Ordercss/premium-frontend.css000064400000070746147600231460011362 0ustar00/* Pagelayer Premium Frontend Framework */ /* Image hotspot */ .pagelayer-image-hotspots-anim:hover:before{ transform: scale(2); } .pagelayer-image-hotspots-anim .fas{ position: relative; } .pagelayer-image-hotspots-anim::before { content: ""; transform: scale(1); position: absolute; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; pointer-events: none; animation: pagelayer-hotspot 2s infinite; } @keyframes pagelayer-hotspot { 0% {transform: scale(1);opacity: 1;} 100% {transform: scale(1.5); opacity: 0;} } .pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder .pagelayer-tooltip-text{ visibility:hidden; } .pagelayer-hotspots-hover .pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder:hover .pagelayer-tooltip-text, .pagelayer-hotspots-always .pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder .pagelayer-tooltip-text, .pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder.pagelayer-clicked .pagelayer-tooltip-text{ visibility:visible; } /* Image Hotspot end */ /* Video Slider */ .pagelayer-imgsl-box{ position:relative; } .pagelayer-video_slider .pagelayer-imgsl-prev a:after{ content: "\f104"; } .pagelayer-video_slider .pagelayer-imgsl-next a:after{ content: "\f105"; } .pagelayer-video_slider .pagelayer-imgsl-controls li a:after{ font-family: "FontAwesome", "Font Awesome 5 Free"; background-image: none; } /* Video Slider End*/ /* Glow Button */ .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow{ color: #fff; background: #111; cursor: pointer; position: relative; z-index: 0; display:inline-block; line-height:1em; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow:before{ content: ''; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #ff0000, #ff7300, #fffb00, #48ff00, #00ffd5, #002bff, #7a00ff, #ff00c8, #ff0000); position: absolute; top: -2px; left:-2px; background-size: 400%; z-index: -1; filter: blur(5px); width: calc(100% + 4px); height: calc(100% + 4px); animation: glowing 20s linear infinite; opacity: 0; transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow:active { color: #000 } .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow:active:after { background: transparent; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow:hover:before { opacity: 1; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-glow:after { z-index: -1; content: ''; position: absolute; background: #111; left: 0; top: 0; } @keyframes glowing { 0% { background-position: 0 0; } 50% { background-position: 400% 0; } 100% { background-position: 0 0; } } /* Glow Button End */ /* Thin Button */ .pagelayer-btn-anim-thin{ transition: all 0.5s; position: relative; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; line-height:1em; z-index: 0; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-thin::before { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; transition: all 0.5s; background-color: inherit; border-color: inherit; border-radius: inherit; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-thin::after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; transition: all 0.5s; background-color: inherit; border-color: inherit; border-radius: inherit; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-thin:hover::before { transform: rotate(-45deg); border-color: inherit; border-radius: inherit; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-thin:hover::after { transform: rotate(45deg); border-color: inherit; border-radius: inherit; } /* Thin Button End */ /* Slide Button */ .pagelayer-btn-anim-slide{ position: relative; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; transition: all .35s; line-height:1em; } .pagelayer-btn-text{ position: relative; z-index: 1; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-left:after{ position: absolute; content: ""; top: 0; left: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; background: #00ff72; transition: all .35s; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-right:after{ position: absolute; content: ""; top: 0; right: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; background: #00ff72; transition: all .35s; border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-slide:hover{ color: #fff; } .pagelayer-btn-anim-slide:hover:after{ width: 100%; } /* Slide Button end*/ /* Slide overlay */ .pagelayer-slide-bg-overlay{ position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; } .pagelayer-content-slide-bg{ position:absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; animation-timing-function:ease; animation-fill-mode: forwards; } .pagelayer-owl-item:not(.active) .pagelayer-content_slide .pagelayer-content-slide-bg, .pagelayer-owl-item:not(.active) .pagelayer-content_slide .pagelayer-wow{ animation-name: none !important; } @keyframes pagelayerKenBurn {0%{transform: scale(1.0);}100%{transform: scale(1.2);}} @keyframes pagelayerKenBurnReverse{0%{transform: scale(1.2);}100%{transform-origin: bottom left;transform: scale(1.0);}} .pagelayer-slide-dot-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-dots{ position: absolute; top: 0 ; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); } .pagelayer-slide-dot-pos-left .pagelayer-owl-dots{ position:absolute; left:0; display:flex; flex-direction:column; top: 50% !important; transform: translateY(-50%); } .pagelayer-slide-dot-pos-right .pagelayer-owl-dots{ position:absolute; right:0; display:flex; flex-direction:column; top: 50% !important; transform: translateY(-50%); } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-prev, .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-next{ position:relative; top:unset; transform:none; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-holder { display:flex !important; flex-direction:column; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-stage-outer { order:2 !important; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-nav { order:1 !important; display:flex; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-top .pagelayer-owl-dots { order:3 !important; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-bottom .pagelayer-owl-prev, .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-bottom .pagelayer-owl-next { position:relative; top:unset; transform:none; } .pagelayer-slide-arrow-pos-bottom .pagelayer-owl-nav { display:flex; } .pagelayer-slide-dot-number .pagelayer-owl-dots { counter-reset: plSlidePager; } .pagelayer-slide-dot-number .pagelayer-owl-dot span::before { counter-increment: plSlidePager; content: counter(plSlidePager); font-weight: 600; } /* Audio */ .mejs-container, .mejs-controls{ background: none !important; } .mejs-container{ width: 100% !important; height:unset !important; } .mejs-playpause-button button, .mejs-volume-button button{ position: relative !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 15px !important; width: unset !important; } .mejs-playpause-button button:after, .mejs-volume-button button:after{ font-size: inherit; font-family: "FontAwesome", "Font Awesome 5 Free"; position: absolute; top: 50%; font-weight: 900; left: 50%; transform: translate(-35%, -50%); } .mejs-play button:after{ content: '\f04b'; } .mejs-replay button:after{ content: '\f01e'; } .mejs-mute button:after{ content: '\f028'; } .mejs-unmute button:after{ content: '\f026'; } .mejs-button>button{ background: none !important; } .mejs-pause button:after{ content: '\f04c'; } .mejs-controls, .mejs-horizontal-volume-total, .mejs-horizontal-volume-current{ position:unset !important; } .mejs-controls > * { width: unset !important; display: flex !important; align-items: center; padding: 0 5px !important; } .mejs-controls{ padding:0 !important; } .mejs-time-slider, .mejs-time-rail{ margin: 0 !important; } .mejs-horizontal-volume-current{ height: 100% !important; } .mejs-time-total{ width: calc( 100% - 10px ) !important; } .pagelayer-audio-container *{ height: unset !important; } .mejs-time-handle, .mejs-time-handle-content{ height: 100% !important; top: 0 !important; } .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-buffering, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-loaded, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-current, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-hovered, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-float, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-float-corner, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-time-float, .pagelayer-audio-container .mejs-horizontal-volume-current{ height:100% !important; } /* Audio end */ /*** Menu List ***/ .pagelayer-menu-item, .pagelayer-menu-title{ display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; } .pagelayer-menu-separeter, .pagelayer-menu-details{ -webkit-box-flex: 1; -webkit-flex-grow: 1; -ms-flex-positive: 1; flex-grow: 1; } .pagelayer-menu-includes{ margin-top: -7px; } /*** Postfolio ***/ .pagelayer-postfolio-container{ display: grid; } .pagelayer-postfolio-thumb{ display:inline-block; position:relative; background-size:cover !important; background-position:center !important; } .pagelayer-postfolio-content{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .pagelayer-postfolio-content .pagelayer-entry-title{ position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 95%; text-align: center; } .pagelayer-postfolio-content .pagelayer-entry-title, .pagelayer-postfolio-content:hover .pagelayer-entry-title{ padding:0; margin:0; opacity: 0; } .pagelayer-postfolio-filter{ text-align:center; } .pagelayer-postfolio-btn{ display:inline-block; padding: 5px 15px; cursor:pointer; } /*** Postfolio End ***/ /* Search Form */ .pagelayer-search-classic .pagelayer-search-fields{ display: flex; overflow:hidden; } .pagelayer-search-classic .pagelayer-search-fields input.pagelayer-search-input{ border-width:0px; } .pagelayer-search-classic .pagelayer-search-fields .pagelayer-search-submit{ border-radius:0px; } .pagelayer-search-toggle, .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-fields{ display:none; } .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-toggle{ display:inline-block; text-align: center; } .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-fields.show{ position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; background: #211c1c; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99; align-items: center; display: flex; text-align: center; flex-direction: column; } .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-input, .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-input:focus{ width: 60%; text-align: center; background: transparent; border-width: 0; border-bottom-width: 2px; position: absolute; top: 50%; color:#fff; } .pagelayer-search-full-screen .pagelayer-search-submit{ display:none; } /* Search Form end*/ /* Slide */ .pagelayer-slide-btns>div{ display: inline-block; } .pagelayer-slides{ overflow:hidden; } .pagelayer-slides .pagelayer-slide, .pagelayer-slides .pagelayer-content-slide{ height:80vh; } .pagelayer-content-slide > *{ flex:1 } .pagelayer-slides .pagelayer-content-slide{ align-items: center; display: flex; flex-wrap:wrap; } .pagelayer-slides *{ line-height:1.4; } .pagelayer-slide{ height:100%; } .pagelayer-slide-holder{ width:50%; position:relative; } /* Slide End */ /* Author Box*/ .pagelayer-author-image{ width: 100px; } .pagelayer-author-btn{ display: inline-block; } .pagelayer-layout-left{ display:flex; } .pagelayer-layout-left .pagelayer-author-profile-desc, .pagelayer-layout-right .pagelayer-author-profile-desc{ flex:1; } .pagelayer-layout-center{ display:black; } .pagelayer-layout-right{ display:flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; } /* Author Box end*/ /* Login Box start */ .pagelayer-login-input-field{ display:block; width:100%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } .pagelayer-login-form .pagelayer-rememberMe{ display:inline-block !important; margin:5px; } .pagelayer-login-form .pagelayer-login-wrappers:last-child{ margin-bottom: none !important; } .pagelayer-login-input-left{ margin-left: unset; } .pagelayer-login-input-right{ margin-right: unset; } .pagelayer-login-div label{ display: inline-block; } /* Login Box end */ /* SiteMap start */ .pagelayer-sitemap-flex-wrapper{ display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap; } .pagelayer-sitemap-section{ } /* SiteMap end */ /* Post slider Start*/ .pagelayer-posts-slider-post{ margin:10px; border:1px solid #c5c5c5; box-shadow:1px 1px 10px #c6bfbf; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-img{ width:100%; height:12em; object-fit: cover; -o-object-fit: cover; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-content{ padding:0px 10px 20px; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-content p{ margin:0px; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-title{ font-size: 20px; color:#000000; font-weight: 600; line-height: 1.2; margin-top:20px !Important; margin-bottom: 20px !Important; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-excerpt p{ color:#636060; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-main{ padding:0px; list-style-type: none; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-post .blog-grid-button{ display: none; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-container[hide-posts-title="true"] .pagelayer-posts-slider-title, .pagelayer-posts-slider-container[hide-posts-image="true"] .pagelayer-posts-slider-featured-img, .pagelayer-posts-slider-container[hide-posts-date="true"] .pagelayer-post-slider-date, .pagelayer-posts-slider-container[hide-post-link="true"] .pagelayer-posts-slider-link{ display:none; } .pagelayer-prev-arrow:before{ font-family: "fontawesome" !Important; content: "\f053" !Important; color: Red !Important; font-size:30px !Important; } .pagelayer-next-arrow:before{ font-family: "fontawesome" !Important; content: "\f054" !Important; color: Red !Important; font-size:30px !Important; } .pagelayer-posts-slider-main .slick-slide{ display: none; float: left; height: auto; min-height: 1px; } /*post slider css end*/ /*fb buttons css start*/ .pagelayer-fb-btn-details{ padding:20px; } /*Review Start*/ .pagelayer-review-author{ position: relative; } .pagelayer-review-author .pagelayer-icon-holder{ position: absolute; top:0px; right:10px; } .pagelayer-review-slide{ border:1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 0px 5px 0px; } .pagelayer-review-slide hr{ margin:0; } .pagelayer-review-author-img, .pagelayer-review-author-details{ display:inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .pagelayer-review-author-img img{ max-width: 150px; object-fit: cover; -o-object-fit: cover; } .pagelayer-review-author-details{ vertical-align: middle; } .pagelayer-review-text, .pagelayer-review-author{ margin:5px 10px; } /*Review End*/ /*WooCommerce Menu Cart*/ .pagelayer-cart-button-icon[data-counter]:before{ display:none; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle[pagelayer-icon="bubble"] .pagelayer-cart-button-icon[data-counter]:before{ content: attr(data-counter); display: block; position: absolute; min-width: 1.6em; height: 1.6em; line-height: 1.5em; top: -.7em; right: -.7em; border-radius: 100%; color: #ffffff; background-color: #000; text-align: center; font-size: 10px; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle[pagelayer-icon="plain"] .pagelayer-cart-button-icon[data-counter]:before { content: attr(data-counter); display: inline-block; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle[pagelayer-empty-indicator="true"] .pagelayer-cart-button-icon[data-counter="0"]:before{ display:none; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-hidden{ display:none; } .pagelayer-cart-button-icon{ position:relative; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-container{ background-color:#e1e1e1; z-index:999; padding:20px; display:none; } [pagelayer-container-position="fixed_right"] .pagelayer-menu-cart-container{ position:fixed; top:0; right:0; height:100%; } [pagelayer-container-position="fixed_left"] .pagelayer-menu-cart-container{ position:fixed; top:0; left:0; height:100%; } [pagelayer-container-position="dropdown"] .pagelayer-menu-cart-container{ position:absolute; left:auto; right:auto; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-close{ cursor:pointer; } .pagelayer-cart-button{ display:inline-block; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-container{ overflow-y:auto; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-container .woocommerce-mini-cart-item img, .pagelayer-menu-cart-container .woocommerce-mini-cart-item a{ margin-right:10px; } .pagelayer-menu-cart-container .woocommerce-mini-cart-item{ list-style:none } /*WooCommerce Menu Cart End*/ /* Call to action */ .pagelayer-cta-img-holder{ overflow:hidden; width:100%; } .pagelayer-cta-image{ -o-object-fit: cover; object-fit: cover; /* height:100%; */ background-size: cover; background-position: center; } .pagelayer-cta-image:before{ content:''; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; z-index:1; } .pagelayer-call[class*="pagelayer-cta-align"]{ display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; position:relative; } .pagelayer-cta-align-right{ flex-direction:row-reverse; } .pagelayer-cta-content-holder{ display:flex; flex-grow:1; } .pagelayer-cta-content{ width:100%; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon:before { content: ""; height: 0; width: 0; display: block; position: absolute; border-top: solid; border-bottom: solid; z-index: -1; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon:after{ content: ""; width: 100%; left:0; position:absolute; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon-left:before{ right: 0; border-right: solid transparent; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon-right:before{ left: 0; border-left: solid transparent; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon-text{ height:100%; } .pagelayer-cta-ribbon-text:before{ content: ""; height: 0; width: 0; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; border-top: solid; border-bottom: solid; border-right: solid transparent; border-left: solid transparent; } .pagelayer-cta-layout-overlay .pagelayer-cta-image{ width:100%; } .pagelayer-cta-layout-overlay .pagelayer-cta-content-holder{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .pagelayer-cta-zoomin:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ -ms-transform: scale(1.5); -webkit-transform: scale(1.5); transform:scale(1.5); } .pagelayer-cta-zoomout:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ -ms-transform: scale(0.5); -webkit-transform: scale(0.5); transform:scale(0.5); } .pagelayer-cta-moveup:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ background-position: top; } .pagelayer-cta-movedown:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ background-position: bottom; } .pagelayer-cta-moveleft:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ background-position: left; } .pagelayer-cta-moveright:hover .pagelayer-cta-image{ background-position: right; } .pagelayer-cta-content-holder{ z-index:1; } /* Call to action end */ /* Table start */ .pagelayer-table{ overflow-x: auto; } .pagelayer-table-holder{ width:100%; } .pagelayer-table-holder > tbody > tr > td{ word-break:break-word; } /* Table end */ /* Pop-up templates start */ .pagelayer-popup-modal{ position: fixed; height: 100%; width: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 9999; display:none; align-items:center; justify-content:center; pointer-events:none; } .pagelayer-popup-modal-content{ width: 375px; background-color:#ffffff; min-height:70px; position:relative; pointer-events:all; } .pagelayer-popup-content{ height:100%; overflow:auto; } .pagelayer-popup-close{ position:absolute; top:2%; left:95%; cursor:pointer; display:none; } /* Pop-up templates end */ /* Image Portfolio */ .pagelayer-category-holder{ text-align:center; padding-bottom:20px; } .pagelayer-pfbtn{ border:none; padding:10px 10px; background-color:#333; color:#fff; margin:0 5px; cursor:pointer; } .pagelayer-img_portfolio-holder>div{ width:33%; } .pagelayer-single_img{ padding:10px; } .pagelayer-pf-img{ position:relative; } .pagelayer-pf-img .pagelayer-image-overlay-content{ text-align: center; width:100%; } .pagelayer-single_img .pagelayer-image-overlay{ height: 0%; opacity:1; overflow:hidden; background-color:rgba(3,3,3,0.5); align-items: center; } .pagelayer-single_img:hover .pagelayer-image-overlay{ height: 100%; } .pagelayer-overlay-heading{ color:#ffffff; } .pagelayer-single_img .pagelayer-image-overlay-text{ color: #c7b7b7; } .pagelayer-single_img .pagelayer-image-overlay-icon{ font-size: 40px; color: #ffffff; } .pagelayer-scrolling-effects{ transition: background .3s,border .3s,-webkit-border-radius .3s,-webkit-box-shadow .3s !important; -webkit-transition: background .3s,border .3s,-webkit-border-radius .3s,-webkit-box-shadow .3s !important; transition-delay:0s !important; -webkit-transition-delay:0s !important; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,.32,.07,1.03) !important; -webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,.32,.07,1.03) !important; position:relative; z-index:1; } .pagelayer-mouse-effects{ transition-delay:0s !important; -webkit-transition-delay:0s !important; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,.32,.07,1.03) !important; -webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0,.32,.07,1.03) !important; position:relative; z-index:1; } /*Timeline widget*/ /* The actual timeline (the vertical ruler) */ .pagelayer-timeline { position: relative; margin: 0 auto; } /* The actual timeline (the vertical ruler) */ .pagelayer-timeline::after { content: ''; position: absolute; width: 6px; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -3px; } /* Container around content */ .pagelayer-timeline-container { padding: 10px 40px; position: relative; background-color: inherit; width: 100%; display:flex; box-sizing: border-box; } .pagelayer-timeline .pagelayer-timeline-container{ padding-bottom:50px; } .pagelayer-timeline-center-circle-container{ height:inherit; width:40px; position:relative; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; box-sizing: border-box; } /* The circles on the timeline */ .pagelayer-timeline-center-circle{ position: absolute; text-align:center; background-color: white; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; z-index: 1; box-sizing: border-box; } .pagelayer-timeline-circle-text p{ margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto; } /* Place the container to the left */ .pagelayer-timeline-container-left { width:50%; } .pagelayer-timeline-container-left .pagelayer-timeline-content{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:10%; } /* Place the container to the right */ .pagelayer-timeline-container-right { width:50%; } .pagelayer-timeline-container-right .pagelayer-timeline-content{ margin-left:10%; margin-right:auto; } /*both side container css*/ .pagelayer-timeline-left .pagelayer-timeline-container-right, .pagelayer-timeline-right .pagelayer-timeline-container-left{ visibility:hidden; } /* The actual content */ .pagelayer-timeline-content { padding: 20px 30px; position: relative; word-break: break-word; box-sizing: border-box; overflow:hidden; } .pagelayer-timeline-content .pagelayer-heading-holder *{ margin:0px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .pagelayer-timeline::after { left: 31px; } .pagelayer-timeline-center-circle-container { position:absolute; height:100%; left:11px; top:0; } .pagelayer-timeline-container{ display:inline-block; 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} .pagelayer-woo-gallery-left .woocommerce-product-gallery{ grid-template-columns: 20% 80%; display: grid; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-right ol{ text-align: left; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(1,auto); overflow: hidden; list-style: none; padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-right ol li img, .gallery-thumb-position-right ol li{ width: 100% !important; height:100%; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-right .woocommerce-product-gallery{ grid-template-columns: 80% 20%; display: grid; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-top .flex-viewport{ order:2; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-top ol{ width: 100%; order: 1; text-align: left; display: flex !important; overflow: hidden; list-style: none; padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-top ol li{ flex: 1; width: 100%; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-top ol li img{ width: 100%; height: 100%; } .pagelayer-woo-gallery-top .woocommerce-product-gallery{ grid-template-columns: repeat(1, auto); 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t.includes(l)});o.splice(m,1,s[m])}n=n.concat(f),o.push(f)}),[].concat.apply([],o).sort(function(t,e){return t.id-e.id}).map(function(t){return new p(t.left,t.top)})}function O(t){return Array.from(new Set(t))}var N=0,H=function(e){function r(e){var i,s=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};t(this,r),(i=o(this,n(r).call(this))).options=Object.assign({},r.options,s),i.options.delimeter&&(i.options.delimiter=i.options.delimeter),i.lastSort={},i.group=r.ALL_ITEMS,i.lastFilter=r.ALL_ITEMS,i.isEnabled=!0,i.isDestroyed=!1,i.isInitialized=!1,i._transitions=[],i.isTransitioning=!1,i._queue=[];var l=i._getElementOption(e);if(!l)throw new TypeError("Shuffle needs to be initialized with an element.");return i.element=l,i.id="shuffle_"+N,N+=1,i._init(),i.isInitialized=!0,i}return function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a 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t=0,e=0,i=this.data.datasets.length;e3?i[2]-i[1]:i[1]-i[0];Math.abs(n)>1&&t!==Math.floor(t)&&(n=t-Math.floor(t));var a=ut.log10(Math.abs(n)),o="";if(0!==t)if(Math.max(Math.abs(i[0]),Math.abs(i[i.length-1]))<1e-4){var r=ut.log10(Math.abs(t));o=t.toExponential(Math.floor(r)-Math.floor(a))}else{var s=-1*Math.floor(a);s=Math.max(Math.min(s,20),0),o=t.toFixed(s)}else o="0";return o},logarithmic:function(t,e,i){var n=t/Math.pow(10,Math.floor(ut.log10(t)));return 0===t?"0":1===n||2===n||5===n||0===e||e===i.length-1?t.toExponential():""}}},di=ut.valueOrDefault,ui=ut.valueAtIndexOrDefault;function hi(t){var e,i,n=[];for(e=0,i=t.length;ed&&ot.maxHeight){o--;break}o++,l=r*s}t.labelRotation=o},afterCalculateTickRotation:function(){ut.callback(this.options.afterCalculateTickRotation,[this])},beforeFit:function(){ut.callback(this.options.beforeFit,[this])},fit:function(){var 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M,_,C=ci(t.ctx,i[0],h.string),S=ci(t.ctx,i[i.length-1],h.string),P=t.getPixelForTick(0)-t.left,I=t.right-t.getPixelForTick(i.length-1);0!==t.labelRotation?(M="bottom"===l?k*C:k*b,_="bottom"===l?k*b:k*S):(M=C/2,_=S/2),t.paddingLeft=Math.max(M-P,0)+3,t.paddingRight=Math.max(_-I,0)+3}else a.mirror?m=0:m+=x+b,e.width=Math.min(t.maxWidth,e.width+m),t.paddingTop=h.size/2,t.paddingBottom=h.size/2}t.handleMargins(),t.width=e.width,t.height=e.height},handleMargins:function(){var t=this;t.margins&&(t.paddingLeft=Math.max(t.paddingLeft-t.margins.left,0),t.paddingTop=Math.max(t.paddingTop-t.margins.top,0),t.paddingRight=Math.max(t.paddingRight-t.margins.right,0),t.paddingBottom=Math.max(t.paddingBottom-t.margins.bottom,0))},afterFit:function(){ut.callback(this.options.afterFit,[this])},isHorizontal:function(){return"top"===this.options.position||"bottom"===this.options.position},isFullWidth:function(){return this.options.fullWidth},getRightValue:function(t){if(ut.isNullOrUndef(t))return 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0!==e.suggestedMax&&(null===t.max?t.max=e.suggestedMax:t.max=Math.max(t.max,e.suggestedMax)),a!==o&&t.min>=t.max&&(a?t.max=t.min+1:t.min=t.max-1),t.min===t.max&&(t.max++,e.beginAtZero||t.min--)},getTickLimit:function(){var t,e=this.options.ticks,i=e.stepSize,n=e.maxTicksLimit;return i?t=Math.ceil(this.max/i)-Math.floor(this.min/i)+1:(t=this._computeTickLimit(),n=n||11),n&&(t=Math.min(n,t)),t},_computeTickLimit:function(){return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY},handleDirectionalChanges:mi,buildTicks:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,i=t.getTickLimit(),n={maxTicks:i=Math.max(2,i),min:e.min,max:e.max,precision:e.precision,stepSize:ut.valueOrDefault(e.fixedStepSize,e.stepSize)},a=t.ticks=function(t,e){var i,n,a,o,r=[],s=t.stepSize,l=s||1,d=t.maxTicks-1,u=t.min,h=t.max,c=t.precision,f=e.min,g=e.max,p=ut.niceNum((g-f)/d/l)*l;if(p<1e-14&&vi(u)&&vi(h))return[f,g];(o=Math.ceil(g/p)-Math.floor(f/p))>d&&(p=ut.niceNum(o*p/d/l)*l),s||vi(c)?i=Math.pow(10,ut._decimalPlaces(p)):(i=Math.pow(10,c),p=Math.ceil(p*i)/i),n=Math.floor(f/p)*p,a=Math.ceil(g/p)*p,s&&(!vi(u)&&ut.almostWhole(u/p,p/1e3)&&(n=u),!vi(h)&&ut.almostWhole(h/p,p/1e3)&&(a=h)),o=(a-n)/p,o=ut.almostEquals(o,Math.round(o),p/1e3)?Math.round(o):Math.ceil(o),n=Math.round(n*i)/i,a=Math.round(a*i)/i,r.push(vi(u)?n:u);for(var m=1;mt.max&&(t.max=n))})});t.min=isFinite(t.min)&&!isNaN(t.min)?t.min:0,t.max=isFinite(t.max)&&!isNaN(t.max)?t.max:1,this.handleTickRangeOptions()},_computeTickLimit:function(){var t;return this.isHorizontal()?Math.ceil(this.width/40):(t=ut.options._parseFont(this.options.ticks),Math.ceil(this.height/t.lineHeight))},handleDirectionalChanges:function(){this.isHorizontal()||this.ticks.reverse()},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){return+this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[e].data[t])},getPixelForValue:function(t){var e=this,i=e.start,n=+e.getRightValue(t),a=e.end-i;return e.isHorizontal()?e.left+e.width/a*(n-i):e.bottom-e.height/a*(n-i)},getValueForPixel:function(t){var e=this,i=e.isHorizontal(),n=i?e.width:e.height,a=(i?t-e.left:e.bottom-t)/n;return e.start+(e.end-e.start)*a},getPixelForTick:function(t){return this.getPixelForValue(this.ticksAsNumbers[t])}}),ki=xi;yi._defaults=ki;var wi=ut.valueOrDefault;var Mi={position:"left",ticks:{callback:li.formatters.logarithmic}};function _i(t,e){return ut.isFinite(t)&&t>=0?t:e}var Ci=fi.extend({determineDataLimits:function(){var t=this,e=t.options,i=t.chart,n=i.data.datasets,a=t.isHorizontal();function o(e){return a?e.xAxisID===t.id:e.yAxisID===t.id}t.min=null,t.max=null,t.minNotZero=null;var r=e.stacked;if(void 0===r&&ut.each(n,function(t,e){if(!r){var n=i.getDatasetMeta(e);i.isDatasetVisible(e)&&o(n)&&void 0!==n.stack&&(r=!0)}}),e.stacked||r){var s={};ut.each(n,function(n,a){var r=i.getDatasetMeta(a),l=[r.type,void 0===e.stacked&&void 0===r.stack?a:"",r.stack].join(".");i.isDatasetVisible(a)&&o(r)&&(void 0===s[l]&&(s[l]=[]),ut.each(n.data,function(e,i){var n=s[l],a=+t.getRightValue(e);isNaN(a)||r.data[i].hidden||a<0||(n[i]=n[i]||0,n[i]+=a)}))}),ut.each(s,function(e){if(e.length>0){var i=ut.min(e),n=ut.max(e);t.min=null===t.min?i:Math.min(t.min,i),t.max=null===t.max?n:Math.max(t.max,n)}})}else ut.each(n,function(e,n){var a=i.getDatasetMeta(n);i.isDatasetVisible(n)&&o(a)&&ut.each(e.data,function(e,i){var n=+t.getRightValue(e);isNaN(n)||a.data[i].hidden||n<0||(null===t.min?t.min=n:nt.max&&(t.max=n),0!==n&&(null===t.minNotZero||n0?t.minNotZero=t.min:t.max<1?t.minNotZero=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(ut.log10(t.max))):t.minNotZero=1)},buildTicks:function(){var t=this,e=t.options.ticks,i=!t.isHorizontal(),n={min:_i(e.min),max:_i(e.max)},a=t.ticks=function(t,e){var i,n,a=[],o=wi(t.min,Math.pow(10,Math.floor(ut.log10(e.min)))),r=Math.floor(ut.log10(e.max)),s=Math.ceil(e.max/Math.pow(10,r));0===o?(i=Math.floor(ut.log10(e.minNotZero)),n=Math.floor(e.minNotZero/Math.pow(10,i)),a.push(o),o=n*Math.pow(10,i)):(i=Math.floor(ut.log10(o)),n=Math.floor(o/Math.pow(10,i)));var l=i<0?Math.pow(10,Math.abs(i)):1;do{a.push(o),10==++n&&(n=1,l=++i>=0?1:l),o=Math.round(n*Math.pow(10,i)*l)/l}while(ia?{start:e-i,end:e}:{start:e,end:e+i}}function Ri(t){return 0===t||180===t?"center":t<180?"left":"right"}function Oi(t,e,i,n){var a,o,r=i.y+n/2;if(ut.isArray(e))for(a=0,o=e.length;a270||t<90)&&(i.y-=e.h)}function Bi(t){return ut.isNumber(t)?t:0}var Ni=bi.extend({setDimensions:function(){var t=this;t.width=t.maxWidth,t.height=t.maxHeight,t.paddingTop=Fi(t.options)/2,t.xCenter=Math.floor(t.width/2),t.yCenter=Math.floor((t.height-t.paddingTop)/2),t.drawingArea=Math.min(t.height-t.paddingTop,t.width)/2},determineDataLimits:function(){var t=this,e=t.chart,i=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,n=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;ut.each(e.data.datasets,function(a,o){if(e.isDatasetVisible(o)){var r=e.getDatasetMeta(o);ut.each(a.data,function(e,a){var o=+t.getRightValue(e);isNaN(o)||r.data[a].hidden||(i=Math.min(o,i),n=Math.max(o,n))})}}),t.min=i===Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY?0:i,t.max=n===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY?0:n,t.handleTickRangeOptions()},_computeTickLimit:function(){return Math.ceil(this.drawingArea/Fi(this.options))},convertTicksToLabels:function(){var t=this;bi.prototype.convertTicksToLabels.call(t),t.pointLabels=t.chart.data.labels.map(t.options.pointLabels.callback,t)},getLabelForIndex:function(t,e){return+this.getRightValue(this.chart.data.datasets[e].data[t])},fit:function(){var t=this.options;t.display&&t.pointLabels.display?function(t){var e,i,n,a=ut.options._parseFont(t.options.pointLabels),o={l:0,r:t.width,t:0,b:t.height-t.paddingTop},r={};t.ctx.font=a.string,t._pointLabelSizes=[];var s,l,d,u=Ti(t);for(e=0;eo.r&&(o.r=f.end,r.r=h),g.starto.b&&(o.b=g.end,r.b=h)}t.setReductions(t.drawingArea,o,r)}(this):this.setCenterPoint(0,0,0,0)},setReductions:function(t,e,i){var n=this,a=e.l/Math.sin(i.l),o=Math.max(e.r-n.width,0)/Math.sin(i.r),r=-e.t/Math.cos(i.t),s=-Math.max(e.b-(n.height-n.paddingTop),0)/Math.cos(i.b);a=Bi(a),o=Bi(o),r=Bi(r),s=Bi(s),n.drawingArea=Math.min(Math.floor(t-(a+o)/2),Math.floor(t-(r+s)/2)),n.setCenterPoint(a,o,r,s)},setCenterPoint:function(t,e,i,n){var a=this,o=a.width-e-a.drawingArea,r=t+a.drawingArea,s=i+a.drawingArea,l=a.height-a.paddingTop-n-a.drawingArea;a.xCenter=Math.floor((r+o)/2+a.left),a.yCenter=Math.floor((s+l)/2+a.top+a.paddingTop)},getIndexAngle:function(t){return t*(2*Math.PI/Ti(this))+(this.chart.options&&this.chart.options.startAngle?this.chart.options.startAngle:0)*Math.PI*2/360},getDistanceFromCenterForValue:function(t){var e=this;if(null===t)return 0;var i=e.drawingArea/(e.max-e.min);return e.options.ticks.reverse?(e.max-t)*i:(t-e.min)*i},getPointPosition:function(t,e){var i=this.getIndexAngle(t)-Math.PI/2;return{x:Math.cos(i)*e+this.xCenter,y:Math.sin(i)*e+this.yCenter}},getPointPositionForValue:function(t,e){return this.getPointPosition(t,this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(e))},getBasePosition:function(){var t=this.min,e=this.max;return this.getPointPositionForValue(0,this.beginAtZero?0:t<0&&e<0?e:t>0&&e>0?t:0)},draw:function(){var t=this,e=t.options,i=e.gridLines,n=e.ticks;if(e.display){var a=t.ctx,o=this.getIndexAngle(0),r=ut.options._parseFont(n);(e.angleLines.display||e.pointLabels.display)&&function(t){var e=t.ctx,i=t.options,n=i.angleLines,a=i.gridLines,o=i.pointLabels,r=Pi(n.lineWidth,a.lineWidth),s=Pi(n.color,a.color),l=Fi(i);e.save(),e.lineWidth=r,e.strokeStyle=s,e.setLineDash&&(e.setLineDash(Ai([n.borderDash,a.borderDash,[]])),e.lineDashOffset=Ai([n.borderDashOffset,a.borderDashOffset,0]));var d=t.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(i.ticks.reverse?t.min:t.max),u=ut.options._parseFont(o);e.font=u.string,e.textBaseline="middle";for(var h=Ti(t)-1;h>=0;h--){if(n.display&&r&&s){var c=t.getPointPosition(h,d);e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(t.xCenter,t.yCenter),e.lineTo(c.x,c.y),e.stroke()}if(o.display){var f=0===h?l/2:0,g=t.getPointPosition(h,d+f+5),p=Ii(o.fontColor,h,st.global.defaultFontColor);e.fillStyle=p;var m=t.getIndexAngle(h),v=ut.toDegrees(m);e.textAlign=Ri(v),zi(v,t._pointLabelSizes[h],g),Oi(e,t.pointLabels[h]||"",g,u.lineHeight)}}e.restore()}(t),ut.each(t.ticks,function(e,s){if(s>0||n.reverse){var l=t.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(t.ticksAsNumbers[s]);if(i.display&&0!==s&&function(t,e,i,n){var a,o=t.ctx,r=e.circular,s=Ti(t),l=Ii(e.color,n-1),d=Ii(e.lineWidth,n-1);if((r||s)&&l&&d){if(o.save(),o.strokeStyle=l,o.lineWidth=d,o.setLineDash&&(o.setLineDash(e.borderDash||[]),o.lineDashOffset=e.borderDashOffset||0),o.beginPath(),r)o.arc(t.xCenter,t.yCenter,i,0,2*Math.PI);else{a=t.getPointPosition(0,i),o.moveTo(a.x,a.y);for(var u=1;u=0&&r<=s;){if(a=t[(n=r+s>>1)-1]||null,o=t[n],!a)return{lo:null,hi:o};if(o[e]i))return{lo:a,hi:o};s=n-1}}return{lo:o,hi:null}}(t,e,i),o=a.lo?a.hi?a.lo:t[t.length-2]:t[0],r=a.lo?a.hi?a.hi:t[t.length-1]:t[1],s=r[e]-o[e],l=s?(i-o[e])/s:0,d=(r[n]-o[n])*l;return o[n]+d}function Ki(t,e){var 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jEle.find('[port-cat]').each(function(){ var cat = jQuery(this).attr('port-cat'); if(cat){ //var sel = jQuery(this).parent('.pagelayer-ele-wrap') ? jQuery(this).parent('.pagelayer-ele-wrap') : jQuery(this); jQuery(this).attr('data-groups','["'+cat+'"]'); if(!arr.includes(cat)){ arr.push(cat); } } }) // Create category button html var html = ''; arr.forEach(function(val){ if(val && val != 'all'){ html += ''; } }); // Append category buttons to holder jEle.find('.pagelayer-category-holder').empty().append(html); var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); // Already setup ? then distroy shuffle if(setup && setup.length > 0 && !pagelayer_empty(shuffleInstance[id])){ shuffleInstance[id].destroy(); } // Create an shuffle instance var Shuffle = window.Shuffle; var element = jEle.find('.pagelayer-img_portfolio-holder'); var sizer = jEle.find('.pagelayer-img_portfolio-holder'); shuffleInstance[id] = new Shuffle(element,{ itemSelector: '.pagelayer-img_portfolio-holder>div', //sizer: sizer // could also be a selector: '.my-sizer-element' }); // set click events on category buttons if(!window.location.href.includes('pagelayer-live=1')){ jEle.find('button').on("click", function(){ shuffleInstance[id].filter(jQuery(this).attr('data-pgl_pfbtn')); }); } // Set that we have setup everything jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } // Reset Scrolling effects function pagelayer_reset_scrolling(jEle, parentEle){ if(jEle.length < 1){ return; } var style = jEle.get(0).style; style.setProperty("--transY", 0 +"px"); style.setProperty("--transX", 0 +"px"); style.setProperty("--rot", 0 +"deg"); jEle.css({"transform":"" , "opacity":"1" , "filter":"none"}); parentEle.off('scroll.'+jEle.attr('pagelayer-id')); } // Handle the scrolling effects function pagelayer_scrolling_effects(jEle, parentEle){ parentEle = parentEle || jQuery(pagelayerGetDocumentElement()); var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); pagelayer_reset_scrolling(jEle, parentEle); // Is this element to be scrolled on this Screen Size ? var screens = jEle.attr('ele_motion_effect_on'); if(pagelayer_empty(screens) || screens.search(pagelayer_get_media_mode()) == -1){ return; } var style = jEle.get(0).style; var totalProperty = ''; var documentHeight = parentEle.height(); var screenMiddle = documentHeight/2; var eMid = documentHeight/2;// By default motion_area-entire_page if(jEle.attr('motion_area') == 'viewport'){ jEle.css('top', '0px'); // For viewPort in Gutenberg if (parentEle.hasClass('interface-interface-skeleton__content')) { var scrollTopOfDiv = parentEle.scrollTop(); var offsetFromTopOfDiv = jEle.parent().offset().top - parentEle.offset().top + scrollTopOfDiv; eMid = offsetFromTopOfDiv + jEle.parent().height() / 2; }else{ eMid = jEle.parent().offset().top + jEle.parent().height() / 2; } screenMiddle = jQuery(win).height() / 2; } var screenHeightPercent = screenMiddle/100; // Vertical Scroll if(jEle.attr('ele_vertical_scroll')){ if(jEle.attr('motion_area')=='entire_page'){ jEle.offset({top:(documentHeight/2)}); 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jEle.parent().css("perspective", "1200px"); var tiltLevel = jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt_level'); } if(mouseproperty != ''){ jEle.css("transform", mouseproperty); } var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); jQuery(win).bind('mousemove.'+jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'), function(event){ if(jEle.attr('ele_m_track')){ if(jEle.attr('ele_m_tr_direction') == 'opposite'){ var x =((event.pageX - halfWidth)*mouseLevel)/10; var y =((event.pageY - halfHeight)*mouseLevel)/10; style.setProperty("--transX",-x +"px"); style.setProperty("--transY",-y +"px"); //console.log(halfWidth +" "+ mouseLevel); }else if(jEle.attr('ele_m_tr_direction') == 'same'){ var x =((event.pageX - halfWidth)*mouseLevel)/10; var y = ((event.pageY-halfHeight)*mouseLevel)/10; style.setProperty("--transX",x +"px"); style.setProperty("--transY",y +"px"); } } if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt')){ if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt_direction')=='opposite'){ var x=((event.pageX - halfWidth)*tiltLevel)/100; var y=((event.pageY - halfHeight)*tiltLevel)/100; style.setProperty("--rotX", y +"deg"); style.setProperty("--rotY",-x + "deg"); }else if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt_direction')=='same'){ var x=((event.pageX - halfWidth)*tiltLevel)/100; var y=((event.pageY - halfHeight)*tiltLevel)/100; style.setProperty("--rotX",-y + "deg"); style.setProperty("--rotY",x +"deg"); } } }); } // Element sticky handler function pagelayer_ele_sticky_handler(jEle, parentEle){ // Set element stickied if(jEle.attr('pagelayer-stickied-ele') == 1){ return; } parentEle = parentEle || jQuery(window); jEle.attr('pagelayer-stickied-ele', 1); var jEleTop = jEle.offset().top; var jEleW = jEle[0].clientWidth +'px'; var oldstyle = jEle.attr('style') || ''; var pagelayer_sticky = function(){ var position = jEle.attr('data-sticky-position') || ''; var offset = jEle.attr('data-sticky-offset') || 0; var sticky_in_col = jEle.attr('data-sticky_in_col') || ''; var sticky_on = jEle.attr('data-sticky-on') || ''; sticky_on = sticky_on.split(','); // If match the media var do_sticky = false; for(var x in sticky_on){ if(pagelayer_get_media_mode() == sticky_on[x]){ do_sticky = true; } } // If there is a wrapper var wrapper = jEle.parent('.pagelayer-ele-wrap'); if(wrapper.length > 0 ){ // Reset jEle jEle.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').remove(); jEle.attr('style', oldstyle); // Get wrapper old syle oldstyle = wrapper.attr('oldstyle') || ''; if(pagelayer_empty(oldstyle)){ oldstyle = wrapper.attr('style') || '1'; wrapper.attr('oldstyle', oldstyle); }else if(oldstyle == '1'){ oldstyle = ''; } }else{ wrapper = jEle; } var parentHeight = parentEle.height(); var parentScrollTop = parentEle.scrollTop(); var topToCheck = jEleTop - parentScrollTop; // Do fixed the element var pagelayer_fixed = function(){ var opp_position = (position == 'top') ? 'bottom' : 'top'; var fixed_css = {'position': 'fixed', 'width': jEleW, 'max-width': jEleW, [position] : offset +'px', [opp_position]: 'auto','z-index' : '99'} // For the sticky in columns if(!pagelayer_empty(sticky_in_col)){ //fixed_css['position'] = 'sticky'; var container = wrapper.parent(); var containerTop = container.offset().top; if((containerTop + container.height()) - parentScrollTop <= wrapper.outerHeight(true) + offset || containerTop - parentScrollTop >= parentHeight - wrapper.outerHeight(true) - offset){ fixed_css['position'] = 'absolute'; fixed_css[opp_position] = '0px'; fixed_css[position] = 'auto'; } } // Add position holder element if(wrapper.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').length < 1 ){ var clone = wrapper.clone(true); clone.addClass('pagelayer-sticky-space-holder'); clone.css({'visibility' : 'hidden', 'transition': 'none 0s ease 0s', 'animation': '0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none'}); // Remove pagelayer-parent attributes to avoid group children list double if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ clone.removeClass('pagelayer-ele-wrap'); clone.removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); clone.find('.pagelayer-ele').removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); clone.find('[pagelayer-id]').removeAttr('pagelayer-id'); } // Add wrapper.after(clone); //wrapper.after(''); } // Css for fixed the element wrapper.css(fixed_css); } // TODO: manage margin var mTopEle = parseFloat(wrapper.css('margin-top')); var mBottomEle = parseFloat(wrapper.css('margin-bottom')); // Fixed on top if( position == 'top' && (topToCheck <= offset+mTopEle && do_sticky) ){ pagelayer_fixed(); // Fixed on bottom }else if( position == 'bottom' && topToCheck + wrapper.outerHeight()+mBottomEle >= parentHeight - offset && do_sticky) { pagelayer_fixed(); // Set old style }else{ wrapper.attr('style', oldstyle); wrapper.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').remove(); jEleW = wrapper[0].clientWidth +'px'; jEleTop = wrapper.offset().top; } return true; }; // Run for the first time pagelayer_sticky(); // On window scroll parentEle.scroll(pagelayer_sticky); parentEle.resize(pagelayer_sticky); } function pagelayer_pl_posts(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-posts-container'); ul.addClass('pagelayer-owl-carousel pagelayer-owl-theme'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-owl-'); // Already setup ? var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); // If already setup then Destroy Owl if(setup && setup.length > 0){ ul.pagelayerOwlCarousel('destroy'); ul.find('[class^="pagelayer-owl-"]').remove(); } //console.log(options); ul.pagelayerOwlCarousel(options); // Set that we have setup everything jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } function pagelayer_pl_slides(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-slides-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); var blurNav = false; if(pagelayer_is_live){ if(!options.nav && !options.dots) { options.nav = true; options.dots = true; blurNav = true; } options.mouseDrag = false; } pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); if(blurNav){ ul.find('.pagelayer-owl-nav button').css({'filter': 'blur(2px)'}); ul.find('.pagelayer-owl-dot').css({'filter': 'blur(2px)'}); } // Shows element animations after slide change ul.on('refresh.owl.carousel translate.owl.carousel', function(e) { var slide = jQuery(this); if(!pagelayer_is_live) { slide.find('.pagelayer-wow').addClass('animated'); return; } slide.find('.pagelayer-ele').each(function() { var ele = jQuery(this); if(ele.css('animation-name') == 'none') { return; } ele.addClass('pagelayer-wow animated').one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ ele.removeClass('pagelayer-wow animated'); }); }); }); } // For Pagelayer Pro // Show tooltip in image hotspot function pagelayer_image_hotspot(jEle){ // Drag and Drop function for image if (typeof pagelayer_preDAndD_image !== "undefined") { pagelayer_preDAndD_image(jEle); } var tooltip_click = jEle.find('.pagelayer-icon-holder'); var icon_holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder'); icon_holder.off('click'); icon_holder.find('.pagelayer-tooltip-text').removeClass('pagelayer-tooltip-on-click'); if(tooltip_click.hasClass('pagelayer-hotspots-click')){ icon_holder.each(function(){ jQuery(this).click(function(){ jQuery(this).find( '.pagelayer-tooltip-text' ).toggleClass('pagelayer-tooltip-on-click'); }) }); } // Assigning animation classes to icon holder if(!pagelayer_empty(tooltip_click.attr('pagelayer-animation'))){ icon_holder.addClass('pagelayer-animation-'+tooltip_click.attr('pagelayer-animation')); } } var pagelayer_chart_objects = {}; // Show Chart render function pagelayer_chart(jEle){ var holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-holder'); var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var type = holder.attr('chart-type'); var labels = holder.attr('chart-labels') || ''; var legend = holder.attr('chart-legend'); var chart_datasets = []; labels = labels.split(','); //console.log(labels); jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-child-holder').find('.pagelayer-chart-datasets').each(function(){ var tmp_dataset = {}; //console.log(jQuery(this).attr('chart-datasets')); var chartDatasets = jQuery(this).attr('chart-datasets') || ''; tmp_dataset['data'] = chartDatasets.split(','); //tmp_dataset['data'] = [734,784,2478,5267,433]; tmp_dataset['label'] = jQuery(this).attr('datasets-label'); tmp_dataset['backgroundColor'] = ( holder.attr('chart-colors') ? holder.attr('chart-colors').split(',') : jQuery(this).attr('dataset-bg') ); tmp_dataset['borderColor'] = jQuery(this).attr('border-color'); tmp_dataset['borderWidth'] = 1; tmp_dataset['fill'] = ( jQuery(this).attr('dataset-fill') ? true : false ); chart_datasets.push(tmp_dataset); }); //console.log(chart_datasets); //chart_datasets = chart_datasets.join(','); if(id in pagelayer_chart_objects && typeof pagelayer_chart_objects[id].destroy == 'function'){ pagelayer_chart_objects[id].destroy(); } pagelayer_chart_objects[id] = new Chart(jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-holder'), { type: type, data: { labels: labels, datasets: chart_datasets }, options: { //rotation: holder.attr('data-pierotate') * Math.PI, //circumference: holder.attr('data-circumference') * Math.PI, maintainAspectRatio: ( holder.attr('chart-height') ? false : true ), legend: { display: ( legend ? true : false ), position: legend, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { barPercentage: 1, categoryPercentage: 0.9, ticks:{ beginAtZero: holder.attr('data-xbegin'), fontColor: holder.attr('data-xcolor'), fontSize: holder.attr('data-xsize'), autoSkip: false, maxRotation: holder.attr('data-xrotate'), minRotation: holder.attr('data-xrotate') }, //stacked: true } ], yAxes:[ { ticks:{ beginAtZero: holder.attr('data-ybegin'), fontColor: holder.attr('data-ycolor'), fontSize: holder.attr('data-ysize'), autoSkip: false, maxRotation: holder.attr('data-yrotate'), minRotation: holder.attr('data-yrotate') }, //stacked: true } ] } } }); } // Show table render function pagelayer_table(jEle){ var tHolder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-table-holder'); var dHolder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-data-holder'); var trEle = dHolder.find(".pagelayer-table_row"); var tdlength = 0; tHolder.empty(); /*trEle.each(function(){ var tdEle = jQuery(this).find(".pagelayer-table_col").length; if(tdlength < tdEle){tdlength = tdEle} });*/ // Add rows trEle.each(function(){ var this_trEle = jQuery(this); var this_trId = this_trEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var tdEle = this_trEle.find(".pagelayer-table_col"); var html = ''; // Add columns tdEle.each(function(){ var td_data_Holder = jQuery(this).find('.pagelayer-col-data'); var td_id = jQuery(this).attr('pagelayer-id'); var tdata = td_data_Holder.attr('data-td') || ''; var t_tag = td_data_Holder.attr('data-tag') || ''; var attrs = {}; var col_attr = ''; attrs['colspan']= td_data_Holder.attr('data-colspan') || ''; attrs['rowspan'] = td_data_Holder.attr('data-rowspan') || ''; if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ attrs['pagelayer-ref-id'] = td_id; attrs['pagelayer-editable'] = 'data'; attrs['contenteditable'] = 'true'; } for(var key in attrs){ if(!pagelayer_empty(attrs[key])){ col_attr += key+'="'+attrs[key]+'"'; } } html = html+'<'+t_tag +' '+col_attr+' pagelayer-table-id="'+td_id+'">'+tdata+''; }); /* if(tdlength > tdEle.length){ var extra_td = tdlength - tdEle.length; for(var i=0; extra_td >i; i++){ html = html+''; } } */ tHolder.append(''+html+''); }); if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ tHolder.on('input', '[contenteditable]', function(){ var jEle = jQuery(this); var val = pagelayer_trim(jEle.html()); var id = jEle.closest('[pagelayer-ref-id]').attr('pagelayer-ref-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(id)){ return; } jQuery('[pagelayer-id='+id+']').find('.pagelayer-col-data').attr('data-td', val); }); } } function pagelayer_audio(jEle){ var audio = jQuery(jEle.find('audio')); var container = jEle.find('.pagelayer-audio-container'); var features = ['playpause','tracks','fullscreen']; (container.attr('show_duration') ? features.push('duration') : '' ); (container.attr('show_progress') ? features.push('progress') : '' ); (container.attr('show_current') ? features.push('current') : '' ); (container.attr('show_volume') ? features.push('volume') : '' ); audio.mediaelementplayer({ //features: ['playpause','duration','progress','current','volume','tracks','fullscreen'] features: features }); } // Post Portfolio Handler - Premium function pagelayer_post_folio(jEle){ var btn = jEle.find('.pagelayer-postfolio-btn'); var thumb = jEle.find('.pagelayer-postfolio-thumb'); btn.unbind('click'); btn.on('click', function(){ var btn_cat = jQuery(this).data("filter"); if(btn_cat == 'all'){ jQuery(thumb).fadeIn(1200); }else{ thumb.each(function(){ var thumb_cat = jQuery(this).data("category"); if(!pagelayer_empty(thumb_cat)){ thumb_cat = thumb_cat.split(' '); if(jQuery.inArray( btn_cat, thumb_cat ) == -1){ jQuery(this).hide(); }else{ jQuery(this).fadeIn(600); } }else{ jQuery(this).hide(); } }); } }); } // Search Form handler - Premium function pagelayer_search_form(jEle){ // In full screen mode set auto complete offscreenBuffering jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-full-screen form').attr('autocomplete', 'off'); jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-toggle').click(function(){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-fields').toggleClass('show'); }); jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-fields').click(function(e){ e = window.event || e; if(this === e.target) { jQuery(this).removeClass('show'); } }); } // Login Form handler - Premium function pagelayer_login_submit(jEle, e){ e.preventDefault(); var fdata = new FormData( jQuery(jEle).closest('form')[0] ); // Append the nonce fdata.append('pagelayer_nonce', pagelayer_global_nonce); jQuery.ajax({ url: pagelayer_ajaxurl+'action=pagelayer_login_submit', type: "POST", data: fdata, processData: false, contentType: false, cache:false, success:function(result){ var json = jQuery.parseJSON(result); // console.log(json); if(!pagelayer_empty(json['error'])){ jQuery(".pagelayer-login-error-box").html(json['error']).fadeIn().delay(10000).fadeOut(); }else{ if(!pagelayer_empty(json['redirect'])){ window.location.href = json['redirect']; }else{ location.reload(true); } } } }); } //Review slider handler - Premium function pagelayer_reviews_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-reviews-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } // Facebook App ID handler - Premium function pagelayer_fb_apps(jEle){ var app_id = jEle.find('.pagelayer-app-details').attr('pagelayer-app-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(app_id) || app_id == "{{fb-app-id}}"){ app_id = pagelayer_facebook_id; } // If still empty if(pagelayer_empty(app_id)){ return; } var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); var doc = pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); win.fbAsyncInit = function() { win.FB.init({ appId : app_id, autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.3' }); }; win.FB = null; (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.0"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(doc, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); } // SiteMap Attribute Handler- Premium function pagelayer_sitemap_add_attributes(jEle){ var nofollow = jEle.find('.pagelayer-sitemap-div-holder').data('nofollow'); if(!pagelayer_empty(nofollow)){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-sitemap-section .pagelayer-sitemap-list-item a').attr('rel','nofollow'); } } // Initialize video slider function pagelayer_pl_video_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-video-slider-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } // Splash widget function pagelayer_pl_splash_screen(jEle){ if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ return; } if( jEle.attr('display_type') == "once"){ if (!sessionStorage.isVisited) { sessionStorage.isVisited = "true"; jEle.delay(jEle.attr('delay')).fadeIn(); } }else{ jEle.delay(jEle.attr('delay')).fadeIn(); } jEle.find('.pagelayer-splash-close, .pagelayer-splash-bg-close').on('click', function(){ jEle.fadeOut(); }); } // Facebook width adjustment function function pagelayer_fb_width(jEle){ var facebook = (jEle.find('.fb-page').length ? jEle.find('.fb-page') : jEle.find('.fb-embed')); var fb_resize = function(){ facebook.attr('data-width', jEle.width()); FB.XFBML.parse(); }; setTimeout(fb_resize, 1000); var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); jQuery(win).on('resize', function(){ setTimeout(fb_resize, 1000); }); } // WooCommenrce cart function pagelayer_woo_menu_cart(jEle){ // On click menu cart jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-container').toggle(); }); // On click menu cart close jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-close').click(function(){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-container').hide(); }); } // Setup the pop-ups function pagelayer_popup_setup(popEle){ var jEle = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup').first(); var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var popup_content = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content'); var data = new Object(); // Set the Pou-up id popEle.attr('pagelayer-popup-id', id); if(jEle.length < 1) return; jQuery.each(jEle[0].attributes, function(index, att){ if(att.name.match(/data\-/i)){ data[att.name.substr(5)] = att.value; } }); // Show pop-up var popup_show = function(force){ // Is there a cookie? if( !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_session']) && !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_name']) && pagelayer_empty(force)){ var name = data['popup_cookie_name']+ "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i '); }else{ popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content').append('
'); } var closer = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-close'); // On click close closer.click(function(e){ jQuery(document).trigger('pagelayer_popup_close', e, popEle); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); popEle.hide(); }); // Hide pop-up on click modal container if ( !pagelayer_empty(data['overlay_close']) ){ popEle.click(function(e){ if(jQuery(e.target).closest('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content').length > 0) return; closer.click(); }); } // Hide pop-up click on selector if ( !pagelayer_empty(data['selector_close']) ){ jQuery(data['selector_close']).click(function(e){ closer.click(); }); } // Is there a cookie to be set to be remembered ? if( !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_session']) && !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_name']) ){ // Set cookie on close as well ? if(!pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_close'])){ data['popup_cookie_selector'] = '.pagelayer-popup-close'+(pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_selector']) ? '' : ','+data['popup_cookie_selector']); } if(!pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_selector'])){ pagelayer_popup_set_cookie(data, closer); } } // Pop-up triggers // If we are in editor if ( !pagelayer_empty(popEle.attr('pagelayer-popup-editor')) ) { closer.unbind('click'); popEle.unbind('click'); popEle.removeAttr('pagelayer-popup-Shown'); popup_show(true); } // Click popup show if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_click'])){ jQuery(data['trig_click_ele']).click(popup_show); } // Popup show on load if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_load'])){ var second = parseFloat(data['trig_load_sec'] || 0); setTimeout(popup_show, second * 1000); } // Popup show on scroll if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_scroll'])){ // Initial state var scrollPos = 0; // adding scroll event jQuery(window).on('scroll', function(){ // detects new state and compares it with the new one if ( scrollY > scrollPos){ if(data['trig_scroll_dir'] == 'down'){ let scroll_per = scrollY*100/(jQuery(document).height() - innerHeight); let scr_per =parseInt(data['trig_scroll_per']) || 0; if( scr_per <= scroll_per){ popup_show(); } } }else if(data['trig_scroll_dir'] == 'up'){ popup_show(); } // saves the new position for iteration. scrollPos = scrollY; }); } // Popup show on scroll to element if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_scroll_to_ele'])){ // adding scroll event jEle.find(data['trig_scroll_to_ele_sel']).on('scroll', function(){ popup_show(); }); } // On scroll popup show if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_page_exit_intent'])){ jQuery(document).on('mouseleave', popup_show); } // When page load popup hide if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_before_load'])){ closer.click(); } } // Sets the cookie function pagelayer_popup_set_cookie(data, closer){ jQuery(data['popup_cookie_selector']).click(function(e){ var exdays = data['popup_cookie_exp'] || 0; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + ( parseFloat(exdays) *24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = data['popup_cookie_name'] + "=1;" + expires + ";path=/"; if(closer && !jQuery(e.target).is(closer)){ closer.click(); } }); } // Before After Slider Handler function pagelayer_before_after_slider(jEle){ let event = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-after-container').attr('data-resize-event'), slider = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-after-slider'), after = jEle.find('.pagelayer-after-image'), resizer = jEle.find('.pagelayer-resizer'), buttons = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-btn, .pagelayer-after-btn'), plID = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); resizer.removeAttr('style'); after.removeAttr('style'); // z - Custom value for both var slideIt = function(e, z){ z = z || false; let x, y; if(z != false){ x = y = z; }else{ let pos = slider.offset(), eleWidth = slider.width(), eleHeight = slider.height(); x = Math.min( (e.pageX - pos.left), eleWidth ) * 100 / eleWidth; y = Math.min( (e.pageY - pos.top), eleHeight) * 100 / eleHeight; } if(x < 0 || x > 99.7 || y < 0 || y > 99.7){ return false; } if(slider.hasClass('pagelayer-before-after-slider-vertical')){ resizer.css({'top': y+'%'}); after.css({'clip-path': 'polygon(0px '+y+'%, 100% '+y+'%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)'}); return; } resizer.css({'left': x+'%'}); after.css({'clip-path': 'polygon('+x+'% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, '+x+'% 100%)'}); } var resizeOn = function(){ slider.addClass('resize'); } var resizeOff = function(){ slider.removeClass('resize'); } // Before After Button click handler jEle.on('click', '.pagelayer-after-btn, .pagelayer-before-btn', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var slide = (jQuery(this).hasClass('pagelayer-before-btn')) ? 90 : 10; // Start resizing resizeOn(); slideIt(e, slide); // Stop resizing resizeOff(); }); var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); var doc = pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); // Unbind All events jQuery(win).unbind('mousemove.bf_slider'+plID); slider.unbind('click mouseover mouseout'); resizer.unbind('mousedown'); jQuery(doc).unbind('mouseup.bf_slider'+plID); // If there is no events if(event == 'none' || pagelayer_empty(event)){ return; } if(event == 'hover'){ // No need of buttons while hover effect buttons.fadeOut(); slider.on('mouseover', resizeOn); slider.on('mouseout', resizeOff); }else{ resizer.on('mousedown', function(e){ // To prevent widgets from being dragged. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); resizeOn(); buttons.fadeOut(); }); jQuery(doc).on('mouseup.bf_slider'+plID, function(e){ resizeOff(); buttons.fadeIn(); }); } jQuery(win).on('mousemove.bf_slider'+plID, function(e){ if(!slider.hasClass('resize')){ return; } // Stop divs being selected. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); slideIt(e); }); slider.on('click', slideIt); }js/combined.js000064400001231500147600231460007303 0ustar00/* PAGELAYER http://pagelayer.com/ (c) Pagelayer Team */ var pagelayer_doc_width; // Things to do on document load jQuery(document).ready(function(){ // Current width pagelayer_doc_width = jQuery(document).width(); // Rows jQuery('.pagelayer-row-stretch-full').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_row_full(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-anim_heading').each(function(){ pagelayer_anim_heading(jQuery(this)); }); // Setup any sliders jQuery('.pagelayer-image_slider').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_image_slider(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-accordion').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_accordion(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-collapse').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_collapse(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-tabs').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_tabs(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-video').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_video(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-image').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_image(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-grid_gallery').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_grid_lightbox(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-row, .pagelayer-inner_row, .pagelayer-col').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_row_video(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-parallax-window img').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_row_parallax(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-recaptcha').each(function(){ pagelayer_recaptcha_loader(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-wp_menu').each(function(){ pagelayer_primary_menu(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-contact').each(function(){ pagelayer_contact_form(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-countdown').each(function(){ pagelayer_countdown(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-testimonial_slider').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_testimonial_slider(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-social_grp').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_social_profile(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-scroll-to-element').each(function () { pagelayer_button_element_scroll(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-bgimg-slider').each(function () { pagelayer_pl_row_slider(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-stars-container').each(function(){ pagelayer_stars(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-infinite-posts').each(function(){ pagelayer_infinite_posts(jQuery(this)); }); jQuery('.pagelayer-youtube-video').each(function(){ pagelayer_create_yt_player(jQuery(this)); }); // We need to call the is visible thing to show the widgets loading effect if(jQuery('.pagelayer-counter-content,.pagelayer-progress-container').length > 0){ // First Call pagelayer_counter(); pagelayer_progress(); jQuery(window).scroll(function() { pagelayer_progress(); pagelayer_counter(); }); } new WOW({boxClass:'pagelayer-wow'}).init(); // Remove pagelayer-wow temporary style after wow init added from wp_head jQuery('#pagelayer-wow-animation-style').remove(); }); // For automatic row change jQuery(window).resize(function() { // Primary Menu jQuery('.pagelayer-wp_menu').each(function(){ pagelayer_primary_menu(jQuery(this)); }); var new_vw = jQuery(document).width(); if(new_vw == pagelayer_doc_width){ return false; } pagelayer_doc_width = new_vw; // Remove style jQuery('.pagelayer-row-stretch-full').removeAttr('style'); // Set a timeout to prevent bubbling setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('.pagelayer-row-stretch-full').each(function(){ pagelayer_pl_row_full(jQuery(this)); }); }, 200); }); // Get document for gutenberg function pagelayerGetDocumentElement(){ // Find the iframe element with the name "editor-canvas". const editorIframe = document.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[name="editor-canvas"]' ); if(! editorIframe?.[ 0 ]){ return document; } // Get the document of the iframe. const iframeDocument = editorIframe[ 0 ]?.contentWindow?.document || editorIframe[ 0 ]?.contentDocument; if ( ! iframeDocument ) { return document; } // Set the root element to the iframe document. return iframeDocument; }; // Get Window for gutenberg function pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(){ var doc = pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); return doc.defaultView || window; } // Modify jQuery for gutenberg tablet and mobile function pagelayer_query(sel, doc) { doc = doc || pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); return jQuery(sel, doc); } // Check if element is visible function pagelayer_isVisible(ele) { var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); var offset = win.innerHeight; var viewTop = win.pageYOffset; var viewBottom = viewTop + offset - Math.min(ele.height(), ele.innerHeight()); var top = ele.offset().top; var bottom = top + ele.innerHeight(); if(top <= viewBottom && bottom >= viewTop){ return true; } return false; } // Get media mode function pagelayer_get_media_mode(){ var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); if(win.matchMedia("(min-width: "+ (pagelayer_settings['tablet_breakpoint'] + 1) +"px)").matches){ return 'desktop'; } if(win.matchMedia("(max-width: "+ pagelayer_settings['tablet_breakpoint'] +"px) and (min-width: "+ (pagelayer_settings['mobile_breakpoint'] + 1) +"px)").matches){ return 'tablet'; } if(win.matchMedia("(max-width: "+ pagelayer_settings['mobile_breakpoint'] +"px)").matches){ return 'mobile'; } return 'desktop'; } // Row background video and parallax function pagelayer_pl_row_video(jEle){ var vEle = jEle.children('.pagelayer-background-video'); // Not a video in the element if(vEle.length < 1){ return true; } var setup = vEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } var frame_width = vEle.width(); var frame_height = (frame_width/100)*56.25; var height = vEle.height(); if(frame_height < height){ frame_height = height; } vEle.children().css({'width':frame_width+'px','height':frame_height+'px'}); if(vEle.find('.pagelayer-youtube-video').length > 0){ pagelayer_create_yt_player(vEle.find('.pagelayer-youtube-video')); } vEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } function pagelayer_create_yt_player(jEle){ var pEle = jEle.parent(), aspectRatioSetting = '16:9', containerWidth = pEle.outerWidth(), containerHeight = pEle.outerHeight(), aspectRatioArray = aspectRatioSetting.split(':'), aspectRatio = aspectRatioArray[0] / aspectRatioArray[1], isWidthFixed = containerWidth / containerHeight > aspectRatio, width= isWidthFixed ? containerWidth : containerHeight * aspectRatio, height= isWidthFixed ? containerWidth / aspectRatio : containerHeight; var yt_api_interval = setInterval(function(){ if(!(window.YT && YT.loaded)){ return } clearInterval(yt_api_interval); var settings ={}; settings.loop = jEle.attr('data-loop'); settings.videoid = jEle.attr('data-videoid'); settings.mute = jEle.attr('data-mute'); var player; var onPlayerReady = function(event) { event.target.playVideo(); } player = new YT.Player(jEle[0], { width: width, height: height, videoId: settings.videoid, playerVars: { controls: 0, rel: 0, loop: settings.loop, mute:settings.mute, playsinline: 1, playlist: settings.videoid, }, events: { 'onReady': onPlayerReady, } }); }, 500); } // Row background parallax function pagelayer_pl_row_parallax(jEle){ //Parallax background var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } new pagelayerParallax(jEle); jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } // Adjust rows function pagelayer_pl_row_full(jEle, html){ html = html || pagelayer_query('html'); // Get current width var vw = html[0].clientWidth; // Now give the row the width jEle.css({'width': vw, 'max-width': '100vw'}); // Set the offset jEle.offset({left: 0}); // Set a timeout as well as some themes can interfere with us setTimeout(function(){ jEle.offset({left: 0}); }, 500); }; // Modal open function pagelayer_render_pl_modal(e){ jQuery(e.target).closest('.pagelayer-modal-container').find('.pagelayer-modal-content').show(); }; // Modal close function pagelayer_pl_modal_close(e){ jQuery(e.target).closest('.pagelayer-modal-content').hide(); } // Setup the image slider function pagelayer_pl_image_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-image-slider-ul'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } function pagelayer_get_tab_ele(temp_tabCont){ if(!pagelayer_empty(temp_tabCont.children('.pagelayer-ele-wrap').length)){ return temp_tabCont.children('.pagelayer-ele-wrap').children('.pagelayer-tab'); }else{ return temp_tabCont.children('.pagelayer-tab'); } } function pagelayer_tab_show(el, pl_id) { var parent_id = jQuery(el).closest('.pagelayer-tabs').attr('pagelayer-id'); var temp_tabCont = pagelayer_query('[pagelayer-id='+pl_id+']').closest('.pagelayer-tabcontainer'); pagelayer_get_tab_ele(temp_tabCont).hide(); pagelayer_query('[pagelayer-id='+pl_id+']').show(); jQuery(el).parent().find('.pagelayer-tablinks').each(function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('active'); }); jQuery(el).addClass("active"); } var pagelayer_tab_timers = {}; function pagelayer_pl_tabs(jEle) { var default_active = ''; var jEle_id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var tabCont = jEle.children('.pagelayer-tabcontainer'); var children = pagelayer_get_tab_ele(tabCont); // Loop thru children.each(function(){ var tEle = jQuery(this); var pl_id = tEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var title = tEle.attr('pagelayer-tab-title') || 'Tab'; var func = "pagelayer_tab_show(this, '"+pl_id+"')"; var icon = ''; if(tEle.attr('pagelayer-tab-icon')){ icon = tEle.attr('pagelayer-tab-icon'); } // Set the default tab if(tEle.attr('pagelayer-default_active') && !pagelayer_empty(pl_id)){ default_active = pl_id; } jEle.children('.pagelayer-tabs-holder').append(' '+title+''); }); // Set the default tab if(default_active.length > 0){ pagelayer_tab_show(jEle.find('[tab-id='+default_active+']'), default_active); // Set the first tab as active }else{ var first_tab = jEle.find('[tab-id]').first(); pagelayer_tab_show(first_tab, first_tab.attr('tab-id')); } try{ clearInterval(pagelayer_tab_timers[jEle_id]); }catch(e){}; var rotate = parseInt(jEle.attr('pagelayer-tabs-rotate')); // Are we to rotate if(rotate > 0){ var i= 0; pagelayer_tab_timers[jEle_id] = setInterval(function () { if(i >= children.length){ i = 0; } var tabCont = jEle.children('.pagelayer-tabcontainer'); var tmp_pl_ele = pagelayer_get_tab_ele(tabCont)[i]; var tmp_btn_ele = jEle.find('.pagelayer-tablinks')[i] var tmp_pl_id = jQuery(tmp_pl_ele).attr('pagelayer-id'); jEle.find('.pagelayer-tablinks').each(function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('active'); }); jQuery(tmp_btn_ele).addClass("active"); pagelayer_tab_show(tmp_btn_ele, tmp_pl_id); i++; }, rotate); } } // Setup the Accordion function pagelayer_pl_accordion(jEle){ var holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-accordion-holder'); var accHolder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-accordion_item'); var scrolltop = false; if(accHolder.length < 1){ return false; } var icon = holder.attr('data-icon'); var active_icon = holder.attr('data-active_icon'); accHolder.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', icon); var currentActiveTab = jEle.find('.pagelayer-accordion_item.active').first(); // Any URL HASH ? var hash = location.hash.slice(1); if(!pagelayer_empty(hash)){ var scrollTab = jEle.find('#'+hash); if(!pagelayer_empty(scrollTab) && scrollTab.length > 0){ currentActiveTab = scrollTab.closest('.pagelayer-accordion_item'); } } holder.unbind('click'); holder.on('click', '.pagelayer-accordion-tabs', function(){ var currentTab = jQuery(this).closest('.pagelayer-accordion_item'); if(currentTab.hasClass('active') && currentTab.children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').is(':visible')){ currentTab.removeClass('active').children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideUp('slow'); currentTab.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', icon); return true; } accHolder.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', icon); accHolder.removeClass('active').filter(function(index){ return accHolder[index]!=currentTab[0]; }).children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideUp('slow'); currentTab.addClass('active').children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideDown('slow'); currentTab.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', active_icon); }); // To prevent default active click in gutenberg var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); // Already setup ? if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return; } jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); // If active first tab from all active tabs currentActiveTab.removeClass('active'); currentActiveTab.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs').click(); } // Setup the Collapse function pagelayer_pl_collapse(jEle){ var holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-collapse-holder'); var tabs = jEle.find('.pagelayer-accordion_item'); if(tabs.length < 1){ return false; } var setup = tabs.attr('pagelayer-setup'); var icon = holder.attr('data-icon'); var active_icon = holder.attr('data-active_icon'); // Any URL HASH ? var hash = location.hash.slice(1); if(!pagelayer_empty(hash)){ var scrollTab = jEle.find('#'+hash); if(!pagelayer_empty(scrollTab) && scrollTab.length > 0){ scrollTab.closest('.pagelayer-accordion_item').addClass('active'); } } var activeTabs = jEle.find('.pagelayer-accordion_item.active'); tabs.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', icon); jQuery(activeTabs).addClass('active').children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideDown('slow'); jQuery(activeTabs).find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', active_icon); // Already setup ? if(setup && setup.length > 0){ tabs.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs').unbind('click'); } tabs.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs').click(function(){ var currentTab = jQuery(this).closest('.pagelayer-accordion_item'); if(currentTab.hasClass('active')){ currentTab.removeClass('active').children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideUp('slow'); currentTab.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', icon); return true; } currentTab.addClass('active').children('.pagelayer-accordion-panel').slideDown('slow'); currentTab.find('.pagelayer-accordion-tabs span i').attr('class', active_icon); }); // Set that we have setup everything tabs.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } // Counter function pagelayer_counter(){ pagelayer_query('.pagelayer-counter-content').each(function(){ var jEle = jQuery(this); if(pagelayer_isVisible(jEle)){ var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); // Already setup ? if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } var options = {}; options['duration'] = jEle.children('.pagelayer-counter-display').attr('pagelayer-counter-animation-duration'); options['delimiter'] = jEle.children('.pagelayer-counter-display').attr('pagelayer-counter-seperator-type'); options['toValue'] = jEle.children('.pagelayer-counter-display').attr('pagelayer-counter-last-value'); jEle.children('.pagelayer-counter-display').numerator( options ); // Set that we have setup everything jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } }); } function pagelayer_progress(){ pagelayer_query('.pagelayer-progress-container').each(function(){ var jEle = jQuery(this); if(pagelayer_isVisible(jEle)){ var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } var progress_width = jEle.children('.pagelayer-progress-bar').attr('pagelayer-progress-width'); if(progress_width == undefined){ progress_width = "1"; } var width = 0; var interval; var progress = function(){ if (width >= progress_width) { clearInterval(interval); } else { width++; jEle.children('.pagelayer-progress-bar').css('width', width + '%'); jEle.find('.pagelayer-progress-percent').text(width * 1 + '%'); } } interval = setInterval(progress, 30); jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } }); } // Dismiss Alert Function function pagelayer_dismiss_alert(x){ if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ return; } jQuery(x).parent().parent().fadeOut(); } // Video light box handler function pagelayer_pl_video(jEle){ var videoIframe = jEle.find('.pagelayer-video-iframe'); // Adding loop, autoplay and mute properties on video before loading videoIframe.on('load', function() { // Checking of video source if it is youtube or vimeo because // TODO: Need to check, if this is not local file then return if(jQuery(this)[0].src.indexOf('youtube.com') != -1 || jQuery(this)[0].src.indexOf('vimeo.com') != -1){ return; } var vidElm = jQuery(this).contents().find('video'); var vidSrc = (pagelayer_empty(vidElm[0].src)) ? vidElm.children()[0].src : vidElm[0].src; if(vidSrc[vidSrc.indexOf('&loop=')+6] == 1){ vidElm.attr('loop','loop'); } if(vidSrc[vidSrc.indexOf('&autoplay=')+10] == 0){ vidElm.removeAttr('autoplay'); vidElm[0].pause(); }else if(vidSrc[vidSrc.indexOf('&autoplay=')+10] == 1){ vidElm.attr('autoplay',''); vidElm.attr('playsinline',''); } if(vidSrc[vidSrc.indexOf('&mute=')+6] == 1){ vidElm[0].muted = "muted"; vidElm.attr('muted',''); } }); // A tag will be there ONLY if the lightbox is on var overlayval = jEle.find('.pagelayer-video-overlay'); var a = jEle.find(".pagelayer-video-holder a"); // No lightbox if(a.length < 1 && pagelayer_empty(overlayval)){ return; } a.nivoLightbox({ effect: "fadeScale", }); jEle.find(".pagelayer-video-holder .pagelayer-video-overlay").on("click", function(ev) { var target = jQuery(ev.target); if (!target.parent("a").length) { videoIframe[0].src = videoIframe[0].src.replace("&autoplay=0", "rel=0&autoplay=1"); jQuery(this).hide(); } }); } // Image light box handler function pagelayer_pl_image(jEle){ // Drag and Drop function for image if (typeof pagelayer_preDAndD_image !== "undefined") { pagelayer_preDAndD_image(jEle); } // A tag will be there ONLY if the lightbox is on var a = jEle.find("[pagelayer-image-link-type=lightbox]"); // No lightbox if(a.length < 1){ return; } a.nivoLightbox({ effect: "fadeScale", }); } function pagelayer_stars(jEle){ var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } var count = jEle.attr('pagelayer-stars-count'); if (isNaN(count)) { count = '0'; } i = 0; var stars = ""; while(i < count){ stars +='
'; i++; } jEle.empty(); jEle.append(stars); var starsval = jEle.attr('pagelayer-stars-value'); if (isNaN(starsval)) { starsval = count; } starsval = starsval.split('.'); var fullstars = starsval[0]; var value = starsval[1]; var halfstar = parseInt(fullstars) + 1; var emptystars = parseInt(fullstars) + 2; jEle.children('.pagelayer-stars-icon').attr("class","pagelayer-stars-icon"); jEle.children('.pagelayer-stars-icon:nth-child(-n+'+ fullstars +')').addClass('pagelayer-stars-full'); if(value != undefined){ jEle.children('.pagelayer-stars-icon:nth-child('+ halfstar +')').addClass('pagelayer-stars-'+value); }else{ jEle.children('.pagelayer-stars-icon:nth-child('+ halfstar +')').addClass('pagelayer-stars-empty'); } jEle.children('.pagelayer-stars-icon:nth-child(n+'+ emptystars +')').addClass('pagelayer-stars-empty'); jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } // Grid Gallery pagination Off On function function pagelayer_pl_grid_paginate(gridCont, pagination, pageValue, gridValue){ gridCont.hide(); pagination.removeClass('active'); pagination.eq(pageValue).addClass('active'); gridCont.eq(gridValue).show(); } //Grid Gallery Lightbox function pagelayer_pl_grid_lightbox(jEle){ // Grid Gallery pagination settings var gridCont = jEle.find('.pagelayer-grid-gallery-container').children(); var pagination = jEle.find('.pagelayer-grid-gallery-pagination ul').children(); gridCont.hide(); gridCont.eq(0).show(); // Adding event listners to pagination jEle.find('.pagelayer-grid-page-item').each(function(){ jQuery(this).on('click', function(event){ var text = jQuery(this).text(); switch(text){ case '«': pagelayer_pl_grid_paginate(gridCont, pagination, 1, 0); break; case '»': pagelayer_pl_grid_paginate(gridCont, pagination, (pagination.length-2), (gridCont.length-1)); break; default: pagelayer_pl_grid_paginate(gridCont, pagination, text, text-1); break; } }); }); // A tag will be there ONLY if the lightbox is on var a = jEle.find("[pagelayer-grid-gallery-type=lightbox]"); // No lightbox if(a.length < 1){ return; } a.nivoLightbox({ effect: "fadeScale", keyboardNav: true, clickImgToClose: false, clickOverlayToClose: true, }); } // Is string? function pagelayer_is_string(str){ if(typeof str == 'string'){ return true; } return false; } // PHP equivalent empty() function pagelayer_empty(mixed_var) { var undef, key, i, len; var emptyValues = [undef, null, false, 0, '', '0']; for (i = 0, len = emptyValues.length; i < len; i++) { if (mixed_var === emptyValues[i]) { return true; } } if (typeof mixed_var === 'object') { for (key in mixed_var) { // TODO: should we check for own properties only? //if (mixed_var.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return false; //} } return true; } return false; }; function pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ele, prefix){ var options = {}; jQuery.each(ele.get(0).attributes, function(i, attrib){ //console.log(attrib); if(attrib.name.includes(prefix)){ var opt_name = attrib.name.substring(prefix.length); // Check for any Uppercase attribute if(opt_name.includes('-')){ opt_name = opt_name.split('-'); //console.log(opt_name); var opt_arr = []; jQuery.each(opt_name, function(key, value) { if(key != 0){ opt_arr.push(value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.slice(1)); }else{ opt_arr.push(value); } }); //console.log(opt_arr); opt_name = opt_arr.join(''); } // Make the values correct var val = attrib.value; if(val == 'true') val = true; if(val == 'false') val = false; if(jQuery.isNumeric(val)) val = parseInt(val); options[opt_name] = val; } }); //console.log(options); if(options['controls']){ switch(options['controls']){ case 'arrows': options['nav'] = true; options['dots'] = false; break; case 'pager': options['dots'] = true; options['nav'] = false; break; case 'none': options['nav'] = false; options['dots'] = false; break; } }else{ options['nav'] = true; options['dots'] = true; } if(options['animateIn']){ switch(options['controls']){ case 'horizontal': options['animateIn'] = 'slideInLeft'; break; case 'vertical': options['animateIn'] = 'slideInDown'; break; case 'kenburns': options['animateIn'] = 'zoomIn'; break; default: options['animateIn'] = options['animateIn']; } } if(!options['items']){ options['items'] = 1; } options['responsive'] = { 0:{items: 1}, 500:{items: options['items']} } options['responsiveRefreshRate'] = 1000; // If we are in editor don't loop the Owl items if (window.location.href.indexOf('pagelayer-live=1') > -1) { //console.log('here'); options['loop'] = false; } return options; } function pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options){ //console.log(options); var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); var id = jEle.closest('[pagelayer-id]').attr('[pagelayer-id]'); if( options.navtext ) { var right = options.navtext.replace('left','right'); options.navText = [``, ``]; } // Already setup ? if(setup && setup.length > 0){ return true; } const wind = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); options['responsiveBaseElement'] = wind; var owlCar = ul.pagelayerOwlCarousel(options); // Refreshing Image slider after first load of page. var referrerOwl = function(){ setTimeout(function(){ owlCar.trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); },700); } referrerOwl(); // To prevent slider drag inside the editable area jEle.on('mousedown', function(e){ var target = e.target; var isEditable = jQuery(target).closest('[contenteditable="true"]'); if(isEditable.length < 1){ return; } isEditable.on('mousedown.owl.core dragstart.owl.core selectstart.owl.core touchstart.owl.core touchcancel.owl.core', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); }); // Gutenberg responsive Handler if(wind != window){ jQuery(wind).unbind('resize.pl_'+id, referrerOwl); jQuery(wind).on('resize.pl_'+id, referrerOwl); } // Set that we have setup everything jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } // recaptcha handler function pagelayer_recaptcha_loader(jEle, loadScript){ loadScript = loadScript || false; // Render recaptcha var reParam = ''; if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_recaptch_lang)){ reParam = '&hl='+pagelayer_recaptch_lang; } // Add recaptcha script if(pagelayer_empty(window.grecaptcha) && !pagelayer_empty(loadScript)){ pagelayer_query('body').append(''); } // Render recaptcha var recaptcha_interval = setInterval(function(){ if(!pagelayer_empty(window.grecaptcha)){ grecaptcha.ready(function() { try{ var widgetID = grecaptcha.render(jEle.get(0), {'sitekey' : jEle.data("sitekey")}); jEle.attr('recaptcha-widget-id', widgetID); }catch(e){ console.log("There is some issue in rendering reCaptcha. Please check your recaptcha site-key !"); } }); clearInterval(recaptcha_interval); } }, 500); } // Scroll to element button effect function pagelayer_button_element_scroll(jEle) { var speed = parseInt(jEle.attr('pagelayer_scrollto_speed') * 1000); var idspacing = 0; var scrollId = jEle.attr('pagelayer_scrollto_id'); if(jEle.attr('pagelayer_scrollto_type') == 'toid'){ var scrolltoEle = pagelayer_query('#' + scrollId); if(pagelayer_empty(scrollId) || scrolltoEle.length < 1){ return; } var idpos = parseInt(scrolltoEle.offset().top); var spacing = parseInt(jEle.attr('pagelayer_scrollto_id_viewport')); if (isNaN(spacing)) { spacing = 0; } idspacing = idpos + spacing; } jEle.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); pagelayer_query('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: idspacing }, speed); }); } //////////// // Freemium //////////// // Contact Form handler - Premium function pagelayer_contact_form(jEle){ jEle = jQuery(jEle); var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); // Set pagelayer id to input field jEle.find('form input[name="cfa-pagelayer-id"]').val(id); } // Contact Form Submit handler - Premium function pagelayer_contact_submit(jEle, e){ e.preventDefault(); // Checking for required checkboxes. for(var checkbox_div of jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-contact-checkbox')){ checkbox_div = jQuery(checkbox_div); if(checkbox_div.attr('required') == 'required'){ if(pagelayer_empty(checkbox_div.find('input:checked').length)){ alert('Kindly select the required checkbox'); return; } } } // Trigger an action jQuery(document).trigger('pagelayer_contact_submit', e, jEle); // Disabling submit button with loading animation. jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-contact-submit-btn').prop('disabled', true); jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-contact-submit-btn .fa-spin').show('0.6'); //var fdata = jQuery(jEle).closest('form').serialize(); var redirect = jQuery(jEle).find('input[name="cfa-redirect"]'); var formData = new FormData( jQuery(jEle)[0] ); var par = jQuery(jEle).parent(); // Append the nonce formData.append('pagelayer_nonce', pagelayer_global_nonce); // Hide any message par.find(".pagelayer-message-box").hide(); // Message pos to use ? var msg_pos = 'top'; if(par.parent().hasClass('pagelayer-message-box-bottom')){ msg_pos = 'bottom'; } par.find(".pagelayer-message-box").removeClass('pagelayer-cf-msg-err pagelayer-cf-msg-suc'); jQuery.ajax({ url: pagelayer_ajaxurl+'action=pagelayer_contact_submit', type: "POST", data: formData, processData: false, contentType: false, cache:false, success:function(result){ var json = jQuery.parseJSON(result); jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-contact-submit-btn').prop('disabled', false); jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-contact-submit-btn .fa-spin').hide('0.6'); if('success' in json){ par.find(".pagelayer-message-"+msg_pos).addClass('pagelayer-cf-msg-suc').html(json['success']).fadeIn(); if(redirect.length > 0 && !pagelayer_empty(redirect.val())){ window.location.href = redirect.val(); } }else{ par.find(".pagelayer-message-"+msg_pos).addClass('pagelayer-cf-msg-err').html(json['failed']).fadeIn(); } }, error:function(result){ par.find(".pagelayer-message-"+msg_pos).addClass('pagelayer-cf-msg-err').html(json['failed']).fadeIn(); } }); jEle.reset(); jQuery(jEle).find('.pagelayer-recaptcha').each(function(){ var widgetID = jQuery(this).attr('recaptcha-widget-id'); if(!pagelayer_empty(window.grecaptcha)){ grecaptcha.reset(widgetID); } }); return false; } // Primary Menu Handler - Premium function pagelayer_primary_menu(jEle){ var container = jEle.find('.pagelayer-wp-menu-container'); var menu_bar = jEle.find('.pagelayer-primary-menu-bar i'); var menu_holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-wp-menu-holder'); var layout = menu_holder.attr('data-layout'); var submenu_ind = menu_holder.attr('data-submenu_ind'); var responsive = menu_holder.attr('data-responsive'); var drop_breakpoint = menu_holder.attr('data-drop_breakpoint'); var close = jEle.find('.pagelayer-wp_menu-close'); var media_mode = pagelayer_get_media_mode(); if( (drop_breakpoint == 'tablet' && (media_mode == 'tablet' || media_mode == 'mobile')) || (drop_breakpoint == 'mobile' && media_mode == 'mobile') ){ menu_holder.addClass('pagelayer-wp-menu-dropdown'); container.addClass('pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown'); container.removeClass('pagelayer-menu-type-'+layout); layout = 'dropdown'; }else{ menu_holder.removeClass('pagelayer-wp-menu-dropdown'); container.removeClass('pagelayer-menu-type-dropdown'); container.addClass('pagelayer-menu-type-'+layout); } // Set mega menu width // Wait for all other animations to finish setTimeout(function(){ container.find('.pagelayer-mega-menu-item, .pagelayer-mega-column-item').each(function(){ var liEle = jQuery(this), lEle = liEle.find('.pagelayer-nav_menu_item').first(), megaHolder = lEle.closest('.pagelayer-mega-menu'), setClass = 'pagelayer-set-position'; if(liEle.hasClass('pagelayer-mega-column-item')){ megaHolder = liEle.children('.sub-menu'); } if(megaHolder.length < 1){ return; } var Css = {}; // Remove all css settings jQuery(document).unbind('scroll.megaMenu'); megaHolder.css({'width' : '', 'left' : '', 'max-width' : '', 'max-height' : ''}); if(layout == 'dropdown'){ return; } // Set active to get position megaHolder.addClass(setClass); var megaLeft = megaHolder.offset().left, megaWidth = lEle.attr('pagelayer-mega-width'), wContainer = lEle.closest('.pagelayer-wp-menu-container'), megaCustomWidth = lEle.attr('pagelayer-mega-custom-width') || '', widthEle; // Is vertical menu? if(layout == 'vertical'){ var docWidth = jQuery('body').width(); var vWidth = docWidth - megaLeft; Css['max-width'] = vWidth; Css['width'] = vWidth; if(megaWidth == 'custom'){ Css['width'] = megaCustomWidth; } megaHolder.css(Css); megaHolder.removeClass(setClass); return; } var megaMenuHeight = function(e){ if(!pagelayer_empty(e) && megaHolder.is(':visible')){ return; } var windowHeight = jQuery(window).height(); var ulBottom = megaHolder.closest('.pagelayer-wp_menu-ul')[0].getBoundingClientRect().bottom; megaHolder.css('max-height', windowHeight - ulBottom); }; megaMenuHeight(); jQuery(document).on('scroll.megaMenu', megaMenuHeight); switch(megaWidth){ case 'row_container': widthEle = lEle.closest('.pagelayer-row[pagelayer-id]'); Css['width'] = widthEle.width(); break; case 'custom': widthEle = lEle.closest('li'); Css['width'] = megaCustomWidth; break; default : widthEle = wContainer; Css['width'] = widthEle.width(); } if(widthEle.length > 0){ var wLeft = widthEle.offset().left; if( wLeft < megaLeft ){ Css['left'] = (wLeft) - (megaLeft); } } megaHolder.css(Css); var mRect = megaHolder[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var wRect = wContainer[0].getBoundingClientRect(); // Set mega menu position if(megaWidth != 'custom' || mRect.right < wRect.right){ megaHolder.removeClass(setClass); return; } var left = parseInt(megaHolder.css('left')); var moveLeft = mRect.right - wRect.right; if(mRect.left < moveLeft){ moveLeft = moveLeft - (moveLeft - mRect.left); } left = left - moveLeft; megaHolder.css({'left': left}); megaHolder.removeClass(setClass); }); }, 500); // Menu toggle var toggle_class; jQuery(menu_bar).unbind('click'); jQuery(menu_bar).click(function(){ jQuery(container).toggleClass('pagelayer-togglt-on'); toggle_class = jQuery(this).data('icon'); toggle_class = ( pagelayer_empty(toggle_class) ? 'fas fa-bars' : toggle_class ); if(jQuery(container).hasClass('pagelayer-togglt-on')){ jQuery(this).removeClass(toggle_class); jQuery(this).addClass('fas fa-times'); }else{ jQuery(this).removeClass('fas fa-times'); jQuery(this).addClass(toggle_class); } }); // If has sub-menu the as icon var sub_menuEle = jQuery(container).find('.pagelayer-wp_menu-ul li.menu-item-has-children:not(.pagelayer-mega-menu-item), .pagelayer-wp_menu-ul li.pagelayer-mega-menu-item'); var aEle_sub_menu = sub_menuEle.children('a'); var afterIconSpan = aEle_sub_menu.children('.after-icon') if (aEle_sub_menu.children('.after-icon').length < 1) { aEle_sub_menu.append(''); }else{ // For gutenberg afterIconSpan.attr('class', 'after-icon fa fa-' + submenu_ind); } // Toggle Sub nav var after_icon = jQuery(container).find('.pagelayer-wp_menu-ul li.menu-item-has-children .after-icon, .pagelayer-wp_menu-ul li.pagelayer-mega-menu-item .after-icon'); after_icon.unbind('click'); after_icon.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+pagelayer_settings['tablet_breakpoint']+"px)").matches || layout != 'horizontal'){ jQuery(this).closest('li').toggleClass('pagelayer-active-sub-menu'); }else{ jQuery(this).closest('li').removeClass('pagelayer-active-sub-menu'); } }); close.unbind('click'); close.click(function(){ jQuery(container).toggleClass('pagelayer-togglt-on'); jQuery(menu_bar).removeClass('fas fa-times'); jQuery(menu_bar).addClass(toggle_class); }); // To edit the mega menu in live editor jQuery(document).trigger('pagelayer_primary_menu_setup_end', [jEle]); } var count_int ={}; // Show countdown render function pagelayer_countdown(jEle){ var expiry_date = jEle.find('.pagelayer-countdown-container').attr('pagelayer-expiry-date'); var timetype = jEle.find('.pagelayer-countdown-container').attr('pagelayer-time-type'); var jEle_id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(expiry_date) || expiry_date == "{{date}}"){ var expiry_date = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } var now; if(timetype == "server"){ now = new Date(pagelayer_server_time*1000).getTime(); }else{ now = new Date().getTime(); } var countDownDate = new Date(expiry_date).getTime(); var distance = countDownDate - now; clearInterval(count_int[jEle_id]); count_int[jEle_id] = setInterval(function() { // Time calculations for days, hours, minutes and seconds var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); var hours = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60)); var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60)); var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); jEle.find('.pagelayer-days-count').html(days); jEle.find('.pagelayer-hours-count').html(hours); jEle.find('.pagelayer-minutes-count').html(minutes); jEle.find('.pagelayer-seconds-count').html(seconds); // If the count down is over, write some text if(distance < 0) { clearInterval(count_int[jEle_id]); jEle.find('.pagelayer-countdown-expired').show(); jEle.find('.pagelayer-countdown-counter').hide(); } distance = distance - 1000; }, 1000); } function pagelayer_pl_testimonial_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-testimonials-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } var pagelayerAnimTimer = {}; function pagelayer_anim_heading(jEle){ var animationDelay = 2500, //loading bar effect barAnimationDelay = 3800, barWaiting = barAnimationDelay - 3000, //3000 is the duration of the transition on the loading bar - set in the scss/css file //letters effect lettersDelay = 50, //type effect typeLettersDelay = 150, selectionDuration = 500, typeAnimationDelay = selectionDuration + 800, //clip effect revealDuration = 600, revealAnimationDelay = 1500; var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(pagelayerAnimTimer[id])){ pagelayerAnimTimer[id] = {}; } // Clear the previous animations for( var time in pagelayerAnimTimer[id] ){ clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][time]); } initHeadline(); function initHeadline(){ // Re-set styles jEle.find('.pagelayer-aheading-holder').find('span').css('opacity', ''); //insert element for each letter of a changing word singleLetters(jEle.find('.pagelayer-aheading-holder.letters').find('span')); //initialise headline animation animateHeadline(jEle.find('.pagelayer-aheading-holder')); } function singleLetters($words){ $words.each(function(){ var word = jQuery(this), letters = word.text().split(''), selected = word.hasClass('pagelayer-is-visible'); for (i in letters) { if(word.parents('.pagelayer-aheading-rotate2').length > 0) letters[i] = '' + letters[i] + ''; letters[i] = (selected) ? '' + letters[i] + '': '' + letters[i] + ''; } var newLetters = letters.join(''); word.html(newLetters).css('opacity', 1); }); } function animateHeadline($headlines){ var duration = animationDelay; $headlines.each(function(){ var headline = jQuery(this); if(headline.hasClass('pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar')){ duration = barAnimationDelay; setTimeout(function(){ headline.find('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').addClass('pagelayer-is-loading') }, barWaiting); }else if(headline.hasClass('pagelayer-aheading-clip')){ var spanWrapper = headline.find('.pagelayer-words-wrapper'), newWidth = spanWrapper.width() + 10; spanWrapper.css('width', newWidth); } else if (!headline.hasClass('type') ){ var words = headline.find('.pagelayer-words-wrapper span'), width = 0; words.each(function(){ var wordWidth = jQuery(this).width(); if (wordWidth > width) width = wordWidth; }); headline.find('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').css('width', width); }; //trigger animation setTimeout(function(){ hideWord( headline.find('.pagelayer-is-visible').eq(0) ); }, duration); }); } function hideWord($word){ var nextWord = takeNext($word); if($word.parents('.pagelayer-aheading-holder').hasClass('letters')){ var bool = ($word.children('strong').length >= nextWord.children('strong').length) ? true : false; hideLetter($word.find('strong').eq(0), $word, bool, lettersDelay); showLetter(nextWord.find('strong').eq(0), nextWord, bool, lettersDelay); }else if($word.parents('.pagelayer-aheading-holder').hasClass('pagelayer-aheading-clip')){ $word.parents('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').animate({ width : '2px' }, revealDuration, function(){ switchWord($word, nextWord); showWord(nextWord); }); }else if($word.parents('.pagelayer-aheading-holder').hasClass('pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar')){ $word.parents('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').removeClass('pagelayer-is-loading'); switchWord($word, nextWord); clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][0]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][0] = setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord); }, barAnimationDelay); clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][1]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][1] = setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').addClass('pagelayer-is-loading'); }, barWaiting); }else{ switchWord($word, nextWord); clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][2]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][2] = setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) ; }, animationDelay); } } function showWord($word, $duration){ if($word.parents('.pagelayer-aheading-holder').hasClass('pagelayer-aheading-clip')){ $word.parents('.pagelayer-words-wrapper').animate({ 'width' : $word.width() + 10 }, revealDuration, function(){ clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][3]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][3] = setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word); }, revealAnimationDelay); }); } } function hideLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration){ $letter.removeClass('pagelayer-aheading-in').addClass('pagelayer-aheading-out'); if(!$letter.is(':last-child')){ clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][4]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][4] = setTimeout(function(){ hideLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration); }else if($bool){ clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][5]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][5] = setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(takeNext($word)); }, animationDelay); } if($letter.is(':last-child') && pagelayer_query('html').hasClass('pagelayer-no-csstransitions')){ var nextWord = takeNext($word); switchWord($word, nextWord); } } function showLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration){ $letter.addClass('pagelayer-aheading-in').removeClass('pagelayer-aheading-out'); if(!$word.hasClass('pagelayer-is-visible')){ $word.parent().children().removeClass('pagelayer-is-visible'); $word.addClass('pagelayer-is-visible'); } if(!$letter.is(':last-child')){ clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][6]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][6] = setTimeout(function(){ showLetter($letter.next(), $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration); }else{ if(!$bool) { clearTimeout(pagelayerAnimTimer[id][7]); pagelayerAnimTimer[id][7] = setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word); }, animationDelay) } } } function takeNext($word){ return (!$word.is(':last-child')) ? $word.next() : $word.parent().children().eq(0); } function switchWord($oldWord, $newWord){ $oldWord.removeClass('pagelayer-is-visible').addClass('pagelayer-is-hidden'); if(!$newWord.hasClass('pagelayer-is-visible')){ $newWord.removeClass('pagelayer-is-hidden').addClass('pagelayer-is-visible'); } } } var pagelayerSetInterval = {}; function pagelayer_pl_row_slider(jEle){ var index = 0; var id = jEle.closest('[pagelayer-id]').attr('pagelayer-id'); var imageEls = jEle.find('.pagelayer-bgimg-slide'); // Get the images to be cycled. var speed = parseFloat(jEle.attr('data-speed')); // Get the speed of loop. imageEls.first().addClass('pagelayer-slide-show'); clearInterval(pagelayerSetInterval[id]); pagelayerSetInterval[id] = setInterval(function (){ // Get the next index. If at end, restart to the beginning. index = index + 1 < imageEls.length ? index + 1 : 0; // Show the next imageEls.eq(index).addClass('pagelayer-slide-show'); // Hide the previous imageEls.eq(index - 1).removeClass('pagelayer-slide-show'); }, speed); } function pagelayer_pl_social_profile(jEle){ var icon_holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-icon-holder'); // Assigning animation classes to icon holder if(!pagelayer_empty(jEle.attr('pagelayer-animation'))){ icon_holder.addClass('pagelayer-animation-'+jEle.attr('pagelayer-animation')); } } // Post infinite scroll handler function pagelayer_infinite_posts(jEle) { var loader = jEle.find('.pagelayer-btn-load'); var autoScroll = jEle.find('.pagelayer-infinite-scroll-auto').length < 1; loader.on('click', function(){ var bEle = jQuery(this); var loaded = jEle.attr('pagelayer-post-data-loading'); // Is loading? if(!pagelayer_empty(loaded)){ return; } jEle.attr('pagelayer-post-data-loading', 1); var current = bEle.attr('data-current') || 1; var nextPage = parseInt(current) + 1; var load_btn = jEle.find('.pagelayer_load_button'); bEle.hide(); load_btn.find('.pagelayer-loader-holder').show(); if(jEle.find('.pagelayer-post-max').attr('data-max') <= 1) { load_btn.text(load_btn.data('text')); return; } // Get Data from local variable var data = window['pagelayer_local_scripts']['pagelayer_post_' + jEle.attr("pagelayer-id")]; // Add next page number to load if(!pagelayer_empty(data.atts)){ data.atts['paged'] = nextPage; } // Get the Posts jQuery.ajax({ url: pagelayer_ajaxurl + 'action=pagelayer_infinite_posts', type: 'POST', data: { pagelayer_nonce: pagelayer_global_nonce, data: data, }, success: function(result){ var json = jQuery.parseJSON(result); var content = jQuery(json['posts']).find('.pagelayer-posts-container').html(); jEle.find('.pagelayer-posts-container').append(content); load_btn.find('.pagelayer-loader-holder').hide(); if (jEle.find('.pagelayer-post-max').attr('data-max') == nextPage) { load_btn.text(load_btn.data('text')); }else if(autoScroll){ bEle.show(); } bEle.attr('data-current', nextPage); }, complete: function(){ jEle.removeAttr('pagelayer-post-data-loading'); } }); }); // If already scrolled if(pagelayer_isVisible(loader)){ loader.click(); } // Auto scroll? if(autoScroll){ return; } var win = jQuery(pagelayerGetCurrentWindow()); win.on('scroll.archive_posts', function(){ var current = parseInt(loader.attr('data-current')) || 1; var total = loader.attr('data-max'); if(win.scrollTop() + win.height() < jEle.height() || current >= total) { return; } loader.click(); }); } //////////////// // Freemium End //////////////// /* * Nivo Lightbox v1.3.1 * http://dev7studios.com/nivo-lightbox * * Copyright 2013, Dev7studios * Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ !function(t,i,o,e){function n(i,o){this.el=i,this.$el=t(this.el),this.options=t.extend({},l,o),this._defaults=l,this._name=a,this.init()}var a="nivoLightbox",l={effect:"fade",theme:"default",keyboardNav:!0,clickImgToClose:!1,clickOverlayToClose:!0,onInit:function(){},beforeShowLightbox:function(){},afterShowLightbox:function(t){},beforeHideLightbox:function(){},afterHideLightbox:function(){},beforePrev:function(t){},onPrev:function(t){},beforeNext:function(t){},onNext:function(t){},errorMessage:"The requested content cannot be loaded. 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style.setProperty("--transY",-y +"px"); //console.log(halfWidth +" "+ mouseLevel); }else if(jEle.attr('ele_m_tr_direction') == 'same'){ var x =((event.pageX - halfWidth)*mouseLevel)/10; var y = ((event.pageY-halfHeight)*mouseLevel)/10; style.setProperty("--transX",x +"px"); style.setProperty("--transY",y +"px"); } } if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt')){ if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt_direction')=='opposite'){ var x=((event.pageX - halfWidth)*tiltLevel)/100; var y=((event.pageY - halfHeight)*tiltLevel)/100; style.setProperty("--rotX", y +"deg"); style.setProperty("--rotY",-x + "deg"); }else if(jEle.attr('ele_3d_tilt_direction')=='same'){ var x=((event.pageX - halfWidth)*tiltLevel)/100; var y=((event.pageY - halfHeight)*tiltLevel)/100; style.setProperty("--rotX",-y + "deg"); style.setProperty("--rotY",x +"deg"); } } }); } // Element sticky handler function pagelayer_ele_sticky_handler(jEle, parentEle){ // Set element stickied if(jEle.attr('pagelayer-stickied-ele') == 1){ return; } parentEle = parentEle || jQuery(window); jEle.attr('pagelayer-stickied-ele', 1); var jEleTop = jEle.offset().top; var jEleW = jEle[0].clientWidth +'px'; var oldstyle = jEle.attr('style') || ''; var pagelayer_sticky = function(){ var position = jEle.attr('data-sticky-position') || ''; var offset = jEle.attr('data-sticky-offset') || 0; var sticky_in_col = jEle.attr('data-sticky_in_col') || ''; var sticky_on = jEle.attr('data-sticky-on') || ''; sticky_on = sticky_on.split(','); // If match the media var do_sticky = false; for(var x in sticky_on){ if(pagelayer_get_media_mode() == sticky_on[x]){ do_sticky = true; } } // If there is a wrapper var wrapper = jEle.parent('.pagelayer-ele-wrap'); if(wrapper.length > 0 ){ // Reset jEle jEle.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').remove(); jEle.attr('style', oldstyle); // Get wrapper old syle oldstyle = wrapper.attr('oldstyle') || ''; if(pagelayer_empty(oldstyle)){ oldstyle = wrapper.attr('style') || '1'; wrapper.attr('oldstyle', oldstyle); }else if(oldstyle == '1'){ oldstyle = ''; } }else{ wrapper = jEle; } var parentHeight = parentEle.height(); var parentScrollTop = parentEle.scrollTop(); var topToCheck = jEleTop - parentScrollTop; // Do fixed the element var pagelayer_fixed = function(){ var opp_position = (position == 'top') ? 'bottom' : 'top'; var fixed_css = {'position': 'fixed', 'width': jEleW, 'max-width': jEleW, [position] : offset +'px', [opp_position]: 'auto','z-index' : '99'} // For the sticky in columns if(!pagelayer_empty(sticky_in_col)){ //fixed_css['position'] = 'sticky'; var container = wrapper.parent(); var containerTop = container.offset().top; if((containerTop + container.height()) - parentScrollTop <= wrapper.outerHeight(true) + offset || containerTop - parentScrollTop >= parentHeight - wrapper.outerHeight(true) - offset){ fixed_css['position'] = 'absolute'; fixed_css[opp_position] = '0px'; fixed_css[position] = 'auto'; } } // Add position holder element if(wrapper.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').length < 1 ){ var clone = wrapper.clone(true); clone.addClass('pagelayer-sticky-space-holder'); clone.css({'visibility' : 'hidden', 'transition': 'none 0s ease 0s', 'animation': '0s ease 0s 1 normal none running none'}); // Remove pagelayer-parent attributes to avoid group children list double if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ clone.removeClass('pagelayer-ele-wrap'); clone.removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); clone.find('.pagelayer-ele').removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); clone.find('[pagelayer-id]').removeAttr('pagelayer-id'); } // Add wrapper.after(clone); //wrapper.after(''); } // Css for fixed the element wrapper.css(fixed_css); } // TODO: manage margin var mTopEle = parseFloat(wrapper.css('margin-top')); var mBottomEle = parseFloat(wrapper.css('margin-bottom')); // Fixed on top if( position == 'top' && (topToCheck <= offset+mTopEle && do_sticky) ){ pagelayer_fixed(); // Fixed on bottom }else if( position == 'bottom' && topToCheck + wrapper.outerHeight()+mBottomEle >= parentHeight - offset && do_sticky) { pagelayer_fixed(); // Set old style }else{ wrapper.attr('style', oldstyle); wrapper.next('.pagelayer-sticky-space-holder').remove(); jEleW = wrapper[0].clientWidth +'px'; jEleTop = wrapper.offset().top; } return true; }; // Run for the first time pagelayer_sticky(); // On window scroll parentEle.scroll(pagelayer_sticky); parentEle.resize(pagelayer_sticky); } function pagelayer_pl_posts(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-posts-container'); ul.addClass('pagelayer-owl-carousel pagelayer-owl-theme'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-owl-'); // Already setup ? var setup = jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup'); // If already setup then Destroy Owl if(setup && setup.length > 0){ ul.pagelayerOwlCarousel('destroy'); ul.find('[class^="pagelayer-owl-"]').remove(); } //console.log(options); ul.pagelayerOwlCarousel(options); // Set that we have setup everything jEle.attr('pagelayer-setup', 1); } function pagelayer_pl_slides(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-slides-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); var blurNav = false; if(pagelayer_is_live){ if(!options.nav && !options.dots) { options.nav = true; options.dots = true; blurNav = true; } options.mouseDrag = false; } pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); if(blurNav){ ul.find('.pagelayer-owl-nav button').css({'filter': 'blur(2px)'}); ul.find('.pagelayer-owl-dot').css({'filter': 'blur(2px)'}); } // Shows element animations after slide change ul.on('refresh.owl.carousel translate.owl.carousel', function(e) { var slide = jQuery(this); if(!pagelayer_is_live) { slide.find('.pagelayer-wow').addClass('animated'); return; } slide.find('.pagelayer-ele').each(function() { var ele = jQuery(this); if(ele.css('animation-name') == 'none') { return; } ele.addClass('pagelayer-wow animated').one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ ele.removeClass('pagelayer-wow animated'); }); }); }); } // For Pagelayer Pro // Show tooltip in image hotspot function pagelayer_image_hotspot(jEle){ // Drag and Drop function for image if (typeof pagelayer_preDAndD_image !== "undefined") { pagelayer_preDAndD_image(jEle); } var tooltip_click = jEle.find('.pagelayer-icon-holder'); var icon_holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-hotspots-icon-holder'); icon_holder.off('click'); icon_holder.find('.pagelayer-tooltip-text').removeClass('pagelayer-tooltip-on-click'); if(tooltip_click.hasClass('pagelayer-hotspots-click')){ icon_holder.each(function(){ jQuery(this).click(function(){ jQuery(this).find( '.pagelayer-tooltip-text' ).toggleClass('pagelayer-tooltip-on-click'); }) }); } // Assigning animation classes to icon holder if(!pagelayer_empty(tooltip_click.attr('pagelayer-animation'))){ icon_holder.addClass('pagelayer-animation-'+tooltip_click.attr('pagelayer-animation')); } } var pagelayer_chart_objects = {}; // Show Chart render function pagelayer_chart(jEle){ var holder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-holder'); var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var type = holder.attr('chart-type'); var labels = holder.attr('chart-labels') || ''; var legend = holder.attr('chart-legend'); var chart_datasets = []; labels = labels.split(','); //console.log(labels); jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-child-holder').find('.pagelayer-chart-datasets').each(function(){ var tmp_dataset = {}; //console.log(jQuery(this).attr('chart-datasets')); var chartDatasets = jQuery(this).attr('chart-datasets') || ''; tmp_dataset['data'] = chartDatasets.split(','); //tmp_dataset['data'] = [734,784,2478,5267,433]; tmp_dataset['label'] = jQuery(this).attr('datasets-label'); tmp_dataset['backgroundColor'] = ( holder.attr('chart-colors') ? holder.attr('chart-colors').split(',') : jQuery(this).attr('dataset-bg') ); tmp_dataset['borderColor'] = jQuery(this).attr('border-color'); tmp_dataset['borderWidth'] = 1; tmp_dataset['fill'] = ( jQuery(this).attr('dataset-fill') ? true : false ); chart_datasets.push(tmp_dataset); }); //console.log(chart_datasets); //chart_datasets = chart_datasets.join(','); if(id in pagelayer_chart_objects && typeof pagelayer_chart_objects[id].destroy == 'function'){ pagelayer_chart_objects[id].destroy(); } pagelayer_chart_objects[id] = new Chart(jEle.find('.pagelayer-chart-holder'), { type: type, data: { labels: labels, datasets: chart_datasets }, options: { //rotation: holder.attr('data-pierotate') * Math.PI, //circumference: holder.attr('data-circumference') * Math.PI, maintainAspectRatio: ( holder.attr('chart-height') ? false : true ), legend: { display: ( legend ? true : false ), position: legend, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { barPercentage: 1, categoryPercentage: 0.9, ticks:{ beginAtZero: holder.attr('data-xbegin'), fontColor: holder.attr('data-xcolor'), fontSize: holder.attr('data-xsize'), autoSkip: false, maxRotation: holder.attr('data-xrotate'), minRotation: holder.attr('data-xrotate') }, //stacked: true } ], yAxes:[ { ticks:{ beginAtZero: holder.attr('data-ybegin'), fontColor: holder.attr('data-ycolor'), fontSize: holder.attr('data-ysize'), autoSkip: false, maxRotation: holder.attr('data-yrotate'), minRotation: holder.attr('data-yrotate') }, //stacked: true } ] } } }); } // Show table render function pagelayer_table(jEle){ var tHolder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-table-holder'); var dHolder = jEle.find('.pagelayer-data-holder'); var trEle = dHolder.find(".pagelayer-table_row"); var tdlength = 0; tHolder.empty(); /*trEle.each(function(){ var tdEle = jQuery(this).find(".pagelayer-table_col").length; if(tdlength < tdEle){tdlength = tdEle} });*/ // Add rows trEle.each(function(){ var this_trEle = jQuery(this); var this_trId = this_trEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var tdEle = this_trEle.find(".pagelayer-table_col"); var html = ''; // Add columns tdEle.each(function(){ var td_data_Holder = jQuery(this).find('.pagelayer-col-data'); var td_id = jQuery(this).attr('pagelayer-id'); var tdata = td_data_Holder.attr('data-td') || ''; var t_tag = td_data_Holder.attr('data-tag') || ''; var attrs = {}; var col_attr = ''; attrs['colspan']= td_data_Holder.attr('data-colspan') || ''; attrs['rowspan'] = td_data_Holder.attr('data-rowspan') || ''; if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ attrs['pagelayer-ref-id'] = td_id; attrs['pagelayer-editable'] = 'data'; attrs['contenteditable'] = 'true'; } for(var key in attrs){ if(!pagelayer_empty(attrs[key])){ col_attr += key+'="'+attrs[key]+'"'; } } html = html+'<'+t_tag +' '+col_attr+' pagelayer-table-id="'+td_id+'">'+tdata+''; }); /* if(tdlength > tdEle.length){ var extra_td = tdlength - tdEle.length; for(var i=0; extra_td >i; i++){ html = html+''; } } */ tHolder.append(''+html+''); }); if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ tHolder.on('input', '[contenteditable]', function(){ var jEle = jQuery(this); var val = pagelayer_trim(jEle.html()); var id = jEle.closest('[pagelayer-ref-id]').attr('pagelayer-ref-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(id)){ return; } jQuery('[pagelayer-id='+id+']').find('.pagelayer-col-data').attr('data-td', val); }); } } function pagelayer_audio(jEle){ var audio = jQuery(jEle.find('audio')); var container = jEle.find('.pagelayer-audio-container'); var features = ['playpause','tracks','fullscreen']; (container.attr('show_duration') ? features.push('duration') : '' ); (container.attr('show_progress') ? features.push('progress') : '' ); (container.attr('show_current') ? features.push('current') : '' ); (container.attr('show_volume') ? features.push('volume') : '' ); audio.mediaelementplayer({ //features: ['playpause','duration','progress','current','volume','tracks','fullscreen'] features: features }); } // Post Portfolio Handler - Premium function pagelayer_post_folio(jEle){ var btn = jEle.find('.pagelayer-postfolio-btn'); var thumb = jEle.find('.pagelayer-postfolio-thumb'); btn.unbind('click'); btn.on('click', function(){ var btn_cat = jQuery(this).data("filter"); if(btn_cat == 'all'){ jQuery(thumb).fadeIn(1200); }else{ thumb.each(function(){ var thumb_cat = jQuery(this).data("category"); if(!pagelayer_empty(thumb_cat)){ thumb_cat = thumb_cat.split(' '); if(jQuery.inArray( btn_cat, thumb_cat ) == -1){ jQuery(this).hide(); }else{ jQuery(this).fadeIn(600); } }else{ jQuery(this).hide(); } }); } }); } // Search Form handler - Premium function pagelayer_search_form(jEle){ // In full screen mode set auto complete offscreenBuffering jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-full-screen form').attr('autocomplete', 'off'); jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-toggle').click(function(){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-fields').toggleClass('show'); }); jEle.find('.pagelayer-search-fields').click(function(e){ e = window.event || e; if(this === e.target) { jQuery(this).removeClass('show'); } }); } // Login Form handler - Premium function pagelayer_login_submit(jEle, e){ e.preventDefault(); var fdata = new FormData( jQuery(jEle).closest('form')[0] ); // Append the nonce fdata.append('pagelayer_nonce', pagelayer_global_nonce); jQuery.ajax({ url: pagelayer_ajaxurl+'action=pagelayer_login_submit', type: "POST", data: fdata, processData: false, contentType: false, cache:false, success:function(result){ var json = jQuery.parseJSON(result); // console.log(json); if(!pagelayer_empty(json['error'])){ jQuery(".pagelayer-login-error-box").html(json['error']).fadeIn().delay(10000).fadeOut(); }else{ if(!pagelayer_empty(json['redirect'])){ window.location.href = json['redirect']; }else{ location.reload(true); } } } }); } //Review slider handler - Premium function pagelayer_reviews_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-reviews-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } // Facebook App ID handler - Premium function pagelayer_fb_apps(jEle){ var app_id = jEle.find('.pagelayer-app-details').attr('pagelayer-app-id'); if(pagelayer_empty(app_id) || app_id == "{{fb-app-id}}"){ app_id = pagelayer_facebook_id; } // If still empty if(pagelayer_empty(app_id)){ return; } var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); var doc = pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); win.fbAsyncInit = function() { win.FB.init({ appId : app_id, autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.3' }); }; win.FB = null; (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v3.0"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(doc, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); } // SiteMap Attribute Handler- Premium function pagelayer_sitemap_add_attributes(jEle){ var nofollow = jEle.find('.pagelayer-sitemap-div-holder').data('nofollow'); if(!pagelayer_empty(nofollow)){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-sitemap-section .pagelayer-sitemap-list-item a').attr('rel','nofollow'); } } // Initialize video slider function pagelayer_pl_video_slider(jEle){ var ul = jEle.find('.pagelayer-video-slider-holder'); // Build the options var options = pagelayer_fetch_dataAttrs(ul, 'data-slides-'); pagelayer_owl_init(jEle, ul, options); } // Splash widget function pagelayer_pl_splash_screen(jEle){ if(!pagelayer_empty(pagelayer_is_live)){ return; } if( jEle.attr('display_type') == "once"){ if (!sessionStorage.isVisited) { sessionStorage.isVisited = "true"; jEle.delay(jEle.attr('delay')).fadeIn(); } }else{ jEle.delay(jEle.attr('delay')).fadeIn(); } jEle.find('.pagelayer-splash-close, .pagelayer-splash-bg-close').on('click', function(){ jEle.fadeOut(); }); } // Facebook width adjustment function function pagelayer_fb_width(jEle){ var facebook = (jEle.find('.fb-page').length ? jEle.find('.fb-page') : jEle.find('.fb-embed')); var fb_resize = function(){ facebook.attr('data-width', jEle.width()); FB.XFBML.parse(); }; setTimeout(fb_resize, 1000); var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); jQuery(win).on('resize', function(){ setTimeout(fb_resize, 1000); }); } // WooCommenrce cart function pagelayer_woo_menu_cart(jEle){ // On click menu cart jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-toggle').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-container').toggle(); }); // On click menu cart close jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-close').click(function(){ jEle.find('.pagelayer-menu-cart-container').hide(); }); } // Setup the pop-ups function pagelayer_popup_setup(popEle){ var jEle = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup').first(); var id = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); var popup_content = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content'); var data = new Object(); // Set the Pou-up id popEle.attr('pagelayer-popup-id', id); if(jEle.length < 1) return; jQuery.each(jEle[0].attributes, function(index, att){ if(att.name.match(/data\-/i)){ data[att.name.substr(5)] = att.value; } }); // Show pop-up var popup_show = function(force){ // Is there a cookie? if( !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_session']) && !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_name']) && pagelayer_empty(force)){ var name = data['popup_cookie_name']+ "="; var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var ca = decodedCookie.split(';'); for(var i = 0; i
'); }else{ popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content').append('
'); } var closer = popEle.find('.pagelayer-popup-close'); // On click close closer.click(function(e){ jQuery(document).trigger('pagelayer_popup_close', e, popEle); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); popEle.hide(); }); // Hide pop-up on click modal container if ( !pagelayer_empty(data['overlay_close']) ){ popEle.click(function(e){ if(jQuery(e.target).closest('.pagelayer-popup-modal-content').length > 0) return; closer.click(); }); } // Hide pop-up click on selector if ( !pagelayer_empty(data['selector_close']) ){ jQuery(data['selector_close']).click(function(e){ closer.click(); }); } // Is there a cookie to be set to be remembered ? if( !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_session']) && !pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_name']) ){ // Set cookie on close as well ? if(!pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_close'])){ data['popup_cookie_selector'] = '.pagelayer-popup-close'+(pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_selector']) ? '' : ','+data['popup_cookie_selector']); } if(!pagelayer_empty(data['popup_cookie_selector'])){ pagelayer_popup_set_cookie(data, closer); } } // Pop-up triggers // If we are in editor if ( !pagelayer_empty(popEle.attr('pagelayer-popup-editor')) ) { closer.unbind('click'); popEle.unbind('click'); popEle.removeAttr('pagelayer-popup-Shown'); popup_show(true); } // Click popup show if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_click'])){ jQuery(data['trig_click_ele']).click(popup_show); } // Popup show on load if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_load'])){ var second = parseFloat(data['trig_load_sec'] || 0); setTimeout(popup_show, second * 1000); } // Popup show on scroll if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_scroll'])){ // Initial state var scrollPos = 0; // adding scroll event jQuery(window).on('scroll', function(){ // detects new state and compares it with the new one if ( scrollY > scrollPos){ if(data['trig_scroll_dir'] == 'down'){ let scroll_per = scrollY*100/(jQuery(document).height() - innerHeight); let scr_per =parseInt(data['trig_scroll_per']) || 0; if( scr_per <= scroll_per){ popup_show(); } } }else if(data['trig_scroll_dir'] == 'up'){ popup_show(); } // saves the new position for iteration. scrollPos = scrollY; }); } // Popup show on scroll to element if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_scroll_to_ele'])){ // adding scroll event jEle.find(data['trig_scroll_to_ele_sel']).on('scroll', function(){ popup_show(); }); } // On scroll popup show if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_page_exit_intent'])){ jQuery(document).on('mouseleave', popup_show); } // When page load popup hide if(!pagelayer_empty(data['trig_before_load'])){ closer.click(); } } // Sets the cookie function pagelayer_popup_set_cookie(data, closer){ jQuery(data['popup_cookie_selector']).click(function(e){ var exdays = data['popup_cookie_exp'] || 0; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + ( parseFloat(exdays) *24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "expires="+ d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = data['popup_cookie_name'] + "=1;" + expires + ";path=/"; if(closer && !jQuery(e.target).is(closer)){ closer.click(); } }); } // Before After Slider Handler function pagelayer_before_after_slider(jEle){ let event = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-after-container').attr('data-resize-event'), slider = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-after-slider'), after = jEle.find('.pagelayer-after-image'), resizer = jEle.find('.pagelayer-resizer'), buttons = jEle.find('.pagelayer-before-btn, .pagelayer-after-btn'), plID = jEle.attr('pagelayer-id'); resizer.removeAttr('style'); after.removeAttr('style'); // z - Custom value for both var slideIt = function(e, z){ z = z || false; let x, y; if(z != false){ x = y = z; }else{ let pos = slider.offset(), eleWidth = slider.width(), eleHeight = slider.height(); x = Math.min( (e.pageX - pos.left), eleWidth ) * 100 / eleWidth; y = Math.min( (e.pageY - pos.top), eleHeight) * 100 / eleHeight; } if(x < 0 || x > 99.7 || y < 0 || y > 99.7){ return false; } if(slider.hasClass('pagelayer-before-after-slider-vertical')){ resizer.css({'top': y+'%'}); after.css({'clip-path': 'polygon(0px '+y+'%, 100% '+y+'%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%)'}); return; } resizer.css({'left': x+'%'}); after.css({'clip-path': 'polygon('+x+'% 0%, 100% 0%, 100% 100%, '+x+'% 100%)'}); } var resizeOn = function(){ slider.addClass('resize'); } var resizeOff = function(){ slider.removeClass('resize'); } // Before After Button click handler jEle.on('click', '.pagelayer-after-btn, .pagelayer-before-btn', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var slide = (jQuery(this).hasClass('pagelayer-before-btn')) ? 90 : 10; // Start resizing resizeOn(); slideIt(e, slide); // Stop resizing resizeOff(); }); var win = pagelayerGetCurrentWindow(); var doc = pagelayerGetDocumentElement(); // Unbind All events jQuery(win).unbind('mousemove.bf_slider'+plID); slider.unbind('click mouseover mouseout'); resizer.unbind('mousedown'); jQuery(doc).unbind('mouseup.bf_slider'+plID); // If there is no events if(event == 'none' || pagelayer_empty(event)){ return; } if(event == 'hover'){ // No need of buttons while hover effect buttons.fadeOut(); slider.on('mouseover', resizeOn); slider.on('mouseout', resizeOff); }else{ resizer.on('mousedown', function(e){ // To prevent widgets from being dragged. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); resizeOn(); buttons.fadeOut(); }); jQuery(doc).on('mouseup.bf_slider'+plID, function(e){ resizeOff(); buttons.fadeIn(); }); } jQuery(win).on('mousemove.bf_slider'+plID, function(e){ if(!slider.hasClass('resize')){ return; } // Stop divs being selected. e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); slideIt(e); }); slider.on('click', slideIt); } !function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):(t=t||self).Shuffle=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";function t(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function e(t,e){for(var i=0;i=e?l():o=setTimeout(l,e-t)),s};function l(){o=0,r=+new 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// Unwrap the wraps if(selector.parent().is('.pagelayer-ele-wrap')){ selector.unwrap(); } } } }); }else{ el.CSS.css.push({'sel': '{{element}} .pagelayer-template-content', 'val': 'min-height:20px;background-color:#e3e3e3;'}); } } ///////////////////////////// ////WooCommerce Shortcode Js ///////////////////////////// var product_data_timer = {}; function pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, success){ var jEle = el.$; var shortcode_data = pagelayer_generate_sc(jEle, true); // Clear any previous timeout clearTimeout(product_data_timer[el.id]); // Set a timer for constant change product_data_timer[el.id] = setTimeout(function(){ // Make the call jQuery.ajax({ url: pagelayer_ajax_url+'&action=pagelayer_do_shortcodes', type: 'POST', data: { pagelayer_nonce: pagelayer_ajax_nonce, shortcode_data: shortcode_data }, success: function(data){ if(typeof success == 'function'){ success(data); return; } var container = jQuery(data).find(success); if(container.length > 0){ data = container.html(); } el.$.find(success).html(data); } }); }, 200); } // Render the product image function pagelayer_render_pl_product_images(el){ el.atts['product_images_templ'] = ''; var success = function(data){ var container = jQuery(data).find('.pagelayer-product-images-container'); if(container.length > 0){ data = container.html(); } el.$.find('.pagelayer-product-images-container').html(data); jQuery(".woocommerce-product-gallery").each( function() { jQuery(this).wc_product_gallery(); }); } pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, success); } // Render product price function pagelayer_render_pl_product_price(el){ pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, '.pagelayer-product-price-container'); } function pagelayer_render_pl_product_short_desc(el) { pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, '.pagelayer-product-short-desc'); } // Render product add to cart function pagelayer_render_pl_add_to_cart(el){ pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, '.pagelayer-add-to-cart-holder'); } // Render product product meta function pagelayer_render_pl_product_meta(el){ pagelayer_ajax_do_shortcodes(el, '.pagelayer-product-meta'); 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Content not found
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' == $content ) { response = '
Your cart is currently empty.
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', 'params' => array( 'title' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('title'), ), 'menu_type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('menu_type'), 'desc' => __pl('menu_type_desc'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('flyout'), 'mega' => __pl('mega_menu'), 'column' => __pl('column_menu'), ), 'req' => ['menu_item_parent' => '0'] ), 'element' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('Inner Row'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_inner_row', 'count' => 1, 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('Inner Row'), ), 'text' => __pl('Add new row'), 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'mega'] ), 'columns' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('columns_count'), 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > .sub-menu' => 'columns: {{val}}'], 'list' => array( '' => __pl('default'), 1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7=> '7', 8 => '8', 9 => '9', 10 => '10' ), 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'column'] ), 'col_gap' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('col_gap'), 'min' => 0, 'max' => 100, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > .sub-menu' => 'column-gap: {{val}}px;'], 'req' => ['menu_type' => 'column'] ), 'mega_width' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('mega_width'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('menu_container'), 'row_container' => __pl('row_container'), 'custom' => __pl('custom'), ), 'addAttr' => 'pagelayer-mega-width="{{mega_width}}"', 'req' => ['!menu_type' => ''] ), 'mega_custom_width' => array( 'type' => 'spinner', 'label' => __pl('mega_custom_width'), 'default' => '800', 'addAttr' => 'pagelayer-mega-custom-width="{{mega_custom_width}}"', 'req' => ['mega_width' => 'custom', '!menu_type' => ''] ), 'menu_icon' => array( 'type' => 'icon', 'label' => __pl('icon'), ), ), 'menu_setting' => array( 'disable_link' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('disable_link'), ), 'hide_text' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('hide_text'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-nav-menu-title' => 'display:none'] ), 'icon_position' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('icon_position'), 'list' => array( '' => __pl('left'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), ), 'highlight' => array( 'highlight_label' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('highlight_label'), ), 'highlight_bg' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('bg_color'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-menu-highlight' => 'background:{{val}}'] ), 'highlight_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'css' => ['.menu-item-{{ID}} > a .pagelayer-menu-highlight' => 'color:{{val}}'] ), ), 'styles' => array( 'menu_setting' => __pl('menu_setting'), 'highlight' => __pl('highlight_label'), ), ) ); // Breadcrumb pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_breadcrumb', array( 'name' => __pl('breadcrumb'), 'group' => 'other', 'html' => '{{prefix}} '. pagelayer_get_breadcrumb(). '', //'html' => yoast_breadcrumb( '' ).pagelayer_get_breadcrumb(), 'params' => array( 'home' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('home_label'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'Home', ), 'breadcrumb_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section a' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'breadcrumb_hover' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('hovered_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section a:hover' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'cur_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('cur_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-section' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'alignment' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'css' =>'text-align:{{val}};', 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ), ), ), 'prefix_style' => [ 'prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('breadcrumb_prefix'), ), 'search_prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('search_prefix'), ), '404_prefix' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('404_prefix'), ), 'prefix_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-prefix' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), 'prefix_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-prefix' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}}; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), ], 'separator_style' => [ 'separator' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('separator_style'), 'default' => ' » ', ), 'separator_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => '#333333', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-breadcrumb-sep' => 'color:{{val}};'] ), ], 'styles' => [ 'prefix_style' => __pl('prefix_style'), 'separator_style' => __pl('separator_style'), ] ) ); // Contact Form pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_contact', array( 'name' => __pl('contact_form'), 'group' => 'other', 'has_group' => [ 'section' => 'params', 'prop' => 'elements' ], 'holder' => '.pagelayer-contact-holder', 'html' => '
', 'params' => array( 'elements' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'label' => __pl('Label'), 'sc' => PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_contact_item', 'item_label' => array( 'default' => __pl('Label'), 'param' => 'label_name' ), 'count' => 1, 'text' => strtr(__pl('add_new_item'), array('%name%' => __pl('field_name'))), ), 'redirect_show' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('redirect_url'), ), 'redirect_url' => array( 'type' => 'link', 'label' => __pl('redirect_urllabel'), 'desc' => __pl('redirect_urldesc'), 'req' => array( 'redirect_show' => 'true' ) ), 'captcha' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => __pl('use_recaptcha'), 'default' => '', 'desc' => __pl('use_recaptcha_desc'), ), 'form' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('form_id'), 'desc' => __pl('form_id_desc'), 'default' => 'contact-form', 'np' => 1 ), 'name' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('form_name'), 'default' => 'Contact Form', 'desc' => __pl('form_name_desc'), 'np' => 1 ), 'form_position' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'default' => 'default', 'screen' => 1, 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right') ), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-contact-form' => 'text-align: {{val}}'], ), 'note' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('note'), 'edit' => '.pagelayer-contact-form-note', ), 'note_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('note_color'), 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-contact-form-note' => 'color:{{val}}'], ), ), 'label_style' =>[ 'form_label_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('label_color'), 'default' => '', 'show' => ['field_state' => ''], 'css' => ['{{element}} label' => 'color: {{val}}'], ), 'label_typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'css' => ['{{element}} label' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; 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// Countdown Timer pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_countdown', array( 'name' => __pl('countdown_timer'), 'group' => 'other', 'html' => '


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// Social Share Button pagelayer_freemium_shortcode(PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share', array( 'name' => __pl('icon'), 'group' => 'button', 'not_visible' => 1, 'parent' => [PAGELAYER_SC_PREFIX.'_share_grp'], 'html' => '
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    ', 'params' => array( 'type' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('type'), 'default' => 'effects', 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-heading-{{val}}', 'list' => array( 'effects' => __pl('effects'), 'rotating' => __pl('rotating'), ), ), 'effects' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('effects'), 'default' => 'blobs', 'addClass' => 'pagelayer-hEffect-{{val}}', 'list' => array( 'none' => __pl('none'), 'blobs' => __pl('blobs'), 'stroke' => __pl('stroke'), 'shadow' => __pl('shadow'), ), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'animations' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => __pl('effects'), 'default' => 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate1', 'list' => array( 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate1' => __pl('rotate-1'), 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate2' => __pl('rotate-2'), 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate3' => __pl('rotate-3'), 'pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar' => __pl('loading-bar'), 'pagelayer-aheading-slide' => __pl('slide'), 'pagelayer-aheading-clip' => __pl('clip'), 'pagelayer-aheading-zoom' => __pl('zoom'), 'pagelayer-aheading-scale' => __pl('scale'), 'pagelayer-aheading-push' => __pl('push'), ), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'hide_clip' => array( 'label' => __pl('clip_hide'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'display:none'], 'req' => [ 'animations' => 'pagelayer-aheading-clip' ] ), 'align' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl('alignment'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'center', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => 'text-align: {{val}};', 'list' => array( 'left' => __pl('left'), 'center' => __pl('center'), 'right' => __pl('right'), ) ), ), 'title_style' => [ 'text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('title'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => __pl('animated_heading'), 'edit' => '.pagelayer-animated-title', 'e' => [ 'v', 'f', 'r'] ), 'rotate_text' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => __pl('rotate_text'), 'np' => 1, 'default' => __pl('rotate_default'), 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'after_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => __pl('after_text'), 'np' => 1, 'req' => [ 'type' => 'rotating' ] ), 'typo' => array( 'type' => 'typography', 'label' => __pl('typography'), 'default' => ',40,,700,,,solid,,,,', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'font-family: {{val[0]}} !important; font-size: {{val[1]}}px !important; font-style: {{val[2]}} !important; font-weight: {{val[3]}} !important; font-variant: {{val[4]}} !important; text-decoration-line: {{val[5]}} !important; text-decoration-style: {{val[6]}} !important; line-height: {{val[7]}}em !important; text-transform: {{val[8]}} !important; letter-spacing: {{val[9]}}px !important; word-spacing: {{val[10]}}px !important;'], ), 'color_type' => array( 'type' => 'radio', 'label' => __pl(''), 'np' => 1, 'default' => 'color', 'list' => array( 'color' => __pl('color'), 'gradient' => __pl('gradient'), ), ), 'color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('color'), 'default' => '#A236FA', 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'background:{{val}}; -webkit-background-clip: text;', '{{element}}.pagelayer-hEffect-shadow .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'color:{{val}};', '{{element}} .pagelayer-rotating-text *' => 'background:{{val}}; -webkit-background-clip: text;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background:{{val}};', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-clip .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background:{{val}};' ], 'req' => ['color_type' => 'color'] ), 'gradient' => array( 'type' => 'gradient', 'label' => '', 'default' => '150,#44d3f6,23,#72e584,45,#2ca4eb,100', 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%); -webkit-background-clip: text;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-rotating-text *' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%); -webkit-background-clip: text;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%);', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-clip .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background: linear-gradient({{val[0]}}deg, {{val[1]}} {{val[2]}}%, {{val[3]}} {{val[4]}}%, {{val[5]}} {{val[6]}}%);' ], 'req' => [ 'color_type' => 'gradient', '!effects' => 'shadow' ] ), ], 'misc_style' => [ 'blob_1' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_1_color'), 'default' => '#ff1493', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_1' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_2' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_2_color'), 'default' => '#ff4500', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_2' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_3' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_3_color'), 'default' => '#00ff00', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_3' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_4' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_4_color'), 'default' => '#ff0000', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_4' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_5' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_5_color'), 'default' => '#ffff00', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_5' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_6' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_6_color'), 'default' => '#00ffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_6' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'blob_7' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('blob_7_color'), 'default' => '#ff8c00', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-blobs_7' => 'background:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'blobs', 'type' => 'effects' ] ), 'stroke' => array( 'type' => 'slider', 'label' => __pl('stroke_thickness'), 'min' => 1, 'step' => 1, 'max' => 50, 'default' => 5, 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => '-webkit-text-stroke: {{val}}px transparent;'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'stroke' ] ), 'stroke_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('stroke_color'), 'default' => '#ffffff', 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'color:{{val}}'], 'req' => [ 'effects' => 'stroke' ] ), 'shadow_color' => array( 'type' => 'shadow', 'label' => __pl('shadow'), 'default' => '2,2,,#999999', 'screen' => 1, 'css' => ['{{element}} .pagelayer-animated-heading' => 'text-shadow: {{val[0]}}px {{val[1]}}px #fff, calc({{val[0]}}px * 2) calc({{val[1]}}px * 2) {{val[3]}};'], 'req' => [ 'type' => 'effects', 'effects' => 'shadow' ] ), 'rotate_color' => array( 'type' => 'color', 'label' => __pl('rotate_color'), 'css' => [ '{{element}} .pagelayer-rotating-text *' => 'background:{{val}}; -webkit-background-clip: text;', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-loading-bar .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background:{{val}};', '{{element}} .pagelayer-aheading-clip .pagelayer-words-wrapper:after' => 'background:{{val}};' ], 'req' => ['type' => 'rotating'] ), ], 'styles' => [ 'title_style' => __pl('title_style'), 'misc_style' => __pl('misc_style'), ] ) ); main/functions.php000064400000023547147600231460010227 0ustar00 5){ $lic['license'] = $parent; // Load license of Soft Pro }elseif(!empty($parent)){ $license_field = 'softaculous_pro_license'; $lic = get_option('softaculous_pro_license', []); // My license }else{ $lic = get_option($license_field, []); } // Loaded license is a Soft Pro if(!empty($lic['license']) && preg_match('/^softwp/is', $lic['license'])){ $license_field = 'softaculous_pro_license'; $license_api_url = 'https://a.softaculous.com/softwp/'; $prods = apply_filters('softaculous_pro_products', []); }else{ $prods = []; } if(empty($lic['last_update'])){ $lic['last_update'] = time() - 86600; } // Update license details as well if(!empty($lic) && !empty($lic['license']) && (time() - @$lic['last_update']) >= 86400){ $url = $license_api_url.'/license.php?license='.$lic['license'].'&prods='.implode(',', $prods).'&url='.rawurlencode(site_url()); $resp = wp_remote_get($url); $lic_resp = $resp; //Did we get a response ? if(is_array($resp)){ $tosave = json_decode($resp['body'], true); //Is it the license ? if(!empty($tosave['license'])){ $tosave['last_update'] = time(); update_option($license_field, $tosave); $lic = $tosave; } } } // If the license is Free or Expired check for Softaculous Pro license if(empty($lic) || empty($lic['active'])){ if(function_exists('softaculous_pro_load_license')){ $softaculous_license = softaculous_pro_load_license(); if(!empty($softaculous_license['license']) && (!empty($softaculous_license['active']) || empty($lic['license'])) ){ $lic = $softaculous_license; } }elseif(empty($parent)){ $lic = get_option('softaculous_pro_license', []); if(!empty($lic)){ return pagelayer_pro_load_license(1); } } } if(!empty($lic['license'])){ $pagelayer->license = $lic; } } add_filter('softaculous_pro_products', 'pagelayer_softaculous_pro_products', 10, 1); function pagelayer_softaculous_pro_products($r = []){ $r['pagelayer'] = 'pagelayer'; return $r; } // Add our license key if ANY function pagelayer_pro_updater_filter_args($queryArgs) { global $pagelayer; if ( !empty($pagelayer->license['license']) ) { $queryArgs['license'] = $pagelayer->license['license']; } $queryArgs['url'] = rawurlencode(site_url()); return $queryArgs; } // Handle the Check for update link and ask to install license key function pagelayer_pro_updater_check_link($final_link){ global $pagelayer; if(empty($pagelayer->license['license'])){ return 'Install Pagelayer Pro License Key'; } return $final_link; } function pagelayer_pro_is_network_active($pluign){ $is_network_wide = false; // Handling network site if(!is_multisite()){ return $is_network_wide; } $_tmp_plugins = get_site_option('active_sitewide_plugins'); if(!empty($_tmp_plugins) && preg_grep('/.*\/'.$pluign.'\.php$/', array_keys($_tmp_plugins))){ $is_network_wide = true; } return $is_network_wide; } // Prevent update of pagelayer free function pagelayer_pro_get_free_version_num(){ if(defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')){ return PAGELAYER_VERSION; } // In case of pagelayer deactive return pagelayer_pro_file_get_version_num('pagelayer/pagelayer.php'); } // Prevent update of pagelayer free function pagelayer_pro_file_get_version_num($plugin){ // In case of pagelayer deactive include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'.$plugin); if(empty($plugin_data)){ return false; } return $plugin_data['Version']; } // Prevent update of pagelayer free function pagelayer_pro_disable_manual_update_for_plugin($transient){ $plugin = 'pagelayer/pagelayer.php'; // Is update available? if(!isset($transient->response) || !isset($transient->response[$plugin])){ return $transient; } $free_version = pagelayer_pro_get_free_version_num(); $pro_version = PAGELAYER_PRO_VERSION; if(!empty($GLOBALS['pagelayer_pro_is_upgraded'])){ $pro_version = pagelayer_pro_file_get_version_num('pagelayer-pro/pagelayer-pro.php'); } // Update the Pagelayer version to the equivalent of Pro version if(!empty($pro_version) && version_compare($free_version, $pro_version, '<')){ $transient->response[$plugin]->new_version = $pro_version; $transient->response[$plugin]->package = 'https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/pagelayer.'.$pro_version.'.zip'; }else{ unset($transient->response[$plugin]); } return $transient; } // Auto update free version after update pro version function pagelayer_pro_update_free_after_pro($upgrader_object, $options){ // Check if the action is an update for the plugins if($options['action'] != 'update' || $options['type'] != 'plugin'){ return; } // Define the slugs for the free and pro plugins $free_slug = 'pagelayer/pagelayer.php'; $pro_slug = 'pagelayer-pro/pagelayer-pro.php'; // Check if the pro plugin is in the list of updated plugins if( (isset($options['plugins']) && in_array($pro_slug, $options['plugins']) && !in_array($free_slug, $options['plugins'])) || (isset($options['plugin']) && $pro_slug == $options['plugin']) ){ // Trigger the update for the free plugin $current_version = pagelayer_pro_get_free_version_num(); if(empty($current_version)){ return; } $GLOBALS['pagelayer_pro_is_upgraded'] = true; // This will set the 'update_plugins' transient again wp_update_plugins(); // Check for updates for the free plugin $update_plugins = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); if(empty($update_plugins) || !isset($update_plugins->response[$free_slug]) || version_compare($update_plugins->response[$free_slug]->new_version, $current_version, '<=')){ return; } require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'); $skin = wp_doing_ajax()? new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin() : null; $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $upgraded = $upgrader->upgrade($free_slug); if(!is_wp_error($upgraded) && $upgraded){ // Re-active free plugins if( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'. $free_slug ) && is_plugin_inactive($free_slug) ){ activate_plugin($free_slug); // TODO for network } // Re-active pro plugins if( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/'. $pro_slug ) && is_plugin_inactive($pro_slug) ){ activate_plugin($pro_slug); // TODO for network } } } } function pagelayer_pro_api_url($main_server = 0, $suffix = 'pagelayer'){ global $pagelayer; $r = array( 'https://s0.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s1.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s2.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s3.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s4.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s5.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s7.softaculous.com/a/softwp/', 'https://s8.softaculous.com/a/softwp/' ); $mirror = $r[array_rand($r)]; // If the license is newly issued, we need to fetch from API only if(!empty($main_server) || empty($pagelayer->license['last_edit']) || (!empty($pagelayer->license['last_edit']) && (time() - 3600) < $pagelayer->license['last_edit']) ){ $mirror = PAGELAYER_PRO_API; } if(!empty($suffix)){ $mirror = str_replace('/softwp', '/'.$suffix, $mirror); } return $mirror; }main/license.php000064400000013341147600231460007630 0ustar00'.var_export($lic_resp, true), 'pagelayer'); return pagelayer_license_T(); } // Save the License if(empty($json['license'])){ $pl_error['lic_invalid'] = __('The license key is invalid', 'pagelayer'); return pagelayer_license_T(); }else{ // Mark as saved $GLOBALS['pl_saved'] = true; } } pagelayer_license_T(); } // The License Page - THEME function pagelayer_license_T(){ global $pagelayer, $pl_error; pagelayer_page_header('Pagelayer License'); // Saved ? if(!empty($GLOBALS['pl_saved'])){ echo '

    '. __('The settings were saved successfully', 'pagelayer'). '

    '; } if(date('Ymd') <= 20200331 && !defined('PAGELAYER_PREMIUM')){ echo '

    Promotional Offer : If you buy Pagelayer Pro before 31st March, 2020 then you will get an additional year free and your license will expire on 31st March, 2022

    .'; } // Any errors ? if(!empty($pl_error)){ pagelayer_report_error($pl_error);echo '
    '; } ?>

    '; echo ' '; echo ''; if(file_exists(ABSPATH.'/.htaccess')){ echo ' '; } ?>
    '.__('Pagelayer Version', 'pagelayer').' '.PAGELAYER_VERSION.(defined('PAGELAYER_PREMIUM') ? ' (PRO Version)' : '').'
    '.__('Pagelayer License', 'pagelayer').' '.(defined('PAGELAYER_PREMIUM') && empty($pagelayer->license) ? 'Unlicensed    ' : '').'   '; if(!empty($pagelayer->license)){ $expires = $pagelayer->license['expires']; $expires = substr($expires, 0, 4).'/'.substr($expires, 4, 2).'/'.substr($expires, 6); echo '
    License Status : '.(empty($pagelayer->license['status_txt']) ? 'N.A.' : $pagelayer->license['status_txt']).'       License Expires : '.($pagelayer->license['expires'] <= date('Ymd') ? ''.$expires.'' : $expires).'
    '; } echo '
    '.__('URL', 'pagelayer').' '.get_site_url().'
    '.__('Path', 'pagelayer').' '.ABSPATH.'
    '.__('Server\'s IP Address', 'pagelayer').' '.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'
    '.__('wp-config.php is writable', 'pagelayer').' '.(is_writable(ABSPATH.'/wp-config.php') ? 'Yes' : 'No').'
    '.__('.htaccess is writable', 'pagelayer').' '.(is_writable(ABSPATH.'/.htaccess') ? 'Yes' : 'No').'
    metadataUrl = $metadataUrl; $this->pluginAbsolutePath = $pluginFile; $this->pluginFile = plugin_basename($this->pluginAbsolutePath); $this->muPluginFile = $muPluginFile; $this->slug = $slug; $this->optionName = $optionName; $this->debugMode = (bool)(constant('WP_DEBUG')); //If no slug is specified, use the name of the main plugin file as the slug. //For example, 'my-cool-plugin/cool-plugin.php' becomes 'cool-plugin'. if ( empty($this->slug) ){ $this->slug = basename($this->pluginFile, '.php'); } //Plugin slugs must be unique. $slugCheckFilter = 'puc_is_slug_in_use-' . $this->slug; $slugUsedBy = apply_filters($slugCheckFilter, false); if ( $slugUsedBy ) { $this->triggerError(sprintf( 'Plugin slug "%s" is already in use by %s. Slugs must be unique.', htmlentities($this->slug), htmlentities($slugUsedBy) ), E_USER_ERROR); } add_filter($slugCheckFilter, array($this, 'getAbsolutePath')); if ( empty($this->optionName) ){ $this->optionName = 'external_updates-' . $this->slug; } //Backwards compatibility: If the plugin is a mu-plugin but no $muPluginFile is specified, assume //it's the same as $pluginFile given that it's not in a subdirectory (WP only looks in the base dir). if ( (strpbrk($this->pluginFile, '/\\') === false) && $this->isUnknownMuPlugin() ) { $this->muPluginFile = $this->pluginFile; } $this->scheduler = $this->createScheduler($checkPeriod); $this->upgraderStatus = new Pagelayer_PucUpgraderStatus_3_2(); $this->installHooks(); } /** * Create an instance of the scheduler. * * This is implemented as a method to make it possible for plugins to subclass the update checker * and substitute their own scheduler. * * @param int $checkPeriod * @return Pagelayer_PucScheduler_3_2 */ protected function createScheduler($checkPeriod) { return new Pagelayer_PucScheduler_3_2($this, $checkPeriod); } /** * Install the hooks required to run periodic update checks and inject update info * into WP data structures. * * @return void */ protected function installHooks(){ //Override requests for plugin information add_filter('plugins_api', array($this, 'injectInfo'), 20, 3); //Insert our update info into the update array maintained by WP. add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', array($this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 3.0+ add_filter('transient_update_plugins', array($this,'injectUpdate')); //WP 2.8+ add_filter('site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'injectTranslationUpdates')); add_filter('plugin_row_meta', array($this, 'addCheckForUpdatesLink'), 10, 2); add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'handleManualCheck')); add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'displayManualCheckResult')); //Clear the version number cache when something - anything - is upgraded or WP clears the update cache. add_filter('upgrader_post_install', array($this, 'clearCachedVersion')); add_action('delete_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'clearCachedVersion')); //Clear translation updates when WP clears the update cache. //This needs to be done directly because the library doesn't actually remove obsolete plugin updates, //it just hides them (see getUpdate()). We can't do that with translations - too much disk I/O. add_action('delete_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'clearCachedTranslationUpdates')); if ( did_action('plugins_loaded') ) { $this->initDebugBarPanel(); } else { add_action('plugins_loaded', array($this, 'initDebugBarPanel')); } //Rename the update directory to be the same as the existing directory. add_filter('upgrader_source_selection', array($this, 'fixDirectoryName'), 10, 3); //Enable language support (i18n). load_plugin_textdomain('plugin-update-checker', false, plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/languages'); //Allow HTTP requests to the metadata URL even if it's on a local host. $this->metadataHost = @parse_url($this->metadataUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); add_filter('http_request_host_is_external', array($this, 'allowMetadataHost'), 10, 2); } /** * Explicitly allow HTTP requests to the metadata URL. * * WordPress has a security feature where the HTTP API will reject all requests that are sent to * another site hosted on the same server as the current site (IP match), a local host, or a local * IP, unless the host exactly matches the current site. * * This feature is opt-in (at least in WP 4.4). Apparently some people enable it. * * That can be a problem when you're developing your plugin and you decide to host the update information * on the same server as your test site. Update requests will mysteriously fail. * * We fix that by adding an exception for the metadata host. * * @param bool $allow * @param string $host * @return bool */ public function allowMetadataHost($allow, $host) { if ( strtolower($host) === strtolower($this->metadataHost) ) { return true; } return $allow; } /** * Retrieve plugin info from the configured API endpoint. * * @uses wp_remote_get() * * @param array $queryArgs Additional query arguments to append to the request. Optional. * @return PagelayerInfo_3_2 */ public function requestInfo($queryArgs = array()){ //Query args to append to the URL. Plugins can add their own by using a filter callback (see addQueryArgFilter()). $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); $queryArgs['installed_version'] = ($installedVersion !== null) ? $installedVersion : ''; $queryArgs = apply_filters('puc_request_info_query_args-'.$this->slug, $queryArgs); //Various options for the wp_remote_get() call. Plugins can filter these, too. $options = array( 'timeout' => 10, //seconds 'headers' => array( 'Accept' => 'application/json' ), ); $options = apply_filters('puc_request_info_options-'.$this->slug, $options); //The plugin info should be at 'http://your-api.com/url/here/$slug/info.json' $url = $this->metadataUrl; if ( !empty($queryArgs) ){ $url = add_query_arg($queryArgs, $url); } $result = wp_remote_get( $url, $options ); //Try to parse the response $status = $this->validateApiResponse($result); $pluginInfo = null; if ( !is_wp_error($status) ){ $pluginInfo = PagelayerInfo_3_2::fromJson($result['body']); if ( $pluginInfo !== null ) { $pluginInfo->filename = $this->pluginFile; $pluginInfo->slug = $this->slug; } } else { $this->triggerError( sprintf('The URL %s does not point to a valid plugin metadata file. ', $url) . $status->get_error_message(), E_USER_WARNING ); } $pluginInfo = apply_filters('puc_request_info_result-'.$this->slug, $pluginInfo, $result); return $pluginInfo; } /** * Check if $result is a successful update API response. * * @param array|WP_Error $result * @return true|WP_Error */ private function validateApiResponse($result) { if ( is_wp_error($result) ) { /** @var WP_Error $result */ return new WP_Error($result->get_error_code(), 'WP HTTP Error: ' . $result->get_error_message()); } if ( !isset($result['response']['code']) ) { return new WP_Error('puc_no_response_code', 'wp_remote_get() returned an unexpected result.'); } if ( $result['response']['code'] !== 200 ) { return new WP_Error( 'puc_unexpected_response_code', 'HTTP response code is ' . $result['response']['code'] . ' (expected: 200)' ); } if ( empty($result['body']) ) { return new WP_Error('puc_empty_response', 'The metadata file appears to be empty.'); } return true; } /** * Retrieve the latest update (if any) from the configured API endpoint. * * @uses PagelayerUpdateChecker::requestInfo() * * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2 An instance of PagelayerUpdate, or NULL when no updates are available. */ public function requestUpdate(){ //For the sake of simplicity, this function just calls requestInfo() //and transforms the result accordingly. $pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo(array('checking_for_updates' => '1')); if ( $pluginInfo == null ){ return null; } $update = PagelayerUpdate_3_2::fromPagelayerInfo($pluginInfo); //Keep only those translation updates that apply to this site. $update->translations = $this->filterApplicableTranslations($update->translations); return $update; } /** * Filter a list of translation updates and return a new list that contains only updates * that apply to the current site. * * @param array $translations * @return array */ private function filterApplicableTranslations($translations) { $languages = array_flip(array_values(get_available_languages())); $installedTranslations = wp_get_installed_translations('plugins'); if ( isset($installedTranslations[$this->slug]) ) { $installedTranslations = $installedTranslations[$this->slug]; } else { $installedTranslations = array(); } $applicableTranslations = array(); foreach($translations as $translation) { //Does it match one of the available core languages? $isApplicable = array_key_exists($translation->language, $languages); //Is it more recent than an already-installed translation? if ( isset($installedTranslations[$translation->language]) ) { $updateTimestamp = strtotime($translation->updated); $installedTimestamp = strtotime($installedTranslations[$translation->language]['PO-Revision-Date']); $isApplicable = $updateTimestamp > $installedTimestamp; } if ( $isApplicable ) { $applicableTranslations[] = $translation; } } return $applicableTranslations; } /** * Get the currently installed version of the plugin. * * @return string Version number. */ public function getInstalledVersion(){ if ( isset($this->cachedInstalledVersion) ) { return $this->cachedInstalledVersion; } $pluginHeader = $this->getPluginHeader(); if ( isset($pluginHeader['Version']) ) { $this->cachedInstalledVersion = $pluginHeader['Version']; return $pluginHeader['Version']; } else { //This can happen if the filename points to something that is not a plugin. $this->triggerError( sprintf( "Can't to read the Version header for '%s'. The filename is incorrect or is not a plugin.", $this->pluginFile ), E_USER_WARNING ); return null; } } /** * Get plugin's metadata from its file header. * * @return array */ protected function getPluginHeader() { if ( !is_file($this->pluginAbsolutePath) ) { //This can happen if the plugin filename is wrong. $this->triggerError( sprintf( "Can't to read the plugin header for '%s'. The file does not exist.", $this->pluginFile ), E_USER_WARNING ); return array(); } if ( !function_exists('get_plugin_data') ){ /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } return get_plugin_data($this->pluginAbsolutePath, false, false); } /** * Check for plugin updates. * The results are stored in the DB option specified in $optionName. * * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2|null */ public function checkForUpdates(){ $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); //Fail silently if we can't find the plugin or read its header. if ( $installedVersion === null ) { $this->triggerError( sprintf('Skipping update check for %s - installed version unknown.', $this->pluginFile), E_USER_WARNING ); return null; } $state = $this->getUpdateState(); if ( empty($state) ){ $state = new stdClass; $state->lastCheck = 0; $state->checkedVersion = ''; $state->update = null; } $state->lastCheck = time(); $state->checkedVersion = $installedVersion; $this->setUpdateState($state); //Save before checking in case something goes wrong $state->update = $this->requestUpdate(); $this->setUpdateState($state); return $this->getUpdate(); } /** * Load the update checker state from the DB. * * @return stdClass|null */ public function getUpdateState() { $state = get_site_option($this->optionName, null); if ( empty($state) || !is_object($state)) { $state = null; } if ( isset($state, $state->update) && is_object($state->update) ) { $state->update = PagelayerUpdate_3_2::fromObject($state->update); } return $state; } /** * Persist the update checker state to the DB. * * @param StdClass $state * @return void */ private function setUpdateState($state) { if ( isset($state->update) && is_object($state->update) && method_exists($state->update, 'toStdClass') ) { $update = $state->update; /** @var PagelayerUpdate_3_2 $update */ $state->update = $update->toStdClass(); } update_site_option($this->optionName, $state); } /** * Reset update checker state - i.e. last check time, cached update data and so on. * * Call this when your plugin is being uninstalled, or if you want to * clear the update cache. */ public function resetUpdateState() { delete_site_option($this->optionName); } /** * Intercept plugins_api() calls that request information about our plugin and * use the configured API endpoint to satisfy them. * * @see plugins_api() * * @param mixed $result * @param string $action * @param array|object $args * @return mixed */ public function injectInfo($result, $action = null, $args = null){ $relevant = ($action == 'plugin_information') && isset($args->slug) && ( ($args->slug == $this->slug) || ($args->slug == dirname($this->pluginFile)) ); if ( !$relevant ) { return $result; } $pluginInfo = $this->requestInfo(); $pluginInfo = apply_filters('puc_pre_inject_info-' . $this->slug, $pluginInfo); if ( $pluginInfo ) { return $pluginInfo->toWpFormat(); } return $result; } /** * Insert the latest update (if any) into the update list maintained by WP. * * @param StdClass $updates Update list. * @return StdClass Modified update list. */ public function injectUpdate($updates){ //Is there an update to insert? $update = $this->getUpdate(); //No update notifications for mu-plugins unless explicitly enabled. The MU plugin file //is usually different from the main plugin file so the update wouldn't show up properly anyway. if ( $this->isUnknownMuPlugin() ) { $update = null; } if ( !empty($update) ) { //Let plugins filter the update info before it's passed on to WordPress. $update = apply_filters('puc_pre_inject_update-' . $this->slug, $update); $updates = $this->addUpdateToList($updates, $update); } else { //Clean up any stale update info. $updates = $this->removeUpdateFromList($updates); } return $updates; } /** * @param StdClass|null $updates * @param PagelayerUpdate_3_2 $updateToAdd * @return StdClass */ private function addUpdateToList($updates, $updateToAdd) { if ( !is_object($updates) ) { $updates = new stdClass(); $updates->response = array(); } $wpUpdate = $updateToAdd->toWpFormat(); $pluginFile = $this->pluginFile; if ( $this->isMuPlugin() ) { //WP does not support automatic update installation for mu-plugins, but we can still display a notice. $wpUpdate->package = null; $pluginFile = $this->muPluginFile; } $updates->response[$pluginFile] = $wpUpdate; return $updates; } /** * @param stdClass|null $updates * @return stdClass|null */ private function removeUpdateFromList($updates) { if ( isset($updates, $updates->response) ) { unset($updates->response[$this->pluginFile]); if ( !empty($this->muPluginFile) ) { unset($updates->response[$this->muPluginFile]); } } return $updates; } /** * Insert translation updates into the list maintained by WordPress. * * @param stdClass $updates * @return stdClass */ public function injectTranslationUpdates($updates) { $translationUpdates = $this->getTranslationUpdates(); if ( empty($translationUpdates) ) { return $updates; } //Being defensive. if ( !is_object($updates) ) { $updates = new stdClass(); } if ( !isset($updates->translations) ) { $updates->translations = array(); } //In case there's a name collision with a plugin hosted on wordpress.org, //remove any preexisting updates that match our plugin. $translationType = 'plugin'; $filteredTranslations = array(); foreach($updates->translations as $translation) { if ( ($translation['type'] === $translationType) && ($translation['slug'] === $this->slug) ) { continue; } $filteredTranslations[] = $translation; } $updates->translations = $filteredTranslations; //Add our updates to the list. foreach($translationUpdates as $update) { $convertedUpdate = array_merge( array( 'type' => $translationType, 'slug' => $this->slug, 'autoupdate' => 0, //AFAICT, WordPress doesn't actually use the "version" field for anything. //But lets make sure it's there, just in case. 'version' => isset($update->version) ? $update->version : ('1.' . strtotime($update->updated)), ), (array)$update ); $updates->translations[] = $convertedUpdate; } return $updates; } /** * Rename the update directory to match the existing plugin directory. * * When WordPress installs a plugin or theme update, it assumes that the ZIP file will contain * exactly one directory, and that the directory name will be the same as the directory where * the plugin/theme is currently installed. * * GitHub and other repositories provide ZIP downloads, but they often use directory names like * "project-branch" or "project-tag-hash". We need to change the name to the actual plugin folder. * * This is a hook callback. Don't call it from a plugin. * * @param string $source The directory to copy to /wp-content/plugins. Usually a subdirectory of $remoteSource. * @param string $remoteSource WordPress has extracted the update to this directory. * @param WP_Upgrader $upgrader * @return string|WP_Error */ public function fixDirectoryName($source, $remoteSource, $upgrader) { global $wp_filesystem; /** @var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem */ //Basic sanity checks. if ( !isset($source, $remoteSource, $upgrader, $upgrader->skin, $wp_filesystem) ) { return $source; } //If WordPress is upgrading anything other than our plugin, leave the directory name unchanged. if ( !$this->isPluginBeingUpgraded($upgrader) ) { return $source; } //Rename the source to match the existing plugin directory. $pluginDirectoryName = dirname($this->pluginFile); if ( $pluginDirectoryName === '.' ) { return $source; } $correctedSource = trailingslashit($remoteSource) . $pluginDirectoryName . '/'; if ( $source !== $correctedSource ) { //The update archive should contain a single directory that contains the rest of plugin files. Otherwise, //WordPress will try to copy the entire working directory ($source == $remoteSource). We can't rename //$remoteSource because that would break WordPress code that cleans up temporary files after update. if ( $this->isBadDirectoryStructure($remoteSource) ) { return new WP_Error( 'puc-incorrect-directory-structure', sprintf( 'The directory structure of the update is incorrect. All plugin files should be inside ' . 'a directory named %s, not at the root of the ZIP file.', htmlentities($this->slug) ) ); } /** @var WP_Upgrader_Skin $upgrader->skin */ $upgrader->skin->feedback(sprintf( 'Renaming %s to %s…', '' . basename($source) . '', '' . $pluginDirectoryName . '' )); if ( $wp_filesystem->move($source, $correctedSource, true) ) { $upgrader->skin->feedback('Plugin directory successfully renamed.'); return $correctedSource; } else { return new WP_Error( 'puc-rename-failed', 'Unable to rename the update to match the existing plugin directory.' ); } } return $source; } /** * Check for incorrect update directory structure. An update must contain a single directory, * all other files should be inside that directory. * * @param string $remoteSource Directory path. * @return bool */ private function isBadDirectoryStructure($remoteSource) { global $wp_filesystem; /** @var WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem */ $sourceFiles = $wp_filesystem->dirlist($remoteSource); if ( is_array($sourceFiles) ) { $sourceFiles = array_keys($sourceFiles); $firstFilePath = trailingslashit($remoteSource) . $sourceFiles[0]; return (count($sourceFiles) > 1) || (!$wp_filesystem->is_dir($firstFilePath)); } //Assume it's fine. return false; } /** * Is there and update being installed RIGHT NOW, for this specific plugin? * * @param WP_Upgrader|null $upgrader The upgrader that's performing the current update. * @return bool */ public function isPluginBeingUpgraded($upgrader = null) { return $this->upgraderStatus->isPluginBeingUpgraded($this->pluginFile, $upgrader); } /** * Get the details of the currently available update, if any. * * If no updates are available, or if the last known update version is below or equal * to the currently installed version, this method will return NULL. * * Uses cached update data. To retrieve update information straight from * the metadata URL, call requestUpdate() instead. * * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2|null */ public function getUpdate() { $state = $this->getUpdateState(); /** @var StdClass $state */ //Is there an update available? if ( isset($state, $state->update) ) { $update = $state->update; //Check if the update is actually newer than the currently installed version. $installedVersion = $this->getInstalledVersion(); if ( ($installedVersion !== null) && version_compare($update->version, $installedVersion, '>') ){ $update->filename = $this->pluginFile; return $update; } } return null; } /** * Get a list of available translation updates. * * This method will return an empty array if there are no updates. * Uses cached update data. * * @return array */ public function getTranslationUpdates() { $state = $this->getUpdateState(); if ( isset($state, $state->update, $state->update->translations) ) { return $state->update->translations; } return array(); } /** * Remove all cached translation updates. * * @see wp_clean_update_cache */ public function clearCachedTranslationUpdates() { $state = $this->getUpdateState(); if ( isset($state, $state->update, $state->update->translations) ) { $state->update->translations = array(); $this->setUpdateState($state); } } /** * Add a "Check for updates" link to the plugin row in the "Plugins" page. By default, * the new link will appear after the "Visit plugin site" link. * * You can change the link text by using the "puc_manual_check_link-$slug" filter. * Returning an empty string from the filter will disable the link. * * @param array $pluginMeta Array of meta links. * @param string $pluginFile * @return array */ public function addCheckForUpdatesLink($pluginMeta, $pluginFile) { $isRelevant = ($pluginFile == $this->pluginFile) || (!empty($this->muPluginFile) && $pluginFile == $this->muPluginFile); if ( $isRelevant && current_user_can('update_plugins') ) { $linkUrl = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'puc_check_for_updates' => 1, 'puc_slug' => $this->slug, ), self_admin_url('plugins.php') ), 'puc_check_for_updates' ); $linkText = apply_filters('puc_manual_check_link-' . $this->slug, __('Check for updates', 'plugin-update-checker')); if ( !empty($linkText) ) { $final_link = sprintf('%s', esc_attr($linkUrl), $linkText); $pluginMeta[] = apply_filters('puc_manual_final_check_link-' . $this->slug, $final_link); } } return $pluginMeta; } /** * Check for updates when the user clicks the "Check for updates" link. * @see self::addCheckForUpdatesLink() * * @return void */ public function handleManualCheck() { $shouldCheck = isset($_GET['puc_check_for_updates'], $_GET['puc_slug']) && $_GET['puc_slug'] == $this->slug && current_user_can('update_plugins') && check_admin_referer('puc_check_for_updates'); if ( $shouldCheck ) { $update = $this->checkForUpdates(); $status = ($update === null) ? 'no_update' : 'update_available'; wp_redirect(add_query_arg( array( 'puc_update_check_result' => $status, 'puc_slug' => $this->slug, ), self_admin_url('plugins.php') )); } } /** * Display the results of a manual update check. * @see self::handleManualCheck() * * You can change the result message by using the "puc_manual_check_message-$slug" filter. */ public function displayManualCheckResult() { if ( isset($_GET['puc_update_check_result'], $_GET['puc_slug']) && ($_GET['puc_slug'] == $this->slug) ) { $status = strval($_GET['puc_update_check_result']); if ( $status == 'no_update' ) { $message = __('This plugin is up to date.', 'plugin-update-checker'); } else if ( $status == 'update_available' ) { $message = __('A new version of this plugin is available.', 'plugin-update-checker'); } else { $message = sprintf(__('Unknown update checker status "%s"', 'plugin-update-checker'), htmlentities($status)); } printf( '


    ', apply_filters('puc_manual_check_message-' . $this->slug, $message, $status) ); } } /** * Check if the plugin file is inside the mu-plugins directory. * * @return bool */ protected function isMuPlugin() { static $cachedResult = null; if ( $cachedResult === null ) { //Convert both paths to the canonical form before comparison. $muPluginDir = realpath(WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR); $pluginPath = realpath($this->pluginAbsolutePath); if(!empty($muPluginDir)){ $cachedResult = (strpos($pluginPath, $muPluginDir) === 0); }else{ $cachedResult = false; } } return $cachedResult; } /** * MU plugins are partially supported, but only when we know which file in mu-plugins * corresponds to this plugin. * * @return bool */ protected function isUnknownMuPlugin() { return empty($this->muPluginFile) && $this->isMuPlugin(); } /** * Clear the cached plugin version. This method can be set up as a filter (hook) and will * return the filter argument unmodified. * * @param mixed $filterArgument * @return mixed */ public function clearCachedVersion($filterArgument = null) { $this->cachedInstalledVersion = null; return $filterArgument; } /** * Get absolute path to the main plugin file. * * @return string */ public function getAbsolutePath() { return $this->pluginAbsolutePath; } /** * Register a callback for filtering query arguments. * * The callback function should take one argument - an associative array of query arguments. * It should return a modified array of query arguments. * * @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter(). * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function addQueryArgFilter($callback){ add_filter('puc_request_info_query_args-'.$this->slug, $callback); } /** * Register a callback for filtering arguments passed to wp_remote_get(). * * The callback function should take one argument - an associative array of arguments - * and return a modified array or arguments. See the WP documentation on wp_remote_get() * for details on what arguments are available and how they work. * * @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter(). * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function addHttpRequestArgFilter($callback){ add_filter('puc_request_info_options-'.$this->slug, $callback); } /** * Register a callback for filtering the plugin info retrieved from the external API. * * The callback function should take two arguments. If the plugin info was retrieved * successfully, the first argument passed will be an instance of PagelayerInfo. Otherwise, * it will be NULL. The second argument will be the corresponding return value of * wp_remote_get (see WP docs for details). * * The callback function should return a new or modified instance of PagelayerInfo or NULL. * * @uses add_filter() This method is a convenience wrapper for add_filter(). * * @param callable $callback * @return void */ public function addResultFilter($callback){ add_filter('puc_request_info_result-'.$this->slug, $callback, 10, 2); } /** * Register a callback for one of the update checker filters. * * Identical to add_filter(), except it automatically adds the "puc_" prefix * and the "-$plugin_slug" suffix to the filter name. For example, "request_info_result" * becomes "puc_request_info_result-your_plugin_slug". * * @param string $tag * @param callable $callback * @param int $priority * @param int $acceptedArgs */ public function addFilter($tag, $callback, $priority = 10, $acceptedArgs = 1) { add_filter('puc_' . $tag . '-' . $this->slug, $callback, $priority, $acceptedArgs); } /** * Initialize the update checker Debug Bar plugin/add-on thingy. */ public function initDebugBarPanel() { $debugBarPlugin = dirname(__FILE__) . '/debug-bar-plugin.php'; if ( class_exists('Debug_Bar', false) && file_exists($debugBarPlugin) ) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once $debugBarPlugin; $this->debugBarPlugin = new Pagelayer_PucDebugBarPlugin_3_2($this); } } /** * Trigger a PHP error, but only when $debugMode is enabled. * * @param string $message * @param int $errorType */ protected function triggerError($message, $errorType) { if ( $this->debugMode ) { trigger_error($message, $errorType); } } } endif; if ( !class_exists('PagelayerInfo_3_2', false) ): /** * A container class for holding and transforming various plugin metadata. * * @author Janis Elsts * @copyright 2016 * @version 3.2 * @access public */ class PagelayerInfo_3_2 { //Most fields map directly to the contents of the plugin's info.json file. //See the relevant docs for a description of their meaning. public $name; public $slug; public $version; public $homepage; public $sections = array(); public $banners; public $translations = array(); public $download_url; public $author; public $author_homepage; public $requires; public $tested; public $upgrade_notice; public $rating; public $num_ratings; public $downloaded; public $active_installs; public $last_updated; public $id = 0; //The native WP.org API returns numeric plugin IDs, but they're not used for anything. public $filename; //Plugin filename relative to the plugins directory. /** * Create a new instance of PagelayerInfo from JSON-encoded plugin info * returned by an external update API. * * @param string $json Valid JSON string representing plugin info. * @return PagelayerInfo_3_2|null New instance of PagelayerInfo, or NULL on error. */ public static function fromJson($json){ /** @var StdClass $apiResponse */ $apiResponse = json_decode($json); if ( empty($apiResponse) || !is_object($apiResponse) ){ trigger_error( "Failed to parse plugin metadata. Try validating your .json file with http://jsonlint.com/", E_USER_NOTICE ); return null; } $valid = self::validateMetadata($apiResponse); if ( is_wp_error($valid) ){ trigger_error($valid->get_error_message(), E_USER_NOTICE); return null; } $info = new self(); foreach(get_object_vars($apiResponse) as $key => $value){ $info->$key = $value; } //json_decode decodes assoc. arrays as objects. We want it as an array. $info->sections = (array)$info->sections; return $info; } /** * Very, very basic validation. * * @param StdClass $apiResponse * @return bool|WP_Error */ protected static function validateMetadata($apiResponse) { if ( !isset($apiResponse->name, $apiResponse->version) || empty($apiResponse->name) || empty($apiResponse->version) ) { return new WP_Error( 'puc-invalid-metadata', "The plugin metadata file does not contain the required 'name' and/or 'version' keys." ); } return true; } /** * Transform plugin info into the format used by the native WordPress.org API * * @return object */ public function toWpFormat(){ $info = new stdClass; //The custom update API is built so that many fields have the same name and format //as those returned by the native WordPress.org API. These can be assigned directly. $sameFormat = array( 'name', 'slug', 'version', 'requires', 'tested', 'rating', 'upgrade_notice', 'num_ratings', 'downloaded', 'active_installs', 'homepage', 'last_updated', ); foreach($sameFormat as $field){ if ( isset($this->$field) ) { $info->$field = $this->$field; } else { $info->$field = null; } } //Other fields need to be renamed and/or transformed. $info->download_link = $this->download_url; $info->author = $this->getFormattedAuthor(); $info->sections = array_merge(array('description' => ''), $this->sections); if ( !empty($this->banners) ) { //WP expects an array with two keys: "high" and "low". Both are optional. //Docs: https://wordpress.org/plugins/about/faq/#banners $info->banners = is_object($this->banners) ? get_object_vars($this->banners) : $this->banners; $info->banners = array_intersect_key($info->banners, array('high' => true, 'low' => true)); } return $info; } protected function getFormattedAuthor() { if ( !empty($this->author_homepage) ){ return sprintf('%s', $this->author_homepage, $this->author); } return $this->author; } } endif; if ( !class_exists('PagelayerUpdate_3_2', false) ): /** * A simple container class for holding information about an available update. * * @author Janis Elsts * @copyright 2016 * @version 3.2 * @access public */ class PagelayerUpdate_3_2 { public $id = 0; public $slug; public $version; public $homepage; public $download_url; public $upgrade_notice; public $tested; public $translations = array(); public $filename; //Plugin filename relative to the plugins directory. private static $fields = array( 'id', 'slug', 'version', 'homepage', 'tested', 'download_url', 'upgrade_notice', 'filename', 'translations' ); /** * Create a new instance of PagelayerUpdate from its JSON-encoded representation. * * @param string $json * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2|null */ public static function fromJson($json){ //Since update-related information is simply a subset of the full plugin info, //we can parse the update JSON as if it was a plugin info string, then copy over //the parts that we care about. $pluginInfo = PagelayerInfo_3_2::fromJson($json); if ( $pluginInfo != null ) { return self::fromPagelayerInfo($pluginInfo); } else { return null; } } /** * Create a new instance of PagelayerUpdate based on an instance of PagelayerInfo. * Basically, this just copies a subset of fields from one object to another. * * @param PagelayerInfo_3_2 $info * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2 */ public static function fromPagelayerInfo($info){ return self::fromObject($info); } /** * Create a new instance of PagelayerUpdate by copying the necessary fields from * another object. * * @param StdClass|PagelayerInfo_3_2|PagelayerUpdate_3_2 $object The source object. * @return PagelayerUpdate_3_2 The new copy. */ public static function fromObject($object) { $update = new self(); $fields = self::$fields; if ( !empty($object->slug) ) { $fields = apply_filters('puc_retain_fields-' . $object->slug, $fields); } foreach($fields as $field){ if (property_exists($object, $field)) { $update->$field = $object->$field; } } return $update; } /** * Create an instance of StdClass that can later be converted back to * a PagelayerUpdate. Useful for serialization and caching, as it avoids * the "incomplete object" problem if the cached value is loaded before * this class. * * @return StdClass */ public function toStdClass() { $object = new stdClass(); $fields = self::$fields; if ( !empty($this->slug) ) { $fields = apply_filters('puc_retain_fields-' . $this->slug, $fields); } foreach($fields as $field){ if (property_exists($this, $field)) { $object->$field = $this->$field; } } return $object; } /** * Transform the update into the format used by WordPress native plugin API. * * @return object */ public function toWpFormat(){ $update = new stdClass; $update->id = $this->id; $update->slug = $this->slug; $update->new_version = $this->version; $update->url = $this->homepage; $update->package = $this->download_url; $update->tested = $this->tested; $update->plugin = $this->filename; if ( !empty($this->upgrade_notice) ){ $update->upgrade_notice = $this->upgrade_notice; } return $update; } } endif; if ( !class_exists('Pagelayer_PucScheduler_3_2', false) ): /** * The scheduler decides when and how often to check for updates. * It calls @see PagelayerUpdateChecker::checkForUpdates() to perform the actual checks. * * @version 3.2 */ class Pagelayer_PucScheduler_3_2 { public $checkPeriod = 12; //How often to check for updates (in hours). public $throttleRedundantChecks = false; //Check less often if we already know that an update is available. public $throttledCheckPeriod = 72; /** * @var PagelayerUpdateChecker_3_2 */ protected $updateChecker; private $cronHook = null; /** * Scheduler constructor. * * @param PagelayerUpdateChecker_3_2 $updateChecker * @param int $checkPeriod How often to check for updates (in hours). */ public function __construct($updateChecker, $checkPeriod) { $this->updateChecker = $updateChecker; $this->checkPeriod = $checkPeriod; //Set up the periodic update checks $this->cronHook = 'check_plugin_updates-' . $this->updateChecker->slug; if ( $this->checkPeriod > 0 ){ //Trigger the check via Cron. //Try to use one of the default schedules if possible as it's less likely to conflict //with other plugins and their custom schedules. $defaultSchedules = array( 1 => 'hourly', 12 => 'twicedaily', 24 => 'daily', ); if ( array_key_exists($this->checkPeriod, $defaultSchedules) ) { $scheduleName = $defaultSchedules[$this->checkPeriod]; } else { //Use a custom cron schedule. $scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours'; add_filter('cron_schedules', array($this, '_addCustomSchedule')); } if ( !wp_next_scheduled($this->cronHook) && !defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) { wp_schedule_event(time(), $scheduleName, $this->cronHook); } add_action($this->cronHook, array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); register_deactivation_hook($this->updateChecker->pluginFile, array($this, '_removeUpdaterCron')); //In case Cron is disabled or unreliable, we also manually trigger //the periodic checks while the user is browsing the Dashboard. add_action( 'admin_init', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates') ); //Like WordPress itself, we check more often on certain pages. /** @see wp_update_plugins */ add_action('load-update-core.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); add_action('load-plugins.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); add_action('load-update.php', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates')); //This hook fires after a bulk update is complete. add_action('upgrader_process_complete', array($this, 'maybeCheckForUpdates'), 11, 0); } else { //Periodic checks are disabled. wp_clear_scheduled_hook($this->cronHook); } } /** * Check for updates if the configured check interval has already elapsed. * Will use a shorter check interval on certain admin pages like "Dashboard -> Updates" or when doing cron. * * You can override the default behaviour by using the "puc_check_now-$slug" filter. * The filter callback will be passed three parameters: * - Current decision. TRUE = check updates now, FALSE = don't check now. * - Last check time as a Unix timestamp. * - Configured check period in hours. * Return TRUE to check for updates immediately, or FALSE to cancel. * * This method is declared public because it's a hook callback. Calling it directly is not recommended. */ public function maybeCheckForUpdates(){ if ( empty($this->checkPeriod) ){ return; } $state = $this->updateChecker->getUpdateState(); $shouldCheck = empty($state) || !isset($state->lastCheck) || ( (time() - $state->lastCheck) >= $this->getEffectiveCheckPeriod() ); //Let plugin authors substitute their own algorithm. $shouldCheck = apply_filters( 'puc_check_now-' . $this->updateChecker->slug, $shouldCheck, (!empty($state) && isset($state->lastCheck)) ? $state->lastCheck : 0, $this->checkPeriod ); if ( $shouldCheck ) { $this->updateChecker->checkForUpdates(); } } /** * Calculate the actual check period based on the current status and environment. * * @return int Check period in seconds. */ protected function getEffectiveCheckPeriod() { $currentFilter = current_filter(); if ( in_array($currentFilter, array('load-update-core.php', 'upgrader_process_complete')) ) { //Check more often when the user visits "Dashboard -> Updates" or does a bulk update. $period = 60; } else if ( in_array($currentFilter, array('load-plugins.php', 'load-update.php')) ) { //Also check more often on the "Plugins" page and /wp-admin/update.php. $period = 3600; } else if ( $this->throttleRedundantChecks && ($this->updateChecker->getUpdate() !== null) ) { //Check less frequently if it's already known that an update is available. $period = $this->throttledCheckPeriod * 3600; } else if ( defined('DOING_CRON') && constant('DOING_CRON') ) { //WordPress cron schedules are not exact, so lets do an update check even //if slightly less than $checkPeriod hours have elapsed since the last check. $cronFuzziness = 20 * 60; $period = $this->checkPeriod * 3600 - $cronFuzziness; } else { $period = $this->checkPeriod * 3600; } return $period; } /** * Add our custom schedule to the array of Cron schedules used by WP. * * @param array $schedules * @return array */ public function _addCustomSchedule($schedules){ if ( $this->checkPeriod && ($this->checkPeriod > 0) ){ $scheduleName = 'every' . $this->checkPeriod . 'hours'; $schedules[$scheduleName] = array( 'interval' => $this->checkPeriod * 3600, 'display' => sprintf('Every %d hours', $this->checkPeriod), ); } return $schedules; } /** * Remove the scheduled cron event that the library uses to check for updates. * * @return void */ public function _removeUpdaterCron(){ wp_clear_scheduled_hook($this->cronHook); } /** * Get the name of the update checker's WP-cron hook. Mostly useful for debugging. * * @return string */ public function getCronHookName() { return $this->cronHook; } } endif; if ( !class_exists('Pagelayer_PucUpgraderStatus_3_2', false) ): /** * A utility class that helps figure out which plugin WordPress is upgrading. * * It may seem strange to have an separate class just for that, but the task is surprisingly complicated. * Core classes like Plugin_Upgrader don't expose the plugin file name during an in-progress update (AFAICT). * This class uses a few workarounds and heuristics to get the file name. */ class Pagelayer_PucUpgraderStatus_3_2 { private $upgradedPluginFile = null; //The plugin that is currently being upgraded by WordPress. public function __construct() { //Keep track of which plugin WordPress is currently upgrading. add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array($this, 'setUpgradedPlugin'), 10, 2); add_filter('upgrader_package_options', array($this, 'setUpgradedPluginFromOptions'), 10, 1); add_filter('upgrader_post_install', array($this, 'clearUpgradedPlugin'), 10, 1); add_action('upgrader_process_complete', array($this, 'clearUpgradedPlugin'), 10, 1); } /** * Is there and update being installed RIGHT NOW, for a specific plugin? * * Caution: This method is unreliable. WordPress doesn't make it easy to figure out what it is upgrading, * and upgrader implementations are liable to change without notice. * * @param string $pluginFile The plugin to check. * @param WP_Upgrader|null $upgrader The upgrader that's performing the current update. * @return bool True if the plugin identified by $pluginFile is being upgraded. */ public function isPluginBeingUpgraded($pluginFile, $upgrader = null) { if ( isset($upgrader) ) { $upgradedPluginFile = $this->getPluginBeingUpgradedBy($upgrader); if ( !empty($upgradedPluginFile) ) { $this->upgradedPluginFile = $upgradedPluginFile; } } return ( !empty($this->upgradedPluginFile) && ($this->upgradedPluginFile === $pluginFile) ); } /** * Get the file name of the plugin that's currently being upgraded. * * @param Plugin_Upgrader|WP_Upgrader $upgrader * @return string|null */ private function getPluginBeingUpgradedBy($upgrader) { if ( !isset($upgrader, $upgrader->skin) ) { return null; } //Figure out which plugin is being upgraded. $pluginFile = null; $skin = $upgrader->skin; if ( $skin instanceof Plugin_Upgrader_Skin ) { if ( isset($skin->plugin) && is_string($skin->plugin) && ($skin->plugin !== '') ) { $pluginFile = $skin->plugin; } } elseif ( isset($skin->plugin_info) && is_array($skin->plugin_info) ) { //This case is tricky because Bulk_Plugin_Upgrader_Skin (etc) doesn't actually store the plugin //filename anywhere. Instead, it has the plugin headers in $plugin_info. So the best we can //do is compare those headers to the headers of installed plugins. $pluginFile = $this->identifyPluginByHeaders($skin->plugin_info); } return $pluginFile; } /** * Identify an installed plugin based on its headers. * * @param array $searchHeaders The plugin file header to look for. * @return string|null Plugin basename ("foo/bar.php"), or NULL if we can't identify the plugin. */ private function identifyPluginByHeaders($searchHeaders) { if ( !function_exists('get_plugins') ){ /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } $installedPlugins = get_plugins(); $matches = array(); foreach($installedPlugins as $pluginBasename => $headers) { $diff1 = array_diff_assoc($headers, $searchHeaders); $diff2 = array_diff_assoc($searchHeaders, $headers); if ( empty($diff1) && empty($diff2) ) { $matches[] = $pluginBasename; } } //It's possible (though very unlikely) that there could be two plugins with identical //headers. In that case, we can't unambiguously identify the plugin that's being upgraded. if ( count($matches) !== 1 ) { return null; } return reset($matches); } /** * @access private * * @param mixed $input * @param array $hookExtra * @return mixed Returns $input unaltered. */ public function setUpgradedPlugin($input, $hookExtra) { if (!empty($hookExtra['plugin']) && is_string($hookExtra['plugin'])) { $this->upgradedPluginFile = $hookExtra['plugin']; } else { $this->upgradedPluginFile = null; } return $input; } /** * @access private * * @param array $options * @return array */ public function setUpgradedPluginFromOptions($options) { if (isset($options['hook_extra']['plugin']) && is_string($options['hook_extra']['plugin'])) { $this->upgradedPluginFile = $options['hook_extra']['plugin']; } else { $this->upgradedPluginFile = null; } return $options; } /** * @access private * * @param mixed $input * @return mixed Returns $input unaltered. */ public function clearUpgradedPlugin($input = null) { $this->upgradedPluginFile = null; return $input; } } endif; if ( !class_exists('Pagelayer_PucFactory', false) ): /** * A factory that builds instances of other classes from this library. * * When multiple versions of the same class have been loaded (e.g. PagelayerUpdateChecker 1.2 * and 1.3), this factory will always use the latest available version. Register class * versions by calling {@link Pagelayer_PucFactory::addVersion()}. * * At the moment it can only build instances of the PagelayerUpdateChecker class. Other classes * are intended mainly for internal use and refer directly to specific implementations. If you * want to instantiate one of them anyway, you can use {@link Pagelayer_PucFactory::getLatestClassVersion()} * to get the class name and then create it with new $class(...). */ class Pagelayer_PucFactory { protected static $classVersions = array(); protected static $sorted = false; /** * Create a new instance of PagelayerUpdateChecker. * * @see PagelayerUpdateChecker::__construct() * * @param $metadataUrl * @param $pluginFile * @param string $slug * @param int $checkPeriod * @param string $optionName * @param string $muPluginFile * @return PagelayerUpdateChecker_3_2 */ public static function buildUpdateChecker($metadataUrl, $pluginFile, $slug = '', $checkPeriod = 12, $optionName = '', $muPluginFile = '') { $class = self::getLatestClassVersion('PagelayerUpdateChecker'); return new $class($metadataUrl, $pluginFile, $slug, $checkPeriod, $optionName, $muPluginFile); } /** * Get the specific class name for the latest available version of a class. * * @param string $class * @return string|null */ public static function getLatestClassVersion($class) { if ( !self::$sorted ) { self::sortVersions(); } if ( isset(self::$classVersions[$class]) ) { return reset(self::$classVersions[$class]); } else { return null; } } /** * Sort available class versions in descending order (i.e. newest first). */ protected static function sortVersions() { foreach ( self::$classVersions as $class => $versions ) { uksort($versions, array(__CLASS__, 'compareVersions')); self::$classVersions[$class] = $versions; } self::$sorted = true; } protected static function compareVersions($a, $b) { return -version_compare($a, $b); } /** * Register a version of a class. * * @access private This method is only for internal use by the library. * * @param string $generalClass Class name without version numbers, e.g. 'PagelayerUpdateChecker'. * @param string $versionedClass Actual class name, e.g. 'PagelayerUpdateChecker_1_2'. * @param string $version Version number, e.g. '1.2'. */ public static function addVersion($generalClass, $versionedClass, $version) { if ( !isset(self::$classVersions[$generalClass]) ) { self::$classVersions[$generalClass] = array(); } self::$classVersions[$generalClass][$version] = $versionedClass; self::$sorted = false; } } endif; //Register classes defined in this file with the factory. Pagelayer_PucFactory::addVersion('PagelayerUpdateChecker', 'PagelayerUpdateChecker_3_2', '3.2'); Pagelayer_PucFactory::addVersion('PagelayerUpdate', 'PagelayerUpdate_3_2', '3.2'); Pagelayer_PucFactory::addVersion('PagelayerInfo', 'PagelayerInfo_3_2', '3.2'); Pagelayer_PucFactory::addVersion('Pagelayer_PucGitHubChecker', 'Pagelayer_PucGitHubChecker_3_2', '3.2'); main/custom_fonts.php000064400000022072147600231460010732 0ustar00 _x('Custom Fonts', 'plural'), 'singular_name' => _x('Custom Font', 'singular'), 'menu_name' => _x('Custom Fonts', 'admin menu'), 'name_admin_bar' => _x('Custom Fonts', 'admin bar'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'Add'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New'), 'new_item' => __('New Font'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Font'), 'view_item' => __('View Font'), 'all_items' => __('All Fonts'), 'search_items' => __('Search Fonts'), 'not_found' => __('No Pagelayer custom fonts found'), ); $args = array( 'supports' => $supports, 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => false, 'show_in_menu' => false, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'show_in_nav_menus' => false, 'has_archive' => false, 'rewrite' => false, ); // Register custom post type register_post_type(PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE, $args); remove_post_type_support( PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE, 'editor'); } // Removing extra columns add_filter( 'manage_'.PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE.'_posts_columns', 'pagelayer_add_custom_columns' ); function pagelayer_add_custom_columns($columns){ unset( $columns['author'] ); unset( $columns['date'] ); $columns['pl-preview'] = __('Preview'); return $columns; } // Adding preview column data add_action( 'manage_'.PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE.'_posts_custom_column' , 'pagelayer_add_custom_columns_data', 10, 2 ); function pagelayer_add_custom_columns_data( $column, $post_id ){ if($column == __('pl-preview')){ $font_link = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'pagelayer_font_link', true ); echo ''; echo 'Preview of the CUSTOM font'; } } // Removing row actions add_filter( 'post_row_actions', 'pagelayer_remove_row_actions', 10, 1 ); function pagelayer_remove_row_actions( $actions ){ if( get_post_type() === PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE ){ foreach($actions as $action => $html){ if($action == 'edit' || $action == 'trash' || $action == 'clone' || $action == 'untrash' || $action == 'delete'){ continue; }else{ unset($actions[$action]); } } } return $actions; } // Removing Screen options add_filter('screen_options_show_screen', 'pagelayer_remove_screen_options', 1, 1); function pagelayer_remove_screen_options($show_screen) { if(get_post_type() == PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE) { return false; } return $show_screen; } // Removing all other metaboxes. add_action('admin_init', function() {pagelayer_remove_all_metaboxes(PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE);}); function pagelayer_remove_all_metaboxes($type) { add_filter("get_user_option_meta-box-order_{$type}", function() use($type) { global $wp_meta_boxes; $publishbox = $wp_meta_boxes[$type]['side']['core']['submitdiv']; $fontsBox = $wp_meta_boxes[$type]['normal']['default']['pl-fonts-link-box']; $wp_meta_boxes[$type] = array( 'side' => array( 'core' => array( 'submitdiv' => $publishbox ) ), 'normal' => array( 'default' => array( 'pl-fonts-link-box' => $fontsBox ) ) ); return array(); }, PHP_INT_MAX); } // Hiding extra options of publish metabox add_action( 'admin_head', 'pagelayer_hide_publish_options' ); function pagelayer_hide_publish_options() { if(get_post_type() == PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE){ echo ''; } } // Adding source metabox add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'pagelayer_add_meta_box'); function pagelayer_add_meta_box(){ add_meta_box( 'pl-fonts-link-box', _x('Source', 'font source'), 'pagelayer_font_link_metabox', PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE, 'normal', 'default', null); } function pagelayer_font_link_metabox($object){ wp_enqueue_media(); wp_nonce_field('pagelayer-font-post', 'pagelayer'); $link = get_post_meta($object->ID, 'pagelayer_font_link', true); ?>
    post_type){ return $post_id; } // DO an admin referrer check if(!empty($_POST)){ check_admin_referer('pagelayer-font-post', 'pagelayer'); }else{ return $post_id; } $meta_box_link_value = ''; if(isset($_POST['pagelayer_font_link'])){ $meta_box_link_value = wp_unslash($_POST['pagelayer_font_link']); } update_post_meta($post_id, 'pagelayer_font_link', $meta_box_link_value ); } // Adding custom mime type add_filter('upload_mimes', 'pagelayer_custom_mime_types', 1, 1); function pagelayer_custom_mime_types($mime_types = array()){ global $pagelayer; forEach($pagelayer->allowed_mime_type as $key => $value){ $mime_types[$key]=$value; } return $mime_types; } // Adding custom mime type add_filter( 'mime_types', 'pagelayer_mime_types' ); function pagelayer_mime_types($default_mimes){ global $pagelayer; forEach($pagelayer->allowed_mime_type as $key => $value){ $default_mimes[$key]=$value; } return $default_mimes; } // Adding custom mime type add_filter( 'wp_check_filetype_and_ext', 'pagelayer_check_filetype_and_ext', 10, 5 ); function pagelayer_check_filetype_and_ext( $types, $file, $filename, $mimes, $real_mime = false ){ global $pagelayer; forEach($pagelayer->allowed_mime_type as $key => $value){ if ( false !== strpos( $filename, '.'.$key ) ) { $types['ext'] = $key; $types['type'] = $value; } } return $types; } // Removing notification. add_filter( 'post_updated_messages', 'pagelayer_delete_notification' ); function pagelayer_delete_notification( $messages ){ if(get_post_type() == PAGELAYER_FONT_POST_TYPE){ unset($messages['post'][1]); unset($messages['post'][6]); return $messages; } } main/pagelayer-init.php000064400000015007147600231460011121 0ustar00addQueryArgFilter('pagelayer_pro_updater_filter_args'); // Show the text to install the license key add_filter('puc_manual_final_check_link-pagelayer-pro', 'pagelayer_pro_updater_check_link', 10, 1); // Nag informing the user to install the free version. if(current_user_can('activate_plugins')){ add_action('admin_notices', 'pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag', 9); add_action('admin_menu', 'pagelayer_pro_add_menu', 9); } $is_network_wide = pagelayer_pro_is_network_active('pagelayer-pro'); $_pl_version = get_option('pagelayer_version'); $req_free_update = !empty($_pl_version) && version_compare($_pl_version, '1.8.7', '<'); if($is_network_wide){ $pl_free_installed = get_site_option('pagelayer_free_installed'); }else{ $pl_free_installed = get_option('pagelayer_free_installed'); } if(!empty($pl_free_installed)){ return; } // Include the necessary stuff include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'); include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'); if( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/pagelayer/pagelayer.php' ) && is_plugin_inactive( '/pagelayer/pagelayer.php' ) && empty($req_free_update) ) { if($is_network_wide){ update_site_option('pagelayer_free_installed', time()); }else{ update_option('pagelayer_free_installed', time()); } activate_plugin('/pagelayer/pagelayer.php', '', $is_network_wide); remove_action('admin_notices', 'pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag', 9); remove_action('admin_menu', 'pagelayer_pro_add_menu', 9); return; } // Includes necessary for Plugin_Upgrader and Plugin_Installer_Skin include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php'); include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'); // Filter to prevent the activate text add_filter('install_plugin_complete_actions', 'pagelayer_pro_prevent_activation_text', 10, 3); $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(new WP_Ajax_Upgrader_Skin()); // Upgrade the plugin to the latest version of free already installed. if(!empty($req_free_update) && file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/pagelayer/pagelayer.php' )){ $installed = $upgrader->upgrade('pagelayer/pagelayer.php'); }else{ $installed = $upgrader->install('https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/pagelayer.zip'); } if(!is_wp_error($installed) && $installed){ if($is_network_wide){ update_site_option('pagelayer_free_installed', time()); }else{ update_option('pagelayer_free_installed', time()); } activate_plugin('pagelayer/pagelayer.php', '', $is_network_wide); remove_action('admin_notices', 'pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag', 9); remove_action('admin_menu', 'pagelayer_pro_add_menu', 9); //wp_safe_redirect(admin_url('/')); } } // Do not shows the activation text if function pagelayer_pro_prevent_activation_text($install_actions, $api, $plugin_file){ if($plugin_file == 'pagelayer/pagelayer.php'){ return array(); } return $install_actions; } function pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag(){ $pl_version = get_option('pagelayer_version'); $lower_version = __('You have not installed/activated the free version of Pagelayer. Pagelayer Pro depends on the free version, so you must install/activate it first in order to use Pagelayer Pro.'); $btn_text = __('Install / Activate Now'); if(!empty($pl_version) && version_compare($pl_version, '1.8.6', '<')){ $lower_version = __('You are using an older version of the free version of Pagelayer, please update Pagelayer to work without any issues'); $btn_text = __('Update Now'); } echo '

    '.esc_html($lower_version).' '.esc_html($btn_text).'

    '; } function pagelayer_pro_add_menu(){ add_menu_page('Pagelayer', 'Pagelayer Pro', 'activate_plugins', 'pagelayer-pro', 'pagelayer_pro_menu_page', PAGELAYER_PRO_URL.'/images/pagelayer-logo-19.png'); } function pagelayer_pro_menu_page(){ echo '

    Pagelayer Free version is not installed / outdated!

    Pagelayer Pro depends on the free version of Pagelayer, so you need to install / update the free version first.

    Install/Update Now

    '; }main/freemium_functions.php000064400000076127147600231460012122 0ustar00labels->singular_name, $title ); } } elseif ( is_search() ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s'), get_search_query() ); if ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) { $title .= sprintf( __( ' – Page %s' ), get_query_var( 'paged' ) ); } } elseif ( is_category() ) { $title = single_cat_title( '', false ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Category Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tag() ) { $title = single_tag_title( '', false ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Tag Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_author() ) { $title = get_the_author() ; if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Author Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_year() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'Y', 'yearly archives date format' ) ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Yearly Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_month() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'F Y', 'monthly archives date format' ) ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Monthly Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_day() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'F j, Y', 'daily archives date format' ) ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Daily Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format' ) ) { if ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-aside' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Asides', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-gallery' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Galleries', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-image' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Images', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-video' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Videos', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-quote' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Quotes', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-link' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Links', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-status' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Statuses', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-audio' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Audio', 'post format archive title' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-chat' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Chats', 'post format archive title' ); } } elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) { $title = post_type_archive_title( '', false ); if ( $including_context ) { $title = sprintf( __( 'Archives: %s' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tax() ) { $title = single_term_title( '', false ); if ( $including_context ) { $tax = get_taxonomy( get_queried_object()->taxonomy ); $title = sprintf( __( '%1$s: %2$s' ), $tax->labels->singular_name, $title ); } } elseif ( is_404() ) { $title = __( 'Page Not Found' ); } elseif ( is_archive() ) { $title = get_the_archive_title(); } elseif ( is_home() ) { $title = single_post_title('', false); } return $title; } // Get Taxonomies function pagelayer_tax_list($item = '', $page = false){ // Get types $types = pagelayer_post_types($page); // Loop thru foreach($types as $slug => $label){ // Get the items $items = get_object_taxonomies($slug, 'objects'); foreach($items as $name => $v) { if(!isset($taxonomies[$name])){ $taxonomies[$name] = array('label' => $v->labels->singular_name, 'posttypes' => array($label)); }else{ $taxonomies[$name]['posttypes'][] = $label; } } } // Make it simple foreach($taxonomies as $k => $v){ $taxonomies[$k] = $v['label'].' ('.implode(', ', $v['posttypes']).')'; } $pos = array_search($item, array_keys($taxonomies)); if(!empty($pos)) { $cut = array_splice($taxonomies, $pos, 1); $taxonomies = $cut + $taxonomies; } return $taxonomies; } ///////////////////////////////////// // Miscellaneous Shortcode Functions ///////////////////////////////////// // The types of Posts function pagelayer_post_types($page = false){ // Get the types $args = array('public' => TRUE); $types = get_post_types($args, 'objects'); // Unset Page if not required if($page == false){ unset($types['page']); } // Remove Attachment types ! unset($types['attachment']); foreach($types as $name => $type){ $return[$name] = $type->labels->singular_name; } return $return; } // Get all posts and pages list function pagelayer_get_posts($args = array()){ if(empty($args)){ $args = array_keys(pagelayer_post_types(true)); } $posts_list = array(); // Get type foreach($args as $p){ // Create post list foreach(get_posts(['post_type' => $p]) as $post){ $posts_list[$post->ID] = $post->post_title; } } return $posts_list; } // Get Menu List() function pagelayer_get_menu_list($return_def = false){ $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); $nav_menu = array( '0' => __('-- Select Menu --') ); if(empty($menus)){ return $nav_menu; } $default = $menus[0]->term_id; foreach ( $menus as $menu ) { $nav_menu[$menu->term_id] = $menu->name; if($default > $menu->term_id){ $default = $menu->term_id; } } if($return_def){ return $default; } return $nav_menu; } // Animated Heading function pagelayer_sc_anim_heading(&$el){ $el['atts']['rotate_html'] = ''; //Creates html for rotating text if(!empty($el['atts']['rotate_text'])){ $rotate_text = ''; $rotate_text = explode(',', $el['atts']['rotate_text']); $el['atts']['rotate_html'] .= '
    '; //print_r($rotate_text); foreach($rotate_text as $key => $val){ //print_r($key); $el['atts']['rotate_html'] .= ''; } $el['atts']['rotate_html'] .= '
    '; } //Required classes for particular rotate $el['atts']['rotate_req'] = ''; $letters = ['pagelayer-aheading-rotate2', 'pagelayer-aheading-rotate3', 'pagelayer-aheading-scale']; if(!empty($el['atts']['animations'])){ if(in_array($el['atts']['animations'], $letters)){ $el['atts']['rotate_req'] = 'letters '; } if($el['atts']['animations'] == 'clip'){ $el['atts']['rotate_req'] = 'is-full-width '; } } } // Contact Form function pagelayer_sc_contact(&$el){ $el['atts']['grecaptcha'] = get_option('pagelayer_google_captcha'); if(!empty($el['atts']['captcha'])){ if(!wp_script_is('pagelayer_cap_script', 'registered')){ $pagelayer_cap_lang = get_option('pagelayer_google_captcha_lang'); $lang = empty($pagelayer_cap_lang) ? '' : '&hl='.$pagelayer_cap_lang; wp_register_script('pagelayer_cap_script', "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=explicit$lang", array(), PAGELAYER_PRO_VERSION, true); } wp_enqueue_script('pagelayer_cap_script'); } } // Contact Form Item function pagelayer_sc_contact_item(&$el){ $html = ''; $options = array(); $placeholder = ''; $required = ''; if(!empty($el['atts']['required'])){ $required = 'required'; } if(!empty($el['atts']['label_name']) && empty($el['atts']['label_as_holder'])){ $html = ''; } if(!empty($el['atts']['label_as_holder'])){ $placeholder = $el['atts']['label_name']; }else{ if(!empty($el['atts']['placeholder'])) $placeholder = $el['atts']['placeholder']; } // File accept $file_accept = '.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.ppt,.pptx,.odt,.avi,.ogg,.m4a,.mov,.mp3,.mp4,.mpg,.wav,.wmv'; if(!empty($el['atts']['accept_file'])){ $file_accept = $el['atts']['accept_file']; } if($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'select'){ $html .= ''; }elseif($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'checkbox'){ $html .= '
    '; if(!empty($el['atts']['values'])){ $options = explode("\n", $el['atts']['values']); for($x = 0; $x < sizeof($options); $x++){ $html .= '
    '; } } $html .= '
    '; }elseif($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'radio'){ $html .= '
    '; if(!empty($el['atts']['values'])){ $options = explode("\n", $el['atts']['values']); for($x = 0; $x < sizeof($options); $x++){ $html .= '
    '; } } $html .= '
    '; }elseif($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'textarea'){ $html .= ''; }elseif($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'file'){ $html .= ''; }elseif($el['atts']['field_type'] == 'label'){ $html .= ''; }else{ $html .= ''; } $el['atts']['fieldhtml'] = $html; } // Featured Image Handler function pagelayer_sc_featured_img(&$el){ // Image size if(!empty($el['atts']['size'])){ $size = $el['atts']['size']; } $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $title = $alt = ''; if(!empty($thumbnail_id)){ $title = get_the_title($thumbnail_id); $alt = get_post_meta($thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true); } if($size){ $src = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(null, $size); }else{ $src = get_the_post_thumbnail_url(); } // Fallback image if(empty($src) && !empty($el['atts']['img'])){ $src = !empty($el['tmp']['img-'.$size.'-url']) ? $el['tmp']['img-'.$size.'-url'] : pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'img-url'); $alt = $el['tmp']['img-alt']; $title = $el['tmp']['img-title']; } $el['atts']['img_html'] = ''; if(!empty($src)){ $el['atts']['img_html'] = ''.$alt.''; }elseif(pagelayer_is_live_template()){ $el['atts']['img_html'] = ''; } // What is the link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ // Custom url if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'custom_url'){ // Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link')); $el['atts']['func_link'] = empty($el['tmp']['link']) ? '' : $el['tmp']['link']; } // Link to the media file itself if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'media_file' || $el['atts']['link_type'] == 'lightbox'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $src; } } } // Site Title Handler function pagelayer_sc_wp_title(&$el){ // Decide the image URL $el['atts']['func_image'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'id-' . pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'id-size') . '-url'); $el['atts']['func_image'] = empty($el['atts']['func_image']) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'id-url') : $el['atts']['func_id']; // Default Logo if(empty($el['atts']['logo_img_type'])){ // Load it $logo = pagelayer_site_logo(); // Only if we get it if(!empty($logo)){ $logo_img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'logo_img_size'); $el['atts']['func_image'] = pagelayer_isset($logo, $logo_img_size.'-url'); $el['atts']['func_image'] = empty($el['atts']['func_image']) ? pagelayer_isset($logo, 'url') : $el['atts']['func_image']; $el['tmp']['logo_img-title'] = pagelayer_isset($logo, 'title'); $el['tmp']['logo_img-alt'] = pagelayer_isset($logo, 'alt'); } // Custom logo }else{ $logo_img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'logo_img_size'); $el['atts']['func_image'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'logo_img-' . $logo_img_size . '-url'); $el['atts']['func_image'] = empty($el['atts']['func_image']) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'logo_img-url') : $el['atts']['func_image']; $el['tmp']['logo_img-title'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'],'logo_img-title'); $el['tmp']['logo_img-alt'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'logo_img-alt'); } } // Primary menu Handler function pagelayer_sc_wp_menu(&$el){ if(!empty($el['atts']['inside_mega'])){ $el['atts']['nav_menu'] = ''; if(pagelayer_is_live()){ $el['atts']['nav_menu'] = 'Primary Menu Holder. Please select the correct menu.'; } return true; } // Setting default toggle icon. If the icon is empty. if(empty($el['atts']['menu_toggle_icon'])){ $el['atts']['menu_toggle_icon'] = 'fas fa-bars'; } // Load Pagelayer nav menu walker include_once(PAGELAYER_DIR.'/main/nav_walker.php'); $el['atts']['nav_menu'] = wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => wp_get_nav_menu_object(pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'nav_list')), 'menu_id' => pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'nav_list'), 'menu_class' => 'pagelayer-wp_menu-ul', 'walker' => new Pagelayer_Walker_Nav_Menu(), //'theme_location' => 'primary', 'echo' => false, ) ); } // Post Navigation Handler function pagelayer_sc_post_nav(&$el){ $in_same_term = false; $taxonomies = 'category'; $title = ''; $arrows_list = $el['atts']['arrows_list']; if(!empty($el['atts']['in_same_term'])){ $in_same_term = true; $taxonomies = $el['atts']['taxonomies']; } if(!empty($el['atts']['post_title'])){ $title = '%title'; } $next_label = ' '.$el["atts"]["next_label"].''.$title.' '; $prev_label = ' '.$el["atts"]["prev_label"].''.$title.' '; $el['atts']['next_link'] = get_next_post_link('%link', $next_label, $in_same_term, '', $taxonomies); $el['atts']['prev_link'] = get_previous_post_link('%link', $prev_label, $in_same_term, '', $taxonomies ); } // Comments Handler function pagelayer_sc_post_comment(&$el){ global $post; // Is it custom ? if($el['atts']['post_type'] == 'custom' && !empty($el['atts']['post_id'])){ $orig_post = $post; $post = get_post($el['atts']['post_id']); } $post_id = $post->ID; //echo $post_id.' - '.$el['atts']['post_id']; if ( comments_open($post_id) || get_comments_number($post_id) ) { // Handel comments template echo ob_start(); comments_template(); $el['atts']['post_comment'] = '
    '; // Comments are now closed if(!comments_open($post_id)){ $el['atts']['post_comment'] = '

    Comments are closed!

    '; } }else{ $el['atts']['post_comment'] = ''; } if(pagelayer_is_live_template() || $post->post_type == 'pagelayer-template'){ $el['atts']['post_comment'] = '

    Comments section !

    '; } if(!empty($orig_post)){ $post = $orig_post; } } // post navigation Handler function pagelayer_sc_post_info_list(&$el){ global $post; $el['atts']['post_info_content'] =''; switch($el['atts']['type']){ case 'author': $author_id = get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ? get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) : $GLOBALS['post']->post_author; $el['atts']['link'] = get_author_posts_url( $author_id ); $el['atts']['avatar_url'] = get_avatar_url( $author_id, 96 ); $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author_id ); break; case 'date': $format = [ 'default' => 'F j, Y', '0' => 'F j, Y', '1' => 'Y-m-d', '2' => 'm/d/Y', '3' => 'd/m/Y', 'custom' => empty( $el['atts']['date_format_custom'] ) ? 'F j, Y' : $el['atts']['date_format_custom'], ]; $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = get_the_time( $format[ $el['atts']['date_format'] ] ); $el['atts']['link'] = get_day_link( get_post_time( 'Y' ), get_post_time( 'm' ), get_post_time( 'j' ) ); break; case 'time': $format = [ 'default' => 'g:i a', '0' => 'g:i a', '1' => 'g:i A', '2' => 'H:i', 'custom' => empty( $el['atts']['time_format_custom'] ) ? 'F j, Y' : $el['atts']['time_format_custom'], ]; $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = get_the_time( $format[ $el['atts']['time_format'] ] ); if(!pagelayer_is_live_template()){ $el['atts']['link'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; $el['atts']['info_link'] = 1; } break; case 'comments': $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = (int) get_comments_number(); $el['atts']['link'] = get_comments_link(); // Comments are closed then dont show ! if(pagelayer_is_live_template() || $GLOBALS['post']->post_type == 'pagelayer-template'){ $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = 1; }elseif(!comments_open($post->ID)){ $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = ''; } break; case 'terms': $taxonomy = $el['atts']['taxonomy']; $terms = wp_get_post_terms( get_the_ID(), $taxonomy ); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $el['atts']['post_info_content'] .= ' '. $term->name .' '; } if(pagelayer_is_live_template() || $GLOBALS['post']->post_type == 'pagelayer-template'){ $el['atts']['post_info_content'] .= 'Dummy '.ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $el['atts']['taxonomy'])).''; } $el['atts']['info_link'] = ''; break; case 'custom': $el['atts']['post_info_content'] = $el['atts']['type_custom']; $el['atts']['link'] = $el['atts']['info_custom_link']; break; } } // Post Content Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_post_content(&$el){ static $did_posts = []; global $pagelayer; $post_obj = get_post(); if(empty( $post_obj )){ return false; } if ( post_password_required( $post_obj->ID ) && !pagelayer_is_live() ) { $el['atts']['post_content'] = get_the_password_form( $post_obj->ID ); return; } // Avoid recursion if ( isset( $did_posts[$post_obj->ID] ) || pagelayer_is_live_template($post_obj) ) { $el['atts']['post_content'] = '
    Post Content Holder
    '; return; } // Is it an attachment if(is_attachment()){ $el['atts']['post_content'] = '
    '.wp_get_attachment_image( get_the_ID(), 'full' ).'
    '; return; } // To prevent recursion, set it to True $did_posts[$post_obj->ID] = true; $content = $post_obj->post_content; // If we are rendering a template and this post content is being edited live, then dont_make_editable is set true in pagelayer_get_post_content. Hence we need to set it as false and revert it after rendering the posts content ! if(!empty($pagelayer->dont_make_editable)){ $reset = $pagelayer->dont_make_editable; $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = false; // While rendering post content inside the template $rendering_template_id = $pagelayer->rendering_template_id; $pagelayer->rendering_template_id = $post_obj->ID; } // Split to pages. setup_postdata( $post_obj ); $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ); if(!empty($reset)){ $pagelayer->rendering_template_id = $rendering_template_id; $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = $reset; } $content .= wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '

    ' . __( 'Pages:') . '', 'after' => '

    ', 'echo' => 0, ) ); $el['atts']['post_content'] = $content; } // Archive Posts shows the posts as per the QUERY of the current page function pagelayer_sc_archive_posts(&$el){ global $wp_query, $pagelayer; $query_args = $wp_query->query_vars; if(pagelayer_is_live() || (wp_doing_ajax() && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'pagelayer_archive_posts_data')){ $query_args = ['post_type' => 'post']; $dummy_pagination = 10; } $allow_param = array('show_thumb', 'thumb_size', 'show_content', 'show_title', 'more', 'btn_type', 'size', 'icon_position', 'icon', 'show_more', 'meta_sep', 'exc_length', 'thumb_img_type', 'infinite_types' ); $param = array(); foreach($allow_param as $val){ $param[$val] = !empty($el['atts'][$val]) ? $el['atts'][$val] : ''; } if(!empty($el['atts']['meta'])){ $meta_arr = explode(',',$el['atts']['meta']); //pagelayer_print($el['atts']['meta']); foreach($meta_arr as $arr){ $param[$arr] = $arr; } } if(!empty($el['atts']['thumb_img_type'])){ $thumb_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'thumb_size'); $img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'def_thumb_img-'.$thumb_size.'-url'); $param['def_thumb_img'] = empty($img_size) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'def_thumb_img-url') : $img_size; } $el['atts']['pagelayer_pagination_top'] = ''; $el['atts']['pagelayer_pagination_bottom'] = ''; if(!empty($el['atts']['pagination']) && empty($el['atts']['infinite_types'])){ // Create array for pagination $pagination = array( 'prev_next' => $el['atts']['pagination'] == 'number' ? false : true, 'prev_text' => __( pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'pagi_prev_text') ), 'next_text' => __( pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'pagi_next_text') ), 'end_size' => $el['atts']['pagi_end_size'], 'mid_size' => $el['atts']['pagi_mid_size'], 'before_page_number' => pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'before_page_number'), 'after_page_number' => pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'after_page_number'), ); if(!empty($dummy_pagination)){ $pagination['total'] = 10; } if( isset($el['atts']['pagination_on']) && $el['atts']['pagination_on'] == 'top'){ $el['atts']['pagelayer_pagination_top'] = '
    '; }else{ $el['atts']['pagelayer_pagination_bottom'] = '
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if(pagelayer_is_live() && !empty($exp)){ $el['attr'][] = 'display_expired_text="'.$exp.'"'; } if(!isset($el['atts']['custom_label_text'])){ $el['atts']['days_label_text'] = 'Days'; $el['atts']['hours_label_text'] = 'Hours'; $el['atts']['minutes_label_text'] = 'Minutes'; $el['atts']['seconds_label_text'] = 'Seconds'; } } // Social Share Handler function pagelayer_sc_share(&$el){ if(empty($el['atts']['icon'])){ return; } $profileName = ''; if(isset($el['atts']['custom_profile'])){ $profileName = $el['atts']['custom_profile'].'/'; } $icon_splited = explode(' fa-', $el['atts']['icon']); $el['classes'][] = ['.pagelayer-share-content' => 'pagelayer-'.$icon_splited[1]]; $icon = $icon_splited[1]; $labelList = array( 'Facebook' => array( 'icons' => array('facebook', 'facebook-f', 'facebook-messenger', 'facebook-square', 'facebook-official'), 'url' => 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=' ), 'Twitter' => array( 'icons' => array('twitter', 'twitter-square'), 'url' => 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=' ), 'Google+' => array( 'icons' => array('google-plus', 'google-plus-square', 'google-plus-g'), 'url' => 'https://plus.google.com/share?url=' ), 'Instagram' => array( 'icons' => array('instagram'), 'url' => 'https://www.instagram.com/'.$profileName, 'no' => 1 ), 'Linkedin' => array( 'icons' => array('linkedin', 'linkedin-in', 'linkedin-square'), 'url' => 'https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?url=' ), 'pinterest' => array( 'icons' => array('pinterest', 'pinterest-p', 'pinterest-square'), 'url' => '//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=' ), 'Reddit' => array( 'icons' => array('reddit-alien', 'reddit-square', 'reddit'), 'url' => 'https://reddit.com/submit?url=' ), 'Skype' => array( 'icons' => array('skype'), 'url' => 'https://web.skype.com/share?', 'no' => 1 ), 'Stumbleupon' => array( 'icons' => array('stumbleupon', 'stumbleupon-circle'), 'url' => 'https://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=' ), 'Telegram' => array( 'icons' => array('telegram', 'telegram-plane'), 'url' => 'https://t.me/share/url?url=' ), 'Tumblr' => array( 'icons' => array('tumblr', 'tumblr-square'), 'url' => 'https://www.tumblr.com/share/link?url=' ), 'VK' => array( 'icons' => array('vk'), 'url' => 'http://vk.com/share.php?url=' ), 'Weibo' => array( 'icons' => array('weibo'), 'url' => 'http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php?url=' ), 'WhatsApp' => array( 'icons' => array('whatsapp', 'whatsapp-square'), 'url' => 'whatsapp://send?text=' ), 'WordPress' => array( 'icons' => array('wordpress', 'wordpress-simple'), 'url' => 'https://wordpress.com/press-this.php?u=' ), 'Xing' => array( 'icons' => array('xing', 'xing-square'), 'url' => 'https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new?url=' ), 'Delicious' => array( 'icons' => array('delicious'), 'url' => 'https://delicious.com/save?v=5&noui&jump=close&url=' ), 'Dribbble' => array( 'icons' => array('dribbble', 'dribbble-square'), 'url' => 'https://dribbble.com/shots/'.$profileName, 'no' => 1 ), 'Pocket' => array( 'icons' => array('get-pocket'), 'url' => 'https://getpocket.com/edit?url=' ), 'Email' => array( 'icons' => array('envelope', 'envelope-open', 'envelope-o'), 'url' => 'mailto:?body=' ) ); 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wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-mediaelement' ); $pagelayer->sc_audio_enqueued = 1; } return; $el['atts']['a_url'] = ''; if ($el['atts']['source'] == 'external'){ $el['atts']['a_url'] = $el['atts']['url']; } if ($el['atts']['source'] == 'library'){ $el['atts']['a_url'] = wp_get_attachment_url($el['atts']['id']); } if(!empty($el['atts']['a_url'])){ $filename=$el['atts']['a_url']; //Get the file extension $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Create source tag according to audio file switch($extension){ default: case 'mp3': $el['atts']['a_type'] = 'audio/mpeg'; break; case 'ogg': $el['atts']['a_type']= 'audio/ogg'; break; case 'wav': $el['atts']['a_type'] = 'audio/wav'; break; } } if(!empty($el['atts']['a_url']) && !empty($el['atts']['a_type'])){ $el['attr'][]= ['source' => 'src="{{a_url}}']; $el['attr'][]= ['source' => 'type="{{a_type}}']; } } // Image Portfolio function pagelayer_sc_single_img(&$el){ // Decide the image URL $img_size = pagelayer_isset($el['atts'], 'img-size'); $el['atts']['func_img'] = pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'img-'.$img_size.'-url'); $el['atts']['func_img'] = empty($el['atts']['func_img']) ? pagelayer_isset($el['tmp'], 'img-url') : $el['atts']['func_img']; // What is the link ? if(!empty($el['atts']['link_type'])){ // Custom url if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'custom_url'){ // Backward compatibility for new link props pagelayer_add_link_backward($el, array( 'rel' => '', 'selector' => '.pagelayer-ele-link')); $el['atts']['func_link'] = empty($el['tmp']['link']) ? '' : $el['tmp']['link']; } // Link to the media file itself if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'media_file'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_img']; } // Lightbox if($el['atts']['link_type'] == 'lightbox'){ $el['atts']['func_link'] = $el['atts']['func_img']; } } } // Posts Grid function pagelayer_sc_wp_posts_grid($atts, $content = '', $tag = ''){ $args = array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => array('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'future', 'private', 'inherit', 'trash') ); $all_posts = get_posts($args); $html = '
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    '.date('F jS, Y', strtotime($pv->post_date)).' | Published by '.get_the_author_meta('display_name', $pv->post_author).'


    Read More

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$el['atts']['avatar'] : $el['tmp']['avatar-url']; } $el['atts']['display_html'] = '<'.$el['atts']['name_style'].'>'.$el['atts']['display_name'].''; } //Grid Gallery Handler function pagelayer_sc_login(&$el){ if(pagelayer_is_live()){ $el['atts']['login_cap'] = ''; return false; } ob_start(); if(!did_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' )){ do_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts' ); } do_action( 'login_form' ); $el['atts']['login_cap'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Load all tags function pagelayer_get_tags(){ $tags = get_tags(['hide_empty' => false]); $taglist = array(); $taglist[] = 'Default'; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $taglist[$tag->name] = $tag->name ; } return $taglist; } // Load all categories function pagelayer_get_categories(){ $categories = get_categories(['hide_empty' => 0]); $category_list = array(); $category_list[] = 'Default'; foreach($categories as $category) { $category_list[$category->name] = $category->name ; } return $category_list; } // Templates Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_templates(&$el){ global $pagelayer, $post; if( !empty($el['atts']['templates']) ) $id = $el['atts']['templates']; $post_obj = get_post($id); $content = ''; // If both current post and tempate post are same if (empty( $post_obj) || (!empty( $post_obj) && $post_obj == $post) ) { $el['atts']['template_content'] = $content; return; } $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = true; $content = $post_obj->post_content; $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content ); $pagelayer->dont_make_editable = false; if(pagelayer_is_live()){ // Create the HTML object $node = pagelayerQuery::parseStr($content); $node->query('.pagelayer-ele')->removeClass('pagelayer-ele'); $content = $node->html(); } $el['atts']['template_content'] = $content; } // Get the list of post by post type - 2C function pagelayer_post_list_by_type($post_type = 'post'){ $postlist = []; $posts_list = get_posts(array( 'post_type' => $post_type, 'numberposts' => -1 )); foreach($posts_list as $post){ $postlist[$post->ID] = $post->post_title; } return $postlist; } ///////////////////////////////////// // WooCommerce Shortcode Functions ///////////////////////////////////// // Product Images Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_images(&$el){ global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $images_templ = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $images_templ = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_images_templ'] = $images_templ; return; } // Start the output buffer ob_start(); if( !empty($el['atts']['sale_flash']) ){ wc_get_template( 'loop/sale-flash.php' ); } wc_get_template( 'single-product/product-image.php' ); $el['atts']['product_images_templ'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Related products Handler - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_related(&$el){ global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $related_templ = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $related_templ = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['related_products'] = $related_templ; return; } // start output buffer ob_start(); // If is related if($el['atts']['select_product'] == 'related'){ $args = [ 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'columns' => 4, 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_by'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], ]; if( ! empty( $el['atts']['posts_per_page'] ) ) { $args['posts_per_page'] = $el['atts']['posts_per_page']; } if( ! empty( $el['atts']['columns'] ) ) { $args['columns'] = $el['atts']['columns']; } if(function_exists( 'woocommerce_related_products' )){ woocommerce_related_products($args); } // If is upsel; }elseif($el['atts']['select_product'] == 'upsell'){ $limit = '-1'; $columns = 4; $orderby = $el['atts']['order_by']; $order = $el['atts']['order']; if( ! empty( $el['atts']['columns'] ) ) { $columns = $el['atts']['columns']; } if(function_exists( 'woocommerce_upsell_display' )){ woocommerce_upsell_display( $limit, $columns, $orderby, $order ); } } // Get data and clean output buffer $el['atts']['related_products'] = ob_get_clean(); } // WooCommers Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_woo_pages(&$el){ // if is not empty if(!empty($el['atts']['pages'])){ $shortcode = '['. $el['atts']['pages'] .']'; $content = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); // if is checkout page if ( 'woocommerce_checkout' === $el['atts']['pages'] && '
    ' == $content ) { $content = '
    ' . __( 'Your cart is currently empty.') . '
    '; } } // If the content is empty if(empty($content)){ $content = '
    ' . __( 'Page content not found.') . '
    '; } $el['atts']['page_content'] = $content; } // Product Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_categories(&$el){ $attributes = ''; $attributes .= ' number="'. (isset($el['atts']['number']) ? $el['atts']['number'] : '').'" '; $attributes .= ' columns="'. (isset($el['atts']['columns']) ? $el['atts']['columns'] : '').'" '; $attributes .= ' hide_empty="'. (!empty($el['atts']['hide_empty']) ? 1 : 0) .'" '; $attributes .= ' orderby="'. (isset($el['atts']['nuorderbymber']) ? $el['atts']['nuorderbymber'] : '') .'" '; $attributes .= ' order="'. (isset($el['atts']['order']) ? $el['atts']['order'] : '') .'" '; $source = isset($el['atts']['source']) ? $el['atts']['source'] : ''; if ( 'by_id' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' ids="'. $el['atts']['by_id'] .'" '; } elseif ( 'by_parent' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' parent="'. $el['atts']['parent'] .'" '; } elseif ( 'current_subcategories' === $source ) { $attributes .= ' parent="'. get_queried_object_id() .'" '; } $shortcode = '[product_categories '. $attributes .']'; // do_shortcode the shortcode $el['atts']['product_categories'] = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); } // Products - 2C function pagelayer_sc_products(&$el){ if( WC()->session ){ wc_print_notices(); } $no_found = $el['atts']['no_found']; $attributes = ''; $type = $el['atts']['source']; $attributes .= ' columns="'. $el['atts']['columns'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' rows="'. $el['atts']['rows'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' paginate="'. (!empty($el['atts']['paginate']) ? true : false) .'" '; $attributes .= ' orderby="'. $el['atts']['orderby'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' order="'. $el['atts']['order'] .'" '; $attributes .= ' cache="false" '; // Hide the catalog order if( empty($el['atts']['allow_order']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 30 ); } // Hide the result count if( empty($el['atts']['show_result']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_result_count', 20 ); } if( $type == 'by_id' ){ $type = 'products'; $attributes .= ' ids="'. (!empty($el['atts']['ids']) ? $el['atts']['ids'] : '') .'" '; }elseif( $type == 'pagelayer_current_query' ){ $atts['paginate'] = (!empty($el['atts']['paginate']) ? true : false); $atts['cache'] = false; $type = 'pagelayer_current_query'; // Set the current query add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_products_query', 'pagelayer_shortcode_current_query', 10, 10); // If product not found add_action( "woocommerce_shortcode_{$type}_loop_no_results", function ($attributes) use ($no_found){ echo '
    '; } ); $shortcode = new WC_Shortcode_Products( $atts, $type ); $el['atts']['products_content'] = $shortcode->get_content(); return true; } $shortcode = '['.$type.' '. $attributes .']'; $content = pagelayer_the_content($shortcode); // If product not found if('
    ' == $content){ $content = '
    '. __($no_found) .'
    '; } $el['atts']['products_content'] = $content; } // Archives Product Pages - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_archives(&$el){ global $post; if ( WC()->session ) { wc_print_notices(); } $atts['paginate'] = true; $atts['cache'] = false; $no_found = $el['atts']['no_found']; if( empty($el['atts']['allow_order']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 30 ); } if( empty($el['atts']['show_result']) ){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_result_count', 20 ); } $type = 'pagelayer_current_query'; // We need to define costom if( (isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == 'pagelayer-template') || wp_doing_ajax()){ $type = ''; } // Set the current query add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_products_query', 'pagelayer_shortcode_current_query', 10, 10); // If product not found add_action( "woocommerce_shortcode_{$type}_loop_no_results", function ($attributes) use ($no_found){ echo '
    '; } ); $shortcode = new WC_Shortcode_Products( $atts, $type ); $el['atts']['product_archives'] = $shortcode->get_content(); } // Product Price render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_price(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $price = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $price = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['pagelayer-product-price'] = $price; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/price.php' ); $el['atts']['pagelayer-product-price'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Product add to cart render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_add_to_cart(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $cart = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $cart = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_add_to_cart'] = $cart; return; } ob_start(); woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart(); $el['atts']['product_add_to_cart'] = '
    '. ob_get_clean() .'
    '; } // Product rating render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_rating(&$el) { if( ! post_type_supports( 'product', 'comments' ) ){ return; } global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_rating = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_rating = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_rating'] = $product_rating; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/rating.php' ); $product_rating = ob_get_clean(); if( empty( $product_rating ) && pagelayer_is_live_template()){ $product_rating = __('No Rating Found!'); } $el['atts']['product_rating'] = $product_rating; } /* // Product stock render - 2C function pagelayer_product_stock() { global $product; $product = wc_get_product(); if ( empty( $product ) ) { return; } return wc_get_stock_html( $product ); } */ // Product meta render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_meta(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_meta = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_meta = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_meta'] = $product_meta; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( '/single-product/meta.php' ); $el['atts']['product_meta'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Product short description render - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_short_desc(&$el) { global $product, $post; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_short_desc = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_short_desc = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = $product_short_desc; return; } if((isset($post->post_type) && $post->post_type == 'pagelayer-template') || wp_doing_ajax()){ $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = '


    '; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/short-description.php' ); $el['atts']['product_short_desc'] = ob_get_clean(); } // WooCommerce breadcrumb render - 2C function pagelayer_woo_breadcrumb() { ob_start(); woocommerce_breadcrumb(); return ob_get_clean(); } // Get product categories - 2C function pagelayer_get_product_cat() { $categories = get_terms( 'product_cat' ); $options = []; foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $options[ $category->term_id ] = $category->name; } return $options; } // Get product categories - 2C function pagelayer_get_product_archives_desc() { ob_start(); do_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description' ); return ob_get_clean(); } // Get product additional Information - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_addi_info(&$el) { global $product; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_additional_info = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_additional_info = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_additional_info'] = $product_additional_info; return; } ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/additional-information.php' ); $el['atts']['product_additional_info'] = ob_get_clean(); } // Get product data tab Information - 2C function pagelayer_sc_product_data_tabs(&$el) { global $product, $post; $product = pagelayer_get_product(); $product_data_tab = ''; if( empty( $product ) && (pagelayer_is_live_template() || wp_doing_ajax())){ $product_data_tab = __pl('no_woo_product'); } if ( empty( $product ) ) { $el['atts']['product_data_tab'] = $product_data_tab; return; } // We need load Pagelayer shortcodes pagelayer_load_shortcodes(); setup_postdata( $product->get_id()); ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'single-product/tabs/tabs.php' ); $data_tabs = ob_get_clean(); // If no data tabs if(empty($data_tabs)){ $data_tabs = __('Data tab not found'); } $el['atts']['product_data_tab'] = $data_tabs; } // Get the HTML for menu cart function pagelayer_sc_woo_menu_cart(&$el){ // Maybe init cart $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( ! $has_cart ) { $session_class = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_session_handler', 'WC_Session_Handler' ); WC()->session = new $session_class(); WC()->session->init(); WC()->cart = new \WC_Cart(); WC()->customer = new \WC_Customer( get_current_user_id(), true ); } // Get the cart values $widget_cart_is_hidden = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden', is_cart() || is_checkout() ); $product_count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); $sub_total = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal(); $cart_items = WC()->cart->get_cart(); $toggle_button_link = $widget_cart_is_hidden ? wc_get_cart_url() : '#'; /** workaround WooCommerce Subscriptions issue that changes the behavior of is_cart() */ $toggle_button_classes = 'pagelayer-cart-button pagelayer-size-sm'; $toggle_button_classes .= $widget_cart_is_hidden ? ' pagelayer-menu-cart-hidden' : ''; $counter_attr = 'data-counter="' . $product_count . '"'; $cart_html = ''; // If is cart and checkout page the except this if ( ! $widget_cart_is_hidden ){ ob_start(); wc_get_template( 'cart/mini-cart.php' ); $mini_cart_html = ob_get_clean(); $cart_html .= '
    '. $mini_cart_html .'
    '; } $el['atts']['cart_html'] = $cart_html; } // SiteMap Item Box - 2C function pagelayer_sc_sitemap_item(&$el){ $html_element = ''; $hier = ''; $depth = ''; $option = ''; $id = $el['id']; $option = '
    '; $hier = (empty($el['atts']['hierarchical']) ? '' : $el['atts']['hierarchical']); $depth = (empty($el['atts']['depth']) ? '' : $el['atts']['depth']); if($el['atts']['sitemap_type'] == 'post_type'){ if(empty($el['atts']['title'])){ $el['atts']['title'] = 'Pages'; } $html_element .= $el['atts']['title']; $args = array( 'post_type' => $el['atts']['source_post'], 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_post'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], 'hierarchical' => $hier, 'number' => $depth, 'posts_per_page' => -1, ); $option .= ''.$html_element.''; $option .= '
      '; $pages = new WP_Query($args); $posts = $pages->posts; foreach ( $posts as $page ) { $option .= '
    • '.$page->post_name.'
    • '; } $option .= '
    '; }else{ if(empty($el['atts']['title'])){ $el['atts']['title'] = 'Categories'; } $html_element .= $el['atts']['title']; $args = array( 'title_li' => 0, 'orderby' => $el['atts']['order_taxonomy'], 'order' => $el['atts']['order'], 'style' => '', 'hide_empty' => $el['atts']['hide_empty'], 'echo' => false, 'hierarchical' => $hier, 'taxonomy' => $el['atts']['source_taxonomy'], 'depth' => $depth, ); $taxonomies = get_categories( $args ); $option .= ''.$html_element.''; $option .= ''; } $option .= '
    '; $el['atts']['sitemap_html'] = $option; } function pagelayer_sc_slides(&$el) { if( !pagelayer_is_live() ) { return; } foreach($el['inner_blocks'] as $key => $inner_block) { if('pagelayer/pl_slide' != $inner_block['blockName']) { continue; } $slide = serialize_block($inner_block); $col = get_comment_delimited_block_content('pagelayer/pl_col', [] , $slide); $row = get_comment_delimited_block_content('pagelayer/pl_inner_row', ['col_gap' => '0.0'] , $col); $el['inner_blocks'][$key] = array( 'blockName' => 'pagelayer/pl_content_slide', 'innerBlocks' => parse_blocks($row), 'innerHTML' => '', 'attrs' => array(), 'innerContent' => array(), ); } } function pagelayer_sc_chart(&$el){ $el['atts']['xcolor'] = empty($el['atts']['xcolor']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['xcolor'], false); $el['atts']['ycolor'] = empty($el['atts']['ycolor']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['ycolor'], false); } function pagelayer_sc_chart_datasets(&$el){ $el['atts']['chart_border_color'] = empty($el['atts']['chart_border_color']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['chart_border_color'], false); $el['atts']['bg_color'] = empty($el['atts']['bg_color']) ? '' : pagelayer_parse_color($el['atts']['bg_color'], false); }main/template-builder.php000064400000072633147600231460011456 0ustar00 $pagelayer->builder['name'], 'post_status' => 'any', 'include' => (int) $_REQUEST['post'], ]); //print_r($posts); // Did we find it ? if(!empty($posts[0])){ $post = $posts[0]; $_post['id'] = $post->ID; $_post['type'] = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'pagelayer_template_type', true); $_post['conditions'] = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'pagelayer_template_conditions', true ); $_post['post_title'] = $post->post_title; } } // Fill in defaults if nothing found if(empty($_post)){ $_post['id'] = 0; $_post['type'] = ''; $_post['post_title'] = ''; $_post['conditions'] = []; } ?>
    '; if(empty($_post['type'])){ echo __pl('add_temp'); }else{ echo __pl('edit_temp').''.__pl('edit_using').''; } echo '
    '; if( !empty($dis_conditions) ){ foreach($dis_conditions as $condi){ echo '
    '. __('Display Conditions').' ×
    '; $req_arr['id'] = $condi['id']; $req_arr['filter_type'] = 'post'; if( is_numeric(strpos($condi['sub_template'] , 'author'))){ $req_arr['filter_type'] = 'author'; } if( is_numeric(strpos($condi['sub_template'] , 'category')) || is_numeric(strpos($condi['sub_template'] , 'tag')) ){ $req_arr['filter_type'] = 'taxonomy'; } $title_array = pagelayer_builder_get_title($req_arr['filter_type'], $req_arr['id']); $id = ''; $title = ''; foreach ( $title_array as $tmp_id => $tmp_title ) { $id = $tmp_id; $title = $tmp_title; } echo '
    '. ((empty($title)) ? __('All') : $title).' ×
    '; } } echo '
    '. __('Add Conditions').'
    '; ?> $ids, 'hide_empty' => false, ]); global $wp_taxonomies; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $sel_title[ $term->term_taxonomy_id ] = $term->name ; } break; case 'post': $query = new \WP_Query([ 'post_type' => 'any', 'post__in' => $ids, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'any', ]); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $sel_title[ $post->ID ] = $post->post_title; } break; case 'author': $query_params = [ 'capability' => array( 'edit_posts' ), 'fields' => ['ID', 'display_name'], 'include' => $ids, ]; // Capability queries were only introduced in WP 5.9. if( version_compare( $GLOBALS['wp_version'], '5.9-alpha', '<' ) ){ $args['who'] = 'authors'; unset( $args['capability'] ); } $user_query = new \WP_User_Query( $query_params ); foreach ( $user_query->get_results() as $author ) { $sel_title[ $author->ID ] = $author->display_name; } break; } return $sel_title; } // Append the Popup templates function pagelayer_builder_popup_append(){ global $pagelayer; if(!empty($GLOBALS['pagelayer_builder_popup_append_called'])){ return; } $GLOBALS['pagelayer_builder_popup_append_called'] = 1; // Render the multiple Popups foreach($pagelayer->template_popup_ids as $id => $priority){ $bLoadString = ''; $content = pagelayer_get_post_content($id); // For popup before loading option // First check that att is placed or not. Then scan and extract the value of id and insert it into bLoadString variable if(strpos($content, 'data-trig_before_load') !== false){ preg_match('#pagelayer-id=([^\s]+)#', $content, $matches); $bLoadString = 'pagelayer-popup-Shown="1" style="display: flex;" pagelayer-popup-id="'.$matches[1].'"'; } echo '
    '; } } // Export Pages, Media and Pagelayer Template Files function pagelayer_builder_export($type){ global $pagelayer; // Load the templates pagelayer_builder_load_templates(); $data['page'] = []; // Load the other posts foreach($pagelayer->settings['post_types'] as $type){ // Make the query $type_query = new WP_Query(['post_type' => $type, 'status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC']); $data[$type] = $type_query->posts; } $nonce = wp_create_nonce('pagelayer_builder'); echo '

    Pagelayer - Export Template into a Theme

    With this wizard you can export Pagelayer Template(s) (and pages) into a theme folder. This theme folder can be distributed as a theme and can be used by any Pagelayer user.'; // Make two tables echo '

    Pagelayer Templates

    '; foreach($pagelayer->templates as $k => $v){ $type = get_post_meta($v->ID, 'pagelayer_template_type', true); $dis_conditions = get_post_meta( $v->ID, 'pagelayer_template_conditions', true ); $dis_html = 'None'; if( !empty($dis_conditions) ){ $dis_html = ''; foreach($dis_conditions as $condi){ $dis_html .= ''; if(isset($condi['template'])){ $template = pagelayer_multi_array_search($pagelayer->builder['dispay_on'], $condi['template']); if(is_array($template) && array_key_exists('label', $template)){ $template = $template['label']; } $dis_html .= $template; } if(isset($condi['sub_template'])){ $sub_template = pagelayer_multi_array_search($pagelayer->builder[$condi['template'].'_templates'], $condi['sub_template']); if(is_array($sub_template) && array_key_exists('label', $sub_template)){ $sub_template = $sub_template['label']; } if(!empty($sub_template)){ $dis_html .= ' > '. $sub_template; } } if(!empty($condi['id'])){ $dis_html .= ' > #'. $condi['id']; } $dis_html .= '
    '; } } //print_r($v); echo ' '; } echo '
    Title Type Display On
    '.$v->post_title.' '.(!empty($pagelayer->builder['type'][$type]['label']) ? $pagelayer->builder['type'][$type]['label'] : $pagelayer->builder['type'][$type]).' '.$dis_html.'
    '; $pt_objects = get_post_types(['public' => true], 'objects'); foreach($data as $type => $d){ if(empty($pt_objects[$type])){ continue; } echo '


    '; foreach($data[$type] as $k => $v){ //$type = get_post_meta($v->ID, 'pagelayer_template_type', true); //print_r($v); echo ' '; } echo '
    Title Type
    '.$v->post_title.' '.$pt_objects[$type]->labels->name.'
    '; } echo '
    '; }index.php000064400000000041147600231460006362 0ustar00addQueryArgFilter('pagelayer_pro_updater_filter_args'); // Show the text to install the license key add_filter('puc_manual_final_check_link-pagelayer-pro', 'pagelayer_pro_updater_check_link', 10, 1); // Load the template builder include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/template-builder.php'); $pagelayer->allowed_mime_type = array( 'otf' => 'font/otf', 'ttf' => 'font/ttf', 'woff' => 'font/woff|application/font-woff|application/x-font-woff', 'woff2' => 'font/woff2|font/x-woff2' ); // Load the pagelayer custom fonts include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/custom_fonts.php'); // Are we to disable the notice if(current_user_can('activate_plugins')){ if(isset($_GET['pagelayer-pro-version-notice']) && (int)$_GET['pagelayer-pro-version-notice'] == 0){ check_ajax_referer('pagelayer_pro_version_nonce', 'pagelayer_nonce'); if(!empty($_REQUEST['type'])){ // Notice dismiss for 7 days update_option('pagelayer_pro_'.$_REQUEST['type'].'_version_nag', time() + (7 * 86400)); } die('DONE'); } // Show the version notice add_action('admin_notices', 'pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag'); } } // Nag when plugins dont have same version. function pagelayer_pro_free_version_nag(){ if(!defined('PAGELAYER_VERSION')){ return; } $sctipt_enqueue = false; $older_pro = get_option('pagelayer_pro_older_pro_version_nag'); $older_free = get_option('pagelayer_pro_older_free_version_nag'); if(version_compare(PAGELAYER_VERSION, PAGELAYER_PRO_VERSION) > 0 && (empty($older_pro) || $older_pro < time())){ echo '

    '.esc_html__('You are using an older version of Pagelayer Pro. We recommend updating to the latest version to ensure seamless and uninterrupted use of the plugin.').'

    '; $sctipt_enqueue = true; }elseif(version_compare(PAGELAYER_VERSION, PAGELAYER_PRO_VERSION) < 0 && (empty($older_free) || $older_free < time())){ echo '

    '.esc_html__('You are using an older version of Pagelayer. We recommend updating to the latest free version to ensure smooth and uninterrupted use of the plugin.') .'

    '; $sctipt_enqueue = true; } if($sctipt_enqueue){ echo ' '; } } // Add filter to load custom widgets functions add_action('pagelayer_load_shortcode_functions', 'pagelayer_pro_load_shortcode_functions'); function pagelayer_pro_load_shortcode_functions(){ include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/freemium_functions.php'); include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/premium_functions.php'); } // Apply filter to load custom widgets after shortcodes add_action('pagelayer_after_add_shortcode', 'pagelayer_pro_after_add_shortcode'); function pagelayer_pro_after_add_shortcode(){ include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/freemium.php'); include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/premium.php'); } // Load customizer setting add_action('pagelayer_after_wc_customization', 'pagelayer_pro_after_wc_customization'); function pagelayer_pro_after_wc_customization(){ include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/premium-woocommerce.php'); } // Load Local google fonts add_action('pagelayer_google_fonts_url', 'pagelayer_pro_google_fonts_url'); function pagelayer_pro_google_fonts_url($fonts_url){ // Is google font serve locally? if(get_option('pagelayer_local_gfont') != 1){ return $fonts_url; } $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $local_font_md5 = md5($fonts_url); $_fonts_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'].'/pl-google-fonts/'.$local_font_md5.'.css'; $_fonts_path = $upload_dir['basedir'].'/pl-google-fonts/'.$local_font_md5.'.css'; if(!file_exists($_fonts_path) && file_exists(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/download_google_fonts.php')){ include_once(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/main/download_google_fonts.php'); pagelayer_pro_download_google_fonts($fonts_url); } return $_fonts_url; } // Load js files for editor add_action('pagelayer_editor_give_js', 'pagelayer_pro_editor_give_js'); function pagelayer_pro_editor_give_js($js){ $js.= '&premium=premium.js'; return $js; } // Load js files add_action('pagelayer_add_give_js', 'pagelayer_pro_add_give_js'); function pagelayer_pro_add_give_js($js){ $js.= '&premium=chart.min.js,premium-frontend.js,shuffle.min.js'; return $js; } // Load css files add_action('pagelayer_add_give_css', 'pagelayer_pro_add_give_css'); function pagelayer_pro_add_give_css($css){ $css.= '&premium=premium-frontend.css'; return $css; } // Load this For audio widget add_action('pagelayer_load_audio_widget', 'pagelayer_pro_load_audio_widget'); function pagelayer_pro_load_audio_widget($is_audio){ global $pagelayer; if($is_audio || pagelayer_is_live_iframe()){ wp_enqueue_script('wp-mediaelement'); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-mediaelement' ); $pagelayer->sc_audio_enqueued = 1; } } // Load the langs add_action('pagelayer_load_languages', 'pagelayer_pro_load_languages'); function pagelayer_pro_load_languages($langs){ $_langs = @file_get_contents(PAGELAYER_PRO_DIR.'/languages/en.json'); $_langs = @json_decode($_langs, true); if(!empty($_langs)){ $langs = array_merge($langs, $_langs); } return $langs; } license.txt000064400000063642147600231460006745 0ustar00 GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999 Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. [This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence the version number 2.1.] Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version, so that the original author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others. Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those libraries into non-free programs. When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library. We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances. For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating system. Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the library in order to run. GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs (which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the library. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the Library. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The modified work must itself be a software library. b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful. (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any application-supplied function or table used by this function must be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square root function must still compute square roots.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Library. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in these notices. Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of the Library into a program that is not a library. 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange. If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to distribute the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License. However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the Library will still fall under Section 6.) Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications. You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one of these things: a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give the same user the materials specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of performing this distribution. d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot use both them and the Library together in an executable that you distribute. 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things: a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above. b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it. 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the ordinary General Public License). To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. , 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it!