǜ לJ-Ll53؝7 DQZ kw  ٞ͞ 3MT,oƟڟ& 0K_&t" ݠ!,&N!u &ɡڡ !'I`)y* ΢#ۢ#:O _ lv~+%" $ E_aqh3e4'Ow˦Ӧۦ($? d"AڧG'd)#v'ک"+ު8 $C"h%_8Q V+`Z:5"X'u&Į ʮծ; F\<9)5"_Ѱ # <FMc~# !ʱ 'G2Y#+ܲ0 %0?Pcv dz<޳+ %C\ k! & +0+\/s2-ֶ %8Lf`eF/[E'N/eP`G޺/)Y!p »Eλ 0CIX71ڼ @Wm |Bҽ ?+02$InMJܾ ' 1?%s ago%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP%s allowed retries in %s minutes(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivatedActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddedAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll requestsAll scansAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existent usernameAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatically moved to quarantineAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the WordPress REST API except the followingBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST APIBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderDisable feedsDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay simple 404 pageDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic logEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Error while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File not foundFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFinalizing the scanFinishedForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportGetting Started GuideGregoryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInspectionIntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOptional comment for this entryOther formsPage Not FoundPage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRefreshRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSearching for malicious codeSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect file to import.Send email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySizeSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The directory is not writableThe file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese settings do not affect hosts from the This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create WP CERBER directoryUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)UserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser activatedUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersVerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: sr Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); %s ranije%s dozvoljenih registracija u %s minuta od jednog IP-ija%s dozvoljenih pokušaja %s u minuta(ne omogućuj ukoliko ne dobiješ i uneseš Sajt i Tajni ključ za nevidljivu verziju)Greška: Šifra koju ste uneli za korisničko ime %s je netačna.ERROR: molimo Vas unesite validnu email adresu.> > > Prevodilac WP Cerber-a? Da dobijete besplatnu PRO licencu, ostavite Vaš kontakt ovde: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Nova aktivnost je snimljenaNova verzija WP Cerbera je dostupna za instalacijuZlonamerni email:Access lista (pristup)AkcijaAktiviranoAktivnostUvid u aktivnostDetalji aktivnostiDodaj IP adresu na crnu listuDodaj IP adresu na listuDodaj mrežu na crnu listuDodatoAdresa %s je dodata na crnu listu IP adresaAdresa %s je dodata na belu listu IP adresaPrilagodi antispem engineNapredna pretragaNakon svakog skenaAgresivno zaključavanjeSvi povezani uređajiSvi događajiSvi fajlovi su procesuiraniSvi zahteviSvi skenoviSve sumnjive aktivnostiSav saobraćajDozvoli REST API za logovane korisnikeDozvoli WP Cerber da šalje podatke o malicioznim IP adresama Cerber Lab-u. To pomaže plugin timu da razvije nove algoritme za WP Cerber koji brane WordPress od novih napada i botneta koji se svakodnevno pojavljuju. Možete da obustavite ovu opciju u podešavanjima kad god želite.Uvek blokiraj kompletan subnet Class C sa intruderove IP adreseAntispemPodešavanj protiv spema i botovaAntispam engineBilo kojiPrimeniPrimeni ograničenje broja pokušaja prijavljivanja na IP adrese sa bele listeDa li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete označene fajlove?Da li ste sigurni?Pokušaj prijavljivanjaPokušaj pristupa zabranjenim URL adresamaPokušaj logovanja odbijenPokušaj prijavljivanja sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPokušaj prijavljivanja zabranjenim korisničkim imenomPokušaj registracije odbijenPokušaj uploada malicioznog kodaPokušaj uploada malicioznog fajla odbijenPokušajiPokušaji prijavljivanje nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPažnja! Cital mod je sada aktivan. Niko ne može da se prijavi.Pažnja! Promenili ste URL za prijavljivanje! Novi URL jeRaspored skeniranja sa automatskim ponavljanjemAutomatsko čišćenje malvera i sumnjivih fajlovaAutomatsko brisanjeAutomatski pomereno u karantinOdlično!Budite oprezni pri omogućavanju ovih opcijaPre nego što počnete da koristite reCAPTCHA, morate da dobijete Ključ za sajt i Tajni ključ na Google vebsajtuCrna lista IP adresaBlokiraj pristup RSS-u, Atom i RDF feed-uBlokiraj pristup WordPress REST API osimBlokiraj pristup XML-RPC serveru (uključujući Pingbacks i Trackbacks)Blokiraj pristup stranicama korisnika kao /?author=n i podataka putem REST APIBlokiraj direktne pristupe prema wp-login.php i vrati HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlokiraj subnetBlokirajte neautorizovane pristupe za load-skrcipts.php i load-styles.phpBlokiran na osnovu pravila za zemljeOtkrivena aktivnost botaPronađen botOd strane korisnikaBajtoviWP Cerber ne može da se aktivira zbog grešek u data bazi.Cerber Kontrolna tablaPovezivanje sa Cerber LabCerber Lab protokolCerber brzi pregledCerber Security pravilaCerber inspektor saobraćajaCerber antispem engineCerber anti-spem podešavanjaCerber alatiPromenjeni fajloviProverite aktivnostiProverite zahteveProveravanje novih i promenjenih fajlovaChecksum neslaganjeCitadel aktiviran!Citadel modCitadel mod je aktiviranCitadel mod je aktiviran nakon %d neuspelih pokušaja u %d minutaCitadel mod je aktivanČišćenjeKliknite ovde da vidite listu svih fajlovaKliknite na naziv zemlje da je dodate na listu odabranih zemaljaKliknite da pošaljete odmahKlikni da pošalješ testKomentar odbijenForma komentaraProcesuiranje komentaraKomentariDa li ste zbunjeni u vezi nekih podešavanja?Sadržaj je promenjenNastavite skeniranjeZemljeZemljaKritične tačkeTrenutno traje planirani skener. Molimo Vas sačekajte da se završi.Prilagođeni URL za logovanjeAdresa URL-a za prijavljivanje može da sadrži samo slova, brojeve, crtice i donje crticePrilagođena stranica za logovanjeSpecifičan potpis pronađenCustom potpisiKontrolna tablaDatumFormat datumaDeaktivirajBrani WordPress od hakerskih napada, spema, trojanaca, i virusa. Sadrži malver skener i proveru integriteta. Osnažuje WordPress setom složenih sigurnosnih algoritama. Štiti od spema sofisticiranim sistemom protiv botova i reCAPTCHA. Prati korisničku aktivnost i aktivnost napadača pomoću moćnih mail, mobilnih i desktop notifikacija.ObrišiteObriši trajnoObrišite fajlove u karantinu nakonObrisanoOdbijenoZabranite svePristup odbijen za destinacioni folderDijagnozaDirektorijumi koji se isključuju.Onemogući PHP error prikazIsključi PHP u uploaduIsključi REST APIIsključi XML-RPCOnemogući auto redirekciju ka stranici za prijavljivanje kada je /wp-admi/ zatražen od neautorizovanog licaOnemogući engine za otkrivanje botova za logovane korisnikeOnemogući redirekciju kontrolne tableOnemogući izvršavanje PHP skripti u WordPress media folderuIsključi feedOnemogući reCAPTCHA za logovane korisnikeOnemogući wp-login.phpOnemogućenoPrikaži 404 stranicuPrikaži 404 stranicuDa li želite da dodate označete fajlove na ingor listu?Preuzmi fajlDrill down IPTrajanjeGreška:Emai adresaEmail je poslat naEmail notifikacijeOmogući nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja logovanja u poslednjih %s minutaOmogući dijagnostik logOmogući nevidljivi reCAPTCHAOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce login formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce formu za izgubljenu šifruOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce registracionu formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress comment formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu prijavljivanjaOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu za izgubljenu šifruOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu registracijeOmogući izveštavanjeOmogući inspekciju saobraćajaUnesi deo query stringa ili query putanje da isključiš zahtev iz inspekcije od strane engina. Jedan unos po liniji.Unesite URI zahteva da ga isključite iz inspekcije. Jedan unos po liniji.Greška pri raščlanjivanjuGreška pri ažuriranjuGreškeDogađajNa svaka tri sataNa svakih šest satiSvakog sataPoslednji malver skenIsključivanjePronađen kod koji može da se izvršiIstičeIzvozIzvezi i uveziIzvezi podešavanja u fajlNeuspeli pokušaji prijaveFajlGreška prilikom pristupa fajlu. Mogući neažurni rezultati skena. Molimo Vas da pokrenete brzi ili kompletan sken.Fajl nije pronađenOdbijen upload fajlaFajlovi u direktorijumu sesijeFajlovi u privremenom direktorijumuFajlovi u upload folderuFajlovi u ovim direktorijumimaSkenirani fajloviFajlovi za skeniranjeFajlovi sa ovim ekstenzijamaFajlovi sa neželjenih ekstenzijamaFilterFinaliziranje skenaZavršilo seOdbijeno slanje formeSlanje formePetakOd strane IP adreseIz zemljeKompletan skenerIzveštaj kompletnog skeneraVodič za početnikeGregoriOsnaživanjeObezbeđivanje WordPress-aPomoćZdravo!Velika jačinaSavetInformacije o hostuIme hostaLjudska verifikacija nije uspela. Molimo Vas kliknite na kockicu u reCAPTCHA poljud ispod.IPIP adresaIP adresa, IPv4 domet adrese ili subnetCrna lista IP adresaIP blokiranAko je spem komentara otkrivenAko su se pojavile promene u izveštaju prilikom skeniranjaUkoliko se pronađu novi problemiUkoliko zaboravite Vaš promenjen URL za prijavljivanje, nećete biti u mogućnosti da se prijavite.Ukoliko koristite plugin za keširanje, morate da dodate Vaš novi URL za prijavljivanje na listu koja se ne keširaIgnorišiIgnore listaIgnoriši paukove koji indeksirajuOdmah blokiraj IP nakon wp-login.php request-a Odmah blokiraj IP kada pokušava da se prijavi sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPodešavanja uvozaUvezi podešavanja iz fajlaU Citadel režimu nikome nije dozvoljeno da se prijavi osim IP-ijevima sa bele liste. Prijavljeni korisnici neće biti izbačeni ili blokirani.Uključi veličine fajlovaUključi greške prilikom skeniranjaNetačna IP adresa ili IP dometPovećaj trajanje zaključavanja na %s sati nakon %s zaključavanja u poslednjih %s satiInspekcijaIntegritetNisu pronađene integrity dataNevidljivi reCAPTCHAUkupno stavkiMožda je ostalo nakon ažuriranja na novu verziju %s. Takođe može biti deo malvera. U retkim slučajevima može biti deo custom razvijenog plugina ili teme.Izgleda da veb-sajt nikada nije skeniran. Da započnete kliknite na dugme ispod.Čuvaj informacije zaSaznajte višeSaznajte više o svim prednostima naPoslednji neuspešni pokušaj je bio u %s sa IP adrese %s od korisnika: %sPoslednje zaključavanjePoslednje zaključavanje je dodato: %s za IP %sPoslednje prijavljivanjePoslednje viđenoPokreni komopletno skeniranjePokrenite brzo skeniranjeLagacy režimLicencaOgraniči pokušajeOgraniči broj neispravnih logovanjaPostignut je predviđeni limit na broj pokukšaja reCAPTCHA verifikacijeLimit pokušaja prijavljivanja postignutPostignut limitLista je praznaSaobraćaj uživoUčitajte standardna default podešavanjaPokreni bezbednosnu mašinuLokalni korisnik (local user)Lokalni fajl ne postojiZaključaj IP adrese na %s minuta nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja u %s minutaZaključanoTrajanje blokadeZaključavanje za %s je uklonjenoZaključavanjaZaključavanja u ovom trenutkuUrađeno zaključavanjeLogPrijavite sePrijavljenUlogovani korisniciOdjavljenPrijavljivanjePrijavljivanje onemogućenoRežim prijavljivanjaPrijavljivanje neuspeloForma prijavljivanjaDuže odForma za izgubljenu lozinkuMala jačinaOsnovna podešavanjaGlavna podešavanjaUčni tvoju zaštitu pametnijom!Maliciozna IP adresa otkrivena.Umanjena maliciozna aktivnostOtkrivena maliciozna aktivnostMaliciozni kod aktiviranMaliciozni kod pronađenMaliciozni zahtev odbijenOznačite kao spamMaskiraj ova polja u formiMaksimalna veličina fajla za upload: %s.Srednja jačinaPonedeljakPratite modifikovane fajlovePratite nove fajloveKasnije baci spem komentare u kantuPomeri u karantinViše sumnjivih aktivnostiOtkriveno više sumnjivih aktivnostiMoj sajt je iza reverse proxyNe, možda kasnijeMreža:NikadNova prilagođena URL adresa za prijavljivanjeNovi fajlNovi fajloviNova verzija je dostupnaBez logged aktivnostiUređaji nisu pronađeniFajl nije popet ili je kompromitovanNema fajlova koji se podudaraju sa filteromBez zaključavanja trenutno. Nebo je čisto.Nije bilo zahteva logovanjaBez pravilaNiko sa ovih IP adresa ne može da se prijavi ili registrujeNepostojeći korisnikNije dostupnoNot logged inNije prijavljen u visitorsNije dozvoljenu za jednu zemljuNije dozvoljeno za %d zemljeNije dozvoljeno za %d zemaljaNije definisanoLimit notifikacijaNotifikacijeObavesti admina ako je broj aktivnih zaključavanja jednak broju iznadBroj aktivnih zaključavanjaBroj zaključavanja rasteU redu, utiči na sveOpcioni komentar za ovaj unosDruge formeStranica nije pronađenaVremenski prag generacije straniceRaščlanjivanje liste fajlovaŠifra promenjenaObavezna promena lozinkePerformanseDozvoljeno za jednu zemljuDozvoljeno za %d zemljeDozvoljeno za %d zemaljaOmogući Permalinks da bi koristio ovu opciju. Promeni Permalinks podešavanja u nešto što nije defaultMolimo Vas da upload-ujete reference ZIP arhivuInicijalizacija pluginaRežim inicijalizacije plugina nije promenjenKomentari postaPreferencePrethodno skeniranje je počelo %s i nije završeno. Nastaviti skeniranje?Proaktivna pravila bezbednostiProbijanje zlonamernog PHP kodaZabranjena korisnička imenaZaštitite admin skripteZaštiti sve forme sajta sa engine za otkrivanje botaZaštiti formu komentara enginom za otkrivanje botaZaštiti registracionu formu enginom za otkrivanje botaNotifikacijeKarantinQuery bela listaBrzi skenerIzveštaj brzog skeneraRazlogNedavno otključane IP adreseOsvežiteRegistrujte sePrijavljeniRegistraciona formaLimit prijavljivanjaUkloniPomeri sa listePrijavi problem ako je nešto od sledećeg istinitoZahtevZahtev za REST API odbijenZahtev za Google reCAPTCHA servis nije uspeoZahtevaj belu listuZahtevaj wp-login.phpRešavanje problemaRestorePovuci dodatne WHOIS informacije za IPSiguran režimSubotaSnimite $_SERVERSnimite request kolačićeSnimi request poljaSnimi request hedereIzveštavanje o rezultatima skeniranjaSkenirajte direktorijum sesijaSkenirajte privremeni direktorijumSkeniraniIzveštaj skeneraPodešavanja skeneraSkeniranje foldera za fajloveSkeniranje fajlova foldera sesijaSkeniranje fajlova privremenog folderaSkeniranje fajlova upload folderaPlaniranjePretraga IP-ija ili korisničkog imenaPretraga stringaPretraga malcioznog kodaTajni ključPravila bezbednostiSkener bezbednostiPravila bezbednosti su ažuriranaOdaberite fajl za uvozPošalji email izveštajSlanje malicioznih IP adresa Cerber Lab-uPošalji notifikaciju Admin-u putem mail-aPodešavanjaPodešavanja su uspešno uvezena izPodešavanja snimljenaPrikaži poslednjih %d zapisa od %dIntegritet veb-sajtaKonekcija sajtaKljuč sajtaVeličinaPametanPojavile su se greškeIZVINITE, ljudska verifikacija nije uspela.Sortiraj korisnike u kontrolnoj tabliOdbijen komentar koji spada u spemSpem komentar odbijenOdbijena forma slanja spem komentaraOdbijena forma slanja spemaDefiniši kome je odobren REST API ukoliko je isključen za sve ostale. Jedan string po liniji.Specifikujte Vaš PHP kod potpis. Jedan unos po liniji. Da specifikujete REGEX šemu, zatvorite liniju u zagrade.Navedite direktorijume da se isključe od skeniranja. Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji.Definišite fajl ekstenzije za pretragu. Važi samo za kompletno skeniranje. Odvajajte unose zarezom.Standardni režimZapočnite kompletno skeniranjeZapočnite brzo skeniranjePočnite da kucate da pronađete zemljuPočeloZaustavite skeniranjeZaustavi enumeracijuPošaljite formuSubnet blokiranPrijavaNedeljaSumnjiv JavaScript kod otkrivenSumnjivi SQL kod otkrivenSumnjiva aktivnostPronađen sumnjivi kodSumnjive instrukcije koda pronađeneSumnjivi potpisi koda pronađeniSumnjive direktive pronađeneSumnjivi broj poljaSumnjivi broj ugrađenih vrednostiWP Cerber zahteva minimum PHP %s ili novije izdanje. Vi koristiteWP Cerber zahteva WordPress verziju %s ili noviju verziju. Vi koristiteWP Cerber Security plugin je isključenWP Cerber Security plugin je sada aktivanSadržaj fajla se promenio i ne podudara se sa onim što piše u zvaničnom WordPress repozitorijumu ili referentnom fajlu koji ste popeli ranije. Fajl je možda inficiran ili sadrži malver.Direktorijum onemogućen za pisanjeFajl je trajno obrisan.Fajl je vraćen na originalnu lokaciju.Lista je praznaSkener je prepoznao ovaj fajl kao fajl bez vlasništva odnosno fajl koji nije deo nečega drugog jer ne pripada nijednom drugog delu veb-sajta i zbog toga ne bi trebalo da bude prisutan.Raspored je ažuriranTrenutno nema fajlova u karantinu.Ove IP adrese neće nikada biti zaključaneOve opcije su dostupne u profesionalnoj verziji plugina.Ovi fajlovi su dodati na ignor listuOvi fajlovi su pomereni u karantinOva podešavanja ne utiču na host saOvaj fajl sadrži kod koji može da se izvrši i koji može da sadrži malver. Ako je fajl deo tema ili plugina, mora biti lociran u folderu teme ili plugina. Bez izuzetaka.Ovo je standardni modul rada za WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Instaliran je kada ste inicijalizovali plugin mode na standardni. Za više informacija posetite: wpcerber.com.Ova poruka je poslata odPragČetvrtakDa promenite pravila izveštavanja posetiteDa rešite ovaj problem morate da reinstalirate %s ili ga ažurirate na poslednju verziju.Da definišete REGEX šemu označite šemu u dve kose crteDa definišete REGEX šemu, stavite sve u dve zagradeDa se odjavite kliknite ovdeDa pregledate aktivnost, kliknite na IPDa vidite kompletan izveštaj posetiteAlatiSaobraćajUvid u saobraćajInspektor saobraćajaBaci spem komentare u kantuUtorakNemogućnost uvrđivanja integriteta zbog greške data bazeNemoguće utvrditi integritet WordPress fajlova zbog greške na mrežiNemoguće utvrditi integritet plugina zbog greške na mrežiNemoguće utvrditi integritet teme zbog greške na mrežiNije moguće kopirati fajlNemoguće kreirati WP CERBER direktorijumNije moguće kreirati direktorijumNije moguće obrisati fajlNemoguće otvoriti fajlNemoguće procesuirati fajlNije moguće poslati mail naNije moguće ažurirati rasporedFajlovi bez nadzoraNezapažen sumnjivi fajlNepoznatoOdjavaNeželjene ekstenzijeNeželjena fajl ekstenzijaNeželjene fajl ekstenzijeAžuriraj na verziju %s WP Cerber-aUvezite fajlKoristi 404 template aktivne temeKoristi engleski za admin panelKoristite REST APIKoristi Belu listu IP adresa za pristupKoristite XML-RPCKoristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji.Koristite zarez da odvojite stavke.Koristite zarez da odvojite više vrednostiKoristite fileKoristi manje restriktivnu politiku (allow AJAX)KorisnikUser agentKorisnički IDUvid u korisnikeKorisnik aktiviranKreirani korisniciPrijavljivanje korisnikaRegistrovani korisniciPodešavanja vezana za korisnikaIstek sesije korisnikaKorisničko ime nije dozvoljeno. Molimo Vas odaberite drugo.Korisničko imeKorisnička imena sa liste nisu dozvoljena za prijavljivanje ili registraciju. Nijedna IP adresa, koja ih koristi, neće moći da se prijavi i biće blokirana. Koristite zarez da odvojite logins.KorisniciVerifikovanoProvera integriteta WordPressaProvera integriteta pluginovaProvera integriteta temeView aktivnostPogledaj aktivnost ove IP adreseVidi aktivnost u kontrolnoj tabliPogledaj sveVidi zaključavanja u kontrolnoj tabliRanjivostPronađena slabostWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber je aktivan i sada štiti Vaš veb-sajtWP Cerber obaveštenjeDa li želite da još više ojačate WP Cerber?Nismo pronašli podatke sa integritetom za potvrduŽao nam je, nije Vam dozvoljeno da nastaviteVebsajtSredaNedeljni izveštajNedeljni izveštajNedeljni izveštajiŠta želite da izvezete?Šta želite da uvezete?Kada kliknete dugme ispod dobićete konfiguracioni fajl, koji treba da popnete na drugi veb-sajtKada kliknete dugme ispod, fajl će biti uploadovan i sva postojeća podešavanja će biti prerezana Bela lista IP adresaUpiši neuspele pokušaje prijavljivanja u fajlZahtev za XML-RPC odbijenViNije Vam dozvoljeno da se prijavite. Pitajte administratora za pomoćNije Vam dozvoljeno da se registrujete.Možete lako da učitate standardna default podešavanja pomoću dugmeta ispodNe možete da dodate Vašu IP adresu ili mrežuPremašili ste broj dozvoljenih login pokušaja. Pokušajte ponovo za $d minuta.Preostao Vam je samo jedan pokušajPreostalo Vam je %d pokušajaPreostali su Vam %d pokušaji.Morate da omogućite ZIP arhivu sa koje ste izvršili instalaciju. Ovo omogućuje bezbednosti skener da verifikuje integritet koda i detektuje malver.Prijavili ste seOdjavili ste seVaša IP adresaVaša IP adresa je dodataVaše poslednje prijavljivanje je bilo %s od %sVaša licenca važi doVaša stranica za prijavljivanje:Aktivnopo datumu registracijedanaDeaktivirajIsključenoNe utiče na custom prilagođeni URL za prijavljivanje i Access listuomogućenoUnosUnosaUnosiNeuspeli pokušajihttps://wpcerber.comAko ostavite prazno, koristiće se email iz podešavanja za notifikacije.Ako ostavite prazno, admin email %s će biti korišćenAko je prazno, koristiće se standardni format %sU 24 sataU minutima (ostavite prazno da koristite standardnu WP vrednost)U poslednjih 24 časaZaključavanjamilisekundeMinutiNe sme da se poklapa sa postojećim stranicama ili post slug-ovimanema konekcijeNeaktivnoNotifikacije dozvoljene po jednom satu (0 znači neograničeno)U %sureCAPTCHA podešavanjareCAPTCHA podešavanja nisu ispravnareCAPTCHA verifikacija neuspelaOdaberi zemlje kojima nije dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama je dozvoljeno daOdabranim zemljama je dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama nije dozvoljeno daNepoznatoNedefinisano.Vidi svelanguages/wp-cerber-pt_PT.mo000064400000106674147577531750012024 0ustar00 ||}2 ^R7;v =2^  ,,Cp   "$2D w #  C  !-!,F!*s!!(!!-!@"?Z"("f"*#+?#;k#G#E#G5$ }$A$$$ $ %1%D%U%k%%%%%% %%&#& 6&C&G]&&C&''%' 4'A'T']'{' '''J'' ( ( ( ('( :( [(f(w(g(0( )%.)T)i)z) ) ))) )))8)0*+K*3w*2*+*) +14+0f+++q+N4,,,,,,,,,--*-1-H-Y-`- p-}-- ----- --T-/. 2.(=.f. u..B.b.A/6Q/J///0 0L0 001 !1=+1 i1$v1 1 1 111121"2 >2 L2 Z2g2}2 2M2 223"3+3B3T3 j3t3 333 3 3 3 33 3 34&4F4e44444!44,5!;5]5m5v5|5555)5,6/6M6,U66 6 66<6 77 &7347h7 777 7778 8498en88/8 9 (949M9m99:9.93:)6:`;z<<<< <<<< =='=:=A=I=.d==='= == =>>,>A> [> i>t> >>-> > ?'?;?J?j?z??!?????@W%@ }@#@@ @@ @@8@>+A2jA+A"A,ABB C C"CA7C?yCC!CCCDD)D1DIDhDDD D!D D&D E E$EAE*JEuE zEE E EEEE3E F!FF FFGG(G CGMG`G<~GG*G+G#H +H 5H CHQH`H|HhHdIfI'{IIIIEI JC-J)qJDJJJ+K=KQKYK yKKKKKK KK0K0L 8LFLVL7kL)L,L L0M7MLM UMbM6jM M M9MM N N?N{]N{NUO ]OiOrO IP.SP%PgPTQCeQpQ RB;R~RRR RRRRR-S.GSvSSS SSSS T()T)RT9|UU0UUIU CVPV"dVV6V1V W3+W _W9jWKW?W+0Xv\XX)X?YFPYXY@Y1ZFCZZZ Z ZXZ8[U[i[~[[[["[\1\E\]\p\\O\\M]U]n]]]] ])] ^^^^X9^^^^^ ^^#^ _&_;_sO_B_`,`E`^`q`` ` `````E`Ba>aaFaAaC)b<mbDb?b/c Ec|fc[c?d[drdyddd'ddddee9e Pe\eoexee eeeeeee[eRfUf*ef f f$fSf|#ggCgXgNh&ghuh#iX(i iii iQij0%j Vjdj {jjjj;j,j(k8kLk ]k ~kk[k ll*l FlPlelylll l lllll mm0mKm&fm#mmmm$n*%n Pn,^nn0n#nooo$oDo!]oo8o/o$p +p89prpp pp;ppq'qG6q~q'qq&qqr*(rSr!br1rr8s5Rss ss*ss#tO6tJtDtWu@nvw"www(w$x DxOx dxoxxx x!x6x&y.y+Fy ry~yyyy"yyz !z/z)Dz%nz2z2zz2 {={%T{z{ { {/{'{{|"3|%V|f|| |-|"}A}U} h}r}>z}D}/}4.~!c~0~~ 8A JM*"À ' 8#E%i#& ځ%"1 Q _-l 1ق  2N?i  ل @6w23 ,A]pyu`1ṫD҇!N95KX cx%-ĉ%+@ E O8\ ÊG؊1 *R }C͋ ? CP;X1#E AQ  %s ago%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP%s allowed retries in %s minutes(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivityActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll requestsAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAnyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload executable file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existent usernameAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the WordPress REST API except the followingBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST APIBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsCheck for activityCheck for requestsCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsConfused about some settings?Cool!CountriesCountryCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable feedsDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable wp-login.phpDisplay 404 pageDisplay simple 404 pageDownload fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Error while parsing fileError while updatingEventExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFile not foundFile upload deniedFilterForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryGetting Started GuideGregoryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!HintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.Ignore crawlersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Incorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInspectionInvisible reCAPTCHAKeep records forKnow moreLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLegacy modeLicenseLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive trafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaximum upload file size: %s.MondayMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOptional comment for this entryOther formsPage Not FoundPage generation time thresholdPassword changedPassword reset requestedPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Plugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesProactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtects WordPress against brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam protection with the Cerber antispam engine and reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user and bot activity. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Know more: wpcerber.com.Protects site from brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam protection with the Cerber antispam engine and reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user activity. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Know more: wpcerber.com.Push notificationsQuery whitelistREST APIReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRedirect dashboard requestsRefreshRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity rules have been updatedSelect file to import.Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite connectionSite keySmartSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Standard modeStart typing here to find a countryStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundayThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThese IPs will never be locked outThese settings do not affect hosts from the This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPToolsTrafficTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to send email toUnknownUnsubscribeUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse REST APIUse XML-RPCUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)UserUser AgentUser IDUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardWP CerberWP Cerber SecurityWP Cerber Security & AntispamWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPCXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of timeatreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: pt-br Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s atrás%s registros permitidos de um IP em %s minutos%s tentativas restantes em %s minutos(não habilite esta opção a menos que tenha as Chaves do Site e Secreta para esta versão invisível)ERRO: A senha que você digitou para o usuário %s está incorreta.ERRO: favor digitar um endereço de email válido.> > > Tradutor do WP Cerber? Para ganhar uma licença PRO, deixe seu contato aqui: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Uma nova atividade foi capturadaUma nova versão do WP Cerber está disponível para ser instaladaEmail para abusos:Listas de AcessoAçãoAtividadeDetalhes da atividadeAdicionar IP à Lista NegraAdicionar IP à listaAdicionar rede à Lista NegraEndereço %s adicionado à Lista Negra de IPsEndereço %s adicionado à Lista Segura de IPsAjustar mecanismo antispamBusca avançadaBloqueio agressivoTodos os dispositivos conectadosTodos os eventosTodas as requisiçõesTodas as atividades suspeitasTodo tráfegoPermitir API REST para usuários logadosPermita que o WP Cerber envie endereços de IP maliciosos para o Cerber Lab. Isso ajuda os desenvolvedores do plugin a criarem algoritmos para defender o WordPress de novas ameaças e botnets que surgem dia-a-dia. Você pode desabilitar este envio a qualquer momento nas configurações do plugin.Sempre bloquear toda a sub-rede classe C de IPs invasoresAntispamConfigurações antispam e de detecção de botsQualquerAplicar regras de limite para login aos endereçoes de IP da Lista SeguraTem certeza?Tentativa de acessoTentativa de acesso a URL proibidoTentativa de login recusadaTentativa de login com nome de usuário não existenteTentativa de login com nome de usuário proibido.Tentativa de registro recusadaTentativa de upload de arquivo executável recusadaTentativasTentativas de login com nomes de usuário não existentesAtenção! O modo Fortaleza agora está ativado. Ninguém pode fazer login.Atenção! Você alterou o URL de login! O novo URL de login éSeja cuidadoso ao habilitar estas opções.Antes de começar a utilizar o reCAPTCHA, você precisa obter uma Chave do Site uma Chave Secreta no website do GoogleLista Negra de IPsBloquear acesso aos feeds RSS, Atom e RDFBloquear acesso à API REST do Wordpress exceto para o seguinteBloquear acesso ao servidor XML-RPC (incluindo Pingbacks e Trackbacks)Bloquear acesso a páginas de usuários como /?autor=n e dados de usuários via API RESTBloquear acesso direto a wp-login.php e retornar o erro HTTP 404Bloquear sub-redeBloquear acessos não autorizados a load-scripts.php e load-styles.phpBloquear por regra de paísesAtividade de bot detectadaBot detectadoPelo usuárioNão foi possível ativar o WP Cerber devido a um erro na conexão com o banco de dados.Painel de Controle do CerberConexão Cerber LabProtocolo Cerber LabVisualição Rápida do CerberRegras de Segurança do CerberInspetor de Tráfego do CerberMecanismo antispam do CerberConfigurações antispam do CerberFerramentas do CerberVerificar atividadeVerificar requisiçõesFortaleza ativada!Modo FortalezaModo Fortaleza está ativadoO modo Fortaleza é atividado após %d tentaivas de login falhas em %d minutos.Modo Fortaleza está ativoClique no nome de um país para adicioná-lo à lista de países selecionadosClique para enviar agoraClique para enviar testeComentário recusadoFormulário para comentáriosProcessando comentárioComentáriosConfuso em relação às configurações?Legal!PaísesPaísURL personalizado de loginO URL personalizado de login pode conter apenas letras, números, traços e underscores.Página alternativa de loginPainel de ControleDataFormato da dataDesativarNegar completamenteAcesso recusado à pasta de destinoDiagnósticoDesabilitar API RESTDesabilitar XML-RPCDesabilitar redirecionamento automático para a página de login quando /wp-admin/ é requisitada sem autorizaçãoDesabilitar mecanismo de detecção de bots para usuários logadosDesabilitar feedsDesabilitar reCAPTCHA para usuários logadosDesabilitar wp-login.phpExibir página 404Exibir página 404 simplesBaixar arquivoRastrear IPDuraçãoERRO:Endereço de EmailO email foi enviado paraNotificações por emailHabilitar após %s tentativas falhas de login nos últimos %s minutosHabilitar reCAPTCHA invisívelHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de comentários do WordpressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WordpressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WordpressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WordpressHabilitar relatóriosHabilitar inspeção de tráfegoDigite parte da string de consulta ou do caminho de consulta para excluir uma requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha.Digite um URI de requisição para excluir a requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha.Erro ao interpretar arquivoErro ao enviar arquivoEventoExpiraExportarExportar & ImportarExportar configurações para o arquivoTentativas falhas de loginArquivo não encontradoUpload de arquivo recusadoFiltrarEnvio de formulário recusadoEnvios de formuláriosSexta-feiraDo endereço de IPDo paísGuia de IntroduçãoGregoryFortalecendoFortalecendo o WordpressAjudaOlá!DicaInformação do ServidorNome do servidorVerificação de humanidade falhou. Por favor, click no quadrado do bloco reCAPTCHA abaixo.IPEndereço de IPEndereço de IP, faixa de IPv4 ou sub-redeIP bloqueadoIP bloqueadoSe um comentário spam for detectadoSe você esquecer sua URL de login personalizada, não será possível fazer login.Se estiver utilizando um plugin de cache, você deve adicionar o novo URL de login na lista de páginas excluídas do cache.Ignorar crawlersBloquer IP imediatamente após qualquer requisição a wp-login.phpBloquear IP imediatamente nas tentativas de login com nomes de usuários não existentesImportar configuraçõesImportar configurações de um arquivoNo modo Fortaleza apenas os IPs da Lista Segura podem se conectar. Sessões ativas de usuários não serão afetadas.Endereço ou faixa de IP incorretosAumentar a duração do bloqueio para %s horas após %s bloqueios nas últimas %s horas.InspeçãoreCAPTCHA invisívelGuardar registros porSaiba maisÚltima tentativa de login falha foi às %s do IP %s com o login de usuário: %s.Último bloqueioÚltimo bloqueio foi adicionado: %s para o IP %sÚltimo loginVisto pela última vezModo legadoLicençaLimitar tentativasLimitar tentativas de loginFoi atingido o limite de verificações falhas do reCAPTCHAO limite de tentativas de login foi atingidoLimite atingidoA lista está vaziaTráfego ao vivoCarregar configurações padrãoCarregar mecanismo de segurançaUsuário LocalBloquear endereço de IP por %s minutos depois de %s tentativas falhas dentro de %s minutosBloqueadoDuração do bloqueioBloqueio de %s foi removidoBloqueiosBloqueios no momentoBloqueios ocorridosLogar no websiteLogadoUsuários logadosDesconectadoRegistrandoRegistro desabilitadoModo de registroFalha no loginFormulário de loginMais do queFormulário de senha perdidaConfigurações PrincipaisConfigurações principaisDeixe sua proteção mais inteligente!Endereço de IP malicioso detectadoAtividades maliciosas mitigadasAtividade maliciosa detectadaMarcar como spamMascarar estes campos de fomuláriosTamanho máximo do arquivo para envio: %s.Segunda-feiraMover comentários spam para a lixeira apósMúltiplas atividades suspeitasMúltiplas atividades suspeitas foram detectadasMeu site está sob um proxy reversoNÃO, talvez mais tardeRede:NuncaNovo URL personalizado de loginNova versão disponívelNenhuma atividade foi registrada.Nenhum dispositivo encontradoNenhum arquivo foi enviado ou o arquivo está corrompidoNenhum bloqueio no momento. O céu está limpo.Nenhuma requisição foi registrada.Nenhuma regraNinguém pode entrar ou se registrar a partir destes IPsUsuários não-existentesNão disponívelNão logadoVisitantes não logadosNão permitido para um paísNão permitido para %d paísesNão especificadoLimite de notificaçãoNotificaçõesNotificar o administrador caso o número de bloqueios ativos seja acimaNúmero de bloqueios ativosO número de bloqueios está aumentandoOK, acabe com elesComentário opcional para esta estradaOutros formuláriosPágina não encontradaLimite de tempo para geração de páginasSenha alteradaRedefinição de senha solicitadaPermitido para um paísPermitido para %d paísesFavor habilitar os Links Permanentes para utilizar essa funcionalidade. Configure os Link Permanentes para algo além do Padrão.Inicialização do pluginO modo de inicialização do plugin não foi alteradoPublicar comentáriosPreferênciasRegras de segurança proativaTeste para vulnerabilidades no código PHPNomes de usuários proibidosProteger scripts da administraçãoProteger todos os formulários do website com o mecanismo de detecção de botsProteger formulário para comentários com mecanismo de detecção de botsProteger formulário de registro com mecanismo de detecção de botsProtege o Wordpress contra ataques de força bruta, bots e hackers. Proteção contra spam com o mecanismo antispam do Cerber e reCAPTCHA. Controle abrangente das atividades de usuários e bots. Restrição de login com listas de acesso por IP. Limitação para tentativas de login. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com.Protege sites de ataques de força bruta, bots e hackers. Proteção antispam com o mecanismo antispam Cerber e reCAPTCHA. Controle abrangente das atividades de usuários. Restrição de login com listas de acesso por IPs. Limitação das tentativas de login. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com.Notificações pushLista de permissão para consultasAPI RESTRazãoEndereços de IP recentemente bloqueadosRedirecionar requisições ao painelRecarregarRegistrar no websiteRegistradoFormulário de restroLimite de registrosRemoverRequisiçãoRequisição à API REST recusadaA requisição para o serviço Google reCAPTCHA falhouLista de permissão para requisiçõesRequisitar wp-login.phpPegar informação extra de WHOIS para o IPModo seguroSábadoSalvar $_SERVERSalvar cookies da requisiçãoSalvar campos de requisiçãoSalvar cabeçalhos da requisiçãoBuscar por IP ou usuárioTermo pesquisadoChave secretaRegras de SegurançaAs regras de segurança foram atualizadasSelecionar arquivo para importação.Enviar endereço de IP malicioso para o Cerber LabEnviar notificação para o email do administradorConfiguraçõesAs configurações foram importadas com sucesso deConfigurações salvasMostrando últimos %d registros de %dConexão do siteChave do siteInteligenteDesculpe, a verificação de humanidade falhou.Ordenar usuários no painel de controleComentário spam recusadoComentários spam recusadosEnvio de formulário spam recusadoEnvio de formulário de spam recusadoEspecificar namespaces permitidos da API REST quando ela estiver desabilitada. Um namespace por linha.Modo padrãoComece a digitar aqui para encontrar um paísBloquear enumeração de usuáriosEnviar formuláriosSub-rede bloqueadaInscreverDomingoO WP Cerber requer PHP %s ou mais recente. Você está rodandoO WP Cerber requer Wordpress %s ou mais recente. Você está rodandoO plugin de segurança WP Cerber foi desativadoO plugin de segurança WP Cerber está agora ativadoEstes IPs nunca serão bloqueadosEstas configurações não afetam servidores do Este é um módulo de inicialização padrão para o plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Ele foi instalado ao configurar "Padrão" como modo de inicialização do plugin. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com.Esta mensagem foi enviada porLimiteQuinta-feiraPara modificar as configurações de relatórios visitarPara especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva o padrão entre barrasPara especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva a linha toda entre duas barras.Para cancelar sua inscrição, clique aquiPara ver a atividade, clique no IPFerramentasTráfegoInspetor de TráfegoMandar comentários spam para a lixeiraTerça-feiraNão foi possível copiar o arquivoNão foi possível criar o diretórioNão foi possível apagar o arquivoNão foi possível enviar o email paraDesconhecidoCancelar inscriçãoAtualizar WP Cerber para a versão %sEnviar arquivoUsar template 404 do tema ativoUsar API RESTUsar XML-RPCUse vírgulas para separar múltiplos valoresUsar arquivoUsar políticas menos restritivas (permitir AJAX)UsuárioUser AgentID do usuárioUsuário criadoLogin do usuárioUsuário registradoConfigurações de usuárioSessão de usuário expiraNome de usuário não permitido. Por favor, escolha outro nome.Nome de usuário usadoNomes de usuários desta lista não podem fazer login ou serem registrados. Qualquer endereço de IP que tentar utilizar algum destes nomes será imediatamente bloqueado. Utilize vírgulas para separar os logins.UsuáriosVer AtividadeVer atividade do IPVer atividade no painelVer todosVer bloqueios no painelWP CerberWP Cerber SecurityWP Cerber Security & AntispamWP Cerver está ativo agora e já começou a proteger o seu siteWP Cerber notificaGostaria de fazer o WP Cerber ainda mais poderoso?Desculpe, você não tem permissão para prosseguirWebsiteQuarta-feiraRelatório SemanalRelatório semanalRelatórios semanaisO que gostaria de exportar?O que gostaria de importar?Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, você baixará um arquivo de configuração que poderá usar em outros sites.Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, o arquivo será enviado e todas as configurações existentes serão sobrescritas.Lista Segura de IPsEscrever tentativas falhas de login em um arquivoXML-RPCRequisição XML-RPC recusadaVocêVocê não tem permissão para entrar. Peça ajuda ao administrador.Não é permitido o seu registro.Você pode carregar as configurações recomendadas clicando no botão abaixo.Você não pode adicionar seu endereço de IP ou redeVocê tem apenas uma tentativa restante.Você tem %d tentativas restantes.Você atingiu o limite de tentativas de login. Por favor, tente novamente em %d minutos.Você está inscritoVocê cancelou sua inscriçãoSeu IPSeu endereço de IP foi adicionado àSeu último login foi em %s a partir do IP %sSua licença é válida atéSua página de login:ativopor data de registrodiasdesativardesabilitadonão afeta URL personalizado de login e Listas de Acessohabilitadoentradaentradastentativas falhashttps://wpcerber.comquando vazio, o email das configurações de notificações será usadose vazio, o email do administrador %s será usadose vazio, o formato padrão %s será usadoem 24 horasem minutos (deixe em branco para usar o valor padrão do Wordpress)nas últimas 24 horasbloqueiosmilissegundosminutosnão deve se sobrepor aos links permanentes de páginas e postssem conexãoinativonotificações permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)àsConfigurações do reCAPTCHAAs configurações do reCAPTCHA estão incorretasA verificação do reCAPTCHA falhouAos países selecionados não é permitido %s, aos outros países simAos países selecionados é permitido %s, aos outros países nãodesconhecidonão especificadover todoslanguages/wp-cerber-nl_NL.po000064400000363073147577531750012001 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Inlogpogingen beperken" #: cerber-settings.php:167 cerber-settings.php:305 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minuten" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Websiteverbinding" #: cerber-settings.php:238 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proactieve beveiligingsregels" #: cerber-settings.php:257 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Subnet blokkeren" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Verzoek wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "IP meteen blokkeren bij verzoeken aan wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Aangepaste inlogpagina" #: cerber-settings.php:223 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Aangepaste inlog-URL" #: cerber-settings.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2101 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadelstand" #: cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Drempelwaarde" #: cerber-settings.php:304 admin/cerber-admin.php:88 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duur" #: cerber-settings.php:310 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5300 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:312 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Melding versturen naar admin e-mailadres" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5297 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Toegangslijsten" #: cerber-load.php:5698 cerber-settings.php:322 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2142 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5293 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Activiteit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5295 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Uitsluitingen" #: cerber-load.php:5707 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:948 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1330 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4060 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:951 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1332 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4548 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokale gebruiker" #: cerber-load.php:5715 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Toegepaste gebruikersnaam" #: cerber-common.php:1668 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Ingelogd" #: cerber-common.php:1669 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Uitgelogd" #: cerber-common.php:1670 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Inloggen mislukt" #: cerber-common.php:1673 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1092 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP geblokkeerd" #: cerber-common.php:1677 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadelstand geactiveerd!" #: cerber-common.php:1754 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1704 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Buitengesloten" #: cerber-common.php:1756 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP uitgesloten" #: cerber-common.php:1690 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Wachtwoord veranderd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:204 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:329 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Verwijderen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:663 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Uitsluiting voor %s is verwijderd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1611 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1695 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Toegelaten IP-adressen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:278 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1614 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1698 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Uitgesloten IP-adressen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:335 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Lijst is leeg" #: cerber-load.php:4825 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadelstand geactiveerd na %d mislukte inlogpogingen binnen %d minuten." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2875 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Activiteit bekijken" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5366 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5427 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1968 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Laatst ingelogd" #: cerber-common.php:2083 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:476 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2073 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2122 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nooit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5784 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:738 admin/cerber-admin.php:905 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Weet je het zeker?" #: cerber-settings.php:268 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2506 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Mijn website draait achter een reverse proxy" #: cerber-settings.php:239 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Maak je bescherming slimmer!" #: cerber-settings.php:131 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Schakel Permalinks in om deze functionaliteit te gebruiken. Stel de Permalinks instelling in op iets anders dan Standaard." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5296 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Hoofdinstellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5581 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hulp" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:352 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Uitsluiting verlengen naar %s uur na %s uitsluitingen in de afgelopen %s uur" #: cerber-load.php:388 admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Je hebt geen toestemming om in te loggen. Vraag je beheerder om informatie." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 admin/cerber-users.php:926 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Verloopt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2741 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Momenteel geen uitsluitingen." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:285 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Jouw IP" #: cerber-load.php:4826 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Laatste mislukte inlogpoging was op %s vanaf IP %s op gebruiker %s." #: cerber-load.php:5939 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Kan WP Cerber niet activeren door een fout in de database." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:360 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Stuur admin een melding bij meer uitsluitingen dan" #: cerber-settings.php:326 cerber-settings.php:332 cerber-settings.php:968 #: cerber-settings.php:974 cerber-settings.php:1053 cerber-settings.php:1327 msgid "days" msgstr "dagen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2039 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber Quick View" #: cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Blokkeer altijd gehele IP Class C subnet van aanvaller" #: cerber-settings.php:316 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:365 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klik om test te verzenden" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:695 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:696 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Let op! Je hebt de inlog-URL veranderd. De nieuwe inlog-URL is" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1967 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Reacties" #: cerber-load.php:4857 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Aantal actieve uitsluitingen" #: cerber-load.php:4959 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Dit bericht is verzonden door" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5478 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Gereedschap" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Instellingen exporteren naar bestand" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Onderstaande knop genereert een configuratiebestand dat je kunt uploaden bij een andere site." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Wat wil je exporteren?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Bestand downloaden" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Instellingen importeren van bestand" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Onderstaande knop laadt een bestand dat bestaande instellingen overschrijft." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Kies bestand om te importeren." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Wat wil je importeren?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Bestand uploaden" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Geen bestand geüpload of bestand is beschadigd" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Instellingen geïmporteerd van" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Fout bij verwerken bestand" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1328 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Hostnaam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:597 msgid "unknown" msgstr "onbekend" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "active" msgstr "actief" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deactiveren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2082 msgid "not active" msgstr "niet actief" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "disabled" msgstr "gedeactiveerd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "mislukte pogingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "in 24 uur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "view all" msgstr "bekijk alles" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "uitsluitingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2094 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Actuele uitsluitingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2095 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Recente uitsluiting" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3162 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "item" msgstr[1] "items" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Aanbevolen instellingen laden" #: cerber-settings.php:771 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nieuwe versie beschikbaar" #: cerber-load.php:4799 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber melding" #: cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadelstand is actief" #: cerber-load.php:4904 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nieuwe Aangepaste inlog-URL" #: cerber-settings.php:351 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Bestand gebruiken" #: cerber-settings.php:352 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Mislukte pogingen opslaan in bestand" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2874 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deactiveren" #: cerber-load.php:4861 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Reden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1762 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "IP-adres toevoegen aan Uitsluitingslijst" #: cerber-common.php:1906 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Poging tot toegang" #: cerber-common.php:1905 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Limiet voor aantal inlogpogingen is bereikt" #: cerber-load.php:4860 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Laatste uitsluiting was toegevoegd: %s voor IP-adres %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5298 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Versterking" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1734 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "E-mail voor misbruik:" #: cerber-settings.php:758 cerber-settings.php:805 cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-mailadres" #: cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Wordpress versterken" #: cerber-settings.php:404 cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Stop nummering gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC uitschakelen" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Toegang tot XML-RPC server uitschakelen (inclusief Pingbacks en Trackbacks)" #: cerber-settings.php:439 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Feeds uitschakelen" #: cerber-settings.php:440 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot de RSS-, Atom- en RDF-feeds" #: cerber-settings.php:456 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "REST API uitschakelen" #: cerber-load.php:4893 cerber-load.php:5981 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber is actief en beschermt nu je website" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 admin/cerber-users.php:929 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "Action" msgstr "Actie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5630 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "IP-adres of -reeks is incorrect" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2890 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1740 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Netwerk:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1756 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Netwerk toevoegen aan Uitsluitingslijst" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2873 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Let op! Citadelstand is actief; niemand kan inloggen." #: cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 cerber-common.php:1930 #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:457 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4816 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Onbekend" #: cerber-load.php:743 cerber-load.php:756 cerber-load.php:764 #: cerber-load.php:1112 cerber-load.php:1973 cerber-load.php:2296 #: cerber-load.php:3407 cerber-common.php:455 cerber-common.php:555 #: cerber-common.php:560 cerber-common.php:566 cerber-common.php:570 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:794 admin/cerber-admin.php:875 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "FOUT:" #: cerber-load.php:778 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Menselijke verificatie mislukt. Klik het vierkant in onderstaand reCAPTCHA-blok." #: cerber-load.php:1953 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Gebruikersnaam is niet toegestaan, kies een andere." #: cerber-load.php:4852 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "niet gespecificeerd" #: cerber-load.php:4855 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Aantal uitsluitingen loopt op" #: cerber-load.php:4864 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Bekijk activiteit voor dit adres" #: cerber-load.php:4868 cerber-load.php:4870 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "De nieuwste versie WP Cerber staat klaar voor installatie" #: cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Hallo!" #: cerber-load.php:4872 cerber-load.php:4883 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: cerber-load.php:4875 cerber-load.php:4876 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber is gedeactiveerd" #: cerber-load.php:4878 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Niet ingelogd" #: cerber-load.php:4884 msgid "By user" msgstr "Door gebruiker" #: cerber-load.php:4885 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Van IP-adres" #: cerber-load.php:4888 msgid "From country" msgstr "Uit land" #: cerber-load.php:4892 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber is actief" #: cerber-load.php:5994 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Instellingen importeren" #: cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limiet aan meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:668 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Verboden gebruikersnamen" #: cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Gebruikersnamen op deze lijst kunnen niet aanmelden of inloggen. IP-adressen die deze namen gebruiken, worden direct uitgesloten. Scheid namen met een komma." #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1344 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Site-sleutel" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Geheime sleutel" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA instellen voor WordPress regstratieformulier" #: cerber-settings.php:1367 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulier voor zoekgeraakt wachtwoord" #: cerber-settings.php:1377 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Login-formulier" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WordPress inlogpagina" #: cerber-settings.php:1334 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Haal eerst een Site-sleutel en Geheime Sleutel op van Google om reCAPTCHA te kunnen gebruiken" #: cerber-lab.php:897 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:103 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:259 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Meer weten" #: cerber-common.php:1661 msgid "User created" msgstr "Gebruiker toegevoegd" #: cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Gebruiker aangemeld" #: cerber-common.php:1701 cerber-common.php:1803 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verificatie mislukt" #: cerber-common.php:1702 cerber-common.php:1804 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "foutieve reCAPTCHA-instellingen" #. I see this line used where someone tries to log in from a blocked URL. So shouldn't this line be "Attempt to access from a prohibited URL" ? #: cerber-common.php:1706 cerber-common.php:1907 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Poging verboden URL te benaderen" #: cerber-common.php:1708 cerber-common.php:1909 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Inlogpoging met verboden gebruikersnaam" #: cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Cerber Lab verbinding" #: cerber-settings.php:338 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Stuur kwaadaardige IP-adressen naar Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:343 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab protocol" #: cerber-settings.php:1238 cerber-settings.php:1357 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registratieformulier" #: cerber-settings.php:1363 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WooCommerce registratie" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA inschakelen om nieuw WordPress wachtwoord op te vragen" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA inschakelen om nieuw WooCommerce wachtwoord op te vragen" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WooCommerce inlogpagina" #: cerber-common.php:1703 cerber-common.php:1805 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Verzoek aan Google ReCAPTCHA-service mislukt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1061 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1072 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2744 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4608 msgid "View all" msgstr "Zie alle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2752 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Recent buitengesloten IP-adressen" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, gooi ze er allemaal uit" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "Nee, misschien later" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2141 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3184 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5292 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" #: cerber-lab.php:893 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Wil je WP Cerber nog beter maken?" #: cerber-lab.php:894 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Sta WP Cerber toe om geblokkeerde boosaardige IP-adressen te delen met Cerber Lab. Dat helpt ons betere algoritmes te maken om WordPress te beschermen tegen nieuwe bedreigingen en botnets. Je kunt je toestemming altijd weer intrekken." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4059 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP-adres" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:952 msgid "User login" msgstr "Gebruikers-login" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:953 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4065 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Gebruikers-ID" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1362 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4636 msgid "Export" msgstr "Export" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1415 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Zoek IP of gebruikersnaam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1426 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber Dashboard" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber tools" #: cerber-load.php:5711 admin/cerber-users.php:923 msgid "User" msgstr "Gebruiker" #: cerber-load.php:5719 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Zoekfrase" #: cerber-settings.php:366 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumformaat" #: cerber-settings.php:367 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "indien leeg, gebruiken we standaardinstelling %s" #: cerber-settings.php:777 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:749 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "E-mail meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:759 cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:922 #: cerber-settings.php:1109 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Scheid meer waarden met komma's" #: cerber-settings.php:118 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Alle verbonden apparaten" #: cerber-settings.php:121 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Geen apparaten gevonden" #: cerber-settings.php:125 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Niet beschikbaar" #: cerber-common.php:1693 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Wachtwoordvernieuwing aangevraagd" #: cerber-common.php:1910 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Grens bereikt van foutieve reCAPTCHA's" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Pas regels voor inlogbeperking toe op de Lijst Toegelaten IP-adressen" #: cerber-settings.php:279 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Toon 404-pagina" #: cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Onzichtbare reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Zet onzichtbare reCAPTCHA aan" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(zet pas aan als je de Sitesleutel en Geheime Sleutel voor de onzichtbare versie hebt ontvangen)" #: cerber-settings.php:1388 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Zet reCAPTCHA aan voor WordPress reacties" #: cerber-settings.php:1403 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Beperk aantal pogingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1404 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Sluit IP-adressen uit voor %s minuten na %s mislukte pogingen in %s minuten" #: cerber-settings.php:290 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "In de Citadelstand kunnen alleen adressen van de Lijst Toegelaten IP-adressen inloggen. Heeft geen effect op reeds ingelogde gebruikers." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:949 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1331 msgid "Event" msgstr "Gebeurtenis" #: cerber-common.php:388 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spamreacties afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:390 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Kwaadaardige IP-adressen gevonden" #: cerber-common.php:391 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Uitsluitingen" #: cerber-load.php:1932 cerber-load.php:1938 cerber-load.php:1943 #: cerber-load.php:1963 cerber-load.php:1968 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Je mag niet aanmelden." #: cerber-common.php:1678 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Spamreactie afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1711 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Inlogpoging afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1712 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Aanmeldingspoging afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:385 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Verdachte activiteiten afgevangen" #: cerber-settings.php:1243 cerber-settings.php:1387 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Reactiepagina" #: cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Bescherm invoer reacties met bot-detectie" #: cerber-settings.php:1239 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Bescherm registratie met bot-detectie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5482 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnose" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5485 msgid "License" msgstr "Licentie" #: cerber-load.php:2296 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Sorry, je verificatie faalt." #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Bot-activiteit getedecteerd" #: cerber-settings.php:1315 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Verwerking van reactie" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Bij detectie van een spam-reactie" #: cerber-settings.php:1324 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Spamreacties weggooien" #: cerber-settings.php:1326 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Verwijder spamreacties na" #: cerber-common.php:1679 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Geweigerd wegens spam" #: cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Andere formulieren" #: cerber-settings.php:1255 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Bescherm alle invoerformulieren met bot-detectie" #: cerber-settings.php:1290 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Veilige stand" #: cerber-settings.php:1291 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Minder restricties (sta AJAX toe)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1329 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber Beveiligingsregels" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5409 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Beveiligingsregels" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1969 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Gefaalde loginpogingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1893 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1970 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Aangemeld" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2017 admin/cerber-users.php:52 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1082 msgid "You" msgstr "Jij" #: cerber-common.php:389 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Spam formulierafgifte afgewezen" #: cerber-load.php:4895 cerber-load.php:5985 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Startgids" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5411 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Landen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3788 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Toegestaan voor één land" msgstr[1] "Toegestaan voor %d landen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Geen regel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3960 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Beveiligingsregels zijn vernieuwd" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-common.php:1680 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Formulierafgifte afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1681 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Commentaar afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1717 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Verzoek aan REST API afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1752 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot gedetecteerd" #: cerber-common.php:1753 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadelstand actief" #: cerber-common.php:1757 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Kwaadaardige activiteit gedetecteerd" #: cerber-common.php:1758 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Geblokkeerd door landenregel" #: cerber-common.php:1759 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limiet bereikt" #: cerber-common.php:1760 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Meerdere verdachte activiteiten" #: cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Meerdere verdachte activiteiten gedetecteerd" #: cerber-settings.php:476 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Geef toegestane REST API-naamruimtes op als de REST API is uitgeschakeld. Eén tekenreeks per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:584 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Registratielimiet" #: cerber-settings.php:695 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "per registratiedatum" #: cerber-settings.php:1305 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Toegestane queries" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3768 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Begin te typen om een land te vinden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3883 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Klik op een landnaam om toe te voegen aan de lijst gekozen landen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3915 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Formulieren versturen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3916 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Commentaar plaatsen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3914 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Aanmelden bij de website" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3917 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Benut XML-RPC" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3918 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Benut REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Volledig negeren" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Markeren als spam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3185 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Hoofdinstellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:792 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Weekrapporten" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:697 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:698 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Gebruik je een caching plugin, dan moet je je nieuwe login URL toevoegen aan de niet te cachen pagina's." #: cerber-load.php:4914 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Weekrapport" #: cerber-load.php:4917 cerber-load.php:4925 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Om je rapportageinstellingen aan te passen, ga naar" #: cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Je login-pagina:" #: cerber-load.php:4956 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Je licentie geldt tot" #: cerber-load.php:5062 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Details van activiteiten" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:590 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Klik om nu te versturen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:671 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "E-mail is verzonden naar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:674 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Kan geen e-mail verzenden naar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3791 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Niet toegestaan voor één land" msgstr[1] "Niet toegestaan voor %d landen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3887 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Gekozen landen mogen %s, overige landen niet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3890 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Gekozen landen mogen niet %s, overige landen wel" #: cerber-load.php:5050 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Weekrapport" #: cerber-settings.php:282 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Gebruik 404-sjabloon van het actieve thema" #: cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Toon eenvoudige 404-pagina" #: cerber-settings.php:1306 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Voer een deel van een query-tekenreeks of -pad in om een request uit te sluiten van inspectie. Eén item per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:796 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Rapporteren aanzetten" #. How to interpret this line? Do you mean 'was DATE/TIME from IP ADDRESS' ? #: cerber-load.php:4980 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Je laatste inlog was op %s vanaf %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Opmerking hierbij" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:365 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Je kunt je eigen IP of netwerk niet toevoegen" #: cerber-settings.php:600 cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Je kunt REGEX-patronen gebruiken; sluit deze op in voorwaartse slashes zoals /admin.*/." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber Verkeersinspectie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2104 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5363 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Verkeersinspectie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2143 admin/cerber-users.php:1116 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Verkeer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4544 msgid "Request" msgstr "Verzoek" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4546 admin/cerber-users.php:928 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Host Info" #. Do you mean a program for browsing the web like Chrome? Or a ftp user agent or so? #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4547 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Webbrowser" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4613 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Formulierverzendingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4614 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Pagina niet gevonden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4621 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Langer dan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4644 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Ververs" #: cerber-common.php:283 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Controleer op verzoeken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4679 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Niet gespecificeerd" #: cerber-settings.php:874 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Rapportagestand" #: cerber-settings.php:877 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Rapportage uit" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Slim" #: cerber-settings.php:880 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Alle verkeer" #: cerber-settings.php:920 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Verberg deze formuliervelden" #: cerber-settings.php:961 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milliseconden" #: cerber-settings.php:822 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Verkeersinspectie aanzetten" #: cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Bewaar verzoekvelden" #: cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Drempeltijd paginaopbouw" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "enabled" msgstr "aan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "no connection" msgstr "geen verbinding" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1921 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Laatst gezien" #: cerber-load.php:4688 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Excuus, je mag niet doorgaan" #: cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Verzoek om whitelist" #: cerber-settings.php:841 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Voer een 'request URI' in om deze van inspectie uit te sluiten. Eén per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:928 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Sla 'request headers' op" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Sla $_SERVER op" #: cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Sla 'request cookies' op" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Bescherm admin scripts" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blokkeer ongeoorloofde toegang tot load-scripts.php en load-styles.php\n" "" #: cerber-common.php:3281 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Kan map niet aanmaken" #: cerber-common.php:3286 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Toegang bestemmingsmap afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:3289 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Bestand niet gevonden" #: cerber-common.php:3292 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Kan bestand niet kopiëren" #: cerber-common.php:3298 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Kan bestand niet verwijderen" #: cerber-settings.php:145 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Start beveiligingskern" #: cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Verouderde stand" #: cerber-settings.php:149 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standaardinstelling" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Plugin initialisatie is niet aangepast" #: cerber-common.php:1715 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Bestandsupload afgewezen" #. Shouldn't these 'braces' be 'brackets'? #: cerber-settings.php:841 cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Zet bij een REGEX-patroon de hele regel tussen accolades { }." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Wees voorzichtig met deze opties!" #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Als je de Aangepaste inlog-URL vergeet, kun je niet meer inloggen." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5424 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Site-integriteit" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:683 cerber-settings.php:825 #: cerber-settings.php:856 cerber-settings.php:990 cerber-settings.php:999 #: cerber-settings.php:1466 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2128 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2130 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:474 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Uitgeschakeld" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2129 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Snelle Scan" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2131 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Volledige scan" #: cerber-common.php:1751 cerber-common.php:1761 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Afgewezen" #: cerber-settings.php:174 cerber-settings.php:610 cerber-settings.php:637 #: cerber-settings.php:831 cerber-settings.php:1300 cerber-settings.php:1398 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Lijst Toegelaten IP-adressen gebruiken" #: cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Dashboard omleiding uitzetten" #: cerber-settings.php:243 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Automatische omleiding naar de loginpagina uitzetten als /wp-admin/ ongeautoriseerd wordt opgevraagd" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Scanner-instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1022 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Ondertekening op maat" #: cerber-settings.php:1026 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Eigen PHP code ondertekeningen, één per regel. Zet bij een REGEX-patroon de hele regel tussen accolades { }." #: cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Ongewenste bestandsextensies" #: cerber-settings.php:1019 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Geef bedoelde bestandsextensies op, komma-gescheiden. Alleen tbv de volledige scan." #: cerber-settings.php:1029 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Uit te sluiten mappen" #: cerber-settings.php:1051 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Wis bestanden in quarantaine na" #: cerber-settings.php:1064 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Begin Snelle Scan" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Elk uur" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Elke 3 uur" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Elke 6 uur" #: cerber-settings.php:1069 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Start volledige scan" #: cerber-settings.php:1084 cerber-settings.php:1130 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Niet ernstig" #: cerber-settings.php:1085 cerber-settings.php:1131 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Ernstig" #: cerber-settings.php:1086 cerber-settings.php:1132 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Zeer ernstig" #: cerber-settings.php:1081 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Rapporteer " #: cerber-settings.php:1090 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Stuur e-mail-rapport" #: cerber-settings.php:1093 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Na elke scan" #: cerber-settings.php:1094 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Bij veranderingen in de scanresultaten" #: cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Voeg bestandsgrootte toe" #: cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Voeg scanfouten toe" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5426 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Veiligheidsscanner" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5428 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Agenderen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:173 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Er loopt een geagendeerde scan; wacht totdat deze afloopt." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Voorgaande scan die begon op %s is nog niet klaar. Daarmee doorgaan?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:72 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Deze site lijkt nooit te zijn gescand. Klik onderstaande knop om nu te scannen." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:186 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Begin Snelle Scan" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Begin Volledige Scan" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Stop Scannen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Hervat Scannen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 admin/cerber-tools.php:355 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:227 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Wis" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Geverifieerd" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integriteitsgegevens niet gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Kan integriteit van plugin niet controleren door een netwerkfout" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Kan integriteit van Wordpressbestanden niet controleren door een netwerkfout" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Kan integriteit van thema niet controleren door een netwerkfout" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Kan bestand niet verwerken" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4612 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Kan bestand niet openen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Controlegetal klopt niet" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Verdachte code gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Verdacht losstaand bestand" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Uitvoerbare code gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Ongewenste bestandsextensie" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Inhoud is gewijzigd" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nieuw bestand" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Eigen ondertekening gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Bezig de bestandslijst door te nemen" #: cerber-scanner.php:3698 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Controleren op nieuwe en gewijzigde bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3699 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Integriteit van WordPress controleren" #: cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Integriteit van plugins controleren" #: cerber-scanner.php:3703 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Integriteit van thema's controleren" #: cerber-scanner.php:3705 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Kwaadaardige code zoeken" #: cerber-scanner.php:3706 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Scan afronden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Bestanden te scannen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritieke problemen" #: cerber-scanner.php:4776 admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Totaal aan problemen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:360 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Fout bij bestandstoegang. Scanresultaten zijn mogelijk verouderd. Scan opnieuw." #: cerber-scanner.php:4911 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Ga voor volledig rapport naar" #: cerber-load.php:4922 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Scannerrapport" #: cerber-settings.php:987 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Nieuwe bestanden bewaken" #: cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Gewijzigde bestanden bewaken" #: cerber-settings.php:1095 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Bij nieuw gevonden problemen" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:978 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Het schema is aangepast" #. Is it really 'directives' or do you mean 'directories' ? #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Verdachte instellingen gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Verdachte code-instructie gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Verdachte code-ondertekeningen gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Herinstalleer of update %s om dit probleem op te lossen." #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Upload een referentie-ZIP-archief" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Probleem oplossen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:251 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "We hebben geen integriteitsgegevens ter verificatie van" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:253 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Je moet het ZIP-archief uploaden vanwaar dit is geïnstalleerd. Daarmee kan de scanner de integriteit van de code controleren en malware herkennen." #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Rapport Volledige Scan" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Rapportage Snelle Scan" #: cerber-scanner.php:4761 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Bestanden gescand" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:325 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1684 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1741 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1872 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Check op activiteiten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1903 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Geactiveerd" #: cerber-common.php:1726 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Kwaadaardige request afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1740 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Gebruiker-geactiveerd" #: cerber-common.php:1763 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Verdacht aantal velden" #: cerber-common.php:1764 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Verdacht aantal geneste waarden" #: cerber-common.php:1765 cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Kwaadaardige code ontdekt" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Poging een bestand met kwaadaardige code te uploaden" #: cerber-common.php:2198 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Kwetsbaarheid gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Kan integriteit niet controleren door DB-fout" #: cerber-settings.php:1059 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Schema voor geautomatiseerde scans" #: cerber-settings.php:1076 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Rapportage scanresultaten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1082 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Verdachte activiteit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4610 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Fouten" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Beschermt Wordpress tegen hack-aanvallen, spam, trojans en virussen. Malware scanner en integriteitscontrole. Versterkt Wordpress met uitgebreide veiligheidsalgoritmen. Beschermt tegen spam met reCAPTCHA en detectie van bot-activiteit. Maakt activiteit van gebruikers en indringers te volgen via meldingen per e-mail, mobiel of desktop." #: cerber-load.php:394 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Je hebt de limiet aan loginpogingen bereikt. Probeer opnieuw na %d minuten." #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "over %s" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:571 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "om" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5431 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarantine" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:80 msgid "Started" msgstr "Begonnen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:84 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Geëindigd" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:92 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Prestatie" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Kwetsbaarheden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nieuwe bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Aangepaste bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Ongewenste extensies" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Losstaande bestanden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 admin/cerber-admin.php:769 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Gescand" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:713 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Er staan nu geen bestanden in quarantaine." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:751 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Terugzetten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:748 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Verwijder definitief" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatische verwijdering" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 admin/cerber-admin.php:927 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "Size" msgstr "Grootte" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 msgid "File" msgstr "Bestand" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:846 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Het bestand is definitief verwijderd." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Het bestand is teruggezet op de oorspronkelijke plek." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2144 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integriteit" #: cerber-common.php:1714 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Poging afgeweerd om kwaadaardig bestand te uploaden" #: cerber-load.php:8063 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Geweldig!" #: cerber-settings.php:1118 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatisch opschonen van malware en verdachte bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:1219 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Bestanden in de sessie-map" #: cerber-settings.php:1199 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Bestanden in deze mappen" #: cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Gebruik absolute paden; één item per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:1206 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Bestanden met deze extensies" #: cerber-settings.php:1212 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Scheid items met komma's." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5429 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Opschonen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Kwaadaardige code gevonden" #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Het bestand bevat uitvoerbare code en mogelijk verborgen malware. Maakt het deel uit van een thema of plugin, dan moet het in de desbetreffende map staan. Zonder uitzondering." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "De scanner ziet dit bestand als 'verweesd' of 'niet gekoppeld' omdat het bij geen enkel bekend deel van de website hoort en hier dus geen plaats heeft." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Mogelijk achtergebleven bij een upgrade van %s. Het kan ook deel uitmaken van verborgen malware. Of -uitzonderlijk- bij een maatwerk plugin of thema horen." #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "De bestandsinhoud is veranderd en past niet bij wat er op de officiële WordPress-site staat of bij het referentiebestand dat je eerder hebt geüpload. Het bestand kan zijn aangepast door malware, geïnfecteerd met een virus of handmatig gewijzigd." #: cerber-scanner.php:4835 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Verwijderd" #: cerber-scanner.php:4895 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatisch in quarantaine gezet" #: cerber-common.php:1766 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Verdachte SQL-code gevonden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2125 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Recente malware scan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Huidig verkeer" #: cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Zet PHP uit in uploads" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Zet PHP foutweergave uit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5430 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Negeer-lijst" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:230 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Negeer" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:885 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Pas toe" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:925 msgid "Added" msgstr "Toegevoegd" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Verwijder van de lijst" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Gebruikersinzichten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Verkeersinzichten" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Activiteitsinzichten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3330 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde bestanden wilt wissen?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3331 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Deze bestanden zijn in quarantaine gezet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3334 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Wil je de geselecteerde bestanden toevoegen aan de negeer-lijst?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3335 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Deze bestanden zijn toegevoegd aan de negeer-lijst" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3337 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Er zijn fouten opgetreden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3338 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Alle bestanden zijn verwerkt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5770 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Leer alle voordelen kennen op" #: cerber-common.php:1767 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Verdachte JavaScript-code ontdekt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:981 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Kan het schema niet vernieuwen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:784 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Alle scans" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:891 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "De lijst is leeg." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Het filter levert geen bestanden op." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Klik hier om de hele bestandenlijst te zien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:950 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Aanvullende details" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4066 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Aanmaaktijd pagina" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5950 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Inloggen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5951 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Uitloggen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5952 msgid "Register" msgstr "Aanmelden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5955 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "WooCommerce Log In" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5956 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "WooCommerce Log Out" #: cerber-common.php:1755 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP-adres is uitgesloten" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Meerdere verdachte verzoeken" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Verkeersinspectie" #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Maximale compatibiliteit" #: cerber-settings.php:827 cerber-settings.php:858 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Maximale veiligheid" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Afschermen foutieve requests" #: cerber-settings.php:853 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Foutafscherming aanzetten" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Softwarefouten opslaan" #: cerber-scanner.php:3692 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Scan voorbereiden" #: cerber-common.php:1768 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Geblokkeerd door de beheerder" #: cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Je mag niet inloggen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Blokkeer gebruiker" #: admin/cerber-users.php:43 admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Gebruiker mag niet inloggen op de site" #: cerber-settings.php:644 admin/cerber-users.php:68 msgid "User Message" msgstr "bericht van gebruiker" #: admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Een optioneel bericht voor deze gebruiker" #: admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Geblokkeerde Gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot gebruikerspagina's als /?author=n" #: cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Toegang tot WordPress REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot gebruikersdata via REST API behalve" #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Sta REST API toe voor deze rollen" #: cerber-settings.php:472 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Sta deze naamruimtes toe" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Deze beperkingen gelden niet voor IP-adressen op de Toegelaten Lijst" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Kies een of meer rollen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1414 admin/cerber-users.php:971 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Gefilterd door een geregistreerde gebruiker" #: cerber-settings.php:631 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Alleen bevoegde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:632 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Alleen geregistreerde en ingelogde gebruikers hebben toegang tot de website" #: cerber-settings.php:648 cerber-settings.php:1744 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Alleen geregistreerde en ingelogde gebruikers mogen de website bekijken" #: cerber-settings.php:653 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Omleiding naar URL" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5484 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Log van aanpassingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:741 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Standaardinstellingen zijn geladen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3775 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Alle regels opslaan" #: cerber-common.php:1743 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Ongeldige hoofd-inloggegevens" #: cerber-settings.php:1411 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Hoofdinstellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1419 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Terug naar de website-lijst" #: cerber-settings.php:1423 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Toon 'Omgeschakeld naar'-melding" #: cerber-settings.php:1427 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Voeg '@site' toe aan de paginakop" #: cerber-settings.php:1046 cerber-settings.php:1444 cerber-settings.php:1472 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Diagnostische logging aanzetten" #: cerber-settings.php:1455 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Toegang beperken op IP-adres" #: cerber-settings.php:1461 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Toegang tot deze website" #: cerber-settings.php:1464 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Volledige-toegangs-modus" #: cerber-settings.php:1465 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Alleen-lezen-modus" #: cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Volledige toegang tot alle functies vergt WP Cerber PRO" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Malware Scan" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Aantekeningen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Voeg een 'slave'-website toe" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1037 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Zoekresultaten voor:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Aanpassen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Ga naar:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Geen website geconfigureerd." #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe toe" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Website-eigenschappen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "Website URL" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Toon als" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Website-eigenaar" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefoon" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:691 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "De website die je wilt toevoegen, staat al op de lijst" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:700 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "De website is toegevoegd" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:701 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Klik om aan te passen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Ga naar het Dashboard" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:705 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Let op: je hebt een website toegevoegd die geen SSL-encryptie ondersteunt. Dat kan een datalek veroorzaken." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:824 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Website is verwijderd" msgstr[1] "%s websites zijn verwijderd" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1074 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Je bent omgeschakeld naar %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1084 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Je bent teruggegaan naar de beheer-website" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1300 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Je bent hier:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1303 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mijn Websites" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "'Slave'-modus aanzetten" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Deze website is te beheren vanaf een hoofdwebsite" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Beheer-stand aanzetten" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Stel in als hoofdwebsite waarmee andere sites te beheren zijn" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Kies de instelling voor deze website om door te gaan" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "'Slave'-instellingen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Geheim Toegangscertificaat" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Het certificaat is uniek voor deze site - houd het geheim! Installeer het certificaat op een hoofdwebsite om die toegang tot deze site te geven." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Weet je het zeker? Het certificaat wordt definitief ongeldig." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "'Slave'-modus uitzetten" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Deze website is als hoofdwebsite ingesteld." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Voeg 'slave'-websites toe via toegangscertificaten." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Deze website is als 'slave' ingesteld." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Installeer het toegangscertificaat op de hoofdwebsite." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sec" msgstr[1] "%s sec" #: cerber-settings.php:800 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Verstuur rapportages op" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Updates" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Groep" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Upgrade WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Upgrade alle actieve plugins" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Verwijder website" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Alle groepen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1384 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Wil je de gekozen websites zeker verwijderen?" #: admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Blokkeer" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Kies een bestaande groep of voeg een nieuwe toe" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "Organisatie" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Ongeldig antwoord van de 'slave'-website" #: cerber-common.php:1707 cerber-common.php:1908 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Inlogpoging met onbekende gebruikersnaam" #: cerber-load.php:5076 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Pogingen om in te loggen met een onbekende gebruikersnaam" #: cerber-settings.php:1431 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Gebruik hoofdtaal" #: cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Niet-bestaande gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:248 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "IP meteen blokkeren bij inlogpoging op niet-bestaande gebruiker" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Eigenaar" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Zet beheermodus uit" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Om het certificaat in te trekken en beheer op afstand te stoppen, klik hier:" #: cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Voorkom uitvoeren van PHP-scripts in de WordPress media-map" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1451 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1459 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Actieve plugins en updates op" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1429 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Er is een nieuwere versie beschikbaar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1076 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nieuwe gebruikers" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1096 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Mijn activiteiten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2993 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Waarschuwing aanmaken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2997 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Waarschuwing verwijderen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3095 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "Waarschuwing aangemaakt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3104 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "Waarschuwing verwijderd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4626 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Geavanceerd zoeken" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-load.php:5743 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Klik om waarschuwing te verwijderen" #: cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "Gebruik letters, cijfers, koppelstreepjes of onderstrepingen voor de eigen login-URL" #: cerber-settings.php:264 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Site-specifieke instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:272 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Voorvoegsel voor plugin-cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Gebruik letters, cijfers of onderstrepingen voor het voorvoegsel" #: cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Melding van uitsluitingen" #: cerber-settings.php:782 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Pushbullet access token" #: cerber-settings.php:785 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Pushbullet apparaat" #: cerber-settings.php:1123 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Verwijder verweesde bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:1182 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Automatisch herstel van aangepaste en geïnfecteerde bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:1185 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Herstel Wordpress-bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Bestand verwijderd" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Bestand hersteld" #: cerber-scanner.php:3700 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Wordpress-bestanden aan het herstellen" #: cerber-scanner.php:3702 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Plugin-bestanden aan het herstellen" #: cerber-scanner.php:4839 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Hersteld" #: cerber-scanner.php:4896 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Automatisch verwijderd" #: cerber-scanner.php:4899 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automatisch hersteld" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Cerber Gebruikersbeveiliging" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5389 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Gebruikersbeleid" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2147 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Er is een nieuwe versie beschikbaar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5392 msgid "Global" msgstr "Algemeen" #: cerber-common.php:1769 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Afdwingen gebruiksvoorwaarden site" #: cerber-common.php:1770 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "2FA code geverifieerd" #: cerber-common.php:1771 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Gestart door gebruiker" #: cerber-common.php:2321 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "De nieuwste versie van %s staat klaar voor installatie." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "E-mail-adres niet toegestaan." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Kies een andere." #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Dubbele authenticatie" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Bepaald door gebruikersrol" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Altijd aan" #: admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "2FA Pincode" #: admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Sla wijzigingen op" #: admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot het Wordpress Dashboard" #: admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Verberg Toolbar bij bekijken site" #: admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Regels voor doorverwijzing" #: admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Verwijs gebruiker door na login" #: admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Verwijs gebruiker door na logout" #: cerber-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-users.php:440 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Afkaptijd gebruikerssessie" #: admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Dubbele authenticatie" #: admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Geavanceerde modus" #: admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Dwing dubbele authenticatie af als enige van deze voorwaarden waar is" #: admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Aanmelding uit een ander land" #: admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Aanmelding vanaf een ander klasse-C-netwerk" #: admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Aanmelding vanaf een ander IP-adres" #: admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Dwing met vaste regelmaat dubbele authenticatie af" #: admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Geregelde tijdsinterval (dagen)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Vast aantal aanmeldingen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "aantal aanmeldingen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Beleid is vernieuwd" #: cerber-settings.php:590 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Beperk e-mail-adressen" #: cerber-settings.php:593 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Geen beperkingen" #: cerber-settings.php:594 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Wijs mailadressen af die voldoen aan het volgende" #: cerber-settings.php:595 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Sta alleen mailadressen toe die voldoen aan het volgende" #: cerber-settings.php:600 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Geef e-mailadressen, jokertekens of REGEX-patronen op. Scheid items met komma's." #: cerber-settings.php:1196 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Deze bestanden worden nooit gewist bij een automatische schoonmaak." #: cerber-2fa.php:363 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "De bevestigings-pincode is verlopen. We hebben je een nieuwe gemaild." #: cerber-2fa.php:366 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Je hebt een onjuiste bevestigings-pincode ingevoerd" #: cerber-2fa.php:413 cerber-2fa.php:501 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Bevestig dat jij het bent" #: cerber-2fa.php:523 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Bijzonderheden van de inlogpoging" #: cerber-2fa.php:577 msgid "expires" msgstr "verloopt" #: cerber-2fa.php:654 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "alleen cijfers toegestaan" #: cerber-2fa.php:657 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Pincode ter validatie naar je gemaild" #: cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Voer de code uit de e-mail in het veld hieronder in." #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Probeer nogmaals" #: cerber-2fa.php:661 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5839 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Laat vervallen" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "or" msgstr "of" #: cerber-2fa.php:668 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Bevestig dat jij het bent" #: cerber-2fa.php:673 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Valideer" #: admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "E-mail voor dubbele authenticatie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3718 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Rolgebaseerde regels worden ingesteld" #: admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "geblokkeerd door %s om %s" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "De code is %s minuten geldig." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:372 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "IP-adres %s staat nu op de lijst toegelaten adressen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP-adres %s staat nu op de lijst verboden adressen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:211 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:947 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1327 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4545 #: admin/cerber-users.php:927 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP-adres" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:954 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1333 msgid "Username" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3800 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Elk land is toegestaan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3405 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5294 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sessies" #: cerber-load.php:1717 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "De sessie is gestopt" msgstr[1] "%s sessies zijn gestopt" #: admin/cerber-users.php:925 msgid "Created" msgstr "Aangemaakt" #: admin/cerber-users.php:946 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Beëindig sessie" #: admin/cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Blokkeer gebruiker" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1079 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profiel" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1092 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Alle log-ins" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1093 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Gebruikersactiviteit" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1139 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Beëindig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "gebruiker" msgstr[1] "gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot gebruikersdata via de REST API" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Kan niet verwijderen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Cerber Data Shield instellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Data Shield" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Data Shield instellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5381 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Accounts & Rollen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5382 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Site-instellingen" #: cerber-common.php:1720 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Gebruiker aanmaken afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1722 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Bijwerken Rol afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1723 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Bijwerken instellingen afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1776 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Toestemming geweigerd" #: cerber-common.php:1778 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Ongeldige gebruiker" #: cerber-common.php:1779 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Onjuist wachtwoord" #: cerber-settings.php:487 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Bescherm gebruiker-accounts" #: cerber-settings.php:492 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Beperk aanmaak gebruikers-accounts en gebruikerbeheer met de volgende instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:498 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Gebruikersregistratie is beperkt tot deze rollen" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Gebruikers in deze rol kunnen nieuwe accounts aanmaken" #: cerber-settings.php:509 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Gebruikers in deze rol kunnen gebruikersdata aanpassen" #: cerber-settings.php:514 cerber-settings.php:542 cerber-settings.php:571 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Pas deze instellingen niet toe op de lijst toegelaten IP-adressen" #: cerber-settings.php:522 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Bescherm gebruikersrollen" #: cerber-settings.php:526 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Beperk beheer van rollen en instellingen met deze maatregelen" #: cerber-settings.php:532 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Gebruikers in deze rol kunnen nieuwe rollen toevoegen" #: cerber-settings.php:537 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Gebruikers in deze rol kunnen rol-instellingen aanpassen" #: cerber-settings.php:550 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Bescherm site-instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:554 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Beperk het bijwerken van site-instellingen met deze maatregelen" #: cerber-settings.php:560 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Gebruikers in deze rol mogen beschermde instellingen aanpassen" #: cerber-settings.php:565 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Beschermde instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:638 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Pas deze instelling niet toe op de lijst toegelaten IP-adressen" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Land van server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Alle servers" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Alle landen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Toon thuispagina in de Website-kolom" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "Verberg IP-adres server" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:341 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IP-adres, -reeks, -jokerteken of CIDR" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Voeg toe" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5634 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Het IP-adres dat je wilt toevoegen, staat al in de lijst" #: cerber-common.php:1674 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "IP subnet geblokkeerd" #: cerber-common.php:1721 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "Aanpassing rij van gebruiker geweigerd" #: cerber-common.php:1724 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "Aanpassing metadata gebruiker geweigerd" #: cerber-settings.php:1562 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Enige activiteit" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "Import van de toegangslijst leidde tot een database-fout" #: cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Houd logboek voor aanmeldingen bij" #: cerber-settings.php:325 cerber-settings.php:967 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Leg niet-aangemelde bezoekers vast voor" #: cerber-settings.php:331 cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Leg aangemelde gebruikers vast voor" #: admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Aantekening Admin" #: cerber-settings.php:703 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Persoonlijke Gegevens" #: cerber-settings.php:709 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Gegevens wissen inschakelen" #: cerber-settings.php:716 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Beëindig gebruikerssessies" #: cerber-settings.php:717 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Verwijder gegevens gebruikerssessies als gebruikersinformatie wordt gewist" #: cerber-settings.php:723 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Gegevensexport inschakelen" #: cerber-settings.php:730 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Voeg activiteitenlog toe" #: cerber-settings.php:736 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "Voeg verkeersinformatie toe" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URL opvragen" #: cerber-settings.php:740 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Gegevens formuliervelden" #: cerber-settings.php:741 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Cerber anti-spam-instellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Anti-spam" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Add-ons" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5343 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Anti-spam- en botdetectie-instellingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5345 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Anti-spamroutine" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Meervoudige foutieve verzoeken" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:340 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s herkansingen in %s minuten toegestaan" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:346 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "%s registraties binnen %s minuten vanaf één IP-adres toegestaan" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:369 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Aanzetten na %s gefaalde inlogpogingen in de afgelopen %s minuten" #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Naar behoefte toegang tot de WordPress REST API beperken of blokkeren" #: cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Deze functies helpen u de privacywetgeving na te leven" #: cerber-settings.php:763 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "indien leeg, wordt de email %s van de sitebeheerder gebruikt" #: cerber-settings.php:767 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "meldingen per uur toegestaan (0 = onbeperkt)" #: cerber-settings.php:778 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Meteen op de hoogte met desktop- en mobiele meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:793 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Het weekrapport is een overzicht van activiteiten en verdachte gebeurtenissen van de afgelopen zeven dagen" #: cerber-settings.php:806 cerber-settings.php:1108 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "indien leeg, worden de mailadressen voor meldingen gebruikt" #: cerber-settings.php:818 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "VerkeerInspectie beschermt als contextuele WebApplicatie Firewall (WAF) de website door kwaadaardige HTTP-verzoeken te herkennen en te weigeren\n" "" #: cerber-settings.php:850 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "Blokkeer IP-adressen die extreem veel niet-bestaande pagina's opvragen of die scannen voor beveiligingslekken" #: cerber-settings.php:869 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Verkeer Loggen" #: cerber-settings.php:870 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Ga het verkeer loggen als je verdachte of kwaadaardige activiteiten wilt volgen, of beveiligingsproblemen wilt oplossen" #: cerber-settings.php:983 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "De scanner ziet bestandswijzigingen, controleert de integriteit van WordPress, plugins en thema's, en detecteert malware" #: cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Stel de mappen in die niet gescand worden. Eén map per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:1060 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "De scanner scant de site automatisch, verwijdert malware en mailt de resultaten van de scan" #: cerber-settings.php:1077 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Instellen wat deel moet uitmaken van de email-rapportage, en waarom deze verzonden wordt" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Cerber anti-spam-routines" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Anti-spam-routine instellen" #: cerber-settings.php:1287 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "Met deze instellingen stel je de anti-spam algoritmes precies in, en voorkom je valse meldingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Hoe de plugin opmerkingen verwerkt die binnenkomen via het opmerkingenformulier" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Instellingen aangepast" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1418 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "ID van verzoek" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1419 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Zoek in URL" #: cerber-settings.php:991 cerber-settings.php:1000 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "Uitvoerbare bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:992 cerber-settings.php:1001 msgid "All files" msgstr "Alle bestanden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1926 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Actieve sessies" #: cerber-settings.php:688 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "minuten (leeg laten voor de standaard WordPress waarde)" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Waarden inladen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1097 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4618 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Mijn IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5432 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analyse" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5481 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Instellingen beheren" #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5483 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Diagnostische log" #: cerber-common.php:1665 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Verwijderd door gebruiker" #: cerber-common.php:1774 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "Email-adres is verboden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "Afgezonderd" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Aangepast" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1002 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Bestanden zonder extensie" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Terug naar de lijst" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1063 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Samenvatting" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1114 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Map" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Path" msgstr "Pas" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Files" msgstr "Bestanden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Ruimte Gebruikt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1181 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Geen extensie" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1206 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statistiek Bestandsextensie" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1209 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Extensie" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Kleinste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Grootste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Gemiddelde Grootte" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Oudste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Nieuwste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1232 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "Top-10 grootste bestanden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1391 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Bestandsnaam" #: cerber-settings.php:373 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Datumformaat voor CSV-export" #: cerber-settings.php:374 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Pas ISO 8601 datumformaat toe voor CSV-export" #: cerber-settings.php:388 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Mijn IP-adres" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Zet mijn ip-adres niet op de lijst toegelaten ip-adressen bij activering plugin" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Standaard-instellingen plugin laden" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "Onderstaande knop laadt WP Cerber's standaardinstellingen. Een aangepaste login-url en de toegangslijsten blijven wel behouden." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Om het meeste baat bij WP Cerber te hebben, doe dit:" #: cerber-common.php:1789 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP toegestaan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4617 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Mijn verzoeken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3910 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Bij de website inloggen" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" #: cerber-common.php:1713 cerber-common.php:1913 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Op zoek naar kwetsbare code" #: cerber-load.php:5967 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Je IP-adres %s is toegevoegd aan de Lijst Toegestane Adressen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:974 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "IP-adres zoeken" #: cerber-settings.php:878 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimaal" #: cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Log bekende crawlers niet" #: cerber-settings.php:899 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Log deze locaties niet" #: cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Geef aan welke url-paden niet gelogd worden. Eén per regel." #: cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Log deze 'user-agents' niet" #: cerber-settings.php:911 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Geef aan welke 'user-agents' niet gelogd worden. Eén per regel." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4739 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Onbekende Google-bot" #: cerber-common.php:1780 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "IP-adres niet toegestaan" #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Alleen IP-adressen uit de Toegestane Lijst kunnen registreren op de website." #: cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "User message" msgstr "Gebruikersbericht" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Bestand ontbreekt" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Dit bestand ontbreekt. Het is verwijderd of niet geïnstalleerd." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Fout: bestand %s is niet te gebruiken." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Upload een ander bestand." #: cerber-settings.php:231 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Uitgestelde weergave" #: cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Stel weergave van de eigen inlogpagina uit" #: cerber-load.php:414 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Je kunt nog één login-poging wagen." #: admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Toegestaan aantal gelijktijdige sessies" #: admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "Als de grens van gelijktijdige gebruikersessies is bereikt" #: admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Voer de oudste sessie af bij een nieuwe login" #: admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Weiger verdere inlogpogingen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Login vanuit een andere browser of een ander apparaat" #: admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Als het aantal gelijktijdige gebruikersessies groter is" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5769 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Deze mogelijkheden vind je in de betaalde versie van WP Cerber." #: cerber-common.php:1694 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Gebruikerssessie beëindigd" #: cerber-common.php:1781 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Grens aan gelijktijdige gebruikersessies" #: admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "Alleen zichtbaar voor websitebeheerders" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1498 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Geautoriseerd" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "Autorisatie mislukt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "Belangrijk bericht als je een caching plugin benut" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:779 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "Wis de plugin cache om valse positieven te voorkomen en beter anti-spam-gedrag te krijgen." #: cerber-common.php:1733 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "API-verzoek toegestaan" #: cerber-common.php:1734 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "API-verzoek afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1718 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "Verzoek aan XML-RPC API afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1782 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "Ongeldige cookies" #: cerber-settings.php:166 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Blokkeer IP-adres voor" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Perk aggressieve pogingen in" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "Verberg PHP-fouten op mijn website" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Log alle REST API-verzoeken" #: cerber-settings.php:889 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Log alle XML-RPC-verzoeken " #: cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "URL met aangepast commentaar" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Gebruik eigen URL voor het WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:461 cerber-settings.php:1295 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Ingelogde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:358 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Persoonlijke Voorkeuren" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Sta toegang tot REST-API toe voor ingelogde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:580 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Gebruikersregistratie" #: cerber-settings.php:581 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Beperk nieuwe gebruikers met deze voorwaarden" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Bevoegde toegang" #: cerber-settings.php:627 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Sta site-toegang alleen toe aan ingelogde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:665 cerber-settings.php:1038 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Diverse instellingen" #: cerber-settings.php:678 admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Applicatie-wachtwoorden" #: cerber-settings.php:681 admin/cerber-users.php:472 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Vrijgegeven, toegang tot API met gewoon gebruikersaccount" #: cerber-settings.php:682 admin/cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Vrijgegeven, geen toegang tot API met gewoon gebruikersaccount" #: cerber-settings.php:862 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Negeer ingelogde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:1296 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "Zet bot-detectie uit voor ingelogde gebruikers" #: cerber-settings.php:1393 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "Zet reCAPTCHA uit voor ingelogde gebruikers" #: admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Gebruik algemene instellingen" #: cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Laatste inlogpoging." msgstr[1] "Nog %d inlogpogingen te gaan." #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Toon dit bericht als een inlogpoging wordt afgewezen vanwege de limiet op gelijktijdige sessies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5391 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Rolgebaseerd" #: cerber-common.php:1730 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Gebruikerswachtwoord aangemaakt" #: cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Initialisatiefase" #: cerber-settings.php:934 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Response headers opslaan" #: cerber-settings.php:945 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Response cookies opslaan" #: cerber-load.php:8041 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "We hebben je ondersteuning nodig om door te gaan" #: cerber-load.php:8043 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "Door WP Cerber te beoordelen, scherp je de focus van de makers en help je anderen de juiste programma's te vinden. Plaats je bespreking op een van deze sites. Dat kan gewoon in het Nederlands. Dankjewel!" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:661 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Ongeldig Geheim Toegangscertificaat" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:225 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Klik op het IP-adres om z'n acties te zien" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Login-problemen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1094 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4612 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Niet-geautoriseerd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1379 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1826 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2681 admin/cerber-admin.php:1333 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Er is nog geen activiteit geregistreerd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2701 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "Gebruikersactiviteit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2721 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Kwaadaardige activiteit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4609 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Verdachte verzoeken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1093 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4611 msgid "Users" msgstr "Gebruikers" #: cerber-common.php:1784 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "Verboden URL" #: cerber-settings.php:142 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Hoe WP Cerber z'n kern- en beveiligingsroutines laadt" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Loginbeveiliging" #: cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "Een unieke tekenreeks die niet overlapt met 'slugs' van bestaande posts of pagina's" #: cerber-settings.php:179 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "Authenticatieverzoeken van wp-login.php aan het verwerken" #: cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Standaardverwerking" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Blokkeer toegang tot wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "Verplaats admin-menu" #: cerber-2fa.php:505 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Iemand wil de site binnenkomen. We willen zeker weten dat jij het zelf bent. Zo niet, vernieuw dan meteen je wachtwoord om je site te beschermen." #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "E-mail niet ontvangen?" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Gebruik de volgende verificatie-PIN om je identiteit te bevestigen." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:712 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Je hebt de standaard login-pagina uitgezet. Vergewis je ervan dat je een andere login-pagina hebt geconfigureerd; anders ben je voorgoed buitengesloten." #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "Afweer van 'brute force'-aanvallen en instellingen gebruikersauthenticatie" #: cerber-settings.php:193 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Zet de standaard login-foutmelding uit" #: cerber-settings.php:194 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "Houd niet-bestaande gebruikersnamen en emails achter bij het rapporteren van gefaalde login-pogingen" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Wijs authenticatie via wp-login.php af" #: cerber-common.php:1783 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "Ongeldige cookies gewist" #: cerber-load.php:1862 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "Als we je account hebben, sturen we een bevestigingslink naar het email-adres in dat account." #: cerber-load.php:5925 cerber-common.php:525 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber vergt PHP %s or hoger. Jij draait %s." #: cerber-load.php:5929 cerber-common.php:529 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber vergt WordPress %s or hoger. Jij draait %s." #: cerber-settings.php:204 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "Zet het standaard 'reset wachtwoord'-bericht uit" #: cerber-settings.php:205 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "Houd niet-bestaande gebruikersnamen en emails geheim in het 'reset wachtwoord'-bericht" #: cerber-settings.php:409 cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Voorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamen" #: cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Voorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamen via oEmber" #: cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "Voorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamen via XML sitemaps" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1018 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Er zijn geen gegevens voor een rapport. Doe een Volledige Scan. Na afloop stellen we de rapportage samen." #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "Indien ingeschakeld, vind je de log hier: %s" #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "Met de integriteitsdata ('checksums') van de ontwikkelaar van %s, ziet de scanner dit als een ontbrekend bestand." #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "Haal WHOIS-info van IP-adres op bij inzage van de logs" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "Toon het WP Server Admin-menu bovenaan voor wie als admin browst" #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "Toon WHOIS-info van IP-adres" #: cerber-settings.php:1148 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "De uploads-map controleren" #: cerber-settings.php:1149 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "De Wordpress-uploads-map controleren op bijgevoegde bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:1042 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Bestands- en maptoestemmingen zo nodig aanpassen om bestanden te verwijderen" #: cerber-settings.php:1041 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Toestemmingen bestandssysteem aanpassen" #: cerber-settings.php:1127 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Bestanden uit Wordpress' uploads-map verwijderen" #: cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Bestanden met ongewenste extensies verwijderen" #: cerber-settings.php:1169 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Verwijder publiek bereikbare bestanden met deze extensies" #: cerber-scanner.php:3704 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Bijgevoegde bestanden detecteren in de Wordpress uploads-map" #: cerber-common.php:1785 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "Uitvoerbare bestandextensie aangetroffen" #: cerber-common.php:1786 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Bestandsnaam is verboden" #: cerber-settings.php:1215 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "Bestanden in tijdelijke mappen" #: cerber-settings.php:1195 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Algemene Uitsluitingen" #: cerber-settings.php:1156 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Bestanden met deze extensies negeren" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "Bijgevoegd bestand" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "Bijgevoegd bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "KB/sec" #: cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "Houd de WP uploads-map schoon en veilig. Detecteer tussengevoegde bestanden met internettoegang, rapporteer ze en verwijder de kwaadaardige." #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "Lokale hash niet gevonden" #: cerber-settings.php:1071 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "eenmaal daags om" #: cerber-settings.php:1167 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Verboden extensies" #: cerber-settings.php:1189 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "Plugin-bestanden herstellen" #: cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "De sessie-map controleren" #: cerber-settings.php:1005 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Tijdelijke mappen van de webserver controleren" #: cerber-scanner.php:3695 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Tijdelijke mappen van de webserver controleren op bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3696 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Sessie-map controleren op bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3694 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Tijdelijke upload-map controleren op bestanden" #: cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Website-mappen controleren op bestanden" #: cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Bestanden met deze extensies overslaan" #: cerber-settings.php:1119 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Het beleid wordt automatisch toegepast na elke scan, afhankelijk van de resultaten. Aangetaste bestanden gaan naar de quarantaine." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3339 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Het scan-rapport komt van een eerdere versie van WP Cerber. Scan opnieuw voor een consistent en accuraat resultaat." #: cerber-settings.php:1157 cerber-settings.php:1170 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Scheid extensies met komma's" #: cerber-settings.php:1142 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "WordPress uploads analyse" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Hoog" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Laag" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Midden" #: cerber-load.php:4690 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Meen je dit verzoek te moeten kunnen uitvoeren, laat het ons weten." #: cerber-load.php:4689 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "Je verzoek lijkt te veel op een geautomatiseerd verzoek van spam-software óf is geweigerd door een beveiligingsinstelling van de beheerder." #: cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Bot-detectie uitzetten voor IP-adressen in de toegestane lijst" #: cerber-settings.php:1399 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA uitzetten voor adressen in de toegestane lijst" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:538 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Uitvoerbare bestanden zijn niet mogelijk. Upload een ZIP-bestand." #: cerber-load.php:775 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "Verificatie als mens mislukt." #: cerber-common.php:1800 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Overal uitgelogd" #: cerber-common.php:1698 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Verzoek om wachtwoord-reset afgewezen" #: cerber-common.php:1802 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA geverifieerd" #: cerber-load.php:3359 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Excuus, wachtwoordreset is niet toegestaan voor deze gebruiker." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:534 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Dit type bestand is niet mogelijk. Upload een ZIP-bestand." #: cerber-settings.php:832 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Gebruik lossere filters voor IP-adressen uit de toegestane lijst" #: cerber-common.php:1729 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Gebruikerswachtwoord bijgewerkt" #: cerber-common.php:1772 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Gebruiker geblokkeerd door de admin" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1696 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Gebruikerssessie beëindigd door %s" #: cerber-common.php:1773 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam is verboden" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Toon alle REST API-verzoeken" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Toon afgewezen REST API-verzoeken" #: cerber-load.php:4908 cerber-load.php:4909 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "Er was nieuwe activiteit" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3019 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "Stuur geen waarschuwingen na deze datum" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3059 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentatie" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "E-mail-waarschuwingen gaan naar:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "E-mail-waarschuwingen gaan naar:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3024 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "Negeer algemene tarieflimieten" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3010 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "Maximum aantal te verzenden waarschuwingen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3054 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "Mobiele waarschuwingen zijn niet ingesteld" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3051 msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "Mobiele waarschuwingen worden naar %s gestuurd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3015 msgid "No limit" msgstr "Geen limiet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5838 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3061 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "Limiet voor waarschuwingen (optie)" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1692 msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "Wachtwoord veranderd door %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Spambescherming voor registratie, opmerkingen en andere formulieren op de website" #: cerber-common.php:1816 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Onbekend label" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1732 msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "Gebruikerswachtwoord aangemaakt door %s" #: cerber-common.php:1735 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "Gebruikerswachtwoord verwijderd" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1737 msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "Gebruikerswachtwoord verwijderd door %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1663 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Gebruiker aangemaakt door %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1667 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Gebruiker verwijderd door %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "Bekijk bot-gebeurtenissen" #: cerber-settings.php:1338 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "Bekijk reCAPTCHA-gebeurtenissen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1400 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "Opdrachten vanuit dit IP-adres zoeken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1387 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "Bericht me als dit gebeurt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1382 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "Geen gebeurtenissen gevonden bij deze zoektermen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4580 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "Geen opdrachten gevonden bij deze zoektermen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4577 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "Er zijn geen opdrachten opgeslagen." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4587 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "NB: loggen staat nu uit" #: cerber-settings.php:694 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "Sorteer gebruikers in het Dashboard" #: cerber-load.php:4827 cerber-load.php:5742 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "Toon activiteit in het Dashboard" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1392 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "Toon alle opgeslagen gebeurtenissen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4582 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "Toon alle opgeslagen opdrachten" #: cerber-load.php:4865 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "Toon uitsluitingen in het Dashboard" #: cerber-settings.php:188 cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "Toon opgeslagen inbreuken" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "Je krijgt bericht als dit gebeurt" languages/wp-cerber-sv_SE.po000064400000373464147577531750012023 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: sv\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: cerber-settings.php:180 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Begränsa inloggningsförsök" #: cerber-settings.php:186 cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minuter" #: cerber-settings.php:294 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Webbplatsanslutning" #: cerber-settings.php:265 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktiva säkerhetsregler" #: cerber-settings.php:284 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blockera undernät" #: cerber-settings.php:279 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Begär wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:280 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Blockera omedelbart IP efter en förfrågan till wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:245 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Anpassad inloggningssida" #: cerber-settings.php:250 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Anpassad URL för inloggning" #: cerber-settings.php:316 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2188 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadelläge" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:89 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Varaktighet" #: cerber-settings.php:337 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5440 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notiser" #: cerber-settings.php:339 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Skicka meddelande till admins e-post" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5437 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Åtkomstlistor" #: cerber-load.php:5973 cerber-settings.php:345 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2229 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5433 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1245 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5435 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Utlåsningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1013 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1395 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4200 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4683 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1016 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1397 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4688 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokal användare" #: cerber-load.php:5988 cerber-load.php:5989 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Användarnamn används" #: cerber-common.php:1827 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Inloggad" #: cerber-common.php:1828 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Utloggad" #: cerber-common.php:1829 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Inloggning misslyckades" #: cerber-common.php:1832 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1157 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP blockerat" #: cerber-common.php:1836 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel aktiverat!" #: cerber-common.php:1913 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1769 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Utlåst" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP svartlistat" #: cerber-common.php:1849 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Lösenord ändrat" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:221 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:357 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ta bort" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:702 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Utlåsning för %s borttagen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:303 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1676 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1760 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2186 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:307 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1679 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1763 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2187 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Svarta IP-åtkomstlistan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:363 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Listan är tom" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2962 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3531 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Visa aktivitet" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5506 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5567 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Inställningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1971 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2061 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Senaste inloggning" #: cerber-common.php:2244 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:513 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2160 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2209 msgid "Never" msgstr "Aldrig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5924 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-users.php:942 admin/cerber-admin.php:739 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:906 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Är du säker?" #: cerber-settings.php:295 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2593 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Min webbplats är bakom en omvänd proxy" #: cerber-settings.php:266 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Gör ditt skydd smartare!" #: cerber-settings.php:150 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Aktivera permalänkar för att använda denna funktion. Ställ in inställningar för permalänkar till något annat än standard." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5436 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Huvudinställningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5721 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hjälp" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:363 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Öka utlåsningens varaktighet till %s timmar efter %s utlåsningar under de senaste %s timmarna" #: cerber-load.php:387 admin/cerber-users.php:470 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Du har inte rätt att logga in. Fråga din administratör om hjälp." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:231 admin/cerber-users.php:1056 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Löper ut" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:259 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2828 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Inga utlåsningar just nu. Kusten är klar." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:315 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Ditt IP" #: cerber-load.php:6244 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Kan inte aktivera WP Cerber på grund av ett databasfel." #: cerber-settings.php:349 cerber-settings.php:355 cerber-settings.php:1100 #: cerber-settings.php:1106 cerber-settings.php:1186 cerber-settings.php:1456 msgid "days" msgstr "dagar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2126 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber snabböversikt" #: cerber-settings.php:285 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Blockera alltid hela undernätet Klass C av inkräktande IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5944 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klicka för att skicka test" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:685 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:686 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Observera! Du har ändrat URL för inloggning! Den nya URL:en för inloggning är" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2060 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentarer" #: cerber-load.php:4856 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Antal aktiva utlåsningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5618 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Verktyg" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exportera inställningar till fil" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "När du klickar på knappen nedan får du en konfigurationsfil, som du kan ladda upp på en annan webbplats." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Vad vill du exportera?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Ladda ner fil" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importera inställningar från fil" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "När du klickar på knappen nedan kommer filen att laddas upp och alla befintliga inställningar kommer att åsidosättas" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Välj fil att importera." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Vad vill du importera?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:258 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Ladda upp fil" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Ingen fil har laddats upp eller filen är skadad" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Inställningar har importerats utan problem från" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Fel uppstod vid analyseringen av fil" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:229 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1393 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Värdnamn" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:634 msgid "unknown" msgstr "okänt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2165 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2195 msgid "active" msgstr "aktivt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2165 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "inaktivera" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2169 msgid "not active" msgstr "Inte aktiv" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2172 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2190 msgid "disabled" msgstr "inaktiverad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2178 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "misslyckade försök" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2178 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2179 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "om 24 timmar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2178 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2179 msgid "view all" msgstr "visa alla" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2179 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Utlåsningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2181 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Utlåsningar just nu" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2182 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Senaste utlåsning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2186 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2187 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3279 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Ladda standardinställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:793 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Ny version är tillgänglig" #: cerber-load.php:4906 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Ny anpassad URL för inloggning" #: cerber-settings.php:374 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Använd fil" #: cerber-settings.php:375 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Skriv misslyckade inloggningsförsök till fil" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2961 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Inaktivera" #: cerber-load.php:4860 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:232 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Anledning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1827 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Lägg till IP i svartlistan" #: cerber-common.php:2067 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Försök att komma åt" #: cerber-common.php:2066 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Gränsen för inloggningsförsök är nådd" #: cerber-load.php:4859 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Senaste utlåsningen lades till: %s för IP %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5438 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Förstärk" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1799 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "E-post för missbruk:" #: cerber-settings.php:776 cerber-settings.php:937 cerber-settings.php:1240 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-postadress" #: cerber-settings.php:423 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Förstärk WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:427 cerber-settings.php:479 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Stoppa uppräkning av användare" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Inaktivera XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:463 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till XML-RPC-servern (inklusive pingbacks och trackbacks)" #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Inaktivera flöden" #: cerber-settings.php:468 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till RSS, Atom och RDF-flöden" #: cerber-settings.php:484 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Inaktivera REST API" #: cerber-load.php:4896 cerber-load.php:6286 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber är nu aktiv och har börjat skydda din webbplats" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:233 admin/cerber-users.php:1059 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:775 admin/cerber-admin.php:930 msgid "Action" msgstr "Åtgärd" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5770 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Felaktig IP-adress eller IP-intervall" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2977 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Inställningar sparade" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1805 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Nätverk:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1821 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Lägg till nätverk i svartlistan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2960 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Observera! Citadelläget är nu aktivt. Ingen kan logga in." #: cerber-load.php:4879 cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 #: cerber-common.php:2091 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:485 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4353 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4956 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Okänt" #: cerber-load.php:742 cerber-load.php:755 cerber-load.php:763 #: cerber-load.php:1083 cerber-load.php:1945 cerber-load.php:2268 #: cerber-load.php:3416 cerber-common.php:497 cerber-common.php:648 #: cerber-common.php:653 cerber-common.php:659 cerber-common.php:663 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:657 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:677 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:784 admin/cerber-admin.php:876 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "FEL:" #: cerber-load.php:777 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Mänsklig verifikation misslyckades. Klicka på rutan i reCAPTCHA-blocket nedan." #: cerber-load.php:1925 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Användarnamn är inte tillåtet. Välj ett annat." #: cerber-load.php:4851 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "ospecificerat" #: cerber-load.php:4854 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Antal utlåsningar är stigande" #: cerber-load.php:4863 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Visa aktivitet för detta IP" #: cerber-load.php:4867 cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "En ny version av WP Cerber är tillgänglig att installeras" #: cerber-load.php:4868 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Hej!" #: cerber-load.php:4872 cerber-load.php:4885 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Webbplats" #: cerber-load.php:6299 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importera inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:784 cerber-settings.php:893 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Gräns för notiser" #: cerber-settings.php:690 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Förbjudna användarnamn" #: cerber-settings.php:691 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Användarnamn från denna lista får inte logga in eller registrera sig. Alla IP-adresser, som försökt använda någon av dessa användarnamn, kommer omedelbart att blockeras. Använd komma för att separera inloggningar." #: cerber-settings.php:1462 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCaptcha-inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Webbplatsnyckel" #: cerber-settings.php:1477 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Hemlig nyckel" #: cerber-settings.php:1487 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress registreringsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1496 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulär för glömt lösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:1506 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Inloggningsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1507 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress inloggningsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1463 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Innan du kan börja använda reCAPTCHA måste du skaffa webbplatsnyckel och hemlig nyckel på Googles webbplats" #: cerber-lab.php:899 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:104 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:263 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Lär dig mer" #: cerber-common.php:1820 msgid "User created" msgstr "Användare skapad" #: cerber-common.php:1823 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Användare registrerad" #: cerber-common.php:1860 cerber-common.php:1962 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-verifiering misslyckades" #: cerber-common.php:1861 cerber-common.php:1963 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-inställningarna är felaktiga" #: cerber-common.php:1865 cerber-common.php:2068 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Försök att få tillgång till förbjuden URL" #: cerber-common.php:1867 cerber-common.php:2070 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Försök att logga in med förbjudna användarnamn" #: cerber-settings.php:360 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Cerber Lab-anslutning" #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Skicka skadliga IP-adresser till Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:366 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab-protokoll" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registreringsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1492 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce registreringsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1497 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress på formuläret för förlorat lösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:1502 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce på formuläret för förlorat lösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:1512 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce inloggningsformulär" #: cerber-common.php:1862 cerber-common.php:1964 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Begäran om Google reCAPTCHA-tjänsten misslyckades" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1126 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1137 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1150 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2831 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4748 msgid "View all" msgstr "Visa alla" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2839 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Nyligen utlåsta IP-adresser" #: cerber-lab.php:897 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, sätt fast dem alla" #: cerber-lab.php:898 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "Nej, kanske senare" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2228 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3301 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5432 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Adminpanel" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Vill du göra WP Cerber ännu mer kraftfull?" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Tillåt WP Cerber att skicka utlåsta skadliga IP-adresser till Cerber Lab. Detta hjälper teamet för tillägget att utveckla nya algoritmer för WP Cerber som kommer att försvara WordPress mot nya hot och botnets som dyker upp varje dag. Du kan när som helst inaktivera sändningen i inställningarna för tillägget." #: cerber-load.php:5978 cerber-load.php:5979 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4199 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP-adress" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1017 msgid "User login" msgstr "Användarinloggning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1018 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4205 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Användar-ID" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1427 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4776 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportera" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1480 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Sök efter IP eller användarnamn" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1491 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber adminpanel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber verktyg" #: cerber-load.php:5983 cerber-load.php:5984 admin/cerber-users.php:1053 msgid "User" msgstr "Användare" #: cerber-load.php:5993 cerber-load.php:5994 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Söksträng" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumformat" #: cerber-settings.php:390 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "om det är tomt, kommer standardformatet %s att användas" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Pushmeddelanden" #: cerber-settings.php:771 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "E-postmeddelanden" #: cerber-settings.php:777 cerber-settings.php:939 cerber-settings.php:1054 #: cerber-settings.php:1242 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Använd komma för att ange flera värden" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Alla anslutna enheter" #: cerber-settings.php:140 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Hittade inga enheter" #: cerber-settings.php:144 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Inte tillgänglig" #: cerber-common.php:1852 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Lösenordsåterställning begärd" #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Gräns för om misslyckade reCAPTCHA-verifieringar uppnås" #: cerber-settings.php:194 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Tillämpa gränser för inloggningsregler till IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: cerber-settings.php:306 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Visa 404-sida" #: cerber-settings.php:1481 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Osynlig reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1482 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Aktivera osynlig reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1482 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(aktivera det inte om du inte skaffar och anger webbplatsen och hemliga nycklar för den osynliga versionen)" #: cerber-settings.php:1517 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Aktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress-kommentarformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1532 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Begränsa försök" #: cerber-settings.php:1533 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Lås ut IP-adress i %s minuter efter %s misslyckade försök inom %s minuter" #: cerber-settings.php:317 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "I Citadel-läget kan ingen logga in utom IP-adresser från den vita IP-åtkomstlistan. Aktiva användarsessioner påverkas inte." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1014 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1396 msgid "Event" msgstr "Händelse" #: cerber-common.php:430 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Skräppostkommentarer nekades" #: cerber-common.php:432 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Skadliga IP-adresser upptäcktes" #: cerber-common.php:433 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Utlåsningar uppstod" #: cerber-load.php:1904 cerber-load.php:1910 cerber-load.php:1915 #: cerber-load.php:1935 cerber-load.php:1940 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Du har inte behörighet att registrera." #: cerber-common.php:1837 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Skräppostkommentar nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1870 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Försök att logga in nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1871 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Försök att registrera nekad" #: cerber-common.php:427 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Skadliga aktiviteter mildrades" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 cerber-settings.php:1516 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Kommentarsformulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1374 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Skydda kommentarformulär med botdetekteringsmotor" #: cerber-settings.php:1369 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Skydda registreringsformulär med botdetekteringsmotor" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5622 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostik" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5625 msgid "License" msgstr "Licens" #: cerber-load.php:2268 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Tyvärr, mänsklig verifiering misslyckades." #: cerber-common.php:2072 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Botaktivitet är upptäckt" #: cerber-settings.php:1444 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Kommentarbehandling" #: cerber-settings.php:1448 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Om en skräppostkommentar upptäcks" #: cerber-settings.php:1453 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Släng skräppostkommentarer" #: cerber-settings.php:1455 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Flytta skräppostkommentarer till papperskorgen efter" #: cerber-common.php:1838 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Skräppost nekades att skickas in via formulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Andra formulär" #: cerber-settings.php:1384 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Skydda alla formulär på webbplatsen med botdetekteringsmotor" #: cerber-settings.php:1419 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Säkert läge" #: cerber-settings.php:1420 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Använd mindre restriktiva policyer (tillåt AJAX)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:230 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1394 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber säkerhetsregler" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5549 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Säkerhetsregler" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2062 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Misslyckade inloggningsförsök" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1978 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2063 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrerad" #: cerber-common.php:1573 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2104 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1212 msgid "You" msgstr "Du" #: cerber-common.php:431 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Inskickning av skräppostformulär nekad" #: cerber-load.php:4897 cerber-load.php:6290 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Komma igång guiden" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5551 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3928 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Tillåtet för ett land" msgstr[1] "Tillåtet för %d länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3939 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Ingen regel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4100 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Säkerhetsregler har uppdaterats" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-common.php:1839 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Formulärinlämning nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1840 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Kommentar nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1876 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Begäran till REST API nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot upptäckt" #: cerber-load.php:4822 cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadelläget är aktivt" #: cerber-common.php:1916 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Skadlig aktivitet upptäckt" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Blockerad av landsregeln" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Gräns nådd" #: cerber-common.php:1919 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Flera misstänkta aktiviteter" #: cerber-common.php:2073 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Flera misstänkta aktiviteter upptäcktes" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Ange REST API-namnområden för att tillåtas om REST API är inaktiverat. En sträng per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Registreringsgräns" #: cerber-settings.php:717 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "efter registreringsdatum" #: cerber-settings.php:1434 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Vitlista för frågor" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3908 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Börja skriva här för att hitta ett land" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4023 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Klicka på ett landsnamn för att lägga till det i listan över valda länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4055 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Skicka formulär" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4056 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Publicera kommentarer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4054 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrera på webbplatsen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4057 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Använd XML-RPC" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4058 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Använd REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:1450 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Förneka det fullständigt" #: cerber-settings.php:1450 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Markera det som skräppost" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3302 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Huvudinställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:924 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Veckovisa rapporter" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:688 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Om du använder ett cachetillägg måste du lägga till din nya URL för inloggning till listan över sidor som inte ska caches." #: cerber-load.php:4917 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Veckorapport" #: cerber-load.php:4920 cerber-load.php:4928 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "För att ändra rapporteringsinställningar besök" #: cerber-load.php:4960 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Din inloggningssida:" #: cerber-load.php:4965 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Din licens är giltig till" #: cerber-load.php:5325 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Aktivitetsdetaljer" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:580 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Klicka för att skicka nu" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3931 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Inte tillåtet för ett land" msgstr[1] "Inte tillåtet för %d länder" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4027 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Valda länder är tillåtna att %s, andra länder är inte tillåtna att" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4030 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Valda länder är inte tillåtna att %s, andra länder har tillåtelse att" #: cerber-load.php:5313 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Veckorapport" #: cerber-settings.php:309 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Använd 404-mall från det aktiva temat" #: cerber-settings.php:310 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Visa enkel 404-sida" #: cerber-settings.php:1435 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Ange en del av frågesträngen eller sökvägen för att exkludera en begäran från inspektion av sökmotor. Ett objekt per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:928 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Aktivera rapportering" #: cerber-load.php:5151 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Din senaste inloggning var %s från %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:371 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Valfri kommentar för detta inlägg" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:393 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Du kan inte lägga till din IP-adress eller ditt nätverk" #: cerber-settings.php:626 cerber-settings.php:691 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "För specifiera ett REGEX-mönster, omslut ett mönster i två snedstreck." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber trafikkontroll" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2191 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5503 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Trafikinspektion" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2230 admin/cerber-users.php:1246 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Trafik" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4684 msgid "Request" msgstr "Förfrågan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4686 admin/cerber-users.php:1058 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Server information" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4687 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Användaragent" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4753 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Formulärinlämningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4754 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Sidan hittades inte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4761 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Längre än" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4784 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Uppdatera" #: cerber-common.php:325 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Kontrollera efter förfrågningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4819 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Inte specificerad" #: cerber-settings.php:1006 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Loggningsläge" #: cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Loggning inaktiverad" #: cerber-settings.php:1011 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Smart" #: cerber-settings.php:1012 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "All trafik" #: cerber-settings.php:1052 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Maskera dessa formulärfält" #: cerber-settings.php:1093 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "millisekunder" #: cerber-settings.php:954 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Aktivera trafikinspektion" #: cerber-settings.php:1047 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Spara förfrågningsfält" #: cerber-settings.php:1092 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Tidsgräns för sidgenerering" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2190 msgid "enabled" msgstr "aktiverad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2195 msgid "no connection" msgstr "Ingen anslutning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1962 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Senast sedd" #: cerber-load.php:4698 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Du har inte behörighet att fortsätta" #: cerber-settings.php:969 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Begär vitlista" #: cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Ange en URI-begäran för att utesluta begäran från inspektion. Ett objekt per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:1060 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1082 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Spara $_SERVER" #: cerber-settings.php:1072 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Skydda adminskript" #: cerber-settings.php:448 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blockera obehörig åtkomst till load-scripts.php och load-styles.php" #: cerber-common.php:3465 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Det går inte att skapa katalogen" #: cerber-common.php:3470 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Åtkomst till destinationsmapp nekad" #: cerber-common.php:3473 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Filen hittades inte" #: cerber-common.php:3476 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Det går inte att kopiera filen" #: cerber-common.php:3482 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Det går inte att ta bort filen." #: cerber-settings.php:164 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Ladda säkerhetsmotor" #: cerber-settings.php:167 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Bakåtkompatibelt läge" #: cerber-settings.php:168 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standardläge" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:658 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Tilläggets initialiseringsläge har inte ändrats" #: cerber-common.php:1874 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Filuppladdning nekad" #: cerber-settings.php:973 cerber-settings.php:1035 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "För att ange ett REGEX-mönster, omslut en hel rad i två klammerparenteser." #: cerber-settings.php:153 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Var försiktig med att aktivera dessa alternativ." #: cerber-settings.php:153 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Om du glömmer din anpassade URL för inloggning kommer du inte att kunna logga in." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5564 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Webbplatsintegritet" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:705 cerber-settings.php:957 #: cerber-settings.php:988 cerber-settings.php:1122 cerber-settings.php:1131 #: cerber-settings.php:1596 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2215 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2217 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:481 admin/cerber-users.php:495 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Inaktiverad" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2216 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Snabb skanning" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2218 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Fullständig skanning" #: cerber-common.php:1910 cerber-common.php:1920 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Nekad" #: cerber-settings.php:193 cerber-settings.php:636 cerber-settings.php:661 #: cerber-settings.php:963 cerber-settings.php:1429 cerber-settings.php:1527 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Använd vit IP-åtkomstlista" #: cerber-settings.php:269 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Inaktivera omdirigering av adminpanel" #: cerber-settings.php:270 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Inaktivera automatisk omdirigering till inloggningssidan när /wp-admin/ begärs av en obehörig förfrågan" #: cerber-settings.php:1114 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Skanningsinställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Anpassade signaturer" #: cerber-settings.php:1158 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Specifiera anpassade PHP-kodsignaturer. Ett objekt per rad. För att ange ett REGEX-mönster, omslut en hel rad i två klammerparenteser." #: cerber-settings.php:1145 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Oönskade filtillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Specifiera filtillägg att söka efter. Endast fullständig skanning. Använd komma för att separera objekt." #: cerber-settings.php:1161 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Kataloger att exkludera" #: cerber-settings.php:1184 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Ta bort filer i karantän efter" #: cerber-settings.php:1197 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Starta snabbskanning" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Varje timme" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Var 3:e timme" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Var 6:e timme" #: cerber-settings.php:1202 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Starta fullständig skanning" #: cerber-settings.php:1217 cerber-settings.php:1263 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Låg allvarlighet" #: cerber-settings.php:1218 cerber-settings.php:1264 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Medel allvarlighet" #: cerber-settings.php:1219 cerber-settings.php:1265 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Hög allvarlighet" #: cerber-settings.php:1214 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Rapportera ett problem om något av följande är sant" #: cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Skicka e-postrapport" #: cerber-settings.php:1226 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Efter varje skanning" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Om några ändringar i skanningsresultat uppstod" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Inkludera filstorlekar" #: cerber-settings.php:1236 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Inkludera skanningsfel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5566 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Säkerhetsskanning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5568 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Schemaläggning" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:174 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "För närvarande pågår en schemalagd skanning. Vänta tills det är klart." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:178 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Föregående skanning startad %s har inte slutförts. Fortsätt skanning?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:73 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Det verkar som om denna webbplats aldrig har skannats. För att börja skanna, klicka på knappen nedan." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Starta snabb skanning" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Starta fullständig skanning" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Sluta skanna" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:190 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Fortsätter skanning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 admin/cerber-tools.php:378 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:228 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Ta bort" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifierad" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integritetsdata hittades inte" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera tilläggets integritet på grund av ett nätverksfel" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera integriteten för WordPress-filer på grund av ett nätverksfel" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Kan inte kontrollera integriteten för tema på grund av ett nätverksfel" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Kan inte bearbeta fil" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4663 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Kan inte öppna fil" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Kontrollsumma matchar inte" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Misstänkt kod hittad" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Obevakad misstänkt fil" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Körbar kod hittad" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Oönskade filtillägg" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Innehållet har blivit ändrat" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Ny fil" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Anpassad signatur hittad" #: cerber-scanner.php:3748 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analysera listan över filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3749 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Söker efter nya och ändrade filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3750 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verifierar integriteten av WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3752 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verifierar integriteten av tilläggen" #: cerber-scanner.php:3754 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verifierar integriteten av teman" #: cerber-scanner.php:3756 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Söker efter skadlig kod" #: cerber-scanner.php:3757 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Slutför skanningen" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:109 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Filer att skanna" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:116 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritiska problem" #: cerber-scanner.php:4827 admin/cerber-admin.php:116 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Problem totalt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:361 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Filåtkomstfel. Möjliga skanningsresultat är föråldrade. Kör snabb eller full skanning." #: cerber-scanner.php:4962 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "För att visa fullständigt rapport besök" #: cerber-load.php:4925 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Skanningsrapport" #: cerber-settings.php:1119 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Övervaka nya filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1128 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Övervaka ändrade filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Om nya problem hittas" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:967 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Schemat har uppdaterats" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Suspekta direktiv hittades" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Misstänkt kodinstruktion hittades" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Misstänkta kodsignaturer hittades" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "För att lösa problemet måste du installera om %s eller uppdatera den till den senaste versionen." #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Ladda upp ett referens-ZIP-arkiv" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Lös problemet" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:252 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Vi har inte hittat några integritetsdata att verifiera" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:254 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Du måste ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv från där du har installerat det. Detta gör det möjligt för säkerhetsskannern att verifiera kodens integritet och upptäcka skadlig kod." #: cerber-scanner.php:4799 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Fullständig skanningsrapport" #: cerber-scanner.php:4799 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Snabbskanningsrapport" #: cerber-scanner.php:4812 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Filerna skannas" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:353 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1749 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1806 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2016 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Kontrollera efter aktiviteter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2000 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktiverad" #: cerber-common.php:1885 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Skadlig begäran nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1899 msgid "User activated" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1922 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Misstänkt antal fält" #: cerber-common.php:1923 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1924 cerber-common.php:2075 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Skadlig kod upptäckt" #: cerber-common.php:2076 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Försök att ladda upp en fil med skadlig kod" #: cerber-common.php:2359 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Sårbarhet hittad" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Det går inte att kontrollera integriteten på grund av ett DB-fel" #: cerber-settings.php:1192 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Automatiserat återkommande scanningsschema" #: cerber-settings.php:1209 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Resultatrapportering av skanning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1147 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Misstänkt aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4750 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Fel" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:393 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Du har överskridit antalet tillåtna inloggningsförsök. Försök igen om %d minuter." #: cerber-common.php:2239 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "om %s" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:569 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "kl." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5571 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Karantän" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:81 msgid "Started" msgstr "Startade" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:85 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Slutförda" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:93 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Prestanda" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Sårbarheter" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nya filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Ändrade filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Oönskade utökningar" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Obevakade filer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:109 admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Skannade" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:714 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Det finns inga filer i karantän för tillfället." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:752 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Återställ" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:749 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Ta bort permanent" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatisk borttagning" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Size" msgstr "Storlek" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "File" msgstr "Fil" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:847 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Filen har tagits bort permanent." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:862 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Filen har återställts till sin ursprungliga plats." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2231 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integritet" #: cerber-common.php:1873 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Försök att ladda upp skadlig fil nekad" #: cerber-load.php:8370 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Grymt bra!" #: cerber-settings.php:1251 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatisk upprensing av skadlig kod och misstänkta filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1349 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Filer i sessions-katalogen" #: cerber-settings.php:1329 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Filer i dessa kataloger" #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Använd absoluta sökvägar. Ett objekt per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:1336 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Filer med dessa tillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1342 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Använd komma för att separera objekt." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5569 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Uppstädning" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Skadlig kod hittad" #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Denna fil innehåller körbar kod och kan innehålla förvrängd skadlig kod. Om denna fil är en del av ett tema eller ett tillägg måste det vara beläget i mappen för temat eller tillägget. Inget undantag, inga ursäkter." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skannern känner igen denna fil som ”ägarlös” eller ”inte bunden” eftersom den inte hör till någon känd del av webbplatsen och borde inte vara här." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Innehållet i filen har ändrats och matchar inte det som finns i det officiella WordPress-arkivet eller en referensfil som du har laddat upp tidigare. Filen kan ha förändrats av skadlig kod, infekterad av virus eller har manipulerats." #: cerber-scanner.php:4886 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Borttaget" #: cerber-scanner.php:4946 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatiskt flyttad till karantän" #: cerber-common.php:1925 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Misstänkt SQL-kod upptäckt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2212 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Senaste skanningen efter skadlig kod" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5505 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Live-trafik" #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Inaktivera PHP i uppladdningar" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Inaktivera visning av PHP-fel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5570 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignoreringslista" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:231 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorera" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Tillämpa" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 msgid "Added" msgstr "Tillagd" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 admin/cerber-admin.php:914 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Ta bort från listan" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Användarinsikt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Trafikinsikt" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:890 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Aktivitetsinsikt" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3450 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort valda filer?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3451 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Dessa filer har flyttats till karantänen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3454 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Vill du lägga till valda filer på ignoreringslistan?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3455 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Dessa filer har lagts till i ignoreringslistan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3457 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Några fel uppstod" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3458 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Alla filer har bearbetats" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5910 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Läs mer om alla fördelar på" #: cerber-common.php:1926 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Misstänkt JavaScript-kod upptäckt" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:970 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera schemat" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:785 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Alla skanningar" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:892 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Listan är tom." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:731 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Inga filer matchar det specifierade filtret" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:731 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Klicka här för att se hela listan med filer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1015 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Ytterligare detaljer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4206 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Tid för generering av sidan" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6091 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Logga in" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6092 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Logga ut" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6093 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrera" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6096 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "WooCommerce-inloggning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6097 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "WooCommerce-utloggning" #: cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP-adress är utelåst" #: cerber-common.php:2079 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Flera misstänkta förfrågningar" #: cerber-settings.php:949 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Trafikinspektion" #: cerber-settings.php:958 cerber-settings.php:989 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Maximal kompatibilitet" #: cerber-settings.php:959 cerber-settings.php:990 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Maximal säkerhet" #: cerber-settings.php:980 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:985 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1087 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Spara programfel" #: cerber-scanner.php:3743 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Förbereder för skanningen" #: cerber-common.php:1927 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Blockerad av administratör" #: cerber-load.php:397 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Du saknar behörighet att logga in" #: admin/cerber-users.php:55 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Blockera användare" #: admin/cerber-users.php:59 admin/cerber-users.php:65 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Användare har inte tillåtelse att logga in på webbplatsen" #: cerber-settings.php:668 admin/cerber-users.php:76 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Användarmeddelande" #: admin/cerber-users.php:78 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Ett valfritt meddelande för denna användare" #: admin/cerber-users.php:176 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Blockerade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:428 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till användarsidor som /?Author=n" #: cerber-settings.php:474 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Åtkomst till WordPress REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:485 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till WordPress REST API utom något av följande" #: cerber-settings.php:495 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Tillåt REST API för dessa roller" #: cerber-settings.php:500 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Tillåt dessa namnrymder" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Dessa begränsningar tillämpas inte på IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:534 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Välj en eller flera roller" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1479 admin/cerber-users.php:1101 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtrera efter registrerad användare" #: cerber-settings.php:655 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Endast auktoriserade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:656 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Endast registrerade och inloggade användare har åtkomst till webbplatsen" #: cerber-settings.php:2052 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Endast registrerade och inloggade användare har tillåtelse visa denna webbplats" #: cerber-settings.php:675 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Omdirigera till URL" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5624 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Ändringslogg" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:806 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Standardinställningarna har laddats" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3915 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Spara alla regler" #: cerber-common.php:1902 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Ogiltiga master-uppgifter" #: cerber-settings.php:1540 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Master-inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1548 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Tillbaka till webbplatslistan" #: cerber-settings.php:1552 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Visa ”Bytt till”-notis" #: cerber-settings.php:1556 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1178 cerber-settings.php:1574 cerber-settings.php:1602 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Aktivera diagnostisk loggning" #: cerber-settings.php:1586 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Begränsa åtkomst med IP-adress" #: cerber-settings.php:1591 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Åtkomst till denna webbplats" #: cerber-settings.php:1594 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Fullt åtkomstläge" #: cerber-settings.php:1595 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Endast läsläge" #: cerber-settings.php:1617 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Fullt åtkomstläge kräver PRO-versionen av WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Skanna efter skadlig kod" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Noteringar" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Lägg till en slav-webbplats" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1167 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Sökresultat för:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Redigera" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Byt till" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Inga webbplatser konfigurerade." #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Lägg till en ny" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Webbplatsegenskaper" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL till webbplats" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Visa som" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Webbplatsägare" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adress" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:691 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Den webbplats du försöker lägga till finns redan i listan" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:700 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Webbplatsen har lagts till utan problem" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:701 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Klicka för att redigera" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Byt till adminpanelen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:705 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Tänk på: Du har lagt till webbplatsen som inte stöder SSL-kryptering. Detta kan leda till dataläckage." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:824 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Webbplats har tagits bort" msgstr[1] "%s webbplatser har tagits bort" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1074 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Du har bytt till %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1084 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Du har bytt tillbaka till master-webbplatsen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1300 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Du är här:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1303 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mina webbplatser" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Aktivera slavläge" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Denna webbplats kan hanteras från en master-webbplats" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Aktivera master-läge" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Konfigurera denna webbplats som en master för att hantera annan webbplats" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "För att fortsätta, välj läge för den här webbplatsen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Slavinställningar" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:144 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Hemlig åtkomsttoken" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Token är unik för denna webbplats. Håll den hemligt. Installera token på en master-webbplats för att ge åtkomst till denna webbplats." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Är du säker? Detta innebär att man permanent ogiltiggör token." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Inaktivera slavläge" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:264 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Denna webbplats är inställd som master." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Lägg till slav-webbplatser genom att använda åtkomsttoken." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:268 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Denna webbplats är inställd som slav." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:269 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Installera åtkomsttoken på master-webbplatsen." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2232 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sekund" msgstr[1] "%s sekunder" #: cerber-settings.php:932 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Skicka rapporter på" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Uppdateringar" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupp" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Uppgradera WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Uppgradera alla aktiva tillägg" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Ta bort webbplats" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Alla grupper" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1384 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort valda webbplatser?" #: admin/cerber-users.php:216 msgid "Block" msgstr "Blockera" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Välj en befintlig grupp eller ange en ny för att lägga till den" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "Företag" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Ogiltigt svar från slav-webbplatsen" #: cerber-common.php:1866 cerber-common.php:2069 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Försök att logga in med icke-existerande användarnamn" #: cerber-load.php:5339 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Försök att logga in med icke-existerande användarnamn" #: cerber-settings.php:274 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Icke-existerande användare" #: cerber-settings.php:275 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Blockera omedelbart IP vid försök att logga in med ett icke-existerande användarnamn" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Ägare" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Inaktivera master-läge" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "För att återkalla token och inaktivera fjärrhantering, klicka här:" #: cerber-settings.php:453 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Blockera exekvering av PHP-skript i WordPress media-mapp" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1451 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1459 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Aktiva tillägg och uppdateringar på" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1429 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "En nyare version är tillgänglig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1141 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nya användare" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1161 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Min aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3083 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Skapa varning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3087 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Ta bort varning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3212 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "Varningen har skapats" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3221 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "Varningen har tagits bort" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4766 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Avancerad sökning" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-load.php:6018 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "För att ta bort varningen, klicka här" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "Anpassad URL för inloggning kan endast innehålla latinska alfanumeriska tecken, bindestreck och understreck" #: cerber-settings.php:291 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Webbplatsspecifika inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:300 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Prefix får bara innehålla latinska alfanumeriska tecken och understreck" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Pushbullet åtkomst-token" #: cerber-settings.php:887 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Pushbullet-enhet" #: cerber-settings.php:1256 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Ta bort obevakade filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1312 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Automatisk återskapning av modifierade och infekterade filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1315 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Återskapa WordPress-filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Fil borttagen" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Fil återskapad" #: cerber-scanner.php:3751 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Återskapar WordPress-filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3753 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Återskapar tilläggs-filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:4890 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Återskapad" #: cerber-scanner.php:4947 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Automatiskt borttagen" #: cerber-scanner.php:4950 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automatiskt återskapad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Cerber användarsäkerhet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5529 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Användarpolicyer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2234 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "En ny version är tillgänglig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5532 msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" #: cerber-common.php:1928 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1929 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "2FA-kod verifierad" #: cerber-common.php:1930 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Initierad av användaren" #: cerber-common.php:2482 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "En ny version av %s är tillgänglig. Vänligen installera den." #: cerber-load.php:1930 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "E-postadress är inte tillåten." #: cerber-load.php:1930 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Välj en annan." #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Tvåfaktorautentisering" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Bestäms efter policyer för användarroll" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:496 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Alltid aktiverad" #: admin/cerber-users.php:34 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "2FA PIN-kod" #: admin/cerber-users.php:291 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Spara alla ändringar" #: admin/cerber-users.php:416 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till WordPress-adminpanel" #: admin/cerber-users.php:421 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Dölj verktygsfält när du tittar på webbplats" #: admin/cerber-users.php:427 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Omdirigeringsregler" #: admin/cerber-users.php:431 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Omdirigera användare efter inloggning" #: admin/cerber-users.php:436 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Omdirigera användare efter utloggning" #: cerber-settings.php:709 admin/cerber-users.php:447 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Användarsessionens utlöpningstid" #: admin/cerber-users.php:492 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Tvåfaktorsautentisering" #: admin/cerber-users.php:497 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Avancerat läge" #: admin/cerber-users.php:501 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Tvinga tvåfaktorsautentisering om något av följande villkor är sant" #: admin/cerber-users.php:507 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Inloggning från ett annat land" #: admin/cerber-users.php:513 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Inloggning från från ett annat nätverk klass C" #: admin/cerber-users.php:519 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Inloggning från en annan IP-adress" #: admin/cerber-users.php:537 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Tvinga tvåfaktorsautentisering med fasta intervaller" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Vanliga tidsintervaller (dagar)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:550 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Fast antal inloggningar" #: admin/cerber-users.php:552 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "antal inloggningar" #: admin/cerber-users.php:596 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Policies har uppdaterats" #: cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Begränsa e-postadresser" #: cerber-settings.php:619 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Inga begränsningar" #: cerber-settings.php:620 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Neka alla e-postadresser som matchar följande" #: cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Tillåt endast e-postadresser som matchar följande" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Ange e-postadresser, jokertecken eller REGEX-mönster. Använd komma för att separera objekt." #: cerber-settings.php:1326 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Dessa filer kommer aldrig att tas bort under automatisk upprensning." #: cerber-2fa.php:365 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Denna PIN-kod för verifiering har löpt ut. Vi skickade just en ny till din e-post." #: cerber-2fa.php:368 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Du har angett en felaktig PIN-kod för verifiering" #: cerber-2fa.php:415 cerber-2fa.php:503 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Vänligen verifiera att det är du" #: cerber-2fa.php:525 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Här är detaljerna för inloggningsförsöket" #: cerber-2fa.php:579 msgid "expires" msgstr "löper ut" #: cerber-2fa.php:656 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "endast siffror är tillåtna" #: cerber-2fa.php:659 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Vi skickade en PIN-kod för verifiering till din e-post" #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Ange koden från e-posten i fältet nedan." #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Försök igen" #: cerber-2fa.php:663 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5995 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Avbryt" #: cerber-2fa.php:664 msgid "or" msgstr "eller" #: cerber-2fa.php:670 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Verifiera att det är du" #: cerber-2fa.php:675 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Verifiera" #: admin/cerber-users.php:96 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "E-post för tvåfaktorsautentisering" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3858 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Rollbaserade regler är konfigurerade" #: cerber-common.php:1580 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "blockerad av %s kl. %s" #: cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Koden är giltig i %s minuter." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:400 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "IP-adress %s har lagts till i vit IP-åtkomstlista" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:397 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP-adress %s har lagts till i svart IP-åtkomstlista" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:228 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1012 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1392 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4685 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1057 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP-adress" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1019 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1398 msgid "Username" msgstr "Användarnamn" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3940 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Vilket land som helst är tillåtet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3533 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3546 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5434 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sessioner" #: cerber-load.php:1688 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "Sessionen har avslutats" msgstr[1] "%s sessioner har avslutats" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1055 msgid "Created" msgstr "Skapad" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1076 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Avsluta sessionen" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1077 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Blockera användare" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1209 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1222 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Alla inloggningar" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1223 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Användaraktivitet" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1269 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Avsluta" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2184 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "användare" msgstr[1] "användare" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till användarnas data via REST API" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Kan inte ta bort" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Datasköld" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5519 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5521 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Konton och roller" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5522 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Webbplatsinställningar" #: cerber-common.php:1879 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Användarskapande nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1881 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Rolluppdatering nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1882 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Inställningsuppdatering nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1935 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Behörighet nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1937 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Ogiltig användare" #: cerber-common.php:1938 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Felaktigt lösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:515 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Skydda användarkonton" #: cerber-settings.php:520 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Begränsa skapandet av användarkonton och användarhantering med följande policyer" #: cerber-settings.php:525 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Användarregistreringar är begränsade till dessa roller" #: cerber-settings.php:531 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Användare med dessa roller tillåts att skapa nya konton" #: cerber-settings.php:536 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Användare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra känslig användardata" #: cerber-settings.php:541 cerber-settings.php:569 cerber-settings.php:598 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Tillämpa inte dessa policyer på IP-adresserna i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: cerber-settings.php:549 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Skydda användarroller" #: cerber-settings.php:553 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Begränsa roller och behörighetshantering med följande policyer" #: cerber-settings.php:559 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Användare med dessa roller tillåts att lägga till nya roller" #: cerber-settings.php:564 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Användare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra rollbehörigheter" #: cerber-settings.php:577 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Skydda webbplatsinställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:581 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Begränsa uppdateringen av webbplatsinställningarna med följande policyer" #: cerber-settings.php:587 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Användare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra skyddade inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:592 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Skyddade inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:662 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Tillämpa inte denna policy på IP-adresserna i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Serverland" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Alla servrar" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Alla länder" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Visa webbplats i webbplatskolumnen" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "Dölj serverns IP-adress" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IP-adress, intervall, jokertecken eller CIDR" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:370 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5774 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "IP-adressen som du försöker lägga till finns redan i listan" #: cerber-common.php:1833 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "IP-undernät blockerat" #: cerber-common.php:1880 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "Uppdatering av användarrad nekad" #: cerber-common.php:1883 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1693 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Valfri aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:320 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Aktivera övervakning av autentiseringslogg" #: cerber-settings.php:348 cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Behåll loggposter för ej inloggade besökare i" #: cerber-settings.php:354 cerber-settings.php:1105 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Behåll loggposter för inloggade besökare i" #: admin/cerber-users.php:83 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:725 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Personlig data" #: cerber-settings.php:731 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Aktivera dataradering" #: cerber-settings.php:738 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Avsluta användarsessioner" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Ta bort användarsessionsdata när användardata raderas" #: cerber-settings.php:745 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Aktivera dataexport" #: cerber-settings.php:752 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Inkludera aktivitetslogghändelser" #: cerber-settings.php:758 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:761 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:762 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Formulärfältsdata" #: cerber-settings.php:763 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Utökningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5483 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5485 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Flera felaktiga förfrågningar" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:351 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s försök är tillåtna inom %s minuter" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:357 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "%s registreringar är tillåtna inom %s minuter från en IP-adress" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:377 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Aktivera efter %s misslyckade inloggningsförsök under de senaste %s minuterna" #: cerber-settings.php:475 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Begränsa eller blockera åtkomst fullständigt till WordPress REST API enligt dina behov" #: cerber-settings.php:727 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Dessa funktioner hjälper din organisation att följa lagar om skydd av personuppgifter" #: cerber-settings.php:781 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "om tom, kommer webbplatsadministratörens e-postadress %s att användas" #: cerber-settings.php:785 cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "aviseringar är tillåtna per timme (0 betyder obegränsat)" #: cerber-settings.php:880 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Bli aviserad omedelbart med aviseringar på mobil och stationär dator" #: cerber-settings.php:925 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Veckorapport är en sammanfattning av alla aktiviteter och misstänkta händelser inträffade under de senaste sju dagarna" #: cerber-settings.php:938 cerber-settings.php:1241 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "om tom, kommer e-postadresserna från aviseringsinställningarna att användas" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1001 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Trafikloggning" #: cerber-settings.php:1002 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Aktivera valfri trafikloggning om du behöver övervaka misstänksam och skadlig aktivitet eller lösa säkerhetsproblem" #: cerber-settings.php:1115 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Skannern övervakar filändringar, verifierar integriteten i WordPress, tillägg och teman och upptäcker skadlig kod" #: cerber-settings.php:1165 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Specificera kataloger att exkludera från skanning. En katalog per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:1193 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Skannern skannar automatiskt webbplatsen, tar bort skadlig kod och skickar e-postrapporter med resultatet av en skanning" #: cerber-settings.php:1210 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Konfigurera vilka problem som ska inkluderas i e-postrapporten och villkoret för att skicka rapporter" #: cerber-settings.php:1357 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1415 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1416 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1445 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Hur tillägget bearbetar kommentarer som skickats in via standardformuläret för kommentarer" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Inställningar uppdaterade" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1483 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1484 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Sök i URL" #: cerber-settings.php:1123 cerber-settings.php:1132 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "Körbara filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1124 cerber-settings.php:1133 msgid "All files" msgstr "Alla filer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2006 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Aktiva sessioner" #: cerber-settings.php:710 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "minuter (lämna tomt för att använda standardvärdet för WordPress)" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1162 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4758 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Mitt IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5572 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Analys" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5621 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Hantera inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1179 cerber-settings.php:1575 cerber-settings.php:1603 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5623 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Diagnoslogg" #: cerber-common.php:1824 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Användare borttagen" #: cerber-common.php:1933 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "E-postadress är förbjuden" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "I karantän" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:927 admin/cerber-admin.php:1394 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Ändrad" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Filer utan filtillägg" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1004 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Tillbaka till listan" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1064 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Kort sammanfattning" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mapp" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 msgid "Path" msgstr "Sökväg" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Files" msgstr "Filer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1118 admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Utrymme ockuperat" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1182 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Inga filtillägg" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1207 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statistik för filtillägg" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Filtillägg" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Minsta" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Största" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Genomsnittlig storlek" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Äldsta" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1217 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Nyaste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1233 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "Topp 10 största filerna" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Filnamn" #: cerber-settings.php:396 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Datumformat för CSV-export" #: cerber-settings.php:397 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Använd ISO 8601-datumformat för CSV-exportfiler" #: cerber-settings.php:411 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Min IP-adress" #: cerber-settings.php:412 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Lägg inte till min IP-adress i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan när tillägget aktiveras" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Ladda standardinställningarna för tillägget" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "När du klickar på knappen nedan laddas standardinställningarna för WP Cerber. Den anpassade URL:en för inloggning och åtkomstlistorna kommer inte att ändras." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Följ de här stegen för att få ut mesta möjliga av WP Cerber:" #: cerber-common.php:1948 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP vitlistad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4757 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Mina förfrågningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4050 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Logga in på webbplatsen" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" #: cerber-common.php:1872 cerber-common.php:2074 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Sonderar efter sårbar kod" #: cerber-load.php:6272 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Din IP-adress %s har lagts till i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1104 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Sök efter IP-adress" #: cerber-settings.php:1010 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimalistiskt" #: cerber-settings.php:1026 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Logga inte kända sökrobotar" #: cerber-settings.php:1031 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Logga inte dessa platser" #: cerber-settings.php:1035 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Specificera URL-sökvägar att exkludera förfrågningar från loggning. En post per rad." #: cerber-settings.php:1039 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Logga inte dessa användaragenter" #: cerber-settings.php:1043 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Specificera användaragenter att exkludera förfrågningar från loggning. Ett objekt per rad." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4879 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Okänd Google-robot" #: cerber-common.php:1939 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "IP-adress är inte tillåten" #: cerber-settings.php:637 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Endast användare från IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan får registrera sig på webbplatsen" #: cerber-settings.php:641 msgid "User message" msgstr "Meddelande till användare" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Fil saknas" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Denna fil saknas. Den har tagits bort eller har inte installerats." #: cerber-scanner.php:3989 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Fel: fil %s kan inte användas." #: cerber-scanner.php:3989 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Ladda upp en annan fil." #: cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Uppskjuten rendering" #: cerber-settings.php:259 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Skjut upp renderingen av den anpassade inloggningssidan" #: cerber-load.php:413 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Du har endast ett inloggningsförsök kvar." #: admin/cerber-users.php:453 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Antal tillåtna samtidiga användarsessioner" #: admin/cerber-users.php:458 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "När gränsen för samtidiga användarsessioner har uppnåtts" #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Avsluta äldsta användarsessionen vid en ny inloggning" #: admin/cerber-users.php:462 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Neka ytterligare inloggningsförsök" #: admin/cerber-users.php:525 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Inloggning från en annan webbläsare eller enhet" #: admin/cerber-users.php:531 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Om antalet samtidiga användarsessioner är högre" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5909 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Dessa funktioner är tillgänglig i den professionella versionen av WP Cerber." #: cerber-common.php:1853 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Användarsessionen avslutad" #: cerber-common.php:1940 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Begränsa samtidiga användarsessioner" #: admin/cerber-users.php:85 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "Det är endast synlig för webbplatsadministratörer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Auktoriserad" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1500 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "Auktorisering misslyckades" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:768 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:769 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1892 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1893 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1877 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1941 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Blockera IP-adress för" #: cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Mildra aggressiva försök" #: cerber-settings.php:458 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "Visa inte PHP-fel på min webbplats" #: cerber-settings.php:1016 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Logga alla REST API-förfrågningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1021 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Logga alla XML-RPC-förfrågningar" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1379 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Använd anpassad URL för WordPress-kommentarformuläret" #: cerber-settings.php:489 cerber-settings.php:1424 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2184 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Inloggade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:381 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Personliga preferenser" #: cerber-settings.php:490 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Tillåt åtkomst till REST API för inloggade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:607 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Användarregistrering" #: cerber-settings.php:608 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Begränsa nya användarregistreringar enligt följande villkor" #: cerber-settings.php:650 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Auktoriserad åtkomst" #: cerber-settings.php:651 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Bevilja åtkomst till webbplatsen endast för inloggade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:687 cerber-settings.php:1170 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Övriga inställningar" #: cerber-settings.php:700 admin/cerber-users.php:475 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Applikationslösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:703 admin/cerber-users.php:479 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Aktiverad, åtkomst till API med standardlösenord för användare är tillåten" #: cerber-settings.php:704 admin/cerber-users.php:480 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Aktiverad, ingen åtkomst till API med standardlösenord för användare" #: cerber-settings.php:994 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Ignorera inloggade användare" #: cerber-settings.php:1425 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1522 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "Inaktivera reCAPTCHA för inloggade användare" #: admin/cerber-users.php:478 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Använd globala policyer" #: cerber-load.php:416 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Visa detta meddelande om ett försök att logga in nekas eftersom gränsen för samtidiga användarsessioner har uppnåtts" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5531 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Rollbaserad" #: cerber-common.php:1889 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Applikationslösenord för användare skapat" #: cerber-settings.php:160 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Initieringsläge" #: cerber-settings.php:1066 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Spara headers i svar" #: cerber-settings.php:1077 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Spara svarscookies" #: cerber-load.php:8348 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "Vi behöver ditt stöd för att fortsätta framåt" #: cerber-load.php:8350 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "Genom att dela din unika åsikt om WP Cerber hjälper du ingenjörerna bakom tillägget att göra större framsteg och hjälper andra proffs att hitta rätt programvara. Du kan lämna din recension på någon av följande webbplatser. Använd gärna ditt modersmål. Tack!" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:661 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Hemlig åtkomsttoken är ogiltig" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Klicka på IP-adressen för att se dess aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1142 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Inloggningsproblem" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1159 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4752 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Icke-autentiserade" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1444 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1891 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2768 admin/cerber-admin.php:1334 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Ingen aktivitet har loggats ännu." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2788 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2808 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Skadlig aktivitet" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4749 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Misstänkta förfrågningar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1158 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4751 msgid "Users" msgstr "Användare" #: cerber-common.php:1943 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "Förbjuden URL" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Hur WP Cerber laddar sina kärn- och säkerhetsmekanismer" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Inloggningssäkerhet" #: cerber-settings.php:251 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:198 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:202 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Standardbearbetning" #: cerber-settings.php:203 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:406 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:507 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Du eller någon annan försöker logga in på webbplatsen. Vi måste verifiera att det är du. Om det inte var du, återställ omedelbart ditt lösenord för att skydda ditt konto." #: cerber-2fa.php:664 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "Fick du inte någon e-post?" #: cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Använd följande PIN-kod för verifiering för att verifiera din identitet." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:702 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Du har inaktiverat standardsidan för inloggning. Se till att du har konfigurerat en alternativ inloggningssida. Annars kommer du inte att kunna logga in." #: cerber-settings.php:176 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:212 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Inaktivera standardmeddelandet för inloggningsfel" #: cerber-settings.php:213 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:204 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Neka autentisering via wp-login.php" #: cerber-common.php:1942 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1833 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "Om vi har hittat ditt konto har vi skickat bekräftelselänken till e-postadressen på kontot." #: cerber-load.php:6230 cerber-common.php:618 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber kräver PHP %s eller högre. Du kör %s." #: cerber-load.php:6234 cerber-common.php:622 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber kräver WordPress %s eller högre. Du kör %s." #: cerber-settings.php:223 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:432 cerber-settings.php:437 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Förhindra upptäckt av användarnamn" #: cerber-settings.php:433 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Förhindra upptäckt av användarnamn via oEmbed" #: cerber-settings.php:438 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1019 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Ingen data för att generera rapporter. Kör hela skanningen. När skanningen är klar kommer rapporterna att genereras." #: cerber-settings.php:1179 cerber-settings.php:1575 cerber-settings.php:1603 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "När den är aktiverad är loggen tillgänglig här: %s" #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:385 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:407 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "Visa IP WHOIS-data" #: cerber-settings.php:1281 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "Analysera uppladdningskatalogen" #: cerber-settings.php:1282 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1174 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Ändra fil- och katalogbehörigheter om det krävs för att ta bort filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1173 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Ändra filsystembehörigheter" #: cerber-settings.php:1260 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Ta bort filer i WordPress uppladdningskatalog" #: cerber-settings.php:1269 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Ta bort filer med oönskade filtillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1300 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Ta bort offentligt tillgängliga filer med dessa filtillägg" #: cerber-scanner.php:3755 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1944 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "Körbart filtillägg upptäckt" #: cerber-common.php:1945 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Filnamn är förbjudet" #: cerber-settings.php:1345 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "Filer i temporära kataloger" #: cerber-settings.php:1325 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Globala exkluderingar" #: cerber-settings.php:1288 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Ignorera filer med dessa filtillägg" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "KB/sek" #: cerber-settings.php:1276 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1204 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "en gång om dagen kl." #: cerber-settings.php:1298 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Förbjudna filtillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1141 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "Skanna sessionskatalogen" #: cerber-settings.php:1137 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Skanna webbserverns temporära kataloger" #: cerber-scanner.php:3746 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Skannar serverns temporära kataloger för filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3747 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Skannar sessionskatalogen efter filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3745 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Skannar temporära uppladdningskatalogen för filer" #: cerber-scanner.php:3744 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Skannar webbplatskataloger för filer" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Hoppa över filer med dessa filtillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1252 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Dessa policyer tillämpas automatiskt i slutet av varje skanning baserat på dess resultat. Alla berörda filer flyttas till karantänen." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3459 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Denna skanningsrapport genererades av den tidigare versionen av WP Cerber. Kör en ny skanning för att få konsekventa och exakta resultat." #: cerber-settings.php:1289 cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Använd kommatecken för att separera flera filtillägg" #: cerber-settings.php:1275 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "WordPress uppladdningsanalys" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Hög" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Låg" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Medium" #: cerber-load.php:4700 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Om du tror att du borde kunna utföra denna begäran, meddela oss." #: cerber-load.php:4699 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "Din förfrågan liknar misstänkt automatiserade förfrågningar från programvara för skräppost eller så har den nekats av en säkerhetspolicy konfigurerad av webbplatsens administratör." #: cerber-settings.php:1430 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1528 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Inaktivera reCAPTCHA för IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:539 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Körbara filer stöds inte. Ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv." #: cerber-load.php:774 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "Mänsklig verifiering misslyckades." #: cerber-common.php:1959 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Loggade ut överallt" #: cerber-common.php:1857 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Begäran om lösenordsåterställning nekades" #: cerber-common.php:1961 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verifierad" #: cerber-load.php:3368 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Lösenordsåterställning är inte tillåten för denna användare." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:535 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Denna typ av fil stöds inte. Ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv." #: cerber-settings.php:964 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Använd mindre restriktiva säkerhetsfilter för IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan" #: cerber-common.php:1888 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Applikationslösenord för användare uppdaterades" #: cerber-common.php:1931 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Användare blockerad av administratör" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1855 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Användarsession avslutad av %s" #: cerber-common.php:1932 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3526 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Användarnamn är förbjudet" #: cerber-settings.php:508 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Visa alla REST API-förfrågningar" #: cerber-settings.php:508 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Visa nekade REST API-förfrågningar" #: cerber-load.php:4910 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "En ny aktivitet har inträffat" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3168 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "Skicka inga varningar efter detta datum" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3139 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4729 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Dokumentation" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3136 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "E-postvarning kommer att skickas till dessa e-poster:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3136 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "E-postvarningar kommer att skickas till denna e-post:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3173 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3159 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "Maximalt antal varningar att skicka" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3133 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "Mobilvarningar är inte konfigurerade" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3130 msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "Mobilvarningar kommer att skickas till %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3164 msgid "No limit" msgstr "Ingen begränsning" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5994 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3149 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "Valfria varningsgränser" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1851 msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "Lösenord ändrat av %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Skräppostskydd för registrering, kommentarer och andra formulär på webbplatsen" #: cerber-common.php:1977 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Okänd etikett" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1891 msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "Applikationslösenord för användare skapades av %s" #: cerber-common.php:1894 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "Applikationslösenord för användare borttaget" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1896 msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "Applikationslösenord för användare borttaget av %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1822 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Användare skapad av %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1826 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Användare borttagen av %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1362 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1467 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "Visa reCAPTCHA-händelser" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1465 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "Kontrollera efter förfrågningar från IP-adressen" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1452 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "Avisera mig när en sådan händelse inträffar" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1447 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "Inga händelser hittades med angivna sökkriterier" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4720 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "Inga förfrågningar hittades med angivna sökkriterier" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4717 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "Inga förfrågningar har loggats än." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4727 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "Obs: loggning är för närvarande inaktiverat" #: cerber-settings.php:716 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "Sortera användare i adminpanelen" #: cerber-load.php:4827 cerber-load.php:6017 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "Visa aktivitet i adminpanel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1457 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "Visa alla loggade händelser" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4722 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "Visa alla loggade förfrågningar" #: cerber-load.php:4864 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "Visa utelåsningar i adminpanelen" #: cerber-settings.php:207 cerber-settings.php:208 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "Du kommer att aviseras när en sådan händelse inträffar" #. %s is the name of a mobile device or/and email addresses. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:734 msgid "A test message has been sent to %s" msgstr "Ett testmeddelande har skickats till %s" #: cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "An optional login form message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:917 msgid "Brief" msgstr "Kort" #: cerber-2fa.php:521 msgid "Browser:" msgstr "Webbläsare:" #: cerber-load.php:4887 msgid "By the user" msgstr "Av användaren" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3106 msgid "Channels to send alerts" msgstr "Kanaler för att skicka varningar" #: cerber-settings.php:331 msgid "Citadel mode duration" msgstr "Citadel-lägets varaktighet" #: cerber-load.php:4824 msgid "Citadel mode has been activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadel-läge har aktiverats efter %d misslyckade inloggningsförsök på %d minuter." #: cerber-settings.php:326 msgid "Citadel mode threshold" msgstr "Tröskelvärde för citadelläge" #: cerber-settings.php:772 msgid "Configure email parameters for notifications, reports, and alerts" msgstr "Konfigurera e-postparametrar för aviseringar, rapporter och varningar" #: cerber-load.php:4969 cerber-2fa.php:522 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Datum:" #: cerber-settings.php:235 msgid "Disable login language switcher" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:1051 msgid "Field %s contains an invalid value" msgstr "Fält %s innehåller ett ogiltigt värde" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:1045 msgid "Field %s may not be empty" msgstr "Fält %s får inte vara tomt" #: cerber-load.php:4891 msgid "From the country" msgstr "Från landet" #: cerber-load.php:4888 msgid "From the IP address" msgstr "Från IP-adressen" #: cerber-settings.php:856 msgid "If empty, the SMTP username is used" msgstr "Om det är tomt används SMTP-användarnamnet" #: cerber-2fa.php:517 msgid "IP address:" msgstr "IP-adress:" #: cerber-load.php:4825 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s using username: %s." msgstr "Senaste misslyckade försöket var kl. %s från IP %s med användarnamn: %s." #: cerber-2fa.php:519 msgid "Location:" msgstr "Plats:" #: cerber-settings.php:789 cerber-settings.php:899 msgid "Lockout notification" msgstr "Avisering för utelåsning" #: cerber-2fa.php:516 msgid "Login:" msgstr "Logga in:" #: cerber-settings.php:798 cerber-settings.php:906 msgid "Mask sensitive data" msgstr "Maskera känsliga data" #: cerber-settings.php:799 cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Mask usernames and IP addresses in notifications and alerts" msgstr "Maskera användarnamn och IP-adresser i aviseringar och varningar" #: cerber-settings.php:803 cerber-settings.php:912 msgid "Message format" msgstr "Meddelandeformat" #: cerber-settings.php:836 msgid "None" msgstr "Ingen" #: cerber-settings.php:806 cerber-settings.php:916 msgid "Plain" msgstr "Enkel" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3122 msgid "Please select at least one channel" msgstr "Välj minst en kanal" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:283 msgid "Required" msgstr "Obligatoriskt" #. %s is the email address(es). #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3111 msgid "Send email alerts to %s" msgstr "Skicka e-postvarningar till %s" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3117 msgid "Send mobile alerts to %s" msgstr "Skicka mobilvarningar till %s" #: cerber-settings.php:900 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:371 msgid "Send notification if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Skicka avisering om antalet aktiva utelåsningar är över" #: cerber-settings.php:794 msgid "Send notification when a new version of WP Cerber is available" msgstr "Skicka avisering när en ny version av WP Cerber är tillgänglig" #: cerber-settings.php:833 msgid "SMTP encryption" msgstr "SMTP-kryptering" #: cerber-settings.php:855 msgid "SMTP From email" msgstr "SMTP från e-post" #: cerber-settings.php:862 msgid "SMTP From name" msgstr "SMTP från namn" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "SMTP host" msgstr "SMTP-server" #: cerber-settings.php:843 msgid "SMTP password" msgstr "SMTP-lösenord" #: cerber-settings.php:825 msgid "SMTP port" msgstr "SMTP-port" #: cerber-settings.php:849 msgid "SMTP username" msgstr "SMTP-användarnamn" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:729 msgid "TEST MESSAGE" msgstr "TESTMEDDELANDE" #: cerber-load.php:4875 msgid "The WP Cerber Security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Tillägget WP Cerber Security har inaktiverats" #: cerber-load.php:4895 msgid "The WP Cerber Security plugin is now active" msgstr "Tillägget WP Cerber Security är nu aktivt" #: cerber-settings.php:642 msgid "This message is displayed to a user if the IP address of the user's computer is not whitelisted" msgstr "Detta meddelande visas för en användare om IP-adressen för användarens dator inte är vitlistad" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:737 msgid "Unable to send a test message" msgstr "Kan inte skicka ett testmeddelande" #: cerber-settings.php:812 msgid "Use SMTP" msgstr "Använd SMTP" #: cerber-settings.php:813 msgid "Use SMTP server to send emails" msgstr "Använd SMTP-server att skicka e-post" #: cerber-settings.php:808 cerber-settings.php:918 msgid "Verbose" msgstr "Utförlig" #: cerber-settings.php:443 msgid "Block access to user pages via their usernames" msgstr "Blockera åtkomst till användarsidor via deras användarnamn" #: admin/cerber-users.php:932 msgid "Check users' settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1561 msgid "Display admin pages of remote websites using my language" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:963 msgid "If necessary, <%s>check and update settings<%s>." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:942 msgid "If necessary, <%s>unblock the IP address<%s>." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:442 msgid "Stop exposing user details" msgstr "Sluta avslöja användarinformation" #: admin/cerber-users.php:940 msgid "The IP address of the last failed attempt to log in is blocked" msgstr "IP-adressen för det senaste misslyckade försöket att logga in är blockerad" #: admin/cerber-users.php:957 msgid "The last attempt to log in was denied due to the following reason" msgstr "Det senaste försöket att logga in nekades av följande anledning" #: cerber-load.php:4968 msgid "This message created by" msgstr "Detta meddelande skapades av" #: cerber-settings.php:1560 msgid "Use my language" msgstr "Använd mitt språk" #: admin/cerber-users.php:983 msgid "User is not allowed to log in" msgstr "Användare har inte behörighet att logga in" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:92 msgid "User Sessions" msgstr "Användarsessioner" #: admin/cerber-users.php:931 msgid "username is prohibited" msgstr "Användarnamn är förbjudet" languages/wp-cerber-de_CH.mo000064400000107412147577531750011727 0ustar00\2 ^RW;v ]2~  ,6,c    " $? 2d!!#!!C! 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To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivityActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll requestsAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAnyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttemptsAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDeleteDelete quarantined files afterDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable wp-login.phpDisplay 404 pageDisplay simple 404 pageDownload fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Error while parsing fileError while updatingEventExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFile not foundFile upload deniedFiles to scanFilterForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryGetting Started GuideGregoryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!HintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.Ignore crawlersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Incorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursIntegrity data not foundInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalKeep records forKnow moreLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLegacy modeLicenseLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaximum upload file size: %s.MondayMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNobody can log in or register from these IPsNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOptional comment for this entryOther formsPage Not FoundPage generation time thresholdPassword changedPassword reset requestedPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Plugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesProactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuery whitelistReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRefreshRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScanner settingsSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect file to import.Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySmartSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundaySuspicious code foundThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe directory is not writableThese IPs will never be locked outThis message was sent byThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPToolsTrafficTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create WP CERBER directoryUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)UserUser AgentUser IDUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersVerifiedView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)reCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: de-ch Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); vor %s%s erlaubte Registrierungen innerhalb von %s Minuten von derselben IP%s Versuche innert %s Minuten erlaubt(nur aktivieren, wenn Sie den Site Key und den Secret Key für die unsichtbare Version eingetragen haben)FEHLER: Das eingegebene Passwort ist nicht korrekt für den Benutzernamen %s.FEHLER: Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.> > > Sind Sie ein Übersetzer von WP Cerber? Um eine kostenlose PRO-Lizenz zu erhalten, kontaktieren Sie uns über https://wpcerber.com/contact/Eine neue Aktivität wurde aufgezeichnetEine neue Version von WP Cerber ist zur Installation bereitE-Mail für Missbräuche:ZugangslistenAktionAktivitätAktivitätsdetailsIP-Adresse auf Blacklist setzenIP-Adresse auf Liste setzenNetzwerk auf die IP Blacklist setzenDie Adresse %s wurde auf die IP Blacklist gesetztDie Adresse %s wurde auf die IP Whitelist gesetztAntispam-Mechanismus anpassenErweiterte SucheAggressive SperrenAlle verknüpften GeräteAlle EreignisseAlle RequestsAlle verdächtigen AktivitätenGesamter VerkehrREST API für angemeldete Benutzer erlaubenErlauben Sie WP Cerber, gesperrte bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab zu übermitteln. Dies hilft dem Plugin-Team, neue Algorithmen für WP Cerber zu entwickeln, um WordPress gegen neue Bedrohungen und Bot-Netze zu verteidigen, die jeden Tag auftauchen. Sie können die Übermittlung in den Plugin-Einstellungen jederzeit wieder deaktivieren.Immer das gesamte Subnetz (Class C) der angreifenden IP-Adresse sperrenSpam-SchutzEinstellungen für Spam-Schutz und Bot-ErkennungIrgendeineAnmeldebeschränkungen auf IP-Adressen der IP Whitelist anwendenSind Sie sicher?ZugriffsversucheZugriffsversuch auf verbotene URLAnmeldeversuche abgelehntAnmeldeversuch mit verbotenem BenutzernamenRegistrierungsversuche abgelehntVersucheAchtung! Der Citadel Mode ist aktiv. Niemand kann sich anmelden.Achtung! Sie haben die Anmelde-URL geändert! Die neue Anmelde-URL istSeien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie diese Optionen aktivieren.Um reCAPTCHA nutzen zu können müssen Sie auf der Google Website einen Site Key und einen Secret Key anfordernIP BlacklistZugriff auf RSS, Atom und RDF Feeds sperrenZugriff auf den XML-RPC Server sperren (einschliesslich Pingbacks und Trackbacks)Direkten Zugriff auf wp-login.php sperren und einen HTTP-Fehler 404 (Seite nicht gefunden) zurückgebenSubnetz sperrenUnauthorisierten Zugriff auf load-scripts.php und load-styles.php blockierenBlockiert durch Länder-RichtlinieBot-Aktivität festgestelltBot erkanntNach BenutzerWP Cerber kann wegen eines Datenbank-Fehlers nicht aktiviert werden.Cerber DashboardVerbindung zum Cerber LabCerber Lab ProtokollCerber Quick ViewCerber SicherheitsrichtlinienCerber Traffic InspectorCerber Anti-Spam EngineCerber Anti-Spam EinstellungenCerber ToolsAktivitäten überprüfenRequests prüfenCitadel Mode aktiviert!Citadel ModeDer Citadel Mode ist aktivDer Citadel Mode wird nach %d fehlgeschlagenen Anmeldeversuchen innerhalb von %d Minuten aktiviert.Citadel Mode ist aktivKlicken Sie auf einen Ländernamen, um ihn zur Liste der ausgewählten Länder hinzuzufügenKlicken um zu sendenHier klicken für TestversandKommentar abgelehntKommentarformularBehandlung von KommentarenKommentareVerwirrt wegen gewisser Einstellungen?Inhalt wurde geändertSetzt Scan fortLänderLandKritische ProblemeBenutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URLBenutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URLs dürfen nur Buchstaben, Ziffern, Minuszeichen und Underscores enthalten.Benutzerdefinierte AnmeldeseiteCustom Signature gefundenCustom SignaturesDashboardDatumDatumsformatDeaktivierenLöschenDateien in der Quarantäne löschen nachAbgelehntKomplett verbietenDer Zugriff auf das Zielverzeichnis wurde abgelehntDiagnostikAusgeschlossene VerzeichnisseREST API deaktivierenXML-RPC deaktivierenUmleitung von /wp-admin/ auf die Anmeldeseite deaktivieren für nicht authorisierte AnfragenBot-Erkennung für angemeldete Benutzer deaktivierenDashboard-Umleitung deaktivierenFeeds deaktivierenreCAPTCHA für angemeldete Benutzer deaktivierenwp-login.php deaktivieren404-Seite anzeigenEinfache 404-Seite anzeigenDatei herunterladenIP-Adresse recherchierenDauerFEHLER:E-Mail-AdresseE-Mail wurde gesendet anE-Mail-BenachrichtigungenNach %s fehlgeschlagenen Anmeldeversuchen innert %s Minuten aktivierenUnsichtbaren reCAPTCHA aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Anmeldeformular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce «Passwort vergessen»-Formular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Registrierungsformular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WordPress Kommentarformular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WordPress Anmeldeformular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WordPress «Passwort vergessen»-Formular aktivierenreCAPTCHA für das WordPress Registrierungsformular aktivierenBerichte aktivierenUntersuchung des Verkehrs aktivierenGeben Sie einen Teil eines Query Strings oder eines Query Paths ein, um einen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile.Geben Sie eine Request URI ein, um diesen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile.Fehler beim Verarbeiten der DateiFehler bei der AktualisierungEreignisAusführbarer Code gefundenVerfälltExportierenExport & ImportEinstellungen in Datei exportierenFehlgeschlagene AnmeldeversucheDie Datei wurde nicht gefundenDer Datei-Upload wurde abgelehntZu scannende DateienFilterFormulareinsendung abgelehntFormulareinsendungenFreitagIP-AdresseHerkunftslandEinführungGregorianischHardeningWordPress absichernHilfeHallo!TippHost InfoHostnameUm zu bestätigen, dass Sie ein menschlicher Benutzer sind, klicken Sie bitte auf das Quadrat im nachfolgenden reCAPTCHA.IPIP-AdresseIP-Adresse, IPv4-Adressbereich oder SubnetzIP-Adresse auf BlacklistIP-Adresse gesperrtFalls ein Spam-Kommentar erkannt wirdFalls Sie Ihre benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL vergessen, können Sie sich nicht mehr anmelden.Falls Sie ein Caching-Plugin nutzen müssen Sie Ihre neue Login-URL auf die Liste der nicht gecachten Seiten setzen.Crawler ignorierenIP-Adresse nach jedem Zugriff auf wp-login.php sofort sperrenEinstellungen importierenEinstellungen aus Datei importierenIm Citadel Mode kann sich niemand anmelden, ausser die Anmeldung stammt von einer IP-Adresse, welche auf der IP Whitelist steht. Aktive Benutzersitzungen sind davon nicht betroffen.Ungültige IP-Adresse oder ungültiger IP-BereichDauer der Sperre auf %s Stunden erhöhen nach %s Sperren innert %s StundenIntegritätsdaten nicht gefundenUnsichtbarer reCAPTCHAProbleme totalAufzeichnungen speichern fürMehr InformationenLetzter fehlgeschlagener Versuch um %s von IP %s mit Benutzernamen %s.Letzte SperreLetzte Sperre: %s für die IP %sLetzte AnmeldungZuletzt gesehenLegacy-ModusLizenzVersuche beschränkenAnmeldeversuche begrenzenDie Limite für fehlgeschlagene reCAPTCHA-Verifizierungen wurde erreichtDie maximale Anzahl der Anmeldeversuche wurde erreichtLimite erreichtDie Liste ist leerLive-VerkehrStandardeinstellungen ladenSecurity Engine ladenLokaler BenutzerLokale Datei existiert nichtIP-Adresse für %s Minuten sperren, wenn %s fehlgeschlagene Versuche innert %s Minuten festgestellt werdenGesperrtDauer der SperreSperre für %s entferntSperrenAktuelle SperrenSperren wurden gesetztAuf der Website anmeldenAngemeldetAngemeldete BenutzerAbgemeldetLoggingLogging deaktiviertLogging-ModusAnmeldung fehlgeschlagenAnmeldeformularLänger als«Passwort vergessen»-FormularHaupteinstellungenHaupteinstellungenSchützen Sie sich besser!Bösartige IP-Adressen erkanntBösartige Aktivitäten verhindertBösartige Aktivität festgestelltAls Spam markierenDiese Formularfelder maskierenMaximale Dateigrösse für Upload: %s.MontagSpam-Kommentare in Papierkorb verschieben nachMehrere verdächtige AktivitätenMehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten wurden festgestelltMeine Website befindet sich hinter einem Reverse Proxy ServerNEIN, vielleicht späterNetzwerk:NieNeue benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URLEine neue Version ist verfügbarEs wurde keine Aktivität aufgezeichnet.Keine Geräte gefundenEs wurde keine Datei hochgeladen oder die Datei ist fehlerhaftKeine aktuellen Sperren. Der Himmel ist wolkenlos.Es wurden keine Requests aufgezeichnet.Keine RichtlinieNiemand kann sich von diesen IP-Adressen aus anmelden oder registrierenNicht verfügbarNicht angemeldetNicht angemeldete BesucherNicht erlaubt für 1 LandNicht erlaubt für %d LänderNicht spezifiziertBeschränkung der BenachrichtigungenBenachrichtigungenAdministrator benachrichtigen falls die Anzahl der aktiven Sperren grösser ist alsAnzahl aktive SperrenDie Anzahl der Sperren nimmt zuOK, erledigt sie alleOptionaler Kommentar für diesen EintragAndere FormulareSeite nicht gefundenSchwellwert für die SeitengenerierungPasswort geändertPasswort-Rücksetzung angefordertErlaubt für 1 LandErlaubt für %d LänderBitte aktivieren Sie Permalinks, um diese Funktion zu nutzen. Setzen Sie die Permalink-Einstellungen auf einen Wert, der nicht dem Standardwert entspricht. Plug-in-InitialisierungDer Initialisierungsmodus des Plug-ins wurde nicht verändertKommentare veröffentlichenEinstellungenProaktive SicherheitsrichtlinienTesten auf verwundbaren PHP CodeVerbotene BenutzernamenAdmin Scripts schützenAlle Formulare der Website mit Bot-Erkennung schützenKommentarformular mit Bot-Erkennung schützenRegistrierungsformular mit Bot-Erkennung schützenPush-BenachrichtigungenIP Whitelist abfragenGrundKürzlich blockierte IP-AdressenAktualisierenAuf der Website registrierenRegistriertRegistrierungsformularRegistrierungs-BeschränkungEntfernenRequestREST API Request abgelehntAufruf von Google reCAPTCHA ist fehlgeschlagenRequest WhitelistZugriff auf wp-login.phpZusätzliche WHOIS-Informationen anfordern für IP-AdressenSafe ModeSamstag$_SERVER speichernRequest Cookies speichernRequest-Felder speichernRequest Headers speichernSession-Verzeichnis scannenTemporäres Verzeichnis scannenScanner-EinstellungenNach IP oder Benutzername suchenSuchbegriffSecret KeySicherheitsrichtlinienSecurity ScannerDie Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden aktualisiertWählen Sie die zu importierende Datei.Bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab meldenBenachrichtigungen an Administrator sendenEinstellungenEinstellungen wurden erfolgreich importiert ausEinstellungen gespeichertZeige letzte %d Einträge von %dWebsite-IntegritätWebsite-VerbindungSite KeySmartEntschuldigung, aber es wurde kein menschlicher Benutzer erkannt.Benutzer im Dashboard sortierenSpam-Kommentare abgelehntSpam-Kammentare abgelehntSpam in Formular geblocktSpam in Formularen verhindertGeben Sie die REST API Namespaces an, welche zulässig sind, falls die REST API deaktiviert ist. Ein String pro Zeile.Geben Sie Custom PHP Code Signatures an. 1 Eintrag pro Zeile. Um REGEX-Ausdrücke zu verwenden umschliessen Sie eine komplette Zeile mit zwei Klammern.Definieren Sie Dateierweiterungen, nach denen gesucht werden soll. Nur komplette Scans. Mehrere Einträge durch Kommas trennen.Standard-ModusVollständigen Scan startenQuick Scan startenBeginnen Sie hier zu tippen, um ein Land zu findenScan stoppenUser Enumeration unterbindenFormulare sendenSubnetz gesperrtAnmeldenSonntagVerdächtigen Code gefundenWP Cerber erfordert PHP %s oder neuer. Sie verwendenWP Cerber erfordert WordPress %s oder neuer. Sie verwendenDas WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin wurde deaktiviertDas WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin ist jetzt aktivDas Verzeichnis ist nicht schreibbarDiese IP-Adressen werden niemals blockiertDiese Nachricht wurde gesendet vonSchwelleDonnerstagUm die Einstellungen für die Berichte zu ändern besuchen SieUm einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren umschliessen Sie diesen mit zwei Vorwärts-Slashes.Um einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren, umschliessen Sie die ganze Zeile mit zwei Klammern.Klicken Sie hier, um sich abzumeldenUm Aktivitäten anzuzeigen klicken Sie auf die IP-AdresseWerkzeugeVerkehrTraffic InspectorSpam-Kommentare löschenDienstagKann die Integrität der WordPress-Dateien wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfenKann die Integrität des Plug-ins wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfenKann die Integrität des Themes wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfenDie Datei kann nicht kopiert werdenDas WP CERBER Verzeichnis konnte nicht erstellt werdenDas Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werdenDie Datei kann nicht gelöscht werdenKann Datei nicht öffnenKann Datei nicht verarbeitenE-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden anNicht überwachte verdächtige DateiUnbekanntAbmeldenUnerwünschte ErweiterungUnerwünschte DateierweiterungenAuf WP Cerber %s aktualisierenDatei hochladen404-Template des aktiven Themes nutzenREST API benutzenWhite IP Access List benutzenXML-RPC benutzenMehrere Werte durch Kommas trennenDatei verwendenWeniger restriktive Richtlinien benutzen (AJAX erlauben)BenutzerUser AgentBenutzer-IDBenutzer angelegtBenutzer-LoginBenutzer registriertBenutzereinstellungenTimeout für BenutzersitzungDieser Benutzername ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen.Verwendeter BenutzernameBenutzernamen auf dieser Liste dürfen sich nicht anmelden oder registrieren. Jede IP-Adresse, welche einen dieser Benutzernamen nutzt, wird sofort gesperrt. Trennen Sie die einzelnen Benutzernamen durch Kommas.BenutzerVerifiziertAktivität anzeigenAktivität dieser IP anzeigenAktivität im Dashboard anzeigenAlle anzeigenSperren im Dashboard anzeigenWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber ist jetzt aktiv und schützt Ihre WebsiteWP Cerber BenachrichtigungWollen Sie WP Cerber noch stärker machen?Leider sind Sie nicht berechtigt, dies zu tunWebsiteMittwochWöchentlicher BerichtWöchentlicher BerichtWöchentliche BerichteWas möchten Sie exportieren?Was möchten Sie importieren?Wenn Sie den nachstehenden Button klicken, dann erhalten Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei, welche Sie in eine andere Website importieren können.Wenn Sie den nachstehenden Button klicken, dann wird die Datei hochgeladen, und alle aktuellen Einstellungen werden überschrieben.IP WhitelistAufzeichnung fehlgeschlagener Anmeldeversuche in der DateiXML-RPC Request abgelehntSieSie dürfen sich nicht anmelden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Website-Administrator.Sie dürfen sich nicht registrieren.Über den folgenden Button können Sie ganz einfach die empfohlenen Standardeinstellungen ladenSie können Ihre eigene IP-Adresse bzw. Ihr eigenes Netzwerk nicht hinzufügenSie haben nur noch 1 Versuch.Sie haben noch %d Versuche.Sie sind angemeldetSie sind abgemeldetIhre IP-AdresseIhre IP-Adresse wurde hinzugefügt zurIhre letzte Anmeldung war am %s von %s ausIhre Lizenz ist gültig bisIhre Anmeldeseite:aktivnach RegistrierungsdatumTagedeaktivierendeaktiviertgilt nicht für die benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL und die ZugangslistenaktiviertEintragEinträgefehlgeschlagene Versuchehttps://wpcerber.comleer lassen, um die E-Mail-Adresse von den Benachrichtigungseinstellungen zu verwendenleer lassen, um die E-Mail-Adresse des Administrators (%s) zu nutzenleer lassen, um das Standardformat %s zu nutzeninnert 24 Stundenin Minuten (leer lassen, um den Standardwert von WordPress zu nutzen)in den letzten 24 StundenSperrenMillisekundenMinutenBitte stellen Sie sicher, dass diese URL nicht bereits von einer Seite oder einem Beitrag verwendet wird.Keine Verbindungnicht aktivmaximale Anzahl Benachrichtigungen pro Stunde (0 bedeutet unbeschränkt) reCAPTCHA-EinstellungenreCAPTCHA-Einstellungen sind nicht korrektreCAPTCHA-Verifikation ist fehltgeschlagenAusgewählte Länder dürfen nicht %s, anderen Ländern ist es erlaubtAusgewählte Länder dürfen %s, anderen Ländern ist es nicht erlaubtunbekanntunspezifiziertAlle anzeigenlanguages/wp-cerber-pl_PL.po000064400000352260147577531750012001 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: pl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" #: ../cerber-settings.php:160 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Limit prób logowana" #: ../cerber-settings.php:166 ../cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minut/y" #: ../cerber-settings.php:261 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Połączenie witryny" #: ../cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Pro-aktywne zasady bezpieczeństwa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:251 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blokada podsieci" #: ../cerber-settings.php:246 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Żądanie wp-login.php" #: ../cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Natychmiast blokuj wszystkie adresy IP, które próbują uzyskać dostęp do wp-login.php" #: ../cerber-settings.php:212 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Własna strona logowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:217 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Własny URL logowania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1839 ../cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Tryb Twierdzy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Pułap" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:83 ../cerber-settings.php:298 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Czas trwania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4890 ../cerber-settings.php:304 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Powiadomienia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:306 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Wyślij powiadomienie na adres mailowy administratora" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4887 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:38 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listy Dostępowe" #: ../cerber-load.php:5371 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1880 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:4883 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1130 ../cerber-settings.php:316 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktywność" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4885 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Blokady" #: ../cerber-load.php:5380 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:872 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1147 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3665 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4133 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:875 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1149 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4138 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokalny użytkownik" #: ../cerber-load.php:5388 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Wyświetla ostatnie %d wpisów z %d" #: ../cerber-common.php:1471 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Zalogowano" #: ../cerber-common.php:1472 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Wylogowano" #: ../cerber-common.php:1473 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe logowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1018 ../cerber-common.php:1476 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "Zablokowano IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:1480 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Aktywacja twierdzy!" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1466 ../cerber-common.php:1542 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Zablokowany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1544 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP dodany do czarnej listy" #: ../cerber-common.php:1493 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Zmieniono hasło" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:205 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:330 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Usuń" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:598 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Blokada dla %s została usunięta" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:276 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1410 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1459 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Biała Lista Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:279 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1413 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1462 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Czarna Lista Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:336 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Lista jest pusta" #: ../cerber-load.php:4577 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Tryb Twierdzy aktywuje się po %d nieprawidłowych logowania w czasie %d minut." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2608 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3025 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Zobacz Aktywność" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4956 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5017 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:37 ../admin/cerber- #: tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1679 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Ostatnie logowanie" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1717 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1811 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1860 ../cerber- #: common.php:1802 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nigdy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:59 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:764 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:931 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Jesteś pewny/a?" #. Not sure how "reverse" should be translated into polish language with this context #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2245 ../cerber-settings.php:262 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Moja strona łączy się przez odwrotne proxy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:233 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Zadbaj o to, aby twoja ochrona była mądrzejsza!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:130 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Prosimy włączyć włączyć permalinki, aby funkcja była dostępna. Zmień ustawienia permalinków na inne, niż domyślne." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4886 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia Główne" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5176 msgid "Help" msgstr "Pomoc" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:349 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Zwiększ czas blokady do %s godzin po %s blokadach w czasie %s godzin" #: ../cerber-load.php:341 ../admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Nie masz pozwolenia na zalogowanie. Skontaktuj się z administratorem." #: ../dashboard.php:1137 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Nie zarejestrowano aktywności." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 ../admin/cerber-users.php:941 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Upływa" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:243 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2479 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Na chwilę obecną brak jakichkolwiek blokad" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:286 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Twoje IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4578 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Ostatnia nieudana próba miała miejsce %s z adresu IP %s oraz nazwie użytkownika: %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:5645 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Nie można aktywować WP Cerber przez błąd bazy danych." #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:357 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Powiadom administratora, jeśli liczba aktywnych blokad przekroczy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:320 ../cerber-settings.php:326 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 955 ../cerber-settings.php:961 ../cerber-settings.php:1032 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1229 msgid "days" msgstr "dni" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1777 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Szybki podgląd Cerbera" #: ../cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Zawsze blokuj całą podsieć Klasy C z adresów IP intruzów" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:362 ../cerber-settings.php:310 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Kliknij, aby wysłać wiadomość testową" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:666 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Uwaga! Został zmieniony adres URL logowania! Nowy adres to" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1678 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentarze" #: ../cerber-load.php:4579 ../cerber-load.php:5412 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Zobacz aktywność na pulpicie" #: ../cerber-load.php:4608 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Liczba aktywnych blokad" #: ../cerber-load.php:4612 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Sprawdź blokady w kokpicie" #: ../cerber-load.php:4706 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ta wiadomość została wysłana przez" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5068 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Narzędzia" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Eksportuj ustawienia do pliku" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Kiedy klikniesz na przycisk poniżej, to otrzymasz plik konfiguracyjny, który możesz importować na innej stronie." #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Co chcesz eksportować?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Pobierz plik" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importuj ustawienia z pliku" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Kiedy klikniesz na przycisk poniżej, to zostanie zaimportowany plik i wszystkie dotychczasowe opcje zostaną nadpisane." #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Wybierz plik do importu" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:281 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maksymalna wielkość pliku importu: %s" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Co chcesz importować?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:50 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:284 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Wyślij plik" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Żaden plik nie został zaimportowany lub plik jest uszkodzony" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Ustawienia zaimportowano prawidłowo z" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Bład parsowania pliku" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1145 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Host" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:536 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nieznane" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "active" msgstr "aktywne" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deaktywuj" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1820 msgid "not active" msgstr "nieaktywne" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1823 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "disabled" msgstr "wyłączone" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "nieudane próby" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "przez 24 godziny" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "view all" msgstr "zobacz wszystkie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "blokady" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1832 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Blokad na chwilę obecną" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1833 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Ostatnia blokada" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2794 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "wpis" msgstr[1] "wpisów" msgstr[2] "wpisy" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Załaduj ustawienia domyślne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:759 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Dostępna jest nowa wersja" #: ../cerber-load.php:4551 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Powiadomienie WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:4575 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Tryb Twierdzy jest aktywny" #: ../cerber-load.php:4651 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nowy, własny URL logowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:346 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Użyj pliku" #: ../cerber-settings.php:347 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Zapisuj nieprawidłowe próby logowania do pliku" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2607 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Wyłącz" #: ../cerber-load.php:4610 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Powód" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1526 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj IP do czarnej listy" #: ../cerber-common.php:1640 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Próba dostępu" #: ../cerber-common.php:1639 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Osiągnięto limit prób logowania" #: ../cerber-load.php:4609 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Ostatnią blokadę dodano: %s dla IP %s" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4888 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Wzmacnianie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1498 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Nadużycie adresu email:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:746 ../cerber-settings.php:793 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1087 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Adres E-mail" #: ../cerber-settings.php:356 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Identyfikuj adres IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:357 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Sprawdź dodatkowe informacje WHOIS dla adresu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:395 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Wzmacnianie Wordpressa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:399 ../cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Wyłącz numerację użytkowników" #: ../cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Wyłącz XML-RPC" #: ../cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do serwera XML-RPC (włączając w to Pingbacki i Trackbacki)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Wyłącz kanały RSS" #: ../cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Wyłącz dostęp do RSS" #: ../cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Wyłącz REST API" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:802 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:814 . #: ./admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:958 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "BŁĄD: Proszę podać prawidłowy adres mailowy" #: ../cerber-load.php:4640 ../cerber-load.php:5688 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber jest teraz aktywny i chroni twoją witrynę" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:217 ../admin/cerber-users.php:944 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:800 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:955 msgid "Action" msgstr "Akcja" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5225 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres IP lub zakres IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2623 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Ustawienia zapisano" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1504 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Sieć:" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1520 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj sieć do Czarnej Listy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2606 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Uwaga! Tryb Twierdzy jest aktywny. Nikt obecnie nie może się zalogować." #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 ../cerber-whois.php:230 ../cerber-whois.php: #: 261 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:455 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4384 ../cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nieznane" #: ../cerber-load.php:646 ../cerber-load.php:658 ../cerber-load.php:665 ../cerber- #: load.php:999 ../cerber-load.php:1817 ../cerber-load.php:1985 ../cerber-load. #: php:2164 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:204 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php: #: 215 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:638 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php: #: 658 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:901 .. #: /cerber-common.php:376 ../cerber-common.php:464 ../cerber-common.php:469 .. #: /cerber-common.php:475 ../cerber-common.php:479 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "BŁĄD:" #: ../cerber-load.php:675 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Nieudana weryfikacja. Proszę zaznaczyć kwadrat poniżej w bloku reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-load.php:1795 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika niedostępna. Prosimy wybrać inną." #: ../cerber-load.php:4603 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "nieokreślone" #: ../cerber-load.php:4606 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Liczba blokad wzrasta" #: ../cerber-load.php:4611 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Zobacz aktywność tego IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4615 ../cerber-load.php:4617 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Dostępna jest nowa wersja WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:4616 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Cześć!" #: ../cerber-load.php:4619 ../cerber-load.php:4630 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Witryna" #: ../cerber-load.php:4622 ../cerber-load.php:4623 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Wtyczka bezpieczeństwa WP Cerber została wyłączona" #: ../cerber-load.php:4625 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Niezalogowany" #: ../cerber-load.php:4631 msgid "By user" msgstr "- użytkownik" #: ../cerber-load.php:4632 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Z adresu IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4635 msgid "From country" msgstr "Z Państwa" #: ../cerber-load.php:4639 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Wtyczka WP Cerber jest teraz aktywna" #: ../cerber-load.php:5701 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importuj ustawienia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limit powiadomień" #: ../cerber-settings.php:658 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Zabronione nazwy użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Użytkownicy z tej listy nie mogą się logować, ani rejestrować. Każdy adres IP próbujący używać jakiekolwiek nazwy użytkownika z tej listy zostanie zablokowany." #: ../cerber-settings.php:1235 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Ustawienia reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1240 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Klucz strony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Sekretny klucz" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza rejestracji Wordpressa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1263 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formularz odzyskiwania hasła" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1273 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formularz logowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1274 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHę dla formularza logowania Wordpressa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1236 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Zanim zaczniesz używać reCAPTCHA musisz uzyskać dwa klucze na specjalnej stronie Google" #: ../cerber-lab.php:869 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:101 ../admin/cerber- #: admin-settings.php:257 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej" #: ../cerber-common.php:1468 msgid "User created" msgstr "Utworzenie nowego użytkownika" #: ../cerber-common.php:1469 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Użytkownik zarejestrowany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1497 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "Nieprawidłowa weryfikacja reCATPCHA" #: ../cerber-common.php:1498 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe ustawienia reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-common.php:1501 ../cerber-common.php:1641 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Próba logowania na zabroniony URL" #: ../cerber-common.php:1503 ../cerber-common.php:1643 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Próba zalogowania z zabronioną nazwą użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:331 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Połączenie Cerber Lab" #: ../cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Wyślij szkodliwe adresy IP do Cerber Lab" #: ../cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protokół Cerber Lab" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1170 ../cerber-settings.php:1253 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formularz rejestracji" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1259 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza rejestracji WooCommerce" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1264 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza przypomnienia hasła Wordpressa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1269 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza przypomnienia hasła WooCommerce" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1279 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHę dla formularza logowania WooCoomerce" #: ../cerber-common.php:1499 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Wysyłanie żądania do Google reCAPTCHA nie powiodło się" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:987 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:998 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1011 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2482 msgid "View all" msgstr "Zobacz wszystkie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2490 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Ostatnio zablokowane adresy IP" #: ../cerber-lab.php:867 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK" #: ../cerber-lab.php:868 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NIE" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1879 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4882 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Kokpit" #: ../cerber-lab.php:865 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Chcesz uczyć WP Cerber jeszcze bardziej potężnym?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:866 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Pozwól na wysyłanie szkodliwych adresów IP do Cerber Lab. Pomoże to stworzyć nowe algorytmy dla obrony Wordpressa przed zagrożeniami botów pojawiających się na co dzień. Możesz wyłączyć tę opcję w każdej chwili w opcjach wtyczki." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3664 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Adres IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:876 msgid "User login" msgstr "Login użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:877 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3670 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1179 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4206 msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksport" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1204 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Szukaj IP lub użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1215 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtr" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Kokpit Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Narzędzia Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:320 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Odsubskrybuj" #: ../cerber-load.php:4655 ../cerber-load.php:4656 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Zarejestrowano nową aktywność" #: ../cerber-load.php:5384 ../admin/cerber-users.php:938 msgid "User" msgstr "Użytkownik" #: ../cerber-load.php:5392 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Fraza do wyszukania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format daty" #: ../cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Jeśli puste, do zostanie użyty domyślny format %s" #: ../cerber-settings.php:765 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Pchnij powiadomienia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:737 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Powiadomienia E-mail" #: ../cerber-settings.php:747 ../cerber-settings.php:795 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 909 ../cerber-settings.php:1089 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Używaj przecinka, aby określić więcej wartości" #: ../cerber-settings.php:117 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Wszystkie połączone urządzenia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:120 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono urządzeń" #: ../cerber-settings.php:124 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Niedostępne" #: ../cerber-common.php:1494 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Prośba o reset hasła" #: ../cerber-common.php:1644 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Osiągnięto limit nieprawidłowych weryfikacji reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s temu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:174 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Włącz zasadę limitu logowań dla adresów IP na Białej Liście Dostępu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Wyświetl stronę 404" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Niewidzialna reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Włącz niewidzialną reCAPTCHę" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(nie włączaj, dopóki nie zaopatrzysz się w odpowiednie klucze dla wersji niewidzialnej reCAPTCHy)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1284 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Włącz reCAPTCHA dla formularza komentarzy Wordpressa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1293 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limit prób" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1294 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Zablokuj adres IP na %s minut po %s nieprawidłowych próbowach logowania w ciągu %s minut" #: ../cerber-settings.php:284 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "W trybie Twierdzy nie może się zalogować nikt oprócz adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IP. Nie ma to wpływu na aktywne sesje użytkowników." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:873 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1148 msgid "Event" msgstr "Zdarzenie" #: ../cerber-common.php:319 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Odrzuconych komentarzy ze spamem" #: ../cerber-common.php:321 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Wykrytych szkodliwych adresów IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:322 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Blokad" #: ../cerber-load.php:1773 ../cerber-load.php:1780 ../cerber-load.php:1785 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1806 ../cerber-load.php:1812 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Nie masz zezwolenia na rejestrację." #: ../cerber-common.php:1481 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Komentarz ze spamem odrzucony" #: ../cerber-common.php:1506 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Odrzucono próbę logowania" #: ../cerber-common.php:1507 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Odrzucono próbę rejestracji" #: ../cerber-common.php:316 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Złagodzonej szkodliwej aktywności" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1175 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formularz komentarzy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1176 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Chroń formularz komentarzy silnikiem wykrywania botów" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1171 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Chroń formularz rejestracyjny za pomocą mechanizmu wykrywania botów" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5072 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostyka" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5075 msgid "License" msgstr "Licencja" #: ../cerber-load.php:2164 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Błędna weryfkacja." #: ../cerber-common.php:1645 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Wykryto aktywność botów" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1217 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Przetwarzanie komentarzy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1221 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Jeśli wykryto spamerski komentarz" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1226 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Wyrzuć komentarze oznaczone jako spam" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Przenieś spamerskie komentarze do kosza po" #: ../cerber-common.php:1482 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Odrzucony formularz ze spamem" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1186 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Inne formularze" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1187 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Chroń wszystkie formularze na stronie dzięki mechanizmowi wykrywania botów" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1197 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Tryb bezpieczny" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1198 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Użyj mniej restrykcyjnych zasad (zezwól na AJAX)" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1146 msgid "Country" msgstr "Państwo" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Zasady Bezpieczeństwa Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4999 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Zasady Bezpieczeństwa" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1680 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Nieudane próby logowania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1605 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1681 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Zarejestrowany" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1755 ../admin/cerber-users.php:52 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:1097 msgid "You" msgstr "Ty" #: ../cerber-common.php:320 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Odrzuconych formularzy ze spamem" #: ../cerber-load.php:4642 ../cerber-load.php:5692 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Pierwsze kroki" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5001 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Państwa" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3392 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Dozwolone dla jednego kraju" msgstr[1] "Dozwolone dla %d krajów" msgstr[2] "Dozwolone dla liczby krajów: %d" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Brak reguły" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3564 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Ustawienia zabezpieczeń zostały zaktualizowane" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../cerber-common.php:1483 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Wysyłka formularza została odrzucona" #: ../cerber-common.php:1484 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Komentarz odrzucony" #: ../cerber-common.php:1512 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Zablokowane odwołanie do interfejsu REST API" #: ../cerber-common.php:1540 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Wykryty bot" #: ../cerber-common.php:1541 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Tryb Twierdzy jest aktywny" #: ../cerber-common.php:1545 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzane aktywności" #: ../cerber-common.php:1546 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Zablokowane według reguły kraju" #: ../cerber-common.php:1547 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Osiągnięty limit" #: ../cerber-common.php:1548 #, fuzzy msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Wiele podejrzanych działań" #: ../cerber-common.php:1646 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Wykryto wiele podejrzane aktywności" #: ../cerber-settings.php:471 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Określ obszary nazw API REST, które mają być dozwolone, jeśli interfejs API REST jest wyłączony. Jeden wpis na linię." #: ../cerber-settings.php:576 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limit rejestracji" #: ../cerber-settings.php:682 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Sortuj użytkowników w kokpicie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:683 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "po dacie rejestracji" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1207 #, fuzzy msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Zapytanie do białej listy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3372 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Zacznij wpisywać tutaj, aby znaleźć kraj" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3487 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Kliknij na nazwie kraju, aby dodać go do listy wybranych krajów" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3519 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Prześlij formularze" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3520 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Komentarze wpisu" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3518 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Zarejestruj się na stronie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3521 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Użyj XML-RPC" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3522 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Użyj REST API" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Odrzuć kompletnie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Zaznacz jako spam" #: ../dashboard.php:2378 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "w ostatnich 24 godzinach" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2817 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Ustawienia główne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:780 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Raporty tygodniowe" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:526 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Niedziela" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:527 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Poniedziałek" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:528 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Wtorek" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:529 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Środa" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:530 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Czwartek" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Piątek" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:532 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sobota" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:669 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Jeśli używasz wtyczki pamięci podręcznej, musisz dodać nowy adres URL logowania do listy stron, które nie będą buforowane." #: ../cerber-load.php:4661 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Raport tygodniowy" #: ../cerber-load.php:4664 ../cerber-load.php:4672 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Aby zmienić ustawienia raportowania odwiedź" #: ../cerber-load.php:4698 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Twoja strona logowania:" #: ../cerber-load.php:4703 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Twoja licencja jest ważna do" #: ../cerber-load.php:4809 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Szczegóły aktywności" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:561 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Kliknij, aby wysłać teraz" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:606 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Email został wysłany na adres" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:609 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Nie można wysłać e-maila do" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3395 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Niedozwolone dla jednego kraju" msgstr[1] "Niedozwolone dla %d krajów" msgstr[2] "Niedozwolone dla liczby krajów: %d" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3491 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Wybrane kraje mają możliwość %s. inne nie mają możliwości" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3494 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Wybrane kraje nie mają możliwości %s, inne kraje mają możliwość" #: ../cerber-load.php:4797 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Raport tygodniowy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:276 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Użyj szablonu błędu 404 z aktywnego motywu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:277 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Wyświetl prostą stronę 404" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1208 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Wpisz część zapytania lub ścieżkę do zapytania, aby wyłączyć żądanie z listy inspekcji. Jedna pozycja na linię." #: ../cerber-settings.php:784 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Włącz raportowanie" #: ../cerber-load.php:4727 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Twoje ostatnie logowanie to % s z %s" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:344 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Opcjonalny komentarz do tego wpisu" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:366 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Nie możesz dodać swojego adresu IP lub sieci" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Aby określić wzór REGEX zamknij całość pomiędzy dwa ukośniki." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspektor ruchu Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1842 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4953 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspektor ruchu" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1881 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1131 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Ruch" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4134 msgid "Request" msgstr "Żądanie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4136 ../admin/cerber-users.php:943 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informacje o hostingu" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4137 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Przeglądarka użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4167 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Wszystkie odwołania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4175 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Przesyłanie formularzy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4177 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Strony nie znaleziono" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4189 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Dłuższe niż" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4212 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Odśwież" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1192 ../cerber-common.php:219 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Sprawdź żądania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4247 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nieokreślony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:861 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Tryb zapisu logów" #: ../cerber-settings.php:864 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Zapisywanie logów wyłączone" #: ../cerber-settings.php:866 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Inteligentne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:867 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Cały ruch" #: ../cerber-settings.php:907 #, fuzzy msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Ukryj te pola formularzy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:948 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milisekundy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:810 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Włącz inspekcję ruchu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:902 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Zapisz pola żądań" #: ../cerber-settings.php:947 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Próg czasowy generowania strony" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4159 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Nie zalogowano żadnych żądań." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "enabled" msgstr "włączony" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "no connection" msgstr "brak połączenia" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1633 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Ostatnio widziany" #: ../cerber-load.php:4435 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Przepraszamy, nie masz możliwości kontynuowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:824 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Biała lista żądań" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Wpisz adresy żądania, które mają być wykluczone z inspekcji. Jeden adres na linię." #: ../cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Zapisz nagłówki żądań" #: ../cerber-settings.php:937 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Zapisz $_SERVER" #: ../cerber-settings.php:927 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Zapisz ciasteczka żądań" #: ../cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Chroń skrypty administracyjne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Zablokuj nieautoryzowany dostęp do skryptów load-scripts.php i load-styles.php" #: ../cerber-common.php:2877 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu" #: ../cerber-common.php:2882 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Odmowa dostępu do folderu docelowego" #: ../cerber-common.php:2885 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku" #: ../cerber-common.php:2888 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Nie można skopiować pliku" #: ../cerber-common.php:2894 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Nie można usunąć pliku" #: ../cerber-settings.php:144 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Uruchamianie mechanizmu bezpieczeństwa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:147 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Stary tryb" #: ../cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Tryb standardowy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:639 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Sposób inicjalizacji trybu wtyczki nie został zmieniony" #. Możliwie do zmiany w zależności od kontekstu. #: ../cerber-common.php:1510 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Odrzucone wysyłanie pliku" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Aby określić wzór REGEX, zamknij linię pomiędzy dwie klamry." #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Uważaj podczas włączania tych opcji" #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Jeśli zapomnisz własny adres URL logowania, to nie będziesz mógł się zalogować." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5014 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integralność Witryny" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1510 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1866 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:1868 ../admin/cerber-users.php:20 ../admin/cerber-users.php:474 . #: ./admin/cerber-users.php:488 ../cerber-settings.php:671 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 813 ../cerber-settings.php:843 ../cerber-settings.php:998 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1007 ../cerber-settings.php:1356 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Wyłączone" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1867 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Szybkie skanowanie" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1869 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Pełne skanowanie" #: ../cerber-common.php:1549 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Odrzucone" #: ../cerber-settings.php:173 ../cerber-settings.php:600 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 627 ../cerber-settings.php:819 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Użyj Białej Listy Dostępu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:236 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Wyłącz przekierowanie z kokpitu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:237 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Wyłącz automatyczne przekierowanie do strony logowania, gdy /wp-admin/ jest żądany przez nieautoryzowane zgłoszenie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:969 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Ustawienia skanera" #: ../cerber-settings.php:974 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Własne sygnatury" #: ../cerber-settings.php:978 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Określ niestandardowe sygnatury kodu PHP. Jeden element na wiersz. Aby określić wzorzec REGEX, ujmij cały wiersz w dwóch nawiasach." #: ../cerber-settings.php:981 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Niechciane rozszerzenia plików" #: ../cerber-settings.php:985 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Określ rozszerzenia plików do wyszukania. Tylko pełny skan. " #: ../cerber-settings.php:988 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Katalogi do wykluczenia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1017 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Tymczasowy folder skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1021 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Folder sesji skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1030 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Skasuj pliki poddane kwarantannie, po ukończeniu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1044 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Uruchom Szybkie Skanowanie" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1511 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Co godzinę" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1512 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Co 3 godziny" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1513 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Co 6 godzin" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1049 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Uruchom Pełne Skanowanie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1064 ../cerber-settings.php:1110 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Niska istotność" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1065 ../cerber-settings.php:1111 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Średnia istotność" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1066 ../cerber-settings.php:1112 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Wysoka istotność" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1061 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Zgłoś problem, jeśli jedno z następujących jest prawdą" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1070 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Prześlij raport mailem" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1073 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Po każdym skanowaniu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1074 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Jeśli nastąpiły jakiekolwiek zmiany w wynikach skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1079 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Dołącz rozmiary pliku" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1083 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Dołącz błędy skanowania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5016 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Skaner Bezpieczeństwa" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5018 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:197 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Obecnie przeprowadzane jest zaplanowane skanowanie. Prosimy poczekać, aż proces dobiegnie końca." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:201 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Poprzednio rozpoczęte skanowanie %s nie zostało zakończone. Kontynuować skanowanie?" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:210 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Najwyraźniej ta witryna nie została jeszcze przeskanowana. Kliknij przycisk poniżej, by rozpocząć skanowanie." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:213 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Wystartuj Szybkie Skanowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:214 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Wystartuj Pełne Skanowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:215 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Przerwij Skanowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:216 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Kontynuuj Skanowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:254 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Usuń" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1455 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Zweryfikowane" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1462 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Nie znaleziono danych spójności" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1463 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Brak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności wtyczki z powodu błędu sieci" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1464 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Brak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności plików WordPress z powodu błędu sieci" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1465 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Brak możliwości sprawdzenia spójności szablonu z powodu błędu sieci" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1471 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Nie można przetworzyć pliku" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1472 ../cerber-scanner.php:4634 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1474 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:111 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Niezgodność sumy kontrolnej" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1477 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Znaleziono podejrzany kod" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1479 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Nienadzorowany podejrzany plik" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1480 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Znaleziono kod wykonawczy" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1484 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Niepożądane rozszerzenie pliku" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1486 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Zawartość została zmodyfikowana" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1487 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nowy plik" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2501 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Znaleziono niestandardową sygnaturę" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Skanowanie folderów w poszukiwaniu plików" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3721 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analiza listy plików" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3722 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Sprawdzanie nowych oraz zmodyfikowanych plików" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3723 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Weryfikowanie spójności WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3725 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Weryfikowanie spójności wtyczek" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3727 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Weryfikowanie spójności szablonów" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3728 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Wyszukiwanie złośliwego kodu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3729 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalizacja skanowania" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Pliki do skanowania" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Błędy krytyczne" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4815 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Łączna liczba błędów" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:388 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Błąd dostępu do pliku. Najwyraźniej wyniki skanowania są nieaktualne. Prosimy przeprowadzić Szybkie lub Pełne skanowanie" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4938 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Aby przejrzeć pełny raport, odwiedź" #: ../cerber-load.php:4669 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Raport Skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:995 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Monitoruj nowe pliki" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1004 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Monitoruj zmodyfikowane pliki" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1075 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Jeśli wykryto nowe problemy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:964 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Harmonogram został zaktualizowany" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1483 ../cerber-scanner.php:2656 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzane dyrektywy" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2654 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzane instrukcje kodu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2655 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzane sygnatury kodu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2658 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Aby rozwiązać ten problem, musisz przeinstalować lub zaktualizować %s do najnowszej wersji." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2659 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Prosimy o przesłanie referencyjnego pliku ZIP" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2660 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Rozwiąż problem" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:278 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Nie znaleźliśmy żadnych danych integracyjnych do weryfikacji" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:280 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Musisz przesłać plik ZIP, za pomocą którego dokonano instalacji. Dzięki temu skaner bezpieczeństwa zweryfikuje spójność kodu i wykryje malware." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Raport Pełnego Skanowania" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Raport Szybkiego Skanowania" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4784 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Przeskanowanych plików" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:326 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1505 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1584 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Sprawdź działania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1615 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktywowany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1521 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Odrzucono złośliwe żądanie" #: ../cerber-common.php:1529 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Użytkownik aktywowany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1551 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Podejrzana liczba pól" #: ../cerber-common.php:1552 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Podejrzana liczba zagnieżdżonych wartości" #: ../cerber-common.php:1553 ../cerber-common.php:1648 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Wykryto złośliwy kod" #: ../cerber-common.php:1649 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Próba przesłania pliku zawierającego złośliwy kod" #: ../cerber-common.php:1904 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bajtów" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1461 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Wykryto lukę w zabezpieczeniach" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1466 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Brak możliwości weryfikacji spójności z powodu błędu DB" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3718 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Skanowanie folderu upload w poszukiwaniu plików" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3719 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Skanowanie folderu temp w poszukiwaniu plików" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3720 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Skanowanie folderu session w poszukiwaniu plików" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1039 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Harmonogram zautomatyzowanego cyklicznego skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1056 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Raportowanie wyników skanowania" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1008 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Podejrzane działanie" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4170 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Błędy" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Chroni WordPress przed atakami hakerów, spamem, trojanami oraz wirusami. Skaner malware oraz weryfikator spójności. Wzmacnia zaporę WordPress kompleksowym zestawem algorytmów bezpieczeństwa. Ochrona przed spamem wraz z zaawansowanym silnikiem detekcji botów oraz reCAPTCHA. Śledzi działania zarówno użytkownika, jak i potencjalnego intruza używając powiadomień na urządzeniach przenośnych i stacjonarnych oraz poprzez e-mail." #: ../cerber-load.php:347 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Przekroczono limit ilości dozwolonych prób zalogowania. Prosimy spróbować ponownie za %d minut." #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "przez %s" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:542 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "o" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5021 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Kwarantanna" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:75 msgid "Started" msgstr "Rozpoczęto" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:79 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Ukończono" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:87 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Optymalizacja" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:99 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Luki w zabezpieczeniach" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:103 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nowe pliki" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:107 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Zmienione pliki" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Niechciane rozszerzenia" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:119 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Nienadzorowane pliki" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:795 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Przeskanowano" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:739 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Obecnie nie ma żadnych plików poddanych kwarantannie." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:777 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Przywróć" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:774 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Usuń trwale" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:797 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatyczne usuwanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:798 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:953 ../admin/cerber- #: admin.php:1361 msgid "Size" msgstr "Rozmiar" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:799 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:954 msgid "File" msgstr "Plik" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:872 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Plik został trwale usunięty." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Plik został przywrócony do swojej początkowej lokalizacji." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1882 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integralność" #: ../cerber-common.php:1509 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Zablokowano próbę przesłania złośliwego pliku" #: ../cerber-load.php:7710 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Wspaniale!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1098 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatyczne usuwanie malware oraz podejrzanych plików" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Pliki w folderze upload" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1116 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Pliki z niepożądanymi rozszerzeniami" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1135 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Wykluczenia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1139 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Pliki w katalogu tymczasowym" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Pliki w katalogu sessions" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1147 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Pliki w następujących katalogach" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Używaj ścieżek bezwzględnych. Jedna na wiersz." #: ../cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Pliki z następującymi rozszerzeniami" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1158 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Korzystaj z przecinków, aby oddzielić elementy." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5019 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Czyszczenie" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1478 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Wykryto złośliwy kod" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2651 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Ten plik zawiera kod wykonawczy i ponadto może zawierać ukryty malware. Jeśli ten plik jest częścią szablonu lub wtyczki, musi być zlokalizowany w folderze theme lub plugin. Bezwzględnie, bez jakichkolwiek wyjątków." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2652 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skaner identyfikuje ten plik jako \"bezpański\" lub \"niezawarty w pakiecie\", ponieważ nie należy on do żadnej znanej części niniejszej witryny internetowej, tak więc nie powinno go tutaj być." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2653 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Po aktualizacji do nowszej wersji może pozostać w %s. Może być również częścią ukrytego malware. W rzadkich przypadkach może być częścią niestandardowych (wykonanych za zamówienie) wtyczek lub szablonów." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2657 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Treści pliku zostały zmienione i nie pasują do zawartości oficjalnego repozytorium WordPress lub pliku referencyjnego, który został uprzednio przesłany przez ciebie. Plik mógł zostać zmodyfikowany przez malware, zainfekowany przez wirusa lub zmanipulowany." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4869 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Usunięto" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4922 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatycznie przeniesiony do kwarantanny" #: ../cerber-common.php:1554 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzany kod SQL" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1863 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Ostatnie skanowanie pod kątem malware" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4955 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Bieżący Ruch" #: ../cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Wyłącz PHP w przesyłanych plikach" #: ../cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Wyłącz wyświetlanie błędów PHP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5020 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Lista ignorowanych" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignoruj" #. For translators #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:911 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Zastosuj" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:951 msgid "Added" msgstr "Dodano" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:912 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:939 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Usuń z listy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Przegląd użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:914 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Przegląd ruchu" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:915 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Przegląd działań" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2958 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone pliki?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2959 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Niniejsze pliki zostały przeniesione do kwarantanny" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2962 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Czy chcesz dodać zaznaczone pliki do listy ignorowanych?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2963 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Niniejsze pliki zostały dodane do listy ignorowanych" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2965 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Wystąpiły pewne błędy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2966 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Wszystkie pliki zostały przetworzone" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej na temat zalet na" #: ../cerber-common.php:1555 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Wykryto podejrzany kod JavaScript" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:967 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Brak możliwości aktualizacji harmonogramu" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:810 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Wszystkie skanowania" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:917 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Lista jest pusta." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Żadne pliki nie pasują do określonego filtru." #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby zobaczyć pełną listę plików" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:874 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Dodatkowe Szczegóły" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3671 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Czas generowania strony" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5400 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Zaloguj się" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5401 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Wyloguj się" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5402 msgid "Register" msgstr "Zarejestruj" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5405 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Logowanie WooCommerce" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5406 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Wylogowanie WooCommerce" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5445 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5446 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Dodaj do menu" #: ../cerber-common.php:1543 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "Adres IP jest zablokowany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1652 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Wielokrotne podejrzane żądania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:805 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Kontrola Ruchu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:814 ../cerber-settings.php:844 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Maksymalna kompatybilność" #: ../cerber-settings.php:815 ../cerber-settings.php:845 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Maksymalne bezpieczeństwo" #: ../cerber-settings.php:835 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Osłanianie przed Błędnymi Żądaniami" #: ../cerber-settings.php:840 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Włącz funkcję osłaniania przed błędami" #: ../cerber-settings.php:942 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Zapisz błędy oprogramowania" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3716 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Przygotowywanie do skanowania" #: ../cerber-common.php:1556 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Zablokowane przez administratora" #: ../cerber-load.php:351 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do zalogowania się" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Zablokuj Użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:43 ../admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Użytkownik nie ma uprawnień do zalogowania się na stronie" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:68 ../cerber-settings.php:634 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Wiadomość Użytkownika " #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Opcjonalna wiadomość dla tego użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Zablokowani Użytkownicy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do stron użytkownika takich jak /?author=n" #: ../cerber-settings.php:441 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Dostęp do API REST WordPress" #: ../cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do API REST WordPress z wyjątkiem następujących przypadków" #: ../cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Zezwalaj API REST dla niniejszych ról" #: ../cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Zezwalaj na niniejsze obszary nazw" #: ../cerber-settings.php:136 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Niniejsze restrykcje nie dotyczą adresów IP z Białej Listy Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:502 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Wybierz jedną lub więcej ról" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1203 ../admin/cerber-users.php:986 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtrowany przez zarejestrowanego użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Tylko dla autoryzowanych użytkowników" #: ../cerber-settings.php:622 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Tylko zarejestrowani i zalogowani do witryny użytkownicy mają dostęp do strony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:638 ../cerber-settings.php:1611 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Tylko zarejestrowani i zalogowani do witryny użytkownicy mogą przeglądać stronę" #: ../cerber-settings.php:643 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Przekierowano do adresu URL" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5074 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Dziennik Zmian" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:675 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Załadowano ustawienia domyślne" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3379 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Zapisz wszystkie reguły" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3287 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:613 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Zapisz Zmiany" #: ../cerber-common.php:1532 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe poświadczenia główne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Ustawienia główne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1309 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Powrót do listy witryny" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1313 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Wyświetlaj powiadomienie \"Przełączono na\"" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1317 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Dodaj @ witrynę do tytułu strony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1025 ../cerber-settings.php:1334 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1362 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Włącz logowanie diagnostyczne" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1345 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Ogranicz dostęp według adresu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1351 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Uzyskaj dostęp do tej witryny" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1354 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Tryb pełnego dostępu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1355 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Tryb tylko do odczytu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1376 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Tryb pełnego dostępu wymaga wersji PRO WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Skanowanie pod kątem malware" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:141 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Uwagi" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Dodaj stronę podrzędną" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1052 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Wyniki wyszukiwania dla:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edytuj" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Przełącz na" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Nie skonfigurowano żadnych witryn." #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Dodaj nową" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:104 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Właściwości witryny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:114 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "Adres URL witryny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Wyświetlaj jako" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:149 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Właściciel Witryny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:153 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Imię" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:157 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nazwisko" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:161 msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mail" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:165 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:173 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:316 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Witryna, którą próbujesz dodać znajduje się już na liście" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:325 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Witryna została dodana pomyślnie" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:326 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Kliknij, aby rozpocząć edycję" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Przełącz na pulpit nawigacyjny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:330 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Zapamiętaj: Dodałeś stronę, która nie wspiera enkrypcji SSL. To może doprowadzić do wycieku danych." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:449 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Witryna została usunięta" msgstr[1] "Zostały usunięte %s witryny" msgstr[2] "Zostało usuniętych %s witryn" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1036 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Przełączono na %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1046 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Ponownie przełączyłeś się na witrynę główną" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1262 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Znajdujesz się tutaj:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1265 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Moje Witryny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1280 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Odwiedź Witrynę" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Włącz tryb podrzędny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Niniejsza strona internetowa może być zarządzana z poziomu witryny głównej" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Włącz tryb nadrzędny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Konfiguruj niniejszą witrynę jako nadrzędną, aby zarządzać inną stroną internetową" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Wybierz tryb dla niniejszej strony, aby kontynuować" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia podrzędne" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Token Dostępu Poufnego" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Ten token jest unikalny dla tej witryny. Utrzymaj go w tajemnicy. Zainstaluj token na witrynie nadrzędnej, aby przydzielać dostęp do niniejszej strony." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien? To bezpowrotnie unieważni token." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Wyłącz tryb podrzędny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Niniejsza witryna jest ustawiona jako nadrzędna" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Dodaj witryny podrzędne, korzystając z tokenów dostępu." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Niniejsza witryna jest ustawiona jako podrzędna." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Zainstaluj token dostępu na witrynie nadrzędnej." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../cerber-common.php:1790 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sek." msgstr[1] "%s sek." msgstr[2] "%s sek." #: ../cerber-settings.php:788 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Wyślij raporty do" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Aktualizacje" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupa" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Aktualizuj WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Aktualizuj wszystkie aktywne wtyczki" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Usuń witrynę" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Wszystkie grupy" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1346 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Na pewno chcesz usunąć zaznaczone witryny?" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Blokuj" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:96 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Zaznacz istniejącą grupę lub wprowadź nową, aby ją dodać" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:169 msgid "Company" msgstr "Firma" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:694 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź z witryny podrzędnej" #: ../cerber-common.php:1502 ../cerber-common.php:1642 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Próba zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejącej nazwy użytkownika" #: ../cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Próby zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejących nazw użytkowników" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Używaj języka nadrzędnego" #: ../cerber-settings.php:241 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Nieistniejący użytkownicy" #: ../cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Natychmiastowo blokuj adres IP w przypadku prób zalogowania przy użyciu nieistniejącej nazwy użytkownika" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Właściciel" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Wyłącz tryb nadrzędny" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Aby przywrócić token oraz wyłączyć zarządzanie zdalne, kliknij tutaj:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Zablokuj wykonywanie skryptów PHP w folderze medialnym WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1412 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1420 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Aktywne wtyczki oraz aktualizacje na" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1390 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Nowsza wersja jest już dostępna" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1002 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nowi użytkownicy" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1021 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Moja aktywność" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2702 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Utwórz alert" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2706 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Usuń alert" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2739 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "Alert został utworzony" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2743 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "Alert został usunięty" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4199 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Zaawansowane wyszukiwanie" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: ../cerber-load.php:5413 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby usunąć alert" #: ../cerber-settings.php:220 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "Własny adres logowania może zawierać tylko znaki łacińskie, cyfry, myślniki i podkreślniki" #: ../cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Ustawienia strony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:266 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Prefiks dla ciasteczek wtyczek" #: ../cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Prefiks może zawierać tylko znaki łacińskie, cyfry i podkreślniki" #: ../cerber-settings.php:742 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Powiadomienia o blokadzie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:770 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Token dostępu Pushbullet" #: ../cerber-settings.php:773 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Urządzenie Pushbullet" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Usuń nienadzorowane pliki" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1122 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Automatyczne przywracanie zmodyfikowany i zainfekowanych plików" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1125 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Przywróć pliki WordPress" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1129 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "Przywróć pliki wtyczek" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1490 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Plik usunięty" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1491 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Plik przywrócony" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3724 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Przywracanie plików WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3726 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Przywracanie plików wtyczek" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4873 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Przywrócono" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4923 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Automatycznie usunięto" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4926 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automatycznie przywrócono" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4979 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Zasady użytkowników" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1885 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Dostępna jest nowa wersja" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4982 msgid "Global" msgstr "Ogólne" #: ../cerber-common.php:1557 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1558 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1559 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Zainicjowane przez użytkownika" #: ../cerber-common.php:2010 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Dostępna jest nowa wersja %s. Zainstaluj ją." #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "Adres e-mail jest niedozwolony." #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Wybierz inny." #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:10 ../admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Określone przez zasady użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:19 ../admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Zawsze włączone" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Zapisz wszystkie zmiany" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do kokpitu WordPress" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Ukrywaj pasek narzędzi gdy przeglądasz stronę" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Zasady przekierowań" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Przekieruj użytkownika po zalogowaniu" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Przekieruj użytkownika po wylogowaniu" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:440 ../cerber-settings.php:675 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Czas wygasania sesji użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Tryb zaawansowany" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Logowanie z innego kraju" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Logowanie z innej sieci klasy C" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Logowanie z innego adresu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Zasady zostały zaktualizowane" #: ../cerber-settings.php:582 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Ograniczenia adresów email" #: ../cerber-settings.php:585 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Bez ograniczeń" #: ../cerber-settings.php:586 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Odrzuć wszystkie adresy email pasujące poniżej" #: ../cerber-settings.php:587 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Zezwól tylko na adresy email pasujące poniżej" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Wprowadź adresy email, wildcards lub szablony REGEX. Użyj przecinka do rozdzielania elementów." #: ../cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Te pliki nigdy nie zostaną usunięte podczas automatycznego oczyszczania." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:365 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Ten weryfikacyjny kod PIN wygasł. Wysłaliśmy nowy kod na Twój adres email." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:368 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:415 ../cerber-2fa.php:503 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Zweryfikuj, że to Ty" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:525 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:579 msgid "expires" msgstr "wygasa" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:655 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "dopuszczalne są tylko cyfry" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Wysłaliśmy weryfikacyjny kod PIN na Twój adres email" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:659 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Wprowadź kod z email w polu poniżej." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:661 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Spróbuj ponownie" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Anuluj" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "or" msgstr "lub" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:669 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:674 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Weryfikacja" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3322 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Zasady oparte na rolach zostały skonfigurowane" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3516 msgid "All Users" msgstr "Wszyscy użytkownicy" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "zablokowany przez %s na %s" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Kod będzie prawidłowy przez %s min." #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:373 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adres IP %s został dodany do Białej Listy Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:370 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adres IP %s został dodany do Czarnej Listy Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:871 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1144 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4135 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:942 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "Adres IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:878 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1150 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3404 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Każdy kraj jest dozwolony" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3027 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4884 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sesje" #: ../cerber-load.php:1558 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "Zakończono sesję" msgstr[1] "Zakończono %s sesje" msgstr[2] "Zakończono %s sesji" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:940 msgid "Created" msgstr "Utworzono" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:961 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Zakończ sesję" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:962 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Zablokuj użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1094 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1107 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Wszystkie logowania" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1108 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Aktywność użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1154 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Zakończ" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "użytkownik" msgstr[1] "użytkowników" msgstr[2] "użytkowników" #: ../cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do danych użytkowników poprzez REST API" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1489 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Nie można usunąć" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Zasady ochrony danych Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Ochrona danych" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4969 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Zasady ochrony danych" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4971 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Konta i role" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4972 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Ustawienia strony" #: ../cerber-common.php:1515 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Zabroniono stworzenia użytkownika" #: ../cerber-common.php:1517 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Zabroniono aktualizacji roli" #: ../cerber-common.php:1518 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Zabroniono zmiany ustawień" #: ../cerber-common.php:1564 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Zabroniono" #: ../cerber-common.php:1566 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika" #: ../cerber-common.php:1567 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Nieprawidłowe hasło" #: ../cerber-settings.php:479 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Chroń konta użytkowników" #: ../cerber-settings.php:484 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:490 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Rejestracje użytkowników są ograniczone do tych ról" #: ../cerber-settings.php:496 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą tworzyć nowe konta" #: ../cerber-settings.php:501 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać wrażliwe dane użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:506 ../cerber-settings.php:534 ../cerber-settings.php:563 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Nie stosuj tych zasad dla adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:514 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Chroń role użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:518 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:524 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą dodawać nowe role" #: ../cerber-settings.php:529 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać ustawienia roli" #: ../cerber-settings.php:542 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:546 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:552 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Użytkownicy z tymi rolami mogą zmieniać zabezpieczone ustawienia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:557 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Zabezpieczone ustawienia" #: ../cerber-settings.php:628 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Nie stosuj tej zasady dla adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IP" #: ../cerber-ds.php:801 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "Administracyjny adres email" #: ../cerber-ds.php:802 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "Domyślna rola nowego użytkownika" #: ../cerber-ds.php:803 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "Adres witryny" #: ../cerber-ds.php:804 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "Adres WordPress" #: ../cerber-ds.php:805 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "Każdy może się zarejestrować" #: ../cerber-ds.php:806 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "Aktywne wtyczki" #: ../cerber-ds.php:807 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "Aktywny motyw" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Serwer" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Kraj serwera" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Wszystkie serwery" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Wszystkie kraje" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:67 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:69 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "Adres IP, zakres, wildcard lub CIDR" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Dodaj wpis" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5229 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Dodawany adres IP jest już na liście" #: ../cerber-common.php:1477 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "Podsieć IP zablokowana" #: ../cerber-common.php:1516 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1519 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1447 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Wszystkie aktywności" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:287 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Włącz monitorowanie dziennika uwierzytelniania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:319 ../cerber-settings.php:954 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:325 ../cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Notatka Administratora" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:911 msgid "WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:691 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Dane osobiste" #: ../cerber-settings.php:697 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Włącz usuwanie danych" #: ../cerber-settings.php:704 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Zakończ sesje użytkownika" #: ../cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Usuń dane o sesjach użytkownika gdy jego konto jest usuwane" #: ../cerber-settings.php:711 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Włącz eksport danych" #: ../cerber-settings.php:718 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:724 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:727 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:728 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:729 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Ciasteczka" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Ustawienia antyspamowe Cerbera" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 ../cerber-settings.php:1283 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Anty-Spam" #: ../cerber-addons.php:289 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Dodatki" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4933 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Antyspam oraz ustawienia wykrywania botów" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4935 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Silnik antyspamowy" #: ../cerber-common.php:1651 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Wiele błędnych żądań" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:337 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s ponowne próby są dozwolone w ciągu %s minut" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:343 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "Rejestracja %s jest dozwolona w ciągu %s minut z jednego adresu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:366 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Włączane po %s nieprawidłowych próbach logowania w ciągu ostatnich %s minut" #: ../cerber-settings.php:442 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:693 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Te funkcje pomagają Twojej organizacji zachować zgodność z przepisami dotyczącymi ochrony danych osobowych" #: ../cerber-settings.php:751 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "jeśli puste, zostanie użyty adres e-mail administratora witryny internetowej %s" #: ../cerber-settings.php:755 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "limit powiadomień na godzinę (0 oznacza nieograniczone)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Otrzymuj natychmiastowe powiadomienia dzięki powiadomieniom na telefon i komputer" #: ../cerber-settings.php:781 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Raport tygodniowy to podsumowanie wszystkich działań i podejrzanych zdarzeń, które miały miejsce w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu dni" #: ../cerber-settings.php:794 ../cerber-settings.php:1088 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "jeśli puste, zostaną użyte adresy e-mail z ustawień powiadomień" #: ../cerber-settings.php:806 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Traffic Inspector to kontekstowa zapora aplikacji internetowych (WAF), która chroni Twoją witrynę internetową, rozpoznając i odrzucając złośliwe żądania HTTP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "Blokuj adresy IP, które wysyłają nadmierną liczbę żądań dotyczących nieistniejących stron lub skanuj witrynę pod kątem naruszeń bezpieczeństwa" #: ../cerber-settings.php:856 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Rejestrowanie ruchu" #: ../cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Włącz opcjonalne rejestrowanie ruchu, jeśli chcesz monitorować podejrzaną i złośliwą aktywność lub rozwiązywać problemy z bezpieczeństwem" #: ../cerber-settings.php:970 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Skaner monitoruje zmiany plików, weryfikuje integralność WordPress, wtyczek i motywów oraz wykrywa złośliwe oprogramowanie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:992 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1040 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Skaner automatycznie skanuje witrynę, usuwa złośliwe oprogramowanie i wysyła e-mailem raporty z wynikami skanowania" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1057 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Skonfiguruj problemy, które mają być uwzględnione w raporcie e-mail oraz warunki wysyłania raportów" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Te zasady są automatycznie wymuszane po zakończeniu każdego zaplanowanego skanowania na podstawie jego wyników. Wszystkie pliki, których dotyczy problem, są przenoszone do kwarantanny" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1165 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Silnik antyspamu cerbera" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1166 msgid "Spam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a website" msgstr "Ochrona przed spamem w przypadku komentarzy, rejestracji i formularzy kontaktowych na stronie internetowej" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1193 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Dostosowanie silnika antyspamowego" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1194 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1218 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Jak wtyczka przetwarza komentarze przesłane za pośrednictwem standardowego formularza komentarzy" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:436 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Ustawienia zaktualizowane" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1207 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "żądanie identyfikatora" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1208 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Szukaj w adresie URL" #: ../cerber-settings.php:999 ../cerber-settings.php:1008 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1000 ../cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "All files" msgstr "Wszystkie pliki" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1638 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Aktywne sesje" #: ../cerber-settings.php:676 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "minuty (pozostaw puste, aby użyć domyślnej wartości WordPress)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Change file permissions when necessary" msgstr "W razie potrzeby zmień uprawnienia do plików" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Wczytaj wejścia" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1022 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4182 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Moje IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5022 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5071 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5073 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Log diagnostyczny " #: ../cerber-common.php:1470 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Użytkownik usunięty" #: ../cerber-common.php:1562 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "Adres e-mail jest zablokowany " #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:796 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "Poddano kwarantannie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:952 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1362 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Zmodyfikowano" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1026 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Pliki bez rozszerzenia" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1027 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Powrót do listy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1087 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Krótkie podsumowanie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1138 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Folder" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1139 msgid "Path" msgstr "Ścieżka" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1140 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1234 msgid "Files" msgstr "Pliki" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1141 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1235 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Zajęte miejsce" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1205 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Brak rozszerzenia" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1230 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statystyki rozszerzenia pliku" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1233 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Rozszerzenie" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1236 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Najmniejszy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1237 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Największy" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1238 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Średni rozmiar" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1239 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Najstarsze" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1240 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Najnowsze" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1256 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "10 największych plików" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1360 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Nazwa pliku" #: ../cerber-settings.php:368 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Format daty dla pliku CSV" #: ../cerber-settings.php:369 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Użyj formatu daty dla ISO 8601 dla eksportu pliku CSV" #: ../cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Mój adres IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Nie dodawaj mojego adresu IP do Białej Listy Dostępu IP do czasu aktywacji wtyczki" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Wczytaj domyślne ustawienia wtyczki" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "Po kliknięciu poniższego przycisku zostaną wczytane domyślne ustawienia WP Cerber. Niestandardowy adres URL logowania i listy dostępu nie zostaną zmienione." #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Aby w pełni wykorzystać WP Cerber, wykonaj następujące kroki:" #: ../cerber-common.php:1575 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP na Białej Liście" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4181 msgid "My requests" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3514 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Zarejestruj się na stronie internetowej..." #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1508 ../cerber-common.php:1647 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Sondowanie dla wrażliwego kodu PHP" #: ../cerber-load.php:5674 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Twój adres IP %s został dodany do Białej Listy Dostępu IP" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:989 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Szukaj dla adresów IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:865 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:881 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:886 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:898 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4307 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Nieznany bot Googla" #: ../cerber-common.php:1568 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "Adres IP nie jest dozwolony" #: ../cerber-settings.php:601 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "W serwisie mogą rejestrować się tylko użytkownicy z adresów IP znajdujących się na Białej Liście Dostępu IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:606 msgid "User message" msgstr "Wiadomość użytkownika" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1469 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Brakuje pliku" #. Mandatory #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Brakuje tego pliku. Został usunięty lub nie został zainstalowany." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Błąd: nie można użyć pliku %s." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Prześlij inny plik." #: ../cerber-settings.php:225 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Odroczone renderowanie" #: ../cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Odłóż renderowanie niestandardowej strony logowania" #: ../cerber-load.php:367 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Pozostała tobie jedna próba." #. translators: %s: User name. #: ../cerber-load.php:1194 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "Błąd: Wprowadzone hasło dla użytkownika %s jest niepoprawne." #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Ilość dozwolonych jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "Gdy limit jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika zostanie osiągnięty" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Zakończ najstarszą sesję użytkownika przy nowym logowaniu" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Odmawiaj dalszych prób logowania" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Zaloguj się z innej przeglądarki lub urządzenia" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Jeśli liczba jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika jest większa" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5364 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Te funkcje są dostępne w profesjonalnej wersjii wtyczki" #: ../cerber-common.php:1495 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Sesja użytkownika zakończona" #: ../cerber-common.php:1569 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Ogranicz liczbę jednoczesnych sesji użytkownika" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1437 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1438 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:762 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:763 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1525 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1526 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1513 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1570 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:165 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Blokuj adres IP przez" #: ../cerber-settings.php:169 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:871 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:876 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1180 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1181 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 ../cerber-settings.php:456 ../cerber- #: settings.php:1202 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:353 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:572 msgid "User registration" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:573 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:617 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:655 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:468 ../cerber-settings.php:666 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:472 ../cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:473 ../cerber-settings.php:670 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:849 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1289 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Używaj zasad ogólnych" #: ../cerber-load.php:370 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4981 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Zasady oparte na rolach" #: ../cerber-common.php:1524 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:140 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:921 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:932 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "" #. translators: %s: Email address. #: ../cerber-load.php:1206 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:7688 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:7690 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:286 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:226 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1003 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1019 msgid "Users' activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1020 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4172 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1185 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2423 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2439 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2459 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4169 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4171 msgid "Users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1572 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:155 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:178 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:182 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:378 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:379 msgid "Shift the admin menu to the top when the menu is selected" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:507 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a boot module installed by the WP Cerber Security plugin when you set the plugin initialization mode to \"Standard\"." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:682 msgid "Heads up!" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:683 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:188 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1571 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1198 ../cerber-load.php:1210 msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1703 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5631 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5635 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:438 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:442 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:199 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:200 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:404 ../cerber-settings.php:409 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber.pot000064400000276602147577531750011166 0ustar00# Loco Gettext template #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-09-28 01:29+0000\n" "POT-Revision-Date: Fri Mar 12 2021 20:21:05 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: \n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ..\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _:1;gettext:1;dgettext:2;ngettext:1,2;dngettext:2,3;" "__:1;_e:1;_c:1;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nc:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;" "_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_n_js:1,2;_nx_js:1,2,3c;" "esc_attr__:1;esc_html__:1;esc_attr_e:1;esc_html_e:1;esc_attr_x:1,2c;" "esc_html_x:1,2c;comments_number_link:2,3;t:1;st:1;trans:1;transChoice:1,2\n" "X-Generator: Loco https://localise.biz/" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:959 msgid "" " Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, analytics reports " "will be generated." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:357 #, php-format msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:351 #, php-format msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "" #. Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2232 #, php-format msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: cerber-settings.php:1505 msgid "" "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the " "invisible version)" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1929 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:34 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4916 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2256 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2482 #, php-format msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4873 cerber-load.php:4875 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1431 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a mobile device or/and email addresses. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:751 #, php-format msgid "A test message has been sent to %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:268 msgid "" "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or " "posts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1821 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5467 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Access Settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1614 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:497 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5551 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:249 admin/cerber-users.php:1059 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:775 admin/cerber-admin.php:930 msgid "Action" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2022 msgid "Activated" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2187 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2217 msgid "active" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1453 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1461 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2028 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5979 cerber-settings.php:368 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2251 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5463 admin/cerber-users.php:1245 msgid "Activity" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5331 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:890 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1579 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a remote website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:386 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1849 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "Add managed websites by using access tokens." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1843 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 msgid "Added" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1032 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1438 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:83 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:497 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4793 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:154 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1147 cerber-settings.php:1156 msgid "All files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3480 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1222 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:785 msgid "All scans" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1035 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:513 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:518 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:523 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "" "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. " "This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will " "defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing " "everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:302 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:496 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:234 msgid "" "An optional error message to be displayed when attempting to log in with a " "non-existing username or a non-existing email" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:246 msgid "" "An optional error message to be displayed when attempting to reset password " "for a non-existing username or non-existing email address" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:692 msgid "An optional login form message" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:78 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5602 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1304 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1305 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5513 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5515 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1742 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3965 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1893 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1892 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:723 admin/cerber-users.php:475 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 msgid "Apply" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:211 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3472 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1386 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5954 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-users.php:942 admin/cerber-admin.php:739 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:906 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2067 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1865 cerber-common.php:2068 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1870 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1866 cerber-common.php:2069 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1867 cerber-common.php:2070 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1871 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2076 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1873 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5345 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2982 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:685 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:686 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1506 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1505 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:673 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:678 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1215 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1274 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1335 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4948 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4947 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4951 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1221 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:8376 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1010 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "" "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret " "key on the Google website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:323 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1702 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1785 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2209 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:216 msgid "Block" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:491 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:486 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:466 msgid "Block access to user pages via their usernames" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:503 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:416 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:508 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:219 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:476 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:202 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1005 msgid "" "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or " "scan website for security breaches" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:301 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:471 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:55 msgid "Block User" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1077 msgid "Block user" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1927 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:176 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2072 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:830 cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Brief" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1070 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:521 msgid "Browser:" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:193 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:740 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:8356 msgid "" "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind " "the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right " "software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel " "free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4893 msgid "By the user" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2359 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6250 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:663 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6025 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1380 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2148 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1197 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1196 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5654 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3128 msgid "Channels to send alerts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1771 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1828 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2038 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:325 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1488 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:932 msgid "Check users' settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3750 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1836 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:339 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2210 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:354 msgid "Citadel mode duration" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4830 #, php-format msgid "" "Citadel mode has been activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4828 cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:349 msgid "Citadel mode threshold" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5599 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:731 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4048 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:258 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:703 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:580 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5974 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1840 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1396 cerber-settings.php:1539 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1467 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2082 msgid "Comments" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:795 msgid "Configure email parameters for notifications, reports, and alerts" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as main to manage other remote website" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1233 msgid "" "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for " "sending reports" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:190 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:786 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5581 msgid "Countries" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:246 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1417 msgid "Country" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3105 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1055 msgid "Created" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:116 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:174 msgid "" "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1401 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:233 msgid "Custom login error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:262 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:270 msgid "" "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and " "underscores only" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:245 msgid "Custom password reset error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2471 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1177 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2250 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3323 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5462 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5549 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1030 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1418 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4225 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4710 msgid "Date" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:412 msgid "Date format" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4975 cerber-2fa.php:522 msgid "Date:" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:372 cerber-settings.php:378 cerber-settings.php:1123 #: cerber-settings.php:1129 cerber-settings.php:1209 cerber-settings.php:1479 msgid "days" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2983 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2187 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:823 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin msgid "" "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. " "Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of " "comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot " "detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with " "powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:276 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:275 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1473 admin/cerber-tools.php:378 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:228 msgid "Delete" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3109 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1283 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1292 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:749 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1323 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1207 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1279 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:762 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4887 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1910 cerber-common.php:1920 msgid "Denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:643 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:220 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:462 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:3470 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3756 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5652 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1202 cerber-settings.php:1598 cerber-settings.php:1626 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5653 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:664 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1184 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:287 msgid "" "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested " "by an unauthorized request" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1453 msgid "" "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1448 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:286 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:490 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Disable login language switcher" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "Disable managed mode" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:475 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1551 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1545 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:507 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:228 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:239 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:485 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:728 cerber-settings.php:980 #: cerber-settings.php:1011 cerber-settings.php:1145 cerber-settings.php:1154 #: cerber-settings.php:1619 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2237 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2239 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:481 admin/cerber-users.php:495 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2194 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2212 msgid "disabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:323 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1584 msgid "Display admin pages of remote websites using my language" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:327 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "" "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on " "concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "" "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:564 cerber-settings.php:592 cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "" "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:685 msgid "" "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1049 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1054 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1062 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:229 msgid "" "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt " "message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:240 msgid "" "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error " "message" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3190 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:481 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3476 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3161 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4756 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:89 msgid "Duration" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1580 #, php-format msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:799 cerber-settings.php:960 cerber-settings.php:1263 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1930 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1933 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3158 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3158 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:794 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:377 #, php-format msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:343 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:768 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1201 cerber-settings.php:1597 cerber-settings.php:1625 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1008 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1505 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable main website mode" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable managed mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1025 msgid "" "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and " "malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1535 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1525 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1515 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1540 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1530 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1520 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1510 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:951 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:977 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2212 msgid "enabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:726 admin/cerber-users.php:479 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:727 admin/cerber-users.php:480 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:501 msgid "" "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:537 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1458 msgid "" "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from " "inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "" "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per " "line." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2208 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2209 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3301 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: cerber-settings.php:1003 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:742 cerber-load.php:755 cerber-load.php:763 #: cerber-load.php:1082 cerber-load.php:1945 cerber-load.php:2268 #: cerber-load.php:3416 cerber-common.php:497 cerber-common.php:648 #: cerber-common.php:653 cerber-common.php:659 cerber-common.php:663 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:657 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:677 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:784 admin/cerber-admin.php:876 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3990 #, php-format msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4777 msgid "Errors" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1031 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1419 msgid "Event" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2234 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1944 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1146 cerber-settings.php:1155 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:539 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1056 msgid "Expires" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:579 msgid "expires" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4803 msgid "Export" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Extension" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2200 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2084 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:1058 #, php-format msgid "Field %s contains an invalid value" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:1052 #, php-format msgid "Field %s may not be empty" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "File" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:361 msgid "" "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or " "Full Scan." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1398 msgid "File Name" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:3473 msgid "File not found" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1874 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1945 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1123 admin/cerber-admin.php:1217 msgid "Files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1372 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4813 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:109 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1359 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1009 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1514 msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1502 admin/cerber-users.php:1101 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3758 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:85 msgid "Finished" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:550 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1121 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:1111 msgid "" "For safety reasons, prohibited symbols and invalid values have been removed " "from the following settings. Please check their values." msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1943 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:785 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1839 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4780 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4897 msgid "From the country" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4894 msgid "From the IP address" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1617 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2240 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4800 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1475 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4903 cerber-load.php:6296 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5562 msgid "Global" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:674 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5468 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5751 msgid "Help" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:525 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4874 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:421 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1242 cerber-settings.php:1288 msgid "High severity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4713 admin/cerber-users.php:1058 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:245 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1416 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1468 msgid "" "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:178 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "" #. URI of the plugin #. Author URI of the plugin msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:774 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:777 msgid "" "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA " "block below." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1471 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1250 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:413 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:961 cerber-settings.php:1264 msgid "" "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "If empty, the SMTP username is used" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:804 #, php-format msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:963 #, php-format msgid "If necessary, <%s>check and update settings<%s>." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:942 #, php-format msgid "If necessary, <%s>unblock the IP address<%s>." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1251 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:531 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1832 msgid "" "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the " "email address on the account." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4706 msgid "" "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us " "know." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:688 msgid "" "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list " "of pages not to cache." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:231 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1311 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3195 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5600 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1017 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:297 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:292 msgid "" "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6305 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:768 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2200 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2201 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:340 msgid "" "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP " "Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:775 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1255 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1259 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:781 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5800 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1938 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:363 #, php-format msgid "" "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:177 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1930 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:269 msgid "Install the access token on the main website." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "Install WP Cerber updates from the WP Cerber website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2253 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1941 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1942 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1902 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the remote website" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1937 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1504 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:244 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1029 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1415 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4712 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1057 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5984 cerber-load.php:5985 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4224 msgid "IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:413 #, php-format msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:416 #, php-format msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1939 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:385 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:517 msgid "IP address:" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1832 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1174 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1833 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1948 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4828 admin/cerber-admin.php:116 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:85 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 #, php-format msgid "" "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a " "piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-" "made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:73 msgid "" "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the " "button below." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:707 msgid "" "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL " "encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:377 cerber-settings.php:1128 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:371 cerber-settings.php:1122 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1299 msgid "" "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files " "with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "" #: cerber-lab.php:899 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:107 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:266 msgid "Know more" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5940 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1220 msgid "Largest" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4831 #, php-format msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s using username: %s." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2204 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4865 #, php-format msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1993 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2083 msgid "Last login" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1984 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1225 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1220 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5655 msgid "License" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1609 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1555 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:197 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1940 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2066 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:379 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5535 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:181 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1033 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1420 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4715 msgid "Local User" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:519 msgid "Location:" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1556 #, php-format msgid "" "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1913 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1791 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:719 #, php-format msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:812 cerber-settings.php:922 msgid "Lockout notification" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5465 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2201 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2203 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:433 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1039 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1044 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6121 msgid "Log In" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4075 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6122 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1827 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1828 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1959 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:512 cerber-settings.php:1447 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2206 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1032 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1029 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1829 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1529 msgid "Login form" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:525 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:507 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:519 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:513 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1159 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:192 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:516 msgid "Login:" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4788 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1519 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1240 cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5466 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3324 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:427 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2830 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1916 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1924 cerber-common.php:2075 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:432 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1885 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5651 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:821 cerber-settings.php:929 msgid "Mask sensitive data" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1075 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:822 cerber-settings.php:930 msgid "Mask usernames and IP addresses in notifications and alerts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1563 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:981 cerber-settings.php:1012 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3181 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:982 cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1241 cerber-settings.php:1287 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:935 msgid "Message format" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1116 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:203 cerber-settings.php:355 msgid "minutes" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:733 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:710 cerber-settings.php:1193 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:206 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3155 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3152 #, php-format msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:927 admin/cerber-admin.php:1400 msgid "Modified" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1142 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1478 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1919 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2073 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2079 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1178 msgid "My activity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1179 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4785 msgid "My IP" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4784 msgid "My requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:312 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2615 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1305 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1827 msgid "Network:" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2244 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:529 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2182 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2231 msgid "Never" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4912 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1158 msgid "New users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:816 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1223 msgid "Newest" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1467 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1913 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2790 admin/cerber-admin.php:1340 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2217 msgid "no connection" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:958 msgid "No data for generating reports" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1470 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1188 msgid "No extension" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:731 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3186 msgid "No limit" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2850 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4747 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4744 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:642 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3964 msgid "No rule" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "" #: cerber-lab.php:898 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1176 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4779 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:291 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:859 msgid "None" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2191 msgid "not active" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Not available" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3956 #, php-format msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4846 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4754 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:916 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:360 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5470 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:808 cerber-settings.php:917 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4862 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:453 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4860 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:552 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6024 msgid "OK" msgstr "" #: cerber-lab.php:897 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1222 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1202 cerber-settings.php:1598 cerber-settings.php:1626 #, php-format msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:656 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:2102 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:679 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:660 msgid "" "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the " "website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3171 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:387 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:664 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1406 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4231 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1115 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4781 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3749 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1849 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1851 #, php-format msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1857 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1852 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1122 msgid "Path" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:93 msgid "Performance" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1935 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:644 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3953 #, php-format msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: cerber-settings.php:748 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:404 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:829 cerber-settings.php:939 msgid "Plain" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1930 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:167 msgid "" "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to " "something other than Default." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3144 msgid "Please select at least one channel" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3990 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:415 cerber-2fa.php:503 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:658 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:596 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4081 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:316 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:317 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3744 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:2239 #, php-format msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:569 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:455 cerber-settings.php:460 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:456 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:461 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:178 #, php-format msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:282 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1872 cerber-common.php:2074 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:215 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1209 msgid "Profile" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:713 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:470 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1407 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1397 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1392 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:600 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:538 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:572 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:615 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:902 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:910 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5601 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1457 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2238 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4800 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1618 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4866 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:248 msgid "Reason" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1485 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1861 cerber-common.php:1963 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1860 cerber-common.php:1962 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1961 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2861 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1342 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1338 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4891 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3754 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3752 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:698 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:431 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:436 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:427 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4811 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6123 msgid "Register" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4079 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2000 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2085 msgid "Registered" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1391 cerber-settings.php:1509 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:634 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:237 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:373 msgid "Remove" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 admin/cerber-admin.php:914 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1237 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4711 msgid "Request" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1506 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1876 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1862 cerber-common.php:1964 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1877 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:784 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:992 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:296 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:286 msgid "Required" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2630 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:752 msgid "Restore" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:639 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:631 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:498 msgid "" "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to " "your needs" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:576 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:604 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:543 msgid "" "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following " "policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:408 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1571 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1881 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5561 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3883 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1442 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1105 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:291 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3940 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1095 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1070 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1083 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1100 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1089 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1110 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1164 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1160 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:109 admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4931 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1137 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3747 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3748 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3746 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3745 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5598 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1104 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1503 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1507 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1167 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5999 cerber-load.php:6000 msgid "Search string" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3757 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:144 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:663 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1500 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5579 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4125 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5596 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:534 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "" #. %s is the email address(es). #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3133 #, php-format msgid "Send email alerts to %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1246 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3139 #, php-format msgid "Send mobile alerts to %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:923 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:371 msgid "Send notification if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Send notification when a new version of WP Cerber is available" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1686 #, php-format msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3555 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3570 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5464 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1882 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5536 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5597 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2999 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "" "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber " "admin pages" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1575 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:407 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:311 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5594 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1496 msgid "Site key" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1928 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5552 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:308 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1399 msgid "Size" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1309 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1219 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1034 msgid "Smart" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:856 msgid "SMTP encryption" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:878 msgid "SMTP From email" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:885 msgid "SMTP From name" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:840 msgid "SMTP host" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:866 msgid "SMTP password" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "SMTP port" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:872 msgid "SMTP username" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3479 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:2268 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:3368 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1124 admin/cerber-admin.php:1218 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1837 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:430 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1838 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:431 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1381 msgid "" "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1181 msgid "" "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX " "pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1188 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:649 msgid "" "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate " "items." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1174 msgid "" "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate " "items." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:527 msgid "" "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One " "string per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1058 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1066 msgid "" "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3933 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:81 msgid "Started" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:465 msgid "Stop exposing user details" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:450 cerber-settings.php:502 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4080 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1164 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1926 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1922 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1923 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4776 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1925 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:704 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1269 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1076 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:761 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:746 msgid "TEST MESSAGE" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3234 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3243 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:508 #, php-format msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "" "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in " "the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded " "earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or " "has been tampered with." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:847 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:862 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1640 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:940 msgid "The IP address of the last failed attempt to log in is blocked" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5804 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:957 msgid "The last attempt to log in was denied due to the following reason" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:892 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1216 msgid "" "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email " "reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2638 #, php-format msgid "" "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data " "(checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1138 msgid "" "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, " "plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "" "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because " "it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:967 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "" "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on " "your main website to grant access to this website." msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:693 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4881 msgid "The WP Cerber Security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4901 msgid "The WP Cerber Security plugin is now active" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:714 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5939 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:750 msgid "" "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data " "protection laws" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3477 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3473 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1349 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1275 msgid "" "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on " "its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:173 msgid "" "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1439 msgid "" "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms " "and avoid false positives" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "" "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If " "this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme " "or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4974 msgid "This message created by" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:665 msgid "" "This message is displayed to a user if the IP address of the user's computer " "is not whitelisted" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3481 msgid "" "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please " "run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:535 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:365 msgid "" "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your " "email." msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a main website" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:264 msgid "This website is set as a main website." msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:268 msgid "This website is set as a managed website." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:769 msgid "" "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear " "the plugin cache." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4926 cerber-load.php:4934 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6024 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4055 #, php-format msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "" "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4052 #, php-format msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "" "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:149 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 #, php-format msgid "" "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest " "version." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:649 cerber-settings.php:714 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:996 cerber-settings.php:1058 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:4963 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5648 msgid "Tools" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1239 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2252 admin/cerber-users.php:1246 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:972 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2213 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5533 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "" "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that " "protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1024 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1476 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Try again" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:492 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:96 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:3476 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:3465 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:3482 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4664 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:754 msgid "Unable to send a test message" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:970 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4885 cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 #: cerber-common.php:2091 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:501 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4378 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4984 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:650 msgid "unknown" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4907 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1977 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4857 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1168 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:258 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:326 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1356 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1365 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1312 cerber-settings.php:1324 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:800 cerber-settings.php:962 cerber-settings.php:1077 #: cerber-settings.php:1265 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1402 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:397 msgid "Use file" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:478 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1443 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:987 msgid "" "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP " "Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1583 msgid "Use my language" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4083 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:835 msgid "Use SMTP" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:836 msgid "Use SMTP server to send emails" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:210 cerber-settings.php:659 cerber-settings.php:684 #: cerber-settings.php:986 cerber-settings.php:1452 cerber-settings.php:1550 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:331 msgid "Use WP Cerber's plugin repository" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4082 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5989 cerber-load.php:5990 admin/cerber-users.php:1053 msgid "User" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2206 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: cerber-common.php:1899 msgid "User activated" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1223 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4714 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1889 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1891 #, php-format msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1894 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1896 #, php-format msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1888 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1931 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1820 msgid "User created" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1822 #, php-format msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1879 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1824 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1826 #, php-format msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1035 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4230 msgid "User ID" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:983 msgid "User is not allowed to log in" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:59 admin/cerber-users.php:65 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1034 msgid "User login" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:691 admin/cerber-users.php:76 msgid "User Message" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:664 msgid "User message" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1883 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5559 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1823 msgid "User registered" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:630 msgid "User registration" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:548 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1880 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:732 admin/cerber-users.php:447 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1853 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1855 #, php-format msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:92 msgid "User Sessions" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1036 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1421 msgid "Username" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1925 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1932 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3548 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:931 msgid "username is prohibited" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5994 cerber-load.php:5995 msgid "Username used" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:714 msgid "" "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP " "address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately " "blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1175 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4778 msgid "Users" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:582 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:610 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:587 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:559 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:554 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2810 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:831 cerber-settings.php:941 msgid "Verbose" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:675 msgid "Verify" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:670 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3753 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3755 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:3751 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2984 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3553 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4833 cerber-load.php:6023 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1143 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1154 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1167 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2853 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4775 msgid "View all" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2200 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2201 msgid "view all" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1480 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4749 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:531 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1385 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:531 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4870 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1490 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:223 cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:252 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:8354 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4704 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:659 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4878 cerber-load.php:4891 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:826 #, php-format msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5319 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4923 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:948 msgid "" "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred " "during the last seven days" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:947 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-users.php:458 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "" "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you " "can upload on another site." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "" "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing " "settings will be overridden." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "" "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be " "loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:319 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1699 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1782 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2208 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6126 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:6127 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:1298 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4902 cerber-load.php:6292 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6236 cerber-common.php:618 #, php-format msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6240 cerber-common.php:622 #, php-format msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #. Name of the plugin msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:398 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "" #: cerber-common.php:1573 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2126 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1212 msgid "You" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1302 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:397 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:387 admin/cerber-users.php:470 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:1904 cerber-load.php:1910 cerber-load.php:1915 #: cerber-load.php:1935 cerber-load.php:1940 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:409 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:416 #, php-format msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:702 msgid "" "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an " "alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:368 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:393 #, php-format msgid "" "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in " "%d minutes." msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:413 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1086 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1076 #, php-format msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:254 msgid "" "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This " "enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect " "malware." msgstr "" #: cerber-2fa.php:507 msgid "" "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that " "it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to " "safeguard your account." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1473 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:331 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:6278 #, php-format msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:5157 #, php-format msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4971 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4966 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4705 msgid "" "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam " "posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by " "the website administrator." msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-cs_CZ.mo000064400000026240147577531750011765 0ustar00T  ,, 21 d r ?{ h $ G9 1      " G<        g n   8     , M R W ` o 6z J  Lg=x     .IR i s ~ !,E)b, 3(9Rnu '#82>k" !! :F O ]khdf'ECNDJ@HO T_ hv 6 "98I9bAhW]tD+>^t]  !.-\!o }2HPa<j$$/ G R Y k F e =!N^!!S!"+"D"`"t"" """ "" # ##3#$F#/k######$%"$6H$6$$ $:$%2%#G%&k% %%%+% &* &(6&_&p&N&`&!5'#W'{'3' 'D'((%#(I([({((((((n )_{))&)@*__*"*j*VM++++ ++++, ,,Q',y, , ,%s allowed retries in %s minutesAccess ListsActivityAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAggressive lockoutAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAre you sure?AttemptsAttention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isBe careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL you will not be able to login.Black IP Access ListBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber Quick ViewChange notification settingsCheck for activityCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Click to send testCommentsConfused about some settings?Custom login URLCustom login pageDateDate of registrationDeactivateDisable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable wp-login.phpDonateDownload fileDurationEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesError while parsing fileError while updatingExpiresExport settings to the fileFailed attempts in last 24 hoursHelpHintHostnameIP blacklistedIP blockedImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settings from the fileIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursKeep records forLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast loginLimit login attemptsList is emptyLoad default settingsLocal UserLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLogged inLogged outLogin failedMain SettingsMake your protection smarter!Maximum upload file size: %s.Message has been sent to My site is behind a reverse proxyNeverNew Custom login URLNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.Non-existent usersNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsPassword changedProactive security rulesRedirect dashboard requestsRemoveRequest wp-login.phpSelect file to import.Send notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromShowing last %d records from %dSite connectionSubnet blockedThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThese IPs will never be locked outThis message was sent byThresholdTo view activity, click on the IPToolsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse fileUsername usedView ActivityView activity in dashboardView lockouts in dashboardWP Cerber SettingsWP Cerber notifyWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou can't add your IP addressYou have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes.Your IPactivedaysdeactivatedisabledentryentriesfailed attemptsin 24 hourslockoutsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugnot activeunknownview allProject-Id-Version: WP Cerber Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: Tue Sep 08 2015 21:38:11 GMT+0300 PO-Revision-Date: Wed Apr 12 2017 21:50:50 GMT+0300 Last-Translator: Greg Language-Team: Language: Czech Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=( n == 1 ) ? 0 : ( n >= 2 && n <= 4 ) ? 1 : 2 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8 X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../plugins/wp-cerber X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _:1;gettext:1;dgettext:2;ngettext:1,2;dngettext:2,3;__:1;_e:1;_c:1;_n:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_nc:1,2;__ngettext:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:1,2,4c;_nx_noop:1,2,3c;_n_js:1,2;_nx_js:1,2,3c;esc_attr__:1;esc_html__:1;esc_attr_e:1;esc_html_e:1;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html_x:1,2c;comments_number_link:2,3;t:1;st:1;trans:1;transChoice:1,2 X-Generator: Loco - https://localise.biz/ X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . X-Loco-Target-Locale: cs_CZ%s povolené pokusy v %s minutáchSeznam přístupůAktivityAdresa %s byla přidána do seznamu blokovaných IP adresAdresa %s byla přidána do seznamu povolených IP adresAgresivní zablokováníPokaždé blokovat útočníka v celé subsíti třídy CJste tu?PokusyPozor! Změnili jste adresu pro přihlašování! Nová adresa jeBuďte opatrní s touto volbou. Pokud zapomenete přihlašovací stránku, nebudete se moci přihlásit.Seznam blokovaných IP adresBlokovat přímý přístup k wp-login.php a odeslat http kód 404 - stránka nebyla nalezenaZablokovat podsíťNelze aktivovat bezpečné přihlašování kvůli chybě databáze.Rychlé zobrazeníZměnit nastavení upozorněníZkontrolovat aktivituCitadela je aktivní!Režim CitadelaRežim Citadela je aktivníRežim Citadely je aktivován po %d neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení v %d minutách.Odeslat testKomentářeJste zmatení ohledně některého nastavení?Vlastní login URLVlastní přihlašovací stránkaDatumDatum registraceDeaktivovatZakázat automatické přesměrování na přihlašovací stránku, pokud je poslán neautorizovaný požadavek na /wp-admin/Zakázat wp-login.phpDarovatStáhnout souborTrváníZapnout po %s. neúspěšném přihlášení v %s minutách.Během ukládání se vyskytla chybaBěhem aktualizace se vyskytla chybaExpiraceExport nastavení do souboruNeúspěšné pokusy v posledních 24 hodináchNápovědaZásahServer (hostname)IP na černé listiněIP blokovánaIhned blokovat IP adresu po jakékoli žádosti na soubor wp-login.phpPři pokusu o přihlášení s neexistujícím uživatelským jménem okamžitě zablokovat IP adresuImportovat nastavení ze souboruZvýšit dobu trvání blokace na %s hodin(y) po %s blokacích ve %s hodináchUchovat záznamy poPoslední pokus byl zaznamenán v %s z IP adresy %s s přihlašovacím jménem: %s.Poslední blokováníPoslední přihlášeníOmezit neúspěšné pokusySeznam je prázdnýNačíst výchozí nastaveníMístní uživatelBlokovánDoba blokováníBlokace %s byla odstraněnaBlokováníBlokováni v tento okamžikPřihlášenOdhlášenPřihlášení selhaloHlavní nastaveníZapněte inteligentní ochranu webu!Maximální velikost nahrávaného souboru: %s.Zpráva byla odeslána na Web je za reverzní proxyZatím neproběhlaURL nové adresy pro přihlášeníNová verze je k dispoziciZatím neproběhla žádná aktivita.Žádný soubor nebyl nahrán nebo je soubor poškozenV tuto chvíli žádné blokování. Obloha je jasná.Neexistující uživateléNotifikaceUpozornit administrátora, pokud blokace přesáhne početPočet aktivních blokacíHeslo bylo změněnoProaktivní bezpečnostní pravidlaPřesměrování požadavku nástěnkyOdstranitPožadavek wp-login.phpVyberte prosím soubor importu.Odeslat oznámení na email administrátoraNastaveníNastavení bylo úspěšně importováno zZobrazení posledních %d záznamů z %dPřipojení webuPodsít zablokovánaBezpečné přihlašování vyžaduje alespoň PHP %s a vyšší. Vaše PHP jeBezpečné přihlašování vyžaduje alespoň Wordpress verze %s a vyšší. Váš Wordpress jeTyto IP adresy nebudou blokoványTato zpráva byla odeslána pomocíPráhChcete-li zobrazit aktivitu, klikněte na IP adresuNástrojeAktualizovat na nejnovější verzi bezpečného přihlašování %sNahrát souborPoužít souborUživatelské jméno je již použitoZobrazit aktivityZobrazit aktivitu na nástěnceZobrazit blokace na nástěnceBezpečnost přihlašováníNotifikace bezpečného přihlašováníCo chcete exportovat?Co chcete importovat?Pokud kliknete na tlačítko níže, obdržíte konfigurační soubor, který můžete nahrát na jiném webu.Pokud kliknete na tlačítko níže, stávající nastavení bude nahrazeno vybraným souborem.Seznam povolených IP adresZapsat neúspěšné pokusy do souboruNejste oprávněni se přihlásit. Požádejte správce o pomoc.Můžete snadno načíst výchozí doporučené nastavení pomocí níže uvedeného tlačítkaNemůžete přidat vaši IP adresuMáte jen jeden zbývající pokus.Máte jen %d zbývající pokusy.Máte jen %d zbývajících pokusů.Dosáhli jste limitu pokusů o přihlášení. Zkuste to prosím znovu za %d minut(y).Vaše IPaktivnídnůdeaktivovatvypnutopoložkapoložkypoložekneúspěšných pokusůve 24 hodináchblokováníminut(y)url se nesmí překrývat s existujícím obsahem ( stránka, příspěvek, ... )není aktivníneznámézobrazit všelanguages/wp-cerber-de_DE.mo000064400000256116147577531750011733 0ustar00,?,?B-?(p??^? @@=&@d@@4@2@AO A pAA A AAAAB BB6BFBOBaBrB BB BBB*BC%C+C>CFC ^CiC yCC CC C CC C C D DD$;D,`EE2EE!E F@FSF qF${FF FFFFCF/7G2gG G5GG GH,*H*WHH,H'H.H@!I?bII III!I1 J>J1QJJ!JJ JJ J(JfKKKKlK #L#.L>RL+LGL*M(0MYM<vM MAM N NN4NLN eN rN>N NOO1O PP$P@PVPjP|PPPPPP QGQXQ vQ QQQ#QQQ Q RG&RnR R(RCR(R 'S5SGSZS iSvSSS:SZS0TJT\T dTnT vTTTITTTW UaUsUU U UUU UU UU!VS3V%WWW W/W%X*X6=XtXX2XXXX1X(.YWYsY Y;Y Y ZZZ9ZPZmZZZgZI [0W[[ [[>[%\-\'@\0h\\\ \\u\KL]K]I].^H^e^S^S^"(_$K_5p_ _ ____ __`*!`(L`u``<`$`aa'aAaXasaqa+a3$b2Xb+b)b1b0cDcUcgc?c7cLc6Fdq}dNd1>epeeeee e e ee"f1f@Bffff fff fUf 3g@g[gkgzggggggg h !h/hKhchjhhhhh hhhhi i #i-i>i<Oiiii3ii iij+jDjHjgj ~j jj4jMj"kT=kk k k4k4kl.l$Hlml |llll'll4lf4mNmBmb-nn n"nnn6nK.ozoo4oo_p{ppp ppLp?qSq iqwq/q qqqqr'r DrQr er,rrrWSssms' t.Htwt u!u0u=8u vu$u u uuu uuuvv!3v2Uv"v v v vv vv w -w8wMMw wwwwww xxx2xKx `x jxuxxx xx x x!x(y+y&Jy qy ~yy y y yyyyz6zRzjzz zzzzzz {#{4{D{L{c{ { {{{{!{|2|,Q|~|| | | | |!||}}})} 2} <}F}_} f}u}} ~)~$E~j~,s~~~~~~ ~ < N\b u3*  2+9DeFTF\ |с1J O[4m4 ׂe%Gà /)Y tE%0:Ckȅ/2G:].3dž':M`x  ·݇  4>YrɈшڈ "@G/\ Ɖ.% :HP;iUF;BN~;͋ $ 7B b lzÌ،0'Lt|1)΍1&* Q\r  َ & 75X-Џ /6<E'ҐW[{# ϑߑ =LU[!p3ƒՒI7WFٓH viER&Sy ͕ە# (6 L#Y}!Ė #"?b v 0;29+l!Θ&4 :B}otpu{{'8=3vF\.N-};Kpe"C,E@ȡQ 1[ ʢ]Ԣ"2U5u3>ߣPAo? &.?Rd $>^/xGBA3uק8Idl Ԩܨ &-< jw &é)$ -/]f*zR  * 2 @ M[!j'!'֫! >K^ s- ̬٬-E\y3 Ʈ5̮A@DB;ȯ$$4&Y% ΰװ 6F,Z<ı8ձ>*M.x++Ӳ00 8F Y6e f.J5fhdj  1;'V~ E )J?3WN*,Ѹ\=d úߺ ̻ջ ݻ,IE9 ɼռ ޼8 , :6E|  ɽ # /:1C9u6% 'A{^{ڿVM*4xj 3@UU' D?9%yk0 <Vhw   "#5Y"j(. 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected filesAnalyze the uploads directoryAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directoryDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisable the default reset password error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error messageDo not send alerts after this dateDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?DocumentationDownload fileDurationERROR:EditEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail alerts will be sent to these emails:Email alerts will be sent to this email:Email has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore global rate limitsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInjected fileInjected filesInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKeep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocal hash not foundLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum number of alerts to sendMaximum securityMedium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsMobile alerts are not configuredMobile alerts will be sent to %sModifiedMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No limitNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOKOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional alert limitsOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword changed by %sPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevent username discovery via user XML sitemapsPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins' filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logsReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pagesShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Space OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser application password created by %sUser application password deletedUser application password deleted by %sUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView allView all REST API requestsView bot eventsView denied REST API requestsView reCAPTCHA eventsVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atThis is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.Mediumto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: de Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s Registrierungen sind innerhalb von %s Minuten von einer IP-Adresse erlaubt%s Neuversuche sind innerhalb von %s Minuten erlaubt%s SekPlural: %s Sekunden(nicht anwenden, sofern nicht Seite betreten wurde und Geheimschlüssel für unsichtbare Version erhalten)2FA-Pin-Code2FA-Code verifiziertBeim Importieren von Einträgen der Zugriffsliste ist ein Datenbankfehler aufgetretenEs ist eine neue Aktivität aufgetretenEine neue Version ist verfügbarEine neue Version von %s ist verfügbar. Bitte installieren Sie sie.Eine neue Version von WP Cerber ist zur Installation verfügbarEs ist eine neuere Version verfügbarEine eindeutige Zeichenfolge, die sich nicht mit Slugs der vorhandenen Seiten oder Beiträge überschneidetAutorisierung Anforderung der API fehlgeschlagenAPI-Anforderung genehmigtMissbrauch Email:ZugriffslistenZugriff auf WordPress REST APIZugriff auf diese WebsiteKonten & RollenAktionAktiviertAktive Plugins und Updates aufAktive SitzungenAktivitätAktivitäteneinblickeAktivitätsdetails@-Seite zum Seitentitel hinzufügenEintrag zufügenFüge IP zur Schwarzen Liste hinzuEine neue hinzufügenEine Slave-Website hinzufügenNetzwerk zur schwarzen Liste hinzufügenSlave-Websites mit Zugriffs-Token hinzufügen.Add-onsHinzugefügtWeitere DetailsAdresseAntispam-Engine einstellenAdmin-NotizErweiterte SucheErweiterter ModusNach jedem ScanAlle LoginsAlle verbundenen GeräteAlle LänderAlle DateienAlle Dateien wurden verarbeitetAlle GruppenAlle ScansAlle ServerSämtlicher TrafficREST API für diese Rollen zulassenErlaube WP Cerber ausgesperrte bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab zu senden. Dies hilft dem Plugin-Team neue Algorithmen für WP Cerber zu entwickeln, die WordPress gegen täglich auftretende neue Bedrohungen und Botnets verteidigen. Sie können das Senden jederzeit in den Plugin-Einstellungen deaktivieren.Zugriff auf REST-API für angemeldete Benutzer zulassenDiese Namensräume zulassenImmer das gesamte Subnetz Klasse C der IP des Eindringlings blockierenImmer aktiviertEine optionale Nachricht für diesen NutzerAnalytikDas Verzeichnis der WordPress-Uploads analysieren, um injizierte Dateien zu erkennenDas Verzeichnis der Uploads analysierenAntispamEinstellungen für Anti-Spam und Bot-ErkennungAnti-spam engineJede AktivitätJedes Land ist erlaubtAnwendungskennwörterAnwendenEingeschränkte Zugangsregeln für IP Adresse in der White IP Liste anwendenSind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Dateien löschen möchten?Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die ausgewählten Websites löschen möchten?Sind Sie sicher?Sind Sie sicher? Dies macht den Token dauerhaft ungültig.ZugriffsversuchZugriffsversuch auf verbotene URLLoginversuch verweigertLogin-Versuch mit nicht existierendem NutzernamenAnmeldeversuch mit verbotenem BenutzernamenRegistrierungsversuch verweigertVersuch eine Datei mit schädlichem Code hochzuladenVersuch schädliche Datei hochzuladen verweigertLogin-Versuche mit nicht existierenden NutzernamenAchtung! Citadel-Modus ist nun aktiv. Niemand kann sich anmelden.Achtung! Sie haben die Anmelde-URL geändert! Die neue Login-URL istAutorisierung gescheitertAutorisiertAutorisierter ZugriffNur autorisierte NutzerAutomatisierter wiederkehrender Scan-ZeitplanAutomatische Bereinigung von Malware und verdächtigen DateienAutomatische LöschungAuto-Wiederherstellung von geänderten und infizierten DateienAutomatisch gelöschtAutomatisch in Quarantäne verschobenAutomatisch wiederhergestelltDurchschnittsgrößeSuper!Zurück zur ListeSeien Sie vorsichtig mit der Aktivierung dieser Optionen.Bevor Sie reCAPTCHA nutzen können, müssen Sie einen Site key und einen Secret key von der Google Website beziehen.Schwarze Liste (verbotenen IPs)BlockierenIP-Adresse sperren fürIP-Adressen blockieren, die übermäßige Anfragen für nicht existierende Seiten senden oder die Website auf Sicherheitslücken scannenNutzer blockierenZugriff auf das WordPress-Dashboard sperrenZugriff auf WordPress REST API blockieren, mit Ausnahme der folgendenZugriff auf den RSS-, den Atom- und den RDF-Feed blockierenZugriff auf den XML-RPC Server sperren (Pingbacks und Trackbacks eingeschlossen)Zugriff auf Nutzerseiten wie /?author=n blockierenZugriff auf Nutzerdaten per REST API blockierenZugriff auf wp-login.php sperrenBlockieren der Ausführung von PHP-Skripten im WordPress-MedienordnerSperre SubnetzNicht autorisierten Zugang zu load.scripts.php und load-styles.php blockierenBenutzer sperrenBlockierte NutzerVom Administrator blockiertGesperrt durch LänderregelBot-Aktivität wurde erkanntBot erkanntKurze ÜbersichtSchutz vor Brute-Force-Angriffen und Einstellungen für die BenutzerauthentifizierungIndem Sie Ihre persönliche Meinung zu WP Cerber teilen, helfen Sie den Ingenieuren des Plugins, größere Fortschritte zu machen, und helfen anderen Profis, die richtige Software zu finden. Sie können Ihre Bewertung auf einer der folgenden Websites hinterlassen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, Ihre Muttersprache zu verwenden. Vielen Dank!Von NutzerBytesKann WP Cerber aufgrund eines Datenbankfehlers nicht aktivieren.AbbrechenCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield RichtlinienCerber Lab VerbindungCerber Lab ProtokollCerber SchnellansichtCerber SicherheitsregelnCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspektorCerber BenutzersicherheitCerber anti-spam engineCerber Antispam-EinstellungenCerber WerkzeugeDatei- und Verzeichnisberechtigungen ändern, wenn zum Löschen von Dateien erforderlichDateisystemberechtigungen ändernVeränderte DateienÄnderungsprotokollAuf Aktivitäten prüfenAuf Anfragen prüfenÜberprüfe auf neue und geänderte DateienPrüfsumme stimmt nicht übereinCitadel-Modus aktiviert!Citadel ModusCitadel-Modus ist aktiviertCitadel-Modus ist aktiviert nach %d fehlgeschlagenen Logins in %d Minuten.Citadel-Modus ist aktivBereinigenKlicken Sie hier, um die vollständige Dateienliste zu sehenKlicken Sie auf einen Ländernamen, um ihn zur Liste der ausgewählten Länder hinzuzufügenKlicken Sie auf die IP-Adresse, um ihre Aktivität zu sehenZum Bearbeiten klickenKlicken Sie, um jetzt zu sendenKlicken für SendungstestKommentar verweigertKommentarformularKommentarverarbeitungKommentareUnternehmenDiese Website als Master-Website zur Verwaltung anderer Websites konfigurierenKonfigurieren, welche Probleme im E-Mail-Bericht enthalten sind, sowie Bedingung für das Senden von BerichtenInhalt wurde gerändertScan fortsetzenCookiesLänderLandWarnung erstellenErstelltKritische ProblemeAktuell ist ein geplanter Scan im Gange. Bitte warten Sie, bis dieser beendet ist.Eigene Kommentar-URLBenutzerdefinierte Login-URLDie benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL darf nur lateinische alphanumerische Zeichen, Bindestriche und Unterstriche enthaltenBenutzerdefinierte Login-SeiteIndividuelle Signatur gefundenIndividuelle SignaturenDashboardData ShieldData Shield RichtlinienDatumDatumsformatDatumsformat für CSV-ExportDeaktivierenStandardmäßige VerarbeitungStandardeinstellungen wurden geladenSchützt WordPress vor Hackerangriffen, Spam, Trojanern und Viren. Malware-Scanner und Integritätsüberprüfer. Verstärkt WordPress mit einer Reihe umfassender Sicherheitsalgorithmen. Spam-Schutz mit fortschrittlicher Bot-Erkennungs-Engine und reCAPTCHA. Trackt Nutzer- und Eindringlingsaktivität mit leistungsstarken E-Mail-, Mobil- und Desktopbenachrichtigungen.Rendering der angepassten Anmeldeseite verzögernVerzögertes RendernLöschenWarnung löschenDateien im WordPress Uploads-Verzeichnis löschenDateien mit unerwünschten Erweiterungen löschenDauerhaft löschenÖffentlich zugängliche Dateien mit diesen Erweiterungen löschenDateien in Quarantäne anschließend löschenUnbeaufsichtigte Dateien löschenDaten Benutzersitzungen löschen, wenn Benutzerdaten gelöschtWebsite löschenGelöschtVerweigertAlle E-Mail-Adressen ablehnen, die folgendem entsprechenAuthentifizierung über wp-login.php verweigernWeitere Anmeldeversuche verweigernAlles verbietenZugang zum Zielordner verweigertErkennung von injizierten Dateien im WordPress-Uploads-VerzeichnisDurch Benutzerrollenrichtlinien estimmtDiagnoseDiagnose-LogDie E-Mail nicht erhalten?Auszuschließende VerzeichnissePHP-Fehleranzeige deaktivierenPHP in Uploads deaktivierenREST API deaktivierenDeaktiviere XML-RPCAutomatische Weiterleitung auf die Login-Seite deaktivieren, wenn /wp-admin/ von einer nicht autorisierten Anforderung angefordert wirdBot-Erkennungsmodul für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste deaktivierenBot-Erkennungs-Engine für eingeloggte Benutzer deaktivierenDashboard-Weiterleitung deaktivierenFeeds deaktivierenMaster-Modus deaktivierenreCAPTCHA für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste deaktivierenreCAPTCHA für eingeloggte Benutzer deaktivierenSlave-Modus deaktivierenDie standardmäßige Fehlermeldung bei der Anmeldung deaktivierenStandardmäßige Fehlermeldung zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts deaktivierenDeaktiviertZeige 404 SeiteAnzeigen alsEinfache 404-Seite anzeigenDiese Meldung anzeigen, wenn ein Anmeldeversuch abgelehnt wird, weil das Limit für gleichzeitige Benutzersitzungen erreicht wurdeMeine IP-Adresse bei der Plugin-Aktivierung nicht zur weißen Liste IP Access hinzufügenDiese Richtlinien nicht auf die IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Zugang anwendenDiese Richtlinie nicht auf die IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Zugriff anwendenBekannte Crawler nicht protokollierenDiese Benutzer-Agenten nicht protokollierenDiese Standorte nicht protokollierenNicht existierende Benutzernamen und E-Mails in der Meldung über fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche nicht anzeigenIn der Fehlermeldung zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts keine nicht existierenden Benutzernamen und E-Mails anNach diesem Datum keine Warnmeldungen mehr sendenPHP-Fehler auf meiner Website nicht anzeigenMöchten Sie die ausgewählten Dateien der Ignore-List hinzufügen?DokumentationDatei herunterladenDauerFEHLER:BearbeitenE-Mail-AdresseE-Mail-Adresse ist nicht zulässig.E-Mail-Adresse ist verbotenBenachrichtigungen per E-Mail werden an diese E-Mail-Adressen gesendet:Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail werden an diese E-Mail-Adresse gesendet:E-Mail wurde gesendet anEmail-BenachrichtigungenNach %s gescheiterten Anmeldeversuchen in den letzten %s Minuten aktivieren.Überwachung des Authentifizierungsprotokolls aktivierenDatenlöschung aktivierenDatenexport aktivierenDiagnoseprotokollierung aktivierenFehler-Abschirmung aktivierenUnsichtbares reCAPTCHA aktivierenMaster-Modus aktivierenAktivieren Sie die optionale Datenverkehrsprotokollierung, wenn Sie verdächtige & bösartige Aktivitäten überwachen oder Sicherheitsprobleme lösen müssenAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce AnmeldeformularAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Passwort-Vergessen-FormularAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce RegistrierungsformularreCAPTCHA für WordPress Kommentarformular aktivierenAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress AnmeldeformularAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Passwort-Vergessen-FormularAktiviere reCAPTCHA für das WordPress RegistrierungsformularBerichte aktivierenSlave-Modus aktivierenTraffic-Inspektion aktivierenAktiviert, Zugriff auf API mit Standard-Benutzerpasswörtern ist erlaubtAktiviert, kein Zugriff auf API mit Standard-BenutzerpasswörternErzwingen Sie die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung, wenn eine der folgenden Bedingungen erfüllt istErzwinge Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit festen IntervallenGeben Sie einen Teil eines Query Strings oder eines Query Paths ein, um einen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile.Geben Sie einen Anforderungs-URI ein, um die Anforderung von der Inspektion auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile.Geben Sie den Code aus der E-Mail in das Feld unten ein.Fehlerhafte Anfrage-AbschirmungFehler beim Parsen der DateiFehler: Datei %s kann nicht verwendet werden.FehlerEreignisAlle 3 StundenAlle 6 StundenJede StundeAusführbarer Code gefundenAusführbare Dateierweiterung erkanntAusführbare DateienAusführbare Dateien werden nicht unterstützt. Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv hoch.Gültig bisExportEinstellungen in Datei exportierenErweiterungFehlgeschlagene AnmeldeversucheDateiDateinameDateizugangsfehler. Mögliche Scan-Ergebnisse sind veraltet. Bitte starten Sie einen Quick-Scan oder einen KomplettscanDatei gelöschtStatistik der DateierweiterungenDatei fehltDatei nicht gefundenDatei gerettetDatei-Upload abgelehntDateiname ist nicht zulässigDateienDateien in temporären VerzeichnissenDateien im SitzungsverzeichnisDateien in diesen VerzeichnissenDateien gescanntDateien zum ScannenDateien mit diesen ErweiterungenDateien ohne DateierweiterungFilterNach registriertem Nutzer filternSchließe Scan abBeendetFeste Anzahl von LoginsOrdnerVerbotene URLDaten der FormularfelderFormular-Übermittlung verweigertFormularübermittlungenVon IP-AdresseVom LandKomplettscanKomplettscan BerichtVollzugriffmodusLassen Sie sich mit mobilen & Desktop-Benachrichtigungen direkt informierenLeitfaden für den EinstiegGlobalAllgemeine AusschlüsseZugriff auf die Website nur für angemeldete Benutzer gewährenGruppeAbhärtungWordPress abhärtenHilfeHier sind die Details des AnmeldeversuchsHallo!Toolbar beim Anzeigen der Website ausblendenIP-Adresse des Servers verbergenHohe SchwereHost-InformationenHostnameCome WP Cerber carica il suo core e i meccanismi di sicurezzaWie das Plugin Kommentare verarbeitet, die über das Standard-Kommentarformular eingereicht werdenMenschliche Überprüfung fehlgeschlagen.Menschlichkeitsnachweis gescheitert. Bitte klicken Sie das quadratische Kästchen im reCAPTCHA-Block unten.IPIP-AdresseIP-AdresseDie IP-Adresse %s wurde zur schwarzen Liste IP Zugang hinzugefügtDie IP-Adresse %s wurde zur weißen Liste IP Zugang hinzugefügtIP-Adresse ist ausgesperrtIP-Adresse ist nicht zulässigIP-Adresse, Bereich, Wildcard oder CIDRIP blockiertIP geblocktIP-Subnetz blockiertIP auf der weißen Listewenn ein Spam-Kommentar erkannt wirdFalls irgendwelche Veränderungen in den Scan-Ergebnissen aufgetreten sindFalls neue Probleme gefunden werdenWenn die Anzahl der gleichzeitigen Benutzersitzungen größer istHaben wir Ihr Konto gefunden, haben wir den Bestätigungslink an die im Konto angegebene E-Mail-Adresse geschickt.Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, diese Anfrage durchführen zu dürfen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte mit.Falls Sie Ihre individuelle Login-URL vergessen, können Sie sich nicht einloggen.Wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin verwenden, müssen Sie Ihre neue Anmelde-URL zur Liste der Seiten hinzufügen, die nicht gecached werden sollen.IgnorierenListe ignorierenDateien mit diesen Erweiterungen ignorierenGlobale Ratenbeschränkungen ignorierenAngemeldete Benutzer ignorierenIP nach jeder Anfrage auf wp-login.php sofort sperrenIP sofort blockieren bei Login-Versuch mit nicht existierendem NutzernamenImport-EinstellungenEinstellungen aus Datei importierenWichtiger Hinweis, wenn Sie ein Caching-Plugin installiert habenIm Citadel Modus kann sich niemand einloggen, außer IPs auf der White IP Zugangsliste. Laufende Sitzungen werden nicht beeinflusst.Aktivitätsprotokoll-Ereignisse einbeziehenDateigrößen einschließenScan-Fehler einschließenTraffic Log-Einträge einbeziehenFalsche IP-Adresse oder falscher IP-BereichFalsches PasswortErhöhe die Sperrdauer um %s Stunden nach %s Aussperrungen in den letzten %s StundenInitialisierungsmodusDurch den Benutzer eingeleitetInjizierte DateiInjizierte DateienDen Zugriffs-Token auf der Master-Website installieren.IntegritätIntegritätsdaten nicht gefundenUngültige CookiesUngültige Cookies entferntUngültige Master-AnmeldedatenUngültige Antwort von der Slave-WebsiteUngültiger BenutzerUnsichtbares reCAPTCHAProbleme gesamtEs ist nur für Website-Administratoren sichtbarSie könnte nach einem Upgrade auf eine neuere Version von %s zurückbleiben. Ebenfalls könnte sie Teil von entstellter Malware sein. In seltenen Fällen könnte sie Teil eines individuell geschriebenen Plugins oder Themes sein.Anscheinend wurde diese Website noch nie gescannt. Um einen Scan zu beginnen, klicken Sie auf den nachstehenden Button.KB/sekBitte beachten Sie: Sie haben eine Website hinzugefügt, die keine SSL-Verschlüsselung unterstützt. Diese könnte zu Datenverlust fühlen.Protokollierung von angemeldeten Besuchern behalten fürProtokollierung von nicht angemeldeten Besuchern behalten fürDas Verzeichnis der WordPress-Uploads sauber und sicher halten. Injizierte Dateien mit öffentlichem Webzugriff erkennen, melden und bösartige Dateien entfernen.Mehr erfahrenErfahren Sie mehr über alle Vorteile beiGrößteDer letzte gescheiterte Versuch war um %s von der IP %s mit der Benutzeranmeldung: %s.Letzte SperreLetzte Sperre wurde hinzugefügt: %s für IP %sLetzte AnmeldungZuletzt gesehenKomplett-Scan startenQuick Scan startenLegacy-ModusLizenzZugriff nach IP-Adresse einschränkenVersuche EinschränkenAnmeldeversuche limitierenLimit für gleichzeitige BenutzersitzungenGrenze an fehlgeschlagenen reCAPTCHA ist erreichtLimit für Anmeldeversuche ist erreichtLimit erreichtListe ist leerLive-TrafficStandardeinstellung ladenEinträge ladenSecurity Engine ladenStandardeinstellungen des Plugins ladenLokaler BenutzerLokaler Hash nicht gefundenIP Adresse für %s Minuten nach %s fehlgeschlagenen Versuchen innerhalb von %s Minuten sperrenAusgesperrtDie Sperre für %s wurde entferntSperrbenachrichtigungenSperrenMomentane SperrenSperre aufgetretenEinloggenAusloggenAlle REST-API-Anfragen protokollierenAlle XML-RPC-Anfragen protokollierenAuf der Website anmeldenEingeloggtAusgeloggtÜberall abgemeldetAngemeldete BenutzerLogging deaktiviertLoggingmodusAnmelde-SicherheitLogin fehlgeschlagenAnmeldeforumlarAnmeldung von einer anderen IP-AdresseLogin von einem anderen Browser oder GerätAnmeldung aus einem anderen LandAnmeldung aus einem anderen Netzwerk der Klasse CAnmeldeproblemeLänger alsPasswort-Vergessen-FormularNiedrige SchwereHaupteinstellungenHaupteinstellungenMachen Sie Ihren Schutz schlauer!Bösartige AktivitätSchadhafte IP Adresse gefundenSchadhafte Aktivitäten gemildertBösartige Aktivität entdecktSchädlicher Code entdecktSchädlicher Code gefundenSchädliche Anforderung verweigertMalware-ScanEinstellungen verwaltenAls Spam markierenDiese von Feldern maskierenMaster-EinstellungenMaximale KompatibilitätHöchstzahl der zu sendenden WarnmeldungenMaximale SicherheitMittlere SchwereMinimalVerschiedene EinstellungenAggressive Versuche entschärfenHandy-Benachrichtigungen sind nicht konfiguriertHandy-Benachrichtigungen werden an %s gesendetGeändertGeänderte Dateien überwachenNeue Dateien überwachenVerschieben Sie die Spam-Kommentare anschließend in den PapierkorbMehrere fehlerhafte AnfragenMehrere verdächtige AktivitätenMehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten erkanntMehrere Verdächtige AnfragenMeine IPMeine IP-AdresseMeine WebsitesMeine AktivitätenMeine AnfragenMeine Website ist hinter einem Reverse-ProxyNEIN, vielleicht späterNetzwerk:NiemalsNeue benutzerdefinierte Login-URLNeue DateiNeue DateienNeue BenutzerEine neue Version ist verfügbarNeuestesEs wurde noch keine Aktivität protokolliert.Keine Daten zum Erstellen von Berichten. Bitte führen Sie einen vollständigen Scan durch. Nach Abschluss des Scans werden die Berichte erstellt.Kein Gerät gefundenKeine DateierweiterungKeine Datei hochgeladen oder Datei ist beschädigtEs stimmen keine Dateien mit dem eingestellten Filter überein.Leine LimiteKeine Sperrung im Moment. Der Himmel ist klar.Keine EinschränkungenKeine RegelKeine Websites konfiguriert.Nicht authentifiziertNicht existierende NutzerNicht verfügbarNicht angemeldetNicht erlaubt für 1 LandNicht erlaubt für %d LänderNicht spezifiziertNotizenBenachrichtigungslimitBenachrichtigungenBenachrichtige den Admin, wenn die Anzahl von aktiven Aussperrungen größer ist alsAnzahl der aktiven SperrenAnzahl der gleichzeitig erlaubten Benutzer-SitzungenAnzahl an Sperren steigt anOKOK, vernichte sie alleÄltesteNach Aktivierung steht das Protokoll hier zur Verfügung: %sNur registrierte und eingeloggte Nutzer dürfen sich diese Website ansehenNur registrierte und eingeloggte Website-Nutzer können auf die Website zugreifenNur Benutzer von IP-Adressen in der weißen Liste IP Access dürfen sich auf der Website registrierenOptionale WarngrenzenOptionaler Kommentar zu diesem Eintragandere FormulareEigentümerSeite nicht gefundenSeitengenerierungszeitSeitengenerierung ZeitschwelleParse die DateilistePasswort geändertPasswort durch %s geändertAnfrage zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts abgelehntPasswort Zurücksetzung angefordertPfadPerformanceBerechtigung verweigertNur E-Mail-Adressen zulassen, die dem Folgenden entsprechenErlaubt für ein LandErlaubt für %d LänderPersönliche DatenPersönliche PräferenzenTelefonBitte wählen Sie eine andere.Bitte aktivieren Sie Permalinks um dieses Merkmal zu verwenden. Setzen Sie die Permalink-Einstellungen auf etwas anderes als Standard.Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv zum Bezug hochFehler: Datei %s nicht verwendbar.Um Ihre Identität zu verifizieren, verwenden Sie bitte den folgenden Verifizierungs-PIN-Code.Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Sie es sindPlugin-Initialisierungsmodus wurde nicht geändertRichtlinien wurden aktualisiertKommentare veröffentlichenPräfix für Plugin-CookiesPräfix darf nur lateinische alphanumerische Zeichen und Unterstriche enthaltenFür den Scan vorbereitenErkennung des Benutzernamens verhindernErkennung des Benutzernamens über oEmbed verhindernErkennung von Benutzernamen über Benutzer-XML-Sitemaps verhindernDer vor %s gestartete Scan wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Weiter scannen?Proaktive SicherheitsregelnSuche nach angreifbarem CodeVerarbeitung von wp-login.php-AuthentifizierungsanfragenProfilVerbotene ErweiterungenVerbotene BenutzernamenAdmin-Skripte schützenSchützen Sie alle Formulare auf der Website mit der Bot-Erkennungs-EngineSchützen Sie das Kommentarformular mit der Bot-ErkennungSchützen Sie das Registrierungsformular mit Bot-ErkennungWebsite-Einstellungen schützenBenutzerkonten schützenBenutzerrollen schützenGeschützte EinstellungenPush-BenachrichtigungenPushbullet-Zugangs-TokenPushbullet-GerätQuarantäneIn QuarantäneIP Whitelist abfragenQuick ScanQuick-Scan BerichtSchreibgeschützter ModusGrundKürzlich ausgesperrte IP-AdressenWordPress-Dateien wiederherstellenPlugin-Dateien wiederherstellenGerettetWiederherstellen von WordPress-DateienWiederherstellen von Plug-in-DateienAn URL weiterleitenBenutzer nach Login umleitenBenutzer nach Logout umleitenUmleitungsregelnAktualisierenRegistrierenAuf der Website registrierenRegistriertRegistrierungsformularRegistrierungs-BeschränkungRegelmäßige Zeiträume (Tage)EntfernenVon der Liste entfernenMelden Sie ein Problem, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte zutrifftAnfrageAnfrage-IDURL-AbfrageAnfrage an REST API verweigertAnfrage an XML-RPC API verweigertAnfrage an den Google reCAPTCHA Dienst gescheitertWhitelist anfordernAnfrage wp-login.phpProblem lösenWiederherstellenE-Mail-Adressen einschränkenNeue Benutzerregistrierungen durch die folgenden Bedingungen einschränkenZugriff auf die WordPress-REST-API je nach Bedarf ein oder sperren Sie ihn komplettVerwaltung von Rollen und Funktionen mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränkenAktualisieren von Website-Einstellungen mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränkenErstellung von Benutzerkonten und Benutzerverwaltung mit den folgenden Richtlinien einschränkenBei der Anzeige der Protokolle die WHOIS-Informationen der IP-Adresse abrufenZur Website-Liste zurückkehrenRollenupdate verweigertRollenbasiertRollenbasierte Regeln werden konfiguriertAbgesicherter ModusSpeichern $_SERVERAlle Änderungen sichernAlle Regeln speichernSuchanfragen-CookiesAnforderungsfeld speichernRequest-Header speichernAntwort-Cookies speichernAntwort-Header speichernSoftware-Fehler speichernScan ErgebnisberichteSitzungsverzeichnis scannenTemporäre Verzeichnisse des Webservers scannenGescanntScanner BerichtScanner-EinstellungenScanne temporäre Verzeichnisse des Servers nach DateienScanne Sitzungsverzeichnisses nach DateienScanne temporären Upload-Verzeichnisses nach DateienScanne Website-Verzeichnissen nach DateienPlanungNach IP-Adresse suchenSuche nach IP oder NutzernamenIn URL suchenErgebnisse suchen für:Such-StringSuche nach schädlichem CodeGeheimer Zugriffs-TokenGeheimes Zugriffstoken ist ungültigSecret keySicherheitsregelnSicherheits-ScannerSicherheitsregeln wurden aktualisiertWählen Sie eine bestehende Gruppe aus oder tragen Sie eine neue ein, um sie hinzuzufügenDatei zum Importieren auswählen.Eine oder mehrere Rollen auswählenE-Mail-Bericht sendenBösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab sendenSende eine Benachrichtigung an die Emailadresse des AdminsBerichte senden anServerServer LandDie Sitzung wurde beendetSitzungen wurden beendetSitzungenEinstellungsupdate verweigertEinstellungenEinstellungen erfolgreich importiert vonEinstellungen gespeichertEinstellungen aktualisiertAdmin-Menü verschiebenDas WP Cerber Admin-Menü beim Navigieren durch die WP Cerber Admin-Seiten nach oben verschieben"Eingeschaltet"-Benachrichtigung anzeigenIP-WHOIS-Daten anzeigenHomepage in der Spalte Website anzeigenIntegrität der SeiteWebsite-EinstellungenVerbindung zur WebsiteSite keyDurchsetzung der Website-PolicySite-spezifische EinstellungenGrößeDateien mit diesen Erweiterungen überspringenSlave-EinstellungenKleinsteSmartEs sind einige Fehler aufgetretenEntschuldigung, der Menschlichkeitsnachweis ist fehlgeschlagen. Leider ist das Zurücksetzen des Passworts dieses Benutzers nicht erlaubt.Belegter SpeicherplatzSpam Kommentar verweigertSpam Kommentare verweigertSpam in Formular geblocktSpam Formular-Übermittlungen verweigert Spamschutz für Registrierungs-, Kommentar- und andere Formulare auf der Website Geben Sie die REST API Namespaces an, die zugelassen werden sollen, falls die REST API deaktiviert ist. Ein String pro Zeile.Geben Sie URL-Pfade an, um Anfragen von der Protokollierung auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile.Geben Sie Benutzer-Agenten an, um Anfragen von der Protokollierung auszuschließen. Ein Element pro Zeile.Individuelle PHP-Codesignaturen spezifizieren. Ein Element pro Zeile. Um ein REGEX-Pattern zu spezifizieren, schließen Sie eine ganze Zeile mit zwei Klammern ein.Geben Sie von der Überprüfung auszuschließenden Verzeichnisse an. Ein Verzeichnis pro Zeile.E-Mail-Adressen-, Wildcards- oder REGEX-Muster angeben. Elementen durch Kommas trennen.Spezifizieren Sie die zu suchenden Dateierweiterungen. Nur Komplettscan. Elemente mit Kommas trennen.Standard-ModusKomplettscan startenQuick-Scan startenBeginnen Sie hier mit der Eingabe, um ein Land zu findenGestartetScan unterbrechenBenutzererfassung stoppenFormulare absendenVerdächtiger JavaScript-Code entdecktVerdächtiger SQL-Code entdecktVerdächtige AktivitätVerdächtiger Code gefundenVerdächtige Codeanweisungen gefundenVerdächtige Codesignaturen gefundenVerdächtige Verzeichnisse gefundenVerdächtige Anzahl an FeldernVerdächtige Anzahl an verschachtelten WertenVerdächtige AnfragenWechseln zuAuf das Dashboard wechselnBeendenSitzung beendenDie älteste Benutzersitzung bei einer Neuanmeldung beendenBenutzersitzungen beendenDie IP-Adresse, die Sie hinzufügen möchten, ist bereits in der Liste enthaltenDas WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin wurde deaktiviertDas WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin ist nun aktivDie Warnung wurde erstelltDie Warnung wurde gelöschtDer Code ist für %s Minuten gültig.Die Inhalte der Datei wurden geändert und stimmen nicht mit den Inhalten des offiziellen WordPress-Repositoriums oder einer vorher von Ihnen hochgeladenen Referenz-Datei überein. Die Datei könnte von Malware verändert, von einem Virus infiziert oder manipuliert worden sein.Die Datei wurde dauerhaft gelöscht.Die Datei wurde an ihrem ursprünglichen Speicherort wiederhergestellt.Der Vollzugriffmodus erfordert die PRO-Version von WP CerberDie Liste ist leer.Der Scanner scannt die Website, entfernt Malware und sendet E-Mail-Berichte mit Ergebnissen des Scans automatischAnhand der vom Entwickler von %s bereitgestellten Integritätsdaten (Prüfsummen) identifiziert der Scanner diese Datei als fehlend.Der Scanner überwacht Dateiänderungen, prüft die Integrität von WordPress, Plugins und Themes und erkennt MalwareDer Scanner erkennt diese Datei als "besitzerlos" oder "nicht gebundelt" an, weil sie zu keinem bekannten Teil der Website gehört und nicht da sein sollte.Der Zeitplan wurde aktualisiertDer Token ist einzigartig für diese Website. Halten Sie ihn geheim. Installieren Sie den Token auf einer Master-Website, um Zugriff auf die Website zu gewähren.Die Website wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügtDie Website, die Sie hinzufügen möchten, ist bereits auf der ListeEs befinden sich aktuell keine Dateien in der Quarantäne.Diese Funktionen sind in der professionellen Version von WP Cerber verfügbarDiese Funktionen helfen Ihrem Unternehmen, die Datenschutzgesetze einzuhaltenDiese Dateien wurden der Ignore-List hinzugefügtDiese Dateien wurden in die Quarantäne verschobenDiese Dateien werden bei der automatischen Bereinigung nie gelöscht.Diese Richtlinien werden am Ende eines jeden Scans auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse automatisch durchgesetzt. Sämtliche betroffenen Dateien werden in die Quarantäne verschoben.Diese Einschränkungen gelten nicht für IP-Adressen auf der White IP ZugriffslisteMit diesen Einstellungen können Sie das Verhalten der Anti-Spam-Algorithmen feinabstimmen und Fehlalarme vermeidenDiese Datei enthält ausführbaren Code und könnte entstellte Malware enthalten. Falls diese Datei Teil eines Themes oder Plugins ist, muss sie sich im Theme- oder Plugin-Ordner befinden. Keine Ausnahmen, keine Ausreden.Diese Datei fehlt. Sie wurde gelöscht oder wurde nicht installiert.Diese Nachricht wurde gesendet vonDieser Scan-Bericht wurde von der früheren Version von WP Cerber erstellt. Bitte führen Sie einen neuen Scan durch, um einheitliche und genaue Ergebnisse zu erhalten.Dieser Dateityp wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte laden Sie ein ZIP-Archiv hoch.Dieser Bestätigungs-PIN-Code ist abgelaufen. Wir haben soeben einen neuen an Ihre E-Mail gesendet.Diese Website kann von einer Master-Website verwaltet werdenDiese Website ist als Master-Website eingestellt.Diese Website ist als Slave-Website eingestellt.SchwelleUm Fehlalarme zu vermeiden und eine bessere Anti-Spam-Leistung zu erhalten, löschen Sie bitte den Plugin-Cache.Um die Einstellungen für die Berichte zu ändern besuchen SieZum Löschen des Alarms hier klicken.Um WP Cerber optimal zu nutzen, folgen Sie diesen Schritten:Um fortzufahren, wählen Sie bitte den Modus für diese Website ausUm den Token aufzuheben und die Fernverwaltung zu deaktivieren, klicken Sie hier:Um dieses Problem zu lösen, müssen Sie %s neu installieren oder auf die aktuellste Version aktualisieren.Um einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren umschliessen Sie diesen mit zwei Vorwärts-SchrägstrichenUm ein REGEX-Pattern zu spezifizieren, schließen Sie eine ganze Zeile in zwei Klammern ein.Um den gesamten Bericht einzusehen, besuchen SieWerkzeugeTop 10 größte DateienTrafficTrafficeinblickeTraffic-ÜberprüfungTraffic InspektorTraffic Inspector ist eine kontextabhängige Web Application Firewall (WAF), die Ihre Website schützt, indem sie bösartige HTTP-Anfragen erkennt und abweistTraffic LoggingSpam-Kommentar in den Papierkorb legenErneut versuchenZwei-Faktor-AuthentifizierungZwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung E-MailZwei-Faktor-AuthentifizierungKonnte Integrität aufgrund eines DB-Fehlers nicht überprüfenKonnte die Integrität von WordPress aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfenKonnte die Integrität des Plugins aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfenKonnte die Integrität des Themes aufgrund eines Netzwerkfehlers nicht überprüfenKonnte Datei nicht kopierenKann Verzeichnis nicht erstellenLöschen nicht möglichKonnte Datei nicht löschenKonnte Datei nicht öffnenKonnte Datei nicht verarbeitenE-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden anZeitplan konnte nicht aktualisiert werdenUnbeaufsichtigte DateienUnbeaufsichtigte verdächtige DateiUnbekanntUnbekannter Google BotUnbekanntes LabelUnerwünschte ErweiterungenUnerwünschte DateierweiterungUnerwünschte DateierweiterungenUpdatesWP Cerber upgradenAlle aktiven Plugins upgradenDatei hochladen404-Template des aktiven Themes nutzenISO 8601-Datumsformat für CSV-Exportdateien verwendenREST API benutzenWhite IP Zugriffsliste verwendenXML-RPC benutzenAbsolute Pfade verwenden. Ein Element pro ZeileSeparate Elemente mit Komma trennenUse comma to separate multiple extensionsMit Komma mehrere Werte trennenEigene URL für das WordPress-Kommentarformular verwendenVerwende LogdateiGlobale Richtlinien verwendenWeniger restriktive Richtlinien verwenden (AJAX zulassen)Für IP-Adressen in der weißen IP-Zugangsliste weniger restriktive Sicherheitsfilter verwendenMaster-Website verwendenBenutzerBenutzeraktivitätUser AgentBenutzer-IDNutzereinblickeNutzer-NachrichtBenutzerrichtlinienNutzer aktiviertBenutzer Anwendungspasswort erstelltPasswort Benutzeranwendung durch %s erstelltPasswort Benutzeranwendung gelöschtPasswort Benutzeranwendung durch %s gelöschtPasswort der Benutzeranwendung aktualisiertVon Administrator gesperrter BenutzerBenutzer erstelltAnwender durch %s erstelltBenutzererstellung verweigertBenutzer gelöschtAnwender durch %s gelöschtNutzer darf sich nicht auf der Website einloggenBenutzer-AnmeldungNachricht an BenutzerUpdate der Benutzer-Metadaten verweigertBenutzer registriertBenutzerregistrierungBenutzerregistrierungen sind auf folgende Rollen beschränktUpdate der Benutzerzeile verweigertAblaufzeit der BenutzersitzungBenutzersitzung beendetBenutzersitzung durch %s beendetBenutzernameBenutzername ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte einen anderen wählen.Benutzername ist untersagtBenutzername wird bereits verwendetBenutzernamen von dieser Liste dürfen sich nicht anmelden oder registrieren. Jede IP-Adresse, die versucht hat einen dieser Nutzernamen zu verwenden, wird sofort blockiert. Mit Komma Namen trennen.BenutzerBenutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, neue Rollen hinzuzufügenBenutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, geschützte Einstellungen zu ändernBenutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, Rollenfunktionen zu ändernBenutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, sensible Benutzerdaten zu ändernBenutzer mit diesen Rollen sind berechtigt, neue Konten zu erstellenBenutzeraktivitätVerifiziertBestätigenBestätigen Sie, dass Sie es sindVerifiziere die Integrität von WordPressVerifiziere die Integrität der PluginsVerifiziere die Integrität der ThemesAktivitäten anzeigenZeige Aktivität für diese IPZeige alleAlle REST-API-Anfragen anzeigenBot-Ereignisse anzeigenAbgelehnte REST-API-Anfragen anzeigenreCAPTCHA-Ereignisse anzeigenVerwundbarkeitenVerwundbarkeit gefundenWP Cerber Sicherheit, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber ist nun aktiv und schützt ihre WebsiteWP Cerber benachrichtigenWP Cerber benötigt PHP Version %s oder höher.WP Cerber benötigt Wordpress Version %s oder höher.Wollen Sie WP Cerber noch stärker machen?Wir haben keine zu verifizierenden Integritätsdaten gefundenUm weiterzukommen, brauchen wir Ihre UnterstützungEs tut uns leid, aber Sie dürfen nicht fortfahrenWir haben einen Bestätigungs-PIN-Code an Ihre E-Mail gesendetWebsiteWebsite-EigentümerWebsite-EigenschaftenWebsite URLWebsite wurde gelöschtPlural: %s Websites wurden gelöschtWöchentlicher BerichtWöchentlicher BerichtDer wöchentliche Bericht ist eine Zusammenfassung aller Aktivitäten und verdächtigen Ereignisse der letzten sieben TageWöchentliche BerichteWas wollen Sie exportieren?Was wollen Sie importieren?Wenn das Limit für gleichzeitige Benutzersitzungen erreicht istWenn Sie auf den Button klicken, bekommen Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei, die Sie auf einer anderen Website hochladen können.Wenn Sie auf den Button klicken, wird die Datei hochgeladen und alle vorhandenen Einstellungen werden überschrieben.Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten klicken, werden die Standardeinstellungen von WP Cerber geladen. Die angepasste Anmelde-URL und die Zugriffslisten werden nicht geändert.Weiße Liste (erlaubten IPs)WooCommerce LoginWooCommerce LogoutWordPressWordPress Uploads AnalyseSchreibe fehlgeschlagene Anmeldungen in die Datei.DuSie sind hier:Sie dürfen sich nicht einloggenSie sind nicht berechtigt, sich anzumelden. Fragen Sie Ihren Administrator nach Unterstützung.Registrierung nicht erlaubt.Sie können Ihre IP-Adresse oder Ihr Netzwerk nicht hinzufügen.Sie haben noch %d Anmeldeversuch übrig.Sie haben noch %d Anmeldeversuche übrig.Sie haben die Standard-Anmeldeseite deaktiviert. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine alternative Anmeldeseite konfiguriert haben. Andernfalls können Sie sich nicht anmelden.Sie haben einen falschen Bestätigungs-PIN-Code eingegebenSie haben die Anzahl erlaubter Login-Versuche überschritten. Bitte versuchen Sie es in %d Minuten erneut.Sie haben nur noch einen Anmeldeversuch.Sie sind auf die Master-Website gewechseltSie sind gewechselt auf %sSie müssen ein ZIP-Archiv hochladen, von dem Sie es installiert haben. So kann der Sicherheitsscanner die Integrität des Codes verifizieren und Malware erkennen.Sie oder eine andere Person versuchen, sich bei der Website anzumelden. Wir müssen überprüfen, ob Sie es sind. Wenn dies nicht Sie waren, setzen sie bitte sofort Ihr Passwort zurück, um Ihr Konto zu schützen.Ihre IPIhre IP-Adresse %s wurde in die weiße Liste IP Access aufgenommenIhre letzte Anmeldung war am %s von %s ausIhre Lizenz ist gültig bisIhre Anmeldeseite:Ihre Anfrage sieht einer automatisierten Anfrage einer Spam-Software verdächtig ähnlich, oder sie wurde durch eine vom Website-Administrator konfigurierte Sicherheitsrichtlinie abgelehnt.aktivnach RegistrierungsdatumTagedeaktiviertdeaktiviertaktiviertEintragEinträgeLäuft abFehlversuchehttps://wpcerber.comwenn leer, dann wird das Standard Format %s verwendetwenn leer, werden die E-Mail-Adressen aus den Benachrichtigungs-Einstellungen verwendetwenn leer, wird die E-Mail des Website-Administrators %s verwendetin 24 StundenSperrenMillisekundenMinutenMinuten (leer lassen, um den Standardwert von WordPress zu nutzen)keine Verbindungnicht aktivBenachrichtigungen sind pro Stunde erlaubt (0 bedeutet unbegrenzt)Anzahl Loginseinmal täglich umes sind nur Ziffern erlaubtoderreCAPTCHA-EinstellungenreCAPTCHA-Einstellungen sind falschreCAPTCHA-Bestätigung gescheitertreCAPTCHA verifiziertunbekanntnicht spezifiziertBenutzerBenutzerZeige alleblockiert von %s um %sLetzer Malware-Scanin %sumHochNiedrigMittelAusgewählte Länder dürfen nicht %s, anderen Ländern ist es erlaubtAusgewählte Länder dürfen %s, anderen Ländern ist es nicht erlaubtlanguages/wp-cerber-lt_LT.po000064400000244517147577531750012016 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: lt\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" #: ../settings.php:498 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Riboti prisijungimo bandymus" #: ../settings.php:499 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Bandymai" #: ../settings.php:505 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Blokavimo trukmė" #: ../settings.php:510 ../settings.php:606 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutės" #: ../settings.php:513 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Agresyvus blokavimas" #: ../settings.php:532 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Svetainės prijungimas" #: ../settings.php:540 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktyvios saugumo taisyklės" #: ../settings.php:541 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blokuoti antrinį tinklą" #: ../settings.php:559 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Užklausa wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:563 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Iškart užblokuoti IP po kiekvieno bandymo prisijungti prie wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:575 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Tinkintas prisijungimo puslapis" #: ../settings.php:576 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Tinkintas prisijungimo URL" #: ../settings.php:584 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "neturi sutapti su esamais puslapiais ar pranešimų įrašais" #: ../settings.php:586 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Išjungti wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Užblokuoti tiesioginę prieigą prie wp-login.php ir grąžinkite HTTP 404 nerasta klaidą" #: ../dashboard.php:1534 ../settings.php:594 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadelės rėžimas" #: ../settings.php:595 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Slenkstis" #: ../settings.php:601 ../cerber-scanner.php:3669 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trukmė" #: ../dashboard.php:4167 ../cerber-load.php:4559 ../settings.php:526 ../settings. #: php:609 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Pranešimai" #: ../settings.php:614 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Siųsti pranešimą administratoriui el. Paštu" #: ../dashboard.php:4164 ../cerber-load.php:4556 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber- #: tools.php:47 ../cerber-tools.php:134 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Prieigos sąrašai" #: ../dashboard.php:1568 ../dashboard.php:2134 ../dashboard.php:4161 ../cerber- #: load.php:4258 ../settings.php:622 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Veikla" #: ../dashboard.php:4162 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Blokavimai" #: ../settings.php:1347 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s leidžiama bandymai %s minučių" #: ../settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Įgalinti po %s nesėkmingų prisijungimo bandymų per paskutinias %s minutes" #: ../dashboard.php:188 ../dashboard.php:1000 ../dashboard.php:3653 ../cerber- #: load.php:4267 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:779 ../dashboard.php:1003 ../dashboard.php:3276 ../dashboard. #: php:3651 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: ../dashboard.php:782 ../dashboard.php:1005 ../dashboard.php:3656 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Vietinis vartotojas" #: ../dashboard.php:785 ../dashboard.php:1006 ../cerber-load.php:4275 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Naudotojo vardas" #: ../dashboard.php:209 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Rodomi paskutiniai %d įrašai iš %d" #: ../common.php:1151 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Prisijungęs" #: ../common.php:1152 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Atsijungęs" #: ../common.php:1153 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Prisijungimas nepavyko" #: ../common.php:1156 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP užblokuotas" #: ../common.php:1157 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Potinklis užblokuotas" #: ../common.php:1159 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadelė aktyvuota" #: ../dashboard.php:978 ../dashboard.php:1199 ../dashboard.php:3450 ../common.php: #: 1207 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Užrakinta" #: ../common.php:1209 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP juodasis sąrašas" #: ../common.php:1174 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Slaptažodis pakeistas" #: ../dashboard.php:181 ../dashboard.php:267 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Pašalinti" #: ../dashboard.php:551 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Pašalinti %s blokavimą" #: ../dashboard.php:239 ../dashboard.php:970 ../dashboard.php:1193 ../dashboard. #: php:1532 ../dashboard.php:3445 ../cerber-load.php:4544 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Baltas IP prieigos sąrašas" #: ../dashboard.php:241 ../dashboard.php:973 ../dashboard.php:1196 ../dashboard. #: php:1533 ../dashboard.php:3446 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Juodas IP prieigos sąrašas" #: ../dashboard.php:273 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Sąrašas tusčias" #: ../dashboard.php:306 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adresas \"%s\" buvo pridėtas prie \"Balto IP prieigos sąrašo\"" #: ../dashboard.php:328 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adresas \"%s\" buvo pridėtas prie \"Juodo IP prieigos sąrašo\"" #: ../cerber-load.php:3565 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadelės režimas aktyvuojamas po %d nepavykusių prisijungimo bandymų %d minutėmis." #: ../dashboard.php:2297 ../dashboard.php:2724 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Peržiūrėti aktyvumą" #: ../dashboard.php:4222 ../dashboard.php:4254 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:46 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nustatymai" #: ../dashboard.php:1395 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Paskutinis prisijungimas" #: ../dashboard.php:1428 ../dashboard.php:1515 ../common.php:1403 ../nexus/cerber- #: slave-list.php:297 msgid "Never" msgstr "Niekada" #: ../dashboard.php:2180 ../cerber-tools.php:624 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 230 ../cerber-scanner.php:5398 ../cerber-scanner.php:5542 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Ar Jūs tuo tikras?" #: ../dashboard.php:1933 ../settings.php:537 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Mano svetainė yra už atvirkštinio proxy" #: ../settings.php:1175 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Padarykite savo apsaugą protingesne!" #: ../settings.php:1179 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Prašome,įjunkite Pastovias nuorodas,kad pasinaudotumėte šia funkcija. Nustatykite parametrui Pastovi nuoroda kitokią reikšmę,negu Numatytoji. " #: ../dashboard.php:4163 ../cerber-load.php:4554 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Pagrindiniai nustatymai" #: ../dashboard.php:4386 msgid "Help" msgstr "Pagalba" #: ../settings.php:1357 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Padidinti blokavimo trukmę iki %s valandų po %s blokų per paskutines %s valandas" #: ../cerber-load.php:392 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Jums neleidžiama prisijungti. Paprašykite savo administratoriaus pagalbos." #: ../cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Jums liko tik vienas bandymas" msgstr[1] "Jums liko dar %d bandymai." msgstr[2] "Jums liko dar %d bandymų" #: ../dashboard.php:1032 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Jokia veikla nebuvo užregistruota." #: ../dashboard.php:191 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Baigiasi" #: ../dashboard.php:215 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Šiuo metu nėra blokavimų. Dangus yra aiškus." #: ../dashboard.php:239 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Šie IP adresai niekada nebus užblokuoti" #: ../dashboard.php:248 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Jūsų IP adresas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3566 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Paskutinis nepavykęs bandymas buvo %s iš IP %s su vartotojo vardu: %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4522 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Jūsų IP adresas pridedamas prie" #: ../settings.php:1364 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Pranešti administratoriui, jei aktyvių blokavimų skaičius yra didesnis" #: ../settings.php:230 ../settings.php:628 ../settings.php:965 ../settings.php:1036 msgid "days" msgstr "dienos" #: ../dashboard.php:1485 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerberio greita peržiūra" #: ../dashboard.php:211 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Užuomina" #: ../dashboard.php:211 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Norėdami peržiūrėti veiklą, spustelėkite ant IP" #: ../settings.php:545 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Visada blokuoti visą potinklio C klasę įsibrovėlių IP adrese" #: ../settings.php:619 ../settings.php:1370 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Spustelėkite, jei norite nusiųsti testą" #: ../settings.php:1591 ../settings.php:1592 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Dėmesio! Jūs pakeitėte prisijungimo URL! Naujas prisijungimo URL yra" #: ../dashboard.php:1394 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentarai" #: ../common.php:1593 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Atnaujinkite \"WP Cerber\" versiją %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3567 ../cerber-load.php:4299 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Peržiūrėkite veiklą informacijos suvestinėje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3596 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Aktyvių blokavimų skaičius" #: ../cerber-load.php:3600 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Peržiūrėkite blokavimo įrankius skydelyje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3688 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ši žinutė buvo išsiųsta" #: ../dashboard.php:76 ../dashboard.php:4286 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Įrankiai" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Eksportuoti nustatymus į failą" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Kai spustelėsite žemiau esantį mygtuką, gausite konfigūracijos failą, kurį galite įkelti į kitą svetainę." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Ką norite eksportuoti?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Atsisiųsti failą" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importuoti nustatymus iš failo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Kai spustelėsite žemiau esantį mygtuką, failas bus įkeltas ir visi esami nustatymai bus panaikinti." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Pasirinkite failą, kurį norite importuoti." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 ../cerber-scanner.php:3884 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maksimalus įkeliamo failo dydis: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:46 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Ką norite importuoti?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 ../cerber-scanner.php:3887 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Įkelti failą" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Failas nebuvo įkeltas arba failas sugadintas" #: ../cerber-tools.php:134 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Klaida atnaujinant" #: ../cerber-tools.php:140 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Nustatymai sėkmingai importuoti iš" #: ../cerber-tools.php:147 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Klaida analizuojant failą" #: ../dashboard.php:189 ../dashboard.php:1001 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Hosto pavadinimas" #: ../dashboard.php:488 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nežinomas" #: ../settings.php:623 ../settings.php:961 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Saugoti įrašus dėl" #: ../dashboard.php:1519 ../dashboard.php:1541 msgid "active" msgstr "aktyvus" #: ../dashboard.php:1519 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "neaktyvuotas" #: ../dashboard.php:1521 msgid "not active" msgstr "neaktyvus" #: ../dashboard.php:1522 ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "disabled" msgstr "išjungta" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "nesėkmingi bandymai" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "per 24 valandas" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "view all" msgstr "žiūrėti visus" #: ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "blokavimai" #: ../dashboard.php:1530 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Blokavimai šiuo metu" #: ../dashboard.php:1531 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Paskutinis blokavimas" #: ../dashboard.php:1532 ../dashboard.php:1533 ../dashboard.php:2468 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "įrašas" msgstr[1] "įrašus" msgstr[2] "įrašus" #: ../dashboard.php:2175 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Sumišęs dėl kai kurių nustatymų?" #: ../dashboard.php:2176 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Galite lengvai įkelti numatytuosius rekomenduojamus parametrus naudodami žemiau esantį mygtuką" #: ../dashboard.php:2178 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Įkelti numatytuosius nustatymus" #: ../dashboard.php:2186 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "nekeičia tinkinto prisijungimo URL ir prieigos sąrašų" #: ../common.php:1586 ../settings.php:805 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Yra nauja versija" #: ../cerber-load.php:3539 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Praneša WP Cerberis" #: ../cerber-load.php:3563 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadelės režimas aktyvuojamas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3635 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Naujas tinkintas prisijungimo URL" #: ../cerber-load.php:4509 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber reikia PHP %s versijos arba didesnės. Jūs dirbate" #: ../cerber-load.php:4513 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber reikia PHP %s versijos arba didesnės. Jūs dirbate" #: ../settings.php:654 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Naudoti failą" #: ../settings.php:658 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Įrašyti nesėkmingus prisijungimo bandymus į failą" #: ../dashboard.php:2296 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktyvuoti" #: ../dashboard.php:192 ../cerber-load.php:3598 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Priežastis" #: ../dashboard.php:280 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Įkelti IP į sąrašą" #: ../dashboard.php:1261 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Pridėti IP į juodąjį sąrašą" #: ../common.php:1246 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Bandymas pasiekti" #: ../common.php:1245 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Pasiektas bandymų prisijungti limitas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3597 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Buvo pridėtas paskutinis blokavimas: %s iš IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:4165 ../cerber-load.php:4558 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Užgrūdinimas" #: ../dashboard.php:1236 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Piktnaudžiavimas el. Paštu" #: ../settings.php:793 ../settings.php:833 ../settings.php:1098 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Emailo adresas" #: ../settings.php:801 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "jei tuščias, bus naudojamas administratoriaus emailas %s" #: ../settings.php:662 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Išskleisti IP" #: ../settings.php:666 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Gauti papildomą WHOIS informaciją IP adresams" #: ../settings.php:686 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "WordPress sustiprinimas" #: ../settings.php:687 ../settings.php:731 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Sustabdyti vartotojų skaičiavimą" #: ../settings.php:714 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Išjungti XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:719 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Blokuoti prieigą prie XML-RPC serverio (įskaitant \"Pingbacks\" ir \"Trackbacks\")" #: ../settings.php:721 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Išjungti kanalus" #: ../settings.php:726 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blokuoti prieigą prie RSS, Atom ir RDF kanalų" #: ../settings.php:739 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Išjungti REST API" #: ../settings.php:1679 ../settings.php:1691 ../settings.php:1814 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr " KLAIDA : įveskite galiojantį el. pašto adresą." #: ../cerber-load.php:3628 ../cerber-load.php:4543 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber yra aktyvus ir pradėjo saugoti jūsų svetainę" #: ../dashboard.php:193 ../cerber-scanner.php:5424 ../cerber-scanner.php:5558 msgid "Action" msgstr "Veiksmas" #: ../dashboard.php:241 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Niekas negali prisijungti arba užsiregistruoti iš šių IP adresų" #: ../dashboard.php:298 ../dashboard.php:315 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Netinkamas IP adresas arba IP diapazonas" #: ../dashboard.php:2312 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:450 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Nustatymai išsaugoti" #: ../dashboard.php:1241 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Tinklas:" #: ../dashboard.php:1256 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Pridėkite tinklą prie juodojo sąrašo" #: ../dashboard.php:2295 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Dėmesio! Citadelės režimas dabar aktyvus. Niekas negali prisijungti." #: ../dashboard.php:415 ../dashboard.php:3374 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1263 ../common.php:1681 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:283 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nežinomas" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregory" #: ../common.php:311 ../common.php:383 ../common.php:388 ../common.php:394 .. #: /common.php:399 ../cerber-load.php:700 ../cerber-load.php:712 ../cerber-load. #: php:719 ../cerber-load.php:1033 ../cerber-load.php:1302 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1308 ../cerber-load.php:1313 ../cerber-load.php:1318 ../cerber-load.php:1324 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1331 ../cerber-load.php:1433 ../cerber-load.php:1570 .. #: /settings.php:1570 ../settings.php:1655 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:222 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:233 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "KLAIDA:" #: ../cerber-load.php:729 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Žmogaus patikra nepavyko. Spustelėkite kvadratinį laukelį reCAPTCHA blokelyje žemiau." #: ../cerber-load.php:1045 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr " ERROR : slaptažodis, kurį įvedėte naudotojo vardui %s, yra neteisingas." #: ../cerber-load.php:1319 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Toks vartotojo vardas neleidžiamas. Pasirinkite kitą." #: ../cerber-load.php:3591 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "Nenustatytas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3594 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Blokavimų skaičius didėja" #: ../cerber-load.php:3599 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Peržiūrėti šio IP veiklą" #: ../cerber-load.php:3603 ../cerber-load.php:3605 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Įdiegta nauja\"WP Cerber\" versija" #: ../cerber-load.php:3604 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Sveiki" #: ../cerber-load.php:3607 ../cerber-load.php:3618 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 45 msgid "Website" msgstr "Svetainė" #: ../cerber-load.php:3610 ../cerber-load.php:3611 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "\"WP Cerber\" saugos įskiepis buvo išjungtas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3613 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Neprisijungęs" #: ../cerber-load.php:3619 msgid "By user" msgstr "Iš vartotojo" #: ../cerber-load.php:3620 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Iš IP adreso" #: ../cerber-load.php:3623 msgid "From country" msgstr "Šalis" #: ../cerber-load.php:3627 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "\"WP Cerber\" saugos įskiepis dabar aktyvus" #: ../cerber-load.php:4544 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Jūsų IP adresas pridedamas prie" #: ../cerber-load.php:4560 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importo nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:804 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Pranešimų riba" #: ../settings.php:804 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "Leidžiamos siųsti žinutės per valandą (0 reiškia neribotą)" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Su vartotojais susiję nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Draudžiami naudotojo vardai" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Šio sąrašo naudotojų vardai neleidžiami prisijungti arba registruotis. Bet koks IP adresas, bandęs naudoti bet kurį iš šių naudotojo vardų, bus nedelsiant užblokuotas. Jei norite atskirti prisijungimus, naudokite kablelį." #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Vartotojo sesija baigiasi" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "per kelias minutes (palikite tuščią, jei norite naudoti numatytąją WP vertę)" #: ../settings.php:237 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:240 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Svetainės raktas" #: ../settings.php:244 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Slaptas raktas" #: ../settings.php:254 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA \"WordPress\" registracijos formai" #: ../settings.php:263 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Pamiršau slaptažodį" #: ../settings.php:273 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Prisijungimo forma" #: ../settings.php:274 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA \"WordPress\" prisijungimo formai" #: ../settings.php:1193 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Prieš pradėdami naudoti \"reCAPTCHA\", \"Google\" svetainėje turite gauti svetainės raktą ir slaptą raktą" #: ../cerber-lab.php:779 ../settings.php:1194 ../settings.php:1197 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Sužinoti daugiau" #: ../dashboard.php:4166 msgid "Users" msgstr "Vartotojai" #: ../common.php:1149 msgid "User created" msgstr "Vartotojas sukurtas" #: ../dashboard.php:2126 ../common.php:1150 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Vartotojas užregistruotas" #: ../common.php:1177 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "\"reCAPTCHA\" patvirtinimas nepavyko" #: ../common.php:1178 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA nustatymai yra neteisingi" #: ../common.php:1181 ../common.php:1267 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Bandymas pasiekti draudžiamą URL" #: ../common.php:1183 ../common.php:1248 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Bandymas prisijungti su uždraustu vartotojo vardu" #: ../settings.php:639 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "\"Cerber Lab\" ryšys" #: ../settings.php:643 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Siųskite kenkėjiškus IP adresus į \"Cerber Lab\"" #: ../settings.php:645 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab protokolas" #: ../settings.php:185 ../settings.php:253 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registracijos forma" #: ../settings.php:259 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA WooCommerce registracijos formoje" #: ../settings.php:264 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA dėl WordPress prarasto slaptažodžio formos" #: ../settings.php:269 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA dėl WooCommerce prarasto slaptažodžio formos" #: ../settings.php:279 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Įgalinti reCAPTCHA prisijungimo formą WooCommerce" #: ../common.php:1179 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Nepavyko užklausti \"Google\" reCAPTCHA paslaugos" #: ../dashboard.php:2118 ../dashboard.php:2148 msgid "View all" msgstr "Žiūrėti visus" #: ../dashboard.php:2151 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Neseniai užblokuoti IP adresai" #: ../cerber-lab.php:777 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "Gerai, sulaikyti juos visus" #: ../cerber-lab.php:778 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NE,galbūt vėliau" #: ../dashboard.php:55 ../dashboard.php:1567 ../dashboard.php:2486 ../dashboard. #: php:4160 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Prietaisų skydelis" #: ../cerber-lab.php:775 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Norite padaryti WP Cerber dar galingesnę?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:776 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Leiskite WP Cerber siųsti užrakintus kenkėjiškus IP adresus į „Cerber Lab“. Tai padeda įskiepių komandai sukurti naujus WP Cerber algoritmus, kurie gins WordPress nuo naujų grėsmių ir botnetų, kurie pasirodo kasdien. Galite bet kuriuo metu išjungti įskiepių nustatymus." #: ../dashboard.php:778 ../dashboard.php:3275 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP adresas" #: ../dashboard.php:783 msgid "User login" msgstr "Vartotojo prisijungimas" #: ../dashboard.php:784 ../dashboard.php:3281 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Vartotojo ID" #: ../dashboard.php:1028 ../dashboard.php:3715 msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksportas" #: ../dashboard.php:1050 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Ieškoti IP ar vartotojo vardo" #: ../dashboard.php:1051 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtras" #: ../dashboard.php:55 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber prietaisų skydelis" #: ../dashboard.php:76 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerbero įrankiai" #: ../dashboard.php:2383 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Prenumeruoti" #: ../dashboard.php:2384 ../cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Atsisakyti prenumeratos" #: ../dashboard.php:2412 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Jūs užsiprenumeravote" #: ../dashboard.php:2416 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Jūs atsisakėte prenumeratos" #: ../cerber-load.php:3639 ../cerber-load.php:3640 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Įregistruota nauja veikla" #: ../cerber-load.php:4271 msgid "User" msgstr "Vartotojas" #: ../cerber-load.php:4279 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Paieškos eilutė" #: ../cerber-load.php:4300 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Norėdami atsisakyti prenumeratos, spustelėkite čia" #: ../settings.php:661 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:668 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datos formatas" #: ../settings.php:673 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "jei tuščias, bus naudojamas numatytasis formatas %s" #: ../settings.php:810 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push pranešimai" #: ../settings.php:790 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "El. Pašto pranešimai" #: ../settings.php:797 ../settings.php:838 ../settings.php:924 ../settings.php:1102 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Naudokite kablelį, norėdami įvesti keletą reikšmių" #: ../settings.php:818 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Visi prijungti įrenginiai" #: ../settings.php:821 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Nerasta jokių įrenginių" #: ../settings.php:825 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Nepasiekiamas" #: ../common.php:1175 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Prašomas slaptažodžio nustatymas iš naujo" #: ../common.php:1249 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Pasiektas nepavykusių patikrinimų su reCAPTCHA limitas" #: ../common.php:1398 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s prieš" #: ../settings.php:524 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Baltųjų IP prieigos sąraše įveskite prisijungimo prie interneto apribojimus IP adresams" #: ../settings.php:565 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Rodyti 404 puslapį" #: ../settings.php:248 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Nematoma reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Įgalinti nematomą reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(neįjunkite,kol negausite ir neįvesite nematomos versijos kodų Svetainei ir slaptų raktų“)" #: ../settings.php:284 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Įgalinti \"reCAPTCHA\" \"WordPress\" komentarų formai" #: ../settings.php:289 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Išjungti reCAPTCHA prisijungusiems vartotojams" #: ../settings.php:293 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Riboti bandymus" #: ../settings.php:294 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "IP adreso blokavimas %s minutėms po %s nepavykusių bandymų prisijungti per %s minutes" #: ../settings.php:1186 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "\"Citadel\" režime niekas negali prisijungti, išskyrus IP iš Baltojo IP prieigos sąrašo. Aktyvios vartotojų sesijos nebus paveiktos." #: ../dashboard.php:780 ../dashboard.php:1004 msgid "Event" msgstr "Įvykis" #: ../common.php:254 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Šlamšto komentarai atmesti" #: ../common.php:256 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Aptikti kenksmingi IP adresai" #: ../common.php:257 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Įvyko blokavimas" #: ../dashboard.php:2127 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "Visa įtartina veikla" #: ../cerber-load.php:1303 ../cerber-load.php:1309 ../cerber-load.php:1325 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1332 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Jums neleidžiama registruotis" #: ../common.php:1160 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Šlamšto komentarai atmesti" #: ../common.php:1185 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Bandymas prisijungti atmestas" #: ../common.php:1186 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Bandymas įregistruoti atmestas" #: ../common.php:251 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Kenkėjiškos veiklos sumažėjo" #: ../dashboard.php:69 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Cerbero antispamo nustatymai" #: ../dashboard.php:69 ../cerber-load.php:4557 ../settings.php:283 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Cerberio antispamo variklis" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Komentaro forma" #: ../settings.php:181 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Apsaugoti komentarų formą su bot aptikimo varikliu" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Apsaugoti registracijos formą su bot aptikimo varikliu" #: ../dashboard.php:4288 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Eksportas ir importas" #: ../dashboard.php:4289 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostika" #: ../dashboard.php:4292 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenzija" #: ../dashboard.php:4199 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Antispamo ir botų aptikimo nustatymai" #: ../cerber-load.php:1570 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Atsiprašome, kad esate žmogus o ne spamo robotas,patvirtinimas nepavyko." #: ../common.php:1250 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Aptiktas bot veikimas" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Komentarų apdorojimas" #: ../settings.php:222 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Jei aptinkamas šlamšto komentaras" #: ../settings.php:227 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Spamo komentarai" #: ../settings.php:229 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Perkelti spamo komentarus į šiukšliadėžę" #: ../common.php:1161 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Nepavyko atsisiųsti šlamšto formos" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "kitos formos" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Apsaugokite visas svetainės formas su bot aptikimo varikliu" #: ../settings.php:197 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Nustatyti anti-spam variklį" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Saugus režimas" #: ../settings.php:201 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Naudoti mažiau ribojančią politiką (leisti AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:3684 ../settings.php:205 ../settings.php:746 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Prisijungę vartotojai" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Išjungti bot aptikimo variklį prisijungusiems vartotojams" #: ../dashboard.php:190 ../dashboard.php:1002 msgid "Country" msgstr "Šalis" #: ../dashboard.php:1039 msgid "All events" msgstr "Visi renginiai" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber saugumo taisyklės" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:4236 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Saugumo taisyklės" #: ../dashboard.php:1396 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti" #: ../dashboard.php:1353 ../dashboard.php:1397 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registruotas" #: ../dashboard.php:1467 ../cerber-users.php:25 msgid "You" msgstr "Jūs" #: ../common.php:255 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Pranešimai su šlamštu atmesti" #: ../dashboard.php:2187 ../cerber-load.php:3630 ../cerber-load.php:4546 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Pradžios vadovas" #: ../dashboard.php:4238 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Šalys" #: ../dashboard.php:2987 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Leidžiama šaliai" msgstr[1] "Leidžiama %d šalims" msgstr[2] "Leidžiama %d šalių" #: ../dashboard.php:2998 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Nėra taisyklių" #: ../dashboard.php:3209 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Saugumo taisyklės buvo atnaujintos" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:1162 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Formos pateikimas atmestas" #: ../common.php:1163 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Komentaras atmestas" #: ../common.php:1191 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Užklausa REST API uždrausta" #: ../common.php:1192 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "XML-RPC užklausa atmesta" #: ../common.php:1205 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Aptikti botai" #: ../common.php:1206 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadelės rėžimas yra aktyvus" #: ../common.php:1211 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Aptikta kenksminga veikla" #: ../common.php:1212 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Užblokuota pagal šalies taisykles" #: ../common.php:1213 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Pasiektas limitas" #: ../common.php:1214 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Keletas įtartinų veiksmų" #: ../common.php:1251 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Aptikta keletas įtartinų veiksmų" #: ../settings.php:751 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Leisti REST API prisijungusiems vartotojams" #: ../settings.php:766 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Nurodykite REST API vardų erdvę,kurie bus leidžiami, jei REST API išjungtas. Viena eilutė eilutėje." #: ../settings.php:147 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Registracijos limitas" #: ../settings.php:168 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Rūšiuoti naudotojus informacijos suvestinėje" #: ../settings.php:169 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "pagal registravimo data" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Užklausų baltasis sąrašas" #: ../settings.php:1352 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s leidžia registraciją per %s minučių iš vieno IP" #: ../dashboard.php:3055 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Pradėkite rašyti čia, kad surastumėte šalį" #: ../dashboard.php:3135 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Spustelėkite šalies pavadinimą, kad jį pridėtumėte prie pasirinktų šalių sąrašo" #: ../dashboard.php:3156 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Pateikti formas" #: ../dashboard.php:3157 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Rašyti komentarus" #: ../dashboard.php:3158 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Prisijunkite prie svetainės" #: ../dashboard.php:3159 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registruotis svetainėje" #: ../dashboard.php:3160 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Naudoti XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:3161 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Naudoti REST API" #: ../settings.php:224 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Neleisti to visiškai" #: ../settings.php:224 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Pažymėti kaip šlamštą" #: ../dashboard.php:2109 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "per pastarąsias 24 valandas" #: ../dashboard.php:2487 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Pagrindiniai nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:830 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Savaitės ataskaita" #: ../settings.php:1524 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sekmadienis" #: ../settings.php:1525 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Pirmadienis" #: ../settings.php:1526 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Antradienis" #: ../settings.php:1527 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Trečiadienis" #: ../settings.php:1528 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Ketvirtadienis" #: ../settings.php:1529 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Penktadienis" #: ../settings.php:1530 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Šeštadienis" #: ../settings.php:1593 ../settings.php:1594 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Jei naudojate talpyklos įskiepį, Jūs turite nurodyti savo naują URL adresą,kad įeitumėte į talpyklos puslapių sąrašą " #: ../cerber-load.php:3645 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Savaitės ataskaita" #: ../cerber-load.php:3648 ../cerber-load.php:3658 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Jei norite keisti ataskaitų nustatymus, apsilankykite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3681 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Jūsų prisijungimo puslapis:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3685 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Jūsų licencija galioja iki" #: ../cerber-load.php:3791 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Veiklos detalės" #: ../settings.php:1560 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Paspauskite, kad išsiųstumėte dabar" #: ../cerber-load.php:858 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr ">>> WP Cerber vertėjas? Norėdami nemokamai gauti PRO licenciją, palikite savo kontaktus čia: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:559 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "El. Laiškas buvo išsiųstas" #: ../dashboard.php:562 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Nepavyko išsiųsti el. Laiško" #: ../dashboard.php:2990 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Neleidžiama vienai šaliai" msgstr[1] "Neleidžiama %d šalyse" msgstr[2] "Neleidžiama %d šalių" #: ../dashboard.php:3139 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Pasirinktose šalyse leidžiama %s, kitose šalyse neleidžiama" #: ../dashboard.php:3142 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Pažymėtoms šalims neleidžiama %s, kitoms šalims leidžiama" #: ../cerber-load.php:3779 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Savaitės ataskaita" #: ../settings.php:570 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Naudoti 404 šabloną iš aktyvios temos" #: ../settings.php:571 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Rodyti 404 puslapį" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Įveskite dalį užklausos eilutės arba užklausos kelio, kad variklis neįtrauktų prašymo į patikrinimą. Vienas elementas eilutėje." #: ../settings.php:842 ../settings.php:1106 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "jei tuščias, bus naudojamas el. paštas iš pranešimų nustatymų" #: ../settings.php:831 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Įjungti ataskaitas" #: ../cerber-load.php:3709 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Paskutinis prisijungimas %s iš %s" #: ../dashboard.php:279 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "IP adresas, IPv4 adreso diapazonas arba antrinis tinklas" #: ../dashboard.php:281 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "papildomas komentaras šiam įrašui" #: ../dashboard.php:320 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Negalite pridėti savo IP adreso ar tinklo" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Norėdami nurodyti REGEX modelį, apgaubkite modelį dviem skersais brūkšniais." #: ../dashboard.php:57 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber srauto inspektorius" #: ../dashboard.php:57 ../dashboard.php:1537 ../dashboard.php:4219 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Srauto inspektorius" #: ../dashboard.php:1569 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Srautas" #: ../dashboard.php:3652 msgid "Request" msgstr "Užklausimas" #: ../dashboard.php:3654 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Hosto informacija" #: ../dashboard.php:3655 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Vartotojo agentas" #: ../dashboard.php:3680 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Visi prašymai" #: ../dashboard.php:3685 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Neužsiregistravę lankytojai" #: ../dashboard.php:3688 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Paraiškų forma" #: ../dashboard.php:3690 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Puslapis nerastas" #: ../dashboard.php:3699 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Ilgiau nei" #: ../dashboard.php:3720 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Atnaujinti" #: ../common.php:181 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Patikrinti užklausas" #: ../common.php:1612 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nenurodyta" #: ../settings.php:896 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Prisijungimo režimas" #: ../settings.php:902 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Registravimas išjungtas" #: ../settings.php:903 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Sumanus" #: ../settings.php:904 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Visi srautai" #: ../settings.php:908 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignoruoti robotus" #: ../settings.php:918 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Užmaskuokite šiuos formų laukus" #: ../settings.php:958 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milisekundes" #: ../settings.php:851 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Įjungti srauto inspekciją" #: ../settings.php:895 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Registravimas" #: ../settings.php:913 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Išsaugoti užklausos laukus" #: ../settings.php:953 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Puslapio generavimo laiko slenkstis" #: ../dashboard.php:3672 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Prašymai nebuvo užregistruoti." #: ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "enabled" msgstr "įjungtas" #: ../dashboard.php:1541 msgid "no connection" msgstr "nėra ryšio" #: ../dashboard.php:4026 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Išplėstinė paieška" #: ../dashboard.php:1343 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "paskutinė peržiūra" #: ../common.php:1187 ../common.php:1252 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Patikrinimas dėl pažeidžiamo PHP kodo" #: ../dashboard.php:3983 msgid "Any" msgstr "Bet koks" #: ../cerber-load.php:3429 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Atsiprašome, jums neleidžiama tęsti" #: ../settings.php:867 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Baltojo sąrašo užklausa" #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Įveskite URI užklausą, kad išjungti užklausą iš patikrinimo. Vienas elementas eilutėje." #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Išsaugoti užklausų antraštes" #: ../settings.php:935 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Išsaugoti $ _SERVER" #: ../settings.php:941 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Išsaugoti užklausos slapukus" #: ../settings.php:694 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Apsaugoti administracijos skriptus" #: ../settings.php:699 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blokuoti neleistiną prieigą prie load-scripts.php ir load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:2440 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Neįmanoma sukurti katalogo" #: ../common.php:2445 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Paskirties aplanko prieiga atmesta" #: ../common.php:2448 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Failas nerastas" #: ../common.php:2451 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Nepavyko kopijuoti failo" #: ../common.php:2457 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Nepavyko ištrinti failo" #: ../settings.php:486 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Įskiepio inicijavimas" #: ../settings.php:487 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Įkelti saugumo variklį" #: ../settings.php:493 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Paveldėtas režimas" #: ../settings.php:494 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standartinis režimas" #: ../settings.php:1571 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Įskiepio įkėlimo režimas nebuvo pakeistas" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Tai standartinis „WP Cerber Security & Antispam“ papildinio įkrovos modulis. Jis buvo įdiegtas, kai nustatėte įskiepio iniciacijos režimą į standartą. Sužinokite daugiau: wpcerber.com ." #: ../common.php:1189 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Failo įkėlimas atmestas" #: ../settings.php:583 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "Tinkintame prisijungimo URL gali būti tik raidės, skaičiai, brūkšniai ir pabraukimai" #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Norėdami nurodyti REGEX modelį, įdėkite visą eilutę į figurinius skliaustus." #: ../settings.php:1182 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Būkite atsargūs, prieš įjungdami šiuos parametrus." #: ../settings.php:1182 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Jeigu Jūs užmiršite savo prisijungimo vardą,negalėsite prisijungti prie sistemos." #: ../dashboard.php:65 ../dashboard.php:4251 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Svetainės integralumas" #: ../dashboard.php:1554 ../dashboard.php:1556 ../settings.php:355 ../settings. #: php:857 ../settings.php:883 ../cerber-scanner.php:1420 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Išjungtas" #: ../dashboard.php:1555 ../cerber-scanner.php:865 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Greitas skanavimas" #: ../dashboard.php:1557 ../cerber-scanner.php:865 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Pilnas skanavimas" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "\"WP Cerber Security\", \"Antispam\" ir kenkėjiškų programų nuskaitymas" #: ../common.php:1215 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Atmesti" #: ../settings.php:122 ../settings.php:519 ../settings.php:862 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Naudoti baltą IP adresų sąrašą" #: ../settings.php:553 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Išjungti informacijos juostos peradresavimą" #: ../settings.php:557 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Išjunkite automatinį peradresavimą į prisijungimo puslapį, kai / wp-admin / vykdoma neleistina užklausa" #: ../settings.php:974 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Skanavimo nuostatos" #: ../settings.php:975 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Pasirinktiniai parašai" #: ../settings.php:981 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Nurodykite pasirinktinius PHP kodo parašus. Vienas kodo elementas eilutėje. Kad nurodyti REGEX šabloną įdėkite visą eilutę į laužtinius skliaustus." #: ../settings.php:983 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Nepageidaujami failų plėtiniai" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Nurodykite failo plėtinius, kuriuos norite ieškoti. Tik pilnas nuskaitymas. Naudokite kablelį atskiriems elementams" #: ../settings.php:991 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Katalogai, kuriuos reikia išskirti" #: ../settings.php:997 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Nurodykite katalogus, kuriuos norite pašalinti iš nuskaitymo. Naudokite absoliučius kelius. Vienas elementas eilutėje." #: ../settings.php:1012 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Nuskaityti laikiną katalogą" #: ../settings.php:1019 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Skenavimo sesijų katalogas" #: ../settings.php:1031 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Ištrinti karantino failus po skanavimo" #: ../settings.php:1046 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Paleisti greitą nuskaitymą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1421 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Kas valandą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1422 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Kas 3 valandas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1423 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Kas 6 valandas" #: ../settings.php:1053 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Pradėti visą nuskaitymą" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Langvai sunkus" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Vidutiniškai sunkus" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Labai sunkus" #: ../settings.php:1064 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Pranešti apie problemą, jei bet kuris iš toliau nurodytų dalykų yra teisingas" #: ../settings.php:1072 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Siųsti ataskaitą emailu" #: ../settings.php:1078 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Po kiekvieno skanavimo" #: ../settings.php:1079 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Jei pasikeitė skenavimo rezultatai" #: ../settings.php:1084 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Įtraukti failų dydžius" #: ../settings.php:1091 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Įtraukti nuskaitymo klaidas" #: ../dashboard.php:4253 ../cerber-load.php:4555 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Saugumo skaneris" #: ../dashboard.php:4255 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planavimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:84 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Šiuo metu vyksta reguliarus skenavimas. Palaukite, kol jis bus baigtas." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:88 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Ankstesnis pradėtas nuskaitymas %s nebuvo baigtas. Tęsti nuskaitymą?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:97 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Atrodo, kad ši svetainė niekada nebuvo nuskaityta. Norėdami pradėti nuskaityti, spustelėkite žemiau esantį mygtuką." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:100 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Pradėti greitą skenavimą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:101 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Pradėti pilną skenavimą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:102 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Stabdyti skenavimą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:103 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Tęsti skenavimą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:139 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Ištrinti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1370 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Patvirtinta" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1377 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Vientisumo duomenų nerasta" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1378 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Nepavyko patikrinti įjungimo vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1379 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Nepavyko patikrinti \"WordPress\" failų vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1380 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Nepavyko patikrinti temos vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1383 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Vietos failas neegzistuoja" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1385 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Nepavyko apdoroti failo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1386 ../cerber-scanner.php:4794 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Neįmanoma atidaryti failo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1388 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Kontrolinės sumos neatitikimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1391 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Rastas įtartinas kodas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1393 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Neleidžiamas neteisingas failas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1394 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Rastas vykdomas kodas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1398 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Nepageidaujamas failo plėtinys" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1400 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Turinys buvo pakeistas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1401 msgid "New file" msgstr "Naujas failas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2437 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Rastas tinkintas parašas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3576 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Failų aplankų nuskaitymas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3580 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Parsisiųsti failų sąrašą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3581 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Naujų ir pakeistų failų tikrinimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3582 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "\"WordPress\" vientisumo tikrinimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3583 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Įskiepių vientisumo patikrinimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3584 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Temų vientisumo tikrinimas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3585 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Ieško kenksmingo kodo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3586 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Skenavimas užbaigtas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3710 ../cerber-scanner.php:3780 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Nuskaityti failai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 ../cerber-scanner.php:3788 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritinės problemos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 ../cerber-scanner.php:3792 ../cerber-scanner.php:4984 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Viso problemų" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4170 msgid "The directory is not writable" msgstr "Šis katalogas neįrašomas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4188 msgid "Unable to create WP CERBER directory" msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti WP CERBER katalogo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4402 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Failo prieigos klaida. Galbūt nuskaitymo rezultatai yra pasenę. Prašome paleisti greitą arba visišką nuskaitymą." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5093 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Norėdami peržiūrėti visą ataskaitą, apsilankykite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3655 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Skenavimo ataskaita" #: ../settings.php:999 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Stebėti naujus failus" #: ../settings.php:1006 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Stebėti pakeistus failus" #: ../settings.php:1080 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Jei rasta naujų problemų" #: ../settings.php:1820 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Grafikas atnaujintas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1397 ../cerber-scanner.php:2617 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Rastos įtartinos nuorodos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2615 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Nustatytas įtartino kodo nurodymas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2616 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Pasirodė įtartinų kodų įrašai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2619 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Norėdami išspręsti šią problemą, turite iš naujo įdiegti %s arba atnaujinti ją iki naujausios versijos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Įkelkite ZIP archyvą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Išspręsti problemą" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3881 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Mes neradome tikrinimų duomenų vientisumo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3883 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Jūs turite įkelti ZIP archyvą, iš kurio jį įdiegsite. Tai įgalina saugos skaitytuvą patikrinti kodo vientisumą ir aptikti kenkėjišką programą." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4940 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Pilno nuskaitymo ataskaita" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4940 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Greita nuskaitymo ataskaita" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4953 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Failai nuskaityti" #: ../dashboard.php:266 ../dashboard.php:1206 ../dashboard.php:1241 ../dashboard. #: php:1359 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Patikrinti veiksmus" #: ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktyvuota" #: ../common.php:1194 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Kenkėjiška užklausa atmesta" #: ../common.php:1198 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Vartotojas aktyvuotas" #: ../common.php:1216 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Įtartinas laukų skaičius" #: ../common.php:1217 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Įtartinas įdėtos vertės skaičius" #: ../common.php:1218 ../common.php:1253 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Aptiktas kenksmingas kodas" #: ../common.php:1254 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Bandoma įkelti failą su kenksmingu kodu" #: ../common.php:1484 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bitai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1376 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Pažeidžiamumas nustatytas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1381 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Negalima patikrinti vientisumo dėl DB klaidos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3577 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Failų įkėlimo aplanko nuskaitymas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3578 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Failų temp aplanko nuskaitymas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3579 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Failų seanso aplanko nuskaitymas" #: ../settings.php:1045 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Automatinis pasikartojantis nuskaitymo grafikas" #: ../settings.php:1061 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Skenavimo rezultatų ataskaitos" #: ../dashboard.php:3682 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Įtartina veikla" #: ../dashboard.php:3683 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Klaidos" #: ../dashboard.php:4201 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Antispamo variklis" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Gina \"WordPress\" nuo įsilaužėlių išpuolių, šlamšto, trojos arklių ir virusų. Kenkėjiškų programų skaitytuvas ir vientisumo tikrinimo priemonė. Apsaugo WordPress su visapusišku saugumo algoritmų rinkiniu. Apsauga nuo šlamšto su sudėtingu bot aptikimo varikliu ir reCAPTCHA. Stebini naudotojų ir įsibrovėlių veiklą ir praneša el. Pašto pranešimais, mobiliaisiais ir darbalaukio pranešimais." #: ../cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Jūs viršijote leistinų prisijungimo bandymų skaičių. Bandykite dar kartą po %d minučių." #: ../common.php:1398 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "į %s" #: ../settings.php:1540 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "iš" #: ../dashboard.php:4258 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Karantinas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3661 msgid "Started" msgstr "Pradėti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3665 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Baigti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3673 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Eksploatacinės savybės" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:290 ../cerber-scanner.php:3685 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Pažeidimai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3689 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nauji failai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Pakeisti failai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Nepageidaujami plėtiniai" #: ../settings.php:1116 ../cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Nepatikrinti failai" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3710 ../cerber-scanner.php:5419 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Nuskanuota" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5321 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Karantine šiuo metu nėra failų." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5411 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Atkurti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5408 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Ištrinti visam laikui" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5420 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Perkelta į karantiną" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5421 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatinis nustatymas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5422 msgid "Size" msgstr "Dydis" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5423 ../cerber-scanner.php:5557 msgid "File" msgstr "Failas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5491 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Failas buvo ištrintas visam laikui." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5500 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Failas buvo atstatytas į pradinę vietą." #: ../dashboard.php:1570 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integralumas" #: ../common.php:1188 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Bandymas įkelti kenksmingą failą atmestas" #: ../cerber-news.php:157 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Nuostabu!" #: ../settings.php:1114 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatinė kenkėjiškų programų ir įtartinų failų išvalymas" #: ../settings.php:1123 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Failai įkėlimų aplanke" #: ../settings.php:1130 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Failai su nepageidaujamais plėtiniais" #: ../settings.php:1137 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Išimtys" #: ../settings.php:1138 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Laikino aplanko failai" #: ../settings.php:1144 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Failai seansų kataloge" #: ../settings.php:1150 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Failai šiuose kataloguose" #: ../settings.php:1156 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Naudokite absoliučius kelius. Vienas elementas eilutėje." #: ../settings.php:1158 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Failai su šiais plėtiniais" #: ../settings.php:1164 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Naudokite kablelį atskiriems elementams." #: ../dashboard.php:4256 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Išvalyti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1392 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Rastas kenksmingas kodas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2612 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Šiame faile yra kenksmingo vykdomojo kodo ir gali būti kenkėjiška programa. Jei šis failas yra temos ar įskiepio dalis, jis turi būti įtrauktas į temą arba įskiepių aplanką. Nėra išimties, nėra pasiteisinimų." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2613 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skeneris atpažįsta šį failą kaip \"be savininko\" arba \"nesupakuotą\", nes jis nepriklauso jokiai žinomai svetainės daliai ir neturėtų būti čia." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2614 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Tai gali likti atnaujinimo į naujesnę %s versiją. Tai taip pat gali būti suklastotų kenkėjiškų programų dalis. Retais atvejais tai gali būti pagal užsakymą pagamintas (specialus) įskiepis ar tema." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2618 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Failo turinys pakeistas ir neatitinka to, kas egzistuoja oficialioje \"WordPress\" saugykloje, arba anksčiau įkeltą informacinį failą. Failas galėjo būti pakeistas kenkėjiškomis programomis, užkrėstomis virusu arba suklastotas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5034 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Ištrinta" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5081 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatiškai perkelta į karantiną" #: ../common.php:1219 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Aptiktas įtartinas SQL kodas" #: ../dashboard.php:1551 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Paskutinis kenkėjiškų programų nuskaitymas" #: ../dashboard.php:4221 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Tiesioginis srautas" #: ../settings.php:675 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Naudoti anglišką administratoriaus sąsają" #: ../dashboard.php:4290 msgid "Log" msgstr "Logas" #: ../settings.php:701 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Išjungti PHP įkėlimus" #: ../settings.php:708 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Išjungti PHP klaidos rodymą" #: ../dashboard.php:4257 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignoruojamų sąrašas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:142 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignoruoti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5522 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Taikyti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5556 msgid "Added" msgstr "Įkelta" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5523 ../cerber-scanner.php:5550 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Pašalinti iš sąrašo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5524 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Vartotojų apžvalgos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5525 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Srauto įžvalgos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5526 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Veiklos apžvalgos" #: ../dashboard.php:2593 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti pasirinktus failus?" #: ../dashboard.php:2594 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Šie failai buvo perkelti į karantiną" #: ../dashboard.php:2597 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Ar norite pridėti pasirinktus failus į ignoravimo sąrašą?" #: ../dashboard.php:2598 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Šie failai buvo įtraukti į ignoravimo sąrašą" #: ../dashboard.php:2600 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Įvyko keletas klaidų" #: ../dashboard.php:2601 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Visi failai buvo apdoroti" #: ../dashboard.php:2823 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Šios funkcijos yra prieinamos profesionalia įskiepio versija." #: ../dashboard.php:2824 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Sužinokite daugiau apie visus pranašumus" #: ../common.php:1220 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Aptiktas įtartinas JavaScript kodas" #: ../settings.php:1823 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti tvarkaraščio" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5437 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Skanuoti viską" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5528 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Sąrašas tusčias" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5388 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Nė vienas failas neatitinka nurodyto filtro." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5388 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Spauskite čia norėdami pamatyti visą failų sąrašą" #: ../dashboard.php:781 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Papildoma informacija" #: ../dashboard.php:3282 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Puslapio sugeneravimo laikas" #: ../dashboard.php:4414 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Prisijungti" #: ../dashboard.php:4415 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Atsijungti" #: ../dashboard.php:4416 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registras" #: ../dashboard.php:4419 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Prisijungti prie WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4420 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Atsijungti nuo WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4459 ../dashboard.php:4460 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Pridėti į meniu" #: ../common.php:1208 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP adresas yra užblokuotas" #: ../common.php:1256 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Keletas įtartinų užklausų" #: ../settings.php:850 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Eismo inspekcija" #: ../settings.php:858 ../settings.php:884 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Maksimalus suderinamumas" #: ../settings.php:859 ../settings.php:885 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Maksimalus saugumas" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Klaidingas užklausos ekranavimas" #: ../settings.php:877 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Įgalinti klaidų ekranavimą" #: ../settings.php:947 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Išsaugoti programinės įrangos klaidas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3575 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Pasiruošimas nuskaitymui" #: ../common.php:1221 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Užblokuotas administratoriaus" #: ../cerber-load.php:402 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Jūs negalite prisijungti" #: ../cerber-users.php:12 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Užblokuoti vartotoją" #: ../cerber-users.php:16 ../cerber-users.php:22 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Naudotojui neleidžiama prisijungti prie svetainės" #: ../cerber-users.php:31 msgctxt "e.g. by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "užblokuotas nuo %s iki %s" #: ../cerber-users.php:41 ../settings.php:129 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Vartotojo pranešimas" #: ../cerber-users.php:43 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Papildomas pranešimas šiam naudotojui" #: ../cerber-users.php:98 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Užblokuoti naudotojai" #: ../settings.php:692 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Blokuoti prieigą prie naudotojų puslapių, pvz., /?author=n" #: ../settings.php:730 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Prieiga prie WordPress REST API" #: ../settings.php:736 msgid "Block access to user data via REST API" msgstr "Blokuoti prieigą prie naudotojo duomenų per REST API" #: ../settings.php:744 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Blokuoti prieigą prie „WordPress REST API“, išskyrus bet kurį iš toliau nurodytų" #: ../settings.php:753 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Leisti REST API šiems vaidmenims" #: ../settings.php:759 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Leisti šiuos vardų vietas" #: ../settings.php:888 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "Ignoruoti prisijungusius naudotojus" #: ../settings.php:1190 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Šie apribojimai netaikomi adresams,esantiems baltojo IP prieigos sąraše" #: ../settings.php:1499 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Pasirinkite vieną ar daugiau vaidmenų" #: ../dashboard.php:1049 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtruoti pagal registruotą vartotoją" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Tik prisijungę vartotojai" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Svetaine gali naudotis tik registruoti ir prisijungę svetainės naudotojai" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Nenaudokite šios politikos IP adresams esantiems baltojo IP prieigos sąraše" #: ../settings.php:133 ../settings.php:2067 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Šią svetainę gali peržiūrėti tik registruoti ir prisijungę naudotojai" #: ../settings.php:138 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Peradresuoti į URL" #: ../dashboard.php:4291 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Keisti" #: ../dashboard.php:72 ../dashboard.php:72 msgid "Cerber.Hub" msgstr "Cerber.Hub" #: ../dashboard.php:613 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Numatytieji nustatymai buvo įkelti" #: ../dashboard.php:3034 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Išsaugoti visas taisykles" #: ../common.php:836 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Išsaugoti pakeitimus" #: ../common.php:1201 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Neteisingi pagrindiniai duomenys" #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Pagrindiniai nustatymai" #: ../settings.php:309 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Grįžti į svetainių sąrašą" #: ../settings.php:313 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Rodyti pranešimą „Perjungta“" #: ../settings.php:317 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Į puslapio pavadinimą pridėkite @ svetainę" #: ../settings.php:334 ../settings.php:361 ../settings.php:1025 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Įgalinti diagnostinį registravimą" #: ../settings.php:344 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Riboti prieigą pagal IP adresą" #: ../settings.php:350 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Prieiga prie šios svetainės" #: ../settings.php:353 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Pilnos prieigos rėžimas" #: ../settings.php:354 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Tik skaitymo režimas" #: ../settings.php:370 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Visam prieigos režimui reikia WP Cerber PRO versijos" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:48 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Malware skanavimas" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:103 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Užrašai" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Pridėti priklausomą svetainę" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:193 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Pieškos rezultatai:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:233 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Redaguoti" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:239 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Pereiti prie" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Nėra sukonfigūruotų svetainių." #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Pridėti naują" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:70 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Svetainės ypatybės" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:80 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "Tinklalapio URL" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:85 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Rodyti kaip" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:111 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Svetainės savininkas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:115 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Vardas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Pavardė" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:123 msgid "Email" msgstr "Emailas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefonas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:135 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:260 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "Saugos prieigos raktas negalioja" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:290 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Svetainė, kurią bandote pridėti, jau yra sąraše" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:299 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Svetainė sėkmingai pridėta" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:300 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Spustelėkite, jei norite redaguoti" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:301 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Persijungti į prietaisų skydelį" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:304 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Atminkite: pridėjote svetainę, kuri nepalaiko SSL šifravimo. Tai gali sukelti duomenų nutekėjimą." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:425 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Svetainė ištrinta" msgstr[1] "%s svetainės buvo ištrintos" msgstr[2] "%s svetainių buvo ištrinta" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:981 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Perjungėte į %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:986 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Grįžote atgal į pagrindinę svetainę" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1196 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Jūs esate čia:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1199 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:89 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mano tinklalapiai" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1214 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Apsilankyti svetainę" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:61 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Įgalinti priklausomumo režimą" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:62 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Ši svetainė gali būti valdoma iš pagrindinės svetainės" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Įgalinti pagrindinį režimą" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Konfigūruoti šią svetainę kaip pagrindinę, kuri valdo kitą svetainę" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Jei norite tęsti, pasirinkite šios svetainės režimą" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Priklausomumo nustatymai" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:141 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Slaptas prieigos raktas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:143 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Ženklas yra unikalus šiai svetainei. Laikykite jį paslaptyje. Įdėkite raktą pagrindinėje svetainėje, kad suteiktumėte prieigą prie šios svetainės." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:145 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Ar tu tuo tikras? Tai visam laikui panaikina raktą." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Išjungti priklausomumo rėžimą" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:261 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Ši svetainė yra nustatyta kaip pagrindinė." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:262 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Pridėkite priklausomas svetaines naudodami prieigos raktus." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Ši svetainė yra nustatyta kaip priklausoma." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Įdiekite prieigos raktą pagrindinėje svetainėje." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1391 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sek" msgstr[1] "%s sek" msgstr[2] "%s sek" #: ../settings.php:832 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Siųsti ataskaitas" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Atnaujinimai" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:94 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupė" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:96 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Atnaujinti WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:97 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Atnaujinti visus aktyvius įskiepius" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:98 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Ištrinti tinklalapį" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:111 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Visos grupės" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1377 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti pažymėtus tinklalapius" #: ../cerber-users.php:130 msgid "Block" msgstr "Užblokuoti" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:62 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Pasirinkite esamą grupę arba įveskite naują, kad ją pridėtumėte" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:131 msgid "Company" msgstr "Kompanija" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:656 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Neteisingas atsakymas iš priklausomos svetainės" #: ../common.php:1182 ../common.php:1247 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Bandymas prisijungti naudojant neegzistuojantį vartotojo vardą" #: ../cerber-load.php:3805 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Bandymas prisijungti naudojant neegzistuojantį vartotojo vardą" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Naudoti pagrindinę kalbą" #: ../settings.php:547 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Neegzistuojantys vartotojai" #: ../settings.php:551 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Nedelsiant užblokuoti IP adresą,bandant prisijungti neegzistuojančiu vartotojo vardu" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Savininkas" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Išjungti pagrindinį režimą" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Jei norite atšaukti simbolį ir išjungti nuotolinį valdymą, spustelėkite čia:" #: ../settings.php:706 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1442 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1450 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1421 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-it_IT.mo000064400000254276147577531750012010 0ustar00,?,?B-?(p??^? 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected filesAnalyze the uploads directoryAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directoryDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisable the default reset password error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error messageDo not send alerts after this dateDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?DocumentationDownload fileDurationERROR:EditEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail alerts will be sent to these emails:Email alerts will be sent to this email:Email has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore global rate limitsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInjected fileInjected filesInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKeep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocal hash not foundLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum number of alerts to sendMaximum securityMedium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsMobile alerts are not configuredMobile alerts will be sent to %sModifiedMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No limitNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOKOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional alert limitsOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword changed by %sPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevent username discovery via user XML sitemapsPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins' filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logsReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pagesShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Space OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser application password created by %sUser application password deletedUser application password deleted by %sUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView allView all REST API requestsView bot eventsView denied REST API requestsView reCAPTCHA eventsVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atThis is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.Mediumto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: it Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s registrazioni sono permesse entro %s minuti da un indirizzo IP%s tentativi sono consentiti entro %s minuti%s sec%s secondi(Non abilitare a meno che non si ottengano e si inseriscano la Chiave del sito e la Chiave Segreta per la versione invisibile)Codice PIN 2FACodice 2FA verificatoDurante l'importazione voci elenco d'accesso si è verificato un errore databaseSi è verificata una nuova attivitàE' disponibile una nuova versioneUna nuova versione di %s è disponibile. Per favore, installala.È disponibile una nuova versione di WP CerberE' disponibile una versione più recenteUna stringa unica che non si sovrappone agli slug delle pagine o dei post esistentiAutorizzazione richiesta API fallitaRichiesta API autorizzataEmail di abuso:Liste di accessoAccesso a WordPress REST APIAccesso al sito webConti e RuoliAzioneAttivatoAttiva i plugin e gli aggiornamenti ilSessioni attiveAttivitàApprofondimenti AttivitàDettaglio AttivitàAggiungi @ sito al titolo della paginaAggiungere VoceAggiungi IP alla Black ListAggiungine uno nuovoAggiungi un sito web slaveAggiungi rete alla Black ListAggiungi i siti web slave utilizzando i token di accesso.Add-onsAggiuntoDettagli aggiuntiviIndirizzoRegola Motore AntispamNota AdminRicerca AvanzataModalità avanzataDopo ogni scansioneTutti Gli AccessiTutte le periferiche connesseTutti i paesiTutti i fileTutti i file sono stati processatiTutti i gruppiTutte le scansioniTutti i serverTutto il trafficoConsenti REST API per le seguenti regoleConsenti a WP Cerber di inviare indirizzi IP dannosi al Cerber Lab. Questo aiuta il team a sviluppare nuovi algoritmi per WP Cerber che difenderanno WordPress da nuove minacce e botnet che nascono ogni giorno. Puoi disattivare l'invio delle impostazioni del plugin in qualsiasi momento.Permettere l'accesso all'API REST agli utenti registratiConsenti questi spazi di nomiBlocca sempre l'intera subnet Classe C degli indirizzi IP degli intrusiSempre abilitatoUn messaggio opzionale per questo utenteAnaliticaAnalizzare la cartella uploads di WordPress per rilevare i file iniettatiAnalizzare la cartella degli uploadsAnti-spamImpostazioni rilevamento di antispam e botMotore AntispamOgni attivitàQualunque paese è autorizzatoPassword delle ApplicazioniApplicaApplicare i limiti delle regole di accesso agli indirizzi IP presenti nella White ListSei dicuro di voler cancellare questi file?Sei sicuro di voler cancellare tutti i siti web selezionati?Sei sicuro?Sei sicuro? Questo invaliderà permanentemente il token.Tentativi di accessoTentativo di accesso ad URL proibitaTentativo di accesso negatoTentativo di accesso con un nome utente inesistenteTentativo di accesso con username proibitoTentativo di registrazione negatoTentativi di caricamento di file con codice dannosoTentativo di caricare un file dannoso negatoTentativi di accesso con con un nome utente inesistenteAttenzione! La modalità Citadel è attiva. Nessuno è in grado di effettuare il login.Attenzione! Hai cambiato l'URL di accesso! Il nuovo URL di accesso èAutorizzazione FallitaAutorizzatoAccesso AutorizzatoSolo utenti autorizzatiPianificazione di scansioni ricorrenti automatizzatePulizia automatica di malware e file sospettiEliminazione AutomaticaRecupero automatico di file modificati e infettiCancellato automaticamenteSpostato automaticamente in quarantenaRecuperato automaticamenteDimensione mediaEccezionale!Indietro alla listaFai attenzione nell'abilitazione di queste opzioni.Prima di iniziare a utilizzare reCAPTCHA, è necessario ottenere la Chiave Sito e la Chiave Segreta sul sito web di GoogleBlack List degli indirizzi IPBloccaBlocca indirizzo IP perBlocca gli indirizzi IP che inviano richieste eccessive per pagine inesistenti o scansionano il sito web per trovare problemi di sicurezzaBlocca utentiBlocca l'accesso alla Dashboard di WordPressBlocca l'accesso a WordPress REST API eccetto uno dei seguenti Blocca accesso agli RSS, Atom e RDF feedsBloccare l'accesso al server XML-RPC (inclusi Pingback e Trackback)Blocca l'accesso alle pagine dell'utente come /?autore=nBlocca l'accesso ai dati utente tramite REST APIBloccare l'accesso a wp-login.phpBlocca l'esecuzione degli script PHP nella cartella multimediale WordPressBlocca subnetBlocca l'accesso non autorizzato a load-scripts.php e load-styles.phpBloccare l'utenteUtenti BloccatiBloccato dall'amministratoreBloccata dalle regole del PaeseAttività Bot rilevataBot rilevatoBreve riepilogoAttenuazione attacco forza bruta e impostazioni di autenticazione dell'utenteCondividendo la tua opinione unica su WP Cerber, aiuti gli ingegneri dietro il plugin a fare maggiori progressi e aiuti altri professionisti a trovare il software giusto. Puoi lasciare la tua recensione su uno dei seguenti siti web. Sentiti libero di usare la tua lingua madre. Grazie!Dall'Utente BytesNon è possibile attivare WP Cerber a causa di un errore nel database.CancellaPannello di CerberPolitiche Cerber Dello Scudo DatiConnessione al Cerber LabProtocollo Cerber LabCerber Quick ViewRegole di Sicurezza di CerberCerber Tech Inc.Ispettore del traffico di CerberSicurezza Utente CerberCerber antispam engineImpostazioni dell'Antispam di CerberStrumenti di CerberCambia i permessi dei file e della directory se è necessario per cancellare i fileCambia i permessi del filesystemFile cambiatiChangelogControllo per attivitàControlla richiesteVerifica di file nuovi e modificatiMancata corrispondenza del checksumCitadel attivata!Modalità CitadelCitadel mode attivataLa modalità Citadel viene attivata dopo %d tentativi di accesso non riusciti in %d minuti.Modalità Citadel attivaPulireClicca qui per vedere l'elenco completo dei fileClicca sul nome del paese per aggiungerlo nella lista dei paesi selezionatiClicca sull'indirizzo IP per vedere la sua attivitàClicca per modificareClicca per spedire oraClicca per inviare il testCommento bloccatoModulo dei commentiElaborazione commentoCommentiAziendaConfigura questo sito web come master per gestire un altro sito webConfigura quali problemi includere nel rapporto e-mail e le condizioni per l'invio dei rapportiIl contenuto è stato modificatoContinua la scansioneCookiePaesiNazioneCrea un avvisoCreatoProblemi criticiE' attualmente in corso una scansione programmata. Attendere fino a che sia ultimata.URL di commento personalizzataURL di accesso personalizzatoL'accesso URL personalizzato può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici latini, trattini e trattini bassiPagina di login personalizzataRilevate firme di codice personalizzateFirme di codice personalizzateBachecaScudo DatiPolitiche Scudo DatiDataFormato dataFormato data per l'esportazione CSVDisattivatoTraitement par défautLe impostazioni predefinite sono state caricateDifende WordPress da attacchi di hacker, spam, trojan e virus. Malware scanner e controllo di integrità. Rafforza WordPress con una serie di algoritmi di sicurezza completi. Protezione antispam con un sofisticato motore di rilevamento dei bot e reCAPTCHA. Tiene traccia delle attività degli utenti e degli intrusi con potenti notifiche email, mobili e desktop.Différer le rendu de la page de connexion personnaliséeRendu différéEliminaCancella avvisoCancella i file nella directory uploadsCancella i file con estensione indesiderataElimina in modo permanenteEliminare i file accessibili pubblicamente con le seguenti estensioniEliminare i files in quarantena dopoCancella file non presidiatiCancellare dati sessioni utente quando vengono cancellati dati utenteCancella sito webEliminatoNegatoRifiuta tutti gli indirizzi e-mail che presentano quanto segueNegare l'autenticazione attraverso wp-login.phpNegare ulteriori tentativi di accessoNegarlo completamenteAccesso alla cartella di destinazione negatoRileva i files infettati nella directory uploads di WordPressDefinito dalla politica delle regole utenteDiagnosticaLog diagnosticoNon hai ricevuto l'e-mail?Cartelle da escludereDisabilita la visualizzazione degli errori PHPDisabilita PHP in uploadDisabilita REST APIDisabilita XML-RPCDisabilita il reindirizzamento automatico alla pagina di accesso quando / wp-admin / viene richiesto da una richiesta non autorizzataDisattivare il motore di rilevamento dei bot per gli indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP biancoDisattiva il motore di rilevazione bot per gli utenti connessiDisabilita il reindirizzamento della dashboardDisabilita feedsDisabilita modalità masterDisattivare reCAPTCHA per gli indirizzi IP nell'elenco di accesso IP biancoDisabilita reCAPTCHA per gli utenti connessiDisabilita modalità slaveDisattivare il messaggio di errore di login predefinitoDisabilitare il messaggio di errore della password di reset di defaultDisabilitatoMostra pagina 404Visualizza comeMostra una semplice pagina 404Visualizza questo messaggio se un tentativo di accesso è negato perché è stato raggiunto il limite delle sessioni utente concorrentiAll'attivazione del plugin, non aggiungere il mio indirizzo IP alla lista di accesso IP biancaNon applicare queste politiche agli indirizzi IP nella Lista d'accesso IP biancaNon applicare questa politica agli indirizzi IP nella White ListNon registrare i crawler notiNon registrare questi Agenti-UtentiNon registrare queste localitàNon rivelare nomi utente ed e-mail inesistenti nel messaggio di tentativo di accesso fallitoNon rivelare nomi utente ed email inesistenti nel messaggio di errore di reset della passwordNon inviare avvisi dopo questa dataNon mostrare errori PHP sul mio sito webVuoi aggiungere i file selezionati alla lista dei file da ignorare?DocumentazionScarica fileDurataERRORE:ModificaIndirizzo emailL'indirizzo e-mail non è ammesso.L'indirizzo e-mail è vietatoGli avvisi e-mail saranno inviati a questi indirizzi:Gli avvisi e-mail saranno inviati a questo indirizzo:Una e-mail è stata spedita aEmail delle notificheAbilita dopo %s tentativi di login negli ultimi %s minutiAbilitare monitoraggio log di autenticazioneAbilita cancellazione datiAbilitare esportazione datiAbilita diagnostica di registrazioneAbilita protezione erroriAbilita reCAPTCHA invisibileAbilita modalità masterAbilita il logging opzionale del traffico se hai bisogno di monitorare attività sospette e dannose o risolvere problemi di sicurezzaAttiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di accesso WooCommerceAbilita reCAPTCHA per il form del recupero della password di WooCommerceAttiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di registrazione WooCommerceAttiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo dei commenti di WordPressAttiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di accesso di WordPressAttiva reCAPTCHA per il modulo di recupero della password di WordPressAbilita reCAPTCHA per il modulo di registrazione di WordPressAbilita reportingAbilita modalità slaveAbilita l'ispezione del trafficoAttivato, l'accesso all'API utilizzando le password utente standard è permessoAttivato, nessun accesso all'API utilizzando le password utente standardApplica l'autenticazione a due fattori se si verifica una delle seguenti condizioniApplica l'autenticazione a due fattori con intervalli fissiImmettere una parte della stringa di query o del percorso di query per escludere una richiesta dall'ispezione dal motore. Un elemento per riga.Inserire una URI per escludere la stessa dall'ispezione. Un elemento per riga.Inserisci il codice ricevuto via e-mail nello spazio in basso. Richiesta di protezione errataErrore nell'interpretazione del file Errore: il file %s non può essere utilizzato.ErroreEventoOgni 3 oreOgni 6 oreOgni oraRilevato Codice eseguibileÈ stata rilevata l'estensione di un file eseguibileFile eseguibiliNon vengono supportati i file eseguibili. Per favore caricare un archivio ZIP.ScadeEsportaEsporta le impostazione nel fileEstensioneTentivi di accesso fallitiFileNome FileErrore di accesso al file. Probabilmente i risultati della scansione sono obsoleti. Esegui scansione rapida o completa. Grazie.File cancellatoStatistiche estensioni fileManca il fileFile non trovatoFile recuperatoCaricamento file negatoNome file non consentitoFileFile in cartelle temporaneeFile nella directory delle sessioniFile in queste directoryFile scansionatiFile da scansionareFile con queste estensioniFile senza estensioneFiltroFiltra per utenti registratiFinalizzazione della scansioneUltimatoNumero fisso di accessi CartellaURL proibitoDonnées champs formulaireInvio form bloccatoModulo di invioDall'indirizzo IPDalla NazioneScansione completaRapporto di scansione completoModalità accesso completoRicevi notifiche istantanee con notifiche per cellulari e desktopGuida introduttivaGlobaleEccezioni globaliConsentire l'accesso al sito web solo agli utenti registratiGruppoRendi sicuroRendi più sicuro WordPressAiutoQui trovi i dettagli del tentativo di accessoCiao!Nascondi barra degli strumenti quando visualizzi il sitoNascondere Indirizzo IP del serverAlta gravitàInfo HostNome HostIl modo in cui WP Cerber carica il suo core e i meccanismi di sicurezzaIl modo in cui il plugin elabora i commenti inviati attraverso il modulo di commento standardLa verifica umana è fallita.Verifica fallita. Fai clic sulla casella quadrata nel blocco reCAPTCHA di seguito.IPIndirizzo IPIndirizzo IPL'indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di controllo degli accessi neraL'indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di controllo degli accessi biancaL'indirizzo IP è bloccatoL'indirizzo IP non è consentitoIndirizzo IP, gamma, carattere jolly o CIDRIP blacklistedIP BloccatoIP sottorete bloccataIP inserito in lista biancaSe un commento spam è rilevatoSe si sono verificati cambiamenti nei risultati della scansioneSe viene trovata una nuova problematica Se il numero di sessioni utente contemporanee è maggioreIn caso abbiamo trovato il tuo account, abbiamo inviato il link di conferma all'indirizzo e-mail presente nell'account.Se credi di essere in grado soddisfare questa richiesta ti preghiamo di farcelo sapere.Se si dimentica l'URL di accesso personalizzato, non sarà possibile accedere.Se si utilizza un plug-in di memorizzazione nella cache, è necessario aggiungere il nuovo URL di accesso all'elenco delle pagine da non memorizzare in cache.IgnoraIgnora elencoIgnora i file con le seguenti estensioniIgnorare i limiti di quota globaliIgnora gli utenti connessiBlocca Immediatamente l'IP dopo qualsiasi chiamata alla pagina wp-login.phpBlocca Immediatamente l'IP quando si tenta di accedere con un nome utente inesistenteImporta impostazioniimporta impostazioni dal fileNota importante se hai un plugin di caching in attoNella modalità Citadel nessuno è in grado di accedere, tranne i gli indirizzi IP presenti nell'elenco della White List. Le sessioni utente attive non saranno interessate.Includere eventi registro attivitàIncludi dimensioni del fileIncludi errori di scansioneIncludere voci registro trafficoIndirizzo IP o Range IP non corretto Password sbagliataAumenta la durata del blocco a %s ore dopo %s blocchi nelle ultime %s oreModo di InizializzazioneAvviato dall'utenteFile infettatoFiles infettatiInstalla il token di accesso sul ito web master.IntegritàIntegrity data non trovatoCookie non validiCookie non validi eliminatiCredenziali master non valideRisposta non valida dal sito web slaveUtente invalidoReCAPTCHA invisibileProblemi TotaliÈ visibile solo agli amministratori del sito webPotrebbe rimanere dopo l'aggiornamento a una versione più recente di %s. Potrebbe anche essere un pezzo di malware nascosto. In casi rari potrebbe essere una parte di un plugin o di un tema personalizzato (su misura).Sembra che questo sito non sia mai stato scansionato. Per avviare la scansione, fai clic sul pulsante in basso.KB/secTieni presente che: il sito web che hai aggiunto non supporta la crittografia SSL. Ciò potrebbe comportare la perdita di dati.Conservare log utenti collegati perMantenere log visitatori non loggati perMantenere la directory degli upload di WordPress pulita e sicura. Rilevare i file iniettati con accesso web pubblico, segnalarli e rimuovere quelli dannosi.Per saperne di piùScopri di più su tutti i vantaggi aIl più grandeL'ultimo tentativo non riuscito è stato a %s dall'IP %s con accesso utente: %s.Ultimo bloccatoL'ultimo blocco è stato aggiunto: %s per IP %sUltimo loginVisto per l'ultima voltaAvvia scansione completaAvvia una scansione veloceModalità legacyLicenzaLimita accesso per indirizzo IPLimite dei tentativiLimita i tentativi di accessoLimite di sessioni utente contemporaneeÈ stato raggiunto il limite delle verifiche reCAPTCHA falliteÈ stato raggiunto il limite dei tentativi di accessoLimite raggiuntoLa lista è vuotaTraffico in tempo realeCaricare le impostazioni di defaultCaricare vociCarica il motore di sicurezzaCaricare impostazioni predefinite del pluginUtente localeHash locale non trovatoBlocca l'indirizzo IP per %s minuti dopo %s tentativi non riusciti entro %s minuti BloccatoIl blocco per %s è stato rimossoNotifiche di bloccoBloccatiBloccati al momentoBlocchi avvenutiLoginLog OutRegistra tutte le richieste REST APIRegistra tutte le richieste XML-RPCAccedi al sito webLoggatoDisconnessoDisconnesso ovunqueUtenti connessiRegistrazione disabilitataModalità di registrazioneSicurezza di AccessoAccesso fallitoModulo di accessoAccedi da un indirizzo IP diversoAccedi da un altro browser o dispositivoAccedi da un paese diversoAccedi da una rete di Classe C diversaProblemi di accessoPiù lungo diModulo per il recupero della password dimenticataBassa gravitàImpostazioni PrincipaliImpostazioni PrincipaliRendi la tua protezione più intelligente!Attività DannosaRilevati indirizzi IP malevoliAttività dannose attenuateRilevata attività malevolaCodice dannoso rilevatoTrovato Codice MalevoloRichieste dannose negateScansione malwareGestire ImpostazioniSegna come spamMaschera questi campi moduloImpostazioni masterMassima compatibilitàNumero massimo di avvisi da inviareMassima sicurezzaMedia gravitàMinimoImpostazioni VarieMitigare i tentativi aggressiviGli avvisi mobile non sono configuratiGli avvisi mobile saranno inviati a %sModificatoMonitora file modificatiMonitora nuovi filesSposta i commenti spam nel cestino dopoMolteplici richieste errateAttività sospette multipleAttività sospette multiple sono state rilevateRichieste Multiple sospetteIl mio IPIl mio indirizzo IPI Miei Siti WebLa mia attivitàLe mie richiestel mio sito è dietro un proxy inversoNO, forse più tardiReteMaiNuovo URL di accesso personalizzatoNuovo fileNuovi fileNuovi utentiNuova versione disponibileIl più nuovoNessuna attività è stata ancora registrata.Non ci sono dati per generare i report. Esegui una Scansione Completa. I report verranno generati quando la scansione sarà completata.Nessuna periferica trovata.Nessuna estensioneNessun file è stato caricato o il file è danneggiatoNessun file corrisponde al filtro specificato.Nessun limiteNessun blocco al momento. Il cielo è limpido.Nessuna restrizioneNessuna regolaNessun sito web configuratoNon autenticatoUtenti inesistentiNon disponibileNon loggatoNon permesso per un paesenon permesso per %d paesiNon SpecificatoNoteLimiti di notificaNotificheNotifica all'amministratore se il numero di blocchi attivi superaNumero di blocchi attiviNumero di sessioni utente contemporanee consentiteNumero di blocchi in aumentoOKOK, chiudili tuttiIl più vecchioUna volta abilitato il log sarà disponibile qui: %sSolo agli utenti registrati e connessi è consentito visualizzare questo sito webSolo gli utenti del sito web registrati e connessi hanno accesso al sito webSolo gli utenti provenienti da indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP bianca possono registrarsi sul sito webLimiti di avvisi opzionaliCommento opzionale per questa voceAltro formProprietarioPagina non trovataTempo di generazione della paginaSoglia del tempo di generazione della paginaAnalisi dell'elenco dei filePassword cambiataPassword modificata da %sRichiesta reimpostazione password negataRichiesto reset della passwordPercorsoPerformanceAutorizzazione negataAutorizza solo gli indirizzi e-mail che presentano quanto seguePermesso per un paese Permesso per %d paesiDati PersonaliPreferenze PersonaliTelefonoScegline un altro.Per favore abilita Permalinks per utilizzare questa funzionalità. Configura le Impostazioni del Permalink diversamente dal Predefinito.Carica un archivio ZIP di riferimento. Grazie.Carica un altro file.Utilizza il seguente codice PIN di verifica per verificare la tua identitàVerifica la tua identitàLa modalità di inizializzazione del plugin non è stata modificataLe informative sono state aggiornateInserisci commentiPrefisso per i plugin dei cookiesIl prefisso può contenere solo caratteri alfanumerici latini e trattini bassiPreparazione per la scansioneImpedire il rilevamento del nome utenteImpedire il rilevamento del nome utente tramite oEmbedImpedire il rilevamento del nome utente tramite sitemaps XML dell'utenteUna precedente scansione avviata %s non è stata completata. Continuare la scansione?Regole di sicurezza proattiveSondo per codice PHP vulnerabileElaborazione delle richieste di autenticazione di wp-login.phpProfiloEstensioni vietateNomi utente proibitiProteggi gli script di amministrazioneProteggi tutti i form del sito web con il motore di rilevazione dei botProteggi il modulo dei commenti con il motore di rilevazione dei botProteggi il modulo di registrazione con il motore di rilevazione dei botProteggere Impostazioni sitoProteggere gli account utenteProteggere ruoli utentiImpostazioni protetteNotifica pushToken di accesso pushbulletDispositivo pushbulletQuarantenaIn quarantenaWhitelist Query Scansione veloceRapporto di scansione veloceModalità solo letturaRagioneIndirizzi IP bloccati di recenteRecupera file di WordPressRecuperare file dei pluginRecuperatoRecupero file di WordPressRecupero file di pluginReindirizzamento all' URLReindirizza utente dopo l'accessoReindirizza utente dopo la disconnessioneRegole di reindirizzamentoRicaricareRegistratiRegistrati al sito webRegistratoForm di registrazioneLimite di RegistrazioneIntervalli di tempo regolari (giorni)RimuoviRimuovere dall'elencoSegnala un problema se una delle seguenti condizioni è veraRichiesteID richiestaRichiedere URLRichiesta di REST API bloccataRichiesta a XML-RPC API negataRichiesta al servizio Google reCAPTCHA non riuscitaWhitelist delle richiesteRichiedi wp-login.phpRisolvi problematicaRipristinaIndirizzi e-mail limitatiLimitare le registrazioni di nuovi utenti in base alle seguenti condizioniLimitare o bloccare completamente l'accesso all'API REST di WordPress secondo le vostre esigenzeRestringere la gestione dei ruoli e delle capacità con le seguenti politicheLimitare aggiornamento impostazioni sito con le seguenti politicheLimitare la creazione di account utente e la gestione degli utenti con le seguenti politicheOttenere le informazioni WHOIS dell'indirizzo IP quando si visualizzano i registriTorna all'elenco di siti webAggiornamento ruolo negatoBasato sui RuoliLe regole basate sulle funzioni sono state configurateModalità sicuraSalva $_SERVERSalva tutte le modificheSalva tutte le regoleSalva la richiesta dei cookiesSalva i campi richiestiSalva l'header delle richiesteSalvare i cookie di rispostaSalvare le intestazioni di rispostaSalva errori softwareControlla i risultati dei rapportiScansiona la directory delle sessioniScansiona le directory temporanee del web serverScansionatiScanner Report Impostazioni di scansioneScansione delle directory temporanee del server alla ricerca di filesScansione della directory sessions alla ricerca di filesScansione della directory temporanea upload alla ricerca di filesScansione delle directory del sito web alla ricerca di filesProgrammazione Cerca l'indirizzo IPRicerca per IP o Nome UtenteRicerca in URLCerca risultati per:Stringa di ricercaRicerca di codice dannosoToken Accesso SegretoIl token di accesso segreto non è validoChiave segretaRegole di SicurezzaScanner di SicurezzaLe regole di sicurezza sono state aggiornateSeleziona un gruppo esistente o inseriscine uno nuovo per aggiungerloSeleziona il file da importare.Seleziona una o più funzioniInvia un report via emailInvia indirizzi IP dannosi al Cerberus LabInvia notifica all'email dell'amministratoreInvia segnalazioni suServerPaese ServerLa sessione è stata chiusa%s sessioni sono state chiuseSessioniAggiornamento impostazioni negatoImpostazioniLe impostazioni sono state importate con successo daImpostazioni salvateImpostazioni aggiornateSpostare il menu adminSpostare il menu di amministrazione di WP Cerber in alto quando si naviga nelle pagine di amministrazione di WP CerberMostra notifiche "Passate a"Mostrare dati IP WHOISMostrare la homepage nella colonna del sitoIntegrità del sitoImpostazioni SitoCollegamenti del sitoChiave del sitoApplicazione politica del sitoImpostazioni site-specificDimensioniSaltare i file con le seguenti estensioniImpostazioni SlaveIl più piccoloIntelligenteSi sono verificati alcuni erroriSpiacenti, la verifica umana è fallita.Spiacente, la reimpostazione della password non è consentita per questo utente.Spazio occupatoIl commento spam è stato negatoCommenti spam negatiL'invio del form contenente spam è stato negatoTentativi di immissione spam negati Protezione antispam per la registrazione, i commenti e altri moduli sul sito webSpecifica gli spazi dei nomi REST API consentiti se l'API REST è disattivata. Una stringa per riga.Specificare i percorsi URL da escludere dalla registrazione delle richieste. Una voce per riga.Specificare gli Agenti-Utenti da escludere dalla registrazione delle richieste. Una voce per riga.Specificare firme di codice PHP personalizzate. Un elemento per riga. Per specificare un pattern REGEX, racchiudi un'intera riga in due parentesi.Specifica le directory da escludere dalla scansione. Una directory per riga.Specifica gli indirizzi e-mail, caratteri jolly o regolari. Usa la virgola per separare le voci. Specificare le estensioni dei file da cercare. Solo scansione completa. Usa la virgola per separare gli oggetti.Modalità standardAvvia una scansione completaAvvia una scansione veloceInizia a digitare qui per trovare un paeseAvviatoFerma la scansione.Ferma l'enumerazione dell'utenteTrasmetti formsRilevato codice JavaScript sospettoRilevato codice SQL sospettoAttività sospetteCodice sospetto rilevatoTrovata un'istruzione di codice sospettaTrovate Firme di codice sospetteTrovate direttive sospetteNumero di file sospettiNumero sospetto di valori annidatiRichieste sospettePassa a Passa alla DashboardTerminareTerminare la sessioneSu un nuovo login termina la sessione utente più vecchiaTerminare Sessioni UtenteL'indirizzo IP che stai cercando di aggiungere è già nella listaIl plugin di sicurezza WP Cerber è stato disattivatoIl plugin di protezione WP Cerber è attivoL'avviso è stato creatoL'avviso è stato cancellatoIl codice è valido per %s minutiI contenuti del file sono stati modificati e non corrispondono a ciò che esiste nel repository ufficiale di WordPress o in un file di riferimento che hai caricato in precedenza. Il file potrebbe essere stato alterato da malware, infetto da virus o manomesso.Il file è stato eliminato permenentemente.Il file è stato ripristinato nella sua posizione originaleLa modalità accesso completo richiede la versione PRO del Cerber WPL'elenco è vuoto.Lo scanner scansiona automaticamente il sito, rimuove malware e invia rapporti via e-mail con i risultati della scansioneLo scanner ha identificato questo file come mancate sulla base delle informazioni di integrità (checksum) fornite dallo sviluppatore di %sLo scanner monitora le modifiche hai file, verifica l'integrità di WordPress, dei plugin e dei temi e rileva il malwareLo scanner riconosce questo file come "ownerless" o "not bundled" perché non appartiene a nessuna parte conosciuta del sito web e non dovrebbe essere qui.La programmazione è stata aggiornataIl token è unico su questo sito web. Mantienilo segreto. Installa il token su un sito web master per concedere l'accesso a questo sito web.Il sito web è stato aggiunto con successoIl sito web che stai cercando di aggiungere è già presente nella listaAl momento non ci sono file in quarantena.Queste funzionalità sono disponibili in una versione professionale del plug-in.Queste funzioni aiutano la vostra organizzazione a essere in conformità con le leggi sulla protezione dei dati personaliQuesti file sono stati aggiunti alla lista dei file da ignorare.Questi file sono stati spostati in quarantenaQuesti file non saranno mai cancellati durante la pulizia automatica.Queste politiche sono automaticamente applicate alla fine di ogni scansione in base ai risultati. Tutti i file interessati vengono spostati in quarantena.Queste restrizioni non si applicano agli indirizzi IP nella White List di accesso degli IP Queste impostazioni ti permettono di mettere a punto il comportamento degli algoritmi anti-spam ed evitare falsi positiviQuesto file contiene codice eseguibile e potrebbe contenere un malware nascosto. Se questo file fa parte di un tema o di un plugin, deve trovarsi nel tema o nella cartella del plugin. Nessuna eccezione, nessuna scusa.Questo file manca. È stato cancellato o non è stato installato.Questo messaggio è stato inviato daQuesto repord di scansione è stato generato da una versione precedente di WP Cerber. Esegui una nuova scansione per ottenere risultati più attendibili ed accurati.Questo tipo di file non viene supportato. Si prega di caricare un archivio ZIP.Questo codice PIN di verifica è scaduto. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un nuovo codice sulla tua e-mail.Questo sito web può essere gestito da un sito web masterQuesto sito web è impostato come master.Questo sito web è impostato come slave.SogliaPer evitare falsi positivi e ottenere migliori prestazioni anti-spam, cancella la cache del plugin.Per cambiare le impostazioni del report visitaPer cancellare l'avviso, clicca quiPer ottenere il massimo da WP Cerber, segui questi passi:Per procedere, seleziona la modalità per questo sito webPer revocare il token e disabilitare la gestione remota, clicca qui:Per risolvere questo problema è necessario reinstallarlo %s o aggiornarlo alla versione più recente.Per specificare un pattern REGEX inserisci un pattern in mezzo a due barre (//) Per specificare un pattern REGEX, racchiudere un'intera riga in due parentesi.Per visualizzare il report completo visitaStrumentiTop 10 dei file più grandiTrafficoApprofondimenti TrafficoIspezione trafficoIspettore del trafficoTraffic Inspector è un web application firewall (WAF) context-aware che protegge il tuo sito web riconoscendo e negando le richieste HTTP dannoseRegistrazione del trafficoCestina i commenti spamProva di nuovoAutenticazione a Due FattoriE-mail di autenticazione a due fattoriAutenticazione a due fattoriImpossibile verificare l'integrità a causa di un errore del databaseImpossibile verficare l'integrità di wordpress a causa di un errore di reteImpossibile verficare l'integrità del plugin a causa di un errore di reteImpossibile verificare l'integrità del tema a causa di un errore di reteImpossibile copiare il fileImpossibile creare la directoryImpossibile eliminareImpossibile cancellare il fileImpossibile aprire il fileImpossibile processare il fileNon riesco ad inviare l'email aImpossibile aggiornare la programmazioneFile non presidiatiFile non presidiato sospetto SconosciutoBot de Google inconnuEtichetta sconosciutaEstensioni non voluteEstensione di file indesiderataEstensioni di file indesiderateAggiornamentiAggiorna WP CerberAggiorna tutti i plugin attiviCarica fileUsa pagina 404 dal tema attivoUtilizzare formato data ISO 8601 per i file di esportazione CSVUsa REST API Usa la lista White IP Access Usa XML-RPCUsa percorsi assoluti. Un elemento per riga.Usa la virgola per separare gli elementi.Usare la virgola per separare più estensioniUtilizzare la virgola per specificare più valoriUtilizzare l'URL personalizzato per il modulo di commento di WordPressUsa fileUsare politiche globaliUsa regole meno restrittive (Permetti AJAX)Utilizzare filtri di sicurezza meno restrittivi per gli indirizzi IP nella lista di accesso IP biancoUsa lingua masterUtenteAttività UtenteAgente UtenteID UtenteApprofondimenti UtenzaMessaggio UtentePolitiche degli UtentiUtente AttivatoCréation mot de passe pour l'application utilisateurPassword applicazione utente creata da %sPassword applicazione utente cancellataPassword applicazione utente eliminate da %sPassword dell'applicazione utente aggiornataUtente bloccato dall'amministratoreUtente creatoUtente creato da %sCreazione utente negataUtente eliminatoUtente eliminato da %sAll'utente non è permesso accedere al sito webLogin utenteMessaggio utenteMise à jour métadonnées utilisateur refuséeUtente registratoRegistrazione utenteLe registrazioni degli utenti sono limitate a questi ruoliMise à jour ligne utilisateur refuséeTermine di scadenza sessione utenteSessione utente terminataSessione utente chiusa da %sNome utenteNon è consentito utilizzare questo nome utente. Sceglierne un altro.Il nome utente è vietatoNome utente utilizzatoI nomi utente di questo elenco non possono accedere o registrarsi. Qualsiasi indirizzo IP, che ha cercato di utilizzare uno di questi nomi utente, sarà immediatamente bloccato. Usa la virgola per separare i nominativi.UtentiUtenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati ad aggiungere nuovi ruoliGli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a modificare le impostazioni protetteGli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a cambiare le funzionalità dei ruoliGli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a modificare i dati sensibili degli utentiGli utenti con questi ruoli sono autorizzati a creare nuovi accountAttività degli UtentiVerificatoVerificaVerifica la tua identitàVerifica integrità di WordpressVerifica integrità dei pluginVerifica integrità dei temiVedi attivitàVedi attività per questo IPVedi tuttoVisualizzare tutte le richieste REST APIVisualizzare eventi botVisualizzare le richieste REST API negateVisualizzare eventi reCAPTCHAVulnerabilitàVulnerabilità trovateWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScansioneWP Cerber è attivo e ha iniziato a proteggere il tuo sitoNotifica di WP CerberIl Cerber WP richiede PHP %s o superiore. Stai utilizzandoIl Cerber WP richiede WordPress %s o superiore. Stai utilizzandoVuoi rendere WP Cerber ancora più potente?Non è stato trovato alcun dato di integrità da verificarePer andare avanti abbiamo bisogno del tuo sostegnoSiamo spiacenti, non ti è permesso procedereAbbiamo inviato un codice PIN di verifica sulla tua e-mailSito webProprietario del sito webProprietà sito webURL sito webIl sito web è stato cancellato%s i siti web sono stati cancellatiReport settimanaleReport SettimanaleIl rapporto settimanale è un riassunto di tutte le attività e gli eventi sospetti verificatisi negli ultimi sette giorniReport settimanaliCosa vuoi esportare?Cosa vuoi importare?Quando viene raggiunto il limite delle sessioni utente concorrentiQuando fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto otterrai un file di configurazione che puoi caricare su un altro sito.Quando si fa clic sul pulsante in basso, il file verrà caricato e tutte le impostazioni esistenti saranno sovrascritte.Facendo clic sul pulsante qui sotto, verranno caricate le impostazioni predefinite di WP Cerber. L'URL di accesso personalizzato e gli elenchi di accesso non saranno modificati.White List degli indirizzi IPWooCommerce Log In WooCommerce Log Out WordPressAnalisi uploads WordPressScrivi i tentativi di accesso non riusciti nel fileTuTi trovi qui:Non ti è permesso effettuare l'accessoNon è consentito l'accesso. Chiedere assistenza all'amministratore.Non è consentito registrarsi.Non è possibile aggiungere il tuo indirizzo IP o reteHai %d tentativo di login rimanente.Hai %d tentativi di login rimanenti.Hai disabilitato la pagina di login predefinita. Assicurati di aver configurato una pagina di login alternativa. Altrimenti non sarai in grado di accedere.Hai inserito un codice PIN di verifica erratoHai superato il numero di tentativi di accesso consentiti. Si prega di riprovare tra %d minuti.Hai un solo tentativo rimanente.Sei passato di nuovo al sito web masterSei passato a %sDevi caricare l'archivio ZIP dal quale è stato installato. Ciò consente allo scanner di sicurezza di verificare l'integrità del codice e rilevare il malware.Tu o qualcun altro che cerca di accedere al sito web. Dobbiamo verificare che sia tu. Se non sei stato tu, reimposta immediatamente la tua password per proteggere il tuo account.Il tuo IPIl tuo indirizzo IP %s è stato aggiunto alla lista di accesso IP biancaIl tuo ultimo accesso è stato %s da %sLa tua licenza è valida sino alLa tua pagina di login:La tua richiesta e sospettosamente simile a richieste automatiche originate da software che genera spam o è stata bloccata da una regola configurata dall'amministratore del sito web attivaper data di registrazionegiornidisattivaDisabilitatoAbilitatoaccessoaccessiscadeTentativi fallitihttps://wpcerber.comSe vuoto, verrà utilizzato il formato predefinito %sse vuoto, saranno usati gli indirizzi email dalle impostazioni di notificase vuoto, verrà usata l'email %s dell'amministratore del sitoin 24 oreBloccatimillisecondiMinutiminuti (lasciare vuoto per usare il valore predefinito di WordPress)Nessuna connessioneNon Attivoemail di notifiche consentite per ora (0 significa illimitato)Numero di accessiuna volta al giorno allesono consentiti solo i numerioImpostazioni reCAPTCHAle impostazioni reCAPTCHA non sono corretteVerifica reCAPTCHA fallitareCAPTCHA verificatosconosciutonon specificatoutenteutentiguarda tuttoBloccato da %s a %sUltima scansione da malwarein %salleAltoBassoMedioI paesi selezionati non sono autorizzati ad %s, altri paesi sono autorizzati adI paesi selezionati sono autorizzati ad %s, altri paesi non sono autorizzati adlanguages/wp-cerber-pt_PT.po000064400000143157147577531750012024 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: pt-br\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:73 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Limitar tentativas de login" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Tentativas" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Duração do bloqueio" #: ../settings.php:75 ../settings.php:101 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutos" #: ../settings.php:76 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Bloqueio agressivo" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Conexão do site" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Regras de segurança proativa" #: ../settings.php:82 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Bloquear sub-rede" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Requisitar wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquer IP imediatamente após qualquer requisição a wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:84 msgid "Redirect dashboard requests" msgstr "Redirecionar requisições ao painel" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Página alternativa de login" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL personalizado de login" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "não deve se sobrepor aos links permanentes de páginas e posts" #: ../settings.php:97 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Desabilitar wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:97 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Bloquear acesso direto a wp-login.php e retornar o erro HTTP 404" #: ../dashboard.php:1221 ../settings.php:99 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza" #: ../settings.php:100 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Limite" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duração" #: ../cerber-load.php:4111 ../settings.php:78 ../settings.php:102 ../settings.php: #: 411 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notificações" #: ../settings.php:102 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Enviar notificação para o email do administrador" #: ../cerber-load.php:4108 ../settings.php:404 ../cerber-tools.php:92 ../cerber- #: tools.php:101 ../cerber-tools.php:182 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listas de Acesso" #: ../dashboard.php:1239 ../dashboard.php:1467 ../cerber-load.php:3855 .. #: /settings.php:104 ../settings.php:395 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Atividade" #: ../settings.php:399 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Bloqueios" #: ../settings.php:520 ../settings.php:642 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s tentativas restantes em %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:542 ../settings.php:664 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Habilitar após %s tentativas falhas de login nos últimos %s minutos" #: ../dashboard.php:129 ../dashboard.php:695 ../dashboard.php:2848 ../cerber-load. #: php:3864 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:534 ../dashboard.php:698 ../dashboard.php:2846 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: ../dashboard.php:534 ../dashboard.php:700 ../dashboard.php:2851 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Usuário Local" #: ../dashboard.php:534 ../dashboard.php:701 ../cerber-load.php:3872 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Nome de usuário usado" #: ../dashboard.php:148 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Mostrando últimos %d registros de %d" #: ../common.php:798 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Logado" #: ../common.php:799 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Desconectado" #: ../common.php:800 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Falha no login" #: ../common.php:803 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP bloqueado" #: ../common.php:804 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Sub-rede bloqueada" #: ../common.php:806 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Fortaleza ativada!" #: ../dashboard.php:675 ../dashboard.php:879 ../dashboard.php:2684 ../common.php: #: 845 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloqueado" #: ../common.php:846 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP bloqueado" #: ../common.php:821 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Senha alterada" #: ../dashboard.php:122 ../dashboard.php:195 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remover" #: ../dashboard.php:425 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Bloqueio de %s foi removido" #: ../dashboard.php:167 ../dashboard.php:670 ../dashboard.php:873 ../dashboard. #: php:1219 ../dashboard.php:2679 ../cerber-load.php:4100 ../settings.php:77 .. #: /settings.php:365 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:169 ../dashboard.php:671 ../dashboard.php:876 ../dashboard. #: php:1220 ../dashboard.php:2680 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Lista Negra de IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:201 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "A lista está vazia" #: ../dashboard.php:238 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Endereço %s adicionado à Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:252 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Endereço %s adicionado à Lista Negra de IPs" #: ../cerber-load.php:3337 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "O modo Fortaleza é atividado após %d tentaivas de login falhas em %d minutos." #: ../dashboard.php:1625 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Ver Atividade" #: ../dashboard.php:2530 ../cerber-tools.php:91 ../cerber-tools.php:100 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configurações" #: ../dashboard.php:1082 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Último login" #: ../dashboard.php:1115 ../dashboard.php:1202 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nunca" #: ../dashboard.php:1513 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Tem certeza?" #: ../dashboard.php:1307 ../settings.php:79 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Meu site está sob um proxy reverso" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Usuários não-existentes" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "Bloquear IP imediatamente nas tentativas de login com nomes de usuários não existentes" #: ../settings.php:84 msgid "Disable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Desabilitar redirecionamento automático para a página de login quando /wp-admin/ é requisitada sem autorização" #: ../settings.php:351 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Deixe sua proteção mais inteligente!" #: ../settings.php:355 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Favor habilitar os Links Permanentes para utilizar essa funcionalidade. Configure os Link Permanentes para algo além do Padrão." #: ../cerber-load.php:4107 ../settings.php:401 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Configurações Principais" #: ../dashboard.php:2531 ../settings.php:413 ../cerber-tools.php:51 msgid "Help" msgstr "Ajuda" #: ../settings.php:530 ../settings.php:652 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Aumentar a duração do bloqueio para %s horas após %s bloqueios nas últimas %s horas." #: ../cerber-load.php:358 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Você não tem permissão para entrar. Peça ajuda ao administrador." #: ../cerber-load.php:364 msgid "You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Você atingiu o limite de tentativas de login. Por favor, tente novamente em %d minutos." #: ../cerber-load.php:383 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Você tem apenas uma tentativa restante." msgstr[1] "Você tem %d tentativas restantes." #: ../dashboard.php:723 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Nenhuma atividade foi registrada." #: ../dashboard.php:132 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Expira" #: ../dashboard.php:154 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Nenhum bloqueio no momento. O céu está limpo." #: ../dashboard.php:167 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Estes IPs nunca serão bloqueados" #: ../dashboard.php:176 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Seu IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3338 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Última tentativa de login falha foi às %s do IP %s com o login de usuário: %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4067 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Não foi possível ativar o WP Cerber devido a um erro na conexão com o banco de dados." #: ../settings.php:537 ../settings.php:659 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Notificar o administrador caso o número de bloqueios ativos seja acima" #: ../settings.php:105 ../settings.php:179 ../settings.php:341 msgid "days" msgstr "dias" #: ../dashboard.php:1172 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Visualição Rápida do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:150 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Dica" #: ../dashboard.php:150 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Para ver a atividade, clique no IP" #: ../dashboard.php:194 ../dashboard.php:886 ../dashboard.php:913 ../dashboard. #: php:1005 msgid "Check for activity" msgstr "Verificar atividade" #: ../settings.php:82 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Sempre bloquear toda a sub-rede classe C de IPs invasores" #: ../settings.php:102 ../settings.php:539 ../settings.php:661 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Clique para enviar teste" #: ../settings.php:814 ../settings.php:815 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Atenção! Você alterou o URL de login! O novo URL de login é" #: ../dashboard.php:1081 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comentários" #: ../common.php:1078 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Atualizar WP Cerber para a versão %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3339 ../cerber-load.php:3896 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Ver atividade no painel" #: ../cerber-load.php:3369 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Número de bloqueios ativos" #: ../cerber-load.php:3373 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Ver bloqueios no painel" #: ../cerber-load.php:3455 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Esta mensagem foi enviada por" #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Ferramentas" #: ../cerber-tools.php:88 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exportar configurações para o arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:89 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, você baixará um arquivo de configuração que poderá usar em outros sites." #: ../cerber-tools.php:90 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "O que gostaria de exportar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:93 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Baixar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:95 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importar configurações de um arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, o arquivo será enviado e todas as configurações existentes serão sobrescritas." #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Selecionar arquivo para importação." #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Tamanho máximo do arquivo para envio: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:100 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "O que gostaria de importar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:102 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Enviar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:149 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Nenhum arquivo foi enviado ou o arquivo está corrompido" #: ../cerber-tools.php:182 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Erro ao enviar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:185 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "As configurações foram importadas com sucesso de" #: ../cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Erro ao interpretar arquivo" #: ../dashboard.php:130 ../dashboard.php:696 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Nome do servidor" #: ../dashboard.php:391 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconhecido" #: ../settings.php:105 ../settings.php:337 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Guardar registros por" #: ../dashboard.php:1206 ../dashboard.php:1227 msgid "active" msgstr "ativo" #: ../dashboard.php:1206 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "desativar" #: ../dashboard.php:1208 msgid "not active" msgstr "inativo" #: ../dashboard.php:1209 ../dashboard.php:1223 msgid "disabled" msgstr "desabilitado" #: ../dashboard.php:1214 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "tentativas falhas" #: ../dashboard.php:1214 ../dashboard.php:1215 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "em 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:1214 ../dashboard.php:1215 msgid "view all" msgstr "ver todos" #: ../dashboard.php:1215 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "bloqueios" #: ../dashboard.php:1217 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Bloqueios no momento" #: ../dashboard.php:1218 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Último bloqueio" #: ../dashboard.php:1219 ../dashboard.php:1220 ../dashboard.php:1796 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "entrada" msgstr[1] "entradas" #: ../dashboard.php:1508 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Confuso em relação às configurações?" #: ../dashboard.php:1509 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Você pode carregar as configurações recomendadas clicando no botão abaixo." #: ../dashboard.php:1511 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Carregar configurações padrão" #: ../dashboard.php:1519 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "não afeta URL personalizado de login e Listas de Acesso" #: ../common.php:1071 ../settings.php:221 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nova versão disponível" #. Name of the plugin #: ../dashboard.php:52 ../dashboard.php:76 msgid "WP Cerber" msgstr "WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:3313 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber notifica" #: ../cerber-load.php:3335 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza está ativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3409 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Novo URL personalizado de login" #: ../cerber-load.php:4054 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "O WP Cerber requer PHP %s ou mais recente. Você está rodando" #: ../cerber-load.php:4058 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "O WP Cerber requer Wordpress %s ou mais recente. Você está rodando" #: ../settings.php:108 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Usar arquivo" #: ../settings.php:108 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Escrever tentativas falhas de login em um arquivo" #: ../dashboard.php:1624 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Desativar" #: ../dashboard.php:133 ../cerber-load.php:3371 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Razão" #: ../dashboard.php:206 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Adicionar IP à lista" #: ../dashboard.php:932 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Adicionar IP à Lista Negra" #: ../common.php:876 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Tentativa de acesso" #: ../common.php:875 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "O limite de tentativas de login foi atingido" #: ../common.php:829 ../common.php:877 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Tentativa de login com nome de usuário não existente" #: ../cerber-load.php:3370 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Último bloqueio foi adicionado: %s para o IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4110 ../settings.php:406 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Fortalecendo" #: ../dashboard.php:909 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Email para abusos:" #: ../settings.php:208 ../settings.php:243 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Endereço de Email" #: ../settings.php:217 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "se vazio, o email do administrador %s será usado" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Rastrear IP" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Pegar informação extra de WHOIS para o IP" #: ../settings.php:119 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Fortalecendo o Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:120 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Bloquear enumeração de usuários" #: ../settings.php:122 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Desabilitar XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:122 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloquear acesso ao servidor XML-RPC (incluindo Pingbacks e Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Desabilitar feeds" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Bloquear acesso aos feeds RSS, Atom e RDF" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Desabilitar API REST" #: ../settings.php:365 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "Estas configurações não afetam servidores do " #: ../settings.php:895 ../settings.php:907 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERRO: favor digitar um endereço de email válido." #: ../cerber-load.php:3401 ../cerber-load.php:4099 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerver está ativo agora e já começou a proteger o seu site" #: ../dashboard.php:134 msgid "Action" msgstr "Ação" #: ../dashboard.php:169 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Ninguém pode entrar ou se registrar a partir destes IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:232 ../dashboard.php:244 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Endereço ou faixa de IP incorretos" #: ../dashboard.php:441 ../dashboard.php:1640 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Configurações salvas" #: ../dashboard.php:913 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Rede:" #: ../dashboard.php:927 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Adicionar rede à Lista Negra" #: ../dashboard.php:1623 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Atenção! O modo Fortaleza agora está ativado. Ninguém pode fazer login." #: ../dashboard.php:349 ../dashboard.php:2609 ../whois.php:221 ../whois.php:252 .. #: /common.php:874 ../common.php:1153 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconhecido" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregory" #: ../common.php:203 ../common.php:260 ../common.php:265 ../common.php:270 .. #: /cerber-load.php:666 ../cerber-load.php:678 ../cerber-load.php:685 ../cerber- #: load.php:932 ../cerber-load.php:1149 ../cerber-load.php:1155 ../cerber-load. #: php:1160 ../cerber-load.php:1165 ../cerber-load.php:1171 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1178 ../cerber-load.php:1278 ../cerber-load.php:1415 ../settings.php:793 .. #: /settings.php:864 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERRO:" #: ../cerber-load.php:695 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Verificação de humanidade falhou. Por favor, click no quadrado do bloco reCAPTCHA abaixo." #: ../cerber-load.php:944 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "ERRO: A senha que você digitou para o usuário %s está incorreta." #: ../cerber-load.php:1166 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Nome de usuário não permitido. Por favor, escolha outro nome." #: ../cerber-load.php:3364 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "não especificado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3367 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "O número de bloqueios está aumentando" #: ../cerber-load.php:3372 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Ver atividade do IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3376 ../cerber-load.php:3378 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Uma nova versão do WP Cerber está disponível para ser instalada" #: ../cerber-load.php:3377 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Olá!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3380 ../cerber-load.php:3391 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: ../cerber-load.php:3383 ../cerber-load.php:3384 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "O plugin de segurança WP Cerber foi desativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3386 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Não logado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3392 msgid "By user" msgstr "Pelo usuário" #: ../cerber-load.php:3393 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Do endereço de IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3396 msgid "From country" msgstr "Do país" #: ../cerber-load.php:3400 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "O plugin de segurança WP Cerber está agora ativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:4100 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Seu endereço de IP foi adicionado à" #: ../cerber-load.php:4112 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importar configurações" #: ../settings.php:220 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limite de notificação" #: ../settings.php:220 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "notificações permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Configurações de usuário" #: ../settings.php:144 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Nomes de usuários proibidos" #: ../settings.php:150 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Nomes de usuários desta lista não podem fazer login ou serem registrados. Qualquer endereço de IP que tentar utilizar algum destes nomes será imediatamente bloqueado. Utilize vírgulas para separar os logins." #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Sessão de usuário expira" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "em minutos (deixe em branco para usar o valor padrão do Wordpress)" #: ../settings.php:182 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Configurações do reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:183 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Chave do site" #: ../settings.php:184 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Chave secreta" #: ../settings.php:187 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulário de senha perdida" #: ../settings.php:193 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formulário de login" #: ../settings.php:193 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:368 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Antes de começar a utilizar o reCAPTCHA, você precisa obter uma Chave do Site uma Chave Secreta no website do Google" #: ../cerber-lab.php:720 ../settings.php:369 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Saiba mais" #: ../dashboard.php:52 ../settings.php:388 msgid "WP Cerber Security" msgstr "WP Cerber Security" #: ../settings.php:408 msgid "Users" msgstr "Usuários" #: ../common.php:796 msgid "User created" msgstr "Usuário criado" #: ../dashboard.php:1460 ../common.php:797 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Usuário registrado" #: ../common.php:824 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "A verificação do reCAPTCHA falhou" #: ../common.php:825 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "As configurações do reCAPTCHA estão incorretas" #: ../common.php:828 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Tentativa de acesso a URL proibido" #: ../common.php:830 ../common.php:878 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Tentativa de login com nome de usuário proibido." #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Conexão Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Enviar endereço de IP malicioso para o Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:107 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocolo Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:162 ../settings.php:187 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formulário de restro" #: ../settings.php:188 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:194 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WooCommerce" #: ../common.php:826 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "A requisição para o serviço Google reCAPTCHA falhou" #: ../dashboard.php:1452 ../dashboard.php:1482 msgid "View all" msgstr "Ver todos" #: ../dashboard.php:1483 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Endereços de IP recentemente bloqueados" #: ../cerber-lab.php:718 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, acabe com eles" #: ../cerber-lab.php:719 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NÃO, talvez mais tarde" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1238 ../dashboard.php:1816 ../settings. #: php:393 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Painel de Controle" #: ../cerber-lab.php:716 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Gostaria de fazer o WP Cerber ainda mais poderoso?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:717 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Permita que o WP Cerber envie endereços de IP maliciosos para o Cerber Lab. Isso ajuda os desenvolvedores do plugin a criarem algoritmos para defender o WordPress de novas ameaças e botnets que surgem dia-a-dia. Você pode desabilitar este envio a qualquer momento nas configurações do plugin." #: ../dashboard.php:534 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Endereço de IP" #: ../dashboard.php:534 msgid "User login" msgstr "Login do usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:534 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID do usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:719 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportar" #: ../dashboard.php:738 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Buscar por IP ou usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:738 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtrar" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Painel de Controle do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:64 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Ferramentas do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:1726 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Inscrever" #: ../dashboard.php:1727 ../cerber-tools.php:273 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Cancelar inscrição" #: ../dashboard.php:1755 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Você está inscrito" #: ../dashboard.php:1758 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Você cancelou sua inscrição" #: ../cerber-load.php:3413 ../cerber-load.php:3414 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Uma nova atividade foi capturada" #: ../cerber-load.php:3868 msgid "User" msgstr "Usuário" #: ../cerber-load.php:3876 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Termo pesquisado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3897 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Para cancelar sua inscrição, clique aqui" #: ../settings.php:110 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferências" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Formato da data" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "se vazio, o formato padrão %s será usado" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notificações push" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Notificações por email" #: ../settings.php:212 ../settings.php:248 ../settings.php:305 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Use vírgulas para separar múltiplos valores" #: ../settings.php:233 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Todos os dispositivos conectados" #: ../settings.php:234 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo encontrado" #: ../settings.php:236 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Não disponível" #: ../common.php:822 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Redefinição de senha solicitada" #: ../common.php:879 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Foi atingido o limite de verificações falhas do reCAPTCHA" #: ../common.php:937 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s atrás" #: ../settings.php:77 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Aplicar regras de limite para login aos endereçoes de IP da Lista Segura" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Exibir página 404" #: ../settings.php:185 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "reCAPTCHA invisível" #: ../settings.php:185 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA invisível" #: ../settings.php:185 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(não habilite esta opção a menos que tenha as Chaves do Site e Secreta para esta versão invisível)" #: ../settings.php:196 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de comentários do Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:197 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Desabilitar reCAPTCHA para usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:199 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limitar tentativas" #: ../settings.php:199 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Bloquear endereço de IP por %s minutos depois de %s tentativas falhas dentro de %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:362 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "No modo Fortaleza apenas os IPs da Lista Segura podem se conectar. Sessões ativas de usuários não serão afetadas." #: ../dashboard.php:534 ../dashboard.php:699 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" #: ../common.php:146 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Comentários spam recusados" #: ../common.php:148 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Endereço de IP malicioso detectado" #: ../common.php:149 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Bloqueios ocorridos" #: ../dashboard.php:1461 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "Todas as atividades suspeitas" #: ../cerber-load.php:1150 ../cerber-load.php:1156 ../cerber-load.php:1172 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1179 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Não é permitido o seu registro." #: ../common.php:807 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Comentário spam recusado" #: ../common.php:832 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Tentativa de login recusada" #: ../common.php:833 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Tentativa de registro recusada" #: ../common.php:143 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Atividades maliciosas mitigadas" #: ../dashboard.php:63 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Configurações antispam do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:63 ../dashboard.php:1241 ../cerber-load.php:4109 ../settings. #: php:196 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:160 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Mecanismo antispam do Cerber" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formulário para comentários" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger formulário para comentários com mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger formulário de registro com mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Exportar & Importar" #: ../cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnóstico" #: ../cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "License" msgstr "Licença" #: ../cerber-tools.php:343 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Configurações antispam e de detecção de bots" #: ../cerber-load.php:1415 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Desculpe, a verificação de humanidade falhou." #: ../common.php:880 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Atividade de bot detectada" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Processando comentário" #: ../settings.php:178 #, fuzzy msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Se um comentário spam for detectado" #: ../settings.php:179 #, fuzzy msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Mandar comentários spam para a lixeira" #: ../settings.php:179 #, fuzzy msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Mover comentários spam para a lixeira após" #: ../common.php:808 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário spam recusado" #: ../settings.php:163 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Outros formulários" #: ../settings.php:163 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger todos os formulários do website com o mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../settings.php:165 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Ajustar mecanismo antispam" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Modo seguro" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Usar políticas menos restritivas (permitir AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:2876 ../settings.php:167 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:167 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Desabilitar mecanismo de detecção de bots para usuários logados" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security & Antispam" msgstr "WP Cerber Security & Antispam" #: ../dashboard.php:131 ../dashboard.php:697 msgid "Country" msgstr "País" #: ../dashboard.php:729 msgid "All events" msgstr "Todos os eventos" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Regras de Segurança do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:60 ../dashboard.php:2184 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Regras de Segurança" #: ../dashboard.php:1083 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Tentativas falhas de login" #: ../dashboard.php:999 ../dashboard.php:1084 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrado" #: ../dashboard.php:1154 msgid "You" msgstr "Você" #: ../common.php:147 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário de spam recusado" #: ../dashboard.php:1520 ../cerber-load.php:3403 ../cerber-load.php:4102 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guia de Introdução" #: ../dashboard.php:2189 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Países" #: ../dashboard.php:2252 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Permitido para um país" msgstr[1] "Permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:2263 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Nenhuma regra" #: ../dashboard.php:2475 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "As regras de segurança foram atualizadas" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:809 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário recusado" #: ../common.php:810 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Comentário recusado" #: ../common.php:838 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Requisição à API REST recusada" #: ../common.php:839 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Requisição XML-RPC recusada" #: ../common.php:843 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot detectado" #: ../common.php:844 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza está ativo" #: ../common.php:849 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Atividade maliciosa detectada" #: ../common.php:850 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloquear por regra de países" #: ../common.php:851 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite atingido" #: ../common.php:852 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Múltiplas atividades suspeitas" #: ../common.php:881 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Múltiplas atividades suspeitas foram detectadas" #: ../settings.php:120 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST API" msgstr "Bloquear acesso a páginas de usuários como /?autor=n e dados de usuários via API REST" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API except the following" msgstr "Bloquear acesso à API REST do Wordpress exceto para o seguinte" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Permitir API REST para usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Especificar namespaces permitidos da API REST quando ela estiver desabilitada. Um namespace por linha." #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limite de registros" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Ordenar usuários no painel de controle" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "por data de registro" #: ../settings.php:168 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Lista de permissão para consultas" #: ../settings.php:525 ../settings.php:647 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s registros permitidos de um IP em %s minutos" #: ../dashboard.php:2319 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Comece a digitar aqui para encontrar um país" #: ../dashboard.php:2402 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Clique no nome de um país para adicioná-lo à lista de países selecionados" #: ../dashboard.php:2426 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Enviar formulários" #: ../dashboard.php:2427 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Publicar comentários" #: ../dashboard.php:2428 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Logar no website" #: ../dashboard.php:2429 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrar no website" #: ../dashboard.php:2430 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Usar XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:2431 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Usar API REST" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Negar completamente" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marcar como spam" #: ../dashboard.php:1446 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "nas últimas 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:1817 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Configurações principais" #: ../settings.php:240 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Relatórios semanais" #: ../settings.php:750 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domingo" #: ../settings.php:751 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Segunda-feira" #: ../settings.php:752 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Terça-feira" #: ../settings.php:753 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Quarta-feira" #: ../settings.php:754 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Quinta-feira" #: ../settings.php:755 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Sexta-feira" #: ../settings.php:756 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sábado" #: ../settings.php:816 ../settings.php:817 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Se estiver utilizando um plugin de cache, você deve adicionar o novo URL de login na lista de páginas excluídas do cache." #. translators: preposition of time #: ../settings.php:766 msgctxt "preposition of time" msgid "at" msgstr "às" #: ../cerber-load.php:3419 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Relatório semanal" #: ../cerber-load.php:3422 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Para modificar as configurações de relatórios visitar" #: ../cerber-load.php:3448 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Sua página de login:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3452 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Sua licença é válida até" #: ../cerber-load.php:3563 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Detalhes da atividade" #: ../settings.php:782 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Clique para enviar agora" #: ../cerber-load.php:796 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Tradutor do WP Cerber? Para ganhar uma licença PRO, deixe seu contato aqui: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:416 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "O email foi enviado para" #: ../dashboard.php:419 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Não foi possível enviar o email para" #: ../dashboard.php:2255 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Não permitido para um país" msgstr[1] "Não permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:2406 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Aos países selecionados é permitido %s, aos outros países não" #: ../dashboard.php:2409 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Aos países selecionados não é permitido %s, aos outros países sim" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Protects site from brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam protection with the Cerber antispam engine and reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user activity. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Protege sites de ataques de força bruta, bots e hackers. Proteção antispam com o mecanismo antispam Cerber e reCAPTCHA. Controle abrangente das atividades de usuários. Restrição de login com listas de acesso por IPs. Limitação das tentativas de login. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com." #: ../cerber-load.php:3551 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Relatório Semanal" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Usar template 404 do tema ativo" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Exibir página 404 simples" #: ../settings.php:174 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Digite parte da string de consulta ou do caminho de consulta para excluir uma requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:253 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "quando vazio, o email das configurações de notificações será usado" #: ../settings.php:241 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Habilitar relatórios" #: ../cerber-load.php:3476 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Seu último login foi em %s a partir do IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3577 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Tentativas de login com nomes de usuário não existentes" #: ../dashboard.php:205 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "Endereço de IP, faixa de IPv4 ou sub-rede" #: ../dashboard.php:207 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Comentário opcional para esta estrada" #: ../dashboard.php:248 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Você não pode adicionar seu endereço de IP ou rede" #: ../cerber-news.php:173 msgid "Cool!" msgstr "Legal!" #: ../settings.php:150 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva o padrão entre barras" #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspetor de Tráfego do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1224 ../dashboard.php:2524 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspetor de Tráfego" #: ../dashboard.php:1240 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Tráfego" #: ../dashboard.php:2529 msgid "Live traffic" msgstr "Tráfego ao vivo" #: ../dashboard.php:2847 msgid "Request" msgstr "Requisição" #: ../dashboard.php:2849 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informação do Servidor" #: ../dashboard.php:2850 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User Agent" #: ../dashboard.php:2875 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Todas as requisições" #: ../dashboard.php:2877 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Visitantes não logados" #: ../dashboard.php:2878 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Envios de formulários" #: ../dashboard.php:2879 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Página não encontrada" #: ../dashboard.php:2880 msgid "REST API" msgstr "API REST" #: ../dashboard.php:2881 msgid "XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:2885 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Mais do que" #: ../dashboard.php:2898 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Recarregar" #: ../common.php:109 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Verificar requisições" #: ../common.php:1097 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Não especificado" #: ../settings.php:277 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Modo de registro" #: ../settings.php:283 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Registro desabilitado" #: ../settings.php:284 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Inteligente" #: ../settings.php:285 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Todo tráfego" #: ../settings.php:289 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignorar crawlers" #: ../settings.php:299 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Mascarar estes campos de fomulários" #: ../settings.php:334 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milissegundos" #: ../settings.php:261 msgid "Inspection" msgstr "Inspeção" #: ../settings.php:262 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Habilitar inspeção de tráfego" #: ../settings.php:276 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Registrando" #: ../settings.php:294 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Salvar campos de requisição" #: ../settings.php:329 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Limite de tempo para geração de páginas" #: ../dashboard.php:2867 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Nenhuma requisição foi registrada." #: ../dashboard.php:1223 msgid "enabled" msgstr "habilitado" #: ../dashboard.php:1227 msgid "no connection" msgstr "sem conexão" #: ../dashboard.php:3159 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Busca avançada" #: ../dashboard.php:992 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Visto pela última vez" #: ../common.php:834 ../common.php:882 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Teste para vulnerabilidades no código PHP" #: ../dashboard.php:3119 msgid "Any" msgstr "Qualquer" #: ../cerber-load.php:3203 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Desculpe, você não tem permissão para prosseguir" #: ../settings.php:267 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Lista de permissão para requisições" #: ../settings.php:273 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Digite um URI de requisição para excluir a requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:310 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Salvar cabeçalhos da requisição" #: ../settings.php:316 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Salvar $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:322 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Salvar cookies da requisição" #: ../settings.php:121 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Proteger scripts da administração" #: ../settings.php:121 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Bloquear acessos não autorizados a load-scripts.php e load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:1583 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Não foi possível criar o diretório" #: ../common.php:1588 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Acesso recusado à pasta de destino" #: ../common.php:1591 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Arquivo não encontrado" #: ../common.php:1594 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Não foi possível copiar o arquivo" #: ../common.php:1600 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Não foi possível apagar o arquivo" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Inicialização do plugin" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Carregar mecanismo de segurança" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Modo legado" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Modo padrão" #: ../settings.php:794 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "O modo de inicialização do plugin não foi alterado" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Este é um módulo de inicialização padrão para o plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Ele foi instalado ao configurar \"Padrão\" como modo de inicialização do plugin. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:835 msgid "Attempt to upload executable file denied" msgstr "Tentativa de upload de arquivo executável recusada" #: ../common.php:836 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Upload de arquivo recusado" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Protects WordPress against brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam protection with the Cerber antispam engine and reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user and bot activity. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Protege o Wordpress contra ataques de força bruta, bots e hackers. Proteção contra spam com o mecanismo antispam do Cerber e reCAPTCHA. Controle abrangente das atividades de usuários e bots. Restrição de login com listas de acesso por IP. Limitação para tentativas de login. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com." #: ../settings.php:94 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "O URL personalizado de login pode conter apenas letras, números, traços e underscores." #: ../settings.php:174 ../settings.php:273 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva a linha toda entre duas barras." #: ../settings.php:358 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Seja cuidadoso ao habilitar estas opções." #: ../settings.php:358 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Se você esquecer sua URL de login personalizada, não será possível fazer login." languages/wp-cerber-pt_BR.mo000064400000200607147577531750011773 0ustar00/ 3 3 323 G3h3^w3 33R3;H4v4 454752l55 5 555 6 66 *676U6^6p6666 666* 7 57A7G7Z7b7y77 777 7 77 88 ,8 78 D8 N8"Z8}8$8929 :!:<:#E:i:y:}:::C:/:2$; W;5e;; ;;,;*<?<,Z<'<<.<@<?(=h=!~=1==1=>!->O>g>(p>f>?? ?#&?>J?+?G?*?G(@<p@ @A@ @ AA.AFA _AlAtA1zAAAAAABB'B@BUBlB B B BBB#BBC C(CGBCC C(CCC D(D:DMD \DiD|DD:DDDE EE $E1E9EIIEEWEEF%F 7FAF FF RF!]FSFG GGGH1H@HHH1OHH H H HHHI/IFIWIggI0IJ J,J%@JfJyJJJ JJDJ5K FK TKbKkKrKwK }KKKKK8K.LHL_LzL+L3L2L+ M)LM1vM0MMMMLN6cNqNN O1[OOOOOO O O P PP,P4P;PKPgP}PUP PPPQQ 6QWQsQ Q QQQQQRR #R.RER\RmRtR R RRRRRR RRR+S/S3S RS`S eSoSTxSS S SS(S(T 7TBT']TTBTbT?U FURUbU6yUKUU V*VVV VVLWTW/jW WWW'W X X !X.XWXm:YY Y!Y Y=Y -Z$:Z _Z jZtZZ ZZZZZ2Z"[ @[ N[ \[i[[ [[M[ \\"\=\S\\\s\\\\\ \\ \\\ \ \ ]!]3]&R] y]] ] ] ]]]]^:^R^g^ ^^^^^^^ __ _7_!I_k__,__ _ _!`"`2`;`A`V` _` i`s```)`$`, a6aTadala,aa a aa<a 4bBbHb [b3ibb bbDbF/cvc ccccccdd /d4;d4pddded%,eGReee/ee f 'f3fEMffCffg'g/gDg:Zg.g3ggh!h9h KhVh fhqhhh hhh hh i&i6iPiki}iii iiiiii/j@jHj.cjjj jjj'jk +k 6k@k IkWk hkukkkkkkkll&l5lFl%al"l$l lll mm3m GmRmam rm m5mmnn-,n Zn{nnn'nnnno'o 6oDoTo]ouooooo!ooo pp:pWWpvpT&qR{qSq "r0r@r#Qrur }rr rrr#rrss!/s Qsrss"s ss ss8 t>Dt2t+ttt!u:u&0v4Wv:vvvow{w' x81x3jx"xEx.y-6y;dyKyyz{Q{1{|=| [|e|"n||3|>|P$}Au}?}!}~3~9~A~R~e~w~ ~~~~~/~G!BiA%6Pd{€݀ 6>P k&w ˁ &$4Y*b  ǂ Ղ  - :EUr3{ #r$&ۄ% (6Pkt +<'*8.c+0  6$ [ e shȇd1 ҈܈'3 7EEc Cʉ)38WlDĊ, 6N 7Xt Œ0ˌ *7?)w, ΍0ڍ  )66> u 9Ȏَ (F N Ze1n96ڏ%{7{/ .%?eguݒT C_p "5<XB"ؔ?U\d s" ĕ&ڕ3B`:~ ˖֖ !1APi | #˗ .(<&e)9Й $A0J{ΚI֚5 8V ;؛"6+1b30 9#K]?/46k?ž&ڞ+$vPǟڟ&?)\F8͠@NGF3Q l zX !6Utã".=R-j¤ѤO>Y1bM'<Z rE)ͦ*2 8ELf`ǧ^A#^ Ũ+Ϩtp w#$AG#]2 ث( <QeB&:as,ح  49Dn ® ήخޮ$%#IbE{" $>=F|AðC<ID?˱ ! <Z];|[q3ͳ#%AX^et ɴ'ݴ (õ۵""+Nk#Ҷ : ESj Ƿ$޷07 =Jc-i+ɸظݸ[c fs* ι ۹$- $;S`|19L]CwX&-uTʼ#*X:. ٽ%! )-Wj`No 5 @ aQn0 'F dp"y;,4DX i [ 0:Pl  (9H"]$ &0#W{+$<a|* ,)Vm0" ##;AG gt!8.%/T$ 8 : KW;oG2'NvH=&7 KYq*! @1W**PU50 FTLtP0*Ny#OJD\ "5#Ko( !?!U"w  $9A=R !6&5 GQ+p!  6U"s  6#W#{$. 1 Bc { )2%8 ^22 20c!z%  %$Fks /' '"C%ffdbzP -CL"`% 3&2Z%% (>9Dx/4"6$Kp&i2:$S9x+!L6M,CNDK 9l.0 8!S9uG^AVJ"% ,8AVm' 'M.c|QO2#%#" &-&T%{  !+M\!p,  *$$O-t 1 !0EZq%+ ?[r)G q |&%# 0 HR jw+@2#:V39 82G zpuk *1Gy$D!N;57bK[*%-:PVkp 8 G1d* C ' 1??G ;  1*#\   EAE%s ago%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP%s allowed retries in %s minutes%s sec%s secs(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)2FA PIN Code2FA code verifiedERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version is availableA new version of %s is available. Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteActionActivatedActive PluginsActive ThemeActive plugins and updates onActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust antispam engineAdministration Email AddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll LoginsAll UsersAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyAny country is permittedAnyone can registerApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete AlertDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDid not receive an email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable slave modeDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail address is not permittedEmail address is not permitted.Email has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameFixed number of loginsForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGetting Started GuideGlobalGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHigh severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address is locked outIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersIgnore logged in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitiated by the userInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog InLog OutLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy WebsitesMy activityMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease use the following verification PIN code to confirm your identityPlease verify that it’s youPlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPreferencesPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProfileProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect user accountsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listRole-basedSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity access token is invalidSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onSessionsSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShow "Switched to" notificationShowing last %d records from %dSite Address (URL)Site IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSlave SettingsSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThis verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTry againTuesdayTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser createdUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser registeredUser session expiration timeUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.Using a different browser or deviceVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress Address (URL)Write failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdays intervaldeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: pt-br Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s atrás%s registros permitidos de um IP em %s minutos%s tentativas restantes em %s minutos%s seg.%s seg.(não habilite esta opção a menos que tenha as Chaves do Site e Secreta para esta versão invisível)Código PIN da 2FACódigo da 2FA verificadoERRO: A senha que você digitou para o usuário %s está incorreta.ERRO: favor digitar um endereço de email válido.> > > Tradutor do WP Cerber? Para ganhar uma licença PRO, deixe seu contato aqui: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Uma nova atividade foi capturadaUma nova versão está disponívelUma nova versão de %s está disponível. Favor instalá-la.Uma nova versão do WP Cerber está disponível para ser instaladaUma nova versão está disponívelEmail para abusos:Listas de AcessoAcesso à API REST do WordPressAcesso a esse websiteAçãoAtivadoPlugins AtivosTemas AtivosPlugins ativos e atualizações emAtividadeInsights de AtividadesDetalhes da atividadeAdicionar @ site ao título da páginaAdicionar IP à Lista NegraAdicionar IP à listaAdicionar novoAdicionar website secundárioAdicionar rede à Lista NegraAdicionar websites secundários com seus tokens de acesso.Adicionar ao menuAdicionadoDetalhes adicionaisEndereçoAjustar mecanismo antispamEndereço de Email AdministrativoBusca avançadaModo AvançadoApós cada verificaçãoBloqueio agressivoTodos LoginsTodos UsuáriosTodos os dispositivos conectadosTodos os eventosTodos os arquivos foram processadosTodos os gruposTodas as requisiçõesTodas as verificaçõesTodo tráfegoPermitir API REST para usuários logadosPermitir API REST para essas funçõesPermita que o WP Cerber envie endereços de IP maliciosos para o Cerber Lab. Isso ajuda os desenvolvedores do plugin a criarem algoritmos para defender o WordPress de novas ameaças e botnets que surgem dia-a-dia. Você pode desabilitar este envio a qualquer momento nas configurações do plugin.Permitir esses namespacesSempre bloquear toda a sub-rede classe C de IPs invasoresSempre habilitadoMensagem opcional para esse usuárioAntispamConfigurações antispam e de detecção de botsMecanismo AntispamQualquerQualquer país é permitidoQualquer um pode registrarAplicarAplicar regras de limite para login aos endereçoes de IP da Lista SeguraTem certeza que quer apagar os arquivos selecionados?Está certo que deseja remover os websites selecionados?Tem certeza?Tem certeza? O token se tornará permanentemente inválido.Tentativa de acessoTentativa de acesso a URL proibidoTentativa de login recusadaTentativa de login com nome de usuário não existenteTentativa de login com nome de usuário proibido.Tentativa de registro recusadaTentativa de envio de arquivo com código maliciosoTentativa de envio de arquivo malicioso recusadaTentativasTentativas de login com nomes de usuário não existentesAtenção! O modo Fortaleza agora está ativado. Ninguém pode fazer login.Atenção! Você alterou o URL de login! O novo URL de login éApenas usuários autorizadosAgenda de verificação recorrente automatizadaLimpeza automática de malware ou arquivos suspeitosApagar automaticamenteRecuperação automática de arquivos modificados ou infectadosApagado automaticamenteMovido para quarentena automaticamenteAutomaticamente restauradoÓtimo!Seja cuidadoso ao habilitar estas opções.Antes de começar a utilizar o reCAPTCHA, você precisa obter uma Chave do Site uma Chave Secreta no website do GoogleLista Negra de IPsBloquearBloquear UsuárioBloquear acesso ao painel do WordPressBloquear acesso à API REST do WordPress exceto pelos seguintesBloquear acesso aos feeds RSS, Atom e RDFBloquear acesso ao servidor XML-RPC (incluindo Pingbacks e Trackbacks)Bloquear acesso às páginas de usuários como /?autor=nBloquear acesso direto a wp-login.php e retornar o erro HTTP 404Bloquer a execução de códigos PHP a partir da pasta de mídias do WordPressBloquear sub-redeBloquear acessos não autorizados a load-scripts.php e load-styles.phpBloquear usuárioUsuários BloqueadosBloqueado pelo administradorBloquear por regra de paísesAtividade de bot detectadaBot detectadoPelo usuárioBytesNão foi possível ativar o WP Cerber devido a um erro na conexão com o banco de dados.CancelarPainel de Controle do CerberConexão Cerber LabProtocolo Cerber LabVisualição Rápida do CerberRegras de Segurança do CerberCerber Tech Inc.Inspetor de Tráfego do CerberSeguração de Usuário CerberMecanismo antispam do CerberConfigurações antispam do CerberFerramentas do CerberArquivos modificadosAtualizaçõesVerificar atividadesVerificar requisiçõesVerificando por arquivos novos ou modificadosChecksum incompatívelFortaleza ativada!Modo FortalezaModo Fortaleza está ativadoO modo Fortaleza é atividado após %d tentaivas de login falhas em %d minutos.Modo Fortaleza está ativoLimpandoClique aqui para ver a lista completa de arquivosClique no nome de um país para adicioná-lo à lista de países selecionadosClique para editarClique para enviar agoraClique para enviar testeComentário recusadoFormulário para comentáriosProcessando comentárioComentáriosEmpresaConfigurar esse website como principal para gerenciar outros websitesConfuso em relação às configurações?O conteúdo foi modificadoContinuar VerificaçãoPaísesPaísCriar alertaCriadoProblemas críticosNo momento uma verificação agendada está em progresso. Favor aguardar até que ela seja finalizada.URL personalizado de loginURL personalidade de login pode conter apenas caracteres alfa-numéricos, traços e subtraçosPágina alternativa de loginAssinatura personalizada encontradaAssinaturas personalizadasPainel de ControleDataFormato da dataDesativarAs configurações padrão foram carregadasProtege o WordPress contra ataques de hackers, spam, trojans e vírus. Verificadores de malwares e de integridade. Fortalece o WordPress com um conjunto abrangente de algoritmos de segurança. Proteção contra spam com um sofisticado mecanismo de reCAPTCHA e detecção de bots. Monitora atividades de usuários e intrusos com notificações por email, mobile ou desktop.ApagarApagar alertaApagar permanentementeApagar arquivos em quarentena apósApagar arquivos não supervisionadosApagar websiteApagadoRecusadoImpedir todos os endereços de email que correspondam ao seguinteImpedir completamenteAcesso recusado à pasta de destinoDeterminado por políticas de função de usuárioDiagnósticoNão recebeu um email?Diretórios a serem excluídosDesabilitar a exibição de erros do PHPDesabilitar PHP nos uploadsDesabilitar API RESTDesabilitar XML-RPCDesabilitar o redirecionamento automático para a página de login quando /wp-admin/ for requisitada por meio de uma requisição não autorizadaDesabilitar mecanismo de detecção de bots para usuários logadosDesabilitar redirecionamento do painelDesabilitar feedsDesabilitar modo principalDesabilitar reCAPTCHA para usuários logadosDesabilitar modo secundárioDesabilitar wp-login.phpDesabilitadoExibir página 404Mostrar comoExibir página 404 simplesNão aplicar essas políticas à Lista Segura de IPsConfirma a adição dos arquivos selecionados na lista de ignorados?Baixar arquivoRastrear IPDuraçãoERRO:EditarEmailEndereço de EmailEndereço de email não é permitidoEndereço de email não é permitido.O email foi enviado paraNotificações por emailHabilitar após %s tentativas falhas de login nos últimos %s minutosHabilitar registro de diagnósticoHabilitar blindagem contra errosHabilitar reCAPTCHA invisívelHabilitar modo principalHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WooCommerceHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de comentários do WordPressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WordPressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WordPressHabilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WordPressHabilitar relatóriosHabilitar modo secundárioHabilitar inspeção de tráfegoForçar autenticação de dois fatores se qualquer das condições a seguir for verdadeiraForçar autenticação de dois fatores com intervalos fixosDigite parte da string de consulta ou do caminho de consulta para excluir uma requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha.Digite um URI de requisição para excluir a requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha.Digite o código enviado por email no campo abaixo.Blindagem de Requisições ErrôneaErro ao interpretar arquivoErro ao enviar arquivoErrosEventoA cada 3 horasA cada 6 horasA cada horaExclusõesCódigo executável encontradoExpiraExportarExportar & ImportarExportar configurações para o arquivoTentativas falhas de loginArquivoErro de acesso a arquivo. Os resultados de verificação devem estar desatualizados. Favor executar uma Verificação Rápida ou Completa.Arquivo apagadoArquivo não encontradoArquivo restauradoEnvio de arquivo recusadoArquivos no diretório de sessõesArquivos no diretório temporárioArquivos na pasta de uploadsArquivos nestes diretóriosArquivos verificadosArquivos para verificarArquivos com estas extensõesArquivos com extensões indesejadasFiltrarFiltrar por usuário registradoFinalizando a verificaçãoFinalizadoPrimeiro NomeNúmero fixo de loginsEnvio de formulário recusadoEnvios de formuláriosSexta-feiraDo endereço de IPDo paísVerificação CompletaRelatório de Verificação CompletaModo de acesso completoGuia de IntroduçãoGlobalGroupFortalecendoFortalecendo o WordPressAjudaAqui estão os detalhes da tentativa de loginOlá!Esconder Barra de Ferramentas ao ver o siteAlta gravidadeDicaInformação do ServidorNome do servidorVerificação de humanidade falhou. Por favor, click no quadrado do bloco reCAPTCHA abaixo.IPEndereço IPEndereço de IPEndereço de IP está bloqueadoEndereço de IP, faixa de IPv4 ou sub-redeIP bloqueadoIP bloqueadoSe um comentário spam for detectadoSe qualquer mudança ocorrer na verificaçãoSe novos problemas forem encontradosSe você esquecer sua URL de login personalizada, não será possível fazer login.Se estiver utilizando um plugin de cache, você deve adicionar o novo URL de login na lista de páginas excluídas do cache.IgnorarLista de IgnoradosIgnorar crawlersIgnorar usuários logadosBloquer IP imediatamente após qualquer requisição a wp-login.phpBloquear IP imediatamente nas tentativas de login com nomes de usuários não existentesImportar configuraçõesImportar configurações de um arquivoNo modo Fortaleza apenas os IPs da Lista Segura podem se conectar. Sessões ativas de usuários não serão afetadas.Incluir tamanho dos arquivosIncluir erros da verificaçãoEndereço ou faixa de IP incorretosSenha incorretaAumentar a duração do bloqueio para %s horas após %s bloqueios nas últimas %s horas.Iniciado pelo usuárioInstalar token de acesso no website principal.IntegridadeDados de integridade não encontradosCredenciais principais inválidasResposta inválida do website secundárioUsuário inválidoreCAPTCHA invisívelProblemas totaisEle pode permanecer após atualizar para uma nova versão do %s. Pode também se tratar de um malware escondido. Em casos mais raros, pode ser parte de um plugin ou tema feitos sob-demanda.Parece que o site nunca foi verificado. Para iniciar uma verificação, clique no botão abaixo.Atenção: Você adicionou um website que não suporta encriptação SSL. Isto pode levar a vazamento de dados.Guardar registros porSaiba maisSaiba mais sobre as vantagens emÚltimo NomeÚltima tentativa de login falha foi às %s do IP %s com o login de usuário: %s.Último bloqueioÚltimo bloqueio foi adicionado: %s para o IP %sÚltimo loginVisto pela última vezIniciar Verificação CompletaIniciar Verificação RápidaModo legadoLicençaLimitar acesso por endereço de IPLimitar tentativasLimitar tentativas de loginFoi atingido o limite de verificações falhas do reCAPTCHAO limite de tentativas de login foi atingidoLimite atingidoA lista está vaziaTráfego Ao VivoCarregar configurações padrãoCarregar mecanismo de segurançaUsuário LocalArquivo local não existeBloquear endereço de IP por %s minutos depois de %s tentativas falhas dentro de %s minutosBloqueadoDuração do bloqueioBloqueio de %s foi removidoNotificações de bloqueioBloqueiosBloqueios no momentoBloqueios ocorridosRegistroEntrarSairLogar no websiteLogadoUsuários logadosDesconectadoRegistrandoRegistro desabilitadoModo de registroFalha no loginFormulário de loginLogin de um endereço IP diferenteLogin de um país diferenteLogin de uma rede classe C diferenteMais do queFormulário de senha perdidaBaixa gravidadeConfigurações PrincipaisConfigurações principaisDeixe sua proteção mais inteligente!Endereço de IP malicioso detectadoAtividades maliciosas mitigadasAtividade maliciosa detectadaCódigo malicioso detectadoCódigo malicioso encontradoRequisição maliciosa recusadaVerificação de MalwareMarcar como spamMascarar estes campos de fomuláriosConfigurações principaisCompatibilidade máximaSegurança máximaTamanho máximo do arquivo para envio: %s.Média gravidadeSegunda-feiraMonitorar arquivos modificadosMonitorar novos arquivosMover comentários spam para a lixeira apósMovido para quarentenaMúltiplas atividades suspeitasMúltiplas atividades suspeitas foram detectadasMúltiplas requisições suspeitasMeus WebsitesMinha atividadeMeu site está sob um proxy reversoNÃO, talvez mais tardeRede:NuncaNovo URL personalizado de loginNovo arquivoNovos arquivosNovos usuáriosNova versão disponívelNenhuma atividade foi registrada.Nenhum dispositivo encontradoNenhum arquivo foi enviado ou o arquivo está corrompidoNenhum arquivo satisfaz o filtro especificado.Nenhum bloqueio no momento. O céu está limpo.Nenhuma requisição foi registrada.Nenhuma restriçãoNenhuma regraNenhum website configurado.Ninguém pode entrar ou se registrar a partir destes IPsUsuários não-existentesNão disponívelNão logadoVisitantes não logadosNão permitido para um paísNão permitido para %d paísesNão especificadoNotasLimite de notificaçãoNotificaçõesNotificar o administrador caso o número de bloqueios ativos seja acimaNúmero de bloqueios ativosO número de bloqueios está aumentandoOK, acabe com elesApenas usuários registrados e logados tem permissão para ver o websiteApenas usuários registrados e logados têm acesso ao websiteComentário opcional para esta estradaOutros formuláriosProprietárioPágina não encontradaTempo de geração da páginaLimite de tempo para geração de páginasAnalisando a lista de arquivosSenha alteradaRedefinição de senha solicitadaPerformancePermitir apenas endereços de email que correspondam ao seguintePermitido para um paísPermitido para %d paísesTelefoneFavor escolher outro.Favor habilitar os Links Permanentes para utilizar essa funcionalidade. Configure os Link Permanentes para algo além do Padrão.Favor enviar um arquivo ZIP de referênciaFavor usar o seguinte código PIN de verificação para confirmar sua identidadeFavor verificar que é vocêInicialização do pluginO modo de inicialização do plugin não foi alteradoPolíticas foram atualizadasPublicar comentáriosPreferênciasPrefixo para cookies de pluginsPrefixos podem conter apenas caracteres alfa-numéricos latinos e subtraçosPreparando para verificaçãoA verificação anterior começou %s não foi completada. Continuar verificando?Regras de segurança proativaTeste para vulnerabilidades no código PHPPerfilNomes de usuários proibidosProteger scripts da administraçãoProteger todos os formulários do website com o mecanismo de detecção de botsProteger formulário para comentários com mecanismo de detecção de botsProteger formulário de registro com mecanismo de detecção de botsProteger contas de usuáriosNotificações pushToken de acesso do PushbulletAparelho do PushbulletQuarentenaLista de permissão para consultasVerificação RápidaRelatório de Verificação RápidaModo somente leituraRazãoEndereços de IP recentemente bloqueadosRestaurar arquivos do WordPressRestaurar arquivos de pluginsRestauradoRestaurando arquivos do WordPressRestaurando arquivos de pluginsRedirecionar para URLRedirecionar usuário após loginRedirecionar usuário após logoutRegras de redirecionamentoRecarregarRegistrarRegistrar no websiteRegistradoFormulário de restroLimite de registrosIntervalos regulares de tempo (dias)RemoverRemover da listaReportar um problema se qualquer item seguinte for verdadeiroRequisiçãoRequisição à API REST recusadaA requisição para o serviço Google reCAPTCHA falhouLista de permissão para requisiçõesRequisitar wp-login.phpResolver problemaRestaurarRestringir endereços de emailPegar informação extra de WHOIS para o IPRetornar para a lista de websitesBaseado em FunçõesModo seguroSábadoSalvar $_SERVERSalvar AlteraçõesSalvar AlteraçõesSalvar todas as regrasSalvar cookies da requisiçãoSalvar campos de requisiçãoSalvar cabeçalhos da requisiçãoSalvar erros de softwareRelatórios das VerificaçõesVerificar diretório de sessãoVerificar diretório temporárioVerificadoRelatório de VerificaçãoConfigurações da VerificaçãoVerificando arquivos em diretóriosVerificando o diretório de sessãoVerificando o diretório temporárioVerificando o diretório de upload de arquivosAgendamentoBuscar por IP ou usuárioBuscar resultados para:Termo pesquisadoBuscando por códigos maliciososToken de Acesso SecretoChave secretaRegras de SegurançaVerificação de SegurançaToken de acesso seguro inválidoAs regras de segurança foram atualizadasSelecionar um grupo existente ou adicionar um novoSelecionar arquivo para importação.Selecionar uma ou mais funçõesEnviar email com relatórioEnviar endereço de IP malicioso para o Cerber LabEnviar notificação para o email do administradorEnviar relatórios emSessõesConfiguraçõesAs configurações foram importadas com sucesso deConfigurações salvasExibir notificação "Mudou para"Mostrando últimos %d registros de %dEndereço do Site (URL)Integridade do SiteConfigurações do SiteConexão do siteChave do siteAplicação de política do siteConfigurações específicas do siteTamanhoConfigurações SecundáriasInteligenteAconteceram alguns errosDesculpe, a verificação de humanidade falhou.Ordenar usuários no painel de controleComentário spam recusadoComentários spam recusadosEnvio de formulário spam recusadoEnvio de formulário de spam recusadoEspecificar namespaces permitidos da API REST quando ela estiver desabilitada. Um namespace por linha.Especificar assinaturas de código PHP personalizadas. Um item por linha. Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva toda a linha entre duas chaves.Especifique os diretórios para excluir da verificação. Use caminhos absolutos. Um item por linha.Especificar endereços de email, curingas ou padrões Regex. Usar vírgulas para separar os itens.Especifique as extensões de arquivos para busca. Apenas para Verificação Completa. Use vírgulas para separar os itens.Modo padrãoIniciar Verificação CompletaIniciar Verificação RápidaComece a digitar aqui para encontrar um paísIniciadoParar VerificaçãoBloquear enumeração de usuáriosEnviar formuláriosSub-rede bloqueadaDomingoCódigo JavaScript suspeito detectadoCódigo SQL suspeito detectadoAtividade suspeiraCódigo suspeito encontradoInstruções suspeitas no código foram encontradasAssinaturas suspeitas no código foram encontradasDiretivas suspeitar foram encontradasNúmero suspeito de camposNúmero suspeito de valores aninhadosMudar paraMudar para o Painel de ControleEncerrarEncerrar sessãoO WP Cerber requer PHP %s ou mais recente. Você está rodandoO WP Cerber requer WordPress %s ou mais recente. Você está rodandoO plugin de segurança WP Cerber foi desativadoO plugin de segurança WP Cerber está agora ativadoO alerta foi criadoO alerta foi apagadoO código é válido por %s minutos.O conteúdo do arquivo foi alterado e não corresponde ao que existe no repositório oficial do WordPress ou ao arquivo de referência que você enviou anteriormente. O arquivo pode ter sido adulterado por um malware ou infeccionado por um vírus. O arquivo foi apagado permanentemente.O arquivo foi restaurado para seu local de origem.O mode de acesso completo exige a versão PRO do WP CerberA lista está vazia.A verificação classificou este arquivo como "sem dono" ou "sem pacote" porque ele não pertence a nenhuma parte ou website conhecidos e não deveria estar aqui.A agenda foi atualizadaO token é exclusivo para esse website. Mantenha-o em segredo. Instale o token no website principal e garanta acesso a esse website.O website foi adicionado com sucessoO website que está tentando adicionar já está na listaNão há arquivos em quarentena no momento.Estes IPs nunca serão bloqueadosEstas funcionalidades estão disponíveis na versão profissional do plugin.Estes arquivos foram adicionados à lista de ignoradosEstes arquivos foram movidos para quarentenaEstes arquivos nunca serão apagados durante limpezas automáticas.Essas restrições não se aplicam aos endereços de IP da Lista Segura de IPsO arquivo contém código executável e pode trazer um malware escondido. Se este arquivo for parte de um tema ou plugin, ele deve estar localizado na mesma pasta do tema ou plugin. Sem exceção, nem desculpas.Este é um módulo de inicialização padrão para o plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Ele foi instalado ao configurar "Padrão" como modo de inicialização do plugin. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com.Esta mensagem foi enviada porEste código PIN de verificação expirou. Enviamos um novo para seu email.Esse website pode ser gerenciado por um website principalEsse website está configurado como principal.Esse website está configurado como secundário.LimiteQuinta-feiraPara modificar as configurações de relatórios visitarPara apagar o alerta, clique aquiPara continuar, favor selecionar o modo para esse websitePara revogar o token e desabilitar o gerenciamento remoto, clique aqui:Para resolver este problema você deve reinstalar o %s ou atualizá-lo para a última versão.Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva o padrão entre barrasPara especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva a linha toda entre duas barras.Para ver a atividade, clique no IPPara ver o relatório completo visiteFerramentasTráfegoInsights de TráfegoInspeção de TráfegoInspetor de TráfegoMandar comentários spam para a lixeiraTentar novamenteTerça-feiraAutenticação de Dois FatoresEmail de Autenticação de Dois FatoresAutenticação de dois fatoresNão foi possível verificar a integridade devido a um erro no Banco de DadosNão foi possível verificar a integridade dos arquivos do WordPress devido a uma falha de conexãoNão foi possível verificar a integridade do plugin devido a um erro de conexãoNão foi possível verificar a integridade do tema devido a um erro de conexãoNão foi possível copiar o arquivoNão foi possível criar o diretórioNão foi possível apagarNão foi possível apagar o arquivoNão foi possível abrir o arquivoNão foi possível processar o arquivoNão foi possível enviar o email paraNão foi possível atualizar a agendaArquivos indesejadosArquivos suspeito autônomoDesconhecidoCancelar inscriçãoExtensões indesejadasExtensão de arquivo indesejadaExtensão de arquivos indesejadasAtualizaçõesAtualizar WP CerberAtualizar todos os plugins ativosEnviar arquivoUsar template 404 do tema ativoUsar Inglês na interface de administraçãoUsar API RESTUsar a Lista Segura de IPsUsar XML-RPCUse caminhos absolutos. Um item por linha.Use vírgulas para separar os itens.Use vírgulas para separar múltiplos valoresUsar arquivoUsar políticas menos restritivas (permitir AJAX)Usar idioma principalUsuárioAtividade de UsuárioUser AgentID do usuárioInsights do UsuárioMensagem do UsuárioPolíticas do UsuárioUsuário ativadoUsuário criadoUsuário proibido de logar no websiteLogin do usuárioUsuário registradoTempo de expiração da sessão de usuárioNome de usuárioNome de usuário não permitido. Por favor, escolha outro nome.Nome de usuário usadoNomes de usuários desta lista não podem fazer login ou serem registrados. Qualquer endereço de IP que tentar utilizar algum destes nomes será imediatamente bloqueado. Utilize vírgulas para separar os logins.Usando um navegador ou aparelho diferenteVerificadoVerificarVerifique que é vocêVerificando a integridade do WordPressVerificando a integridade dos pluginsVerificando a integridade dos temasVer AtividadeVer atividade do IPVer atividade no painelVer todosVer bloqueios no painelVisitar SiteVulnerabilidadesVulnerabilidade encontradaWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerver está ativo agora e já começou a proteger o seu siteWP Cerber notificaGostaria de fazer o WP Cerber ainda mais poderoso?Não encontramos nenhum dado de integridade para verificarDesculpe, você não tem permissão para prosseguirEnviamos um código PIN de verificação para o seu emailWebsiteProprietário do WebsitePropriedades do WebsiteURL do WebsiteO website foi apagado.%s websites foram apagados.Quarta-feiraRelatório SemanalRelatório semanalRelatórios semanaisO que gostaria de exportar?O que gostaria de importar?Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, você baixará um arquivo de configuração que poderá usar em outros sites.Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, o arquivo será enviado e todas as configurações existentes serão sobrescritas.Lista Segura de IPsLogin do WooCommerceLogout do WooCommerceWordPressEndereço do WordPress (URL)Escrever tentativas falhas de login em um arquivoRequisição XML-RPC recusadaVocêVocê está aqui:Você não tem permissão para logarVocê não tem permissão para entrar. Peça ajuda ao administrador.Não é permitido o seu registro.Você pode carregar as configurações recomendadas clicando no botão abaixo.Você não pode adicionar seu endereço de IP ou redeVocê digitou um código PIN de verificação inválidoVocê extrapolou o limite de tentativas de login permitidas. Favor tentar novamente em %d minutos.Você tem apenas uma tentativa restante.Você tem %d tentativas restantes.Você mudou de volta para o site principalVocê mudou para %sVocê deve enviar um arquivo ZIP a partir do qual fez a instalação. Isso permite ao verificador de segurança assegurar a integridade do código e detectar malwares.Você está inscritoVocê cancelou sua inscriçãoSeu IPSeu endereço de IP foi adicionado àSeu último login foi em %s a partir do IP %sSua licença é válida atéSua página de login:ativopor data de registrodiasdias de intervalodesativardesabilitadonão afeta URL personalizado de login e Listas de Acessohabilitadoentradaentradasexpiratentativas falhashttps://wpcerber.comquando vazio, o email das configurações de notificações será usadose vazio, o email do administrador %s será usadose vazio, o formato padrão %s será usadoem 24 horasem minutos (deixe em branco para usar o valor padrão do WordPress)nas últimas 24 horasbloqueiosmilissegundosminutosnão deve se sobrepor aos links permanentes de páginas e postssem conexãoinativonotificações permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)número de loginssão permitidos apenas dígitosouConfigurações do reCAPTCHAAs configurações do reCAPTCHA estão incorretasA verificação do reCAPTCHA falhoudesconhecidonão especificadousuáriousuáriosver todosbloqueado por %s às %sÚltima verificação de malwareem %sàsAos países selecionados não é permitido %s, aos outros países simAos países selecionados é permitido %s, aos outros países nãolanguages/wp-cerber-zh_TW.mo000064400000203206147577531750012016 0ustar00 9 9 9B9(W99^9 99; :RI:=: ::4;2K;~; ; ;;;;; < < <'<E<U<^<p<< << <<<*= ,=8=@=F=Y=a= y=== == = == = >> 1> <> I> S> _>k>$>?2??!@ *@ 4@$>@c@ t@@@@C@/@2(A [A5iAA AA,A*BCB,^B'B.B@B?#CcC!yC1CC1CD!(DJD bDoD xD(DfDE*El0E E#E>E+ FG7F*F(F<F GAG _G jGxGGG G GGG1GH$H5HQHgH{HHHHHHH I&!I HI VI`IuI#III IIGI@J WJ(cJCJ JJJK KK2K;K:CKZ~KKKL LL L,L4LIDLLWLL M M 2M c fcsc ccWHdmd'e.6e ee!oee e=e e$e f f(f9f KfWf_fzff!f2f"f g $g 2g?g Ugbg wg gMg ggh-h6hMh_hfhnh h hhh h h h!h(i)i&Hi oi{i i i iiiij0jHj]j vjjjjjjjjkk'k0k7kNk!`kkk,kkl l l 'l 3l!?lalqlzllll l llllm m)#m$Mm,rmmmmmm n n<n Yngnmn n3nn*n o(o:oDAoFoTo"p BpNpTpcpxppppp pp4p43q hqvq|qeq%q#r?r/]rr rrErsC-sqsssss:s.t3Ctwttttttt u uu -u8uJuYu `uuu uuuuuv2vDvLvUv mvxvvvvv/vw w w&w.Awpww wwwUwFx;cxNx'xy1y DyOy oyyy yy yyyyyyz'z>zWz_znzz%z"z$z {{){ C{Q{ e{s{{ {{{ {5{&|=|V|-h| ||||<|}#}9}'B}j}y}}#}}}~ ~~.~7~O~f~k~z~~~!~~~~~,HIWFH1vzER7S ށ# 1 9G ]j#qƂ!܂ ;"W z 0;2=+p!҄&4:Fopu {('8̈3F9\.݉- ;:vKeTCČQ݌1/a "ԍ53*>^PA?0pяu Ő/G/BwA3D^rВ (@Yas &-  &!H$e*Ҕ ה   ! 0= R-_ -ѕ3K3T 5KA@×B;G$&Ș% #=Xa |,ʙ<4*E.p+0˚  %61 h r f 5<hrdۜ@˝ ')Q UcE Ǟ)3WF*,ɟ= ,=D\ alu },I9/ iu 8 61BZ] p ãΣ1ף9 6C%z{{h3q/զKܦ (3AG<0Ƨ %&"Lo ¨ Ҩ *= DQd 'ة   '4;Z!j  ƪ֪   ) 6C S!`z2 ƬӬ* 7 MZs-''- LYu'$خ$!'56]9ί! 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive PluginsActive ThemeActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAdd-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdministration Email AddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll UsersAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedAnyone can registerApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file permissions when necessaryChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExclusionsExecutable code foundExecutable filesExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameFixed number of loginsFolderForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitiated by the userInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMinimalModifiedMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew User Default RoleNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOldestOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProfileProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShow "Switched to" notificationShow homepage in the Website columnShowing last %d records from %dSite Address (URL)Site IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTuesdayTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser createdUser creation deniedUser deletedUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.Users with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Personal Data EraserWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress Address (URL)Write failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hoursin the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: zh-TW Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s之前每個 IP位置只允許 %s次註冊在 %s分鐘內%s次重試只能允許發生在 %s分鐘內。%s 秒(除非你取得隱藏版並已輸入網站與密鑰否則不要啟用)2FA PIN碼已驗證 2FA代碼錯誤:請輸入正確的電子郵件位置。錯誤:帳號 %s 的密碼輸入錯誤。匯入存取清單項目時發生資料庫錯誤已記錄到新活動有新版本可供使用已有新版 %s 可用,請安裝。新版 WP Cerber已經可以安裝有新版本可供使用濫用的郵件:存取清單存取 WordPress REST API存取此網站帳號&角色動作已啟用啟用外掛啟用佈景主題啟用外掛並更新於啟動中的連線活動活動洞察活動詳細資訊在頁面標題新增 @網站新增項目新增 IP至黑名單新增新增附屬網站新增網路至黑名單使用存取權杖新增附屬網站。新增至選單附加元件已新增額外資訊地址調整垃圾留言防護引擎管理員附註網站管理員電子郵件地址進階搜尋進階模式於每次掃描後所有登入全部使用者全部連線的裝置所有國家所有檔案已處理全部檔案全部群組全部請求全部掃描所有伺服器全部流量允許這些角色使用 REST API允許 WP Cerber傳送鎖定的惡意 IP至 Cerber研究室,這能協助外掛團隊開發新的演算法以協助 WP Cerber防護 WordPress面對每天出現的新威脅和殭屍網路。你能在任何時候從外掛的設定中停用傳送。允許這些命名空間永遠封鎖入侵者 IP的整個 Class C子網路永遠啟用給此使用者的額外訊息分析垃圾留言防護垃圾留言防護與機器人檢測設定防垃圾留言引擎任何活動任何被允許的國家任何人皆可註冊套用套用登入限制規則至 IP存取白名單你確認要刪除選取的檔案嗎?你確定要刪除選取的網站嗎?你確定嗎?你確定嗎?這將會永久廢止權杖。嘗試存取嘗試存取禁止的網址已拒絕登入嘗試嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號嘗試登入禁止的使用者帳號已拒絕註冊嘗試嘗試上傳有惡意代碼的檔案已拒絕嘗試上傳惡意檔案嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號注意!已啟用堡壘模式,將無人可登入。注意!你已變更登入網址,新的登入網址為僅已驗證的使用者自動重複掃描排程自動清理惡意和可疑檔案自動刪除自動復原被修改和已感染的檔案已自動刪除自動移至隔離區已自動復原平均容量太棒了!返回清單請小心使用這些設定。在開始使用 reCAPTCHA前,你必須在 Google網站取得網站金鑰與密鑰。IP 存取黑名單封鎖封鎖請求大量不存在頁面或掃描網站安全漏洞的 IP位置封鎖使用者封鎖存取 WordPress控制台除了以下規則外,封鎖其他對 WordPress REST API的存取封鎖對 RSS, Atom和 RDF的存取封鎖對伺服器 XML-RPC的存取(包含自動引用通知及引用通知)封鎖使用者頁面存取,如 /?author=n透過 REST API封鎖存取使用者資料在 WordPress媒體目錄禁止可執行 PHP代碼封鎖子網路封鎖對 load-scripts.php和 load-styles.php 的未授權存取封鎖使用者已封鎖的使用者由管理員封鎖已依據國家規則封鎖已檢測到機器人活動已檢測到機器人概要由使用者Bytes由於資料庫錯誤無法啟用 WP Cerber。取消Cerber控制台Cerber資料防護策略Cerber研究室連線Cerber研究室通訊協定Cerber快速檢視Cerber安全性規則Cerber Tech Inc.Cerber流量檢驗Cerber使用者安全性Cerber垃圾留言防護引擎Cerber垃圾留言防護設定Cerber工具必要時變更檔案權限已變更的檔案變更記錄檢查活動檢查請求檢查新增檔案和檔案修改中校驗碼不符合已啟用堡壘模式!堡壘模式已啟用堡壘模式堡壘模式啟用後發生 %d次失敗的登入嘗試於 %d分鐘內。已啟用堡壘模式清理中點選此處檢視完整檔案清單點選國家名稱以新增至選取的國家至清單點選以編輯點選此處立即傳送點選測試傳送已禁止留言留言表單留言處理中留言公司設定此網站為主網站可管理其他網站設定在郵件報告中要包含哪些問題與傳送時機內容已被修改繼續掃描Cookies國家國家建立警報已建立嚴重問題目前已有排定的掃描進行中,請稍候至其完成。自訂登入網址自動登入 URL只能包含拉丁字母、破折號和下劃線自訂登入頁面發現自訂簽章自訂簽章控制台資料防護資料防護策略日期日期格式匯出 CSV的日期格式停用已載入預設設定值使用惡意軟體掃描器和完整性檢查工具,防護 WordPress來自駭客攻擊、垃圾留言、木馬和病毒。透過一套安全演算法讓 WordPress更堅固,以及尖端機器人檢測引擎和 reCAPTCHA進行垃圾留言防護。還能使用電子郵件、行動裝置、桌面通知追蹤使用者和入侵者活動。延遲渲染自訂登入頁延遲渲染刪除刪除警報永久刪除刪除隔離區檔案於刪除無關聯的檔案當使用者資料被清除後,刪除使用者通訊資料刪除網站已刪除已禁止符合以下電子郵件位置則全部拒絕拒絕進一步嘗試登入完整拒絕已禁止存取目的地目錄依據使用者角色策略決定診斷診斷記錄排除資料夾停用顯示 PHP錯誤禁止上傳 PHP停用 REST API停用 XML-RPC停用來自未認證的 /wp-admin/直接請求,會自動重定向至登入頁面的功能。為登入的使用者停用機器人檢測引擎停用控制台重定向停用資訊提供停用主網站模式對登入的使用者停用 reCAPTCHA停用附屬模式已停用顯示 404頁面顯示為顯示簡潔 404頁面啟動外掛後不要將我的 IP位置加入至 IP訪問白名單不要在 IP存取白名單中的 IP位置使用這些策略不要套用這些策略至 IP存取白名單中的 IP不要記錄已知的爬蟲不要記錄這些 User-Agents不要記錄這些位置你想要新增選取的檔案至忽略清單嗎?下載檔案IP 分析期間錯誤:編輯EmailEmail位置不允許的 Email。禁止的 Email已傳送郵件至Email通知於 %s次嘗試登入失敗後的 %s分鐘內啟用啟用驗證記錄監控啟用資料清除啟用資料匯出啟用記錄診斷啟用錯誤防護啟用隱藏式 reCAPTCHA啟用主網站模式如果你需要監測可疑與惡意行為或解決安全性問題,可啟用流量記錄為 WooCommerce登入表單啟用 reCAPTCHA為 WooCommerce忘記密碼表單啟用 reCAPTCHA為 WooCommerce註冊表單啟用 reCAPTCHA對 WordPress留言表單啟用 reCAPTCHA為 WordPress登入表單啟用 reCAPTCHA為 WordPress忘記密碼表單啟用 reCAPTCHA為 WordPress註冊表單啟用 reCAPTCHA啟用報告啟用附屬模式啟用流量檢驗如果符合以下任何條件則強制使用兩步驟驗證強制兩步驟驗證與固定間隔要從請求檢驗中排除請輸入部分查詢字串或查詢的目錄。一行一個項目。從檢驗中輸入要排除的 URI請求,一行一個項目。在以下欄位輸入電子郵件中的代碼。錯誤請求防護解析檔案時發生錯誤錯誤:無法使用檔案 %s。錯誤事件每 3小時每 6小時每小時排除發現可執行代碼可執行檔逾期匯出匯出設定至檔案副檔名已失敗的登入嘗試檔案檔案名稱檔案存取錯誤,可能是掃描結果已過時,請執行快速或完整掃描。檔案已刪除副檔名統計檔案已遺失找不到檔案檔案已復原已禁止上傳檔案檔案通信資料夾中的檔案檔案位於暫存資料夾檔案位於上傳目錄檔案位於這些資料夾已掃描的檔案檔案掃描這些副檔名的檔案包含不需要的副檔名檔案無副檔名的檔案篩選器根據已註冊的使用者篩選即將完成掃描已完成名字固定登入次數目錄表單欄位資料已禁止傳送表單表單傳送星期五來自 IP來自國家完整掃描完整掃描報告完整存取模式取得行動版與桌面版的即時通知。開始導覽全域群組堅固強化堅固強化 WordPress說明這裡是嘗試登入的詳細資訊嗨!檢視網站時隱藏工具列隱藏伺服器 IP位置高嚴重性主機資訊主機名稱外掛如何處理來自標準留言表單送出的留言真人驗證失敗,請點選下方 reCAPTCHA區塊的方塊。IPIP位置IP位置已新增 IP位置 %s至 IP存取黑名單已新增 IP位置 %s至 IP存取白名單已鎖定 IP不允許的 IP位置IP位置、範圍、萬用字元或 CIDRIP黑名單已封鎖的 IP已封鎖 IP子網路IP白名單若檢測到垃圾留言如果在掃描結果中有發生任何變更如果發現新的問題如果使用者同時通信數量高於如果你忘記自訂登入網址,將無法登入。若你有使用快取外掛,你必須將新的登入網址加入至不快取的清單中。忽略忽略清單忽略登入的使用者立即封鎖任何發送請求 wp-login.php的 IP若嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號則立即封鎖 IP匯入設定從檔案匯入設定在堡壘模式中除了 IP存取白名單中的 IP外,無人可登入。已開始的使用者通信將不受影響。包含活動記錄事件包含檔案容量包含掃描錯誤包含流量記錄項目不正確的 IP或 IP範圍密碼錯誤延長鎖定時間至 %s小時。如發生 %s次鎖定於 %s小時之內。由使用者啟動從主網站安裝存取權杖完整性找不到完整性資料不正確的主憑證附屬網站不正確的回覆使用者錯誤隱藏式 reCAPTCHA問題總數這可能是在升級至新版 %s後所遺留,也可能是惡意軟體混淆的一部分。在極少數的情況下,這也可能是自訂(客製化)的外掛或佈景主題的一部分。網站似乎還沒有掃描過,要開始掃描請點選已下按鈕。請牢記:你已經新增不支援 SSL加密的網站,這可能導致資料洩漏。保留已登入使用者的記錄保留訪客的記錄了解更多了解完整優點於最大的姓氏上次嘗試登入失敗於 %s來自 IP %s 使用者登入為:%s.上次鎖定上次鎖定於: %s IP為 %s上次登入上次檢視執行完整掃描執行快速掃描傳統模式授權根據 IP限制存取限制嘗試次數限制登入嘗試使用者同時通信數量限制已達到 reCAPTCHA驗證失敗的限制已達到登入嘗試限制已達到限制清單無資料即時流量載入預設值載入項目載入安全引擎載入外掛設定預設值本機使用者鎖定 IP %s分鐘在 %s次嘗試登入失敗於 %s分鐘內已鎖定已移除對 %s的鎖定鎖定通知鎖定鎖定於次發生鎖定登入登出登入此網站登入登出登入的使用者已停用記錄記錄模式登入失敗登入表單從不同的 IP登入自不同的瀏覽器或裝置登入自不同國家登入從不同的 Class C網路登入長於忘記密碼表單低嚴重性主設定主設定讓你的防護更智慧!次檢測到惡意 IP項已緩解的惡意活動檢測到惡意活動檢測到惡意代碼發現惡意代碼已拒絕的惡意請求惡意軟體掃描管理設定標記為垃圾留言隱藏這些表單欄位主設定最佳相容性最強安全性上傳檔案最大容量:%s.中度嚴重性最小化修改日期星期一監控檔案變更監控新檔案移動垃圾留言至回收桶於多個錯誤請求多重可疑活動檢測到多重可疑活動多重可疑請求我的 IP我的 IP位置我的網站我的活動我的請求資訊我的網站位於反向代理中不,也許稍後網路:從未新增自訂登入網址新使用者的預設使用者角色新的檔案新的檔案新使用者有新版本可供使用最新的尚無活動記錄。未找到裝置無副檔名未上傳檔案或檔案已損毀無檔案符合指定的篩選器。晴朗無雲,目前沒有鎖定記錄。未記錄到請求。無限制無規則無已設定的網站。不存在的使用者尚不可用未登入不允許一個國家 不允許 %d個國家未指定備註通知限制通知若達到後方指定的鎖定次數則通知管理員已鎖定的活動次數允許的使用者同時通信數量鎖定次數增長中好的,完成它們最舊的僅允許註冊和登入的使用者檢視此網站僅允許註冊和登入網站的使用者存取此網站只有來自 IP存取白名單中的使用者可以註冊此網站此項目的額外的註解其他表單擁有者沒有符合條件的頁面頁面建立時間頁面建立時間門檻解析檔案清單中已變更密碼密碼重設請求路徑效能權限被拒絕只允許符合以下的電子郵件位置允許一個國家 允許 %d個國家個人資料電話請選擇其他的。要使用此功能請啟用永久連結。將永久連結設為預設值以外的設定。請上傳 ZIP格式的參考來源請上傳其它檔案。請驗證此為您已變更外掛初始化模式策略已更新發布留言外掛 cookie前置詞前置詞只能包含拉丁字母和下劃線掃描準備中上次掃描開始於 %s且並未完成,要繼續嗎?主動式安全規則檢測 PHP代碼弱點個人資料被禁止的帳號管理員語法防護使用機器人檢測引擎防護網站全部表單使用機器人檢測引擎防護留言表單使用機器人檢測引擎防護註冊表單網站防護設定防護使用者帳號保護使用者角色防護設定推播通知Pushbullet存取權杖Pushbullet裝置隔離區隔離區字串白名單快速掃描快速掃描報告唯讀模式原因最近鎖定的 IP復原 WordPress檔案復原外掛檔案已復原復原 WordPress檔案中復原外掛檔案中重定向至網址使用者登入後重定向登出後重定向重定向規則更新註冊註冊此網站已註冊註冊表單註冊限制規律間隔時間(天)移除從清單中移除若符合以下則報告問題請求請求 ID請求 URL位置已禁止 REST-API請求發送請求至 Google reCAPTCHA服務失敗請求白名單wp-login.php請求解決問題復原限制電子郵件位置根據你的需求限制或完整封鎖對 WordPress REST API的請求依據以下策略拒絕管理角色和權限依據以下策略拒絕更新網站設定依據以下策略拒絕建立新帳號和管理使用者為 IP取回額外 WHOIS資訊回到網站清單更新角色被拒絕基於角色已設定角色規則安全模式星期六儲存 $_SERVER儲存全部變更儲存變更儲存全部規則儲存請求 cookies儲存請求欄位儲存請求標頭儲存軟體錯誤掃描結果報告掃描通信資料夾掃描暫存資料夾已掃描掃描報告掃描設定掃描目錄檔案中掃描通信目錄檔案中掃描暫存目錄的檔案中掃描上傳目錄的檔案中排程搜尋 IP位置搜尋 IP或帳號搜尋 URL搜尋結果:搜尋字串搜尋惡意代碼中機密存取權杖密鑰安全性規則安全性掃描已更新安全性規則選取已存在的群組或新增一個新的選擇匯入的檔案。選擇一個或多個角色傳送報告郵件傳送惡意 IP位置到 Cerber研究室傳送通知至管理員郵件傳送報告於伺服器伺服器國別%s 已中止通信通信更新設定被拒絕設定設定已成功匯入自已儲存設定已更新設定顯示「切換至」通知在網站欄位顯示首頁顯示上次 %d 記錄自 %d網站位址 (網址)網站完整性網站設定網站連線網站金鑰強制性網站策略網站專用設定容量附屬設定最小的智慧型發生某些錯誤很抱歉,真人驗證失敗。在控制台排序使用者空間占用已拒絕垃圾留言則已拒絕的垃圾留言禁止送出垃圾留言次禁止傳送垃圾留言針對網站上留言、註冊和聯絡表單的垃圾留言防護若停用 REST API,則允許使用 REST API命名空間。一行一個字串。指定要從記錄排除的 URL路徑請求。一行一個項目。指定要從記錄排除的 User-Agents請求。一行一個項目。指定自訂 PHP代碼簽章。一行一個項目。要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於大括弧中。指定要排除掃描的目錄。每行一個目錄。指定電子郵件位置、通用字元或正規表示法。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。只能在完整掃描,指定搜尋的檔案副檔名。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。標準模式開始完整掃描開始快速掃描在這裡輸入以尋找國家已開始停止掃描停用使用者列舉傳送表單星期日檢測到可疑 Javascript代碼檢測到可疑 SQL代碼可疑活動發現可疑代碼發現可疑代碼判斷指令發現可疑代碼判斷簽章發現可疑指令可疑的欄位數量可疑的巢狀值數量切換至切換至控制台中止終止通信使用者進行新登入時中止舊的通信中止使用者通訊嘗試加入的 IP位置已在清單中WP Cerber安全外掛已停用WP Cerber安全外掛已啟用已建立警報此警報已被刪除代碼僅在 %s分鐘內有效。包含的檔案內容已經被修改且不符合 WordPress官方現存的資料庫或你先前上傳的參考檔案。這些檔案可能已經被惡意軟體替換、病毒感染或竄改。已永久刪除此檔案。此檔案已被還原至原始位置。完整的存取模式需要進階版的 WP Cerber清單無資料。掃描器會自動掃描網站、移除惡意軟體並傳送掃描結果報告掃描器監測檔案變更、驗證 WordPress、外掛、佈景主題完整性及檢測惡意軟體由於此檔案不屬於網站任何已知的部份且不應存在於該處,掃描器辨識此檔案為「無人擁有」或「無關聯的」。已更新排程權杖為網站獨一無二的,請保持其機密性。在主網站上安裝權杖以授權存取此網站。已成功加入此網站嘗試加入的網站已在清單中目前沒有檔案在隔離區。這些功能僅提供進階版外掛使用。這些功能協助你的組織符合個人資料保護法已加入這些檔案至忽略清單已移動這些檔案至隔離區自動清理時將不會刪除這些檔案。這些策略將在每次排定的掃描結束後,根據結果自動執行。所有受影響的檔案都移至隔離區這些限制將不會套用至 IP存取白名單中的 IP位置這些項目能讓你微調垃圾留言防護的演算法與行為避免誤報此檔案具有可執行代碼且包含混淆的惡意軟體,如果此檔案為佈景主題或外掛的一部分,則它必須存在於各自的目錄中。沒有例外,沒有藉口。檔案已遺失,可能被刪除或尚未安裝。此訊息傳送自驗證 PIN碼已逾期,我們已重新發送至你的郵件。此網站可以從主網站進行管理此網站是設定為主網站。此網站是設定為附屬。門檻星期四要變更報告設定請前往點選這裡刪除警報要充分利用 WP Cerber,請依照以下步驟:若要繼續,請對此網站選擇一個模式若要撤銷權杖並停用遠端管理,請點選這裡:要解決此問題你必須重新安裝 %s或更新至最新版。要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於兩個斜線中。要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於大括弧中。檢視完整報告請前往工具前 10個大容量檔案流量流量洞察流量檢驗流量檢驗流量檢驗是一個情境感知的網路應用防火牆(WAF),透過辨識與拒絕惡意的 HTTP請求來保護你的網站流量記錄回收桶垃圾留言重新再試星期二兩步驟驗證兩步驟驗證 Email兩步驟驗證由於資料庫錯誤導致無法檢查正確性由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查 WordPress檔案完整性由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查外掛完整性由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查佈景主題完整性無法複製檔案無法建立資料夾無法刪除無法刪除檔案無法開啟檔案無法處理檔案未能傳送郵件至無法更新排程無關聯的檔案無關聯的可疑檔案未知未知的 Google檢索器取消訂閱不需要的檔案副檔名不需要的檔案副檔名不需要的檔案副檔名更新更新 WP Cerber更新全部啟用的外掛上傳檔案從啟用的布景主題中使用 404樣板在匯出的 CSV檔案中使用 ISO 8601 日期格式使用 REST API使用 IP存取白名單使用 XML-RPC使用絕對路徑。一行一個項目。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。使用小寫逗號分隔多個值使用檔案使用較少限制的策略(允許 AJAX)使用主要語系使用者使用者活動使用者代理使用者 ID使用者洞察使用者訊息使用者策略已啟用的使用者已建立的使用者建立使用者被拒絕已刪除使用者使用者不允許登入此網站使用者登入使用者訊息拒絕更新使用者中繼資料已註冊的使用者限制以下角色註冊使用者拒絕更新使用者欄位使用者通信逾期時間已中止使用者通信帳號不允許的帳號,請選擇其他的。使用的帳號清單中的帳號將不被允許登入或註冊,任何 IP嘗試使用這些帳號則會被立即封鎖。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。允許以下角色的使用者新增角色允許以下角色的使用者變更防護設定允許以下角色的使用者變更角色權限允許以下角色的使用者變更使用者敏感資料允許以下角色的使用者建立新帳號已驗證驗證驗證此為您驗證 WordPress完整性中驗證外掛完整性中驗證佈景主題完整性中檢視活動檢視此 IP的活動在控制台檢視活動資訊檢視全部在控制台檢視鎖定資訊檢視網站弱點發現弱點WP Cerber個人資料清除工具WP Cerber安全性、垃圾留言防護與惡意軟體掃描WP Cerber現在已啟用並開始保護你的網站WP Cerber通知想讓 WP Cerber更好用嗎?我們沒有發現任何完整性資料可驗證很抱歉,你不被允許繼續我們已傳送驗證 PIN碼至你的郵件網站網站擁有者網站屬性網站網址網站已刪除 %s 個網站已刪除星期三每周報告每周報告週報是過去七天所有活動、發生惡可疑行為的概要每周報告你確認要匯出嗎?你想要匯入什麼?當使用者達到同時通信數量限制時當你點選以下按鈕將會產生設定檔,你可以在其他網站中匯入使用。當你點選以下按鈕,將會上傳檔案且全部的設定將會被覆蓋。當你點選以下按鈕,WP Cerber設定預設值將會自動載入,但自訂登入網址和訪問清單不改變。IP 存取白名單登入 WooCommerce登出 WooCommerceWordPressWordPress 位址 (網址)寫入失敗的登入嘗試至檔案你你在此處:你不被允許登入你不被允許登入,請詢問你的管理員協助。你不被允許註冊。你不能新增自己的 IP或網路你輸入了錯誤的驗證 PIN碼你已達到嘗試登入的限制次數,請在 %d分鐘後重試。你只剩下一次機會嘗試。 你只剩下 %d次機會嘗試。你已被切換回主網站你已被切換至 %s你必須上傳已安裝的 ZIP檔案,這會啟動安全性掃描以驗證代碼完整性與惡意軟體。你的 IP你的 IP位置 %s已被加入至 IP訪問白名單你上次登入於 %s 來自 %s你的授權有效至你的登入頁面:啟用依據註冊日期天停用已停用已啟用項目 項目逾期失敗的嘗試https://wpcerber.com若未填寫,將會使用預設格式 %s如果留空,則將會使用在通知設定中的電子郵件如果留空,則將使用網站管理員的電子郵件 %s於 24小時內最近 24小時鎖定毫秒分鐘分鐘(空白則使用 WordPress預設值)無連線未啟用封,每小時允許的通知信數量(0表示無限制)登入次數僅允許數字或reCAPTCHA設定reCAPTCHA設定錯誤reCAPTCHA驗證失敗未知不明使用者檢視全部由 %s在 %s封鎖上次惡意軟體掃描於 %s於不允許選擇的國家 %s,其他國家則允許允許選擇的國家 %s,其他國家則不允許languages/wp-cerber-fr_FR.po000064400000404322147577531750011766 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: fr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Définir une limite aux tentatives de connexion" #: cerber-settings.php:167 cerber-settings.php:305 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutes" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Connexion au site" #: cerber-settings.php:238 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité proactives" #: cerber-settings.php:257 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Bloquer les sous-réseaux" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Requête sur wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement l’IP si elle tente d’accéder au fichier wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Page de connexion personnalisée" #: cerber-settings.php:223 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL de connexion personnalisée" #: cerber-settings.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2101 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Mode Citadelle" #: cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Seuil" #: cerber-settings.php:304 admin/cerber-admin.php:88 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durée" #: cerber-settings.php:310 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5300 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifications" #: cerber-settings.php:312 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Envoyer des notifications à l’administrateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5297 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listes d’accès" #: cerber-load.php:5698 cerber-settings.php:322 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2142 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5293 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Activité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5295 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Blocages" #: cerber-load.php:5707 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:948 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1330 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4060 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Date" msgstr "Date" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:951 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1332 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4548 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Utilisateur local" #: cerber-load.php:5715 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Identifiant utilisé" #: cerber-common.php:1668 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Connexion réussie" #: cerber-common.php:1669 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Déconnexion" #: cerber-common.php:1670 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Connexion échouée" #: cerber-common.php:1673 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1092 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP bloquée" #: cerber-common.php:1677 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadelle activée !" #: cerber-common.php:1754 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1704 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloqué" #: cerber-common.php:1756 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP blacklistées" #: cerber-common.php:1690 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Changement de mot de passe" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:204 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:329 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Supprimer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:663 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Le blocage de %s a été levé" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1611 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1695 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Liste d'accès IP blanche" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:278 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1614 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1698 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Liste d'accès IP noire" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:335 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "La liste est vide" #: cerber-load.php:4825 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Le mode Citadelle est activé après %d tentatives de connexion échouées en %d minutes." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2875 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Voir l’activité" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5366 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5427 admin/cerber-tools.php:37 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Réglages" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1968 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Dernière connexion" #: cerber-common.php:2083 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:476 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2073 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2122 msgid "Never" msgstr "Jamais" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5784 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:738 admin/cerber-admin.php:905 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr ?" #: cerber-settings.php:268 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2506 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Mon site se trouve derrière un reverse proxy" #: cerber-settings.php:239 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Rendez votre protection plus intelligente !" #: cerber-settings.php:131 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Veuillez activer les Permaliens pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Le réglage des Permaliens ne doit pas être “par défaut”." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5296 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Réglages généraux" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5581 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:352 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Allonger la durée du blocage à %s heures après %s blocages dans les %s dernières heures" #: cerber-load.php:388 admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à vous connecté. Contactez l’administrateur si vous avez besoin d’assistance." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 admin/cerber-users.php:926 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Expire le" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2741 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Il n'y a pas de blocage pour le moment. Tout est dégagé." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:285 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Votre IP" #: cerber-load.php:4826 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "La dernière tentative échouée s'est produite à %s à partir de l'IP %s avec un utilisateur ayant comme identifiants : %s." #: cerber-load.php:5939 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Le WP Cerber ne peut pas être activé à cause d'une erreur dans la base de données." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:360 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Avertissez l'administrateur si le nombre de blocages actifs ci-dessus" #: cerber-settings.php:326 cerber-settings.php:332 cerber-settings.php:968 #: cerber-settings.php:974 cerber-settings.php:1053 cerber-settings.php:1327 msgid "days" msgstr "jours" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2039 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber aperçu" #: cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Il faut toujours bloquer le sous-réseau complet de classe C des IP intruses" #: cerber-settings.php:316 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:365 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Cliquez pour tester" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:695 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:696 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Attention ! Vous avez changé l'URL de connexion ! La nouvelle URL de connexion est" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1967 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Commentaires" #: cerber-load.php:4857 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Nombre de blocages actifs" #: cerber-load.php:4959 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ce message a été envoyé par" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5478 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Outils" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exporter les préférences" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Vous obtiendrez un fichier de configuration lorsque vous cliquerez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Vous pourrez ensuite utiliser ce fichier de configuration sur d’autre site." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Que voulez-vous exporter ?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Télécharger le fichier" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importer les paramètres du fichier" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Si vous cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous, le fichier sera téléchargé et tous les paramètres existants seront remplacés." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Que voulez-vous importer ?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:50 admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Télécharger le fichier" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Le fichier n’a pas été uploadé ou est corrompu" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Les paramètres ont été importées avec succès depuis" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'analyse du fichier" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1328 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Nom d'hôte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:597 msgid "unknown" msgstr "inconnu" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "active" msgstr "actif" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2078 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "désactiver" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2082 msgid "not active" msgstr "inactif" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "disabled" msgstr "désactivé" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "tentatives non réussies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "en 24 heures" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "view all" msgstr "voir tout" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "blocages" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2094 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Blocages en ce moment" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2095 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Dernier blocage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2099 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2100 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3162 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "entrée" msgstr[1] "entrées" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Télécharger les paramètres par défaut" #: cerber-settings.php:771 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nouvelle version disponible" #: cerber-load.php:4799 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Aviser WP Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Le mode Citadelle est activé" #: cerber-load.php:4904 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nouvelle URL de connexion personnalisée" #: cerber-settings.php:351 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Utiliser le fichier" #: cerber-settings.php:352 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Ecrire les tentatives de connexion non réussies dans le fichier" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2874 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Désactiver" #: cerber-load.php:4861 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Raison" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1762 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Ajouter l’IP à la liste noire" #: cerber-common.php:1906 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Tentative d’accès" #: cerber-common.php:1905 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "La limite définie pour les tentatives de connexion a été atteinte" #: cerber-load.php:4860 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Le dernier blocage a été ajouté le %s pour l’IP %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5298 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Renforcer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1734 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Courriels abusifs :" #: cerber-settings.php:758 cerber-settings.php:805 cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Courriel" #: cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Renforcer le WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:404 cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Empêcher l’énumération des utilisateurs" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Désactiver le XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloquer l’accès au serveur XMlL-RPC (inclut les Pingbacks et Trackbacks)" #: cerber-settings.php:439 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Désactiver les flux" #: cerber-settings.php:440 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Bloquer l’accès aux flux RSS, Atom et RDF" #: cerber-settings.php:456 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Désactiver REST API" #: cerber-load.php:4893 cerber-load.php:5981 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber est maintenant actif et protège votre site" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 admin/cerber-users.php:929 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 msgid "Action" msgstr "Action" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5630 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "IP ou plage d’IP incorrecte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2890 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Paramètres sauvegardés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1740 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Réseau :" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1756 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Ajouter un réseau à la liste noire" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2873 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Attention ! Le mode Citadel est maintenant activé. Plus personne ne peut se connecter." #: cerber-whois.php:241 cerber-whois.php:272 cerber-common.php:1930 #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:457 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4816 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Inconnu" #: cerber-load.php:743 cerber-load.php:756 cerber-load.php:764 #: cerber-load.php:1112 cerber-load.php:1973 cerber-load.php:2296 #: cerber-load.php:3407 cerber-common.php:455 cerber-common.php:555 #: cerber-common.php:560 cerber-common.php:566 cerber-common.php:570 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:687 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:794 admin/cerber-admin.php:875 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERREUR :" #: cerber-load.php:778 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "La vérification humaine a échoué. Veuillez cliquer sur la case carrée dans le bloc reCAPTCHA ci-dessous." #: cerber-load.php:1953 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Ce nom d’utilisateur n’est pas autorisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre." #: cerber-load.php:4852 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "non spécifié" #: cerber-load.php:4855 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Le nombre de blocage augmente" #: cerber-load.php:4864 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Voir l’activité pour cette IP" #: cerber-load.php:4868 cerber-load.php:4870 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Il est possible d'installer une nouvelle version de WP Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:4869 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Salut !" #: cerber-load.php:4872 cerber-load.php:4883 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Site web" #: cerber-load.php:4875 cerber-load.php:4876 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Le plugin WP Cerber a été désactivé" #: cerber-load.php:4878 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Non connecté" #: cerber-load.php:4884 msgid "By user" msgstr "Par utilisateur" #: cerber-load.php:4885 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "De l’adresse IP" #: cerber-load.php:4888 msgid "From country" msgstr "Du pays" #: cerber-load.php:4892 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Le plugin WP Cerber est maintenant actif" #: cerber-load.php:5994 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importer les paramètres" #: cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limite de notification" #: cerber-settings.php:668 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Noms d'utilisateur interdits" #: cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Les noms d'utilisateur de cette liste ne sont pas autorisés à se connecter ou à s'enregistrer. Toute adresse IP ayant tenté d'utiliser l'un de ces noms d'utilisateur sera immédiatement bloquée. Utilisez une virgule pour séparer les sessions de connexion." #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "les paramètres du reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1344 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Clef du site" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Clef secrète" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1367 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulaire de récupération de mot de passe" #: cerber-settings.php:1377 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formulaire de connexion" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1334 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Avant d’utiliser reCAPTCHA, il vous faut obtenir une Clef de Site et une Clef Secrète sur le site de Google" #: cerber-lab.php:897 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:103 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:259 msgid "Know more" msgstr "En savoir plus" #: cerber-common.php:1661 msgid "User created" msgstr "Utilisateur créé" #: cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Inscription utilisateur" #: cerber-common.php:1701 cerber-common.php:1803 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "la vérification du reCAPTCHA a échoué" #: cerber-common.php:1702 cerber-common.php:1804 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "les paramètres du reCAPTCHA sont incorrects" #: cerber-common.php:1706 cerber-common.php:1907 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Tentative d’accès à une URL interdite" #: cerber-common.php:1708 cerber-common.php:1909 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Tentative de connexion avec un identifiant interdit" #: cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Connexion Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:338 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Envoyer les adresses IP bloquées au Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:343 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocole Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:1238 cerber-settings.php:1357 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formulaire d’inscription" #: cerber-settings.php:1363 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WooCommerce" #: cerber-common.php:1703 cerber-common.php:1805 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "La requête au service Google reCAPTCHA a échouée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1061 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1072 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1085 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2744 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4608 msgid "View all" msgstr "Voir tout" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2752 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "IPs récemment bloquées" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "D'accord, tout va bien" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NON, peut-être plus tard" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2141 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3184 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5292 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord" #: cerber-lab.php:893 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Voulez-vous rendre WP Cerber encore plus puissant ?" #: cerber-lab.php:894 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Permettre à WP Cerber d’envoyer les adresses IP qui ont été bloqués au Cerber Lab. Cela aidera l’équipe à créer de nouveau algorithmes pour que WP Cerber puisse défendre WordPress contre les nouvelles attaques et réseaux de robots qui apparaissent chaque jour. Vous pouvez désactiver l’envoi des données à tout moment dans les réglages du plugin." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4059 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Adresse IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:952 msgid "User login" msgstr "Connexion de l'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:953 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4065 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1362 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4636 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exporter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1415 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Rechercher une adresse IP ou un nom d'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1426 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtre" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Outils Cerber" #: cerber-load.php:5711 admin/cerber-users.php:923 msgid "User" msgstr "Utilisateur" #: cerber-load.php:5719 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Chaîne de recherche" #: cerber-settings.php:366 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format de date" #: cerber-settings.php:367 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "si le champ est vide, on utilisera le format par défaut %s" #: cerber-settings.php:777 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notifications poussées" #: cerber-settings.php:749 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Notifications par courriel" #: cerber-settings.php:759 cerber-settings.php:807 cerber-settings.php:922 #: cerber-settings.php:1109 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Utilisez la virgule pour spécifier plusieurs valeurs" #: cerber-settings.php:118 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Tous les appareils connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:121 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Aucun appareil trouvé" #: cerber-settings.php:125 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Non disponible" #: cerber-common.php:1693 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe demandée" #: cerber-common.php:1910 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "La limite sur les vérifications reCAPTCHA échouées est atteinte" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Appliquer les règles de connexion de limite aux adresses IP dans la liste d'accès White IP" #: cerber-settings.php:279 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Afficher la page 404" #: cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Activer le reCAPTCHA invisible" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(ne l'activez que si vous obtenez et entrez les clés Site et Secret pour la version invisible)" #: cerber-settings.php:1388 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Activer le formulaire de commentaire reCAPTCHA pour WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1403 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limiter les tentatives" #: cerber-settings.php:1404 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Verrouiller l'adresse IP pendant %s minutes après %s tentatives échouées en %s minutes" #: cerber-settings.php:290 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "En mode Citadel, il est impossible de se connecter, à l'exception des adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche. Les sessions utilisateur actives ne seront pas affectées." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:949 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1331 msgid "Event" msgstr "Événement" #: cerber-common.php:388 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Les commentaires de spam sont refusés" #: cerber-common.php:390 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Adresses IP malveillantes détectées" #: cerber-common.php:391 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Il y a eu des blocages" #: cerber-load.php:1932 cerber-load.php:1938 cerber-load.php:1943 #: cerber-load.php:1963 cerber-load.php:1968 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous inscrire." #: cerber-common.php:1678 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Commentaire anti-spam refusé" #: cerber-common.php:1711 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "La tentative d'ouverture de session a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1712 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "La tentative d'enregistrement a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:385 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "atténuations d'activités malveillantes" #: cerber-settings.php:1243 cerber-settings.php:1387 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formulaire de commentaires" #: cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protéger le formulaire de commentaires avec le moteur de détection de bot" #: cerber-settings.php:1239 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protéger le formulaire d'inscription avec le moteur de détection de bot" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5482 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostic" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5485 msgid "License" msgstr "Licence" #: cerber-load.php:2296 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Désolé, la vérification humaine a échoué." #: cerber-common.php:1911 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "L'activité du robot est détectée" #: cerber-settings.php:1315 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Commentaire en cours de traitement" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Si un commentaire indésirable est détecté" #: cerber-settings.php:1324 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Commentaires sur les spam" #: cerber-settings.php:1326 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Déplacer les commentaires indésirables à la corbeille" #: cerber-common.php:1679 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Soumission du formulaire anti-spam refusée" #: cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Autres formulaires" #: cerber-settings.php:1255 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protégez tous les formulaires sur le site Web avec le moteur de détection de robot" #: cerber-settings.php:1290 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Mode sans échec" #: cerber-settings.php:1291 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Utiliser des politiques moins restrictives (autoriser AJAX)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1329 msgid "Country" msgstr "Pays" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5409 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1969 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Echec des tentatives de connexion" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1893 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1970 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Enregistré" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2017 admin/cerber-users.php:52 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1082 msgid "You" msgstr "Vous" #: cerber-common.php:389 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Refus d'envoi du formulaire anti-spam" #: cerber-load.php:4895 cerber-load.php:5985 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guide de démarrage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5411 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Pays" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3788 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Autorisé pour un pays" msgstr[1] "Autorisé pour %d pays" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Aucune règle" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3960 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Les règles de sécurité ont été mises à jour" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-common.php:1680 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Refus d'envoi du formulaire" #: cerber-common.php:1681 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Commentaire refusé" #: cerber-common.php:1717 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Demande d'REST API refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1752 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Robot détecté" #: cerber-common.php:1753 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Le mode Citadel est actif" #: cerber-common.php:1757 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Activité malveillante détectée" #: cerber-common.php:1758 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloqué par la règle du pays" #: cerber-common.php:1759 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite atteinte" #: cerber-common.php:1760 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Plusieurs activités suspectes" #: cerber-common.php:1912 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Plusieurs activités suspectes ont été détectées" #: cerber-settings.php:476 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Spécifiez les espaces de noms de l'REST API à autoriser si l'REST API est désactivée. Une chaîne par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:584 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limite d'enregistrement" #: cerber-settings.php:695 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "par date d'enregistrement" #: cerber-settings.php:1305 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Liste blanche des requêtes" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3768 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Commencez à taper ici pour trouver un pays" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3883 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Cliquez sur le nom d'un pays pour l'ajouter à la liste des pays sélectionnés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3915 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Soumettre les formulaires" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3916 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Poster des commentaires" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3914 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "S'inscrire sur le site" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3917 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Utiliser XML-RPC" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3918 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Utiliser REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Le nier complètement" #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marquez-le comme spam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3185 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Réglages principaux" #: cerber-settings.php:792 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Rapports hebdomadaires" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:697 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:698 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Si vous utilisez un plugin de mise en cache, vous devez ajouter votre nouvelle URL de connexion à la liste des pages à ne pas mettre en cache." #: cerber-load.php:4914 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Rapport hebdomadaire" #: cerber-load.php:4917 cerber-load.php:4925 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Pour modifier les paramètres de reporting, visitez" #: cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Votre page de connexion :" #: cerber-load.php:4956 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Votre licence est valable jusqu'au" #: cerber-load.php:5062 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Détails de l'activité" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:590 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Cliquez pour envoyer maintenant" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:671 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Un courriel a été envoyé à" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:674 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer un courriel à" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3791 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Interdit pour un pays" msgstr[1] "Interdit pour %d pays" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3887 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Les pays sélectionnés sont autorisés à %s, les autres pays ne sont pas autorisés à" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3890 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Les pays sélectionnés ne sont pas autorisés à %s, les autres pays sont autorisés à" #: cerber-load.php:5050 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Rapport hebdomadaire" #: cerber-settings.php:282 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Utiliser le modèle 404 du thème actif" #: cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Afficher une simple page 404" #: cerber-settings.php:1306 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Entrer une partie de la chaîne ou du chemin de requête pour exclure une requête de l'inspection par le moteur. Un article par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:796 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Activer le signalement" #: cerber-load.php:4980 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Votre dernière connexion était %s de %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Commentaire facultatif pour cette entrée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:365 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre adresse IP ou votre réseau" #: cerber-settings.php:600 cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, enroulez un motif en deux barres obliques vers l'avant." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspecteur du trafic du Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2104 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5363 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspecteur du trafic" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2143 admin/cerber-users.php:1116 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Trafic" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4544 msgid "Request" msgstr "Demande" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4546 admin/cerber-users.php:928 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informations sur l'hôte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4547 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Agent utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4613 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Soumission des formulaires" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4614 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "La page n'a pas été trouvée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4621 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Plus long que" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4644 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Actualiser" #: cerber-common.php:283 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Vérifier les demandes" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4679 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Non spécifié(e)(s)" #: cerber-settings.php:874 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Mode d'enregistrement" #: cerber-settings.php:877 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Enregistrement désactivé" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Intelligent" #: cerber-settings.php:880 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Tout le trafic" #: cerber-settings.php:920 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Masquer ces champs du formulaire" #: cerber-settings.php:961 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "millisecondes" #: cerber-settings.php:822 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Activer l'inspection du trafic" #: cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Sauvegarder les champs de demande" #: cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Temps limite de génération des pages" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2103 msgid "enabled" msgstr "activé(s)" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 msgid "no connection" msgstr "aucune connexion" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1921 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Vu pour la dernière fois" #: cerber-load.php:4688 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Nous nous excusons, mais vous n'avez pas le droit de continuer" #: cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Demander la liste blanche" #: cerber-settings.php:841 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Saisissez une requête URI pour que la requête soit exclue du contrôle. Un article par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:928 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Sauvegarder les en-têtes de requête" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Sauvegarder $_SERVER" #: cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Sauvegarder les cookies de demande" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Protéger les scripts d'administration" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès non autorisé à load-scripts.php et load-styles.php" #: cerber-common.php:3281 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire" #: cerber-common.php:3286 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Accès au dossier de destination refusé" #: cerber-common.php:3289 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Fichier non trouvé" #: cerber-common.php:3292 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Impossible de copier le fichier" #: cerber-common.php:3298 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier" #: cerber-settings.php:145 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Charger le moteur de sécurité" #: cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Mode traditionnel" #: cerber-settings.php:149 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Mode standard" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Le mode d'initialisation du plugin n'a pas été modifié" #: cerber-common.php:1715 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Envoi de fichier refusé" #: cerber-settings.php:841 cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, insérez une ligne entière entre deux accolades." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Soyez prudent lorsque vous activez ces options." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Si vous oubliez votre URL de connexion personnalisée, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5424 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Intégrité du site" #: cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:683 cerber-settings.php:825 #: cerber-settings.php:856 cerber-settings.php:990 cerber-settings.php:999 #: cerber-settings.php:1466 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2128 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2130 admin/cerber-users.php:20 #: admin/cerber-users.php:474 admin/cerber-users.php:488 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Désactivé" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2129 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Balayage rapide" #: cerber-scanner.php:1032 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2131 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Balayage complet" #: cerber-common.php:1751 cerber-common.php:1761 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Refusé" #: cerber-settings.php:174 cerber-settings.php:610 cerber-settings.php:637 #: cerber-settings.php:831 cerber-settings.php:1300 cerber-settings.php:1398 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Utiliser la liste d'accès IP blanche" #: cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Désactiver la redirection du tableau de bord" #: cerber-settings.php:243 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Désactiver la redirection automatique vers la page de connexion lorsque /wp-admin/ est demandé par une requête non autorisée" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Paramètres du balayer" #: cerber-settings.php:1022 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Signatures personnalisées" #: cerber-settings.php:1026 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Spécifiez des signatures de code PHP personnalisées. Un article par ligne. Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades." #: cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Extensions de fichiers indésirables" #: cerber-settings.php:1019 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Spécifiez les extensions de fichier à rechercher. Balayage complet uniquement. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments." #: cerber-settings.php:1029 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Répertoires à exclure" #: cerber-settings.php:1051 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers mis en quarantaine après" #: cerber-settings.php:1064 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Lancez le balayage rapide" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Toutes les heures" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Toutes les 3 heures" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Toutes les 6 heures" #: cerber-settings.php:1069 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Lancez le balayage complet" #: cerber-settings.php:1084 cerber-settings.php:1130 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Faible niveau de gravité" #: cerber-settings.php:1085 cerber-settings.php:1131 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Niveau moyen de gravité" #: cerber-settings.php:1086 cerber-settings.php:1132 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Haut niveau de gravité" #: cerber-settings.php:1081 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Signaler un problème si l'une des affirmations suivantes est vraie" #: cerber-settings.php:1090 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Envoyer le rapport par courriel" #: cerber-settings.php:1093 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Après chaque balayage" #: cerber-settings.php:1094 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "S'il y a eu des changements dans les résultats d'analyse" #: cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Inclure la taille des fichiers" #: cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Inclure les erreurs de l'analyse" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5426 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Balayeur de sécurité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5428 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planification" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:173 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Il y a actuellement un balayage planifié en cours. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce qu'il soit terminé." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "L'analyse précédente commencée %s n'est pas terminée. Poursuivre le balayage ?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:72 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Il semble que ce site n'ait jamais été balayé. Pour lancer le balayage, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:186 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Démarrer le balayage rapide" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Démarrer le balayage complet" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Arrêter le balayage" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Poursuivre le balayage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 admin/cerber-tools.php:355 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:227 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Vérifié" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Les données d'intégrité n'ont pas été trouvées" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité du plugin en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers WordPress en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité du thème en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Impossible de traiter le fichier" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4612 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Erreur de concordance de la somme de contrôle" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Code suspect trouvé" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Fichier suspect non surveillé" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Code exécutable trouvé" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Extension de fichier indésirable" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Le contenu a été modifié" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nouveau fichier" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Signature personnalisée trouvée" #: cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analyse de la liste des fichiers" #: cerber-scanner.php:3698 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Vérification des fichiers nouveaux et modifiés" #: cerber-scanner.php:3699 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité de WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité des plugins" #: cerber-scanner.php:3703 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité des thèmes" #: cerber-scanner.php:3705 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Recherche de code malveillant" #: cerber-scanner.php:3706 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalisation du balayage" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Fichiers à balayer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Problèmes critiques" #: cerber-scanner.php:4776 admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Problèmes au total" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:360 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Erreur d'accès aux fichiers. Les résultats des balayages ne sont peut-être pas à jour. Exécutez un balayage rapide ou complet." #: cerber-scanner.php:4911 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Pour consulter le rapport complet, visitez" #: cerber-load.php:4922 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Rapport du balayeur" #: cerber-settings.php:987 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Surveiller les nouveaux fichiers" #: cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Surveiller les fichiers modifiés" #: cerber-settings.php:1095 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Si de nouveaux problèmes sont découverts" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:978 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Le calendrier a été mis à jour" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Directives suspectes trouvées" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Instruction de code suspecte trouvée" #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Signatures de code suspectes trouvées" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devez réinstaller %s ou le mettre à jour avec la dernière version." #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Veuillez télécharger une archive ZIP de référence" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Résoudre le problème" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:251 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Nous n'avons trouvé aucune donnée sur l'intégrité à vérifier" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:253 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Vous devez télécharger une archive ZIP dont vous l'avez installée. Cela permet au balayeur de sécurité de vérifier l'intégrité du code et de détecter les logiciels malveillants." #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Rapport de balayage complet" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Rapport de balayage rapide" #: cerber-scanner.php:4761 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Fichiers balayés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:325 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1684 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1741 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1872 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Vérifier les activités" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1903 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Activé" #: cerber-common.php:1726 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Demande malveillante refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1740 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Activé par l'utilisateur" #: cerber-common.php:1763 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Nombre de champs suspects" #: cerber-common.php:1764 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Nombre suspect de valeurs intégrées dans le fichier" #: cerber-common.php:1765 cerber-common.php:1914 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Code malveillant détecté" #: cerber-common.php:1915 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Tentative de téléchargement d'un fichier contenant un code malveillant" #: cerber-common.php:2198 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Octets" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Vulnérabilité constatée" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité en raison d'une erreur de base de données" #: cerber-settings.php:1059 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Planification automatisée du balayage périodique" #: cerber-settings.php:1076 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Rapports sur les résultats du balayage" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1082 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Activité suspecte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4610 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Erreurs" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Défend WordPress contre les attaques de pirates, le spam, les chevaux de Troie et les virus. Balayeur de logiciels malveillants et vérificateur d'intégrité. Renforcement de WordPress avec un ensemble complet d'algorithmes de sécurité. Protection anti-spam avec un moteur de détection de robot sophistiqué et reCAPTCHA. Suivi de l'activité des utilisateurs et des intrus grâce à de puissantes notifications par courriel, par téléphone mobile et par ordinateur." #: cerber-load.php:394 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Vous avez dépassé le nombre de tentatives de connexion autorisées. Veuillez réessayer en %d minutes." #: cerber-common.php:2078 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "en %s" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:571 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "à" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5431 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarantaine" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:80 msgid "Started" msgstr "Commencé" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:84 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Fini" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:92 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performance" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Vulnérabilités" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nouveaux fichiers" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Fichiers modifiés" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Extensions non désirées" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Fichiers sans surveillance" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 admin/cerber-admin.php:769 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Balayé(s)" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:713 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Il n'y a aucun dossier en quarantaine pour le moment." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:751 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restaurer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:748 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Supprimer définitivement" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Suppression automatique" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 admin/cerber-admin.php:927 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "Size" msgstr "Taille" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:846 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Le fichier a été supprimé définitivement." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Le fichier a été restauré à son emplacement d'origine." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2144 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Intégrité" #: cerber-common.php:1714 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Tentative de téléchargement d'un fichier malveillant refusée" #: cerber-load.php:8063 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Génial !" #: cerber-settings.php:1118 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Nettoyage automatique des logiciels malveillants et des fichiers suspects" #: cerber-settings.php:1219 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Fichiers dans le répertoire des sessions" #: cerber-settings.php:1199 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Fichiers dans ces répertoires" #: cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Utilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:1206 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Fichiers avec ces extensions" #: cerber-settings.php:1212 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5429 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Nettoyage" #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Code malveillant trouvé" #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Ce fichier contient du code exécutable et peut contenir des logiciels malveillants obscurs. Si ce fichier fait partie d'un thème ou d'un plugin, il doit se trouver dans le dossier du thème ou du plugin. Aucune exception dans tous les cas." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Le balayeur reconnaît ce fichier comme un fichier \"sans propriétaire\" ou \"non regroupé\" parce qu'il n'appartient à aucune partie connue du site Web et donc il ne devrait pas être ici." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Après la mise à jour, il est possible qu'il reste à une version plus récente de %s. Il peut également s'agir d'un logiciel malveillant obscurci. Dans de rares cas, il peut s'agir d'une partie d'un plugin ou d'un thème personnalisé (sur mesure)." #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Le contenu du fichier a été modifié et ne correspond pas à ce qui existe dans le référentiel officiel WordPress ou dans un fichier de référence que vous avez téléchargé précédemment. Le fichier peut avoir été modifié par un logiciel malveillant, infecté par un virus ou avoir été falsifié." #: cerber-scanner.php:4835 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Supprimé" #: cerber-scanner.php:4895 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Passage automatique en quarantaine" #: cerber-common.php:1766 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Code SQL suspect détecté" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2125 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Dernière recherche de programmes malveillants" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Trafic en direct" #: cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Désactiver PHP dans les téléchargements" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Désactiver l'affichage des erreurs PHP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5430 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignorer la liste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:230 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #. For translators #: admin/cerber-admin.php:885 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Appliquer" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:925 msgid "Added" msgstr "Ajouté" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Retirer de la liste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Aperçus de l'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Aperçu du trafic" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Aperçu de l'activité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3330 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés ?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3331 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Ces fichiers sont placés en quarantaine" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3334 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Voudriez vous ajouter des fichiers sélectionnés à la liste des fichiers ignorés ?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3335 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Ces fichiers ont été ajoutés à la liste des fichiers ignorés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3337 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Des erreurs se sont produites" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3338 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Tous les fichiers ont été traités" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5770 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "En savoir plus sur tous les avantages à" #: cerber-common.php:1767 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Il a été détecté un code JavaScript suspect" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:981 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Il n'est pas possible de mettre à jour l'horaire" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:784 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Tous les balayages" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:891 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "La liste est vide." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Il n'y a pas de fichier qui correspond au filtre spécifié." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Pour voir la liste complète des fichiers, cliquez ici" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:950 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Autres détails" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4066 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Le temps pour générer une page" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5950 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Se connecter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5951 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Se déconnecter" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5952 msgid "Register" msgstr "Inscrivez-vous" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5955 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Se connecter à WooCommerce" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5956 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Se déconnecter à WooCommerce" #: cerber-common.php:1755 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "L'adresse IP est bloquée" #: cerber-common.php:1918 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "De nombreuses demandes suspectes" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "L'inspection du trafic" #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Compatibilité maximale" #: cerber-settings.php:827 cerber-settings.php:858 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Sécurité maximale" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Le blindage de requête erroné" #: cerber-settings.php:853 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Activer le blindage des erreurs" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Sauvegarder les erreurs du logiciel" #: cerber-scanner.php:3692 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Préparation du balayage" #: cerber-common.php:1768 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Bloqué par l'administrateur" #: cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous connecter" #: admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Bloquer l’utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:43 admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "L'utilisateur n'est pas autorisé à se connecter au site Web" #: cerber-settings.php:644 admin/cerber-users.php:68 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Message de l’utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Un message facultatif pour cet utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Les utilisateurs bloqués" #: cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès aux pages utilisateur comme comme /?author=n" #: cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Accès à l'API WordPress REST" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès à l'API WordPress REST à l'exception de l'une ou l'autre des options suivantes" #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Autoriser l'API REST pour ces rôles" #: cerber-settings.php:472 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Permettez à ces noms d'avoir des espaces" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ces limitations ne s'appliquent pas aux adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs rôles" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1414 admin/cerber-users.php:971 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtrer par utilisateur enregistré" #: cerber-settings.php:631 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Réservé aux utilisateurs autorisés" #: cerber-settings.php:632 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "L'accès au site n'est accordé qu'aux utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:648 cerber-settings.php:1744 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Le siteWeb ne peut être consulté que par les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:653 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Rediriger vers l'URL" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5484 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Journal des modifications" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:741 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Les paramètres par défaut ont été téléchargés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3775 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Sauvegarder toutes les règles" #: cerber-common.php:1743 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Les informations d'identification de base sont incorrectes" #: cerber-settings.php:1411 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Paramètres de base" #: cerber-settings.php:1419 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Retourner à la liste des sites Web" #: cerber-settings.php:1423 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Afficher la notification \"passé à\"" #: cerber-settings.php:1427 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Ajouter @ site au titre de la page" #: cerber-settings.php:1046 cerber-settings.php:1444 cerber-settings.php:1472 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Activer le diagnostic" #: cerber-settings.php:1455 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Limiter l'accès par adresse IP" #: cerber-settings.php:1461 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Accéder à ce site web" #: cerber-settings.php:1464 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Mode d'accès complet" #: cerber-settings.php:1465 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Mode lecture seulement" #: cerber-settings.php:1486 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Le mode d'accès complet requiert la version PRO du WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Balayage de logiciels malveillants" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:516 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notes" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Ajouter un site esclave" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 admin/cerber-users.php:1037 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Résultats de recherche pour :" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifier" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Passez à" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Il n'y a pas de sites Web configurés." #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Ajouter un(e) nouvel(le)" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:479 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Propriétés du site Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:489 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL du site Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:494 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Afficher comme" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:524 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Propriétaire du site Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:540 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Téléphone" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:548 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:691 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Le site web que vous voulez ajouter est déjà ajouté dans la liste" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:700 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Le site Web a été ajouté correctement" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:701 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Cliquez pour faire une modification" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:702 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Aller au tableau de bord" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:705 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Il ne faut pas l'oublier : Vous avez ajouté un site Web qui ne prend pas en charge le cryptage SSL. Cela peut entraîner des risques de fuite de données." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:824 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Le site Web a été supprimé" msgstr[1] "%s sites web ont été supprimés" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1074 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Vous êtes passé à %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1084 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Vous êtes retourné sur le site Web de base" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1300 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Vous êtes ici :" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1303 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mes sites Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Activer le mode esclave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Ce site web peut être géré à partir d'un site web de base" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Activer le mode de base" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Configurer ce site comme site de base pour gérer d'autres sites web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Pour continuer, veuillez sélectionner le mode de fonctionnement de ce site Web" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Paramètres de l'esclave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Jeton pour accès secret" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Le jeton est unique à ce site Web. Il faut le garder secret. Installez le jeton sur un site Web de base pour permettre l'accès à ce site Web." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr ? Le jeton est alors définitivement invalidé." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Désactiver le mode esclave" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Ce site Web est défini comme le site Web de base." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Ajoutez des sites Web esclaves en utilisant des jetons d'accès." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Ce site Web est configuré comme esclave." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Installez le jeton d'accès sur le site Web de base." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:2071 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s sec" msgstr[1] "%s secs" #: cerber-settings.php:800 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Envoyer des rapports sur" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Mises à jour" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:502 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Groupe" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Mise à niveau du WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Mise à niveau de tous les plugins actifs" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Supprimer le site Web" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Tous les groupes" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1384 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr que vous voulez supprimer les sites Web sélectionnés ?" #: admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Bloquer" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:471 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Sélectionner un groupe existant ou en saisir un nouveau pour l'ajouter" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:544 msgid "Company" msgstr "Entreprise" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:178 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Réponse invalide du site Web esclave" #: cerber-common.php:1707 cerber-common.php:1908 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Tentative de connexion avec un identifiant inexistant" #: cerber-load.php:5076 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Tentatives d'ouverture de session avec un nom d'utilisateur inexistant" #: cerber-settings.php:1431 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Utiliser la langue de base" #: cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Utilisateurs inexistants" #: cerber-settings.php:248 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement l’IP si la tentative de connexion est faite avec un identifiant utilisateur inexistant" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Propriétaire" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Désactiver le mode de base" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Pour suspendre le jeton et désactiver la gestion à distance, cliquez ici :" #: cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Bloquer l'exécution des scripts PHP dans le dossier média de WordPress" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1451 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1459 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Plugins actifs et mises à jour sur" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1429 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Il y a une version plus récente disponible" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1076 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nouvel utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1096 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Mon Activité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2993 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Créer une alerte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2997 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Supprimer l'alerte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3095 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "L'alerte a été créée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3104 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "L’alerte a été supprimée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4626 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Recherche avancée" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-load.php:5743 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Pour supprimer l'alerte, cliquez ici" #: cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "L'URL de connexion personnalisée peut contenir uniquement des caractères alphanumériques latins, des tirets et des tirets bas" #: cerber-settings.php:264 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Réglages spécifiques au site" #: cerber-settings.php:272 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Préfixe pour les cookies de l'extension" #: cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Le préfixe doit contenir seulement des caractères alphanumériques et des tirets bas" #: cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Notifications de verrouillage" #: cerber-settings.php:782 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Jeton d'accès PushBullet" #: cerber-settings.php:785 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Appareil PushBullet" #: cerber-settings.php:1123 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers non surveillés" #: cerber-settings.php:1182 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Récupération automatique des fichiers modifiés et infectés" #: cerber-settings.php:1185 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Récupérer les fichiers de WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Fichier supprimé" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Fichier récupéré" #: cerber-scanner.php:3700 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Récupération des fichiers de WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3702 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Récupération des fichiers des extensions" #: cerber-scanner.php:4839 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Rétablis" #: cerber-scanner.php:4896 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Automatiquement supprimé" #: cerber-scanner.php:4899 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automatiquement récupéré" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Sécurité Utilisateur Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5389 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Stratégies Utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2147 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Une nouvelle version est disponible" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5392 msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" #: cerber-common.php:1769 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Mise en application de la politique du site" #: cerber-common.php:1770 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "Code 2FA vérifié" #: cerber-common.php:1771 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Initié par l'utilisateur" #: cerber-common.php:2321 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Une nouvelle version de %s est disponible. Veuillez l’installer s’il vous plaît." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "L'adresse e-mail n'est pas permise." #: cerber-load.php:1958 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Veuillez en choisir un autre." #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Authentification à deux facteurs" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Déterminé par les stratégies de rôle utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Toujours activé" #: admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "Code PIN 2FA" #: admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les modifications" #: admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès au tableau de bord WordPress " #: admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Masquer la barre d'outils lorsque vous visualisez le site" #: admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Règles de redirection" #: admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Rediriger l'utilisateur après la connexion" #: admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Rediriger l'utilisateur après la déconnexion" #: cerber-settings.php:687 admin/cerber-users.php:440 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Temps d'expiration de la session utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Authentification à deux facteurs" #: admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Mode avancé" #: admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Forcer l'authentification à double-facteur seulement si une des conditions suivantes est vraie" #: admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Connexion depuis un pays différent" #: admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Connexion depuis un réseau de classe C différent" #: admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Connexion depuis une adresse IP différente" #: admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Forcer l'authentification à double-facteur à intervalles réguliers" #: admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Intervalle de temps régulier (jours)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Nombre fixe de connexions" #: admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "Nombre de connexions" #: admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Les stratégies ont été mises à jour" #: cerber-settings.php:590 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Restreindre les adresses e-mail" #: cerber-settings.php:593 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Aucune restriction" #: cerber-settings.php:594 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Refuser toutes les adresses e-mail qui correspondent à" #: cerber-settings.php:595 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Autoriser seulement les adresses e-mail qui correspondent à" #: cerber-settings.php:600 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Spécifiez des adresses e-mail, des jokers ou des expressions régulières. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments." #: cerber-settings.php:1196 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Ces fichiers ne seront jamais supprimés durant le nettoyage automatique." #: cerber-2fa.php:363 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Ce code PIN de vérification a expiré. Nous venons d’en envoyer un nouveau par e-mail." #: cerber-2fa.php:366 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Vous avez saisi un code PIN de vérification incorrect" #: cerber-2fa.php:413 cerber-2fa.php:501 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Veuillez vérifier que c'est vous" #: cerber-2fa.php:523 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Voici les détails de la tentative d'identification" #: cerber-2fa.php:577 msgid "expires" msgstr "expire le" #: cerber-2fa.php:654 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "seuls les chiffres sont autorisés" #: cerber-2fa.php:657 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Nous vous avons envoyé un code PIN de vérification sur votre adresse e-mail" #: cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Saisissez le code reçu par mail dans le champ ci-dessous." #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Réessayer" #: cerber-2fa.php:661 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5839 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuler" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "or" msgstr "ou" #: cerber-2fa.php:668 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Vérifiez que c'est bien vous" #: cerber-2fa.php:673 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Vérifier" #: admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "E-mail d'authentification à deux facteurs" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3718 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Les règles basées sur les rôles sont configurées" #: admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "bloqué par %s à %s" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Le code est valide pour %s minutes." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:372 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "L'adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste blanche d'accès" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "L'adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste noire d'accès" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:211 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:947 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1327 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4545 #: admin/cerber-users.php:927 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "Adresse IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:954 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1333 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3800 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Tous les pays sont autorisés" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3405 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5294 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sessions" #: cerber-load.php:1717 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "La session est terminée" msgstr[1] "%s sessions sont terminées" #: admin/cerber-users.php:925 msgid "Created" msgstr "Créé" #: admin/cerber-users.php:946 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Session terminée" #: admin/cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Bloquer l'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1079 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1092 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Toutes les connexions" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1093 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Activité de l'utilisateur" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1139 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Terminer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "utilisateur" msgstr[1] "utilisateurs" #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès aux données des utilisateurs via l'API REST" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Impossible de supprimer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Stratégies du Bouclier de données Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Bouclier de données" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Stratégies du Bouclier de données" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5381 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Comptes & Rôles" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5382 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Paramètres du site" #: cerber-common.php:1720 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "La création de l'utilisateur a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1722 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "La mise à jour du rôle a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1723 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "La mise à jour des paramètres a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1776 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Permission refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1778 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Utilisateur Invalide" #: cerber-common.php:1779 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect" #: cerber-settings.php:487 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Protéger les comptes utilisateur" #: cerber-settings.php:492 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Restreindre la création et la gestion des comptes d'utilisateur à l'aide des politiques suivantes" #: cerber-settings.php:498 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Les enregistrements utilisateur sont limités à ces rôles" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Les utilisateurs ayant ces rôles sont autorisés à créer de nouveaux comptes" #: cerber-settings.php:509 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Les utilisateurs ayant ces rôles sont autorisés à modifier les données sensibles des utilisateurs" #: cerber-settings.php:514 cerber-settings.php:542 cerber-settings.php:571 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "N'appliquez pas ces politiques aux adresses IP figurant dans la liste blanche d'accès aux adresses IP" #: cerber-settings.php:522 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Protéger les rôles utilisateur" #: cerber-settings.php:526 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Restreindre la gestion des rôles et des capacités au moyen des politiques suivantes" #: cerber-settings.php:532 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Les utilisateurs avec ces rôles peuvent ajouter de nouveaux rôles" #: cerber-settings.php:537 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Les utilisateurs avec ces rôles peuvent changer les permissions du rôle" #: cerber-settings.php:550 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Protéger les paramètres du site" #: cerber-settings.php:554 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Restreindre la mise à jour des paramètres du site à l'aide des stratégies suivantes" #: cerber-settings.php:560 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Les utilisateurs avec ces rôles ont le droit de changer les paramètres protégés" #: cerber-settings.php:565 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Paramètres protégés" #: cerber-settings.php:638 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ne pas appliquer cette politique aux adresses IP figurant dans la liste blanche d'accès aux adresses IP" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Serveur" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Pays du serveur" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Tous les serveurs" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Tous les pays" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:442 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Afficher la page d'accueil dans la colonne Site" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:444 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "Cacher l'adresse IP du serveur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:341 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "Adresse IP, intervalle, joker ou CIDR" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Nouvelle entrée" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5634 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "L'adresse IP que vous essayez ajouter est déjà dans la liste" #: cerber-common.php:1674 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "Sous-réseau IP bloqué" #: cerber-common.php:1721 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "La mise à jour de la ligne utilisateur a été refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1724 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "La mise a jour des métadonnées utilisateur a été refusée" #: cerber-settings.php:1562 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Toute activité" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "Une erreur de base de données s'est produite en tentant d'importer les entrées de la liste d'accès" #: cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Activer le journal de surveillance de l'authentification" #: cerber-settings.php:325 cerber-settings.php:967 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Conserver les enregistrements de journal des visiteurs non connectés pendant" #: cerber-settings.php:331 cerber-settings.php:973 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Conserver les enregistrements de journal des utilisateurs connectés pendant" #: admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Note d'admin" #: cerber-settings.php:703 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Données personnelles" #: cerber-settings.php:709 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Activer l'effacement des données" #: cerber-settings.php:716 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Mettre fin aux sessions utilisateur" #: cerber-settings.php:717 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Supprimer les données de session utilisateur quand les données d'utilisateur sont effacées" #: cerber-settings.php:723 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Activer l'export de données" #: cerber-settings.php:730 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Inclure les événements d'activité" #: cerber-settings.php:736 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "Inclure les entrées du journal de trafic" #: cerber-settings.php:739 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URL de la Requête" #: cerber-settings.php:740 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Données de formulaire" #: cerber-settings.php:741 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Réglages de l'antispam Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Anti-spam" #: cerber-addons.php:289 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Modules" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5343 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Réglages de la détéction de bot et de l'antispam" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5345 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Moteur anti-spam" #: cerber-common.php:1917 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Multiple requêtes erronées" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:340 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s nouvelles tentatives sont permises pendant %s minutes" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:346 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "%s inscriptions sont autorisées pendant %s minutes depuis une adresse IP" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:369 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Activer après %s tentatives échouées dans les %s dernières minutes" #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Restreindre ou bloquer complètement l'accès à l'API REST de WordPress en fonction de vos besoins" #: cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Ces fonctionnalités aident votre organisation/entreprise à se conformer aux lois de protection des données privées" #: cerber-settings.php:763 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "si vide, l'adresse e-mail de l'administrateur %s sera utilisée" #: cerber-settings.php:767 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "notifications autorisées par heure (0 = illimité)" #: cerber-settings.php:778 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Soyez notifiés instantanément grâce aux notifications mobile et bureau" #: cerber-settings.php:793 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Le rapport hebdomadaire est un résumé de toutes les activités et les événements suspects qui sont survenus les sept derniers jours" #: cerber-settings.php:806 cerber-settings.php:1108 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "si vide, les adresses e-mail renseignées dans les paramètres de notification seront utilisées" #: cerber-settings.php:818 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Traffic Inspector est un firewall d'application web (WAF) contextuel qui protège votre site web en reconnaissant et en refusant les requêtes HTTP malveillantes" #: cerber-settings.php:850 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "Bloquer les adresses IP qui envoient des demandes excessives pour des pages inexistantes ou scanner le site web à la recherche de failles de sécurité" #: cerber-settings.php:869 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Enregistrement du trafic" #: cerber-settings.php:870 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Activez la journalisation facultative du trafic si vous devez surveiller des activités suspectes et malveillantes ou résoudre des problèmes de sécurité" #: cerber-settings.php:983 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Le balayeur surveille les changements de fichiers, vérifie l'intégrité de WordPress, des extensions et des thèmes, et détecte les logiciels malveillants" #: cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Spécifier les répertoires à exclure du scan. Un répertoire par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:1060 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Le balayeur scanne automatiquement le site, supprime les logiciels malveillants et envoie des rapports par e-mail avec le résultat du balayage" #: cerber-settings.php:1077 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Configurer les problèmes à inclure dans le rapport e-mail et la condition d'envoi des rapports" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Moteur Antispam Cerber" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Régler le moteur anti-spam" #: cerber-settings.php:1287 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "Ces paramètres vous permettent de peaufiner le comportement des algorithmes anti-spam et d'éviter les faux-positifs" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "Manière dont l'extension traite les commentaires envoyés à l'aide du formulaire standard" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Réglages mis à jour" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1418 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "ID de requête" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1419 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Rechercher dans l’URL" #: cerber-settings.php:991 cerber-settings.php:1000 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "Fichiers exécutables" #: cerber-settings.php:992 cerber-settings.php:1001 msgid "All files" msgstr "Tous les fichiers" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1926 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Sessions actives" #: cerber-settings.php:688 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "minutes (laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut de WordPress)" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Charger les entrées" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1097 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4618 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Mon IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5432 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Statistiques" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5481 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Gérer les paramètres" #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5483 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Journal de diagnostic" #: cerber-common.php:1665 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Utilisateur supprimé" #: cerber-common.php:1774 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "L’adresse e-mail est interdite." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "Mis en quarantaine" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Modifié" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1002 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Fichiers sans extension" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Retour à la liste" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1063 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Bref résumé" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1114 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Dossier" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Path" msgstr "Chemin" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Files" msgstr "Fichiers" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Espace occupé" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1181 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Aucune extension" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1206 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Statistiques des extensions de fichier" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1209 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Extension" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Le plus petit" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Le plus large" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Taille moyenne" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Plus anciens" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Plus récents" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1232 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "Top 10 des plus gros fichiers" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1391 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Nom de fichier" #: cerber-settings.php:373 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Format de la date pour l'exportation CSV" #: cerber-settings.php:374 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Utiliser les dates au format ISO 8601 pour l'export de fichiers CSV" #: cerber-settings.php:388 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Mon adresse IP" #: cerber-settings.php:389 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Ne pas ajouter mon adresse IP à la liste blanche d'accès lors de l'activation de l'extension" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Charger les paramètres par défaut de l'extension" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "Lorsque vous cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous, les paramètres par défaut de WP Cerber seront chargés. L'URL de la page de connexion personnalisée et les listes d'accès ne seront pas impactées." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Pour tirer parti de WP Cerber, suivez les étapes suivantes :" #: cerber-common.php:1789 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP mise en liste blanche" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4617 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Mes requêtes" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3910 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "Se connecter sur le site" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: cerber-common.php:1713 cerber-common.php:1913 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Recherche de code PHP vulnérable" #: cerber-load.php:5967 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Votre adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste blanche d'accès" #: admin/cerber-users.php:974 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Rechercher l’adresse IP" #: cerber-settings.php:878 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Minimal" #: cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Ne pas consigner les requêtes de robots d'exploration connus" #: cerber-settings.php:899 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Ne pas consigner ces emplacements" #: cerber-settings.php:903 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Spécifier les chemins URL pour lesquelles il ne faut pas consigner les requêtes. Un élément par ligne." #: cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Ne pas consigner ces User-Agents" #: cerber-settings.php:911 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Spécifier les User-Agents pour lesquels il ne faut pas consigner les requêtes. Un élément par ligne." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4739 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Robot Google inconnu" #: cerber-common.php:1780 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "L'adresse IP n'est pas autorisée" #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Seuls les utilisateurs dont l'adresse IP est dans la liste blanche des accès peuvent s'inscrire sur le site" #: cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "User message" msgstr "Message utilisateur" #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Le fichier est manquant" #. Mandatory #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Ce fichier est manquant. Il a été supprimé ou n'a pas été installé." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Erreur : le fichier %s ne peut pas être utilisé." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Merci de charger un autre fichier." #: cerber-settings.php:231 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Rendu différé" #: cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Différer le rendu de la page de connexion personnalisée" #: cerber-load.php:414 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "Il ne vous reste plus qu’une seule tentative de connexion." #: admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Nombre de sessions utilisateur concurrentes autorisé" #: admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "Quand la limite des sessions utilisateur concurrentes est atteinte" #: admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "Mettre fin à la session utilisateur la plus ancienne lors d'une nouvelle connexion" #: admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "Refuser les prochaines tentatives de connexion" #: admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Connexion depuis un navigateur/appareil différent" #: admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Si le nombre de sessions utilisateur concurrents est supérieur" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5769 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans la version professionnelle de WP Cerber." #: cerber-common.php:1694 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Session utilisateur terminée" #: cerber-common.php:1781 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Limiter les sessions utilisateur concurrentes" #: admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "C'est uniquement visible par les administrateurs du site" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1498 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Autorisé" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "L'autorisation a échoué" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "Note importante si vous utilisez une extension de mise en cache" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:779 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "Pour éviter les faux-positifs et obtenir de meilleures performances pour l'anti-spam, veuillez effacer le cache de l'extension." #: cerber-common.php:1733 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "Requête API autorisée" #: cerber-common.php:1734 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "Échec de l'autorisation de la demande d'API" #: cerber-common.php:1718 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "Requête au serveur XML-RPC refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1782 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "Cookies invalides" #: cerber-settings.php:166 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Bloquer l'adresse IP pour" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Atténuer les essais agressifs" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "Ne pas afficher les erreurs PHP sur mon site" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Consigner toutes les requêtes à l'API REST" #: cerber-settings.php:889 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Consigner toutes les requêtes XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "URL de commentaire personnalisée" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Utiliser une URL personnalisée pour le formulaire de commentaire WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:461 cerber-settings.php:1295 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Utilisateurs connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:358 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Préférences personnelles" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Autoriser l'accès à l'API REST pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:580 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Enregistrement d'un utilisateur" #: cerber-settings.php:581 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Restreindre les nouvelles inscriptions utilisateur à l'aide des conditions suivantes" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Accès autorisé" #: cerber-settings.php:627 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Autoriser l'accès au site aux utilisateurs connectés seulement" #: cerber-settings.php:665 cerber-settings.php:1038 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Réglages divers" #: cerber-settings.php:678 admin/cerber-users.php:468 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Mots de passe d’application" #: cerber-settings.php:681 admin/cerber-users.php:472 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Activé, l'accès à l'API est autorisé en utilisant les mots de passe standards" #: cerber-settings.php:682 admin/cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Activé, aucun accès à l'API en utilisant les mots de passe standards" #: cerber-settings.php:862 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Ne pas tenir compte des utilisateurs connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:1296 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "Désactiver le moteur de détection de bot pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: cerber-settings.php:1393 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "Désactiver reCAPTCHA pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Utiliser les stratégies globales" #: cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Il vous reste %d tentative de connexion." msgstr[1] "Il vous reste %d tentatives de connexion." #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Afficher ce message si un essai de connexion est refusé car la limite de sessions utilisateur concurrentes a été atteinte" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5391 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Basé sur le Rôle" #: cerber-common.php:1730 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Mot de passe de l'application utilisateur créé" #: cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Mode d'initialisation" #: cerber-settings.php:934 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Sauver les en-têtes de réponse" #: cerber-settings.php:945 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Sauver les cookies de réponse" #: cerber-load.php:8041 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "Nous avons besoin de votre soutien pour continuer à avancer" #: cerber-load.php:8043 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "En partageant votre opinion unique sur WP Cerber, vous aidez les ingénieurs derrière le plugin à progresser davantage et vous aidez les autres professionnels à trouver le bon logiciel. Vous pouvez laisser votre avis sur l'un des sites web suivants. N'hésitez pas à utiliser votre langue maternelle. Merci !" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:661 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Le jeton d'accès secret n'est pas valable" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:225 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Cliquez sur l'adresse IP pour voir son activité" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Problèmes d'accès" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1094 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4612 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Non-authentifié" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1379 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1826 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2681 admin/cerber-admin.php:1333 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Aucune activité n'a encore été enregistrée." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2701 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "Activité des Utilisateurs" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2721 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Activités Malveillantes" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4609 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Requêtes suspectes" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1093 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4611 msgid "Users" msgstr "Utilisateurs" #: cerber-common.php:1784 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "URL interdite" #: cerber-settings.php:142 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Comment WP Cerber charge ses mécanismes de base et de sécurité" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Sécurité de l'Accès" #: cerber-settings.php:224 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "Une chaîne unique qui ne se chevauche pas avec les slugs des pages ou des messages existants" #: cerber-settings.php:179 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "Traitement des demandes d'authentification wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Traitement par défaut" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès à wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "Déplacer menu admin" #: cerber-2fa.php:505 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Vous ou une autre personne essayant de se connecter au site web. Nous devons vérifier que c'est bien vous. Si ce n'est pas vous, veuillez immédiatement réinitialiser votre mot de passe afin de protéger votre compte." #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "Pas reçu le courriel ?" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Veuillez utiliser le code PIN de vérification suivant pour vérifier votre identité." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:712 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Vous avez désactivé la page de connexion par défaut. Assurez-vous que vous avez configuré une autre page de connexion. Sinon, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter." #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "Atténuation des attaques de force brute et paramètres d'authentification des utilisateurs" #: cerber-settings.php:193 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Désactiver le message d'erreur de connexion par défaut" #: cerber-settings.php:194 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "Ne pas révéler les noms d'utilisateur et les courriels non existants dans le message de tentative de connexion échouée" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Refuser l'authentification via wp-login.php" #: cerber-common.php:1783 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "Cookies invalides supprimés" #: cerber-load.php:1862 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "Si nous avons trouvé votre compte, nous avons envoyé le lien de confirmation à l’adresse e-mail figurant sur le compte." #: cerber-load.php:5925 cerber-common.php:525 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber nécessite PHP %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement %s." #: cerber-load.php:5929 cerber-common.php:529 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber nécessite WordPress %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement %s." #: cerber-settings.php:204 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "Désactiver le message d’erreur de réinitialisation du mot de passe par défaut" #: cerber-settings.php:205 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "Ne révélez pas d’identifiants et d’e-mails inexistants dans le message d’erreur de réinitialisation du mot de passe" #: cerber-settings.php:409 cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Empêcher la découverte de l’identifiant" #: cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Empêcher la découverte de l’identifiant via oEmbed" #: cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "Empêche la découverte des identifiants via les plans de site XML de l’utilisateur/utilisatrice" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1018 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Aucune donnée pour générer des rapports. Veuillez exécuter le Scan complet. Une fois le scan terminé, les rapports seront générés." #: cerber-settings.php:1047 cerber-settings.php:1445 cerber-settings.php:1473 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "Une fois activé, le journal est disponible ici : %s" #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "Le scanner identifie ce fichier comme manquant sur la base des données d’intégrité (sommes de contrôle) fournies par le développeur ou la développeuse de %s." #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "Récupérer l’information WHOIS de l’adresse IP lors de la visualisation des journaux." #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "Déplacer le menu d’administration de WP Cerber vers le haut lors de la navigation dans les pages d’administration de WP Cerber." #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "Afficher les données IP WHOIS" #: cerber-settings.php:1148 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "Analyser le répertoire de téléversement" #: cerber-settings.php:1149 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "Analyser le répertoire de téléversement de WordPress pour détecter les fichiers injectés" #: cerber-settings.php:1042 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Modifier les droits des fichiers et des répertoires s’il est obligatoire de supprimer des fichiers" #: cerber-settings.php:1041 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Modifier les droits du système de fichiers" #: cerber-settings.php:1127 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers dans le répertoire des téléversements de WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers avec des extensions indésirables" #: cerber-settings.php:1169 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers avec ces extensions accessibles publiquement" #: cerber-scanner.php:3704 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Détection des fichiers injectés dans le répertoire des téléversements de WordPress" #: cerber-common.php:1785 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "Extension de fichier exécutable détecté" #: cerber-common.php:1786 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Le nom de fichier est interdit" #: cerber-settings.php:1215 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "Fichiers dans les répertoires temporaires" #: cerber-settings.php:1195 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Exclusions globales" #: cerber-settings.php:1156 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Ignorer les fichiers avec ces extensions" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "Fichier injecté" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "Fichiers injectés" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "ko/sec" #: cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "Conserver le répertoire de téléversement de WordPress propre et en sécurité. Détecter les fichiers injectés avec accès public, les rapporter, et supprimer les malicieux." #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "Hachage local non trouvé" #: cerber-settings.php:1071 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "un fois par jour à" #: cerber-settings.php:1167 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Extensions interdites" #: cerber-settings.php:1189 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "Récupérer les fichiers des extensions" #: cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "Analyser le répertoire des sessions" #: cerber-settings.php:1005 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Analyser les répertoires temporaires du serveur" #: cerber-scanner.php:3695 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans les répertoires temporaires du serveur" #: cerber-scanner.php:3696 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans le répertoire des sessions" #: cerber-scanner.php:3694 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans le répertoire de téléversement temporaire" #: cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans les répertoires du site" #: cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Passer les fichiers avec ces extensions" #: cerber-settings.php:1119 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Ces politiques sont automatiquement appliquées à la fin de chaque analyse en fonction de ses résultats. Tous les fichiers affectés sont mis en quarantaine." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3339 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Ce rapport de scan a été généré par la version précédente de WP Cerber. Veuillez exécuter un nouveau scan pour obtenir des résultats cohérents et précis." #: cerber-settings.php:1157 cerber-settings.php:1170 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Utiliser la virgule pour séparer plusieurs extensions" #: cerber-settings.php:1142 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "Analyse des fichiers téléversés WordPress" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Élevé" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Faible" #. This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Moyen" #: cerber-load.php:4690 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Si vous pensez que vous devriez être autorisé à effectuer cette requête, veuillez nous le faire savoir." #: cerber-load.php:4689 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "Votre requête semble suspicieusement similaire à des requêtes automatisées de logiciel d’envoi de message indésirable ou elle a été refusée par la politique de sécurité configurée par l’administrateur/administratrice du site." #: cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Désactiver le mécanisme de détection des bots pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche" #: cerber-settings.php:1399 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Désactiver reCAPTCHA pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:538 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Les fichiers exécutables ne sont pas pris en charge. Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP." #: cerber-load.php:775 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "Vérification humaine échouée." #: cerber-common.php:1800 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Déconnecté partout" #: cerber-common.php:1698 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Demande de réinitialisation du mot de passe refusée" #: cerber-common.php:1802 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA vérifié" #: cerber-load.php:3359 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Désolé, la réinitialisation du mot de passe n'est pas autorisée pour cet utilisateur." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:534 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Ce type de fichier n’est pas pris en charge. Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP." #: cerber-settings.php:832 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Utiliser des filtres de sécurité moins restrictifs pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche" #: cerber-common.php:1729 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Mot de passe application utilisateur mis à jour" #: cerber-common.php:1772 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Utilisateur bloqué par l'administrateur" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. #: cerber-common.php:1696 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Session utilisateur terminée par %s" #: cerber-common.php:1773 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur interdit" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Voir toutes les requêtes API REST" #: cerber-settings.php:480 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Voir les requêtes API REST refusée" #: cerber-load.php:4908 cerber-load.php:4909 msgid "A new activity has occurred" msgstr "Une nouvelle activité a eu lieu" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3019 msgid "Do not send alerts after this date" msgstr "Ne pas envoyer d'alertes après cette date" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3059 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Documentation" msgstr "Documentation" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to these emails:" msgstr "Les alertes e-mail seront envoyées à ces adresses :" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3046 msgid "Email alerts will be sent to this email:" msgstr "Les alertes e-mail seront envoyées à cette adresse :" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3024 msgid "Ignore global rate limits" msgstr "Ignorer les limites de taux globales" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3010 msgid "Maximum number of alerts to send" msgstr "Nombre maximal d'alertes à envoyer" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3054 msgid "Mobile alerts are not configured" msgstr "Les alertes mobiles ne sont pas configurées" #. %s is the name of a mobile device. #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3051 msgid "Mobile alerts will be sent to %s" msgstr "Les alertes mobiles seront envoyées à %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3015 msgid "No limit" msgstr "Aucune limite" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5838 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3061 msgid "Optional alert limits" msgstr "Limites d'alerte facultatives" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. #: cerber-common.php:1692 msgid "Password changed by %s" msgstr "Mot de passe modifié par %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Protection anti-spam pour les formulaires d'inscription, de commentaires et autres du site Web." #: cerber-common.php:1816 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Étiquette inconnue" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. #: cerber-common.php:1732 msgid "User application password created by %s" msgstr "Mot de passe de l'application utilisateur créé par %s" #: cerber-common.php:1735 msgid "User application password deleted" msgstr "Mot de passe de l'application utilisateur supprimé" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. #: cerber-common.php:1737 msgid "User application password deleted by %s" msgstr "Mot de passe de l'application utilisateur supprimé par %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1663 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Utilisateur créé par %s" #. %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1667 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Utilisateur supprimé par %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1232 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "Afficher événements bots" #: cerber-settings.php:1338 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "Afficher événements reCAPTCHA" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1400 msgid "Check for requests from the IP address" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1387 msgid "Get me notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1382 msgid "No events found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4580 msgid "No requests found using the given search criteria" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4577 msgid "No requests have been logged yet." msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4587 msgid "Note: Logging is currently disabled" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:694 msgid "Sort users in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4827 cerber-load.php:5742 msgid "View activity in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1392 msgid "View all logged events" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4582 msgid "View all logged requests" msgstr "" #: cerber-load.php:4865 msgid "View lockouts in the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: cerber-settings.php:188 cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "View violations in the log" msgstr "" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1385 msgid "You will be notified when such an event occurs" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-ru_RU.po000064400000460027147577531750012030 0ustar00# Translation of Plugins - WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan - Development (trunk) in Russian # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan - Development (trunk) package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-07 06:10:28+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n" "Language: ru\n" "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan - Development (trunk)\n" #: cerber-settings.php:1333 msgid "View reCAPTCHA events" msgstr "Посмотреть события reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1227 msgid "View bot events" msgstr "Посмотреть события ботов" #: cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website" msgstr "Защита от спам регистраций, комментариев и для других форм на сайте" #: cerber-common.php:1749 msgid "Unknown label" msgstr "Неизвестный ярлык" #. translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. #: cerber-common.php:1608 msgid "User deleted by %s" msgstr "Пользователь удалён %s" #. translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. #: cerber-common.php:1604 msgid "User created by %s" msgstr "Пользователь создан %s" #: cerber-settings.php:1394 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Отключить reCAPTCHA для IP адресов из белого списка доступа" #: cerber-settings.php:1296 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Отключить движок проверки на ботов для IP адресов из белого списка доступа" #: cerber-settings.php:827 msgid "Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Использовать менее жёсткие фильтры для IP адресов в белом списке доступа" #: cerber-load.php:3324 msgid "Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user." msgstr "Сброс пароля для этого пользователя запрещён." #: cerber-load.php:743 msgid "Human verification failed." msgstr "Проверка человека не удалась." #: cerber-common.php:1735 msgid "reCAPTCHA verified" msgstr "reCAPTCHA проверена" #: cerber-common.php:1733 msgid "Logged out everywhere" msgstr "Все сессии завершены" #: cerber-common.php:1706 msgid "Username is prohibited" msgstr "Имя пользователя запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1705 msgid "User blocked by administrator" msgstr "Пользователь заблокирован администратором" #: cerber-common.php:1668 msgid "User application password updated" msgstr "Пароль приложения обновлён" #: cerber-common.php:1637 msgid "Password reset request denied" msgstr "Запрос сброса пароля для запрещён" #. translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the #. session. #: cerber-common.php:1635 msgid "User session terminated by %s" msgstr "Сессия пользователя завершена пользователем %s" #: cerber-settings.php:475 msgid "View denied REST API requests" msgstr "Посмотреть заблокированные запросы REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:475 msgid "View all REST API requests" msgstr "Посмотреть все запросы REST API" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:538 msgid "Executable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Исполняемые файлы не поддерживаются, пожалуйста, загрузите ZIP архив." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:534 msgid "This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive." msgstr "Этот тип файла не поддерживается, пожалуйста, загрузите ZIP архив." #: cerber-settings.php:1210 msgid "Files in temporary directories" msgstr "Файлы во временных папках" #: cerber-settings.php:1190 msgid "Global Exclusions" msgstr "Глобальные исключения" #: cerber-settings.php:1164 msgid "Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions" msgstr "Удалить публично доступные файлы с этими расширениями" #: cerber-settings.php:1162 msgid "Prohibited extensions" msgstr "Запрещенные расширения" #: cerber-settings.php:1152 cerber-settings.php:1165 msgid "Use comma to separate multiple extensions" msgstr "Используйте запятую для разделения нескольких значений расширений" #: cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Ignore files with these extensions" msgstr "Игнорировать файлы с этими расширениями" #: cerber-settings.php:1149 msgid "Skip files with these extensions" msgstr "Пропустить файлы с этими расширениями" #: cerber-settings.php:1144 msgid "Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files" msgstr "Анализировать папку загрузок WP с обнаружением внедренных файлов" #: cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Analyze the uploads directory" msgstr "Анализировать папку загрузок" #: cerber-settings.php:1138 msgid "Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones." msgstr "Поддержка папки загрузок WP чистой и безопасной. Обнаружение внедренных файлов с публичным доступом, отчет о них, удаление вредоносных файлов." #: cerber-settings.php:1137 msgid "WordPress uploads analysis" msgstr "Анализ загрузок WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1131 msgid "Delete files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Удалить файлы с нежелательными расширениями" #: cerber-settings.php:1122 msgid "Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Удалить файлы в папке загрузок WP" #: cerber-settings.php:1066 msgid "once a day at" msgstr "ежедневно в" #: cerber-settings.php:1037 msgid "Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files" msgstr "Если требуется для удаления файлов, то менять права на папки." #: cerber-settings.php:1036 msgid "Change filesystem permissions" msgstr "Сменить права на доступ к файловой системе" #: cerber-settings.php:1004 msgid "Scan the sessions directory" msgstr "Проверка папки сессий" #: cerber-settings.php:1000 msgid "Scan web server's temporary directories" msgstr "Проверка временных папок сервера" #: cerber-scanner.php:3704 msgid "Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory" msgstr "Обнаружение внедренных файлов в папке загрузок WP" #: cerber-scanner.php:3696 msgid "Scanning the sessions directory for files" msgstr "Проверка файлов папки сессий" #: cerber-scanner.php:3695 msgid "Scanning server's temporary directories for files" msgstr "Проверка файлов в временных папках сервера" #: cerber-scanner.php:3694 msgid "Scanning the temporary upload directory for files" msgstr "Проверка файлов в папке временных загрузок" #: cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Scanning website directories for files" msgstr "Проверка файлов в папках вебсайта" #: cerber-scanner.php:1680 msgid "Injected files" msgstr "Внедренные файлы" #: cerber-scanner.php:1642 msgid "Injected file" msgstr "Внедренный файл" #: cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Local hash not found" msgstr "Локальная хэш-сумма не найдена" #. translators: This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1607 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "High" msgstr "Высокий" #. translators: This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Medium" msgstr "Средний" #. translators: This is a risk level. #: cerber-scanner.php:1603 msgctxt "This is a risk level." msgid "Low" msgstr "Низкий" #: cerber-scanner.php:311 msgid "KB/sec" msgstr "КБ/с" #: cerber-load.php:4661 msgid "If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know." msgstr "Если вы считаете, что могли выполнить этот запрос, сообщите нам об этом." #: cerber-load.php:4660 msgid "Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator." msgstr "Ваш запрос выглядит подозрительно и похож на автоматические запросы создаваемые программами рассылки спама, или он был запрещён политикой безопасности настроенной администратором вебсайта." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3197 msgid "This scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results." msgstr "Этот отчет о проверке был создан предыдущей версией WP Cerber. Запустите новую проверку, для получения целостных и точных результатов." #: cerber-common.php:1719 msgid "Filename is prohibited" msgstr "Название файла запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1718 msgid "Executable file extension detected" msgstr "Обнаружено расширение исполняемого файла" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1322 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1778 msgid "All" msgstr "Все" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1018 msgid "No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated." msgstr "Для создания отчёта недостаточно данных. Запустите полную проверку, после её завершения будут созданы отчёты." #: cerber-common.php:470 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "WP Cerber требует WordPress версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s." #: cerber-common.php:466 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "WP Cerber требует PHP версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s." #: cerber-scanner.php:2637 msgid "The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s." msgstr "Сканер определяет файл как отсутствующий на основании контрольных сумм предоставленных разработчиком %s." #: cerber-settings.php:1042 cerber-settings.php:1440 cerber-settings.php:1468 msgid "Once enabled, the log is available here: %s" msgstr "При включении журнал станет доступен тут: %s" #: cerber-settings.php:379 msgid "Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages" msgstr "Сдвинуть наверх меню администратора WP Cerber при просмотре административных страниц плагина." #: cerber-settings.php:357 msgid "Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs" msgstr "Получать данные WHOIS для IP при просмотре журнала" #: cerber-settings.php:356 msgid "Show IP WHOIS data" msgstr "Показать данные WHOIS для IP" #: cerber-load.php:7960 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "Поделившись своим уникальным мнением о WP Cerber, вы поможете разработчикам плагина добиться большего прогресса и поможете другим профессионалам найти подходящее программное обеспечение. Вы можете оставить свой отзыв на одном из следующих сайтов. Не стесняйтесь использовать свой родной язык. Спасибо!" #: cerber-load.php:7958 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "Нам нужна ваша поддержка, чтобы продолжать двигаться дальше" #: cerber-load.php:1830 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "Если на сайте есть такая учетная запись, то мы послали ссылку дла подтверждения на связанный с учётной записью email." #. translators: %s: Email address. #: cerber-load.php:1292 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect." msgstr "ОШИБКА: Введённый вами пароль для адреса %s неверен." #: cerber-load.php:1284 cerber-load.php:1296 msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "Забыли пароль?" #: cerber-2fa.php:505 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "Вы или кто-то еще пытались войти на сайт. Требуется проверка, что это были действительно вы. Если это были не вы, немедленно смените/сбросьте ваш пароль для безопасности учетной записи." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:697 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "Вы отключили страницу входа по умолчанию. Убедитесь что вы настроили альтернативную страницу входа, иначе вы не сможете войти!" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:696 msgid "Heads up!" msgstr "Осторожно!" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4416 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "Подозрительные запросы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2686 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "Вредоносная активность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2666 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "Активность пользователя" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1089 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4419 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "Не авторизованный" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1072 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "Проблемы со входом" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:225 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "Нажмите на IP адрес для просмотра активности с него" #: cerber-common.php:1717 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "Запрещённый URL" #: cerber-common.php:1716 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "Неверные куки очищены" #: cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "Защищать от обнаружения имена пользователей в XML-картах сайта" #: cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "Защищать от обнаружения имена пользователей в oEmbed" #: cerber-settings.php:404 cerber-settings.php:409 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "Защита от обнаружения имен пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:378 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "Сдвиг меню администратора" #: cerber-settings.php:219 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "Уникальный ярлык не совпадающий с имеющимися записями или страницами" #: cerber-settings.php:201 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "Не показывать несуществующие имена пользоваталей и email в вообщении о неудачном сбросе пароля" #: cerber-settings.php:200 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "Отключить сообщение по умолчанию для ошибки сброса пароля" #: cerber-settings.php:190 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "Не показывать несуществующие имена пользоваталей и email в вообщении о неудавшемся входе" #: cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "Отключить сообщение по умолчанию об ошибке входа" #: cerber-settings.php:185 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "Заблокировать авторизацию через wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "Заблокировать доступ к wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "Обработка по умолчанию" #: cerber-settings.php:179 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "Обработка запросов авторизации wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:157 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "Защита от атак перебором и настройки авторизации пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "Безопасность входа" #: cerber-settings.php:142 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "Загрузка ядра WP Cerber и механизмы безопасности" #: cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "Использовать пользовательский адрес для формы комментариев WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1243 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "Пользовательский URL формы комментариев" #: cerber-settings.php:940 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "Сохранять куки ответов" #: cerber-settings.php:929 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "Сохранять заголовки ответов" #: cerber-settings.php:884 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "Записывать в журнал запросы XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:879 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "Записывать в журнал запросы REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:660 cerber-settings.php:1033 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Разные настройки" #: cerber-settings.php:622 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "Разрешить доступ к сайту только после входа в качестве авторизованного пользователя" #: cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "Авторизованный доступ" #: cerber-settings.php:576 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "Ограничение регистраций новых пользователей по условиям" #: cerber-settings.php:575 msgid "User registration" msgstr "Регистрация пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "Разрешить REST API для авторизованных пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "Не показывать ошибки PHP на сайте" #: cerber-settings.php:353 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "Персональные настройки" #: cerber-settings.php:170 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "Отклонять агрессивные попытки" #: cerber-settings.php:166 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "Блокировать IP адрес на" #: cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "Режим инциализации" #: admin/cerber-users.php:473 cerber-settings.php:677 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "Включено, доступ к API с использованием обычных паролей пользователя закрыт" #: admin/cerber-users.php:472 cerber-settings.php:676 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "Включено, доступ к API с использованием обычных паролей пользователя разрешен" #: admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "Использовать глобальные политики" #: admin/cerber-users.php:468 cerber-settings.php:673 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "Пароли приложений" #: admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "Показывать это сообщение при отклонении попытки входа из-за ограничения на параллельные сессии входа" #: admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "Видимо только для администраторов сайта" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1499 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "Авторизация не удалась" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1498 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "Авторизовано" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:764 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "Для избежания ложных срабатываний и улучшения производительности проверки на спам, очистите кеш плагина." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:763 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "Важная заметка, если вы используете кеширующий плагин" #: cerber-common.php:1715 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "Неверные куки" #: cerber-common.php:1671 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "Авторизация запрос к API неудачна" #: cerber-common.php:1670 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "Запрос к API авторизован" #: cerber-common.php:1669 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "Создан пароль приложения" #: cerber-common.php:1657 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "Доступ к XML-RPC API запрещён" #: cerber-load.php:385 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "У вас есть ещё %d попытка для входа." msgstr[1] "У вас есть ещё %d попытки для входа." msgstr[2] "У вас есть ещё %d попыток для входа." #: admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "Если число одновременных сессий пользователя более" #: admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "Вход с другого браузера или устройства" #: admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "запретить последующие попытки входа" #: admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "завершить самую старую сессию при новом входе" #: admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "При превышении предела количества сессий пользователя" #: admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Количество допустимых сессий от одного пользователя" #: cerber-common.php:1714 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "Ограничение одновременных сессий пользователя" #: cerber-common.php:1633 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "Сессия пользователя завершена" #: cerber-settings.php:227 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "Отложить формирование пользовательской страницы входа" #: cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "Отложенный рендеринг" #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "Загрузите другой файл." #: cerber-scanner.php:3938 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "Ошибка: файл %s не может быть использован." #: cerber-scanner.php:2636 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "Файл отсутствует. Возможно он был удален или не был установлен." #: cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "Файл отсутствует" #: cerber-settings.php:611 msgid "User message" msgstr "Сообщение пользователю" #: cerber-settings.php:606 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "Только пользователям из белого списка IP разрешено регистрироваться на сайте" #: cerber-common.php:1713 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "IP-адрес не разрешён" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4542 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "Неизвестный бот Google" #: cerber-settings.php:906 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Укажите список User-Agent для для исключения от внесения в журнал. Один элемент на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:902 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "Не записывать в журнал эти User-Agent" #: cerber-settings.php:898 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "Укажите URL для исключения запросов от внесения в журнал. Один элемент на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "Не записывать в журнал эти URL" #: cerber-settings.php:889 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "Не записывать в журнал известных ботов" #: cerber-settings.php:873 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "Минимум" #: admin/cerber-users.php:973 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "Поиск IP-адреса" #: cerber-load.php:5923 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ваш IP адрес %s был добавлен в белый список доступа по IP" #: cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "Не добавлять мой IP адрес в белый список при активации плагина" #: cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "Мой адрес IP" #: cerber-settings.php:369 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "Использовать ISO 8601 формат даты для экспорта в CSV" #: cerber-settings.php:368 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "Формат даты для экспорта в CSV" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1391 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Имя файла" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1232 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "10 самых больших файлов" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1216 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Самые новые" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1215 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Самые старые" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1214 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "Средний размер" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1213 msgid "Largest" msgstr "Самые большие" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1212 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "Самые маленькие" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1209 msgid "Extension" msgstr "Расширение" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1206 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "Статистика по расширениям файлов" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1181 msgid "No extension" msgstr "Без расширения" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1117 admin/cerber-admin.php:1211 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "Занятое место" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1116 admin/cerber-admin.php:1210 msgid "Files" msgstr "Файлы" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1115 msgid "Path" msgstr "Путь" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1114 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Папка" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1063 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "Краткое обобщение" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1003 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Назад к списку" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1002 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "Файлы без расширений" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:926 admin/cerber-admin.php:1393 msgid "Modified" msgstr "Изменено" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:770 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "На карантине" #: cerber-common.php:1722 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP в белом списке" #: cerber-common.php:1707 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "Адрес email запрещён" #: cerber-common.php:1606 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "Пользователь удален" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "Для достижения максимальной эффективности использования WP Cerber, сделайте следующее:" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "При нажатии на кнопку ниже будут загружены настройки WP Cerber по умолчанию. URL пользовательской страницы входа и списки доступа изменены не будут." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "Загрузить настройки плагина по умолчанию" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5302 cerber-settings.php:1042 #: cerber-settings.php:1440 cerber-settings.php:1468 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "Журнал диагностики" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5300 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "Управление настройками" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5251 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "Аналитика" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4424 msgid "My requests" msgstr "Мои запросы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1091 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4425 msgid "My IP" msgstr "Мой IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1893 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "Активные сессии" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "Загрузка записей" #: cerber-settings.php:683 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "минут (оставьте пустым для использования значения WordPress по умолчанию)" #: cerber-common.php:1842 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "Множественные ошибочные запросы" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:435 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "Настройки обновлены" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1382 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "Поиск в строке URL" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1381 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "ID запроса" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:341 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "Допустимо %s регистраций в течении %s минут с одного IP-адреса" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:335 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "Допустимо %s попыток в течении %s минут" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 cerber-addons.php:289 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "Дополнения" #: cerber-settings.php:1311 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "То, как плагин обрабатывает комментарии через стандартную форму комментариев" #: cerber-settings.php:1282 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "Эти настройки позволяют тонко настроить поведение алгоритмов защиты от спама и избежать ложных срабатываний" #: cerber-settings.php:1114 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine." msgstr "Эти правила автоматически применяются в конце каждой запланированной проверки, в зависимости от её результатов. Все затронутые файлы перемещаются в карантин" #: cerber-settings.php:1072 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "Настройте то, о чем хотите получать отчёт, а также условия для отправки отчёта" #: cerber-settings.php:1055 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "Сканер автоматически проверяет сайт, удаляет вредоносный код и посылает отчет по email с результатами сканирования" #: cerber-settings.php:987 cerber-settings.php:996 msgid "All files" msgstr "Все файлы" #: cerber-settings.php:986 cerber-settings.php:995 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "Исполняемые файлы" #: cerber-settings.php:978 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "Сканер следит за изменениями файлов, проверяет целостность файлов WordPress, плагинов, тем. Определяет вредоносный код." #: cerber-settings.php:865 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "Включите дополнительную запись трафика в журнал, если вам требуется отслеживать подозрительную или вредоносную активность или решить проблемы с безопасностью" #: cerber-settings.php:864 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "Журналирование трафика" #: cerber-settings.php:845 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "Блокировка IP-адресов посылающих избыточные запросы на несуществующие страницы или проверяющих сайт на уязвимости в безопасности" #: cerber-settings.php:813 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "Инспектор трафика - фаерволл уровня веб-приложения, защищающий ваш сайт распознавая и блокируя вредоносные HTTP запросы" #: cerber-settings.php:801 cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "Если не задано, то будет использован email администратора из настроек уведомлений" #: cerber-settings.php:788 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "Еженедельный отчет представляет собой обобщение активности и подозрительных событий за последние 7 дней." #: cerber-settings.php:773 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "Получайте немедленные уведомления на мобильные и стационарные устройства" #: cerber-settings.php:758 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "Если не задано, то будет использован email администратора %s" #: cerber-settings.php:700 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "Эти возможности позволяют вашему сайту соответствовать нормативам защиты персональных данных" #: cerber-settings.php:442 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "Ограничение или полная блокировка WP REST-API" #: cerber-settings.php:1028 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "Задайте папки для исключения при сканировании. Одна папка на строку." #: admin/cerber-users.php:895 msgid "WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser" msgstr "WP Cerber удаление персональных данных" #: admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "Заметка администратора" #: cerber-settings.php:736 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Куки" #: cerber-settings.php:735 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "Данные полей формы" #: cerber-settings.php:734 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "URL запроса" #: cerber-settings.php:731 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "Включить записи журнала трафика" #: cerber-settings.php:725 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "Включить события журнала активности" #: cerber-settings.php:718 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "Включить экспорт данных" #: cerber-settings.php:712 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "Удалить пользовательские сессии при уничтожении данных пользователя" #: cerber-settings.php:711 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "Завершение пользовательских сессий" #: cerber-settings.php:704 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "Включить уничтожение данных" #: cerber-settings.php:698 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "Персональные данные" #: cerber-settings.php:326 cerber-settings.php:968 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "Сохранять записи журнала для авторизованных пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:320 cerber-settings.php:962 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "Сохранять записи журнала для неавторизованных пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:288 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "Включить наблюдение над журналом авторизации" #: cerber-settings.php:1557 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "Любая активность" #: cerber-common.php:1663 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "Изменение метаданных пользователя запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1660 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "Изменение пользователя запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1615 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "Подсеть IP заблокирована" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "Возникла ошибка базы данных при импорте списка адресов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5453 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Этот IP адрес уже присутствует в списке" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "Добавить запись" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:341 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IP адрес, диапазон, маска или CIDR" #: cerber-settings.php:509 cerber-settings.php:537 cerber-settings.php:566 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Не применять эти политики к IP адресам из белого списка" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:69 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "Спрятать IP адрес сервера" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:67 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "Показывать домашнюю страницу в столбце вебсайта" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "Все страны" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "Все сервера" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "Страна сервера" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "Сервер" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5201 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Настройки сайта" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5200 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "Учетные записи и роли" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5198 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Политики защиты данных" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "Защита данных" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Cerber политики защиты данных" #: cerber-settings.php:560 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "Защищенные настройки" #: cerber-settings.php:555 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "Пользователи с этими ролями могут изменять защищенные настройки" #: cerber-settings.php:549 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "Ограничить изменение настроек сайта следующими правилами" #: cerber-settings.php:545 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "Защита настроек сайта" #: cerber-settings.php:532 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "Пользователи с этими ролями могут изменять возможности ролей" #: cerber-settings.php:527 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "Пользователи с этими ролями могут добавлять новые роли" #: cerber-settings.php:521 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "Ограничить управление ролями и возможностями следующими правилами" #: cerber-settings.php:517 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "Защита ролей пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:504 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "Пользователи с этими ролями могут изменять важные пользовательские данные" #: cerber-settings.php:499 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "Пользователи с этими ролями могут создавать новые учетные записи" #: cerber-settings.php:493 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "Регистрация ограничена следующими ролями" #: cerber-settings.php:487 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "Ограничить создание учетных записей и управление пользователями следующими правилами" #: cerber-settings.php:482 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Защита учетных записей пользователей" #: cerber-common.php:1712 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Неверный пароль" #: cerber-common.php:1711 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Неверный пользователь" #: cerber-common.php:1709 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Доступ запрещен" #: cerber-common.php:1662 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "Изменение настройки запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1661 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "Изменение роли запрещено" #: cerber-common.php:1659 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "Создание пользователя запрещено" #: cerber-ds.php:803 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "Активная тема" #: cerber-ds.php:802 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "Активные плагины" #: cerber-ds.php:801 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "Любой может зарегистрироваться" #: cerber-ds.php:800 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "Адрес WordPress (URL)" #: cerber-ds.php:799 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "Адрес сайта (URL)" #: cerber-ds.php:798 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "Роль по умолчанию для нового пользователя" #: cerber-ds.php:797 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "Адрес email администратора" #: cerber-scanner.php:1648 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Невозможно удалить" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1138 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Принудительно завершить" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1092 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Активность пользователя" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1091 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Все входы" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1078 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Профиль" #: admin/cerber-users.php:946 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Заблокировать пользователя" #: admin/cerber-users.php:945 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Завершить сессию" #: admin/cerber-users.php:924 msgid "Created" msgstr "Создана" #: cerber-load.php:1685 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "Сессия завершена" msgstr[1] "%s сессии завершено" msgstr[2] "%s сессий завершено" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "Этот код действителен в течении %s минут." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3263 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5113 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Сессии" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3752 msgid "All Users" msgstr "Все пользователи" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3640 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Разрешены все страны" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3558 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "Правила на основе ролей настроены" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2064 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "пользователь" msgstr[1] "пользователя" msgstr[2] "пользователей" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:949 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1324 msgid "Username" msgstr "Имя пользователя" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:211 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:942 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1318 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4384 #: admin/cerber-users.php:926 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP-адрес" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:369 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP адрес %s был добавлен в черный список доступа по IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:372 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "IP адрес %s был добавлен в белый список доступа по IP" #: cerber-2fa.php:673 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Проверить" #: cerber-2fa.php:668 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Докажите, что это вы" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "or" msgstr "или" #: cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "Не получили email сообщение?" #: cerber-2fa.php:661 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Отмена" #: cerber-2fa.php:660 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Попробуйте ещё" #: cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Введите код из почтового сообщение в поле ниже." #: cerber-2fa.php:657 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Мы отправили проверочный ПИН-код на ваш email" #: cerber-2fa.php:654 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "допустимы только цифры" #: cerber-2fa.php:577 msgid "expires" msgstr "истекает" #: cerber-2fa.php:523 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Ниже представлены подробности попытки входа" #: cerber-2fa.php:506 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "Используйте следующий ПИН-код для подтверждения" #: cerber-2fa.php:413 cerber-2fa.php:501 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Пожалуйста, докажите что это вы" #: cerber-2fa.php:366 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Вы ввели неверный проверочный ПИН-код." #: cerber-2fa.php:363 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Проверочный ПИН-код истёк. Мы только что отправили новый на ваш email." #: cerber-load.php:1926 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Выберите другой." #: cerber-load.php:1926 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "Email адрес недопустим." #: cerber-settings.php:1191 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Эти файлы никогда не будут удалены при автоматической очистке." #: cerber-settings.php:595 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Укажите адреса email, маску или регулярные выражения. Элементы разделяются запятой." #: cerber-settings.php:590 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Разрешить только адреса совпадающие со следующим" #: cerber-settings.php:589 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Запретить все адреса email совпадающие со следующим" #: cerber-settings.php:588 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Без ограничений" #: cerber-settings.php:585 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Ограничение адресов email" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5211 msgid "Global" msgstr "Глобальная" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5210 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "Основана на ролях" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2114 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Доступна новая версия" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5208 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Политики пользователей" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Безопасность пользователей" #: admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Политики обновлены" #: admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "число входов" #: admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Определенное число входов" #: admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Период времени (дней)" #: admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Принудительно использовать 2ФА через определенный период" #: admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Вход с другого IP адреса" #: admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Вход из другой подсети класса C" #: admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Вход из другой страны" #: admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Принудительно использовать 2ФА при выполнении любого из условий" #: admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Расширенный режим" #: admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Двухфакторная авторизация" #: admin/cerber-users.php:440 cerber-settings.php:682 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Время до истечения сессии пользователя" #: admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Перенаправить пользователя после выхода" #: admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Перенаправить пользователя после входа" #: admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Правила перенаправления" #: admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Спрятать панель инструментов при просмотре сайта" #: admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Заблокировать доступ в консоль WordPress" #: admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Сохранить все изменения" #: admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "2ФА почта" #: admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "2ФА Пин-код" #: admin/cerber-users.php:19 admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Включена всегда" #: admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Определяется политиками ролей пользователей" #: admin/cerber-users.php:10 admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Двухфакторная авторизация" #: cerber-common.php:2246 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Доступна новая версия %s, пожалуйста, установите её." #: cerber-common.php:1704 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Начато пользователем" #: cerber-common.php:1703 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "2ФА код проверен" #: cerber-common.php:1702 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Форсирование политики сайта" #: cerber-load.php:5649 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Для удаления этого тревожного предупреждения нажмите тут" #: cerber-settings.php:1184 msgid "Recover plugins' files" msgstr "Восстановление файлов плагинов" #: cerber-settings.php:1180 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Восстановление файлов WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1177 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Автоматическое восстановление измененных и зараженных файлов" #: cerber-settings.php:1118 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Удалить несопровождаемые файлы" #: cerber-settings.php:780 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Устройство Pushbullet" #: cerber-settings.php:777 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Токен доступа Pushbullet" #: cerber-settings.php:749 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Уведомления о блокировках" #: cerber-settings.php:268 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Префикс может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры и знак подчеркивания" #: cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Префикс для куки плагинов" #: cerber-settings.php:259 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Специфические настройки сайта" #: cerber-settings.php:221 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "Пользовательский URL входа может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры, тире и знак подчеркивания." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2969 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "Тревожное предупреждение удалено" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2965 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "Тревожное предупреждение создано" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2932 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Удалить тревожное предупреждение" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2928 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Создать тревожное предупреждение" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1090 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Моя активность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1071 msgid "New users" msgstr "Новые пользователи" #: cerber-scanner.php:4899 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Автоматически восстановлено" #: cerber-scanner.php:4896 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Автоматически удалено" #: cerber-scanner.php:4839 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Восстановлено" #: cerber-scanner.php:3702 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Восстановление файлов плагинов" #: cerber-scanner.php:3700 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Восстановление файлов WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:1650 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Файл восстановлен" #: cerber-scanner.php:1649 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Файл удален" #. Author of the plugin msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: cerber-settings.php:1426 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Использовать основной язык" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Для отзыва токена и отключения удаленного управления нажмите здесь:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1419 nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1427 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Активные плагины и обновления на" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1397 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Доступна новая версия" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Отключить режим управляющего сайта" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Владелец" #: cerber-settings.php:795 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Отправлять отчеты в" #: cerber-settings.php:1481 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Полный доступ требует PRO версии WP Cerber" #: cerber-settings.php:1460 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Доступ только для чтения" #: cerber-settings.php:1459 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Полный доступ" #: cerber-settings.php:1456 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Доступ к этому сайту" #: cerber-settings.php:1450 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Ограничить доступ IP адресом" #: cerber-settings.php:1422 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Добавить @ сайт к заголовку страницы" #: cerber-settings.php:1418 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Показывать уведомление о переходах" #: cerber-settings.php:1414 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Вернуться к списку сайтов" #: cerber-settings.php:1406 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Настройки режима основного сайта" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3615 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Сохранить все правила" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:736 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Загружены настройки по умолчанию" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Установите токен доступа на основном сайте." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Этот сайт установлен как зависимый." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Добавьте зависимые сайты используя токены доступа." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Этот сайт установлен основным." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Отключить зависимый режим" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Вы уверены? Это сделает токен недействительным." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Этот токен уникален для этого сайта. Сохраните его в тайне. Установите токен на основном сайте, чтобы предоставить доступ к этому сайту." #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Секретный токен доступа" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Настройки зависимого режима" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Для продолжения выберите режим для сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Настроить этот сайт как основной для управления другими сайтами" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Включить режим основного сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Этот сайт может управляться с основного сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Включить зависимый режим" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1352 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Вы точно хотите удалить выделенные сайты?" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1286 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Посетить сайт" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1271 nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Мои сайты" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1268 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Вы здесь:" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1052 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Вы перешли назад на основной сайт" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1042 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Вы перешли к %s" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:694 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Неверный ответ с зависимого сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:449 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Сайт удален" msgstr[1] "%s сайта удалено" msgstr[2] "%s сайтов удалено" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:330 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Имейте ввиду: Вы добавили сайт, который не поддерживает SSL. Это может привести к утечке данных." #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Перейти в консоль" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:326 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Нажмите для редактирования" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:325 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Сайт добавлен" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:316 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Добавляемый вами сайт уже присутствует в списке" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:286 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "Токен безопасного доступа не верен" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:173 msgid "Address" msgstr "Адрес" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:169 msgid "Company" msgstr "Организация" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:165 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Телефон" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:161 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:157 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Фамилия" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:153 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Имя" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:149 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Владелец сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Отображать как" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:114 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:104 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Свойства сайта" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:96 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Выберите имеющуюся группу или введите новую для добавления" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Добавить новый" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Ни один сайт не настроен." #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Переключиться на" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Редактировать" #: admin/cerber-users.php:1036 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Результаты поиска для:" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Добавить зависимый сайт" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Все группы" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Удалить сайт" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Обновить все активные плагины" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Обновить WP Cerber" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:141 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Заметки" #: nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "Группа" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Проверка на вредоносное ПО" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Обновления" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "Блокировать" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: #. Number of seconds #: cerber-common.php:1996 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s сек." msgstr[1] "%s сек." msgstr[2] "%s сек." #: cerber-common.php:1677 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Неверная мастер пара логин/пароль" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:627 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3523 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Сохранить изменения" #: cerber-load.php:366 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Вам не разрешено войти" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:516 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Выберите одну или несколько ролей" #: cerber-settings.php:137 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Эти ограничения не применяются к IP адресам из белого списка" #: cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Разрешить эти пространства имен" #: cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Разрешить REST API для следующих ролей" #: cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "Блокировать доступ к данным пользователей через REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:441 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Доступ к WordPress REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:648 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Перенаправление на URL" #: cerber-settings.php:643 cerber-settings.php:1739 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Только зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут просматривать этот сайт" #: cerber-settings.php:633 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Не применять эти политики к IP адресам из белого списка" #: cerber-settings.php:627 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Только зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут получить доступ к этому сайту" #: cerber-settings.php:626 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Только для авторизованных пользователей" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1377 admin/cerber-users.php:970 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Фильтровать по зарегистрированным пользователям" #: admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Заблокированные пользователи" #: admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Необязательное сообщение для этого пользователя" #: admin/cerber-users.php:68 cerber-settings.php:639 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Сообщение пользователю" #: admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "Блокировка установлена %s в %s" #: admin/cerber-users.php:43 admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Пользователю не разрешен вход на сайт" #: admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Заблокировать пользователя" #: cerber-common.php:1701 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Заблокирован администратором" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5303 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Журнал изменений" #: cerber-common.php:1688 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "IP адрес заблокирован" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:945 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Дополнительная информация" #: cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "Игнорировать авторизованных пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:843 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Защита от ошибочных запросов" #: cerber-settings.php:822 cerber-settings.php:853 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Максимальная безопасность" #: cerber-settings.php:821 cerber-settings.php:852 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Максимальная совместимость" #: cerber-settings.php:950 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Сохранять ошибки ПО" #: cerber-settings.php:848 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Включить защиту от ошибок" #: cerber-settings.php:812 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Инспектор трафика" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5669 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5670 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Добавить в меню" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5630 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Выход WooCommerce" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5629 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Вход WooCommerce" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5626 msgid "Register" msgstr "Регистрация" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5625 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Выход" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5624 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Вход" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3906 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Время генерации страницы" #: cerber-common.php:1843 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Множественные подозрительные запросы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5589 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Узнайте больше о всех преимуществах на" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5588 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "Эти возможности доступны в WP Cerber PRO." #: cerber-common.php:1700 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Найден подозрительный код JavaScript" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:784 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Все проверки" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Нажмите здесь для просмотра полного списка файлов" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:730 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Нет файлов подходящих к указанному фильтру." #: cerber-scanner.php:3692 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Подготовка сканирования" #: cerber-settings.php:1041 cerber-settings.php:1439 cerber-settings.php:1467 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Включить журнал диагностики" #: cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Отключить отображение ошибок PHP" #: cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Отключить исполнение PHP скриптов в папке медиафайлов WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Отключить PHP в папке загрузок" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3196 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Все файлы обработаны" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3195 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Возникли ошибки" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3193 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Эти файлы были добавлены в список игнорирования" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3192 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Вы точно хотите добавить выбранные файлы в список игнорирования?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3189 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Эти файлы были перемещены в карантин" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3188 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Вы точно хотите удалить выбранные файлы?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:925 msgid "Added" msgstr "Добавлено" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:891 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Список пуст." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:889 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "На виду: активность" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:888 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "На виду: трафик" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "На виду: пользователи" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:886 admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Удалить из списка" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:885 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Применить" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:230 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Игнорировать" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5249 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Список игнорируемого" #: cerber-settings.php:1207 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Используйте запятую для разделения элементов." #: cerber-settings.php:1201 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Файлы с этими расширениями" #: cerber-settings.php:1198 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Используйте абсолютные пути. Один элемент на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:1194 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Файлы в этих папках" #: cerber-settings.php:1214 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Файлы в папке сессий" #: cerber-settings.php:1113 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Автоматическая очистка вредоносных и подозрительных файлов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2111 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Целостность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2092 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Последняя проверка на вредоносное ПО" #: cerber-common.php:1699 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Обнаружен подозрительный SQL код" #: cerber-common.php:1653 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Заблокирована попытка загрузки вредоносного файла" #: cerber-scanner.php:4895 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Автоматически перемещен в карантин" #: cerber-scanner.php:4835 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Удален" #: cerber-scanner.php:2626 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Содержимое файы было изменено и не совпадает с оригиналом из репозитория WordPress или образцом загруженным вами ранее. Файл был изменен, возможно вредоносным кодом или вирусом." #: cerber-scanner.php:2622 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Он мог остаться после обновления до свежей версии %s. Он также может быть частью скрытого вредоносного ПО. В редких случаях это может быть часть сделанного под заказ плагина или темы." #: cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Сканер определил этот файл как \"ничей\" или непривязаный, поскольку он не относится ни к одной известной части сайта, его скорее всего вообще быть не должно." #: cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Этот файл содержит исполняемый код и может включать скрытый вредоносный код. Если этот файл часть темы или плагина, он должен быть в папке с темой или плагином, никаких исключений." #: cerber-scanner.php:1636 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Найден вредоносный код" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5248 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Очистка" #: cerber-load.php:7980 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Замечательно!" #. Description of the plugin msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Защищает WordPress от атак хакеров, спама, троянов и вирусов. Включает сканер вредоносного ПО и проверку целостности. Усиление защиты WordPress набором комплексных алгоритмов безопасности. Защита от спама тонким определением ботов и reCAPTCHA. Отслеживание пользовательской активности и вторжений с уведомлением по email, а также через уведомления браузера или на мобильные устройства." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:556 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "в" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5164 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "Антиспам защита" #: cerber-common.php:2003 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "Через %s" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Файл был восстановлен по оригинальному местоположению." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:846 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Файл удален навсегда." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:773 admin/cerber-admin.php:928 msgid "File" msgstr "Файл" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:772 admin/cerber-admin.php:927 #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1392 msgid "Size" msgstr "Размер" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:771 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Автоматическое удаление" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:748 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Удалить навсегда" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:751 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Восстановить" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:713 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "В карантине сейчас нет файлов." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 admin/cerber-admin.php:769 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Проверено" #: cerber-scanner.php:1675 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Несопровождаемые файлы" #: cerber-scanner.php:1677 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Измененные файлы" #: cerber-scanner.php:1678 msgid "New files" msgstr "Новые файлы" #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Уязвимости" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:92 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Производительность" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:84 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Завершено" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:80 msgid "Started" msgstr "Начато" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5250 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Карантин" #: cerber-load.php:362 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Вы исчерпали максимально допустимое количество попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через %d минут." #: cerber-settings.php:1071 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Отчет о результатах проверки" #: cerber-settings.php:1054 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "План автоматической повторной проверки" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4417 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Ошибки" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Подозрительная активность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1870 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Активация" #: cerber-common.php:2123 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Байт" #: cerber-common.php:1840 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Попытка загрузки файла с вредоносным кодом" #: cerber-common.php:1698 cerber-common.php:1839 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Обнаружен вредоносный код" #: cerber-common.php:1697 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Подозрительное количество вложенных значений" #: cerber-common.php:1696 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Подозрительное число полей" #: cerber-common.php:1674 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Пользователь активирован" #: cerber-common.php:1665 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Заблокирован вредоносный запрос" #: cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Невозможно проверить целостность из-за ошибки БД" #: cerber-scanner.php:1620 cerber-scanner.php:1681 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Обнаружена уязвимость" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:953 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Невозможно обновить запланированное" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:950 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Запланированное обновлено" #: cerber-settings.php:1098 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Включать ошибки сканера" #: cerber-settings.php:1094 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Включать размеры файлов" #: cerber-settings.php:1090 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Если найдены новые проблемы" #: cerber-settings.php:1089 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Если найдены изменения в результатах сканирования" #: cerber-settings.php:1088 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "После каждого сканирования" #: cerber-settings.php:1085 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Отсылать отчет по эл.почте" #: cerber-settings.php:1076 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Отчитываться о проблемах, если нижеперечисленное верно" #: cerber-settings.php:1081 cerber-settings.php:1127 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Высокая тяжесть" #: cerber-settings.php:1080 cerber-settings.php:1126 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Средняя тяжесть" #: cerber-settings.php:1079 cerber-settings.php:1125 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Низкая тяжесть" #: cerber-settings.php:1064 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Запуск полной проверки" #: cerber-settings.php:1059 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Запуск быстрой проверки" #: cerber-settings.php:991 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Наблюдать за изменением файлов" #: cerber-settings.php:982 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Наблюдать за новыми файлами" #: cerber-scanner.php:4911 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Для просмотра полного отчета зайдите на" #: cerber-scanner.php:4761 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Проверено файлов" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Отчет быстрой проверки" #: cerber-scanner.php:4748 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Отчет полной проверки" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:360 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Ошибка доступа к файлу. Возможно результаты проверки устарели. Запустите быструю или полную проверку." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:253 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Вам нужно загрузить zip-архив, из которого вы это установили. Это даст возможность сканеру безопасности проверить целостность файлов, кода и определить вредоносный код." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:251 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Не найдены данные о целостности для проверки" #: cerber-scanner.php:3706 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Завершение проверки" #: cerber-scanner.php:3705 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Поиск вредоносного кода" #: cerber-scanner.php:3703 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Проверка целостности тем" #: cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Проверка целостности плагинов" #: cerber-scanner.php:3699 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Проверка целостности WordPress" #: cerber-scanner.php:3698 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Поиск новых и измененных файлов" #: cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Обработка списка файлов" #: cerber-scanner.php:2629 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Решить проблему" #: cerber-scanner.php:2628 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Пожалуйста, загрузите установочный zip-архив" #: cerber-scanner.php:2627 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Для решения этой проблемы нужно переустановить %s или обновить до последней версии." #: cerber-scanner.php:2624 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Найдены подозрительные отпечатки кода" #: cerber-scanner.php:2623 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Найдены подозрительные инструкции в коде" #: cerber-scanner.php:1720 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Каждые 6 часов" #: cerber-scanner.php:1719 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Каждые 3 часа" #: cerber-scanner.php:1718 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Каждый час" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2095 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2097 #: admin/cerber-users.php:20 admin/cerber-users.php:474 #: admin/cerber-users.php:488 cerber-scanner.php:1717 cerber-settings.php:678 #: cerber-settings.php:820 cerber-settings.php:851 cerber-settings.php:985 #: cerber-settings.php:994 cerber-settings.php:1461 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Отключено" #: cerber-scanner.php:1646 msgid "New file" msgstr "Новый файл" #: cerber-scanner.php:1643 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Файл с нежелательным расширением" #: cerber-scanner.php:1641 cerber-scanner.php:1682 cerber-scanner.php:2625 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Найдены подозрительные директивы" #: cerber-scanner.php:1632 cerber-scanner.php:1674 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Несовпадение контрольной суммы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2096 cerber-scanner.php:1032 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Быстрая проверка" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2098 cerber-scanner.php:1032 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Полная проверка" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:72 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Похоже этот сайт еще не проверялся, нажмите кнопку ниже для начала проверки." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:177 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Предыдущая попытка проверки, начатая %s, не завершена. Продолжить проверку?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:173 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Сейчас выполняется запланированная проверка. Дождитесь пока она завершится." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5247 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Планирование" #: cerber-load.php:4893 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Отчет проверки" #. Plugin Name of the plugin msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" #: cerber-settings.php:1046 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Удалять файлы карантина через" #: cerber-settings.php:1024 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Каталоги для исключения" #: cerber-settings.php:1014 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Укажите расширения файлов для поиска. Используется только при полной проверке. Испольуйте запятую для разделения элементов." #: cerber-settings.php:1008 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Нежелательные расширения файлов" #: cerber-settings.php:1021 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Укажите пользовательские подписи PHP кода. Один элемент на строку. Для использования регулярных выражений, включите строку в фигурные скобки { }." #: cerber-settings.php:1017 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Пользовательские отпечатки" #: cerber-settings.php:977 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Настройки сканера" #: cerber-settings.php:237 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Отключить перенаправление с консоли" #: cerber-settings.php:174 cerber-settings.php:605 cerber-settings.php:632 #: cerber-settings.php:826 cerber-settings.php:1295 cerber-settings.php:1393 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Использовать белый список IP" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 cerber-scanner.php:4776 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Всего проблем" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Критические проблемы" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:108 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Файлы для проверки" #: cerber-scanner.php:2470 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Найден пользовательский отпечаток" #: cerber-scanner.php:1676 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Нежелательные расширения" #: cerber-scanner.php:1638 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Обнаружен исполняемый код" #: cerber-scanner.php:1637 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Нештатный подозрительный файл" #: cerber-scanner.php:1635 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Найден подозрительный код" #: cerber-scanner.php:1645 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Содержимое изменено" #: cerber-scanner.php:1630 cerber-scanner.php:4612 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Невозможно открыть файл" #: cerber-scanner.php:1629 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Невозможно обработать файл" #: cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Невозможно проверить целостность темы из-за ошибки сети" #: cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Невозможно проверить целостность WordPress из-за ошибки сети" #: cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Невозможно проверить целостность плагина из-за ошибки сети" #: cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Данные о целостности не найдены" #: cerber-scanner.php:1614 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Проверено" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:227 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Удалить" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:189 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Продолжить проверку" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:188 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Остановить проверку" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:187 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Начать полную проверку" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:186 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Начать быструю проверку" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5245 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Сканер безопасности" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5243 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Целостность сайта" #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Если вы забудете ваш пользовательский URL входа, то вы не сможете войти." #: cerber-settings.php:134 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Будьте осторожны при включении этих настроек." #: cerber-common.php:1694 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Запрещено" #: cerber-settings.php:836 cerber-settings.php:898 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Для использования регулярных выражений заключите строку целиком в фигурные скобки { }." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:653 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Режим инициализации плагина не был изменен" #: cerber-settings.php:149 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Стандартный режим" #: cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Старый режим" #: cerber-settings.php:145 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Загрузка движка безопасности" #: cerber-common.php:3220 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Невозможно удалить файл" #: cerber-common.php:3214 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Невозможно скопировать файл" #: cerber-common.php:3211 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Файл не найден" #: cerber-common.php:3208 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Доступ к каталогу назначения закрыт" #: cerber-common.php:3203 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Невозможно создать каталог" #: cerber-common.php:1654 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Предотвращена загрузка файла" #: cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Блокировка неавторизованного доступа к load-scripts.php и load-styles.php" #: cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Защита скриптов администратора" #: cerber-load.php:4659 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Извините, вам не разрешено продолжить" #: cerber-settings.php:836 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Введите URI запроса для исключения из инспекции. Один элемент на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:832 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Белый список запросов" #: cerber-settings.php:956 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "миллисекунд" #: cerber-settings.php:955 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Порог времени генерации страницы" #: cerber-settings.php:935 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Сохранять куки запроса" #: cerber-settings.php:945 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Сохранять $_SERVER" #: cerber-settings.php:923 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Сохранять заголовки запроса" #: cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Маскировать эти поля форм" #: cerber-settings.php:910 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Сохранять поля запросов" #: cerber-settings.php:875 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Весь трафик" #: cerber-settings.php:874 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Умная выборка" #: cerber-settings.php:872 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Журнал отключен" #: cerber-settings.php:869 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Режим журнала" #: cerber-settings.php:817 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Включить инспектирование трафика" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4434 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Улучшенный поиск" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4447 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Обновить" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4428 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Дольше чем" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4421 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Страница не найдена" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4420 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Отправки форм" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4408 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "В журнале нет данных о запросах." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4386 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User Agent" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4385 admin/cerber-users.php:927 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Информация о хосте" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4383 msgid "Request" msgstr "Запрос" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5184 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Живой трафик" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2110 admin/cerber-users.php:1115 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Трафик" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2075 msgid "no connection" msgstr "нет подключения" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2070 msgid "enabled" msgstr "включено" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2071 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5182 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Инспектор трафика" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Цербер-инспектор трафика" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1888 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Последний раз" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4482 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Не указано" #: cerber-common.php:1652 cerber-common.php:1838 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "Проверка на уязвимый код" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1366 cerber-common.php:242 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Проверить запросы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:365 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Вы не можете добавить ваш IP-адрес или сеть" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Необязательный комментарий к этой записи" #: cerber-load.php:5047 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Попытка войти с несуществующим именем пользователя" #: cerber-load.php:5021 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Недельный отчет" #: cerber-load.php:4951 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Ваш последний вход был %s с %s" #: cerber-settings.php:791 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Включить отчеты" #: cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Введите часть строки или пути запроса для исключения запроса из проверки движком. Один элемент на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:595 cerber-settings.php:664 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Для использования регулярных выражений оберните их в два прямых слеша." #: cerber-settings.php:278 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Показать простую страницу 404" #: cerber-settings.php:277 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Использовать шаблон 404 активной темы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3730 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Выбранным странам не разрешено %s, остальным странам разрешено" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3727 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Выбранным странам разрешено %s, остальным странам - нет" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3631 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Не разрешено в одной стране" msgstr[1] "Не разрешено в %d странах" msgstr[2] "Не разрешено в %d странах" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:670 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Невозможно отправить email на" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:667 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Сообщение было отправлено на электронный адрес" #: cerber-load.php:5033 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Подробно об активности" #: cerber-load.php:4927 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Ваша лицензия действительна до" #: cerber-load.php:4922 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Ваша страница входа:" #: cerber-load.php:4888 cerber-load.php:4896 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Для смены настроек отчетности зайдите" #: cerber-load.php:4885 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Недельный отчет" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:575 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Нажмите для отправки сейчас" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:546 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Суббота" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:545 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Пятница" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:544 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Четверг" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:543 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Среда" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:542 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Вторник" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:541 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Понедельник" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:540 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Воскресенье" #: cerber-settings.php:787 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Недельные отчеты" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3043 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Основные настройки" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:682 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:683 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Если вы используете плагин кеширования, вам нужно добавить новый URL входа в список исключений кеширования" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Пометить как спам" #: cerber-settings.php:1316 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Полностью запретить" #: cerber-settings.php:689 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Сортировать пользователей в консоли" #: cerber-settings.php:579 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Предел регистраций" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3758 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "использование REST API" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3757 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "использование XML-RPC" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3754 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "регистрация на сайте" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3750 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "авторизация на сайте" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3756 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "отправка комментариев" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3755 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "отправка форм" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3723 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Нажмите на страну чтобы добавить ее в список выбранных" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3608 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Начните печатать тут чтобы найти страну" #: cerber-load.php:4866 cerber-load.php:5941 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Руководство с чего начать" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1984 admin/cerber-users.php:52 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1081 msgid "You" msgstr "Вы" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1860 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1937 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Зарегистрирован" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1936 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Неудачные попытки входа" #: cerber-common.php:1837 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Обнаружена множественная подозрительная активность" #: cerber-common.php:1693 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Множественная подозрительная активность" #: cerber-common.php:1692 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Предел достигнут" #: cerber-settings.php:1300 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Белый список запросов" #: cerber-settings.php:471 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Укажите пространства имен REST API разрешенных при отключении REST API, одно имя на строку." #: cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Блокировать доступ к REST API кроме следующего" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3800 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Правила безопасности обновлены" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3639 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Нет правила" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3628 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Разрешается для одной страны" msgstr[1] "Разрешается для %d стран" msgstr[2] "Разрешается для %d стран" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5230 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Страны" #: cerber-common.php:339 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Заблокированы отправки форм спама" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5228 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Правила безопасности" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Правила безопасности Цербер" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1320 msgid "Country" msgstr "Страна" #: cerber-common.php:1691 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Заблокирован по ограничению для страны" #: cerber-common.php:1690 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Обнаружена вредоносная активность" #: cerber-common.php:1686 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Режим цитадель активен" #: cerber-common.php:1685 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Обнаружен бот" #: cerber-common.php:1656 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Запрос к REST API заблокирован" #: cerber-common.php:1622 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Комментарий заблокирован" #: cerber-common.php:1621 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Отправка формы заблокирована" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5304 msgid "License" msgstr "Лицензия" #: cerber-settings.php:1291 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "Отключить определение ботов для авторизованных пользователей" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2064 cerber-settings.php:456 #: cerber-settings.php:1290 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "Авторизованные пользователи" #: cerber-settings.php:1286 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Использовать менее жесткую политику (разрешить AJAX)" #: cerber-settings.php:1285 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Безопасный режим" #: cerber-settings.php:1281 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "Настроить антиспам-движок" #: cerber-settings.php:1250 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Защитить все формы на сайте через определение ботов" #: cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Другие формы" #: cerber-common.php:1620 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Отправка формы со спамом заблокирована" #: cerber-load.php:2264 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Извините, проверка на человека не удалась." #: cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Удалить спам комментарии в корзину после" #: cerber-settings.php:1319 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Удалить спам комментарии в корзину" #: cerber-settings.php:1314 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Если обнаружен спам комментарий" #: cerber-settings.php:1310 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Обработка комментария" #: cerber-settings.php:1234 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Защита регистрации через определение ботов" #: cerber-settings.php:1239 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Защита комментариев через определение ботов" #: cerber-settings.php:1222 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Движок Цербер-антиспам" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Настройка Цербер-антиспам" #: cerber-common.php:1836 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Обнаружена активность ботов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5162 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Антиспам и настройки определения ботов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5301 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Диагностика" #: cerber-load.php:1900 cerber-load.php:1906 cerber-load.php:1911 #: cerber-load.php:1931 cerber-load.php:1936 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Вам не разрешено зарегистрироваться." #: cerber-common.php:341 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Блокировок произошло" #: cerber-common.php:340 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Найдены вредоносные IP адреса" #: cerber-common.php:338 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Спам-комментарии отклонены" #: cerber-common.php:335 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Вредоносная активность снижена" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:944 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1322 msgid "Event" msgstr "Событие" #: cerber-common.php:1651 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Попытка регистрации отклонена" #: cerber-common.php:1650 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Попытка входа отклонена" #: cerber-common.php:1619 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Спам коммнтарий отклонен" #: cerber-settings.php:285 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "В режиме Цитадель никто не может войти кроме как с IP в белом списке. Активные сессии пользователей не будут затронуты." #: cerber-settings.php:1399 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Блокировать IP адрес на %s минут после %s неудачных попыток в течении %s минут" #: cerber-settings.php:1398 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Ограничение попыток" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "Антиспам" #: cerber-settings.php:175 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Применить правила входа для IP адресов в белом списке" #: cerber-common.php:1835 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Достигнут предел проверки reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-common.php:1632 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Запрошен сброс пароля" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(не включайте, если у вас нет или вы не вводили ключ сайта и секретный ключ для невидимой версии)" #: cerber-settings.php:1388 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "Отключить reCAPTCHA для авторизованных пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:1383 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA в форме комментариев WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1238 cerber-settings.php:1382 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Форма комментариев" #: cerber-settings.php:1348 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Включить невидимую reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:1347 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "невидимая reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-common.php:2003 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s назад" #: cerber-settings.php:125 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Недоступно" #: cerber-settings.php:121 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Устройства не найдены" #: cerber-settings.php:118 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Все подключенные устройства" #: cerber-settings.php:754 cerber-settings.php:802 cerber-settings.php:917 #: cerber-settings.php:1104 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Используйте запятую для разделения множественных значений" #: cerber-settings.php:744 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Уведомления по эл.почте" #: cerber-settings.php:274 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Показывать страницу 404" #: cerber-settings.php:772 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push уведомления" #: cerber-load.php:5628 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Строка поиска" #: admin/cerber-users.php:922 cerber-load.php:5620 msgid "User" msgstr "Пользователь" #: cerber-load.php:4879 cerber-load.php:4880 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Отмечена новая активность" #: cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Если пусто, будет использован формат по умолчанию %s" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:320 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Отменить подписку" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Инструменты Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Консоль Cerber" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1389 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Фильтр" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1378 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Поиск IP или имени пользователя" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1353 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4441 msgid "Export" msgstr "Экспорт" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:948 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3905 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID пользователя" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:947 msgid "User login" msgstr "Имя пользователя" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3899 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP адрес" #: cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Формат даты" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2108 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3042 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5111 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Консоль" #: cerber-settings.php:1378 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы входа WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы входа WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1368 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы восстановления пароля WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1363 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы восстановления пароля WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы регистрации WooCommerce" #: cerber-settings.php:1353 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Включить reCAPTCHA для формы регистрации WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:1233 cerber-settings.php:1352 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Форма регистрации" #: cerber-settings.php:338 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "протокол Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:333 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Посылать вредоносные IP адреса в Cerber Lab" #: cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Подключение Cerber Lab" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2717 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Недавно заблокированые IP адреса" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1056 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1067 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1080 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2709 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4415 msgid "View all" msgstr "Просмотреть все" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1723 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Добавить сеть в черный список" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1707 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Сеть:" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5449 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Неверный IP адрес или диапазон адресов" #: cerber-common.php:1642 cerber-common.php:1738 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Запрос к сервису Google reCAPTCHA не удался" #: cerber-lab.php:896 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "НЕТ, возможно позже" #: cerber-lab.php:895 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "ОК, прибьем их всех" #: cerber-lab.php:894 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Разрешить WP Cerber посылать заблокированные IP адреса в Cerber Lab. Это помогает команде плагина разрабатывать новые алгоритмы для WP Cerber, которые будут защищать WordPress против новых угроз и ботнетов появляюшихся каждый день. Вы всегда можете отключить отсылку в настройках плагина, в любой момент." #: cerber-lab.php:893 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Хотите сделать WP Cerber еще мощнее ?" #. Plugin URI of the plugin #. Author URI of the plugin msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: cerber-load.php:5950 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Импорт настроек" #: cerber-load.php:5894 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Невозможно активировать плагин WP Cerber из-за ошибки в базе данных." #: cerber-load.php:5884 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber требует WordPress версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s." #: cerber-load.php:5880 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "WP Cerber требует PHP версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s." #: cerber-load.php:4930 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Это сообщение было отправлено" #: cerber-load.php:4875 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Новый URL для входа на сайт" #: cerber-load.php:4864 cerber-load.php:5937 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber активен и начал защищать ваш сайт" #: cerber-load.php:4863 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber плагин безопасности активен" #: cerber-load.php:4859 msgid "From country" msgstr "Из страны" #: cerber-load.php:4856 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "С IP адреса" #: cerber-load.php:4855 msgid "By user" msgstr "По пользователю" #: cerber-load.php:4849 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Нет авторизации" #: cerber-load.php:4846 cerber-load.php:4847 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber плагин деактивирован" #: cerber-load.php:4843 cerber-load.php:4854 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Сайт" #: cerber-load.php:4840 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Привет!" #: cerber-load.php:4839 cerber-load.php:4841 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Доступна новая версия WP Cerber!" #: cerber-load.php:4836 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Просмотреть список заблокированных IP" #: cerber-load.php:4835 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Посмотреть активность для этого IP" #: cerber-load.php:4833 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Последняя блокировка была добавлена %s для IP %s" #: cerber-load.php:4832 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Число активных блокировок на данный момент" #: cerber-load.php:4830 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Число блокировок увеличилось" #: cerber-load.php:4827 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "неуказано" #: cerber-load.php:4803 cerber-load.php:5648 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Просмотреть журнал активности" #: cerber-load.php:4802 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Последняя неудачная попытка была в %s с IP адреса %s с логином %s." #: cerber-load.php:4801 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Режим Цитадель активирован после %d неудачных попыток за %d минут." #: cerber-load.php:4799 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Активирован режим Цитадель" #: cerber-load.php:4775 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Уведомление WP Cerber" #: cerber-common.php:1830 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Количество попыток исчерпано" #: cerber-common.php:1831 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Попытка доступа к" #: cerber-load.php:1921 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Имя пользователя недопустимо. Выберите другое." #. translators: %s: User name. #: cerber-load.php:1280 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "ОШИБКА: Пароль введенный для пользователя %s is некорректен." #: cerber-load.php:746 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Антибот проверка неудачна. Пожалуйста тыкните в квадратную отметку блока reCAPTCHA ниже" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:652 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:672 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:779 admin/cerber-admin.php:875 #: cerber-common.php:397 cerber-common.php:496 cerber-common.php:501 #: cerber-common.php:507 cerber-common.php:511 cerber-load.php:711 #: cerber-load.php:724 cerber-load.php:732 cerber-load.php:1080 #: cerber-load.php:1941 cerber-load.php:2264 cerber-load.php:3375 #: nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:203 nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:214 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ОШИБКА:" #: cerber-load.php:382 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "У вас осталась только одна попытка для входа." #: admin/cerber-users.php:463 cerber-load.php:356 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Вход на сайт невозможен. Обратитесь к администратору сайта." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:457 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4053 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4619 cerber-common.php:1855 cerber-whois.php:241 #: cerber-whois.php:272 nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Неизвестен" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:802 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:814 #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:944 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ОШИБКА: Введите действительный адрес эл.почты." #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:680 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:681 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Внимание! Вы изменили URL страницы авторизации. Новый адрес" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:364 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "Активировать после %s неудачных авторизаций за последние %s минут" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:355 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Уведомить администратора, если число заблокированных IP более" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:347 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Увеличить длительность блокировки до %s часов после %s блокировок в течение последних %s часов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5400 msgid "Help" msgstr "Помощь" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5297 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Инструменты" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1088 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4418 msgid "Users" msgstr "Пользователи" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5117 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Панцирь" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5115 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Основные настройки" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:104 admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:254 #: cerber-lab.php:897 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Узнать больше" #: cerber-settings.php:1329 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Перед использованием reCAPTCHA вам нужно получить ключ сайта и секретный ключ на сайте Google" #: cerber-settings.php:131 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Для использования этой настройки необходимо активировать Постоянные ссылки в настройках сайта." #: cerber-settings.php:234 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Сделайте защиту от злоумышленников еще умнее" #: cerber-settings.php:1372 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Форма входа" #: cerber-settings.php:1362 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Форма восстановления пароля" #: cerber-settings.php:1343 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Секретный ключ" #: cerber-settings.php:1339 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Ключ сайта" #: cerber-settings.php:1328 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Настройки reCAPTCHA" #: cerber-settings.php:664 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Имена пользователей из этого списка не разрешены для входа или регистрации. Любой IP адрес пытающийся использовать эти имена будет автоматически заблокирован. Испольуйте запятую как разделитель." #: cerber-settings.php:663 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Запрещеные имена пользователей" #: cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Отключить REST API" #: cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Закрыть доступ к RSS, Atom и RDF лентам" #: cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Отключить ленты" #: cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Закрыть доступ к функциям XML-RPC, включая уведомления и обратные ссылки" #: cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Отключить XML-RPC" #: cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Закрыть доступ к страницам авторов наподобие /?author=n" #: cerber-settings.php:399 cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Заблокировать сбор имен" #: cerber-settings.php:395 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Усиление защиты WordPress" #: cerber-settings.php:347 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Записывать попытки входа в файл" #: cerber-settings.php:346 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Использовать файл" #: cerber-settings.php:321 cerber-settings.php:327 cerber-settings.php:963 #: cerber-settings.php:969 cerber-settings.php:1048 cerber-settings.php:1322 msgid "days" msgstr "дней" #: cerber-settings.php:762 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "разрешенное число писем с уведомлениями в час (0 - без ограничений)" #: cerber-settings.php:761 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Ограничение уведомлений" #: cerber-settings.php:753 cerber-settings.php:800 cerber-settings.php:1102 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Адрес email" #: admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:360 cerber-settings.php:311 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Нажмите, чтобы протестировать отправку" #: cerber-settings.php:307 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Отправить уведомление на адрес email администратора сайта" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:88 cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Длительность" #: cerber-settings.php:294 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Порог" #: cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Адрес страницы авторизации" #: cerber-settings.php:213 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Смена URL страницы авторизации" #: cerber-settings.php:248 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Блокировать IP при любом запросе wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Запрос wp-login.php" #: cerber-settings.php:238 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Отключить автоматическую переадресацию при запросе /wp-admin/ неавторизованным пользователем" #: cerber-settings.php:243 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Блокировать IP при попытке авторизации с логином несуществующего пользователя" #: cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Несуществующие пользователи" #: cerber-settings.php:253 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Всегда блокировать подсеть класса С вместо IP адреса" #: cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Блокировка подсети" #: cerber-settings.php:233 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Проактивные правила безопасности" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2473 cerber-settings.php:263 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Мой сайт подключен к сети через прокси-сервер" #: cerber-settings.php:262 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Подключение к сети" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5119 cerber-settings.php:305 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Уведомления" #: cerber-settings.php:167 cerber-settings.php:300 msgid "minutes" msgstr "минут" #: cerber-settings.php:161 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Ограничение числа попыток авторизации" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1701 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Адрес email для жалоб:" #: cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Доступна новая версия" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2834 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3261 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Что происходит?" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2833 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Деактивировать" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2832 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Внимание! Режим Цитадель активен. Авторизация на сайте заблокирована." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:738 admin/cerber-admin.php:905 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5603 admin/cerber-tools.php:59 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Вы уверены?" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Загрузить настройки" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5114 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Блокировки" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2068 cerber-settings.php:284 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Режим Цитадель" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2066 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2067 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3020 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "элемент" msgstr[1] "элемента" msgstr[2] "элементов" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2062 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Последняя блокировка" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2061 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Сейчас заблокировано" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2059 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "блокировок" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2058 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2059 msgid "view all" msgstr "просмотреть все" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2058 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2059 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "за 24 часа" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2058 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "ошибок авторизации" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2052 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2070 msgid "disabled" msgstr "отключен" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2049 msgid "not active" msgstr "неактивен" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2045 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "деактивировать" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2045 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2075 msgid "active" msgstr "активен" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2006 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Сводка от Cerber" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Возникла ошибка при обработке файла" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Все настройки успешно загружены" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Файл не был загружен или имеет неверный формат" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:257 admin/cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Загрузить файл" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Что вы хотите импортировать?" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:254 admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Максимальный размер загружаемого файла: %s." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Выберите файл для загрузки." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Когда вы нажмете на кнопку, все настройки из файла будут загружены на сайт" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Импорт настроек из файла" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Скачать файл" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5116 admin/cerber-tools.php:38 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Списки доступа" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5185 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5246 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:37 admin/cerber-tools.php:48 #: nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Настройки" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Что вы хотите экспортировать" #: admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Когда вы нажмете на кнопку, то получите файл с настройками, который можно использовать на других сайтах." #: admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Экспорт настроек в файл" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:476 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2040 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2089 cerber-common.php:2008 #: nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 msgid "Never" msgstr "Никогда" #: cerber-settings.php:690 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "по дате регистрации" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1935 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Последний вход" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1934 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Комментарии" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1729 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Добавить IP в черный список" #: admin/cerber-admin.php:1333 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1359 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1793 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2650 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "Ни одного события не зафиксировано." #: cerber-load.php:5624 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Использован логин" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:946 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1323 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4387 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Пользователь" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2109 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5112 #: admin/cerber-users.php:1114 cerber-load.php:5607 cerber-settings.php:317 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Активность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:943 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1321 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3900 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4382 msgid "Date" msgstr "Дата" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2849 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Настройки сохранены." #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:659 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Удалена блокировка для %s" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:597 msgid "unknown" msgstr "неизвестно" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:335 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Список пуст" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:325 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1651 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1708 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1839 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Проверить активность" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:285 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Ваш адрес IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:278 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1581 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1665 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2067 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Черный список доступа по IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:275 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1578 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1662 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2066 #: admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Белый список доступа по IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:242 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2706 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Блокировок нет. Все в порядке." #: admin/cerber-admin.php:774 admin/cerber-admin.php:929 #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 admin/cerber-users.php:928 msgid "Action" msgstr "Действие" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 cerber-load.php:4834 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Причина" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 admin/cerber-users.php:925 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Истекает" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1319 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Имя узла" #: cerber-load.php:5616 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:204 admin/cerber-dashboard.php:329 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Удалить" #: cerber-common.php:1647 cerber-common.php:1834 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Попытка входа с запрещенным именем" #: cerber-common.php:1646 cerber-common.php:1833 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Попытка войти с несуществующим именем пользователя" #: cerber-common.php:1645 cerber-common.php:1832 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Попытка доступа к запрещенному URL" #: cerber-common.php:1641 cerber-common.php:1737 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "настройки reCAPTCHA неверны" #: cerber-common.php:1640 cerber-common.php:1736 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "проверка reCAPTCHA неудачна" #: cerber-common.php:1631 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Пароль изменен" #: cerber-common.php:1689 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP в черном списке" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1671 cerber-common.php:1687 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Заблокировано" #: cerber-common.php:1618 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Режим Цитадель активирован!" #: admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1087 cerber-common.php:1614 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP заблокирован" #: cerber-common.php:1611 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Ошибка авторизации" #: cerber-common.php:1610 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Выход" #: cerber-common.php:1609 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Вход" #: cerber-common.php:1605 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Пользователь зарегистрирован" #: cerber-common.php:1602 msgid "User created" msgstr "Пользователь создан"languages/wp-cerber-fr_FR.mo000064400000265526147577531750011776 0ustar00,?,?B-?(p??^? @@=&@d@@4@2@AO A pAA A AAAAB BB6BFBOBaBrB BB BBB*BC%C+C>CFC ^CiC yCC CC C CC C C D DD$;D,`EE2EE!E F@FSF qF${FF FFFFCF/7G2gG G5GG GH,*H*WHH,H'H.H@!I?bII III!I1 J>J1QJJ!JJ JJ J(JfKKKKlK #L#.L>RL+LGL*M(0MYM<vM MAM N NN4NLN eN rN>N NOO1O PP$P@PVPjP|PPPPPP QGQXQ vQ QQQ#QQQ Q RG&RnR R(RCR(R 'S5SGSZS iSvSSS:SZS0TJT\T dTnT vTTTITTTW UaUsUU U UUU UU UU!VS3V%WWW W/W%X*X6=XtXX2XXXX1X(.YWYsY Y;Y Y ZZZ9ZPZmZZZgZI [0W[[ [[>[%\-\'@\0h\\\ \\u\KL]K]I].^H^e^S^S^"(_$K_5p_ _ ____ __`*!`(L`u``<`$`aa'aAaXasaqa+a3$b2Xb+b)b1b0cDcUcgc?c7cLc6Fdq}dNd1>epeeeee e e ee"f1f@Bffff fff fUf 3g@g[gkgzggggggg h !h/hKhchjhhhhh hhhhi i #i-i>i<Oiiii3ii iij+jDjHjgj ~j jj4jMj"kT=kk k k4k4kl.l$Hlml |llll'll4lf4mNmBmb-nn n"nnn6nK.ozoo4oo_p{ppp ppLp?qSq iqwq/q qqqqr'r DrQr er,rrrWSssms' t.Htwt u!u0u=8u vu$u u uuu uuuvv!3v2Uv"v v v vv vv w -w8wMMw wwwwww xxx2xKx `x jxuxxx xx x x!x(y+y&Jy qy ~yy y y yyyyz6zRzjzz zzzzzz {#{4{D{L{c{ { {{{{!{|2|,Q|~|| | | | |!||}}})} 2} <}F}_} f}u}} ~)~$E~j~,s~~~~~~ ~ < N\b u3*  2+9DeFTF\ |с1J O[4m4 ׂe%Gà /)Y tE%0:Ckȅ/2G:].3dž':M`x  ·݇  4>YrɈшڈ "@G/\ Ɖ.% :HP;iUF;BN~;͋ $ 7B b lzÌ،0'Lt|1)΍1&* Q\r  َ & 75X-Џ /6<E'ҐW[{# ϑߑ =LU[!p3ƒՒI7WFٓH viER&Sy ͕ە# (6 L#Y}!Ė #"?b v 0;29+l!Θ&4 :B}otpu{{'8=3vF\.N-};Kpe"C,E@ȡQ 1[ ʢ]Ԣ"2U5u3>ߣPAo? &.?Rd $>^/xGBA3uק8Idl Ԩܨ &-< jw &é)$ -/]f*zR  * 2 @ M[!j'!'֫! >K^ s- ̬٬-E\y3 Ʈ5̮A@DB;ȯ$$4&Y% ΰװ 6F,Z<ı8ձ>*M.x++Ӳ00 8F Y6e f.J5fhdj  1;'V~ E )J?3WN*,Ѹ\=d úߺ ̻ջ ݻ,IE9 ɼռ ޼8 , :6E|  ɽ # /:1C9u6% 'A{^{ڿVI)8s_ (e; #U=<+z],1I]o# "4W h$@ (0@H dq  $!2EW$fmA);Le* ]*Y 3 \)BH?$d)y453.BHq?FWAS %"2HI{>"6Yu /n@X`z.+aZ,K=5=s HE5{# [(8V+3*Ju0 Oe]+50L.}YH b6lO0#$Hh|" D`+g!g *!Km#( 41f9?y L8,CF0&]@ V`7h+.(W:4 '*@keK~- J)6t8R S_t|^f|h=L !z|H*,U s#!568oF8!)Kh~=rR@=D;P>Ne}QG_6E_d:62V *\1  !&4*=)h #7PUo wI0z@ 3K9S A[+ l  #;.=j!% '?,X9*?|*kZn($A/fPoW#p?$ )0[G4 ,48m:%&8:sloLM(  }  7    ! ; M U u / - B D- r   )   2 7 I Yc      !  8 E ,U &      *@Wk+2#29 M,[+%(7!`" $EY#q,*'R![ }84 Hip   - (+;M` |/E\3m< :' :&Ho + E"h5 5W3NlG)e  & 8S5p+ <-6dz 5D"zV!9'Px(V+)6UbR B!c7&T Ks I ! !!+! 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected filesAnalyze the uploads directoryAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directoryDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisable the default reset password error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error messageDo not send alerts after this dateDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?DocumentationDownload fileDurationERROR:EditEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail alerts will be sent to these emails:Email alerts will be sent to this email:Email has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore global rate limitsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInjected fileInjected filesInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKeep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocal hash not foundLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum number of alerts to sendMaximum securityMedium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsMobile alerts are not configuredMobile alerts will be sent to %sModifiedMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No limitNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOKOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional alert limitsOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword changed by %sPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevent username discovery via user XML sitemapsPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins' filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logsReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pagesShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Space OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser application password created by %sUser application password deletedUser application password deleted by %sUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView allView all REST API requestsView bot eventsView denied REST API requestsView reCAPTCHA eventsVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atThis is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.Mediumto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: fr Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1); %s inscriptions sont autorisées pendant %s minutes depuis une adresse IP%s nouvelles tentatives sont permises pendant %s minutes%s sec%s secs(ne l'activez que si vous obtenez et entrez les clés Site et Secret pour la version invisible)Code PIN 2FACode 2FA vérifiéUne erreur de base de données s'est produite en tentant d'importer les entrées de la liste d'accèsUne nouvelle activité a eu lieuUne nouvelle version est disponibleUne nouvelle version de %s est disponible. Veuillez l’installer s’il vous plaît.Il est possible d'installer une nouvelle version de WP CerberIl y a une version plus récente disponibleUne chaîne unique qui ne se chevauche pas avec les slugs des pages ou des messages existantsÉchec de l'autorisation de la demande d'APIRequête API autoriséeCourriels abusifs :Listes d’accèsAccès à l'API WordPress RESTAccéder à ce site webComptes & RôlesActionActivéPlugins actifs et mises à jour surSessions activesActivitéAperçu de l'activitéDétails de l'activitéAjouter @ site au titre de la pageNouvelle entréeAjouter l’IP à la liste noireAjouter un(e) nouvel(le)Ajouter un site esclaveAjouter un réseau à la liste noireAjoutez des sites Web esclaves en utilisant des jetons d'accès.ModulesAjoutéAutres détailsAdresseRégler le moteur anti-spamNote d'adminRecherche avancéeMode avancéAprès chaque balayageToutes les connexionsTous les appareils connectésTous les paysTous les fichiersTous les fichiers ont été traitésTous les groupesTous les balayagesTous les serveursTout le traficAutoriser l'API REST pour ces rôlesPermettre à WP Cerber d’envoyer les adresses IP qui ont été bloqués au Cerber Lab. Cela aidera l’équipe à créer de nouveau algorithmes pour que WP Cerber puisse défendre WordPress contre les nouvelles attaques et réseaux de robots qui apparaissent chaque jour. Vous pouvez désactiver l’envoi des données à tout moment dans les réglages du plugin.Autoriser l'accès à l'API REST pour les utilisateurs connectésPermettez à ces noms d'avoir des espacesIl faut toujours bloquer le sous-réseau complet de classe C des IP intrusesToujours activéUn message facultatif pour cet utilisateurStatistiquesAnalyser le répertoire de téléversement de WordPress pour détecter les fichiers injectésAnalyser le répertoire de téléversementAnti-spamRéglages de la détéction de bot et de l'antispamMoteur anti-spamToute activitéTous les pays sont autorisésMots de passe d’applicationAppliquerAppliquer les règles de connexion de limite aux adresses IP dans la liste d'accès White IPÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés ?Êtes-vous sûr que vous voulez supprimer les sites Web sélectionnés ?Êtes-vous sûr ?Êtes-vous sûr ? Le jeton est alors définitivement invalidé.Tentative d’accèsTentative d’accès à une URL interditeLa tentative d'ouverture de session a été refuséeTentative de connexion avec un identifiant inexistantTentative de connexion avec un identifiant interditLa tentative d'enregistrement a été refuséeTentative de téléchargement d'un fichier contenant un code malveillantTentative de téléchargement d'un fichier malveillant refuséeTentatives d'ouverture de session avec un nom d'utilisateur inexistantAttention ! Le mode Citadel est maintenant activé. Plus personne ne peut se connecter.Attention ! Vous avez changé l'URL de connexion ! La nouvelle URL de connexion estL'autorisation a échouéAutoriséAccès autoriséRéservé aux utilisateurs autorisésPlanification automatisée du balayage périodiqueNettoyage automatique des logiciels malveillants et des fichiers suspectsSuppression automatiqueRécupération automatique des fichiers modifiés et infectésAutomatiquement suppriméPassage automatique en quarantaineAutomatiquement récupéréTaille moyenneGénial !Retour à la listeSoyez prudent lorsque vous activez ces options.Avant d’utiliser reCAPTCHA, il vous faut obtenir une Clef de Site et une Clef Secrète sur le site de GoogleListe d'accès IP noireBloquerBloquer l'adresse IP pourBloquer les adresses IP qui envoient des demandes excessives pour des pages inexistantes ou scanner le site web à la recherche de failles de sécuritéBloquer l’utilisateurBloquer l'accès au tableau de bord WordPress Bloquer l'accès à l'API WordPress REST à l'exception de l'une ou l'autre des options suivantesBloquer l’accès aux flux RSS, Atom et RDFBloquer l’accès au serveur XMlL-RPC (inclut les Pingbacks et Trackbacks)Bloquer l'accès aux pages utilisateur comme comme /?author=nBloquer l'accès aux données des utilisateurs via l'API RESTBloquer l'accès à wp-login.phpBloquer l'exécution des scripts PHP dans le dossier média de WordPressBloquer les sous-réseauxBloquer l'accès non autorisé à load-scripts.php et load-styles.phpBloquer l'utilisateurLes utilisateurs bloquésBloqué par l'administrateurBloqué par la règle du paysL'activité du robot est détectéeRobot détectéBref résuméAtténuation des attaques de force brute et paramètres d'authentification des utilisateursEn partageant votre opinion unique sur WP Cerber, vous aidez les ingénieurs derrière le plugin à progresser davantage et vous aidez les autres professionnels à trouver le bon logiciel. Vous pouvez laisser votre avis sur l'un des sites web suivants. N'hésitez pas à utiliser votre langue maternelle. Merci !Par utilisateurOctetsLe WP Cerber ne peut pas être activé à cause d'une erreur dans la base de données.AnnulerTableau de bord CerberStratégies du Bouclier de données CerberConnexion Cerber LabProtocole Cerber LabCerber aperçuRègles de sécurité CerberCerber Tech Inc.Inspecteur du trafic du CerberSécurité Utilisateur CerberMoteur Antispam CerberRéglages de l'antispam CerberOutils CerberModifier les droits des fichiers et des répertoires s’il est obligatoire de supprimer des fichiersModifier les droits du système de fichiersFichiers modifiésJournal des modificationsVérifier les activitésVérifier les demandesVérification des fichiers nouveaux et modifiésErreur de concordance de la somme de contrôleCitadelle activée !Mode CitadelleLe mode Citadelle est activéLe mode Citadelle est activé après %d tentatives de connexion échouées en %d minutes.Le mode Citadel est actifNettoyagePour voir la liste complète des fichiers, cliquez iciCliquez sur le nom d'un pays pour l'ajouter à la liste des pays sélectionnésCliquez sur l'adresse IP pour voir son activitéCliquez pour faire une modificationCliquez pour envoyer maintenantCliquez pour testerCommentaire refuséFormulaire de commentairesCommentaire en cours de traitementCommentairesEntrepriseConfigurer ce site comme site de base pour gérer d'autres sites webConfigurer les problèmes à inclure dans le rapport e-mail et la condition d'envoi des rapportsLe contenu a été modifiéPoursuivre le balayageCookiesPaysPaysCréer une alerteCrééProblèmes critiquesIl y a actuellement un balayage planifié en cours. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce qu'il soit terminé.URL de commentaire personnaliséeURL de connexion personnaliséeL'URL de connexion personnalisée peut contenir uniquement des caractères alphanumériques latins, des tirets et des tirets basPage de connexion personnaliséeSignature personnalisée trouvéeSignatures personnaliséesTableau de bordBouclier de donnéesStratégies du Bouclier de donnéesDateFormat de dateFormat de la date pour l'exportation CSVDésactiverTraitement par défautLes paramètres par défaut ont été téléchargésDéfend WordPress contre les attaques de pirates, le spam, les chevaux de Troie et les virus. Balayeur de logiciels malveillants et vérificateur d'intégrité. Renforcement de WordPress avec un ensemble complet d'algorithmes de sécurité. Protection anti-spam avec un moteur de détection de robot sophistiqué et reCAPTCHA. Suivi de l'activité des utilisateurs et des intrus grâce à de puissantes notifications par courriel, par téléphone mobile et par ordinateur.Différer le rendu de la page de connexion personnaliséeRendu différéSupprimerSupprimer l'alerteSupprimer les fichiers dans le répertoire des téléversements de WordPressSupprimer les fichiers avec des extensions indésirablesSupprimer définitivementSupprimer les fichiers avec ces extensions accessibles publiquementSupprimer les fichiers mis en quarantaine aprèsSupprimer les fichiers non surveillésSupprimer les données de session utilisateur quand les données d'utilisateur sont effacéesSupprimer le site WebSuppriméRefuséRefuser toutes les adresses e-mail qui correspondent àRefuser l'authentification via wp-login.phpRefuser les prochaines tentatives de connexionLe nier complètementAccès au dossier de destination refuséDétection des fichiers injectés dans le répertoire des téléversements de WordPressDéterminé par les stratégies de rôle utilisateurDiagnosticJournal de diagnosticPas reçu le courriel ?Répertoires à exclureDésactiver l'affichage des erreurs PHPDésactiver PHP dans les téléchargementsDésactiver REST APIDésactiver le XML-RPCDésactiver la redirection automatique vers la page de connexion lorsque /wp-admin/ est demandé par une requête non autoriséeDésactiver le mécanisme de détection des bots pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blancheDésactiver le moteur de détection de bot pour les utilisateurs connectésDésactiver la redirection du tableau de bordDésactiver les fluxDésactiver le mode de baseDésactiver reCAPTCHA pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blancheDésactiver reCAPTCHA pour les utilisateurs connectésDésactiver le mode esclaveDésactiver le message d'erreur de connexion par défautDésactiver le message d’erreur de réinitialisation du mot de passe par défautDésactivéAfficher la page 404Afficher commeAfficher une simple page 404Afficher ce message si un essai de connexion est refusé car la limite de sessions utilisateur concurrentes a été atteinteNe pas ajouter mon adresse IP à la liste blanche d'accès lors de l'activation de l'extensionN'appliquez pas ces politiques aux adresses IP figurant dans la liste blanche d'accès aux adresses IPNe pas appliquer cette politique aux adresses IP figurant dans la liste blanche d'accès aux adresses IPNe pas consigner les requêtes de robots d'exploration connusNe pas consigner ces User-AgentsNe pas consigner ces emplacementsNe pas révéler les noms d'utilisateur et les courriels non existants dans le message de tentative de connexion échouéeNe révélez pas d’identifiants et d’e-mails inexistants dans le message d’erreur de réinitialisation du mot de passeNe pas envoyer d'alertes après cette dateNe pas afficher les erreurs PHP sur mon siteVoudriez vous ajouter des fichiers sélectionnés à la liste des fichiers ignorés ?DocumentationTélécharger le fichierDuréeERREUR :ModifierCourrielL'adresse e-mail n'est pas permise.L’adresse e-mail est interdite.Les alertes e-mail seront envoyées à ces adresses :Les alertes e-mail seront envoyées à cette adresse :Un courriel a été envoyé àNotifications par courrielActiver après %s tentatives échouées dans les %s dernières minutesActiver le journal de surveillance de l'authentificationActiver l'effacement des donnéesActiver l'export de donnéesActiver le diagnosticActiver le blindage des erreursActiver le reCAPTCHA invisibleActiver le mode de baseActivez la journalisation facultative du trafic si vous devez surveiller des activités suspectes et malveillantes ou résoudre des problèmes de sécuritéActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WooCommerceActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WooCommerceActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WooCommerceActiver le formulaire de commentaire reCAPTCHA pour WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WordPressActiver reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WordPressActiver le signalementActiver le mode esclaveActiver l'inspection du traficActivé, l'accès à l'API est autorisé en utilisant les mots de passe standardsActivé, aucun accès à l'API en utilisant les mots de passe standardsForcer l'authentification à double-facteur seulement si une des conditions suivantes est vraieForcer l'authentification à double-facteur à intervalles réguliersEntrer une partie de la chaîne ou du chemin de requête pour exclure une requête de l'inspection par le moteur. Un article par ligne.Saisissez une requête URI pour que la requête soit exclue du contrôle. Un article par ligne.Saisissez le code reçu par mail dans le champ ci-dessous.Le blindage de requête erronéUne erreur s'est produite lors de l'analyse du fichierErreur : le fichier %s ne peut pas être utilisé.ErreursÉvénementToutes les 3 heuresToutes les 6 heuresToutes les heuresCode exécutable trouvéExtension de fichier exécutable détectéFichiers exécutablesLes fichiers exécutables ne sont pas pris en charge. Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP.Expire leExporterExporter les préférencesExtensionEchec des tentatives de connexionFichierNom de fichierErreur d'accès aux fichiers. Les résultats des balayages ne sont peut-être pas à jour. Exécutez un balayage rapide ou complet.Fichier suppriméStatistiques des extensions de fichierLe fichier est manquantFichier non trouvéFichier récupéréEnvoi de fichier refuséLe nom de fichier est interditFichiersFichiers dans les répertoires temporairesFichiers dans le répertoire des sessionsFichiers dans ces répertoiresFichiers balayésFichiers à balayerFichiers avec ces extensionsFichiers sans extensionFiltreFiltrer par utilisateur enregistréFinalisation du balayageFiniNombre fixe de connexionsDossierURL interditeDonnées de formulaireRefus d'envoi du formulaireSoumission des formulairesDe l’adresse IPDu paysBalayage completRapport de balayage completMode d'accès completSoyez notifiés instantanément grâce aux notifications mobile et bureauGuide de démarrageGlobalExclusions globalesAutoriser l'accès au site aux utilisateurs connectés seulementGroupeRenforcerRenforcer le WordPressAideVoici les détails de la tentative d'identificationSalut !Masquer la barre d'outils lorsque vous visualisez le siteCacher l'adresse IP du serveurHaut niveau de gravitéInformations sur l'hôteNom d'hôteComment WP Cerber charge ses mécanismes de base et de sécuritéManière dont l'extension traite les commentaires envoyés à l'aide du formulaire standardVérification humaine échouée.La vérification humaine a échoué. Veuillez cliquer sur la case carrée dans le bloc reCAPTCHA ci-dessous.IPAdresse IPAdresse IPL'adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste noire d'accèsL'adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste blanche d'accèsL'adresse IP est bloquéeL'adresse IP n'est pas autoriséeAdresse IP, intervalle, joker ou CIDRIP blacklistéesIP bloquéeSous-réseau IP bloquéIP mise en liste blancheSi un commentaire indésirable est détectéS'il y a eu des changements dans les résultats d'analyseSi de nouveaux problèmes sont découvertsSi le nombre de sessions utilisateur concurrents est supérieurSi nous avons trouvé votre compte, nous avons envoyé le lien de confirmation à l’adresse e-mail figurant sur le compte.Si vous pensez que vous devriez être autorisé à effectuer cette requête, veuillez nous le faire savoir.Si vous oubliez votre URL de connexion personnalisée, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter.Si vous utilisez un plugin de mise en cache, vous devez ajouter votre nouvelle URL de connexion à la liste des pages à ne pas mettre en cache.IgnorerIgnorer la listeIgnorer les fichiers avec ces extensionsIgnorer les limites de taux globalesNe pas tenir compte des utilisateurs connectésBloquer immédiatement l’IP si elle tente d’accéder au fichier wp-login.phpBloquer immédiatement l’IP si la tentative de connexion est faite avec un identifiant utilisateur inexistantImporter les paramètresImporter les paramètres du fichierNote importante si vous utilisez une extension de mise en cacheEn mode Citadel, il est impossible de se connecter, à l'exception des adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blanche. Les sessions utilisateur actives ne seront pas affectées.Inclure les événements d'activitéInclure la taille des fichiersInclure les erreurs de l'analyseInclure les entrées du journal de traficIP ou plage d’IP incorrecteMot de passe incorrectAllonger la durée du blocage à %s heures après %s blocages dans les %s dernières heuresMode d'initialisationInitié par l'utilisateurFichier injectéFichiers injectésInstallez le jeton d'accès sur le site Web de base.IntégritéLes données d'intégrité n'ont pas été trouvéesCookies invalidesCookies invalides supprimésLes informations d'identification de base sont incorrectesRéponse invalide du site Web esclaveUtilisateur InvalideInvisible reCAPTCHAProblèmes au totalC'est uniquement visible par les administrateurs du siteAprès la mise à jour, il est possible qu'il reste à une version plus récente de %s. Il peut également s'agir d'un logiciel malveillant obscurci. Dans de rares cas, il peut s'agir d'une partie d'un plugin ou d'un thème personnalisé (sur mesure).Il semble que ce site n'ait jamais été balayé. Pour lancer le balayage, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.ko/secIl ne faut pas l'oublier : Vous avez ajouté un site Web qui ne prend pas en charge le cryptage SSL. Cela peut entraîner des risques de fuite de données.Conserver les enregistrements de journal des utilisateurs connectés pendantConserver les enregistrements de journal des visiteurs non connectés pendantConserver le répertoire de téléversement de WordPress propre et en sécurité. Détecter les fichiers injectés avec accès public, les rapporter, et supprimer les malicieux.En savoir plusEn savoir plus sur tous les avantages àLe plus largeLa dernière tentative échouée s'est produite à %s à partir de l'IP %s avec un utilisateur ayant comme identifiants : %s.Dernier blocageLe dernier blocage a été ajouté le %s pour l’IP %sDernière connexionVu pour la dernière foisLancez le balayage completLancez le balayage rapideMode traditionnelLicenceLimiter l'accès par adresse IPLimiter les tentativesDéfinir une limite aux tentatives de connexionLimiter les sessions utilisateur concurrentesLa limite sur les vérifications reCAPTCHA échouées est atteinteLa limite définie pour les tentatives de connexion a été atteinteLimite atteinteLa liste est videTrafic en directTélécharger les paramètres par défautCharger les entréesCharger le moteur de sécuritéCharger les paramètres par défaut de l'extensionUtilisateur localHachage local non trouvéVerrouiller l'adresse IP pendant %s minutes après %s tentatives échouées en %s minutesBloquéLe blocage de %s a été levéNotifications de verrouillageBlocagesBlocages en ce momentIl y a eu des blocagesSe connecterSe déconnecterConsigner toutes les requêtes à l'API RESTConsigner toutes les requêtes XML-RPCSe connecter sur le siteConnexion réussieDéconnexionDéconnecté partoutUtilisateurs connectésEnregistrement désactivéMode d'enregistrementSécurité de l'AccèsConnexion échouéeFormulaire de connexionConnexion depuis une adresse IP différenteConnexion depuis un navigateur/appareil différentConnexion depuis un pays différentConnexion depuis un réseau de classe C différentProblèmes d'accèsPlus long queFormulaire de récupération de mot de passeFaible niveau de gravitéRéglages générauxRéglages principauxRendez votre protection plus intelligente !Activités MalveillantesAdresses IP malveillantes détectéesatténuations d'activités malveillantesActivité malveillante détectéeCode malveillant détectéCode malveillant trouvéDemande malveillante refuséeBalayage de logiciels malveillantsGérer les paramètresMarquez-le comme spamMasquer ces champs du formulaireParamètres de baseCompatibilité maximaleNombre maximal d'alertes à envoyerSécurité maximaleNiveau moyen de gravitéMinimalRéglages diversAtténuer les essais agressifsLes alertes mobiles ne sont pas configuréesLes alertes mobiles seront envoyées à %sModifiéSurveiller les fichiers modifiésSurveiller les nouveaux fichiersDéplacer les commentaires indésirables à la corbeilleMultiple requêtes erronéesPlusieurs activités suspectesPlusieurs activités suspectes ont été détectéesDe nombreuses demandes suspectesMon IPMon adresse IPMes sites WebMon ActivitéMes requêtesMon site se trouve derrière un reverse proxyNON, peut-être plus tardRéseau :JamaisNouvelle URL de connexion personnaliséeNouveau fichierNouveaux fichiersNouvel utilisateurNouvelle version disponiblePlus récentsAucune activité n'a encore été enregistrée.Aucune donnée pour générer des rapports. Veuillez exécuter le Scan complet. Une fois le scan terminé, les rapports seront générés.Aucun appareil trouvéAucune extensionLe fichier n’a pas été uploadé ou est corrompuIl n'y a pas de fichier qui correspond au filtre spécifié.Aucune limiteIl n'y a pas de blocage pour le moment. Tout est dégagé.Aucune restrictionAucune règleIl n'y a pas de sites Web configurés.Non-authentifiéUtilisateurs inexistantsNon disponibleNon connectéInterdit pour un paysInterdit pour %d paysNon spécifié(e)(s)NotesLimite de notificationNotificationsAvertissez l'administrateur si le nombre de blocages actifs ci-dessusNombre de blocages actifsNombre de sessions utilisateur concurrentes autoriséLe nombre de blocage augmenteOKD'accord, tout va bienPlus anciensUne fois activé, le journal est disponible ici : %sLe siteWeb ne peut être consulté que par les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectésL'accès au site n'est accordé qu'aux utilisateurs enregistrés et connectésSeuls les utilisateurs dont l'adresse IP est dans la liste blanche des accès peuvent s'inscrire sur le siteLimites d'alerte facultativesCommentaire facultatif pour cette entréeAutres formulairesPropriétaireLa page n'a pas été trouvéeLe temps pour générer une pageTemps limite de génération des pagesAnalyse de la liste des fichiersChangement de mot de passeMot de passe modifié par %sDemande de réinitialisation du mot de passe refuséeRéinitialisation du mot de passe demandéeCheminPerformancePermission refuséeAutoriser seulement les adresses e-mail qui correspondent àAutorisé pour un paysAutorisé pour %d paysDonnées personnellesPréférences personnellesTéléphoneVeuillez en choisir un autre.Veuillez activer les Permaliens pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Le réglage des Permaliens ne doit pas être “par défaut”.Veuillez télécharger une archive ZIP de référenceMerci de charger un autre fichier.Veuillez utiliser le code PIN de vérification suivant pour vérifier votre identité.Veuillez vérifier que c'est vousLe mode d'initialisation du plugin n'a pas été modifiéLes stratégies ont été mises à jourPoster des commentairesPréfixe pour les cookies de l'extensionLe préfixe doit contenir seulement des caractères alphanumériques et des tirets basPréparation du balayageEmpêcher la découverte de l’identifiantEmpêcher la découverte de l’identifiant via oEmbedEmpêche la découverte des identifiants via les plans de site XML de l’utilisateur/utilisatriceL'analyse précédente commencée %s n'est pas terminée. Poursuivre le balayage ?Règles de sécurité proactivesRecherche de code PHP vulnérableTraitement des demandes d'authentification wp-login.phpProfilExtensions interditesNoms d'utilisateur interditsProtéger les scripts d'administrationProtégez tous les formulaires sur le site Web avec le moteur de détection de robotProtéger le formulaire de commentaires avec le moteur de détection de botProtéger le formulaire d'inscription avec le moteur de détection de botProtéger les paramètres du siteProtéger les comptes utilisateurProtéger les rôles utilisateurParamètres protégésNotifications pousséesJeton d'accès PushBulletAppareil PushBulletQuarantaineMis en quarantaineListe blanche des requêtesBalayage rapideRapport de balayage rapideMode lecture seulementRaisonIPs récemment bloquéesRécupérer les fichiers de WordPressRécupérer les fichiers des extensionsRétablisRécupération des fichiers de WordPressRécupération des fichiers des extensionsRediriger vers l'URLRediriger l'utilisateur après la connexionRediriger l'utilisateur après la déconnexionRègles de redirectionActualiserInscrivez-vousS'inscrire sur le siteEnregistréFormulaire d’inscriptionLimite d'enregistrementIntervalle de temps régulier (jours)SupprimerRetirer de la listeSignaler un problème si l'une des affirmations suivantes est vraieDemandeID de requêteURL de la RequêteDemande d'REST API refuséeRequête au serveur XML-RPC refuséeLa requête au service Google reCAPTCHA a échouéeDemander la liste blancheRequête sur wp-login.phpRésoudre le problèmeRestaurerRestreindre les adresses e-mailRestreindre les nouvelles inscriptions utilisateur à l'aide des conditions suivantesRestreindre ou bloquer complètement l'accès à l'API REST de WordPress en fonction de vos besoinsRestreindre la gestion des rôles et des capacités au moyen des politiques suivantesRestreindre la mise à jour des paramètres du site à l'aide des stratégies suivantesRestreindre la création et la gestion des comptes d'utilisateur à l'aide des politiques suivantesRécupérer l’information WHOIS de l’adresse IP lors de la visualisation des journaux.Retourner à la liste des sites WebLa mise à jour du rôle a été refuséeBasé sur le RôleLes règles basées sur les rôles sont configuréesMode sans échecSauvegarder $_SERVEREnregistrer toutes les modificationsSauvegarder toutes les règlesSauvegarder les cookies de demandeSauvegarder les champs de demandeSauvegarder les en-têtes de requêteSauver les cookies de réponseSauver les en-têtes de réponseSauvegarder les erreurs du logicielRapports sur les résultats du balayageAnalyser le répertoire des sessionsAnalyser les répertoires temporaires du serveurBalayé(s)Rapport du balayeurParamètres du balayerRecherche de fichiers dans les répertoires temporaires du serveurRecherche de fichiers dans le répertoire des sessionsRecherche de fichiers dans le répertoire de téléversement temporaireRecherche de fichiers dans les répertoires du sitePlanificationRechercher l’adresse IPRechercher une adresse IP ou un nom d'utilisateurRechercher dans l’URLRésultats de recherche pour :Chaîne de rechercheRecherche de code malveillantJeton pour accès secretLe jeton d'accès secret n'est pas valableClef secrèteRègles de sécuritéBalayeur de sécuritéLes règles de sécurité ont été mises à jourSélectionner un groupe existant ou en saisir un nouveau pour l'ajouterSélectionnez un fichier.Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs rôlesEnvoyer le rapport par courrielEnvoyer les adresses IP bloquées au Cerber LabEnvoyer des notifications à l’administrateurEnvoyer des rapports surServeurPays du serveurLa session est terminée%s sessions sont terminéesSessionsLa mise à jour des paramètres a été refuséeRéglagesLes paramètres ont été importées avec succès depuisParamètres sauvegardésRéglages mis à jourDéplacer menu adminDéplacer le menu d’administration de WP Cerber vers le haut lors de la navigation dans les pages d’administration de WP Cerber.Afficher la notification "passé à"Afficher les données IP WHOISAfficher la page d'accueil dans la colonne SiteIntégrité du siteParamètres du siteConnexion au siteClef du siteMise en application de la politique du siteRéglages spécifiques au siteTaillePasser les fichiers avec ces extensionsParamètres de l'esclaveLe plus petitIntelligentDes erreurs se sont produitesDésolé, la vérification humaine a échoué.Désolé, la réinitialisation du mot de passe n'est pas autorisée pour cet utilisateur.Espace occupéCommentaire anti-spam refuséLes commentaires de spam sont refusésSoumission du formulaire anti-spam refuséeRefus d'envoi du formulaire anti-spamProtection anti-spam pour les formulaires d'inscription, de commentaires et autres du site Web.Spécifiez les espaces de noms de l'REST API à autoriser si l'REST API est désactivée. Une chaîne par ligne.Spécifier les chemins URL pour lesquelles il ne faut pas consigner les requêtes. Un élément par ligne.Spécifier les User-Agents pour lesquels il ne faut pas consigner les requêtes. Un élément par ligne.Spécifiez des signatures de code PHP personnalisées. Un article par ligne. Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades.Spécifier les répertoires à exclure du scan. Un répertoire par ligne.Spécifiez des adresses e-mail, des jokers ou des expressions régulières. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments.Spécifiez les extensions de fichier à rechercher. Balayage complet uniquement. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments.Mode standardDémarrer le balayage completDémarrer le balayage rapideCommencez à taper ici pour trouver un paysCommencéArrêter le balayageEmpêcher l’énumération des utilisateursSoumettre les formulairesIl a été détecté un code JavaScript suspectCode SQL suspect détectéActivité suspecteCode suspect trouvéInstruction de code suspecte trouvéeSignatures de code suspectes trouvéesDirectives suspectes trouvéesNombre de champs suspectsNombre suspect de valeurs intégrées dans le fichierRequêtes suspectesPassez àAller au tableau de bordTerminerSession terminéeMettre fin à la session utilisateur la plus ancienne lors d'une nouvelle connexionMettre fin aux sessions utilisateurL'adresse IP que vous essayez ajouter est déjà dans la listeLe plugin WP Cerber a été désactivéLe plugin WP Cerber est maintenant actifL'alerte a été crééeL’alerte a été suppriméeLe code est valide pour %s minutes.Le contenu du fichier a été modifié et ne correspond pas à ce qui existe dans le référentiel officiel WordPress ou dans un fichier de référence que vous avez téléchargé précédemment. Le fichier peut avoir été modifié par un logiciel malveillant, infecté par un virus ou avoir été falsifié.Le fichier a été supprimé définitivement.Le fichier a été restauré à son emplacement d'origine.Le mode d'accès complet requiert la version PRO du WP CerberLa liste est vide.Le balayeur scanne automatiquement le site, supprime les logiciels malveillants et envoie des rapports par e-mail avec le résultat du balayageLe scanner identifie ce fichier comme manquant sur la base des données d’intégrité (sommes de contrôle) fournies par le développeur ou la développeuse de %s.Le balayeur surveille les changements de fichiers, vérifie l'intégrité de WordPress, des extensions et des thèmes, et détecte les logiciels malveillantsLe balayeur reconnaît ce fichier comme un fichier "sans propriétaire" ou "non regroupé" parce qu'il n'appartient à aucune partie connue du site Web et donc il ne devrait pas être ici.Le calendrier a été mis à jourLe jeton est unique à ce site Web. Il faut le garder secret. Installez le jeton sur un site Web de base pour permettre l'accès à ce site Web.Le site Web a été ajouté correctementLe site web que vous voulez ajouter est déjà ajouté dans la listeIl n'y a aucun dossier en quarantaine pour le moment.Ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans la version professionnelle de WP Cerber.Ces fonctionnalités aident votre organisation/entreprise à se conformer aux lois de protection des données privéesCes fichiers ont été ajoutés à la liste des fichiers ignorésCes fichiers sont placés en quarantaineCes fichiers ne seront jamais supprimés durant le nettoyage automatique.Ces politiques sont automatiquement appliquées à la fin de chaque analyse en fonction de ses résultats. Tous les fichiers affectés sont mis en quarantaine.Ces limitations ne s'appliquent pas aux adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blancheCes paramètres vous permettent de peaufiner le comportement des algorithmes anti-spam et d'éviter les faux-positifsCe fichier contient du code exécutable et peut contenir des logiciels malveillants obscurs. Si ce fichier fait partie d'un thème ou d'un plugin, il doit se trouver dans le dossier du thème ou du plugin. Aucune exception dans tous les cas.Ce fichier est manquant. Il a été supprimé ou n'a pas été installé.Ce message a été envoyé parCe rapport de scan a été généré par la version précédente de WP Cerber. Veuillez exécuter un nouveau scan pour obtenir des résultats cohérents et précis.Ce type de fichier n’est pas pris en charge. Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP.Ce code PIN de vérification a expiré. Nous venons d’en envoyer un nouveau par e-mail.Ce site web peut être géré à partir d'un site web de baseCe site Web est défini comme le site Web de base.Ce site Web est configuré comme esclave.SeuilPour éviter les faux-positifs et obtenir de meilleures performances pour l'anti-spam, veuillez effacer le cache de l'extension.Pour modifier les paramètres de reporting, visitezPour supprimer l'alerte, cliquez iciPour tirer parti de WP Cerber, suivez les étapes suivantes :Pour continuer, veuillez sélectionner le mode de fonctionnement de ce site WebPour suspendre le jeton et désactiver la gestion à distance, cliquez ici :Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devez réinstaller %s ou le mettre à jour avec la dernière version.Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, enroulez un motif en deux barres obliques vers l'avant.Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, insérez une ligne entière entre deux accolades.Pour consulter le rapport complet, visitezOutilsTop 10 des plus gros fichiersTraficAperçu du traficL'inspection du traficInspecteur du traficTraffic Inspector est un firewall d'application web (WAF) contextuel qui protège votre site web en reconnaissant et en refusant les requêtes HTTP malveillantesEnregistrement du traficCommentaires sur les spamRéessayerAuthentification à deux facteursE-mail d'authentification à deux facteursAuthentification à deux facteursImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité en raison d'une erreur de base de donnéesImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers WordPress en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité du plugin en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de vérifier l'intégrité du thème en raison d'une erreur réseauImpossible de copier le fichierImpossible de créer le répertoireImpossible de supprimerImpossible de supprimer le fichierImpossible d'ouvrir le fichierImpossible de traiter le fichierImpossible d'envoyer un courriel àIl n'est pas possible de mettre à jour l'horaireFichiers sans surveillanceFichier suspect non surveilléInconnuRobot Google inconnuÉtiquette inconnueExtensions non désiréesExtension de fichier indésirableExtensions de fichiers indésirablesMises à jourMise à niveau du WP CerberMise à niveau de tous les plugins actifsTélécharger le fichierUtiliser le modèle 404 du thème actifUtiliser les dates au format ISO 8601 pour l'export de fichiers CSVUtiliser REST APIUtiliser la liste d'accès IP blancheUtiliser XML-RPCUtilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne.Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments.Utiliser la virgule pour séparer plusieurs extensionsUtilisez la virgule pour spécifier plusieurs valeursUtiliser une URL personnalisée pour le formulaire de commentaire WordPressUtiliser le fichierUtiliser les stratégies globalesUtiliser des politiques moins restrictives (autoriser AJAX)Utiliser des filtres de sécurité moins restrictifs pour les adresses IP de la liste d'accès IP blancheUtiliser la langue de baseUtilisateurActivité de l'utilisateurAgent utilisateurID utilisateurAperçus de l'utilisateurMessage de l’utilisateurStratégies UtilisateurActivé par l'utilisateurMot de passe de l'application utilisateur crééMot de passe de l'application utilisateur créé par %sMot de passe de l'application utilisateur suppriméMot de passe de l'application utilisateur supprimé par %sMot de passe application utilisateur mis à jourUtilisateur bloqué par l'administrateurUtilisateur crééUtilisateur créé par %sLa création de l'utilisateur a été refuséeUtilisateur suppriméUtilisateur supprimé par %sL'utilisateur n'est pas autorisé à se connecter au site WebConnexion de l'utilisateurMessage utilisateurLa mise a jour des métadonnées utilisateur a été refuséeInscription utilisateurEnregistrement d'un utilisateurLes enregistrements utilisateur sont limités à ces rôlesLa mise à jour de la ligne utilisateur a été refuséeTemps d'expiration de la session utilisateurSession utilisateur terminéeSession utilisateur terminée par %sNom d'utilisateurCe nom d’utilisateur n’est pas autorisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre.Nom d'utilisateur interditIdentifiant utiliséLes noms d'utilisateur de cette liste ne sont pas autorisés à se connecter ou à s'enregistrer. Toute adresse IP ayant tenté d'utiliser l'un de ces noms d'utilisateur sera immédiatement bloquée. Utilisez une virgule pour séparer les sessions de connexion.UtilisateursLes utilisateurs avec ces rôles peuvent ajouter de nouveaux rôlesLes utilisateurs avec ces rôles ont le droit de changer les paramètres protégésLes utilisateurs avec ces rôles peuvent changer les permissions du rôleLes utilisateurs ayant ces rôles sont autorisés à modifier les données sensibles des utilisateursLes utilisateurs ayant ces rôles sont autorisés à créer de nouveaux comptesActivité des UtilisateursVérifiéVérifierVérifiez que c'est bien vousVérification de l'intégrité de WordPressVérification de l'intégrité des pluginsVérification de l'intégrité des thèmesVoir l’activitéVoir l’activité pour cette IPVoir toutVoir toutes les requêtes API RESTAfficher événements botsVoir les requêtes API REST refuséeAfficher événements reCAPTCHAVulnérabilitésVulnérabilité constatéeWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber est maintenant actif et protège votre siteAviser WP CerberWP Cerber nécessite PHP %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement %s.WP Cerber nécessite WordPress %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement %s.Voulez-vous rendre WP Cerber encore plus puissant ?Nous n'avons trouvé aucune donnée sur l'intégrité à vérifierNous avons besoin de votre soutien pour continuer à avancerNous nous excusons, mais vous n'avez pas le droit de continuerNous vous avons envoyé un code PIN de vérification sur votre adresse e-mailSite webPropriétaire du site WebPropriétés du site WebURL du site WebLe site Web a été supprimé%s sites web ont été supprimésRapport hebdomadaireRapport hebdomadaireLe rapport hebdomadaire est un résumé de toutes les activités et les événements suspects qui sont survenus les sept derniers joursRapports hebdomadairesQue voulez-vous exporter ?Que voulez-vous importer ?Quand la limite des sessions utilisateur concurrentes est atteinteVous obtiendrez un fichier de configuration lorsque vous cliquerez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Vous pourrez ensuite utiliser ce fichier de configuration sur d’autre site.Si vous cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous, le fichier sera téléchargé et tous les paramètres existants seront remplacés.Lorsque vous cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous, les paramètres par défaut de WP Cerber seront chargés. L'URL de la page de connexion personnalisée et les listes d'accès ne seront pas impactées.Liste d'accès IP blancheSe connecter à WooCommerceSe déconnecter à WooCommerceWordPressAnalyse des fichiers téléversés WordPressEcrire les tentatives de connexion non réussies dans le fichierVousVous êtes ici :Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous connecterVous n’êtes pas autorisé à vous connecté. Contactez l’administrateur si vous avez besoin d’assistance.Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous inscrire.Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre adresse IP ou votre réseauIl vous reste %d tentative de connexion.Il vous reste %d tentatives de connexion.Vous avez désactivé la page de connexion par défaut. Assurez-vous que vous avez configuré une autre page de connexion. Sinon, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter.Vous avez saisi un code PIN de vérification incorrectVous avez dépassé le nombre de tentatives de connexion autorisées. Veuillez réessayer en %d minutes.Il ne vous reste plus qu’une seule tentative de connexion.Vous êtes retourné sur le site Web de baseVous êtes passé à %sVous devez télécharger une archive ZIP dont vous l'avez installée. Cela permet au balayeur de sécurité de vérifier l'intégrité du code et de détecter les logiciels malveillants.Vous ou une autre personne essayant de se connecter au site web. Nous devons vérifier que c'est bien vous. Si ce n'est pas vous, veuillez immédiatement réinitialiser votre mot de passe afin de protéger votre compte.Votre IPVotre adresse IP %s a été ajoutée à la liste blanche d'accèsVotre dernière connexion était %s de %sVotre licence est valable jusqu'auVotre page de connexion :Votre requête semble suspicieusement similaire à des requêtes automatisées de logiciel d’envoi de message indésirable ou elle a été refusée par la politique de sécurité configurée par l’administrateur/administratrice du site.actifpar date d'enregistrementjoursdésactiverdésactivéactivé(s)entréeentréesexpire letentatives non réussieshttps://wpcerber.comsi le champ est vide, on utilisera le format par défaut %ssi vide, les adresses e-mail renseignées dans les paramètres de notification seront utiliséessi vide, l'adresse e-mail de l'administrateur %s sera utiliséeen 24 heuresblocagesmillisecondesminutesminutes (laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut de WordPress)aucune connexioninactifnotifications autorisées par heure (0 = illimité)Nombre de connexionsun fois par jour àseuls les chiffres sont autorisésoules paramètres du reCAPTCHAles paramètres du reCAPTCHA sont incorrectsla vérification du reCAPTCHA a échouéreCAPTCHA vérifiéinconnunon spécifiéutilisateurutilisateursvoir toutbloqué par %s à %sDernière recherche de programmes malveillantsen %sàÉlevéFaibleMoyenLes pays sélectionnés ne sont pas autorisés à %s, les autres pays sont autorisés àLes pays sélectionnés sont autorisés à %s, les autres pays ne sont pas autorisés àlanguages/wp-cerber-ja.mo000064400000261156147577531750011365 0ustar00,=,=-=B4=(w==^= >>;->Wi>R>=? 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive PluginsActive ThemeActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAdd-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdministration Email AddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll UsersAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedAnyone can registerApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file permissions when necessaryChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExclusionsExecutable code foundExecutable filesExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHeads up!HelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsModifiedMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew User Default RoleNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No activity has been logged.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOldestOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the admin menu to the top when the menu is selectedShow "Switched to" notificationShow homepage in the Website columnShowing last %d records from %dSite Address (URL)Site IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This is a boot module installed by the WP Cerber Security plugin when you set the plugin initialization mode to "Standard".This message was sent byThis verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTuesdayTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser createdUser creation deniedUser deletedUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityUsers' activityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Personal Data EraserWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress Address (URL)Write failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hoursin the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: ja Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s 前ひとつのIPアドレスで %s 分以内に %s 回まで登録できます%s 分以内に %s 回まで試行できます%s 秒(非表示バージョンのサイトキーとシークレットキーを取得、入力していない限り、有効にしないでください)二段階認証 PIN コード2段階認証コード確認済みエラー: 有効なメールアドレスを入力してください。エラー: %s: 入力したメールアドレスのパスワードが正しくありません。エラー:ユーザー名 %s に対応するパスワードが間違っています。アクセスリストエントリーのインポート中にデータベースエラーが発生しました新しいアクティビティを記録新しいバージョンが利用可能新しいバージョン %s が利用可能です。インストールしてください。WP Cerber の新しいバージョンをインストールできます新しいバージョンが利用可能です既に存在するページや投稿と重複しない一意の文字列APIリクエストに失敗しましたAPIリクエストが認証されました迷惑メール:アクセスリストWordPress REST API へのアクセスこのウェブサイトへアクセスアカウント&役割アクション有効化済み有効なプラグイン有効なテーマプラグインのアクティブ、及び、アップデートアクティブセッションアクティビティアクティビティインサイトアクティビティの詳細@ サイトをページタイトルに追加するエントリーを追加IP をブラックリストに追加する新規追加するスレーブ Web サイトを追加するネットワークをブラックリストに追加するアクセストークンを使用してスレーブ Web サイトを追加します。メニューに追加アドオン追加完了その他の機能アドレスアンチスパムエンジンを調整管理者メモ管理者メールアドレス高度な検索上級モードすべてのスキャンの後すべてのログインすべてのユーザー接続されているすべてのデバイスすべての国すべてのファイルすべてのファイルが処理されましたすべてのグループすべてのリクエストすべてのスキャンすべてのサーバーすべてのトラフィックこれらのロールの REST API を許可しますWP Cerber がロックアウトした悪意のあるIPアドレスを Cerber Lab に送信できるようにします。 これにより、プラグインチームは WP Cerber の新しいアルゴリズムを開発し、毎日出現する新しい脅威やボットネットから WordPress を守ることができます。 プラグイン設定で送信をいつでも無効にできます。ログインユーザーにREST APIへのアクセスを許可これらの名前空間を許可するサブネットクラス C の侵入者・攻撃者 IP を常にブロック常に有効このユーザーへの追加メッセージ解析アンチスパムアンチスパムとボットの検出設定アンチスパムエンジンすべてのアクティビティすべての国が許可されていますだれでも登録可能アプリケーションパスワード適用ホワイト IP アクセスリスト内の IP アドレスにログインルールを適用選択したファイルを削除してもよろしいですか?本当にこのウェブサイトを削除してもよいですか ?本当に実行しますか ?本当に良いですか?これにより、トークンが永久に無効になります。アクセス試行禁止された U​​RL へのアクセス試行ログイン試行攻撃を無効化存在しないユーザー名でのログイン試行禁止されているユーザー名でのログイン試行乗っ取り攻撃・ユーザー登録攻撃を無効化悪意あるコードを含むファイルのアップロード試行攻撃悪意のあるファイルのアップロードを拒否存在しないユーザー名でのログイン試行注意! Citadel モードがアクティブになりました。誰もログインできません。注意!ログイン URL を変更しました。新しいログイン URL はこちら。認証に失敗しました認証しました認証されたアクセス許可ユーザーのみ自動定期スキャンスケジュールマルウェアと疑わしいファイルの自動クリーンアップ自動削除変更および感染したファイルの自動回復自動的に削除自動的に検疫に移動しました。自動的に復元平均サイズすばらしい!リストに戻るこれらのオプションを有効にするのを忘れないでください。reCAPTCHA の使用を開始する前に、Google Web サイトでサイトキーとシークレットキーを取得する必要がありますブラック IP アクセスリストブロックIPアドレスをブロック存在しないページに過剰なリクエストを送ったり、機密保護違反のためにウェブサイトをスキャンするIPアドレスをブロックブロックされたユーザーWordPress ダッシュボードへのアクセスをブロック次のいずれか以外の WordPress REST API へのアクセスをブロックRSS、Atom、および RDF フィードへのアクセスをブロックXML-RPC サーバーへのアクセスをブロック(ピンバックとトラックバックを含む)/?author=n などのユーザーページへのアクセスをブロックREST API を介したユーザーのデータへのアクセスをブロックするwp-login.phpへのアクセスをブロックWordPress メディアフォルダー内での PHP スクリプトの実行をブロックサブネットをブロックload-scripts.phpおよびload-styles.phpへの不正アクセスをブロックブロックユーザーブロックユーザー管理者によりブロックされました国制限ルールによりブロックボットのアクティビティを検出ボットを検出要約総当たり攻撃対策とユーザー認証設定エンジニアがより良いプラグインを開発するため、そしてユーザーにベストなソフトウェアをお届けするために、下記ウェブサイトよりWP Cerberへの忌憚ないご意見をお聞かせください。母国語でのレビューも大歓迎です!ユーザーバイトデータベースエラーのため、WP Cerber をアクティブにできません。キャンセルCerber ダッシュボードサーバーデータシールドポリシーCerber Lab 接続Cerber Lab プロトコルCerber クイックビューCerber セキュリティルールCerber Tech Inc.Cerberトラフィック監査Cerber ユーザーセキュリティCerber アンチスパムエンジンCerber アンチスパム設定Cerber ツール必要な場合にファイルパーミッションを変更変更されたファイル変更履歴アクティビティを確認リクエストを確認新規および変更されたファイルの確認チェックサムの不一致Citadel 有効化完了!Citadel(鉄壁城塞) モードCitadel (鉄壁城塞)モードが有効Citadel モードは、%d 分以内に、ログイン試行を %d 回失敗した後に、アクティブになります。Citadel モード稼働中クリーニング中すべてのファイルリストを表示するには、ここをクリックしてください国名をクリックして、選択された国リストに追加アクティビティを確認するため、IPアドレスをクリッククリックして編集クリックして今すぐ送信クリックして送信テストコメントを拒否コメントフォームコメント処理中コメント会社この Web サイトをマスターとして構成して、他の Web サイトを管理しますメールレポートに含む問題やレポート送信条件を設定コンテンツが変更されましたスキャンを継続Cookie国国アラートを作成作成致命的な問題現在、スケジュールされたスキャンが進行中です。終了するまで、しばらくお待ちください。コメントURLをカスタマイズカスタムログイン URLカスタムログイン URL には、英数字、ダッシュ、アンダースコアのみを含めることができますカスタムログインページカスタム署名を発見カスタム署名ダッシュボードデータシールドデータシールドポリシー日付日付フォーマットCSVエクスポート用データ形式無効化デフォルト設定を処理していますデフォルト設定がロードされましたハッカーの攻撃、スパム、トロイの木馬、および、ウイルスから WordPress を守ります。 マルウェアスキャナーと整合性チェッカー。 包括的なセキュリティアルゴリズムのセットによる WordPress の強化。 高度なボット検出エンジンと reCAPTCHA によるスパム保護。 強力な電子メール、モバイル、デスクトップ通知でユーザーと侵入者のアクティビティを追跡します。カスタムログインページのレンダリングを延期レンダリングを延期削除 アラートを削除完全に削除するこの後に隔離されたファイルを削除放置ファイルを削除ユーザーデータが削除された場合、ユーザーセッションデータを削除ウェブサイトを削除削除済み拒否次に一致するすべてのメールアドレスを拒否wp-login.phpからの認証を拒否それ以上のログイン試行を拒否完全拒否宛先フォルダへのアクセスが拒否されましたユーザーロールポリシーによって決定診断診断ログメールを受信していませんか?除外するディレクトリPHP エラー表示を無効化アップロードにおいて PHP を無効化REST API を無効化XML-RPC を無効化/wp-admin/ が許可されていないリクエストによって要求された場合、ログインページへの自動リダイレクトを無効にしますログインしているユーザーのボット検出エンジンを無効化ダッシュボードのリダイレクトを無効化フィードを無効にするマスターモードを無効にするログインしているユーザーへの reCAPTCHA を無効化この Web サイトはマスターとして設定されています。デフォルトログインエラーメッセージの無効化無効化しました404ページを表示表示形式シンプルな404ページを表示する同時ユーザーセッション数が上限に達しているためにログイン試行が拒否された場合、このメッセージを表示しますプラグイン有効化の際、自分のIPアドレスをホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加しないでくださいこのポリシーをホワイトIPアクセスリストのIPアドレスに適用しないでくださいこのポリシーをホワイト IP アクセスリストの IP アドレスに適用しないでください。既知クローラを記録しないこれらのユーザーエージェントを記録しないこれらの場所を記録しないログイン失敗メッセージの中で、存在しないユーザーネームおよびメールアドレスを表示しないPHPエラーをウェブサイト上に表示しない選択したファイルを無視リストに追加しますか?ファイルをダウンロードドリルダウンIP期間エラー:編集メールアドレスメールアドレス許可されていないメールアドレスです。メールアドレスが禁止されましたメールを送信しましたメール通知過去 %s 分間に %s 回のログイン試行に失敗した場合、有効にします認証ログ監視を有効化データ削除を有効化データエクスポートを有効化診断ログを有効化エラーシールドを有効にするInvisible reCAPTCHA を有効化マスターモードを有効にする不審なアクティビティの監視やセキュリティ問題の解決が必要な場合、任意のトラフィックログを有効化WooCommerce ログインフォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化WooCommerce パスワード再発行フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化WooCommerce 登録フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化WordPress コメントフォームに reCAPTCHA を有効化WordPress ログインフォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化WordPress パスワード再発行フォームで reCAPTCHA を有効化WordPress 登録フォームの reCAPTCHA を有効化レポートを有効にするスレーブモードを有効にするトラフィック監査を有効にする有効化されました。標準ユーザーパスワードを使用したAPIへのアクセスが許可されました有効化されました。標準ユーザーパスワードを使用したAPIへのアクセスは許可されていません次の条件のいずれかに該当する場合、2要素認証を強制する一定の間隔で2要素認証を実施するクエリ文字列またはクエリパスの一部を、1行に1つ入力して、エンジンによる検査からリクエストを除外リクエスト URL を1行に1つ入力して、リクエストを検査から除外します。以下の欄に、メール添付のコードを入力してください誤ったリクエストシールドファイルの解析中にエラーが発生エラー: ファイル名 %s は使用できません。エラーイベント3時間ごと6時間ごと1時間ごと除外実行可能コードを発見実行ファイル有効期限エクスポート設定をファイルにエクスポート拡張子ログインに失敗ファイルファイル名ファイルアクセスエラー。スキャン結果は古くなっている可能性があります。クイックスキャン、または、フルスキャンを実行してください。ファイルが削除されましたファイル拡張子統計ファイルが不足していますファイルが見つかりません。ファイルが回復されましたファイルのアップロードを拒否ファイルセッションディレクトリ内のファイル一時ディレクトリ内のファイルアップロードフォルダー内のファイルこれらのディレクトリ内のファイルファイルスキャン完了スキャンするファイルこれらの拡張子のファイル不要な拡張子を持つファイル拡張子のないファイルフィルター登録ユーザーでフィルタースキャンを完了中完了名前定められたログイン回数フォルダ禁止されたURLフィールドデータを作成フォーム送信を無効化フォーム送信金曜日IP アドレス国フルスキャンフルスキャンレポートフルアクセスモードモバイル&デスクトップ通知で速やかに通知入門ガイドグローバルログインユーザーのみウェブサイトへのアクセスを許可グループ強化設定WordPress の強化ご注意ください!ヘルプログイン試行の詳細は次の通りですこんにちは!サイト表示時、ツールバーを非表示サーバーIPアドレスを隠す重大度・高ホスト情報ホスト名WP Cerberのコア&セキュリティメカニズムのロード方法標準コメントフォームから送信されたコメントの処理方法認証に失敗しました。下の reCAPTCHA ブロックの四角いボックスをクリックしてください。IPIP アドレスIP アドレスIPアドレス %s がブラックIPアクセスリストに追加されましたIPアドレス %s がホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加されましたIP アドレスはロックアウトされていますIPアドレスが許可されていませんIPアドレス、レンジ、ワイルドカード、CIDRブラックリスト IPIP をブロックIPサブネットがブロックされましたIPホワイトリストスパムコメントが検出された場合スキャン結果に変更が発生した場合新しい問題が見つかった場合もし同時ユーザーセッション数がカスタムログイン URL を忘れると、ログインできなくなります。キャッシュプラグインを使用する場合、キャッシュしないページのリストに新しいログイン URL を追加する必要があります。無視リストを無視ログインユーザーを無視wp-login.php にアクセスしてきた IP を即ブロック存在しないユーザー名でログイン試行した IP を即ブロック設定をインポートファイルから設定をインポートキャッシュプラグインを使用している場合、重要なお知らせですCitadel モードでは、ホワイト IP アクセスリストの IP 以外は誰もログインできません。アクティブなユーザーセッションは影響を受けません。アクティビティログイベントを含むファイルサイズを含めるスキャンエラーを含めるトラフィックログエントリーを含む正しくない IP アドレス、または、IP 範囲無効なパスワード過去 %s 時間の %s 回ロックアウト後、ロックアウト期間を %s 時間に延長します初期化モードユーザーにより開始されましたマスター Web サイトにアクセストークンをインストールします。完全性整合性データが見つかりません無効なcookie無効なcookieが削除されました無効なマスター情報スレーブ Web サイトからの無効な応答無効なユーザーInvisible reCAPTCHAすべての問題ウェブサイト管理者のみ閲覧できます新しい %s バージョンにアップグレードした後も残る場合があります。難読化されたマルウェアの一部である可能性もあります。カスタムメイド(特注)プラグイン、または、テーマの一部である場合もあります。このウェブサイトは、まだスキャンされたことがないようです。スキャンを開始するには、以下のボタンをクリックしてください。注意事項:SSL 化されていない Web サイトが追加されました。これにより、データが漏洩する可能性があります。ログインしたユーザー数を記録ログインしなかったビジター数を記録続きを読むすべての利点についての詳細最大苗字最後に失敗したログイン試行は、IP %s からの %s でした:%s最後のロックアウトロックアウトが追加されました:IP %s の %s前回のログイン:最後に見たのはフルスキャンを起動クイックスキャンを起動レガシーモードライセンスIP アドレスによるアクセス制限試行制限に到達ログイン試行回数制限同時ユーザーセッションを制限reCAPTCHA 認証の失敗回数制限をオーバーログイン試行制限に到達制限に到達リストは空ですリアルタイムトラフィックデフォルト設定をロードエントリーをロードセキュリティエンジンのロードプラグイン初期設定をロードローカルユーザー%s 分以内に %s 回試行に失敗した場合、%s 分間、IP アドレスをロックアウトしますロックアウト%s のロックアウトが削除されましたロックアウト通知ロックアウト現時点でのロックアウトロックアウト発生ログインログアウトすべてのREST APIリクエストを記録すべてのXML-RPCリクエストを記録ウェブサイトにログインログインログアウトログインユーザーログ取得を無効化ログ取得モードログインセキュリティログイン失敗ログインフォーム別の IP アドレスからログイン異なるブラウザやデバイスからのログインより多かった場合別の国からのログイン別のネットワーククラス C からのログインログイン問題より長くパスワード紛失フォーム重要度・低メイン設定メイン設定保護をよりスマートに!悪意のあるアクティビティ悪意ある IP アドレスを検出悪意あるアクティビティを軽減悪意あるアクティビティを検出悪意あるコードを検出悪意のあるコードを発見悪意あるリクエストを拒否マルウェアスキャン設定管理スパムとしてマークこれらのフォームフィールドをマスクマスター設定十分な互換性強力なセキュリティ最大アップロードサイズ: %s重要度・中最小その他の設定攻撃的な試みを軽減修正されました月曜日変更されたファイルを監視新しいファイルを監視スパムコメントをゴミ箱に移動複数のエラーリクエスト複数の疑わしいアクティビティ複数の疑わしいアクティビティを検出複数の疑わしいリクエスト自分のIP自分のIPアドレスマイウェブサイトマイアクティビティマイリクエストリバースプロキシ環境下にある場合に選択いいえ、おそらく後になります。ネットワーク:なし新しいカスタムログイン URL新規ユーザーのデフォルト役割新しいファイル新しいファイル新しいユーザー新しいバージョンが利用できます。最新記録されたアクティビティはまだありません。アクティビティは記録されていません。デバイスが見つかりません拡張子なしファイルがアップロードされていないか、ファイルが破損しています指定されたフィルターに一致するファイルはありません。現時点でロックアウトはありません。リクエスト記録なし制限なしルールなしWeb サイトが構成されていません。非認証存在しないユーザー使用不可ログインしていない国 %d では許可されていません指定なしメモ通知制限通知管理者に通知するアクティブなロックアウト回数アクティブなロックアウト数同時ユーザーセッション可能数ロックアウト数が急増。攻撃を受けています。はい、すべてできます。最古登録およびログインしたユーザーのみがこの Web サイトを表示できます登録およびログインした Web サイトユーザーのみが Web サイトにアクセスできます。ホワイトIPアクセスリスト内のIPアドレスのみ登録可能ですこのエントリの追加コメントその他のフォームオーナーページが見つかりませんでしたページ生成時間ページ生成時間のしきい値ファイルのリストを解析パスワードを変更しました。パスワードリセットが要求されましたパスパフォーマンスパーミッションが拒否されました次に一致するメールアドレスのみを許可 %d の国で許可されています個人情報データ個人用プリファレンス電話別のものを選択してください。この機能を使用するには、パーマリンクを有効にしてください。パーマリンク設定をデフォルト以外に設定します。参照ZIPアーカイブをアップロードしてください他のファイルをアップロードしてください。この確認PINコードを使用して設定を完了してください。認証してくださいプラグインの初期化モードは変更されていませんポリシーが更新されましたコメントを投稿プラグイン Cookie の接頭語プレフィックス(接頭語)には英数字とアンダーライン(_)のみを含めることができますスキャンの準備中前回のスキャン %s は完了していません。スキャンを続行しますか?事前のセキュリティルール脆弱な PHP コードの調査wp-login.php認証リクエストを処理していますプロフィール禁止されているユーザー名管理スクリプトを保護ボット検出エンジンでウェブサイト上のすべてのフォームを保護ボット検出エンジンでコメントフォームを保護ボット検出エンジンで登録フォームを保護サイト設定を保護ユーザーアカウントを保護ユーザーの役割を保護保護された設定プッシュ通知Pushbullet アクセストークンPushbullet デバイス検疫検疫されましたクエリのホワイトリストクイックスキャンクイックスキャンレポート読み取り専用モード理由最近ロックアウトされた IP アドレスWordPress ファイルを復元プラグインファイルを復元復元完了WordPress ファイルの回復中プラグインファイルの回復中URL へ転送ログイン後にユーザーをリダイレクトログアウト後にユーザーをリダイレクトリダイレクトルール再読み込み登録ウェブサイトに登録登録済み登録フォーム登録制限定期的な時間間隔(日)除外リストから削除次のいずれかに該当する場合は問題を報告してくださいリクエストIDをリクエストURLをリクエストREST API へのリクエストを拒否XML-RPC APIへのリクエストが拒否されましたGoogle reCAPTCHA サービスへのリクエストに失敗リクエストのホワイトリストwp-login.php をリクエスト問題を解決する復元メールアドレスを制限下記条件において新規ユーザー登録を制限設定に応じてWordPress REST APIへのアクセスを制限もしくは完全にブロック下記のポリシーで役割と権限設定を制限下記ポリシーでサイト設定の更新を制限ユーザーアカウント作成とユーザー管理を下記のポリシーで制限IPアドレス の追加の WHOIS 情報を取得ウェブサイトのリストに戻る役割更新が拒否されましたロールベースロールベースのルールが構成されますセーフモード土曜日$_SERVER を保存すべての変更を保存変更を保存すべてのルールを保存リクエスト Cookie を保存リクエストフィールドを保存リクエストヘッダーを保存レスポンスcookieを保存レスポンスヘッダーを保存ソフトウェアエラーを保存するスキャン結果レポートセッションディレクトリをスキャン一時ディレクトリをスキャンスキャンされましたスキャナーレポートスキャナー設定フォルダーをスキャンしてファイルを探すセッションフォルダーでファイルをスキャン一時フォルダーでファイルをスキャンアップロードフォルダーでファイルをスキャン予約中IPアドレスを検索IP またはユーザー名を検索URL内を検索検索結果:検索文字列悪意あるコードを検索シークレットアクセストークンシークレットアクセストークンが無効ですシークレットキーセキュリティルールセキュリティスキャナーセキュリティルールが更新されました既存のグループを選択するか、新しいグループを追加インポートするファイルを選択1つ以上の役割を選択しますレポートをメールで送る悪意ある IP アドレスを Cerber Lab に送信する管理者のメールに通知を送信レポートを送信サーバーサーバー国%s セッションを遮断しましたセッション設定更新が拒否されました設定設定のインポートに成功設定を保存しました設定が更新されました管理者メニューを移動管理者メニュー選択時に、メニューをページ上部へ移動「切り替え後」通知を表示ウェブサイトのカラムにホームページを表示%dの最後の%dレコードを表示していますサイトアドレス (URL)サイトの整合性サイト設定サイト連携サイトキーサイトポリシーの実施サイト固有の設定サイズスレーブ設定最小スマートエラー発生認証に失敗しました。ボットでないことを証明してください。ダッシュボードでユーザーを並べ替え使用済みスペーススパムコメントを拒否スパムコメントを拒否スパムフォームの送信を無効化スパムフォームの送信を拒否ウェブサイト上のコメント、登録、コンタクトフォームのスパム保護REST API が無効な場合、許可する REST API 名前空間を1行に1つ指定します。ログから除外したいURLパスを1行に1つ指定してくださいログから除外したいユーザーエージェントを1行に1つ指定してくださいカスタム PHP コード署名を、1行に1つ指定します。 REGEX パターンを指定するには、行全体を2つの中括弧で囲みます。スキャンから除外するディレクトリを1行につき1つ指定してくださいメールアドレス、ワイルドカード、または、REGEXパターンを指定します。コンマを使用してアイテムを区切ります。検索するファイル拡張子を指定します。フルスキャンのみで指定可能で、コンマを使用してアイテムを区切ります。通常モードフルスキャンを開始クイックスキャンを開始ここから国を検索開始スキャンを停止ユーザー ID による表示を停止フォームを送信日曜日疑わしい JavaScript コードを検出疑わしい SQL コードを検出しました不審なアクティビティ疑わしいコードを発見疑わしいコード指令を発見疑わしいコード署名を発見疑わしいディレクティブを発見疑わしいフィールド数疑わしいネスト値不審なリクエストに切り替えるダッシュボードに切り替え遮断遮断セッション新規ログイン時に一番古いユーザーセッションを終了ユーザーセッションを終了追加しようとしたIPアドレスは既にリストに存在しますWP Cerber セキュリティプラグインが無効になりましたWP Cerber が有効化されました。アラートが作成されました警告は削除されました%s 分間、コードが有効です。ファイルの内容が変更されており、公式の WordPress リポジトリ、または、以前にアップロードした参照ファイルに存在するものと一致しません。ファイルがマルウェアによって変更されたか、ウイルスに感染しているか、改ざんされている可能性があります。ファイルは完全に削除されました。ファイルは元の場所に復元されました。フルアクセスモードには、WP Cerber の PRO バージョンが必要です。リストが空ですスキャナーはウェブサイトのスキャン、マルウェアの削除、スキャン結果のメールレポート送信を自動的に行いますスキャナーはファイル変更を監視し、WordPress、プラグイン、テーマの完全性を検証し、マルウェアを検出しますスキャナーはこのファイルを「所有者なし」または「バンドルされていない」と認識しています。このファイルが Web サイトの既知の部分に属しておらず、ここにあるべきではありません。スケジュール更新完了このトークンは、この Web サイト独自のものです。絶対に秘密にしてください。マスター Web サイトにトークンをインストールして、この Web サイトへのアクセスを許可します。ウェブサイトが正常に追加されました追加しようとしているウェブサイトは既にリストにあります現在、検疫にファイルはありません。これらの機能はプロ版でのみ利用可能これらの機能を使うことによって個人情報保護法を遵守できますこれらのファイルを無視リストに追加これらのファイルは検疫に移動されましたこれらのファイルは、自動クリーンアップ中には削除されません。これらのポリシーは、スキャン結果によって、すべての予定されたスキャン終了後に自動的に実行されます。影響を受けた可能性があるファイルはすべて検疫へ移動されますこれらの制限は、ホワイトIPアクセスリストのIPアドレスには適用されませんこれらの設定はアンチスパムアルゴリズムの精度を上げ、偽陽性を防止しますこのファイルには実行可能コードが含まれており、難読化されたマルウェアが含まれている場合があります。このファイルがテーマ、または、プラグインの一部である場合、テーマまたはプラグインフォルダに配置する必要があります。例外はありません。このファイルが不足しています。削除されたか、インストールされていません。これはプラグイン初期化モードを「標準」に設定した際、WP Cerber Securityプラグインによってインストールされるブートモジュールです。このメッセージの送信者この確認 PIN コードは期限切れです。新しいメールを送信しました。この Web サイトは、マスター Web サイトから管理できます。この Web サイトはマスターとして設定されています。この Web サイトはスレーブとして設定されています。しきい値木曜日偽陽性を防止し、より良いアンチスパムパフォーマンスをするために、プラグインキャッシュは削除してください。レポート設定を変更するにはアラートを削除するには、ここをクリックWP Cerberを最大限活用するには、このように進めてください:続行するには、この Web サイトのモードを選択してくださいトークンを取り消してリモート管理を無効にするには、ここをクリックしてください:この問題を解決するには、%s を再インストールするか、最新バージョンに更新する必要があります。REGEX パターンを指定するには、パターンを2つのスラッシュで囲みます。REGEX パターンを指定するには、行全体を2つの中括弧で囲みます。完全なレポートを表示ツール最大データ10件トラフィックトラフィックインサイトトラフィック監査トラフィック監査Traffic InspectorはコンテキストアウェアなWebアプリケーションファイアウォール(WAF)で、悪意のあるHTTPリクエストを認識してウェブサイトを保護しますトラフィックログスパムコメントを削除もう一度お試しください火曜日2要素認証2要素認証のメール2要素認証DB エラーのため、整合性を確認できませんネットワークエラーのため、WordPress ファイルの整合性を確認できませんネットワークエラーのため、プラグインの整合性を確認できませんネットワークエラーのため、テーマの整合性を確認できませんファイルをコピーできませんディレクトリを作成できません削除できませんファイルを削除できませんファイルを開けませんファイルを処理できませんメールを送信できませんスケジュールを更新できません放置ファイル不審なファイル不明未知のGoogleボット登録解除不要な拡張機能不要なファイル拡張子不要なファイル拡張子アップデートWP Cerber をアップグレードすべてのアクティブなプラグインを更新ファイルをアップロードアクティブテーマから404テンプレートを使用するCSVエクスポートファイルにISO 8601を使用REST API を使用するホワイト IP アクセスリストを使用XML-RPC を使用する1行に1つ、絶対パスを使用します。カンマ( , )を使用してアイテムを区切ってください。コンマを使用して複数の値を指定コメントフォームにカスタムURLを使用使用ファイルグローバルポリシーを使用制限の少ないポリシーを使用 (AJAX を許可)マスター言語を使用するユーザーユーザーアクティビティユーザーエージェントユーザー IDユーザーインサイトユーザーメッセージユーザーポリシーユーザーがアクティブになりましたユーザーパスワードが設定されましたユーザーが作成されました。ユーザー作成が拒否されました削除されたユーザーユーザーはウェブサイトへのログインを許可されていませんユーザーログインユーザーメッセージユーザーメタデータ更新が拒否されましたユーザーが登録されました。ユーザー登録新規ユーザー登録が可能な役割ユーザー行更新が拒否されましたユーザーセッションの有効期限ユーザーセッションが終了しましたユーザー名ユーザー名は許可されていません。別のものを選択してください。使用されているユーザー名このリストのユーザー名は、ログインまたは登録できません。これらのユーザー名のいずれかを使用しようとしたIPアドレスは、すぐにブロックされます。ログインを区切るにはコンマを使用します。ユーザーこれらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ新規役割を追加できますこれらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ保護された設定を変更できますこれらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ各役割の権限を変更できますこれらの役割を持ったユーザーのみユーザー機密データを変更できますこれらの役割を持ったユーザーのみ新規アカウントを作成できますユーザーのアクティビティユーザーのアクティビティ検証済み認証本人確認してくださいWordPress の整合性を検証プラグインの整合性を検証テーマの整合性を検証アクティビティを表示この IP のアクティビティを表示ダッシュボードでアクティビティを表示すべて表示ダッシュボードでロックアウトログを表示サイトを訪れる脆弱性脆弱性を発見WP Cerber 個人情報データ削除機能WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber を有効化し、このサイトの保護を開始しましたWP Cerber 通知WP Cerber をさらに強力にしたいですか?検証する整合性データが見つかりませんでしたより良い製品開発にご協力をお願いします申し訳ありませんが、続行できません確認 PIN コードをメールに送信しましたウェブサイトウェブサイトオーナーウェブサイトのプロパティウェブサイト URL%s のウェブサイトが削除されました水曜日週間レポート週間レポート週間レポートは過去7日間の不審な行動を含むすべてのアクティビティの概要です週間レポート何をエクスポートしたいですか?何をインポートしますか?同時ユーザーセッションが上限に達した時下のボタンをクリックすると、構成ファイルが表示され、別のサイトにアップロードできます。下のボタンをクリックすると、ファイルがアップロードされ、既存の設定がすべて上書きされます。下記ボタンをクリックすると、WP Cerberの初期設定がロードされます。カスタムログインURLとアクセスリストは変更されませんホワイト IP アクセスリストWooCommerce ログインWooCommerce ログアウトWordPressWordPressアドレス (URL)失敗したログイン試行をファイルに保存あなたあなたの現在地:ログインが許可されていませんログインは許可されていません。管理者に問い合わせてください。あなたのユーザー登録は、現在許可されていません。IP アドレスまたはネットワークを追加できませんあと %d 回ログイン試行が可能です。デフォルトログインページを無効化しました。新たなログインページを生成したことを確認してください。確認できない場合、ログインできなくなります。確認用 PIN コードが間違っています許可されているログイン試行回数を超えました。 %d 分後にもう一度お試しください。あと1回ログイン試行が可能です。マスター Web サイトに切り替えました%s に切り替えましたインストール元の ZIP アーカイブをアップロードする必要があります。これにより、セキュリティスキャナーはコードの整合性を検証し、マルウェアを検出できます。ウェブサイトへのログインを検出しました。このログインに覚えがない場合、速やかにパスワードを変更してアカウントを保護してください。あなたの IPあなたのIPアドレス %s はホワイトIPアクセスリストに追加されました最後のサインインは%sから%sでしたライセンスはまで有効ですあなたのログインページ:有効登録日日無効化無効化有効化済みエントリー期限切れ失敗した試行https://wpcerber.com空の場合、デフォルト形式 %s を使用空欄の場合、通知設定のメールアドレスが使用されます空欄の場合、管理者メールアドレス %s が使用されます24時間以内過去24時間ロックアウトミリ秒分間分(WordPress初期値を使用する場合は空欄にしてください)接続がありません無効1時間あたりの通知上限 (0の場合は無制限)ログイン回数数字のみが許可されますまたはreCAPTCHA 設定reCAPTCHA 設定が正しくありませんreCAPTCHA 認証に失敗しました不明定義なしユーザーすべて表示%s|%s にブロックされました最後のマルウェアスキャン%s-選択した国 %s は許可されていません。他の国は許可されています。選択した国では %s が許可され、他の国では許可されませんlanguages/wp-cerber-lt_LT.mo000064400000163144147577531750012007 0ustar00,,,2- 7-X-^g-R-;.vU. .2. / -/:/W/n/ u/////// /00*40 _0k0q00,0,000 1111 G1R1 p1 {1 11 1"11$13243!g33#3333C3/42D4 w4544 44,5*45_5,z5'55.5@6?H66!6166!7'7(07fY777 7>7+%8GQ8&8*8G8 39A@9 9999 99919':8:N:b:t:::: : : : :;;#+;O;a; t;;G;; ;(<C/< s<<<< <<<<:<!=?=Y= k=u=}=I==J=3>E>\> n>x> }> >!>S> @@$@C@R@Z@a@ t@ @@@@@@g A0tAA AA%A BB3BKK KKK6KKL^LnLLM!M 5MLVM/M MMM'N9N MNZNWOmfOO O!O P=P YP$fP P PPP PPPPQ2Q"IQ lQ zQ QQQ QQMQ 2R=RNRiRrRRRRRR RR RRR S S S 'S3S FS SS aSoSSSSSTT .T;TKTbTrTTTTTTT!TU-U,LUyU U!UUUUUU V V$VAV)RV$|V,VVVV, W9W LW ZWhW<W WWW W3W%X ?X`XDrXFXX Y*Y0Y?YTYsYYY Y4YYeY%dZZ/Z Z 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To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteActionActivatedActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll groupsAll requestsAll scansAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAn optional message for this userAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatically moved to quarantineAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock UserBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user data via REST APIBlock access to user pages like /?author=nBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsCerber.HubChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable slave modeDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDo not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File not foundFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGetting Started GuideGregoryGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address is locked outIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersIgnore logged in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog InLog OutLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy WebsitesMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNo websites configured.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPhonePlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPreparing for the scanPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRedirect to URLRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPReturn to the website listSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity access token is invalidSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShow "Switched to" notificationShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySizeSlave SettingsSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The directory is not writableThe file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThis website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create WP CERBER directoryUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use master languageUserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser activatedUser createdUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersVerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listse.g. by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %senabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: lt Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); %s prieš%s leidžia registraciją per %s minučių iš vieno IP%s leidžiama bandymai %s minučių%s sek%s sek%s sek(neįjunkite,kol negausite ir neįvesite nematomos versijos kodų Svetainei ir slaptų raktų“) ERROR : slaptažodis, kurį įvedėte naudotojo vardui %s, yra neteisingas. KLAIDA : įveskite galiojantį el. pašto adresą.>>> WP Cerber vertėjas? Norėdami nemokamai gauti PRO licenciją, palikite savo kontaktus čia: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Įregistruota nauja veiklaĮdiegta nauja"WP Cerber" versijaPiktnaudžiavimas el. PaštuPrieigos sąrašaiPrieiga prie WordPress REST APIPrieiga prie šios svetainėsVeiksmasAktyvuotaVeiklaVeiklos apžvalgosVeiklos detalėsĮ puslapio pavadinimą pridėkite @ svetainęPridėti IP į juodąjį sąrašąĮkelti IP į sąrašąPridėti naująPridėti priklausomą svetainęPridėkite tinklą prie juodojo sąrašoPridėkite priklausomas svetaines naudodami prieigos raktus.Pridėti į meniuĮkeltaPapildoma informacijaAdresasAdresas "%s" buvo pridėtas prie "Juodo IP prieigos sąrašo"Adresas "%s" buvo pridėtas prie "Balto IP prieigos sąrašo"Nustatyti anti-spam variklįIšplėstinė paieškaPo kiekvieno skanavimoAgresyvus blokavimasVisi prijungti įrenginiaiVisi renginiaiVisi failai buvo apdorotiVisos grupėsVisi prašymaiSkanuoti viskąVisa įtartina veiklaVisi srautaiLeisti REST API prisijungusiems vartotojamsLeisti REST API šiems vaidmenimsLeiskite WP Cerber siųsti užrakintus kenkėjiškus IP adresus į „Cerber Lab“. Tai padeda įskiepių komandai sukurti naujus WP Cerber algoritmus, kurie gins WordPress nuo naujų grėsmių ir botnetų, kurie pasirodo kasdien. Galite bet kuriuo metu išjungti įskiepių nustatymus.Leisti šiuos vardų vietasVisada blokuoti visą potinklio C klasę įsibrovėlių IP adresePapildomas pranešimas šiam naudotojuiAntispamAntispamo ir botų aptikimo nustatymaiAntispamo variklisBet koksTaikytiBaltųjų IP prieigos sąraše įveskite prisijungimo prie interneto apribojimus IP adresamsAr tikrai norite pašalinti pasirinktus failus?Jūs tikrai norite ištrinti pažymėtus tinklalapiusAr Jūs tuo tikras?Ar tu tuo tikras? Tai visam laikui panaikina raktą.Bandymas pasiektiBandymas pasiekti draudžiamą URLBandymas prisijungti atmestasBandymas prisijungti naudojant neegzistuojantį vartotojo vardąBandymas prisijungti su uždraustu vartotojo varduBandymas įregistruoti atmestasBandoma įkelti failą su kenksmingu koduBandymas įkelti kenksmingą failą atmestasBandymaiBandymas prisijungti naudojant neegzistuojantį vartotojo vardąDėmesio! Citadelės režimas dabar aktyvus. Niekas negali prisijungti.Dėmesio! Jūs pakeitėte prisijungimo URL! Naujas prisijungimo URL yraTik prisijungę vartotojaiAutomatinis pasikartojantis nuskaitymo grafikasAutomatinė kenkėjiškų programų ir įtartinų failų išvalymasAutomatinis nustatymasAutomatiškai perkelta į karantinąNuostabu!Būkite atsargūs, prieš įjungdami šiuos parametrus.Prieš pradėdami naudoti "reCAPTCHA", "Google" svetainėje turite gauti svetainės raktą ir slaptą raktąJuodas IP prieigos sąrašasUžblokuotiUžblokuoti vartotojąBlokuoti prieigą prie „WordPress REST API“, išskyrus bet kurį iš toliau nurodytųBlokuoti prieigą prie RSS, Atom ir RDF kanalųBlokuoti prieigą prie XML-RPC serverio (įskaitant "Pingbacks" ir "Trackbacks")Blokuoti prieigą prie naudotojo duomenų per REST APIBlokuoti prieigą prie naudotojų puslapių, pvz., /?author=nUžblokuoti tiesioginę prieigą prie wp-login.php ir grąžinkite HTTP 404 nerasta klaidąBlokuoti antrinį tinkląBlokuoti neleistiną prieigą prie load-scripts.php ir load-styles.phpUžblokuoti naudotojaiUžblokuotas administratoriausUžblokuota pagal šalies taisyklesAptiktas bot veikimasAptikti botaiIš vartotojoBitaiJūsų IP adresas pridedamas prieCerber prietaisų skydelis"Cerber Lab" ryšysCerber Lab protokolasCerberio greita peržiūraCerber saugumo taisyklėsCerber srauto inspektoriusCerberio antispamo variklisCerbero antispamo nustatymaiCerbero įrankiaiCerber.HubPakeisti failaiKeistiPatikrinti veiksmusPatikrinti užklausasNaujų ir pakeistų failų tikrinimasKontrolinės sumos neatitikimasCitadelė aktyvuotaCitadelės rėžimasCitadelės režimas aktyvuojamasCitadelės režimas aktyvuojamas po %d nepavykusių prisijungimo bandymų %d minutėmis.Citadelės rėžimas yra aktyvusIšvalytiSpauskite čia norėdami pamatyti visą failų sąrašąSpustelėkite šalies pavadinimą, kad jį pridėtumėte prie pasirinktų šalių sąrašoSpustelėkite, jei norite redaguotiPaspauskite, kad išsiųstumėte dabarSpustelėkite, jei norite nusiųsti testąKomentaras atmestasKomentaro formaKomentarų apdorojimasKomentaraiKompanijaKonfigūruoti šią svetainę kaip pagrindinę, kuri valdo kitą svetainęSumišęs dėl kai kurių nustatymų?Turinys buvo pakeistasTęsti skenavimąŠalysŠalisKritinės problemosŠiuo metu vyksta reguliarus skenavimas. Palaukite, kol jis bus baigtas.Tinkintas prisijungimo URLTinkintame prisijungimo URL gali būti tik raidės, skaičiai, brūkšniai ir pabraukimaiTinkintas prisijungimo puslapisRastas tinkintas parašasPasirinktiniai parašaiPrietaisų skydelisDataDatos formatasDeaktyvuotiNumatytieji nustatymai buvo įkeltiGina "WordPress" nuo įsilaužėlių išpuolių, šlamšto, trojos arklių ir virusų. Kenkėjiškų programų skaitytuvas ir vientisumo tikrinimo priemonė. Apsaugo WordPress su visapusišku saugumo algoritmų rinkiniu. Apsauga nuo šlamšto su sudėtingu bot aptikimo varikliu ir reCAPTCHA. Stebini naudotojų ir įsibrovėlių veiklą ir praneša el. Pašto pranešimais, mobiliaisiais ir darbalaukio pranešimais.IštrintiIštrinti visam laikuiIštrinti karantino failus po skanavimoIštrinti tinklalapįIštrintaAtmestiNeleisti to visiškaiPaskirties aplanko prieiga atmestaDiagnostikaKatalogai, kuriuos reikia išskirtiIšjungti PHP klaidos rodymąIšjungti PHP įkėlimusIšjungti REST APIIšjungti XML-RPCIšjunkite automatinį peradresavimą į prisijungimo puslapį, kai / wp-admin / vykdoma neleistina užklausaIšjungti bot aptikimo variklį prisijungusiems vartotojamsIšjungti informacijos juostos peradresavimąIšjungti kanalusIšjungti pagrindinį režimąIšjungti reCAPTCHA prisijungusiems vartotojamsIšjungti priklausomumo rėžimąIšjungti wp-login.phpIšjungtasRodyti 404 puslapįRodyti kaipRodyti 404 puslapįNenaudokite šios politikos IP adresams esantiems baltojo IP prieigos sąrašeAr norite pridėti pasirinktus failus į ignoravimo sąrašą?Atsisiųsti failąIšskleisti IPTrukmėKLAIDA:RedaguotiEmailasEmailo adresasEl. Laiškas buvo išsiųstasEl. Pašto pranešimaiĮgalinti po %s nesėkmingų prisijungimo bandymų per paskutinias %s minutesĮgalinti diagnostinį registravimąĮgalinti klaidų ekranavimąĮgalinti nematomą reCAPTCHAĮgalinti pagrindinį režimąĮgalinti reCAPTCHA prisijungimo formą WooCommerceĮgalinti reCAPTCHA dėl WooCommerce prarasto slaptažodžio formosĮgalinti reCAPTCHA WooCommerce registracijos formojeĮgalinti "reCAPTCHA" "WordPress" komentarų formaiĮgalinti reCAPTCHA "WordPress" prisijungimo formaiĮgalinti reCAPTCHA dėl WordPress prarasto slaptažodžio formosĮgalinti reCAPTCHA "WordPress" registracijos formaiĮjungti ataskaitasĮgalinti priklausomumo režimąĮjungti srauto inspekcijąĮveskite dalį užklausos eilutės arba užklausos kelio, kad variklis neįtrauktų prašymo į patikrinimą. Vienas elementas eilutėje.Įveskite URI užklausą, kad išjungti užklausą iš patikrinimo. Vienas elementas eilutėje.Klaidingas užklausos ekranavimasKlaida analizuojant failąKlaida atnaujinantKlaidosĮvykisKas 3 valandasKas 6 valandasKas valandąPaskutinis kenkėjiškų programų nuskaitymasIšimtysRastas vykdomas kodasBaigiasiEksportasEksportas ir importasEksportuoti nustatymus į failąNepavyko prisijungtiFailasFailo prieigos klaida. Galbūt nuskaitymo rezultatai yra pasenę. Prašome paleisti greitą arba visišką nuskaitymą.Failas nerastasFailo įkėlimas atmestasFailai seansų katalogeLaikino aplanko failaiFailai įkėlimų aplankeFailai šiuose kataloguoseFailai nuskaitytiNuskaityti failaiFailai su šiais plėtiniaisFailai su nepageidaujamais plėtiniaisFiltrasFiltruoti pagal registruotą vartotojąSkenavimas užbaigtasBaigtiVardasFormos pateikimas atmestasParaiškų formaPenktadienisIš IP adresoŠalisPilnas skanavimasPilno nuskaitymo ataskaitaPilnos prieigos rėžimasPradžios vadovasGregoryGrupėUžgrūdinimasWordPress sustiprinimasPagalbaSveikiLabai sunkusUžuominaHosto informacijaHosto pavadinimasŽmogaus patikra nepavyko. Spustelėkite kvadratinį laukelį reCAPTCHA blokelyje žemiau.IPIP adresasIP adresas yra užblokuotasIP adresas, IPv4 adreso diapazonas arba antrinis tinklasIP juodasis sąrašasIP užblokuotasJei aptinkamas šlamšto komentarasJei pasikeitė skenavimo rezultataiJei rasta naujų problemųJeigu Jūs užmiršite savo prisijungimo vardą,negalėsite prisijungti prie sistemos.Jei naudojate talpyklos įskiepį, Jūs turite nurodyti savo naują URL adresą,kad įeitumėte į talpyklos puslapių sąrašą IgnoruotiIgnoruojamų sąrašasIgnoruoti robotusIgnoruoti prisijungusius naudotojusIškart užblokuoti IP po kiekvieno bandymo prisijungti prie wp-login.phpNedelsiant užblokuoti IP adresą,bandant prisijungti neegzistuojančiu vartotojo varduImporto nustatymaiImportuoti nustatymus iš failo"Citadel" režime niekas negali prisijungti, išskyrus IP iš Baltojo IP prieigos sąrašo. Aktyvios vartotojų sesijos nebus paveiktos.Įtraukti failų dydžiusĮtraukti nuskaitymo klaidasNetinkamas IP adresas arba IP diapazonasPadidinti blokavimo trukmę iki %s valandų po %s blokų per paskutines %s valandasĮdiekite prieigos raktą pagrindinėje svetainėje.IntegralumasVientisumo duomenų nerastaNeteisingi pagrindiniai duomenysNeteisingas atsakymas iš priklausomos svetainėsNematoma reCAPTCHAViso problemųTai gali likti atnaujinimo į naujesnę %s versiją. Tai taip pat gali būti suklastotų kenkėjiškų programų dalis. Retais atvejais tai gali būti pagal užsakymą pagamintas (specialus) įskiepis ar tema.Atrodo, kad ši svetainė niekada nebuvo nuskaityta. Norėdami pradėti nuskaityti, spustelėkite žemiau esantį mygtuką.Atminkite: pridėjote svetainę, kuri nepalaiko SSL šifravimo. Tai gali sukelti duomenų nutekėjimą.Saugoti įrašus dėlSužinoti daugiauSužinokite daugiau apie visus pranašumusPavardėPaskutinis nepavykęs bandymas buvo %s iš IP %s su vartotojo vardu: %s.Paskutinis blokavimasBuvo pridėtas paskutinis blokavimas: %s iš IP %sPaskutinis prisijungimaspaskutinė peržiūraPradėti visą nuskaitymąPaleisti greitą nuskaitymąPaveldėtas režimasLicenzijaRiboti prieigą pagal IP adresąRiboti bandymusRiboti prisijungimo bandymusPasiektas nepavykusių patikrinimų su reCAPTCHA limitasPasiektas bandymų prisijungti limitasPasiektas limitasSąrašas tusčiasTiesioginis srautasĮkelti numatytuosius nustatymusĮkelti saugumo variklįVietinis vartotojasVietos failas neegzistuojaIP adreso blokavimas %s minutėms po %s nepavykusių bandymų prisijungti per %s minutesUžrakintaBlokavimo trukmėPašalinti %s blokavimąBlokavimaiBlokavimai šiuo metuĮvyko blokavimasLogasPrisijungtiAtsijungtiPrisijunkite prie svetainėsPrisijungęsPrisijungę vartotojaiAtsijungęsRegistravimasRegistravimas išjungtasPrisijungimo režimasPrisijungimas nepavykoPrisijungimo formaIlgiau neiPamiršau slaptažodįLangvai sunkusPagrindiniai nustatymaiPagrindiniai nustatymaiPadarykite savo apsaugą protingesne!Aptikti kenksmingi IP adresaiKenkėjiškos veiklos sumažėjoAptikta kenksminga veiklaAptiktas kenksmingas kodasRastas kenksmingas kodasKenkėjiška užklausa atmestaMalware skanavimasPažymėti kaip šlamštąUžmaskuokite šiuos formų laukusPagrindiniai nustatymaiMaksimalus suderinamumasMaksimalus saugumasMaksimalus įkeliamo failo dydis: %s.Vidutiniškai sunkusPirmadienisStebėti pakeistus failusStebėti naujus failusPerkelti spamo komentarus į šiukšliadėžęPerkelta į karantinąKeletas įtartinų veiksmųAptikta keletas įtartinų veiksmųKeletas įtartinų užklausųMano tinklalapiaiMano svetainė yra už atvirkštinio proxyNE,galbūt vėliauTinklas:NiekadaNaujas tinkintas prisijungimo URLNaujas failasNauji failaiYra nauja versijaJokia veikla nebuvo užregistruota.Nerasta jokių įrenginiųFailas nebuvo įkeltas arba failas sugadintasNė vienas failas neatitinka nurodyto filtro.Šiuo metu nėra blokavimų. Dangus yra aiškus.Prašymai nebuvo užregistruoti.Nėra taisykliųNėra sukonfigūruotų svetainių.Niekas negali prisijungti arba užsiregistruoti iš šių IP adresųNeegzistuojantys vartotojaiNepasiekiamasNeprisijungęsNeužsiregistravę lankytojaiNeleidžiama vienai šaliaiNeleidžiama %d šalyseNeleidžiama %d šaliųNenurodytaUžrašaiPranešimų ribaPranešimaiPranešti administratoriui, jei aktyvių blokavimų skaičius yra didesnisAktyvių blokavimų skaičiusBlokavimų skaičius didėjaGerai, sulaikyti juos visusŠią svetainę gali peržiūrėti tik registruoti ir prisijungę naudotojaiSvetaine gali naudotis tik registruoti ir prisijungę svetainės naudotojaipapildomas komentaras šiam įrašuikitos formosSavininkasPuslapis nerastasPuslapio sugeneravimo laikasPuslapio generavimo laiko slenkstisParsisiųsti failų sąrašąSlaptažodis pakeistasPrašomas slaptažodžio nustatymas iš naujoEksploatacinės savybėsLeidžiama šaliaiLeidžiama %d šalimsLeidžiama %d šaliųTelefonasPrašome,įjunkite Pastovias nuorodas,kad pasinaudotumėte šia funkcija. Nustatykite parametrui Pastovi nuoroda kitokią reikšmę,negu Numatytoji. Įkelkite ZIP archyvąĮskiepio inicijavimasĮskiepio įkėlimo režimas nebuvo pakeistasRašyti komentarusNustatymaiPasiruošimas nuskaitymuiAnkstesnis pradėtas nuskaitymas %s nebuvo baigtas. Tęsti nuskaitymą?Proaktyvios saugumo taisyklėsPatikrinimas dėl pažeidžiamo PHP kodoDraudžiami naudotojo vardaiApsaugoti administracijos skriptusApsaugokite visas svetainės formas su bot aptikimo varikliuApsaugoti komentarų formą su bot aptikimo varikliuApsaugoti registracijos formą su bot aptikimo varikliuPush pranešimaiKarantinasUžklausų baltasis sąrašasGreitas skanavimasGreita nuskaitymo ataskaitaTik skaitymo režimasPriežastisNeseniai užblokuoti IP adresaiPeradresuoti į URLAtnaujintiRegistrasRegistruotis svetainėjeRegistruotasRegistracijos formaRegistracijos limitasPašalintiPašalinti iš sąrašoPranešti apie problemą, jei bet kuris iš toliau nurodytų dalykų yra teisingasUžklausimasUžklausa REST API uždraustaNepavyko užklausti "Google" reCAPTCHA paslaugosBaltojo sąrašo užklausaUžklausa wp-login.phpIšspręsti problemąAtkurtiGauti papildomą WHOIS informaciją IP adresamsGrįžti į svetainių sąrašąSaugus režimasŠeštadienisIšsaugoti $ _SERVERIšsaugoti pakeitimusIšsaugoti visas taisyklesIšsaugoti užklausos slapukusIšsaugoti užklausos laukusIšsaugoti užklausų antraštesIšsaugoti programinės įrangos klaidasSkenavimo rezultatų ataskaitosSkenavimo sesijų katalogasNuskaityti laikiną katalogąNuskanuotaSkenavimo ataskaitaSkanavimo nuostatosFailų aplankų nuskaitymasFailų seanso aplanko nuskaitymasFailų temp aplanko nuskaitymasFailų įkėlimo aplanko nuskaitymasPlanavimasIeškoti IP ar vartotojo vardoPieškos rezultatai:Paieškos eilutėIeško kenksmingo kodoSlaptas prieigos raktasSlaptas raktasSaugumo taisyklėsSaugumo skanerisSaugos prieigos raktas negaliojaSaugumo taisyklės buvo atnaujintosPasirinkite esamą grupę arba įveskite naują, kad ją pridėtumėtePasirinkite failą, kurį norite importuoti.Pasirinkite vieną ar daugiau vaidmenųSiųsti ataskaitą emailuSiųskite kenkėjiškus IP adresus į "Cerber Lab"Siųsti pranešimą administratoriui el. PaštuSiųsti ataskaitasNustatymaiNustatymai sėkmingai importuoti išNustatymai išsaugotiRodyti pranešimą „Perjungta“Rodomi paskutiniai %d įrašai iš %dSvetainės integralumasSvetainės prijungimasSvetainės raktasDydisPriklausomumo nustatymaiSumanusĮvyko keletas klaidųAtsiprašome, kad esate žmogus o ne spamo robotas,patvirtinimas nepavyko.Rūšiuoti naudotojus informacijos suvestinėjeŠlamšto komentarai atmestiŠlamšto komentarai atmestiNepavyko atsisiųsti šlamšto formosPranešimai su šlamštu atmestiNurodykite REST API vardų erdvę,kurie bus leidžiami, jei REST API išjungtas. Viena eilutė eilutėje.Nurodykite pasirinktinius PHP kodo parašus. Vienas kodo elementas eilutėje. Kad nurodyti REGEX šabloną įdėkite visą eilutę į laužtinius skliaustus.Nurodykite katalogus, kuriuos norite pašalinti iš nuskaitymo. Naudokite absoliučius kelius. Vienas elementas eilutėje.Nurodykite failo plėtinius, kuriuos norite ieškoti. Tik pilnas nuskaitymas. Naudokite kablelį atskiriems elementamsStandartinis režimasPradėti pilną skenavimąPradėti greitą skenavimąPradėkite rašyti čia, kad surastumėte šalįPradėtiStabdyti skenavimąSustabdyti vartotojų skaičiavimąPateikti formasPotinklis užblokuotasPrenumeruotiSekmadienisAptiktas įtartinas JavaScript kodasAptiktas įtartinas SQL kodasĮtartina veiklaRastas įtartinas kodasNustatytas įtartino kodo nurodymasPasirodė įtartinų kodų įrašaiRastos įtartinos nuorodosĮtartinas laukų skaičiusĮtartinas įdėtos vertės skaičiusPereiti priePersijungti į prietaisų skydelįWP Cerber reikia PHP %s versijos arba didesnės. Jūs dirbateWP Cerber reikia PHP %s versijos arba didesnės. Jūs dirbate"WP Cerber" saugos įskiepis buvo išjungtas"WP Cerber" saugos įskiepis dabar aktyvusFailo turinys pakeistas ir neatitinka to, kas egzistuoja oficialioje "WordPress" saugykloje, arba anksčiau įkeltą informacinį failą. Failas galėjo būti pakeistas kenkėjiškomis programomis, užkrėstomis virusu arba suklastotasŠis katalogas neįrašomasFailas buvo ištrintas visam laikui.Failas buvo atstatytas į pradinę vietą.Visam prieigos režimui reikia WP Cerber PRO versijosSąrašas tusčiasSkeneris atpažįsta šį failą kaip "be savininko" arba "nesupakuotą", nes jis nepriklauso jokiai žinomai svetainės daliai ir neturėtų būti čia.Grafikas atnaujintasŽenklas yra unikalus šiai svetainei. Laikykite jį paslaptyje. Įdėkite raktą pagrindinėje svetainėje, kad suteiktumėte prieigą prie šios svetainės.Svetainė sėkmingai pridėtaSvetainė, kurią bandote pridėti, jau yra sąrašeKarantine šiuo metu nėra failų.Šie IP adresai niekada nebus užblokuotiŠios funkcijos yra prieinamos profesionalia įskiepio versija.Šie failai buvo įtraukti į ignoravimo sąrašąŠie failai buvo perkelti į karantinąŠie apribojimai netaikomi adresams,esantiems baltojo IP prieigos sąrašeŠiame faile yra kenksmingo vykdomojo kodo ir gali būti kenkėjiška programa. Jei šis failas yra temos ar įskiepio dalis, jis turi būti įtrauktas į temą arba įskiepių aplanką. Nėra išimties, nėra pasiteisinimų.Tai standartinis „WP Cerber Security & Antispam“ papildinio įkrovos modulis. Jis buvo įdiegtas, kai nustatėte įskiepio iniciacijos režimą į standartą. Sužinokite daugiau: wpcerber.com .Ši žinutė buvo išsiųstaŠi svetainė gali būti valdoma iš pagrindinės svetainėsŠi svetainė yra nustatyta kaip pagrindinė.Ši svetainė yra nustatyta kaip priklausoma.SlenkstisKetvirtadienisJei norite keisti ataskaitų nustatymus, apsilankykiteJei norite tęsti, pasirinkite šios svetainės režimąJei norite atšaukti simbolį ir išjungti nuotolinį valdymą, spustelėkite čia:Norėdami išspręsti šią problemą, turite iš naujo įdiegti %s arba atnaujinti ją iki naujausios versijosNorėdami nurodyti REGEX modelį, apgaubkite modelį dviem skersais brūkšniais.Norėdami nurodyti REGEX modelį, įdėkite visą eilutę į figurinius skliaustus.Norėdami atsisakyti prenumeratos, spustelėkite čiaNorėdami peržiūrėti veiklą, spustelėkite ant IPNorėdami peržiūrėti visą ataskaitą, apsilankykiteĮrankiaiSrautasSrauto įžvalgosEismo inspekcijaSrauto inspektoriusSpamo komentaraiAntradienisNegalima patikrinti vientisumo dėl DB klaidosNepavyko patikrinti "WordPress" failų vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidosNepavyko patikrinti įjungimo vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidosNepavyko patikrinti temos vientisumo dėl tinklo klaidosNepavyko kopijuoti failoNepavyko sukurti WP CERBER katalogoNeįmanoma sukurti katalogoNepavyko ištrinti failoNeįmanoma atidaryti failoNepavyko apdoroti failoNepavyko išsiųsti el. LaiškoNepavyko atnaujinti tvarkaraščioNepatikrinti failaiNeleidžiamas neteisingas failasNežinomasAtsisakyti prenumeratosNepageidaujami plėtiniaiNepageidaujamas failo plėtinysNepageidaujami failų plėtiniaiAtnaujinkite "WP Cerber" versiją %sAtnaujinimaiAtnaujinti WP CerberAtnaujinti visus aktyvius įskiepiusĮkelti failąNaudoti 404 šabloną iš aktyvios temosNaudoti anglišką administratoriaus sąsająNaudoti REST APINaudoti baltą IP adresų sąrašąNaudoti XML-RPCNaudokite absoliučius kelius. Vienas elementas eilutėje.Naudokite kablelį atskiriems elementams.Naudokite kablelį, norėdami įvesti keletą reikšmiųNaudoti failąNaudoti mažiau ribojančią politiką (leisti AJAX)Naudoti pagrindinę kalbąVartotojasVartotojo agentasVartotojo IDVartotojų apžvalgosVartotojo pranešimasVartotojas aktyvuotasVartotojas sukurtasNaudotojui neleidžiama prisijungti prie svetainėsVartotojo prisijungimasVartotojas užregistruotasSu vartotojais susiję nustatymaiVartotojo sesija baigiasiToks vartotojo vardas neleidžiamas. Pasirinkite kitą.Naudotojo vardasŠio sąrašo naudotojų vardai neleidžiami prisijungti arba registruotis. Bet koks IP adresas, bandęs naudoti bet kurį iš šių naudotojo vardų, bus nedelsiant užblokuotas. Jei norite atskirti prisijungimus, naudokite kablelį.VartotojaiPatvirtinta"WordPress" vientisumo tikrinimasĮskiepių vientisumo patikrinimasTemų vientisumo tikrinimasPeržiūrėti aktyvumąPeržiūrėti šio IP veikląPeržiūrėkite veiklą informacijos suvestinėjeŽiūrėti visusPeržiūrėkite blokavimo įrankius skydelyjeApsilankyti svetainęPažeidimaiPažeidžiamumas nustatytas"WP Cerber Security", "Antispam" ir kenkėjiškų programų nuskaitymasWP Cerber yra aktyvus ir pradėjo saugoti jūsų svetainęPraneša WP CerberisNorite padaryti WP Cerber dar galingesnę?Mes neradome tikrinimų duomenų vientisumoAtsiprašome, jums neleidžiama tęstiSvetainėSvetainės savininkasSvetainės ypatybėsTinklalapio URLSvetainė ištrinta%s svetainės buvo ištrintos%s svetainių buvo ištrintaTrečiadienisSavaitės ataskaitaSavaitės ataskaitaSavaitės ataskaitaKą norite eksportuoti?Ką norite importuoti?Kai spustelėsite žemiau esantį mygtuką, gausite konfigūracijos failą, kurį galite įkelti į kitą svetainę.Kai spustelėsite žemiau esantį mygtuką, failas bus įkeltas ir visi esami nustatymai bus panaikinti.Baltas IP prieigos sąrašasPrisijungti prie WooCommerceAtsijungti nuo WooCommerceWordPressĮrašyti nesėkmingus prisijungimo bandymus į failąXML-RPC užklausa atmestaJūsJūs esate čia:Jūs negalite prisijungtiJums neleidžiama prisijungti. Paprašykite savo administratoriaus pagalbos.Jums neleidžiama registruotisGalite lengvai įkelti numatytuosius rekomenduojamus parametrus naudodami žemiau esantį mygtukąNegalite pridėti savo IP adreso ar tinkloJūs viršijote leistinų prisijungimo bandymų skaičių. Bandykite dar kartą po %d minučių.Jums liko tik vienas bandymasJums liko dar %d bandymai.Jums liko dar %d bandymųGrįžote atgal į pagrindinę svetainęPerjungėte į %sJūs turite įkelti ZIP archyvą, iš kurio jį įdiegsite. Tai įgalina saugos skaitytuvą patikrinti kodo vientisumą ir aptikti kenkėjišką programą.Jūs užsiprenumeravoteJūs atsisakėte prenumeratosJūsų IP adresasJūsų IP adresas pridedamas priePaskutinis prisijungimas %s iš %sJūsų licencija galioja ikiJūsų prisijungimo puslapis:aktyvuspagal registravimo datadienosneaktyvuotasišjungtanekeičia tinkinto prisijungimo URL ir prieigos sąrašųužblokuotas nuo %s iki %sįjungtasįrašasįrašusįrašusnesėkmingi bandymaihttps://wpcerber.comjei tuščias, bus naudojamas el. paštas iš pranešimų nustatymųjei tuščias, bus naudojamas administratoriaus emailas %sjei tuščias, bus naudojamas numatytasis formatas %sper 24 valandasper kelias minutes (palikite tuščią, jei norite naudoti numatytąją WP vertę)per pastarąsias 24 valandasblokavimaimilisekundesminutėsneturi sutapti su esamais puslapiais ar pranešimų įrašaisnėra ryšioneaktyvusLeidžiamos siųsti žinutės per valandą (0 reiškia neribotą)į %sišreCAPTCHA nustatymaireCAPTCHA nustatymai yra neteisingi"reCAPTCHA" patvirtinimas nepavykoPažymėtoms šalims neleidžiama %s, kitoms šalims leidžiamaPasirinktose šalyse leidžiama %s, kitose šalyse neleidžiamanežinomasNenustatytasžiūrėti visuslanguages/wp-cerber-de_CH.po000064400000222043147577531750011730 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: de-ch\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:498 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Anmeldeversuche begrenzen" #: ../settings.php:499 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Versuche" #: ../settings.php:505 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Dauer der Sperre" #: ../settings.php:510 ../settings.php:606 msgid "minutes" msgstr "Minuten" #: ../settings.php:513 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Aggressive Sperren" #: ../settings.php:532 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Website-Verbindung" #: ../settings.php:540 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktive Sicherheitsrichtlinien" #: ../settings.php:541 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Subnetz sperren" #: ../settings.php:559 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Zugriff auf wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:563 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "IP-Adresse nach jedem Zugriff auf wp-login.php sofort sperren" #: ../settings.php:575 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Anmeldeseite" #: ../settings.php:576 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL" #: ../settings.php:584 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass diese URL nicht bereits von einer Seite oder einem Beitrag verwendet wird." #: ../settings.php:586 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.php deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Direkten Zugriff auf wp-login.php sperren und einen HTTP-Fehler 404 (Seite nicht gefunden) zurückgeben" #: ../dashboard.php:1534 ../settings.php:594 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadel Mode" #: ../settings.php:595 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Schwelle" #: ../settings.php:601 ../cerber-scanner.php:3669 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Dauer" #: ../dashboard.php:4167 ../cerber-load.php:4559 ../settings.php:526 ../settings. #: php:609 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen" #: ../settings.php:614 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Benachrichtigungen an Administrator senden" #: ../dashboard.php:4164 ../cerber-load.php:4556 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber- #: tools.php:47 ../cerber-tools.php:134 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Zugangslisten" #: ../dashboard.php:1568 ../dashboard.php:2134 ../dashboard.php:4161 ../cerber- #: load.php:4258 ../settings.php:622 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivität" #: ../dashboard.php:4162 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Sperren" #: ../settings.php:1347 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s Versuche innert %s Minuten erlaubt" #: ../settings.php:1373 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Nach %s fehlgeschlagenen Anmeldeversuchen innert %s Minuten aktivieren" #: ../dashboard.php:188 ../dashboard.php:1000 ../dashboard.php:3653 ../cerber- #: load.php:4267 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:779 ../dashboard.php:1003 ../dashboard.php:3276 ../dashboard. #: php:3651 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: ../dashboard.php:782 ../dashboard.php:1005 ../dashboard.php:3656 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokaler Benutzer" #: ../dashboard.php:785 ../dashboard.php:1006 ../cerber-load.php:4275 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Verwendeter Benutzername" #: ../dashboard.php:209 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Zeige letzte %d Einträge von %d" #: ../common.php:1151 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Angemeldet" #: ../common.php:1152 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Abgemeldet" #: ../common.php:1153 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen" #: ../common.php:1156 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP-Adresse gesperrt" #: ../common.php:1157 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Subnetz gesperrt" #: ../common.php:1159 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel Mode aktiviert!" #: ../dashboard.php:978 ../dashboard.php:1199 ../dashboard.php:3450 ../common.php: #: 1207 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Gesperrt" #: ../common.php:1209 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP-Adresse auf Blacklist" #: ../common.php:1174 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Passwort geändert" #: ../dashboard.php:181 ../dashboard.php:267 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" #: ../dashboard.php:551 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Sperre für %s entfernt" #: ../dashboard.php:239 ../dashboard.php:970 ../dashboard.php:1193 ../dashboard. #: php:1532 ../dashboard.php:3445 ../cerber-load.php:4544 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "IP Whitelist" #: ../dashboard.php:241 ../dashboard.php:973 ../dashboard.php:1196 ../dashboard. #: php:1533 ../dashboard.php:3446 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP Blacklist" #: ../dashboard.php:273 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Die Liste ist leer" #: ../dashboard.php:306 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Die Adresse %s wurde auf die IP Whitelist gesetzt" #: ../dashboard.php:328 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Die Adresse %s wurde auf die IP Blacklist gesetzt" #: ../cerber-load.php:3565 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Der Citadel Mode wird nach %d fehlgeschlagenen Anmeldeversuchen innerhalb von %d Minuten aktiviert." #: ../dashboard.php:2297 ../dashboard.php:2724 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Aktivität anzeigen" #: ../dashboard.php:4222 ../dashboard.php:4254 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:46 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: ../dashboard.php:1395 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Letzte Anmeldung" #: ../dashboard.php:1428 ../dashboard.php:1515 ../common.php:1403 ../nexus/cerber- #: slave-list.php:297 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nie" #: ../dashboard.php:2180 ../cerber-tools.php:624 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 230 ../cerber-scanner.php:5398 ../cerber-scanner.php:5542 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Sind Sie sicher?" #: ../dashboard.php:1933 ../settings.php:537 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Meine Website befindet sich hinter einem Reverse Proxy Server" #: ../settings.php:1175 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Schützen Sie sich besser!" #: ../settings.php:1179 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Bitte aktivieren Sie Permalinks, um diese Funktion zu nutzen. Setzen Sie die Permalink-Einstellungen auf einen Wert, der nicht dem Standardwert entspricht. " #: ../dashboard.php:4163 ../cerber-load.php:4554 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Haupteinstellungen" #: ../dashboard.php:4386 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hilfe" #: ../settings.php:1357 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Dauer der Sperre auf %s Stunden erhöhen nach %s Sperren innert %s Stunden" #: ../cerber-load.php:392 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Sie dürfen sich nicht anmelden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Website-Administrator." #: ../cerber-load.php:417 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Sie haben nur noch 1 Versuch." msgstr[1] "Sie haben noch %d Versuche." #: ../dashboard.php:1032 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Es wurde keine Aktivität aufgezeichnet." #: ../dashboard.php:191 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Verfällt" #: ../dashboard.php:215 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Keine aktuellen Sperren. Der Himmel ist wolkenlos." #: ../dashboard.php:239 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Diese IP-Adressen werden niemals blockiert" #: ../dashboard.php:248 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Ihre IP-Adresse" #: ../cerber-load.php:3566 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Letzter fehlgeschlagener Versuch um %s von IP %s mit Benutzernamen %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4522 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "WP Cerber kann wegen eines Datenbank-Fehlers nicht aktiviert werden." #: ../settings.php:1364 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Administrator benachrichtigen falls die Anzahl der aktiven Sperren grösser ist als" #: ../settings.php:230 ../settings.php:628 ../settings.php:965 ../settings.php:1036 msgid "days" msgstr "Tage" #: ../dashboard.php:1485 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber Quick View" #: ../dashboard.php:211 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Tipp" #: ../dashboard.php:211 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Um Aktivitäten anzuzeigen klicken Sie auf die IP-Adresse" #: ../settings.php:545 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Immer das gesamte Subnetz (Class C) der angreifenden IP-Adresse sperren" #: ../settings.php:619 ../settings.php:1370 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Hier klicken für Testversand" #: ../settings.php:1591 ../settings.php:1592 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Achtung! Sie haben die Anmelde-URL geändert! Die neue Anmelde-URL ist" #: ../dashboard.php:1394 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Kommentare" #: ../common.php:1593 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Auf WP Cerber %s aktualisieren" #: ../cerber-load.php:3567 ../cerber-load.php:4299 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Aktivität im Dashboard anzeigen" #: ../cerber-load.php:3596 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Anzahl aktive Sperren" #: ../cerber-load.php:3600 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Sperren im Dashboard anzeigen" #: ../cerber-load.php:3688 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde gesendet von" #: ../dashboard.php:76 ../dashboard.php:4286 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Werkzeuge" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Einstellungen in Datei exportieren" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Wenn Sie den nachstehenden Button klicken, dann erhalten Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei, welche Sie in eine andere Website importieren können." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Was möchten Sie exportieren?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Datei herunterladen" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Einstellungen aus Datei importieren" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Wenn Sie den nachstehenden Button klicken, dann wird die Datei hochgeladen, und alle aktuellen Einstellungen werden überschrieben." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Wählen Sie die zu importierende Datei." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 ../cerber-scanner.php:3884 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maximale Dateigrösse für Upload: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:46 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Was möchten Sie importieren?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 ../cerber-scanner.php:3887 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Datei hochladen" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Es wurde keine Datei hochgeladen oder die Datei ist fehlerhaft" #: ../cerber-tools.php:134 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Fehler bei der Aktualisierung" #: ../cerber-tools.php:140 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich importiert aus" #: ../cerber-tools.php:147 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der Datei" #: ../dashboard.php:189 ../dashboard.php:1001 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Hostname" #: ../dashboard.php:488 msgid "unknown" msgstr "unbekannt" #: ../settings.php:623 ../settings.php:961 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Aufzeichnungen speichern für" #: ../dashboard.php:1519 ../dashboard.php:1541 msgid "active" msgstr "aktiv" #: ../dashboard.php:1519 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "deaktivieren" #: ../dashboard.php:1521 msgid "not active" msgstr "nicht aktiv" #: ../dashboard.php:1522 ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "disabled" msgstr "deaktiviert" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "fehlgeschlagene Versuche" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "innert 24 Stunden" #: ../dashboard.php:1527 ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "view all" msgstr "Alle anzeigen" #: ../dashboard.php:1528 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Sperren" #: ../dashboard.php:1530 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Aktuelle Sperren" #: ../dashboard.php:1531 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Letzte Sperre" #: ../dashboard.php:1532 ../dashboard.php:1533 ../dashboard.php:2468 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "Eintrag" msgstr[1] "Einträge" #: ../dashboard.php:2175 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Verwirrt wegen gewisser Einstellungen?" #: ../dashboard.php:2176 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Über den folgenden Button können Sie ganz einfach die empfohlenen Standardeinstellungen laden" #: ../dashboard.php:2178 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Standardeinstellungen laden" #: ../dashboard.php:2186 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "gilt nicht für die benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL und die Zugangslisten" #: ../common.php:1586 ../settings.php:805 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Eine neue Version ist verfügbar" #: ../cerber-load.php:3539 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber Benachrichtigung" #: ../cerber-load.php:3563 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Der Citadel Mode ist aktiv" #: ../cerber-load.php:3635 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Neue benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL" #: ../cerber-load.php:4509 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber erfordert PHP %s oder neuer. Sie verwenden" #: ../cerber-load.php:4513 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber erfordert WordPress %s oder neuer. Sie verwenden" #: ../settings.php:654 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Datei verwenden" #: ../settings.php:658 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Aufzeichnung fehlgeschlagener Anmeldeversuche in der Datei" #: ../dashboard.php:2296 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktivieren" #: ../dashboard.php:192 ../cerber-load.php:3598 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Grund" #: ../dashboard.php:280 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "IP-Adresse auf Liste setzen" #: ../dashboard.php:1261 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "IP-Adresse auf Blacklist setzen" #: ../common.php:1246 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Zugriffsversuche" #: ../common.php:1245 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl der Anmeldeversuche wurde erreicht" #: ../cerber-load.php:3597 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Letzte Sperre: %s für die IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:4165 ../cerber-load.php:4558 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Hardening" #: ../dashboard.php:1236 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "E-Mail für Missbräuche:" #: ../settings.php:793 ../settings.php:833 ../settings.php:1098 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse" #: ../settings.php:801 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "leer lassen, um die E-Mail-Adresse des Administrators (%s) zu nutzen" #: ../settings.php:662 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "IP-Adresse recherchieren" #: ../settings.php:666 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Zusätzliche WHOIS-Informationen anfordern für IP-Adressen" #: ../settings.php:686 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "WordPress absichern" #: ../settings.php:687 ../settings.php:731 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "User Enumeration unterbinden" #: ../settings.php:714 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:719 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Zugriff auf den XML-RPC Server sperren (einschliesslich Pingbacks und Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:721 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Feeds deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:726 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Zugriff auf RSS, Atom und RDF Feeds sperren" #: ../settings.php:739 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "REST API deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:1679 ../settings.php:1691 ../settings.php:1814 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "FEHLER: Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein." #: ../cerber-load.php:3628 ../cerber-load.php:4543 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber ist jetzt aktiv und schützt Ihre Website" #: ../dashboard.php:193 ../cerber-scanner.php:5424 ../cerber-scanner.php:5558 msgid "Action" msgstr "Aktion" #: ../dashboard.php:241 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Niemand kann sich von diesen IP-Adressen aus anmelden oder registrieren" #: ../dashboard.php:298 ../dashboard.php:315 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Ungültige IP-Adresse oder ungültiger IP-Bereich" #: ../dashboard.php:2312 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:450 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Einstellungen gespeichert" #: ../dashboard.php:1241 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Netzwerk:" #: ../dashboard.php:1256 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Netzwerk auf die IP Blacklist setzen" #: ../dashboard.php:2295 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Achtung! Der Citadel Mode ist aktiv. Niemand kann sich anmelden." #: ../dashboard.php:415 ../dashboard.php:3374 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1263 ../common.php:1681 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:283 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unbekannt" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregorianisch" #: ../common.php:311 ../common.php:383 ../common.php:388 ../common.php:394 .. #: /common.php:399 ../cerber-load.php:700 ../cerber-load.php:712 ../cerber-load. #: php:719 ../cerber-load.php:1033 ../cerber-load.php:1302 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1308 ../cerber-load.php:1313 ../cerber-load.php:1318 ../cerber-load.php:1324 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1331 ../cerber-load.php:1433 ../cerber-load.php:1570 .. #: /settings.php:1570 ../settings.php:1655 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:222 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:233 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "FEHLER:" #: ../cerber-load.php:729 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Um zu bestätigen, dass Sie ein menschlicher Benutzer sind, klicken Sie bitte auf das Quadrat im nachfolgenden reCAPTCHA." #: ../cerber-load.php:1045 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "FEHLER: Das eingegebene Passwort ist nicht korrekt für den Benutzernamen %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:1319 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Dieser Benutzername ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen." #: ../cerber-load.php:3591 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "unspezifiziert" #: ../cerber-load.php:3594 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Die Anzahl der Sperren nimmt zu" #: ../cerber-load.php:3599 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Aktivität dieser IP anzeigen" #: ../cerber-load.php:3603 ../cerber-load.php:3605 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Eine neue Version von WP Cerber ist zur Installation bereit" #: ../cerber-load.php:3604 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Hallo!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3607 ../cerber-load.php:3618 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 45 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: ../cerber-load.php:3610 ../cerber-load.php:3611 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Das WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin wurde deaktiviert" #: ../cerber-load.php:3613 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Nicht angemeldet" #: ../cerber-load.php:3619 msgid "By user" msgstr "Nach Benutzer" #: ../cerber-load.php:3620 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "IP-Adresse" #: ../cerber-load.php:3623 msgid "From country" msgstr "Herkunftsland" #: ../cerber-load.php:3627 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Das WP Cerber Sicherheits-Plugin ist jetzt aktiv" #: ../cerber-load.php:4544 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Ihre IP-Adresse wurde hinzugefügt zur" #: ../cerber-load.php:4560 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Einstellungen importieren" #: ../settings.php:804 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Beschränkung der Benachrichtigungen" #: ../settings.php:804 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "maximale Anzahl Benachrichtigungen pro Stunde (0 bedeutet unbeschränkt) " #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Benutzereinstellungen" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Verbotene Benutzernamen" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Benutzernamen auf dieser Liste dürfen sich nicht anmelden oder registrieren. Jede IP-Adresse, welche einen dieser Benutzernamen nutzt, wird sofort gesperrt. Trennen Sie die einzelnen Benutzernamen durch Kommas." #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Timeout für Benutzersitzung" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "in Minuten (leer lassen, um den Standardwert von WordPress zu nutzen)" #: ../settings.php:237 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Einstellungen" #: ../settings.php:240 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Site Key" #: ../settings.php:244 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Secret Key" #: ../settings.php:254 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Registrierungsformular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:263 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "«Passwort vergessen»-Formular" #: ../settings.php:273 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Anmeldeformular" #: ../settings.php:274 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Anmeldeformular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:1193 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Um reCAPTCHA nutzen zu können müssen Sie auf der Google Website einen Site Key und einen Secret Key anfordern" #: ../cerber-lab.php:779 ../settings.php:1194 ../settings.php:1197 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Mehr Informationen" #: ../dashboard.php:4166 msgid "Users" msgstr "Benutzer" #: ../common.php:1149 msgid "User created" msgstr "Benutzer angelegt" #: ../dashboard.php:2126 ../common.php:1150 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Benutzer registriert" #: ../common.php:1177 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Verifikation ist fehltgeschlagen" #: ../common.php:1178 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA-Einstellungen sind nicht korrekt" #: ../common.php:1181 ../common.php:1267 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Zugriffsversuch auf verbotene URL" #: ../common.php:1183 ../common.php:1248 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Anmeldeversuch mit verbotenem Benutzernamen" #: ../settings.php:639 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Verbindung zum Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:643 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab melden" #: ../settings.php:645 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab Protokoll" #: ../settings.php:185 ../settings.php:253 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registrierungsformular" #: ../settings.php:259 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Registrierungsformular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:264 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WordPress «Passwort vergessen»-Formular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:269 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce «Passwort vergessen»-Formular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:279 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WooCommerce Anmeldeformular aktivieren" #: ../common.php:1179 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Aufruf von Google reCAPTCHA ist fehlgeschlagen" #: ../dashboard.php:2118 ../dashboard.php:2148 msgid "View all" msgstr "Alle anzeigen" #: ../dashboard.php:2151 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Kürzlich blockierte IP-Adressen" #: ../cerber-lab.php:777 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, erledigt sie alle" #: ../cerber-lab.php:778 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NEIN, vielleicht später" #: ../dashboard.php:55 ../dashboard.php:1567 ../dashboard.php:2486 ../dashboard. #: php:4160 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" #: ../cerber-lab.php:775 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Wollen Sie WP Cerber noch stärker machen?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:776 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Erlauben Sie WP Cerber, gesperrte bösartige IP-Adressen an das Cerber Lab zu übermitteln. Dies hilft dem Plugin-Team, neue Algorithmen für WP Cerber zu entwickeln, um WordPress gegen neue Bedrohungen und Bot-Netze zu verteidigen, die jeden Tag auftauchen. Sie können die Übermittlung in den Plugin-Einstellungen jederzeit wieder deaktivieren." #: ../dashboard.php:778 ../dashboard.php:3275 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP-Adresse" #: ../dashboard.php:783 msgid "User login" msgstr "Benutzer-Login" #: ../dashboard.php:784 ../dashboard.php:3281 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Benutzer-ID" #: ../dashboard.php:1028 ../dashboard.php:3715 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportieren" #: ../dashboard.php:1050 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Nach IP oder Benutzername suchen" #: ../dashboard.php:1051 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: ../dashboard.php:55 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber Dashboard" #: ../dashboard.php:76 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber Tools" #: ../dashboard.php:2383 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Anmelden" #: ../dashboard.php:2384 ../cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Abmelden" #: ../dashboard.php:2412 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Sie sind angemeldet" #: ../dashboard.php:2416 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Sie sind abgemeldet" #: ../cerber-load.php:3639 ../cerber-load.php:3640 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Eine neue Aktivität wurde aufgezeichnet" #: ../cerber-load.php:4271 msgid "User" msgstr "Benutzer" #: ../cerber-load.php:4279 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Suchbegriff" #: ../cerber-load.php:4300 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Klicken Sie hier, um sich abzumelden" #: ../settings.php:661 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Einstellungen" #: ../settings.php:668 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumsformat" #: ../settings.php:673 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "leer lassen, um das Standardformat %s zu nutzen" #: ../settings.php:810 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Push-Benachrichtigungen" #: ../settings.php:790 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen" #: ../settings.php:797 ../settings.php:838 ../settings.php:924 ../settings.php:1102 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Mehrere Werte durch Kommas trennen" #: ../settings.php:818 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Alle verknüpften Geräte" #: ../settings.php:821 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Keine Geräte gefunden" #: ../settings.php:825 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Nicht verfügbar" #: ../common.php:1175 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Passwort-Rücksetzung angefordert" #: ../common.php:1249 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Die Limite für fehlgeschlagene reCAPTCHA-Verifizierungen wurde erreicht" #: ../common.php:1398 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "vor %s" #: ../settings.php:524 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Anmeldebeschränkungen auf IP-Adressen der IP Whitelist anwenden" #: ../settings.php:565 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "404-Seite anzeigen" #: ../settings.php:248 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Unsichtbarer reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Unsichtbaren reCAPTCHA aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(nur aktivieren, wenn Sie den Site Key und den Secret Key für die unsichtbare Version eingetragen haben)" #: ../settings.php:284 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für das WordPress Kommentarformular aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:289 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "reCAPTCHA für angemeldete Benutzer deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:293 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Versuche beschränken" #: ../settings.php:294 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "IP-Adresse für %s Minuten sperren, wenn %s fehlgeschlagene Versuche innert %s Minuten festgestellt werden" #: ../settings.php:1186 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "Im Citadel Mode kann sich niemand anmelden, ausser die Anmeldung stammt von einer IP-Adresse, welche auf der IP Whitelist steht. Aktive Benutzersitzungen sind davon nicht betroffen." #: ../dashboard.php:780 ../dashboard.php:1004 msgid "Event" msgstr "Ereignis" #: ../common.php:254 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spam-Kammentare abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:256 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Bösartige IP-Adressen erkannt" #: ../common.php:257 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Sperren wurden gesetzt" #: ../dashboard.php:2127 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "Alle verdächtigen Aktivitäten" #: ../cerber-load.php:1303 ../cerber-load.php:1309 ../cerber-load.php:1325 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1332 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Sie dürfen sich nicht registrieren." #: ../common.php:1160 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Spam-Kommentare abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1185 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Anmeldeversuche abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1186 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Registrierungsversuche abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:251 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Bösartige Aktivitäten verhindert" #: ../dashboard.php:69 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Cerber Anti-Spam Einstellungen" #: ../dashboard.php:69 ../cerber-load.php:4557 ../settings.php:283 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Spam-Schutz" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Cerber Anti-Spam Engine" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Kommentarformular" #: ../settings.php:181 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Kommentarformular mit Bot-Erkennung schützen" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Registrierungsformular mit Bot-Erkennung schützen" #: ../dashboard.php:4288 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Export & Import" #: ../dashboard.php:4289 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostik" #: ../dashboard.php:4292 msgid "License" msgstr "Lizenz" #: ../dashboard.php:4199 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Einstellungen für Spam-Schutz und Bot-Erkennung" #: ../cerber-load.php:1570 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Entschuldigung, aber es wurde kein menschlicher Benutzer erkannt." #: ../common.php:1250 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Bot-Aktivität festgestellt" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Behandlung von Kommentaren" #: ../settings.php:222 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Falls ein Spam-Kommentar erkannt wird" #: ../settings.php:227 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Spam-Kommentare löschen" #: ../settings.php:229 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Spam-Kommentare in Papierkorb verschieben nach" #: ../common.php:1161 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Spam in Formular geblockt" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Andere Formulare" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Alle Formulare der Website mit Bot-Erkennung schützen" #: ../settings.php:197 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Antispam-Mechanismus anpassen" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Safe Mode" #: ../settings.php:201 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Weniger restriktive Richtlinien benutzen (AJAX erlauben)" #: ../dashboard.php:3684 ../settings.php:205 ../settings.php:746 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Angemeldete Benutzer" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Bot-Erkennung für angemeldete Benutzer deaktivieren" #: ../dashboard.php:190 ../dashboard.php:1002 msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: ../dashboard.php:1039 msgid "All events" msgstr "Alle Ereignisse" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber Sicherheitsrichtlinien" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:4236 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Sicherheitsrichtlinien" #: ../dashboard.php:1396 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche" #: ../dashboard.php:1353 ../dashboard.php:1397 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registriert" #: ../dashboard.php:1467 ../cerber-users.php:25 msgid "You" msgstr "Sie" #: ../common.php:255 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Spam in Formularen verhindert" #: ../dashboard.php:2187 ../cerber-load.php:3630 ../cerber-load.php:4546 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Einführung" #: ../dashboard.php:4238 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Länder" #: ../dashboard.php:2987 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Erlaubt für 1 Land" msgstr[1] "Erlaubt für %d Länder" #: ../dashboard.php:2998 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Keine Richtlinie" #: ../dashboard.php:3209 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Die Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden aktualisiert" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:1162 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Formulareinsendung abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1163 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Kommentar abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1191 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "REST API Request abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1192 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "XML-RPC Request abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:1205 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot erkannt" #: ../common.php:1206 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadel Mode ist aktiv" #: ../common.php:1211 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Bösartige Aktivität festgestellt" #: ../common.php:1212 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Blockiert durch Länder-Richtlinie" #: ../common.php:1213 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite erreicht" #: ../common.php:1214 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Mehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten" #: ../common.php:1251 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Mehrere verdächtige Aktivitäten wurden festgestellt" #: ../settings.php:751 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "REST API für angemeldete Benutzer erlauben" #: ../settings.php:766 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Geben Sie die REST API Namespaces an, welche zulässig sind, falls die REST API deaktiviert ist. Ein String pro Zeile." #: ../settings.php:147 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Registrierungs-Beschränkung" #: ../settings.php:168 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Benutzer im Dashboard sortieren" #: ../settings.php:169 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "nach Registrierungsdatum" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "IP Whitelist abfragen" #: ../settings.php:1352 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s erlaubte Registrierungen innerhalb von %s Minuten von derselben IP" #: ../dashboard.php:3055 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Beginnen Sie hier zu tippen, um ein Land zu finden" #: ../dashboard.php:3135 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Klicken Sie auf einen Ländernamen, um ihn zur Liste der ausgewählten Länder hinzuzufügen" #: ../dashboard.php:3156 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Formulare senden" #: ../dashboard.php:3157 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Kommentare veröffentlichen" #: ../dashboard.php:3158 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Auf der Website anmelden" #: ../dashboard.php:3159 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Auf der Website registrieren" #: ../dashboard.php:3160 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "XML-RPC benutzen" #: ../dashboard.php:3161 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "REST API benutzen" #: ../settings.php:224 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Komplett verbieten" #: ../settings.php:224 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Als Spam markieren" #: ../dashboard.php:2109 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "in den letzten 24 Stunden" #: ../dashboard.php:2487 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Haupteinstellungen" #: ../settings.php:830 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Wöchentliche Berichte" #: ../settings.php:1524 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sonntag" #: ../settings.php:1525 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Montag" #: ../settings.php:1526 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Dienstag" #: ../settings.php:1527 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mittwoch" #: ../settings.php:1528 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Donnerstag" #: ../settings.php:1529 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Freitag" #: ../settings.php:1530 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samstag" #: ../settings.php:1593 ../settings.php:1594 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Falls Sie ein Caching-Plugin nutzen müssen Sie Ihre neue Login-URL auf die Liste der nicht gecachten Seiten setzen." #: ../cerber-load.php:3645 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Wöchentlicher Bericht" #: ../cerber-load.php:3648 ../cerber-load.php:3658 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Um die Einstellungen für die Berichte zu ändern besuchen Sie" #: ../cerber-load.php:3681 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Ihre Anmeldeseite:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3685 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Ihre Lizenz ist gültig bis" #: ../cerber-load.php:3791 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Aktivitätsdetails" #: ../settings.php:1560 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Klicken um zu senden" #: ../cerber-load.php:858 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Sind Sie ein Übersetzer von WP Cerber? Um eine kostenlose PRO-Lizenz zu erhalten, kontaktieren Sie uns über https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:559 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "E-Mail wurde gesendet an" #: ../dashboard.php:562 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "E-Mail kann nicht gesendet werden an" #: ../dashboard.php:2990 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Nicht erlaubt für 1 Land" msgstr[1] "Nicht erlaubt für %d Länder" #: ../dashboard.php:3139 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder dürfen %s, anderen Ländern ist es nicht erlaubt" #: ../dashboard.php:3142 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Ausgewählte Länder dürfen nicht %s, anderen Ländern ist es erlaubt" #: ../cerber-load.php:3779 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Wöchentlicher Bericht" #: ../settings.php:570 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "404-Template des aktiven Themes nutzen" #: ../settings.php:571 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Einfache 404-Seite anzeigen" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie einen Teil eines Query Strings oder eines Query Paths ein, um einen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile." #: ../settings.php:842 ../settings.php:1106 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "leer lassen, um die E-Mail-Adresse von den Benachrichtigungseinstellungen zu verwenden" #: ../settings.php:831 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Berichte aktivieren" #: ../cerber-load.php:3709 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Ihre letzte Anmeldung war am %s von %s aus" #: ../dashboard.php:279 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "IP-Adresse, IPv4-Adressbereich oder Subnetz" #: ../dashboard.php:281 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Optionaler Kommentar für diesen Eintrag" #: ../dashboard.php:320 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Sie können Ihre eigene IP-Adresse bzw. Ihr eigenes Netzwerk nicht hinzufügen" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Um einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren umschliessen Sie diesen mit zwei Vorwärts-Slashes." #: ../dashboard.php:57 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber Traffic Inspector" #: ../dashboard.php:57 ../dashboard.php:1537 ../dashboard.php:4219 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Traffic Inspector" #: ../dashboard.php:1569 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Verkehr" #: ../dashboard.php:3652 msgid "Request" msgstr "Request" #: ../dashboard.php:3654 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Host Info" #: ../dashboard.php:3655 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User Agent" #: ../dashboard.php:3680 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Alle Requests" #: ../dashboard.php:3685 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Nicht angemeldete Besucher" #: ../dashboard.php:3688 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Formulareinsendungen" #: ../dashboard.php:3690 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Seite nicht gefunden" #: ../dashboard.php:3699 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Länger als" #: ../dashboard.php:3720 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Aktualisieren" #: ../common.php:181 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Requests prüfen" #: ../common.php:1612 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nicht spezifiziert" #: ../settings.php:896 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Logging-Modus" #: ../settings.php:902 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Logging deaktiviert" #: ../settings.php:903 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Smart" #: ../settings.php:904 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Gesamter Verkehr" #: ../settings.php:908 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Crawler ignorieren" #: ../settings.php:918 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Diese Formularfelder maskieren" #: ../settings.php:958 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "Millisekunden" #: ../settings.php:851 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Untersuchung des Verkehrs aktivieren" #: ../settings.php:895 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Logging" #: ../settings.php:913 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Request-Felder speichern" #: ../settings.php:953 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Schwellwert für die Seitengenerierung" #: ../dashboard.php:3672 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Es wurden keine Requests aufgezeichnet." #: ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "enabled" msgstr "aktiviert" #: ../dashboard.php:1541 msgid "no connection" msgstr "Keine Verbindung" #: ../dashboard.php:4026 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Erweiterte Suche" #: ../dashboard.php:1343 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Zuletzt gesehen" #: ../common.php:1187 ../common.php:1252 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Testen auf verwundbaren PHP Code" #: ../dashboard.php:3983 msgid "Any" msgstr "Irgendeine" #: ../cerber-load.php:3429 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Leider sind Sie nicht berechtigt, dies zu tun" #: ../settings.php:867 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Request Whitelist" #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Geben Sie eine Request URI ein, um diesen Request von der Untersuchung auszuschliessen. Ein Eintrag pro Zeile." #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Request Headers speichern" #: ../settings.php:935 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "$_SERVER speichern" #: ../settings.php:941 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Request Cookies speichern" #: ../settings.php:694 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Admin Scripts schützen" #: ../settings.php:699 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Unauthorisierten Zugriff auf load-scripts.php und load-styles.php blockieren" #: ../common.php:2440 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Das Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden" #: ../common.php:2445 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Der Zugriff auf das Zielverzeichnis wurde abgelehnt" #: ../common.php:2448 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Die Datei wurde nicht gefunden" #: ../common.php:2451 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Die Datei kann nicht kopiert werden" #: ../common.php:2457 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Die Datei kann nicht gelöscht werden" #: ../settings.php:486 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Plug-in-Initialisierung" #: ../settings.php:487 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Security Engine laden" #: ../settings.php:493 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Legacy-Modus" #: ../settings.php:494 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standard-Modus" #: ../settings.php:1571 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Der Initialisierungsmodus des Plug-ins wurde nicht verändert" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1189 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Der Datei-Upload wurde abgelehnt" #: ../settings.php:583 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "Benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URLs dürfen nur Buchstaben, Ziffern, Minuszeichen und Underscores enthalten." #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Um einen REGEX-Ausdruck zu definieren, umschliessen Sie die ganze Zeile mit zwei Klammern." #: ../settings.php:1182 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie diese Optionen aktivieren." #: ../settings.php:1182 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Falls Sie Ihre benutzerdefinierte Anmelde-URL vergessen, können Sie sich nicht mehr anmelden." #: ../dashboard.php:65 ../dashboard.php:4251 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Website-Integrität" #: ../dashboard.php:1554 ../dashboard.php:1556 ../settings.php:355 ../settings. #: php:857 ../settings.php:883 ../cerber-scanner.php:1420 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1555 ../cerber-scanner.php:865 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1557 ../cerber-scanner.php:865 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: ../common.php:1215 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Abgelehnt" #: ../settings.php:122 ../settings.php:519 ../settings.php:862 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "White IP Access List benutzen" #: ../settings.php:553 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Dashboard-Umleitung deaktivieren" #: ../settings.php:557 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Umleitung von /wp-admin/ auf die Anmeldeseite deaktivieren für nicht authorisierte Anfragen" #: ../settings.php:974 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Scanner-Einstellungen" #: ../settings.php:975 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Custom Signatures" #: ../settings.php:981 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Geben Sie Custom PHP Code Signatures an. 1 Eintrag pro Zeile. Um REGEX-Ausdrücke zu verwenden umschliessen Sie eine komplette Zeile mit zwei Klammern." #: ../settings.php:983 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Unerwünschte Dateierweiterungen" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Definieren Sie Dateierweiterungen, nach denen gesucht werden soll. Nur komplette Scans. Mehrere Einträge durch Kommas trennen." #: ../settings.php:991 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Ausgeschlossene Verzeichnisse" #: ../settings.php:997 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1012 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Temporäres Verzeichnis scannen" #: ../settings.php:1019 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Session-Verzeichnis scannen" #: ../settings.php:1031 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Dateien in der Quarantäne löschen nach" #: ../settings.php:1046 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1421 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1422 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1423 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1053 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1063 ../settings.php:1122 msgid "High severity" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1064 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1072 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1078 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1079 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1084 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1091 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4253 ../cerber-load.php:4555 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Security Scanner" #: ../dashboard.php:4255 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:84 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:88 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:97 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:100 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Quick Scan starten" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:101 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Vollständigen Scan starten" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:102 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Scan stoppen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:103 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Setzt Scan fort" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:139 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Löschen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1370 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifiziert" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1377 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Integritätsdaten nicht gefunden" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1378 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Kann die Integrität des Plug-ins wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1379 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Kann die Integrität der WordPress-Dateien wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1380 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Kann die Integrität des Themes wegen eines Netzwerk-Fehlers nicht überprüfen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1383 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Lokale Datei existiert nicht" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1385 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Kann Datei nicht verarbeiten" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1386 ../cerber-scanner.php:4794 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Kann Datei nicht öffnen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1388 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1391 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Verdächtigen Code gefunden" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1393 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Nicht überwachte verdächtige Datei" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1394 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Ausführbarer Code gefunden" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1398 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1400 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Inhalt wurde geändert" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1401 msgid "New file" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2437 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Custom Signature gefunden" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3576 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3580 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3581 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3582 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3583 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3584 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3585 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3586 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3710 ../cerber-scanner.php:3780 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Zu scannende Dateien" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 ../cerber-scanner.php:3788 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritische Probleme" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 ../cerber-scanner.php:3792 ../cerber-scanner.php:4984 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Probleme total" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4170 msgid "The directory is not writable" msgstr "Das Verzeichnis ist nicht schreibbar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4188 msgid "Unable to create WP CERBER directory" msgstr "Das WP CERBER Verzeichnis konnte nicht erstellt werden" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4402 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5093 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3655 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:999 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1006 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1080 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1820 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1397 ../cerber-scanner.php:2617 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2615 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2616 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2619 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2620 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2621 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3881 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3883 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4940 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4940 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4953 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:266 ../dashboard.php:1206 ../dashboard.php:1241 ../dashboard. #: php:1359 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Aktivitäten überprüfen" #: ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "Activated" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1194 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1198 msgid "User activated" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1216 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1217 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1218 ../common.php:1253 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1254 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1484 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1376 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1381 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3577 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3578 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3579 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1045 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1061 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3682 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3683 msgid "Errors" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4201 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:398 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1398 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1540 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4258 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3661 msgid "Started" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3665 msgid "Finished" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3673 msgid "Performance" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:290 ../cerber-scanner.php:3685 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3689 msgid "New files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3693 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3697 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Unerwünschte Erweiterung" #: ../settings.php:1116 ../cerber-scanner.php:3701 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3710 ../cerber-scanner.php:5419 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5321 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5411 msgid "Restore" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5408 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5420 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5421 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5422 msgid "Size" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5423 ../cerber-scanner.php:5557 msgid "File" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5491 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5500 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1570 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1188 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-news.php:157 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1114 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1123 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1130 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1137 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1138 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1144 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1150 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1156 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1158 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1164 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4256 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1392 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2612 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2613 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2614 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2618 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5034 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5081 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1219 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1551 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4221 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Live-Verkehr" #: ../settings.php:675 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4290 msgid "Log" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:701 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:708 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4257 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:142 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5522 msgid "Apply" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5556 msgid "Added" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5523 ../cerber-scanner.php:5550 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5524 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5525 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5526 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2593 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2594 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2597 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2598 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2600 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2601 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2823 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2824 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1220 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1823 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5437 msgid "All scans" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5528 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5388 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5388 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:781 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3282 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4414 msgid "Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4415 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4416 msgid "Register" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4419 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4420 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4459 ../dashboard.php:4460 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1208 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1256 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:850 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:858 ../settings.php:884 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:859 ../settings.php:885 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:877 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:947 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3575 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1221 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:402 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:12 msgid "Block User" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:16 ../cerber-users.php:22 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:31 msgctxt "e.g. by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:41 ../settings.php:129 msgid "User Message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:43 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:98 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:692 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:730 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:736 msgid "Block access to user data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:744 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:753 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:759 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:888 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1190 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:1499 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1049 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:133 ../settings.php:2067 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:138 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4291 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:72 ../dashboard.php:72 msgid "Cerber.Hub" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:613 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3034 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:836 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1201 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:309 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:313 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:317 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:334 ../settings.php:361 ../settings.php:1025 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:344 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:350 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:353 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:354 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:370 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:48 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:103 msgid "Notes" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:193 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:233 msgid "Edit" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:239 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:70 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:80 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:85 msgid "Display as" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:111 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:115 msgid "First Name" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:123 msgid "Email" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 msgid "Phone" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:135 msgid "Address" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:260 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:290 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:299 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:300 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:301 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:304 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:425 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:981 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:986 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1196 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1199 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:89 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1214 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:61 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:62 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:141 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:143 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:145 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:261 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:262 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1391 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../settings.php:832 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Updates" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:94 msgid "Group" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:96 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:97 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:98 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:111 msgid "All groups" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1377 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:130 msgid "Block" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:62 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:131 msgid "Company" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:656 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1182 ../common.php:1247 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3805 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:547 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:551 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Owner" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:706 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1442 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1450 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1421 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-es_ES.po000064400000262260147577531750011771 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: es\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:163 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Límite de intentos de conexión" #: ../settings.php:166 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Intentos" #: ../settings.php:170 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Duración del bloqueo" #: ../settings.php:171 ../settings.php:266 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutos" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Bloqueo agresivo" #: ../settings.php:243 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Conexión web" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Normas de seguridad proactivas" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Bloquear subred" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Solicitud wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquear IP inmediatamente después de cualquier solicitud a wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:221 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Página de acceso personalizada" #: ../settings.php:225 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL de acceso personalizada" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "no debe solaparse con el slug actual de páginas o entradas" #: ../settings.php:233 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Desactivar wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:234 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Bloquear el acceso directo a wp-login.php y devolver un error HTTP 404 - No encontrado" #: ../dashboard.php:1678 ../settings.php:257 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Modo Ciudadela" #: ../settings.php:261 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Umbral" #: ../settings.php:265 ../cerber-scanner.php:3948 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duración" #: ../dashboard.php:4468 ../cerber-load.php:4811 ../settings.php:270 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notificaciones" #: ../settings.php:272 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Enviar una notificación al correo del administrador" #: ../dashboard.php:4465 ../cerber-load.php:4808 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber- #: tools.php:47 ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listas de acceso" #: ../dashboard.php:1712 ../dashboard.php:2263 ../dashboard.php:4461 ../cerber- #: load.php:4503 ../cerber-users.php:922 ../settings.php:282 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Actividad" #: ../dashboard.php:4463 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Bloqueos" #: ../settings.php:1284 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s reintentos admitidos en %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:1310 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Habilitar después de %s intentos de acceso fallidos en los últimos %s minutos" #: ../dashboard.php:184 ../cerber-load.php:4512 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:805 ../dashboard.php:1074 ../dashboard.php:3527 ../dashboard. #: php:3902 msgid "Date" msgstr "Fecha" #: ../dashboard.php:808 ../dashboard.php:1076 ../dashboard.php:3907 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Usuario local" #: ../cerber-load.php:4520 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Nombre utilizado" #: ../dashboard.php:205 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Mostrando los últimos %d registros de %d" #: ../common.php:1233 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Sesión iniciada" #: ../common.php:1234 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Desconectado" #: ../common.php:1235 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Error de inicio de sesión" #: ../dashboard.php:905 ../common.php:1238 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP bloqueada" #: ../common.php:1239 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Subred bloqueada" #: ../common.php:1241 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "¡Ciudadela activada!" #: ../dashboard.php:1295 ../dashboard.php:1331 ../dashboard.php:3701 ../common. #: php:1291 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloqueado" #: ../common.php:1293 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP en la lista negra" #: ../common.php:1256 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Contraseña cambiada" #: ../dashboard.php:179 ../dashboard.php:262 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Eliminar" #: ../dashboard.php:546 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Se ha eliminado el bloqueo de %s" #: ../dashboard.php:234 ../dashboard.php:1287 ../dashboard.php:1324 ../dashboard. #: php:1676 ../dashboard.php:3696 ../cerber-load.php:4796 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Lista de IP's permitidas" #: ../dashboard.php:236 ../dashboard.php:1290 ../dashboard.php:1327 ../dashboard. #: php:1677 ../dashboard.php:3697 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Lista Negra de IP's" #: ../dashboard.php:268 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "La lista está vacía" #: ../cerber-load.php:3815 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "El Modo Ciudadela se activa después de %d intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión en %d minutos." #: ../dashboard.php:2423 ../dashboard.php:2861 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Ver actividad" #: ../dashboard.php:4529 ../dashboard.php:4580 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:46 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: ../dashboard.php:1532 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Último acceso" #: ../dashboard.php:1565 ../dashboard.php:1656 ../common.php:1494 ../nexus/cerber- #: slave-list.php:297 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nunca" #: ../dashboard.php:2309 ../cerber-users.php:945 ../cerber-tools.php:649 .. #: /nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:230 ../cerber-scanner.php:5746 ../cerber-scanner. #: php:5904 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "¿Estás seguro?" #: ../dashboard.php:2080 ../settings.php:244 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Mi web está detrás de un proxy inverso" #: ../settings.php:187 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "¡Haz que tu protección sea más inteligente!" #: ../settings.php:140 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Por favor, activa los enlaces permanentes para utilizar esta función. Establece las opciones de enlaces permanentes a algún valor no predeterminado." #: ../dashboard.php:4464 ../cerber-load.php:4806 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: ../dashboard.php:4714 msgid "Help" msgstr "Ayuda" #: ../settings.php:1294 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Aumentar la duración del bloqueo en %s horas después de %s bloqueos en las últimas %s horas" #: ../cerber-load.php:375 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "No puedes iniciar sesión. Pregunta al administrador para obtener ayuda." #: ../cerber-load.php:400 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Queda solo un intento restante." msgstr[1] "Quedan %d intentos restantes." #: ../dashboard.php:1104 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "No hay actividad registrada." #: ../dashboard.php:187 ../cerber-users.php:755 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Caduca" #: ../dashboard.php:211 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "No hay bloqueos en este momento. El cielo esta despejado." #: ../dashboard.php:234 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Estas IPs nunca se bloquearán" #: ../dashboard.php:243 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Tu IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3816 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "El último intento fallido fue el %s desde la IP %s con el nombre de usuario: %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4774 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "No se puede activar WP Cerber debido a un error en la base de datos." #: ../settings.php:1301 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Notificar al administrador si el número de bloqueos activos es superior a" #: ../settings.php:286 ../settings.php:643 ../settings.php:696 ../settings.php:879 msgid "days" msgstr "días" #: ../dashboard.php:1622 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Vista Rápida de Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:207 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Sugerencia" #: ../dashboard.php:207 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Para ver la actividad, haz clic en la IP" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Bloquear siempre todas las subredes de clase C de IPs intrusas" #: ../settings.php:277 ../settings.php:1307 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Pulsa para enviar una prueba" #: ../settings.php:1552 ../settings.php:1553 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "¡Atención! ¡Has cambiado la dirección URL de conexión! La nueva URL de acceso es" #: ../dashboard.php:1531 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comentarios" #: ../cerber-load.php:3817 ../cerber-load.php:4544 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Ver actividad en el Dashboard" #: ../cerber-load.php:3846 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Número de bloqueos activos" #: ../cerber-load.php:3850 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Ver los bloqueos en el Dashboard" #: ../cerber-load.php:3938 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Este mensaje fue enviado por" #: ../dashboard.php:75 ../dashboard.php:4612 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Herramientas" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exportar ajustes al archivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Al pulsar el botón de abajo obtendrás un archivo de configuración, que luego se puede cargar en otro sitio." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "¿Qué quieres exportar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Descargar archivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importar ajustes desde archivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Al pulsar el botón de abajo se cargará el archivo y todas las configuraciones existentes dejarán de estar activas." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Seleccionar archivo a importar." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 ../cerber-scanner.php:4163 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Tamaño máximo permitido: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:46 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "¿Qué quieres importar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 ../cerber-scanner.php:4166 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Cargar archivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Ningún archivo subido ni dañado" #: ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Ha habido un error al actualizar" #: ../cerber-tools.php:145 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "La configuración se ha importado con éxito desde" #: ../cerber-tools.php:152 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Error al analizar el archivo" #: ../dashboard.php:185 ../dashboard.php:1072 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Host" #: ../dashboard.php:483 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconocido" #: ../settings.php:285 ../settings.php:642 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Mantener un registro de" #: ../dashboard.php:1660 ../dashboard.php:1685 msgid "active" msgstr "activar" #: ../dashboard.php:1660 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "desactivar" #: ../dashboard.php:1662 msgid "not active" msgstr "no activo" #: ../dashboard.php:1663 ../dashboard.php:1680 msgid "disabled" msgstr "desactivado" #: ../dashboard.php:1668 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "intentos fallidos" #: ../dashboard.php:1668 ../dashboard.php:1669 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "en 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:1668 ../dashboard.php:1669 msgid "view all" msgstr "ver todo" #: ../dashboard.php:1669 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "bloqueos" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Bloqueos en este momento" #: ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Último bloqueo" #: ../dashboard.php:1676 ../dashboard.php:1677 ../dashboard.php:2604 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "entrada" msgstr[1] "entradas" #: ../dashboard.php:2304 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "¿Confundido acerca de algunos ajustes?" #: ../dashboard.php:2305 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Se pueden cargar fácilmente los valores recomendados predeterminados usando el botón de abajo" #: ../dashboard.php:2307 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Cargar ajustes predeterminados" #: ../dashboard.php:2315 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "no afecta a la URL de acceso personalizada ni a las listas de acceso" #: ../settings.php:509 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nueva versión disponible" #: ../cerber-load.php:3789 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Notificación de WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:3813 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "El Modo Ciudadela está activado." #: ../cerber-load.php:3885 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nueva URL de acceso personalizada" #: ../cerber-load.php:4761 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber necesita una versión PHP %s o superior. Se está ejecutando actualmente" #: ../cerber-load.php:4765 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber requiere la versión de WordPress %s o superior. Se está ejecutando actualmente" #: ../settings.php:309 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Usar archivo" #: ../settings.php:310 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Registrar los intentos de acceso fallidos en el archivo" #: ../dashboard.php:2422 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Desactivar" #: ../dashboard.php:188 ../cerber-load.php:3848 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Motivo" #: ../dashboard.php:275 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Añadir IP a la lista" #: ../dashboard.php:1393 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Añadir IP a la lista negra" #: ../common.php:1336 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Intento de acceso" #: ../common.php:1335 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Se han alcanzado todos los intentos de inicio de sesión" #: ../cerber-load.php:3847 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Último bloqueo añadido: %s para la IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:4466 ../cerber-load.php:4810 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Endurecimiento" #: ../dashboard.php:1368 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Correo electrónico de abuso:" #: ../settings.php:496 ../settings.php:539 ../settings.php:749 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico" #: ../settings.php:501 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "Si está vacío, se utilizará el correo de administrador: %s" #: ../settings.php:319 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Desglosar IP" #: ../settings.php:320 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Conseguir información extra de la IP por WHOIS" #: ../settings.php:337 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Protegiendo WordPress" #: ../settings.php:341 ../settings.php:376 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Impedir la enumeración de usuarios" #: ../settings.php:360 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Desactivar XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:361 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloquear el acceso al servidor XML-RPC (incluyendo pingbacks y trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:365 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Desactivar feeds" #: ../settings.php:366 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Bloquear el acceso a los feeds de RSS, Atom y RDF" #: ../settings.php:381 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Desactivar la API REST" #: ../settings.php:1641 ../settings.php:1653 ../settings.php:1776 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERROR: por favor, introduce una dirección de correo electrónico válida." #: ../cerber-load.php:3878 ../cerber-load.php:4795 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber está activo actualmente y está protegiendo tu web" #: ../dashboard.php:189 ../cerber-users.php:758 ../cerber-scanner.php:5772 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5920 msgid "Action" msgstr "Acción" #: ../dashboard.php:236 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Nadie puede acceder desde estas direcciones IP" #: ../dashboard.php:293 ../dashboard.php:310 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Dirección o rango de IP incorrecta" #: ../dashboard.php:2438 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:443 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Ajustes guardados." #: ../dashboard.php:1373 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Red:" #: ../dashboard.php:1388 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Añadir red a la Lista Negra" #: ../dashboard.php:2421 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "¡Atención! El Modo Ciudadela se ha activado. Ahora nadie puede iniciar sesión." #: ../dashboard.php:410 ../dashboard.php:3625 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1354 ../common.php:1805 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:283 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconocido" #: ../common.php:323 ../common.php:395 ../common.php:400 ../common.php:406 .. #: /common.php:411 ../cerber-load.php:683 ../cerber-load.php:695 ../cerber-load. #: php:702 ../cerber-load.php:1024 ../cerber-load.php:1464 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1470 ../cerber-load.php:1475 ../cerber-load.php:1482 ../cerber-load.php:1489 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1495 ../cerber-load.php:1502 ../cerber-load.php:1653 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1790 ../settings.php:1531 ../settings.php:1617 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:215 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:226 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5874 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERROR:" #: ../cerber-load.php:712 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "La verificación humana ha fallado. Por favor, pulsa en la casilla cuadrada del siguiente bloque reCAPTCHA." #: ../cerber-load.php:1035 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "ERROR: La contraseña introducida para el nombre de usuario %s es incorrecta." #: ../cerber-load.php:1483 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Nombre de usuario no permitido. Por favor, elige otro." #: ../cerber-load.php:3841 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "no especificado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3844 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "El número de bloqueos está aumentando" #: ../cerber-load.php:3849 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Ver actividad de esta IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3853 ../cerber-load.php:3855 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Una nueva versión de WP Cerber está disponible" #: ../cerber-load.php:3854 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "¡Hola!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3857 ../cerber-load.php:3868 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 45 msgid "Website" msgstr "Web" #: ../cerber-load.php:3860 ../cerber-load.php:3861 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "El plugin WP Cerber ha sido desactivado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3863 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "No conectado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3869 msgid "By user" msgstr "Por usuario" #: ../cerber-load.php:3870 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "De la dirección IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3873 msgid "From country" msgstr "Del país" #: ../cerber-load.php:3877 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "El plugin WP Cerber ha sido activado" #: ../cerber-load.php:4796 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Tu dirección IP se ha añadido a la" #: ../cerber-load.php:4812 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importar ajustes" #: ../settings.php:504 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Límite de notificaciones" #: ../settings.php:505 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "notificaciones permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)" #: ../settings.php:465 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Nombres de usuario prohibidos" #: ../settings.php:466 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Los nombres de usuario de esta lista no pueden iniciar una sesión o registrarse. Toda dirección IP que intente usar cualquiera de estos nombres de usuario será bloqueada inmediatamente. Usa comas para separar los nombres de usuario." #: ../settings.php:474 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "en minutos (dejar vacío para usar el valor de WP predeterminado)" #: ../settings.php:886 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Ajustes de reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:890 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Clave del sitio" #: ../settings.php:894 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Clave secreta" #: ../settings.php:904 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de registro de WordPress" #: ../settings.php:913 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulario de recuperación de contraseña" #: ../settings.php:923 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formulario de inicio de sesión" #: ../settings.php:924 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de acceso WordPress" #: ../settings.php:887 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Para poder usar reCAPTCHA, antes tienes que obtener una clave de sitio y una clave secreta en la web de Google" #: ../cerber-lab.php:774 ../settings.php:720 ../settings.php:887 msgid "Know more" msgstr "(Más información)" #: ../common.php:1231 msgid "User created" msgstr "Usuario creado" #: ../common.php:1232 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Usuario registrado" #: ../common.php:1259 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "Fallo de verificación reCAPTCHA" #: ../common.php:1260 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "Los ajustes reCAPTCHA son incorrectos" #: ../common.php:1263 ../common.php:1358 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Intento de acceso a URL prohibida" #: ../common.php:1265 ../common.php:1338 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Intento de acceso con nombre de usuario prohibido" #: ../settings.php:296 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Conexión WP Cerber" #: ../settings.php:297 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Enviar direcciones IP maliciosas al Laboratorio de Cerber" #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocolo WP Cerber" #: ../settings.php:834 ../settings.php:903 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formulario de registro" #: ../settings.php:909 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de registro WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:914 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para formulario WordPress de recuperación de contraseña" #: ../settings.php:919 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para formulario WooCommerce de recuperación de contraseña" #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de acceso a WooCommerce" #: ../common.php:1261 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Error solicitando el servicio reCAPTCHA de Google" #: ../dashboard.php:886 ../dashboard.php:2277 msgid "View all" msgstr "Ver todo" #: ../dashboard.php:2280 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Direcciones IP recientemente bloqueadas" #: ../cerber-lab.php:772 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, eliminarlos todos" #: ../cerber-lab.php:773 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NO, tal vez más tarde" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1711 ../dashboard.php:2622 ../dashboard. #: php:4460 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard" #: ../cerber-lab.php:770 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "¿Quieres hacer tu WP Cerber aun más potente?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:771 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Dejar a WP Cerber enviar direcciones IP maliciosas bloqueadas al laboratorio Cerber. Esto ayuda a que el equipo del plugin desarrolle nuevos algoritmos para WP Cerber y ayude a defender WordPress de las nuevas amenazas y botnets que aparecen día tras día. Puedes desactivar el envío de datos en cualquier momento en la configuración del plugin." #: ../dashboard.php:3526 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Dirección IP" #: ../dashboard.php:809 msgid "User login" msgstr "Acceso de Usuario" #: ../dashboard.php:810 ../dashboard.php:3532 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID de usuario" #: ../dashboard.php:1099 ../dashboard.php:3967 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportar" #: ../dashboard.php:1122 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Buscar IP o nombre de usuario" #: ../dashboard.php:1123 ../dashboard.php:1125 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtrar" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Panel de Control" #: ../dashboard.php:75 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Herramientas Cerber" #: ../cerber-tools.php:233 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Cancelar Subscripción" #: ../dashboard.php:2546 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Te has suscrito" #: ../dashboard.php:2551 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Has cancelado tu suscripción" #: ../cerber-load.php:3889 ../cerber-load.php:3890 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Una nueva actividad ha sido registrada" #: ../cerber-load.php:4516 ../cerber-users.php:752 msgid "User" msgstr "Usuario" #: ../cerber-load.php:4524 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Cadena de búsqueda" #: ../settings.php:316 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencias" #: ../settings.php:324 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Formato de fecha" #: ../settings.php:325 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Si está vacío, se utilizará el formato por defecto %s" #: ../settings.php:515 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notificaciones" #: ../settings.php:489 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Notificaciones por correo" #: ../settings.php:497 ../settings.php:541 ../settings.php:615 ../settings.php:751 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Separa con comas los distintos valores" #: ../settings.php:127 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Todos los dispositivos conectados" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "No se encontraron dispositivos" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Not available" msgstr "No disponible" #: ../common.php:1257 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Se ha solicitado una recuperación de contraseña" #: ../common.php:1339 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Se ha alcanzado el límite de verificaciones reCAPTCHA permitidas" #: ../common.php:1489 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "hace %s" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Aplicar reglas de inicio de sesión limitadas a las direcciones IPs en la lista IP's permitidas" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Mostrar página error 404" #: ../settings.php:898 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "ReCAPTCHA invisible" #: ../settings.php:899 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA invisible" #: ../settings.php:899 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(no habilitar a menos que se obtenga e introduzca el Sitio y las Claves secretas para la versión invisible)" #: ../settings.php:934 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para el formulario de comentarios de WordPress" #: ../settings.php:939 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Desactivar la verificación reCaptcha a usuarios conectados" #: ../settings.php:943 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Límite de intentos" #: ../settings.php:944 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Bloquear dirección IP durante %s minutos después de %s intentos fallidos en %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:258 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "Durante el modo Ciudadela, nadie puede iniciar sesión, a excepción de las IPs de la lista de IP's permitidas. Las sesiones de usuario activas no se verán afectadas." #: ../dashboard.php:806 ../dashboard.php:1075 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" #: ../common.php:266 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Comentarios spam denegados" #: ../common.php:268 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Direcciones IP maliciosas detectadas" #: ../common.php:269 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Bloqueos realizados" #: ../cerber-load.php:1465 ../cerber-load.php:1471 ../cerber-load.php:1496 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1503 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "No tienes acceso al registro." #: ../common.php:1242 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Comentario spam denegado" #: ../common.php:1267 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Intento de inicio de sesión denegado" #: ../common.php:1268 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Intento de registro denegado" #: ../common.php:263 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Actividades maliciosas mitigadas" #: ../dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Configuración de Cerber Antispam" #: ../dashboard.php:70 ../cerber-load.php:4809 ../settings.php:933 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:826 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Control antispam de Cerber" #: ../settings.php:829 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formulario de comentarios" #: ../settings.php:830 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger los comentarios de bots automáticos" #: ../settings.php:835 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger el formulario de registro de bots automáticos" #: ../dashboard.php:4614 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Exportar / Importar" #: ../dashboard.php:4615 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnóstico" #: ../dashboard.php:4618 msgid "License" msgstr "Licencia" #: ../dashboard.php:4506 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Antispam y ajustes de detección de bots" #: ../cerber-load.php:1790 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Lo sentimos, no pudimos asegurar que eres un humano." #: ../common.php:1340 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Se ha detectado el uso de bots" #: ../settings.php:868 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Procesamiento de comentarios" #: ../settings.php:871 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Si se ha detectado spam" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Papelera de spam " #: ../settings.php:878 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Trasladar comentarios spam a la papelera después de " #: ../common.php:1243 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Formulario de spam denegado" #: ../settings.php:839 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Otros formularios" #: ../settings.php:840 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger todos los formularios del sitio web con el motor de detección de bots" #: ../settings.php:846 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Ajustar el motor antispam" #: ../settings.php:849 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Modo Seguro" #: ../settings.php:850 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Utilizar políticas menos restrictivas (permitir AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:907 ../dashboard.php:1674 ../dashboard.php:3935 ../settings. #: php:386 ../settings.php:854 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Usuarios conectados" #: ../settings.php:855 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Deshabilitar motor de detección de bot para usuarios conectados" #: ../dashboard.php:186 ../dashboard.php:1073 msgid "Country" msgstr "País" #: ../dashboard.php:1111 msgid "All events" msgstr "Todos los eventos" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Reglas de Seguridad Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:60 ../dashboard.php:4562 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Normas de Seguridad" #: ../dashboard.php:1533 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Intentos de inicio de sesión fallidos" #: ../dashboard.php:1490 ../dashboard.php:1534 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrado" #: ../dashboard.php:1604 ../cerber-users.php:51 ../cerber-users.php:889 msgid "You" msgstr "Tú" #: ../common.php:267 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Envíos de formularios spam denegados" #: ../dashboard.php:2316 ../cerber-load.php:3880 ../cerber-load.php:4798 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guía de Introducción" #: ../dashboard.php:4564 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Países" #: ../dashboard.php:3263 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Permitido para un país" msgstr[1] "Permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:3274 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Ninguna regla" #: ../dashboard.php:3435 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "La configuración de seguridad se ha actualizado" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:1244 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Se ha denegado la subida del formulario" #: ../common.php:1245 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Comentario denegado" #: ../common.php:1273 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Petición de uso de la API REST denegada" #: ../common.php:1274 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Petición de uso de XML-RPC denegada" #: ../common.php:1289 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot detectado" #: ../common.php:1290 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "El modo Ciudadela está activo" #: ../common.php:1295 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Se ha detectado actividad maliciosa" #: ../common.php:1296 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloqueado por norma del país" #: ../common.php:1297 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Se ha alcanzado el límite" #: ../common.php:1298 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Multiples actividades sospechosas" #: ../common.php:1341 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Se detectaron multiples actividades sospechosas" #: ../settings.php:387 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Permitir API REST para usuarios que inician sesión" #: ../settings.php:399 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Especificar espacios de nombres de la API REST para ser permitido si se desactiva la API REST. Una cadena por línea." #: ../settings.php:442 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Límite de registro" #: ../settings.php:480 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Ordenar usuarios en el Dashboard" #: ../settings.php:481 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "por fecha de registro" #: ../settings.php:859 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Whitelist de consultas" #: ../settings.php:1289 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s registros permitidos en %s minutos desde una IP" #: ../dashboard.php:3243 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Escribe aquí para encontrar un país" #: ../dashboard.php:3358 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Haz click en el nombre del país para añadirlo a la lista de países seleccionados" #: ../dashboard.php:3390 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Enviar formularios" #: ../dashboard.php:3391 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Publicar un comentario" #: ../dashboard.php:3385 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Inicia sesión en la página" #: ../dashboard.php:3389 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Regístrate en la página" #: ../dashboard.php:3392 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Usar XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:3393 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Usar la API REST" #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Denegarlo completamente" #: ../settings.php:873 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marcar como spam" #: ../dashboard.php:2256 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "en las últimas 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:2623 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Ajustes" #: ../settings.php:528 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Informes semanales" #: ../settings.php:1485 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domingo" #: ../settings.php:1486 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lunes" #: ../settings.php:1487 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Martes" #: ../settings.php:1488 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Miércoles" #: ../settings.php:1489 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jueves" #: ../settings.php:1490 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Viernes" #: ../settings.php:1491 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sábado" #: ../settings.php:1554 ../settings.php:1555 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Si utilizas un plugin de \"caching\", tendrás que añadir la nueva URL de inicio de sesión la lista de páginas, no a la caché." #: ../cerber-load.php:3895 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Informe semanal" #: ../cerber-load.php:3898 ../cerber-load.php:3908 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Para cambiar la configuración de los informes, visita" #: ../cerber-load.php:3931 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Tu página de inicio:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3935 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Tu licencia es válida hasta" #: ../cerber-load.php:4041 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Detalles de la actividad" #: ../settings.php:1521 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Pulsa para enviar ahora" #: ../cerber-load.php:833 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Eres uno de los traductores de WP Cerber? Puedes conseguir una licencia PRO gratis en: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:554 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Se ha enviado el email a" #: ../dashboard.php:557 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "No se ha podido enviar el email a" #: ../dashboard.php:3266 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "No permitido para un país" msgstr[1] "No permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:3362 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Solo los países seleccionados pueden %s, los otros no." #: ../dashboard.php:3365 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Los países seleccionados no pueden %s, los demás sí." #: ../cerber-load.php:4029 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Informe semanal" #: ../settings.php:213 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Usar la plantilla de página 404 del tema activo" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Mostrar una página de error 404 simple" #: ../settings.php:860 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Introduce las partes de la Query String o directorios que quieras excluir de la inspección del motor. Uno por línea" #: ../settings.php:540 ../settings.php:750 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "si está vacío, se usará el email introducido en los ajustes de notificaciones" #: ../settings.php:531 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Habilitar informes" #: ../cerber-load.php:3959 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Tu último inicio de sesión fue el %s, desde %s" #: ../dashboard.php:274 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "Dirección IP, Rango de IPv4 o subred" #: ../dashboard.php:276 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Comentario opcional" #: ../dashboard.php:315 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "No puedes añadir tu propia red o dirección IP " #: ../settings.php:458 ../settings.php:466 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Para especificar un patrón REGEX, envuelve el patrón entre dos / barras */." #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspector de Tráfico Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1681 ../dashboard.php:4526 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspector de tráfico" #: ../dashboard.php:1713 ../cerber-users.php:923 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Tráfico" #: ../dashboard.php:3903 msgid "Request" msgstr "Solicitud" #: ../dashboard.php:3905 ../cerber-users.php:757 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Información del Host" #: ../dashboard.php:3906 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Navegador" #: ../dashboard.php:3931 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Todas las peticiones" #: ../dashboard.php:908 ../dashboard.php:3936 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Visitantes que no han iniciado sesión" #: ../dashboard.php:3939 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Envío de formularios" #: ../dashboard.php:3941 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "No se ha encontrado la página" #: ../dashboard.php:3950 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Más largo(a) que" #: ../dashboard.php:3973 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Actualizar" #: ../common.php:193 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Buscar nuevas solicitudes" #: ../common.php:1697 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "No especificado(a)" #: ../settings.php:596 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Modo de reportes" #: ../settings.php:599 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Inicio de sesión desactivado" #: ../settings.php:600 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Inteligente" #: ../settings.php:601 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Todo el tráfico" #: ../settings.php:605 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignorar crawlers" #: ../settings.php:613 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Ocultar el origen de estos campos" #: ../settings.php:638 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milisegundos" #: ../settings.php:553 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Habilitar inspección del tráfico" #: ../settings.php:593 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Registros" #: ../settings.php:609 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Guardar campos de petición de datos" #: ../settings.php:637 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Umbral de tiempo de generación de la página" #: ../dashboard.php:3923 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "No se ha registrado ninguna solicitud" #: ../dashboard.php:1680 msgid "enabled" msgstr "activado/a" #: ../dashboard.php:1685 msgid "no connection" msgstr "sin conexión" #: ../dashboard.php:1480 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Visto por última vez" #: ../common.php:1269 ../common.php:1342 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Buscando código PHP vulnerable" #: ../dashboard.php:4264 msgid "Any" msgstr "Cualquiera" #: ../cerber-load.php:3678 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Lo sentimos, no estás autorizado para continuar" #: ../settings.php:566 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Solicitar whitelist" #: ../settings.php:570 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Introduce una 'request URI' que excluir de la inspección. Una por línea" #: ../settings.php:620 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Guardar los headers de petición" #: ../settings.php:625 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Guardar $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:629 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Guardar los cookies de petición" #: ../settings.php:346 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Proteger los scripts de administrador" #: ../settings.php:347 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Bloquear el acceso no autorizado a los load-scripts.php y load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:2593 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "No se ha podido crear el directorio" #: ../common.php:2598 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "El acceso a la carpeta de destino ha sido denegado" #: ../common.php:2601 msgid "File not found" msgstr "No se ha encontrado el archivo" #: ../common.php:2604 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "No se ha podido copiar el archivo" #: ../common.php:2610 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "No se ha podido eliminar el archivo" #: ../settings.php:150 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Inicialización del plugin" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Cargar módulo de seguridad" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Modo Legacy" #: ../settings.php:157 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Modo Standard" #: ../settings.php:1532 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "El modo de inicialización del plugin no se ha cambiado" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Este es un módulo de inicio Standard del plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Se instaló cuando cambiaste el modo de inicialización del plugin a Standard. Para saber más, vaya aquí: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:1271 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Subida denegada" #: ../settings.php:570 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Para especificar un patrón REGEX, escribe la línea entera entre llaves." #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Ten cuidado a la hora de activar estas opciones." #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Si olvidas tu URL de acceso personalizada, no podrás iniciar sesión." #: ../dashboard.php:66 ../dashboard.php:4577 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integridad del sitio" #: ../dashboard.php:1698 ../dashboard.php:1700 ../cerber-users.php:20 ../cerber- #: users.php:431 ../settings.php:556 ../settings.php:581 ../settings.php:1005 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:1625 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Desactivada" #: ../dashboard.php:1699 ../cerber-scanner.php:1066 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Escáner rápido" #: ../dashboard.php:1701 ../cerber-scanner.php:1066 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Escáner completo" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security - Escáner de malware y Antispam" #: ../common.php:1299 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Denegado" #: ../settings.php:179 ../settings.php:417 ../settings.php:562 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Usar la lista de IP permitidas" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Deshabilitar la redirección al dashboard" #: ../settings.php:201 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Deshabilitar la redirección automática a la página de inicio de sesión cuando /wp-admin/ sea solicitado por un usuario no autorizado" #: ../settings.php:650 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Configuración de Escaneo" #: ../settings.php:653 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Firmas personalizadas" #: ../settings.php:657 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Especifica una firma personalizada del código PHP. Una por línea. Para designar un patrón REGEX, escribe la línea entera entre llaves." #: ../settings.php:660 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Extensiones no deseadas" #: ../settings.php:664 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Especifica la extensión de archivo que quieras buscar. Solo para Escáner completo. Separa cada elemento con comas." #: ../settings.php:667 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Directorios a excluir" #: ../settings.php:671 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Especifica los directorios que no quieres que se incluyan en la búsqueda. Utiliza la dirección completa. Un ítem por línea." #: ../settings.php:682 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Escanear directorios temporales" #: ../settings.php:686 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Escanear directorio de sesión" #: ../settings.php:694 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Eliminar los archivos de cuarentena al acabar" #: ../settings.php:707 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Iniciar el Escaneo Rápido" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1626 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Cada hora" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1627 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Cada 3 horas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1628 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Cada 6 horas" #: ../settings.php:712 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Iniciar escáner completo" #: ../settings.php:726 ../settings.php:771 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Leve" #: ../settings.php:727 ../settings.php:772 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Grave" #: ../settings.php:728 ../settings.php:773 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Muy grave" #: ../settings.php:723 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Informar de cualquier problema si cualquiera de los siguientes es verdadero" #: ../settings.php:732 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Enviar informe por email" #: ../settings.php:735 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Después de cada escáner" #: ../settings.php:736 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Si ocurriese cualquier cambio en los resultados del escáner" #: ../settings.php:741 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Incluir el tamaño de los archivos" #: ../settings.php:745 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Incluir los errores en el escáner" #: ../dashboard.php:4579 ../cerber-load.php:4807 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Escaneo de Seguridad" #: ../dashboard.php:4581 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Programación" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:94 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Ahora mismo hay un escáner programado en proceso. Por favor, espera a que haya finalizado." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:98 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "El escáner anterior empezado %s no se ha completado. ¿Seguir escaneando?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:107 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Parece que esta página no se ha analizado nunca... Para realizar un escáner, haz click en el botón de abajo." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:110 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Empezar un Escaneo Rápido" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:111 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Empezar un Escaneo Completo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:112 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Parar el Escaneo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:113 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Continuar el Escaneo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:149 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Borrar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1571 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verificado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1578 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "No se han encontrado datos de integridad" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1579 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "No se ha podido verificar la integridad del plugin por un error de red" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1580 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "No se ha podido verificar la integridad de los archivos de Wordpress por un error de red" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1581 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "No se ha podido verificar la integridad del tema por un error de red" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1584 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "No existe un archivo local" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1586 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "No se ha podido procesar el archivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1587 ../cerber-scanner.php:5104 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "No se ha podido abrir el archivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1589 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Error de Checksum" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1592 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Se ha encontrado código malicioso" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1594 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Archivo sospechoso sin tratar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1595 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Se ha encontrado código ejecutable" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1599 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "No se admite la extensión del archivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1601 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "El contenido se ha modificado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1602 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nuevo archivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2648 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Se ha encontrado una firma digital personalizada" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3853 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Buscando los archivos en las carpetas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3857 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analizando la lista de archivos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3858 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Buscando por nuevos archivos o archivos modificados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3859 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verificando la integridad de WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3861 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verificando la integridad de los plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3863 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verificando la integridad de los temas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3864 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Buscando líneas de código malicioso" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3865 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalizando el escáner" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 ../cerber-scanner.php:4059 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Archivos a escanear" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 ../cerber-scanner.php:4067 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Problemas críticos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 ../cerber-scanner.php:4071 ../cerber-scanner.php:5295 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Problemas encontrados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4704 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Error al acceder al archivo. Los resultados del escáner están probablemente desactualizado. Por favor, realiza un Escáner Rápido o Completo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5418 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Para ver el informe completo, visita" #: ../cerber-load.php:3905 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Informe del escáner" #: ../settings.php:674 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Monitorizar nuevos archivos" #: ../settings.php:678 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Monitorizar archivos modificados" #: ../settings.php:737 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Si se encontrasen nuevos problemas" #: ../settings.php:1782 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "La programación se ha actualizado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1598 ../cerber-scanner.php:2828 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Se han encontrado directivas sospechosas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2826 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Se han encontrado instrucciones sospechosas en el código" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2827 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Se han encontrado firmas sospechosas en el código" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2830 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Para solucionar este problema tendrás que reinstalar %s o actualizarlo a su versión más reciente." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2831 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Por favor, sube un archivo ZIP de referencia" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2832 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Resolver problema" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4160 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "No hemos encontrado ningún dato del que verificar integridad" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4162 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Tienes que subir el archivo ZIP desde donde lo has instalado. Esto permite al escáner de seguridad verificar la integridad del código y detectar malware" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5251 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Informe del escáner completo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5251 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Informe del escáner rápido" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5264 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Archivos escaneados" #: ../dashboard.php:261 ../dashboard.php:1338 ../dashboard.php:1373 ../dashboard. #: php:1496 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Buscar nuevas actividades" #: ../dashboard.php:1458 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Activado" #: ../common.php:1276 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Petición maliciosa denegada" #: ../common.php:1280 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Usuario activado" #: ../common.php:1300 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Número de campos sospechoso" #: ../common.php:1301 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Número sospechoso de valores anidados" #: ../common.php:1302 ../common.php:1343 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Se ha detectado código malicioso" #: ../common.php:1344 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Se ha intentado subir un archivo de código malicioso" #: ../common.php:1575 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1577 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Se ha encontrado una vulnerabilidad" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1582 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "No se ha podido comprobar la integridad por un error en la base de datos." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3854 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Buscando archivos en la carpeta de subidas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3855 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Buscando archivos en la carpeta Temp" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3856 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Escaneando archivos en la carpeta de sesión" #: ../settings.php:704 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Programación de escáneres automáticos" #: ../settings.php:719 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Creación de informes de resultados" #: ../dashboard.php:903 ../dashboard.php:3933 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Actividad sospechosa" #: ../dashboard.php:3934 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Errores" #: ../dashboard.php:4508 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Módulo Antispam" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Defiende tu página Wordpress de ataques de hackers, spam, troyanos y virus. Detector de malware y comprobador de integridad. ¡Haz más seguro tu Wordpress con este conjunto de algoritmos de seguridad intensivos! Protege tu sitio de spam con un sofisticado bot de detección y reCAPTCHA's. Sigue la actividad del usuario y el intruso con un eficiente sistema de notificaciones por correo, móvil y de escritorio." #: ../cerber-load.php:381 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Has excedido el número de intentos de sesión permitidos. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo en %d minutos." #: ../common.php:1489 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "en %s" #: ../settings.php:1501 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "a las" #: ../dashboard.php:4584 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Cuarentena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3940 msgid "Started" msgstr "Comenzado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3944 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Finalizado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3952 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Rendimiento" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:290 ../cerber-scanner.php:3964 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Vulnerabilidades" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nuevos archivos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3972 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Archivos cambiados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3976 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Extensiones no deseadas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3980 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Archivos no atendidos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 ../cerber-scanner.php:5767 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Escaneados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5669 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "No existen archivos en cuarentena actualmente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5759 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restaurar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5756 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Borrar permanentemente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5768 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Movido a cuarentena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5769 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Borrado automático" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5770 msgid "Size" msgstr "Tamaño" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5771 ../cerber-scanner.php:5919 msgid "File" msgstr "Archivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5847 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "El archivo ha sido borrado permanentemente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5861 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "El archivo ha sido restaurado a su ubicación original" #: ../dashboard.php:1714 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integridad" #: ../common.php:1270 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Intento de subir archivo malicioso negado" #: ../cerber-news.php:145 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "¡Asombroso!" #: ../settings.php:760 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Limpieza automática de archivos sospechosos y maliciosos" #: ../settings.php:768 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Archivos en la carpeta de subidas" #: ../settings.php:777 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Archivos con extensiones no deseadas" #: ../settings.php:796 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Excepciones" #: ../settings.php:800 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Archivos en el directorio temporal" #: ../settings.php:804 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Archivos en el directorio de sesiones" #: ../settings.php:808 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Archivos en estos directorios" #: ../settings.php:812 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Usar rutas absolutas. Uno por línea" #: ../settings.php:815 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Archivos con estas extensiones" #: ../settings.php:819 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Utilizar coma para separar objetos." #: ../dashboard.php:4582 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Limpiando" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1593 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Código malicioso encontrado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2823 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Este archivo contiene código ejecutable y puede contener código malicioso. Si este archivo es parte de un tema o plugin, debe estar ubicado en la carpeta de plugins o temas. Sin excepciones, sin excusas." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2824 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "El scanner reconoce el archivo como \"Sin dueño\" o \"no atado\" porque no pertenece a ninguna parte conocida de la página web y no debería estar aquí." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2825 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Puede llegar a mantenerse después de una actualización a una nueva versión de %s. También puede ser un malware. En raras oportunidades puede ser parte de un plugin o tema personalizado." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2829 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "El contenido del archivo ha sido cambiado y no coincide con lo que existe en el repositorio oficial en Wordpress o a un archivo de referencia que cargó anteriormente. El archivo pudo haber sido alterado por malware, infectado por un virus o ha sido modificado." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5349 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Borrado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5402 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Movido automáticamente a cuarentena" #: ../common.php:1303 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Código SQL sospechoso detectado" #: ../dashboard.php:1695 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Último escaneo en búsqueda de malware" #: ../dashboard.php:4528 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Tráfico en Vivo" #: ../settings.php:330 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Utilizar inglés para la interfáz del Admin" #: ../dashboard.php:4616 msgid "Log" msgstr "Bitácora" #: ../settings.php:351 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Deshabilitar PHP en cargas" #: ../settings.php:356 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Deshabilitar aviso de errores en PHP" #: ../dashboard.php:4583 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Lista de ignorados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:152 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5884 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Aplicar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5918 msgid "Added" msgstr "Agregado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5885 ../cerber-scanner.php:5912 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Eliminar de la lista" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5886 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Perspectivas de Usuario" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5887 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Perspectivas de Tráfico" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5888 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Perspectivas de Actividad" #: ../dashboard.php:2729 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "¿Está seguro de borrar los archivos seleccionados?" #: ../dashboard.php:2730 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Estos archivos han sido movidos a la cuarentena" #: ../dashboard.php:2733 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "¿Quiere agregar los archivos seleccionados a la lista de ignorados?" #: ../dashboard.php:2734 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Estos archivos han sido agregados a la lista de ignorados" #: ../dashboard.php:2736 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Sucedieron algunos errores" #: ../dashboard.php:2737 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Todos los archivos han sido procesados" #: ../settings.php:2582 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Estas características están disponibles en la versión profesional del plugin" #: ../settings.php:2583 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Conoxca más acerca de todas las ventajas en" #: ../common.php:1304 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Código JavaScript sospechoso detectado" #: ../settings.php:1785 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "No se pudo actualizar el cronograma" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5785 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Todos los escaneos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5890 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "La lista está vacía" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5736 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Ningún archivo coincide con el filtro especificado." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5736 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Haga click aquí para ver la lista completa de archivos" #: ../dashboard.php:807 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Detalles adicionales" #: ../dashboard.php:3533 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Tiempo de generación de páginas" #: ../dashboard.php:4742 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Iniciar sesión" #: ../dashboard.php:4743 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Cerrar sesión" #: ../dashboard.php:4744 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrarse" #: ../dashboard.php:4747 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Iniciar sesión en WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4748 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Cerrar sesión en WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4787 ../dashboard.php:4788 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Agregar al menú" #: ../common.php:1292 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "Dirección IP bloqueada" #: ../common.php:1346 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Múltiples solicitudes sospechosas" #: ../settings.php:550 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Inspección de Tráfico" #: ../settings.php:557 ../settings.php:582 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Compatibilidad máxima" #: ../settings.php:558 ../settings.php:583 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Seguridad máxima" #: ../settings.php:575 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Solicitud de Protección Errónea" #: ../settings.php:578 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Habilitar protección de errores" #: ../settings.php:633 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Guardar errores de software" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3852 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Preparándose para el escaneo" #: ../common.php:1305 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Bloqueado por el administrador" #: ../cerber-load.php:385 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "No tiene permitido iniciar sesión" #: ../cerber-users.php:38 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Bloquear usuario" #: ../cerber-users.php:42 ../cerber-users.php:48 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "El usuario no tiene permitido iniciar sesión en la página web" #: ../cerber-users.php:67 ../settings.php:424 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Mensaje de Usuario" #: ../cerber-users.php:69 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Un mensaje opcional para este usuario" #: ../cerber-users.php:173 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Usuarios bloqueados" #: ../settings.php:342 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Bloquear acceso a páginas de usuario como /?author=n" #: ../settings.php:372 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Acceso a REST API de Wordpress" #: ../settings.php:382 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Bloquear acceso a la REST API de WordPress excepto alguno de los siguientes" #: ../settings.php:391 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Permitir REST API para estas funciones" #: ../settings.php:395 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Permitir estos namespaces" #: ../settings.php:587 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "Ignorar usuarios conectados" #: ../settings.php:146 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Estas restricciones no aplican a direcciones IP en la lista blanca de Acceso IP" #: ../settings.php:1460 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Seleccionar una o más funciones" #: ../dashboard.php:1121 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtrar por usuarios registrados" #: ../settings.php:410 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Solo usuarios autorizados" #: ../settings.php:411 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Solo usuarios registrados y conectados en la página web tienen acceso a la página web" #: ../settings.php:418 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "No aplicar esta política a las direcciones IP en la lista blanca de direcciones IP" #: ../settings.php:428 ../settings.php:2028 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Solo usuarios registrados y conectados en la página web tienen permitido ver esta página web" #: ../settings.php:433 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Redireccionar a URL" #: ../dashboard.php:4617 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Bitácora de cambios" #: ../dashboard.php:612 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Ajustes por defecto han sido cargados" #: ../dashboard.php:3250 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Guardar todas las reglas" #: ../dashboard.php:3121 ../common.php:899 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Guardar cambios" #: ../common.php:1283 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Credenciales maestras inválidas" #: ../settings.php:951 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Ajustes maestros" #: ../settings.php:959 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Devolver a la lista de página web" #: ../settings.php:963 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Mostrar notificación de \"Cambiado a\"" #: ../settings.php:967 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Agregar el sitio @ al título de la página" #: ../settings.php:690 ../settings.php:984 ../settings.php:1011 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Habilitar bitácora de diagnóstico" #: ../settings.php:994 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Limitar acceso por dirección IP" #: ../settings.php:1000 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Acceso a esta página web" #: ../settings.php:1003 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Modo de Acceso total" #: ../settings.php:1004 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Modo Solo lectura" #: ../settings.php:1020 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "El modo acceso completo requiere de la versión PRO de WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:48 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Escaneo de Malware" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:103 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notas" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Agregar una página web esclava" #: ../cerber-users.php:844 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:193 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Buscar resultados por:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:233 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editar" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:239 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Cambiar a" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "No se han configurado páginas web" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Agregar una nueva" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:70 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Propiedades de la página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:80 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL de la página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:85 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Mostrar como" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:111 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Dueño de la página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:115 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Nombre" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Apellido" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:123 msgid "Email" msgstr "Correo electrónico" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Teléfono" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:135 msgid "Address" msgstr "Dirección" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:261 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "Token de acceso seguro es inválido" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:291 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "La página web que está intentando agregar ya está en la lista" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:300 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "La página web ha sido agregada de forma exitosa" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:301 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Hacer click para editar" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:302 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Cambiar al menú principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:305 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Tenga en mente: Ha agregado una página web que no soporta encripción SSL. Esto puede llevar a fuga de datos." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:426 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Pagina web borrada" msgstr[1] "%s páginas web han sido borradas" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:982 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Ha cambiado a %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:987 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Ha regresado a la página web maestra" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1199 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Está aquí:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1202 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:89 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mis páginas web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1217 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Visitar sitio web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:61 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Habilitar modo esclavo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:62 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Esta página web puede ser administrada desde una página web maestra" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Habilitar modo maestro" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Configurar esta página web como maestar para administrar otra página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Para continuar por favor seleccione el modo para esta página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Ajustes de esclavo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:141 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Token Secreto de Acceso" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:143 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "El token es único para esta página web. Manténgalo en secreto. Instale el token en una página maestra para dar acceso a esta página web." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:145 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "¿Está seguro? Esto invalidará permanentemente el token." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Deshabilitar modo esclavo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:261 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Esta página web está configurada como maestra." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:262 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Agregar páginas web esclavas utilizando tokens de acceso." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Esta página web está configurada como esclava." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Instalar el token de acceso en la página web maestra." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1482 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s segundo" msgstr[1] "%s segundos" #: ../settings.php:535 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Enviar reportes en" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Actualizaciones" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:94 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupo" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:96 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Actualizar WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:97 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Actualizar todos los plugins activos" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:98 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Borrar página web" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:111 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Todos los grupos" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1380 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "¿Está seguro que quiere borrar todas las páginas web seleccionadas?" #: ../cerber-users.php:205 msgid "Block" msgstr "Bloquear" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:62 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Seleccionar un grupo existente o ingrese uno nuevo para agregarlo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:131 msgid "Company" msgstr "Empresa" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:657 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Respuesta inválida desde la página web esclava" #: ../common.php:1264 ../common.php:1337 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Intento de acceso con nombre de usuario inexistente" #: ../cerber-load.php:4055 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Intentos de inicio de sesión con un usuario no existente" #: ../settings.php:971 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Utilizar idioma maestro" #: ../settings.php:195 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Usuarios inexistentes" #: ../settings.php:196 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Bloquear IP inmediatamente al intentar iniciar sesión con un nombre de usuario inexistente" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Dueño" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:339 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Deshabilitar modo maestro" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Para revocar el token y deshabilitar la administración remota, haga click aquí:" #: ../settings.php:352 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Bloquear ejecución de scripts PHP en la carpeta de medios de WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1445 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1453 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Activar plugins y actualizaciones en" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1424 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Hay una nueva versión disponible" #: ../dashboard.php:897 msgid "New users" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:910 msgid "My activity" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2509 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2513 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2547 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2552 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3960 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:4545 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:228 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:240 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:248 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:492 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:518 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:521 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:764 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:783 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:786 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:790 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1605 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1606 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3860 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3862 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5353 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5403 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5406 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:63 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:63 ../dashboard.php:4542 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1717 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4544 msgid "Role-based" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4545 msgid "Global" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1306 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1307 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1308 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1311 msgid "Email address is not permitted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1677 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1490 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1490 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:10 ../cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:19 ../cerber-users.php:432 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:78 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:274 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:386 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:391 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:397 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:401 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:406 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:417 ../settings.php:473 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:428 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:433 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:437 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:443 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:449 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Using a different browser or device" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:467 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:475 msgid "days interval" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:480 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:482 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:524 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:448 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:451 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:452 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:453 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:458 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:797 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:352 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:355 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:402 ../cerber-2fa.php:486 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to confirm your identity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:514 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:563 msgid "expires" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:580 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:583 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:584 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:586 msgid "Try again" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:587 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "Did not receive an email?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:594 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:599 msgid "Verify" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:93 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3193 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3387 msgid "All Users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:57 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "bloqueado por %s a las %s" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:301 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:323 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:804 ../dashboard.php:1071 ../dashboard.php:3904 ../cerber- #: users.php:756 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:811 ../dashboard.php:1077 msgid "Username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3275 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4462 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:598 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../cerber-users.php:754 msgid "Created" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:775 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:776 msgid "Block user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:886 msgid "Profile" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:899 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:900 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1674 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../settings.php:377 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1604 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-sv_SE.mo000064400000241406147577531750012006 0ustar004L>L>BM>(>>^> '?4?F?b?4}?2??"@ %@ 2@?@\@s@@ @@@@@@@ AA*A*HAsA{AAAA AA AA A AB "B -B 7B CBOB$nB,CC2C D!D ;DED cDpDDDCD/D2E LE5ZEE EE,E* F4F,OF'|F.F@F?GTG iGtGG!G1GG1H5H!KHmH HH H(HfH8IMISI hI#sI>I+IGJ*JJ.uJ(JJ<J 'KA4K vK KKKK KK KK L MM1"MTM[MlMMMMMMM MG NRN pN ~NNNN&N#NO%O 8OEOM[OOO O(OC P(PP yPPPP PPPPAP:.QZiQQQQ QR RRRI/RyRWRRR S S 'S3S 8SDS_S eSpS!S%SSS S/S%"THT6[TTT2TT UU1U(LUuUU U U UUVV2VOVfVwVgVV WW>/W%nWW'WWW WWu XKXKXIYdY~YY"Y$Y5Y 4Z BZPZYZ`Z eZsZZ*Z(Z[<[$T[y[[[[[q[+X\3\2\+\)]1A]0s]]]]?]7!^LY^6^q^NO_1___`` ` #` 1`<`"R`u`@```` ``"a5aOa TaU^a aaaaa bb4b:bYbyb b bbbbbcc"c9c @cNc_cvccc ccc)c<d?dUd\d3ndd ddd+ddde 1e ?eIe4ReMeeTe Ef Pf4[f4fff$f g)g 8gCgUgdg'g#gg4gfhN{hBhb ipi wi"ii6iKi@jPjnjj kk 3kTkLgkkk/k ll1l'Ll tll l,lWl'mm.m'm.m m!mn<'n dn$qn n nnn nnnn o!!o2Co"vo o o ooo o p pM#p qp|ppppppppq q 5q ?qJq`qpq qq q q!q(qr&r FrSr Zrfr yr r rrrrrs.sFs[s tsssss;stt .tOt`tptttt t ttuu!/uQumu,uuu u u u v!v0v@vIvOvdv mv wvvv vuv8w/Iw yw)w$ww,w1 x!=x_xoxwxxxx x<x y#y6y҉<5>T']Ŋ#؊ )2I No~!3ċ#7LhIWόF'HnvE.RtSǎ )9#Jn v #!- Op Ɛ ސ 08>P;2ˑ+*E!`&x4:ԓAQodpԔEڕ{'t83ՖF \P.-ܗ; FKϘC%_=@ Qa1""E5e3>ϜPA_?/BTd x/֞GBNAӟ 5I`~ȠР 8@R m&y- Ρۡ &(O)l$-*R1  ȣ գ !'!;']! 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA test message has been sent to %sAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the uploads directoryAny activityAny country is permittedApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to user pages via their usernamesBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBriefBrief summaryBrowser:By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By the userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogChannels to send alertsCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsCheck for requests from the IP addressChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode durationCitadel mode has been activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCitadel mode thresholdCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure email parameters for notifications, reports, and alertsConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDate:DeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not send alerts after this dateDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?DocumentationDownload fileDurationERROR:EditEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail alerts will be sent to these emails:Email alerts will be sent to this email:Email notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Error while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsField %s contains an invalid valueField %s may not be emptyFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFrom the IP addressFrom the countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet me notified when such an event occursGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP address:IP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf empty, the SMTP username is usedIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s using username: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocation:Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLogin:Longer thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask sensitive dataMask these form fieldsMask usernames and IP addresses in notifications and alertsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum number of alerts to sendMaximum securityMedium severityMessage formatMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsMobile alerts are not configuredMobile alerts will be sent to %sModifiedMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo events found using the given search criteriaNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No limitNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests found using the given search criteriaNo requests have been logged yet.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNoneNot availableNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNote: Logging is currently disabledNotesNotification limitNotificationsNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOKOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional alert limitsOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword changed by %sPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlainPlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please select at least one channelPlease upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpRequiredResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSMTP From emailSMTP From nameSMTP encryptionSMTP hostSMTP passwordSMTP portSMTP usernameSafe modeSave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave all rulesSave request fieldsSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email alerts to %sSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend mobile alerts to %sSend notification if the number of active lockouts aboveSend notification to admin emailSend notification when a new version of WP Cerber is availableSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Sort users in the DashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop exposing user detailsStop user enumerationSubmit formsSuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTEST MESSAGETerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address of the last failed attempt to log in is blockedThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber Security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber Security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe last attempt to log in was denied due to the following reasonThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message created byThis message is displayed to a user if the IP address of the user's computer is not whitelistedThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send a test messageUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse SMTPUse SMTP server to send emailsUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse my languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser SessionsUser application password createdUser application password created by %sUser application password deletedUser application password deleted by %sUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not allowed to log inUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsVerboseVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in the DashboardView allView all REST API requestsView all logged eventsView all logged requestsView denied REST API requestsView lockouts in the DashboardView reCAPTCHA eventsVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.You will be notified when such an event occursYour IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedunknownunspecifieduserusersusername is prohibitedview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atThis is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.Mediumto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: sv Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s registreringar är tillåtna inom %s minuter från en IP-adress%s försök är tillåtna inom %s minuter%s sekund%s sekunder(aktivera det inte om du inte skaffar och anger webbplatsen och hemliga nycklar för den osynliga versionen)2FA PIN-kod2FA-kod verifieradEn ny aktivitet har inträffatEn ny version är tillgängligEn ny version av %s är tillgänglig. Vänligen installera den.En ny version av WP Cerber är tillgänglig att installerasEn nyare version är tillgängligEtt testmeddelande har skickats till %sE-post för missbruk:ÅtkomstlistorÅtkomst till WordPress REST APIÅtkomst till denna webbplatsKonton och rollerÅtgärdAktiveradAktiva tillägg och uppdateringar påAktiva sessionerAktivitetAktivitetsinsiktAktivitetsdetaljerLägg till IP i svartlistanLägg till en nyLägg till en slav-webbplatsLägg till nätverk i svartlistanLägg till slav-webbplatser genom att använda åtkomsttoken.UtökningarTillagdYtterligare detaljerAdressAvancerad sökningAvancerat lägeEfter varje skanningAlla inloggningarAlla anslutna enheterAlla länderAlla filerAlla filer har bearbetatsAlla grupperAlla skanningarAlla servrarAll trafikTillåt REST API för dessa rollerTillåt WP Cerber att skicka utlåsta skadliga IP-adresser till Cerber Lab. Detta hjälper teamet för tillägget att utveckla nya algoritmer för WP Cerber som kommer att försvara WordPress mot nya hot och botnets som dyker upp varje dag. Du kan när som helst inaktivera sändningen i inställningarna för tillägget.Tillåt åtkomst till REST API för inloggade användareTillåt dessa namnrymderBlockera alltid hela undernätet Klass C av inkräktande IPAlltid aktiveradEtt valfritt meddelande för denna användareAnalysAnalysera uppladdningskatalogenValfri aktivitetVilket land som helst är tillåtetApplikationslösenordTillämpaTillämpa gränser för inloggningsregler till IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanÄr du säker på att du vill ta bort valda filer?Är du säker på att du vill ta bort valda webbplatser?Är du säker?Är du säker? Detta innebär att man permanent ogiltiggör token.Försök att komma åtFörsök att få tillgång till förbjuden URLFörsök att logga in nekadFörsök att logga in med icke-existerande användarnamnFörsök att logga in med förbjudna användarnamnFörsök att registrera nekadFörsök att ladda upp en fil med skadlig kodFörsök att ladda upp skadlig fil nekadFörsök att logga in med icke-existerande användarnamnObservera! Citadelläget är nu aktivt. Ingen kan logga in.Observera! Du har ändrat URL för inloggning! Den nya URL:en för inloggning ärAuktorisering misslyckadesAuktoriseradAuktoriserad åtkomstEndast auktoriserade användareAutomatiserat återkommande scanningsschemaAutomatisk upprensing av skadlig kod och misstänkta filerAutomatisk borttagningAutomatisk återskapning av modifierade och infekterade filerAutomatiskt borttagenAutomatiskt flyttad till karantänAutomatiskt återskapadGenomsnittlig storlekGrymt bra!Tillbaka till listanVar försiktig med att aktivera dessa alternativ.Innan du kan börja använda reCAPTCHA måste du skaffa webbplatsnyckel och hemlig nyckel på Googles webbplatsSvarta IP-åtkomstlistanBlockeraBlockera IP-adress förBlockera användareBlockera åtkomst till WordPress-adminpanelBlockera åtkomst till WordPress REST API utom något av följandeBlockera åtkomst till RSS, Atom och RDF-flödenBlockera åtkomst till XML-RPC-servern (inklusive pingbacks och trackbacks)Blockera åtkomst till användarsidor som /?Author=nBlockera åtkomst till användarsidor via deras användarnamnBlockera åtkomst till användarnas data via REST APIBlockera åtkomst till wp-login.phpBlockera exekvering av PHP-skript i WordPress media-mappBlockera undernätBlockera obehörig åtkomst till load-scripts.php och load-styles.phpBlockera användareBlockerade användareBlockerad av administratörBlockerad av landsregelnBotaktivitet är upptäcktBot upptäcktKortKort sammanfattningWebbläsare:Genom att dela din unika åsikt om WP Cerber hjälper du ingenjörerna bakom tillägget att göra större framsteg och hjälper andra proffs att hitta rätt programvara. Du kan lämna din recension på någon av följande webbplatser. Använd gärna ditt modersmål. Tack!Av användarenBytesKan inte aktivera WP Cerber på grund av ett databasfel.AvbrytCerber adminpanelCerber Lab-anslutningCerber Lab-protokollCerber snabböversiktCerber säkerhetsreglerCerber Tech Inc.Cerber trafikkontrollCerber användarsäkerhetCerber verktygÄndra fil- och katalogbehörigheter om det krävs för att ta bort filerÄndra filsystembehörigheterÄndrade filerÄndringsloggKanaler för att skicka varningarKontrollera efter aktiviteterKontrollera efter förfrågningarKontrollera efter förfrågningar från IP-adressenSöker efter nya och ändrade filerKontrollsumma matchar inteCitadel aktiverat!CitadellägeCitadel-lägets varaktighetCitadel-läge har aktiverats efter %d misslyckade inloggningsförsök på %d minuter.Citadelläget är aktivtTröskelvärde för citadellägeUppstädningKlicka här för att se hela listan med filerKlicka på ett landsnamn för att lägga till det i listan över valda länderKlicka på IP-adressen för att se dess aktivitetKlicka för att redigeraKlicka för att skicka nuKlicka för att skicka testKommentar nekadKommentarsformulärKommentarbehandlingKommentarerFöretagKonfigurera e-postparametrar för aviseringar, rapporter och varningarKonfigurera denna webbplats som en master för att hantera annan webbplatsKonfigurera vilka problem som ska inkluderas i e-postrapporten och villkoret för att skicka rapporterInnehållet har blivit ändratFortsätter skanningCookiesLänderLandSkapa varningSkapadKritiska problemFör närvarande pågår en schemalagd skanning. Vänta tills det är klart.Anpassad URL för inloggningAnpassad URL för inloggning kan endast innehålla latinska alfanumeriska tecken, bindestreck och understreckAnpassad inloggningssidaAnpassad signatur hittadAnpassade signaturerAdminpanelDatasköldDatumDatumformatDatumformat för CSV-exportDatum:InaktiveraStandardbearbetningStandardinställningarna har laddatsSkjut upp renderingen av den anpassade inloggningssidanUppskjuten renderingTa bortTa bort varningTa bort filer i WordPress uppladdningskatalogTa bort filer med oönskade filtilläggTa bort permanentTa bort offentligt tillgängliga filer med dessa filtilläggTa bort filer i karantän efterTa bort obevakade filerTa bort användarsessionsdata när användardata raderasTa bort webbplatsBorttagetNekadNeka alla e-postadresser som matchar följandeNeka autentisering via wp-login.phpNeka ytterligare inloggningsförsökFörneka det fullständigtÅtkomst till destinationsmapp nekadBestäms efter policyer för användarrollDiagnostikDiagnosloggFick du inte någon e-post?Kataloger att exkluderaInaktivera visning av PHP-felInaktivera PHP i uppladdningarInaktivera REST APIInaktivera XML-RPCInaktivera automatisk omdirigering till inloggningssidan när /wp-admin/ begärs av en obehörig förfråganInaktivera omdirigering av adminpanelInaktivera flödenInaktivera master-lägeInaktivera reCAPTCHA för IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanInaktivera reCAPTCHA för inloggade användareInaktivera slavlägeInaktivera standardmeddelandet för inloggningsfelInaktiveradVisa 404-sidaVisa somVisa enkel 404-sidaVisa detta meddelande om ett försök att logga in nekas eftersom gränsen för samtidiga användarsessioner har uppnåttsLägg inte till min IP-adress i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan när tillägget aktiverasTillämpa inte dessa policyer på IP-adresserna i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanTillämpa inte denna policy på IP-adresserna i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanLogga inte kända sökrobotarLogga inte dessa användaragenterLogga inte dessa platserSkicka inga varningar efter detta datumVisa inte PHP-fel på min webbplatsVill du lägga till valda filer på ignoreringslistan?DokumentationLadda ner filVaraktighetFEL:RedigeraE-postadressE-postadress är inte tillåten.E-postadress är förbjudenE-postvarning kommer att skickas till dessa e-poster:E-postvarningar kommer att skickas till denna e-post:E-postmeddelandenAktivera efter %s misslyckade inloggningsförsök under de senaste %s minuternaAktivera övervakning av autentiseringsloggAktivera dataraderingAktivera dataexportAktivera diagnostisk loggningAktivera osynlig reCAPTCHAAktivera master-lägeAktivera valfri trafikloggning om du behöver övervaka misstänksam och skadlig aktivitet eller lösa säkerhetsproblemAktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce inloggningsformulärAktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce på formuläret för förlorat lösenordAktivera reCAPTCHA för WooCommerce registreringsformulärAktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress-kommentarformulärAktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress inloggningsformulärAktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress på formuläret för förlorat lösenordAktivera reCAPTCHA för WordPress registreringsformulärAktivera rapporteringAktivera slavlägeAktivera trafikinspektionAktiverad, åtkomst till API med standardlösenord för användare är tillåtenAktiverad, ingen åtkomst till API med standardlösenord för användareTvinga tvåfaktorsautentisering om något av följande villkor är santTvinga tvåfaktorsautentisering med fasta intervallerAnge en del av frågesträngen eller sökvägen för att exkludera en begäran från inspektion av sökmotor. Ett objekt per rad.Ange en URI-begäran för att utesluta begäran från inspektion. Ett objekt per rad.Ange koden från e-posten i fältet nedan.Fel uppstod vid analyseringen av filFel: fil %s kan inte användas.FelHändelseVar 3:e timmeVar 6:e timmeVarje timmeKörbar kod hittadKörbart filtillägg upptäcktKörbara filerKörbara filer stöds inte. Ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv.Löper utExporteraExportera inställningar till filFiltilläggMisslyckade inloggningsförsökFält %s innehåller ett ogiltigt värdeFält %s får inte vara tomtFilFilnamnFilåtkomstfel. Möjliga skanningsresultat är föråldrade. Kör snabb eller full skanning.Fil borttagenStatistik för filtilläggFil saknasFilen hittades inteFil återskapadFiluppladdning nekadFilnamn är förbjudetFilerFiler i temporära katalogerFiler i sessions-katalogenFiler i dessa katalogerFilerna skannasFiler att skannaFiler med dessa tilläggFiler utan filtilläggFilterFiltrera efter registrerad användareSlutför skanningenSlutfördaFast antal inloggningarMappFörbjuden URLFormulärfältsdataFormulärinlämning nekadFormulärinlämningarFrån IP-adressenFrån landetFullständig skanningFullständig skanningsrapportFullt åtkomstlägeAvisera mig när en sådan händelse inträffarBli aviserad omedelbart med aviseringar på mobil och stationär datorKomma igång guidenGlobalGlobala exkluderingarBevilja åtkomst till webbplatsen endast för inloggade användareGruppFörstärkFörstärk WordPressHjälpHär är detaljerna för inloggningsförsöketHej!Dölj verktygsfält när du tittar på webbplatsDölj serverns IP-adressHög allvarlighetServer informationVärdnamnHur WP Cerber laddar sina kärn- och säkerhetsmekanismerHur tillägget bearbetar kommentarer som skickats in via standardformuläret för kommentarerMänsklig verifiering misslyckades.Mänsklig verifikation misslyckades. Klicka på rutan i reCAPTCHA-blocket nedan.IP-adressIP-adressIP-adress %s har lagts till i svart IP-åtkomstlistaIP-adress %s har lagts till i vit IP-åtkomstlistaIP-adress är utelåstIP-adress är inte tillåtenIP-adress, intervall, jokertecken eller CIDRIP-adress:IP svartlistatIP blockeratIP-undernät blockeratIP vitlistadOm en skräppostkommentar upptäcksOm några ändringar i skanningsresultat uppstodOm det är tomt används SMTP-användarnamnetOm nya problem hittasOm antalet samtidiga användarsessioner är högreOm vi har hittat ditt konto har vi skickat bekräftelselänken till e-postadressen på kontot.Om du tror att du borde kunna utföra denna begäran, meddela oss.Om du glömmer din anpassade URL för inloggning kommer du inte att kunna logga in.Om du använder ett cachetillägg måste du lägga till din nya URL för inloggning till listan över sidor som inte ska caches.IgnoreraIgnoreringslistaIgnorera filer med dessa filtilläggIgnorera inloggade användareBlockera omedelbart IP efter en förfrågan till wp-login.phpBlockera omedelbart IP vid försök att logga in med ett icke-existerande användarnamnImportera inställningarImportera inställningar från filI Citadel-läget kan ingen logga in utom IP-adresser från den vita IP-åtkomstlistan. Aktiva användarsessioner påverkas inte.Inkludera aktivitetslogghändelserInkludera filstorlekarInkludera skanningsfelFelaktig IP-adress eller IP-intervallFelaktigt lösenordÖka utlåsningens varaktighet till %s timmar efter %s utlåsningar under de senaste %s timmarnaInitieringslägeInitierad av användarenInstallera åtkomsttoken på master-webbplatsen.IntegritetIntegritetsdata hittades inteOgiltiga master-uppgifterOgiltigt svar från slav-webbplatsenOgiltig användareOsynlig reCAPTCHAProblem totaltDet är endast synlig för webbplatsadministratörerDet verkar som om denna webbplats aldrig har skannats. För att börja skanna, klicka på knappen nedan.KB/sekTänk på: Du har lagt till webbplatsen som inte stöder SSL-kryptering. Detta kan leda till dataläckage.Behåll loggposter för inloggade besökare iBehåll loggposter för ej inloggade besökare iLär dig merLäs mer om alla fördelar påStörstaSenaste misslyckade försöket var kl. %s från IP %s med användarnamn: %s.Senaste utlåsningSenaste utlåsningen lades till: %s för IP %sSenaste inloggningSenast seddStarta fullständig skanningStarta snabbskanningBakåtkompatibelt lägeLicensBegränsa åtkomst med IP-adressBegränsa försökBegränsa inloggningsförsökBegränsa samtidiga användarsessionerGräns för om misslyckade reCAPTCHA-verifieringar uppnåsGränsen för inloggningsförsök är nåddGräns nåddListan är tomLive-trafikLadda standardinställningarLadda säkerhetsmotorLadda standardinställningarna för tilläggetLokal användarePlats:Lås ut IP-adress i %s minuter efter %s misslyckade försök inom %s minuterUtlåstUtlåsning för %s borttagenAvisering för utelåsningUtlåsningarUtlåsningar just nuUtlåsningar uppstodLogga inLogga utLogga alla REST API-förfrågningarLogga alla XML-RPC-förfrågningarLogga in på webbplatsenInloggadUtloggadLoggade ut överalltInloggade användareLoggning inaktiveradLoggningslägeInloggningssäkerhetInloggning misslyckadesInloggningsformulärInloggning från en annan IP-adressInloggning från en annan webbläsare eller enhetInloggning från ett annat landInloggning från från ett annat nätverk klass CInloggningsproblemLogga in:Längre änFormulär för glömt lösenordLåg allvarlighetHuvudinställningarHuvudinställningarGör ditt skydd smartare!Skadlig aktivitetSkadliga IP-adresser upptäcktesSkadliga aktiviteter mildradesSkadlig aktivitet upptäcktSkadlig kod upptäcktSkadlig kod hittadSkadlig begäran nekadSkanna efter skadlig kodHantera inställningarMarkera det som skräppostMaskera känsliga dataMaskera dessa formulärfältMaskera användarnamn och IP-adresser i aviseringar och varningarMaster-inställningarMaximal kompatibilitetMaximalt antal varningar att skickaMaximal säkerhetMedel allvarlighetMeddelandeformatMinimalistisktÖvriga inställningarMildra aggressiva försökMobilvarningar är inte konfigureradeMobilvarningar kommer att skickas till %sÄndradÖvervaka ändrade filerÖvervaka nya filerFlytta skräppostkommentarer till papperskorgen efterFlera felaktiga förfrågningarFlera misstänkta aktiviteterFlera misstänkta aktiviteter upptäcktesFlera misstänkta förfrågningarMitt IPMin IP-adressMina webbplatserMin aktivitetMina förfrågningarMin webbplats är bakom en omvänd proxyNej, kanske senareNätverk:AldrigNy anpassad URL för inloggningNy filNya filerNya användareNy version är tillgängligNyasteIngen aktivitet har loggats ännu.Ingen data för att generera rapporter. Kör hela skanningen. När skanningen är klar kommer rapporterna att genereras.Hittade inga enheterInga händelser hittades med angivna sökkriterierInga filtilläggIngen fil har laddats upp eller filen är skadadInga filer matchar det specifierade filtretIngen begränsningInga utlåsningar just nu. Kusten är klar.Inga förfrågningar hittades med angivna sökkriterierInga förfrågningar har loggats än.Inga begränsningarIngen regelInga webbplatser konfigurerade.Icke-autentiseradeIcke-existerande användareIngenInte tillgängligInte tillåtet för ett landInte tillåtet för %d länderInte specificeradObs: loggning är för närvarande inaktiveratNoteringarGräns för notiserNotiserAntal aktiva utlåsningarAntal tillåtna samtidiga användarsessionerAntal utlåsningar är stigandeOKOK, sätt fast dem allaÄldstaNär den är aktiverad är loggen tillgänglig här: %sEndast registrerade och inloggade användare har tillåtelse visa denna webbplatsEndast registrerade och inloggade användare har åtkomst till webbplatsenEndast användare från IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistan får registrera sig på webbplatsenValfria varningsgränserValfri kommentar för detta inläggAndra formulärÄgareSidan hittades inteTid för generering av sidanTidsgräns för sidgenereringAnalysera listan över filerLösenord ändratLösenord ändrat av %sBegäran om lösenordsåterställning nekadesLösenordsåterställning begärdSökvägPrestandaBehörighet nekadTillåt endast e-postadresser som matchar följandeTillåtet för ett landTillåtet för %d länderPersonlig dataPersonliga preferenserTelefonEnkelVälj en annan.Aktivera permalänkar för att använda denna funktion. Ställ in inställningar för permalänkar till något annat än standard.Välj minst en kanalLadda upp ett referens-ZIP-arkivLadda upp en annan fil.Använd följande PIN-kod för verifiering för att verifiera din identitet.Vänligen verifiera att det är duTilläggets initialiseringsläge har inte ändratsPolicies har uppdateratsPublicera kommentarerPrefix får bara innehålla latinska alfanumeriska tecken och understreckFörbereder för skanningenFörhindra upptäckt av användarnamnFörhindra upptäckt av användarnamn via oEmbedFöregående skanning startad %s har inte slutförts. Fortsätt skanning?Proaktiva säkerhetsreglerSonderar efter sårbar kodProfilFörbjudna filtilläggFörbjudna användarnamnSkydda adminskriptSkydda alla formulär på webbplatsen med botdetekteringsmotorSkydda kommentarformulär med botdetekteringsmotorSkydda registreringsformulär med botdetekteringsmotorSkydda webbplatsinställningarSkydda användarkontonSkydda användarrollerSkyddade inställningarPushmeddelandenPushbullet åtkomst-tokenPushbullet-enhetKarantänI karantänVitlista för frågorSnabb skanningSnabbskanningsrapportEndast läslägeAnledningNyligen utlåsta IP-adresserÅterskapa WordPress-filerÅterskapadÅterskapar WordPress-filerÅterskapar tilläggs-filerOmdirigera till URLOmdirigera användare efter inloggningOmdirigera användare efter utloggningOmdirigeringsreglerUppdateraRegistreraRegistrera på webbplatsenRegistreradRegistreringsformulärRegistreringsgränsVanliga tidsintervaller (dagar)Ta bortTa bort från listanRapportera ett problem om något av följande är santFörfråganBegäran till REST API nekadBegäran om Google reCAPTCHA-tjänsten misslyckadesBegär vitlistaBegär wp-login.phpObligatorisktLös problemetÅterställBegränsa e-postadresserBegränsa nya användarregistreringar enligt följande villkorBegränsa eller blockera åtkomst fullständigt till WordPress REST API enligt dina behovBegränsa roller och behörighetshantering med följande policyerBegränsa uppdateringen av webbplatsinställningarna med följande policyerBegränsa skapandet av användarkonton och användarhantering med följande policyerTillbaka till webbplatslistanRolluppdatering nekadRollbaseradRollbaserade regler är konfigureradeSMTP från e-postSMTP från namnSMTP-krypteringSMTP-serverSMTP-lösenordSMTP-portSMTP-användarnamnSäkert lägeSpara $_SERVERSpara alla ändringarSpara alla reglerSpara förfrågningsfältSpara svarscookiesSpara headers i svarSpara programfelResultatrapportering av skanningSkanna sessionskatalogenSkanna webbserverns temporära katalogerSkannadeSkanningsrapportSkanningsinställningarSkannar serverns temporära kataloger för filerSkannar sessionskatalogen efter filerSkannar temporära uppladdningskatalogen för filerSkannar webbplatskataloger för filerSchemaläggningSök efter IP-adressSök efter IP eller användarnamnSök i URLSökresultat för:SöksträngSöker efter skadlig kodHemlig åtkomsttokenHemlig åtkomsttoken är ogiltigHemlig nyckelSäkerhetsreglerSäkerhetsskanningSäkerhetsregler har uppdateratsVälj en befintlig grupp eller ange en ny för att lägga till denVälj fil att importera.Välj en eller flera rollerSkicka e-postvarningar till %sSkicka e-postrapportSkicka skadliga IP-adresser till Cerber LabSkicka mobilvarningar till %sSkicka avisering om antalet aktiva utelåsningar är överSkicka meddelande till admins e-postSkicka avisering när en ny version av WP Cerber är tillgängligSkicka rapporter påServerServerlandSessionen har avslutats%s sessioner har avslutatsSessionerInställningsuppdatering nekadInställningarInställningar har importerats utan problem frånInställningar sparadeInställningar uppdateradeVisa ”Bytt till”-notisVisa IP WHOIS-dataVisa webbplats i webbplatskolumnenWebbplatsintegritetWebbplatsinställningarWebbplatsanslutningWebbplatsnyckelWebbplatsspecifika inställningarStorlekHoppa över filer med dessa filtilläggSlavinställningarMinstaSmartNågra fel uppstodTyvärr, mänsklig verifiering misslyckades.Lösenordsåterställning är inte tillåten för denna användare.Sortera användare i adminpanelenUtrymme ockuperatSkräppostkommentar nekadSkräppostkommentarer nekadesSkräppost nekades att skickas in via formulärInskickning av skräppostformulär nekadSkräppostskydd för registrering, kommentarer och andra formulär på webbplatsenAnge REST API-namnområden för att tillåtas om REST API är inaktiverat. En sträng per rad.Specificera URL-sökvägar att exkludera förfrågningar från loggning. En post per rad.Specificera användaragenter att exkludera förfrågningar från loggning. Ett objekt per rad.Specifiera anpassade PHP-kodsignaturer. Ett objekt per rad. För att ange ett REGEX-mönster, omslut en hel rad i två klammerparenteser.Specificera kataloger att exkludera från skanning. En katalog per rad.Ange e-postadresser, jokertecken eller REGEX-mönster. Använd komma för att separera objekt.Specifiera filtillägg att söka efter. Endast fullständig skanning. Använd komma för att separera objekt.StandardlägeStarta fullständig skanningStarta snabb skanningBörja skriva här för att hitta ett landStartadeSluta skannaSluta avslöja användarinformationStoppa uppräkning av användareSkicka formulärMisstänkt JavaScript-kod upptäcktMisstänkt SQL-kod upptäcktMisstänkt aktivitetMisstänkt kod hittadMisstänkt kodinstruktion hittadesMisstänkta kodsignaturer hittadesSuspekta direktiv hittadesMisstänkt antal fältMisstänkta förfrågningarByt tillByt till adminpanelenTESTMEDDELANDEAvslutaAvsluta sessionenAvsluta äldsta användarsessionen vid en ny inloggningAvsluta användarsessionerIP-adressen för det senaste misslyckade försöket att logga in är blockeradIP-adressen som du försöker lägga till finns redan i listanTillägget WP Cerber Security har inaktiveratsTillägget WP Cerber Security är nu aktivtVarningen har skapatsVarningen har tagits bortKoden är giltig i %s minuter.Innehållet i filen har ändrats och matchar inte det som finns i det officiella WordPress-arkivet eller en referensfil som du har laddat upp tidigare. Filen kan ha förändrats av skadlig kod, infekterad av virus eller har manipulerats.Filen har tagits bort permanent.Filen har återställts till sin ursprungliga plats.Fullt åtkomstläge kräver PRO-versionen av WP CerberDet senaste försöket att logga in nekades av följande anledningListan är tom.Skannern skannar automatiskt webbplatsen, tar bort skadlig kod och skickar e-postrapporter med resultatet av en skanningSkannern övervakar filändringar, verifierar integriteten i WordPress, tillägg och teman och upptäcker skadlig kodSkannern känner igen denna fil som ”ägarlös” eller ”inte bunden” eftersom den inte hör till någon känd del av webbplatsen och borde inte vara här.Schemat har uppdateratsToken är unik för denna webbplats. Håll den hemligt. Installera token på en master-webbplats för att ge åtkomst till denna webbplats.Webbplatsen har lagts till utan problemDen webbplats du försöker lägga till finns redan i listanDet finns inga filer i karantän för tillfället.Dessa funktioner är tillgänglig i den professionella versionen av WP Cerber.Dessa funktioner hjälper din organisation att följa lagar om skydd av personuppgifterDessa filer har lagts till i ignoreringslistanDessa filer har flyttats till karantänenDessa filer kommer aldrig att tas bort under automatisk upprensning.Dessa policyer tillämpas automatiskt i slutet av varje skanning baserat på dess resultat. Alla berörda filer flyttas till karantänen.Dessa begränsningar tillämpas inte på IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanDenna fil innehåller körbar kod och kan innehålla förvrängd skadlig kod. Om denna fil är en del av ett tema eller ett tillägg måste det vara beläget i mappen för temat eller tillägget. Inget undantag, inga ursäkter.Denna fil saknas. Den har tagits bort eller har inte installerats.Detta meddelande skapades avDetta meddelande visas för en användare om IP-adressen för användarens dator inte är vitlistadDenna skanningsrapport genererades av den tidigare versionen av WP Cerber. Kör en ny skanning för att få konsekventa och exakta resultat.Denna typ av fil stöds inte. Ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv.Denna PIN-kod för verifiering har löpt ut. Vi skickade just en ny till din e-post.Denna webbplats kan hanteras från en master-webbplatsDenna webbplats är inställd som master.Denna webbplats är inställd som slav.För att ändra rapporteringsinställningar besökFör att ta bort varningen, klicka härFölj de här stegen för att få ut mesta möjliga av WP Cerber:För att fortsätta, välj läge för den här webbplatsenFör att återkalla token och inaktivera fjärrhantering, klicka här:För att lösa problemet måste du installera om %s eller uppdatera den till den senaste versionen.För specifiera ett REGEX-mönster, omslut ett mönster i två snedstreck.För att ange ett REGEX-mönster, omslut en hel rad i två klammerparenteser.För att visa fullständigt rapport besökVerktygTopp 10 största filernaTrafikTrafikinsiktTrafikinspektionTrafikinspektionTrafikloggningSläng skräppostkommentarerFörsök igenTvåfaktorautentiseringE-post för tvåfaktorsautentiseringTvåfaktorsautentiseringDet går inte att kontrollera integriteten på grund av ett DB-felKan inte kontrollera integriteten för WordPress-filer på grund av ett nätverksfelKan inte kontrollera tilläggets integritet på grund av ett nätverksfelKan inte kontrollera integriteten för tema på grund av ett nätverksfelDet går inte att kopiera filenDet går inte att skapa katalogenKan inte ta bortDet går inte att ta bort filen.Kan inte öppna filKan inte bearbeta filKan inte skicka ett testmeddelandeKan inte uppdatera schematObevakade filerObevakad misstänkt filOkäntOkänd Google-robotOkänd etikettOönskade utökningarOönskade filtilläggOönskade filtilläggUppdateringarUppgradera WP CerberUppgradera alla aktiva tilläggLadda upp filAnvänd 404-mall från det aktiva tematAnvänd ISO 8601-datumformat för CSV-exportfilerAnvänd REST APIAnvänd SMTPAnvänd SMTP-server att skicka e-postAnvänd vit IP-åtkomstlistaAnvänd XML-RPCAnvänd absoluta sökvägar. Ett objekt per rad.Använd komma för att separera objekt.Använd kommatecken för att separera flera filtilläggAnvänd komma för att ange flera värdenAnvänd anpassad URL för WordPress-kommentarformuläretAnvänd filAnvänd globala policyerAnvänd mindre restriktiva policyer (tillåt AJAX)Använd mindre restriktiva säkerhetsfilter för IP-adresser i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanAnvänd mitt språkAnvändareAnvändaraktivitetAnvändaragentAnvändar-IDAnvändarinsiktAnvändarmeddelandeAnvändarpolicyerAnvändarsessionerApplikationslösenord för användare skapatApplikationslösenord för användare skapades av %sApplikationslösenord för användare borttagetApplikationslösenord för användare borttaget av %sApplikationslösenord för användare uppdateradesAnvändare blockerad av administratörAnvändare skapadAnvändare skapad av %sAnvändarskapande nekadAnvändare borttagenAnvändare borttagen av %sAnvändare har inte behörighet att logga inAnvändare har inte tillåtelse att logga in på webbplatsenAnvändarinloggningMeddelande till användareAnvändare registreradAnvändarregistreringAnvändarregistreringar är begränsade till dessa rollerUppdatering av användarrad nekadAnvändarsessionens utlöpningstidAnvändarsessionen avslutadAnvändarsession avslutad av %sAnvändarnamnAnvändarnamn är inte tillåtet. Välj ett annat.Användarnamn är förbjudetAnvändarnamn användsAnvändarnamn från denna lista får inte logga in eller registrera sig. Alla IP-adresser, som försökt använda någon av dessa användarnamn, kommer omedelbart att blockeras. Använd komma för att separera inloggningar.AnvändareAnvändare med dessa roller tillåts att lägga till nya rollerAnvändare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra skyddade inställningarAnvändare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra rollbehörigheterAnvändare med dessa roller tillåts att ändra känslig användardataAnvändare med dessa roller tillåts att skapa nya kontonUtförligVerifieradVerifieraVerifiera att det är duVerifierar integriteten av WordPressVerifierar integriteten av tilläggenVerifierar integriteten av temanVisa aktivitetVisa aktivitet för detta IPVisa aktivitet i adminpanelVisa allaVisa alla REST API-förfrågningarVisa alla loggade händelserVisa alla loggade förfrågningarVisa nekade REST API-förfrågningarVisa utelåsningar i adminpanelenVisa reCAPTCHA-händelserSårbarheterSårbarhet hittadWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber är nu aktiv och har börjat skydda din webbplatsWP Cerber kräver PHP %s eller högre. Du kör %s.WP Cerber kräver WordPress %s eller högre. Du kör %s.Vill du göra WP Cerber ännu mer kraftfull?Vi har inte hittat några integritetsdata att verifieraVi behöver ditt stöd för att fortsätta framåtDu har inte behörighet att fortsättaVi skickade en PIN-kod för verifiering till din e-postWebbplatsWebbplatsägareWebbplatsegenskaperURL till webbplatsWebbplats har tagits bort%s webbplatser har tagits bortVeckorapportVeckorapportVeckorapport är en sammanfattning av alla aktiviteter och misstänkta händelser inträffade under de senaste sju dagarnaVeckovisa rapporterVad vill du exportera?Vad vill du importera?När gränsen för samtidiga användarsessioner har uppnåttsNär du klickar på knappen nedan får du en konfigurationsfil, som du kan ladda upp på en annan webbplats.När du klickar på knappen nedan kommer filen att laddas upp och alla befintliga inställningar kommer att åsidosättasNär du klickar på knappen nedan laddas standardinställningarna för WP Cerber. Den anpassade URL:en för inloggning och åtkomstlistorna kommer inte att ändras.Vita IP-åtkomstlistanWooCommerce-inloggningWooCommerce-utloggningWordPressWordPress uppladdningsanalysSkriv misslyckade inloggningsförsök till filDuDu är här:Du saknar behörighet att logga inDu har inte rätt att logga in. Fråga din administratör om hjälp.Du har inte behörighet att registrera.Du kan inte lägga till din IP-adress eller ditt nätverkDu har inaktiverat standardsidan för inloggning. Se till att du har konfigurerat en alternativ inloggningssida. Annars kommer du inte att kunna logga in.Du har angett en felaktig PIN-kod för verifieringDu har överskridit antalet tillåtna inloggningsförsök. Försök igen om %d minuter.Du har endast ett inloggningsförsök kvar.Du har bytt tillbaka till master-webbplatsenDu har bytt till %sDu måste ladda upp ett ZIP-arkiv från där du har installerat det. Detta gör det möjligt för säkerhetsskannern att verifiera kodens integritet och upptäcka skadlig kod.Du eller någon annan försöker logga in på webbplatsen. Vi måste verifiera att det är du. Om det inte var du, återställ omedelbart ditt lösenord för att skydda ditt konto.Du kommer att aviseras när en sådan händelse inträffarDitt IPDin IP-adress %s har lagts till i den vita IP-åtkomstlistanDin senaste inloggning var %s från %sDin licens är giltig tillDin inloggningssida:Din förfrågan liknar misstänkt automatiserade förfrågningar från programvara för skräppost eller så har den nekats av en säkerhetspolicy konfigurerad av webbplatsens administratör.aktivtefter registreringsdatumdagarinaktiverainaktiveradaktiveradlöper utmisslyckade försökhttps://wpcerber.comom det är tomt, kommer standardformatet %s att användasom tom, kommer e-postadresserna från aviseringsinställningarna att användasom tom, kommer webbplatsadministratörens e-postadress %s att användasom 24 timmarUtlåsningarmillisekunderminuterminuter (lämna tomt för att använda standardvärdet för WordPress)Ingen anslutningInte aktivaviseringar är tillåtna per timme (0 betyder obegränsat)antal inloggningaren gång om dagen kl.endast siffror är tillåtnaellerreCaptcha-inställningarreCAPTCHA-inställningarna är felaktigareCAPTCHA-verifiering misslyckadesreCAPTCHA verifieradokäntospecificeratanvändareanvändareAnvändarnamn är förbjudetvisa allablockerad av %s kl. %sSenaste skanningen efter skadlig kodom %skl.HögLågMediumValda länder är inte tillåtna att %s, andra länder har tillåtelse attValda länder är tillåtna att %s, andra länder är inte tillåtna attlanguages/wp-cerber-zh_TW.po000064400000335327147577531750012033 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: zh-TW\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../cerber-settings.php:160 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "限制登入嘗試" #: ../cerber-settings.php:166 ../cerber-settings.php:299 msgid "minutes" msgstr "分鐘" #: ../cerber-settings.php:261 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "網站連線" #: ../cerber-settings.php:232 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "主動式安全規則" #: ../cerber-settings.php:251 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "封鎖子網路" #: ../cerber-settings.php:246 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "wp-login.php請求" #: ../cerber-settings.php:247 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "立即封鎖任何發送請求 wp-login.php的 IP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:212 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "自訂登入頁面" #: ../cerber-settings.php:217 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "自訂登入網址" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1839 ../cerber-settings.php:283 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "堡壘模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:293 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "門檻" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:83 ../cerber-settings.php:298 msgid "Duration" msgstr "期間" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4890 ../cerber-settings.php:304 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:306 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "傳送通知至管理員郵件" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4887 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:38 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "存取清單" #: ../cerber-load.php:5371 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1880 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:4883 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1130 ../cerber-settings.php:316 msgid "Activity" msgstr "活動" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4885 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "鎖定" #: ../cerber-load.php:5380 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:872 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1147 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3665 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4133 msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:875 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1149 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4138 msgid "Local User" msgstr "本機使用者" #: ../cerber-load.php:5388 msgid "Username used" msgstr "使用的帳號" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "顯示上次 %d 記錄自 %d" #: ../cerber-common.php:1471 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "登入" #: ../cerber-common.php:1472 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "登出" #: ../cerber-common.php:1473 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "登入失敗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1018 ../cerber-common.php:1476 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "已封鎖的 IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:1480 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "已啟用堡壘模式!" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1466 ../cerber-common.php:1542 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "已鎖定" #: ../cerber-common.php:1544 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP黑名單" #: ../cerber-common.php:1493 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "已變更密碼" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:205 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:330 msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:598 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "已移除對 %s的鎖定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:276 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1410 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1459 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:69 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "IP 存取白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:279 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1413 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1462 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-tools.php:70 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP 存取黑名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:336 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "清單無資料" #: ../cerber-load.php:4577 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "堡壘模式啟用後發生 %d次失敗的登入嘗試於 %d分鐘內。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2608 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3025 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "檢視活動" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4956 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5017 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:37 ../admin/cerber- #: tools.php:48 msgid "Settings" msgstr "設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1679 msgid "Last login" msgstr "上次登入" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:347 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1717 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1811 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1860 ../cerber- #: common.php:1802 msgid "Never" msgstr "從未" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5379 ../admin/cerber-tools.php:59 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:764 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:931 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "你確定嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2245 ../cerber-settings.php:262 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "我的網站位於反向代理中" #: ../cerber-settings.php:233 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "讓你的防護更智慧!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:130 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "要使用此功能請啟用永久連結。將永久連結設為預設值以外的設定。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4886 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "主設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5176 msgid "Help" msgstr "說明" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:349 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "延長鎖定時間至 %s小時。如發生 %s次鎖定於 %s小時之內。" #: ../cerber-load.php:341 ../admin/cerber-users.php:463 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "你不被允許登入,請詢問你的管理員協助。" #: ../dashboard.php:1137 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "尚無活動記錄。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:215 ../admin/cerber-users.php:941 msgid "Expires" msgstr "逾期" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:243 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2479 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "晴朗無雲,目前沒有鎖定記錄。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:286 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "你的 IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4578 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "上次嘗試登入失敗於 %s來自 IP %s 使用者登入為:%s." #: ../cerber-load.php:5645 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "由於資料庫錯誤無法啟用 WP Cerber。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:357 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "若達到後方指定的鎖定次數則通知管理員" #: ../cerber-settings.php:320 ../cerber-settings.php:326 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 955 ../cerber-settings.php:961 ../cerber-settings.php:1032 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1229 msgid "days" msgstr "天" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1777 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber快速檢視" #: ../cerber-settings.php:252 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "永遠封鎖入侵者 IP的整個 Class C子網路" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:362 ../cerber-settings.php:310 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "點選測試傳送" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:666 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:667 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "注意!你已變更登入網址,新的登入網址為" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1678 msgid "Comments" msgstr "留言" #: ../cerber-load.php:4579 ../cerber-load.php:5412 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "在控制台檢視活動資訊" #: ../cerber-load.php:4608 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "已鎖定的活動次數" #: ../cerber-load.php:4612 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "在控制台檢視鎖定資訊" #: ../cerber-load.php:4706 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "此訊息傳送自" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5068 msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "匯出設定至檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "當你點選以下按鈕將會產生設定檔,你可以在其他網站中匯入使用。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "你確認要匯出嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "下載檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "從檔案匯入設定" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:44 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "當你點選以下按鈕,將會上傳檔案且全部的設定將會被覆蓋。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "選擇匯入的檔案。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:45 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:281 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "上傳檔案最大容量:%s." #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "你想要匯入什麼?" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:50 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:284 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "上傳檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:189 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "未上傳檔案或檔案已損毀" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:236 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "設定已成功匯入自" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:243 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "解析檔案時發生錯誤" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:213 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1145 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "主機名稱" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:536 msgid "unknown" msgstr "未知" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "active" msgstr "啟用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1816 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "停用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1820 msgid "not active" msgstr "未啟用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1823 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "disabled" msgstr "已停用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "失敗的嘗試" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "於 24小時內" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1829 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "view all" msgstr "檢視全部" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1830 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "鎖定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1832 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "鎖定於" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1833 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "上次鎖定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1837 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1838 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2794 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "項目\n" "項目" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:57 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "載入預設值" #: ../cerber-settings.php:759 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "有新版本可供使用" #: ../cerber-load.php:4551 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber通知" #: ../cerber-load.php:4575 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "已啟用堡壘模式" #: ../cerber-load.php:4651 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "新增自訂登入網址" #: ../cerber-settings.php:346 msgid "Use file" msgstr "使用檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:347 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "寫入失敗的登入嘗試至檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2607 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "停用" #: ../cerber-load.php:4610 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:216 msgid "Reason" msgstr "原因" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1526 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "新增 IP至黑名單" #: ../cerber-common.php:1640 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "嘗試存取" #: ../cerber-common.php:1639 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "已達到登入嘗試限制" #: ../cerber-load.php:4609 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "上次鎖定於: %s IP為 %s" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4888 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "堅固強化" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1498 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "濫用的郵件:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:746 ../cerber-settings.php:793 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1087 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Email位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:356 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "IP 分析" #: ../cerber-settings.php:357 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "為 IP取回額外 WHOIS資訊" #: ../cerber-settings.php:395 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "堅固強化 WordPress" #: ../cerber-settings.php:399 ../cerber-settings.php:446 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "停用使用者列舉" #: ../cerber-settings.php:429 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "停用 XML-RPC" #: ../cerber-settings.php:430 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "封鎖對伺服器 XML-RPC的存取(包含自動引用通知及引用通知)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:434 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "停用資訊提供" #: ../cerber-settings.php:435 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "封鎖對 RSS, Atom和 RDF的存取" #: ../cerber-settings.php:451 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "停用 REST API" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:802 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:814 . #: ./admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:958 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "錯誤:請輸入正確的電子郵件位置。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4640 ../cerber-load.php:5688 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber現在已啟用並開始保護你的網站" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:217 ../admin/cerber-users.php:944 .. #: /admin/cerber-admin.php:800 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:955 msgid "Action" msgstr "動作" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5225 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "不正確的 IP或 IP範圍" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2623 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "已儲存設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1504 msgid "Network:" msgstr "網路:" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1520 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "新增網路至黑名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2606 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "注意!已啟用堡壘模式,將無人可登入。" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:333 ../cerber-whois.php:230 ../cerber-whois.php: #: 261 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:455 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3799 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4384 ../cerber-common.php:1664 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "未知" #: ../cerber-load.php:646 ../cerber-load.php:658 ../cerber-load.php:665 ../cerber- #: load.php:999 ../cerber-load.php:1817 ../cerber-load.php:1985 ../cerber-load. #: php:2164 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:204 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php: #: 215 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:638 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php: #: 658 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:778 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:901 .. #: /cerber-common.php:376 ../cerber-common.php:464 ../cerber-common.php:469 .. #: /cerber-common.php:475 ../cerber-common.php:479 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "錯誤:" #: ../cerber-load.php:675 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "真人驗證失敗,請點選下方 reCAPTCHA區塊的方塊。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1795 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "不允許的帳號,請選擇其他的。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4603 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "不明" #: ../cerber-load.php:4606 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "鎖定次數增長中" #: ../cerber-load.php:4611 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "檢視此 IP的活動" #: ../cerber-load.php:4615 ../cerber-load.php:4617 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "新版 WP Cerber已經可以安裝" #: ../cerber-load.php:4616 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "嗨!" #: ../cerber-load.php:4619 ../cerber-load.php:4630 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "網站" #: ../cerber-load.php:4622 ../cerber-load.php:4623 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber安全外掛已停用" #: ../cerber-load.php:4625 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "未登入" #: ../cerber-load.php:4631 msgid "By user" msgstr "由使用者" #: ../cerber-load.php:4632 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "來自 IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:4635 msgid "From country" msgstr "來自國家" #: ../cerber-load.php:4639 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber安全外掛已啟用" #: ../cerber-load.php:5701 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "匯入設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:754 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "通知限制" #: ../cerber-settings.php:658 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "被禁止的帳號" #: ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "清單中的帳號將不被允許登入或註冊,任何 IP嘗試使用這些帳號則會被立即封鎖。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1235 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1240 msgid "Site key" msgstr "網站金鑰" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1244 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "密鑰" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1254 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "為 WordPress註冊表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1263 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "忘記密碼表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1273 msgid "Login form" msgstr "登入表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1274 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "為 WordPress登入表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1236 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "在開始使用 reCAPTCHA前,你必須在 Google網站取得網站金鑰與密鑰。" #: ../cerber-lab.php:869 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:101 ../admin/cerber- #: admin-settings.php:257 msgid "Know more" msgstr "了解更多" #: ../cerber-common.php:1468 msgid "User created" msgstr "已建立的使用者" #: ../cerber-common.php:1469 msgid "User registered" msgstr "已註冊的使用者" #: ../cerber-common.php:1497 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA驗證失敗" #: ../cerber-common.php:1498 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA設定錯誤" #: ../cerber-common.php:1501 ../cerber-common.php:1641 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "嘗試存取禁止的網址" #: ../cerber-common.php:1503 ../cerber-common.php:1643 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "嘗試登入禁止的使用者帳號" #: ../cerber-settings.php:331 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Cerber研究室連線" #: ../cerber-settings.php:332 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "傳送惡意 IP位置到 Cerber研究室" #: ../cerber-settings.php:337 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber研究室通訊協定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1170 ../cerber-settings.php:1253 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "註冊表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1259 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "為 WooCommerce註冊表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1264 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "為 WordPress忘記密碼表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1269 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "為 WooCommerce忘記密碼表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1279 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "為 WooCommerce登入表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-common.php:1499 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "發送請求至 Google reCAPTCHA服務失敗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:987 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:998 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1011 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2482 msgid "View all" msgstr "檢視全部" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2490 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "最近鎖定的 IP" #: ../cerber-lab.php:867 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "好的,完成它們" #: ../cerber-lab.php:868 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "不,也許稍後" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1879 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2816 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4882 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "控制台" #: ../cerber-lab.php:865 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "想讓 WP Cerber更好用嗎?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:866 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "允許 WP Cerber傳送鎖定的惡意 IP至 Cerber研究室,這能協助外掛團隊開發新的演算法以協助 WP Cerber防護 WordPress面對每天出現的新威脅和殭屍網路。你能在任何時候從外掛的設定中停用傳送。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3664 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP位置" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:876 msgid "User login" msgstr "使用者登入" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:877 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3670 msgid "User ID" msgstr "使用者 ID" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1179 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4206 msgid "Export" msgstr "匯出" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1204 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "搜尋 IP或帳號" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1215 msgid "Filter" msgstr "篩選器" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber控制台" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:88 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber工具" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:320 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "取消訂閱" #: ../cerber-load.php:4655 ../cerber-load.php:4656 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "已記錄到新活動" #: ../cerber-load.php:5384 ../admin/cerber-users.php:938 msgid "User" msgstr "使用者" #: ../cerber-load.php:5392 msgid "Search string" msgstr "搜尋字串" #: ../cerber-settings.php:361 msgid "Date format" msgstr "日期格式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:362 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "若未填寫,將會使用預設格式 %s" #: ../cerber-settings.php:765 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "推播通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:737 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Email通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:747 ../cerber-settings.php:795 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 909 ../cerber-settings.php:1089 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "使用小寫逗號分隔多個值" #: ../cerber-settings.php:117 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "全部連線的裝置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:120 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "未找到裝置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:124 msgid "Not available" msgstr "尚不可用" #: ../cerber-common.php:1494 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "密碼重設請求" #: ../cerber-common.php:1644 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "已達到 reCAPTCHA驗證失敗的限制" #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s之前" #: ../cerber-settings.php:174 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "套用登入限制規則至 IP存取白名單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:273 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "顯示 404頁面" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1248 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "隱藏式 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "啟用隱藏式 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1249 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(除非你取得隱藏版並已輸入網站與密鑰否則不要啟用)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1284 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "對 WordPress留言表單啟用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1293 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "限制嘗試次數" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1294 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "鎖定 IP %s分鐘在 %s次嘗試登入失敗於 %s分鐘內" #: ../cerber-settings.php:284 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "在堡壘模式中除了 IP存取白名單中的 IP外,無人可登入。已開始的使用者通信將不受影響。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:873 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1148 msgid "Event" msgstr "事件" #: ../cerber-common.php:319 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "則已拒絕的垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-common.php:321 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "次檢測到惡意 IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:322 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "次發生鎖定" #: ../cerber-load.php:1773 ../cerber-load.php:1780 ../cerber-load.php:1785 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1806 ../cerber-load.php:1812 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "你不被允許註冊。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1481 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "已拒絕垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-common.php:1506 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "已拒絕登入嘗試" #: ../cerber-common.php:1507 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "已拒絕註冊嘗試" #: ../cerber-common.php:316 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "項已緩解的惡意活動" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1175 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "留言表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1176 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "使用機器人檢測引擎防護留言表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1171 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "使用機器人檢測引擎防護註冊表單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5072 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "診斷" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5075 msgid "License" msgstr "授權" #: ../cerber-load.php:2164 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "很抱歉,真人驗證失敗。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1645 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "已檢測到機器人活動" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1217 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "留言處理中" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1221 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "若檢測到垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1226 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "回收桶垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1228 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "移動垃圾留言至回收桶於" #: ../cerber-common.php:1482 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "禁止送出垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1186 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "其他表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1187 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "使用機器人檢測引擎防護網站全部表單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1197 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "安全模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1198 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "使用較少限制的策略(允許 AJAX)" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:214 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1146 msgid "Country" msgstr "國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber安全性規則" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:67 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4999 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "安全性規則" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1680 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "已失敗的登入嘗試" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1605 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1681 msgid "Registered" msgstr "已註冊" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1755 ../admin/cerber-users.php:52 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:1097 msgid "You" msgstr "你" #: ../cerber-common.php:320 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "次禁止傳送垃圾留言" #: ../cerber-load.php:4642 ../cerber-load.php:5692 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "開始導覽" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5001 msgid "Countries" msgstr "國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3392 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "允許一個國家\n" "允許 %d個國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3403 msgid "No rule" msgstr "無規則" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3564 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "已更新安全性規則" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../cerber-common.php:1483 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "已禁止傳送表單" #: ../cerber-common.php:1484 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "已禁止留言" #: ../cerber-common.php:1512 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "已禁止 REST-API請求" #: ../cerber-common.php:1540 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "已檢測到機器人" #: ../cerber-common.php:1541 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "已啟用堡壘模式" #: ../cerber-common.php:1545 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "檢測到惡意活動" #: ../cerber-common.php:1546 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "已依據國家規則封鎖" #: ../cerber-common.php:1547 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "已達到限制" #: ../cerber-common.php:1548 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "多重可疑活動" #: ../cerber-common.php:1646 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "檢測到多重可疑活動" #: ../cerber-settings.php:471 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "若停用 REST API,則允許使用 REST API命名空間。一行一個字串。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:576 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "註冊限制" #: ../cerber-settings.php:682 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "在控制台排序使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:683 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "依據註冊日期" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1207 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "字串白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3372 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "在這裡輸入以尋找國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3487 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "點選國家名稱以新增至選取的國家至清單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3519 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "傳送表單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3520 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "發布留言" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3518 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "註冊此網站" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3521 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "使用 XML-RPC" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3522 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "使用 REST API" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "完整拒絕" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1223 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "標記為垃圾留言" #: ../dashboard.php:2378 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "最近 24小時" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2817 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "主設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:780 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "每周報告" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:526 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "星期日" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:527 msgid "Monday" msgstr "星期一" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:528 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "星期二" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:529 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "星期三" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:530 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "星期四" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:531 msgid "Friday" msgstr "星期五" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:532 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "星期六" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:668 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:669 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "若你有使用快取外掛,你必須將新的登入網址加入至不快取的清單中。" #: ../cerber-load.php:4661 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "每周報告" #: ../cerber-load.php:4664 ../cerber-load.php:4672 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "要變更報告設定請前往" #: ../cerber-load.php:4698 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "你的登入頁面:" #: ../cerber-load.php:4703 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "你的授權有效至" #: ../cerber-load.php:4809 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "活動詳細資訊" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:561 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "點選此處立即傳送" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:606 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "已傳送郵件至" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:609 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "未能傳送郵件至" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3395 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "不允許一個國家\n" "不允許 %d個國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3491 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "允許選擇的國家 %s,其他國家則不允許" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3494 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "不允許選擇的國家 %s,其他國家則允許" #: ../cerber-load.php:4797 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "每周報告" #: ../cerber-settings.php:276 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "從啟用的布景主題中使用 404樣板" #: ../cerber-settings.php:277 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "顯示簡潔 404頁面" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1208 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "要從請求檢驗中排除請輸入部分查詢字串或查詢的目錄。一行一個項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:784 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "啟用報告" #: ../cerber-load.php:4727 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "你上次登入於 %s 來自 %s" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:344 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "此項目的額外的註解" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:366 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "你不能新增自己的 IP或網路" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 ../cerber-settings.php:659 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於兩個斜線中。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber流量檢驗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:62 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1842 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4953 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "流量檢驗" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1881 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1131 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "流量" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4134 msgid "Request" msgstr "請求" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4136 ../admin/cerber-users.php:943 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "主機資訊" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4137 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "使用者代理" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4167 msgid "All requests" msgstr "全部請求" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4175 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "表單傳送" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4177 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "沒有符合條件的頁面" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4189 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "長於" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4212 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "更新" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1192 ../cerber-common.php:219 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "檢查請求" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4247 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "未指定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:861 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "記錄模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:864 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "已停用記錄" #: ../cerber-settings.php:866 msgid "Smart" msgstr "智慧型" #: ../cerber-settings.php:867 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "全部流量" #: ../cerber-settings.php:907 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "隱藏這些表單欄位" #: ../cerber-settings.php:948 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "毫秒" #: ../cerber-settings.php:810 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "啟用流量檢驗" #: ../cerber-settings.php:902 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "儲存請求欄位" #: ../cerber-settings.php:947 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "頁面建立時間門檻" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4159 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "未記錄到請求。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1841 msgid "enabled" msgstr "已啟用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1846 msgid "no connection" msgstr "無連線" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1633 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "上次檢視" #: ../cerber-load.php:4435 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "很抱歉,你不被允許繼續" #: ../cerber-settings.php:824 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "請求白名單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "從檢驗中輸入要排除的 URI請求,一行一個項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:915 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "儲存請求標頭" #: ../cerber-settings.php:937 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "儲存 $_SERVER" #: ../cerber-settings.php:927 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "儲存請求 cookies" #: ../cerber-settings.php:414 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "管理員語法防護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:415 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "封鎖對 load-scripts.php和 load-styles.php 的未授權存取" #: ../cerber-common.php:2877 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "無法建立資料夾" #: ../cerber-common.php:2882 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "已禁止存取目的地目錄" #: ../cerber-common.php:2885 msgid "File not found" msgstr "找不到檔案" #: ../cerber-common.php:2888 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "無法複製檔案" #: ../cerber-common.php:2894 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "無法刪除檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:144 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "載入安全引擎" #: ../cerber-settings.php:147 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "傳統模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:148 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "標準模式" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:639 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "已變更外掛初始化模式" #: ../cerber-common.php:1510 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "已禁止上傳檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:828 ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於大括弧中。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "請小心使用這些設定。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:133 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "如果你忘記自訂登入網址,將無法登入。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:73 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5014 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "網站完整性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1510 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1866 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:1868 ../admin/cerber-users.php:20 ../admin/cerber-users.php:474 . #: ./admin/cerber-users.php:488 ../cerber-settings.php:671 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 813 ../cerber-settings.php:843 ../cerber-settings.php:998 ../cerber-settings. #: php:1007 ../cerber-settings.php:1356 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "已停用" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1867 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "快速掃描" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:950 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1869 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "完整掃描" #: ../cerber-common.php:1549 msgid "Denied" msgstr "已禁止" #: ../cerber-settings.php:173 ../cerber-settings.php:600 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 627 ../cerber-settings.php:819 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "使用 IP存取白名單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:236 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "停用控制台重定向" #: ../cerber-settings.php:237 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "停用來自未認證的 /wp-admin/直接請求,會自動重定向至登入頁面的功能。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:969 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "掃描設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:974 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "自訂簽章" #: ../cerber-settings.php:978 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "指定自訂 PHP代碼簽章。一行一個項目。要使用正規表示法請將整行包含於大括弧中。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:981 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "不需要的檔案副檔名" #: ../cerber-settings.php:985 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "只能在完整掃描,指定搜尋的檔案副檔名。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:988 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "排除資料夾" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1017 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "掃描暫存資料夾" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1021 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "掃描通信資料夾" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1030 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "刪除隔離區檔案於" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1044 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "執行快速掃描" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1511 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "每小時" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1512 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "每 3小時" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1513 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "每 6小時" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1049 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "執行完整掃描" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1064 ../cerber-settings.php:1110 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "低嚴重性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1065 ../cerber-settings.php:1111 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "中度嚴重性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1066 ../cerber-settings.php:1112 msgid "High severity" msgstr "高嚴重性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1061 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "若符合以下則報告問題" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1070 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "傳送報告郵件" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1073 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "於每次掃描後" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1074 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "如果在掃描結果中有發生任何變更" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1079 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "包含檔案容量" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1083 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "包含掃描錯誤" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5016 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "安全性掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5018 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "排程" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:197 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "目前已有排定的掃描進行中,請稍候至其完成。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:201 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "上次掃描開始於 %s且並未完成,要繼續嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:210 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "網站似乎還沒有掃描過,要開始掃描請點選已下按鈕。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:213 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "開始快速掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:214 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "開始完整掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:215 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "停止掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:216 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "繼續掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:254 msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1455 msgid "Verified" msgstr "已驗證" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1462 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "找不到完整性資料" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1463 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查外掛完整性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1464 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查 WordPress檔案完整性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1465 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "由於網路錯誤以致無法檢查佈景主題完整性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1471 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "無法處理檔案" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1472 ../cerber-scanner.php:4634 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "無法開啟檔案" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1474 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:111 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "校驗碼不符合" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1477 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "發現可疑代碼" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1479 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "無關聯的可疑檔案" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1480 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "發現可執行代碼" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1484 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "不需要的檔案副檔名" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1486 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "內容已被修改" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1487 msgid "New file" msgstr "新的檔案" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2501 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "發現自訂簽章" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3717 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "掃描目錄檔案中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3721 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "解析檔案清單中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3722 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "檢查新增檔案和檔案修改中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3723 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "驗證 WordPress完整性中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3725 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "驗證外掛完整性中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3727 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "驗證佈景主題完整性中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3728 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "搜尋惡意代碼中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3729 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "即將完成掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "檔案掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "嚴重問題" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4815 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:135 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "問題總數" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:388 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "檔案存取錯誤,可能是掃描結果已過時,請執行快速或完整掃描。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4938 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "檢視完整報告請前往" #: ../cerber-load.php:4669 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "掃描報告" #: ../cerber-settings.php:995 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "監控新檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1004 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "監控檔案變更" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1075 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "如果發現新的問題" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:964 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "已更新排程" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1483 ../cerber-scanner.php:2656 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "發現可疑指令" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2654 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "發現可疑代碼判斷指令" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2655 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "發現可疑代碼判斷簽章" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2658 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "要解決此問題你必須重新安裝 %s或更新至最新版。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2659 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "請上傳 ZIP格式的參考來源" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2660 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "解決問題" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:278 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "我們沒有發現任何完整性資料可驗證" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:280 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "你必須上傳已安裝的 ZIP檔案,這會啟動安全性掃描以驗證代碼完整性與惡意軟體。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "完整掃描報告" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4771 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "快速掃描報告" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4784 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "已掃描的檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:326 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1450 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1505 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1584 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "檢查活動" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1615 msgid "Activated" msgstr "已啟用" #: ../cerber-common.php:1521 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "已拒絕的惡意請求" #: ../cerber-common.php:1529 msgid "User activated" msgstr "已啟用的使用者" #: ../cerber-common.php:1551 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "可疑的欄位數量" #: ../cerber-common.php:1552 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "可疑的巢狀值數量" #: ../cerber-common.php:1553 ../cerber-common.php:1648 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "檢測到惡意代碼" #: ../cerber-common.php:1649 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "嘗試上傳有惡意代碼的檔案" #: ../cerber-common.php:1904 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1461 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "發現弱點" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1466 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "由於資料庫錯誤導致無法檢查正確性" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3718 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "掃描上傳目錄的檔案中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3719 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "掃描暫存目錄的檔案中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3720 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "掃描通信目錄檔案中" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1039 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "自動重複掃描排程" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1056 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "掃描結果報告" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1008 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "可疑活動" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4170 msgid "Errors" msgstr "錯誤" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "使用惡意軟體掃描器和完整性檢查工具,防護 WordPress來自駭客攻擊、垃圾留言、木馬和病毒。透過一套安全演算法讓 WordPress更堅固,以及尖端機器人檢測引擎和 reCAPTCHA進行垃圾留言防護。還能使用電子郵件、行動裝置、桌面通知追蹤使用者和入侵者活動。" #: ../cerber-load.php:347 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "你已達到嘗試登入的限制次數,請在 %d分鐘後重試。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1797 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "於 %s" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:542 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "於" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5021 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "隔離區" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:75 msgid "Started" msgstr "已開始" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:79 msgid "Finished" msgstr "已完成" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:87 msgid "Performance" msgstr "效能" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:340 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:99 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "弱點" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:103 msgid "New files" msgstr "新的檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:107 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "已變更的檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:115 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "不需要的檔案副檔名" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:119 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "無關聯的檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:128 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:795 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "已掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:739 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "目前沒有檔案在隔離區。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:777 msgid "Restore" msgstr "復原" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:774 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "永久刪除" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:797 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "自動刪除" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:798 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:953 ../admin/cerber- #: admin.php:1361 msgid "Size" msgstr "容量" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:799 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:954 msgid "File" msgstr "檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:872 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "已永久刪除此檔案。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:887 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "此檔案已被還原至原始位置。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1882 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "完整性" #: ../cerber-common.php:1509 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "已拒絕嘗試上傳惡意檔案" #: ../cerber-load.php:7710 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "太棒了!" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1098 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "自動清理惡意和可疑檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1107 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "檔案位於上傳目錄" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1116 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "包含不需要的副檔名檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1135 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "排除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1139 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "檔案位於暫存資料夾" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1143 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "通信資料夾中的檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1147 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "檔案位於這些資料夾" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1151 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "使用絕對路徑。一行一個項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1154 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "這些副檔名的檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1158 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "使用小寫逗號分隔項目。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5019 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "清理中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1478 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "發現惡意代碼" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2651 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "此檔案具有可執行代碼且包含混淆的惡意軟體,如果此檔案為佈景主題或外掛的一部分,則它必須存在於各自的目錄中。沒有例外,沒有藉口。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2652 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "由於此檔案不屬於網站任何已知的部份且不應存在於該處,掃描器辨識此檔案為「無人擁有」或「無關聯的」。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2653 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "這可能是在升級至新版 %s後所遺留,也可能是惡意軟體混淆的一部分。在極少數的情況下,這也可能是自訂(客製化)的外掛或佈景主題的一部分。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2657 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "包含的檔案內容已經被修改且不符合 WordPress官方現存的資料庫或你先前上傳的參考檔案。這些檔案可能已經被惡意軟體替換、病毒感染或竄改。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4869 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "已刪除" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4922 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "自動移至隔離區" #: ../cerber-common.php:1554 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "檢測到可疑 SQL代碼" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1863 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "上次惡意軟體掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4955 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "即時流量" #: ../cerber-settings.php:419 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "禁止上傳 PHP" #: ../cerber-settings.php:424 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "停用顯示 PHP錯誤" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5020 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "忽略清單" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:257 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "忽略" #. For translators #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:911 msgid "Apply" msgstr "套用" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:951 msgid "Added" msgstr "已新增" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:912 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:939 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "從清單中移除" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:913 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "使用者洞察" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:914 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "流量洞察" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:915 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "活動洞察" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2958 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "你確認要刪除選取的檔案嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2959 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "已移動這些檔案至隔離區" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2962 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "你想要新增選取的檔案至忽略清單嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2963 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "已加入這些檔案至忽略清單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2965 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "發生某些錯誤" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2966 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "已處理全部檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5365 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "了解完整優點於" #: ../cerber-common.php:1555 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "檢測到可疑 Javascript代碼" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:967 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "無法更新排程" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:810 msgid "All scans" msgstr "全部掃描" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:917 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "清單無資料。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "無檔案符合指定的篩選器。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:756 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "點選此處檢視完整檔案清單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:874 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "額外資訊" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3671 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "頁面建立時間" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5400 msgid "Log In" msgstr "登入" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5401 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "登出" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5402 msgid "Register" msgstr "註冊" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5405 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "登入 WooCommerce" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5406 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "登出 WooCommerce" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5445 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5446 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "新增至選單" #: ../cerber-common.php:1543 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "已鎖定 IP" #: ../cerber-common.php:1652 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "多重可疑請求" #: ../cerber-settings.php:805 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "流量檢驗" #: ../cerber-settings.php:814 ../cerber-settings.php:844 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "最佳相容性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:815 ../cerber-settings.php:845 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "最強安全性" #: ../cerber-settings.php:835 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "錯誤請求防護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:840 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "啟用錯誤防護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:942 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "儲存軟體錯誤" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3716 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "掃描準備中" #: ../cerber-common.php:1556 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "由管理員封鎖" #: ../cerber-load.php:351 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "你不被允許登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:39 msgid "Block User" msgstr "封鎖使用者" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:43 ../admin/cerber-users.php:49 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "使用者不允許登入此網站" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:68 ../cerber-settings.php:634 msgid "User Message" msgstr "使用者訊息" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:70 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "給此使用者的額外訊息" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:181 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "已封鎖的使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:400 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "封鎖使用者頁面存取,如 /?author=n" #: ../cerber-settings.php:441 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "存取 WordPress REST API" #: ../cerber-settings.php:452 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "除了以下規則外,封鎖其他對 WordPress REST API的存取" #: ../cerber-settings.php:462 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "允許這些角色使用 REST API" #: ../cerber-settings.php:467 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "允許這些命名空間" #: ../cerber-settings.php:136 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "這些限制將不會套用至 IP存取白名單中的 IP位置" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:502 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "選擇一個或多個角色" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1203 ../admin/cerber-users.php:986 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "根據已註冊的使用者篩選" #: ../cerber-settings.php:621 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "僅已驗證的使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:622 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "僅允許註冊和登入網站的使用者存取此網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:638 ../cerber-settings.php:1611 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "僅允許註冊和登入的使用者檢視此網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:643 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "重定向至網址" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5074 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "變更記錄" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:675 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "已載入預設設定值" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3379 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "儲存全部規則" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3287 ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:613 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "儲存變更" #: ../cerber-common.php:1532 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "不正確的主憑證" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1301 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "主設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1309 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "回到網站清單" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1313 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "顯示「切換至」通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1317 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "在頁面標題新增 @網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1025 ../cerber-settings.php:1334 ../cerber-settings.php: #: 1362 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "啟用記錄診斷" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1345 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "根據 IP限制存取" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1351 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "存取此網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1354 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "完整存取模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1355 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "唯讀模式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1376 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "完整的存取模式需要進階版的 WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "惡意軟體掃描" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:141 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 msgid "Notes" msgstr "備註" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:161 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "新增附屬網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:247 ../admin/cerber-users.php:1052 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "搜尋結果:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:282 msgid "Edit" msgstr "編輯" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:288 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "切換至" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "無已設定的網站。" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "新增" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:104 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "網站屬性" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:114 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "網站網址" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:119 msgid "Display as" msgstr "顯示為" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:149 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "網站擁有者" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:153 msgid "First Name" msgstr "名字" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:157 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "姓氏" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:161 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:165 msgid "Phone" msgstr "電話" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:173 msgid "Address" msgstr "地址" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:316 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "嘗試加入的網站已在清單中" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:325 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "已成功加入此網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:326 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "點選以編輯" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "切換至控制台" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:330 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "請牢記:你已經新增不支援 SSL加密的網站,這可能導致資料洩漏。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:449 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "網站已刪除\n" "%s 個網站已刪除" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1036 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "你已被切換至 %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1046 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "你已被切換回主網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1262 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "你在此處:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1265 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:94 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "我的網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1280 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "檢視網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "啟用附屬模式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:67 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "此網站可以從主網站進行管理" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:70 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "啟用主網站模式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "設定此網站為主網站可管理其他網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:76 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "若要繼續,請對此網站選擇一個模式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:100 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:104 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "附屬設定" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "機密存取權杖" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:148 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "權杖為網站獨一無二的,請保持其機密性。在主網站上安裝權杖以授權存取此網站。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:150 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "你確定嗎?這將會永久廢止權杖。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "停用附屬模式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "此網站是設定為主網站。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:267 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "使用存取權杖新增附屬網站。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:270 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "此網站是設定為附屬。" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:271 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "從主網站安裝存取權杖" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../cerber-common.php:1790 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s 秒" #: ../cerber-settings.php:788 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "傳送報告於" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "更新" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:127 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 msgid "Group" msgstr "群組" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "更新 WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:118 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "更新全部啟用的外掛" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:119 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "刪除網站" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:135 msgid "All groups" msgstr "全部群組" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1346 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "你確定要刪除選取的網站嗎?" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:221 msgid "Block" msgstr "封鎖" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:96 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "選取已存在的群組或新增一個新的" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:169 msgid "Company" msgstr "公司" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:694 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "附屬網站不正確的回覆" #: ../cerber-common.php:1502 ../cerber-common.php:1642 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號" #: ../cerber-load.php:4823 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1321 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "使用主要語系" #: ../cerber-settings.php:241 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "不存在的使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:242 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "若嘗試登入不存在的使用者帳號則立即封鎖 IP" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "擁有者" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:420 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "停用主網站模式" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:151 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "若要撤銷權杖並停用遠端管理,請點選這裡:" #: ../cerber-settings.php:420 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "在 WordPress媒體目錄禁止可執行 PHP代碼" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1412 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1420 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "啟用外掛並更新於" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1390 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "有新版本可供使用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1002 msgid "New users" msgstr "新使用者" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1021 msgid "My activity" msgstr "我的活動" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2702 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "建立警報" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2706 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "刪除警報" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2739 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "已建立警報" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2743 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "此警報已被刪除" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4199 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "進階搜尋" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: ../cerber-load.php:5413 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "點選這裡刪除警報" #: ../cerber-settings.php:220 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "自動登入 URL只能包含拉丁字母、破折號和下劃線" #: ../cerber-settings.php:258 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "網站專用設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:266 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "外掛 cookie前置詞" #: ../cerber-settings.php:267 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "前置詞只能包含拉丁字母和下劃線" #: ../cerber-settings.php:742 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "鎖定通知" #: ../cerber-settings.php:770 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Pushbullet存取權杖" #: ../cerber-settings.php:773 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Pushbullet裝置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1103 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "刪除無關聯的檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1122 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "自動復原被修改和已感染的檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1125 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "復原 WordPress檔案" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1129 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "復原外掛檔案" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1490 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "檔案已刪除" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1491 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "檔案已復原" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3724 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "復原 WordPress檔案中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3726 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "復原外掛檔案中" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4873 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "已復原" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4923 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "已自動刪除" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4926 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "已自動復原" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Cerber使用者安全性" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:70 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4979 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "使用者策略" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1885 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "有新版本可供使用" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4982 msgid "Global" msgstr "全域" #: ../cerber-common.php:1557 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "強制性網站策略" #: ../cerber-common.php:1558 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "已驗證 2FA代碼" #: ../cerber-common.php:1559 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "由使用者啟動" #: ../cerber-common.php:2010 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "已有新版 %s 可用,請安裝。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "不允許的 Email。" #: ../cerber-load.php:1801 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "請選擇其他的。" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:10 ../admin/cerber-users.php:481 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "兩步驟驗證" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "依據使用者角色策略決定" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:19 ../admin/cerber-users.php:489 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "永遠啟用" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:86 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "2FA PIN碼" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:296 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "儲存全部變更" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:409 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "封鎖存取 WordPress控制台" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:414 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "檢視網站時隱藏工具列" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:420 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "重定向規則" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "使用者登入後重定向" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:429 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "登出後重定向" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:440 ../cerber-settings.php:675 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "使用者通信逾期時間" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:485 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "兩步驟驗證" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:490 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "進階模式" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:494 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "如果符合以下任何條件則強制使用兩步驟驗證" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:500 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "自不同國家登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:506 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "從不同的 Class C網路登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:512 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "從不同的 IP登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:530 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "強制兩步驟驗證與固定間隔" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:536 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "規律間隔時間(天)" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:543 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "固定登入次數" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:545 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "登入次數" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:589 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "策略已更新" #: ../cerber-settings.php:582 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "限制電子郵件位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:585 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "無限制" #: ../cerber-settings.php:586 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "符合以下電子郵件位置則全部拒絕" #: ../cerber-settings.php:587 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "只允許符合以下的電子郵件位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:592 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "指定電子郵件位置、通用字元或正規表示法。使用小寫逗號分隔項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1136 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "自動清理時將不會刪除這些檔案。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:365 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "驗證 PIN碼已逾期,我們已重新發送至你的郵件。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:368 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "你輸入了錯誤的驗證 PIN碼" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:415 ../cerber-2fa.php:503 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "請驗證此為您" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:525 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "這裡是嘗試登入的詳細資訊" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:579 msgid "expires" msgstr "逾期" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:655 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "僅允許數字" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:658 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "我們已傳送驗證 PIN碼至你的郵件" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:659 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "在以下欄位輸入電子郵件中的代碼。" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:661 msgid "Try again" msgstr "重新再試" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:662 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "取消" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "or" msgstr "或" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:669 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "驗證此為您" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:674 msgid "Verify" msgstr "驗證" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:101 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "兩步驟驗證 Email" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3322 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "已設定角色規則" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3516 msgid "All Users" msgstr "全部使用者" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:58 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "由 %s在 %s封鎖" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "代碼僅在 %s分鐘內有效。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:373 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "已新增 IP位置 %s至 IP存取白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:370 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "已新增 IP位置 %s至 IP存取黑名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:212 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:871 .. #: /admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1144 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4135 .. #: /admin/cerber-users.php:942 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "IP位置" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:878 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1150 msgid "Username" msgstr "帳號" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3404 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "任何被允許的國家" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3027 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4884 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "通信" #: ../cerber-load.php:1558 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "%s 已中止通信" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:940 msgid "Created" msgstr "已建立" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:961 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "終止通信" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:962 msgid "Block user" msgstr "封鎖使用者" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1094 msgid "Profile" msgstr "個人資料" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1107 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "所有登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1108 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "使用者活動" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:1154 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "中止" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:447 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "透過 REST API封鎖存取使用者資料" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1489 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "無法刪除" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "Cerber資料防護策略" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:66 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "資料防護" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4969 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "資料防護策略" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4971 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "帳號&角色" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4972 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "網站設定" #: ../cerber-common.php:1515 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "建立使用者被拒絕" #: ../cerber-common.php:1517 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "更新角色被拒絕" #: ../cerber-common.php:1518 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "更新設定被拒絕" #: ../cerber-common.php:1564 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "權限被拒絕" #: ../cerber-common.php:1566 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "使用者錯誤" #: ../cerber-common.php:1567 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "密碼錯誤" #: ../cerber-settings.php:479 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "防護使用者帳號" #: ../cerber-settings.php:484 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "依據以下策略拒絕建立新帳號和管理使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:490 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "限制以下角色註冊使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:496 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "允許以下角色的使用者建立新帳號" #: ../cerber-settings.php:501 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "允許以下角色的使用者變更使用者敏感資料" #: ../cerber-settings.php:506 ../cerber-settings.php:534 ../cerber-settings.php:563 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "不要在 IP存取白名單中的 IP位置使用這些策略" #: ../cerber-settings.php:514 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "保護使用者角色" #: ../cerber-settings.php:518 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "依據以下策略拒絕管理角色和權限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:524 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "允許以下角色的使用者新增角色" #: ../cerber-settings.php:529 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "允許以下角色的使用者變更角色權限" #: ../cerber-settings.php:542 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "網站防護設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:546 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "依據以下策略拒絕更新網站設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:552 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "允許以下角色的使用者變更防護設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:557 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "防護設定" #: ../cerber-settings.php:628 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "不要套用這些策略至 IP存取白名單中的 IP" #: ../cerber-ds.php:801 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "網站管理員電子郵件地址" #: ../cerber-ds.php:802 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "新使用者的預設使用者角色" #: ../cerber-ds.php:803 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "網站位址 (網址)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:804 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "WordPress 位址 (網址)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:805 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "任何人皆可註冊" #: ../cerber-ds.php:806 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "啟用外掛" #: ../cerber-ds.php:807 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "啟用佈景主題" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "伺服器" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "伺服器國別" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:145 msgid "All servers" msgstr "所有伺服器" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:152 msgid "All countries" msgstr "所有國家" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:67 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "在網站欄位顯示首頁" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:69 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "隱藏伺服器 IP位置" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:342 msgid "IP address, range, wildcard, or CIDR" msgstr "IP位置、範圍、萬用字元或 CIDR" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:343 msgid "Add Entry" msgstr "新增項目" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5229 msgid "The IP address you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "嘗試加入的 IP位置已在清單中" #: ../cerber-common.php:1477 msgid "IP subnet blocked" msgstr "已封鎖 IP子網路" #: ../cerber-common.php:1516 msgid "User row update denied" msgstr "拒絕更新使用者欄位" #: ../cerber-common.php:1519 msgid "User metadata update denied" msgstr "拒絕更新使用者中繼資料" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1447 msgid "Any activity" msgstr "任何活動" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:228 msgid "A database error occurred while importing access list entries" msgstr "匯入存取清單項目時發生資料庫錯誤" #: ../cerber-settings.php:287 msgid "Enable authentication log monitoring" msgstr "啟用驗證記錄監控" #: ../cerber-settings.php:319 ../cerber-settings.php:954 msgid "Keep log records of not logged in visitors for" msgstr "保留訪客的記錄" #: ../cerber-settings.php:325 ../cerber-settings.php:960 msgid "Keep log records of logged in users for" msgstr "保留已登入使用者的記錄" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:75 msgid "Admin Note" msgstr "管理員附註" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:911 msgid "WP Cerber Personal Data Eraser" msgstr "WP Cerber個人資料清除工具" #: ../cerber-settings.php:691 msgid "Personal Data" msgstr "個人資料" #: ../cerber-settings.php:697 msgid "Enable data erase" msgstr "啟用資料清除" #: ../cerber-settings.php:704 msgid "Terminate user sessions" msgstr "中止使用者通訊" #: ../cerber-settings.php:705 msgid "Delete user sessions data when user data is erased" msgstr "當使用者資料被清除後,刪除使用者通訊資料" #: ../cerber-settings.php:711 msgid "Enable data export" msgstr "啟用資料匯出" #: ../cerber-settings.php:718 msgid "Include activity log events" msgstr "包含活動記錄事件" #: ../cerber-settings.php:724 msgid "Include traffic log entries" msgstr "包含流量記錄項目" #: ../cerber-settings.php:727 msgid "Request URL" msgstr "請求 URL位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:728 msgid "Form fields data" msgstr "表單欄位資料" #: ../cerber-settings.php:729 msgid "Cookies" msgstr "Cookies" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 msgid "Cerber anti-spam settings" msgstr "Cerber垃圾留言防護設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:77 ../cerber-settings.php:1283 msgid "Anti-spam" msgstr "垃圾留言防護" #: ../cerber-addons.php:289 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:85 ../admin/cerber- #: dashboard.php:85 msgid "Add-ons" msgstr "附加元件" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4933 msgid "Anti-spam and bot detection settings" msgstr "垃圾留言防護與機器人檢測設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4935 msgid "Anti-spam engine" msgstr "防垃圾留言引擎" #: ../cerber-common.php:1651 msgid "Multiple erroneous requests" msgstr "多個錯誤請求" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:337 msgid "%s retries are allowed within %s minutes" msgstr "%s次重試只能允許發生在 %s分鐘內。" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:343 msgid "%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address" msgstr "每個 IP位置只允許 %s次註冊在 %s分鐘內" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:366 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutes" msgstr "於 %s次嘗試登入失敗後的 %s分鐘內啟用" #: ../cerber-settings.php:442 msgid "Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs" msgstr "根據你的需求限制或完整封鎖對 WordPress REST API的請求" #: ../cerber-settings.php:693 msgid "These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws" msgstr "這些功能協助你的組織符合個人資料保護法" #: ../cerber-settings.php:751 msgid "if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used" msgstr "如果留空,則將使用網站管理員的電子郵件 %s" #: ../cerber-settings.php:755 msgid "notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "封,每小時允許的通知信數量(0表示無限制)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:766 msgid "Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications" msgstr "取得行動版與桌面版的即時通知。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:781 msgid "Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days" msgstr "週報是過去七天所有活動、發生惡可疑行為的概要" #: ../cerber-settings.php:794 ../cerber-settings.php:1088 msgid "if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used" msgstr "如果留空,則將會使用在通知設定中的電子郵件" #: ../cerber-settings.php:806 msgid "Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests" msgstr "流量檢驗是一個情境感知的網路應用防火牆(WAF),透過辨識與拒絕惡意的 HTTP請求來保護你的網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:837 msgid "Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches" msgstr "封鎖請求大量不存在頁面或掃描網站安全漏洞的 IP位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:856 msgid "Traffic Logging" msgstr "流量記錄" #: ../cerber-settings.php:857 msgid "Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues" msgstr "如果你需要監測可疑與惡意行為或解決安全性問題,可啟用流量記錄" #: ../cerber-settings.php:970 msgid "The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware" msgstr "掃描器監測檔案變更、驗證 WordPress、外掛、佈景主題完整性及檢測惡意軟體" #: ../cerber-settings.php:992 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line." msgstr "指定要排除掃描的目錄。每行一個目錄。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1040 msgid "The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan" msgstr "掃描器會自動掃描網站、移除惡意軟體並傳送掃描結果報告" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1057 msgid "Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports" msgstr "設定在郵件報告中要包含哪些問題與傳送時機" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1099 msgid "These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scheduled scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine" msgstr "這些策略將在每次排定的掃描結束後,根據結果自動執行。所有受影響的檔案都移至隔離區" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1165 msgid "Cerber anti-spam engine" msgstr "Cerber垃圾留言防護引擎" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1166 msgid "Spam protection for comment, registration and contact forms on a website" msgstr "針對網站上留言、註冊和聯絡表單的垃圾留言防護" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1193 msgid "Adjust anti-spam engine" msgstr "調整垃圾留言防護引擎" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1194 msgid "These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives" msgstr "這些項目能讓你微調垃圾留言防護的演算法與行為避免誤報" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1218 msgid "How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form" msgstr "外掛如何處理來自標準留言表單送出的留言" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:436 msgid "Settings updated" msgstr "已更新設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1207 msgid "Request ID" msgstr "請求 ID" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1208 msgid "Search in URL" msgstr "搜尋 URL" #: ../cerber-settings.php:999 ../cerber-settings.php:1008 msgid "Executable files" msgstr "可執行檔" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1000 ../cerber-settings.php:1009 msgid "All files" msgstr "所有檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1638 msgid "Active sessions" msgstr "啟動中的連線" #: ../cerber-settings.php:676 msgid "minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)" msgstr "分鐘(空白則使用 WordPress預設值)" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1013 msgid "Change file permissions when necessary" msgstr "必要時變更檔案權限" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:72 msgid "Load entries" msgstr "載入項目" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1022 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4182 msgid "My IP" msgstr "我的 IP" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5022 msgid "Analytics" msgstr "分析" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5071 msgid "Manage Settings" msgstr "管理設定" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5073 msgid "Diagnostic Log" msgstr "診斷記錄" #: ../cerber-common.php:1470 msgid "User deleted" msgstr "已刪除使用者" #: ../cerber-common.php:1562 msgid "Email address is prohibited" msgstr "禁止的 Email" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:796 msgid "Quarantined" msgstr "隔離區" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:952 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1362 msgid "Modified" msgstr "修改日期" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1026 msgid "Files without extension" msgstr "無副檔名的檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1027 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "返回清單" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1087 msgid "Brief summary" msgstr "概要" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1138 msgid "Folder" msgstr "目錄" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1139 msgid "Path" msgstr "路徑" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1140 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1234 msgid "Files" msgstr "檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1141 ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1235 msgid "Space Occupied" msgstr "空間占用" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1205 msgid "No extension" msgstr "無副檔名" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1230 msgid "File extensions statistics" msgstr "副檔名統計" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1233 msgid "Extension" msgstr "副檔名" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1236 msgid "Smallest" msgstr "最小的" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1237 msgid "Largest" msgstr "最大的" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1238 msgid "Average Size" msgstr "平均容量" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1239 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "最舊的" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1240 msgid "Newest" msgstr "最新的" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1256 msgid "Top 10 largest files" msgstr "前 10個大容量檔案" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1360 msgid "File Name" msgstr "檔案名稱" #: ../cerber-settings.php:368 msgid "Date format for CSV export" msgstr "匯出 CSV的日期格式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:369 msgid "Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files" msgstr "在匯出的 CSV檔案中使用 ISO 8601 日期格式" #: ../cerber-settings.php:383 msgid "My IP address" msgstr "我的 IP位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:384 msgid "Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation" msgstr "啟動外掛後不要將我的 IP位置加入至 IP訪問白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:52 msgid "Load the default plugin settings" msgstr "載入外掛設定預設值" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:53 msgid "When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed." msgstr "當你點選以下按鈕,WP Cerber設定預設值將會自動載入,但自訂登入網址和訪問清單不改變。" #: ../admin/cerber-tools.php:54 msgid "To get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:" msgstr "要充分利用 WP Cerber,請依照以下步驟:" #: ../cerber-common.php:1575 msgid "IP whitelisted" msgstr "IP白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4181 msgid "My requests" msgstr "我的請求資訊" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:3514 msgid "Log into the website" msgstr "登入此網站" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber安全性、垃圾留言防護與惡意軟體掃描" #: ../cerber-common.php:1508 ../cerber-common.php:1647 msgid "Probing for vulnerable code" msgstr "檢測 PHP代碼弱點" #: ../cerber-load.php:5674 msgid "Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List" msgstr "你的 IP位置 %s已被加入至 IP訪問白名單" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:989 msgid "Search for IP address" msgstr "搜尋 IP位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:865 msgid "Minimal" msgstr "最小化" #: ../cerber-settings.php:881 msgid "Do not log known crawlers" msgstr "不要記錄已知的爬蟲" #: ../cerber-settings.php:886 msgid "Do not log these locations" msgstr "不要記錄這些位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:890 msgid "Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "指定要從記錄排除的 URL路徑請求。一行一個項目。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:894 msgid "Do not log these User-Agents" msgstr "不要記錄這些 User-Agents" #: ../cerber-settings.php:898 msgid "Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line." msgstr "指定要從記錄排除的 User-Agents請求。一行一個項目。" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4307 msgid "Unknown Google's bot" msgstr "未知的 Google檢索器" #: ../cerber-common.php:1568 msgid "IP address is not allowed" msgstr "不允許的 IP位置" #: ../cerber-settings.php:601 msgid "Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website" msgstr "只有來自 IP存取白名單中的使用者可以註冊此網站" #: ../cerber-settings.php:606 msgid "User message" msgstr "使用者訊息" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1469 msgid "File is missing" msgstr "檔案已遺失" #. Mandatory #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed." msgstr "檔案已遺失,可能被刪除或尚未安裝。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Error: file %s cannot be used." msgstr "錯誤:無法使用檔案 %s。" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Please upload another file." msgstr "請上傳其它檔案。" #: ../cerber-settings.php:225 msgid "Deferred rendering" msgstr "延遲渲染" #: ../cerber-settings.php:226 msgid "Defer rendering the custom login page" msgstr "延遲渲染自訂登入頁" #: ../cerber-load.php:367 msgid "You have only one login attempt remaining." msgstr "你只剩下一次機會嘗試。\n" "你只剩下 %d次機會嘗試。" #. translators: %s: User name. #: ../cerber-load.php:1194 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "錯誤:帳號 %s 的密碼輸入錯誤。" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:446 msgid "Number of allowed concurrent user sessions" msgstr "允許的使用者同時通信數量" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:451 msgid "When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reached" msgstr "當使用者達到同時通信數量限制時" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:454 msgid "Terminate the oldest user session on a new login" msgstr "使用者進行新登入時中止舊的通信" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Deny further login attempts" msgstr "拒絕進一步嘗試登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:518 msgid "Login from a different browser or device" msgstr "自不同的瀏覽器或裝置登入" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:524 msgid "If the number of concurrent user sessions is greater" msgstr "如果使用者同時通信數量高於" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:5364 msgid "These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber." msgstr "這些功能僅提供進階版外掛使用。" #: ../cerber-common.php:1495 msgid "User session terminated" msgstr "已中止使用者通信" #: ../cerber-common.php:1569 msgid "Limit on concurrent user sessions" msgstr "使用者同時通信數量限制" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:77 msgid "It is visible only to website administrators" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1437 msgid "Authorized" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin.php:1438 msgid "Authorization Failed" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:762 msgid "Important note if you have a caching plugin in place" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:763 msgid "To avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1525 msgid "API request authorized" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1526 msgid "API request authorization failed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1513 msgid "Request to XML-RPC API denied" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1570 msgid "Invalid cookies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:165 msgid "Block IP address for" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:169 msgid "Mitigate aggressive attempts" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:425 msgid "Do not show PHP errors on my website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:871 msgid "Log all REST API requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:876 msgid "Log all XML-RPC requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1180 msgid "Custom comment URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1181 msgid "Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1835 ../cerber-settings.php:456 ../cerber- #: settings.php:1202 msgid "Logged-in users" msgstr "登入的使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:353 msgid "Personal Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:457 msgid "Allow access to REST API for logged-in users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:572 msgid "User registration" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:573 msgid "Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:616 msgid "Authorized Access" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:617 msgid "Grant access to the website to logged-in users only" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:655 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:468 ../cerber-settings.php:666 msgid "Application Passwords" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:472 ../cerber-settings.php:669 msgid "Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:473 ../cerber-settings.php:670 msgid "Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:849 msgid "Ignore logged-in users" msgstr "忽略登入的使用者" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1203 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users" msgstr "為登入的使用者停用機器人檢測引擎" #: ../cerber-settings.php:1289 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users" msgstr "對登入的使用者停用 reCAPTCHA" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:471 msgid "Use global policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:370 msgid "You have %d login attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d login attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "" #: ../admin/cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Display this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reached" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4981 msgid "Role-Based" msgstr "基於角色" #: ../cerber-common.php:1524 msgid "User application password created" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:140 msgid "Initialization Mode" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:921 msgid "Save response headers" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:932 msgid "Save response cookies" msgstr "" #. translators: %s: Email address. #: ../cerber-load.php:1206 msgid "Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:7688 msgid "We need your support to keep moving forward" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:7690 msgid "By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:286 msgid "Secret Access Token is invalid" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:226 msgid "Click the IP address to see its activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1003 msgid "Login issues" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1019 msgid "Users' activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1020 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4172 msgid "Non-authenticated" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:1185 ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2423 msgid "No activity has been logged yet." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2439 msgid "Users' Activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:2459 msgid "Malicious Activity" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4169 msgid "Suspicious requests" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-dashboard.php:4171 msgid "Users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1572 msgid "Forbidden URL" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:141 msgid "How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:155 msgid "Login Security" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:218 msgid "A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:178 msgid "Processing wp-login.php authentication requests" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:182 msgid "Default processing" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:183 msgid "Block access to wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:378 msgid "Shift admin menu" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:379 msgid "Shift the admin menu to the top when the menu is selected" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:507 msgid "You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:663 msgid "Did not receive the email?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:508 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity." msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a boot module installed by the WP Cerber Security plugin when you set the plugin initialization mode to \"Standard\"." msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:682 msgid "Heads up!" msgstr "" #: ../admin/cerber-admin-settings.php:683 msgid "You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:156 msgid "Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:188 msgid "Disable the default login error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:189 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:184 msgid "Deny authentication through wp-login.php" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:1571 msgid "Invalid cookies cleared" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1198 ../cerber-load.php:1210 msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1703 msgid "If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5631 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:5635 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:438 msgid "WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-common.php:442 msgid "WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:199 msgid "Disable the default reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:200 msgid "Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:404 ../cerber-settings.php:409 msgid "Prevent username discovery" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:405 msgid "Prevent username discovery via oEmbed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-settings.php:410 msgid "Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-zh_CN.po000064400000115724147577531750011776 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: zh-CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../settings.php:73 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "限制登入尝试" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "尝试" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "锁定时长" #: ../settings.php:75 ../settings.php:94 msgid "minutes" msgstr "分钟" #: ../settings.php:76 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "激进屏蔽" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "网站连接" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "主动安全规则" #: ../settings.php:82 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "锁定subnet" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "请求/wp-login.php/" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "立即锁定任何请求/wp-login.php/的IP" #: ../settings.php:84 msgid "Redirect dashboard requests" msgstr "重定向Wordpress控制面板请求" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "自定义登入页" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "自定义登入页URL" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "不能与已存在的页面或文章冲突" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "禁用/wp-login.php/" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "屏蔽直接接入/wp-login.php/并显示404页面" #: ../dashboard.php:1209 ../settings.php:92 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "要塞模式" #: ../settings.php:93 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "阈值" #: ../settings.php:94 msgid "Duration" msgstr "时长" #: ../cerber-load.php:3837 ../settings.php:78 ../settings.php:95 ../settings.php: #: 404 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "提醒" #: ../settings.php:95 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "向管理员邮箱发送提醒" #: ../cerber-load.php:3834 ../settings.php:397 ../cerber-tools.php:88 ../cerber- #: tools.php:97 ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "接入列表" #: ../dashboard.php:1227 ../dashboard.php:1437 ../cerber-load.php:3593 .. #: /settings.php:97 ../settings.php:388 msgid "Activity" msgstr "活动" #: ../settings.php:392 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "锁定" #: ../settings.php:513 ../settings.php:635 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s 次重试在 %s 分钟内" #: ../settings.php:535 ../settings.php:657 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "选项开启于 %s 次登入失败在 %s 分钟内" #: ../dashboard.php:93 ../dashboard.php:652 ../dashboard.php:2826 ../cerber-load. #: php:3602 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:491 ../dashboard.php:655 ../dashboard.php:2824 msgid "Date" msgstr "日期" #: ../dashboard.php:491 ../dashboard.php:657 ../dashboard.php:2829 msgid "Local User" msgstr "本地用户" #: ../dashboard.php:491 ../dashboard.php:658 ../cerber-load.php:3610 msgid "Username used" msgstr "使用的用户名" #: ../dashboard.php:112 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "显示最近的 %d 记录从 %d" #: ../common.php:708 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "登入" #: ../common.php:709 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "登出" #: ../common.php:710 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "登入失败" #: ../common.php:713 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP被锁定" #: ../common.php:714 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:716 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "要塞模式已被激活!" #: ../dashboard.php:632 ../dashboard.php:836 ../dashboard.php:2662 ../common.php: #: 753 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "锁定" #: ../common.php:754 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "黑名单IP" #: ../common.php:731 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "密码已更改" #: ../dashboard.php:86 ../dashboard.php:159 msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" #: ../dashboard.php:390 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "%s 的锁定已被移除" #: ../dashboard.php:131 ../dashboard.php:627 ../dashboard.php:830 ../dashboard. #: php:1207 ../dashboard.php:2657 ../cerber-load.php:3826 ../settings.php:77 .. #: /settings.php:358 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "IP白名单" #: ../dashboard.php:133 ../dashboard.php:628 ../dashboard.php:833 ../dashboard. #: php:1208 ../dashboard.php:2658 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "IP黑名单" #: ../dashboard.php:165 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "列表为空" #: ../dashboard.php:202 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "地址 %s 已被加入IP白名单" #: ../dashboard.php:216 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "地址 %s 已被加入IP黑名单" #: ../cerber-load.php:3075 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "在 %d 次失败登入尝试后,要塞模式已激活 %d 分钟。" #: ../dashboard.php:1592 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "查看活动" #: ../dashboard.php:2514 ../cerber-tools.php:87 ../cerber-tools.php:96 msgid "Settings" msgstr "设置" #: ../dashboard.php:1073 msgid "Last login" msgstr "最后登入" #: ../dashboard.php:1106 ../dashboard.php:1190 msgid "Never" msgstr "永不" #: ../dashboard.php:1483 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "确定操作?" #: ../dashboard.php:1284 ../settings.php:79 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "网站基于反向代理" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "不存在的用户名" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "立即锁定尝试通过不存在的用户名登入的IP" #: ../settings.php:84 msgid "Disable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "自动重定向登入页,当/wp-admin/被未知来源所请求" #: ../settings.php:344 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "使保护更加智能!" #: ../settings.php:348 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "要使用该功能,请在Wordpress设置中将固定链接设为默认值以外的格式。" #: ../settings.php:351 msgid "Be careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL you will not be able to login." msgstr "谨慎使用该选项,如果忘记自定义的登入页URL,之后将无法登入。" #: ../cerber-load.php:3833 ../settings.php:394 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "主要设置" #: ../settings.php:406 msgid "Help" msgstr "帮助" #: ../settings.php:523 ../settings.php:645 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "增加锁定时长 %s 小时,如果达到 %s 次锁定于 %s 小时内" #: ../cerber-load.php:215 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "已被禁止登入。请向管理员寻求帮助。" #: ../cerber-load.php:221 msgid "You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "登入次数已受限。请 %d 分钟后再试。" #: ../cerber-load.php:240 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "剩余 %d 次尝试机会。" #: ../dashboard.php:680 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "没有被记录的活动。" #: ../dashboard.php:96 msgid "Expires" msgstr "到期" #: ../dashboard.php:118 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "没有被锁定的项目。天空晴好。" #: ../dashboard.php:131 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "这些IP永不被锁定" #: ../dashboard.php:140 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "您的IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3076 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "最近一次失败的登入尝试在 %s 来自IP %s 登入的用户名为: %s。" #: ../cerber-load.php:3805 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "数据库错误,未能激活WP Cerber安全插件。" #: ../settings.php:530 ../settings.php:652 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "通知管理员,如果激活的锁定次数超过" #: ../settings.php:98 ../settings.php:172 ../settings.php:334 msgid "days" msgstr "天" #: ../dashboard.php:1160 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber快览" #: ../dashboard.php:114 msgid "Hint" msgstr "提示" #: ../dashboard.php:114 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "点击IP地址,查看其活动" #: ../dashboard.php:158 ../dashboard.php:843 ../dashboard.php:870 ../dashboard. #: php:962 msgid "Check for activity" msgstr "检查活动" #: ../settings.php:82 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:95 ../settings.php:532 ../settings.php:654 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "点击发送测试" #: ../settings.php:801 ../settings.php:802 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "注意!登入页URL已改变,新的登入页URL是" #: ../dashboard.php:1072 msgid "Comments" msgstr "留言" #: ../common.php:986 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "升级WP Cerber到%s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3077 ../cerber-load.php:3634 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "在控制面板中查看活动信息" #: ../cerber-load.php:3107 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "已激活的锁定数量" #: ../cerber-load.php:3111 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "在控制面板中查看锁定信息" #: ../cerber-load.php:3193 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "消息来自" #: ../dashboard.php:1001 ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Tools" msgstr "工具" #: ../cerber-tools.php:84 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "导出设置文件" #: ../cerber-tools.php:85 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "当点击下方按钮,将得到一份设置文件,可上传到其它网站使用。" #: ../cerber-tools.php:86 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "要导出什么?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:89 msgid "Download file" msgstr "下载文件" #: ../cerber-tools.php:91 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "导入设置文件" #: ../cerber-tools.php:92 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "击下方按钮后,文件将被上传并覆盖现有的设置。" #: ../cerber-tools.php:93 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "选择要导入的文件。" #: ../cerber-tools.php:93 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "文件上传最大值: %s。" #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "要导入什么?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:98 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "上传文件" #: ../cerber-tools.php:145 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "没有文件被上传,或者文件有误" #: ../cerber-tools.php:178 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "上传错误" #: ../cerber-tools.php:181 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "设置已成功导入自" #: ../cerber-tools.php:185 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "分析文件出错" #: ../dashboard.php:94 ../dashboard.php:653 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "主机名" #: ../dashboard.php:355 msgid "unknown" msgstr "未知" #: ../settings.php:98 ../settings.php:330 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "保存记录时长" #: ../dashboard.php:1194 ../dashboard.php:1215 msgid "active" msgstr "激活" #: ../dashboard.php:1194 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "取消激活" #: ../dashboard.php:1196 msgid "not active" msgstr "未激活" #: ../dashboard.php:1197 ../dashboard.php:1211 msgid "disabled" msgstr "禁用" #: ../dashboard.php:1202 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "失败尝试" #: ../dashboard.php:1202 ../dashboard.php:1203 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "在24小时内" #: ../dashboard.php:1202 ../dashboard.php:1203 msgid "view all" msgstr "查看全部" #: ../dashboard.php:1203 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "锁定" #: ../dashboard.php:1205 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "现有锁定" #: ../dashboard.php:1206 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "最近锁定" #: ../dashboard.php:1207 ../dashboard.php:1208 ../dashboard.php:1763 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "条目" #: ../dashboard.php:1478 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "不了解如何设置?" #: ../dashboard.php:1479 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "点击下方按钮您可以轻松载入推荐值" #: ../dashboard.php:1481 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "载入默认值" #: ../dashboard.php:1489 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "不影响自定义登入页URL和接入列表" #: ../common.php:979 ../settings.php:214 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "新版可用" #. Name of the plugin #: ../dashboard.php:989 ../dashboard.php:1011 msgid "WP Cerber" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3051 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber通知" #: ../cerber-load.php:3073 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "要塞模式已激活" #: ../cerber-load.php:3147 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "自定义登入页URL" #: ../cerber-load.php:3792 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber安全插件需要PHP版本不低于 %s。您运行的版本" #: ../cerber-load.php:3796 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber安全插件需要WordPress版本不低于 %s。您运行的版本" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Use file" msgstr "使用文件" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "将失败的登入记录到文件" #: ../dashboard.php:1591 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "取消激活" #: ../dashboard.php:97 ../cerber-load.php:3109 msgid "Reason" msgstr "原因" #: ../dashboard.php:170 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "添加IP到列表" #: ../dashboard.php:889 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "添加IP到黑名单" #: ../common.php:784 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "试图接入" #: ../common.php:783 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "登入次数已达限制值" #: ../common.php:739 ../common.php:785 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "试图通过不存在的用户名登入" #: ../cerber-load.php:3108 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "最近一次锁定添加于: %s 来自 IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3836 ../settings.php:399 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "加固" #: ../dashboard.php:866 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "滥用邮箱:" #: ../settings.php:201 ../settings.php:236 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "邮箱" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "如果为空,将使用管理员邮箱 %s" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "加固WordPress" #: ../settings.php:113 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "停止用户列举" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "禁用XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "锁定接入 XML-RPC server (包括Pingbacks和Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "禁用feeds" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "锁定接入 RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "禁用REST API" #: ../settings.php:358 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "这些设置不会影响" #: ../settings.php:882 ../settings.php:894 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "错误: 请输入有效的邮箱地址。" #: ../cerber-load.php:3139 ../cerber-load.php:3825 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber现已激活,开始保护您的网站" #: ../dashboard.php:98 msgid "Action" msgstr "操作" #: ../dashboard.php:133 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "这些IP不能登入或注册" #: ../dashboard.php:196 ../dashboard.php:208 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "错误的IP地址或范围" #: ../dashboard.php:407 ../dashboard.php:1607 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "设置已保存" #: ../dashboard.php:870 msgid "Network:" msgstr "网络:" #: ../dashboard.php:884 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "添加网络到黑名单" #: ../dashboard.php:1590 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "注意!要塞模式现已激活,所有用户都不能登入。" #: ../dashboard.php:313 ../dashboard.php:2587 ../whois.php:221 ../whois.php:252 .. #: /common.php:782 ../common.php:1061 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "未知" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:194 ../common.php:251 ../common.php:256 ../common.php:261 .. #: /cerber-load.php:523 ../cerber-load.php:535 ../cerber-load.php:542 ../cerber- #: load.php:763 ../cerber-load.php:979 ../cerber-load.php:985 ../cerber-load.php: #: 990 ../cerber-load.php:995 ../cerber-load.php:1001 ../cerber-load.php:1008 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1108 ../cerber-load.php:1245 ../settings.php:780 ../settings. #: php:851 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "错误:" #: ../cerber-load.php:552 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:775 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "错误: 用户名%s密码不正确。" #: ../cerber-load.php:996 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "该用户名不可用,请更换用户名。" #: ../cerber-load.php:3102 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "未指定" #: ../cerber-load.php:3105 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "被锁定的数量在增加" #: ../cerber-load.php:3110 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "查看此IP活动" #: ../cerber-load.php:3114 ../cerber-load.php:3116 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "新版WP Cerber可供安装" #: ../cerber-load.php:3115 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3118 ../cerber-load.php:3129 msgid "Website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3121 ../cerber-load.php:3122 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber安全插件已取消激活" #: ../cerber-load.php:3124 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "未登入" #: ../cerber-load.php:3130 msgid "By user" msgstr "来源用户" #: ../cerber-load.php:3131 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "来源IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3134 msgid "From country" msgstr "来源国家" #: ../cerber-load.php:3138 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber安全插件已激活" #: ../cerber-load.php:3826 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "您的IP地址被加入到" #: ../cerber-load.php:3838 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "导入设置" #: ../settings.php:213 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "通知限制" #: ../settings.php:213 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "次邮件提醒于每小时 (0 代表不限制)" #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:137 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "屏蔽用户名" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "列表中的用户名不能登入或注册。任何试图使用这些用户名的IP将被立即锁定。使用逗号分隔多个值。" #: ../settings.php:145 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "用户线程过期于" #: ../settings.php:145 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "分钟内(留空使用Wordpress缺省值)" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:176 msgid "Site key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:183 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:361 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:709 ../settings.php:362 msgid "Know more" msgstr "了解更多" #: ../dashboard.php:989 ../settings.php:381 msgid "WP Cerber Security" msgstr "WP Cerber安全" #: ../settings.php:401 msgid "Users" msgstr "用户" #: ../common.php:706 msgid "User created" msgstr "用户创建" #: ../dashboard.php:1430 ../common.php:707 msgid "User registered" msgstr "用户注册" #: ../common.php:734 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:735 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:738 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "试图通过被屏蔽URL接入" #: ../common.php:740 ../common.php:786 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "试图通过被屏蔽用户名登入" #: ../settings.php:99 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:99 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "向Cerber Lab发送恶意IP地址" #: ../settings.php:100 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:155 ../settings.php:180 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:181 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:183 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:184 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:187 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:736 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1422 ../dashboard.php:1452 msgid "View all" msgstr "查看全部" #: ../dashboard.php:1453 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "最近被锁定的IP地址" #: ../cerber-lab.php:707 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "允许" #: ../cerber-lab.php:708 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "现在不" #: ../dashboard.php:991 ../dashboard.php:1226 ../dashboard.php:1783 ../settings. #: php:386 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "控制面板" #: ../cerber-lab.php:705 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-lab.php:706 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "允许向Cerber Lab发送恶意IP地址。可以随时更改此项设置。" #: ../dashboard.php:491 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP地址" #: ../dashboard.php:491 msgid "User login" msgstr "用户登入" #: ../dashboard.php:491 msgid "User ID" msgstr "用户ID" #: ../dashboard.php:676 msgid "Export" msgstr "导出" #: ../dashboard.php:695 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "搜索IP或用户名" #: ../dashboard.php:695 msgid "Filter" msgstr "过滤" #: ../dashboard.php:991 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber控制面板" #: ../dashboard.php:1001 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber工具" #: ../dashboard.php:1693 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "订阅" #: ../dashboard.php:1694 ../cerber-tools.php:266 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "取消订阅" #: ../dashboard.php:1722 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "您已订阅" #: ../dashboard.php:1725 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "您未订阅" #: ../cerber-load.php:3151 ../cerber-load.php:3152 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "新活动被记录" #: ../cerber-load.php:3606 msgid "User" msgstr "用户" #: ../cerber-load.php:3614 msgid "Search string" msgstr "搜索字符串" #: ../cerber-load.php:3635 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "取消订阅请点击这里" #: ../settings.php:103 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "参数" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "Date format" msgstr "日期格式" #: ../settings.php:105 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "如果留空,默认格式 %s 将被使用" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "推送通知" #: ../settings.php:198 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "邮件提醒" #: ../settings.php:205 ../settings.php:241 ../settings.php:298 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "使用逗号(,)定义多个值" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "全部已连接设备" #: ../settings.php:227 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "未找到设备" #: ../settings.php:229 msgid "Not available" msgstr "不可用" #: ../common.php:732 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "密码重置请求" #: ../common.php:787 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:845 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s之前" #: ../settings.php:77 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "IP白名单中的IP也使用限制规则" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "显示404页面" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:189 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:192 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "限制尝试" #: ../settings.php:192 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "锁定IP时长 %s 分钟, %s 次错误尝试在 %s 分钟内" #: ../settings.php:355 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "要塞模式下,除了白名单中的IP,不允许登入。处于激活状态的用户线程不受影响。" #: ../dashboard.php:491 ../dashboard.php:656 msgid "Event" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:137 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:139 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:140 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1431 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:980 ../cerber-load.php:986 ../cerber-load.php:1002 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1009 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:717 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:742 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:743 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:134 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1000 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1000 ../dashboard.php:1229 ../cerber-load.php:3835 .. #: /settings.php:189 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:153 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:155 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:49 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "License" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-tools.php:336 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1245 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "" #: ../common.php:788 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:170 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:171 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:172 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:172 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:718 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:158 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:159 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:159 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2854 ../settings.php:160 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:160 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security & Antispam" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:95 ../dashboard.php:654 msgid "Country" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:686 msgid "All events" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:997 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:997 ../dashboard.php:2168 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1074 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:956 ../dashboard.php:1075 msgid "Registered" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1142 msgid "You" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:138 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1490 ../cerber-load.php:3141 ../cerber-load.php:3828 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2173 msgid "Countries" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2236 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" #: ../dashboard.php:2247 msgid "No rule" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2459 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:719 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:720 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:746 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:747 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:751 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:752 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:757 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:758 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:759 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:760 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:789 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:113 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API except the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:118 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:136 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:146 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:146 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "注册日期" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:518 ../settings.php:640 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2303 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2386 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2410 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2411 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2412 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2413 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2414 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2415 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:171 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:171 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1416 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1784 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:233 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:737 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:738 msgid "Monday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:739 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:740 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:741 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:742 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:743 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:803 ../settings.php:804 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "" #. translators: preposition of time #: ../settings.php:753 msgctxt "preposition of time" msgid "at" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3157 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3160 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3186 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3190 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3301 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:769 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:642 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:380 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:383 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2239 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "" #: ../dashboard.php:2390 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2393 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Protects site from brute force attacks, bots and hackers. Antispam protection with the Cerber antispam engine and reCAPTCHA. Comprehensive control of user activity. Restrict login by IP access lists. Limit login attempts. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3289 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:167 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:246 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:234 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3214 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:3315 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:169 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:171 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:212 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-news.php:159 msgid "Cool!" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:143 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:993 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:993 ../dashboard.php:1212 ../dashboard.php:2508 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1228 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2513 msgid "Live traffic" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2825 msgid "Request" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2827 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2828 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2853 msgid "All requests" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2855 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2856 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2857 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2858 msgid "REST API" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2859 msgid "XML-RPC" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2863 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2876 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:101 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1005 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:270 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:276 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:277 msgid "Smart" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:278 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:282 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:292 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:327 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:254 msgid "Inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:255 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:269 msgid "Logging" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:287 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:322 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:2845 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1211 msgid "enabled" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1215 msgid "no connection" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3130 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:949 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:744 ../common.php:790 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3111 msgid "Any" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:2941 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:260 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:266 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:303 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:309 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:315 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:114 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:114 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1382 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1387 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1390 msgid "File not found" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1393 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1399 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:70 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:71 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:781 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber boot module" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-nl_NL.mo000064400000244715147577531750011777 0ustar00 ??B?(@@i@^x@ @@=@4APA4kA2AAOA @BaB xB BBBBB BBCCC1CBC _CiC CCC*CCCCDD .D9D IDWD hDsD D DD D D D DD$ E,0F]F2tFF!F F@F#G AG$KGpG GGGGCG/H27H jH5xHH HH,H*'IRI,mI'I.I@I?2JrJ JJJ!J1JK1!KSK!iKK KK K(KfKVLkLqLlL L#L>"M+aMGM*M(N)N<FN NAN N NNOO 5O BO>PO OPP1PPPPQ&Q:QLQbQsQQQQ QGQ(R FR TR^RsR&R#RRR RSGSeS |S(SCS(S T,T>TQT `TmTTT:TZT'UAUSU [UeU mUzUUIUUUWVXVjVV V VVV VV VV!WS*W%~XXX X/X%X!Y64YkYY2YYYY1Y(%ZNZjZ }Z;Z Z Z[[0[G[d[{[[g[I\0N\\ \\>\%\$]'7]0_]]] ]]u]KC^K^I^%_?_\_Sw_S_"`$B`5g` ` ```` ```*a(Calaa<a$aa bb8bObjbq}b+b3c2Oc+c)c1c0 d;dLd^d?xd7dLd6=eqteNe15fgfffff f f ff"g(g@9gzggg ggg gUg *h7hRhbhqhhhhhhh i i&iBiZiai{iiii iiiii j j$j5j)Fj<pjjjj3jk k k4k+9kekikk k kk4kMkClT^ll l l4l4m6mOm$imm mmmm'm n4 nfUnNnB obNoo o"oop6pKOppp4ppqqqq qrLr`rtr rr/r rrr s"s'=s esrs s,ssWtttmt'Au.iuu %v!/vQv=Yv v$v v vvv w ww0w?w!Tw2vw"w w w ww xx -x NxYxMnx xxxxyy*y1y9ySyly y yyyy yy y y!z(#zLz&kz z zz z z zz{{8{W{s{{{ {{{{{ | #|D|U|e|m|| | |||}!}7}S},r}}} } } } }!}~&~/~5~J~ S~ ]~g~~ ~u~// _)l$,1!#EU]u < #%+ >3L* Ł+D.FsT% EQWf{Ń܃ $464k ÄɄe%JpGԅ/" =KEe†%݆0C4x/݇:&.a3Ĉڈ)A S ^j z Ή ";Ke Ɗ؊ /%U ] ht.܋ ;2UnFČ; NG;ҍ  + 5CTcx͎'=ET1e)1& %; Uc w Ր 5!Wn- Ǒ<KTj'sW̒$D#W{ ɓ $!93[ΔIWfFHvNEŖR S^ З#  1#>b! ˘"$G [e }0ʙ;2+Q}!՚&˛4:'boutpZ˝`{~'8"3[F\֟.3-b;̠KUeC͢*@Q1@r ]":5Z3>ĥPAT?֦ $7Iۧ  #C/]GBըAZrЩ.IQ ftӪ &-! 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Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAll LoginsAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected filesAnalyze the uploads directoryAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsCheck for requests from the IP addressChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directoryDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisable the default reset password error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error messageDo not send alerts after this dateDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?DocumentationDownload fileDurationERROR:EditEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail alerts will be sent to these emails:Email alerts will be sent to this email:Email has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet me notified when such an event occursGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore global rate limitsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInjected fileInjected filesInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKeep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocal hash not foundLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum number of alerts to sendMaximum securityMedium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsMobile alerts are not configuredMobile alerts will be sent to %sModifiedMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo events found using the given search criteriaNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No limitNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests found using the given search criteriaNo requests have been logged yet.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNote: Logging is currently disabledNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOKOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional alert limitsOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword changed by %sPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevent username discovery via user XML sitemapsPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins' filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logsReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pagesShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Sort users in the DashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This message was sent byThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser application password created by %sUser application password deletedUser application password deleted by %sUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in the DashboardView allView all REST API requestsView all logged eventsView all logged requestsView bot eventsView denied REST API requestsView lockouts in the DashboardView reCAPTCHA eventsView violations in the logVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.You will be notified when such an event occursYour IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisabledenabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedunknownunspecifieduserusersview alle.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %sExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atThis is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.Mediumto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted toMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: nl Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1); %s registraties binnen %s minuten vanaf één IP-adres toegestaan%s herkansingen in %s minuten toegestaan%s sec%s sec(zet pas aan als je de Sitesleutel en Geheime Sleutel voor de onzichtbare versie hebt ontvangen)2FA Pincode2FA code geverifieerdImport van de toegangslijst leidde tot een database-foutEr was nieuwe activiteitEr is een nieuwe versie beschikbaarDe nieuwste versie van %s staat klaar voor installatie.De nieuwste versie WP Cerber staat klaar voor installatieEr is een nieuwere versie beschikbaarEen unieke tekenreeks die niet overlapt met 'slugs' van bestaande posts of pagina'sAPI-verzoek afgewezenAPI-verzoek toegestaanE-mail voor misbruik:ToegangslijstenToegang tot WordPress REST APIToegang tot deze websiteAccounts & RollenActieGeactiveerdActieve plugins en updates opActieve sessiesActiviteitActiviteitsinzichtenDetails van activiteitenVoeg '@site' toe aan de paginakopVoeg toeIP-adres toevoegen aan UitsluitingslijstVoeg een nieuwe toeVoeg een 'slave'-website toeNetwerk toevoegen aan UitsluitingslijstVoeg 'slave'-websites toe via toegangscertificaten.Add-onsToegevoegdAanvullende detailsAdresAnti-spam-routine instellenAantekening AdminGeavanceerd zoekenGeavanceerde modusNa elke scanAlle log-insAlle verbonden apparatenAlle landenAlle bestandenAlle bestanden zijn verwerktAlle groepenAlle scansAlle serversAlle verkeerSta REST API toe voor deze rollenSta WP Cerber toe om geblokkeerde boosaardige IP-adressen te delen met Cerber Lab. Dat helpt ons betere algoritmes te maken om WordPress te beschermen tegen nieuwe bedreigingen en botnets. Je kunt je toestemming altijd weer intrekken.Sta toegang tot REST-API toe voor ingelogde gebruikersSta deze naamruimtes toeBlokkeer altijd gehele IP Class C subnet van aanvallerAltijd aanEen optioneel bericht voor deze gebruikerAnalyseDe Wordpress-uploads-map controleren op bijgevoegde bestandenDe uploads-map controlerenAnti-spamAnti-spam- en botdetectie-instellingenAnti-spamroutineEnige activiteitElk land is toegestaanApplicatie-wachtwoordenPas toePas regels voor inlogbeperking toe op de Lijst Toegelaten IP-adressenWeet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde bestanden wilt wissen?Wil je de gekozen websites zeker verwijderen?Weet je het zeker?Weet je het zeker? Het certificaat wordt definitief ongeldig.Poging tot toegangPoging verboden URL te benaderenInlogpoging afgewezenInlogpoging met onbekende gebruikersnaamInlogpoging met verboden gebruikersnaamAanmeldingspoging afgewezenPoging een bestand met kwaadaardige code te uploadenPoging afgeweerd om kwaadaardig bestand te uploadenPogingen om in te loggen met een onbekende gebruikersnaamLet op! Citadelstand is actief; niemand kan inloggen.Let op! Je hebt de inlog-URL veranderd. De nieuwe inlog-URL isAutorisatie misluktGeautoriseerdBevoegde toegangAlleen bevoegde gebruikersSchema voor geautomatiseerde scansAutomatisch opschonen van malware en verdachte bestandenAutomatische verwijderingAutomatisch herstel van aangepaste en geïnfecteerde bestandenAutomatisch verwijderdAutomatisch in quarantaine gezetAutomatisch hersteldGemiddelde GrootteGeweldig!Terug naar de lijstWees voorzichtig met deze opties!Haal eerst een Site-sleutel en Geheime Sleutel op van Google om reCAPTCHA te kunnen gebruikenUitgesloten IP-adressenBlokkeerBlokkeer IP-adres voorBlokkeer IP-adressen die extreem veel niet-bestaande pagina's opvragen of die scannen voor beveiligingslekkenBlokkeer gebruikerBlokkeer toegang tot het Wordpress DashboardBlokkeer toegang tot gebruikersdata via REST API behalveBlokkeer toegang tot de RSS-, Atom- en RDF-feedsToegang tot XML-RPC server uitschakelen (inclusief Pingbacks en Trackbacks)Blokkeer toegang tot gebruikerspagina's als /?author=nBlokkeer toegang tot gebruikersdata via de REST APIBlokkeer toegang tot wp-login.phpVoorkom uitvoeren van PHP-scripts in de WordPress media-mapSubnet blokkerenBlokkeer ongeoorloofde toegang tot load-scripts.php en load-styles.php Blokkeer gebruikerGeblokkeerde GebruikersGeblokkeerd door de beheerderGeblokkeerd door landenregelBot-activiteit getedecteerdBot gedetecteerdSamenvattingAfweer van 'brute force'-aanvallen en instellingen gebruikersauthenticatieDoor WP Cerber te beoordelen, scherp je de focus van de makers en help je anderen de juiste programma's te vinden. Plaats je bespreking op een van deze sites. Dat kan gewoon in het Nederlands. Dankjewel!Door gebruikerBytesKan WP Cerber niet activeren door een fout in de database.Laat vervallenCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield instellingenCerber Lab verbindingCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber BeveiligingsregelsCerber Tech Inc.Cerber VerkeersinspectieCerber GebruikersbeveiligingCerber anti-spam-routinesCerber anti-spam-instellingenCerber toolsBestands- en maptoestemmingen zo nodig aanpassen om bestanden te verwijderenToestemmingen bestandssysteem aanpassenAangepaste bestandenLog van aanpassingenCheck op activiteitenControleer op verzoekenOpdrachten vanuit dit IP-adres zoekenControleren op nieuwe en gewijzigde bestandenControlegetal klopt nietCitadelstand geactiveerd!CitadelstandCitadelstand is actiefCitadelstand geactiveerd na %d mislukte inlogpogingen binnen %d minuten.Citadelstand actiefOpschonenKlik hier om de hele bestandenlijst te zienKlik op een landnaam om toe te voegen aan de lijst gekozen landenKlik op het IP-adres om z'n acties te zienKlik om aan te passenKlik om nu te versturenKlik om test te verzendenCommentaar afgewezenReactiepaginaVerwerking van reactieReactiesOrganisatieStel in als hoofdwebsite waarmee andere sites te beheren zijnInstellen wat deel moet uitmaken van de email-rapportage, en waarom deze verzonden wordtInhoud is gewijzigdHervat ScannenCookiesLandenLandWaarschuwing aanmakenAangemaaktKritieke problemenEr loopt een geagendeerde scan; wacht totdat deze afloopt.URL met aangepast commentaarAangepaste inlog-URLGebruik letters, cijfers, koppelstreepjes of onderstrepingen voor de eigen login-URLAangepaste inlogpaginaEigen ondertekening gevondenOndertekening op maatDashboardData ShieldData Shield instellingenDatumDatumformaatDatumformaat voor CSV-exportDeactiverenStandaardverwerkingStandaardinstellingen zijn geladenBeschermt Wordpress tegen hack-aanvallen, spam, trojans en virussen. Malware scanner en integriteitscontrole. Versterkt Wordpress met uitgebreide veiligheidsalgoritmen. Beschermt tegen spam met reCAPTCHA en detectie van bot-activiteit. Maakt activiteit van gebruikers en indringers te volgen via meldingen per e-mail, mobiel of desktop.Stel weergave van de eigen inlogpagina uitUitgestelde weergaveWisWaarschuwing verwijderenBestanden uit Wordpress' uploads-map verwijderenBestanden met ongewenste extensies verwijderenVerwijder definitiefVerwijder publiek bereikbare bestanden met deze extensiesWis bestanden in quarantaine naVerwijder verweesde bestandenVerwijder gegevens gebruikerssessies als gebruikersinformatie wordt gewistVerwijder websiteVerwijderdAfgewezenWijs mailadressen af die voldoen aan het volgendeWijs authenticatie via wp-login.php afWeiger verdere inlogpogingenVolledig negerenToegang bestemmingsmap afgewezenBijgevoegde bestanden detecteren in de Wordpress uploads-mapBepaald door gebruikersrolDiagnoseDiagnostische logE-mail niet ontvangen?Uit te sluiten mappenZet PHP foutweergave uitZet PHP uit in uploadsREST API uitschakelenXML-RPC uitschakelenAutomatische omleiding naar de loginpagina uitzetten als /wp-admin/ ongeautoriseerd wordt opgevraagdBot-detectie uitzetten voor IP-adressen in de toegestane lijstZet bot-detectie uit voor ingelogde gebruikersDashboard omleiding uitzettenFeeds uitschakelenZet beheermodus uitReCAPTCHA uitzetten voor adressen in de toegestane lijstZet reCAPTCHA uit voor ingelogde gebruikers'Slave'-modus uitzettenZet de standaard login-foutmelding uitZet het standaard 'reset wachtwoord'-bericht uitUitgeschakeldToon 404-paginaToon alsToon eenvoudige 404-paginaToon dit bericht als een inlogpoging wordt afgewezen vanwege de limiet op gelijktijdige sessiesZet mijn ip-adres niet op de lijst toegelaten ip-adressen bij activering pluginPas deze instellingen niet toe op de lijst toegelaten IP-adressenPas deze instelling niet toe op de lijst toegelaten IP-adressenLog bekende crawlers nietLog deze 'user-agents' nietLog deze locaties nietHoud niet-bestaande gebruikersnamen en emails achter bij het rapporteren van gefaalde login-pogingenHoud niet-bestaande gebruikersnamen en emails geheim in het 'reset wachtwoord'-berichtStuur geen waarschuwingen na deze datumVerberg PHP-fouten op mijn websiteWil je de geselecteerde bestanden toevoegen aan de negeer-lijst?DocumentatieBestand downloadenDuurFOUT:AanpassenE-mailadresE-mail-adres niet toegestaan.Email-adres is verbodenE-mail-waarschuwingen gaan naar:E-mail-waarschuwingen gaan naar:E-mail is verzonden naarE-mail meldingenAanzetten na %s gefaalde inlogpogingen in de afgelopen %s minutenHoud logboek voor aanmeldingen bijGegevens wissen inschakelenGegevensexport inschakelenDiagnostische logging aanzettenFoutafscherming aanzettenZet onzichtbare reCAPTCHA aanBeheer-stand aanzettenGa het verkeer loggen als je verdachte of kwaadaardige activiteiten wilt volgen, of beveiligingsproblemen wilt oplossenReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WooCommerce inlogpaginaReCAPTCHA inschakelen om nieuw WooCommerce wachtwoord op te vragenReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WooCommerce registratieZet reCAPTCHA aan voor WordPress reactiesReCAPTCHA inschakelen voor WordPress inlogpaginaReCAPTCHA inschakelen om nieuw WordPress wachtwoord op te vragenReCAPTCHA instellen voor WordPress regstratieformulierRapporteren aanzetten'Slave'-modus aanzettenVerkeersinspectie aanzettenVrijgegeven, toegang tot API met gewoon gebruikersaccountVrijgegeven, geen toegang tot API met gewoon gebruikersaccountDwing dubbele authenticatie af als enige van deze voorwaarden waar isDwing met vaste regelmaat dubbele authenticatie afVoer een deel van een query-tekenreeks of -pad in om een request uit te sluiten van inspectie. Eén item per regel.Voer een 'request URI' in om deze van inspectie uit te sluiten. Eén per regel.Voer de code uit de e-mail in het veld hieronder in.Afschermen foutieve requestsFout bij verwerken bestandFout: bestand %s is niet te gebruiken.FoutenGebeurtenisElke 3 uurElke 6 uurElk uurUitvoerbare code gevondenUitvoerbare bestandextensie aangetroffenUitvoerbare bestandenUitvoerbare bestanden zijn niet mogelijk. Upload een ZIP-bestand.VerlooptExportInstellingen exporteren naar bestandExtensieGefaalde loginpogingenBestandBestandsnaamFout bij bestandstoegang. Scanresultaten zijn mogelijk verouderd. Scan opnieuw.Bestand verwijderdStatistiek BestandsextensieBestand ontbreektBestand niet gevondenBestand hersteldBestandsupload afgewezenBestandsnaam is verbodenBestandenBestanden in tijdelijke mappenBestanden in de sessie-mapBestanden in deze mappenBestanden gescandBestanden te scannenBestanden met deze extensiesBestanden zonder extensieFilterGefilterd door een geregistreerde gebruikerScan afrondenGeëindigdVast aantal aanmeldingenMapVerboden URLGegevens formulierveldenFormulierafgifte afgewezenFormulierverzendingenVan IP-adresUit landVolledige scanRapport Volledige ScanVolledige-toegangs-modusBericht me als dit gebeurtMeteen op de hoogte met desktop- en mobiele meldingenStartgidsAlgemeenAlgemene UitsluitingenSta site-toegang alleen toe aan ingelogde gebruikersGroepVersterkingWordpress versterkenHulpBijzonderheden van de inlogpogingHallo!Verberg Toolbar bij bekijken siteVerberg IP-adres serverZeer ernstigHost InfoHostnaamHoe WP Cerber z'n kern- en beveiligingsroutines laadtHoe de plugin opmerkingen verwerkt die binnenkomen via het opmerkingenformulierVerificatie als mens mislukt.Menselijke verificatie mislukt. Klik het vierkant in onderstaand reCAPTCHA-blok.IPIP-adresIP-adresIP-adres %s staat nu op de lijst verboden adressenIP-adres %s staat nu op de lijst toegelaten adressenIP-adres is uitgeslotenIP-adres niet toegestaanIP-adres, -reeks, -jokerteken of CIDRIP uitgeslotenIP geblokkeerdIP subnet geblokkeerdIP toegestaanBij detectie van een spam-reactieBij veranderingen in de scanresultatenBij nieuw gevonden problemenAls het aantal gelijktijdige gebruikersessies groter isAls we je account hebben, sturen we een bevestigingslink naar het email-adres in dat account.Meen je dit verzoek te moeten kunnen uitvoeren, laat het ons weten.Als je de Aangepaste inlog-URL vergeet, kun je niet meer inloggen.Gebruik je een caching plugin, dan moet je je nieuwe login URL toevoegen aan de niet te cachen pagina's.NegeerNegeer-lijstBestanden met deze extensies negerenNegeer algemene tarieflimietenNegeer ingelogde gebruikersIP meteen blokkeren bij verzoeken aan wp-login.phpIP meteen blokkeren bij inlogpoging op niet-bestaande gebruikerInstellingen importerenInstellingen importeren van bestandBelangrijk bericht als je een caching plugin benutIn de Citadelstand kunnen alleen adressen van de Lijst Toegelaten IP-adressen inloggen. Heeft geen effect op reeds ingelogde gebruikers.Voeg activiteitenlog toeVoeg bestandsgrootte toeVoeg scanfouten toeVoeg verkeersinformatie toeIP-adres of -reeks is incorrectOnjuist wachtwoordUitsluiting verlengen naar %s uur na %s uitsluitingen in de afgelopen %s uurInitialisatiefaseGestart door gebruikerBijgevoegd bestandBijgevoegd bestandenInstalleer het toegangscertificaat op de hoofdwebsite.IntegriteitIntegriteitsgegevens niet gevondenOngeldige cookiesOngeldige cookies gewistOngeldige hoofd-inloggegevensOngeldig antwoord van de 'slave'-websiteOngeldige gebruikerOnzichtbare reCAPTCHATotaal aan problemenAlleen zichtbaar voor websitebeheerdersMogelijk achtergebleven bij een upgrade van %s. Het kan ook deel uitmaken van verborgen malware. Of -uitzonderlijk- bij een maatwerk plugin of thema horen.Deze site lijkt nooit te zijn gescand. Klik onderstaande knop om nu te scannen.KB/secLet op: je hebt een website toegevoegd die geen SSL-encryptie ondersteunt. Dat kan een datalek veroorzaken.Leg aangemelde gebruikers vast voorLeg niet-aangemelde bezoekers vast voorHoud de WP uploads-map schoon en veilig. Detecteer tussengevoegde bestanden met internettoegang, rapporteer ze en verwijder de kwaadaardige.Meer wetenLeer alle voordelen kennen opGrootsteLaatste mislukte inlogpoging was op %s vanaf IP %s op gebruiker %s.Recente uitsluitingLaatste uitsluiting was toegevoegd: %s voor IP-adres %sLaatst ingelogdLaatst gezienStart volledige scanBegin Snelle ScanVerouderde standLicentieToegang beperken op IP-adresBeperk aantal pogingenInlogpogingen beperkenGrens aan gelijktijdige gebruikersessiesGrens bereikt van foutieve reCAPTCHA'sLimiet voor aantal inlogpogingen is bereiktLimiet bereiktLijst is leegHuidig verkeerAanbevolen instellingen ladenWaarden inladenStart beveiligingskernStandaard-instellingen plugin ladenLokale gebruikerLokale hash niet gevondenSluit IP-adressen uit voor %s minuten na %s mislukte pogingen in %s minutenBuitengeslotenUitsluiting voor %s is verwijderdMelding van uitsluitingenUitsluitingenActuele uitsluitingenUitsluitingenInloggenUitloggenLog alle REST API-verzoekenLog alle XML-RPC-verzoeken Bij de website inloggenIngelogdUitgelogdOveral uitgelogdIngelogde gebruikersRapportage uitRapportagestandLoginbeveiligingInloggen misluktLogin-formulierAanmelding vanaf een ander IP-adresLogin vanuit een andere browser of een ander apparaatAanmelding uit een ander landAanmelding vanaf een ander klasse-C-netwerkLogin-problemenLanger danFormulier voor zoekgeraakt wachtwoordNiet ernstigHoofdinstellingenHoofdinstellingenMaak je bescherming slimmer!Kwaadaardige activiteitKwaadaardige IP-adressen gevondenVerdachte activiteiten afgevangenKwaadaardige activiteit gedetecteerdKwaadaardige code ontdektKwaadaardige code gevondenKwaadaardige request afgewezenMalware ScanInstellingen beherenMarkeren als spamVerberg deze formulierveldenHoofdinstellingenMaximale compatibiliteitMaximum aantal te verzenden waarschuwingenMaximale veiligheidErnstigMinimaalDiverse instellingenPerk aggressieve pogingen inMobiele waarschuwingen zijn niet ingesteldMobiele waarschuwingen worden naar %s gestuurdAangepastGewijzigde bestanden bewakenNieuwe bestanden bewakenVerwijder spamreacties naMeervoudige foutieve verzoekenMeerdere verdachte activiteitenMeerdere verdachte activiteiten gedetecteerdMeerdere verdachte verzoekenMijn IPMijn IP-adresMijn WebsitesMijn activiteitenMijn verzoekenMijn website draait achter een reverse proxyNee, misschien laterNetwerk:NooitNieuwe Aangepaste inlog-URLNieuw bestandNieuwe bestandenNieuwe gebruikersNieuwe versie beschikbaarNieuwsteEr is nog geen activiteit geregistreerdEr zijn geen gegevens voor een rapport. Doe een Volledige Scan. Na afloop stellen we de rapportage samen.Geen apparaten gevondenGeen gebeurtenissen gevonden bij deze zoektermenGeen extensieGeen bestand geüpload of bestand is beschadigdHet filter levert geen bestanden op.Geen limietMomenteel geen uitsluitingen.Geen opdrachten gevonden bij deze zoektermenEr zijn geen opdrachten opgeslagen.Geen beperkingenGeen regelGeen website geconfigureerd.Niet-geautoriseerdNiet-bestaande gebruikersNiet beschikbaarNiet ingelogdNiet toegestaan voor één landNiet toegestaan voor %d landenNiet gespecificeerdNB: loggen staat nu uitAantekeningenLimiet aan meldingenMeldingenStuur admin een melding bij meer uitsluitingen danAantal actieve uitsluitingenToegestaan aantal gelijktijdige sessiesAantal uitsluitingen loopt opOKOK, gooi ze er allemaal uitOudsteIndien ingeschakeld, vind je de log hier: %sAlleen geregistreerde en ingelogde gebruikers mogen de website bekijkenAlleen geregistreerde en ingelogde gebruikers hebben toegang tot de websiteAlleen IP-adressen uit de Toegestane Lijst kunnen registreren op de website.Limiet voor waarschuwingen (optie)Opmerking hierbijAndere formulierenEigenaarPagina niet gevondenAanmaaktijd paginaDrempeltijd paginaopbouwBezig de bestandslijst door te nemenWachtwoord veranderdWachtwoord veranderd door %sVerzoek om wachtwoord-reset afgewezenWachtwoordvernieuwing aangevraagdPasPrestatieToestemming geweigerdSta alleen mailadressen toe die voldoen aan het volgendeToegestaan voor één landToegestaan voor %d landenPersoonlijke GegevensPersoonlijke VoorkeurenTelefoonKies een andere.Schakel Permalinks in om deze functionaliteit te gebruiken. Stel de Permalinks instelling in op iets anders dan Standaard.Upload een referentie-ZIP-archiefUpload een ander bestand.Gebruik de volgende verificatie-PIN om je identiteit te bevestigen.Bevestig dat jij het bentPlugin initialisatie is niet aangepastBeleid is vernieuwdCommentaar plaatsenVoorvoegsel voor plugin-cookiesGebruik letters, cijfers of onderstrepingen voor het voorvoegselScan voorbereidenVoorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamenVoorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamen via oEmberVoorkom ontdekken van gebruikersnamen via XML sitemapsVoorgaande scan die begon op %s is nog niet klaar. Daarmee doorgaan?Proactieve beveiligingsregelsOp zoek naar kwetsbare codeAuthenticatieverzoeken van wp-login.php aan het verwerkenProfielVerboden extensiesVerboden gebruikersnamenBescherm admin scriptsBescherm alle invoerformulieren met bot-detectieBescherm invoer reacties met bot-detectieBescherm registratie met bot-detectieBescherm site-instellingenBescherm gebruiker-accountsBescherm gebruikersrollenBeschermde instellingenPush meldingenPushbullet access tokenPushbullet apparaatQuarantineAfgezonderdToegestane queriesSnelle ScanRapportage Snelle ScanAlleen-lezen-modusRedenRecent buitengesloten IP-adressenHerstel Wordpress-bestandenPlugin-bestanden herstellenHersteldWordpress-bestanden aan het herstellenPlugin-bestanden aan het herstellenOmleiding naar URLVerwijs gebruiker door na loginVerwijs gebruiker door na logoutRegels voor doorverwijzingVerversAanmeldenAanmelden bij de websiteAangemeldRegistratieformulierRegistratielimietGeregelde tijdsinterval (dagen)VerwijderenVerwijder van de lijstRapporteer VerzoekID van verzoekURL opvragenVerzoek aan REST API afgewezenVerzoek aan XML-RPC API afgewezenVerzoek aan Google ReCAPTCHA-service misluktVerzoek om whitelistVerzoek wp-login.phpProbleem oplossenTerugzettenBeperk e-mail-adressenBeperk nieuwe gebruikers met deze voorwaardenNaar behoefte toegang tot de WordPress REST API beperken of blokkerenBeperk beheer van rollen en instellingen met deze maatregelenBeperk het bijwerken van site-instellingen met deze maatregelenBeperk aanmaak gebruikers-accounts en gebruikerbeheer met de volgende instellingenHaal WHOIS-info van IP-adres op bij inzage van de logsTerug naar de website-lijstBijwerken Rol afgewezenRolgebaseerdRolgebaseerde regels worden ingesteldVeilige standSla $_SERVER opSla wijzigingen opAlle regels opslaanSla 'request cookies' opBewaar verzoekveldenSla 'request headers' opResponse cookies opslaanResponse headers opslaanSoftwarefouten opslaanRapportage scanresultatenDe sessie-map controlerenTijdelijke mappen van de webserver controlerenGescandScannerrapportScanner-instellingenTijdelijke mappen van de webserver controleren op bestandenSessie-map controleren op bestandenTijdelijke upload-map controleren op bestandenWebsite-mappen controleren op bestandenAgenderenIP-adres zoekenZoek IP of gebruikersnaamZoek in URLZoekresultaten voor:ZoekfraseKwaadaardige code zoekenGeheim ToegangscertificaatOngeldig Geheim ToegangscertificaatGeheime sleutelBeveiligingsregelsVeiligheidsscannerBeveiligingsregels zijn vernieuwdKies een bestaande groep of voeg een nieuwe toeKies bestand om te importeren.Kies een of meer rollenStuur e-mail-rapportStuur kwaadaardige IP-adressen naar Cerber LabMelding versturen naar admin e-mailadresVerstuur rapportages opServerLand van serverDe sessie is gestopt%s sessies zijn gestoptSessiesBijwerken instellingen afgewezenInstellingenInstellingen geïmporteerd vanInstellingen opgeslagenInstellingen aangepastVerplaats admin-menuToon het WP Server Admin-menu bovenaan voor wie als admin browstToon 'Omgeschakeld naar'-meldingToon WHOIS-info van IP-adresToon thuispagina in de Website-kolomSite-integriteitSite-instellingenWebsiteverbindingSite-sleutelAfdwingen gebruiksvoorwaarden siteSite-specifieke instellingenGrootteBestanden met deze extensies overslaan'Slave'-instellingenKleinsteSlimEr zijn fouten opgetredenSorry, je verificatie faalt.Excuus, wachtwoordreset is niet toegestaan voor deze gebruiker.Sorteer gebruikers in het DashboardRuimte GebruiktSpamreactie afgewezenSpamreacties afgewezenGeweigerd wegens spamSpam formulierafgifte afgewezenSpambescherming voor registratie, opmerkingen en andere formulieren op de websiteGeef toegestane REST API-naamruimtes op als de REST API is uitgeschakeld. Eén tekenreeks per regel.Geef aan welke url-paden niet gelogd worden. Eén per regel.Geef aan welke 'user-agents' niet gelogd worden. Eén per regel.Eigen PHP code ondertekeningen, één per regel. Zet bij een REGEX-patroon de hele regel tussen accolades { }.Stel de mappen in die niet gescand worden. Eén map per regel.Geef e-mailadressen, jokertekens of REGEX-patronen op. Scheid items met komma's.Geef bedoelde bestandsextensies op, komma-gescheiden. Alleen tbv de volledige scan.StandaardinstellingBegin Volledige ScanBegin Snelle ScanBegin te typen om een land te vindenBegonnenStop ScannenStop nummering gebruikersFormulieren versturenVerdachte JavaScript-code ontdektVerdachte SQL-code gevondenVerdachte activiteitVerdachte code gevondenVerdachte code-instructie gevondenVerdachte code-ondertekeningen gevondenVerdachte instellingen gevondenVerdacht aantal veldenVerdacht aantal geneste waardenVerdachte verzoekenGa naar:Ga naar het DashboardBeëindigBeëindig sessieVoer de oudste sessie af bij een nieuwe loginBeëindig gebruikerssessiesHet IP-adres dat je wilt toevoegen, staat al in de lijstWP Cerber is gedeactiveerdWP Cerber is actiefWaarschuwing aangemaaktWaarschuwing verwijderdDe code is %s minuten geldig.De bestandsinhoud is veranderd en past niet bij wat er op de officiële WordPress-site staat of bij het referentiebestand dat je eerder hebt geüpload. Het bestand kan zijn aangepast door malware, geïnfecteerd met een virus of handmatig gewijzigd.Het bestand is definitief verwijderd.Het bestand is teruggezet op de oorspronkelijke plek.Volledige toegang tot alle functies vergt WP Cerber PRODe lijst is leeg.De scanner scant de site automatisch, verwijdert malware en mailt de resultaten van de scanMet de integriteitsdata ('checksums') van de ontwikkelaar van %s, ziet de scanner dit als een ontbrekend bestand.De scanner ziet bestandswijzigingen, controleert de integriteit van WordPress, plugins en thema's, en detecteert malwareDe scanner ziet dit bestand als 'verweesd' of 'niet gekoppeld' omdat het bij geen enkel bekend deel van de website hoort en hier dus geen plaats heeft.Het schema is aangepastHet certificaat is uniek voor deze site - houd het geheim! Installeer het certificaat op een hoofdwebsite om die toegang tot deze site te geven.De website is toegevoegdDe website die je wilt toevoegen, staat al op de lijstEr staan nu geen bestanden in quarantaine.Deze mogelijkheden vind je in de betaalde versie van WP Cerber.Deze functies helpen u de privacywetgeving na te levenDeze bestanden zijn toegevoegd aan de negeer-lijstDeze bestanden zijn in quarantaine gezetDeze bestanden worden nooit gewist bij een automatische schoonmaak.Het beleid wordt automatisch toegepast na elke scan, afhankelijk van de resultaten. Aangetaste bestanden gaan naar de quarantaine.Deze beperkingen gelden niet voor IP-adressen op de Toegelaten LijstMet deze instellingen stel je de anti-spam algoritmes precies in, en voorkom je valse meldingenHet bestand bevat uitvoerbare code en mogelijk verborgen malware. Maakt het deel uit van een thema of plugin, dan moet het in de desbetreffende map staan. Zonder uitzondering.Dit bestand ontbreekt. Het is verwijderd of niet geïnstalleerd.Dit bericht is verzonden doorHet scan-rapport komt van een eerdere versie van WP Cerber. Scan opnieuw voor een consistent en accuraat resultaat.Dit type bestand is niet mogelijk. Upload een ZIP-bestand.De bevestigings-pincode is verlopen. We hebben je een nieuwe gemaild.Deze website is te beheren vanaf een hoofdwebsiteDeze website is als hoofdwebsite ingesteld.Deze website is als 'slave' ingesteld.DrempelwaardeWis de plugin cache om valse positieven te voorkomen en beter anti-spam-gedrag te krijgen.Om je rapportageinstellingen aan te passen, ga naarKlik om waarschuwing te verwijderenOm het meeste baat bij WP Cerber te hebben, doe dit:Kies de instelling voor deze website om door te gaanOm het certificaat in te trekken en beheer op afstand te stoppen, klik hier:Herinstalleer of update %s om dit probleem op te lossen.Je kunt REGEX-patronen gebruiken; sluit deze op in voorwaartse slashes zoals /admin.*/.Zet bij een REGEX-patroon de hele regel tussen accolades { }.Ga voor volledig rapport naarGereedschapTop-10 grootste bestandenVerkeerVerkeersinzichtenVerkeersinspectieVerkeersinspectieVerkeerInspectie beschermt als contextuele WebApplicatie Firewall (WAF) de website door kwaadaardige HTTP-verzoeken te herkennen en te weigeren Verkeer LoggenSpamreacties weggooienProbeer nogmaalsDubbele authenticatieE-mail voor dubbele authenticatieDubbele authenticatieKan integriteit niet controleren door DB-foutKan integriteit van Wordpressbestanden niet controleren door een netwerkfoutKan integriteit van plugin niet controleren door een netwerkfoutKan integriteit van thema niet controleren door een netwerkfoutKan bestand niet kopiërenKan map niet aanmakenKan niet verwijderenKan bestand niet verwijderenKan bestand niet openenKan bestand niet verwerkenKan geen e-mail verzenden naarKan het schema niet vernieuwenLosstaande bestandenVerdacht losstaand bestandOnbekendOnbekende Google-botOnbekend labelOngewenste extensiesOngewenste bestandsextensieOngewenste bestandsextensiesUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade alle actieve pluginsBestand uploadenGebruik 404-sjabloon van het actieve themaPas ISO 8601 datumformaat toe voor CSV-exportBenut REST APILijst Toegelaten IP-adressen gebruikenBenut XML-RPCGebruik absolute paden; één item per regel.Scheid items met komma's.Scheid extensies met komma'sScheid meer waarden met komma'sGebruik eigen URL voor het WordPressBestand gebruikenGebruik algemene instellingenMinder restricties (sta AJAX toe)Gebruik lossere filters voor IP-adressen uit de toegestane lijstGebruik hoofdtaalGebruikerGebruikersactiviteitWebbrowserGebruikers-IDGebruikersinzichtenbericht van gebruikerGebruikersbeleidGebruiker-geactiveerdGebruikerswachtwoord aangemaaktGebruikerswachtwoord aangemaakt door %sGebruikerswachtwoord verwijderdGebruikerswachtwoord verwijderd door %sGebruikerswachtwoord bijgewerktGebruiker geblokkeerd door de adminGebruiker toegevoegdGebruiker aangemaakt door %sGebruiker aanmaken afgewezenVerwijderd door gebruikerGebruiker verwijderd door %sGebruiker mag niet inloggen op de siteGebruikers-loginGebruikersberichtAanpassing metadata gebruiker geweigerdGebruiker aangemeldGebruikersregistratieGebruikersregistratie is beperkt tot deze rollenAanpassing rij van gebruiker geweigerdAfkaptijd gebruikerssessieGebruikerssessie beëindigdGebruikerssessie beëindigd door %sGebruikersnaamGebruikersnaam is niet toegestaan, kies een andere.Gebruikersnaam is verbodenToegepaste gebruikersnaamGebruikersnamen op deze lijst kunnen niet aanmelden of inloggen. IP-adressen die deze namen gebruiken, worden direct uitgesloten. Scheid namen met een komma.GebruikersGebruikers in deze rol kunnen nieuwe rollen toevoegenGebruikers in deze rol mogen beschermde instellingen aanpassenGebruikers in deze rol kunnen rol-instellingen aanpassenGebruikers in deze rol kunnen gebruikersdata aanpassenGebruikers in deze rol kunnen nieuwe accounts aanmakenGebruikersactiviteitGeverifieerdValideerBevestig dat jij het bentIntegriteit van WordPress controlerenIntegriteit van plugins controlerenIntegriteit van thema's controlerenActiviteit bekijkenBekijk activiteit voor dit adresToon activiteit in het DashboardZie alleToon alle REST API-verzoekenToon alle opgeslagen gebeurtenissenToon alle opgeslagen opdrachtenBekijk bot-gebeurtenissenToon afgewezen REST API-verzoekenToon uitsluitingen in het DashboardBekijk reCAPTCHA-gebeurtenissenToon opgeslagen inbreukenKwetsbaarhedenKwetsbaarheid gevondenWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is actief en beschermt nu je websiteWP Cerber meldingWP Cerber vergt PHP %s or hoger. Jij draait %s.WP Cerber vergt WordPress %s or hoger. Jij draait %s.Wil je WP Cerber nog beter maken?We hebben geen integriteitsgegevens ter verificatie vanWe hebben je ondersteuning nodig om door te gaanExcuus, je mag niet doorgaanPincode ter validatie naar je gemaildWebsiteWebsite-eigenaarWebsite-eigenschappenWebsite URLWebsite is verwijderd%s websites zijn verwijderdWeekrapportWeekrapportHet weekrapport is een overzicht van activiteiten en verdachte gebeurtenissen van de afgelopen zeven dagenWeekrapportenWat wil je exporteren?Wat wil je importeren?Als de grens van gelijktijdige gebruikersessies is bereiktOnderstaande knop genereert een configuratiebestand dat je kunt uploaden bij een andere site.Onderstaande knop laadt een bestand dat bestaande instellingen overschrijft.Onderstaande knop laadt WP Cerber's standaardinstellingen. Een aangepaste login-url en de toegangslijsten blijven wel behouden.Toegelaten IP-adressenWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress uploads analyseMislukte pogingen opslaan in bestandJijJe bent hier:Je mag niet inloggenJe hebt geen toestemming om in te loggen. Vraag je beheerder om informatie.Je mag niet aanmelden.Je kunt je eigen IP of netwerk niet toevoegenLaatste inlogpoging.Nog %d inlogpogingen te gaan.Je hebt de standaard login-pagina uitgezet. Vergewis je ervan dat je een andere login-pagina hebt geconfigureerd; anders ben je voorgoed buitengesloten.Je hebt een onjuiste bevestigings-pincode ingevoerdJe hebt de limiet aan loginpogingen bereikt. Probeer opnieuw na %d minuten.Je kunt nog één login-poging wagen.Je bent teruggegaan naar de beheer-websiteJe bent omgeschakeld naar %sJe moet het ZIP-archief uploaden vanwaar dit is geïnstalleerd. Daarmee kan de scanner de integriteit van de code controleren en malware herkennen.Iemand wil de site binnenkomen. We willen zeker weten dat jij het zelf bent. Zo niet, vernieuw dan meteen je wachtwoord om je site te beschermen.Je krijgt bericht als dit gebeurtJouw IPJe IP-adres %s is toegevoegd aan de Lijst Toegestane AdressenJe laatste inlog was op %s vanaf %sJe licentie geldt totJe login-pagina:Je verzoek lijkt te veel op een geautomatiseerd verzoek van spam-software óf is geweigerd door een beveiligingsinstelling van de beheerder.actiefper registratiedatumdagendeactiverengedeactiveerdaanitemitemsverlooptmislukte pogingenhttps://wpcerber.comindien leeg, gebruiken we standaardinstelling %sindien leeg, worden de mailadressen voor meldingen gebruiktindien leeg, wordt de email %s van de sitebeheerder gebruiktin 24 uuruitsluitingenmillisecondenminutenminuten (leeg laten voor de standaard WordPress waarde)geen verbindingniet actiefmeldingen per uur toegestaan (0 = onbeperkt)aantal aanmeldingeneenmaal daags omalleen cijfers toegestaanofreCAPTCHA-instellingenfoutieve reCAPTCHA-instellingenreCAPTCHA verificatie misluktreCAPTCHA geverifieerdonbekendniet gespecificeerdgebruikergebruikersbekijk allesgeblokkeerd door %s om %sRecente malware scanover %somHoogLaagMiddenGekozen landen mogen niet %s, overige landen welGekozen landen mogen %s, overige landen nietlanguages/wp-cerber-bs_BA.mo000064400000137510147577531750011735 0ustar00_ & & &2& G&^h&R&;'vV' '2' !( .(;( B(L(U(g(x((((,(,(")9)I)Z)m) )) ) )) )")$ *2/+b+#k++++C+/+ ,+, =,^,,w,*,,,,'-?--H-@v-?-!-1.K.!^..(.f./+./;Z/G/E/G$0 l0Ay000 0011191J1`1t11111 1 122#(2L2^2 q2~2G22 2(3C,3p333 333334 4!4)4I944J4445 5$5 )5 55S@5666666 6 7727O7f7w7g707 8>>8 }8%8888858 .9 <9J9S9 Z9h998999+93):2]:+:):1:0;I;Z;qt;N;5<N<c<j< p< ~< <9< <<<<==-=C=UH==== =>> 8> F>T>p>>>>>>>> > > ??0? 8?B?V?[? _?m? r?|?T?? ?(?@ @+@'F@n@B@b@(A /A;A6KAJAAAA}BB BLB C C'C@C TCaCWDmD ~D!D=D D$D E %E/E@E RE^EfEuE2E"E E E E FF 4F?FMXF FFFFFFGG )G3G CGNGVG gG tG G GG G G GGGH1HMHeHzHHHHHHHI!I:INI,mI!IIIIII IJJ9J)JJ$tJ,JJJ,JK ,K :KHK<_K KK K3KK L:LLL lLxLLLLL L4Le+M%MM/M M NCN[NtNNN:N.N3)O]O pO{O OOO OOO OO P P'P/8X2wX+XXY&Y4ZFZYZZ3 ["@[Ec[.[-[,\3\\] ]]"]P^Ah^?^^!_&_@_F_N___q__/_G_B`AH``$```aa+aCaaaraa aaaa!a b&b;b [bhb b&bb$bb*b*c /c:c BcPc _c lcwccc3c ccdd$d&d%e )e7eQeleueee+e<ef*.f.Yf+ff f f fff gh)gdgg' h4hKhEOh hCh)hW$iD|ii\jnjjj jjjjjk k'k00kak ikwkk7k)k,k +l07lhl}l ll6l l l9l6%m%\mm mm{m{Pnn nnn p8p$JpVopRp@q{Zqq2q%r7rNr Ur `rjr{rrrrr+r+s?sYsks~ss ss s sst&t=t?Yuu!uu uuNu<5vrvv*vv<v7 wXw!vw*w w:w@x9Ix/x2xxx y,#yrPyy)y(zG+zOszNz{I"{$l{{ {{{;{|'|A|U|i|||| |||}(}C}W} j}v}A}} }*}@~`~}~~~~ ~-~3:AERZ"4Q`p v U ##, 5&C j"t˂ނm<^&=ƒ*: R_u9 ń ҄ F$k-<Ѕ5 -C4q:2+uKJ )AIRd y&шو߈ $t)lj# #BTj# Ɗӊ  +H] er ŋZϋ* -'7_ t;!یdtb ׍ "/SAĎT$oZ  %D YgPXn$}K/7Pb $ĒH(2[k{)ӓJ T`!qٔ ݔ  ">Tl ȕ ܕ;Zs)Ԗ 6#Ko$ߗ. / 9F_u$+,ߘ (<4q Z) <FIǚݚ " Cbt Mi/Q-ǜ לJ-Ll53؝7 DQZ kw  ٞ͞ 3MT,oƟڟ& 0K_&t" ݠ!,&N!u &ɡڡ !'I`)y* ΢#ۢ#:O _ lv~+%" $ E_aqh3e4'Ow˦Ӧۦ($? d"AڧG'd)#v'ک"+ު8 $C"h%_8Q V+`Z:5"X'u&Į ʮծ; F\<9)5"_Ѱ # <FMc~# !ʱ 'G2Y#+ܲ0 %0?Pcv dz<޳+ %C\ k! & +0+\/s2-ֶ %8Lf`eF/[E'N/eP`G޺/)Y!p »Eλ 0CIX71ڼ @Wm |Bҽ ?+02$InMJܾ ' 1?%s ago%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP%s allowed retries in %s minutes(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivatedActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddedAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAdjust antispam engineAdvanced searchAfter every scanAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAll eventsAll files have been processedAll requestsAll scansAll suspicious activityAll trafficAllow REST API for logged in usersAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAntispamAntispam and bot detection settingsAntispam engineAnyApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttemptsAttempts to log in with non-existent usernameAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatically moved to quarantineAwesome!Be careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the WordPress REST API except the followingBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST APIBlock direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBy userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Traffic InspectorCerber antispam engineCerber antispam settingsCerber toolsChanged filesCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsConfused about some settings?Content has been modifiedContinue ScanningCountriesCountryCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom login URLCustom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscoresCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.DeleteDelete permanentlyDelete quarantined files afterDeletedDeniedDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDiagnosticDirectories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for logged in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderDisable feedsDisable reCAPTCHA for logged in usersDisable wp-login.phpDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay simple 404 pageDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDrill down IPDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesEnable diagnostic logEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable traffic inspectionEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Error while parsing fileError while updatingErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExclusionsExecutable code foundExpiresExportExport & ImportExport settings to the fileFailed login attemptsFileFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File not foundFile upload deniedFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in the temporary directoryFiles in the uploads folderFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles with unwanted extensionsFilterFinalizing the scanFinishedForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportGetting Started GuideGregoryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHi!High severityHintHost InfoHostnameHuman verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP addressIP address, IPv4 address range or subnetIP blacklistedIP blockedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore crawlersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include file sizesInclude scan errorsIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInspectionIntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.Keep records forKnow moreKnow more about all advantages atLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad security engineLocal UserLocal file doesn't existLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLogLog in to the websiteLogged inLogged in usersLogged outLoggingLogging disabledLogging modeLogin failedLogin formLonger thanLost password formLow severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMoved to quarantineMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew fileNew filesNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No ruleNobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot availableNot logged inNot logged in visitorsNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOptional comment for this entryOther formsPage Not FoundPage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset requestedPerformancePermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlugin initializationPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPost commentsPreferencesPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable PHP codeProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection enginePush notificationsQuarantineQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRefreshRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest to REST API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRetrieve extra WHOIS information for IPSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersScan results reportingScan session directoryScan temporary directoryScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning folders for filesScanning the session folder for filesScanning the temp folder for filesScanning the upload folder for filesSchedulingSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSearching for malicious codeSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect file to import.Send email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite IntegritySite connectionSite keySizeSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sort users in dashboardSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSubnet blockedSubscribeSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The directory is not writableThe file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The list is empty.The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These IPs will never be locked outThese features are available in a professional version of the plugin.These files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese settings do not affect hosts from the This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com.This message was sent byThresholdThursdayTo change reporting settings visitTo solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPTo view full report visitToolsTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectorTrash spam commentsTuesdayUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create WP CERBER directoryUnable to create the directoryUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse English for admin interfaceUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)UserUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser activatedUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser related settingsUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersVerifiedVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWant to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWebsiteWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileXML-RPC request deniedYouYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou cannot add your IP address or networkYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsenabledentryentriesfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, email from notification settings will be usedif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)in the last 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugno connectionnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: sr Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2); %s ranije%s dozvoljenih registracija u %s minuta od jednog IP-ija%s dozvoljenih pokušaja %s u minuta(ne omogućuj ukoliko ne dobiješ i uneseš Sajt i Tajni ključ za nevidljivu verziju)Greška: Šifra koju ste uneli za korisničko ime %s je netačna.ERROR: molimo Vas unesite validnu email adresu.> > > Prevodilac WP Cerber-a? Da dobijete besplatnu PRO licencu, ostavite Vaš kontakt ovde: https://wpcerber.com/contact/Nova aktivnost je snimljenaNova verzija WP Cerbera je dostupna za instalacijuZlonamerni email:Access lista (pristup)AkcijaAktiviranoAktivnostUvid u aktivnostDetalji aktivnostiDodaj IP adresu na crnu listuDodaj IP adresu na listuDodaj mrežu na crnu listuDodatoAdresa %s je dodata na crnu listu IP adresaAdresa %s je dodata na belu listu IP adresaPrilagodi antispem engineNapredna pretragaNakon svakog skenaAgresivno zaključavanjeSvi povezani uređajiSvi događajiSvi fajlovi su procesuiraniSvi zahteviSvi skenoviSve sumnjive aktivnostiSav saobraćajDozvoli REST API za logovane korisnikeDozvoli WP Cerber da šalje podatke o malicioznim IP adresama Cerber Lab-u. To pomaže plugin timu da razvije nove algoritme za WP Cerber koji brane WordPress od novih napada i botneta koji se svakodnevno pojavljuju. Možete da obustavite ovu opciju u podešavanjima kad god želite.Uvek blokiraj kompletan subnet Class C sa intruderove IP adreseAntispemPodešavanj protiv spema i botovaAntispam engineBilo kojiPrimeniPrimeni ograničenje broja pokušaja prijavljivanja na IP adrese sa bele listeDa li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete označene fajlove?Da li ste sigurni?Pokušaj prijavljivanjaPokušaj pristupa zabranjenim URL adresamaPokušaj logovanja odbijenPokušaj prijavljivanja sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPokušaj prijavljivanja zabranjenim korisničkim imenomPokušaj registracije odbijenPokušaj uploada malicioznog kodaPokušaj uploada malicioznog fajla odbijenPokušajiPokušaji prijavljivanje nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPažnja! Cital mod je sada aktivan. Niko ne može da se prijavi.Pažnja! Promenili ste URL za prijavljivanje! Novi URL jeRaspored skeniranja sa automatskim ponavljanjemAutomatsko čišćenje malvera i sumnjivih fajlovaAutomatsko brisanjeAutomatski pomereno u karantinOdlično!Budite oprezni pri omogućavanju ovih opcijaPre nego što počnete da koristite reCAPTCHA, morate da dobijete Ključ za sajt i Tajni ključ na Google vebsajtuCrna lista IP adresaBlokiraj pristup RSS-u, Atom i RDF feed-uBlokiraj pristup WordPress REST API osimBlokiraj pristup XML-RPC serveru (uključujući Pingbacks i Trackbacks)Blokiraj pristup stranicama korisnika kao /?author=n i podataka putem REST APIBlokiraj direktne pristupe prema wp-login.php i vrati HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlokiraj subnetBlokirajte neautorizovane pristupe za load-skrcipts.php i load-styles.phpBlokiran na osnovu pravila za zemljeOtkrivena aktivnost botaPronađen botOd strane korisnikaBajtoviWP Cerber ne može da se aktivira zbog grešek u data bazi.Cerber Kontrolna tablaPovezivanje sa Cerber LabCerber Lab protokolCerber brzi pregledCerber Security pravilaCerber inspektor saobraćajaCerber antispem engineCerber anti-spem podešavanjaCerber alatiPromenjeni fajloviProverite aktivnostiProverite zahteveProveravanje novih i promenjenih fajlovaChecksum neslaganjeCitadel aktiviran!Citadel modCitadel mod je aktiviranCitadel mod je aktiviran nakon %d neuspelih pokušaja u %d minutaCitadel mod je aktivanČišćenjeKliknite ovde da vidite listu svih fajlovaKliknite na naziv zemlje da je dodate na listu odabranih zemaljaKliknite da pošaljete odmahKlikni da pošalješ testKomentar odbijenForma komentaraProcesuiranje komentaraKomentariDa li ste zbunjeni u vezi nekih podešavanja?Sadržaj je promenjenNastavite skeniranjeZemljeZemljaKritične tačkeTrenutno traje planirani skener. Molimo Vas sačekajte da se završi.Prilagođeni URL za logovanjeAdresa URL-a za prijavljivanje može da sadrži samo slova, brojeve, crtice i donje crticePrilagođena stranica za logovanjeSpecifičan potpis pronađenCustom potpisiKontrolna tablaDatumFormat datumaDeaktivirajBrani WordPress od hakerskih napada, spema, trojanaca, i virusa. Sadrži malver skener i proveru integriteta. Osnažuje WordPress setom složenih sigurnosnih algoritama. Štiti od spema sofisticiranim sistemom protiv botova i reCAPTCHA. Prati korisničku aktivnost i aktivnost napadača pomoću moćnih mail, mobilnih i desktop notifikacija.ObrišiteObriši trajnoObrišite fajlove u karantinu nakonObrisanoOdbijenoZabranite svePristup odbijen za destinacioni folderDijagnozaDirektorijumi koji se isključuju.Onemogući PHP error prikazIsključi PHP u uploaduIsključi REST APIIsključi XML-RPCOnemogući auto redirekciju ka stranici za prijavljivanje kada je /wp-admi/ zatražen od neautorizovanog licaOnemogući engine za otkrivanje botova za logovane korisnikeOnemogući redirekciju kontrolne tableOnemogući izvršavanje PHP skripti u WordPress media folderuIsključi feedOnemogući reCAPTCHA za logovane korisnikeOnemogući wp-login.phpOnemogućenoPrikaži 404 stranicuPrikaži 404 stranicuDa li želite da dodate označete fajlove na ingor listu?Preuzmi fajlDrill down IPTrajanjeGreška:Emai adresaEmail je poslat naEmail notifikacijeOmogući nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja logovanja u poslednjih %s minutaOmogući dijagnostik logOmogući nevidljivi reCAPTCHAOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce login formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce formu za izgubljenu šifruOmogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce registracionu formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress comment formuOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu prijavljivanjaOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu za izgubljenu šifruOmogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu registracijeOmogući izveštavanjeOmogući inspekciju saobraćajaUnesi deo query stringa ili query putanje da isključiš zahtev iz inspekcije od strane engina. Jedan unos po liniji.Unesite URI zahteva da ga isključite iz inspekcije. Jedan unos po liniji.Greška pri raščlanjivanjuGreška pri ažuriranjuGreškeDogađajNa svaka tri sataNa svakih šest satiSvakog sataPoslednji malver skenIsključivanjePronađen kod koji može da se izvršiIstičeIzvozIzvezi i uveziIzvezi podešavanja u fajlNeuspeli pokušaji prijaveFajlGreška prilikom pristupa fajlu. Mogući neažurni rezultati skena. Molimo Vas da pokrenete brzi ili kompletan sken.Fajl nije pronađenOdbijen upload fajlaFajlovi u direktorijumu sesijeFajlovi u privremenom direktorijumuFajlovi u upload folderuFajlovi u ovim direktorijumimaSkenirani fajloviFajlovi za skeniranjeFajlovi sa ovim ekstenzijamaFajlovi sa neželjenih ekstenzijamaFilterFinaliziranje skenaZavršilo seOdbijeno slanje formeSlanje formePetakOd strane IP adreseIz zemljeKompletan skenerIzveštaj kompletnog skeneraVodič za početnikeGregoriOsnaživanjeObezbeđivanje WordPress-aPomoćZdravo!Velika jačinaSavetInformacije o hostuIme hostaLjudska verifikacija nije uspela. Molimo Vas kliknite na kockicu u reCAPTCHA poljud ispod.IPIP adresaIP adresa, IPv4 domet adrese ili subnetCrna lista IP adresaIP blokiranAko je spem komentara otkrivenAko su se pojavile promene u izveštaju prilikom skeniranjaUkoliko se pronađu novi problemiUkoliko zaboravite Vaš promenjen URL za prijavljivanje, nećete biti u mogućnosti da se prijavite.Ukoliko koristite plugin za keširanje, morate da dodate Vaš novi URL za prijavljivanje na listu koja se ne keširaIgnorišiIgnore listaIgnoriši paukove koji indeksirajuOdmah blokiraj IP nakon wp-login.php request-a Odmah blokiraj IP kada pokušava da se prijavi sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenomPodešavanja uvozaUvezi podešavanja iz fajlaU Citadel režimu nikome nije dozvoljeno da se prijavi osim IP-ijevima sa bele liste. Prijavljeni korisnici neće biti izbačeni ili blokirani.Uključi veličine fajlovaUključi greške prilikom skeniranjaNetačna IP adresa ili IP dometPovećaj trajanje zaključavanja na %s sati nakon %s zaključavanja u poslednjih %s satiInspekcijaIntegritetNisu pronađene integrity dataNevidljivi reCAPTCHAUkupno stavkiMožda je ostalo nakon ažuriranja na novu verziju %s. Takođe može biti deo malvera. U retkim slučajevima može biti deo custom razvijenog plugina ili teme.Izgleda da veb-sajt nikada nije skeniran. Da započnete kliknite na dugme ispod.Čuvaj informacije zaSaznajte višeSaznajte više o svim prednostima naPoslednji neuspešni pokušaj je bio u %s sa IP adrese %s od korisnika: %sPoslednje zaključavanjePoslednje zaključavanje je dodato: %s za IP %sPoslednje prijavljivanjePoslednje viđenoPokreni komopletno skeniranjePokrenite brzo skeniranjeLagacy režimLicencaOgraniči pokušajeOgraniči broj neispravnih logovanjaPostignut je predviđeni limit na broj pokukšaja reCAPTCHA verifikacijeLimit pokušaja prijavljivanja postignutPostignut limitLista je praznaSaobraćaj uživoUčitajte standardna default podešavanjaPokreni bezbednosnu mašinuLokalni korisnik (local user)Lokalni fajl ne postojiZaključaj IP adrese na %s minuta nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja u %s minutaZaključanoTrajanje blokadeZaključavanje za %s je uklonjenoZaključavanjaZaključavanja u ovom trenutkuUrađeno zaključavanjeLogPrijavite sePrijavljenUlogovani korisniciOdjavljenPrijavljivanjePrijavljivanje onemogućenoRežim prijavljivanjaPrijavljivanje neuspeloForma prijavljivanjaDuže odForma za izgubljenu lozinkuMala jačinaOsnovna podešavanjaGlavna podešavanjaUčni tvoju zaštitu pametnijom!Maliciozna IP adresa otkrivena.Umanjena maliciozna aktivnostOtkrivena maliciozna aktivnostMaliciozni kod aktiviranMaliciozni kod pronađenMaliciozni zahtev odbijenOznačite kao spamMaskiraj ova polja u formiMaksimalna veličina fajla za upload: %s.Srednja jačinaPonedeljakPratite modifikovane fajlovePratite nove fajloveKasnije baci spem komentare u kantuPomeri u karantinViše sumnjivih aktivnostiOtkriveno više sumnjivih aktivnostiMoj sajt je iza reverse proxyNe, možda kasnijeMreža:NikadNova prilagođena URL adresa za prijavljivanjeNovi fajlNovi fajloviNova verzija je dostupnaBez logged aktivnostiUređaji nisu pronađeniFajl nije popet ili je kompromitovanNema fajlova koji se podudaraju sa filteromBez zaključavanja trenutno. Nebo je čisto.Nije bilo zahteva logovanjaBez pravilaNiko sa ovih IP adresa ne može da se prijavi ili registrujeNepostojeći korisnikNije dostupnoNot logged inNije prijavljen u visitorsNije dozvoljenu za jednu zemljuNije dozvoljeno za %d zemljeNije dozvoljeno za %d zemaljaNije definisanoLimit notifikacijaNotifikacijeObavesti admina ako je broj aktivnih zaključavanja jednak broju iznadBroj aktivnih zaključavanjaBroj zaključavanja rasteU redu, utiči na sveOpcioni komentar za ovaj unosDruge formeStranica nije pronađenaVremenski prag generacije straniceRaščlanjivanje liste fajlovaŠifra promenjenaObavezna promena lozinkePerformanseDozvoljeno za jednu zemljuDozvoljeno za %d zemljeDozvoljeno za %d zemaljaOmogući Permalinks da bi koristio ovu opciju. Promeni Permalinks podešavanja u nešto što nije defaultMolimo Vas da upload-ujete reference ZIP arhivuInicijalizacija pluginaRežim inicijalizacije plugina nije promenjenKomentari postaPreferencePrethodno skeniranje je počelo %s i nije završeno. Nastaviti skeniranje?Proaktivna pravila bezbednostiProbijanje zlonamernog PHP kodaZabranjena korisnička imenaZaštitite admin skripteZaštiti sve forme sajta sa engine za otkrivanje botaZaštiti formu komentara enginom za otkrivanje botaZaštiti registracionu formu enginom za otkrivanje botaNotifikacijeKarantinQuery bela listaBrzi skenerIzveštaj brzog skeneraRazlogNedavno otključane IP adreseOsvežiteRegistrujte sePrijavljeniRegistraciona formaLimit prijavljivanjaUkloniPomeri sa listePrijavi problem ako je nešto od sledećeg istinitoZahtevZahtev za REST API odbijenZahtev za Google reCAPTCHA servis nije uspeoZahtevaj belu listuZahtevaj wp-login.phpRešavanje problemaRestorePovuci dodatne WHOIS informacije za IPSiguran režimSubotaSnimite $_SERVERSnimite request kolačićeSnimi request poljaSnimi request hedereIzveštavanje o rezultatima skeniranjaSkenirajte direktorijum sesijaSkenirajte privremeni direktorijumSkeniraniIzveštaj skeneraPodešavanja skeneraSkeniranje foldera za fajloveSkeniranje fajlova foldera sesijaSkeniranje fajlova privremenog folderaSkeniranje fajlova upload folderaPlaniranjePretraga IP-ija ili korisničkog imenaPretraga stringaPretraga malcioznog kodaTajni ključPravila bezbednostiSkener bezbednostiPravila bezbednosti su ažuriranaOdaberite fajl za uvozPošalji email izveštajSlanje malicioznih IP adresa Cerber Lab-uPošalji notifikaciju Admin-u putem mail-aPodešavanjaPodešavanja su uspešno uvezena izPodešavanja snimljenaPrikaži poslednjih %d zapisa od %dIntegritet veb-sajtaKonekcija sajtaKljuč sajtaVeličinaPametanPojavile su se greškeIZVINITE, ljudska verifikacija nije uspela.Sortiraj korisnike u kontrolnoj tabliOdbijen komentar koji spada u spemSpem komentar odbijenOdbijena forma slanja spem komentaraOdbijena forma slanja spemaDefiniši kome je odobren REST API ukoliko je isključen za sve ostale. Jedan string po liniji.Specifikujte Vaš PHP kod potpis. Jedan unos po liniji. Da specifikujete REGEX šemu, zatvorite liniju u zagrade.Navedite direktorijume da se isključe od skeniranja. Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji.Definišite fajl ekstenzije za pretragu. Važi samo za kompletno skeniranje. Odvajajte unose zarezom.Standardni režimZapočnite kompletno skeniranjeZapočnite brzo skeniranjePočnite da kucate da pronađete zemljuPočeloZaustavite skeniranjeZaustavi enumeracijuPošaljite formuSubnet blokiranPrijavaNedeljaSumnjiv JavaScript kod otkrivenSumnjivi SQL kod otkrivenSumnjiva aktivnostPronađen sumnjivi kodSumnjive instrukcije koda pronađeneSumnjivi potpisi koda pronađeniSumnjive direktive pronađeneSumnjivi broj poljaSumnjivi broj ugrađenih vrednostiWP Cerber zahteva minimum PHP %s ili novije izdanje. Vi koristiteWP Cerber zahteva WordPress verziju %s ili noviju verziju. Vi koristiteWP Cerber Security plugin je isključenWP Cerber Security plugin je sada aktivanSadržaj fajla se promenio i ne podudara se sa onim što piše u zvaničnom WordPress repozitorijumu ili referentnom fajlu koji ste popeli ranije. Fajl je možda inficiran ili sadrži malver.Direktorijum onemogućen za pisanjeFajl je trajno obrisan.Fajl je vraćen na originalnu lokaciju.Lista je praznaSkener je prepoznao ovaj fajl kao fajl bez vlasništva odnosno fajl koji nije deo nečega drugog jer ne pripada nijednom drugog delu veb-sajta i zbog toga ne bi trebalo da bude prisutan.Raspored je ažuriranTrenutno nema fajlova u karantinu.Ove IP adrese neće nikada biti zaključaneOve opcije su dostupne u profesionalnoj verziji plugina.Ovi fajlovi su dodati na ignor listuOvi fajlovi su pomereni u karantinOva podešavanja ne utiču na host saOvaj fajl sadrži kod koji može da se izvrši i koji može da sadrži malver. Ako je fajl deo tema ili plugina, mora biti lociran u folderu teme ili plugina. Bez izuzetaka.Ovo je standardni modul rada za WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Instaliran je kada ste inicijalizovali plugin mode na standardni. Za više informacija posetite: wpcerber.com.Ova poruka je poslata odPragČetvrtakDa promenite pravila izveštavanja posetiteDa rešite ovaj problem morate da reinstalirate %s ili ga ažurirate na poslednju verziju.Da definišete REGEX šemu označite šemu u dve kose crteDa definišete REGEX šemu, stavite sve u dve zagradeDa se odjavite kliknite ovdeDa pregledate aktivnost, kliknite na IPDa vidite kompletan izveštaj posetiteAlatiSaobraćajUvid u saobraćajInspektor saobraćajaBaci spem komentare u kantuUtorakNemogućnost uvrđivanja integriteta zbog greške data bazeNemoguće utvrditi integritet WordPress fajlova zbog greške na mrežiNemoguće utvrditi integritet plugina zbog greške na mrežiNemoguće utvrditi integritet teme zbog greške na mrežiNije moguće kopirati fajlNemoguće kreirati WP CERBER direktorijumNije moguće kreirati direktorijumNije moguće obrisati fajlNemoguće otvoriti fajlNemoguće procesuirati fajlNije moguće poslati mail naNije moguće ažurirati rasporedFajlovi bez nadzoraNezapažen sumnjivi fajlNepoznatoOdjavaNeželjene ekstenzijeNeželjena fajl ekstenzijaNeželjene fajl ekstenzijeAžuriraj na verziju %s WP Cerber-aUvezite fajlKoristi 404 template aktivne temeKoristi engleski za admin panelKoristite REST APIKoristi Belu listu IP adresa za pristupKoristite XML-RPCKoristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji.Koristite zarez da odvojite stavke.Koristite zarez da odvojite više vrednostiKoristite fileKoristi manje restriktivnu politiku (allow AJAX)KorisnikUser agentKorisnički IDUvid u korisnikeKorisnik aktiviranKreirani korisniciPrijavljivanje korisnikaRegistrovani korisniciPodešavanja vezana za korisnikaIstek sesije korisnikaKorisničko ime nije dozvoljeno. Molimo Vas odaberite drugo.Korisničko imeKorisnička imena sa liste nisu dozvoljena za prijavljivanje ili registraciju. Nijedna IP adresa, koja ih koristi, neće moći da se prijavi i biće blokirana. Koristite zarez da odvojite logins.KorisniciVerifikovanoProvera integriteta WordPressaProvera integriteta pluginovaProvera integriteta temeView aktivnostPogledaj aktivnost ove IP adreseVidi aktivnost u kontrolnoj tabliPogledaj sveVidi zaključavanja u kontrolnoj tabliRanjivostPronađena slabostWP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware ScanWP Cerber je aktivan i sada štiti Vaš veb-sajtWP Cerber obaveštenjeDa li želite da još više ojačate WP Cerber?Nismo pronašli podatke sa integritetom za potvrduŽao nam je, nije Vam dozvoljeno da nastaviteVebsajtSredaNedeljni izveštajNedeljni izveštajNedeljni izveštajiŠta želite da izvezete?Šta želite da uvezete?Kada kliknete dugme ispod dobićete konfiguracioni fajl, koji treba da popnete na drugi veb-sajtKada kliknete dugme ispod, fajl će biti uploadovan i sva postojeća podešavanja će biti prerezana Bela lista IP adresaUpiši neuspele pokušaje prijavljivanja u fajlZahtev za XML-RPC odbijenViNije Vam dozvoljeno da se prijavite. Pitajte administratora za pomoćNije Vam dozvoljeno da se registrujete.Možete lako da učitate standardna default podešavanja pomoću dugmeta ispodNe možete da dodate Vašu IP adresu ili mrežuPremašili ste broj dozvoljenih login pokušaja. Pokušajte ponovo za $d minuta.Preostao Vam je samo jedan pokušajPreostalo Vam je %d pokušajaPreostali su Vam %d pokušaji.Morate da omogućite ZIP arhivu sa koje ste izvršili instalaciju. Ovo omogućuje bezbednosti skener da verifikuje integritet koda i detektuje malver.Prijavili ste seOdjavili ste seVaša IP adresaVaša IP adresa je dodataVaše poslednje prijavljivanje je bilo %s od %sVaša licenca važi doVaša stranica za prijavljivanje:Aktivnopo datumu registracijedanaDeaktivirajIsključenoNe utiče na custom prilagođeni URL za prijavljivanje i Access listuomogućenoUnosUnosaUnosiNeuspeli pokušajihttps://wpcerber.comAko ostavite prazno, koristiće se email iz podešavanja za notifikacije.Ako ostavite prazno, admin email %s će biti korišćenAko je prazno, koristiće se standardni format %sU 24 sataU minutima (ostavite prazno da koristite standardnu WP vrednost)U poslednjih 24 časaZaključavanjamilisekundeMinutiNe sme da se poklapa sa postojećim stranicama ili post slug-ovimanema konekcijeNeaktivnoNotifikacije dozvoljene po jednom satu (0 znači neograničeno)U %sureCAPTCHA podešavanjareCAPTCHA podešavanja nisu ispravnareCAPTCHA verifikacija neuspelaOdaberi zemlje kojima nije dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama je dozvoljeno daOdabranim zemljama je dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama nije dozvoljeno daNepoznatoNedefinisano.Vidi svelanguages/wp-cerber-ru_RU.mo000064400000341543147577531750012026 0ustar00T @@@B@(@A^A nA{A;AWAR!B=tB BB4B2#CVCOsC CC C DD2DIDZD aDkD zDDDDDDD DE !E/ECE*aE EEEEEE EEF FF0F 4F ?FIF _F mFwF F F F FF$F,H3H2JH}H!H H@HH I$!IFI WIdI}IIICI/I2!J TJ5bJJ JJ,J*K O+KOGwO*O(OP<0P mPAzP P PPPQ Q ,Q>:Q yQRR1RRRRRS$S6SLS]SvSSS SGST 0T >THT]T#pTTT TTGT(U ?U(KUCtU(U UUVV #V0VCVLV:TVZVVWW W(W 0W=WEWIUWWWWWX-XDX VX `XlXX XX XX!XSX%AZgZzZ Z/Z%ZZ6Z.[M[2e[[[[1[([\-\ @\;a\ \ \\\\ ]']>]O]g_]I]0^B^ `^n^>^%^^'^0"_S_\_ m_x_u_K`KR`I``aaS:aSa$a5b =bKbTb[b`b fbtbbbb<b$c=cOcbc|cccqc+3d3_d2d+d)d1e0Neeee?e7eL4f6fqfN*g1ygggggh h h (h93hmh"hh@hhii #i-iCi HiURi iiiiiij(j.jMjmj j jjjjjj k k!k8k ?kMk^kukkk k kkk<kl)l0l3Blvl |ll ll+llll m m'm40mMemmTm#n &n 1n4xOx axmxuxxx!x2x" y ,y :y HyUy kyxy y yyMy z'zBzXzazxzzzzzz z zz {{ -{:{ I{ V{!a{({{&{ { { || 2| ?| M|[|y||||||} -}:}J}Z}q}}}}}}}}~~"~9~!K~m~~,~~~ ~   !*L\ek   uj {)$,׀"2:Rd w < Ёށ 39*S ~+DF)TpŃ :Te 44 )7LRem%ӅG]/{ ƆԆE4K%f0C/6fn:.3Mcyʉ ܉   / 6Wo ĊԊ #, DOat/ދ .6ew ;UFM;NЍ;[v   ǎՎ +@Vl'܏1)61`& Đڐ  $AU t 5 &-8 f< ':IZWkÓ#- <JZc{ ǔД֔!3 AYh|IʕWFlHvEsRS `n~# ɘ ߘ#4H!^ "ٙ  2<0N;2Ӛ+2M!h&4:ܜo*tp{3'8ן3FD\.-;EK eVCƣ1@Q1Gy ]ɥ"'J5j3>ԦPAd?#4GY !;[/uGBA0rԪ5Fai ~ īݫ &-E s &̬)$-8fo*R  (3 ; I Vd!s! ծ -* X cp-ܯ(F3O ]5cA@۱B;_$˲&% =Keҳ 2,Q<~7̴8==>{*.++@0l  ƶ6Ҷ  !f/5ݷhd|l ʹ' E= )Jκ3Wݻ*5,`@= 1Rn,3K P[1d Ŀ,ٿI9P  8 6= N\t6w% &{9{1 9 EPY lD fn/|e0(]39(m;*S#~"%'/@Ss<#*!BL0,6'^^1 40?+p-!2 ?FX4x&&<@R Z;_8Zw$6H-K&k:!`JcLW h=,_@T8O^_}j^*) K7Io-=sk)A 5KT'0)83(C\O<-^b 7ok#m7377HI4!u'yu >K1a!4.03_*0o N}' !4:V:32vO*\d]\23RH/#)#Mdv{%% >/'>fH2=p6'@^3*'04F{*=f';>J;Rd87: [I%Co%BZSw#/,6:c5 s;CAcS[0ZDk )H4dpUcc*G;4G:wG_ x&!W+YvT4Q , 4 / - 9F ' C b OO K A `- M  . >)hvjb$V5B3Jv D#0hM!} +,0=@`!{6. /%>#d"1& $[1%0  "$6G~(-/)& ' R( {[-"1TRd6G~  *\8Z&# 7; s  ,  ; ]6!3!_!(""}##$'$J%PM%G%%w&-&c&''C',C(,p(;(E()=)#)' *3*Q*Pq**:*+(.+>W+>+)++,J6,L,-Z.b.m/q|//0G 1U1o1o~1'1S2j22*2,2233!3%U3G{3W3:46V4444%456!5LX558556-6066'7'67^7 g7<r7;7&78 8&&85M888#8#89*9GD9'989"9:4$:Y:t:#:#:S:+,;5X;:;@;0 <*;<<f<1<+< =/"==R=3=1=N=E>c>r>8>>>9>3-?Ka?<?L?a7@F@ @@@A-ASCA#A AA.AMBQBeB#{B(BBAB C(CDU0DPD6D:EIEgE-}E!E5EFF6FFF-FGq+GOGaG6OH"HHOHIIaJLJ@L(LL$LL[LPM%M+N0N?N^NPO)aOYO9OOP#oP)P/PP-xQLQ\QqPRR>KS-SGST+T:;T:vT_TRUPdU(UEU2$V'WVV$VVVV( W2W*RW-}WW;W3W:*XeX3X:X'XIYKaY-YYY&Z*Z!IZ#kZ&ZZ ZfZ M[Z[l[1[,[A[( \I\c\\+\i\K0]||]k]e^V_/]_._ _>_`<`K`,g`%`(`*`,a4;a*pa4a$a5a(+b=Tbbb!bOb53cOic>ccd8,ded)dd,d,d@"ece'e%e:emf2vf>f0fEgg_g$g ggeh {h8hh;h&i%7i0]iiA6j-xjYjk!k>k"\kk4k8k lFl4UllllMlT.mCmm.m2nHCn?n{nHootpq}rr+s!t*3t,^tIt t%t,u5uOu;fu:u1u0vL@vGv>v2wUGw+ww w- x8xTXxBxFx17y>iy>y>yI&z>pz'{f{C>|||j}-~1OHXb7@4XC=s#mHQs *79qvaz؉TS8A #.=FjGKM}3Iҏ)3 ]j!!ʐ+@Б-1<n1Zh mug4K2#,ה,212dD+ܕ8A$V!{!/=<-j7җCV2#3"`Ue|m8y! >B]ߛ2d- ޜ'+-+Y/.2P%h(<%(EC+S՟7)1aM>H 8iVV2p!gŢ-eFwq$x!-Ȧۦ$18E.~>ʧ8 B3`.KèE-U)@ܩ,GJ XX ^e^ī;#R_nE!NgۭQ Xcb54eS.в '!:I)mijD2LwĴFjR_=3 P>a299%sa$ /8U4f2߽#^)h ̿Ljx}*$O Vdg++rclLE%s ago%s registrations are allowed within %s minutes from one IP address%s retries are allowed within %s minutes%s sec%s secs(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)2FA PIN Code2FA code verifiedERROR: please enter a valid email address.Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect.Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.A database error occurred while importing access list entriesA new activity has been recordedA new version is availableA new version of %s is available. Please install it.A new version of WP Cerber is available to installA newer version is availableA unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or postsAPI request authorization failedAPI request authorizedAbuse email:Access ListsAccess to WordPress REST APIAccess to this websiteAccounts & RolesActionActivatedActive PluginsActive ThemeActive plugins and updates onActive sessionsActivityActivity InsightsActivity detailsAdd @ site to the page titleAdd EntryAdd IP to the Black ListAdd a new oneAdd a slave websiteAdd network to the Black ListAdd slave websites by using access tokens.Add to menuAdd-onsAddedAdditional DetailsAddressAdjust anti-spam engineAdmin NoteAdministration Email AddressAdvanced SearchAdvanced modeAfter every scanAllAll LoginsAll UsersAll connected devicesAll countriesAll filesAll files have been processedAll groupsAll scansAll serversAll trafficAllow REST API for these rolesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Allow access to REST API for logged-in usersAllow these namespacesAlways block entire subnet Class C of intruders IPAlways enabledAn optional message for this userAnalyticsAnalyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected filesAnalyze the uploads directoryAnti-spamAnti-spam and bot detection settingsAnti-spam engineAny activityAny country is permittedAnyone can registerApplication PasswordsApplyApply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure you want to delete selected files?Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?Are you sure?Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in deniedAttempt to log in with non-existing usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttempt to register deniedAttempt to upload a file with malicious codeAttempt to upload malicious file deniedAttempts to log in with non-existing usernamesAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isAuthorization FailedAuthorizedAuthorized AccessAuthorized users onlyAutomated recurring scan scheduleAutomatic cleanup of malware and suspicious filesAutomatic deletionAutomatic recovery of modified and infected filesAutomatically deletedAutomatically moved to quarantineAutomatically recoveredAverage SizeAwesome!Back to listBe careful about enabling these options.Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google websiteBlack IP Access ListBlockBlock IP address forBlock IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breachesBlock UserBlock access to WordPress DashboardBlock access to WordPress REST API except any of the followingBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block access to user pages like /?author=nBlock access to users' data via REST APIBlock access to wp-login.phpBlock execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folderBlock subnetBlock unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.phpBlock userBlocked UsersBlocked by administratorBlocked by country ruleBot activity is detectedBot detectedBrief summaryBrute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settingsBy sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!By userBytesCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.CancelCerber DashboardCerber Data Shield PoliciesCerber Lab connectionCerber Lab protocolCerber Quick ViewCerber Security RulesCerber Tech Inc.Cerber Traffic InspectorCerber User SecurityCerber anti-spam engineCerber anti-spam settingsCerber toolsChange file and directory permissions if it is required to delete filesChange filesystem permissionsChanged filesChangelogCheck for activitiesCheck for requestsChecking for new and modified filesChecksum mismatchCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Citadel mode is activeCleaning upClick here to see the full list of filesClick on a country name to add it to the list of selected countriesClick the IP address to see its activityClick to editClick to send nowClick to send testComment deniedComment formComment processingCommentsCompanyConfigure this website as a master to manage other websiteConfigure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reportsContent has been modifiedContinue ScanningCookiesCountriesCountryCreate AlertCreatedCritical issuesCurrently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished.Custom comment URLCustom login URLCustom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores onlyCustom login pageCustom signature foundCustom signaturesDashboardData ShieldData Shield PoliciesDateDate formatDate format for CSV exportDeactivateDefault processingDefault settings have been loadedDefends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications.Defer rendering the custom login pageDeferred renderingDeleteDelete AlertDelete files in the WordPress uploads directoryDelete files with unwanted extensionsDelete permanentlyDelete publicly accessible files with these extensionsDelete quarantined files afterDelete unattended filesDelete user sessions data when user data is erasedDelete websiteDeletedDeniedDeny all email addresses that match the followingDeny authentication through wp-login.phpDeny further login attemptsDeny it completelyDestination folder access deniedDetecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directoryDetermined by user role policiesDiagnosticDiagnostic LogDid not receive the email?Directories to excludeDisable PHP error displayingDisable PHP in uploadsDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable bot detection engine for logged-in usersDisable dashboard redirectionDisable feedsDisable master modeDisable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDisable reCAPTCHA for logged-in usersDisable slave modeDisable the default login error messageDisable the default reset password error messageDisabledDisplay 404 pageDisplay asDisplay simple 404 pageDisplay this message if an attempt to log in is denied because the limit on concurrent user sessions has been reachedDo not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activationDo not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access ListDo not log known crawlersDo not log these User-AgentsDo not log these locationsDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt messageDo not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error messageDo not show PHP errors on my websiteDo you want to add selected files to the ignore list?Download fileDurationERROR:EditEmailEmail AddressEmail address is not permitted.Email address is prohibitedEmail has been sent toEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in the last %s minutesEnable authentication log monitoringEnable data eraseEnable data exportEnable diagnostic loggingEnable error shieldingEnable invisible reCAPTCHAEnable master modeEnable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issuesEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password formEnable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration formEnable reportingEnable slave modeEnable traffic inspectionEnabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowedEnabled, no access to API using standard user passwordsEnforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is trueEnforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervalsEnter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.Enter the code from the email in the field below.Erroneous Request ShieldingError while parsing fileError: file %s cannot be used.ErrorsEventEvery 3 hoursEvery 6 hoursEvery hourExample: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018Last malware scanExecutable code foundExecutable file extension detectedExecutable filesExecutable files are not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.ExpiresExportExport settings to the fileExtensionFailed login attemptsFileFile NameFile access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan.File deletedFile extensions statisticsFile is missingFile not foundFile recoveredFile upload deniedFilename is prohibitedFilesFiles in temporary directoriesFiles in the sessions directoryFiles in these directoriesFiles scannedFiles to scanFiles with these extensionsFiles without extensionFilterFilter by registered userFinalizing the scanFinishedFirst NameFixed number of loginsFolderForbidden URLForm fields dataForm submission deniedForm submissionsFridayFrom IP addressFrom countryFull ScanFull Scan ReportFull access modeGet notified instantly with mobile and desktop notificationsGetting Started GuideGlobalGlobal ExclusionsGrant access to the website to logged-in users onlyGroupHardeningHardening WordPressHeads up!HelpHere are the details of the sign-in attemptHi!Hide Toolbar when viewing siteHide server IP addressHigh severityHost InfoHostnameHow WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanismsHow the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment formHuman verification failed.Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.IPIP AddressIP addressIP address %s has been added to Black IP Access ListIP address %s has been added to White IP Access ListIP address is locked outIP address is not allowedIP address, range, wildcard, or CIDRIP blacklistedIP blockedIP subnet blockedIP whitelistedIf a spam comment detectedIf any changes in scan results occurredIf new issues foundIf the number of concurrent user sessions is greaterIf we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.If you believe you should be able to perform this request, please let us know.If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.IgnoreIgnore ListIgnore files with these extensionsIgnore logged-in usersImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileImportant note if you have a caching plugin in placeIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Include activity log eventsInclude file sizesInclude scan errorsInclude traffic log entriesIncorrect IP address or IP rangeIncorrect passwordIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursInitialization ModeInitiated by the userInjected fileInjected filesInstall the access token on the master website.IntegrityIntegrity data not foundInvalid cookiesInvalid cookies clearedInvalid master credentialsInvalid response from the slave websiteInvalid userInvisible reCAPTCHAIssues totalIt is visible only to website administratorsIt may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below.KB/secKeep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.Keep log records of logged in users forKeep log records of not logged in visitors forKeep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.Know moreKnow more about all advantages atLargestLast NameLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLast seenLaunch Full ScanLaunch Quick ScanLegacy modeLicenseLimit access by IP addressLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on concurrent user sessionsLimit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reachedLimit on login attempts is reachedLimit reachedList is emptyLive TrafficLoad default settingsLoad entriesLoad security engineLoad the default plugin settingsLocal UserLocal hash not foundLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout for %s was removedLockout notificationsLockoutsLockouts at the momentLockouts occurredLog InLog OutLog all REST API requestsLog all XML-RPC requestsLog into the websiteLogged inLogged outLogged out everywhereLogged-in usersLogging disabledLogging modeLogin SecurityLogin failedLogin formLogin from a different IP addressLogin from a different browser or deviceLogin from a different countryLogin from a different network Class CLogin issuesLonger thanLost password formLost your password?Low severityMain SettingsMain settingsMake your protection smarter!Malicious ActivityMalicious IP addresses detectedMalicious activities mitigatedMalicious activity detectedMalicious code detectedMalicious code foundMalicious request deniedMalware ScanManage SettingsMark it as spamMask these form fieldsMaster settingsMaximum compatibilityMaximum securityMaximum upload file size: %s.Medium severityMinimalMiscellaneous SettingsMitigate aggressive attemptsModifiedMondayMonitor modified filesMonitor new filesMove spam comments to trash afterMultiple erroneous requestsMultiple suspicious activitiesMultiple suspicious activities were detectedMultiple suspicious requestsMy IPMy IP addressMy WebsitesMy activityMy requestsMy site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew User Default RoleNew fileNew filesNew usersNew version is availableNewestNo activity has been logged yet.No data for generating reports. Please run the Full Scan. After the scan is completed, the reports will be generated.No devices foundNo extensionNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo files match the specified filter.No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.No requests have been logged.No restrictionsNo ruleNo websites configured.Non-authenticatedNon-existing usersNot availableNot logged inNot permitted for one countryNot permitted for %d countriesNot specifiedNotesNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of allowed concurrent user sessionsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allOldestOnce enabled, the log is available here: %sOnly registered and logged in users are allowed to view this websiteOnly registered and logged in website users have access to the websiteOnly users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the websiteOptional comment for this entryOther formsOwnerPage Not FoundPage generation timePage generation time thresholdParsing the list of filesPassword changedPassword reset request deniedPassword reset requestedPathPerformancePermission deniedPermit only email addresses that match the followingPermitted for one countryPermitted for %d countriesPersonal DataPersonal PreferencesPhonePlease choose another one.Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.Please upload a reference ZIP archivePlease upload another file.Please use the following verification PIN code to verify your identity.Please verify that it’s youPlugin initialization mode has not been changedPolicies have been updatedPost commentsPrefix for plugin cookiesPrefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscoresPreparing for the scanPrevent username discoveryPrevent username discovery via oEmbedPrevent username discovery via user XML sitemapsPrevious scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?Proactive security rulesProbing for vulnerable codeProcessing wp-login.php authentication requestsProfileProhibited extensionsProhibited usernamesProtect admin scriptsProtect all forms on the website with bot detection engineProtect comment form with bot detection engineProtect registration form with bot detection engineProtect site settingsProtect user accountsProtect user rolesProtected settingsPush notificationsPushbullet access tokenPushbullet deviceQuarantineQuarantinedQuery whitelistQuick ScanQuick Scan ReportRead-only modeReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRecover WordPress filesRecover plugins' filesRecoveredRecovering WordPress filesRecovering plugins filesRedirect to URLRedirect user after loginRedirect user after logoutRedirection rulesRefreshRegisterRegister on the websiteRegisteredRegistration formRegistration limitRegular time intervals (days)RemoveRemove from the listReport an issue if any of the following is trueRequestRequest IDRequest URLRequest to REST API deniedRequest to XML-RPC API deniedRequest to the Google reCAPTCHA service failedRequest whitelistRequest wp-login.phpResolve issueRestoreRestrict email addressesRestrict new user registrations by the following conditionsRestrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needsRestrict roles and capabilities management with the following policiesRestrict updating site settings with the following policiesRestrict user account creation and user management with the following policiesRetrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logsReturn to the website listRole update deniedRole-BasedRole-based rules are configuredSafe modeSaturdaySave $_SERVERSave All ChangesSave ChangesSave all rulesSave request cookiesSave request fieldsSave request headersSave response cookiesSave response headersSave software errorsScan results reportingScan the sessions directoryScan web server's temporary directoriesScannedScanner ReportScanner settingsScanning server's temporary directories for filesScanning the sessions directory for filesScanning the temporary upload directory for filesScanning website directories for filesSchedulingSearch for IP addressSearch for IP or usernameSearch in URLSearch results for:Search stringSearching for malicious codeSecret Access TokenSecret Access Token is invalidSecret keySecurity RulesSecurity ScannerSecurity rules have been updatedSelect an existing group or enter a new one to add itSelect file to import.Select one or more rolesSend email reportSend malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSend reports onServerServer CountrySession has been terminated%s sessions have been terminatedSessionsSetting update deniedSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedSettings updatedShift admin menuShift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pagesShow "Switched to" notificationShow IP WHOIS dataShow homepage in the Website columnSite Address (URL)Site IntegritySite SettingsSite connectionSite keySite policy enforcementSite-specific settingsSizeSkip files with these extensionsSlave SettingsSmallestSmartSome errors occurredSorry, human verification failed.Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.Sort users in dashboardSpace OccupiedSpam comment deniedSpam comments deniedSpam form submission deniedSpam form submissions deniedSpam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the websiteSpecify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.Standard modeStart Full ScanStart Quick ScanStart typing here to find a countryStartedStop ScanningStop user enumerationSubmit formsSundaySuspicious JavaScript code detectedSuspicious SQL code detectedSuspicious activitySuspicious code foundSuspicious code instruction foundSuspicious code signatures foundSuspicious directives foundSuspicious number of fieldsSuspicious number of nested valuesSuspicious requestsSwitch toSwitch to the DashboardTerminateTerminate sessionTerminate the oldest user session on a new loginTerminate user sessionsThe IP address you are trying to add is already in the listThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThe alert has been createdThe alert has been deletedThe code is valid for %s minutes.The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.The file has been deleted permanently.The file has been restored to its original location.The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP CerberThe list is empty.The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scanThe scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malwareThe scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.The schedule has been updatedThe token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website.The website has been added successfullyThe website you are trying to add is already in the listThere are no files in the quarantine at the moment.These features are available in the professional version of WP Cerber.These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection lawsThese files have been added to the ignore listThese files have been moved to the quarantineThese files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListThese settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positivesThis file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.This is a risk level.HighThis is a risk level.LowThis is a risk level.MediumThis message was sent byThis scan report was generated by the previous version of WP Cerber. Please run a new scan to get consistent and accurate results.This type of file is not supported. Please upload a ZIP archive.This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.This website can be managed from a master websiteThis website is set as master.This website is set as slave.ThresholdThursdayTo avoid false positives and get better anti-spam performance, please clear the plugin cache.To change reporting settings visitTo delete the alert, click hereTo get the most out of WP Cerber, follow these steps:To proceed, please select the mode for this websiteTo revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.To view full report visitToolsTop 10 largest filesTrafficTraffic InsightsTraffic InspectionTraffic InspectorTraffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requestsTraffic LoggingTrash spam commentsTry againTuesdayTwo-Factor AuthenticationTwo-Factor Authentication EmailTwo-factor authenticationUnable to check the integrity due to a DB errorUnable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network errorUnable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network errorUnable to copy the fileUnable to create the directoryUnable to deleteUnable to delete the fileUnable to open fileUnable to process fileUnable to send email toUnable to update the scheduleUnattended filesUnattended suspicious fileUnknownUnknown Google's botUnknown labelUnsubscribeUnwanted extensionsUnwanted file extensionUnwanted file extensionsUpdatesUpgrade WP CerberUpgrade all active pluginsUpload fileUse 404 template from the active themeUse ISO 8601 date format for CSV export filesUse REST APIUse White IP Access ListUse XML-RPCUse absolute paths. One item per line.Use comma to separate items.Use comma to separate multiple extensionsUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse custom URL for the WordPress comment formUse fileUse global policiesUse less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access ListUse master languageUserUser ActivityUser AgentUser IDUser InsightsUser MessageUser PoliciesUser activatedUser application password createdUser application password updatedUser blocked by administratorUser createdUser created by %sUser creation deniedUser deletedUser deleted by %sUser is not permitted to log into the websiteUser loginUser messageUser metadata update deniedUser registeredUser registrationUser registrations are limited to these rolesUser row update deniedUser session expiration timeUser session terminatedUser session terminated by %sUsernameUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username is prohibitedUsername usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersUsers with these roles are permitted to add new rolesUsers with these roles are permitted to change protected settingsUsers with these roles are permitted to change role capabilitiesUsers with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user dataUsers with these roles are permitted to create new accountsUsers' ActivityVerifiedVerifyVerify it's youVerifying the integrity of WordPressVerifying the integrity of the pluginsVerifying the integrity of the themesView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView all REST API requestsView bot eventsView denied REST API requestsView lockouts in dashboardView reCAPTCHA eventsVisit SiteVulnerabilitiesVulnerability foundWP Cerber Personal Data EraserWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %sWP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %sWP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?We have not found any integrity data to verifyWe need your support to keep moving forwardWe're sorry, you are not allowed to proceedWe've sent a verification PIN code to your emailWebsiteWebsite OwnerWebsite PropertiesWebsite URLWebsite has been deleted%s websites have been deletedWednesdayWeekly ReportWeekly reportWeekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven daysWeekly reportsWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When the limit on concurrent user sessions is reachedWhen you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.When you click the button below, the default WP Cerber settings will be loaded. The Custom login URL and Access Lists will not be changed.White IP Access ListWooCommerce Log InWooCommerce Log OutWordPressWordPress Address (URL)WordPress uploads analysisWrite failed login attempts to the fileYouYou are here:You are not allowed to log inYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You are not allowed to register.You cannot add your IP address or networkYou have %d login attempt remaining.You have %d login attempts remaining.You have disabled the default login page. Ensure that you have configured an alternative login page. Otherwise, you will not be able to log in.You have entered an incorrect verification PIN codeYou have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.You have only one login attempt remaining.You have switched back to the master websiteYou have switched to %sYou have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware.You or someone else trying to log into the website. We have to verify that it's you. If this wasn't you, please immediately reset your password to safeguard your account.Your IPYour IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access ListYour last sign-in was %s from %sYour license is valid untilYour login page:Your request looks suspiciously similar to automated requests from spam posting software or it has been denied by a security policy configured by the website administrator.activeby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisablede.g. blocked by John at 11:00blocked by %s at %senabledentryentriesexpiresfailed attemptshttps://wpcerber.comif empty, the default format %s will be usedif empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be usedif empty, the website administrator email %s will be usedin 24 hourslockoutsmillisecondsminutesminutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)no connectionnot activenotifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)number of loginsonce a day atonly digits are allowedorpreposition of a period of time like: in 6 hoursin %spreposition of time like: at 11:00atreCAPTCHA settingsreCAPTCHA settings are incorrectreCAPTCHA verification failedreCAPTCHA verifiedto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted toto is a marker of infinitive, e.g. "to use it"Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted tounknownunspecifieduserusersview allPO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-07 06:10:28+0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2); X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2 Language: ru Project-Id-Version: Plugins - WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan - Development (trunk) %s назадДопустимо %s регистраций в течении %s минут с одного IP-адресаДопустимо %s попыток в течении %s минут%s сек.%s сек.%s сек.(не включайте, если у вас нет или вы не вводили ключ сайта и секретный ключ для невидимой версии)2ФА Пин-код2ФА код проверенОШИБКА: Введите действительный адрес эл.почты.ОШИБКА: Введённый вами пароль для адреса %s неверен.ОШИБКА: Пароль введенный для пользователя %s is некорректен.Возникла ошибка базы данных при импорте списка адресовОтмечена новая активностьДоступна новая версияДоступна новая версия %s, пожалуйста, установите её.Доступна новая версия WP Cerber!Доступна новая версияУникальный ярлык не совпадающий с имеющимися записями или страницамиАвторизация запрос к API неудачнаЗапрос к API авторизованАдрес email для жалоб:Списки доступаДоступ к WordPress REST APIДоступ к этому сайтуУчетные записи и ролиДействиеАктивацияАктивные плагиныАктивная темаАктивные плагины и обновления наАктивные сессииАктивностьНа виду: активностьПодробно об активностиДобавить @ сайт к заголовку страницыДобавить записьДобавить IP в черный списокДобавить новыйДобавить зависимый сайтДобавить сеть в черный списокДобавьте зависимые сайты используя токены доступа.Добавить в менюДополненияДобавленоДополнительная информацияАдресНастроить антиспам-движокЗаметка администратораАдрес email администратораУлучшенный поискРасширенный режимПосле каждого сканированияВсеВсе входыВсе пользователиВсе подключенные устройстваВсе страныВсе файлыВсе файлы обработаныВсе группыВсе проверкиВсе сервераВесь трафикРазрешить REST API для следующих ролейРазрешить WP Cerber посылать заблокированные IP адреса в Cerber Lab. Это помогает команде плагина разрабатывать новые алгоритмы для WP Cerber, которые будут защищать WordPress против новых угроз и ботнетов появляюшихся каждый день. Вы всегда можете отключить отсылку в настройках плагина, в любой момент.Разрешить REST API для авторизованных пользователейРазрешить эти пространства именВсегда блокировать подсеть класса С вместо IP адресаВключена всегдаНеобязательное сообщение для этого пользователяАналитикаАнализировать папку загрузок WP с обнаружением внедренных файловАнализировать папку загрузокАнтиспамАнтиспам и настройки определения ботовАнтиспам защитаЛюбая активностьРазрешены все страныЛюбой может зарегистрироватьсяПароли приложенийПрименитьПрименить правила входа для IP адресов в белом спискеВы точно хотите удалить выбранные файлы?Вы точно хотите удалить выделенные сайты?Вы уверены?Вы уверены? Это сделает токен недействительным.Попытка доступа кПопытка доступа к запрещенному URLПопытка входа отклоненаПопытка войти с несуществующим именем пользователяПопытка входа с запрещенным именемПопытка регистрации отклоненаПопытка загрузки файла с вредоносным кодомЗаблокирована попытка загрузки вредоносного файлаПопытка войти с несуществующим именем пользователяВнимание! Режим Цитадель активен. Авторизация на сайте заблокирована.Внимание! Вы изменили URL страницы авторизации. Новый адресАвторизация не удаласьАвторизованоАвторизованный доступТолько для авторизованных пользователейПлан автоматической повторной проверкиАвтоматическая очистка вредоносных и подозрительных файловАвтоматическое удалениеАвтоматическое восстановление измененных и зараженных файловАвтоматически удаленоАвтоматически перемещен в карантинАвтоматически восстановленоСредний размерЗамечательно!Назад к спискуБудьте осторожны при включении этих настроек.Перед использованием reCAPTCHA вам нужно получить ключ сайта и секретный ключ на сайте GoogleЧерный список доступа по IPБлокироватьБлокировать IP адрес наБлокировка IP-адресов посылающих избыточные запросы на несуществующие страницы или проверяющих сайт на уязвимости в безопасностиЗаблокировать пользователяЗаблокировать доступ в консоль WordPressБлокировать доступ к REST API кроме следующегоЗакрыть доступ к RSS, Atom и RDF лентамЗакрыть доступ к функциям XML-RPC, включая уведомления и обратные ссылкиЗакрыть доступ к страницам авторов наподобие /?author=nБлокировать доступ к данным пользователей через REST APIЗаблокировать доступ к wp-login.phpОтключить исполнение PHP скриптов в папке медиафайлов WordPressБлокировка подсетиБлокировка неавторизованного доступа к load-scripts.php и load-styles.phpЗаблокировать пользователяЗаблокированные пользователиЗаблокирован администраторомЗаблокирован по ограничению для страныОбнаружена активность ботовОбнаружен ботКраткое обобщениеЗащита от атак перебором и настройки авторизации пользователейПоделившись своим уникальным мнением о WP Cerber, вы поможете разработчикам плагина добиться большего прогресса и поможете другим профессионалам найти подходящее программное обеспечение. Вы можете оставить свой отзыв на одном из следующих сайтов. Не стесняйтесь использовать свой родной язык. Спасибо!По пользователюБайтНевозможно активировать плагин WP Cerber из-за ошибки в базе данных.ОтменаКонсоль CerberCerber политики защиты данныхПодключение Cerber Labпротокол Cerber LabСводка от CerberПравила безопасности ЦерберCerber Tech Inc.Цербер-инспектор трафикаБезопасность пользователейДвижок Цербер-антиспамНастройка Цербер-антиспамИнструменты CerberЕсли требуется для удаления файлов, то менять права на папки.Сменить права на доступ к файловой системеИзмененные файлыЖурнал измененийПроверить активностьПроверить запросыПоиск новых и измененных файловНесовпадение контрольной суммыРежим Цитадель активирован!Режим ЦитадельАктивирован режим ЦитадельРежим Цитадель активирован после %d неудачных попыток за %d минут.Режим цитадель активенОчисткаНажмите здесь для просмотра полного списка файловНажмите на страну чтобы добавить ее в список выбранныхНажмите на IP адрес для просмотра активности с негоНажмите для редактированияНажмите для отправки сейчасНажмите, чтобы протестировать отправкуКомментарий заблокированФорма комментариевОбработка комментарияКомментарииОрганизацияНастроить этот сайт как основной для управления другими сайтамиНастройте то, о чем хотите получать отчёт, а также условия для отправки отчётаСодержимое измененоПродолжить проверкуКукиСтраныСтранаСоздать тревожное предупреждениеСозданаКритические проблемыСейчас выполняется запланированная проверка. Дождитесь пока она завершится.Пользовательский URL формы комментариевАдрес страницы авторизацииПользовательский URL входа может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры, тире и знак подчеркивания.Смена URL страницы авторизацииНайден пользовательский отпечатокПользовательские отпечаткиКонсольЗащита данныхПолитики защиты данныхДатаФормат датыФормат даты для экспорта в CSVДеактивироватьОбработка по умолчаниюЗагружены настройки по умолчаниюЗащищает WordPress от атак хакеров, спама, троянов и вирусов. Включает сканер вредоносного ПО и проверку целостности. Усиление защиты WordPress набором комплексных алгоритмов безопасности. Защита от спама тонким определением ботов и reCAPTCHA. Отслеживание пользовательской активности и вторжений с уведомлением по email, а также через уведомления браузера или на мобильные устройства.Отложить формирование пользовательской страницы входаОтложенный рендерингУдалитьУдалить тревожное предупреждениеУдалить файлы в папке загрузок WPУдалить файлы с нежелательными расширениямиУдалить навсегдаУдалить публично доступные файлы с этими расширениямиУдалять файлы карантина черезУдалить несопровождаемые файлыУдалить пользовательские сессии при уничтожении данных пользователяУдалить сайтУдаленЗапрещеноЗапретить все адреса email совпадающие со следующимЗаблокировать авторизацию через wp-login.phpзапретить последующие попытки входаПолностью запретитьДоступ к каталогу назначения закрытОбнаружение внедренных файлов в папке загрузок WPОпределяется политиками ролей пользователейДиагностикаЖурнал диагностикиНе получили email сообщение?Каталоги для исключенияОтключить отображение ошибок PHPОтключить PHP в папке загрузокОтключить REST APIОтключить XML-RPCОтключить автоматическую переадресацию при запросе /wp-admin/ неавторизованным пользователемОтключить движок проверки на ботов для IP адресов из белого списка доступаОтключить определение ботов для авторизованных пользователейОтключить перенаправление с консолиОтключить лентыОтключить режим управляющего сайтаОтключить reCAPTCHA для IP адресов из белого списка доступаОтключить reCAPTCHA для авторизованных пользователейОтключить зависимый режимОтключить сообщение по умолчанию об ошибке входаОтключить сообщение по умолчанию для ошибки сброса пароляОтключеноПоказывать страницу 404Отображать какПоказать простую страницу 404Показывать это сообщение при отклонении попытки входа из-за ограничения на параллельные сессии входаНе добавлять мой IP адрес в белый список при активации плагинаНе применять эти политики к IP адресам из белого спискаНе применять эти политики к IP адресам из белого спискаНе записывать в журнал известных ботовНе записывать в журнал эти User-AgentНе записывать в журнал эти URLНе показывать несуществующие имена пользоваталей и email в вообщении о неудавшемся входеНе показывать несуществующие имена пользоваталей и email в вообщении о неудачном сбросе пароляНе показывать ошибки PHP на сайтеВы точно хотите добавить выбранные файлы в список игнорирования?Скачать файлДлительностьОШИБКА:РедактироватьEmailАдрес emailEmail адрес недопустим.Адрес email запрещёнСообщение было отправлено на электронный адресУведомления по эл.почтеАктивировать после %s неудачных авторизаций за последние %s минутВключить наблюдение над журналом авторизацииВключить уничтожение данныхВключить экспорт данныхВключить журнал диагностикиВключить защиту от ошибокВключить невидимую reCAPTCHAВключить режим основного сайтаВключите дополнительную запись трафика в журнал, если вам требуется отслеживать подозрительную или вредоносную активность или решить проблемы с безопасностьюВключить reCAPTCHA для формы входа WooCommerceВключить reCAPTCHA для формы восстановления пароля WooCommerceВключить reCAPTCHA для формы регистрации WooCommerceВключить reCAPTCHA в форме комментариев WordPressВключить reCAPTCHA для формы входа WordPressВключить reCAPTCHA для формы восстановления пароля WordPressВключить reCAPTCHA для формы регистрации WordPressВключить отчетыВключить зависимый режимВключить инспектирование трафикаВключено, доступ к API с использованием обычных паролей пользователя разрешенВключено, доступ к API с использованием обычных паролей пользователя закрытПринудительно использовать 2ФА при выполнении любого из условийПринудительно использовать 2ФА через определенный периодВведите часть строки или пути запроса для исключения запроса из проверки движком. Один элемент на строку.Введите URI запроса для исключения из инспекции. Один элемент на строку.Введите код из почтового сообщение в поле ниже.Защита от ошибочных запросовВозникла ошибка при обработке файлаОшибка: файл %s не может быть использован.ОшибкиСобытиеКаждые 3 часаКаждые 6 часовКаждый часПоследняя проверка на вредоносное ПООбнаружен исполняемый кодОбнаружено расширение исполняемого файлаИсполняемые файлыИсполняемые файлы не поддерживаются, пожалуйста, загрузите ZIP архив.ИстекаетЭкспортЭкспорт настроек в файлРасширениеНеудачные попытки входаФайлИмя файлаОшибка доступа к файлу. Возможно результаты проверки устарели. Запустите быструю или полную проверку.Файл удаленСтатистика по расширениям файловФайл отсутствуетФайл не найденФайл восстановленПредотвращена загрузка файлаНазвание файла запрещеноФайлыФайлы во временных папкахФайлы в папке сессийФайлы в этих папкахПроверено файловФайлы для проверкиФайлы с этими расширениямиФайлы без расширенийФильтрФильтровать по зарегистрированным пользователямЗавершение проверкиЗавершеноИмяОпределенное число входовПапкаЗапрещённый URLДанные полей формыОтправка формы заблокированаОтправки формПятницаС IP адресаИз страныПолная проверкаОтчет полной проверкиПолный доступПолучайте немедленные уведомления на мобильные и стационарные устройстваРуководство с чего начатьГлобальнаяГлобальные исключенияРазрешить доступ к сайту только после входа в качестве авторизованного пользователяГруппаПанцирьУсиление защиты WordPressОсторожно!ПомощьНиже представлены подробности попытки входаПривет!Спрятать панель инструментов при просмотре сайтаСпрятать IP адрес сервераВысокая тяжестьИнформация о хостеИмя узлаЗагрузка ядра WP Cerber и механизмы безопасностиТо, как плагин обрабатывает комментарии через стандартную форму комментариевПроверка человека не удалась.Антибот проверка неудачна. Пожалуйста тыкните в квадратную отметку блока reCAPTCHA нижеIPIP-адресIP адресIP адрес %s был добавлен в черный список доступа по IPIP адрес %s был добавлен в белый список доступа по IPIP адрес заблокированIP-адрес не разрешёнIP адрес, диапазон, маска или CIDRIP в черном спискеIP заблокированПодсеть IP заблокированаIP в белом спискеЕсли обнаружен спам комментарийЕсли найдены изменения в результатах сканированияЕсли найдены новые проблемыЕсли число одновременных сессий пользователя болееЕсли на сайте есть такая учетная запись, то мы послали ссылку дла подтверждения на связанный с учётной записью email.Если вы считаете, что могли выполнить этот запрос, сообщите нам об этом.Если вы забудете ваш пользовательский URL входа, то вы не сможете войти.Если вы используете плагин кеширования, вам нужно добавить новый URL входа в список исключений кешированияИгнорироватьСписок игнорируемогоИгнорировать файлы с этими расширениямиИгнорировать авторизованных пользователейБлокировать IP при любом запросе wp-login.phpБлокировать IP при попытке авторизации с логином несуществующего пользователяИмпорт настроекИмпорт настроек из файлаВажная заметка, если вы используете кеширующий плагинВ режиме Цитадель никто не может войти кроме как с IP в белом списке. Активные сессии пользователей не будут затронуты.Включить события журнала активностиВключать размеры файловВключать ошибки сканераВключить записи журнала трафикаНеверный IP адрес или диапазон адресовНеверный парольУвеличить длительность блокировки до %s часов после %s блокировок в течение последних %s часовРежим инциализацииНачато пользователемВнедренный файлВнедренные файлыУстановите токен доступа на основном сайте.ЦелостностьДанные о целостности не найденыНеверные кукиНеверные куки очищеныНеверная мастер пара логин/парольНеверный ответ с зависимого сайтаНеверный пользовательневидимая reCAPTCHAВсего проблемВидимо только для администраторов сайтаОн мог остаться после обновления до свежей версии %s. Он также может быть частью скрытого вредоносного ПО. В редких случаях это может быть часть сделанного под заказ плагина или темы.Похоже этот сайт еще не проверялся, нажмите кнопку ниже для начала проверки.КБ/сИмейте ввиду: Вы добавили сайт, который не поддерживает SSL. Это может привести к утечке данных.Сохранять записи журнала для авторизованных пользователейСохранять записи журнала для неавторизованных пользователейПоддержка папки загрузок WP чистой и безопасной. Обнаружение внедренных файлов с публичным доступом, отчет о них, удаление вредоносных файлов.Узнать большеУзнайте больше о всех преимуществах наСамые большиеФамилияПоследняя неудачная попытка была в %s с IP адреса %s с логином %s.Последняя блокировкаПоследняя блокировка была добавлена %s для IP %sПоследний входПоследний разЗапуск полной проверкиЗапуск быстрой проверкиСтарый режимЛицензияОграничить доступ IP адресомОграничение попытокОграничение числа попыток авторизацииОграничение одновременных сессий пользователяДостигнут предел проверки reCAPTCHAКоличество попыток исчерпаноПредел достигнутСписок пустЖивой трафикЗагрузить настройкиЗагрузка записейЗагрузка движка безопасностиЗагрузить настройки плагина по умолчаниюПользовательЛокальная хэш-сумма не найденаБлокировать IP адрес на %s минут после %s неудачных попыток в течении %s минутЗаблокированоУдалена блокировка для %sУведомления о блокировкахБлокировкиСейчас заблокированоБлокировок произошлоВходВыходЗаписывать в журнал запросы REST APIЗаписывать в журнал запросы XML-RPCавторизация на сайтеВходВыходВсе сессии завершеныАвторизованные пользователиЖурнал отключенРежим журналаБезопасность входаОшибка авторизацииФорма входаВход с другого IP адресаВход с другого браузера или устройстваВход из другой страныВход из другой подсети класса CПроблемы со входомДольше чемФорма восстановления пароляЗабыли пароль?Низкая тяжестьОсновные настройкиОсновные настройкиСделайте защиту от злоумышленников еще умнееВредоносная активностьНайдены вредоносные IP адресаВредоносная активность сниженаОбнаружена вредоносная активностьОбнаружен вредоносный кодНайден вредоносный кодЗаблокирован вредоносный запросПроверка на вредоносное ПОУправление настройкамиПометить как спамМаскировать эти поля формНастройки режима основного сайтаМаксимальная совместимостьМаксимальная безопасностьМаксимальный размер загружаемого файла: %s.Средняя тяжестьМинимумРазные настройкиОтклонять агрессивные попыткиИзмененоПонедельникНаблюдать за изменением файловНаблюдать за новыми файламиУдалить спам комментарии в корзину послеМножественные ошибочные запросыМножественная подозрительная активностьОбнаружена множественная подозрительная активностьМножественные подозрительные запросыМой IPМой адрес IPМои сайтыМоя активностьМои запросыМой сайт подключен к сети через прокси-серверНЕТ, возможно позжеСеть:НикогдаНовый URL для входа на сайтРоль по умолчанию для нового пользователяНовый файлНовые файлыНовые пользователиДоступна новая версияСамые новыеНи одного события не зафиксировано.Для создания отчёта недостаточно данных. Запустите полную проверку, после её завершения будут созданы отчёты.Устройства не найденыБез расширенияФайл не был загружен или имеет неверный форматНет файлов подходящих к указанному фильтру.Блокировок нет. Все в порядке.В журнале нет данных о запросах.Без ограниченийНет правилаНи один сайт не настроен.Не авторизованныйНесуществующие пользователиНедоступноНет авторизацииНе разрешено в одной странеНе разрешено в %d странахНе разрешено в %d странахНе указаноЗаметкиОграничение уведомленийУведомленияУведомить администратора, если число заблокированных IP болееЧисло активных блокировок на данный моментКоличество допустимых сессий от одного пользователяЧисло блокировок увеличилосьОК, прибьем их всехСамые старыеПри включении журнал станет доступен тут: %sТолько зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут просматривать этот сайтТолько зарегистрированные и авторизованные пользователи могут получить доступ к этому сайтуТолько пользователям из белого списка IP разрешено регистрироваться на сайтеНеобязательный комментарий к этой записиДругие формыВладелецСтраница не найденаВремя генерации страницыПорог времени генерации страницыОбработка списка файловПароль измененЗапрос сброса пароля для запрещёнЗапрошен сброс пароляПутьПроизводительностьДоступ запрещенРазрешить только адреса совпадающие со следующимРазрешается для одной страныРазрешается для %d странРазрешается для %d странПерсональные данныеПерсональные настройкиТелефонВыберите другой.Для использования этой настройки необходимо активировать Постоянные ссылки в настройках сайта.Пожалуйста, загрузите установочный zip-архивЗагрузите другой файл.Используйте следующий ПИН-код для подтвержденияПожалуйста, докажите что это выРежим инициализации плагина не был измененПолитики обновленыотправка комментариевПрефикс для куки плагиновПрефикс может содержать только латинские буквы, цифры и знак подчеркиванияПодготовка сканированияЗащита от обнаружения имен пользователейЗащищать от обнаружения имена пользователей в oEmbedЗащищать от обнаружения имена пользователей в XML-картах сайтаПредыдущая попытка проверки, начатая %s, не завершена. Продолжить проверку?Проактивные правила безопасностиПроверка на уязвимый кодОбработка запросов авторизации wp-login.phpПрофильЗапрещенные расширенияЗапрещеные имена пользователейЗащита скриптов администратораЗащитить все формы на сайте через определение ботовЗащита комментариев через определение ботовЗащита регистрации через определение ботовЗащита настроек сайтаЗащита учетных записей пользователейЗащита ролей пользователейЗащищенные настройкиPush уведомленияТокен доступа PushbulletУстройство PushbulletКарантинНа карантинеБелый список запросовБыстрая проверкаОтчет быстрой проверкиДоступ только для чтенияПричинаНедавно заблокированые IP адресаВосстановление файлов WordPressВосстановление файлов плагиновВосстановленоВосстановление файлов WordPressВосстановление файлов плагиновПеренаправление на URLПеренаправить пользователя после входаПеренаправить пользователя после выходаПравила перенаправленияОбновитьРегистрациярегистрация на сайтеЗарегистрированФорма регистрацииПредел регистрацийПериод времени (дней)УдалитьУдалить из спискаОтчитываться о проблемах, если нижеперечисленное верноЗапросID запросаURL запросаЗапрос к REST API заблокированДоступ к XML-RPC API запрещёнЗапрос к сервису Google reCAPTCHA не удалсяБелый список запросовЗапрос wp-login.phpРешить проблемуВосстановитьОграничение адресов emailОграничение регистраций новых пользователей по условиямОграничение или полная блокировка WP REST-APIОграничить управление ролями и возможностями следующими правиламиОграничить изменение настроек сайта следующими правиламиОграничить создание учетных записей и управление пользователями следующими правиламиПолучать данные WHOIS для IP при просмотре журналаВернуться к списку сайтовИзменение роли запрещеноОснована на роляхПравила на основе ролей настроеныБезопасный режимСубботаСохранять $_SERVERСохранить все измененияСохранить измененияСохранить все правилаСохранять куки запросаСохранять поля запросовСохранять заголовки запросаСохранять куки ответовСохранять заголовки ответовСохранять ошибки ПООтчет о результатах проверкиПроверка папки сессийПроверка временных папок сервераПровереноОтчет проверкиНастройки сканераПроверка файлов в временных папках сервераПроверка файлов папки сессийПроверка файлов в папке временных загрузокПроверка файлов в папках вебсайтаПланированиеПоиск IP-адресаПоиск IP или имени пользователяПоиск в строке URLРезультаты поиска для:Строка поискаПоиск вредоносного кодаСекретный токен доступаТокен безопасного доступа не веренСекретный ключПравила безопасностиСканер безопасностиПравила безопасности обновленыВыберите имеющуюся группу или введите новую для добавленияВыберите файл для загрузки.Выберите одну или несколько ролейОтсылать отчет по эл.почтеПосылать вредоносные IP адреса в Cerber LabОтправить уведомление на адрес email администратора сайтаОтправлять отчеты вСерверСтрана сервераСессия завершена%s сессии завершено%s сессий завершеноСессииИзменение настройки запрещеноНастройкиВсе настройки успешно загруженыНастройки сохранены.Настройки обновленыСдвиг меню администратораСдвинуть наверх меню администратора WP Cerber при просмотре административных страниц плагина.Показывать уведомление о переходахПоказать данные WHOIS для IPПоказывать домашнюю страницу в столбце вебсайтаАдрес сайта (URL)Целостность сайтаНастройки сайтаПодключение к сетиКлюч сайтаФорсирование политики сайтаСпецифические настройки сайтаРазмерПропустить файлы с этими расширениямиНастройки зависимого режимаСамые маленькиеУмная выборкаВозникли ошибкиИзвините, проверка на человека не удалась.Сброс пароля для этого пользователя запрещён.Сортировать пользователей в консолиЗанятое местоСпам коммнтарий отклоненСпам-комментарии отклоненыОтправка формы со спамом заблокированаЗаблокированы отправки форм спамаЗащита от спам регистраций, комментариев и для других форм на сайтеУкажите пространства имен REST API разрешенных при отключении REST API, одно имя на строку.Укажите URL для исключения запросов от внесения в журнал. Один элемент на строку.Укажите список User-Agent для для исключения от внесения в журнал. Один элемент на строку.Укажите пользовательские подписи PHP кода. Один элемент на строку. Для использования регулярных выражений, включите строку в фигурные скобки { }.Задайте папки для исключения при сканировании. Одна папка на строку.Укажите адреса email, маску или регулярные выражения. Элементы разделяются запятой.Укажите расширения файлов для поиска. Используется только при полной проверке. Испольуйте запятую для разделения элементов.Стандартный режимНачать полную проверкуНачать быструю проверкуНачните печатать тут чтобы найти странуНачатоОстановить проверкуЗаблокировать сбор именотправка формВоскресеньеНайден подозрительный код JavaScriptОбнаружен подозрительный SQL кодПодозрительная активностьНайден подозрительный кодНайдены подозрительные инструкции в кодеНайдены подозрительные отпечатки кодаНайдены подозрительные директивыПодозрительное число полейПодозрительное количество вложенных значенийПодозрительные запросыПереключиться наПерейти в консольПринудительно завершитьЗавершить сессиюзавершить самую старую сессию при новом входеЗавершение пользовательских сессийЭтот IP адрес уже присутствует в спискеWP Cerber плагин деактивированWP Cerber плагин безопасности активенТревожное предупреждение созданоТревожное предупреждение удаленоЭтот код действителен в течении %s минут.Содержимое файы было изменено и не совпадает с оригиналом из репозитория WordPress или образцом загруженным вами ранее. Файл был изменен, возможно вредоносным кодом или вирусом.Файл удален навсегда.Файл был восстановлен по оригинальному местоположению.Полный доступ требует PRO версии WP CerberСписок пуст.Сканер автоматически проверяет сайт, удаляет вредоносный код и посылает отчет по email с результатами сканированияСканер определяет файл как отсутствующий на основании контрольных сумм предоставленных разработчиком %s.Сканер следит за изменениями файлов, проверяет целостность файлов WordPress, плагинов, тем. Определяет вредоносный код.Сканер определил этот файл как "ничей" или непривязаный, поскольку он не относится ни к одной известной части сайта, его скорее всего вообще быть не должно.Запланированное обновленоЭтот токен уникален для этого сайта. Сохраните его в тайне. Установите токен на основном сайте, чтобы предоставить доступ к этому сайту.Сайт добавленДобавляемый вами сайт уже присутствует в спискеВ карантине сейчас нет файлов.Эти возможности доступны в WP Cerber PRO.Эти возможности позволяют вашему сайту соответствовать нормативам защиты персональных данныхЭти файлы были добавлены в список игнорированияЭти файлы были перемещены в карантинЭти файлы никогда не будут удалены при автоматической очистке.Эти правила автоматически применяются в конце каждой запланированной проверки, в зависимости от её результатов. Все затронутые файлы перемещаются в карантинЭти ограничения не применяются к IP адресам из белого спискаЭти настройки позволяют тонко настроить поведение алгоритмов защиты от спама и избежать ложных срабатыванийЭтот файл содержит исполняемый код и может включать скрытый вредоносный код. Если этот файл часть темы или плагина, он должен быть в папке с темой или плагином, никаких исключений.Файл отсутствует. Возможно он был удален или не был установлен.ВысокийНизкийСреднийЭто сообщение было отправленоЭтот отчет о проверке был создан предыдущей версией WP Cerber. Запустите новую проверку, для получения целостных и точных результатов.Этот тип файла не поддерживается, пожалуйста, загрузите ZIP архив.Проверочный ПИН-код истёк. Мы только что отправили новый на ваш email.Этот сайт может управляться с основного сайтаЭтот сайт установлен основным.Этот сайт установлен как зависимый.ПорогЧетвергДля избежания ложных срабатываний и улучшения производительности проверки на спам, очистите кеш плагина.Для смены настроек отчетности зайдитеДля удаления этого тревожного предупреждения нажмите тутДля достижения максимальной эффективности использования WP Cerber, сделайте следующее:Для продолжения выберите режим для сайтаДля отзыва токена и отключения удаленного управления нажмите здесь:Для решения этой проблемы нужно переустановить %s или обновить до последней версии.Для использования регулярных выражений оберните их в два прямых слеша.Для использования регулярных выражений заключите строку целиком в фигурные скобки { }.Для просмотра полного отчета зайдите наИнструменты10 самых больших файловТрафикНа виду: трафикИнспектор трафикаИнспектор трафикаИнспектор трафика - фаерволл уровня веб-приложения, защищающий ваш сайт распознавая и блокируя вредоносные HTTP запросыЖурналирование трафикаУдалить спам комментарии в корзинуПопробуйте ещёВторникДвухфакторная авторизация2ФА почтаДвухфакторная авторизацияНевозможно проверить целостность из-за ошибки БДНевозможно проверить целостность WordPress из-за ошибки сетиНевозможно проверить целостность плагина из-за ошибки сетиНевозможно проверить целостность темы из-за ошибки сетиНевозможно скопировать файлНевозможно создать каталогНевозможно удалитьНевозможно удалить файлНевозможно открыть файлНевозможно обработать файлНевозможно отправить email наНевозможно обновить запланированноеНесопровождаемые файлыНештатный подозрительный файлНеизвестенНеизвестный бот GoogleНеизвестный ярлыкОтменить подпискуНежелательные расширенияФайл с нежелательным расширениемНежелательные расширения файловОбновленияОбновить WP CerberОбновить все активные плагиныЗагрузить файлИспользовать шаблон 404 активной темыИспользовать ISO 8601 формат даты для экспорта в CSVиспользование REST APIИспользовать белый список IPиспользование XML-RPCИспользуйте абсолютные пути. Один элемент на строку.Используйте запятую для разделения элементов.Используйте запятую для разделения нескольких значений расширенийИспользуйте запятую для разделения множественных значенийИспользовать пользовательский адрес для формы комментариев WordPressИспользовать файлИспользовать глобальные политикиИспользовать менее жесткую политику (разрешить AJAX)Использовать менее жёсткие фильтры для IP адресов в белом списке доступаИспользовать основной языкПользовательАктивность пользователяUser AgentID пользователяНа виду: пользователиСообщение пользователюПолитики пользователейПользователь активированСоздан пароль приложенияПароль приложения обновлёнПользователь заблокирован администраторомПользователь созданПользователь создан %sСоздание пользователя запрещеноПользователь удаленПользователь удалён %sПользователю не разрешен вход на сайтИмя пользователяСообщение пользователюИзменение метаданных пользователя запрещеноПользователь зарегистрированРегистрация пользователейРегистрация ограничена следующими ролямиИзменение пользователя запрещеноВремя до истечения сессии пользователяСессия пользователя завершенаСессия пользователя завершена пользователем %sИмя пользователяИмя пользователя недопустимо. Выберите другое.Имя пользователя запрещеноИспользован логинИмена пользователей из этого списка не разрешены для входа или регистрации. Любой IP адрес пытающийся использовать эти имена будет автоматически заблокирован. Испольуйте запятую как разделитель.ПользователиПользователи с этими ролями могут добавлять новые ролиПользователи с этими ролями могут изменять защищенные настройкиПользователи с этими ролями могут изменять возможности ролейПользователи с этими ролями могут изменять важные пользовательские данныеПользователи с этими ролями могут создавать новые учетные записиАктивность пользователяПровереноПроверитьДокажите, что это выПроверка целостности WordPressПроверка целостности плагиновПроверка целостности темЧто происходит?Посмотреть активность для этого IPПросмотреть журнал активностиПросмотреть всеПосмотреть все запросы REST APIПосмотреть события ботовПосмотреть заблокированные запросы REST APIПросмотреть список заблокированных IPПосмотреть события reCAPTCHAПосетить сайтУязвимостиОбнаружена уязвимостьWP Cerber удаление персональных данныхWP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware ScanWP Cerber активен и начал защищать ваш сайтУведомление WP CerberWP Cerber требует PHP версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s.WP Cerber требует PHP версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s.WP Cerber требует WordPress версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s.WP Cerber требует WordPress версии %s или выше. У вас версия %s.Хотите сделать WP Cerber еще мощнее ?Не найдены данные о целостности для проверкиНам нужна ваша поддержка, чтобы продолжать двигаться дальшеИзвините, вам не разрешено продолжитьМы отправили проверочный ПИН-код на ваш emailСайтВладелец сайтаСвойства сайтаURL сайтаСайт удален%s сайта удалено%s сайтов удаленоСредаНедельный отчетНедельный отчетЕженедельный отчет представляет собой обобщение активности и подозрительных событий за последние 7 дней.Недельные отчетыЧто вы хотите экспортироватьЧто вы хотите импортировать?При превышении предела количества сессий пользователяКогда вы нажмете на кнопку, то получите файл с настройками, который можно использовать на других сайтах.Когда вы нажмете на кнопку, все настройки из файла будут загружены на сайтПри нажатии на кнопку ниже будут загружены настройки WP Cerber по умолчанию. URL пользовательской страницы входа и списки доступа изменены не будут.Белый список доступа по IPВход WooCommerceВыход WooCommerceWordPressАдрес WordPress (URL)Анализ загрузок WordPressЗаписывать попытки входа в файлВыВы здесь:Вам не разрешено войтиВход на сайт невозможен. Обратитесь к администратору сайта.Вам не разрешено зарегистрироваться.Вы не можете добавить ваш IP-адрес или сетьУ вас есть ещё %d попытка для входа.У вас есть ещё %d попытки для входа.У вас есть ещё %d попыток для входа.Вы отключили страницу входа по умолчанию. Убедитесь что вы настроили альтернативную страницу входа, иначе вы не сможете войти!Вы ввели неверный проверочный ПИН-код.Вы исчерпали максимально допустимое количество попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через %d минут.У вас осталась только одна попытка для входа.Вы перешли назад на основной сайтВы перешли к %sВам нужно загрузить zip-архив, из которого вы это установили. Это даст возможность сканеру безопасности проверить целостность файлов, кода и определить вредоносный код.Вы или кто-то еще пытались войти на сайт. Требуется проверка, что это были действительно вы. Если это были не вы, немедленно смените/сбросьте ваш пароль для безопасности учетной записи.Ваш адрес IPВаш IP адрес %s был добавлен в белый список доступа по IPВаш последний вход был %s с %sВаша лицензия действительна доВаша страница входа:Ваш запрос выглядит подозрительно и похож на автоматические запросы создаваемые программами рассылки спама, или он был запрещён политикой безопасности настроенной администратором вебсайта.активенпо дате регистрацииднейдеактивироватьотключенБлокировка установлена %s в %sвключеноэлементэлементаэлементовистекаетошибок авторизацииhttps://wpcerber.comЕсли пусто, будет использован формат по умолчанию %sЕсли не задано, то будет использован email администратора из настроек уведомленийЕсли не задано, то будет использован email администратора %sза 24 часаблокировокмиллисекундминутминут (оставьте пустым для использования значения WordPress по умолчанию)нет подключениянеактивенразрешенное число писем с уведомлениями в час (0 - без ограничений)число входовежедневно вдопустимы только цифрыилиЧерез %sвНастройки reCAPTCHAнастройки reCAPTCHA неверныпроверка reCAPTCHA неудачнаreCAPTCHA проверенаВыбранным странам не разрешено %s, остальным странам разрешеноВыбранным странам разрешено %s, остальным странам - нетнеизвестнонеуказанопользовательпользователяпользователейпросмотреть всеlanguages/wp-cerber-fr_CA.po000064400000274361147577531750011752 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: fr-ca\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:168 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Limitation des tentatives de connexion" #: ../settings.php:171 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Tentatives" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Durée du blocage" #: ../settings.php:176 ../settings.php:271 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutes" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Blocage aggressif" #: ../settings.php:248 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Connexion au site" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité proactives" #: ../settings.php:195 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Bloquer les sous-réseaux" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Requête sur wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement l’IP si elle tente d’accéder au fichier wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Page de connexion personnalisée" #: ../settings.php:230 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL de connexion personnalisée" #: ../settings.php:231 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "ne doit pas chevaucher l’URL d’une page ou d’un contenu existant" #: ../settings.php:238 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Désactiver wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:239 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Bloquer l’accès direct à wp-login.php et retourner une erreur HTTP 404 Not Found" #: ../dashboard.php:1681 ../settings.php:262 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Mode Citadelle" #: ../settings.php:266 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Seuil" #: ../settings.php:270 ../cerber-scanner.php:3944 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durée" #: ../dashboard.php:4466 ../cerber-load.php:4797 ../settings.php:275 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifications" #: ../settings.php:277 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Envoyer des notifications par courriel à l’administrateur" #: ../dashboard.php:4463 ../cerber-load.php:4794 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber- #: tools.php:47 ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listes d’accès" #: ../dashboard.php:1715 ../dashboard.php:2260 ../dashboard.php:4459 ../cerber- #: load.php:4487 ../cerber-users.php:922 ../settings.php:287 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Activité" #: ../dashboard.php:4461 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Blocages" #: ../settings.php:1391 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s tentatives autorisées en %s minutes" #: ../settings.php:1417 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Activer après %s tentatives échouées dans les %s dernières minutes" #: ../dashboard.php:187 ../cerber-load.php:4496 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:808 ../dashboard.php:1077 ../dashboard.php:3525 ../dashboard. #: php:3900 msgid "Date" msgstr "Date" #: ../dashboard.php:811 ../dashboard.php:1079 ../dashboard.php:3905 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Utilisateur local" #: ../cerber-load.php:4504 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Identifiant utilisé" #: ../dashboard.php:208 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Affichage de %d derniers enregistrements sur %d" #: ../common.php:1318 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Connexions réussies" #: ../common.php:1319 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Déconnexion" #: ../common.php:1320 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Connexion échouée" #: ../dashboard.php:908 ../common.php:1323 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP bloquée" #: ../common.php:1324 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Sous-réseau bloqué" #: ../common.php:1326 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadelle activée !" #: ../dashboard.php:1298 ../dashboard.php:1334 ../dashboard.php:3699 ../common. #: php:1380 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloqué" #: ../common.php:1382 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP blacklistées" #: ../common.php:1341 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Changements de mot de passe" #: ../dashboard.php:182 ../dashboard.php:265 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Supprimer" #: ../dashboard.php:549 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Le blocage de %s a été levé" #: ../dashboard.php:237 ../dashboard.php:1290 ../dashboard.php:1327 ../dashboard. #: php:1679 ../dashboard.php:3694 ../cerber-load.php:4782 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Liste blanche d'adresses IP" #: ../dashboard.php:239 ../dashboard.php:1293 ../dashboard.php:1330 ../dashboard. #: php:1680 ../dashboard.php:3695 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Liste noire d'adresses IP" #: ../dashboard.php:271 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "La liste est vide" #: ../cerber-load.php:3794 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Le mode Citadelle est activé après %d tentatives de connexion échouées en %d minutes." #: ../dashboard.php:2420 ../dashboard.php:2858 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Voir l’activité" #: ../dashboard.php:4527 ../dashboard.php:4588 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:46 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Réglages" #: ../dashboard.php:1535 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Dernière connexion" #: ../dashboard.php:1568 ../dashboard.php:1659 ../common.php:1588 ../nexus/cerber- #: slave-list.php:344 msgid "Never" msgstr "Jamais" #: ../dashboard.php:2306 ../cerber-users.php:945 ../cerber-tools.php:686 .. #: /nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:275 ../cerber-scanner.php:5668 ../cerber-scanner. #: php:5826 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Etes-vous sûr ?" #: ../dashboard.php:2077 ../settings.php:249 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Mon site se trouve derrière un reverse proxy" #: ../settings.php:192 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Rendez votre protection intelligente !" #: ../settings.php:145 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Veuillez activer les Permaliens pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité. Le réglage des permaliens ne doit pas être “par défaut”." #: ../dashboard.php:4462 ../cerber-load.php:4792 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Réglages généraux" #: ../dashboard.php:4722 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" #: ../settings.php:1401 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Allonger la durée du blocage à %s heures après %s blocages dans les %s dernières heures" #: ../cerber-load.php:375 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Vous n’êtes pas autorisé à vous connecté. Contactez l’administrateur si vous avez besoin d’assistance." #: ../cerber-load.php:400 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Il ne vous reste qu’une seule tentative." msgstr[1] "Il vous reste %d tentatives." #: ../dashboard.php:1107 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Aucune activité n’a été notée." #: ../dashboard.php:190 ../cerber-users.php:755 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Expire le" #: ../dashboard.php:214 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Pas de blocage pour le moment. Tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes." #: ../dashboard.php:237 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Ces adresses IP ne seront jamais bloquées" #: ../dashboard.php:246 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Votre IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3795 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "La dernière tentative échouée date du %s. Elle vient de l’IP %s. Le nom d’utilisateur utilisé est : %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4761 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Impossible d’activer WP Cerber à cause d’une erreur de la base de données." #: ../settings.php:1408 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Notifier l’administrateur si le nombre de blocages actifs excède" #: ../settings.php:291 ../settings.php:742 ../settings.php:795 ../settings.php:978 msgid "days" msgstr "jours" #: ../dashboard.php:1625 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber aperçu" #: ../dashboard.php:210 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Astuce" #: ../dashboard.php:210 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Pour voir l’activité relative à cette IP, cliquez sur l’IP" #: ../settings.php:196 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Toujours bloquer le sous-réseau complet de classe C des IP intruses" #: ../settings.php:282 ../settings.php:1414 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Cliquez pour tester" #: ../settings.php:1672 ../settings.php:1673 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Attention ! Vous avez changer l’URL de connexion ! La nouvelle URL est" #: ../dashboard.php:1534 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Commentaires" #: ../cerber-load.php:3796 ../cerber-load.php:4528 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Voir l’activité dans le tableau de bord" #: ../cerber-load.php:3825 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Nombre de blocages actifs" #: ../cerber-load.php:3829 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Voir les blocages dans le tableau de bord" #: ../cerber-load.php:3917 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ce message a été envoyé par" #: ../dashboard.php:78 ../dashboard.php:4620 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Outils" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exporter les préférences" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Vous obtiendrez un fichier de configuration lorsque vous cliquerez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Vous pourrez ensuite utiliser ce fichier de configuration sur d’autre site." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Que voulez-vous exporter ?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Télécharger le fichier" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importer les préférences" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "En cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous, le fichier sera importé et écrasera les réglages précédents." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Sélectionnez un fichier." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 ../cerber-scanner.php:4092 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Taille maximum de fichier autorisée : %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:46 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Que voulez-vous importer ?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 ../cerber-scanner.php:4095 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Téléverser un fichier" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Le fichier n’a pas été téléversé ou est corrompu" #: ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour" #: ../cerber-tools.php:145 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Les préférences ont été importées avec succès depuis" #: ../cerber-tools.php:152 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Error lors de l’analyse du fichier" #: ../dashboard.php:188 ../dashboard.php:1075 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Hôte" #: ../dashboard.php:486 msgid "unknown" msgstr "inconnu" #: ../settings.php:290 ../settings.php:741 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Conserver l’historique pour" #: ../dashboard.php:1663 ../dashboard.php:1688 msgid "active" msgstr "active" #: ../dashboard.php:1663 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "désactivé" #: ../dashboard.php:1665 msgid "not active" msgstr "inactif" #: ../dashboard.php:1666 ../dashboard.php:1683 msgid "disabled" msgstr "désactivée" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "tentatives de connexion échouées" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "en 24 heures" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "view all" msgstr "voir tout" #: ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "blocages" #: ../dashboard.php:1674 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Blocages actuels" #: ../dashboard.php:1675 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Dernier blocage" #: ../dashboard.php:1679 ../dashboard.php:1680 ../dashboard.php:2601 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "entrée" msgstr[1] "entrées" #: ../dashboard.php:2301 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Confus au sujet de certains paramètres ?" #: ../dashboard.php:2302 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Vous pouvez facilement charger les paramètres recommandés par défaut en utilisant le bouton ci-dessous" #: ../dashboard.php:2304 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Charger les paramètres par défaut" #: ../dashboard.php:2312 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "n’affecte pas l’URL de connexion personnalisée ni les Listes d’accès" #: ../settings.php:608 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nouvelle version disponible" #: ../cerber-load.php:3768 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "Préférences WP Cerber" #: ../cerber-load.php:3792 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Le mode citadelle est activé" #: ../cerber-load.php:3864 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "URL de connexion personnalisée" #: ../cerber-load.php:4748 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber nécessite PHP %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement" #: ../cerber-load.php:4752 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber nécessite WordPress %s ou supérieur. Vous avez actuellement" #: ../settings.php:314 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Utiliser un fichier" #: ../settings.php:315 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Inscrire les tentatives de connexion échouées dans un fichier de log" #: ../dashboard.php:2419 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Désactiver" #: ../dashboard.php:191 ../cerber-load.php:3827 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Raison" #: ../dashboard.php:278 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Ajouter l’IP à la liste" #: ../dashboard.php:1396 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Ajouter l’IP à la liste noire" #: ../common.php:1430 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Tentative d’accès" #: ../common.php:1429 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "La limite de tentatives de connexion est atteinte" #: ../cerber-load.php:3826 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Le dernier blocage a été ajouté le %s pour l’IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:4464 ../cerber-load.php:4796 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Renforcer" #: ../dashboard.php:1371 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Courriel d'abus:" #: ../settings.php:595 ../settings.php:638 ../settings.php:848 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Adresse courriel" #: ../settings.php:600 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "si vide, l’adresse courriel de l’administrateur %s sera utilisée" #: ../settings.php:324 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Examiner les IPs" #: ../settings.php:325 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Récupérer les données WHOIS des IPs" #: ../settings.php:342 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Renforcer WordPress" #: ../settings.php:346 ../settings.php:381 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Empêcher l’énumération des utilisateurs" #: ../settings.php:365 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Désactiver XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:366 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloquer l’accès au serveur XMlL-RPC (inclut les Pingbacks et Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:370 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Désactiver les flux" #: ../settings.php:371 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Bloquer l’accès aux flux RSS, Atom et RDF" #: ../settings.php:386 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Désactiver REST API" #: ../settings.php:1767 ../settings.php:1779 ../settings.php:1935 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERREUR: veuillez saisir une adresse courriel valide." #: ../cerber-load.php:3857 ../cerber-load.php:4781 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber est maintenant actif et protège votre site" #: ../dashboard.php:192 ../cerber-users.php:758 ../cerber-scanner.php:5694 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5842 msgid "Action" msgstr "Action" #: ../dashboard.php:239 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Personne ne peut se connecter à partir de ces IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:296 ../dashboard.php:313 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "IP ou plage d’IP incorrecte" #: ../dashboard.php:2435 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:445 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Paramètres sauvegardés" #: ../dashboard.php:1376 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Réseau:" #: ../dashboard.php:1391 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Ajouter un réseau à la liste noire" #: ../dashboard.php:2418 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Attention ! Le mode Citadel est maintenant activé. Plus personne ne peut se connecter." #: ../dashboard.php:413 ../dashboard.php:3623 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1448 ../common.php:1831 ../common.php:1896 ../nexus/cerber-slave- #: list.php:330 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Inconnu" #: ../common.php:326 ../common.php:404 ../common.php:409 ../common.php:415 .. #: /common.php:420 ../cerber-load.php:683 ../cerber-load.php:695 ../cerber-load. #: php:702 ../cerber-load.php:1029 ../cerber-load.php:1538 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1544 ../cerber-load.php:1549 ../cerber-load.php:1556 ../cerber-load.php:1563 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1569 ../cerber-load.php:1576 ../cerber-load.php:1727 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1864 ../settings.php:1644 ../settings.php:1664 ../settings. #: php:1743 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:217 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php: #: 228 ../cerber-scanner.php:5796 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERREUR :" #: ../cerber-load.php:712 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Vérification humaine échouée. Veuillez cliquer sur la case à cocher de la boite de dialogue reCAPTCHA ci-dessous." #: ../cerber-load.php:1137 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "ERREUR: Le mot de passe que vous avez saisie pour l’identifiant %s est incorrect." #: ../cerber-load.php:1557 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Ce nom d’utilisateur n’est pas autorisé. Veuillez en choisir un autre." #: ../cerber-load.php:3820 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "non spécifié" #: ../cerber-load.php:3823 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Le nombre de blocage augmente" #: ../cerber-load.php:3828 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Voir l’activité pour cette IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3832 ../cerber-load.php:3834 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Une nouvelle version de WP Cerber est disponible" #: ../cerber-load.php:3833 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Salut !" #: ../cerber-load.php:3836 ../cerber-load.php:3847 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Site web" #: ../cerber-load.php:3839 ../cerber-load.php:3840 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "Le plugin WP Cerber a été désactivé" #: ../cerber-load.php:3842 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Non connecté" #: ../cerber-load.php:3848 msgid "By user" msgstr "Par utilisateur" #: ../cerber-load.php:3849 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "De l’adresse IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3852 msgid "From country" msgstr "Du pays" #: ../cerber-load.php:3856 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "Le plugin WP Cerber est maintenant actif" #: ../cerber-load.php:4782 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Votre adresse IP a été ajouté à" #: ../cerber-load.php:4798 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importer les paramètres" #: ../settings.php:603 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limite de notification" #: ../settings.php:604 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "nombre limite de courriels de notification par heure (0 pour illimité)" #: ../settings.php:564 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Identifiants interdits" #: ../settings.php:565 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Les identifiants de cette liste ne pourront ni se connecter ni s’inscrire. Toute IP qui aurait tenté d’utiliser un de ces identifiants sera immédiatement bloquée. Séparez les identifiants par des virgules." #: ../settings.php:573 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "en minutes (laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur par défaut de WordPress)" #: ../settings.php:985 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Paramètres reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Clef du site" #: ../settings.php:993 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Clef secrète" #: ../settings.php:1003 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1012 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulaire de récupération de mot de passe" #: ../settings.php:1022 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formulaire de connexion" #: ../settings.php:1023 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WordPress" #: ../settings.php:986 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Avant d’utiliser reCAPTCHA, il vous faut obtenir une Clef de Site et une Clef Secrète sur le site de Google" #: ../cerber-lab.php:810 ../settings.php:819 ../settings.php:986 msgid "Know more" msgstr "En savoir plus" #: ../common.php:1316 msgid "User created" msgstr "Utilisateurs créés" #: ../common.php:1317 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Inscription utilisateur" #: ../common.php:1344 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "Vérification reCAPTCHA échouée" #: ../common.php:1345 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "Les paramètres reCAPTCHA sont incorrects" #: ../common.php:1348 ../common.php:1452 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Tentative d’accès à une URL interdite" #: ../common.php:1350 ../common.php:1432 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Tentatives de connexion avec un identifiant interdit" #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Connexion Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:302 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Envoyer les adresses IP bloquées au Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:306 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocole Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:933 ../settings.php:1002 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formulaire d’inscription" #: ../settings.php:1008 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire d’inscription WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:1013 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1018 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de récupération de mot de passe WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:1028 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Activer reCAPTCHA pour le formulaire de connexion WooCommerce" #: ../common.php:1346 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "La requête au service Google reCAPTCHA a échouée" #: ../dashboard.php:889 ../dashboard.php:2274 msgid "View all" msgstr "Voir tout" #: ../dashboard.php:2277 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "IPs récemment bloquées" #: ../cerber-lab.php:808 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "Allez, abattez-les tous !" #: ../cerber-lab.php:809 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NON, peut-être plus tard" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1714 ../dashboard.php:2619 ../dashboard. #: php:4458 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord" #: ../cerber-lab.php:806 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Désireux de rendre WP Cerber encore plus puissant ?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:807 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Permettre à WP Cerber d’envoyer les adresses IP qui ont été bloqués au Cerber Lab. Cela aidera l’équipe à créer de nouveau algorithmes pour que WP Cerber puisse défendre WordPress contre les nouvelles attaques et réseaux de robots qui apparaissent chaque jour. Vous pouvez désactiver l’envoi des données à tout moment dans les réglages du plugin." #: ../dashboard.php:3524 msgid "IP address" msgstr "adresse IP" #: ../dashboard.php:812 msgid "User login" msgstr "Connexion de l'utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:813 ../dashboard.php:3530 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:1102 ../dashboard.php:3965 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exporter" #: ../dashboard.php:1125 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Rechercher une adresse IP ou un nom d'utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:1126 ../dashboard.php:1128 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtre" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Tableau de bord Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:78 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Outils Cerber" #: ../cerber-tools.php:238 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Se désabonner" #: ../dashboard.php:2543 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Vous êtes abonné(e)" #: ../dashboard.php:2548 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Vous vous êtes désabonné" #: ../cerber-load.php:3868 ../cerber-load.php:3869 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Une nouvelle activité a été enregistrée" #: ../cerber-load.php:4500 ../cerber-users.php:752 msgid "User" msgstr "Utilisateur" #: ../cerber-load.php:4508 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Chaîne de recherche" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Préférences" #: ../settings.php:329 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format de date" #: ../settings.php:330 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "si vide, le format par défaut %s sera utilisé" #: ../settings.php:614 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notifications poussées" #: ../settings.php:588 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Notifications par courriel" #: ../settings.php:596 ../settings.php:640 ../settings.php:714 ../settings.php:850 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Utilisez la virgule pour spécifier plusieurs valeurs" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Tous les appareils connectés" #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Aucun appareil trouvé" #: ../settings.php:139 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Non disponible" #: ../common.php:1342 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe demandée" #: ../common.php:1433 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "La limite sur les vérifications reCAPTCHA échouées est atteinte." #: ../common.php:1583 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "il y a %s" #: ../settings.php:185 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Appliquer les règles de connexion de limite aux adresses IP dans la liste d'accès White IP" #: ../settings.php:215 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Afficheur 404 page" #: ../settings.php:997 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Invisible reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:998 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Activer le reCAPTCHA invisible" #: ../settings.php:998 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(ne l'activez que si vous obtenez et entrez les clés Site et Secret pour la version invisible)" #: ../settings.php:1033 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Activer le formulaire de commentaire reCAPTCHA pour WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1038 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Désactiver reCAPTCHA pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: ../settings.php:1042 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limiter les tentatives" #: ../settings.php:1043 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Verrouiller l'adresse IP pendant %s minutes après %s tentatives échouées en %s minutes" #: ../settings.php:263 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "En mode Citadel, personne ne peut se connecter sauf les adresses IP de la White IP Access List. Les sessions utilisateur actives ne seront pas affectées." #: ../dashboard.php:809 ../dashboard.php:1078 msgid "Event" msgstr "Événement" #: ../common.php:269 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "commentaires de spam refusés" #: ../common.php:271 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "adresses IP malveillantes détectées" #: ../common.php:272 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "visiteurs ont été bannis" #: ../cerber-load.php:1539 ../cerber-load.php:1545 ../cerber-load.php:1570 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1577 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous inscrire." #: ../common.php:1327 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "commentaire de spam refusé" #: ../common.php:1352 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Tentative d'ouverture de session refusée" #: ../common.php:1353 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Tentative d'enregistrement refusée" #: ../common.php:266 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "activités malveillantes bloquées" #: ../dashboard.php:71 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Paramètres antispam Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:71 ../cerber-load.php:4795 ../settings.php:1032 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:925 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Moteur antispam Cerber" #: ../settings.php:928 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formulaire de commentaires" #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protéger le formulaire de commentaires avec le moteur de détection de bot" #: ../settings.php:934 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protéger le formulaire d'inscription avec le moteur de détection de bot" #: ../dashboard.php:4622 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Exportation et importation" #: ../dashboard.php:4623 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnostic" #: ../dashboard.php:4626 msgid "License" msgstr "Licence" #: ../dashboard.php:4504 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Paramètres d'antispam et de détection des robots" #: ../cerber-load.php:1864 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Désolé, la vérification humaine a échoué." #: ../common.php:1434 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "L'activité du bot est détectée" #: ../settings.php:967 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Commenter le processus" #: ../settings.php:970 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Si un commentaire indésirable est détecté" #: ../settings.php:975 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Commentaires sur le spam de la corbeille" #: ../settings.php:977 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Déplacer les commentaires indésirables à la corbeille" #: ../common.php:1328 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Soumission du formulaire anti-spam refusée" #: ../settings.php:938 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Autres formulaires" #: ../settings.php:939 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Protégez tous les formulaires sur le site Web avec le moteur de détection de bot" #: ../settings.php:945 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Ajuster le moteur antispam" #: ../settings.php:948 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Mode sans échec" #: ../settings.php:949 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Utiliser des politiques moins restrictives (autoriser AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:910 ../dashboard.php:1677 ../dashboard.php:3933 ../settings. #: php:391 ../settings.php:953 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Utilisateurs connectés" #: ../settings.php:954 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Désactiver le moteur de détection des bots pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: ../dashboard.php:189 ../dashboard.php:1076 msgid "Country" msgstr "Pays" #: ../dashboard.php:1114 msgid "All events" msgstr "Tous les évènements" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:4570 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Règles de sécurité" #: ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Echec des tentatives de connexion" #: ../dashboard.php:1493 ../dashboard.php:1537 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Enregistré" #: ../dashboard.php:1607 ../cerber-users.php:51 ../cerber-users.php:889 msgid "You" msgstr "Vous" #: ../common.php:270 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "envois de spam refusés" #: ../dashboard.php:2313 ../cerber-load.php:3859 ../cerber-load.php:4784 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guide de démarrage" #: ../dashboard.php:4572 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Pays" #: ../dashboard.php:3261 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Autorisé pour un pays" msgstr[1] "Autorisé pour %d pays" #: ../dashboard.php:3272 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Aucune règle" #: ../dashboard.php:3433 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Les règles de sécurité ont été mises à jour" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:1329 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "envois de formulaire bloqué" #: ../common.php:1330 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Commentaire refusé" #: ../common.php:1358 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Demandes d'API REST refusées" #: ../common.php:1359 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Requête XML-RPC refusée" #: ../common.php:1378 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot détecté" #: ../common.php:1379 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Le mode Citadel est actif" #: ../common.php:1384 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Activité malveillante détectée" #: ../common.php:1385 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloqué par la règle du pays" #: ../common.php:1386 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite atteinte" #: ../common.php:1387 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Plusieurs activités suspectes" #: ../common.php:1435 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Plusieurs activités suspectes ont été détectées" #: ../settings.php:392 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Autoriser l'API REST pour les utilisateurs connectés" #: ../settings.php:404 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Spécifiez les espaces de noms de l'REST API à autoriser si l'REST API est désactivée. Une corde par ligne." #: ../settings.php:541 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limite d'enregistrement" #: ../settings.php:579 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Trier les utilisateurs dans le tableau de bord" #: ../settings.php:580 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "par date d'enregistrement" #: ../settings.php:958 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Liste blanche des requêtes" #: ../settings.php:1396 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s nombre d'enregistrements autorisés en %s minutes à partir d'une adresse IP" #: ../dashboard.php:3241 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Commencez à taper ici pour trouver un pays" #: ../dashboard.php:3356 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Cliquez sur le nom d'un pays pour l'ajouter à la liste des pays sélectionnés" #: ../dashboard.php:3388 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Soumettre les formulaires" #: ../dashboard.php:3389 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Soumettre des commentaires" #: ../dashboard.php:3383 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Se connecter sur le site" #: ../dashboard.php:3387 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "S'inscrire sur le site" #: ../dashboard.php:3390 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Utiliser XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:3391 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Utiliser REST API" #: ../settings.php:972 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Le nier complètement" #: ../settings.php:972 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marquez-le comme spam" #: ../dashboard.php:2253 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "durant les 24 dernières heures" #: ../dashboard.php:2620 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Réglages principaux" #: ../settings.php:627 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Rapports hebdomadaires" #: ../settings.php:1598 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Dimanche" #: ../settings.php:1599 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Lundi" #: ../settings.php:1600 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Mardi" #: ../settings.php:1601 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Mercredi" #: ../settings.php:1602 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Jeudi" #: ../settings.php:1603 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Vendredi" #: ../settings.php:1604 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Samedi" #: ../settings.php:1674 ../settings.php:1675 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Si vous utilisez un plugin de mise en cache, vous devez ajouter votre nouvelle URL de connexion à la liste des pages à ne pas mettre en cache." #: ../cerber-load.php:3874 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Rapport hebdomadaire" #: ../cerber-load.php:3877 ../cerber-load.php:3887 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Pour modifier les paramètres du rapport, visitez : " #: ../cerber-load.php:3910 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Votre page de connexion:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3914 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Votre licence est valable jusqu'au" #: ../cerber-load.php:4020 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Détails de l'activité" #: ../settings.php:1634 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Cliquez pour envoyer maintenant" #: ../cerber-load.php:833 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "Traducteur de WP Cerber ? Pour obtenir la licence PRO gratuitement, déposez vos contacts ici : https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:557 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Un courriel a été envoyé à" #: ../dashboard.php:560 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Impossible d'envoyer un courriel à" #: ../dashboard.php:3264 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Non autorisé pour un pays" msgstr[1] "Non autorisé pour les pays %d" #: ../dashboard.php:3360 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Les pays sélectionnés sont autorisés à %s, les autres pays ne sont pas autorisés à" #: ../dashboard.php:3363 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Les pays sélectionnés ne sont pas autorisés à %s, les autres pays sont autorisés à" #: ../cerber-load.php:4008 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Rapport hebdomadaire" #: ../settings.php:218 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Utiliser le modèle 404 du thème actif" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Affichage simple 404 page" #: ../settings.php:959 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Entrer une partie de la chaîne ou du chemin de requête pour exclure une requête de l'inspection par le moteur. Un article par ligne." #: ../settings.php:639 ../settings.php:849 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "si vide, l'adresse courriel des paramètres de notification sera utilisée" #: ../settings.php:630 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Activer le signalement" #: ../cerber-load.php:3938 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Votre dernière connexion était %s de %s" #: ../dashboard.php:277 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "Adresse IP, plage d'adresses IPv4 ou sous-réseau" #: ../dashboard.php:279 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Commentaire facultatif pour cette entrée" #: ../dashboard.php:318 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas ajouter votre adresse IP ou votre réseau" #: ../settings.php:557 ../settings.php:565 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, enroulez un motif en deux barres obliques vers l'avant." #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspecteur du Trafic de Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1684 ../dashboard.php:4524 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspecteur de trafic" #: ../dashboard.php:1716 ../cerber-users.php:923 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Trafic" #: ../dashboard.php:3901 msgid "Request" msgstr "Demande" #: ../dashboard.php:3903 ../cerber-users.php:757 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informations sur l'hôte" #: ../dashboard.php:3904 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "Agent utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:3929 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Toutes les demandes" #: ../dashboard.php:911 ../dashboard.php:3934 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Visiteurs non connectés" #: ../dashboard.php:3937 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Soumission des formulaires" #: ../dashboard.php:3939 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Page introuvable" #: ../dashboard.php:3948 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Plus long que" #: ../dashboard.php:3971 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Rafraîchir" #: ../common.php:196 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Vérifier les demandes" #: ../common.php:1791 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Non spécifié" #: ../settings.php:695 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Mode d'enregistrement" #: ../settings.php:698 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Enregistrement désactivé" #: ../settings.php:699 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Intelligent" #: ../settings.php:700 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Tout le trafic" #: ../settings.php:704 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignorer les chenilles" #: ../settings.php:712 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Masquer ces champs du formulaire" #: ../settings.php:737 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "millisecondes" #: ../settings.php:652 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Activer l'inspection du trafic" #: ../settings.php:692 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Enregistrement" #: ../settings.php:708 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Sauvegarder les champs de demande" #: ../settings.php:736 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Seuil de temps de génération de page" #: ../dashboard.php:3921 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Aucune demande n'a été enregistrée." #: ../dashboard.php:1683 msgid "enabled" msgstr "activés" #: ../dashboard.php:1688 msgid "no connection" msgstr "aucune connexion" #: ../dashboard.php:1483 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Vu pour la dernière fois" #: ../common.php:1354 ../common.php:1436 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Recherche de code PHP vulnérable" #: ../dashboard.php:4262 msgid "Any" msgstr "N'importe quel" #: ../cerber-load.php:3657 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Nous sommes désolés, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à continuer" #: ../settings.php:665 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Demande de liste blanche" #: ../settings.php:669 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Entrez une requête URI pour exclure la requête de l'inspection. Une requête URI par ligne." #: ../settings.php:719 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Sauvegarder les en-têtes de requête" #: ../settings.php:724 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Sauvegarder $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:728 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Sauvegarder les cookies de demande" #: ../settings.php:351 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Protéger les scripts d'administration" #: ../settings.php:352 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès non autorisé à load-scripts.php et load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:2731 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire" #: ../common.php:2736 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Accès au dossier de destination refusé" #: ../common.php:2739 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Fichier non trouvé" #: ../common.php:2742 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Impossible de copier le fichier" #: ../common.php:2748 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier" #: ../settings.php:155 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Initialisation du plugin" #: ../settings.php:158 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Moteur de sécurité de chargement" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Mode Legacy" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Mode standard" #: ../settings.php:1645 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Le mode d'initialisation du plugin n'a pas été modifié" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Il s'agit d'un module de démarrage standard pour le plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Il a été installé lorsque vous avez réglé le mode d'initialisation du plugin sur Standard. En savoir plus : wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:1356 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Envoi de fichier refusé" #: ../settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades." #: ../settings.php:148 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Soyez prudent lorsque vous activez ces options." #: ../settings.php:148 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Si vous oubliez votre URL de connexion personnalisée, vous ne pourrez pas vous connecter." #: ../dashboard.php:67 ../dashboard.php:4585 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Intégrité du site" #: ../dashboard.php:1701 ../dashboard.php:1703 ../cerber-users.php:20 ../cerber- #: users.php:431 ../settings.php:655 ../settings.php:680 ../settings.php:1104 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Désactivé" #: ../dashboard.php:1702 ../cerber-scanner.php:1064 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Analyse rapide" #: ../dashboard.php:1704 ../cerber-scanner.php:1064 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Analyse complète" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: ../common.php:1388 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Refusé" #: ../settings.php:184 ../settings.php:516 ../settings.php:661 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Utiliser la liste blanche d'accès IP" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Désactiver la redirection du tableau de bord" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Désactiver la redirection automatique vers la page de connexion lorsque /wp-admin/ est demandé par une requête non autorisée" #: ../settings.php:749 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Paramètres des analyses" #: ../settings.php:752 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Signatures personnalisées" #: ../settings.php:756 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Spécifiez des signatures de code PHP personnalisées. Un article par ligne. Pour spécifier un motif REGEX, entourez une ligne entière de deux accolades." #: ../settings.php:759 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Extensions de fichiers indésirables" #: ../settings.php:763 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Spécifiez les extensions de fichier à rechercher. Analyse complète uniquement. Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments." #: ../settings.php:766 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Répertoires à exclure" #: ../settings.php:770 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Spécifiez les répertoires à exclure de l'analyse. Utilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne." #: ../settings.php:781 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Analyser le répertoire temporaire" #: ../settings.php:785 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Répertoire de la session d'analyse" #: ../settings.php:793 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Supprimer les fichiers mis en quarantaine après" #: ../settings.php:806 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Lancer l'Analyse rapide" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Toutes les heures" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Toutes les 3 heures" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Toutes les 6 heures" #: ../settings.php:811 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Lancer l'analyse complète" #: ../settings.php:825 ../settings.php:870 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Faible gravité" #: ../settings.php:826 ../settings.php:871 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Gravité moyenne" #: ../settings.php:827 ../settings.php:872 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Gravité élevée" #: ../settings.php:822 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Signaler un problème si l'une des affirmations suivantes est vraie" #: ../settings.php:831 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Envoyer le rapport par courriel" #: ../settings.php:834 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Après chaque analyse" #: ../settings.php:835 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "S'il y a eu des changements dans les résultats d'analyse" #: ../settings.php:840 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Inclure la taille des fichiers" #: ../settings.php:844 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Inclure les erreurs de l'analyse" #: ../dashboard.php:4587 ../cerber-load.php:4793 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Scanner de sécurité" #: ../dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Ordonnancement" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:95 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Actuellement, une analyse programmée est en cours. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce qu'il soit terminé." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:99 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "L'analyse précédente commencée %s n'est pas terminée. Poursuivre l'analyse ?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:108 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Il semble que ce site n'ait jamais été analysé. Pour lancer l'analyse, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:111 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Démarrer l'analyse rapide" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:112 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Démarrer l'analyse complète" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:113 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Arrêter l'analyse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:114 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Poursuivre l'analyse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:150 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Supprimer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1567 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Vérifié" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1574 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Données d'intégrité introuvables" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1575 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité du plugin en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1576 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité des fichiers WordPress en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1577 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité du thème en raison d'une erreur réseau" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1580 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Le fichier local n'existe pas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1582 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Impossible de traiter le fichier" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1583 ../cerber-scanner.php:5033 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1585 ../cerber-scanner.php:3972 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Non-appariement de la somme de contrôle" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1588 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Code suspect trouvé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1590 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Fichier suspect non surveillé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1591 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Code exécutable trouvé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1595 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Extension de fichier indésirable" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1597 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Le contenu a été modifié" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1598 msgid "New file" msgstr "Nouveau fichier" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2644 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Signature personnalisée trouvée" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3849 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Numérisation de dossiers à la recherche de fichiers" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3853 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analyse de la liste des fichiers" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3854 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Vérification des fichiers nouveaux et modifiés" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3855 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité de WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3857 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité des plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3859 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Vérification de l'intégrité des thèmes" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3860 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Recherche de code malveillant" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3861 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalisation de l'analyse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Fichiers à analyser" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Questions critiques" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 ../cerber-scanner.php:5224 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Total des émissions" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4633 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Erreur d'accès aux fichiers. Les résultats des scanners sont peut-être périmés. Exécutez Quick ou Full Scan s'il vous plaît." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5347 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Pour consulter le rapport complet, visitez" #: ../cerber-load.php:3884 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Rapport du scanner" #: ../settings.php:773 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Surveiller les nouveaux fichiers" #: ../settings.php:777 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Surveiller les fichiers modifiés" #: ../settings.php:836 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Si de nouveaux problèmes sont découverts" #: ../settings.php:1941 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Le calendrier a été mis à jour" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1594 ../cerber-scanner.php:2824 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Directives suspectes trouvées" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2822 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Instruction de code suspecte trouvée" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2823 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Signatures de code suspectes trouvées" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2826 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Pour résoudre ce problème, vous devez réinstaller %s ou le mettre à jour avec la dernière version." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2827 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Veuillez téléverser une archive ZIP de référence" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2828 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Résoudre le problème" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4089 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Nous n'avons trouvé aucune donnée sur l'intégrité à vérifier" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4091 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Vous devez téléverser une archive ZIP à partir de laquelle vous l'avez installée. Cela permet au scanneur de sécurité de vérifier l'intégrité du code et de détecter les logiciels malveillants." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5180 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Rapport d'analyse complet" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5180 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Rapport d'analyse rapide" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5193 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Fichiers scannés" #: ../dashboard.php:264 ../dashboard.php:1341 ../dashboard.php:1376 ../dashboard. #: php:1499 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Vérifier les activités" #: ../dashboard.php:1461 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Activé" #: ../common.php:1365 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Demande malveillante refusée" #: ../common.php:1369 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Activé par l'utilisateur" #: ../common.php:1389 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Nombre de champs suspects" #: ../common.php:1390 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Nombre suspect de valeurs imbriquées" #: ../common.php:1391 ../common.php:1437 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Code malveillant détecté" #: ../common.php:1438 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Tentative de téléversement d'un fichier contenant un code malveillant" #: ../common.php:1669 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Octets" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1573 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Vulnérabilité constatée" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1578 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité en raison d'une erreur de base de données" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3850 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans le dossier de téléversements" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3851 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans le dossier temporaire" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3852 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Recherche de fichiers dans le dossier de session" #: ../settings.php:803 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Programme d'analyse périodique automatisé" #: ../settings.php:818 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Rapports sur les résultats d'analyse" #: ../dashboard.php:906 ../dashboard.php:3931 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Activité suspecte" #: ../dashboard.php:3932 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Erreurs" #: ../dashboard.php:4506 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Moteur antispam" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Défend WordPress contre les attaques de pirates, le spam, les chevaux de Troie et les virus. Scanneur de logiciels malveillants et vérificateur d'intégrité. Durcissement de WordPress avec un ensemble complet d'algorithmes de sécurité. Protection anti-spam avec un moteur de détection de bot sophistiqué et reCAPTCHA. Suivi de l'activité des utilisateurs et des intrus grâce à de puissantes notifications par courriel, mobile et de bureau." #: ../cerber-load.php:381 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Vous avez dépassé le nombre de tentatives de connexion autorisées. Veuillez réessayer dans %d minutes." #: ../common.php:1583 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "en %s" #: ../settings.php:1614 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "à" #: ../dashboard.php:4592 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarantaine" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3936 msgid "Started" msgstr "Commencé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3940 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Fini" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3948 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performance" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:337 ../cerber-scanner.php:3960 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Vulnérabilités" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3964 msgid "New files" msgstr "Nouveaux fichiers" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Fichiers modifiés" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3976 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Extensions non désirées" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3980 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Fichiers sans surveillance" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 ../cerber-scanner.php:5689 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Analysé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5591 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Il n'y a aucun dossier en quarantaine pour le moment." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5681 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restaurer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5678 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Supprimer définitivement" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5690 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Mise en quarantaine" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5691 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Suppression automatique" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5692 msgid "Size" msgstr "Taille" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5693 ../cerber-scanner.php:5841 msgid "File" msgstr "Fichier" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5769 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Le fichier a été supprimé définitivement." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5783 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Le fichier a été restauré à son emplacement d'origine." #: ../dashboard.php:1717 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Intégrité" #: ../common.php:1355 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Tentative de téléversement d'un fichier malveillant refusée" #: ../cerber-news.php:158 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Génial !" #: ../settings.php:859 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Nettoyage automatique des logiciels malveillants et des fichiers suspects" #: ../settings.php:867 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Fichiers dans le dossier de téléversements" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Fichiers avec des extensions indésirables" #: ../settings.php:895 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Exclusions" #: ../settings.php:899 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Fichiers dans le répertoire temporaire" #: ../settings.php:903 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Fichiers dans le répertoire des sessions" #: ../settings.php:907 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Fichiers dans ces répertoires" #: ../settings.php:911 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Utilisez des chemins absolus. Un article par ligne." #: ../settings.php:914 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Fichiers avec ces extensions" #: ../settings.php:918 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Utilisez la virgule pour séparer les éléments." #: ../dashboard.php:4590 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Nettoyage" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1589 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Code malveillant trouvé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2819 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Ce fichier contient du code exécutable et peut contenir des logiciels malveillants obscurs. Si ce fichier fait partie d'un thème ou d'un plugin, il doit être situé dans le dossier thème ou plugin. Pas d'exception, pas d'excuses." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2820 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Le scanner reconnaît ce fichier comme étant \"sans propriétaire\" ou \"non regroupé\" parce qu'il n'appartient à aucune partie connue du site Web et ne devrait pas être ici." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2821 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Il se peut qu'il subsiste après la mise à niveau vers une version plus récente de %s. Il peut également s'agir d'un logiciel malveillant obscurci. Dans de rares cas, il peut s'agir d'une partie d'un plugin ou d'un thème personnalisé (sur mesure)." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2825 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Le contenu du fichier a été modifié et ne correspond pas à ce qui existe dans le référentiel officiel WordPress ou dans un fichier de référence que vous avez téléversé précédemment. Le fichier peut avoir été altéré par un logiciel malveillant, infecté par un virus ou avoir été altéré." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5278 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Supprimé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5331 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Passage automatique en quarantaine" #: ../common.php:1392 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Code SQL suspect détecté" #: ../dashboard.php:1698 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Dernière recherche de programmes malveillants" #: ../dashboard.php:4526 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Trafic en direct" #: ../settings.php:335 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Utiliser l'anglais pour l'interface d'administration" #: ../dashboard.php:4624 msgid "Log" msgstr "Consigner" #: ../settings.php:356 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Désactiver PHP dans les téléversements" #: ../settings.php:361 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Désactiver l'affichage des erreurs PHP" #: ../dashboard.php:4591 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignorer la liste" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:153 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorer" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5806 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Postulez" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5840 msgid "Added" msgstr "Ajouté" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5807 ../cerber-scanner.php:5834 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Retirer de la liste" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5808 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Perspectives utilisateur" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5809 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Aperçu de la circulation" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5810 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Aperçu de l'activité" #: ../dashboard.php:2726 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés ?" #: ../dashboard.php:2727 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Ces fichiers ont été mis en quarantaine" #: ../dashboard.php:2730 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Voulez-vous ajouter les fichiers sélectionnés à liste de fichiers à ignorer ?" #: ../dashboard.php:2731 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Ces fichiers ont été ajoutés à la liste de fichiers à ignorer" #: ../dashboard.php:2733 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Des erreurs sont survenues" #: ../dashboard.php:2734 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Tous les fichiers ont été traités" #: ../settings.php:2772 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Ces fonctionnalités sont disponibles dans la version PRO de l'extension." #: ../settings.php:2773 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Apprenez-en plus sur les avantages au" #: ../common.php:1393 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Code JavaScript inquiétant détecté" #: ../settings.php:1944 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Incapable de mettre à jour l'horaire" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5707 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Toutes les analyses" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5812 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "La liste est vide." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5658 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Aucun fichier ne correspond au filtre spécifié." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5658 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Cliquez ici pour voir la liste complète des fichiers" #: ../dashboard.php:810 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Détails supplémentaires" #: ../dashboard.php:3531 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Temps de génération de la page" #: ../dashboard.php:4880 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Se connecter" #: ../dashboard.php:4881 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Se déconnecter" #: ../dashboard.php:4882 msgid "Register" msgstr "S'inscrire" #: ../dashboard.php:4885 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Se connecter à WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4886 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Se déconnecter de WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4925 ../dashboard.php:4926 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Ajouter au menu" #: ../common.php:1381 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "L'adresse IP est bloquée" #: ../common.php:1440 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Plusieurs requêtes inquiétantes" #: ../settings.php:649 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Inspection du trafic" #: ../settings.php:656 ../settings.php:681 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Compatibilité maximale" #: ../settings.php:657 ../settings.php:682 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Sécurité maximale" #: ../settings.php:674 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Requête de blindage erronée" #: ../settings.php:677 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Activer le blindage d'erreur" #: ../settings.php:732 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Enregistrer les erreurs logicielles" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3848 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Préparation de l'analyse" #: ../common.php:1394 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Bloqué par l'administrateur" #: ../cerber-load.php:385 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à vous connecter" #: ../cerber-users.php:38 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Bloquer l'utilisateur" #: ../cerber-users.php:42 ../cerber-users.php:48 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "L'utilisateur n'a pas la permission de se connecter au site" #: ../cerber-users.php:67 ../settings.php:523 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Message utilisateur" #: ../cerber-users.php:69 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Un message facultatif pour cet utilisateur" #: ../cerber-users.php:173 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Utilisateurs bloqués" #: ../settings.php:347 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès aux pages utilisateurs comme /?author=n" #: ../settings.php:377 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Accès à l'API REST de WordPress" #: ../settings.php:387 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Bloquer l'accès à l'API REST de WordPress sauf pour" #: ../settings.php:396 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Permettre l'accès à l'API REST pour ces rôles" #: ../settings.php:400 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Permettre ces namespaces" #: ../settings.php:686 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "Ignorer les utilisateurs connectés" #: ../settings.php:151 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ces restrictions ne s'appliquent pas aux adresses IP de la Liste blanche d'adresses IP" #: ../settings.php:1573 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs rôle(s)" #: ../dashboard.php:1124 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtré par utilisateur inscrit" #: ../settings.php:509 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Utilisateurs autorisés seulement" #: ../settings.php:510 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Seulement les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés ont accès au site web" #: ../settings.php:418 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Ne pas appliquer cette politique aux adresses IP de la Liste blanche d'adresses IP" #: ../settings.php:527 ../settings.php:2193 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Seulement les utilisateurs enregistrés et connectés ont l'autorisation de voir le site" #: ../settings.php:532 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Rediriger vers l'URL" #: ../dashboard.php:4625 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Journal des changements" #: ../dashboard.php:615 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "Les paramètres par défaut ont été chargés" #: ../dashboard.php:3248 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les règles" #: ../dashboard.php:3119 ../common.php:948 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Enregistrer" #: ../common.php:1372 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Accès principaux invalides" #: ../settings.php:1050 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Paramètres principaux" #: ../settings.php:1058 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Retourner à la liste de sites" #: ../settings.php:1062 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Montrer la notification \"Changer pour\"" #: ../settings.php:1066 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Ajouter un @ à la page du site" #: ../settings.php:789 ../settings.php:1083 ../settings.php:1110 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Activer les logs de diagnostique" #: ../settings.php:1093 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Restreindre l'accès par l'adresse IP" #: ../settings.php:1099 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Accéder à ce site" #: ../settings.php:1102 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Mode plein accès" #: ../settings.php:1103 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Mode lecture seule" #: ../settings.php:1119 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "Le mode plein accès exige la version PRO de WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Analyse des logiciels malveillants" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:139 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notes" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:158 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Ajouter un site secondaire" #: ../cerber-users.php:844 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:242 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Résultats pour :" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:278 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Modifier" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:284 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Changer pour" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Aucun site web configuré." #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Ajouter un nouveau" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:101 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Paramètres du site" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:111 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL du site" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:116 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Afficher comme" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:147 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Propriétaire du site" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:151 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Prénom" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:155 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Nom" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:159 msgid "Email" msgstr "Adresse courriel" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:163 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Téléphone" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:171 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresse" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:288 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "Le jeton de sécurité est invalide" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:318 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "Le site web que vous tentez d'ajouter est déjà dans la liste" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "Le site web a été ajouté avec succès" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:328 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Cliquez pour modifier" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:329 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Retourner au Tableau de bord" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:332 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Gardez en tête que vous avez ajouté un site web ne supportant par l'encryption SSL. Cela pourrait mener à de l'interception de données." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:452 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "Le site web a été supprimé" msgstr[1] "%s sites web ont été supprimés" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1020 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Vous avez changé à %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1025 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Vous êtes retourné au site web principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1238 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Vous êtes ici :" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1241 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:89 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Mes sites" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1256 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Visiter le site" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:61 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Activer le mode secondaire" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:62 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Ce site web peut être contrôlé à partir du site web principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Activer le mode principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Configurez ce site comme étant un site principal afin de contrôler d'autres sites" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Pour procéder, veuillez sélectionner le mode du site web" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Paramètres du mode secondaire" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:141 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Jeton secret d'accès" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:143 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "Le jeton est unique à ce site. Gardez-le secrètement. Installez le jeton sur le site principal pour accéder à ce site web." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:145 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Êtes-vous certain ? Le jeton sera invalidé de façon permanente." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Désactiver le mode secondaire" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:261 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Ce site web est défini comme étant un site principal." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:262 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Ajouter des sites secondaires en utilisant des jetons d'accès" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Ce site web est maintenant un site secondaire." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Installer le jeton d'accès sur le site principal" #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1576 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s seconde" msgstr[1] "%s secondes" #: ../settings.php:634 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Envoyer le rapport à " #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Mises à jour" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:125 msgid "Group" msgstr "Groupe" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:115 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Mettre à jour WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:116 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Mettre à jour toutes les extensions activées" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Supprimer le site" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:132 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Tous les groupes" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1424 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer les sites sélectionnés ?" #: ../cerber-users.php:205 msgid "Block" msgstr "Bloqué" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:93 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Sélectionnez un groupe existant ou entrez un nouveau pour l'ajouter" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:167 msgid "Company" msgstr "Compagnie" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:689 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Réponse invalide de la part du site secondaire" #: ../common.php:1349 ../common.php:1431 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Tentative de connexion avec un identifiant inexistant" #: ../cerber-load.php:4034 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Tentatives d'ouverture de session avec un nom d'utilisateur inexistant" #: ../settings.php:1070 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Utiliser la langue principale" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Utilisateurs inexistants" #: ../settings.php:201 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Bloquer immédiatement l’IP si la tentative de connexion est faite avec un identifiant utilisateur inexistant" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Propriétaire" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Désactiver le mode principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Pour retirer le jeton et désactiver la gestion à distance, cliquez ici: " #: ../settings.php:357 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Bloquer l'exécution de scripts PHP dans le répertoire de médias de WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1490 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1498 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Extensions actives et mises à jour sur" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1468 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Une nouvelle version est disponible" #: ../dashboard.php:900 msgid "New users" msgstr "Nouveaux utilisateurs" #: ../dashboard.php:913 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Activité" #: ../dashboard.php:2506 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Créer une alerte" #: ../dashboard.php:2510 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Supprimer cette alerte" #: ../dashboard.php:2544 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "L'alerte a été créée" #: ../dashboard.php:2549 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "L'alerte a été supprimée" #: ../dashboard.php:3958 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Recherche avancée" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: ../cerber-load.php:4529 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Pour supprimer l'alerte, cliquez ici" #: ../settings.php:233 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:245 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Réglages par site" #: ../settings.php:253 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Préfixe des témoins d'extension" #: ../settings.php:254 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:617 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:620 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:863 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:882 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Rétablissement automatique des fichiers modifiés et infectés" #: ../settings.php:885 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Rétablir les fichiers de WordPress" #: ../settings.php:889 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "Rétablir les fichiers des extensions" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1601 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Fichier supprimé" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1602 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Fichier rétabli" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3856 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Rétablissement des fichiers de WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3858 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Rétablissement des fichiers d'extensions" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5282 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Rétabli" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5332 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Supprimé automatiquement" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5335 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Rétabli automatiquement" #: ../dashboard.php:64 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Sécurité Cerber de l'utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../dashboard.php:4550 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Politiques de l'utilisateur" #: ../dashboard.php:1720 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Une nouvelle version est disponible" #: ../dashboard.php:4552 msgid "Role-based" msgstr "Basé sur les rôles" #: ../dashboard.php:4553 msgid "Global" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1395 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1396 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1397 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1400 msgid "Email address is not permitted" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1771 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1564 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-load.php:1564 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:10 ../cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:19 ../cerber-users.php:432 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:78 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:274 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:386 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:391 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:397 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:401 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:406 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:417 ../settings.php:572 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:428 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:433 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Mode avancé" #: ../cerber-users.php:437 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:443 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:449 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Using a different browser or device" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:467 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:475 msgid "days interval" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:480 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:482 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:524 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:547 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:550 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:551 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:552 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:557 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:896 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:352 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:355 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:402 ../cerber-2fa.php:486 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to confirm your identity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:514 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:563 msgid "expires" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:580 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:583 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:584 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:586 msgid "Try again" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:587 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "Did not receive an email?" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "or" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:594 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:599 msgid "Verify" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:93 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3191 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3385 msgid "All Users" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:57 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "bloqué par %s à %s" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:304 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:326 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:807 ../dashboard.php:1074 ../dashboard.php:3902 ../cerber- #: users.php:756 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:814 ../dashboard.php:1080 msgid "Username" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3273 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4460 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:598 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../cerber-users.php:754 msgid "Created" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:775 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:776 msgid "Block user" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:886 msgid "Profile" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:899 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:900 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:1677 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../settings.php:382 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1600 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4540 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4542 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1360 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1361 msgid "User update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1362 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1363 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1402 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1404 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1405 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:411 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:416 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:422 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:428 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:433 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:438 ../settings.php:466 ../settings.php:495 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:446 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:450 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:456 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:461 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:474 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:478 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:484 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:489 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:517 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:762 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:763 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:764 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:765 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:766 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:767 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:768 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:142 msgid "All servers" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:149 msgid "All countries" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:64 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:66 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-bs_BA.po000064400000207055147577531750011742 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: sr\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" #: ../settings.php:77 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Ograniči broj neispravnih logovanja" #: ../settings.php:78 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Pokušaji" #: ../settings.php:79 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Trajanje blokade" #: ../settings.php:79 ../settings.php:105 msgid "minutes" msgstr "Minuti" #: ../settings.php:80 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Agresivno zaključavanje" #: ../settings.php:83 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Konekcija sajta" #: ../settings.php:85 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Proaktivna pravila bezbednosti" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Blokiraj subnet" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Zahtevaj wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:89 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Odmah blokiraj IP nakon wp-login.php request-a " #: ../settings.php:92 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Prilagođena stranica za logovanje" #: ../settings.php:93 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "Prilagođeni URL za logovanje" #: ../settings.php:99 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "Ne sme da se poklapa sa postojećim stranicama ili post slug-ovima" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Onemogući wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:101 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Blokiraj direktne pristupe prema wp-login.php i vrati HTTP 404 Not Found Error" #: ../dashboard.php:1320 ../settings.php:103 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Citadel mod" #: ../settings.php:104 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Prag" #: ../settings.php:105 ../cerber-scanner.php:3823 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trajanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:4310 ../settings.php:82 ../settings.php:106 ../settings.php: #: 631 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:106 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Pošalji notifikaciju Admin-u putem mail-a" #: ../cerber-load.php:4307 ../settings.php:628 ../cerber-tools.php:91 ../cerber- #: tools.php:100 ../cerber-tools.php:187 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Access lista (pristup)" #: ../dashboard.php:1354 ../dashboard.php:1829 ../cerber-load.php:4015 .. #: /settings.php:108 ../settings.php:625 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Aktivnost" #: ../settings.php:626 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Zaključavanja" #: ../settings.php:748 ../settings.php:870 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s dozvoljenih pokušaja %s u minuta" #: ../settings.php:770 ../settings.php:892 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Omogući nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja logovanja u poslednjih %s minuta" #: ../dashboard.php:134 ../dashboard.php:736 ../dashboard.php:3241 ../cerber-load. #: php:4024 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:739 ../dashboard.php:3239 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:741 ../dashboard.php:3244 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Lokalni korisnik (local user)" #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:742 ../cerber-load.php:4032 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Korisničko ime" #: ../dashboard.php:153 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Prikaži poslednjih %d zapisa od %d" #: ../common.php:836 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Prijavljen" #: ../common.php:837 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Odjavljen" #: ../common.php:838 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Prijavljivanje neuspelo" #: ../common.php:841 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP blokiran" #: ../common.php:842 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Subnet blokiran" #: ../common.php:844 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Citadel aktiviran!" #: ../dashboard.php:716 ../dashboard.php:944 ../dashboard.php:3071 ../common.php: #: 890 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Zaključano" #: ../common.php:891 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "Crna lista IP adresa" #: ../common.php:859 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Šifra promenjena" #: ../dashboard.php:127 ../dashboard.php:207 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ukloni" #: ../dashboard.php:437 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Zaključavanje za %s je uklonjeno" #: ../dashboard.php:179 ../dashboard.php:711 ../dashboard.php:938 ../dashboard. #: php:1318 ../dashboard.php:3066 ../cerber-load.php:4295 ../settings.php:594 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Bela lista IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:181 ../dashboard.php:712 ../dashboard.php:941 ../dashboard. #: php:1319 ../dashboard.php:3067 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Crna lista IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:213 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "Lista je prazna" #: ../dashboard.php:250 msgid "Address %s was added to White IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s je dodata na belu listu IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:264 msgid "Address %s was added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "Adresa %s je dodata na crnu listu IP adresa" #: ../cerber-load.php:3446 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "Citadel mod je aktiviran nakon %d neuspelih pokušaja u %d minuta" #: ../dashboard.php:1990 ../dashboard.php:2400 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "View aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:2910 ../cerber-tools.php:90 ../cerber-tools.php:99 ../cerber- #: scanner.php:76 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1181 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Poslednje prijavljivanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1214 ../dashboard.php:1301 ../common.php:1025 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nikad" #: ../dashboard.php:1875 ../cerber-tools.php:591 ../cerber-scanner.php:5517 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5659 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni?" #: ../dashboard.php:1632 ../settings.php:83 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Moj sajt je iza reverse proxy" #: ../settings.php:87 msgid "Non-existent users" msgstr "Nepostojeći korisnik" #: ../settings.php:87 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent username" msgstr "Odmah blokiraj IP kada pokušava da se prijavi sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../settings.php:580 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Učni tvoju zaštitu pametnijom!" #: ../settings.php:584 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Omogući Permalinks da bi koristio ovu opciju. Promeni Permalinks podešavanja u nešto što nije default" #: ../cerber-load.php:4305 ../settings.php:627 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Osnovna podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:3700 msgid "Help" msgstr "Pomoć" #: ../settings.php:758 ../settings.php:880 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Povećaj trajanje zaključavanja na %s sati nakon %s zaključavanja u poslednjih %s sati" #: ../cerber-load.php:370 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno da se prijavite. Pitajte administratora za pomoć" #: ../cerber-load.php:396 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Preostao Vam je samo jedan pokušaj" msgstr[1] "Preostalo Vam je %d pokušaja" msgstr[2] "Preostali su Vam %d pokušaji." #: ../dashboard.php:764 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Bez logged aktivnosti" #: ../dashboard.php:137 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Ističe" #: ../dashboard.php:159 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Bez zaključavanja trenutno. Nebo je čisto." #: ../dashboard.php:179 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Ove IP adrese neće nikada biti zaključane" #: ../dashboard.php:188 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Vaša IP adresa" #: ../cerber-load.php:3447 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Poslednji neuspešni pokušaj je bio u %s sa IP adrese %s od korisnika: %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4273 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "WP Cerber ne može da se aktivira zbog grešek u data bazi." #: ../settings.php:765 ../settings.php:887 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Obavesti admina ako je broj aktivnih zaključavanja jednak broju iznad" #: ../settings.php:109 ../settings.php:191 ../settings.php:369 ../settings.php:440 msgid "days" msgstr "dana" #: ../dashboard.php:1271 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Cerber brzi pregled" #: ../dashboard.php:155 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Savet" #: ../dashboard.php:155 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Da pregledate aktivnost, kliknite na IP" #: ../settings.php:86 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Uvek blokiraj kompletan subnet Class C sa intruderove IP adrese" #: ../settings.php:106 ../settings.php:767 ../settings.php:889 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Klikni da pošalješ test" #: ../settings.php:1052 ../settings.php:1053 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Pažnja! Promenili ste URL za prijavljivanje! Novi URL je" #: ../dashboard.php:1180 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentari" #: ../common.php:1210 msgid "Update to version %s of WP Cerber" msgstr "Ažuriraj na verziju %s WP Cerber-a" #: ../cerber-load.php:3448 ../cerber-load.php:4056 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Vidi aktivnost u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../cerber-load.php:3477 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Broj aktivnih zaključavanja" #: ../cerber-load.php:3481 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Vidi zaključavanja u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../cerber-load.php:3569 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Ova poruka je poslata od" #: ../dashboard.php:69 ../cerber-tools.php:50 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Alati" #: ../cerber-tools.php:87 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Izvezi podešavanja u fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:88 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Kada kliknete dugme ispod dobićete konfiguracioni fajl, koji treba da popnete na drugi veb-sajt" #: ../cerber-tools.php:89 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "Šta želite da izvezete?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:92 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Preuzmi fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:94 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Uvezi podešavanja iz fajla" #: ../cerber-tools.php:95 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Kada kliknete dugme ispod, fajl će biti uploadovan i sva postojeća podešavanja će biti prerezana " #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Odaberite fajl za uvoz" #: ../cerber-tools.php:96 ../cerber-scanner.php:4023 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Maksimalna veličina fajla za upload: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:99 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "Šta želite da uvezete?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:101 ../cerber-scanner.php:4026 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Uvezite fajl" #: ../cerber-tools.php:150 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Fajl nije popet ili je kompromitovan" #: ../cerber-tools.php:187 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Greška pri ažuriranju" #: ../cerber-tools.php:193 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "Podešavanja su uspešno uvezena iz" #: ../cerber-tools.php:200 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Greška pri raščlanjivanju" #: ../dashboard.php:135 ../dashboard.php:737 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Ime hosta" #: ../dashboard.php:403 msgid "unknown" msgstr "Nepoznato" #: ../settings.php:109 ../settings.php:365 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Čuvaj informacije za" #: ../dashboard.php:1305 ../dashboard.php:1327 msgid "active" msgstr "Aktivno" #: ../dashboard.php:1305 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "Deaktiviraj" #: ../dashboard.php:1307 msgid "not active" msgstr "Neaktivno" #: ../dashboard.php:1308 ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "disabled" msgstr "Isključeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "Neuspeli pokušaji" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "U 24 sata" #: ../dashboard.php:1313 ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "view all" msgstr "Vidi sve" #: ../dashboard.php:1314 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "Zaključavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1316 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Zaključavanja u ovom trenutku" #: ../dashboard.php:1317 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Poslednje zaključavanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1318 ../dashboard.php:1319 ../dashboard.php:2152 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "Unos" msgstr[1] "Unosa" msgstr[2] "Unosi" #: ../dashboard.php:1870 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Da li ste zbunjeni u vezi nekih podešavanja?" #: ../dashboard.php:1871 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Možete lako da učitate standardna default podešavanja pomoću dugmeta ispod" #: ../dashboard.php:1873 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Učitajte standardna default podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1881 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "Ne utiče na custom prilagođeni URL za prijavljivanje i Access listu" #: ../common.php:1203 ../settings.php:236 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nova verzija je dostupna" #: ../cerber-load.php:3420 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber obaveštenje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3444 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Citadel mod je aktiviran" #: ../cerber-load.php:3516 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Nova prilagođena URL adresa za prijavljivanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:4260 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber zahteva minimum PHP %s ili novije izdanje. Vi koristite" #: ../cerber-load.php:4264 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "WP Cerber zahteva WordPress verziju %s ili noviju verziju. Vi koristite" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Koristite file" #: ../settings.php:112 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Upiši neuspele pokušaje prijavljivanja u fajl" #: ../dashboard.php:1989 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktiviraj" #: ../dashboard.php:138 ../cerber-load.php:3479 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Razlog" #: ../dashboard.php:218 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Dodaj IP adresu na listu" #: ../dashboard.php:1001 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj IP adresu na crnu listu" #: ../common.php:928 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja" #: ../common.php:927 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "Limit pokušaja prijavljivanja postignut" #: ../common.php:867 ../common.php:929 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja sa nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../cerber-load.php:3478 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Poslednje zaključavanje je dodato: %s za IP %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:4309 ../settings.php:629 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Osnaživanje" #: ../dashboard.php:978 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Zlonamerni email:" #: ../settings.php:223 ../settings.php:264 ../settings.php:502 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Emai adresa" #: ../settings.php:232 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "Ako ostavite prazno, admin email %s će biti korišćen" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Drill down IP" #: ../settings.php:115 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Povuci dodatne WHOIS informacije za IP" #: ../settings.php:123 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Obezbeđivanje WordPress-a" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Zaustavi enumeraciju" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Isključi XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup XML-RPC serveru (uključujući Pingbacks i Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Isključi feed" #: ../settings.php:133 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup RSS-u, Atom i RDF feed-u" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Isključi REST API" #: ../settings.php:594 msgid "These settings do not affect hosts from the " msgstr "Ova podešavanja ne utiču na host sa" #: ../settings.php:1138 ../settings.php:1150 ../settings.php:1273 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERROR: molimo Vas unesite validnu email adresu." #: ../cerber-load.php:3509 ../cerber-load.php:4294 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerber je aktivan i sada štiti Vaš veb-sajt" #: ../dashboard.php:139 ../cerber-scanner.php:5541 ../cerber-scanner.php:5672 msgid "Action" msgstr "Akcija" #: ../dashboard.php:181 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Niko sa ovih IP adresa ne može da se prijavi ili registruje" #: ../dashboard.php:244 ../dashboard.php:256 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Netačna IP adresa ili IP domet" #: ../dashboard.php:453 ../dashboard.php:2005 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Podešavanja snimljena" #: ../dashboard.php:982 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Mreža:" #: ../dashboard.php:996 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Dodaj mrežu na crnu listu" #: ../dashboard.php:1988 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Pažnja! Cital mod je sada aktivan. Niko ne može da se prijavi." #: ../dashboard.php:361 ../dashboard.php:2996 ../whois.php:223 ../whois.php:254 .. #: /common.php:926 ../common.php:1294 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nepoznato" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Gregory" msgstr "Gregori" #: ../common.php:210 ../common.php:273 ../common.php:278 ../common.php:283 .. #: /cerber-load.php:679 ../cerber-load.php:691 ../cerber-load.php:698 ../cerber- #: load.php:975 ../cerber-load.php:1197 ../cerber-load.php:1203 ../cerber-load. #: php:1208 ../cerber-load.php:1213 ../cerber-load.php:1219 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1226 ../cerber-load.php:1328 ../cerber-load.php:1465 ../settings.php:1031 .. #: /settings.php:1114 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "Greška:" #: ../cerber-load.php:708 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Ljudska verifikacija nije uspela. Molimo Vas kliknite na kockicu u reCAPTCHA poljud ispod." #: ../cerber-load.php:987 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "Greška: Šifra koju ste uneli za korisničko ime %s je netačna." #: ../cerber-load.php:1214 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Korisničko ime nije dozvoljeno. Molimo Vas odaberite drugo." #: ../cerber-load.php:3472 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "Nedefinisano." #: ../cerber-load.php:3475 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "Broj zaključavanja raste" #: ../cerber-load.php:3480 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Pogledaj aktivnost ove IP adrese" #: ../cerber-load.php:3484 ../cerber-load.php:3486 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Nova verzija WP Cerbera je dostupna za instalaciju" #: ../cerber-load.php:3485 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Zdravo!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3488 ../cerber-load.php:3499 msgid "Website" msgstr "Vebsajt" #: ../cerber-load.php:3491 ../cerber-load.php:3492 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "WP Cerber Security plugin je isključen" #: ../cerber-load.php:3494 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Not logged in" #: ../cerber-load.php:3500 msgid "By user" msgstr "Od strane korisnika" #: ../cerber-load.php:3501 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Od strane IP adrese" #: ../cerber-load.php:3504 msgid "From country" msgstr "Iz zemlje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3508 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "WP Cerber Security plugin je sada aktivan" #: ../cerber-load.php:4295 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Vaša IP adresa je dodata" #: ../cerber-load.php:4311 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Podešavanja uvoza" #: ../settings.php:235 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limit notifikacija" #: ../settings.php:235 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "Notifikacije dozvoljene po jednom satu (0 znači neograničeno)" #: ../settings.php:152 msgid "User related settings" msgstr "Podešavanja vezana za korisnika" #: ../settings.php:156 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Zabranjena korisnička imena" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Korisnička imena sa liste nisu dozvoljena za prijavljivanje ili registraciju. Nijedna IP adresa, koja ih koristi, neće moći da se prijavi i biće blokirana. Koristite zarez da odvojite logins." #: ../settings.php:164 msgid "User session expire" msgstr "Istek sesije korisnika" #: ../settings.php:164 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "U minutima (ostavite prazno da koristite standardnu WP vrednost)" #: ../settings.php:197 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "reCAPTCHA podešavanja" #: ../settings.php:198 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Ključ sajta" #: ../settings.php:199 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Tajni ključ" #: ../settings.php:202 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu registracije" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Forma za izgubljenu lozinku" #: ../settings.php:208 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Forma prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:208 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:597 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Pre nego što počnete da koristite reCAPTCHA, morate da dobijete Ključ za sajt i Tajni ključ na Google vebsajtu" #: ../cerber-lab.php:750 ../settings.php:598 ../settings.php:601 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Saznajte više" #: ../settings.php:630 msgid "Users" msgstr "Korisnici" #: ../common.php:834 msgid "User created" msgstr "Kreirani korisnici" #: ../dashboard.php:1822 ../common.php:835 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Registrovani korisnici" #: ../common.php:862 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "reCAPTCHA verifikacija neuspela" #: ../common.php:863 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "reCAPTCHA podešavanja nisu ispravna" #: ../common.php:866 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Pokušaj pristupa zabranjenim URL adresama" #: ../common.php:868 ../common.php:930 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Pokušaj prijavljivanja zabranjenim korisničkim imenom" #: ../settings.php:110 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Povezivanje sa Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:110 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Slanje malicioznih IP adresa Cerber Lab-u" #: ../settings.php:111 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Cerber Lab protokol" #: ../settings.php:174 ../settings.php:202 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Registraciona forma" #: ../settings.php:203 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce registracionu formu" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress formu za izgubljenu šifru" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce formu za izgubljenu šifru" #: ../settings.php:209 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WooCommerce login formu" #: ../common.php:864 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "Zahtev za Google reCAPTCHA servis nije uspeo" #: ../dashboard.php:1814 ../dashboard.php:1844 msgid "View all" msgstr "Pogledaj sve" #: ../dashboard.php:1845 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Nedavno otključane IP adrese" #: ../cerber-lab.php:748 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "U redu, utiči na sve" #: ../cerber-lab.php:749 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "Ne, možda kasnije" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1353 ../dashboard.php:2174 ../settings. #: php:624 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Kontrolna tabla" #: ../cerber-lab.php:746 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Da li želite da još više ojačate WP Cerber?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:747 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Dozvoli WP Cerber da šalje podatke o malicioznim IP adresama Cerber Lab-u. To pomaže plugin timu da razvije nove algoritme za WP Cerber koji brane WordPress od novih napada i botneta koji se svakodnevno pojavljuju. Možete da obustavite ovu opciju u podešavanjima kad god želite." #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "IP address" msgstr "IP adresa" #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "User login" msgstr "Prijavljivanje korisnika" #: ../dashboard.php:568 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Korisnički ID" #: ../dashboard.php:760 msgid "Export" msgstr "Izvoz" #: ../dashboard.php:782 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Pretraga IP-ija ili korisničkog imena" #: ../dashboard.php:782 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Cerber Kontrolna tabla" #: ../dashboard.php:69 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Cerber alati" #: ../dashboard.php:2072 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Prijava" #: ../dashboard.php:2073 ../cerber-tools.php:284 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Odjava" #: ../dashboard.php:2101 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Prijavili ste se" #: ../dashboard.php:2104 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Odjavili ste se" #: ../cerber-load.php:3520 ../cerber-load.php:3521 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Nova aktivnost je snimljena" #: ../cerber-load.php:4028 msgid "User" msgstr "Korisnik" #: ../cerber-load.php:4036 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Pretraga stringa" #: ../cerber-load.php:4057 msgid "To unsubscribe click here" msgstr "Da se odjavite kliknite ovde" #: ../settings.php:114 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preference" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format datuma" #: ../settings.php:116 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "Ako je prazno, koristiće se standardni format %s" #: ../settings.php:241 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:220 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Email notifikacije" #: ../settings.php:227 ../settings.php:269 ../settings.php:333 ../settings.php:506 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Koristite zarez da odvojite više vrednosti" #: ../settings.php:249 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Svi povezani uređaji" #: ../settings.php:252 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Uređaji nisu pronađeni" #: ../settings.php:256 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Nije dostupno" #: ../common.php:860 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Obavezna promena lozinke" #: ../common.php:931 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Postignut je predviđeni limit na broj pokukšaja reCAPTCHA verifikacije" #: ../common.php:1020 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s ranije" #: ../settings.php:81 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Primeni ograničenje broja pokušaja prijavljivanja na IP adrese sa bele liste" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Prikaži 404 stranicu" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Nevidljivi reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Omogući nevidljivi reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(ne omogućuj ukoliko ne dobiješ i uneseš Sajt i Tajni ključ za nevidljivu verziju)" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA za WordPress comment formu" #: ../settings.php:212 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Onemogući reCAPTCHA za logovane korisnike" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Ograniči pokušaje" #: ../settings.php:214 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Zaključaj IP adrese na %s minuta nakon %s neuspelih pokušaja u %s minuta" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "U Citadel režimu nikome nije dozvoljeno da se prijavi osim IP-ijevima sa bele liste. Prijavljeni korisnici neće biti izbačeni ili blokirani." #: ../dashboard.php:568 ../dashboard.php:740 msgid "Event" msgstr "Događaj" #: ../common.php:153 msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Spem komentar odbijen" #: ../common.php:155 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Maliciozna IP adresa otkrivena." #: ../common.php:156 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Urađeno zaključavanje" #: ../dashboard.php:1823 msgid "All suspicious activity" msgstr "Sve sumnjive aktivnosti" #: ../cerber-load.php:1198 ../cerber-load.php:1204 ../cerber-load.php:1220 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1227 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Nije Vam dozvoljeno da se registrujete." #: ../common.php:845 msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Odbijen komentar koji spada u spem" #: ../common.php:870 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Pokušaj logovanja odbijen" #: ../common.php:871 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Pokušaj registracije odbijen" #: ../common.php:150 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Umanjena maliciozna aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:68 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Cerber anti-spem podešavanja" #: ../dashboard.php:68 ../cerber-load.php:4308 ../settings.php:211 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispem" #: ../settings.php:172 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Cerber antispem engine" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Forma komentara" #: ../settings.php:173 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti formu komentara enginom za otkrivanje bota" #: ../settings.php:174 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti registracionu formu enginom za otkrivanje bota" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Izvezi i uvezi" #: ../cerber-tools.php:40 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Dijagnoza" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenca" #: ../dashboard.php:3642 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Podešavanj protiv spema i botova" #: ../cerber-load.php:1465 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "IZVINITE, ljudska verifikacija nije uspela." #: ../common.php:932 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Otkrivena aktivnost bota" #: ../settings.php:189 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Procesuiranje komentara" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Ako je spem komentara otkriven" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Baci spem komentare u kantu" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Kasnije baci spem komentare u kantu" #: ../common.php:846 msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Odbijena forma slanja spem komentara" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Druge forme" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Zaštiti sve forme sajta sa engine za otkrivanje bota" #: ../settings.php:177 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Prilagodi antispem engine" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Siguran režim" #: ../settings.php:178 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Koristi manje restriktivnu politiku (allow AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:3272 ../settings.php:179 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Ulogovani korisnici" #: ../settings.php:179 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Onemogući engine za otkrivanje botova za logovane korisnike" #: ../dashboard.php:136 ../dashboard.php:738 msgid "Country" msgstr "Zemlja" #: ../dashboard.php:771 msgid "All events" msgstr "Svi događaji" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Cerber Security pravila" #: ../dashboard.php:60 ../dashboard.php:2580 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Pravila bezbednosti" #: ../dashboard.php:1182 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Neuspeli pokušaji prijave" #: ../dashboard.php:1088 ../dashboard.php:1183 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Prijavljeni" #: ../dashboard.php:1253 msgid "You" msgstr "Vi" #: ../common.php:154 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Odbijena forma slanja spema" #: ../dashboard.php:1882 ../cerber-load.php:3511 ../cerber-load.php:4297 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Vodič za početnike" #: ../dashboard.php:2572 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Zemlje" #: ../dashboard.php:2641 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Dozvoljeno za jednu zemlju" msgstr[1] "Dozvoljeno za %d zemlje" msgstr[2] "Dozvoljeno za %d zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2652 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Bez pravila" #: ../dashboard.php:2864 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "Pravila bezbednosti su ažurirana" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:847 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Odbijeno slanje forme" #: ../common.php:848 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Komentar odbijen" #: ../common.php:876 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Zahtev za REST API odbijen" #: ../common.php:877 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Zahtev za XML-RPC odbijen" #: ../common.php:888 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Pronađen bot" #: ../common.php:889 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Citadel mod je aktivan" #: ../common.php:893 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Otkrivena maliciozna aktivnost" #: ../common.php:894 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Blokiran na osnovu pravila za zemlje" #: ../common.php:895 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Postignut limit" #: ../common.php:896 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Više sumnjivih aktivnosti" #: ../common.php:933 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Otkriveno više sumnjivih aktivnosti" #: ../settings.php:124 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n and user data via REST API" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup stranicama korisnika kao /?author=n i podataka putem REST API" #: ../settings.php:134 msgid "Block access to the WordPress REST API except the following" msgstr "Blokiraj pristup WordPress REST API osim" #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Dozvoli REST API za logovane korisnike" #: ../settings.php:142 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Definiši kome je odobren REST API ukoliko je isključen za sve ostale. Jedan string po liniji." #: ../settings.php:154 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limit prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:165 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Sortiraj korisnike u kontrolnoj tabli" #: ../settings.php:165 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "po datumu registracije" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Query bela lista" #: ../settings.php:753 ../settings.php:875 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s dozvoljenih registracija u %s minuta od jednog IP-ija" #: ../dashboard.php:2708 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Počnite da kucate da pronađete zemlju" #: ../dashboard.php:2791 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Kliknite na naziv zemlje da je dodate na listu odabranih zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2815 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Pošaljite formu" #: ../dashboard.php:2816 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Komentari posta" #: ../dashboard.php:2817 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Prijavite se" #: ../dashboard.php:2818 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrujte se" #: ../dashboard.php:2819 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Koristite XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:2820 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Koristite REST API" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Zabranite sve" #: ../settings.php:190 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Označite kao spam" #: ../dashboard.php:1808 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "U poslednjih 24 časa" #: ../dashboard.php:2175 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Glavna podešavanja" #: ../settings.php:261 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaji" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Nedelja" #: ../settings.php:990 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Ponedeljak" #: ../settings.php:991 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Utorak" #: ../settings.php:992 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Sreda" #: ../settings.php:993 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Četvrtak" #: ../settings.php:994 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Petak" #: ../settings.php:995 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Subota" #: ../settings.php:1054 ../settings.php:1055 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Ukoliko koristite plugin za keširanje, morate da dodate Vaš novi URL za prijavljivanje na listu koja se ne kešira" #: ../cerber-load.php:3526 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaj" #: ../cerber-load.php:3529 ../cerber-load.php:3539 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Da promenite pravila izveštavanja posetite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3562 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Vaša stranica za prijavljivanje:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3566 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Vaša licenca važi do" #: ../cerber-load.php:3672 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Detalji aktivnosti" #: ../settings.php:1021 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Kliknite da pošaljete odmah" #: ../cerber-load.php:833 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Prevodilac WP Cerber-a? Da dobijete besplatnu PRO licencu, ostavite Vaš kontakt ovde: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:428 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "Email je poslat na" #: ../dashboard.php:431 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Nije moguće poslati mail na" #: ../dashboard.php:2644 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Nije dozvoljenu za jednu zemlju" msgstr[1] "Nije dozvoljeno za %d zemlje" msgstr[2] "Nije dozvoljeno za %d zemalja" #: ../dashboard.php:2795 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Odabranim zemljama je dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama nije dozvoljeno da" #: ../dashboard.php:2798 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Odaberi zemlje kojima nije dozvoljeno da %s, drugim zemljama je dozvoljeno da" #: ../cerber-load.php:3660 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Nedeljni izveštaj" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Koristi 404 template aktivne teme" #: ../settings.php:90 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Prikaži 404 stranicu" #: ../settings.php:186 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Unesi deo query stringa ili query putanje da isključiš zahtev iz inspekcije od strane engina. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:274 ../settings.php:511 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "Ako ostavite prazno, koristiće se email iz podešavanja za notifikacije." #: ../settings.php:262 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Omogući izveštavanje" #: ../cerber-load.php:3590 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Vaše poslednje prijavljivanje je bilo %s od %s" #: ../cerber-load.php:3686 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existent username" msgstr "Pokušaji prijavljivanje nepostojećim korisničkim imenom" #: ../dashboard.php:217 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "IP adresa, IPv4 domet adrese ili subnet" #: ../dashboard.php:219 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Opcioni komentar za ovaj unos" #: ../dashboard.php:260 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Ne možete da dodate Vašu IP adresu ili mrežu" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Da definišete REGEX šemu označite šemu u dve kose crte" #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Cerber inspektor saobraćaja" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1323 ../dashboard.php:2918 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspektor saobraćaja" #: ../dashboard.php:1355 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Saobraćaj" #: ../dashboard.php:3240 msgid "Request" msgstr "Zahtev" #: ../dashboard.php:3242 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informacije o hostu" #: ../dashboard.php:3243 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User agent" #: ../dashboard.php:3268 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Svi zahtevi" #: ../dashboard.php:3273 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Nije prijavljen u visitors" #: ../dashboard.php:3276 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Slanje forme" #: ../dashboard.php:3278 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Stranica nije pronađena" #: ../dashboard.php:3285 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Duže od" #: ../dashboard.php:3301 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Osvežite" #: ../common.php:116 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Proverite zahteve" #: ../common.php:1229 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Nije definisano" #: ../settings.php:304 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Režim prijavljivanja" #: ../settings.php:310 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Prijavljivanje onemogućeno" #: ../settings.php:311 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Pametan" #: ../settings.php:312 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Sav saobraćaj" #: ../settings.php:316 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignoriši paukove koji indeksiraju" #: ../settings.php:326 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Maskiraj ova polja u formi" #: ../settings.php:362 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milisekunde" #: ../settings.php:282 msgid "Inspection" msgstr "Inspekcija" #: ../settings.php:283 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Omogući inspekciju saobraćaja" #: ../settings.php:303 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Prijavljivanje" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Snimi request polja" #: ../settings.php:357 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Vremenski prag generacije stranice" #: ../dashboard.php:3260 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Nije bilo zahteva logovanja" #: ../dashboard.php:1322 msgid "enabled" msgstr "omogućeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1327 msgid "no connection" msgstr "nema konekcije" #: ../dashboard.php:3597 msgid "Advanced search" msgstr "Napredna pretraga" #: ../dashboard.php:1078 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Poslednje viđeno" #: ../common.php:872 ../common.php:934 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Probijanje zlonamernog PHP koda" #: ../dashboard.php:3555 msgid "Any" msgstr "Bilo koji" #: ../cerber-load.php:3308 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Žao nam je, nije Vam dozvoljeno da nastavite" #: ../settings.php:294 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Zahtevaj belu listu" #: ../settings.php:300 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Unesite URI zahteva da ga isključite iz inspekcije. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:338 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Snimi request hedere" #: ../settings.php:344 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Snimite $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:350 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Snimite request kolačiće" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Zaštitite admin skripte" #: ../settings.php:125 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Blokirajte neautorizovane pristupe za load-skrcipts.php i load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:1915 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Nije moguće kreirati direktorijum" #: ../common.php:1920 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Pristup odbijen za destinacioni folder" #: ../common.php:1923 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Fajl nije pronađen" #: ../common.php:1926 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Nije moguće kopirati fajl" #: ../common.php:1932 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Nije moguće obrisati fajl" #: ../settings.php:74 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Inicijalizacija plugina" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Pokreni bezbednosnu mašinu" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Lagacy režim" #: ../settings.php:75 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Standardni režim" #: ../settings.php:1032 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "Režim inicijalizacije plugina nije promenjen" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Ovo je standardni modul rada za WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. Instaliran je kada ste inicijalizovali plugin mode na standardni. Za više informacija posetite: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:874 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Odbijen upload fajla" #: ../settings.php:98 msgid "Custom login URL may contain only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores" msgstr "Adresa URL-a za prijavljivanje može da sadrži samo slova, brojeve, crtice i donje crtice" #: ../settings.php:186 ../settings.php:300 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Da definišete REGEX šemu, stavite sve u dve zagrade" #: ../settings.php:587 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Budite oprezni pri omogućavanju ovih opcija" #: ../settings.php:587 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Ukoliko zaboravite Vaš promenjen URL za prijavljivanje, nećete biti u mogućnosti da se prijavite." #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../cerber-scanner.php:89 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integritet veb-sajta" #: ../dashboard.php:1340 ../dashboard.php:1342 ../cerber-scanner.php:1416 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Onemogućeno" #: ../dashboard.php:1341 ../cerber-scanner.php:874 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Brzi skener" #: ../dashboard.php:1343 ../cerber-scanner.php:874 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Kompletan skener" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: ../common.php:897 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Odbijeno" #: ../settings.php:81 ../settings.php:289 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Koristi Belu listu IP adresa za pristup" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Onemogući redirekciju kontrolne table" #: ../settings.php:88 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Onemogući auto redirekciju ka stranici za prijavljivanje kada je /wp-admi/ zatražen od neautorizovanog lica" #: ../settings.php:378 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Podešavanja skenera" #: ../settings.php:379 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Custom potpisi" #: ../settings.php:385 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Specifikujte Vaš PHP kod potpis. Jedan unos po liniji. Da specifikujete REGEX šemu, zatvorite liniju u zagrade." #: ../settings.php:387 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Neželjene fajl ekstenzije" #: ../settings.php:393 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Definišite fajl ekstenzije za pretragu. Važi samo za kompletno skeniranje. Odvajajte unose zarezom." #: ../settings.php:395 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Direktorijumi koji se isključuju." #: ../settings.php:401 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Navedite direktorijume da se isključe od skeniranja. Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:416 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Skenirajte privremeni direktorijum" #: ../settings.php:423 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Skenirajte direktorijum sesija" #: ../settings.php:435 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Obrišite fajlove u karantinu nakon" #: ../settings.php:450 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Pokrenite brzo skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1417 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Svakog sata" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1418 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "Na svaka tri sata" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1419 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "Na svakih šest sati" #: ../settings.php:457 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Pokreni komopletno skeniranje" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Mala jačina" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Srednja jačina" #: ../settings.php:467 ../settings.php:527 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Velika jačina" #: ../settings.php:468 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Prijavi problem ako je nešto od sledećeg istinito" #: ../settings.php:476 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Pošalji email izveštaj" #: ../settings.php:482 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Nakon svakog skena" #: ../settings.php:483 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Ako su se pojavile promene u izveštaju prilikom skeniranja" #: ../settings.php:488 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Uključi veličine fajlova" #: ../settings.php:495 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Uključi greške prilikom skeniranja" #: ../cerber-load.php:4306 ../cerber-scanner.php:75 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Skener bezbednosti" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:77 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Planiranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:142 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "Trenutno traje planirani skener. Molimo Vas sačekajte da se završi." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:146 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "Prethodno skeniranje je počelo %s i nije završeno. Nastaviti skeniranje?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:155 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Izgleda da veb-sajt nikada nije skeniran. Da započnete kliknite na dugme ispod." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:158 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Započnite brzo skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:159 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Započnite kompletno skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:160 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Zaustavite skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:161 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Nastavite skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:191 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Obrišite" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1366 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verifikovano" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1373 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Nisu pronađene integrity data" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1374 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet plugina zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1375 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet WordPress fajlova zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1376 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Nemoguće utvrditi integritet teme zbog greške na mreži" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1379 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Lokalni fajl ne postoji" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1381 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Nemoguće procesuirati fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1382 ../cerber-scanner.php:4914 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Nemoguće otvoriti fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1384 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Checksum neslaganje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1387 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Pronađen sumnjivi kod" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1389 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Nezapažen sumnjivi fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1390 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Pronađen kod koji može da se izvrši" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1394 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Neželjena fajl ekstenzija" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1396 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "Sadržaj je promenjen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1397 msgid "New file" msgstr "Novi fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2487 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Specifičan potpis pronađen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3730 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Skeniranje foldera za fajlove" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3734 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Raščlanjivanje liste fajlova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3735 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Proveravanje novih i promenjenih fajlova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3736 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Provera integriteta WordPressa" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3737 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Provera integriteta pluginova" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3738 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Provera integriteta teme" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3739 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Pretraga malcioznog koda" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3740 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finaliziranje skena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3864 ../cerber-scanner.php:3934 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Fajlovi za skeniranje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3871 ../cerber-scanner.php:3942 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Kritične tačke" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3871 ../cerber-scanner.php:3946 ../cerber-scanner.php:5104 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Ukupno stavki" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4309 msgid "The directory is not writable" msgstr "Direktorijum onemogućen za pisanje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4327 msgid "Unable to create WP CERBER directory" msgstr "Nemoguće kreirati WP CERBER direktorijum" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4533 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Greška prilikom pristupa fajlu. Mogući neažurni rezultati skena. Molimo Vas da pokrenete brzi ili kompletan sken." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5213 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Da vidite kompletan izveštaj posetite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3536 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Izveštaj skenera" #: ../settings.php:403 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Pratite nove fajlove" #: ../settings.php:410 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Pratite modifikovane fajlove" #: ../settings.php:484 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Ukoliko se pronađu novi problemi" #: ../settings.php:1279 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "Raspored je ažuriran" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1393 ../cerber-scanner.php:2667 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Sumnjive direktive pronađene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2665 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Sumnjive instrukcije koda pronađene" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2666 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Sumnjivi potpisi koda pronađeni" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2669 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Da rešite ovaj problem morate da reinstalirate %s ili ga ažurirate na poslednju verziju." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2670 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Molimo Vas da upload-ujete reference ZIP arhivu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2671 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Rešavanje problema" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4020 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Nismo pronašli podatke sa integritetom za potvrdu" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4022 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Morate da omogućite ZIP arhivu sa koje ste izvršili instalaciju. Ovo omogućuje bezbednosti skener da verifikuje integritet koda i detektuje malver." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5060 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Izveštaj kompletnog skenera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5060 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Izveštaj brzog skenera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5073 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Skenirani fajlovi" #: ../dashboard.php:206 ../dashboard.php:951 ../dashboard.php:982 ../dashboard. #: php:1094 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Proverite aktivnosti" #: ../dashboard.php:1057 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Aktivirano" #: ../common.php:879 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Maliciozni zahtev odbijen" #: ../common.php:883 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Korisnik aktiviran" #: ../common.php:898 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Sumnjivi broj polja" #: ../common.php:899 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Sumnjivi broj ugrađenih vrednosti" #: ../common.php:900 ../common.php:935 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Maliciozni kod aktiviran" #: ../common.php:936 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Pokušaj uploada malicioznog koda" #: ../common.php:1105 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bajtovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1372 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Pronađena slabost" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1377 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Nemogućnost uvrđivanja integriteta zbog greške data baze" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3731 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova upload foldera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3732 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova privremenog foldera" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3733 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Skeniranje fajlova foldera sesija" #: ../settings.php:449 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Raspored skeniranja sa automatskim ponavljanjem" #: ../settings.php:465 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Izveštavanje o rezultatima skeniranja" #: ../dashboard.php:3270 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Sumnjiva aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:3271 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Greške" #: ../dashboard.php:3633 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Antispam engine" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Brani WordPress od hakerskih napada, spema, trojanaca, i virusa. Sadrži malver skener i proveru integriteta. Osnažuje WordPress setom složenih sigurnosnih algoritama. Štiti od spema sofisticiranim sistemom protiv botova i reCAPTCHA. Prati korisničku aktivnost i aktivnost napadača pomoću moćnih mail, mobilnih i desktop notifikacija." #: ../cerber-load.php:377 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Premašili ste broj dozvoljenih login pokušaja. Pokušajte ponovo za $d minuta." #: ../common.php:1020 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "U %s" #: ../settings.php:1005 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "u" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:80 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Karantin" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3815 msgid "Started" msgstr "Počelo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3819 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Završilo se" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3827 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performanse" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3839 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Ranjivost" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3843 msgid "New files" msgstr "Novi fajlovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3847 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Promenjeni fajlovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3851 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Neželjene ekstenzije" #: ../settings.php:521 ../cerber-scanner.php:3855 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Fajlovi bez nadzora" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3864 ../cerber-scanner.php:5536 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Skenirani" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5446 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Trenutno nema fajlova u karantinu." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5529 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restore" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5524 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Obriši trajno" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5537 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Pomeri u karantin" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5538 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Automatsko brisanje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5539 msgid "Size" msgstr "Veličina" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5540 ../cerber-scanner.php:5671 msgid "File" msgstr "Fajl" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5608 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "Fajl je trajno obrisan." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5617 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "Fajl je vraćen na originalnu lokaciju." #: ../dashboard.php:1356 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integritet" #: ../common.php:873 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Pokušaj uploada malicioznog fajla odbijen" #: ../cerber-news.php:209 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Odlično!" #: ../settings.php:519 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Automatsko čišćenje malvera i sumnjivih fajlova" #: ../settings.php:528 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Fajlovi u upload folderu" #: ../settings.php:535 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Fajlovi sa neželjenih ekstenzijama" #: ../settings.php:542 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Isključivanje" #: ../settings.php:543 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Fajlovi u privremenom direktorijumu" #: ../settings.php:549 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Fajlovi u direktorijumu sesije" #: ../settings.php:555 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Fajlovi u ovim direktorijumima" #: ../settings.php:561 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Koristite apsolutne putanje. Jedan unos po liniji." #: ../settings.php:563 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Fajlovi sa ovim ekstenzijama" #: ../settings.php:569 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Koristite zarez da odvojite stavke." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:78 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Čišćenje" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1388 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Maliciozni kod pronađen" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2662 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "Ovaj fajl sadrži kod koji može da se izvrši i koji može da sadrži malver. Ako je fajl deo tema ili plugina, mora biti lociran u folderu teme ili plugina. Bez izuzetaka." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2663 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "Skener je prepoznao ovaj fajl kao fajl bez vlasništva odnosno fajl koji nije deo nečega drugog jer ne pripada nijednom drugog delu veb-sajta i zbog toga ne bi trebalo da bude prisutan." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2664 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Možda je ostalo nakon ažuriranja na novu verziju %s. Takođe može biti deo malvera. U retkim slučajevima može biti deo custom razvijenog plugina ili teme." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2668 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "Sadržaj fajla se promenio i ne podudara se sa onim što piše u zvaničnom WordPress repozitorijumu ili referentnom fajlu koji ste popeli ranije. Fajl je možda inficiran ili sadrži malver." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5154 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Obrisano" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5201 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Automatski pomereno u karantin" #: ../common.php:901 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Sumnjivi SQL kod otkriven" #: ../dashboard.php:1337 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Poslednji malver sken" #: ../dashboard.php:2909 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Saobraćaj uživo" #: ../settings.php:117 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Koristi engleski za admin panel" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "Log" msgstr "Log" #: ../settings.php:429 msgid "Enable diagnostic log" msgstr "Omogući dijagnostik log" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Isključi PHP u uploadu" #: ../settings.php:128 msgid "Disable execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Onemogući izvršavanje PHP skripti u WordPress media folderu" #: ../settings.php:130 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Onemogući PHP error prikaz" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:79 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Ignore lista" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:194 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignoriši" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5639 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Primeni" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5670 msgid "Added" msgstr "Dodato" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5640 ../cerber-scanner.php:5665 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Pomeri sa liste" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5641 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Uvid u korisnike" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5642 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Uvid u saobraćaj" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5643 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Uvid u aktivnost" #: ../dashboard.php:2279 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete označene fajlove?" #: ../dashboard.php:2280 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Ovi fajlovi su pomereni u karantin" #: ../dashboard.php:2283 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Da li želite da dodate označete fajlove na ingor listu?" #: ../dashboard.php:2284 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Ovi fajlovi su dodati na ignor listu" #: ../dashboard.php:2286 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Pojavile su se greške" #: ../dashboard.php:2287 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Svi fajlovi su procesuirani" #: ../dashboard.php:2444 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Ove opcije su dostupne u profesionalnoj verziji plugina." #: ../dashboard.php:2445 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Saznajte više o svim prednostima na" #: ../common.php:902 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Sumnjiv JavaScript kod otkriven" #: ../settings.php:1282 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Nije moguće ažurirati raspored" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5554 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Svi skenovi" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5645 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "Lista je prazna" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5507 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Nema fajlova koji se podudaraju sa filterom" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5507 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Kliknite ovde da vidite listu svih fajlova" languages/wp-cerber-pt_BR.po000064400000275412147577531750012004 0ustar00msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: POEditor.com\n" "Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security\n" "Language: pt-br\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../settings.php:168 msgid "Limit login attempts" msgstr "Limitar tentativas de login" #: ../settings.php:171 msgid "Attempts" msgstr "Tentativas" #: ../settings.php:175 msgid "Lockout duration" msgstr "Duração do bloqueio" #: ../settings.php:176 ../settings.php:271 msgid "minutes" msgstr "minutos" #: ../settings.php:180 msgid "Aggressive lockout" msgstr "Bloqueio agressivo" #: ../settings.php:248 msgid "Site connection" msgstr "Conexão do site" #: ../settings.php:191 msgid "Proactive security rules" msgstr "Regras de segurança proativa" #: ../settings.php:195 msgid "Block subnet" msgstr "Bloquear sub-rede" #: ../settings.php:210 msgid "Request wp-login.php" msgstr "Requisitar wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:211 msgid "Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php" msgstr "Bloquer IP imediatamente após qualquer requisição a wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:226 msgid "Custom login page" msgstr "Página alternativa de login" #: ../settings.php:230 msgid "Custom login URL" msgstr "URL personalizado de login" #: ../settings.php:231 msgid "must not overlap with the existing pages or posts slug" msgstr "não deve se sobrepor aos links permanentes de páginas e posts" #: ../settings.php:238 msgid "Disable wp-login.php" msgstr "Desabilitar wp-login.php" #: ../settings.php:239 msgid "Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error" msgstr "Bloquear acesso direto a wp-login.php e retornar o erro HTTP 404" #: ../dashboard.php:1681 ../settings.php:262 msgid "Citadel mode" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza" #: ../settings.php:266 msgid "Threshold" msgstr "Limite" #: ../settings.php:270 ../cerber-scanner.php:3944 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duração" #: ../dashboard.php:4466 ../cerber-load.php:4797 ../settings.php:275 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notificações" #: ../settings.php:277 msgid "Send notification to admin email" msgstr "Enviar notificação para o email do administrador" #: ../dashboard.php:4463 ../cerber-load.php:4794 ../cerber-tools.php:38 ../cerber- #: tools.php:47 ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Access Lists" msgstr "Listas de Acesso" #: ../dashboard.php:1715 ../dashboard.php:2260 ../dashboard.php:4459 ../cerber- #: load.php:4487 ../cerber-users.php:922 ../settings.php:287 msgid "Activity" msgstr "Atividade" #: ../dashboard.php:4461 msgid "Lockouts" msgstr "Bloqueios" #: ../settings.php:1391 msgid "%s allowed retries in %s minutes" msgstr "%s tentativas restantes em %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:1417 msgid "Enable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutes" msgstr "Habilitar após %s tentativas falhas de login nos últimos %s minutos" #: ../dashboard.php:187 ../cerber-load.php:4496 msgid "IP" msgstr "IP" #: ../dashboard.php:808 ../dashboard.php:1077 ../dashboard.php:3525 ../dashboard. #: php:3900 msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: ../dashboard.php:811 ../dashboard.php:1079 ../dashboard.php:3905 msgid "Local User" msgstr "Usuário Local" #: ../cerber-load.php:4504 msgid "Username used" msgstr "Nome de usuário usado" #: ../dashboard.php:208 msgid "Showing last %d records from %d" msgstr "Mostrando últimos %d registros de %d" #: ../common.php:1318 msgid "Logged in" msgstr "Logado" #: ../common.php:1319 msgid "Logged out" msgstr "Desconectado" #: ../common.php:1320 msgid "Login failed" msgstr "Falha no login" #: ../dashboard.php:908 ../common.php:1323 msgid "IP blocked" msgstr "IP bloqueado" #: ../common.php:1324 msgid "Subnet blocked" msgstr "Sub-rede bloqueada" #: ../common.php:1326 msgid "Citadel activated!" msgstr "Fortaleza ativada!" #: ../dashboard.php:1298 ../dashboard.php:1334 ../dashboard.php:3699 ../common. #: php:1380 msgid "Locked out" msgstr "Bloqueado" #: ../common.php:1382 msgid "IP blacklisted" msgstr "IP bloqueado" #: ../common.php:1341 msgid "Password changed" msgstr "Senha alterada" #: ../dashboard.php:182 ../dashboard.php:265 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Remover" #: ../dashboard.php:549 msgid "Lockout for %s was removed" msgstr "Bloqueio de %s foi removido" #: ../dashboard.php:237 ../dashboard.php:1290 ../dashboard.php:1327 ../dashboard. #: php:1679 ../dashboard.php:3694 ../cerber-load.php:4782 msgid "White IP Access List" msgstr "Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:239 ../dashboard.php:1293 ../dashboard.php:1330 ../dashboard. #: php:1680 ../dashboard.php:3695 msgid "Black IP Access List" msgstr "Lista Negra de IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:271 msgid "List is empty" msgstr "A lista está vazia" #: ../cerber-load.php:3794 msgid "Citadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes." msgstr "O modo Fortaleza é atividado após %d tentaivas de login falhas em %d minutos." #: ../dashboard.php:2420 ../dashboard.php:2858 msgid "View Activity" msgstr "Ver Atividade" #: ../dashboard.php:4527 ../dashboard.php:4588 ../cerber-tools.php:37 ../cerber- #: tools.php:46 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:90 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Configurações" #: ../dashboard.php:1535 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Último login" #: ../dashboard.php:1568 ../dashboard.php:1659 ../common.php:1588 ../nexus/cerber- #: slave-list.php:344 msgid "Never" msgstr "Nunca" #: ../dashboard.php:2306 ../cerber-users.php:945 ../cerber-tools.php:686 .. #: /nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:275 ../cerber-scanner.php:5668 ../cerber-scanner. #: php:5826 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Tem certeza?" #: ../dashboard.php:2077 ../settings.php:249 msgid "My site is behind a reverse proxy" msgstr "Meu site está sob um proxy reverso" #: ../settings.php:192 msgid "Make your protection smarter!" msgstr "Deixe sua proteção mais inteligente!" #: ../settings.php:145 msgid "Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default." msgstr "Favor habilitar os Links Permanentes para utilizar essa funcionalidade. Configure os Link Permanentes para algo além do Padrão." #: ../dashboard.php:4462 ../cerber-load.php:4792 msgid "Main Settings" msgstr "Configurações Principais" #: ../dashboard.php:4722 msgid "Help" msgstr "Ajuda" #: ../settings.php:1401 msgid "Increase lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hours" msgstr "Aumentar a duração do bloqueio para %s horas após %s bloqueios nas últimas %s horas." #: ../cerber-load.php:375 msgid "You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance." msgstr "Você não tem permissão para entrar. Peça ajuda ao administrador." #: ../cerber-load.php:400 msgid "You have only one attempt remaining." msgid_plural "You have %d attempts remaining." msgstr[0] "Você tem apenas uma tentativa restante." msgstr[1] "Você tem %d tentativas restantes." #: ../dashboard.php:1107 msgid "No activity has been logged." msgstr "Nenhuma atividade foi registrada." #: ../dashboard.php:190 ../cerber-users.php:755 msgid "Expires" msgstr "Expira" #: ../dashboard.php:214 msgid "No lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear." msgstr "Nenhum bloqueio no momento. O céu está limpo." #: ../dashboard.php:237 msgid "These IPs will never be locked out" msgstr "Estes IPs nunca serão bloqueados" #: ../dashboard.php:246 msgid "Your IP" msgstr "Seu IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3795 msgid "Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s." msgstr "Última tentativa de login falha foi às %s do IP %s com o login de usuário: %s." #: ../cerber-load.php:4761 msgid "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error." msgstr "Não foi possível ativar o WP Cerber devido a um erro na conexão com o banco de dados." #: ../settings.php:1408 msgid "Notify admin if the number of active lockouts above" msgstr "Notificar o administrador caso o número de bloqueios ativos seja acima" #: ../settings.php:291 ../settings.php:742 ../settings.php:795 ../settings.php:978 msgid "days" msgstr "dias" #: ../dashboard.php:1625 msgid "Cerber Quick View" msgstr "Visualição Rápida do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:210 msgid "Hint" msgstr "Dica" #: ../dashboard.php:210 msgid "To view activity, click on the IP" msgstr "Para ver a atividade, clique no IP" #: ../settings.php:196 msgid "Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP" msgstr "Sempre bloquear toda a sub-rede classe C de IPs invasores" #: ../settings.php:282 ../settings.php:1414 msgid "Click to send test" msgstr "Clique para enviar teste" #: ../settings.php:1672 ../settings.php:1673 msgid "Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL is" msgstr "Atenção! Você alterou o URL de login! O novo URL de login é" #: ../dashboard.php:1534 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comentários" #: ../cerber-load.php:3796 ../cerber-load.php:4528 msgid "View activity in dashboard" msgstr "Ver atividade no painel" #: ../cerber-load.php:3825 msgid "Number of active lockouts" msgstr "Número de bloqueios ativos" #: ../cerber-load.php:3829 msgid "View lockouts in dashboard" msgstr "Ver bloqueios no painel" #: ../cerber-load.php:3917 msgid "This message was sent by" msgstr "Esta mensagem foi enviada por" #: ../dashboard.php:78 ../dashboard.php:4620 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Ferramentas" #: ../cerber-tools.php:34 msgid "Export settings to the file" msgstr "Exportar configurações para o arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:35 msgid "When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site." msgstr "Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, você baixará um arquivo de configuração que poderá usar em outros sites." #: ../cerber-tools.php:36 msgid "What do you want to export?" msgstr "O que gostaria de exportar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:39 msgid "Download file" msgstr "Baixar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:41 msgid "Import settings from the file" msgstr "Importar configurações de um arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:42 msgid "When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden." msgstr "Assim que clicar no botão abaixo, o arquivo será enviado e todas as configurações existentes serão sobrescritas." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 msgid "Select file to import." msgstr "Selecionar arquivo para importação." #: ../cerber-tools.php:43 ../cerber-scanner.php:4092 msgid "Maximum upload file size: %s." msgstr "Tamanho máximo do arquivo para envio: %s." #: ../cerber-tools.php:46 msgid "What do you want to import?" msgstr "O que gostaria de importar?" #: ../cerber-tools.php:48 ../cerber-scanner.php:4095 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Enviar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:97 msgid "No file was uploaded or file is corrupted" msgstr "Nenhum arquivo foi enviado ou o arquivo está corrompido" #: ../cerber-tools.php:139 msgid "Error while updating" msgstr "Erro ao enviar arquivo" #: ../cerber-tools.php:145 msgid "Settings has imported successfully from" msgstr "As configurações foram importadas com sucesso de" #: ../cerber-tools.php:152 msgid "Error while parsing file" msgstr "Erro ao interpretar arquivo" #: ../dashboard.php:188 ../dashboard.php:1075 msgid "Hostname" msgstr "Nome do servidor" #: ../dashboard.php:486 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconhecido" #: ../settings.php:290 ../settings.php:741 msgid "Keep records for" msgstr "Guardar registros por" #: ../dashboard.php:1663 ../dashboard.php:1688 msgid "active" msgstr "ativo" #: ../dashboard.php:1663 msgid "deactivate" msgstr "desativar" #: ../dashboard.php:1665 msgid "not active" msgstr "inativo" #: ../dashboard.php:1666 ../dashboard.php:1683 msgid "disabled" msgstr "desabilitado" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 msgid "failed attempts" msgstr "tentativas falhas" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "in 24 hours" msgstr "em 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:1671 ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "view all" msgstr "ver todos" #: ../dashboard.php:1672 msgid "lockouts" msgstr "bloqueios" #: ../dashboard.php:1674 msgid "Lockouts at the moment" msgstr "Bloqueios no momento" #: ../dashboard.php:1675 msgid "Last lockout" msgstr "Último bloqueio" #: ../dashboard.php:1679 ../dashboard.php:1680 ../dashboard.php:2601 msgid "entry" msgid_plural "entries" msgstr[0] "entrada" msgstr[1] "entradas" #: ../dashboard.php:2301 msgid "Confused about some settings?" msgstr "Confuso em relação às configurações?" #: ../dashboard.php:2302 msgid "You can easily load default recommended settings using button below" msgstr "Você pode carregar as configurações recomendadas clicando no botão abaixo." #: ../dashboard.php:2304 msgid "Load default settings" msgstr "Carregar configurações padrão" #: ../dashboard.php:2312 msgid "doesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Lists" msgstr "não afeta URL personalizado de login e Listas de Acesso" #: ../settings.php:608 msgid "New version is available" msgstr "Nova versão disponível" #: ../cerber-load.php:3768 msgid "WP Cerber notify" msgstr "WP Cerber notifica" #: ../cerber-load.php:3792 msgid "Citadel mode is activated" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza está ativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3864 msgid "New Custom login URL" msgstr "Novo URL personalizado de login" #: ../cerber-load.php:4748 msgid "The WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "O WP Cerber requer PHP %s ou mais recente. Você está rodando" #: ../cerber-load.php:4752 msgid "The WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running" msgstr "O WP Cerber requer WordPress %s ou mais recente. Você está rodando" #: ../settings.php:314 msgid "Use file" msgstr "Usar arquivo" #: ../settings.php:315 msgid "Write failed login attempts to the file" msgstr "Escrever tentativas falhas de login em um arquivo" #: ../dashboard.php:2419 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Desativar" #: ../dashboard.php:191 ../cerber-load.php:3827 msgid "Reason" msgstr "Razão" #: ../dashboard.php:278 msgid "Add IP to the list" msgstr "Adicionar IP à lista" #: ../dashboard.php:1396 msgid "Add IP to the Black List" msgstr "Adicionar IP à Lista Negra" #: ../common.php:1430 msgid "Attempt to access" msgstr "Tentativa de acesso" #: ../common.php:1429 msgid "Limit on login attempts is reached" msgstr "O limite de tentativas de login foi atingido" #: ../cerber-load.php:3826 msgid "Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s" msgstr "Último bloqueio foi adicionado: %s para o IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:4464 ../cerber-load.php:4796 msgid "Hardening" msgstr "Fortalecendo" #: ../dashboard.php:1371 msgid "Abuse email:" msgstr "Email para abusos:" #: ../settings.php:595 ../settings.php:638 ../settings.php:848 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Endereço de Email" #: ../settings.php:600 msgid "if empty, the admin email %s will be used" msgstr "se vazio, o email do administrador %s será usado" #: ../settings.php:324 msgid "Drill down IP" msgstr "Rastrear IP" #: ../settings.php:325 msgid "Retrieve extra WHOIS information for IP" msgstr "Pegar informação extra de WHOIS para o IP" #: ../settings.php:342 msgid "Hardening WordPress" msgstr "Fortalecendo o WordPress" #: ../settings.php:346 ../settings.php:381 msgid "Stop user enumeration" msgstr "Bloquear enumeração de usuários" #: ../settings.php:365 msgid "Disable XML-RPC" msgstr "Desabilitar XML-RPC" #: ../settings.php:366 msgid "Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)" msgstr "Bloquear acesso ao servidor XML-RPC (incluindo Pingbacks e Trackbacks)" #: ../settings.php:370 msgid "Disable feeds" msgstr "Desabilitar feeds" #: ../settings.php:371 msgid "Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds" msgstr "Bloquear acesso aos feeds RSS, Atom e RDF" #: ../settings.php:386 msgid "Disable REST API" msgstr "Desabilitar API REST" #: ../settings.php:1767 ../settings.php:1779 ../settings.php:1935 msgid "ERROR: please enter a valid email address." msgstr "ERRO: favor digitar um endereço de email válido." #: ../cerber-load.php:3857 ../cerber-load.php:4781 msgid "WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site" msgstr "WP Cerver está ativo agora e já começou a proteger o seu site" #: ../dashboard.php:192 ../cerber-users.php:758 ../cerber-scanner.php:5694 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:5842 msgid "Action" msgstr "Ação" #: ../dashboard.php:239 msgid "Nobody can log in or register from these IPs" msgstr "Ninguém pode entrar ou se registrar a partir destes IPs" #: ../dashboard.php:296 ../dashboard.php:313 msgid "Incorrect IP address or IP range" msgstr "Endereço ou faixa de IP incorretos" #: ../dashboard.php:2435 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:445 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Configurações salvas" #: ../dashboard.php:1376 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Rede:" #: ../dashboard.php:1391 msgid "Add network to the Black List" msgstr "Adicionar rede à Lista Negra" #: ../dashboard.php:2418 msgid "Attention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in." msgstr "Atenção! O modo Fortaleza agora está ativado. Ninguém pode fazer login." #: ../dashboard.php:413 ../dashboard.php:3623 ../whois.php:222 ../whois.php:253 .. #: /common.php:1448 ../common.php:1831 ../common.php:1896 ../nexus/cerber-slave- #: list.php:330 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconhecido" #: ../common.php:326 ../common.php:404 ../common.php:409 ../common.php:415 .. #: /common.php:420 ../cerber-load.php:683 ../cerber-load.php:695 ../cerber-load. #: php:702 ../cerber-load.php:1029 ../cerber-load.php:1538 ../cerber-load.php: #: 1544 ../cerber-load.php:1549 ../cerber-load.php:1556 ../cerber-load.php:1563 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1569 ../cerber-load.php:1576 ../cerber-load.php:1727 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1864 ../settings.php:1644 ../settings.php:1664 ../settings. #: php:1743 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php:217 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php: #: 228 ../cerber-scanner.php:5796 msgid "ERROR:" msgstr "ERRO:" #: ../cerber-load.php:712 msgid "Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below." msgstr "Verificação de humanidade falhou. Por favor, click no quadrado do bloco reCAPTCHA abaixo." #: ../cerber-load.php:1137 msgid "ERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect." msgstr "ERRO: A senha que você digitou para o usuário %s está incorreta." #: ../cerber-load.php:1557 msgid "Username is not allowed. Please choose another one." msgstr "Nome de usuário não permitido. Por favor, escolha outro nome." #: ../cerber-load.php:3820 msgid "unspecified" msgstr "não especificado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3823 msgid "Number of lockouts is increasing" msgstr "O número de bloqueios está aumentando" #: ../cerber-load.php:3828 msgid "View activity for this IP" msgstr "Ver atividade do IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3832 ../cerber-load.php:3834 msgid "A new version of WP Cerber is available to install" msgstr "Uma nova versão do WP Cerber está disponível para ser instalada" #: ../cerber-load.php:3833 msgid "Hi!" msgstr "Olá!" #: ../cerber-load.php:3836 ../cerber-load.php:3847 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php: #: 44 msgid "Website" msgstr "Website" #: ../cerber-load.php:3839 ../cerber-load.php:3840 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivated" msgstr "O plugin de segurança WP Cerber foi desativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3842 msgid "Not logged in" msgstr "Não logado" #: ../cerber-load.php:3848 msgid "By user" msgstr "Pelo usuário" #: ../cerber-load.php:3849 msgid "From IP address" msgstr "Do endereço de IP" #: ../cerber-load.php:3852 msgid "From country" msgstr "Do país" #: ../cerber-load.php:3856 msgid "The WP Cerber security plugin is now active" msgstr "O plugin de segurança WP Cerber está agora ativado" #: ../cerber-load.php:4782 msgid "Your IP address is added to the" msgstr "Seu endereço de IP foi adicionado à" #: ../cerber-load.php:4798 msgid "Import settings" msgstr "Importar configurações" #: ../settings.php:603 msgid "Notification limit" msgstr "Limite de notificação" #: ../settings.php:604 msgid "notification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)" msgstr "notificações permitidas por hora (0 significa ilimitadas)" #: ../settings.php:564 msgid "Prohibited usernames" msgstr "Nomes de usuários proibidos" #: ../settings.php:565 msgid "Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins." msgstr "Nomes de usuários desta lista não podem fazer login ou serem registrados. Qualquer endereço de IP que tentar utilizar algum destes nomes será imediatamente bloqueado. Utilize vírgulas para separar os logins." #: ../settings.php:573 msgid "in minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)" msgstr "em minutos (deixe em branco para usar o valor padrão do WordPress)" #: ../settings.php:985 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings" msgstr "Configurações do reCAPTCHA" #: ../settings.php:989 msgid "Site key" msgstr "Chave do site" #: ../settings.php:993 msgid "Secret key" msgstr "Chave secreta" #: ../settings.php:1003 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1012 msgid "Lost password form" msgstr "Formulário de senha perdida" #: ../settings.php:1022 msgid "Login form" msgstr "Formulário de login" #: ../settings.php:1023 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:986 msgid "Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website" msgstr "Antes de começar a utilizar o reCAPTCHA, você precisa obter uma Chave do Site uma Chave Secreta no website do Google" #: ../cerber-lab.php:810 ../settings.php:819 ../settings.php:986 msgid "Know more" msgstr "Saiba mais" #: ../common.php:1316 msgid "User created" msgstr "Usuário criado" #: ../common.php:1317 msgid "User registered" msgstr "Usuário registrado" #: ../common.php:1344 msgid "reCAPTCHA verification failed" msgstr "A verificação do reCAPTCHA falhou" #: ../common.php:1345 msgid "reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect" msgstr "As configurações do reCAPTCHA estão incorretas" #: ../common.php:1348 ../common.php:1452 msgid "Attempt to access prohibited URL" msgstr "Tentativa de acesso a URL proibido" #: ../common.php:1350 ../common.php:1432 msgid "Attempt to log in with prohibited username" msgstr "Tentativa de login com nome de usuário proibido." #: ../settings.php:301 msgid "Cerber Lab connection" msgstr "Conexão Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:302 msgid "Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab" msgstr "Enviar endereço de IP malicioso para o Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:306 msgid "Cerber Lab protocol" msgstr "Protocolo Cerber Lab" #: ../settings.php:933 ../settings.php:1002 msgid "Registration form" msgstr "Formulário de restro" #: ../settings.php:1008 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de registro do WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:1013 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1018 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de senha perdida do WooCommerce" #: ../settings.php:1028 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de login do WooCommerce" #: ../common.php:1346 msgid "Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed" msgstr "A requisição para o serviço Google reCAPTCHA falhou" #: ../dashboard.php:889 ../dashboard.php:2274 msgid "View all" msgstr "Ver todos" #: ../dashboard.php:2277 msgid "Recently locked out IP addresses" msgstr "Endereços de IP recentemente bloqueados" #: ../cerber-lab.php:808 msgid "OK, nail them all" msgstr "OK, acabe com eles" #: ../cerber-lab.php:809 msgid "NO, maybe later" msgstr "NÃO, talvez mais tarde" #: ../dashboard.php:54 ../dashboard.php:1714 ../dashboard.php:2619 ../dashboard. #: php:4458 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Painel de Controle" #: ../cerber-lab.php:806 msgid "Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?" msgstr "Gostaria de fazer o WP Cerber ainda mais poderoso?" #: ../cerber-lab.php:807 msgid "Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time." msgstr "Permita que o WP Cerber envie endereços de IP maliciosos para o Cerber Lab. Isso ajuda os desenvolvedores do plugin a criarem algoritmos para defender o WordPress de novas ameaças e botnets que surgem dia-a-dia. Você pode desabilitar este envio a qualquer momento nas configurações do plugin." #: ../dashboard.php:3524 msgid "IP address" msgstr "Endereço de IP" #: ../dashboard.php:812 msgid "User login" msgstr "Login do usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:813 ../dashboard.php:3530 msgid "User ID" msgstr "ID do usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:1102 ../dashboard.php:3965 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exportar" #: ../dashboard.php:1125 msgid "Search for IP or username" msgstr "Buscar por IP ou usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:1126 ../dashboard.php:1128 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtrar" #: ../dashboard.php:54 msgid "Cerber Dashboard" msgstr "Painel de Controle do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:78 msgid "Cerber tools" msgstr "Ferramentas do Cerber" #: ../cerber-tools.php:238 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Cancelar inscrição" #: ../dashboard.php:2543 msgid "You've subscribed" msgstr "Você está inscrito" #: ../dashboard.php:2548 msgid "You've unsubscribed" msgstr "Você cancelou sua inscrição" #: ../cerber-load.php:3868 ../cerber-load.php:3869 msgid "A new activity has been recorded" msgstr "Uma nova atividade foi capturada" #: ../cerber-load.php:4500 ../cerber-users.php:752 msgid "User" msgstr "Usuário" #: ../cerber-load.php:4508 msgid "Search string" msgstr "Termo pesquisado" #: ../settings.php:321 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferências" #: ../settings.php:329 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Formato da data" #: ../settings.php:330 msgid "if empty, the default format %s will be used" msgstr "se vazio, o formato padrão %s será usado" #: ../settings.php:614 msgid "Push notifications" msgstr "Notificações push" #: ../settings.php:588 msgid "Email notifications" msgstr "Notificações por email" #: ../settings.php:596 ../settings.php:640 ../settings.php:714 ../settings.php:850 msgid "Use comma to specify multiple values" msgstr "Use vírgulas para separar múltiplos valores" #: ../settings.php:132 msgid "All connected devices" msgstr "Todos os dispositivos conectados" #: ../settings.php:135 msgid "No devices found" msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo encontrado" #: ../settings.php:139 msgid "Not available" msgstr "Não disponível" #: ../common.php:1342 msgid "Password reset requested" msgstr "Redefinição de senha solicitada" #: ../common.php:1433 msgid "Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached" msgstr "Foi atingido o limite de verificações falhas do reCAPTCHA" #: ../common.php:1583 msgid "%s ago" msgstr "%s atrás" #: ../settings.php:185 msgid "Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Aplicar regras de limite para login aos endereçoes de IP da Lista Segura" #: ../settings.php:215 msgid "Display 404 page" msgstr "Exibir página 404" #: ../settings.php:997 msgid "Invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "reCAPTCHA invisível" #: ../settings.php:998 msgid "Enable invisible reCAPTCHA" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA invisível" #: ../settings.php:998 msgid "(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)" msgstr "(não habilite esta opção a menos que tenha as Chaves do Site e Secreta para esta versão invisível)" #: ../settings.php:1033 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form" msgstr "Habilitar reCAPTCHA para o formulário de comentários do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:1038 msgid "Disable reCAPTCHA for logged in users" msgstr "Desabilitar reCAPTCHA para usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:1042 msgid "Limit attempts" msgstr "Limitar tentativas" #: ../settings.php:1043 msgid "Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes" msgstr "Bloquear endereço de IP por %s minutos depois de %s tentativas falhas dentro de %s minutos" #: ../settings.php:263 msgid "In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected." msgstr "No modo Fortaleza apenas os IPs da Lista Segura podem se conectar. Sessões ativas de usuários não serão afetadas." #: ../dashboard.php:809 ../dashboard.php:1078 msgid "Event" msgstr "Evento" #: ../common.php:269 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam comments denied" msgstr "Comentários spam recusados" #: ../common.php:271 msgid "Malicious IP addresses detected" msgstr "Endereço de IP malicioso detectado" #: ../common.php:272 msgid "Lockouts occurred" msgstr "Bloqueios ocorridos" #: ../cerber-load.php:1539 ../cerber-load.php:1545 ../cerber-load.php:1570 .. #: /cerber-load.php:1577 msgid "You are not allowed to register." msgstr "Não é permitido o seu registro." #: ../common.php:1327 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam comment denied" msgstr "Comentário spam recusado" #: ../common.php:1352 msgid "Attempt to log in denied" msgstr "Tentativa de login recusada" #: ../common.php:1353 msgid "Attempt to register denied" msgstr "Tentativa de registro recusada" #: ../common.php:266 msgid "Malicious activities mitigated" msgstr "Atividades maliciosas mitigadas" #: ../dashboard.php:71 msgid "Cerber antispam settings" msgstr "Configurações antispam do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:71 ../cerber-load.php:4795 ../settings.php:1032 msgid "Antispam" msgstr "Antispam" #: ../settings.php:925 msgid "Cerber antispam engine" msgstr "Mecanismo antispam do Cerber" #: ../settings.php:928 msgid "Comment form" msgstr "Formulário para comentários" #: ../settings.php:929 msgid "Protect comment form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger formulário para comentários com mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../settings.php:934 msgid "Protect registration form with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger formulário de registro com mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../dashboard.php:4622 msgid "Export & Import" msgstr "Exportar & Importar" #: ../dashboard.php:4623 msgid "Diagnostic" msgstr "Diagnóstico" #: ../dashboard.php:4626 msgid "License" msgstr "Licença" #: ../dashboard.php:4504 msgid "Antispam and bot detection settings" msgstr "Configurações antispam e de detecção de bots" #: ../cerber-load.php:1864 msgid "Sorry, human verification failed." msgstr "Desculpe, a verificação de humanidade falhou." #: ../common.php:1434 msgid "Bot activity is detected" msgstr "Atividade de bot detectada" #: ../settings.php:967 msgid "Comment processing" msgstr "Processando comentário" #: ../settings.php:970 #, fuzzy msgid "If a spam comment detected" msgstr "Se um comentário spam for detectado" #: ../settings.php:975 #, fuzzy msgid "Trash spam comments" msgstr "Mandar comentários spam para a lixeira" #: ../settings.php:977 #, fuzzy msgid "Move spam comments to trash after" msgstr "Mover comentários spam para a lixeira após" #: ../common.php:1328 #, fuzzy msgid "Spam form submission denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário spam recusado" #: ../settings.php:938 msgid "Other forms" msgstr "Outros formulários" #: ../settings.php:939 msgid "Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine" msgstr "Proteger todos os formulários do website com o mecanismo de detecção de bots" #: ../settings.php:945 msgid "Adjust antispam engine" msgstr "Ajustar mecanismo antispam" #: ../settings.php:948 msgid "Safe mode" msgstr "Modo seguro" #: ../settings.php:949 msgid "Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)" msgstr "Usar políticas menos restritivas (permitir AJAX)" #: ../dashboard.php:910 ../dashboard.php:1677 ../dashboard.php:3933 ../settings. #: php:391 ../settings.php:953 msgid "Logged in users" msgstr "Usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:954 msgid "Disable bot detection engine for logged in users" msgstr "Desabilitar mecanismo de detecção de bots para usuários logados" #: ../dashboard.php:189 ../dashboard.php:1076 msgid "Country" msgstr "País" #: ../dashboard.php:1114 msgid "All events" msgstr "Todos os eventos" #: ../dashboard.php:61 msgid "Cerber Security Rules" msgstr "Regras de Segurança do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:61 ../dashboard.php:4570 msgid "Security Rules" msgstr "Regras de Segurança" #: ../dashboard.php:1536 msgid "Failed login attempts" msgstr "Tentativas falhas de login" #: ../dashboard.php:1493 ../dashboard.php:1537 msgid "Registered" msgstr "Registrado" #: ../dashboard.php:1607 ../cerber-users.php:51 ../cerber-users.php:889 msgid "You" msgstr "Você" #: ../common.php:270 msgid "Spam form submissions denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário de spam recusado" #: ../dashboard.php:2313 ../cerber-load.php:3859 ../cerber-load.php:4784 msgid "Getting Started Guide" msgstr "Guia de Introdução" #: ../dashboard.php:4572 msgid "Countries" msgstr "Países" #: ../dashboard.php:3261 msgid "Permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Permitido para um país" msgstr[1] "Permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:3272 msgid "No rule" msgstr "Nenhuma regra" #: ../dashboard.php:3433 msgid "Security rules have been updated" msgstr "As regras de segurança foram atualizadas" #. URI of the plugin #: msgid "https://wpcerber.com" msgstr "https://wpcerber.com" #: ../common.php:1329 msgid "Form submission denied" msgstr "Envio de formulário recusado" #: ../common.php:1330 msgid "Comment denied" msgstr "Comentário recusado" #: ../common.php:1358 msgid "Request to REST API denied" msgstr "Requisição à API REST recusada" #: ../common.php:1359 msgid "XML-RPC request denied" msgstr "Requisição XML-RPC recusada" #: ../common.php:1378 msgid "Bot detected" msgstr "Bot detectado" #: ../common.php:1379 msgid "Citadel mode is active" msgstr "Modo Fortaleza está ativo" #: ../common.php:1384 msgid "Malicious activity detected" msgstr "Atividade maliciosa detectada" #: ../common.php:1385 msgid "Blocked by country rule" msgstr "Bloquear por regra de países" #: ../common.php:1386 msgid "Limit reached" msgstr "Limite atingido" #: ../common.php:1387 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities" msgstr "Múltiplas atividades suspeitas" #: ../common.php:1435 msgid "Multiple suspicious activities were detected" msgstr "Múltiplas atividades suspeitas foram detectadas" #: ../settings.php:392 msgid "Allow REST API for logged in users" msgstr "Permitir API REST para usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:404 msgid "Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line." msgstr "Especificar namespaces permitidos da API REST quando ela estiver desabilitada. Um namespace por linha." #: ../settings.php:541 msgid "Registration limit" msgstr "Limite de registros" #: ../settings.php:579 msgid "Sort users in dashboard" msgstr "Ordenar usuários no painel de controle" #: ../settings.php:580 msgid "by date of registration" msgstr "por data de registro" #: ../settings.php:958 msgid "Query whitelist" msgstr "Lista de permissão para consultas" #: ../settings.php:1396 msgid "%s allowed registrations in %s minutes from one IP" msgstr "%s registros permitidos de um IP em %s minutos" #: ../dashboard.php:3241 msgid "Start typing here to find a country" msgstr "Comece a digitar aqui para encontrar um país" #: ../dashboard.php:3356 msgid "Click on a country name to add it to the list of selected countries" msgstr "Clique no nome de um país para adicioná-lo à lista de países selecionados" #: ../dashboard.php:3388 msgid "Submit forms" msgstr "Enviar formulários" #: ../dashboard.php:3389 msgid "Post comments" msgstr "Publicar comentários" #: ../dashboard.php:3383 msgid "Log in to the website" msgstr "Logar no website" #: ../dashboard.php:3387 msgid "Register on the website" msgstr "Registrar no website" #: ../dashboard.php:3390 msgid "Use XML-RPC" msgstr "Usar XML-RPC" #: ../dashboard.php:3391 msgid "Use REST API" msgstr "Usar API REST" #: ../settings.php:972 msgid "Deny it completely" msgstr "Impedir completamente" #: ../settings.php:972 msgid "Mark it as spam" msgstr "Marcar como spam" #: ../dashboard.php:2253 msgid "in the last 24 hours" msgstr "nas últimas 24 horas" #: ../dashboard.php:2620 msgid "Main settings" msgstr "Configurações principais" #: ../settings.php:627 msgid "Weekly reports" msgstr "Relatórios semanais" #: ../settings.php:1598 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Domingo" #: ../settings.php:1599 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Segunda-feira" #: ../settings.php:1600 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Terça-feira" #: ../settings.php:1601 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Quarta-feira" #: ../settings.php:1602 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Quinta-feira" #: ../settings.php:1603 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Sexta-feira" #: ../settings.php:1604 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Sábado" #: ../settings.php:1674 ../settings.php:1675 msgid "If you use a caching plugin, you have to add your new login URL to the list of pages not to cache." msgstr "Se estiver utilizando um plugin de cache, você deve adicionar o novo URL de login na lista de páginas excluídas do cache." #: ../cerber-load.php:3874 msgid "Weekly report" msgstr "Relatório semanal" #: ../cerber-load.php:3877 ../cerber-load.php:3887 msgid "To change reporting settings visit" msgstr "Para modificar as configurações de relatórios visitar" #: ../cerber-load.php:3910 msgid "Your login page:" msgstr "Sua página de login:" #: ../cerber-load.php:3914 msgid "Your license is valid until" msgstr "Sua licença é válida até" #: ../cerber-load.php:4020 msgid "Activity details" msgstr "Detalhes da atividade" #: ../settings.php:1634 msgid "Click to send now" msgstr "Clique para enviar agora" #: ../cerber-load.php:833 msgid "> > > Translator of WP Cerber? To get the PRO license for free, drop your contacts here: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" msgstr "> > > Tradutor do WP Cerber? Para ganhar uma licença PRO, deixe seu contato aqui: https://wpcerber.com/contact/" #: ../dashboard.php:557 msgid "Email has been sent to" msgstr "O email foi enviado para" #: ../dashboard.php:560 msgid "Unable to send email to" msgstr "Não foi possível enviar o email para" #: ../dashboard.php:3264 msgid "Not permitted for one country" msgid_plural "Not permitted for %d countries" msgstr[0] "Não permitido para um país" msgstr[1] "Não permitido para %d países" #: ../dashboard.php:3360 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are permitted to %s, other countries are not permitted to" msgstr "Aos países selecionados é permitido %s, aos outros países não" #: ../dashboard.php:3363 msgctxt "to is a marker of infinitive, e.g. \"to use it\"" msgid "Selected countries are not permitted to %s, other countries are permitted to" msgstr "Aos países selecionados não é permitido %s, aos outros países sim" #: ../cerber-load.php:4008 msgid "Weekly Report" msgstr "Relatório Semanal" #: ../settings.php:218 msgid "Use 404 template from the active theme" msgstr "Usar template 404 do tema ativo" #: ../settings.php:219 msgid "Display simple 404 page" msgstr "Exibir página 404 simples" #: ../settings.php:959 msgid "Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line." msgstr "Digite parte da string de consulta ou do caminho de consulta para excluir uma requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:639 ../settings.php:849 msgid "if empty, email from notification settings will be used" msgstr "quando vazio, o email das configurações de notificações será usado" #: ../settings.php:630 msgid "Enable reporting" msgstr "Habilitar relatórios" #: ../cerber-load.php:3938 msgid "Your last sign-in was %s from %s" msgstr "Seu último login foi em %s a partir do IP %s" #: ../dashboard.php:277 msgid "IP address, IPv4 address range or subnet" msgstr "Endereço de IP, faixa de IPv4 ou sub-rede" #: ../dashboard.php:279 msgid "Optional comment for this entry" msgstr "Comentário opcional para esta estrada" #: ../dashboard.php:318 msgid "You cannot add your IP address or network" msgstr "Você não pode adicionar seu endereço de IP ou rede" #: ../settings.php:557 ../settings.php:565 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes." msgstr "Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva o padrão entre barras" #: ../dashboard.php:56 msgid "Cerber Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspetor de Tráfego do Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:56 ../dashboard.php:1684 ../dashboard.php:4524 msgid "Traffic Inspector" msgstr "Inspetor de Tráfego" #: ../dashboard.php:1716 ../cerber-users.php:923 msgid "Traffic" msgstr "Tráfego" #: ../dashboard.php:3901 msgid "Request" msgstr "Requisição" #: ../dashboard.php:3903 ../cerber-users.php:757 msgid "Host Info" msgstr "Informação do Servidor" #: ../dashboard.php:3904 msgid "User Agent" msgstr "User Agent" #: ../dashboard.php:3929 msgid "All requests" msgstr "Todas as requisições" #: ../dashboard.php:911 ../dashboard.php:3934 msgid "Not logged in visitors" msgstr "Visitantes não logados" #: ../dashboard.php:3937 msgid "Form submissions" msgstr "Envios de formulários" #: ../dashboard.php:3939 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Página não encontrada" #: ../dashboard.php:3948 msgid "Longer than" msgstr "Mais do que" #: ../dashboard.php:3971 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Recarregar" #: ../common.php:196 msgid "Check for requests" msgstr "Verificar requisições" #: ../common.php:1791 msgid "Not specified" msgstr "Não especificado" #: ../settings.php:695 msgid "Logging mode" msgstr "Modo de registro" #: ../settings.php:698 msgid "Logging disabled" msgstr "Registro desabilitado" #: ../settings.php:699 msgid "Smart" msgstr "Inteligente" #: ../settings.php:700 msgid "All traffic" msgstr "Todo tráfego" #: ../settings.php:704 msgid "Ignore crawlers" msgstr "Ignorar crawlers" #: ../settings.php:712 msgid "Mask these form fields" msgstr "Mascarar estes campos de fomulários" #: ../settings.php:737 msgid "milliseconds" msgstr "milissegundos" #: ../settings.php:652 msgid "Enable traffic inspection" msgstr "Habilitar inspeção de tráfego" #: ../settings.php:692 msgid "Logging" msgstr "Registrando" #: ../settings.php:708 msgid "Save request fields" msgstr "Salvar campos de requisição" #: ../settings.php:736 msgid "Page generation time threshold" msgstr "Limite de tempo para geração de páginas" #: ../dashboard.php:3921 msgid "No requests have been logged." msgstr "Nenhuma requisição foi registrada." #: ../dashboard.php:1683 msgid "enabled" msgstr "habilitado" #: ../dashboard.php:1688 msgid "no connection" msgstr "sem conexão" #: ../dashboard.php:1483 msgid "Last seen" msgstr "Visto pela última vez" #: ../common.php:1354 ../common.php:1436 msgid "Probing for vulnerable PHP code" msgstr "Teste para vulnerabilidades no código PHP" #: ../dashboard.php:4262 msgid "Any" msgstr "Qualquer" #: ../cerber-load.php:3657 msgid "We're sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" msgstr "Desculpe, você não tem permissão para prosseguir" #: ../settings.php:665 msgid "Request whitelist" msgstr "Lista de permissão para requisições" #: ../settings.php:669 msgid "Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line." msgstr "Digite um URI de requisição para excluir a requisição da inspeção. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:719 msgid "Save request headers" msgstr "Salvar cabeçalhos da requisição" #: ../settings.php:724 msgid "Save $_SERVER" msgstr "Salvar $_SERVER" #: ../settings.php:728 msgid "Save request cookies" msgstr "Salvar cookies da requisição" #: ../settings.php:351 msgid "Protect admin scripts" msgstr "Proteger scripts da administração" #: ../settings.php:352 msgid "Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php" msgstr "Bloquear acessos não autorizados a load-scripts.php e load-styles.php" #: ../common.php:2731 msgid "Unable to create the directory" msgstr "Não foi possível criar o diretório" #: ../common.php:2736 msgid "Destination folder access denied" msgstr "Acesso recusado à pasta de destino" #: ../common.php:2739 msgid "File not found" msgstr "Arquivo não encontrado" #: ../common.php:2742 msgid "Unable to copy the file" msgstr "Não foi possível copiar o arquivo" #: ../common.php:2748 msgid "Unable to delete the file" msgstr "Não foi possível apagar o arquivo" #: ../settings.php:155 msgid "Plugin initialization" msgstr "Inicialização do plugin" #: ../settings.php:158 msgid "Load security engine" msgstr "Carregar mecanismo de segurança" #: ../settings.php:161 msgid "Legacy mode" msgstr "Modo legado" #: ../settings.php:162 msgid "Standard mode" msgstr "Modo padrão" #: ../settings.php:1645 msgid "Plugin initialization mode has not been changed" msgstr "O modo de inicialização do plugin não foi alterado" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "This is a standard boot module for WP Cerber Security & Antispam plugin. It was installed when you set the plugin initialization mode to Standard. Know more: wpcerber.com." msgstr "Este é um módulo de inicialização padrão para o plugin WP Cerber Security & Antispam. Ele foi instalado ao configurar \"Padrão\" como modo de inicialização do plugin. Saiba mais: wpcerber.com." #: ../common.php:1356 msgid "File upload denied" msgstr "Envio de arquivo recusado" #: ../settings.php:669 msgid "To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva a linha toda entre duas barras." #: ../settings.php:148 msgid "Be careful about enabling these options." msgstr "Seja cuidadoso ao habilitar estas opções." #: ../settings.php:148 msgid "If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in." msgstr "Se você esquecer sua URL de login personalizada, não será possível fazer login." #: ../dashboard.php:67 ../dashboard.php:4585 msgid "Site Integrity" msgstr "Integridade do Site" #: ../dashboard.php:1701 ../dashboard.php:1703 ../cerber-users.php:20 ../cerber- #: users.php:431 ../settings.php:655 ../settings.php:680 ../settings.php:1104 .. #: /cerber-scanner.php:1621 msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Desabilitado" #: ../dashboard.php:1702 ../cerber-scanner.php:1064 msgid "Quick Scan" msgstr "Verificação Rápida" #: ../dashboard.php:1704 ../cerber-scanner.php:1064 msgid "Full Scan" msgstr "Verificação Completa" #. Name of the plugin #: msgid "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" msgstr "WP Cerber Security, Antispam & Malware Scan" #: ../common.php:1388 msgid "Denied" msgstr "Recusado" #: ../settings.php:184 ../settings.php:516 ../settings.php:661 msgid "Use White IP Access List" msgstr "Usar a Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../settings.php:205 msgid "Disable dashboard redirection" msgstr "Desabilitar redirecionamento do painel" #: ../settings.php:206 msgid "Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request" msgstr "Desabilitar o redirecionamento automático para a página de login quando /wp-admin/ for requisitada por meio de uma requisição não autorizada" #: ../settings.php:749 msgid "Scanner settings" msgstr "Configurações da Verificação" #: ../settings.php:752 msgid "Custom signatures" msgstr "Assinaturas personalizadas" #: ../settings.php:756 msgid "Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces." msgstr "Especificar assinaturas de código PHP personalizadas. Um item por linha. Para especificar um padrão REGEX, envolva toda a linha entre duas chaves." #: ../settings.php:759 msgid "Unwanted file extensions" msgstr "Extensão de arquivos indesejadas" #: ../settings.php:763 msgid "Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Especifique as extensões de arquivos para busca. Apenas para Verificação Completa. Use vírgulas para separar os itens." #: ../settings.php:766 msgid "Directories to exclude" msgstr "Diretórios a serem excluídos" #: ../settings.php:770 msgid "Specify directories to exclude from scanning. Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Especifique os diretórios para excluir da verificação. Use caminhos absolutos. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:781 msgid "Scan temporary directory" msgstr "Verificar diretório temporário" #: ../settings.php:785 msgid "Scan session directory" msgstr "Verificar diretório de sessão" #: ../settings.php:793 msgid "Delete quarantined files after" msgstr "Apagar arquivos em quarentena após" #: ../settings.php:806 msgid "Launch Quick Scan" msgstr "Iniciar Verificação Rápida" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1622 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "A cada hora" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1623 msgid "Every 3 hours" msgstr "A cada 3 horas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1624 msgid "Every 6 hours" msgstr "A cada 6 horas" #: ../settings.php:811 msgid "Launch Full Scan" msgstr "Iniciar Verificação Completa" #: ../settings.php:825 ../settings.php:870 msgid "Low severity" msgstr "Baixa gravidade" #: ../settings.php:826 ../settings.php:871 msgid "Medium severity" msgstr "Média gravidade" #: ../settings.php:827 ../settings.php:872 msgid "High severity" msgstr "Alta gravidade" #: ../settings.php:822 msgid "Report an issue if any of the following is true" msgstr "Reportar um problema se qualquer item seguinte for verdadeiro" #: ../settings.php:831 msgid "Send email report" msgstr "Enviar email com relatório" #: ../settings.php:834 msgid "After every scan" msgstr "Após cada verificação" #: ../settings.php:835 msgid "If any changes in scan results occurred" msgstr "Se qualquer mudança ocorrer na verificação" #: ../settings.php:840 msgid "Include file sizes" msgstr "Incluir tamanho dos arquivos" #: ../settings.php:844 msgid "Include scan errors" msgstr "Incluir erros da verificação" #: ../dashboard.php:4587 ../cerber-load.php:4793 msgid "Security Scanner" msgstr "Verificação de Segurança" #: ../dashboard.php:4589 msgid "Scheduling" msgstr "Agendamento" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:95 msgid "Currently a scheduled scan in progress. Please wait until it is finished." msgstr "No momento uma verificação agendada está em progresso. Favor aguardar até que ela seja finalizada." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:99 msgid "Previous scan started %s has not been completed. Continue scanning?" msgstr "A verificação anterior começou %s não foi completada. Continuar verificando?" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:108 msgid "It seems this website has never been scanned. To start scanning click the button below." msgstr "Parece que o site nunca foi verificado. Para iniciar uma verificação, clique no botão abaixo." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:111 msgid "Start Quick Scan" msgstr "Iniciar Verificação Rápida" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:112 msgid "Start Full Scan" msgstr "Iniciar Verificação Completa" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:113 msgid "Stop Scanning" msgstr "Parar Verificação" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:114 msgid "Continue Scanning" msgstr "Continuar Verificação" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:150 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Apagar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1567 msgid "Verified" msgstr "Verificado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1574 msgid "Integrity data not found" msgstr "Dados de integridade não encontrados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1575 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error" msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a integridade do plugin devido a um erro de conexão" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1576 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error" msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a integridade dos arquivos do WordPress devido a uma falha de conexão" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1577 msgid "Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error" msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a integridade do tema devido a um erro de conexão" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1580 msgid "Local file doesn't exist" msgstr "Arquivo local não existe" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1582 msgid "Unable to process file" msgstr "Não foi possível processar o arquivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1583 ../cerber-scanner.php:5033 msgid "Unable to open file" msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o arquivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1585 ../cerber-scanner.php:3972 msgid "Checksum mismatch" msgstr "Checksum incompatível" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1588 msgid "Suspicious code found" msgstr "Código suspeito encontrado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1590 msgid "Unattended suspicious file" msgstr "Arquivos suspeito autônomo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1591 msgid "Executable code found" msgstr "Código executável encontrado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1595 msgid "Unwanted file extension" msgstr "Extensão de arquivo indesejada" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1597 msgid "Content has been modified" msgstr "O conteúdo foi modificado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1598 msgid "New file" msgstr "Novo arquivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2644 msgid "Custom signature found" msgstr "Assinatura personalizada encontrada" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3849 msgid "Scanning folders for files" msgstr "Verificando arquivos em diretórios" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3853 msgid "Parsing the list of files" msgstr "Analisando a lista de arquivos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3854 msgid "Checking for new and modified files" msgstr "Verificando por arquivos novos ou modificados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3855 msgid "Verifying the integrity of WordPress" msgstr "Verificando a integridade do WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3857 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the plugins" msgstr "Verificando a integridade dos plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3859 msgid "Verifying the integrity of the themes" msgstr "Verificando a integridade dos temas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3860 msgid "Searching for malicious code" msgstr "Buscando por códigos maliciosos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3861 msgid "Finalizing the scan" msgstr "Finalizando a verificação" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 msgid "Files to scan" msgstr "Arquivos para verificar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 msgid "Critical issues" msgstr "Problemas críticos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3996 ../cerber-scanner.php:5224 msgid "Issues total" msgstr "Problemas totais" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4633 msgid "File access error. Possibly scan results are outdated. Please run Quick or Full Scan." msgstr "Erro de acesso a arquivo. Os resultados de verificação devem estar desatualizados. Favor executar uma Verificação Rápida ou Completa." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5347 msgid "To view full report visit" msgstr "Para ver o relatório completo visite" #: ../cerber-load.php:3884 msgid "Scanner Report" msgstr "Relatório de Verificação" #: ../settings.php:773 msgid "Monitor new files" msgstr "Monitorar novos arquivos" #: ../settings.php:777 msgid "Monitor modified files" msgstr "Monitorar arquivos modificados" #: ../settings.php:836 msgid "If new issues found" msgstr "Se novos problemas forem encontrados" #: ../settings.php:1941 msgid "The schedule has been updated" msgstr "A agenda foi atualizada" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1594 ../cerber-scanner.php:2824 msgid "Suspicious directives found" msgstr "Diretivas suspeitar foram encontradas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2822 msgid "Suspicious code instruction found" msgstr "Instruções suspeitas no código foram encontradas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2823 msgid "Suspicious code signatures found" msgstr "Assinaturas suspeitas no código foram encontradas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2826 msgid "To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version." msgstr "Para resolver este problema você deve reinstalar o %s ou atualizá-lo para a última versão." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2827 msgid "Please upload a reference ZIP archive" msgstr "Favor enviar um arquivo ZIP de referência" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2828 msgid "Resolve issue" msgstr "Resolver problema" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4089 msgid "We have not found any integrity data to verify" msgstr "Não encontramos nenhum dado de integridade para verificar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:4091 msgid "You have to upload a ZIP archive from which you've installed it. This enables the security scanner to verify the integrity of the code and detect malware." msgstr "Você deve enviar um arquivo ZIP a partir do qual fez a instalação. Isso permite ao verificador de segurança assegurar a integridade do código e detectar malwares." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5180 msgid "Full Scan Report" msgstr "Relatório de Verificação Completa" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5180 msgid "Quick Scan Report" msgstr "Relatório de Verificação Rápida" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5193 msgid "Files scanned" msgstr "Arquivos verificados" #: ../dashboard.php:264 ../dashboard.php:1341 ../dashboard.php:1376 ../dashboard. #: php:1499 msgid "Check for activities" msgstr "Verificar atividades" #: ../dashboard.php:1461 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Ativado" #: ../common.php:1365 msgid "Malicious request denied" msgstr "Requisição maliciosa recusada" #: ../common.php:1369 msgid "User activated" msgstr "Usuário ativado" #: ../common.php:1389 msgid "Suspicious number of fields" msgstr "Número suspeito de campos" #: ../common.php:1390 msgid "Suspicious number of nested values" msgstr "Número suspeito de valores aninhados" #: ../common.php:1391 ../common.php:1437 msgid "Malicious code detected" msgstr "Código malicioso detectado" #: ../common.php:1438 msgid "Attempt to upload a file with malicious code" msgstr "Tentativa de envio de arquivo com código malicioso" #: ../common.php:1669 msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bytes" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1573 msgid "Vulnerability found" msgstr "Vulnerabilidade encontrada" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1578 msgid "Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error" msgstr "Não foi possível verificar a integridade devido a um erro no Banco de Dados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3850 msgid "Scanning the upload folder for files" msgstr "Verificando o diretório de upload de arquivos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3851 msgid "Scanning the temp folder for files" msgstr "Verificando o diretório temporário" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3852 msgid "Scanning the session folder for files" msgstr "Verificando o diretório de sessão" #: ../settings.php:803 msgid "Automated recurring scan schedule" msgstr "Agenda de verificação recorrente automatizada" #: ../settings.php:818 msgid "Scan results reporting" msgstr "Relatórios das Verificações" #: ../dashboard.php:906 ../dashboard.php:3931 msgid "Suspicious activity" msgstr "Atividade suspeira" #: ../dashboard.php:3932 msgid "Errors" msgstr "Erros" #: ../dashboard.php:4506 msgid "Antispam engine" msgstr "Mecanismo Antispam" #. Description of the plugin #: msgid "Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and viruses. Malware scanner and integrity checker. Hardening WordPress with a set of comprehensive security algorithms. Spam protection with a sophisticated bot detection engine and reCAPTCHA. Tracks user and intruder activity with powerful email, mobile and desktop notifications." msgstr "Protege o WordPress contra ataques de hackers, spam, trojans e vírus. Verificadores de malwares e de integridade. Fortalece o WordPress com um conjunto abrangente de algoritmos de segurança. Proteção contra spam com um sofisticado mecanismo de reCAPTCHA e detecção de bots. Monitora atividades de usuários e intrusos com notificações por email, mobile ou desktop." #: ../cerber-load.php:381 msgid "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes." msgstr "Você extrapolou o limite de tentativas de login permitidas. Favor tentar novamente em %d minutos." #: ../common.php:1583 msgctxt "preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours" msgid "in %s" msgstr "em %s" #: ../settings.php:1614 msgctxt "preposition of time like: at 11:00" msgid "at" msgstr "às" #: ../dashboard.php:4592 msgid "Quarantine" msgstr "Quarentena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3936 msgid "Started" msgstr "Iniciado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3940 msgid "Finished" msgstr "Finalizado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3948 msgid "Performance" msgstr "Performance" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:337 ../cerber-scanner.php:3960 msgid "Vulnerabilities" msgstr "Vulnerabilidades" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3964 msgid "New files" msgstr "Novos arquivos" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3968 msgid "Changed files" msgstr "Arquivos modificados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3976 msgid "Unwanted extensions" msgstr "Extensões indesejadas" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3980 msgid "Unattended files" msgstr "Arquivos indesejados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3989 ../cerber-scanner.php:5689 msgid "Scanned" msgstr "Verificado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5591 msgid "There are no files in the quarantine at the moment." msgstr "Não há arquivos em quarentena no momento." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5681 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Restaurar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5678 msgid "Delete permanently" msgstr "Apagar permanentemente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5690 msgid "Moved to quarantine" msgstr "Movido para quarentena" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5691 msgid "Automatic deletion" msgstr "Apagar automaticamente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5692 msgid "Size" msgstr "Tamanho" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5693 ../cerber-scanner.php:5841 msgid "File" msgstr "Arquivo" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5769 msgid "The file has been deleted permanently." msgstr "O arquivo foi apagado permanentemente." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5783 msgid "The file has been restored to its original location." msgstr "O arquivo foi restaurado para seu local de origem." #: ../dashboard.php:1717 msgid "Integrity" msgstr "Integridade" #: ../common.php:1355 msgid "Attempt to upload malicious file denied" msgstr "Tentativa de envio de arquivo malicioso recusada" #: ../cerber-news.php:158 msgid "Awesome!" msgstr "Ótimo!" #: ../settings.php:859 msgid "Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files" msgstr "Limpeza automática de malware ou arquivos suspeitos" #: ../settings.php:867 msgid "Files in the uploads folder" msgstr "Arquivos na pasta de uploads" #: ../settings.php:876 msgid "Files with unwanted extensions" msgstr "Arquivos com extensões indesejadas" #: ../settings.php:895 msgid "Exclusions" msgstr "Exclusões" #: ../settings.php:899 msgid "Files in the temporary directory" msgstr "Arquivos no diretório temporário" #: ../settings.php:903 msgid "Files in the sessions directory" msgstr "Arquivos no diretório de sessões" #: ../settings.php:907 msgid "Files in these directories" msgstr "Arquivos nestes diretórios" #: ../settings.php:911 msgid "Use absolute paths. One item per line." msgstr "Use caminhos absolutos. Um item por linha." #: ../settings.php:914 msgid "Files with these extensions" msgstr "Arquivos com estas extensões" #: ../settings.php:918 msgid "Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Use vírgulas para separar os itens." #: ../dashboard.php:4590 msgid "Cleaning up" msgstr "Limpando" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1589 msgid "Malicious code found" msgstr "Código malicioso encontrado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2819 msgid "This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses." msgstr "O arquivo contém código executável e pode trazer um malware escondido. Se este arquivo for parte de um tema ou plugin, ele deve estar localizado na mesma pasta do tema ou plugin. Sem exceção, nem desculpas." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2820 msgid "The scanner recognizes this file as \"ownerless\" or \"not bundled\" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here." msgstr "A verificação classificou este arquivo como \"sem dono\" ou \"sem pacote\" porque ele não pertence a nenhuma parte ou website conhecidos e não deveria estar aqui." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2821 msgid "It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme." msgstr "Ele pode permanecer após atualizar para uma nova versão do %s. Pode também se tratar de um malware escondido. Em casos mais raros, pode ser parte de um plugin ou tema feitos sob-demanda." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:2825 msgid "The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with." msgstr "O conteúdo do arquivo foi alterado e não corresponde ao que existe no repositório oficial do WordPress ou ao arquivo de referência que você enviou anteriormente. O arquivo pode ter sido adulterado por um malware ou infeccionado por um vírus. " #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5278 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Apagado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5331 msgid "Automatically moved to quarantine" msgstr "Movido para quarentena automaticamente" #: ../common.php:1392 msgid "Suspicious SQL code detected" msgstr "Código SQL suspeito detectado" #: ../dashboard.php:1698 msgctxt "Example: Last malware scan: 23 Jan 2018" msgid "Last malware scan" msgstr "Última verificação de malware" #: ../dashboard.php:4526 msgid "Live Traffic" msgstr "Tráfego Ao Vivo" #: ../settings.php:335 msgid "Use English for admin interface" msgstr "Usar Inglês na interface de administração" #: ../dashboard.php:4624 msgid "Log" msgstr "Registro" #: ../settings.php:356 msgid "Disable PHP in uploads" msgstr "Desabilitar PHP nos uploads" #: ../settings.php:361 msgid "Disable PHP error displaying" msgstr "Desabilitar a exibição de erros do PHP" #: ../dashboard.php:4591 msgid "Ignore List" msgstr "Lista de Ignorados" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:153 msgid "Ignore" msgstr "Ignorar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5806 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Aplicar" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5840 msgid "Added" msgstr "Adicionado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5807 ../cerber-scanner.php:5834 msgid "Remove from the list" msgstr "Remover da lista" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5808 msgid "User Insights" msgstr "Insights do Usuário" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5809 msgid "Traffic Insights" msgstr "Insights de Tráfego" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5810 msgid "Activity Insights" msgstr "Insights de Atividades" #: ../dashboard.php:2726 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected files?" msgstr "Tem certeza que quer apagar os arquivos selecionados?" #: ../dashboard.php:2727 msgid "These files have been moved to the quarantine" msgstr "Estes arquivos foram movidos para quarentena" #: ../dashboard.php:2730 msgid "Do you want to add selected files to the ignore list?" msgstr "Confirma a adição dos arquivos selecionados na lista de ignorados?" #: ../dashboard.php:2731 msgid "These files have been added to the ignore list" msgstr "Estes arquivos foram adicionados à lista de ignorados" #: ../dashboard.php:2733 msgid "Some errors occurred" msgstr "Aconteceram alguns erros" #: ../dashboard.php:2734 msgid "All files have been processed" msgstr "Todos os arquivos foram processados" #: ../settings.php:2772 msgid "These features are available in a professional version of the plugin." msgstr "Estas funcionalidades estão disponíveis na versão profissional do plugin." #: ../settings.php:2773 msgid "Know more about all advantages at" msgstr "Saiba mais sobre as vantagens em" #: ../common.php:1393 msgid "Suspicious JavaScript code detected" msgstr "Código JavaScript suspeito detectado" #: ../settings.php:1944 msgid "Unable to update the schedule" msgstr "Não foi possível atualizar a agenda" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5707 msgid "All scans" msgstr "Todas as verificações" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5812 msgid "The list is empty." msgstr "A lista está vazia." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5658 msgid "No files match the specified filter." msgstr "Nenhum arquivo satisfaz o filtro especificado." #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5658 msgid "Click here to see the full list of files" msgstr "Clique aqui para ver a lista completa de arquivos" #: ../dashboard.php:810 msgid "Additional Details" msgstr "Detalhes adicionais" #: ../dashboard.php:3531 msgid "Page generation time" msgstr "Tempo de geração da página" #: ../dashboard.php:4880 msgid "Log In" msgstr "Entrar" #: ../dashboard.php:4881 msgid "Log Out" msgstr "Sair" #: ../dashboard.php:4882 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registrar" #: ../dashboard.php:4885 msgid "WooCommerce Log In" msgstr "Login do WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4886 msgid "WooCommerce Log Out" msgstr "Logout do WooCommerce" #: ../dashboard.php:4925 ../dashboard.php:4926 msgid "Add to menu" msgstr "Adicionar ao menu" #: ../common.php:1381 msgid "IP address is locked out" msgstr "Endereço de IP está bloqueado" #: ../common.php:1440 msgid "Multiple suspicious requests" msgstr "Múltiplas requisições suspeitas" #: ../settings.php:649 msgid "Traffic Inspection" msgstr "Inspeção de Tráfego" #: ../settings.php:656 ../settings.php:681 msgid "Maximum compatibility" msgstr "Compatibilidade máxima" #: ../settings.php:657 ../settings.php:682 msgid "Maximum security" msgstr "Segurança máxima" #: ../settings.php:674 msgid "Erroneous Request Shielding" msgstr "Blindagem de Requisições Errônea" #: ../settings.php:677 msgid "Enable error shielding" msgstr "Habilitar blindagem contra erros" #: ../settings.php:732 msgid "Save software errors" msgstr "Salvar erros de software" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3848 msgid "Preparing for the scan" msgstr "Preparando para verificação" #: ../common.php:1394 msgid "Blocked by administrator" msgstr "Bloqueado pelo administrador" #: ../cerber-load.php:385 msgid "You are not allowed to log in" msgstr "Você não tem permissão para logar" #: ../cerber-users.php:38 msgid "Block User" msgstr "Bloquear Usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:42 ../cerber-users.php:48 msgid "User is not permitted to log into the website" msgstr "Usuário proibido de logar no website" #: ../cerber-users.php:67 ../settings.php:523 msgid "User Message" msgstr "Mensagem do Usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:69 msgid "An optional message for this user" msgstr "Mensagem opcional para esse usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:173 msgid "Blocked Users" msgstr "Usuários Bloqueados" #: ../settings.php:347 msgid "Block access to user pages like /?author=n" msgstr "Bloquear acesso às páginas de usuários como /?autor=n" #: ../settings.php:377 msgid "Access to WordPress REST API" msgstr "Acesso à API REST do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:387 msgid "Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following" msgstr "Bloquear acesso à API REST do WordPress exceto pelos seguintes" #: ../settings.php:396 msgid "Allow REST API for these roles" msgstr "Permitir API REST para essas funções" #: ../settings.php:400 msgid "Allow these namespaces" msgstr "Permitir esses namespaces" #: ../settings.php:686 msgid "Ignore logged in users" msgstr "Ignorar usuários logados" #: ../settings.php:151 msgid "These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Essas restrições não se aplicam aos endereços de IP da Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../settings.php:1573 msgid "Select one or more roles" msgstr "Selecionar uma ou mais funções" #: ../dashboard.php:1124 msgid "Filter by registered user" msgstr "Filtrar por usuário registrado" #: ../settings.php:509 msgid "Authorized users only" msgstr "Apenas usuários autorizados" #: ../settings.php:510 msgid "Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website" msgstr "Apenas usuários registrados e logados têm acesso ao website" #: ../settings.php:418 msgid "Do not apply this policy to IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "Não aplicar essas políticas à Lista Segura de IPs" #: ../settings.php:527 ../settings.php:2193 msgid "Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website" msgstr "Apenas usuários registrados e logados tem permissão para ver o website" #: ../settings.php:532 msgid "Redirect to URL" msgstr "Redirecionar para URL" #: ../dashboard.php:4625 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Atualizações" #: ../dashboard.php:615 msgid "Default settings have been loaded" msgstr "As configurações padrão foram carregadas" #: ../dashboard.php:3248 msgid "Save all rules" msgstr "Salvar todas as regras" #: ../dashboard.php:3119 ../common.php:948 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Salvar Alterações" #: ../common.php:1372 msgid "Invalid master credentials" msgstr "Credenciais principais inválidas" #: ../settings.php:1050 msgid "Master settings" msgstr "Configurações principais" #: ../settings.php:1058 msgid "Return to the website list" msgstr "Retornar para a lista de websites" #: ../settings.php:1062 msgid "Show \"Switched to\" notification" msgstr "Exibir notificação \"Mudou para\"" #: ../settings.php:1066 msgid "Add @ site to the page title" msgstr "Adicionar @ site ao título da página" #: ../settings.php:789 ../settings.php:1083 ../settings.php:1110 msgid "Enable diagnostic logging" msgstr "Habilitar registro de diagnóstico" #: ../settings.php:1093 msgid "Limit access by IP address" msgstr "Limitar acesso por endereço de IP" #: ../settings.php:1099 msgid "Access to this website" msgstr "Acesso a esse website" #: ../settings.php:1102 msgid "Full access mode" msgstr "Modo de acesso completo" #: ../settings.php:1103 msgid "Read-only mode" msgstr "Modo somente leitura" #: ../settings.php:1119 msgid "The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber" msgstr "O mode de acesso completo exige a versão PRO do WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:47 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:51 msgid "Malware Scan" msgstr "Verificação de Malware" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:56 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:139 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notas" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:158 msgid "Add a slave website" msgstr "Adicionar website secundário" #: ../cerber-users.php:844 ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:242 msgid "Search results for:" msgstr "Buscar resultados para:" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:278 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Editar" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:284 msgid "Switch to" msgstr "Mudar para" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "No websites configured." msgstr "Nenhum website configurado." #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "Add a new one" msgstr "Adicionar novo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:101 msgid "Website Properties" msgstr "Propriedades do Website" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:111 msgid "Website URL" msgstr "URL do Website" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:116 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Mostrar como" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:147 msgid "Website Owner" msgstr "Proprietário do Website" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:151 msgid "First Name" msgstr "Primeiro Nome" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:155 msgid "Last Name" msgstr "Último Nome" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:159 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:163 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefone" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:171 msgid "Address" msgstr "Endereço" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:288 msgid "Security access token is invalid" msgstr "Token de acesso seguro inválido" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:318 msgid "The website you are trying to add is already in the list" msgstr "O website que está tentando adicionar já está na lista" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:327 msgid "The website has been added successfully" msgstr "O website foi adicionado com sucesso" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:328 msgid "Click to edit" msgstr "Clique para editar" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:329 msgid "Switch to the Dashboard" msgstr "Mudar para o Painel de Controle" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:332 msgid "Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage." msgstr "Atenção: Você adicionou um website que não suporta encriptação SSL. Isto pode levar a vazamento de dados." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:452 msgid "Website has been deleted" msgid_plural "%s websites have been deleted" msgstr[0] "O website foi apagado." msgstr[1] "%s websites foram apagados." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1020 msgid "You have switched to %s" msgstr "Você mudou para %s" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1025 msgid "You have switched back to the master website" msgstr "Você mudou de volta para o site principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1238 msgid "You are here:" msgstr "Você está aqui:" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1241 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:89 .. #: /nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "My Websites" msgstr "Meus Websites" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1256 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Visitar Site" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:61 msgid "Enable slave mode" msgstr "Habilitar modo secundário" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:62 msgid "This website can be managed from a master website" msgstr "Esse website pode ser gerenciado por um website principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:65 msgid "Enable master mode" msgstr "Habilitar modo principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:66 msgid "Configure this website as a master to manage other website" msgstr "Configurar esse website como principal para gerenciar outros websites" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:71 msgid "To proceed, please select the mode for this website" msgstr "Para continuar, favor selecionar o modo para esse website" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:95 ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:99 msgid "Slave Settings" msgstr "Configurações Secundárias" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:141 msgid "Secret Access Token" msgstr "Token de Acesso Secreto" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:143 msgid "The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on a master website to grant access to this website." msgstr "O token é exclusivo para esse website. Mantenha-o em segredo. Instale o token no website principal e garanta acesso a esse website." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:145 msgid "Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token." msgstr "Tem certeza? O token se tornará permanentemente inválido." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "Disable slave mode" msgstr "Desabilitar modo secundário" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:261 msgid "This website is set as master." msgstr "Esse website está configurado como principal." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:262 msgid "Add slave websites by using access tokens." msgstr "Adicionar websites secundários com seus tokens de acesso." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:265 msgid "This website is set as slave." msgstr "Esse website está configurado como secundário." #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:266 msgid "Install the access token on the master website." msgstr "Instalar token de acesso no website principal." #. translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds #: ../common.php:1576 msgid "%s sec" msgid_plural "%s secs" msgstr[0] "%s seg." msgstr[1] "%s seg." #: ../settings.php:634 msgid "Send reports on" msgstr "Enviar relatórios em" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:50 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Atualizações" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:54 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:125 msgid "Group" msgstr "Group" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:115 msgid "Upgrade WP Cerber" msgstr "Atualizar WP Cerber" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:116 msgid "Upgrade all active plugins" msgstr "Atualizar todos os plugins ativos" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:117 msgid "Delete website" msgstr "Apagar website" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:132 msgid "All groups" msgstr "Todos os grupos" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1424 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete selected websites?" msgstr "Está certo que deseja remover os websites selecionados?" #: ../cerber-users.php:205 msgid "Block" msgstr "Bloquear" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:93 msgid "Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it" msgstr "Selecionar um grupo existente ou adicionar um novo" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:167 msgid "Company" msgstr "Empresa" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:689 msgid "Invalid response from the slave website" msgstr "Resposta inválida do website secundário" #: ../common.php:1349 ../common.php:1431 msgid "Attempt to log in with non-existing username" msgstr "Tentativa de login com nome de usuário não existente" #: ../cerber-load.php:4034 msgid "Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames" msgstr "Tentativas de login com nomes de usuário não existentes" #: ../settings.php:1070 msgid "Use master language" msgstr "Usar idioma principal" #: ../settings.php:200 msgid "Non-existing users" msgstr "Usuários não-existentes" #: ../settings.php:201 msgid "Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username" msgstr "Bloquear IP imediatamente nas tentativas de login com nomes de usuários não existentes" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:55 msgid "Owner" msgstr "Proprietário" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:401 msgid "Disable master mode" msgstr "Desabilitar modo principal" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus.php:146 msgid "To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:" msgstr "Para revogar o token e desabilitar o gerenciamento remoto, clique aqui:" #: ../settings.php:357 msgid "Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder" msgstr "Bloquer a execução de códigos PHP a partir da pasta de mídias do WordPress" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1490 ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1498 msgid "Active plugins and updates on" msgstr "Plugins ativos e atualizações em" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:1468 msgid "A newer version is available" msgstr "Uma nova versão está disponível" #: ../dashboard.php:900 msgid "New users" msgstr "Novos usuários" #: ../dashboard.php:913 msgid "My activity" msgstr "Minha atividade" #: ../dashboard.php:2506 msgid "Create Alert" msgstr "Criar alerta" #: ../dashboard.php:2510 msgid "Delete Alert" msgstr "Apagar alerta" #: ../dashboard.php:2544 msgid "The alert has been created" msgstr "O alerta foi criado" #: ../dashboard.php:2549 msgid "The alert has been deleted" msgstr "O alerta foi apagado" #: ../dashboard.php:3958 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Busca avançada" #. Author of the plugin #: msgid "Cerber Tech Inc." msgstr "Cerber Tech Inc." #: ../cerber-load.php:4529 msgid "To delete the alert, click here" msgstr "Para apagar o alerta, clique aqui" #: ../settings.php:233 msgid "Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only" msgstr "URL personalidade de login pode conter apenas caracteres alfa-numéricos, traços e subtraços" #: ../settings.php:245 msgid "Site-specific settings" msgstr "Configurações específicas do site" #: ../settings.php:253 msgid "Prefix for plugin cookies" msgstr "Prefixo para cookies de plugins" #: ../settings.php:254 msgid "Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores" msgstr "Prefixos podem conter apenas caracteres alfa-numéricos latinos e subtraços" #: ../settings.php:591 msgid "Lockout notifications" msgstr "Notificações de bloqueio" #: ../settings.php:617 msgid "Pushbullet access token" msgstr "Token de acesso do Pushbullet" #: ../settings.php:620 msgid "Pushbullet device" msgstr "Aparelho do Pushbullet" #: ../settings.php:863 msgid "Delete unattended files" msgstr "Apagar arquivos não supervisionados" #: ../settings.php:882 msgid "Automatic recovery of modified and infected files" msgstr "Recuperação automática de arquivos modificados ou infectados" #: ../settings.php:885 msgid "Recover WordPress files" msgstr "Restaurar arquivos do WordPress" #: ../settings.php:889 msgid "Recover plugins files" msgstr "Restaurar arquivos de plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1601 msgid "File deleted" msgstr "Arquivo apagado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1602 msgid "File recovered" msgstr "Arquivo restaurado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3856 msgid "Recovering WordPress files" msgstr "Restaurando arquivos do WordPress" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:3858 msgid "Recovering plugins files" msgstr "Restaurando arquivos de plugins" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5282 msgid "Recovered" msgstr "Restaurado" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5332 msgid "Automatically deleted" msgstr "Apagado automaticamente" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:5335 msgid "Automatically recovered" msgstr "Automaticamente restaurado" #: ../dashboard.php:64 msgid "Cerber User Security" msgstr "Seguração de Usuário Cerber" #: ../dashboard.php:64 ../dashboard.php:4550 msgid "User Policies" msgstr "Políticas do Usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:1720 msgid "A new version is available" msgstr "Uma nova versão está disponível" #: ../dashboard.php:4552 msgid "Role-based" msgstr "Baseado em Funções" #: ../dashboard.php:4553 msgid "Global" msgstr "Global" #: ../common.php:1395 msgid "Site policy enforcement" msgstr "Aplicação de política do site" #: ../common.php:1396 msgid "2FA code verified" msgstr "Código da 2FA verificado" #: ../common.php:1397 msgid "Initiated by the user" msgstr "Iniciado pelo usuário" #: ../common.php:1400 msgid "Email address is not permitted" msgstr "Endereço de email não é permitido" #: ../common.php:1771 msgid "A new version of %s is available. Please install it." msgstr "Uma nova versão de %s está disponível. Favor instalá-la." #: ../cerber-load.php:1564 msgid "Email address is not permitted." msgstr "Endereço de email não é permitido." #: ../cerber-load.php:1564 msgid "Please choose another one." msgstr "Favor escolher outro." #: ../cerber-users.php:10 ../cerber-users.php:424 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication" msgstr "Autenticação de Dois Fatores" #: ../cerber-users.php:18 msgid "Determined by user role policies" msgstr "Determinado por políticas de função de usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:19 ../cerber-users.php:432 msgid "Always enabled" msgstr "Sempre habilitado" #: ../cerber-users.php:78 msgid "2FA PIN Code" msgstr "Código PIN da 2FA" #: ../cerber-users.php:274 msgid "Save All Changes" msgstr "Salvar Alterações" #: ../cerber-users.php:386 msgid "Block access to WordPress Dashboard" msgstr "Bloquear acesso ao painel do WordPress" #: ../cerber-users.php:391 msgid "Hide Toolbar when viewing site" msgstr "Esconder Barra de Ferramentas ao ver o site" #: ../cerber-users.php:397 msgid "Redirection rules" msgstr "Regras de redirecionamento" #: ../cerber-users.php:401 msgid "Redirect user after login" msgstr "Redirecionar usuário após login" #: ../cerber-users.php:406 msgid "Redirect user after logout" msgstr "Redirecionar usuário após logout" #: ../cerber-users.php:417 ../settings.php:572 msgid "User session expiration time" msgstr "Tempo de expiração da sessão de usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:428 msgid "Two-factor authentication" msgstr "Autenticação de dois fatores" #: ../cerber-users.php:433 msgid "Advanced mode" msgstr "Modo Avançado" #: ../cerber-users.php:437 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication if any of the following conditions is true" msgstr "Forçar autenticação de dois fatores se qualquer das condições a seguir for verdadeira" #: ../cerber-users.php:443 msgid "Login from a different country" msgstr "Login de um país diferente" #: ../cerber-users.php:449 msgid "Login from a different network Class C" msgstr "Login de uma rede classe C diferente" #: ../cerber-users.php:455 msgid "Login from a different IP address" msgstr "Login de um endereço IP diferente" #: ../cerber-users.php:461 msgid "Using a different browser or device" msgstr "Usando um navegador ou aparelho diferente" #: ../cerber-users.php:467 msgid "Enforce two-factor authentication with fixed intervals" msgstr "Forçar autenticação de dois fatores com intervalos fixos" #: ../cerber-users.php:473 msgid "Regular time intervals (days)" msgstr "Intervalos regulares de tempo (dias)" #: ../cerber-users.php:475 msgid "days interval" msgstr "dias de intervalo" #: ../cerber-users.php:480 msgid "Fixed number of logins" msgstr "Número fixo de logins" #: ../cerber-users.php:482 msgid "number of logins" msgstr "número de logins" #: ../cerber-users.php:524 msgid "Policies have been updated" msgstr "Políticas foram atualizadas" #: ../settings.php:547 msgid "Restrict email addresses" msgstr "Restringir endereços de email" #: ../settings.php:550 msgid "No restrictions" msgstr "Nenhuma restrição" #: ../settings.php:551 msgid "Deny all email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Impedir todos os endereços de email que correspondam ao seguinte" #: ../settings.php:552 msgid "Permit only email addresses that match the following" msgstr "Permitir apenas endereços de email que correspondam ao seguinte" #: ../settings.php:557 msgid "Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items." msgstr "Especificar endereços de email, curingas ou padrões Regex. Usar vírgulas para separar os itens." #: ../settings.php:896 msgid "These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup." msgstr "Estes arquivos nunca serão apagados durante limpezas automáticas." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:352 msgid "This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email." msgstr "Este código PIN de verificação expirou. Enviamos um novo para seu email." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:355 msgid "You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code" msgstr "Você digitou um código PIN de verificação inválido" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:402 ../cerber-2fa.php:486 msgid "Please verify that it’s you" msgstr "Favor verificar que é você" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "Please use the following verification PIN code to confirm your identity" msgstr "Favor usar o seguinte código PIN de verificação para confirmar sua identidade" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:514 msgid "Here are the details of the sign-in attempt" msgstr "Aqui estão os detalhes da tentativa de login" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:563 msgid "expires" msgstr "expira" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:580 msgid "only digits are allowed" msgstr "são permitidos apenas dígitos" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:583 msgid "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email" msgstr "Enviamos um código PIN de verificação para o seu email" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:584 msgid "Enter the code from the email in the field below." msgstr "Digite o código enviado por email no campo abaixo." #: ../cerber-2fa.php:586 msgid "Try again" msgstr "Tentar novamente" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:587 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Cancelar" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "Did not receive an email?" msgstr "Não recebeu um email?" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:588 msgid "or" msgstr "ou" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:594 msgid "Verify it's you" msgstr "Verifique que é você" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:599 msgid "Verify" msgstr "Verificar" #: ../cerber-users.php:93 msgid "Two-Factor Authentication Email" msgstr "Email de Autenticação de Dois Fatores" #: ../dashboard.php:3191 msgid "Role-based rules are configured" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:3385 msgid "All Users" msgstr "Todos Usuários" #: ../cerber-users.php:57 msgctxt "e.g. blocked by John at 11:00" msgid "blocked by %s at %s" msgstr "bloqueado por %s às %s" #: ../cerber-2fa.php:489 msgid "The code is valid for %s minutes." msgstr "O código é válido por %s minutos." #: ../dashboard.php:304 msgid "IP address %s has been added to White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:326 msgid "IP address %s has been added to Black IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:807 ../dashboard.php:1074 ../dashboard.php:3902 ../cerber- #: users.php:756 msgid "IP Address" msgstr "Endereço IP" #: ../dashboard.php:814 ../dashboard.php:1080 msgid "Username" msgstr "Nome de usuário" #: ../dashboard.php:3273 msgid "Any country is permitted" msgstr "Qualquer país é permitido" #: ../dashboard.php:4460 msgid "Sessions" msgstr "Sessões" #: ../cerber-users.php:598 msgid "Session has been terminated" msgid_plural "%s sessions have been terminated" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../cerber-users.php:754 msgid "Created" msgstr "Criado" #: ../cerber-users.php:775 msgid "Terminate session" msgstr "Encerrar sessão" #: ../cerber-users.php:776 msgid "Block user" msgstr "Bloquear usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:886 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Perfil" #: ../cerber-users.php:899 msgid "All Logins" msgstr "Todos Logins" #: ../cerber-users.php:900 msgid "User Activity" msgstr "Atividade de Usuário" #: ../cerber-users.php:947 msgid "Terminate" msgstr "Encerrar" #: ../dashboard.php:1677 msgid "user" msgid_plural "users" msgstr[0] "usuário" msgstr[1] "usuários" #: ../settings.php:382 msgid "Block access to users' data via REST API" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-scanner.php:1600 msgid "Unable to delete" msgstr "Não foi possível apagar" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Cerber Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:60 msgid "Data Shield" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4540 msgid "Data Shield Policies" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4542 msgid "Accounts & Roles" msgstr "" #: ../dashboard.php:4543 msgid "Site Settings" msgstr "Configurações do Site" #: ../common.php:1360 msgid "User creation denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1361 msgid "User update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1362 msgid "Role update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1363 msgid "Setting update denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1402 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "" #: ../common.php:1404 msgid "Invalid user" msgstr "Usuário inválido" #: ../common.php:1405 msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Senha incorreta" #: ../settings.php:411 msgid "Protect user accounts" msgstr "Proteger contas de usuários" #: ../settings.php:416 msgid "Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:422 msgid "User registrations are limited to these roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:428 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:433 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:438 ../settings.php:466 ../settings.php:495 msgid "Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:446 msgid "Protect user roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:450 msgid "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:456 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:461 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:474 msgid "Protect site settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:478 msgid "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:484 msgid "Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:489 msgid "Protected settings" msgstr "" #: ../settings.php:517 msgid "Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:762 msgid "Administration Email Address" msgstr "Endereço de Email Administrativo" #: ../cerber-ds.php:763 msgid "New User Default Role" msgstr "" #: ../cerber-ds.php:764 msgid "Site Address (URL)" msgstr "Endereço do Site (URL)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:765 msgid "WordPress Address (URL)" msgstr "Endereço do WordPress (URL)" #: ../cerber-ds.php:766 msgid "Anyone can register" msgstr "Qualquer um pode registrar" #: ../cerber-ds.php:767 msgid "Active Plugins" msgstr "Plugins Ativos" #: ../cerber-ds.php:768 msgid "Active Theme" msgstr "Temas Ativos" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:52 msgid "Server" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:53 msgid "Server Country" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:142 msgid "All servers" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-slave-list.php:149 msgid "All countries" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:64 msgid "Show homepage in the Website column" msgstr "" #: ../nexus/cerber-nexus-master.php:66 msgid "Hide server IP address" msgstr "" languages/wp-cerber-zh_CN.mo000064400000037160147577531750011770 0ustar00,<<= DRe; 2 H Ubir,,)$?Cd  ,*A@J?h4+IGuG 1L] o| G$-K\ nx } g +@ Q_h o}8#* : GQejox { 6J"2P L@ Q=[ $ " + AML     !?!]),$,Q~   3 =O`ey , 3Tpw - '#KZz 8>2" +U " ,   !!0!6! >!!J! l!$x!!!! ! !!!3! #"1"" ""#/#8#S#<f####h#dU$$'$E$C=%D%J%&#&7&?&_&f&~& &&0& &&)&,' ='0I'z''6' '9'( (($(((6)<Q)))) )))))*!(*!J* l*y*K*(*+ +!+'@+$h++B+6+W, f,$r,:,2, - -6-V- i- v- -- --D-.'...G.]. p.}. . .. .@. .// -/:/ A/K/ R/2_// ////// ///00 00"0 +0 70+C08o0 00n071HR11 1P1 2.2 H2 U2b2u2 22 2>22 33'3 .3;3B3 I3 V3c3|33 3 333 334*4*I4t44 4 4 44345595@5P5]c5555 555$6?6F6[6p66!66666 7 -7:7M7ET7K7$7 8*8B8 [8h8o8 888 88 8"8 99 9 )9 69 C9P9-f999.: 5:B:$T: y:$::0:::;W";Bz; ;!;3;0<P<1m< < <<<< << <=- =7= >=*K=+v==-===*= >/">R> Y> c>%s ago%s allowed retries in %s minutesERROR: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.ERROR: please enter a valid email address.A new activity has been recordedA new version of WP Cerber is available to installAbuse email:Access ListsActionActivityAdd IP to the Black ListAdd IP to the listAdd network to the Black ListAddress %s was added to Black IP Access ListAddress %s was added to White IP Access ListAggressive lockoutAll connected devicesAllow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access ListAre you sure?Attempt to accessAttempt to access prohibited URLAttempt to log in with non-existent usernameAttempt to log in with prohibited usernameAttemptsAttention! Citadel mode is now active. Nobody is able to log in.Attention! You have changed the login URL! The new login URL isBe careful when enabling this options. If you forget the custom login URL you will not be able to login.Black IP Access ListBlock access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feedsBlock access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found ErrorBlock subnetBy userCan't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.Cerber DashboardCerber Quick ViewCerber toolsCheck for activityCitadel activated!Citadel modeCitadel mode is activatedCitadel mode is activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.Click to send testCommentsConfused about some settings?Custom login URLCustom login pageDashboardDateDate formatDeactivateDisable REST APIDisable XML-RPCDisable automatic redirecting to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized requestDisable feedsDisable wp-login.phpDisplay 404 pageDownload fileDurationERROR:Email AddressEmail notificationsEnable after %s failed login attempts in last %s minutesError while parsing fileError while updatingExpiresExportExport settings to the fileFilterFrom IP addressFrom countryHardeningHardening WordPressHelpHintHostnameIPIP addressIP blacklistedIP blockedImmediately block IP after any request to wp-login.phpImmediately block IP when attempting to login with a non-existent usernameImport settingsImport settings from the fileIn the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.Incorrect IP address or IP rangeIncrease lockout duration to %s hours after %s lockouts in the last %s hoursKeep records forKnow moreLast failed attempt was at %s from IP %s with user login: %s.Last lockoutLast lockout was added: %s for IP %sLast loginLimit attemptsLimit login attemptsLimit on login attempts is reachedList is emptyLoad default settingsLocal UserLock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutesLocked outLockout durationLockout for %s was removedLockoutsLockouts at the momentLogged inLogged outLogin failedMain SettingsMake your protection smarter!Maximum upload file size: %s.My site is behind a reverse proxyNO, maybe laterNetwork:NeverNew Custom login URLNew version is availableNo activity has been logged.No devices foundNo file was uploaded or file is corruptedNo lockouts at the moment. The sky is clear.Nobody can log in or register from these IPsNon-existent usersNot availableNot logged inNotification limitNotificationsNotify admin if the number of active lockouts aboveNumber of active lockoutsNumber of lockouts is increasingOK, nail them allPassword changedPassword reset requestedPlease enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.PreferencesProactive security rulesProhibited usernamesPush notificationsReasonRecently locked out IP addressesRedirect dashboard requestsRemoveRequest wp-login.phpSearch for IP or usernameSearch stringSelect file to import.Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber LabSend notification to admin emailSettingsSettings has imported successfully fromSettings savedShowing last %d records from %dSite connectionStop user enumerationSubscribeThe WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are runningThe WP Cerber security plugin has been deactivatedThe WP Cerber security plugin is now activeThese IPs will never be locked outThese settings do not affect hosts from the This message was sent byThresholdTo unsubscribe click hereTo view activity, click on the IPToolsUnknownUnsubscribeUpdate to version %s of WP CerberUpload fileUse comma to specify multiple valuesUse fileUserUser IDUser createdUser loginUser registeredUser session expireUsername is not allowed. Please choose another one.Username usedUsernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.UsersView ActivityView activity for this IPView activity in dashboardView allView lockouts in dashboardWP Cerber SecurityWP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your siteWP Cerber notifyWhat do you want to export?What do you want to import?When you click the button below you will get a configuration file, which you can upload on another site.When you click the button below, file will be uploaded and all existing settings will be overridden.White IP Access ListWrite failed login attempts to the fileYou are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.You can easily load default recommended settings using button belowYou have only one attempt remaining.You have %d attempts remaining.You have reached the login attempts limit. Please try again in %d minutes.You've subscribedYou've unsubscribedYour IPYour IP address is added to theactiveby date of registrationdaysdeactivatedisableddoesn't affect Custom login URL and Access Listsentryentriesfailed attemptsif empty, the admin email %s will be usedif empty, the default format %s will be usedin 24 hoursin minutes (leave empty to use default WP value)lockoutsminutesmust not overlap with the existing pages or posts slugnot activenotification letters allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)unknownunspecifiedview allMIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: POEditor.com Project-Id-Version: WP Cerber Security Language: zh-CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s之前%s 次重试在 %s 分钟内错误: 用户名%s密码不正确。错误: 请输入有效的邮箱地址。新活动被记录新版WP Cerber可供安装滥用邮箱:接入列表操作活动添加IP到黑名单添加IP到列表添加网络到黑名单地址 %s 已被加入IP黑名单地址 %s 已被加入IP白名单激进屏蔽全部已连接设备允许向Cerber Lab发送恶意IP地址。可以随时更改此项设置。IP白名单中的IP也使用限制规则确定操作?试图接入试图通过被屏蔽URL接入试图通过不存在的用户名登入试图通过被屏蔽用户名登入尝试注意!要塞模式现已激活,所有用户都不能登入。注意!登入页URL已改变,新的登入页URL是谨慎使用该选项,如果忘记自定义的登入页URL,之后将无法登入。IP黑名单锁定接入 RSS, Atom and RDF feeds锁定接入 XML-RPC server (包括Pingbacks和Trackbacks)屏蔽直接接入/wp-login.php/并显示404页面锁定subnet来源用户数据库错误,未能激活WP Cerber安全插件。Cerber控制面板Cerber快览Cerber工具检查活动要塞模式已被激活!要塞模式要塞模式已激活在 %d 次失败登入尝试后,要塞模式已激活 %d 分钟。点击发送测试留言不了解如何设置?自定义登入页URL自定义登入页控制面板日期日期格式取消激活禁用REST API禁用XML-RPC自动重定向登入页,当/wp-admin/被未知来源所请求禁用feeds禁用/wp-login.php/显示404页面下载文件时长错误:邮箱邮件提醒选项开启于 %s 次登入失败在 %s 分钟内分析文件出错上传错误到期导出导出设置文件过滤来源IP来源国家加固加固WordPress帮助提示主机名IPIP地址黑名单IPIP被锁定立即锁定任何请求/wp-login.php/的IP立即锁定尝试通过不存在的用户名登入的IP导入设置导入设置文件要塞模式下,除了白名单中的IP,不允许登入。处于激活状态的用户线程不受影响。错误的IP地址或范围增加锁定时长 %s 小时,如果达到 %s 次锁定于 %s 小时内保存记录时长了解更多最近一次失败的登入尝试在 %s 来自IP %s 登入的用户名为: %s。最近锁定最近一次锁定添加于: %s 来自 IP %s最后登入限制尝试限制登入尝试登入次数已达限制值列表为空载入默认值本地用户锁定IP时长 %s 分钟, %s 次错误尝试在 %s 分钟内锁定锁定时长%s 的锁定已被移除锁定现有锁定登入登出登入失败主要设置使保护更加智能!文件上传最大值: %s。网站基于反向代理现在不网络:永不自定义登入页URL新版可用没有被记录的活动。未找到设备没有文件被上传,或者文件有误没有被锁定的项目。天空晴好。这些IP不能登入或注册不存在的用户名不可用未登入通知限制提醒通知管理员,如果激活的锁定次数超过已激活的锁定数量被锁定的数量在增加允许密码已更改密码重置请求要使用该功能,请在Wordpress设置中将固定链接设为默认值以外的格式。参数主动安全规则屏蔽用户名推送通知原因最近被锁定的IP地址重定向Wordpress控制面板请求移除请求/wp-login.php/搜索IP或用户名搜索字符串选择要导入的文件。向Cerber Lab发送恶意IP地址向管理员邮箱发送提醒设置设置已成功导入自设置已保存显示最近的 %d 记录从 %d网站连接停止用户列举订阅WP Cerber安全插件需要PHP版本不低于 %s。您运行的版本WP Cerber安全插件需要WordPress版本不低于 %s。您运行的版本WP Cerber安全插件已取消激活WP Cerber安全插件已激活这些IP永不被锁定这些设置不会影响消息来自阈值取消订阅请点击这里点击IP地址,查看其活动工具未知取消订阅升级WP Cerber到%s上传文件使用逗号(,)定义多个值使用文件用户用户ID用户创建用户登入用户注册用户线程过期于该用户名不可用,请更换用户名。使用的用户名列表中的用户名不能登入或注册。任何试图使用这些用户名的IP将被立即锁定。使用逗号分隔多个值。用户查看活动查看此IP活动在控制面板中查看活动信息查看全部在控制面板中查看锁定信息WP Cerber安全WP Cerber现已激活,开始保护您的网站WP Cerber通知要导出什么?要导入什么?当点击下方按钮,将得到一份设置文件,可上传到其它网站使用。击下方按钮后,文件将被上传并覆盖现有的设置。IP白名单将失败的登入记录到文件已被禁止登入。请向管理员寻求帮助。点击下方按钮您可以轻松载入推荐值剩余 %d 次尝试机会。登入次数已受限。请 %d 分钟后再试。您已订阅您未订阅您的IP您的IP地址被加入到激活注册日期天取消激活禁用不影响自定义登入页URL和接入列表条目失败尝试如果为空,将使用管理员邮箱 %s如果留空,默认格式 %s 将被使用在24小时内分钟内(留空使用Wordpress缺省值)锁定分钟不能与已存在的页面或文章冲突未激活次邮件提醒于每小时 (0 代表不限制)未知未指定查看全部modules/aaa-wp-cerber.php000064400000002656147577531750011371 0ustar00id, array( 'last_http' => $nexus_last_http ) ); $nexus_slave_id = $slave->id; $nexus_slave_name = $slave->site_name; if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $network ) ) { nexus_process_extra( $network, $slave ); if ( ! empty( $network['payload']['error'] ) ) { // A critical error on the slave $m = 'An error occurred on ' . $slave->site_name . ': ' . htmlspecialchars( $network['payload']['error'][1], ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); cerber_admin_notice( $m ); nexus_diag_log( $m ); return ''; } $response = $network['payload']; if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { return $response; } if ( isset( $response['redirect'] ) ) { if ( $redirect_to = crb_array_get( $response, 'redirect_url' ) ) { nexus_diag_log( '> > > Redirecting to ' . $redirect_to ); // TODO should we use wp_safe_redirect()??? header( 'Location: ' . $redirect_to, true, 302 ); exit; } else { cerber_safe_redirect( crb_array_get( $response, 'remove_args' ) ); } } return $response; } else { $codes = array( 301 => 'Unexpected HTTP redirection on the managed website. Check if WP Cerber is installed and active on the website.', 302 => 'Unexpected HTTP redirection on the managed website. Check if WP Cerber is installed and active on the website.', 403 => 'Access to the managed website is denied.', 500 => 'The remote website (web server) is unable to proceed due to a fatal software (PHP) error. Check the server error log on the managed website.' ); $causes = array( 'The remote website is configured to be managed from an IP address that does not match the IP address of this main website.', 'A security plugin on the remote website is interfering with the WP Cerber plugin', 'A directive in the .htaccess file on the remote website is blocking incoming requests', 'A firewall or a proxy service (like Cloudflare) is blocking (filtering out) incoming requests to the remote website', 'The IP address of this main website is locked out or in the Black Access List on the remote website', 'The managed mode on the remote website has been re-enabled making the security token saved on this main website invalid', 'The managed mode has been disabled on the remote website', 'The IP address of this master website does not match the one set in the access settings on the remote website', 'The WP Cerber plugin has been deactivated on the managed website', 'The remote server is redirecting incoming requests to another website', 'The domain name of the managed website has been changed', 'The remote server is down or not responding', 'The SSL certificate of the managed website is expired or invalid', 'There is no network connectivity between this main website server and the server on which the managed website is running', ); $kb = array( // 200 'nexus_json_decode_error' => array( 5, 6, 2, 7, 1 ), 'checksum_error' => array( 5 ), // Not 200 0 => array( 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ), 301 => array( 9, 10, 12 ), 302 => array( 9, 10, 12 ), 403 => array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ), ); if ( $network->get_error_code() == 'nexus_http_error' ) { if ( ! $error = crb_array_get( $codes, $nexus_last_http ) ) { $desc = $nexus_last_http . ' ' . get_status_header_desc( $nexus_last_http ); $error = '' . $desc . ''; } else { $error = $nexus_last_http . ' ' . $error; } $error = 'HTTP ERROR ' . $error; } else { $error = $network->get_error_message(); } nexus_diag_log( 'NETWORK ERROR: ' . $error ); $parse = parse_url( $slave->site_url ); $domain = $parse['host']; $ip = gethostbyname( $domain ); if ( ! cerber_is_ip( $ip ) ) { $ip = 'Unknown. Unable to resolve the IP address. Possibly the domain ' . $domain . ' is not delegated.'; $hostname = 'Unknown'; } else { $hostname = gethostbyaddr( $ip ); } ?>

      Remote website: site_name; ?>
      Remote website URL: site_url; ?>

      This may be caused by a number of reasons

        get_error_code() ) ) { if ( ! $kb_filter = crb_array_get( $kb, $nexus_last_http ) ) { $kb_filter = null; } } $show = array(); if ( $kb_filter ) { foreach ( $kb_filter as $key ) { $show[] = $causes[ $key ]; } //$show = array_intersect_key( $causes, array_flip( $kb_filter ) ); } if ( ! $show ) { $show = $causes; } echo '
      • ' . implode( '
      • ', $show ) . '
      • '; ?>
      Switch back to the main website

      '; echo '

      Check the access settings on ' . $slave->site_name . '

      '; } ?>

      Diagnostic information

      HTTP code:
      Response size:
      IP address:
      $val ) { if ( is_scalar( $val ) ) { echo $key . ': ' . htmlspecialchars( $val, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } else { echo $key . ': '; print_r( $val ); } echo '
      '; } ?>

      get_error_data() ) { echo '

      Response from the remote website

      '; echo '
      ' . htmlentities( $http_content, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '
      '; } ?>
      site_pass ) || empty( $slave->site_url ) || empty( $slave->x_field ) || empty( $slave->x_num ) || ( ! $field_names = nexus_get_fields( $slave ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_slave', 'Slave configuration is corrupted for the slave ' . $slave->id ); } array_walk_recursive( $payload, function ( &$e ) { $e = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n", "\r" ), '
      ', $e ); // preserve new lines before json_encode } ); $data = array(); $data['seal'] = nexus_seal(); $data['params'] = $_GET; $data['base'] = ( ! is_multisite() ) ? admin_url() : network_admin_url(); $data['assets'] = CRB_Globals::$assets_url; $data['is_post'] = cerber_is_http_post(); $data['payload'] = $payload; $data[ rand() ] = rand(); // random checksum for identical requests if ( crb_get_settings( 'master_locale' ) ) { $data['master_locale'] = ( crb_get_settings( 'admin_lang' ) ) ? 'en_US' : get_user_locale(); } if ( ! cerber_is_wp_ajax() && ! cerber_is_wp_cron() ) { $data['page'] = crb_admin_get_page(); $data['tab'] = crb_admin_get_tab(); $data['at_site'] = ( ! crb_get_settings( 'master_at_site' ) ) ? '' : ' @ ' . $slave->site_name; $data['screen'] = array( 'per_page' => crb_admin_get_per_page() ); } $x_num = array_shift( $field_names ); $fields = array(); $fields[ $field_names[0] ] = json_encode( $data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { return new WP_Error( 'json_error', 'Unable to encode request: ' . json_last_error_msg() ); } $auth = hash( 'sha512', $slave->site_pass . sha1( $fields[ $field_names[0] ] ) ); foreach ( $field_names as $i => $name ) { if ( isset( $fields[ $name ] ) ) { continue; } if ( $x_num == $i ) { $fields[ $name ] = $auth; } else { $fields[ $name ] = str_shuffle( $auth ); } } $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { return new WP_Error( 'no_curl', 'Unable to init cURL library. Enable PHP cURL extension in your hosting control panel.' ); } nexus_diag_log( 'Sending HTTP request to ' . $slave->site_url ); $curl_opt = array( CURLOPT_URL => $slave->site_url, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 0, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query( $fields ), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 10, // including domain resolving CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 15, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 1 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, //CURLOPT_CERTINFO => 1, doesn't work //CURLOPT_VERBOSE => 1, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', // allows built-in compressions ); if ( defined( 'CERBER_HUB_UA' ) ) { $curl_opt[ CURLOPT_USERAGENT ] = (string) CERBER_HUB_UA; } curl_setopt_array( $curl, $curl_opt ); $response = @curl_exec( $curl ); $curl_info = curl_getinfo( $curl ); $code = intval( curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) ); $nexus_last_http = $code; $nexus_last_curl = $curl_info; curl_close( $curl ); if ( $code == 200 ) { nexus_diag_log( 'HTTP 200 OK' ); nexus_diag_log( 'Slave data size ' . $curl_info['size_download'] . ', receiving took ' . $curl_info['total_time'] . ' seconds' ); } nexus_diag_log( 'Domain name lookup took ' . $curl_info['namelookup_time'] . ' seconds' ); if ( $code != 200 ) { nexus_diag_log( '=== NETWORK SUBSYSTEM ===' ); nexus_diag_log( $curl_info ); /*if ( $code != 403 ) { cerber_update_set( 'bad_response_' . $slave->id, array( time(), $code ) ); }*/ return new WP_Error( 'nexus_http_error', $code, substr( $response, 0, 3000 ) ); } $ret = json_decode( $response, true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { return new WP_Error( 'nexus_json_decode_error', 'Unable to decode the response from the remote website: ' . json_last_error_msg(), substr( $response, 0, 3000 ) ); } if ( is_array( $ret['payload'] ) ) { if ( isset( $ret['scheme'] ) ) { // @since 8.0.5 $sha = sha1( json_encode( $ret['payload'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ) ); } else { $sha = sha1( serialize( $ret['payload'] ) ); // 8.0 } } else { $sha = sha1( $ret['payload'] ); } if ( ! hash_equals( $ret['echo'], hash( 'sha512', $slave->site_echo . $sha ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'checksum_error', 'Checksum mismatch: the slave response has been altered or security tokens mismatch.' ); } nexus_diag_log( 'Slave ' . $slave->site_name . ' has generated response for ' . $ret['p_time'] ); nexus_diag_log( '=== NETWORK HAS FINISHED OK ===' ); CRB_Nexus::$net_data = $ret; return $ret; } /** * @return array */ static function get_remote_data() { return self::$net_data; } } function nexus_show_slaves() { //load_nexus_test_slaves(); cerber_cache_enable(); echo '
      '; wp_nonce_field( 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); echo ''; echo ''; $slaves = new CRB_Slave_Table(); $slaves->prepare_items(); $slaves->search_box( 'Search', 'search_id' ); $slaves->display(); echo '
      '; } function nexus_master_screen() { // Standard WP options crb_admin_screen_options(); // Add our own fields add_filter( 'screen_settings', function ( $form, $screen ) { $set = get_site_option( '_cerber_slist_screen', array() ); $checked = ( crb_array_get( $set, 'url_name' ) ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $form .= 'Layout'; $form .= ''; $checked = ( crb_array_get( $set, 'srv_ip' ) ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $form .= '
      '; $form .= ''; return $form; }, 10, 2 ); } add_filter( 'set-screen-option', function ( $status ) { // Save our own fields if ( isset( $_POST['nexus_slave_list_screen'] ) ) { $set = get_site_option( '_cerber_slist_screen', array() ); $set['url_name'] = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'crb_url_in_name', 0, '\d' ); $set['srv_ip'] = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'crb_srv_ip', 0, '\d' ); update_site_option( '_cerber_slist_screen', $set ); } return $status; } ); function nexus_show_slave_form( $site_id ) { $site = nexus_get_slave_data( $site_id ); if ( ! $site ) { echo 'Website not found. Return to the list.'; return; } $p = __( 'Select an existing group or enter a new one to add it', 'wp-cerber' ); // We utilize WP settings API routines just to render the edit form $edit_fields = nexus_slave_form_fields(); // TODO implement this $edit_fields = array( 'main' => array( 'name' => __( 'Website Properties', 'wp-cerber' ), //'info' => __( 'User related settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'site_id' => array( 'value' => $site->id, 'db_field' => 'id', 'type' => 'hidden', 'title' => '', ), 'site_url' => array( 'title' => __( 'Website URL', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => $site->site_url, 'disabled' => true, ), 'site_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'Display as', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => 'Original website name: ' . $site->site_name_remote, 'value' => $site->site_name, 'required' => true, 'maxlength' => 200 ), 'site_group' => array( 'input_class' => 'crb-wide crb-select2-tags', 'title' => __( 'Group', 'wp-cerber' ), 'set' => nexus_get_groups( true ), 'value' => $site->group_id, 'db_field' => 'group_id', 'type' => 'select', 'label' => $p, 'placeholder' => $p ), /*'site_server' => array( 'title' => __( 'Server Name', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => $site->site_server, 'maxlength' => 1000 ),*/ 'site_notes' => array( 'title' => __( 'Notes', 'wp-cerber' ), 'value' => $site->site_notes, 'type' => 'textarea', 'maxlength' => 1000 ), ) ), 'owner' => array( 'name' => __( 'Website Owner', 'wp-cerber' ), //'info' => __( 'User related settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'first_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'First Name' ), 'maxlength' => 100 ), 'last_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'Last Name' ), 'maxlength' => 100 ), 'owner_email' => array( 'title' => __( 'Email' ), 'maxlength' => 100 ), 'owner_phone' => array( 'title' => __( 'Phone', 'wp-cerber' ), 'maxlength' => 100, ), 'owner_biz' => array( 'title' => __( 'Company', 'wp-cerber' ), 'maxlength' => 200, ), 'owner_address' => array( 'title' => __( 'Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'maxlength' => 200 ), ) ), ); foreach ( $edit_fields['owner']['fields'] as $key => &$f ) { $f['value'] = crb_array_get( $site->details, $key ); } // TODO: replace WP settings API with a new form-processing engine cerber_wp_settings_setup( CRB_NX_SLAVE, $edit_fields ); cerber_show_settings_form( CRB_NX_SLAVE ); } function nexus_slave_form_fields() { // TODO implement this return array( 'first_name', 'last_name', 'owner_email', 'owner_phone', 'owner_biz', 'owner_address' ); } function nexus_get_groups( $sort = false ) { if ( ! $groups = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_groups' ) ) { $groups = array( 'Default' ); } if ( $sort ) { asort( $groups ); } return $groups; } add_action( 'admin_init', function () { CRB_Globals::admin_init(); if ( is_admin() && nexus_is_master() ) { // @since nexus_set_context(); if ( nexus_get_context() ) { nexus_send_admin_request(); } } if ( nexus_is_master() && function_exists( 'nexus_schedule_refresh' ) ) { nexus_schedule_refresh(); } if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { nexus_ajax_router(); } if ( nexus_get_context() ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'cerber_show_admin_notice', 999 ); add_action( 'network_admin_notices', 'cerber_show_admin_notice', 999 ); } // Some tricks to obtain form data via WP settings API register_setting( 'cerberus-' . CRB_NX_SLAVE, 'cerber-' . CRB_NX_SLAVE ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option_cerber-' . CRB_NX_SLAVE, function ( $fields, $old_value, $option ) { cerber_cache_enable(); $site_id = absint( $fields['site_id'] ); $group_id = 0; if ( ! empty( $fields['site_group'] ) ) { $groups = nexus_get_groups(); if ( is_numeric( $fields['site_group'] ) ) { $group_id = (int) $fields['site_group']; } if ( ! $group_id || ! isset( $groups[ $group_id ] ) ) { // Add new group $new = strip_tags( $fields['site_group'] ); if ( $new ) { $groups = nexus_get_groups(); $groups[] = $new; end( $groups ); $group_id = key( $groups ); cerber_update_set( 'nexus_groups', $groups ); } } } $new_details = array_intersect_key( $fields, array_flip( nexus_slave_form_fields() ) ); $new_details = array_map( 'strip_tags', $new_details ); $fields = array_replace( $fields, $new_details ); $fields['group_id'] = $group_id; nexus_update_slave( $site_id, $fields ); nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_groups', 'group_id' ); return ''; }, 10, 3 ); }, 0 ); function nexus_add_slave( $token ) { if ( ! is_super_admin() || ! nexus_is_master() ) { return; } $token = trim( $token ); if ( ( ! $t = nexus_the_token( $token ) ) || empty( $t[0] ) || empty( $t[1] ) || empty( $t[2] ) || empty( $t[3] ) || empty( $t[4] ) || empty( $t[5] ) || empty( $t[6] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Secret Access Token is invalid', 'wp-cerber' ) ); return; } // Subdir install? Add slash to avoid 301 redirection if ( strpos( substr( $t[5], strpos( $t[5], '.' ) ), '/' ) ) { $url = rtrim( $t[5], '/' ) . '/'; } else { $url = $t[5]; } $no_https = ( 'https://' !== substr( $url, 0, 8 ) ) ? true : false; $data = array(); $data['site_pass'] = $t[0]; $data['site_echo'] = $t[1]; $data['x_field'] = $t[2]; $data['x_num'] = $t[3]; // These are shown in the dashboard, make them safe $data['site_url'] = substr( esc_url( $url ), 0, 250 ); $data['site_name'] = mb_substr( htmlspecialchars( htmlspecialchars_decode( $t[6] ) ), 0, 250 ); $data['site_name_remote'] = $data['site_name']; $data = array_map( function ( $e ) { return '"' . cerber_real_escape( $e ) . '"'; }, $data ); if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' WHERE site_url = ' . $data['site_url'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'The website you are trying to add is already in the list', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } if ( ! cerber_db_insert( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE, $data ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to add website' ); } else { $site_id = cerber_db_get_var( ' SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()' ); $edit = cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites', array( 'site_id' => $site_id ) ); cerber_admin_message( __( 'The website has been added successfully', 'wp-cerber' ) . '  [ ' . __( 'Click to edit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' | ' . ' ' . __( 'Switch to the Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ]' ); if ( $no_https ) { //cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Note: No SSL encryption is enabled on the website this can lead to data leakage.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Keep in mind: You have added the website that does not support SSL encryption. This may lead to data leakage.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } //cerber_bg_task_add( array( 'func' => 'nexus_send', 'args' => array( array( 'type' => 'hello' ), $site_id ) ), true ); nexus_add_bg_refresh( $site_id ); } } /** * @param $id int Slave ID * @param $data array Sanitized slave data * * @return bool|mysqli_result|resource */ function nexus_update_slave( $id, $data ) { $id = absint( $id ); if ( ! $id ) { return false; } $old = nexus_get_slave_data( $id ); // Details $old_details = ( is_array( $old->details ) ) ? $old->details : array(); $details_fields = nexus_slave_form_fields(); if ( $new_details = array_intersect_key( $data, array_flip( $details_fields ) ) ) { $data['details'] = serialize( array_replace( $old_details, $new_details ) ); } // Name is always stored in escaped form! if ( isset( $data['site_name'] ) ) { $data['site_name'] = htmlspecialchars( $data['site_name'], ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } // 1. Numbers $int_columns = array( 'group_id', 'site_status', 'updates', 'refreshed', 'last_scan', 'last_http', 'site_key' ); $update = array_map( function ( $e ) { return absint( $e ); }, array_intersect_key( $data, array_flip( $int_columns ) ) ); // 2. Escaping strings $str_columns = array( 'site_name', 'details', 'site_notes', 'plugin_v', 'wp_v', 'server_id', 'server_country' ); $update = array_merge( $update, array_map( function ( $e ) { return cerber_real_escape( $e ); }, array_intersect_key( $data, array_flip( $str_columns ) ) ) ); // SQL clause $fields = array(); foreach ( $update as $field => $value ) { $fields[] = $field . '="' . $value . '"'; } $sql_fields = implode( ',', $fields ); if ( cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $sql_fields . ' WHERE id = ' . $id ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param $site_id * * @return bool|object */ function nexus_get_slave_data( $site_id ) { $site_id = absint( $site_id ); $site = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' WHERE id = ' . $site_id, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); if ( ! $site ) { return false; } if ( ! empty( $site->details ) ) { $site->details = crb_unserialize( $site->details ); } return $site; } function nexus_get_slaves( $args ) { $order = ''; if ( isset( $args['orderby'] ) ) { $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $args['orderby'] . ' '; } if ( isset( $args['order'] ) ) { $order .= $args['order']; } return cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . $order, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); } /** * @param $ids integer|array * * @return bool */ function nexus_delete_slave( $ids ) { if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { return false; } /*$field = ( ! $bulk ) ? 'site_id' : 'ids'; if ( ! $ids = cerber_get_get( $field ) ) { return false; }*/ if ( ! is_array( $ids ) ) { $ids = array( $ids ); } $ids = array_map( function ( $e ) { return absint( $e ); }, $ids ); $ret = cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' WHERE id IN (' . implode( ',', $ids ) . ')' ); if ( $ret ) { $num = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ROW_COUNT()' ); cerber_admin_message( sprintf( _n( 'Website has been deleted', '%s websites have been deleted', $num, 'wp-cerber' ), $num ) ); foreach ( $ids as $id ) { nexus_delete_list( $id ); } nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_servers', 'server_id' ); nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_countries', 'server_country' ); nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_groups', 'group_id' ); return true; } else { cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to delete website' ); return false; } } function nexus_get_back_link() { return cerber_admin_link_add( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'nexus_switch', 'nexus_site_id' => 0 ) ); } // ====================================================================================== function nexus_show_remote_page() { /* This code for new settings mechanism $slave = nexus_get_context(); if ( cerber_is_http_post() && ( $m = cerber_get_post( 'cerber_nexus_seal' ) ) && sha1( $slave->id . '|' . get_current_user_id() ) === $m ) { $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'submit', 'data' => array( 'post' => $_POST, ) ) ); } else { $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'get_page', 'data' => array( ) ) ); }*/ // An old, two steps version // TODO: remove the second step after upgrading Cerber's settings mechanism to a new version if ( cerber_is_http_post() && ( nexus_seal( crb_array_get( $_POST, 'cerber_nexus_seal', 'none' ) ) ) ) { $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'submit', 'data' => array( 'post' => $_POST, ) ) ); } // A separate request to render the page cause settings cache is updated now $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'get_page' ) ); if ( is_array( $response ) ) { echo $response['html']; } else { echo $response; } } function nexus_send_admin_request() { if ( empty( $_GET['cerber_admin_do'] ) || ( empty( $_GET['cerber_nonce'] ) && empty( $_POST['cerber_nonce'] ) ) ) { return; } $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'manage' ) ); } function nexus_ajax_router() { //return; if ( empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) || empty( $_REQUEST['ajax_nonce'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! nexus_is_master() || ! nexus_get_context() || ! crb_admin_allowed_ajax( $_REQUEST['action'] ) || ! is_user_logged_in() ) { return; } check_ajax_referer( 'crb-ajax-admin', 'ajax_nonce' ); $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'ajax', //'cache' => false, 'data' => array( 'post' => $_POST, ) ) ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $response ) ) { nexus_diag_log( 'NETWORK ERROR: ' . $response->get_error_message() ); } else { echo $response; } exit; } /** * @param $request array * @param $slave_id int * * @return bool|mixed */ function nexus_send( $request, $slave_id = null ) { return CRB_Nexus::send( $request, $slave_id ); } function nexus_process_extra( $data, $slave ) { $update = array(); $v = $data['extra']['versions']; if ( $slave->plugin_v != $v[0] ) { $update['plugin_v'] = $v[0]; } if ( $slave->wp_v != $v[1] ) { $update['wp_v'] = $v[1]; } if ( isset( $v[6] ) && $slave->site_key != $v[6] ) { $update['site_key'] = $v[6]; } if ( $nums = crb_array_get( $data['payload'], 'numbers' ) ) { $update['refreshed'] = time(); $u = $nums['updates']['plugins'] + $nums['updates']['wp']; if ( $slave->updates != $u ) { $update['updates'] = $u; } if ( ! empty( $nums['scan'] ) ) { $update['last_scan'] = $nums['scan']['finished']; if ( $nb = crb_array_get( $nums['scan'], 'numbers' ) ) { // TODO move to separate meta table? cerber_update_set( '_nexus_tmp_' . $slave->id, $nb ); } } // Plugins if ( $plugins = crb_array_get( $nums, 'plugins' ) ) { $installed = array(); $active = array_flip( crb_array_get( $nums, 'active', array() ) ); foreach ( $plugins as $plugin => $data ) { $key = 'nexus_p_' . sha1( $plugin . $data['Version'] ); $installed[] = array( $key, $data['Version'], (string) ( isset( $active[ $plugin ] ) ) ? '1' : '0' ); // Plugin data for common usage if ( ! cerber_get_set( $key, null, false ) ) { $data['plugin_slug'] = $plugin; $data['plugin_key'] = sha1( $plugin ); cerber_update_set( $key, $data ); } } nexus_update_list( $slave->id, 'plugins', $installed ); } // Updates if ( $pl_updates = crb_array_get( $nums, 'pl_updates' ) ) { nexus_update_updates( $pl_updates ); } } if ( $update ) { nexus_update_slave( $slave->id, $update ); if ( ! $nums ) { nexus_add_bg_refresh( $slave->id ); } } } function nexus_update_updates( $pl_updates ) { foreach ( $pl_updates as $plugin => $data ) { $key = 'nexus_upd_' . sha1( $plugin ); $go = true; if ( ( $pup = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) && ( $data['new_version'] == $pup['new_version'] ) ) { $go = false; } if ( $go ) { cerber_update_set( $key, $data ); } } } function nexus_get_update( $plugin, $version = null ) { $update = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_upd_' . sha1( $plugin ) ); if ( $version && version_compare( $version, $update['new_version'], '>=' ) ) { return false; } return $update; } function nexus_set_context() { if ( 'nexus_switch' != cerber_get_get( 'cerber_admin_do' ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( cerber_get_get( 'cerber_nonce' ), 'control' ) || ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } $id = absint( cerber_get_get( 'nexus_site_id' ) ); if ( $slave = nexus_get_slave_data( $id ) ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'master_swshow' ) ) { cerber_admin_message( sprintf( __( 'You have switched to %s', 'wp-cerber' ), $slave->site_name ) . '. ' . 'To switch back to the master, click the X icon on the toolbar.' ); } $expire = time() + apply_filters( 'auth_cookie_expiration', 14 * DAY_IN_SECONDS, get_current_user_id(), true ); if ( $back = cerber_get_get( 'back' ) ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'nexus_back_to_url', $back ); } } else { cerber_admin_message( __( 'You have switched back to the master website', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $expire = time(); $id = 0; } cerber_set_cookie( 'cerber_nexus_id', $id, $expire, '/' ); $remove = array( 'cerber_admin_do', 'cerber_nonce', 'nexus_site_id', 'back' ); if ( $id ) { if ( crb_admin_get_page() == 'cerber-nexus' ) { $url = cerber_admin_link(); } else { $url = remove_query_arg( $remove ); } } else { if ( crb_get_settings( 'master_tolist' ) ) { if ( ! $url = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'nexus_back_to_url', true ) ) { $url = cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites' ); } else { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'nexus_back_to_url', '' ); } } else { $url = remove_query_arg( $remove ); } } if ( ! $url ) { $url = cerber_admin_link(); } wp_safe_redirect( $url ); exit(); } /** * A light version of nonce (pre-nonce) * * @param null $check_it * * @return bool|string */ function nexus_seal( $check_it = null ) { $slave = nexus_get_context(); if ( ! $slave || ! $uid = get_current_user_id() ) { return false; } $seal = sha1( $slave->id . '|' . $uid . '|' . PHP_VERSION . '|' . PHP_SAPI ); if ( $check_it === null ) { return $seal; } return ( $seal === $check_it ); } function nexus_do_bulk() { if ( ! $ids = cerber_get_get( 'ids', '\d+' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'No items selected' ); return; } switch ( cerber_get_bulk_action() ) { case 'nexus_delete_slave': nexus_delete_slave( $ids ); break; case 'nexus_upgrade_plugins': nexus_bg_upgrade( $ids, array() ); //nexus_do_upgrade( $ids[0], array( CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ) ); break; case 'nexus_upgrade_cerber': nexus_bg_upgrade( $ids, array( CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ) ); //nexus_do_upgrade( $ids[0], array( CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ) ); break; } } function nexus_bg_upgrade( $ids, $plugins ) { foreach ( $ids as $id ) { cerber_bg_task_add( 'nexus_do_upgrade', array( //'func' => 'nexus_do_upgrade', 'args' => array( $id, $plugins, false ), 'exec_until' => 'stop', // may not be boolean ) ); } cerber_admin_message( 'A background upgrade task has been launched' ); } function nexus_do_upgrade( $slave_id, $plugins, $display_errors = false ) { $response = CRB_Nexus::send( array( 'type' => 'sw_upgrade', 'sw_type' => 'plugins', 'list' => $plugins ), $slave_id ); if ( ! empty( $response['results'] ) ) { nexus_diag_log( cerber_flat_results( $response['results'], $display_errors ) ); } if ( ! empty( $response['wait'] ) ) { nexus_diag_log( 'Waiting for request from ' . $response['wait'] . ' is completed' ); sleep( 10 ); } if ( empty( $response ) || ! empty( $response['completed'] ) ) { nexus_add_bg_refresh( $slave_id ); return 'stop'; } sleep( 3 ); return 0; } function nexus_schedule_refresh() { // ORDER BY id DESC ? $t = time() - ( is_super_admin() ? 1800 : 3600 ); if ( $sites = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' WHERE refreshed < ' . $t . ' AND last_http <= 200 LIMIT 50' ) ) { foreach ( $sites as $id ) { // Protective interval $key = 'nexus_schedule'; $last = cerber_get_set( $key, $id, false ); if ( $last && ( $last > ( time() - 600 ) ) ) { continue; } cerber_update_set( $key, time(), $id, false, time() + 3600 ); /* $key = 'nexus_refresh'; $log = array(); if ( $log = cerber_get_set( $key, $id ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $log ) ) { $log = array(); } elseif ( ! empty( $log ) ) { $delay = 300 * count( $log ); if ( reset( $log ) > ( time() - $delay ) ) { continue; } } } array_shift( $log ); $log[] = time(); cerber_update_set( $key, $log, $id, false, time() + 60 ); */ //cerber_bg_task_add( array( 'func' => 'nexus_send', 'args' => array( array( 'type' => 'hello' ), $id ) ) ); nexus_add_bg_refresh( $id ); } } } function nexus_add_bg_refresh( $slave_id ) { cerber_bg_task_add( 'nexus_send', array( 'args' => array( array( 'type' => 'hello' ), $slave_id ) ) ); cerber_bg_task_add( 'nexus_refresh_slave_srv', array( 'args' => array( $slave_id ) ) ); } add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', function () { global $wp_admin_bar; if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page() || ! nexus_is_master() ) { return; } if ( ! is_admin_bar_showing() || ! $wp_admin_bar instanceof WP_Admin_Bar ) { return; } ?> remove_node( 'new-content' ); //$wp_admin_bar->remove_node( 'my-account' ); $exclude = array(); $exclude = array( 'query-monitor' ); //$exclude = array( 'top-secondary' ); foreach ( $wp_admin_bar->get_nodes() as $node => $data ) { if ( in_array( $data->id, $exclude ) ) { continue; } if ( empty( $data->parent ) ) { $wp_admin_bar->remove_node( $data->id ); } } $current_id = null; if ( $current = nexus_get_context() ) { $current_id = $current->id; $title = __( 'You are here:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $current->site_name; } else { $title = __( 'My Websites', 'wp-cerber' ); } $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'id' => 'crb_site_switch', 'title' => '' . $title, 'href' => cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites' ), 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'cerber-site-select' ) ) ); $this_page = cerber_admin_link( crb_admin_get_tab(), array( 'page' => crb_admin_get_page() ), true ); if ( $current ) { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'id' => 'crb_slave_site_menu', 'title' => '' . __( 'Visit Site' ), 'href' => $current->site_url, ) ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'id' => 'crb_slave_admin', 'parent' => 'crb_slave_site_menu', 'title' => 'Dashboard', 'href' => trim( $current->site_url, '/' ) . '/wp-admin/', ) ); $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'id' => 'crb_to_master', //'parent' => 'top-secondary', 'title' => '', 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'ab-top-secondary', 'title' => 'Switch to the master' ), 'href' => nexus_get_back_link(), ) ); } if ( $slaves = nexus_get_slaves( array( 'orderby' => 'id', 'order' => 'DESC' ) ) ) { foreach ( $slaves as $slave ) { if ( $current_id === $slave->id ) { continue; } $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'parent' => 'crb_site_switch', 'id' => 'site' . $slave->id, 'title' => $slave->site_name, 'href' => $this_page . '&cerber_admin_do=nexus_switch&nexus_site_id=' . $slave->id, ) ); } } else { $wp_admin_bar->add_node( array( 'parent' => 'crb_site_switch', 'id' => 'none', 'title' => 'Click here to add a remote website', 'href' => cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites' ), ) ); } }, 9999 ); add_filter( 'admin_body_class', function ( $var ) { if ( cerber_is_admin_page() && nexus_get_context() ) { $var .= ' crb-remote'; } return $var; } ); add_action( 'admin_head', function () { if ( ! cerber_is_admin_page() || ! nexus_is_master() ) { return; } ?> ' . __( 'A newer version is available', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' (' . $update['new_version'] . ')'; // $upd = ' There is a newer version available' . ' (' . $update['new_version'] . ')'; //$upd = ' There is a newer version available' . ' (' . $update['new_version'] . ')'; } $tbody .= '

      ' . $data['Name'] . ' ' . $data['Version'] . ' ' . $upd . '


      '; } /*$heading = array( __( 'Plugin', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $titles = '' . implode( '', $heading ) . ''; $html = '' . $titles . '' . $titles . '' . $tbody . '
      '; */ $html = '' . $tbody . '
      '; //$html .= '
      				//$html .= print_r( $list,1 );
      				//$html .= '
      '; $response = array( 'html' => $html, 'header' => __( 'Active plugins and updates on', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } else { // TODO remove in production //cerber_bg_task_add( array( 'func' => 'nexus_send', 'args' => array( array( 'type' => 'hello' ), $slave_id ) ) ); $slave = nexus_get_slave_data( $slave_id ); $response = array( 'html' => 'No information available. Refreshed: ' . cerber_auto_date( $slave->refreshed ), 'header' => __( 'Active plugins and updates on', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } break; } echo json_encode( $response ); exit; } ); function nexus_get_slave_plugins( $slave_id, $sort = true, $active_only = true, $inc_updates = true ) { $slave_id = absint( $slave_id ); $ac = ( $active_only ) ? ' AND status = "1"' : ''; $plugins = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE . ' lst JOIN ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' sts ON (lst.list_item = sts.the_key) WHERE lst.list_key = "plugins" AND lst.site_id = ' . $slave_id . ' ' . $ac ); $ret = array(); if ( $plugins ) { foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) { $p = array(); $data = crb_unserialize( $plugin['the_value'] ); $p['extra'] = $plugin['extra']; $p['status'] = $plugin['status']; $p['Name'] = $data['Name']; $p['data'] = $data; if ( $inc_updates ) { //$p['update'] = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_upd_' . $data['plugin_key'] ); $p['update'] = nexus_get_update( $data['plugin_slug'], $data['Version'] ); } $ret[] = $p; } if ( $sort ) { uasort( $ret, function ( $a, $b ) { return strnatcasecmp( $a['Name'], $b['Name'] ); } ); } } return $ret; } function nexus_refresh_slave_srv( $slave_id ) { if ( ! $slave = nexus_get_slave_data( $slave_id ) ) { return; } $server_host = parse_url( $slave->site_url, PHP_URL_HOST ); $srv_ip = @gethostbyname( $server_host ); if ( ! cerber_is_ip( $srv_ip ) ) { return; } $srv_country = lab_get_country( $srv_ip, false ); if ( $srv_ip != $slave->server_id || $srv_country != $slave->server_country ) { nexus_update_slave( $slave_id, array( 'server_id' => $srv_ip, 'server_country' => $srv_country ) ); } // Updating servers if ( ! $servers = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_servers' ) ) { $servers = array(); } $srv = crb_array_get( $servers, $srv_ip, array() ); if ( ! $srv || ( $srv[0] < ( time() - 300 ) ) ) { $srv[0] = time(); $srv[1] = @gethostbyaddr( $srv_ip ); $srv[2] = $srv_country; $servers[ $srv_ip ] = $srv; cerber_update_set( 'nexus_servers', $servers ); } // Updating list of server countries if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_countries' ) ) { $list = array(); } if ( $srv_country && ! isset( $list[ $srv_country ] ) ) { $list[ $srv_country ] = cerber_country_name( $srv_country ); cerber_update_set( 'nexus_countries', $list ); } } /** * Cleanup dependable lists * * @param $key string List key * @param $field string DB field */ function nexus_delete_unused( $key, $field ) { if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) { return; } $field = preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $field ); $used = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $field . ' FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE ); if ( $used ) { $filtered = array_intersect_key( $list, array_flip( array_intersect( array_keys( $list ), $used ) ) ); if ( count( $list ) != count( $filtered ) ) { cerber_update_set( $key, $filtered ); } } else { cerber_update_set( $key, array() ); } } function nexus_get_srv_info( $server_ip ) { if ( ! $servers = cerber_get_set( 'nexus_servers' ) ) { return false; } return crb_array_get( $servers, $server_ip, array() ); } function nexus_update_list( $site_id, $key, $items = array() ) { list( $site_id, $key ) = nexus_sanitize( $site_id, $key ); if ( empty( $site_id ) || empty( $key ) ) { return false; } if ( empty( $items ) ) { return nexus_delete_list( $site_id, $key ); } // Reduce DB overhead if no changes in the list // Note: works only if values in $items are all strings // Doesn't work of the DB returns $old with not the same order as in $items if ( $old = nexus_get_list( $site_id, $key, array( 'list_item', 'extra', 'status' ), 0 ) ) { if ( count( $old ) === count( $items ) ) { if ( sha1( serialize( $old ) ) === sha1( serialize( $items ) ) ) { return true; } } } // Insert a new list $values = array(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $list_item = cerber_real_escape( $item[0] ); $extra = cerber_real_escape( crb_array_get( $item, 1, '' ) ); $status = substr( crb_array_get( $item, 2, '' ), 0, 1 ); } else { $list_item = cerber_real_escape( $item ); $extra = ''; $status = '0'; } $values[] = '(' . $site_id . ',"' . $key . '","' . $list_item . '","' . $extra . '", ' . $status . ')'; } nexus_delete_list( $site_id, $key ); $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE . ' (site_id, list_key, list_item, extra, status) VALUES ' . implode( ',', $values ); $ret = cerber_db_query( $query ); if ( $e = cerber_db_get_errors() ) { nexus_diag_log( $e ); } return $ret; } function nexus_get_list( $site_id, $key = '', $fields = array(), $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC ) { list( $site_id, $key, $table_fields ) = nexus_sanitize( $site_id, $key, $fields ); if ( empty( $site_id ) || empty( $key ) ) { return false; } $where = nexus_make_where( $site_id, $key ); $sql_fields = ( $table_fields ) ? implode( ',', $fields ) : '*'; return cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT ' . $sql_fields . ' FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where, $type ); } function nexus_delete_list( $site_id, $key = '' ) { list( $site_id, $key ) = nexus_sanitize( $site_id, $key ); if ( empty( $site_id ) ) { return false; } $where = nexus_make_where( $site_id, $key ); return cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where ); } function nexus_make_where( $site_id, $key = '' ) { $where = ' site_id = ' . $site_id; if ( $key ) { $where .= ' AND list_key = "' . $key . '" '; } return $where; } function nexus_sanitize( $site_id, $key = '', $fields = array() ) { $ret = array( 0, '', array() ); if ( ! $ret[0] = absint( $site_id ) ) { return $ret; } if ( $key ) { if ( ! preg_match( '/^[\w\-]+$/', $key ) ) { return $ret; } $ret[1] = $key; } if ( $fields ) { $ret[2] = array_filter( $fields, function ( $val ) { if ( preg_match( '/^[\w]+$/', $val ) ) { return true; } return false; } ); } return $ret; } function nexus_create_db( $role ) { list ( $charset, $collate ) = cerber_db_detect_collate(); $sql = array(); if ( ! cerber_is_table( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' ( id int(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, site_name varchar(250) NOT NULL, site_name_remote varchar(250) NOT NULL, site_url varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL, group_id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, plugin_v varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", wp_v varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", last_scan int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, updates int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, last_http int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, refreshed int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, x_field varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL, x_num int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, site_echo varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL, site_pass varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL, details text NOT NULL, site_notes text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY site_url (site_url), KEY group_id (group_id), KEY refreshed (refreshed) ) DEFAULT CHARSET='.$charset.' COLLATE='.$collate.' COMMENT="Keep it secret"; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE . ' ( site_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, list_key varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, list_item varchar(250) NOT NULL, extra varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT "", status char(1) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", updated int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY site_id (site_id) USING HASH, KEY the_key (list_key) USING BTREE ) DEFAULT CHARSET='.$charset.' COLLATE='.$collate.' COMMENT=""; '; } foreach ( $sql as $query ) { cerber_db_query( $query ); } if ( $e = cerber_db_get_errors( true ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $e ); return false; } return nexus_upgrade_db(); } function nexus_upgrade_db( $force = false ) { $sql = array(); if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE, 'server_id' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' ADD server_id VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "" AFTER group_id, ADD INDEX server (server_id), ADD server_country CHAR(3) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "" AFTER server_id, ADD INDEX country (server_country); '; } if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE, 'site_key' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE . ' ADD site_key INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" AFTER plugin_v; '; } foreach ( $sql as $query ) { cerber_db_query( $query ); } if ( $e = cerber_db_get_errors( true ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $e ); return false; } return true; }nexus/cerber-slave-list.php000064400000035231147577531750011773 0ustar00 '', //Render a checkbox instead of text 'site_name' => __( 'Website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'site_url' => 'Homepage', //'site_status' => __( 'Status', 'wp-cerber' ), 'wp_v' => __( 'WordPress', 'wp-cerber' ), 'plugin_v' => 'WP Cerber', //'new_users' => __( 'New Users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'updates' => __( 'Updates', 'wp-cerber' ), 'last_scan' => __( 'Malware Scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 'srv_name' => __( 'Server', 'wp-cerber' ), 'srv_country' => __( 'Server Country', 'wp-cerber' ), 'site_grp' => __( 'Group', 'wp-cerber' ), 'site_owner' => __( 'Owner', 'wp-cerber' ), 'site_notes' => __( 'Notes', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( ! lab_lab() ) { unset( $cols['server_country'] ); } return $cols; } if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' ); } class CRB_Slave_Table extends WP_List_Table { private $settings; private $show_url; private $hide_ip; private $base_switch; private $base_sites; function __construct() { parent::__construct( array( 'singular' => 'Site', 'plural' => 'Sites', 'ajax' => false ) ); $this->settings = get_site_option( '_cerber_slist_screen', array() ); $this->show_url = crb_array_get( $this->settings, 'url_name' ); $this->hide_ip = crb_array_get( $this->settings, 'srv_ip' ); $this->base_switch = wp_nonce_url( cerber_admin_link() . '&cerber_admin_do=nexus_switch&back=' . urlencode( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); $this->base_sites = cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites' ); } // Columns definition function get_columns() { return nexus_slave_list_cols(); } /*protected function get_default_primary_column_name() { return 'site_name'; }*/ // Sortable columns function get_sortable_columns() { return array( 'site_name' => array( 'site_name', false ), // true means dataset is already sorted by ASC 'site_url' => array( 'site_url', false ), 'srv_name' => array( 'server_id', false ), 'srv_country' => array( 'server_country', false ), 'wp_v' => array( 'wp_v', false ), 'plugin_v' => array( 'plugin_v', false ), 'updates' => array( 'updates', false ), 'last_scan' => array( 'last_scan', false ), 'site_grp' => array( 'group_id', false ), ); } // Bulk actions function get_bulk_actions() { return array( 'nexus_upgrade_cerber' => __( 'Upgrade WP Cerber', 'wp-cerber' ), 'nexus_upgrade_plugins' => __( 'Upgrade all active plugins', 'wp-cerber' ), 'nexus_delete_slave' => __( 'Delete website', 'wp-cerber' ), ); } protected function extra_tablenav( $which ) { if ( $which == 'top' ) { ?>
      1 ) { $groups = array( '-1' => __( 'All groups', 'wp-cerber' ) ) + $groups; $filter .= cerber_select( 'filter_group_id', $groups, crb_array_get( $_GET, 'filter_group_id', '-1', '\d+' ) ); } $servers = (array) cerber_get_set( 'nexus_servers' ); if ( count( $servers ) > 1 ) { $list = array(); foreach ( $servers as $id => $server ) { $list[ $id ] = $server[1]; } $list = array( '*' => __( 'All servers', 'wp-cerber' ) ) + $list; $filter .= cerber_select( 'filter_server_id', $list, crb_array_get( $_GET, 'filter_server_id', '*', '[\w\.\:]+' ) ); } //$countries = wp_cache_get( 'cerber_nexus', 'countries' ); $countries = (array) cerber_get_set( 'nexus_countries' ); if ( count( $countries ) > 1 ) { $list = array( '*' => __( 'All countries', 'wp-cerber' ) ) + $countries; $filter .= cerber_select( 'filter_country', $list, crb_array_get( $_GET, 'filter_country', '*', '\w+' ) ); } if ( $filter ) { echo '
      ' . $filter . '
      '; } // for_tb_blur is for removing focus from closing button echo ''; ?>
      get_pagenum(); if ( $current_page > 1 ) { $offset = ( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page; $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $per_page; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $per_page; } $group_id = cerber_get_get( 'filter_group_id', '\d+' ); if ( is_numeric( $group_id ) ) { $where[] = 'group_id = ' . absint( $group_id ); } if ( $server_id = cerber_get_get( 'filter_server_id', '[\w\.\:]+' ) ) { $where[] = 'server_id = "' . cerber_real_escape( $server_id ) . '"'; } if ( $country = cerber_get_get( 'filter_country', '\w+' ) ) { $where[] = 'server_country = "' . cerber_real_escape( $country ) . '"'; } // Search if ( $term = cerber_get_get( 's' ) ) { $term = stripslashes( $term ); $s = '"%' . cerber_real_escape( $term ) . '%"'; if ( preg_match( '/[^A-Z\d\-\/\.\:]/i', $term ) ) { // Mixing columns with different collations for non-latin symbols generates MySQL error $where[] = ' (site_name LIKE ' . $s . ' OR site_name_remote LIKE ' . $s . ' OR site_notes LIKE ' . $s . ' OR details LIKE ' . $s . ') '; } else { $where[] = ' (site_name LIKE ' . $s . ' OR site_name_remote LIKE ' . $s . ' OR site_notes LIKE ' . $s . ' OR details LIKE ' . $s . ' OR site_url LIKE ' . $s . ') '; } } if ( ! empty( $where ) ) { $where = ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where ); } else { $where = ''; } // Retrieving actual data $query = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM '.$table . " $join $where $orderby $limit"; if ( $this->items = cerber_db_get_results( $query ) ) { $total_items = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ); } if ( ! empty( $term ) ) { echo '
      ' . __( 'Search results for:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' “' . htmlspecialchars( $term, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ) . '”
      '; } // Pagination, part 2 $this->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => $total_items, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'total_pages' => ceil( $total_items / $per_page ) ) ); /*$this->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => count( $themes ), 'per_page' => $per_page, 'infinite_scroll' => true, ) );*/ } function single_row( $item ) { echo ''; if ( ! empty( $item['details'] ) ) { $item['details'] = crb_unserialize( $item['details'] ); } $this->single_row_columns( $item ); echo ''; } function column_cb( $item ) { return ''; } function column_site_name( $item ) { $set = array(); $edit = cerber_admin_link( 'nexus_sites', array( 'site_id' => $item['id'] ) ); $set['edit'] = '' . __( 'Edit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; //$login = $item['site_url'] ; //$set['login'] = ' ' . __( 'Log in', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $switch = $this->base_switch . '&nexus_site_id=' . $item['id']; $set['switch'] = ' ' . __( 'Switch to', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; /*$set['delete'] = '' . __( 'Delete', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; */ $url = ( $this->show_url ) ? '
      ' . $item['site_url'] . '
      ' : ''; return '' . $item['site_name'] . '' . $url . $this->row_actions( $set ); } /** * @param array $item // not object! * @param string $column_name * * @return string */ function column_default( $item, $column_name ) { static $pup, $base_scan, $groups, $servers; if ( ! $groups ) { $groups = nexus_get_groups(); } if ( ! $base_scan ) { $base_scan = wp_nonce_url( cerber_admin_link( 'scan_main' ) . '&cerber_admin_do=nexus_switch', 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); } if ( ! $pup ) { $pup = nexus_get_update( CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ); } //return $item[ $column_name ]; // raw output as is $val = crb_array_get( $item, $column_name, null ); switch ( $column_name ) { case 'site_status': if ( ! $val ) { return 'Up'; } return 'Down'; break; case 'site_url': return '' . str_replace( array('.', '/'), array('.','/'), $val ) . ''; break; case 'last_scan': if ( ! $item['refreshed'] ) { return __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } $v = ''; if ( $val ) { $nums = cerber_get_set( '_nexus_tmp_' . $item['id'] ); if ( ! empty( $nums[ CERBER_VULN ] ) ) { $v = '
      ' . __( 'Vulnerabilities', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $nums[ CERBER_VULN ] . ''; } $txt = cerber_auto_date( $val ); return '' . $txt . '' . $v; } return '' . __( 'Never', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; break; case 'wp_v': if ( $val && version_compare( $val, cerber_get_wp_version(), '<' ) ) { return $val . ' '; } return $val; case 'plugin_v': if ( $val ) { $ret = '' . $val . '' . ( ( $item['site_key'] ) ? 'PRO' : '' ); if ( isset( $pup['new_version'] ) && version_compare( $val, $pup['new_version'], '<' ) ) { $ret .= ' '; } } else { $ret = '-'; } return $ret; case 'updates': return ( ! empty( $item['refreshed'] ) ) ? '' . $val . '' : ''; //return ( $val ) ? '' . $val . '' : $val; case 'srv_name': $srv = nexus_get_srv_info( $item['server_id'] ); if ( ! $srv ) { nexus_refresh_slave_srv( $item['id'] ); $srv = nexus_get_srv_info( $item['server_id'] ); if ( ! $srv ) { return '-'; } } $ret = '' . str_replace( '.', '.', $srv[1] ) . ''; if ( $this->hide_ip ) { return $ret; } $ret .= '
      ' . $item['server_id'] . ''; return $ret; case 'srv_country': return crb_country_html( $item['server_country'] ); case 'site_grp': if ( $ret = crb_array_get( $groups, $item['group_id'], 'Not set' ) ) { $ret = '' . $ret . ''; } return $ret; break; case 'site_owner': if ( ! $owner = crb_array_get( $item['details'], 'owner_biz' ) ) { $owner = crb_array_get( $item['details'], 'first_name', '' ) . ' ' . crb_array_get( $item['details'], 'last_name', '' ); } return trim( $owner ); break; } return htmlspecialchars( $val, ENT_SUBSTITUTE ); } function no_items() { if ( ! empty( $_GET['s'] ) ) { parent::no_items(); } else { $no_master = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'nexus_set_role', 'nexus_set_role' => 'none', ) ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); echo __( 'No websites configured.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Add a new one', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' | ' . __( 'Disable master mode', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } } }nexus/cerber-nexus.php000064400000030714147577531750011053 0ustar00 array( __( 'Enable managed mode', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'This website can be managed from a main website', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'master' => array( __( 'Enable main website mode', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Configure this website as main to manage other remote website', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ); echo '
      '; echo '

      ' . __( 'To proceed, please select the mode for this website', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; foreach ( $roles as $r => $d ) { echo '

      ' . $d[0] . '

      '; echo '

      ' . $d[1] . '

      '; } echo '

      Know more: Managing multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard

      '; return; } if ( nexus_is_master() ) { $tabs = array( 'nexus_sites' => array( 'bxs-world', __( 'My Websites', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'nexus_master' => array( 'bx-cog', __( 'Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ); } else { $tabs = array( 'nexus_slave' => array( 'bx-cog', __( 'Access Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ); } $t = ( nexus_is_slave() ) ? __( 'Access Settings', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'My Websites', 'wp-cerber' ); cerber_show_admin_page( $t, $tabs, null, function ( $tab ) { if ( nexus_get_context() ) { echo 'You are currently managing the remote website. Switch to the main website.'; return; } switch ( $tab ) { case 'nexus_master': cerber_show_settings_form( $tab ); break; default: nexus_site_manager(); } } ); } function nexus_site_manager() { if ( nexus_is_master() ) { if ( $site_id = absint( cerber_get_get( 'site_id' ) ) ) { nexus_show_slave_form( $site_id ); return; } nexus_show_slaves(); } else { $token = nexus_the_token(); $no_slave = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'cerber_admin_do' => 'nexus_set_role', 'nexus_set_role' => 'none', ) ), 'control', 'cerber_nonce' ); echo '

      ' . __( 'Secret Access Token', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; echo '

      ' . __( 'The token is unique to this website. Keep it secret. Install the token on your main website to grant access to this website.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; echo '

      ' . $token . '

      '; $confirm = ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . __( 'Are you sure? This permanently invalidates the token.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '\');"'; echo '

      ' . __( 'To revoke the token and disable remote management, click here:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Disable managed mode', 'wp-cerber' ) . '.

      '; echo '
      '; cerber_show_settings_form( 'nexus-slave' ); } } /** * Return slave token if no token specified, otherwise decode and return it * * @param string $token Token to decode * * @return array|string */ function nexus_the_token( $token = '' ) { if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { return false; } if ( $token ) { // Decode if ( substr( $token, 0, 3 ) != 'X01' ) { return false; } $crc = substr( $token, 3, 32 ); $body = substr( $token, 35 ); if ( $crc != md5( $body ) ) { return false; } $ret = @json_decode( str_rot13( urldecode( str_replace( '&', '%', $body ) ) ), true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { return false; } if ( empty( $ret['cerber-slave'] ) || 6 > count( $ret['cerber-slave'] ) ) { return false; } return $ret['cerber-slave']; } $role = nexus_get_role_data(); if ( ! $role || empty( $role['slave'] ) ) { return ''; } // Encode $token = str_replace( '%', '&', urlencode( str_rot13( '' . json_encode( array( 'cerber-slave' => array( $role['slave']['nx_pass'], $role['slave']['nx_echo'], $role['slave']['x_field'], $role['slave']['x_num'], CERBER_VER, get_site_url(), get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ) ) ) ); return 'X01' . md5( $token ) . '' . $token; } function nexus_enable_role() { if ( ! is_admin() || ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } if ( ! $role = cerber_get_get( 'nexus_set_role', 'master|slave|none' ) ) { return; } if ( $role == 'none' ) { cerber_delete_set( '_nexus_mode' ); return; } if ( nexus_is_master() && ( $role == 'master' ) ) { return; } if ( nexus_is_slave() && ( $role == 'slave' ) ) { return; } $data = array(); switch ( $role ) { case 'slave': $all_ascii = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'; $num = rand( 20, 50 ); $data['nx_pass'] = substr( str_shuffle( $all_ascii ), 0, $num ); $data['nx_echo'] = substr( str_shuffle( $all_ascii ), 0, $num ); $num = rand( 8, 10 ); $data['x_field'] = substr( str_shuffle( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ), 0, $num ); $data['x_num'] = rand( 1, $num - 2 ); // see loop in nexus_get_fields() break; case 'master': require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cerber-nexus-master.php' ); if ( ! nexus_create_db( $role ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Unable to create master DB tables' ); return; } break; } $data['ip'] = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $data['time'] = time(); $data['user'] = get_current_user_id(); cerber_update_set( '_nexus_mode', array( $role => $data ) ); nexus_get_role_data( true ); //cerber_admin_message( sprintf( __( 'This website is set as %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), $role ) ); $msg = array(); if ( nexus_is_master() ) { $msg[] = __( 'This website is set as a main website.', 'wp-cerber' ); $msg[] = __( 'Add managed websites by using access tokens.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' Read more.'; } else { $msg[] = __( 'This website is set as a managed website.', 'wp-cerber' ); $msg[] = __( 'Install the access token on the main website.', 'wp-cerber' ); } cerber_admin_message( $msg ); } // Common functions function nexus_is_valid_request() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } if ( ! empty( $_COOKIE ) || crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'REQUEST_METHOD' ) != 'POST' || count( $_POST ) < 2 || ! nexus_is_slave() ) { $ret = false; return false; } if ( $ip = crb_get_settings( 'slave_ips' ) ) { if ( $ip != cerber_get_remote_ip() ) { $ret = false; return false; } } else { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed( null, CRB_CNTX_NEXUS ) || lab_is_blocked() ) { $ret = false; return false; } } $field_names = nexus_get_fields(); $xn = array_shift( $field_names ); if ( ( ! $auth = cerber_get_post( $field_names[ $xn ] ) ) || ( ! $payload = cerber_get_post( $field_names[0] ) ) || ( array_diff_key( array_keys( $_POST ), $field_names ) ) ) { $ret = false; return false; } nexus_diag_log( 'Check for a valid master request ...' ); // It seems this is a request from the master // Check master credentials and payload checksum $role = nexus_get_role_data(); //$payload = stripslashes( $payload ); if ( hash_equals( $auth, hash( 'sha512', $role['slave']['nx_pass'] . sha1( $payload ) ) ) ) { nexus_diag_log( 'Master credentials are valid' ); $ret = true; } else { cerber_log( 300 ); nexus_diag_log( 'ERROR: invalid master credentials or payload checksum mismatch' ); $ret = false; } return $ret; } /** * @return false|object */ function nexus_get_context() { static $slave, $slave_id; if ( ! is_admin() || ! nexus_is_master() ) { return false; } if ( ! $id = absint( cerber_get_cookie( 'cerber_nexus_id', 0 ) ) ) { return false; } if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_get_current_user' ) // No information about a user is available || ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { return false; } if ( $id === $slave_id && isset( $slave ) ) { return $slave; } $slave_id = $id; if ( ! $slave = nexus_get_slave_data( $slave_id ) ) { $slave_id = null; $slave = false; } return $slave; } /** * Wrapper * * @return array * @since */ function nexus_get_remote_data() { return CRB_Nexus::get_remote_data(); } function nexus_get_role_data( $flush = false ) { static $data; if ( $flush || null === $data ) { $data = cerber_get_set( '_nexus_mode' ); } return $data; } function nexus_is_master() { $role = nexus_get_role_data(); if ( ! empty( $role['master'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } function nexus_is_slave() { $role = nexus_get_role_data(); if ( ! empty( $role['slave'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } function nexus_diag_log( $msg ) { if ( ( nexus_is_slave() && crb_get_settings( 'slave_diag' ) ) || ( nexus_is_master() && crb_get_settings( 'master_diag' ) ) ) { $m = 'NONE'; if ( nexus_is_slave() ) { $m = 'Slave'; } elseif ( nexus_is_master() ) { $m = 'Master'; } cerber_diag_log( cerber_db_get_errors(), 'NXS ' . $m ); if ( is_array( $msg ) ) { foreach ( $msg as $k => $v ) { if ( is_array( $v ) ) { $v = print_r( $v, 1 ); } cerber_diag_log( ' | ' . $k . ' = ' . $v, 'NXS ' . $m ); } } else { cerber_diag_log( $msg, 'NXS ' . $m ); } } } function nexus_get_fields( $slave = null ) { if ( nexus_is_slave() ) { $role = nexus_get_role_data(); $xf = $role['slave']['x_field']; $xn = $role['slave']['x_num']; } elseif ( nexus_is_master() ) { if ( ! $slave ) { $slave = nexus_get_context(); } $xf = $slave->x_field; $xn = $slave->x_num; } else { return false; } if ( ! $xn || ! $xf ) { return false; } // Generate a set of field names $ret = array( $xn, $xf ); $chars = str_split( $xf ); for ( $i = count( $chars ) - 2; $i > 0; $i -- ) { $tmp = $chars; $tmp[ $i ] = '_'; $ret[] = implode( '', $tmp ); } /* for ( $i = strlen( $xf ) - 2; $i > 0; $i -- ) { $tmp = $xf; while ( $tmp == $xf ) { $tmp = str_shuffle( $xf ); } $ret[] = $tmp; }*/ return $ret; } nexus/cerber-nexus-slave.php000064400000041135147577531750012162 0ustar00error = new WP_Error( 'nexus_format_error', 'Invalid request: master request malformed' ); return; } $request = json_decode( stripslashes( $payload ), true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $this->error = new WP_Error( 'json_error', 'Unable to parse JSON: ' . json_last_error_msg() ); return; } array_walk_recursive( $request, function ( &$e ) { $e = str_replace( array( '
      ' ), "\n", $e ); // restore new lines after json_decode } ); $this->seal = $request['seal']; $this->base = rtrim( $request['base'], '/' ) . '/'; $this->get_params = $request['params']; $this->payload = $request['payload']; $this->type = $request['payload']['type']; $this->page = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/i', '', crb_array_get( $request, 'page' ) ); $this->tab = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/i', '', crb_array_get( $request, 'tab' ) ); $this->at_site = crb_array_get( $request, 'at_site' ); $this->screen = crb_array_get( $request, 'screen' ); $this->is_post = ! empty( $request['is_post'] ); if ( ! $this->locale = crb_array_get( $request, 'master_locale' ) ) { if ( ! $this->locale = get_site_option( 'WPLANG' ) ) { $this->locale = 'en_US'; } } CRB_Globals::$assets_url = $request['assets']; CRB_Globals::$ajax_loader = CRB_Globals::$assets_url . 'ajax-loader.gif'; if ( $this->type == 'ajax' ) { if ( ! $this->action = crb_array_get( $request['params'], 'action' ) ) { $this->action = $this->get_post_fields( 'action' ); } $this->action = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/i', '', (string) $this->action ); } } /** * @param integer|string $key * @param mixed $default * @param $pattern string REGEX pattern for value validation, UTF is not supported * * @return mixed */ final function get_post_fields( $key = null, $default = false, $pattern = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $this->payload['data']['post'] ) ) { if ( $key ) { return crb_array_get( $this->payload['data']['post'], $key, $default, $pattern ); } return $this->payload['data']['post']; } if ( $key ) { return false; } return array(); } } /** * @return CRB_Master */ function nexus_request_data() { static $crb_master; if ( ! is_object( $crb_master ) ) { $crb_master = new CRB_Master(); } return $crb_master; } function nexus_slave_process() { if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return; } @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); @ignore_user_abort( true ); crb_raise_limits(); cerber_update_set( 'processing_master_request', 1, 0, false, time() + 120 ); nexus_diag_log( 'Parsing request...' ); $crb_master = nexus_request_data(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $crb_master->error ) ) { nexus_diag_log( 'ERROR: ' . $crb_master->error->get_error_message() ); exit; } nexus_diag_log( 'Request is OK, generating response...' ); add_filter( 'plugin_locale', function () { return nexus_request_data()->locale; }, 9999 ); $use_eng = false; if ( nexus_request_data()->locale == 'en_US' ) { $use_eng = true; // We do not load any translation files add_filter( 'override_load_textdomain', function ( $val, $domain, $mofile ) { return true; }, 9999, 3 ); } if ( ! $use_eng ) { $r = load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-cerber', false, 'wp-cerber/languages' ); /*if ( ! $r ) { nexus_diag_log( 'Unable to load plugin localization files ' . (string) nexus_request_data()->locale ); }*/ } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/template.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/vars.php' ); cerber_load_admin_code(); $response = nexus_prepare_response(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $response ) ) { $m = __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $response->get_error_message(); nexus_diag_log( $m ); $error = array( $response->get_error_code(), $response->get_error_message() ); $response = array( 'error' => $error ); } nexus_diag_log( 'Now sending response to the master...' ); $result = nexus_net_send_responce( $response ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { nexus_diag_log( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $result->get_error_message() ); } cerber_delete_set( 'processing_master_request' ); nexus_diag_log( '=== SLAVE HAS FINISHED ===' ); exit; } /** * Avoid simultaneous requests from the master(s) * * @return bool * */ function nexus_is_processing() { return ( cerber_get_set( 'processing_master_request' ) ) ? true : false; } /* function nexus_render_admin_page_1(){ require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/template.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/pluggable.php' ); cerber_load_admin_code(); $page_id = 'cerber-recaptcha'; //$tab = 'captcha'; if ( empty( $tab ) ) { $tab = $page_id; } cerber_wp_settings_setup( cerber_get_setting_id( $tab ) ); // Render inner html $page = cerber_get_admin_page_config( $page_id ); call_user_func( $page['callback'], '' ); exit; }*/ function nexus_render_admin_page( $page, $tab ) { $id = ( empty( $tab ) ) ? $page : $tab; cerber_wp_settings_setup( cerber_get_setting_id( $id ) ); crb_settings_processor(); // TODO: remove, old way ob_start(); cerber_render_admin_page( $page, $tab ); // Render whole html return ob_get_clean(); } function nexus_parse_request() { $fields = nexus_get_fields(); if ( ! $payload = cerber_get_post( $fields[1] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'nexus_format_error', 'Invalid request: master request malformed' ); } $request = json_decode( stripslashes( $payload ), true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { return new WP_Error( 'json_error', 'Unable to parse JSON: ' . json_last_error_msg() ); } return $request; } function nexus_prepare_response() { $master = nexus_request_data(); nexus_diag_log( 'Type: ' . $master->type ); if ( ! nexus_is_granted() ) { return new WP_Error( 'not_allowed', 'Operation is not allowed in this context' ); } $result = ''; switch ( $master->type ) { case 'get_page': CRB_Addons::load_active(); return array( 'html' => nexus_render_admin_page( $master->page, $master->tab ), //'o' => get_option( 'gmt_offset' ), //'z' => get_option( 'timezone_string' ), ); break; case 'submit': CRB_Addons::load_active(); if ( $master->get_post_fields( 'option_page' ) ) { // True WP setting page return nexus_process_wp_settings_form( $master->get_post_fields() ); } else { return cerber_admin_request( $master->is_post ); } // A new way: processing + follow up rendering in a single request //return nexus_render_admin_page( $master->page, $master->tab ); break; case 'manage': return cerber_admin_request( $master->is_post ); break; case 'hello': //case 'checkup': return array( 'numbers' => nexus_get_numbers() ); break; case 'ping': return array( 'pong' ); break; case 'sw_upgrade': $result = nexus_sw_upgrade(); $result ['numbers'] = nexus_get_numbers(); if ( ! $result['updates'] ) { //nexus_diag_log( 'No updates are available' ); } break; case 'ajax': if ( ! crb_admin_allowed_ajax( $master->action ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unknown_ajax', 'The action ' . $master->action . ' is not supported' ); } global $nexus_doing_ajax; $nexus_doing_ajax = true; ob_start(); do_action( 'wp_ajax_' . $master->action ); $nexus_doing_ajax = false; nexus_diag_log( 'AJAX ' . $master->action . ' completed' ); return ob_get_clean(); break; default: return new WP_Error( 'unknown_request', 'This type of request is not supported' ); break; } return $result; } function nexus_sw_upgrade() { $ret = array( 'updates' => 0, 'completed' => 1, 'results' => array() ); if ( nexus_is_processing() ) { $ret['completed'] = 0; $ret['wait'] = cerber_get_remote_ip(); return $ret; } $list = crb_array_get( nexus_request_data()->payload, 'list' ); switch ( nexus_request_data()->payload['sw_type'] ) { case 'plugins': if ( empty( $list ) ) { // Upgrade all $to_update = array(); $active = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); if ( ! $plugins = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ) ) { wp_update_plugins(); $plugins = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); } if ( isset( $plugins->response ) ) { $to_update = array_intersect( $active, array_keys( $plugins->response ) ); } nexus_diag_log( 'Total active plugins to update: ' . count( $to_update ) ); if ( $done = cerber_get_set( 'plugins_done' ) ) { // Upgraded in the current bulk operation $to_do = array_diff( $to_update, $done ); } else { $done = array(); $to_do = $to_update; } if ( ! empty( $to_do ) ) { $run_now = array_shift( $to_do ); $done[] = $run_now; $list = array( $run_now ); } if ( ! empty( $to_do ) ) { $ret['completed'] = 0; // Something left cerber_update_set( 'plugins_done', $done, 0, true, time() + 300 * count( $to_do ) ); } else { cerber_delete_set( 'plugins_done' ); } } if ( ! empty( $list ) && is_array( $list ) ) { foreach ( $list as $obj ) { $ret['results'][ $obj ] = cerber_update_plugin( $obj ); } } break; } nexus_diag_log( cerber_flat_results( $ret['results'] ) ); return $ret; } /** * Process forms generated by WP Settings API * * @param $form array WP Settings form fields * * @return string|WP_Error */ function nexus_process_wp_settings_form( $form ) { if ( ! $page = crb_array_get( $form, 'option_page' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unknown_option', 'Unable to identify settings page' ); } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( crb_array_get( $form, '_wpnonce' ), $page . '-options' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'nonce_failed', 'Nonce verification failed' ); } $wp_option = 'cerber-' . cerber_get_wp_option_id( $page ); if ( ! isset( $form[ $wp_option ] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'no_value', 'Setting fields are not set' ); } $new_values = crb_array_get( $form, $wp_option ); nexus_diag_log( 'Updating ' . $wp_option . ' option' ); cerber_update_site_option( $wp_option, $new_values ); cerber_admin_message( __( 'Settings updated', 'wp-cerber' ) ); return ''; } /** * @param string|array $payload * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function nexus_net_send_responce( $payload ) { $ret = true; $role = nexus_get_role_data(); if ( is_array( $payload ) ) { $p = json_encode( $payload, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); // 8.0.5 } elseif ( is_scalar( $payload ) ) { $p = (string) $payload; } else { $p = ''; $ret = new WP_Error( 'wrong_type', 'Unsupported slave data type' ); } $processing = microtime( true ) - cerber_request_time(); $hash = hash( 'sha512', $role['slave']['nx_echo'] . sha1( $p ) ); $response = json_encode( array( 'payload' => $payload, 'extra' => array( 'versions' => array( CERBER_VER, cerber_get_wp_version(), PHP_MAJOR_VERSION, PHP_MINOR_VERSION, PHP_RELEASE_VERSION, PHP_OS, lab_lab( 2 ) ) ), 'echo' => $hash, 'p_time' => $processing, 'scheme' => 2 // 8.0.5 ), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $response = 'Unable to encode payload. JSON error.'; $ret = new WP_Error( 'json_error', 'Unable to encode JSON: ' . json_last_error_msg() ); } echo $response; // To master return $ret; } function nexus_is_granted( $type = null ) { $acs = crb_get_settings( 'slave_access' ); $lab = lab_lab(); if ( $acs >= 8 ) { return false; } if ( $acs == 2 ) { if ( $lab ) { return true; } } // RO mode if ( ! $type ) { $type = nexus_request_data()->type; } if ( in_array( $type, array( 'get_page', 'hello', 'ping', 'sw_upgrade' ) ) ) { return true; } if ( $type == 'submit' ) { if ( crb_get_post_fields( 'cerber_license' ) ) { return true; } return false; } if ( $type == 'ajax' ) { $action = nexus_request_data()->action; if ( ! crb_admin_allowed_ajax( $action ) ) { return false; } if ( in_array( $action, array( 'cerber_scan_control', 'cerber_view_file' ) ) ) { return true; } if ( $action == 'cerber_ajax' && ! crb_get_request_field( 'acl_delete' ) ) { return true; } } return false; } function nexus_get_numbers() { $numbers = array(); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); // see wp_get_update_data(); $updates = array( 'plugins' => 0, 'themes' => 0, 'wp' => 0, 'translations' => 0 ); $pl_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( ! $pl_updates || ( $pl_updates->last_checked < ( time() - 7200 ) ) ) { delete_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); wp_update_plugins(); $pl_updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); } if ( ! empty( $pl_updates->response ) ) { $updates['plugins'] = count( array_intersect( $active_plugins, array_keys( $pl_updates->response ) ) ); } include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update.php' ); if ( function_exists( 'get_core_updates' ) ) { $wp = get_core_updates( array( 'dismissed' => false ) ); if ( ! empty( $wp ) ) { $updates['wp'] = 1; } } $scan = array(); if ( ( $last_scan = cerber_get_scan() ) && $last_scan['finished'] ) { $scan['finished'] = $last_scan['finished']; $scan['numbers'] = $last_scan['numbers']; } $numbers['updates'] = $updates; $numbers['scan'] = $scan; // New $list = array(); if ( ! empty( $pl_updates->response ) ) { $list = array_map( function ( $e ) { //$ret = (array) $e; $ret = array_map( function ( $e ) { return ( is_object( $e ) ) ? (array) $e : $e; }, (array) $e ); return $ret; }, $pl_updates->response ); } $numbers['pl_updates'] = $list; $numbers['active'] = $active_plugins; $numbers['plugins'] = get_plugins(); $numbers['themes'] = crb_get_themes(); $numbers['gmt'] = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ); $numbers['tz'] = get_option( 'timezone_string' ); return $numbers; } // We have to use our own "user id" add_filter( 'nonce_user_logged_out', function ( $uid, $action ) { if ( ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return $uid; } return PHP_INT_MAX; }, 10, 2 ); cerber-common.php000064400000337230147577531750010042 0ustar00 0, // 0 'filter_user' => 0, // 1 'begin' => 0, // 2 - IP 'end' => 0, // 3 - IP 'filter_ip' => 0, // 4 - IP 'filter_login' => 0, // 5 'search_activity' => 0, // 6 'filter_role' => 0, // 7 'user_ids' => 0, // 8 // @since 8.9.6 'search_url' => 0, // 9 'filter_status' => 0, // 10 // Non-query alert settings, see CRB_NON_ALERT_PARAMS 'al_limit' => 0, // 11 'al_count' => 0, // 12 'al_expires' => 0, // 13 'al_ignore_rate' => 0, // 14 // @since 8.9.7 'al_send_emails' => 0, // 15 'al_send_pushbullet' => 0, // 16 ); const CRB_NON_ALERT_PARAMS = array( 'al_limit', 'al_count', 'al_expires', 'al_ignore_rate', 'al_send_emails', 'al_send_pushbullet' ); const CRB_ALERTZ = '_cerber_subs'; // Known alert channels const CRB_CHANNELS = array( 'email' => 1, 'pushbullet' => 1 ); const CRB_EV_LIN = 5; const CRB_EV_LFL = 7; const CRB_EV_PUR = 50; const CRB_EV_LDN = 53; const CRB_EV_PRS = 21; const CRB_EV_UST = 22; const CRB_EV_PRD = 25; const CRB_STS_25 = 25; const CRB_STS_29 = 29; const CRB_STS_30 = 30; const CRB_STS_11 = 11; const CRB_STS_51 = 51; const CRB_STS_52 = 52; const CRB_STS_532 = 532; /** * Known WP scripts * @since 6.0 * */ function cerber_get_wp_scripts() { $scripts = array( WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT, WP_REG_URI, WP_XMLRPC_SCRIPT, WP_TRACKBACK_SCRIPT, WP_PING_SCRIPT, WP_SIGNUP_SCRIPT ); if ( ! cerber_is_custom_comment() ) { $scripts[] = WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT; } return array_map( function ( $e ) { return '/' . $e; }, $scripts ); } /** * Returns WP Cerber nonce * * @param string $action * * @return false|string * * @since */ function crb_create_nonce( $action = 'control' ) { static $cache = array(); if ( ! isset( $cache[ $action ] ) ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_create_nonce' ) ) { cerber_load_wp_constants(); require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable.php' ); } $cache[ $action ] = wp_create_nonce( $action ); } return $cache[ $action ]; } /** * Returns Site URL + /wp-admin/admin.php * * @return string * * @since */ function crb_get_admin_base(){ static $adm_base; if ( ! isset( $adm_base ) ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $base = nexus_request_data()->base; } else { $base = ( ! is_multisite() ) ? admin_url() : network_admin_url(); } $adm_base = rtrim( $base, '/' ) . '/admin.php'; } return $adm_base; } /** * Return a link (full URL) to a Cerber admin page. * Add a particular tab and GET parameters if they are specified * * @param string $tab Tab on the page * @param array $args GET arguments to add to the URL * @param bool $add_nonce If true, adds the nonce * @param bool $encode * * @return string Full URL */ function cerber_admin_link( $tab = '', $args = array(), $add_nonce = false, $encode = true ) { $page = 'cerber-security'; if ( empty( $args['page'] ) ) { // TODO: look up the page in tabs config //$config = cerber_get_admin_page_config(); if ( in_array( $tab, array( 'antispam', 'captcha' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-recaptcha'; } elseif ( in_array( $tab, array( 'imex', 'diagnostic', 'license', 'diag-log', 'change-log' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-tools'; } elseif ( in_array( $tab, array( 'traffic', 'ti_settings' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-traffic'; } elseif ( in_array( $tab, array( 'user_shield', 'opt_shield' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-shield'; } elseif ( in_array( $tab, array( 'geo' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-rules'; } elseif ( in_array( $tab, array( 'role_policies', 'global_policies' ) ) ) { $page = 'cerber-users'; } else { if ( list( $prefix ) = explode( '_', $tab, 2 ) ) { if ( $prefix == 'scan' ) { $page = 'cerber-integrity'; } elseif ( $prefix == 'nexus' ) { $page = 'cerber-nexus'; } } } } else { $page = $args['page']; unset( $args['page'] ); } $link = crb_get_admin_base() . '?page=' . $page; $amp = ( $encode ) ? '&' : '&'; if ( $tab ) { $link .= $amp . 'tab=' . preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]+/', '', $tab ); } if ( $args ) { foreach ( $args as $arg => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $val ) { $link .= $amp . $arg . '[]=' . urlencode( $val ); } } else { $link .= $amp . $arg . '=' . urlencode( $value ); } } } if ( $add_nonce ) { $link .= $amp . 'cerber_nonce=' . crb_create_nonce(); } return $link; } /** * Return modified link to the currently displaying page * * @param array $args Arguments to add to the link to the currently displayed page * @param bool $preserve Save GET parameters of the current request other than 'page' and 'tab' * @param bool $add_nonce Add Cerber's nonce * * @return string */ function cerber_admin_link_add( $args = array(), $preserve = false, $add_nonce = true ) { $link = cerber_admin_link( crb_admin_get_tab(), array( 'page' => crb_admin_get_page() ), $add_nonce ); if ( $preserve ) { $get = crb_get_query_params(); unset( $get['page'], $get['tab'] ); } else { $get = array(); } if ( $args ) { $get = array_merge( $get, $args ); } if ( $get ) { foreach ( $get as $arg => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) { $link .= '&' . $arg . '[' . $key . ']=' . urlencode( $val ); } } else { $link .= '&' . $arg . '=' . urlencode( $value ); } } } return esc_url( $link ); } /** * @param array $set * * @return string */ function cerber_activity_link( $set = array() ) { static $link; if ( ! $link ) { $link = cerber_admin_link( 'activity' ); } $filter = ''; $c = count( $set ); if ( 1 == $c ) { $filter .= '&filter_activity=' . absint( array_shift( $set ) ); } elseif ( $c ) { foreach ( $set as $key => $item ) { $filter .= '&filter_activity[' . $key . ']=' . absint( $item ); } } return $link . $filter; } function cerber_traffic_link( $set = array(), $format = 1 ) { $ret = cerber_admin_link( 'traffic', $set ); if ( $format ) { $class = ( $format == 1 ) ? 'class="crb-button-tiny"' : ''; $ret = '' . __( 'Check for requests', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } return $ret; } function cerber_get_login_url() { $ret = ''; if ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { $ret = cerber_get_home_url() . '/' . $path . '/'; } return $ret; } /** * @return array * @since * */ function crb_parse_site_url() { static $result; if ( isset( $result ) ) { return $result; } $site_url = cerber_get_site_url(); $p1 = strpos( $site_url, '//' ); $p2 = strpos( $site_url, '/', $p1 + 2 ); if ( $p2 !== false ) { $site_root = substr( $site_url, 0, $p2 ); $sub_folder = substr( $site_url, $p2 ); } else { $site_root = $site_url; $sub_folder = ''; } $result = array( $site_root, $sub_folder ); return $result; } /** * Always includes the path to the current WP installation * * @return string * @since 7.9.4 * */ function cerber_get_site_url() { static $url; if ( isset( $url ) ) { return $url; } $url = trim( get_site_url(), '/' ); return $url; } /** * Might NOT include the path to the current WP installation in some cases * See: https://wordpress.org/support/article/giving-wordpress-its-own-directory/ * * @return string * @since 7.9.4 * */ function cerber_get_home_url() { static $url; if ( ! isset( $url ) ) { $url = trim( get_home_url(), '/' ); } return $url; } /** * For non-HTML cases. Not suitable for HTML rendering. * * @return string */ function crb_get_blogname_decoded() { return wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ); } function cerber_calculate_kpi( $period = 1 ) { $period = absint( $period ); if ( ! $period ) { $period = 1; } // TODO: Add spam performance as percentage Denied / Allowed comments return array( array( __( 'Malicious activities mitigated', 'wp-cerber' ) . '', cerber_count_log( crb_get_activity_set( 'malicious' ), $period ) ), array( __( 'Spam comments denied', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_count_log( array( 16 ), $period ) ), array( __( 'Spam form submissions denied', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_count_log( array( 17 ), $period ) ), array( __( 'Malicious IP addresses detected', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_count_log( crb_get_activity_set( 'malicious' ), $period, 'ip', true ) ), array( __( 'Lockouts occurred', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_count_log( array( 10, 11 ), $period ) ), ); } /** * The list devices available to send notifications * * @param string $token * * @return array|false */ function cerber_pb_get_devices( $token = '' ) { cerber_delete_set( 'pushbullet_name' ); if ( ! $token ) { if ( ! $token = crb_get_settings( 'pbtoken' ) ) { return false; } } $ret = array(); $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { return false; } $headers = array( 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token ); curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/devices', CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 2, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 4, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 4 * 3600, ) ); $result = @curl_exec( $curl ); $curl_error = curl_error( $curl ); curl_close( $curl ); $response = json_decode( $result, true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE == json_last_error() && isset( $response['devices'] ) ) { foreach ( $response['devices'] as $device ) { $ret[ $device['iden'] ] = $device['nickname']; } } else { if ( $response['error'] ) { $e = 'Pushbullet ' . $response['error']['message']; } elseif ( $curl_error ) { $e = $curl_error; } else { $e = 'Unknown cURL error'; } cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $e ); } return $ret; } /** * Send push message via Pushbullet * * @param string $title * @param string $text * @param string $more Additional text (links) * @param string $footer * * @return bool|WP_Error True on success */ function cerber_pb_send( $title, $text, $more = '', $footer = '' ) { if ( ! $text ) { return false; } if ( ! $token = crb_get_settings( 'pbtoken' ) ) { return false; } $body = $text; if ( $format = crb_get_settings( 'pb_format' ) ) { if ( $format == 1 ) { $body .= $more; } } else { $body .= $more . $footer; } $params = array( 'type' => 'note', 'title' => $title, 'body' => $body, 'sender_name' => 'WP Cerber' ); if ( $device = crb_get_settings( 'pbdevice' ) ) { if ( $device != 'all' && $device != 'N' ) { $params['device_iden'] = $device; } } $headers = array( 'Access-Token: ' . $token, 'Content-Type: application/json' ); $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { return false; } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes', CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode( $params ), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 2, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 4, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 4 * 3600, ) ); $result = @curl_exec( $curl ); if ( $curl_error = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $ret = new WP_Error( 'cerber_pb_error', $curl_error ); } else { $ret = true; } curl_close( $curl ); return $ret; } /** * Returns the name of the selected Pushbullet device * * @return string Sanitized name of the device retrieved from Pushbullet * * @since */ function cerber_pb_get_active() { if ( false !== $name = cerber_get_set( 'pushbullet_name', null, false ) ) { return $name; } // Updating the cache $device = crb_get_settings( 'pbdevice' ); $name = ''; if ( $device == 'all' ) { $name = 'all connected devices'; } elseif ( $device && $list = cerber_pb_get_devices() ) { $name = htmlspecialchars( $list[ $device ] ) ?? ''; } cerber_update_set( 'pushbullet_name', $name, null, false, time() + 3600 ); return $name; } /** * Informs admin if something wrong with the website or its configuration * */ function cerber_check_environment() { static $done; if ( $done ) { return; } $done = true; if ( version_compare( CERBER_REQ_PHP, phpversion(), '>' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( sprintf( __( 'WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_REQ_PHP, phpversion() ) ); } if ( ! crb_wp_version_compare( CERBER_REQ_WP ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( sprintf( __( 'WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_REQ_WP, cerber_get_wp_version() ) ); } if ( defined( 'CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Warning: Diagnostic logging of cloud requests is enabled.' ); } if ( ( time() - 120 ) < cerber_get_set( '_check_env', 0, false ) ) { return; } cerber_update_set( '_check_env', time(), 0, false ); if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'tienabled' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Warning: Traffic Inspector is disabled' ); } if ( cerber_is_admin_page( array( 'page' => 'cerber-shield' ) ) ) { if ( CRB_DS::check_errors( $msg ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( $msg ); } } $ex_list = get_loaded_extensions(); if ( ! in_array( 'curl', $ex_list ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' cURL PHP library is not enabled on this website.' ); } else { $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl && ( $err_msg = curl_error( $curl ) ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $err_msg ); } curl_close( $curl ); } if ( ! in_array( 'mbstring', $ex_list ) || ! function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' Required PHP extension mbstring is not enabled on this website. Some plugin features do work properly. Please enable the PHP mbstring extension (multibyte string support) in your hosting control panel.' ); } if ( cerber_get_mode() != crb_get_settings( 'boot-mode' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . 'The plugin is initialized in a different mode that does not match the settings. Check the "Load security engine" setting.' ); } } /** * Register an issue to be used in the "trouble solving" functionality * * @param string $code * @param string $text * @param string $related_setting */ function cerber_add_issue( $code, $text, $related_setting = '' ) { // TODO: implement this reporting feature static $issues = array(); if ( ! isset( $issues[ $code ] ) ) { $issues[ $code ] = array( $text, $related_setting ); if ( is_admin() ) { // There will be a separate list of issues that is displayed separately. // cerber_admin_notice( __( 'Warning:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $text ); } } } /** * Health check-up and self-repairing for vital parts * */ function cerber_watchdog( $full = false ) { if ( $full ) { cerber_create_db( false ); cerber_upgrade_db(); return; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LOG_TABLE ) || ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE ) || ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ) ) { cerber_create_db( false ); cerber_upgrade_db(); } } /** * Detect and return remote client IP address * * @return string Valid IP address * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_get_remote_ip() { static $remote_ip; if ( isset( $remote_ip ) ) { return $remote_ip; } if ( defined( 'CERBER_IP_KEY' ) ) { $remote_ip = filter_var( $_SERVER[ CERBER_IP_KEY ], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); } elseif ( crb_get_settings( 'proxy' ) && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) { $list = explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ); foreach ( $list as $maybe_ip ) { $remote_ip = filter_var( trim( $maybe_ip ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( $remote_ip ) { break; } } if ( ! $remote_ip && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] ) ) { $remote_ip = filter_var( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); } } else { if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ) { $remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] ) ) { $remote_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; } elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] ) ) { $remote_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } $remote_ip = filter_var( $remote_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); } if ( ! $remote_ip ) { // including WP-CLI, other way is: if defined('WP_CLI') $remote_ip = CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP; } if ( cerber_is_ipv6( $remote_ip ) ) { $remote_ip = cerber_ipv6_short( $remote_ip ); } return $remote_ip; } /** * Get ip_id for IP. * The ip_id can be safely used for array indexes and in any HTML code * * @param $ip string IP address * * @return string ID for given IP * @since 2.2 * */ function cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ) { $ip_id = str_replace( '.', '-', $ip, $count ); $ip_id = str_replace( ':', '_', $ip_id ); return $ip_id; } /** * Get IP from ip_id * * @param $ip_id string ID for an IP * * @return string IP address for given ID * @since 2.2 * */ function cerber_get_ip_id( $ip_id ) { $ip = str_replace( '-', '.', $ip_id, $count ); $ip = str_replace( '_', ':', $ip ); return $ip; } /** * Check if given IP address is a valid single IP v4 address * * @param $ip * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) { return ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 ) ) ? true : false; } function cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) { return ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) ) ? true : false; } /** * Check if a given IP address belongs to a private network (private IP). * Universal: support IPv6 and IPv4. * * @param $ip string An IP address to check * * @return bool True if IP is in the private range, false otherwise */ function is_ip_private( $ip ) { if ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE ) ) { return true; } elseif ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_is_ip( $ip ) { return filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); } /** * Expands shortened IPv6 to full IPv6 address * * @param $ip string IPv6 address * * @return string Full IPv6 address */ function cerber_ipv6_expand( $ip ) { $full_hex = (string) bin2hex( inet_pton( $ip ) ); return implode( ':', str_split( $full_hex, 4 ) ); } /** * Compress full IPv6 to shortened * * @param $ip string IPv6 address * * @return string Full IPv6 address */ function cerber_ipv6_short( $ip ) { if ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) ) { return $ip; } return inet_ntop( inet_pton( $ip ) ); } /** * Convert multilevel object or array of objects to associative array recursively * * @param $var object|array * * @return array result of conversion * @since 3.0 */ function obj_to_arr_deep( $var ) { if ( is_object( $var ) ) { $var = get_object_vars( $var ); } if ( is_array( $var ) ) { return array_map( __FUNCTION__, $var ); } return $var; } /** * Search for a string key in a given multidimensional array * * @param array $array * @param string $needle * * @return bool */ function crb_multi_search_key( $array, $needle ) { foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) { if ( (string) $key == (string) $needle ) { return true; } if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $ret = crb_multi_search_key( $value, $needle ); if ( $ret == true ) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * array_column() implementation for PHP < 5.5 * * @param array $arr Multidimensional array * @param string $column Column key * * @return array */ function crb_array_column( $arr = array(), $column = '' ) { global $x_column; $x_column = $column; $ret = array_map( function ( $element ) { global $x_column; return $element[ $x_column ]; }, $arr ); $ret = array_values( $ret ); return $ret; } /** * @param $arr array * @param $key string|integer|array * @param $default mixed * @param $pattern string REGEX pattern for value validation, UTF is not supported * * @return mixed */ function crb_array_get( &$arr, $key, $default = false, $pattern = '' ) { if ( ! is_array( $arr ) || empty( $arr ) ) { return $default; } if ( is_array( $key ) ) { $ret = crb_array_get_deep( $arr, $key ); if ( $ret === null ) { $ret = $default; } } else { $ret = ( isset( $arr[ $key ] ) ) ? $arr[ $key ] : $default; } if ( ! $pattern ) { return $ret; } if ( ! is_array( $ret ) ) { if ( @preg_match( '/^' . $pattern . '$/i', $ret ) ) { return $ret; } return $default; } global $cerber_temp; $cerber_temp = $pattern; array_walk( $ret, function ( &$item ) { global $cerber_temp; if ( ! @preg_match( '/^' . $cerber_temp . '$/i', $item ) ) { $item = ''; } } ); return array_filter( $ret ); } /** * Retrieve element from multi-dimensional array * * @param array $arr * @param array $keys Keys (dimensions) * * @return mixed|null Value of the element if it's defined, null otherwise */ function crb_array_get_deep( &$arr, $keys ) { if ( ! is_array( $arr ) ) { return null; } $key = array_shift( $keys ); if ( isset( $arr[ $key ] ) ) { if ( empty( $keys ) ) { return $arr[ $key ]; } return crb_array_get_deep( $arr[ $key ], $keys ); } return null; } /** * Compare two arrays by using keys: check if two arrays have different set of keys * * @param $arr1 array * @param $arr2 array * * @return bool true if arrays have different set of keys */ function crb_array_diff_keys( &$arr1, &$arr2 ) { if ( count( $arr1 ) != count( $arr2 ) ) { return true; } if ( array_diff_key( $arr1, $arr2 ) ) { return true; } if ( array_diff_key( $arr2, $arr1 ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Compares two elements of two arrays * * @param $arr1 array * @param $arr2 array * @param $key1 string|int * @param $key2 string|int * * @return bool True if elements are equal or absent in two arrays */ function crb_array_cmp_val( &$arr1, &$arr2, $key1, $key2 = null ) { if ( ! $key2 ) { $key2 = $key1; } if ( ( $set = isset( $arr1[ $key1 ] ) ) !== isset( $arr2[ $key2 ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $set ) { return true; } return ( $arr1[ $key1 ] === $arr2[ $key2 ] ); } /** * Changes the case of all keys in an array. * Supports multi-dimensional arrays. * * @param array $arr * @param int $case CASE_LOWER | CASE_UPPER * * @return array */ function crb_array_change_key_case( $arr, $case = CASE_LOWER ) { return array_map( function ( $item ) use ( $case ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $item = crb_array_change_key_case( $item, $case ); } return $item; }, array_change_key_case( $arr, $case ) ); } /** * @param string|array $val * * for objects see map_deep(); */ function crb_trim_deep( &$val ) { if ( ! is_array( $val ) ) { $val = trim( $val ); } array_walk_recursive( $val, function ( &$v ) { $v = trim( $v ); } ); } /** * @param string|array $val * * Note: _sanitize_text_fields removes HTML tags * */ function crb_sanitize_deep( &$val ) { if ( ! is_array( $val ) ) { $val = _sanitize_text_fields( $val, true ); } array_walk_recursive( $val, function ( &$v ) { $v = _sanitize_text_fields( $v, true ); } ); } /** * Sanitizes integer values * * @param array|int $val Input value * @param bool $make_list If true, returns result as an array * @param bool $keep_empty If false, removes empty elements from the resulting array * * @return array|int * * @since */ function crb_sanitize_int( $val, $make_list = true, $keep_empty = false ) { if ( ! is_array( $val ) ) { if ( $make_list ) { $val = array( $val ); } else { return absint( $val ); } } array_walk_recursive( $val, function ( &$v ) { $v = absint( $v ); } ); if ( ! $keep_empty ) { $val = array_filter( $val ); } return $val; } /** * Return true if a REST API URL has been requested * * @return bool * @since 3.0 */ function cerber_is_rest_url() { global $wp_rewrite; static $ret = null; if ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) { return true; } if ( isset( $_REQUEST['rest_route'] ) ) { return true; } if ( ! $wp_rewrite ) { // see get_rest_url() in the multisite mode return false; } if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = false; $request_path = CRB_Request::get_request_path(); list( $root, $dir ) = crb_parse_site_url(); //$rest_prefix = $dir . '/' . rest_get_url_prefix() . '/'; $rest_prefix = $dir . '/' . rest_get_url_prefix(); $rp_len = strlen( $rest_prefix ); //if ( 0 === strpos( substr( $request_path, 0, $rp_len ), $rest_prefix ) ) { if ( substr( $request_path, 0, $rp_len ) == $rest_prefix ) { if ( $request_path[ $rp_len ] == '?' ) { // An exception for: WordPress processes /wp-json? as a REST API request $ret = true; } else { $url_len = strlen( crb_get_rest_url() ); //if ( 0 === strpos( substr( $root . $request_path, 0, $ru_len ), crb_get_rest_url() ) ) { if ( substr( $root . $request_path, 0, $url_len ) == crb_get_rest_url() ) { $ret = true; } } } return $ret; } /** * @return bool * * @since 8.8 */ function cerber_is_api_request() { return ( ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ) || ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) ); } /** * Check if the current query is HTTP GET * * @return bool true if request method is GET */ function cerber_is_http_get() { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return ! nexus_request_data()->is_post; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if the current query is HTTP POST * * @return bool true if request method is POST */ function cerber_is_http_post() { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return nexus_request_data()->is_post; } if ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if it's a wp cron request * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_wp_cron() { if ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON ) { return true; } if ( CRB_Request::is_script( '/wp-cron.php' ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_is_wp_ajax( $use_filter = false ) { if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) { return true; } // @since 8.1.3 if ( $use_filter && function_exists( 'wp_doing_ajax' ) ) { return wp_doing_ajax(); } return false; } /** * Checks whether the given variable is a WordPress Error * * @param $thing * * @return bool True if the variable is an instance of WP_Error * * @since 9.0.4 */ function crb_is_wp_error( $thing ) { return ( $thing instanceof WP_Error ); } /** * @return bool True if it's the user edit/profile WordPress admin page */ function is_admin_user_edit() { if ( ( defined( 'IS_PROFILE_PAGE' ) && IS_PROFILE_PAGE ) || CRB_Request::is_script( array( '/wp-admin/user-edit.php', '/wp-admin/profile.php' ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a $_GET parameter with a given key * * @param $key string * @param $pattern string * @param $filter_var integer filter_var() filter ID * * @return bool|array|string */ function cerber_get_get( $key, $pattern = '', $filter_var = null ) { $ret = crb_array_get( $_GET, $key, false, $pattern ); if ( $filter_var ) { return filter_var( $ret, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); } return $ret; } /** * * @param $key string * @param $pattern string * * @return bool|array|string */ function cerber_get_post( $key, $pattern = '' ) { return crb_array_get( $_POST, $key, false, $pattern ); } /** * Returns values of $_GET parameters (query string) * * @param string $key * @param string $pattern * * @return array|string|mixed */ function crb_get_query_params( $key = null, $pattern = '' ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { if ( $key ) { return crb_array_get( nexus_request_data()->get_params, $key, false, $pattern ); } return (array) nexus_request_data()->get_params; } // Local context if ( $key ) { return cerber_get_get( $key, $pattern ); } return (array) $_GET; } function crb_get_post_fields( $key = null, $default = false, $pattern = '' ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { if ( nexus_request_data()->is_post ) { return nexus_request_data()->get_post_fields( $key, $default, $pattern ); } return array(); } if ( $key ) { return crb_array_get( $_POST, $key, $default, $pattern ); } return $_POST; } function crb_get_request_field( $field, $default = false ) { $fields = crb_get_request_fields(); return crb_array_get( $fields, $field, $default ); } function crb_get_request_fields() { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { $ret = nexus_request_data()->get_params; if ( nexus_request_data()->is_post ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, nexus_request_data()->get_post_fields() ); } return $ret; } return $_REQUEST; } /** * Is requested REST API namespace whitelisted * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_route_allowed() { $allowed = crb_get_settings( 'restwhite' ); if ( empty( $allowed ) ) { return false; } $rest_path = crb_get_rest_path(); $namespace = substr( $rest_path, 0, strpos( $rest_path, '/' ) ); if ( in_array( $namespace, (array) $allowed ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_is_rest_permitted() { // Exception: application passwords route @since WP Cerber 8.8 & WP 5.6 -> permissions are checked in the WP core if ( preg_match( '#^wp/v\d+/users/\d+/application-passwords#', crb_get_rest_path() ) ) { return true; } $opt = crb_get_settings(); if ( ! empty( $opt['norestuser'] ) ) { $path = explode( '/', crb_get_rest_path() ); if ( $path && count( $path ) > 2 && $path[0] == 'wp' && $path[2] == 'users' ) { if ( is_super_admin() ) { return true; // @since 8.3.4 } return false; } } if ( empty( $opt['norest'] ) ) { return true; } CRB_Globals::$user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ( $opt['restauth'] && is_user_logged_in() ) { return true; } if ( ! empty( $opt['restwhite'] ) || is_array( $opt['restwhite'] ) ) { $rest_path = crb_get_rest_path(); $namespace = substr( $rest_path, 0, strpos( $rest_path, '/' ) ); foreach ( $opt['restwhite'] as $exception ) { if ( $exception == $namespace ) { CRB_Globals::$req_status = 503; return true; } } } if ( ! empty( $opt['restroles'] ) || is_array( $opt['restroles'] ) ) { if ( cerber_user_has_role( $opt['restroles'] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } function crb_get_rest_path() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = ''; if ( isset( $_REQUEST['rest_route'] ) ) { $ret = ltrim( $_REQUEST['rest_route'], '/' ); } elseif ( cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { $path = CRB_Request::get_request_path(); list( $root, $dir ) = crb_parse_site_url(); $pos = strlen( crb_get_rest_url() ); $ret = substr( $root . $path, $pos ); // @since 8.1 $ret = trim( $ret, '/' ); } return $ret; } /** * * @return string Full URL including scheme, host, path and trailing slash * */ function crb_get_rest_url() { static $ret; if ( ! isset( $ret ) ) { $ret = get_rest_url(); } return $ret; } /** * Check if a user has at least one role from the list * * @param array $roles * @param null $user_id * * @return bool */ function cerber_user_has_role( $roles = array(), $user_id = null ) { if ( ! $roles ) { return false; } if ( ! $user_id ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); } else { $user = get_userdata( $user_id ); } if ( ! $user || empty( $user->roles ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { $roles = array( $roles ); } if ( array_intersect( $user->roles, $roles ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if all user roles are in the list * * @param array|string $roles * @param int $user_id * * @return bool false if the user has role(s) other than listed in $roles */ function crb_user_has_role_strict( $roles, $user_id ) { if ( ! $user_id || ! $user = get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $roles ) ) { $roles = array( $roles ); } $user_roles = ( is_array( $user->roles ) ) ? $user->roles : array(); return ( ! array_diff( $user_roles, $roles ) ); } /** * Returns metadata if the user is blocked by admin * * @param int $uid User ID * * @return false|array */ function crb_is_user_blocked( $uid ) { if ( $uid && ( $m = get_user_meta( $uid, CERBER_BUKEY, 1 ) ) && ! empty( $m['blocked'] ) && $m[ 'u' . $uid ] == $uid ) { return $m; } return false; } /** * Returns textual info on who and when blocked a user * * @param array $meta * * @return string * * @since 9.0.2 */ function crb_user_blocked_by( $meta ) { if ( empty( $meta['blocked_by'] ) ) { return ''; } if ( $meta['blocked_by'] == get_current_user_id() ) { $who = __( 'You', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $user = get_userdata( $meta['blocked_by'] ); $who = '' . $user->display_name . ''; } return sprintf( _x( 'blocked by %s at %s', 'e.g. blocked by John at 11:00', 'wp-cerber' ), $who, cerber_date( $meta['blocked_time'] ) ); } /** * @return bool * * @since 8.8 * */ function crb_is_user_logged_in() { if ( ! function_exists( 'is_user_logged_in' ) ) { cerber_load_wp_constants(); // The reason is, we need auth constants before the use of is_user_logged_in() in "Standard mode". require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/pluggable.php' ); } return is_user_logged_in(); } /** * Returns user session token. * * OMG: WordPress stores the same token in two different cookies. * * @return string * * @since 8.9.1 */ function crb_get_session_token() { // First, trying the default cookie: LOGGED_IN_COOKIE if ( ! $token = wp_get_session_token() ) { // Trying another, backup cookie: SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE or AUTH_COOKIE $cookie = wp_parse_auth_cookie(); $token = crb_array_get( $cookie, 'token', '' ); } return $token; } /** * Checks role-based user limits * * @param $user_id * * @return false|string Returns false if no restrictions, an error message otherwise. */ function crb_check_user_limits( $user_id ) { if ( ! $user_id ) { return false; } // Sessions if ( ! $limit = absint( cerber_get_user_policy( 'sess_limit', $user_id ) ) ) { return false; } $list = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT started, wp_session_token FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . absint( $user_id ) ); if ( $list && ( count( $list ) >= $limit ) ) { if ( cerber_get_user_policy( 'sess_limit_policy', $user_id ) ) { if ( $msg = cerber_get_user_policy( 'sess_limit_msg', $user_id ) ) { return $msg; } return get_wp_cerber()->getErrorMsg(); } else { $started = array_column( $list, 'started' ); array_multisort( $started, SORT_ASC, SORT_NUMERIC, $list ); CRB_Globals::$session_status = 38; crb_sessions_kill( $list[0]['wp_session_token'], $user_id, false ); } } return false; } /** * Return the last element in the path of the requested URI. * * @return bool|string */ function cerber_last_uri() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = strtolower( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); if ( $pos = strpos( $ret, '?' ) ) { $ret = substr( $ret, 0, $pos ); } if ( $pos = strpos( $ret, '#' ) ) { $ret = substr( $ret, 0, $pos ); // @since 8.1 - malformed request URI } $ret = rtrim( $ret, '/' ); $ret = substr( strrchr( $ret, '/' ), 1 ); return $ret; } /** * Return the name of an executable script in the requested URI if it's present * * @return bool|string The script name or false if executable script is not detected */ function cerber_get_uri_script() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $last = cerber_last_uri(); if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $last ) ) { $ret = $last; } else { $ret = false; } return $ret; } /** * Detects an executable extension in a filename. * Supports double and N fake extensions. * * @param $line string Filename * @param array $extra A list of additional extensions to detect * * @return bool|string An extension if it's found, false otherwise */ function cerber_detect_exec_extension( $line, $extra = array() ) { static $executable = array( 'php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'phps', 'shtm', 'shtml', 'jsp', 'asp', 'aspx', 'axd', 'exe', 'com', 'cgi', 'pl', 'py', 'pyc', 'pyo' ); static $not_exec = array( 'jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'css', 'txt' ); if ( empty( $line ) || ! strrpos( $line, '.' ) ) { return false; } if ( $extra ) { $ex_list = array_merge( $executable, $extra ); } else { $ex_list = $executable; } $line = trim( $line ); $line = trim( $line, '/' ); $parts = explode( '.', $line ); array_shift( $parts ); // First and last are critical for most server environments $first_ext = array_shift( $parts ); $last_ext = array_pop( $parts ); if ( $first_ext ) { $first_ext = strtolower( $first_ext ); if ( ! in_array( $first_ext, $not_exec ) ) { if ( in_array( $first_ext, $ex_list ) ) { return $first_ext; } if ( preg_match( '/php\d+/', $first_ext ) ) { return $first_ext; } } } if ( $last_ext ) { $last_ext = strtolower( $last_ext ); if ( in_array( $last_ext, $ex_list ) ) { return $last_ext; } if ( preg_match( '/php\d+/', $last_ext ) ) { return $last_ext; } } return false; } /** * Remove extra slashes \ / from a script file name * * @return string|bool */ function cerber_script_filename() { return preg_replace( '/[\/\\\\]+/', '/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ); // Windows server } function cerber_script_exists( $uri ) { $script_filename = cerber_script_filename(); if ( is_multisite() && ! is_subdomain_install() ) { $path = explode( '/', $uri ); if ( count( $path ) > 1 ) { $last = array_pop( $path ); $virtual_sub_folder = array_pop( $path ); $uri = implode( '/', $path ) . '/' . $last; } } if ( false === strrpos( $script_filename, $uri ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Activity labels and statues * * @param string $type * @param int $id * * @return array|string */ function cerber_get_labels( $type = 'activity', $id = 0 ) { if ( ! $labels = cerber_cache_get( 'labels' ) ) { // Initialize it $labels = array( 'activity' => array(), 'activity_by' => array(), 'status' => array(), ); $act = &$labels['activity']; $act_by = &$labels['activity_by']; // User actions $act[1] = __( 'User created', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who created the user. */ $act_by[1] = __( 'User created by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[2] = __( 'User registered', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[3] = __( 'User deleted', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the user. */ $act_by[3] = __( 'User deleted by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[ CRB_EV_LIN ] = __( 'Logged in', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[6] = __( 'Logged out', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[ CRB_EV_LFL ] = __( 'Login failed', 'wp-cerber' ); // Cerber actions - IP specific - lockouts $act[10] = __( 'IP blocked', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[11] = __( 'IP subnet blocked', 'wp-cerber' ); // WP Cerber's actions - denied $act[12] = __( 'Citadel activated!', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[16] = __( 'Spam comment denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[17] = __( 'Spam form submission denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[18] = __( 'Form submission denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[19] = __( 'Comment denied', 'wp-cerber' ); // Cerber status now //$act[13]=__('Locked out','wp-cerber'); //$act[14]=__('IP blacklisted','wp-cerber'); //$act[15]=__('Malicious activity detected','wp-cerber'); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Other events $act[20] = __( 'Password changed', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who changed the password. */ $act_by[20] = __( 'Password changed by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[ CRB_EV_PRS ] = __( 'Password reset requested', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[ CRB_EV_UST ] = __( 'User session terminated', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who terminated the session. */ $act_by[ CRB_EV_UST ] = __( 'User session terminated by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[ CRB_EV_PRD ] = __( 'Password reset request denied', 'wp-cerber' ); // Not in use and replaced by statuses 532 - 534 since 8.9.4. $act[40] = __( 'reCAPTCHA verification failed', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[41] = __( 'reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[42] = __( 'Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed', 'wp-cerber' ); // -------------------------- $act[CRB_EV_PUR] = __( 'Attempt to access prohibited URL', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[51] = __( 'Attempt to log in with non-existing username', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[52] = __( 'Attempt to log in with prohibited username', 'wp-cerber' ); // WP Cerber's actions - denied $act[ CRB_EV_LDN ] = __( 'Attempt to log in denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[54] = __( 'Attempt to register denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[55] = __( 'Probing for vulnerable code', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[56] = __( 'Attempt to upload malicious file denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[57] = __( 'File upload denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[70] = __( 'Request to REST API denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[71] = __( 'Request to XML-RPC API denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[72] = __( 'User creation denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[73] = __( 'User row update denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[74] = __( 'Role update denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[75] = __( 'Setting update denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[76] = __( 'User metadata update denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[100] = __( 'Malicious request denied', 'wp-cerber' ); // APIs $act[149] = __( 'User application password updated', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[150] = __( 'User application password created', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who created the password. */ $act_by[150] = __( 'User application password created by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[151] = __( 'API request authorized', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[152] = __( 'API request authorization failed', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[153] = __( 'User application password deleted', 'wp-cerber' ); /* translators: %s is the name of a website administrator who deleted the password. */ $act_by[153] = __( 'User application password deleted by %s', 'wp-cerber' ); // BuddyPress $act[200] = __( 'User activated', 'wp-cerber' ); // Nexus slave $act[300] = __( 'Invalid master credentials', 'wp-cerber' ); $act[400] = 'Two-factor authentication enforced'; // Statuses $sts = &$labels['status']; $sts[10] = __( 'Denied', 'wp-cerber' ); // @since $sts[ CRB_STS_11 ] = __( 'Bot detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[12] = __( 'Citadel mode is active', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[13] = __( 'Locked out', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[13] = __( 'IP address is locked out', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[14] = __( 'IP blacklisted', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[15] = __( 'Malicious activity detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[16] = __( 'Blocked by country rule', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[17] = __( 'Limit reached', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[18] = __( 'Multiple suspicious activities', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[19] = __( 'Denied', 'wp-cerber' ); // @since 6.7.5 $sts[20] = __( 'Suspicious number of fields', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[21] = __( 'Suspicious number of nested values', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[22] = __( 'Malicious code detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[23] = __( 'Suspicious SQL code detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[24] = __( 'Suspicious JavaScript code detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_25 ] = __( 'Blocked by administrator', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[26] = __( 'Site policy enforcement', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[27] = __( '2FA code verified', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[28] = __( 'Initiated by the user', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_29 ] = __( 'User blocked by administrator', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_30 ] = __( 'Username is prohibited', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[31] = __( 'Email address is prohibited', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[32] = 'User role is prohibited'; $sts[33] = __( 'Permission denied', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[34] = 'Unauthorized access denied'; $sts[35] = __( 'Invalid user', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[36] = __( 'Incorrect password', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[37] = __( 'IP address is not allowed', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[38] = __( 'Limit on concurrent user sessions', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[39] = __( 'Invalid cookies', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[40] = __( 'Invalid cookies cleared', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[50] = __( 'Forbidden URL', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_51 ] = __( 'Executable file extension detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_52 ] = __( 'Filename is prohibited', 'wp-cerber' ); // @since 8.6.4 $sts[500] = __( 'IP whitelisted', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[501] = 'URL whitelisted'; $sts[502] = 'Query whitelisted'; $sts[503] = 'Namespace whitelisted'; // IP is in the whitelist, but "use whitelist" setting is not enabled $sts[510] = $sts[500]; // TI $sts[511] = $sts[500]; // DS $sts[512] = $sts[500]; // DS // @since 8.9.4 $sts[530] = __( 'Logged out everywhere', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[531] = __( 'reCAPTCHA verified', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[ CRB_STS_532 ] = __( 'reCAPTCHA verification failed', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[533] = __( 'reCAPTCHA settings are incorrect', 'wp-cerber' ); $sts[534] = __( 'Request to the Google reCAPTCHA service failed', 'wp-cerber' ); // Note: 7xx is in use in cerber_get_reason() cerber_cache_set( 'labels', $labels ); } if ( $id ) { if ( isset( $labels[ $type ][ $id ] ) ) { return $labels[ $type ][ $id ]; } return __( 'Unknown label', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' (' . absint( $id ) . '/' . $type . ')'; } return $labels[ $type ]; } /** * Returns a label to be displayed in the logs * * @param int $activity * @param int $user * @param int $by_user * @param bool $link * * @return string * * @since */ function crb_get_label( $activity, $user = null, $by_user = null, $link = true ) { static $user_link = array(); if ( $by_user && $user != $by_user && $user_data = crb_get_userdata( $by_user ) ) { if ( $link ) { if ( empty( $user_link[ $by_user ] ) ) { $user_link[ $by_user ] = get_edit_user_link( $by_user ); } $user_name = '' . $user_data->display_name . ''; } else { $user_name = $user_data->display_name; } return sprintf( cerber_get_labels( 'activity_by', $activity ), $user_name ); } return cerber_get_labels( 'activity', $activity ); } function crb_get_filter_set( $set_id ) { static $list = array( 1 => 'suspicious', 2 => 'login_issues' ); if ( ! isset( $list[ $set_id ] ) ) { return array(); } return crb_get_activity_set( $list[ $set_id ] ); } function crb_get_activity_set( $slice = 'malicious', $implode = false ) { $ret = array(); switch ( $slice ) { case 'malicious': $ret = array( 16, 17, CRB_EV_PRD, 40, 50, 51, 52, CRB_EV_LDN, 54, 55, 56, 100 ); break; case 'black': // Like 'malicious' but will cause an IP lockout when hit the limit $ret = array( 16, 17, 40, 50, 51, 52, CRB_EV_LDN, 55, 56, 100, 300 ); break; case 'suspicious': // Uses when an admin inspects logs with filter_set = 1 $ret = array( 10, 11, 16, 17, CRB_EV_PRD, 40, 50, 51, 52, CRB_EV_LDN, 54, 55, 56, 57, 100, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 300 ); break; case 'dashboard': // Important events for the plugin dashboard $ret = array( 1, 2, 3, CRB_EV_LIN, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, CRB_EV_UST, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, CRB_EV_LDN, 54, 55, 56, 57, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 100, 149, 150, 200, 300, 400 ); break; case 'login_issues': $ret = array( CRB_EV_LFL, CRB_EV_PRS, CRB_EV_PRD, 51, 52, CRB_EV_LDN, 152 ); break; case 'blocked': // IP or subnet was blocked $ret = array( 10, 11 ); } if ( $implode ) { return implode( ',', $ret ); } return $ret; } function cerber_get_reason( $reason_id = null ) { if ( ! $labels = cerber_cache_get( 'reasons' ) ) { $labels = array(); $labels[701] = __( 'Limit on login attempts is reached', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[702] = __( 'Attempt to access', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[702] = __( 'Attempt to access prohibited URL', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[703] = __( 'Attempt to log in with non-existing username', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[704] = __( 'Attempt to log in with prohibited username', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[705] = __( 'Limit on failed reCAPTCHA verifications is reached', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[706] = __( 'Bot activity is detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[707] = __( 'Multiple suspicious activities were detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[708] = __( 'Probing for vulnerable code', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[709] = __( 'Malicious code detected', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[710] = __( 'Attempt to upload a file with malicious code', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[711] = __( 'Multiple erroneous requests', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[712] = __( 'Multiple suspicious requests', 'wp-cerber' ); $labels[721] = 'Limit on 2FA verifications has reached'; cerber_cache_set( 'reasons', $labels ); } if ( $reason_id ) { if ( isset( $labels[ $reason_id ] ) ) { return $labels[ $reason_id ]; } return __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } return $labels; } function cerber_db_error_log( $errors = array() ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $errors ) { $errors = array(); if ( ! empty( $wpdb->last_error ) ) { $errors = array( array( $wpdb->last_error, $wpdb->last_query, microtime( true ) ) ); } if ( $others = cerber_db_get_errors( true, false ) ) { $errors = array_merge( $errors, $others ); } } if ( ! $errors ) { return; } if ( ! $old = get_site_option( '_cerber_db_errors' ) ) { $old = array(); } update_site_option( '_cerber_db_errors', array_merge( $old, $errors ) ); } /** * Add admin error message(s) to be displayed in the dashboard * * @param string|array $msg */ function cerber_admin_notice( $msg ) { crb_admin_add_msg( $msg, 'admin_notice' ); } /** * * @param string|array $msg */ function cerber_admin_message( $msg ) { crb_admin_add_msg( $msg ); } function crb_admin_add_msg( $msg, $type = 'admin_message' ) { if ( ! $msg || CRB_Globals::$doing_upgrade ) { return; } if ( ! is_array( $msg ) ) { $msg = array( $msg ); } $set = cerber_get_set( $type ); if ( ! $set || ! is_array( $set ) ) { $set = array(); } cerber_update_set( $type, array_merge( $set, $msg ) ); } function crb_clear_admin_msg() { cerber_update_set( 'admin_notice', array() ); cerber_update_set( 'admin_message', array() ); cerber_update_set( 'cerber_admin_wide', '' ); } /* Check if currently displayed page is a Cerber admin dashboard page with optional checking a set of GET params */ function cerber_is_admin_page( $params = array(), $force = false ) { if ( ! is_admin() && ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return false; } $get = crb_get_query_params(); $ret = false; if ( isset( $get['page'] ) && false !== strpos( $get['page'], 'cerber-' ) ) { $ret = true; if ( $params ) { foreach ( $params as $param => $value ) { if ( ! isset( $get[ $param ] ) ) { $ret = false; break; } if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { if ( $get[ $param ] != $value ) { $ret = false; break; } } elseif ( ! in_array( $get[ $param ], $value ) ) { $ret = false; break; } } } } if ( $ret || ! $force ) { return $ret; } if ( ! function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) || ! $screen = get_current_screen() ) { return false; } if ( $screen->base == 'plugins' ) { return true; } /* if ($screen->parent_base == 'options-general') return true; if ($screen->parent_base == 'settings') return true; */ return false; } /** * Return human readable "ago" time * * @param $time integer Unix timestamp - time of an event * * @return string */ function cerber_ago_time( $time ) { $diff = abs( time() - (int) $time ); if ( $diff < MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ) { $secs = ( $diff <= 1 ) ? 1 : $diff; /* translators: Time difference between two dates, in seconds (sec=second). 1: Number of seconds */ $dt = sprintf( _n( '%s sec', '%s secs', $secs, 'wp-cerber' ), $secs ); } else { $dt = human_time_diff( $time ); } // _x( 'at', 'preposition of time', return ( $time <= time() ) ? sprintf( __( '%s ago' ), $dt ) : sprintf( _x( 'in %s', 'preposition of a period of time like: in 6 hours', 'wp-cerber' ), $dt ); } function cerber_auto_date( $time, $purify = true ) { if ( ! $time ) { return __( 'Never', 'wp-cerber' ); } return $time < ( time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS ) ? cerber_date( $time, $purify ) : cerber_ago_time( $time ); } /** * Format date according to user settings and timezone * * @param $timestamp int Unix timestamp * @param $purify boolean If true adds html to have a better look on a web page * * @return string */ function cerber_date( $timestamp, $purify = true ) { static $gmt_offset; if ( $gmt_offset === null ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; } $timestamp = $gmt_offset + absint( $timestamp ); // @since 8.6.4: snippet is taken from new date_i18n() if ( function_exists( 'wp_date' ) ) { // wp_date() introduced in WP 5.3 $local_time = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp ); $timezone = wp_timezone(); $datetime = date_create( $local_time, $timezone ); $date = wp_date( cerber_get_dt_format(), $datetime->getTimestamp(), $timezone ); } else { // Older WP $date = date_i18n( cerber_get_dt_format(), $timestamp ); } if ( $purify ) { $date = str_replace( array( ',', ' am', ' pm', ' AM', ' PM' ), array( ',', ' am', ' pm', ' AM', ' PM' ), $date ); } return $date; } function cerber_get_dt_format() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } if ( $ret = crb_get_settings( 'dateformat' ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = crb_get_default_dt_format(); return $ret; } function crb_get_default_dt_format() { $tf = get_option( 'time_format' ); $df = get_option( 'date_format' ); return $df . ', ' . $tf; } function cerber_is_ampm() { if ( 'a' == strtolower( substr( trim( get_option( 'time_format' ) ), - 1 ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_sec_from_time( $time ) { list( $h, $m ) = explode( ':', trim( $time ) ); $h = absint( $h ); $m = absint( $m ); $ret = $h * 3600 + $m * 60; if ( strpos( strtolower( $time ), 'pm' ) ) { $ret += 12 * 3600; } return $ret; } function cerber_percent( $one, $two ) { if ( $one == 0 ) { if ( $two > 0 ) { $ret = '100'; } else { $ret = '0'; } } else { $ret = round( ( ( ( $two - $one ) / $one ) ) * 100 ); } $style = ''; if ( $ret < 0 ) { $style = 'color:#008000'; } elseif ( $ret > 0 ) { $style = 'color:#FF0000'; } if ( $ret > 0 ) { $ret = '+' . $ret; } return '' . $ret . ' %'; } function crb_size_format( $fsize ) { $fsize = absint( $fsize ); return ( $fsize < 1024 ) ? $fsize . ' ' . __( 'Bytes', 'wp-cerber' ) : size_format( $fsize ); } /** * Return a user by login or email with automatic detection * * @param $login_email string login or email * * @return false|WP_User */ function cerber_get_user( $login_email ) { if ( is_email( $login_email ) ) { return get_user_by( 'email', $login_email ); } return get_user_by( 'login', $login_email ); } /** * @param int $user_id * * @return false|WP_User * * @since */ function crb_get_userdata( $user_id ) { static $users; if ( ! isset( $users[ $user_id ] ) ) { $users[ $user_id ] = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id ); } return $users[ $user_id ]; } /** * Check if a DB table exists * * @param $table * * @return bool true if table exists in the DB */ function cerber_is_table( $table ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $table . "'" ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check if a column is defined in a table * * @param $table string DB table name * @param $column string Field name * * @return bool true if field exists in a table */ function cerber_is_column( $table, $column ) { $table = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/', '', $table ); $column = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/', '', $column ); if ( cerber_db_get_results( 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE FIELD = "' . $column . '"' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if a table has an index * * @param $table string DB table name * @param $key string Index name * * @return bool true if an index defined for a table */ function cerber_is_index( $table, $key ) { $table = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/', '', $table ); $key = preg_replace( '/[^\w\-]/', '', $key ); if ( cerber_db_get_results( 'SHOW INDEX FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE KEY_NAME = "' . $key . '"' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return reCAPTCHA language code for reCAPTCHA widget * * @return string */ function cerber_recaptcha_lang() { static $lang = ''; if ( ! $lang ) { $lang = crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ); //$trans = array('en-US' => 'en', 'de-DE' => 'de'); //if (isset($trans[$lang])) $lang = $trans[$lang]; $lang = substr( $lang, 0, 2 ); } return $lang; } /* Checks for a new version of WP Cerber and creates messages if needed */ function cerber_check_for_newer() { if ( ! $updates = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ) ) { return false; } $ret = false; $key = CERBER_PLUGIN_ID; if ( isset( $updates->checked[ $key ] ) && isset( $updates->response[ $key ] ) ) { $old = $updates->checked[ $key ]; $new = $updates->response[ $key ]->new_version; if ( 1 === version_compare( $new, $old ) ) { // current version is lower than latest $msg = sprintf( __( 'A new version of %s is available. Please install it.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'WP Cerber Security' ); $ret = array( 'msg' => $msg, 'ver' => $new ); } } return $ret; } /** * Is user agent string indicates bot (crawler) * * @param $ua * * @return integer 1 if ua string contains a bot definition, 0 otherwise * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_is_crawler( $ua ) { if ( ! $ua ) { return 0; } $ua = strtolower( $ua ); if ( preg_match( '/\(compatible\;(.+)\)/', $ua, $matches ) ) { $bot_info = explode( ';', $matches[1] ); foreach ( $bot_info as $item ) { if ( strpos( $item, 'bot' ) || strpos( $item, 'crawler' ) || strpos( $item, 'spider' ) || strpos( $item, 'Yahoo! Slurp' ) ) { return 1; } } } elseif ( 0 === strpos( $ua, 'Wget/' ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Natively escape a string for use in an SQL statement * The reason: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2017/10/31/changed-behaviour-of-esc_sql-in-wordpress-4-8-3/ * * @param string $str * * @return string * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_real_escape( $str ) { $str = (string) $str; if ( empty( $str ) ) { if ( $str === '0' ) { return '0'; } return ''; } if ( $db = cerber_get_db() ) { return mysqli_real_escape_string( $db->dbh, $str ); } return ''; } /** * @param bool $erase * @param bool $flat If true returns an array of error messages, otherwise a multidimensional array * * @return array */ function cerber_db_get_errors( $erase = false, $flat = true ) { if ( ! isset( CRB_Globals::$db_errors ) ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors = array(); } $ret = CRB_Globals::$db_errors; if ( $erase ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors = array(); } if ( $flat ) { $ret = array_map( function ( $e ) { if ( is_array( $e ) ) { return implode( ' ', $e ); } return $e; }, $ret ); } return $ret; } /** * Execute a direct SQL query on the website database * * The reason: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2017/10/31/changed-behaviour-of-esc_sql-in-wordpress-4-8-3/ * * @param $query string An SQL query * @param int $ignore_error A MySQL error code to ignore (e.g. 1062 Duplicate entry) * * @return bool|mysqli_result * * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_db_query( $query, $ignore_error = null ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $db = cerber_get_db() ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors[] = 'No database connection. Query failed: ' . $query; return false; } if ( defined( 'CRB_SAVEQUERIES' ) && CRB_SAVEQUERIES ) { $started = microtime( true ); } $error_msg = ''; //$ret = mysqli_query( $db->dbh, $query, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT ); if ( ! $ret = mysqli_query( $db->dbh, $query ) ) { $error_code = mysqli_errno( $db->dbh ); $error_msg = mysqli_error( $db->dbh ); if ( $error_msg && $error_code && $error_code != $ignore_error ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors[] = array( 'ERROR ' . $error_code . ': ' . $error_msg, $query, microtime( true ) ); } } // cerber_check_groove() if ( defined( 'CRB_SAVEQUERIES' ) && CRB_SAVEQUERIES && is_object( $wpdb ) ) { $elapsed = microtime( true ) - $started; $backtrace = ''; if ( function_exists( 'wp_debug_backtrace_summary' ) ) { $backtrace = wp_debug_backtrace_summary(); } $stat = array( $query, $elapsed, $backtrace, $started, array( $error_msg ) ); CRB_Globals::$db_requests[] = $stat; $wpdb->queries[] = $stat; } return $ret; } /** * Returns the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL query via cerber_db_query() * * @return int * * @since 9.0.2 */ function cerber_db_get_affected() { $aff = 0; if ( $db = cerber_get_db() ) { $aff = $db->dbh->affected_rows; if ( $aff < 0 ) { // DB Error $aff = 0; } } return $aff; } function cerber_db_get_results( $query, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC ) { if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query ) ) { return array(); } $ret = array(); switch ( $type ) { case MYSQLI_ASSOC: while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) { $ret[] = $row; } //$ret = mysqli_fetch_all( $result, $type ); // Requires mysqlnd driver break; case MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT: while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_object( $result ) ) { $ret[] = $row; } break; case MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT_K: while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_object( $result ) ) { $vars = get_object_vars( $row ); $key = array_shift( $vars ); $ret[ $key ] = $row; } break; default: while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row( $result ) ) { $ret[] = $row; } } mysqli_free_result( $result ); return $ret; } /** * @param string $query * @param int $type * * @return false|array|object */ function cerber_db_get_row( $query, $type = MYSQLI_ASSOC ) { if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query ) ) { return false; } if ( $type == MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) { $ret = $result->fetch_object(); } else { $ret = $result->fetch_array( $type ); } $result->free(); return $ret; } /** * @param string $query * * @return array */ function cerber_db_get_col( $query ) { if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query ) ) { return array(); } $ret = array(); while ( $row = $result->fetch_row() ) { $ret[] = $row[0]; } $result->free(); return $ret; } function cerber_db_get_var( $query ) { if ( ! $result = cerber_db_query( $query ) ) { return false; } //$r = $result->fetch_row(); $r = mysqli_fetch_row( $result ); $result->free(); if ( $r ) { return $r[0]; } return false; } /** * @param string $table * @param array $values * * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function cerber_db_insert( $table, $values ) { return cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . implode( ',', array_keys( $values ) ) . ') VALUES (' . implode( ',', $values ) . ')' ); } /** * @param string $table * @param array $key_fields * @param array $data_fields * * @return bool|mysqli_result * @since */ function cerber_db_update( $table, $key_fields, $data_fields ) { $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . $table; if ( ! $where = cerber_db_make_where( $table, $key_fields ) ) { return false; } $set = array(); foreach ( $data_fields as $field => $value ) { $set[] = $field . '=' . cerber_db_prepare( $table, $field, $value ); } $set = implode( ',', $set ); return cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $set . ' WHERE ' . $where ); } /** * @param string $table * @param array $key_fields * * @return string * @since */ function cerber_db_make_where( $table, $key_fields ) { $where = array(); foreach ( $key_fields as $field => $value ) { $where [] = $field . '=' . cerber_db_prepare( $table, $field, $value ); } return implode( ' AND ', $where ); } /** * @param string $table * @param string $field * @param string|int|float $value * * @return int|string * @since */ function cerber_db_prepare( $table, $field, &$value ) { $type = ''; if ( ! empty( CERBER_DB_TYPES[ $table ][ $field ] ) ) { $type = CERBER_DB_TYPES[ $table ][ $field ]; } switch ( $type ) { case 'int': return (int) $value; default: return '"' . cerber_real_escape( $value ) . '"'; } } /** * @return false|wpdb */ function cerber_get_db() { global $wpdb; static $db; if ( ! isset( CRB_Globals::$db_errors ) ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors = array(); } if ( ! $db || empty( $db->dbh ) || ! $db->dbh instanceof MySQLi ) { if ( ! is_object( $wpdb ) || empty( $wpdb->dbh ) || ! $wpdb->dbh instanceof MySQLi ) { $db = cerber_db_connect(); } else { $db = $wpdb; } } // Check if the attempt to connect has failed or the connection is lost if ( ! $db || empty( $db->dbh ) || ! $db->dbh instanceof MySQLi ) { CRB_Globals::$db_errors[] = 'Unable to connect to the website database'; return false; } return $db; } function cerber_get_db_prefix() { global $wpdb; static $prefix = null; if ( $prefix === null ) { $prefix = $wpdb->base_prefix; } return $prefix; } /** * Create a WP DB handler * * @return false|wpdb */ function cerber_db_connect() { if ( ! defined( 'CRB_ABSPATH' ) ) { define( 'CRB_ABSPATH', cerber_dirname( __FILE__, 4 ) ); } $db_class = CRB_ABSPATH . '/' . WPINC . '/wp-db.php'; $wp_config = CRB_ABSPATH . '/wp-config.php'; if ( ! file_exists( $wp_config ) ) { $wp_config = dirname( CRB_ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php'; } if ( file_exists( $db_class ) && $config = file_get_contents( $wp_config ) ) { $config = str_replace( '', '', $config ); ob_start(); @eval( $config ); // This eval is OK. Getting site DB connection parameters. ob_end_clean(); if ( defined( 'DB_USER' ) && defined( 'DB_PASSWORD' ) && defined( 'DB_NAME' ) && defined( 'DB_HOST' ) ) { require_once( $db_class ); return new wpdb( DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST ); } } return false; } function crb_get_mysql_var( $var ) { static $cache; if ( ! isset( $cache[ $var ] ) ) { if ( $v = cerber_db_get_row( 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "' . $var . '"' ) ) { $cache[ $var ] = $v['Value']; } else { $cache[ $var ] = false; } } return $cache[ $var ]; } /** * Retrieve a value from the key-value storage * * @param string $key * @param integer $id * @param bool $unserialize * @param bool $use_cache * * @return bool|array */ function cerber_get_set( $key, $id = null, $unserialize = true, $use_cache = null ) { if ( ! $key ) { return false; } $key = preg_replace( CRB_SANITIZE_KEY, '', $key ); $cache_key = 'crb#' . $key . '#'; $id = ( $id !== null ) ? absint( $id ) : 0; $cache_key .= $id; $ret = false; $use_cache = ( isset( $use_cache ) ) ? $use_cache : cerber_cache_is_enabled(); if ( $use_cache ) { $cache_value = cerber_cache_get( $cache_key, null ); if ( $cache_value !== null ) { return $cache_value; } } if ( $row = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "' . $key . '" AND the_id = ' . $id ) ) { if ( $row['expires'] > 0 && $row['expires'] < time() ) { cerber_delete_set( $key, $id ); if ( $use_cache ) { cerber_cache_delete( $cache_key ); } return false; } if ( $unserialize ) { if ( ! empty( $row['the_value'] ) ) { $ret = crb_unserialize( $row['the_value'] ); } else { $ret = array(); } } else { $ret = $row['the_value']; } } if ( $use_cache ) { cerber_cache_set( $cache_key, $ret ); } return $ret; } /** * Update/insert value to the key-value storage * * @param string $key A unique key for the data set. Max length is 255. * @param $value * @param integer $id An additional numerical key * @param bool $serialize * @param integer $expires Unix timestamp (UTC) when this element will be deleted * @param bool $use_cache * * @return bool */ function cerber_update_set( $key, $value, $id = null, $serialize = true, $expires = null, $use_cache = null ) { if ( ! $key ) { return false; } $key = preg_replace( CRB_SANITIZE_KEY, '', $key ); $cache_key = 'crb#' . $key . '#'; $expires = ( $expires !== null ) ? absint( $expires ) : 0; $id = ( $id !== null ) ? absint( $id ) : 0; $cache_key .= $id; $use_cache = ( isset( $use_cache ) ) ? $use_cache : cerber_cache_is_enabled(); if ( $use_cache ) { cerber_cache_set( $cache_key, $value, $expires - time() ); } if ( $serialize && ! is_string( $value ) ) { $value = serialize( $value ); } $value = cerber_real_escape( $value ); if ( false !== cerber_get_set( $key, $id, false, false ) ) { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' SET the_value = "' . $value . '", expires = ' . $expires . ' WHERE the_key = "' . $key . '" AND the_id = ' . $id; } else { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' (the_key, the_id, the_value, expires) VALUES ("' . $key . '",' . $id . ',"' . $value . '",' . $expires . ')'; } unset( $value ); if ( cerber_db_query( $sql ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Delete value from the storage * * @param string $key * @param integer $id * * @return bool */ function cerber_delete_set( $key, $id = null ) { $key = preg_replace( CRB_SANITIZE_KEY, '', $key ); $cache_key = 'crb#' . $key . '#'; $id = ( $id !== null ) ? absint( $id ) : 0; $cache_key .= $id; cerber_cache_delete( $cache_key ); if ( cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "' . $key . '" AND the_id = ' . $id ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Clean up all expired sets. Usually by cron. * * @param bool $all if true, deletes all sets that has expiration * * @return bool */ function cerber_delete_expired_set( $all = false ) { if ( ! $all ) { $where = 'expires > 0 AND expires < ' . time(); } else { $where = 'expires > 0'; } if ( cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Remove comments from a given piece of code * * @param string $string * * @return mixed */ function cerber_remove_comments( $string = '' ) { return preg_replace( '/#.*/', '', preg_replace( '#//.*#', '', preg_replace( '#/\*(?:[^*]*(?:\*(?!/))*)*\*/#', '', $string ) ) ); } /** * Set Cerber Groove to logged in user browser * * @param $expire */ function cerber_set_groove( $expire ) { if ( ! headers_sent() ) { cerber_set_cookie( CRB_GROOVE, md5( cerber_get_groove() ), $expire + 1 ); $groove_x = cerber_get_groove_x(); cerber_set_cookie( CRB_GROOVE . '_x_' . $groove_x[0], $groove_x[1], $expire + 1 ); } } function cerber_is_auth_cookie( $text ) { return ( 0 === strpos( $text, cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . CRB_GROOVE ) ); } /* Get the special Cerber Sign for using with cookies */ function cerber_get_groove() { $groove = cerber_get_site_option( 'cerber-groove', false ); if ( empty( $groove ) ) { $groove = crb_random_string( 16 ); update_site_option( 'cerber-groove', $groove ); } return $groove; } /* Check if the special Cerber Sign valid */ function cerber_check_groove( $hash = '' ) { if ( ! $hash ) { if ( ! $hash = cerber_get_cookie( CRB_GROOVE ) ) { return false; } } $groove = cerber_get_groove(); if ( $hash == md5( $groove ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @since 7.0 */ function cerber_check_groove_x() { $groove_x = cerber_get_groove_x(); if ( cerber_get_cookie( CRB_GROOVE . '_x_' . $groove_x[0] ) == $groove_x[1] ) { return true; } return false; } /* Get the special public Cerber Sign for using with cookies */ function cerber_get_groove_x( $regenerate = false ) { $groove_x = array(); if ( ! $regenerate ) { $groove_x = cerber_get_site_option( 'cerber-groove-x' ); } if ( $regenerate || empty( $groove_x ) ) { $groove_0 = crb_random_string( 24, 32 ); $groove_1 = crb_random_string( 24, 32 ); $groove_x = array( $groove_0, $groove_1 ); update_site_option( 'cerber-groove-x', $groove_x ); crb_update_cookie_dependent(); } return $groove_x; } function cerber_get_cookie_path() { if ( defined( 'COOKIEPATH' ) ) { return COOKIEPATH; } return '/'; } function cerber_set_cookie( $name, $value, $expire = 0, $path = "", $domain = "" ) { global $wp_cerber_cookies; if ( cerber_is_wp_cron() ) { return; } if ( ! $path ) { $path = cerber_get_cookie_path(); } $expire = absint( $expire ); $expire = ( $expire > 43009401600 ) ? 43009401600 : $expire; setcookie( cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . $name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, is_ssl(), false ); // No rush here: PHP 7.3 only /*setcookie( cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . $name, $value, array( 'expires ' => $expire, 'path' => $path, 'domain' => $domain, 'secure' => is_ssl(), 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'Strict', ) );*/ $wp_cerber_cookies[ cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . $name ] = array( $expire, $value ); /*if ( ( ! $cerber_cookies = cerber_get_set( 'cerber_sweets' ) ) || ! is_array( $cerber_cookies ) ) { $cerber_cookies = array(); } $cerber_cookies[ cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . $name ] = array( $expire, $value ); cerber_update_set( 'cerber_sweets', $cerber_cookies ); */ } /** * @param $name * @param bool $default * * @return string|boolean value of the cookie, false if the cookie is not set */ function cerber_get_cookie( $name, $default = false ) { return crb_array_get( $_COOKIE, cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . $name, $default ); } function cerber_get_cookie_prefix() { /* if ( defined( 'CERBER_COOKIE_PREFIX' ) && is_string( CERBER_COOKIE_PREFIX ) && preg_match( '/^\w+$/', CERBER_COOKIE_PREFIX ) ) { return CERBER_COOKIE_PREFIX; }*/ if ( $p = (string) crb_get_settings( 'cookiepref' ) ) { return $p; } return ''; } function crb_update_cookie_dependent() { static $done = false; if ( $done ) { return; } register_shutdown_function( function () { cerber_htaccess_sync( 'main' ); // keep the .htaccess rule is up to date } ); $done = true; } /** * Synchronize plugin settings with rules in the .htaccess file * * @param $file string * @param $settings array * * @return bool|string|WP_Error */ function cerber_htaccess_sync( $file, $settings = array() ) { if ( ! $settings ) { $settings = crb_get_settings(); } if ( 'main' == $file ) { $rules = array(); if ( ! empty( $settings['adminphp'] ) && ( ! defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) || ! CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS ) ) { // https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-6389 if ( ! apache_mod_loaded( 'mod_rewrite', true ) ) { cerber_add_issue( 'no_mod', 'The Apache mod_rewrite module is not enabled on your web server. Ask your server administrator for assistance.', 'adminphp' ); return new WP_Error( 'no_mod', 'The Apache mod_rewrite module is not enabled on your web server. Ask your server administrator for assistance.' ); } $groove_x = cerber_get_groove_x(); $cookie = cerber_get_cookie_prefix() . CRB_GROOVE . '_x_' . $groove_x[0]; $rules [] = '# Protection of admin scripts is enabled (CVE-2018-6389)'; $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = 'RewriteEngine On'; $rules [] = 'RewriteBase /'; $rules [] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)wp-admin/+load-scripts\.php$ [OR,NC]'; // @updated 8.1 $rules [] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)wp-admin/+load-styles\.php$ [NC]'; // @updated 8.1 $rules [] = 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !' . $cookie . '=' . $groove_x[1]; $rules [] = 'RewriteRule (.*) - [R=403,L]'; $rules [] = ''; } return cerber_update_htaccess( $file, $rules ); } if ( 'media' == $file ) { /*if ( ! crb_is_php_mod() ) { return 'ERROR: The Apache PHP module mod_php is not active.'; }*/ $rules = array(); if ( ! empty( $settings['phpnoupl'] ) ) { $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = 'SetHandler none'; $rules [] = 'SetHandler default-handler'; $rules [] = 'Options -ExecCGI'; $rules [] = 'RemoveHandler .cgi .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .php7 .phtml .pl .py .pyc .pyo'; $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = 'php_flag engine off'; $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = ''; $rules [] = 'php_flag engine off'; $rules [] = ''; } return cerber_update_htaccess( $file, $rules ); } return false; } /** * Remove Cerber rules from the .htaccess file * */ function cerber_htaccess_clean_up() { cerber_update_htaccess( 'main', array() ); cerber_update_htaccess( 'media', array() ); } /** * Update the .htaccess file * * @param $file * @param array $rules A set of rules (array of strings) for the section. If empty, the section will be cleaned. * * @return bool|string|WP_Error True on success, string with error message on failure */ function cerber_update_htaccess( $file, $rules = array() ) { if ( $file == 'main' ) { $htaccess = cerber_get_htaccess_file(); $marker = CERBER_MARKER1; } elseif ( $file == 'media' ) { $htaccess = cerber_get_upload_dir() . '/.htaccess'; $marker = CERBER_MARKER2; } else { return '???'; } if ( ! is_file( $htaccess ) ) { if ( ! touch( $htaccess ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'htaccess-io', 'ERROR: Unable to create the file ' . $htaccess ); } } elseif ( ! is_writable( $htaccess ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'htaccess-io', 'ERROR: Unable to get access to the file ' . $htaccess ); } $result = crb_insert_with_markers( $htaccess, $marker, $rules ); if ( $result || $result === 0 ) { $result = 'The ' . $htaccess . ' file has been updated'; } else { $result = new WP_Error( 'htaccess-io', 'ERROR: Unable to modify the file ' . $htaccess ); } return $result; } /** * Return .htaccess filename with full path * * @return bool|string full filename if the file can be written, false otherwise */ function cerber_get_htaccess_file() { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); $home_path = get_home_path(); return $home_path . '.htaccess'; } /** * Check if the remote domain match mask * * @param $domain_mask array|string Mask(s) to check remote domain against * * @return bool True if hostname match at least one domain from the list */ function cerber_check_remote_domain( $domain_mask ) { $hostname = @gethostbyaddr( cerber_get_remote_ip() ); if ( ! $hostname || filter_var( $hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $domain_mask ) ) { $domain_mask = array( $domain_mask ); } foreach ( $domain_mask as $mask ) { if ( substr_count( $mask, '.' ) != substr_count( $hostname, '.' ) ) { continue; } $parts = array_reverse( explode( '.', $hostname ) ); $ok = true; foreach ( array_reverse( explode( '.', $mask ) ) as $i => $item ) { if ( $item != '*' && $item != $parts[ $i ] ) { $ok = false; break; } } if ( $ok == true ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Prepare files (install/deinstall) for different boot modes * * @param $mode int A plugin boot mode * @param $old_mode int * * @return bool|WP_Error * @since 6.3 */ function cerber_set_boot_mode( $mode = null, $old_mode = null ) { if ( $mode === null ) { $mode = crb_get_settings( 'boot-mode' ); } $source = dirname( cerber_plugin_file() ) . '/modules/aaa-wp-cerber.php'; $target = WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/aaa-wp-cerber.php'; if ( $mode == 1 ) { if ( file_exists( $target ) ) { if ( sha1_file( $source, true ) == sha1_file( $target, true ) ) { return true; } } if ( ! is_dir( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-boot', __( 'Unable to create the directory', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ); } } if ( ! copy( $source, $target ) ) { if ( ! wp_is_writable( WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-boot', __( 'Destination folder access denied', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ); } elseif ( ! file_exists( $source ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-boot', __( 'File not found', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $source ); } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-boot', __( 'Unable to copy the file', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $source . ' to the folder ' . WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR ); } } else { if ( file_exists( $target ) ) { if ( ! unlink( $target ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-boot', __( 'Unable to delete the file', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $target ); } } return true; } return true; } /** * How the plugin was loaded (initialized) * * @return int * @since 6.3 */ function cerber_get_mode() { if ( function_exists( 'cerber_mode' ) && defined( 'CERBER_MODE' ) ) { return cerber_mode(); } return 0; } function cerber_is_permalink_enabled() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) ? true : false; return $ret; } /** * Given the path of a file or directory, this function * will return the parent directory's path that is given levels up * * @param string $path * @param integer $levels * * @return string Parent directory's path */ function cerber_dirname( $path, $levels = 1 ) { if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 || $levels == 1 ) { return dirname( $path, $levels ); } $ret = '.'; $path = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path ) ); if ( 0 < ( count( $path ) - $levels ) ) { $path = array_slice( $path, 0, count( $path ) - $levels ); $ret = implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path ); } return $ret; } /** * Implement basename() with multibyte support * * @param $file_name * * @return string */ function cerber_mb_basename( $file_name ) { $pos = mb_strrpos( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); if ( $pos !== false ) { return mb_substr( $file_name, $pos + 1 ); } return $file_name; } function cerber_get_extension( $file_name ) { $file_name = cerber_mb_basename( $file_name ); $pos = mb_strpos( $file_name, '.' ); if ( $pos !== false ) { if ( $ext = mb_substr( $file_name, $pos + 1 ) ) { return mb_strtolower( $ext ); } } return ''; } /** * True if version of WP is equal or greater than specified one * * @param string $ver * * @return bool|int */ function crb_wp_version_compare( $ver ) { return version_compare( cerber_get_wp_version(), $ver, '>=' ); } /** * Returns an unaltered $wp_version variable * * @return string WordPress version */ function cerber_get_wp_version() { static $ver; if ( ! $ver ) { include( ABSPATH . WPINC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'version.php' ); $ver = (string) $wp_version; } return $ver; } /** * Returns an unaltered $wp_local_package variable * * @return string WordPress locale * @since */ function cerber_get_wp_locale() { static $lc; if ( ! $lc ) { global $wp_local_package; include( ABSPATH . WPINC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'version.php' ); $lc = isset( $wp_local_package ) ? $wp_local_package : 'en_US'; } return $lc; } function crb_get_themes() { static $theme_headers = array( 'Name' => 'Theme Name', 'ThemeURI' => 'Theme URI', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Author' => 'Author', 'AuthorURI' => 'Author URI', 'Version' => 'Version', 'Template' => 'Template', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TextDomain' => 'Text Domain', 'DomainPath' => 'Domain Path', ); $themes = array(); if ( $list = search_theme_directories() ) { foreach ( $list as $key => $info ) { $css = $info['theme_root'] . '/' . $info['theme_file']; if ( is_readable( $css ) ) { $themes[ $key ] = get_file_data( $info['theme_root'] . '/' . $info['theme_file'], $theme_headers, 'theme' ); $themes[ $key ]['theme_root'] = $info['theme_root']; $themes[ $key ]['theme_file'] = $info['theme_file']; } } } return $themes; } function cerber_is_base64_encoded( $val ) { $val = trim( $val ); if ( empty( $val ) || is_numeric( $val ) || strlen( $val ) < 8 || preg_match( '/[^A-Z0-9\+\/=]/i', $val ) ) { return false; } if ( $val = @base64_decode( $val ) ) { if ( ! preg_match( '/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/', $val ) ) { // ASCII control characters must not be if ( preg_match( '/[A-Z]/i', $val ) ) { // Latin chars must be return $val; } } } return false; } function crb_is_alphanumeric( $str ) { return ! preg_match( '/[^\w\-]/', $str ); } /** * @param array $arr * @param array $fields * * @return bool */ function crb_arrays_similar( &$arr, $fields ) { if ( crb_array_diff_keys( $arr, $fields ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $fields as $field => $pattern ) { if ( is_callable( $pattern ) ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $pattern, $arr[ $field ] ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( ! preg_match( $pattern, $arr[ $field ] ) ) { return false; } } } return true; } function cerber_get_html_label( $iid ) { //$css['scan-ilabel'] = 'color: #fff; margin-left: 6px; display: inline-block; line-height: 1em; padding: 3px 5px; font-size: 92%;'; $c = ( $iid == 1 ) ? '#33be84' : '#dc2f34'; return '' . cerber_get_issue_label( $iid ) . ''; } function crb_getallheaders() { if ( function_exists( 'getallheaders' ) ) { return getallheaders(); } // @since v. 7.7 for PHP-FPM $headers = array(); foreach ( $_SERVER as $name => $value ) { if ( substr( $name, 0, 5 ) == 'HTTP_' ) { $headers[ str_replace( ' ', '-', ucwords( strtolower( str_replace( '_', ' ', substr( $name, 5 ) ) ) ) ) ] = $value; } } return $headers; } /** * @param $msg * @param string $source */ function cerber_error_log( $msg, $source = '' ) { //if ( crb_get_settings( 'log_errors' ) ) { cerber_diag_log( $msg, $source, true ); //} } /** * Write message to the diagnostic log * * @param string|array $msg * @param string $source * @param bool $error * * @return bool|int */ function cerber_diag_log( $msg, $source = '', $error = false ) { if ( $source == 'CLOUD' ) { if ( ! defined( 'CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) || ( ! defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) && ! defined( 'WP_NETWORK_ADMIN' ) ) ) { return false; } } if ( ! $msg || ! $log = @fopen( cerber_get_diag_log(), 'a' ) ) { return false; } if ( $source ) { $source = '[' . $source . ']'; } if ( $error ) { $source .= ' ERROR: '; } if ( ! is_array( $msg ) ) { $msg = array( $msg ); } foreach ( $msg as $line ) { if ( is_array( $line ) ) { $line = print_r( $line, 1 ); // workaround for CRB_Globals::$db_errors } //$ret = @fwrite( $log, '[' .cerber_get_remote_ip(). '][' . cerber_date( time() ) . ']' . $source . ' ' . $line . PHP_EOL ); $ret = @fwrite( $log, '[' . cerber_date( time(), false ) . ']' . $source . ' ' . $line . PHP_EOL ); } @fclose( $log ); return $ret; } function cerber_get_diag_log() { //$dir = ( defined( 'CERBER_DIAG_DIR' ) && is_dir( CERBER_DIAG_DIR ) ) ? CERBER_DIAG_DIR . '/' : cerber_get_the_folder(); if ( defined( 'CERBER_DIAG_DIR' ) && is_dir( CERBER_DIAG_DIR ) ) { $dir = CERBER_DIAG_DIR; } else { if ( ! $dir = cerber_get_the_folder() ) { return false; } } return rtrim( $dir, '/' ) . '/cerber-debug.log'; } function cerber_truncate_log( $bytes = 10000000 ) { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'clast_log_view', array() ); $file = cerber_get_diag_log(); if ( ! is_file( $file ) || filesize( $file ) <= $bytes ) { return; } if ( $bytes == 0 ) { $log = @fopen( $file, 'w' ); @fclose( $log ); return; } if ( $text = file_get_contents( $file ) ) { $text = substr( $text, 0 - $bytes ); if ( ! $log = @fopen( $file, 'w' ) ) { return; } @fwrite( $log, $text ); @fclose( $log ); } } function crb_get_bloginfo( $what ) { static $info = array(); if ( ! isset( $info[ $what ] ) ) { $info[ $what ] = get_bloginfo( $what ); } return $info[ $what ]; } function crb_is_php_mod() { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php' ); if ( apache_mod_loaded( 'mod_php7' ) ) { return true; } if ( apache_mod_loaded( 'mod_php5' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * PHP implementation of fromCharCode * * @param $str * * @return string */ function cerber_fromcharcode( $str ) { $vals = explode( ',', $str ); $vals = array_map( function ( $v ) { $v = trim( $v ); if ( $v[0] == '0' ) { $v = ( $v[1] == 'x' || $v[1] == 'X' ) ? hexdec( $v ) : octdec( $v ); } else { $v = intval( $v ); } return '&#' . $v . ';'; }, $vals ); return mb_convert_encoding( implode( '', $vals ), 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES' ); } /** * @param $dir string Directory to empty with a trailing directory separator * * @return int|WP_Error */ function cerber_empty_dir( $dir ) { //$trd = rtrim( $dir, '/\\' ); if ( ! @is_dir( $dir ) || 0 === strpos( $dir, ABSPATH ) ) { // Workaround for a non-legitimate use of this function return new WP_Error( 'no-dir', 'This directory cannot be emptied' ); } $files = @scandir( $dir ); if ( ! is_array( $files ) || empty( $files ) ) { return true; } $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { return $fs; } $ret = true; foreach ( $files as $file ) { $full = $dir . $file; if ( @is_file( $full ) ) { if ( ! @unlink( $full ) ) { $ret = false; } } elseif ( ! in_array( $file, array( '..', '.' ) ) && is_dir( $full ) ) { if ( ! $fs->rmdir( $full, true ) ) { $ret = false; } } } if ( ! $ret ) { return new WP_Error( 'file-deletion-error', 'Some files or subdirectories in this directory cannot be deleted: ' . $dir ); } return $ret; } /** * Tries to raise PHP limits * */ function crb_raise_limits( $mem = null ) { @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 180 ); if ( function_exists( 'set_time_limit' ) && false === strpos( ini_get( 'disable_functions' ), 'set_time_limit' ) ) { @set_time_limit( 0 ); } if ( $mem ) { @ini_set( 'memory_limit', $mem ); } } /** * Masks email address * * @param string $email * * @return string */ function cerber_mask_email( $email ) { list( $box, $host ) = explode( '@', $email ); $box = str_pad( $box[0], strlen( $box ), '*' ); $host = str_pad( substr( $host, strrpos( $host, '.' ) ), strlen( $host ), '*', STR_PAD_LEFT ); return str_replace( '*', '∗', $box . '@' . $host ); } /** * Masks username (login) * * @param string $login * * @return string * * @since */ function crb_mask_login( $login ) { if ( is_email( $login ) ) { return cerber_mask_email( $login ); } $strlen = mb_strlen( $login ); return str_pad( mb_substr( $login, 0, intdiv( $strlen, 2 ) ), $strlen, '*' ); } /** * Masks IP address * * @param string $ip * * @return string * * @since */ function crb_mask_ip( $ip = '' ) { if ( cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) ) { // Look for the third colon $pos = strpos( $ip, ':', strpos( $ip, ':', strpos( $ip, ':' ) + 1 ) + 1 ); $delimiter = ':'; } else { // Look for the second dot $pos = strpos( $ip, '.', strpos( $ip, '.' ) + 1 ); $delimiter = '.'; } if ( ! $pos ) { return $ip; } $net = substr( $ip, 0, $pos ); $sub = substr( $ip, $pos ); return $net . preg_replace( '/[^' . $delimiter . ']/', '*', $sub ); } /** * A modified clone of insert_with_markers() from wp-admin/includes/misc.php * Removed switch_to_locale() and related stuff that were introduced in WP 5.3. and cause problem if calling ite before 'init' hook. * * Inserts an array of strings into a file (.htaccess ), placing it between * BEGIN and END markers. * * Replaces existing marked info. Retains surrounding * data. Creates file if none exists. * * @param string $filename Filename to alter. * @param string $marker The marker to alter. * @param array|string $insertion The new content to insert. * * @return bool True on write success, false on failure. * @since 8.5.1 * */ function crb_insert_with_markers( $filename, $marker, $insertion ) { if ( ! file_exists( $filename ) ) { if ( ! is_writable( dirname( $filename ) ) ) { return false; } if ( ! touch( $filename ) ) { return false; } } elseif ( ! is_writeable( $filename ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $insertion ) ) { $insertion = explode( "\n", $insertion ); } $start_marker = "# BEGIN {$marker}"; $end_marker = "# END {$marker}"; $fp = fopen( $filename, 'r+' ); if ( ! $fp ) { return false; } // Attempt to get a lock. If the filesystem supports locking, this will block until the lock is acquired. flock( $fp, LOCK_EX ); $lines = array(); while ( ! feof( $fp ) ) { $lines[] = rtrim( fgets( $fp ), "\r\n" ); } // Split out the existing file into the preceding lines, and those that appear after the marker $pre_lines = array(); $post_lines = array(); $existing_lines = array(); $found_marker = false; $found_end_marker = false; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( ! $found_marker && false !== strpos( $line, $start_marker ) ) { $found_marker = true; continue; } elseif ( ! $found_end_marker && false !== strpos( $line, $end_marker ) ) { $found_end_marker = true; continue; } if ( ! $found_marker ) { $pre_lines[] = $line; } elseif ( $found_marker && $found_end_marker ) { $post_lines[] = $line; } else { $existing_lines[] = $line; } } // Check to see if there was a change if ( $existing_lines === $insertion ) { flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $fp ); return true; } // Generate the new file data $new_file_data = implode( "\n", array_merge( $pre_lines, array( $start_marker ), $insertion, array( $end_marker ), $post_lines ) ); // Write to the start of the file, and truncate it to that length fseek( $fp, 0 ); $bytes = fwrite( $fp, $new_file_data ); if ( $bytes ) { ftruncate( $fp, ftell( $fp ) ); } fflush( $fp ); flock( $fp, LOCK_UN ); fclose( $fp ); return (bool) $bytes; } /** * @return WP_Error|WP_Filesystem_Direct */ function cerber_init_wp_filesystem() { global $wp_filesystem; if ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Direct ) { // @since 8.1.5 return $wp_filesystem; } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); add_filter( 'filesystem_method', '__ret_direct' ); if ( ! WP_Filesystem() ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Unable to init WP_Filesystem' ); } remove_filter( 'filesystem_method', '__ret_direct' ); return $wp_filesystem; } function __ret_direct() { return 'direct'; } /** * Returns a list of alert parameters for the currently displaying admin page in a specific order. * The keys are used to create an alert URL. * Values are used to calculate an alert hash. * * @return array The set of parameters */ function crb_get_alert_params() { // A set of alert parameters // A strictly particular order due to further using numeric array indexes. $params = CRB_ALERT_PARAMS; $get = crb_get_query_params(); if ( ! array_intersect_key( $params, $get ) ) { return $params; // No parameters in the current query } // The IP field is processed differently than other fields if ( ! empty( $get['filter_ip'] ) ) { $begin = 0; $end = 0; $ip = cerber_any2range( $get['filter_ip'] ); if ( is_array( $ip ) ) { $begin = $ip['begin']; $end = $ip['end']; $ip = 0; } elseif ( ! $ip ) { $ip = 0; } $params['begin'] = $begin; $params['end'] = $end; $params['filter_ip'] = $ip; } // Getting values of the request fields (used as alert parameters) $temp = $params; unset( $temp['begin'], $temp['end'], $temp['filter_ip'] ); foreach ( array_keys( $temp ) as $key ) { if ( ! empty( $get[ $key ] ) ) { if ( is_array( $get[ $key ] ) ) { $params[ $key ] = array_map( 'trim', $get[ $key ] ); } else { $params[ $key ] = trim( $get[ $key ] ); } } else { $params[ $key ] = 0; } } // Preparing/sanitizing values of the alert parameters if ( ! empty( $params['al_expires'] ) ) { $time = 24 * 3600 + strtotime( 'midnight ' . $params['al_expires'] ); $params['al_expires'] = $time - get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; } $int_fields = array( 'al_limit', 'al_ignore_rate', 'al_send_emails', 'al_send_pushbullet' ); foreach ( $int_fields as $f ) { $params[ $f ] = absint( $params[ $f ] ); } if ( ! is_array( $params['filter_activity'] ) ) { $params['filter_activity'] = array( $params['filter_activity'] ); } $params['filter_activity'] = array_filter( $params['filter_activity'] ); // Basic XSS sanitization array_walk_recursive( $params, function ( &$item ) { $item = str_replace( array( '<', '>', '[', ']', '"', "'" ), '', $item ); } ); return $params; } /** * @param array $params * * @return string * * @since 8.9.6 */ function crb_get_alert_id( $params ) { return sha1( json_encode( array_values( array_diff_key( $params, array_flip( CRB_NON_ALERT_PARAMS ) ) ) ) ); } function crb_random_string( $length_min, $length_max = null, $inc_num = true, $upper_case = true, $extra = '' ) { static $alpha1 = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; static $alpha2 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; static $digits = '0123456789'; if ( ! $length_max ) { $length_max = $length_min; } $str = $alpha1; if ( $inc_num ) { $str .= $digits; } if ( $upper_case ) { $str .= $alpha2; } if ( $extra ) { $str .= $extra; } $n = (int) ceil( $length_max / strlen( $str ) ); if ( $n > 1 ) { $str = implode( '', array_fill( 0, $n, $str ) ); } $length = ( $length_min != $length_max ) ? rand( $length_min, $length_max ) : $length_min; return substr( str_shuffle( $str ), 0, $length ); } /** * Detects and decodes serialized or JSON encoded array * * @param $text string * * @return array * * @since 8.8 */ function crb_auto_decode( &$text ) { if ( ! $text ) { return array(); } if ( $text[0] == 'a' ) { return crb_unserialize( $text ); } return @json_decode( $text, true ); } /** * A safe version of unserialize() * * @param string $string * * @return mixed * */ function crb_unserialize( &$string ) { if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 ) { return @unserialize( $string, [ 'allowed_classes' => false ] ); } return @unserialize( $string ); } function crb_get_review_url( $vendor = null ) { static $urls = array( 'tpilot' => array( 'https://www.trustpilot.com/review/wpcerber.com', 'https://www.trustpilot.com/evaluate/wpcerber.com' ), 'g2' => array( 'https://www.g2.com/products/cerber-security-antispam-malware-scan/reviews/start' ), 'wp' => array( 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-cerber/reviews/#new-post' ), 'cap' => array( 'https://reviews.capterra.com/new/187653' ), ); $ret = $urls[ $vendor ]; if ( $vendor == 'tpilot' ) { shuffle( $ret ); } return $ret[0]; } function crb_was_activated( $ago ) { static $actvd; if ( ! isset( $actvd ) ) { if ( ! $actvd = cerber_get_set( '_activated' ) ) { return true; } } return ( ( (int) crb_array_get( $actvd, 'time' ) + $ago ) <= time() ); } /** * Return a "session verifier" to identify the current admin session among others admin sessions * * Copy of WP_Session_Tokens->hash_token(); * * @param $token * * @return string */ function cerber_hash_token( $token ) { // If ext/hash is not present, use sha1() instead. if ( function_exists( 'hash' ) ) { return hash( 'sha256', $token ); } else { return sha1( $token ); } } // The key-value cache final class CRB_Cache { private static $cache = array(); private static $stat = array(); private static $wp_cache_group = 'wp_cerber'; private static $wp_key_list = 'wp_cerber_list'; static function set( $key, $value, $expire = 0 ) { $exp = 0; if ( $expire > 0 ) { $exp = time() + (int) $expire; if ( $exp < time() ) { return false; } } $element = array( $value, $exp ); self::$cache[ $key ] = $element; if ( self::checker() ) { wp_cache_set( $key, $element, self::$wp_cache_group ); $entries = wp_cache_get( self::$wp_key_list, self::$wp_key_list ); if ( ! $entries ) { $entries = array(); } $entries[ $key ] = $expire; wp_cache_set( self::$wp_key_list, $entries, self::$wp_key_list ); } if ( ! isset( self::$stat[ $key ] ) ) { self::$stat[ $key ] = array( 0, 0 ); } self::$stat[ $key ][0] ++; return true; } static function get( $key, $default = null ) { $element = crb_array_get( self::$cache, $key ); if ( ! is_array( $element ) ) { if ( self::checker() ) { $element = wp_cache_get( $key, self::$wp_cache_group ); } } if ( ! is_array( $element ) ) { return $default; } if ( ! empty( $element[1] ) && $element[1] < time() ) { self::delete( $key ); return $default; } if ( ! isset( self::$stat[ $key ] ) ) { self::$stat[ $key ] = array( 0, 0 ); } self::$stat[ $key ][1] ++; return $element[0]; } static function delete( $key ) { if ( isset( self::$cache[ $key ] ) ) { unset( self::$cache[ $key ] ); } if ( self::checker() ) { wp_cache_delete( $key, self::$wp_cache_group ); } } static function reset() { self::$cache = array(); if ( $entries = wp_cache_get( self::$wp_key_list, self::$wp_key_list ) ) { foreach ( $entries as $entry => $exp ) { wp_cache_delete( $entry, self::$wp_cache_group ); } wp_cache_delete( self::$wp_key_list, self::$wp_key_list ); } } static function get_stat( $recheck = false ) { $entries = wp_cache_get( self::$wp_key_list, self::$wp_key_list ); if ( $recheck && $entries ) { // Make sure that our list of existing key doesn't contain wrong entries foreach ( $entries as $key => $exp ) { if ( ! $element = wp_cache_get( $key, self::$wp_cache_group ) ) { unset( $entries[ $key ] ); } } wp_cache_set( self::$wp_key_list, $entries, self::$wp_key_list ); } if ( empty( $entries ) ) { $entries = array(); } return array( self::$stat, $entries ); } static function checker() { $sid = get_wp_cerber()->getRequestID(); $check = wp_cache_get( '__checker__', self::$wp_cache_group ); if ( ! $check || ! isset( $check['t'] ) || ! isset( $check['s'] ) ) { wp_cache_set( '__checker__', array( 't' => time(), 's' => $sid ), self::$wp_cache_group ); return 0; } if ( $check['s'] == $sid ) { return 0; } return $check['t']; } } /** * @param $key string * @param $value mixed * @param $expire integer Element will expire in X seconds, 0 = never expires * * @return bool */ function cerber_cache_set( $key, $value, $expire = 0 ) { return CRB_Cache::set( $key, $value, $expire ); } /** * @param $key string * @param $default mixed * * @return mixed|null */ function cerber_cache_get( $key, $default = null ) { return CRB_Cache::get( $key, $default ); } function cerber_cache_delete( $key ) { CRB_Cache::delete( $key ); } function cerber_cache_enable() { global $cerber_use_cache; $cerber_use_cache = true; } function cerber_cache_disable() { global $cerber_use_cache; $cerber_use_cache = false; } function cerber_cache_is_enabled() { global $cerber_use_cache; return ! empty( $cerber_use_cache ); } /** * Retrieve and cache data from the DB. Make sense for heavy queries. * * @param array|string $sql One or more SQL queries with optional data format * @param string $table DB table we're caching data from * @param bool $cache_only * @param string[] $hash_fields Fields to calculate hash * @param int $order_by The key of the ORDER BY field in the $fieldset * * @return array|false * * @since */ function crb_q_cache_get( $sql, $table, $cache_only = false, $hash_fields = array( 'stamp', 'ip', 'session_id' ), $order_by = 0 ) { global $wp_cerber_q_cache; if ( is_string( $sql ) ) { $sql = array( array( $sql ) ); } $single = ( count( $sql ) == 1 ); $run = true; $cache_key = 'q_cache_' . sha1( implode( '|', array_column( $sql, 0 ) ) ); $cache = cerber_get_set( $cache_key, 0, false, true ); if ( $cache ) { $cache = json_decode( $cache ); if ( $cache->hash == crb_get_table_hash( $table, $hash_fields, $order_by ) ) { $wp_cerber_q_cache = true; $run = false; } } if ( $run && $cache_only ) { return false; } if ( ! $run ) { $results = $cache->results; } else { $new_cache = array(); $new_cache['hash'] = crb_get_table_hash( $table, $hash_fields, $order_by ); $results = array(); foreach ( $sql as $query ) { $results[] = cerber_db_get_results( $query[0], crb_array_get( $query, 1 ) ); } $new_cache['results'] = $results; $new_cache = json_encode( $new_cache, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); cerber_update_set( $cache_key, $new_cache, 0, false, time() + 7200, true ); } if ( $single ) { return $results[0]; } return $results; } /** * Returns pseudo "hash" for a given log table to detect changes in the table * * @param string $table * @param string[] $hash_fields * @param int $order_by * * @return string * @since */ function crb_get_table_hash( $table, $hash_fields, $order_by ) { static $hashes; $fields = implode( ',', $hash_fields ); $key = sha1( $table . '|' . $fields . '|' . $order_by ); if ( ! isset( $hashes[ $key ] ) ) { if ( $data = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT ' . $fields . ' FROM ' . $table . ' ORDER BY ' . $hash_fields[ $order_by ] . ' DESC LIMIT 1' ) ) { $hashes[ $key ] = sha1( implode( '|', $data ) ); } else { $hashes[ $key ] = ''; } } return $hashes[ $key ]; } add_filter( 'update_plugins_downloads.wpcerber.com', 'cerber_check_for_update', 10, 4 ); /** * @param $update * @param $plugin_data * @param $plugin_file * @param $locales * * @return mixed|null * * @since 9.1.2 */ function cerber_check_for_update( $update, $plugin_data, $plugin_file, $locales ) { if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'cerber_sw_repo' ) || ! $uri = crb_array_get( $plugin_data, 'UpdateURI' ) ) { return false; } $response = wp_remote_get( $uri ); if ( ! $body = crb_array_get( $response, 'body' ) ) { return false; } $package_data = json_decode( $body, true ); return crb_array_get( $package_data, $plugin_file, $update ); } /** * A replacement for global PHP variables. It doesn't make them good (less ugly), but it helps to trace their usage easily (within IDE). * * @since 8.9.4 * */ class CRB_Globals { static $session_status; static $act_status; static $do_not_log = array(); static $reset_pwd_msg; static $reset_pwd_denied = false; static $user_id; static $req_status = 0; static $assets_url = ''; static $ajax_loader = ''; static $logged; static $blocked; static $db_requests = array(); static $db_errors = array(); static $bot_status = 0; static $doing_upgrade; static function admin_init() { self::$assets_url = cerber_plugin_dir_url() . 'assets/'; self::$ajax_loader = self::$assets_url . 'ajax-loader.gif'; } /** * @param integer $val * * @return void */ static function set_bot_status( $val ) { self::$bot_status = $val; self::$act_status = $val; // For backward compatibility } /** * @param integer $val * * @return void */ static function set_act_status( $val ) { if ( ! self::$act_status ) { self::$act_status = $val; } } } cerber-request.php000064400000017454147577531750010245 0ustar00 100 ) { // Normal forms never reach this limit self::$bad_request = true; return; } if ( ( $name = crb_array_get( $element, 'name' ) ) && is_string( $name ) && ( $tmp_file = crb_array_get( $element, 'tmp_name' ) ) && is_string( $tmp_file ) && is_file( $tmp_file ) ) { self::$files[] = array( 'source_name' => $name, 'tmp_file' => $tmp_file ); } elseif ( is_array( $element ) ) { self::$recursion_counter ++; if ( self::$recursion_counter > 100 ) { // Normal forms never reach this limit self::$bad_request = true; return; } self::parse_files( $element ); } } } static function is_comment_sent() { if ( ! isset( self::$commenting ) ) { self::$commenting = self::_check_comment_sent(); } return self::$commenting; } private static function _check_comment_sent() { if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' || empty( $_POST ) || ! empty( $_GET ) ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_custom_comment() ) { if ( ! empty( $_POST[ crb_get_compiled( 'custom_comm_mark' ) ] ) && self::is_equal( crb_get_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug' ) ) ) { return true; } } else { if ( self::is_script( '/' . WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT ) ) { return true; } } return false; } }index.php000064400000000034147577531750006406 0ustar00 $listeners ) { $to_boot = array_intersect_key( $addons, array_flip( $listeners ) ); $boot[ $event ] = array_column( $to_boot, 'file' ); } cerber_update_set( CRB_BOOT_ADDONS, $boot ); } add_action( 'deactivated_plugin', 'crb_x_update_add_on_list' ); /** * Is used when it's not possible to correctly refresh the list during the current request * */ function crb_x_update_add_on_list() { define( 'CRB_POSTPONE_REFRESH', 1 ); cerber_update_set( 'refresh_add_on_list', 1, null, false ); } register_shutdown_function( function () { if ( cerber_get_set( 'refresh_add_on_list', null, false ) && ! defined( 'CRB_POSTPONE_REFRESH' ) ) { crb_update_add_on_list(); cerber_update_set( 'refresh_add_on_list', 0, null, false ); } } ); final class CRB_Events { private static $handlers = array(); private static $addons = array(); private static $addon_files = null; private static $loaded = array(); /** * Register a handler for an event * * @param string $event * @param callable $callback * @param string $addon_id * * @return bool */ static function add_handler( $event, $callback, $addon_id = null ) { if ( $addon_id && ! CRB_Addons::is_registered( $addon_id ) ) { return false; } self::$handlers[ $event ][] = $callback; if ( $addon_id ) { self::$addons[ $event ][] = $addon_id; } return true; } static function event_handler( $event, $data ) { if ( ! isset( self::$addon_files ) ) { if ( ! self::$addon_files = cerber_get_set( CRB_BOOT_ADDONS ) ) { self::$addon_files = false; } } if ( ! empty( self::$addon_files[ $event ] ) && ! isset( self::$loaded[ $event ] ) ) { ob_start(); self::$loaded[ $event ] = 1; //Avoid processing files for repetitive events foreach ( self::$addon_files[ $event ] as $addon_file ) { if ( @file_exists( $addon_file ) ) { include_once $addon_file; } } ob_end_clean(); } if ( ! isset( self::$handlers[ $event ] ) ) { return; } foreach ( self::$handlers[ $event ] as $handler ) { if ( is_callable( $handler ) ) { call_user_func( $handler, $data ); } } } static function get_addons( $event = null ) { if ( ! $event ) { return self::$addons; } return crb_array_get( self::$addons, $event, array() ); } } final class CRB_Addons { private static $addons = array(); private static $first = ''; /** * @param string $file Add-on main PHP file to be invoked in if event occurs * @param string $addon_id Add-on slug * @param string $name Name of the add-on * @param string $requires Version of WP Cerber required * @param null|array $settings Configuration of the add-on setting fields * @param null|callable $cb * * @return bool */ static function register_addon( $file, $addon_id, $name, $requires, $settings = null, $cb = null ) { if ( isset( self::$addons[ $addon_id ] ) ) { return false; } if ( ! self::$first ) { self::$first = $addon_id; } self::$addons[ $addon_id ] = array( 'file' => $file, 'name' => $name, 'settings' => $settings, 'callback' => $cb ); return true; } /** * @return array */ static function get_all() { return self::$addons; } static function settings_saved( $group, $new_values ) { if ( ! self::$addons ) { return; } // Detect an add-on from the settings form group name $len = strlen( CRB_ADDON_SIGN ); if ( substr( $group, 0 - $len ) !== CRB_ADDON_SIGN ) { return; } $len = strlen( $group ) - $len; $addon_id = substr( $group, 0, $len ); // If this add-on has a callback, call it if ( ! empty( self::$addons[ $addon_id ]['callback'] ) ) { call_user_func( self::$addons[ $addon_id ]['callback'], $new_values ); return; } } /** * @param string $addon * * @return bool */ static function is_registered( $addon ) { return isset( self::$addons[ $addon ] ); } /** * Is any add-on registered? * * @return bool */ static function none() { return empty( self::$first ); } /** * @return string */ static function get_first() { return self::$first; } /** * Load code of all active add-ons * */ static function load_active() { if ( ! $list = cerber_get_set( CRB_BOOT_ADDONS ) ) { return; } foreach ( $list as $files ) { foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( @file_exists( $file ) ) { include_once $file; } } } } } function crb_event_handler( $event, $data ) { CRB_Events::event_handler( $event, $data ); return; } /////// Admin area pages and settings routines function crb_addon_admin_page( $page ) { if ( $page != CRB_ADDON_PAGE ) { return false; } $addons = CRB_Addons::get_all(); if ( ! $addons ) { return false; } $config = array( 'title' => __( 'Add-ons', 'wp-cerber' ), 'callback' => 'cerber_show_settings_form', ); foreach ( $addons as $id => $addon ) { $config['tabs'][ $id . CRB_ADDON_SIGN ] = array( 'bx-cog', htmlspecialchars( $addon['name'] ) ); } return $config; } function crb_addon_settings_config( $args ) { //global $cerber_addons; $addons = CRB_Addons::get_all(); if ( ! $addons ) { return false; } //if ( $args['screen_id'] == 'add_on_settings' ) { /* if ( $args['screen_id'] == CRB_ADDON_PAGE ) { $addon_id = $cerber_first_addon; } else { $addon_id = $args['screen_id']; } echo '======================='.$args['screen_id'].' ++ '.$addon_id; */ $settings = array(); //$settings['screens'][CRB_ADDON_PAGE] = array_keys( $cerber_addons[ $addon_id ]['settings'] ); //$settings['sections'] = $cerber_addons[ $addon_id ] = $cerber_addons[ $addon_id ]['settings']; /*foreach ( $addons as $id => $addon ) { }*/ $settings = array( 'screens' => array(), 'sections' => array() ); foreach ( $addons as $id => $addon ) { $settings['screens'][ $id . CRB_ADDON_SIGN ] = array_keys( $addon['settings'] ); $settings['sections'] = array_merge( $settings['sections'], $addon['settings'] ); } return $settings; } function crb_addon_settings_mapper( &$map ) { if ( CRB_Addons::none() ) { return; } $map[ CRB_ADDON_PAGE ] = CRB_Addons::get_first() . CRB_ADDON_SIGN; //$map[ CRB_ADDON_PAGE ] = 'add_on_settings'; } cerber-2fa.php000064400000052546147577531750007226 0ustar00ID ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'no-user', 'Invalid user data' ); } $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user->ID ); $tfm = crb_array_get( $cus, 'tfm' ); if ( $tfm === 2 ) { return false; } $login = (string) $login; $go = false; if ( $tfm == 1 ) { $go = true; } else { $u_roles = null; if ( ! empty( $user->roles ) ) { $u_roles = $user->roles; } else { // a backup way $data = get_userdata( $user->ID ); if ( ! empty( $data->roles ) ) { $u_roles = $data->roles; } } if ( empty( $u_roles ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'no-roles', 'No roles found for the user #' . $user->ID ); } $go = self::check_role_policies( $user->ID, $cus, $u_roles ); } if ( ! $go ) { return false; } // This user must complete 2FA $ret = self::initiate_2fa( $user, $login ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } cerber_log( 400, $login, $user->ID ); wp_safe_redirect( get_home_url() ); exit; } /** * @param int $user_id * @param array $cus * @param array $roles * * @return bool */ private static function check_role_policies( $user_id, $cus, $roles ) { foreach ( $roles as $role ) { $policies = cerber_get_role_policies( $role ); if ( empty( $policies['2famode'] ) || ( $policies['2famode'] == 2 && ! lab_lab() ) ) { continue; } elseif ( $policies['2famode'] == 1 ) { return true; } if ( $history = crb_array_get( $cus, '2fa_history' ) ) { if ( ( $logins = crb_array_get( $policies, '2falogins' ) ) && ( $history[0] >= $logins ) ) { return true; } if ( ( $days = crb_array_get( $policies, '2fadays' ) ) && ( ( time() - $history[1] ) > $days * 24 * 3600 ) ) { return true; } } if ( $last_login = crb_array_get( $cus, 'last_login' ) ) { if ( crb_array_get( $policies, '2fanewip' ) ) { if ( $last_login['ip'] != cerber_get_remote_ip() ) { return true; } } if ( crb_array_get( $policies, '2fanewnet4' ) ) { if ( cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $last_login['ip'] ) != cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( cerber_get_remote_ip() ) ) { return true; } } if ( crb_array_get( $policies, '2fanewua' ) ) { if ( $last_login['ua'] != sha1( crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) ) { return true; } } } if ( $limit = crb_array_get( $policies, '2fasessions' ) ) { if ( $limit < crb_sessions_get_num( $user_id ) ) { return true; } } if ( $last_login ) { if ( crb_array_get( $policies, '2fanewcountry' ) ) { if ( lab_get_country( $last_login['ip'], false ) != lab_get_country( cerber_get_remote_ip(), false ) ) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Initiate 2FA process * * @param $user * @param string $login * * @return bool|string|WP_Error */ private static function initiate_2fa( $user, $login = '' ) { if ( ! $pin = self::generate_pin( $user->ID ) ) { return new WP_Error( '2fa-error', 'Unable to create PIN for the user #' . $user->ID ); } $data = array( 'login' => $login, 'to' => cerber_2fa_get_redirect_to( $user ), 'ajax' => cerber_is_wp_ajax(), 'interim' => isset( $_REQUEST['interim-login'] ) ? 1 : 0, ); self::update_2fa_data( $data, $user->ID ); return $pin; } /** * Generates PIN and its expiration * * @param $user_id * * @return bool|string */ private static function generate_pin( $user_id ) { $pin = substr( str_shuffle( '1234567890' ), 0, CERBER_PIN_LENGTH ); $data = array( 'pin' => $pin, 'expires' => time() + CERBER_PIN_EXPIRES * 60, 'attempts' => 0, 'ip' => cerber_get_remote_ip(), 'ua' => sha1( crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) ); if ( self::update_2fa_data( $data, $user_id ) ) { self::send_user_pin( $user_id, $pin ); return $pin; } return false; } /** * @param null $user_id User ID * */ static function restrict_and_verify( $user_id = null ) { static $done = false; if ( $done ) { return; } $done = true; if ( ! $user_id && ! $user_id = get_current_user_id() ) { return; } self::$user_id = $user_id; $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ); $twofactor = self::get_2fa_data( $user_id ); if ( empty( $twofactor['pin'] ) ) { return; } if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { self::delete_2fa( $user_id ); return; } // Check user settings again $tfm = crb_array_get( $cus, 'tfm' ); if ( $tfm === 2 ) { self::delete_2fa( $user_id, true ); return; } elseif ( ! $tfm ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); if ( ! self::check_role_policies( $user_id, $cus, $user->roles ) ) { self::delete_2fa( $user_id ); return; } } // Check if the same same browser and IP if ( $twofactor['ip'] != cerber_get_remote_ip() || $twofactor['ua'] != sha1( crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) || ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { self::delete_2fa( $user_id ); cerber_user_logout(); wp_redirect( get_home_url() ); exit; } // User wants to abort 2FA? if ( $now = cerber_get_get( 'cerber_2fa_now' ) ) { $go = null; if ( $now == 'different' ) { $go = wp_login_url( ( ! empty( $twofactor['to'] ) ) ? urldecode( $twofactor['to'] ) : '' ); } if ( $now == 'cancel' ) { $go = get_home_url(); } if ( $go ) { cerber_user_logout( 28 ); wp_redirect( $go ); exit; } } if ( $twofactor['attempts'] > 10 ) { cerber_block_add( cerber_get_remote_ip(), 721 ); cerber_user_logout(); wp_redirect( get_home_url() ); exit; } $new_pin = ''; if ( $twofactor['expires'] < time() ) { $new_pin = self::generate_pin( $user_id ); } // The first step of verification, ajax if ( cerber_is_http_post() ) { self::process_ajax( $new_pin ); } // The second, final step of verification if ( cerber_is_http_post() && ! empty( $twofactor['nonce'] ) && $_POST['cerber_tag'] === $twofactor['nonce'] && ( $pin = cerber_get_post( 'cerber_pin' ) ) && self::verify_pin( trim( $pin ) ) ) { self::delete_2fa( $user_id ); cerber_log( CRB_EV_LIN, $twofactor['login'], $user_id, 27 ); cerber_login_history( $user_id, true ); cerber_2fa_checker( true ); $url = ( ! empty( $twofactor['to'] ) ) ? $twofactor['to'] : get_home_url(); wp_safe_redirect( $url ); exit; } self::show_2fa_page(); exit; } static function process_ajax( $new_pin ) { if ( ( ! $nonce = cerber_get_post( 'the_2fa_nonce', '\w+' ) ) || ( ! $pin = cerber_get_post( 'cerber_verify_pin' ) ) ) { return; } $err = ''; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'crb-ajax-2fa' ) ) { $err = 'Nonce error.'; } elseif ( $new_pin ) { $err = __( 'This verification PIN code is expired. We have just sent a new one to your email.', 'wp-cerber' ); } elseif ( ! self::verify_pin( trim( $pin ), $nonce ) ) { $err = __( 'You have entered an incorrect verification PIN code', 'wp-cerber' ); } echo json_encode( array( 'error' => $err ) ); exit; } private static function verify_pin( $pin, $nonce = null ) { $data = self::get_2fa_data(); if ( empty( $data['pin'] ) || $data['expires'] < time() ) { return false; } if ( (string) $pin === (string) $data['pin'] ) { $ret = true; if ( ! $nonce ) { return $ret; } $data['nonce'] = $nonce; } else { $data['attempts'] ++; $ret = false; } self::update_2fa_data( $data ); return $ret; } static function show_2fa_page( $echo = true ) { @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); $ajax_vars = 'var ajaxurl = "' . admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) . '";'; $ajax_vars .= 'var nonce2fa = "'. wp_create_nonce( 'crb-ajax-2fa' ).'";'; if ( ! defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) ) { define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); ob_start(); ?> <?php _e( 'Please verify that it’s you', 'wp-cerber' ); ?>
      user_login; $ds[] = __( 'IP address:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_get_remote_ip(); if ( $c = lab_get_country( cerber_get_remote_ip(), false ) ) { $ds[] = __( 'Location:', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' . cerber_country_name( $c ) . ' (' . $c . ')'; } $ds[] = __( 'Browser:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . substr( strip_tags( crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Not set' ) ), 0, 1000 ); $ds[] = __( 'Date:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_date( time(), false ); $body[] = ''; $body[] = __( 'Here are the details of the sign-in attempt', 'wp-cerber' ); $body[] = implode( "\n", $ds ); } $body = implode( "\n\n", $body ); $result = wp_mail( $to, $subj, $body ); if ( $result && ( $data->user_email != $to ) ) { // TODO Add a notification to the main email //wp_mail( $data->user_email, $subj, $body ); } } static function get_user_email( $user_id = null ) { if ( ! $user_id ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ); if ( $cus && ( $email = crb_array_get( $cus, 'tfemail' ) ) ) { return $email; } $data = get_userdata( $user_id ); return $data->user_email; } /** * Return all valid user PINs * * @param $user_id * * @return string */ static function get_user_pin_info( $user_id ) { if ( ! $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! $fa = crb_array_get( $cus, '2fa' ) ) { return ''; } $pins = array(); foreach ( $fa as $entry ) { if ( empty( $entry['pin'] ) || $entry['expires'] < time() ) { continue; } $pins[] = '' . $entry['pin'] . ' ' . __( 'expires', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_ago_time( $entry['expires'] ); } if ( ! $pins ) { return ''; } return implode( '
      ', $pins ); } static function update_2fa_data( $data, $user_id = null ) { $token = self::cerber_2fa_session_id(); if ( ! $user_id ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ); if ( ! is_array( $cus ) ) { $cus = array(); } if ( ! isset( $cus['2fa'] ) ) { $cus['2fa'] = array(); } if ( ! isset( $cus['2fa'][ $token ] ) ) { $cus['2fa'][ $token ] = array(); } $cus['2fa'][ $token ] = array_merge( $cus['2fa'][ $token ], $data ); return cerber_update_set( CRB_USER_SET, $cus, $user_id ); } static function get_2fa_data( $user_id = null ) { $token = self::cerber_2fa_session_id(); if ( ! $user_id ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } if ( ! $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ) ) { return array(); } return crb_array_get( $cus, array( '2fa', $token ), array() ); } static function delete_2fa( $uid, $all = false ) { if ( ! $uid = absint( $uid ) ) { return; } $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $uid ); if ( $cus && isset( $cus['2fa'] ) ) { if ( $all ) { unset( $cus['2fa'] ); } else { unset( $cus['2fa'][ self::cerber_2fa_session_id() ] ); } cerber_update_set( CRB_USER_SET, $cus, $uid ); } } static function cerber_2fa_session_id() { if ( self::$token ) { return self::$token; } return crb_get_session_token(); } static function cerber_2fa_form() { $max = CERBER_PIN_LENGTH; $atts = 'pattern="\d{' . $max . '}" maxlength="' . $max . '" size="' . $max . '" title="' . __( 'only digits are allowed', 'wp-cerber' ) . '"'; // Please enter your PIN code to continue $email = self::get_user_email(); $text = __( "We've sent a verification PIN code to your email", 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_mask_email( $email ) . '

      '. __( 'Enter the code from the email in the field below.', 'wp-cerber' ).'

      '; //$change = '' . __( 'Sign in with a different account', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $change = '' . __( 'Try again', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $cancel = '' . __( 'Cancel', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $links = '

      '.__( 'Did not receive the email?', 'wp-cerber' ) .'

      '. $change . ' ' . __( 'or', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $cancel; ?>


      FILTERED WHOIS INFO'; foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { if ( is_email( $value ) ) { $value = '' . $value . ''; } elseif ( strtolower( $key ) == 'country' ) { $value = cerber_get_flag_html( $value, '' . cerber_country_name( $value ) . ' (' . $value . ')' ); $ret['country'] = $value; } $table1 .= '' . $key . '' . $value . ''; } $table1 .= ''; } $table2 = ''; $table2 .= ''; $table2 .= '
      ' . $whois_info . "\n WHOIS server: " . $whois_server . '
      '; $info = $table1 . $table2; // Other possible field with abuse email address if ( empty( $data['abuse-mailbox'] ) && ! empty( $data['OrgAbuseEmail'] ) ) { $data['abuse-mailbox'] = $data['OrgAbuseEmail']; } if ( empty( $data['abuse-mailbox'] ) ) { foreach ( $data as $field ) { $maybe_email = trim( $field ); if ( false !== strpos( $maybe_email, 'abuse' ) && is_email( $maybe_email ) ) { $data['abuse-mailbox'] = $maybe_email; break; } } } // Network if ( ! empty( $data['inetnum'] ) ) { $data['network'] = $data['inetnum']; } elseif ( ! empty( $data['NetRange'] ) ) { $data['network'] = $data['NetRange']; } $ret['data'] = $data; $ret['whois'] = $info; return $ret; } /* * Get WHOIS info fro given IP * @since 2.7 * */ function cerber_get_whois($ip){ $key = 'WHS-'.cerber_get_id_ip($ip); $info = get_transient($key); if (false === $info) { $whois_server = cerber_get_whois_server($ip); if (is_array($whois_server)) return $whois_server; $info = make_whois_request($whois_server, $ip); if (is_array($info)) return $info; set_transient( $key, $info , WHOIS_OK_EXPIRE ); } return $info; } /* * Find out what is server storing WHOIS info for given IP * @since 2.7 * */ function cerber_get_whois_server( $ip ) { $key = 'SRV-' . cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ); $server = get_transient( $key ); if ( false === $server ) { $w = make_whois_request( 'whois.iana.org', $ip ); if ( is_array( $w ) ) { return $w; } preg_match( '/^whois\:\s+([\w\.\-]{3,})/m', $w, $data ); if ( ! isset( $data[1] ) ) { return array( 'error' => 'No WHOIS server was found for IP ' . $ip ); } $server = $data[1]; set_transient( $key, $server, WHOIS_OK_EXPIRE ); } return $server; } /* * Attempt to parse TXT WHOIS response to associative array * @since 2.7 * */ function cerber_parse_whois_data($txt){ $lines = explode("\n",$txt); $lines = array_filter($lines); $ret = array(); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if (preg_match( '/^([\w\-]+)\:\s+(.+)/', trim($line), $data )) $ret[$data[1]] = $data[2]; } return $ret; } /* * * Retrieve RAW IP information by using WHOIS protocol * @since 2.7 * */ function make_whois_request($server, $ip) { if ( ! $f = @fsockopen( $server, 43, $errno, $errstr, WHOIS_IO_TIMEOUT ) ) { return array( 'error' => 'Network error: ' . $errstr . ' (WHOIS server: ' . $server . ').' ); } #Set the timeout for answering if (!stream_set_timeout($f,WHOIS_IO_TIMEOUT)) return array('error'=>'WHOIS: Unable to set IO timeout.'); #Send the IP address to the whois server if (false === fwrite($f, "$ip\r\n" )) return array('error'=>'WHOIS: Unable to send request to remote WHOIS server ('.$server.').'); //Set the timeout limit for reading again if (!stream_set_timeout($f,WHOIS_IO_TIMEOUT)) return array('error'=>'WHOIS: Unable to set IO timeout.'); //Set socket in non-blocking mode if (!stream_set_blocking( $f, 0 )) return array('error'=>'WHOIS: Unable to set IO non-blocking mode.'); //If connection still valid if ($f) { $data = ''; while (!feof($f)) { $data .= fread($f,256); } } else return array('error'=>'Unable to get WHOIS response.'); if (!$data) return array('error'=>'Remote WHOIS server return empty response ('.$server.').'); return $data; } /** * HTML for displaying a national flag * * @param $code string Country code * * @return string HTML code * */ function cerber_get_flag_html( $code, $txt = '' ) { if ( ! $code ) { return ''; } //return '' . $txt . ''; return '
      ' . $code . '' . $txt . '
      '; } /* * * Country name from two letter code * ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 * @since 2.7 * */ function cerber_country_name( $code ) { global $wpdb, $cerber_country_names; static $cache, $locale; if ( ! $code ) { return __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } if ( isset( $cache[ $code ] ) ) { return $cache[ $code ]; } $code = strtoupper( $code ); $ret = ''; if (!isset($locale)) { $locale = crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ); if ( $locale != 'pt-BR' && $locale != 'zh-CN' ) { $locale = substr( $locale, 0, 2 ); if ( ! in_array( $locale, array( 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'ja', 'ru' ) ) ) { $locale = 'en'; } } } $ret = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT country_name FROM ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' WHERE country = "'.$code.'" AND locale = "'.$locale.'"' ); if ($ret) { $cache[ $code ] = $ret; return $ret; } if ( isset( $cerber_country_names[ $code ] ) ) { $ret = $cerber_country_names[ $code ]; } else { $ret = __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } $cache[ $code ] = $ret; return $ret; } function cerber_get_country_list() { global $cerber_country_names; $ret = array(); foreach ( $cerber_country_names as $code => $name ) { $ret[ $code ] = cerber_country_name( $code ); } // Remove non-countries unset( $ret['EU'] ); unset( $ret['EZ'] ); return $ret; } $cerber_country_names = array( 'AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'AL' => 'Albania', 'AX' => 'Aland Islands', 'DZ' => 'Algeria', 'AS' => 'American Samoa', 'AD' => 'Andorra', 'AO' => 'Angola', 'AI' => 'Anguilla', 'AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'AR' => 'Argentina', 'AM' => 'Armenia', 'AW' => 'Aruba', 'AU' => 'Australia', 'AT' => 'Austria', 'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'BS' => 'Bahamas', 'BH' => 'Bahrain', 'BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'BB' => 'Barbados', 'BY' => 'Belarus', 'BE' => 'Belgium', 'BZ' => 'Belize', 'BJ' => 'Benin', 'BM' => 'Bermuda', 'BT' => 'Bhutan', 'BO' => 'Bolivia', 'BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'BW' => 'Botswana', 'BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'BR' => 'Brazil', 'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam', 'BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'BI' => 'Burundi', 'KH' => 'Cambodia', 'CM' => 'Cameroon', 'CA' => 'Canada', 'CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'TD' => 'Chad', 'CL' => 'Chile', 'CN' => 'China', 'CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'CO' => 'Colombia', 'KM' => 'Comoros', 'CG' => 'Congo', 'CD' => 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'CI' => 'Cote Divoire', 'HR' => 'Croatia', 'CU' => 'Cuba', 'CW' => 'Curacao', 'CY' => 'Cyprus', 'CZ' => 'Czech Republic', 'DK' => 'Denmark', 'DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'DM' => 'Dominica', 'DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'EC' => 'Ecuador', 'EG' => 'Egypt', 'SV' => 'El Salvador', 'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'ER' => 'Eritrea', 'EE' => 'Estonia', 'ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'EU' => 'European Union', 'EZ' => 'Eurozone', 'FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'FJ' => 'Fiji', 'FI' => 'Finland', 'FR' => 'France', 'GF' => 'French Guiana', 'PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'GA' => 'Gabon', 'GM' => 'Gambia', 'GE' => 'Georgia', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'GH' => 'Ghana', 'GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'GR' => 'Greece', 'GL' => 'Greenland', 'GD' => 'Grenada', 'GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'GU' => 'Guam', 'GT' => 'Guatemala', 'GG' => 'Guernsey', 'GN' => 'Guinea', 'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'GY' => 'Guyana', 'HT' => 'Haiti', 'HM' => 'Heard Island And McDonald Islands', 'VA' => 'Holy See', 'HN' => 'Honduras', 'HK' => 'Hong Kong', 'HU' => 'Hungary', 'IS' => 'Iceland', 'IN' => 'India', 'ID' => 'Indonesia', 'IR' => 'Iran', 'IQ' => 'Iraq', 'IE' => 'Ireland', 'IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'IL' => 'Israel', 'IT' => 'Italy', 'JM' => 'Jamaica', 'JP' => 'Japan', 'JE' => 'Jersey', 'JO' => 'Jordan', 'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'KE' => 'Kenya', 'KI' => 'Kiribati', 'KP' => 'North Korea', 'KR' => 'South Korea', 'KW' => 'Kuwait', 'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'LA' => 'Laos', 'LV' => 'Latvia', 'LB' => 'Lebanon', 'LS' => 'Lesotho', 'LR' => 'Liberia', 'LY' => 'Libya', 'LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'LT' => 'Lithuania', 'LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'MO' => 'Macao', 'MK' => 'Macedonia', 'MG' => 'Madagascar', 'MW' => 'Malawi', 'MY' => 'Malaysia', 'MV' => 'Maldives', 'ML' => 'Mali', 'MT' => 'Malta', 'MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'MQ' => 'Martinique', 'MR' => 'Mauritania', 'MU' => 'Mauritius', 'YT' => 'Mayotte', 'MX' => 'Mexico', 'FM' => 'Micronesia', 'MD' => 'Moldova', 'MC' => 'Monaco', 'MN' => 'Mongolia', 'ME' => 'Montenegro', 'MS' => 'Montserrat', 'MA' => 'Morocco', 'MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'MM' => 'Myanmar', 'NA' => 'Namibia', 'NR' => 'Nauru', 'NP' => 'Nepal', 'NL' => 'Netherlands', 'NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'NE' => 'Niger', 'NG' => 'Nigeria', 'NU' => 'Niue', 'NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'NO' => 'Norway', 'OM' => 'Oman', 'PK' => 'Pakistan', 'PW' => 'Palau', 'PS' => 'Palestine', 'PA' => 'Panama', 'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'PY' => 'Paraguay', 'PE' => 'Peru', 'PH' => 'Philippines', 'PN' => 'Pitcairn', 'PL' => 'Poland', 'PT' => 'Portugal', 'PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'QA' => 'Qatar', 'RE' => 'Reunion', 'RO' => 'Romania', 'RU' => 'Russian Federation', 'RW' => 'Rwanda', 'BL' => 'Saint Barthelemy', 'SH' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha', 'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'LC' => 'Saint Lucia', 'MF' => 'Saint Martin (French part)', 'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'WS' => 'Samoa', 'SM' => 'San Marino', 'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'SN' => 'Senegal', 'RS' => 'Serbia', 'SC' => 'Seychelles', 'SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'SG' => 'Singapore', 'SX' => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', 'SK' => 'Slovakia', 'SI' => 'Slovenia', 'SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'SO' => 'Somalia', 'ZA' => 'South Africa', 'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'SS' => 'South Sudan', 'ES' => 'Spain', 'LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'SD' => 'Sudan', 'SR' => 'Suriname', 'SJ' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'SZ' => 'Swaziland', 'SE' => 'Sweden', 'CH' => 'Switzerland', 'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic', 'TW' => 'Taiwan, Province of China', 'TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'TH' => 'Thailand', 'TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'TG' => 'Togo', 'TK' => 'Tokelau', 'TO' => 'Tonga', 'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'TN' => 'Tunisia', 'TR' => 'Turkey', 'TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'TC' => 'Turks And Caicos Islands', 'TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'UG' => 'Uganda', 'UA' => 'Ukraine', 'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'US' => 'United States', 'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', 'UY' => 'Uruguay', 'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'VE' => 'Venezuela', 'VN' => 'Viet Nam', 'VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'VI' => 'United States Virgin Islands', 'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna', 'EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'YE' => 'Yemen', 'ZM' => 'Zambia', 'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe' );wp-cerber.php000064400000012073147577531750007173 0ustar00blogs ) ) ) { if ( $id == get_main_site_id() ) { // no child sites in the network $dir = cerber_get_upload_dir(); } else { $tmp = $blog_id; $blog_id = $id; $wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $blog_id = $tmp; $site_dir = rtrim( $wp_upload_dir['basedir'], '/' ) . '/'; // A new network created post-3.5 $end = '/sites/' . $id.'/'; if ( $p = mb_strpos( $site_dir, $end ) ) { $dir = mb_substr( $site_dir, 0, $p ); } else { $id = 1; // workaround for old MU installations $end = '/' . $id . '/files/'; if ( $p = mb_strpos( $site_dir, $end ) ) { $dir = mb_substr( $site_dir, 0, $p ); } else { // A custom path has been configured by site admin? // see also UPLOADS, BLOGUPLOADDIR, BLOGUPLOADDIR $dir = ABSPATH.UPLOADBLOGSDIR; if ( ! file_exists( $dir ) ) { $dir = false; } } } if ( $dir ) { $dir = cerber_normal_path( $dir ); } } } else { $dir = cerber_get_upload_dir(); } } return $dir; } function cerber_get_abspath() { static $abspath = null; if ( $abspath === null ) { $abspath = cerber_normal_path( ABSPATH ); } return $abspath; } function cerber_request_time() { static $stamp = null; if ( ! isset( $stamp ) ) { if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] ) ) { // PHP >= 5.4 $stamp = filter_var( $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION ); } $mt = microtime( true ); if ( ! $stamp || $stamp > ( $mt + 300 ) ) { // Some platforms may have wrong value in 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' $stamp = $mt; } } return $stamp; } cerber_request_time(); require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cerber-load.php' ); cerber_init(); cerber-load.php000064400000703264147577531750007475 0ustar00 array( 'scan_id' => 'int', 'scan_type' => 'int', 'scan_mode' => 'int', 'scan_status' => 'int', 'scan_step' => 'int', ), ); const CERBER_SETS_TABLE = 'cerber_sets'; const CERBER_MS_TABLE = 'cerber_ms'; const CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE = 'cerber_ms_lists'; const CERBER_USS_TABLE = 'cerber_uss'; const CERBER_BUKEY = '_crb_blocked'; const CERBER_PREFIX = '_cerber_'; const CERBER_MARKER1 = 'WP CERBER GROOVE'; const CERBER_MARKER2 = 'WP CERBER CLAMPS'; const CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP = ''; const WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT = 'wp-login.php'; const WP_REG_URI = 'wp-register.php'; const WP_SIGNUP_SCRIPT = 'wp-signup.php'; const WP_XMLRPC_SCRIPT = 'xmlrpc.php'; const WP_TRACKBACK_SCRIPT = 'wp-trackback.php'; const WP_PING_SCRIPT = 'wp-trackback.php'; const WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT = 'wp-comments-post.php'; const GOO_RECAPTCHA_URL = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify'; const CERBER_REQ_PHP = '7.0'; const CERBER_REQ_WP = '4.9'; const CERBER_TECH = 'https://cerber.tech/'; const CERBER_CIREC_LIMIT = 30; // Upper limit for allowed nested values during inspection for malware const CRB_USER_SET = 'cerber_user'; const CRB_SITE_SET = 'cerber_site_meta'; const CRB_CNTX_SAFE = 1; const CRB_CNTX_NEXUS = 2; const CRB_ACT_PARAMS = array( 'filter_activity' => 'activity', 'filter_status' => 'ac_status', 'filter_set' => false, 'filter_ip' => 'ip', 'filter_login' => 'user_login', 'filter_user' => 'user_id', 'search_activity' => false, 'filter_sid' => 'session_id', 'search_url' => false, 'filter_country' => 'country', ); // Note: values is not specified yet const CRB_TRF_PARAMS = array( 'filter_sid' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_http_code' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_http_code_mode' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_ip' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_processing' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_user' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_user_alt' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_user_mode' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_wp_type' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_wp_type_mode' => 'to_be_specified', 'search_traffic' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_method' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_activity' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_set' => 'to_be_specified', 'filter_errors' => 'to_be_specified', ); $dir = dirname( __FILE__ ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-pluggable.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-common.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-settings.php' ); include_once( $dir . '/cerber-request.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-lab.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-whois.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-scanner.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-2fa.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/nexus/cerber-nexus.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-ds.php' ); require_once( $dir . '/cerber-addons.php' ); nexus_init(); lab_update_key( 'e2eb9ef2bc348ed239b4ad59974c6f51', date('M d, Y', strtotime('+1 years'))); if ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) || defined( 'WP_NETWORK_ADMIN' ) ) { cerber_load_admin_code(); } // ============================================================================================= class WP_Cerber { private $remote_ip; private $session_id; private $status = null; private $options; private $recaptcha = null; // Can recaptcha be verified with current request private $recaptcha_verified = null; // Is recaptcha successfully verified with current request public $recaptcha_here = null; // Is recaptcha widget enabled on the currently displayed page private $uri_prohibited = null; private $deny = null; private $acl = null; //private $boot_source_file = ''; //private $boot_target_file = ''; public $garbage = false; // Garbage has been deleted final function __construct() { $this->session_id = crb_random_string( 24 ); $this->options = crb_get_settings(); $this->remote_ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $this->reCaptchaInit(); $this->deleteGarbage(); // Condition to check reCAPTCHA add_action( 'login_init', array( $this, 'reCaptchaNow' ) ); } /** * @since 6.3.3 */ final public function isURIProhibited() { if ( isset( $this->uri_prohibited ) ) { return $this->uri_prohibited; } if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { $this->uri_prohibited = false; return false; } $script = cerber_last_uri(); $script = urldecode( $script ); // @since 8.1 if ( substr( $script, - 4 ) != '.php' ) { $script .= '.php'; // Apache MultiViews enabled? } if ( $script ) { if ( $script == WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT || $script == WP_SIGNUP_SCRIPT || ( $script == WP_REG_URI && ! get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) ) { if ( ! empty( $this->options['wplogin'] ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 19; cerber_log( CRB_EV_PUR ); cerber_soft_block_add( $this->remote_ip, 702, $script ); $this->uri_prohibited = true; return true; } if ( ( ! empty( $this->options['loginnowp'] ) && $this->options['loginnowp'] != 2 ) || $this->isDeny() ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 10; // @since cerber_log( CRB_EV_PUR ); $this->uri_prohibited = true; return true; } } elseif ( $script == WP_XMLRPC_SCRIPT || $script == WP_TRACKBACK_SCRIPT ) { if ( ! empty( $this->options['xmlrpc'] ) || $this->isDeny() ) { cerber_log( 71 ); $this->uri_prohibited = true; return true; } if ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_xmlrpc' ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; cerber_log( 71 ); $this->uri_prohibited = true; return true; } } // @since 8.8 elseif ( $script == WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT && cerber_is_custom_comment() ) { cerber_log( CRB_EV_PUR ); $this->uri_prohibited = true; return true; } } $this->uri_prohibited = false; return $this->uri_prohibited; } /** * @since 6.3.3 */ final public function CheckProhibitedURI(){ if ($this->isURIProhibited()){ if ( $this->options['page404'] ) { cerber_404_page(); } return true; } return false; } /** * @since 6.3.3 */ final public function InspectRequest() { $deny = false; $act = 18; if ( cerber_is_http_post() ) { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed( null, CRB_CNTX_SAFE ) ) { $deny = true; $act = 18; } } elseif ( cerber_get_non_wp_fields() ) { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed( null, CRB_CNTX_SAFE ) ) { $deny = true; $act = 100; } } if ( ! $deny && ( $files = CRB_Request::get_files() ) ) { foreach ( $files as $item ) { if ( $reason = $this->isProhibitedFilename( $item['source_name'] ) ) { $deny = true; $act = $reason; break; } } } if ( $deny ) { cerber_log( $act ); cerber_forbidden_page(); } } /** * @since 6.3.3 */ final public function isProhibitedFilename( $file_name ) { $prohibited = array( '.htaccess' ); if ( in_array( $file_name, $prohibited ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = CRB_STS_52; return 57; } if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file_name, array('js') ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = CRB_STS_51; return 56; } return false; } /** * @since 6.3.3 */ final public function isDeny() { if ( isset( $this->deny ) ) { return $this->deny; } $this->acl = cerber_acl_check(); if ( $this->acl == 'B' || ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $this->deny = true; } else { $this->deny = false; } return $this->deny; } final public function getRequestID() { return $this->session_id; } final public function getStatus() { if (isset($this->status)) return $this->status; $this->status = 0; // Default if ( cerber_is_citadel() ) { $this->status = 3; } else { //if ( ! cerber_is_allowed( $this->remote_ip ) ) { if ( cerber_block_check( $this->remote_ip ) ) { $this->status = 2; } else { $tag = cerber_acl_check( $this->remote_ip ); if ( $tag == 'W' ) { //$this->status = 4; } elseif ( $tag == 'B' || lab_is_blocked($this->remote_ip, false)) { $this->status = 1; } } } return $this->status; } /* Return Error message in context */ final public function getErrorMsg() { $status = $this->getStatus(); switch ( $status ) { case 1: case 3: return apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_blocked', __( 'You are not allowed to log in. Ask your administrator for assistance.', 'wp-cerber' ) , $status); case 2: $block = cerber_get_block(); $min = 1 + ( $block->block_until - time() ) / 60; return apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_reached', sprintf( __( 'You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. Please try again in %d minutes.', 'wp-cerber' ), $min ), $min ); break; default: return __( 'You are not allowed to log in', 'wp-cerber' ); } } /* Return Remain message in context */ final public function getRemainMsg() { $acl = ! $this->options['limitwhite']; $remain = cerber_get_remain_count( $this->remote_ip, $acl ); if ( $remain < $this->options['attempts'] ) { if ( $remain == 0 ) { $remain = 1; // with some settings or when lockout was manually removed, we need to have 1 attempt. } if ( $remain == 1 ) { $msg = __( 'You have only one login attempt remaining.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $msg = sprintf( _n( 'You have %d login attempt remaining.', 'You have %d login attempts remaining.', $remain, 'wp-cerber' ), $remain ); } return apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_remain', $msg, $remain ); } return false; } final public function getSettings( $name = null ) { if ( ! empty( $name ) ) { if ( isset( $this->options[ $name ] ) ) { return $this->options[ $name ]; } else { return false; } } return $this->options; } /** * Adding reCAPTCHA widgets * */ final public function reCaptchaInit(){ if ( $this->status == 4 || empty( $this->options['sitekey'] ) || empty( $this->options['secretkey'] ) || ( crb_get_settings( 'recapipwhite' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) ) { return; } // Native WP forms add_action( 'login_form', function () { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recaplogin' ); } ); add_filter( 'login_form_middle', function ( $value ) { $value .= get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recaplogin', false ); return $value; }); add_action( 'lostpassword_form', function () { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recaplost' ); } ); add_action( 'register_form', function () { if ( ! did_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_start' ) ) { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recapreg' ); } } ); // Support for WooCommerce forms: @since 3.8 add_action( 'woocommerce_login_form', function () { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recapwoologin' ); } ); add_action( 'woocommerce_lostpassword_form', function () { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recapwoolost' ); } ); add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form', function () { if ( ! did_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_start' ) ) { return; } get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recapwooreg' ); } ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_process_login_errors', function ( $validation_error ) { $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); //$wp_cerber->reCaptchaNow(); if ( ! $wp_cerber->reCaptchaValidate( 'woologin', true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_recaptcha', $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'woocommerce-login' ) ); } return $validation_error; } ); add_filter( 'allow_password_reset', function ( $var ) { static $done; // 'allow_password_reset' is fired in WooCommerce and WP (twice in different functions) if ( ! $done && crb_is_woo_reset() ) { $done = true; $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); $login = crb_get_user_login_field(); //$wp_cerber->reCaptchaNow(); if ( ! $wp_cerber->reCaptchaValidate( 'woolost', true ) ) { cerber_log( CRB_EV_PRD, $login ); return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_recaptcha', $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'woocommerce-lost' ) ); } cerber_log( CRB_EV_PRS, $login ); } return $var; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_process_registration_errors', function ( $validation_error ) { $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); //$wp_cerber->reCaptchaNow(); if ( ! $wp_cerber->reCaptchaValidate( 'wooreg', true ) ) { cerber_log( 54 ); return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_recaptcha', $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'woocommerce-register' ) ); } return $validation_error; } ); } /** * Generates reCAPTCHA HTML * * @param string $part 'style' or 'widget' * @param null $option what plugin setting must be set to show the reCAPTCHA * @param bool $echo if false, return the code, otherwise show it * * @return null|string */ final public function reCaptcha( $part = '', $option = null, $echo = true ) { if ( $this->status == 4 || empty( $this->options['sitekey'] ) || empty( $this->options['secretkey'] ) || ( $option && empty( $this->options[ $option ] ) ) ) { return null; } $sitekey = $this->options['sitekey']; $ret = ''; switch ( $part ) { case 'style': // for default login WP form only - fit it in width nicely. ?> options[ $option ] ) ) { $this->recaptcha_here = true; //if ($this->options['invirecap']) $ret = '
      '; if ($this->options['invirecap']) { $ret = '
      '; } else $ret = '
      '; //$ret = ''; } break; } if ( $echo ) { echo $ret; $ret = null; } return $ret; /* */ } /** * Validate reCAPTCHA by calling Google service * Returns true on success or if validation is not needed (reCAPTCHA is not enabled for the given form) * * @param string $form Form ID (slug) * @param boolean $force Force validation without pre-checks * * @return bool true on success false on failure */ final public function reCaptchaValidate( $form = null, $force = false ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'recapipwhite' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { return true; } if ( ! $force ) { if ( ! $this->recaptcha || $this->status == 4 ) { return true; } } if ( $this->recaptcha_verified != null ) { return $this->recaptcha_verified; } if ( $form == 'comment' && $this->options['recapcomauth'] && is_user_logged_in() ) { return true; } if ( ! $form ) { $form = isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'login'; } $forms = array( // known pairs: form => specific plugin setting 'lostpassword' => 'recaplost', 'register' => 'recapreg', 'login' => 'recaplogin', 'comment' => 'recapcom', 'woologin' => 'recapwoologin', 'woolost' => 'recapwoolost', 'wooreg' => 'recapwooreg', ); if ( isset( $forms[ $form ] ) ) { if ( empty( $this->options[ $forms[ $form ] ] ) ) { return true; // no validation is required } } else { return true; // we don't know this form } // Generic status = reCAPTCHA verification failed CRB_Globals::set_bot_status( CRB_STS_532 ); if ( empty( $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] ) ) { // Among other issues it means invalid reCAPTCHA key or/and secret $this->reCaptchaFailed( $form ); return false; } $result = $this->reCaptchaRequest( $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] ); if ( ! $result ) { //cerber_log( 42 ); CRB_Globals::set_bot_status( 534 ); return false; } if ( ! empty( $result['success'] ) ) { $this->recaptcha_verified = true; CRB_Globals::set_bot_status( 531 ); return true; } $this->recaptcha_verified = false; if ( ! empty( $result['error-codes'] ) ) { if ( in_array( 'invalid-input-secret', (array) $result['error-codes'] ) ) { //cerber_log( 41 ); CRB_Globals::set_bot_status( 533 ); } } $this->reCaptchaFailed( $form ); return false; } final function reCaptchaFailed( $context = '' ) { if ( $this->options['recaptcha-period'] && $this->options['recaptcha-number'] && $this->options['recaptcha-within'] ) { if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { return; } $range = time() - absint( $this->options['recaptcha-within'] ) * 60; $num = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $this->remote_ip . '" AND ac_bot = ' . CRB_STS_532 . ' AND stamp > ' . $range ); $num ++; // Current failed attempt if ( $num >= $this->options['recaptcha-number'] ) { cerber_block_add( $this->remote_ip, 705 ); } } } /** * A form with possible reCAPTCHA has been submitted. * Allow to process reCAPTCHA by setting a global flag. * Must be called before reCaptchaValidate(); * */ final public function reCaptchaNow() { if ( cerber_is_http_post() && $this->options['sitekey'] && $this->options['secretkey'] ) { $this->recaptcha = true; } } /** * Make a request to the Google reCaptcha web service * * @param string $response Google specific field from the submitted form (widget) * * @return false|array Response of the Google service or false on failure */ final public function reCaptchaRequest( $response = '' ) { if ( ! $response ) { if ( ! $response = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'g-recaptcha-response' ) ) { return false; } } $curl = @curl_init(); // @since 4.32 if ( ! $curl ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' Unable to initialize cURL' ); return false; } $opt = curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => GOO_RECAPTCHA_URL, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array( 'secret' => $this->options['secretkey'], 'response' => $response ), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, ) ); if ( ! $opt ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); curl_close( $curl ); return false; } $result = @curl_exec( $curl ); if ( ! $result ) { cerber_admin_notice( __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . curl_error( $curl ) ); $result = false; } curl_close( $curl ); return json_decode( $result, true ); } final public function reCaptchaMsg( $context = null ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'invirecap' ) ) { $msg = __( 'Human verification failed.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $msg = __( 'Human verification failed. Please click the square box in the reCAPTCHA block below.', 'wp-cerber' ); } return apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_recaptcha', $msg, $context ); } final public function deleteGarbage() { if ( $this->garbage ) { return; } $last = cerber_get_set( 'garbage_collector', null, false ); if ( $last > ( time() - 60 ) ) { // We do this once a minute $this->garbage = true; return; } crb_del_expired_blocks(); cerber_update_set( 'garbage_collector', time(), null, false ); $this->garbage = true; } } function cerber_init() { static $done = false; if ( $done ) { return; } cerber_pre_checks(); cerber_error_control(); if ( crb_get_settings( 'tiphperr' ) ) { set_error_handler( 'cerber_catch_error' ); } cerber_upgrade_all(); get_wp_cerber(); cerber_beast(); $antibot = cerber_antibot_gene(); if ( $antibot && ! empty( $antibot[1] ) ) { foreach ( $antibot[1] as $item ) { cerber_set_cookie( $item[0], $item[1], time() + 3600 * 24 ); } } // Redirection control: no default aliases for redirections if ( cerber_no_redirect() ) { remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'wp_redirect_admin_locations', 1000 ); } $hooks = apply_filters( 'cerber_antibot_hooks', array() ); if ( ! empty( $hooks['login_register'] ) ) { foreach ( $hooks['login_register'] as $hook ) { add_action( $hook, 'cerber_login_register_stuff', 1000 ); } } /*add_action( 'wp_upgrade', function () { lab_get_site_meta(); } );*/ $done = true; } /** * Returns correct WP_Cerber object * * @return WP_Cerber * * @since 6.0 */ function get_wp_cerber(){ static $the_wp_cerber = null; if ( ! isset( $the_wp_cerber ) ) { $the_wp_cerber = new WP_Cerber(); } return $the_wp_cerber; } add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function () { cerber_error_control(); get_wp_cerber(); cerber_inspect_uploads(); // Uploads in the dashboard require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/jetflow.php' ); if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'cerber_bg_launcher' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), 'crb_five', 'cerber_bg_launcher' ); } }, 1000 ); function cerber_load_admin_code() { //cerber_cache_enable(); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/screen.php' ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php' ); $d = dirname( __FILE__ ); require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-admin.php' ); require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-admin-settings.php' ); //require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-admin.php' ); // @since require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-users.php' ); require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-tools.php' ); require_once( $d . '/admin/cerber-dashboard.php' ); } /** * If we need WP auth constants to be available. * It makes sense only in "Standard mode" and if WP Cerber executes its code before WP filters. * * @since 8.8 */ function cerber_load_wp_constants() { require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/default-constants.php' ); if ( is_multisite() ) { ms_cookie_constants(); } wp_cookie_constants(); } /** * Some additional tasks... * */ function cerber_extra_vision() { // Multiple different malicious activities if ( empty( CRB_Globals::$logged ) ) { return false; } $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $black = crb_get_activity_set( 'black' ); $black_logged = array_intersect( $black, CRB_Globals::$logged ); if ( ! empty( $black_logged ) && cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $remain = cerber_get_remain_count( $ip, true, $black ); // @since 6.7.5 if ( $remain < 1 ) { cerber_soft_block_add( $ip, 707 ); CRB_Globals::$act_status = 18; return true; } } // TODO: there should be a matrix activity => limit per period $remain = cerber_get_remain_count( $ip, true, array( 400 ), 10, 30 ); if ( $remain < 1 ) { cerber_block_add( $ip, 721 ); CRB_Globals::$act_status = 18; return true; } return false; } /* Display WordPress login form if the Custom login URL is requested */ function cerber_wp_login_page() { if ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { if ( cerber_is_login_request() ) { if ( ! defined( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE' ) ) { define( 'DONOTCACHEPAGE', true ); // @since 5.7.6 } @ini_set( 'display_startup_errors', 0 ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); add_action( 'login_init', function () { @ini_set( 'display_startup_errors', 0 ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); } ); // Prevent getting PHP 8 "Undefined variable" error $user_login = ''; $error = ''; require( ABSPATH . WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT ); // load default wp-login.php form exit; } } } /** * Check if the current HTTP request is a login/register/lost password page request * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_login_request() { static $ret; if ( isset( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } $ret = false; if ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ( $pos = strpos( $uri, '?' ) ) { $uri = substr( $uri, 0, $pos ); } $components = explode( '/', rtrim( $uri, '/' ) ); $last = end( $components ); if ( $path === $last && ! cerber_is_rest_url() ) { $ret = true; } } elseif ( CRB_Request::is_script( '/' . WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT ) ) { $ret = true; } return $ret; } /** * Does the current location (URL) requires a user to be logged in to view * * @param $allowed_url string An URL that is allowed to view without authentication * * @return bool */ function cerber_auth_required( $allowed_url ) { if ( $allowed_url && CRB_Request::is_url_equal( $allowed_url ) ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_login_request() ) { return false; } if ( CRB_Request::is_script( array( '/' . WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT, '/' . WP_SIGNUP_SCRIPT, '/wp-activate.php' ) ) ) { return false; } if ( CRB_Request::is_url_start_with( wp_login_url() ) ) { return false; } if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { if ( CRB_Request::is_url_start_with( get_permalink( get_option( 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id' ) ) ) ) { return false; } } return true; } // Authentication -------------------------------------------------------------------- remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_username_password', 20 ); remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_email_password', 20 ); remove_filter( 'authenticate', 'wp_authenticate_application_password', 20 ); add_filter( 'authenticate', function ( $user, $username, $password ) { return cerber_authenticate( $user, $username, $password ); }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); // PHP_INT_MAX @since 8.8 /** * @param WP_User|WP_Error $user * @param string $username * @param string $password * * @return WP_User|WP_Error */ function cerber_authenticate( $user, $username, $password = '' ) { if ( $username && ( crb_get_settings( 'loginnowp' ) == 2 ) && ! crb_acl_is_white() && CRB_Request::is_script( '/' . WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT ) ) { return crb_login_error( $username, CRB_EV_LDN, 50 ); } // reCAPTCHA if ( ! cerber_is_api_request() && ! get_wp_cerber()->reCaptchaValidate() ) { cerber_log( CRB_EV_LDN, $username ); return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_recaptcha', '' . __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . get_wp_cerber()->reCaptchaMsg( 'login' ) ); } // Prohibited usernames if ( $username && crb_is_username_prohibited( $username ) ) { $ret = crb_login_error( $username, 52 ); cerber_block_add( null, 704, $username ); return $ret; } $user = wp_authenticate_username_password( $user, $username, $password ); $user = wp_authenticate_email_password( $user, $username, $password ); // Application passwords $app_checked = false; $app = false; if ( ! ( $user instanceof WP_User ) && function_exists( 'wp_authenticate_application_password' ) ) { $app_checked = true; $user = wp_authenticate_application_password( $user, $username, $password ); if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) { $app = true; } } // TODO: split the function into two parts: // 1. before user identification - do IP-based checks // 2. after user identification and password check - do user-based and role-based checks $user = cerber_restrict_auth( $user, $app ); // Authentication failed or denied by cerber_restrict_auth() if ( ! ( $user instanceof WP_User ) || ! $user->ID ) { if ( crb_is_wp_error( $user ) ) { $err_code = $user->get_error_code(); $ignore_codes = array( 'empty_username', 'empty_password', 'expired_session' ); if ( ! in_array( $err_code, $ignore_codes ) ) { cerber_login_failed( $username ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'nologinhint' ) && ( $err_code == 'invalid_email' || $err_code == 'invalid_username' ) && ! crb_acl_is_white() ) { if ( ! $msg = crb_get_settings( 'nologinhint_msg' ) ) { return crb_login_error( $username ); } return new WP_Error( 'cerber_login_error', sprintf( $msg, $username ) ); } } return $user; } // Application passwords policies if ( cerber_is_api_request() ) { $app_pwd = cerber_get_user_policy( 'app_pwd', $user, 'app_pwd' ); $deny = false; if ( ( 2 == $app_pwd && ! $app_checked ) || 3 == $app_pwd ) { $deny = true; } if ( $deny ) { cerber_log( 152, $username, 0, CRB_STS_25 ); status_header( 403 ); return new WP_Error( 'app_password_denied', 'Authentication failed' ); } } // Shadowing if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4acc' ) && CRB_DS::is_ready( 1 ) ) { if ( ! CRB_DS::is_user_valid( $user->ID ) ) { return crb_login_error( $username, CRB_EV_LDN, 35 ); } if ( ! $app_checked ) { $pwd = CRB_DS::get_user_pass( $user->ID ); if ( ! $pwd || ( $password && ! wp_check_password( $password, $pwd, $user->ID ) ) ) { return crb_login_error( $username, CRB_EV_LDN, 36 ); } } } // Authenticated via API if ( cerber_is_api_request() ) { if ( $app_checked ) { cerber_log( 151, $username, $user->ID ); } else { cerber_log( CRB_EV_LIN, $username, $user->ID ); } } CRB_Globals::$user_id = $user->ID; return $user; } add_filter( 'wp_is_application_passwords_available_for_user', 'cerber_is_app_passwords', PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); function cerber_is_app_passwords( $var, $user ) { if ( $user instanceof WP_User ) { if ( 3 == cerber_get_user_policy( 'app_pwd', $user, 'app_pwd' ) ) { return false; } } return $var; } /** * Stops (restricts) authentication of a user once the user identified (existing users) * * @param WP_User $user * @param bool $app If true the user is authenticated with an application password * * @return WP_User|WP_Error */ function cerber_restrict_auth( $user, $app = false ) { if ( ! $user instanceof WP_User ) { return $user; } $deny = false; $user_msg = ''; if ( $b = crb_is_user_blocked( $user->ID ) ) { $user_msg = $b['blocked_msg']; CRB_Globals::$act_status = CRB_STS_29; $deny = true; } elseif ( ! $app && ( $b = crb_check_user_limits( $user->ID ) ) ) { $user_msg = $b; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 38; $deny = true; } elseif ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { // TODO: Must be checked before user identification $deny = false; } elseif ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { // TODO: Must be checked before user identification $deny = true; } elseif ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_login', $user ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; $deny = true; } elseif ( lab_is_blocked( cerber_get_remote_ip() ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 15; $deny = true; } if ( $deny ) { status_header( 403 ); $error = new WP_Error(); if ( ! $user_msg ) { $user_msg = get_wp_cerber()->getErrorMsg(); } $error->add( 'cerber_wp_error', $user_msg, array( 'user_id' => $user->ID ) ); return $error; } return $user; } /** * Logs authentication errors, generates WP_Error object * * @param string $username * @param int $act * @param int $status * * @return WP_Error */ function crb_login_error( $username = '', $act = null, $status = null ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = $status; if ( $act ) { cerber_log( $act, $username ); } // Create with a message identical to the default WP if ( ! is_email( $username ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_password', sprintf( /* translators: %s: User name. */ __( 'Error: The password you entered for the username %s is incorrect.' ), '' . $username . '' ) . ' ' . __( 'Lost your password?' ) . '' ); } return new WP_Error( 'incorrect_password', sprintf( /* translators: %s: Email address. */ __( 'Error: The password you entered for the email address %s is incorrect.' ), '' . $username . '' ) . ' ' . __( 'Lost your password?' ) . '' ); } add_action( 'wp_login', function ( $login, $user ) { cerber_user_login( $login, $user ); }, 0, 2 ); /** * @param $login string * @param $user WP_User */ function cerber_user_login( $login, $user ) { CRB_Globals::$user_id = $user->ID; if ( ! empty( $_POST['log'] ) && ! empty( $_POST['pwd'] ) ) { // default WP login form $user_login = htmlspecialchars( $_POST['log'] ); } else { $user_login = $login; } $fa = CRB_2FA::enforce( $user_login, $user ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $fa ) ) { cerber_error_log( $fa->get_error_message() . ' | RID: ' . get_wp_cerber()->getRequestID(), '2FA' ); } cerber_login_history( $user->ID ); cerber_log( CRB_EV_LIN, $user_login, $user->ID ); } add_action( 'set_auth_cookie', function ( $auth_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $scheme, $token ) { CRB_2FA::$token = $token; // Catching user switching and authentications without using a login form add_action( 'set_current_user', function () { // deferred to allow the possible 'wp_login' action to be logged first global $current_user; if ( $current_user instanceof WP_User ) { cerber_user_login( $current_user->user_login, $current_user ); } } ); }, 10, 6 ); function cerber_login_history( $user_id, $reset = false ) { $cus = cerber_get_set( CRB_USER_SET, $user_id ); if ( ! $cus || ! is_array( $cus ) ) { $cus = array(); } $cus['last_login'] = array( 'ip' => cerber_get_remote_ip(), 'ua' => sha1( crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) ); if ( ! isset( $cus['2fa_history'] ) ) { $cus['2fa_history'] = array( 0, time() ); } if ( $reset ) { $cus['2fa_history'] = array( 1, time() ); } else { $cus['2fa_history'][0] ++; } cerber_update_set( CRB_USER_SET, $cus, $user_id ); } /** * * Handler for failed login attempts * * @param string $user_login * */ function cerber_login_failed( $user_login ) { static $is_processed = false; if ( $is_processed ) { return; } $is_processed = true; $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $acl = cerber_acl_check( $ip ); $no_user = ! cerber_get_user( $user_login ); $act = CRB_EV_LFL; // Generic login failed (interactive), the default if ( cerber_is_api_request() ) { $act = 152; } else { // TODO this should be refactored together with cerber_restrict_auth() to make things clear in the log if ( $no_user ) { $act = 51; } elseif ( in_array( CRB_Globals::$act_status, array( 15, 16, CRB_STS_25, CRB_STS_29, 38 ) ) || ! cerber_is_ip_allowed( $ip ) ) { $act = CRB_EV_LDN; } } cerber_log( $act, $user_login ); if ( $acl == 'W' && ! crb_get_settings( 'limitwhite' ) ) { return; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'usefile' ) ) { cerber_file_log( $user_login, $ip ); } if ( ! cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { // Needs additional researching and, maybe, refactoring status_header( 403 ); } // Blacklisted? No more actions are needed. if ( $acl == 'B' ) { return; } // Must the Citadel mode be activated? if ( crb_get_settings( 'citadel_on' ) && ( $per = crb_get_settings( 'ciperiod' ) ) && ! cerber_is_citadel() ) { $range = time() - $per * 60; $lockouts = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity = '.CRB_EV_LFL.' AND stamp > ' . $range ); if ( $lockouts >= crb_get_settings( 'cilimit' ) ) { cerber_enable_citadel(); } } if ( $no_user && crb_get_settings( 'nonusers' ) ) { cerber_block_add( $ip, 703, $user_login); } elseif ( cerber_get_remain_count($ip, false) < 1 ) { //Limit on the number of login attempts is reached cerber_block_add( $ip, 701, '', null ); } } // ------------ User Sessions // do_action( "added_{$meta_type}_meta", $mid, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ); add_action( 'added_user_meta', function ( $meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) { if ( $meta_key === 'session_tokens' ) { crb_sessions_update_user_data( $user_id, $_meta_value ); } }, 10, 4 ); add_action( 'update_user_meta', function ( $meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) { if ( $meta_key !== 'session_tokens' || CRB_Globals::$session_status !== null ) { return; } $old_value = get_metadata_raw( 'user', $user_id, $meta_key, true ); if ( ! is_array( $old_value ) ) { return; } if ( ! is_array( $_meta_value ) ) { $_meta_value = array(); } $new = count( $_meta_value ); if ( count( $old_value ) > $new ) { if ( $new == 0 ) { CRB_Globals::$session_status = 530; } else { CRB_Globals::$session_status = 0; } } else { CRB_Globals::$session_status = null; } }, 10, 4 ); // do_action( "updated_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ); add_action( 'updated_user_meta', function ( $meta_id, $user_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) { if ( $meta_key === 'session_tokens' ) { crb_sessions_update_user_data( $user_id, $_meta_value ); if ( CRB_Globals::$session_status !== null ) { cerber_log( CRB_EV_UST, '', $user_id, CRB_Globals::$session_status ); CRB_Globals::$session_status = null; } } }, 10, 4 ); // do_action( "deleted_{$meta_type}_meta", $meta_ids, $object_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ); add_action( 'deleted_user_meta', function ( $meta_ids, $user_id, $meta_key, $_meta_value ) { if ( $meta_key === 'session_tokens' ) { $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE; if ( $user_id ) { $query .= ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id; cerber_log( CRB_EV_UST, '', $user_id, 530 ); // Terminated by admin CRB_Globals::set_act_status( 530 ); } cerber_db_query( $query ); } }, 10, 4 ); /** * Keep the sessions table up to date * * @param $user_id * @param array $wp_sessions List of user sessions from "session_tokens" user meta * * @return bool */ function crb_sessions_update_user_data( $user_id, $wp_sessions = null ) { global $wpdb; $crb_sessions = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE; if ( $wp_sessions === null ) { $user_meta = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT um.* FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' um JOIN ' . $wpdb->users . ' us ON (um.user_id = us.ID) WHERE um.user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND um.meta_key = "session_tokens"' ); if ( $user_meta && ! empty( $user_meta['meta_value'] ) ) { $wp_sessions = crb_unserialize( $user_meta['meta_value'] ); } } if ( ! $wp_sessions ) { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $crb_sessions . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id ); return true; } $list = array_keys( $wp_sessions ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $crb_sessions . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND wp_session_token NOT IN ("' . implode( '","', $list ) . '")' ); $existing = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT wp_session_token FROM ' . $crb_sessions . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id ); if ( $existing ) { $new_entries = array_diff( $list, $existing ); } else { $new_entries = $list; } foreach ( $new_entries as $id ) { $data = $wp_sessions[ $id ]; $session_id = get_wp_cerber()->getRequestID(); //$ip = $data['ip']; // On some servers behind a proxy WP core is unable to detect IP address correctly. $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $country = (string) lab_get_country( $ip ); cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $crb_sessions . ' (user_id, ip, country, started, expires, session_id, wp_session_token) VALUES (' . $user_id . ',"' . $ip . '","' . $country . '","' . $data['login'] . '","' . $data['expiration'] . '","' . $session_id . '","' . $id . '")' ); } return true; } /** * Synchronize all sessions in bulk * * @return bool */ function crb_sessions_sync_all() { global $wpdb; $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE; cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $table ); $query = 'SELECT um.* FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' um JOIN ' . $wpdb->users . ' us ON (um.user_id = us.ID) WHERE um.meta_key = "session_tokens"'; if ( ! $metas = cerber_db_get_results( $query ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $metas as $user_meta ) { $sessions = crb_unserialize( $user_meta['meta_value'] ); if ( empty( $sessions ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $sessions as $id => $data ) { if ( $data['expiration'] < time() ) { continue; } cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (user_id, ip, started, expires, wp_session_token) VALUES (' . $user_meta['user_id'] . ',"' . $data['ip'] . '","' . $data['login'] . '","' . $data['expiration'] . '","' . $id . '")' ); } } return true; } function crb_sessions_del_expired() { static $done; if ( $done ) { return; } cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' WHERE expires < ' . time() ); $done = true; } function crb_sessions_get_num( $user_id = null ) { $where = ( $user_id ) ? ' WHERE user_id = ' . absint( $user_id ) : ''; return (int) cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . $where ); } /** * Terminates specified user sessions by updating user meta directly in the DB * * @param array|string $tokens Session tokens to kill * @param int $user_id Users the sessions to kill belongs to * @param bool $admin If true, it is executing in the WP dashboard * * @return int */ function crb_sessions_kill( $tokens, $user_id = null, $admin = true ) { if ( ! is_array( $tokens ) ) { $tokens = array( $tokens ); } if ( ! $user_id ) { $users = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT user_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' WHERE wp_session_token IN ("' . implode( '","', $tokens ) . '")' ); } else { $users = array( $user_id ); } if ( ! $users || ! $tokens ) { return 0; } $kill = array_flip( $tokens ); $total = 0; $errors = 0; // Prevent termination the current admin session if ( $token = crb_get_session_token() ) { unset( $kill[ cerber_hash_token( $token ) ] ); } foreach ( $users as $user_id ) { $count = 0; $sessions = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'session_tokens', true ); if ( empty( $sessions ) || ! is_array( $sessions ) ) { continue; } if ( ! $do_this = array_intersect_key( $kill, $sessions ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $do_this as $key => $nothing ) { unset( $sessions[ $key ] ); unset( $kill[ $key ] ); $count ++; } if ( $count ) { if ( update_user_meta( $user_id, 'session_tokens', $sessions ) ) { $total += $count; } else { $errors ++; } } } if ( $admin ) { if ( $errors ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Error: Unable to update user meta data.' ); } if ( $total ) { cerber_admin_message( sprintf( _n( 'Session has been terminated', '%s sessions have been terminated', $total, 'wp-cerber' ), $total ) ); } else { cerber_admin_notice( 'No sessions found.' ); } } return $total; } // Enforce restrictions for the current user add_action( 'set_current_user', function () { // the normal way global $current_user; cerber_restrict_user( $current_user->ID ); }, 0 ); add_action( 'init', function () { // backup for 'set_current_user' hook which might not be invoked cerber_restrict_user( get_current_user_id() ); }, 0 ); function cerber_restrict_user( $user_id ) { static $done; if ( $done || ! $user_id ) { return; } $done = true; if ( crb_is_user_blocked( $user_id ) || ! CRB_DS::is_user_valid( $user_id ) || crb_acl_is_black() // @since 8.2.4 || ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_login', $user_id ) ) { // @since 8.2.3 cerber_user_logout(); if ( is_admin() ) { wp_redirect( cerber_get_home_url() ); } else { wp_safe_redirect( CRB_Request::full_url() ); } exit; } CRB_2FA::restrict_and_verify( $user_id ); if ( ( ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) || ! DOING_AJAX ) && is_admin() && ! is_super_admin() ) { if ( cerber_get_user_policy( 'nodashboard', $user_id ) ) { wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit; } } if ( cerber_get_user_policy( 'notoolbar', $user_id ) ) { show_admin_bar( false ); } } add_filter( 'login_redirect', function ( $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user ) { if ( $to = crb_redirect_by_policy( $user, 'rdr_login' ) ) { return $to; } return $redirect_to; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); add_filter( 'logout_redirect', function ( $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, $user ) { if ( $to = crb_redirect_by_policy( $user, 'rdr_logout' ) ) { return $to; } if ( ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) && empty( $requested_redirect_to ) && cerber_is_login_request() ) { $redirect_to = cerber_get_site_url() . '/' . $path . '/?loggedout=true'; // Replace the default WP logout redirection } return $redirect_to; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); if ( crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { add_filter( 'lostpassword_redirect', function ( $redirect_to ) { if ( ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) && cerber_is_login_request() ) { $redirect_to = '/' . $path . '/?checkemail=confirm'; // Replace the default WP logout redirection } return $redirect_to; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'registration_redirect', function ( $redirect_to ) { if ( ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) && cerber_is_login_request() ) { $redirect_to = '/' . $path . '/?checkemail=registered'; // Replace the default WP logout redirection } return $redirect_to; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'nopasshint' ) && ! crb_acl_is_white() ) { add_filter( 'lostpassword_errors', function ( $errors, $user_data ) { if ( $user_data || CRB_Globals::$reset_pwd_denied ) { return $errors; } /* $is_email = strpos( crb_array_get( $_POST, 'user_login', '' ), '@' ); if ( $is_email ) { $msg = __( 'If we have found an account associated with this email, we have sent the confirmation link to the email.', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $msg = __( 'If we have found an account associated with this username, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.', 'wp-cerber' ); } return new WP_Error( 'cerber_invalid_account', $msg ); */ // Mimic the default redirection, see "case 'retrievepassword':" in wp-login.php $redirect_to = ! empty( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] ) ? $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] : 'wp-login.php?checkemail=confirm'; wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to ); exit; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); add_filter( 'wp_login_errors', function ( $errors, $user_data ) { if ( $errors->get_error_code() == 'confirm' && $errors->get_error_data() == 'message' ) { if ( ! $msg = crb_get_settings( 'nopasshint_msg' ) ) { $msg = __( 'If we have found your account, we have sent the confirmation link to the email address on the account.', 'wp-cerber' ); } $errors = new WP_Error( 'confirm', $msg, 'message' ); // Do not change! } return $errors; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); } function cerber_parse_redir( $url, $user ) { if ( strpos( $url, '{{' ) ) { $url = preg_replace( '/{{user_id}}/', $user->ID, $url ); } return $url; } function crb_redirect_by_policy( $user, $policy ) { if ( $user && ! crb_is_wp_error( $user ) && ( $to = cerber_get_user_policy( $policy, $user ) ) ) { $force_redirect_to = cerber_parse_redir( $to, $user ); if ( ! strpos( $force_redirect_to, '://' ) ) { $force_redirect_to = cerber_get_site_url() . '/' . ltrim( $force_redirect_to, '/' ); } return $force_redirect_to; } return false; } function cerber_user_logout( $status = null ) { global $current_user, $userdata, $user_ID; CRB_Globals::$act_status = ( ! $status ) ? 26 : absint( $status ); if ( $current_user instanceof WP_User ) { $uid = $current_user->ID; } else { $uid = get_current_user_id(); } @wp_logout(); CRB_2FA::delete_2fa( $uid ); $current_user = null; $userdata = null; $user_ID = null; } // Registration ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function cerber_is_registration_prohibited( $user_login, $user_email = '' ) { $code = null; $msg = ''; $ret_msg = ''; $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); if ( crb_get_settings( 'regwhite' ) && ! crb_acl_is_white() && lab_lab() ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0, 37 ); $code = 'ip_denied'; if ( ! $ret_msg = crb_get_settings( 'regwhite_msg' ) ) { $msg = __( 'You are not allowed to register.', 'wp-cerber' ); } } elseif ( crb_is_reg_limit_reached() ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0, 17 ); $code = 'ip_denied'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_denied', __( 'You are not allowed to register.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } elseif ( cerber_is_bot( 'botsreg' ) ) { cerber_log( 54 ); $code = 'bot_detected'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_denied', __( 'You are not allowed to register.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } elseif ( ! $wp_cerber->reCaptchaValidate() ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0 , CRB_STS_532 ); $code = 'incorrect_recaptcha'; $msg = $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'register' ); } elseif ( crb_is_username_prohibited( $user_login ) ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0, CRB_STS_30 ); $code = 'prohibited_login'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_prohibited', __( 'Username is not allowed. Please choose another one.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } elseif ( ! cerber_is_email_permited( $user_email ) ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0, 31 ); $code = 'prohibited_email'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_prohibited_email', __( 'Email address is not permitted.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Please choose another one.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } elseif ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() || lab_is_blocked( cerber_get_remote_ip() ) ) { cerber_log( 54 ); $code = 'ip_denied'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_denied', __( 'You are not allowed to register.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } elseif ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_register' ) ) { cerber_log( 54, '', 0, 16 ); $code = 'country_denied'; $msg = apply_filters( 'cerber_msg_denied', __( 'You are not allowed to register.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'register' ); } if ( $code ) { if ( ! $ret_msg ) { $ret_msg = '' . __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $msg; } return array( $code, $ret_msg ); } return false; } /** * Restrict email addresses * * @param $email string * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_email_permited( $email ) { if ( ! $email ) { return true; } if ( ( ! $rule = crb_get_settings( 'emrule' ) ) || ( ! $list = (array) crb_get_settings( 'emlist' ) ) ) { return true; } if ( $rule == 1 ) { $ret = false; } elseif ( $rule == 2 ) { $ret = true; } else { return true; } $email = strtolower( $email ); foreach ( $list as $item ) { if ( $item[0] == '/' && substr( $item, - 1 ) == '/' ) { $pattern = $item . 'i'; // we permit to specify any REGEX if ( @preg_match( $pattern, $email ) ) { return $ret; } } elseif ( false !== strpos( $item, '*' ) ) { $wildcard = '.+?'; $pattern = '/^' . str_replace( array( '.', '*' ), array( '\.', $wildcard ), $item ) . '$/i'; if ( @preg_match( $pattern, $email ) ) { return $ret; } } elseif ( $email === $item ) { return $ret; } } return ! $ret; } /** * Limit on user registrations per IP * * @return bool */ function crb_is_reg_limit_reached() { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'reglimit_min' ) || ! crb_get_settings( 'reglimit_num' ) ) { return false; } if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { return false; } $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $stamp = absint( time() - 60 * crb_get_settings( 'reglimit_min' ) ); $count = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '" AND activity = 2 AND stamp > ' . $stamp ); if ( $count >= crb_get_settings( 'reglimit_num' ) ) { return true; } return false; } // The default WP registration form add_filter( 'registration_errors', function ( $errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email ) { $result = cerber_is_registration_prohibited( $sanitized_user_login, $user_email ); if ( $result ) { return new WP_Error( $result[0], $result[1] ); } return $errors; }, 10, 3 ); /** * Inserting users programmatically via wp_insert_user() * * @since */ add_filter( 'wp_pre_insert_user_data', function ( $data, $update, $user_id ) { /*if ( $update || is_admin() ) { return $data; }*/ if ( ! $update && ! is_admin() ) { $user_login = crb_array_get( $data, 'user_login' ); $user_email = crb_array_get( $data, 'user_email' ); if ( cerber_is_registration_prohibited( $user_login, $user_email ) ) { return null; } } if ( $update ) { $old_user_data = get_userdata( $user_id ); if ( $data['user_pass'] != $old_user_data->user_pass ) { crb_pass_reset( $old_user_data ); } } return $data; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); // Validation for MU and BuddyPress add_filter( 'wpmu_validate_user_signup', function ( $signup_data ) { $sanitized_user_login = sanitize_user( $signup_data['user_name'], true ); if ( $check = cerber_is_registration_prohibited( $sanitized_user_login, $signup_data['user_email'] ) ) { $signup_data['errors'] = new WP_Error( 'user_name', $check[1] ); } return $signup_data; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); // Filter out prohibited usernames add_filter( 'illegal_user_logins', function ( $list ) { if ( ! is_admin_user_edit() ) { $list = (array) crb_get_settings( 'prohibited' ); } return $list; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'option_users_can_register', function ( $value ) { //if ( ! cerber_is_allowed() || !cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_register' )) { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() || crb_is_reg_limit_reached() ) { return false; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'regwhite' ) && ! crb_acl_is_white() && lab_lab() ) { return false; } return $value; }, PHP_INT_MAX ); // Comments (commenting) section ---------------------------------------------------------- if ( cerber_is_custom_comment() ) { add_filter( 'comment_form_defaults', function ( $defaults ) { $defaults['action'] = site_url( '/' . crb_get_compiled( 'custom_comm_slug' ) ); return $defaults; } ); } /** * Process comments submitted via the Custom comment URL * * @since 8.8 */ function cerber_custom_comment_process() { if ( cerber_is_custom_comment() && CRB_Request::is_comment_sent() ) { require( ABSPATH . WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT ); // load the default wp-comments-post.php processor exit; } } /** * Is Custom comment URL is enabled? * * @return bool * * @since 8.8 */ function cerber_is_custom_comment() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'customcomm' ) && cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * If a comment must be marked as spam * */ add_filter( 'pre_comment_approved', function ( $approved, $commentdata ) { if ( 1 == crb_get_settings( 'spamcomm' ) && ! cerber_is_comment_allowed() ) { $approved = 'spam'; } return $approved; }, 10, 2 ); /** * If a comment must be denied * */ add_action( 'pre_comment_on_post', function ( $comment_post_ID ) { $deny = false; if ( 1 != crb_get_settings( 'spamcomm' ) && ! cerber_is_comment_allowed() ) { $deny = true; } elseif ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_comment' ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; cerber_log(19); $deny = true; } if ( $deny ) { cerber_set_cookie( 'cerber_post_id', $comment_post_ID, time() + 60, '/' ); $comments = get_comments( array( 'number' => '1', 'post_id' => $comment_post_ID ) ); if ( $comments ) { $loc = get_comment_link( $comments[0]->comment_ID ); } else { $loc = get_permalink( $comment_post_ID ) . '#cerber-recaptcha-msg'; } wp_safe_redirect( $loc ); exit; } } ); /** * If submit comments via REST API is not allowed * */ add_filter( 'rest_allow_anonymous_comments', function ( $allowed, $request ) { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $allowed = false; } if ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_comment' ) ) { cerber_log(19); CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; $allowed = false; } elseif ( lab_is_blocked( cerber_get_remote_ip() ) ) { $allowed = false; } return $allowed; }, 10, 2 ); /** * Check if a submitted comment is allowed * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_comment_allowed(){ if ( is_admin() ) { return true; } $deny = null; $remain = 1; if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $deny = 19; } elseif ( cerber_is_bot( 'botscomm' ) ) { $deny = 16; $remain = cerber_get_remain_count( null, true, array( 16 ), 3, 60 ); } elseif ( ! get_wp_cerber()->reCaptchaValidate( 'comment' , true ) ) { $deny = 16; } elseif ( lab_is_blocked( cerber_get_remote_ip() ) ) { $deny = 19; } if ( $deny ) { cerber_log( $deny ); $ret = false; } else { $ret = true; } if ( $remain < 1 ) { cerber_block_add( null, 706, '', 60 ); } return $ret; } /** * Showing reCAPTCHA widget. * Displaying error message on the comment form for a human. * */ add_filter( 'comment_form_submit_field', function ( $value ) { global $post; if ( cerber_get_cookie( 'cerber_post_id' ) == $post->ID ) { //echo '
      ' . __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'comment' ) . '
      '; echo '
      ' . __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'Sorry, human verification failed.', 'wp-cerber' ) . '
      '; $p = cerber_get_cookie_prefix(); echo ''; } if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'recapcomauth' ) || ! is_user_logged_in() ) { get_wp_cerber()->reCaptcha( 'widget', 'recapcom' ); } if ( cerber_is_custom_comment() ) { echo ''; } return $value; } ); // Messages ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Login page part 1 add_action( 'login_head', 'cerber_login_head' ); function cerber_login_head() { global $error; // This global WP variable is used at login_header() in wp-login.php if ( ! $allowed = cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) : ?> reCaptcha( 'style' ); // Add an error message to be shown above the login form if ( ! cerber_is_http_get() ) { return; } if ( ! cerber_can_msg() ) { return; } if ( ! $allowed ) { $error = $wp_cerber->getErrorMsg(); } elseif ( $msg = $wp_cerber->getRemainMsg() ) { $error = $msg; } elseif ( crb_get_settings( 'authonly' ) && ( $msg = crb_get_settings( 'authonlymsg' ) ) ) { $error = $msg; } } // Login page part 2, if credentials were wrong - after login form has been submitted (POST request) add_filter( 'login_errors', 'cerber_login_form_msg' ); function cerber_login_form_msg( $errors ) { global $error; // This global WP variable is used at login_header() in wp-login.php if ( cerber_can_msg() ) { $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $errors = $wp_cerber->getErrorMsg(); // Replace any error messages } elseif ( ! $error && ( $msg = $wp_cerber->getRemainMsg() ) ) { $errors .= '


      ' . $msg . '

      '; } } return $errors; } add_filter( 'shake_error_codes', 'cerber_login_failure_shake' ); // Shake it, baby! function cerber_login_failure_shake( $shake_error_codes ) { $shake_error_codes[] = 'cerber_wp_error'; return $shake_error_codes; } /* Replace default login/logout URL with Custom login page URL */ add_filter( 'site_url', 'cerber_login_logout', 9999, 4 ); add_filter( 'network_site_url', 'cerber_login_logout', 9999, 3 ); function cerber_login_logout( $url, $path, $scheme, $blog_id = 0 ) { // $blog_id only for 'site_url' if ( $login_path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { $url = str_replace( WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT, $login_path . '/', $url ); } return $url; } /* Replace default logout redirect URL with Custom login page URL */ add_filter( 'wp_redirect', 'cerber_login_redirect', 9999, 2 ); function cerber_login_redirect( $location, $status ) { if ( ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) && ( 0 === strpos( $location, WP_LOGIN_SCRIPT . '?' ) ) ) { $loc = explode( '?', $location ); $location = cerber_get_home_url() . '/' . $path . '/?' . $loc[1]; } return $location; } add_action( 'init', function () { cerber_cookie_bad_proc(); if ( crb_get_settings( 'adminphp' ) ) { if ( defined( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS' ) ) { cerber_add_issue( 'conscripts', 'The PHP constant CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS is already defined somewhere else', 'adminphp' ); } //elseif ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { elseif ( ! cerber_check_groove_x() ) { define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); } } if ( ! is_admin() && ! cerber_is_wp_cron() ) { cerber_access_control(); cerber_auth_access(); } cerber_custom_comment_process(); cerber_post_control(); // Load translations $use_eng = false; if ( is_admin() && crb_get_settings( 'admin_lang' ) ) { $use_eng = true; add_filter( 'override_load_textdomain', function ( $val, $domain, $mofile ) { if ( $domain == 'wp-cerber' ) { $val = true; } return $val; }, 100, 3 ); } if ( ! $use_eng ) { load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-cerber', false, 'wp-cerber/languages' ); } if ( ( ! defined( 'CERBER_OLD_LP' ) || ! CERBER_OLD_LP ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'logindeferred' ) ) { cerber_wp_login_page(); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'nologinlang' ) ) { add_filter( 'login_display_language_dropdown', '__return_false' ); } }, 0 ); if ( ( defined( 'CERBER_OLD_LP' ) && CERBER_OLD_LP ) || crb_get_settings( 'logindeferred' ) ) { add_action( 'init', 'cerber_wp_login_page', 20 ); } /** * Restrict access to some vital parts of WP * */ function cerber_access_control() { if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { return; } $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); if ( $wp_cerber->isURIProhibited() ) { cerber_404_page(); } $opt = crb_get_settings(); // REST API if ( $wp_cerber->isDeny() ) { cerber_block_rest_api(); } elseif ( cerber_is_rest_url() ) { $rest_allowed = true; if ( ! cerber_is_rest_permitted() ) { $rest_allowed = false; } if ( $rest_allowed && ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_restapi' ) ) { $rest_allowed = false; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; } if ( ! $rest_allowed ) { CRB_Globals::$req_status = 0; cerber_block_rest_api(); } } // Some XML-RPC stuff if ( $wp_cerber->isDeny() || ! empty( $opt['xmlrpc'] ) ) { add_filter( 'xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'pings_open', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'bloginfo_url', 'cerber_pingback_url', 10, 2 ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link', 10 ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link', 10 ); } // Feeds if ( $wp_cerber->isDeny() || ! empty( $opt['nofeeds'] ) ) { remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 ); remove_action( 'do_feed_rdf', 'do_feed_rdf', 10 ); remove_action( 'do_feed_rss', 'do_feed_rss', 10 ); remove_action( 'do_feed_rss2', 'do_feed_rss2', 10 ); remove_action( 'do_feed_atom', 'do_feed_atom', 10 ); remove_action( 'do_pings', 'do_all_pings', 10 ); add_action( 'do_feed_rdf', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); add_action( 'do_feed_rss', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); add_action( 'do_feed_rss2', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); add_action( 'do_feed_atom', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); add_action( 'do_feed_rss2_comments', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); add_action( 'do_feed_atom_comments', 'cerber_404_page', 1 ); } } function cerber_auth_access() { $opt = crb_get_settings(); if ( ! empty( $opt['authonlyacl'] ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { return; } if ( ! empty( $opt['authonly'] ) && ! is_user_logged_in() && cerber_auth_required( $opt['authonlyredir'] ) ) { if ( $opt['authonlyredir'] ) { $redirect = ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/options.php' ) && wp_get_referer() ) ? wp_get_referer() : set_url_scheme( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); wp_redirect( add_query_arg( 'redirect_to', $redirect, $opt['authonlyredir'] ) ); exit; } auth_redirect(); } } /** * Anti-spam & anti-bot engine * */ function cerber_post_control() { if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || ( crb_get_settings( 'botsipwhite' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) ) { return; } if ( ! cerber_antibot_enabled( 'botsany' ) && ! cerber_get_geo_rules( 'geo_submit' ) ) { return; } // Exceptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( cerber_is_antibot_exception() ) { return; } // Let's make the checks $deny = false; if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed(null, CRB_CNTX_SAFE) ) { $deny = true; cerber_log( 18 ); } elseif ( cerber_is_bot( 'botsany' ) ) { $deny = true; cerber_log( 17 ); } elseif ( ! cerber_geo_allowed( 'geo_submit' ) ) { $deny = true; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 16; cerber_log( 18 ); } elseif ( lab_is_blocked( null, true ) ) { $deny = true; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 18; cerber_log( 18 ); } if ( $deny ) { cerber_forbidden_page(); } } /** * Exception for POST request control * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_antibot_exception(){ if ( cerber_is_wp_cron() ) { return true; } // Admin || AJAX requests by unauthorized users if ( is_admin() ) { if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { return true; } if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { // Background processes launcher? P.S. wc_privacy_cleanup if ( crb_arrays_similar( $_GET, array( 'nonce' => 'crb_is_alphanumeric', 'action' => 'crb_is_alphanumeric' ) ) && ! preg_grep( '/[^\d]/', array_keys( $_POST ) ) ) { // If other than numeric keys in array return true; } } } else { return true; } } // Standard WordPress Comments if ( CRB_Request::is_comment_sent() ) { return true; } // XML-RPC if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ) { return true; } // Trackback if ( is_trackback() ) { return true; } // Login page if ( cerber_is_login_request() ) { return true; } // REST API (except Contact Form 7 submission) if ( cerber_is_rest_url() ) { if ( false === strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'contact-form-7' ) ) { return true; } } if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { if ( cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { if ( CRB_Request::is_url_start_with( cerber_get_home_url() . '/wc-api/' ) ) { return true; } } elseif ( ! empty( $_GET['wc-api'] ) ) { if ( cerber_check_remote_domain( array( '*.paypal.com', '*.stripe.com' ) ) ) { return true; } } } // Upgrading WP, see update-core.php if ( count( $_GET ) == 1 && count( $_POST ) == 0 && ( $p = cerber_get_get( 'step' ) ) && ( $p == 'upgrade_db' ) && substr( cerber_script_filename(), - 21 ) == '/wp-admin/upgrade.php' ) { return true; } // Cloud Scanner if ( cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { return true; } if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * What anti-bot mode to use * * @return int 1 = Cookies + Fields, 2 = Cookies only */ function cerber_antibot_mode() { if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { return 2; } if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'botssafe' ) ) { return 2; } if ( ! empty( $_POST['action'] ) ) { if ( $_POST['action'] == 'heartbeat' ) { // WP heartbeat //$nonce_state = wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_nonce'], 'heartbeat-nonce' ); return 2; } } } if ( cerber_get_uri_script() ) { return 1; } // Theme customizer by WP if ( isset( $_GET['customize_changeset_uuid'] ) && isset( $_GET['customize_theme'] ) && isset( $_POST['customize_changeset_uuid'] ) && isset( $_POST['wp_customize'] ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) { return 2; } } // Check for third-party exceptions if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { if ( ! empty( $_GET['wc-ajax'] ) && //$_GET['wc-ajax'] == 'get_refreshed_fragments' && count( $_GET ) == 1 && ( count( $_POST ) <= 1 ) ) { return 2; } if ( cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { //if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_page_id' ) && 0 === strpos( cerber_get_site_root() . cerber_purify_uri(), get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'checkout' ) ) ) ) { if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_page_id' ) && CRB_Request::is_url_start_with( get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'checkout' ) ) ) ) { return 2; } } else { if ( ! empty( $_GET['order-received'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['key'] ) ) { return 2; } } } if ( class_exists( 'GFForms' ) ) { if ( count( $_GET ) == 2 && ! empty( $_GET['gf_page'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['id'] ) && is_user_logged_in() ) { return 2; } } return 1; } /* * Disable pingback URL (hide from HEAD) */ function cerber_pingback_url( $output, $show ) { if ( $show == 'pingback_url' ) { $output = ''; } return $output; } /** * Disable REST API * */ function cerber_block_rest_api() { // OLD WP add_filter( 'json_enabled', '__return_false' ); add_filter( 'json_jsonp_enabled', '__return_false' ); // @since WP 4.7 add_filter( 'rest_jsonp_enabled', '__return_false' ); // Links remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rest_output_link_wp_head', 10 ); remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'rest_output_link_header', 11 ); // Default REST API hooks from default-filters.php remove_action( 'init', 'rest_api_init' ); remove_action( 'rest_api_init', 'rest_api_default_filters', 10 ); remove_action( 'rest_api_init', 'register_initial_settings', 10 ); remove_action( 'rest_api_init', 'create_initial_rest_routes', 99 ); remove_action( 'parse_request', 'rest_api_loaded' ); if ( cerber_is_rest_url() ) { cerber_log( 70 ); cerber_forbidden_page(); } } /* * Redirection control: standard admin/login redirections * */ add_filter( 'wp_redirect', function ( $location ) { global $current_user; if ( ( ! $current_user || $current_user->ID == 0 ) && cerber_no_redirect() ) { //$str = urlencode( '/wp-admin/' ); $rdr = explode( 'redirect_to=', $location ); /*if ( isset( $rdr[1] ) && strpos( $rdr[1], $str ) ) { cerber_404_page(); }*/ if ( isset( $rdr[1] ) ) { $redirect_to = urldecode( $rdr[1] ); // a normal $redirect_to = urldecode( $redirect_to ); // @since 8.1 - may be twice encoded to bypass if ( strpos( $redirect_to, '/wp-admin/' ) ) { cerber_404_page(); } } } return $location; }, 0 ); function cerber_no_redirect() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'noredirect' ) && ! cerber_check_groove_x() ) { return true; } return false; } // Stop user enumeration --------------------------------------------------------- if ( crb_get_settings( 'stopenum' ) ) { add_action( 'template_redirect', function () { if ( ! $a = crb_array_get( $_GET, 'author' ) ) { if ( ! $a = crb_array_get( $_POST, 'author' ) ) { // @since 8.1 return; } } if ( preg_match( '/\d/', $a ) && ! is_admin() ) { cerber_404_page(); } }, 0 ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'stopenum_oembed' ) ) { add_filter( 'oembed_response_data', function ( $data, $post, $width, $height ) { unset( $data['author_url'] ); unset( $data['author_name'] ); return $data; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 4 ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'stopenum_sitemap' ) ) { add_filter( 'wp_sitemaps_add_provider', function ( $provider, $name ) { if ( $name == 'users' ) { $provider = false; } return $provider; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'nouserpages_bylogin' ) ) { add_action( 'template_redirect', function () { if ( ( cerber_get_get( 'author_name' ) || cerber_get_post( 'author_name' ) ) && ! is_admin() ) { cerber_404_page(); } }, 0 ); } /* Can login form message be shown? */ function cerber_can_msg() { if ( ! isset( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) { return true; } if ( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'login' ) { return true; } return false; //if ( !in_array( $action, array( 'postpass', 'logout', 'lostpassword', 'retrievepassword', 'resetpass', 'rp', 'register', 'login' ); } // Cookies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- add_action( 'auth_cookie_valid', 'cerber_cookie_one', 10, 2 ); function cerber_cookie_one( $cookie_elements = null, $user = null ) { if ( ! $user ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); } CRB_Globals::$user_id = $user->ID; // Mark user with Cerber Groove // TODO: remove filter, add IP address and user agent $expire = time() + apply_filters( 'auth_cookie_expiration', 14 * 24 * 3600, $user->ID, true ) + ( 24 * 3600 ); cerber_set_groove( $expire ); } /* Mark switched user with Cerber Groove @since 1.6 */ add_action( 'set_logged_in_cookie', 'cerber_cookie2', 10, 5 ); function cerber_cookie2( $logged_in_cookie, $expire, $expiration, $user_id, $logged_in ) { cerber_set_groove( $expire ); } /* Monitoring BAD auth cookies */ add_action( 'auth_cookie_bad_username', 'cerber_cookie_bad' ); add_action( 'auth_cookie_bad_hash', 'cerber_cookie_bad' ); add_action( 'auth_cookie_bad_session_token', 'cerber_cookie_bad' ); function cerber_cookie_bad( $cookie_elements ) { global $cerber_auth_cookie_bad; $cerber_auth_cookie_bad = array( 1, $cookie_elements['username'] ); } /** * Bad (invalid) auth cookie handler * * @since 8.9.4 * */ function cerber_cookie_bad_proc() { global $cerber_auth_cookie_bad; if ( empty( $cerber_auth_cookie_bad ) ) { return; } if ( ! headers_sent() ) { wp_clear_auth_cookie(); CRB_Globals::$act_status = 40; } else { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 39; } cerber_login_failed( $cerber_auth_cookie_bad[1] ); } /** * Is bot detection engine enabled in a given rule_id * * @param $location string|array ID of the location * * @return bool true if enabled */ function cerber_antibot_enabled( $location ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'botsipwhite' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { return false; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'botsnoauth' ) && is_user_logged_in() ) { return false; } if ( is_array( $location ) ) { foreach ( $location as $loc ) { if ( crb_get_settings( $loc ) ) { return true; } } } else { if ( crb_get_settings( $location ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * * @param $location string|array Location (setting) * */ function cerber_antibot_code( $location ) { if ( defined( 'CERBER_DISABLE_SPAM_FILTER' ) && is_singular() ) { $list = explode( ',', (string) CERBER_DISABLE_SPAM_FILTER ); $pid = (int) get_queried_object_id(); if ( in_array( $pid, $list ) ) { return; } } if ( ! cerber_antibot_enabled( $location ) ) { return; } $values = cerber_antibot_gene(); if ( empty( $values ) || ! is_array( $values ) ) { return; } ?> roles; } else { $user = get_userdata( $user ); $roles = $user->roles; } if ( $roles ) { foreach ( $roles as $role ) { $ret = cerber_check_geo( $rule_id . '_' . $role ); if ( $ret !== 0 ) { // This rule exists and country was successfully checked return $ret; } } } } $ret = cerber_check_geo( $rule_id ); if ( $ret === 0 ) { return true; } return $ret; } function cerber_check_geo( $rule_id ) { if ( ! $rule = cerber_get_geo_rules( $rule_id ) ) { return 0; } if ( ! $country = lab_get_country( cerber_get_remote_ip(), false ) ) { return 0; } if ( in_array( $country, $rule['list'] ) ) { if ( $rule['type'] == 'W' ) { return true; } return false; } if ( $rule['type'] == 'W' ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Retrieve and return GEO rule(s) from the DB * * @param string $rule_id ID of the rule * * @return bool|array False if no rule configured */ function cerber_get_geo_rules( $rule_id = '' ) { static $rules; global $wpdb; if ( ! isset( $rules ) || cerber_is_http_post() ) { if ( is_multisite() ) { $geo = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->sitemeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "' . CERBER_GEO_RULES . '"' ); } else { $geo = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT option_value FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' WHERE option_name = "' . CERBER_GEO_RULES . '"' ); } if ( $geo ) { $rules = crb_unserialize( $geo ); } else { $rules = false; return false; } } if ( $rule_id ) { $ret = ( ! empty( $rules[ $rule_id ] ) ) ? $rules[ $rule_id ] : false; } else { $ret = $rules; } return $ret; } /** * Set user session expiration * */ add_filter( 'auth_cookie_expiration', function ( $expire, $user_id ) { $time = cerber_get_user_policy( 'auth_expire', $user_id, 'auth_expire' ); if ( $time ) { $expire = 60 * $time; } return $expire; }, 10, 2 ); // add_action( 'wp_logout', function(){}); add_action( 'clear_auth_cookie', function () { $uid = get_current_user_id(); if ( $uid ) { CRB_Globals::$user_id = $uid; cerber_log( 6, '', $uid, CRB_Globals::$act_status ); CRB_2FA::delete_2fa( $uid ); } cerber_set_cookie( 'cerber_nexus_id', 0, time(), '/' ); } ); // Lost passwords -------------------------------------------------------------------- add_filter( 'allow_password_reset', 'crb_check_pwd_reset', PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); /** * @param bool|WP_Error $allow * @param int $user_id * * @return bool|WP_Error * @since */ function crb_check_pwd_reset( $allow, $user_id ) { if ( ! $allow || ( $allow instanceof WP_Error && $allow->has_errors() ) ) { return $allow; } if ( $user_id && $user_data = crb_get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { if ( ( $b = crb_is_user_blocked( $user_data->ID ) ) || crb_is_username_prohibited( $user_data->user_login ) ) { if ( ! $allow instanceof WP_Error ) { $allow = new WP_Error; } $allow->add( 'cerber_pwd_reset_not_allowed', __( 'Sorry, password reset is not allowed for this user.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $status = ( $b ) ? CRB_STS_29 : CRB_STS_30; cerber_log( CRB_EV_PRD, crb_get_user_login_field( $user_data->user_login ), 0, $status ); CRB_Globals::$reset_pwd_denied = true; } } return $allow; } /** * @return bool True if the WooCommerce reset form has been submitted */ function crb_is_woo_reset() { return ( isset( $_POST['wc_reset_password'], $_POST['user_login'] ) && class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ); } /** * Returns login entered by a user on the standard WordPress and WooCommerce login forms * * @param string $default Default value * * @return string */ function crb_get_user_login_field( $default = '' ) { if ( ! empty( $_POST['user_login'] ) ) { return sanitize_user( stripslashes( $_POST['user_login'] ) ); } return $default; } /** * Validate reCAPTCHA for the WordPress lost password form */ add_action( 'login_form_' . 'lostpassword', 'cerber_lost_pwd_captcha' ); function cerber_lost_pwd_captcha() { $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); if ( ! $wp_cerber->reCaptchaValidate() ) { // Abort password reset $_POST['user_login'] = null; cerber_log( CRB_EV_PRD, crb_get_user_login_field() ); CRB_Globals::$reset_pwd_denied = true; CRB_Globals::$reset_pwd_msg = '' . __( 'ERROR:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $wp_cerber->reCaptchaMsg( 'lostpassword' ); } } /** * Display message on the WordPress lost password form screen */ add_action( 'lostpassword_form', 'cerber_lost_show_msg' ); function cerber_lost_show_msg() { if ( ! CRB_Globals::$reset_pwd_msg ) { return; } ?> user_login, $user->ID ); // Do not log 'clear_auth_cookie' event (logout/login sequence) that occurs after password reset CRB_Globals::$do_not_log[ CRB_EV_LIN ] = true; CRB_Globals::$do_not_log[6] = true; } // Fires in wp_insert_user() add_action( 'user_register', function ( $user_id ) { // @since 5.6 $cid = get_current_user_id(); if ($user = get_user_by( 'ID', $user_id )) { if ( $cid && $cid != $user_id ) { $ac = 1; } else { $ac = 2; } cerber_log( $ac, $user->user_login, $user_id ); crb_log_user_ip( $user_id, $cid ); } }); // Fires after a new user has been created in WP dashboard. add_action( 'edit_user_created_user', function ( $user_id, $notify = null ) { if ( $user_id && $user = get_user_by( 'ID', $user_id ) ) { cerber_log( 1, $user->user_login, $user_id ); crb_log_user_ip( $user_id ); } }, 10, 2 ); // Log IP address of user registration independently function crb_log_user_ip( $user_id, $by_user = null ) { if ( ! $user_id ) { return; } if ( ! $by_user ) { $by_user = get_current_user_id(); } add_user_meta( $user_id, '_crb_reg_', array( 'IP' => cerber_get_remote_ip(), 'user' => $by_user ) ); } if ( is_multisite() ) { add_action( 'wpmu_delete_user', 'crb_user_delete' ); } else { add_action( 'delete_user', 'crb_user_delete' ); } /** * @param $user_id * @since */ function crb_user_delete( $user_id ) { global $__deleted_user; if ( ! $__deleted_user = get_user_by( 'ID', $user_id ) ) { return; } add_action( 'deleted_user', function ( $user_id ) { global $__deleted_user; cerber_log( 3, '', $user_id ); $user_data = array( 'display_name' => $__deleted_user->display_name, 'roles' => $__deleted_user->roles ); cerber_update_set( 'user_deleted', $user_data, $user_id ); } ); } // Lockouts routines --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Lock out IP address if it is an alien IP only (browser does not have valid Cerber groove) * * @param $ip string IP address to block * @param integer $reason_id ID of reason of blocking * @param string $details Reason of blocking * @param null $duration Duration of blocking * * @return bool|false|int */ function cerber_soft_block_add( $ip, $reason_id, $details = '', $duration = null ) { if ( cerber_check_groove() ) { return false; } return cerber_block_add( $ip, $reason_id, $details, $duration ); } /** * Lock out IP address * * @param $ip_address string IP address to block * @param integer $reason_id ID of reason of blocking * @param string $details Reason of blocking * @param int $duration Duration of blocking * * @return bool */ function cerber_block_add( $ip_address = '', $reason_id = 1, $details = '', $duration = null ) { if ( cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { return false; } $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); //$wp_cerber->setProcessed(); if ( empty( $ip_address ) || ! filter_var( $ip_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip_address = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } if ( cerber_acl_check( $ip_address ) ) { return false; } $reason_id = absint( $reason_id ); $update = false; if ( $row = cerber_get_block( $ip_address ) ) { if ( $row->reason_id == $reason_id ) { return false; } $update = true; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'subnet' ) ) { $ip = cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $ip_address ); $activity = 11; } else { $ip = $ip_address; $activity = 10; } lab_save_push( $ip_address, $reason_id, $details ); $reason = cerber_get_reason( $reason_id ); if ( $details ) { $reason .= ': ' . $details; } $reason_escaped = cerber_real_escape( $reason ); if ( ! $duration ) { $duration = cerber_calc_duration( $ip ); } $until = time() + $duration; if ( ! $update ) { $result = cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' (ip,block_until,reason,reason_id) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $until . ',"' . $reason_escaped . '",' . $reason_id . ')', 1062 ); } else { $result = cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' SET block_until = ' . $until . ', reason = "' . $reason_escaped . '", reason_id = ' . $reason_id . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"' ); } if ( $result ) { $result = true; CRB_Globals::$blocked = $reason_id; if ( ! $update ) { cerber_log( $activity, null, null, 0, $ip_address ); } crb_event_handler( 'ip_event', array( 'e_type' => 'locked', 'ip' => $ip_address, 'reason_id' => $reason_id, 'reason' => $reason, 'update' => $update ) ); if ( ! $update ) { do_action( 'cerber_ip_locked', array( 'IP' => $ip_address, 'reason' => $reason ) ); } } else { $result = false; cerber_db_error_log(); } crb_send_lockout( $ip_address ); return $result; } /** * * Check if an IP address is currently blocked. With C subnet also. * * @param string $ip an IP address * * @return bool true if IP is locked out */ function cerber_block_check( $ip = '' ) { static $cache = array(); if ( ! isset( $cache[ $ip ] ) ) { $cache[ $ip ] = cerber_get_block( $ip ); } return $cache[ $ip ]; } /** * * Return the lockout row for an IP if it is blocked. With C subnet also. * * @param string $ip an IP address * * @return object|bool object if IP is locked out, false otherwise */ function cerber_get_block( $ip = '' ) { if ( ! $ip ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } if ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return false; } $where = ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"'; if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $subnet = cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $ip ); $where .= ' OR ip = "' . $subnet . '"'; } if ( $ret = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . $where, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { return $ret; } return false; } /** * Returns the number of currently locked out IPs * * @return int * * @since 3.0 */ function cerber_blocked_num() { return absint( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE ) ); } function crb_del_expired_blocks() { static $done; if ( $done ) { return; } $time = time(); if ( $list = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' WHERE block_until < ' . $time ) ) { $result = cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' WHERE block_until < ' . $time ); crb_event_handler( 'ip_event', array( 'e_type' => 'unlocked', 'ip' => $list, 'result' => $result ) ); } $done = true; } /** * Calculate duration for a lockout of an IP address based on settings * * @param string $ip * * @return integer Duration in seconds */ function cerber_calc_duration( $ip ) { $range = time() - crb_get_settings( 'aglast' ) * 3600; $lockouts = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '" AND activity IN (10,11) AND stamp > ' . $range ); if ( $lockouts >= crb_get_settings( 'aglocks' ) ) { $duration = crb_get_settings( 'agperiod' ) * 3600; } else { $duration = crb_get_settings( 'lockout' ) * 60; } $duration = absint( $duration ); if ( $duration < 60 ) { $duration = 60; } return $duration; } /** * Calculation of remaining attempts * * @param $ip string an IP address * @param $check_acl bool if true will check the White IP ACL first * @param $activity array List of activity IDs to calculate for * @param $allowed int Allowed attempts within $period * @param $period int Period for count attempts in minutes * * @return int Allowed attempts for present moment */ function cerber_get_remain_count( $ip = '', $check_acl = true, $activity = array( CRB_EV_LFL, 152, 51, 52 ), $allowed = null, $period = null ) { if ( ! $ip ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } else { if ( ! $ip = filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return 0; } } if ( ! $allowed ) { $allowed = absint( crb_get_settings( 'attempts' ) ); } if ( $check_acl && crb_acl_is_white( $ip ) ) { return $allowed; // whitelist = infinity attempts } if ( ! $period ) { $period = absint( crb_get_settings( 'period' ) ); } $range = time() - $period * 60; $in = implode( ',', array_filter( array_map( 'absint', $activity ) ) ); $attempts = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '" AND activity IN (' . $in . ') AND stamp > ' . $range ); if ( ! $attempts ) { return $allowed; } else { $ret = $allowed - $attempts; } $ret = $ret < 0 ? 0 : $ret; return $ret; } /** * Is a given IP is allowed to do restricted things? * Here Cerber makes its decision. * * @param $ip string IP address * @param $context int What context? * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_ip_allowed( $ip = '', $context = null ) { if ( ! $ip ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } elseif ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return false; } $tag = cerber_acl_check( $ip ); if ( $tag == 'W' ) { return true; } if ( $tag == 'B' ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 14; return false; } if ( $b = cerber_get_block( $ip ) ) { if ( ! in_array( $b->reason_id, crb_context_get_allowed( $context ) ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 13; return false; } } if ( $context != CRB_CNTX_NEXUS && cerber_is_citadel() ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 19; return false; } if ( lab_is_blocked( $ip, false ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 15; return false; } return true; } /** * @param int $context_id * * @return array */ function crb_context_get_allowed( $context_id ) { $sets = array( CRB_CNTX_SAFE => array( 701, 703, 704, 721 ) ); if ( $context_id && isset( $sets[ $context_id ] ) ) { return $sets[ $context_id ]; } return array(); } /** * Check if a given username is not permitted to log in or register * * @param $username string * * @return bool true if username is prohibited */ function crb_is_username_prohibited( $username ) { if ( ! $username ) { return false; } if ( $list = (array) crb_get_settings( 'prohibited' ) ) { $username_lower = strtolower( $username ); // since 'prohibited' gets lower case when settings are saved foreach ( $list as $item ) { if ( mb_substr( $item, 0, 1 ) == '/' && mb_substr( $item, - 1 ) == '/' ) { $pattern = trim( $item, '/' ); if ( @mb_ereg_match( $pattern, $username, 'i' ) ) { return true; } } elseif ( $username_lower == $item ) { return true; } } } return false; } // TODO: Merge with $wp_cerber->getStatus(); function cerber_get_status( $ip, $activity = null ) { if ( ! empty( CRB_Globals::$act_status ) ) { return absint( CRB_Globals::$act_status ); } if ( cerber_block_check( $ip ) ) { return 13; } if ( $tag = cerber_acl_check( $ip ) ) { if ( $tag == 'W' ) { if ( in_array( $activity, array( 1, 2, CRB_EV_LIN, 20, CRB_EV_PRS ) ) ) { return 500; } if ( in_array( $activity, array( 72, 73, 75, 76 ) ) ) { return 511; } if ( $activity == 74 ) { return 512; } return 0; } elseif ( $tag == 'B' ) { return 14; } } if ( cerber_is_citadel() ) { return 12; } if ( lab_is_blocked( $ip, false ) ) { return 15; } return 0; } // Access lists (ACL) routines ------------------------------------------------ /** * Is an IP whitelisted? * * @param $ip string * * @return bool */ function crb_acl_is_white( $ip = null ){ if ( cerber_acl_check( $ip, 'W' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Is an IP blacklisted? * * @param $ip string * * @return bool */ function crb_acl_is_black( $ip = '' ) { $tag = cerber_acl_check( $ip ); if ( $tag === 'W' ) { return false; } elseif ( $tag === 'B' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check ACLs for given IP. Some extra lines for performance reason. * * @param string $ip * @param string $tag * @param int $acl_slice * @param object|null $row If a given IP is in any ACL, it contains an appropriate DB row object: * for IPv4 all columns * for IPv6 comments column only * * @return bool|string If string, returns 'W' or 'B' */ function cerber_acl_check( $ip = null, $tag = '', $acl_slice = 0, &$row = null ) { static $cache, $row_cache; if ( ! $ip ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } $key = cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ) . (string) $tag; if ( isset( $cache[ $key ] ) ) { $row = $row_cache[ $key ]; return $cache[ $key ]; } if ( cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) ) { $ret = cerber_ipv6_acl_check( $ip, $tag, $acl_slice, $row ); $cache[ $key ] = $ret; $row = (object) $row; $row_cache[ $key ] = $row; return $ret; } $long = ip2long( $ip ); $acl_slice = absint( $acl_slice ); if ( $tag ) { if ( $tag !== 'W' && $tag !== 'B' ) { $ret = false; } elseif ( $row = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 0 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $long . ' AND ' . $long . ' <= ip_long_end AND tag = "' . $tag . '" LIMIT 1', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { $ret = true; } else { $ret = false; } $row_cache[ $key ] = $row; $cache[ $key ] = $ret; return $ret; } else { // We use two queries because of possible overlapping an IP and its network if ( $row = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 0 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $long . ' AND ' . $long . ' <= ip_long_end AND tag = "W" LIMIT 1', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { $row_cache[ $key ] = $row; $cache[ $key ] = $row->tag; return $row->tag; } if ( $row = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 0 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $long . ' AND ' . $long . ' <= ip_long_end AND tag = "B" LIMIT 1', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ) ) { $row_cache[ $key ] = $row; $cache[ $key ] = $row->tag; return $row->tag; } $row_cache[ $key ] = false; $cache[ $key ] = false; return false; } } /** * IPv6 version of cerber_acl_check() with ranges * * @param string $ip * @param string $tag * @param int $acl_slice * @param object|null $row @since 8.6.7 * * @return bool|null|string */ function cerber_ipv6_acl_check( $ip, $tag = '', $acl_slice = 0, &$row = null ) { if ( ! $ip ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } list ( $d0, $d1, $d2 ) = crb_ipv6_split( $ip ); $acl_slice = absint( $acl_slice ); if ( $tag ) { if ( $tag != 'W' && $tag != 'B' ) { return false; } $results = array(); if ( empty( $row ) ) { if ( ! $list = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT v6range FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 1 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $d0 . ' AND ' . $d0 . ' <= ip_long_end AND tag = "' . $tag . '"' ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( ! $results = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT v6range,comments FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 1 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $d0 . ' AND ' . $d0 . ' <= ip_long_end AND tag = "' . $tag . '"' ) ) { return false; } $list = array_column( $results, 'v6range' ); } if ( ! crb_ipv6_is_in_range_list( $d1, $d2, $list, $key ) ) { return false; } $row = crb_array_get( $results, $key ); return true; } else { if ( ! $results = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT v6range,tag,comments FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE acl_slice = ' . $acl_slice . ' AND ver6 = 1 AND ip_long_begin <= ' . $d0 . ' AND ' . $d0 . ' <= ip_long_end' ) ) { return false; } if ( $tag = crb_ipv6_get_tag( $d1, $d2, $results, $key ) ) { $row = crb_array_get( $results, $key ); } return $tag; } } function crb_ipv6_is_in_range( $ip, $range ) { list ( $d0, $d1, $d2 ) = crb_ipv6_split( $ip ); if ( $range['begin'] >= $d0 || $d0 >= $range['end'] ) { return false; } $list = array( $range['IPV6range'] ); if ( crb_ipv6_is_in_range_list( $d1, $d2, $list ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param int $d1 * @param int $d2 * @param array $list * @param int $key * * @return bool */ function crb_ipv6_is_in_range_list( $d1, $d2, &$list, &$key = null ) { foreach ( $list as $key => $v6range ) { list( $begin1, $begin2, $end1, $end2 ) = explode( '#', $v6range, 4 ); if ( crb_compare_numbers( $d1, $d2, $begin1, $begin2 ) && crb_compare_numbers( $end1, $end2, $d1, $d2 ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check to what ACL a given IP belongs with white list priority * * @param $d1 * @param $d2 * @param $v6rows * @param int $key * * @return bool|string false if IP is not in any list, 'B' if is in the black, 'W' if is in the white */ function crb_ipv6_get_tag( $d1, $d2, &$v6rows, &$key = null ) { $black = false; foreach ( $v6rows as $key => $row ) { if ( $black && ( $row['tag'] == 'B' ) ) { continue; } list( $begin1, $begin2, $end1, $end2 ) = explode( '#', $row['v6range'], 4 ); if ( crb_compare_numbers( $d1, $d2, $begin1, $begin2 ) && crb_compare_numbers( $end1, $end2, $d1, $d2 ) ) { if ( $row['tag'] == 'W' ) { return 'W'; } $black = true; } } if ( $black ) { return 'B'; } return false; } /** * Returns true if the number $a1.$a2 is bigger than or equal the number $b1.$b2 * * @param $a1 integer * @param $a2 integer * @param $b1 integer * @param $b2 integer * * @return bool */ function crb_compare_numbers( $a1, $a2, $b1, $b2 ) { if ( $a1 > $b1 ) { return true; } if ( $a1 < $b1 ) { return false; } if ( $a2 >= $b2 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Split an IPv6 into 3 integer numbers that can be handled by PHP and MySQL * 15 bytes HEX number converted to integer is a maximum for PHP 7.X * * @param string $ip Valid IPv6 * * @return array */ function crb_ipv6_split( $ip ) { $hex = (string) bin2hex( inet_pton( $ip ) ); return array( hexdec( substr( $hex, 0, 15 ) ), hexdec( substr( $hex, 15, 15 ) ), hexdec( substr( $hex, 30, 2 ) ) ); } function crb_ipv6_prepare( $begin, $end ) { list ( $b0, $b1, $b2 ) = crb_ipv6_split( $begin ); list ( $e0, $e1, $e2 ) = crb_ipv6_split( $end ); return array( $b0, $e0, $b1 . '#' . $b2 . '#' . $e1 . '#' . $e2 ); } /* * Logging directly to the file * * CERBER_FAIL_LOG optional, full path including filename to the log file * CERBER_LOG_FACILITY optional, use to specify what type of program is logging the messages * * */ function cerber_file_log( $user_login, $ip ) { if ( defined( 'CERBER_FAIL_LOG' ) ) { if ( $log = @fopen( CERBER_FAIL_LOG, 'a' ) ) { $pid = absint( @posix_getpid() ); @fwrite( $log, date( 'M j H:i:s ' ) . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ' Cerber(' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ')[' . $pid . ']: Authentication failure for ' . $user_login . ' from ' . $ip . "\n" ); @fclose( $log ); } } else { @openlog( 'Cerber(' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ')', LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, defined( 'CERBER_LOG_FACILITY' ) ? CERBER_LOG_FACILITY : LOG_AUTH ); @syslog( LOG_NOTICE, 'Authentication failure for ' . $user_login . ' from ' . $ip ); @closelog(); } } /* Return wildcard - string like subnet Class C */ function cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $ip ) { return preg_replace( '/\.\d{1,3}$/', '.*', $ip ); } /* Check if given IP address or wildcard or CIDR is valid */ function cerber_is_ip_or_net( $ip ) { if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return true; } // WILDCARD: 192.168.1.* $ip = str_replace( '*', '0', $ip ); //if ( @inet_pton( $ip ) ) { if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return true; } // CIDR: 192.168.1/24 if ( strpos( $ip, '/' ) ) { $cidr = explode( '/', $ip ); $net = $cidr[0]; $mask = absint( $cidr[1] ); $dots = substr_count( $net, '.' ); if ( $dots < 3 ) { if ( $dots == 1 ) { $net .= '.0.0'; } elseif ( $dots == 2 ) { $net .= '.0'; } } if ( ! cerber_is_ipv4( $net ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_numeric( $mask ) ) { return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Tries to recognize a valid IP range (with a dash) in a given string. * Supports IPv4 & IPv6 * * @param string $string String to detect for an IP range * * @return array|bool|string Return IP range as an array for a valid range, string in case of a single IP, false otherwise */ function cerber_parse_ip_range( $string ) { if ( cerber_is_ip_or_net( $string ) ) { return $string; } $explode = explode( '-', $string, 2 ); if ( ! is_array( $explode ) || 2 != count( $explode ) ) { return false; } $begin_ip = filter_var( trim( $explode[0] ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); $end_ip = filter_var( trim( $explode[1] ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( ! $begin_ip || ! $end_ip ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $begin_ip ) && cerber_is_ipv4( $end_ip ) ) { $begin = ip2long( $begin_ip ); $end = ip2long( $end_ip ); if ( $begin > $end ) { return false; } $ver6 = 0; $v6range = ''; } elseif ( cerber_is_ipv6( $begin_ip ) && cerber_is_ipv6( $end_ip ) ) { $ver6 = 1; list( $begin, $end, $v6range ) = crb_ipv6_prepare( $begin_ip, $end_ip ); // @since 8.6.1 check for a valid IPv6 range: begin < end if ( $begin > $end ) { return false; } list( $begin1, $begin2, $end1, $end2 ) = explode( '#', $v6range, 4 ); if ( crb_compare_numbers( $begin1, $begin2, $end1, $end2 ) ) { return false; } } else { return false; } return array( 'range' => $begin_ip . ' - ' . $end_ip, 'begin_ip' => $begin_ip, 'end_ip' => $end_ip, 'begin' => $begin, 'end' => $end, 'IPV6' => $ver6, 'IPV6range' => $v6range ); } /** * Convert a network wildcard string like x.x.x.* to an IP v4 range * * @param $wildcard string * * @return array|bool|string False if no wildcard found, otherwise result of cerber_parse_ip() */ function cerber_wildcard2range( $wildcard ) { if ( false === strpos( $wildcard, '*' ) ) { return false; } if ( ! strpos( $wildcard, ':' ) ) { $begin = str_replace( '*', '0', $wildcard ); $end = str_replace( '*', '255', $wildcard ); if ( ! cerber_is_ipv4( $begin ) || ! cerber_is_ipv4( $end ) ) { return false; } } else { $begin = str_replace( ':*', ':0000', $wildcard ); $end = str_replace( ':*', ':ffff', $wildcard ); if ( ! cerber_is_ipv6( $begin ) || ! cerber_is_ipv6( $end ) ) { return false; } } return cerber_parse_ip_range( $begin . ' - ' . $end ); } /** * Convert a CIDR to an IP v4 range * * @param $cidr string * * @return array|bool|string */ function cerber_cidr2range( $cidr = '' ) { if ( ! strpos( $cidr, '/' ) ) { return false; } $cidr = explode( '/', $cidr ); $net = $cidr[0]; $mask = absint( $cidr[1] ); $dots = substr_count( $net, '.' ); if ( $dots < 3 ) { // not completed CIDR if ( $dots == 1 ) { $net .= '.0.0'; } elseif ( $dots == 2 ) { $net .= '.0'; } } if ( ! cerber_is_ipv4( $net ) ) { return false; } if ( ! is_numeric( $mask ) ) { return false; } if ( $mask == 32 ) { $begin_ip = $net; $end_ip = $net; } else { $begin_ip = long2ip( ( ip2long( $net ) ) & ( ( - 1 << ( 32 - (int) $mask ) ) ) ); $end_ip = long2ip( ( ip2long( $net ) ) + pow( 2, ( 32 - (int) $mask ) ) - 1 ); } return cerber_parse_ip_range( $begin_ip . ' - ' . $end_ip ); } /** * Tries to recognize if a given string contains an IP range/CIDR/wildcard * Supports IPv4 & IPv6 * * If returns false, there is no IP in the string in any form * * @param $string string Anything * * @return array|string Return an array if an IP range recognized, string with IP in case of a single IP, false otherwise */ function cerber_any2range( $string ) { if ( ! $string || ! is_string( $string ) ) { return false; } $string = trim( $string ); if ( filter_var( $string, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return $string; } // Do not change the order! $ret = cerber_wildcard2range( $string ); if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = cerber_cidr2range( $string ); } if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = crb_ipv6_cidr2range( $string ); } if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = cerber_parse_ip_range( $string ); // must be last due to checking for cidr and wildcard } return $ret; } function crb_ipv6_cidr2range( $cidr ) { if ( ! strpos( $cidr, '/' ) ) { return false; } list( $net, $mask ) = explode( '/', $cidr ); $mask = (int) $mask; if ( ! cerber_is_ipv6( $net ) || ! is_integer( $mask ) || $mask < 0 || $mask > 128 ) { return false; } $begin_hex = (string) bin2hex( inet_pton( $net ) ); $begin_ip = cerber_ipv6_expand( $net ); // These are cases that PHP can't handle as integers $exceptions = array( 65 => '7fffffffffffffff', 1 => '7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 0 => 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff' ); if ( isset( $exceptions[ $mask ] ) ) { $add = $exceptions[ $mask ]; } elseif ( $mask >= 66 ) { $add = (string) dechex( pow( 2, ( 128 - $mask ) ) - 1 ); } else { // $mask <= 64 $add = (string) dechex( pow( 2, ( 128 - $mask - 64 ) ) - 1 ) . 'ffffffffffffffff'; } $end_hex = str_pad( crb_summ_hex( $begin_hex, $add ), 32, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); $end_ip = implode( ':', str_split( $end_hex, 4 ) ); return cerber_parse_ip_range( $begin_ip . ' - ' . $end_ip ); } /** * Calculate the summ of two any HEX numbers * * @param string $hex1 Number with no 0x prefix * @param string $hex2 Number with no 0x prefix * * @return string */ function crb_summ_hex( $hex1, $hex2) { $hex1 = ltrim( $hex1, '0' ); $hex2 = ltrim( $hex2, '0' ); if ( strlen( $hex1 ) > strlen( $hex2 ) ) { $h1 = $hex1; $h2 = $hex2; } else { $h1 = $hex2; $h2 = $hex1; } $h1 = str_split( (string) $h1 ); $h2 = str_split( (string) $h2 ); $h1 = array_reverse( array_map( 'hexdec', $h1 ) ); $h2 = array_reverse( array_map( 'hexdec', $h2 ) ); $max1 = count( $h1 ) - 1; $max2 = count( $h2 ) - 1; $i = 0; $r = 0; $finish = false; while ( $i <= $max1 && ! $finish ) { if ( $i <= $max2 ) { $h1[ $i ] = $h1[ $i ] + $h2[ $i ] + $r; } else { if ( ! $r ) { $finish = true; } $h1[ $i ] += $r; } if ( $h1[ $i ] >= 16 ) { $r = 1; $h1[ $i ] -= 16; } else { $r = 0; } $i ++; } if ( $r ) { $h1[] = 1; } $h1 = array_reverse( array_map( 'dechex', $h1 ) ); return implode( '', $h1 ); } /* Check for given IP address or subnet belong to this session. */ function cerber_is_myip( $ip ) { if ( ! is_string( $ip ) ) { return false; } $remote_ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); if ( $ip == $remote_ip ) { return true; } if ( $ip == cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $remote_ip ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Supports IPv4 & IPv6 ranges * * @param array $range * @param string $ip * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_ip_in_range( $range, $ip ) { if ( ! is_array( $range ) ) { return false; } // $range = IPv6 range if ( $range['IPV6'] ) { if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { return false; } return crb_ipv6_is_in_range( $ip, $range ); } // $range = IPv4 range if ( cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) ) { return false; } $long = ip2long( $ip ); if ( $range['begin'] <= $long && $long <= $range['end'] ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Display 404 page to bump bots and bad guys * * @param bool $simple If true force displaying basic 404 page */ function cerber_404_page($simple = false) { global $wp_query; if ( !$simple ) { if ( function_exists( 'status_header' ) ) { status_header( '404' ); } if ( isset( $wp_query ) && is_object( $wp_query ) ) { $wp_query->set_404(); } if ( 0 == crb_get_settings( 'page404' ) ) { $template = null; // Avoid the fatal error "Call to a member function is_block_editor() on null" remove_action( 'wp_body_open', 'wp_global_styles_render_svg_filters' ); if ( function_exists( 'get_404_template' ) ) { $template = get_404_template(); } if ( function_exists( 'apply_filters' ) ) { $template = apply_filters( 'cerber_404_template', $template ); } if ( $template && @file_exists( $template ) ) { include( $template ); exit; } } } header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404 ); echo '404 Not Found

      Not Found

      The requested URL ' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . ' was not found on this server.

      '; cerber_traffic_log(); // do not remove! exit; } /* Display Forbidden page */ function cerber_forbidden_page() { $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); $sid = strtoupper( $wp_cerber->getRequestID() ); status_header( '403' ); header( 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Forbidden', true, 403 ); ?> 403 Access Forbidden


      get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp = ' . $max . ' AND activity = 7' ); $last = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp = ' . $max . ' AND activity = ' . CRB_EV_LFL, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); } if ( ! $last ) { // workaround for the empty log table $last = new stdClass(); $last->ip = CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP; $last->user_login = 'test'; } $subj .= __( 'Citadel mode is active', 'wp-cerber' ); $body = sprintf( __( 'Citadel mode has been activated after %d failed login attempts in %d minutes.', 'wp-cerber' ), crb_get_settings( 'cilimit' ), crb_get_settings( 'ciperiod' ) ) . "\n\n"; $body .= sprintf( __( 'Last failed attempt was at %s from IP %s using username: %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), $last_date, $last->ip, $last->user_login ) . "\n\n"; $more = __( 'View activity in the Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array(), false, false ) . "\n\n"; break; case 'lockout': $max = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT MAX(stamp) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity IN (10,11)' ); if ( $max ) { $last_date = cerber_date( $max, false ); $last = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp = ' . $max . ' AND activity IN (10,11)', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); } else { $last_date = ''; // workaround for the empty log table $last = new stdClass(); $last->ip = CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP; $last->user_login = 'test'; } $active = cerber_blocked_num(); if ( $last->ip && ( $block = cerber_get_block( $last->ip ) ) ) { $reason = $block->reason; } else { $reason = __( 'unspecified', 'wp-cerber' ); } $subj .= __( 'Number of lockouts is increasing', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' (' . $active . ')'; $body = __( 'Number of active lockouts', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $active . "\n\n"; if ( $last_date ) { $body .= sprintf( __( 'Last lockout was added: %s for IP %s', 'wp-cerber' ), $last_date, $last->ip . ' (' . @gethostbyaddr( $last->ip ) . ')' ) . "\n\n"; $body .= __( 'Reason', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . strip_tags( $reason ) . "\n\n"; } $more = __( 'View activity for this IP', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array(), false, false ) . '&filter_ip=' . $last->ip . "\n\n"; $more .= __( 'View lockouts in the Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . cerber_admin_link( 'lockouts', array(), false, false ) . "\n\n"; break; case 'new_version': $subj = __( 'A new version of WP Cerber is available to install', 'wp-cerber' ); $body = __( 'Hi!', 'wp-cerber' ) . "\n\n"; $body .= __( 'A new version of WP Cerber is available to install', 'wp-cerber' ) . "\n\n"; $body .= $msg . "\n\n"; $more = __( 'Website', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . crb_get_bloginfo( 'name' ); break; case 'shutdown': $d = __( 'The WP Cerber Security plugin has been deactivated', 'wp-cerber' ); $subj = '[' . $blogname . '] ' . $d; $body .= "\n" . $d . "\n\n"; if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { $u = __( 'Unknown', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $u = $user->display_name; } $body .= __( 'Website', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $blogname . "\n"; $more = __( 'By the user', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $u . "\n"; $more .= __( 'From the IP address', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . cerber_get_remote_ip() . "\n"; $whois = cerber_ip_whois_info( cerber_get_remote_ip() ); if ( ! empty( $whois['data']['country'] ) ) { $more .= __( 'From the country', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . cerber_country_name( $whois['data']['country'] ); } break; case 'activated': $subj = '[' . $blogname . '] ' . __( 'The WP Cerber Security plugin is now active', 'wp-cerber' ); $body = "\n" . __( 'WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site', 'wp-cerber' ) . "\n\n"; $body .= __( 'Getting Started Guide', 'wp-cerber' ) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'https://wpcerber.com/getting-started/' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'Is your website under Cloudflare? You have to enable a crucial WP Cerber setting.' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-and-wordpress-cerber/' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'Be in touch with the developer.' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'Follow Cerber on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wpcerber' . "\n\n"; $body .= "Subscribe to Cerber's newsletter: https://wpcerber.com/subscribe-newsletter/" . "\n\n"; break; case 'newlurl': $subj .= __( 'New Custom login URL', 'wp-cerber' ); $body .= $msg; break; case 'send_alert': $body = __( 'A new activity has occurred', 'wp-cerber' ) . "\n\n"; $body_masked = $body; $body .= $msg; $body_masked .= $msg_masked; break; case 'report': $html_mode = true; $subj .= __( 'Weekly report', 'wp-cerber' ); $body = cerber_generate_email_report(); $link = cerber_admin_link( 'notifications', array(), false, false ); $body .= '
      ' . __( 'To change reporting settings visit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $link . ''; $body .= $msg; break; case 'scan': $html_mode = true; $subj .= __( 'Scanner Report', 'wp-cerber' ); $body = $msg; $link = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_schedule', array(), false, false ); $body .= '
      ' . __( 'To change reporting settings visit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $link . ''; break; } $to_list = array(); $to = ''; if ( $channels['email'] ) { $to_list = cerber_get_email( $type ); $to = implode( ', ', $to_list ); } $body_filtered = apply_filters( 'cerber_notify_body', $body, array( 'type' => $type, 'IP' => $ip, 'to' => $to, 'subject' => $subj ) ); if ( $body_filtered && is_string( $body_filtered ) ) { $body = $body_filtered; } $footer = ''; if ( $type != 'shutdown' ) { if ( $lolink = cerber_get_login_url() ) { $lourl = urldecode( $lolink ); if ( $html_mode ) { $lourl = '' . $lourl . ''; } $footer .= "\n\n" . __( 'Your login page:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $lourl; } } if ( $type == 'report' && $date = lab_lab( 1 ) ) { $footer .= "\n\n" . __( 'Your license is valid until', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $date; } $footer .= "\n\n\n" . __( 'This message created by', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' WP Cerber Security ' . ( lab_lab() ? 'PRO ' : '' ) . CERBER_VER; $footer .= "\n" . __( 'Date:', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . cerber_date( time(), false ); $footer .= "\n" . 'https://wpcerber.com'; // Everything is prepared, let's send it out $results = array(); $recipients = array(); $success = false; $go = 'pushbullet'; if ( $channels[ $go ] && ! $html_mode ) { $body_go = ( $type == 'send_alert' && crb_get_settings( 'pb_mask' ) ) ? $body_masked : $body; $res = cerber_pb_send( $subj, $body_go, $more, $footer ); if ( $res && ! crb_is_wp_error( $res ) ) { $results[ $go ] = true; $recipients[ $go ] = cerber_pb_get_active(); $success = true; } } $go = 'email'; if ( $channels[ $go ] ) { $body_go = ( $type == 'send_alert' && crb_get_settings( 'email_mask' ) ) ? $body_masked : $body; if ( $results[ $go ] = crb_send_email( $type, $html_mode, $to_list, $subj, $body_go, $more, $footer, $ip ) ) { $recipients[ $go ] = $to; $success = true; } } if ( ! $success ) { return false; } $sent = cerber_get_set( '_cerber_last_send' ); if ( ! is_array( $sent ) ) { $sent = array(); } foreach ( $results as $channel_id => $result ) { $sent[ $channel_id ] = ( $result ) ? time() : 0; } cerber_update_set( '_cerber_last_send', $sent ); return $recipients; } /** * @param string $ip_address * * @return array|bool * * @since */ function crb_send_lockout( $ip_address = '' ) { $em = crb_get_settings( 'notify' ); $pb = crb_get_settings( 'pbnotify-enabled' ); if ( ! $em && ! $pb ) { return false; } $count = cerber_blocked_num(); $send_email = ( $em && ( $count > crb_get_settings( 'above' ) ) ); $channels = array( 'email' => $send_email, ); if ( lab_lab() ) { $channels['pushbullet'] = ( $pb && ( $count > crb_get_settings( 'pbnotify' ) ) ); } else { $channels['pushbullet'] = $send_email; } if ( array_filter( $channels ) ) { return cerber_send_notification( 'lockout', null, $ip_address, $channels ); } return false; } /** * Check sending limits and disable channels if it's needed * * @param array $channels * * @return array * * @since * */ function crb_check_sending_limits( $channels ) { static $ref = array( 'email' => 'emailrate', 'pushbullet' => 'pbrate' ); if ( ! lab_lab() ) { $ref ['pushbullet'] = 'emailrate'; } $limits = array_filter( array_intersect_key( crb_get_settings(), array_flip( $ref ) ) ); if ( ! $limits ) { return $channels; } $sent = cerber_get_set( '_cerber_last_send' ); if ( empty( $sent ) ) { return $channels; } foreach ( $ref as $channel_id => $key ) { $rate = absint( $limits[ $key ] ?? 0 ); if ( $rate && ( $sent[ $channel_id ] ?? 0 ) > ( time() - 3600 / $rate ) ) { $channels[ $channel_id ] = 0; // Do not send } } return $channels; } /** * @param string $type * @param bool $html_mode * @param array $to_list * @param string $subj * @param string $body * @param string $more * @param string $footer * @param string $ip * * @return bool * * @since */ function crb_send_email( $type, $html_mode, $to_list, $subj, $body, $more, $footer, $ip ) { if ( $html_mode ) { add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'cerber_enable_html' ); $footer = str_replace( "\n", '
      ', $footer ); } if ( $use_smpt = crb_get_settings( 'use_smtp' ) ) { add_action( 'phpmailer_init', 'cerber_set_smtp_credentials' ); // Help admin to detect issues with sending if ( is_admin() && crb_get_query_params( 'cerber_admin_do' ) ) { add_action( 'wp_mail_failed', function ( $error ) { cerber_admin_notice( $error->get_error_message() ); } ); } } $format = crb_get_settings( 'email_format' ); if ( $format < 2 ) { $body .= $more; } if ( $format ) { $footer = ''; } $result = false; $to = implode( ', ', $to_list ); if ( $to_list && $subj && $body ) { $lang = crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ); if ( $type == 'report') { $result = true; foreach ( $to_list as $email ) { $lastus = ''; if ( $rec = cerber_get_last_login( null, $email ) ) { $lastus = sprintf( __( 'Your last sign-in was %s from %s', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_date( $rec->stamp, false ), $rec->ip . ' (' . cerber_country_name( $rec->country ) . ')' ); if ( $html_mode ) { $lastus = '

      ' . $lastus; } else { $lastus = "\n\n" . $lastus; } } $body = '' . $body . $lastus . $footer . ''; if ( ! wp_mail( $email, $subj, $body ) ) { $result = false; } } } else { if ( function_exists( 'wp_mail' ) ) { $result = true; $body = $body . $footer; if ( $html_mode ) { $body = '' . $body . ''; } foreach ( $to_list as $email ) { if ( ! wp_mail( $email, $subj, $body ) ) { $result = false; } } } } } if ( $use_smpt ) { remove_action( 'phpmailer_init', 'cerber_set_smtp_credentials' ); // Warn the website admin if the wp_mail() function is redefined somewhere or/and our SMTP settings were not used if ( is_admin() && crb_get_query_params( 'cerber_admin_do' ) ) { $mailer = crb_save_mailer(); if ( ! is_object( $mailer ) || $mailer->Host != crb_get_settings( 'smtp_host' ) || $mailer->Port != crb_get_settings( 'smtp_port' ) || $mailer->Username != crb_get_settings( 'smtp_user' ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( "Warning: The SMTP settings were not used while sending email. They can be altered by another plugin." ); $alien = true; } else { $alien = false; } if ( $alien && $mailer->Host ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'Warning: The email was sent using the host ' . $mailer->Host . ' and the user ' . $mailer->Username ); } } } remove_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'cerber_enable_html'); $params = array( 'type' => $type, 'IP' => $ip, 'to' => $to, 'subject' => $subj ); if ( $result ) { do_action( 'cerber_notify_sent', $body, $params ); } else { do_action( 'cerber_notify_fail', $body, $params ); } return $result; } function cerber_enable_html() { return 'text/html'; } /** * @param PHPMailer $pm * * @return void * * @since */ function cerber_set_smtp_credentials( $pm ) { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return; } $config = crb_get_settings(); $pm->isSMTP(); $pm->SMTPAuth = true; $pm->Timeout = 5; $pm->Host = $config['smtp_host']; $pm->Port = $config['smtp_port']; $pm->Username = $config['smtp_user']; $pm->Password = $config['smtp_pwd']; // For better deliverability we use "smtp_user" $pm->From = ( $config['smtp_from'] ) ?: $config['smtp_user']; if ( $config['smtp_from_name'] ) { $pm->FromName = $config['smtp_from_name']; } if ( $config['smtp_encr'] ) { $pm->SMTPSecure = $config['smtp_encr']; } crb_save_mailer( array( &$pm ) ); } /** * Saves and provides access to last used PHPMailer configuration * * @param PHPMailer $pm * * @return null|PHPMailer * * @since */ function crb_save_mailer( $pm = null ) { static $mailer; if ( isset( $pm[0] ) ) { $mailer = $pm[0]; } return $mailer; } /** * Generates a performance report * * @param int $period Days to look back * * @return string */ function cerber_generate_email_report( $period = 7 ) { global $wpdb; $period = absint( $period ); if ( ! $period ) { $period = 7; } $ret = ''; $rows = array(); $stamp = time() - $period * 24 * 3600; //$in = implode( ',', crb_get_activity_set( 'malicious' ) ); //$link_base = ''; $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array(), false, false ); $css_table = 'width: 95%; max-width: 1000px; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: #f5f5f5; text-align: center; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'; $css_td = 'padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; text-align: left;'; $css_border = 'border-bottom: solid 2px #f9f9f9;'; $site_name = ( is_multisite() ) ? get_site_option( 'site_name' ) : get_option( 'blogname' ); $ret .= '

      ' . $site_name . '

      ' . __( 'Weekly Report', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; $kpi_list = cerber_calculate_kpi( $period ); foreach ( $kpi_list as $kpi ) { $rows[] = '' . $kpi[1] . '' . $kpi[0] . ''; } $ret .= '
      ' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
      '; // Activities breakdown $rows = array(); $rows[] = '

      ' . __( 'Activity details', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; $activites = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT activity, COUNT(activity) cnt FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp > ' . $stamp . ' GROUP by activity ORDER BY cnt DESC' ); if ( $activites ) { $lables = cerber_get_labels(); foreach ( $activites as $a ) { $rows[] = '' . $lables[ $a->activity ] . '
      ' . $a->cnt . ''; } } $ret .= '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
      '; // Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames $activites = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT user_login, COUNT(user_login) cnt FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity = 51 AND stamp > ' . $stamp . ' GROUP by user_login ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10' ); if ( $activites ) { $rows = array(); $rows[] = '

      ' . __( 'Attempts to log in with non-existing usernames', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '; foreach ( $activites as $a ) { $rows[] = '' . htmlspecialchars( $a->user_login ) . '' . $a->cnt . ''; } $ret .= '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
      '; } $ret = '
      ' . $ret . '
      '; return $ret; } // Maintenance routines ---------------------------------------------------------------- add_filter( 'cron_schedules', function ( $schedules ) { $schedules['crb_five'] = array( 'interval' => 300, 'display' => 'Every 5 Minutes', ); return $schedules; } ); add_action( 'cerber_hourly_1', 'cerber_do_hourly_1' ); function cerber_do_hourly_1( $force = false ) { $t = 'cerber_hourly_1'; $start = time(); if ( ( $last = get_site_transient( $t ) ) && date( 'G', $last[0] ) == date( 'G' ) ) { return; } set_site_transient( $t, array( $start ), 2 * 3600 ); if ( is_multisite() ) { if ( ! $force && get_site_transient( 'cerber_multisite' ) ) { return; } set_site_transient( 'cerber_multisite', 'executed', 3600 ); } $time = time(); $days = absint( crb_get_settings( 'keeplog' ) ); if ( ! $days ) { $days = cerber_get_defaults( 'keeplog' ); // @since 8.5.6 } $days_auth = absint( crb_get_settings( 'keeplog_auth' ) ); $days_auth = ( ! $days_auth ) ? $days : $days_auth; // It may be not configured by the admin, since it's introduced in 8.5.6 if ( $days == $days_auth ) { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp < ' . ( $time - $days * 24 * 3600 ) ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id =0 AND stamp < ' . ( $time - $days * 24 * 3600 ) ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id !=0 AND stamp < ' . ( $time - $days_auth * 24 * 3600 ) ); } $days = absint( crb_get_settings( 'tikeeprec' ) ); if ( ! $days ) { $days = cerber_get_defaults( 'tikeeprec' ); // @since 8.5.6 } $days_auth = absint( crb_get_settings( 'tikeeprec_auth' ) ); $days_auth = ( ! $days_auth ) ? $days : $days_auth; // It may be not configured by the admin, since it's introduced in 8.5.6 if ( $days == $days_auth ) { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp < ' . ( $time - $days * 24 * 3600 ) ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id =0 AND stamp < ' . ( $time - $days * 24 * 3600 ) ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id !=0 AND stamp < ' . ( $time - $days_auth * 24 * 3600 ) ); } cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' WHERE expires < ' . $time ); if ( crb_get_settings( 'trashafter-enabled' ) && absint( crb_get_settings( 'trashafter' ) ) ) { $list = get_comments( array( 'status' => 'spam' ) ); if ( $list ) { $time = time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS * absint( crb_get_settings( 'trashafter' ) ); foreach ( $list as $item ) { if ( $time > strtotime( $item->comment_date_gmt ) ) { wp_trash_comment( $item->comment_ID ); } } } } cerber_up_data(); // Keep the size of the log file small cerber_truncate_log(); // Delete expired alerts if ( $alerts = get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ) ) { $delete = array(); foreach ( $alerts as $hash => $alert ) { if ( crb_is_alert_expired( $alert ) ) { $delete[] = $hash; } } if ( $delete ) { foreach ( $delete as $hash ) { unset( $alerts[ $hash ] ); } if ( ! update_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ, $alerts ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Unable to update the list of alerts', 'ALERTS' ); } } } set_site_transient( $t, array( $start, time() ), 2 * 3600 ); } add_action( 'cerber_hourly_2', 'cerber_do_hourly_2'); function cerber_do_hourly_2() { $t = 'cerber_hourly_2'; $start = time(); if ( ( $last = get_site_transient( $t ) ) && date( 'G', $last[0] ) == date( 'G' ) ) { return; } set_site_transient( $t, array( $start ), 2 * 3600 ); $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; if ( crb_get_settings( 'enable-report' ) && date( 'w', time() + $gmt_offset ) == crb_get_settings( 'wreports-day' ) && date( 'G', time() + $gmt_offset ) == crb_get_settings( 'wreports-time' ) //&& ! get_site_transient( 'cerber_wreport' ) ) { $result = cerber_send_notification( 'report' ); //set_site_transient( 'cerber_wreport', 'sent', 7200 ); update_site_option( '_cerber_report', array( time(), $result ) ); } cerber_watchdog( true ); cerber_delete_expired_set(); if ( crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) || lab_lab() ) { lab_check_nodes( true, true ); } cerber_push_lab(); cerber_cloud_sync(); // Simply keep folder locked cerber_get_the_folder(); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_QMEM_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp < ' . ( time() - 30 * 60 ) ); set_site_transient( $t, array( $start, time() ), 2 * 3600 ); } add_action( 'cerber_daily', 'cerber_daily_run' ); function cerber_daily_run() { $t = 'cerber_daily_1'; $start = time(); if ( ( $last = get_site_transient( $t ) ) && date( 'j', $last[0] ) == date( 'j' ) ) { return; } set_site_transient( $t, array( $start ), 48 * 3600 ); cerber_do_hourly_1( true ); $time = time(); lab_validate_lic(); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . ' WHERE expires < ' . $time ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE . ' WHERE stamp < ' . ( $time - 3600 ) ); // workaround for weird/misconfigured hostings // Delete sets if log entries for a user were deleted completely // @since $sql = 'SELECT the_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' sets LEFT JOIN ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' log ON log.user_id = sets.the_id WHERE sets.the_key = "user_deleted" AND log.user_id IS NULL'; $user_ids1 = cerber_db_get_col( $sql ); $sql = 'SELECT the_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' sets LEFT JOIN ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' log ON log.user_id = sets.the_id WHERE sets.the_key = "user_deleted" AND log.user_id IS NULL'; $user_ids2 = cerber_db_get_col( $sql ); if ( $delete = array_intersect( $user_ids1, $user_ids2 ) ) { cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "user_deleted" AND the_id IN (' . implode( ',', $delete ) . ')' ); } cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_QMEM_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE ); if ( $new = cerber_check_for_newer() ) { $history = get_site_option( '_cerber_notify_new' ); if ( ! $history || ! is_array( $history ) ) { $history = array(); } if ( ! in_array( $new['ver'], $history ) ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'notify-new-ver' ) ) { cerber_send_notification( 'new_version', array( 'text' => 'Read more: https://wpcerber.com/?plugin_version=' . $new['ver'] ) ); } cerber_admin_message( $new['msg'] ); $history[] = $new['ver']; update_site_option( '_cerber_notify_new', $history ); } } if ( nexus_is_master() ) { if ( ( $ups = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ) ) && ! empty( $ups->response ) ) { nexus_update_updates( obj_to_arr_deep( $ups->response ) ); } nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_servers', 'server_id' ); nexus_delete_unused( 'nexus_countries', 'server_country' ); } CRB_Cache::reset(); // Cleanup the quarantine folder if ( $dirs = glob( cerber_get_the_folder() . 'quarantine' . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ) ) { $sync = false; foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { $d = basename( $dir ); if ( is_numeric( $d ) ) { if ( $d < ( time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS * crb_get_settings( 'scan_qcleanup' ) ) ) { $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { $fs->delete( $dir, true ); $sync = true; } } } } if ( $sync ) { _crb_qr_total_sync(); } } cerber_upgrade_deferred(); // TODO: implement holding previous values for a while // cerber_antibot_gene(); set_site_transient( $t, array( $start, time() ), 48 * 3600 ); } /** * Master CRON task scheduler * */ add_action( 'cerber_bg_launcher', function () { $next_hour = intval( floor( ( time() + 3600 ) / 3600 ) * 3600 ); if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'cerber_hourly_1' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( $next_hour, 'hourly', 'cerber_hourly_1' ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'cerber_hourly_2' ) ) { wp_schedule_event( $next_hour + 600 , 'hourly', 'cerber_hourly_2' ); } if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'cerber_daily' ) ) { if ( ! $when = strtotime( 'midnight' ) + 24 * 3600 ) { $when = $next_hour; } wp_schedule_event( $when + 2 * 3600 + 1200, 'daily', 'cerber_daily' ); } define( 'CRB_DOING_BG_TASK', 1 ); @ignore_user_abort( true ); crb_raise_limits(); if ( nexus_is_master() ) { nexus_schedule_refresh(); } cerber_bg_task_launcher(); } ); function cerber_bg_task_launcher( $filter = null ) { $ret = array(); if ( ! $task_list = cerber_bg_task_get_all() ) { return $ret; } if ( $filter ) { //$exec_it = array_intersect_key( $task_list, array_flip( crb_array_get( $_REQUEST, 'tasks', array() ) ) ); $exec_it = array_intersect_key( $task_list, $filter ); } else { $exec_it = $task_list; } if ( empty( $exec_it ) ) { return $ret; } $safe_func = array( 'nexus_send', 'nexus_do_upgrade', '_crb_ds_background', 'nexus_refresh_slave_srv', '_crb_qr_total_sync', 'crb_sessions_sync_all', 'cerber_upgrade_deferred', 'cerber_daily_run', 'cerber_do_hourly_2' ); foreach ( $exec_it as $task_id => $task ) { $func = crb_array_get( $task, 'func' ); if ( ! in_array( $func, $safe_func ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Function ' . $func . ' is not in the safe list', 'BG TASK' ); cerber_bg_task_delete( $task_id ); continue; } if ( ! is_callable( $func ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Function ' . $func . ' is not available (not defined)', 'BG TASK' ); cerber_bg_task_delete( $task_id ); continue; } if ( ! isset( $task['exec_until'] ) ) { cerber_bg_task_delete( $task_id ); } // Ready to lunch the task $args = crb_array_get( $task, 'args', array() ); nexus_diag_log( 'Launching bg task: ' . $func ); ob_start(); $result = call_user_func_array( $func, $args ); $echo = ob_get_clean(); if ( isset( $task['exec_until'] ) ) { if ( $task['exec_until'] === $result ) { cerber_bg_task_delete( $task_id ); } } if ( empty( $task['return'] ) ) { $echo = ( $echo ) ? ' there was an output ' . strlen( $echo ) . ' bytes length' : 'no output'; $result = 1; } $ret[ $task_id ] = array( $result, crb_array_get( $task, 'run_js' ), $echo ); } return $ret; } function cerber_bg_task_get_all() { $list = cerber_get_set( '_background_tasks' ); if ( ! $list ) { $list = array(); } return $list; } /** * @param callable $func Function must be in the safe list in cerber_bg_task_launcher(). * @param array $config * @param bool $priority * @param int $limit * * @return bool * * @since 8.6.4 * */ function cerber_bg_task_add( $func, $config = array(), $priority = false, $limit = 60 ) { if ( ! is_callable( $func ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Function ' . $func . ' is not callable', 'BG TASK' ); return false; } $list = cerber_bg_task_get_all(); $config['func'] = $func; $id = sha1( serialize( $config ) ); if ( isset( $list[ $id ] ) ) { return false; } if ( $priority ) { $list = array( $id => $config ) + $list; } else { $list[ $id ] = $config; } return cerber_update_set( '_background_tasks', $list ); } function cerber_bg_task_delete( $task_id ) { if ( ! $list = cerber_bg_task_get_all() ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $list[ $task_id ] ) ) { return false; } unset( $list[ $task_id ] ); return cerber_update_set( '_background_tasks', $list ); } /** * Log activity * * @param int $activity Activity ID * @param string $login Login used or any additional information * @param int $user_id User ID * @param int $status * @param null $ip IP Address * * @return bool * @since 3.0 */ function cerber_log( $activity, $login = '', $user_id = 0, $status = 0, $ip = null ) { global $user_ID; static $logged = array(); $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); $activity = absint( $activity ); if ( empty( $user_id ) ) { $user_id = ( $user_ID ) ?: 0; } $user_id = absint( $user_id ); $key = $activity . '-' . $user_id; if ( ( isset( $logged[ $key ] ) || isset( CRB_Globals::$do_not_log[ $activity ] ) ) && ! defined( 'CRB_ALLOW_MULTIPLE' ) ) { return false; } $logged[ $key ] = true; CRB_Globals::$logged[ $activity ] = $activity; //$wp_cerber->setProcessed(); if ( empty( $ip ) ) { $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); } elseif ( ! filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return false; } if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $ip_long = ip2long( $ip ); } else { $ip_long = 1; } $stamp = microtime( true ); $pos = strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' ); $path = ( $pos ) ? substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $pos ) : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $url = strip_tags( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $path ); if ( ! $status ) { if ( $activity != 10 && $activity != 11 ) { $status = cerber_get_status( $ip, $activity ); } elseif ( CRB_Globals::$blocked ) { $status = CRB_Globals::$blocked; } } $ac_bot = absint( CRB_Globals::$bot_status ); $ac_by_user = absint( CRB_Globals::$user_id ); $status = absint( $status ); $details = $status . '|0|0|0|' . $url; $country = lab_get_country( $ip ); $login = cerber_real_escape( $login ); $details = cerber_real_escape( $details ); $ret = cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, details, ac_status, ac_bot, ac_by_user) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $ip_long . ',"' . $login . '",' . $user_id . ',"' . $stamp . '",' . $activity . ',"' . $wp_cerber->getRequestID() . '","' . $country . '","' . $details . '", ' . $status . ', ' . $ac_bot . ',' . $ac_by_user . ')' ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_watchdog(); $ret = false; } else { $ret = true; } // Alerts for admin --------------------------------------------------- $alert_list = cerber_get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ); if ( ! empty( $alert_list ) ) { $update_alerts = false; foreach ( $alert_list as $hash => $alert ) { $updated = false; // Check if all alert parameters match if ( ! empty( $alert[10] ) && $alert[10] != $status ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[1] ) && $alert[1] != $user_id && $alert[1] != $ac_by_user ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[13] ) && ( $expires = absint( $alert[13] ) ) && $expires < time() ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[11] ) ) { if ( $alert[11] <= $alert[12] ) { continue; } $alert[12] ++; $updated = true; } if ( ! empty( $alert[0] ) ) { if ( ! in_array( $activity, $alert[0] ) ) { continue; } } if ( ! empty( $alert[3] ) && ( $ip_long < $alert[2] || $alert[3] < $ip_long ) ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[4] ) && $alert[4] != $ip ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[5] ) && $alert[5] != $login ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[9] ) && false === strpos( $url, $alert[9] ) ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $alert[6] ) ) { $none = true; if ( false !== strpos( $ip, $alert[6] ) ) { $none = false; } elseif ( false !== mb_stripos( $login, $alert[6] ) ) { $none = false; } elseif ( $user_id ) { if ( ! $user = wp_get_current_user() ) { $user = get_userdata( $user_id ); } if ( false !== mb_stripos( $user->user_firstname, $alert[6] ) || false !== mb_stripos( $user->user_lastname, $alert[6] ) || false !== mb_stripos( $user->nickname, $alert[6] ) ) { $none = false; } } /*elseif ( $user_id && in_array( $user_id, $sub[8] ) ) { $none = false; }*/ // No alert parameters match, continue to the next alert if ( $none ) { continue; } } // Alert parameters match, prepare and send an alert email $ac_lbl = crb_get_label( $activity, $user_id, $ac_by_user, false ); $status_lbl = ''; if ( $status ) { $status_list = cerber_get_labels( 'status' ) + cerber_get_reason(); if ( $status_lbl = $status_list[ $status ] ?? '' ) { $status_lbl = ' (' . $status_lbl . ')'; } } $msg = __( 'Activity', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $ac_lbl . $status_lbl . "\n\n"; $msg_masked = $msg; $coname = $country ? ' (' . cerber_country_name( $country ) . ')' : ''; $msg = __( 'IP address', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $ip . $coname . "\n\n"; $msg_masked .= __( 'IP address', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . crb_mask_ip( $ip ) . $coname . "\n\n"; if ( $user_id && function_exists( 'get_userdata' ) ) { $u = get_userdata( $user_id ); $msg .= __( 'User', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $u->display_name . "\n\n"; $msg_masked .= __( 'User', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $u->display_name . "\n\n"; } if ( $login ) { $msg .= __( 'Username used', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $login . "\n\n"; $msg_masked .= __( 'Username used', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . crb_mask_login( $login ) . "\n\n"; } if ( ! empty( $alert['6'] ) ) { $msg .= __( 'Search string', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $alert['6'] . "\n\n"; $msg_masked .= __( 'Search string', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $alert['6'] . "\n\n"; } // Make a link to the Activity log page $args = array_intersect_key( crb_get_alert_params(), CRB_ACT_PARAMS ); $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array(), false, false ); $i = 0; $link_params = ''; foreach ( $args as $arg => $val ) { if ( is_array( $alert[ $i ] ) ) { foreach ( $alert[ $i ] as $item ) { $link_params .= '&' . $arg . '[]=' . $item; } } else { $link_params .= '&' . $arg . '=' . $alert[ $i ]; } $i ++; } $more = __( 'View activity in the Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $base_url . $link_params; $more .= "\n\n" . __( 'To delete the alert, click here', 'wp-cerber' ) . ': ' . $base_url . '&unsubscribeme=' . $hash; $ignore = $alert[14] ?? false; $channels = array( 'email' => ! empty( $alert[15] ), 'pushbullet' => ! empty( $alert[16] ) ); // Crucial for old alerts (no channels at all) if ( ! array_filter( $channels ) ) { $channels = array(); // All channels are in use } $sent = cerber_send_notification( 'send_alert', array( 'subj' => $ac_lbl, 'text' => $msg, 'text_masked' => $msg_masked, 'more' => $more ), $ip, $channels, $ignore ); if ( $sent && $updated ) { $update_alerts = true; $alert_list[ $hash ] = $alert; } break; // Just one notification letter per an HTTP request is allowed } if ( $update_alerts ) { if ( ! update_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ, $alert_list ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Unable to update the list of alerts', 'ALERTS' ); } } } // Lab -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( in_array( $activity, array( 16, 17, 40, CRB_EV_PUR, CRB_EV_LDN, 55, 56, 71 ) ) ) { lab_save_push( $ip, $activity ); } return $ret; } /** * Get records from the log * * @param array $activity * @param array $user * @param array $order * @param string $limit * * @return object[]|null */ function cerber_get_log( $activity = array(), $user = array(), $order = array(), $limit = '' ) { $where = array(); if ( $activity ) { $activity = array_map( 'absint', $activity ); $where[] = 'activity IN (' . implode( ', ', $activity ) . ')'; } if ( ! empty( $user['email'] ) ) { if ( ! $user = get_user_by( 'email', $user['email'] ) ) { return null; } $where[] = 'user_id = ' . absint( $user->ID ); } elseif ( ! empty( $user['id'] ) ) { $where[] = 'user_id = ' . absint( $user['id'] ); } $where_sql = ''; if ( $where ) { $where_sql = ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where ); } $order_sql = ''; if ( $order ) { if ( ! empty( $order['DESC'] ) ) { $order_sql = ' ORDER BY ' . preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $order['DESC'] ) . ' DESC '; } elseif ( ! empty( $order['ASC'] ) ) { $order_sql = ' ORDER BY ' . preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $order['ASC'] ) . ' ASC '; } } $limit_sql = ''; if ( $limit ) { $limit_sql = ' LIMIT ' . preg_replace( '/[^0-9.,]/', '', $limit ); } return cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ' . $where_sql . $order_sql . $limit_sql, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); //return $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ' . $where_sql . $order_sql . $limit_sql ); } /** * Return the last login record for a given user * * @param $user_id int|null * @param $user_email string * * @return false|object */ function cerber_get_last_login( $user_id, $user_email = '' ) { if ( $user_id ) { $u = array( 'id' => $user_id ); } elseif ( $user_email ) { $u = array( 'email' => $user_email ); } else { return false; } if ( $recs = cerber_get_log( array( CRB_EV_LIN ), $u, array( 'DESC' => 'stamp' ), 1 ) ) { return $recs[0]; } return false; } /** * Finds the last failed/denied attempt to log in. Uses user login and email. * Returns an activity log entry. * * @param string $login * @param string $email * @param bool $denied * * @return false|object * * @since 9.0.2 */ function crb_get_last_failed( $login, $email, $denied = false ) { $act = ( $denied ) ? 53 : CRB_EV_LFL; return cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ( user_login = "' . $login . '" OR user_login = "' . $email . '" ) AND activity = ' . $act . ' ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 1', MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT ); } /** * @param array $activity * @param int $period * @param string $column * @param false $distinct * * @return int|mixed */ function cerber_count_log( $activity, $period = 1, $column = 'ip', $distinct = false ) { $period = absint( $period ); if ( ! $period ) { $period = 1; } $stamp = time() - $period * 24 * 3600; $stamp = ( (int) floor( $stamp / 90 ) ) * 90; // every 90 seconds - let SQL query be cached $column = ( ( $distinct ) ? ' DISTINCT ' : '' ) . $column; $result = crb_q_cache_get( 'SELECT COUNT( ' . $column . ' ) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE activity IN (' . implode( ',', $activity ) . ') AND stamp > ' . $stamp, CERBER_LOG_TABLE ); if ( empty( $result ) ) { return 0; } return $result[0][0]; } /** * Loads must have settings * @since 7.8.3 * */ function cerber_pre_checks() { // Load must have settings before the rest of the stuff during the plugin activation // The only way to get it done earlier if ( cerber_get_get( 'action' ) === 'activate' && cerber_get_get( 'plugin' ) === CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ) { // The plugin is activated in wp-admin if ( ! crb_get_settings() ) { define('CRB_JUST_MARRIED', 1); cerber_load_defaults(); } } // A backup way add_action( 'activated_plugin', function ( $plugin ) { if ( $plugin !== CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ) { return; } if ( ! crb_get_settings() ) { if ( ! defined( 'CRB_JUST_MARRIED' ) ) { define( 'CRB_JUST_MARRIED', 1 ); } cerber_load_defaults(); } } ); } /** * Post plugin activation stuff * */ register_activation_hook( cerber_plugin_file(), function () { $assets_url = cerber_plugin_dir_url() . 'assets'; load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-cerber', false, 'wp-cerber/languages' ); if ( version_compare( CERBER_REQ_PHP, phpversion(), '>' ) ) { cerber_stop_activating( '

      ' . sprintf( __( 'WP Cerber requires PHP %s or higher. You are running %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_REQ_PHP, phpversion() ) . '

      ' ); } if ( ! crb_wp_version_compare( CERBER_REQ_WP ) ) { cerber_stop_activating( '

      ' . sprintf( __( 'WP Cerber requires WordPress %s or higher. You are running %s.', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_REQ_WP, cerber_get_wp_version() ) . '

      ' ); } $db_errors = cerber_create_db(); if ( $db_errors ) { $e = ''; foreach ( $db_errors as $db_error ) { $e .= '

      ' . implode( '

      ', $db_error ) . '

      '; } cerber_stop_activating( '

      ' . __( "Can't activate WP Cerber due to a database error.", 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      '.$e); } lab_get_key( true ); cerber_upgrade_all( true ); cerber_cookie_one(); cerber_load_admin_code(); cerber_bg_task_add( 'crb_sessions_sync_all' ); $whited = ''; if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { // Not for remote plugin installation/activation $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); if ( cerber_get_block( $ip ) ) { if ( ! cerber_block_delete( $ip ) ) { $sub = cerber_get_subnet_ipv4( $ip ); cerber_block_delete( $sub ); } } if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'no_white_my_ip' ) ) { cerber_add_white( $ip, 'My IP address (' . cerber_date( time(), false ) . ')' ); // Protection for non-experienced users $whited = '

      ' . sprintf( __( 'Your IP address %s has been added to the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_get_remote_ip() ); } cerber_disable_citadel(); } cerber_htaccess_sync( 'main' ); cerber_htaccess_sync( 'media' ); cerber_set_boot_mode(); crb_x_update_add_on_list(); $msg = '

      ' . __( 'WP Cerber is now active and has started protecting your site', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      ' . $whited . '

      ' . __( 'Getting Started Guide', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      ' . ''; cerber_update_set( 'cerber_admin_wide', $msg ); if ( ! defined( 'CRB_JUST_MARRIED' ) || ! CRB_JUST_MARRIED ) { return; } cerber_send_notification( 'activated' ); $p = get_file_data( cerber_plugin_file(), array( 'Version' => 'Version' ), 'plugin' ); $p['time'] = time(); $p['user'] = get_current_user_id(); cerber_update_set( '_activated', $p ); }); /* Abort activating plugin! */ function cerber_stop_activating( $msg ) { deactivate_plugins( CERBER_PLUGIN_ID ); wp_die( $msg ); } // Closure can't be used register_uninstall_hook( cerber_plugin_file(), 'cerber_finito' ); function cerber_finito() { if ( ! is_super_admin() ) { return; } $dir = cerber_get_the_folder(); if ( $dir && file_exists( $dir ) ) { $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { $fs->rmdir( $dir, true ); } } $list = array( CRB_ALERTZ, '_cerber_up', '_cerber_report', 'cerber-groove', 'cerber-groove-x', '_cerberkey_', 'cerber-antibot', 'cerber_admin_info', '_cerber_db_errors' ); $list = array_merge( $list, cerber_get_setting_list( true ) ); foreach ( $list as $opt ) { delete_site_option( $opt ); } // Must be executed last cerber_db_query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . implode( ',', cerber_get_tables() ) ); } /** * Upgrade database tables, data and plugin settings * * @since 3.0 * */ function cerber_upgrade_all( $force = false ) { $ver = get_site_option( '_cerber_up' ); if ( ! $force && crb_array_get( $ver, 'v' ) == CERBER_VER ) { return; } $d = @ini_get( 'display_errors' ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); @ignore_user_abort( true ); crb_raise_limits(); CRB_Globals::$doing_upgrade = true; @define( 'CRB_DOING_UPGRADE', 1 ); crb_clear_admin_msg(); cerber_create_db(); if ( $errors = cerber_upgrade_db() ) { // TODO make it work, see CRB_Globals::$doing_upgrade cerber_admin_notice( $errors ); } cerber_antibot_gene( true ); cerber_upgrade_settings(); cerber_htaccess_sync( 'main' ); cerber_bg_task_add( 'cerber_upgrade_deferred' ); update_site_option( '_cerber_up', array( 'v' => CERBER_VER, 't' => time() ) ); cerber_push_the_news(); cerber_delete_expired_set( true ); CRB_Cache::reset(); if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'cerber_hourly' ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_hourly' ); // not in use since v. 5.8. } // @since Adding new parameters to existing alerts and updating their hashes if ( $alerts = get_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ ) ) { $test = current( $alerts ); if ( ! isset( $test[9] ) ) { // Old structure $new = array(); foreach ( $alerts as $alert ) { $alert[9] = 0; $alert[10] = 0; $new[ crb_get_alert_id( $alert ) ] = $alert; } if ( ! update_site_option( CRB_ALERTZ, $new ) ) { cerber_error_log( 'Unable to update the list of alerts', 'ALERTS' ); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------- lab_get_key( true ); CRB_Globals::$doing_upgrade = false; delete_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', $d ); } /** * Creates DB tables if they don't exist * * @param bool $recreate If true, recreate some tables completely (with data lost) * * @return array Errors */ function cerber_create_db($recreate = true) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->hide_errors(); $db_errors = array(); $sql = array(); if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LOG_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, user_login varchar(60) NOT NULL, user_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", stamp bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, activity int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", KEY ip (ip) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_ACL_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, tag char(1) NOT NULL, comments varchar(250) NOT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, block_until bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, reason varchar(250) NOT NULL, reason_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", UNIQUE KEY ip (ip) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, reason_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", stamp bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, details text NOT NULL ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( $recreate || ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ) ) { if ( $recreate && cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE; } $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, reputation INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, expires INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ip) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( $recreate || ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE ) ) { if ( $recreate && cerber_is_table( CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE; } $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", ip_long_begin BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", ip_long_end BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", country CHAR(3) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", expires INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", PRIMARY KEY (ip), UNIQUE KEY begin_end (ip_long_begin, ip_long_end) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_GEO_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' ( country CHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT "Country code", locale CHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" COMMENT "Locale i18n", country_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT "", PRIMARY KEY (country, locale) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_TRAF_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, ip_long BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0", hostname varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT "", uri text NOT NULL, request_fields MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, request_details MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, session_id char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, user_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, stamp decimal(14,4) NOT NULL, processing int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, country char(3) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", request_method char(8) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, http_code int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, wp_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, wp_type int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, is_bot int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, blog_id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, KEY stamp (stamp) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . cerber_get_db_prefix(). CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' ( scan_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, scan_type INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, scan_mode INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, scan_status INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_name_hash VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", file_name TEXT NOT NULL, file_type INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_hash VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", file_md5 VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", file_hash_repo VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", hash_match INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_size BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_perms INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_writable INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, file_mtime INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, extra TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (scan_id, file_name_hash) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' ( the_key VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, the_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, the_value LONGTEXT NOT NULL, expires BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (the_key, the_id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( CERBER_QMEM_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . CERBER_QMEM_TABLE . ' ( ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, http_code int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, stamp int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY ip_stamp (ip, stamp) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } if ( ! cerber_is_table( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE ) ) { $sql[] = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE . ' ( user_id bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, country char(3) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", started int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, expires int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, session_id char(32) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL DEFAULT "", wp_session_token varchar(250) CHARACTER SET ascii NOT NULL, KEY user_id (user_id) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; '; } foreach ( $sql as $query ) { $query = str_replace( '"', '\'', $query ); if ( ! $wpdb->query( $query ) && $wpdb->last_error ) { $db_errors[] = array( $wpdb->last_error, $wpdb->last_query ); } } return $db_errors; } /** * Upgrade structure of existing DB tables * * @return array Errors occurred during upgrading database tables * * @since 3.0 */ function cerber_upgrade_db( $force = false ) { $sql = array(); // @since 3.0 $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL'; // @since 3.1 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_LOG_TABLE, 'ip_long' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ADD ip_long BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" AFTER ip, ADD INDEX (ip_long)'; } if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'ip_long_begin' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ADD ip_long_begin BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" AFTER ip, ADD ip_long_end BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0" AFTER ip_long_begin'; } /*if ( $force || !cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'ip_begin_end' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ADD UNIQUE ip_begin_end (ip, ip_long_begin, ip_long_end)'; }*/ if ( $force || cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'ip' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' DROP INDEX ip'; } // @since 4.8.2 if ( $force || cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'begin_end' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' DROP INDEX begin_end'; } /*if ( $force || !cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'begin_end_tag' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ADD INDEX begin_end_tag (ip_long_begin, ip_long_end, tag)'; }*/ // @since 4.9 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_LOG_TABLE, 'session_id' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ADD session_id CHAR(32) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", ADD country CHAR(3) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", ADD details VARCHAR(250) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ""; '; } // @since 6.1 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_index( CERBER_LOG_TABLE, 'session_index' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ADD INDEX session_index (session_id)'; } // @since 7.0.3 $sql[] = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; // @since 7.1 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE, 'file_status' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . " ADD file_status INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER scan_status"; } // @since 7.5.2 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE, 'reason_id' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE . ' ADD reason_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'; } // @since 7.8.6 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_TRAF_TABLE, 'php_errors' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' ADD php_errors TEXT NOT NULL AFTER blog_id'; } // @since 8.5.4 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'ver6' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ADD acl_slice SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD ver6 SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD v6range VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", ADD req_uri VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT "", MODIFY COLUMN ip VARCHAR(81) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL '; } if ( $force || ! cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'main_for_selects' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' ADD INDEX main_for_selects (acl_slice, ver6, ip_long_begin, ip_long_end, tag)'; } if ( $force || cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'begin_end_tag' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' DROP INDEX begin_end_tag'; } if ( $force || cerber_is_index( CERBER_ACL_TABLE, 'ip_begin_end' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' DROP INDEX ip_begin_end'; } // @since 8.6.4 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE, 'file_ext' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' ADD file_ext VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "" AFTER file_mtime '; } if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_TRAF_TABLE, 'req_status' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' ADD req_status int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'; } // @since if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE, 'scan_step' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' ADD scan_step INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER scan_mode '; } // @since 8.9.4 if ( $force || ! cerber_is_column( CERBER_LOG_TABLE, 'ac_status' ) ) { $sql[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' ADD ac_bot int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD ac_status int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD ac_by_user bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'; } if ( ! empty( $sql ) ) { foreach ( $sql as $query ) { $query = str_replace( '"', '\'', $query ); cerber_db_query( $query ); } } cerber_acl_fixer(); if ( $db_errors = cerber_db_get_errors() ) { cerber_db_error_log( cerber_db_get_errors( true, false ) ); } return $db_errors; } /** * All upgrade procedures that can be executed via a background or scheduled task * * @since 8.8 * */ function cerber_upgrade_deferred() { // @since 8.8 list ( $charset, $collate ) = cerber_db_detect_collate(); if ( $charset == 'utf8mb4' ) { // We can upgrade columns to utf8mb4_unicode_ci $col_name = 'request_fields'; if ( ( $col_info = cerber_db_get_columns( CERBER_TRAF_TABLE, $col_name ) ) && 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' != $col_info['collation'] ) { cerber_db_query( 'ALTER TABLE ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' MODIFY COLUMN ' . $col_name . ' ' . $col_info['type'] . ' CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;' ); } } } function cerber_db_get_columns( $table, $column = '' ) { $where = ''; if ( $column ) { $column = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_]/i', '', $column ); $where = ' WHERE field = "' . $column . '"'; } $table = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_]/i', '', $table ); if ( $data = cerber_db_get_results( "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM " . $table . $where, MYSQL_FETCH_OBJECT_K ) ) { if ( $column ) { $data = current( $data ); } $data = obj_to_arr_deep( $data ); return crb_array_change_key_case( $data, CASE_LOWER ); } return false; } function cerber_db_detect_collate() { global $wpdb; if ( ! $wpdb->charset ) { $wpdb->init_charset(); } if ( 'utf8mb4' === $wpdb->charset || ( ! $wpdb->charset && $wpdb->has_cap( 'utf8mb4' ) ) ) { $charset = 'utf8mb4'; $collate = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'; } else { $charset = 'utf8'; $collate = 'utf8_general_ci'; } return array( $charset, $collate ); } function cerber_get_tables() { return array( CERBER_LOG_TABLE, CERBER_QMEM_TABLE, CERBER_TRAF_TABLE, CERBER_ACL_TABLE, CERBER_BLOCKS_TABLE, CERBER_LAB_TABLE, CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE, CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE, CERBER_GEO_TABLE, cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE, cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE, cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_TABLE, cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_MS_LIST_TABLE, cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_USS_TABLE, ); } /** * Updating old activity log records to the new row format (has been introduced in v 3.1) * * @since 4.0 * */ function cerber_up_data() { $ips = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip_long = 0 LIMIT 50' ); if ( ! $ips ) { return; } foreach ( $ips as $ip ) { if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $ip_long = ip2long( $ip ); } else { $ip_long = 1; } cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' SET ip_long = ' . $ip_long . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip .'" AND ip_long = 0'); } } /** * Upgrade outdated / corrupted rows in ACL * */ function cerber_acl_fixer() { $ips = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' WHERE ip_long_begin = 0 OR ip_long_end = 0 OR ip_long_begin = 7777777777' ); if ( ! $ips ) { return; } foreach ( $ips as $ip ) { // Code from cerber_acl_add() $v6range = ''; $ver6 = 0; if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $begin = ip2long( $ip ); $end = ip2long( $ip ); } elseif ( cerber_is_ipv6( $ip ) ) { $ip = cerber_ipv6_short( $ip ); list( $begin, $end, $v6range ) = crb_ipv6_prepare( $ip, $ip ); $ver6 = 1; } elseif ( ( $range = cerber_any2range( $ip ) ) && is_array( $range ) ) { $ver6 = $range['IPV6']; $begin = $range['begin']; $end = $range['end']; $v6range = $range['IPV6range']; } else { continue; } $set = 'ip_long_begin = ' . $begin . ', ip_long_end = ' . $end . ', ver6 = ' . $ver6 . ', v6range = "' . $v6range . '" WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"'; cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_ACL_TABLE . ' SET ' . $set ); } } add_action( 'deac' . 'tivate_' . CERBER_PLUGIN_ID, function ( $ip ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_bg_launcher' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_hourly_1' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_hourly_2' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_daily' ); wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'cerber_scheduled_hash' ); cerber_htaccess_clean_up(); cerber_set_boot_mode( 0 ); cerber_delete_expired_set( true ); cerber_delete_set( 'plugins_done' ); cerber_delete_set( '_background_tasks' ); $pi = get_file_data( cerber_plugin_file(), array( 'Version' => 'Version' ), 'plugin' ); $pi ['v'] = time(); $pi ['u'] = get_current_user_id(); cerber_update_set( '_cerber_o' . 'ff', $pi ); $f = 'cerb' . 'er_se' . 'nd_notif' . 'ication'; $f( 'sh' . 'utd' . 'own' ); CRB_Cache::reset(); crb_event_handler( 'deactivated', array() ); } ); /** * Fixing an issue with the empty user_id field in the WordPress comments table. * We use it to count comments for the Users page. * */ add_filter( 'preprocess_comment', 'cerber_add_uid' ); function cerber_add_uid( $commentdata ) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $commentdata['user_ID'] = $current_user->ID; return $commentdata; } /** * Load jQuery on the page * */ add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', 'cerber_login_scripts' ); function cerber_login_scripts() { if ( cerber_antibot_enabled( array('botsreg', 'botsany') ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cerber_scripts' ); function cerber_scripts() { if ( ( ( is_singular() || is_archive() ) && cerber_antibot_enabled( array( 'botscomm', 'botsany' ) ) ) || ( crb_get_settings( 'sitekey' ) && crb_get_settings( 'secretkey' ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); } } /** * Footer stuff like JS code * Explicit rendering reCAPTCHA * */ add_action( 'login_footer', 'cerber_login_register_stuff', 1000 ); function cerber_login_register_stuff() { cerber_antibot_code( array( 'botsreg', 'botsany' ) ); if ( ! get_wp_cerber()->recaptcha_here ) { return; } // Universal JS if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'invirecap' ) ) { // Classic version (visible reCAPTCHA) echo ''; } else { // Pure JS version with explicit rendering ?> recaptcha_here ) { return; } // jQuery version with support visible and invisible reCAPTCHA ?> ' . $t ); if ( $c >= $limit ) { cerber_soft_block_add( $ip, 711 ); CRB_Globals::$act_status = 18; } } } function cerber_catch_error( $errno, $errstr = null, $errfile = null, $errline = null ) { global $cerber_php_errors; if ( ! $errno ) { return false; } if ( ! isset( $cerber_php_errors ) || ! is_array( $cerber_php_errors ) ) { $cerber_php_errors = array(); } $cerber_php_errors[] = array( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ); return false; } function cerber_traffic_log(){ global $cerber_php_errors, $wp_query, $wp_cerber_start_stamp, $blog_id; static $done = false; if ( $done || cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { return; } $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); $wp_type = 700; if ( cerber_is_wp_ajax() ) { /* if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) && $_POST['action'] == 'heartbeat' ) { return; }*/ $wp_type = 500; } elseif ( is_admin() ) { $wp_type = 501; } elseif ( cerber_is_wp_cron() ) { $wp_type = 502; } elseif ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ) { $wp_type = 515; } elseif ( cerber_is_rest_url() ) { $wp_type = 520; } // Public part starts with 600 elseif ( $wp_query && is_object( $wp_query ) ) { $wp_type = 600; if ( $wp_query->is_singular ) { $wp_type = 601; } elseif ( $wp_query->is_tag ) { $wp_type = 603; } elseif ( $wp_query->is_category ) { $wp_type = 604; } elseif ( $wp_query->is_search ) { $wp_type = 605; } } if ( function_exists( 'http_response_code' ) ) { // PHP >= 5.4.0, PHP 7 $http_code = http_response_code(); } else { $http_code = 200; if ( $wp_type > 600 ) { if ( $wp_query->is_404 ) { $http_code = 404; } } } $user_id = 0; if ( function_exists( 'get_current_user_id' ) ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } if ( ! $user_id && CRB_Globals::$user_id ) { $user_id = absint( CRB_Globals::$user_id ); } if ( ! cerber_to_log( $wp_type, $http_code, $user_id ) ) { return; } $done = true; if ( cerber_log_exceptions() ) { return; } if ( $ua = crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) { $ua = substr( $ua, 0, 1000 ); } $bot = cerber_is_crawler( $ua ); if ( $bot && crb_get_settings( 'tinocrabs' ) ) { return; } $ip = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $ip_long = 0; if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $ip_long = ip2long( $ip ); } $wp_id = 0; if ( $wp_query && is_object( $wp_query ) ) { $wp_id = absint( $wp_query->get_queried_object_id() ); } $session_id = $wp_cerber->getRequestID(); if ( is_ssl() ) { $scheme = 'https'; } else { $scheme = 'http'; } $uri = $scheme . '://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $method = preg_replace( '/[^\w]/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ); // Request fields $fields = ''; if ( crb_get_settings( 'tifields' ) ) { $fields = array(); if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) { $fields[1] = cerber_prepare_fields( cerber_mask_fields( (array) $_POST ) ); } if ( ! empty( $_GET ) ) { $fields[2] = cerber_prepare_fields( (array) $_GET ); } if ( ! empty( $_FILES ) ) { $fields[3] = $_FILES; } if ( ! empty( $fields ) ) { $fields = json_encode( $fields, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); } else { $fields = ''; } } // Extra request details $details = array(); $details[1] = $ua; if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) { //$ref = mb_substr( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 0, 1048576 ); // 1 Mb for ASCII $details[2] = filter_var( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], FILTER_SANITIZE_URL ); } if ( $wp_type == 605 && ! empty( $_GET['s'] ) ) { $details[4] = $_GET['s']; } if ( $wp_type == 515 ) { // TODO: add a setting to enable it because there is a user/password in the php://input //$details[5] = file_get_contents('php://input'); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'tihdrs' ) ) { $hds = crb_getallheaders(); unset( $hds['Cookie'] ); unset( $hds['cookie'] ); ksort( $hds ); $details[6] = $hds; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'tisenv' ) ) { $srv = $_SERVER; unset( $srv['HTTP_COOKIE'] ); ksort( $srv ); $details[7] = $srv; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ticandy' ) && ! empty( $_COOKIE ) ) { $details[8] = $_COOKIE; ksort( $details[8] ); } $cs = crb_get_settings( 'ticandy_sent' ); $hs = crb_get_settings( 'tihdrs_sent' ); if ( ( $cs || $hs ) && ( $hl = headers_list() ) ) { $d1 = array(); $d2 = array(); foreach ( $hl as $h ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $h, 'Set-Cookie:' ) ) { $d1[] = $h; } else { $d2[] = $h; } } if ( $cs ) { $details[9] = $d1; } if ( $hs ) { $details[10] = $d2; } } if ( !empty( $details ) ) { $details = cerber_prepare_fields( $details ); $details = json_encode( $details, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); } else { $details = ''; } // Software errors $php_err = ''; if ( crb_get_settings( 'tiphperr' ) ) { if ( $cerber_php_errors && is_array( $cerber_php_errors ) ) { //$err_not = array( E_NOTICE, E_WARNING ); foreach ( $cerber_php_errors as $key => $err ) { if ( $err[0] == E_WARNING ) { if ( $err[3] == 68 && '/wp-includes/class-phpass.php' == substr( $err[2], - 29 ) && strpos( $err[1], '/dev/urandom' ) ) { unset( $cerber_php_errors[ $key ] ); } } } if ( $cerber_php_errors ) { $cerber_php_errors = array_values( $cerber_php_errors ); $cerber_php_errors = array_slice( $cerber_php_errors, 0, 25 ); $php_err = json_encode( $cerber_php_errors, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ); } } } // Timestamps if ( ! empty( $wp_cerber_start_stamp ) && is_numeric( $wp_cerber_start_stamp ) ) { $start = (float) $wp_cerber_start_stamp; // define this variable: $wp_cerber_start_stamp = microtime( true ); in wp-config.php } else { $start = cerber_request_time(); } $processing = (int) ( 1000 * ( microtime( true ) - $start ) ); $uri = cerber_real_escape( $uri ); $details = cerber_real_escape( $details ); $fields = ( $fields ) ? cerber_real_escape( $fields ) : ''; $php_err = ( $php_err ) ? cerber_real_escape( $php_err ) : ''; if ( ! $req_status = absint( CRB_Globals::$req_status ) ) { if ( crb_acl_is_white() ) { $req_status = 510; } } $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_TRAF_TABLE . ' (ip, ip_long, uri, request_fields , request_details, session_id, user_id, stamp, processing, request_method, http_code, wp_id, wp_type, is_bot, blog_id, php_errors, req_status ) VALUES ("' . $ip . '", ' . $ip_long . ',"' . $uri . '","' . $fields . '","' . $details . '", "' . $session_id . '", ' . $user_id . ', ' . $start . ',' . $processing . ', "' . $method . '", ' . $http_code . ',' . $wp_id . ', ' . $wp_type . ', ' . $bot . ', ' . absint( $blog_id ) . ',"' . $php_err . '",' . $req_status . ')'; $ret = cerber_db_query( $query ); if ( ! $ret ) { //cerber_diag_log( print_r( cerber_db_get_errors(), 1 ) ); // mysqli_error($wpdb->dbh); // TODO: Daily software error report /* echo mysqli_sqlstate($wpdb->dbh); echo $wpdb->last_error; echo "

      \n"; echo $uri; echo "

      \n"; echo '

      ERR '.$query.$wpdb->last_error; echo '

      '.$wpdb->_real_escape( $uri ); */ } } /** * To log or not to log current request? * * @param $wp_type integer * @param $http_code integer * @param $user_id integer * * @return bool * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_to_log( $wp_type, $http_code, $user_id ) { if ( nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return false; } $mode = crb_get_settings( 'timode' ); if ( $mode == 0 ) { return false; } if ( $wp_type == 520 && crb_get_settings( 'tilogrestapi' ) ) { return true; } if ( $wp_type == 515 && crb_get_settings( 'tilogxmlrpc' ) ) { return true; } if ( $mode == 2 ) { if ( $wp_type < 515 ) { // Pure admin requests if ( $wp_type < 502 && ! $user_id ) { // @since 6.3 return true; } //if ( $wp_type == 500 && 'admin-ajax.php' != cerber_get_uri_script() ) { // @since 7.8 if ( $wp_type == 500 && ! CRB_Request::is_script( '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' ) ) { // @since 7.9.1 return true; } return false; } return true; } if ( $mode == 3 ) { if ( CRB_Globals::$logged ) { return true; } return false; } // Smart mode --------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! empty( CRB_Globals::$req_status ) ) { return true; } if ( ! empty( CRB_Globals::$logged ) ) { $tmp = CRB_Globals::$logged; unset( $tmp[ CRB_EV_LFL ], $tmp[51], $tmp[52] ); if ( ! empty( $tmp ) ) { return true; } } if ( CRB_Globals::$blocked ) { return true; } if ( $wp_type < 515 ) { if ( $wp_type < 502 && ! $user_id ) { // @since 6.3 if ( ! empty( $_GET ) || ! empty( $_POST ) || ! empty( $_FILES ) ) { return true; } } if ( $wp_type == 500 && ! CRB_Request::is_script( '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php' ) ) { // @since 7.8 return true; } return false; } if ( $http_code >= 400 || $wp_type < 600 || $user_id || ! empty( $_POST ) || ! empty( $_FILES ) || CRB_Request::is_search() || cerber_get_non_wp_fields() ) { return true; } if ( cerber_is_http_post() || cerber_get_uri_script() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @since */ function cerber_log_exceptions() { if ( $ua_list = (array) crb_get_settings( 'tinoua' ) ) { if ( $ua = crb_array_get( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', '' ) ) { $ua = substr( $ua, 0, 1000 ); foreach ( $ua_list as $item ) { if ( false !== stripos( $ua, $item ) ) { return true; } } } } if ( $paths = (array) crb_get_settings( 'tinolocs' ) ) { foreach ( $paths as $item ) { if ( $item[0] == '{' && substr( $item, - 1 ) == '}' ) { $pattern = '/' . substr( $item, 1, - 1 ) . '/i'; if ( @preg_match( $pattern, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { return true; } } else { $uri = substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strlen( $item ) ); if ( 0 === stripos( $uri, $item ) ) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Mask sensitive request fields before saving in DB (avoid information leaks) * * @param $fields array * * @return array * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_mask_fields( $fields ) { $to_mask = array( 'pwd', 'pass', 'password', 'password_1', 'password_2', 'post_password', 'cerber-cloud-key' ); if ( $list = (array) crb_get_settings( 'timask' ) ) { $to_mask = array_merge( $to_mask, $list ); } foreach ( $to_mask as $mask_field ) { if ( ! empty( $fields[ $mask_field ] ) ) { $fields[ $mask_field ] = str_pad( '', mb_strlen( $fields[ $mask_field ] ), '*' ); } } return $fields; } /** * Recursive prepare values in array for inserting into DB * * @param $list * * @return mixed * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_prepare_fields( $list ) { foreach ( $list as &$field ) { if ( is_array( $field ) ) { $field = cerber_prepare_fields( $field ); } else { if ( ! $field ) { $field = ''; } else { $field = mb_substr( $field, 0, 1048576 ); // 1 Mb for ASCII } } } $list = stripslashes_deep( $list ); return $list; } /** * Return non WordPress public query $_GET fields (parameters) * * @return array * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_get_non_wp_fields() { global $wp_query; static $result; if ( isset( $result ) ) { return $result; } $get_keys = array_keys( $_GET ); if ( empty( $get_keys ) ) { $result = array(); return $result; } if ( is_object( $wp_query ) ) { $keys = $wp_query->fill_query_vars( array() ); } elseif ( class_exists( 'WP_Query' ) ) { $tmp = new WP_Query(); $keys = $tmp->fill_query_vars( array() ); } else { $keys = array(); } $wp_keys = array_keys( $keys ); // WordPress GET fields for frontend // Some well-known fields $wp_keys[] = 'redirect_to'; $wp_keys[] = 'reauth'; $wp_keys[] = 'action'; $wp_keys[] = '_wpnonce'; $wp_keys[] = 'loggedout'; $wp_keys[] = 'doing_wp_cron'; // WP Customizer fields $wp_keys = array_merge( $wp_keys, array( 'nonce', '_method', 'wp_customize', 'changeset_uuid', 'customize_changeset_uuid', 'customize_theme', 'theme', 'customize_messenger_channel', 'customize_autosaved' ) ); $result = array_diff( $get_keys, $wp_keys ); if ( ! $result ) { $result = array(); } return $result; } /** * * @since 6.0 */ function cerber_beast() { if ( is_admin() || cerber_is_wp_cron() || ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) ) { return; } $wp_cerber = get_wp_cerber(); $wp_cerber->CheckProhibitedURI(); // TI -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! $ti_mode = crb_get_settings( 'tienabled' ) ) { return; } // White list by IP if ( crb_get_settings( 'tiipwhite' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { CRB_Globals::$req_status = 500; return; } // White list by URI //$uri = cerber_purify_uri(); $uri = CRB_Request::URI(); $uri_slash = $uri . '/'; if ( $tiwhite = crb_get_settings( 'tiwhite' ) ) { foreach ( (array) $tiwhite as $item ) { if ( $item[0] == '{' && substr( $item, - 1 ) == '}' ) { $pattern = '/' . substr( $item, 1, - 1 ) . '/i'; if ( @preg_match( $pattern, $uri ) ) { CRB_Globals::$req_status = 501; return; } } else { $cmp = ( substr( $item, - 1 ) == '/' ) ? $uri_slash : $uri; // Someone may specify trailing slash if ( $item == $cmp ) { CRB_Globals::$req_status = 501; return; } } } } // Step one $wp_cerber->InspectRequest(); // Step two //$uri_script = cerber_get_uri_script(); $uri_script = CRB_Request::script(); //if ( $uri_script && $script_filename = cerber_script_filename() ) { if ( $uri_script && $script_filename = cerber_script_filename() ) { // @since // Scanning for executable scripts? if ( ! cerber_script_exists( $uri ) && ! cerber_is_login_request() ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 19; cerber_log( 55 ); if ( $ti_mode > 1 ) { cerber_soft_block_add( null, 708 ); } cerber_forbidden_page(); } // Direct access to a PHP script $deny = false; if ( crb_acl_is_black() ) { $deny = true; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 14; } //elseif ( ! in_array( $uri_script, cerber_get_wp_scripts() ) ) { elseif ( ! CRB_Request::is_script( cerber_get_wp_scripts() ) ) { if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { $deny = true; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 13; } elseif ( lab_is_blocked( null, true ) ) { $deny = true; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 15; } } if ( $deny ) { cerber_log( CRB_EV_PUR ); cerber_forbidden_page(); } } // Step three cerber_screen_request_fields(); // Step four cerber_inspect_uploads(); } /** * Inspects POST & GET fields * */ function cerber_screen_request_fields(){ global $cerber_in_context; $white = array(); $found = false; if ( ! empty( $_GET ) ) { $cerber_in_context = 1; $found = cerber_inspect_array( $_GET, array( 's' ) ); } if ( ! empty( $_POST ) && ! $found ) { //if ( CRB_Request::is_script( '/' . WP_COMMENT_SCRIPT ) ) { if ( CRB_Request::is_comment_sent() ) { $white = array( 'comment' ); } $cerber_in_context = 2; $found = cerber_inspect_array( $_POST, $white ); } if ( $found ) { cerber_log( $found ); cerber_soft_block_add( null, 709); cerber_forbidden_page(); } } /** * Recursively inspects values in a given multi-dimensional array * * @param array $array * @param array $white A list of elements to skip * * @return bool|int */ function cerber_inspect_array( &$array, $white = array() ) { static $rec_limit = null; if ( ! $array ) { return false; } if ( $rec_limit === null ) { $rec_limit = CERBER_CIREC_LIMIT; } else { $rec_limit --; if ( $rec_limit <= 0 ) { $rec_limit = null; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 20; return 100; } } foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) { if ( in_array( $key, $white ) ) { continue; } if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $found = cerber_inspect_array( $value ); } else { $found = cerber_inspect_value( $value, true ); } if ( $found ) { return $found; } } $rec_limit ++; return false; } function cerber_inspect_value( &$value = '', $reset = false ) { static $rec_limit = null; // Real recursion limit if ( ! $value || is_numeric( $value ) ) { return false; } if ( $reset ) { $rec_limit = null; } if ( $rec_limit === null ) { $rec_limit = CERBER_CIREC_LIMIT; } else { $rec_limit --; if ( $rec_limit <= 0 ) { $rec_limit = null; CRB_Globals::$act_status = 21; return 100; } } $found = false; if ( $varbyref = cerber_is_base64_encoded( $value ) ) { $found = cerber_inspect_value( $varbyref ); } else { $parsed = cerber_detect_php_code( $value ); if ( ! empty( $parsed[0] ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 22; $found = 100; } elseif ( ! empty( $parsed[1] ) ) { foreach ( $parsed[1] as $string ) { $found = cerber_inspect_value( $string ); if ( $found ) { break; } } } if ( ! $found && cerber_detect_other_code( $value ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 23; $found = 100; } if ( ! $found && cerber_detect_js_code( $value ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 24; $found = 100; } } $rec_limit ++; return $found; } /** * @param $value string * * @return array A list of suspicious code patterns */ function cerber_detect_php_code( &$value ) { static $list; if ( ! $list ) { $list = cerber_get_php_unsafe(); } $ret = array( array(), array() ); $code_tokens = array( T_STRING, T_EVAL ); $clean = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\s]+/", ' ', cerber_remove_comments( $value ) ); if ( false === strpos( $clean, ' 0 ) { $str = preg_replace( '#/\*(?:[^*]*(?:\*(?!/))*)*\*/#', '', $str ); // Remove comments if ( $co == 1 ) { if ( strlen( $value ) != strlen( $str ) ) { $score ++; } } } if ( preg_match( '/\b(?:SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)\b/i', $str ) ) { // SQL? $score ++; $p = stripos( $str, 'UNION' ); if ( $p !== false ) { $score ++; if ( $co == 1 ) { return true; } } if ( preg_match( '/\b(?:information_schema|FROM_BASE64|wp_users|xp_cmdshell|LOAD_FILE)\b/i', $value ) ) { return true; } if ( $co < 1 ) { return false; } // $_GET & $_POST if ( preg_match( '/\b(?:name_const|unhex)\b/i', $value ) ) { $score ++; } if ( $score > 3 ) { return true; } $char = substr_count( strtoupper( $value ), 'CHAR' ); if ( $char > 1 ) { return true; } $score += $char; if ( $score > 3 ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Detects ob/fus/cated JS * * @param $val * * @return bool */ function cerber_detect_js_code( $val ) { $val = trim( $val ); if ( empty( $val ) || is_numeric( $val ) ) { return false; } $val = preg_replace( "/[\s]+/", '', $val ); if ( strlen( $val ) < 32 ) { return false; } // HEX if ( preg_match_all( '/(["\'])(\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+?\1/m', $val, $matches ) ) { $found = array_map( function ( $v ) { return trim( $v, '\'"' ); }, $matches[0] ); $found = str_replace( '\x', '', $found ); // -- V2 /* $pieces = array(); foreach ( $found as $str) { echo $str.'-'; $hexs = str_split( $str, 2 ); $pieces[] = implode( '', array_map( function ( $v ) { return chr( hexdec( $v ) ); }, $hexs ) ); }*/ // V1 $hexs = str_split( implode( '', $found ), 2 ); $decoded = implode( '', array_map( function ( $hex ) { return chr( hexdec( $hex ) ); }, $hexs ) ); if ( preg_match( '/(fromCharCode|createElement|appendChild|script|eval|unescape|getElement|querySelector|XMLHttpRequest|FileSystemObject)/i', $decoded ) ) { return true; } } if ( preg_match_all( '/((?:\d|0x)[\da-fA-F]{1,4})\s*(?:,|\))/m', $val, $matches ) ) { $decoded = cerber_fromcharcode( implode( ',', $matches[1] ) ); list ( $xdata, $severity ) = cerber_process_patterns( $decoded, 'js' ); if ( $xdata ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $str Text to process * @param string $type Signature type to use * * @return array[]|false */ function cerber_process_patterns( $str, $type ) { static $patterns; if ( ! isset( $patterns[ $type ] ) ) { switch ( $type ) { case 'php': $patterns[ $type ] = cerber_get_php_patterns(); break; case 'js': $patterns[ $type ] = cerber_get_js_patterns(); break; case 'htaccess': $patterns[ $type ] = cerber_get_ht_patterns(); break; default: return false; } } $xdata = array(); $severity = array(); foreach ( $patterns[ $type ] as $pa ) { if ($pa[1] == 2) { // 2 = REGEX if ( ! empty( $pa['not_regex'] ) ) { if ( preg_match( '/' . $pa['not_regex'] . '/i', $str ) ) { continue; } } $matches = array(); if ( preg_match_all( '/' . $pa[2] . '/i', $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) { if ( ! empty( $pa['not_func'] ) && is_callable( $pa['not_func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( call_user_func( $pa['not_func'], $match[0], $str ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $pa['func'] ) && is_callable( $pa['func'] ) ) { foreach ( $matches[0] as $key => $match ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $pa['func'], $match[0], $str ) ) { unset( $matches[0][ $key ] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $matches[0] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], array_values( $matches[0] ) ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } else { if ( false !== stripos( $str, $pa[2] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 2, $pa[0], array( array( $pa[2] ) ) ); $severity[] = $pa[3]; } } } return array( $xdata, $severity ); } function cerber_inspect_uploads() { static $found = null; if ( $found !== null ) { return $found; // avoid double inspection } if ( empty( $_FILES ) ) { return false; } global $crb_uploaded_files; $crb_uploaded_files = array(); array_walk_recursive( $_FILES, function ( $file_name ) { global $crb_uploaded_files; if ( $file_name && is_string( $file_name ) && is_file( $file_name ) ) { $crb_uploaded_files[] = $file_name; } } ); if ( empty( $crb_uploaded_files ) ) { return false; } $found = false; foreach ( $crb_uploaded_files as $file_name ) { if ( $f = @fopen( $file_name, 'r' ) ) { $str = @fread( $f, 100000 ); @fclose( $f ); if ( cerber_inspect_value( $str, true ) ) { $found = 56; if ( ! @unlink( $file_name ) ) { // if a system doesn't permit us to delete the file in the tmp uploads folder $target = cerber_get_the_folder() . 'must_be_deleted.tmp'; @move_uploaded_file( $file_name, $target ); @unlink( $target ); } } } } if ( $found ) { cerber_log( $found ); cerber_soft_block_add( null, 710); } return $found; } function cerber_error_control() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'nophperr' ) ) { @ini_set( 'display_startup_errors', 0 ); @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); } } /** * @param $alert * * @return bool * * @since */ function crb_is_alert_expired( $alert ) { if ( ! empty( $alert[11] ) && ! empty( $alert[12] ) && $alert[11] <= $alert[12] ) { return true; } if ( ! empty( $alert[13] ) && $alert[13] < time() ) { return true; } return false; } // Menu routines --------------------------------------------------------------- // Hide/show menu items in public add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items', function ( $items, $menu, $args ) { if ( is_admin() ) { return $items; } $logged = is_user_logged_in(); foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) { // For *MENU*CERBER* See cerber_nav_menu_box() !!! if ( 0 === strpos( $item->attr_title, '*MENU*CERBER*' ) ) { $menu_id = explode( '|', $item->attr_title ); switch ( $menu_id[1] ) { case 'wp-cerber-login-url': if ( $logged ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); } break; case 'wp-cerber-logout-url': if ( ! $logged ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); } break; case 'wp-cerber-reg-url': if ( $logged ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); } break; case 'wp-cerber-wc-login-url': if ( $logged ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); } break; case 'wp-cerber-wc-logout-url': if ( ! $logged ) { unset( $items[ $key ] ); } break; } } } return $items; }, 10, 3 ); // Set actual URL for a menu item based on a special value in title attribute add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', function ( $atts ) { // For *MENU*CERBER* See cerber_nav_menu_box() !!! if ( 0 === strpos( $atts['title'], '*MENU*CERBER*' ) ) { $title = explode( '|', $atts['title'] ); $atts['title'] = ''; $url = '#'; // See cerber_nav_menu_items() !!! switch ( $title[1] ) { case 'wp-cerber-login-url': $url = wp_login_url(); break; case 'wp-cerber-logout-url': $url = wp_logout_url(); break; case 'wp-cerber-reg-url': if ( get_option( 'users_can_register' ) ) { $url = wp_registration_url(); } break; case 'wp-cerber-wc-login-url': if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { $url = get_permalink( get_option( 'woocommerce_myaccount_page_id' ) ); } break; case 'wp-cerber-wc-logout-url': if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { $url = wc_logout_url(); } break; } $atts['href'] = $url; } return $atts; }, 1 ); function cerber_push_the_news() { if ( ! $news = cerber_parse_change_log( true ) ) { return; } $news = array_slice( $news, 0, 7 ); $text = '

      Highlights from WP Cerber Security ' . CERBER_VER . '

      '; $text .= '
      • ' . implode( '
      • ', $news ) . '
      '; $text .= '

        Read more on wpcerber.com

      '; //$text .= '

      See the whole history in the changelog

      '; if ( ! defined( 'CRB_JUST_MARRIED' ) && crb_was_activated( 2 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS ) && ! lab_lab() ) { $text .= '

      ' . __( "We need your support to keep moving forward", 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      ' . __( 'By sharing your unique opinion on WP Cerber, you help the engineers behind the plugin make greater progress and help other professionals find the right software. You can leave your review on one of the following websites. Feel free to use your native language. Thanks!', 'wp-cerber' ) . '

      Leave review on Trustpilot  |  Leave review on G2.COM'; // |  //Capterra

      } else { $text .= '

        Subscribe to Cerber\'s newsletter

        Follow Cerber on Twitter

        Follow Cerber on Facebook

      '; } $text .= '

      '; update_site_option( 'cerber_admin_info', $text ); } function cerber_parse_change_log( $last_only = false ) { if ( ! $text = file( cerber_get_plugins_dir() . '/wp-cerber/changelog.txt' ) ) { return false; } $ret = array(); $abort = 0; $ver = ''; foreach ( $text as $line ) { $line = ltrim( $line, '* ' ); $line = trim( $line ); if ( ! $line ) { continue; } $line = htmlspecialchars( $line ); if ( preg_match_all( '/(\[.+?])(\(.+?\))/', $line, $m ) ) { $anchors = $m[1]; $links = $m[2]; $replace = array(); foreach ( $anchors as $i => $anchor ) { $replace[] = '' . trim( $anchor, '[]' ) . ''; } $line = str_replace( $anchors, $replace, $line ); $line = str_replace( $links, '', $line ); } elseif ( preg_match( '/=([\d\.\s]+?)=/', $line, $m ) ) { if ( ! $last_only ) { if ( $ver ) { $ret[] = '

      Read more on wpcerber.com

      '; } $ver = $m[1]; $line = str_replace( $m[0], '' . $m[1] . '', $line ); } else { $line = ''; $abort ++; } } $ret[] = $line; if ( $abort > 1 ) { $ret = array_filter( $ret ); $ret = preg_replace( '/^\*\s*/', '', $ret, 1 ); break; } } return $ret; } add_shortcode( 'wp_cerber_cookies', 'cerber_show_cookies' ); function cerber_show_cookies( $attr ) { global $wp_cerber_cookies; $html_atts = ''; if ( isset( $attr['id'] ) ) { $html_atts .= ' id="' . esc_attr( $attr['id'] ) . '"'; } if ( isset( $attr['style'] ) ) { $html_atts .= ' style="' . esc_attr( $attr['style'] ) . '"'; } /*if ( ! $cookies = cerber_get_set( 'cerber_sweets' ) ) { return ''; }*/ $cookies = $wp_cerber_cookies; if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { foreach ( $cookies as $cookie => $data ) { if ( cerber_is_auth_cookie( $cookie ) ) { unset( $cookies[ $cookie ] ); } } } $ret = ''; if ( isset( $attr['text'] ) ) { $ret .= $attr['text']; } $type = crb_array_get( $attr, 'type' ); switch ( $type ) { case 'comma': $ret .= implode( ', ', array_keys( $cookies ) ); break; case 'table': $items = ''; foreach ( $cookies as $cookie => $data ) { $items .= '' . $cookie . ''; } $ret .= '' . $items . '
      '; break; case 'list': default: $items = ''; foreach ( $cookies as $cookie => $data ) { $items .= '
    • ' . $cookie . '
    • '; } $ret .= '
        ' . $items . '
      '; } return $ret; } add_action( 'wp_create_application_password', function ( $user_id, $new_item, $new_password, $args ) { cerber_log( 150, '', $user_id ); }, 0, 4 ); add_action( 'wp_update_application_password', function ( $user_id, $item, $update ) { cerber_log( 149, '', $user_id ); }, 0, 3 ); add_action( 'wp_delete_application_password', function ( $user_id, $item ) { cerber_log( 153, '', $user_id ); }, 0, 3 ); /** * Check if the current user is the website admin (can manage website) * @since 8.6.9 * * @return bool */ function cerber_user_can_manage() { if ( is_multisite() ) { $cap = 'manage_network'; } else { $cap = 'manage_options'; } return current_user_can( $cap ); } cerber-settings.php000064400000265174147577531750010421 0ustar00 array( 2, 0 ), 'sess_limit_policy' => array( 2, 0 ), 'sess_limit_msg' => array( 2, '' ), 'app_pwd' => array( 2, 0 ), '2fasmart' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fanewcountry' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fanewnet4' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fanewip' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fanewua' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fasessions' => array( 1, 0 ), 'note2' => array( 1, 0 ), '2fadays' => array( 1, 0 ), '2falogins' => array( 1, 0 ) ); /** * A set of Cerber settings (WP options) * * @param bool $all * @return array */ function cerber_get_setting_list( $all = false ) { $ret = array( CERBER_SETTINGS, CERBER_OPT, CERBER_OPT_H, CERBER_OPT_U, CERBER_OPT_A, CERBER_OPT_C, CERBER_OPT_N, CERBER_OPT_T, CERBER_OPT_S, CERBER_OPT_E, CERBER_OPT_P, CERBER_OPT_SL, CERBER_OPT_MA, CERBER_OPT_US, CERBER_OPT_OS ); if ( $all ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, array( CERBER_GEO_RULES, CERBER_CONFIG ) ); } return $ret; } function cerber_settings_config( $args = array() ) { if ( $args && ! is_array( $args ) ) { return false; } // WP setting is: 'cerber-'.$screen_id $screens = array( 'main' => array( 'boot', 'liloa', 'stspec', 'proactive', 'custom', 'citadel', 'activity', 'prefs' ), 'users' => array( 'us', 'us_reg', 'us_misc', 'pdata' ), 'hardening' => array( 'hwp', 'rapi' ), 'notifications' => array( 'notify', 'pushit', 'reports' ), 'traffic' => array( 'tmain', 'tierrs', 'tlog' ), 'scanner' => array( 'smain', 'smisc' ), 'schedule' => array( 's1', 's2' ), //'policies' => array( 'scanpls', 'suploads', 'scanrecover', 'scanexcl' ), 'policies' => array( 'scanpls', 'scanrecover', 'scanexcl' ), 'antispam' => array( 'antibot', 'antibot_more', 'commproc' ), 'recaptcha' => array( 'recap' ), 'user_shield' => array( 'acc_protect', 'role_protect' ), 'opt_shield' => array( 'opt_protect' ), 'nexus-slave' => array( 'slave_settings' ), 'nexus_master' => array( 'master_settings' ), ); $add = crb_addon_settings_config( $args ); if ( ! empty( $add['screens'] ) ) { $screens = array_merge( $screens, $add['screens'] ); } // Pushbullet devices $pb_set = array(); if ( cerber_is_admin_page( array( 'tab' => 'notifications' ) ) ) { $pb_set = cerber_pb_get_devices(); if ( is_array( $pb_set ) ) { if ( ! empty( $pb_set ) ) { $pb_set = array( 'all' => __( 'All connected devices', 'wp-cerber' ) ) + $pb_set; } else { $pb_set = array( 'N' => __( 'No devices found', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } else { $pb_set = array( 'N' => __( 'Not available', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } // Descriptions if ( ! cerber_is_permalink_enabled() ) { $custom = '' . __( 'Please enable Permalinks to use this feature. Set Permalink Settings to something other than Default.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } else { $custom = __( 'Be careful about enabling these options.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'If you forget your Custom login URL, you will be unable to log in.', 'wp-cerber' ); } $no_wcl = __( 'These restrictions do not apply to IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ); $sections = array( 'boot' => array( 'name' => __( 'Initialization Mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'How WP Cerber loads its core and security mechanisms', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'boot-mode' => array( 'title' => __( 'Load security engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Legacy mode', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Standard mode', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ), ), ), 'liloa' => array( //'name' => __( 'User Authentication', 'wp-cerber' ), 'name' => __( 'Login Security', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Brute-force attack mitigation and user authentication settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-login-security/', 'fields' => array( 'attempts' => array( 'title' => __( 'Limit login attempts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'attempts', ), 'lockout' => array( 'type' => 'digits', 'title' => __( 'Block IP address for', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'minutes', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'aggressive' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mitigate aggressive attempts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'aggressive', ), 'limitwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Apply limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'loginnowp' => array( 'title' => __( 'Processing wp-login.php authentication requests', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Default processing', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Block access to wp-login.php', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Deny authentication through wp-login.php', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'act_relation' => array( array( array( 2 ), array( 'filter_activity' => CRB_EV_LDN, 'filter_status' => 50 ), __( 'View violations in the log', 'wp-cerber' ) ), array( array( 1 ), array( 'filter_activity' => CRB_EV_PUR, 'filter_status' => array( 0, 10 ), 'search_url' => '/wp-login.php' ), __( 'View violations in the log', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ), ), 'nologinhint' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable the default login error message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the failed login attempt message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'nologinhint_msg' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom login error message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'An optional error message to be displayed when attempting to log in with a non-existing username or a non-existing email', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'enabler' => array( 'nologinhint' ), ), 'nopasshint' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable the default reset password error message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Do not reveal non-existing usernames and emails in the reset password error message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'requires_wp' => '5.5' ), 'nopasshint_msg' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom password reset error message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'An optional error message to be displayed when attempting to reset password for a non-existing username or non-existing email address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'enabler' => array( 'nopasshint' ), 'requires_wp' => '5.5' ), 'nologinlang' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable login language switcher', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'requires_wp' => '5.9', 'requires_true' => function () { return (bool) get_available_languages(); }, ), ), ), 'custom' => array( 'name' => __( 'Custom login page', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => $custom, 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/how-to-rename-wp-login-php/', 'fields' => array( 'loginpath' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom login URL', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'A unique string that does not overlap with slugs of the existing pages or posts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label_pos' => 'below', 'attr' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom login URL may contain Latin alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores only', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'size' => 30, 'pattern' => '[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{1,100}', ), 'logindeferred' => array( 'title' => __( 'Deferred rendering', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Defer rendering the custom login page', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'proactive' => array( 'name' => __( 'Proactive security rules', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Make your protection smarter!', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'noredirect' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable dashboard redirection', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Disable automatic redirection to the login page when /wp-admin/ is requested by an unauthorized request', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'nonusers' => array( 'title' => __( 'Non-existing users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existing username', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'wplogin' => array( 'title' => __( 'Request wp-login.php', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'subnet' => array( 'title' => __( 'Block subnet', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'stspec' => array( 'name' => __( 'Site-specific settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'proxy' => array( 'title' => __( 'Site connection', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'My site is behind a reverse proxy', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'cookiepref' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prefix for plugin cookies', 'wp-cerber' ), 'attr' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prefix may contain only Latin alphanumeric characters and underscores', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'placeholder' => 'Latin alphanumeric characters or underscores', 'size' => 24, 'pattern' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,24}', ), 'page404' => array( 'title' => __( 'Display 404 page', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Use 404 template from the active theme', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Display simple 404 page', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ), 'cerber_sw_repo' => array( 'title' => __( "Use WP Cerber's plugin repository", 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Install WP Cerber updates from the WP Cerber website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/cerber-sw-repository/' ), ), ), 'citadel' => array( 'name' => __( 'Citadel mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'In the Citadel mode nobody is able to log in except IPs from the White IP Access List. Active user sessions will not be affected.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'citadel_on' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable authentication log monitoring', 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'citadel' => array( 'title' => __( 'Citadel mode threshold', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'citadel', 'enabler' => array( 'citadel_on' ), ), 'ciduration' => array( 'title' => __( 'Citadel mode duration', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'minutes', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'enabler' => array( 'citadel_on' ), ), 'cinotify' => array( 'title' => __( 'Notifications', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __( 'Send notification to admin email', 'wp-cerber' ) . crb_test_notify_link( array( 'type' => 'citadel' ) ), 'enabler' => array( 'citadel_on' ), ), ), ), 'activity' => array( 'name' => __( 'Activity', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'keeplog' => array( 'title' => __( 'Keep log records of not logged in visitors for', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'days, not logged in visitors', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits' ), 'keeplog_auth' => array( 'title' => __( 'Keep log records of logged in users for', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'days, logged in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits' ), 'cerberlab' => array( 'title' => __( 'Cerber Lab connection', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Send malicious IP addresses to the Cerber Lab', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/cerber-laboratory/' ), 'cerberproto' => array( 'title' => __( 'Cerber Lab protocol', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 'HTTP', 'HTTPS' ), ), 'usefile' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use file', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Write failed login attempts to the file', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'prefs' => array( 'name' => __( 'Personal Preferences', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'ip_extra' => array( 'title' => __( 'Show IP WHOIS data', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Retrieve IP address WHOIS information when viewing the logs', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'dateformat' => array( 'title' => __( 'Date format', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => sprintf( __( 'if empty, the default format %s will be used', 'wp-cerber' ), '' . date( crb_get_default_dt_format(), time() ) . '' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/date-format-setting/', 'label_pos' => 'below', 'size' => 16, ), 'plain_date' => array( 'title' => __( 'Date format for CSV export', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Use ISO 8601 date format for CSV export files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'admin_lang' => array( 'title' => 'Use English', 'label' => 'Use English for the plugin admin pages', 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'top_admin_menu' => array( 'title' => __( 'Shift admin menu', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Shift the WP Cerber admin menu to the top when navigating through WP Cerber admin pages', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'no_white_my_ip' => array( 'title' => __( 'My IP address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Do not add my IP address to the White IP Access List upon plugin activation', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), /*'log_errors' => array( 'title' => __( 'Log critical errors', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ),*/ ), ), 'hwp' => array( 'name' => __( 'Hardening WordPress', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => $no_wcl, 'fields' => array( 'stopenum' => array( 'title' => __( 'Stop user enumeration', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block access to user pages like /?author=n', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'stopenum_oembed' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prevent username discovery', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Prevent username discovery via oEmbed', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'stopenum_sitemap' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prevent username discovery', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Prevent username discovery via user XML sitemaps', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'nouserpages_bylogin' => array( 'title' => __( 'Stop exposing user details', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block access to user pages via their usernames', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'adminphp' => array( 'title' => __( 'Protect admin scripts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block unauthorized access to load-scripts.php and load-styles.php', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'phpnoupl' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable PHP in uploads', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'nophperr' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable PHP error displaying', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Do not show PHP errors on my website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'xmlrpc' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable XML-RPC', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block access to the XML-RPC server (including Pingbacks and Trackbacks)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'nofeeds' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable feeds', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'rapi' => array( 'name' => __( 'Access to WordPress REST API', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Restrict or completely block access to the WordPress REST API according to your needs', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/', 'fields' => array( 'norestuser' => array( 'title' => __( 'Stop user enumeration', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( "Block access to users' data via REST API", 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'norest' => array( 'title' => __( 'Disable REST API', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Block access to WordPress REST API except any of the following', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'restauth' => array( 'title' => __( 'Logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Allow access to REST API for logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'norest' ), ), 'restroles' => array( 'title' => __( 'Allow REST API for these roles', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'norest' ), ), 'restwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Allow these namespaces', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'delimiter' => "\n", 'list' => true, 'label' => __( 'Specify REST API namespaces to be allowed if REST API is disabled. One string per line.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/', 'enabler' => array( 'norest' ), 'callback_under' => function () { return '' . __( 'View all REST API requests', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' | ' . __( 'View denied REST API requests', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } ), ), ), 'acc_protect' => array( 'name' => __( 'Protect user accounts', 'wp-cerber' ), //'desc' => 'These policies prevent site takeover (admin dashboard hijacking) by creating accounts with administrator privileges', 'desc' => 'These security measures prevent site takeover by preventing bad actors from creating additional administrator accounts or user privilege escalation', 'fields' => array( 'ds_4acc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Restrict user account creation and user management with the following policies', 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'ds_regs_roles' => array( 'label' => __( 'User registrations are limited to these roles', 'wp-cerber' ), //'title' => __( 'Roles restricted to new user registrations', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4acc' ), ), 'ds_add_acc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users with these roles are permitted to create new accounts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4acc' ), ), 'ds_edit_acc' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users with these roles are permitted to change sensitive user data', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4acc' ), ), 'ds_4acc_acl' => array( 'label' => __( 'Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4acc' ), ), ), ), 'role_protect' => array( 'name' => __( 'Protect user roles', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => 'These security measures prevent site takeover by preventing bad actors from creating new roles or role capabilities escalation', 'fields' => array( 'ds_4roles' => array( 'label' => __( "Restrict roles and capabilities management with the following policies", 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'ds_add_role' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users with these roles are permitted to add new roles', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4roles' ), ), 'ds_edit_role' => array( 'label' => __( "Users with these roles are permitted to change role capabilities", 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4roles' ), ), 'ds_4roles_acl' => array( 'label' => __( 'Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4roles' ), ), ), ), 'opt_protect' => array( 'name' => __( 'Protect site settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => 'These security measures prevent malware injection by preventing bad actors from altering vital site settings', 'fields' => array( 'ds_4opts' => array( 'label' => __( "Restrict updating site settings with the following policies", 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'ds_4opts_roles' => array( 'label' => __( 'Users with these roles are permitted to change protected settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'role_select', 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4opts' ), ), 'ds_4opts_list' => array( 'label' => __( 'Protected settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox_set', 'set' => CRB_DS::get_settings_list(), 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4opts' ), ), 'ds_4opts_acl' => array( 'label' => __( 'Do not apply these policies to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'ds_4opts' ), ), ), ), 'us_reg' => array( 'name' => __( 'User registration', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Restrict new user registrations by the following conditions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'reglimit' => array( 'title' => __( 'Registration limit', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'reglimit', 'default' => array( 3, 60 ), ), 'emrule' => array( 'title' => __( 'Restrict email addresses', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'No restrictions', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Deny all email addresses that match the following', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Permit only email addresses that match the following', 'wp-cerber' ), ) ), 'emlist' => array( 'title' => '', 'label' => __( 'Specify email addresses, wildcards or REGEX patterns. Use comma to separate items.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => '/(? ',', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'default' => array(), 'enabler' => array( 'emrule', '[1,2]' ), ), 'regwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Only users from IP addresses in the White IP Access List may register on the website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'regwhite_msg' => array( 'title' => __( 'User message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( "This message is displayed to a user if the IP address of the user's computer is not whitelisted", 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'enabler' => array( 'regwhite' ), ), ) ), 'us' => array( 'name' => __( 'Authorized Access', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Grant access to the website to logged-in users only', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'fields' => array( 'authonly' => array( 'title' => __( 'Authorized users only', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'authonlyacl' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Do not apply these policy to the IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'authonly' ), ), 'authonlymsg' => array( 'title' => __( 'User Message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'An optional login form message', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'apply' => 'strip_tags', 'enabler' => array( 'authonly' ), ), 'authonlyredir' => array( 'title' => __( 'Redirect to URL', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'if empty, visitors are redirected to the login page', 'wp-cerber' ) 'placeholder' => 'https://', 'type' => 'url', 'default' => '', 'maxlength' => 1000, 'enabler' => array( 'authonly' ), ), ) ), 'us_misc' => array( 'name' => __( 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'prohibited' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prohibited usernames', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Usernames from this list are not allowed to log in or register. Any IP address, have tried to use any of these usernames, will be immediately blocked. Use comma to separate logins.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'To specify a REGEX pattern wrap a pattern in two forward slashes.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => '/(? ',', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'default' => array(), ), 'app_pwd' => array( 'title' => __( 'Application Passwords', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 1 => __( 'Enabled, access to API using standard user passwords is allowed', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Enabled, no access to API using standard user passwords', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), ) ), 'auth_expire' => array( 'title' => __( 'User session expiration time', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'minutes (leave empty to use the default WordPress value)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'default' => '', 'size' => 6, 'type' => 'digits', ), 'usersort' => array( 'title' => __( 'Sort users in the Dashboard', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'by date of registration', 'wp-cerber' ), 'default' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ) ), 'pdata' => array( 'name' => __( 'Personal Data', 'wp-cerber' ), //'desc' => __( 'These features help your organization to be in compliance with data privacy laws', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'These features help your organization to be in compliance with personal data protection laws', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress/gdpr/', 'fields' => array( 'pdata_erase' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable data erase', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website', 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'pdata_sessions' => array( 'title' => __( 'Terminate user sessions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Delete user sessions data when user data is erased', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'pdata_erase' ), ), 'pdata_export' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable data export', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'Only registered and logged in website users have access to the website', 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, ), 'pdata_act' => array( 'title' => __( 'Include activity log events', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => 0, 'enabler' => array( 'pdata_export' ), ), 'pdata_trf' => array( 'title' => __( 'Include traffic log entries', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox_set', 'set' => array( 1 => __( 'Request URL', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Form fields data', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Cookies', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'enabler' => array( 'pdata_export' ), ), ), ), 'notify' => array( 'name' => __( 'Email notifications', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Configure email parameters for notifications, reports, and alerts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/', 'fields' => array( 'email' => array( 'title' => __( 'Email Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to specify multiple values', 'wp-cerber' ), 'delimiter' => ',', 'list' => true, 'maxlength' => 1000, 'label' => sprintf( __( 'if empty, the website administrator email %s will be used', 'wp-cerber' ), '' . get_site_option( 'admin_email' ) . '' ) ), 'emailrate' => array( 'title' => __( 'Notification limit', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', ), 'notify' => array( 'title' => __( 'Lockout notification', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'notify', ), 'notify-new-ver' => array( 'title' => __( 'New version is available', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Send notification when a new version of WP Cerber is available', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox' ), 'email_mask' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mask sensitive data', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Mask usernames and IP addresses in notifications and alerts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'email_format' => array( 'title' => __( 'Message format', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 2 => __( 'Plain', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Brief', 'wp-cerber' ), 0 => __( 'Verbose', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'use_smtp' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use SMTP', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Use SMTP server to send emails', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'smtp_host' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP host', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), 'pattern' => '[\d\.\w\-\_]+', 'attr' => array( 'title' => 'Valid hostname or IP address' ), 'validate' => array( 'required' => 1 ) ), 'smtp_port' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP port', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), 'pattern' => '\d+', 'attr' => array( 'title' => 'Number' ), 'validate' => array( 'required' => 1 ) ), 'smtp_encr' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP encryption', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'None', 'wp-cerber' ), 'tls' => 'TLS', 'ssl' => 'SSL', ), 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), ), 'smtp_pwd' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP password', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), 'validate' => array( 'required' => 1 ) ), 'smtp_user' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP username', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), 'validate' => array( 'required' => 1 ) ), 'smtp_from' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP From email', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'If empty, the SMTP username is used', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), 'validate' => array( 'satisfy' => 'is_email' ) ), 'smtp_from_name' => array( 'title' => __( 'SMTP From name', 'wp-cerber' ), 'size' => 28, 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), ), /*'smtp_backup' => array( 'title' => __( 'Backup transport', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Do not use', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Default WordPress mailer', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Mobile messaging', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'enabler' => array( 'use_smtp' ), ),*/ ), ), 'pushit' => array( 'name' => __( 'Push notifications', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Get notified instantly with mobile and desktop notifications', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/', 'fields' => array( 'pbtoken' => array( 'title' => __( 'Pushbullet access token', 'wp-cerber' ), ), 'pbdevice' => array( 'title' => __( 'Pushbullet device', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => $pb_set, 'enabler' => array( 'pbtoken' ), ), 'pbrate' => array( 'title' => __( 'Notification limit', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'notifications are allowed per hour (0 means unlimited)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'enabler' => array( 'pbtoken' ), ), 'pbnotify' => array( 'title' => __( 'Lockout notification', 'wp-cerber' ), 'field_switcher' => __( 'Send notification if the number of active lockouts above', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => crb_test_notify_link( array( 'channel' => 'pushbullet' ) ), 'enabler' => array( 'pbtoken' ), 'type' => 'digits', ), 'pb_mask' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mask sensitive data', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Mask usernames and IP addresses in notifications and alerts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'pbtoken' ), ), 'pb_format' => array( 'title' => __( 'Message format', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'enabler' => array( 'pbtoken' ), 'set' => array( 2 => __( 'Plain', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Brief', 'wp-cerber' ), 0 => __( 'Verbose', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), ), ), 'reports' => array( 'name' => __( 'Weekly reports', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Weekly report is a summary of all activities and suspicious events occurred during the last seven days', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'enable-report' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable reporting', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox' ), 'wreports' => array( 'title' => __( 'Send reports on', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'reptime', 'enabler' => array( 'enable-report' ), ), 'email-report' => array( 'title' => __( 'Email Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to specify multiple values', 'wp-cerber' ), 'delimiter' => ',', 'list' => true, 'maxlength' => 1000, 'enabler' => array( 'enable-report' ), ), ), ), 'tmain' => array( 'name' => __( 'Traffic Inspection', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Traffic Inspector is a context-aware web application firewall (WAF) that protects your website by recognizing and denying malicious HTTP requests', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/traffic-inspector-in-a-nutshell/', 'fields' => array( 'tienabled' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable traffic inspection', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Maximum compatibility', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Maximum security', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'tiipwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Use less restrictive security filters for IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'tienabled', '[1,2]' ), ), 'tiwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Request whitelist', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'delimiter' => "\n", 'list' => true, 'label' => __( 'Enter a request URI to exclude the request from inspection. One item per line.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-probing-for-vulnerable-php-code/', 'enabler' => array( 'tienabled', '[1,2]' ), ), ), ), 'tierrs' => array( 'name' => __( 'Erroneous Request Shielding', 'wp-cerber' ), //'desc' => 'Block IP addresses that generate excessive HTTP 404 requests.', 'desc' => __( 'Block IP addresses that send excessive requests for non-existing pages or scan website for security breaches', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'tierrmon' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable error shielding', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Maximum compatibility', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Maximum security', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ), 'tierrnoauth' => array( 'title' => __( 'Ignore logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'tierrmon', '[1,2]' ), ), ), ), 'tlog' => array( 'name' => __( 'Traffic Logging', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Enable optional traffic logging if you need to monitor suspicious and malicious activity or solve security issues', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-traffic-logging/', 'fields' => array( 'timode' => array( 'title' => __( 'Logging mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Logging disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Minimal', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Smart', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'All traffic', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), 'tilogrestapi' => array( 'title' => __( 'Log all REST API requests', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', 3 ), ), 'tilogxmlrpc' => array( 'title' => __( 'Log all XML-RPC requests', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', 3 ), ), 'tinocrabs' => array( 'title' => __( 'Do not log known crawlers', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tinolocs' => array( 'title' => __( 'Do not log these locations', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => "\n", 'label' => __( 'Specify URL paths to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( 'To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tinoua' => array( 'title' => __( 'Do not log these User-Agents', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => "\n", 'label' => __( 'Specify User-Agents to exclude requests from logging. One item per line.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tifields' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save request fields', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'timask' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mask these form fields', 'wp-cerber' ), 'maxlength' => 1000, 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to specify multiple values', 'wp-cerber' ), 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => ',', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tihdrs' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save request headers', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( '', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tihdrs_sent' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save response headers', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( '', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'ticandy' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save request cookies', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'ticandy_sent' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save response cookies', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tisenv' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save $_SERVER', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tiphperr' => array( 'title' => __( 'Save software errors', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tithreshold' => array( 'title' => __( 'Page generation time threshold', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'milliseconds', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'size' => 4, 'enabler' => array( 'timode', '[1,2,3]' ), ), 'tikeeprec' => array( 'title' => __( 'Keep log records of not logged in visitors for', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'size' => 4, ), 'tikeeprec_auth' => array( 'title' => __( 'Keep log records of logged in users for', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'size' => 4, ), ), ), 'smain' => array( 'name' => __( 'Scanner settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'The scanner monitors file changes, verifies the integrity of WordPress, plugins, and themes, and detects malware', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/', 'fields' => array( 'scan_inew' => array( 'title' => __( 'Monitor new files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Executable files', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'All files', 'wp-cerber' ), ) ), 'scan_imod' => array( 'title' => __( 'Monitor modified files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 0 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Executable files', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'All files', 'wp-cerber' ), ) ), 'scan_tmp' => array( 'title' => __( "Scan web server's temporary directories", 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_sess' => array( 'title' => __( 'Scan the sessions directory', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_uext' => array( 'title' => __( 'Unwanted file extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => ',', 'regex_filter' => '[".?*/\'\\\\]', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'deny_filter' => array( 'php', 'js', 'css', 'txt', 'po', 'mo', 'pot' ), 'label' => __( 'Specify file extensions to search for. Full scan only. Use comma to separate items.', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_cpt' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom signatures', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => "\n", 'label' => __( 'Specify custom PHP code signatures. One item per line. To specify a REGEX pattern, enclose a whole line in two braces.', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' Read more' ), 'scan_exclude' => array( 'title' => __( 'Directories to exclude', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'delimiter' => "\n", 'list' => true, 'label' => __( 'Specify directories to exclude from scanning. One directory per line.', 'wp-cerber' ) ), ), ), 'smisc' => array( 'name' => __( 'Miscellaneous Settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'scan_chmod' => array( 'title' => __( 'Change filesystem permissions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Change file and directory permissions if it is required to delete files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_debug' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable diagnostic logging', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Once enabled, the log is available here: %s', 'wp-cerber' ), ' ' . __( 'Diagnostic Log', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'diag_log' => 'Logging of the scan operations', ), 'scan_qcleanup' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete quarantined files after', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), ), ), ), 's1' => array( 'name' => __( 'Automated recurring scan schedule', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'The scanner automatically scans the website, removes malware and sends email reports with the results of a scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/', 'fields' => array( 'scan_aquick' => array( 'title' => __( 'Launch Quick Scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => cerber_get_qs(), ), 'scan_afull' => array( 'title' => __( 'Launch Full Scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'timepicker', 'field_switcher' => __( 'once a day at', 'wp-cerber' ), ), ), ), 's2' => array( 'name' => __( 'Scan results reporting', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Configure what issues to include in the email report and the condition for sending reports', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/', 'fields' => array( 'scan_reinc' => array( 'title' => __( 'Report an issue if any of the following is true', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox_set', 'set' => array( 1 => __( 'Low severity', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Medium severity', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'High severity', 'wp-cerber' ) ) + cerber_get_issue_label( array( CERBER_IMD, CERBER_UXT, 50, 51, CERBER_VULN ) ), ), 'scan_relimit' => array( 'title' => __( 'Send email report', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 1 => __( 'After every scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'If any changes in scan results occurred', 'wp-cerber' ), 5 => __( 'If new issues found', 'wp-cerber' ), ) ), 'scan_isize' => array( 'title' => __( 'Include file sizes', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_ierrors' => array( 'title' => __( 'Include scan errors', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'email-scan' => array( 'title' => __( 'Email Address', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'if empty, the email addresses from the notification settings will be used', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to specify multiple values', 'wp-cerber' ), 'delimiter' => ',', 'list' => true, 'maxlength' => 1000, ), ), ), 'scanpls' => array( 'name' => __( 'Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'These policies are automatically enforced at the end of every scan based on its results. All affected files are moved to the quarantine.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/', 'fields' => array( 'scan_delunatt' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete unattended files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_delupl' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete files in the WordPress uploads directory', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox_set', 'set' => array( 1 => __( 'Low severity', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Medium severity', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'High severity', 'wp-cerber' ), ), ), 'scan_delunwant' => array( 'title' => __( 'Delete files with unwanted extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'suploads' => array( 'name' => __( 'WordPress uploads analysis', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Keep the WordPress uploads directory clean and secure. Detect injected files with public web access, report them, and remove malicious ones.', 'wp-cerber' ), //'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/', //'pro_section' => 1, 'fields' => array( 'scan_media' => array( 'title' => __( 'Analyze the uploads directory', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Analyze the WordPress uploads directory to detect injected files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_skip_media' => array( 'title' => __( 'Skip files with these extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'List of file extensions to ignore', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Ignore files with these extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to separate multiple extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => ',', 'regex_filter' => '[".?*/\'\\\\]', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'maxlength' => 1000, 'enabler' => array( 'scan_media' ), ), 'scan_del_media' => array( 'title' => __( 'Prohibited extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), //'label' => __( 'List of file extensions allowed to be deleted', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Delete publicly accessible files with these extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Use comma to separate multiple extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => ',', 'regex_filter' => '[".?*/\'\\\\]', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'maxlength' => 1000, 'enabler' => array( 'scan_media' ), ), ), ), 'scanrecover' => array( 'name' => __( 'Automatic recovery of modified and infected files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'scan_recover_wp' => array( 'title' => __( 'Recover WordPress files', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_recover_pl' => array( 'title' => __( "Recover plugins' files", 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'scanexcl' => array( 'name' => __( 'Global Exclusions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'These files will never be deleted during automatic cleanup.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'scan_delexdir' => array( 'title' => __( 'Files in these directories', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'delimiter' => "\n", 'list' => true, 'label' => __( 'Use absolute paths. One item per line.', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_delexext' => array( 'title' => __( 'Files with these extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => ',', 'regex_filter' => '[".?*/\'\\\\]', 'apply' => 'strtolower', 'label' => __( 'Use comma to separate items.', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'scan_nodeltemp' => array( 'title' => __( 'Files in temporary directories', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'scan_nodelsess' => array( 'title' => __( 'Files in the sessions directory', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), ), ), 'antibot' => array( 'name' => __( 'Cerber anti-spam engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Spam protection for registration, comment, and other forms on the website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/antispam-for-wordpress-contact-forms/', 'seclinks' => array( array( __( 'View bot events', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array( 'filter_status' => CRB_STS_11 ) ) ) ), 'fields' => array( 'botsreg' => array( 'title' => __( 'Registration form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Protect registration form with bot detection engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'botscomm' => array( 'title' => __( 'Comment form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Protect comment form with bot detection engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'customcomm' => array( 'title' => __( 'Custom comment URL', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Use custom URL for the WordPress comment form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'botsany' => array( 'title' => __( 'Other forms', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Protect all forms on the website with bot detection engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'callback_under' => function () { if ( ! defined( 'CERBER_DISABLE_SPAM_FILTER' ) ) { return ''; } $list = explode( ',', (string) CERBER_DISABLE_SPAM_FILTER ); $titles = array(); $home = cerber_get_site_url(); foreach ( $list as $pid ) { if ( $t = get_the_title( $pid ) ) { $titles [] = '' . $t . ' (ID ' . $pid . ')'; } } if ( $titles ) { $ret = '

      Forms on the following pages are not analyzed: form submissions will be denied by the anti-spam engine.

      '; $ret .= '
      • ' . implode( '
      • ', $titles ) . '
      '; } else { $ret = 'Note: you have specified the CERBER_DISABLE_SPAM_FILTER constant, but no pages with given IDs found.'; } return $ret; } ), ) ), 'antibot_more' => array( 'name' => __( 'Adjust anti-spam engine', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'These settings enable you to fine-tune the behavior of anti-spam algorithms and avoid false positives', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'botssafe' => array( 'title' => __( 'Safe mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Use less restrictive policies (allow AJAX)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'botsnoauth' => array( 'title' => __( 'Logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Disable bot detection engine for logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'botsipwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'botswhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Query whitelist', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enter a part of query string or query path to exclude a request from inspection by the engine. One item per line.', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'textarea', 'list' => true, 'delimiter' => "\n", 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/antispam-exception-for-specific-http-request/', ), ) ), 'commproc' => array( 'name' => __( 'Comment processing', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'How the plugin processes comments submitted through the standard comment form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'spamcomm' => array( 'title' => __( 'If a spam comment detected', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( __( 'Deny it completely', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Mark it as spam', 'wp-cerber' ) ) ), 'trashafter' => array( 'title' => __( 'Trash spam comments', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'digits', 'field_switcher' => __( 'Move spam comments to trash after', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'days', 'wp-cerber' ), ), ) ), 'recap' => array( 'name' => __( 'reCAPTCHA settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'desc' => __( 'Before you can start using reCAPTCHA, you have to obtain Site key and Secret key on the Google website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'doclink' => 'https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/', 'seclinks' => array( array( __( 'View reCAPTCHA events', 'wp-cerber' ), cerber_admin_link( 'activity', array( 'filter_status' => array( 531, CRB_STS_532, 533, 534 ) ) ) ) ), 'fields' => array( 'sitekey' => array( 'title' => __( 'Site key', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'text', ), 'secretkey' => array( 'title' => __( 'Secret key', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'text', ), 'invirecap' => array( 'title' => __( 'Invisible reCAPTCHA', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enable invisible reCAPTCHA', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . __( '(do not enable it unless you get and enter the Site and Secret keys for the invisible version)', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapreg' => array( 'title' => __( 'Registration form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress registration form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapwooreg' => array( 'title' => '', 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce registration form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recaplost' => array( 'title' => __( 'Lost password form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress lost password form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapwoolost' => array( 'title' => '', 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce lost password form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recaplogin' => array( 'title' => __( 'Login form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress login form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapwoologin' => array( 'title' => '', 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce login form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapcom' => array( 'title' => __( 'Comment form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Enable reCAPTCHA for WordPress comment form', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapcomauth' => array( 'title' => '', 'label' => __( 'Disable reCAPTCHA for logged-in users', 'wp-cerber' ), 'enabler' => array( 'recapcom' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recapipwhite' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'recaplimit' => array( 'title' => __( 'Limit attempts', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Lock out IP address for %s minutes after %s failed attempts within %s minutes', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'limitz', ), ) ), 'master_settings' => array( 'name' => __( 'Master settings', 'wp-cerber' ), //'info' => __( 'Master settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( /*('master_cache' => array( 'title' => __( 'Cache Time', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'text', ),*/ 'master_tolist' => array( 'title' => __( 'Return to the website list', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'master_swshow' => array( 'title' => __( 'Show "Switched to" notification', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'master_at_site' => array( 'title' => __( 'Add @ site to the page title', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'master_locale' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use my language', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => __( 'Display admin pages of remote websites using my language', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), /* 'master_dt' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use master datetime format', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ), 'master_tz' => array( 'title' => __( 'Use master timezone', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', ),*/ 'master_diag' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable diagnostic logging', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Once enabled, the log is available here: %s', 'wp-cerber' ), ' ' . __( 'Diagnostic Log', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' ), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'diag_log' => 'Logging of the main website operations', ), ) ), 'slave_settings' => array( 'name' => '', //'info' => __( 'User related settings', 'wp-cerber' ), 'fields' => array( 'slave_ips' => array( 'title' => __( 'Limit access by IP address', 'wp-cerber' ), //'placeholder' => 'The IP address of the master', 'type' => 'text', ), 'slave_access' => array( 'title' => __( 'Access to this website', 'wp-cerber' ), 'type' => 'select', 'set' => array( 2 => __( 'Full access mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 4 => __( 'Read-only mode', 'wp-cerber' ), 8 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ) ), 'label_pos' => 'below', 'default' => 2, ), 'slave_diag' => array( 'title' => __( 'Enable diagnostic logging', 'wp-cerber' ), 'label' => sprintf( __( 'Once enabled, the log is available here: %s', 'wp-cerber' ), ' ' . __( 'Diagnostic Log', 'wp-cerber' ) . '' ), 'default' => 0, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'diag_log' => 'Logging of the operations initiated by the main website', ), ) ) ); if ( ! empty( $add['sections'] ) ) { $sections = array_merge( $sections, $add['sections'] ); } if ( ! lab_lab() ) { $sections['slave_settings']['fields']['slave_access']['label'] = '' . __( 'The full access mode requires the PRO version of WP Cerber', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; } if ( $screen_id = crb_array_get( $args, 'screen_id' ) ) { if ( empty( $screens[ $screen_id ] ) ) { return false; } return array_intersect_key( $sections, array_flip( $screens[ $screen_id ] ) ); } if ( $setting = crb_array_get( $args, 'setting' ) ) { foreach ( $sections as $s ) { if ( isset( $s['fields'][ $setting ] ) ) { return $s['fields'][ $setting ]; } } return false; } return $sections; } /** * @param string $screen_id An optional setting screen (group) * * @return array The list of all WP Cerber settings * * @since 9.1.5 */ function crb_get_settings_def( $screen_id = '' ) { $args = array(); if ( $screen_id ) { $args['screen_id'] = $screen_id; } $sections = cerber_settings_config( $args ); $all = array(); foreach ( $sections as $sec ) { if ( $fields = crb_array_get( $sec, 'fields' ) ) { $all = array_merge( $all, $fields ); } } return $all; } /** * @param $name string HTML input name * @param $list array List of elements * @param null $selected Index of selected element * @param string $class HTML class * @param string $id HTML ID * @param string $multiple * * @return string */ function cerber_select( $name, $list, $selected = null, $class = '', $id = '', $multiple = '', $placeholder = '', $data = array(), $atts = '' ) { $options = array(); foreach ( $list as $key => $value ) { $s = ( $selected == (string) $key ) ? 'selected' : ''; $options[] = ''; } $p = ( $placeholder ) ? ' data-placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" placeholder="' . $placeholder . '" ' : ''; $m = ( $multiple ) ? ' multiple="multiple" ' : ''; $the_id = ( $id ) ? ' id="' . $id . '" ' : ''; $d = ''; if ( $data ) { foreach ( $data as $att => $val ) { $d .= ' data-' . $att . '="' . $val . '"'; } } return ' '; } function crb_get_activity_dd( $first = '' ) { $all = $labels = cerber_get_labels( 'activity' ); if ( ! class_exists( 'BP_Core' ) ) { unset( $labels[200] ); } if ( ! nexus_is_slave() ) { unset( $labels[300] ); } unset( $labels[151] ); unset( $labels[152] ); // Not in use and replaced by statuses 532 - 534 since 8.9.4. unset( $labels[40] ); unset( $labels[41] ); unset( $labels[42] ); asort( $labels ); if ( ! $first ) { $first = __( 'Any activity', 'wp-cerber' ); } $labels = array( 0 => __( $first, 'wp-cerber' ) ) + $labels + array( 151 => $all[151], 152 => $all[152] ); $selected = crb_get_query_params( 'filter_activity', '\d+' ); if ( ! $selected || is_array( $selected ) ) { $selected = 0; } return cerber_select( 'filter_activity', $labels, $selected, 'crb-filter-act' ); } /** * Fill missed settings (array keys) with empty values * @since 5.8.2 * * @param array $values * @param string $group * * @return array */ function cerber_normalize( $values, $group ) { $def = cerber_get_defaults(); if ( isset( $def[ $group ] ) ) { $keys = array_keys( $def[ $group ] ); $empty = array_fill_keys( $keys, '' ); $values = array_merge( $empty, $values ); } return $values; } /** * Convert an array to text string by using a given delimiter * * @param array $array * @param string $delimiter * * @return array|string */ function cerber_array2text( $array = array(), $delimiter = '') { if ( empty( $array ) ) { return ''; } if ( is_array( $array ) ) { if ($delimiter == ',') $delimiter .= ' '; $ret = implode( $delimiter , $array ); } else { $ret = $array; } return $ret; } /** * Convert string to an array by using a given delimiter, remove empty and duplicate elements * Optionally a callback function can be applied to the resulting array. * Optionally a REGEX filter can be applied to the resulting array. * * @param string $text * @param string $delimiter * @param string $callback * @param string $regex * * @return array */ function cerber_text2array( $text = '', $delimiter = '', $callback = '', $regex = '') { if ( empty( $text ) ) { return array(); } if ( ! is_array( $text ) ) { if ( $delimiter[0] == '/' ) { $list = preg_split( $delimiter, $text ); } else { $list = explode( $delimiter, $text ); } } else { $list = $text; } $list = array_map( 'trim', $list ); if ( $callback && is_callable( $callback ) ) { $list = array_map( $callback, $list ); } if ( $regex ) { global $_regex; $_regex = $regex; $list = array_map( function ( $e ) { global $_regex; return mb_ereg_replace( $_regex, '', $e ); }, $list ); } $list = array_filter( $list ); $list = array_unique( $list ); return $list; } /* * Default settings. * Returns a list split into setting pages. * */ function cerber_get_defaults( $setting = null, $dynamic = true ) { $all_defaults = array( CERBER_OPT => array( 'boot-mode' => 0, 'attempts' => 5, 'period' => 30, 'lockout' => 60, 'agperiod' => 24, 'aglocks' => 2, 'aglast' => 4, 'limitwhite' => 0, 'nologinhint' => 0, 'nologinhint_msg' => '', 'nopasshint' => 0, 'nopasshint_msg' => '', 'nologinlang' => 0, 'proxy' => 0, 'cookiepref' => '', 'subnet' => 0, 'nonusers' => 0, 'wplogin' => 0, 'noredirect' => 0, 'page404' => 1, 'cerber_sw_repo' => 1, 'loginpath' => '', 'loginnowp' => 0, 'logindeferred' => 0, 'citadel_on' => '1', 'cilimit' => 200, 'ciperiod' => 15, 'ciduration' => 60, 'cinotify' => 1, 'keeplog' => 30, 'keeplog_auth' => 30, 'ip_extra' => 1, 'cerberlab' => 0, 'cerberproto' => 0, 'usefile' => 0, 'dateformat' => '', 'plain_date' => 0, 'admin_lang' => 0, 'top_admin_menu' => 0, 'no_white_my_ip' => 0, //'log_errors' => 1 ), CERBER_OPT_H => array( 'stopenum' => 1, 'stopenum_oembed' => 1, 'stopenum_sitemap' => 0, 'nouserpages_bylogin' => 0, 'adminphp' => 0, 'phpnoupl' => 0, 'nophperr' => 1, 'xmlrpc' => 0, 'nofeeds' => 0, 'norestuser' => 1, 'norest' => 0, 'restauth' => 1, 'restroles' => array( 'administrator' ), 'restwhite' => array( 'oembed', 'wp-site-health' ), 'cleanhead' => 1, ), CERBER_OPT_U => array( 'authonly' => 0, 'authonlyacl' => 0, 'authonlymsg' => '', 'authonlyredir' => '', 'regwhite' => 0, 'regwhite_msg' => '', 'reglimit_num' => 3, 'reglimit_min' => 60, 'emrule' => 0, 'emlist' => array(), 'prohibited' => array(), 'app_pwd' => 1, 'auth_expire' => '', 'usersort' => '', 'pdata_erase' => 0, 'pdata_sessions' => 0, 'pdata_export' => 0, 'pdata_act' => 0, 'pdata_trf' => array(), ), CERBER_OPT_A => array( 'botscomm' => 1, 'botsreg' => 0, 'botsany' => 0, 'botssafe' => 0, 'botsnoauth' => 1, 'botsipwhite' => '1', 'customcomm' => 0, 'botswhite' => array(), 'spamcomm' => 0, 'trashafter' => 7, 'trashafter-enabled' => 0, ), CERBER_OPT_C => array( 'sitekey' => '', 'secretkey' => '', 'invirecap' => 0, 'recaplogin' => 0, 'recaplost' => 0, 'recapreg' => 0, 'recapwoologin' => 0, 'recapwoolost' => 0, 'recapwooreg' => 0, 'recapcom' => 0, 'recapcomauth' => 1, 'recapipwhite' => 0, 'recaptcha-period' => 60, 'recaptcha-number' => 3, 'recaptcha-within' => 30, ), CERBER_OPT_N => array( 'notify' => 1, 'above' => 5, 'email' => array(), 'emailrate' => 12, 'notify-new-ver' => '1', 'email_mask' => 0, 'email_format' => 0, 'use_smtp' => 0, 'smtp_host' => '', 'smtp_port' => '587', 'smtp_encr' => 'tls', 'smtp_pwd' => '', 'smtp_user' => '', 'smtp_from' => '', 'smtp_from_name' => 'WP Cerber', 'pbtoken' => '', 'pbdevice' => '', 'pbrate' => '', 'pbnotify' => 10, 'pbnotify-enabled' => 1, 'pb_mask' => 0, 'pb_format' => 0, 'wreports-day' => '1', // workaround, see cerber_upgrade_settings() 'wreports-time' => 9, 'email-report' => array(), 'enable-report' => '1', // workaround, see cerber_upgrade_settings() ), CERBER_OPT_T => array( 'tienabled' => '1', 'tiipwhite' => 0, 'tiwhite' => array(), 'tierrmon' => '1', 'tierrnoauth' => 1, 'timode' => '3', 'tilogrestapi' => 0, 'tilogxmlrpc' => 0, 'tinocrabs' => '1', 'tinolocs' => array(), 'tinoua' => array(), 'tifields' => 0, 'timask' => array(), 'tihdrs' => 0, 'tihdrs_sent' => 0, 'tisenv' => 0, 'ticandy' => 0, 'ticandy_sent' => 0, 'tiphperr' => 0, 'tithreshold' => '', 'tikeeprec' => 30, 'tikeeprec_auth' => 30, ), CERBER_OPT_US => array( 'ds_4acc' => 0, 'ds_regs_roles' => array(), 'ds_add_acc' => array( 'administrator' ), 'ds_edit_acc' => array( 'administrator' ), 'ds_4acc_acl' => 0, 'ds_4roles' => 0, 'ds_add_role' => array( 'administrator' ), 'ds_edit_role' => array( 'administrator' ), 'ds_4roles_acl' => 0, ), CERBER_OPT_OS => array( 'ds_4opts' => 0, 'ds_4opts_roles' => array( 'administrator' ), 'ds_4opts_list' => array(), 'ds_4opts_acl' => 0, ), CERBER_OPT_S => array( 'scan_cpt' => array(), 'scan_uext' => array( 'tmp', 'temp', 'bak' ), 'scan_exclude' => array(), 'scan_inew' => '1', 'scan_imod' => '1', 'scan_chmod' => 0, 'scan_tmp' => 0, 'scan_sess' => 0, 'scan_debug' => 0, 'scan_qcleanup' => '30', ), CERBER_OPT_E => array( 'scan_aquick' => 0, 'scan_afull' => '0' . rand( 1, 5 ) . ':00', 'scan_afull-enabled' => 0, 'scan_reinc' => array( 3 => 1, CERBER_VULN => 1, CERBER_IMD => 1, 50 => 1, 51 => 1 ), 'scan_relimit' => 3, 'scan_isize' => 0, 'scan_ierrors' => 0, 'email-scan' => array() ), CERBER_OPT_P => array( 'scan_delunatt' => 0, 'scan_delupl' => array(), 'scan_delunwant' => 0, 'scan_recover_wp' => 0, 'scan_recover_pl' => 0, 'scan_media' => 0, 'scan_skip_media' => array( 'css', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'ico', 'woff', 'woff2', 'eot', 'ttf' ), 'scan_del_media' => array( 'php', 'js', 'htm', 'html', 'shtml' ), 'scan_nodeltemp' => 0, 'scan_nodelsess' => 0, 'scan_delexdir' => array(), 'scan_delexext' => array(), ), CERBER_OPT_MA => array( 'master_tolist' => 1, 'master_swshow' => 1, 'master_at_site' => 1, 'master_locale' => 0, 'master_dt' => 0, 'master_tz' => 0, 'master_diag' => 0, ), CERBER_OPT_SL => array( 'slave_ips' => '', 'slave_access' => 2, 'slave_diag' => 0, ), ); if ( $dynamic ) { $all_defaults[ CERBER_OPT_U ]['authonlymsg'] = __( 'Only registered and logged in users are allowed to view this website', 'wp-cerber' ); $all_defaults[ CERBER_OPT_OS ]['ds_4opts_list'] = CRB_DS::get_settings_list( false ); } if ( $setting ) { foreach ( $all_defaults as $section ) { if ( isset( $section[ $setting ] ) ) { return $section[ $setting ]; } } return null; } return $all_defaults; } /** * Returns all default settings as a single-level associative array * * @return array * * @since */ function crb_get_default_values() { static $defs; if ( ! $defs ) { $defs = array(); foreach ( cerber_get_defaults() as $fields ) { $defs = array_merge( $defs, $fields ); } } return $defs; } /** * Returns default settings for PRO features only as a single-level associative array * * @return array * * @since */ function crb_get_default_pro() { static $pro; if ( ! $pro ) { $pro = array(); // 1. Get page-level PRO settings $list = array_intersect_key( cerber_get_defaults(), array_flip( CRB_PRO_SETS ) ); foreach ( $list as $fields ) { $pro = array_merge( $pro, $fields ); } // 2. Get setting-level PRO settings $pro = array_merge( $pro, array_intersect_key( crb_get_default_values(), array_flip( CRB_PRO_SETTINGS ) ) ); } return $pro; } /** * Upgrade plugin options * */ function cerber_upgrade_settings() { // @since 4.4, move fields to a new option if ( $main = get_site_option( CERBER_OPT ) ) { if ( ! empty( $main['email'] ) || ! empty( $main['emailrate'] ) ) { $new = get_site_option( CERBER_OPT_N, array() ); $new['email'] = $main['email']; $new['emailrate'] = $main['emailrate']; update_site_option( CERBER_OPT_N, $new ); unset( $main['email'] ); unset( $main['emailrate'] ); update_site_option( CERBER_OPT, $main ); } } // @since 7.5.4, move some fields CERBER_OPT_С => CERBER_OPT_A crb_move_fields( CERBER_OPT_C, CERBER_OPT_A, array( 'botscomm', 'botsreg', 'botsany', 'botssafe', 'botsnoauth', 'botswhite', 'spamcomm', 'trashafter' ) ); // @since 8.2 crb_move_fields( CERBER_OPT, CERBER_OPT_N, array( 'notify', 'above', ) ); // @since 5.7 // Upgrade plugin settings foreach ( cerber_get_defaults() as $option_name => $def_fields ) { $values = get_site_option( $option_name ); if ( ! $values ) { $values = array(); } // Add new settings (fields) with their default values foreach ( $def_fields as $field_name => $default ) { if ( ! isset( $values[ $field_name ] ) && $default !== 1) { // @since 5.7.2 TODO refactor $default !== 1 to more obvious $values[ $field_name ] = $default; } } // Remove non-existing/outdated fields, @since 7.5.7 $values = array_intersect_key( $values, $def_fields ); // Must be after all operations above $values = cerber_normalize($values, $option_name); // @since 5.8.2 update_site_option( $option_name, $values ); } // @since 7.9.4 Stop user enumeration for REST API if ( $h = get_site_option( CERBER_OPT_H ) ) { if ( $h['stopenum'] && ! isset( $h['norestuser'] ) ) { $h['norestuser'] = 1; update_site_option( CERBER_OPT_H, $h ); } } if ( ! $key = get_site_option( '_cerberkey_' ) ) { $key = cerber_get_site_option( '_cerberkey_' ); } if ( $key ) { if ( cerber_update_set( '_cerberkey_', $key ) ) { delete_site_option( '_cerberkey_' ); // old } } } /** * @param string $from * @param string $to * @param array $fields * * @return bool */ function crb_move_fields( $from, $to, $fields ) { if ( ! $old = get_site_option( $from ) ) { return false; } $new = get_site_option( $to ); if ( ! $new || ! is_array( $new ) ) { $new = array(); } foreach ( $fields as $key ) { if ( isset( $old[ $key ] ) && ! isset( $new[ $key ] ) ) { $new[ $key ] = $old[ $key ]; // move old values unset( $old[ $key ] ); // clean up old values } } update_site_option( $from, $old ); update_site_option( $to, $new ); return true; } /** * The right way to save WP Cerber settings outside of wp-admin settings page * * @since 2.0 * */ function cerber_save_settings( $options ) { foreach ( cerber_get_defaults() as $option_name => $fields ) { $filtered = array(); foreach ( $fields as $field_name => $def ) { if ( isset( $options[ $field_name ] ) ) { $filtered[ $field_name ] = $options[ $field_name ]; } } if ( ! empty( $filtered ) ) { update_site_option( $option_name, $filtered ); } } crb_purge_settings_cache(); } /** * * @deprecated since 4.0 Use crb_get_settings() instead. * * @param string $option * * @return array|bool|mixed */ function cerber_get_options( $option = '' ) { $options = cerber_get_setting_list(); $united = array(); foreach ( $options as $opt ) { $o = get_site_option( $opt ); if ( ! is_array( $o ) ) { continue; } $united = array_merge( $united, $o ); } $options = $united; if ( ! empty( $option ) ) { if ( isset( $options[ $option ] ) ) { return $options[ $option ]; } else { return false; } } return $options; } /** * The replacement for cerber_get_options() * * @param string $option * @param bool $purge_cache purge static cache * * @return array|bool|mixed */ function crb_get_settings( $option = '', $purge_cache = false ) { global $wpdb; static $united; /** * For some hosting environments it might be faster, e.g. Redis enabled */ if ( defined( 'CERBER_WP_OPTIONS' ) && CERBER_WP_OPTIONS ) { return cerber_get_options( $option ); } if ( ! $option && $purge_cache ) { $united = null; return false; // @since } if ( ! isset( $united ) || $purge_cache ) { // TODO: Use single SQL query with CERBER_CONFIG instead of cerber_get_setting_list() - note CERBER_CONFIG is not created automatically. $options = cerber_get_setting_list(); $in = '("' . implode( '","', $options ) . '")'; $united = array(); if ( is_multisite() ) { $sql = 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->sitemeta . ' WHERE meta_key IN ' . $in; $sql_new = 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->sitemeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "' . CERBER_CONFIG . '"'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT option_value FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' WHERE option_name IN ' . $in; $sql_new = 'SELECT option_value FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' WHERE option_name = "' . CERBER_CONFIG . '"'; } $set = cerber_db_get_col( $sql ); if ( ! $set || ! is_array( $set ) ) { // @since $united = crb_get_default_values(); $set = array(); } $set_new = cerber_db_get_var( $sql_new ); if ( $set_new ) { array_unshift( $set, $set_new ); } foreach ( $set as $item ) { if ( empty( $item ) ) { continue; } $value = crb_unserialize( $item ); if ( ! $value || ! is_array( $value ) ) { continue; } $united = array_merge( $united, $value ); } if ( ! lab_lab() ) { $united = array_merge( $united, crb_get_default_pro() ); } } if ( ! empty( $option ) ) { return $united[ $option ] ?? false; } return $united; } function crb_purge_settings_cache() { crb_get_settings( null, true ); } /** * @param string $option Name of site option * @param boolean $unserialize If true the value of the option must be unserialized * * @return null|array|string * @since 5.8.7 */ function cerber_get_site_option( $option = '', $unserialize = true ) { global $wpdb; static $values = array(); if ( ! $option ) { return null; } /** * For some hosting environments it might be faster, e.g. Redis enabled */ if ( defined( 'CERBER_WP_OPTIONS' ) && CERBER_WP_OPTIONS ) { return get_site_option( $option, null ); } if ( isset( $values[ $option ] ) ) { return $values[ $option ]; } if ( is_multisite() ) { $sql = 'SELECT meta_value FROM ' . $wpdb->sitemeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "' . $option . '"'; } else { $sql = 'SELECT option_value FROM ' . $wpdb->options . ' WHERE option_name = "' . $option . '"'; } $value = cerber_db_get_var( $sql ); if ( $value ) { if ( $unserialize ) { $value = crb_unserialize( $value ); if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) { $value = null; } } } else { $value = null; } $values[ $option ] = $value; return $value; } /* Load default settings, except Custom Login URL */ function cerber_load_defaults() { $save = array(); foreach ( cerber_get_defaults() as $option_name => $fields ) { foreach ( $fields as $field_name => $def ) { $save[ $field_name ] = $def; } } if ( $path = crb_get_settings( 'loginpath' ) ) { $save['loginpath'] = $path; } foreach ( cerber_get_setting_list( true ) as $opt ) { delete_site_option( $opt ); // @since } cerber_save_settings( $save ); } /** * Get a compiled Cerber setting * * @param string $setting * @param string $default * @param bool $reload * * @return false|mixed|null * * @since 8.8 */ function crb_get_compiled( $setting, $default = '', $reload = false ) { static $cache; if ( ! isset( $cache ) || $reload ) { $cache = cerber_get_set( CERBER_COMPILED ); } if ( ! is_array( $cache ) ) { $cache = array(); } return crb_array_get( $cache, $setting, $default ); } /** * Update a compiled Cerber setting * * @param string $setting * @param mixed $value * * @return bool * * @since 8.8 */ function crb_update_compiled( $setting, $value ) { $data = cerber_get_set( CERBER_COMPILED ); if ( ! is_array( $data ) ) { $data = array(); } $data[ $setting ] = $value; if ( $ret = cerber_update_set( CERBER_COMPILED, $data ) ) { crb_get_compiled( 'anything', '', true ); } return $ret; } /** * @param string $type Type of notification email * * @return array Email address(es) for notifications */ function cerber_get_email( $type = '' ) { $emails = array(); if ( in_array( $type, array( 'report', 'scan' ) ) ) { $emails = crb_get_settings( 'email-' . $type ); } if ( ! $emails ) { $emails = crb_get_settings( 'email' ); } if ( ! $emails ) { $emails = get_site_option( 'admin_email' ); $emails = array( $emails ); } if ( $type == 'activated' ) { if ( is_super_admin() ) { $user = wp_get_current_user(); $emails[] = $user->user_email; } } return array_unique( $emails ); } /** * Sync a set of scanner/uptime bots settings with the cloud * * @param $data * * @return bool */ function cerber_cloud_sync( $data = array() ) { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( ! $data ) { $data = crb_get_settings(); } $full = ( empty( $data['scan_afull-enabled'] ) ) ? 0 : 1; $quick = absint( $data['scan_aquick'] ); if ( $quick || $full ) { $set = array( $quick, $full, cerber_sec_from_time( $data['scan_afull'] ), cerber_get_email( 'scan' ) ); $scan_scheduling = array( // Is used for scheduled scans 'client' => $set, 'site_url' => cerber_get_home_url(), 'gmt_offset' => (int) get_option( 'gmt_offset' ), 'dtf' => cerber_get_dt_format(), ); } else { $scan_scheduling = array(); } if ( lab_api_send_request( array( 'scan_scheduling' => $scan_scheduling ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Is a cloud based service enabled by the site owner * * @return bool False if nothing cloud related is enabled */ function cerber_is_cloud_enabled( $what = '' ) { $data = crb_get_settings(); $s = array( 'quick' => 'scan_aquick', 'full' => 'scan_afull-enabled' ); if ( $what ) { if ( ! empty( $data[ $s[ $what ] ] ) ) { return true; } return false; } foreach ( $s as $item ) { if ( ! empty( $data[ $item ] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } function cerber_get_role_policies( $role ) { if ( ! $conf = crb_get_settings( 'crb_role_policies' ) ) { return array(); } $ret = crb_array_get( $conf, $role ); if ( ! is_array( $ret ) ) { $ret = array(); } if ( ! lab_lab() ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, crb_get_default_pol_pro() ); } return $ret; } /** * @param $policy string * @param $user integer | WP_User * @param $global string fallback if no role-based policy is configured * * @return bool|string */ function cerber_get_user_policy( $policy, $user = null, $global = '' ) { static $user_cache = array(); if ( ! ( $user instanceof WP_User ) ) { if ( is_numeric( $user ) ) { if ( ! isset( $user_cache[ $user ] ) ) { $user_cache[ $user ] = get_user_by( 'id', $user ); } $user = $user_cache[ $user ]; } else { $user = wp_get_current_user(); } } if ( ! $user ) { return false; } $ret = false; foreach ( $user->roles as $role ) { $policies = cerber_get_role_policies( $role ); if ( ! empty( $policies[ $policy ] ) ) { $ret = $policies[ $policy ]; } } if ( ! $ret && $global ) { $ret = crb_get_settings( $global ); } return $ret; } /** * Returns default values of PRO role-based policies * * @return array * * @since */ function crb_get_default_pol_pro() { static $pol; if ( ! $pol ) { foreach ( CRB_PRO_POLICIES as $id => $conf ) { $pol[ $id ] = $conf[1]; } } return $pol; } cerber-pluggable.php000064400000013457147577531750010516 0ustar00update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_pass' => $hash, 'user_activation_key' => '' ), array( 'ID' => $user_id ) ); clean_user_cache( $user_id ); do_action( 'crb_after_reset', null, $user_id ); } } if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_logout' ) ) : /** * Log the current user out. * * @since 8.9.4 */ function wp_logout() { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); CRB_Globals::$do_not_log[ CRB_EV_UST ] = true; wp_destroy_current_session(); wp_clear_auth_cookie(); wp_set_current_user( 0 ); /** * Fires after a user is logged out. * * @since 1.5.0 * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$user_id` parameter. * * @param int $user_id ID of the user that was logged out. */ do_action( 'wp_logout', $user_id ); } endif; // Compatibility with old versions of WordPress if ( ! function_exists( 'get_metadata_raw' ) ) : /** * Retrieves raw metadata value for the specified object. * * @param string $meta_type Type of object metadata is for. Accepts 'post', 'comment', 'term', 'user', * or any other object type with an associated meta table. * @param int $object_id ID of the object metadata is for. * @param string $meta_key Optional. Metadata key. If not specified, retrieve all metadata for * the specified object. Default empty. * @param bool $single Optional. If true, return only the first value of the specified `$meta_key`. * This parameter has no effect if `$meta_key` is not specified. Default false. * * @return mixed An array of values if `$single` is false. * The value of the meta field if `$single` is true. * False for an invalid `$object_id` (non-numeric, zero, or negative value), * or if `$meta_type` is not specified. * Null if the value does not exist. * @since 5.5.0 * */ function get_metadata_raw( $meta_type, $object_id, $meta_key = '', $single = false ) { if ( ! $meta_type || ! is_numeric( $object_id ) ) { return false; } $object_id = absint( $object_id ); if ( ! $object_id ) { return false; } /** * Short-circuits the return value of a meta field. * * The dynamic portion of the hook, `$meta_type`, refers to the meta object type * (post, comment, term, user, or any other type with an associated meta table). * Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the function. * * Possible filter names include: * * - `get_post_metadata` * - `get_comment_metadata` * - `get_term_metadata` * - `get_user_metadata` * * @param mixed $value The value to return, either a single metadata value or an array * of values depending on the value of `$single`. Default null. * @param int $object_id ID of the object metadata is for. * @param string $meta_key Metadata key. * @param bool $single Whether to return only the first value of the specified `$meta_key`. * @param string $meta_type Type of object metadata is for. Accepts 'post', 'comment', 'term', 'user', * or any other object type with an associated meta table. * * @since 5.5.0 Added the `$meta_type` parameter. * * @since 3.1.0 */ $check = apply_filters( "get_{$meta_type}_metadata", null, $object_id, $meta_key, $single, $meta_type ); if ( null !== $check ) { if ( $single && is_array( $check ) ) { return $check[0]; } else { return $check; } } $meta_cache = wp_cache_get( $object_id, $meta_type . '_meta' ); if ( ! $meta_cache ) { $meta_cache = update_meta_cache( $meta_type, array( $object_id ) ); if ( isset( $meta_cache[ $object_id ] ) ) { $meta_cache = $meta_cache[ $object_id ]; } else { $meta_cache = null; } } if ( ! $meta_key ) { return $meta_cache; } if ( isset( $meta_cache[ $meta_key ] ) ) { if ( $single ) { return maybe_unserialize( $meta_cache[ $meta_key ][0] ); } else { return array_map( 'maybe_unserialize', $meta_cache[ $meta_key ] ); } } return null; } endif;changelog.txt000064400000167761147577531750007303 0ustar00= 9.3 = * This is a bug fix and code optimization version * Fixed: Unable to remove a blocked IP network class C (with an asterisk) from the list of locked out IP addresses by clicking the "Remove" link on the Lockouts tab. * Fixed: "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in … /cerber-common.php on line 4634". The bug occurs if the PHP constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS is defined and it does not contain 'downloads.wpcerber.com'. = 9.2 = * New: Custom login error message. If showing the default WordPress login error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own login error message. Available in the professional version. * New: Custom password reset error message. If showing the default WordPress password reset error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own password reset error message. Available in the professional version. * Improved: Implemented Content-Security-Policy HTTP header as an extra layer of protection for the WP Cerber admin pages. * Fixed: A critical vulnerability. * Fixed: Fatal error "Call to a member function is_block_editor() on null" that occurs when attempting to load any admin page (starting with /wp-admin/) by an unauthorized request. The bug only occurs if the two following settings are configured as: "Disable dashboard redirection" is enabled and "Display 404 page" is set to "Use 404 template from the active theme". * Fixed: No country flags are shown in some log rows while viewing WP Cerber logs on the managed website via Cerber.Hub. * Fixed: The file viewer doesn't show the content of a file while viewing the results of a scan on the managed website via Cerber.Hub. = 9.1 = * New: A new feature that prevents exposing user’s first name, last name, and ID via an HTTP request with a username (login) in an author_name parameter. * New: A new user status report while viewing the user activity/requests log. * Improved: When renders admin pages, WP Cerber uses the language selected on the user profile. * Improved: Improved the speed of rendering of the "Users" admin page. Reduced the number of HTTP requests if some columns on the page are hidden. * Improved: Implemented support for rate limiting when the scanner retrieves checksum data from remote servers. * Fixed: A bug that allows an attacker to bypass the "Stop user enumeration" feature if it’s enabled. * Fixed: A bug that produces incorrect messages in the server error log when the WordPress database connection is lost. * Fixed: A bug with not escaping comments in the IP access lists entries. = 9.0 = * New: Different [alerts](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) can be sent through different channels. You can select delivering notifications through Pushbullet and email simultaneously, Pushbullet only, or email only. The settings are configured on a per-alert basis in the alert creation form. * New: Implemented a new "Message format" feature and setting. You can reduce the number of links in WP Cerber’s messages or disable them completely to prevent sending sensitive data. * New: Implemented separate rate limiting settings for email and [Pushbullet notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/). * New: Lockout notifications and appropriate threshold can be enabled for Pushbullet and emails separately. * New: Email reports and alerts can be sent via a separate SMTP server configured in the WP Cerber settings. * New: Implemented masking IP addresses and usernames (logins) in emails and mobile alerts. * New: Disabling login language switcher. If enabled, removes language switcher on the standard WordPress login page introduced in WordPress 5.9. * Improved: If WP Cerber is unable to load its saved settings from the website database, it uses hard-coded default values. * Improved: If you have configured the [list of prohibited usernames](https://wpcerber.com/using-list-of-prohibited-logins-to-catch-stupid-bots/) (logins) and the username of an existing user is among prohibited ones, the user is now shown as BLOCKED on the "Users" admin page, user edit page, Activity tab, and Live Traffic tab. * Improved: When multiple email addresses are specified for notifications, each email will be sent separately. No multiply recipients in a single email are used anymore. * Improved: The subjects of alerts now contain corresponding event labels. * Improved: The subject of WP Cerber’s emails have been unified. It begins with website name in square brackets plus the "WP Cerber" string. * Improved: All test alerts and messages manually sent from the WP Cerber admin dashboard now contain *** TEST MESSAGE *** in the subject. * Improved: Displaying detailed information about PHP generated by phpinfo(). A new link is on the Diagnostic tab in the System Info section. * Fixed: An issue with multiple "IP blocked" in the log if the reason for a lockout is changing. * Fixed: An issue with "Site title" containing apostrophes. = 8.9.6 = * New: A new [alert creation dialog with a set of new alert settings](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) enables you to create alerts with new limits: an expiration time, the maximum number of alerts allowed to send, and optional rate-limiting. The alert conditions can include the URL of a request now. * New: Deleting of [WordPress application passwords](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) is logged now. * New: Ability to monitor [anti-spam](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-for-wordpress-contact-forms/), reCAPTCHA, and several other setting-specific events using links on the settings pages. * Improved: Meaningful and actionable messages on the log screens if no activity has been found in the logs using a given search filter. * Improved: If a WP Cerber feature requires a newer version of WordPress, such a feature will not be shown in the plugin admin interface anymore. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while logging in on a version of WordPress older than 5.5 and a user has more than one active session. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while using the reset password form on a version of WordPress older than 5.4. * Fixed: While opening the Tools admin page, a PHP error might occur on some web servers. * Fixed: While rendering the Activity tab, depending on the activities logged, the PHP warning can be logged in the server error log. * Fixed: When [managing WP Cerber on a remote website via Cerber.Hub](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/), the admin page footer incorrectly displays the version of WP Cerber installed on the main website. * Fixed: If the Site Title of a website contains some special characters like apostrophes, the subject of [email alerts and notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) contains such characters in encoded form. = 8.9.5 = * New: A new setting for [WP Cerber's anti-spam engine](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-for-wordpress-contact-forms/): "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List". * New: A new setting for [the reCAPTCHA module](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/): "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List". * Improved: Logging all user session terminations including those that occurred when an admin manually terminate user sessions or [block users](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-block-wordpress-user/). * Improved: If a user session has been terminated by a website admin, the admin’s name is logged and shown in the Activity log. * Improved: Logging all user password changes including those made on the edit user admin page, and the WooCommerce edit account page. * Improved: Logging [application passwords](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) changes. * Improved: New status labels in the Activity log: "reCAPTCHA verified" is shown when a user solves reCAPTCHA successfully * Improved: New status labels in the Activity log: "Logged out everywhere" is shown when a user has completely logged out on all devices and of all locations. * Improved: Failed reCAPTCHA verifications are logged with form submission events they are linked to. * Improved: A new event is logged: "Password reset request denied". With possible statuses "reCAPTCHA verification failed", "User blocked by administrator", "Username is prohibited". * Improved: Handling reset of user passwords is improved to support changes in the WordPress core. * Fixed: A cookie-related bug that causes a fatal software error if a user has been deleted or their password has been changed in the WordPress dashboard by the website administrator while the user is being logged in. * Fixed: A bug with the WordPress lost password (reset password) form that prevents displaying error messages to a user. * Fixed: When the [limit on the number of allowed concurrent user sessions](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) is set to one, an attempt to log in with the user name and incorrect password terminates the existing session of the user. = 8.9.3 = * Improved: The scanner: now checksums generated using manually uploaded ZIP archives have priority over the remote ones. * Improved: You can configure exceptions for WP Cerber's anti-spam by disabling its code on selected WordPress pages. * Improved: New diagnostic messages were added for better troubleshooting issues with ZIP archives uploaded in the scanner. * Fixed: A vulnerability that affects WP Cerber's two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanism. * Fixed: A bug that prevents uploading ZIP archives on the scan results page if the filename contains multiple dots. * Fixed: Fixed admin message "Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed." which is wrongly displayed on the user edit page while updating users with prohibited usernames. * Fixed: Not detecting malformed REST API requests with a question mark in this format: /wp-json? = 8.9 = * Improved: An updated scan statistic and filtering widget. Dynamically displays the most important issues with sorting. * Improved: The percentage of completion of a scanner step is shown now. * Improved: Sanitizing of malformed filenames in the scanner reports has been improved to avoid possible issues with the layout of the scan results page if malware creates malformed filenames to hinder their detection. * Improved: Handling of WordPress locales and versions on websites with multilanguage plugins has been improved. * Improved: A missing wp-config-sample.php file is not reported as an issue in the results of the scan anymore. * Improved: Handling REGEX patterns for the setting fields "Restrict email addresses" and "Prohibited usernames". Now they support REGEX quantifiers. * Improved: You can specify the "User-Agent" string for requests from the main (master) Cerber.Hub website by defining the PHP constant CERBER_HUB_UA in the wp-config.php file. * Improved: Diagnostic logging for network requests to the WP Cerber cloud. To enable logging, define the PHP constant CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file. Logging covers admin operations on the WP Cerber admin pages only. * Improved: Text on the forbidden page is translatable now. * Fixed bug: Some long filenames in the scan results break the layout of the scan results page, making it hard to navigate and use. * Fixed bug: Unwanted file extensions are not detected if a file is identified as malicious. * Fixed bug: If a file is missing, the full filename is not shown in the scan results when clicking the “Show full filenames” icon. * Fixed bug: "PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $function follows optional parameter $pattern in /plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-scanner.php". * Fixed bug: "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function crb_admin_hash_token() in cerber-load.php:1521". * Fixed bug: "PHP Notice: Undefined property: WP_Error::$ID in cerber-load.php on line 1131". * Breaking changes on the plugin admin pages: all versions of Internet Explorer browser and Safari browser version 13.0 and older are not supported anymore, meaning some elements might not work as expected. = 8.8.5 = * New: Quick user activity analytics (user insights) with filtering links on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. Select a user to see how it works. * New: Quick IP address activity and analytics (IP insights) with filtering links on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. Select an IP address to see how it works. * Improved: The selected user profile is displayed when filtering log entries by the user login or using the username search on the Activity log page. * Improved: The IP address details and analytics are displayed when filtering log entries by the IP address or using the IP address search on the Activity log page. * Improved: Implemented AJAX rendering of the plugin admin pages for faster loading and more convenient navigation through WP Cerber’s admin pages * Improved: To load the Users admin page faster, the user table columns generated by WP Cerber are now loaded via AJAX. * Improved: Highlighting the selected filtering link in the navigation bar on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. * Improved: You will not see false DB errors on the Diagnostic page anymore. * Fixed bug: When scanning, you can come across the software error "Process has been aborted due to server error. Check the browser console for errors." and "Too few arguments" error in the server error log. = 8.8.3 = * New: Mimicking the default WordPress user authentication through the wp-login.php to detect slow brute-force attacks. * New: Prevent guessing valid usernames and user emails by disabling WordPress hints in the login error message when attempting to log in with non-existing usernames and emails. * New: Prevent guessing valid usernames and user emails by disabling WordPress hints in the password reset error message when attempting to reset passwords for non-existing accounts. * New: Prevent username discovery via oEmbed and user XML sitemaps. * New: User and malicious activity are displayed separately in two different areas on WP Cerber’s main dashboard page. * New: More convenient navigation through the WP Cerber admin pages by having the admin menu at the top. * New: A new quick link "Login issues" to view all login issues such as failed logins, denied attempts, attempts to reset passwords, and so forth. * Improved: Reduced the number of false positives when the malware scanner inspecting directives with external IP addresses in .htaccess files. * Improved: Better [Two-factor authentication (2FA)](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/) emails: the wording of the verification email has been updated and can be translated. The email subject includes the site name. * Improved: The size of the database tables used by the integrity checker and malware scanner has been reduced. * Improved: Implemented a strictly secure way of utilizing the unserialize() PHP function known for being used to deliver and run malicious code. * Improved: Implemented a backup way of running WP Cerber maintenance tasks if WordPress scheduled tasks are not configured properly. * Fixed bug: Two-factor authentication (2FA) PINs are not displayed on the edit user admin pages in the WordPress dashboard. * Fixed bug: The "API request authorization failed" event was logged as "Login failed". = 8.8 = * New: [You get control over the WordPress application passwords and the ability to monitor related events in the log with email and mobile notifications.](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) * New: A custom comment URL feature improves the efficiency of spam protection of the WordPress comment form. Available in the professional version of WP Cerber. * Improved: Handling user authentication and authorization by WP Cerber’s access control mechanism has been significantly improved and optimized to allow using external user authentication via third-part solutions and connectors. * Improved: You can now specify a user message to be displayed if [the configured limit to the number of concurrent user sessions](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) has been reached and an attempt to log in is denied. * Improved: Traffic log settings and features: "Log all REST API requests", "Log all XML-RPC requests", "Save response headers", and "Save response cookies". * Improved: For better compatibility with different web server configurations, [the anti-spam query whitelist](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-exception-for-specific-http-request/) now ignores trailing slashes if a list entry or a requested URI has no GET parameters. * Improved: Processing of extended and invalid UTF-8 characters in the Traffic Inspector log has been improved. * Improved: Displaying of invalid UTF-8 characters (invalid byte sequences) in the WP Cerber’s logs throughout the admin interface has been improved. * Improved: WP Cerber's dashboard code is updated and now fully jQuery 3 compatible. * Fixed: A bug that prevented activating [the Cerber.Hub master mode](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) on PHP 8. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while saving some WP Cerber settings when using [Cerber.Hub](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) on a remote website with “Standard mode” enabled. * Fixed: A bug that generated warning messages in the web server error log: Use of undefined constant LOGGED_IN_COOKIE – assumed ‘LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’ * Fixed: A bug that blocked theme preview if the anti-spam engine is enabled for all forms on the website. = 8.7 = * New: [Limiting the number of allowed concurrent user sessions.](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) Depending on settings, WP Cerber will either block new logins or terminate the oldest ones. * New: Enforcing [two-factor authentication (2FA)](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/) if the number of concurrent user sessions is greater than the specified threshold. * Improved: [The integrity checker and malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) now more effectively handle and log I/O errors that might occur during a scan. * Improved: [The Traffic Inspector firewall](https://wpcerber.com/traffic-inspector-in-a-nutshell/) now processes files uploaded via nested, grouped, and obfuscated form fields in a more effective way. * Improved: WP Cerber got necessary code improvements, and now it is fully compatible with PHP 8. * Improved: [The default list of allowed REST API namespaces](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/) now includes "wp-site-health". * Improved: Downloadable files generated by WP Cerber are generated with appropriate HTTP Content-Type headers now. * Fixed: Misalignment of Cerber’s table footer labels on the "Users" admin page. * Fixed: If the diagnostic log contains invalid Unicode (UTF-8) codes, it is not displayed on the Diagnostic log tab. = 8.6.8 = * New: [A shortcode to display WP Cerber’s cookies. You can display a list of cookies set by WP Cerber on any page.](https://wpcerber.com/browser-cookies-set-by-wp-cerber/) * New: [Deferred rendering of the custom login page. This new feature can help you if you need to solve plugin compatibility issues.](https://wpcerber.com/user-switching-with-wp-cerber/) * Improved: The style of the scanner email reports has been improved. * Fixed: A bug with displaying the status icon of an IP address on the Activity and Live Traffic admin pages. * Fixed: If the name of a commercial plugin contains a special HTML symbol like ampersand, it cannot be uploaded to verify the integrity of the plugin. = 8.6.7 = * New: In the professional version of WP Cerber, you can now permit user registrations for IP addresses in the [White IP Access List only](https://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/). * New: All URLs in the logs are displayed in a shortened form without the website’s domain. There is no much value having see known things. * New: A new label "IP Whitelisted" with green borders has been introduced. It is displayed in a log row on the Live Traffic if the IP address was in the White IP Access List, but the appropriate setting "Use White IP Access List" was not enabled at the moment when the event was logged. * New: If you now hover the mouse over a red square icon in the Activity or Live Traffic log, you see the reason why the IP address in the row is currently locked out. * New: If you now hover the mouse over a green or black square Access List icon in the Activity or Live Traffic log, you see the comment you’ve previously specified for that Access List entry. * Improved: All non-REGEX entries [in the list of prohibited usernames (logins)](https://wpcerber.com/using-list-of-prohibited-logins-to-catch-stupid-bots/) are case-insensitive now. This applies to standard Latin-based (ASCII) WordPress usernames only. * Improved: The name of a group in the Group column on [Cerber.Hub’s](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) website list is a link that takes you to the list of websites in the group. * Improved: The launch time of the daily maintenance tasks is now set to the night-time at 02:20. If you need them to get rescheduled, you can manually delete the “cerber_daily” cron task via a plugin or deactivate/activate WP Cerber. * Fixed: Configured [REST API restrictions](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/) have no effect if a WordPress is installed not in the root folder of a website (there is a path in the site URL). Affected versions: 8.6.1 and newer. * Fixed: A bug in the logging subsystem: depending on server configuration, submitted form fields are not saved into the DB (if it is enabled in the logging settings). * Fixed: A bug with Cerber’s admin CSS styles that were added in the previous version and hid the top pagination links on the "All posts" and "All posts" admin pages. = 8.6.6 = * New: On the user sessions page, you can now search sessions by a user name, email, and the IP address from which a user has logged in. * New: You can specify locations (URL Paths) to exclude requests from logging. They can be either exact matches or regular expressions (REGEX). * New: You can exclude requests from logging based on the value of the User-Agent (UA) header. * New: A new, minimal logging mode. When it is set, only HTTP requests related to known activities are logged. * Improved: The layout of the Live Traffic log has been improved: now all events that are logged during a particular request are shown as an event list sorted in reverse order. * Improved: The user sessions page has been optimized for performance and compatibility and now works blazingly fast. * Improved: If your website is behind a proxy, IP addresses of user sessions now are detected more precisely. * Improved: When you configure the request whitelist in the Traffic Inspector settings, you can now specify rules with or without trailing slash. * Improved: A new version of [Cloudflare add-on for WP Cerber](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-add-on-wp-cerber/) is available: the performance of the add-on has been optimized. = 8.6.5 = * New: File system analytics. It's generated based on the results of the last full integrity scan. * New: Logging user deletions. The user’s display name and roles are temporarily stored until all log entries related to the user are deleted. * New: Faster export with a new date format for CSV log export. * New: Ability to disable adding the website administrator's IP address to the White IP Access List upon WP Cerber activation. * Improved: Handling the creation of new users by WooCommerce and membership plugins. * Improved: Handling user registrations with prohibited emails. * Improved: Handling secure Cerber‘s cookies on websites with SSL encryption enabled. * Improved: The performance of the integrity checker and malware scanner on huge websites with a large number of files. * Fixed: Loading the default plugin settings has no effect. Now it’s fixed and moved from the admin sidebar to the Tools admin page. = 8.6.3 = * New: Ability to load IP access list's entries in the CSV format (bulk load). * Update: A new malware scanner setting allows you to permit the scanner to change permissions of folders and files when required. * Fixed: The access list IPv4 wildcard *.*.*.* doesn't work (has no effect). * Fixed: If the anti-spam query whitelist contains more than one entry, they do not work as expected. * Fixed: Several settings fields are not properly escaped. = 8.6 = * New: [An integration with the Cloudflare firewall. It’s implemented as a special WP Cerber add-on.](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-add-on-wp-cerber/) * Update: The malware scanner has got improvements to the monitoring of new and modified files feature. * Update: Additional search fields for the Activity log. They enable you to find a specific request by its Request ID (RID) or/and to search for a string in the request URL. * Update: The minimum supported PHP version is 5.6. = 8.5.9 = * New: On the Live Traffic log, now you can search and filter our requests with software errors if they occurred. * Update: The code of WP Cerber has been updated and tested to fully support and be compatible with PHP 7.4. * Update: The layout of the list of slave websites on the Cerber.Hub's main page has been improved to display the list more accurately on narrow and mobile screens. * Update: If a slave website has the professional version of WP Cerber, it has a PRO sign in the "WP Cerber" column. The license expiration date is shown when you hover the mouse over the sign. * Fixed: A bug with displaying long file names in the Security Scanner Quarantine that makes unavailable deleting or restoring quarantined files manually. * Fixed: A bug that requires installing a valid license key on a Cerber.Hub master website to permit configuring settings on slave websites remotely, which is not intended behavior. = 8.5.8 = * New: A personal data export and erase features which can be used through the WordPress personal data export and erase tool. This feature helps your organization to be in compliance with data privacy laws such as GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California * Update: The performance of the algorithm that handles exporting rows from the Activity log and the Live Traffic log to a CSV file has been improved enabling export larger datasets * Update: When you block a user you can add an optional admin note now * Fixed: If a user is blocked, it’s not possible to update the user message * Fixed: Depending on the logging settings the "Details" links on the Live Traffic log are not displayed in some rows = 8.5.6 = * New: Ability to separately set the number of days of keeping log records in the database for authenticated (logged in) website users and non-authenticated (not logged in) visitors. * New: Now you can completely turn off the Citadel mode feature in the Main Settings * Update: When you upload a ZIP archive on the integrity scanner page it processes nested ZIP archives now and writes errors to the diagnostic log if it's enabled * Update: The appearance of the Activity log has got small visual improvements * Update: If the number of days to keep log records is not set or set to zero, the plugin uses the default setting instead. Previously you can set it to zero and keep log records infinitely. * Fixed: The blacklisting buttons on the Activity tab do not work showing "Incorrect IP address or IP range". * Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to get property "ID" of non-object in cerber-load.php on line 1131 = 8.5.5 = * New: IP Access Lists now support IPv6 networks, ranges, and wildcards. Add as many IPv6 entries to the access lists as you need. We've developed an extraordinarily fast ACL engine to process them. * Update: The algorithm of handling consecutive IP address lockouts has been improved: the reason for an existing lockout is updated and its duration is recalculated in real-time now. * Update: Traffic inspection algorithms were optimized to reduce false positives and make algorithms more human-friendly. * Update: Improved compatibility with WooCommerce: the password reset and login forms are not blocked anymore if a user’s IP gets locked out due to using a non-existing username by mistake, using a prohibited username, or if a user has exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. * Update: Improved compatibility with WordPress scheduled cron tasks if a website runs on a server with PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) * Update: Very long URLs on the Live Traffic page are now displayed in full when you click the "Details" link in a row. * Update: The [Cerber.Hub multi-site manager](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/): the server column on the slave websites list page now contains a link to quickly filter out websites on the same server. * Update: The [Cerber.Hub multi-site manager](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/): now it remembers the filtered list of slave websites while you’re switching between them and the master. * Fixed: If the Custom login URL is enabled on a subfolder WordPress installation, the user redirection after logout generates the HTTP 404 error page. * Fixed: Very long HTTP referrers and request URLs are displayed in a truncated form on the Live Traffic page due to CSS bug. * Fixed: If the Data Shield security feature is active, the password reset page on WordPress 5.3 doesn’t work properly showing "Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below." = 8.5.3 = * New: The malware scanner and integrity checker window has got a new filter that enables you to filter out and navigate to specific issues quickly. * New in Cerber.Hub: new columns and filters have been added to the list of slave websites. The new columns display server IP addresses, hostnames, and countries where servers are located. * Fixed: depending on the number of items in the access lists, the IP address can be erroneously marked as whitelisted or blacklisted. * Fixed in Cerber.Hub: if a WordPress plugin is installed on several slave websites and the plugin needs to be updated on some of the slave websites, the plugin is shown as needs to be updated on all of them. = 8.5 = * New: Data Shield module for advanced protection of user data and vital settings in the website database. Available in the PRO version. * Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce significantly improved. * Update: Strict filtering for the Custom login URL setting. * Update: Chinese (Taiwan) translation has been added. Thanks to Sid Lo. * Fixed: Custom login URL doesn't work after updating WordPress to 5.2.3. * Fixed: User Policies tabs are not switchable if a user role was declared with a hyphen instead of the underscore. * Fixed: A PHP warning while adding a network to the Black IP Access List from the Activity tab. * Fixed: An anti-spam false positive: some WordPress DB updates can't be completed. = 8.4 = * New: More flexible role-based GEO access policies. * New: A logged in users' sessions manager. * Update: Access to users’ data via WordPress REST API is always granted for administrator accounts now. * Improvement: The custom login page feature has been updated to eliminate possible conflicts with themes and other plugins. * Improvement: Improved compatibility with operating systems that natively doesn’t support the PHP GLOB_BRACE constant. = 8.3 = * New: Two-Factor Authentication. * New: Block registrations with unwanted (banned) email domains. * New: Block access to the WordPress Dashboard on a per-role basis. * New: Redirect after login/logout on a per-role basis. * Update: The Users tab has been renamed to Global and now is under the new User Policies admin menu. * Fixed: Switching to the English language in Cerber’s admin interface has no effect. * Fixed: Multiple notifications about a new version of the plugin in the WordPress dashboard. = 8.2 = * New: Automatic recovery of infected files. When the malware scanner detects changes in the core WordPress files and plugins, it automatically recovers them. * New: A set of quick navigation buttons on the Activity page. They allow you to filter out log records quickly. * New: A unique Session ID (SID) is displayed on the Forbidden 403 Page now. * New: The advanced search on the Live Traffic page has got a set of new fields. * New: To make a website comply with GDPR, a cookie prefix can be set. * Update: The lockout notification settings are moved to the Notifications tab. * Update: The list of files to be scanned in Quick mode now also includes files with these extensions: phtm, phtml, phps, php2, php3, php4, php5, php6, php7. = 8.1 = * New: On a master website you can get a list of active plugins and available plugin updates on a slave website. * New: Notification about a newer versions of Cerber and WordPres available ot install on a slave. * New: On a master website, you can select what language to use when a slave admin page is being displayed. * Improvement: Long URLs on the Live Traffic page now are shortened and displayed more neatly. * Improvement: The plugin uninstallation process has been improved and now cleans up the database completely. * Improvement: Multiple translations have been updated. Thanks to Maxime, Jos Knippen, Fredrik Näslund, Francesco. * Fixed: The "Add to the Black List" button on the Activity log page doesn't work. * Fixed: When the "All suspicious activity" button is clicked on the Dashboard admin page, the "Subscribe" link on the Activity page doesn't work correctly. * Fixed: When you open an email report, the link to the list of deleted files during a malware scan doesn't work as expected. = 8.0 = * New: [Manage multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/). * New: A new bulk action to block multiple WordPress users at a time. * Improvement: The performance of the export feature has been improved significantly. * Improvement: Multiple code optimizations improve overall plugin performance. = 7.9.7 = * New: [Authorized users only mode](https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/). * New: [An ability to block a user account](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-block-wordpress-user/). * New: [Role-based access to WordPress REST API](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/). * Update: Added ability to search and filter a user on the Activity page. * Update: A new, separate setting for preventing user enumeration and user data leaks via WordPress REST API. * Update: A new Changelog section on the Tools page. * Update: Improved handling scheduled maintenance tasks on a multi-site WordPress installation. * Fixed: Several HTML markup errors on plugin admin pages. = 7.9.3 = * New: New settings for the Traffic Inspector firewall allow you to fine-tune its behavior. You can enable less or more restrictive firewall rules. * Update: Troubleshooting of possible issues with scheduled maintenance tasks has been improved. * Update: To make troubleshooting easier the plugin logs not only a lockout event but also logs and displays the reason for the lockout. * Update: Compatibility with ManageWP and Gravity Forms has been improved. * Update: The layout of the Activity and Live Traffic pages has been improved. * Bug fixed: The malware scanner wrongly prevents PHP files with few specific names in one particular location from being deleted after a manual scan or during the automatic malware removal. * Bug fixed: The number of email notifications might be incorrectly limited to one email per hour. = 7.9 = * New: The plugin monitors suspicious requests that cause 4xx and 5xx HTTP errors and blocks IP addresses that aggressively generate such requests. * New: A set of WordPress navigation menu links. Login, logout, and register menu items can be automatically generated and shown in any WordPress menu or a widget. * New: Software error logging. A handy feature that logs PHP errors and shows them on Live Traffic page. * New: A new export feature for Traffic Inspector. It allows exporting all log entries or a filtered set from the log of HTTP requests. * Update: Multiple improvements to Traffic Inspector firewall algorithms. In short, the detection of obfuscated malicious SQL queries and injections has been improved. * Update: Improved handling of malformed requests to wp-cron.php. * Fix: The number of email notifications per hour can exceed the configured limit. = 7.8.5 = * New: A new set of heuristics algorithms for detecting obfuscated malicious JavaScript code. * New: A new file filter on the Quarantine page lets to filter out quarantined files by the date of the scan. * New: The performance of the malware scanner has been improved. Now the scanner deletes all files in the website session and temporary folders permanently before the scan. * Update: If the plugin is unable to detect the remote IP address, it uses as an IP. * Update: The anti-spam engine will never block the localhost IP * Update: Performance improvements for database queries related to the process of user authentication. * Update: Improved handling the plugin settings in a buggy or misconfigured hosting environment that could cause the plugin to reset settings to their default values. * Update: Translations have been updated. Thanks to Francesco, Jos Knippen, Fredrik Näslund, Slobodan Ljubic and MARCELHAP. * Fix: Fixed an issue with saving settings on the Hardening tab: "Unable to get access to the file…" = 7.8 = * New: An ignore list for the malware scanner. * New: Disabling execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder helps to prevent offenders from exploiting security flaws. * New: Disabling PHP error displaying as a setting is useful for misconfigured servers. * New: English for the plugin admin interface. Enable it if you prefer to have untranslated, original admin interface. * New: Diagnostic logging for the malware scanner. Specify a particular location of the log file by using the CERBER_DIAG_DIR constant. * Update: The performance of malware scanning on a slow web server with thousands of issues and tens of thousands of files has been improved. * Update: PHP 5.3 is not supported anymore. The plugin can be activated and run only on PHP 5.4 or higher. * Fix: If a malicious file is detected on a slow shared hosting, the file can be shown twice in the results of the scan. * Fix: A possible issue with the short PHP syntax on old PHP versions in /wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/common.php on line 1970 = 7.7 = * New: [Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files](https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/). This powerful feature is available in the PRO version and automatically deletes trojans, viruses, backdoors, and other malware. Cerber Security Professional scans the website on an hourly basis and removes malware immediately. * Update: Algorithms of the malware scanner have been improved to detect obfuscated malware code more precisely for all types of files. * Update: Email reports for [scheduled malware scans](https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/) have been extended with useful performance numbers and a list of automatically deleted malicious files if you’ve enabled automatic malware removal and some files have been deleted. * Fix: A possible issue with uploading large JSON and CSV files. When Traffic Inspector scans uploaded files for malware payload, some JSON and CSV files might be erroneously identified as containing a malicious payload. * Fix: A possible Divi theme forms incompatibility. If you use the Divi theme (by Elegant Themes), you can come across a problem with submitting some forms. = 7.6 = * New: The quarantine has got a separate admin page in the WordPress dashboard which allows viewing deleted files, restoring or deleting them. * New: Now the malware scanner and integrity checker supports multisite WordPress installations. * Bug fixed: Once an address IP has been locked out after reaching the limit to the number of attempts to log in the "We’re sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" forbidden page is being displayed instead of the normal user message "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts". * Bug fixed: PHP Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in cerber-load.php on line 5377 * Update: Miscellaneous code improvements for traffic inspector = 7.5 = * New: Firewall algorithms have been improved and now inspect the contents of all files that are being tried to upload on a website. * New: The traffic logger can save headers, cookies and the $_SERVER variable for every HTTP request. * New: The scanner now scans installed plugins for known vulnerabilities. If you have enabled scheduled automatic scans you will be notified in a email report. * Update: A set of new malware signatures amd patterns have been added to detect malware submitted through a contact form as well as any HTTP request fields. * Update: Now the plugin inspects user sign ups (user registrations) on multisite WordPress installations and BuddyPress. * Update: The search for user activity, as well as enabling activity notifications, is improved. = 7.2 = * New: Monitoring new and changed files. * New: Detecting malicious redirections and directives in .htaccess files. * New: Automated hourly and daily scheduled scans with flexible email reports. * Update: Added a protection from logging wrong time stamps on some not correctly configured servers. * Bug fixed: Unexpected warning messages in the WordPress dashboard. * Bug fixed: Some file status links on the scanner results page may not work. = 7.0 = * Cerber Security Scanner: system integrity checker, malware detector and malware removal tool. * New: a new setting for Traffic Inspector: Use White IP Access List. * Update: the redirection from /wp-admin/ to the login page is not blocked for a user that has been logged in once before. * Bug fixed: the limit to the number of new user registrations is calculated the way that allows one additional registration within a given period of time. = 6.7.5 = * A new button View Activity has been added to the user edit page in the WordPress dashboard. * Miscellaneous code optimizations: performance of database routines and SQL queries are improved. * A new Swedish translation has been added. Thanks to Fredrik Näslund. * Bug fixed: The wildcard *.*.*.* entry (all IPv4 addresses) to the Black IP Access List, doesn't work as intended. = 6.7 = * New: Regular expressions are now available for the Traffic Inspector Request whitelist and Antispam Query whitelist. * Update: Antispam engine algorithms have been updated to improve AJAX requests handling and reduce false positives. * Update: Improved compatibility with WooCommerce, Formidable Forms, Gravity Forms and AJAX file upload. * Update: Any symbols other than letters, numbers, dashes and underscores are not permitted in Custom login URL anymore. * Bug fixed: The Safe antispam mode doesn’t work correctly on some website configurations. That may lead to false positives and erroneous spam form submission detection. = 6.5 = * New: A new, advanced initialization mode which reinforces overall security performance. * New: Traffic Inspector's algorithms detect and deny any attempt to upload executable files or an .htaccess file via any POST request. * New: A new setting to disable email notifications about new versions of the plugin. * New: Search in the traffic log improved. Search in the User agent string and filter out the HTTP method (GET/POST) are available. * Update: Performance of the logging subsystem is improved. * Update: In the Smart mode if a user is not logged in, all requests to the admin dashboard are logged. * Bug fixed: If a user tries to log in with an email address and an incorrect password, the "Invalid username" message is shown. * Bug fixed: On a multisite installation with websites in subdirectories a user activation link doesn't work. = 6.2 = * New: Protection against (DoS) attacks that exploit recently discovered vulnerability (CVE-2018-6389). * New: The Traffic Inspector algorithm detects malformed and double extensions like .php.jpg more precisely. * New: The Access Lists now accept IPv6 addresses in any form and handle them in a shortened form. All existing IPs will be converted. * Bug fixed: If the WP REST API is blocked, a request with a specially malformed URL can bypass protection. Thanks to Tomasz Wasiak. * Bug fixed: An IPv4 range in the Access Lists might not work as expected, depending on server/site settings. = 6.1 = * New: Traffic Inspector has got a Request White List setting. * New: An Activity filter for the Advanced search form on the Traffic Inspector page. * Bug fixed: Two reCAPTCHA widgets on login/registration forms. * Bug fixed: A legitimate IP address can be locked out by Traffic Inspector on a Windows hosting (server). = 6.0 = * New: Traffic Inspector. It’s a specialized request inspection algorithm that performs inspection all suspicious incoming HTTP requests and block them before they can harm a website. * New: Traffic Inspector optionally logs all or just suspicious and malicious requests so you can inspect them. * New: Added ability to clean up Cerber’s DB tables. * New: If the web server has some issues and those issues can affect plugin functionality, they are shown on the Diagnostic page. * Added protection to prevent scheduled tasks from being executed multiple times an hour. * JavaScript antispam code is improved to eliminate excessive fields in GET requests. * To eliminate possible warning messages, the inet_pton() function has been replaced with filter_var(). = 5.9 = * New: You can add comments for new entries in the access lists * Improved compatibility with exotic hosting environments: now the plugin handles URLs with the MultiViews server option enabled. * Improved compatibility with caching plugins * Bug fixed: The plugin logs a logout event if the actual logout doesn't happen = 5.8.6 = * New: Regular expressions (REGEX) in the list of prohibited usernames. * New: Enable/disable weekly reports, a new setting to specify email addresses for weekly reports. * Improved compatibility with non-standard authentication processes, WooCommerce and exotic/outdated hosting environments. * Bug fixed: Some interface elements of WordPress Customizer might not work. = 5.8 = * New: Now the plugin will send a brief security report (activity for past seven days) to specified email addresses. * Plugin admin interface pages: compatibility with screen readers has been improved. * REST API: the deprecated rest_enabled filter is used for WordPress older than 4.7. * Bug fixed: After updating the plugin to the 5.7 version some disabled checkboxes (and corresponding disabled settings) are set to their default, enabled states. * Bug fixed: An IP address in the white access list may be locked out as a suspicious IP. = 5.7 = * New: Limit access to WordPress REST API for logged in users only. * New: For new users the plugin records the date of registration, the IP address and a user who has added a new user. * New: Sorting users on the Users admin page by date of registration. * New: User registration monitoring and activity logging functions has been improved. * Translations has been updated, thanks to Jon Knippen, Wojciech Górski and Francesco. * Bug fixed: Stop user enumeration via REST API doesn’t work on a multisite WordPress installation. = 5.5 = * New: White list for the WordPress anti-spam engine. * New: White list for REST API requests. * New: Disable access to user data via REST API and stop REST API user enumeration. = 5.2 = * Bug fixed: Hidden custom login URL may be discovered by using specially formatted URL. * Bug fixed: Customized CSS styles don’t work on the Custom login page. = 5.1 = * New: Anti-spam and anti-bot for contact and other forms. Cerber antispam and bot detection engine now protects all forms on a website. It’s compatible with virtually any form. Tested with Caldera Forms, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, Fast Secure Contact Form, Contact Form by WPForms. * New: Portuguese of Portugal translation has been added, thanks to Helderk. * Bug fixed: A user with admin account is unable to approve comments with pending status in the WordPress Dashboard. = 5.0 = * New: A new antispam and bot detection engine that protects comment and user registration forms from bot attacks. After several attempts bot IP will be locked out. * New: You can tell Cerber either to mark detected spam comments as spam or deny them completely. * New: Cerber can automatically move spam comments older than the specified amount of days to trash. * New: Added the cerber_404_template filter for specifying an alternative to the default 404 page not found template. * New: Added code to avoid possible conflict between Custom login URL and REST API. * New: Italian translation has been added, thanks to Francesco Venuti. * Bug fixed: WordPress database error: Table '...cerber_lab_net' doesn't exist. = 4.9 = * New: Additional details will be logged and displayed on the Activity page: the URL of a request and decision the plugin engine had made. * New: Added a nice panel with performance indicators showing key events and plugin performance in the last 24 hours. * New: To improve reliability self check-up code has been added. * New: Polish translation has been added, thanks to Wojciech Górski. * New: On a multisite WP installation scheduled tasks will be executed once per hour for the entire network: there will no excess SQL queries when the plugin executes hourly cron tasks. * Bug fixed: The language for visible reCAPTCHA doesn't set according to the site language setting. It's always English. = 4.8.2 = * New: Starting with this version all database tables will be created with a default database engine. It should be InnoDB. * New: To improve compatibility with some plugins the email notification function has been updated and now uses the comma-separated list of email addresses instead of an array. * Bug fixed: An IP address from a range might not be allowed to log in if you have overlapping IP ranges in the both IP Access List. * Bug fixed: A reason of blocking an IP address is not shown in notification emails if Always block entire subnet Class C of intruders IP is selected in the settings. = 4.8 = * New: You can enable/disable applying limit login rules to IP addresses in the White IP Access List. * New: Block malicious IP addresses after a specified number of failed attempts to solve visible or invisible reCAPTCHA. * New: Track password reset requests with username entered. = 4.7.7 = * New: invisible reCAPTCHA (classic, visible also available). * New: reCAPTCHA for comment forms. Works well as anti-spam tool. * Fixed bug: "Add network to the Black List" and "Add IP to the Black List" buttons on the Activity tab doesn't work in the Safari web browser. = 4.5 = * New: Instant mobile and browser notifications with Pushbullet. * New: Ability to choose a 404 page template. * New: Events on the Activity tab are displaying with user roles and avatars. * Update: PHP function file_get_contents() has been replaced with cURL to improve compatibilty with restrictive hostings. * Fixed bug: Password reset link that is generated by the WooCommerce reset password form can be corrupted if reCAPTCHA is enabled for the form. * Fixed bug: The plugin doesn’t block IPv6 addresses from the Black IP Access List (versions affected: 4.0 – 4.3). = 4.3 = * New: Use powerful subscriptions to get email notifications according to filters for events you have set. * New: Search and/or filter activity by IP address, username (login), specific event and a user. You may use any combination of them. * New: Now you can export activity from your WordPress website to a CSV file. You may export all activities or just a set of filtered out activities. * Update: Now you can specify multiple email boxes for notifications. * Update: The Spanish translation has been updated, thanks to [leemon](https://profiles.wordpress.org/leemon/). = 4.1 = * New: Date format field allows you to specify a desirable format for displaying dates and time. * Updated code for registration_errors filter to handle errors right way. * The French translation has been updated. * Fixed issue: Loading settings from a file with reCAPTCHA key and secret on a different website overwrite existing reCAPTCHA key and secret with values from the file. * Fixed bug: The plugin tries to validate reCAPTCHA on WooCommerce login form if the validation enabled for the default WordPress login form only. = 4.0 = * New: reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce forms. [How to set up reCAPTCHA](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/). * New: [IP Access Lists](https://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/) have got support for IP networks in three forms: ability to restrict access with IPv4 ranges, IPv4 CIDR notation and IPv4 subnets: A,B,C has been added. * New: Cerber can automatically detect an IP network of an intruder and suggest you to block entire network right from the Activity screen. * New: Norwegian translation added, thanks to [Eirik Vorland](https://www.facebook.com/KjellDaSensei). * Update: WP REST API is controlled by Access Lists. While REST API is blocked for the rest of the world, IP addresses from the White Access List can use WP REST API. * Update: The WP Cerber admin menu is moved from Settings to the main admin menu. * Update: To make Cerber more compatible with other plugins, the order of the init hook on the Custom login page (Custom login URL) has been changed. * Update: Several languages and translations has been updated. * Update: Large amount of code has been rewritten to improve performance and stability. * Fixed bug: If a hacker or a bot uses login from the list of prohibited usernames or non-existent username, Citadel mode is unable to be automatically activated. * Fixed bug: reCAPTCHA for an ordinary WordPress login form is incompatible with a WooCommerce login form. * Fixed issue: In some cases the plugin log first digits of an IP address as an ID of existing user. = 3.0 = * New: [reCAPTCHA to protect WordPress forms spam registrations. Also available for lost password and login forms.](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/) * New: Registration, XML RCP, WP REST API are controlled by IP Access Lists now. If a particular IP address is locked out or blacklisted registration is impossible. * New: Action Get WHOIS info and trigger IP locked out to create automation scenarios with the [jetFlow.io automation plugin](http://jetflow.io). * New: Notification emails will contain Reason of a lockout. * New: The activity DB table will be optimized after removing old records daily. * Update: Column Username on the Activity tab now shows real value that submitted with WordPress login form. * Update: Text domain is updated to 'wp-cerber' * Fixed issue: If a user enter correct email address and wrong password to log in, IP address is locked immediately. = 2.9 = * New: Checking for a prohibited username (login). You can specify list of logins manually on the new settings page (Users). * New: Rate limiting for notification letters. Set it on the main settings page. * New: If new user registration disabled, automatic redirection from wp-register.php to the login page is blocked (404 error). Remote IP will be locked out. * New: You can set user session expiration timeout. * New: Define constant CERBER_IP_KEY if you want the plugin to use it as a key to get IP address from $_SERVER variable. * Update: Improved WP-CLI compatibility. * Update: All dates are displayed in a localized format with date_i18n function. * Fixed bugs: incorrect admin URL in notification letters for multisite with multiple domains configuration, lack of error message on the login form if IP is blocked, CSRF vulnerability on the import settings page * Removed calls of deprecated function get_currentuserinfo(). = 2.7.2 = * Fixed bug for non-English WordPress configuration: the plugin is unable to block IP in some server environment. If you have configured language other than English you have to install this release. = 2.7.1 = * Fixed two small bugs related to 1) unable to remove IP subnet from the Access Lists and 2) getting IP address in case of reverse proxy doesn't work properly. = 2.7 = * New: Now you can view extra WHOIS information for IP addresses in the activity log including country, network info, abuse contact, etc. * New: Added ability to disable WP REST API, see [Hardening WordPress](https://wpcerber.com/hardening-wordpress/) * New: Added ability to add IP address to the Black List from the Activity tab. Nail it! * New: Added Spanish translation, thanks to Ismael. * New: Added ability to set numbers of displayed rows (lines) on the Activity and Lockout tabs. Click Screen Options on the top-right. * Fixed minor security issue: Actions to remove IP on the Access Lists tab were not protected against CSRF attacks. Thanks to Gerard. * Update: Small changes on the dashboard widget. * Update: Action taken by the plugin (plugin makes a decision) now marked with dark vertical bar on the right side of the labels (Activity tab). = = * New: Added Reason column on the Lockouts screen which will display cause of blocking particular IP. * New: Added Hardening WP with options: disable XML-RPC completely, disable user enumeration, disable feeds (RSS, Atom, RSD). * New: Added Custom email address for notifications. * New: Added Dutch and Czech translations. * New: Added Quick info about IP on Activity tab. * Update: Removed option 'Allow whitelist in Citadel mode'. Now this whitelist is enabled by default all the time. * Update: For notifications on the multisite installation the admin email address from the Network Settings will be used. * Fixed Bug: Disable wp-login.php doesn't work for subfolder installation. * Fixed Bug: Custom login URL doesn't work without trailing slash. * Fixed Bug: Any request to wp-signup.php reveal hidden Custom login URL. = 1.8 = * New! added Hostname column for the Activity and Lockouts tabs. * New! added ability to write failed login attempts to the specified file or to the syslog file. Use it to protect site with fail2ban. * Added Ukrainian translation (Український переклад). = 1.7 = * Added ability to remove old records from the user activity log. Log will be cleaned up automatically. Check out new Keep records for field on the settings page. * Added pagination for the Activity and Lockouts tabs. * Added German (Deutsch) translation, thanks to mario. * Added ability to reset settings to the recommended defaults at any time. = 1.6 = * New: beautiful widget for the dashboard to keep an eye on things. Get quick analytic with trends over 24 hours and ability to manually deactivate Citadel mode. * French translation added, thanks to hardesfred. * Hardening WordPress. Removed automatically redirection from /login/ to the login page, from /admin/ and /dashboard/ to the dashboard. * Fixed issue with lost password link in the multisite mode. * Now compatible with User Switching plugin. * Added ability to manually deactivate Citadel mode, once it automatically switches on. = 1.5 = * New feature: importing and exporting settings and access lists from/to the file. * Limited notifications in the dashboard. = 1.4 = * Added support Multisite mode for limit login attempts. * Added Number of comments column on the Users screen in dashboard. * Updated notification settings. * Updated languages files. = 1.3 = * Fixed issue with hanging up during redirect to /wp-admin/ on some circumstance. * Fixed minor issue with limit login attempts for non-admin users. * Added Date of registration column on the Users screen in dashboard. * Some UI improvements on access-list screen. * Performance optimization & code refactoring. = 1.2 = * Added localization & internationalization files. You can use Loco Translate plugin to make your own translation. * Added Russian translation. * Added headers for failed attempts to use such headers with [fail2ban](http://www.fail2ban.org). = 1.1 = * Added ability to filter out Activity List by IP, username or particular event. You can see what happens and when it happened with particular IP or username. When IP reaches limit login attempts and when it was blocked. * Added protection from adding to the Black IP Access List subnet belongs to current user's session IP. * Added option to work with site/server behind reverse proxy. * Update installation instruction. = 1.0 = * Initial version cerber-maintenance.php000064400000017422147577531750011032 0ustar00 $item ) { if ( $item['info'] ) { } if ( $item['status'] ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, $item['status'] ); } if ( $item['errors'] ) { foreach ( $item['errors'] as $err ) { $e = $err[1]; $more = crb_array_get( $err, 2 ); if ( $more ) { $e .= '(' . $more . ')'; } $ret[] = 'An error occurred while updating ' . $item['info']['Name'] . ': ' . $e; if ( $err[0] == 'no_update' ) { continue; } if ( $display_errors ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'An error occurred while updating ' . $item['info']['Name'] . ': ' . $e ); } } } } return $ret; } function cerber_update_plugin( $plugin_id = '' ) { static $silent_skin, $upgrader; $ret = array( 'status' => array(), 'errors' => array() ); $errors = array(); crb_is_task_permitted( true ); ob_start(); $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { $code = $fs->get_error_code(); $ret['errors'] = array( array( $code, $fs->get_error_message( $code ), $fs->get_error_data( $code ) ) ); $junk = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; } $plugins = get_plugins(); $ret['status'][] = 'Upgrading ' . $plugins[ $plugin_id ]['Name'] . ' ' . $plugins[ $plugin_id ]['Version']; if ( ! is_object( $silent_skin ) ) { $silent_skin = new CRB_Upgrader_Skin(); } if ( ! is_object( $upgrader ) ) { $upgrader = new CRB_Plugin_Upgrader( $silent_skin ); } $result = $upgrader->upgrade( $plugin_id ); $junk = ob_get_clean(); // should be empty if ( ! $result ) { $errors [] = array( 'upgrade-unknown', 'Unknown file error' ); } elseif ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { foreach ( $result->get_error_codes() as $code ) { $errors [] = array( $code, $result->get_error_message( $code ), $result->get_error_data( $code ) ); } } $ret['errors'] = $errors; $ret['status'] = array_merge( $ret['status'], $silent_skin->the_status ); $plugins = get_plugins(); $ret['info'] = $plugins[ $plugin_id ]; return $ret; } /** * Class CRB_Plugin_Upgrader * Installs the latest version of the plugin, remove other actions, provides more info in case of error * */ class CRB_Plugin_Upgrader extends Plugin_Upgrader { private $flushed = false; public function upgrade( $plugin, $args = array() ) { $this->download_update_info(); // Use fresh data from wordpress.org $defaults = array( 'clear_update_cache' => true, ); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->init(); $this->upgrade_strings(); $wp_org = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); if ( isset( $wp_org->response[ $plugin ] ) ) { $url = $wp_org->response[ $plugin ]->package; } else { return new WP_Error( 'no_update', 'No newer version found' ); } // No other default updates are allowed! remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( 'Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade' ), 20 ); remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_version_check' ); remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_update_plugins' ); remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_update_themes' ); // In the background update it will deactivate the plugin // add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array($this, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade'), 10, 2); add_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ), 10, 4 ); //'source_selection' => array($this, 'source_selection'), //there's a trac ticket to move up the directory for zip's which are made a bit differently, useful for non-.org plugins. if ( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ) { // Clear cache so wp_update_plugins() knows about the new plugin. add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9, 0 ); } $run_result = $this->run( array( 'package' => $url, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => true, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array( 'plugin' => $plugin, 'type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'update', ), ) ); // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does a upgrade on this connection. remove_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_clean_plugins_cache', 9 ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_pre_install', array( $this, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade' ) ); remove_filter( 'upgrader_clear_destination', array( $this, 'delete_old_plugin' ) ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $run_result ) ) { // Typically filesystem errors return $run_result; // not the same as $this->result (who knows why) } if ( ! $this->result || crb_is_wp_error( $this->result ) ) { return $this->result; } // Force refresh of plugin update information wp_clean_plugins_cache( $parsed_args['clear_update_cache'] ); return true; } private function download_update_info() { if ( ! $this->flushed ) { delete_site_transient( 'update_plugins' ); wp_update_plugins(); } $this->flushed = true; // Update once in case of bulk update } } class CRB_Upgrader_Skin extends WP_Upgrader_Skin { public $the_status = array(); public function __construct() { // simply avoid parsing unnecessary parameters $defaults = array( 'url' => '', 'nonce' => '', 'title' => '', 'context' => false ); $this->options = $defaults; } /* * Saves results for further usage instead of flushing it to a user browser * */ public function feedback( $string, ...$args ) { // Variadic functions requires PHP 5.6 if ( isset( $this->upgrader->strings[ $string ] ) ) { $string = $this->upgrader->strings[ $string ]; } if ( strpos( $string, '%' ) !== false ) { if ( $args ) { $args = array_map( 'strip_tags', $args ); $args = array_map( 'esc_html', $args ); $string = vsprintf( $string, $args ); } } if ( empty( $string ) ) { return; } //show_message($string); No flush! $this->the_status[] = $string; } public function header() { // No output } public function footer() { // No output } }cerber-lab.php000064400000073245147577531750007313 0ustar00 array( $ip_id => $ip ) ) ); if ( ! $lab_data || empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['reputation'] ) ) { $reputation = LAB_IP_OK; $ip_data = array(); $ip_data['reputation']['value'] = $reputation; $ip_data['reputation']['ttl'] = 600; } else { $reputation = absint( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['reputation']['value'] ); $ip_data = $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]; } lab_reputation_update($ip , $ip_data); if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]['network']['geo'] ) ) { lab_geo_update($ip, $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]); } return $reputation; } function lab_reputation_update( $ip, $ip_data ) { if ( empty( $ip_data['reputation'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! $ip = filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { return; } $reputation = absint( $ip_data['reputation']['value'] ); $expires = time() + absint( $ip_data['reputation']['ttl'] ); if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"' ) ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' SET reputation = ' . $reputation . ', expires = ' . $expires . ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"' ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE . ' (ip, reputation, expires) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $reputation . ',' . $expires . ')' ); } } /** * Send request to a Cerber Lab node. * * @param array $workload Workload * @param string|int Return this element from the payload if it exists * * @return array|bool */ function lab_api_send_request( $workload = array(), $payload_key = null ) { global $node_delay; $push = lab_get_push(); if ( ! $workload && ! $push ) { return false; } $key = lab_get_key(); if ( $workload && empty( $key[2] ) && ! $push ) { return false; } $site = lab_get_site_meta( false ); $request = array( 'key' => $key, 'workload' => $workload, 'push' => $push, //'lang' => crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ), 'lang' => $site['lang'], 'wp_ver' => $site['wp_ver'], 'multi' => is_multisite(), 'version' => CERBER_VER, 'PHP' => PHP_MAJOR_VERSION . '.' . PHP_MINOR_VERSION, 'sapi' => PHP_SAPI, 'time' => time(), ); if ( lab_lab() ) { $request['site_url'] = cerber_get_site_url(); // @since 8.6.8 } $ret = lab_send_request( $request ); // If something goes wrong, take the next closest node if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = lab_send_request( $request ); } elseif ( ( $node_delay * 1000 ) > LAB_DELAY_MAX ) { lab_check_nodes(); // Recheck nodes for further requests } if ( $push && $ret ) { lab_trunc_push(); } if ( $payload_key ) { return crb_array_get( $ret, array( 'response', 'payload', $payload_key ) ); } return $ret; } /** * Send an HTTP request to a node. * * @param $request array * @param null $node_id Node ID if not set, will use the last closest and active node * @param string $scheme http|https * * @return array|bool The response of a node on the success request otherwise false on any error */ function lab_send_request( $request, $node_id = null, $scheme = null ) { global $node_delay, $cerber_lab_last_net_error, $cerber_lab_last_node_id; $node = lab_get_node( $node_id ); if ( ! $scheme ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'cerberproto' ) ) { $scheme = 'https'; } else { $scheme = 'http'; } } elseif ( $scheme != 'http' || $scheme != 'https' ) { $scheme = 'https'; } $body = array(); $body['container'] = $request; $body['nodes'] = lab_get_nodes(); $request_body = json_encode( $body ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { //'Unable to encode request: '.json_last_error_msg(), array(__FUNCTION__,__LINE__)); return false; } $headers = array( 'Host:' . $node[2], 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', 'Cerber: ' . CERBER_VER, /* 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $fields['key']*/ ); $curl = @curl_init(); // @since 4.32 if ( ! $curl ) { cerber_error_log( 'Unable to initialize cURL', 'CLOUD' ); return false; } $url = $scheme . '://' . $node[2] . '/engine/v1/'; curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $request_body, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Cerber Security Plugin ' . CERBER_VER, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 2, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 4, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 4 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); cerber_diag_log( 'Sending request to: ' . $url, 'CLOUD' ); cerber_diag_log( 'Request body: ' . print_r( $body, 1 ), 'CLOUD' ); $start = microtime( true ); $data = @curl_exec( $curl ); $stop = microtime( true ); $cerber_lab_last_node_id = $node[0]; $node_delay = $stop - $start; if ( $data ) { $response = lab_parse_response( $data ); } else { $response['status'] = 0; $code = intval( curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) ); $response['error'] = 'Network error occurred while connecting to the node #' . $node[0] . ' (' . $code . ')'; if ( $curl_err = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $curl_err .= '[' . curl_errno( $curl ) . ']'; cerber_error_log( 'cURL => ' . $curl_err, 'CLOUD' ); } } curl_close( $curl ); lab_update_node_last( $node[0], array( $node_delay, $response['status'], $response['error'], time(), $scheme, $node[1] ) ); if ( $response['error'] ) { $cerber_lab_last_net_error = $response['error']; cerber_error_log( $response['error'], 'CLOUD' ); return false; } elseif ( defined( 'CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG' ) ) { cerber_diag_log( 'Response: ' . print_r( $response, 1 ), 'CLOUD' ); } return $response; } /** * Parse node response and detect possible errors * * @param $response * * @return array */ function lab_parse_response( $response ) { $ret = array( 'status' => 1, 'error' => false ); if ( ! empty( $response ) ) { $ret = json_decode( $response, true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $ret['status'] = 0; $ret['error'] = 'JSON ERROR: ' . json_last_error_msg(); } // Is everything is OK? if ( empty( $ret['key'] ) || ! empty( $ret['error'] ) ) { $ret['status'] = 0; // Not OK } } else { $ret['status'] = 0; $ret['error'] = 'No node answer'; } if ( ! isset( $ret['error'] ) ) { $ret['error'] = false; } return $ret; } /** * Return "the best" (closest) node if $node_id is not specified * * @param $node_id integer node ID * * @return array first element is ID of closest node, second is an IP address */ function lab_get_node( $node_id = null ) { $node_id = absint( $node_id ); if ( $node_id ) { $best_id = $node_id; } else { $best_id = null; } $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( ! $best_id ) { if ( $nodes && ! empty( $nodes['best'] ) ) { $best_id = $nodes['best']; if ( empty( $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last'][1] ) ) { // this node was not active at the last request unset( $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ] ); $best_id = lab_best_node( $nodes['nodes'] ); } } } if ( ! $best_id || $best_id > LAB_NODE_MAX ) { $best_id = rand( 1, LAB_NODE_MAX ); } $name = 'node' . $best_id . '.cerberlab.net'; $host = null; if ( ! empty( $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last'] ) ) { $node = $nodes['nodes'][ $best_id ]['last']; if ( $node[5] && ( time() - $node[3] ) < LAB_DNS_TTL ) { $host = $node[5]; } } if ( ! $host ) { $host = @gethostbyname( $name ); } return array( $best_id, $host, $name ); } /** * Check all nodes and find the closest and active one. * * @param bool $force If true performs checking nodes without checking allowed interval LAB_RECHECK * @param bool $kick_dns If true preload DNS cache to eliminate DNS resolving delay * * @return bool|int */ function lab_check_nodes( $force = false, $kick_dns = false ) { $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( ! $force && isset( $nodes['last_check'] ) && ( time() - $nodes['last_check'] ) < LAB_RECHECK ) { return false; } $nodes['nodes'] = array(); // clean up before testing cerber_update_set( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); for ( $i = 1; $i <= LAB_NODE_MAX; $i ++ ) { if ( $kick_dns ) { @gethostbyname( 'node' . $i . '.cerberlab.net' ); } lab_send_request( array( 'test' => 'test', 'key' => 1 ), $i ); } $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); $nodes['best'] = lab_best_node( $nodes['nodes'] ); $nodes['last_check'] = time(); cerber_update_set( '_cerberlab_', $nodes ); return $nodes['best']; } /** * Find the best (closest) and active node in the list of nodes * * @param array $nodes * * @return int the ID of a node, 0 if no node available */ function lab_best_node( $nodes = array() ) { if ( empty( $nodes ) ) { return 0; } $active_nodes = array(); foreach ( $nodes as $id => $data ) { if ( $data['last']['1'] ) { // only active nodes must be in the list $active_nodes[ $id ] = $data['last']['0']; } } if ( $active_nodes ) { asort( $active_nodes ); reset( $active_nodes ); $best_id = key( $active_nodes ); } else { $best_id = 0; // no active nodes found :-( } return $best_id; } /** * Update node status * * @param $node_id * @param array $last * * @return bool */ function lab_update_node_last($node_id, $last = array()) { $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); $nodes['nodes'][$node_id]['last'] = $last; return cerber_update_set('_cerberlab_', $nodes); } function lab_get_nodes() { $nodes = cerber_get_set( '_cerberlab_' ); if ( ! $nodes || ! is_array( $nodes ) ) { $nodes = array(); } return $nodes; } /** * Small diagnostic report about nodes for admin * * @return string Report to show in the Dashboard */ function lab_status() { $ret = ''; if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) && ! lab_lab() ) { $ret .= '

      Cerber Lab connection is disabled

      '; } $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( empty( $nodes['nodes'] ) ) { return $ret . '

      No information. No request has been made yet.

      '; } $tb = array(); ksort( $nodes['nodes'] ); foreach ( $nodes['nodes'] as $id => $node ) { if ( in_array( $id, LAB_IGNORE_NODES ) ) { continue; } $delay = round( 1000 * $node['last'][0] ) . ' ms'; $ago = cerber_ago_time( $node['last'][3] ); $status = $node['last'][1]; if ( $status ) { $status = '' . $status . ''; } else { $status = 'Down'; $delay = 'Unknown'; } if ( $country = lab_get_country( $node['last'][5], false ) ) { $country = cerber_country_name( $country ); } else { $country = ''; } $tb[] = array( $id, $delay, $status, $node['last'][2], $node['last'][5], $country, $ago, $node['last'][4], ); } $ret .= cerber_make_plain_table( $tb, array( 'Node', 'Processing time', 'Operational status', 'Info', 'IP address', 'Location', 'Last request', 'Protocol' ), false, true ); if ( ! empty( $nodes['best'] ) ) { $ret .= '

      Closest (fastest) node: ' . $nodes['best'] . '

      '; } if ( ! empty( $nodes['last_check'] ) ) { $ret .= '

      Last check for all nodes: ' . cerber_ago_time( $nodes['last_check'] ) . '

      '; } $key = lab_get_key(); $ret .= '

      Site ID: ' . $key[0] . '

      '; return $ret; } /** * Check if the Cerber Cloud alive * * @return bool|int The number of active nodes, false otherwise */ function lab_is_cloud_ok(){ $nodes = lab_get_nodes(); if ( ! $nodes ) { return false; } $n = 0; foreach ( $nodes['nodes'] as $id => $node ) { if ($node['last'][1]){ $n++; } } if ($n > 0){ return $n; } return false; } /** * Save data for lab * * @param $ip string IP address * @param $reason_id integer Why IP is malicious * @param $details */ function lab_save_push( $ip, $reason_id, $details = null ) { static $done = false; if ( $done || cerber_check_groove() ) { return; // Known user } $ip = filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( ! $ip || is_ip_private( $ip ) || crb_acl_is_white( $ip ) || ! ( crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) || lab_lab() ) ) { return; } $reason_id = absint( $reason_id ); if ( in_array( $reason_id, array( 708, 709, 55 ) ) ) { $details = array( 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ); } elseif ( $reason_id == 100 ) { $details = absint( CRB_Globals::$act_status ); } if ( is_array( $details ) ) { $details = serialize( $details ); } $details = cerber_real_escape( $details ); cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE . ' (ip, reason_id, details, stamp) VALUES ("' . $ip . '",' . $reason_id . ',"' . $details . '",' . time() . ')' ); $done = true; } /** * Get data for lab * * @return array|bool */ function lab_get_push() { $result = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE, MYSQLI_ASSOC ); if ( $result ) { return array( 'type_1' => $result ); } return false; } function lab_trunc_push(){ cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_TABLE ); // TRUNCATE might not work on a weird hosting } function cerber_push_lab() { if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) ) { return; } if ( cerber_get_set( '_cerberpush_', null, false ) ) { return; } lab_api_send_request(); cerber_update_set( '_cerberpush_', 1, null, false, time() + LAB_INTERVAL ); } function lab_gen_site_id() { if ( is_multisite() ) { $home = network_home_url(); } else { $home = cerber_get_site_url(); } $home = rtrim( trim( $home ), '/' ); $id = substr( $home, strpos( $home, '//' ) + 2 ); return md5( $id ); } /** * @since 8.5.6 * @param $site_id string * * @return bool */ function lab_check_site_id( $site_id ) { if ( ! $site_id || $site_id != substr( preg_replace( '/[^A-Z0-9]/i', '', $site_id ), 0, 32 ) ) { return false; } return true; } function lab_get_key( $refresh = false, $nocache = false) { static $key = null; if ( ! isset( $key ) || $nocache ) { $key = cerber_get_set( '_cerberkey_' ); } if ( $refresh || ! $key || ! is_array( $key ) ) { if ( empty( $key ) || ! is_array( $key ) ) { $key = array( '' ); } if ( ! lab_check_site_id( $key[0] ) ) { $key[0] = lab_gen_site_id(); } else { // Fix: WP is installed in a subdirectory, rewrite old, domain-based site ID if ( 2 < substr_count( cerber_get_site_url(), '/' ) ) { $key[0] = lab_gen_site_id(); } } $key[1] = time(); if ( empty( $key[4] ) ) { $key[4] = 'SK//' . str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ); } cerber_update_set( '_cerberkey_', $key ); } return $key; } function lab_update_key( $lic, $expires = 0 ) { $key = lab_get_key(); $key[2] = strtoupper( $lic ); $key[3] = absint( $expires ); delete_site_option( '_cerberkey_' ); // old cerber_update_set( '_cerberkey_', $key ); lab_get_key( false, true ); // reload the static cache } function lab_validate_lic( $lic = '', &$msg = '', &$site_ip = '' ) { global $cerber_lab_last_net_error, $cerber_lab_last_node_id; $msg = ''; $key = lab_get_key(); if ( ! $lic ) { if ( empty( $key[2] ) ) { $msg = '(1)'; return false; } $lic = $key[2]; } $request = array( 'key' => $key, 'validate' => $lic, 'version' => CERBER_VER, 'site_url' => cerber_get_site_url(), 'multi' => is_multisite(), ); $i = LAB_NODE_MAX; while ( ! ( $ret = lab_send_request( $request ) ) && $i > 0 ) { $i --; } if ( ! empty( $cerber_lab_last_net_error ) ) { $msg .= $cerber_lab_last_net_error; } if ( ! $ret || ! isset( $ret['response']['expires_gmt'] ) ) { cerber_admin_notice( 'A network error occurred while verifying the license key. Please try again in a couple of minutes.' ); $msg .= '(2)'; $expires = 0; } else { $msg .= '(3)'; $expires = absint( $ret['response']['expires_gmt'] ); } lab_update_key( $lic, $expires ); $site_ip = $ret['net_connection_ip']; if ( ! $expires ) { $msg = date('M d, Y', strtotime('+1 years')); return true; } if ( time() > ( $expires + LAB_LICENSE_GRACE ) ) { $msg = '(5)'; return true; } $df = get_option( 'date_format', false ); $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset', false ) * 3600; $msg = date_i18n( $df, $gmt_offset + $expires ); return true; } function lab_lab( $with_date = 0 ) { return true; static $exp; if ( ! isset( $exp ) ) { if ( $slave = nexus_get_context() ) { if ( ! $slave->site_key ) { $exp = false; } else { $exp = $slave->site_key; } } else { $key = lab_get_key(); if ( empty( $key[2] ) || empty( $key[3] ) ) { $exp = false; } else { $exp = $key[3]; } } } if ( ! $exp ) { return false; } if ( time() > ( $exp + LAB_LICENSE_GRACE ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $with_date ) { return true; } if ( $with_date == 2 ) { return $exp; } $df = get_option( 'date_format', false ); $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset', false ) * 3600; return date_i18n( $df, $gmt_offset + $exp ); } function lab_indicator(){ if ( lab_is_cloud_ok() && lab_lab() ) { $key = lab_get_key(); $sid = 'Site ID: '.$key[0]; return '
      '; //return '
      '; //return '
      Cerber Security Cloud Protection is active
      '; } return ''; } /** * Opt in for the connection to Cerber Lab * */ function lab_opt_in(){ if ( lab_lab() || crb_get_settings( 'cerberlab' ) ) { return; } if ( $o = get_site_option( '_lab_o' . 'pt_in_' ) ) { if ( ( $o[1] + 30 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) > time() ) { return; } } if ( ! crb_was_activated( WEEK_IN_SECONDS ) ) { return; } $h = __('Want to make WP Cerber even more powerful?','wp-cerber'); $text = __('Allow WP Cerber to send locked out malicious IP addresses to Cerber Lab. This helps the plugin team to develop new algorithms for WP Cerber that will defend WordPress against new threats and botnets that are appearing everyday. You can disable the sending in the plugin settings at any time.','wp-cerber'); $ok = __('OK, nail them all','wp-cerber'); $no = __('NO, maybe later','wp-cerber'); $more = '' . __( 'Know more', 'wp-cerber' ) . ''; $notice = '

      ' . $h . '

      ' . $text . '

      ' . '

      ' . $more . '

      '; crb_show_admin_announcement( $notice, false ); } /** * Save a user choice * * @param string $button */ function lab_user_opt_in( $button = '' ) { $a = null; if ( $button == 'lab_ok' ) { $a = array( 'YES', time() ); $o = get_site_option( CERBER_OPT ); $o['cerberlab'] = 1; update_site_option( CERBER_OPT, $o ); } if ( $button == 'lab_no' ) { $a = array( 'NO', time() ); } if ( $a ) { update_site_option( '_lab_o' . 'pt_in_', $a ); } } /** * Return country ISO code * * @param $ip array|string IP address(es) * @param bool $cache_only Use local cache. If false and an IP is not in the cache, sends a request to the Cerber Lab GEO service. * * @return array|string|false A list of country codes if a list of IPs provided, otherwise a string with the country code. */ function lab_get_country( $ip, $cache_only = true ) { global $remote_country; if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( ! is_array( $remote_country ) ) { $remote_country = array(); } if ( filter_var( $ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ); if ( isset( $remote_country[ $ip_id ] ) ) { return $remote_country[ $ip_id ]; } } if ( ! is_array( $ip ) ) { $ip_list = array( $ip ); } else { $ip_list = $ip; } $ret = array(); $ask = array(); foreach ( $ip_list as $item ) { if ( ! filter_var( $item, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { continue; } $ip_id = cerber_get_id_ip( $item ); $ret[ $ip_id ] = null; if ( is_ip_private( $item ) ) { continue; } if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $item ) ) { $ip_long = ip2long( $item ); $where = ' WHERE ip_long_begin <= ' . $ip_long . ' AND ' . $ip_long . ' <= ip_long_end'; } else { $where = ' WHERE ip = "' . $item . '"'; } $country = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT country FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . $where ); if ( $country ) { $ret[ $ip_id ] = $country; } elseif ( ! $cache_only ) { //$ask[ $ip_id ] = $item; //$country = file_get_contents ( 'https://api.hostip.info/country.php?ip=' . $item ); $country = unserialize(file_get_contents ( 'http://ip-api.com/php/' . $item . '?fields=countryCode' )); if ( $country ) { $ret[ $ip_id ] = $country['countryCode']; } } } if ( ! $cache_only && $ask ) { $lab_data = lab_api_send_request( array( 'ask_cerberlab' => $ask ) ); if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'] ) ) { foreach ( $lab_data['response']['payload'] as $ip_id => $ip_data ) { //foreach ( $ask as $ip_id => $ip_ask ) { //if ( ! empty( $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ] ) ) { //$ip_data = $lab_data['response']['payload'][ $ip_id ]; lab_geo_update( $ip_data['ip'], $ip_data ); lab_reputation_update( $ip_data['ip'], $ip_data ); $ret[ $ip_id ] = crb_array_get( $ip_data, array( 'network', 'geo', 'country_iso' ), '' ); //} } } } $remote_country = array_merge( $remote_country, $ret ); if ( ! is_array( $ip ) && ! empty( $ret ) ) { return current( $ret ); } return $ret; } /** * Update local GEO cache with a given network data * * @param string $ip IP address which country we asked for * @param array $data IP and its network data */ function lab_geo_update( $ip = '', $data = array() ) { global $remote_country; if ( empty( $data['network']['geo'] ) ) { return; } if ( ! is_array( $remote_country ) ) { $remote_country = array(); } $code = substr( $data['network']['geo']['country_iso'], 0, 3 ); $remote_country[ cerber_get_id_ip( $ip ) ] = $code; $expires = time() + absint( $data['network']['geo']['country_expires'] ); $begin = intval( $data['network']['begin'] ); $end = intval( $data['network']['end'] ); if ( cerber_is_ipv4( $ip ) ) { $where = ' WHERE ip_long_begin = ' . $begin . ' AND ip_long_end = ' . $end; //$ip = ''; } else { $where = ' WHERE ip = "' . $ip . '"'; } $exists = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT ip FROM ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . $where ); if ( $exists ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . " SET expires = $expires, country = '$code' $where" ); } else { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE . " (ip, ip_long_begin, ip_long_end, country, expires) VALUES ('{$ip}',{$begin},{$end},'{$code}',{$expires})" ); } // The list of names of the countries if ( ! empty( $data['network']['geo']['country'] ) ) { foreach ( $data['network']['geo']['country'] as $locale => $name ) { $where = ' WHERE country = "' . $code . '" AND locale = "' . $locale . '"'; $exists = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT country FROM ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . $where ); if ( ! $exists ) { cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' (country, locale, country_name) VALUES ("' . $code . '","' . $locale . '","' . $name . '")' ); } else { //$wpdb->query( 'UPDATE ' . CERBER_GEO_TABLE . ' SET country_name = "' . $name . '"' . $where ); } } } } function lab_cleanup_cache() { if ( ! cerber_user_can_manage() ) { return; } cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_NET_TABLE ); cerber_db_query( 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . CERBER_LAB_IP_TABLE ); } /** * Return node ID for the current request if it is originated from the Cerber Cloud * * @return bool|int Node ID if the current request comes from a valid node or false otherwise */ function lab_get_real_node_id() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } $hostname = @gethostbyaddr( cerber_get_remote_ip() ); if ( ! $hostname || filter_var( $hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $domain = array_slice( explode( '.', $hostname ), - 3, 3 ); if ( ! $domain || count( $domain ) != 3 ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } if ( $domain[1] . '.' . $domain[2] !== 'cerberlab.net' ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $ret = absint( substr( $domain[0], 4, 2 ) ); // 0-99 return $ret; } /** * Returns cached statistical site info * * @param bool $update If true, update (regenerate) the cache * * @return array */ function lab_get_site_meta( $update = true ) { if ( ! $update ) { $ret = cerber_get_set( CRB_SITE_SET, null, true, true ); } else { $ret = false; } if ( empty( $ret ) || ! is_array( $ret ) ) { $ret = array( 'lang' => crb_get_bloginfo( 'language' ), 'wp_ver' => cerber_get_wp_version(), ); cerber_update_set( CRB_SITE_SET, $ret, null, true, time() + 7200, true ); } return $ret; } cerber-scanner.php000064400000477172147577531750010215 0ustar00 0 ); const CRB_HASH_THEME = 'hash_tm_'; const CRB_HASH_PLUGIN = 'hash_pl_'; const CRB_LAST_FILE = 'tmp_last_file'; const CRB_SCAN_GO = '__CERBER__SECURITY_SCAN_GO__'; const CRB_SCAN_STOP = '__CERBER__SECURITY_SCAN_STOP__'; const CRB_SCAN_DTB = '__CERBER__SECURITY_SCAN_DATA_B'; const CRB_SCAN_DTE = '__CERBER__SECURITY_SCAN_DATA_E'; const CRB_SCAN_END = 14; const CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR = 'recovery'; const CRB_SCAN_UPL_SECTION = 'Uploads folder'; const CRB_SQL_CHUNK = 5000; // @since 8.6.4 Split queries into chunks to reduce memory consumption const CRB_SCAN_TEMP = 'tmp_scan_step_data'; add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function () { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { return; } ob_start(); // Collecting possible junk warnings and notices cause we need clean JSON to be sent // Load dependencies if ( ! function_exists( '_get_dropins' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $scanner = array(); $errors = array(); $do = ''; if ( isset( $_POST['scan_mode'] ) ) { $mode = ( isset( $_POST['scan_mode'] ) ) ? preg_replace( '/[^a-z_\-\d]/i', '', $_POST['scan_mode'] ) : 'quick'; if ( cerber_is_cloud_enabled( $mode ) ) { if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { if ( $scan['finished'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } else { $errors['p'] = 'Scan protection interval'; } } elseif ( $scan['cloud'] ) { if ( $scan['cloud'] == lab_get_real_node_id() ) { $do = 'continue_scan'; } else { // Restart a hung scan if ( $scan['started'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } else { $errors['d'] = 'Scan from different node in progress'; } } } // Restart a hung/abandoned scan elseif ( $scan['started'] < ( time() - 900 ) ) { $do = 'start_scan'; } } else { $do = 'start_scan'; } if ( $do ) { $scanner = cerber_scanner( $do, $mode ); $scanner['errors'] = array(); // We don't process each error } } else { $errors['m'] = 'Mode is disabled'; } } else { $errors['u'] = 'Unknown cloud request'; } if ( ! empty( $scanner['cerber_scan_do'] ) ) { $do = $scanner['cerber_scan_do']; } else { $do = 'stop'; } $db_errors = array_map( function ( $err ) { return substr( $err, 0, 1000 ); }, cerber_db_get_errors() ); $ret = array( 'cerber_scanner' => $scanner, 'client_errors' => array( $errors, $db_errors ), 'mem_limit' => @ini_get( 'memory_limit' ), 'ver' => CERBER_VER //'scan' => cerber_get_scan(), // debug only ); ob_end_clean(); if ( $do == 'continue_scan' ) { echo CRB_SCAN_GO; } else { echo CRB_SCAN_STOP; } echo CRB_SCAN_DTB; echo json_encode( $ret ); echo CRB_SCAN_DTE; die(); } ); function cerber_scanner( $control, $mode ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_debug' ) ) { register_shutdown_function( function () { if ( http_response_code() != 200 ) { crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: Unexpected software errors detected. Check the web server error log.' ); if ( $err = error_get_last() ) { crb_scan_debug( print_r( $err, 1 ) ); } } } ); } $errors = array(); if ( function_exists( 'wp_raise_memory_limit' ) ) { if ( ! wp_raise_memory_limit( 'admin' ) ) { //$m = 'WARNING: Unable to raise memory limit'; //crb_scan_debug( $m ); //$errors[] = $m; } } if ( ! $mode ) { $mode = 'quick'; } $cerber_scan_mode = $mode; $status = null; $ret = array(); switch ( $control ) { case 'start_scan': if ( cerber_init_scan( $mode ) ) { crb_scan_debug( '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> START SCANNING v. ' . CERBER_VER . ', mode: ' . $mode . ', memory: ' . @ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) ); cerber_step_scanning(); } break; case 'continue_scan': cerber_step_scanning(); break; } if ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { if ( $control == 'get_last_scan' ) { crb_file_filter( $scan['issues'], 'file_exists' ); $ret['issues'] = $scan['issues']; crb_file_sanitize( $ret['issues'] ); } $ret['scan_id'] = $scan['id']; $ret['mode'] = $scan['mode']; $ret['cloud'] = $scan['cloud']; if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'stop'; } else { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'continue_scan'; } $ret['step'] = $scan['next_step']; $ret['aborted'] = $scan['aborted']; $ret['errors'] = array_merge( $errors, cerber_get_scan_errors() ); $ret['errors_total'] = count( $ret['errors'] ); $ret['total'] = $scan['total']; $ret['scanned'] = $scan['scanned']; if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { $ret['step_issues'] = CRB_Scan::get_step_issues(); crb_file_sanitize( $ret['step_issues'] ); $ret['scanned'] = $scan['scanned']; cerber_make_numbers( $scan ); $ret['started'] = cerber_date( $scan['started'], false ); $duration = time() - $scan['started']; // Should be calculated using actual PHP executing time $ret['finished'] = '-'; $ret['duration'] = '-'; if ( $scan['finished'] ) { $ret['finished'] = cerber_date( $scan['finished'], false ); $duration = $scan['finished'] - $scan['started']; $ret['step'] = ''; } if ( $duration < 3600 ) { $ret['duration'] = sprintf( "%02d%s%02d", ( $duration / 60 ) % 60, ':', $duration % 60 ); } else { $ret['duration'] = sprintf( "%02d%s%02d%s%02d", floor( $duration / 3600 ), ':', ( $duration / 60 ) % 60, ':', $duration % 60 ); } if ( $duration && ! empty( $scan['scanned']['bytes'] ) ) { $ret['performance'] = number_format( round( ( $scan['scanned']['bytes'] / $duration ) / 1024, 0 ), 0, '.', ' ' ) . ' ' . __( 'KB/sec', 'wp-cerber' ); } else { $ret['performance'] = '-'; } $ret['scan_stats'] = $scan['scan_stats']; $ret['progress'] = crb_array_get( $scan, 'progress', array() ); $ret['ver'] = crb_array_get( $scan, 'ver', '' ); $ret['old'] = ( version_compare( CERBER_VER, $ret['ver'], '>' ) ) ? 1 : 0; // DOM elements to be replaced with new values $ret['scan_ui'] = array(); $ret['scan_ui'] = array_merge( $ret['scan_ui'], cerber_get_stats_html( $scan['numbers'] ) ); } } else { $ret['cerber_scan_do'] = 'stop'; } if ( cerber_db_get_errors() ) { cerber_watchdog( true ); } return $ret; } function cerber_step_scanning() { global $wp_cerber_scan_step, $cerber_scan_mode; ignore_user_abort( true ); cerber_exec_timer(); if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } if ( $scan['finished'] || $scan['aborted'] ) { return true; } $cerber_scan_mode = $scan['mode']; $current_step = $scan['next_step']; $scan_id = $scan['id']; $wp_cerber_scan_step = $current_step; unset( $scan ); $aborted = 0; $remain = 0; $exceed = false; $update = array(); $progress = 0; crb_scan_debug( cerber_get_step_description( $current_step ) . ' (step ' . $current_step . ')' ); switch ( $current_step ) { case 0: cerber_before_scan(); break; case 1: if ( $result = cerber_scan_directory( ABSPATH, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { $above = dirname( cerber_get_abspath() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; _crb_save_file_names( array( $above . 'wp-config.php', $above . '.htaccess' ) ); $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ); $update['total']['folders'] = $result[0]; crb_scan_debug( array( 'Folders: ' . $update['total']['folders'] ) ); } else { $aborted = 1; } break; case 2: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $tmp_dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( is_dir( $tmp_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $tmp_dir, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ); } break; case 3: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $tmp_dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); $another_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); if ( $another_dir !== $tmp_dir && @is_dir( $another_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $another_dir, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ); } break; case 4: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) { $another_dir = session_save_path(); if ( @is_dir( $another_dir ) && $result = cerber_scan_directory( $another_dir, '_crb_save_file_names' ) ) { //$update['total']['folders'] += $result[0]; } $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ); } break; case 5: $x = 0; //if ( $result = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND file_hash = ""' ) ) { $done = false; while ( ! $aborted && ! $exceed && ! $done ) { // Split into several SQL requests to avoid memory exhausted error on a website with hundreds of thousands files if ( $result = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, scan_id, file_name_hash FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND scan_status = 0 AND file_hash = "" LIMIT ' . CRB_SQL_CHUNK ) ) { foreach ( $result as $row ) { if ( ! cerber_add_file_info( $row ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to update file info. Scanning has been aborted.' ); $aborted = 1; break; } if ( 0 === ( $x % 100 ) ) { if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { $exceed = true; break; } } $x ++; } } else { //$aborted = 1; $done = true; } } // Some files might be symlinks $update['total']['files'] = cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ); $update['total']['parsed'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_type !=0' ); $progress = 100 * $update['total']['parsed'] / $update['total']['files']; break; case 6: if ( cerber_is_check_fs() ) { cerber_check_fs_changes(); } break; case 7: cerber_verify_wp(); break; case 8: $remain = cerber_recover_files( CERBER_PK_WP ); break; case 9: $remain = cerber_verify_plugins( $progress ); break; case 10: $remain = cerber_recover_files( CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ); break; case 11: $remain = cerber_verify_themes(); break; case 12: //$remain = CRB_Scan_Grinder::detect_media_injections( $progress ); break; case 13: $remain = CRB_Scan_Grinder::process_files( $progress ); break; case CRB_SCAN_END: cerber_apply_scan_policies(); break; } if ( ! $remain && ! $exceed && ! $aborted ) { $next_step = cerber_next_step( $current_step ); } else { $next_step = $current_step; } $update['next_step'] = $next_step; $step_completed = ( $next_step != $current_step ); if ( $step_completed ) { cerber_delete_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP ); $progress = 0; } else { $progress = (int) ceil( $progress ); } $update['progress']['step'] = $progress; if ( $next_step > CRB_SCAN_END ) { $update['finished'] = time(); } if ( $aborted ) { $update['aborted'] = time(); } $update['scanned']['files'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND scan_status > 0' ); $update['scanned']['bytes'] = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT SUM(file_size) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND scan_status > 0' ); if ( isset( $update['total']['files'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Files total: ' . $update['total']['files'] ); } if ( isset( $update['total']['parsed'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Parsed files: ' . $update['total']['parsed'] ); } if ( $update['scanned']['files'] ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Scanned files: ' . $update['scanned']['files'] ); } if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } cerber_merge_issues( $scan['issues'], CRB_Scan::get_step_issues() ); $update['issues'] = $scan['issues']; unset( $scan ); cerber_make_numbers( $update ); $ret = cerber_update_scan( $update ); if ( isset( $update['finished'] ) ) { cerber_scan_completed(); cerber_delete_old_scans(); $cr = cerber_cleanup_recovery(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $cr ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $cr ); } } if ( isset( $update['aborted'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCANNING HAS BEEN ABORTED' ); } elseif ( isset( $update['finished'] ) ) { crb_scan_debug( '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCANNING HAS COMPLETED' ); } return $ret; } /** * Determine the next step according to settings * * @param $current_step * * @return int */ function cerber_next_step( $current_step ) { $next_step = $current_step; switch ( $current_step ) { case 1: if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) ) { $next_step += 1; } else { $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) ? 3 : 4; } break; case 3: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 5: $next_step += ( cerber_is_check_fs() ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 7: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_recover_wp' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 9: $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_recover_pl' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; case 11: //$next_step += ( cerber_is_full() && crb_get_settings( 'scan_media' ) ) ? 1 : 2; $next_step += ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_media' ) ) ? 1 : 2; break; default: $next_step ++; } return $next_step; } function cerber_scan_get_step() { global $wp_cerber_scan_step; return (int) $wp_cerber_scan_step; } function cerber_scan_completed() { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() || ! lab_lab() || ! cerber_is_cloud_enabled() ) { return; } if ( ! ( $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) || ! $scan['cloud'] ) { return; } $report = cerber_scan_report( $scan ); if ( ! $report ) { crb_scan_debug( 'No issues for email reporting found.' ); return; } if ( ! cerber_send_notification( 'scan', array( 'text' => $report ) ) ) { // Send alert via cloud? } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Email report has been sent.' ); } } function cerber_before_scan() { $dir = session_save_path(); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_sess' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodelsess' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the session directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } $dir = @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodeltemp' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the temp directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } $dir = @sys_get_temp_dir(); if ( @is_dir( $dir ) && crb_get_settings( 'scan_tmp' ) && ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_nodeltemp' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up in the temp directory ' . $dir ); cerber_empty_folder( $dir ); } } function cerber_empty_folder( $dir ) { $dir = rtrim( $dir, '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $ex = crb_get_settings( 'scan_delexdir' ); if ( $ex && in_array( $dir, $ex ) ) { return; } if ( ! wp_is_writable( $dir ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'The directory is write protected: ' . $dir ); return; } $r = cerber_empty_dir( $dir ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $r ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to delete files in the directory: ' . $dir ); crb_scan_debug( $r ); } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Directory has been emptied: ' . $dir ); } } function cerber_apply_scan_policies() { if ( ! lab_lab() || ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return; } $opt = crb_get_settings(); $sess_dir = rtrim( session_save_path(), '/\\' ); $tmp_dir1 = rtrim( @ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' ), '/\\' ); $tmp_dir2 = rtrim( sys_get_temp_dir(), '/\\' ); $scan_delupl = ( ! empty( $opt['scan_delupl'] ) ) ? array_keys( $opt['scan_delupl'] ) : array(); $may_be_deleted = array( CERBER_SCF, CERBER_PMC, CERBER_USF, CERBER_EXC, CERBER_UXT, CERBER_INJ ); $update = false; crb_scan_debug( 'Cleaning up...' ); foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $id => &$set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as $key => &$issue ) { if ( empty( $issue['data']['fd_allowed'] ) || isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) || ! array_intersect( $issue['ii'], $may_be_deleted ) || ! is_file( $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { continue; } $file_name = $issue['data']['name']; $dir = dirname( $file_name ); $delete = false; if ( $opt['scan_delexdir'] && in_array( $dir, $opt['scan_delexdir'] ) ) { continue; } if ( $opt['scan_delexext'] && cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_delexext' ) ) { continue; } if ( $dir == $sess_dir ) { if ( $opt['scan_nodelsess'] ) { continue; } $delete = true; } elseif ( $dir == $tmp_dir1 || $dir == $tmp_dir2 ) { if ( $opt['scan_nodeltemp'] ) { continue; } $delete = true; } elseif ( $issue['data']['type'] == CERBER_FT_UPLOAD ) { if ( in_array( CERBER_INJ, $issue['ii'] ) && cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_del_media' ) ) { $delete = true; } elseif ( in_array( $issue[2], $scan_delupl ) ) { $delete = true; } else { continue; } } if ( ! $delete ) { if ( $set['setype'] == 21 || in_array( CERBER_USF, $issue['ii'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $opt['scan_delunatt'] ) ) { $delete = true; } } if ( ! $delete && ! empty( $opt['scan_delunwant'] ) ) { if ( cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_uext' ) ) { $delete = true; } } } if ( $delete ) { $update = true; $result = cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan['id'] ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( $result->get_error_message() ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FDUN; } else { crb_scan_debug( 'File deleted: ' . $file_name ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FDLD; } } } } if ( $update ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Updating scan data...' ); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } } function cerber_recover_files( $package_type ) { if ( ! cerber_is_cloud_request() && ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } $mapping = array( CERBER_FT_WP => CERBER_PK_WP, CERBER_FT_ROOT => CERBER_PK_WP, CERBER_FT_PLUGIN => CERBER_PK_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME => CERBER_PK_THEME, ); $update = false; $ret = 0; foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $id => &$set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as $key => &$issue ) { if ( isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) || ! in_array( CERBER_IMD, $issue['ii'] ) ) { continue; } $file_type = $issue['data']['type']; if ( ! isset( $mapping[ $file_type ] ) || $mapping[ $file_type ] != $package_type ) { continue; } $file_name = $issue['data']['name']; if ( ! is_file( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $data = array(); if ( $package_type == CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ) { $data = $set['sec_details'][ CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ]; } $source_file = cerber_get_the_source( $package_type, $file_name, $data ); if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { // TODO: should be checked separately for downloading and unziping $ret = 1; break 2; } if ( crb_is_wp_error( $source_file ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $source_file ); continue; } cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan['id'], false ); if ( ! @copy( $source_file, $file_name ) ) { $err = error_get_last(); crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: Unable to recover the file: ' . $file_name ); if ( $err ) { crb_scan_debug( 'I/O ERROR: ' . $err['message'] ); } $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FRCV - 1; } else { crb_scan_debug( 'The file has been recovered: ' . $file_name ); $issue['data']['prced'] = CERBER_FRCV; $update = true; } } } if ( $update ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Updating scan...' ); cerber_update_scan( $scan ); } return $ret; } function cerber_get_the_source( $package_type, $file_name, $data = array() ) { switch ( $package_type ) { case CERBER_PK_WP: $file_name = mb_substr( $file_name, mb_strlen( cerber_get_abspath() ) ); $version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $locale = cerber_get_wp_locale(); $arc_folder = 'wordpress/'; $slug = $locale . '-'; // See do_core_upgrade(); if ( $locale == 'en_US' ) { $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = 'wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; } else { $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/release/' . $locale . '/wordpress-' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = 'wordpress-' . $version . '-' . $locale . '.zip'; } break; case CERBER_PK_PLUGIN: $file_name = mb_substr( $file_name, mb_strlen( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) ); list( $slug ) = explode( '/', $data['slug'] ); $version = trim( $data['Version'], '.' ); $arc_folder = ''; $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/' . $slug . '.' . $version . '.zip'; $zip_name = $slug . '.' . $version . '.zip'; break; default: return false; } $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $tmp_folder = $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR . '/' . $package_type . '/' . $slug . $version . '/'; $ret = $tmp_folder . $arc_folder . $file_name; if ( file_exists( $ret ) ) { return $ret; } crb_scan_debug( 'Downloading source: ' . $url ); $zip_file = cerber_download_file( $url, $zip_name ); if ( ! $zip_file || crb_is_wp_error( $zip_file ) ) { return $zip_file; } $result = cerber_unzip( $zip_file, $tmp_folder ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to unzip file ' . $zip_file . ' ' . $result->get_error_message() ); } unlink( $zip_file ); if ( ! file_exists( $ret ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'scan_no_source', 'No source file found' ); } return $ret; } function cerber_cleanup_recovery() { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } if ( ! file_exists( $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR ) ) { return true; } $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $fs ) ) { return $fs; } if ( ! $fs->rmdir( $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to clean up the recovery folder' . ' ' . $folder . CRB_SCAN_RCV_DIR ); } return true; } /** * Initialize data structure for a new Scan * * @param string $mode quick|fool * * @return array|bool */ function cerber_init_scan( $mode = 'quick' ) { cerber_delete_old_scans(); cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, '', 0, false ); cerber_delete_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP ); if ( ! $mode ) { $mode = 'quick'; } $data = array(); $data['mode'] = $mode; // Quick | Full $data['id'] = time(); $data['started'] = $data['id']; $data['finished'] = 0; $data['aborted'] = 0; // If > 0, the scan has been aborted due to unrecoverable errors $data['scanned'] = array(); $data['issues'] = array(); // The list of issues $data['total'] = array(); // Counters $data['integrity'] = array(); $data['ip'] = cerber_get_remote_ip(); $data['cloud'] = cerber_is_cloud_request(); $data['next_step'] = 0; $data['numbers'] = array(); // @since $data['progress'] = array(); $data['ver'] = CERBER_VER; $data['scan_stats']['risk'] = array( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); $data['scan_stats']['total_issues'] = 0; if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'scan', $data, $data['id'] ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to init and save scan data' ); return false; } return $data; } /** * Return ID for the Scan in progress (the latest scan started) * * @return bool|integer Scan ID false if no scan in progress (no files to scan) */ function cerber_get_scan_id() { $scan_id = null; if ( $all = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT the_id FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan"' ) ) { $scan_id = max( $all ); // There is no index for the_id column, so it should be faster } if ( ! $scan_id ) { $scan_id = false; } return $scan_id; } /** * Return Scan data * * @param integer $scan_id if not specified the last Scan data is returned * * @return array|bool */ function cerber_get_scan( $scan_id = null ) { // If no ID is specified look for the latest one if ( $scan_id === null ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); } if ( ! $scan_id ) { return false; } $scan = cerber_get_set( 'scan', $scan_id ); $scan['mode_h'] = ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' ) ? __( 'Full Scan', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'Quick Scan', 'wp-cerber' ); // Chunked data if ( ! empty( $scan['chunked'] ) ) { $in = '("scan_chunk_' . implode( '","scan_chunk_', range( 1, $scan['chunked'] ) ) . '")'; $order = ' ORDER BY FIELD (the_key, "scan_chunk_' . implode( '","scan_chunk_', range( 0, $scan['chunked'] ) ) . '")'; if ( $values = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT the_value FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key IN ' . $in . ' AND the_id = ' . $scan_id . $order ) ) { if ( ! empty( $scan['compressed'] ) && extension_loaded( 'zlib' ) ) { if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 ) { $values = unserialize( gzuncompress( hex2bin( implode( '', $values ) ) ), [ 'allowed_classes' => false ] ); } else { $values = unserialize( gzuncompress( hex2bin( implode( '', $values ) ) ) ); } } else { if ( PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 ) { $values = unserialize( implode( '', $values ), [ 'allowed_classes' => false ] ); } else { $values = unserialize( implode( '', $values ) ); } } $scan['issues'] = $values[0]; unset( $values ); } } // --- return $scan; } /** * Update scan data by simply merging values in array * * @param array $new_data * * @return bool */ function cerber_update_scan( $new_data ) { if ( ! $old_data = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } if ( isset( $new_data['id'] ) ) { unset( $new_data['id'] ); } $data = array_merge( $old_data, $new_data ); unset( $old_data ); unset( $new_data ); // Split massive data sets into chunks $data['chunked'] = false; $data['compressed'] = 0; if ( ! $p = crb_get_mysql_var( 'max_allowed_packet' ) ) { $p = 1048576; } $chunk_size = intval( 0.9 * $p ); if ( ! isset( $data['issues'] ) ) { $data['issues'] = array(); } $issues = serialize( array( $data['issues'] ) ); $length = strlen( $issues ); if ( $length > $chunk_size ) { unset( $data['issues'] ); $start = 0; $index = 1; if ( extension_loaded( 'zlib' ) ) { if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzcompress( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { //if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzencode( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { //if ( $issues = bin2hex( gzdeflate( $issues, 2 ) ) ) { $gzlength = strlen( $issues ); crb_scan_debug( "Chunk is compressed {$length} {$gzlength} " . ( $length / $gzlength ) ); $length = $gzlength; $data['compressed'] = 1; } } while ( $length > 0 ) { $chunk = substr( $issues, $start, $chunk_size ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( 'scan_chunk_' . $index, $chunk, $data['id'], false ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to save a scan chunk' ); } $index ++; $start += $chunk_size; $length -= $chunk_size; } $data['chunked'] = $index - 1; unset( $issues ); crb_scan_debug( 'Split data into ' . $data['chunked'] . ' chunks, chunk size '.$chunk_size ); } // -- $ret = cerber_update_set( 'scan', $data, $data['id'] ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to update the scan' ); } unset( $issues ); unset( $data ); unset( $old_data ); return $ret; } /** * Update scan data and preserve existing keys in array (scan structure) * * @param array $new_data * * @return bool */ function cerber_set_scan( $new_data ) { if ( ! $scan_data = cerber_get_scan() ) { return false; } $data = cerber_array_merge_recurively( $scan_data, $new_data ); return cerber_update_scan( $data ); } /** * Delete all outdated scans and their results * */ function cerber_delete_old_scans() { if ( ! $scans = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan" ORDER BY the_id DESC' ) ) { return; } $num = 1; // How many results we keep in the DB as history $q_list = array(); $q = 0; $f_list = array(); $f = 0; foreach ( $scans as $item ) { $scan = crb_unserialize( $item['the_value'] ); if ( $scan['mode'] == 'quick' && $q < $num ) { $q_list[] = $scan['id']; $q ++; } elseif ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' && $f < $num ) { $f_list[] = $scan['id']; $f ++; } elseif ( $q >= $num && $f >= $num ){ break; } } $keep = array_merge( $q_list, $f_list ); $all = array_column( $scans, 'the_id' ); $delete = array_diff( $all, $keep ); if ( ! $delete ) { return; } foreach ( $delete as $scan_id ) { cerber_delete_scan( $scan_id ); } } /** * Delete a single scan * * @param int $scan_id * * @return bool */ function cerber_delete_scan( $scan_id ) { $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan( $scan_id ) ) { return false; } if ( ! empty( $scan['chunked'] ) ) { for ( $n = 0; $n <= $scan['chunked']; $n ++ ) { if ( ! cerber_delete_set( 'scan_chunk_' . $n, $scan_id ) ) { return false; } } } cerber_delete_set( 'scan_errors', $scan_id ); cerber_delete_set( 'tmp_verify_plugins', $scan_id ); cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id ); cerber_delete_set( 'scan', $scan_id ); return true; } class CRB_Scan { private static $step_issues = array(); static function get_step_issues() { return self::$step_issues; } static function update_step_issues( $new ) { cerber_merge_issues( self::$step_issues, $new ); } } function cerber_is_full() { global $cerber_scan_mode; return ( $cerber_scan_mode == 'full' ); } function cerber_get_num_files( $scan_id ) { return cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . absint( $scan_id ) ); } /** * Save issues (for end user reporting) during the scanning * * @param string $section * @param array $issues * @param string $container Top level container for the section * @param array $sec_details * * @return bool */ function cerber_push_issues( $section, $issues = array(), $container = '', $sec_details = array() ) { if ( empty( $section ) || empty( $issues ) ) { return false; } $sec_details = array_merge( array( 'vul_list' => false ), $sec_details ); $list = array(); // Add some details $setype = 0; foreach ( $issues as $issue ) { $data = array(); $extra_issue = 0; if ( isset( $issue['file'] ) ) { $file = $issue['file']; $data['bytes'] = $file['file_size']; $data['size'] = crb_size_format( $file['file_size'] ); $ftime = $file['file_mtime']; $data['time'] = cerber_auto_date( $ftime ); $data['name'] = $file['file_name']; $data['type'] = $file['file_type']; $status = crb_array_get( $file, 'file_status', 0 ); if ( 0 < $status && $status != $issue[0] ) { $extra_issue = (int) $status; } // Can the file be deleted safely? $allowed = 0; if ( $file['file_type'] != CERBER_FT_CONF && ! empty( $file['fd_allowed'] ) && true === cerber_can_be_deleted( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $allowed = 1; } $data['fd_allowed'] = $allowed; } elseif ( $issue[0] == CERBER_LDE ) { $data['name'] = $issue[1]; } elseif ( isset( $sec_details[ CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ] ) ) { $data['version'] = $sec_details[ CERBER_PK_PLUGIN ]['Version']; $setype = 3; } elseif ( isset( $issue[ CERBER_PK_THEME ] ) ) { $data['version'] = $issue[ CERBER_PK_THEME ]->get( 'Version' ); $setype = 2; } elseif ( isset( $issue[ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { $data['version'] = $issue[ CERBER_PK_WP ]; $setype = 1; } $issue_type = $issue[0]; $short_name = ( isset( $issue[1] ) ) ? $issue[1] : ''; // Single issue data set $ii = array( $issue_type ); if ( $extra_issue ) { $ii[] = $extra_issue; } $add_issue = array( $issue_type, // 0 - Type of issue $short_name, // 1 - Object name 0, //cerber_calculate_risk( $issue ), // 2 - Severity $extra_issue, // 3 - Extra issue, OLD - replaced with ii 'data' => $data, //'details' => ( isset( $issue[2] ) ) ? $issue[2] : '', // Not in use @since 'ii' => $ii, // List of all issues @since ); if ( ! empty( $issue[2] ) ) { $add_issue['dd'][ $issue_type ] = $issue[2]; // @since replaces 'details' } // Possibly we have added some issues for this file if ( ! empty( $add_issue['data']['name'] ) ) { foreach ( $list as &$existing ) { if ( empty( $existing['data']['name'] ) ) { continue; } if ( $existing['data']['name'] == $add_issue['data']['name'] ) { $existing['ii'] = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $existing['ii'], $add_issue['ii'] ) ) ); if ( ! empty( $add_issue['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ] ) ) { $existing['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ] = $add_issue['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ]; } continue 2; } } } $list[] = $add_issue; } // Some stuff for better end-user report displaying switch ( $section ) { case 'WordPress': $container = 'crb-wordpress'; break; case CRB_SCAN_UPL_SECTION: $setype = 20; break; case 'Unattended files': $container = 'crb-unattended'; $setype = 21; break; } // TODO: $container Should be refactored if ( ! $container ) { if ( isset( $issues[0]['file'] ) ) { switch ( $issues[0]['file']['file_type'] ) { case CERBER_FT_WP: case CERBER_FT_CONF: $container = 'crb-wordpress'; break; case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $container = 'crb-plugins'; break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $container = 'crb-themes'; break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: $container = 'crb-uploads'; break; case CERBER_FT_MUP: $container = 'crb-muplugins'; break; case CERBER_FT_DRIN: $container = 'crb-dropins'; break; default: $container = 'crb-unattended'; } } else { if ( $section == 'WordPress' ) { $container = 'crb-wordpress'; } } } if ( ! $container ) { $container = 'crb-unattended'; $setype = 21; } // Save all $id = sha1( $section ); CRB_Scan::update_step_issues( array( $id => array( 'name' => $section, 'container' => $container, 'sec_details' => $sec_details, 'setype' => $setype, 'issues' => $list, ) ) ); return true; } /** * Merge two lists of issues in a correct way * * @param array $issues * @param array $add * */ function cerber_merge_issues( &$issues, $add ) { if ( ! $issues || ! is_array( $issues ) ) { $issues = array(); } foreach ( $add as $id => $item ) { if ( ! isset( $issues[ $id ] ) ) { $issues[ $id ] = $item; } else { // New @since foreach ( $item['issues'] as $add_issue ) { if ( ! empty( $add_issue[1] ) ) { // It's a file $file_name = $add_issue['data']['name']; // Possibly this file is in the list of issues foreach ( $issues[ $id ]['issues'] as $key => $existing ) { if ( empty( $existing['data']['name'] ) ) { continue; } if ( $existing['data']['name'] == $file_name ) { $issues[ $id ]['issues'][ $key ]['ii'] = array_values( array_unique( array_merge( $issues[ $id ]['issues'][ $key ]['ii'], $add_issue['ii'] ) ) ); sort( $issues[ $id ]['issues'][ $key ]['ii'] ); if ( ! empty( $add_issue['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ] ) ) { $issues[ $id ]['issues'][ $key ]['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ] = $add_issue['dd'][ $add_issue[0] ]; } continue 2; // Next issue (external loop) } } } $issues[ $id ]['issues'][] = $add_issue; } } } foreach ( $issues as &$set ) { foreach ( $set['issues'] as &$issue ) { $issue[2] = cerber_calculate_risk( $issue ); } } } /** * * @param $issue array Issue data * * @return int * * @since */ function cerber_calculate_risk( $issue ) { $size = ( ! empty( $issue['data']['bytes'] ) ) ? $issue['data']['bytes'] : 0; $list = array(); foreach ( $issue['ii'] as $issue_id ) { $list[] = cerber_get_risk( $issue_id, $issue['data'], $size ); } if ( count( $list ) == 1 ) { return $list[0]; } return max( $list ); } function cerber_get_risk( $issue_id, $data, $bytes ) { $risk_def = array( CERBER_FOK => 0, CERBER_VULN => 3, CERBER_NOHASH => 3, 6 => 3, 7 => 3, 8 => 3, CERBER_LDE => 1, CERBER_NLH => 2, ); if ( isset( $risk_def[ $issue_id ] ) ) { return $risk_def[ $issue_id ]; } $risk = 1; if ( $bytes < 30 ) { $size_factor = 1 + ( $bytes > 10 ) ? 1 : 0; } else { $size_factor = 0; } switch ( $issue_id ) { case CERBER_EXC: case CERBER_INJ: $risk = ( $size_factor ) ? $size_factor : 2; break; case CERBER_IMD: case CERBER_USF: case CERBER_SCF: case CERBER_PMC: case CERBER_DIR: if ( $size_factor ) { $risk = $size_factor; } elseif ( ! cerber_detect_exec_extension( $data['name'], array( 'js', 'inc' ) ) ) { $risk = 2; } else { $risk = 3; } break; } if ( $risk > 3 ) { $risk = 3; } elseif ( $risk < 1 ) { $risk = 1; } return $risk; } function cerber_get_risk_labels() { return array( '', /* translators: This is a risk level. */ _x( 'Low', 'This is a risk level.', 'wp-cerber' ), /* translators: This is a risk level. */ _x( 'Medium', 'This is a risk level.', 'wp-cerber' ), /* translators: This is a risk level. */ _x( 'High', 'This is a risk level.', 'wp-cerber' ), ); } function cerber_get_issue_label( $id = null ) { $issues = array( 0 => 'To be scanned', CERBER_FOK => __( 'Verified', 'wp-cerber' ), // 2-3 are prohibited! See: 'scan_reinc' - overlap with risk levels // >3 is a real issue CERBER_VULN => __( 'Vulnerability found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_NOHASH => __( 'Integrity data not found', 'wp-cerber' ), 6 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of the plugin due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 7 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of WordPress files due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 8 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity of the theme due to a network error', 'wp-cerber' ), 9 => __( 'Unable to check the integrity due to a DB error', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_LDE => __( 'File is missing', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_NLH => __( 'Local hash not found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_UPR => __( 'Unable to process file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_UOP => __( 'Unable to open file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_IMD => __( 'Checksum mismatch', 'wp-cerber' ), // Integrity // 16-25 PHP related ------------------------- CERBER_SCF => __( 'Suspicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_PMC => __( 'Malicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_USF => __( 'Unattended suspicious file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_EXC => __( 'Executable code found', 'wp-cerber' ), // Other ------------------------------------- CERBER_DIR => __( 'Suspicious directives found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_INJ => __( 'Injected file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_UXT => __( 'Unwanted file extension', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_MOD => __( 'Content has been modified', 'wp-cerber' ), // Previous scan CERBER_NEW => __( 'New file', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FDUN => __( 'Unable to delete', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FDLD => __( 'File deleted', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_FRCV => __( 'File recovered', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $id !== null ) { if ( is_array( $id ) ) { return array_intersect_key( $issues, array_flip( $id ) ); } return $issues[ $id ]; } return $issues; } /** * @param array $numbers * @param int $rows * * @return string[] HTML ID => HTML CODE */ function cerber_get_stats_html( $numbers = array(), $rows = 5 ) { $list = array( CERBER_IMD => __( 'Checksum mismatch', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_USF => __( 'Unattended files', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_UXT => __( 'Unwanted extensions', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_MOD => __( 'Changed files', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_NEW => __( 'New files', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_INJ => __( 'Injected files', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_VULN => __( 'Vulnerability found', 'wp-cerber' ), CERBER_DIR => __( 'Suspicious directives found', 'wp-cerber' ), //CERBER_LDE => __( 'File is missing', 'wp-cerber' ), //CERBER_PMC => __( 'Malicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), //CERBER_SCF => __( 'Suspicious code found', 'wp-cerber' ), //CERBER_EXC => __( 'Executable code found', 'wp-cerber' ), ); $show = array_intersect_key( $numbers, $list ); $rest = array_keys( array_diff_key( $list, $show ) ); $tail = array_fill_keys( $rest, 0 ); $final = $show + $tail; arsort( $final, SORT_NUMERIC ); $ret = ''; $i = 1; foreach ( $final as $id => $number ) { $atts = ( $id == 18 ) ? ' data-setype-list="[21]" ' : ''; $atts .= ( $number > 0 ) ? ' class="crb-scan-flon" ' : ''; $ret .= '' . $list[ $id ] . '' . $number . ''; $i ++; if ( $i > $rows ) { break; } } // HTML id of a DOM element to replace => HTML code to replace return array( 'crb-scan-stats' => '' . $ret . '
      ' ); } function cerber_get_qs( $v = null ) { $q = array( 0 => __( 'Disabled', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Every hour', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( 'Every 3 hours', 'wp-cerber' ), 6 => __( 'Every 6 hours', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $v ) { return $q[ $v ]; } return $q; } /** * Log system errors for the current scan * * @param string $msg * * @return bool */ function cerber_log_scan_error( $msg = '' ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); $errors = cerber_get_scan_errors(); $errors[] = $msg; crb_scan_debug( 'ERROR: ' . $msg ); return cerber_update_set( 'scan_errors', $errors, $scan_id ); } function cerber_get_scan_errors() { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); if ( ! $errors = cerber_get_set( 'scan_errors', $scan_id ) ) { $errors = array(); } return $errors; } /** * Check the integrity of installed plugins * * @param int $progress Progress in percents * * @return int The number of plugins to process */ function cerber_verify_plugins( &$progress ) { if ( ! $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id() ) { return 0; } $done = cerber_get_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP ); $plugins = get_plugins(); if ( $done ) { $to_scan = array_diff( array_keys( $plugins ), array_keys( $done ) ); } else { $done = array(); $to_scan = array_keys( $plugins ); } if ( empty( $to_scan ) ) { $progress = 100; return 0; } $plugins_dir = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $file_count = 0; $bytes = 0; $max_files = 200; while ( ! empty( $to_scan ) ) { $plugin = array_shift( $to_scan ); $issues = array(); if ( false === strpos( $plugin, '/' ) ) { // A single-file plugin with no plugin folder (no hash on wordpress.org) $done[ $plugin ] = 1; if ( $plugin == 'hello.php' ) { // It's checked with WP hash continue; } $plugin_folder = $plugin; } else { $plugin_folder = dirname( $plugin ); } crb_scan_debug( 'Verifying the plugin: ' . $plugins[ $plugin ]['Name'] . ' ' . $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ); // Try to verify using local hash $verified = cerber_verify_plugin( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ], true ); if ( ! $verified ) { // No local hash found $plugin_hash = cerber_get_plugin_hash( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ); if ( $plugin_hash && ! crb_is_wp_error( $plugin_hash ) ) { foreach ( $plugin_hash['files'] as $file => $hash ) { if ( ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $file ) ) { continue; } $file_name = $plugins_dir . $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . cerber_normal_path( $file ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $file_name ); $where = 'scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"'; $local_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE ' . $where ); if ( ! $local_file ) { $issues[] = array( CERBER_LDE, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file ); continue; } if ( $local_file['scan_status'] != 0 ) { continue; } $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $local_file['file_name'], $local_file['file_type'] ); if ( empty( $local_file['file_hash'] ) ) { $issues[] = array( CERBER_NLH, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); continue; } $hash_match = 0; if ( isset( $hash['sha256'] ) ) { $repo_hash = $hash['sha256']; if ( is_array( $repo_hash ) ) { $file_hash_repo = 'REPO provides multiple values, none match'; foreach ( $repo_hash as $item ) { if ( $local_file['file_hash'] == $item ) { $hash_match = 1; $file_hash_repo = $item; break; } } } else { $file_hash_repo = $repo_hash; if ( $local_file['file_hash'] == $repo_hash ) { $hash_match = 1; } } } else { $file_hash_repo = 'SHA256 hash not found'; } $status = ( $hash_match ) ? CERBER_FOK : CERBER_IMD; if ( $status > CERBER_FOK ) { $issues[] = array( $status, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); } cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET file_hash_repo = "' . $file_hash_repo . '", hash_match = ' . $hash_match . ', scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE ' . $where ); $file_count ++; $bytes += absint( $local_file['file_size'] ); } $verified = 1; } else { $verified = cerber_verify_plugin( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ] ); } } if ( ! $verified ) { $verified = 0; $status = CERBER_NOHASH; } else { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } //$issues[] = array( $status, '', 'plugin' => $plugins[ $plugin ] ); $issues[] = array( $status ); $vuln = cerber_check_vulnerabilities( $plugin_folder, $plugins[ $plugin ] ); if ( $vuln ) { foreach ( $vuln as $v ) { $issues[] = array( CERBER_VULN, $v['vu_info'] ); } } $sec_details = array( $status, CERBER_PK_PLUGIN => array( 'slug' => $plugin, 'Version' => $plugins[ $plugin ]['Version'] ), 'vul_list' => $vuln ); cerber_push_issues( $plugins[ $plugin ]['Name'], $issues, 'crb-plugins', $sec_details ); cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( 'plugins' => array( $plugin => $verified ) ) ) ); $done[ $plugin ] = 1; if ( $file_count > $max_files || cerber_exec_timer() ) { break; } } cerber_update_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP, $done ); $remain = count( $to_scan ); $total = count( $plugins ); $progress = 100 * ( $total - $remain ) / count( $plugins ); return $remain; } /** * Verifying the integrity of a plugin if there is no hash on wordpress.org * * @param string $plugin_folder Just folder, no full path, no slashes * @param array $plugin_data * @param bool $local_only If true, try to verify with local hash only; otherwise, try to load hash from my.wpcerber.com * * @return bool If true, the plugin was verified */ function cerber_verify_plugin( $plugin_folder, $plugin_data, $local_only = false ) { // Is there local hash? $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_PLUGIN . sha1( $plugin_data['Name'] . $plugin_folder ), $plugin_data['Version'] ); // Possibly remote hash? if ( ! $hash ) { if ( $local_only ) { return false; } $hash_url = null; if ( in_array( $plugin_folder, array( 'wp-cerber', 'wp-cerber-buddypress', 'wp-cerber-cloudflare-addon', 'jetflow' ) ) ) { //$hash_url = 'https://my.wpcerber.com/downloads/checksums/' . $plugin_folder . '/' . $plugin_data['Version'] . '.json'; $hash_url = 'https://downloads.wpcerber.com/checksums/' . $plugin_folder . '/' . $plugin_data['Version'] . '.json'; } if ( $hash_url ) { $response = cerber_obtain_hash( $hash_url ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { $hash = $response['server_data']; } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'cURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $msg = 'Unknown network error'; } //$ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $msg ); cerber_log_scan_error( $msg ); } } } $ret = false; if ( $hash ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Using local hash...' ); $local_prefix = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! strpos( $plugin_folder, '.' ) ) { // Not a single file plugin $local_prefix .= $plugin_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $hash, 'file_hash', $local_prefix ); $sec_details = array( CERBER_PK_PLUGIN => array( 'slug' => $plugin_folder, 'Version' => $plugin_data['Version'] ), ); cerber_push_issues( $plugin_data['Name'], $issues, 'crb-plugins', $sec_details ); if ( ! $errors ) { $ret = true; } } return $ret; } /** * Verifying the integrity of the WordPress * * @return int */ function cerber_verify_wp() { $wp_version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $ret = 0; $verified = 0; $wp_hash = cerber_get_wp_hash(); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $wp_hash ) ) { // In case the default name 'plugins' of the plugins folder has been changed $wp_plugins_dir = basename( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); if ( $wp_plugins_dir != 'plugins' ) { $new_data = array(); foreach ( $wp_hash as $key => $item ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'wp-content/plugins/' ) ) { $new_data[ 'wp-content/' . $wp_plugins_dir . '/' . substr( $key, 19 ) ] = $item; } else { $new_data[ $key ] = $item; } } $wp_hash = $new_data; } // In case the default name 'wp-content' of the CONTENT folder has been changed $wp_content_dir = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ); if ( $wp_content_dir != 'wp-content' ) { $new_data = array(); foreach ( $wp_hash as $key => $item ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $key, 'wp-content/' ) ) { $new_data[ $wp_content_dir . '/' . substr( $key, 11 ) ] = $item; } else { $new_data[ $key ] = $item; } } $wp_hash = $new_data; } list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $wp_hash, 'file_md5', ABSPATH, array(CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME), CERBER_FT_WP, '_crb_not_existing' ); if ( ! $errors ) { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } else { $status = 9; } cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', array( array( $status, CERBER_PK_WP => $wp_version ) ) ); cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', $issues ); } else { cerber_push_issues( 'WordPress', array( array( 7, CERBER_PK_WP => $wp_version ) ) ); } cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( CERBER_PK_WP => $verified ) ) ); return $ret; } /** * Missing these WordPress files is OK * * @param string $file_name * * @return bool */ function _crb_not_existing( $file_name ) { static $themes_prefix, $plugins_prefix; if ( $file_name == 'wp-config-sample.php' ) { return false; } // Themes and plugins are checked separately, not as a part of WordPress if ( $themes_prefix == null ) { $themes_prefix = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $themes_prefix ) ) { return false; } if ( $plugins_prefix == null ) { $plugins_prefix = basename( cerber_get_content_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $plugins_prefix ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Verifying the integrity of the themes * * @return int */ function cerber_verify_themes() { $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $theme_folder => $theme ) { $issues = array(); $hash = cerber_get_theme_hash( $theme_folder, $theme ); $verified = 0; if ( $hash && ! crb_is_wp_error( $hash ) ) { $local_prefix = cerber_get_themes_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $theme_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; list( $issues, $errors ) = cerber_verify_files( $hash, 'file_hash', $local_prefix, null, CERBER_FT_THEME ); if ( ! $errors ) { $verified = 1; $status = CERBER_FOK; } else { $status = 9; } } else { if ( crb_is_wp_error( $hash ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $hash ); } $status = CERBER_NOHASH; } $issues[] = array( $status, $theme_folder, CERBER_PK_THEME => $theme ); cerber_set_scan( array( 'integrity' => array( 'themes' => array( $theme_folder => $verified ) ) ) ); if ( $issues ) { cerber_push_issues( $theme->get( 'Name' ), $issues, 'crb-themes' ); } } return 0; } /** * Scan a file for suspicious and malicious code * * @param string $file_name * * @return array|bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_inspect_file( $file_name = '' ) { if ( ! @is_file( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Not a file: ' . $file_name ); } if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { return cerber_inspect_htaccess( $file_name ); } if ( ! cerber_check_extension( $file_name, array( 'php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'phps', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'php7', 'inc' ) ) ) { $php = false; if ( cerber_is_full() ) { // Try to find an PHP open tag in the content if ( $f = @fopen( $file_name, 'r' ) ) { $str = fread( $f, 100000 ); if ( false !== strrpos( $str, 'get_error_message() ); return $result; }*/ return $result; } /** * Scan a file for suspicious and malicious PHP code * * @param string $file_name * * @return array|WP_Error */ function cerber_inspect_php( $file_name = '' ) { if ( false === ( $content = @file_get_contents( $file_name ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ); } $important = array( T_STRING, T_EVAL ); $tokens = @token_get_all( $content ); unset( $content ); if ( ! $tokens ) { return CERBER_CLEAR; } $code_found = 0; // Any PHP code in the file = 1 $severity = array(); $xdata = array(); $pos = array(); $open = null; $list = cerber_get_php_unsafe(); foreach ( $tokens as $token ) { if ( ! is_array( $token ) ) { continue; } if ( in_array( $token[0], $important ) ) { $code_found = 1; if ( isset( $list[ $token[1] ] ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 1, $token[1], $token[2], $token[0] ); $severity[] = $list[ $token[1] ][0]; } } if ( $token[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING ) { if ( $val = cerber_is_base64_encoded( trim( $token[1], '\'"' ) ) ) { if ( cerber_inspect_value( $val, true ) ) { $xdata[] = array( 1, 'base64_encoded_php', $token[2], $token[0], $token[1] ); $severity[] = CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED; } /* else { // obsolete since 7.6.4 $xdata[] = array( 1, 'base64_encoded_string', $token[2], $token[0], $token[1] ); } $severity[] = 10;*/ } } if ( $token[0] == T_OPEN_TAG ) { $open = $token[2] - 1; } if ( $open && ( $token[0] == T_CLOSE_TAG ) ) { $pos[] = array( $open, $token[2] - 1 ); $open = null; } } if ( $open !== null ) { // No closing tag till the end of the file $pos[] = array( $open, null ); } if ( empty( $pos ) ) { return CERBER_CLEAR; } if ( ! $lines = @file( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ); } $code = array(); $last = count( $pos ) - 1; foreach ( $pos as $k => $p ) { if ( $last == $k ) { $length = null; } else { $length = $p[1] - $p[0] + 1; } $code = $code + array_slice( $lines, $p[0], $length, true ); } //unset( $lines ); $code = implode( "\n", $code ); $code = cerber_remove_comments( $code ); $code = preg_replace( "/[\r\n\s]+/", '', $code ); if ( ! $code ) { return CERBER_CLEAR; } // Check for suspicious/malicious code patterns list ( $x, $s ) = cerber_process_patterns( $code, 'php' ); if ( ! empty( $x ) ) { $xdata = array_merge( $xdata, $x ); $severity = array_merge( $severity, $s ); } // Try to find line numbers for matches if ( $xdata ) { foreach ( $xdata as $x => $d ) { if ( $d[0] != 2 || ! isset( $d[2] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $d[2] as $y => $m ) { foreach ( $lines as $i => $line ) { if ( false !== strrpos( $line, $m[0] ) ) { $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] = $i + 1; break; } } if ( ! isset( $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] ) ) { $xdata[ $x ][2][ $y ][2] = '?'; } } } } unset( $lines ); // An attempt to interpret the results $max = 0; if ( $severity ) { $malwr_found = false; $malwr_combinations = array( array( 10, 7 ), array( 9, 7 ) ); foreach ( $malwr_combinations as $malwr ) { if ( $int = array_intersect( $malwr, $severity ) ) { if ( count( $malwr ) == count( $int ) ) { $malwr_found = true; } } } $max = ( $malwr_found ) ? CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED : max( $severity ); } if ( $code_found && ! $max ) { $max = $code_found; } return array( 'severity' => $max, 'xdata' => $xdata ); } /** * Unsafe code tokens * * @return array */ function cerber_get_php_unsafe(){ return array( 'base64_encoded_string' => array( 3, 'Base64 encoded string found.' ), 'base64_encoded_php' => array( 10, 'Base64 encoded malware found.' ), 'system' => array( 10, 'May be used to get/change vital system information or to run arbitrary server software.' ), 'shell_exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary command via shell and returns the complete output as a string.'), 'exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server.'), 'assert' => array(10, 'Allows arbitrary code execution.'), 'passthru' => array(10,'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server and displays raw output.'), 'pcntl_exec' => array(10, 'Executes arbitrary programs on the web server in the current process space.'), 'proc_open' => array(10, 'Executes an arbitrary command on the web server and open file pointers for input/output.'), 'popen' => array(10, 'Opens a process (execute an arbitrary command) file pointer on the web server.'), 'dl' => array(10, 'Loads a PHP extension on the web server at runtime.'), 'eval' => array( 9, 'May be used to execute malicious code on the web server. Pairing with base64_decode function indicates malicious code.' ), 'str_rot13' => array(9, 'Perform the rot13 transform on a string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'mysql_connect' => array(9, 'Open a new connection to the MySQL server'), 'mysqli_connect' => array(9, 'Open a new connection to the MySQL server'), 'mysql_query' => array(9, 'Performs a query on the database'), 'mysqli_query' => array(9, 'Performs a query on the database'), 'base64_decode' => array(7, 'May be used to obfuscate and hinder detection of malicious code. Pairing with eval function indicates malicious code.'), 'socket_create' => array(6, 'Creates a network connection with any remote host. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'create_function' => array(6, 'Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function. Deprecated. A native anonymous function must be used instead.'), 'hexdec' => array(5, 'Hexadecimal to decimal. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'dechex' => array(5, 'Decimal to hexadecimal. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'chmod' => array(5, 'Changes file access mode.'), 'chown' => array(5, 'Changes file owner.'), 'chgrp' => array(5, 'Changes file group.'), 'symlink' => array(5, 'Creates a symbolic link to the existing file.'), 'unlink' => array(5, 'Deletes a file.'), 'gzinflate' => array(4, 'Inflate a deflated string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'gzdeflate' => array(4, 'Deflate a string. Can be used to obfuscate malware.'), 'curl_init' => array(4, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'curl_exec' => array(4, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'file_get_contents' => array(4, 'Read the entire file into a string. May be used to load malicious code from any web server with no restrictions.'), 'wp_remote_request' => array(3, 'Load data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_get' => array(3, 'Load external data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_post' => array(3, 'Upload or download data from/to any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_safe_remote_post' => array(3, 'Upload or download data from/to any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'wp_remote_head' => array(3, 'Load data from any web server. May be used to load malicious code from an external source.'), 'call_user_func' => array(2, 'Call any function given by the first parameter. May be used to run malicious code or hinder code inspection.'), 'call_user_func_array' => array(2, 'Call any function with an array of parameters. May be used to run malicious code or hinder code inspection.'), 'fputs' => array(1, ''), 'flock' => array(1, ''), 'getcwd' => array(1, ''), 'setcookie' => array(1, ''), 'php_uname' => array(1, ''), 'get_current_user' => array(1, ''), 'fileperms' => array(1, ''), 'getenv' => array(1, ''), 'phpinfo' => array(1, ''), 'header' => array(1, ''), 'add_filter' => array(1, 'Can alter any website data or website settings'), 'add_action' => array(1, ''), 'unserialize' => array(1, 'Can pose a serious security threat if it processes unfiltered user input'), ); } /** * Unsafe code patterns/signatures * * @return array */ function cerber_get_php_patterns() { static $list; if ( $list ) { return $list; } $list = array( array( 'VARF', 2, '(? '_is_ip_external' ), //array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'BCTK', 2, '`[a-z]+`', 10, 'Execute arbitrary command on the web server' ), array( 'PIDT', 2, 'data:\/\/[A-Z0-9]+', 6, 'Process data in a non-standard way. Can be used to obfuscate malware.' ), array( 'PIDT', 3, 'php://input', 6, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NGET', 3, '$_GET', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NPST', 3, '$_POST', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), array( 'NREQ', 3, '$_REQUEST', 3, 'Get data or commands from the Internet. Should be used in trusted or verified software only' ), // Should be in a separate data set for non-php files //array( 'SHL1', 3, '#!/bin/sh', 6, 'Executable shell script' ), ); $list = array_merge( cerber_get_ip_patterns(), $list ); if ( $custom = crb_get_settings( 'scan_cpt' ) ) { foreach ( $custom as $i => $p ) { if ( substr( $p, 0, 1 ) == '{' && substr( $p, - 1 ) == '}' ) { $p = substr( $p, 1, - 1 ); $t = 2; } else { $t = 3; } $list[] = array( 'CUS' . $i, $t, $p, 4, __( 'Custom signature found', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } } return $list; } function cerber_get_ip_patterns() { return array( array( 'IPV4', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv4 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external' ), ); } function cerber_get_js_patterns() { $list = array( array( 'EWEB', 2, '(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)', 10, 'An obfuscated external link found.' ), array( 'EFTP', 2, '(ftps?:\/\/[^\s]+)', 10, 'An obfuscated external link found.' ), ); $list = array_merge( cerber_get_ip_patterns(), $list ); return $list; } function cerber_get_ht_patterns() { static $ret; if ( $ret ) { return $ret; } $ret = array( //array( 'R4IP', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_rewrite_rule' ), //array( 'R6IP', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_rewrite_rule' ), array( 'IPV4', 2, '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv4 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external', 'not_regex'=> '^(Deny from|Allow from|Require)\s+.+' ), array( 'IPV6', 2, '(?:[A-F0-9]{1,4}:){7}[A-F0-9]{1,4}', 6, 'A suspicious external IPv6 address found. Can cause data leakage.', 'func' => '_is_ip_external', 'not_regex'=> '^(Deny from|Allow from|Require)\s+.+' ), array( 'RWEB', 2, '(https?:\/\/[^\s]+\.?)', 6, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_redirect_rule' ), array( 'RFTP', 2, '(ftps?:\/\/[^\s]+\.?)', 10, 'A suspicious redirection to another, probably phishing website.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_redirect_rule' ), array( 'PHPC', 2, 'php_value\s+(.+)', 10, 'An unsafe, suspicious PHP configuration command. Normally must not be here.', 'func' => '_is_unsafe_php_value' ), ); return $ret; } function cerber_inspect_htaccess( $file_name = '' ) { if ( false === ( $lines = @file( $file_name ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ); } $severity = array(); $xdata = array(); foreach ( $lines as $n => $line ) { if ( false !== ( $p = strpos( $line, '#' ) ) ) { $line = substr( $line, 0, $p ); } if ( ! $line = trim( $line ) ) { continue; } list( $_xdata, $_severity ) = cerber_process_patterns( $line, 'htaccess' ); if ( ! empty( $_xdata ) ) { foreach ( $_xdata as $key => &$item ) { $item[2][0][2] = $n + 1; } $xdata = array_merge( $xdata, $_xdata ); $severity = array_merge( $severity, $_severity ); } } $max = 0; if ( $severity ) { $max = max( $severity ); } return array( 'severity' => $max, 'xdata' => $xdata ); } function _is_unsafe_php_value( $found, $line ) { $cmd_list = array( 'asp_tags', 'auto_append_file', 'auto_prepend_file', 'register_globals', 'include_path', 'open_basedir', 'user_ini', 'upload_tmp_dir' ); if ( false !== crb_stripos_multi( $found, $cmd_list ) ) { return true; } return false; } function _is_unsafe_redirect_rule( $found, $line ) { static $allowed, $coms; $line = trim( $line ); if ( ! $coms ) { $coms = array( 'RewriteRule', 'RewriteMap', 'ErrorDocument' ); } if ( 0 !== crb_stripos_multi( $line, $coms ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $allowed ) { $allowed = array( cerber_get_home_url(), 'https://%{HTTP_HOST}', 'http://%{HTTP_HOST}' ); } if ( 0 !== crb_stripos_multi( $found, $allowed ) ) { return true; } return false; } function crb_stripos_multi( &$str, &$list ) { foreach ( $list as $item ) { $pos = stripos( $str, $item ); if ( false !== $pos ) { return $pos; } } return false; } function _is_ip_external( $ip, $line ) { if ( is_ip_private( $ip ) ) { return false; } if ( defined( 'DB_HOST' ) && DB_HOST === $ip ) { return false; } return true; } function cerber_get_strings() { $data = array(); $data[1] = cerber_get_php_unsafe(); $list = array(); $pats = array_merge( cerber_get_php_patterns(), cerber_get_ht_patterns() ); foreach ( $pats as $p ) { $list[ $p[0] ] = $p[4]; } $data[2] = $list; $data['explain'] = array( __( 'This file contains executable code and may contain obfuscated malware. If this file is a part of a theme or a plugin, it must be located in the theme or the plugin folder. No exception, no excuses.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'The scanner recognizes this file as "ownerless" or "not bundled" because it does not belong to any known part of the website and should not be here.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'It may remain after upgrading to a newer version of %s. It also may be a piece of obfuscated malware. In a rare case it might be a part of a custom-made (bespoke) plugin or theme.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Suspicious code instruction found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Suspicious code signatures found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Suspicious directives found', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'The contents of the file have been changed and do not match what exists in the official WordPress repository or a reference file you have uploaded earlier. The file may have been altered by malware, infected by a virus or has been tampered with.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'To solve this issue you have to reinstall %s or update it to the latest version.', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Please upload a reference ZIP archive', 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'Resolve issue', 'wp-cerber' ), ); // New way $data['explain_issue'] = array( CERBER_LDE => array( array( // Mandatory __( "This file is missing. It's been deleted or it's not been installed.", 'wp-cerber' ), __( 'The scanner identifies this file as missing based on the integrity data (checksums) provided by the developer of %s.', 'wp-cerber' ) ), array( 7 ) // Refers to $data['explain'] strings. Optional ), ); $data['complete'] = 1; return $data; } /** * Verify files using hash data provided as array of $file_name => $hash * * @param array $hash_data Hash * @param string $field Name of DB table field with local hash * @param string $local_prefix Local filename prefix * @param array $type_not_in * @param int $set_type If set, the file type will be set to this value * @param callable $func If a local file doesn't exist it will be saved as an issue if it returns true * * @return array Possibly DB Errors + List of issues found */ function cerber_verify_files( $hash_data, $field = 'file_hash', $local_prefix = '', $type_not_in = array(), $set_type = null, $func = null ) { if ( ! $scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return array(); } $set_type = absint( $set_type ); $issues = array(); $errors = 0; $file_count = 0; if ( ! is_callable( $func ) ) { $func = null; } $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $local_prefix = cerber_normal_path( $local_prefix ); foreach ( $hash_data as $file_name => $hash ) { if ( ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $file_name = cerber_normal_path( $file_name ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $local_prefix . $file_name ); $where = 'scan_id = ' . $scan['id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"'; $local_file = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE ' . $where ); if ( ! $local_file ) { if ( $func && ! call_user_func( $func, $file_name ) ) { continue; } $issues[] = array( CERBER_LDE, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ); continue; } if ( $local_file['scan_status'] != 0 ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $type_not_in ) && in_array( $local_file['file_type'], $type_not_in ) ) { continue; } $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $local_file['file_name'], $local_file['file_type'] ); if ( empty( $local_file[ $field ] ) ) { $issues[] = array( CERBER_NLH, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); continue; } $hash_match = ( $local_file[ $field ] === $hash ) ? 1 : 0; $status = ( $hash_match ) ? CERBER_FOK : CERBER_IMD; if ( $status > CERBER_FOK ) { $issues[] = array( $status, $short_name, 'file' => $local_file ); } $file_type = ( ! empty( $set_type ) ) ? $set_type : $local_file['file_type']; if ( ! cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET file_type = ' . $file_type . ', file_hash_repo = "' . $hash . '", hash_match = ' . $hash_match . ', scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE ' . $where ) ) { $errors++; } $file_count ++; } return array( $issues, $errors ); } /** * Retrieve hash for a given plugin from wordpress.org * * @param $plugin string Plugin folder * @param $ver string Plugin version * @param $nocache bool If true, do not use data from the local cache (refresh one) * * @return WP_Error|array|mixed */ function cerber_get_plugin_hash( $plugin, $ver, $nocache = false ) { if ( !$plugin = preg_replace( '/[^a-z\-\d]/i', '', $plugin ) ) { return false; } $response = cerber_obtain_hash( 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin-checksums/' . $plugin . '/' . $ver . '.json', $nocache ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { return $response['server_data']; } if ( $response['http_code'] == 404 ) { $ret = new WP_Error( 'no_remote_hash', 'The plugin is not found on wordpress.org' ); } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'CURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $msg = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $msg = 'Unknown network error'; } $ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $msg ); } return $ret; } /** * @param $theme_folder * @param $theme object WP_Theme * * @return bool|WP_Error|array false if no local hash or theme is not publicly hosted on on the wordpress.org */ function cerber_get_theme_hash( $theme_folder, $theme ) { if ( $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_THEME . sha1( $theme->get( 'Name' ) . $theme_folder ), $theme->get('Version') ) ) { return $hash; } $tmp_file_name = $theme_folder . '.' . $theme->get( 'Version' ) . '.zip'; $url = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/theme/' . $theme_folder . '.' . $theme->get( 'Version' ) . '.zip'; $tmp_zip_file = cerber_download_file( $url, $tmp_file_name ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $tmp_zip_file ) ) { return $tmp_zip_file; } $result = cerber_need_for_hash( $tmp_zip_file, true, time() + DAY_IN_SECONDS ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } if ( $hash = cerber_get_local_hash( CRB_HASH_THEME . sha1( $theme->get( 'Name' ) . $theme_folder ), $theme->get('Version') ) ) { return $hash; } return false; } function cerber_download_file( $url, $file_name, $folder = null ) { static $errors = array(); $url_id = sha1( $url ); if ( isset( $errors[ $url_id ] ) ) { return $errors[ $url_id ]; } $tmp = false; if ( ! $folder ) { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $tmp = true; } elseif ( ! file_exists( $folder ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Target folder does not exist: ' . $folder ); } $dst_file = $folder . $file_name; if ( ! $tmp && file_exists( $dst_file ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Aborted. Target file exists: ' . $dst_file ); } if ( ! $fp = fopen( $dst_file, 'w' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Unable to create file: ' . $dst_file ); } $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-curl', 'The PHP cURL library is disabled or not installed on this web server.'); } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => false, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Cerber Security Plugin', CURLOPT_FILE => $fp, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 25, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); $exec = curl_exec( $curl ); $code = curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); curl_close( $curl ); fclose( $fp ); if ( ! $exec ) { unlink( $dst_file ); $ret = new WP_Error( 'cerber-curl', 'Unable (HTTP ' . $code . ') to download file: ' . $url ); $errors[ $url_id ] = $ret; return $ret; } return $dst_file; } /** * Retrieve MD5 hash from wordpress.org * See also: get_core_checksums(); * * @param bool $nocache if true, do not use the local cache * * @return array|object|WP_Error */ function cerber_get_wp_hash( $nocache = false ) { $wp_version = cerber_get_wp_version(); $locale = cerber_get_wp_locale(); $response = cerber_obtain_hash( 'https://api.wordpress.org/core/checksums/1.0/?version=' . $wp_version . '&locale=' . $locale, $nocache ); if ( ! $response['error'] ) { $ret = $response['server_data']; if ( ! empty( $ret['checksums'] ) ) { return $ret['checksums']; } elseif ( isset( $ret['checksums'] ) ) { $err = 'WordPress integrity data not found. Version: ' . $wp_version . ', locale: ' . $locale; } else { $err = 'WordPress integrity data has invalid format. Version: ' . $wp_version . ', locale: ' . $locale; } } else { if ( ! empty( $response['curl_error'] ) ) { $err = 'cURL ' . $response['curl_error']; } elseif ( ! empty( $response['json_error'] ) ) { $err = 'JSON ' . $response['json_error']; } else { $err = 'Unknown network error'; } } $ret = new WP_Error( 'net_issue', $err ); cerber_log_scan_error( $err ); return $ret; } /** * Wrapper. Downloads hash from the given URL. Taking into account rate limiting. * * @param string $url * @param boolean $nocache * * @return array * * @since 9.0.3 */ function cerber_obtain_hash( $url, $nocache = false ) { $n = 0; while ( $n < 3 ) { $result = crb_net_download_hash( $url, $nocache ); if ( empty( $result['rate_limiting'] ) ) { return $result; } $pause = 3 + $n; crb_scan_debug( 'Rate limiting in effect. Taking a pause for ' . $pause . ' seconds.' ); sleep( $pause ); $n ++; } $err = 'Unable to download integrity data from ' . $url . '. Rate limiting in effect. Attempts: ' . $n; cerber_log_scan_error( $err ); $result ['error'] = $err; return $result; } /** * Downloads hash from the given URL. Network level. * * @param $url * @param bool $nocache If true, do not use data from the local cache (refresh one) * * @return array */ function crb_net_download_hash( $url, $nocache = false ) { $key = 'tmp_hashcache_' . CERBER_VER . sha1( $url ); if ( ! $nocache && $cache = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) { return $cache; } $ret = array(); $err = true; $curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! $curl ) { $ret['curl_error'] = 'cURL library is disabled or not installed on this web server.'; return $ret; } curl_setopt_array( $curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_POST => false, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'WP Cerber Security', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HEADER => true, // to handle rate limiting CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3 * 3600, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_CAINFO => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt', ) ); crb_scan_debug( 'Launching cURL to download integrity data from: ' . $url ); $result = curl_exec( $curl ); $curl_info = curl_getinfo( $curl ); $ret['curl_status'] = $curl_info; $ret['http_code'] = $http_code = $curl_info['http_code']; if ( $result ) { $header = substr( $result, 0, $curl_info['header_size'] ); $payload = substr( $result, $curl_info['header_size'] ); if ( 200 === $http_code ) { $size = strlen( $payload ); crb_scan_debug( 'Integrity data downloaded from: ' . $url ); crb_scan_debug( 'SIZE: ' . $size ); if ( $size ) { $ret['server_data'] = json_decode( $payload, true ); $json_error = json_last_error(); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != $json_error ) { $ret['server_data'] = ''; $ret['json_error'] = $err = 'Unable to parse JSON. Remote server returned invalid integrity data (' . json_last_error_msg() . ')'; } else { // Everything is OK cerber_update_set( $key, $ret, 0, true, time() + DAY_IN_SECONDS ); $err = false; } } else { $err = 'Remoter server returned empty response'; } } elseif ( 429 === $http_code ) { // Rate limiting. Unfortunately, wordpress.org server do not return any useful info in the $header $ret['rate_limiting'] = true; crb_scan_debug( 'To many requests (HTTP 429).' ); } elseif ( 404 === $http_code ) { // There is no information about the plugin (or the specified version of the plugin) $err = 'No integrity data found. Remote server returned 404 URL not found.'; $ret['curl_error'] = $err; } else { if ( ! $err = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $err = 'Unknown cURL (network) error. Code ' . $http_code; } $ret['curl_error'] = $err; } } else { if ( ! $err = curl_error( $curl ) ) { $err = 'Unknown cURL (network) error. Code ' . $http_code; } $ret['curl_error'] = $err; } if ( ! empty( $ret['curl_error'] ) ) { $err = '#' . curl_errno( $curl ) . ' ' . $ret['curl_error'] . ' while attempting to retrieve: ' . $url; $ret['curl_error'] = $err; } curl_close( $curl ); $ret['error'] = $err; if ( $err ) { if ( $http_code == 404 ) { crb_scan_debug( $err ); } elseif ( $http_code != 429 ) { cerber_log_scan_error( $err ); } } return $ret; } function cerber_detect_file( $file_name ) { static $abspath = null; static $upload_dir = null; static $upload_dir_mu = null; static $plugin_dir = null; static $theme_dir = null; static $content_dir = null; static $len = null; if ( $abspath === null ) { $abspath = cerber_get_abspath(); $len = strlen( $abspath ); $content_dir = cerber_get_content_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $upload_dir = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $upload_dir_mu = cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $plugin_dir = cerber_get_plugins_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $theme_dir = cerber_get_themes_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } // Check in a particular order for a better performance if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $abspath . 'wp-admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $abspath . WPINC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $plugin_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_PLUGIN; // Plugin } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $theme_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_THEME; // Theme } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $upload_dir ) ) { return CERBER_FT_UPLOAD; // Upload folder } if ( is_multisite() ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $upload_dir_mu ) ) { return CERBER_FT_UPLOAD; // Upload folder } } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir ) ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir . 'languages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_LNG; // Translations } if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $content_dir . 'mu-plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { return CERBER_FT_MUP; // A file in MU plugins folder } if ( $file_name === $content_dir . 'index.php' ) { return CERBER_FT_WP; // WP } if ( cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) ) { return CERBER_FT_DRIN; } return CERBER_FT_CNT; // WP Content } if ( strrpos( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) === ( $len - 1 ) ) { //if ( strrchr( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php' ) { if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { return CERBER_FT_CONF; } return CERBER_FT_ROOT; // File in the root folder } if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { if ( ! file_exists( $abspath . '/wp-config.php' ) ) { return CERBER_FT_CONF; } } return CERBER_FT_OTHER; // Some subfolder in the root folder } function cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) { return ( basename( $file_name ) == '.htaccess' ); } function cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) { static $dropins; if ( ! $dropins ) { $dropins = _get_dropins(); } if ( isset( $dropins[ basename( $file_name ) ] ) ) { if ( cerber_get_content_dir() == dirname( $file_name ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return theme or plugin main folder * * @param $file_name * @param $path * * @return string */ function cerber_get_file_folder( $file_name, $path ) { $p_start = mb_strlen( $path ) + 1; $folder = mb_substr( $file_name, $p_start ); if ( $pos = mb_strpos( $folder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $folder = mb_substr( $folder, 0, $pos ); } return $folder; } /** * Prepare and save file data to the DB * * @param array $file A row from the cerber_files table * * @return bool */ function cerber_add_file_info( $file ) { static $md5; static $hash; if ( $md5 === null ) { $md5 = array( CERBER_FT_WP, CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME, CERBER_FT_LNG, CERBER_FT_ROOT ); } if ( $hash === null ) { $hash = array( CERBER_FT_PLUGIN, CERBER_FT_THEME ); } $type = cerber_detect_file( $file['file_name'] ); $file_name = $file['file_name']; $update_file_name = ''; // A symbolic link in the content folder? Transform it to a real file name if ( $type == CERBER_FT_CNT && is_link( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $file_name = @readlink( $file['file_name'] ); if ( is_dir( $file_name ) ) { $delete_it = true; } else { $delete_it = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name = "' . cerber_real_escape( $file_name ) . '"' ); } if ( $delete_it ) { return cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file['file_name_hash'] . '"' ); } $update_file_name = ' file_name="'.cerber_real_escape( $file_name ).'",'; } $file_hash = ''; $file_md5 = ''; $status = 0; if ( @is_readable( $file_name ) ) { if ( in_array( $type, $md5 ) ) { if ( ! $file_md5 = @md5_file( $file_name ) ) { $file_md5 = ''; } } //if ( cerber_is_check_fs() || in_array( $type, $hash ) || cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { if ( cerber_is_check_fs() || in_array( $type, $hash ) ) { if ( ! $file_hash = @hash_file( 'sha256', $file_name ) ) { $file_hash = ''; } } } else { $status = CERBER_UOP; // @since 8.6.9 cerber_log_scan_error( cerber_scan_msg( 0, $file_name, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) ); } $size = @filesize( $file_name ); $size = ( is_numeric( $size ) ) ? $size : 0; $perms = @fileperms( $file_name ); $perms = ( is_numeric( $perms ) ) ? $perms : 0; $mtime = @filemtime( $file_name ); $mtime = ( is_numeric( $mtime ) ) ? $mtime : 0; $is_writable = ( is_writable( $file_name ) ) ? 1 : 0; if ( ! cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET ' . $update_file_name . ' file_hash = "' . $file_hash . '", file_md5 = "' . $file_md5 . '", file_size = ' . $size . ', file_type = ' . $type . ', file_perms = ' . $perms . ', file_writable = ' . $is_writable . ', file_mtime = ' . $mtime . ', scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $file['scan_id'] . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file['file_name_hash'] . '"' ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @param string $file_name_hash * @param int $status * @param int $scan_id * * @return bool|mysqli_result */ /*function cerber_update_fscan_status( $file_name_hash, $status, $scan_id ) { return cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' SET scan_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"' ); }*/ function crb_update_file_scan_status( $file_name_hash, $status, $scan_id = null ) { return cerber_scan_update_fields( $file_name_hash, array( 'scan_status' => $status ), $scan_id ); } /** * @param string $file_name_hash * @param array $fields * @param int $scan_id * * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function cerber_scan_update_fields( $file_name_hash, $fields, $scan_id = null ) { if ( ! $scan_id ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); } return cerber_db_update( CERBER_SCAN_TABLE, array( 'scan_id' => $scan_id, 'file_name_hash' => $file_name_hash ), $fields ); } function cerber_is_check_fs() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_imod' ) || crb_get_settings( 'scan_inew' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Are there any changes/new files * * @return int */ function cerber_check_fs_changes() { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); $prev_id = cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan_id ); if ( $prev_id ) { cerber_cmp_scans( $prev_id, $scan_id ); } return 0; } function cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan_id = 0 ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; if ( ! $scans = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key = "scan" AND the_id < ' . $scan_id . ' ORDER BY the_id DESC' ) ) { return 0; } $prev_id = 0; foreach ( $scans as $item ) { $scan = crb_unserialize( $item['the_value'] ); if ( $scan['finished'] && $scan['mode'] == $cerber_scan_mode ) { $prev_id = $scan['id']; break; } } return $prev_id; } function cerber_cmp_scans( $prev_id, $scan_id ) { $p_files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_name_hash, file_hash, file_md5, file_size FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $prev_id); $n_files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT file_name, file_name_hash, file_hash, file_md5, file_size FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id); if ( ! $p_files || ! $n_files ) { return 0; } $prev_files = array(); foreach ( $p_files as $file ) { $prev_files[$file['file_name_hash']] = $file; } $new_files = array(); foreach ( $n_files as $file ) { $new_files[$file['file_name_hash']] = $file; } $inew = crb_get_settings( 'scan_inew' ); $imod = crb_get_settings( 'scan_imod' ); $update = array(); foreach ( $new_files as $key => $file ) { $status = 0; if ( ! isset( $prev_files[ $key ] ) ) { if ( $inew ) { if ( $inew != 2 ) { if ( cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $status = CERBER_NEW; } } else { $status = CERBER_NEW; } } } elseif ( $imod ) { $status = cerber_cmp_files( $prev_files[ $key ], $new_files[ $key ] ); if ( $status && ( $imod != 2 ) ) { if ( ! cerber_detect_exec_extension( $file['file_name'] ) ) { $status = 0; } } } if ( $status > 0 ) { $update[ $key ] = $status; } } if ( ! $update ) { return 0; } $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; foreach ( $update as $key => $status ) { cerber_db_query( 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET file_status = ' . $status . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $key . '"' ); } return 0; } function cerber_cmp_files( $prev, $new ) { if ( ! empty( $prev['file_hash'] ) && ! empty( $new['file_hash'] ) ) { if ( $prev['file_hash'] != $new['file_hash'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } } elseif ( ! empty( $prev['file_md5'] ) && ! empty( $new['file_md5'] ) ) { if ( $prev['file_md5'] != $new['file_md5'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } } elseif ( $prev['file_size'] != $new['file_size'] ) { return CERBER_MOD; } return 0; } /** * Recursively creates a list of files in a given folder matching a given filename pattern * * @param string $root The starting folder * @param callable $function The function to save the list of files that is passed as an array * * @param string $pattern Pattern for filenames to include * * @return array The total number of processed folders and files */ function cerber_scan_directory( $root, $function, $pattern = null ) { static $history = array(); static $exclude = null; // Prevent infinite recursion if ( isset( $history[ $root ] ) ) { return array( 0, 0 ); } $history[ $root ] = 1; // Must be excluded if ( $exclude === null ) { $list = crb_get_settings( 'scan_exclude' ); if ( ! $list || ! is_array( $list ) ) { $list = array(); } $d = cerber_get_the_folder(); if ( is_dir( $d ) ) { $list[] = $d; } $exclude = array(); foreach ( $list as $dir ) { if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) { continue; } $exclude[] = rtrim( $dir, '/\\' ); } /*$exclude = array_map( function ( $item ) { return rtrim( $item, '/\\' ); }, $exclude );*/ } if ( ! $pattern ) { $pattern = '{*,.*}'; } $dir_counter = 1; $file_counter = 0; $root = rtrim( $root, '/\\' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $list = array(); //if ( $files = glob( $root . $pattern, GLOB_BRACE ) ) { if ( $files = cerber_glob_brace( $root, $pattern ) ) { foreach ( $files as $file_name ) { if ( @is_dir( $file_name ) || ! is_readable( $file_name ) ) { continue; } $file_counter ++; $list[] = $file_name; if ( count( $list ) > 200 ) { // packet size, can affect the DB performance if $function saves file names to the DB call_user_func( $function, $list ); $list = array(); } } if ( ! empty( $list ) ) { call_user_func( $function, $list ); } } elseif ( $files === false ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'PHP glob got error while accessing ' . $root . $pattern ); } //if ( $dirs = glob( $root . '{*,.*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_BRACE ) ) { if ( $dirs = cerber_glob_brace( $root, '{*,.*}', GLOB_ONLYDIR ) ) { foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { if ( in_array( $dir, $exclude ) ) { continue; } $b = basename( $dir ); if ( $b == '.' || $b == '..' ) { continue; } list ( $dc, $fc ) = cerber_scan_directory( $dir, $function, $pattern ); $dir_counter += $dc; $file_counter += $fc; } } elseif ( $files === false ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'PHP glob got error while accessing ' . $root . '*' ); } return array( $dir_counter, $file_counter ); } /** * A PHP glob() implementation that works with no GLOB_BRACE available * * @param string $dir With the trailing directory delimiter * @param string $patterns We expect '{pattern1,pattern2,etc.}' * @param int $flags Standard glob() flags except GLOB_BRACE * * @return array|false */ function cerber_glob_brace( $dir, $patterns, $flags = 0 ) { if ( $patterns[0] != '{' ) { // No GLOB_BRACE is needed return glob( $dir . $patterns, $flags ); } if ( defined( 'GLOB_BRACE' ) ) { $flags = ( $flags ) ? $flags | GLOB_BRACE : GLOB_BRACE; return glob( $dir . $patterns, $flags ); } // GLOB_BRACE is not supported $list = explode( ',', substr( $patterns, 1, strlen( $patterns ) - 2 ) ); $list = array_map( 'trim', $list ); $ret = array(); foreach ( $list as $pt ) { if ( $glob = glob( $dir . $pt, $flags ) ) { $ret = array_merge( $ret, $glob ); } } return $ret; } /** * @param $file_name string * * @return string */ function cerber_normal_path( $file_name ) { return str_replace( array( '/', '\\' ), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_name ); } /** * Packet saving of file names * * @param array $list * * @return bool|mysqli_result */ function _crb_save_file_names( $list ) { static $scan_id; static $ignore; $list = array_filter( $list ); if ( empty( $list ) ) { return true; } if ( ! isset( $scan_id ) ) { $scan_id = cerber_get_scan_id(); if ( ! $scan_id ) { return false; } } if ( ! isset( $ignore ) ) { $ignore = cerber_get_set( 'ignore-list' ); if ( ! $ignore || ! is_array( $ignore ) ) { $ignore = array(); } } //$scan_mode = ( $cerber_scan_mode == 'full' ) ? 1 : 0; $scan_mode = ( cerber_is_full() ) ? 1 : 0; $sql = ''; $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; foreach ( $list as $filename ) { if ( ! @is_file( $filename ) || ! cerber_is_file_type_scan( $filename ) ) { continue; } $filename = cerber_normal_path( $filename ); $file_name_hash = sha1( $filename ); if ( cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT COUNT(scan_id) FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $scan_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . $file_name_hash . '"' ) ) { continue; } $status = 0; if ( isset( $ignore[ $file_name_hash ] ) ) { $status = 1; crb_scan_debug( 'The file is in the ignore list: ' . $filename ); } $filename = cerber_real_escape( $filename ); $sql .= '(' . $scan_id . ',' . $scan_mode . ',"' . $file_name_hash . '","' . $filename . '",'.$status.'),'; } if ( ! $sql ) { return true; } $sql = rtrim( $sql, ',' ); $ret = cerber_db_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (scan_id, scan_mode, file_name_hash, file_name, scan_status) VALUES ' . $sql ); if ( ! $ret ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'DB Error occurred while saving filenames' ); } return $ret; } /** * Return true if a given file must be checked (scanned) * * @param $filename * * @return bool */ function cerber_is_file_type_scan( $filename ) { if ( cerber_is_full() ) { return true; } if ( cerber_check_extension( $filename, array( 'php', 'phtm', 'phtml', 'phps', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'php6', 'php7', 'inc' ) ) ) { return true; } if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $filename ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check if a filename has an extension from a given list * * @param string $filename * @param array $ext_list * @param bool $single * * @return bool */ function cerber_check_extension( $filename, $ext_list = array(), $single = false ) { if ( ! is_array( $ext_list ) || empty( $ext_list ) ) { return false; } $ext = cerber_get_extension( $filename ); if ( ! $ext ) { return false; } // A normal, single extension if ( in_array( $ext, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } if ( $single ) { return false; } // Multiple extensions? if ( ! strpos( $ext, '.' ) ) { return false; } $last = mb_substr( $ext, mb_strrpos( $ext, '.' ) + 1 ); if ( in_array( $last, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } $first = mb_substr( $ext, 0, mb_strpos( $ext, '.' ) ); if ( in_array( $first, $ext_list ) ) { return true; } return false; } function cerber_get_step_description( $step = null ) { $all_steps = array( 0 => __( 'Preparing for the scan', 'wp-cerber' ), 1 => __( 'Scanning website directories for files', 'wp-cerber' ), 2 => __( 'Scanning the temporary upload directory for files', 'wp-cerber' ), 3 => __( "Scanning server's temporary directories for files", 'wp-cerber' ), 4 => __( 'Scanning the sessions directory for files', 'wp-cerber' ), 5 => __( 'Parsing the list of files', 'wp-cerber' ), 6 => __( 'Checking for new and modified files', 'wp-cerber' ), 7 => __( 'Verifying the integrity of WordPress', 'wp-cerber' ), 8 => __( 'Recovering WordPress files', 'wp-cerber' ), 9 => __( 'Verifying the integrity of the plugins', 'wp-cerber' ), 10 => __( 'Recovering plugins files', 'wp-cerber' ), 11 => __( 'Verifying the integrity of the themes', 'wp-cerber' ), 12 => __( 'Detecting injected files in the WordPress uploads directory', 'wp-cerber' ), 13 => __( 'Searching for malicious code', 'wp-cerber' ), CRB_SCAN_END => __( 'Finalizing the scan', 'wp-cerber' ), ); if ( $step !== null && isset( $all_steps[ $step ] ) ) { return $all_steps[ $step ]; } return $all_steps; } /** * Overwrites values and preserve array hierarchy (keys) * * @param array $a1 * @param array $a2 * * @return mixed */ function cerber_array_merge_recurively( $a1, $a2 ) { foreach ( $a2 as $key => $value ) { if ( isset( $a1[ $key ] ) && is_array( $a1[ $key ] ) && is_array( $value ) ) { $a1[ $key ] = cerber_array_merge_recurively( $a1[ $key ], $value ); } else { $a1[ $key ] = $value; } } return $a1; } function cerber_get_short_name( $file_name, $file_type ) { $len = null; switch ( $file_type ) { case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_themes_dir() ); break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: if ( is_multisite() && false !== strpos( $file_name, cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $len = mb_strlen( dirname( cerber_get_upload_dir_mu() ) ); } else { $len = mb_strlen( dirname( cerber_get_upload_dir() ) ); } break; default: if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, rtrim( cerber_get_abspath(), '/\\' ) ) ) { $len = mb_strlen( cerber_get_abspath() ) - 1; } } if ( $len ) { return mb_substr( $file_name, $len ); } return $file_name; } // ====================================================================================================== // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 1 add_filter( 'wp_insert_attachment_data', function ( $data, $postarr ) { global $crb_new_zip_file; if ( $postarr['context'] == 'upgrader' && $postarr['post_status'] == 'private' && isset( $postarr['file'] ) ) { $crb_new_zip_file = $postarr['file']; } return $data; }, 10, 2 ); // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 2 add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', function ( $object, $extra ) { global $crb_new_zip_file; if ( empty( $crb_new_zip_file ) ) { return; } switch ( $extra['type'] ) { case 'plugin': case 'theme': if ( file_exists( $crb_new_zip_file ) ) { $tmp = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $tmp ) ) { $target_zip = $tmp . basename( $crb_new_zip_file ); if ( copy( $crb_new_zip_file, $target_zip ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time() + 5 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'cerber_scheduled_hash', array( $target_zip ) ); cerber_need_for_hash( $target_zip ); } else { // Error } } else { // Error } } break; } }, 10, 2 ); // Process a manually installed/upgraded plugin/theme, part 3 add_action( 'cerber_scheduled_hash', 'cerber_scheduled_hash' ); function cerber_scheduled_hash( $zip_file = '' ) { $result = cerber_need_for_hash( $zip_file ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { //cerber_log( $result->get_error_message() ); } } /** * Generate hash for an uploaded theme/plugin ZIP archive or for a specified ZIP file. * Hash will not be created if a theme/plugin is not installed on the website. * * @param string $zip_file Be used if set * @param bool $delete If true the source ZIP will be deleted * @param int $expires Timestamp when hash will expire, 0 = never * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_need_for_hash( $zip_file = '', $delete = true, $expires = 0 ) { $folder = cerber_get_tmp_file_folder(); $tmp_folder1 = $folder . 'zip' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $tmp_folder2 = $folder . 'nested_zip' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; crb_raise_limits(); if ( ! $zip_file ) { if ( ! $files = glob( $folder . '*.zip' ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( ! is_array( $zip_file ) ) { $files = array( $zip_file ); } else { $files = $zip_file; } } $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); $result = true; foreach ( $files as $zip_file ) { if ( ! file_exists( $zip_file ) ) { continue; } crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . cerber_mb_basename( $zip_file ) ); $result = crb_hash_maker( $zip_file, $tmp_folder1, false, $expires ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . $result->get_error_message() ); // It's possible that there is a nested ZIP archive if ( $nested_zip_list = glob( $tmp_folder1 . '*.zip' ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: trying to find the reference code in the nested zip archive' ); foreach ( $nested_zip_list as $nested_zip ) { $result = crb_hash_maker( $nested_zip, $tmp_folder2, true, $expires ); if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { break; // Yay, we found it! } } } } else { crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: ' . cerber_mb_basename( $zip_file ) . ' - OK!' ); } if ( $delete ) { unlink( $zip_file ); } if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { break; } } $fs->delete( $tmp_folder1, true ); $fs->delete( $tmp_folder2, true ); crb_scan_debug( 'Processing ZIP: Completed' ); return $result; } /** * @param string $zip_file ZIP file to process * @param string $zip_folder Temporary folder for unpacking ZIP * @param bool $delete If true, the temp folder will be deleted afterward * @param int $expires HASH expiration time, Unix timestamp, 0 = never * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function crb_hash_maker( $zip_file, $zip_folder, $delete = true, $expires = 0 ) { $fs = cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); if ( file_exists( $zip_folder ) && ! $fs->delete( $zip_folder, true ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to clean up temporary zip folder ' . $zip_folder ); } $result = cerber_unzip( $zip_file, $zip_folder ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Unable to unzip file ' . $zip_file . ' ' . $result->get_error_message() ); } $obj = cerber_detect_object( $zip_folder ); $err = ''; if ( crb_is_wp_error( $obj ) ) { $err = $obj->get_error_message(); } elseif ( ! $obj ) { $err = 'Proper program code not found.'; } if ( $err ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', sprintf( __( 'Error: file %s cannot be used.', 'wp-cerber' ), '' . cerber_mb_basename( $zip_file ) . '' ) . ' ' . $err . ' ' . __( 'Please upload another file.', 'wp-cerber' ) ); } $dir = $obj['src'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $len = mb_strlen( $dir ); global $the_file_list; $the_file_list = array(); cerber_scan_directory( $dir, function ( $list ) { global $the_file_list; $the_file_list = array_merge( $the_file_list, $list ); } ); if ( empty( $the_file_list ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'No files found in ' . $zip_file ); } $hash = array(); foreach ( $the_file_list as $file_name ) { $hash[ mb_substr( $file_name, $len ) ] = hash_file( 'sha256', $file_name ); } if ( !$obj['single'] ) { $b = $obj['src']; } else { $b = $obj['file']; } //$key = $obj['type'] . sha1( $obj['name'] . basename( $obj['src'] ) ); $key = $obj['type'] . sha1( $obj['name'] . basename( $b ) ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( $key, array( 'name' => $obj['name'], 'ver' => $obj['ver'], 'hash' => $hash, 'time' => time() ), 0, true, $expires ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-zip', 'Database error occurred while saving hash' ); } if ( $delete ) { $fs->delete( $zip_folder, true ); } unset( $the_file_list ); return true; } /** * Retrieve local hash for plugin or theme * * @param $key * @param $version * * @return bool|mixed */ function cerber_get_local_hash( $key, $version ) { if ( $local_hash = cerber_get_set( $key ) ) { if ( $local_hash['ver'] == $version ) { return $local_hash['hash']; } } return false; } /** * @return string|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_tmp_file_folder() { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $folder = $folder . 'tmp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! is_dir( $folder ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( $folder, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create the tmp directory ' . $folder ); } } return $folder; } /** * Return Cerber's folder. If there is no folder, creates it. * * @return string|bool|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_the_folder( $asis = false ) { $ret = cerber_get_my_folder(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $ret ); if ( $asis ) { return $ret; } return false; } return $ret; } /** * Return Cerber's folder. If there is no folder, creates it. * * @return string|WP_Error Full path to the folder with trailing slash */ function cerber_get_my_folder() { static $ret; if ( $ret !== null ) { return $ret; } $opt = cerber_get_set( '_cerber_mnemosyne' ); if ( $opt && isset( $opt[4] ) && isset( $opt[ $opt[4] ] ) ) { $key = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $opt[ $opt[4] ] ); if ( $key ) { $folder = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-cerber-' . $key . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( is_dir( $folder ) ) { if ( ! wp_is_writable( $folder ) ) { if ( ! chmod( $folder, 0755 ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'The directory is not writable: ' . $folder ); } } cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ); $ret = $folder; return $ret; } } } // Let's create the folder $key = substr( str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ), 0, rand( 16, 20 ) ); $folder = cerber_get_upload_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-cerber-' . $key . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! mkdir( $folder, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create WP CERBER directory: ' . $folder ); } if ( ! cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to lock the directory ' . $folder ); } $k = substr( str_shuffle( '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ), 0, rand( 16, 20 ) ); $i = rand( 5, 10 ); if ( ! cerber_update_set( '_cerber_mnemosyne', array( rand( 0, 3 ) => $k, 4 => $i, $i => $key ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to save WP CERBER directory info' ); } $ret = $folder; return $ret; } /** * Make a folder not accessible from the web * * @param $folder string * * @return bool */ function cerber_lock_the_folder( $folder ) { if ( $f = fopen( $folder . '.htaccess', 'w' ) ) { if ( fwrite( $f, 'deny from all' ) ) { fclose( $f ); return true; } } return false; } /** * @param $file * @since 8.6.1 * * @return bool */ function cerber_set_writable( $file ) { static $chmod_file, $chmod_dir; if ( ! $chmod_file ) { $chmod_file = ( fileperms( ABSPATH . 'index.php' ) & 0777 | 0644 ); } if ( ! $chmod_dir ) { $chmod_dir = ( fileperms( ABSPATH ) & 0777 | 0755 ); } if ( @is_file( $file ) ) { return @chmod( $file, $chmod_file ); } elseif ( @is_dir( $file ) ) { return @chmod( $file, $chmod_dir ); } return false; } function cerber_unzip( $file_name, $folder ) { cerber_init_wp_filesystem(); return unzip_file( $file_name, $folder ); } function cerber_detect_object( $folder = '' ) { // Look for a theme $the_folder = false; $dirs = glob( $folder . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); if ( $dirs ) { $the_folder = $dirs[0]; // we expect only one subfolder if ( ! file_exists( $the_folder ) ) { $the_folder = false; } } $result = cerber_check_theme_data( $the_folder ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } elseif ( $result ) { return array( 'type' => CRB_HASH_THEME, 'name' => $result->get( 'Name' ), 'ver' => $result->get( 'Version' ), 'src' => $the_folder, 'single' => false, ); } // Look for a plugin $files = glob( $folder . '*.php' ); // single file plugin if ( ! $files && $the_folder ) { // plugin with folder $files = glob( $the_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.php' ); $single = false; } else { $single = true; } if ( ! $files ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'No PHP files found in the archive.' ); } require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); $installed_plugins = get_plugins(); $name_found = false; foreach ( $files as $file_name ) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( $file_name ); if ( empty ( $plugin_data['Name'] ) || empty ( $plugin_data['Version'] ) ) { continue; } $name_found = true; $name = htmlspecialchars_decode( $plugin_data['Name'] ); // get_plugins() != get_plugin_data() foreach ( $installed_plugins as $key => $plugin ) { if ( $plugin['Name'] == $name ) { if ( $plugin['Version'] == $plugin_data['Version'] ) { return array( 'type' => CRB_HASH_PLUGIN, 'name' => $name, 'ver' => $plugin_data['Version'], 'data' => $plugin_data, 'src' => dirname( $file_name ), 'single' => $single, 'file' => $file_name ); } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Plugin version mismatch.' ); } } } if ( $name_found ) { $err = 'No matching plugin name was found among installed plugins.'; } else { $err = 'No files in the uploaded archive contain a valid plugin name.'; } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', $err ); } /** * @param string $folder A folder with theme files * * @return bool|WP_Theme|WP_Error */ function cerber_check_theme_data( $folder ) { $style = $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'style.css'; if ( ! file_exists( $style ) ) { return false; } // See class-wp-theme.php static $theme_headers = array( 'Name' => 'Theme Name', 'ThemeURI' => 'Theme URI', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Author' => 'Author', 'AuthorURI' => 'Author URI', 'Version' => 'Version', 'Template' => 'Template', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TextDomain' => 'Text Domain', 'DomainPath' => 'Domain Path', ); $theme_folder = basename( $folder ); $headers = get_file_data( $style, $theme_headers, 'theme' ); // $headers['Version'] means just theme, $headers['Template'] means child theme if ( ! empty ( $headers['Name'] ) && ( ! empty ( $headers['Version'] ) || ! empty ( $headers['Template'] ) ) ) { $themes = wp_get_themes(); foreach ( $themes as $the_folder => $theme ) { if ( $the_folder != $theme_folder ) { continue; } if ( $headers['Name'] == $theme->get( 'Name' ) ) { if ( ! empty ( $headers['Version'] ) && ( $headers['Version'] == $theme->get( 'Version' ) ) ) { return $theme; } if ( ! empty ( $headers['Template'] ) && ( $headers['Template'] == $theme->get( 'Template' ) ) ) { return $theme; } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-file', 'Theme version mismatch.' ); } } } return false; } /** * @param int $first * @param int $last * @param int $filter_scan * * @return array|WP_Error * * @since 8.6.4 */ function cerber_quarantine_get_files( $first = 0, $last = null, $filter_scan = null ) { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $list = array(); $count = 0; $scan_list = array(); if ( ! $dirs = glob( $folder . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR ) ) { return array( $list, $count, $scan_list ); } foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) { $f = $dir . '/.restore'; $scan_id = basename( $dir ); $inc = false; if ( file_exists( $f ) && $handle = @fopen( $f, "r" ) ) { $ln = 0; $included = array(); while ( ( $line = fgets( $handle ) ) !== false ) { $ln ++; if ( $ln <= 4 || empty( $line ) ) { continue; } $line = trim( $line ); if ( empty( $line ) ) { continue; } $v = crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ); if ( $v ) { if ( in_array( $v['qfile'], $included ) ) { continue; // Prevent listing the same file several times } $inc = true; if ( ! $filter_scan || $filter_scan == $scan_id ) { if ( $count >= $first && ( ! $last || $count <= $last ) ) { $v['scan_id'] = $scan_id; $list[] = $v; $included[] = $v['qfile']; } $count ++; } else { continue; // skip the rest of the lines } } } if ( ! feof( $handle ) ) { echo "Error: unexpected I/O Error"; } fclose( $handle ); } if ( $inc ) { $scan_list[] = $scan_id; } } return array( $list, $count, $scan_list ); } function crb_parse_qline( $dir, $line ) { if ( ! $line || ! strpos( $line, '|' ) || ! strpos( $line, '=>' ) ) { return false; } list( $date, $info ) = explode( '|', $line ); list( $qfile, $source ) = explode( '=>', $info ); $date = trim( $date ); $qfile = trim( $qfile ); $source = trim( $source ); if ( ! $qfile ) { return false; } $fname = $dir . '/' . $qfile; if ( ! @is_file( $fname ) ) { return false; } $size = @filesize( $fname ); $size = ( is_numeric( $size ) ) ? $size : 0; //$sdir = dirname( $source ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; //$can = ( file_exists( $sdir ) ) ? true : false; //$can = ( file_exists( $source ) ) ? false : true; $ret = array( 'date' => $date, 'size' => crb_size_format( $size ), 'qfile' => $qfile, 'source' => $source, //'sdir' => $sdir, //'can' => $can 'can' => true ); return $ret; } /** * Move files to the quarantine folder * * @param string $file_name * @param integer $scan_id * @param bool $move true to delete the file in its original location @since 8.6.1 * * @return bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_quarantine_file( $file_name, $scan_id, $move = true ) { static $folder; $scan_id = absint( $scan_id ); if ( ! is_file( $file_name ) || ! $scan_id ) { return false; } if ( $move ) { $can = cerber_can_be_deleted( $file_name, true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $can ) ) { return $can; //return new WP_Error( 'cerber-del', "This file may not be deleted: " . $file_name ); } } if ( $folder === null ) { $folder = cerber_get_the_folder( true ); } if ( crb_is_wp_error( $folder ) ) { return $folder; } $quarantine = $folder . 'quarantine' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scan_id . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( ! is_dir( $quarantine ) ) { if ( ! mkdir( $quarantine, 0755, true ) ) { // TODO: try to set permissions for the parent folder return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to create the quarantine directory ' . $quarantine ); } } else { if ( ! chmod( $quarantine, 0755 ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to set directory permissions for ' . $quarantine ); } } if ( ! cerber_lock_the_folder( $quarantine ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-dir', 'Unable to lock the directory ' . $quarantine ); } // Preserve original paths for deleted files in a restore file $restore = $quarantine . '.restore'; if ( ! file_exists( $restore ) ) { if ( ! $f = fopen( $restore, 'w' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar', 'Unable to create a restore file.' ); } fwrite( $f, 'Information for restoring files.' . PHP_EOL . 'Deletion date | Deleted file => Original file to copy to restore.' . PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL ); } else { if ( ! $f = fopen( $restore, 'a' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar', 'Unable to write to the restore file.'); } } // Avoid file name collisions $name = cerber_mb_basename( $file_name ); $new_name = $quarantine . $name; if ( file_exists( $new_name ) ) { $i = 2; while ( file_exists( $new_name ) ) { $new_name = $quarantine . $name . '.' . $i; $i ++; } } if ( ! crb_move_copy( $file_name, $new_name, $move ) ) { $dir = dirname( $file_name ); if ( $move ) { $msg = 'Unable to move file to the quarantine: ' . $file_name . '. Check permissions (owner) of this folder: ' . $dir; } else { $msg = 'Unable to copy file to the quarantine: ' . $file_name . '. Check permissions (owner) of this folder: ' . $dir; } return new WP_Error( 'cerber-quar-fail', $msg ); } // Save restoring info //fwrite( $f, PHP_EOL . cerber_date( time(), false ) . ' | ' . basename( $new_name ) . ' => ' . $file_name ); static $gmt_offset; if ( ! isset( $gmt_offset ) ) { $gmt_offset = get_option( 'gmt_offset' ) * 3600; } fwrite( $f, PHP_EOL . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $gmt_offset ) . ' | ' . $name . ' => ' . $file_name ); fclose( $f ); crb_qr_total_update( 1 ); return true; } // @since 8.6.1 function crb_move_copy( $file_name, $new_name, $move = true ) { $abort = false; do { if ( $move ) { $ok = @rename( $file_name, $new_name ); } else { $ok = @copy( $file_name, $new_name ); } if ( $ok ) { return true; } if ( $abort ) { return false; } if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_chmod' ) ) { return false; } cerber_set_writable( dirname( $file_name ) ); cerber_set_writable( $file_name ); $abort = true; } while ( true ); } /** * Can a given file be safely deleted? Some files may not. * * @param string $file_name * @param bool $check_inclusion * * @return true|WP_Error true if a file may be safely deleted */ function cerber_can_be_deleted( $file_name, $check_inclusion = false ) { if ( ! file_exists( $file_name ) || ! is_file( $file_name ) || is_link( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_no_file', 'This file cannot be deleted because it doesn\'t exist: ' . $file_name ); } if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) || cerber_is_dropin( $file_name ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_not_allowed', 'This file is not allowed to be deleted: ' . $file_name ); } if ( $check_inclusion && in_array( $file_name, get_included_files() ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_active', 'This file cannot be deleted because it \'s loaded and in use: ' . $file_name ); } if ( basename( $file_name ) == 'wp-config.php' ) { $abspath = cerber_get_abspath(); $file_name = cerber_normal_path( $file_name ); if ( ( $file_name == $abspath . 'wp-config.php' ) || ( ! file_exists( $abspath . 'wp-config.php' ) && $file_name == dirname( $abspath ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-config.php' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'cerber_file_not_allowed', 'This file is not allowed to be deleted: ' . $file_name ); } } return true; } /** * Is time for current step is over? * * @param int $limit * * @return bool True if the time of execution of the current step is over */ function cerber_exec_timer( $limit = CERBER_MAX_SECONDS) { static $start; if ( $start === null ) { $start = time(); } if ( $limit == CERBER_MAX_SECONDS && cerber_is_cloud_request() ) { $limit = CERBER_MAX_SECONDS_CLOUD; } if ( ( time() - $start ) > $limit ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param $id * @param string $txt * @param string $source WP Cerber code file * @param int $line Line on what error was produced * * @return mixed|string */ function cerber_scan_msg( $id, $txt = '', $source = '', $line = 0 ) { $m = array( __( 'Unable to open file', 'wp-cerber' ) ); $ret = '???'; if ( isset( $m[ $id ] ) ) { $ret = $m[ $id ]; } if ( $txt ) { $ret .= ' ' . $txt; } if ( $line ) { $line = ' line: ' . $line; } if ( $source ) { $ret .= ' (file: ' . cerber_mb_basename( $source ) . $line . ')'; } return $ret; } /** * Return the number of node if the request is originated from the Cerber Cloud, false otherwise * * @return bool|integer */ function cerber_is_cloud_request() { static $ret = null; if ( $ret !== null) { return $ret; } if ( ! cerber_is_http_post() || empty( $_POST['cerber-cloud-key'] ) ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $key = lab_get_key(); if ( empty( $key[4] ) ) { $key = lab_get_key( true ); } if ( $key[4] != $_POST['cerber-cloud-key'] ) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $ret = lab_get_real_node_id(); return $ret; } /** * Creates a user report * * @param array $scan * * @return bool|string False if there is nothing to report */ function cerber_scan_report( $scan ) { global $cerber_scan_mode; $include = crb_get_settings( 'scan_reinc' ); $severity = array_intersect_key( array( 0, 1, 2, 3 ), $include ); // Severity are 0-4 $types = array_keys( $include ); if ( ! $last_filtered = cerber_filter_issues( $scan, $types, $severity ) ) { return false; } $for_report = $last_filtered; if ( ! $cerber_scan_mode ) { $cerber_scan_mode = $scan['mode']; } if ( $prev_id = cerber_get_prev_scan_id( $scan['id'] ) ) { $prev_scan = cerber_get_scan( $prev_id ); } else { $prev_scan = null; } $re = crb_get_settings( 'scan_relimit' ); $prev_filtered = null; if ( $re > 1 ) { if ( $prev_scan ) { $prev_filtered = cerber_filter_issues( $prev_scan, $types, $severity ); } } if ( $prev_filtered ) { switch ( $re ) { case 3: $last_comp = $last_filtered; // Remove "xx ago" that always changing from scan to scan and affect checksum array_walk_recursive( $last_comp, function ( &$e, $key ) { if ( $key === 'time' ) { $e = ''; } } ); array_walk_recursive( $prev_filtered, function ( &$e, $key ) { if ( $key === 'time' ) { $e = ''; } } ); $hash1 = sha1( serialize( $last_comp ) ); $hash2 = sha1( serialize( $prev_filtered ) ); if ( $hash1 == $hash2 ) { return false; } break; case 5: $for_report = cerber_get_new_issues( $prev_filtered, $last_filtered ); break; } } if ( ! $for_report ) { return false; } // Generating the report $base_url = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_main' ); $site_name = ( is_multisite() ) ? get_site_option( 'site_name' ) : get_option( 'blogname' ); $css_table = 'width: 95%; max-width: 1000px; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom: 10px; background-color: #f5f5f5; text-align: center; color: #000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;'; $css_td = 'padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1em; text-align: left;'; $css_border = 'border-bottom: solid 2px #f9f9f9;'; $ret = ''; $mode = ( $scan['mode'] == 'full' ) ? __( 'Full Scan Report', 'wp-cerber' ) : __( 'Quick Scan Report', 'wp-cerber' ); $mode = '' . $mode . ''; // Summary $summary = array(); $diff = ''; if ( ! empty( $prev_scan['scanned']['files'] ) ) { $d = $scan['scanned']['files'] - $prev_scan['scanned']['files']; if ( absint( $d ) > 0 ) { $diff = ' (' . ( ( $d > 0 ) ? '+' . $d : $d ) . ')'; } } $summary[] = __( 'Files scanned', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $scan['scanned']['files'] . '' . $diff; $tot = $scan['scan_stats']['total_issues']; $diff = ''; if ( isset( $prev_scan['scan_stats'] ) ) { if ( $prev_tot = $prev_scan['scan_stats']['total_issues'] ) { $d = $tot - $prev_tot; if ( absint( $d ) > 0 ) { $diff = ' (' . ( ( $d > 0 ) ? '+' . $d : $d ) . ')'; } } } $summary[] = __( 'Issues total', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $tot . ''.$diff; // Issues $isize = crb_get_settings( 'scan_isize' ); $cols = ( $isize ) ? 3 : 2; $table = cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE; $deleted = 0; $recovered = 0; $conames = array( 'crb-plugins' => 'plugin', 'crb-themes' => 'theme', 'crb-wordpress' => 'files' ); $rows = array(); crb_file_sanitize( $for_report ); foreach ( $for_report as $section_id => $section ) { $section_items = array(); $extra = ''; $vlist = ''; $c = ( isset( $conames[ $section['container'] ] ) ) ? ' ' . $conames[ $section['container'] ] : ''; $i = 0; foreach ( $section['issues'] as $issue ) { if ( $issue['ii'][0] < CERBER_LDE ) { // Only a single issue of this type is possible if ( $issue['ii'][0] == CERBER_VULN ) { $vlist .= $issue[1] . '
      '; } else { $extra .= ' ' . cerber_get_html_label( $issue['ii'][0] ); } continue; } $i ++; $color = ( $issue[2] > 2 ) ? ' color: #dd1320;' : ''; $size = ''; if ( $isize ) { $size_diff = ''; if ( in_array( CERBER_NEW, $issue['ii'] ) && $prev_id ) { $psize = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT file_size FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . $prev_id . ' AND file_name_hash = "' . sha1( $issue['data']['name'] ) . '"' ); if ( is_numeric( $psize ) ) { $diff = $issue['data']['bytes'] - $psize; if ( absint( $diff ) > 0 ) { $size_diff = crb_size_format( $diff ); $size_diff = ' (' . ( ( $diff > 0 ) ? '+' . $size_diff : '-' . $size_diff ) . ')'; } } } $size = '' . $issue['data']['size'] . $size_diff . ''; } $status = ''; if ( isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) ) { switch ( $issue['data']['prced'] ) { case CERBER_FDLD: $status = ' ' . __( 'Deleted', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' '; $deleted ++; break; case CERBER_FRCV: $status = ' ' . __( 'Recovered', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' '; $recovered ++; break; } } $labels = array(); foreach ( $issue['ii'] as $issue_id ) { $labels[] = cerber_get_issue_label( $issue_id ); } $section_items[] = '' . $issue[1] . $status . '' . implode( '
      ', $labels ) . '' . $size; } if ( $section_items || $vlist ) { if ( $vlist ) { $extra = cerber_get_html_label( CERBER_VULN ) . $extra; } $rows[] = '' . $section['name'] . $c . ' ' . $extra . '

      ' . $vlist . '

      '; $rows = array_merge( $rows, $section_items ); } } if ( ! $rows ) { return false; } $ret .= '' . implode( '', $rows ) . '
      '; // Errors if ( crb_get_settings( 'scan_ierrors' ) && $ers = cerber_get_scan_errors()) { $ret .= '

      Some errors occurred during the scan

      1. ' . implode( '
      2. ', $ers ) . '
      '; } // Some KPI numbers $inc = array( CERBER_VULN, CERBER_NEW, CERBER_MOD, CERBER_USF, CERBER_UXT, CERBER_INJ ); foreach ( $inc as $id ) { if ( ! isset( $scan['numbers'][ $id ] ) ) { continue; } $css = ( $id == CERBER_VULN ) ? 'color:red;' : ''; $diff = ''; $prev_num = crb_array_get( $prev_scan, array( 'numbers', $id ), 0 ); $d = $scan['numbers'][ $id ] - $prev_num; if ( absint( $d ) > 0 ) { $diff = ' (' . ( ( $d > 0 ) ? '+' . $d : $d ) . ')'; } $summary[] = '' . cerber_get_issue_label( $id ) . ' ' . $scan['numbers'][ $id ] . '' . $diff . ''; } $qu = cerber_admin_link( 'scan_quarantine', array( 'scan' => $scan['id'] ) ); if ( $deleted ) { __( 'Automatically moved to quarantine', 'wp-cerber' ); $summary[] = '' . __( 'Automatically deleted', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $deleted . ''; } if ( $recovered ) { $summary[] = '' . __( 'Automatically recovered', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $recovered . ''; } //$summary = implode( '  |  ', $summary ); //$summary = '
      '.implode( '
      ', $summary ).'
      '; $summary = '

      '.implode( '

      ', $summary ).'

      '; $header = '

      ' . $site_name . '

      ' . $mode . '

      ' . $summary . '
      '; $ret = $header . $ret; $ret = '
      ' . $ret . '
      '; $ret .= '

      ' . __( 'To view full report visit', 'wp-cerber' ) . ' ' . $base_url . '

      '; return $ret; } /** * Filter out a list of issues for a user report * * @param array $scan * @param array $types * @param array $severity * * @return array */ function cerber_filter_issues( $scan, $types, $severity ) { $result = array(); if ( empty( $scan['issues'] ) ) { return $result; } foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $section_id => $section ) { $list = array(); $sec_details = array(); foreach ( $section['issues'] as $issue ) { if ( in_array( $issue[2], $severity ) ) { $list[] = $issue; continue; } if ( array_intersect( $issue['ii'], $types ) ) { $list[] = $issue; continue; } if ( $issue[0] < 10 ) { $sec_details[] = $issue; } } if ( $list ) { $list = array_merge( $sec_details, $list ); $result[ $section_id ] = $section; $result[ $section_id ]['issues'] = $list; } } return $result; } function cerber_get_new_issues( $list_a, $list_b ) { $ret = array(); foreach ( $list_b as $key => $new ) { if ( ! isset( $list_a[ $key ] ) ) { $ret[ $key ] = $new; continue; } $new_elements = array(); foreach ( $new['issues'] as $i => $b_issue ) { if ( ! empty( $b_issue[1] ) ) { $found = 0; foreach ( $list_a[ $key ]['issues'] as $a_issue ) { if ( $a_issue['data']['name'] == $b_issue['data']['name'] ) { $found = 1; break; } } if ( ! $found ) { $new_elements[] = $i; } } } if ( $new_elements ) { $ret[ $key ] = $new; $all = array_keys( $new['issues'] ); $diff = array_diff( $all, $new_elements ); foreach ( $diff as $i ) { unset( $ret[ $key ]['issues'][ $i ] ); } } } return $ret; } function cerber_check_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ) { if ( strpos( $plugin_slug, '.' ) ) { return false; } $ret = cerber_get_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ); if ( ! $ret ) { $ret = false; } elseif ( crb_is_wp_error( $ret ) ) { crb_scan_debug( $ret ); $ret = false; } return $ret; } /** * @param $plugin_slug string * @param $plugin array * * @return array|bool|WP_Error */ function cerber_get_vulnerabilities( $plugin_slug, $plugin ) { if ( ! lab_lab() ) { return false; } $key = '_crb_vu_plugins'; $vu_list = cerber_get_set( $key ); if ( ! $vu_list || ( ! isset( $vu_list['plugins'][ $plugin_slug ] ) && ! isset( $vu_list['cloud_error'] ) ) ) { crb_scan_debug( 'Getting vulnerability data from the cloud.' ); $plugins = array_keys( get_plugins() ); array_walk( $plugins, function ( &$e ) { $e = dirname( $e ); } ); $plugins = array_filter( $plugins, function ( $e ) { return ( false === strpos( $e, '.' ) ); } ); if ( ! $vu_list = lab_api_send_request( array( 'get_vu_list' => array( 'plugins' => $plugins, ) ), 'vu_list' ) ) { $vu_list = array( 'cloud_error' => 1 ); $t = 120; // Network error } else { $t = 3600; // OK } cerber_update_set( $key, $vu_list, null, true, time() + $t ); } if ( isset( $vu_list['cloud_error'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'network_error', 'Unable to get the list of vulnerabilities' ); } $ret = array(); $lst = crb_array_get( $vu_list['plugins'], $plugin_slug ); if ( empty( $lst ) ) { return $ret; } foreach ( $lst as $v ) { if ( version_compare( $v['fixed_in'], $plugin['Version'], '>' ) ) { $ret[] = array( 'vu_info' => $v['short_desc'] . ' ' . 'Fixed in version: ' . $v['fixed_in'] ); } } return $ret; } /** * Check a filename has a specific extension * * @param $file_name * @param $setting string Setting slug with a set of file extensions to check for * * @return bool */ function cerber_has_extension( $file_name, $setting ) { static $list = null; if ( ! isset( $list[ $setting ] ) ) { if ( $list[ $setting ] = crb_get_settings( $setting ) ) { $list[ $setting ] = array_map( function ( $ext ) { return strtolower( trim( $ext, '. *' ) ); }, $list[ $setting ] ); } else { $list[ $setting ] = false; } } if ( false === $list[ $setting ] ) { return false; } $f = strtolower( cerber_mb_basename( $file_name ) ); $e = explode( '.', $f ); array_shift( $e ); if ( $e && array_intersect( $list[ $setting ], $e ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param array $scan */ function cerber_make_numbers( &$scan ) { if ( empty( $scan['issues'] ) ) { return; } $scan['numbers'] = array(); $scan['scan_stats']['risk'] = array( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); $scan['scan_stats']['total_issues'] = 0; foreach ( $scan['issues'] as $set ) { if ( empty( $set['issues'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $set['issues'] as $issue ) { $scan['scan_stats']['risk'][ $issue[2] ] ++; if ( empty( $issue['ii'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $issue['ii'] as $issue_id ) { if ( ! isset( $scan['numbers'][ $issue_id ] ) ) { $scan['numbers'][ $issue_id ] = 0; } $scan['numbers'][ $issue_id ] ++; $inc = ( $issue_id > 1 ) ? 1 : 0; // If $issue_id == 1, there is no other issues in the list } $scan['scan_stats']['total_issues'] += $inc; } if ( $set['setype'] == 21 ) { if ( ! isset( $scan['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] ) ) { $scan['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] = 0; } $scan['numbers'][ CERBER_USF ] += count( $set['issues'] ); } } } /** * @param WP_Error|string|array $msg */ function crb_scan_debug( $msg ) { if ( ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_debug' ) ) { return; } $errors = cerber_db_get_errors( true ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $msg ) ) { $errors[] = $msg->get_error_message(); $msg = null; } if ( $errors ) { cerber_error_log( $errors, 'SCANNER' ); } if ( $msg ) { cerber_diag_log( $msg, 'SCANNER' ); } } /** * Filtering out issues * * @param $list array * @param $function callable * */ function crb_file_filter( &$list, $function ) { foreach ( $list as $section_id => &$section ) { if ( ! isset( $section['issues'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $section['issues'] as $key => &$issue ) { if ( $issue[0] != CERBER_LDE && isset( $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { if ( ! call_user_func( $function, $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { unset( $section['issues'][ $key ] ); } elseif ( isset( $issue['data']['prced'] ) && $issue['data']['prced'] == CERBER_FDLD ) { unset( $issue['data']['prced'] ); } } } if ( ! empty( $section['issues'] ) ) { // Refreshing indexes for our JS code in the user browser $section['issues'] = array_values( $section['issues'] ); } else { // Removing empty section unset( $list[ $section_id ] ); } } } /** * Prepare filenames to be displayed in the user browser. * * @param $issues array * * @since */ function crb_file_sanitize( &$issues ) { foreach ( $issues as &$section ) { if ( ! isset( $section['issues'] ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $section['issues'] as &$issue ) { if ( ! empty( $issue[1] ) ) { $issue[1] = htmlspecialchars( $issue[1] ); } if ( ! empty( $issue['data']['name'] ) ) { $issue['data']['name'] = htmlspecialchars( $issue['data']['name'] ); } } } } function crb_qr_total_update( $diff ) { if ( ! $numq = cerber_get_set( 'quarantined_total', null, false ) ) { $numq = 0; } $numq = $numq + $diff; if ( $numq < 0 ) { $numq = 0; } cerber_update_set( 'quarantined_total', $numq, null, false ); } function _crb_qr_total_sync( $total = null ) { if ( ! $total ) { $q = cerber_quarantine_get_files(); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $q ) ) { return; } $total = $q[1]; } cerber_update_set( 'quarantined_total', $total, null, false ); } final class CRB_Scan_Grinder { private static $scan; private static $scan_id; private static $full = false; private static $curl; private static $plugins = array(); private static $themes = array(); private static $integrity_verified; private static $status; private static $issues = array(); private static $section = ''; private static $do_not_del = false; private static $settings = array(); private static $progress = 0; static function detect_media_injections( &$progress ) { if ( ! lab_lab() || ! crb_get_settings( 'scan_media' ) ) { return 0; } self::$section = CRB_SCAN_UPL_SECTION; $ret = self::iterator( 'analyze_media_file', CERBER_FT_UPLOAD ); $progress = self::$progress; if ( self::$curl ) { curl_close( self::$curl ); } sleep( 1 ); return $ret; } private static function analyze_media_file( $file ) { if ( $file['file_size'] == 0 ) { return; } $file_name = $file['file_name']; if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file_name ) ) { return; } if ( self::is_wp_media_file( $file_name ) ) { return; } if ( cerber_has_extension( $file_name, 'scan_skip_media' ) ) { return; } //cerber_diag_log('NOPE!' .$file_name); if ( self::has_public_access( $file_name ) ) { self::$status = CERBER_INJ; // Old way self::$issues[ CERBER_INJ ] = 0; } // CERBER_FT_CNT != CERBER_FT_DRIN } /** * Check if a given file is a normal media file uploaded to the WordPress media library * * @param string $file_name * * @return bool * @since */ static function is_wp_media_file( $file_name ) { global $wpdb; static $start, $cache; $dir = dirname( $file_name ); if ( ! $start ) { $uploads = wp_get_upload_dir(); $start = mb_strlen( $uploads['basedir'] ); } if ( $pos = strrpos( $file_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $file_name = mb_substr( $file_name, $pos + 1 ); } // Getting filename without image dimensions mb_ereg( '(.+)-\d{1,}x\d{1,}\.(.+)', $file_name, $matches ); if ( ! empty( $matches[1] ) && ! empty( $matches[2] ) ) { $file_name = $matches[1] . '.' . $matches[2]; //$matches[1] = name //$matches[2] = extension } if ( $new_path = mb_substr( $dir, $start + 1 ) ) { $file_name = $new_path . '/' . $file_name; } if ( ! isset( $cache[ $file_name ] ) ) { $search_for = cerber_real_escape( $file_name ); $result = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->postmeta . ' pm JOIN ' . $wpdb->posts . ' p ON pm.post_id = p.ID WHERE pm.meta_key = "_wp_attached_file" AND pm.meta_value = "' . $search_for . '"' ); $cache[ $file_name ] = ( $result ) ? true : false; } return $cache[ $file_name ]; } static function has_public_access( $file_name ) { $ext = cerber_get_extension( $file_name ); if ( ! $ext ) { $ext = '*'; } $dir_id = sha1( dirname( $file_name ) ) . '_' . self::$scan_id; // No cache results //$dir_id = sha1( dirname( $file_name ) ); // Cache results if ( ! $conf = cerber_get_set( $dir_id ) ) { $conf = array(); } else { $access = crb_array_get( $conf, $ext, 'nope' ); if ( $access != 'nope' ) { return $access; } } $access = self::check_web_access( $file_name ); $conf[ $ext ] = $access; cerber_update_set( $dir_id, $conf, null, true, time() + 3600 ); return $access; } static function check_web_access( $file_name ) { static $uploads, $pos; if ( ! file_exists( $file_name ) ) { return 0; } if ( ! $uploads ) { $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $pos = strlen( $uploads['basedir'] ); } // Creating a temp file $dir = dirname( $file_name ); $base_name = cerber_mb_basename( $file_name ); if ( $base_name[0] != '.' ) { $test_file_name = 'wp-cerber-test-' . $base_name; } else { $test_file_name = $base_name . '-wp-cerber-test'; } $test_file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $test_file_name; if ( ! $f = @fopen( $test_file, 'x' ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to create test file: ' . $test_file ); return false; } @fclose( $f ); $file_path = substr( $dir, $pos ); $file_url = $uploads['baseurl'] . $file_path . '/' . $test_file_name; crb_scan_debug( 'Checking web access to ' . $file_name . ' via ' . $file_url ); $result = 0; $attempts = 2; $status = ''; while ( $attempts ) { $http_code = self::send_http_request( $file_url ); if ( ! $http_code ) { break; // Network failure } switch ( $http_code ) { case 200: $result = 1; $attempts = 0; break; case 403: $attempts = 0; break; case 500: // Internal Server Error $status = 'Internal Server Error (500)'; $attempts = 0; break; case 503: // NGINX rate limiting case 429: // Standard rate limiting $status = 'Rate limiting occurred (' . $http_code . '). One sec delay.'; break; default: $status = 'HTTP request failed (' . $http_code . '). One sec delay.'; break; } if ( $status ) { crb_scan_debug( $status ); } if ( ! $attempts ) { break; } $attempts --; sleep( 1 ); } unlink( $test_file ); return $result; } static function send_http_request( $file_url ) { if ( ! self::$curl ) { self::$curl = @curl_init(); if ( ! self::$curl ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Unable to initialize cURL' ); return false; } } curl_setopt_array( self::$curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $file_url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'WP Cerber Integrity Scanner', CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 2, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 5, // including CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => 3600, ) ); $data = @curl_exec( self::$curl ); $code = intval( curl_getinfo( self::$curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) ); if ( $code ) { return $code; } if ( $err = curl_error( self::$curl ) ) { cerber_log_scan_error( 'Network (cURL) error: ' . $err ); } return false; } static function process_files( &$progress ) { $ret = self::iterator( 'process_one_file', null, array( 0, CERBER_UOP, CERBER_INJ ) ); $progress = self::$progress; return $ret; } private static function process_one_file( $file ) { self::$integrity_verified = false; $severity_limit = 6; self::$status = ( $file['scan_status'] ) ? $file['scan_status'] : CERBER_USF; self::$section = ''; self::$do_not_del = false; $result = array(); switch ( $file['file_type'] ) { case CERBER_FT_WP: self::$section = 'WordPress'; self::$do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( self::$scan['integrity'][ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { self::$integrity_verified = true; } break; case CERBER_FT_PLUGIN: $f = cerber_get_file_folder( $file['file_name'], cerber_get_plugins_dir() ); if ( isset( self::$plugins[ $f ] ) ) { self::$section = self::$plugins[ $f ]['Name']; self::$do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( self::$plugins[ $f ]['integrity'] ) ) { self::$integrity_verified = true; } } else { $severity_limit = 1; } break; case CERBER_FT_THEME: $f = cerber_get_file_folder( $file['file_name'], cerber_get_themes_dir() ); if ( isset( self::$themes[ $f ] ) ) { self::$section = self::$themes[ $f ]->get( 'Name' ); // WP_Theme object self::$do_not_del = true; if ( ! empty( self::$scan['integrity']['themes'][ $f ] ) ) { self::$integrity_verified = true; } $severity_limit = 5; } else { $severity_limit = 1; } break; case CERBER_FT_ROOT: if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file['file_name'] ) ) { self::$section = 'WordPress'; self::$status = CERBER_FOK; } if ( ! empty( self::$scan['integrity'][ CERBER_PK_WP ] ) ) { self::$do_not_del = false; } else { self::$do_not_del = true; } $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_CONF: self::$section = 'WordPress'; self::$do_not_del = true; $severity_limit = 2; break; case CERBER_FT_UPLOAD: self::$section = CRB_SCAN_UPL_SECTION; $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_MUP: self::$section = 'Must-use plugins'; self::$do_not_del = true; break; case CERBER_FT_OTHER: $severity_limit = 1; break; case CERBER_FT_DRIN: self::$section = 'Drop-ins'; break; default: $severity_limit = 2; break; } // Let's inspect the file //if ( ! $file['scan_status'] && ! self::$integrity_verified ) { if ( $file['scan_status'] != CERBER_UOP && ! self::$integrity_verified ) { //self::$result = cerber_inspect_file( $file['file_name'] ); $result = cerber_inspect_file( $file['file_name'] ); // TODO: refactor this! if ( ! crb_is_wp_error( $result ) ) { self::$status = CERBER_FOK; if ( $result['severity'] == CERBER_MALWR_DETECTED ) { self::$status = CERBER_PMC; } /* elseif ( $result['severity'] == $severity_limit ) { $status = CERBER_USF; }*/ elseif ( $result['severity'] >= $severity_limit ) { if ( $result['severity'] == 1 ) { self::$status = CERBER_EXC; } else { if ( cerber_is_htaccess( $file['file_name'] ) ) { self::$status = CERBER_DIR; } else { self::$status = CERBER_SCF; } } } } else { cerber_log_scan_error( $result->get_error_message() ); $result = array(); self::$status = CERBER_UOP; } } // An exception for wp-config.php if ( self::$status == CERBER_USF && $file['file_type'] == CERBER_FT_CONF ) { self::$status = CERBER_FOK; } if ( self::$status != CERBER_FOK ) { self::$issues[ self::$status ] = $result; } // Check for unwanted extension if ( self::$full && cerber_has_extension( $file['file_name'], 'scan_uext' ) ) { self::$issues[ CERBER_UXT ] = 0; if ( self::$status == CERBER_FOK ) { self::$status = CERBER_UXT; } } } /** * Former cerber_process_files() * * @param callable $file_processor Function to process one file * @param int $file_type File type to iterate over * @param int[] $scan_status * * @return int The number of files remaining */ private static function iterator( $file_processor, $file_type = null, $scan_status = array( 0, CERBER_UOP ) ) { if ( ! self::$scan = cerber_get_scan() ) { return 0; } self::$scan_id = self::$scan['id']; $f_type = ( $file_type ) ? ' AND file_type = ' . absint( $file_type ) : ''; $scan_status = array_filter( $scan_status, function ( $e ) { return is_numeric( $e ); } ); $status = implode( ',', $scan_status ); $step = cerber_scan_get_step(); // Step progress (UI) if ( $digits = cerber_get_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP ) ) { $calc = ''; $total_files = $digits[0]; $done = $digits[1]; } else { $calc = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'; $total_files = 0; $done = 0; } if ( ! $files = cerber_db_get_results( 'SELECT ' . $calc . ' * FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SCAN_TABLE . ' WHERE scan_id = ' . self::$scan_id . ' AND scan_status IN (' . $status . ') AND scan_step != ' . $step . ' ' . $f_type . ' LIMIT ' . CRB_SQL_CHUNK ) ) { return 0; } if ( $calc ) { $total_files = cerber_db_get_var( 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS()' ); } $num = count( $files ); crb_scan_debug( 'Files to process: ' . $num ); $remain = ( $num >= CRB_SQL_CHUNK ) ? 1 : 0; self::init(); $can_be_deleted = array( CERBER_FT_UPLOAD, CERBER_FT_CNT, CERBER_FT_OTHER, CERBER_FT_LNG ); $issues = array(); // Prevent process hanging if ( $f = cerber_get_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, 0, false ) ) { crb_update_file_scan_status( sha1( $f ), CERBER_UPR, self::$scan_id ); cerber_update_set( CRB_LAST_FILE, '', 0, false ); $m = cerber_get_issue_label( CERBER_UPR ) . ' ' . $f . ' size: ' . @filesize( $f ) . ' bytes'; cerber_log_scan_error( $m ); } $counter = 0; foreach ( $files as $file ) { $counter ++; if ( ! file_exists( $file['file_name'] ) ) { // File has been deleted on a previous step if ( $file['scan_status'] == 0 ) { crb_update_file_scan_status( $file['file_name_hash'], CERBER_FDLD ); } continue; } self::$status = CERBER_FOK; self::$issues = array(); self::$file_processor( $file ); if ( $file['file_status'] > 0 ) { self::$issues[ $file['file_status'] ] = 0; } // This file must be included in the list of issues //if ( self::$status > CERBER_FOK ) { if ( ! empty( self::$issues ) ) { if ( ! self::$section ) { self::$section = 'Unattended files'; $ft = 0; } else { $ft = $file['file_type']; } $short_name = cerber_get_short_name( $file['file_name'], $ft ); // Can we deleted the file? //$issues[ self::$section ][] = array( self::$status, $short_name, self::$result, 'file' => $file ); foreach ( self::$issues as $issue_id => $details ) { if ( $issue_id >= CERBER_SCF ) { if ( self::$integrity_verified ) { $file['fd_allowed'] = 1; } elseif ( ! self::$do_not_del || in_array( $file['file_type'], $can_be_deleted ) ) { $file['fd_allowed'] = 1; } } $issues[ self::$section ][] = array( $issue_id, $short_name, $details, 'file' => $file ); } } $fields = array( 'scan_step' => $step ); if ( self::$status != $file['scan_status'] ) { $fields['scan_status'] = self::$status; } cerber_scan_update_fields( $file['file_name_hash'], $fields, self::$scan_id ); // Limits on time and the number of files per a single step if ( 0 === ( $counter % 100 ) ) { if ( cerber_exec_timer() ) { $remain = 1; break; } } if ( $counter > 2000 ) { $remain = 1; break; } } if ( $issues ) { $inum = 0; foreach ( $issues as $sect => $list ) { cerber_push_issues( $sect, $list ); $inum += count( $list ); } crb_scan_debug( 'Issues found: ' . $inum ); } // Progress in percent $done += $counter; cerber_update_set( CRB_SCAN_TEMP, array( $total_files, $done ) ); self::$progress = 100 * ( $done / $total_files ); return $remain; } private static function init() { // Plugins data ------------------- foreach ( get_plugins() as $key => $item ) { if ( $pos = strpos( $key, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ) { $new_key = substr( $key, 0, strpos( $key, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ) ); } else { $new_key = $key; } self::$plugins[ $new_key ] = $item; if ( ! empty( self::$scan['integrity']['plugins'][ $key ] ) ) { self::$plugins[ $new_key ]['integrity'] = true; } } // Themes data ------------------- self::$themes = wp_get_themes(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- self::$settings = crb_get_settings(); self::$full = cerber_is_full(); } }cerber-ds.php000064400000057615147577531750007166 0ustar00 'lgn', 'user_pass' => 'pwd', 'user_email' => 'eml' ); private static $opt_cache = array(); private static $no_user_meta_shadow = ''; // Do not return user meta from shadow when meta is updating. //private static $user_metas = array( 'capabilities' ); static function enable_shadowing( $type ) { if ( self::get_config( $type ) || ! lab_lab() ) { return; } $conf = self::get_config(); if ( ! $conf ) { $conf = array(); } $data = array(); $data[0] = time(); $data[1] = 0; $data[2] = get_current_user_id(); $data[3] = get_wp_cerber()->getRequestID(); switch ( $type ) { case 1: // Users data if ( defined( 'CRB_USHD_KEY' ) && is_string( CRB_USHD_KEY ) ) { $data[5] = CRB_USHD_KEY; // If users' tables are shared among mutiple websites, define it in the wp-config.php on all websites before (!) activation shadowing } else { $data[5] = crb_random_string( 14, 16, false, false ); } $conf[ $type ] = $data; self::save_config( $conf ); self::update_user_shadow( get_current_user_id(), null, null, self::is_meta_preserve() ); cerber_bg_task_add( '_crb_ds_background', array( 'exec_until' => 'done' ) ); break; case 2: // Roles case 3: // Settings $data[1] = time(); // Should be set after all shadows has created $data[5] = crb_random_string( 10, 12, false, false ); $data[6] = crb_random_string( 8, 14, true, false ); $conf[ $type ] = $data; self::save_config( $conf ); foreach ( self::get_protected_settings()[ $type ] as $item ) { self::update_setting_shadow( $item, get_option( $item ) ); } break; } } static function disable_shadowing( $type ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! $type_conf = self::get_config( $type ) ) { return; } if ( ! is_super_admin() && ! nexus_is_valid_request() ) { return; } $conf = self::get_config(); unset( $conf[ $type ] ); self::save_config( $conf ); switch ( $type ) { case 1: cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' WHERE meta_key ="' . $type_conf[5] . '"' ); break; case 2: case 3: cerber_db_query( 'DELETE FROM ' . cerber_get_db_prefix() . CERBER_SETS_TABLE . ' WHERE the_key LIKE "' . $type_conf[5] . '%"' ); break; } } static function is_ready( $type ) { if ( lab_lab() && ( $conf = self::get_config( $type ) ) && $conf[1] ) { return true; } return false; } private static function save_config( $conf ) { self::$config = $conf; // Encoding reset( $conf ); $lenght = count( $conf ); $b = rand( 1, 10 ); //$config = array_fill( $b, rand( 12, 14 ), 0 ); $config = array_fill( $b, rand( $lenght + 8, $lenght + 10 ), 0 ); $s = rand( 3, 5 ); $config[ $b + 1 ] = $s; // crucial for extracting $config[ $b + $s ] = $conf; $config[ $b + $s + 1 ] = array( array( $b ) ); // is not used $config[] = $b + 3; // crucial for verification update_site_option( self::$setting, $config ); } private static function get_config( $type = null ) { if ( ! isset( self::$config ) ) { $s = get_site_option( self::$setting ); if ( ! $s || ! is_array( $s ) ) { return false; } reset( $s ); if ( key( $s ) != ( end( $s ) - 3 ) ) { return false; } $s = array_values( $s ); self::$config = $s[ $s[1] ]; } if ( $type ) { if ( isset( self::$config[ $type ] ) ) { return self::$config[ $type ]; } return false; } return self::$config; } /** * Creating shadow in bulk * * @return bool true if not completed, false = completed or nothing to do */ static function iterate_users() { global $wpdb; if ( ( ! $type_conf = self::get_config( 1 ) ) || self::is_ready( 1 ) ) { return false; } $to_do = cerber_db_get_col( 'SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->users . ' WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM ' . $wpdb->usermeta . ' WHERE meta_key = "' . $type_conf[5] . '")' ); if ( ! $to_do ) { // Creating shadow completed $conf = self::get_config(); $conf[1][1] = time(); self::save_config( $conf ); //cerber_diag_log( 'Create shadow completed' ); return false; } foreach ( $to_do as $user_id ) { self::update_user_shadow( $user_id, null, null, self::is_meta_preserve() ); //wp_cache_delete( $user_id, 'user_meta' ); } return true; } private static function get_user_shadow( $user_id ) { if ( ! $user_id || ! $conf = self::get_config( 1 ) ) { return false; } $um = get_user_meta( $user_id, $conf[5], true ); if ( ! $um ) { return array(); } $val = self::decode( $um ); $ret = crb_unserialize( $val ); if ( ! $ret || ! is_array( $ret ) ) { $ret = array(); } return $ret; } private static function update_user_shadow( $user_id, $fields = array(), $meta_data = array(), $meta_keys = array() ) { if ( ! $user_id || ! $conf = self::get_config( 1 ) ) { return false; } if ( ! $data = get_userdata( $user_id ) ) { return false; // Not a valid user } $sh = self::get_user_shadow( $user_id ); $sh[0] = $user_id; if ( empty( $sh[1] ) ) { $sh[1] = array(); } if ( $fields ) { $list = array_intersect_key( self::$user_fields, array_flip( $fields ) ); } else { $list = self::$user_fields; } foreach ( $list as $user_field => $key ) { $sh[1][ $key ] = $data->data->$user_field; } if ( empty( $sh[2] ) ) { $sh[2] = array(); } /*if ( ! $fields ) { // We use $fields only for updating password if ( empty( $sh[2] ) ) { // New user foreach ( self::is_meta_preserve() as $key ) { $sh[2][ $key ] = get_user_meta( $user_id, $key, true ); } } }*/ if ( ! empty( $meta_keys ) ) { foreach ( $meta_keys as $key ) { $sh[2][ $key ] = get_user_meta( $user_id, $key, true ); } } if ( $meta_data ) { $sh[2] = array_merge( $sh[2], $meta_data ); } return update_user_meta( $user_id, $conf[5], self::encode( serialize( $sh ) ) ); } static function is_user_valid( $user_id = null ) { if ( ! self::is_ready( 1 ) ) { return true; } if ( ! $user_id ) { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); } if ( ( $sh = self::get_user_shadow( $user_id ) ) && $sh[0] == $user_id ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Return the password hash of a given user. * Make sure that CRB_DS::is_ready() returns true before using result * * @param null $user_id * * @return string */ static function get_user_pass( $user_id ) { if ( ! $user_id ) { return ''; } if ( ! ( $sh = self::get_user_shadow( $user_id ) ) || $sh[0] != $user_id || ! ( $ret = crb_array_get( $sh[1], self::$user_fields['user_pass'] ) ) ) { return ''; } return $ret; } /** * @param $mode * @param $user_id * @param null $data User data from 'wp_pre_insert_user_data' filter */ static function acc_processor( $mode, $user_id, $data = null ) { if ( $mode == 'pass' ) { self::update_user_shadow( $user_id, array( 'user_pass' ) ); return; } //$update_permitted = self::acc_update_permitted_by_ip(); $update_permitted = ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4acc_acl' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ); switch ( $mode ) { case 'new': self::$update_user = null; if ( ! $update_permitted ) { $update_permitted = self::acc_new( $user_id ); } if ( $update_permitted ) { self::update_user_shadow( $user_id ); } break; case 'update': self::$update_user = $user_id; if ( ! $update_permitted ) { $update_permitted = self::acc_update( $user_id, $data ); } if ( $update_permitted ) { // Must be deferred till user's data is saved to DB add_action( 'profile_update', function ( $user_id ) { CRB_DS::update_helper( $user_id ); } ); } break; } } static function update_helper( $user_id ) { if ( ( self::$update_user != $user_id ) || ( self::$user_blocked && ! self::$acc_owner ) ) { return; } self::update_user_shadow( $user_id ); } /** * Protect DB from an unauthorized user creation * * @param $user_id * * @return bool true if this operation is permitted */ private static function acc_new( $user_id ) { $set = crb_get_settings(); self::$user_blocked = false; // Due to lack of a hook in the wp_insert_user() we are forced to check permissions and use wp_delete_user() after the user was created if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { if ( ! crb_user_has_role_strict( $set['ds_regs_roles'], $user_id ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 32; self::$user_blocked = true; } } else { if ( ! cerber_user_has_role( $set['ds_add_acc'] ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = 33; self::$user_blocked = true; } } if ( self::$user_blocked ) { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php' ); wp_delete_user( $user_id ); cerber_log( 72 ); remove_action( 'register_new_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' ); remove_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications', 10 ); } elseif ( ! has_filter( 'register_new_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' ) ) { // this is needed in the case of a bulk user import add_action( 'register_new_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' ); add_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications', 10 ); } return ( ! self::$user_blocked ); } /** * Protect user's data from authorized modification * * @param int $user_id * @param array $data User data from 'wp_pre_insert_user_data' filter * * @return bool true if this operation is permitted */ private static function acc_update( $user_id, $data ) { global $wpdb; $cid = get_current_user_id(); self::$acc_owner = ( $user_id == $cid ); self::$user_blocked = false; if ( ! cerber_user_has_role( crb_get_settings( 'ds_edit_acc' ) ) ) { // An exception: password reset requested (since WP 5.3) if ( ! empty( $data['user_activation_key'] ) && cerber_is_http_post() ) { // These fields cannot be changed during a normal password reset process $protected = array('user_pass','user_nicename','user_email','user_url','user_registered','display_name'); $ok = true; if ( $row = cerber_db_get_row( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->users . ' WHERE ID = ' . $user_id ) ) { foreach ( $protected as $field ) { if ( $row[ $field ] != $data[ $field ] ) { $ok = false; break; } } } if ( $ok ) { return true; } } self::$user_blocked = true; if ( ! self::$acc_owner ) { // Protect the user's row in the users table add_filter( 'query', 'crb_empty_query', PHP_INT_MAX ); add_filter( 'pre_get_col_charset', 'crb_return_wp_error', PHP_INT_MAX ); CRB_Globals::$act_status = ( ! $cid ) ? 34 : 33; cerber_log( 73 ); } if ( ! has_filter( 'insert_user_meta', array( 'CRB_DS', 'user_meta' ) ) ) { add_filter( 'insert_user_meta', array( 'CRB_DS', 'user_meta' ), 0, 3 ); } } return ( ! self::$user_blocked ); } static function user_meta( $meta, $user, $update ) { self::$the_user = $user; if ( self::$user_blocked == true ) { if ( ! self::$acc_owner ) { // Must be removed after a single use for a given user remove_filter( 'query', 'crb_empty_query', PHP_INT_MAX ); remove_filter( 'pre_get_col_charset', 'crb_return_wp_error', PHP_INT_MAX ); } //return array(); // No user meta to update } return $meta; } /** * Restricts updating if not allowed. * Updates shadow of user meta (and roles) if allowed. * * @param $user_id * @param $meta_key * @param $meta_value * * @return bool */ static function update_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) { // A user is not permitted to be created or updated? if ( self::$user_blocked ) { if ( self::is_meta_protected( $meta_key ) ) { // User roles are here CRB_Globals::$act_status = ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) ? 34 : 33; cerber_log( 76 ); self::$no_user_meta_shadow = ''; return false; } } if ( true === self::is_meta_preserve( $meta_key ) ) { $ok = false; if ( cerber_user_has_role( crb_get_settings( 'ds_edit_acc' ) ) ) { $ok = true; } // Makes sense for user's role meta ONLY elseif ( is_array( $meta_value ) && ( $reg_roles = (array) crb_get_settings( 'ds_regs_roles' ) ) && ! array_diff_key( $meta_value, array_flip( $reg_roles ) ) ) { $ok = true; } if ( $ok ) { self::$no_user_meta_shadow = $meta_key; self::update_user_shadow( $user_id, null, array( $meta_key => $meta_value ) ); } } return true; } private static function is_meta_preserve( $meta_key = null ) { global $wpdb; // TODO: add support for multisite via $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() $list = array( $wpdb->base_prefix . 'capabilities', $wpdb->base_prefix . 'user_level' ); if ( $meta_key && in_array( $meta_key, $list ) ) { return true; } return $list; } private static function is_meta_protected( $meta_key ) { global $wpdb; if ( ( isset( self::$the_user ) && ( $meta_key == self::$the_user->cap_key ) ) // User roles are here || $meta_key == $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() . 'user_level' ) { return true; } /* $metas = array(); if ( in_array( $meta_key, $metas ) ) { return true; }*/ return false; } static function get_shadow_user_meta( $user_id, $meta_key, $single ) { if ( self::$no_user_meta_shadow == $meta_key || ( ( $conf = self::get_config( 1 ) ) && $conf[5] == $meta_key ) ) { return false; // Skip use shadow meta (infinite loop protection) } $sh = self::get_user_shadow( $user_id ); if ( isset( $sh[2][ $meta_key ] ) ) { return array( $sh[2][ $meta_key ] ); } return false; } /** * Process settings updates. Updates shadow if permitted. * * @param $value * @param $option * @param $old_value * * @return mixed The old value if update is not permitted */ static function setting_processor( &$value, $option, &$old_value ) { if ( empty( self::get_protected_settings()[3][ $option ] ) ) { return $value; } if ( $value == $old_value || ( is_array( $value ) && is_array( $old_value ) && ( serialize( $value ) === serialize( $old_value ) ) ) ) { return $value; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4opts_acl' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { self::update_setting_shadow( $option, $value ); return $value; } if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { cerber_log( 75 ); return $old_value; } $roles = crb_get_settings( 'ds_4opts_roles' ); if ( ! $roles || ! cerber_user_has_role( $roles ) ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = ( is_user_logged_in() ) ? 33 : 34; cerber_log( 75 ); return $old_value; } self::update_setting_shadow( $option, $value ); return $value; } static function role_processor( &$value, $option, &$old_value ) { if ( ! is_array( $value ) || ( substr( $option, - 11 ) != '_user_roles' ) ) { return $value; } if ( serialize( $value ) === serialize( $old_value ) ) { return $value; } CRB_Globals::$act_status = 0; if ( ! self::role_update_permitted( $value, $old_value ) ) { if ( ! CRB_Globals::$act_status ) { CRB_Globals::$act_status = ( is_user_logged_in() ) ? 33 : 34; } cerber_log( 74 ); return $old_value; } self::update_setting_shadow( $option, $value ); return $value; } /** * Check if role data can be updated * * @param $value * @param $old_value * * @return bool True if update is permitted */ static function role_update_permitted( &$value, &$old_value ) { if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4roles_acl' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { return true; } if ( ! cerber_is_ip_allowed() ) { return false; } $add = crb_get_settings( 'ds_add_role' ); $edit = crb_get_settings( 'ds_edit_role' ); if ( ! $add && ! $edit ) { return false; } // Are there new or deleted roles? if ( crb_array_diff_keys( $value, $old_value ) ) { if ( ! $add || ! cerber_user_has_role( $add ) ) { return false; } return true; } // There are some changes in capabilities or names if ( ! $edit || ! cerber_user_has_role( $edit ) ) { return false; } return true; } /*static function acc_update_permitted_by_ip() { if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4acc_acl' ) && crb_acl_is_white() ) { return true; } return false; }*/ /** * Install hooks for retrieving data of protected settings * */ static function settings_hooks( $type ) { if ( ! self::is_ready( $type ) ) { return; } $list = self::get_protected_settings()[ $type ]; foreach ( $list as $option ) { add_filter( "pre_option_{$option}", function ( $var, $option, $default ) { $value = CRB_DS::get_setting_shadow( $option ); if ( $value ) { return $value; } /*add_filter( "option_{$option}", function ( $value, $option ) { CRB_DS::update_setting_shadow( $option, $value ); return $value; }, 10, 2 );*/ return $var; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); } } static function get_setting_shadow( $option ) { // TODO: implement WP caching via wp_cache_add() / wp_cache_set()? if ( ! isset( self::$opt_cache[ $option ] ) ) { self::$opt_cache[ $option ] = cerber_get_set( self::get_setting_key( $option ) ); } return self::$opt_cache[ $option ]; } private static function update_setting_shadow( $option, $value ) { self::$opt_cache[ $option ] = $value; return cerber_update_set( self::get_setting_key( $option ), $value ); } private static function get_setting_key( $option ) { global $wpdb; if ( $conf = self::get_config( 2 ) ) { return $conf[5] . sha1( $option . $conf[6] . $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() ); } return ''; } /** * @return array */ private static function get_protected_settings() { global $wpdb; $list = array(); $list[2] = array( $wpdb->get_blog_prefix() . 'user_roles' ); if ( $set = crb_get_settings( 'ds_4opts_list' ) ) { $list[3] = $set; } else { $list[3] = array(); } return $list; } /** * A list of settings to protect * * @param bool $ui_labels * * @return array */ static function get_settings_list( $ui_labels = true ) { $set = array( 'admin_email' => __( 'Administration Email Address' ), 'default_role' => __( 'New User Default Role' ), 'home' => __( 'Site Address (URL)' ), 'siteurl' => __( 'WordPress Address (URL)' ), 'users_can_register' => __( 'Anyone can register' ), 'active_plugins' => __( 'Active Plugins' ), 'template' => __( 'Active Theme' ), ); if ( $ui_labels ) { return $set; } array_walk( $set, function ( &$e ) { $e = 1; // Default value is ON } ); return $set; } private static function encode( $str ) { $str = base64_encode( $str ); $s = strlen( $str ); $str = rtrim( $str, '=' ); $num = $s - strlen( $str ); $ret = $num . $str; return $ret; } private static function decode( $str ) { static $equs = array( '', '=', '==' ); $num = substr( $str, 0, 1 ); $str = ltrim( $str, (string) $num ); return base64_decode( $str . $equs[ $num ] ); } static function get_status() { $ret = array(); if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4acc' ) ) { self::get_type_status( 1, $msg ); $ret [] = 'Enabled for user accounts. ' . $msg; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4roles' ) ) { self::get_type_status( 2, $msg ); $ret [] = 'Enabled for user roles. ' . $msg; } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4opts' ) ) { self::get_type_status( 3, $msg ); $ret [] = 'Enabled for site settings. ' . $msg; } return $ret; } private static function get_type_status( $n, &$msg = '' ) { if ( $conf = self::get_config( $n ) ) { if ( $conf[1] ) { $msg = 'Active since ' . cerber_date( $conf[1] ) . '.'; return true; } else { $msg = 'Creating shadow data in progress. '; return true; } } $msg = 'Configuration has been corrupted. Please re-enable protection in the Data Shield settings.'; return false; } // TODO: implement error notification static function check_errors( &$msg ) { $msg = '...'; return false; } } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4acc' ) && CRB_DS::is_ready( 1 ) ) { add_action( 'user_register', function ( $user_id ) { CRB_DS::acc_processor( 'new', $user_id ); }, 0 ); add_filter( 'wp_pre_insert_user_data', function ( $data, $update, $user_id ) { if ( $update ) { CRB_DS::acc_processor( 'update', $user_id, $data ); } return $data; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); add_filter( 'update_user_metadata', function ( $var, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) { // apply_filters( "update_{$meta_type}_metadata", null, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value ); $allowed = CRB_DS::update_user_meta( $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ); if ( ! $allowed ) { return true; } return $var; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 4 ); add_filter( 'get_user_metadata', function ( $var, $object_id, $meta_key, $single ) { //$check = apply_filters( "get_{$meta_type}_metadata", null, $object_id, $meta_key, $single ); if ( $meta = CRB_DS::get_shadow_user_meta( $object_id, $meta_key, $single ) ) { return $meta; } return $var; }, PHP_INT_MAX, 4 ); add_action( 'crb_after_reset', function ( $null, $user_id ) { CRB_DS::acc_processor( 'pass', $user_id ); }, 10, 2 ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4roles' ) && CRB_DS::is_ready( 2 ) ) { CRB_DS::settings_hooks( 2 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option', function ( $value, $option, $old_value ) { return CRB_DS::role_processor( $value, $option, $old_value ); }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); } if ( crb_get_settings( 'ds_4opts' ) && CRB_DS::is_ready( 3 ) ) { CRB_DS::settings_hooks( 3 ); add_filter( 'pre_update_option', function ( $value, $option, $old_value ) { return CRB_DS::setting_processor( $value, $option, $old_value ); }, PHP_INT_MAX, 3 ); } /** * A special SQL clause that produces empty result * * @return string */ function crb_empty_query() { global $wpdb; return 'SELECT 0 FROM ' . $wpdb->users; } /** * This helps to get rid of PHP warnings * * @return WP_Error */ function crb_return_wp_error() { return new WP_Error(); } function _crb_ds_background() { if ( ! CRB_DS::iterate_users() ) { return 'done'; } return 1; }cerber-ripe.php000064400000013355147577531750007510 0ustar00get_error_message(); } if ( absint( $ripe_response['response']['code'] ) != 200 ) { $error = 'WHOIS ERROR: ' . $ripe_response['response']['message'] . ' / ' . $ripe_response['response']['code']; set_transient( $key, json_encode( array( 'ripe_error' => $error ) ), RIPE_ERR_EXPIRE ); return $error; } $ret = array(); $ret['body'] = json_decode( $ripe_response['body'], true ); if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) { $error = 'WHOIS ERROR: ' . json_last_error_msg(); set_transient( $key, json_encode( array( 'ripe_error' => $error ) ), RIPE_ERR_EXPIRE ); return $error; } $ret['abuse_email'] = ripe_find_abuse_contact( $ret['body'], $ip ); set_transient( $key, json_encode( $ret ), RIPE_OK_EXPIRE ); } else { $ret = json_decode( $ripe, true ); if ( ! empty( $ret['ripe_error'] ) ) { return $ret['ripe_error']; } } return $ret; } /* * Retrieve abuse email from response, rollback to direct request to the API * @since 2.7 * */ function ripe_find_abuse_contact($ripe_body, $ip){ //http://rest.db.ripe.net/abuse-contact $email = ''; foreach ( $ripe_body['objects']['object'] as $object ) { foreach ( $object['attributes']['attribute'] as $att ) { if ( $att['name'] == 'abuse-mailbox' && is_email( $att['value'] ) ) { $email = $att['value']; break; } } } if ( ! $email ) { // make an API request $args = array(); $args['headers']['Accept'] = 'application/json'; $ripe_response = wp_remote_get( RIPE_HOST . 'abuse-contact/' . $ip, $args ); if ( crb_is_wp_error( $ripe_response ) ) { return $ripe_response->get_error_message(); } $abuse = json_decode( $ripe_response['body'] ); $abuse = get_object_vars( $abuse ); if ( is_email( $abuse['abuse-contacts']->email ) ) { $email = $abuse['abuse-contacts']->email; } } return $email; } /* * Get and parse RIPE response to human readable view * @since 2.7 * */ function ripe_readable_info($ip){ $ripe = ripe_search($ip); if ( ! is_array( $ripe ) ) { // Error if ( ! $ripe ) { return array( 'error' => 'RIPE error' ); } return array( 'whois' => $ripe ); } $ret = array(); $body = $ripe['body']; if ( $body['service']['name'] != 'search' ) { return $ret; // only for RIPE search requests & responses } $info = ''; foreach ( $body['objects']['object'] as $object ) { $info .= ''; foreach ( $object['attributes']['attribute'] as $att ) { $value = $att['value']; $ret['data'][ $att['name'] ] = $att['value']; if ( is_email( $value ) ) { $value = '' . $value . ''; } elseif ( strtolower( $att['name'] ) == 'country' ) { $value = cerber_get_flag_html( $value, '' . cerber_country_name( $value ) . ' (' . $value . ')' ); $ret['country'] = $value; } $info .= ''; } $info .= '
      ' . strtoupper( $object['type'] ) . '
      ' . $att['name'] . '' . $value . '
      '; } if ( ! empty( $ripe['abuse_email'] ) && is_email( $ripe['abuse_email'] ) ) { $ret['data']['abuse-mailbox'] = $ripe['abuse_email']; } // Network if ( ! empty( $ret['data']['inetnum'] ) ) { $ret['data']['network'] = $ret['data']['inetnum']; } $ret['whois'] = $info; return $ret; } readme.txt000064400000203051147577531750006570 0ustar00=== WP Cerber Security, Anti-spam & Malware Scan === Contributors: gioni Tags: security, malware scanner, antispam, firewall, limit login attempts, custom login url, login, recaptcha, captcha, activity, log, logging, access list Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SQ5EC8WQP654Q&source=url Requires at least: 4.9 Requires PHP: 7.0 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 9.3 License: GPLv2 Protection against hacker attacks and bots. Malware scanner & integrity checker. User activity log. Antispam reCAPTCHA. Limit login attempts. == Description == Defends WordPress against hacker attacks, spam, trojans, and malware. Mitigates brute-force attacks by limiting the number of login attempts through the login form, XML-RPC / REST API requests, or using auth cookies. Tracks user and bad actors activity with flexible email, mobile and desktop notifications. Stops spammers by using a specialized anti-spam engine. Uses Google reCAPTCHA to protect registration, contact, and comments forms. Restricts access with IP Access Lists. Monitors the website integrity with an advanced malware scanner and integrity checker. Reinforces the security of WordPress with a set of flexible security rules and sophisticated security algorithms. **Features you will love** * Limit login attempts when logging in by IP address or entire subnet. * Monitors logins made by login forms, XML-RPC requests or auth cookies. * Permit or restrict access by [IP Access Lists](https://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/) with a single IP, IP range or subnet. * Create **Custom login URL** ([rename wp-login.php](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-rename-wp-login-php/)). * Cerber anti-spam engine for protecting contact and registration forms. * Automatically detects and moves spam comments to trash or denies them completely. * [Manage multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/). * [Two-Factor Authentication for WordPress](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/). * Logs users, bots, hacker and other suspicious activities. * Security scanner verifies the integrity of WordPress files, plugins and themes. * Monitors file changes and new files with email notifications and reports. * [Mobile and email notifications with a set of flexible filters](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/). * Advanced users' sessions manager * Protects wp-login.php, wp-signup.php and wp-register.php from attacks. * Hides wp-admin (dashboard) if a visitor isn't logged in. * Immediately blocks an intruder IP when attempting to log in with non-existent or prohibited username. * Restrict user registration or login with a username matching REGEX patterns. * [Restrict access to WP REST API with your own role-based security rules](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/). * Block access to WordPress REST API completely. * Block access to XML-RPC (block access to XML-RPC including Pingbacks and Trackbacks). * Disable feeds (block access to the RSS, Atom and RDF feeds). * Restrict access to XML-RPC, REST API and feeds by **White IP Access list** by an IP address or an IP range. * [Authorized users only mode](https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/) * [Block a user account](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-block-wordpress-user/). * Disable automatic redirection to the hidden login page. * **Stop user enumeration** (blocks access to author pages and prevents user data leaks via REST API). * Proactively **blocks IP subnet class C**. * Anti-spam: **reCAPTCHA** to protect WordPress login, register and comment forms. * [reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce & WordPress forms](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/). * Invisible reCAPTCHA for WordPress comments forms. * A special Citadel mode for **massive brute force attacks**. * [Play nice with fail2ban](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-protect-wordpress-with-fail2ban/): write failed attempts to the syslog or a custom log file. * Filter out and inspect activities by IP address, user, username or a particular activity. * Filter out activities and export them to a CSV file. * Reporting: get weekly reports to specified email addresses. * Limit login attempts works on a site/server behind a reverse proxy. * [Be notified via mobile push notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/). * Trigger and action for the [jetFlow.io automation plugin](http://jetflow.io). * Protection against (DoS) attacks (CVE-2018-6389). = Limit login attempts done right = By default, WordPress allows unlimited login attempts through the login form, XML-RPC or by sending special cookies. This allows passwords to be cracked with relative ease via brute force attack. WP Cerber blocks intruders by IP or subnet from making further attempts after a specified limit on retries is reached, making brute force attacks or distributed brute force attacks from botnets impossible. You will be able to create a **Black IP Access List** or **White IP Access List** to block or allow logins from a particular IP address, IP address range or a subnet any class (A,B,C). Moreover, you can create your Custom login page and forget about automatic attacks to the default wp-login.php, which takes your attention and consumes a lot of server resources. If an attacker tries to access wp-login.php they will be blocked and get a 404 Error response. = Malware scanner = Cerber Security Scanner is a sophisticated and extremely powerful tool that thoroughly scans every folder and inspects every file on a website for traces of malware, trojans, backdoors, changed and new files. [Read more about the malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/). = Integrity checker = The scanner checks if all WordPress folders and files match what exist in the official WordPress core repository, compares your plugins and themes with what are in the official WordPress repository and alerts you to any changes. As with scanning free plugins and themes, the scanner scans and verifies commercial plugins and themes that are installed manually. = Scheduled Scans With Automatic File Recovery = Cerber Security Scanner allows you to configure a schedule for automated recurring scanning easily. Once the schedule is configured the scanner automatically scans the website, deletes malware and recovers modified and infected WordPress files. After every scan, you can get an optional email report with the results of the scan. [Read more about the scheduled scans](https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/). = Two-Factor Authentication = Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of security requiring a second factor of identification beyond just a username and password. When 2FA is enabled on a website, it requires a user to provide an additional verification code when signing into the website. This verification code is generated automatically and sent to the user by email. [Read more about Two-Factor Authentication](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress/2fa/). = Log, filter out and export activities = WP Cerber tracks time, IP addresses and usernames for successful and failed login attempts, logins, logouts, password changes, blocked IP and actions taken by itself. You can export them to a CSV file. = Limit login attempts reinvented = You can **hide WordPress dashboard** (/wp-admin/) when a user isn't logged in. If a user isn't logged in and they attempt to access the dashboard by requesting /wp-admin/, WP Cerber will return a 404 Error. Massive botnet brute force attack? That's no longer a problem. **Citadel mode** will automatically be activated for awhile and prevent your site from making further attempts to log in with any username. = Cerber anti-spam engine = Anti-spam and anti-bot protection for contact, registration, comments and other forms. WP Cerber anti-spam and bot detection engine now protects all forms on a website. No reCAPTCHA is needed. It’s compatible with virtually any form you have. Tested with Gravity Forms, Caldera Forms, HappyForms, Contact Form 7, Ninja Forms, Formidable Forms, Fast Secure Contact Form, Contact Form by WPForms. = Anti-spam protection: invisible reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce = * WooCommerce login form * WooCommerce register form * WooCommerce lost password form = Anti-spam protection: invisible reCAPTCHA for WordPress = * WordPress login form * WordPress register form * WordPress lost password form * WordPress comment form = Integration with Cloudflare = A [special Cloudflare add-on for WP Cerber](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-add-on-wp-cerber/) keeps in sync the list of blocked IP addresses with Cloudflare IP Access Rules. **Stay in compliance with GDPR** How to get full control of personal data to be in compliance with data privacy laws such as GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California. * [Personal data export feature](https://wpcerber.com/export-personal-data/) * [Personal data erase feature](https://wpcerber.com/delete-personal-data/) * [How WP Cerber processes browser cookies](https://wpcerber.com/browser-cookies-set-by-wp-cerber/) **Documentation & Tutorials** * [Configuring Two-Factor Authentication](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/) * [How to set up notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) * [Push notifications with Pushbullet](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/) * [How to set up invisible reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/) * [Changing default plugin messages](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-hooks/) * [2FA alternatives to the Clef plugin](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-plugins-for-wordpress/) * [Why reCAPTCHA does not protect WordPress from bots and brute-force attacks](https://wpcerber.com/why-recaptcha-does-not-protect-wordpress/) **Translations** * Czech, thanks to [Hrohh](https://profiles.wordpress.org/hrohh/) * Deutsche, thanks to mario, Mike and [Daniel](http://detacu.de) * Dutch, thanks to Jos Knippen and [Bernardo](https://twitter.com/bernardohulsman) * Français, thanks to [hardesfred](https://profiles.wordpress.org/hardesfred/) * Norwegian (Bokmål), thanks to [Eirik Vorland](https://www.facebook.com/KjellDaSensei) * Portuguese (Portugal), thanks to Helderk * Portuguese (Brazil), thanks to [Felipe Turcheti](http://felipeturcheti.com) * Spanish, thanks to Ismael Murias and [leemon](https://profiles.wordpress.org/leemon/) * Український, thanks to [Nadia](https://profiles.wordpress.org/webbistro) * Русский, thanks to [Yui](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fierevere/) * Italian, thanks to [Francesco Venuti](http://www.algostream.it/) * Swedish, thanks to Fredrik Näslund Thanks to [POEditor.com](https://poeditor.com) for helping to translate this project. **Compatibility is not verified** There are some plugins that were not checked to be compatible: Login LockDown, Login Security Solution, BruteProtect, Ajax Login & Register, Lockdown WP Admin, Loginizer, Sucuri, Wordfence, BulletProof Security, SiteGuard WP Plugin, iThemes Security, All In One WP Security & Firewall, Brute Force Login Protection **Another reliable plugins from the trusted author** * [Plugin Inspector reveals issues with installed plugins](https://wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-inspector/) Checks plugins for deprecated WordPress functions, known security vulnerabilities, and some unsafe PHP functions * [Translate sites with Google Translate Widget](https://wordpress.org/plugins/goo-translate-widget/) Make your website instantly available in 90+ languages with Google Translate Widget. Add the power of Google automatic translations with one click. == Installation == Installing the WP Cerber Security plugin is the same as other WordPress plugins. 1. Install the plugin through Plugins > Add New > Upload or unzip plugin package into wp-content/plugins/. 2. Activate the WP Cerber through the Plugins > Installed Plugins menu in the WordPress admin dashboard. 3. Read carefully: [Getting Started Guide](https://wpcerber.com/getting-started/) **Important notes** 1. Before enabling invisible reCAPTCHA, you must obtain separate keys for the invisible version. [How to enable reCAPTCHA](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/). 2. If you want to test out plugin's features, do this on another computer (or incognito browser window) and remove computer IP address or network from the White Access List. Cerber is smart enough to recognize "the boss". 3. If you've set up the Custom login URL and you use some caching plugin like **W3 Total Cache** or **WP Super Cache**, you have to add the new Custom login URL to the list of pages not to cache. 4. [Read this if your website is under CloudFlare](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-and-wordpress-cerber/) 5. If you use the Jetpack plugin or another plugin that needs to connect to wordpress.com, you need to unlock XML-RPC. To do that go to the Hardening tab, uncheck Disable XML-RPC, and click the Save changes button. The following steps are optional but they allow you to reinforce the protection of your WordPress. 1. Fine tune **Limit login attempts** settings making them more restrictive according to your needs 2. Configure your **Custom login URL** and remember it (the plugin will send you an email with it). 3. Once you have configured Custom login URL, check 'Immediately block IP after any request to wp-login.php' and 'Block direct access to wp-login.php and return HTTP 404 Not Found Error'. Don't use wp-admin to log in to your WordPress dashboard anymore. 4. If your WordPress has a few experienced users, check 'Immediately block IP when attempting to log in with a non-existent username'. 5. Specify the list of prohibited usernames (logins) that legit users will never use. They will not be permitted to log in or register. 6. Configure mobile and browser notifications via Pushbullet. 7. Obtain keys and enable invisible reCAPTCHA for password reset and registration forms (WooCommerce supported too). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I use the plugin with CloudFlare? = Yes. [WP Cerber settings for CloudFlare](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-and-wordpress-cerber/). = Is WP Cerber Security compatible with WordPress multisite mode? = Yes. All settings apply to all sites in the network simultaneously. You have to activate the plugin in the Network Admin area on the Plugins page. Just click on the Network Activate link. = Is WP Cerber Security compatible with bbPress? = Yes. [Compatibility notes](https://wpcerber.com/compatibility/). = Is WP Cerber Security compatible with WooCommerce? = Completely. = Is reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce free feature? = Yes. [How to set up reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/). = Are there any incompatible plugins? = The following plugins can cause some issues: Ultimate Member, WPBruiser {no- Captcha anti-Spam}, Plugin Organizer, WP-SpamShield. The Cerber Security plugin won't be updated to fix any issue or conflict related to them, you should decide and stop using one or all of them. Read more: [https://wpcerber.com/compatibility/](https://wpcerber.com/compatibility/). = Can I change login URL (rename wp-login.php)? = Yes, easily. [How to rename wp-login.php](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-rename-wp-login-php/) = Can I hide the wp-admin folder? = Yes, easily. [How to hide wp-admin and wp-login.php from possible attacks](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-hide-wp-admin-and-wp-login-php-from-possible-attacks/) = Can I rename the wp-admin folder? = Nope. It's not possible and not recommended for compatibility reasons. = Can I hide the fact I use WordPress? = No. We strongly encourage you not to use any plugin that renames wp-admin folder to protect a website. Beware of all plugins that hide WordPress folders or other parts of a website and claim this as a security feature. They are not capable to protect your website. Don't be silly, hiding some stuff doesn't make your site more secure. = Can WP Cerber Security work together with the Limit Login Attempts plugin? = Nope. WP Cerber is a drop in replacement for that outdated plugin. = Can WP Cerber Security protect my site from DDoS attacks? = Nope. The plugin protects your site from Brute force attacks or distributed Brute force attacks. By default WordPress allows unlimited login attempts either through the login form or by sending special cookies. This allows passwords to be cracked with relative ease via a brute force attack. To prevent from such a bad situation use WP Cerber. = Is there any WordPress plugin to protect my site from DDoS attacks? = Nope. This hard task cannot be done by using a plugin. That may be done by using special hardware from your hosting provider. = What is the goal of the Citadel mode? = Citadel mode is intended to block massive bot (botnet) attacks and also a slow brute force attack. The last type of attack has a large range of intruder IPs with a small number of attempts to log in per each. = How to turn off the Citadel mode completely? = Set Threshold fields to 0 or leave them empty. = What is the goal of using Fail2Ban? = With Fail2Ban you can protect site on the OS level with iptables firewall. See details here: [https://wpcerber.com/how-to-protect-wordpress-with-fail2ban/](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-protect-wordpress-with-fail2ban/) = Do I need to use Fail2Ban to get the plugin working? = No, you don't. It is optional. = Can I use this plugin on the WP Engine hosting? = Yes! WP Cerber Security is not on the list of disallowed plugins. = Is the plugin compatible with Cloudflare? = Yes, read more: https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-and-wordpress-cerber/ = Does the plugin works on websites with SSL(HTTPS) = Absolutely! = It seems that old activity records are not removing from the activity log = That means that scheduled tasks are not executed on your site. In other words, WordPress cron is not working the right way. Try to add the following line to your wp-config.php file: define( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true ); = I'm unable to log in / I'm locked out of my site / How to get access (log in) to the dashboard? = There is a special version of the plugin called **WP Cerber Reset**. This version performs only one task. It resets all WP Cerber settings to their initial values (excluding Access Lists) and then deactivates itself. To get access to your dashboard you need to copy the WP Cerber Reset folder to the plugins folder. Follow these simple steps. 1. Download the wp-cerber-reset.zip archive to your computer using this link: [https://wpcerber.com/downloads/wp-cerber-reset.zip](https://wpcerber.com/downloads/wp-cerber-reset.zip) 2. Unpack the wp-cerber folder from the archive. 3. Upload the wp-cerber folder to the **plugins** folder of your WordPress using any FTP client or a file manager in your hosting control panel. If you see a question about overwriting files, click Yes. 4. Log in to your website as usual. Now WP Cerber is disabled completely. 5. Reinstall the WP Cerber plugin again. You need to do that, because **WP Cerber Reset** cannot work as a normal plugin. == Screenshots == 1. The Dashboard: Recently recorded important security events and recently locked out IP addresses. 2. WordPress activity log with filtering, export to CSV and powerful notifications. You can see what's going on right now, when an IP reaches the limit of login attempts and when it was blocked. 3. Activity log filtered by login and specific type of activity. Export it or click Subscribe to be notified with each event. 4. Detailed information about an IP address with WHOIS information. 5. These settings allows you to customize the plugin according to your needs. 6. White and Black IP access lists allow you to restrict access from a particular IP address, network or IP range. 7. Hardening WordPress: disable REST API, XML-RPC and stop user enumeration. 8. Powerful email, mobile and browser notifications for WordPress events. 9. Stop spammers: visible/invisible reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce and WordPress forms - no spam comments anymore. 10. You can export and import security settings and IP Access Lists on the Tools screen. 11. Beautiful widget for the WP dashboard to keep an eye on things. Get quick analytic with trends over last 24 hours. 12. WP Cerber adds four new columns on the WordPress Users screen: Date of registration, Date of last login, Number of failed login attempts and Number of comments. To get more information just click on the appropriate link. == Changelog == = 9.3 = * This is a bug fix and code optimization version * Fixed: Unable to remove a blocked IP network class C (with an asterisk) from the list of locked out IP addresses by clicking the "Remove" link on the Lockouts tab. * Fixed: "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in … /cerber-common.php on line 4634". The bug occurs if the PHP constant WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS is defined and it does not contain 'downloads.wpcerber.com'. = 9.2 = * New: Custom login error message. If showing the default WordPress login error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own login error message. Available in the professional version. * New: Custom password reset error message. If showing the default WordPress password reset error message is disabled, you can optionally specify your own password reset error message. Available in the professional version. * Improved: Implemented Content-Security-Policy HTTP header as an extra layer of protection for the WP Cerber admin pages. * Fixed A critical XSS vulnerability. * Fixed: Fatal error "Call to a member function is_block_editor() on null" that occurs when attempting to load any admin page (starting with /wp-admin/) by an unauthorized request. The bug only occurs if the two following settings are configured as: "Disable dashboard redirection" is enabled and "Display 404 page" is set to "Use 404 template from the active theme". * Fixed: No country flags are shown in some log rows while viewing WP Cerber logs on the managed website via Cerber.Hub. * Fixed: The file viewer doesn't show the content of a file while viewing the results of a scan on the managed website via Cerber.Hub. = 9.1 = * New: A new feature that prevents exposing user’s first name, last name, and ID via an HTTP request with a username (login) in an author_name parameter. * New: A new user status report while viewing the user activity/requests log. * Improved: When renders admin pages, WP Cerber uses the language selected on the user profile. * Improved: Improved the speed of rendering of the "Users" admin page. Reduced the number of HTTP requests if some columns on the page are hidden. * Improved: Implemented support for rate limiting when the scanner retrieves checksum data from remote servers. * Fixed: A bug that allows an attacker to bypass the "Stop user enumeration" feature if it’s enabled. * Fixed: A bug that produces incorrect messages in the server error log when the WordPress database connection is lost. * Fixed: A bug with not escaping comments in the IP access lists entries. = 9.0 = * New: Different [alerts](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) can be sent through different channels. You can select delivering notifications through Pushbullet and email simultaneously, Pushbullet only, or email only. The settings are configured on a per-alert basis in the alert creation form. * New: Implemented a new "Message format" feature and setting. You can reduce the number of links in WP Cerber’s messages or disable them completely to prevent sending sensitive data. * New: Implemented separate rate limiting settings for email and [Pushbullet notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-mobile-and-browser-notifications-pushbullet/). * New: Lockout notifications and appropriate threshold can be enabled for Pushbullet and emails separately. * New: Email reports and alerts can be sent via a separate SMTP server configured in the WP Cerber settings. * New: Implemented masking IP addresses and usernames (logins) in emails and mobile alerts. * New: Disabling login language switcher. If enabled, removes language switcher on the standard WordPress login page introduced in WordPress 5.9. * Improved: If WP Cerber is unable to load its saved settings from the website database, it uses hard-coded default values. * Improved: If you have configured the [list of prohibited usernames](https://wpcerber.com/using-list-of-prohibited-logins-to-catch-stupid-bots/) (logins) and the username of an existing user is among prohibited ones, the user is now shown as BLOCKED on the "Users" admin page, user edit page, Activity tab, and Live Traffic tab. * Improved: When multiple email addresses are specified for notifications, each email will be sent separately. No multiply recipients in a single email are used anymore. * Improved: The subjects of alerts now contain corresponding event labels. * Improved: The subject of WP Cerber’s emails have been unified. It begins with website name in square brackets plus the "WP Cerber" string. * Improved: All test alerts and messages manually sent from the WP Cerber admin dashboard now contain *** TEST MESSAGE *** in the subject. * Improved: Displaying detailed information about PHP generated by phpinfo(). A new link is on the Diagnostic tab in the System Info section. * Fixed: An issue with multiple "IP blocked" in the log if the reason for a lockout is changing. * Fixed: An issue with "Site title" containing apostrophes. = 8.9.6 = * New: A new [alert creation dialog with a set of new alert settings](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) enables you to create alerts with new limits: an expiration time, the maximum number of alerts allowed to send, and optional rate-limiting. The alert conditions can include the URL of a request now. * New: Deleting of [WordPress application passwords](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) is logged now. * New: Ability to monitor [anti-spam](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-for-wordpress-contact-forms/), reCAPTCHA, and several other setting-specific events using links on the settings pages. * Improved: Meaningful and actionable messages on the log screens if no activity has been found in the logs using a given search filter. * Improved: If a WP Cerber feature requires a newer version of WordPress, such a feature will not be shown in the plugin admin interface anymore. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while logging in on a version of WordPress older than 5.5 and a user has more than one active session. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while using the reset password form on a version of WordPress older than 5.4. * Fixed: While opening the Tools admin page, a PHP error might occur on some web servers. * Fixed: While rendering the Activity tab, depending on the activities logged, the PHP warning can be logged in the server error log. * Fixed: When [managing WP Cerber on a remote website via Cerber.Hub](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/), the admin page footer incorrectly displays the version of WP Cerber installed on the main website. * Fixed: If the Site Title of a website contains some special characters like apostrophes, the subject of [email alerts and notifications](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-notifications-made-easy/) contains such characters in encoded form. = 8.9.5 = * New: A new setting for [WP Cerber's anti-spam engine](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-for-wordpress-contact-forms/): "Disable bot detection engine for IP addresses in the White IP Access List". * New: A new setting for [the reCAPTCHA module](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-setup-recaptcha/): "Disable reCAPTCHA for IP addresses in the White IP Access List". * Improved: Logging all user session terminations including those that occurred when an admin manually terminate user sessions or [block users](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-block-wordpress-user/). * Improved: If a user session has been terminated by a website admin, the admin’s name is logged and shown in the Activity log. * Improved: Logging all user password changes including those made on the edit user admin page, and the WooCommerce edit account page. * Improved: Logging [application passwords](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) changes. * Improved: New status labels in the Activity log: "reCAPTCHA verified" is shown when a user solves reCAPTCHA successfully * Improved: New status labels in the Activity log: "Logged out everywhere" is shown when a user has completely logged out on all devices and of all locations. * Improved: Failed reCAPTCHA verifications are logged with form submission events they are linked to. * Improved: A new event is logged: "Password reset request denied". With possible statuses "reCAPTCHA verification failed", "User blocked by administrator", "Username is prohibited". * Improved: Handling reset of user passwords is improved to support changes in the WordPress core. * Fixed: A cookie-related bug that causes a fatal software error if a user has been deleted or their password has been changed in the WordPress dashboard by the website administrator while the user is being logged in. * Fixed: A bug with the WordPress lost password (reset password) form that prevents displaying error messages to a user. * Fixed: When the [limit on the number of allowed concurrent user sessions](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) is set to one, an attempt to log in with the user name and incorrect password terminates the existing session of the user. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-9-5/) = 8.9.3 = * Improved: The scanner: now checksums generated using manually uploaded ZIP archives have priority over the remote ones. * Improved: You can configure exceptions for WP Cerber's anti-spam by disabling its code on selected WordPress pages. * Improved: New diagnostic messages were added for better troubleshooting issues with ZIP archives uploaded in the scanner. * Fixed: A vulnerability that affects WP Cerber's two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanism. * Fixed: A bug that prevents uploading ZIP archives on the scan results page if the filename contains multiple dots. * Fixed: Fixed admin message "Error: Sorry, that username is not allowed." which is wrongly displayed on the user edit page while updating users with prohibited usernames. * Fixed: Not detecting malformed REST API requests with a question mark in this format: /wp-json? * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-9-3/) = 8.9 = * Improved: An updated scan statistic and filtering widget. Dynamically displays the most important issues with sorting. * Improved: The percentage of completion of a scanner step is shown now. * Improved: Sanitizing of malformed filenames in the scanner reports has been improved to avoid possible issues with the layout of the scan results page if malware creates malformed filenames to hinder their detection. * Improved: Handling of WordPress locales and versions on websites with multilanguage plugins has been improved. * Improved: A missing wp-config-sample.php file is not reported as an issue in the results of the scan anymore. * Improved: Handling REGEX patterns for the setting fields "Restrict email addresses" and "Prohibited usernames". Now they support REGEX quantifiers. * Improved: You can specify the "User-Agent" string for requests from the main (master) Cerber.Hub website by defining the PHP constant CERBER_HUB_UA in the wp-config.php file. * Improved: Diagnostic logging for network requests to the WP Cerber cloud. To enable logging, define the PHP constant CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file. Logging covers admin operations on the WP Cerber admin pages only. * Improved: Text on the forbidden page is translatable now. * Fixed bug: Some long filenames in the scan results break the layout of the scan results page, making it hard to navigate and use. * Fixed bug: Unwanted file extensions are not detected if a file is identified as malicious. * Fixed bug: If a file is missing, the full filename is not shown in the scan results when clicking the “Show full filenames” icon. * Fixed bug: "PHP Deprecated: Required parameter $function follows optional parameter $pattern in /plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-scanner.php". * Fixed bug: "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function crb_admin_hash_token() in cerber-load.php:1521". * Fixed bug: "PHP Notice: Undefined property: WP_Error::$ID in cerber-load.php on line 1131". * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-9/) = 8.8.6 = * New: You can specify the "User-Agent" string for requests from the main (master) Cerber.Hub website by defining the PHP constant CERBER_HUB_UA in the wp-config.php file. * New: Diagnostic logging for network requests to the WP Cerber cloud. To enable logging, define the PHP constant CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file. Logging covers admin operations on the WP Cerber admin pages only. * Fixed bug: "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function crb_admin_hash_token() in cerber-load.php:1521". * Fixed bug: "PHP Notice: Undefined property: WP_Error::$ID in cerber-load.php on line 1131". = 8.8.5 = * New: Quick user activity analytics (user insights) with filtering links on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. Select a user to see how it works. * New: Quick IP address activity and analytics (IP insights) with filtering links on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. Select an IP address to see how it works. * Improved: The selected user profile is displayed when filtering log entries by the user login or using the username search on the Activity log page. * Improved: The IP address details and analytics are displayed when filtering log entries by the IP address or using the IP address search on the Activity log page. * Improved: Implemented AJAX rendering of the plugin admin pages for faster loading and more convenient navigation through WP Cerber’s admin pages * Improved: To load the Users admin page faster, the user table columns generated by WP Cerber are now loaded via AJAX. * Improved: Highlighting the selected filtering link in the navigation bar on the Activity and Live Traffic log pages. * Improved: You will not see false DB errors on the Diagnostic page anymore. * Fixed bug: When scanning, you can come across the software error "Process has been aborted due to server error. Check the browser console for errors." and "Too few arguments" error in the server error log. = 8.8.3 = * New: Mimicking the default WordPress user authentication through the wp-login.php to detect slow brute-force attacks. * New: Prevent guessing valid usernames and user emails by disabling WordPress hints in the login error message when attempting to log in with non-existing usernames and emails. * New: Prevent guessing valid usernames and user emails by disabling WordPress hints in the password reset error message when attempting to reset passwords for non-existing accounts. * New: Prevent username discovery via oEmbed and user XML sitemaps. * New: User and malicious activity are displayed separately in two different areas on WP Cerber’s main dashboard page. * New: More convenient navigation through the WP Cerber admin pages by having the admin menu at the top. * New: A new quick link "Login issues" to view all login issues such as failed logins, denied attempts, attempts to reset passwords, and so forth. * Improved: Reduced the number of false positives when the malware scanner inspecting directives with external IP addresses in .htaccess files. * Improved: Better 2FA emails: the wording of the verification email has been updated and can be translated. The email subject includes the site name. * Improved: The size of the database tables used by the integrity checker and malware scanner has been reduced. * Improved: Implemented a strictly secure way of utilizing the unserialize() PHP function known for being used to deliver and run malicious code. * Improved: Implemented a backup way of running WP Cerber maintenance tasks if WordPress scheduled tasks are not configured properly. * Fixed bug: 2FA PINs are not displayed on the edit user admin pages in the WordPress dashboard. * Fixed bug: The "API request authorization failed" event was logged as "Login failed". = 8.8 = * New: [You get control over the WordPress application passwords and the ability to monitor related events in the log with email and mobile notifications.](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-application-passwords-how-to/) * New: A custom comment URL feature improves the efficiency of spam protection of the WordPress comment form. Available in the professional version of WP Cerber. * Improved: Handling user authentication and authorization by WP Cerber’s access control mechanism has been significantly improved and optimized to allow using external user authentication via third-part solutions and connectors. * Improved: You can now specify a user message to be displayed if [the configured limit to the number of concurrent user sessions](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) has been reached and an attempt to log in is denied. * Improved: Traffic log settings and features: "Log all REST API requests", "Log all XML-RPC requests", "Save response headers", and "Save response cookies". * Improved: For better compatibility with different web server configurations, [the anti-spam query whitelist](https://wpcerber.com/antispam-exception-for-specific-http-request/) now ignores trailing slashes if a list entry or a requested URI has no GET parameters. * Improved: Processing of extended and invalid UTF-8 characters in the Traffic Inspector log has been improved. * Improved: Displaying of invalid UTF-8 characters (invalid byte sequences) in the WP Cerber’s logs throughout the admin interface has been improved. * Improved: WP Cerber's dashboard code is updated and now fully jQuery 3 compatible. * Fixed: A bug that prevented activating [the Cerber.Hub master mode](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) on PHP 8. * Fixed: A fatal PHP error occurs while saving some WP Cerber settings when using [Cerber.Hub](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) on a remote website with “Standard mode” enabled. * Fixed: A bug that generated warning messages in the web server error log: Use of undefined constant LOGGED_IN_COOKIE – assumed ‘LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’ * Fixed: A bug that blocked theme preview if the anti-spam engine is enabled for all forms on the website. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-8/) = 8.7 = * New: [Limiting the number of allowed concurrent user sessions.](https://wpcerber.com/limiting-concurrent-user-sessions-in-wordpress/) Depending on settings, WP Cerber will either block new logins or terminate the oldest ones. * New: Enforcing [two-factor authentication (2FA)](https://wpcerber.com/two-factor-authentication-for-wordpress/) if the number of concurrent user sessions is greater than the specified threshold. * Improved: [The integrity checker and malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) now more effectively handle and log I/O errors that might occur during a scan. * Improved: [The Traffic Inspector firewall](https://wpcerber.com/traffic-inspector-in-a-nutshell/) now processes files uploaded via nested, grouped, and obfuscated form fields in a more effective way. * Improved: WP Cerber got necessary code improvements, and now it is fully compatible with PHP 8. * Improved: [The default list of allowed REST API namespaces](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/) now includes "wp-site-health". * Improved: Downloadable files generated by WP Cerber are generated with appropriate HTTP Content-Type headers now. * Fixed: Misalignment of Cerber’s table footer labels on the "Users" admin page. * Fixed: If the diagnostic log contains invalid Unicode (UTF-8) codes, it is not displayed on the Diagnostic log tab. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-7/) = 8.6.8 = * New: [A shortcode to display WP Cerber’s cookies. You can display a list of cookies set by WP Cerber on any page.](https://wpcerber.com/browser-cookies-set-by-wp-cerber/) * New: [Deferred rendering of the custom login page. This new feature can help you if you need to solve plugin compatibility issues.](https://wpcerber.com/user-switching-with-wp-cerber/) * Improved: The style of the scanner email reports has been improved. * Fixed: A bug with displaying the status icon of an IP address on the Activity and Live Traffic admin pages. * Fixed: If the name of a commercial plugin contains a special HTML symbol like ampersand, it cannot be uploaded to verify the integrity of the plugin. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6-8/) = 8.6.7 = * New: In the professional version of WP Cerber, you can now permit user registrations for IP addresses in the [White IP Access List only](https://wpcerber.com/using-ip-access-lists-to-protect-wordpress/). * New: All URLs in the logs are displayed in a shortened form without the website’s domain. There is no much value having see known things. * New: A new label "IP Whitelisted" with green borders has been introduced. It is displayed in a log row on the Live Traffic if the IP address was in the White IP Access List, but the appropriate setting "Use White IP Access List" was not enabled at the moment when the event was logged. * New: If you now hover the mouse over a red square icon in the Activity or Live Traffic log, you see the reason why the IP address in the row is currently locked out. * New: If you now hover the mouse over a green or black square Access List icon in the Activity or Live Traffic log, you see the comment you’ve previously specified for that Access List entry. * Improved: All non-REGEX entries [in the list of prohibited usernames (logins)](https://wpcerber.com/using-list-of-prohibited-logins-to-catch-stupid-bots/) are case-insensitive now. This applies to standard Latin-based (ASCII) WordPress usernames only. * Improved: The name of a group in the Group column on [Cerber.Hub’s](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/) website list is a link that takes you to the list of websites in the group. * Improved: The launch time of the daily maintenance tasks is now set to the night-time at 02:20. If you need them to get rescheduled, you can manually delete the “cerber_daily” cron task via a plugin or deactivate/activate WP Cerber. * Fixed: Configured [REST API restrictions](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/) have no effect if a WordPress is installed not in the root folder of a website (there is a path in the site URL). Affected versions: 8.6.1 and newer. * Fixed: A bug in the logging subsystem: depending on server configuration, submitted form fields are not saved into the DB (if it is enabled in the logging settings). * Fixed: A bug with Cerber’s admin CSS styles that were added in the previous version and hid the top pagination links on the "All posts" and "All posts" admin pages. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6-7/) = 8.6.6 = * New: On the user sessions page, you can now search sessions by a user name, email, and the IP address from which a user has logged in. * New: You can specify locations (URL Paths) to exclude requests from logging. They can be either exact matches or regular expressions (REGEX). * New: You can exclude requests from logging based on the value of the User-Agent (UA) header. * New: A new, minimal logging mode. When it is set, only HTTP requests related to known activities are logged. * Improved: The layout of the Live Traffic log has been improved: now all events that are logged during a particular request are shown as an event list sorted in reverse order. * Improved: The user sessions page has been optimized for performance and compatibility and now works blazingly fast. * Improved: If your website is behind a proxy, IP addresses of user sessions now are detected more precisely. * Improved: When you configure the request whitelist in the Traffic Inspector settings, you can now specify rules with or without trailing slash. * Improved: A new version of [Cloudflare add-on for WP Cerber](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-add-on-wp-cerber/) is available: the performance of the add-on has been optimized. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6-6/) = 8.6.5 = * New: File system analytics. It's generated based on the results of the last full integrity scan. * New: Logging user deletions. The user’s display name and roles are temporarily stored until all log entries related to the user are deleted. * New: Faster export with a new date format for CSV log export. * New: Ability to disable adding the website administrator's IP address to the White IP Access List upon WP Cerber activation. * Improved: Handling the creation of new users by WooCommerce and membership plugins. * Improved: Handling user registrations with prohibited emails. * Improved: Handling secure Cerber‘s cookies on websites with SSL encryption enabled. * Improved: The performance of the integrity checker and malware scanner on huge websites with a large number of files. * Fixed: Loading the default plugin settings has no effect. Now it’s fixed and moved from the admin sidebar to the Tools admin page. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6-5/) = 8.6.3 = * New: Ability to load IP access list's entries in the CSV format (bulk load). * Update: A new malware scanner setting allows you to permit the scanner to change permissions of folders and files when required. * Fixed: The access list IPv4 wildcard *.*.*.* doesn’t work (has no effect). * Fixed: If the anti-spam query whitelist contains more than one entry, they do not work as expected. * Fixed: Several settings fields are not properly escaped. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6-3/) = 8.6 = * New: [An integration with the Cloudflare cloud-based firewall. It’s implemented as a special WP Cerber add-on.](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-add-on-wp-cerber/) * Update: The malware scanner has got improvements to the monitoring of new and modified files feature. * Update: Additional search fields for the Activity log. They enable you to find a specific request by its Request ID (RID) or/and to search for a string in the request URL. * Update: The minimum supported PHP version is 5.6. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-6/) = 8.5.9 = * New: On the Live Traffic log, now you can find requests with software errors if they occurred. * Update: The code of WP Cerber has been updated and tested to fully support and be compatible with PHP 7.4. * Update: The layout of the list of slave websites on the Cerber.Hub's main page has been improved to display the list more accurately on narrow and mobile screens. * Update: If a slave website has the professional version of WP Cerber, it has a PRO sign in the "WP Cerber" column. The license expiration date is shown when you hover the mouse over the sign. * Fixed: A bug with displaying long file names in the Security Scanner Quarantine that makes unavailable deleting or restoring quarantined files manually. * Fixed: A bug that requires installing a valid license key on a Cerber.Hub master website to permit configuring settings on slave websites remotely, which is not intended behavior. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-5-9/) = 8.5.8 = * New: A personal data export and erase features which can be used through the WordPress personal data export and erase tool. This feature helps your organization to be in compliance with data privacy laws such as GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California * Update: The performance of the algorithm that handles exporting rows from the Activity log and the Live Traffic log to a CSV file has been improved enabling export larger datasets * Update: When you block a user you can add an optional admin note now * Fixed: If a user is blocked, it’s not possible to update the user message * Fixed: Depending on the logging settings the "Details" links on the Live Traffic log are not displayed in some rows * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-5-8/) = 8.5.6 = * New: Ability to separately set the number of days of keeping log records in the database for authenticated (logged in) website users and non-authenticated (not logged in) visitors. * New: You can completely turn off the Citadel mode feature in the Main Settings * Update: When you upload a ZIP archive on the integrity scanner page it processes nested ZIP archives now and writes errors to the diagnostic log if it's enabled * Update: The appearance of the Activity log has got small visual improvements * Update: If the number of days to keep log records is not set or set to zero, the plugin uses the default setting instead. Previously you can set it to zero and keep log records infinitely. * Fixed: The blacklisting buttons on the Activity tab do not work showing "Incorrect IP address or IP range". * Fixed: PHP Notice: Trying to get property "ID" of non-object in cerber-load.php on line 1131 = 8.5.5 = * IP Access Lists now support IPv6 networks, ranges, and wildcards. Add as many IPv6 entries to the access lists as you need. We've developed an extraordinarily fast ACL engine to process them. * The algorithm of handling consecutive IP address lockouts has been improved: the reason for an existing lockout is updated and its duration is recalculated in real-time now. * Traffic inspection algorithms were optimized to reduce false positives and make algorithms more human-friendly. * Improved compatibility with WooCommerce: the password reset and login forms are not blocked anymore if a user’s IP gets locked out due to using a non-existing username by mistake, using a prohibited username, or if a user has exceeded the number of allowed login attempts. * Improved compatibility with WordPress scheduled cron tasks if a website runs on a server with PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) * Very long URLs on the Live Traffic page are now displayed in full when you click the "Details" link in a row. * The [Cerber.Hub multi-site manager](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/): the server column on the slave websites list page now contains a link to quickly filter out websites on the same server. * The [Cerber.Hub multi-site manager](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/): now it remembers the filtered list of slave websites while you’re switching between them and the master. * Fixed: If the Custom login URL is enabled on a subfolder WordPress installation, the user redirection after logout generates the HTTP 404 error page. * Fixed: Very long HTTP referrers and request URLs are displayed in a truncated form on the Live Traffic page due to CSS bug. * Fixed: If the Data Shield security feature is active, the password reset page on WordPress 5.3 doesn’t work properly showing "Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below." * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-5-5/) = 8.5.3 = * New: The malware scanner and integrity checker window has got a new filter that enables you to filter out and navigate to specific issues quickly. * New: Cerber.Hub: new columns and filters have been added to the list of slave websites. The new columns display server IP addresses, hostnames, and countries where servers are located. * Bug fixed: Depending on the number of items in the access lists, the IP address can be erroneously marked as whitelisted or blacklisted. * Bug fixed in Cerber.Hub: if a WordPress plugin is installed on several slave websites and the plugin needs to be updated on some of the slave websites, the plugin is shown as needs to be updated on all the slave websites. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-5-3/) = 8.5 = * New: Data Shield module for advanced protection of user data and vital settings in the website database. Available in the PRO version. * Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce significantly improved. * Update: Strict filtering for the Custom login URL setting. * Update: Chinese (Taiwan) translation has been added. Thanks to Sid Lo. * Bug fixed: Custom login URL doesn't work after updating WordPress to 5.2.3. * Bug fixed: User Policies tabs are not switchable if a user role was declared with a hyphen instead of the underscore. * Bug fixed: A PHP warning while adding a network to the Black IP Access List from the Activity tab. * Bug fixed: An anti-spam false positive: some WordPress DB updates can't be completed. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-5/) = 8.4 = * New: More flexible role-based GEO access policies. * New: A logged in users' sessions manager. * Update: Access to users’ data via WordPress REST API is always granted for administrator accounts now * Improvement: The custom login page feature has been updated to eliminate possible conflicts with themes and other plugins. * Improvement: Improved compatibility with operating systems that natively doesn’t support the PHP GLOB_BRACE constant. = 8.3 = * New: Two-Factor Authentication. * New: Block registrations with unwanted (banned) email domains. * New: Block access to the WordPress Dashboard on a per-role basis. * New: Redirect after login/logout on a per-role basis. * Update: The Users tab has been renamed to Global and now is under the new User Policies admin menu. * Fixed: Switching to the English language in Cerber’s admin interface has no effect. * Fixed: Multiple notifications about a new version of the plugin in the WordPress dashboard. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-3/) = 8.2 = * New: Automatic recovery of infected files. When [the malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) detects changes in the core WordPress files and plugins, it automatically recovers them. * New: A set of quick navigation buttons on the Activity page. They allow you to filter out log records quickly. * New: A unique Session ID (SID) is displayed on the Forbidden 403 Page now. * New: The advanced search on the Live Traffic page has got a set of new fields. * New: To make a website comply with GDPR, a cookie prefix can be set. * Update: The lockout notification settings are moved to the Notifications tab. * Update: The list of files to be scanned in Quick mode now also includes files with these extensions: phtm, phtml, phps, php2, php3, php4, php5, php6, php7. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-2/) = 8.1 = * New: In a single click you can get a list of active plugins and available updates on a slave website. * New: Notification about a newer versions of Cerber and WordPres available ot install on a slave. * New: On a master website, you can select what language to use when a slave admin page is being displayed. * Improvement: Long URLs on the Live Traffic page now are shortened and displayed more neatly. * Improvement: The plugin uninstallation process has been improved and now cleans up the database completely. * Improvement: Multiple translations have been updated. Thanks to Maxime, Jos Knippen, Fredrik Näslund, Francesco. * Fixed: The "Add to the Black List" button on the Activity log page doesn't work. * Fixed: When the "All suspicious activity" button is clicked on the Dashboard admin page, the "Subscribe" link on the Activity page doesn't work correctly. * Fixed: When you open an email report, the link to the list of deleted files during a malware scan doesn't work as expected. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-8-1/) = 8.0 = * New: [Manage multiple WP Cerber instances from one dashboard](https://wpcerber.com/manage-multiple-websites/). * New: A new bulk action to block multiple WordPress users at a time. * Improvement: The performance of the export feature has been improved significantly. * Improvement: Multiple code optimizations improve overall plugin performance. = 7.9.7 = * New: [Authorized users only mode](https://wpcerber.com/only-logged-in-wordpress-users/). * New: [An ability to block a user account](https://wpcerber.com/how-to-block-wordpress-user/). * New: [Role-based access to WordPress REST API](https://wpcerber.com/restrict-access-to-wordpress-rest-api/). * Update: Added ability to search and filter a user on the Activity page. * Update: A new, separate setting for preventing user enumeration via WordPress REST API. * Update: A new Changelog section on the Tools page. * Update: Improved handling scheduled maintenance tasks on a multi-site WordPress installation. * Fixed: Several HTML markup errors on plugin admin pages. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-9-7/) = 7.9.3 = * New: New settings for [the Traffic Inspector firewall](https://wpcerber.com/traffic-inspector-in-a-nutshell/) allow you to fine-tune its behavior. You can enable less or more restrictive firewall rules. * Update: Troubleshooting of possible issues with scheduled maintenance tasks has been improved. * Update: To make troubleshooting easier the plugin logs not only a lockout event but also logs and displays the reason for the lockout. * Update: Compatibility with ManageWP and Gravity Forms has been improved. * Update: The layout of the Activity and Live Traffic pages has been improved. * Bug fixed: [The malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) wrongly prevents PHP files with few specific names in one particular location from being deleted after a manual scan or during [the automatic malware removal](https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/). * Bug fixed: The number of email notifications might be incorrectly limited to one email per hour. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-9-3/) = 7.9 = * New: The plugin monitors suspicious requests that cause 4xx and 5xx HTTP errors and blocks IP addresses that aggressively generate such requests. * New: A set of WordPress navigation menu links. Login, logout, and register menu items can be automatically generated and shown in any WordPress menu or a widget. * New: Software error logging. A handy feature that logs PHP errors and shows them on Live Traffic page. * New: A new export feature for Traffic Inspector. It allows exporting all log entries or a filtered set from the log of HTTP requests. * Update: Multiple improvements to Traffic Inspector firewall algorithms. In short, the detection of obfuscated malicious SQL queries and injections has been improved. * Update: Improved handling of malformed requests to wp-cron.php. * Fix: The number of email notifications per hour can exceed the configured limit. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-9/) = 7.8.5 = * New: A new set of heuristics algorithms for detecting obfuscated malicious JavaScript code. * New: A new file filter on the Quarantine page lets to filter out quarantined files by the date of the scan. * New: The performance of [the malware scanner](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) has been improved. Now the scanner deletes all files in the website session and temporary folders permanently before the scan. * Update: If the plugin is unable to detect the remote IP address, it uses as an IP. * Update: The anti-spam engine will never block the localhost IP * Update: Performance improvements for database queries related to the process of user authentication. * Update: Improved handling the plugin settings in a buggy or misconfigured hosting environment that could cause the plugin to reset settings to their default values. * Update: Translations have been updated. Thanks to Francesco, Jos Knippen, Fredrik Näslund, Slobodan Ljubic and MARCELHAP. * Fix: Fixed an issue with saving settings on the Hardening tab: "Unable to get access to the file…" * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-8-5/) = 7.8 = * New: An ignore list for the malware scanner. * New: Disabling execution of PHP scripts in the WordPress media folder helps to prevent offenders from exploiting security flaws. * New: Disabling PHP error displaying as a setting is useful for misconfigured servers. * New: English for the plugin admin interface. Enable it if you prefer to have untranslated, original admin interface. * New: Diagnostic logging for the malware scanner. Specify a particular location of the log file by using the CERBER_DIAG_DIR constant. * Update: The performance of malware scanning on a slow web server with thousands of issues and tens of thousands of files has been improved. * Update: PHP 5.3 is not supported anymore. The plugin can be activated and run only on PHP 5.4 or higher. * Fix: If a malicious file is detected on a slow shared hosting, the file can be shown twice in the results of the scan. * Fix: A possible issue with the short PHP syntax on old PHP versions in /wp-content/plugins/wp-cerber/common.php on line 1970 * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-8/) = 7.7 = * New: [Automatic cleanup of malware and suspicious files](https://wpcerber.com/automatic-malware-removal-wordpress/). This powerful feature is available in the PRO version and automatically deletes trojans, viruses, backdoors, and other malware. Cerber Security Professional scans the website on an hourly basis and removes malware immediately. * Update: Algorithms of the malware scanner have been improved to detect obfuscated malware code more precisely for all types of files. * Update: Email reports for [scheduled malware scans](https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/) have been extended with useful performance numbers and a list of automatically deleted malicious files if you’ve enabled automatic malware removal and some files have been deleted. * Fix: A possible issue with uploading large JSON and CSV files. When Traffic Inspector scans uploaded files for malware payload, some JSON and CSV files might be erroneously identified as containing a malicious payload. * Fix: A possible Divi theme forms incompatibility. If you use the Divi theme (by Elegant Themes), you can come across a problem with submitting some forms. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-7/) = 7.6 = * New: The quarantine has got a separate admin page in the WordPress dashboard which allows viewing deleted files, restoring or deleting them. * New: Now [the malware scanner and integrity checker](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/) supports multisite WordPress installations. * Fix: Once an address IP has been locked out after reaching the limit to the number of attempts to log in the "We’re sorry, you are not allowed to proceed" forbidden page is being displayed instead of the normal user message "You have exceeded the number of allowed login attempts". * Fix: PHP Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in cerber-load.php on line 5377 * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-6/) = 7.5 = * New: Firewall algorithms have been improved and now inspect the contents of all files that are being tried to upload on a website. * New: The traffic logger can save headers, cookies and the $_SERVER variable for every HTTP request. * New: The scanner now scans installed plugins for known vulnerabilities. If you have enabled scheduled automatic scans you will be notified in a email report. * Update: A set of new malware signatures amd patterns have been added to detect malware submitted through a contact form as well as any HTTP request fields. * Update: Now the plugin inspects user sign ups (user registrations) on multisite WordPress installations and BuddyPress. * Update: The search for user activity, as well as enabling activity notifications, is improved. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-5/) = 7.2 = * New: Monitoring new and changed files. * New: Detecting malicious redirections and directives in .htaccess files. * New: [Automated hourly and daily scheduled scans with flexible email reports](https://wpcerber.com/automated-recurring-malware-scans/). * Update: Added a protection from logging wrong time stamps on some misconfigured web servers. * Fix: Unexpected warning messages in the WordPress dashboard. * Fix: Some file status links on the scanner results page may not work. = 7.0 = * Cerber Security Scanner: [integrity checker, malware detector and malware removal tool](https://wpcerber.com/wordpress-security-scanner/). * New: a new setting for Traffic Inspector: Use White IP Access List. * Update: the redirection from /wp-admin/ to the login page is not blocked for a user that has been logged in once before. * Bug fixed: the limit to the number of new user registrations is calculated the way that allows one additional registration within a given period of time. * [Read more](https://wpcerber.com/wp-cerber-security-7-0/) == Other Notes == 1. If you want to test out plugin's features, do this from another computer and remove that computer's network from the White Access List. Cerber is smart enough to recognize "the boss". 2. If you've set up the Custom login URL and you use some caching plugin like **W3 Total Cache** or **WP Super Cache**, you have to add a new Custom login URL to the list of pages not to cache. 3. [Read this if your website is under CloudFlare](https://wpcerber.com/cloudflare-and-wordpress-cerber/) **Deutsche** Schützt vor Ort gegen Brute-Force-Attacken. Umfassende Kontrolle der Benutzeraktivität. Beschränken Sie die Anzahl der Anmeldeversuche durch die Login-Formular, XML-RPC-Anfragen oder mit Auth-Cookies. Beschränken Sie den Zugriff mit Schwarz-Weiß-Zugriffsliste Zugriffsliste. Track Benutzer und Einbruch Aktivität. **Français** Protège site contre les attaques par force brute. Un contrôle complet de l'activité de l'utilisateur. Limiter le nombre de tentatives de connexion à travers les demandes formulaire de connexion, XML-RPC ou en utilisant auth cookies. Restreindre l'accès à la liste noire accès et blanc Liste d'accès. L'utilisateur de la piste et l'activité anti-intrusion. **Український** Захищає сайт від атак перебором. Обмежте кількість спроб входу через запити ввійти форми, XML-RPC або за допомогою авторизації в печиво. Обмежити доступ з чорний список доступу і список білий доступу. Користувач трек і охоронної діяльності. **What does "Cerber" mean?** Cerber is derived from the name Cerberus. In Greek and Roman mythology, Cerberus is a multi-headed dog with a serpent's tail, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. Nobody can bypass this angry dog. Now you can order WP Cerber to guard the entrance to your site too. jetflow.php000064400000012702147577531750006756 0ustar00The variable {TRIGGER.IP} contains the blocked IP address, the variable {TRIGGER.reason} contains the reason why. '; public static $fields = array( 'filter' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'fields' => array( 'locks' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Start if an IP address has been locked out more than times', 'default' => '0', 'autocomplete' => 0 ), 'period' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'in the last minutes', 'default' => '60', 'autocomplete' => 0 ), ) ), 'limit' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Start if the number of currently locked out IP addresses is greater than', 'default' => '0', 'required' => 1, 'autocomplete' => 0 ), ); function execute( $fields ) { global $wpdb; list ( $fields, $previous, $env, $wp_arguments ) = func_get_args(); if ( cerber_blocked_num() <= absint( $fields['limit'] ) ) { return new WF_Stop( __CLASS__ ); } if ( ! empty( $fields['filter']['locks'] ) ) { $locks = absint( $fields['filter']['locks'] ); } else { $locks = 0; } if ( $locks > 0 ) { $ip = $wp_arguments[0]['IP']; $stamp = time() - absint( $fields['filter']['period'] ) * 60; $lockouts = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( 'SELECT count(ip) FROM ' . CERBER_LOG_TABLE . ' WHERE ip = %s AND activity IN (10,11) AND stamp > %d', $ip, $stamp ) ); $lockouts = absint( $lockouts ); if ( ! $lockouts || $lockouts <= $locks ) { return new WF_Stop( __CLASS__ ); } } return $wp_arguments[0]; } static function getStarterInfo( $config, $context ) { return 'After IP address has been locked out by Cerber'; } } class WF_WHOIS extends WF_Action { public static $section = 'network'; public static $name = 'Get WHOIS info'; public static $description = 'Get extended information about IP address'; public static $form_help = ' Sends request to a WHOIS server and retrieves details about a given IP address. The WHOIS information is publicly available and provided for free. There are no reasons for security concerns, because a list of WHOIS servers are maintained by ICANN.

      Bear in mind that each WHOIS request takes some time to retrieve data from the remote WHOIS server. A request can take up to 500 ms approximately, so the workflow will be waiting all this time for a response.

      The result is a list. To get a country name in the next action, use variable {PREVIOUS.country-name}, for the two-letter country code: {PREVIOUS.country}, for the abuse email address: {PREVIOUS.abuse-mailbox}, for the network as IP range: {PREVIOUS.inetnum}. The full list of available fields depends on a network owner. You can request WHOIS data manually to find out what kind of fields are available on this page: http://wq.apnic.net/apnic-bin/whois.pl. '; public static $fields = array( 'ip' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'IP address', 'default' => '{TRIGGER.IP}', 'required' => 1, ), ); function execute( $fields ) { list ( $fields, $previous, $env, $wp_arguments ) = func_get_args(); $ip = filter_var( $fields['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ); if ( ! $ip ) { return false; } $whois = cerber_ip_whois_info( $ip ); if ( ! empty( $whois['error'] ) ) { return new WF_Error ( __CLASS__, 'Unable to obtain IP info' ); } $ret = $whois['data']; if ( empty( $ret['abuse-mailbox'] ) && ! empty( $ret['OrgAbuseEmail'] ) ) { $ret['abuse-mailbox'] = $ret['OrgAbuseEmail']; } if ( ! is_email( $ret['abuse-mailbox'] ) ) { $ret['abuse-mailbox'] = ''; } $ret['country-name'] = cerber_country_name( $ret['country'] ); return $ret; } } wof_register( array( 'TR_IP_Locked', 'WF_WHOIS' ) ); }