Orderhome/bestoj5/nestedpack.com/wp-admin/js/inline-edit-tax.js 0000644 00000017165 14760027273 0017450 0 ustar 00 /** * This file is used on the term overview page to power quick-editing terms. * * @output wp-admin/js/inline-edit-tax.js */ /* global ajaxurl, inlineEditTax */ window.wp = window.wp || {}; /** * Consists of functions relevant to the inline taxonomy editor. * * @namespace inlineEditTax * * @property {string} type The type of inline edit we are currently on. * @property {string} what The type property with a hash prefixed and a dash * suffixed. */ ( function( $, wp ) { window.inlineEditTax = { /** * Initializes the inline taxonomy editor by adding event handlers to be able to * quick edit. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @this inlineEditTax * @memberof inlineEditTax * @return {void} */ init : function() { var t = this, row = $('#inline-edit'); t.type = $('#the-list').attr('data-wp-lists').substr(5); t.what = '#'+t.type+'-'; $( '#the-list' ).on( 'click', '.editinline', function() { $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); inlineEditTax.edit( this ); }); /** * Cancels inline editing when pressing Escape inside the inline editor. * * @param {Object} e The keyup event that has been triggered. */ row.on( 'keyup', function( e ) { // 27 = [Escape]. if ( e.which === 27 ) { return inlineEditTax.revert(); } }); /** * Cancels inline editing when clicking the cancel button. */ $( '.cancel', row ).on( 'click', function() { return inlineEditTax.revert(); }); /** * Saves the inline edits when clicking the save button. */ $( '.save', row ).on( 'click', function() { return inlineEditTax.save(this); }); /** * Saves the inline edits when pressing Enter inside the inline editor. */ $( 'input, select', row ).on( 'keydown', function( e ) { // 13 = [Enter]. if ( e.which === 13 ) { return inlineEditTax.save( this ); } }); /** * Saves the inline edits on submitting the inline edit form. */ $( '#posts-filter input[type="submit"]' ).on( 'mousedown', function() { t.revert(); }); }, /** * Toggles the quick edit based on if it is currently shown or hidden. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @this inlineEditTax * @memberof inlineEditTax * * @param {HTMLElement} el An element within the table row or the table row * itself that we want to quick edit. * @return {void} */ toggle : function(el) { var t = this; $(t.what+t.getId(el)).css('display') === 'none' ? t.revert() : t.edit(el); }, /** * Shows the quick editor * * @since 2.7.0 * * @this inlineEditTax * @memberof inlineEditTax * * @param {string|HTMLElement} id The ID of the term we want to quick edit or an * element within the table row or the * table row itself. * @return {boolean} Always returns false. */ edit : function(id) { var editRow, rowData, val, t = this; t.revert(); // Makes sure we can pass an HTMLElement as the ID. if ( typeof(id) === 'object' ) { id = t.getId(id); } editRow = $('#inline-edit').clone(true), rowData = $('#inline_'+id); $( 'td', editRow ).attr( 'colspan', $( 'th:visible, td:visible', '.wp-list-table.widefat:first thead' ).length ); $(t.what+id).hide().after(editRow).after('