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In-feed ads cannot work with auto-ads because auto-ads will randomly place your ads in random places on the pages.', 'soledad' ), 'id' => 'penci_liveblog_infeedads_code', 'type' => 'soledad-fw-textarea', 'default' => '', 'sanitize' => 'penci_sanitize_textarea_field' ); return $options;customizer/penci_liveblog_translations_section.php000064400000000512147600377160017000 0ustar00 $text ) { $options[] = array( 'id' => 'pclb_trans_' . $ops, 'default' => esc_html( $text ), 'type' => 'soledad-fw-text', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Text: ', 'penci-liveblog' ) . '"' . esc_html( $text ) . 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To display the live event update on this post, please use the following shortcode: [penci_liveblog]
If you do not need this feature, please go to Plugins > Installed Plugins > and deactivate the "Penci Live Blog" plugin

ID, PENCI_LB_META_KEY, true ); if ( ! empty( $all_live_events ) ) { foreach ( $all_live_events as $number => $event ) { if ( ! empty( $event ) && isset( $event['time'] ) && isset( $event['title'] ) && isset( $event['content'] ) ) { ?>

true, "textarea_rows" => 5 ) ); ?>
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%s', penci_livesub_text( 'event_update_notice' ) ); printf( $translate_text, '60' ); ?>
$event ) { if ( ! empty( $event ) && isset( $event['time'] ) && isset( $event['title'] ) && isset( $event['content'] ) ) { if ( $ads_code && ( $items_number % $ads_loop == 1 ) ) { echo '
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